HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN CITY OF BAKERSFIELI ~FFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES' 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN iNSTRUCTiONs: ..-. 2. 3. 4. 5. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt.. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS iN ENGLISH. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. Be as brief and concise as possible. .You may also attach Business Owner / Operator Form and Chemical Description Form(s) to the front of this Plan instead of completing SECTION I. below for, initial submission. SECTION I: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA LmO D SS: 8oseja l e P o :.f,Z,t-3qz-766o -q{e Iooo EMERGENCY-NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE I BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 6~1-Sg2-$zlt bid- 59~-975e HA. OUS MATER/ALS MANAGEJ T PLAN SECTION [I. 1: DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATIONS A. LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: . ~B' j~MPLOYEE AGENCY NOTIFICATION: RESI D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: ' ., ~~ , O,/t ~. s~O, . ...,.., 2 SECTION [I.2: RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURESi ELECTRICAL: I~ side. ~o,n g. oildi~,,~ eqa~o~ Ma;,,,t~a.ee OsrP, ee SPECIAL: ' LOCKBOX: YES, LOCATION: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: ~u~er"ov$ Circ. B. ,WATERAVAIL~ILITY(FI~H~NT): SECTION III: HA~RDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEmeNT PLA~ TRAINING NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: -~o°0 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE:' BRIEF.SUMMARY'OF ~R~INING PROGRAM:. CERTIFICATION .. ....... . ~ : ~/ · ,. ~ '.. I, ~ ~ O .~10 5 CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE!" ON HAZARDous MATERIALS '(DIV.:' 20 CHAPTER' 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTrlT. FI'ES PERJI~Y. TITLE DATE MAT ,~IOI~"T PLAN & INSTRU¢ 4 10/12/01 13:32 8661 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~006 "'~~i'" OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES .... ''" Business Actiw/ies I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION ecvice P_o. II. ACTIVITIES DF:CIA, RATION ................................ O(~ Y;c~u)-i~ili~.~. ............................. :' If Yes, Please Complete... ...................................... "'~Y~'~ "~:~l-~ .... %-'"-~-- ...... ~)-E'~' FORM' 2f3-1 i~:~e~,,:~ 0a~' ~:-~,~! .......... A. HA~ROOUS MATERIALS Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous maledals al or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cu ~t hat compressed gases (include liquids In ASTs and USTs)? Have any amount of an explosive malarial (olher than ammunition) on site? Have onsite RS at greater Ihan the threshold planning quantities established by tho Califomta Accidental Release Prevention program (CalARP)? ~.--0h~'A~(~Li-I~'b-~Y~RAGE TANKS (USTs) Chv~.or operate Undecgmund Storage Tanks? Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? '-~.-""I'-AN~,'CLOSURE / REMOV,~[. 1. Need to report ~osing a UST that held, hazardous malerials or waste? 2, Need to report the closure/removal of a tank U~at was classified as hazardous waste and cleaned onslte? "~T AB(~-GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Owr~ or operate ASTs above ltiese thresholds: any lank capacity is greater than 660 gallons or the total capacity for Ihe facility Is greater than 1,320 gallons. ' -F-T"-~ I~d~[J'~'WASTE: 1. Gene~te hazardous waste? 2, Recycle more than 100 kg/mo of recyclable materials at the same location it was generated? RecycJe more than 100 kg/mo of recyclable materials at an offsite location different from the point Of generation? Treat Hazardous Waste on site? 5. Subject to Financial Assurance requirements? OYE8~O . OYES ~o ' OYES ~0- 0 CONSOLIDATED COMPLIANCE PLAN Minimum required plannina elements: Emergency Response Plan · Maps · Training · Prevention · Cerfificalions aMS FORM 2731 (Chem~ca ~ For~! RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN (P.A~ Su=m, ~o USEPA) CONSOLIOATED COMPLIANCE PLAN · Incorporating CaIARP Program ElemenLs UST FACILITY FORM UST TANK FORM (one per UST FACILITY FORM UST TANK FORM UST INSTALLATION FORM (one per UST TANK FORM (closure secuefl-.~e aa; LMk) OYES ~NO ~YYgS ann <g~ES ann OYES ~NO OYES ~O tO i ~ TANK CLOSURE FORM 12 ~4 CONSOLIDATED COMPLIANCE PLAN · Incorporating Federal Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure ($PCC) Elemenls pursuant to 40 CFR Part 112 EPA ID number--provide on this page To obtain EPA I1:~. please phone (g16) 324-1781 .RECYCLING FORM ~s t/ ~8 RECYCLING FORM TP FACILITY FORM (DTSC Form 1772) TP UNIT FORM (one per unit) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE / OYES (:~10/' ~7 ~' REMOTE WASTE / CONSOLIDATION SITE · Z,. NOTIFICATION FORM '(~'~'~" ~1~-O' ' '~ ...... ¥7 ...... ~;O ~ $'0'LIb,~ ~E I~ 'CO M P Li~,-N C'~=- F; i-~-~ .............. , · Incorporating all other enviror, mental permit requirements per 27 CCR 10410 6. Consolidate Hazardous Waste generaled at a remote site? G. PERMIT C~)NSOLIDATION ZONE: Inland 1o consolidate other CaffEPA agency permits? (If yes. please complete Sectl0n III and attach) :)TN: /' If you checked YES lo any part of Sections IIA-IIG above, Iher~ In addition to the forms requested above, please Submit aMS Form 2730. UPCF (7/9~J) S '"CUPA'C O RIdS~'AC I'NITY'w~ d 10/12/01 13:33 8661 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV CITY OF BAKERSFIEL j r" OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES .... , 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 ~]007 FACILITY INFORMATIOr, ' Business Activ)i_es Addendun p,,. .._...~ ,,, jl~ __ I, FACILITY IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................. DSN~ACILI~ III, CONSOLIDATED PERMIT ACTIVITIES Is your Facili~ Compliance Plan subject to review~.~by.,, ~ ; for satis~ing==~:~=~.~_~.~ ~the conditions ...... of these pe~its? H, OEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CO~ROL OYES~-- ~ All M~ifi~Uons OYES ~00 OYES -I.- -~'~'~OAQUIN VALLEY UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT ! J~ STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD ~NTR~L VALLEY REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL ~OAR____~O -~--~,L'~FORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARO g KERN COUNTY RESOURCEMANAGEMENTAGENCY OYES ~ ONO OYES O+"E-~--(~o OYES ~0~ · OYES~ OYES(~'NO OYES~O~ OYES~N~ OYES~NO / Non-RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT TO OPERATE WASTE DISCHARGE R,.EQUIREMENT (VV~R) GENERAL pERMITS SPECIFIC PERMITS NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) REGISTRATION PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PERMITS Domes§c Water Well Permit Haz Mat Monitoring Well Permit Septic System Permit Public Swimming Pool Permit Food Facility Construction'Permi{ Solid Waste Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Related Permils Medical Waste Related Permits PERMIT NOTE: v~ Ii~ you checked Y~S 1o any part of Sections III-H to III-M above, then please address all applicable permit requirements in the Facility Compliance Plan, 0 25' 50' 75' 100' 125' 150' 1. Administration Office 2. Safety & Training Building 3. Operations Office 4. Warehouse & Shop Building 5. Used Oil Storage 6. Fuel Island 7. Water Well 8. Water T ~nk 9. Fire Water Tank 10. Wash Rack Building 11. Change Room Rosedale Highway 315' Employee's PaLrkoitn g I I I I I I I I Parking Lot Parking ? o ,0 ' ~ ~ ~ SITE DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGRAM Business Name: , , "., '~/ Business Address: CITY OF BAKERSFIEL~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- Chemical Description (one page per m,.;.~ :-; per I~,;,,~ or area) [] Add [] Delete [] Revise ~0o -r~'-"?~nes$ ~;&~e (S;me es,FACIUTY NAME OR DBA - Doing Business Al) . CHEMICAL LOCATION -- ~ =04 I CHEMICAL LOCATION Yes [] No [~///2o2 $fi ll La -,9 l¢o TRADESECRET []Yesl-'lNo 206 COMMON NAME If Subj;c; to EPCRA, refer to ~,,~,~flnns___ CAS # FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (COMPLETE IF REQL~i~.D BY CUPA) 24o (Check one box only) URE [] b. MIXTURE [] c. WASTE ;44 RADIOACTIVE r-I Yes ~4; CURIES FED HAZARD CATEGORIES ~ (Check one box only) [~a. FIRE * [] b. REACTIVE [] c. PRESSURE RELEASE d.