HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 3/9/1993 ..:~-7~7t;;, ~ \'4;J -... r'" ~~" ~~ ' .' , , oIIIììÍ} ) 1- gOD S 7í 1Ué:. D~RAM :tt:' q 6 / . INS;> 7 SITE/FACILITY FORM 5 NORTH SCALE: BUSINESS NA:rŒ: FLOOR: OF " ~ . ~ ,.-,t-; ",.... DATE: 3 .129/88 FACILITY NA.'1E: . UNIT .... OF ~. . ~ (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRA:ry 1/ FACILITY DrAGR.~'1 0' .. I I ...""""-..--..--..- . ! ! i , j ¡ , ¡ ,/:~) ¡ '''') .~ " ·...·1 t'-~"::-~ ".-...._~. j :1 I ¡ Ii! . i ì ~ ;1 .....'.:.:... '..... r'\ . ~¡.... \ ._. "··".i " ", , [67-f:ALFk~n~? , i í ,: ,/ / ¡ //;;1:)' ØD\P::' u',:'~, f::J ,/ // .,;' I ¡:' \...Pt.;.~ v.l ;1 I f i / /.---,.1 /- / . _¿ /" / / ' t II' ¡ U-../ !'::~/' ~\ ;7' .. L.., ", I ¡i ¡ / 7'~7 '/V~ I / /.~ i~/ / ¿~/ / //t ¡ . ! i I I ¡ I ! ...........,1· ! . Î ¡"f'! f \""_!- i } .....,.... f ~~, ¡ '..,. ~)' ¡ "" I ¡ ¡ i " í . ¡ .¡ I ¡ J f , j I I ¡ ! , ¡ (Inspector's Comments): '. '., .".~ ,........) , "', J " ," ' I "'v' ; ¡ .~~>~. ;, ~'-' , ¡ ~:> \~ "Ita:-- ~.:~ ,..."",:, ¡~ "'.114 ; I ¡ ! ¡ I i --._~.... r~~~~) ! \-'. "- \ .\ '\, '---". \ ¡ I, I: I~, f STN' r:' t> _ , ;1 ,. '. . , /" r<. t':,j.-í '; " ,,1· I / /-, c,r-: ¡ l.-/'..-f'JI,...-""- ~~' \Û; I.\~ 57 " ~ ;J.L/j I 0 ~r= 1(: g@Jl/ .1.' v. >. i 44 '\ "Ci / 1.;. Ii . ;;,( , ·~fO' j:v Dì(:'-,:,C ...' :-:.:¡':.': I , <:;::¡S"':> LO CJ CJ i 'P:!.I1'¡.} t· .. I~IJ\ r SJJO¡J Ilß:i3JJ t i 3 I (ff3J ïl¡ } {'-'" - . I q'l 1 ~.¿, 'riA /\r1á r ,,¡~';P~ II \Y ,F~"I º'~\- ': L,;,,\~b_ _ _ ¡ I I I '"~í!1J@~ OR~GU\'1£~ j. Uk_"'~- -"1 /;7 r; ,j f..:.. ,.... i'- f¿"I::ir: .. <; ß61 ) 6T 0 f2¡()C¡6-¡j)-:- }/1 n f ¿ I tl'::/ , ,1~) .,r"'. ...W r..,J..;.'/'!/~~ 'V ~ -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- <. 6d I \~ I ì I : .. , k -____.,__..-..:.-....1 - 5A - ~.~ ~~ ~,"'?~' ;~,\ ,CË¡ SITE DIAGRAM (Required iteaa) " 1. Address: Identity the princIple bui1dln~s by the Streét nu.bers. "" 2. Street(s). Aiieys, Driveways. and Parkln2 Areas adjacent to .thc property. Include the street na.ea. 9. Lock (key) Box 10. MSDS Sto¡-a2e Box 11. Ra1lroad Tracks 12. Fence or Barrier a. WIre b. Masonry c. Wood d. Gates 13. POMe r lJ nes 14. Guard Station 15. Stora~e Tanks: IdentHythe : capacIty In ¡al. .. I. Above ¡round b. Under¡round 16. DikIn¡ or Ben .,¡,; (~, 17. Evacuation Route 18. Evacuation Area: Identity the location where eaployeel wIll ..at. 19. OutsIde Hazardous Wute Stora¡e 20. Outlide Hazardoul MaterIal Stora¡e 21. Outlide Hazardous Material Ule/Handlin. 22. Type ot Hazardoul Materlal/Wute Stored or Used (See Below) TYPE OF HAZARDOUS leA TER UL . -¡"- 3. Stor. D¡-alns. Culverts. Yard DraIns 4. Draina¡e Canals. Ditches. Creeks. S. Bullrlin¡s a. Frame construction b. Masonry construction c. Metal construction '~ 'j; d. Access Door 6. UtIlity Controls a. Gas b. Electr 1city c. Water 7. Fire Suppression Systeas: a. Fire Hydrants . b. Fire Sprinkler Connections c. Pire StandpIpe Connections d. Water Control Valves tor protection syste.1 e. Plre PIlaP' 8. Pire Depart.ent Access F . Pl8JlUlable E . bplodve L · LIquid C . Corrolive 0 . Oxidizer G · Gal W - Water Reactive T - Todc S · SoUd R . RadIo!o¡lcal P . Pobon H . Cryo¡enic D . Waste 8 - Etiolo(ica( Exaaple: Fla.