HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 4/1/1999 J-, ... - - .."'.' .. -- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLAIM VOUCHER I Vendor No. I certify that this claim is correct and valid, and is a proper charge against the City Agency and account indicated. CLAIMANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS: United States Cold Storage POBox 1228 Bakersfield, CA 93382 L/7DI ~ eol- (AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE OF CITY AGENCY) Date: 04-01-99 Initials of Preparer : CITY DEPARTMENT: FINANCE :1 'I PLEASE PROVIDE SHORT EXPLANATION OF PAYME (Including Contract Number if Applicable) This customer made a duplicate payment on this years Haz Mat bill in the amount of $226.50. We have since made an adjustment to the California State surcharge in the amount of $8.50 leaving them with a credit of $235.00. Fund Dept. Base Ell Objt Project # Invoice # Amount Date of Invoice 11 0000 123 7900 $235.00 ; I , II : I II VOUCHER TOTAL $235.00 I I I SECTION 72, PENAL CODE FINANCE DEPT. USE ONLY Section 72, Presenting False Claims. Every person who with intent to defraud, presents for allowance or for payment to any state board or officer, or any county, town, city district. ward or village board or officer, authorized to allow or pay the same if genuine, any false or fraudulent claim, bill, account, voucher, Examined & Approved for Payment Amount or writing, is guilty of a felony. '\.. -.:;:.¡ ø1:4 ¡ -- STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-5201 (S05) 326-3979 DATE: 4/01/99 TO: UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE PO BOX 1228 BAKERSFIELD. CA 93382 CUSTOMER NO: 3210 CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ 3210 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARGE DATE DESCRIPTION REF-NUMBER DUE DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ------ -------- ------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------- 3/01/99 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 2/09/99 PAYMENT 226. 50-- SS001 3/31/99 Charge adjustment 4/30/99 8. 50-- CA STATE SURCHARGE FOR QUESTIONS OR CHANGES TO YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL THE NUMBER AT THE TOP OF THIS STATEMENT. -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER 90 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 8. 50- DUE DATE: 5/03/99 PAYMENT DUE: TOT AL DUE: 235. 00-- $235. 00-- DATE: 4/01/99 DUE DATE: 5/03/99 PLEASE DETACH AND SEND THIS COPY WITH REI'1ITTANCE REMIT AND MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PO BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD CA 93303-2057 (805) 326-3979 CUSTOMER NO: 3210 CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ TOTAL DUE: 3210 $235.00- - nrn- CUSTTYPA NO. ES 3;)tO MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT DATE 3... I ( -Tr NEW ACCOUNT ! ADDRESS CHANGE CLOSE ACCT i : FiNANCE CHARGE . OTHER ADJ i CUSTOMER NAME 1~;+é.J ~h-\-e~ Cdd ~{CÄJ e MAILING ADDRESS P' Q. 6B-X Idd~ CITY Me .rs~1 clrÀ STATE r ß1- ZIP CODEC"~3ðd. SITE ADDRESS L{( 0 l ~ ~J . PARCEL NUMBER (IF APPUCABLE) ADJUSTMENT R~~;S:b~: ~ó -sùrck~~ doJ\d'vp_ APPROVED BY ~ ____ Per... it to Operate Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit is issued for the following: ,:¡f.:Iª~ardous Materials Plan round Storage of Hazardous Materials gagement Program m Waste 4701 PERMIT ID# 01S-D21.o00974 UNITED STATES COLD STO LOCATION Issued by: STINE Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 *~- ph Huey, ffice of ental Servi es June 30, 2000 Approved by: Expiration Date: upJtA-+e..t ¥'~ .... (, ~ o Farm and /;:< -/0 - 78' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVE:NTORY c..\t..&vtí CcA 15 ON f/-uu.r d Agriculture ~ Standard Business NON - TRADE SECRET pageLof :t' BUSINESS NAME: /JJV/lpJ >rn.m (f)/d c5"~;,,~_e LOCATION: 1..f.'7() I .~-J..¡M €, CITY, ZIP: ßr,I}f(SÇ3-;'pr '1 "??/3 PHONE #: ~1..~-- - 3'1/ OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: PHONE .#: SAMe... NAME OF THIS FACILITY: .:z;.C_ (J1t.¡¡'[. ¡'n'<1 STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID # L~-2~.J.-21~2 1 Trans Code INSTRUCTIONS FOR 9 10 11 Cant Temp u Physical and Health Hazard Check all that apply) ] Fire Hazard [:] Sudden Release of Pressure C.A.S. Number 12> \ () - ~ ~ - J..... Component 1/ 1 Name & C.A.S. Number Component 1/ 2 Name & C.A.S. NUmber I. .50 ot ~. \..A. (Nt h .cXlI'o,c:d. ~ Component 1/ 3 Name & C.A.S. Number o Reactivity ø IDU1Iediate 0 Delayed Health Health lA Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) D Fire Hazard 0 Sudden ReleaseD Reactivity i8:\ Innnediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health C.A.S. Number '1'7 7<? - ..!::,-t./ -3 Component 1/ 1 Name & C.A.S. Number (,~2 t:14 It- /U I/t1 Component 1/ 2 Name & C.A.S. Component 1/ 3 Name & C.A.S. Number o c..tt lo;-,'+~ :,' I I C/1IC/V" N e lÁ - '.) fOnV01CI" Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) D Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release 0 Reactivity ~ Immediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health 'c .A.S. Number Component 1/ 1 Name & C.A.S. Number Component 1/ 2 Name & C.A.S. Number Component 1/ 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) o Fire Hazard D Sudden Release 0 Reactivity of Pressure C.A.S. Number ¡;a Immediate 0 Delayed Health Health Component 1/ 1 Name & C.A.S. Number Component 1/ 2 Name & C.A.5. Number Component 1/ 3 Name & C.A.S. Number 1 ¡, EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 Il1I4-N~/er Title 3~-·dLl:J..J 24 Hr. Phone #2 / Name w/:/e¡7't/rSO~' Title bh /O,À)) 24 Hr Phone t; Certification (READ AND SIGN. AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) ¡;¡ ': I certify under peanlty of law that I haver personally exaniined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on my inquiry of those t. .'",.'vld~lo r_po~ib1. :\ obrdolo. Vb. io'o~ri=. ~:uov. thar Vb. ."""'rr.' .'.'morioo io tru.Q.,~"' ~~ 4 ~J I' HR AIID OFFICIAI. TITLE OF CMNER/OP~TOR OR CMNER/O R'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ' SIGNA: IRE - Lc!l;/ Q~> -I'" C')=' '''/~ I.' <:; , ",.' ....'> DATE SÌGNED 11 j. -....- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY '" [] Farm and Agriculture~standard Business NON - TRADE SECRET page20f~ I BUSINESS NAME: UN/fed .5'"m#>.$ LOCATION: t~ðl !f*~e CITY, ZIP: ælf~..s~t'? (,{ PHONE it: f!øS"~ ~.$ o/~::l3 , I (old S -M¡-#-~ ~, 9JJ /3 OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: PHONE ,#:: 51¢-M ~ NAME OF THIS FACILITY: :7fe, ,Q/Yf",/(v..i STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID #: L.ï - 2.¿-3. - 2 {...~ Z Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) C.A.S. Number INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 11 12 Use Location Where Code Stored in Facility o.rfk 0..0/ Gf/t-V"I'/- ø7'?7';2 -$''/- ? Component II 1 Name & C.A.S. Number o ýh '19'- 0/2-3 Component II 2 Name & C.A.S. Number 1 Trans Code lj Fire Hazard r:J Sudden Release of Pressure o Reactivity ~ Immediate 0 Delayed Health Health Component II 3 Name & C.A.S. I~!,_r/,'~'¡: ..6:.LJ '-I 9~ - I ~ \Ct \ 3fo.5-~ Ot..¡ I~ Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) ~ Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release 0 of Pressure C.A.S. Number NIA Component If 1 Name & C.A.S. /..Ût't;$f-e_ , ¡:g} 0 Component If 2 Name & C.A.S. Number Reactivity Immediate Delayed Health Health Component If 3 Name & C.A.S. Number u 'C.A.S. Number Component If 1 Name & C.A.S. Number Component If 2 Name & C.A.S. Number Component If 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) ~ Fire Hazard ß Sudden Release 0 Reactivity 0 Immediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 () Name we sf- /YlI4-Ml4pB/" Title Component If 1 Name & C.A.S. Number 10 Component If 2 Name & C.A.S. Number Component If 3 Name & C.A.S. Number 3;ZS-'" il../ ;W #2 ~'1'e,.LlJ Sor 24 Hr. Phone T tIe Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) ø Fire Hazard -,g¡ Sudden Release 0 Reactivity of Pressure C.A.S. Number o I~ediate 0 Delayed Health Health ¡';: i','- t) >.' Certification (READ AND SIGN, AFTER COHPLETING ALL SECTIONS) ~",:,1" ,I certify under peanlty of law that I haver personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information. 1 believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. r' ~ J) A ==}---¡1 \ - .~ Ii': er- ~~ r( En'.":\:"~'S 1'.1J'"!'C1RIZED REPRESENTATIVE STG'~/:'Iìî:;:: , ~ '\/ le.1...t ! tj C Î C) DATE SIGNED I CJ Farm and Agriculture~standard Business CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY '" pageLofL 'BUSINESS NAME: t/A¡11.ød 5fr2k~ Cold :LOCATION: 'f~()1 SfyNe. ,fði'9d CITY, ZIP: ßAK&S.pæ/d 9~309 PHONE #: ~- YJ¥-2..3 'J / s"'~ e.,OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: PHONE .f: NON - TRADE SECRET 49 NAME OF THIS FACILITY: .::t:é.e.. /)I'fI ·S.,'OM STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID #: . L$"-P.r.3-2L-67 1 6 Measure INSTRUCTIONS FOR 9 10 11 Cont Cont Press Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 77?~-5Y-3 (Check all that apply) 0 Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release o Reactivity ~ Immediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) D Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release 0 Reactivity &J Immediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) D Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release 0 Reactivity ~ Immediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component /I 1 Name & C.A.S. Component /I 2 Name & C.A.S. Component /I 3 Name & C.A.S. Component /I 1 Name & C.A.S. I(çO '7c¡- 9"8'- ~ Component /I 2 Name & C.A.S. . 1Ifs'-S;J..-S- Component /I 3 Name & C.A.S. 8"9 if IS--~>- :J... Component /I 1 Name & C.A.S. Number Component /I 2 Name & C.A.S. Number Component /I 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Name Component /I 1 Name & C.A.S. Number Component /I 2 Name & C.A.S. Number Component /I 3 Name & C.A.S. Number 3~So<l:t3 #2 'SON' 24 Hr. Phone Name I" Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) o Fire Hazard D Sudden Release 0 Reactivity 0 Innnediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health 1 :, ,. :í EMERGENCY CONTACTS u Title .': ~.