HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (2) \ :t i'-i UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM BUSINESS ACTIVITIES FACILITY ID # BUSINESS NAME (Same as Facility Name of DBA,Doing Business As) United Parcel Service FACILITY INFORMATION II. ACTMTIES DECLARATION NOTE: If you check YES to any part of this list, ,...,:_ lease submit the Business Owner/O erator Identification a e'(OES Form-mD):-- ::;",' Does your facility... If Yes, please complete these pages of the UPCF.... A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable Federal threshold quantity for an extremely hazardous substance specified in 40 CFR Part 355, Appendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emergency plan is required pursuant to 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) 1. Own or operate underground storage tanks? 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? I:?:š:I YES D NO 4 I:?:š:I YES D NO 5 DYES I:?:š:I NO 6 3. Need to report closing a UST? C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: ---any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or ---the total capacity for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? D. HAZARDOUS WASTE 1 . Generate hazardous waste? DYES I:?:š:I NO 7 DYES I:?:š:I NO 8 I:?:š:I YES D NO 9 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted recyclable materials (per HSC 25143.2)? Treat hazardous waste on site? DYES I:?:š:I NO 10 DYES I:?:š:I NO 11 3. 4. Treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for DYES I:?:š:I Permit by Rule and Conditional Authorization)? NO 12 5. Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? DYES I:?:š:I NO 13 6. Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that was classified as DYES I:?:š:I NO 14 hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? E. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS (You may also be required to provide additional infonnation by your CUPA or local agency.) UPCF (1199) 2 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (OES 2731) UST FACILITY (Formerly SWRCB Fonn A) UST TANK (one page per tank) (Formerly Form B) UST FACILITY UST TANK (one per tank) UST INSTALLATION, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (one page per tank) (Formerly Fonn C) UST TANK (closure portion -one page per tank) NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAs EPA ID NUMBER - provide at the top of this page RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT (one per recycler) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - FACILITY (Fonnerly DTSC Fonns 1772) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - UNIT (one page per unit) (Fonnerly DTSC Forms 1772 A,B.C,D and L) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE (Fonnerly DTSC Fonn 1232) REMOTE WASTE / CONSOLIDATION SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (Fonnerly DTSC Form 1196) HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE CERTIFICATION (Fonnerly DTSC Fonn 1249) 15 ~ D PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FO FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION Page iJ:. of FACILITY ID# I. IDENTIFICATION BEGINNING DATE 01/01/01 100 ENDING DATE 101 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service, Inc BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 3800 N Sillect Ave. CITY Bakersfield DUN & BRADSTREET 00-699-1681 COUNTY Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME Charlie Jackson 102 510-633-4035 103 CA ZIP CODE 105 104 93308 106 SIC CODE (4 digit #) 4215 107 108 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE 661-326-1595 110 II. BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME BT of Ohio OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 55 Glen1ake Parkwa , NE CITY Atlanta 111 OWNER PHONE 112 113 114 STATE GA III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT 115 ZIP CODE 30328 116 CONTACT NAME Stace B rem CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 8400 Pardee Dr CITY Oakland 117 CONTACT PHONE 510-633-4035 118 119 -PRIMARY - 120 STATE CA IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS J2I ZIP CODE 94621 -SECONDARY - 122 123 NAME Stace B rem 124 TITLE District Environmental Coordinator 125 BUSINESS PHONE 510-633-4035 126 24-HOUR PHONE 510-448-7633 127 PAGER # 510-448-7633 128 NAME Rick Garcia TITLE Plant En ineerin BUSINESS PHONE 559-442-2925 24,HOUR PHONE 559-263-0954 PAGER # 559-263-0954 ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: 129 130 131 132 133 I: Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNA TURE OF OWNER/OPERA TOR OR DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE DATE 134 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 NAME OF SIGNER (print) DOli Ra " -QI-(J I 136 TITLE OF SIGNER 137 UPCF ( 1/99 revised) 4 OES FORM 2730 (1/99) '" T UN D PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FO TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - FACILITY (one page per site) Page -ª-- of Jí TYPE OF ACTION 0 I. NEW SITE PERMIT 0 3. RENEWAL PERMIT (Check one item only) 0 4. AMENDED PERMIT ~ 5.CHANGE OF INFORMATION specifY change local use only o 6.TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE o 7.PERMANENTL Y CLOSED SITE o 8. TANK REMOVED 400 I. FACILITY / SITE INFORMATION United Parcel Service NEAREST CROSS STREET Buck Owens Blvd. BUSINESS 01. GAS STATION TYPE 0 2. DISTRIBUTOR TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS REMAINING AT SITE 2 401 402 BUSINESS NAME (Same as F AC[LITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) FACILITY ID# 03. FARM 05. COMMERCIAL o 4. PROCESSOR 181 6. OTHER 403 Is facility on Indian Reservation or trustlands? 404 0 Yes 181 No 405 -If owner ofUST is a public agency: name of supervisor of division, section or office which operates the UST (This is the contact person for the tank records.) 406 II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION PROPERTY OWNER NAME BT of Ohio MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS 55 Glenlake Parkwa , NE CITY Atlanta PROPERTY OWNER TYPE 1811. CORPORATION 407 PHONE 408 409 410 STATE 411 ZIP CODE 4[2 o 2, INDIVIDUAL 03. PARTNERSHIP GA 30328 o 4. LOCAL AGENCY / DISTRICT o 5. COUNTY AGENCY 06. STATE AGENCY o 7, FEDERAL AGENCY 413 III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION TANK OWNER NAME United Parcel Service MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS Arm PHONE 510-633-4035 4[5 4[6 8400 Pardee Dr. CITY GalffiIttd ~A/~ fJltJ ~ TANK OWNER TYPE 417 STATE 418 ZIP CODE Ca 94621 o 4. LOCAL AGENCY / DISTRICT o 5. COUNTY AGENCY 4[9 1811. CORPORATION o 2. INDIVIDUAL 03. PARTNERSHIP o 6. STATE AGENCY o 7. FEDERAL AGENCY 420 TY (TK) H IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER Call (916) 322-9669 if uestions arise V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSffiILITY 421 INDICATE METHOD(s) 1811. SELF-INSURED o 2. GUARANTEE o 3, INSURANCE 04, SURETY BOND 07. STATE FUND 05, LETTER OF CREDIT D 8. STATE FUND & CFO LETTER 06, EXEMPTION 09. STATE FUND & CD o 10. LOCAL GOVT MECHANISM o 99. OTHER: 422 VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Check one box to indicate which address should be used for legal notifications and mailing. Legal notifications and mailings will be sent to the tank owner unless box I or 2 is checked. o I. FACILITY 0 2. PROPERTY OWNER 0 3. TANK OWNER 423 VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Certification - I certifY that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 426 DATE l-I-~I TITLE OF APPLICANT District Plant Engineering Manager 424 PHONE 510-633-4037 425 NAME OF APPLICANT (print) Doug Ray 427 STATE UST FACILITY NUMBER (For local use only) 428 1998 UPGRADE CERTIFICATE NUMBER (For local use only) 429 UPCF (1/99 revised) 8 Formerly SWRCB Form A 'J U D PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FO TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK PAGE 1 (two pages per tank) Page TYPE OF ACTION 0 1 NEW SITE PERMIT 0 4 AMENDED PERMIT 0 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 0 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE (Check one item only) 0 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE 181 3 RENEWAL PERMIT (Specify reason - for local use only) (Specify reason - for local use only) 0 8 TANK REMOVED 430 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) FACILITY ID: United Parcel Service LOCATION WITHIN SITE (Optional) 431 Fuel Island I. TANK DESCRIPTION (A scaled plot plan with the location ofthe UST system including buildings and landmarks shall be submitted to the local agency,) TANK ID # 432 TANK MANUFACTURER 433 COMP ARTMENT ALIZED TANK 0 Yes 181 No 434 o I Owens Cornin If"Yes", complete one page for each compartment DATE INSTALLED (YEARlMO) 435 TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS 436 NUMBER OF COMP ARTMENTS 437 11/87 10,000 ADDITION AL DESCRIPTION (For local use only) 438 II. TANK CONTENTS TANK USE 439 181 1. MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL (If marked complete Petroleum Type) o 2. NON,FUEL PETROLEUM o 3. CHEMICAL PRODUCT o 4, HAZARDOUS WASTE (Includes Used Oil) o 95. UNKNOWN PETROLEUM TYPE 181 Ia. REGULAR UNLEADED o I b. PREMIUM UNLEADED o Ic. MIDGRADE UNLEADED 440 o 2. LEADED o 3. DIESEL o 4. GASOHOL o 5. JET FUEL 06. AVIATION FUEL o 99. OTHER 441 CAS# (from Hazardous Materials Inventory page) 442 COMMON NAME (from Hazardous Materials Inventory page) unleaded gasoline 8006619 III. TANK CONSTRUCTION TYPE OF TANK 0 1. SINGLE WALL 03. SINGLE WALL WITH 05. SINGLE WALL WITH INTERNAL BLADDER SYSTEM 443 (Check one item only) EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER 0 95. UNKNOWN 181 2. DOUBLE WALL 0 4. SIGNLE WALL IN V AUL T 0 99. OTHER TANK MATERIAL-primary tank 01. BARE STEEL 1813. FIBERGLASS/PLASTIC 05, CONCRETE 095 UNKNOWN 444 (Check one item only) 02. STAINLESS STEEL 04. STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS 08. FRP COMPTIBLE W/IOO% METHANOL 099, OTIffiR REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) TANK MATERIAL-secondary tank 01. BARE STEEL 1813. FIBERGLASS/PLASTIC 05. CONCRETE 095. UNKNOWN 445 (Check one item only) 02. STAINLESS STEEL 04. STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS 08. FRP COMPTIBLE W/IOO% METHANOL 099. OTHER REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) 0 10. COATED STEEL o 5. CONCRETE TANK INTERIOR LINING 0 I. RUBBER LINED 03. EPOXY LINING 05. GLASS LINING 095. UNKNOWN 446 DATE INSTALLED 447 OR COATING (Check one item only) o 2 ALKYD LINING o 4 PHENOLIC LINING 181 6 UNLINED o 99 OTHER (For local use only) OTHER CORROSION 0 1 MANUFACTURED CATHODIC PROTECTION IF APPLICABLE PROTECTION (Check one item only) 0 2 SACRIFICIAL ANODE SPILL AND OVERFILL YEAR INSTALLED 450 (Check all that apply) 1811 SPILL CONTAINMENT o 2 DROP TUBE o 3 STRIKER PLATE IV. TANK LEAK DETECTION (A description of the monitoring progn¡m shall be submitted to the local agency.) IF SINGLE WALL TANK (Check all that apply) 453 IF DOUBLE W ALL TANK OR TANK WITH BLADDER 454 (Check one item only) o 1 VISUAL (EXPOSED PORTION ONL Y) 0 5 MANUAL TANK GAUGING (MTG) 0 1 VISUAL (SINGLE WALL IN V AUL T ONL Y) o 2 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING (ATG) 0 6 VADOSE ZONE 181 2 CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING 03 CONTINUOUS ATG 07 GROUNDWATER 03 MANUAL MONITORING 04 STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION 08 TANK TESTING (SIR) BIENNIAL TANK TESTING 0 99 OTHER IV. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION / PERMANENT CLOSURE IN PLACE o 3 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC o 4 IMPRESSED CURRENT o 95 UNKNOWN o 99 OTHER 448 DATE INSTALLED 449 (For local use only) TYPE (local use only) 451 OVERFILL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: YEAR INSTALLED 452 1811 ALARM 02 BALL FLOAT 181 3 FILL TUBE SHUT OFF VALVE o 4 EXEMPT ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (YR/MO/DA Y) 455 ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING gallons 456 TANK FILLED WITH INERT MATERIAL? DYes 0 No 457 UPCF (12/99 revised) 10 Formerly SWRCB FormB . " . - UN! D PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK PAGE 2 VI. PIPING CONSTRUCTION (Check all that apply) Page ~ of L'7 UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SYSTEM TYPE ~ 1. PRESSURE o 2. SUCTION 03. GRAVITY 458 o 1. PRESSURE o 2 SUCTION o 3. GRAVITY 459 CONSTRUCTION 01. SINGLE WALL o 3. LINED TRENCH o 99. OTHER 460 o 1. SINGLE WALL o 95. UNKNOWN 462 MANUFACTURER ~ 2 DOUBLE WALL o 95. UNKNOWN o 2. DOUBLE WALL o 99. OTHER MANUFACTURER 461 MANUFACTURER 463 o 1. BARE STEEL 06. FRP COMPATIBLE w/lOO% METHANOL o 1. BARE STEEL o 6. FRP COMPATIBLE WII 00% METHANOL o 2. STAINLESS STEEL o 7. GAL V ANI ZED STEEL o Unknown 02. STAINLESS STEEL o 7. GAL V ANIZED STEEL 03. PLASTIC COMPATIBLE W/ CONTENTS 099. Other 03 PLASTIC COMPATIBLE W/ CONTENTS o 8. FLEXIBLE (HDPE) 099. OTHER ~ 4. FIBERGLASS o 8. FLEXIBLE (HDPE) 04 FIBERGLASS 09. CATHODIC PROTECTION 05. STEEL W/COATING o 9. CATHODIC PROTECTION 464 05 STEEL W/COATING o 95. UNKNOWN 465 VII. PIPING LEAK DETECTION (Check all that apply) (A description of the monitoring program shall be submitted to the local agency.) UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 466 SINGLE WALL PIPING 467 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all that apply): PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all that apply): ~ 1. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3,0 GPH TEST WITH AUTO PUMP SHUT o 1. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST WITH AUTO PUMP OFF FOR LEAK, SYSTEM FAILURE, AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + SHUT OFF FOR LEAK, SYSTEM FAILURE, AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS. ~ 2. MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST o 2. MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (Check all that apply) o 5. DAIL Y VISUAL MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM + TRIENNIAL PIPING 05 DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALUES IN BELOW GROUNDPIPING): 06 TRIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 7. SELF MONITORING SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): GRAVITY FLOW o 7. SELF MONITORING o 9. BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) GRAVITY FLOW (Check all that apply): o 8. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING o 9. BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all that apply): PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all that apply): 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR WITH AUDIBLE AND VISUAL lO. CONTINUOUS TIJRBINE SUMP SENSOR WITH AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (Check one) ALARMS AND (Check one) o a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o a AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS ~ b. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS, SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM o b AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS, SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION DISCONNECTION OC NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF OC NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) WITH FLOW SHUT 011. AUTOMATIC LEAK DETECTOR OFF OR RESTRICTION 012. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) 012 ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTION/GRA VITY SYSTEM SUCTION/GRAVITY SYSTEM 013. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS 013. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check all that apply) EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check all that apply) 014. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF · 014. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF · AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS 015. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) WITHOUT FLOW 015. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 16. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 16. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17 DAILY VISUAL CHECK 017 DAILY VISUAL CHECK VIII. DISPENSER CONT AlNMENT DISPENSER CONTAINMENT ~ 1. FLOAT MECHANISM THAT SHUTS OFF SHEAR VALVE o 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK DATE INSTALLED 468 o 2. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 5. TRENCH LINER / MONITORING o 3. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR WITH AUTO SHUT OFF FOR o 6. NONE 469 DISPENSER + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS IX. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE I certi.ty that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF OWNER/OPERATÆ. DATE 470 ~/I 1-/-0/ NAME OF OWNER/OPRATOR (print)/ ø 471 TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR 472 Doug Ray District Plant Engineering Manager Pennit Ntunber (For local use o!Ùy) 473 Permit Approved (For local use o!Ùy) 474 Pennit Expiration Date (For local use o!