HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (6) , ,,I I ~ ~ r: May 27,2004 SUBJECT: Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Report of VES Startup and Remediation Status Report Former Niagara Car Wash 1700 Stine Road Bakersfield, California f . f ~ ~ à' ~" ! ~ ~ ~ M " f: ~. ~ ~ Mr. Frank Hobin 8908 Versailles Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93311 Dear Mr. Hobin: This report presents the Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Monitoring Report for the Former Niagara Car Wash facility (Site) located at 1700 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. This work was conducted in response to the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region (RRWQCB) letter dated August 26, 2003. On May 14, 2004, the site remediation system was started. This report documents the startup and the remediation status for the Site. Respectfully Submitted, E2C Remediation 111 < ..... William A. Lawson, R.G. Senior Geologist ' I I: t· I., t , }, Ii f r , w ¡ f cc: Mr. John Whiting, R.G. Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region 1685 E Street Fresno, CA 93706-2020 Mr. Howard H. Wines III, R.G. Hazardous Materials Specialist City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 j ! ! ¡ \ }, tl \ . !. i t .- f' Environmental Engineering Consulting & Remediation, Inc, dba E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105, Bakersfield, CA 93313 p: 661,831 .6906 f: 661 ,831 .6234 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECOND QUARTER 2004 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT, REPORT OF VES STARTUP AND REMEDIATION STATUS REPORT FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 STINE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA May 27, 2004 Project Number 1812BK01 Prepared For: Mr. Frank Hobin 8908 Versailles Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93311 Prepared By: E2C Remediation Environmental/Engineering Consultants 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Proiect Number 1812BK03, Mav 27. 2004 TABLE:"OF CONTENTS" TABLE OF CONTENTS............... .............. ................................................... .......... ......... ............... i LIST OF FIG U RES................................................,......................................................................... ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARy........................................................................................................ ....... ..1 Summary of Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Monitoring........................................................1 Discussion of Groundwater Analytical Data......... ......................................... ........................ .......1 Summary of Remediation Status .......... .......... ........ ............. ................ ............ .............................1 Conclusions... ..... ...... ............... .......... ......... .., .... ....... ..... ........... ....................................................1 Recommendations..................................... .................................................................................. ..2 1.0 I NTRO DUCT ION .......................... ........ ... ...... ..... ..... ..... .......... ............................ .... ......... ....3 1.1 Site Description.............. ........... ...... ........................................................ ........................ ...3 1.2 Site Hydrogeology.............................................................................................................3 1.3 Site History ................................. ....................... ....... .......... ...... ....... ................. .................3 2.0 SECOND QUARTER 2004 GROUNDWATER MONITORING ........................................4 2.1 Groundwater Elevations................................................................................................. ...4 2.2 Groundwater Purging and Sampling... .................... .............. ........ .......... .... .... ............ .......4 2.3 Groundwater Analyses...........::................................................................................ ...... ...4 2.4 Summary of Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Analytical Data.....................................4 2.5 Discussion of Groundwater Analytical Data ......................................................................5 2.6 Electronic Submittal of Groundwater Analytical Data.........................................................5 3.0 REPORT OF VES STARTUP.................... ............................. ......................................... ....5 4.0 REM EDlA TION STATUS REPORT ........ ..................... ................. ......... ....... ......................6 4.1 Ongoing System Operations ..................................... ................ .......................................6 4.1.1 Thermal Oxidizer.. .................................................... ...... ................. ..... .~............ ........6 4.2 Compliance with SJVAPCD Permit To Operate ...............................................................6 4.3 Fuel Hydrocarbon Mass Removal Rates........................... ........................................ ....... 7 4.4 Discussion of Remedial Efficiency................................................ ...................... ..... ,.......... 7 5.0 CO N C L US ION S............................................................................ ...................................... 7 6.0 R E COM M EN DATION S ................................................................................................... ....8 7.0 LlM ITA TIONS AND REPORT CERTIFiCATION........... ......... ... .................................. .......9 E2C:Remediation I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Proiect Number 1812BK03 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 5 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Mav 27 2004 LIST OF FIGURES Site Location Map Site Plan Second Quarter 2004 Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater MtBE Isoconcentration Plot LIST OF TABLES Summary of Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Monitoring Data Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Summary of Historical Groundwater Analytical Data Summary of Supplemental Groundwater Analyses Data LIST OF APPENDICES Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report Second Quarter 2004 Purge Water Manifest AB 2886 Electronic Delivery Upload Confirmation Reports E2C Remediation ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Mav 27. 2004 EXEcunVE SUMMAR·Y. E2C Remediation (E2C) has completed the Second Quarter 2004 groundwater monitoring event for the Former Niagara Car Wash facility (Site) located at 1700 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. This document documents the monitoring activities. On May 14, 2004 the site remediation system (vapor extraction system, or VES) was started. This report documents the VES startup and presents the Remediation Status Report for the Site. Summary of Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Monitoring On April 23, 2004, groundwater was monitored and sampled at the Site. The groundwater samples were chemically analyzed at a State of California-Certified analytical laboratory for the fuel hydrocarbon constituents of Total Petro.leum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), the aromatic compounds of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (total) (BTEX), the five fuel oxygenates of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MtBE), tertiary-butyl alcohol (TBA; a.k.a. tert-butanol), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl-tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE), and tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), and the lead scavengers of 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB; a.k.a. ethylene dibromide). Discussion of Groundwater Analytical Data Based on the groundwater analytical data to date, groundwater beneath the Site has been minimally impacted by MtBE (maximum' concentration in Second Quarter 2004 of 21 micrograms per liter, or µg/L). MW-1 is located at/near the southwest leading edge of the groundwater plume and MW-3 is located near the southeast leading edge of the groundwater plume. Due to the low concentrations of dissolved-phase fuel hydrocarbons in groundwater, it may not be necessary to conduct additional groundwater characterization, as the existing downgradient