HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-CLOSURE REP. 3/29/1999 OF.". = F,t, rc.~""H"fA1SU~tl. ÍD~~TloN t ~ . ~ fk~ycL£D '~~ NEWO/L ~~ U o¡;:~. t~TÇ; OIL. TÃNk ðLD 8,*"fr~1l'f. ~ToR~ .54~¡:/ ~E~6G~tA ! U~f D TIRE Sro1t~C'-7 ~ X'" '$; 022705 - FIRESTONE STORE 3650 Stine Rd. Bekersfie'd, CA 93309 (805) 834--8844 - --_.-'-"-" --.-. -. , ~£~el-l ~ NEW 8A.,~" 0 r STdlAIrG ~ ~ . Fr;;. ~/ ~ ~.r' '';' ~,o ';. ~ ~ý' <II .... ~ /" ~ ~ G/J'J"Û)ye~ ~sr~~ m~N -+0 ~~~~ r - 3~' ~\ ~E. ~~£/I7é#'r ~R;' kd,f/l;£ ...c ~~,4?,,J/ h;¿ß'.s;, ~,¿ ~ r~\~ "!" Wi ..... - ,~ -... ........ '- I ~ --Cj lS", I FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'Ho Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAJ< (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'Ho Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAJ< (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAJ«805) 32~576 ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAJ< (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAJ< (805) 399-5763 , , ' March 29, 1999 Ms. Debra Hamlin Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. 2550 West Golf Road Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 CLOSURE OF ONE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 3650 STINE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. PERMIT #BR-0240. Dear Ms. Hamlin: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. Accordingly, no unauthorized release reporting is necessary for this closure. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, ~ Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services REH/dlm cc: Y.Pan, RWQCB Wade Starnes, ERM S:IUSTFORMSIUST,L1 ~'7~de W~ ~.A0P6.r~ A W~?" 8 March 1999 RECEIVED MAR 1 6 1999 BY: Howard Wines, III Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: BridgestonejFirestone Underground Storage Tank Removal Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Wines: On behalf of BridgestonejFirestone (BFS), Environmental Resources Management (ERM) has prepared this letter to provide the Bakersfield Fire Department with a copy of the Underground Storage Tank Removal Report, BridgestonejFirestone Store # 3588, BFS Pin # 144827,3650 Stine Road, Bakersfield, California. All necessary information regarding the UST removal performed on 30 November 1998 is contained herein. If you have any questions or comments regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact Wade Starnes at (925) 946-0455, or Debra Hamlin of BFS at (847) 981-2403. Sincerely, tJ~ ;V/ ~ Wade M. Starnes Project Engineer ¿~-:f¡ RCE # C 053240 WMSj dpgj3622.02 enclosure cc: Debra Hamlin, BridgestonejFirestone Environmental Resources Management 1777 Botelho Drive Suite 260 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 946-0455 (925) 946-9968 (Fax) II ERM® \: -- ___._~.. _Rr___·~ ~- - V'",,\ \Õ)Œ © Œ il W ~\~I ¡\Jù 'MAR"'9 1999 ~ I.FGi\L-ENVIRONMENTAL 1'.""'1 1';j';i:~~:1.;;=~7~<¿' Fi:::::::):::·::::".."··.'·'i!.!'!.!.!!!.!.!.!..:i.!.ii,,!:,:i:¡j:,¡!::i:'!i::¡::'::"'::':::~':;':":::"::::'::;::,::::.;::" """"."" ·1111111~q7.«....... ,. e~%i¡ii",!,!,i,¡,!,!,¡",;i:',I,i'~,.!:~ :'::":m: .. . . q:'::::'::, '::::::: I, ',' .....'.. ",;:';'=:U·\/;i....::~::???::':::<:· '::":' " :. 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ERM® I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Page I LIST OF FIGURES 11 I LIST OF TABLES 111 I LIST OF ACRONYMS IV I SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Location 1-1 I Land Use 1-2 UST System History 1-2 I Scope of Services 1-2 SECTION 2 I UST DECOMMISSIONING UST Removal Activities 2-1 Site Restoration 2-2 I SECTION 3 SITE ASSESSMENT 3-1 I Soil Sampling 3-1 Soil Sample Analytical Results 3-2 I SECTION 4 CONCLUSIONS 4-1 I APPENDIX A I PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX B I UST DECOMMISIONING DOCUMENTATION I APPENDIX C I ANALYTICAL LABORATORY DATA REPORTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page FIGURE 1-1 Site Location Map 1-3 FIGURE 1-2 Site Plan 1-4 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF TABLES Table TABLE 3-1 Summary of Soil Chemical Analytical Data Page 3-3 III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF ACRONYMS Acronym Definition BFS bgs ERM HVOC O&G PID ppm USEP A UST WHI Bridgestone I Firestone Below Ground Surface Environmental Resources Management Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds Oil and Grease Photoionization Detector Parts per Million United States Environmental Protection Agency Underground Storage Tank Walker Hydraulics, Inc. IV I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION On behalf of Bridgestone/Firestone (BFS), Environmental Resources Management (ERM) is pleased to submit this report to document the underground storage tank (UST) decommissioning activities performed at the Firestone Tire Center (" site") located at 3650 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California, on 30 November 1998. The scope of work for this project is detailed in ERM's proposal to BFS entitled Proposal for Environmental Consulting Services: 25 California Firestone Stores, dated 7 July 1998, and includes the decommissioning and removal of one 550-gallon used oil storage tank, and associated piping, as well as restoration of the site to pre-existing grade and surface. This report has four sections and three appendices, as follows: · Section 1 contains background information on the Bakersfield BFS site; · Section 2 provides information regarding the UST decOlnmissioning activities; · Section 3 presents site assessment information; · Section 4 presents conclusions; · Appendix A contains photographs of the work; · Appendix B contains UST decommissioning documentation; and · Appendix C contains laboratory data. Inquiries regarding this project should be directed to Ms. Debra Hamlin, Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc., 2550 W. Golf Road, Rolling Meadows, IL. Ms. Hamlin can be reached by telephone at (847) 981-2403. Site Location and Land Use The site is located at 3650 Stine Road, on the northeast corner of the Stine Road and Beechwood Street intersection in Bakersfield, about 1/2 mile west 1-1 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I of Highway 99. Please see Figure 1-1. General site conditions are shown in the photographs in Appendix A. Land surrounding the site is mostly developed; several commercial buildings border the site. The UST was located on the east side of the site, outside of the service area. Please see Figure 1-2. UST System History The UST was constructed of double-wall steel with a fiberglass coating. The spill-containment manhole was located on top of the UST, near the middle of the tank. Historical documentation indicated that the UST was installed in 1982. Reportedly, a previous used oil UST had been installed in this location prior to 1982. Scope of Services The scope of work completed for the site included the removal of one 550-gallon used oil underground storage tank, and all associated piping. The scope of work also included the collection of soil samples beneath the former UST and from the excavated soil stockpile to determine if there is evidence of impact associated with the operation of the UST system. ERM and their subcontractors completed the following tasks: · Removed the UST and underground vent lines; · Completed an environmental assessment of soil underneath the UST which included collection of two soil samples from the UST excavation, and one soil sample from the excavated soil stockpile; · Submitted these soil samples to: Sequoia Analytical of Walnut Creek, California, to analyze for Oil and Grease (O&G), and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (HVOCs); and · Restored the former UST area to pre-decommissioning conditions. 1-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ 1 32 I----< I----< I----< 1000 0 1000 1-1 1-1 1-1 I 1 .5 0---1 0---1 0---1 SCALE 1: 24,000 o I MILE I 2000 3000 I I 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET I I I I KILOMETER Figure 1-1 Site Location Map Bridgestone/Firestone Store #3588 BFS PIN 144827 3650 Stine Road Bakersfield, California BRM-West, Ine. 12/98 ~ þoooo.o--I o References: U.S.G.S. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic Gosford Quadrangle) Dated: 1954, Photo Revised 1973 1-3 ------------------- - I .þ. Legend: BK-113098-ST . Soil Sample Location Parking Lot ú Porking Stine Rood CAD File: :\ \3622\02\36220218.dw Parking Sales Area Service Area BK-113098-U2 BK-113098-U6 o 25'-0" I . I FEET Project No, 3622.02 Drawn By: D. Ludlam ~ j Former 550 Gallon Used Oil Underground Storage Tank êj:TempOrary Stockpile Location BK-113098-ST ..- Q) ~ ëñ -u o o ~ J:;: (J Q) Q) m Storage Figure 1-2 Site Plan Bridgestone/Firestone Store #3588 BFS PIN 144827 3650 Stine Road Bakersfield, California ERM 12198 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 2 UST DECOMMISSIONING UST decommissioning at the BFS facility was completed on 30 November 1998, by ERM and Walker Hydraulics, Inc., (WHI) of Concord, California. Photographs of the UST system decommissioning are included in Appendix A. WHI excavated soil and removed the UST and associated piping. Representatives from ERM and from the Bakersfield Fire Department were present at the site during UST decommissioning activities. UST Removal Activities Before excavation and UST removal, BFS site personnel arranged for the UST to be pumped of remaining liquids. Prior to removal, WHI arranged for the tank to be decontaminated using a triple rinse process by CALPI of Bakersfield, California. The rinseate was transported by CALPI to DeMenno-Kerdoon, a permitted hazardous waste treatment facility in Compton, California. A copy of the hazardous waste manifest is presented in Appendix B. After the tank was rinsed, WHI placed 15 pounds of dry ice into the UST to displace any flammable vapors with carbon dioxide gas. After removal, the UST was transported with the vent pipe and other miscellaneous debris by WHI to Sims Metal America, a metals recycling facility in Richmond, California. No excavated soil was removed from the site. The depth to the top of the UST was approximately 4 feet below ground surface (bgs). The diameter of the former UST was 4 feet. Approximately 6 cubic yards of soil were excavated and stockpiled adjacent to the excavation. This soil was subsequently used to backfill the excavation after UST decommissioning activities were completed. The primary soil type in the excavation consisted of sand with little to some clay around the base and sides of the UST. No groundwater was encountered in the excavation. During UST removal activities, Mr. Howard Wines III, Hazardous Materials Specialist for the Bakersfield Fire Department, was present. 2-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I After UST removal, ERM and Mr. Wines examined the UST to check for any evidence of damage to the UST or evidence of a petroleum release. The UST was found to be in good condition. There was no staining typically associated with a petroleum release noted on the tank or adjacent soils. Underground vent lines were removed to the elbow nearest the building. Under the direction of Mr. Wines, the remainder of the underground vent lines was filled with grout and left in place. Site Restoration The excavation at the site was lined with plastic sheeting to isolate excavated spoils and new import fill from the surrounding native soil. The excavation was then filled to just below grade by WHI on 30 November 1998 using previously excavated stockpiled soil and clean imported fill. The site was finished with concrete to restore the site to its original condition. 2-2 II ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 3 SITE ASSESSMENT Soil Sampling Under the direction of Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Department, ERM collected three soil samples from the UST excavation. Two soil samples were collected from soil underneath the UST and one soil sample was collected from the excavated soil stockpile. The samples were analyzed for O&G by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 413.1, and HVOCs by EP A 8010. Soil was obtained from the excavation using the backhoe bucket. Soil to be sampled was collected from the native soil at approximately 10 feet bgs (2 feet into native soil beneath the tank) and 14 feet bgs (6 feet into native soil beneath the tank). Samples were collected by driving a decontaminated brass tube into the soil near the center of the backhoe bucket. Each end of the brass tube was then capped with a square of teflon material and plastic end-cap. Soil in the excavation and each soil sample was visually evaluated for staining indicative of a release of used oil from the UST system. No visual indications of petroleum hydrocarbon release were noted during UST decommissioning or soil sampling. Soil in the excavated stockpile was also field screened using headspace vapor techniques. The headspace vapor screening technique consisted of placing a portion of each sample in a sealed plastic bag and then inserting the probe of a photo ionization detector (PID) into the bag. Soil samples from several locations in the soil stockpile were field screened with no indications of the presence of orgamc vapors. Soil samples were sealed, labeled, and placed on ice in a portable cooler immediately after collection. Soil samples were kept cold during transport to the analytical laboratory. Chain-of-custody procedures were followed during sample handling and transport. 3-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Soil Sample Analytical Results All soil samples were analyzed for O&G, and HVOCs. Analytical results for the soil samples are summarized in Table 3-1. Laboratory reports and chain-of-custody documentation are included in Appendix C. On 5 January 1999, the analytical results were discussed with Mr. Wines of the Bakersfield Fire Department. Mr. Wines indicated that based on the analytical results, used oil constituents are not present in site soils above levels of concern. 3-2 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 3-1 Summary of Soil Chemical Analytical Data Bridgestone/Firestone Store # 3588 BFS Pin # 144827 Bakersfield, California §@IR~i:.!I~nlñç!Îip;·::.::::::: ..... BK-113098-U2 BK-113098-U6 BK-113098-ST (íM~I:B~lplm:::':·:::::: :::..::::::::...:::::::::;:: 11/30/98 11/30/98 11/30/98 119I.!i~~~I::I!il~::·:,",:,::::: igllçi·IÞlllm;I~~~¡:::¡¡¡:::¡¡···', ND ND ND 1~~'¡:II:Î~~ii§~~:~ppl)::¡:,:",:":,··· 97 100 54 Notes: BK-113098-U2 = Soil sample taken 2 feet below former UST (10' bgs) BK-113098-U6 = Soil sample taken 6 feet below former UST (14' bgs) BK-113098-ST = Soil sample taken from excavated soil stockpile Chemical analytical services provided by Sequoia Analytical. (l)By United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Method 8010 (2)By USEPA Methód 413.1 ppm= parts per million ND = Not detected 3-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 4 CONCLUSIONS During UST removal, no visible petroleum oil impact was observed. Field screening of site soils with a PID did not indicate that volatile constituents were present. Used oil constituents were detected in all three samples. Oil and Grease was reported at 97 ppm, 100 ppm, and 54 ppm with a method detection limit of 50 ppm in the samples collected from the native soil 2 feet beneath the tank, 6 feet beneath the tank, and the excavated material stockpile, respectively. These are very low O&G concentrations and do not reflect significant petroleum impact to site soils. If significant petroleum impact had occurred, we would expect to measure much higher concentrations in this soil zone. Considering the absent detectable concentrations of HVOCs, we believe that the concentrations of O&G at 97 ppm, 100 ppm, and 54 ppm do not represent a significant used oil release and thus do not pose a threat to human health, the environment, or the beneficial uses of ground water. On behalf of BFS, ERM respectfully requests that this site be closed and no further action be required. 4-1 I ~ ~ ~ , I ~ : ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ I i II í I L.J i i L. L. L..- i L. L L I[ I I [ I r- L I- I..- [ I i L- í- l.o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '~orl'--F' . ,~ ..'. 'Ii' , ...,- , \ ~:.....,,, I I , I I '. . ,. I ' .' ., . -" - I _ ~~ . ", <', . . . .... ~. .' , ....ç" , '< " , ....\.- ~; , PHOTOGRAPH 2 View of western wall afexcavation. View to west. 1 UST Decommissioning Photographs December 1998 Firestone Tire Store Bakersfield, California II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , . ~~ :~)., .. I , .- I I, þ;þ. _. ~~ç . . ), . ,- .~:,..,.' PHOTOGRAPH 4 View of eastern wall of excavation. View to east. 2 UST Decommissioning Photographs December 1998 Firestone Tire Store Bakersfield, California I " . , II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PHOTOGRAPH 5 RemovalofUST. PHOTOGRAPH 6 Placement of UST on trailer. View to north. 3 UST Decommissioning Photographs December 1998 Firestone Tire Store Bakersfield, California I I. i I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I. I I ¡ I II I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. t:J: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B UST DECOMMISIONING DOCUMENTATION ,I I I I I CO I DRY ICE FIR~ EQUIPMENT SAFETY EQUIPMENT HYDROSTATIC TESTING ~ LICENSES ~ STATE # 546 Ii D.O.T. A 105 i CHP CA 7948 ~ ":~~:ESS Ii CITY !i II P.O.# i' I, . I: . :¡ ..... .. ··'·'"fP'"j;lEit7········ () " D~-. '.!1..~~p , " 101 TRUx11JN,AVe. BAKeRsFI~Lq,:-CA 93301 CA. CORP.·FED;:i.C:'1I/0. 95-2599411 CONTRACTORiiuc. #C-16-520781 (! t\' c:::;//-) '-.', :,-... INVOICE 2~HONE:(B05) 322-6001 CALIF. WATTS (BOO) 272-6326 . 'ORDER DESK FAX (B05) 322-0127 OFFICE FAX (805) 322-6000 144449 " I I '< STATE DATE . , ZIP . II /3ol1~ , . I ~ I DRY ICE BLOCKS OLfD 0 CUT ,' ;.,~: DRY ICE PROCESS CHARGES CO BULK WEIGHT TICKET # CO CYLINDERS HELIUM CYLINDERS NITROGEN CYLINDERS' CYLS. DELIVERED ..Lbs. lbs. I lbs. ' Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. I CYLS. RETURNED I 1 I l' ( t I' ..~':':;. I ...... .', . ...:'''I~~"",~ - _...... ... ,: HYDROSTATIC TESTS I I I I !.. i 1 ! I GOVERt;JME T REGULATORY COMPLIANCE FEE ~ASH("" 0 CHARGE o rCl CALL' 0 DELIVER, . THANK YOU TAX TOTAL i I MATERIAL. SAFETY DATA SHEET . REMIT TO: 101 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 AVAILABLE ON REQUEST TITLE TO ALL ABOVE ENUMERATED PERSONAL PROPERTY OR RENTALS SHALL REMAIN WHOLLY IN BRAND DRY ICE UNTIL FULLY PAID FOR AND VENDEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME WHILE IN HIS POSSESSION AND WILL SURRENDER SAME UPON DEMAND IF IN DEFAULT. IT IS ALSO AGREED.THAT,IF COLLECTION IS MADE;, BY, SUIT OR OTHERWISE, I/WE AGREE TO PAY A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1.5% PER MONTH. WHICH IS 1B% PER. i ANNUM, AFTER 30 DAYS, ALSO COLLECTION COSTS AND INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES, AND WAIVE ALL RIGHTS ' I TO ANY CLAIMS EXEMPTED U~'pER STATE LAWS. MINIMUM INTEREST CHARGE $1.50. !,I. BASIS ON WHICH CYLINDERS'ARE LOANED: PROVIDED THAT IF ANY LOANED CYLINDER NOT RETURNED WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT THE DISTRIBUTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE A RENTAL CHARGE OF $4.00 PER CYLINDER PER MONTH FOR ALL TIME OVER 30 DAYS THAT SUCH CYLINDER IS AWAY FROM THE DISTRIBUTOR, WHICH DEMURRAGE CHARGE THE CUSTOMER AGREES TO PAY ON DEMAND. THE CUSTOMER SHALL PAY PROMPTLY ON DEMAND TO THE DISTRIBUTOR ESTABLISHED VALUATIONS AND RATES FOR LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO ANY OF SAID CYLINDERS OR FITTINGS RESULTING FROM ANY CAUSE AFTER DELIVERY THEREOF TO THE CUSTOMER AND UNTIL RETURNED TO THE DISTRIBUTOR. REFILLING OF CYLINDERS IS PROHIBITED. I I I Received By . _ d~' .__......__... . ~""¥;,,.'~,~.,,~,.... .. ..' I, 'If/:io/1ß' ( Da te . See Instructions on back of page 6. ~ :~ a ~ ~ ~ J :J '! J J J 1 1 J ~~ j j ¡ i j n 1 1 ~ ~ ¡; ',' , J 1018 of California-Environmental Protection Agency ~ rm' Approved OMB No. 2050-0039 (Expires 9-30,99) ease print or type, Farm designed for use on elite (l2'pitch) typewriter, I I N <t') I ~ -' -' I i I G C'J E 0 N CO E I R A 0 T 0 0 CO I R Z w , 0- V> w I 0 ~ I I- -' -' I ä: en Departmenf of Toxic Substances Control Sacramenta, California Information in the shaded areas is not required by Federal Jaw. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 1, Generator's US EPA ID No. 2. Page 1 3, Generator's Name and Mailing Address r 1 :r"': ")TO~ t /'feO f"'d: )f,?/oJ"';', jJ,K vy. rO N OJl,YJ.77 / - ,,.. 