Ùy) 475 UPCF (12/99 revised) 12 Formerly SWRCB Form B ... U D PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FO TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS-TANK PAGE 1 (two pages per tank) TYPE OF ACTION 0 I NEW SITE PERMIT 0 4 AMENDED PERMIT 0 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 0 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE (Check one item 01ÙY) 0 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE 181 3 RENEWAL PERMIT (SpecifY reason - for local use olÙY) (SpecifY reason - for local use olÙY) 0 8 TANK REMOVED BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) F ACIL1TY ID: United Parcel Service LOCATION WITHIN SITE (Optional) Fuel Island I. TANK DESCRIPTION (A scaled plot plan with the location of the UST system including buildings and landmarks shall be submitted to the local agency,) TANK 1D # 432 TANK MANUFACTURER 433 COMP ARTMENT ALIZED TANK DYes 1:8:1 No 02 Owens Cornin If "Yes", complete one page for each compartment DATE INSTALLED (YEAR/MO) 435 TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS 436 NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS 11/87 10,000 ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION (For local use olÙY) 430 1 431 434 437 438 II. TANK CONTENTS TANK USE 439 1811, MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL (If marked complete Pe1roleW11 Type) o 2. NON-FUEL PETROLEUM o 3. CHEMICAL PRODUCT o 4. HAZARDOUS WASTE PETROLEUM TYPE I8Ila. REGULAR UNLEADED o I b. PREMIUM UNLEADED o Ic. MIDGRADE UNLEADED 440 o 2. LEADED o 3. DIESEL o 4. GASOHOL 05. JET FUEL 06, AVIATION FUEL o 99. OTHER 441 CAS# (from Hazardous Materials Inventory page) 442 COMMON NAME (from Hazardous Materials Inventory page) unleaded gasoline 8006619 (Includes Used Oil) o 95. UNKNOWN III. TANK CONSTRUCTION TYPE OF TANK 0 1 SINGLE WALL 0 3. SINGLE WALL WITH 0 5. SINGLE WALL WITH INTERNAL BLADDER SYSTEM 443 (Check one item olÙY) EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER 0 95. UNKNOWN 181 2, DOUBLE WALL 0 4. SIGNLE WALL IN V AUL T 0 99. OTHER TANK MATERIAL-primary tank 01 BARE STEEL 1813. FIBERGLASS/PLASTIC 05. CONCRETE 095. UNKNOWN 444 (Check one item olÙY) 02. STAINLESS STEEL 04. STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS 0 8. FRP COMPTIBLE W/lOO% METHANOL 099. OTIffiR REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) TANK MATERIAL - secondary tank 0 1 BARE STEEL 1813. FIBERGLASS / PLASTIC 0 5. CONCRETE 095. UNKNOWN 445 (Check one item olÙY) 0 2. STAINLESS STEEL 0 4, STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS 0 8. FRP COMPTIBLE W/lOO% METHANOL 0 99. OTHER REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) 0 10. COATED STEEL o 5. CONCRETE TANK INTERIOR LINING 01 RUBBER LINED 03. EPOXY LINING 05, GLASS LINING 095. UNKNOWN 446 DATE INSTALLED 447 OR COATING (Check one item olÙY) o 2 ALKYD LINING o 4 PHENOLIC LINING 181 6 UNLINED o 99 OTHER (For local use olÙY) OTHER CORROSION 0 I MANUFACTURED CATHODIC PROTECTION IF APPLICABLE PROTECTION (Check one item olÙY) 0 2 SACRIFICIAL ANODE SPILL AND OVERFILL YEAR INSTALLED 450 (Check all that apply) 1811 SPILL CONTAINMENT D 2 DROP TUBE D 3 STRIKER PLATE IV. TANK LEAK DETECTION (A description of the monitoring program shall be submitted to the local agency.) IF SINGLE WALL TANK (Check all that apply) 453 IF DOUBLE W ALL TANK OR TANK WITH BLADDER 454 (Check one item olÙY) 01 VISUAL (EXPOSED PORTION ONLY) 0 5 MANUAL TANK GAUGING (MTG) 0 I VISUAL (SINGLE WALL IN VAULT ONLY) 02 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING (ATG) 06 VADOSE ZONE 1812 CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING 03 CONTINUOUS ATG 07 GROUNDWATER 03 MANUAL MONITORING o 4 STATISTICAL INVENTOR Y RECONCILIATION 0 8 TANK TESTING (SIR) BIENNIAL TANK TESTING 0 99 OTHER IV. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION / PERMANENT CLOSURE IN PLACE o 3 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC o 4 IMPRESSED CURRENT o 95 UNKNOWN o 99 OTHER 448 DATE INSTALLED 449 (For local use olÙY) TYPE (local use olÙY) 451 OVERFILL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: YEAR INSTALLED 452 1211 ALARM 02 BALL FLOAT 181 3 FILL TUBE SHUT OFF VALVE o 4 EXEMPT ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (YR/MO/DA Y) 455 ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING gallons 456 TANK FILLED WITH INERT MATERIAL? DYes DNo 457 UPCF (12/99 revised) 10 Formerly SWRCB Form B i' j - D PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FO TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK PAGE 2 VI. PIPING CONSTRUCTION (Check all thaI at",lv) Page '1 of 1_'1 UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SYSTEM TYPE 181 ]. PRESSURE o 2. SUCTION o 3. GRAVITY 458 o I. PRESSURE o 2. SUCTION o 3. GRA V]TY 459 CONSTRUCTION o I. SINGLE WALL o 3. LINED TRENCH 099. OTHER 460 o ], SINGLE WALL o 95. UNKNOWN 462 MANUFACTURER 1812. DOUBLE WALL o 95. UNKNOWN o 2, DOUBLE WALL o 99. OTHER MANUF ACTIJRER 461 MANUF ACTIJRER 463 o I. BARE STEEL 06. FRP COMPATIBLE w/IOO% METHANOL o I. BARE STEEL 06. FRP COMPATIBLE WIlOO% METHANOL 02. STAINLESS STEEL o 7. GAL V ANIZED STEEL o Unknown o 2. STAINLESS STEEL o 7. GAL V ANIZED STEEL o 3. PLASTIC COMPATIBLE WI CONTENTS 099. Other o 3. PLASTIC COMPATIBLE WI CONTENTS o 8. FLEXIBLE (HOPE) 099. OTHER 181 4. FIBERGLASS o 8. FLEXIBLE (HOPE) 04 FIBERGLASS 09. CATHODIC PROTECTION o 5. STEEL W/COATlNG 09. CATHODIC PROTECTION 464 05 STEEL W/COATlNG o 95, UNKNOWN 465 VII. PIPING LEAK DETECTION (Check all that apply) (A description of the monitoring program shall be submitted 10 the local agency.) UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 466 SINGLE WALL PIPING 467 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all thaI apply): PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all that apply): 181 I. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST WITH AUTO PUMP SHUT o ], ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST WITH AUTO PUMP OFF FOR LEAK, SYSTEM FAILURE, AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + SHUT OFF FOR LEAK, SYSTEM FAILURE, AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS. 1812, MONTHL Y 0.2 GPH TEST o 2. MONTHLY 0,2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.] GPH) o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.] GPH) o 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (Check all that apply) o 5. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM + TRIENNIAL PIPING 05 DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM INTEGRITY TEST (0.] GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO V ALVES IN BELOW GROUNDPIPING): 06 TRIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0. I GPH) o 7. SELF MONITORING SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): GRAVITY FLOW o 7. SELF MONITORING o 9. BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) GRAVITY FLOW (Check all that apply): o 8. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING o 9. BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.] GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all that apply): PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all that apply): ]0. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR WITH AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ]0. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR WITH AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (Check one) ALARMS AND (Check one) o a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o a AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS 181 b. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS, SYSTEMFA]LURE AND SYSTEM Db AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS, SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION DISCONNECTION DC. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF DC NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o I I. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) WITH FLOW SHUT OIL AUTOMATIC LEAK DETECTOR OFF OR RESTRICTION o ]2. ANNUALINTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) 0]2. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.] GPH) SUCTlON/GRA VITY SYSTEM SUCTlON/GRA VITY SYSTEM 0]3. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS 0]3. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check all that apply) EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check all that apply) 014. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF * 014, CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF * AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS 015, AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) WITHOUT FLOW 0]5. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 16. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.] GPH) o ]6. ANNUALINTEGRITY TEST (0.] GPH) o 17. DAILY VISUAL CHECK o ] 7. DAILY VISUAL CHECK VIII. DISPENSER CONT AINMENT DISPENSER CONTAINMENT 181 I. FLOAT MECHANISM THAT SHUTS OFF SHEAR VALVE o 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK DATE INSTALLED 468 o 2. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 5, TRENCH LINER I MONITORING o 3. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR WITH AUTO SHUT OFF FOR o 6. NONE 469 DISPENSER + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS IX. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE I certify that the infonnation provided herein is true and accurate to the best ofrny knowledge. SIGNATIJRE OF OWNELRATOR DATE 470 ¿, 3-¡-c)' NAME OF OWNER/OPRA}'OR(¡:Ifint) 471 TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR 472 Doug Ray District Plant Engineering Manager PeImit Nwnber (For local use only) 473 PeImit Approved (For local use only) 474 PeImit Expiration Date (For local use only) 475 UPCF (12/99 revised) 12 Formerly SWRCB FormB 'i'" UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION Automotive Shop FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA [8J YES D NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 202 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes [8J No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME Waste Motor Oil CASU N/A FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) Class 3B combustible HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one ilem only) W7 208 EHS* [8J Yes D No 209 *If EHS is "Yes". all amounts below must be in lbs. 210 213 o a. PURE 0 b, MIXTURE ~ c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes ~ No 212 CURIES PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) A VERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 215 o a. SOLID ~ b, LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 1500 216 ~ a, FIRE 0 b. REACTIVE 0 c, PRESSURE RELEASE 0 d. ACUTE HEALTH ~ e, CHRONIC HEALTH 221 222 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 220 4 1 500 6000 UNITS* (Check one item onl ) STORAGE CONTAINER o a. GALLONS 0 b, CUBIC FEET ~ c, POUNDS 0 d, TONS * If EHS, amount must be in ounds. ~ a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o b, UNDERGROUND TANK o c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d, STEEL DRUM o e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM Of.CAN o g. CARBOY o h. SILO o L FIBER DRUM o J BAG o k. BOX o 1. CYLINDER o m. GLASS BOTTLE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r. OTHER o 0, TOTE BIN o p, TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a, AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 100 226 waste oil 227 [8J Yes D No 228 N/A 229 2 230 231 DYes D No 232 233 3 234 23S DYes D No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes D No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required infonnation. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 If E~.-t:e Si n Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Form 2731 ~ .r UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION Automotive Shop FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA I2?J YES D NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRlD# (optional) 202 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes I2?J No 206 If Subject to EPCRA. refer to instructions COMMON NAME Waste Anti-freeze CASU N/A FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 200 208 EHS* I2?J Yes D No 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 213 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) D a, PURE Db. MIXTURE ~ c, WASTE 2tt RADIOACTIVE D Yes ~ No 212 CURIES 215 PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) A VERAGE DAILY AMOUNT D a, SOLID ~ b. LIQUID D c, GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 968 216 ~ a, FIRE Db, REACTIVE D c, PRESSURE RELEASE D d. ACUTE HEALTH ~ e. CHRONIC HEALTH 221 222 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 220 3 968 3872 UNITS* Check one item onl ) STORAGE CONTAINER D a. GALLONS D b. CUBIC FEET ~ c. POUNDS D d, TONS * If EHS. amount must be in ounds, D a, ABOVE GROUND TANK D b, UNDERGROUND TANK Dc. TANK INSIDE BUILDING D d, STEEL DRUM De, PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM D f, CAN D g, CARBOY D h, SILO D i. FIBER DRUM D j, BAG D k,BOX D L CYLINDER D m, GLASS BOTTLE D q, RAIL CAR D n, PLASTIC BOTTLE D r. OTHER D o. TOTE BIN D p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a, AMBIENT D b. ABOVE AMBIENT D c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a. AMBIENT D b, ABOVE AMBIENT D c. BELOW AMBIENT D d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 50 226 ethylene 227 I2?J Yes D No 228 75-85-1 229 2 230 231 DYes D No 232 233 3 234 235 DYes D No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes D No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight ü non-carcinogenic, or 0.1 % by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required infonnation. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 If 6-l;lease Si n Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Form 2731 '¡ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM I HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION o DELETE 200 r buildi n or area) DADD DREVISE Page If) of I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION Automotive Shop FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA ~ YES 0 NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 202 204 ll. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET o Yes ~ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME Deleo lead acid batteries CASU N/A FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 207 208 EHS* ~ Yes 0 No 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) 213 181 a, PURE 0 b, MIXTURE 0 c. WASTE 2ll RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes 181 No 212 CURIES PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) A VERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 215 181 a. SOLID 0 b, LIQUID o c, GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 50 216 181 a, FIRE 181 b, REACTIVE 0 c, PRESSURE RELEASE 181 d, ACUTE HEALTH 0 e. CHRONIC HEALTH 221 222 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 220 . 100 500 1000 UNITS' Check one item onl STORAGE CONTAINER o a, GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET 181 c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS · If EHS, amount must be in ounds, o a, ABOVE GROUND TANK o b, UNDERGROUND TANK o c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d, STEEL DRUM o e, PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM Of.CAN o g, CARBOY o h. SILO o i. FIBER DRUM o j. BAG o k. BOX o L CYLINDER o m, GLASS BOTTLE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n, PLASTIC BOTTLE 181 r. OTHER o 0, TOTE BIN o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a, AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT o d, CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 226 liquid content-acid 227 ~ Yes 0 No 228 7664939 229 2 230 plate content-lead 231 ~ Yes 0 No 232 7439921 233 3 234 235 DYes 0 No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes 0 No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes 0 No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1 % by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 UPCF (1/99) 6 4p If EPCRA Please Si n Here OES Form 2731 'C - UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one page per material per building or area) DADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 I Page 1L of 1:1 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 fuel island EPCRA [g YES D NO I I II I I I I I I I I 1 I MAP# (optional) 2031 GRID# (optional) 204 FACILITY ID # II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes [g No 206 Blend of Hydrocarbon If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 207 208 EHS* [g Yes D No gasoline CAS# 209 8006619 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs, FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 2121 213 TYPE (Check one item only) o a. PURE ~ b. MIXTURE DC. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes ~ No CURIES PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) o a, SOLID ~ b, LIQUID o c, GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 60,000 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) ~ a. FIRE ~ b, REACTIVE o c, PRESSURE RELEASE ~ d. ACUTE HEALTH ~ e, CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219\ STATE WASTE CODE 220 165 60,000 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS' o a, GALLONS o b, CUBIC FEET ~ c, POUNDS o d. TONS 365 (Check one item only) · If EHS, amount must be in pounds, STORAGE CONTAINER o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK De, PLASTIC/NONMETALLlC DRUM o i. FIBER DRUM o m, GLASS BOTTLE o q, RAIL CAR ~ b. UNDERGROUND TANK Or.CAN o j. BAG On, PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 L OTHER DC, TANK INSIDE BUILDING o g, CARBOY o k. BOX DO. TOTE BIN o d, STEEL DRUM o h. SILO o L CYLINDER o p, TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a. AMBIENT Db. ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d, CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 226 blend of hydrocarbon/gasoline 227 [g Yes D No 228 8006619 229 2 230 benzene 231 [g Yes D No 232 71432 233 3 234 toluene 235 [g Yes D No 236 108883 237 4 238 xylene 239 [g Yes D No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required infonnatÎon. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 If E6r.