wells are located at/near the leading edges of the groundwater plume. Summary of Remediation Status The vapor extraction system (VES) was brought on line on May 14, 2004 and has operated continuously since. The VES has removed approximately 2,470 pounds (Ibs), which calculates to approximately 360 Ibs/day. Conclusions Based on the site assessment work and groundwater monitoring data obtained at the Site to date, E2C concludes the following: · The groundwater flow direction and gradient beneath the Site is not known, however based on the configuration of the limited fuel hydrocarbon impact to groundwater, the flow direction is estimated as southerly; · Pumping from nearby water wells, specifically CWS 158-01, and recharge from the Stine Canal could influence groundwater flow beneath the Site; · Principal fuel hydrocarbon impact to soils is in the Source Area, the former UST cluster; · Groundwater beneath the Site has been minimally impacted, based on reported low concentrations of fuel hydrocarbons in groundwater samples; · MW-1 is located at/near the southwest leading edge of the groundwater plume and MW-3 is located near the southeast leading edge of the groundwater plume; · Due to the low concentrations of dissolved-phase fuel hydrocarbons in groundwater, it may not be necessary to conduct additional groundwater characterization, as the existing downgradient wells are located at/near the leading edges of the groundwater plume and the remediation system has been brought on line; · The site remediation system (VES) was brought on line on May 14, 2004. Over the initial thirteen (13) days of operations the system operated for approximately seven (7) days as an imbalance in the propane pressure system caused intermittent machine shutdown (note: this problem has been repaired and the system is now operating continuously); E2C Remediation I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Proiect Number 1812BK03 Mav 27. 2004 · MtBE has been reported in groundwater at low. concentrations. A such, MtBE should be added to the YES influent/effluent sampling and analysis regimen to evaluate MtBE removal trends; YES influent/effluent samples should be collected and analyzed on a monthly basis to assist in evaluation of fuel hydrocarbon removal rates and remedial trends; and A significant mass of fuel hydrocarbons (approximately 2,470 Ibs, or approximately 390 gallons of fuel) was removed from the subsurface during the short initial YES operational period. · · Recommendations Based on the data presented in this report and the above conclusions, E2C makes the following recommendations: · Have the Site surveyed to include monitoring well locations for latitude, longitude and elevation; · Continue groundwater monitoring and sampling on a quarterly basis; · Analyze groundwater samples for BTEX and five fuel oxygenates using EPA Method 8260B and for TPHg using EPA Method 8015M; · Analyze groundwater samples for 1,2-DCA and EDB for one (1) additional quarter. If these compounds continue to be reported as non-detect, a recommendation will be made to discontinue these analyses; · Discontinue the analyses for lead and the supplemental groundwater parameters; · Amend the YES influent sampling and analysis regiment to include MtBE (analyses for TPHg, BTEX and MtBE) and monthly collection and analysis of samples; · During the initial 'debugging' operational period for the YES, collect influent/effluent samples to verify that the equipment will meet SJV APCD PTU conditions; · Continue to operate the YES with weekly maintenance visits and after approximately 30 days conduct the SJV APCD Startup Inspection with influent/effluent compliance sampling and Startup Inspection Test reporting; and · If fuel hydrocarbon compounds increase in concentration and persist in groundwater at MW-3 and/or MW-1, this data will be evaluated and, if warranted, a Workplan for Additional Downgradient Groundwater Characterization with installation of additional well(s) may be submitted at a later date. E2C Remediation 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ProiectNumber, 1812BK03 Mav 27. 2004 1.0 IN"fRODUCTlON E2C Remediation (E2C) has completed the Second Quarter 2004 groundwater monitoring event for the Former Niagara Car Wash facility (Site) located at 1700 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. This report documents the groundwater monitoring activities and the results. On May 14, 2004 the site remediation system (vapor extraction system, or VES) was started. This report documents the startup activities. In addition, the Remediation Status Report for the Site is presented. The work was performed in accordance with the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region (RWQCB) letter dated August 26, 2003. 1.1 Site Description The Site is a currently operating car wash (Whitewater Car Wash) located in Bakersfield, California, at 1700 Stine Road between Stine Road and Hasti Acres Drive (see Figure 1 for Site Location Map). The Site encompasses approximately 1.7 acres and is located approximately 200 feet south of Ming Avenue. The Site is located in Section 11, Township 30 South, Range 27 East MDBM. Three (3) 12,OOO-gallon gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs) were located as shown on Figure 2 (Site Plan). The USTs were removed in April 2003. The fuel dispensers under the canopy area have also been removed along with the associated piping. One (1) 2,000-gallon waste oil UST is still located at the Site as shown on Figure 2. 1.2 Site Hydrogeology Regionally, the depth to groundwater had been estimated at approximately 190 feet bgs according to the 1996 Water Supply Report published by the Kern County Water Agency. During March 2003 drilling activities, first encountered groundwater was found at a depth of approximately 163 feet bgs. In September 2003 groundwater was encountered at approximately168 feet bgs. The surrounding area well survey identified four (4) production wells within a 2,500-foot radius of the Site. All of these wells were noted to be operating during a field reconnaissance. The Stine Canal (irrigation and runoff) traverses the Site from northeast to southwest between the carwash building and Stine Road. The canal continues beneath the Site as a concrete pipe culvert which extends from north of Ming Avenue to the southern boundary of the Site. The canal is an unlined channel to the south of the Site. Water was observed to be flowing in the canal during a field reconnaissance. 1.3 Site History A detailed Site History was discussed in the June 17, 2003 report, 'Site Characterization Report of Findings, Report of Surrounding Area Well Survey, SVE System Installation and Pilot Test Reporl of Findings & Work plan to Implement Remedial Action, Former Niagara Car Wash, 1701 Stine Road, Bakersfield, California' (IRAP). In March 2003, E2C installed one (1) groundwater monitoring well to assess groundwater conditions at the Site. In addition two (2) dual completion VE wells and one (1) single completion VE well were installed. Finally, two (2) 40-foot soil borings were advanced on either side of the dispenser islands. Upon completion of the well installations, trenches were excavated and the wells were plumbed to a manifold by the equipment area. Upon completion of plumbing, the trenches were backfilled and completed with concrete caps. This work was reported in the Site Characterization Report of Findings dated June 17, 2003. Based on their review of this work, the RWQCB requested additional groundwater characterization in a letter, dated August 26, 2003. Groundwater monitoring wells MW-2 and MW-3 were installed during the week of September 28, 2003, after which the wells were developed. Initial groundwater monitoring/sampling was conducted at the new wells in October 2003 and that data was reported in the Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report. E2C Remediation 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Proiect Number 1812BK03 Mav 27. 2004 2:0' SECÖND" QUARTER 2004 GROUNDWA TER MONITORING The following sections describe for the groundwater monitoring and sampling activities conducted by E2C Remediation (E2C) on April 23, 2004, which represented the Second Quarter 2004. 