~ Cort1fication (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) 3: certify under peanlty of law that I haver personally exaIIÌined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents individuals responsible fO\ obtaining the infonnation. I believe that the submitted infonllation is true, accurate, and complete. and that based on my inquiry of those \:¡ ¡-I j: t~ E' Habe.rl- Wes+ - ()')~NAQE...r' 11-' r ';0: AIm OFFICIAL TITLE OF OWNER/OPF""ATOR 0''- '1/0Ïif?I'.TOR I S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE £~~~ SIGNATURE --- 9-'-9'? DATE SIGNED I' CJ Farm andAgriculture~standard Business CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY '-"} '. REClEHflE10 " , ~-~~~Ii BUSINESS NAME: tAM¡ fed 5fr.4--Ies LOCATION: Lf'7ol S-;-//./e j(,d CITY, ZIP: {jA-Kel's-ht"( d. l")HONE *: S--oŠ-- 5-3</- ;J. 3 '1 J Cold 5-forrA9 €- cp3ð 1 NON - TRADE SECRET N/A or~' ~ A :1~~qt '\ .f, .. v.." , page-LofL .. , I....·ð~; HA;!,~[.l""o ,rdL, AlF-rgM~T...ID~Vn . -r..,. _ ^ 'N.ß'.t'1,!!¡.H~Fñ IS FftC:tLITY. J,,(;,...., IJIVIS"~iV STANDARD . D. èLASS CODE: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID #: L'£- 2.£3 - 2 L l:-2 OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: PHONE ,#: ' INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES ' 9 10 11 Cant Cant Press Temp Physical and Health Hazard ~heck all that apply) Fire Hazard r:J Sudden Release of Pressure C.A.S. Number 777'1/-$'-/-3 Component /I 1 Name & C.A.S. Component /I 2 Name & C.A.S. NUmber Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. S~r""'i;t tX)I"'" . D Reactivity ~ Immediate 0 Delayed Health Health Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number :J.. '1'1.;;.. - .sy-&¡ (Check all that apply) D Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release '0 Reactivity 5Q.. Immediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component /I 1 Name & C.A.S. ~io~;t ';;/..0- 'I Component /I 2 Name & C.A.S. '" Component /I 3 Name & C.A.S. Number \1 ·C.A.S. Number Component 1 Name & C.A.S. Number Component /I 2 Name & C.A.S. Number Component /I 3 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) l25l Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release 0 Reactivity ~ Immediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health ;. ~ " " Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) o Fire Hazard D Sudden Release 0 Reactivity of Pressure C.A.S. Number rlp/lco ~ ¥3(PO /_ ,dt'OfiYDC ~ 3 c S"dOÞ1e-lh /11 oI..Ic'-.v", ~ Immediate 0 Delayed Health Health ,'+11(; " EMERGENCY CONTACTS u 0 ,^,<2~t- Name M~,^ ~(J ref' Title 3:J.S -.;2.1 2-3 24 Hr. Phone ;:/'." L .1 '., -'. . Certification (READ AND SIGN, AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) I certify under peanlty at law that I haver personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible tor, obtaining the information. I beliove that the submitted information is true, accurate and co lete. , /0 -j'-l-9~ DATE S+GNED I I H·" ~t~ r Ii f{ Kðhe/f Ives-/- -n14¡VA(:;ef' ~ . '''' P¡;; AIID OFFICIAL, TITLE OF OWNER/OPVltATOR 0 . æìNFRIOPEI\1'\1'OR' S Alr]''';-- '¡ Z':D REPRESENTATIVE -v .5 ~ . - ,.' 02/01/95 e e UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit Page 1 General Information Location: 4701 STINE RD Map:123 Haz:l Type: 3 City . Bakersfield Grid: 14C FlU: 1 AOV: 0.0 . - Contact Name Title - Contact Name Title ROBERT WEST I MANAGER KIRK THOMPSON I SUPERVISOR Business Phone: (805) 834-2371x Business Phone: (805) 834-2371x '24 - Hour Phone · (805) 325-2123x 24-Hour Phone · (805) 664-0277x · · Pager Phone · ( í?'tls) 3qr- 'l(P/~x Pager Phone · ( '8"05") ~3~- f~4(tfx · · Administrative Data Mail Addrs: P 0 BX 1228 D&B Number: 15-753-7127 City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93302- Comm Code: 215-013 BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code: OWner: UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE Phone: (805) 834-2371 Address: 4701 STINE RD State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93309- Summary o ~~~~W~ J '.,:. .. ì- '0 r f By ~,R("- 6/!t{' ~ 10é5Troö hersbv certify thf)1~ ~ r"av~ (Typa or print name) · . reviewed th(} atí2Ç,:r.~K· haZ3JOùl!$ materials maiìa@~- ment plan iorU.s.é.clcÍ S-tor~-Tc~an(QJ ~hl8l~ i~ ~iön~ wi~h (Nltm3 of 3usin ) ~~y (ê(CWrsdi©ú1S rc(Q)ú1si¡~u~~ âl oom¡o¡~~~ l8lú1drcmrSd man. ag®m®ú1~ [p)¡~ú1 ~©r my ~~©¡¡¡ftv. ~T&.k1~r Signature ~/3~r- Dats ~ , e e . 02/01/95 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site PIn-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-006 NALCO 2896 Liquid 80 Moderate · Immed Hlth GAL 02-008 NALCO 2590 Solid 150 Moderate · Immed Hlth LBS 02-001 FREON Gas 4464 Low · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-003 OXYGEN Gas 249 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth FT3 02-005 WASTE OIL Liquid 55 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-004 MOTOR OIL Liquid 110 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL I 1 ,I I I ~ e e 02/01/95 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-006 NALCO 2896 ~ Immed H1th Liquid 80 Moderate GAL CAS #: 1310-73-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 80 I 60.00 I 250.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~I Location Ambient Ambient NE CORNER OF BLDG - Conc _I 5.0% Sodium Hydroxide Components \-; MCP ---,-Guide Moderate 60 02-008 NALCO 2590 ~ Immed H1th Solid 150 Moderate LBS CAS #: 7778-54-3 Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max LBS ----r-- Daily Average LBS ~ Annual Amount LBS -- 150 I 100.00 I 300.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:ì Location DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Ambient Ambient IN OF DARK STORAGE ROOM - Conc l 65.0% Calcium Hypochlorite Components r; MCP ---,-Guide Moderate 45 02-001 FREON ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 4464 Low FT3 CAS #: 75-45-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: COOLING Daily Max FT3 ----r-- Daily Average FT3 ~ Annual Amount FT3 -- 4,464 I 892.00 I 1,785.00 Storage r Press T Temp I Location METAL CONTAINR-NONDRUM Above Cryogen NORTH END BUILDING ON ROOF - Conc l 100.0% Freon 22 Components I~ MCP ---,-Guide Low I 12 :1 !I " Ii .I e e 02/01/95 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 4 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-003 OXYGEN ~ Fire, Immed H1th, Delay H1th Gas 249 Low FT3 CAS :It: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 ----r-- Daily Average FT3 --r-- Annual Amount FT3 -- 249 249.00 747.00 Storage r Press T Temp ~ PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient IN GARAGE Location - Conc l 100.0% Oxygen, Compressed Components ~ MCP ------p;uide Low I 14 02-005 WASTE OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 55 Low GAL CAS :It: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 55 20.00 I 55.00 Storage r Press T Temp ~ Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Ambient Ambient SOUTH OF GARAGE BY FENCE - Conc l Components 100.0% Waste Oil, Petroleum Based ~ MCP ------p;uide Low I 27 02-004 MOTOR OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Minimal GAL CAS :It: 64742-54-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 55.00 I 165.00 Storage r Press T Temp ~ Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Ambient Ambient SOUTH END OF GARAGE - Conc -, Components 100.0% Motor Oil, Petroleum Based 1-; MCP ------p;uide Minimal I 27 " e e 02/01/95 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medica1 <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation RING BELL 3 LONG RINGS CONTINUALLY THE PERSONNEL ARE TO LEAVE AND MEET IN YARD BY WEST FENCE <3> Public Notif./Evacuation DOES NOT APPLY SMALL AMOUNT OF CHEMICAL, IF FIRE CALL 911 <4> Emergency Medical Plan TAKE PEOPLE TO MERCY HOSPITAL. MERCY HOSPITAL SOUTHWEST 400 OLD RIVER RD (805) 663-6000 MERCY HOSPITAL 2215 TRUXTUN AV (805) 327-3371 II · e e 02/01/95 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention SHUT DOWN PUMP AND WASH DOWN WITH WATER GAS CYLINDERS CHAINED TO CART <2> Release Containment PAN UNDER VALVE ASSEMBLY TO CATCH LEAKS OR DRIPPAGE TANK INSTALLED ON CONCRETE/BLACKTOP SURFACE. <3> Clean Up ABSORB WITH RAGS <4> Other Resource Activation · ,. e e 02/01/95 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 Page 7 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NORTH END OF BUILDING B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH END BUILDING C) WATER - NORTH END BY CURB D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avai1. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - WE HAVE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE HYDRANT - NORTH END OF BUILDING BY CURY <4> Building Occupancy Level :-" " -. ,'" e e 02/01/95 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 00 - Overall Site Page 8 <G> Training <1> Employee Training WE HAVE 18 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE HAVE SAFETY MEETINGS TWICE A YEAR ON SAFETY AND HANDLING OF CHEMICALS ON PREMISES AND ALSO OVERALL SAFETY. <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use j' e e ~ 08/18/92 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit Page 1 General Information Location: 4701 STINE RD Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 Map: 123 Hazard: Minimal Grid: 14C FlU: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name ROBERT WEST KIRK THOMPSON Title #lC"I¡'/R~er 5u¡1é'1'"t./15pr Business Phone (805) 834-2371 x (805) 834-2371 x Phone: State: Zip: Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 'p 0 BX 1228 City: BAKERSFIELD Comm Code: 215-013 BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 Owner: UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE Address: 4701 STINE RD City: BAKERSFIELD Summary RECEtVED SfP 1 5 19921 HA7. MAT. nlV. ~ Up ~,~ is J:be (¥V~ @1 ~V:fß~r)~ ~ [))© ñJ®ú'®[Q)~ ©®fÎtófIv ~~&lß fl 1fiJ~~® ITlÊilifò®W®@ ~ÛÎJ® <3\00<81 Ik. rr-.'1 , C9.1ßßCS2J©UI®'l'J h~~rc;cus mat~~·q;,~ MA//'Ie4 5~/e5 OCS2J ~ !ñiîJêlliiJ&J@®ö !ñiîJ®úl~ íŒ~~81 ~©f ro/oI 5,1orPJ € ", , (~~õfë~iširW*-.._~lld Qhé4~ o~ ~~@rè® wiQify ®ð'iJJj OOlTf®©1Ò©rì~ OOifa$ftiftßJß® ® OO!ñiîJ¡g!