HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 6/4/1985 "t: ~ I ~ I l' I -$ 1,2 ,:t1 z.eD ~I - 1 t - l... -t1 - D S -f-¡ IV e. 7~ ell - L.lJ ... '--- ~ ;;:.. ~m4 c\,;;;,.~,. I 'J.~. ø . I '8 )( ._____S'" .Ff ~_$t"JjI--1f)fi_¡/ (crnp-re¿5()f' ~ le ] f 6A-I- ~ C"Mpr~~~or 3 ~ I ~ - I~t C old \~oo VY\ ,+- + :+- .~ ;¡ .¡: >è ;¿ 'OJ UJ I.IJ I,,; - ..--.... - LI.1NCh l.o~K€" ~+O(\4~e Tr""J< ß; LL~ K.i~\Cr Re..s+ ROOM RooM L..o J'I c\ ; N ,.. , P"o~ ROD ~V\ t:) o<:K o T=F, c.e.. OÇ¡::"e.. ~. ; t<¡£.,f f:út -.. 0--_ ....þ-<1:e><¡:.Ð-<1- ~ . ,...., .r New OJ:'F,ce. \J + 12: ,.. ,0 . , . "_:::\-.:'" ;¡"""....,'~ ',,:~;'";~'~~,: . '. . -~ - ~-"~-, , ~ ._.'''' ~ 4, ."' '.' . . , - ....~ ,-~ : ,",., ,'" . .-,,:;. ,-. ". ., ~~·..''':~__;·F~~-'j'_::' '-'.~_~ . . "':;"" '-~~~. , . aùCNÎfed. ~+AteS Co (J ~~,r)4.C¡e..· 'ilo I St-,'rJe. D ,'",+ - m e..e..i, '~~ R¡eA I . ,,', ,-,. " I Gf\(,Þ4~e.. ! t E:LCÁ.!!1.Ú¡j/^.;.K ~e."JCe.- -,~-,.-,----_._- "'------.------ ( ~ ::? +°1 ~ iNIj.J~/1 ·f <:: ~ . ~ ~ :¡] 2- , .+ I ~. ~ r- ~ ;c + ~ : I , ~ , , :"";' f~ Vi' r-. , I r '---- I \ I I - ( ) I ""'\1, ~~~,:"".. ¡':;' \! e Þ .t' SITE/FACILITY FORM 5 · -'/10/ .sflllJe DIAGRAM !::i c¡ tz '-I <; /fV?¡O ? FLOOR: OF . I ~iJ~...· I!) [; (> (ê.; .If'¿;:> NORTH SCALE: BUS INESS NA;\Œ: Al6.- DATE :8/02¿ /87 FACILITY, NA..'fE: UNIT::: OF (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRA.'r v FACILITY DIAGR.~'f /,/ D t6fV(;L~ í £ Gllrt;t¿ '\ AnI£. } C héfA-ít ~ I L V1/0 A- I' ~ , ::::: f< Uó A>t... ¢, ~ ~ J..o c J(Þ~ ..... ()o WL ~' ~l.Jp ,~ \l od,Ó;:' ~ " ~ ~ !hUG It ~ ~ ~ (.I. d(!) () ~~ ~, ~ ~~ ~ Vð64: (\ FJ ~ eð/J $'IéYlfJ,å- ( ~ w ... ~. "" ??Cðil1-' ,. t ! J )r X)( >~. ,'¡ . 7 y, X . X )1( Go -/r cltl9lo1/ U /ÉNC6 U A C øi-1/7 i.1) I '. , -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - 5A - SITE DIAGRAM ¡e (Required iteas) e < <f."" , ~~~ " ;1:'---" "'~.., b. Electricity 9. Lock (key) 80K 10. M5DS St.ora¡¡:e Box 1t. Ra11rolld Tracks 12. Fence or Barrier a. WIre b. Masonry c. Wood d. Gates 13. PowerUnes 14. Guard Station 15. Storage Tanks: Identify the capacity in eai. a. Above eround b. Undel"cround 16. Diking or Ber., 17. Evacuat10n Route ~ :¡ - c;¡ 1. Address: Identity. the principle buildin~s by the Street nu.bers. - 2. Street(a), Alieys, Driveways, and Parkln¡¡: Areas adjacent to the property. Include the street n~es. 3. Stor. Drains. Culverts. Yard Drains 4. Drainaee Canals, Ditches, Creeks, 5. 8uildings a. Frame conatruction b. Masonry construction c. Metal construction d. Access Door 6. Utility Controls a. Gas c. Water 18. Evacuation Area: Identity the location where e.ploy... w111 ...t. 7. Fire Suppression Syste.s: a. Fire Hydrants b. Fire Sprinkler COMect10ns 19. Outside Hazardous Waste Storace c. Pire StandpIpe. Connections 20. Outside Hazardous Material Storace d. Watel" Control Valves tor protection syste.s 21. Outside Hazardous Material Use/Handlinc e. Fire PUllp 22. Type at Hazardous Material/Waste Stored or Used (See Bela.) 8. Fire Depart.ent Access TYPE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL -F .' n...able ! · Explosive L · Liquid C . Corrosive 0 · Oxidher G · Gas W . Water Reactive T · Taxi c S · SoUd R . Radiolocical P . Poison H . Cryoeenic D . Waste 8 . Etiolocical Exa.ple: Fla..able Liquid· PL FACILITY OIAGRAM (Required ite.s in addition to the above) l- Risers tor Sprinklers 8. Pire Escapes 2. PartHions ;. Air Conditionin( Units 3. Stairways: Indicate the 10. Windows levels se~ved (1'0. highest to lowest. U. Inside Hazardous Waste Storace 4. Escalator: Indicate the levels served (1'0. 12. Inside Hazardous hi¡heat to lowest. Meterials Storace 5. Elevator 13. Inside Hazardous Materials U.e/Handlin~ 8. Attic Access 14. Se_1" Dl"ain Inlet:! 