2.1 Groundwater Elevations The initial task performed was checking the well for presence of free-product using a clear bailer. Free-product was not present in any well. The depth of freestanding groundwater was then measured to the nearest one-hundredth (0.01) of a foot using a Solinst water level indicator and an attached measuring tape. The equipment was washed with Alconox soap and double rinsed prior to each use. Currently, a licensed surveyor is being contracted to survey the wells to comply with State of California Assembly Bill AB2866 (AB2886). It is anticipated that surveying will be completed late in the Second Quarter 2004. However, a southerly groundwater flow direction can be interpreted (see Figure 3A) based on the groundwater chemical data. Second Quarter 2004 groundwater monitoring data are summarized in Table 1A and are summarized with historical groundwater elevation data in Table 2. 2.2 Groundwater Purging and Sampling Groundwater was purged at the monitoring well using a bailer. A minimum of 3 casing volumes was removed from the well prior to sampling groundwater. A casing volume is calculated b y multiplying the height of the freestanding water column in the well by the cross-sectional area of the well casing. The temperature, pH and conductivity of the purged water were measured periodically to verify sufficient purging indicated by stable measurements on field instruments. When the measurements were within 10% of each other, groundwater in the well was considered stable for sampling (see Appendix A for groundwater purge data sheets). . Each sample was collected using a new disposable bailer. Liquid in the bailer was decanted into two 40-milliliter volatile organic analysis (VOA) vials. Each VOA was sealed using a tight fitting Teflon-lined screw cap. Care was taken so that no headspace or bubbles existed after sealing each VOA with the lid. All samples were labeled and documented on a Chain-of-Custody record immediately after sealing. The samples were placed into an iced cooler maintained at 4° Centigrade for transport to the analytical laboratory. Note: The sample labeled MW-4 on the Chain-of-Custody is a duplicate of the sample from MW-3. 2.3 Groundwater Analyses · Groundwater samples were transported to and analyzed at Halcyon Laboratories (State Certification #1920) in accordance with State guidelines and EPA protocols for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) using EPA Method 8015M, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using EPA Method 8260b full-scan, which include the volatile aromatics of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), the five fuel oxygenates of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MtBE), tertiary-butyl alcohol (TBA; a.k.a. tert- butanol), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE), and tertiary-amyl ether (TAME, and for the lead scavengers of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and 1,2- dibromomethane (EDB; a.k.a. ethylene dibromide) using EPA Method 8260b. 2.4 Summary of Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Analytical Data The current analytical are presented in tabular form in Table 1 and with historical analytical data in Table 3. The analytical laboratory report for the Second Quarter 2004 is included as Appendix B. January 22,2004 groundwater analytical data are summarized below: · BTEX compounds were reported as non-detect at all three (3) wells; · TPHg was reported as non-detect at all three (3) wells; · MtBE was reported at each of the three (3) monitoring wells with the maximum concentration (21 µg/L) (duplicate sample) reported at MW-3 (see Figure 4); E2C Remediation 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Proiect Number. 18·12BK03 Mav 27. 2004 · TAME, TBA, DIPE, and ETBE were reported as non-detect at all three (3fwells;and · 1 ,2-DCA and EDB were reported as non-detect at all three (3) wells. 2.5 Discussion of Groundwater Analytical Data Based on the groundwater analytical data to date, groundwater beneath the Site has been minimally impacted by MtBE (maximum concentration in Second Quarter 2004 of 21 micrograms per liter, or µg/L). MW-1 is located at/near the southwest leading edge of the groundwater plume and MW-3 is located near the southeast leading edge of the groundwater plume. Due to the low concentrations of dissolved-phase fuel hydrocarbons in groundwater, it may not be necessary to conduct additional groundwater characterization, as the existing downgradient wells are located at/near the leading edges of the groundwater plume. 2.6 Electronic Submittal of Groundwater Analytical Data In accordance with AB2886 groundwater analytical data are submitted electronically to the State GeoTracker database. Data for the Second Quarter 2003 through the Second Quarter 2004 have been submitted (see Appendix D for copies of AB2886 Electronic Delivery Reports). 3.0 REPORT OF YES STARTUP A SJV APCD Authority To Construct application for the remediation equipment was prepared and submitted by E2C in July 2003. The application was approved in August 2003 by letter. PG&E was contacted to obtain an estimate of costs and installation schedule to supply electrical power. Based on the PG&E cost estimate (>$20,000) and the estimate for time to complete (approximately six months at a minimum), E2C explored other power supply options. Based on this research, E2C opted to purchase a propane generator-powered thermal oxidizer. In addition, a Request for Modification to the Permit To Operate was submitted to the SJV APCD for their review on an expedited basis. In late November 2003 E2C was made aware of a new State Cleanup Fund (Fund) policy regarding equipment purchase and leasing. This policy requires pre-approval of costs for equipment purchase. E2C prepared and submitted the Request for Pre-Approval, which was approved by the Fund in January 2004. E2C then contracted Baker Furnace to construct the equipment. The equipment was delivered in late April 2004 to the generator construction contractor, PTS in Bakersfield, California. PTS had previously designed the generator and commenced construction. PTS mounted the generator onto the equipment trailer and wired the generator into the thermal oxidizer unit. At the same time, E2C constructed the equipment enclosure at the Site. During the period of May 3 through May 10, 2004, E2C personnel performed the following tasks: · Set bollards in concrete to protect the propane fuel tank; · Constructed the equipment enclosure; and · Set the propane tank and plumbed a gas line to the equipment trailer location. On May 13, 2004, the equipment was mobilized to the Site and connected to the fuel source via the gas line. The equipment was then started. A period of debugging ensued throughout May 13, 2004 and on May 14, 2004 full-scale VES operation commenced. Note: Mr. John Whiting of the RWQCB was onsite on May 13, 2004 to observe the beginning proceedings. The VES will be operated for a period of approximately thirty (30) days to allow the equipment to stabilize (i.e., 'work out the bugs') and to verify that the equipment will meet SJV APCD permit conditions. The SJV APCD Startup Inspection will then be scheduled and conducted with subsequent reporting. Full-scale long-term remedial operations will then proceed. The Site will be visited on a weekly basis to maintain the equipment and record remedial system parameters. These parameters will be used to calculate the efficiency of the equipment, the fuel hydrocarbon removal rates, and the massoffuel hydrocarbons rêmoved. EzC Remediation 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Proiect Number 18-12BK03' Mav 27. 2004 4.0 REMEOIAT/ON STA TUS' REPORT Remedial operations at the Site are conducted using a vapor extraction system (VES). To date, five (5) vapor extraction (V E) wells have been installed at the Site. Two (2) of the VE wells (VES-AD and VES-BD) are screened deep (approximately 75 to 110 feet bgs), two (2) (VES-AS and VES-BS) are screened shallow (approximately 10 to 75 feet bgs) and one (1) (VES-C) is screened at medium depth (approximately 55 to 85 feet bgs). On May 14, 2004, the VES equipment (Baker Fumace 250-CFM Thermal/catalytic Oxidizer with propane-powered generator) was brought on line. The system is currently running with VES-AS, VES-BS, and VES-C open with VES-AD and VES-BD closed. This wellfield configuration is yielding the highest influent concentration. The wellfield configuration will be continuously adjusted throughout the course of remedial operations on a weekly basis to optimize the system effectiveness. Note: During the first ten (13) days of system operation, the oxidizer shut down intermittently due to low temperature or low pressure so that only seven (7) days of actual runtime were achieved. This problem has been repaired and the system is now operating continuously. 