~ [] ACUTE HEALTH e. [] CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DALLY (~) (~(~)z47 I MAX,~UM DALLY ,_/ /n,~/p~/,T% A~OUNT ,7__~ A~OUNT .- (~- =~, STATEWASTE I~/a DAYS ON 222 (Check on box only) . GALLONS [] b. CUBIC FEET ' [] c. POUNDS [] d. TONS 221 SITE STORAGE CONTAINER 223 (Check all that apply) [] s. ABOVE GROUND TANK [] e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM [] I. FIBER DRUM [] m. GLASS BOTTLE [] q. RAILCAR b. UNDERGROUND TANK [] f. CAN [] J. BAG [] n. PLASTIC BOTTLE [] r. OTHER c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING [] g. CAPBOY [] k. BOX [] o. TOTE BIN [] d. STEEL DRUM [] h. SILO [] I. CYLINDER [] p. TANK WAGON STORAGE PRESSURE [~/~. AMBIENT [] b. ABOVE AMBIENT [] c. BELOW AMBIENI' STORAGE TEMPERATURE [:~. AMBIENT [] b. ABOVE A~iF. NT [] c. BELOW AMBIENT [] d. CRYOGENIC 2 ~4 [] Yes [] NO '~ ~3 ~' []Yes r-INo ~ 4 23~ ~3~ r-lYes []No 240 241 S 24; 243 [] Yes [] No 244 If more ~--~C',GdS ..~,,,,ponents ire present it ~&;-~ than 4% by weight If non cl~rclnoogenlc, littlch ~dditJonll sheets of .n~.v,; capturing the required I~fG,~itlon. ADDi~iONALL¥ LOCALLY C~ ~ K.~f.-L~ INFORMATION: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 248 USE CODE: 4G (Gasoline) 47 (Diesel) 28 (Lube) r w lrr 1715 Chester AVe., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 "--" HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- Chemical Description (one p~ per m&;.m ~.; per building or area) [] Add [] Delete [] Reviee B~ine~ (S~.m FACIU~ NAME OR DBA - Bo;n~ Bu~ine~ ~) 3 CRE~;CAL ~ME , ~O~ON Fi~ CODE ~RD C~SSES (COMP~ IF REQUI~D BY CUPA) 21o ~RDOUS .i cK,~ .PE ~ (Ch~k one box on~) ~ a. PURE MI~URE ~ c. WAS~ 2tt ~DIOAC~ ~ Yes 212 CURIES 213 P~SIC~ STA~ (Ch~k one ~X on~) ~ '. SOUD LIQUID ~ c. GAS 2,4 ~RGEST CO~AINER ~ 215 FED ~RD CA~GORiES / (Ch~k one box on~) ~. fiRE ~ b. R~C~ ~ C. PRESSURE R~SE d. ~ AC~ H~L~ e. ~ CHRONIC H~L~ 219 A~GEDAILY~~ ~7 ~ --IMUMDAILY AMOUNT ~ ~ ale~OuNTA~UAL WAS~ ~ _ 21~ CoDESTA~ WAS~' ~0 UMiTS~ ~. DAYS ON (Ch~kon~xon~)~-- GALLONS ~ b. CUBICFEET ~ c. POUNDS ~ d, TONS ~1 (Ch~k Ill ~at app,) ~ a. ABO~ GROUND TANK ~ e. P~S~C~ONMETALLIC DRUM ~ I. FIBER DRUM ~ m. O~SS BO~E ~ q. ~ILCAR ~ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f. CAN ~ J. BAG ~ n. P~S~CBO~ ~ r. O~ER ~ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g. CAPBOY ~ k. BOX ~ o. TO~ BIN ~ d. S~;C=;UM ~ h. S&O ~ ~. ~U,DER ~ p. TANKWA;Ok STOOGE PRESSURE ~a. AMSi~HT ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ ~ BEL~AMBIE~ STOOGE ~&~E~RE ~. AMBieNT ~ b. ~O~AMBIENT ~ c. BELOW AMBIE~ ~ d. CRYOG~IC If mom ;~ouI ;;,,,yoaifi~ am p~ent it g~l~r ~ln 1% by ~lght If non ~mln~enlc, i~ch IddlUonal I~ of pa~r ci~uHng ~l required Info~aUon. -- A~iiioNALLY L~ALLY COL~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 2~ USE CODE~ ~ (Gasoline) 47 (Diesel) 26 (Lu~) CITY OF BAKERSFIEL~}) OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- Chemical Description (one page pe~ m~e~ per b,_,~_!~g or area) [] Add [] D.I.~. [] R.,iao ~o ,10o, /~ I.~., .L.-I B~i~iii Name (Sa~aB ~ClU~ NAME OR DBA - Doing Busings ~) · 3 CHEMICAL LOCA~ON __ ~1 I CHEMICAL LOCA~ON Yes ~ No ~/ ' ~C ~ ~ ~8~ CONFIDEN~AL EPC~ I I 111 I I I I I''(°'°n'") = I · ':::;?:, ~-~:~ ~.::~:,~-}:~':~:~q~. :~ %. ~;~/'~ :::::4~ ~::~?~ ,:??:..~:.,?::~?.;~:~;~ ~ : ' :~ * '?~~':~,.~:'~.: ~:c?:~::? ;~.;~::F~:::?~t:~':~.~':.'~.. .............. ,. ............ .:. ~ ?, ;.~.~JI. ?~CHEMICAk. I N FORMATION ... ~ .)~,~:.~ ~.?~.. ~::::;~)~%~;.~:;~ ,~. ~,:,~.',::.'c.;. ~;:~,-;~;~;.:.:; ::~.~ CHEMICAL ~ME ~O~ /[~ ~ If SubJ~ to EPC~, m~r to I0 rau i¢ 0;( = '"" 'E CODE ~RD C~SSES (COMPS. IF REQUIRED BY CUPA) 210 H~RDOUS ~R~ ~PE ~ (Ch~k one box one) ~ a. PURE MI~URE ~ c. WAS~ ~tt ~DIOAC~ ~ Yes 2~2 CURIES P~$1CAL STA~ (Ch~k one box one) ~ a. SOUD ~ b. UQUID ~ c. ~S 2t4 ~RGEST CO~AINER ' / ~ 215 FED ~RD CA~GORIE~ (Ch~k one box one) ~I. FIRE ~ b. R~C~ ~ c. PRESSURE R~SE d. ~ AC~ H~L~ e. ~ CHRONIC H~ 219 LIM~S* DAYS ON (Ch~k on ~x one) ~ GALLONS ~ b. CUBIC FE~ ~ c. POUNDS ~ d. TONS ~1 'ff EHS, amou~ m~t ~ In ~un... ~ STOOGE CONTAINER / (Ch~kall~atapp~) ~a. ABO~ GROUND TANK ~ e. P~S~C~OHMETALLICDRUM ~ I. ~BERDRUM ~,m. G~SSBO~ ~ q. ~ILCAR ~ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f. CAN ~ J. BAG ~ n. P~S~CBO~ ~ r. O~ER ~ c. TANK INSIDE BUI~ING ~ g. CAPBOY ~ E BOX ~ o. TO~ BIN ~ d. S~EL DRUM ~ h. SILO ~ L ~INDER ~ p. T~K WAGON STOOGE PRESSURE ~a. AMBIE~ ~ b. ABO~ A~IENT ~ ~ BELOW AMBI~ STOOGE ~MPE~RE ~. AMBIENT ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ c. BELOW A~IE~ ~ d. CRYOGENIC ':"<F*~ '.:'. ::'::-:9.:h ~:'~ ;~':7.-.: ~: ~'c:?.:~ ~' ' ~':~-":F/':?*/*~:C?< ::~ ::~.:~ ~:~: ~ .: S ~ ~ ~ Yes ~ No ~ 2u If mo~ hw~ous componen~ ~ pment Bt g~i~r ~ln 1% by ~lg~ ~ non ~lno~enlc, m~ch Idd~onM IhH~ ~ ~r ci~u~ng ~e ~qul~d Info~sUon. ADGi~iONA~Y L~A~Y COL~ INFOR~TION: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY USE CODE: ~ (Gisollne) 47 (Dleeel) ~ 26 (Lu~) Bus,1oesm N&n~e (S&ni~ am FACIU_..TY NAME OR DBA - Doin~ Business As) CHEMICA' O ON . = IC EMI ['OCA ON YeeaNo EPC~ FACILI~ID' I [ ~[ [ [ ~] [ ~,P(o~onal) ~o~ [GRlD,(Op~onal) If Subject to EPC~ refer to COMMON ~ME · ~RE CODE ~RD C~SSES (COMPLE~ IF REQUIRED BY CUPA) 210 ~RDOU8 ,~R~ ~PE ~ (Ch~k one box one) D a. PURE MIX, RE ~ c. WAS~ ;t~ ~DIOA~ ~ Y~ ~t2 CU~ES 213 (Ch~k one box one) ~ ~. SOHD UQUID ~ c. GAS 214 ~RGEST CO~AINER ~ 21~ F~ ~RD CA~GORIES / (Ch~k one box one) ~a. ~RE ~ b. R~C~ ~ c. PRESSURE RE~SE d. ~ AC~ H~L~ e. ~ CHRONIC H~L~ 219 A,OUNT A~GE DALLY~__ I ~ 217 ~IMUM DALLY =t. AMOUNT / CODE UMI~* ~_ DAYS ON / S~O~GE CONT~NER /' (Ch~k all ~ app,) ~ a. ABO~ GROUND TANK ~ e. P~S~ONMETALUC DRUM ~ I. ~BER DRUM ~ m. G~SS BO~ ~ q. ~ILCAR ~ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f. CAN ~ J. BAG ~ n. P~S~C BO~ ~ r. O~ER D c. TANK ~.S;~E BUGmaN; ~ g. CAPBOY ~ k. SOX ~ o. TO~ ~ d. S~EL DRUM ~ h. S&O ~ ;. ~NDER ~ p. TANK WAGON STOOGE PRESSURE ~. AMBIE~ ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ ~ BELOW AMBIE~ STOOGE i~MPE~RE ~. AMBIENT ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ c. BELOW A~IE~ ~ d. CRYOGENIC 3 ~ ~ 0 Y~ ~ No ~8 4 m ~ ~y~ ~ Ho' ~ If mom h~ous componen~mm present it gmiMr ~.n 1% by ~lght If non ci~lno~enlc, I~ch .ddlflonll sh~M of ~r clouting ~e required AD~i~io~LLY L~ALLY COL~C~u INFOR~TION: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY USE CODE: ~ (G~ollne) 47 (Diesel) -- 28 (Lu~) FIRE CITY OF BAKERSFIEL~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- Chemical DesCription (one page per material per building or area) [] Add [] Delete [] Revise 2o0 Business Name [Same a~ FACIU~ NAME OR DBA - Doin~Busine8~ ~) 3 CH~M;CAL ~ME 205 ' ' ~ Subject to EPC~, refer to CO~ ~ I RRE CODE ~RD C~SSES (COMPLE~ IF REQUIRED BY CUPA) 210 (Ch~k one box one) ~ a. PURE MITRE ~ c. WAS~ 2tt ~DIOAC~ ~ Yes 212 CURIES 213 P~SICAL STA~ ~ /~ (Ch~k one box on~) ~ a. SOLID . UQUID ~ c. GAS 214 ~RGEST CO~AINER 21s' F~ ~ CA~GORIE~ (Ch~k one box on~) ~a. ~RE ~ b. R~C~ ~ c. PRESSURE ~SE d. ~ AC~ H~L~ e. ~ CHRONIC H~L~ 21~ STA~ WAS~ I UM~S' (Ch~k on ~x on~) GALLONS ~ b. CUBIC ~ET ' D ~ POUNDS ~ d. TONS ~ ', EHS, amou, m~t, In ,un,. 3 STOOGE CONTAINER~ (Ch~k all ~at app,) ~ a. ABO~ GROUND TANK ~ e. P~S~ONMETALLIC DRUM ~ I. ~BER DRUM ~ m. G~SS BO~ ~ q. ~LCAR ~ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f. CAN ~ J. BAG ~ n. P~S~CBO~ ~ r. O~ER ~ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g. CAPBOY ~ k. BOX ~ o. TO~ BIN ~ d. S~EL DRUM ~ h. SILO ~ !. ~UNDER ~ p. T~K WAGON STOOGE PRESSURE ~a~MBIENT ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ ~ BELow AMBIE~ STOOGE ~MPE~RE ~a. AMBIENT ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ c. BELOW AMBIENT ~ d. CRYOGENIC S ~2 ~ ~ Yes ~ No ~ If mo~ h~ous com~nen~ am present Bt gmaMr ~an 1% by ~lght If non cl~lno~enlc, B~ch ~dd~on~l 8~M of pier ca~u~ng ~e ~qul~d info~..on. ~OHALLY L~A~LY COLLEC~D INFORM~TION: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY USE CODE: ~ (Gasoline) 47 (Dlese0 26 (Lu~) rtnm 17 · ~ff~~r 15 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661)326-3979 j ~- ~ HA~RDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- Chemical Oescripti~,~,~ Fool Nell oec ,ees C~'CA~ LOCA"ON , ~(~.. ~1 I CH"MICAL LOCATION ~ 6RID ~ (Optional) CHEMICAL ~ME ~ t C~MON ~E c,s, io?