HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK (3) ~ ~.,.~~ ~, a California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region Robert Schneider, Chair Winston H. Hickox Secretary.fÓr Environmental Proteäion Fresno Branch Office Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/-rwqcbS 1685 E Street, Fresno, California 93706-2020 Phone (559) 445,5116 . FAX (559) 445-5910 Gray Davis Governor 6 October 2003 Regional Board Case No. 5T15000808 Mr. Frank H. Hobin 8908 Yersailles Drive BaKersfield, Califorñía-93311' UNDERGROUND TANK RELEASE, CARWASH OF AMERICA (FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH), 1701 STINE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY You submitted Workplan to Perform Additional Groundwater Characterization (Work Plan) dated 22 September 2003 and prepared by your consultant, E2C Remediation, LLC, Bakersfield (E2C). The Work Plan proposes installation of two additional on-site monitoring wells. We requested the Work Plan by our letter dated 26 August 2003. Our letter also approved installation and operation of an interim soil vapor extraction (SYE) remediation system. We conditionally approve the installation of the proposed monitoring wells. Quarterly monitoring should continue with an expanded analytical program. Submit a work plan for additional investigation beneath the former fuel dispenser canopy. E2C should contact us if they believe this additional investigation is unnecessary. A summary of the Work Plan and our comments follow. I Work Plan Summary E2C will install monitoring wells MW-2 and MW-3 in positions approximately 160 feet upgradient (northeast) and 120 feet crossgradient (southeast) relative to existing monitoring well MW-l. MW-1 was installed in the southeast portion of the site as' a sentinel well between the known soil contamination at the former UST systems and California Water Service Company (CWSC) well 158-01, approximately 230 feet south of the site. The fuel oxygenate methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) was detected in MW-1 at 102 micrograms per liter (µglL) during the initial 2 April 2003 monitoring event. MW-2 and MW-3 will be standard-construction 4-inch diameter wells screened from approximately 160 to 180 feet below ground surface (bgs) and will be installed using air rotary drilling technology. Soil samples will be collected in MW -2 at 20-foot intervals to 120 feet bgs and at 10-foot intervals to 180 feet bgs. Samples will be also be collected from MW-3 at 10-foot intervals to 180 feet bgs. A maximum of 10 samples from MW-2 and 5 samples from MW-3 will be analyzed in the laboratory for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by EPA Method 8015M, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), the fuel oxygenates MTBE, di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), and tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) by EP A Method 8260B. California Environmental Protection Agency !fIj ~J Recycled Paper " .~,..;; 1 " " \ '~'f"4. Mr. Frank H. Hobin - 2 - 6 October 2003 Groundwater monitoring will be conducted on a quarterly schedule. Groundwater samples will be analyzed in the laboratory for TPH-g by EPA Method 8015M and BTEX, MTBE, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, TBA, and the lead scavengers 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) by EPA Method 8260B. E2C will submit a Report of Findings for the work, including well installation, development, and sampling procedures, results of the initial monitoring event utilizing MW -1 through MW -3, and a work plan for additional groundwater investigation, if warranted. E2Cwill subsequently submit quarterly groundwater monitoring and remediation progress reports. Comments - ---~~ ~ Based on review of the above-summarized report, we have the following comments: We conditionally approve the installation of MW -2 and MW -3. The proposed screened interval of these wells appears to extend only 2-3 feet above the water table elevation of 162.3 feet below the top of the casing measured during the 2 April 2003 sampling of MW -1. We request that the screened interval extend at approximately 2 to 5 feet higher than proposed to account for water table elevation fluctuations. Vertical extent of any impacted soil encountered should be defined by laboratory analysis of two consecutive samples lacking field evidence of petroleum impact and collected at 5-foot intervals (2 deepest samples). MW-2 and MW-3 should be included in the monitoring network. Continue quarterly groundwater monitoring. We approve the proposed groundwater analytical program but request that you identify potential chemicals of concern by analyzing groundwater samples collected during the fourth quarter 2003 and first quarter 2004 for the 63 to 67 analytes typically reported for a full 8260 analysis and dissolved lead. Samples collected for dissolved lead analysis should be filtered in the field prior to acid preservation or filtered in the laboratory prior to acid preservation within 24 hours of collection. We requested by our letter dated 26 August 2003 that you analyze samples collected from one . . _ -~upg¡:adient-and-t-wo-dGw.Bgradi€nt-m0nitoring-wells-f0r-genefal-m.i-nerals,nitrate,and-t0tal-JÇjeldahl~-- - nitrogen (TKN) during two non-consecutive quarters. Conduct these analyses during the fourth quarter 2003 and second quarter 2004. Please submit the report of findings for the well installations and initial groundwater monitoring event by 5 Jánuary 2004. Our letter also requested that you submit a work plan for additional investigation beneath the former fuel dispenser canopy by 3 December 2003 . We understand that E2C does not consider additional