øable Liquid. FL FACILITY DIAGRAM (Required it.&s in addition to the above) 1. RJ.aers tor Sprinklers 8. Flra Elcapita a. PartitIon. II. Air Conditionln¡ UnIt. 3. Stairways: IndIcate the 10. Windon levels .~rved fro. hi¡helt to lowelt. U. In.ide Hazardous Wàlte Storsia 4. Escalator: Indicate the levels served troa 12. Inaide Hazardoua hi¡hest to lowe.t. Materlall Stora¡~ :So Elevator 13 . Inside Hazardous MaterlalaUae/Hand11n¡ _ 14. SeNer Dr~~n ,,!nlets ,! , ,., '" ' , ". I ~~kiJB;~¡¡~~~mìW~~~~~"_~~~.~ 6. Attic Accea=Ì "7. Sky J ! !Jl.tz, "¡;:" "~ "'"" .y ..,",,- . . . .....' ",,~ ,-,' -~ ·...~ BAKER . .. - S F I E L 0 March 9, 1993 ACCT# 757101 MOROSA 1987 TRUST MOROSA 1987 TRUST 4424 MARILLA RD BAKERSFIELDCA 93309 Gentlemen/Ladies: 1 ¡ Our records indicate your underground tank bill is sixty (60) days past due. It is \of paramount importance that said account be brought to a current status immediately. 1 ,1 'I ¡ ¡ i~ , ,'4 '3 1~ -;'<1 " Please disregard this notice if recent payment has þeen made. If you have any questions call me. R~:spec~.'.',f~~,: .'. . /' ,. ./ /' ?/ / . Drew Sharples Financial Investigator SITE ~ 'i? 00 ' 'S TIM€' 'í2,"!\ ~1 i1 :."~ '~ ~ ~ 1i AMOUNT DUE: $ if 0 0 I 00 City of Bakersfield - Treasury Division- P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield - California - 93303 (805) 329-3757 ~~~'''·~~~~~~~~.i~~~~~~!!~~~_~~~~~~=~~~'"'\'!':;;t:~~.7o>:' ,w~_,._".~ - . ~'¥tO tt.' a' ~" ~t.,.~~'''\)~'' MOROSA BROS TRANSPORTATION CO. 1816 Golden State Ave Bakersfield CA 93301 ,,--=-,..~-.; -~ :.- .-=--~ .::...;...~-~ --....-~_- -.:s:::..'" ~ .....----~-.. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPT 2130 G Street Bakersfield CA 93301 January 29, 1991 Dear Sirs; This is to notify you that as of February 22, 1991 Morosa Bros. Transportation will no longer be in business. The shop area has been closed and we do not store any oil, gas, or hazardous material on this property. Thank you, R~m~ s·05 Vice-President , if;. /(jlb ¿fJ~ Qj~ ~" ~PJ~/ßI ¡ I \O-dS-å~ ! mp L_C\\ \..... \-,.,; ~----- !0 '{ , I' ~.' ERSFIELD CITY FIRE OEPAR~~. .' 2130 "G" STREET , BAKERSFIELO,CA 93301 J' (805) 326-3979 OFFICIAL USE RECEIVED ~ I~AR 3 1 1988l \" '6- \L\,~ Ans'd............ C>l ~ /~ <,,, .1JJSP 7 ONLY ... ,,~ I ! (, f /'~ '" Moresa Brothers Trans ortation US INESS ~A.'1E 'Ý / I ID~ ( ý/~/ , I .--. /. < INSTRUCTIONS:¡- " / ;¿_ '/\I n--.3 , HAZARDOUS MATER'I ALS . - ~ BUSINJ?~~ PLAN~,_ ~S A WHOLE,/ K' / F 0 RM~2 A ' ,.r~~ /' ;.- ./' <__:,or, ~ l:T"f . ¡ /~ / I; " !' / ., '/ 1. To avoid further action. return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT k~SWERS IN ENGLISH. /- 3. Answer the questions below for /t~e business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. / ,!,; :~q ~ \t ttV" ~~ÊtfI0N 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION'DATA -;:-:.....-_,""" ~:;-- .'.,. . A. BUSINESS NAME: ~nrn~;:¡ Rrnrnprc: '1'r;:¡nC:Tf"Irt-;:¡r;,.."