HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (4) February 1, 2004 Mr. Frank Hobin 8908 Versailles Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93311 SUBJECT: Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Additional Groundwater Characterization Report of Findings and Remediation Status Report Former Niagara Car Wash 1700 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Hobin: This report presents the Third Quarter 2003 and Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Reports and the Additional Groundwater Characterization Report of Findings for the Former Niagara Car Wash (Site) located at 1700 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. This work was conducted in response to the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region (RRWQCB) letter dated August 26, 2003. In addition, this report documents the remediation status for the Site. It is a pleasure to be of service, should you have any questions regarding this submittal, do, not hesitate to call either of the undersigned at 661-831-6906. William Ä. Lawson, Senior Geologist cc: Mr. Howard H. Wines III, R.G. Hazardous Materials Specialist City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Environmental Engineering Consulting & Remediation, Inc. dba E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105, Bakersfield, CA 93313 p: 661 ,831 .6906 f: 661 .831 ,6234 .' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THIRD QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT, FOURTH QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT, ADDITIONAL GROUNDWATER CHARACTERIZATION REPORT OF FINDINGS AND REMEDIATION STATUS REPORT FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 STINE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA February 1, 2004 Project Number 1812BK01 Prepared For: Mr. Frank Hobin 8908 Versailles Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93311 Prepared By: E2C Remediation Environmental/Engineering Consultants 5300 Wood mere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 · II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Februa¡y ,. 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS..... ............................. .......... ......................................................... ............. i LI ST OF FI G U RES......... ............. ...................... .................... ........................................................... ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARy........................ ......................... ............................................................. ...1 Summary of Third and Fourth Quarters 2003 Groundwater Monitoring ........................................1 Installation of Additional Groundwater Monitoring Wells ...............................................................1 Additional Groundwater Characterization Report of Findings .......................................................1 Summary of Remediation Status ........................ ................................................ ..'........................1 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... ..............2 Recommendations..... .......... .... ...... ..... ..... ......... ...... ....... ... ...... ................................ .... ..... ............ ..2 1.0 I NTROD U CTI 0 N ...... ............... ......... ................ ................. ..... ..................................... ........3 1.1 Site Description. .................... .................. ........ ...... ........................... ...... ........ ...... .......... ....3 1.2 Site Hydrogeology.......................... ...... ...................... .................... .......................... ..... ....3 1.3 Site History........................................... ......................................... ....................................3 2.0 THIRD QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING..............................................4 2.1 Groundwater Elevations .................................................. ..... ..... .... .................. .... .......... ....4 2.2 Groundwater Purging and Sampling..................................................................................4 2.3 Groundwater Analyses.. ...... ........ ........ ........................ ........................ ..............................4 2.4 Summary of Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Analytical Data .........................................4 3.0 INSTALLATION OF GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS........,..............................5 3.1 Well Installation Methods and Procedures....... ........... ......... .............. .............. .............. ....5 3.1.1 Soil Boring Methods and Procedures .........................................................................5 3.1.2 Soil Chemical Analyses........... ..... ............ ..... ............................... ........ ................. .....6 3.1.3 Summary of Soil Analytical Data ................................................................................6 3.1.4 Well Installation Methods and Procedures........................................... ......... .......... ....6 3.1.5 Compliance with AB 2886 ...........................................................................................6 3.1.6 Disposal of Soil Cuttings........... ............................. ............ .... ............ ........................ 7 3.1.7 Disposal of Groundwater Purging and Development Water......................................7 4.0 FOURTH QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING .........................................7 4.1 Groundwater Elevations .............. ....... .............. ..... ....................... ..... ................ ................ 7 4.2 Groundwater Purging and Sampling ................. ...... .......... ......... ........... ...... ....... ..... ........... 7 4.3 Groundwater Analyses..... ...... ... ......... ..... ... ...... .... ... .... ..... ...... ... .......... ....... ............ ..... ......7 4.4 Summary of Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Analytical Data .......................................7 5.0 ADDITIONAL GROUNDWATER CHARACTERIZATION REPORT OF FINDINGS.....:..8 6.0 REMEDIATION STATUS REPORT ..... ........ ..... ......... ........................................... ........... ...8 7.0 CO N C L US ION S....... .......... ................... ............ ..................................................................9 8.0 RECOMM EN DATION S ........ ................. ............ ........................ ..................... ....... ........... ...9 9.0 LIMITATIONS AND REPORT CERTIFICA TION..............................................................1 0 , EP Remediation -.- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3A Figure 3B Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10A Figure 10B Figure 11 A Figure 11 B Table 1A Table 1 B Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J LIST OF FIGURES Site Location Map Site Plan Third Quarter 2003 Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction Fourth Quarter 2003 Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater MtBE Isoconcentration Plot Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater TPHg Isoconcentration Plot Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater MtBE Isoconcentrat;on Plot MW-2 As-Built Diagram MW-3 As-Built Diagram Site Plan with Updated 2003 Cross-Section Transects Updated Cross-Section C-C' Updated Cross-Section C-C' with Extent of Fuel Hydrocarbon Impact Updated Cross-Section D-D' Updated Cross-Section D-D' with Extent of Fuel Hydrocarbon Impact LIST OF TABLES Summary of Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Data Summary of Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Data Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Level Summary of Historical Groundwater Analytical Data Summary of Soil Analytical Data Summary of 2003 Supplemental Groundwater Analyses LIST OF APPENDICES Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report October 2003 Soil Boring Logs October 2003 Soil Analytical Laboratory Reports April 2003 Supplemental Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report July 2003 Supplemental Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report Soil Cuttings Analytical Laboratory Report and Disposal Manifest Purge and Development Water Disposal Manifest Februaty 1. 2004 . E2C Remediation ii - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I ProiectNumber1812BK03 February 1. 2004 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY E2C Remediation (E2C) has completed the Third Quarter 2003 and Fourth Quarter 2003 groundwater monitoring events for the Former Niagara Car Wash (Site) located at 1700 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. This document documents these two (2) quarterly monitoring events. In addition, two (2) groundwater monitoring wells were installed in September 2003. This report, details the installation of these wells and presents the Additional Groundwater Characterization Report of Findings. Finally, the Remediation Status Report for the Site is presented. Summary of Third and Fourth Quarters 2003 Groundwater Monitoring On June 30, 2003 and October 10, 2003, groundwater was monitored and sampled at the Site. The groundwater samples were chemically analyzed at a State of California-Certified analytical laboratory for the fuel hydrocarbon constituents of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd), the volatile aromatic compounds of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (total) (BTEX), the five fuel oxygenates of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MtBE), tertiary-butyl alcohol (TBA; a.k.a. tert-butanol), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl-tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE), and tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) and the lead scavengers of 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB; a.k.a. ethylene dibromide). Installation of Additional Groundwater Monitoring Wells In accordance with the RWaCB letter dated August 26, 2003 and the RWQCB-approved amended tRAP, E2C installed two (2) groundwater monitoring wells in September 2003. Additional Groundwater Characterization Report of Findings The low concentrations of TPHg and MtBE at MW-2 and MW-3 and the past reported low concentrations at MW-1 indicate that groundwater at the Site has been minimally impacted and that the principal impact is to soils, specifically in the former tank cluster area. Additional monitoring and groundwater sampling at MW-3 will be required to assess plume concentration trends in this area. Summary of Remediation Status A SJV APCD Authority to Construct application has been prepared and submitted by E2C, and approved by SJV APCD. PG&E was contacted to obtain an estimate of costs and installation schedule to supply electrical power. Based on the PG&E cost estimate (>$20,000) and the estimate for time to complete (approximately six months at a minimum), E2C has explored other power supply options. Based on this research, E2C has opted to purchase a propane generator-powered thermal oxidizer. In addition, a Request for Modification to the Permit To Operate will be submitted to the SJV APCD for their review on an expedited basis. In late November 2003 E2C was made aware of a new State Cleanup Fund (Fund) policy regarding equipment purchase and leasing. This policy requires pre-approval of costs for equipment purchase. E2C prepared and submitted the Request for Pre-Approval, which was approved by the Fund in January 2004. E2C has contracted Baker Furnace to construct the equipment. Equipment delivery is scheduled for late March 2004. Upon mobilization of the equipment to the Site, an equipment compound enclosure will be constructed followed by approximately 30 days of operation to allow the equipment to stabilize (i.e., 'work out the bugs') and to verify that the equipment will meet SJV APCD permit conditions. The SJVAPCD Startup Inspection will then be scheduled and conducted with subsequent reporting. Full-scale long-term remedial operations will then proceed. The Site will be visited on a weekly basis to maintain the equipment and record remedial system parameters. These parameters will be used to calculate the efficiency of the equipment, the fuel hydrocarbon removal rates, and the mass of fuel hydrocarbons removed. EzC Remediation · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Februaty 1 2004 Conclusions Based on the site assessment work and groundwater monitoring data obtained at the Site to date, E2C concludes the following: . · The groundwater flow direction and gradient beneath the Site is not known, however based on the configuration of the limited fuel hydrocarbon impact to groundwater, the flow direction is estimated as southerly; · Pumping from nearby water wells, specifically CWS 158-01, and recharge from the Stine Canal could influence groundwater flow beneath the Site; · Principal fuel hydrocarbon impact to soils is in the Source Area, the former UST cluster; · Groundwater beneath the Site has been minimally impacted, based on low reported detections of fuel hydrocarbon compounds in groundwater samples; · MW-1 is located at/near the southwest leading edge of the groundwater plume and MW-3 is located near the southeast leading edge of the groundwater plume; · Additional groundwater monitoring and sampling will be required to assess groundwater plume conditions in the area of MW-3; and · A SJV APCD permit has been issued for the Site and the Site remedial equipment has been contracted for construction; however, due to the change in remedial equipment (propane generator), a request for permit modification is being prepared and will be submitted to the SJV APCD for approval. This Request for Modification will be reviewed by the SJV APCD on an expedited basis. The equipment should be completed in late March 2004 with subsequent installation and startup followed by long-term full-scale remediation. Recommendations Based on the data presented in this report and the above conclusions, E2C makes the following recommendations: · Continue groundwater monitoring and sampling on a quarterly basis; · Analyze groundwater samples for BTEX and five fuel oxygenates using EPA Method 82608 and for TPHg using EPA Method 8015M; · Analyze groundwater samples for 1 ,2-DCA and EDB for two additional quarters. If these compounds continue to be reported as non-detect, a recommendation will be made to discontinue these analyses; · Mobilize the remedial equipment when construction is completed, construct the equipment compound enclosure, and implement full-scale remedial operations with weekly maintenance visits; and · If fuel hydrocarbon compounds persist in groundwater at MW-3 and/or MW-1, this data wiJI be evaluated and, if warranted, a Workplan for Additional Downgradient Groundwater Characterization with installation of additional well(s) may be submitted. E2C Remediation 2 , , ¡ I \ I ! ì ¡ ì I , ¡ ., . I 'I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Februarv 1. 2004 1.0 INTRODUCTION E2C Remediation (E2C) has completed the Third Quarter 2003 and Fourth Quarter 2003 groundwater monitoring events for the Former Niagara Car Wash (Site) located at 1700 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. This report documents the groundwater monitoring activities and the results. In September 2003 two (2) groundwater monitoring wells were installed. This report documents these installations and the findings of the additional groundwater characterization. Finally, the Remediation Status Report for the Site is presented. The work was performed in accordance with the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region (RWQCB) letter dated August 26, 2003. 