7. Skylights "'::0;( ¿::,~. ..,. ~- Pro'Jide Description of PII}'sical Layout of F"Icil i ty Include All the Following Infonmation: - Location of 'rank(s), Piping & Dispenser(s) - Proposed Sampling Locations Indicating Approxir.late Depth of Samples - Nearest Street or Intersection Any Water Wells or Surface Waters Within 100· Radius of Facil i ty us.~pace '.proVided Below; -" J t NORTH \ }Jdk/. jJÒ .~U-¡~ ~?4'- . . w4,ù /6ò cf ~,L1 ,~ V:~ii¿(~:f~ ßì\JD. ~ U ~ '< ~ \{d-\)r~ [C~:Z~!ætÞf¡~ ~ l V ¿,) e-,\ -f¡t Pu¡up dJ úDD9A(., ,"-oor :c¡.-'.::J 2;v C;Cé' 1 c ",{. I)~_ ./ II I , I I .', ,i R b-4-D" ,It II I I .' ;: ~MIJ, - ;!S')c ,1/1. ,7- / / ' . . C~/1rj'¿¿// 5(¿tt/d~('~l p;L- ~j~/ /£,..{:____ A'~t-h~:L¡~¿i(Ç¿ t' ..J. ,Ii ,/ . / I ;Ä 1:!!f! /d~u~ ::JJU~'Z;~:" ¿, ¿ßa(; ~¡~/ d??Z¿0 4-4'~yÞ~ "2 &:, /.,;t! L/â JJ ..)C::!:..iJ.itf u. r '-:roM (I /''!J/zc. 5aj~&:?-. / . ðÎ ~ if / ' "¿,,ì ' / . , . :: L.~Li-¡¡jI-Jl- U141iit.t~:t,vi- ú)1tlif)d~-.. ¡p~: ¡~t;'r:1ß~zðt: .:¡ IM¿1/y.J-¿&/'u" /~~ (If¿ $N¡A.-tFt.kd ¿¿'¿L¿ sti:.C :1 ., ¡i.· at1/' ~¿Ji/ ù'- ÚcL cW ß..<"UL4e¿/ ~td4ðZÜ¿/ ' aff1ðít'- /-2~..,4 I ! ! ~ I ¡! .-/. t' .. . . FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY FACILITy;JJnì+e_d~-k~ (l.{)Ld ~S~Î03¿ ADDRESS: J.V7()! S+;ne. Kcod' . PERMIT #: . =1 J ()())1 () ENV. SENSITIVITY: N E,S Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments Apo)¡ca-L,I'oY) I /f{)/9- 3 / cQ,amfJ!e rf'.,~úf.J-s , (Jk )p I-kr ~/o? to/ R5' !)/3 c;/gS , I (oi II ) :?,~ { I 9://~/ gS I TrJ ()pprQ~ / 7ó r7A (J,/oseJ AI() S18' CCJYJ-MYYJiVJa+¡'ðn I I; <, e _ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT ( þ, . , 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305-4198 Telephone (805) 861-2231 LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. I Director of Public Health Air Pollution Control Officer September 10, 1985 United States Cold Storage 47'J1 Stine Road Bakersfield, CA 93302 ~ De3.r Sïr/Madam: This is to advise you that this department has reviewed the project results for the subsurface contamination investigations conducted at your facility at 470 StLne Road, Bakersfield, California. I Based upon the findings described in the report, this department is satisfied that no significant soil contamination resulting from leakage of this tank exists at the site. Tharik you for your cooperation in this matter. S i nc e r el y , 1 ' / c4:1'\... '~{/f[ ~ in Boyce, R. S. v' Environmental Health Specialist II A'3:aa .. ASIllt:tJL". - LABDRAì DRIES, J. J. 101.1'1, 110. CHI". ENOl. INC. ( clÍEMICAJ. AMAlrslS' I'ETlIOlEllII MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, 8A:(ERSFIELD, CA. 13301 PHONE 327-4111 RLW Equipment 2080 South Union Avenue BakersfieJd, CaJifornia 93307 Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: 6/J J /85 6/4/85 8623. 8624 "P.o. #23656 SampJe Description: ~., ÞO'............._............. '~. Storage,'Stine and District Bou1evard. ')'jöñ'tank. Constituents 21 beJow tank bottom 61 beJow tank bot tom Benzene less than O. I ppm Jess than O. I ppm ToJuene Jess than O. J ppm Jess than O. J ppm )(ylenes Jess than O. I ppm less than O. J ppm EDB Jess than O. I ppm less than O. I ppm B C ~2ES.,INC. '. . ·~L. uJ. gl in~ BY e- .- lÞAùl1 tT .3 ( ct" PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Facility Name and Address . Owner Name and Address United States Cold Storage 4701 Stine Road Bakersfield, CA United Stat~s Cold St6rage 4701 Stine Road Bakersfield, CA 93302 Permit to Abandon in Place 1 ;above location tanks at Perm i t Expi res 5/30/86 " . APproval.Date .~~ ~., '....,. Approved by ,./ /. .' . . ., n Boyce, R.S::',· ,..... ON PREMISES ' . .' ·C¡ , POST --._._-------------------------------~----------------~-------\ ".