., B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 4890 Stine Road CITY: Bakersfield ZIP: 93313 BUS . PHO~E : (805) 833-8894 " SECTION 2: EMERGENCY ~OTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material. call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. E~PLOVEES TO NOTIFY INCASE OF E~ERGENGY: NA'1E AND TITLE A. Ed Shaw Dù~ING BUS. HRS. Ph;; 833-8894 AFTER 81;5. HRS. Ph;; R7?- 7?<;1 B .Rérœy Ortiz Ph;; 833-8894 Ph;;: 1?7-ggng , SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. ~AT. GAS/PROPANE: outside north east corner of office building B. ELECTRICAL: outside north east corner of office building C. WATER: close to entrance on Stine Road between Pachaco and ~istrict Blvd. D. SPECIAL:N/A E. LOCK BOX: YES .' éS9) IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES. DOES IT CO~TAI~ SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLAi-IS? YES / ~IO YES / ~O :-1S0SS? YES.I NO KEYS? YES / )IO - 20\ - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA'f FOR 8USI~ESS AS A WHOLE First aid boxes located throughout business and several people in area are capable of giving initial first aid. SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY ~EDICAL ASSIST_~~CE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A ~fflOLE I MErcy Hospital emergency room. I \~. ,.;~ . I' I;,~. SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING "',. E:-IPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRA:oI WHICH PROVIDES E:-IPLOYEES WITH INITIAL ~1) REFRESHER TRAIXING IN THE FOLLOWING AR~~S. I ~'r CIRCLE YES OR ~O A. ~ETHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOGS :1ATERIALS: . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..'. . . . . .,.. . . . . . . . . . B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: ......... ................. C. PROPEJ~>_USE ,OF SAFETY EQUIP;-'{E~-r:..............···· ~D. ~E~GENCY EVACUATION PROCEDGRES:.... ........ ..... .._-~.~.--..../..¡:..", E. DO YOG MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING ,RECORDS: . ...... INITIAL REFRESHER YES ~) ~~O YES ~) dES':) ~O YE S dGJ YES áfil) , I YES ®) éYES) NO YES dD YES étQ) SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. "-, "", CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOGR 3GSI~ESS HA~1)LE HAZARDOCS ~~TERIAL IN QGANTITIES LESS TEAX 500 POL~DS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF ~,L~QGID. OR 290 CUBI~ FEET OF A CO~PRESS~D GAS:...... YES ~O " I, Bill Raddatz '" , certtf'ýthat the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be US'é.d to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new' Califorrìia Health and "safety code on',H~zardous ~aterials (Div.20 Chapter 6.95 See. 25500 E t Al\) and that iná{éú~a,t,e inform~ti~,-~sti tutes per jury. "-c. -~... ", , .\ SIGNATC"RE " TITLE Office Hanager"'~" , DATE ' l-?q-RR . ;j~: .1 I ''''\-.~,. ,- - 28 - ' ¥,.! -~ . . ·:~,l\:lL: ~L~d: .:., .: !. ..\ ~- ¡ .~ ',?- ,..,_...~.:. -Y;, ) 1 .., ~0, -".. .