®~® @!1@ OOU'f@(Ç1( Wù(2J[ijJQ ~~®m®ijQ ¡g~M ~©f fílFùJj ~&J©òWß~. W¡'iI,'. . '" 9/->=-2< IOcIO ~ . e 08/18/92 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 2 Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-001 FREON ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 4464 Low FT3 Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: COOLING ount FT3 - 4,' 46~---(XF ! I 'rr S. r:ìð CAS #: 75-45-6 Trade Secret: No Daily Max FT3 ----r-- Daily Average FT3 ~ Annual. 4,464 I 892.00 I Storage r Press T Temp I Loca METAL CONTAINR-NONDRUM Above CryogenlN END BLDG ON ROOF - Conc l 100.0% Freon 22 Components r=- MCP ---rList Low I 02-003 OXYGEN ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Gas 249 Low FT3 G~ CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 ----r-- Daily Average FT3 ~ Annual Amount FT3 - 249 I 249.00 I 747.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:I PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient IN GARAGE Location - Conc l 100.0% Oxygen, Compressed Components r~ MCP ---rList Low I 02-004 MOTOR OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Minimal GAL 0~ CAS #: 64742-54-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL - 110 I 55.00 I 165.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:ì Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Ambient Ambient SOUTH END OF GARAGE - Conc l Components 100.0% Motor Oil, Petroleum Based ~ MCP -::-rList Minimal I ç e e 08/18/92 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-005 WASTE OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 55 Low GAL t CAS #: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 55 I 20.00 I 55.00 Storage DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient SOUTH OF GARAGE BY FENCE - Conc l Components 100.0% Waste Oil, Petroleum Based r::- MCP ---rList Low 02-006 NALCO 2896 ~ Immed Hlth Liquid 80 Moderate GAL o~ CAS #: 1310-73-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Averag~ GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 80 I 60.00 I 250.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient AmbientlNE CORNER OF BLDG - Conc _I 5.0% Sodium Hydroxide Components MCP ~List f;oderate I 02-008 o~ NALCO 2590 ~ Immed Hlth Solid ,150 Moderate LBS CAS #: 7778-54-3 Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max LBS ~ Daily Average LBS ~ Annual Amount LBS -- 150 100.00 I 300.00 Storage DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient N OF DARK STORAGE ROOM - Conc l 65.0% Calcium Hypochlorite Components MCP ~List f;oderate I ~ . e 08/18/92 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical Page 4 I <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation RING BELL 3 LONG RINGS CONTINUALLY THE PERSONNEL ARE TO LEAVE AND MEET IN YARD BY WEST FENCE <3> Public Notif./Evacuation DOES NOT APPLY SMALL AMOUNT OF CHEMICAL, IF FIRE CALL 911 <4> Emergency Medical Plan TAKE PEOPLE TO WIIITE=:-~~~~ TO MERCY HOSPITAL WHT'I'E~E MEDTCALl:I:IINïe '5"'4~E'i:.¡N===&~00tP mel'~~ N@G~ '~tA~ ~tnt}k wa~~ bff)(J ~Jd t,'lIer ~~ {0~ªo~()()t) MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AV - 327-3371 ! I . . . e 08/18/92 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention SHUT DOWN PUMP AND WASH DOWN WITH WATER GAS CYLINDERS CHAINED TO CART <2> Release Containment PAN UNDER VALVE ASSEMBLY TO CATCH LEAKS OR DRIPPAGE TANK INSTALLED ON CONCRETE/BLACKTOP SURFACE. <3> Clean Up ABSORB WITH RAGS <4> Other Resource Activation · 08/18/92 e UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards' <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - N0NE f\lCi~~ f:N~ ~4 t3\A"IJI'I^"i~ B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH END BUILDING C) WATER - NORTH END BY CURB D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - WE HAVE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE HYDRANT - NORTH END OF BUILDING BY CURY <4> Building Occupancy Level ~ e e 08/18/92 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 00 - Overall Site Page 7 <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 18 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE HAVE SAFETY MEETINGS TWICE A YEAR ON SAFETY AND HANDLING OF CHEMICALS ON PREMISES AND ALSO OVERALL SAFETY. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use Far'" and Aqriculture L-.J Standard Business ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RECEIVED I . D E ~ 3 1: 1991 INVENTORY . Ans'd·p;~·~·7·0·ï / g r--- ---- NAME OF TrrtS ~fJL1.TY::ZCt"'t D/b'J-I:/dÅ;/ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ~ ¿ S'- 2<2.3. - 2(.! ¡¿./ Ii -), CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD ~~~~~i~~, "~ME~~:¿i '7Tf¡~. ~~ Sk,~ ~~~~~s~~ME' crTY. zrp: f?~ ,. <1' 9 CITY, ZIP: ' PHONE I: ~n.t;- [i',~ ~- ::J.? ., PHONE ,: R1U'1Ul TO R./ """ Sf' INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROP1Ul CODBS 1 2 Ir~n! Type Code Code ] !lax AIIIC « Average AIIC 5 Annua I Est 6 MUlure Units 1 I 1 Oys Cont on SIte Type , 10 Cont Cont Press T..p II Use Code 12 location Where Stored In Fac i 1\ ty 13 , by lit 11 Melitis of !lixture/Colllponents See Instruct ions ~:J Reactivity ~:J Delayed [:J SuddM Release ~ I~Iac. Hea Ith of Pressure HM Ith _ ;(i_:~_~r~___ ______ ____ ___e;_ ____ r2.C..___________________________ ------! '::;; ~I ~.;~ ~~s. ...... ~_ _~JIv..Q:¡Ë<{_~_______________m_________m___ _____I CoeQOOent 2 H88e' U.S. Hueber ?~~ Æ!:.':!!!9;.~:t._JY.j.Lc!dIf_..d,i~.:!:_t'_a~tf:..:?._____m_ I Coeponent 13 Hamo' C.A.S. Hueber 1 ---------------------------- ------ ---------------------------'"------*------------ - --- -, 'I C.A.S. Hueber _____ COIIponent II h.., C.A.S. Hueber . --- ------------------------------------------- ------ I Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) r-, ,.-, ,.-, ,.-, ,.-, \._J Fir. Hazard '-_J Reactivity '-_J Otlaytd L_J Sudden R.lease 1.._.1 I..tdlatt . Health of Pressure H..lth Coeponent 12 Na.., C.A.S. Hueber ----------------- -_..---- Cooaoontnt 13 Ha..' C.A.S. Hueber --------------- ---- -----------------------~---------- ------ Phys ica I and Hea 1th Huard (Check all that apply) C.A.S. Hueber COIIponent It Ha..' C.A.S. lIueber ------------- ------ ,.-, r-' ,.-, ,.-, '-_J Reactivity L_J Delayed L_J Sudden Release L_..I I-<liat. Hea I th of Pr.ssure Hfa I th COIIponent 12 Na.., C.A.S. Hueber --------------------------------------------------------- ------ Coeponent 13 Ha..' C.A.S. Hueber --- ...--------. ____l______l____________L____________L__________l_--'___l___L~L--L--- ------- ---- --------------------------- ------ , Physical and Health Hazard (Check a 11 that app Iy) C.A.S. Hueber Coeoonent It Ha..' C.A.S. HUllber --- --------------------------------------... ---....- r-, ,.-, r-, ,.-, ,.-, \. _J Fire Hazard L_J Reactivity L_J Delayed 1.._..1 Sudden Release 1.._..1 IMediat. Health of Pressure Health CÒlloonent 12 h.., C.A.S. HÙllber ---- ------------------- ------------------------ ---------- ----...- .. Coeoonent U h.. ~ C.A.S. NUlllb.r --- ......................................................... ...-- ~ERGEHCY CONTACTS 11 Rfif~b..eílA:.--~~~±--------.:------- ~¡&rlJ£l_~!'_----- ~~f-"P~!.J..l--- . '2¿~{ _:tfagi'?1ps..P-/L_______ nfwzeL~2.:':------------- r.4rfp~;'L2-_- Certification (Read and sign after completing all sections] . ( certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and.. fnilin with the Inforllati sub. ttd In this and al1 attic'*! docu.ents. and that based on ey inquiry of those individual's responsible I I for obcainlnq the inforlMtion. I believe that the subtlitted intor..tion is tru., accurate. and c: pc.. \ ---I'J-/o f) .--¡-- : ~&-~arffP.Tt-l-..tl(!)T€if:----:-:-nJRI1:&[,7'JfCJ.~t--~----t~~-.-.a-.uu---t.~.-- --~--- ~-.~~---------------- IÆ?-- .:? 1a~J.lL_--_---------------- "~.e an 0 tCla t1 e 0 ow~er/ooerðCor u owner oafra or s au ""rlze repres.n a.lve 'qna.ure . M.e Sfg;;e I I I ~/ ~~~. ~J1.~ . . fÍ ~.~ \-C\êA ,/ bY" ~. ~ '1?' FarM and Aqriculture L.-J Standard Business "'""'( CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ~~CC~~~~]¡ INVENT RY' n¡ MAR 2 3 1 9 U ¡ . . ,. ¡ Page _~_ ~ _ í NAME OF TrrtŠ ~ ,g. LITY::;zëe. i)1'~J.ÇJ¡W-: STANDARD IND. I DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER "2 I L §"'- !l~4: - 2' /. <6. ~~~1~i~; ,"~ME t~~-~a. Íq ~ 5-(.,~~ CITY, ZIP: (.Z~ " I . 9f:33C) PHONE #: ~ç- f?1l.f-:J ~7 I OWNER NAME: <; Ir4I1V\. e ADDRESS: CITY. ZIP: ' PHONE ,: RUBR TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPBR CODBS 1 2 Trðns Type Code Code 3 l'Iðx Alllt C Average Alllt 5 Annua I Est 6 Measure Units 1 I I Oys Cont on SIte Type 9 10 Cont Cont Prest t tAø II Use Code 12 Location Where 14 Halllts of IIhture/Collloonents See Instruct ions -'Ii II II I I û - ! icaT ~nd Health Hazard k all that apply) I . J I ~ fire Kazard :::=:; Reactivity [=:; Delayed [=J Sudden Relene ~ IMedlate Hea Ith 01 Pressure H..lth Ç.;1J;1-E.. 1 Phys ica 1 and Health Hatard (Check a 11 that aoo Iy) ---------------------------- ----- ---------------------------------¡----------- -----, 'I C.A.S. lIu.ber _____ to.ponent II lIalle' C.A.S. lIu.ber --- ---------------------------------------- ------- r -., r-' .--, .--, r-, ... _.I Fire Hazard 1.._.1 Reactivity 1..-.1 Delayfd 1..-.1 Sudden ReleaS!! 1..-.1 I_edlate Hea I th . of Pressure HN I th COIIponent 12 lIall4l' C.i.S. lIu.ber I ----------------- ------- to.oOl1ent n lIa..' C. A. S. Nu.ber Phys ica 1 ~nd Hea Ith ,Hazard' (Che1:k all that apoly) C.A.S. lIu.ber ---------- ---- ------.........~.,;SUV------------------- -----., . to.ponent 11 lIa..' C.A.S. lIu.ber ' COIIponent U lIa..' C.A.S. lIu.ber lti8(' gl 8~w .------------ ------ -------·0 37\1"3:1"3"8---------:--------- __-___, r-, r-' r-, r--' r-' ... _.J Fire Hazard 1..-.1 Reactivity 1..-.1 Delayed 1..-.1 Sudd@ll Release L._.I l.-edlate Hea I th of Pressure Hea I th to.ponent 12 lIa..' C.A.S. lIu.ber --- .-..---- ____1______L___________1______________L__________l___l__L__L..:_1-L__L__ I ____________ ____ ___________________l.--________ ------ Physical ~nd HealthHaurd (Check all that aøoly) C.A.S. lIu.ber COIIponent 11 lIa..' C.A.S. lIu.ber ---- ------------------------------------- --_....