6. US EPA ID Number 4, Generator's phone ( 5. Transporter 1 Company Name .', ,/ ¡- ...' 7. T ransp rter t ampany Name " 9, Designated Facility Name and Site Address b, ~k...,...() - K'f /r:ffX>,>.J .,.OØC) JI Ak;."'H:d,--.. ~ . . r , ",,'1-1..., ,~::. ,., , 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) a., Y'tV. Ú"'. ,':' .'1 I' ?,... "''';''>11 A,..^...h' .. K.~. ,,., 7:..... ,þ.- .... f-,j-: :;.¡. ':, ,~- /-, ) .<;..../. < j, {. b, c, d, 15, Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information. f: ~),;1t (J"J - /;..&7(; '-.? ~ P!ta "f :~' : Y¿0 5-1,;v, L" . ~< '"- I ~, ". Co ~... (. .,.. ,,'-. ,~ ..... .,..¡. ~ ,;., ~?.....-: ./- '7'/ ../ .: ....".~./.... .-" "./".-.1 \ 16, GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I h reby declare that the contents aíthis 'cansignmentwè' lIy and accurately describelabavebý proper shipping name and are clbsSlfied, :packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition far transport by high~'1, ccarding to applicable international and national government regulations. r :..~~)¿: If I am a large quantity generator, I certify that I have a program in place to reduce 't~'!~alume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or di~pasal currently available tò' me which minimizes the present and future threat to human heal~h and the environment; OR, if I am a small quantity generator, I have '!tade a goad faith~eflart to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that IS available to me and that I can afford, ('__' .~:¡. s~na, t ;'f Materials ement of Recei t of Materials 19, Discrepancy Indication Sp,ace . .".....' ,j ,,<,, " DO NOT WRlTfÍo~ELOW THIS LINE. ~ -~ 1 ~ ~ f Ic B022A (4/97) 8700-22 Yellow: GENERATOR RETAINS - - -.-.- . . . -,-.,.... 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" ': ,'. :J.;,. .~~~ w ~' .~,~~.~""--"'.I _ ...- . .. .". _..~.:~ .' .L.... .' .' . , - ' . > ,I." ~ ... ::>, -,,+ · .:-: ·~I-~"':· " ..-' , ... '~'. . , . ¡§J o ~ -.,.... . _ r ',.. . ",.. -. ',''!:'.!''.' .' .f:>." · ...~. :~'.::I· '. " , . , .' --. !'-'.,-;,y .' ~ \. ............- -......... / · ',:',,"" · . .'~:";; . ~. r .; '-~:::. ;.._':. . - .t"'!.,._ . I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ . ~ ~ I ~ ;:s R. I I ~. CJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I APPENDIX C ANALYTICAL LABORATORY DATA REPORTS I I~ Sequoia Analytical 680 Chesapeake DrIve 404 N. Wiget lane 819 Striker Avenue. Suite 8 1455 McDowell Blvd. North, Ste. D ............................... .................... .. ....... :~':ËRM~Wêsf(WåihûrCrêêí<r::':' I '1777 Botelho Dr:, Ste. 260 : Walnut Creek, CA 94596 :::: Attention: Wade Starnes .........., ................................... ....... ::::eHêhfpfõJeêfì6:: Matrix Descript: Analysis Method: First Sample #: IUUU'HU I :;:;:;:::::;=;:;:;:;:::; ........................................ ......................................... ........................................ ......................................... .h.................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ..................... ............. 'U Redwood City, CA 94063 Walnut Creek. CA 94598 Sacramento, CA 95834 Petaluma. CA 94954 .................................................................. ::Bþš'~Båkêrsfiêia#3622J)2>· Soil EPA 413.1 (Gravimetric) 812-0174 .................... ................... .........,.,........ n ..................................... .................. .................. .................. ................. .. ......... ..................................... TOTAL RECOVERABLE OIL & GREASE Detection Limit Multiplication Factor 1.0 1.0 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. £'1 (650) 364-9600 (925) 988-9600 (916) 921·9600 (707) 792-1865 fAX (650) 364-9233 fAX (925) 988-9673 fAJ< (916) 921· 0100 FAX (707) 792-0342 Sample Number Sample Description Oil & Grease mgjkg (ppm) I I I I I I I BK-113098-U2 812-0174 97 BK-113098-U6 812-0175 100 I I II I I I I ................................. ................................ ....... "':::::::'::::::::'S'åm'p'l:ed::' Received: Extracted: Analyzed: Reported: nNóv3Ö;t 998') Dec 1, 1998~::: Dec 11, 1998:" Dee 11, 1 998:~: Dec 14, 1998} .................... .................. .....,..................... .......................... . .... ....................... ........................... .......................... . 'U ... ........ QC Batch Number SP1211984131EXA SP1211984131 EXA Detection Limits: 50 SE~UOI!, ANAL YTI~A4~1 ~A~: .' . ML-~/vð lianne Fegley Project Manager 8120174.ERM < 1 > I .œ Sequoia Analytical 680 Chesapeake Drive 404 N. Wiget Lane 819 Striker Avenue. Suite 8 1455 McDowell 8lvd. North, Ste. D ...............'.....................................'................,......'.'.'............................................. 1!!ii:~~~:~~~~:~~~~~~~:~J .,. .. ... ::::::::~~~~;::~~~s~;::~r:::: J Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Analysis Method: .==~~~~:.*r~~~=0_ .... Instrument 10: HP-7 I I Analyte I I I I I I Redwood City. CA 94063 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Sacramento, CA 95834 Petaluma, CA 94954 (650) 364-9600 (925) 988-9600 (916) 921-9600 (707) 792-1865 .............. .. ........................ .................".... ........................ ......... .. :::::§~mplêa: Received: Analyzed: Reported: "í3:F$:B~k~;~fi~¡~r#362~tÔ2 Soil, BK-113098-U2 EPA 5030/8010 812-0174 ......... ...... ............. ............ ... ......... .. ...., HALOGENATED VOLATILE ORGANICS (EPA 8010) Bromodichloromethane...... ........ ......... .......... ................ ... Bromoform............................. ............... ............................ Bromomethane..... .................. ................ ........ .................. Carbon tetrachloride......................................................... Chlorobenzene....... ........................................................... Chloroethane.. .......... ......................................................... 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether................ .................................... Chloroform........ ............................... ................................. Chloromethane............................. ............... .............. ....... Dibromochloromethane... .......... ............................. .......... 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene.......... ....... ............ ............................ 1 ,3·-Dichlorobenzene..................................................... .... 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene......................................................... 1, 1-Dichloroethane............................................................ 1 ,2-Dichloroethane.................................... ...... .................. 1, 1-Dichloroethene... ...... .................................. ................. cis-1 ,2-Dichloroethene...................................................... trans-1 ,2-Dichloroethene................. ........... ...... ........ ........ 1 ,2-Dichloropropane............... .......................................... cis-1 ,3-Dichloropropene......... ......................... ................. trans-1 ,3-Dichloropropene..... ......................... .................. Methylene chloride................ ............................................ 11'1'2,2-Tetrach'oroethane................................................. T etrachloroethene.... ........................................ ................. 1.1.1-Trichloroethane........................................................ 1 1 ,2-Trichloroethane........................................................ I Trichloroethene...................... ............. ............ .................. Trichlorofluoromethane....................... ................ ... .......... Vinyl chloride.. ............ .......................... ............................. I I Detection Limit µg/kg 25 25 50 25 25 50 50 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 250 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... Surrogates Control Limit % Dibromodifluoromethane......................... ......................... 50 150..................................... 4-Bromofluorobenzene..................................................... 50 150................. .................... Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection, Because matrix effects and/or other factors I required additional sample dilution, detection limits for this sample have been raised. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL, #1271 ~~ 'UI",nne Fewey ~ Project Manager I &'1 FAX (650) 364-9233 FAX (925) 988-9673 FAJ< (916) 921-0100 FAX (707) 792,0342 -.._-_.......-.....-..... .......................... ......................... ......................... . I\Î()\/"à6;'iggä:I Dec 1, 1998:::: Dec 10, 1998::::: Dec 14, 1998::::: ...................... .... ....................... ................................. ............................... ....... ............... Sample Results µg/kg N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. % Recovery 86 68 8120174.ERM <2> I I.æ .............,........ ...... .............. .......... ....... .................. .. . .............. . IIII ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ê;~J:··,·,·,············"'·:~~:~I:rg~~;r~:: : Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Analysis Method: I·::j::~~:~~~~~~::~~;::::~:~~~~~~~::~:~:~=::::::::~:~:::~:~~~:;:~:;::::::::::::::::: .... Instrument ID: HP-7 Sequoia Analytical 680 Chesapeake Drive 404 N. Wlget Lane 819 Striker Avenue. Suite 8 1455 McDowell Blvd. North, Ste. D Redwood City, CA 94063 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Sacramento. CA 95834 Petaluma. CA 94954 (650) 364-9600 (925) 988-9600 (916) 921-9600 (707) 792- t 865 .................................,..................................... ·äFŠ~Šâkêrsf¡êìd#362~tð2::'···· Soil, BK-113098-U6 EPA 5030/8010 812-0175 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::sãAA:þ¡:~d'?:::::: Received: Analyzed: Reported: ................. ............... .. .". ........... ...................... ..-.-............... . .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. . ................. .... .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .u I I II I I I I I I I HALOGENATED VOLATILE ORGANICS (EPA 8010) Analyte Detection Limit µg/kg Bromodichloromethane.................... ..................... ........... Bromoform......... .......... ...................... .... ..... ...................... Bromomethane............................................. .................... Carbon tetrachloride...... ...... ............................................. Chlorobenzene......... ...... ....... ......... ......... .................. ........ Chloroethane........... .............. ....... ............ ..... ............. ....... 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether............... ........... ....... .......... ......... Chloroform.. ... ................................. ......... ...... .......... ......... Chloromethane. ... .............. ....... ................ ...... ............. ..... Dibromochloromethane..... ....... ................ ...... ............. ..... 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene....................................... ............ ...... 1,3-Dichlorobenzene..... ...................................... .............. 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene.... ..................... .................. .............. 1, 1-Dichloroethane.................................... ........................ 1 ,2-Dichloroethane............................ ........ ........................ 1, 1-Dichloroethene............................................................ cis-1 ,2-Dichloroethene............. ........... .................. ............ trans-1 ,2-Dichloroethene... .................. ............................. I 1 ,2-Dichloropropane........................................... .............. cis-1 ,3-Dichloropropene...................... ................ ............. . trans-1 ,3-Dichloropropene. ............................... ................ Methylene chloride............................................. ............... I 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane................................................. T etrachloroethene. ............... ..... .................. .......... ............ 1,1, 1-Trichloroethane........................................................ I 1,1 ,2-Trichloroethane........................................................ Trichloroethene.................. ..... ................... ....................... Trichlorofluoromethane..... ..... ..... ............. ...... .............. .... Vinyl chloride.................... ............ .................. ................... 25 25 50 25 25 50 50 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 250 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ...................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ...................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ...................................... I I Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. Because matrix effects and/or other factors I required additional sample dilution, detection limits for this sample have been raised. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL, #1271 .~:~ Project Manager I Surrogates Control Limit % Dibromodifluoromethane................................ ............. ..... 50 150....... .............................. 4-Bromofluorobenzene..................................... ................ 50 150..................................... £'1 FAJ< (650) 364-9233 FAX (925) 988-9673 fAX (916) 921- 0100 FAX (707) 792-0342 ............-..... .................... ................... . ..................... NoV3Ô;' 1998)! Dec 1, 1998:::: Dec 10, 1998) Dec 14, 1998!!: .... ;:;:::;::::::::::;:::;;;:::::;::;::: ....... ..... ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... .........................n .... ..............-.... Sample Results µg/kg N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. % Recovery 76 57 8120174.ERM <3> I .œ Sequoia Analytical 680 Chesapeake Drive 404 N. Wiget Lane 819 Striker Avenue. Suite 8 1455 McDowell Blvd. North, 5te. D Redwood City, CA 94063 Walnut Creek. CA 94598 Sacramento. CA 95834 Petaluma. CA 94954 (650) 364-9600 (925) 988-9600 (916) 921·9600 (707) 792·1865 FAX (650) 364-9233 FAX (925) 988-9673 FAJ< (916) 921-0100 FAX (707) 792-0342 I ....................... ... ....................... ÊFn\i':~Wêšr(Wâ¡nlJrCreêkr 1777 Botelho Dr., Ste. 260 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Attention: Wade Starnes ... ............................-........... .................................... ........... ....,............................-.'....,....-.-.........-............................................................................ .. .. ................................................................... ··::,··:·::::···:·¿¡¡~hrP-rõjêêri6: ::'äFS~Båkêrsf¡ê¡(r#3622:Ô2: Matrix: Solid ......H.........······..···········n .....................-.. ....... ....................................... .............................. ....................................... ...................................... .......... .......................... ..................... I ac Sample Group: 8120174-175 Reported: Dec 14, 1998J: ... ............ . , .......... ........................................ ........................................... ........... ::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.' .................. .................. ............... .................. ................. ... .................. .. .. ..... . ...................... ................... ............ ........ ............. ......... QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT I Analyte: 1,1-Dichloro- Trichloro- Chloro- Oil & Grease ethene ethene benzene I QC Bateh#: SP120998 SP120998 SP120998 SP121198 8010EXA 8010EXA 8010EXA 4131EXA Analy. Method: EPA8010 EPA8010 EPA 8010 EPA413.1 Prep. Method: EPA 5030 EPA 5030 EPA 5030 EPA 3550 I Analyst: P. Kosovskaya P. Kosovskaya P. Kosovskaya N. VanSlambrook MS/MSD #: 8120646 8120646 8120646 8120173 Sample Cone.: N.D. N.D. N.D. 54 mg/kg I Prepared Date: 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/11/98 Analyzed Date: 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/11/98 Instrument I.D.#: HP-7 HP-7 HP-7 Manual Cone. Spiked: 1000 µg/Kg 1000 µg/Kg 1000 µg/Kg 5000 mg/kg I Result: 960 940 910 5,300 MS % Recovery: 96 94 91 105 I Dup. Result: 950 920 950 5,000 MSD % Reeov.: 95 92 95 99 I RPD: 1.0 2.2 4.3 5.8 RPD Limit: 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-30 I LCS#: I Prepared Date: Analyzed Date: Instrument I.D.#: I Cone. Spiked: LCS Result: LCS % Reeov.: I LCS I Control Limits LCS121098 LCS121098 LCS121098 LCS121198 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/11/98 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/11/98 HP-7 HP-7 HP-7 Manual 1000 µg/Kg 1000 µg/Kg 1000 µg/Kg 5000 mg/kg 930 920 940 4,900 93 92 94 98 65-135 70-130 70·130 70-130 Please Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent-free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample fortified with known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure, If the recovery of analytes from the matrix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix interference, the LCS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. ** MS-Matrix Spike, MSD=MS Duplicate, RPD-Relative "10 Difference I SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL, #1271 ~\Iwt~1vG ~ I Wanne Fegley Project Manager I 8120174.ERM <4> ô - - - - - - ~A"'O~~O,",E~O- - - ERM EnviroClean-West, Inc. :P~~1203~ 1777 Botelho Drive, Suite 260 · Walnut Creek, CA 94596 · (510) 946-0455 · Fax: (510) 946-9968 Page - - -- 1EiI- 5011 J of -1 PROJECT # PROJECT NAME 36Jð.O ~ SAMPLER: (PRINT NAME) f3r:-s -t!YJKFß;;FrFll) (SIGNATURE) µD=;¡ ~MéS rJ£, /'7%/",:;} RECEIVING LABORATORY ~ö¡l WAWAT (Ii-' bv: MATRIX . · . · . - . M . ~ I I REQUESTED PARAMETERS I I I I I I / I ~ 'J Oií · a. ID SAMPLING cÍ:w wZ SAMPLING SAMPLE I.D. DATE TIME ~ < w> en- 0 CI: METHOD ~~ º~ VOLUME ü C) 0..> fK·II3cfr1-(.t:1.. " J Ji/f¿ V~ -. '/ 11(1t~ i 7 -r¡..(J~ ðK-1I3df'f-u(. I' f I I' I' " I' I' J V ~~ \.J/ /7 // 8~201rï4 8..20175 - RELI~auíßIi!' t BY (SIGNATURE) t.Æ ßl ff~7 ReliNQUISHED BY (SIGNA TURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY DATE TIME FIELD REMARKS /Ji! DATE J:w TIME RECEIVEQ.jl¥- - - ---- ~~l DATE TIME ____i-- RELINQUISHED BY (SlGNAJ..I,IIff:T DATE TIME ~ , REMARKS ON SAMPLE RECEIPT o BOTTLE INTACT 0 CUSTODY SEALS 0 CHILLED o PRESERVED 0 SEALS INTACT 0 SEE REMARKS RECEIVED BY DATE TIME <!l.-J¡:¡ i L ~ ... ERM REMARKS JJ-J 1 \5sL SEND REPORT TO: ~-.IIVv7/)f4T . WHITE - LABORATORY COpy CANARY - FIELD COPY PINK - DATABASE MANAGER GOLD - PROJECT FILE , I lœ I Sequoia Analytical .... . ..... .... ..... ...........-....... ¡¡:::Ë:RM:Wešf(Wåìììûrd're-eí<r: ,¡¡ 1777 Botelho Dr., Ste. 260 ? Walnut Creek, CA 94596 ::: Attention: Wade Starnes 680 Chesapeake Drive 404 N. Wiget Lane 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 1455 McDowell Blvd. North, Ste. D ............................. ............................ Redwood City, CA 94063 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Sacramento, CA 95834 Petaluma. CA 94954 ····'········:·:·:elìehfþ·rôfecfn:r Matrix Descript: Analysis Method: First Sample #: ....,..-.................................................................................................................... :BF§~B'âkêrsfiêi:(f#362~tÔ2 Soil EPA 413.1 (Gravimetric) 812-0173 ... ...................... .................. ................ :·····'······:Sarríþfea:=::: Received: Extracted: Analyzed: Reported: ......................................... .................................. ............................................................................ .... .... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.'.: ..... :.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.: ................. ..................... .................... Nõ,,:'á6; Dec 1, Dec 11, Dec 11, Dec 14, I···· I I I I .,.............................. ............. ... . ...................................... ....................................................................-.......................... ...................................................................................................................... .... ........