~+.. .j ," .",'¡ f .: ~- e .. ~ " BAKERS?IED CITY FIRE DEPART-EXT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 '- C::-:lC~...\~ ¡~Sc: OXL'::" ID~ BCS INESS 'XA~Œ: l"'Drosa Brothers Transportation ------ BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action. this form must be rp.turned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOCR AXSWERS I~ ENG~ISH, 3, Answer the que$tion$ below for THE FACILITY U:;IT LIS7ED Bê¡'O'W 4. Be as BRIEF nnd COXCISE as possible. FACILITY ~IT~ 2 FACILITY milT NA..'Œ: Shop Building SECTION 1: ~ITTG'\TION. PRE~Æ~~TON, '\B'\TE~E~l PROCEDL~ES Material stored in bulk are, parts cleaner (16gal drums), 30w oil (150 gals) trans~ssion fluid (100 gals), liquid cleaning compound (55 gals). All fluids are contained in metal tanks or drums above ground, except gasoline and diesel fuel which are in underground tan.1<s. In the event of a spill the fluid would be lIDpped up and placed back into containers and disposed of by out: was te reIIDver. SECTION 2: NOTIFICATIOX A~u EVACCATION ?ROCEDL~ES AT THIS L~IT ONLY Should ,any spill occur the management would be notified immediately to evaluate how extensive the spillage was., He do not believe any of the fluids stored in this facility would require emergency evacuation. I I I. " ..j' . .~! , "'i- L ,. ~ . "\ ',: I t I I I ~ I I I I I I - - " 'I" "- ""'-. '''''~1"''¡;' j"" ~í,." -':f --. < ,,"', ",.."~"" ,>" >/". ., '_..~,~.._-,¡., ~~ - '. , e '0,",- í '" / -t SECTIO~ 3: HAZAR DOCS ~ATERrALS FOR THIS r~IT ONLY A. Does this Fôcilit;;- [nit r.ont<:::n Hi1z.1råous ~rate!,j¡l!~'?".'" Y2S \"0 If YES, see B. If NO, continui with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bo~a fide Tfade Secret YES NO " " If No. complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS OXLY (white form ~4A-l) If Yes, co~plete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: ~: TRADE SECRETS O~LY (~lellow for~ #4A-2) in ac.lditioo'to the ndn-trade secr~t for~. List o~ly the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION "'oj" ; extinguishers ¡'. SEcrIOX 5: LOCATION OF WATER SL7~LY FOR USE BY E~GE~CY RES?O~~ERS Close to entrance on Stine Road between Pacheco and District Blvd. SECTIO~ 6: LOCATION OF t~ILITY ShuJr-OFFS AT THIS UXIr ONLY. A. X.~T. G..\$ /PROPA~E -: . ' .'. . ~+. \. 0 . '0 ,~_Not applicible \ 8': ELECTRICAL;,~ ,\ ":; Inside shop building about middle of north wall. c. ~'lATER: Stine road - close to entrance between Pacheco and District Blvd. D. SPEC:AL: Not applicible E - éOCK BOX, YëS -(j/ ¡, YES. LOnnO';, fF YES, SrTE PtAXS~ f:.OOR ?r,.\:::.<':~ ·:~E:> I ~.~(; !rSGs:.¡ ? :';;:::....S.... . --.- ~ '. ) Y:~ ·:·;::S xn 'I......,.... t ~~ . .... w') .~......_~ ~'"....... '~~ - I' '';~ -:'" ~J " 1 ~. "t ~~ :1 :1- '" r- ~ r: : ~r i. ~? ~ t,;~ ;' ¡,~ ~ ~ . f;> ~ ~ ~. Ii r¡::.~ f~' r;¡ ~' r~ ~~, ff, ~.,' ~. f;: '(.I;' ï CITY FIHE FOR~I 4A-t NON-TRADE SECRETS AZARDOUS MATERIALS' 'INVENTO ¡j:-'j -' ", ,.., OWNER NAME: Remey Ortiz'':V!~,C;~~.:J?F·è~dent AIJURESS: 22 :edar treet' F AC I I. CITY ZIP " ',\ ) 0(' pnge T N E N T H A I' )E u L E .. s H , 1< A 1\ # D LITY UNIT #: 2 N AM E : ShOl BuiTdJ:nL I RY _FAC TY UNIT Transportation II t-'f..orosa Brothers (~t ,,;:)..L...I-ç..L.'