~ i r-, r-' r-, r-, r-, ... _.J F Ire Hazard I.. - .I Reactivity I.. _.J Delayed I.. _.I Sudd@ll Release I.. -.. IMediate Hea I th of Pressure Hea hh CÒllponent 12 lIa..' C.A.S. Nù.ber ------------------------------------------------- -- ----..- .:' COIIøonent n lIall\! ~ C. A. S. NUllber .---..--.-----.......---...-....---. ...-. ~.ERGEHCY CONTACTS 11Ømtt~---W.efj:t-----------;--_....-- T~6£.~~C_--32fj;::-~i;Ü--- . 12 ¡,{I.ll. -119..~.¡2¿_~..------ J~~l~-QJ'L----------- 14f~~~~a2.¿-- Certification (Read and sign after completing all sections} I . I certHy under oenallty of law that I have oersonal1y e.alll1ned and a. InfHar wIth the 1nforllat101\ sub.ftted in th1 lor obt~in;ng the Inlor..tI011. I believe that the subtlftted Inlor.atlon 1. true. .ccurate. .nd COlI te ~~~~~T·-·-l~~<:~---------· ~o ~~~~~-·ñõ----a---------·-··-- ---.... M"'~ aM ofrìcla thïe'õT o.ner/operatfr1l(i..ner7õ~tor 5 au< rue represen<a<lv. Igna<ure ... ~~' ~.~"'" ~". M' ,lot b",d m " ''''''Y of t.... ''''h'''''' ,,,"". ib I, ---~ - --------------- O¡~-;~~-=-L+-------------------: I I ï ~ c¡¡ Wpd04 Ie. CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD USIUESS NAME.",r¡¡t ~. f:J c~~~:'~~~;¡;i: ...~ PHONE ,: ~ -;;Z2 (¡¡/o/ 5,6"Y64;9 e..OWNER NAME: t!n//.ec/ SbJ.es ADDRESS: 4'~ ~~ :.. CITY. ZIP: Ker: @ ~ . PHONE ,: ROs-- 8"'3'1-.:J3 I 1UU'1!R 1'0 INS'1'RUCf'IOHS FOR G/o! J~r~e.. 93'309' R E C'E , V EO AUG 1 5 1991 I NVE NTO R Y t\ns'd~........... Page __~ of _~_ NAME OF TrrtŠ L~fJLl.TY: Tce.otÎ/tçÚ);I..(" STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER^ ~ Ls-2SJ--!1~L i I, i I " Farlll and Agriculture '--' Standard Business ~ HAZ ARD 0 U S MATERIALS 1 2 Ir~n5 Type Code Code 3 "ax Alllt . Averaqe Allt 5 Annua I Est 6 Measure Units 1 8 I Oys Cont on Stte Type , 10 Cont Cont Prell 11 Usa PROPH.R CODBS 12 lacat 10n Where 13 , by U Nallles of III; xture/CoIIIPonent5 Physica 1 and Hea Ith Halard I. all that apply) ,... r-, L _.J Fire Hazard I.. _.J Reactivity .. - , .. - , r'C".A I.._.J Delayed 1.._.1 Sudden Releue ~ I~tatl Hea Ith of Pressure HN Ith COIIlIOOent 12 NIN' C.....S. Nu.ber COIIponent 13 HUG!. C. A. S. Nu.ber ------------------ ---- ------------------------------- -----_.~ Phys ica 1 and Hu Ith Huard (Check all that apply) . C.....S. lIu.ber . q .. CoIIponent 11 lIa..' C.....S. lIu.ber ---...-------...- ------. r-, r-, ..-, ..-., r-" I.. _.J Fire Hazard '-_.J Reactivity '-_.I Oelayrd '---' Sudden Release to_.J IMedlate Hea I th of Pressure Hea 1 th CoIIponent 12 lIa..' C.....S. lIu.ber ----------.:--------------------------- -----. ,I COIIponent 13 lIa..' C..... S. Nu.ber ----l______l_______~____L_.__________L__.______J__'___L_-1~l__L___ ------- ---- ===-------=~~~~=--------- ==j Ph)'! ica 1 and Hu Ith Huard (Check a 11 that apply) C.A.S. lIu.ber _______ COIIpoI1ent II lIa..' C.....S. lIu.ber __ ____________________________________ ------1 r-, r-' r-, ,..-, r-, I.. _.J Fire Haard 1:._-' Reactivity '-_.J Oelayed 1..--' Sudden Release to_.J IMedlate Hea Ith of Pressure Health COIIponent 12 lIa..' C.....S. Nù.ber ---- ----------------- ---------------------------------- - -- - -- .. COIIøonent 13 lie.. ~ t.....S. NUlllber ~ERGEHCY COHlACTS 11 a~-~~-¿---ø!~~L----~------ ~~~------1ii:frJo~~----- . 12m:ílk-~p5£6¡:-:==··~~~::::::::=~{~r~~3¡:~=· Certification (Read and sign after completing all sections} I certify under øenalty of law that I have personally exalllined and a. hlll1iar with the Inforllation subaitttd In this and 111 Ittlchoc! dacu.ents. and that based on flY inquiry of those Individuals responsible for obtaining the Inlorllltion. I believe that the subaitted Inforllatlon is true. Iccurlte, .nd c te. ~.,.-A.-. ~ç! ka~J;.I.·,- /.1 J,.-~T~-t:..::.-P!dRW:l.7-..d&i¡{Ll.Ç¡ (;C:.a·..·-·-·-t-t.-· ..--t .. J.--~---.--------------- 1!rt-:/.~a-:Y..!---------------------· ~~ an or T Ic.a fIfff-~ o."erlooerator-t51î owner operator s ~rlle represen a 1V1 '908 lire a e ~19ne : I I I I C!o¡t¡/ Ml'ol~k J BUSINESS NAME: Il",,·.t-ed .~.. ..A-k.5 LOCATION: "tl'Jo I ~,j:Je í2.olAd CITY, ZIP: ~~KP,r.s..ç~'P/t""( PHONE #: ~S- - g34--237J It? IJ S--Iol"l1€. OWNER NAME: UAlJ:fpc/ :~./;.gkt; ADDRESS: t.¡~ ~~..ffeí ;)o¡r¡d CITY. ZIP: 11('" 'if PHONE ,: ~c;-- $(3'1-:23 I RBFBR 1'0 INSrRUCrIONS FOR PROPKR CODBS (Õ¡e/ ,(,,f,r~J t=' Q, ?":?nC¡ RECEiVED :I: NVENTd~y·6 1991 ,Ans·d·..··'Pãgé'"_"i_ of _L NAME OF Trrts L~fJL1.TY: s/?w;e... STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER~ ~ L.£ - i ~ 3 - L L ~ L CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD far.. and ~9riculture '--' Standard Business ~ HAZARDOUS MATER:I:AL~; '13309 1 2 J ( 5 6 , a , 10 11 12 ¡r~n5 Type JII~x Averaqe Annual JIIeasure I Ovs Cant Cant Cant Un locat ian Where Code Code . Allt AlOt Est Units an Site type Press t..P Code Stored In Faei IIty CDOIponent 11 NaIlC! , C.A.S. Nu.ber ..-., CDOIl!OIIent 12 NaN , C.A.S. Nu.ber 1 I I ______ ________________________________________ __________ ___ -,-I ~____ _ J!l1f.f).____7.Jt:?_L__J_t\:pc~L,~_____________~ d___" \ I ______ _5..ºd.~~_6;!J_____'~._'$ç!/:QJs..Ú:l..f?...------------- i 1] \ by lit U Nalllf!s of lIixture/Collloonent5 See Instruct ions _____ ____.Mß.._~e._~-'---L~g,,-L, ~:~ __£;..~~'1!M__Á~t'OXLr!.e_-~----------- ------, r-'" r-' r--' r-' ,.-~ \._.1 Fire Hazard 1:.-.1 ReactivIty 1..-..1 Oelayfd 1.._..1 Sudden Release L2:S::i I..edlatt Hea I th of Pressure Kea I th CDOIponent n lIille' C.A.S. Nu.ber -- ----------------- --..---- CDOIoanent I] Na..' C.A.S. IIUllber ¡. /"' e" It, I CDOIponent 13 lIa..' C.A.S. NUllber ____ ___ _. _~. ,!!1.m__LL512~j'OP-~-3t20...~J..b..sJ.3-"'.S:.Ln-tLl~M$12"j-Wd...e1' fJ.H.forY.tL::.?_:!P';~1i:..: ~_ ~__-1:L3_{¿¿Q_.:..:Ii&..* leh_~___ ______' Physical fnd Hulth Huard C.A.S. NU.ber--LL'ø.Q, )q.~-~? CDOIponent II lIa..' C.A.S. lIu.ber~ '"If:, QA / " I (Check al1 that aoply) ,.-:- C'A? \ \8'- S-;;..-S _'ZfJ.._ !=.!i!.~~:..Ç_t':.~~á"":-~.m~M1a~ Ú';¡___ .. _., .. _, .. _, .. _, r....-=." , . CÒllponent 12 IIflll' C.A.S. NÙllber -, ~ ' ~. \. _.I FIre Hazard I.. _ .I Reactivity I.. _ .I Delayed I.. _..I Sudden Release~ IMedlate .. LJO I 3 ~,,\. J L (' L- oJ. ' /, 1, J 1.£,..1.A' J ¡.¿ I Hea 1 th of Pressure Health C f\? 1~ '-1/5"- fl , - ;).. x:__ ..___.JJlc..lt!..WttJ...z;.;¿.:- ~:no.I· ./1.ff-El~?!::1l-- ---- n____ CDOI JOI1ent 13 Naill! .' C.A.S. NUlllber -"'- /(J . JJ~ ~~ - , '¿dpL~~ & I .,.,.... 0 J '2-1"1' ~ t? - S - _17 J)J' J+;J...¡¡,j - .........~. . . " ~ERGEHCY COH1ACTS 11Rame _i_~t.._________;_______ «(~~_______ ~f-'ilJi.?;.----- . '2itJ.-~-m.p.s-QU..-------- T6r.øß&(--------------- fttf/{r£~3.L r-' r-' r-" r'C::l1 1.._.1 ReactivIty 1.._.1 Delayed 1..-..1 Sudden Release 1.."::::::' IMediate Health 1]1 "'(). 0+ f 104 _~..!.t:1::'" ____ _.-ßfð..Lc.lJ..--....-¿s:.2-º------- ------ ___n.. toIIponent II lIa..' C.A.S. NUllber Ie ( ~ ~ ) j I/> ..L1If E!.!:!.!:!1- t2C}( ..f2L.!_~_______ ------ 7 eo.ponent 12 lIa..' C.A.S. Nu.ber i bl. _f1y~¿'J!:._~___c.lLb.L'..!!.. e._-:-_________ ------. Jt Certification (Read and sign after completing all sectIons] I certify under penalty of law that 1 have personally exalllined and.. fðli1iar with the Inforlllatian sub.itted in this and .11 .ttlehed docu.ents. and that based on t.y inquiry of those IndIviduals responsible , lor obtaininq the Inforlllltlan. I believe that the sub.ltud Inlor.atlon i. true. .ccurate, and CDOI"te. f\. ,~ &-~g~t.-~~.áz;:---~-----d{~of~£'~~:t:"-~----tr1Õ..--a--------tT-- s~(g--~~------------------ D_~::;-<6 __i-2_L_______________ , . '" , "" " " -" """'" ,., "'" " . '" ".. ~."''".... ,~ '" . .. _.e, I I '-'.&..& .& "J \ I f f t I ; f.... ",d 'q' icu Itu,! '--' Stlrnll,d 8us'n~s ~ (:ILc::. \)"...-S..cI.....) r::, rei <;fc,'fw' e. OWNER NAME: U r"\ " . ..p,.J () ADDRESS: ..., )0 I <;h ¡..J.. CITY. ZIP: 1<":'(FrC;{,t'!d PHONE ,,: ~~ - - c,<.~ Lf - )... 2> ) , RU1!R 2"0 IIfSTRUC'Z'IOIfS rolf PROPIlR HAZARDOUS MATER~ALS ~NVENTORY NON-TRADE SECRETS CODB3 PIC ' 1~:6. of 2. I NAME OF TI'rtŠ fl'_qL1.TY: <: }7'J"" 7 e.- STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE I¿)C 9' ') DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER : _ - ,N) r'l ,- BUS I NESS NAME: t,/ r1 I ~~d S-j-H+..: <.. LOCATION: ¿..¡7n I '5f,N'e R",~cl C!TY, ZIP: p.,,,K.,,,<::-ht' tel q :l¡3 C'<ì PHONE': ÇO<'"- ~';'I-;;"'" ? } 5~ I-ð r;.Jc,j Sk;~I4-C: e . v Kc,.....d '=1 ::¡ ~ D'7 I 2 3 c 5 , , , 11 1 rent Tyøe II.. AWf'Iq' Annua 1 IIHsu" IOys CcrIt Un Cod. Cod. Mt Mt Est Units on Stt. Pres. Code U WE''5 + C.A.S. ... c:a..ø-t II 11 13 loatlon --. , by Stored In F.cil ity lit wAIl ð-P GAi'~'1Q.. --rr-- - ... . C.A.S. ..... 11 II-. of !liKtl/l"tfe-t' . IMtructions " I I K/~e^I" /CSi 5êr!&'f'tdf- t?7:5 ~ fin Huard r-., r-., r-., ~~ 1-.:Ilm '- - oJ Reactivity '- - oJ Delaywd '-_oJ Sudden hl_ HHlth of P....su... 11M Ith e 1,1.. 0 .::3:: F ,... Hazard r-., r-., r-., r-" '- - oJ Reactivity '- - oJ Delayed '-_oJ Sudden hl_ '-_oJ 1-.:1 1 lit. llealth of P....SUI"t 11M Ith LL Z FI,. Haurd r:-,. r-., r-" r-., ~ Reactivity '- - oJ Oelaywd '- - oJ SudMn Rtl..,. '- - oJ 1-.:1 1 lit. H..lth of PI'tSIU'" HHlth eo.aør-t 11 .... C.A.S. .... ec..-nt 13 .... U.S. .... .z;v GAr-ACt e (/ c..-nt IT .... C.A.S. ..... Co.onont 11 .... C.A.S. .... t'C~ OX U () eN ~ ~ 0:2. ,nl/ _ ~ c-t 13 .... C.A.S. ..... --- ---- Caa90Mnt II .... C .A.5. .....,. CaaocnGnt n ..... C.A.S. ÞDbœr /C(J; AC:ß-I~ ~eNe ec..-nt 13 .... C.A.S. ~ ---l-_L____~_L________..l__________l__ L_j 1 A' Physical and H..hh Halllrd ,. ({heck all thet 'Pf/ly) C.A.S. IhMbtr __________-,... Cœøoncnt II .... C.A.S. ~ ,.-., ~-., r-., r-., r-., ~_.J Fi,. Hlurd' '-_oJ RHctivlty '-_oJ Oellywd '-_oJ Suddf!l'l Rll~. 1..-..1 l-.dlat. Hell th of Pres sur. H.al th Cc:aocnent 12 111M. C _ A. S. "'**' ---------------------- --- - eo.øor-t 13 .... C.A.S. IIwbrar IIERGENCY C()fUCTS ItR~~r:.C.t._ _.æ_$.l:..._~_._________ (f{#J2LtJ-ec..~--------- ;i-f;~n~ I2W~LLJaLd.~.-.----.---.- ~~Ì)t""~N~~,cI...l'¡{--! ~f-"~ if'::{__ C.,ttiïcltion (Read and sign after COBplfHing all sections} t . . . I 1 certHy ~der øenalty of la. that I have Dtrsonally IXI.;n..! end a. ,..;liar with the Infor..tion subOJittGd In this and .11 .tt.chcd cIocU'Cellts, lOCI thot basud on Ff inquiry of those Indhddue1s I'9tØOl1sibl. for &?,~ the Inf~tlon. 1 \l1eve the: )he subeitted ;nforsat;on il true, accur.tt, and COllOlat..J, +cJ _ l-- 11_::..;:- ·-a 11 ~1·'}-¿-1--{--!....:·--~-~ "~----7--~ .!" ~,,-~ ),.