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'v .~ II ~ (I $c)'L <;.AM Pu=: F2J[Z C A/vI- { ! {',C.N0 T ,ð., (í A , " ÆrJA t5,l?c " A Æ (VIE fA L$ <t Ii Ii TO X . i S' U 8;1''4 ¡ r r<?c:~:. < H j ,';. . .; Tù T1-1')' o¡~t: I ( C A ~.. CON rd(rv. ß'í't ,>N ' () F . ,I') , ~; ., eU:::l\A.J ,_,uP ¡ 'l) ..' ' ' ,,-' - \ . -, ...-------" , ':;:.j:,:,,",,-,;::..i "._, '- 1;1 . '" ".. -..." I --< " .' ~.~ "/ " . , \~ ;11 " Completion Date for Corrections, J AfJ 7;' (198 2-/'..." ·/,...-.7 ,// -' ¡ ) Date l '- / " I 4· ; {)(N'ÀCO ¿'.I" I/V¿;;-S I Inspector ". ' .. , ., " ¡;.~ 326·3979 .~~ .,.' _ _~.,.,.".r.-:'~ :-~,' - FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KEllY ADMlNISTRA1IVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street BakelSfleld. CA 93301 (805) 32b-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 9330 1 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAJ( (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. BakØlSfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street BakefSfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4fn7 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT . e .,tr...._ - February 23, 1998 Mr. Eric Nolan Academy of International Martial Arts . 4510 Stine Road #104 Bakersfield, CA 93313 NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED RE: Waste Paint Spill on December 31, 1997 at New Horizon Blvd. Dear Mr. Nolan: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results of the laboratory analysis associated with the soil sampling conducted to assess the environmental impact associated with the above referenced incident. Based upon the information submitted, this office is satisfied with the corrective action performed and requires no further action at this time in the above referenced matter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 326-3979. HHW/dm Sincerely, ~(~~~ Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services ;.11, 1:7'~~ W~ STOP.A~ ~ A·W~ " SiteID: 215-000 ~ Status: EHS?:N Site/Bus . Name : Au:.J~y ot f\;þ¡-,~J /Vt.Js Bus.Phone: ( ) Org.Type: Active~ CommCode: . Site Type:03 Dun&Brad. : Bus.Type : SIC: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location No.: 4S-fO Dir: City: BAKERSFIELD Manager: C::.{'(<!.- 1\Io1<t~ Street: S·h ~ <.. t2o( Unit: lCX - State: , Phone: ( Zip: x ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Bus. Mail No.: City: ~ Contact : Dir: Street: Unit: <S~¿:;; State: Phone: ( Zip: x ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner No. : City:: Name: Org.Type: Dir: Street: Unit: - . '. >~I State: Phone: ( Zip: x ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emergency Contact / Title I Emergency Contact / Title I C-i/Z.¡ '- tJò~W / ~..t'L, I / I ' Business Phone: (80S) ,:x I Business Phone: (80S) x ... ." I 24-Hour Phone : (80S) .' ., '..',,:.\ x: I 24-Hour Phone : (80S) " x Pager Phone (80S) '. x I Pager Phone (80S) x I . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hazmat Hazards: EHSsRADs BioHaz Fire Press React ImdHlth DelHlt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emergency Directives: $ ,.~ oÇ WÂs-rt: fAil"" ÇP¡<...L CN 1--¿/3.1 /0, 7 , CLC.A-7-J'Eil) uP íSY f!...EsfbvJS"~Lt, s: ttC- AssC~~~'l ðle N'ù r=ðÆ.