1.1 Site Description The Site is a currently operating car wash (Whitewater Car Wash) located in Bakersfield, California, at 1700 Stine Road between Stine Road and Hasti Acres Drive (see Figure 1 for Site Location Map). The Site encompasses approximately 1.7 acres and is located approximately 200 feet south of Ming Avenue. The Site is located in Section 11, Township 30 South, Range 27 East MDBM. Three (3) 12,OOO-gallon gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs) were located as shown on Figure 2 (Site Plan). The USTs were removed in April 2003. The fuel dispensers under the canopy area have also been removed along with the associated piping. One (1) 2,OOO-gallon waste oil UST is still located at the Site as shown on Figure 2. The surrounding area is a mixed commercial and residential area along Stine Road and Hasti Acres Drive. The Stine Canal (irrigation and runoff) traverses the Site from northeast to southwest between the carwash building and Stine Road. 1.2 Site Hydrogeology Regionally, the depth to groundwater had been estimated at approximately 190 feet bgs according to the 1996 Water Supply Report pUblished by the Kern County Water Agency. During March 2003 drilling activities, first encountered groundwater was found at a depth of approximately 163 feet bgs. In September 2003 groundwater was encountered at approximately168 feet bgs. The surrounding area well survey identified four (4) production wells within a 2,500-foot radius of the Site. All of these wells were noted to be operating during the field reconnaissance. The Stine Canal (irrigation and runoff) traverses the Site from northeast to southwest between the carwash building and Stine Road. The canal continues beneath the Site as a concrete pipe culvert which extends from north of Ming Avenue to the southern boundary of the Site. The canal is an unlined channel to the south of the Site. Water was observed to be flowing in the canal during the field reconnaissance. 1.3 Site History A detailed Site History was discussed in the June 17, 2003 report, 'Site Characterization Report of Findings, Report of Surrounding Area Well Survey, SVE System Installation and Pilot Test Report of Findings & Work plan to Implement Remedial Action, Fonner Niagara Car Wash, 1701 Stine Road, Bakersfield, California' (IRAP). In March 2003, E2C installed one (1) groundwater monitoring well to assess groundwater conditions at the Site. In addition two (2) dual completion VE wells and one (1) single completion VE well were installed. Finally, two (2) 40-foot soil borings were advanced on either side of the dispenser islands. Upon completion of the well installations, trenches were excavated and the wells were plumbed to a manifold by the equipment area. Upon completion of plumbing, the trenches were backfilled and completed with concrete caps. This work was reported in the Site Characterization Report of Findings dated June 17, 2003. Based on their review of this work, the RWaCS requested additional groundwater characterization in a letter, dated August 26, 2003. . EP Remediation 3 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 February 1. 2004 2.0 THIRD QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING The following sections describe for the groundwater monitoring and sampling activities conducted by E2C Remediation (E2C) on June 30, 2003, which represented the Third Quarter 2003. 2.1 Groundwater Elevations The initial task performed was checking the well for presence of free-product using a clear bailer. The depth of freestanding groundwater was then measured to the nearest one-hundredth (0.01) of a foot using a Solinst water level indicator and an attached measuring tape. The equipment was washed with Alconox soap and double rinsed prior to each use. Free-product was not present in MW-1. Currently, a licensed surveyor is being contracted to survey the wells to comply with AB2866. It is anticipated that surveying will be completed in the First Quarter 2004. However, a southerly groundwater flow direction can be interpreted (see Figure 3A) based on the groundwater chemical data. Third Quarter 2003 groundwater monitoring data are summarized in Table 1A and are summarized with historical groundwater elevation data in Table 2. 2.2 Groundwater Purging and Sampling Groundwater was purged at the monitoring well using a bailer. A minimum of 3 casing volumes was removed from the well prior to sampling groundwater. A casing volume is calculated b y multiplying the height of the freestanding water column in the well by the cross-sectional area of the well casing. The temperature, pH and conductivity of the purged water were measured periodically to verify sufficient purging indicated by stable measurements on field instruments. When the measurements were within 10% of each other, groundwater in the well was considered stable for sampling. The purge data sheet for the Third Quarter 2003 is included in Appendix A. Each sample was collected using a new disposable bailer. Liquid in the bailer was decanted into two 40-milliliter volatile organic analysis (VOA) vials. Each VOA was sealed using a tight fitting Teflon-lined screw cap. Care was taken so that no headspace or bubbles existed after sealing each VOA with the lid. All samples were labeled and documented on a Chain-of-Custody record immediately after sealing. The samples were placed into an iced cooler maintained at 4° Centigrade for transport to the analytical laboratory. Note: The sample labeled MW-2 on the Chain-of-Custody is a duplicate of the sample from MW-1. 2.3 Groundwater Analyses Groundwater samples were transported to and analyzed at Halcyon Laboratories (State Certification #1920) in accordance with State guidelines and EPA protocols for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) using EPA Method 8015M, the volatile aromatics of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), the five fuel oxygenates of methyl tertiary- butyl ether (MtBE), tertiary-butyl alcohol (TBA; a.k.a. tert-butanol), di.,isopropyl ether (OWE), ethyl tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE), and tertiary-amyl ether (TAME, and for the lead scavengers of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-0CA) and 1,2-dibromomethane (EOB; a.k.a. ethylene dibromide) using EPA Method 8260b. The current analytical results are summarized in Table 1A and with historical analytical data in Table 3. The analytical laboratory report for the Third Quarter 2003 is included as Appendix B.. 2.4 Summary of Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Analytical Data June 30, 2003 groundwater analytical data for well (MW-1) are summarized below: · BTEX compounds were reported as non-detect in the MW-1 groundwater sample and in its duplicate sample; · TPHg compounds were reported as non-detect in the MW-1 groundwater sample and in its duplicate sample; · TPHd compounds were reported at a concentration of 64 µg/L in the MW-1 groundwater sample and as non-detect «50 µg/L) in its duplicate sample; . EzG Remediation 4 · I I I I I, 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Februarv 1. 2004 · Mt8E was reported at a concentration of 8 µg/L in both the MW-1 groundwater sample and in its duplicate sample (see Figure 4); · TAME, TBA, DIPE, and ET8E were reported as non-detect in the MW-1 groundwater sample and in its duplicate sample; and · 1 ,2-DCA and EDB were reported as non-detect in the MW-1 groundwater sample and in its duplicate sample. 3.0 INSTALLATION OF GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS In accordance with the RWaCS letter dated August 26, 2003 and the RWQC8-approved amended IRAP, E2C conducted the following Scope of Services: · Installed two (2) groundwater monitoring wells with collection of soil samples; · Analyzed soil samples at a State of California DHS-Certified analytical laboratory; and · Prepared this Report of Findings. Groundwater monitoring wells MW-2 and MW-3 were installed during the week of September 28, 2003, after which the wells were developed. Initial groundwater monitoring/sampling was conducted at the new wells in October 2003 (see Section 4.0 below). 3.1 Well Installation Methods and Procedures Two (2) borings were advanced for the purpose of installing additional groundwater monitoring wells at the Site. Well locations (MW-2 and MW-3) are depicted on Figure 2. 3.1.1 Soil Boring Methods and Procedures A soil boring was advanced to the desired depth at each well location. Each soil boring was advanced using an AP 1000 Air Percussion Hammer drill rig with dual wall casing advance. Soil samples were collected during the drilling operations for lithologic description and chemical description. Soil boring logs are included in Appendix E. Drilling operations, soil sampling and field monitoring for the presence of hydrocarbons was performed under the supervision of a California Registered Geologist. MW-2 MW-2 was located between VES-8 and 8-8 an area previously investigated (i.e., lithology and soil chemical data in this area were abundant). As such, soil samples in MW-2 were collected at 20-foot intervals to 120 feet below ground surface (bgs), then at 5-foot intervals to total depth, approximately 180 feet bgs. MW-3 MW-3 was located between 8-3 and 8-6. Soil samples were collected at 10-,foot intervals, to total depth, approximately 180 feet bgs. Note: Soil boring data were used to update Cross-Sections C-C' and 0-0' (see Figures 10A and 11 A, respectively). Collection and Preservation of Samples Samples were collected using a split-spoon sampler (California Sampler) containing three brass or stainless steel sleeves. Each soil sample (generally, the middle sample) was sealed at each end using a Teflon® sheet followed by a tight fitting plastic cap. Duct tape was then used to wrap each end sealing the cap. Each sealed sample was then labeled and placed in an iced cooler at a temperature of 40 C, or less, for transport to the analytical laboratory, Samples were transported under Chain-of- Custody that was prepared after labeling a sample. , Ep Remediation 5 · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 18128K03 February 1. 2004 3.1.2 Soil Chemical Analyses Soil samples were chemically analyzed, at Halcyon Analytical Laboratories of Bakersfield, California (State Certification #1920) for the following fuel hydrocarbon compounds: · TPHg using EPA Method 5035/8015M; · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd) using EPA Method 5035/8015M; · BTEX, MtBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, 1,2-DCA and EDB using EPA Method 5035/8260b; and · The minimum detection limits were TPHg and TPHd - 0.1 mg/Kg, BTEX - 0.1 mg/Kg; MtBE, ETBE, TAME, and DIPE - 0.1 mg/Kg, and TBA - 0.5 mg/Kg. 3.1.3 Summary of Soil Analytical Data Four (4) soil samples from MW-2 and three (3) soil samples from MW-3 were chemically analyzed based on the field observations. Soil analytical data are summarized in Table 4 and following. MW-2 Soil Samples The 125-, 135-, 145-, and 155-foot samples from the MW-2 soil boring were chemically analyzed for the fuel hydrocarbon compounds of concern. The 125-foot sample was reported to contain 18 mg/Kg total xylenes and was reported as non-detect for TPHg, TPHd, BTEX, the five fuel oxygenates, and the lead scavengers. The 135-, 145-, and 155-foot samples were reported as non-detect for all analytes of concern. MW-3 Soil Samples The 100-, 140-, and 155-foot soil samples from MW-3 were chemically analyzed. All three (3) samples were reported as non-detect for all analytes of concern. Note: These soil analytical data were used to update Chemical Cross-Sections C-C' and 0-0' (see Figures 10B and 11 B, respectively). 3.1.4 Well Installation Methods and Procedures Each of the soil borings was converted into a groundwater monitoring well. The wells were constructed similarly using 4-inch-diameter flush threaded Schedule 40 PVC casing with 20 feet of screen (0.020-inch slots). MW-2 was screened from a total depth of 180 feet bgs to 160 feet bgs. MW-3 was screened from a total depth of 185 feet bgs to 160 feet bgs (see Figures 7 and 8, respectively). The water table was previously encountered at a depth of approximately 163 feet bgs. As such, filter pack sand (#3 size) was emplaced from total depth to 158 feet bgs followed by hydrated bentonite chips placed by gravity feed from the top of the filter pack sand interval to approximately 155 feet bgs, approximately three (3) feet above the sand filter pack, creating a tight seal. Subsequently, neat cement grout with <5% bentonite powder added was tremied to the surface to complete the seal. Each wellhead was set inside a steel traffic-rated box set 'in concrete to protect the wellheads from moving vehicles. Note: Wells were constructed similarly to MW-1. Groundwater Monitoring Well Developing Methods and Procedures The groundwater monitoring wells were developed using the 'surge block' and bailing method with a "Smeal" well developing rig until purged water appeared clear of suspended solids. 3.1.5 Compliance with AB 2886 Monitoring wells will be surveyed by a State of California-licensed Surveyor to comply with AB 2886. The surveyor will tie in wellheads using a local benchmark and the State plane coordinate system as well as latitude and longitude readings to sub-meter accuracy to comply with California Assembly Bill 2886 (AB 2886). Currently, a licensed surveyor is being contracted. It is anticipated that surveying will be completed in the First Quarter 2004. EP Remediation 6 · I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Februal)' ,. 2004 3.1.6 Disposal of Soil Cuttings During drilling operations, soil cuttings were placed in a lined transport bin. A composite sample of the soils was collected and chemically analyzed for TPHg, BTEX, and MtBE, which were all reported as non-detect. The soils were profiled for thermal treatment at TPS Ade/anto, a State Certified disposal facility under the appropriate manifesting. See Appendix I for the analytical laboratory report and the soil cuttings disposal manifest. 3.1.7 Disposal of Groundwater Purging and Development Water Purged groundwater generated from monitoring/sampling events and from well development was transported under the proper waste manifesting to Remedy Environmental Services of Bakersfield, California for recycling (Appendix J contains a copy of the manifest). 4.0 FOURTH QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWA TER MONITORING The following sections describe the groundwater monitoring and sampling activities conducted by E2C Remediation (E2C) on October 10, 2003, which represented the Fourth Quarter 2003. 4.1 Groundwater Elevations Groundwater elevations were measured in the same manner as described in Section 2.1 above. Free-product was not present in MW-1, MW-2, or MW-3. Currently, a licensed surveyor is being contracted to survey the wells to comply with AB2866. It is anticipated that surveying will be completed in the First Quarter 2004. However, a southerly groundwater flow direction can be interpreted based on the groundwater chemical data. Fourth Quarter 2003 groundwater monitoring data are summarized in Table 1 B and are summarized with historical groundwater elevation data in Table 2. Figure 3B depicts the groundwater gradient plot for the Fourth Quarter 2003. 4.2 Groundwater Purging and Sampling Groundwater was monitored, purged, and sampled in the same manner as described above in Section 2.2 (see Appendix C 'for groundwater purge data sheets). Note: The sample labeled MW-4 on the Chain-of-Custody is a duplicate of the sample from MW-1. 4.3 Groundwater Analyses Groundwater samples were transported to and analyzed at Halcyon Laboratories (State Certification #1920) for the same analytes as in the Third Quarter 2003 (see Section 2.3 above). In addition, samples were submitted to Columbia Analytical Services (State Certification #1364) for the following analyses: · General minerals, including nitrate; · Physical parameters of hardness, pH, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS); · Total Kjeldah/ Nitrogen (TKN); and · T otallead. 