-&. UClL,-c;...L. ~.J.....L'-..&.."""" -"--......... "-'__ ~.......,,14 PIIONE I: j;¿/-9909 . 10 F F I C I M. USE C FIR S con E ONLY 2 3 4 5 () 7 8 9 10 N^X ^NNIJ^L r:ONT IISE LOCATION IN TillS % ny IIAZAR ) D.n.T MIO U N T MID U N T UNIT CODE COUE FACILITY UNIT WT. C II E M I GAL 0 R COM ~to N N A M E CODE GUIDE -- 300 36 00 Gal 2 37 Shop area 100 30w oil' ;G50~ ? , ' , .. , . ,.. ' , TranS~SSi~~w fluid", ;g~ 5 100. . 12,00 Gal 6 37. Shop area 100 ? --- .. , 300, 36 00 Gal 1 40 East end building 100 ~vaste petroleum ,(J?,L 't::l1 'ð / orme . ~ 75 9 00 Gal 6 8 Shop area 100 'i ~yJ.lll;¡ch. ~/!,IC ) f-cmrq' Cleaning fluid ~ u.. RatlL A CIÓ . \~ , q try, ( , .. 32 384 Gal 6 /:8 Shop area 100 v.laste petroleum napthò... orme 140 '16 80 ' Ft3 4 42 Shop 'area 100 Acetylene cylinders ¡-as I flgs - . , .----- 282 33>34 Ft3 4 42 Shop area 100 Oxygen cylinders Q3SQ nflg - . '- , .. of ifl' ~(~Á17 /£{) ~ í) I e-S€. ¿ Fú-e'L f.(ì~:03 J 6 ()O() joCþoo GJ ¡-æ> ,/ , ~poo 6 OCO ~o.f OJ /(}t- Wõ'~~ 6'CLSo /1 N -€'. , II <6d- dNJ· S fõ~(J.r; -fã.tV k. I/~' / -.- / . , . (/) . 0 r-- S. k.o p Of.e'i J I n . , , ---- ~ -----.-- '~. . ----- " . Office Manager SIGNATURE: DATE: 3-29-88 E I, TIT Ra ONTAr:T 833-8894 872-7251 833-8894 OURS IIRS: OURS IIRS: II I ONE # nus AFTER nus ONE # nus AFTER nus II II p p atcher Dis I.E l' I l' T cement truckin Shaw Rerney Ortiz ACTIVITY:--9: Ed C CONTACT: n\JSINESS SINESS IJRESS TV Z ON rJ^~; Ë-;- Bill E r'~~E H (~ ENe Y r'(' : H:EH G ENe Y 'i~INCIP^[' " ~j r -'II TYPE ¡ ~~E . ~L 3~ w lJ' ~L h- ---- ?ilL ..-. IJ [1 I 11 B ^ c r .~ ~~7rf:~" ~ - ":./' I . . , " ~ ¡ .t'. -;¡ .,', .. "I . / / "- '¡' B¡\¡ŒR~rIED CITY FIR:: DEPARDEXi 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 G??~C;A~ CgE OXLY IÐ;: ------ BUSEESS XA;,Œ :M:>rosa Brothers Transportatå..on BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A ;,)1 'i' I~STRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action! this form must be returnedhy: 2. TYPE/PRIXT YOCR AXSWERS IN ,ENGLISH. 3, Answer t~e questions below for THE FACILITY UXIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and COXCISE as possibl~. FACILITY m¡IT~ 3 FACILITY ú~IT NÅ~: Storage SECTIO~ 1: ~ITIGATION, ?REV'Di7ION, ABATE?1E~-r PROC"EDL1ŒS Not applicible SECTION 2: NOTIFICATIO~ A~u EVACtATION ?ROCEDL~ES AT THIS L~IT ONLY Not applicible ~ '~., I / :1 S:::CTIO:';' 3: IL\Z!\RDOr.;S ~fATERrALS FOR TRTS lì\"TTC:\LY A. Does til i s FiìC i Ii ty r:ni t r.on1:~ i n Ha:.:::eàou$ :--!a ~e!:" Ll L,? . . . " Y2S@ If YES, seeB. If NO. continu8 with SECTIOX 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES XO If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NOX-TRADE SECRETS OXLY (Nhite form #4A-1) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory foem marked: ~ TRADE SECRETS OXLY (yellow for~ ;::.:t~-'2) in aJdition to the ndn-trade secrµt for~. List or.ly the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION " ',~ . ~. extinguishers ~; Cl, i. >, SECTIOX 5: LOCATIO:\ OF WATER SL7?LY FOR USE BY E{ERGEX~{ RES?O~~ERS Close to entrance on Stine Road between Pacheco and Ditrict Blvd. , ~~: SECTTO~ 6: LOCATIO\" OF UTILITY Shüi-OFFS AT THIS Ü\"IT O:\LY. A. X~T. GAS,'PROPANE~ .