_Zl_/ FIRE CODE ~RD C~SSES (COMPE~ IF REQUIRED BY CUPA) 210 ~RDOUS ~RI~ ~E (Ch~koneboxon~) ~PURE ~ MITRE ~ c. WAS~ 211 ~DIOAC~ ~Yes ~ 2t2 CURIES 213 P~SICAL $TA~ (Ch~k 0.. box one) ~ a. SOUD ~ UQUID ~ ~ GAS 214 ~RGEST CO~AINER ~ 21s FED ~ CA~GORIES (Ch~k one box one) ~ a. ~RE ~ b. R~C~ ~ ~ PRESSURE ~SE d. ~C~ H~L~ e. ~ CHRONIC H~L~ AMOuNTA~GED~LYI'~ IAMOUNT 1~ LIM~' ~ DAYS on / (Ch~k on ~x one)~a. GALLONS ~ b. CUBIC FEETpoun~.' ~ ~ POUNDS D d. TONS ~1 *~ EHS, amou~ m~t ~ In STOOGE CONTA;;;~ (Ch~k all ~at app.) ~ a. ABO~ GROUND TANK ~ e. P~$~C~ONMETALLIC DRUM ~ L RBER DRUM ~ m. G~S BO~ ~ q. ~ILCAR ~ b~UNDERGROUNDTANK ~ f. CAN ~ J. BAG ~ n. P~S~CBO~ ~ r. O~ER ~TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g. CAPBOY ~ k. BOX ~ o. TO~ BIN ~ d. S~EL DRUM ~ h. SILO ~ I. C~NDER ~ p. TANK WAGON STOOGE PRESSURE ~a. AMBIE~ ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ ~ BELOW A~IENT STOOGE ~MPE~RE ~. AMBIENT ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ c. BELOW AMBIE~ D d. CRYOGENIC 4 ~ ~S ~ Y~' ~ NO ~ S ~a ~ ~ Yes ~ No ~ If mom h~ous componen~ am present at gms~r ~sn 1% by ~lght If non ~lno~enlc, .~ch .dd~onsl sh~ of p~r c~ptugng ~e required Info~s~on. ADD~ONA~Y L~ALLY COLLEC~D INFORMA~ON: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY USE CODE: ~ (Gssollne) 47 (Diesel} ~ 26 (Lu~) ,_ c,Tv SA <SaS SLO OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~~~r 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 ~"~' H~RDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- Gh~mical Description ' (one page per m~terial per building or ama) [] Add [] Delete [] Revise B~ine~ Name (Same an F~CIU~AME OR DBA -Doing BusingS) ~ (Optional) 2~ CHEMICAL~ME ~ ~ / fl t ~ / ~ [ , z0s ~~ /~N/( Tr~Z~/ LOO/~TIf SubJect to EPC~, mfer to lns~on. FIRE CODE ~RD C~SSES (COMP~ IF REQUIRED BY CUPA) 21o (Ch~k one box one) D a. PURE MIXTURE ~ c. WAS~ 211 ~DIOAC~ ~ Y~ 212 CURIES 213 P~SIC~ STA~ ~ (Ch~k one box one) D n. SOUD UQUID ~ c. GAS 214 ~RGEST CO~AINER FED ~RD CA~GORIES (Ch~kone~xon~) ~a.~RE ~ b. R~C~ ~ c, PRESSURERE~SE d. ~ AC~H~L~ e. ~ CHRONICH~L~ 219 A~GEAMoUNT DAILY O O. '1' AMOUNT~IMUM DALLY 218 AMOuNTANNUAL WAS~ '19 CODE ~ LIM~' ~ DAYS ON / (Gh~k on ~x one)~-. GALLONS ~ b. GUBIG ~ · ~ c. POUNDS ~ d. TONS ~1 "ff EHS, amou~ mm ~ In ~unds. STOOGE CONTAINER~ 223 (GhKk all ~at app,) ~ a. ~O~ GROUND TANK ~ e. P~S~G~ONMETALLIG DRUM ~ I. FIBER DRUM ~ m. G~SS BO~ ~ q. ~ILCAR ~ b. UNDE~GROUNDTANK ~ f. CAN ~ ]. BAG ~ n. P~S~GBO~ ~ r. O~ER ~ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g. CAPBOY ~ ~ BOX ~ o. TO~ BIN ~ d. S~E~RUM ~ h. SILO ~ L CYUNDER ~ p. T~ WAGON STOOGE PRESSURE ~. AMBIE~ ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ ~ BELOW AMBIENT STOOGE ~MPE~RE ~ AMBIENT ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ c. BELOW A~IE~ ~ d. CRYOGENIC 3 237 4 ~ ~ ~ Y~ ~ No ~ If mo~ hm~ous com~nen~ am p~sent m gmi~r ~an 1% by wight If non ca~lno~enlc, a~ch Idd~onll Ih~= of ~r ~ptuHng ~e ~qul~d FOR OFFICE USE ONlY USE CODE: ~ (Gasoline) 4T (Diesel) 26 (Lu~) CITY OF BAKERSFIEI OFFICE OF ENVIRONt IENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) :}26-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- Chemical Description (one page per material per ~,~g or ama) [] Add [] Delete [] Reviee 200 B~n~ Na;e (Same. a~ FA~U~ NAME OR DBA - Doing Busings ~) 3 ...... ........ ..~:~. ............ ,~..:....:~ . : .................. . .......... .::, :,~:~:?;~?~.. ,:..:% ~.:~.~{ .: ~:'~:~: .:... If ~u~Ject to EPC~, refer to "RE CODE ~RD C~SSES (COMP~ IF REQUIRED By CUPA) 21o (Ch~k one box one) ~ a. PURE I~RE 0 c. WAS~ 2tt ~DIOAC~ 0 Yes · 212 CU~ES 213 P~SIC~ STA~~ · (Ch~k one ~x one) D a. SOLID QUID ~ ~ GAS 214 ~RGEST CO~AINER ~~ FED ~RD CA~GORIES / (Ch~k one box only) ~a. FIRE ~ b. R~C~ ~ c. PRESSURE RE~SE d. ~ AC~ H~L~ e. ~ CHRONIC H~L~ 219 A~GE DALLY-- ~ I ~ ANNUAL WAS~,~ STA~WAS~ / ~o UNii~' ~ DAYS ON (Ch~k on ~x' one)~0. GALLONS ~ b. CUBIC FEET ' ~ ~ POUNDS ~ d. TONS ~1 STOOGE CONTAINER / (Ch~k all ~at app,) ~ a. ABO~ GROUND TANK D e. P~S~C~ONMETALLIC DRUM ~ I. FIBER DRUM ~ m. G~SS BO~ D q- ~ILCAR b. UNDERGROUND TANK D f. CAN ~ J. BAG ~ n. P~S~CBO~ ~ r. O~ER c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g. CAPBOY ~ ~ BOX ~ o. TO~ BIN ~ d. S~ELDRUM ~ h. SILO ~ I. ~INDER ~rp' T~KWAGOH STOOGE PRESSURE . ~a~AMBIENT ~ ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT D ~. BELOW AMBIE~ STOOGE ~PE~RE ~. AMBIENT ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ c. BELOW AMBIE~ ~ d. CRYOGENIC t ~ ~ 0 Yes ~ No ~ 2 ~ ul OYes~No u2 3 ~ w ~ Yes ~ No ~6 If mo~ h~,GGus componen~ aM pment Bt g~l~r ~an 1% by wight If non cl~lno~enlc, B~ch idd~onll 8h~ of pa~r clouting ~e ~qui~d AG~i~ONA~Y L~ALLY COLiC[Eh INFORMA~ON: FOR OFFICE U~E OHLY USE CODE: ~ (Gssollne) 47 (Diesel) 26 (Lu~) ' o~cg o~ gSvmossU;ST~,L r~r4ffr~r 1715 Cheste~r Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 [''" "-"' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- Chemical Description (o~e page pa~ material par building or area) [] Do,.~. [] ...i.o aoo p,g°l/'.~, o'/q~_, Add Bu~t~ai~ ~;&nle (Same as FA_CIUTY NAME OR DBA - Doing Busines~ M) 3 ,~c,u-,,, I I al I ~1 m i i i i a~.,o~o~.,, = io.,..,o..o.,, . ~:,-.~,:~"~.'~'.,~:;~,~ :~. =:; ~?~=:..':v.'.?: ~/:;?Z~:;~:~:~?:%:.L~.:¥~ ~;;:~- :~ ................... CHEMICAL ~ME ~ If Su~J~t to EPC~. refer to COMMON ~E , . . ,, ~, .' .~. ~. "RE CODE ~RD C~SSES (COMPLE= IF REQUIRED By CUPA, (Ch~k one box one) ~ a. PURE MIX. RE ~ c. WAS~ 211 ~OlOAC~ ~ Ye~ ~2 CURIES 213 P~SIC~ STA~ (Ch~k one box one) ~ a. SOUD UQUID ~ c. GAS 2~4 ~RGEST CO~AINER ~ 218 FED ~RD CA~GORIES (Ch~k one box only) ~a. FIRE ~ b. R~C~ ~ c. PRESSURERE~SE d. ~ AC~H~L~ e. ~ CHRONICH~L~ 21~ A~GEDAILYu.,,~. / J [ .OUNT AMO~T //0 2t, ~IMUM DAILY ~MOU.T l/ ~ ., --UA[~ /a. DAYS ON / (Ch~k on ~x one)~_. GALLONS D b. CUBIC FEET ' D C. POUNDS D d. TONS =, S~-- *If EHS, amou~ m~t ~ In --~ STOOGE CONTAINER (Ch~k all ~ app,) ~ a. ~O~ GROUND TANK ~ e. P~S~ONMETALLIC DRUM ~ I. RBER DRUM ~ m. G~SS BO~ ~ q. ~ILCAR ~ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f. CAN ~ J. aaa ~ n. P~S~C BO~ ~ r. O~ER  TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g. CAPBOY D k. BOX ~ TO~ BIN o. S~EL DRUM ~ h. SILO ~ I. C~NDER ~ p. TANK WAGON STOOGE PRE~URE ~. AMBIE~ ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ ~ BELOW A~IE~ STOOGE ~~RE ~a. AMBIENT ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ c. BELOW A~IE~ ~ d. CRYOGENIC '~= Sol~ ,qFk~ ~,s~;/la~ = ~-~ = ~17~z-~_~ 4~ ~g~ Y~ ~ No ~ fi ~2 ~ ~ Ye. ~ No ~ If,.~,. h~,~as c~ponen, am pment at gma~r ~an 1% by ~lght If non camlno~enlc, a~ch add~onal sh~ of ~r clouting ~e required Info~a~on. A~OEiO~EY L~ALLY COLLEC~&~ INFOR~ON: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY USE CODE: ~ (Gasoline) 47 (Diesel) ~ 2~ (Lu~) CITY OF BAKERSFIEL~) OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL.$ INYENTORY - Chemical Description (one page per material per t~i~d~g or area [] Add [] Delete [] Revlee ~0o Bu~ne~ ~i~i (S~me as. FACI~ NAME OR DBA - Doing Busin.. ~) 3 C~EMICALLOCA~ON qL~ ~1 I CHEMICAL LOCATION Yes ~ No F~='"~'o' I I ~]11 ~1 I I I I I ~ "=I°a'o'l°p"on"'' · ~ ........ ~ ....... ~. · ..~ ~:. ~ , .... ........ ..:~::,:~,~ ~ ~?~:~::~:,~ ~.¢ ~:.~ ~.. ff~M,C~.~ If SubJ~t to EPC~, refer to Ins~ons COMMON ~ME L U ~ ~ ~ ~Se ' EHS' ~ Ye, ~.No 20, ~E CODE ~RD C~SSES (COMP~ IF REQUIRED BY CUPA) 210 ~RDOUS ,~R~ ~PE ~' (Ch~k one box one) ~ a. PURE MITRE ~ c. WAS~ ~t~ ~DIOAC~ ~ Y~ ;1; CURIES / P.SIC~ STA~ ~S (Ch~k one ~x one) OUD ~ b. UQUID ~ *c. GAS 214 ~RGEST CO~AINER 215 ~Eu ~RD CA~GORIES / . (Ch~k one box one) ~a. ~RE ~ b. R~C~ ~ c. PRESSURE RE~SE d. ~ ACU~ H~L~ e. ~ CHRONIC H~L~ AMOUNT AMOUNT O 21~ ANNUAL WAS~ 21~ STA~ WAS~ AMOUNT CODE LI~JiS' DAYS ON (Ch~k on ~x one) GA~ONS. if EHS, amou~ b. CUBICmuM ~FEET~ ~un~., ~ c. POUNDS ~ d. TONS ~1 S~~ STOOGE CONTA;N;~ ~3 (Ch~k all ~at app,) ~ a. ~O~ GROUND TANK ~ e. P~S~C~ONMETALLIC DRUM ~ L FIBER DRUM ~ m. G~SS BO~LE ~ q. ~ILCAR  UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f. CAN ~ J. BAG ~ n, P~S~CBO~ ~ r. O~ER TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g. CAPBOY ~ ~ BOX ~ o. TO~ BIN S~EL DRUM ~ h. SILO ~ I. ~NDER ~ p. T~K WAGON / S~O~GE ~SSURE ~a~MBIE~ ~ b, ABO~ AMBIENT · ~ ~ BELOW AMBIE~ STOOGE ~C~RE ~. AMBIENT ~ b. ~O~ AMBIE~ ~ c. BELOW AMBIENT ~ d. CRYOGENIC 'Ioo~' ~lw~i~ E P ~reas~ ~ = ~"~'~7¢z-sz-~' if ~ ~,~g-~ c~,,i~ .m present at gm.