4.4 Summary of Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Analytical Data Fourth Quarter 2003 groundwater analytical data are summarized in Table 1 B and below (see Table 3 for summary of historical data) (the analytical laboratory report is included as Appendix D): · BTEX compounds were reported as non-detect in all groundwater samples collected for this quarter (see Figure 4B); . · TPHg compounds were reported as non-detect at MW-1 (also non-deteèt in its duplicate sample). TPHg was reported at MW-2 (60 µg/L) and MW-3 (80 µg/L) (see Figure 58); EzG Remediation 7 · I , I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ProiectNumber1812BK03 February 1. 2004 · MtBE was reported as non-detect at MW-1 (also non-detect in its duplicate sample). MtBE was reported at MW-2 (20 µg/L) and MW-3 (150 µg/L) (see Figure 6B); · TBA, DIPE, ETBE, and TAME were reported as non-detect in all groundwater samples collected for this quarter; . · 1,2-PCA and EDB were reported as non-detect in all groundwater samples collected for this quarter; · General mineral, total lead, nitrate and TKN analyses revealed background levels for metals, non-detect for total lead, moderately low hardness, neutral pH, low to moderate TDS and minimal TKN (See Table 5, which also summarizes these analyses from the April 2003 sampling event) (analytical laboratory report is included in Appendix H). 5.0 ADDITIONAL GROUNDWATER CHARACTERIZATION REPORT OF FINDINGS The low concentrations of TPHg and MtBE at MW-2 and MW-3 and the past reported low concentrations at MW-1 indicate that groundwater at the Site has been minimally impacted and that the principal impact is to soils, specifically in the former tank cluster area. The low MtBE and TPHg concentrations reported at MW-1 in the past with non-detect in the Fourth Quarter 2003 indicate that this well is located aVnear the southwest leading edge of the groundwater plume. The low MtBE and TPHg concentrations reported at MW-3 in the Fourth Quarter 2003 indicate that this well is located aVnear the southeast leading edge of the groundwater plume. Additional monitoring and groundwater sampling at MW-3 will be required to assess plume concentration trends in this area. 6.0 REMEDIATION STATUS REPORT A SJV APCD Authority to Construct application has been prepared and submitted by E2C, and approved by SJV APCD for the remediation equipment. PG&E was contacted to obtain an estimate of costs and installation schedule to supply electrical power. Based on the PG&E cost estimate (>$20,000) and the estimate for time to complete (approximately six months at a minimum), E2C has explored other power supply options. Based on this research, E2C has opted to purchase a propane generator-powered thennal oxidizer. In addition, a Request for Modification to the Pennit To Operate will be submitted to the SJV APCD for their review on an expedited basis. In late November 2003 E2C was made aware of a new State Cleanup Fund (Fund) policy regarding equipment purchase and leasing. This policy requires pre-approval of costs for equipment purchase. E2C prepared and submitted the Request for Pre-Approval, which was approved by the Fund in January 2004. E2C has contracted Baker Furnace, to construct the equipment. Equipment delivery is scheduled for late March 2004. Upon mobilization of the equipment to the Site, an equipment compound enclosure will be constructed followed by approximately 30 days of operation to allow the equipment to stabilize (i.e., 'work out the bugs') and to verify that the equipment will meet SJV APCD permit conditions. The SJV APCD Startup Inspection will then be scheduled and conducted with subsequent reporting. Full-scale long-term remedial operations will then proceed. The Site will be visited on a weekly basis to maintain the equipment and record remedial system parameters. These parameters will be used to calculate the efficiency of the equipment, the fuel hydrocarbon removal rates, and the mass of fuel hydrocarbons removed. E2C Remediation 8 · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 February 1. 2004 7.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the site assessment work and groundwater monitoring data obtained at the Site to date, E2C concludes the following: · The groundwater flow direction and gradient beneath the Site is not known, however basE?d on the configuration of the limited fuel hydrocarbon impact to groundwater, the flow direction is estimated as southerly; . · Pumping from nearby water wells, specifically CWS 158-01, and recharge from the Stine Canal could influence groundwater flow beneath the Site; · Principal fuel hydrocarbon impact to soils is in the Source Area, the former UST cluster; · Groundwater beneath the Site has been minimally impacted, based on low reported detections of fuel hydrocarbon compounds in groundwater samples; · MW-1 is located at/near the southwest leading edge of the groundwater plume and MW-3 is located near the southeast leading edge of the groundwater plume; · Additional groundwater monitoring and sampling will be required to assess groundwater plume conditions in the area of MW-3; and · A SJV APCD permit has been issued for the Site and the Site remedial equipment has been contracted for construction; however, due to the change in remedial equipment (propane generator), a request for permit modification is being prepared and will be submitted to the SJV APCD for approval. This Request for Modification will be reviewed by the SJV APCD on an expedited basis. The equipment should be completed in late March 2004 with subsequent installation and startup followed by long-term full-scale remediation. 8.0 RECOMMENDA TIONS Based on the data presented in this report and the above conclusions, E2C makes the following recommendations: · Continue groundwater monitoring and sampling on a quarterly basis; · Analyze groundwater samples for BTEX and five fuel oxygenates using EPA Method 8260B and for TPHg using EPA Method 8015M; · Analyze groundwater samples for 1 ,2-DCA and EDB for two additional quarters. If these compounds continue to be reported as non-detect, a recommendation will be made to discontinue these analyses; · Mobilize the remedial equipment when construction is completed, construct the equipment compound enclosure, and implement full-scale remedial operations with weekly maintenance visits; and · If fuel hydrocarbon compounds persist in groundwater at MW-3 and/or MW-1, this data will be evaluated and, if warranted, a Workplan for Additional Downgradient Groundwater Characterization with installation of additional well(s) may be submitted. , E2C Remediation 9 -. - I 'I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I. Proiect Number 1812BK03 February 1. 2004 9.0 LIMITA TlONS AND REPORT CERTlFICA TION E2C performed this investigation in accordance with the generally accepted standards of care existing in California at this time. It should be recognized that definition and evaluation of geologic conditions is a difficult and inexact science. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommenç!ations are generally made with limited knowledge of subsurface conditions present. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This report has been prepared by E2C under the professional supervision of the registered professional whose seal and signature appear herein. The conclusions of this report are based solely on the Scope of Services outlined and the sources of information referenced in this report. Any additional information that becomes available concerning the Site should be submitted to E2C so that our conclusions may be reviewed and modified, if necessary. This report was prepared for the sole use of Mr. Frank Hobin and/or agent(s), the RWaCB, and the Bakersfield Rre Department. Prepared By: 11) William A. Lawson, Senior Geologist E2C Remediation 10 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3A Figure 38 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10A Figure 108 Figure 11 A Figure 11 8 Februarv 1. 2004 FIGURES Site Location Map Site Plan Third Quarter 2003 Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction Fourth Quarter 2003 Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater MtBE Distribution Plot Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater TPHg Isoconcentration Plot Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater MtBE Isoconcentration Plot MW-2 As-Built Diagram MW-3 As-Built Diagram Site Plan with Updated 2003 Cross-Section Transects Updated Cross-Section C-C' Updated Cross-Section C-C' with Extent of Fuel Hydrocarbon Impact Updated Cross-Section 0-0' Updated Cross-Section 0-0' with Extent of Fuel Hydrocarbon Impact . . E2C Remediation Figures . I I I I g,., ~~~;:(/ , t:::,y,,~=: ,'~. 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I I I I E2C Remediation, LLC 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California FIGURE 1 I SITE LOCATION MAP I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II ~ZZZZ27.zZ7.z~ ~~ ~ ~¡ ¡~,' 'º ~ VJ ::¡ ~ ~ ~ ~ ¡~ .3 .~ VJ >, 't' I~ ~ t.-: ~ :=; ~: !~27..z2Z7.7..zZ2.:~' B-9 . Canopy @ Ô ® Fonn@uel ~ense~EA @ @ @ B-8 . c=J t B-4 e> ~ MW-2 f- ,(I) ^ (ij:J v OJ:::: 60 8$ ('Ji\1 S VES-B B-1 em VES-A )8(~ )8( .', ø ::, .:1 j '\~~:LI>',;~'\~:,"r I ~ ~ ~ 0 û5 >, Q. QJ 0 () c , C1J ~ .~ ü É?F c , (]) üi > C1J ~ , s õ ~ ~ ü ~ ~ ~ ü 0 ~ ~' I e> 8-2 38( VES-C ø B-3 ,~ G B-5 ~Z?;';-~.l~7.?2Z'~.?¿7.:7.Z;>.27.a2Z- '-~ ~ MW-3 ~~ 0 :§ 2 Z! ~i ~2§ b2m'm..222Ž.l]//J;2Z27n77~~ I I ¡ I I II E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 (!) > .~ 0 (j) I ~ ¡ Ü <{ ìJ) I Cd J: í I ¡ II I I I ~ C\1 ~ MW-1 t~ ~ '15, II B-6 e> FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California SITE PLAN 11- ~ Groundwater Monitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well . 1997 Soil Boring NCWS'18 ~ 1997 Hand Auger 8-6 Boring e> 1999 Soil Boring . 2003 Soil Boring u cÜ o a: (}) .~ (iJ \ , I SCALE: 1 = 40 feet I I I I I FIGURE 2 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II ! e?zzzr.tZ?zzzz?: ;~ ~ ~! ,i I :,~ '6 ~ :~ ~ f1 ~ C) ~ :~ :; ~ iF! ..J' ~ t:1 >, ~! I;"; :::: I~I i~ '-=) ~ :;;.2Z.?L22Z?2Z?.2ŽJ I I 8-9 . ~",1':t:m(I:H 01 LEGEND C!,1r:"'~;,:, + Groundwater Canopy Monitoring Well @ Ô ® ~ Soil Vapor Extraction Well ~ Fonner Fuel Dispøns0r AJlEÞ, (t 1997 Soil Boring @ (3 ~ 2 NcvVS·18 ~ IS 1997 Hand Auger Õ ü5 À Boring @ @ @ Q. C) 0 B·6 ü c e:> 1999 Soil Boring r <11 .22 ü r r . 2003 Soil Boring 8-8 . a:s (jj > <11 c S 0 eJ ü ta 8-4 Ü -+ MW-2 Not Installed VES-8 eJ 8-2 I I CJ I ,~ I I ! I I i I l- I .VJ 0 (6::J CD;:: 60 82 ,(/) (\JaJ 5: ( ) > .¡:: °1 æ .... I Ü I i II VES-A I " I J¡ ~ I .¡ l §~ 'I 1/ ',- :e;:Q ¡~, #~ ~r~ 1~ ~ 8 ug/L MtSE T1 I ¡ 3g( VES-C ü Cü o 0: ( ) c if; ø B-3 ...k MW-3 Y Not Installed \ , I I, I II ~r'2' /?Z?:?//znÌ':/7}27:t~· ~:- ...... ~"; ..~ _'¿ ~ ~ ~'- .í:i 0"" 2 i? 5ë(iC o -<roC) ~''==-''~L< < _~. q.::~= 'V../../LZZliZZLZZZV.2027..LZ7.zzzL7...dY..zzL2:l2 SCALE: 1 I, = 40 feet I I I I I I FIGURE I~ ~ B-6 eJ E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California 3A THIRD QUARTER 2003 INFERRED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (j) .~ :... 0 (fJ (j) :... Ü I « ~ (1j ¡ I I I I I ! I ¡ L. ro 5: <lJ i5 W.7.222'22'Z7.2'2Z1 :a- >2' ~ a = ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;d ~ f:3 ~ (l) :~ :%' .0 ~. I:~ ~ .~ ~ >, ~: , ¡;~ ~ ~: .%) J '" ¡ I f7J272/J2?../J"J..2 ¡ 8-9 . Canopy @ ~ ~ FOnTI@UOi ~enS"~E~ @ @ @ 8-8 . c=J t B·4 €:) . f- .(f) C ~~ MW-2 0)"" 60 20 O(j) o~ r:,j'~ $: VES-8 )8i B-' i1l.f,',;, ~,: ~ VES-A ~~ ~ MW-1 .ND G B-5 V'~!i~;,I:':~:~':~;:r I ~- I I LEGEND .- Groundwater Monitoring Well ~ Soil Vapor Extraction Well . 1997 Soil Boring NCWS·H) (lJ ~ 1997 Hand Auger 0 ù5 :>. Boring 0. OJ 0 B-6 () c:: e> 1999 Soil Boring c <1J ,g¿ Ü r .c . 2003 Soil Boring (jj (fJ ~ C1J Õ S ü æ ü t~ E:) B-2 u (1j o a: OJ c '''::¡ (f) B-3 ~~ ~'{; ~~ ~ ~.o- '&ca ~.~ ~"- ~ ~ ~ ~.rr.arœ-='" ~ OJ.... ~ .8ª2 'ph' ~roC 0.1 « - <1J I%¡ ( ) ü ~.Þ2Ð.J!~W::žmm»~ ! I I I ¡ ¡ I ¡ I II 150 ug/L MtBE , ~ , B·6 E:) SCALE: 1" = 40 feet I I I I I I FIGURE FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 FOURTH QUARTER 2003 INFERRED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION 38 . ¡ LEGEND t Groundwater Monitoring Well ~ Soil Vapor Extraction Well >, e 1997 Soil Boring c. NCWS-it: 0 (¡j 1997 Hand Auger 0 " , Boring üJ nJ B·6 S ~ €) 1999 Soil Boring 0 . 2003 Soil Boring ? QJ I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I '~",:,';:;;:;;" ¡ WtØ ~ ~ 12 1,:11' !~ (l) or.- Õ ~¡ ~ (I"Q' IV." (j) .'~1 m V :%~ ~ ,_J i~ì ,~ ~~ ~ ~..} õ a ,;1.1 0 ~ ~¡ ~, ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ a fl:~ J~ ~j FJ @~ !*-'~ . 8-9 Canopy U.2?..l2ZZ¿Z2'~1 ~ 521 ~ ',Ç1 ,:= ~ :2 32 ~ 'í1 -' ~I ,"/C OJ v., .~ (j) ~ ;~ .Q ~: :? ::; ~: '/! .-1 (%, ~ £' 1%: :~ =; ~ ,%' ,- .. . . '''''X7/;''? ,'L.äfú!Z,-~",. -....-,"'''L.____ ~ F!.:'JnTlHr FlH::d DisDenS>2( .A.HEJ-\ Ô @ Ô @ Ô ^ í\ ~ ~ . 6-4 E:) 4- 8-8 ¡---l t 1- 7U~ ())= 60 Om o~ '(f) N(Ü S Q MW-2 not installed VES-8 (l) > o E:) B-2 )8( 6-1 ~1l ~ ~ VES-A )8(1 ¡ I 11 ¡,~' liJ LL, (J) (l) :.... Ü « I îïi I ~ I I II I II ¡~I MW-1 ~I f~1 4- ¡! ª Ii 8 dup I I II II; G r==:,;~=rð~>"'~ II ~j 5~ë J~ II ~==mZZ~=»2=-J I ! II U tV o 0: (l) ,C ð) 38( VES-C ø B-3 \ I t I SCALE: 1" = 40 feet I I I J I FIGURE ..+.. MW-3 V not installed 6-6 e FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 4 THIRD QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MtSE ISOCONCENTRA TION PLOT . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I ¡ I II I I I ! II g2 I, ~ 11 ~ II ¡ « ¡ ~ II ¡ I !! 1 , I I I i I I II I I 1""1 ¡ii.), ISI t~! tf)i ¡ i ¡ I ¡ B-9 . I':,;:~ f'..----'.-----.- - ¡. Vb0. - .'?J'/777L';¿: Canopy 861" ........,¿. I i ¡-¡.~zz.?.:g.?zz.?Z~,~; @Dl5 ð ' ~ g ! ! v.' C in C'i ¡~ '301 ~(,I¡ F' I''/.· .- 0 "- ,,,..... I' ! 'n u ~, , i~,..~ f:¡ .'/. = ~' ~ FJ I I ~ c5 ~¡ FC""';{UGI ~)2nSel AI'E~ ~ â I ! :.'/.: 15 ~:.', /~, OJ fð.J ~ <j) ~ II:~ ~ P.: \.J l, \) ~ '- ~ Ili~...J ~: '%.2? > ! i;~ :2 ~ (ì /ì (ì ~ (f) /: i:)c-~.:'.' I . .~' := 't::. ;1'IIi, ¡~ 10 ~4 :";~. __ ¡ :~ ,... ,0" ..1:: \ '1 ., j I '%j , 1/: ,Z/././././././././././.;¿! \j.. \) ,:%!" !~: ',) --,.."'.,..-.,~~;- .....--'--,..,--'- r¡21 I~: ,;:. ;'11 I;::::~. ~i ~:::;' I :%¡ I;::::" 9 a U I 1lrt I I ,% J~ ~-,~.~JfP~ ¡~ÆI I I j ! ¡ . ,~ I I ... ,en (6:) 0):-::; 60 0(1) 0- ,(/) N(1J S c )g{ 8-1 0¡ll rr. :fl ; U ¡ ¡ii I VES-A ~IJ I!~ If ¡ W l~J Lll .;g( ~ ø 8-3 MW-1 4- NO NO dup G 8-5 ,'" "//Xl::i':i'Z;':r;p':r' '77/2n;;Z;:QZ7,ì2Z:z/l'n7zz,27Z' - f~~'" '. ,,~ ~, f#....~" ,,\I" ~.~..~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, Bª2 I~ , ~mc ø ~ « ãJ UQ) ¡%; \%1 0 1%1 Ø!7'7--;7::;¡'ji7"7'~7"·7;"~~v'''';/'''Y'.¡''77)?;-:;}''''P¡J;;'7F--7~7L'>Lf1;: :r.ä~, _,. ,_. _,. ._h!¿¿/L&,.".'_""-'-FJ.'" _"'~...., ."'-".,, "'~. ",,-,. ? B-6 e> -.------- FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 FOURTH QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER TPHglSOCONCENTRA TION PLOT i ! ; LEGEND t Groundwater Monitoring Well ~ Soil Vapor Extraction Well . 1997 Soil Boring NC\\I$-1H ~ 1997 Hand Auger Boring 8-6 ~ 1999 Soil Boring . 2003 Soil Boring rl ¡ I ¡ I I ¡ ! I I I I 1 , I u Cd 0 a: ill c ~ (f) \ , I SCALE: 1 = 40 feet I ¡ I I I ¡ FIGURE 5 ¡ ; I t I I: !' . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ II 0'1 (f) II,' ~) I õ II <1: ¡ i û) III (û , 1 ~- ) ! ì B-9 . ',v",...,,·, J '~'·'f';"..I" ki'Zøæl?2?fI'~ ~! ~ ~J ,a .~ 'I~ :0 '~ ~ è" ~ å I'~ !~ Q) .~ ,~ () ~ ~1 .~ ,~ '.-;.oJ ,- /.' :~F :> ,~ :,'~I! § I,â J% ü ì~: ~ .~ !~ ~ ~jâ ~~! ~ , ';:1 'l-' a r -or 'n, !%1 ~ i~¡ wÆ ~~~~ C1:! Ü l , i I i I I J Canopy øQ/~~"'r Id i,'Q¡ !a u~: \)vð ;~ ;i":: :-(ì' :;;~;r FU0' >;)p::;~';;:'J::r Ä,FiE> '/:' OJ~, f\ r;., I"' :~ 1;~: ¡ () ! () ¡q i~ :::J'~: \) V U :~ .-J~: .. ,/,>, ¡:;:, ~ -I~ ~ ~ 0 f 'n- v., ~' ~ Q :%... .,7. _ ',:; .j~' ,\ ) -I I ,.'/.//..(.a.a.(,,-:(.b;_¡_,__-,!_~':::..._.-------, >, ,~ ö c m Ü B-8 . " (ñ (¡) s LJ i i \ I ' I I , I : I I , · I I , ! ¡ ! ¡ , I b:¡ i~.~1 ~I f.'~;¡ fJ)! i ¡ ¡ I I ! JA ! f- (}) 'iij:::J 0);-::: 60 CO) o~ '(f¡ ('oj -<1! :> o )8{ "'1 m ~""'I ',<. '" '-' ;,; I? ,; , .'.'. I.'..... .c.:. U:j I I~ J ¡! i.:.' i ~,,' , t.'.:.·.· 'I' ,:' I" '.