4.1 Ongoing System Operations 4.1.1 Thermal Oxidizer The remedial machine is a Baker Fumace 250-CFM thermal oxidizer capable of adding a modular catalytic cell as concentrations fall. The unit's minimum operating temperature in thermal mode is 1,400 deg. F. This temperature is set to ensure vapor oxidation at reasonable electrical unit cost via the propane-powered generator. The unit is equipped with a regenerative or PO type vapor extraction blower. For improved reliability and safety, the valve controls, actuators, and components are controlled by relay logic. The unit is equipped with a water knockout pot, automatic air dilution capability, and a noise-reducing muffler. This equipment is designed to shut down and lock out in the event of a system malfunction. The various safety features include high and low oxidizer bed temperatures, high and low blower pressure, high intake LEL, high and low air pressure, high and low exhaust temperature, and water knockout malfunction sensor. At least 99% destruction efficiency is stated in the manufacturer's specifications for the unit. The remediation equipment will be monitored on a weekly basis to perform routine maintenance, record oxidizer parameters (temperature, flow rate and operating hours) and measure influent and effluent hydrocarbon concentrations. Although the oxidizer parameters are continuously recorded digitally on a Zip disk, weekly monitoring of these parameters ensures accuracy of the measuring devices. Hydrocarbon concentrations are measured with a portable hydrogen flame ionization detector (FID) and the data are used in applicable formulas to calculate the mass of hydrocarbons removed on both a monthly and cumulative basis . Adjustments are continually made to the configuration of the unit to maximize vapor flow from the well field while maintaining the chamber temperature above 1 ,400 degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) as required in the SJV APCD permit and below the manufacturer's recommended temperature limit of 1,850 ºF in the stack. During the initial day of operation, it was necessary adjust the wellfield configuration (two wells off) to allow for maximum influent concentration. 4.2 Compliance with SJV APCD Permit To Operate Ongoing compliance is demonstrated by monitoring of the influent and effluent streams with a FID or PID instrument during regular system operations and weekly monitoring visits. From May 14 through May 24, 2004, the influent averaged 4,800 ppmv with 'zero' effluent. This equates to 100% destruction efficiency. E2C Remediation 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Proieet Number 1812BK03 Mav 27. 2004 The YES system will be operated for approximately 30 days prior to scheduling the SJV APCD Startup Inspection. This time will be used to 'debug' and stabilize the system. In addition, influent/effluent samples will be collected to verify that the equipment will meet SJV APCD PTO conditions. After approximately 30 days of initial operation, the SJV APCD Startup Inspection will be scheduled and conducted. Compliance influent/effluent samples will be collected at that time. Field records including sampling results, cumulative runtime, flow rate and catalytic oxidizer temperature will be maintained and retained for a minimum of two (2) years. System operation temperature will be maintained at a minimum of 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit (OF) in the combustion chamber of the thermal oxidizer. 4.3 Fuel Hydrocarbon Mass Removal Rates Hydrocarbon removal rates can be calculated using different influent parameters. The first method uses a straight-line extrapolation of influent measurements based on actual hourly run-time. Based on this method, the mass of fuel hydrocarbons removed for the initial ten (13) days of operation can be calculated at approximately 2,350 pounds (Ibs) (see Table 4) The second method uses the average influent over the average daily run-time per month. Based on this method, the total mass of fuel hydrocarbons removed from startup through May 27, 2004 can be calculated at approximately 2,5~0 Ibs (see Table 5). Finally, the average of the above methods can be used, which yields an approximate mass removed of 2,470 Ibs, which equates to approximately 390 gallons of fuel. Note: MtBE has been reported at low concentrations in groundwater at the Site. Curr.ently, the machine influent/effluent approved sampling and analysis plan calls for TPHg and BTEX analyses. MtBE analysis should be added to this regimen to allow for assessment of MtBE remediation trends. In addition, influent samples should be collected via Tedlar® bags and analyzed on a monthly basis to assist in evaluation of removal rates and trends. 4.4 Discussion of Remedial Efficiency A significant quantity of fuel hydrocarbons was removed during the initial thirteen (13) days of YES operations (seven days of actual runtime). The average flow rate was approximately 251 SCFM and the average influent concentration was approximately 4,450 ppmv. This equates to a removal rate of approximately 360 Ibs/day. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the site assessment work and groundwater monitoring data obtained at the Site to date, E2C concludes the following: · The groundwater flow direction and gradient beneath the Site is not known, however based on the configuration of the limited fuel hydrocarbon impact to groundwater, the flow . direction is estimated as southerly; · Pumping from nearby water wells, specifically CWS 158-01, and recharge from the Stine Canal could influence groundwater flow beneath the Site; · Principal fuel hydrocarbon impact to soils is in the Source Area, the former UST cluster; · Groundwater beneath the Site has been minimally impacted, based on reported low concentrations of fuel hydrocarbons in groundwater samples; · MW-1 is located at/near the southwest leading edge of the groundwater plume and MW-3 is located near the southeast leading edge of the groundwater plume; · Due to the low concentrations of dissolved-phase fuel hydrocarbons in groundwater, it may not be necessary to conduct additional groundwater characterization, as the existing downgradient wells are located at/near the leading edges of the groundwater plume and the remediation system has been brought on line; E2C Remediation 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Proiect Number 18,12BK03 Mav 27. 2004 · The site remediation system (VES) was brought on line on May 14, 2004. Over the initial thirteen (13) days of operations the system operated for approximately seven (7) days as an imbalance in the propane pressure system caused intermittent machine shutdown (note: this problem has been repaired and the system is now operating continuously); · MtBE has been reported in groundwater at low concentrations. A such, MtBE should be added to the YES influenVeffluent sampling and analysis regimen to evaluate MtBE removal trends; · YES influenVeffluent samples should be collected and analyzed on a monthly basis to assist in evaluation of fuel hydrocarbon removal rates and remedial trends; and · A significant mass of fuel hydrocarbons (approximately 2,470 Ibs, or approximately 390 gallons of fuel) was removed from the subsurface during the short initial YES operational period. 6.0 RECOMMENDA TIONS Based on the data presented in this report and the above conclusions, E2C makes the following recommendations: · Have the Site surveyed to include monitoring well locations for latitude, longitude and elevation; · Continue groundwater monitoring and sampling on a quarterly basis; · Analyze groundwater samples for BTEX and five fuel oxygenates using EPA Method 8260B and for TPHg using EPA Method 8015M; · Analyze groundwater samples for 1,2-DCA and EDB for one (1) additional quarter. If these compounds continue to be reported as non-detect, a recommendation will be made to discontinue these analyses; · Discontinue the analyses for lead and the supplemental groundwater parameters; · Amend the YES influent sampling and analysis regiment to include MtBE (analyses for TPHg, BTEX and MtBE) and monthly collection and analysis of samples; · During the initial 'debugging' operational period for the YES, collect influenVeffluent samples to verify that the equipment will meet SJV APCD PTU conditions; · Continue to operate the YES with weekly maintenance visits and after approximately 30 days conduct the SJV APCD Startup Inspection with influenVeffluent compliance sampling and Startup Inspection Test reporting; and · If fuel hydrocarbon compounds increase in concentration and persist in groundwater at MW-3 and/or MW-1, this data will be evaluated and, if warranted, a Workplan for Additional Downgradient Groundwater Characterization with installation of additional well(s) may be submitted at a later date. E2C Remediation 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Mav 27. 