~r ~an 1% by ~lght If non ca~lno~enlc, .~ch .dd~on.I ~ of pa~r c~u~ng ~e required ADD~O~LLY L~ALLY COL~C~ INFOR~ON: I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY USE CODE: ~ (Gasoline) 47 (Diesel) 26 (Lu~) .ak CITY OF BAKERSFIELe OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1'715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (t[61:) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - Chemical Description (one page per material per building ol;' area) [] Add [] Delete [] Revise 200 Bus~ N~i (Samege FAClU~ NAME OR DBA - Doing Busings ~) 3 CHEMIOAL L.,.ON .. 3riO? --1 CHEMICAL LOOA. ON Yen ~ No ~02 EPC~ FACILI. ID. i ~] i i ~l i i i i i ~p(o~o.. ~3 j GRID · (Op. onal) ·: ;:.:~:~: :~ ::.;~?.:~,:, :::;:~? ~x¢:: :~::~ ,~.. ;~.~;:.:- .. ?.;.~x.v~:: x~:~:~: :. :.:..q;:~ ~: x~: ::?x s~?~Xll~.:~CHcul~nr.. IMC~DM'~TI~'?~ ;?~;~:'~;~: ~;~;~ ~4]~,: ~:,~'~;~:?: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ ;~:: ~.;. :':~' ~ h;5:c.;:.:. :';: ....... : ......... : ....... : ' ":~ ....... ~ '' ""~"""'~ ""~"~"~""~ ' ~ :'"')~ '~?;~;;T~ r(-:~%:5':~:'?~:~; ?;~::~v':~:::::~'~::~J?;4:~': CHEMICAL ~ME ~ If Sublet to EPO~, refer to i~ons ~OMMON ~ME ~J~ COOE ~.D C~SSES (COMPLE~ IF REQUIRED BY CUPA) 2SO ~RDOUS ~R~ ~P~ (Ch~k'one box one) ~ a. PURE ~ b. MIXTURE ~ c. WAS~ 2tl ~DIOAC~ ~ Yes ~ No 2t2 CURIES 213 P~SIC~ STA~ ~ UQUID FEo ~ CA~GORIES (Ch~k one box one) ~ a. fiRE ~ b. R~C~~. PRESSURE RE~SE d. ~ AC~ H~L~ e. ~ CHRONIC H~L~ 219 AMOUNT ~OUNT / Zg ~8 ANNUAL .A8~ ~__ ., ~OUNT CODE LI~i~S" ~ DAYS ON (Ch~k on ~x one) ~ a. GALLONS~.. CUBIC ~ET ~ c. POUNDS ~ d. TONS ~1 'If EHS, ,mou~ m.t. In ~und,. STOOGE CONTA:N~; (Ch~k all ~at app,) ~ a. ABO~ GROUND TANK ~ e. P~S~C~ONM~ALUC DRUM ~ I. FIBER DRUM ~ m. G~SS BO~E ~ q. ~ILCAR ~ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f. CAN ~ J. BAG ~ n. P~SRCBO~ ~ r. O~ER ~ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g. CAPBOY ~ BOX ~ o. TO~ BIN ~ d. S~EL DRUM ~ h. SILO~,. CYLINDER ~ p. TANK WAGON / STOOGE PRESSURE ~ a. AMBIENT .r ~. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ ~ BELOW AMBI~ STOOGE ~MPE~RE ~ a. AMbiENT ~ b. ABO~ AMBIE~ ~. BELOW A~IENT ~ d. CRYOGENIC .......... -~ .... ...~ ............. · ......... ..~.. ~:. H~RDOUS COMPONENT (, )?~: :,~b~.~ ~ .... .~5.:~v~.;,= r:r.~. ...... ~'; ~'~'~-~ .. ~:~ :~::.~ 2 ~ ~s ~ Yes ~ No m2 ' 3 ~ ~ ~ Yes ~ No ~ ~7 4 ~ ~ ~yes ~ No ~ 5 ~2 ~ ~ Y~ O No ~ If ~G~ h~.~GUS compG~G,,~ I~ D~ent it g~m~r ~an 1% by ~lg~ If non ~ln~enlc, ihch add~onal shfl~ of pa~r ~udng ~e required Info~aUon. ADG~iONA~Y L~ALLY COL~i ~O INPO~ON: KO~ OFFICE USE ONLY USE CODE: ~ (O~ollne) 47 (Diesel) 26 (Lu~) 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - Chemical Description (one ~ _~_._- per ,~a~=,:-; per b~i;~,;, ~ or area) Delete Revise 2oo Bu$;neii ~&~e {Same as FAClUTY NAME OR DBA - Do;a.~ Bus|aiil As) CHEMICAL t _n~-_a. TION ~t i CONFIDEN~ALCHfi~iCALLOCA~ON Yes ~ _ .... ~s..~`.~:¥~:~::~.`::<~.~.~"~..~.;~`~`::~:~?.~``:..::~:~.?~::~::~.:.:~.~:.?:~`.::.`:~:c::q~.· CC?~?g3N ~M~ t ' /. ~i~ CODE ~RD C~$$E$ {COMP~i~ IF REQ~iR~ BY CUPA} ~RDOUS ~.R~ ,~p (Ch~k one box one) URE ~ b. MIX.RE ~ c. WAS~ 211 ~DIOAC~ ~ Yes 2t2 CURIES · 213 'Ch'kone boxon~, ~.. SOUD ~ b. LIQUID ~ OAS 214 ~RGEST CO,AINER ~D 2t5 FE~ ~ED CA~GORIES (Ch~k one box on~) D a. ~RE ~ b. R~C~~ PRESSURE RE~SE d. ~ AC~ H~L~ e. ~ CHRONIC H~L~ 219 ~o ~OUNT~ LI~J~S~ (Ch~k on ~x on~) ~ a. GALLONS CUBIC FEET ' ~ c. POUNDS ~ d. TONS ~ (Ch~k all ~at app.) ~ a. ~O~ GROUND TANK ~ e. P~S~C~ONMETALLIC DRUM ~ I. FIBER DRUM D m. G~ BO~E ~ q. ~ILCAR b. UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f. C~ ~ J. BAG ~ n. P~S~CBO~ ~ r. O~ER ~ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g. CAPBOY ~ ~OX D o. TO~ BIN ~ d. S~EL DRUM ~ h. SILO ~1. ~UNDER ~ p. TANK WAGON STOOGE PRESSURE ~ a. AMBIE~ ~ b. ABO~ AMBIENT ~ ~ BELOW AMBIE~ S~O~GE ~P~RE ~ a. AMBIENT ~ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ~ c. BELOW A~IE~ ~ d. CRYOGENIC at ~ V~ ~ No ~2 3 ~ ~ Yes D No ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ Ye. ~ No' ~ S ~2 ~ ~ Ye~ ~ No ~ · ~ore ~,~ com~;~ am p,~dnt at G~a~r ~an 1% by ~G;Gh~ If non ~mln~enl=, a~eh add~onal 8h~ of ~;~r ¢a~uHng ~e required ;~;~ ADGi~ONALLY L~A~LY COL~C~U INFOR~ON: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY USE CODE: , ~ (Gasoline) 47 (Diesel) 2~ Pool Well Services Co. 7515 Rosedale HighWay Bakersfield, California 93308 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINGENCY PLAN III. IV. V. INTRODUCTION' GENERAL INFORMATION EMERGENCY COORDINATOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONTINGENCY PLAN NOTIFICATION 1 1 1 2 VII. A. Senior Manager Notification B. Agency Notification C. Employee Notification D. Notification of Public and Neighbors E. Cleanup Company Notification EVACUATION A. Administration Office Building B. Operation Office Building C. Safety and Training Building 'D. Warehouse/Parts Department E. Maintenance and Repair Shop Building F. Fueling Facility Area G. Used Oil Storage Area H. Wash Rack Facility Area I. Rig Crews' Change Room J. Field Rig Locations ASSIGNMENT OF DUTIES A. Public Notification Squad B. In-house Fire Squad C. Utility Shut-off Squad 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 -PAGE A- VIII. · IX. X. Xl. Xll. XIII. XlV. XV. XV. REPORTING MEDICAL ASSISTANCE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT SAFETY ACTION GUIDE A. Oil Spill' B. Natural Gas Release C. Wash Rack Water Release D. Flammable Liquid Spill E. Hazardous Chemical Spill F. Earthquake G. Medical Emergency H. Electrical Failure of Fire I. Structure and Grass Fire J. Explosion K. Bomb Threat EVACUATION MAPS A. Administration Office Building B. Operation Office Building C. Safety and Training Building ~ D..Warehouse/Part Department E. Maintenance and Repair Shop F. Fueling Facility Area G. Used Oil Storage Area G. Wash Rack Facility Area H. Rig Crews Change Room ROSEDALE FACILITY SITE MAP Full Facility with Evacuation Routes MAPTO MEDICAL CARE CENTERS 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24' 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 -PAGE B- POOL WELL SERVICES CO. 7515 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 CONTINGENCY PLAN NOTIFICATION/EVACUATION I. INTRODUCTION A tire, spill, release or threatened release--regardless of size-- involving a hazardous material or hazardous waste can have an undesirable effect on the environment and can generate complex technical, legal, governmental and public problems which require coordination of many individuals and agencieS. Prevention of hazardous material releases is a primary concern of Pool Well Services Co. (PWSC). PWSC has developed this Contingency Plan to protect the environment, PWSC's employees, and the general public' from danger and harm. The senior manager will determine if the spill, release or fire is reportable to governmental agencies, and will make that report immediately. The senior manager is required to report all rites, spills, and releases on a PWSC report form to the district manager. II. GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Pool Well Services Co. Location: 7515 Rosedale Highway Telephone: (661)-589-3970 .FAX: (661)-589-5276 Type of Facility: Workover Rig Operations Facility Site Plan: Attached and part of the plan Description of Activities: Dispatching of rig employees to field locations and equipment maintenance and repair. III.EMERGENCY COORDINATOR Principal: Alan Pounds Home: 661-588-8211 Pager: 661-329-3247 Mobile Phone: 661-747-7630 Alternate: Johnny Sanchez Home: 661-587-8758 Pager: 661-321-5914 Mobile Phone: 661-201-5129 Th® emergency coordinators can deputize other employees to assist them in the event of an emergency. The emergency coordinator will serve as the