-' D LL LL J8( VES- % o B-3 MW-1 +ND ND dup ì I I , ! j I i : I ¡ I i · I ! I I ' I ' ¡ · i I , ! ! Q B·5 B-6 e> .......-- ., _._._-~... FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 FOURTH QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MtSE ISOCONCENTRATION PLOT I i LEGEND t Groundwater Monitoring Well ~ Soil Vapor Extraction Well ~ 1997 Soil Boring NCW$·18 " 1997 Hand Auger Boring 8-6 e; 1999 Soil Boring . 2003 Soil Boring ~I ñ.1 I ¡ I I I I I I I i I I I I 'D (ij 0 C( I~ ! I j I ì I i I , I I \ , I I i I ! I SCALE: 1 = 40 feet , I ¡ I I I FIGURE 6 · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ¡'-8'-'¡ ~12"~ ---- Removable Cap Concrete Well Monument Neat-cement grout 5 feet hydrated Bentonite Lone5tar #3 Sand to 4' above top of screen Schedule 40 PVC, 4-inch diameter, 0.020 Slot Size I ¡ I I I õ s -,...- ã) OJ - o co ,... - OJ 2 o co ,... WATER \] TABLE Approximately 168 feet bgs .J::. ã. OJ o (ij ~ ã) 2 ¡ Flush Thread Cap NOT TO SCALE E2C Remediation FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH AGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California 93313 Bakersfield, California 7 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 MW-2 AS-BUILT DIAGRAM · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --- --- \1 WATER TABLE Approximately 168 feet bgs E2C Remediation 5300 Wood mere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 ãí 2 LO <X) T"" .s:: Õ. Q) o ëii - o t- ¡"B'-'¡ ~12n~ - o .e _T"" _ ãí Q) - o <0 T"" Removable Cap Concrete Well Monument Neat-cement grout 3 feet hydrated Bentonite Lonestar #3 Sand to 2' above top of screen ãí Schedule 40 PVC, 4-inch 2 diameter, 0.020 Slot Size ¡ Flush Thread Cap FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California MW-3 AS-BUILT DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE RGURE 8 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C' 8-9 ?¡?.?.2Z?ZZZZZZZ~ ~ [? ~ a = %' ,~ u %. ä '§ ~' ~ co ~ '~ 2 ~ ~ .3 ~ ,~ À ~~': 1:.1 ~ 't E:1 :=; ~ ~2/..w2Z721Æ 1 Canopy ® ~ f~ Fo¡m@uel ~enSGt ~REA @ @ ¡ J 8-8 . 6-4 E:) t f- -a~ c 0>,= 60 822 Ñ~ S (l) > .¡:: o E:) B-2 (]) (l) '- o ~ ,jj (1j I G 6-5 9-' ê5 û5 À Q. (J) 0 u C r ('j ,9.3 ü ~ ..c (f) m S ~ ü VES-C I rY<=æ<æ>~;;=~ IIII ~.~ 3~§ J~ ~! .... ~ ü 0 D' ¡ I ~.ižZ"./Y2.û:2Z22721;'-77-"77J.m7}ñ;;Z:::Z-..L.U!77~ II E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 MW-3 B-6 e> FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California I I LEGEND -$- Groundwater Monitoring Well ~ Soil Vapor Extraction Well . 1997 Soil Boring NGWS·18 ~ 1997 Hand Auger Boring B-6 e> 1999 Soil Boring . 2003 Soil Boring u (1j o CC CJ) c in .~ ~ , SCALE: 1 II = 40 feet I I I I I I FIGURE SITE PLAN WITH UPDATED 2003 CROSS-SECTION TRANSECTS 9 ------------- ------. 'I SCALE 1" = 30 feet EXPLANATION B-8 - Soil Boring MW-1 - Monitoring Well VES-NB - VE Well Boring MUCL - Clayey Silt SM - Silty Sand SP/SM - Sand/Silty Sand SP - Sand SP/GP - Sand/Gravelly Sand, Sandy Gravel c ~" ~ ( 20 feet SP SP 40 feet ?- SP with gravel ?- - - - 60 feet SP 80 feet ? ? SPïSM- _- SP 100 feet SM -?- -- SP with Gravel SP/GP ? ? 120 feet SP ,140 feet ?- - -- SP/GP 160 feet - -- ----- SP 180 feet E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 f'. ~ ^Ç) b fò "'-V ~ / {;-ø~ ØV f<,C'd . o~ ó.ff«.,'I>?f þ. !ò ßf(~' ~>~ (~~((~ FORMER MFDS ~<9 1 former UST excavation SP SP SP SP - - -- SP/SM - - -- SP with Gravel SP with gravel -?- - - - - - SP/SM SP/GP SP/GP SP/GP - - - - -? SP/SM SP/SM SP/SM -----------? - - ? SP/SM SP/SM -?- - - SP/GP SP/GP SP/GP ? - -- - - - - -? - - - - - -?- ----------? =-.sl- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?....: - water table @ -165 ft - 170 ft SP? SP SP SP? FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 STINE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA UPDATED CROSS-SECTION C-C' ? ? ? ? c' 20 feet 40 feet 60 feet 80 feet 100 feet 120 feet 140 feet 160 feet 180 feet FIGURE 10A / ( r---r·..'..·-·--"------'..··,·.., ! I I ::;1',1 ND 7:__1 I T ND 60iE:ei "-1 ¡ SP I .J.. ND SO ie0t .-1:' --I :3P(ë;fv1- ...::::, I /"'-\ ....,. - - - 100 feel -~ + ND I ') ..J¡ -,. 120 fOel .~ I ï ND I I 140 test ,_ I ¡ )_ _.L 0,1 TPHg__ . \ SPlGP 'ißOtr,et --I-~'..It~=-..,-".. -___ - .2--_ -__~__ -~_ -..2-_ - _-- _--_m . I [¡-,,1, ND :)1": \tvater table@-165ft ' 170 n ! ~I._., 180 Ic;cl ,_i .., 1.06 MIBE - - - - - 20 Íl'et ,1[)i,",o,1 7--- E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 - - - - - - - - - - - " 0^"~ ,-)'0~\ / if~, ¿.... ~ .Q\d~(¿-¡;-:-''-\ ,~. ßf~ (~(f" ('~( ( ~~I ';;;;;"~;,; rH--- ND I.J.. 1 SP fiND ,,' ,~;p p q [1-- '- - ~ -.. ,.1 -.)0.51 MtBE I I ' 1 l-'""" ",,"8 n~T '-g:~~~A -j' Icn,"'-: -i: g:~~tBEVI , -,0.51 MtBE - .._..) -,. SP;SM '.' I ,... _:::- 'j SPiCI" "'ï 1.~ .~~BE t 3,16MtBE - .1::- - .. , Nb- ~- -)-- - - - t. -..:.1.2MIBE SF' ,--" -- _.- '. 1::2,9 M§\SiS: 11 I 1'::.!~MtBE I TO.I~E 0.89 MIBE - T 0.089 MlBE - ND ND Ii to,~MtB~:.-I.\.¡ic- =-.. ,/'" - ? - - - ,",==-, T 0.11 MIB =_ND .J.. ND 1 ND 1 ND I ND I ND - ND <Ý ~ÇJ SP '--. --. - ~ SP with gravel 8M SPiGP ,) SPlSfv1 -!- 18 X I -- I - -'ì -- - - - 7 T ND Notes: f) í~'¡ -¡ N°.3PIGP SoilsamplestromB-8andB.9á1î-nb'n~œtéètfor: BTEX. MtBE. TBA. DIPE, ETBE. & TAME . ND = nan,detect for: TPHg. BTEX, MtBE, TBA. DlPE, ETBE. & TAME ? "iT N~7 -- -Conc'éñtratioõšlñ mgIKg (ppm) - - ::- ' ,-- ~I - -, - - - -- - -' - _..;- ~iP ~._, SP FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 STINE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA UPDATED CROSS-SECTION C-C' WITH EXTENT OF FUEL HYDROCARBON IMPACT - - - I . , rl'~'} l; )() I;;~,-< c1(} ~c:(-,j dO ::}OI\·'(:·1 i (,;i; :' i :~(ì i,·1;:,: l!d.! 1(:<., L L 1FC i,', - Ißt) FIGURE 108 D t( (jò ~ ð- 0''0 ~<o<ã 1 ,~q; I former UST L excavati -<an - 20 feet SP SP? . I I I I 40 feet ? ? 60 feet ? I I I I 80 feet ? 1 00 feet I I - -- SP with gravel - --- - SP/SM - - - =SP = =-.::=-_ -__ _ _ SM... -__&I:.. SP/SM - MUSM - - - - - - -- MUSP SP SM? SP SM 120 feet -?- - - - -?- 140 feet I 160 feet I I I I I I I I SP? - -?- ------ SP SP/GP SP ML MUSP - .- SP _ _ .:sz...?_ _ _ _?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ -_ -_ -..;.. -..:sz..- MUSP ? water table @ -163.4 ft MUSP 180 feet - - - - - - ?- ----------- 200 feet SP? E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 SP/GP 'L?- -?- - -?_ _ _ _ MI./sfJ""? - -?- -?- - - - MUSP - -?- ? SP? ? EXPLANATION MW-3 - Monitoring Well Location MUSM - Clayey SilVSilty Sand SM - Silty Sand SP - Sand SP/SM - Sand/Silty Sand VES-A/C - VE Well Boring Location FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California UPDATED CROSS-SECTION D·D' SP 4?tr" ìJ ì D' 20 feet 40 feet 60 feet 80 feet 100 feet . 120 feet 140 feet 160 feet 180 feet 185 feet 200 feet SCALE 1 = 30 feet FIGURE 11A . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~----¡-T-'-~'-------'---'--Tl . k,rrner J+ NO ¡ , I ....L NO I I -+- NO i T - -t-NO ,I .. n".__ -++-- NO .._" ":::1..,,: :·r,NO ? 0.48 MtSE ,:::" -.._ )l¡lL!$lvi 1.1 ('-. fiíil/SM~' II - '." -", D (r cP ð- <or¡:; fl,~ ,~ :':J SP - - - <-10 ¡'eE'\ .,--, ",. _\ SP v-Jith gr:Jvel :": 0.44 E +-0.79-X ,- . 3.39 TBA",.,:,;:' '.' ".), !.::!!\'( (~C fe~::i ~ f .. -'-,., ., '. .. ~~P/:::,:\ 1 -:,;.... 3.16 MtBE-: , -, -.~. "::(:':. ' 1 ~-: ~,t-- ¡ ; I i 100 feei "'~'i i SM '! 1 ;~:C: :í.:;(~j ? _.~.. ~ is''0 1 SP " - -7- ------- SF'/GP 00.- '1__ --.- ? ~- ~ -..- -~ --? '! ML/SP -- - '; ,-- ----~-- SP ? SP~ __ 1)_ Î"fQ feci Approx,rextent of impacted soils ? 160 íee! ..~'-. .-- _...~. ,~~...~ .._.~ sp' , 200 feet _~ E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831-6234 - ..,-?- -- -, ._ ø_ _ - - - ------, MLlSP ? water table @ -163.4 ft ''? - ,,-- ...- ".-- .-- ._~- ~.~¥. .- .~..... .....~. ..- - EXPLANATION MW-3 - Monitoring Well Location MUSM - Clayey Silt/Silty Sand SM - Silty Sand SP - Sand SP/SM - Sand/Silty Sand VES-AlC - VE Well Boring Location FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California UPDATED CROSS-SECTION D-D' WITH EXTENT OF FUEL HYDROCARBON IMPACT 1Z1"v:a 1 ~' -'-n, " I I 120 'oc' ¡ I ¡ ¡ ~ 40 feet 1- I I I , 1 ¡ , í : I I t, 1- ì:i;".' is,"' í i I-I" " , I L. 80 íeet MUSP 1_ Nol SP SP/C3P SP TvfL 100 feet SP I I f--120 f'jet I I I r "",,' , ND J ~ 160 ,," ~.' -! ML/SP :-: ! ,'... :.,--- I ;. ¡ -. , !- ;_ -: EHJ ic~e1 i~L--l"135 feet I ' I '-200 íeel SP I I Nol SCALE 1" = 30 feet FIGURE 118 · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Table 1 A Table 18 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Febf1.Jaty 1 2004 TABLES Summary of Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Data Summary of Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Data Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Summary of Historical Groundwater Analytical Data Summary of Soil Analytical Data Summary of 2003 Supplemental Groundwater Analyses EP Remediation Tables - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ ~ I Project Number 1812BK03 February 1, 2004 WelllD Sample Date 6/30/03 6/30/03 TABLE 1A SUMMARY OF THIRD QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA FORMER NIAGARA CARWASH 1701 Stine Road . Bakersfield, California June 30 2003 T E X EDB MW-1 MW-1 dup nd<0.5 nd<0.5 Notes: 1,2-DCA = 1,2-Dichloroethane B = Benzene BTOC = Below top of casing DIPE = Di-i50propyl Ether dup = duplicate sample E = Ethylbenzene EDB = Ethylene Dibromide (a.k.a. Dibromo Methane) ETBE = Ethyl tertiary-butyl Ether GW = Groundwater MtBE = Methyl tertiary-Butyl Ether na = Not available nd = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit, which is indicated by value. T = Toluene TAME = Tertiary-Amyl Methyl Ether TBA = Tertiary-Butyl Ether (a.k.a tert-butanol) TOC = Top of casing TPHg = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline uglkg = micrograms per liter X = Total xylenes .' . MW-2 on COC is a duplicate sample collected from well MW-1 for quality control. E2C Remediation Table 1A-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pr~ectNumber1812BK03 February 1, 2004 TABLE 1B SUMMARY OF FOURTH QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA FORMER NIAGARA CARWASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California October 10. 2003 WelllD Sample TOC Elevation Depth to Water GW Elevation B T E X TPHg TPHd MtBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME 1 ,2-DCA EDB Date (feet MSl) (feet BTOC) (feet MSL) uq/L MW-1 10/10/03 -----...- 167.58 ..------ nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 na nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 ,ryr\l\l~1, d..up 10/10/03 ------- 167.58 .........-...- nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 na nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 . ...-------.--. -- ...- ~,,--- .----,..- .--.- _.._----~-------- _._._--~._..._----,._..- --. . ----- --- ~_...._,-- _n__.______~ ~------_. -.. ,,---- . ._------_.._.~..--_..- --..- ..,-.-.----- MW-2 10/10/03 ........--- 169.72 ..----...- nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 60 na 20 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 no "." ,.. -"-.,-.------ .__.u.__· .----- ------~-~ .---- --.--.--..-.-.-.-----...-... ----- -.-... '-- -- - - .-- ._-_._~-'". .. -- ....-.....-..-" '...... -. ,..---.--- MW-3 1 0/1 0/03 ------- 170.07 .........--- nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 80 na 150 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 Notes: . 1,2-DCA = 1,2-Dichloroethane B = Benzene BTOC = Below top of casing DIPE = Di-isopropyl Ether dup = duplicate sample \ E = Ethylbenzene EDB = Ethylene Dibromide (a.k.a. Dibromo Methane) ETBE = Ethyl tertiary-butyl Ether GW = Groundwater MtBE = Methyl tertiary-Butyl Ether na = Not available nd = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit, which is indicated by value. T = Toluene TAME = Tertiary-Amyl Methyl Ether TBA = Tertiary-Butyl Ether (a.k.a tert-butanol) TOC = Top of casing TPHg = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline ug/kg = micrograms per liter X = Total xylenes * MW-4 on COC is a duplicate sample co!!ected from we!! MW-1 for quality control. E2C Remediation Table 1 B-1 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I Project Number 1812BK03 February 1,2004 TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Total DEPTH TOC GW ELEVATION WELL ID DATE Depth TOGW ELEVATION ELEVATION CHANGE (feet BTOC) (feet BTOG) (feet MSL) (feet MSL) (feet) 4/2/03 180.00 162.30 SP .".....-.-....-.-.-- ...... .... .... ... . .. ., n_, _... .. ,.. .. MW-1 6/30103 180.30 165.00 SP -2.70 ..,.",. ,..", .' , .u.__. ,.'.. 1 0/1 0103 180.05 167.58 SP -2.58 ,."" -..-....". MW-2 1 0/1 0103 178.00 169.72 SP -.....,-,-......-..- ,....,.,'.',. ' ., MW-3 1 0/1 0103 184.90 170.07 SP ..:... NOTES: BTOC = Below Top of Casing GW = Groundwater MSL = Mean Sea Level SP = Survey Pending . TOC = Top of Casing E2C Remediation Table 2-1 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pr0ectNumber1812BK03 February 1, 2004 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield California WelllD Sample B T E X TPHq TPHd MtBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME 1 ,2-DCA EDB Date µg/L 4/2/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 102 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 .,. , .. 6/30/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 64 8 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 MW-1 6/30/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 nd<50 8.".., nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 . d. ,," ,.. '... .d ..,'.', "'..d. . I·" ., ."", 'd.'.' .. 10/1 0/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 10/10/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 ..... ..,.,..- d".".".,. d' dd .., d'_ ... .. MW·2 10/10/03 I1d~º~!5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 ,.,. 60 ns 20 nd<0.5 nC!~º~~ nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 . u. ..., . __ _,_~_._., .._ , . .....d.··'d' ~ ._._u__,____ .___ . MW-3 10/1q/ºª nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 80 ns 150 nd<0.5 I1cJ<():5, nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 .d··..ddd'., ....._-----.-.. _~um~..'.. _,__ -,-----....--.-,.--.. -.,. .",. dd' 'Id d ,." Notes: Results in micrograms per liter (µg/I) = parts per billion (ppb) Analytical Methods: BTEX, oxygenates, 1,2-DCA, and EDB by EPA Method 8260b; TPHg by EPA Method 8015M Method Detection Limits: BTEX - 0.5 µg/L; TPHg - 50 µg/L; MtBE, ETBE, TAME, and DIPE - 0.5 µg/L; TBA - 2.5 µg/L 1,2-DCA = 1,2-Dichloroethane B = Benzene DIPE = Di-isopropyl Ether Dis. Lead = Dissolved lead E = Ethylbenzene EDB = Ethylene dibromide ETBE = Ethyl tertiary-butyl Ether MtBE = Methyl tertiary-butyl ether na = Not analyzed nd = Not Detected at or above Method Detection Limit, indicated by value ns = Not Sampled T = Toluene TAME = Tertiary Amyl methyl Ether ¡'-BA = Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (a.k.a. tert-butanol) TPHd - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel fuel TPHg - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline X = Total xvlenes E2C Remediation Table 3-1 - I I I I Pr0ectNumber1812BK03 February 1, 2004 I TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF SOIL ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California March 3 - October 2, 2003 80ring Date ...~.~~J?!~..I.º. . ........!?.......l........I.......l........~.......L......~.......J ...IP.!:!~...,I....IP.!:!g....I.....¥.~.£?~....I.....I!?ð.....l....-º.!e~....L..~.I.£?~...l...IðM.~... ID mg/Kg 88·5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 Lrlg,~º:1m. nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 .".._._.__._._...,._.-..,~ ...... ,.' ~_.."_.,._._------ .. 88-10 nd<0.1 nd<Q,1" nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 ..,. . ....--......-..- .. ... -.--..-..-'."- ----.-----..---. -.--......----.... ---...-.-. ...._.- ~-- ... ............. --.' 88-15 1,.. nd<0.1..,.. nd<0.1 nd<0.1 , nd<0.1 nd<0.1 0.17 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 .- ....----.".... .... .. ........-- ~ - 8-8 4/1/03 88-20 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 ,nd<O,1 nd<0.1 0.80 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 , . 