~se Si!!n Here UPCF (1199) 6 OES Form 2731 · ' "- UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 r buildin or area) Page Qof I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION automotive shop FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA ~ YES D NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 202 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME blend of h drocarbon COMMON NAME Motor oil Chevron Delo 15-40 CASU mixture FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 205 TRADE SECRET D Yes ~ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions 207 208 EHS* D Yes ~ No 209 *If EHS is "Yes". all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 213 HAZARDOUS MA TERlAL TYPE (Check one item only) o a. PURE ~ b. MIXTURE 0 c. WASTE 2ll RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes ~ No 212 CURIES 215 PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) FED HAZARD CA TEGORlES (Check all that apply) AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT o a, SOLID ~ b, LIQUID o c, GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 200 216 ~ a. FIRE 0 b. REACTIVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE 0 d. ACUTE HEALTH 0 e. CHRONIC HEALTH 221 212 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 220 2 200 UNITS* Check one item onl ) STORAGE CONTAINER ~ a, GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET 0 c, POUNDS 0 d, TONS * If EHS, amount must be in ounds. ~ a, ABOVE GROUND TANK Db, UNDERGROUND TANK o c, TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d, STEEL DRUM De. PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY o h, SILO o i. FIBER DRUM o j, BAG o k. BOX o l. CYLINDER o m. GLASS BOTTLE 0 q, RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r. OTHER o o. TOTE BIN o p, TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a, AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a, AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d, CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 226 refined petroleum distillates 227 D Yes ~ No 228 mixture 229 2 230 base oil/ additives 231 DYes ~ No 232 64741884 233 3 234 zinc alkyl dithrophosphate 235 DYes ~ No 236 68649423 237 4 238 hexane 239 DYes ~ No 240 110543 24\ 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1 % by weight ü carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required infonnation. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 ~þ If EPCRA Please Si n Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Form 2731 J.. r:' '" UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD o DELETE o REVISE 200 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION Automotive Shop FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA ~ YES 0 NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 202 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION 205 TRADE SECRET DYes I:8J No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions 207 208 EHS* D Yes ~ No 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) 213 o a. PURE IðI b. MIXTURE 0 c, WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes IðI No 212 CURIES PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) A VERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 215 o a. SOLID IðI b, LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 110 216 o a. FIRE 0 b, REACTIVE 0 c, PRESSURE RELEASE IðI d, ACUTE HEALTH IðI e. CHRONIC HEALTH 221 222 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 220 1 110 UNITS* (Check one item onl STORAGE CONTAINER IðI a. GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET 0 c. POUNDS 0 d, TONS * If EHS, amount must be in ounds, o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK. Db. UNDERGROUND TANK Dc. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d, STEEL DRUM IðI e, PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM o f, CAN o g, CARBOY o h, SILO o L FIBER DRUM o j, BAG o k, BOX o I. CYLINDER o m. GLASS BOTTLE 0 q, RAIL CAR On. PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r, OTHER o o. TOTE BIN o p, TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE IðI a, AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE IðI a, AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 85-95 226 Ethylene Glycol 727 DYes I:8J No 228 107211 2 <5 230 diethylene glycol 231 DYes ~ No 232 111466 3 <5 234 hydrated inorganic acid, sodium salt 235 DYes I:8J No 236 proprietary 4 <5 238 water 239 DYes ~ No 240 7732185 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 229 233 237 241 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 ~þ If EPCRA Please Si n Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Form 2731 i ',I ;¡ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION automotive shop FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA [g YES D NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 202 204 ll. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME acet lene COMMON NAME acet lene CASH 74862 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 205 TRADE SECRET DYes [g No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer w instructions 207 208 EHS* [g Yes D No 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) 213 PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) A VERAGE DAILY AMOUNT i:8I a. PURE 0 b. MIXTURE Dc, WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes i:8I No 212 CURIES 0 a, SOLID 0 b. LIQUID i:8I c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 8,76 181 a. FIRE o b, REACTIVE 181 c. PRESSURE RELEASE i:8I d. ACUTE HEALTH o e, CHRONIC HEALTH 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 215 216 220 221 222 < 1 17.52 UNITS' (Check one item onl STORAGE CONTAINER o a, GALLONS 0 b, CUBIC FEET i:8I c. POUNDS 0 d, TONS · If EHS, amount must be in ounds. , ' a. AMBIENT De, PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM o f, CAN o g, CARBOY o h. SILO .. b, ABOVE AMBIENT o i. FIBER DRUM o j.BAG o k, BOX i:8I L CYLINDER o m, GLASS BOTTLE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n, PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r. OTHER o 0, TOTE BIN o p, TANK WAGON 223 o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK Db. UNDERGROUND TANK Dc, TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d. STEEL DRUM STORAGE PRESSURE o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE , a. AMBIENT '~b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 95-99 226 acetylene 227 [g Yes D No 228 74862 229 2 230 acetone 231 [g Yes D No 232 67641 233 3 234 235 DYes D No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes D No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non·carcinogenic, or 0.1% by 'Yo'eight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required infonnation. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 ~þ If EPCRA Please Si n Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Fonn 2731 J_ r ' ~ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one oaee Der materìal per buì1dìne or area) DADD DDELETE o REVISE 200 Page 16 of B I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 automotive shop EPCRA ~ YES 0 NO FACILITY ID # 1 I . I 1 . I I 1 1 I I 1 I MAP# (optional) 2031 GRID# (optional) 204 ll. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes ~ No 206 oxygen If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 200 208 EHS* DYes ~ No Oxvgen CASU 209 7782447 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 212 1 CURIES 213 TYPE (Check one item only) ~ a. PURE 0 b. MIXTURE o c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes ~ No PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) 0 a, SOLID 0 b. LIQUID ~ c, GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 125 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) ~ a, FIRE 0 b. REACTIVE ~ c. PRESSURE RELEASE o d. ACUTE HEALTH ~ e, CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 2191 STATE WASTE CODE 220 1 250 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS· o a. GALLONS ~ b, CUBIC FEET o c, POUNDS o d, TONS 365 (Check one item only) · If EHS, amount must be in pounds. STORAGE CONTAINER o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK De. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM o L FIBER DRUM o m. GLASS BOTTLE o q, RAIL CAR Db, UNDERGROUND TANK o f. CAN o J BAG On. PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r. OTHER DC. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o g. CARBOY o k, BOX DO, TOTE BIN o d, STEEL DRUM o h, SILO ~ 1. CYLINDER o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ~li a. AMBIENT ¢ b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~t)i\ a, AMBIENT ¢ b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT o d, CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASU 1 226 227 DYes 0 No 228 229 2 239 231 DYes 0 No 232 233 3 234 235 DYes 0 No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes 0 No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes 0 No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1 % by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 f? If E CRA Please Sign Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Form 2731 f_ ~ç~. á UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one page per material per building or area) DADD o DELETE DREVISE 200 Page 112 of f" I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 carwash tunnel EPCRA ~ YES 0 NO FACILITY ID # I I I I I I I I 1 11 I MAP# (optional) 2031 GRlD# (optional) 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes ~ No 206 surface blend If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 207 208 EHS* DYes ~ No Blast A wav Detergent CASU 209 N/A *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs, FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ¡frequired by CUPA) 210 1 flammable HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 2121 213 TYPE (Check one item only) o a, PURE 181 b, MIXTURE DC. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes 181 No CURIES PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) 0 a. SOLID 181 b. LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER '- ,,·300 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) o a, FIRE 0 b, REACTIVE o c. PRESSURE RELEASE 181 d, ACUTE HEALTH 181 e, CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 2191 STATE WASTE CODE 220 4 ." " qOQ 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS' IX a, GALLONS o b, CUBIC FEET :.:.:' c, POUNDS o d. TONS 365 (Check one item only) · If EHS, amount must be in DoundS. STORAGE CONTAINER o a, ABOVE GROUND TANK De, PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM o i. FIBER DRUM o m, GLASS BOTTLE o q. RAIL CAR Db, UNDERGROUND TANK o f, CAN o j.BAG On, PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r. OTHER 181 c, TANK INSIDE BUILDING o g. CARBOY o k, BOX DO. TOTE BIN o d, STEEL DRUM o h. SILO o L CYLINDER o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a, AMBIENT Db. ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a, AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT o d, CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 <5 226 nony Iphenoxypol y( ethy leneoxy )ethanol 227 DYes 0 No 228 9016-45-9 229 2 5-10 230 tetrasodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate 231 DYes 0 No 232 64-02-8 233 3 234 235 DYes 0 No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes 0 No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes 0 No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1 % by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 4?' If EPCRA Please SÜm Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Form 2731 t~ ".' ~ (~ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one oa.e per material oer buildin. or area) DADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 Page Dof d I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 carwash area EPCRA . [8J YES D NO I I I I . 1 I I I I I 1 I MAP# (optional) 2031 GRID# (optional) 204 FACILITY ID # II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes [8J No 206 surface blend If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 2ff7 208 EHS* DYes [8J No Blue Magic Deter!!ent CASH 209 N/A *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 1, flammable HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 212 I 213 TYPE (Check one item only) o a. PURE ~ b, MIXTURE DC. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes ~ No CURIES PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) 0 a, SOLID ~ b, LIQUID o c, GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 55 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) 0 a, FIRE o b, REACTIVE o c. PRESSURE RELEASE o d, ACUTE HEALTH ~ e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 2191 STATE WASTE CODE 220 < 1 55 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 rø a, GALLONS o b, CUBIC FEET ' ' o d, TONS UNITS* '-_ c. POUNDS 365 (Check one item onlv) * If EHS. amount must be in pounds, STORAGE CONTAINER o a, ABOVE GROUND TANK ~ e. PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM o i. FIBER DRUM o m, GLASS BOTTLE o q, RAIL CAR Db, UNDERGROUND TANK Dr CAN o j, BAG On, PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r, OTHER DC, TANK INSIDE BUILDING o g, CARBOY o k, BOX DO, TOTE BIN o d. STEEL DRUM o h, SILO o L CYLINDER o p, TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a, AMBIENT Db. ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 20-30 226 sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate 227 DYes [8J No 228 21516-30-0 229 2 230 231 DYes D No 232 233 3 234 235 DYes D No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes D No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1 % by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 If EPŽle S¡"n Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Form 2731 ~ ~,;ì :;¡ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION automotive shop FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA ~ YES D NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 202 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET D Yes ~ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME Chevron Dura-Lith Grease EP NLGI 00 CASU N/A FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 207 208 EHS* D Yes ~ No 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) 213 o a, PURE ~ b, MIXTURE 0 c. WASTE 2ll RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes ~ No 212 CURIES PHYSICAL STATE (Check one i1em only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) A VERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 215 o a, SOLID ~ b. LIQUID o c, GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 55 216 o a. FIRE 0 b. REACTIVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE 0 d, ACUTE HEALTH ~ e. CHRONIC HEALTH 221 222 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 220 < 1 55 UNITS· (Check one item onl ) STORAGE CONTAINER ~ a, GALLONS 0 b, CUBIC FEET 0 c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS · If EHS, amount must be in ounds. o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK Db, UNDERGROUND TANK Dc. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ d, STEEL DRUM STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a. AMBIENT De, PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM o f, CAN o g. CARBOY o h, SILO o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o i. FIBER DRUM OJ. BAG o k, BOX o L CYLINDER o m. GLASS BOTTLE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n, PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r. OTHER o 0, TOTE BIN o p. TANK WAGON 223 o c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a, AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # > 90 226 lubricating base oil 227 DYes D No 228 2 230 hydrotreated Dist., Lt. Naphth 231 DYes D No 232 64742525 3 <4 234 lithium base thickeners 235 DYes D No 236 4 < 6 238 additives 239 DYes D No 240 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 229 233 237 241 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 UPCF (1/99) 6 If E7Lase Si n Here OES Fonn 2731 t;'I; - .~- ~ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one Daoe Der material ocr buildino or area) DADD o DELETE o REVISE 200 Page 1!1 of J!1 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 automotive shop EPCRA i:8:I YES 0 NO FACiLITY ID # I I I I II I I I I I I 1 I MAP# (optional) 2031 GRID# (optional) 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes i:8:I No 206 lubricating base oil If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 207 208 EHS* :::: Yes I8J No Mobile SHC 50 svnthetic CAS# 209 N/A *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ¡frequired by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 212 I CURIES 213 TYPE (Check one item only) o a, PURE 181 b, MIXTURE DC, WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes 181 No PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) 0 a. SOLID 181 b, LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 55 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) o a. FIRE o b. REACTIVE o c, PRESSURE RELEASE o d, ACUTE HEALTH o e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 2191 STATE WASTE CODE 220 < 1 55 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS' 181 a, GALLONS o b. CUBIC FEET [;, c. POUNDS o d, TONS 365 (Check one item onlY) · If EHS, amount must be in Dounds, STORAGE CONTAINER o a, ABOVE GROUND TANK De. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM o i. FIBER DRUM o m. GLASS BOTTLE o q, RAIL CAR Db, UNDERGROUND TANK o f. CAN o J BAG On, PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r. OTHER o c, TANK INSIDE BUILDING o g. CARBOY o k. BOX DO. TOTE BIN 181 d. STEEL DRUM o h, SILO o I. CYLINDER o p, TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a, AMBIENT Db. ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 < 15 226 hydro treated distillate 227 DYes i:8:I No 228 64742547 229 2 < 15 230 solvent 231 DYes i:8:I No 232 64742650 233 3 > 85 234 lubricating base oil 235 DYes i:8:I No 236 mixture 237 4 238 239 DYes 0 No 240 241 .. .. DYes D 5 242 243 No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if nOllwcarcinogenic, or 0.1 % by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required infonnaûon. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 JfE~~' Sirn H,,, UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Form 2731 ---~ \ -. ¡¡ -_.> - ~:r e UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Manager : Location: 3800 N SILLECT City BAKERSFIELD MAR \ 2 2000 AVE J;3Y: CommCode: COUNTY STATION 66 EPA Numb: Emergency Contact CHARLE JACKSON Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : Pager Phone : Hazmat Hazards: / Title / MANAGER (661) 326-1595x ~661~ 588=~ RSs Contact : mATT $u.TT!(L MailAddr: 8400 PARDEE DR Ci ty : OAKLAND Owner Address City UNITED PARCEL SERVICE : 8400 PARDEE DR : OAKLAND Period : Preparer: Certif'd: to Emergency Directives: e SiteID: 215-000-001168 BusPhone: Map : 102 Grid: 24A (661) 326-1595 CommHaz : Moderate FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:4215 DunnBrad:00-699-1681 Emergency Contact TERRY RUSSELL Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : Pager Phone : / Title / MANAGER (661) 326-8195x (661) 392-0124x ( ) - x Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Phone: (510) 633-4034x State: CA Zip : 94621 Phone: (510) 633-4034x State: CA Zip : 94621 TotalASTs: = Gal TotalUSTs: = Gal RSs: Yes I C, ~(\..(. JAL."-SOrJ Do hereby certify that ! have , (Type or print name) reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- and that it along with ment plan for \~ 'PS , ( ame of Business) any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for rAY facility. ~re " " ~ -1- 02/29/2000 e e F UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SiteID: 215-000-001168 ì p= Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ì p== Alphabetical Order Fixed Containers on Site ì Hazmat Common Name. . . specHaz EPA Hazards Frm I DailyMax Unit MCP ACETYLENE F P IH G 300.00 FT3 Hi ANTIFREEZE F DH L 55.00 GAL UnR BLAST AWAY F DH L 500.00 GAL Mod BLUE MAGIC L 55.00 GAL UnR GREASE F DH L 55.00 GAL Min LUBRICANT F L 30.00 GAL Min MINERAL SPIRITS F DH L 30.00 GAL Mod MOTOR OIL F DH L 500.00 GAL Min OXYGEN F DH G 300.00 FT3 Low SULFURIC ACID (BATTERIES) F R IH S 8.00 GAL Hi UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 10000.00 GAL Mod UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 10000.00 GAL Mod WASTE OIL F DH L 500.00 GAL Low -2- 02/29/2000 .. e e F UNITED PARCEL SERVICE f= Inventory Item 0005 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ACETYLENE SiteID: 215-000-001168 ì Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ì Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit AUTO SHOP Map: Grid: CAS # 74862 STATE - TYPE Gas Pure PRESSURE Above Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER Largest Container 150.00 FT3 AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 300.00 FT3 Daily Average 70.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS C MPONENTS %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Acetylene Yes 74862 o TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Hi HAZARD ASSESSMENTS f= Inventory Item 0007 F== COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME ANTIFREEZE Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ì Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit AUTO SHOP Map: Grid: CAS # o STATE - TYPE Liquid Pure PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container 55.00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 55.00 GAL Daily Average 25.00 GAL T %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Ethylene Glycol No 107211 HAZARDOUS COMPONEN S HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / UnR -3- 02/29/2000 e e í UNITED PARCEL SERVICE ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë SiteID: 215-000-001168 ¡ íë Inventory Item 0014 ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site j íëë COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëîëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o BLAST AWAY 0 Days On Site 0 o SURFACE BLEND - DETERGENT 0 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ûááááááááááááááááÇ o CAR WASH TUNNEL 0 CAS# 0 o o o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íë STATE ëîë TYPE ëëëîëë PRESSURE ëëëî TEMPERATURE ëëîëëëë CONTAINER TYPE ëëëëë¡ o Liquid 0 Mixture 0 Ambient 0 Ambient 0 METAL CONTAINR-NONDRUM 0 åëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëî AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o Largest Container 0 Daily Maximum 0 Daily Average 0 o 500.00 GAL 0 500.00 GAL 0 250.00 GAL 0 åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj íëëëëëëëîëëëëëëëëëëëëëë HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëîëëëîëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o %Wt. 0 0 RSo CAS# 0 o 5.000Nonylphenoxypolyethyleneoxyethanol 0No 0 260273830 o 1O.000Tetrasodium Ethylenediamine Tetraacetate °No 0 674015070 åëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj íëëëëëëëîëëëîëëëëëëîëëëëëëëëëëë HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ëëëîëëëëëëëëëîëëëëëëëëîëëëëë j °TSecretO RSoBioHazo Radioactive/Amount 0 EPA Hazards 0 NFPA 0 USDOT# 0 MCP 0 o No °No 0 No 0 No/ Curies 0 F DH 0 / / / 0 0 Mod 0 åëëëëëëëüëëëüëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëüëëëëëf e e íë Inventory Item 0015 ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ¡ íëë COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëîëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj o BLUE MAGIC ° Days On Site ° o SURFACE BLEND - DETERGENT 0 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ûááááááááááááááááÇ ° CAR WASH TUNNEL 0 CASH ° o o o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj íë STATE ëîë TYPE ëëëîëë PRESSURE ëëëî TEMPERATURE ëëîëëëë CONTAINER TYPE ëëëëë¡ ° Liquid 0 Mixture 0 Ambient 0 Ambient 0 DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL 0 åëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj íëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëî AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCA nON ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o Largest Container ° Daily Maximum ° Daily Average ° o 55.00 GAL ° 55.00 GAL 0 30.00 GAL 0 åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj íëëëëëëëîëëëëëëëëëëëëëë HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëîëëëîëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj ° %Wt. ° 0 RSo CASH ° åëëëëëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëüëëëüëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj íëëëëëëëîëëëîëëëëëëîëëëëëëëëëëë HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ëëëîëëëëëëëëëîëëëëëëëëîëëëëë i °TSecretO RSoBioHazo Radioactive/Amount 0 EPA Hazards 0 NFPA 0 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ASSEMBLE AT THE FENCE OR PROPERTY PERIMETER DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE 0 o EXIT DOOR. IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR WILL TAKE ATTENDANCE OF ALL EVACUEES AND 0 o PROVIDE FURTHER INSTRUCTION ON HOW TO PROCEED. 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëë Public Notif./Evacuation ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 05/0111996 j o 0 o IN CASE OF EMERGENCY PUBLIC WILL BE NOTIFIED BY WORD OF MOUTH, TO EV ACUA TE 0 o BUILDING. 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëëë Emergency Medical Plan ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 05/0111996 j o 0 o HAVE AN EMERGENCY PHONE LISTING FOR LOCAL POLICE, FIRE, AMBULANCE, HOSPITAL 0 o 0 åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf -10- 02/29/2000 e e í UNITED PARCEL SERVICE ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë SiteID: 215-000-001168 i íëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Fast Format i íë Mitigation/Prevent/ Abatemt ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Overall Site ¡ íëë Release Prevention ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 03/12/1991 j o 0 o DOUBLE WALL TANK, DOUBLE WALL PIPING IN WHICH EACH ARE MONITORED BY A LEAK 0 o DETECTOR. EMERGENCY SHUT OFF SWITCH IS ALSO LOCATED AT THE FUEL PUMPS. 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëë Release Containment ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 03/12/199.1 i o 0 o OUR FUEL SYSTEM CONSISTS OF A DOUBLE WALL TANK, DOUBLE WALL PIPING IN WHICH 0 o EACH ARE MONITORED BY A LEAK DETECTOR. EMERGENCY SHUT OFF SWITCH IS ALSO 0 o LOCATED AT THE FUEL PUMPS. 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëë Clean lJp ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o 0 o o âëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëëë Other Resource Activation ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf -11- 02/29/2000 ~ e e í UNITED PARCEL SERVICE ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë SiteID: 215-000-001168 ¡ íëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Fast Fornaat j íë Site Emergency Factors ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Overall Site i íëë Special lIazards ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëë Utility Shut-Offs ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 03/03/1998 ¡ o 0 o A) GAS - SIDE OF MAIN BLDG ACROSS FROM FUEL PUMPS o B) ELECTRICAL - TO TIlE R INSIDE DOOR o C) WATER - AT ST, L DRIVEWAY AT ENTRANCE o D) SPECIAL - FUEL DISPENSERS EMERGENCY SIIUTOFF o E) LOCK BOX - NO o o o o o o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëë Fire Protec.l Avail. Water ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 03/03/1998 ¡ o 0 o PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FACILITY IS FULLY SPRINKLERED, lIAS MONITORED FLOW 0 o ALARMS, HAND AND 1I0SE EXTINGUISIIERS. 0 o 0 o o o o o FIRE IIYDRANT - 3 WAY PUMPER CONNECTION AT L DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE. o o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëëë Building Occupancy Level ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf -12- 02/29/2000 .. ~' -: e í UNITED PARCEL SERVICE ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë SiteID: 215-000-001168 i íëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Fast Format j ) íë Training ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Overall Site j íëë Employee Training ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 07/10/1997 i o 0 o WE HAVE 185 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. o o o o WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. o o o o BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEE'S ARE TRAINED ON MSDS BY READING THE o MSDS FOLDER WHICH IS LOCATED ON SITE IN THE AUTO SHOP. 0 o o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëë Page 2 ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëë Held for Future Use ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ 0 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëëë Held for Future U se ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë ¡ o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf -13- 02/29/2000 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM BUSINESS ACTIVITIES FACILITY ID# United Parcel Service FACILITY INFORMATION EPA ID # (Hazardous Waste Only) (..1'\ Cjf J. if 0 .3D (p§ 2 3 Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous m~terials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable Federal threshold quantity for an extremely hazardous substance specified in 40 CFR Part 355, Appendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emergency plan is required pursuant to 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) 1. Own or operate underground storage tanks? 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? 1:8:1 YES D NO 4 1:8:1 YES D NO 5 D YES 181 NO 6 3. Need to report closing a UST? C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: --any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or --the total capacity for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? D. HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. Generate hazardous waste? D YES 181 NO 7 D YES 181 NO 8 1:8:1 YES D NO 9 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted recyclable materials (per HSC 25143.2)? 3. Treat hazardous waste on site? D YES 181 NO 10 D YES 181 NO 11 4. Treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for DYES 181 NO Permit by Rule and Conditional Authorization)? 12 5. Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? DYES 181 NO 13 6. Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that was classified as DYES 181 NO 14 hazardous waste and cleaned oDSite? E. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS HAZARDOUS MATERUUB INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (OES 2731) UST FACILITY (Formerly SWRCB Fonn A) UST TANK (one page per t2nk) (Fonœrly Fonn B) UST FACILITY UST TANK (one per t2nk) UST INST ALLA TION - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (one page per Wlk) (Fonœrly Fonn C) UST T ANI( (closure portion -one page per t2nk) NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAs EPA ID NUMBER - provide at the top of this page RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT (one per recycler) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - FACILITY (Fonnerly DTSC Forms 1m) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - UNIT (one page per unit) (Formerly DTSC Forms 1m A,B,C.D and L) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE (Formerly DTSC Fonn 1232) REMOTE WASTE I CONSOLIDATION SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Fonn 1196) HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE CERTIFICATION (Fonœrly DTSCFonn 1249) (You may also be required 10 provide additional information by yourCUPA or local agency,) IS UPCF (1199) 2 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION Page ¿ of I. IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID# \ BEGINNING DATE 01/01/01 12/31/01 3 BUSINESS PHONE 510-633-4035 \00 ENDING DATE 101 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service, IDe BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 3800 N Sillect Ave. CITY Bakersfield DUN & BRADSTREET 00-699-168] COUNTY Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME Charlie Jackson 102 \æ CA ZIP CODE 93308 106 SIC CODE (4 digit #) 4215 105 \04 \07 \08 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE 661-326-1595 110 n.. BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME BT of Ohio OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 55 Glenlake Parkwa , NE CITY Atlanta 11\ OWNER PHONE 112 113 CONTACT NAME Stace B rem CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 8400 Pardee Dr CITY Oakland 114 STATE GA Ill. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT 117 CONTACT PHONE 510-633-4035 115 ZIP CODE 30328 116 118 119 -PRIMARY - \20 STATE CA IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS \2\ ZIP CODE 94621 -SECONDARY- \22 123 NAME Stace B rem \24 TITLE District Environmental Coordinator 125 BUSINESS PHONE 510-633-4035 126 24-HOUR PHONE 510-448-7633 127 PAGER # 510-448-7633 128 NAME Rick Garcia TITLE Plant En . eerin BUSINESS PHONE 559-442-2925 24-HOUR PHONE 559-263-0954 PAGER # 559-263-0954 ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECfED INFORMATION: \29 \30 131 132 133 Certificaûon: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the informaûon, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the infoI1lláûon submitted and believe the informaûon is true, accurate, and complete. 136 \34 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 SIGNA TIJRE OF OWNER/OPERA TOR OR DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE NAME OF SIGNER (prim) Dou Ra 137 UPCF ( 1/99 revised) 4 OES FORM 2730 (1/99) UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - FACILITY (one page per site) Page -ª- of Jí TYPE OF ACTION 0 I, NEW SITE PERMIT 0 3. RENEW AI. PERMIT (Check one item only) 04, AMENDED PERMIT I8IS,CHANGE OF INFORMATION specify change local use only o 6,1EMPORARY SJ1E CLOSURE o 7.PERMANENIL Y CLOSED SITE o 8. TANK REMOVED 400 I. FACILITY I SITE INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 FACILITY ID# United Parcel ServiCe NEAREST CROSS STREET ~I Buck Owens Blvd. BUSINESS 01. GAS STATION 03. FARM 05. COMMERCIAL TYPE 0 2. DISTRlBUTOR 0 4, PROCESSOR ~ 6. OTHER ~3 402 TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS Is facility on Indian Reservation or *If owner ofUST is a public agency: name of supervisor of division, section or office which REMAINING AT SITE trustlands? operates the UST (11ùs is the contact peISon for the tank records.) 2 404 0 Yes ~ No ~5 406 II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION pROPERTY OWNER NAME BT of Ohio MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS 55 Glenlake Parkwa , NE CITY Atlanta PROPERTY OWNER TYPE [8 1. CORPORATION 407 PHONE 408 409 410 STATE 411 ZIP CODE GA 30328 o 2, INDIVIDUAL 0 4, LOCAL AGENCY / DISTRlCT 03. PARTNERSHIP 05. COUNTY AGENCY 412 o 6. STATE AGENCY o 7, FEDERAL AGENCY 413 ill. TANK OWNER INFORMATION TANK OWNER NAME United Parcel SeIVÍce MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS 8400 Pardee Dr. CITY QaIœIftd ~A/~ ("#Ii) TANK OWNER TYPE (Htn P J~Y\.\- ~~ ; (\(.(y' r\t PHONE 510-633-4035 415 416 [8 1. CORPORATION 417 STATE 418 ZIP CODE ca 94621 o 2. INDIVIDUAL 0 4. LOCAL AGENCY / DISTRICT 03. PARTNERSHIP 05. COUNTY AGENCY 419 06. STATE AGENCY 07. FEDERAL AGENCY 420 TY IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER Call 916) 322-9669 if uestions arise V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSffiILITY 421 INDICATE METHOD(s) ~ 1. SELF-INSURED 02. GUARANTEE o 3. INSURANCE 04. SURETY BOND 07. STATE FUND 05. LEITER OF CREDIT 08. STATE FUND & CFO LEITER 06. EXEMPTION 09. STATE FUND & CD o 10. LOCAL GOVT MECHANISM o 99. 