<.',;. Conditions as Follows: 1. Permittee must obtain permit from Fire Department prior toinitiat~abandonment action. 2. Abandonment must b~ per approved methods as described in permit application. 3. All proced~res used must ben in accordance with requirements of Standards and Guid~lines deveíoped for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Code" 13941. A copy of these re<¡ui rements ,are enclosed wi th.~this permi t. '.. . .'~:~"" '-, '.. Accepted By ~/(qüÞG-' Date :S-/-S ô (8<; ( I . d~' - . K¿rw County Bedlth Department Di'h::;,ion of Env ironmental ¡-ieëü'th 1700 FIO\ver Street, B¿¡kersfield, CA 93305 permit' Application Date No. of Tónks to be 11~9 , 5 'Oô/ßr- Abandoned I . APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANENl' CLOSURE/~ OF UNDER:;ROUND HAZAROOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FÞ.CILITY ~ o~ ~plication (Fill Out One Application Per FaCili]L Ç]Temporary Closure/Abandonment ~' . .. Perman~nt Closure/Abandonment A. ,ProJect Contact narpe, area çode, pho :. DaY~ 83<?-: 3rll Nlghts ~, F ac il i ty Name " I' 5 '.s I , .' Facility Address O· ·Ne. -.- N arest Cross St. .-J)i-S""/-£ler&v[). T ,R . SEC (Rura L atlons Only) ¡;; ....À ' . Owner U~t?h <f=)~' ~. Telephone (&'S) f!?~-~·71. Address ~ ~'-__~Ú) Zlp 9'B3ò~ Operator ~¿(; Telephone Address v ' Zip Environmental Asse - Address Proposed_Starting Date Worker s Compensation Certl 1 I {Pel B. 'Water to Facility Provided by Soil Characteristics at Façility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Dete C. D. Chemical Composi tion of Materials Stored Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) ,.'} I k(C-t.c6t£- G~Li ~6 E. Descr ibe Method fat Dates Stored Chemical Previously Stored . I (1 _ (if d i f.ferent) II~ to~~ ÅJ~ f to þtfì\ to ~II' . ' to ~~ c¡ C-;-£.~· r~ (J/E£- r 'l y ¡HJ~<:' " ~')K -- . Samples Will be Analyzed for F. This application for: ~emoval or Oabandonment in place * * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET BEFORE SUBMITTING Z>.PPLICATION F'QR REVIEW. This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correc~ ' 3ignatur¿ Y1JþL-JlL~,¿\;é"~~___ Titlals+.S(~e Date c;(~¡E<;" II I K~ rr: ç,oún t y D1Vl<s~on of 170Q,'Flower . c.;/ Health ~partmer_ Environmental H. '1 Street, Bakersfiè~~, CA 3/00;;'0 c: 3/ i i I I 93305 permi t No. APPlication4IÞ~e ApPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORÞJ:3E FACILITY ~ of Application (check): . D New Facil i ty 0 M::>dification of Facili ty ~Existi~ Facility DTransfef of OWnership A. Ðnergency 24-Hoúr Contact (name, area code, phone): Days Rohpr+ WP",-t Nights Rnc,/3?c,-j'?3' Facil i ty Name Uni.ted St ~. 0 Tanks I Type of Business (check): er (describe) IŒ Comnanv Is Tank(s) Lccated on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes ~ Is Tank(s) Used primarily for Agricultural Purposes? DYes 6a~ Facility Address 4701 Stine 'Road Nearest Cross St., Di.strict T R SEC (Rural Locations ally) Owner United States Cold Stotla2:e , Contact Person R. D. DenniF' Address P.O. Box 2067. Fresno.Ca q371R Zip 93718 Telephone 209/217-óI45 Operator SAME Contact Person Address, Zip Telephone , B. Water to Facility Provided by Ci.tv Depth to Growxiwater Unknown Soil Characteristics at Facility TTnknnwn "Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determ~nations TT",k",nu,,,, CA Contractor's License No. Zip TelePhone Proposed Completion Date Insurer - C. Contractor N/A Address Proposed Sta~ting Date Worker's Compensation Certification I D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Mod if ications Proþosed ~T/ !J. E. Tank (s) Store (check all that apply): Tank I -Waste Product 'Motor Vehicle Unleaded ' Regular PremilJll\ Diesel