88-25 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 0.94 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 ., n.Q<::Q.1 ,. ....- .. .. . .~_.." ..-.... ...-- 88-30 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 Ind<().1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 0.75 ng-=:().1 ... nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 88-35 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 _f.1c1<0.1 nd<O,1... ,nd<0,1 ...,',..O'~ªm nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 . 88-4Ö .. _.a. ."..... ." -.- --.-..--,-,.... nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 89-5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 .. .., ........n._ ..... _____.u__.._,__,~_ . _..-_...~..,._.-.'.. ". .-....-,-...---".. ... .-..-----.....-.-..........- .. -. -,.....----.-- ...... .....-.......- . '......m. ."." 89-10 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 0.45 nd<0.1 nd<O,,5,_ nd<0.1 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 --.------.-----.--.. _.__m_'__'_·_m_..._.. .._..___...._._..mm_'_. ...-------.---..-, __._..._ ..__....n...· ._......._....n.._.....·_ ..." . ,. .,.. 89-15 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 ,rl~-=:º·L nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 ... ~ ....,,---....~-----_..... .--.,-----... ._._.m__..____·____···_ ~.....-----....._._-_.~ -....-----.............-,.... 8-9 4/1/03 89-20 .,1,... nd<0:1, nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 "O~-ª5 ... _ .l1d<Q,1..., nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 _..._un..__'· .___ -..-"..... ..""... ..".. --~.--- ,_._._.---~ '.-'----- "...-.. --.-- ._.m... ___" ..,,_.____ ,. ..,...,..,89~?!:) nd<0.1 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 0.64 nd<0.1 . nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 . ... ..-... m. ..____.m. __ .--- _..~.n.__·_._____..·_·_ ..~._._._________.._._ .n .. . . 89-30 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 0.32 nd<0.1 ndoe:O,5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 ...... .-... --..- ... . ... --,.. ~9-35 ,.". nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 l.nd<0.1. 0.32 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 - -- -- ... ... .. .. ,. 89-40 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 0.28 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 MW1-25 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 u. u. . ,. .,. ....". .., Ind<O.1 . ... q' ,. MW1-50 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 . .. '. ·'l1d<Õ'-1'· --, ..,,--_....--.-.....,,- .--. '" --.-.- -.- ..,....,..,....'. ..,. --.--... ....,...........- MW1-75 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<O.1 nd<O.1 nd<O.1 .... ...- .-.. ...... -....... 1,·,· ,. ..... .. nd<0.1 . ,--..-..........--' ,. ,., . ....,.,.. ·ïid<ö.1 .. +-"' --, .._~-,---.- MW1-100 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 .n__" .~ I·· .".. ..'-' .... ...... ..--..."'._- ... ...-- ... ...... -.. -' ....m."_.........~ _. ~~--_._.._._.- -.-.--.. . -...'-'" . ... -- ..... -....-..-...--- MW-1 3/5/03 MW1-125 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 nd<O.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 ·MW1 ~ 150 ' -.---- --.-...-..- ..._.._._ ...~_"_.m._ . ...-..- --" ......-.-. .-.. - nd<O.:C ,.' -ïi"a<ö:f- -lïd<ö....š- --- -.-...---------- ....----..-----.....-.." -........---..--...-....- nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 'MWf~fè(f I·· ...' ." .... --.....---- ---.-.,,---.-...--- "d<ëfT -r,d<Ö.f' '''lïd<õ'-f-' -ña<Õ'-1- ..- - ----..-.------ .-. -.-.....---.-..-..... nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<O,1 nd<0.5 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 rvjVii1~f70· .. ...- -,~ -". .....-.-. -- ---- ..-' --.--... ---_.~. ----_._-._..~ ,.. n'd<ÖT "l1d<:ö'-f' -ria«Y.iu 'nd<Õ~i-- _.._._..__._-.~.._-- '·ïid;¿O.-r _"".__ .._.. .__m ..'_ --ri(f<:Ö~1 , nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 .._...._----_.~_."'..._....._..- --._-.~.-----_..- -.......- --.----. .-....... -.---.--..-----.--.---....- .- .. ...._.._--,,-._~ --.--------..--...--- ---------...-.-.....- --.-----.......--- "'rid<:o:i'·' -.-.., ~. . .............. ..' MW1-180 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 1.06 nd<0.5 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 MW-2-125 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 18 NA nd<0.1 nd<0.05 nd<0.1 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 "MW-2~ 135' .. ... ... 'n..n.... 'ri¿kcfo5 .. --.-- _.__..".. ....m__~...____ --........ -......... . , - - MW-2 10/1/03 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 NA nd<0.1 nd<0.05 nd<0.1 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 .... .. . ",." _. . ...........-_..... -....."..- -".-- .. ." . , . nd<0.05 MW-2-145 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 NA nd<0.1 nd<0.05 nd<O.1 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 - -....-..".-..--... nd<0.05 NA . ""ïid<ö.r· nd<0.05 nd<0.1 nd<0.05 , nd<0.05 nd<0.05 MW-2-160 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 MW-3-100 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 NA nd<0.1 nd<0.05 nd<O.1 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 10/2/03 . .--- ----. - --. -...-----. --.-..- ....--_._---. nd<Ö~05 .--- '.-""'-._''"''- ------' ...............--- ,. ,..."'.'n·u..' nd<0.05 nd<0.05 MW-3 MW-3-140 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 NA nd<0.1 nd<0.05 nd<0.1 nd<0.05 .....-----....-----. ~-.-----~ ._~- .~....._.m_________·____ n'-NA n__ _nrid<õ~f --' - ._-"._.~_..._~..-- -' .".,,~.. ... ......... ". ,-...--...-.. --- .._....---.- ".".....-.- MW-3-160 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.1 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 nd<0.05 VESA-25 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 "VËSÄ~5Õ-m --- -- ---- ---.._-_..-~ ----..-....-...-...--. _.....__.n..___~_____ ul1d<o.T' n--nd;¿O.r- -"ñ(kö~ l' -.. .-------...-.- 'rid<:6.1 .. ,.,. nd<:0'-1'· 'nd<:Ö:r nd<O.1 nd<O.1 0.44 0.79 3.39 VES-A 3/3/03 - -- ,-....-... -~--- . .'-.- ..- ___.__. ...m_.___.._ ----. ---.------- ·'ïid<0.1 'i1d<o. f'· .----...--..--..-- --3~i6m -i1d<:o.f" -........-..-.. --....,~. --...---.-'-.""'.'-- VESA-75 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd"::0.5 nd<0.1 .' nd<0.1 -vEsA=10Ö .,. nd<Ö:1" _..-....... "'......--.-.-- ---...------...---^. .. ñd<:0.1 .- ria;¿ö:1' -i1d<:O.1 .- --.--.-...--.... n, "l1d<:Ö:i -. .-- nd<0.1 u nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 0.89 nd<0.5 'VESA-i10 .. .n ..., .u.__ ..........."_,,. -----.---..--"....--- . rid<6:1 "ïid<:O.1 ., n¿kÒ.1 ,- ....1. ,. ... nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 VES8-25 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 VES8-50 , nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 VES-8 3/3/03 I.. nd<0.1 nd<0.1 VES8-75 0.30 1.64 0.84 0.94 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 9.16 nd<O.5 nd<0.1 VES8-100 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<Ö.1 nd<0.1·' nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 .. VES8-110 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E2C Remediation Table 4-1 I - I Project Number 1812BK03 February 1, 2004 I TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF SOIL ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California March 3 - October 2. 2003 Boring Date ..§~!!)P'!~..lg.. ........ê........I........I.......l........~.......J.........~........J....I~H9....I....T.~H!L.I.....~~.I?.~....I.....T.êð.....I....-º.!~~....1....~.TI?.~...l...T.ðM.~... I D mg/Kç¡ VESC-10 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 nd<O.1 nd<O.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 VËsc-2ol1d,¿ó.1 --iid:¿ö:f -ii'êl<o:1- "rìCJ<Ó:T "nd'¿Ö:f- -iid<Ö:T"'Ó:2-:r'" "ñd;¿o:S-- nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 .. VES-C~30 . 'nd:¿O. i" nd<O.1 nd<0.1 -iíd<O::r-'nd<O.T'nd'¿Ö:i"nê:ï:':Ö:f '-I1ê:ï<-Ö:Š' nd<0.1 "'rid<Ö.T .. nd<O.1·· VÈSC~4Ò -nd<i:i.1' 'l1d<ò.Tild:':ò~i··' nd<0.1 nd<0.1 --nd<OT 'nd:¿Q.1·' 'nd:':Ò~Š nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 VË-SC:ŠO nd<0.1 nd<O.1 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 VE:SC-55 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 VES-C 3/4/03 VESC-60 nd<0.1 nd<O.1 nd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 VESC-65 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 ncÏ:':Ö.Š nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 'VËSC=7Ó nd<0.1 nd<0.1nnd<O.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 ind:,:o:i·-O.4S-· I1d<O.5 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 ''''-VEŠC~8Ö -. nd<O.1 . n rïd<Õ-.-i-- -- rid<:'Ö.1-· nd<O.1 -. nd'<Ö."1""- -_wnd<ö. f'·· nd:;;jj':--f- - n,1"<0:5-- -'nd<O.1 nd<O.1·" iîCi.<o:"1"" 'VESC~85'nc.k0.1 'ild<ö:1·l1d:':O.f' nd<0.1 nd<0.1I1d:':Ö.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.5I1d<o.f nd:':O.f" - nd<O. i 'VESC=90 '--nd:':OT-ila<ò:f'l(1:':ó:T 'nd<O:i- "ñd<ö:i- ,. I1d:':0.1' -Ild:':ö'.f -11(1:':0:5' --lld:':o'.1 nd<0.1 ··lld<O:f -VËSC=Sš- nd<0.1'nd~o.T '--nd:'::o:T '-nd<0.1--rÏd~(Ù- -nd~o.T -nèi~Ó~1 -ñd~()'5 'n<:kO:1--'-rÏd<0.1' nd<0.1 _m_ 3/7/03 WSP-1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 nd<0.1 NA 0.4 32.2 NA NA NA NA I I I I I I I I Notes: B = Benzene DIPE = Dj-isopropyl Ether E = Ethylbenzene ETBE = Ethyl tertiary-butyl ether mg/Kg = Milligrams per kilogram (equivalent to parts per million) MtBE = Methyl tertiary-butyl ether nd = Not detected at or above laboratory detection limit indicated by value NA = Not Analyzed TPHg = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline T= Toluene TAME = Tertiary amyl methyl ether TBA = Tertiary butyl Alcohol (a.k.a. tert-butanol) X = Total xylenes Sample WSP-1 collected from roll-off bin for waste disposal profiling. I I I I I I I I I E2C Remediation Table 4-2 I I ----------- - - - - - - -.- Pr0ectNumber1812BK03 February 1, 2004 TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF 2003 SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDWATER ANALYSES FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California . INORGANIC ANALYSES Date Alkalinity ,:IBicarbona~j: carbonate,:!. ..I: HYdrOXide::!: Nitrate J Solids :I. J J Hardness ...................... ......................... ......................... ......................... Chloride ......................... ......................... ......................... Sulfate TKN ......................... Conductivity pH WELL ID ..J~~~~~.L. ..J~.~~~~~.... ....~~.~~~.~~.... ........................ .J~.~~~~L.. J~.~.~.~~.~~~~?. .......~~.~L.... ...................... ..................... ..J~~~.?~~.... ..................... ............................ ...................... (mglL) (uMHOS/cm) (pH units) MW-1 4/2/03 170 170 nd<10 23 nd<10 22 350 48 0.8 184 530 7.0 , ----------.--..,--.---- -.----.-- .-_. .- '" . ._--~,-----_...,_.__. --- .----.. .------..---- _..__.~~.- ---.---.--..---. . . --,-- ..-- - _______m.__.~ -..-----.-----.. -.. - .- '''_'__'U_'___..._.._ _,,_. ------...--- .. -·,1..,·· . ._, MW-1 7/31/03 180 180 nd<10 22 nd<10 4 370 42 2.6 364 500 7.9 ..----..--..+-..--- ._...u ·"n. ...- -,._._----~"-_. -.., .--.-- -------- __.. ..__.u.uu _._..._._----~ ..,--~._,_._. ,-(. .-- ..._--~._...,.._- ----.---.--- '"0- I···, .- ''''--'-' ".. -------_.--,..- '-1- , --',-.- ... ..... ..,.. I I METALS ANALYSES WELL ID Date ....~~.I.~!.~~....I.....~~p..~~.~.....I.........~~.?~........I~~~~.~~.~~.~.~~~.~~.~~~~.I..~.?~~~.~!.~~.I.....~?~!.~~....I......?~.i.~.~..... ...................... Total in mglL MW-1 4/2103 54,900 nd<10 8,220 11 ,300 142 7,260 45,800 67 _...._--_._.~ ~--~-----_.._--- .......,... .,..,. ..--..-.---. -- _._~. .__. u'u_ ... .___.__._ ...--..-.------- ~---_..- , ------.._-"' -,-- --~"_._._--_.- ---.-...--.----.- .- MW-1 7/31/03 77,300 78 156,000 41,500 3,510 27,100 44,200 551 ~ ---.'------_.- -.-. -.-..-...-.. _._.u. --.--- - .-..-"" ..-,,-- .- -,--..-..-.-----..--- -,._,.__._~-_.' .- ...-.. ----"'- .. . .._......._-._.~-_._- ,.. ---. - I I Notes: < . Not Detected at or above method detection limit, which is indicated by value CaC03 = as Calcium Carbonate mg/L = Milligrams per liter, equivalent to parts per million (ppm) TDS = Total Dissolved solids TKN = Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen E2C Remediation Table 5-1 - I ProiectNumber1812BK03 Februa¡y 1. 2004 I I I I I APPENDICES I Appendix A Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets I Appendix B Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets Appendix C Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report I Appendix D Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report I Appendix E October 2003 Soil Boring Logs Appendix F October 2003 Soil Analytical Laboratory Results Appendix G April 2003 Supplemental Groundwater Analytical I Laboratory Report Appendix H July 2003 Supplemental Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report I Appendix I Soil Cuttings Analytical Laboratory Report and Disposal Manifest Appendix J Purge and Development Water Disposal Manifest I I I I I I E2C Remediation Appendices I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 February 1. 2004 APPENDIX A Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets . E2C Remediation Appendix A - I I I I I I I I ,I I I II I I I I ,I I I I I I I E2C Remediation~ LLC . ' GroundwaterScientists : Environmental Consultants WatèrQuality Sampling Record 5300 Woodmere Drive. Suite 105; Bakersfield, California 93313 and Well Development Data Telephone: (66/) 831·6906 / Facsimile: (661) 831·6234 .. SM1PLE ID I WELL,#: N\1tJ - l DEPTH TO WATER: 1"5.0 E)C REM. PROJECT #: 1~1L.. TOTAL DEPTH OF WEll: l<ðD:sð PROJECT NM1E:. ,-i-olli r.J tJ t (). ó-Ml-Þ- Úa-"V'A S \+ WEll DIAMETER; 4r. DATE SMIPlED: ¿, l '$01 oJ CASING VOLUME: Cf .'1« SAf,,1PlED BY: G-£!.. PURGE METHOD: A lQ.. U-Ç-"t- , " , " '. .. ," . . -'. '."" ' " . ..' " .. ",.... ~ ., . :,::. ·::·PURGE CHARACTERISTICS', .',."'. TEMP pH SEC REMARKS TL\1E INTAKE RATE CUM. VOL WELL VOL (¡:<) (UNITS) (mmhos/cm) (COLOR. TURBIDITY, ETC.) DEPTH {GPMI {GALl PUMPED ~(ç I b'l '. ,50 Ð î7·-O '7 . I "2.- \ L '{ c.1 ~r¿ !\JO o ~o f<o- ()qJ<Ç \ \ I l 10 1~.ß it, .q to J~) l( If r99')<Ç I\. l\ 2-D 7( ~ "2- '-,67 1'15 ~ )'i JJ{, ¡fib IL. , b1,O t. ~'t ,'1 b , /(9/5" It l( "]0 tc.. \.( . ' .. .. .", ';ì,':': Well Capacity: 2"· 0.1632 gallon/linear loot 4'· 0.6528 gallon/linear loot I 6"· 1.4688 gallon/linearf"ot . . .. . . . . .'. : ";'::.~::::. '.: I (, S'~ S..I,\IPlEDAT: \ \:,'l.ð FT. FINAL DEPTH TO WATER: ....1 <?:Ð. -) FT. 3CASINGVOLUMES,;,2- ~ .'ì<P GALS. ..·......~~·~~·~·;·..···...~~~~~~·....··..·..~:J......·.........·~:·:Àr·~'~....................~~....=.~........................................................................................................- . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Februa¡y 1. 2004 APPENDIX B Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Analytical Report . E2C Remediation Appendix B - /~cy~ L_raØie~ - - - - - - - -";11_ O_U~ lY_III_ Client Name E2C Remediation. LLC 661.831.6906 fax 661.831.6234 Ana!ysis Requested Sample M<llrix Project Name: HOßiI-J f'J { 'A G- AQÄ- LA6Z.W A-<; H ~ D ( 2 D ~ Aqueous ~ N N 2 Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105, Bakersfield. CA 93313 . :0 CD CD N :0 :0 II) ~ 2 -( 4: :õ !£. N & iÍ5 N Cl. Cl. 2 ~ DSOil M-\ l L 8 CD ill !!!. Project Manager: bOA Lw...0 @ Q (' OJ CD OJ ~ -( <II <II CD 0> :õ -( .S Q, O' '" --( c: fa « õ ãj IIJ "' "' '" n. n. <II r. c: n. O· N D Acidificc Sampler N<lme: &~ße LC::: <-- H¡::..u:_Þ ,J III <I) III '" III ~ '" OJ III Q. 0' ~ () !!2. ~ ~ ëi '" (» (» III X II >- >- IIJ X IIJ m J: J: fú x x co "U IIJ 0 0 '" ~ I- n. n. Õ I- eu I- Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type ro I- I- > II) r- "'" -' co Comment~ b \3<.) 103 o ".}(,o T (2D, VE l. lS L-,(I ulZ \-V()~ 4-ð"",1 'f- 'ï/-... ìI--- ~ 5g7-S- - - O'~D yv\w - l '2.. - \Jc ~ 4.' ... C \ - (-1'1:.., ~ K ..K ()( 5~1~, t- - '-V' IOL(Ü Vv\ w - "2- 2-Vof¡- {ð\\\.L l-(rQ., d-.. 