2004 7.0 LIMITA TlONS AND REPORT CERTlFICA TION E2C performed this investigation in accordance with the generally accepted standards of care existing in California at this time. It should be recognized that definition and evaluation of geologic conditions is a difficult and inexact science. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with limited knowledge of subsurface conditions present. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. a). This report has been prepared by E2C under the professional supervision of the registered professional whose seal and signature appear herein. The conclusions of this report are based solely on the Scope of Services outlined and the sources of information referenced in this report. Any additional information that becomes available concerning the Site should be submitted to E2C so that our conclusions may be reviewed and modified, if necessary. This report was prepared '" for the sole use of Mr. Frank Hobin and/or agent(s), the RWQCB, and the Bakersfiel ~~ED G/:.-:--, Department. &':J G I') ,~<", . . ~ .~~? l.'f{ ~ \. ..... '. t'C ~" '~", " "'. \ c62' we By: 1j?~' \ , ' * .,'.. ~- ., N. o. 4779 ~: tL OF CAL\fO~ Philip alwin, R.G. #4 Principal Hydrogeologist Reg. Exp 11/30/04 Prepared By: William A. Lawson, Senior Geologist EzC Remediation 9 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Project Number 1812BK03 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Mav 27 2004 FIGURES Site Location Map Site Plan Second Quarter 2004 Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater MtBE Distribution Plot . EpRemediation Figures .\ ;\ -. rn-Sunsi:t A. 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" 11th St..- IJ) .. .., £rth St :4 -;ii -.-:;:-' - 'JJ ~ ;~ . ':jj (1) -- _. .., .\~ .~ ?'- 0"'<:1' ,.~'!. "'. IJ> ~ ~ ~.. :S~e-Q;~"'~:: -.- :: ¿.. ~'. » .... ~ ~; . , -&-:--- 1-:_ .'¡ .g -:. .; ..4.~" a:: reatSt .0> J: (/) o Wible Cr..ñ;t# 2 ü; :-!:!1 .. .@¡a ,;,¡. =. _ oJ ::"<11 'U1::O -Q" Pa·:;llðCO Rd õ ", .#1 . Calcutt;) Dr . '<3-- --O\'enoJa ,__ -::- Milo- A 'Ie- -.. -.-.-- FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California SITE LOCATION MAP (.') - t N I FIGURE 1 I I I I I I I I I ~;': c:::' f'''' (' I .:¡" '.r'< I I I I - 8 9 . r'--·"':·~-7:--·! " ',....,...-...:..,. -...' ,__"___.~._____,,_..,_.,,"W~_~____~~_~.~,~'w.~.. ,-~-,",.",-- ::?Z..(&lZ¿?t" P)~-~·_·_---·--- %'¿ ~i :¿: ~¡¿, %; ¡. %' "~ %; .? '%1 ~j %j¿ ';:;,: ¡~ 'r,,; .,,-, ,~\ " :¿ %i ',?: '- %' :,,-, %: ,¿, ,,%:¡ .¿ ~(-'., ,,- ~. '¿ .~.,¿ ~: ,¿ :::i'. .'~. ~: ,¿. ':::i¡ ,¿ :%': ¡~; :¿) ,~ ""~:?;: '::::: .;..:, J, ~¡ 0 ! .~: r;-;y/ß ¡ .~ _""'."" :'/-"-y.6..,________'.., ,W&$ 'Ø/N//./U~N1::-' ~. ¡:, /. 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E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere,Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234' ," .'^ .-.~..._-~-,,--...... ·....~_"'...__~......v "".'_,".__.,_'~ v _.~.__..._"__~ __-., FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California SITE PLAN B·6 : i LEGEND + Groundwater Monitoring Well ~ Soil Vapor Extraction Well i@ 1997 Soil Boring "'".'."::; "-, ~ 1997 Hand Auger 8-6 Boring e> 1999 Soil Boring . 2003 Soil Boring , , '.1.. r-~ ..- "-1.,' ... \ , E:) , SCALE: 1;' = 40 feet I I FIGURE 2, I I 8-9 .. '-":-'-:-;-;--1 ('.-,-'---.-....-..---..---==:::;- "Ú/////?////:' I ¡ :"/.//,;~.>h~'~""'::¿' ~~//.7.i:ü/.7.i:.n?r-..__l ¡~i (~ :~. ':;::, \(€"\,~','., 'A.~ ; '%J 1/: ,~ ;.-: ''I. i~ : " ! :;;-::, .~ ~' ''';' ,.:::::¡ '1 '~ .~, ..' ,~¡ /, ;~~, ',,,,,,, ,~~.~ :% ", ~ I.''',:'~ fa ~¡ ',<j. .~' '~:' :%1 .:-;: ~;.-:, ::::::1 /, .~;.-::%' ' ,~: ,~i?: !~; ~ :0 ~j;a '1/...-///;//////2 ' :%j'~ , %,' -/ ,. ?;' i~: ~,," " '1" :~. } :Z'! 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"_~,, .~~_~__,_" '._____." .m___~ __. ._._._,__"'~_ . ._,.._.__~___~._w_ ..._.,~,_ _..__.,' ___.__~.__.'"'^ _"' __._~__,,_.~.~.~_~_,___¥___.,._.____......_AW._ .._,.~~_~..... E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 83.1-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 ~6234 FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California FIGURE 3 I SECOND QUARTER 2004 INFERRED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION - I I .~"'_.,..~~_..__..._-- r-'··'~::~~;~~~'~~,·_·~···..J=:~~::i---7/áf??ZZ¿~~?~:-""1 /'////7//77/77/:"""'-" ..! ::1.', ',/' ! :~' --.... 'i'; ,\-,:\ \%J'¿ ¡ :Z ,% :,.C'i,',·,!e ,~j :?¿! i¿' , ~.;-:. ,"" i ,I ,%,' _.~ :;! :%: \/ <) \/ ,%! :z: % 'i'; ',' ..' "SI. ¡ '-'0 ~.F,~", '%' ,¿, '%%: " .- :%ì I~ :%: (è:'% id / ~ 1(;%1 '/ .~ ,-,~, \ i ! ,'%" :~ ;z' _J% \j , :%; .~ ;Z: '% ¡:. 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'?«:a~z~æ¿ze?<'??<?Ea~ ~ % -, ,-" ,.ž. ®;; ;:;-; 7,;( z;.Ú~~,),~'l.2:7:~;;;:('(':-)âÜå'(U-,_?~;-j; I I 8-6 Ð ,". .,....__..~'w'_.__.~ ,,__,_.., __.,_,__. __ ......__.....__"_._.~__'m_'_...__,..___. __ .m_·__w...._·_,_~··__··· '__.___,.~_.____._._ '" I FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California' E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite. 1 05 Bakersfield, California· 93313 TelephoAe: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 SECOND QUARTER'2004 GROUNDWATER MtBE ISOCONCENTRATION PLOT - LEGEND t Groundwater Monitoring Well ~ Soil Vapor Extraction Well !;I, 1997 Soil Boring § C 1997 Hand Auger Boring 8-6 Ð 1999 Soil Boring . 2003 Soil Boring r:<:; c- ", \ \' SCALE: 1 = 40 feet I I FIGURE 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ProiectNumber 18128K03. Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 TABLES Mav 27 2004 Summary of Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Monitoring Data Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Summary of Historical Groundwater Analytical Data Summary of Supplemental Groundwater Analytical Data ! E2C Remediation Tables . I - - -- Project Number 1812BK03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May 27, 2004 - TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF SECOND QUARTER 2004 GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA FORMER NIAGARA CARW ASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California ADril 23 2004 Well 10 Sample TOC Elevation Depth to Water GW Elevation B T E X TPHg TPHd MtBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME 1,2-DCA I EDB Date (feet MSL) (feet BTOC) (feet MSL) " uQ/L MW-1 4/23/04 ...-....._-- 163.60 ------- nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 na 1 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<O:9 MW-2 4/23/04 ------- 165.79 ------- nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 na 16 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 n~<0:5 . ._- "---"... MW-3 4/23/04 ------.. 165.25 ..------ nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 na 20 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 dup 4/23/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 na 21 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 Notes: 1, ,2-DCA = 1,2,Dichloroethane B = Benzene BTOC = ,Below top of casing ¡ DIPE = Di·isopropyl Ether dup' = duplicate sample E = Ethylbenzene EDB = Ethylene Dibromide (a.k.a. Dibromo Methane) ETBE = Ethyl tertiary-butyl Ether GW = Groundwater MtBE = Methyl tertiary-Butyl Ether na = Not available nd = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit, which is indicated by value. T = Toluene TAME = Tertiary-Amyl Methyl Ether TBA = Tertiary-Butyl Ether (a.k.a tert-butanol) TOC = Top of casing TPHg = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline ug/kg = micrograms per liter X = Total xylenes * MW-4 on COC is a duplicate sample collected from well MW-1 for quality control. E2C Remediation Table 1-1 I I I I I II 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Project Number 1812BK03' May 27, 2004 TÄ'BLE 2 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Total DEPTH TOC GW ELEV A TION WELL ID DATE Depth TOGW ELEVATION ELEVATION CHANGE (feet BTOC) (feet BTOC) (feet MSL) (feet MSL) (feet) 4/2/03 180.00 162.30 SP 6/30/03 180.30 165.00 SP -2.70 MW-1 10/10/03 180.05 167.58 SP -2.58 1/22/04 165.00 SP 2.58 4/23/04 180.00 163.60 SP 1.40 . 10/10/03 178.00 169.72 SP MW-2 1/22/04 167.41 SP 2.31 4/23/04 178.00 .. 165.79 SP 1.62 . 