chief of the emergency until the emergency agencies, arrive. IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONTINGENCY PLAN The contingency plan will be implemented if an incident might threaten human health or the environment. The emergency coordinator has full authority to make this decision. Depending upon the degree of seriousness, the following potential emergencies might call for the implementation of the contingency plan: · Overturning of tool trucks, rigs, and the fuel tanker truck. · On-site spillage of oils, fuel, anti-freeze and wash rack water. · Leak or spill of oils, and fuels from containers and parked equipment. · Any on-site spill or release of a substance found on the Hazardous Chemical Inventory for the Rosedale Facility. .i· V. NOTIFICATION Senior Mana,qer Notification Any employee discovering a fire or hazardous release will report the emergency to his/her supervisor immediately. Never fight the emergency by yourself. (a) Assess situation, move upwind and note details of the emergency: Size, source, location, discovery time. (b) Analyze the situation: Threat to Life?, Damage to public property?, and, Are hazardous or toxic chemicals present? Sound the alarm to other employees in the area. All other employees should stop work, secure their area and receive instructions from the emergency coordinator. 3. The emergency coordinator (the same as the senior manager) will assess the situation and notify the agencies. A.qenc¥ Notification. The emergency coordinator (senior manager) will determine if the emergency should be reported. If it is determined to be reportable, the manager will report the emergency immediately to a response agency by calling 911. The 911 agencies· included are as follows: fire department (Kern County Fire Department 661-324-6551); law enforcement (Kern County Sheriff Dept. 661-861-3110); hospital (Memorial Hospital 661-327-1792); and Kern County Environmental Health Services (661-861-3636). If the release Poses a significant or potential hazard to human health or the environment, the'coordinator (senior manager) will notify the State Office of Emergency Services at telephone number 800-852-7550 or 916-427- 4341. Employee Notification The coordinator (senior manager) will alert all employees at the facility through the PA system in the telephone or through the company radios that an emergency is in progress. Notification of Public and Nei.qhbors Under the orders of the coordinator (senior manager), a designated employee will give, if possible, notification and evacuation procedures to each neighboring business or residence surrounding the facility located at 7515~ Rosedale Highway. If telephone is not available, the designated emploYee will walk to each neighboring bUsiness or residence to relay the emergency information. The following is a list of the neighboring businesses and residences in close proximity to the facility: Location Business Telephone Number 1. North Bulk Yard 10014 Rosedale Hwy 661-589-0888 2. South Open Fields 3. East H & B Equipment C°, 661-589-0441 7511 Rosedale Hwy 4. West Water Canal ,Clean up Company Notificatio,n 1. Pool Well Services Co' emPloyees will clean up minor spills with absorbent material. In the eVent of major spill, the coordinator (senior manager) is to contact Advance Cleanup Technologies, Inc. (ACTI) at 661-392-7765, and they will supply equipment and labor to cleanup the spill. This company will also be used to clean up spills in the field and on public highways. VI. EVACUATION Facility personnel will be evacuated if the emergency coordinator decides that their personal safety is in danger. All employees will evacuate the facilities and collect in the parking lot in front and west of the main office for a head count. All missing employees will be located by groups of two or more, keeping safety in mind at all times. All employees will use the following evacuation routes if they are in the following locations during the emergency: -1. Administration Office Buildin,q · The employees will exit one of the two marked exits in the administration office complex. One is located on the east side of the building (the main entrance) and the other is located on the north side of the building through the accounting department. Employees exiting the main entrance will move out from the building and walk around the front of the office to the collecting Point located in the parking lot in front of the Operations Office Building. 2. Operation Office *Building The employees will exit one of the three marked exits in the operation office complex. One is located on the north side of the building (the main entrance). and the other two are'located on the south side of the building between the Operation Office complex and the Warehouse Building. Employees exiting the main entrance will move out from the building and walk to the collecting point located in the parking lot in front of the Operations Office Building. Employees exiting through the south side exits must move out from the building into driveway into the yard and move to the collecting pOint located in front of the Operations Office Building. 3. Safety and Training Building The employees will exit one of the four marked exits in the safety and training building complex. Two exits are located on the east side and two exits are located on the west side. Employees exiting through the east side exits must move out from the building and walk around the Administration Office Building to the collecting point in the parking lot in front of the Operations Office Building. Employees exiting through the west side exits must move out from the building and walk across the parking lot to the collecting point. 4. Warehouse/Parts Department The employees located in this building will exit through one of the twO exits. All employees exiting the building will go through the bay door on the south side and move out from the building. The group will then move around the corner of the building through west side yard entrance. The main goal of these employees is to stay a safe distance from the fuel island. 5. Maintenance and Repair Shop Building The employees located in this building will exit one of twelve exits. All. employees exiting this building must try to exit to the east side of the building. If the fire or hazardous spill requires employees to exit through the west side exits, employees move out from the building and walk up the main driveway located on the east side of the building to the collecting point located in 'front of the Operations Office Building. Employees in the Equipment Superintendent's Office can exit through the north exit into the ddveway or into the shop, and then into the driveway. In this building, PWSC employees can rind several hazardous materials that aro flammable and could cause riros. In some cases, the employees may be forced to exit to west, and in those cases the employees should move out from the building, staying a safe distance from the fuel island and exit through the west side yard entrance. 6. Fuelin,q Facility Area This area has the largest potential of an emergency due to the fact that gasoline and diesel fuel are very flammable. Employees exiting this area should move out from the containment area and exit the yard through the west side gate to the collecting point located in the parking lot by the Operations Office Building. 7. UsedOil Stora.qeArea This aroa has the second largest potential of an emergency due to the fact that oil is very flammable. Employees exiting this area should move out from the containment aroa and exit the yard through the west side gate to the collecting point located in the parking lot by the Operations Office Building Wash Rack Facility Area Employees exiting this aroa should exit through east side or west side exits and move to safe a place' in the yard. As a group, the employees should exit the yard through the east side driveway if possible. 