0I- l/... Á 5r¡.r-¡-1 - - - - - - I- - - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - I- - f- - - - - Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5-Day Standard - Relinquished By: Received By: Relinquished By: Received By: . Dalc: Dale: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report Certification # 1920 CLIENT E2C Remediation, LLC 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Name: Hobin Niagra Matrix: Aqueous Sampled by:Gabe Halcon TPHd Analysis: TPHg Analysis: Date of Report: Units: ug/L TESTS: TPH Gas by EPA 8015M TPH Diesel by EP A 8015M Sample #: 5775 5776 5777 Date Sampled: 6/30/2003 6/30/2003 6/30/2003 DLugIL Sample Description: Travel Blank MW-l MW·2 TPH Gasoline ND ND ND 50 TPH Diesel ND 64 ND 50 Surrogate Recovery % 106 97 101 Sample #: Date Sampled: DLugIL Sample Description: TPH Gasoline 50 TPH Diesel 50 Surrogate Recoyery % DLugIL TPH Gasoline TPH Diesel 50 50 Surrogate Recoyery % DL = Detection Limit ND - Non-Detect at given DL N A - Result not available I \ ! ¡ I ¡ I I I ¡ - I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. I EPA 8260B Laboratory Report Water Sample Results in ug/L Certification # 1920 I CLIENT: E2C Remediation, LLC I 5300 \Voodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project ill : Hobin niagara Report Date: 7/15/2003 I Sample ill : 5775 Travel Blank I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND 2.5 ugIL I Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.5 ugIL Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) ND 0.5 ugIL Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.5 ugIL I Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.5 ugIL BTEX Components I Benzene ND 0.5 ugIL Toluene ND 0.5 ugIL Ethylbenzene ND 0.5 ugIL I m & p Xylenes ND 0.5 ugIL o Xylenes NO 0.5 ugIL I Lead Scavengers Ethane, 1,2-Dichloro (1 ,2-0CA) NO 0.5 ug/L I Ethane, 1 ,2-Dibromo (EOB) NO 0.5 ug/L Internal Standards Results % Recovery I Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% 1,4-0ichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% I Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 50.3 101% I 1,2-0ichloroethane-d4 56.1 112% Toluene-d8 58.1 116% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 57.4 115% I I - ------- - I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. I EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Water Sample Results in ug/L I Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation, LLC I 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project ill : Hobin niagara I Report Date : 7/15/2003 I Sample ill : 5776 MW-l Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates I t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND 2.5 ugIL Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 8 0.5 ugIL Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) ND 0.5 ugIL I Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.5 ugIL Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.5 ugIL I BTEX Components Benzene ND 0.5 ugIL I Toluene ND 0.5 ugIL Ethylbenzene ND 0.5 ugIL m & p Xylenes ND 0.5 ugIL I o Xylenes ND 0.5 ugIL Lead Scavengers I Ethane, 1 ,2-0ichloro (1,2-0CA) NO 0.5 ug/L Ethane, 1 ,2-0ibromo (EOB) NO 0.5 ug/L I Internal Standards Results % Recovery Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% I Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% 1 ,4-0ichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% I Surrogate Standards I ¡ \ Methane, dibromofluoro- 55.1 110% \ II 1,2-0ichloroethane-d4 56.8 114% ¡ Toluene-d8 57.9 116% r p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 63.6 127% I I · ------ - ------ I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. I EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Water Sample Results in ug/L I Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation, LLC I 5300 \Voodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project ill : Hobin niagara I Report Date: 7/15/2003 Sample ill : 5777 MW-2 I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates I t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol NO 2.5 ug/L Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 8 0.5 ug/L Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0.5 ug/L I Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.5 ug/L Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.5 ug/L I BTEX Components Benzene NO 0.5 ug/L Toluene NO 0.5 ug/L I Ethylbenzene NO 0.5 ug/L m & p Xylenes NO 0.5 ug/L o Xylenes NO 0.5 ug/L I Lead Scavengers I Ethane, 1 ,2-0ichloro (1,2-0CA) NO 0.5 ug/L Ethane, 1 ,2-0ibromo (EOB) NO 0.5 ug/L I Internal Standards Results % Recovery Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% I Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% 1,4-0ichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% I Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 52.3 105% 1,2-0ichloroethane-d4 56.9 114% I Toluene-dB 55.9 112% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 57.5 115% I · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 February 1. 2004 APPENDIX C Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets , E2C Remediation Appendix C I I I I I E2C REMEDIATION) L~C WATER QUALITY SAMPLING RECORD -- Gr~unéw3~~r Sci;¡ntist3 : Envirùnmenta! Con$u!ta:'\:$ AND \NELL DEVELO,o,'¡IENT DATA 53CO ..../cljt!(:'\i!:(i!: Dr.. Su::¿ 1 05 8~~¿(s!i¿:d, CA 93313 . I S~M?LE 10 O,1·\'fE~L·~~.;~M'~·~ i ' . - . . . . . ,.' '0. .. . . " .., . . . .0, . 1(, 7. S- í3 ::::: DEPTH TO \'fA TER: h , PROJECT NO.: TOTAL DEPTH OF 'NElL: , ~ D.D5 f, I PROJECT NAME: HoG. v-' N\/'I(;Ao.A CW WELL D!A1',IETER: ~ DATE: l 0/11>(0 '3 CASING VOLUME: Cf.~ll¡ 9 a!:ons ' I - b I Av-JOi¡tJo.'V (L V{U:7 , ßA ILlER SAM?LED BY: ~,1ETnOD OF PURGING: . j . .. '0··· '.. '. ' . ' . . . . . , . '," . . . I PURGS CHARACTERISTICS TE,'.l? pH SEC SA~.f?LE I R::~.I';RKS TI.\I:: INT AK2 RATE CU~I. VOL WELL VOL (¡::~) (UNITS) (;.ur.hosl CONTROL D2PTH (GP.',I) (GA!..) PW,IP20 em) ~:O. (COLO,::¡. TURSIQlïY. ETC.) I QQ:3° ~S 0 ¿,1.3 7. <{I GLt~ c..~A-tl.. - fJQ o Ð CR.. '1 ~ß/5 7. S'''' ,41: il oq;4Lf I Dq:5ð 'y 10'$,'1 1·~f(1 ..S'O LLC "(Y., _ ;.,) ~:> C Dol!... I \O~ \ L I I- ì9t (p<¡j .7/ 7.lf 8/ ..~DI H. I I I I I I I I I . , -...-..-- I I I I I \0', IS"" I / I I I I I I I 54 '^' P {.;JJ I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I / , I I I I , 1-· . I I '. , .. -' .. . . , ' . .' '". . .' ;:;:-1 CALl3RATIO.'/ I STMIDA::!l)IZED 1'17.0 I I I \'¡a~1 Ca;J::¡¡': 2'· 0.1532 ç;a1io:-.iiMZ!( I~c: 31JFFé:;¡ S:JLUTlO,'/ I pH ~,OI pH 1'),0 T::ffiJ¡' . I I . .~'. 0.6523 ç3::or',1ir.a:ar (Jot 1,':5i;:¡'J,'.:~"ii R:: ·.Q:,':G I I 6'. 1.C:~53 ça:lot":~i,'aar fJo: I .' . I . . ., ' '. . S,::IECI.=¡C ELECTRILC¡!.L CO,'IOVCT ;",'iCE . CAU 3.., A TIO,', I ST ANOAROIZA TION I I I I ·"",L~;,)~UIIU,'l¡i!~')5IC'\'c.J2:¡C· I 7.!. 1715 I 1~13 ea53 5;~.!.J 1=.',1';> /"' I I I J ~,':STA~'\'':.':T Fi=ADJ.'::; I I I I SA,\f?~ED ;,T: \ 04"- FT. FI: : A!.. D:?TH TO \'I.~ TE:R: \ 66.00 FT. :; CASI,':G VJW·.::5= Z it ,l{ l. GALS. I t:JES: M\J-LI\)v9L\lA1~ 01- t'"\\,./'" 1.. - I I :. I 2 J Gr~unc'/l3~~r Sci:¡ntists : En'lir~nmental Consurta,'~3 53CO ...·/corJmara D~.. Su¡:~ 1 05 8~~a~s!i.g:d, CA 933! 3 \VATER QUALITY SAMPLING RECORD AND 'NELL DEVELOP,'¡IENT DATA .- " .....,. ~ " I'" . " ,". . S.\I\!?LE ID Oii WELL NO.: MV- 2 . .... , P.::WÆCT NO.: PROJECT NAME: HoG\ N fo-hA6fJ((A C\J t D/ID/D 3 i) AtV,\Yi.tZJO¡v' R Vi L~? DEPTH TO Wf.. TER: I 10 Cf~' 7'( f¡ TOTAL DEPTH OF 'NELL: "j B'. 0 0 f¡ '/ WELL D!A1',IETER: L¡ , CASING VOLUME:S' .l¡o gar:ons ~ltET¡;OO OF PURGING: . '.... '''. . , , . TEI.I? I pH SEC (Pì (UNITS) (,t,-r.hos/ em) h 7.l ì.3\ O,L' - b'Ö- 3 SA.\IPLE I CONTFìQL 1':0. TI.\12 PUr:\GS CHARACTERISTICS RA TE CU.\!. VOL WELL VOL (GP,I,I) (GA!..) PUMPED ¡NT AKE D=PTH o b ~ 3~ O~ ~ If:bl I <'5 0 b '2 I'~ I I I I - I) I I I I II I I I I ~H CALl3;:¡~TlD,' ¡'STMjDA.qÌJJZED " I I I I I I /q . I {3A,Li/¿ .' '.' -.' . . R.E.\I";Rio\S (COLOM. TURSIDlïY. ETC.) 5, (Ty 8f1a.,,,,, µ-f..> I) R \( Ci.Dv¡)y rJO 0 Ò~ '\ I I I I I I -..-..-- J I I' f ;.0 pH 1,'),0 ria!! Ca;J::!¡-: 2'· 0.1 ô32 çaHo.....iir.;¡:r I-=c: . ':'. O,652a ça::or',1ina3: /':01 6' . 1.<!=33 ça:lor'Æn~u IJc: 3U.=Fë;¡ SQLUTIO.'¡ II :"TIr'i-' "....-:"""1.)' .-,.- ~-. D"'~ ...;)In ,..:'11 n~ ',:':-' . . .... S,::>2CI.=/C ELECTRILCAL CO,'IIJUCTA,'ICE.· CALf3.,:¡.\TIOo'i I STANDAFìOlZATIO.'l "~L~:Ji..lJll'.J"qi!.-¡J5IC,I,IV2JC· 7.: I 718 I 1':13 11=", r' I I !,':STR~,'. :.'¡T fì:ADI,'::; I I SA,'.r.;):..EO ;,T: \ 1- ¡ ,/ FT. FI::AL D:,::>TH TO \\I,~H:R: no .0.1 11';:>T:3: pH ':,01 I €d7i3 I I 5:=':J FT, :3 C.';S/,'IG V:)LU'.:=S= t &.,'2 I GALS, - I I '. - I 2 1 Gr:'UnC'N3:~r Sci~ntiSL~ : En'lir~nmentar Consu!:a,,:s 5.3CO WClJdm~re D~., Sui:~ 105 8<lkiUsli'l:d, CA 93313 S:\M?LE 10 Ori WELL NO.: Mw - 3 .. " ".. ~. ~ .. ." .... " TI.\I: o~r30 D7:S-0 I I I o'7:S S- I I Hc(h p.J NII\'J\{!I\ "'12 WAJ H ID ~ tC-03 1)(.l-Ñ 4 lLAMot-J ...... '.. INTAK:: D:::PTH PUnG:: CHARACTERISTICS RA TE CUM. VOL WELL VOL (GP.\I) (GAL) PUMPED '5 0 \0 20 30 I o I I I I I I II I I I ~:; CALl3RÅT;Oo'1I STMjDA~D ZËD . I ~.\.'.I~~EO ,o,T: ~, JT;:;:,: I I I I I I I I I I pH ~,Ol !. ì.O WATER QUALITY SAMPLING RECORD AND V/Ell DEVELOP.'¡IENT DATA DEPTH TO WATER: TOTAL O=:PTH Of \-'fELl: WEll OIAi',1ETER: CASING VOLUME: ~/tET¡';OO OF PURGING: , , . . TE,'.IP I pH SEC (F~) (U~:ITS) (Wr.hosl em) (,1 ð "7- 7,,) o. L 0 I I I I ,., ". . " . .... 170,t)'] f\ 1~q..-'1Df. 4" q,~V ßAILt't? ca!:ons SA.',IPLE I CONTROL 1\0. R2,\!ARKS (COLOR, TURSIO/ìY, ETC.) L LQ.,I) I( tvO O().o tI I \ \( I I I I I I -...--- I I I I pH !'J.e \'/~!I Ca.~~::¡ï: 2'· O.!Õ32 c;il::O'J~iM¡:( 1;;;0: . .\'. o.õ325 ç.3::ol';t:M3r (,jot 6'. 1.':~33 ga:lol":~i,,~.'!r 1:'0: I €d53 I FT. :¡ C";SI,':G VJLU',::S= 5:;:~J ~o::r .t>3 G.~!..S. ="J.=Fi::F1 SO!..UTIO.'I II :J:T?'"'I'" t,· --~'Jt' -,'- ~ - . Ol\·r. ..::>In ",::,.11 n~ ..,..~... . .,. S,::>ECI.=¡C ELECTRILC:'L cO~ aUCTM CE· CALI:i.~.\TlOI¡ I STANDA;:;DI2:ATlO~1 ·,~L ~;)i..V 11'.J"l¡~":!,-¡,);) I C,'.I 1.:,' 2'; C· / 7 ~ I 7 I a I 1': 13 II::,.. 1'" I I ~1':SrRJJI'.'=,'¡T R=.~DI.':3 , I I \l t ./ FT. FI: :A!.. O=.::>TH TO WATER: \ 10 to Lr 3 I I " · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Februarv 1. 2004 APPENDIX D Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report , E2C Remediation Appendix D ~~o~ab~to~s - - - - -- - - ...---- Chain of Custody Form I . , ' .. Client Name: E:,C Remediation, LLC 661.831.6906 fax 661.831.6234 Analysis Requested ---" -..--. .------------- Sample Matrix Project Name: hO(; ì ,.J tv' 11-\" I' (2A cAR. VAJ I{ ñ ñ <:!:\ ~queous g g :ã . ~ :ã N N 2 51 <0 <0 Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105. Bakersfield, CA 93313 In ~ 2 N (.:~ :ã :ã <1: <1: :ã ~ ~ N ~ U) N 0- a. g fJ) r~ N <0 ~ ~ d; DSOil ß,LL 0 2 ~ N Project Manager: LA vJjO:V <0 (U <1: fJ) fJ) <0 0> :ã ~ <1: <1: .S a. (U (U <1: c fa - 0 Qj ~ ¡;; ¡;; (U <r a. a. a. > '" '" c: C N D Acidified \). ~ w '" (U fJ) (U (U w '" ~ -J Sampler Name: .~ ¡fI./\){ n...ír;:J e \h- L C- Z ~ C) is ~ 0> 0> ~ 0 ..... x w >- >- w fJ) x .. W <0 J: J: ñí )( )( CD "0 W oJ I-- I-- a. a. 0 0 0 I-- n> I-- -.J (U Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type ca ¿ I-- I-- > U) r- ~ -' CD .~ Comments u. . {JII:?/D '3 Ob:IO T G lAlV\( il,O '."\, 1 \ vI) ·1 X- X .~ 1\, c,tlS¿ \ f) )'. 5;)- \,""hI - ') "' 4 ().""\ I U I) /'J X Y V X bVS-S ..... D8" 5.0 i\ v- 2 ., ~ I) V"'\. 1\ v~/} ~ 'X :>- X- be¡ ~-t¡ '-I \0',15 M\.-'-1 1.¡ l.t')h.ll v"'A X 'x. ~ \. ?C(.S-S- \'"1' ,., 0 \'.1\ \,0/ .... It VI),¿) ì< )( >< >< WSb c~ v Co. J l () ..,.1 , ./ ./ Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5-Day _ Standard v - - - ,.... .. "'" ....... ~ Relinquished By: Received By: Relinquished By: Received By: Date: Date: .. · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Ave Suite 105 Bakerstìeld CA 93313 Project Name: Hobin Niagra Matrix: Sampled by: Aqueous Dan Anderson, Ramon Valez TESTS: TPH Gas by EPA 8015M TPH g Analysis: Date of Report: Units: ugJI 10/24/2003 11/6/2003 Sample #: 6452 6455 6454 6453 6456 Date Sampled: 10110/2003 10/10/2003 10/10/2003 lOll 0/2003 lOll 0/2003 DL ugll Sample Description: Travel Blank ¡"[W-l ¡"(W-2 MW-3 MW·~ TPH Gasoline NO NO 60 80 NO 50.0 Surrogate Reco\"CI1' % 87 81 80 80 83 i Sample #: Date Sampled: DL ugll Sample Description: Surrogate Recovery % Sample #: I Date Sampled: DL ugll Sample Description: f\ SurroO'ate Reco"'erY 0/0 f\ '" . c) '~ DL = Detection Limit ÆIA 11 ~ NO - Non-Detect at gi\'en DL vv V\L NA - Result not available } Dalyst: Alexander Candia · I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project ID : Hobin Niagra Car Wash Analysis Date: 10/20/2003 Report Date: 11/6/2003 Sample ill : 6452 Travel Blank Analyte Dichlorod ifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Methane, bromo- Chloroethane Trichloromonofluoromethane Ethene, 1, 1-dichloro- (E)- Methylene Chloride t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Ethene, 1,2-dichloro- (E)- Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethane, 1,1-dichloro- Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Propane, 2,2-dichloro- Ethene, 1,2-dichloro- (2)- Methane, bromochloro- Chloroform Ethane, 1,1,1 ,-trichloro- Carbon tetrachloride 1-Propene, 1,1-dichloro- Benzene Ethane, 1,2-Dichloro (1,2-DCA) Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) Trichloroethylene Propane, 1,2-dichloro- Methane, dibromo- Methane, bromodichloro- 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (2)- Toluene 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (E)- Ethane, 1,1 ,2-trichloro- Tetrachloroethylene Result NO NO NO NO NO ND NO NO ND ND ND ND NO NO ND NO NO NO ND NO ND NO NO ND NO NO ND NO NO ND ND ND ND Page1of10 Water Sample Results in ug/L Method RL Units 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 uglL 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 2.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 u~L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 , ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L ¡ ¡ I \ I I ì · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Analyte Propane, 1,3-dichloro- Methane, dibromochloro- Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- Benzene, chloro- Ethylbenzene m & p Xylenes o-Xylenes Styrene Bromoform Isopropylbenzene Ethane, 1,1 ,2,2-tetrachloro- Propane, 1,2,3-trichloro Benzene, bromo- Benzene, propyl- 2-chlorotoluene Benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl- 4-chlorotoluene Benzene, tert-butyl- Benzene, 1,2,4-trimethyl- sec-butylbenzene 4-isopropyltoluene Benzene, 1,3-d;chloro- Benzene, 1,4-dichloro- Benzene, butyl- Benzene, 1,2-dichloro- Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro- Benzene, 1,2,4-trichroro 1,3-butadiene, 1,1 ,2,3,4,4-hexachloro- Napthalene Benzene, 1,2,3-trichloro Internal Standards Benzene, fluoro Benzene-d5, chloro- 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) Result ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Results 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.3 51.1 49.3 53.3 6452 Travel Blank Water Sample Results in ug/L Page 2 of 10 Method RL Units 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L % Recovery 100 100 100 101% 102% 99% 107% --. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project ID : Hobin Niagra Car Wash Analysis Date: 10/20/2003 Report Date: 11/6/2003 Sample ID : 6455 MW-l Analyte Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Methane, bromo- Chloroethane Trichloromonofluoromethane Ethene, 1, 1-dichloro- (E)- Methylene Chloride t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Ethene, 1 ,2-dichloro- (E)- Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethane, 1, 1-dichloro- Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Propane, 2,2-dichloro- Ethene, 1 ,2-dichloro- (Z)- Methane, bromochloro- Chloroform Ethane, 1,1,1 ,-trichloro- Carbon tetrachloride 1-Propene, 1,1-dichloro- Benzene Ethane, 1,2-Dichloro (1,2-DCA) Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) Trichloroethylene Propane, 1,2-dichloro- Methane, dibromo- Methane, bromodichloro- 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (Z)- Toluene 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (E)- Ethane, 1,1,2-trichforo- Tetrachloroethylene Result ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND, ND ND ND Page 7 of 10 Water Sample Results in ug/L Method RL Units 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 2.