01l:lER: 422 VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Check one box to indicate which address should be used for legal notifications and mailing. Legal notifications and mailings will be sent to the tank owner unless box 1 or 2 is checked, o I, FACILITY 02, PROPERTY OWNER 03. T ANI< OWNER 423 VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Certilication -I certify that the ÍIlfonnation provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE 424 PHONE 415 l-I-~I 510-633-4037 426 TITLE OF APPLICANT 427 District Plant Engineering Manager 428 1998 UPGRADE CERTIFICATE NUMBER (For local use only) 429 NAME OF APPLICANT (print) Doug Ray STATE UST FACILITY NUMBER (For local use only) UPCF (1199 revised) 8 FonnerIy SWRCB Fonn A UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK PAGE 1 (two pages per tank) Page TYPE OF ACTION 0 I NEW SITE PERMIT' 0 4 AMENDED PERMIT 0 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 0 6 TElvIPORARY SITE CLOSURE (Check one item only) 0 1 PERMANENfL Y CLOSED ON SITE ~ 3 RENEWAL PERMIT (speçif¡ reoson - for 10<0l use only) (Specif¡ reoson - for 10<0l use only) 0 8 TANK REMOVED 430 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) FACILITY ID: I 3 United Parcel Service LOCATION WITIIIN SITE (Optional) 431 Fuel Island I. TANK DESCRIPTION (A scaled plot plan with the location of the UST system including buildings and landmarks shall be submitted to the local agency,) TANK ID # 432 TANK MANUF ACTIJRER 433 COMPARTMENT ALIZED TANK 0 Y es ~ No 434 01 Owens Comin If"Yes",oompleteonepagefotc=hcotnpalbnt:nt DATE INSTALLED (YEAR/MO) 435 TANKCAPACITYINGALWNS 436 NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS 437 11/87 10,000 ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION (For tocal use only) 438 ß. TANK CONTENTS TANK USE 439 ~ L MOTOR VEIDCLE FUEL (lfmarked complete Pe1roIeum Type) 02, NON-FUEL PElROLEUM o 3, CHEMICAL PRODUCT 04, HAZARDOUS WASTE (Includes Used Oil) 095. UNKNOWN PETROLEUM TYPE ~ la, REGULAR UNLEADED 02. LEADED o Ib, PREMIUM UNLEADED 0 3, DIESEL Ole, MIDGRADE UNLEADED 04, GASOHOL COMMON NAME (from Hazardoœ Materials hM:n1oly page) unleaded gasoline '440 o 5. JET FUEL 06, AVIATION FUEL o 99. OTHER 441 CAS# (from Hazardous Materials InventOIy page) 8006619 442 III. TANK CONSTRUCfION TYPE OF TANK L SINGLE WALL 03, SINGLE WALL WITH 5, SINGLE WALL WITH INfERNAL BLADDER SYSTEM 443 (Check one item only) EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER 0 95, UNKNOWN ~2. DOUBLE WALL 04, SIGNLEWALLIN VAULT 099, OTHER TANKMATERIAL-prittwytank L BARE STEEL 3, FffiERGLASS/PLASTIC 5. CONCRETE 95, UNKNOWN 444 (Check one item only) 02. STAINLESS STEEL 04, STEEL CLADWIFIBERGLASS 08, FRPCOMPTIBLE W/IOOOÆ,METHANOL 099. OTIffiR REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) TANKMA1ERIAL-secondalytank L BARE STEEL 3, FIBERGLASS/PLASTIC 5, CONCRETE 95, UNKNOWN 445 (Check one item only) 02. STAINLESS STEEL 04, STEEL CLAD WIFIBERGLASS 0 8, FRP COMPTIBLE W/IOOOÆ, METHANOL 0 99, OTHER REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) 0 10. COATED STEEL 05, CONCRETE TANK INTERIOR LINING OLRUBBERLINED o 3. EPOXY LINING 05,GLASSLINING 095,UNKNOWN 446 DATE INSTALLED 447 OR COATING (Check one item only) 02 ALKYD LINING 04 PHENOUC LINING ~ 6 UNLINED o 99 OTHER (For local use only) OTHER CORROSION 0 I MANUFACTURED CATHODIC PROTECTION IF APPLICABLE PROTECTION (Check one item only) 0 2 SACRIF1CIAL ANODE SPll-L AND OVERFILL YEAR INSTALLED (Check all that apply) ~ I SPILL CONT AINMENf o 3 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC 04 IMPRESSED CURRENT 095 UNKNOWN 099 OTHER 448 DA TE INSTALLED 449 450 TYPE (l0<0l use only) 451 OVERFILL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT:YEAR INSTALLED (For local use only) 452 o ) VISUAL (EXPOSED PORTION ONL Y) 05 MANUAL TANK GAUGING (MTG) 02 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING (ATG) 0 6 VADOSE ZONE 03 CONTINUOUS ATG 01 GROUNDWATER 04 STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION 08 TANK TESTING (SIR) BIENNIAL TANK TESTING 0 99 OTIIER IV. TANK CWSURE INFORMATION I PERMANENT CLOSURE IN PLACE ESTIMATEDDATELASTUSED(YRlMOIDAY) 455 ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING 456 TANK Fll..LED WITH INERTMATERlAL7 gallons 0 Yes 0 No 02 DROP TUBE o 3 STRIKER PLATE IV. T ANI( LEAK DETECfION (A description oCthe monitoring progmn sbaIJ be submítted to the tocalagency,) IF SINGLE WALL TANK (Check all that apply) 453 IF OOUBLE W ALL TANK OR TANK WITH BLADDER (Check <me item only) o I VISUAL (SINGLE WALL IN VAULT ONLY) ~ 2 CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING o 3 MANUAL MONITORlNG ~ I ALARM 02 BALL FLOAT ~ 3 Fll..L TIJBE SHUT OFF VALVE o 4 EXEMPT 454 457 UPCF (12/99 revised) 10 Formerly SWRCB Form B UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK PAGE 2 VI. PIPING CONSTRUCTION (Check all that apply) Page ~ of L~ UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SYSTEM TYPE ~ 1. PRESSURE D 2. SUCTION D 3, GRAVITY 458 D 1. PRESSURE D 2, SUCTION D 3, GRAVITY 459 CONSTRUCTION D 1. SINGLE WALL D 3. LINED 1RENCH D 99, OTHER 460 D 1. SINGLE WALL D 95, UNKNOWN 462 MANUFACTIJRER ~ 2. DOUBLE WALL D 95. UNKNOWN D 2. DOUBLE WALL D 99, OTHER MANUFACTURER 461 MANUFACTURER 463 D 1. BARE STEEL D 6, FRP COMPATIBLE w/lOOO/o METIiANOL D 1. BARE STEEL D 6, FRP COMPATIBLE W/lOO'YoMETHANOL D 2. STAINLESS STEEL D 7, GAL V ANIZED STEEL D Unknown D 2, STAINLESS STEEL D 7. GAL V ANIZED STEEL D 3, PLASTIC COMPATIBLE WI CONTENTS D 99, Other D 3, PLASTIC COMPATIBLE WI CONTENTS D 8. FLEXIBLE (HOPE) D 99. OTHER ~ 4, FIBERGLASS D 8, FLEXIBLE (HOPE) D 4, F1BERGLASS D 9, CATHODIC PROTECTION D 5. STEEL W/COATING D 9, CATHODIC PROTECTION 464 D 5, STEEL W/COATING D 95, UNKNOWN 465 VII. PIPING LEAK DETECTION (Check all thatawlv) (A description of the monito ' shall be submitted to the locaI8I<CßCV.) UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 466 SINGLE WALL PIPING 467 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all that apply): PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check an that apply): ~ I, ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3,0 GPH TEST WIlli AurO PUMP SHUT D I, ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3,0 GPH TEST WITH AurO PUMP OFF FOR LEAK, SYSTEM FAILURE, AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + SHUT OFF FOR LEAK, SYSTEM FAILURE, AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS, ~ 2. MONTHLY 0,2 GPH TEST D 2. MONTHLY 0,2 GPH TEST D 3, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0,] GPH) D 3, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (O,tGPH) D 4, DAILY VISUAL CHECK CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (Check all that apply) D 5, DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM + TRIENNIAL PIPING D 5, DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM INTEGRITY TEST (0,) GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALUES IN BELOW GROUNDPIPING): D 6. TRIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.] GPH) D 7, SELF MONITORING SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): GRAVITY FLOW D 7, SELF MONITORING D 9. BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.) GPH) GRAVITY FLOW (Check all that apply): D 8. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING D 9. BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0. I GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING SECONDAFrrLYCONTAlNEDPIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all that apply): PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all that apply): ]0, CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR WITH AUDIBLE AND VISUAL 10, CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR WITH AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (Check one) ALARMS AND (Check one) D a. AurO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS D a AurO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS r2SI b, AurO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS, SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM Db AurO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS, SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION DISCONNECTION Dc, NO AurO PUMP SHUT OFF Dc NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF D]I. AurOMATICLINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,OGPH TEST) WITH FLOW SHUT D 11. AurOMATlCLEAKDETECTOR OFF OR RESlRICTION D]2, ANNUAL INTEGRI!Y TEST (0,] GPH) D 12, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) SUCTION/GRA VITY SYSTEM SUCTION/GRAVITY SYSTEM D 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS D 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check all that apply) EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check aD that apply) D ]4, CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF· D 14, CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF· AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS D 15, AurOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) WITHOUT FLOW D 15, AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPHTEST) SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION D 16, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.] GPH) D 16, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0,] GPH) D ]7, DAILY VISUAL CHECK D 17, DAILY VISUAL CHECK VIII. DISPENSER CONTAINMENT DISPENSER CONTAINMENT ~ ], FLOAT MECHANISM THAT SHUTS OFF SHEAR VALVE D 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK DATE INSTALLED 468 D 2. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS D 5. TRENCH LINER I MONITORING D 3, CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR WITH AUTO SHUT OFF FOR D 6. NONE 469 DISPENSER + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS IX. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE 1 œrti!ÿ that the infonna1Ïon provided bemn is troe and a«:mate to the best of my~, . SIGNATURE OF OWNERlOPERATL A DATE 470 1-/-0/ NAME OF OWNER/OPRATOR (print) / ø 471 TIlLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR 4n Doug Ray District Plant Encineerin~ Mana~er Permit Nmnber (For local use only) 473 Permit Approved (For local use only) 474 Pennit Expiration Date (For local use only) 475 UPCF (12/99 revised) 12 Fonnerly SWRCB Fonn B UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK PAGE 1 TYPE OF ACTION 0 I NEW SITE PERMIT . 04 AMENDED PERMIT o 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 06 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE (Check one item only) 0 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE 181 3 RENEWAL PERMIT (Specifÿ n:ason - for local use only) (Specifÿ reason - for local use only) 0 8 TANK REMOVED 430 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) FACILITY ID: 3 United Parcel Service LOCATION WITHIN SITE (Optional) 431 Fuel Island I. TANK DESCRIPTION (A scaled plot plan with the location of the UST system including buildings and landmarks shall be subDÙtted to the local agency.) TANKID# 432 TANK MANUFACTURER 433 COMPARTMENTAUZEDTANK DYes 181 No 434 02 Owens Comin If"Yes", compIete one page for each compartment DATE INSTALLED (YEARlMO) 435 TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS 436 NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS 437 11/87 10,000 ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION (For local use only) 438 II. TANK CONTENTS TANK USE 439 1811. MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL Of marked complete Petrolemn Type) o 2, NON-FlÆL PE1ROLEUM o 3. CHEMICAL PRODUCT 04, HAZARDOUS WASTE (Includes Used Oil) o 95, UNKNOWN PETROLEUM TYPE 1811a, REGULAR UNLEADED 0 2, LEADED o Ib, PREMIUM UNLEADED 03. DIESEL Ole, MIDGRADE UNLEADED 04, GASOHOL COMMON NAME (úom Hazardous Materials Invmtory page) unleaded gasoline 440 o 5, JET FlÆL o 6. AVIATION FlÆL o 99, OTHER 441 CAS# (from Hazardous Materials Inventory page) 8006619 442 III. TANK CONSTRUCTION TYPE OF TANK 1. SINGLE WALL 03, SINGLE WALL WITH 5. SINGLE WALL WITH INTERNAL BLADDER SYSTEM 443 (Check one item only) EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER 0 95, UNKNOWN 1812, DOUBLE WALL 04, SIGNLE WALL IN VAULT 0 99, OTHER TANK MATERIAL -prirmlIYtanIc 0 1. BARE STEEL 1813. FIBERGLASS I PLASTIC 5, CONCRETE 95. UNKNOWN 444 (Check one item only) 02, STAINLESS STEEL 04, STEEL CLADWIFIBERGLASS 08, FRPCOMPTIBLE WIlOO"/oMETHANOL 0 99. OTHER REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) TANKMATERIAL-secondarytanlc 01. BARE STEEL 3, FIBERGLASS/PLASTIC 5, CONCRETE 95. UNKNOWN 445 (Check one item only) 02, STAINLESS STEEL 04, STEELCLADWIFIBERGLASS 08, FRPCOMPTffiLEW/IOO%METHANOL 099,OTJlER REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) 0 10. COATED STEEL o 5, CONCRETE TANK IN1ERIOR LINING 0 1. RUBBER LINED 03. EPOXY LINING 05. GLASS LINING 095, UNKNOWN 446 DATE INSTALLED 447 OTHER CORROSION 0 I MANUFACIURED CATHODIC 03 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION IF APPI.ICABLE PROTECTION 0 4 IMPRESSED CURRENT (Checl< one item only) 0 2 SACRIFICIAL ANODE SPll.L AND OVERFIlL YEAR INSTALLED (Check all that apply) 1811 SPIlL CONTAINMENT D 2 DROP 1UBE D 3 STRIKER PLATE IV. TANK LEAK DETECTION (A description oflhe monitoring progmn sha1I be submitted to the local agency,) IF SINGLE WAIL TANK (Check all that apply) 453 IF DOUBLE W ALL TANK OR TANK WITH BLADDER (Checl< one item only) 01 VISUAL (SINGLE WALL IN VAULT ONLY) 1812 CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING 03 MANUAL MONITORING OR COATING (Checl< one item only) 02 ALKYD LINING 1816 UNLINED o 4 PHENOLIC LINING 450 TYPE Oocal use only) 451 o 99 OTHER 095 UNKNOWN o 99 OTHER 448 (For local use only) DATE INSTALLED 449 OVERFll.L PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: YEAR INSTALLED (For local use only) 452 1811 ALARM o 2 BALL FLOAT 181 3 Fll.L TIJBE SHUT OFF VALVE 04 EXEMPT 454 o I VISUAL (EXPOSED PORTION ONLY) 0 5 MANUAL TANK GAUGING (MfG) 02 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING (ATG) 0 6 VADOSE ZONE o 3 CONTINUOUS ATG 0 7 GROUNDWATER 04 STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCll.IATION 08 TANK TESTING (SIR) BIENNIAL TANK TESTING 0 99 OTHER IV. TANK CWSURE INFORMATION I PERMANENT CLOSURE IN PLACE ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (YRJMOIDA Y) 455 ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING gallons TANK Fll.LED WITH INERT MATERIAL? Dyes D No UPCF (12/99 revised) 10 456 457 Fonuerly SWRCB Fonu B UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM TANKS UNDERGROUNDSTORAGETANKS-TANKPAGE2 VI. PIPING CONSTRUCTION (Check aD that apply) Page '1 of IC, UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SYSTEM TYPE 1811. PRESSURE 02, SUCTION o 3, GRAVITY 458 o I. PRESSURE o 2, SUCTION 03. GRAVITY 459 CONSTRUCTION 0 I. SINGLE WALL o 3, LINED TRENCH o 99, OTHER 460 o I. SINGLE WALL o 95, UNKNOWN 462 MANUFACTIJRER 1812, DOUBLE WALL o 95. UNKNOWN o 2. DOUBLE WALL o 99, OTHER MANUFACTURER 461 MANUFACTURER 463 o I. BARE STEEL 06, FRP COMPATIBLE w/IOa-" ME1HANOL o I. BARE STEEL D"FF.J>COMPATlBLE WIlOO%ME1HANOL o 2, STAINLESS STEEL o 7, GALVANIZED STEEL o Unknown o 2 STAINLESS STEEL o 7, GALVANIZED STEEL 03, PLASTIC COMPATIBLE WI CONTENTS 099. Other 03, PLASTIC COMPATIBLE WI CONTENTS o 8, FLEXIBLE (HDPE) o 99, OTHER 1814, FIBERGLASS o 8, FLEXIBLE (HDPE) o 4, FIBERGLASS 09. CA11l0DICPROTECTION D 5. STEEL W/COATlNG o 9. CATHODIC PROTECTION 464 05, STEEL W/COATlNG D 95, UNKNOWN 465 VII. PIPING LEAK DETECTION (Check aD that aooly) (A description orlb. m shall be 5Ubmitted to 1b.1ocaI8I<1'ßCY,) UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 466 SINGLE WALL PIPING 467 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check aD that apply): PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check aD that apply): 1811, ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3,0 GPH TEST MIH AlITO PUMP SHUT o 1, ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3,0 GPH TEST WI11l AlITO PUMP OFF FOR LEAK, SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS, AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS, 1812, MONTIIL Y 0,2 GPH TEST o 2, MONTIIL Y 0,2 GPH TEST D 3, ANNUAL INfEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) 03, ANNUAL INfEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) 04, DAILY VISUAL CHECK CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (Check aD that apply) D 5. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM + TRIENNIAL PIPING o 5, DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM INfEGRITY TEST (0, I GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO V ALVES IN BELOW GROUNDPIPING): o 6. TRIENNIAL INfEGRITY TEST (0, I GPH) D 7, SELF MONITORING SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): GRAVITY FLOW o 7, SELF MONITORING D 9, BIENNIAL INfEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) GRAVITY FLOW (Check aD that apply): o 8, DAILY VISUAL MONITORING o 9, BIENNIAL INfEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check aD that apply): PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check aD that apply): 10, CONTINUOUS TIJRBINE SUMP SENSOR WITII AUDIBLE AND VISUAL 1o, CONTINUOUS TIJRBINE SUMP SENSOR MIH AUDIBLE AND .vISUAL ALARMS AND (Check on.) ALARMS AND (Check one) D a. AlITO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o a AlITO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS 181 b, AlITO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM o b AlITO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS, SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION DISCONNECTION Dc, NO AlITO PUMP SHUT OFF Dc NO AlITO PUMP SHUT OFF D 11. AlITOMATICLINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPH TEST) WITH FLOW SHUT 0\1, AlITOMATICLEAKDETECTOR OFF OR RESlRICTION D 12, ANNUALINfEGRITYTEST(O.1 GPH) 012. ANNUAL INfEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) SUCTION/GRA VITY SYSTEM SUCTION/GRA V1TY SYSTEM D 13, CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check aD that apply) EMERGENCY GENERA TORS ONLY (Check aD that apply) D 14, CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITIIOUT AlITO PUMP SHUT OFF· o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOlIT AlITO PUMP SHUT OFF· AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS D 15. AlITOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPH TEST) WITIIOlIT FLOW 015. AlITOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPH TEST) SHUT OFF OR RESlRICTION o 16, ANNUAL INfEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) o 16, ANNUAL INfEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) 0\7, DAILY VISUAL CHECK 017, DAILY VISUAL CHECK VDI. DISPENSER CONTAINMENT DISPENSER CONTAINMENT 1811, FLOAT MECHANISM TIIAT SHUTS OFF SHEAR VALVE 04, DAILY VISUAL CHECK DATE INSTALLED 468 o 2, CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 5. TRENCH LINER I MONITORING o 3, CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR JMTIj AUTO SHUT OFF FOR 06, NONE 469 DISPENSER + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS IX. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE 1 certi1Y that the information provided herein is true and accunte to the best of my 1cnowIedge, SIGNA11JRE OF OWNERJ.LRATOR DATE 470 . L J-/-cJ , NAME OF OWNER/OPRA}'ORlilínt) 471 TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR 472 Dou~ Ray District Plant Engineering Manager Pennit Number (For local use only) 473 Pennit Approved (For local use only) 414 Pennit Expiration Date (For local use only) 415 UPCF (12/99 revised) 12 Former1y SWRCB Form B UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one pa2e per mareñal per building or area) DADD DDELETE JŒVISE 2001 Page 1.!1 of J!f I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United. Parcel Service . .' CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 automotive shop EPCRA 1:81 YES D NO FACiLITY!D# I I I I I I I I I I I I MAP# (optional) 2031 GRID# (optional) 204 ll. CHENUCALThœORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET D Yes 1:81 No 206 -~ lubricating base oil If Subject 10 EPCRA, ~fer 10 inslrUClions COMMON NAME '1iJ7 208 EHS* = Yes I8J No Mobile SHC 50 svnthetic CASH 209 NfA *IfEHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 212 I 213 TYPE (Checlc one item only) D a. PURE 181 b. MIXTURE Dc. WASTE 211 RADlOACfIVE Dyes 181 No CURIES PHYSICAL STATE 21S (ChecJc one item only) D a, SOLID 181 b. LIQUID D c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 55 FED HAZARD CA TEGORIES 216 (ChecJc all mal apply) D a. FIRE D b. REACfIVE D c. PRESSURE RELEASE D d, ACUTE HEALTH D e. CHRONIC HEALTII AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 217 t MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219/ STATE WASTE CODE 220 < I - 55 221 I DAYS ON SITE: m UNITS' 181 a. GALLONS D b. CUBIC FEET C c. POUNDS D d. TONS 365 (OecJc one item onlv) * If EHS, amount must be in DoundS. STORAGE CONTAINER D a, ABOVE GROUND TANK D e. PLASTlClNONMETALLlC DRUM D i. FIBER DRUM D m. GLASS BOTTLE D q. RAIL CAR D b, UNDERGROUND TANK D f. CAN D j. BAG D n. PLASTIC BOTILE D r. OTHER D c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING D g. CARBOY D k. BOX D o. TOTE BIN 181 d, STEEL DRUM D h. SILO o L CYLINDER o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT D b. ABOVE AMBIENT D c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT D b. ABOVE AMBIENT D c. BELOW AMBIENT D d. CRYOGENIC 22S %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 < 15 226 hydrotreated distillate 2ZT DYes 1:81 No 228 64742547 229 2 < 15 230 solvent 231 DYes 1:81 No 232 64742650 233 3 > 85 234 lubricating base oil 23S D Yes 181 No 236 mixture m 4 238 239 DYes D No 240 241 " . . 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 24S U mon bazardous compooeDls lITe present al groater thaD 1 ~ by weigbt if ~gmie, or 0.1 ~ by weigbt if cardDogeuic, attach acIdiIiona1 sheets of paper capturiDc the nqulred lnformatioD. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECfED INFORMATION 246 If 2""", S;m If~ UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Form 273 I UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one "'''''' "'" maleriaJ per buildillJ! or :uea) OADD ODELETE o REVISE 2001 Page 1:1 of 1!1 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 Unite~ P~!œ~ ,~~rvke, ..... '. . .._._-~ CHEMICAL LOCÃTì'óN 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 Automotive Shop EPCRA ~ YES 0 NO FACILITY ID H I I I I I I I I I I 1 I MAPH (optional) 203/ GRID# (optional) 204 ll. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes ~ No 206 Ethylene Glycol " If SubjecllO EPCRA, rerer 10 insuuctions COMMON NAME 2fJI 208 EHS* DYes 181 No Anti-freeze CASH 209 107211 *IfEHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Cou.,lete ir r"",ired by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUS MA TERJAL 2121 213 TYPE (Check one item only) o a. PURE 181 b. MIXTIJRE Dc. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes 181 No CURIES PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) o a, SOLID 181 b. LIQUID o c, GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 110 FED HAZARD CA TEGORJES 216 (Check all mal apply) o a, FIRE 0 b, REACfIVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE 181 d. ACUTE HEALTH 181 e, CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 2191 STATE WASTE CODE 220 1 110 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS· 181 a. GALLONS o b. QJBIC FEET o c, POUNDS o d. TONS 365 (Check one item only) · If EHS, amounl must be in pounds. STORAGE CONTAINER o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK. 181 e. PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM o i. FIBER DRUM o m. GLASS BOTfLE o q. RAIL CAR o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o f. CAN o j. BAG o n. PLASTIC BOTfLE 0 r, OTHER Dc. TANK INSIDE BUIlDING o g. CARBOY o k. BOX o o. TOTE BIN o d. STEEL DRUM o b. SILO o I. CYLINDER o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATIJRE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # I 85-95 226 Ethylene Glycol 1I1 o Yes ~ No 228 107211 229 2 <5 230 diethylene glycol 231 o Yes 181 No 232 111466 233 3 <5 234 hydrated inorganic acid, sodium salt 235 o Yes 181 No 236 proprietary 2J7 4 <5 238 water 239 DYes 181 No 240 7732185 241 5 242 243 o Yes 0 No 244 245 If IDÐI'e bazardous eompoaeuls ""' preseut at greater than 1'310 by weight if ~ or 0.1'310 by weight if can:ù>ogeuic, attacb additional sheets 01 paper upturiDg !be required iDformatioa. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECrED INFORMATION 246 ~þ If EPCRA Please Si21l Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUSMATFJUALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one I>a£e Der material Der buildißl! or area) DADD '"MPELETE DREVISE 2001 Page l!l of ~ I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Parcel Service . ' ". _. CHEMICAL LOéATÎÕÑ'- " . '.. 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL '-'--"'-:52 automotive shop EPCRA 181 YES 0 NO FACILITY ID # I I I I I I I I I I I I MAP# (optional) 2031 GRID# (optional) 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes 181 No 206 acetylene ., If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 2íJT 208 acetvlene EHS* 181 Yes 0 No CASt 209 74862 *If EHS is "Yes". all amounts below must be in 100. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (eon.,lete if required by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUSMATE~AL 212 I CU~ES 213 TYPE (Check one item only) 181 a. PURE D b. MIXTIlRE Dc. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes 181 No PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) D a, SOUD D b. UQUID 181 c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 8.76 FED HAZARD CA TEGO~ES 216 (Check allma! apply) r:81 a. ARE D b. REACfIVE r:81 c, PRESSURE RELEASE r:81 d. ACUTE HEALTH D e. CHRONIC HEALTII AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219/ STATE WASTE CODE 220 < 1 17.52 221 I DAYS ON SITE: Z22 UNITS· D a. GALLONS D b. CUBIC FEET r:81 c, POUNDS D d, TONS 365 (Check one item only) · If EHS, amount nmst be in pounds. STORAGE CONTAINER D a. ABOVE GROUND TANK D e. PLASTICtNONMETALLIC DRUM o i. ABER DRUM o m. GLASS BOTILÈ o q. RAIL CAR Db. UNDERGROUND TANK D f. CAN D j. BAG D n. PLASTIC BOTfLE D r. OTHER D c. TANK INSIDE BUIWING D g. CARBOY o k. BOX o o. TOTE BIN o d. STEEL DRUM o h. SILO r:81 I. CYUNDER o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE a. AMBIENT .. b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BEWW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE a. AMBIENT ~ b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 22S %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASU 1 95-99 226 acetylene 'JZ1 181 Yes 0 No 228 74862 229 2 230 acetone 231 181 Yes 0 No 232 67641 233 3 234 235 DYes 0 No 236 - m 4 238 239 o Yes 0 No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes 0 No 244 245 II JDOJ'1! hazardous ampoaeals are pnseut al puler tbaa 1~ b, weight if~. Or 0.1 ~ b, weigbt if cardDogaùc, attac:b additional sbeets or paper capturing !be RC uind lDformatioo. ADDmONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 ~þ If EPCRA Please Sil!ß Here UPCF (1199) 6 OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one """" per material DCr buj dj"" or area) DADD ODELETE o REVISE 2001 Page 16 of B I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Parcel_ Serviœ ----2õ2 CHEMItÀL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL automotive shop EPCRA t81YES D NO FACILITY ID # I I I I I I I I I I I I MAP# (optional) 2031 GRID# (optional) 204 ß. CHEl\ßCAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes t8I No 206 oxy~en .~ If Subject to EPCRA, ",fer to instructions COMMON NAME 'NT 208 EHS* DYes t8I No oxv£!en CASH 209 7782447 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ills. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ifrequirro by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUSMATEffiAL 212 I CURIES 213 TYPE (Check one item only) ~ a. PURE 0 b, MIXTIJRE DC, WASTE 211 RADlOACflVE DYes ~No PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) o a. SOLID 0 b, LIQUID ~ c, GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 125 FED HAZARD CA TEGOffiES 216 (Check all that apply) ~ a. ARE 0 b. REACfIVE ~ c, PRESSURE RELEASE o d, ACUTE HEALTH ~ e. CHRONIC HEALTII AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 211 I MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219/ STATE WASTE CODE 220 1 250 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS· o a. GALWNS ~ b. ruBlC FEET o c. POUNDS o d. TONS 365 (Check one item only) · If EHS, amount must be in powxIs. STORAGE CONTAINER o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o e. PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM o i. ABER DRUM o m. GLASS B01TLE o q. RAIL CAR o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o f. CAN o j. BAG o n. PLASTIC BOITLE 0 r. OTHER o c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o g. CARBOY o k. BOX o o. TOTE BIN o d. STEEL DRUM Dh,SIW ~ J. CYUNDER o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE iI a. AMBIENT ø b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BEWW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERA TIJRE ~ a. AMBIENT ¢ b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BEWW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 22S %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 226 1I1 DYes D No 228 229 2 230 231 o Yes D No 232 233 3 234 235 DYes 0 No 236 m 4 238 239 D Yes 0 No 240 241 5 242 243 o Yes 0 No 244 245 II man bazard_ compoueals ore pre5eld al greater tIwo 1 ~ by weighl if aoa-ardDor;eulc:, or 0.1 ~ b1 weighllf cllJ'cløo :eDlc, attach additloDaJ sbects 01 paper capturiøg !be rcquind lDfoomatioo. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 f~ If E RA Please SÏ!>n Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Form 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one m.e per material Der buildill2 or area) DADD o DELETE o REVISE 2001 Page lit. of f) I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Pm:cel Sçrvice CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENfIAL 1l1l carwash tunnel EPCRA 181 YES 0 NO FACILITY ID # I I I I I I I I ì I 1 I MAP# (optional) 2031 GRID# (optional) 204 ll. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 20S TRADE SECRET o Yes 181 No 206 surface blend ... If Subject to EPCRA. refer to instructions COMMON NAME 2fJ1 208 Blast A way Deterl!ent EHS* DYes 181 No CASU 209 N/A *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (~Iete if required by CUPA) 210 I flammable HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 212 I 213 TYPE (Checlc: one item only) o a. PURE !81 b, MIXTURE DC. WASTE 211 RADIOACflVE DYes !81 No CURIES PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Checlc: one item only) o a. SOLID !81 b. LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 300 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) o a. ARE 0 b. REACTIVE o c, PRESSURE RELEASE !81 d, ACUTE HEALTH !81 e. ŒRONIC HEALTII AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 ~X~MUM DAI:fôöOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 2191 STATE WASTE CODE 220 4 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS· IX a, GALLONS o b, CUBIC FEET := c. POUNDS o d, TONS 365 (Checlc: one item onJv) · If EHS, amount must be in nounds. STORAGE CONTAINER D a, ABOVE GROUND TANK o e. PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM D i. FIBER DRUM D m. GLASS BOTfLE D q. RAIL CAR Db. UNDERGROUND TANK o f. CAN o j. BAG o n. PLASTIC BOTILE 0 r. OTHER !81 c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o g, CARBOY o k. BOX o o. TOTE BIN D d. STEEL DRUM D h. SILO o I. CYliNDER o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PREssURE !81 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT D c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE !81 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT D d. CRYOGENIC 22S , %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASH . I <5 226 nonylphenoxypoly( ethyleneoxy)ethanol m Dyes 0 No 228 9016-45-9 229 2 5-10 2JO tetrasodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate 23t DYes 0 No 232 64-02-8 233 3 234 235 o Yes 0 No 236 237 4 238 239 Dyes D No 240 241 5 242 243 o Yes 0 No 244 245 Jl JDOI'e hazardous am.........ts are pnseøt .« paCer than I~ "1 weight iI aoo-cardDogeDk. or 0.1 ~ '" welcJ¡t iI elll'dnogmk:, .Uac:h addítJcmaJ ,beets 01 paper eaphlrÎD£ the required iDlonwtIioD. ADDmONAL LOCALLY COLLEcrED INFORMATION 246 4~ If EPCRA Please Siøn Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Form 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one oa~e per material oer buildil12 or area) OADD ODELETE o REVISE 2001 Page £!of ð I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 Unite<), ParœJ. $ervice . .~. . . - " CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 carwash area EPCRA 181 YES 0 NO FACILITY ID# I I I I I I I I I I I I MAP# (O JÙonaI) 2031 GRID# (optional) 204 n. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes 181 No 2IJ6 '. surface blend If Subject to EPCRA, refer to inst/UCtiollS COMMON NAME ']f.J/ 208 EHS" o Yes 181 No Blue Ma!!ic Deterl!ent CASU 209 N/A "If EHS is "Yes", aU amounts below must be in Ibs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 1, flanunable HAZARDOUSMATEIDAL 212 I 213 TYPE (Check one item only) o a. PURE 181 b. MIXTURE Dc. WASTE 211 RADIOACfIVE Dyes 181 No CUIDFS PHYSICAL STATE 21S (Check one item only) o a. SOLID 181 b. LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 55 FED HAZARD CA TEGOIDES 216 (Check all that apply) o a. ARE 0 b, REACfIVE o c. PRESSURE RELFASE o d. ACUTE HFALTH 181 e. ŒRONIC HEALTII AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 217\ MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 2t8 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219\ STATE WASTE CODE 220 < 1 55 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS" øa.GALLONS o b. CUBIC FEET ;_~ c. POUNDS o d. TONS 365 (OIeck one item onlY) .. If EHS, amount must be in DOI1IIds. STORAGE CONTAINER o a, ABOVE GROUND TANK ~ e. PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM D i. FIBER DRUM D m. GLASS B01TLE D q. RAIL CAR o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o f, CAN o j. BAG o n. PLASTIC B01TLE 0 r. OTHER Dc. TANK INSIDE BUIlDING o g. CARBOY o Ie. BOX o 0, TOTE BIN o d. STEEL DRUM o h. SIW o L CYUNDER Op. TANKWAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BEWW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 22S %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # I 20-30 226 sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate 2Il o Yes 181 No 228 21516-30-0 229 2 230 231 o Yes 0 No 232 233 3 234 23S o Yes 0 No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes 0 No 240 241 5 242 243 o Yes 0 No 244 24S II DIOI'e hazardous com_Is are pnseut at puter than 1'J(, by weight if~, or 0.1'J(, by weight if eardDogenic, attach additional sheds 01 paper capturing the required iDrarmatloa. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECfED INFORMATION 246 If Ežlse Sil!:n Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIAM , HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one oaee De' material De' bÚildine 0' area) OADD o DELETE o REVISE 2001 Page!%. of J!¡ I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United ParcelSt<f'li.