10/10/03 184.90 170.07 SP MW-3 1/22/04 166.61 SP 3.46 4/23/04 184.90 165.25 SP 1.36 NOTES: BTOC = Below Top of Casing GW = Groundwater MSL = Mean Sea Level SP = Survey Pending TOC = Top of Casing E2C'Remediation Table 2-1 I Project Number 1812BK03. May 27, 2004 I TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CARWASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield. California Well 10 Sample B T E I X I TPHg TPHd MtBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME 1,2-oCA EoB PCE Lead Date µg/L 4/2/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 102 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 6/30/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 64 8 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 ' nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 nd<50 8 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na MW-1 10/10/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<O,5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<O,5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<O,5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/22/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 2 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 4/23/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 1 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 10/10/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 60 ns 20 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na MW-2 1/22/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 6 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 1.5 nd<50 4/23/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 16 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 10/10/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 80 ns 150 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/22/04 nd<0.5 nd<O.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 14 nd<O,5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<O.5 na 1.6 MW-3 duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 14 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<O,5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 2 4/23/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<O,5 nd<50 .. ns 20 nd<O,5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 21 nd<O,5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<O,5 nd<0.5 nd<O.5 nd<0.5 na , . Notes: Results in micrograms per liter (µg/I) = parts per billion (ppb) Analytical Methods: BTEX, oxygenates, 1,2-DCA, EDB & VOCs by EPA Method 8260b; TPHg by EPA Method 8015M; dissolved lead by EPA 6010B Method Detection Umits: BTEX· 0.5 µg/L; TPHg - 50 µg/L; MtBE, ETBE, TAME, and DIPE - 0.5 µg/L; TBA - 2.5 µg/L 1,2-DCA = 1 ,2·Dichloroethane B = Benzene DIPE = Di·isopropyl Ether Dis. Lead = Dissolved lead E = Ethylbenzene EDB = Ethylene dibromide ETBE = Ethyl tertiary-butyl Ether MtBE = Methyl tertiary-butyl ether na = Not analyzed nd = Not Detected at or above Method Detection Limit, indicated by value ns = Not Sampled PCE = Tetrachloroethylene (a.k.a. perchloroethene) T = Toluene TAME = Tertiary Amyl methyl Ether TBA = Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (a.k.a. tert-butanol) TPHd - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel fuel TPHg - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline X = Total xvlenes I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E2C Remediation Table 3-1 I - - -- Pr~ectNumber1812BK03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May 27, 2004 TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Cumulative Cumulative Inlet Catalytic Well Well Well Well Well Dilution Field Field Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Flow % Combustior Outlet VES-C VES,BS VES-BD VES-AS VES-AD Air Valve TPHin TPH out Lbs./Hr. Lbs. Lbs. Gallons LEL Monitored Days Hours Hours (scfm) Temp. of Temp. OF valve valve valve valve valve (%) (ppmv) (ppmv) Extracted Extracted Destroyed Extracted 5/14/04 0 0 0 252 0.2 1451 1447 0 0 C 0 C auto 7,280 0 24.94 0.0 0.0 0.0 5/17104 3 43.0 43.0 252 0.2 1451 1447 0 0 C 0 C auto 7000 0 23.98 1031.3 1031.3 161.1 ,., .' -, 5/18/04 4 59.0 59,0 253 0.4 1500 14B9 0 0 C 0 C auto 4000 0 13.76 1251.5 1251.5 195.5 .. 5/24/04 10 118.0 118.0 250 0.6 1484 1468 0 0 C 0 C auto 3225 0 10.96 1898.3 1898.3 296.6 5/26/04 12 160.0 160.0 250 0.5 1448 1436 0 0 C 0 C auto 2450 0 8.33 2248.1 2248.1 351.3 - 5/27/04 13 170.0 170.0 248 0.5 1453 1441 0 0 C 0 C auto 2750 0 9.27 2340.8 2340.8 365.8 Notes: % LEL estimated based on differences in oxidizer and stack temperature - 1 % LEL = approximately 25° F temperature difference , Hydrocarbons Removed (Ibs/month) = Influent Concentration (ppmv) X 10,6 X Influent Flow Rate (scfm) X 1Ib·mole/379.5 ft3 X 86 (Ib/lb-mole) X 1440 (min/day) X Run Time (days/month) 5/14/04 . Started system open = 0; partially open = PO; closed = C - E2C Remediation Table 4-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Project Number 1597BK03' May 27, 2004 TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF HYDROCARBON MASS REMOVED USING VES (based on influent concentrations) FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Date HC Removed Cumulative HC Influent Flow Rate Actual Run Time Daily Removal Removed Concentrations Rate (month/year) (Ibs/month) (Ibs) (ppmv) (scfm) (days) (Ibs/day) I May-04 I 2587 I 2587 I 4451 I 251 I 7 I 364.3 I Where: Hydrocarbons Removed (Ibs/month) = Influent Concentration (ppmv) X 10-6 X Influent Flow Rate (scfm) X 1/b-mole/379.5 ft3 X 86 (Ib/lb-mole) X 1440 (min/day) X Run Time (days/month) E2C Remediation Table 5-1 I - - -- Pr~eètNumber1812BK03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May 26, 2004 TABLE 6 SUMMARY OF SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDWATER ANALYSES FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California INORGANIC ANALYSES Date Alkalinity JBicarbona::J: carbonate:!. J HYdrOXide::!: Nitrate k Solids :I. .I. J Hardness .................... ........................ ........................ ....................... Chloride ........................ .......................... ....................... Sulfate TKN ....................... Conductivity pH WELL ID ....~.~.~~?~~... ..J~.~,~.?~~.... ..J~~~?~~... ...................... ....~~~,~.?~~;... .~~~..~~~~~~~.~~ ....J!.O'~L... ..................... .................... ...~~:~~?~~... .................... ........................... .................... (mg/L) (uMHOS/cm) (pH units) 4/2/03 170 170 nd<10 23 nd<10 22 350 48 0.8 184 530 7.0 ., 7/31/03 180 180 nd<10 22 nd<10 4 370 42 2.6 364 500 7.9 MW·1 1/22/04 96 96 nd<10 11 nd<10 0.7 270 89 0.3 129 440 6.5 1/22/04 200 200 nd<10 17 nd<10 2.1 260 23 0.3 269 460 7.3 MW-2 ¡ 1/22/04 160 160 nd<10 9 nd<10 1.2 200 13 0.3 114 370 7.5 MW-3 I I METALS ANALYSES WELL ID Date .....~,~.~~~.~~,.,.I....,~~.I?p..~~., .,.I.......,~~~.~.......l~~.~~.~~~~.~ .~~.~~.~~.~,~~.I.. ,~?!~.~~~~.~...I.....~~,~~~.~,...l......~~~~..... .................... Total in mg/L 4/2/03 54.9 nd<0.010 8.2 11.3 0.01 7.26 45.8 0.067 .~ . . MW·1 7/31/03 77.3 0.078 156 41.5 3.51 27.1 44.2 0.551 -. -.-. 1/22/04 39.3 nd<0.010 2.4 8.0 0.05 4.22 37.8 nd<20 MW·2 1/22/04 61.3 0.068 111 28.3 3.02 17.8 45.0 0.383 MW-3 1/22/04 34,5 nd<0.010 0.836 6.7 0.02 3.07 35.6 nd<20 .--- I I Notes: < - Not Detected at or above method detection limit, which is indicated by value CaC03 = as Calcium Carbonate mglL = Milligrams per liter, equivalent to parts per million (ppm) TDS = Total Dissolved solids TKN = Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen E2C Remediation Table 4-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Appendix A Appendix S Appendix C Appendix D Mav 27. 2004 APPENDICES Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report and Chain-of-Custody Second Quarter 2004 Purge Water Manifest AS 2886 Electronic Delivery Upload Confirmation Reports , E2C Remediation Appendices I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Proiect Number 1812BK03' Mav 27. 2004 APPENDIX A Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets E2C"Remediation Appendix A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - E2C: Remed¡,ati,Qn;. Water Quality Sampling Record Groundwater Scientists : Environmental Consultants ßOO Woodmere Drive, Suite 105; Bakersfield, California 933 and Well Development Data Telephone: (661) 831-6906 / Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 SAMPLE ID I WELL #: tî \,./- i DEPTH TO WATER: ¡fo3,(P(j E2C REM. PROJECT #: TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL: t~O.-OO PROJECT NAME: WI A6A/1,4 C.V WELL DIAMETER; 4" DATE SAMPLED: 01..{/23/04 CASING VOLUME: 10.)0 SAMPLED BY: ev / J'\) PURGE METHOD: ~A '/ /J) , PURGE CHARACTERISTICS TEMP pH SEC REMARKS llME INTAKE RATE CUM. VOL WELL VOL (Fo) (UNITS) (mmhos/cm) (COLOR, TURBIDITY, ETC.) DEPTH (GPM) (GAll RJMÆD t\:30 1t?5/ t " q-~,~ r.;}.S D,~ 1 c:.leßI,C I ¡t;~) (~D{' n l/~~~ \f rJ,¡ ~.~tt D.LlI ¿..