-......................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . ............................... ..............,... ................... Sample Number Sample Description 812-0173 BK-113098-ST I I I I 'I I II I I I I TOTAL RECOVERABLE OIL & GREASE Oil & Grease mgjkg (ppm) 54 Detection Limit Multiplication Factor 1.0 (650) 364-9600 (925) 988-9600 (916) 921-9600 (707) 792-1865 FAX (650) 364-9233 FAX (925) 988-9673 FAJ< (916) 921 -0100 FAX (707) 792-0342 '1998\ 1998::::: 1998): 1998r¡ 1998){ ........ Detection Limits: 50 ..... .......... QC Batch Number SP1211984131 EXA Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL, #1271 ))utv~VtL ~ ~anne Fegley Project Manager &'1 8120173.ERM < 1 > ;I~ . ~ ,I .,., Sequoia Analytical 680 Chesapeake Drive 404 N. Wlget Lane 8f9 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 1455 McDowell Blvd, North. Ste. D Redwood City. CA 94063 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Sacramento. CA 95834 Petaluma, CA 94954 (650) 364-9600 (925) 988-9600 (916) 92f-9600 (707) 792-1865 ...................:.. ...........................;.;,;...;.;.;.;.;...;.; :.;.... . ".;.:.:.;. .".;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.: .................'.........-......,......................................................................................................-... I i¡I¡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e::J'n ~~:~,:rg~~~;:~::·,~~~:~~~f~~~~~:î~6£rÔ2"" ? Walnut Creek. CA 94596 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8010 Il~~:=~:~':'~~~:~:~:~_B12-o173...w...~.m. ... ..mm Instrument ID: HP·7 FAX (650) 364-9233 FAX (925) 988-9673 FAJ< (916) 921 -0100 FAX (707) 792-0342 .....-...........-........................ ............................................ . ···········,·,·,·,·,·,·,·,·,·"""""""$~m'pj'~d?' Received: Analyzed: Reported: ..... I I Analyte I I I 'I I I I I I I I Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. Because matrix effects and/or other factors I required additional sample dilution, detection limits for this sample have been raised. ~~ I (~lianne Fegley Project Manager HALOGENATED VOLATILE ORGANICS (EPA 8010) Detection Limit µgjkg Bromodichloromethane... ......... ................ ........................ Bromoform............................................ ......... ................... Bromomethane....... ............. ..... ............... ............... .......... Carbon tetrachloride. ............. ...................... ...... .......... ..... Chlorobenzene.. ................... ......... ............. ..... ....... ........... Chloroethane........ ..... ... ......... ............................. ......... ...... 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether.................................................... Chloroform.......... ...... ..... '" ..... ...................... ,...... ......... ..... Chloromethane...... ............. ..... ........................ ....... .......... Dibromochloromethane.............................. ....... ............... 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene......................................................... 1.3-Dichlorobenzene..... .............................. ...................... 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene............... ..... ......... ............................ 1, 1-Dichloroethane............................................................ 1 ,2-Dichloroethane.................................. .......................... 1.1-Dichloroethene............................................................ cis-1.2-Dichloroethene........ ............................. ................. trans-1.2-Dichloroethene............................ ...................... 1 ,2-Dichloropropane............... ............. ............ ......... ........ cis-1 ,3-Dichloropropene........... ................. ....................... trans-1 ,3-Dichloropropene........................................... ..... Methylene chloride.................... ............... ................. ........ 1.1.2,2-Tetrachloroethane................................................. T etrachloroethene. .............. ....... ................. ,...... ........ ....... 1.1.1-Trichloroethane........................................................ 1, 1.2-Trichloroethane........................................................ Trichloroethene.. .................... .... ......... ......... ......... ............ Trichlorofluorornethane................................................... . Vinyl chloride... .......................... .................. ......... .......... .... 25 25 50 25 25 50 50 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 250 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ......................""..."...".."". ...................................... ..................................... ..................................... ...................."................. ..................................... ..................................... ........"..."........................ ..................................... .............."....................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ".."."....."....."""..........."..... ..................................... Surrogates Control Limit % Dibromodifluoromethane............... ............................ ....... 50 150..................................... 4-Bromofluorobenzene......... ............................................ 50 150..................................... I &'1 ...................... .. . NovàÔ; 1998! Dec 1. 1998!!:: Dec 10. 1998/: Dec 14. 1998::=:: .. ............. ......................... ................................................ ...... . .... Sample Results µg/kg N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. % Recovery 94 82 8120173.ERM <2> I jj'I~:~~~~:~~~ì~~~~~e;:J ... ..,.. ., .., i: Walnut Creek, CA 94596 I :,i::::~~:;:~:~~~:~:;::::::::~~::::::~:~::~~:;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:::~:::~g:,=:::::~::~~:~:~:;::::::~:;:;~:~::;:;::::: .. .... ,..... .'... .....:.:.:.:........'..:. QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT I .œ Sequoia Analytical I 680 Chesapeake Drive 404 N. Wiget Lane 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 1455 McDowell Blvd. North, Ste. D (650) 364-9600 (925) 988-9600 (9t6) 92t-9600 (707) 792- 865 FAX (650) 364-9233 FAX (925) 988-9673 FAJ< (916) 921-0100 FAX (707) 792-0342 Redwood City. CA 94063 Walnut Creek. CA 94598 Sacramento. CA 95834 Petaluma. CA 94954 ::::c¡:¡~rirWf6J:6r¡B:t::::: BFŠ:âàk~P~tie¡d':#'3622jj2· .... ...., .... Matrix: Solid . ............ .................... ..................... ......................................... . Reported: Dec 14, 1998:\ ................... ...................... ....................... ...................... ................. .. .. .................................. ..............................................'.. ........ .. .... ... .... Analyte: 1,1-Dichloro- Trìchloro- Chloro- Oil & Grease ethene ethene benzene QC Bateh#: SP 120998 SP120998 SP120998 SP121198 8010EXA 8010EXA 8010EXA 4131EXA Analy. Method: EPA 8010 EPA 8010 EPA 8010 EPA413.1 Prep. Method: EPA 5030 EPA 5030 EPA 5030 EPA 3550 Analyst: P. Kosovskaya P. Kosovskaya P. Kosovskaya N. VanSlambrook MS/MSD #: 8120646 8120646 8120646 8120173 Sample Cone.: N.D. N.D. N.D. 54 mg/kg Prepared Date: 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/11/98 Analyzed Date: 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/11/98 Instrument I.D.#: HP-7 HP-7 HP-7 Manual Cone. Spiked: 1000 µg/Kg 1000 µg/Kg 1000 µg/Kg 5000 mg/kg Result: 960 940 910 5,300 MS % Recovery: 96 94 91 105 Dup. Result: 950 920 950 5,000 MSD % Reeov.: 95 92 95 99 RPD: 1.0 2.2 4,3 5.8 RPD Limit: 0-25 0-25 0-25 0·30 I I I I I I I LCS#: LCS121098 LCS121098 LCS121098 LCS121198 Prepared Date: 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/11/98 Analyzed Date: 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/11/98 Instrument I.D.#: HP-7 HP-7 HP-7 Manual Cone. Spiked: 1000 µg/Kg 1000 µg/Kg 1000 µg/Kg 5000 mg/kg LCS Result: 930 920 940 4,900 LCS % Reeov.: 93 92 94 98 I I I I LCS Control Limits 65-135 70-130 70-130 70,130 I SEQUOIAANALVTICAL, #1271 . J I~nne;eg~ reject Manager I Please Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent-free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample fortified with known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure, If the recovery of analytes from the matrix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix interference, the LCS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. ** MS = Matrix Spike, MSD=MS Duplicate, RPD=Relative % Difference 8120173.ERM <3> ~ - - - - - - ~. O~U~D~Et!rRrJ"'I - - " (,' i 'J n ><) <:1 ERM EnviroClean- West, Inc. o};) t ''-I j d'~ 1777 Botelho Drive, Suite 260 · Walnut Creek, CA 94596 · (510) 946-0455 · Fax: (510) 946-9968 Page - - -- i- 50 1 0 J of-1- PROJECT # PROJECT NAME ßF5 -(54K&sFrÐLJ MATRIX REQUESTED PARAMETERS 36d-~.~ . I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLER: (PRINT NAME) (SIGNATUBÇ) ft....'iQ& Sww&$ ?,,)/< ft/%- ~ · I I 0 RECEIVING LABORATORY - ~ 'SþQIÅO~ -lAll~ (~;) . ,.0 · . . ~ 0 . ~ -=Z¡ · 43 - 0- w SAMPLING ri:w wZ \j SAMPLE I.D. DATE TIME ~ < w> SAMPLING en- 0 II: METHOD ~!;( º~ VOLUME Q ø Q.> . eK-iI ;701"l'-~ JI¡3~ / ~~ Y """....- ) V V t'l 201 73 )\l.b - ~ , RELlNOU$HED BY {f3IGNAIlIRE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY DATE TIME FIELD REMARKS l J J L rl\J C-/ ))) j:ÇO -- --- RELlNð'UISHf:D BY (SIGNA TURE) v ÓÃTE TIME RECEI~ DATE TIME --- ----- RELINQUISHED BY (SIGNA UMrT DATE TIME RECEIVED BY DATE TIME ~ ~~U1'~'~ ~I' I~Þ. REMARKS ON SAMPLE RECEIPT ERM REMARKS SEND REPORT TO: o BOTTLE INTACT o CUSTODY SEALS o CHILLED ')í.l' - - ^ 1L:~ o PRESERVED o SEALS INTACT o SEE REMARKS WHITE - LABORATORY copy CANARY· FIELD COpy PINK - DATABASE MANAGER GOLD· PROJECT FILE r;(0 .- - March 3, 1999 RECEIVED MAR 1 5 1999 BY: ,._...~ City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Underground Storage Tank Permit Firestone Store No. 3588 Bakersfield, California To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. (BFS), Environmental Resources Management-North Central, Inc. has prepared the attached Underground Storage Tank (UST) Permit Application Form A and Form. B to provide the City of Bakersfield, Office of Environmental Services, with updated information for the UST at Firestone Store No. 3588, located at 3650 Stine Road in Bakersfield. This UST was removed by BFS on November 30, 1998. If you have any questions or comments regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me at (847) 573-1010 or Ms. Debra Hamlin of BFS at (847) 981-2403. Sincerely, ERM ENVIROCLEAN-NORTH CENTRAL, INC. ~~~ Jennifer S. Stanhope Project Engineer attachments s: \cpf\bf\ 98237ec \ wp \letters \bakerfld,OOl ERM-EnviroClean- North Central, Inc. 704 N. Deerpath Drive Vernon Hills, IL 60061-1802 847-573-1010 . 847-573-1011 Fax II ERM® e e STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM A COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR EACH FACILITY/SITE MARK ONLY ONE ITEM o 1 NEW PERMIT o 2 INTERIM PERMIT o 3 RENEWAL PERMIT D 4 AMENDED PERMIT ~ 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 0 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED. SITE D 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE I. FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION & ADDRESS· (MUST BE COMPLETED) DBA OR F~LlTY NAME " , t"ìreSt ~ Stor-e. ,vO· 3Sßg ADDRESS eo~ó PARCEL # (OPTIONAL) STATE CA ZIP CODE 1/ BOX 00 CORPORATION D INDIVIDUAL D PARTNERSHIP D LOCAL·AGENCY D COUN1Y·AGENCY· D STATE·AGENCY· D FEDERAL·AGENCY· TO INDICATE DISTRICTS . n owner of UST is a public agency, complete the following: name of supervisor of division, section or office which operates the UST TYPE OF BUSINESS D 1 GAS STATION D 2 DISTRIBUTOR 0 1/ IF INDIAN # OF TANKS AT SITE E. p, A. I. D. # (optional) RESERVATION , o 3 FARM 0 4 PROCESSOR ~ 5 OTHER OR TRUST LANDS EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRS):l" mlrfl ~('ð.. NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY) - optional DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION· (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME Br\d ~S-tOt'l!t / t\restoæ. 1f>c MAILlNg5SÓET AW~~~ 60 W R.ooJ CITY NAloll \ H~O\..1S III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION - (MUST BE COMPLETED) CARE OF ADDRESS INFO~~ATION ~ \\ð-\^'\ \\^ 1/ box \0 inälCate D INDIVIDUAL ~ CORPORATION D PARTNERSHIP STATE ZIP CODE 11.. (oœD~ D LOCAL·AGENCY D STATE,AGENCY D COUNTY·AGENCY D FEDERAL,AGENCY ITH AREA CODE q1>\- ')L{03 ~. dJ.Ó D LOCAL·AGENCY V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - (MUST BE COMPLETED) -IDENTIFY THE METHOD(S) USED 1/ box to indicate D 1 SELF·INSURED D 2 GUARANTEE l8l3 INSURANCE D 4 SURETY BOND D 5 LETTER OF CREDIT D 6 EXEMPTION D 7 STATE FUND D 8 STATE FUND & CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER LETTER D 9 STATE FUND & CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT D 10 LOCAL GOV'T. MECHANISM D 99 OTHER VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILLING ADDRESS Legal notification and billing will be sent to the tank owner unless box I or II is checked. CHECK ONE BOX INDICATING WHICH ABOVE ADDRESS SHOULD BE USED FOR LEGAL NOTIFICATIONS AND BILLING: I,D II,~ III.D THIS FORM HAS BEE NDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT (PRINTED ~ SIGN~TI.IREl.-. J \ &J~ru+ ;.oJ ~ ,.,..M '-\ ~ ~ LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY COUNTY # rn JURISDICTION # ern FACILITY # ITJIIIJ LOCATION CODE - OPTIONAL ¡CENSUS TRACT # - OPTIONAL I SUPVISOR - DISTRICT CODE - OPTIONAL THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY ATLEAST (1) OR MORE PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B, UNLESS THIS IS A CHANGE OF SITE INFORMATION ONLY. OWNER MUST FILE THIS FORM WITH THE LOCAL AGENCY IMPLEMENTING THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS FORM A (6-95) '1 e e INSTRUCTIONS COMPLE"'~ING FORM "A" GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: SECTION 271 1 OF TITLE 23. CHAPTER 16, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS ND SECTIONS 25286, 25287, AND 25289 OF CHAPTER 6,7, DIVISION 20. CALIFORNIA HEALTH AN!') SAFETY CODE REQUIRE OWNERS "¡ \} APPLY FOR AN UST OPERATING PERMIT. I, One FORM "A" shaH be completed for aU NEW PERMIT CHANGES or any FACIUfY/SITE INFORMA nON CHANGES, 2, SUBMIT ONL Y ONE (I) FORM "A" for a regardless of the number of tanks located at the site. 3, This form should be completed by either the APPLICANT or the LOCAL AGENCY UNDERGROUND TANK INSPECTOR. 4, P1ease type or print dearIy all requested information. S, Use a hard point writing instrument, you are making 3 copies, 6, Tank owner must submit a faciIity plot plan to the local agency as; part of the appJica:¡on showing the location of the USTs with respect to buildings and landmarks [Section 2711 (a)(8), CCR], 7. Tank owner must submit documentation with state financial responsibility requirements to the loc::\! agency as part of the application for petroleum USTs [Section 271] TOP OF FORM: "MARK ONLY ONE ITEM" Mark an (X) in the box next to the item that best describes the reason the form is being completed, 1. F ACIL!TY /SITE lNFORMA TION & ADDRESS (MUST BE COMPLETED) 1. Record natne and address (physical location) of the tank(s). NOTE: Address MUST have a valid Jocation city, st;¡te, and zip code, P.O. BOX NUMBERS ACCEPTABLE. Include nearest cross street and name of the operator. 2. Phone number must have an area code. If the number is the sante. write "SAME" in proper location, 3. Cheek the appropriate box for TYPE OF OWNERSHIP (ex, CORPORATION, INDIVIDUAL, etc,), 4. Check the appropriate box for TYPE OF BUSINESS, 5. If Facility/Site is located within an Indian reservation or other Indian trust lands. check the box matked "YES". 6. Indicate the NUMBER of TANKS at this SITE, 7. Record the E.P,A,ID 1* or write "NONE" in the space provided, IJ, PROPERTY OWNER INFORMA nON & ADDRESS (MUST BE COMPLETED) Complete al! items in this section, unJess an items are the same as SECTION 1: If the same, write "SAME AS SITE" across this section, Be sure to check PROPERTY OWNERSHIP TYPE box, m. TANK OWNER INFORMATION & ADDRESS (MUST BE COMPLETED) Complete all items in this section, unless an items are the same as SECTION I; If the same, write "SAME AS SITE" across this section, Be sure to check TANK OWNERS TYPE box. IV, BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUI"ŒER (MUST BE COMPLETED. SEE ARTICLE 5, CHAPTER 6,75, DIVISION 20, CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE.) Enter your Board (BOE) UST fee account number which is required before your pennit application can be processed. Registration with the wiH cnsure that you receive a quarterly fee return in reporting the per gaBon fee due on the number of gallons p]aced in your USTs, The BOE wil1 code persons from the fee so returns wíl1 not be sent. If you do not have an account number with the BOB or have any questions please can the BOE at 916,322,9669 or write to the BOE at the f()!1owing address of Equalization, Fuel Taxes Sacramento, CA 94279,000J, V, PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (MUST BE COMPLETED FOR PETROLEUM USTs ONLY, SEE SECTIONS 27 I] (a)(I 1) OF TITLE 23, CHAPTER 16, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULA nONS,) Identify the methodes) used by the Qwner and/or opemtor, in meeting the Federal and State financial responsibiJity requirements, USTs owned by any Federal or State agency as; wen as non'petroleum USTs are exempt from this requirement. Vr. LEGAL NOTIFICA nON AND BILLJNG ADDRESS Check ONE BOX for the address that will be used for BOTH LEGAL AND BiLLING NOTIFICATIONS. TANK OWNER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE MUST S]GN AND DATE THE FORM AS INDICATED, [SEE SECTIONS 271 I (a)( 13) OF TITLE 23 CHAPTER] 6, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS.] INSTRUCTION FOR THE LOCAL AGENCJES The county andjurisdietíon numbers are predetermined and can be obtained by calling the State Board (916) 227,4303, The facility number may be assigned by the local agency; however, this number must be numerical and cannot eontain any alphabetìcal characters, If the local agency prefers the State Board to assign the facility number, leave it blank. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOCAL AGENCY THAT INSPECTS THE FACILITY TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION. THIS APPLICATION CANNOT BE PROCESSED IF THE BOE ACCOUNT NUMBER IS NOT FILLED IN, THE LOCAL AGENCY ]S RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE "LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY" INFORMATION BOX, THE LOCAL AGENCY SHOULD RETAIN THE ORIGINAL AND YELLOW COPIES, THE PINK COpy SHOULD BE RETAINED BY THE TANK OWNER, 6/95 e - STATE OF CAUFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY ONE ITEM o 1 NEW PERMIT o 2 INTERIM PERMIT o 3 RENEWAL PERMIT o 4 AMENDED PERMIT 00 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION o 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE o 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE o 8 TANK REMOVED DBA OR FACilITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTAllED: I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMÞLETE ALLlTEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A OWNER'S TANK I. D.' B. MANUFACTURED BY: II. TANK CONTENTS IF A-1IS MARKED, COMPLETE ITEM C. A 01 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL KJ 4 OIL B. C. o 18 REGULAR UNLEADED D 3 DIESEL 0 6 AVIATION GAS 02 D 0 1 PRODUCT o 1b PREMIUM UNLEADED 0 4 GASAHOL 0 7 METHANOL ÞETROLEUM 80 EMPTY o 1c MIOGRADE UNLEADED D 5 JET FUEL 0 8 Ma5 0 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT D 95 UNKNOWN 00 2 WASTE o 2 LEADED D 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D. B8-0W) D. IF(A1)1SNOTMARKED, ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED (MA Oì\ C.AS.