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L .n_ I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Analyte Propane, 1,3-dichloro- Methane, dibromochloro- Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- Benzene, chloro- Ethylbenzene m & p Xylenes o-Xylenes Styrene Bromoform Isopropyl benzene Ethane, 1,1 ,2,2-tetrachloro- Propane, 1,2,3-trichloro Benzene, bromo- Benzene, propyl- ' 2-chlorotoluene Benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl- 4-chlorotoluene Benzene, tert-butyl- Benzene, 1,2,4-trimethyl- sec-butylbenzene 4-isopropyltoluene Benzene, 1,3-dichloro- Benzene, 1,4-dichloro- Benzene, butyl- Benzene, 1,2-dichloro- Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro- Benzene, 1,2,4-trichloro 1,3-butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro- Napthalene Benzene, 1,2,3-trichloro Internal Standards Benzene, fluoro Benzene-d5, chloro- 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) Result NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Results 50.0 50.0 50.0 44.0 42.1 52.0 58.5 6455 MW-1 Page 8 of 10 Water Sample Results in ug/L Method RL Units 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L % Recovery 100 100 100 88% 84% 104% 117% · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EP A 82608 Laboratory Report Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project ID : Hobin Niagra Car Wash Analysis Date: 10/20/2003 Report Date: 11/6/2003 Sample ill: 6454 J.\iIW-2 Analyte Result Dichlorodifl uoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Methane, bromo" Chloroethane Trich loromonofluoromethane Ethene, 1, 1-dichloro- (E)- Methylene Chloride t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Ethene, 1 ,2-dichloro- (E)- Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethane, 1, 1-dichloro- Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Propane, 2,2-dichloro- Ethene, 1 ,2-dichloro- (2)- Methane, bromochloro- Chloroform Ethane, 1,1,1 ,-trichloro- Carbon tetrachloride 1-Propene, 1, 1-dichloro- Benzene Ethane, 1,2-Dichloro (1,2-DCA) Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) Trichloroethylene Propane, 1,2-dichloro- Methane, dibromo- Methane, bromodichloro- 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (2)- Toluene 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (E)- Ethane, 1,1,2-trich/oro- Tetrachloroethylene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 20 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Page 5 of 10 Water Sample Results in ug/L Method RL Units 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 2.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L ,0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0,5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 , 'ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Water Sample Results in ug/L 6454 MW-2 Analyte Result Method RL Units Propane, 1,3-dichloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Methane, dibromochloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, chloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Ethylbenzene NO 0.5 ug/L m & p Xylenes NO 0.5 ug/L o-Xylenes NO 0.5 ug/L Styrene NO 0.5 ug/L Bromoform NO 0.5 ug/L Isopropyl benzene NO 0.5 ug/L Ethane, 1,1 ,2,2-tetrachloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Propane, 1,2,3-trichloro NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, bromo- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, propyl- NO 0.5 ug/L 2-chlorotoluene NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl- NO 0.5 ug/L 4-chlorotoluene NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, tert-butyl- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,2,4-trimethyl- NO 0.5 ug/L sec-butylbenzene NO 0.5 ug/L 4-isopropyltoluene NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,3-dichloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,4-dichloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, butyl- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,2-dichloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,2,4-trichloro NO 0.5 ug/L 1,3-butadiene, 1,1 ,2,3,4,4-hexachloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Napthalene NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,2,3-trichloro NO 0.5 ug/L Internal Standards Results % Recovery Benzene, fluoro Benzene-d5, chloro- 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 50.0 50.0 100 100 100 Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 43.0 41.5 51.3 54.8 86% 83% 103% 110% Page 6 of 10 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project ID : Hobin Niagra Car Wash Analysis Date: 10/20/2003 Report Date: 11/6/2003 Sample ID : 6453MW-3 Analyte Result Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Methane, bromo- Chloroethane Trichloromonofluoromethane Ethene, 1, 1-dichloro- (E)- Methylene Chloride t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Ethene, i,2-dichloro- (E)- Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethane, 1, 1-dichloro- Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Propane, 2,2-dichloro- Ethene, 1,2-dichloro- (2)- Methane, bromochloro- Chloroform Ethane, 1,1,1 ,-trichloro- Carbon tetrachloride i-Propene, 1, 1-dichloro- Benzene Ethane, 1,2-Dichloro (1,2-DCA) Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) Trichloroethylene Propane, 1,2-dichloro- Methane, dibromo- Methane, bromodichloro- i-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (Z)- Toluene 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (E)- Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro- Tetrachloroethylene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 150 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Page 3 of 10 Water Sample Results in ug/L Method RL Units 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 2.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0,5 u~L 0.5 ug/L . ! - I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Water Sample Results in ug/L I 6453MW-3 Analyte Result Method RL Units I Propane, 1,3-dichloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Methane, dibromochloro- NO 0.5 ug/L I Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, chloro- NO 0,5 ug/L Ethylbenzene NO 0.5 ug/L I m & p Xylenes NO 0.5 ug/L , o-Xylenes NO 0.5 ug/L Styrene NO 0.5 ug/L I Bromoform NO 0.5 ug/L Isopropylbenzene NO 0.5 ug/L Ethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro- NO 0.5 ug/L I Propane, 1,2,3-trichloro NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, bromo- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, propyl- NO 0.5 ug/L 2-chlorotoluene NO 0.5 ug/L I Benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl- NO 0.5 ug/L 4-chlorotoluene NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, tert-butyl- NO 0.5 ug/L I Benzene, 1,2,4-trimethyl- NO 0.5 ug/L sec-butylbenzene NO 0.5 ug/L 4-isopropyltoluene NO 0.5 ug/L I Benzene, 1,3-dichloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,4-dichloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, butyl- NO 0.5 ug/L I Benzene, 1,2-dichloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,2,4-trichloro NO 0.5 ug/L I 1,3-butadiene, 1, 1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Napthalene NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,2,3-trichloro NO 0.5 ug/L I "<:0'-> Internal Standards Results % Recovery I Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100 Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100 I 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100 Surrogate Standards I Methane, dibromofluoro- 74.0 148% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 70.0 140% I Toluene-d8 53.0 106% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 48.0 96% Page 4 of 10 I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EP A 82608 Laboratory Report Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 Wood mere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project ID : Hobin Niagra Car Wash Analysis Date: 10/20/2003 Report Date: 11/6/2003 Sample ID : 6456lVIW-4 Analyte Dichlorodifl uoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Methane, bromo- Chloroethane Trichloromonofluoromethane Ethene, 1, 1-dichloro- (E)- Methylene Chloride t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Ethene, 1,2-dichloro- (E)- Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethane, 1,1-dichloro- Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Propane, 2,2-dichloro- Ethene, 1 ,2-dichloro- (Z)- Methane, bromochloro- Chloroform Ethane, 1,1,1,-trichloro- Carbon tetrachloride 1-Propene, 1, 1-dichloro- Benzene Ethane, 1,2-Dichloro (1,2-DCA) Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) Trichloroethylene Propane, 1,2-dichloro- Methane, dibromo- Methane, bromodichloro- 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (Z)- Toluene 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (E)- Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro- Tetrachloroethylene Result ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO NO ND NO ND ND NO ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO NO NO ND ND NO NO ND Page 9 of 10 Water Sample Results in ug/L Method RL Units 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 2.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0,5 ug/L 0,5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L 0.5 ug/L I ¡ I ¡ I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Water Sample Results in ug/L 6456 MW-4 Analyte Result Method RL Units Propane, 1,3-dichloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Methane, dibromochloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, chloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Ethylbenzene NO 0.5 ug/L m & p Xylenes NO 0.5 ug/L o-Xylenes NO 0.5 ug/L Styrene NO 0.5 ug/L Bromoform NO 0.5 ug/L Isopropyl benzene NO 0.5 ug/L Ethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Propane, 1,2,3-trichloro NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, bromo- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, propyl- NO 0.5 ug/L 2-chlorotoluene NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl- NO 0,5 ug/L 4-chlorotoluene NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, tert-butyl- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,2,4-trimethyl- NO 0.5 ug/L see-butyl benzene NO 0.5 ug/L 4-isopropyltoluene NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,3-dichloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,4-dichioro- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, butyl- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,2-dichloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,2,4-trichloro NO 0.5 ug/L 1,3-butadiene, 1,1 ,2,3,4,4-hexachloro- NO 0.5 ug/L Napthalene NO 0.5 ug/L Benzene, 1,2,3-trichloro NO 0.5 ug/L Internal Standards Results % Recovery Benzene, fluoro Benzene-d5, chloro- 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 50.0 50.0 100 100 100 Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromof!uoro- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 44.6 45.9 54.3 52.0 89% 92% 109% 104% Page 10 of 10 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Februa¡y 1. 2004 APPENDIX E October 2003 Soil Boring Logs , E2C Remediation Appendix E . - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FJELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field loca\ion of boring: P?OJECT ~i.J. DATE 10/ i /03 5:)=.;.';~ 1\;" Ho bì" N,·Cì..Sc;;.íC,- CLlE,'iï ~:'- . N:~~c,- LOCA TIO,'I 1701 '-i~€ '1?c'(::\c! S."':~=: i LOGGE? 8'( 33..k{:J[ /~r O=1:l.LE? LC. ~!~ [,-// W - Z. -, Cas;r.g i.....s~?.:Ia~:c!1 ca~a - .A;r H Ct,rr, In€' ....- 10// - Dril!ing ~=:hod r.;:;!~ CiJ. - V/a~~r J¿'Ie: I I I I ~ ~ c.. ~ ..: c.. - <J o '- 0 :: Õ ~.; Ti¡;¡~ I I I I ::: 0 0- _ OJ ë. o ~ . ~ '- ~ <.I So c....:: '--u ;: 0 :: . E E c.. E CJ E . I I I I c..:: <.I - >-~, 03:: 0 en :....:: <: ::J 0 c:: ë en !- (,1 ~ 1 :: (,1 Õ ~1 :J <J ~1 ~ c.. DESCRI?TlON I I Ll,.....,_ ..1 A<-\.c::.~ ('1 ~ ~- -++ - I I .'-' - I I - I I - I I - I I f-- I I-- I I ~ , I ~ I I ~ I ! - I I - I I - I I I f-- I I R I I I I I I I I I - I I I / 11/172Y\~ I f'v1Ivv. 2 ~;;O , ~ (S~) s..a 1'"\ rI a.. Á .... _I., - \-: N> "n rL'\: ,^pA _ L. .^ ~-h-. j) 'r, I-."¡' \-.r ~ ,''J''"\ I I I - ,....... C .. s+--..J r.C-J\Î<1P .~Gblcl I I I r-"Ir-. .. _\_- -, I _ I I . 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I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Field location of boring: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ~-\ \~.1 ~ ~¿s Drilling method ¡\... ~ (' \"\C7v'YY\ ('f\~Á \ C) /,- Hole dla. ü) ...: c.. -" :;¡\..e ~ë.. ~O:J c.E o VI >.c: Õ ~ I- ~, c.. o "- _OJ c..c E E C :J c/) Z I T II U i :ð- ¿¡ 'I (\IVV\¡' - Þ - ì S(" , I I I I I I I I I I I 177/8:ì)C)i' fv1. \,{J - '2,-IJ-r I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I It:) r~9/c{", I Ì'-\ vI.' ,- <-- \ Ir I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f C-!Jill I r:!¡"" I f'Jh ¡\ r J,.. \ .;!.., \ I ... I /" I J I I I , I I I I I I , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I R:,I,IA¡:;'"S: c. ~ ~ ~ gõCIÍ c. ....0 . c. E 0E~ å C = >-"1 U1 oU1=> (/) ~ ~,SP f-- I-- - - - - - f-- ~5P - - - - - I-- I-- I-- ~ \V\LJ -S·p -:- - ~ I-- I-- I-- - ~ .sf - ~ ~ I-- I-- I-- - - ~ ~ I-- -- PROJECT No. DATE \0/2-/03 CLIENT µ" b; IÎ ~ 1 ; c..3c.( r;:;... LOCATION \ IQ l ...s-h~E. LOGGED BY '~ { GoO ·(-DRiLLER J,--C '. . 30RING ~~: Shee:£ CI4:- Casing ins:allation data - - - Water level Time Date I I I DESCRIPTION _c;.",., ""'..:. Û <.; , 4 (ì , ~vv"d I,,\Ç;~ l.' "'" ,..... r-c.-, ',,£. cl \.- ~""'+h ~ hhi.¡.~ <. ,fÌ () -....j t'"I,4 -;:~¡- ~"'It'f.:, -I- I "'^9.r--\; '.to\lV'>. \.,.('(),.,,^ . \^ lc-+ ..~ c.n. ....rJ,/ c::::: . 1+ ro.f'< u:: ~nt . . '^'" / .J . ¡..!., r ", " .,,\ ....'-' I - "Ç.\/ f~+- ^ tv'\P....\ . \ .t .LV"l ----t-."Ï=h' .rJ2 .. - - - - '" .,....1 ..II ::"n'lcr l., ,.." " ¡\.u "I ,..-' .-. "^\....' r l'U _J "",-p,i _, AlV\hÍlÎ '.... In _ - - I ;-\oJ) C:::::../ F n p.., - -'- .. - IC/'3 ~\'11 ¡ t.. '7.. a 4 - .. - 4 fla .sr:1r. 40 MiL . hlQ,hV~- IJ..(J ~ () C ') (ì t: N>Þ':"'" t.~I...iil1i - - - 5Md¡ 1t.::5 /58 - I 65 be¡ ¿; hl/ri. Þ¿l1tcl/ì; It' I Z5C; -;5f, '-' / ,3 { 0 ¡,d -fc .5 iA-r-.ß_ c( · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Project Number 1812BK03 February 1 2004 APPENDIX F October 2003 Soil Analytical Laboratory Reports , Ep Remediation Appendix F 1_ lWcy_Léll!Mra_e:JIIII - - - - - - - -th.ofleusftly""rrJ- 1 Client Name E2C Remediation, LLC 661.831.6906 fax 661.831.6234 Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: 1-\ () bì (--, ì, \ ( ~ ~. " (0 :p :n I "'/ c·~ l. \ t.{ ~ f?, ~6 n D Aqueous __J ~ N N 2 Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ~- :n <0 <0 10 N :õ :õ ~~ fa <{ <{ :õ !2. e' -1(((' ~ - ~ '0 N 0.. 0.. 2 0,SOi' 8 (' <0 III 111 ~ Project Manager: y -¡ C.vv\ C \ IIC It'"' 2 Q « (' n> <0 OJ ~ tI) tI) <ü 0> D « .( .~ 0.. OJ n> « c: ß õ ëü \II ru ru OJ ....-, .- ~ i/ .. 0.. Q 0.. " Sampler Name: ~ ill tI) tI) c: C IU ru (' D Acidified ru OJ tI) o. n> ~ b! '\ Cti,\ \-...p U E--r i:5 ~ 0> 0> U X IIJ <.? >- >- IU tI) X \11 to I I ñí >< x to T> III l- I- n. n. Õ 0 0 ~ "' f- eu Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type ill :¿ I- I- > \[) to- ..J ro Comments JO/I/o'3 \~·.,~O Ì'/1 ~'\¡' - 2 - 1.55 D-'{ -~. >< )< ~ ~,I (I L:::-J ' (,.'? ~ :..-' #. -/ --h.;, b ( I ) / I / 0'2., /4;00 H\¡v - Z -¡-CD ,X X >< ~ .,; Ie 1- v. , I CY I / c~ I ¿1 ' c,C' ~,-1 L,\/ - 2 - J {, 5 X X X H 0 (cJ . . ...J lel/lr;n 14,; 15 jv1w·- 2- 170 X X 1 {--i-o ( d 'J ~j - IO/I/Q3 14: 25 MW- 2- \ 75 X' ~ ,- IX 'HL; (c( I ojl /o~ - ) ~ ~ .~) S ~/\\i\í - 2 - \ff) \J í X >< X 'm)/d - - - - - - f-- - , . - - - - - I Turnaround Time Requ~led: 24 Hour 48 Hour ,5-Day _ Standard >< Relinquished By: Received By: Dale: / ó ~I Relinquished By: Date: .