¿ :t ., ',:" ~. J Not applicible ... " ~" df' t¡ 5 ~r ;;t~ " '" I ¡t~:, r ~.::: ~~--' ~.. ~t ': ¡ ~> :"ri: R~t j":": ~t> !f, ¡rr: , ~Jf Iff b.";' ~f,'.~ t( t~f ~!. 0'- Notapplicible B. ELECTRICAL: ., Shop Building C. WATER: Close to entrance on Stine Road between Pacheco and District Blvd. D. S?:::C:AL: E. LOC¡( Bnx: \":'::5' t3 IF YES, LOC\T-rO~~: . ii..... ,,' '\. '.., j F YES, S ~:r:: p~:()? F:.OOR ':S? '-- ?E~ ..' ~..(; ~r~Gs~,¡" :':;::·~·S .... .... '..".... ~ .. . \",~. ~,. \:0 '-' - ...,.It" ~,~ S"'~ ~~;'!-'- ·~·:::s .. XO ~ ' ;; '~:}'-. ;'~..;.i '" . \: . . !...'!.. . :¡- ~\) . '. BAKERS?IED CITY FIR:: DEPARDEX7 2130 "G" S7REET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 O??LC:.';~ ¡~Sr: OXLY I" .... u... BUS INESS ~A;'Œ: Hórösa Brothers Transportation ------ BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. Ta avoid further action. this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY U~IT LISTED BfLOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY miIT~ 1 FACILITY aNIT NA.'Œ: 'Office Building SECTION 1: MITIGATION. PRE~TE:ITION. ABATE~E~l PROCEDL~ES Nót applicable SECTION 2: NOTIFICATIO~ A~u EVACUATION?~OCEDL~ES AT THIS T;:\IT ONLY Nót applicable ~ . -- '.-\ - :- . -"-_ I / $:::CTIO~ 3: IL\Z:\ROOr;S ;'fATERIALS FOR THIS 10TIT ONLY A. Does tilis Fê1cility C'nit con1:<:in HêlZ:"!t'dous ~¡élte!,j;)L;?..... Yë;S ðJ If YES I see B. If NO, continua with SECTTO~ 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES XO If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS OXLY (white form ~4A-l) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: ~¡ TR.40E SECRETS ONLY (~lellow for!!! #4A-2) in audition to the ndn-trade secr:~t for:n., List orrly the trade secr-ets on form 4.'\-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTIO~ extinguishers SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SL7?LY FOR USE BY ~GE~CY RESPO~~ERS Close to entrance on Stít1e Road·hetween Pacheco and District Blvd. SECTIO~ 6: LOCATION OFù-rILITY SHLï-OFFS AT THIS axIT ONLY. A. N.H. GAS:' PROPA~E-; Outside of office building at the south east corner. B. ELECTRICAL: Outsider of office building at the south east corner. C. ~"ATER: North side of office building about midway. D. S?SC:..U.: Not .applicable E, LOCK 8(1X: y~S ,f) IF YES, LOC\TIO~: ~ ;~. fr YES, SIn:.,·rAXS':> F!:.OOR,.,~ ViS':> tJ' - ~,~ :,<rc::: QS ~> '; c':;::·,:s.... '?ë~ I ~'~n ': ,s: ,,,,,,' ) ·ê; ,r, -3 ·~·?s \'0 .'. " , , ,. ':0 "" \'":; :1 ;1 I i I I ¡ t ! , !. . ! ¡ ì ! . ". k '~, r :.,; ¡¡;,; ;f: ¡~', [!. r if Ii K .} G-i. ~ ~ ;¡. i%( ;'J'. II ~.. " ~, I:~ ~"'e , ,-,-, . J:', £ ~~';'J ~, ;,;; ~, , ~ ~~ . ~ ':~ ',í:', fl- ) I!''t I'i":." '~ : I?i;;; ~~' J: ¡tf"3 IRi:'~ ,'". t ~¡rJ ~'r;' '. ~I~i ". .~( ~t'~:;¡i' '" ~: -' I~": .ff~',. ,$ 'f~"~' ,¡ ~ T ~y ,,--c. ~,_ :; f:~ ?¡ ,:I.. " '&,k:'·~- i