\ea.C / ;.10 6&0(' H5~ a~ 9-1.1 :} ILf Olï.f~ \\ I( IgÐ5' ~~ 1(),\p -:t..OLf O.Lt.3 \l 1/ lJlV ~"",",vv1¡pI~ , Well Capacity: 2' - 0.1632 gallon/linear foot 4" - 0.6528 gallon/linear foot 6" - 1.4688 gallon/linear foot SAMPLED A J b" ~ ~ FT. FINAL DEPTH TO WATER: j ':3. 0 a. FT. 3 CASING VOLUMES = 32, [ \ GALS. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................."............................................."............... NOTES: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I - I E2C Remediation ¡ Groundwater Scientists : Environmental Consultanls pOO Woodmere Drive. Suite 105; Bakersfield, Ca!ifornia 933 I Telephone: (661) 831-6906 / Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 I Water Quality Sampling Record and Well Development Data , ISA,\IPLE ID I WELL It: I E¡C REI.t PROJECT iI: i I I I I i I , I DEPTH TO WATER: I bs· I 'f TOTAL DEPTH OF 'NELL: 11 g. 00 WELL DIM.1ETER; Lt ~ CASING VOLU/.IE: f . <t l PURGE METHOD: J A IC,ç (J JV\ \,J - 2- PROJECT NA/.IE: WI Ah'(-}Of! C 'W DATE SAMPLED: 0 Lt /2)(O~ SAMPLED BY: j( V / J \) .) PURGE CHARACTERISTICS E'.I? (~c) pH (UNITS) REMA;::¡<5 (COLOR. TURS:J,TY, SiC; Ti.I,IE RAT: GPM\ W:LL VOL Fl.:MÆQ I " I I I I I tOo oJð\ I) I L I I I , ¡t~L>1 W¡¡:I Ca.:Jacitï· 2'· 0.1532 gallon/lini!ar loot 4'· O.Ô523 gallonilin¡¡ar foot ô·· 1 Aôa3 gallon/lini!ar foot 5,.\,'.1;:>'-:0"\ \!o 6: ð I 23· 9 :;.:.;..5. Fi, FIN,.\L O:,:>TH TO ','iA T:F1 I (p'). "13 Fr. 3 C""'S:I'~G V8LU.'.IES = I\OTES: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I E2C Remediation I , Ground,'later Scientists : Environmental Consultants pOO Woodmere Drive. Suite 105: Bakersfield. California 933 I Telephone: (ôô 1) 831·690ô / Facsimile: (ôô 1) 831-6234, Water Quality Sampling Record and Well Development Data :SAI.IPlE 10 I WEll II: I I E:C REI.I. PROJECT iI: i PROJECT NAME: I OA TE SAMPLED: I i SAI.IPLED BY: I ~"w- 3 . \ :- DEPTH TO WATER: Ib5~2S- IX ~_. 'TO '-t' ".... 17.82- ß A ¡ Lv2 TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL: f\Il A61)QA CvJ OLf /z3/0 Y , Qv,l 1 D WELL DIAMETER; CASING VOLUME: PURGE METHOD: TiI.:E PURGE CHARACTERISTICS INTAKE I RATE CUM. VOL ,-WELL VOL OEPTri (GP'-I) (GAL) FI..NÆD FS\I.1.:::K5 (COLOA. TURS:QITY. ETC.; r:.'.IP (Fc) i C!){ /1 /1 II Well Ca;:>acitï: 2'· 0 1 ò32 gallon/linear foot ~. O.õ525 gallon/linear foot ô" - 1.4ôa3 gallon/linear foot S;':,IPL.:w A i~f,. yo "'8 ,') :;..1:..3 FT. FINAL OEPTH TO '.'I,:" T"R J &,5, "3> ") FT. 3 CAS:.';'::; \¡GLU~.IES = Ì';QTES: fI\¡)"":Y ~..., OrAl k;11 ¿,Jì-) (êi¿ /3S-s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ProiectNumber 18.12BK03 Mav 27. 2004 . " APPENDIX B Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Analytical Report E2C Remediation Appendix B I r _IC_l 1__01-"11" - - - - - - - _~III~l~U_VI_ - - ..._~- -.....----.----. Cliçnt Name E2C Remediation, LLC 661.031.6906 fax 661.031.623/\ Analysis Requested Sample Malrjx Rrojcq NJmc: IV 1~f\1 / c..ì.f"t-..."'0t 'S :(1 :0 ¡;. n n 0 AqLJCOlJS Client Address: 5~~oodmcrc Drive, Suite 105, ßé)kersrield, ft) n ('. N If, CA 93313 n co U) c·. n D If) ß <1: .J: :õ ~ Q it> (', CL CL 2 !'! D ßJJ L ð, ",.J S c11 f:1 '" ~ co 111 111 Soil ProjcC\ M,am}ger: J 2 ~ ~ (', ., (I) .' .( VI VI <0 U> n « .( ': CL .' Q) <1: c: @ n. n. -ð ;¡; ~ IU IU n. ~! Sampl.cr NéJme: ~"~C'" a.0'~ ,t\q¡>¡," (1 \)e_ jf' :¿ __ lIJ oJ, III c: c: lIJ N r. D Acidified 1I1 ~ no .' VI Q' .\1 ~ () !!?- t? 0 ," ~ tn III X III :;,- ;... 111 X III II) :1: :r: :!~ )( I1J T> IIJ 0 0 no I- I- n, n, () I- .' 1- SJrnple DJte SJmplc Time S;1mplc Dcscíiplion ;1nd Conl<1iner Typc en I- I- > l{) I' ..J ru Comments I . ~/~.~ /OLl O~X) '-í0 1 L~. 0 t-I I. X V\ IX IX 1(L(4~ÔD\ "v'('r" --- - - - - - JJ\C' ("ÎW - J yc MI. X >< ~ 'X ùJL-- vc,rt') -:¡ JJ50 jV1l,J ,- ().. ,x. X X Cb~ -- - - - :- )Z - - 1\ 1 -J)C) 0 fY\ LrI .- ~ X >< X ..... .£. CXJ-p (-- () '\J.I L y .'/- X /' 135'3 ~¡j-Y .. OlP - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - -I - - - - - - - 1- - .- - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - ,.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - ,-- ,- ---- ¡ " ¡ \ Turnaround Time Req~-;;'t~d~ .----------...---..-.......-.....-- ----... 24 I-lour 48 I-lour 5-Day Standard L ....--....-.,-...-..--..--- /" Received By: ./ Relinquished By: ./ Date: D<Jte: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Ha,lcyon Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5YOO \,Vl)vdme:n:: Ave: Suite: 10:5 Bakcrstidd CA 9yy lY Proje.;t Nam<:: Matrix: Sampl<:d by: TESTS: TPH G;:¡s hy EPA 80I5M TPH g Anal~'si~: Date: üfRe:port: Units: ug/1 7 !-1--1--00! 7lH-002 71-1--1--003 71-1--1--00-1- 7[-1--1--005 -1-/23/2004 4/2y/200-1- 4/23/2004 -1-/23/2004 -1-/23/200-1- Tr~\'<:¡ Blank ~!\\'·I ~[W·2 ~ [\\'-3 ~!W.~ TPH Gasoline ND ND ND ND ND 92 98 87 91 9-1- TPH Gasoline Surrogate Recovery °/0 Dt. = Dete:<:ti(m Limit ND - Non-Dete.;t at gi\'e!1 DL Ni-\ - Result !1l)t available Hohin i\iagra AC.J Jason Da\'Ìs & Ramon Vakl. -I,'yOi21J1).j. 512/2(1(1-1 ~, DL ug/I 51) DL ugll :5(H') D Lug/I 12.51.11) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EP A 8260B Laboratory Report Certification # 1920 CLIENT: Water Sample Results in ug/L E2C Remediation 5300 \Voodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project ID : Analysis Date: Report Date : Sample ID : Shaver lake 4/25/2004 5/11/2004 7144-01 Travel Blank Analyte 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert~Butyl Alcohol Methyl Tert-Buty\ Ether (MTBE) Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) BTEX Components Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m & p Xylenes o Xylenes Lead Scavengers 1,2 Dichloro ethane (1,2 DCA) 1,2 Dibromo ethane (EDB) Internal Standards Benzene, fluoro Benzene-d5, chloro- 1.4-Dictilorobenzene-d4 Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) .. Result Method RL Units ND ND ND ND ND ., - -,) 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.5 ugIL ugIL ugIL ug/L ug/L ND 0.5 ugIL ND 0.5 ugIL ND 0,5 ugIL ND 0.5 ugIL ND 0,5 ugIL ND 0,5 ugIL ND 0,5 ugIL Results % Recovery 50.0 100% 50.0 100% 50.0 100% 57.8 44.5 50.5 56.0 116% 89% 101% 112% I I H'alcyon Laboratöri:es, Inc. EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Water Sample Results in ug/L I Certification # 1920 I CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 '\Voodmere Drive, Suite 105 I Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project 10 : Shaver Lake Analysis Date: 4/25/2004 Report Date: 5/11/2004 I Sample ID : 7144-02 M\V-1 I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol NO 2.5 ugIL I Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 1 lU ugIL Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0.5 ug/L Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.5 ug/L I Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.5 ug/L BTEX Components I, Benzene NO 0.5 uglL Toluene ND 0,5 ugIL Ethylbenzene ND 0.5 ug/L I ,m & p Xylenes ND 0.5 ugIL o Xylenes ND 0.5 ugfL i I Lead Scavengers 1,2 Dichloro ethane (1,2 DCA) NO 0.5 ug/L 1,2 Dibromo ethane (EDB) ND 0.5 ugIL 1 Internal Standards Results % Recovery I Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% I 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% Surrogate Standards I Methane, dibromofluoro- 58.2 116% 1.2-Qichloroethane-d4 45.0 90% Toluene-d8 50,6 101% I p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 67.9 136% . I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. I EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Water Sample Results in ug/L Certification # 1920 I CLIENT: E2C Remediation I 5300 \Voodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project ID : Shaver Lake Analysis Date: 4/25/2004 I Report Date : 5/11/2004 Sample ID : 7144-031.