~ -~-,:.--- S·-Æt·.:!'·--~-....~...~L.L----~----------.--.-- "" .::;¿S' - CJ.___~2______.__ '~.n 0 'c,. Hi. 0 o-nerloøerator"c. owner o~r¡tõ~.,'¡¡(F.ö~i~~<,yt '9na ure ....{fSi~- I '.. (' ........--..-.-.-- - --....-------..- . _.- - ..- CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD Farlll and Agriculture '---' ,.--, Standard Business <---.: HAZARDOUS MATERJ:AL::; J:NVENTORY Page ~___ of ____ ~~~~~~~~,.AM5o~'~~~~ CITY. ZIP: ~f1K..' e':S-H. ~ 0 PHONE fI: ðOS-~ &-'3,/-,23 :I S"kQ: e ~~::=S:~ME~~-~h C;&/ a.M,.9"'. CITY, ZI~ VI ~ 'YCJ 9' PHONE": tJ - 9- IUU'IfR 1'0 INS'l'RUCI'IONS 'OR PROPIfR CODES NAME OF Tft1Š FACILITY: STANDARD IND. -ciÄSSCODE 9 DUN AND BRADSTREE}7 ~.tWa,'c~.' ER ð'"J,'j '1 ~ 15 - 4;p~- -/i_Cð 7 1] , by lit It Hallll!s of Mixture/COtIIOOIII!IIU See Instruct ions 1 2 ] 4 5 6 1 . , 11 12 1 r~n5 Type Ma~ Average Annua I Measure I Oys Cont Cont Use location IIhere \) r.ode Code AIIt Alat Est Units on SIte Press Code Stored In Fac II t ty COIIponent 11 7:t!.f'! r _ , ,. -, COIIlIOI1ent 12 H.... C.A.S. Huaber r- \ ,,~ ' ¡ fJ. J' '±' ' ~L" ~..Je- 0{ . L _ -' Fire Hazard '- _.J Reactivity \..~./ ,__'Lt¿_ sl~Ç--8:L.'1t.ø..l Ia.l~F?.{2--./9;.----:---!'lt~--ç~ <:~~~ COIIponl!llt U Nea.' C...S. Nuaber / I, II) I 1- ',/('1 I"" lOP CIt"1J¡..! 19/XI IJ eNI'f"fe. 5£1. } 'o(ë-- a ~¡~~~~~_~~J_~~~~~~~_.~~~~-~---~ ( heck all that apply) ------ 'fðK{Z .úl..a.;;£e..::.__I11.RI!!!:'---Æl---------'------------ ------ c-...,." ,..-., .--, ,.-, f""O-1 ~ Fire Haard '---' Rtlctivity '-_.J Delayed '-_..I Sudden Rel..se ~ l_edlete . Health . of Pressure H..lth COII IOI1l11t IZ lie... C.A.S. lIulbtr --- ----------------- ------- 'c:o.oonll1t I] II.... C.A.S. IIUlber ----------------------------------þ ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- ------ Phys ic.1 .nd Hu 1th Haurd (Check .11 that apply) , C.A.S. lIulbtr c:o. IOI1l11t 11 lIa... C .A.S. lIuaber - -------------------------- ---..-- ,. _ , r _ , ,. - , ,. -, ,. -, c:o. IOI1l11t IZ lIa... C.A.S. Nuabtr Lfo. L_-' Fire Hazard '-_.J Reectivity '-_.J Delayed '-_.J Suddl!ll Release '-_.J 1~I.te 7~ Health of Pressure Health COII IOI1l11t I] lIa... C.A.S. Huabtr ------------.:-----~~--'~~~--:----------- ------- ---~ tT .--- ~ ~~. ____l______l____________l_____________l__________J____.1____L_--1_-----1-1---L---------------------- ____ _____________~~- d ~----~--------- ------ P'r ica t .nd Hu Ith H.urd C.A.S. NUlbtr COI IOI1l11t II II.... C.A.S. NUlber ..." J- ~ ( heck all th.t .pply) ----------- C- IOI1l11t 12 ---- _________________--:~------ill-------------- ------ ,. _, r _, ,. -, ,. -, ,. -, - II... . C.A.S. NÙllber V L _.J Fire Hazard '-_.J Reactivity '---' Delayed '-_.J Suddl!ll Releese '-_..I lMedlete Health of Pressure Hea 1th -------------------------..------------------ ---------- ----.. - - COIIpoIIII1t IJ II.... C.A.S. HUllber ~~a~mß ~~~~¿------~.~~ .~-~. .. Certification (Re8d and sign after completing 811 sections) I certify under penalty of la. that I have person.lly e~ðmined and 811 hllil1er with the inforllðtion subllltted in this end e11 Ittlchld docUllI1u, and that based on ay inquiry of those Individuals responsible for obtaining the infor..tlon. I believe that the submitted information i. true, eccurete, and COlplet,. ~ nM;¿a;¿fYl-~ --.tl!:J3f-!h.ª------~~ /JeC¿¿¡1..tç>4Lq:;t~-1(~a-------·-(-E.-. S~?!~~ -:~::.--# - -- --.----------------- ~(·'::"s·f:-a--<i:.2~---------------------- Mme an 0 1iëìãl t1 e 0 ownV7'Ooerator -orõwneriooera or 5 au ""rue represen e, IVe ~~ . rnë Igne I I ,)1! 09/91 - e UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 Overall Site with 1 Fao. Unit Page 1 General Information Looation: 4701 STINE RD Ident Number: 215-000-000974 Contaot Name ROBERT WEST N£D TllOHrSON KiR~ Map: 123 Hazard: Minimal Grid: 14C Area of Vul: 0.0 Business Phone (805) 834-2371 x (805) 834-2371 x Title Administrative Data Mail Addrs: P 0 BX 1228 City: BAKERSFIELD Comm Code: 215-013 BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 Owner: UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE Address: 4701 STINE RD City: BAKERSFIELD Summary pÞv 1J¡ 'i- re~(~ Kt-J; tvJ ..fv ^ f 01 f. þ¡1Jo r;n~ .ft' t9 T'\.J ~ I V I É 'ï. 93301 L-"..J ) ?J.} )f3o D&B Number: 15-753-7127 State: CA Zip: 93382- SIC Code: Phone: (805) 834-2371 State: CA Zip: 93309- C1.A1 (offe. (F'f9^ ~ Eo ~-7-~/.. 01/09/91 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order Page 2 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quantity MCP 02-002 NALCO 7361 LIQUID Liquid 150 Moderate Immed Hlth GAL 02-001 FREON Gas 4,464 Low Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 . - - e 01/09/91 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-002 NALCO 7361 LIQUID Immed Hlth Liquid 150 Moderate GAL CAS ~: 1310-73-2 Trade Seoret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT ---- Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 150"00 I 100.00 I 250.00 I Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp -:ì Looation Ambient Ambient NE CORNER BETWEEN COOLING TOWERS - Cono l Components 5.0% Sodium Hydroxide, Solution r;:; MCP ---rList Moderate 02-001 FREON Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 4464 Low FT3 CAS #: 75-45-6 Trade Seoret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: COOLING ---- Daily Max FT3 ~ Daily Average FT3 --r-- Annual Amount FT3 -- 4,464.00 I 892.00 I 4,464.00 Storage r Press T Temp ~ Location METAL CONTAINR-NONDRUM Above Cryogen N END BLDG ON ROOF - Cone l 100.0% Freon 22 Components 1-:- MCP ---rList ¡Low I 01/09/91 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 00 - Overall Site Page 4 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation RING BELL 3 LONG RINGS CONTINUALLY THE PERSONNEL ARE TO LEAVE AND MEET IN YARD BY WEST FENCE <3> Public Notif./Evacuation DOES NOT APPLY SMALL AMOUNT OF CHEMICAL, IF FIRE CALL 911 <4> Emergency Medical Plan TAKE PEOPLE TO WHITE LANE EMERGENCY MEDICAL CENTER OR TO MERCY HOSPITAL WHITE LANE MEDICAL CLINIC - 5401 WHITE LN - 832-2000 MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AV - 327-3371 . e · e 01/09/91 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention SHUT DOWN PUMP AND WASH DOWN WITH WATER ~ú S C '-~ \'-".L rSo C hc...< ('\ e. c1 -+0 ( A-r+ ~ Release Containment - ~I"'\ vf"\Ó:s,(' vCl\.\v-€ o..'S~I""bl::1 -ro CfT"ì<:"h lÐ.c.~~ ~, dL'?~~ - -\.o...r-. \C.. \ (\ ~~ \~ ~ 0 t) COí"\c.{"<...~ I b\c..c..Ltc.Ç> ~0r~CJL ® Clean Up .ç\~SD(~ W ~-+Ÿ1 \<...o..~ <4> Other Resource Activation 01/09/91 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH END BUILDING C) WATER - NORTH END BY CURB D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Prctec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - WE HAVE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE HYDRANT - NORTH END OF BUILDING BY CURY <4> Held for Future use . e ---- . e 01/09/91 UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE ICE 215-000-000974 00 - Overall Site Page 7 <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 9 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE HAVE SAFETY MEETINGS TWICE A YEAR ON SAFETY AND HANDLING OF CHEMICALS ON PREMISES AND ALSO OVERALL SAFETY. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use I I I ~~- Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Inspection Date Completed /2r s-- V a4~E_~ ~ Business Name: tÁv¡ffZ2 <-W-J Location: 470/ c <;;4#6' Plan ID # 215-000'~'1¡ (Top right comer Business Plan) Station No. /~ C/ Shift Inspector HI" MAT. ['tV. v RECEIVED .DEt 0 6 \990 Adequate Inadequate Verification of Inventory Materials ~ ~ EJ Verification of Quantities D D D ~ D ~rY/# :¡;'v61ï68f C2JØD D Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments:~f lit;.; Pi1r k AJl>'T -iÞttÆ Verification ofMSDS Availability Number of Employees r c Verification of Haz Mat Training c# Comments: D Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures ¡g-- D Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted ~ D Gl-- D Containers Properly Labeled Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram g----- D Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: FD 1652 (Rev. 3-89) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Office Standard Bus;ness ~ HAZARDOUS MATER I ALS (:tLe O)'V\'~\'"I'I ) , ~~~~ ~;~~: NAME :.~~.~~' .~:~Q ~,,/ 5~" ~~~~=s~~\ l.\ ",j. -t, ~ ~i19t;¡< Co loA ç- "".,,~ ~ CITY, ZIP~___ (_c_ ;>~º-_ CITY, ZIP'~~e~~lo! q'\3V<1 PHONE ,: _ _ - ~ PHONE ,: ÝQS--- &- 3 L( -;2.3 ') I R1U"BR 1'0 INSrRUC1'ZONS FOR PROPBR CODES R E r. J:, '" E I] AUG 1 ,4 1990 I NVENTOR.Y , Ans'd·--~ï--·"ï . . .. I Page _~__ of ____ , NAME OF TrrtŠ rM~J[,1.TY: 5i4Y"'1€- STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER / S - '7 s- 3 - 7 J ;;1.. 2 -- --- -~- CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD 1 2 tr~n5 TYDe Code Code 3 M!~ ht . Average AIIt 5 Annual Est 6 Ilea sure Units 1 I Oy5 an Site 9 10 II Cant Cant Use Press '''P Code 1Z Location IIhere Stored In he III ty 13 , by lit 11 NalM!s of IIixture/COtIoonent5 See Instruct ions Coeoanent U NaN' C.A.S. Number Phys ica 1 and Hea Ith Huard (Check all that apply) C.A.S. Nu.ber , -------------- ---- ----------------------------------- ---- -., Coeponent II lIa..' C.A.S. lIu.ber r--, r-' r-, r-, ,._, L _.J Fire Hazard 1.--' Reactivity 1.--' DelayPd 1.--' Sudden Release L._.I IMedlate Hea J th of Pressure Hea I th - ----------------r-------- ---...-- Coaponent 12 lIa..' C.A.S. Nu.ber COIIponent U NaN' C. A. S. Nu.ber -----------;------------------...--------- --- ---j ------l-------_____J______________l___________l__-'____L__L~L_l__L___ --- Phy1 iea 1 and Hu Ith Huard (Check all that aøaly) C.A.S. NUllber COIIponent II Na..' C.A.S. Nu.ber I ---------- ---- -------_____________-1..________ ______1 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- ------ r-, r-, r--, ,..-, ,.._, L --' Fire Hazard I.~-' Reactivity 1.--' Delayed L_.I Sudden Release L._.I IMediate Health . of Pressure Health Co.ponent 12 lIa..' C.A.S. Nù"ber ---- --------------------------------------------------- -----~ .:6 COII IOIIent 13 MaDe ~ C.A.S. NUlllber "ERGENCY CONTACTS 11 ãmf~ _~cr:.__.ft¿æ¿f_..___~_______ fif(.Æ:-1/d-~~~----- ~~~/-¿~__ C!W-P-f-;.;=:=··~~~~=::::::::=~·~~:~~2ii.