¡L1 ¿X? Received By: Date: Date: · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report Certification # 1920 CLIENT EzC Remediation LLC 5300 Woodmere Ave Suite 105 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Name: Hobin Niagra Matrix: Sampled by: Soil Brian Keller TESTS: TPH Gas by EPA 8015M TPH g Analysis: 10/13/2003 Date of Report: 10/29/2003 Units: mgIKg Sample #: 6359 6360 6361 6362 I Date Sampled: 10/1/2003 10/1/2003 10/1/2003 10/1/2003 i DL gmfKg Sample Description: MW-2-125 MW·2-135 MW-2-145 :-'IW-2-60 I TPH Gasoline ND ND ND ND 0,1 I I I Surrogate RecoveI1' % 83 88 85 89 ¡ Sample #: Date Sampled: DL gmlKg Sample DescriPtion: I I , i I I Surrogate Recover)' % \ Sample #: I I D LgmlKg Date Sampled: Sample Description: I I I r - ~r ~ Surrogate Recovery % ! j' \ ! , i , \ \ DL = Detection Limit / / 'h~ 0 I r ND - Non-Detect at given DL AI ~ ..... NA - Result not available I I nalys't-:" A1exandcr Candia · I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. I EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Soil Sample Results in mg/Kg Certification # 1920 I CLIENT: E2C Remediation, LLC I 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project ID : Hobin Niagra Analysis Date 10/8/2003 I Report Date: 10/29/2003 Sample ill : 6359 MW-2-125 I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates I t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND 0.1 mgIKg Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 mgIKg Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.05 mgIKg Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.05 mgIKg I Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.05 mgIKg BTEX Components I Benzene ND 0.05 mgIKg Toluene ND 0.05 mgIKg I Ethylbenzene ND 0.05 mgIKg m & p Xylenes ND 0.05 mgIKg o Xylenes 18 0.05 mgIKg I I Internal Standards Results % Recovery Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% I 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% Surrogate Standards I Methane, dibromofluoro- 36.8 74% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 36.9 74% Toluene-d8 37.2 74% I p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 41.5 83% I I · I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. I EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Soil Sample Results in mg/Kg I Certification # 1920 I CLIENT: E2C Remediation, LLC 5300 Wood mere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project ID : Hobin Niagra Analysis Date 10/8/2003 I Report Date: 10/29/2003 I Sample ID : 6360 MW-2-135 I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND 0.1 mgIKg Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 mgIKg I Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.05 mgIKg Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.05 mgIKg Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.05 mgIKg I BTEX Components I Benzene ND 0.05 mgIKg Toluene ND 0.05 mgIKg Ethylbenzene ND 0.05 mgIKg I m & p Xylenes ND 0.05 mgIKg o Xylenes ND 0.05 mgIKg I Internal Standards Results % Recovery I Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% I Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 38.8 78% I 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 39.8 80% Toluene-d8 41.9 84% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 42.2 84% I I . I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. I EPA 8260B Laboratory Report Soil Sample Results in mg/Kg I Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation, LLC I 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project ID : Hobin Niagra Analysis Date 1 0/8/2003 I Report Date : 10/29/2003 I Sample ill : 6361 MW-2-145 I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND 0.1 mg/Kg Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg I Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.05 mg/Kg I BTEX Components I Benzene ND 0.05 mg/Kg Toluene ND 0.05 mg/Kg Ethylbenzene ND 0.05 mg/Kg I m & p Xylemes ND 0.05 mg/Kg o Xylenes ND 0.05 mgIKg I Internal Standards Results % Recovery Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% I Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 . 50.0 100% I Surrogate Standards ! ¡ Methane, dibromofluoro- 39.3 79% I I I 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 40.8 82% i ! Toluene-d8 40.3 81% \ I p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 44.1 88% \ I ! I I , I I i i I · I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. I EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Soil Sample Results in mg/Kg , I Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation, LLC I 5300 Wood mere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield. CA 93313 I Project ID : Hobin Niagra Analysis Date 10/8/2003 I Report Date : 10/29/2003 I Sample ill : 6362 MW-2-160 I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND 0.1 mgIKg Methyl Tert~Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg I Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.05 mg/Kg I BTEX Components I Benzene ND 0.05 mgIKg Toluene ND 0.05 mg/Kg Ethylbenzene ND 0.05 mg/Kg I m & p Xylenes ND 0.05 mg/Kg o Xylenes ND 0.05 mg/Kg I Internal Standards Results % Recovery I Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% I Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 38.3 77% I 1 ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 40.2 80% Toluene-dB 39.5 79% p-Bromoffuorobenzene (BFB) 45.6 91% I , I -------------------~ Haicyon Laboratories Chain of Custody Form I'! - .. - - C"lient Name: E2C Remediation, LLC 661.831.6906 fax 661.831.6234 Analysis Requested Sample Matrix ------_._~_.-- ---- ---.. Project Name: ~Ob\0 N ~ C".s CV- c\.. :D :D ß ß :D D Aqueous ~ N N ß :õ <0 <0 Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105. B<lkersfield, CA 93313 If) ~ ß N ::ã :D <{ <{ :õ ~ N ~ If) N Il. Il. ß f) ~' 14,l/e,(- N <0 !:!. !:!. ;¡; /~SOif 0 2 ~ ('oJ Project Man3ger: . ~r iC,Y" <0 OJ <{ <II <II <0 01 :õ' .S Il. OJ OJ C <{ <{ 0 ë; !:!. ro ro <{ a> ß Il. Il. en c c Il. > ('oJ D Acidified Dr \ (:~.V" ~·l/ç-r 'll <II W ro Sampler Name: OJ ro OJ f) OJ OJ 0 ~ C> is ~ 01 01 en X W :>. :>. w X .. OJ CD :I: :I: ro x x CD '0 W l- I- Il. Il. 0 0 0 I- ro I- a> Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type <0 ~ l- I- > If) t-- ~ .J CD Comments \O/Z/rß IS:3S \'1\\/1)-3 - ) 0 bn:"ss ,X X X 1-+-(1 ) d -h,,-bC. i.c/2Jo3 "5 :4-5 tv1vv-3- 20 X þ( k Hold Ic/2/03 I '::J : S l) ~ I \¡..v - ~ ,- 30 II ¿{ K X Ho ld - '\O/l/O?J ) / . "'( Mv{-?)-4D - ~ X lX 1+0 Jd o,L. ) - - - 1- lX K IO/2/cj 16 ;05 t'-l \,l) ~ 3 - ,50 r>z ,/ .Hc(j \. 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If) '" Q Q ß ßSoil ~~ S ('I Q) W LU ~ Project Manager: ,.~' I \ ('1'(' 2 @. N Il> ,,-Jí" \ C(,.., 10 QI <{ <I) <I) Q) 01 D <{ « .!; Q Il> Il> <{ r: fa 0 Qj I1J Il> Q Q ro <U Q :. S3mpler N<3me: ,3- "{(,^fI i<'e ((cv ~ I1J '" oJ> C C III ro N D Acidified <U Q' '" Q' '" " ~ X II! (5 is ~ 01 l" II! oJ> :- :- X III 10 X X -n; X X 10 '0 I1J l- t: n. Q. 'õ 0 0 S <U I- ll> S<3mplc Date S<3mple Time S<3mplc Description <Jnd Container Type ID ~ I- I- > If) r- -' ill Comments IC/2-10?-/ \ 7 ~ '30 Mw - 3- 13D \:::£,<Á$S >< >< ~ f-·/ (> (J -h,l ~f lv! \¡1j -3 - r 40 X X' ~ I C12/03 \7;40 ')(/ (,~C¡3 l- I C/2/o3 \7;~ MvJ-t-ISO J>< K )< {-bid I- i- - \0/2/07 18:Cü \V\\¡V - 3-1 bO IX: X X ~ 31<../ , JO /Z./O} t 8 ;: os rvt vV -3-170 ><: )<' >< )-ì ü (d iOfzlD¿ ItiíZv tv! w - 3---\ fX) ,/ V ,þ )( 1-hJIJ I--J .L I- - - - , - - - - - - Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour . 5-Day _ Standard X- l ' Relinquished By' Received By: Dale: Dale: · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report Certification # 1920 CLIENT E2C Remediation 5300 Wopdmere Aye Suite 105 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project N¡¡¡ne: Matrix: Soil Sampled by: TESTS: TPH Gas by EPA 8015M TPH g Analysis: Date of Report: Units: mgIKg 63926393 6394 10/2/2003 10/2/2003 10/2/2003 !\I\\'-:¡·IOO 1\1\\'-3·140 /..1\\'-3-160 TPH G:\solinc NO NO NO 98 97 98 Surrogate Rccm"cry % DL '" Delection Limit ND - Non-Detect at gi\'en DL NA - Result not a\'ailable I 'DL om/Ko I b b I 0.1 I I ! DL gm/Kg ¡ 1 DL gm/Kg · I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. I EPA 8260B Laboratory Report Soil Sample Results in mg/Kg Certification # 1920 I CLIENT: E2C Remediation, I 5300 W oodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project ID : Hobin Niagra Analysis Date 10/14/2003 I Report Date: 10/29/2003 Sample ID : 6392 l\tIW -3-100 I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND 0.1 mgIKg I Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 mgIKg Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.05 mgIKg I Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.05 mg/Kg BTEX Components I Benzene ND 0.05 mgIKg Toluene ND 0.05 mgIKg Ethylbenzene ND 0.05 mg/Kg I m & p Xylenes ND 0.05 mg/Kg o Xylenes ND 0.05 mgIKg I Internal Standards Results % Recovery I Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-dS, chloro- 50.0 100% I 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% Surrogate Standards I Methane, dibromofluoro- 39.9 80% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 39.2 78% Toluene-d8 45.8 92% I p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 51.8 104% I I · I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. I EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Soil Sample Results in mg/Kg I Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation, I 5300 W oodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project ID : Hobin Niagra Analysis Date 10/14/2003 I Report Date: 10/29/2003 I Sample ID : 6393 J\tIW-3-140 I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND 0.1 mgIKg Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg I Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.05 mgIKg Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.05 mgIKg I BTEX Components I Benzene ND 0.05 mg/Kg Toluene ND 0.05 mg/Kg Ethylbenzene ND 0.05 mgIKg I m & p Xylenes ND 0.05 mgIKg o Xylenes ND 0.05 mgIKg I I Internal Standards Results % Recovery ! Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% I Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% I 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% ! Surrogate Standards I Methane, dibromofluoro- 32.1 64% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 30.8 62% I Toluene-d8 42.8 86% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 55.7 111% I · I Halcyon Laboratories, Inc. I EPA 82608 Laboratory Report Soil Sample Results in mg/Kg I Certification # 1920 CLIENT: E2C Remediation, I 5300 W oodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 I Project ID : Hobin Niagra Analysis Date 1 0/14/2003 I Report Date : 10/29/2003 I Sample ID : 6394 MW -3-160 I Analyte Result Method RL Units I 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND 0.1 mglKg Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg I Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.05 mg/Kg Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.05 mg/Kg I BTEX Components I Benzene ND 0.05 mg/Kg Toluene ND 0.05 mg/Kg Ethylbenzene ND 0.05 mgIKg I m & p Xylenes ND 0.05 mg/Kg o Xylenes ND 0.05 mgIKg I I Internal Standards Results % Recovery Benzene, fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 100% I 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% Surrogate Standards I Methane, dibromofluoro- 42.3 85% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 42.8 86% I Toluene-d8 49.0 98% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 51.4 103% I .u m__u I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I Proiect Number 1812BK04 December 4. 2003 APPENDIX G April 2003 Supplemental Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report , E2C Remediation Appendix G · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Number 1812BK03 Februarv 1. 2004 APPENDIX G April 2003 Supplemental Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report E2C Remediation Appendix G · I 8015M ASTM I BOD BTEX CAM CAS Number I CFC COD CRDL D I DL DLCS DMS I DOH or DHS ELAP EPA GC I GCIMS IC ICB ICP I ICV LCS LUFT I M MBAS MDL MRL I MS MTBE NA I NC ND NTU ppb I ppm PQL QAlQC RCRA I RPD S1M SM I STLC SW TCLP I TDS TPH TRPH TSS I TILC VOA I U J B I E N D X I I Acronyms California DHS LUFT Method American Society for Testing and Materials Biochemical Oxygen Demand BenzeneIToluenelEthylbenzenelXylenes California Assessment Metals Chemical Abstract Service Registry Nurnber Chlorofluorocarbon Chemical Oxygen Demand Contract Required Detection Lirnit Detected; result must be greater than zero. Detected; result must be greater than the detection limit. Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate Matrix Spike Department of Health Services Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Gas Chromatography Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Ion Chromatography Initial Calibration Blarik sample Inductively Coupled Plasma atomic emission spectrometry Initial Calibration Verification sample Laboratory Control Sample Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Modified Methylene Blue Active Substances Method Detection Limit Method Reporting Limit Matrix Spike Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether Not Applicable Not Calculated None Detected at or above the Method ReportinglDetection Limit (MRL/MDL) Nephelometric Turbidity Units Parts Per Billion Parts Per Million Practical Quantitation Limit Quality Assurance/Quality Control Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Relative Percent Difference Selected Ion Monitoring Standard Methods/or the Examination o/Water and Wastewate¡; 18th Ed., 1992. Solubility Threshold Limit Concentration Test Methods/or Evaluating Solid Waste, PhysicaVChemical Methodl¡ SW-846, Third Edition, 1986 and as amended by Updates I, II, lIA, and 1m. Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure Total Dissolved Solids Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Suspended Solids Total Threshold Limit Concentration Volatile Organic Analyte(s) Qualifiers Undetected at or above MDLIMRL. Estimated concentration. Analyte detected above MDL but below MRL. Hit above MRL also found in Method Blank. Analyte concentration above high point onCAL. Presumptive evidence of compound. Result frorn dilution. See case narrative. 2 · I IClient : Project Name: IprOject No. : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E2C Remediation, LLC Hobin Niagra Car Was NA - Cover Page - INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Service Request: L2300740 I Approved By: I Sample Name: Batch QC Batch QC Batch QC Laboratory Control Sample Method Blank MW-1 3 ~~~ Date: Lab Code: L23 0073 3 -00 1 L2300733-001S L2300733-001SD L2300740-LCS L2300740-J\1B L2300740-001 5 ~ /03 , r · ilient : ProJect Name: .roje~t No. : FatrlX : I lamPle Name: ab Code: I ta1yte Calcium 'opper on agnesiu11l Manganese lotassium odium Zinc I I I I I I I I I I I Analytical Report E2C Remediation, LLC Hobin Niagra Car Was NA Water MW-1 L2300740-001 Total Metals Service Request: L2300740 Date Collected: 04/02/03 Date Received: 04/04/03 Date Extracted: 04/10/03 Units: ug/L (ppb) Basis: NA Sample Result Analysis Method MRL Date Analyzed Result Notes 6010B 200 04/11/03 54900 60 lOB 10 04/11/03 ND 6010B 100 04/11/03 8220 6010B 200 04/11/03 11300 60 lOB 10 04/11/03 142 60 lOB 2500 04/11/03 7260 60 lOB 500 04/11/03 45800 6010B 20 04/11/03 67 4 I f I ¡ \ , \ ¡ \ ì ¡ ¡ t j · I Client: Project Name: I Project No. : Matrix: I IsamPle Name: Lab Code: I IAnalyte Calcium ~opper ron agnesium lEang~ese otasSlum odium Zinc I I I I I I I I I I I Analytical Report E2C Remediation, LLC Hobin Niagra Car Was NA Water Method Blank L2300740-ìv1B Service Request: L2300740 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Date Extracted: 04/10/03 Total Metals Units: ugIL (Ppb) Basis: NA Sample Result Analysis Method MRL Date Analyzed Result Notes 60 lOB 200 04/11/03 ND 6010B 10 04/11/03 ND 6010B 100 04/11/03 ND 6010B 200 04/11/03 ND 6010B 10 04/11/03 ND 60 lOB 2500 04/11/03 ND 6010B 500 04/11/03 ND 6010B 20 04/11/03 ND 5