\'1\\'-2 I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND 2.5 ugfL I Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 16 0,5 ugIL Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,5 ug/l Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.5 ug/l I Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,5 ug/l BTEX' Components I Benzene ND 0.5 lIg/l Toluene \''D 0,5 lIg/l I Ethylbenzene [\¡'D 0,5 lIgll m & p Xylenes ND 0,5 lIg/l o Xylenes ND 0.5 lIg/L I Lead Scavengers 1,2 Dichloro ethane (1.2 DCA) ND 0.5 u g/l. 1,2 Dibromo ethane (EDB) ND 0.5 ug.n. I Internal Standards Results % Recovery I Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% I 1 .4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% Surrogate Standards I Meth'8ne, dibromofluoro- 57.9 116% 1.2-Dichloroethane-d4 44.2 88% I Toluene-d8 50.3 101% p"Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 67.7 135% - I I Halcyon Laboratories., Inc. I EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Water Sample Results in ug/L Certification # 1920 I CU£NT: £2C Remediation I 5300 \Voodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project [0 : Shaver Lake Analysis Date: 4/25/2004 I Report Date : 5/11/2004 Sample ID : 7144-04 L\HV-3 I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol NO ') - llgIL _.J I Methyl Tert-Buty\ Ether (MTBE) 20 0.5 ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0.5 llgIL Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.5 ugIL I Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,5 llgIL BTEX Components I Benzene NO 0.5 II glL Toluene NO 0,) ug!L I Ethylbenzene NO 0,5 llgIL m & p Xylenes [\11) 0.5 llgIL o Xylenes ~1) 0.5 ugJL I Lead Scavengers 1,2 DichIara ethane (1,2 DCA) ~,rD 0,5 ugIL 1.2 Dibromo ethane (EDB) ND 0.5 llgIL I Internal Standards Results % Recovery I Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% I 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% Surrogate Standards I Methane. dibromofluoro~ 57.5 115% 1 .2~Dichloroethane-d4 49.8 100% I Toluene-d8 51.4 103% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 62,3 125% - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EP A 82608 Laboratory Report Water Sample Results in ug/L Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 \Voodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project ID : Analysis Date: Report Date : Sample ID : Hobin Niagra 4/25/2004 5/11/2004 7144-05 lVI\V-4 Analyte Method RL Units .. Result 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ugIL ND 21 ND ND ND 2.5 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.5 BTEX Components Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m & p Xylenes o Xylenes ND 0,5 ug/L ND 0.5 ug/L ND 0.5 ug/L ND 0.5 ug/L ND 0.5 ug/L ND 0.5 ug/L ND 0.5 ug/L Results % Recovery 50.0 100% 50.0 100% 50.0 100% Lead Scavengers 1,2 Dichloro ethane (1,2 DCA) 1,2 Dibromo ethane (EDB) Internal Standards Benzene, fluoro Benzene-d5, chloro- 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluQro- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 57.5 44.2 50.6 62.7 115% 88% 101% 125% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - l :~:~: Halcy.on Laboratories, Inc. EPA 8260B QA-QC Report EP A 8015M QA-QC Report Certification # 1920 ''''':,::. .. -~;.:<.:... 1~ CLIENT: E~C Remediation 5300 Woodmerc DrÍ\e, Suite 105 Bakcrstic1d, CA 93313 Projçcts Covered by this QA-QC: Niagra Car Wash Analvsis Date: -t/H/2UU-t 1\.btri:x: AQ BF'B: Internal Standards Results % Recovery Benzene, tluoro 50.0 100% Benzene·d5, chloro- 50.0 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromotluoro- 56,8 114% l,2-Dìchloroethane·d4 42,8 86% Ta\uene,d8 48,1 96% p·Bromotluorobenzene (BFB) 62,3 125% IB: Internal Standards Results % Recovery Benzene, tluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-d5, chiaro- 50.0 100% 1,4-0ichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 51.7 103% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 54.0 108% Toluene·d8 49,1 98% p·Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 49.6 99% MS: Results % Recovery 1,1-Dichloroethene 41.6 83% Trichloroethene 45.2 90% Chlorobenzene 46.4 93% Toluene 54.6 109% Benzene 64.4 129% p-Bromotluorobenzene (BFB) 57.7 115% MSD: Results % Recovery 1 ,1·DiChloroethene 40.8 82% Trichloroethene 462 92% Chlorobenzene 46.4 93% T ol'Jer.e 55.0 110% Benzene 62.4 125% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 57.5 115% 8015M-TPHG % Recovery BFB 88% 'IÔ 88% 1\IS. 10-4% i\ISO 118% I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PraieetNumber 1812BK03 Mav 27. 2004 APPENDIX C Second Quarter 2004 Purge Water Manifest E2C Remediation Appendix C ' NON~HAZARDOUS· WASTE MANIFESt 1. Generator's us EPA ID No. Generator's Nome and Moiling Address Generator's Pt10ne IV, f,~IÎril1 L. V t?:ì ;') ,.,- Cl ~I) 6. US EPA ID Number ......It.L 0 ·0· 0). 8. US EPA ID Number /(q./ t 5. Transporter 1 Company Nome \i..v"", (ì...;,,....¿,\'Jt1: Of\¡' 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address Q.ij GA~Ul)r\ ,; I ncA r·o·.... V Î C) 0 ,5:; I.. "-' 11. Waste Shipping Name and Description 10. US EPA ID Number C. Facility's Pt10ne q3 30'~ A ·L· .0.0.2 .¿ 0 ~?/1./; Ct~ ¡ \ 6'1) ~ ly)) No. Type 13. Total Quanti 12. Containers a. r;¡J ,I -,)'" 'r-" (../c ð.p . I l-í .\ 0 0 6"" G b. Additional Descriptions for Materials listed Above No I\.J - Hit 2..¥1;-rZÓð v-s. f..J R..f:.E, '0 4--~JL_ VQDrt Lt. ~ Ð",;> - t.ze -D(3 --OÞJ~ E. Handling Codes for Wastes listed Above (Jr'.' I<"'-U) Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information WI~(L 'P P €- tZr\ft U-b ~~ '1 c..O--~c...~ to tc \ -- S" ð'i -0 ç %'5" 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materials described aboye an this manifest are not subject to lederal regulations lor reporting proper disposal 01 Hazardous Waste. 19. Discrepancy Indication Space ~ 20. Facility Owner· or Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. Printed/Typed Name 1C) TRANSPORTER i¢1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I - Praieet Number 1812BK03 Mav 27. 2004 APPENDIX D AS 2886 Electronic Delivery Upload Confirmation Reports £2C Remediation Appendix D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Uploading EDF File, Step 3 Page 1 of 1 AB2886 Electronic Delivery tvIain Menu I Vie\V/Addfacilities I Uploa,d EDD I (heck EDD Your EDF file has been succcessfully uploaded! Connrmation Number: 2714674532 Date/Time of Submittal: 4/5/2004 1:02:52 PM Facility GloballD: T0602993719 Facility Name: CARW ASH OF AMERICA Submittal Title: 2Q 03 \V NIAGARA Submittal Type: G\V Monitoring Report 1.ogged in as E2C REMEDIATION, LLC (AUTH_RP) CONTACT SITE AD.I\.!lr-IISTR/.\,TOR, https:!íesi.swrcb.ca.govíab2886/upload_edC4.asp ?temp jolder=61827 6E2C%5 FREMED!... 4/5/2004 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UploadinKEDF File, Step 3 ~-:---~-_-.d::"~~,,: ~~..œ:!:I~~~....ma:r.:.~~~~H ~ ß1B2'886 Electronic Deliyery i M.iRM,"" I Y;"Y/A,ðH,ç@¡.. I )JplpMJ,I'R I Çh,çj{!òDP ~ ~ z ____ uYour ~DF file has be~n succcess~ully upJoaded! II Conf~rmatiOn Number: 6,~Q5321316 . ~ Date/Time of Submittal: 4/6/2004 11:18:33 A1VI I FacHHy Global ID: T0602993719 i Facil!ty Na:ne: CAR~ ASH OF MI1ERICA , f SubmIttal Title: 3Q 0.:> v.¡ NIAGA...~A CAR 'W ASH i Submittal Type: GW Monitoring Report ~ =.J Logged in as E2C REMEDIATION, LLC (AUTI-CRP) CONT ACf SITE APMIN!SIMI.QR. httnc'!!"''''' cmrrn r~ 0'(whh?RRh!lln1()~r1 pr1f 4 :'!<:.n?tp.."nn f()lrlp.r=="q""¿t9..H?r~¡:;P"D-¡:;ÌI¡f'P )T Page 1 of 1 A It: '-'(')();\ Uploading EDF File, Step 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AB-28S'6Ele,ctronic' Delivery I.YIªinMçnL1 Yj~w/AcjºfªçiJW~~ I J.]p1.ºªº,EPQ ¡ Çh~çkE:r:m 1 Your EDF file has been succcessfully uploaded! Confirmation Number: 5180864870 Date/Time of Submitta~: 4/7/2004 4:42:01 PM Facility Globa) ill: T0602993719 Facility Name:CA..T(WASH OF AMERICA I' Submittal TiHe: 1 Q 04 W NIAGARA CAR WASH J Submittal Type: GW Monitoring Report Logged in as E2C REMEDIATION, LLC (AUTH_RP) CONTACT SITE ARMJN¡$T.RAI.OJ~,. https://esi.swrcb.ca.gov/ab2886/upload_edC4.asp?temp _ folder=412777E2C%5FREMEDI... Page 1 of 1 417/2004 I Uploading EDF File, Step 3 I r="'=~- /á ~,:~-:-~;::==-~==:=:~-~~"~'''==~=--~~-=-l i .1.~ \b£¡,(:;Úv 1'2.J(ect¡rV3ûJJ.C l'JeHvery I ~ MajDJy1el1l,l I Yie\,[!lv:ldfªçilitie$ T.JpIQacJ:EPP! ÇþqC1<EPP ~ ~-- . -,- ,~~ - ~------~~ , . ~ Your EDF fiie has been sDcccessfuìly uploaded! 'ti ~ ~ 'i ~ ä Confirmation Number: 908031Oï61 ~ ;1 ~ ,I ~ ~ Date/Time of Slibmittal: 4/7/20043:58:32 PI\,í ~ ~ :FadHty GIob21 rD: T0602993719 ~ ~ IìadHty Name: CAR'ìVASHOF AMEF1CA ~ ¡ Suhmittal Title: 4Q 03 V'¡ l\TIAGARA CAR ¥! ASH ' t.; ~ Submittal Type: G'YV Monitoring Report, ~ . .' L _'~~~""''''~-''----~''''''-V-M?'"""~~~ I I I I I Lo,.;cd in as E2C REI....!EDIATION, LLC (AUTH_ RP) CONT Acr S lTE AP.J:--J!N.tsI&:\IQR. I I I I I I I I I I I I https://èsi.svvIcb.ca..gov/ab2886/upload edf 4.asp?temp folder=946424E2C%5FREMEDI... Page 1 of 1 4/71200¿ · - - - Uploading EDF File, Step 3 Page 1 of 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AB2886 Electronic Delivery Mªi.n,.M~mJ.IYi.~w.Ü\gqFªç@i.~§ I J)pIºªg,EP.P I Çh~çkEPR Your EDFf11e has been succcessfully uploaded! Confirmation Number: 9721187591 Date/Time of Submittal: 5/27/200411:44:14 AM Facility Global ID: T0602993719 Facility Name: CARW ASH OF AMERICA Submittal Title: 2Q 04 W NIAGRA CAR WASH Submittal Type: GW Monitoring Report Logged in as E2C REMEDIATION, LLC (AUTH_RP) CONT Acr SITE APMINlSIMT.QR. https://esi.swrcb.ca.gov/ab2886/upload_edC4.asp ?temp jolder=123562E2C%5FREMEDI... 5/27/2004