-ì1fC-.iL Ae:f'tòN. FEB-12-98 10:21 AM ZALCO LABS INC 805 395 3069 ZALCO ~BORA-I UHIt=~, II'J~ Analytical ~ Consulting Services P.01 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield. California 93308 (6051395-0539 FAX (Ë!05) 395-3069 i FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date :ç::-C, . r. To:JdVU YL((1 ~Æ}I V1~ S Company: &K-(~S ç I-Ll'd ¡-¡;e, De po{ Fax #: ~~)/R -Oc;iL¡ From: Customer Service [ ] Chris [~ulie [ ] Rhonda [ ] Regarding: LD. b reStdi S: Æ(1 ~ÓfD'7~~ Number of Pages: ~ + Cover Sheet If the transmission was not complete, please call, THANKS III w· n:\cs\wp51\ form\off\faxcvrZ, sht Th,s repo" .s lutn'shed '01 the e.clu,"e "se 01 oy( C".romer ond opplies only '0 ,he somples te>ted. Zolco ,. not re.pon..ble '0' .epo" ohe,ohoh o. detochm..nt b , FEB-12-98 10:22 AM ZALCO LABS INC 805 395 3069 ZALCO~BORATORIES, IN~ Analytical & Consul~ing Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 P.02 (805] 395'()539 FAX (805] 395-3069 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled Academy of International Martial Arts 4500 Stine Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Eric Nolan Sample Type: Description: Constituents Solid Surface Soil Sample Sampled by Field Service REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR 2.5 6010A /1 Total Lead 8.7 mg/kg cc: Method Ref~~ence 9801074-1 01/07/98 02/04/98 Q1/08/98 14:16 Method/Ref Ope'rat ions Manager mg/L ; milligrams per Liter (parts per"millloß) ug/L , microg~ams per Liter (parts per billion; umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 2S C mmhos/cm ; millimhos/crn at 2S C ' NO ; None Detected . N/A ; Not Applicable DLR Detection Limit tor Reporting Purposes M8AS , Methylene Blue +ctive Substances 1, EPA SW-846. 1994 3rd Edition FEB-12-98 10:23 AM ZA~CO LABS INC 805 395 3069 P.03 ZALCO~BORATORIES, IN~ Analytical & Consulting $ervices 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (805) 395'{)539 FAX [805J 395-3069 Attention: Eric Nolan Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 9.801074-1 01/07/98 02 / 0 4 / 9 8 Academy of International Martial Arts 4500 Stine Bakersfield, CA 93313 01/08/98 14:16 Sample Type: Solid Description: Surface Soil Sample Sampled by Field Service ORGANICS ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref Chlorinated Pesticides Aldrin NO UG/KG 2.0 8080 /1 alpha-BHC NO UG/KG 2.0 8080 /1 beta-BHC NO UG/KG 2.0 8080 11 gamma-BHC, Lindane NO UG!KG 2.0 8080 II delta-BHC NO UG/KG 2.0 8080 II 4 , 4 ' - ODD NO UG/KG 2.0 8080 /1 4,4'-DDE NO UG/KG 2,0 8080 11 4 "4 ' - DDT ND UG/KG 2.0 8080 II Dieldrin NO UG/KG 2.0 8080 11 Endosulfan I ND UG/KG 2.0 8080 /1 Endosulfan II NO UG/KG 2.0 8080 /1 Endosulfan Sulfate NO UG/ KG 2.0 8080 11 Endrin ND UG/KG 2.0 8080 11 Endrin Aldehyde NO UG/KG 2.0 8080 /1 Heptachlor NO UG!KG 2.0 8080 II Heptachlor Epoxide NO UG/KG 2.0 B080 /1 Methoxychlor NO UG/KG 8.0 8080 /1 Chlordane ND UG/KG 15. 8080 /1 Date Analyzed: 01/19/98 Etherton, Lab Ope~ations Manager çc: Method ReEe~ence 1. S:PA SW-646, 1994 Jrd Edition ug/L , mi~ligrams per Liter (parts per billion) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) ND : None Detected N/A Not Applicable DLR ; De~ection Limit for Reporting Purposes ',I II' FEB-12-98 805 395 ZALCO~BORATORIES, INet.- 3069 10:24 AM ZALCO LABS INC Analytical & Consulting $ervices 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 P.04 (805) 395~539 FAX (805) 395-3069 Laboratory No: Dàte Received: Date Reported: Contract No_ Date Sampled Time Sampled Academy of International Martial Arts 4500 stine Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Eric'Nolan Sample Type: Description: Constituents Toxaphene Solid Surface Soil Sample Sampled by Field Service ORGANICS &~ALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR 100 ' 8080 /1 ND UG/KG Date Analyzed: 01/19/98 cc: Method Reference I 1. EPJI SW,S46, 1994 3rd Edition 9801074-1 0¡/07/98 O~/04/98 01/08/98 1'4: 16 Method/Ref Op~rations Manager ug/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per billion) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) NO : None Detected ~/Ä ~ No~ ~PDljr.~blp ~L!t , u~r(JcctU{( l1HÚC r,rl n~"·!'''··'''·r _.".'---- , _1:__ .... ....atnr..,mpnt