~, - ., , .,' CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 automotive shop EPCRA ~ YES 0 NO FACILITY ID # I I I I I I I I I I 1 I MAP# (optional) 203 I GRID# (optional) 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMA nON CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes ~ No 206 - If Subject to EPCRA, refer to insllUCtions COMMON NAME 1ff1 208 EHS* DYes ~ No Chevron Dura-Lith Grease EP NLGI 00 CASH 2ffl N/A *If EHS is "Yes». all amounts below must be in Ibs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Co"1'lete if 'equired by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUSMATE~L 212 I CURIES 213 TYPE (OIeck one item only) o a, PURE 181 b. MIXTURE Dc. WASTE 211 RADIOACfIVE DYes 181 No PHYSICAL STATE 215 (OIecIc one item only) o a. SOLID 181 b, LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 55 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (OIecIc alllhat apply) o a, ARE 0 b, REACfIVE o c, PRESSURE RELEASE o d, ACUTE HEALTH 181 e, CHRONIC HEALTII AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 217\ MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219\ STATE WASTE CODE 220 <-I 55 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS· 181 a. GALLONS o b. CUBIC FEET o c, POUNDS o d, TONS 365 (OIecIc one item only) * If EHS. amount must be in pounds, STORAGE CONTAINER o a, ABOVE GROUND TANK De. PLASTIClNONMETALLIC DRUM o i. ABER DRUM o m. GLASS BOITLE 0 q. RAIL CAR o b, UNDERGROUND TANK o f. CAN o j. BAG o n. PLASTIC BOITLE 0 r. OTHER o c, TANK INSIDE BUIWING o g, CARBOY o k. BOX o o. TOTE BIN 181 d. STEEL DRUM o h. SIW o I. CYLINDER o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a, AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOOENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For míxture or waste only) EHS CASH 1 > 90 226 lubricating base oil 227 DYes 0 No 228 229 2 230 hydrotreated Dist., Lt. Naphth 231 DYes 0 No 232 64742525 233 3 <4 234 lithium base thickeners 235 DYes 0 No 236 237 4 <6 238 additives 239 o Yes 0 No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes 0 No 244 245 II more hazardous am lODelllS are present at greater tbau 1 <¡L by weicbt if ~ or 0.1 <¡L by weicbt if can:lJ1oceulc. attach additional sheets 01 paper captariDc the ft< uInd iDformatioa. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 If E7'¿ease Sim Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one Da.. per material ner build;n. or area) ~ADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 Page _ of - I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 automotive shop EPCRA ~ YES D NO FACILITY ID # I I I I I I I I 1 I I I MAP# (optional) 203 I GRID# (optional) 204 ll. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes ~ No 206 blend of hvdrocarbon If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 7JJI 208 EHS* DYes ~ No Motor oil Chevron Delo 15-40 CASH 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. mixture FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ¡frequired by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUS MA TERlAL 212 I CURlES 213 TYPE (Check one item only) D a. PURE ~ b. MIXTURE Dc. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes ~No PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) D a. SOLID ~ b. LIQUID D c, GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 450 FED HAZARD CA TEGORlES 216 (Check aU that apply) ~ a. FIRE Db. REACTIVE D c. PRESSURE RELEASE D d, ACUTE HEALTH D e. CHRONIC HEALTII AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 2191 STATE WASTE CODE 220 20 450 221 Î DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS· ~ a. GALLONS D b. CUBIC FEET D c. POUNDS D d. TONS 365 (Check one item onlv) · If ERS, amount must be in nounds, STORAGE CONTAINER ~ a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o e. PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM o i. FillER DRUM o m, GLASS BOTILE o q. RAIL CAR D b. UNDERGROUND TANK o f, CAN D j. BAG o n. PLASTIC BOTILE 0 r, OTHER o c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o g. CARBOY o k. BOX o o. TOTE BIN o d. STEEL DRUM o h. SILO o 1. CYLINDER o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASU 1 226 refmed petroleum distillates 227 D Yes ~ No 228 mixture 229 2 230 base oil! additives 231 D Yes ~ No 232 64741884 233 3 234 zinc alkyl dithrophosphate 235 D Yes ~ No 236 68649423 237 4 238 hexane 239 DYes ~ No 240 110543 241 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 245 If more hazardous eomponents are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper captnring the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 If EPCRA Please Sirn Here UPCF (1199) 6 OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION . (one na_e ner material ner buildin2 or area) 18IADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 Page_of_ I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 Automotive Shop EPCRA 181 YES D NO FACILITY ID # I I I I I I I I I I I I MAP# (optional) 203 ì GRID# (optional) 204 ll. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes 181 No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME '1JJ1 208 EHS* 181 Yes D No Waste Anti-freeze CASU 209 N/A *If EHS is "Yes". all amounts below must be in lbs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 212 ì CURIFS 213 TYPE (Check one item only) o a. PURE 0 b. MIXTURE 181 c, WASTE 2t! RADIOACTIVE DYes 181 No PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) o a, SOLID 181 b. LIQUID o c, GAS 214 LARGFST CONTAINER 968 FED HAZARD CA TEGORIFS 216 (Check all that apply) 181 a. FIRE 0 b. REACTIVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE o d. ACUTE HEALTH 181 e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 2191 STATE WASTE CODE 220 3 968 1760 342 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS· o a. GALLONS o b. CUBIC FEET 181 c. POUNDS o d, TONS 365 (Check one item only) · If EHS. amount must be in DOunds. STORAGE CONTAINER o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK 181 e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM o i. FIBER DRUM o m, GLASS BOITLE o q. RAIL CAR o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o f. CAN o j. BAG o n. PLASTIC BOITLE 0 r. OTHER o c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o g. CARBOY o k.BOX o 0, TOTE BIN o d. STEEL DRUM o h, SILO o \. CYLINDER o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASU 1 50 226 ethylene 227 181 Yes D No 228 75-85-1 229 2 230 23t DYes D No 232 233 3 234 235 DYes D No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes D No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 245 H more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if øon-carclnogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets 01 paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT CONVERTED TO POUNDS: 968 246 If EPCRA Please Sit'll Here UPCF (1199) 6 OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one Da.e per material Der buildio. or area) ~DD o DELETE DREVISE 2001 Page _ of - I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 Automotive Shop EPCRA ~ YES 0 NO FACILITY ID # I I I I I I I I I I 1 I MAP# (optional) 2031 GRID# (optional) 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes ~ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to iostructioos COMMON NAME 2fJ7 208 EHS* ~ Yes 0 No Waste Motor Oil CASH 209 N/A *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ifrequired by CUPA) 210 Class 3B combustible HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 212 \ CURIES 213 TYPE (Check one item only) o a. PURE 0 b. MIXTURE 181 c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes 181 No PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) o a, SOLID 181 b. LIQUID o c, GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 1875 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) 181 a. FIRE 0 b. REACfIVE 0 c, PRESSURE RELEASE o d, ACUTE HEALTH 181 e. ŒRONIC HEAL TII AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219, STATE WASTE CODE 220 4 1875 8250 221 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS' o a. GALLONS o b. CUBIC FEET 181 c. POUNDS o d. TONS 365 (Check one item onlv) · If EHS, amount DUlst be in pounds. STORAGE CONTAINER 181 a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o e. PLASTICINONMETALLlC DRUM o i. FIBER DRUM o m. GLASS BOTTLE o q. RAIL CAR o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o f. CAN o j, BAG o n. PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r, OTHER o c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o g. CARBOY o k. BOX o o. TOTE BIN o d. STEEL DRUM o h. SILO o 1. CYLINDER Dp, TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT Db. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASU 1 100 226 waste oil 227 ~ Yes 0 No 228 N/A 229 2 230 231 DYes 0 No 232 233 3 234 235 DYes 0 No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes 0 No 240 24t 5 242 243 DYes 0 No 244 245 IT more hazardous components are preseot at greater than 1% by weight if non-can:inogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attath additional sheets of paper capturing the nquind information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 If EPCRA Please Si!!ß Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Fonn 2731 ('. :.~. ~ Unrted Parcel Sel'Vlce '- EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN ,-, ( FACILITY MAP .I Revised 1 f25195 SECTION IX , J ~ .-.. ~ ~\ >ë. a' I ~f' h I - ¡ : --, ..~ .- .... .1- .....- -.. L..- ., -- - ~ - , f\."UQIM - ---..Lj: 1! I~ ~ u:[- J. .. ._~~¡, -- -,- f-T -:.::; ~j .:." ,-' ~) ~ ; ~~- .-..- - ~ ~ lJ"! ..:.. - f-,.., .. 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I I ~ C' - ; c· C' ~,. ..' ·iotJl\1;~~W$ 'S~-fC'~é REFUSE BIN (NIC) CANOP 50' 54' - ,., c 5' 17'-6" b' 6" CONC. PAD ~ I ~ I · .~~~...." F\J1\RE I:JJILDltÐ Df'm5ICIN lJ'S UŒvELl»'£D /III£A ~TltD F.lCIL.ITY US' lJ'S Uce.e..£Pm N£A KERN RIVER - TO SIL.LfCT !RIVE '. PLOT PLAN Of ~Sf[ELD UN1TED P~CEL SERVICE D^TE;4-2 -ee ^OUIT^NI^ ~ lAM ÒllU~¡lh</..II) ~A.I-~ ,~) ~DOl) (~,. 1Jj!I, I:x /:A/(''j 1/1..9;1/<-..- 6/ miL -2/1¡u. ¡âr GJ jU ¿,4j¿ b()Jt J Îf);kfT,l.. ~,I/.S @ ~,lÏo.l"í~ '7 " /Ÿ d" ~/""w~Z7~:~Æ~p /? . '7/f.:> &?,; i,- ./-. ...:' /.:; :;' UPS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN DAMAGED PACKAGE PROCEDURE DESIGNATED RESPONDERS ANNUAL CERTIFICATION EAST BAY DISTRICT Bakersfield BUilDING 0186/0191 EHP CODE M. Bruckner INSTRUCTOR 01/24/02 ANNUAL CURRENT INITIAL DATE DATE OF DATE OF . RESPIRATOR ;OCIAL SECURITY EMPLOYEE OF TRAINING TRAINING MEDICAL TÁAINING NUMBER NAME (12 HOUR) (4 HOUR) EV ALUA TION TYPElMODEl 546-37-1576 Craig Hill 10/29/92 06/15/2001 12/04/2000 SCBAlUltralite MMR 549-82-4983 Lester Sprague 10/29/92 06/1512001 11/27/2000 SCBAlUltralite MMR . , 613-01-1573 David Palmer 03101/2001 02128/2001 SCBAlUltralite MMR Jt ùv.s ___ ---- - 1_10._ 11'__" "'~ ,"'.. '1\"'''''' "" "" . .---- . OJ I ,-, , '. .VIIVI n 559-93-2149 Ryan Lansing 03101/2001 04/06/2001 SCBAlUltralite MMR . Codes for EHP: Respiratory Protection 186 Initial 12 Hour 191 4 Hour Recertification in Section II of the center's UPS Emergency Response Plan ;afety Manual Vo. XIV. .... UPS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CHAIN OF COMMAND 01/24102 AUTHORIZED TO EVACUATE THE FACILITY AND AUTHOJNOTIFY THE OUTSIDE RESPONDER ¡:¡::::¡:¡:¡¡¡:¡¡:¡¡:¡¡:¡¡:::¡¡:¡¡:¡::::I¡::f::'::¡¡:¡:¡¡¡:¡¡¡:¡¡¡¡:¡::::::::::¡::::::f¡:¡¡¡:::::¡::::::¡:::¡:::¡:::¡¡:Iil:t:r:::t::::¡::¡:¡:::::::::::::¡:::::::::::::¡¡::::::::¡:¡::¡¡:¡¡::::¡:::I~i.~~~¡¡¡¡:¡:¡::¡:¡:¡:::::::::::::::::::::¡::;¡¡¡¡:¡:¡:¡:¡::::¡:::¡:::¡1¡:::~M~:::¡¡¡¡¡¡:¡¡¡:::1¡:::1:¡::::::::::::::¡ 1 Te Russell Buildin Mana er 326-8195 661 92-0124 2 Cral Hill Su ervisor Stockdale 661 872-6403 3 John Gretleln SU ervlsor Bakersfield 661 92-m4 4 Kell Duncan Su ervlsor Bakersfield 661 328-0805 5 Bob Zaben ,su ervisor Bakersfield 661326-1595 6 Mike LaBare SU 'Isor Bakersfield 661 26-8195 DESIGNATED RESPONDERS (MANAGEMENTI :,:,:,},,:,:,:,:,:::;::::::}:,:,:,NAMË}:,:,:,:,:,}}:,f,:,:;:::,: ,:,:,:,:,:,:;:::,:,}:,:,}',F.QŠi;¡iñ¡¡¡:':':':""::;::":::'::":':':: }}:':::;::,:,:C··,·,·,' ......... ,:Ë¡:¡:ii.T.it.W'::':;:::':':':'f::::::::"::":"":;::'::::::::':"':::'::::'::"':';:"':':":"":':':'}'::':'" 1 2 3 Crain Hill Sunervlsor Stockdale 4 David Palmer Suoervisor Stockdale 5 6 7 8 9 10 DESIGNATED RESPONDERS (HOURLY ENPLOYEES) :"::;:"':::':",:,:;::}:;::}:,::ÏiiiWË':":':':"':':':::':::::':;::}}, :":::,:,:,:,:,:;::,,,::,','::;:,~inöi!f',:,:,:,:,:,:;::':"':}:;:: }}}":':;::CEiiiŒRläP.j:;:a=ii.tiö!l':':::':""':':':':':':'}}::;::::""::":':"':':""""':':':"'::":':':;:':':':':':::;:"':':" 1 Lester Soraaue A.M. Clerk BakersfleldloreJoad 2 John Kent Preloader Bakersfieldloreload 3 Rvan Lanslna P.M. Loader Bakersfieldllocal sort 4 5 . 6 7 8 9 10 '. REV.6!99 NAME OF FIRE DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT CONTACT: FIRE DEPARTMENT PHONE # : OUTSIDE RESPONDER: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE NUMBER: " EVACUATION PLAN BAKERSFIELD BUILDING PRELOAD AND LOCAL SORT x = EXIT DOOR MEET POINT (X) r····_·-·························i··~~···-············.........._.................-.-~ : I '7~ ~~TE · · · I - LOAD I I I MODULE XI SHOP I HAZMATCAOE I ------------------------- B B R L R E U 0 D E W N B B B E E E L L L T T T x .X ¡--::::ï-------------,--::-::=--I-:::::r::::--I X X PERIMETER FENCE CAR WASH 1 CALMLY EXIT BY FOLLOWING THE PATH TO THE EMERGENCY DOOR INDICATED ABOVE 2 ASSEMBLE AT THE FENCE OR PROPERTY PERIMETER DIRECTLY IN FRONT OFTHE EXIT DOOR. 3 YOUR IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR WILL TAKE ATTENDANCE OF ALL EVACUEES AND PROVIDE FURTHER tNSTUCTIONS ON HOW TO PROCEED. (" .... 1\, E (----'?- "~ "-¥ ~J EVACUATION PLAN BAKERSFIELD BUILDING AUTOMOTIVE SHOP CAR WASH ".- TME1ER f E x x x '. x X--> -> I HAZMATCAOB I SHOP I I I I X I \DAD I )( = Exit Door MOD. I SðtmwF,r I ~~ I M ------------------------------------------------------ MEET POINT EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE 1 . . Calmly exit by following the path to the Emergency Exit Door indicated above. 2. Assemble at the fence or property perimeter directly in front of the exit doo ". 3. Your immediate supervisor will take attendance of all evacuees and provide further instruction on how to proceed. EVACUATION PLAN BAKERSFIELD BUILDING STOCKDALE CENTER CAR WASH 'P"'~ME1ER E x ->-> ->(X) I MEET NØ' 70 X POINT C?Atl.W/.1!H X '. x X IIIAZMATCAGB I SHOP X WAD MOD. X = EXIT DOORS -.. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE 1. Calmly exit by following the path to the Emergency Exit Door indicated above. 2. Assemble at the fence or property perimeter directly in front of the exit door. 3. Your immediate supervisor will take attendance of all evacuees and provide further instruction on how to proceed. EVACUATION PLAN BAKERSFIELD BUILDING BAKERSFIELD CENTER CAR WA H IY\ <_<_<__<_<__ CUSTOMER OOUNTBR I x 11 POINT PERIME1ER FENCE STOCKDALE x x " x x II1AZMATCAGB I SHOP x !DAD MOD. (X) = Exit Door " EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE 1. Calmly exit by fOllowing the path to the Emergency Exit Door indicated above. 2. Assemble at the fence or property perimeter directly in front of the exit door. 3. Your immediate supervisor will take attendance of all evacuees and provide further instruction on how to proceed. Employee Emergency Action Steps for an Oil Spill Response Plan for Bakersfield Facility Location: Fuel Island 1. STOP THE SOURCE Emergency Fuel Shut-off Switch Located: On the exterior wall at the car wash tunnel. 2. CONTAIN THE SPILL Prevent Spill from Entering Storm Drain System or leaving UPS Premises by Placing Containment Equipment: Place containment booms around spill. Do not allow product to leave UPS property. Do not allow product to enter storm drain. Place absorbent sheets or clay absorbent to absorb spilled product. Place used absorbents in plastic bags and process through DMP. (See Diagram on Back) Spill Kit Located: In yellow barrel at fuel island Additional Containment Equipment located: HazMat compliance center 3. CALL FOR HELP Contact: Operations Manager- Terry Russell Office Telephone: 661-326-1595 Home Telephone: 661-392-0124 Alternate - Rick Garcia Office Telephone: 559-442-2925 Home Telephone: 559-263-0954(p) District Spill Coordinator - Stacey Byrem Office Telephone: 510-663-4035 Home Telephone: 510-448-7633 Oil Spill Response Contact List FACILITY NAME: BAKERSFIELD Facility Spill Coordinator Name: Terry Russell Office: 661-326-1595 Home: 661-392-0124 Pgr/Cell 661-634-2548 Alternate Facility Spill Coordinator Name: RICK GARCIA Office: 559-442-2925 Home: N/A Pgr/Cell 559-263-0954 District Spill Coordinator Name: Stacey Byrem Office: 510-633-4035 Home: 51C>-434-9593 Pgr/CeIl 510- 448-7633 Alternate District Spill Coordinator Name: Office: ( ) - Home: ( ) - Pgr/Cell ( ) - Local Fire Department Name: Office: 911 Home: Pgr/Cell Facility Engineer Name: David Hallett Office: 510-633-3974 Home: 925-803-9961 Pgr/Cell 510-4483134 District Plant Engineering Manager Name: Doug Ray Office: 510-633-4037 Home: Pgr/Cell 510-448-2623 Region Environmental Coordinator Name: Joe Kehrt Office: 925-277-2680 Home: Pgr/CeIl 925-833-4678 Corporate Reporting Name: Corporate Environmental Group Office: 404-432-4699 Home: ( ) - Pgr/CeIl Alternate Corporate Spill Coordinator Name: Corporate Environmental Group Office: 727-460-5742 Home: ( ) - Pgr/CeIl DA TE REVISED: 10101 Local Spill Cleanup Contractor Name: MP Environmental Services Office: 1-800- 458-3036 Home: N/A Pgr/Cell NIA Alternate Local Spill Cleanup Contractor Name: Universal Environmental Office: 707-747-6699 Home: NIA Pgr/Cell NIA Fuel Facility Repair Contractor Name: Franzen Hill Office: 800-655-3436 Home: 559-688-2977 Pgr/Cell NIA Alternate Fuel Facility Repair Contractor Name: Champion Tank Testing Office: 800-660-9443 Home: NIA Pgr/Cell N/A Tank Draining Contractor Name: Franzen Hill Office: 800-655-3436 Home: 559-688-2977 Pgr/CeIl N/A Tank Testing Contractor Name: Champion Tank Testing Office: 800-660-9443 Home: NIA Pgr/Cell N/A Electrical Contractor Name: Levinar Office: 661-323-7044 Home: Pgr/Cell Alternate Electrical Contractor Name: AC Office: 661-633-5368 Home: N/A Pgr/CeIl N/A state Water Pollution Agency Name: Office: Home: Pgr/CeIl Local Water Pollution Agency Name: Office: Home: Pgr/CeIl Oil Spill/Hazardous Substance Release Incident Report Follow-Up (To be filled out by the District Spill Coordinator) Date and Time Agency Notified: To: To: / / AM/PM of: of: Name Agency Estimated Cost of