9. Ri.q Crews' Chan.qe Room The employees located in this building will exit through one of the two exits. Employees exiting the west side exit will move out from the building into the employee parking lot and up the driveway to the collection point in front of the Operations Office Building. These employees should make sure to stay a safe distance from the fueling facility area. Employees exiting the north side exit will move out from the 'building into the yard, and then walk up the east side of the property to exit the yard through the east side main gate to the collecting point in front of the Operations Office Building. 10. Field Ri.q Locations The PWSC employees working on company rigs at different field locations may have to be evacuated in the event of a release of hazardous material. Hazardous materials found at rig locations in the field are materials like diesel, oil, anti-freeze and other vehicle fluids. In the event of a release, the employees should move upwind, up grade, and upstream from the rig and radio their supervisor of the emergency. The rig supervisor will inform the manager of the oil company to receive instructions .from the emergency contingency plan. In addition, the rig supervisor will report the emergency to his/her PWSC manager. VII. ASSIGNMENT OF DUTIES After all .the employees have evacuated the building and have collected in the parking in front of the Operations Office Building, the coordinator (senior manager) at the location will conduct a head count. The coordinator will assign the following duties to the available employees: notification of neighbors, utilities shut off, fuel shut-off, and the use of fire equipment. The coordinator will dial 911 to notify the local officials of the emergency (fire department; sheriff's department, and county environmental health department). Public Notification Squad -- Your duties in the event of an emergency, fire/chemical spill, under the orders of the coordinator, will be to telephone, if possible or walk to your designated neighbor and notify them of the emergency in progress. In-house Fire Squad -- The safety department is to insure that the fire fighting equipment is in good operation condition at all times. Any employee working in ~any area where fire-fighting equipment is located must inspect the equipment and report needs to his/her supervisor. Each employee should become aware of the equipment and the hazards located in their workplace. No employee should operate any fire fighting equipment until he/she is trained in equipment operations. Never start fighting a fire until you have informed someone of the emergency. ¸3. Utility Shut-off Squad - Your duties in the event of an emergency are to make sure that the natural gas, electricity and water are shut-off, if required by the'coordinator. If the emergency hampers the shut-off procedure, the employee will not endanger his/her life. Electrical Utilities - The main electrical utilities shut-off for the administration office building, the operations office building, safety and training building, maintenance and repair shop building, warehouse building and the wash rack building is located on the wall to the east of door going into the Equipment Superintendent's Office' from the shop area. The electrical utilities shut-off for the Rig Crews' Change Room is on the pole outside the building. Water Utility -- The water utility shut-off is located at the water well located at 785 feet into the property on the east side. The water utility shut-off for the operations office building is located at the south east corner of the building. ~ Natural Gas Utility -- There are three natural gas utility shut-off valves at the Rosedale facility. One shut-off valve is located on the east side of the Shop Building about 15 feet from the corner of the building. The second shut-off valve is located on the east side of the enlarged part of the Shop Building about 70 feet from the part that extends, out. r The third shut-off valve is located on the east side of Safety and Training Building in the middle of the east sidewall. VIII. REPORTING All the information about the fire/chemical spill, emergency will be reported to the Area Manager of. the Rosedale operations. The Area Manager will file a written report on the Pool Hazardous Material Release Report to the following people: Northern District Manager Dave Werner 1954 James Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 661-392-7668 m Environmental Compliance Manager James Thomas 1954 James ROad Bakersfield, CA 93309 661-392-7660 3. Safety Manager Bill Steers 7515 Rosedale Hwy Bakersfield, Ca 93308 · 661-589-3970 The repOrt must be filed with above personnel within 24 hours following the emergency. At the time of the emergency, the coordinator (senior manager) will make a telephone report to the above people. Attached is a copy of PWSC's Hazardous Release Report. IX. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE If during the emergency, any employee needs medical assistance, the employee will be transported to the following: 1. Industrial Medical Group 2501 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 661-327-2225 2. Memorial HOSpital 420 34th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 661-327-1792 All employees affected by exposure to the hazardous materials released during the emergency should be transported to one of the above and a copy of the appropriate Material Safety Data sheet (MSDS) should accompany the affected person. Attached is copy of map that shows the routes to take from the Rosedale Facility to the Medical Assistance Company. X. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT The following emergency equipment is located at the facility: [1] fire extinguishers throughout the facility (20 - 30ft ABC), [2] two-way radios for communication, [3] maintenance drip pans, [4] shop rags to cleanup small spills, [5] special *absorbent material to contain large spills, and [6] absorbent socks. The employees are trained in fire extinguisher use, CPR & medic first aid, SCBA training and hazardous communication. 8 Xl. SAFETY During an emergency event, all PWSC employees should maintain a "Mental' Safe Approach Tactic' while on-scene. The employees should always keep a safe distance -- Upwind, Upgrade and Upstream. If you don't think safety, you may become part of the problem by harming yourself and your fellow employees. Always remember SIN: $ Safety-First, Last and Always I Isolation & Deny Entry N Notification Always remember you resources and capability limits during the emergency. PWSC's main goal is to protect the safety of its employees, the public and the environment. Xll. ACTION GUIDE The following action guides are attached to help all Pool Well Services Co. employees during an emergency. 1. Oil Spill 2. Natural Gas Release 3. Wash Rack Water Release 4. · Flammable Liquid Spill 5. Hazardous Chemical Spill 6. Earthquake 7. Medical Emergency 8. Electrical Failure or Fire 9. Structure and Grass Fires 10. Explosion 11. Bomb Threat Attached to the emergency Plan is a map of the best route to take to evacuate the facility. The emergency may change this route if human life is in danger. This emergency plan was written for the protection of Pool Well Services Co. employees in the case of a fire/chemical spill. All of the employees have attended a safety meeting that discussed the emergency plan. A copy of the emergency plan will be posted at all times on bulletin boards throughout the facility. #1 ACTION GUIDE OIL SPILL GENERAL INFORMATION: It is the position of PW$C that every effort will be made to keeP oil from being spilled on the ground, and any such oil spill will be contained and cleaned up as quickly as possible. CAUTION: Oil spills may pose a contamination threat to surface waters, a fire hazard, or environmental threat to a specific area. 'If qualified, the first responder should follow this sequence: First Responder 1. Asses situation, move upwind and note all details of spill: size, source, · location, discovery time. 2. Stop any sources of ignition within the area, including vehicles. No Smoking. 3. Sound alarm. Alert others nearby. 4. Notify supervisor with details of the spill. 5. Determine if leak is likely to escape secondary containment. Emergency Response Team 6. Activate Emergency Response Team. 7. Attempt to contain spill and divert it from entering adjacent property, creek beds, waterways, or roads. 