~' Certification (Read and sign after completing all sections) ( certify under penalty of law that I have personally e~alllined and II fallf1iar with the Inforllat1011 sublllitted in this Ind Il1ltUched docuaents, Ind that based on .y inquiry of those Individuals resøonsible I f~Qbta;n;ng the Inforllðtlon. I believe that the subtlitted inforllation i. true, Iccurate, Ind~te. . ..-.4-- 1 ~~g-~ae.:t-TT·-·/ I !1~.-:<.t::--_·:::·~O~~~7 .~(:---u~-·--a---------T-T.-- .- -- -- ---- ~---------------------- D-Ks:¿Ya- - !..q--, __________________1 "~me dn 0 'c 1d ~le õf o."er¡OOerðtor . ownè¡;7i!Õei-a,or s aUUlQrlle reprtsen.a. ,ve 'qna ure . a.e 'gne I I ~9'9C? . 4'~d4~ CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD Farlll and Agriculture '--' Standard Business ~ HAZARDOUS MATERX AL::; RECEIVEO X NVENTORY M~R 2 1990 PagARsí.d.g1.~_~..... NAME OF Tft1Š F~~!L~TY: A STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER~ ¿::¿- 2-2'ª- L'L~2 BUSINESS NAME :tJlI :./~ ,~~k.s GY ~"'¡'...-.4f}e LOCATION: Lf')¿)/ ~~}vp Rei CITY, ZIP :8R-Fercf;'f>(r1, (1A II¥?' q 33l'?C( PHONE 11: ~,')'"- 'i?'3l.f- .;1.~ , / OWNER NAME: . ')A yV\ f" - ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: PHONE 11: RBF1!R 1'0 INS'l'RUCI'IONS FOR PROPKR CODBS 1 l Trans Type Code Code 3 Max Alllt . Average Alllt 5 Annua I Est & Measure Units 7 I I Oys Cont on Site Type t 10 Cont Cont Prell " Use Code 13 \ by 11 Nallll!s of Mixture/COIIoonents See Instruct ions ___Pef2./.::L--:::.¿;L-------------'-------------- ~ca I and Hea Ith Hallrd ~k al1 that apply) ---..-- ---- ------ ----------.. ----..---------------- ---- -- --------.. - ---.. -- ~=~ Fire Hmrd ~=J Reactivity r:J Delayed [:J sUdden Releen ~ IMediat. Hu Ith elf Pressurl HN Ith COIIAO/1ent 12 Ha... C.A.S. Hu.ber ----..- --------------------------------~--------_..._~---- COIIponent n Ha.l. C. A. s. Nu.ber ------- -------------------------------------- ..---- ----------------------------------_.---------------~------ ------- Physical and Health Hazard I Check a 11 that app ly) C.A.S. Hu.ber ___ COIIponent II Ha... C.A.S. Hu.ber ----- --------------------------------------------- ------ ,. -, r-' r-' r-' ,.-, ~ _.1 Firl Hazard '-_.1 Reactivity '-_.1 Delayed '-_.1 Sudden R.lease L.-.II_tdiat. . Hea I th . of Pres sur. H..I th Coaponent 12 HI... C.A.5. Hu.ber -------------------- ------- Coaøonent U Ha..' C.A.5. Hu.btr ---------- ---- ------------------------------------ ------ Physical and Health Hazard (Check al1 that apply) C.A.5. Hu.ber_ Coaponent 11 Ha.' C.A.5. Hu.ber - --------------------- ------ ,.-, r-' r-, r-' ,..-, ~ _.1 Fire Hazard 1._.1 Reactivity 1._.1 Delayed 1._.1 Sudden Release '-_.I IMedlate Hea I th of Pressure Hee I th Coaponent 12 Ha..' C.'.S. Hu.ber ------------------------------------------ ----- -- COIIponent n Ha..' C.'.S. Hu.ber --- ___l______l____________l_____________l___________l____-'_____t_..J----L-l---l------------------- ---- ------------------------------- ------ I I I Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) C.A.S. Nu.ber _____ Coaponent 11 Ha... C.'.5. Hu.ber ---- ---------------------------------------- ------ r-, r-'" ¡--., r-' ,..-, ~_.1 Fire Hazard 1._.1 Reactivity 1._.1 Delayed 1._.1 Sudden Release '-_.I IMedhte Hea I th of Pressure Health COIIponent 12 Ha..' C.'.S. NÙllb.r -------------------------------------------- -------- -- ---- - - - COIIponent UNa.. . C... 5. Nuaber ~ERGEHCY CONTACTS ,'ffmfec:t.-tdðf..------------------- «?~d~_________ r~'h~2..~--- . .26ii?.L..zb~¿¿--------- Tð~--------------. f."q¡~~~.:V-~- ......................................................... ...... Certification (Read and si!!n after completing all sections' , I certify under penalty of law that I have personally e~amined and I. faalliar with the Inforaation subaiUtd In this and a11 aUlchee! docu.ents, ,nd that based on .y inquiry of those Indfvldulls responsible for obtaining the inforlllltion. I believe that the subaitted Inforlllatlon is true. accurat., and~OII te. - I ~~aeir-T.t-l-/~ Jl__PSi!:____~_____o~_/21A7 WJ4C1e~.--a------··-t-E.-. ~ - -- --- --~ I) -~.1=::.----------------- Ð-E·~S·:~a-::.~~---------------------- t~\~ an 0 lClð tff'lë'-õïo~ñl;:ioDerator "owner operatõiUit"auu",rue represen a.," Igna ure . a.e Igne I . I CIT}T of BAKERSFl.6·Ll) Far~ and Agriculture '--' Standard Business 'Z HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY C¡3309 (:t<..¿ Div;sio",) 0) (d 5 ~~r AC f' OWNER NAME: 1I vll.¡..~·d <-/A +("~ Co fc:l q ADDRESS: Lf) f;; ~'¡"I ~ ~ ~ CITY. ZIP: /.-' kr: F,"; 01 3j0'1 PHONE ,: !;C<;"' - ¥'.'3' ~/- ;¿ 3 / I Rl!rU 'I'D INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES ~~rri1eNAME OF T~Š FACILITY: " STANDARD IND. -C-ÙSS CODE DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER _ - cl \Þ-_ - Page .L of _d. :$" rt yv\ e. ,;tC")? BUSIUESS NAME:l'^,I~"'(J q~-I-I"'< LOCATION:~«'J I ~h,,¡~' k",""c./ C!TV, ZIP: I;(,~ K~ ,.<:, r,p Icf PHONE I: Ço ~- X' ~I.¡- .;z :1. '7 / 1 Inns I Code 2 Type Code J M~x "'lIt C Average ht 5 Annua Est & Measure Units 1 I Oys on ,Site , 10 COIIt COIIt Press T..p 11 Use Code '. 12 location Where Stored In Facility IJ , by "t 11 NaIM!S of Mixture/Co~oonenu See Instruct ions COIIponent 11 "a..' C.....5. Nu.ber ,--, r-, r-'" r-, ~ L_-' Fire Hazard L_-' Reactivity '---' OelayM '---' Suddtn Release ~ IMedlate Hea I th of Pressure H..I th COIIQOnent 12 Na..' C.A.5. Nu.ber COIIoonent I] MI'" C.....5. Nu.ber ~ r-, r-, ,.-, ~ L~ Fire Haurd '---' Reactlvfty L_-' Oe1ayrd L_-' Sudden Releue ~ 1_ltdlate Health 'of Pressure HNlth u orf:641dL&w..:..:':&;J,,¡f<:. _ ((/0 _LC.e.~LL________________m____ _mu COIIponent II line ¡ C.A.5. lIu.ber _ _&.;:tÁ _ ------------- ........- II I, I COIIøonent IJ Na..' C.....5. lIu.ber r-, ,.-, ,.-, ,.-, ~ L - -' Fir! Hazard L_-' R!activlty '---' O!1ayrd '-_.J Sudden Reluse ~ l-.diat! Health of Pressur, ,Health COIIponilnt 12 II..., C.I.5. Hu.ber .-------------------------------------------------------- ----..-- COIIoonent IJ Na..' C..... 5. !lu.ber ~l~~~~~_~U~~l~~t~~I~l~-~---~~-~b--~-~--~---- p~t~~~:'af'ìdt~:~I~~ø~;)ard , . I ~ U.5.lIu.ber;J.~/L2.~S-~-If--- COIIøonent II lIa.. It.A.5. Nu.berp.: /.¡,~ S"-Ch/oro _ ;;1.- mef-/",¡/-tj-¡'Sof-/uÍ'12C 1# .:f. c.~5;z..t.:, ~)... ~ - Þ{ . / ---- ------------------o--~------------------ --'fc2 r - , ,. -, r - , ,., ~ .. COIIoonilnt 12 lIa..' C.I.S. NUlOber 3 /). ' L_-' Fire Hazard L_-' Reactivity '-_.J Oe1ay!ð '-=.J Sudden Re'lus~ ~~ I~iat, - -ON~ Health of Pres sur, .:--.---' .Health ''1i: ~......~ I COIIøonent IJ Nu., , C.A.5. !lulllber?-. 13"'" ..' - I- /c;( ;YIe-lJ,..J - Jf - /50 II, ¡',q :lC'/;'¡ - 3 ,- ol·d~_ - -----..Ti"-------------.----...-.----~. .....-] . 12R~JL-Lfu!lðf.;_.-------.:------~- «;~2~Cæff~qt'~i----- ~h~;%¿i:~ IIERGEHCY COHT"'CTS 11 ~1k~~cL--~~L----m--~_- øl¡9~ß~~L:----- ~f-";~~----' ----- Certification (Read and sj¡;n after completing all sections) I cert ily und!r pe<1a \ty of 18.. that I have persona l1y exallined Ind u fui11ar with the Inforllat1on sublllttltd In thIS and ,11 .ttac,,*, docueents. and that based on IV inquiry of those individua Is responsible lor a;ni the InlorlO8tlon, I believe tha~UOllitt~ Inforllatlon Is tNe, accurlte. tnd COOl&1 f' ) -J- ~ ' _ _ ~ " ____u -TT _..~~/.___l0__~ ~"'~---·---"2~~t'~-~~{L>::---~- S. - _t:::d'..~_1__~ü::______________ ft..C2s----a---'i~--~-----------·- ~me ðn 0 IC 1 ð I (It It OJ Ow·,..r¡OOe'Hor 1)) o..ner/o~erator S au fíõrlleo ~resiñfitiŸe '91'11 lire va.e 19ne ·!.J.---f I I ï -. - "~ i e ·....-::::"A'J"-;O' / .' " l\i::.~'.. /O'ip . 0 \S');, /~.' ~\\ : f......' f'" ..W ==-~..A,~ v';) 'ì,\' :;'~)\'.i, '. "'.C' ':": .: ...~/ :4l.¡ _. ~ V:: "~ · q1 ~ ~\t~!\~~~ CITY Of,~:~;:',SFIELD 6 :A/P{~'~ß '~ ~-...:'::: I''\'''/ ~ LJ~/1Ííj~ I koBE-if í W~.s/ (tYDe or print name) ~'~ \~?JJ Do here b}- cert i fy tha t I ha -,"e revi eh'ed the RECEIVED JAN 1 3 1989 Ans'd. .................. attached Hazardous Materials business plan for /}/I//1.iD SíAT£.s (!oJ,.O S¡;¡(AG£ - TÆf Pltl/. (name of business) and that it along with the attached additions or corrections constitute a complete and correct Business Plan for my facility. j1Jx.f' / ~) ~i = slgna't.ure ' / - /;2-- ?1'9 date ::) " ~ t fr ~ ,\\.' '¡, :..'cþ7 \~ J iJ¡ - ¡ Sif\~< 17 \ ' , , {' 1\ -/ ~'~ {\ 1 '("¡'~ , ~¡ ^¡!~,j -} r " - ¡ (\,~\.' 1 _. ! }, . . f;: ¡ 'J' '1 f~" ,: . l' ryy> í'\~y eß-~' -V ~lv \':'.- "I'\; , 'J ~\6 fP, J ft '~L "L"- I"" ~ ,', Jt ~ I. ' . -'II '\....d-' ~ \~ : :.., f¡ t;:' . \\:/\>/;".:,/ f)' \ r'I" '. :\le ;;(' ..g' \: Î p~,' , ~, .':'" ,,,,\ .,\ {)J (ir l\ ,2~·' .', ' 1\ 1~ '( J V';" ,r. l'r \" JIJ\\ \ jl/ U \. \{' J. \V V C4:~ \jJr '\\ .\'1 ):' ,\\Y\t Y . V\ . ~è \, t,,! \ BUSINESS NAME. UNITE~flTES COLD STORAGE ICE LOCATION 4701 S?ÍÑE RD 10 N~R 215-000-000974 ~ HAZARD RATING t 1. OVERVIEW LAST CHANGE 12/02/88 BY VAL JURIS CODE l15-'007 JURIS BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 MAP PAGE IZ3 GRID t4C FACILITY UNITS 1 HAZARD RATING I RESPONSE SUMMARY ZA SEC 4) THE TEAM KNOWS HOW TO SHUT DOWN FACILITY AND CALL THE PROPER AUTHORITIES EMËRGENCY CONTACTS ZA SEC Z> ROBERT WEST - 834-2371 OR 325-2123 Ç-"3'i-'1..3) I o/' ~'S-- ?:J-~~ 'NED TIIOf4Pfj9N 834 2371 OR 393 404$ 13;11 LA......ft ~ UTILITY SHUTOfFS 2A SEC 3) A} GAS .. NONE B) ELECTRICAL - N END SLOG C) WATER - N END BY CURB D> SPECIAL - NONE E) ~OCK BOX - NO Z. NOTIFICATION 1 PUBLIC EVACUATION ~ Ðce.s i+ Not- \r~!t'~ h~ \=\'\I"e.. (It II LAST CHANGE I I BY S \'!ft., tíd \ f} fl"\O (A VI + ß{l C h@t"1 IetA-l = 911 < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > PAGE 1 tZltS/BS 09:40 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, I!\Ie. (B0S) 64B-6800 BUSINESS NAME UNITE&-¡:HES COLD STORAGE ICE LOCATION 4701 5?rNE RD 10 N~R 215-000-000974 HIGH HAZARD RATING 1 3. HAZ MAT TRAINING SUMMARY 1.\ ¿"U. vVtee.\-,' \.{'1'S fwu,:<1.. 'LAST CHANGE rW'1V~ ~{.¥'--lçJ \0.. 0: L' \~ VI (?AV" ON $ rW7/.f '1 l,l::'cdtl/uitJ () 1 ' 'd if [, 14;IC! FJ/sO ouerf'.l/ SíJ'cl';J.. I / BY C lAev"l t.crA-15 D:'-J r}tI';'t-V:''j e5_ I < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > vJ£ AI.