Waste -- Fuel 011 - D 0 GJ 0 lS] D, 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B B 0 B B ,I 0 " 0 0 0 I F. Chanical Canµ:>si tion of Materials Stored (not necessary for rootor vehicle fuels) Tank' Chemical Stored (non-conmercial name) CAS' t (if known) Chemical Previously Stored (if different) þJ/ ,II. G. Transfer of OWnership Date of 'Transfer N/A Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, , accept fully all obligations of Per:mit No. issued to I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and modify or ter:minate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this_completed form. ;1 I i I pena~~rjury ar'(.j tó the best of my knowledge 'is ~ Ti t le Gen. Ofs. M~n~qpr Date 'l,/7,(.,/R5 i I ! I F~ci1 ity i\lame ~~s ) }nììeri ~stss Cd;:: ~;. ;T~4~ QÍ CqtifooÜa pe rm i t No. -3 I 0 0;<. 0 C TANK ~ .. . (F'ILL OUT :'JEPARATE FORM. E.\CH TANK) -FOR EACH sEcTIõN', CHECK ALL APPRõP'RIATE-:30XES ,. ;} 'r" H. 1. Tank is: 0 Vaul ted ONon-Vaul ted OIX>uble-Wall rn~ng le-Wall 2. Tank Material 6ë}farbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-<:lad Steel , O"fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Ahrninum 0 Bronze DUnknown o Other (describe) Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 197Q ~/16 4. Tank Secondary Containment o Double-wallU Synthetic DOther (describe): DMaterial Tank Interior Lining DRubber 0 Alkyd OEpoxy OPhenolic DGlass OClay Dlblined IDntknO\1l1 DOther (describe): Tank Corrosion Protection -UGalvanized' DFiberglass-Clad DPolyethylene Wrap DVinyl Wrappirg fJa'ar or Asphalt DUnkoown DNone DOther (describe): Cathodic Protection: KJNone Dllnpressed CUrrent.System LJSacrificial Anode System Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) DGrouoowater Monitorin:J Well (s) o Vadose Zone Moni toril'Xj Well (s) 0 U-Tube wi thout Liner DU-TUbe with Compatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitoring well(s)* o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Condoctivit;t Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Moni torirg Well or Annular Space o Daily Ga~iB3 & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness Testirg o None fiunknoW'l 0 Other . b. Pipil'Xj: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized PipingW - 0 Mani toring SIDp wi th Raceway' 0 Sealed Concrete Raceway o Half-Cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway :fiNone o UnknoW'l 0 Other *Describe Make & MOdel: :nk4igh~~SBe . s IS en Tightness Tested? DYes Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair Tank Repaired? DYes GINo DUnknoWn Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs OVerfill Protection g]Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float Ga~e OFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor OSealed Fill Box ONone Dunknown DOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices 3. Capacity (Gallons) . 2.000 Manufacturer McCarthy Liner 0 Lined Vaul t ua None O,UnknOW'l Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) Thickness (Inches) -- 5. 6. 8. [XI No Ounknown Results of Test ~sting Company 9. 10. 11., Piping a. underground Pipil'Xj:' f]Yes DNa DUnknown Material Thickness (inches) Schedule Diameter ,lV, Manufacturer Upknown OPressure ~suc~~on DGravi ty Approximate Length of PIpe Rœ b. Underground PiPln:J Corrosion Protect ion : ' DGalvanized OFiberglass-<:lad DImpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode DPolyethylene wrap DElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap ~Tar or Asphalt OUnknown DNone DOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ODouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System ~None DUnknown DOther (describe): ----_.._~._-- -. --------- ---