#: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. B. AND C, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D AND E A. TYPE OF ~ 1 DOUBLE WALL 0 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER 0 5 INTERNAL BLADDER SYSTEM o 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM 0 2 SINGLE WALL 0 4 SINGLE WALL IN A VAULT 0 99 OTHER B. TANK 0 1 BARE STEEL 0 2 STAINLESS STEEL 0 3 FIBERGLASS 0 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC MATERIAL 0 5 CONCRETE 0 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 0 7 ALUMINUM 0 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE WIFRP (primary Tank) 0 9 BRONZE 0 10 GALVANIZED STEEL 00 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER C. INTERIOR 0 1 RUBBER LINED 0 2 ALKYD LINING 0 3 EPOXY LINING 0 4 PHENOLIC LINING LINING OR 0 5 GLASS LINING 0 8 UNLINED ~ 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER COATING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL? YES _ NO_ D. EXTERIOR 0 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP o 2 COATING o 3 VINYl WRAP o 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC CORROSION j] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION 0 91 NONE o 95 UNKNOWN o 99 OTHER PROTECTION E. SPill AND OVERFill, etc. ~~~ ~~~Aly~~ENT INSTA~~D (YEAR) OVERFILL PREVENTION EQUIPMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) STRIKER PLATE YES NO DISPENSER CONTAINMENT YES NO IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A{ )3 GRAVITY A U 4 FLEXIBLE PIPING A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A ~ 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 8 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE WIFRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A (D 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. lEAK DETECTION D 1 :re~~ UNE LEAK D 2 :~~ss D 3 =:~ INTERSTIT1Al D 4 ~CTR~~~ D 5 ~~: PUMP D 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION o 1 VISUAL CHECK D 2 ~~~,:f:.:i~ORY 0 3 ~~fðRfNG 0 4 ~~~~~TlC TANK 0 5 ~~~~~~r~~TER 0 6 ~~~~~ TANK J:7l 7 CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL 0 8 SIR 09 weEKLY MANUAL 010 MONTHLY TANK 0 95 UNKNOWN 099 OTHER ~ MONITORING TANK GAUGING TESTING VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION (PERMANENT CLOSURE IN-PLACE) 1. ESTIMATED DATE lAST USED (MOIDAYIYR) 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH GALLONS INERT MATERIAL? YES 0 NOO THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TV OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT TANK OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED & SlGNATUR~ Q.Ã. :r, LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW STATE I.D;# COUNTY # CD JURISDICTION' ITIJ FACILITY # ITIIIIJ TANK # ITIIITI PERMIT NUMBER I PERMIT APPROVED BYIDATE I PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPUCATlON· FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FORM C MUST BE COMPLETED FOR INSTALLATIONS. THIS FORM SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PLOT PLAN. FILE THIS FORM WITH THE LOCAL AGENCY IMPLEMENTING THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS FORM B (6-95) iNSTRUCTiONS FOR COMPLE~ FORM "8" INSTRUCTIONS 2711 of Title 6.7, Division Î. One FORM ALS and/or This form GROUND Please Use a T anI< OW11EHS a to and landmarks Tank owners ments to - 2. Î 6, California Code of and Code require tank owners to shall be completed for each for all NEW other TANK INFORMATION be by either the PERMiT APPUCAN'r or the and 25289 of REMOV", AGENCY UNDER- 3. 4. 5. the of the with 6. FORM: 1. Mark an the box n€nå to the item that best 2. Indicate the DBA the the reason form is ~. the owner to the tank ACME TANK C, D. II. A 1. IF MOTOR 2. If not 8. the C. Check the D. Printthe Abstract Service items & C. box ¡n section A and items 8 & D. 1 is checked in stored in the tank: the ¡nA. CSt INTERIOR LINING and L both if for the the tank. TANI< 1. LAST - MONTHlY EAR 2. of HAZARDOUS in the 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH INERT MATEAIAl? Cheo!, "Yes" or "No". AND tank identification number is the three number and the six numbers are the State Board must be the same as the local this number must be numerical and State the tank lealfe it IT is THE RESPONSiBIUTY OF THE LOCAL AGENCY THAT INSPECTS THE FACIUTY TO VERIFY THE ACCU- RACY OF THE INFORMATION. THE LOCAL AGENCY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE "LOCAL AGENCY USE INFORMATION BOX. THE LOCAL AGENCY SHOULD RETAIN THE ORIGINAL AND YELLOW COPIES. THE PiNK COPY SHOULD BE RETAiNED BY THE TANK OWNER. CITY OF BAKERSFIELO FIRE DEPARTMENT triCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 ~ -:, "IE) ~ \oJ ~ <.I\, oS;) -t -&:.. ~ - \- V) J vJIJ ~ ~ F-+- "'" .J ~ ~ ~ ~ \.t. ~ ~ ~ M f'f- . . -11 ; ~ ',; ~.... .'~ « .. \.' C ,~~..' I Ë'S) ;i j' " . } . , , ./J ~~C?¡J , c' . ~ "" ..... ~, > , , -,:J ~ ) ... I CITY OFBA'ERSFIELDPERMtT A.UCATION'· I PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE APPLICATION . __. _ ~ _r ~. _ ,_~ ~:' \, ~~.~, i. .v Project Info. J¿.f:JY\(NC" U~í Description of Work to b=.. P~ormed Project Location :3(0 SO ~-rWt QLD 1 Address f~ I:~· ~! 9 '~998 -. :.. 't" : ~'''.:.~~t:~J~' ~~.~~.: Suite Number Tract Number Applicant is (Please Circle One)? Own Lot Number Architect/Engineer Other .F\ et-s T6t0E Last Name First Name ILoo f"\~LONt: ~vJ'f Address Suite Number A~(2Q)t0 Oft L/43/1 City Zio Phone Number Fax Number ContractorWf1LKtõL L.ast Name :< 3;;¡~ ()ftrg live AAdress L'ON Œot'2-0 City .3'1() '2-~ß CJntractors License Numoer µVmof\JÖ First Name UN /7 ¡J Suite Numcer 94SliJ 92S-"R8-/Z/7 925-RB-tZ/8 _¡o.,J Fhcne Numcer Fax Numoer 04/~/oò !...icense ~xPlration Date I I ! ArchiEngr ¡ i i , ~Qst J'\~ame ::¡rs! !\Jame ,::",ddress '3uite Numoer -- :,¡, '~iLY '"' -,.... =ncne :\Jumoer :=ax Number ~,rcnil2c:/=;!c:neer ~;cs::se 1\!UrT1cer _:::snse E:'.Olratlon ûate ¡ OFFICE USE ONLY ì ¡ P<:rmit Info.;'3-ü ¡ :::::ermlt Numcer ~ / / Oate Applied ,::::C ?d ,:.:..mount F 3!O I e f1ðbtL ¡JdNE- I .. e P~RK. 7'7/lJe D [J] Di ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ß ~ N~ \)' ~ t ~ ;i (\) z,-~ iJ Þ Ð fG- ~ eO( ) PðWe62- o ( (J p~R«/!J ö- \ Firestone Store ~ ~ 3650 Stine RD. ~ Bakersfield, CA 8 3588-144827 1N ~~ iJ e (0 Service dept. Offtce ~ 1"- f'.,. ~ ~ ~ (;1 ~ E W Tek \'> C ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ --l ~ ~ i Dð? We) e.oN~ìe. Fr r2.e. (14 {tV í1'rtJ{é AfKö tV' e ~ \f' [ 7~J«<{~c-- ~ Beechwood ,. e e . -; ( td--- Dr ( JÐ Firestone Store 3588-144827 3650 S11ne RD. Bakersfteld, CA I Service dept. bO , .... ~ Beechwood Offtce --- <a c,. ( 3CJ ( - Per...Ït to Operftte Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit is issued for the following: :i~@~ardous Materials Plan q'" e.rground Storage of Hazardous Materials 'q agement Program Waste 3650 PERMIT ID# 01S-Q21.Q01094 FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER LOCATION TAN STINE HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE PIPING PI TYPE TYPE METHOD 0 0001 WASTE OIL Issued by: SWC GRAVITY Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 *~ ph Huey, ffice of ental Servi es Approved by: Expiration Date: June 30, 2000 e" .'( RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ID# _ Business Name: é(2. Iv\.. cf 0Jc)kif ¡¡;'oJrcJ " 05 Contact Name: We- S-þ-f\e-6 / «.c..!/ I-Jdk.r , / Business Phone: FAX: InspeCtor's Name: ~ Time of Call: Date: 114/ q 7 Time: # Min: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing {¿f Returned [ ] Content of Call: e-lostNt.- c~,({~ J VJVi ( OCC(JÝ SZ/v1 ~ ~k:£ -/0 aJv'5~-tiv1- DYl~e-- ~ ~ dDCeJr1ve...i:J c~ , ""- t1c> +- j vc. .f- -fI,--L I~~ c.V14( V5t,:> , Actions Required: ~ý LJ;) kif" zk- uJd,kif +(Y&-CiÚ(t (C; 9>,01 h.e 'd fc.d<.~~ eu~y-(t.-:"f) C7/~~~ ~ sev.cJ, f IVL , Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: 28/12 '98 MON 09:41 FAX 15109469968 ERMWEST we .. e e JdDNAfW ~)L-Jes 1~Y(GItS f1EL.O -FinE l)~P'I&Jí ~ b-oS1b S-J: a.~ c¡ (C:, ,,44 3bdd.O~ /~J ;)VCJt _ '7)"'J'g ,J Facsimile To: Company: Fax number: From: File number: Date: Number of pages: / 0 including cover sheet ~001 Environmental Resources Management 1777 Botelho Drive Suite 260 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 946-0455 (925) 946-9968 (fax) ~ ~ ERM~ ~fL£ bû5 fðrê ~~8.-&Ij{f§f&lJ) rM~ ~ollAL- Æf2Þo1fi1m 1i(?ö!C¡1.,., ßK -I ty)91-~T ßJ{ - / / 30c¡~-{j J ,- ßI( -/13078"- ()~ S-oG/fIL£~æ S~LE J ( ßüð..J :;; ~ßIE 6/ m.ü..1 ~K Þ<lAJK Ii FASE IJot4S!i. PRIVILEGE AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This message is intended only for the use of the individual(s) to whom it is addressed and me,y contain information that is privileged and/ or confidentiaL If the reader of this message is nl)t the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying ,f this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately at (510) 946-0455 and return the original message to us at the address above via the U. S. Postal Service. Thank you. 28/12 '98 MON 09:42 FAX 15109469968 ERMWEST we ~002 ~ Sequoia 68.sal)l~ake Drive Redwood CIty, CA 940" (650) 364-9600 FAX (650) 364-9233 . 404 N. Wlset Lane Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (925) 988-9600 FAX (925) 988-9673 ~--:--~ A 1 t" 1 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 ' Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 ......... na y lea 1455 McD<lWen Blvd. North. Ste. D Petaluma. CA 94954 (707) 792- 1865 FAX (707) 792-0342 ~~::ËAM:Wè~r(Wäì:riÛf::6r¿~:k):':::~:::::'~::¡:::::¡:'::::::::m:ai:~f'Fr;6i~ðrrðt~¡:::;:;:'::'B~s::Bäk¡;~fI:¡¡~t#§g~:b~:::~:::::::::::;,:,¡::,t:!::i:::::¡;;':'::::':¡:'¡:'S~M'Þ¡:1?':¡;:::;'¡'¡Ngt:::::3ð:;:;'::¥:§9g¡¡; @ 1777 Botelho Dr., Ste. 260 Matrix [)escript: Soil Received: Dec 1, 1998![;' :\:: Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Analysis Method: EPA 413.1 (Gravimetric) Extracted: Dec 11, 1998:::1 ¡:: Attention: Wade Starnes First Sample #: 812-0173 Analyzed: Dec 11, 199ät ¡i: .. Reported: Dec 14, 1995ili:: :;:i~;;i~;:;:~:~::::~~~~~::~~¿~::f.:~f.::::f.:;::~~:::;::~:~~~:::~:~::~::::):~:,::'~::::~:('~.~::~;::::::::~:~?::::~:~::;~:::::::~;:~:::~~::~::~~';:~~{:~:~:?-:::~::::::;:~:f..;~:~::~:~::;::~:~::~:~::\:~:~:~i::::::::~::::::~~~~::::~;:~~::::::t:::ž;:::~:::::::::~::~:?::::~:::::~~:::~:~i.::~~::~~::*~:::::~~~::;:~:::::::::~::;~:~~:~1~:::::::;::~·?~;:;:~:~:::~:~:~:~:::~::::~~:~~;:~;~';~:~~:;~:::'::::::;:::$:::~::;;:3:;::~:~?~;:~¿::$::::~~.~~:::~~:~~:::::::~:? TOTAL RECOVERABLE OIL & GREASE Sample Number Sample Description Oil It Grease mgjkg (ppm) Detection Umlt Multiplication Factor QC Batch Number 812-0173 BK-113098-ST 54 1.0 SP1211984131EXA I Detection Umlts; 50 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the IItated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL, #1271 ~:~ Project Manager 8120173.ERM < 1 > /'7(\ 28/12 '98 MON 09:42 FAX 15109469968 ~ Sequoia ~ Analytical e 680 Chesa leilke Drive 404 N. W1s:et woe 819 Striker AVemJe, Suite 8 1455 McDowell Blvd, North. Ste. D ERMWEST we e Redwood City. CA 94063 Wðlnut Creek. CA 94598 Sacramento, CA 95834 PetaJumð. CA 94954 (650) 364-9600 (925) 988-9600 (916) 921 -9600 (7C7) 792-1865 141003 fAX (650) 364-9233 fAX (925) 988-9673 FAJ< (916) 921-0100 FAX (707) 792-0342 ~r:ËR:MJXl~¡lÑ'lilf~ffi'e~~:~k)::;~";':~:;::'~t:;:,::,:~;,:ð¡~rir=P:6j:~gn:Ö:t:¡:~:gÞŠ:B:~k:~~H~¡d::;#~g~~:ð~~;::::;::,:::,::;:::::::::;,:::::',::;:::::::m;::Š:;:¡;W;¡:r?':::::;':'N:6~';::~H::::;:i:'Ié'lli: ;; 1777 Botelho Dr., Ste. 260 Sample Descript: 5011, BK-113098-ST Received: Dec 1, 1998!m: ¡it Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8010 Analyzed: Dec 10, 1998l ¡¡:! Attention: Wade Starnes Lab Number: 812-0173 Reported: Dec 14, 1998@ ~~::~:~r:~::~:~::~;;;;~;~:::~~¡~:::¡:i~~:::r::¡~::::~::~::;:~:~:::;:::!~:~:::;:~::~:~~~:r:!:::!::::~;~:;:~::::~::;:::¡:~;:::;~:;::::i~:!:::~!~~:::;:~:~::::;~~:;::::::~:::~::3~;:~:::::::::;::~:~~~~~:~::;:~:::~~:~~::~::~:~:::~:::::::::~::~::~:::!::¡:::;:::;:::;:;::~::;~~::=::~=:;~~:?::~~:~:~::::m:::~:::;~:;::~~:::;:::::::;~::::~::::;~:~::~::~:~::::;:~:;:::::::::;~:;:;:~;:;:;:~;~:r:::;:::~::;:::::::~;:::::~:~:::::::~:;~:::;:=:::::::~:~~:::;¡:;::::;:::~::::;~:::;:~:~:~;~~ QC Batch Number: SP1209988010EXA Instrument 10: HP-7 HALOGENA TIED VOLATILE ORGANICS (EPA 8010) Analyte Bromocllchloromethane....... ....... ..... ...... ........ .... ...... ..... .... Bromoform....... ............. ......... ......... .......... ........ ................ Bromomethane............ ........... ................ ......... ......... ........ Carbon tetrachloride......................................................... Chlorobenzene. ..... ... ... ........... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Chloroethanè..... ........... ........... ....... ............. ....... ....... ........ 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether........ ......... ......... ....... ......... .......... Chloroform...... ...... ........... ..... .... ....... ........... .......... ....... ...... Chloromethane.. ........... ...... .............. ........... ....... ......... ..... Dlbromochloromethane........... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..... 1 ,2-Dlchlorobenzene.............. ........ ..... ............. ..... ............ 1 ,3-Dlchlorobenzene....... ..... ............. ......... ......... ......... ..... 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene...... ............ ..... ......... ......... ................ 1, 1-Dichloroethane.................................... ................ ........ 1 ,2-Dlchloroethane....... ......... ....... ........... ......... ......... ........ 1, 1-Dlchloroethene. ............. ........ ........ ......... ................ ..... cis-1 ,2-Dichloroethene....... .................. ........... ....... ........... trans-1 ,2-Dlchloroethene............ ...................., ........ ......... 1 ,2-Dichloropropane....... ......... ....................... '.... ............. cls-1 ,3-Dichloropropene........... ....................... ................. trans-1 ,3-Dichloropropene....... ......... ......... ........... ............ Methylene chloride..... ......................... ............. ................. 1,1 ,2,2-Tetrachloroethane. .................. ......................... ..... T etrachloroethene................ ..... .... ....... ........... ............ ...... 1 ,1 ,1- Trichloroethane........... ................ ......... .......... ........... 1, 1 .,2-Trichloroethane........................................................ Trlchloroethene.... ......... ............. ....... ... ..... ....... .......... ....... Trlchlorofluoromethane....... ............ ....... ........ .................. Vinyl chloride.. ....... ................ ....... ......... ......... ........ ............. Detection Limit Jg/kg 25 25 50 25 25 50 50 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 250 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 ........................................ ..................................... ......................................... ...................................... ........................................ ........................................... ..... .. ~. ~'''.....''''.'.....''.''...''...' ......................................... ...................................... .......................................... ....................................... ......................................... ........................................... .......................................... ........................................ ....................................... ......................................... ......................................... ...................................... ......................................... ........................................ .......................................... .......................................... ............................................. .......................................... ............................,......... ........................................ ..............................,......... .............................. .......... Surrogates Control Umit % Dibromodifluoromethane. ........................... .... .......... ........ 50 150............ .:............. .......... 4-BromofJuorobenzene......... ....... .................... ................. 50 150........................... ......... Analytes reported as N,D. were not present above the !;tated limit of detection. Because matrix effects and/or ott er factors required additional sample dilution, detection limits fOI this sample have been raised. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL, #1271 ~~ Project Manager /T'o Sample Results µg/kg N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. % Recovery 94 82 8120173.ERM <2> 28/12 '98 MON 09:43 FAX 15109469968 ERMWEST we ~004 ~ Sequoia ~ Analytical e 680 Chesa leake Drive 404 N. WJaet Lane 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 1455 McD<lweD Blvd. North, Ste. D e Redwood City, CA 94063 Walnut Creek. CA 94598 Sacramento. CA 95834 PetalulM, CA 94954 (650) 364-9600 (925) 988-9600 (916) 921-9600 (707) 792- 865 FAX (650) 364-9233 FAX (925) 988-9673 FAX (916) 921-0100 FAX (707) 79Z-034Z ¡¡:':;~~~~~:vi:[r(W:¡~~~f=':ð}~:kJ;;;:;¡;~~';:;;N;;=;;;:,:;:'¡,:;mðïÎ~~i~::~~ãj:ði;;rô?;:';;;:¡';èÞ~::ê~~k~;~fi:td":#~è~¿:ó~;~::":,=,,::::~';';:::;:':;¡,r:;::,=:,~:;;'::,:;;::::::;=i':;;:;::;;:i:':;::,'i,=:::=::,;:':::';::=:,:::=:,:;;:~;:::::::,;;;::;;';;,:;,:i:::'::::::¡¡::::¡;::::::¡¡:¡ :::¡ 1717 Botelho Dr., Ste. 260 Matrix: Solid' ¡:~ :¡\ Walnut Creek, CA 94596 ¡It ;; Attention: Wade Starnes QC Sample Group: 812-0173 Reported: Dec 14, 1998~¡ ¡!:~~:::~::~:~:::::~::::::r:~~~:::~¡:;::~::~:~~~~:~::~::~~::~:~:=~::::~::::~:;:::::::~:~:::::=::¡;:~=i~~:;::;¡:::::~¡:~:::~:::~::;:::::::~::~:~"f:::!~:;~:~:~~~:::::~~::~~:~::=~:~:~~~:::~::~:::::~i:::::~;~~:~:~~~;::::::r:¡:~~::~~:::!:=~=:~r:~::~::~~~~::~~:¿:~:~~=:::~~::::~::::::~~~::~:::::~:~:~~:::~:;:!~:::::~:::::~:::::::~~::~:::~:~~~:=::~:::=;~~:::::~::~::::*;:::~:;:¡:;~:~-;:~~:::!::~~:::::::::~::::=~::~:::=:::~:::::::::::;:~;~:;~:;:!~:;:~::: QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT Analyte: 1,1-Diohloro- Tri,:hloro- Chloro- Oil & Grease ethene ethene benzene QC Bateh#: SP120998 SP120998 SP120998 SP121198 8010EXA 8010EXA 8010EXA 4131EXA Analy. Method: EPA 8010 EPA 8010 EPA 8010 EPA413.1 Prep. Method: EPA 5030 EPA 5030 EPA 5030 EPA 3550 AnalYSt: P. Kosovskaya P. Kosovskaya p, Kosovskaya N. VanSlambrook MS¡MSD #: 8120646 8120646 8120646 8120173 Sample Cone.: N,D. 1\1.0. N.D. 54 mg/kg Prepared Date: 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/11/98 Analyzed Date: 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/9/98 12/11/98 Instrument I.D.#: HP-7 JotP-7 HP-7 Manual Cone. Spiked: 1oooµg/Kg 1000 µg/Kg 1000µg/Kg 5000 mg/kg Result: 960 940 910 5,300 MS % Recovery: 96 94 91 105 Dup. Result: 950 920 950 5,000 MSD % Reeov.: 95 92 95 99 RPD: 1.0 2,2 4.3 5.8 RPD Limit: 0-25 1)..25 0-25 0-30 LCS #: LCS121098 LCS121098 LCS121098 LCS121198 Prepared Date: 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/11/98 Analyzed Date: 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/11/98 Instrument I.D.#: HP-7 UP-7 HP·7 Manual Cone. Spiked: 1000 µg/K9 1000 µg/Kg 1000µg/Kg 5000 mg/kg LCS Result: 930 !;¡20 940 4,900 LCS % Reeov.: 93 92 94 98 LCS Control Limits 65-135 7()-13O 70-130 70-130 Please Nole: The LCS Is a control sample of known, Interferent-free matrix that Is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytIcal methods employed for the samples, The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample fortified with known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure. If the recovery of analytes from the matriX spike does not fall within spucified control limits due to matrix Interferenc:e, the LCS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. ** MS" Matrix Spike, MSD= MS Duplicate, RPD- Relative % Differen¡:e SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL, #1271 J lIanne ;09:47 roject Manager 8120173.ERM <3> .ro. CHAIN OF CUSTUDY RECORD =. 0Rf'o~r ~ ERM EnvlrOelean-West, Inc. .J, J. 'or, ,) 1777 Botelho Drive, Suite 260 · Walnut Creek, CA 94596 · (510) 946-0455 · Fax: (510) 946-9968 Page PROJECT #I PROJECT NAME ßF5-~J(~fJ.L) (SIGNATUjIF) ~ ~E,S ~_1i/. ftJ~ RECEIVING LABORATORY 'SF..Qu o~ -(A!',.Jir.- (flr.E:;.4 36d.J.~ SAMPLER: (PRINT NAME) SAMPLE 1.0. DATE TIME u ~ E-< rn I, ~ ; ~ ø=: , rJJ ßi-,P.:n~""~ J'¡3oj::¡¡ ')~lb I , \ i icoo 'co '0) 0) I: co II "'" \0) o ,..¡ 11':1 ,..¡ REUt.It'\I ~ED BY ,SlG1JAIJJRE) II }L l\~J :: REÚN<fUISH~O BY (SIGNA TUR£) DATE TIME ! ~ ~ ;t}) v ÖKrE j:(o TIME ., 0) o --- DATE TIME ~ REUNQU'SHEÒ BY (SIGNA '.1MWrI ~ ~ N REMARKS ON SAMPLE RECEIPT ~ [J BOTTLE INTACT 0 CUSTODY SEALS 0 CHILLED ~ 0 PRESERVED 0 SEAlS INTACT 0 seE REMARKS WHITE - LABORATORY copy 1iI- 5010 I of J 1 I REQUESTED PARAMETERS I I I r MATRIX I """) o M ~ ~0 @"2 \.J V/ C -"I '"='0 1'7.... ~ A.