HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN (2) l" 11/; i/:,'\t' \'" i ... -.. 07/07/2003 12:09 66139.1 e PAGE 02/03 RICH ENVIRONMENTAL 5643 BROOKS CT BAKERSFIELD ,CA. 9330a OFF~CE(661)392-86a7 & FAX (661)392-0621 ACtIRI'I'E. 'I'M ]?I~ELINE TESTER E're~ision Product Line Test TEST RESULTS JOB~: Test Date:06-19-2003 BILLIN(;:B.S.S.R 6630 ROSEDALE HWY SU¡TE B BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 S!TE:CARDLOCK FUELS 3600 STrEN RD BAKERS F1 ELD, ("..A PRODt1C'r PRODUCT PRODUCTS L'Im1 'l'i:.S'J:' UNL-8i -. 002-PAS~ tJNL-67 -.OOO- ?AS5 PREM-91 -.OOO-PASS DIESEL -.OOO-PASS MECaANICAL MON'I'rOP. LEM DE'n!CTOR L:&AK DETEC'1'OP.. NO TEST ANNULAR & .sUMP NO 'I'~ST 1INNULA.R & SUMP NO TEST ANNULAR & SUMP NO TEST ANNULAR & SUMP COMMEN'J:S A precls~o~L2st was pe~fo~ed on product lines at the above location \Is;\.ng th€ ACURITE TM I?II?ELINf: TESTF.R. I have reviewed the da.ta produced in conjunc~ion with this test for purpose of verifying the results and cerl;ifying thF.! product lj,ne test systems. The testing Wé\3 performed :l.n ácorrdance wj,th AES protocol, and therefore satisfies ~ll requirements for 5uch testing as set forth by NFPA 329-92 and USEPA 40 CPR part 280. The results ot testing are shown on the following page. Included with t:he report are reproduction of data (:ompiJ.~d dur.ing the tE?st which formed the basis for the$c conclusion. This information is stored in a pe!rnanent file if futurQ verification of test results is needed. I dec1aré under penalty of pe~jury ~h~t ¡ am a li~ensèd tank tester in the state Qf California and that tne inforøation containe4 1n this report is true an~ cor~ot to the Þèst of my knowledqe. 040 ertif~ew J.~ c~:tt :l99-1072 ,,~' ..." 07/07/2003 12:09 66139.1 e PAGE 133/133 RICH ENVIRONMENTAL ~ 5643.2RCOKS CT BAK~R3FrELD,CA.9330a OFF!C~(661)392-e6e7 & FAX (661)392-0621 ~CCRITE ~ PIPELl~ ~~S~R WORK SHEE'l' DATE: & -11-03 W;O#': '-~-'"--''' Fa.cility Name: Cv4~bLÐLK FlJFL S Facili ty :A:J.dress: 2Cø,=?O ~r IfiAJ R DA-b ~AK..E~éLþ IL::/f p~~ Product Line Type (Prèssure, Suct;i.on ¡ G~av:i. ty) : Pump Manufact'CIxer: Rfa:> ~T!sola.tion MeC:hani~: ~l.L. 1/"AJ.JIE¿(6ÞL/rl1~ ?f.-l.I6£ PRODUCT TEST VOLUME :RESOLT PRESSURE RATE PASS; (PSI) (GPH) FAIl, 5õ -. "'o~ ~- .- '--...- 3'b .000 fMS ~ . c:Ðo f?ASS ~O .~O fT1SS '__I -- -,-...-' ----... --"'-' .----. 1J.V\ '-: ~ vt'l.:~ ~ ~,...,,\' -_. þ.JeiL.. ---.. I cer.tify that tb~ above line test6 were conducted Bccord~n9 to the equipment rnanuf.¡¡.cturër 1!:1 procedures. The results at! li.sted. are to my knowled~e t;rUE! a(ld ,~orx:ect. 'I'he tè$t pass/fail i" determined u$ing a thr~3hold of 190 ml pv.r hour (0.05 GE'H) rate õ\t 1. 1/2 times wc.t:b.n9 pressu.ce or 50 J?~i wh:i.oh Elver is Qrl!:i!.\ber. 'r~,:h: JAMES J, RICH "gnature fL--/'µ~ State Lic~nse:# ~g-1072 MFG. CER'.UF!CA.'I'J.ON; It 601. L't