investigation necessary. Contact us by 17 November 2003 to discuss this issue. Our letter also approved the installation and operation of the interim SVE remediation system proposed in E2C's Site Characterization Report of Findings... dated 17 June 2003. We requested that SVE system operation begin by 3 December 2003. v :\UGT\Projects\JDW _files\2003 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Calwash of America MW, WP 9,03,doc / / r",,«#' ~r , ~' ", Mr. Frank H. Hobin - 3 - 6 October 2003 ,/ Sections 2729 and 2729.1 for Underground Storage Tanks were added to the California Code of Regulations requiring you to submit analytical and site data electronically. Enclos,èd is our letter (Required Electronic Deliverable Formatfor Laboratory and Site Data Submittals to Regulating Agencies) explaining how to obtain information to implement the requirements. Electronic submittals should include soil or groundwater sample analytical data (various file names), wellhead horizontal and vertical positioning data (GEO_XY and GEO_Z files), depth-to-water measurements (GEO_ WELL files), and site maps (GEO_MAP files). Please contact this office at least five days prior to fieldwork. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. ßbv ~ PvJ . , .' ' , " --, JOHN D. WHITING Engineering Geologist R.G. No. 5951 Enclosure: Required Electronic Deliverable Formatfor Laboratory and.Site Data Submittals... c: Ms. Barbara Rempel, SWRCB, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento, w/o enclosure -............ Mr. Howard Wines III, City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Bakersfield, w/o enclosufe-; Mr. William Lawson, E2C Remediation, LLC, Bakersfield, w/enclosure File: UST/Kern/Carwash of America/1701 Stine Rd" Bakersfield/ST1S000808 V:\UG1ìProjects\JDW _tïles\2003 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Carwash of America MW,WP 9,03,doc ~ ;l a California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region Robert Schneider, Chair Winston H. Hickox Secretary jiJr Environmental Protection Fresno Branch Office Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/-rwqcb5 1685 E Street, Fresno, California 93706-2020 Phone (559) 445-5116· FAX (559) 445-5910 Gray Davis Governor 26 August 2003 Regional Board Case No. 5T15000808 Mr. Frank H. Hobin '8908 "Versailles Drive ' Bakersfield, California 93311 UNDERGROUND TANK RELEASE, CAR WASH OF AMERICA (FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH), 1701 STINE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY You submitted Site Characterization Report Qj.Jl.indings, Report of Surrounding Area Well Survey, SVE System Installation and SVE Pilot Test Report of Findings & Workplan to Implement Remedial Action (Report) dated 17 June 2003 and prepared by your consultant E2C Remediation, LLC, Bakersfield (E2C). We approve the installation and operation of the interim soil vapor extraction (SVE) system proposed in the Report. We request that you expedite SVE system startup to minimize.impacts to the nearby water supply well. Provide additional justification and a work plan addendum if your consultant determines that air sparging (AS) is necessary at present. We also request that you submit work plans for additional investigation of impacted soil beneath the fuel dispenser canopy and for the installation of additional monitoring wells. A summary of the Report and our comments follow. Report Summary Monitoring well and SVE Well Installation and Soil Investigation E2C installed one monitoring well (MW -1), two dual completion soil vapor extraction (SVE) wells (VES-A and VES-B), one single completion SVE well (VES-C), and two soil borings (B-8 and B-9) during March 2003. E2C also installed subsurface piping connecting the SVE wells with a proposed remediation equipment compound. ' , The wells and borings were drilled using air rotary technology, MW-1 was completed as a standard- construction 2-inch diameter well screened from approximately 160 to 180 feet below ground surface (bgs). Groundwater was encountered at approximately 163 feet in MW-l. SVE wells VES-A and VES- B were constructed with separate casings screened from approximately 10 to 75 feet bgs and from 65 to 110 feet bgs. VES-C was screened from approximately 55 to 85 feet bgs, B-8 and B-9 were drilled to 40 feet bgs. MW -1 was installed in the southeast portion of the site as a sentinel well between the known soil contamination at the former UST systems and California Water Service Company (CWSC) well 158.:01, California Environmental Protection Agency ,r:, ~c1 Recycled Paper /' .~ \.; Mr. Frank H. Hobin - 2 - 26 August 2003 approximately 230 feet south of the site. The VES wells were installed in positions around the former USTs. Borings B-8 and B-9 were placed near the edges of the canopy overlying the former fuel dispenser area to further investigate impacted soil in that area. Soil samples collected from the borings were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and diesel (TPH-g and TPH-d), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and the fuel oxygenates methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), and tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA). A groundwater sample collected from MW-I on 2 April 2003 was analyzed for TPH-g, BTEX, MTBE, ETBE, DIPE, TAME, TBA, and the lead scavengers 1,2-dichloroethane (l,2-DCA) and 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB). , Low analyte concentrations were sporadically detected in the soil samples. E2C concludes that the -- - -€xtgnt-Gf-impact@à-sGi-ls-Ð@n€ath-the-f0Fm~r-1:J-S+s-has~been-a13Pf0x-iffiately-àefineà-and-thaHh.e-v0Iume-~ --- of impacted soils is approximately 45,000 cubic yards. TPH-g concentrations