8. Notify owners of offset properties if spill has crossed onto their property.. 9. Notify environmental staff for mitigation assistance and agency notification. 10. Direct containment operations. 11. Complete an initial assessment report. I0 GENERAL INFORMATION: heat, open flames and sparks (including static electricity). If qualified, the first responder shOuld follow this sequence: First Responder 1. Assess situation, move upwind, and note all details of release: time, source. 2. Stop any sources of ignition within the area, inCluding vehicles. 3. 4. #2 ACTION GUIDE ?:~! NATURAL GAS RELEASE Natural gas is extremely flammable and may be ignited by location, discovery No smoking. Sound Alarm. Alert others nearby. Notify supervisor with details of the natural gas release. Emergency Response Team. 5. Activate Emergency Response Team. 6. Shut-off the main gas controlsi 7. If not possible, call the utility company to shut-off the gas and control the leak. 8. Do not enter vapor area. Barricade area until the utility company arrives. 9. Complete initial assessment report. l! #3,ACTION GUIDE WASH RACK WATER RELEASE GENERAL INFORMATION: Wash rack water is used to clean oilfield equipment. The water is treated by a close loop' system for reuse. The water will have some oil in solution. The water is a non-RCRA hazardous material, but not be released on to the ground. INDICATION: Visible or reported observation of leak or equipment breakdown. If qualified, the first responder should follow this sequence: First RespOnder 1. Assess situation, and note details of release: size, source, location, and discovery time. 2. Sound alarm. Alert others nearby. 3. Notify supervisor immediately with details of release. 4. Determine if leak is likely to escape secondary containment. Emergency Response Team 5. Attempt to contain the release by berming, to divert it from entering adjacent properties, roads, creek beds, or waterways. 6. Notify owners of offset properties if release crossed onto their property. 7. Notify environmental staff for mitigation assistance and agency notification. 8. Complete initial assessment report. - : 12 #4 ACTION GUIDE FLAMMABLE LIQUID SPILL GENERAL INFORMATION: Flammable liquids are found throughout PWSC's facilities in tanks, vehicles, lines, and drums.' A release of flammable liquids is an extremely dangerous event as a pOtential explosion and fire may occur; toxic gases are released into the air 'as the liquid is evaporated, The isolation and entry procedures should start immediately. CAUTION: Flammable vapors will result from liquid spills; emergency shut downs only are feasible from a safe distance, without entering vapor cloud; stop all ignition sources. Most vapor clouds generated from such liquid spills will dissipate in time. Vapor may travel long distances to an ignition source and 'flash back". If qualified, the first responder should follow this sequence: First Responder 1. Assess situation, move upwind, and note all details of spill: size, location, sources, discovery time. 2. Stop any sources ignition and electrical equipment within area. 3. Sound alarm. Alert others nearby to leave area. 4. Notify the supervisor with details of the release. 5. Emergency Shut Downs flow of liquid only is feasible from a safe distance. EmergenCy Response Team 6. Activate Emergency Response Team. 7. If spill leaves containment, attempt to confine the spill downwind from source by dirt berming only if it is safe. 8. All attempts must by made to keep flammable liquids out of service, storm drains, and surface waters or dry streambeds. 9.' Notify owners of offset properties if spill has crossed onto the property. 10. Notify environmental staff for mitigation options and notification requirements. 11. Complete initial assessment report. 13 ~ ACTION GUIDE HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL SPILL GENERAL INFORMATION: Various industrial and specialty materials are used throughout PWSC's facilities and in their process operations. The chemicals should be stored in properly labeled containers such as tanks or drums. All chemicals should have an MSDS sheet that is available in' binders located in the facilities' offices.. CAUTION: The hazards associated with the chemiCals depend on the type of chemical and concentration. The MSDS sheets or the manufacturer must be consulted on the proper handling of chemicals used by PWSC facilities. INDICATION: Visible. or reported observation of the release; symptoms of exposure such as coughing, skin and/or eye irritation, etc. If qualified,~ the first responder should follow this sequence: First Responder 1. Assess situation, move upwind and outside of spill area, and note all details of spill: chemical, size, source, location, discovery time. 2. Eliminate all possible sources of ignition in area including electrical equipment, as necessary. 3. Sound alarm. Alert others in the area. 4. Notify supervisor immediately with details of spill. 5. Without entering area, stop sources or contain spill downstream. Emergency Response Team 6. 'ActiVate Emergency Response Team. 7. Evacuate affected personnel to a safe distance upwind - a safe refuge area. 8. Review MSDS for proper handling and personal protective equipment. 9. Attempt to contain (if not done earlier)i and divert it from entering adjacent property, creek beds, waterways, or roads. · ]4 10. Notify owners of offset property if spill has crossed onto their property. 11. Notify environmental staff for mitigation response and agency notifications. 12. Complete initial assessment report. #6 ACTION GUIDE EARTHQUAKE* GENERAL INFORMATION: All areas of California are subject to large magnitude earthquakes. Take cover during an earthquake either under a·table or doorway. Watch out for flying debris or glass. If outdoors, stay away from overhead objects, which fall (electrical lines or buildings). CAUTION: Tanks, drums, lines and piping may rupture releasing the contents during or after an earthquake. INDICATIONS: Loud noise, building and ground moving under foot. Fixtures, furniture and equipment moving. Visual or reported observation. If qualified, the first responder should follow this sequence: First Responder 1. Assess situation and exercise caution, possible leaks of natural gas, flammable liquids and oil. 2. Expect aftershocks. 3. Rescue threatened persons if possible without endangering self. 4. Notify supervisor of all the damages and injUred persons. Emergency Response Team 5. Activate Emergency Response Team. 6. Refer to Business Plan maps for location of hazardous materials storage. 7. Walk or drive around property to notice damage, Be aware of the possibility of natural gas, oil, or downed electrical lines. 8. Inspect all electrical lines, .piping, tank settings, and drums for leaks or damage. 9. Inspect all hazardous material storage areas for leakage. 10. Inspect structures and firewater Systems for damage. Be aware of possible exposure of structures or building damages. 11.. Complete initial assessment report. 16 #7 ACTION GUIDE 'MEDICAL EMERGENCY ~GENERAL INFORMATION: Medical emergency .is a .term that describes the critical condition of an employee's health. All efforts will be expanded to relieve the condition as quickly and safely as possible. No employee shall operate outside of his/her specific training or knoWledge to remedy a medical emergency. CAUTION: Medical emergencies requim extreme caution; ill-advised procedures may do more harm than good. If qualified, the first responder should follow this sequence 1. Provide first aid to victim. 2. Notify supervisor. First Responder Follow training procedures only. DO NOT move injured.unless he/she is in a life threatening area. Call ambulance or 911. If transported by private or company car, notify local hospital or company doctor that patient is on the way. If there is a potential chemical exposure, notify hospital as soon as possible. Get a copy of the material safety data sheet to the medical staff in the emergency room. Complete initial assessment report. 