~ ¡;~~/V/ýIÁ/G 7tJ 5~A/4? ^ /IIl¿IV 7¡p /¡,J¿ /tÁ/l~tPj../ g/Iݧ1 ( , II A .7 jJ £ ¡;)" ¡) 5 /JI1ßít-~1 AJ '" ~ ,t't!I{/II,AI A Æ. ; 4. LOCAL ËMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE LAST CHANGE 12/02/88 BY VAL 2tî SEC 5) TAKE PEOPLE TO WHITE LANE EMERGENCY MEDICAL CENTER OR TO MERCY HOSPITAL WHITE LANE MEDICAL CLINIC - 5401 WHITE LN - 83Z-ZØØ0 ~" '<) MERCY HOSPITAL - ZZ 15 TRUXTUN A'i -- 327-3371 /' PAGE Z 121lfj/88 09: 40 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS. INC. <80S> 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME UNITE"'fATES COLD STORAGE ICE LOCATION 4701 S?ÍNE RD FACILITY UNIT 01 10 NI~R 215-000-000974 ~ HAZARD RATING 1 H. OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIAL.S INVENTORY LAST CHANGE 1Zf0Z/88 BY VAL 10 TYPE NAME LOCATION CONTAINMENT MAX AMT UNIT HAZftRO USE PURE FREON I'd END SLOG ON ROOF METAL CONTAINERS 10 PERCENT COMPONENTS 1104.07 100.0 FREON ZZ 2205 FT3 MODE~ATE COOLING HAZA'RD LIST MODERATE Z eÇ PURE MCßU[~T aø ~~ 55 GAL UNKNOWN V c~ q C N END OlOG C DOL 11\16 -TOOE-R----GR\:Ji"!-S OR BARR-'Ntm-i1Ef ~ ·-ftmßït.'ffiE \~ () \,:,-, ~ENI~Nf'S HAZARD LI 5'1' , . yJt: ¡..!,4ýf.f Cfi.l,A/ýG~¡) 7o/VÁL(ùeJ ( " r2. . j\( A \ (..0 ¿:LS ") 0 ~ \M \ ( {'(¡ f, I 'i; .i ; ~ ¡ '! (\ .3. 1\1 A \ (i -' çr3 &; :] :. r P lJ, I'ë:'_ ,f':.. ,; ,Jr .' t : 'd' { (. 1-<' /."'. j' ,. 'i. N V"\ ¡CO :' V! {; '.;: r: t: I' f.n' " r:,' ",: !"li"~J II fS' Oì<W't('~!.~7 Wf:r \.' {\(' (("1 I: . dd..' QL ~. ~ (.~/'¡ ~ J (c';\( e- ,. 50 lV@M+ 1,;..'" ~" , ~,D ç -r ,. ,'} _ 1"', ::- .i7-, I,,:. /.,.1 C:-' '"' } i.~t)(j: (' ,;: (... -- :, B. FIRE PROTËCTION / WATER SUPPLIËS LAST CHANGE 12102188 BY VAL :3A SEe 4) WE HAVE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 311 SEC 5) FIRE HYDRANT.. N END OF BUILDING BY CUR;Q PAGE 3 121 16/88 09:40 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS. INC. (B0s) 648,,6800 · BUSINESS NAME UNITE~ATES COLD STORAGE ICE LOCATION 4701 STINE no 10 N~R 215-000-000974 HIGH HAZARD RATING 1 i: I! I I D. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION I EVACUATION LAST CHANGE 12/02188 BY VAL 3A SEC Z} RING BELL 3 LONG RINGS CONTINUALLY THE PERSONNEL ARE TO LEAVE AND MEET IN YARD BY WEST FENCE E. MITIGATION / PREVENTION / ABATEMENT LAST CHANGE 12/0Z/88 BY VAL 3A SEC 1) SHUT DOWN PUMP AND WASH DOWN WI TH I"IATER PAGE 4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS. INC. (805) 648-6800 1Z116/88 09:40 ii' -", CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD :i Standard 8usiness::8: HAZ ARD 0 U S (::t<:<e. {)iv;s¡,o)\/) ~~~~;i~~: NAM~ :~/~S~' ~~J ,~'t;4 ~ (01 5./.o'~:1 e ~~~~=S~~ME' U <I,~,Q( <-Ir!.#S ('./01 CITY, Z IF ~ ~~ ~-,__~7.;¡__ ¡¡:-~ ,,'} CITY, 211/ ¡! K~ :nJ~ R. '1$.30 9 PHONE #: ~ -.23 PHONE #:.iiffi!: ~-;2.3LI R.U'BR '1'0 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPBR CODES MATER I AL::; INVENTORY far'" amI ~gr\tu\ture '--' ~hr~~~AME OF Tft1Š FACILITY: v STANDARD IND. -C-ÙSSCODE DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER _ _ - cl \~_ - -!- 1 2 Tr~ns 1ype Code Code 3 M~x -'lit 4 Average Alllt 5 Annual Est 6 Measure Units 7 . I Oys Cont on SIte 9 Cont Press 11 Un Code 12 locat Ion Where Stored In Facility 13 , by Wt 14 NalM!s of Mixture/Colloooents See Instruct ions CClllponent 11 Na.' C...S. Nu.ber ,.._, ,.--, r-' r-' ~ L_.J Fire Hazard L_.J Reactivity L_.J Oe1ayl'i! L_.J Sudden Release';';" l.edlate Hea Ith of Pressure HN Ith CClllQOIIent 12 N.., C...S. Nu.ber ------ --------------------------------------------------- --- --- , CClllponent I] Nue' C...S. Nu.ber 1:'!_1~__J_(~~I!-~"!4..4-I./lJ!p~!IJi#..I~~~tM(4..sJl~~1~~--~Nuf,L/.t'_phfæ.œ2..:-:1;~~~- ------ diilio..:_M --<!..--------~.----------------- ------~ P~t~~~: \ ~ïd t~: I~~p~~)ard U.S. NU.ber.22..Z¥' ~ J'.£'-3 __ CClllpooent 11 NI.' U.S. Nu.ber ?~~ __Çj1..ic.:_'-y_12__.b_'iJ..PS!.5:-bJ-r:L~Lt.~---------. ______ ~ ,. _, ,. _, ,. _, ~ Coapooent 12 H..., C.A.S. Hu.ber /I / /,It /¡ It L_ Fire Hazard I._.J ReactivIty I._.J Delayl'i! I._.J Sudden Release I..edllltt ~ ..d.Y.f!J.i.1J....__~_.L.!JJIN<::.------__- ------- 'Health of Pressure Het th CCIIIDonent IJ Na..' C.A.S. NUlber u o..tf..4~/ÆIiP..r:J!J_:":~;fu-- ~Æ .J.C.ggE---------------------------- ---oo- COIIpooent II H..., C...S. HUlber D _ .;2...;t __ _1:'::1._________________________ --_....- Phys iCII and Hea Ith Huard (Check all that apply) r-' r-' r-" ~ ~ L _.J Fire Hazard L _.J Reactivity L _.J De1aYl'd ...::.~ Sudden Release ~ IlIIIrdlau Health of Pressure Health CClllpooent 12 H..., C...S. Hu.ber ------------------------------------------- .. ---- -- CClllponent IJ N..., C... S. Nu.ber !'Ll"LlL¥r>"""L?pJ<,,4d..<~P"<~..~-~=-LQ2..J¡v/4 I /V/Á 1..'i1..JN,~ ¡,./ei,fœt~:'%''k_ __ LV~)......îJ.. Ó ~~-=--=--=_......_-_..- :::::: p~l~:~~laildt~::l~~p~;)ard ~~ ~~~. HU.ber~~~~_~ ~~~--- CClllpooent II H..., U.S. HUlber p¡ '133 _?::s..bJ9..~:__~::1!2~tft'ð-!_:.i..:J_~_o..t~!!!_~P.. ~p r _ , ,. - , r - , ,. - , ~ COIIpooent 12 Nt., C...S. NÙlllber 3 ~ L_.J fire Hnard L_.J Reactivity L_.J Delayed L_.J Sudden Rele!se ~"'\;I.IMrdl.te - -oA/¡=;.. Health of Pressure Health --rr COIIoooent IJ H..., U.S. NUMber?. ,l,3Æ :J.. #lelh J _ If - ¡'so It,YJ ~O¡;# - .3 - 01-1 e.. . ... .---..--._~----.--------......._._.._.--.._----.._------ .211~JL-L~IClff;------------.---- á~~CMa~~Æ~e~~---- *t~~~~6 ~ERGENCY CON1ACIS .1 &¿!fcf..___~~f______m___m___ 41(9H.ðð-~L:~~-------- ~fp~~---- ----- Certification (Read and siF.n after completing all sections) \. cert \ly under pen! Ity of l!w that I have Dersona l1y examined Ind am hmi liar with the Inform!tlon subllltted In this and al1 attached doculents. .nd that based on .y inquiry of those fndfvfdua Is responsible for a;n; the inforlllðtlon. I believe that t submitted information Is true, .ccurate, .nd CCIII~. ) ---J-:; '\ __.'__ -W.-. -~~T---~ ---.--!~- s.~~-_-.LAJ.-u-:t--_n------------ n4-;=n:Z~-----------u ,me an 0 lC1ð t1 0 ow, er/opera or owner/ope a or s au orne resen a Ive I na re a e '9ne I ~ CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD \ .. ~ '~ Far_ .nd Aqr;cultute '--' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY NON-TRADE SECRETS St."dard 8us1ness ;g (:n.e Ù,'v.'sì",,ú J BUSINESS NAME: ~~.~~ ,~;<, Gld ~-fz,rAAe OWNER NAME: UV'I,''¡''pd 5-/,qks Cold sfoV"~e LOCATION:4')QI_,_:~ --º._~ () ADDRESS:~OI ~~'t:J.e. RoV'\çL CITY, ZIP:.ß'l~( 09 CITY, ZIP:i-<AIéeI'Se.(o!' q:ß()9 PHONE iI: ¥'ðç-- ~31.f-"J~3 ~ J PHONE tt:_Ç' ::1i3_-.;L3) f RIll'D 2'0 IltSrflUcrxOItS roB PROPIlR CODa NAME OF TR1š ~~JL~TY: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER _ _ - IY/r.l - _ 1 2 Trans TVIIII Code Code 3 11111 Mt e av.,.lq. Mt 5 Annual Est , .....Ul'l Units t lOp CII Sit. , 10 Cant Cant Pres. t.., TI U 13 Un lOClt1C11 1Ihtr. , by Code StCll'lcl In ,feci I Ity lit W A t I ¿of º-1!.:~~__ ea.panent II .... u.s. ....... 79,7 t.QønInt 12 .... C...5. ....... Ie ..... of lilltUl'l/eo.øon.nt. See IMtructiCIIS C...5. ......_ /11.5 --- r-., ,..-., ,..-., r...::;..-t L. - -' RlICti"ity L. - -' Del.yed L. - -' SudcMn hl_ ~ I__ilt. Hø I th of PI'tS"'1'I ....1 th eo.øon.nt 13 .... U.s. ....... pv G¡::)r4 e ea.panent II .... C...S. ....... ---- M_ ptJ~ _~ c¡ eN ö;;Z I'tlysicll IIIcI Hølth HlzlreI (Chtck III thlt I"" Iy) .::8: FII'I Hez.rd r:;~ RHctl"ity r:J Dellyed ~ Sudden hl_ r:~ 1__ln. Hø Ith of PI'tSSIII'I ....Ith eo.øon.nt 12 .... C...S. .... eo.øon.nt 13 .... C...5. ....... Ji_ <:: ------- ----- PIIys iCII end ....lth HeZlreI (Check III thlt IlIIIly) eo.øon.nt II .... C... 5. ....... ~Firt Hlzerd -* R..cti"ity r:J Dellyed ~ Sudd", RelNSe r:J 1__llt. H..lth of P....lure HHlth eo.øon.nt 12 1_' C...5. ....... L.. ..i9 ç.ef~ ~ f>AI e ------- ---- eo.øon.nt 13 .... C...5. ....... ______l____________1--____________JL_____________l______l_________L_______l_~___JL_______L______ Pllysicll end HHlth Hellrel (Check .11 thlt IIIIIly) C... 5. IIuØIr _____________________..,__ eo.øon.nt 11 .... C...5. .... --- ----- ,..-, ,..-, r-, ,..-.., ,..-.., L - J Fir! Hnlrd 1..--' IIHc:t;v;ty L._-' Oellyed L._-' Sudd", ReINSe L._-' 1-.lI.t. H.. 1 t h of Pr".ur. H.a ¡ t h C.....t 12 .... C... 5. IIIiIIbtr ------------------------------ ------ to.ponent 13 .... C...S. IIuMIIr "ERGENCY CIJlTACTS "Iii. ,~r.t:.__ --'f?-$L---------------I{f.{¡Mß::j-e..£:..---------- :¡~;~i~--- 12'lLJai..~~--------------_ T~'fj~C11f.k.x..qf·ä!J..t---- ~t~?.:z--- C.rtl~icatjon (Rf!lJd lJnd sign lJfter co_plp-ting lJll sections) I certify und,r 11111ty of 11. thlt I 1Ie",,,,rsCIIll1y ,...intel end .. fn;!;.r .ith the infor..tiCII su.itttd In this end 111 .ttlChtd doc_tl, end tllet bllud CII WIt inquiry of thai. Indlvidull. r..pon.ibl. for ~jn;nA the ;nf~j I ~1i.Ye.t~ subllitted info....tiCII ;s true. .ccur.te, and cœ~. h +cj _ _; :¡-~~hr(¡"·ÕT-~oWñp;:7õ~nÿp S;9~---L.---~----------------, \Iã~9ñïa--2-----~2---------- I I I, I. e e SITE/FACILITY DIAGRAM 'FORM 5, " ¡", NORTH SCALE: BUS I NESS N¡\¡\IE: ~ FLOOR: OF -),v6-- ,DATE:8 IOJ¿ /87 FACILITY ~Ai"lE: UNIT~: OF (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGR~"I Dt~'Ij:'tl~r '"' , f?~ 1/. ,rt/( _ .,._....____~ ;(,),"::J#>t 7\ I-û,~ . . ............1· , (;h rfjt¿ ( , r7f'l/!:.. " " ó Q! \J ~ ~ t;~. \...- , ~ .....,'-..- ~.~ ~U " v FACILITY DIAGR~~' .,,/ '\ ~'â ~ "J:¡ x .. )( ,. -x, "'?< ...-.. ^--'¡{"7·--7r.'--7f,,'--7i(--~~~;' :/- X )( .x Go '¡:-r C iJ¡:¡ 1<'11 a .ffNc6 (),4CIlw'Í l..iJ{ ...'... jf/U¿ " , ]') k---. / I;}(}j"e ' rl" LJ -/lft'£. II/¿~tf/ /I ~ illö:G.o ók 111 0 fJ __GrML~fliÆc~~--~o-J ~;;J"~Ji;~f 5--·;rch wtl€~rt! . . . .~~ "^' C f1é/A-,c¡t Lv,pC/1v l<. 0'" ¡\.t.. J..o c J(J= f~ ~O(~ ¢df Q(I,C& '. !hl/ú I; . ~ A cI,(!)() . l1ðól( . eð/J $'/(jý«(J-(f ( ??Cð¡Vt , '"1 (Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- "I: - 5A - ~ ~ .... ~' ~ "\ \0 ~ ~, \ W <i-... e ~~¿ WM.) YC(~ @ Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Inspection RECEIVED Location: I )/J}1")¡"g L¡j¡)/ Sfm~f Sri/'-) )¡:- Date Completed C r:J uJ J1- ¿;¡ Ie 4 &- E ?/1.r / øWl 2 6 1989 HAZ. MAT. DIV. Business Name: /à, Plan ID # 215-000 06ó'17LJ (Top right comer Business Plan) Station No. } Shift ß Inspector A Jl/óJ1 ,á £r7....- Adequate Inadequate Verification of Inventory Materials [] Verification of Quantities o [2] Verification of Location [] Zr/~.r. /\}¡p-UJ '2 g/IJ Verification ofMSDS Availability Number of Employees / ¡)~ I ç-'" Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: .hCF.' L/fNT Æi"cðv21S Q D Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: tJ 0 10 'E ø D Emergency Procedures Posted D Q [2] D Containers Properly Labeled Comments: E 1'1'ff J< fJIUJ¿Jf !