<, . LÍ . a.. II) SAMPLING ci:w wZ SAMPLING ::E 0( w> <n- o a: METHOD w'" ~~ VOLUME 0 (!) a:: 0( ~> ./ ~ - y ~'~~ J ¡,/ . DATE TIME FIELD REMARKS ----- DATE TIME RECEIVED BY RECEI~ ------ RECEIVED BY ~1tkv--¡~~ DATE TIME ERM REMARKS ~II ,~) SEND REPORT TO: ~ ~- ..y¡:...,,^ ^ ^ I LI \ CANARY· FIELD copy GOlD· PROJECT FILE PINK· DATABASE MANAGER 28/12 '98 MON 09:45 FAX 15109469968 ERMWEST we ~006 e e /i' Sequoia =~:~:~:we :=~~~~.~A:"~~ ~:~~¡:::::: ~~~:~~¡:::::~~: ~ A 1 t· 1 819 Striker Avenue. Suite 8 . Sacramento, CA 95834 (91'~) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 ~ na y ICa 1455 McDc.wcU Blvd. North, Ste. D l'etaluma. CA 94954 (707) 792-1865 FAX (707) 792-0342 ~:r:g~M~W::~r(tV~¡:~~rð;~~kf~~:::;:::~:;:~::;::~~::~:':;~::~:êi:¡~;~f::;Þ:f61~g't:j:BY:%:åJf§~é¡k;:;~fl~¡;ã:;t#~g~~:B~:::::';:::;:::':;~;:':~:::~::~:;::::;::;:::::;:¡;::Š~~i{~I:Mi:!:::;:::;m:~:ö~;~~~H;:;::T§§ãi;: ¡¡¡ 1777 Botelho Dr., Ste. 260 Matrix [)escrlpt: Soli Received: Dec 1, 1998:::; tWalnutCreek, CA 94596 Analysi ) Method: EPA413.1 (Gravimetric) Extracted: Dee 11, 1998&.1 ::¡ Attention: Wade Starnes First Sample #: 812-0174 Analyzed: Dee 11, 1998{¡ :\: Reported: Dec 14, 1998l ¡¡j~~:::::::;:~:~:::;:;:;~:::¡::::~:;::¡::;~::::::::::;~¡:::~::::~;::::::~:::::::;:::;:::::::~:~::;:~;:::~::::;::::~::~:::;:;:;::::~::::::::::::::~::::;::!:::¡::::::~::~:::;~~::::::¡~:::::;:::~:::~::::;~:::::::;:;:~:;::;~~:;;;::;;:::;;:::::::::::::::~;:::::::;::~::~:::::::::~::;:::~;:::;::::;:::::::::::~::::::;:::;:::::;:~;~:::~~;:::::::::::::::::;::::::::::~:::::::::::::;:::::::~:~:~:::::~;::~:::::~~::~::;:~;::::~:::;;::;::::::::::::~:?~:~;~::::::::::::;:::;:::~:::::~::::::::~::~::::::::::::::?;:::::::::;:~~~~ TOTAL RECOVERABLE OIL & GREASE Sample Number Sample Description 011 at Grease ITIg/kg (ppm) Detection Umit Multiplication Factor QC Batch Number 812-0174 BK-113098-U2 97 1.0 SP1211984131EXA 812-0175 BK-113098-U6 100 1.0 SP1211984131EXA I Detection Umlts: 50 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the :¡tated limit of detection. SEQUOI;4AN~~ COY Project Manager 8120174.ERM < 1 > m 28/12 '98 MON 09:45 FAX 15109469968 ~ Sequoia .., Analytical e 680 Chesapeake Drive 404 N. Wlget Lane 819 Striker Avenue. Suite 8 1455 McDc'well Blvd, North. Ste. D ERMWEST we e Redwood City. CA 94063 Walnut Creek. CA 94598 Sacramento. CA 95834 Petaluma. CA 94954 (65[» 364-9600 (925) 988-9600 (911~) 921-9600 (707) 792- 1 865 ~007 FAX (650) 364-9233 FAX (925) 988-9673 FAX (916) 921-0100 FAJ< (707) 792-0342 ¡tE:Ã:M~W¡¡i'tw:lwrn:::8~::~):~:;::::::~::''=:::~:'::~::;:'':::;"~:ã:¡~~P~¡~Ój::6f:::¡:ð~;"i;::::::ŠFS::B~k:¡:fi':I~::#jè¿~::B~::;':::::~:~::::~::;:~:;'::':::;':':;:;:::":::::::::;š:AA:p;¡;~;t;';;:;::::KJ6~::::~Õ;:~:::l~ã:j:!i ¡i¡ 1777 Botelho Dr., SteM 260 Sample Descript: Soli, BK-113098-U2 ' Received: . Dec 1, 1998ir î Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8010 Analyzed: Dec 10, 1998::::: &. Attention: Wade Starnes Lab Number: 812..()174 Reported: Dec 14, 1998\:1 ~~::::~::~~:::~::::~~:::::~:::::*:~::~:~::~~~::;:~::;;::::~:::$~~:::~:~~::~~:::~::::~~:::~;:::;::~:~::~~:~:~:=~:~:;:::!~;::~:;!::~~:::;:~:~::;:~:::~::::~:::;:::::~:::;:;:~~~:~:::~~::~::!::~~:;:i~=:~:;:::;:::::;;~i~::;::;;::(:::::::::::~~::::;:::::::::~:=:::;::=:::~:~::=:::::=::~;::::~::~:~~:~:::;:~::~~::::::::::;:~::::::::::::::::::~:::::?::;:::;:~:~::~::::~~::::;:::::?::~:~:::::;:::~::;::::;::::::~::~:::::::::~::::;:~:::;::::::::::::~~::~~:::::::;:::::::::;:::;:::::;:::::::~:::::: OC Batch Number: SP1209988010EXA Instrument ID: HP-7 HALOGENATI:D VOLATILE ORGANICS (EPA 8010) Analyte Detection Umlt jJg/kg Bromodichloromethane... .... .................... ....... ......... ......... Bromoform....... ..... ...... ......... ........... ........... ....... ....... ......... Bromomethane... ... ................... ......... .......... .......... ..... ...... Carbon tetrachloride..... .................. .................... .............. Chlorobenzene........... .......;.. ..... ... ......... ..........,.. ............... Chloroethane......... ......... ........ ........... .................. .............. 2-Chloroethylvlnyl ether......... ......... ......... ....... ............. ..... Chloroform....... ........ ............. ....... ........... ................ .......... Chloromethane......... ............... ...... ........ ............. ....... ....... Dibromochloromethane.. ........................... ....................... 1 ,2-Dlchlorobenzene.................... ............. ................ ........ 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene......... ... ................. .......... ,....... .......... 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene.. .......... .......... ... .............. ,.......... ....... 1,1-Dlchloroethane...... ......... ......... .................................... 1,2-Dichloroethane............... .................. ............. .............. 1,1-Dichloroethene.. ........................................ ......... ......... cls-1 ,2-Dichloroethene.... .., ...... ...... .... .............,.. ......... ...... trans-1,2-Dichloroethene........ ..... ........ .... ........ ................. 1,2-Dichloropropane..... ........... .................. ....., ................. cls-1,3-Dichloropropene........... ......... ...................... ......... trans-' ,3-Dichloropropene.. ......... .................. ................... Methylene chloride..... ...... ... ........... ,...... .......... ....... ........... 1,1 ,2,2-Tetrachloroethane................ ........... ......... ......... .... Tetrachloroethene.. ...... .., ............ ............... ..... ,.... ............. 1,1, .1-Trichloroethane........................................................ 1, 1,2-Trlchloroethane. ......... ........... ..................'................. Trichloroethene.............. .................................,................. Trichlorofluoromethane........... ....... .... ....... ......... ....... ....... Vinyl chloride.... ............... ....... .................... ..... .................. 25 25 50 25 25 50 50 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 250 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 ....................................... ........................................ ...................................... ....................................... ..................................... ........................................ ....................................... ........................................ ...................................... ........................................ ....................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ....................................... ....................................... .......................................... ...................................... ........................................ ...................................... ...................................... ..................................... ...................................... ......................................... ........................................ .......................·.....0......... ......,....................,......... .............................'.......... ...........................,.......... Surrogates Control Limit % Dlbromodifluoromethane.. ........................... ...,..... ............ 50 150.... ........... ............ .......... 4-BromofJuorobenzene.............. ....... ..............,... .............. 50 150.... ......... ......... ..... ,......... Sample Results µg/kg N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. % Recovery 86 68 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the ¡rtated limit of detection. Because matrix effects and/or other factors required additional sample dilution, detection limits fol' this sample have been raised. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL, #1271 ~~. Uianno Fegley ~ Project Manager '^' 8120174.ERM <2> 28/12 '98 MON 09:46 FAX 15109469968 ERMWEST we ~ Sequoia ~ Analytical e 680 Chesapeake Drive 404 N. W1gl~t Lane 819 Striker ¡'venue. Suite 8 1455 McDowell Blvd. North. Ste. D e Redwood City, CA 94063 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Sacramento. CA 9S834 Petaluma, CA 94954 (651) 364-9600 (9l) 988-9600 (911» 921·9600 (70'7) 792-1865 ~008 fAX (650) 364-9233 fA,)( (925) 988·9673 FAX (916) 921-0100 fAX (707) 792-0342 ~:::;~~M:W:~t~(W¡¡'ri5r8~~:~ky:::::~:::::::i:~:::::::::;:::~;~i::::En~rifp~~gj::ã::\~B?~';$:;::ãFS::B::k;}~f¡:¡a"::¥~'è~i:'õ¿~:~:~:::i:::~:::;:ii;::::::~~::::::::::;:::i:~Š:~pi:à!::::i:::;::::::Ñci~:::;~:(e~:~tè§ã~:¡ \\\ 1777 Botelho Dr., Ste. 260 Sample Descrlpt: Soli. BK-11309B-U6 Received: Dec 1, 199B¡::~ ¡i Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Analysis: Method: EPA 5030/B010 Analyzed: Dec 10, 199Bm~ ¡) Attention: Wade Starnes Lab Number: B12-o175 Reported: Dee 14, 199B¡::: :::3:~::::::::~::~~:::~::~:f:=~:=:;:f::~~:::=:~~::;:~~:::~:::::~:~:~::::::~:~!~~:::::::=::~~:::::~:~~;:::;~;::~:::~~::~:;::~::::::~::;::::::;::::~;~:::~::::::(::::::::::;:~::~::::::::~:::::::;::~:=:::~::~:~;:::::::::;~;:;::::::~(:::::?::~~::~:~:::::~::~::::~:~::~!~::(:::~~:~::::::::::::::::~::::::;::::}::::::::::::::~;:~::::;:~~:~";::~::~:::;~;::;::::~::~;::::::~:;::::~::~::::::::::~::::::~::::::~:~:?::=:::::::::~;~::::::::::~::~:::;::::::::~:::;(:;::;~;:::.::;:;::::::~::::;:~::~:~:::::: ac Batoh Number: SP1209988010EXA Instrument ID: HP-7 HALOGENA TI:D VOLATILE ORGANICS (EPA 8010) Analyte Detection Umlt µg/kg Bromodlehloromethane. ........... ......... ......... ....... ......... ...... Bromoform..... ............. ... ........ ..... .... ... .... ........... ........ ........ Bromomethane. .... ....... ............. ......... ......... ...",.. ......... ...... Carbon tetrachloride.. ... ......... ..... ......... ...... ..... ........... ....... Chlorobenzene... ...... ....... ...... ... ............. ....... ......... ....... ..... Chloroethane. ....................... ....... ... ........ ........ .......... ......... 2-Chloroethylvlnyl ether..... ..................... ...... ... ...... ........... Chloroform... ...... ... ... ..... ..... ...... ....... ... ......... ........ ........... .., Chloromethane..... ...... .............. ....................... ................. Dibromochloromethane....... ... ................. ..... ............. ....... 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene........ ................. ........... ....... .............. 1 ,3-Dlehlorobenzene....... ......... ....... ........... ......... ....... .....~. 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene.............. ......... .......... .......... ....... ....... 1, 1-Dichloroethane......... ............................. .................. .... 1 ,2-Dlchloroethane.......... .......... .................. .......... ...... ...... 1, 1-Dlchloroethene.................. ......................... ................. cis-1.2-Dichloroethene.. ..... ................ .......... .............. ....... trans-1 ,2-Dichloroethene.... ................ ............ .................. 1.2-Dichloropropane................. ...................... ..... ............. cis-1 ,3-Dlchloropropene...............~..... ............ ,................. , trans-1 ,3-Diehloropropene..... ..... ...................................... Methylene chloride... ....... ................... ..... ..... ........... ....... ... 1.1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane........ ........................... .............. T etrachloroethene. ............. ....... ......... ........... ....... ......... .... 1,1, 1-Trichloroethane........................................................ 1,1 ,2-Trlchloroethane.................. ............. .................. ....... Trichloroethene..... ......... .................. ........... ....... ....... ........ Trichlorofluoromethane.... ...... ....... ... ....... ........ ............ ..... Vinyl chloride........ ........ .... ....... ....... ......... ........... ............... 25 25 50 25 25 50 50 25 50 25 25 . 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 250 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 ~........ 4............ ........ ..~........ ...................................... ..................4.................. ........ ~...... .' .. ~....... ~. 4. ........ . .................. .. ~.................. . ..... .. ......... ., .. ~......... ~.......... ...... ........... ~........ ~........... . ... .. ............4. ~......... ~.......... . ...................................... ..................................... .............. .. .. ~.... .. .......... .. ... ..................................... ....................................... . ............. it·..······..···· .. .. ~...... ......................................... .4.................................... ........................................ ..................................... ....................................... ..................................... ........... .. ....... .... ~....... .. .... ...................................... .. ......... .. ~.,.... .. ........ ........ .......................4................ 4...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ....................................... ....................................... Surrogates Control Limit % Dibromodifluoromethane. ............ .... ......... .................. ...... 50 150. ............. ...........,........ ... 4-Bromofluorobenzene......... ......... .................. ................. 50 150.......... ......... ......... ......... Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the ¡¡tated limit of detection, Because matrix effects and/or other factors required additional sample dilution, deteotion limits fOI' this sample have been raised. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAl, #1271 ~ý\L~ ~Ianne Fegley Project Manager n:-. Sample Results µgjkg N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. % Recovery 76 57 8120174.ERM <3> ERMWEST we Redwood City, CA 9406' Walnut Creek. CA 94598 Sacramento, CA 95834 Petaluma. CA 94954 141 009 28/12 '98 MON 09:46 FAX 15109469968 ~ Sequoia .., Analytical e 680 Chesapeake Drive 404 N. Wlg.!t Lane 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 1455 McDowell Blvd. North, Ste. D (6S4» 364-9600 (92!i) 988-9600 (91C;) 921-9600 (70") 792-1865 fAX (650) 364·9233 FAX (925) 988-9673 FAJ< (916) 921-0100 fAX (707) 792-0342 f::~E:'R;MSW~~¡::'{OOm:~¡W¡Cf:~:k)~~::~:::~:'::~:ii:"::'i::::':":':'::'bm~Wi¡Þi6¡:~6t::Tð~~:::::::::¡:¡WF$::ê:¡k~i~f¡:¡~r¥ãã~~.'ô~::':':::'::¡:i:¡:::'::::::':''':'¡i:~:'::'::'m::::::::¡:::,¡,::~:¡::,:,,:;::;;:;:,::,::':,:,~:';,,:~:,::::,::¡,::::';;¡¡,'¡::,:::'~':':::':':':'n:~:'¡::'::¡::,:::':¡:¡ ~i: 1777 Botelho Dr., Ste. 260 Matrix: Solid @ I:: Walnut Creek, CA 94596 E t Attention: Wade Starnes QC Sample Group: 8120174·175 Reported: Dec 14, 1998:::1 :;:;:?:::;~::::~:::~~::;:~:~~=;:~;:;:::~~:;~::;~~:::~:::!~:::::::::::::::~:::::::;:::!::;:::~:::~::;::::::::::;:::::~~~:~~:::::;:~:;:;:;::~;:~::::::::~::~:~~~;~::::~::~::~:~:~:::~:::::~:::::¡:::¡~:¡~::~::::::::~:::::::::;:::;:::;:::;;;~:::~;~;:::::;:~:::::~:::;::~:~~;:~;~::~:~;:~:~:::::::::!~::::::~:~~~:::::~:~::~:::::::::~:::::::~~:::~:::::¡:::::;::~:¡:::::~;i~::~::;:::::::;::::;::~:::::~:~:::::::::::~~::::::::::::::::~::~::::::::~~~:::::(::~::~:~::~:::;::::::~::::::~:::::~:::::::~ QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT na yte: 1,1-Dichloro- Trlchloro- Chloro· Oil & Grease ethene ethene benzene QC Bateh#: SP120998 SP120998 SP120998 SP121198 8010EXA 8C10EXA 8010EXA 4131EXA Analy. Method: EPA 8010 EFA 8010 EPA8010 EPA 413.1 Pre . Method: EPA 5030 EFA5030 EPA 5030 EPA 3550 nays: P. Kosovskaya P. Kcsovskaya P. Kosovskaya N. VanSlambrook MS/MSD #: 8120646 8120646 8120646 8120173 Sample Cone.: N.D. N.D, N.D, 54 mg/kg Prepared Date: 12/9/98 1~V9/98 12/9/98 12/11/98 Analyzed Date: 12/9/98 1~V9/98 12/9/98 12/11/98 Instrument I.D.#: HP-7 HP·7 Hp-7 Manual Cone. Spiked: 1000 µg/Kg 1000 µg/Kg 1QOOµg/Kg 5000 mg/kg Result: 960 940 910 5,300 MS % Recovery: 96 94 91 105 Dup. Result: 950 920 950 5,000 MSD % Reeov.: 95 92 95 99 RPD: 1.0 2,2 4.3 5.8 RPD Limit: 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-30 LCS#: LCS121098 Prepared Date: Analyzed Date: Instrument I.D.#: Cone. Spiked: 12/10/98 12/10/98 HP-7 1000 µg/Kg LCS Result: LCS % Reeov.: 930 93 MS/MSD LCS Control Limits 65-135 ~:~ Wanne Fegley Project Manager LCS121098 LCS121098 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/10/98 Hp-7 Hp·7 1000 µg/Kg 1000 µg/Kg 920 940 92 94 LCS121198 12/11/98 12/11/98 Manual 5000 mg/kg 4,900 98 70-130 ! I 70·130 70·130 8120174,ERM <4> o CHAIN OF CUSTUDV RECORD .-I ~ ERM EnviroClean-West, Inc. nRt2039 1777 Botelho Drive, Suite 260 · Walnut Creek, CA 94596 · (510) 946-0455 · Fax: (510) 946-9968 Page 11.. III SAMPLING å:w wz SAMPLING 2 « w> (/)- 0 a: METHOD ~~ ~~ VOLUME u C) ...> yI~ - Ý I"'l~' ; 7 ';'va~ I' l' ,. ,1 II J V PROJECT #I PROJECT NAME 36J ¡ ,0 'd-. r3FS -&Kf:a;F:[&/) SAMPLER: (PAINT NAME) (SIGNATURE) tJ~ ~l'cJ\IE.~ rJ£, I/"~/ Iff:;} RECEIVING LABORATORY "'\-, _.': c..JtQI\40J,# ¡,J~T (1;,' ~ SAMPLE I.D. DATE TIME eK-'ibrt-~:l. ; /J'hV.'; /ifft U ~ Eo-< ðK-1I3df1'..u(. I I I' (/] ~ ~ :as ::t:; ~ 00 co C) ~. o .-I tt:I .-I - I>< ~ RElI~auíßfifI t BY (SlGNATURE L lJI fl1 ft~ RålNQUISHED BY (SIGNA TURE J;SU TIME DATE TIME '1 1)1 ¡ DATE r- .... .. C) o z o :as L---Io-" RELINQUISHED BY (SlGNA,.JR1ff:I DATE TIME ~ - REMARKS ON SAMPLE RECEIPT o BOTTlE INTACT 0 CUSTODY SEALS 0 CHILLED o PRESERVED 0 SEALS INTACT 0 SEE REMARKS 00 C) N .-I '- 00 N ~; (~ ~.¡ WHITE· LABORATORY COpy RECEIVED BY RECEIVE~ - ----- IB- 5011 J of -1 MA TAIX REQUESTED PARAMETERS I I I I f I ,- " - - fJ - . f'I) .~ . ~ ~ ~ ...... ~ ./../ 8~20174 // 8..20:175 DATE TIME FIELD REMARKS -- ~ DATE TIME RECEIVED BY <JL.k¡.~·t ~ ... ERM REMARKS ~/) fÄT CANARY· FIELD COpy DATE TIME JJ./ 1 5~;ì SEND REPORT TO: PINK· DATABASE MANAGER GOLD· PROJECT FILE 10/09/98 12:12 r- ~805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV . CITY OF BAKE.IE~i)it N?G\ Ý-i 3;f@oo' OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES III t 7tS Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 '?)R.-- D,1õ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE f/ !2eSTOI\}e;- FACILITY NAME F\~S-r()I0t: TANK OWNER/OPERATOR ßE:.E~\\'v-.:>\)~ MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS 3í.o'50 S'.í/ f\J ~ cZo ZIP CODE CROSS STREET APN PHONE NO, 60 S - 834 -6B4 4 ZIP CITY CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY WALKt~ ~t2-AVU~)~PHQNENo.q25~798-12.1( LICENSE NO, 3ìöZ8ß ADDRESS 2.'3'2.."2.. 'ßA-T~ AV/2.· UN t--r ~ CITY <!..()I\j(;()(tù ZIP 9L¡su !NSURANCE CARRIER F<2-\::;I'Y\.()1V\" Q.o I\A-P WORKMENS COMP NO, k'!t.,j '1ìto Ý 2' 090 ( PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COMPANY ERIV\. PHONE NO. Q"2.5-9q lP-0455 LICENSE NO. ADDRESS I,;" tpí~L\cb Þí2.-IV8 CITY vVALNVr Oeæ'- ZIP9£.fS9lp INSURANCE CARRIER WORKMENS COMP NO. TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY ADDRESS WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILlTY ADDRESS FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER PHONE NO. CITY ZIP CITY ZrP TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY ,WA u¿~~ J-JVDl2.t}uu cs, /µCPHONE NO. q2:S,<¥2>12...n LICENSE NO, PENOI~ ADDRESS Z'32.Z TB AVG. UI\,)\í ~ CITY (!DI\.\Q.orLO ZIP S26 TANK DESTINATION 6C:>GDe:~ <SïÞ,nç-) M£ TANK INFORMATION TANK NO, AQE VOLUME I ) N \<.. 5"50 .. CHEMICAL ~TORED lüA~re OIL DATES STORED '. I LtN K.f\J 0 W Ì\J CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED WIJ,~1'B () I L ---.----- -.-.- For Ol1iciall i~~ Onl" ',; . . . ... . 'f ACILìrt::NOt- '.. APPLJCA nON DATE 'NO~OFTANK$":' ,_FEÈS~ '1"1 ' I\PPLlC¡\NT I J^S RECErV[n. UNDERSTANDS. AND WILL COMPLY wrm THE Alï'^ClfF1) COND1TIONS OF THIS I'J ~RMIT AND ANY OTHI~R STAlL !.lX'AI. AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS, 'II (IS !-'<)[{M lIAS IWEN COMPLETED [fNDEl~ PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOW1,ElXìE [s TRlIf': /\NIH' JIm; '1'. -M()N\ KA ßeœJ\-\t.CJc APPLICANT NAME (PRJNT) ~~f~~d\l~JL APPLICANT SIGNA TlJRE THIS APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ( t'~. Dr ( 3D Firestone Store 3588-144827 3650 Sflne RD. i Bakersfleldl CA e I Service dept. (po " ~ '<3 " ~ Beechwood Office - If 3ð I' e I" t£~£ ~~ :ó: ~~62- \ o II C ~ ,-....) ~ ~~ B (') t\ ¿/2 ¡<('IV 6- Firestone Store 3650 StIne RD. Bakersfleld, CA Service dept. ì---- ~ ~ Ç:S E ~ c :t Î f'. ~ 7:J \~ ~ ì~ ~ "J \K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D «0 We:> \fI{!V(L 3588-144827 1N ~ ~ 7\ ..-...... CUÀ Tel<. ~ Office e.ONcc/2ßì£ Af'RðN 74J<r<cvO- 5) , Beechwood ~ Pl r2.e /1Æ! (N e 7'7!N(¿ . 