less than 1 milligram per kilogram (mg/kg) were detected in samples collected from beneath the fuel dispenser canopy margins in borings B-8 and B-9 to a depth of 40 feet bgs. MTBE was detected at 102 micrograms per kilogram (µg/L) in the groundwater sample collected from MW-1 ~n 2 April 2003. Other analytes were not detected. E2C recommends that one to three additional quarters of monitoring be performed to verify the presence of MTBE prior to installation of additional downgradient monitoring wells. Depth to water was measured at 162 feet below the top of the well casmg. E2C identifiedfour water supply wells within 2,500 feet of the site. CWSC well 158-01 is an operating well 230 feet south of the site with a screened interval from 293 to 650 feet bgs. According to the CWSC, 158-01 produced 1,000 acre-feet of water during 2002. Other wells identified were at least 1,300 feet from the site. E2C conducted an SVE pilot test (VET) on 14 through 18 March 2003. Pilot test data indicated that soils beneath the site are very conducive to SVE. Radii of vacuum influence ranged from 45 to 80 feet depending on the configuration of SVE wells operated. High influent concentrations were reflected in calculated hydrocarbon removal rates up to 577 pounds per day. E2C anticipates that the shallow SVE - -~wellswoUlëroeôperated-fõi snorter âúrafion willi confiIITïed-operati'õílõflne èleep SV'E wells-"in conjunction with rec~mmended AS operations. Interim Remedial Action Plan E2C will prepare and submit an Authority to Construct permit from the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) upon our approval of the Remedial Action Plan included in the Report. E2C will construct an equipment enclosure, install SVE equipment in the enclosure, and begin SVE system operation. E2C will submit a startup report to the SJVUAPCD, and perform weekly operation and maintenance on the SVE system. Monitoring well MW -1 will be sampled quarterly. Remediation system performance and groundwater monitoring data will be submitted quarterly. V:\UG1ìProjectsVDW jiIes\2003 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Carwash of America GW -SA, VET - IRAP 8,03,doc c<, ",5 Mr. Frank H. Hobin - 3 - 26 August 2003 Comments Based on review of the above-summarized report, we have the following comments: We approve the installation and operation of the interim SVE system proposed in the Report. SVE system startup should be expedited to minimize potential impacts to CWSC well 158-01. We request that you begin SVE operation by 3 December 2003. Section 5.4 of the Report indicates that AS will be necessary at the site. Our review of the available data suggests that AS may not be necessary at this site. Please provide additional justification and a brief work plan addendum for AS if you fee1it is warranted at present. Submit the addendum by 3 November 2003. . c Although TPH-g was detected beneath the margins of the fuel 'dispenser canopy at less than 1 mg/kg in B-8 and B-9, TPH-g was detected in most samples in the borings to 40 feet bgs. This data suggests that higher concentrations may be present beneath the canopy and dispensers. We request that additional investigation to determine the lateral and vertical extent of impacted soils be conducted beneath the canopy. Submit a work plan addendum for this investigation by 3 December 2003. We approve quarterly monitoring of MW-l. E2C proposes conducting one to three additional groundwater monitoring events to verify the presence of MTßEin groundwater prior to installation of additional monitoring wells. We request that you do not postpone additional well installation. Submit a work plan for the installation of at least two additional monitoring wells by 3 December 2003. Analysis for general minerals, nitrate, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen should be conducted on samples collected from one upgradient and two downgradient wells, when installed. These analyses should be conducted during two non-consecutive quarters. Sections 2729 and 2729.1 for Underground Storage Tanks were added to the California Code of Regulations requiring you to submit analytical and site data electronically. Enclosed is our letter (Required Electronic Deliverable Formatfor Laboratory and Site Data Submittals to Regulating Agencies) explaining how to obtain information to implement the requirements. Electronic submittals should include soil or groundwater sample analyti~al data,(various file names), wellhead horizontal and vertical positioning data (GEO_XÝ and GEO_Z files), depth-to-water measurements (GEO_ WELL files), and site maps (GEO_MAP files). V:\UGT\Projects\JDW _tìles\2003 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Carwash of America GW-SA- VET- rRAP 8-03,doc ~~ "::~ Mr. Frank H. Hobin - 4 - 26 August 2003 Please contact this office at least five days prior to fieldwork. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. c--JM~lv ß; Ú/n-iá'lrq~ ~- I JOHN D. WHITING Engineering Geologist R.G. No. 5951 Enclosure: Required Electronic Deliverable Formatfor Laboratory and Site Data Submittals... ---,-., ··-'-~e~- o-=-Ms:-,Barbara -Rempel-;-S-WReB,;"B'S-F-eleanup-Furrd-,-S'acramento;·w/o eñctosure'- -~ =--=--=~ Mr. Howard Wines III, City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Bakersfield, w/o enclo~ Mr. William Lawson, E2C Remediation, LLC, Bakersfield, w/enclosure File:UST/Kern/Carwash of America/1701 Stine Rd" Bakerstield/5Tl 5000808 - - -- ~ ~_.- --~~ -- -~-~----.:..------- _:---~""---::..~ -- ~~-----..:;:- --- ----...-=;;...---=.. --~-,~~-~~--::~---~~:::----~---~ - ---- V:\UG1ìProjects\JDW _files\2003 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Carwash of America GW-SA· VET - fRAP 8-03,doc