/)ltfS t,A LL ú)\ I!jr'rf..~ . Verification of Facility Diagram 11<.~~µTL" fl''G)I~¡f hfì..A/..)µ VA D [Z] Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: rJ () 013 FD 1652 (Rev. 3-89) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Office .. i ,. "" I.' 4 .' .~, r . .. Material Safety Data Sheet: Biosperse f1DA-l0 Page 3 First Aid: I f inhaled: Remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if not breathing. Get immediate medical attention. In case of eye contact: Immediately flush eyes with lots of clean, cool water for 15 minutes, lifting the upper and lower, eyelids occasionally. Get immediate medical attention. In case of skin contact: Immedíately' wash skin with lots of soap and water., Remove contaminated clothing and shoes; wash before reuse.' Get medical attention if irritation persists after washing~ If swallowed: If conscious, immediately induce vomiting by giving 2 glasses of water and sticking a finger down the throat. Get immediate medical attention. '., Do not give anything to an unconscious or convulsing person. ..' .." , , ;, i. ' J; .' e e . .. '.' 'I : . . I '~'. ., ,'" ...... : ... / " ,"; I ., .;' Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with , OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. IDENTITY (As Used on Label and Ust) Bios erse iIDA-10 Section I U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Sa'fety and Health Administration (Non-Mandatory Form) . Form Approved OMS No. 1218-0072 +. Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. . Fresno, CA 93777-2362 Section II - Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information Emergency Telephone Number (209) 299-7660 (24 hours) Telephone Number for Information (209) 299-7660 or 441-8344 Date Prepared 04-21-87 Signature of Preparer (optional) Marvin J. Rezac' Jr .- Technical Consultant . Manufacturer's Name McGrayel Company Address (Number, Street, City, State, and ZIP Code) 3386 S. Maole Avenue P.O. Box 12362 Hazardous Components (Specific Chemical Identity; Common Name(s)) Hexylene ÇJlycol CAS Registry Number: 107-41-5 OSHA PEL None ACGIH TL V 25 ppm Other Limils Recommended % (optional) 45% Hazard(s) as defined by OSHA hazard èommunication standard: Irritant (The balance of the components comprises proprietary information) DOT Shipping: Nonhazardous Section III - Physical/Chemical Characteristics ': ~ Boiling Point Above Specific Gravity (H20" 1) 300 of . .950 Vapor Pr~ssure (mm Hg.) Not iv1$ting ~,1~:1: Not Established Established Vapor Density (AIR" 1) Greater Evaporation Rate .. ' . Less than 1.0 (Butyl Acetate" 1) than 1.0 Solubility in Water 1 00% miscible pH (of solution) 7.5 Appearance and Odor .Clear light brown liquid - slight fatty odor . . Section IV - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (Method Used) 209-211°F (approx.) Flammable Limits in air, ,% (approx.) ,UEL 7.4 . ;¡dinguishing Media '. Use water 'spray', carbon dioxide, foam, or dry chemical Special Fire Fighting Procedures Fire fiÇJhters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Use water spray to cool nearby containers and structures exposed to fire. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards None (Reproduce locally) - e OSHA 174, Sept. 1985, - I "'J -4:", ~ Þrl.i;';.-:·:..b-.·" ., r- .,-~ ' . .- () '~'y-: ,~~J}-- e e ..' .. P- ,,- ~ . OFFICIAL USE ONLY RECEIVED AUG 2 6 1987 - \ L.\- V Ans'd............ 7 ::ÐJSP BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPAR~NT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 ID# OUì! 000974 US !NESS NAME HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action. return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT AJ.'lSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. as a whole. CITY: ß ft k ¿£:tg r I Ù..¿) ZIP: Ç33/1 I i I I ~--"""'-I' --"'" ý3$?iJ SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION-DATA A. BUSINESS NA1\iE: U/I,íëD 57~7¿'~ ~"I.. j) , B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: S7"¡.Jý /" 0, BUS. PHONE: lfJ-':<3?/ SECTION 2: EMERGENCY ~OTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material. call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAi'.fE AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER Bt:S. HRS. A. ;f'oßt:£í ,¡"/¿,c,J - Mr;A. Ph# fi:? 1/'-:2 2 ? ) Ph# .~ ;J..'5" - :1 J :2 ~ ./ B. NtD /#O./l4/'(Ð)./ - S ¡J /" Ph# 8'.H/ -2-3? / Ph# ]f}~'- 'fð'l~ SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: dOH£' -PO Nr.'T, V.sß GA-.o:, B. ELECTRICAL: ;;/1«/\/£ L ¡( \) oM - AI o,e T µ ,gAl j) nJ: C. WATER: /YD ¡¿-¡J-1 ~^~D ~ ij ,e.ß~ß O. SPECIAL: - E. LOCK BOX: YES / ~O IF YES, LOCATION: AJo \ I' fi / ."1 .t.. t:> (D,4. 7/ Æ))(/ . , q ,} t 1 ù, II t:. , IF YES. DOES IT CONTAI~ SITE PLANS? YES' / ~O FLOOR PLANS? YES / ~O ~SDSS? YES / ~O KEYS? YES / :\0 - 2,\ - >:;.. ~~' .,... e e "':<00. '-'\" i~""L ~" ~~-.:~:~ ~h~~ '-..J'" ... .., ~.~ ~ \i - ... -....! .~ " . (;r\: -; SECTION 4: PRIVATE' RESPONSE TEA.\f·FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE íf/t..~ ;/J;ß.M ,)(,A/O)l/.'~I-b,:^1 T/J 5/1¡¡./ £/&)1//4' /"/le;/J7/ .Æ/Í/Z; (p.l-j. L-. lflt l,l'fo?i,l't A()7I1o;4/7/¿'> . " '.'~"'t ~·1 I' 'I ('\ ~~ . .~~ i~,~~ ¥y tJ V SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTk~CE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE /;41( t /¡?tJ¡7~ ¡..Þ 70 vJ /I,' 7-.é" .J..AA i! ~AIí/! ;<6-?}1 C!.j /'r1£ ¡J J(!04.!-' ðJ) jD /'II¡{~ ~ j P¿;S¡J, 7..4 /... - SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING ~PLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRA}! WHICH PROVIDES ~PLOYEES WITH INITIAL ~~~ REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR ~O A. ~ETHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS !!ATERIALS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:... ......... ... ... ..... ... C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPME~l: ...............0.. D. DŒRGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDt:RES:.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. DO YOG MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:....... r~ITIAL REFRESHER ~ (¿iÒ YES @ @ NO @> ~O YES Wi YES @ YES ~ @) ~O ~~ YES ~ SECTION 7: RAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR ~O DOES YOL~ Bt:SINESS HANDLE HAZARDOGS ~~TERIAL IN QuANTITIES LESS IRAX 300 POt~OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQGID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS:...... ~ NO I, lo!?f'ìl7 '0-/ B 7 ~ M (f-~ . , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this informaEion will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. II i' :1 I, I, SIG~ATt:RE.ßJ>-O..>.. j-0~ TITLE" ~ DATE 15--ÂJ--<ïS-7 - 2B - ..~ £\ ....l' . .;~t '''1::" -",-:~ ~_;..~ .- I~ e e J?;.-';-- < J >. ~~. I I' ~ -::¡¡.. , , .. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARDIEXT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 9~301, II OFFICIAL CSE O~LY ID# _. - -' - - - BUSINESS NA.'Œ: BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNrT FORM SA INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UNIT# /JIo¡þ ítl <fI / FACILITY UNIT NA.'Œ: P 1J&J..;Ji6-- /:P ý/çÆ -NoJì.J/ F#4> 1f I . C.J/¡:Ý/IIC'4).. 70 (!.ø/flTl<oJ...- /J~¿;¡9~ SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION. ABATEME~l PROCEDu~ES Sl/pÎ µo'¥~ /tJ/If¡J 'Ä/ÝÌ/ yVfi.5.¡..J ¡:)/JW.A! W}.T~ vVA7~æ., I : I I I SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION, PROCEDLKES AT THIS ù~IT O~LY .£'.:/ g~At-... 3 AoNC ,tf,j.¡¿;.S Cht/I/#¿JßÁÁ/ T»k- 1\ /t7'ý (ý /0 A, '? ~,.-- - ß ¡l.5./J/Ý ¿y.J- ~ .£ ¡; /. i' A ý:;' A h¡;> /!Ifé /, / h /Nf< i> ß I Vi/ ,< !)/ ~ j";V é tc ' , I : I " II I I i I I - 8.~ - I, ~.,-;", . . r,}.,.. \. ~, .~ \"'" E~\ .-~ "~ ~ ~,~ SECTIO~ :3: HAZ,.<\RDOUS !!.<3.TERIALS FOR THIS !0JIT O~LY A. Does this Facility Unit contain H~7.0.rdous ~faterials?,.". ® ~m If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES @ If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form *4A-l) If Yes. complete a hazardous materials inventory form markRd: TRADE SECRETS OXLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION yf/ If 1-1 A Ý é /1 ~ ¿ /! f 7//'1 &. ú 1 S ,Llt."..l g SECTION 5: LOCATION OF ~~ATER ,SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPO~~ERS /;~t IJý~/lA4/ /ýf)~T;tJ ¿/'/? o.f ßVltj7;/V'6 Ilj Ctl~¡g SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY, ,~. X'~~t:.G'\~~P:%~~X~Sß 6'-.45 oR.. ~é)¡;A.JJ~ )r')P;.ô ^O~47/~/II' B. ELECTRICAL: r . '.bI /Ýø.fíµ pAp ¿;;.¡:- /.]v/LP /ß~ //1/ rAAltA £ ¿)¿)M' C. WATER: J /'! 01< 7" 1-/ t::// )? ¡) -7 /6 ¡.II t. iJ / // ¿;. ßj S ¡o>i .,yj.u K D. SPECIAL: E, ~OCK BOX: YES ,i ~ I? Y::S, L8C\TIO:-';: :,:E~'ts ': ,..-,.-. !. ::...') \'() I I iF YES S -",r PU,:'::::;" YES ~,:O , t ;,!:' ¡:;-I.OOR PL.\ \'S" ~lFS xn \fSDSs: ..._...?~ ~.~n _ 00 ,_J'.I - I " f.A : f \., Page _~, :~.' " II . ~~\ ... ".Y FACILITY ~NIT #:~/ FACILITY UNIT NAME:~tl,¡J l?'J,>j)J'N~ II OFF I C I A L USE IIIC FIR S COD E ONLY : 10 I HAZARD , ¡CODE I. D. # RAKERSFIEtD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM 4A-l NON-TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS ~ATERIALS INVENTORY BUSINE~S NAME: ,JAI,'7¿¡-;> .<;TA.7-Æ ADDR ESS: I 1/) 0 / 5T/).;,~ ~ p, CITY. ZIPI: ~,( K¡£.t:,F;'¡=AÞ ) P H 0 N E #: ~D:.> _/ ..Ælj/- ,1~r 7 J I M~xl AMOUNT 2.~~ 7{~"~5r-- to o¡.../) c; 1ñR .4/../ /10,/1,,/ /.Æ;1..3' (!/J..' .9?? J~ OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY,ZIP: PHONE #: 4 5 6 7 8 CO NT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. /3 /Ð / /p.Ç6-/J,^ (9)j.J.... f' ~ ¡.. Rs - NAME: EMERGENCY ~¡ T I TL E : jj'~A'¡øH ,4 t!SI. TIT I.E : SIGNATURE: . Â1,.¢,A/A ~EÆ AT/" CONT J T: ~ ()4~¡frT yÝ¡{61 I ~ONTACT: hE J:) íh'r>.Mf /$ /)# BUSINESS ACTIVITY: -::Z:(D~ I' EMERGENCY P.R I N C I PAL ~ TIT L E: :.51J¡t?~ Jt1"ß.IÝP4?i'/ /-4.,,4.,# ./ - 411-1 - S~/Y1 ~ 9 ¿'b/:;)..... o ~p( ONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: D.O.T GUIDE e t¡b $ I :1 il :1 'I II :1 :1 'I II DATE} &--1"'/B1 g.] -~;¡ J J'.z..5" -.Ä/. 3 "Jtf:,;y ~,;:(? 1 ) oJ ,9,1-'1xÝ6 II