'D ~ ~ <'-J ;J-. (() tt Dha /Jd/V EJ_ P4R~ []- ]\j \J\J ~ ~ ~ ~ \\ì ß Ç)I C> C1 5' RP ~~ e 0°, ~ ~ ?ij 'r\ '\J. -:'J , ~J ..' W Þ .' (...... PERMIT ,~TATEMENT . Bakersfield e Dept. 1715 Chestèr Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 RECEIVED FROMIft 1m ~1? ~r1.uH( 'ATE Oct- d1. e I ! '1'[ 1') UST/AST PERMIT 82 0 STATE SURCHARGE 86 I ! rANK TESTING 83 . . \ ~ÒPIES/REPORTS 89 AMOUNT TENTS, LPG 84 FIREWORKS, POWDER, 84 OTHER PERMITS OTHER ~M {\\Tchd;L TOTAL DU~ A tb~, 00 ---, FD1595 £\-1 ( u5D -=Kol '''-l I ) Cit~ of Bakersfield -. I*~ 'ùSTONER RECEIPT QQ. OPER: MliOmOlJ OC DRAWER: 1 ~'i'E: 10/26/98 01 !'IECEIPT~ 0933269 DESCRIPTION QTV ßNOUNT TP TN FR OtIDERGRU ¡/illK $483,09 82 CK. fUlE: 14:45:52 10TtiL C!1EC~ $483.00 - ~RSFIELD FIRE DEPAR~ , ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES .. 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (80S) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITY y\ (lGC) ~ ADDRESS .36$0 S"'p~ (U) OWNER PERMIT TO OPERATE' f>J<.- o-z...40 CONTRACTOR W~l/..ffL- t.-WOe.p.uLIc-5 CONTACT PERSON ~ WA~)(~ LABORATORY -:5Ea)Jd' A. * OF SAMPLES 2---- TEST METHODOLOGY 41 <z> . ( It Cl. He- . PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. f5Q-"^- CONTACT PERSON WAùG" ST~ CO2 RECIEPT ?-fQ¥' ~ LEL%.3 O2% 1 z....- PLOT PLAN ~' I!..J '? r- 111 ~l-\cR , If, (<- ~...'!¡,., ... i'" 1é'-.- I ~~~. ,- ~ ~_ ~ '1 e¡JÞ' / ~ ß'E.Ec.ÄvJ~ Sî: CONDITION OF TANKS ~ t..E-. W'ACl..- Çîesc.lZGlASs. CONDITION OF PIPING ,.)/A ~4L 'T<I ~\~'/ Ç(u...- ...JI òVC.~frI..L gucK~ ~ CONDITION OF SOIL COMMENTS 0D ÇDI(.. SiA(,rJ......r&- ~ I\Jo STALAiJ~~ oN -('~I<. 17 J ~ o/?lC¿ / . DATE $ß.CW WlN'(:-S INSPECTORS NAME ~"-.J<:L: . SIGNANIE UNDERGROUND STORAGE T.SPECTION FACILITY NAME h rt"~/1.'- FACILITY ADDRESS 3<050 ..5-\'t.';c., fZJ. ,·fIIt Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield, CA 93301 BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 /()1t( CITY ßdtoctGtfc!d ZIP CODE q~.?t!J f FACILITY PHONE No. <g3tf ~ 88 qt( ID# ID# ID# INSPECTION DATE l?/fl/ tf 7 IIf ProdU~ Product Product I iJJos lJ,' TIME IN TIME OUT Ins/q~ Inst Date Insl Dale INSPECTION TYPE: ROUTINE V FOLLOW-UP Size Size Size <SO ('61. REQUIREMENTS yes no nIa yes no nIa yes no nIa 1a. Forms A & B Submitted \/ 1b. Form C Submitted V 1c. Operating Fees Paid V 1d. State Surcharge Paid v 1e. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted .¡ ,4t H. Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST v' 2a. Valid Operating Permit V 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure v' 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan 0/ 3a. Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months IÎ 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months if 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years V 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years /" 3e. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days IÎ 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping v 4a. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month v 4b. Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted V 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually V 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks t/ S. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results v 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results V- 8. Ground Water Monitoring V 9. Vapor Monitoring v' 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks if 11. Mechanical Line Leak Detectors 1/ 12. Electronic Line Leak Detectors ¡/ 13. Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps V 14. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability V 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment 7'-J;)· '1' '] J '" 16. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series V 17. Written Records Maintained on Site ~ 18. Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to Operating/Monitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days if 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours c/ 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades v 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection v 22. Secured Monitoring Wells II' / ¡J~ 23. Drop Tube V] if - ~ / ~/ RE-INSPECTION·1E ~ RECEIVED BY: A1, ~,~. J / 4/ //rø'.t!: OFFICE TELEt>H6NE N~. '3':Jc,r 3171 INSPECTOR: J IÆ FD 1669 (rev. 9/95) < .. <'j e e BridgestonelFirestone, Inc. Retail Division Law Department To: California Assistant District Managers Michael Olsen, Environmental Compliance Specialist ~ September 12, 1997 From: Date: Subject: California Certification of Financial Responsibility for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks Attached please find the California Certification of Financial Responsibility form. This form and the attached 1997-1998 Certificate signed by BFS Risk Management should be provided to each store which has an underground used oil storage tank. The bottom section of the form is to be completed to indicate the store's number (i.e. Firestone Store No. XXXX) and address. The completed form must be signed by the store manager and witnessed or notarized. The signed original form must be kept in the stores permanent environmental file. The form is to be made available for review by government inspectors upon request. If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. I thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. Regards, Michael cc: John Sheerin Jim Nastoff Underground Storage Tank Program File 97091202.MEM "" ... e e -V' ~ StltAaCCollrGmt. ~ S1&IoW__....c.a...u.... CERTIFICA TI,Q,N OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY a:M Utmr-nOOOUNO BTORAGE TANKS cotlTA1NINB P LEuM .' A. I.. "1I.c.c...Ic...1Cme AeøcW Itc.....v"'..... "........ItI..~ldoca.dIG7,QIpW ,..a..I. ,...u.CCR: o soa.œo cotS.,. te~ eoe.IItaoo . at ......u...u..t.PNIU. . ...' ". AND .'., CXJ I.",.. ..pU....,cUOC"ft4IKW .' , [i)1.t"~HI."." ."........ ~....,1#'I4~0IIIJ . , , . . ø. Br:l.dJ!ei;toU~i'f1.rës~.. TftI!a ' '. ~';;r""a.4r"qwtoo . ' ~~ CIøpl4r 1"~" æ..- c.trømI.tOodil( f~, . . n.. ~ IMdItJ MIIØ1$fnIt.MIncAII a Þv6actimZtX11'ara.,WOM: c. 'i ctlCK..INUIt '..: 0' ..1 I. ':. ~\" T1r'Þð . .11... .' ~r· '. . pethl Pollution . ~ UD1D1I. rue III S%.Ooo. 9/1/ff- 'LtabfÌ1 ty, XiuIaraDœ ~8117 .of . 000.00 ' to &aurancc P1~. Pém18ylv;uda . . 911'" 70 P1De Street 0:' . ..., Y~..n 10270 twntiyœal1a tlJ4tlt" In CÒ~td1I1Mtaq~oIBtK:tlonI!6ar. . I 100fU I'AIt1" AciIon Coma.! Ýes 'tea . . , . . . 0, . .0 \ ' . . . .' . .0 .. . .' .' . . .. '. .. , . . .' .. . ' '. , '. . . . - .. .. o' . . . 0 . . . . . . . . Not.: 1f OU___"",*Fu4dU'MY""d~~oflnøndll~~~øJ~ . v..:...:..ItJ ,~~"e«t&sflwt ~~ . .-~-:"".w.. ..~~ . . ~ . ,. '.. .' , . - . . -'MI,fCUM . . . " . ........... . " ....~ .. " '... . . '. iZr~ ." .,...., "'WIIMIIJ ... ~ flU!: ~..IMII,..., ÞtIIi "-.. '.. ,-' e Œ&ŒßWŒfñì SEP - 4 1997 ~ 1997 - 1998 LEGAL-ENVIRONMENTAL Certificate of Financial Respon . .. BridgestonelFirestone. Inc. (fonnerly known at the Firestone Tire & Rubber company) hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Subpart H of 40 CPR Part 280. The financial assurance mechanism used to demonstrate financial responsibility under Subpart H of 40 CPR Part 280 is as follows: ' Pollution Liability Insurance. National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, P A Policy #PLURM 706-31-46. $1,000,000 each occurrence. $2,000,000 annual aggregate exclusive of defense expenses. Coverage effective 9/1197-98. Insurance provides liability coverage for taking corrective action and/or compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage caused by either sudden accidental releases or non- sudden accidental release or accidental releases. John H. Marcum Corporate Risk Manager BridgestonelFirestone, Iric. DATED: O¡. d. . Dt'î . ·I;"~' ! A .·..·0 . ~:;;;~~~; Title:I\'/SJ< . ADm I Ñ IsT1<A-+r(f~ BridgestonelFirestone, Inc. DATED: ~.~ "gr¡ "" e SACi~/'JÍiE~JìD DI;)¡,,,,';T~tg¡A 6 DIGIT #659~ :/ 7- VENDOR COD;:" 1':/7~O;?¿;¡/ ACCT #~-972-"-//.1 PAY $ ,&7£1 DATE '1. ;Y!"',f.'7 '8PROVAl Ll/1 / , L--- SCXJTT CO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS 1717 Doolittle Drive P.O. Box 5555 San Leandro. California 94577·0655 (510) 895·2333 Contractors License No. 184480 INVOICE REMIT TO: Firestone District Office 2361 Butano Dr. Sacramento, CA 95825 Scott Co. of California Department 44455, POBox 44000 San Francisco, CA 94144-4445 ATTENTION: Accounts Payable Tax 10 Number 94-1450255 V/C# 23168 Invoice Date: July 22, 1997 Invoice No. 980213 98 Job # 57045.70.7001 7.7.97 Perform annual tank monitor certification on one Petrometer System. System functioning properly. t· "....... ... ,. ..........,...., .-. .-.-................ . \d...............d . . TO"F.Al..DlJEdTHISIN\r¢)ICE:$22$.OO> All applicable taxes were paid by Scott Co. of California Interest at the rate of 18% per annum will be added to all past due invoices. n~ I L:~ n~; JUL 24 1997¡ H:, , 1&cs~n~~:Y¡J~"1s(t ---------....-----.. .'-'-'-"'--- ~--------- . MARK TURK INSPECTOR'HAZ MAT ~) (' '(~ ~ 180!5I 326'3979 FAX 18051 395-1349 HAZARDOUS M 2130 "G"A;ER'AL D,v. BAKERSFIELD. C;R:~~OI iY1 ¡~ ) {s~ _\-I ~ ~ ~ ~~ e - r' I, BAKERSFIELD C,TY F'RE DEPARTMENT UNDERGRO~~~~::,¡~TORAGE TANK.,~~:~,I:~:~::::¡"¡i",:¡:",,,,3 S~cF. e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME HRf2.ð iõA<? , FACILITY ADDRESS .~(,t)f) %^f" ~c\ BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 / ¿;;91..{ CITY {~~~e-ld..-ZIPCODE 'ì~ FACILITY PHONE No. 834 - AALjLf 101 101 let INSPECTION DATE 7// t:¡ I c¡.s- <01 P~'1.. Product Product TIME IN TIME OUT ^ Ä\ ~~~e~ ~t?-L...eAIG~ Instl qi: c; Inst Date Inst Date INSPECTION TYPE: ~, ,-- ROUTINE V- FOLLOW-UP Siz;~q Size Size REQUIREMENTS " nIa nIa nIa yes no yes no yes no 1a. Forms A & B Submitted V 1b. Form C Submitted '1£. 1c. Operating Fees Paid ,/' 1d. State Surcharge Paid V"" '\ 1e. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted iV'1 \ H. Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST ~ \ 28. Valid Operating Permit V \ 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure / 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan \,./'" ./ 38. Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months '\.../ ,/ 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months ,,/ 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years V 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years ,,/ Je. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days V 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping 'V' 48. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month v i 4b. Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted ./ 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually ,/' 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks ,/ 6. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results / 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results ./ 8. Ground Water Monitoring ,/ 9. Vapor Monitoring V 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks V" 11. Mechanical Une Leak Detectors ,/ .. 12. Electronic Line LeÌik Detectors ./ 13. Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps ~ ,/' 14. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability ~ V- \ 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment ~ V 16. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Usted in LG-113 Series ':t!. V Y 17. Written Records Maintained on Site J.f: V 18. Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to OperatingJMonitoring ........-- Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours v' 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades V"" 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection ,/' 22. Secured Monitoring Wells to/' 23. Drop Tube /I ,/ '" / /Ii RE-INSPECTION DA T RECEIVED BY: Æ¿I/!:í,1. // //,1)-4 / /. 1/ ,~ v ~ INSPECTOR: ?~ OFFICE TELEPHONE No. 3:%"" 3S 79 FD 1669 )5~ .C~RRECTIO~ NOTICE .~~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 0541 Location Hlle<. ~VI<2 Sub Div. E>h:50 ~ q,"/-tYJe Rc..-/ Elk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No e.. Completion Date for corrections~~ Date ?IIÎI7~ ~ In pector \ 326-3979 .. ., ..' ,I' ..' ".. , "~' ~ ~ ~ , \.. ,\~~ ~lÖ/ .::::~/: '::,~ ~i::i; li;:i r~I..I. ::)"t::) Ult!l .. '. ". ".' ,·A:··..·,·..·; '. .'.: :.~ .;.:...:::.:....~,.>..~.:.: >;:-........ .' . . ,.>. .....; ..... :': ',...4. :~..' .:" .1 ,'~.;" ;:. '. , '.-..\:! '. .,,,.. .....w . ····,'.?.-:,>C',:'"·:i~~::¡:',<,,::i):;~ 0' c¿~: C/ '.~' : . , , ' .: ", ,'.-\:.. .,', 9..J (:) 0 ·;·~:¡i\"l¡j;f;i~~~;:~~~~~~~CA~g~:. . . ,. .....:.\. ...... .:.;.:,.... .....:.. ·t. . . . .' d--' .... :. .;" ..... "..':, ..' 1'" . -". .' ". . TIllS LEITER CERTIFIESTHAT mE MONITOR IS 1N PLACE. mE PROBES A.ìŒ IN Tl":E ':.':;, ',: ',,' .::: .'. .'.. '.' COR.'ŒCT POSmON AND THE OPE.~TION OF TIæSYSTEM. .",~',::~,.,>.:,/',';. .,:.:,::,. <i.... ...~.~..; - , .'" i:. . . . , ,.-' .:. , . . . " , . . 'DA'Œ &\~-q5" '.'.. '., ,;.' FACn.ITYNU1ŒER: . .... " . r-{ \e~1b~:' ADDRESS ·:~·.·fJ+\,~ DEALER 81· &'a2x~~\d,Cð...:. r .; 'f "'&"'tI ~ .~ "1\';t,,,~ -U...\ ~ro ~t> ~~~~u.f('_ . !."""...,>f..~,.. ~ c>'Itз lu I ~'O~;ñ; . :. '. ;~:.:¡r. ):y~ "..,=1l .~ ...:-:s;.... .i;:;t,:,~. . ......."..~ .", , ' ..""~;.¡, , :~, . ~~. . -.~ .... : '?' ~ ' : . '-~'.', .~ '.-;.': . '~':J .~ .t!¡ ':{ ~'. .~ :,;, f 'f .; f '. .; :>. TYPE AND MODEL OF MONITOR\k.tf00.ð lpr T&..\~ lað.( AlAQµ . ' t-Ao~ Ô'D . SYSTEM.FUNCTION TANKS PASS_ FAU.._ NlA >< USED 011. PASS.x... IN LINE PASS_ FAIL_ N/A - FAll.. - WAX- . N/AX FAIL_ I FAIL N/AX TURBl1-t'E SUM:PS PASS_ ffiL StnviPS PASS_ \VHEN MONITOR IS TUR.NED OFF OR IN ALA:R.'ví. DOES THE TORBn-Œ Shùi DOWN? "ŒS_ NOX" , IS T.i'":E CONSOLE L-\BELED CORRECTL Y7 YEsl(. . NO_ , 1,..""1 .~ COMMENTS: ~U~, '" ~~~ b ~ w ~~,~- j U .~ . Si'h~ hI , D\.\' of pb.~L A ~(M , t~ . 1'Ï\q ,~ ¡we)" 0+ lJo, k-r~1~. ~i~¡, .!.'.~ :'\- ., fNS?ECTED BY: CO:Nl'P-ACTOR !'......, - TEC~lCIAN SIGNATURE . , 08/22/1995 09:17 CENT CA DISTRICT PAGE 05 ,. '.. 915-485-1055 e 3JJ?p e WRITTEN MONITORING PROCEDURES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM 11ùI,... .L ,.. IØØ- _ " ... .... UST ..... 1& aU.... ". ......... _ ... ~ . .. .......... 1'-<',:.' ot.. ...-........... tile,......... _ DOâly AM 1/--1 · -\ wIdIIa 3O.,. of AllY ......... Ibe - . na, pI'IIl J -'an.. ua-. ftIqUired ... obCIIja ......... ..... __ ...'..... . R-. ....d by s..iøM 26:J2(d) ..... 2M1C1a) CCR. Facility N_ .....ç.;~"~~.... ¿ .5ë..../4r Cd-A.£." Facility Addre.. 36fë. ~ AL _ &NçYfhd c4 A. De.cribe 1:he trequ.nc~ o( performing the monitoring: Tank ~ ~" 4'fd t9.#A¿t¿f. /?1 'r ~ Ct:?/I yO( (') Y -' .. B. What methods and equipment, will be used for pertorminq Tank ::e;. ~ ~ ~5r Piping c. Describe the loca1:ion(s) where the monitorinq will be performed (!acility plot plan should be attached): ~~~(¿f'~)-h'/x D. List the nama(s) and title(s) ot the people re.ponaible tor performing tile !ßopitorinCJ and/ormaintainin9 the. equipment ..::::JirAlI~ 4~.A'I~" .ay.,E ~/?~..,;c-v . ./ E. vð ß.( F. De.cribe the preventive maintenance schedule tor the monitorinq equipment. Mote: x.inteDaDae a1l8t: b. iD accordance with the .aDutacturera' "1D~.~. 8ob. ule Dot 1... ~h.D every 12 mOAth.. ( ~ ~ ~: " . 'f:: '.He. d';; J:»u~ G. A \ 915-485-1055 CENT CA DISTRICT e e EMERGENCY RESPONSE- PLAN '- 3S-?Y UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM nil ........ pi...... GaUlt be bpi. .. UIT IoGIIiøG 1& aIlliIDeI. ".. iafDr -' 1ft . dill ...... .. ....... ... ooø4~ 0' &be ~ ,;,....... The,..ua laG.... IDUI& eocify ftM ..... a-.r' .... JO .,. of ...,. ...... to ... ~ lit 5; .................... Iø obraÏII .....,.,.. ....... .... .. ........ RoquiraI b1 SeccioaI 2632.CcI) aod 2611(11) CCR. /V&Çf~E ?:Y'& "E'kr¿/¡'c.c~I'-¡{Y Facility Addr... 305""0 5h/?,s ~J, &/(¿ry~P;ß / C4 . . 08/22/1995 09: 17 PAGE 07 , - 3. 4. 5. Facility Name 1. It an unauthorized release occurs, how will the ha..rdoua suÞstance be cleaned up? Rot.: If r.l....4 b..~4Qu. SUÞ.taDC.. r..ch ~h. eDVirODa.D~, iDcr.... ~b. fir. or ezplo.ioD h...rd, are DO~ cleaned up ~ro. the .eaaadary cOD~.1Dm.D~ within 8 bours, or deteriorate tb. ..Goadary cODtaina.D~, then (the local .~.Dav) .u.~ b. notified within 24 hOllrs. ..hv~.A',L' ~eA- a~ ~r '?<//// d~ ~~ð~ -d CÆd,A ¿r"",./£". ~...r6/;.; Y&,¿&-14"r ðvod".A.ß~ ¿/~. .::::z-/"o. r-¿rø¿,~,.r C::>C'CClYÞ7"~ ~ <:::"ð.H¿.... .ceo: / ¿x ~'/'e¿r;,~e::/ 4øÆ ~....6....¿Þ' Co ¿:;;;, 0/ ,.5,,,,LÆðl'iJ"'éJ ~ ~,,// ~ ¿;'"dd ¿ /,;;,/;..-Š¿t>r"......... r.r4ä<s ~¿L./ 2. Describe ~he proposed methods and equipment to be u..d for and properly disposing of any hazardous sub.tances. ~~ ~J ~~~ ,c;-t~¿rd ¿ ~~h v-//// 36 Cð~-,h8.1n' 8F ~ ~ ¿¡(.-""IM..' ¿;rAt!' :Yo frY. /~ ~¿d ¿t; '2;1';- YIT£Þf ¿I/; '''~M-ilífIã.-!) Describe the location and availability of the required cleanup equipment 1n item 2 above. .J:;>-~p¡ ~ð~:7 C!Þ1; ~ d Yo ~~ ¿o".. ~/;.-.. - ~ er~ //? #6 :$Y¿//~ aÞ'"'¿;-~. removinq ~...k~ .r¿-~14~ plan: CITY .AKERSFIEW FIRE DEPAR.ENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. . BAKERSFIELD, CA . 93301 R,E, HUEV HAl·MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326·3979 SEP 2 8 1995 R,B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326·3951 WARNINGI CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED ¡::;: i :;':¡'-ØØØ-ilJ1Zii Ø~-34 =IRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO #27C9 ;'::: (-:' 5 ø :,; ';' T [..j E !~ D BAKERSF:~~D, :A 93309 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: ';;:~;<¡:: C~L.::;~:::'¡ Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks. and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence", For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate" box. Plea.. be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will reault In your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sincerely, ~~ 1a1Pt, E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm attachment · 6- RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: 3b5" 0 , sJi V\.,o R rC Business Name: ¡:¡~ < "I-tJ1/t ~ . I D# ..J!2S!¡ - Contact Name: m '~ t1(~J2"1 Business Phone: FAX: Inspector's Name: 1l1.--¡;;;¿J:::...... Time of Call: Date: 11/ -0/'9 r:;- Time: II .'dJ # Min: :;;.. Type of Call: Incoming ~ Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ] Content of Call: /)J/k.p UJ~ J (A So '"t- (LL'7- //1 ~t..s4~-?!. oV /"f)n,. - fl.'.4"""p ð9 'It<~ ~'fhU ~ ,,¡<Þ.ed j;J 14" A/Or),y'~.,..¡ r..ue,d¿ '-Its ~+ ~ ¡::Jr¿. w/)eK- ~~ "VI. R.5£4er£ "" '>' r "",6><,,/-'1-.'-0<-- .N~ , Actions Required: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: Š C~RECTION NOT~E BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 1": t: ~ ." ~,¡ ;.¡. -,) j LocatioI1 F;fl~S Ýö//JQ n/...-, ~',¡, "'" . Sub Div. k ';?2?"...> 0 ,':>'7, /IÇ f::r( Elk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No Ì\ . ) 2:1' , It:ì-I5f.~ I f·' CJ J f ç"'1.- Sb,.D¡)I; 11 ,j!Jllpnle~-;-' rJ I ¡;¡ ïl III,..;/ ,\ :~(":::~;;; 1) ,:1.,- ~,~ .' 'c"''1~ ) 'Ç_ ç¡." AI "b/l'Ý .1') 1/) " r'lhl"}' ,¿. J 'aNi? ¡.¡.J'l5P/e~,r Ift~, µ~,.~ J1".y:r;r¿ce ' \1 /"... 'It- 1t 1 ..'\ ..~ ; , .I i:- . ¡~1. ,\ ~ " i r~;..' io.. r~' ~~f.::', /ì~~H..·oA~ I, II ...;. ",,, I['¡~~ ("'~<r<:~Cfl .~ ",,~ "-,,:C...~,, c~ (It I \f ) j ,1,; ,_..-;\ r ~ /:~( '~-.I '--- . ,./ ' , ..,·t1.__l.¡;<·'~~ ~"#')r I k' "-! ..' I ( , ( I,''';'' f' .... " ! {¡ 7;. ,( I~ 1 J .:y" !f:-/ ¡{.,\ / 1 L ~ JI'~ f~~: ,~~ Completion Date for Corrections l3'/í<:-.i/~-r;.,-' } ;: ;, ~a' .-;<'.-;' /: ~. ,-\ ...~_ f"'I -- . _,.. I ¿ :;,.-'.' ../ Date ,.;; l-il'iS '7.4::'1 ..'J' .;1$",:, j-£." ' or .- :"10.... Insj)ëétor 326·3979 ~--.-.----'-'- ~ .- --, ,<--,..-...--,.- ~- -- ---' ---..' , '(:'~;: " ; " ~ ' UNDERGROUND STORAG,~,!~~.~,~,~~!I?~", e",Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division Bakersfield, CA 93301 ¡~ ~~¡ FACILITY NAME ¡::¡R.e..5t~. FACILITY ADDRESS .?:.b5f) ~~ ^~ '¥.,.\ BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 /<!)94 CITY ~ZIPCODE "73.J.6:ì FACILITY PHONE No. INSPECTION DATE TIME IN INSPECTION TYPE: ROUTINE ',/" 8'3-4 - 8S¿µ.¡ 7//'ileïS;- TIME Ç)UT %\~o\Meievt \~U.\?- l-..pA1(:.. f.I.\~~ FOLLOW-UP REQUIREMENTS II» II» II» j OJ !f~~O Ä \ Product Product li~~~ lost Date Inst Date S~~"'l) Q Size Size -.... nla nla nla yes no yes no yes no V <;, v'" V'" \ r/" \ >¥ \ V \ /' \ \v ~ '-',/ y'" V ./ V ¡/ V ./ v' ,/ ~ ./ ./ ¡/ ¡/' ,/ V- I/'" \ v ~ vP " vV I V V V ¡/" ,,/' .,.... "'20: 1a. 1b. 1c. 1d. 1e. 1f. 2a. 2b. 2c. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 4a. 4b. 4c. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Forms A & B Submitted Form C Submitted Operating Fees Paid State Surcharge Paid Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted Written Contract Exists between OWner & Operator to Operate UST Valid Operating Permit Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure Unauthorized Release Response Plan Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted Meters Calibrated Annually Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results Ground Water Monitoring Vapor Monitoring Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks Mechanical Line Leak Detectors Electronic Line Leak Detectors Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series Written Records Maintained on Site Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to OperatingIMonitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection Secured Monitoring Wells Q/pp Tube - 19. 21. 22. 23. ¿,/ /J ,/ IIIl j RECEIVED BY: Æ/ //'/JA.IJ // Jþ ./ VI' ....... v .:::; f')/ 0 OFFICE TELEPHONE No. ,~... -59 7 7 . lrf:; ~~~:~+'O~~3L , FD 1669 e - '¡:Re.ói~e.- ..3~D ..5j;,1€- RJ¡ (,r" .sÀoff/~ <::(2v..'!e:fL ~ . c:Sh~~ t PlAnZ) " 7/;5'/'?S-./ì?¿¡-/J7~¡¿tf. ~,/YI~-4 7Aér,~ bO'Á /.Jew -b.rfÅe- sfolèe- A~ c..", ktrn,'-;"·!I'I::.. (p,ýh. U6~ ~R L%J ~~""¡',e.~ '~ ~t.>~M¿"vt.Y:s. I. h:Pf 7<e(e\l4~~ lc.".~M4:-'-h<o~ fI'\./ Á.,q.~.s. , .Sae Colè.~ \ ~ Ð,^ /\)o*ce. m. /lJR..'l:::-. I ! CI~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPA~~ENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. . BAKERSFIELD, CA . 93301 R,E, HUEY HAZ,MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 R,B, TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 June 21, 1995 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Enclosed is your updated Permit to Operate for the underground storage tank(s) located at the referenced place of business. Please take a moment to review the information printed on the permit to make sure everything is correct. If any corrections need to be made, please call the discrepancies to our attention immediately. Your Permit to Operate is a legal document and its accuracy determines whether you are in compliance with the law. If you are the tank owner and not necessarily the tank operator at the site, please make a copy of this permit for your own files. Forward the original permit to the tank location so that it may be conspicuously posted on site. If you have any questions regarding the Permit to Operate or your responsibilities as an underground storage tank owner, please call the Hazardous Materials Division at (805) 326-3979, or write to us at the letterhead address. Sincerely, .,...~p~ /~ "..1. n./" c.;.--P-?~, -.. v~alPh E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Enclosure Permit to Operate Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility 1 094 ........................ 1 094 ....'...:...:,...:...:,.':.:...:,..:... ........... State I D No ..."..;:,,":'::..:.:=',:'.::.;'::::':.:.::'.::.':'....,',:....:..:'.,',..., ... Permit No · ~O~DITIOtj~}Ji~f!t/ri~~i1~~6IiVER~E SIDE I I, Tank Number 01 Issued By: Approved by: '.". . Hazardous Substance ... . .. -.. ... . . .... .. . . ... .... ... - .. ... ... . ... ... .... . "".. . Gà:ii'ô6/:'::::/(:::::,::::::)" c,f:~'§!~:t:;:~:.;:::::::::::' .:..... .:.;.:.' ':', .:.... '" ..... ::':'" ·"··'5··':' it,,::::: :"'::: ···::::::·::::::·:·,··1"9aš'}·:·:,··)}::::::}D'·..:::w"': FCS t:·..: ~':f{ "':":::"::?'::'::':::'::: .::':. .,........ N/A . ... . ... .... .. . ... . .... ...... . . . . . . . .. .. . . jáOk,.h:::.::··':;, Piping M 0 n¡~9Ii~.9:::::::::\:: T y P e .. . .. Y ,...., '.',' T· k ......... . . . .. ... " . ...... ... I ris·f1~~'I::.!·,·.::....·i¡·:::'..::'ì- ;~e . .:::::.:.', ',::::::::;:::::::: \" '::::::::. :; ':;::::::::::::.:::::.... Piping Method Piping Monitoring .. WASTE OIL . .... C~~::::::: :::i.N/A GRAVITY .. .. ... .. P'-' .. ............. . .. .. . ............ ", ,', " . ...... .., . ... .......:.:.:..,.. :,.,., ." : .:..:....:..:...: . ., '.',... .........,.. ....:::;::::::::::::..:::::::.././,.;;:::::.::.::::::::;:::::;:;'...:'.'....... .... ,.. "".; . , ... ................................... .. .. ':':".. .. ........ ..... · . .. , . . . . · ,.-." ....... ..'.......'.... .. - .. ,~~~~j~~!~ ~~~'i~~ul~~~ý .. .......... . ... .. .. ,.... .. ".:..,.,," ...Y·. . ....,... .... '.::....... .... .',' :.::.... "'.:::: :";:::;:' ./?r· "{~(' "::f~ ... . ... . . . . . . .., . ... .. . . Issued TOSRIDGESTONE/FIRESTONE INC. AMERICAN TIRE & SERVICE CO. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. #276 3650 STINE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 ... .... ... ..... ...,.,.. Bakersfield Fire Dept. .., ...:...'.. .., .' ........ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 ~¡JJ('P~// ~HUey, Haza~ Coordinator .. .. . · . . ... . . .....:.:..:.;.::.:../:..,::::..:::....:.:..-::'.:::.,;.::..:-:=:.:.::.:..:.::........ ... 06-20-95 06-20-00 Valid from: to: I ! ~-,. .-' ( . ~ ~ .. FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY Facility Ç-;~J~-I-DV1P./ OPermit to Operate # \]-éonstruction Permit t /j10n47B o Perm i t to abandon~ No. OAmended Permit Conditions OPermit Application Form, OAppl ication to Abandon OAnnual Report Forms Date Date Date of Tanks Tank Sheets, Flow Chart tanks{s) Dat~ []Copy qf Written Contract Between Owner & Operator [Jlnspection Reports ~orrespondence - _Rjceived ¡ , ¡ _1 - f: IJ(;'/OS"1.. / n fòr mtlTJß JJ ,ff4tJe.sT~ Date 1/-13-f~ Date Date OCorrespondence - Mailed Date Date Date , DUnauthorized Release Reports [JAbandonment/Closure Reports [J,Sampl ing/Lab Reports []MVF Compliance Check (New Construction ~b Compliance Check (New Construction DMVF Plan Check (New Construction) DSTD Plan Check (New Construction) [JMVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) [JSTD Plan Check (Existing Facility) O"Incomplete Application" Form ~Pérmit Application Checklist DPermit Instructions DDiscarded DTig htness Test Resul ts Checklist) Checklist) Date Date Date DMonitoring Well Construction Data/Permits ---------------------------------- -------------------------.----- DEnvironmental Sensitivity Data: DGroundwater Drilling, Boring Logs DLocation of Water Wells' OStatement of Underground Conduits ~Plot Plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive Data [JPhotos DConstruction Drawings Location: -=1:rïe....5 [JHalf sheet showing date receiv~d and tally of inspectlon time. etc ~scellaneous inS/)(?-cf/(Jr) Rr:l.(]{)¡;?d .._. _ "~-".- ~~ 48 'It::: ~ -" . \ , '.'.J e (,.,,- .. -- (~' . KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY í ! ¡ FACILITY NAME ¡Firestone 3650 Stine I Bakersfield, CA , / IXX: '--I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 , I AND ADDRESS: NEW BUSINESS CHAN GE OW NER SHIP RENEWAL MODIF ICA TION OTHER PERMIT 11310047B OWNERCS) NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS: Firestone 6333 Telegraph Road City of Commerce, CA 90040 PER M IT E XP IRE S' November 22, 1986 APPROVAL DATE Nov embe r!f:i9 ~~" ;,.R Joe canas......' APPROVED BY· POST THIS PERMIT ON PREMISES CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I~:' 9. All pertinent equipment and mater'ials used in this con,s'truction are subject to identification and approval by the Permit~ing Authority prior to construction. This permit is issued contipgent upon guaranteed compliance with the guidelines as determined by theJPermitting Authority. ALl construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and v~rified by inspection by Permitting Au~hority. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspectionCs) with 48 hours advance notice. Backfill material for piping and tanks to be as per manufac~urers' specification. Construction inspection record is This card must be posted at Permittee must contact Permitting required inspections numbered as inspections will be made of: a. tanks and backfill b. overfill protection and leak detection/monitoring c. any other inspection deemed necessary by Permitting Authortty All undergro~nd metal product piping, fittings, and connections must, be gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. All equipment and materials in this construction must be installed in accordance with all manufacturers' specifications. No product shall be stored in tankCs) until approval is granted by ~y Permitting Authority. Monitoring r~quirements for this facility will be described on final "Permit to 0 erate". ACCEPTED BY \ , included with permit given to Permittee. jobsite prior to initial inspection. Authority and arrange for each group of per instructions on card. Generally, DATE (;)-óZ-Þ?~ \if , ~~ County Heal th Depar~ Division of Environmental He~ .r~ 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, 0. 93305 . ' PeAt,/\\o). ..3/ úû17C 'PPlication\ Jte AftILICA'fICIII !'OR JIBIIU'f 'fO OfIBBft ,..~"'~ DDRDOOS sm5S'rI1\C!:S sroRIGB I'1tCILIft ~ of Application (check): CNew Facility' cfotJdification of Facility ~istiB;J h!=ility e'l'ransfer of Ownershì .J6tti.- 6 !t-'Ò'l <; , Ðnergerq 24-Hour Contact (name, area cede, phone): Days 'mA BarMrd (805) 834-8844 Nights N/A Facility Name Firestone Store tl27C9 '·60 1/ ~. of tanks One {I) '1Yf?e of aJSiness : Qlso ne statIon r ribe) Auto Sf'rv ice Is Tank(s) Located on an ÞJ:.Jricu1tural Fann? eYes >aNe) Is Tank(s) Used Exclusively for 1qricultural Pw:poses? eYes >aND Facility Address 3~SO Stine Rd.. Bakersfield Nearest Cross St. T R sæ (Rural tDcations OOy) OWner Firestone Tire & Rubber ComDanv Contact:. Person Address 1200 Firestone Parkway. Akron OHZip 4430! Teleti10ne ,~,v l'IùJ.t.!I1 ~ Operator Firestone TirF' f, Rlfhhpr C:o Contact:. Person di}hn ~al"Aarå Store Mar Address 17842 Sky Park Blvd ,IrvinF',r.A Zip 92714 Telephone (BOS) B14-RR44 A. B. Water to Facility ProvidEd by N/A Depth to' Groumwater Soil Characteristics at Facility Bas~s for SoU Type am Croumwater Depth Detenninations CA Cóntractor' 8 License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Cal\pletion Date Insw:er ' C. Contractor 1tddress Proposed StartiB;J Date Wbrker's Compensation Certification . D. If 'nUs Pemit 18 For fotJdification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe l'Þ3ificatior I , Proposed !. Tank ( s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Rf!9Ular Prsni U'4 Diesel Waste Fuel Oil - 1 YØ c c a c c c ;@: [] c c c c c c c c 0 c 0 c c > c c a c c c c c e c P. O1enical Can~si Hon of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank . Chemical Stored (non-cœmercial name) CAS . (if known) Chemical Previously Stora (if different) G. Transfer of OWnership Date of Transfer N/ A Previous Facility Nane I, . PreY ious Owner accept fully all obligations of Pe:cnit No. issued . I understard that the pemi ttiDJ author! ty may review a modify or te:cninate the transfer of the pe:cnit to operate this \D1erground storë facility upon receivil'Jj this canpletat fom. , .. .. .. This fOIm has~ can leted uooer penalty of perjury ani to the best: of my knowledge true and co=:a. /' f' /I. HYDRO-SEARCH. INC. Signatur~ '::tlf:)· ~ 333 Flint Street eno. FIRESTONE STO.1f27C9 -' 3650 'Stine ROad, Bake~eld, CA 93309 New double-wall(-'nk; installatipn 12/85. (- 'I'ANIt' ,1 (PILL 00'1' SEPARATE FOØM !OR .-:ø DB) !'Œ DCH SlC'rIOII, aœa ~ APPRJftI&ft IIOXBS H. 1. !'Imk If!pe 'lank is: cVaulted CNon-VaultEd Xè§t)ouble-Wall eSingle-Wall 2. If'ant Material CCarbon Steel OStainless St.eel . DPolyvinyl Oùoride XXÐPiberglass-Clad Steel CFiberglasS-Reinforced Plastic cConcrete OAlœimlD cBronæ cunknown DOther (describe) 3. PrDlEy CclÐtailDel1t Date Installed 'n1ickness (Inches)' Capaci ty (Gallons) Manufacturer 12/85 ' 4. !'Imk ~ary Ooataiœent oDouble-Wall CSynthetic Liner cLinåd Vault CNone ct)ùmo~ COther (describe): 'cHciterial Fibergl.ass Thicknes.s (Inches) Capacity (Gala.) 5. IfImt IDterior LiDiag : c Rlbber CAlkyd CEpoxy cPhenolic OGlass cC1ay XXlJ01lined D01JmoM1 ¥iOther (describe): ~teel 6. IfaDk CDrroaiœ Protll!lctiœ CGalvanized XXi3Fiberglass-clad CPol~thylene wrap oVinyl wrapping CTar or Asphalt DtJnknown DNone DOther (describe): Cathodic Protect1œ: QNone cnnp:essed OJrrent System DSacrificial Anode System Deser ibe System , Equi pnent: , 7. Leak Detection, MøDit:criog, aD! IDt.e:c~GII a. Tank: DVisual (vaulte3 tanks only) DGroumwater Monitorirg Well(8) cVadose ZOne footxlitoring Well (s) CU-'1'Ube Without Liner CU-Tube with Canpatible Liner DirectirJ;J Flow tD Honitori~ well(a) CVapor Detector OLiquid I.eve1 Sensor CCOnda:::ti vi ty Sensor C Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank ,/ DLiquid Retrieval' Inspection Fran U-T\Ðe, HDnitoring' well or Annular SplIce DDaily Gauging , Inventory Reconciliation DPeriodic Tightness 'l'estirJ;J CNone Dthknown xmther Petrometer ' b. Piping: CFlow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping~._ Dl'kmi to ring SUnp wi th Raceway cSeale3 Concrete Racew!Y CHalf-cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway CSynthetic Liner Raceway ~ cUnknotr«1 cother . Describe Moni torirg Methcrl for Above: 8. '1'aDt 'righUea . . , Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? eYes eND Ctl'1known Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Teat Test Nane Testing Cr:mpmy 9. '!'aDt Repair Tank Repaired? eYes XÐNo Dt)'lknown Date(s) of aepair(s) Describe Repairs . 10. OVerfill Protectiœ COperator Filla, Controls, 'Visually Monitors tsYel CTape Float Gauge DFloat Vent Valves QAuto Shut- Off Q)ntrols CCapacitance Sensor CSealtd Fill Box CNone JOaOùcnotr«1 , C Other: Describe Canponents of System: ~.. 11. Pipiag a. t.h3erground Piping:~ X§Yes DNe D(bkno~ Material Thickness (inches) Dianeter Manufacturer ' CPressure CSU::tion X1täGr:8vity Approximate Ienqth of Pipe IU1 b. Underground Pipirg Corrôsion Protection : cGalvanized CFiberglass-Clad cnnp:essed OJrrent CSacrificial Anode cPolyethylene Wrap CElectrical Isolation CVinyl Wrap eTar or Aspha],t eUnknown CNene COther (describe): c. Umergroum Pipirg, Secoooary Contairment: CDouble-Wa11 C Synthetic Liner Systen CMJne Ct)1known · (- e .. (' ylrestone SALES & SERVICE GROUP January 27. 1986 TO CALIFORNIA JURISDICTIONS RE: FIRESTONE STORES AND PROPERTIES/CALIFORNIA UNDERGROUND TANK COMPLIANCE PROGRAM , - We have .employed Hydro-Search, Inc., a consulting firm located in Reno. Nevada (hydrogeology specialists), to assist our company in bringing our underground storage tanks into complIance wIth current standards of the California ground water and underground storage tank requirements.' . , We are authorizing Hydro-Search. Inc. to act on our behalf to prepare permit applications and to communicate with necessary jurlsdictlonaJ authorities. They have been authorized to sign for the owner when necessary. Their authority to sIgn for Firestone shall be limited to applications and'correspondence regarding our compliance requirements for California underground storage tanks. Very truly yours. THE FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY G. ce President Real Estate Assistant Secretary Manager of Design Real Estate Departmeßt KJl/ems ,"---- T4~ r ,.,r STONE TInE oS I1UOOEn COMPANY. P,O, OOX 81073. AMF . CLEVElAND. OHIO 44181-0073 .( .'- I'~I; " ; ~~',' . ~I<~~ , --:':\\ ,;-~",~ }) . ,\<~~./ .,<)j" ::ce::~ Hydro-search, Inc. 333 Flint St. . Reno, Nevada 89501 HYD ROLOGISTS-G EO LOG ISTS·ENGI N EE RS ,9-.'" Pho~e (702) 322·4173 ,~v ~ .., ., , _,:".J' "é::, ~ > \6° ~ ." ::'J <\, -',-'<':J> /' ~.\ ."._, "1 .(\"~ \ -<.,'../ . \ v "~1' ~" "..... ~--, ,- ...", >:.-...1 ¢ ~? rO-v v ~ ~ ,ß April 10, 1986 (1570-86) Kern County Enviromnental Heal th Department 1700 ,Flower street Bakersfield, ~ 93305 Gentlanen: Hydro-Search, Inc. has been retained by the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company (Firestone), Akron, Ohio, to assist the comPEY in complying with the County of Kern's Underground Storage Tank (US'!') program. In accordance with the County's permitting requirements, Hydrc:r-Search, Inc. has enclosed an application ';for Permit to Operate Underground Hazardous Substances Storage Facility for the following Firestone stores: , Firestone Store 127E2 2331 Chester Street Bakersfield, ~ 93301 Firestone Store #27C9 3650 Stine Road Bakersfield, CA 93309 Please forward all invoices concerning UST permitting to Hydrc:r-Search, Ine. If you should have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Hydro-Search, Inc. at (702) 322-4173. Very truly yours, HYDRO-SEARŒ, INe. ~~~ Pat Bra Geologi PB/ljd cc wi encl: e. Krzysiak - Firestone, Cleveland V. W ill rich - Firestone, Commerce P. Ross - HSI, Reno ../ Reno . Denver . Milwaukee ( (- Yes No leak I/,! 6. Are Red Jacket subpullps and all line detector' I , I _! I'/'/jt - accessible? Type of line leak detectoI" it' any 7. OveI"fll1 containllent box as specif ied on application? 16//' \_! If "No", what type and lIodel number: a) Is fill box tightly sealed around fill tube? ~( I_I b) Is access over water tight? ¿ I_I c) Is product present in fill box? I I I¡( 8. Identify type of monitoring: fé'1ß t>/161d< a) Are aanual lIonitoring instrullents, product and water finding paste on preaises? '_I I=!/Á ~ b) Is the fluid level in Oweris-Corning liquid level',' 1_' aonitoring reservoir and alar. panel in proper operating condition? c) Does the annular space or secondary containment (¿(' liner leak detection system have self diagnostic capabilities? If "Yes", is it functional I~ If "No", how is it tested for proper operating condition? ¡ I I A/,I - ;,/' i I i_I 9. Notes on any abnormal conditions: (.. . .. ~, . . I ( ( " ' Stan~~~~~liance ~heck F ac i 1 i ty: ~ fP_ S~Dvte.. Equipment to be installed: --1- Tank (s), Y\O ft. of CT "'3 , Dsuct i on Dpr essur i zed piping R,'_d ApprQved ~ ¡/-ß~!iS pr imary Containment OFiberglass (FRP) ~1berglass-clad steel ,~O~coated stee ~Other : e... Comment: ~ Additional: Make & Make & -l-_ ..........-__.. ---a...-. _._~ / .:::rc. /J~9-~ Secondary Containment of Tank(s) , [8J Do ub 1 e-wa 11 ed ta n k ( s) Ma ke & Mode 1 ""'I':'\~e.. - F.' b.~(/".Ll.<1 Dsynthetic liner Make & Model OLined concrete vault(s) Sealer used OOth~r Type Make & Model 'Comment: Additional: ,,/ -- ~¿ 11-8-85 Seconda ry conta i nment vol ume at least 100% of pr imary tank ,volume(s) Comment: Additional: Secondary containment volume for more than one tank contains 150% of volume' of largest primary containemnt 0 10% of aggregate primary volume, whichever is greater Comment: Additional: Secondary containment open to rainfall must accomodate 24 hour rainfall Total Volume Comment: Additional: Secondary containment Product Comment: Additional: is product-compatible T}ocumentation ,. 1 .. . . ( Annular space liquid Product Comment: Additional: ( is comp~tible with product ·A~larl,~quicr~.., ,~' .' ..!.'-'".... Primary Containment of Piping DFiberglass piping OCoated steel piping OUncoated steel piping OOther Comment: Additional: Size & Make Si ze & Make Size Secondary Containment of Piping DDouble-warled pipe Size & Make DSynthetic liner in trench Size' Make' DOther Comment: Additional: '/w/3'~orros ion Protect i or ) rnTank (s) f:' b.~ ~..ctA.-ò , 0 Pip i ng & fit t i n~ s ~ {) OElectricajl i.