17 #8 ACTION GUIDE : ELECTRICAL FAILURE OR FIRE GENERAL INFORMATION: Electricity is the main source of power in PW$C facilities. Electrical hazards may occur due to downed lines, and the failure to follow safe electrical shut down procedures. CAUTION: Stay back if not qualified to work with electricity. Use extreme caution. INDICATION: Downed lines, visible signs 'arc" or noises, or electrical or burnt wire insulation smell. If qualified, the first responder should follow this sequence: First Responder 1. Assess situation, moVe to safe area, and note details: location, time. 2. Notify supervisor; stay in contact for further directions. 3. Follow procedure for emergency shut down of operating equipment' using the electrical feed; go to the nearest electrical panel to kill that source. 4. Do 'not enter until the supervisor or electrical crew arrives. 5. Complete initial assessment report. t8 #9 ACTION GUIDE STRUCTURE AND GRASS FIRE GENERAL INFORMATION: All fires must be reported to the SuperVisor immediately, even if extinguished by personnel. Further damage or future flare-ups must be assessed before leaving the area of a fire. Only those employees trained and equipped properly are to respond to fight a fire. CAUTION: Toxic by-products of fire (cinders, smoke, gases) are to be avoided. Stay upwind of incident in a safe refuge area. Warning: Do not attempt to fight fires beyond the extinguisher's capability. Warning: Do not fight a fire before alerting someone else. If qualified, the first responder should follow this sequence: First Responder Fires beyond the size of portable extinguishers are not candidates for simple fire fighting techniques. LEAVE AREA IMMEDIATELY to upwind safe refuge. 1. Assess situation, move upwind, and note: source, location and time. 2. Sound fire alarm. Alert others nearby. · 3. Notify SuperVisor, follow evacuation directions. 4; Call 911. 5. Make sure that someone else knows about the fire before starting t° fight the fire. Emergency Response Team 6. Verify that. 911 was called. 7. Refer incident to Safety. 8. Complete initial assessment report. #10 ACTION GUIDE EXPLOSION GENERAL INFORIV~TION: Explosions can occur from overpressures to a line or tank; fire may accompany the explosion. The explosion may trigger other events, such as ~oil, fuel, or chemical releases, and gas or fuel burning. All explosions are considered serious and require immediate response to isolate the area from further damage, Employees are to protect themselves at all times, and under direction, assist Fire Departments to extinguish fires and protect structures and equipment. CAUTION: Possibility of further explosions, damages from percussion and flying debris. Toxic and flammable releases may take place. DO not enter area without authorization of the Incident Commander. If qualified, the first responder should follow this sequence: First Responder 1. ^ssess situation, move upwind, and note details: source, location, and time. 2. Be aware of structural collapse, liquid or gas leaks from tanks and lines, and secondary explosions. 3. Eliminate ignition source. 4.' Sound alarm. Alert others nearby. 5. Immediately notify supervisor of emergency; wait for further directions or call 911. 6. Perform emergency shut down. Emergency Response Team 7. Verify that 911 was called. 8. Rescue threatened personnel, if possible, in a safe manner. 9. Isolate the area. 10. Check adjacent structures and property for damage. 11. Refer to Safety. 12. Complete an initial assessment report. 2O #11 ACTION GUIDE BOMB THREAT GENERAL INFORMATION: Bomb threats are usually made by the telephone. The most likely employees to receive such a call will be receptionists or dispatchers. Both state and federal laws are violated if a bomb threat is made. It is very important to make a written report of all details. ,i!i: First Resp°nder Be calm and congenial with the caller, but at the same time ask certain leading questions in order to get as much information as possible. Note the time. Turn on tape recorder, if available. Pass a note to someone to call police. 2. Take written notes on exactly what is said by the caller. Ask questions and note any identifiable characteristics: · Can I call you by your name, what is it? · Why are you doing this? · Is there anything I can do to make you happier? · What kind of bomb is it?' · Can you tell me where you are?. · Whatdoes it look like? · Where is it located? · Is the person a man, woman or child? · Does the person speak with an accent? · Does the person have any distinguishing speech characteristics? · What's the approximate age of the person? · Are there any background noises (i.e.., laughing, talking, children, typewriter, traffic, airplanes, etc.)? music, 3. Immediately report to supervisor. Emergency Response Team Immediately notify law enforCement having jurisdiction.. 5. Follow directions and advice of police authorities. 6. Prepare to evacuate persOnnel, if necessary. 7. Complete initial assessment report. 21 Accounting Department I Accounting Department Controller Director Strategic Alliances Vice President Califomia Operations Administration Office Building Computer Room Office Assistant Senior Accountant Copy Room Programmer Analyst Administrative Assistant Exit Break Room W E S ~ Spare ' I Workplac~i:.. Conference Room Storage Area First Floor Second FloOr 22 St°rage/I Safety Rep. Safety Rep. · Operations Super. Operations Super. OperationsI Super. !,, Exit Mail Room Men Restmom Ladies Restroom Loddy Area Exit Storage Conference Room Office Coordinator Break Room / s ety Director Northern District ,/ Dispatcher Dispatcher Window Operations Manager Operations Manager Copy Room Dispatcher Rosedale Operation Office Building W Safety and Training Building W N E Exit- Conference Room Training And safety Meeting Room Exit Gas shut-off value Men's Restroom Storage N Warehouse Parts Department W E S Storage Parts Office Warehouse Door Rig Supplies Area · , ~ Storage 25 Maintenance & Repair Shop w Soda Machines Stairway Warehouse Parts Department ~omge N "E I Bay Door I Bay Door Safety. and Training Building .i \ Equipment Superintendent Field Office Technician Electricai7 Shut-off G Exit Bay Door Maintenance and Repair. Shop Exit ~ I Bay Door 26 Parts Storage Bay Door Containment Exit Bay Door Maintenance and Repair Shop Bay Door Mechanic's Change Room Exit ~ Gas~ut.off Valve. Bay Door I Bay 'Door ' ~ Gas ~ Shut-off Vaiue I Door W Fueling Island Facility. Staircase N E Emergency Shutoff Switch '~ Fire ~ Extinguisher / Drive Way staircase Fueling Side i · CardlOck ~$ystem i I! Pump i ,000 Oallons ~. I i i' 2,00O'GalI°ns -: Extinguishe~- 27 Used Oil Storage Area W N S E Used Oil 28 W N E Wash Rack Building Cat walks for equipment washin~t Ice Machines Staircases Tank For the - Recycling System Wa~r Tank Cat walks for equipm;n~ washing ~Watar, . Tanks ', Forthe ~ ' Recycling. System ~i N Rig Crews Change Room W E Tool Truck Parking Lot Employee's Parking Lot Men's Restroom Lockers 3O ~ ' Rosedale Highway $ 0 25' 50' 75' 100' 125' 150' I I I I I I I 1. Administration Office 2. Safety & Training Building 3. Operations Office 4. Warehouse & Shop Building 5. Used Oil Storage 6. Fuel Island 7. Water Well 8. Water Tank 9. Fire Water Tank 10. Wash Rack Building 11. Change Room 1 I I I I / I I I / I I I / / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~nI I %,- I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / ! I I ! ! ! ! 315' Employee's Parking Lot Office 3600 sq ft 3 3360 sq f,~ .... Used Oil~ Storage 5 Repal Shop Bldg __~P~ sq ff 4 I 3200sqft110 Parking 7 O¸ ~O Employee's Parking Lot S70' Rosedale Highway N 0 25' 50' 75' 100' 125' 150' 1. Administration Office 2. Safety & Training Building. 3. Operations Office 4. Warehouse & Shop Building 5. Used Oil Storage 6. Fuel Island 7. Water Well 8. Water Tank 9. Fire Water Tank 10. Wash Rack Building 11. Change Room / I I I I I I I I 316' Employee's Parking Lot Used O~ Storage 5 3250 sq ft 1' J I ~o I I I I I I I I I I I / / I I I I I I I I I I Employee's Parking Lot 670' 32 MAp TO MEDICAL CARE CENTERS Memorial Hospital 420 34 th Street Roeedale Hwy Pool Well Services Co. 7S15 Rosedale Hwy Bakersfield, CA Industrial Medical Group 2r~01 G Street 28 th Street Hwy 178 34 th Street Bernard St.