~~a~ion Comment: A/.o. _ .'71 tf\C( , ~ Additional: '/ ~ ~ If' ì 10'::' v ~ 1I-I3~g5 Manufacturer-Approved Backfill for Tanks & Piping Type Sæ.1^-ot:- Comment: L '<:5è '/'13 "85 Additional: Tank(s) Located No Closer Than 10 Feet to Building(s) Comments: Additional: / :5"C- 1I'13"&5complete Monitoring System Monitoring device within secondary containment: DLiquid level indicator(s) £:dJ.iquid used IiIThermal 'conductivity sensor(s) ~p_t-rO¡'~"(L...1..eV- <:'ofìes. ~\ OPressure sensor(s) DVacuum gauge DSump (s) OGas or vapor detector(s) OManual inspection & sampling OVisual inspection Other C omme n ts : fÆ1:íJ~??! ~j,(¡.. it~l:"i í~ u ~ \- · ? . . ,.ao,." . .;~ ' -JÉ_ -- ~~_-:~~~~~:~. . ~':'.' .' l1li;-- '¢- ]t-f3-9$ ( Additional: f '\ Other Monitoring Periodic tightness testing Method Pressure-reducing line leak detector(s) Other Comment: Additional: Overfill Protection DTape float gauge(s) DFloat vent valve(s) OCapacitance sensor(s) OHigh level alarm(s) OAutomatic shut-off control(s) K}Fill box(es) with 1 ft.3 volume {)PvJ B1f? [bperator controls with visual level monltoring Other Comment: Additional: Monitoring Requirements ~ Additional Comments (]1iÆ~' Date il:.t3~ Inspector J~ '3 - . ( Permit Application Checklist ............... I Facility Name Facility Address Application Category: Standard Design (Secondary Containment) Motor Vehicle Fuel Exemption Design (Non-Secondary Containment) Approved Permit Application Form properly Completed Deficiencies: 3 Copies of Plot plan Depicting: propertY-lines ---- Area encompa~sed by minimum 100 foot radius around tank(s) and piping All tank(s) identified by a number and product to be stored Adequate scale (minimum 1·-1~'0· in detail) North arrow All structures within 50 foot radius of taryk(s) f , and piping Location and labeling of all product pip~ng and dispenser islands Environmental sensitivity data including: *Depth to first groundwater at site' *Any domestic or agricultural water well within 100 feet of tank(s) and piping *Any surface water in unlined conveyance within 100 feet of tank(s) and piping *All utility lines within 25 feet of tank(s) and piping (telephone, electrical, water, sewage, gas, leach lines, seepage pits, drainage systems) *Asterisked items: ~ppropriate documentation if permittee seeks a motor vehicle fuel exemption from secondary containment Comments: . . Approved 3 Copies of Cónstruction Drawing~ ~Qictin1: Side View of ,Tank Installation wTEh Back ill, Raceway(s), Secondary Containment and/or Leak Monftoring System in Place Top View of Tank Installation with Raceway(s), Secondary Containment and/or Leak Monitoring System in Place A Materials List (indicating those used in the construction): Backfill Tank (s) Product Piping Raceway (s) Sealer(s) Secondary Containment L~ak Detector (s) Overfill Protection . Gas or Vapor Detector(s) Sump( s) Monitoring Welles) Additional: ~ , ; Documentation of Product Performance Additional Comments Rev iewed By Date SITE INSPECTION: ---CÕmments: Approved T)isapproved ._._---+- Inspector Date ----------. -.---.. . - ~~ ( .3L Permit Application Checklist Faci 1 i ty Name J ìY"e..:s ìo~~ Facility Address 3fo.5D .sl-i'>^P_ Application Category: L Standard Design (Secondary Containment) Motor Vehicle Fuel Exemption Design (Non-Secondary Containment) Approved' ,Permit Application Form properly Completed Deficiencies: .::s--e- ~ 3 Copies of plot plan Depicting: -~- Property lines - Area encompassed by minimum 100 foot radius around tank(s) and pip i ng :s-0.. I All tank(s) identified by a number and product to be stored ) I :-')C- .se. Adequate scale (minimum 1"=1~'0" in detaid) North arrow } All structures within 50 foot radius o~ tðnk(s) and piping þ . 1 Location an labeling of all product piping and dispenser islands Environmental sensitivity data including: *Depth to first groundwater at site *Any domestic or agricultural water well within 100 feet of tank(s) and piping *Any surface water in unlined conveyance within 100 feet of tank(s) and piping *All utility lines within 25 feet of tank(s) and piping (telephone, electrical, water, sewage, gas, leach lines, seepage pits, drainage systems) *Asterisked items: ~ppropriate documentation if permittee seeks a motor vehicle fuel exemption from secondary containment Comments: . . . , ( Approved. ...::!~ 3 Copit~S at C~o!1SLrll,,:Lion l)rawinqs Depicting: S (ëfë-v i ew oY-f;;¡:¡k'rr1st'a ITãt i on w ì th -Sac k f i 11, Rac'~way (s) , Secondary ConL.ìinrnent .1nd/r:¡r Leak Monitoring :;y~tem in Place ::S-~ Top View of Tank Installation with Raceway(s), Secondary Containment and/or Leak Monitoring System in Place ~c.. ± A Materials Backfill Tank(s) pr od uct Pl p'l ng Raceway (s) indica tiny those used in the construction): Sealer(s) Secondary Containment Y1L) p " P ì ~ H o~-' c:J.o f:i.1 T dAA~ LuJt... aÝC</UM.. (.l~.J- :s"{f..., :S~ Leak Detector (s) Overfill Protection () P W f34.- Gas or Vapor Detector(s) ~ Sump(s) Monitoring Well(s) Additional: i Documentation of Product Performance Additional Comments Reviewed By ,/J<H (Y~ Date 1/-t>-S6" SITE INSPECTION: Comments: _ Approved Disapproved Inspector Date --.--.- ._._-- . - V' KERN CQillrry HEALTH DEPAR'lMENl mV'IROlfiENTAL HFALTH DIVISION HAZARDOUS SUBS'I'AN.:ES SEX:'l'IQN 1700 FLOWER STREET BAKERSFIEID, CA 93305 PHONE (805) 861-3636 INSP!'CrION RJ!D:)RD IOS'l' CUD A'!' JœSIft '., . E'ÞCILITY r ¡ ,res AIDRESS CITY PHONE PER-tIT . , a-lNER ADDRESS CITY PHONE NO. "'-< '''':~:'~~: 'q" ~ ': ,;::h n ",";,., INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same nœ1ber are ready. 'ft1ey will tun lnconsecutive order beginning with number l.OONOT'cover · .~~..: '.. work for any numbered group \mtil all i tans in that group are signe:3 off by the. Pfmni,tti~ . .L '..Authority. , Followil'¥J these instructions will redœe the number of required insþection.visìts, ;;": am therefore prevent assessnent of additional fees" . '" ,. ,::.:':,}}¡,,¡';,;,;. f:c,,"'; , ",' ,~,:~, ~LL~~ ,~' " ,I~',~!~'1í .·l.,.,.,!,·~" r -f}.>' '. .. :¡..~. ~ "_ or ,," ,,,, '\ .... '\',1':';' '~.-"·,{7~:~..!1~~!: ,'f,_'." ,~. .'. ::","~::~: ':~':;;:~~~ .,/ ' . .£ ... · . ...¿;: .....'. (.... ');, , ..... .... " '~ ,. ":: ',: ;I""-r:~ :,',- . ~'" \ , PIPlOO 'SYS'l'EH -,- ,", ,,,- '-:~.-.;~ .' , .', r ...,,:: '~;'1' .;--" '....:.:-.. :-l.. . , . . :J;~t .~'.~', ~~.; ~:::;t. "-'"s, <~ . ~'1': .'r- . '1' . '_':'I'!:"',. },... '" '.".' ''';. . .-~ . . .~~ . ·':"t·.:~~·I; . i;: ,. .~. ~ . \ ~:, '. ÍJ .:: .. · j, '../!' "'. ".; . '{. '..> .' ~ ". " '. , i.' ;', FINAL- . .:.;,~. ~"~:t -' ~. . ':, & Locks 'I, .' ..;".':.:....;:J:.... .: :'~. ..:,-. ,. ,'r' -. .,,';....¡. ; ..' ~r, ....' . ....-,-_..~........ . L -':'.¡:ssr: I :', . " .. . ., . t~' ":,' CX>NTRACTOR . CONTÞ.CT -------.-.-.--.-...- .~,.. e . K~rn Count.y Health Department Division of Environmental Heal~ 1700 Flower Street, ~akersfield, CA 91305 Permit No.__ Application 0, / I-to -95 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ~ of Application (check): [)'New Facility Ot-\:>dification of Facility DÐcisti~ Facility DTransfer of. CW1ership A." Ðnergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Daysb......... J=~~ 6 \.~ì~<4q~~g:?,'3 . Nights ~ð~__ Facility Name ç:c~~_~c~q,. No. of ~ks on è Type of Business (check): [JGasoline Station GJ'Other (describe) I, r-<. CS--i-C:,r-<- Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes IB'No .. Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Þtgricultural Purposes? DYes [!t'NÕ, \ Facility Address 7"J(o <:50 <D~,,~ Nearest Cross St. ~d l.AJOO~ T , R SEe (Rural Locations cnly) OWner bc-~ot"\e. Contact Person~...,...., ~or~",- Mdress ~~~~ Te..\e..:)~ Il.... e¡4-t,~ C""".....er<:~ Zip OJ064-o Telephone -, 14~~- 82C40 Operator ç::::::;...~ J C"'., Contact Person -ç~ -:'__ Address (,~~<,. ~ :s~~ \2..~ C~G.- Zip Qbo46 Telephone 'Î ,4 -.;l'S.e:. -.Ii'l!é-o B.Y Water to Facility Provided by ~ W<J...W Depth to' Groundwater :löðl Soil O\aracteristics' at Facility - ~ ~v,¿... ~~ Basis for Soil Type and Gro..-dwater Detema oat ona O'+C ì ( \ ,-k' 7 -k:, 1:.- . f'- í, ~ C.\.. CA Contractor's Ucense No. 4,~~ Iql s:J . Zip q I.~o:::l. Telephone ~~-~Qö --9S""7 Propos6K) Caapletion tBte ~C.A!M"71& ~~l . ,q~ . u.x.«..JOJ.~CJ~ Insurer ~ V"lt:, ~~~~I1)' _ D. If 'n1is Permit Is For Modification Of An £:Kisting Facility, Briefly Dacribe Modifications Proposed . E~ Tank(s) Store (check all that awly): ~! waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular· Pr_b. Di...l waste Fuel 011 1- D - 0 0 D '8 ~ 8 ~' D 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 B B 8 [J 0 r. Chanical CaDposi tion of Materials Stored (not necessary for IIOtor vehIcle Mls) Tank . ChelUcal Stored (non-coamercial name) CAS . (if known) ~lcal Previously Stored (If 41fferent) G. Transfer of Ownership Date of Transfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully ,all obligations of Permit No. issued to I W1derstaoo that the PeImittiBJ Authority may review and lOOdify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this \nderCJr~ atorage facility u~n' receiving this canpleted ,form. ~is f011l\ has been canpleted W\der true and correct. Signature C\ ~-'-_ ì \ penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is j:-~- Tltley~?<" ,~ ~ . Date ,----~-~-~--.;:..:;..-- H. TANK 3 (FI LL OUT SEPARATE FORM Fa" ..ACH TANK) -FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRÏÃTE OOXEŠ-- -- - 1. Tank is: 0 Vaul too o Non-Vaul too ~ub1e-Wall o Sil'¥J le-wal 1 2. Tank Material - arbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced plastic 0 Concrete 0 Alllt\inlD 0 Bronze OUnknown Other (describe) 3. primary Contairunent :# Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capaci ty(Gallons) Manufacturer U. ¿ )Q9< ~5° r;.~ .::r"'Ló&/q&¡ 4. Tank ~col1dary Cont~innent DDouble-Wall-cSynthetic Liner DLined Vault DNone Ot1'\kno~ 1/ o Other (descr ibe) : Manufacturer: ~<>Æ.- []Material 'Ç,~\4.'>5 Thickness (Inches) i +tf Capacity (Gala.) 5. Tank Interior L n TÍq ..,¿ -rrRubber LJ Alkyd OEpoxy DPhenoUc OGlass DClay ~(1'\l1ned [J~ COther (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion pr0i{ctlon ' -r:fGalvanlzed as berglaS8-Clad OPo!Yathylene wrap OVinyl Wrappiß) DTar or Asphalt D~~ DNoI)Ø DOther (deacribe) J .. , Cathodic Protection: 8None DImpressed OJrrent Sysua [] s.c:rlflclal Itnode Sys~ . Describe Syat81 , Equipaent:' ' 7. Leak Detection, Monitori~, and Interception ¡:--Tank: [jVisual (vaulted talks only) [jGrol.lld1lBter Monitorln:.i WlU(a) D Vadose Zone Man! toriD;J Well (a) 0 u-Tube Without Liner [JU-Tube with Compatible Liner Dir8Ctl~ Flow to Monitori~ w.l1(a)* o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Conductivit~ Sen80r ~ressure Sensor in Amular Space of Double wall Tank C Liquid Retrieval ',Inspection Praia U-T\.èe, Moni toriD;J Will or Annular Space [J Daily Ga~iØJ , Inventory Raconciliation C Periodic ,-i9hme. 1MtlR) [] None 0 ~ [J other b. P1pirql I'low-Restrictin; Leak Detector(a) for Pressurized PlpiDgw D Mon1 tor1ØJ 9Jlp wi th Aace..y [J Sealed Concrete Racewy ,- D Half-CUt CaDpatib1e Pipe Racewy 0 Synthetic Liner Race...y C Mane D UnknOW1 D Other *Describe Make , Modell 8. Tank Tightness / HaS mls '1'W\k Been Tightne.. ~8ted? Œ[y.. OND CJ()ûcno~ L . Dote of !.let T~h_ Teat 9a ~s.;, 1'Ìi Re8Ulta of Tut. ,"_ ~~¡:::-.,...."e. '!'est Name --d i .- -ç¢ -I (,;y;¡. J J stiR) CaDpany ~¿~.g/~- 9. Tank Repair ' Tãñk Repaired? DYe. rm.o D(1'\kno~ Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs' 10. OVertill Protection ~ator Fill., Controls, , Visually Monitors Level DTape Float Ga~e OFloat Vent Valves D Auto Shut- Off Controls BCapacitance Sensor [B'Sealed Fill Box DNoneOU'1kncM'1 Other: List Make , ltJdel I'or Above Devices e=> ~W Q ¿1- ,) . 0'\ ~i:?V>-'I;C l'> 1/) 11. Pipi~ ' a. t)1derground Pipil'¥J: Dyea œNo Otklkno,.-. Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer DPressure DSuction LJGravi ty Approximate ~B}th of Pipe IU\ b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : . OGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DImpr-essed current OSacrlf1cial ~ DPolyethylane Wrap DElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap OTar or Asphalt OUnknown ONone OOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containnent: ODouble-Wall D Synthetic Liner system DHone Dl11kno~ . OOther (descr~.) ~ . . '1t - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 x- J- o1 ?c;{ ¡ßle' APPLICATION TO INSTALL AND/OR REMOVE ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK(S) In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, permission is hereby granted to: fr ~--+nf\.)e... \\fE:.. <S'"'\o\E;.> Name of Company 3(060 ~T\N~ ~r)(,).N Address ' to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or process involving or creating conditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: ;!~~! ~:\~~~~t~:~~~I~f~:t[ ~~~~lb ~hD\, c.ql~ ~D~- '-R87 subject to the provisions and/or limitations as provided. Violation of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations shall void this permit. ~--- PermIt enied /0 - .2£ ~<t ~ Date ~A,e<,~ ppr y: Applicant ame (print) THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Used Oil Handling Equipment e I e 'e Portable Oil Drains 20-Gallon Self-Evacuating Portable Oil Drain The JDI-20DC is the fast and affordable way to capture used oil and transfer it to a holding tank. Its easy to use system utilizes regular shop air to tranfer oil to the storage receptacle, eliminat- ing the need for gravity draining or pouring while greatly reduc- ing the chance of messy oil spills. · Evacuates quickly using regular shop air. · 20-gallon capacity steel container. · 16" receiver funnel. · Adjustable height from 48" to 78". · 10' evacuation hose with dripless quick- connect coupler. · Heavy-duty 3" wheels. · Lift/lock drain tube for easy use. · Minimal assembly. No. JDI-20DC Wt. 75 Ibs. 16-Gallon Portable Oil Drain The industry standard. Designed primarily for shops using an aboveground used oil evacuation and storage system where the used oil is pumped from the drain into the holding tank. Can also be used for gravity draining. · 16" receiver funnel. .... · Adjustable height from 40" to 69" · Lift/lock drain tube keeps tube securely in place. · Heavy-duty caster base. · Optional 61431-2 conversion kit available for system evacuaton. · Heavy-duty internal drain support keeps drain tube stable at all positions. · Pop-up liquid level indicator lets you know when drain is full and needs emptying. No. JDI-16DC Wt. 251bs. 5-Gallon Portable Oil Drain · Heavy-duty design. · 5-gallon galvanized steel container. · Large 14" receiver funnel. · Telescoping sliding tube adjusts height from 40" to 67". · 3-3/4" pour spout for easy emptying. · High-gloss black enamel finish. No. JDI-5DC Wt. 15 Ibs. Optional Caster Base · Exclusive lock-on design keeps lift drain locked in place at all times. · Four industrial grade casters. No. JDI-5C Wt. 5 Ib5. 20-Gallon Heavy-Duty Portable Oil Drain Stands-up to the toughest of shop conditions. Extra capacity drain is ideal for shops using an aboveground oil evacuation system. e · 20-gallon heavy-duty steel container. · 16" diameter receiver funnel. · Height adjusts from 48" to 78". · Easy-to-read sight tube prevents over- filling. · Heavy-duty 3" casters. · Lift/lock drain tube for easy use. · Optional 61431-2 conversion kit avail- able for system evacuation. No. JDI-HD20 Wt. 75 Ibs. Low-Profile Portable Truck Drain Low profile drain fits under most trucks allowing for fast, effi- cient transfer of used oil or antifreeze. Versatile unit features three evacuation methods including gravity drain, above- ground storage system, or optional self-evacuating. Optional Self-Evacuation Kit No. JDI-EK .1 · 17 -gallon capacity. . Heavy-duty 6" industrial casters. · 38" T-handle makes posi- tioning easy. · Dimensions 48"L x 25"W x 8"H. · Weight 120 Ib5. No. JDI-LP3 30-Gallon Pit Style Oil Drain Drain is easy to position under the vehicle by rolling along the pit edge or guide tracks. Two models give choice of clearance levels under vehi- cles: · 2-1/2" rollers adjust to fit track widths from 38" to 48". · Includes removable splash proof screen. · Comes equipped with 1-1/2" ball valve on drain port and camlock coupler. - No. JDI-30PD-A (2-1/2" deep roller mounts)Wt. 100 Ibs. No. JDI-30PD-T (4-1/2" deep roller mounts) Wt. 100 Ibs. e e Used Oil Filter Crushers e For Automotive & Heavy-Duty Truck Applications · Air/hydraulic operation - can be set up anywhere using regular shop air. · Compact size takes less than four sq. ft. of floor space. · Heavy-duty aluminum cabinet surrounds the high pressure hose for added safety and shields components from damage, · Unitized construction allows for easy maintenance. Automotive (Air/Hydraulic) AFC-100 e Crushing Force .......... .10 tons Filter Length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-1/2" Filter Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6" Height ................. .28-1/2" Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-3/4" Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-3/4" Weight .................100 Ibs. · Easy to operate: load the filter and close the door to activate the crushing cycle; operates unattended; safety switch pre· vents operation when door is open. · Requires filter regulator/lubricator (not included). · Optional floor stand, wall mount or tank mount (Except JDI- HDC-200E). Heavy-Duty Truck (Air/Hydraulic) HDC-150 Crushing Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 tons Filter Length .................. .13" Filter Diameter ................. .6" Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40" Width .................... .12-3/4" Depth .................... .12-3/4" Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Ibs. Heavy-Duty Truck (Electric/Hydraulic) HDC-200E Crushing Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 tons Filter Length .................. .13" Filter Diameter ................. .6" Height . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .76" Width ....................... .27" Depth ....................... .23" Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .350 Ibs. Oil Filter Wrenches ,-0 ~o0 ~ ~ A B C D A. Standard Swivel Oil Filter Wrench FW-2310 3·7/16" 3-3/4" (87mm- 95mm) FW-2330 2-7/8" 3-1/4" (73mm- 83mm) FW-2350 4" 4-3/8" (102mm- 111mm) e B. Four-In-One Swivel Filter Wrench Kit One swivel handle assembly with four bands which are easily interchangable. FW-2510 2-3/8" 4-3/8" (61 mm - 111mm) c. Deluxe Strap Oil Filter Wrench Heavy duty cordura strap for high torque requirements features 3/8" and 1/2" forged driver. Range up to 9" (228mm). No. FW-2780 D. Spider Oil Filter Wrench Design allows for broad range and tremen· dOU5 gripping power. Gets into tight spots. Heavy-duty grooved legs for positive grip. Use with 3/8" square drive extension. FW-2770 2-3/8" 4-3/4" (61mm - 121mm) ~ ~ E F E. Adjustable Oil Filter Pliers Heavy forged pliers allow an expanded range of filter applications from 2-11/32" to 4-5/8". Slip joint makes adjustment fast and easy. Plastisol-dipped handles pro- vide a secure hold and leverage to remove the toughest filters. No. FW-2830 F. Oil Filter Pliers Design allows user to get into tight spots. Extra long handles for high torque applica· tions. Range from 4-5/8" to 5-3/4". No. FW2870 e e Used Oil Storage Systems Double-Wall Construction With Workbench- Or Vertical-Style Designs e e AGS-285D Quality-Built Features: ·UL-li5ted, double-wall tank in 180- to 500-gallon capacities. · UL-listed, 1" air-operated diaphragm pump with 30 gpm capacity. · Double-wall construction provides 110% secondary containment. · Automatic air shut-off prevents overfilling.· · Volume gauge shows current tank liquid level. · Locking security/environmental cover.· · High-gloss enamel paint finish. · 3/4" x 10' suction hose with quick-disconnect coupler. · Quick-disconnect adapter kit to used oil drain. · Manual-operated air inlet shut-off valve. · Air filter/regulator. ·Air supply connection hose with quick-coupler: ·2" drop tube with camlock fitting and dust cover. *Ex1ra on some competitive models, Standard feature on JohnDow Used Oil Storage Systems. Other Size Systems Available Upon Request œ JohnDow Industries, Inc. Professional Automotive Service Equipment & Supplies 151 Snyder Ave. · Barberton, Ohio 44203 Phone Toll-Free 1-800-433-0708 · Fax 330-753-6419 www.johndow.com e e e ~RQM : I~~ Ind~.~~i.. ÞHOi'oE "IJ. 3307S:3Bi!IBS ~t. 25 1998 a1: 22PM ;:>1 , , -, "·'---'1 I ¡ I I I The Waste 011 Storage System is made-to-order for: · New car deaJers · TIre and .U'omoti~e ..-vice stontS and deal.,. · Heavy·dut)l fteet owners and operators Munictpal garages ~; J ¡ fl/l ....; LIft ~n not ......... Ðt ~ . .. . ..' ',.., ~, ", ;:t.,l~~'··,~~ ~~:.1·.~~::;·;'~~:i;,~:·'·~;;~~·\,"··~:r.rt" ~.".... ~,.:)".:' '. . ," . " ......... '~"'änd'tåkefull '~~p, ut'our,sYP.t~"_,:,.'i~· .·r~'!-l~L.:~~~'~ ' . ~~nhaAóf " ..:;,.:' ,'j~~ï~!.(:~,~',eatures: · UL 1I.IId, ~7;:::::k~;; 2~!~~;~,",.~,'.',:.~,;.',;'~~.~, ;~;~~."~.' :,r.;...,'~.... kit tor w-. oil <ltaln c:çIC/IMI. ~ tJI.; ,~ ~iO""" -. !I?,I'.:';;~:: "~1Ir ¡..... .""'-0« "aN. rtqul"""""ãf~..~tnefNFM~,' . ",.:.':':. Alr_,...tot · Ovtw.,. ~ 110~ ~ caràinlNftt , .. Ai.r IUppIy conritction r.. wtttI QuIoII CQUpIr · Ut.littecl,'· a/r.openated dlltØhf~ pj.mp with 30 ;9m '. " /. . .,2'\dnIp·~ wftt) ClMIcck fittn¡ and duM cover ,**11y .' ,', .)__~ liqUId level ~ · ~ Itrñt-ofl to ~ oYWllllrlg . "'" gloM tnImII ptint flriIh · LOClldl'lt MC~lft\IIIanmeruJ 0""," .. ..... 01\'" M..~__1I1OdM. ............. 9ft · 314"1110' ~,.... wttl'! QUICk d*»t,nect coupIar :th!t...o.w-...øø......,...,.. System Spedfk:ations: . Modll No: c....-v (QllIIonIJ DIIII_... (L . W . Ht AQSoUCC 1" " W." . .v AØS.&4IC) N «f" W 11Z" 11" A .,' ~~ _ W.WaW WtttM n. "00 11 !IOG Ø) JOHNDOW INDU....RI... INC. Otl'4r tile Svlterns ....... upon Itq\ltt1 f,res"¡'or-re T\¡r~~ 3&6'0 S-t\~e ~ ~kecs.p;e-\~ <t>o6 -ß,1lf- ~~YLl ~ ~ e; I "'~ ~'J' ..... o -' 0~()r .~ \a< o ~..~~ ,05 -t,31 ~~ d.~/--=1 -P06~~ ! J-..o?' o ~ () ~ e ~ 61 TO \S -e ed\ '" oJ\