Incident: $ How and why did this incident occur? (State the facts accurately and carefully. Do not speculate about events about which you are not certain. Do not give your opinion.) What steps should be taken in the future to prevent this from occurring again? Have recommendations been implemented? Yes 0 No 0 Date: / / Reviewed By: District Automotive Mgr. District P. E. Mgr. District Mgr. Division Mgr. pc: Region Automotive Mgr. Region P. E. Mgr. (also, when pertinent) Facility Environmental File Fuel Facility Equipment History Oil Spill/Hazardous Substance Release Incident Report (This form is to be faxed to the Corporate Spill Coordinator @ (404) 828-6347 (atlas 490-6347) as soon as practical after the initial response activities are complete. Complete as much information as possible but do not delay submission due to lack of information.) . Incident Time: Date: District: Address: Reported by: UPS Mgr. in charge at scene: AM/PM Facility Name: Mnemonic: Region: Dept: Dept: Phone: Phone: Product Type: 0 PETROLEUM BASED If product is a Hazardous Substance, Indicate Reportable Quantity: Product involved: Source: Fuel Delivery Vehicle 0 UPS Vehicle Type of surface where spill occurred: Paved Was product contained on UPS premises? Yes Did product enter sewers, pipes or ditches or a body of water? o HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE Quantity Released: OUST andlor Piping 0 o Unpaved 0 D NoD o No 0 Unknown 0 (approx. gallons or pounds) AST andlor Piping 0 Package 0 (If no, describe below). Yes (If yes or unknown, describe below). R A h T N 'fi d egu ato y ut on les otlle . . Local Person's Phone Time: Aaencv: name: No: AMlPM State Person's Phone Time: Agency: name: No: AM/PM Federal Person's Phone Time: Aaencv: name: No: AMlPM Will clean up be Contractor completed within 24 hrs? Yes 0 No 0 Contacted: Contractor Representative Phone Describe Incident, Hazard Abatement, and Remedial Activities. Use back if necessary: (State the facts accurately and carefully. Do not speculate about events which you are not certain. Do not give your opinion.) Re ort Follow-u (To be filled out by the District Spill Coordinator and sent to the Corporate Spill Coordinator within one week after initial clean activities have been completed or a remediation project has begun). Clean up activities completion date: If not complete, anticipated completion date: How and why did this incident occur? (State the facts accurately and carefully. Do not speculate about events about which you are not certain. Do not give your opinion.) What steps should be taken in the future to prevent this from occurring again? Have recommendations been im lemented? Yes NoD Date: Damaged Materials Program Contingency Plan Bakersfield Facility Bakersfield, CA United Parcel Service 3800 N. Sillect Ave. Bakersfield, CA. 93308 Day (661) 326-1595 Evening (661) 326-1595 Company name: Facility address: Phone nwnber: EMERGENCY COORDINATORS Primary emergency Coordinator: Coordinators Home address: Coordinators work phone nwnber: Coordinators emergency phone nwnber: Secondary emergency Coordinator: Coordinators home address: Coordinators work phone nwnber: Coordinators emergency phone number: LOCAL EMERGENCY CONTACTS Fire Department Police Department Hospital Electric Co. Gas Co EP A Region 9 Chemtrec Emergency Response MP Environmenta1( emergency contact) Poison Control Center Terry Russell (661) 326-1595 (661) 634-2548(P) Rick Garcia (559) 442-2929 (559) 263-0954(P) 911/(661) 324-4542 911/(661) 327-7111 911/(661)-632-5000 (800) 611-1911 (800) 611-1911 (415) 972-3671 (800) 424-9300 (800) 458-3036 (800) 876-4766 Facility hazardous materials business plan is on file with county agency. ~ United Parcel SerYIce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN PRE-EMERGENCY PLANNING and COORDINATION WITH OUTSIDE PARTIES Revised 1uly 1995 , SECTION I EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN PRE-EMERGENCY PLANNING AND COORDINATION WITH OUTSIDE PARTIES Outside parties include fire departments and other outside responders (qualified HazMat contractors). UPS facilities with UPS Designated Responders There may be hazardous material spills which are beyond the capabilities of the UPS Designated Responders. In those situations, the responders should follow the Decision Tree found in Section V of this plan. The services of an outside responder or fire department will be utilized to handle spills or accidents that: · Are producing fumes or vapors that irritate the skin. · Are either a fuming corrosive, or an irritant producing visible fumes or vapors. · Are too large to be effectively absorbed or neutralized with available supplies. · Have the Potential to cause an emergency. · Have resulted in a release of a regulated substance under the Risk Management Planning Emergency Response provisions. UPS facilities without Designated Responders In those facilities, no one is authorized to clean up spills involving hazardous or flammable materials. Such work will be performed by qualified outside responders or local fire departments. Facilities with Risk Management Programs Facility employees will not respond to accidental releases of flammable substances. The Risk Management Program emergency response plan for these UPS facilities is to have the local fire department respond when needed. The local fire department will be requested to visit these UPS facilities related to their "risk management emergency response needs and to conduct fire prevention inspections and pre-planning activities. Facility management responsibilities The center or hub manager with the district health and safety manager shall be . responsible for identifying and prearranging emergency planninf and coordination with outside responders. SEC110N I -Prc-Emcrgency Planning/Coordination Rev. 4199 Page I EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN An operations manager is responsible for meeting with the outside responder to discuss the facility's Emergency Action Plan procedures. In addition, an operations manager is responsible for making an annual follow-up contact by telephone for any procedural updates. If conditions warrant, a physical meeting may be required. Documentation of the most current contact must be made on the "Outside Emergency Response Plan" contact form and maintained in this section of the plan. In the event a spill incident or accidental release requires an outside responder, the chain of command shall be followed in determining the person who will contact the outside responder (Section VII). SECTION I -PJe..Emcrgcncy Planning/Coordination Rev .4/99 Page 2 ~ United Parcel Semce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN UPS DAMAGED PACKAGE RESPONSE PROCEDURE, SITE SECURITY and CONTROL SECTION n Revised July 1995 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN UPS DAMAGED PACKAGE RESPONSE TABLE OF CONTENTS I. IN'fR.ODUCTION........................... ............ .-............................... ....1 ll. OVERVIEW OF THE PROCEDURE... . . ..............................................1 ill. RESPONSE PROCEDURES ........................................................ 2 - 4 Procedures for Non-Responders ......................................2 Procedures for Package Drivers on Area ............................3 Procedures for Designated Responders.......................... ....3 Site Security and Control......................................... .3-4 IV. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................5 Facility Management Responsibilities ..............................5 V. TRAINING ...... ..................... .......... ............. .... ............. ........... ....6 NOIl-ResJPonder1l~g ..............................................6 Designated ResJPonder 1lraining ................................... ...7 VI. MEDICAL 'fREA'fMENTIHEALTH SURVEILLANCE ...........................8 Vll. FOLLOW-UP AND RE-EV ALUATION ..............................................8 Revised 4J99 SECTION n UPS DAMAGED PACKAGE RESPONSE L INTRODUCTION The following response and spill cleanup procedure is to be used whenever a leaking damaged package is discovered. Leaking damaged packages may contain hazardous materials which may be harmful to UPS employees. This procedure outlines the appropriate steps to be taken by both responding and non-responding employees if they encounter any leaking damaged packages. The type of material leaking from the package, as well ~ the role the employee will play in the response and cleanup of the spilled material, determines the actions employees will take and the training they will receive. This procedure is designed to supplement, but not replace, any other UPS procedures. The objective of this procedure is to provide uniform procedures for responding to leaking damaged package situations using standardized materials, equipment and methods. IT. OVERVIEW OF THE PROCEDURE The recommended course of action for most UPS employees when they encounter a leaking hazardous package is: do not touch, leave the area, and notify your supervisor. Only specially trained and equipped employees will follow response procedures to properly respond to, clean up, and dispose of, leaking hazardous packages. Outside responders and/or fire departments may be called in to deal with specific situations outside the capabilities of UPS Designated Responders. These specific situations are described in both the Decision Tree and the outside responders' section of the UPS Emergency Response Plan. In UPS facilities without UPS Designated Responders, only a qualified outside responder can respond to, and clean up a leaking hazardous package. A package should be treated as leaking if its contents are escaping from within, but not if it merely became wet from external sources such as rain or drink spills. A leaking package should be treated as hazardous if: 1. It canies a D.G.T. label or any other hazard warning, and does not contain a consumer product offered to the general public for household use (such as paint, solvents or other paint-related products, foodstuffs, and household cleaners); 2. It does not have any hazard warnings, but it does not contain a consumer product offered to the general public for household use and the package should have carried a D.G.T. label, or Hazardous MaterialslDangerous Goods Shipping Paper, or other hazard warnings. 3. It is generating smoke, visible fumes, or giving off an odor that is irritating the skin, eyes, nose, or throat. Revised 4199 1 4. It contains material you cannot identify through means such as shipping records, calls to the shipper, labels exposed through holes in the package, or knowledge of the shipper's business. Employees involved in this procedure are: Non-responders - most UPS operational employees who receive general training. Employees in this group include package handlers and drivers who perform the loading/unloading, sorting and delivery work, as well as other operations employees. Designated Responders (employee) - operational employees who receive special training to respond to, clean up, and dispose of, leaking damaged packages. Designated Responders (management) - management employees who receive special training to supervise the employee Designated Responders. In addition to supervising, these management Designated Responders will be certified to assist in the actual response, as well. Designated Responder Training (management) - management employees who receive additional training beyond that offered to other responder groups. This will be the only group authorized to train/certify employees to become Designated Responders. m RESPONSE PROCEDURES Procedures for non-responders Non-responding employees who discover a leaking package - not including a package that is wet from external sources such as rain or drink spills rather than contents escaping from within - should take the following steps: 1. Do NOT touch the package. 2. Determine whether the leaking package is hazardous applying the criteria set forth above (paragraph n, page 1). 3. If the package is hazardous, the non-responding employees should stop the belt (if the package is on a moving belt), leave the area, and notify their supervisor. 4. If the package is not hazardous, the non-responding employees should carefully move the package to a spill tub and set it aside for regular pick-up by a Designated Responder, who will transfer the leaking package to UPS personnel trained to rewrap non-hazardous damaged packages. 5. Once the supervisor is notified of a leaking hazardous package, he/she should: A. NOT touch the package or spilled material, B. clear all employees from the immediate area, and C. contact a Designated Responder. The Designated Responder will clean up and dispose of the spilled material. Revised 4/99 2 Procedures for package drivers on area 1. Do NOT touch the package. 2. Determine whether the leaking package is hazardous applying the criteria set forth above (paragraph ß, page 1). If the package is hazardous, then perform steps 3 through 6. 3. Close the bulkhead and/or the rear door. 4. Park the vehicle in a safe location which does not pose a threat to the public. 5. Secure the vehicle. 6. Notify your supervisor. If the package is detennined to be non-hazardous, isolate the package to prevent other damages, then notify your supervisor. Procedures for Designated Responders UPS Designated Responders receive specialized training to handle hazardous material spills. They are trained to respond to, clean up, and dispose of, leaking hazardous packages using the Decision Tree and Response Sheets (see Section V of the UPS Emergency Response Plan). When called upon to respond to a leaking hazardous package, the Designated Responder should: 1. Gather spill cart which may include SCBA. 2. Don the required minimum personal protective equipment (PPE) (goggles, gloves, apron, and boots). Site Security and Control Restrict access to the immediate area by: A. Cordoning off the area using restrictive tape or safety cones. B. Placing supervisors in key locations to prevent employee access to the scene. C. Notifying a management Designated Responder to coordinate additional assistance as needed. 3. Read the label A. Does the outside of the package identify its contents? B. Is there a D.O.T. diamond label or any other hazard warning? C. Is there an MSDS? D. Is there a packing slip? Revised 4/99 3 4. If identifiable, use the Decision Tree and appropriate Response Sheet to clean up the spill. 5. If unable to identify the spilled material, use the Decision Tree and Response Sheet for unlabeled/unknown packages to determine the proper spill cleanup procedures. 6. Based on the instruction in the Response Sheets, don SCBA, if necessary. Based on the Decision Tree, if the hazardous material spilled is appropriate for cleanup, the UPS Designated Responder must always wear the required PPE designated in the guidelines of the Response Sheets or the MSDS. 7. Contain the spill in a spill tub and transport the spilled material to the Package Service Center or DMP area for further processing. 8. Separate the salvageable portion of the package. Re-containerize any spilled liquid, and return it to the shipper using the proper damage processing procedures and D.O.T. packaging and labeling guidelines. 9. If unknown, call the shipper. A. Is there an emergency contact number on the Hazardous MaterialslDangerous .Goods Shipping Paper? B. Is the number on the label or packing slip? If it is possible, contact the shipper, request an MSDS. 10. Review the MSDS or consult the UPS Guide for Shipping Ground and Air Hazardous Materials. 11. Process the damaged material according to proper DMP Procedures. 12. Decontaminate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and wash any exposed parts of the body (Section VI of the UPS Emergency Response Plan). 13. Complete appropriate paperwork which may include an HMIRR, DIR, DMN, HM-IO, D.O.T. 5800 (Section X of the UPS Emergency Response Plan). 14. Based on the Decision Tree, the Designated Responder must follow the facility's chain of command and explain the situation to hislher immediate supervisor if a hazardous material spill falls into any of the follow categories: A. is producing fumes that irritate the skin, or B. is a fuming corrosive, or C. is too large to be effectively absorbed or neutralized with available supplies, or D. has the potential to cause an emergency, or E. is prohibited from shipment in the UPS system. Revised 4199 4 Based on the chain of command, management will be authorized to notify the outside responder to handle any of the situations listed in step No. 14. Once the outside responder is called in, the immediate area surrounding the leaking damaged hazardous package must be evacuated. In facilities that do not possess SCBA, Designated Responders will not be authorized to respond to any hazardous material spills that require the use of SCBA. IV. MANAGEMENT RESPONSmILITIES Facility management responsibilities Operations management is ultimately responsible for ensuring compliance with all aspects of the UPS Emergency Response Plan which include, but are not limited to, the following areas: Operations management must ensure that each sort has the appropriate number of Designated Responders at all times. Two factors which help the manager determine the appropriate number include the size of an operation and the experience rate of the damages. There must be management employees included as Designated Responders in each facility. This will enable the management to supervise and assist in both the response decision making process and the chain of command procedure. The facility's chain of command procedure must be maintained in the UPS Emergency Response Plan (Section VII). Each UPS Emergency Response Plan shall contain in Section ill, a list of active Designated Responders which includes: · facility name, · employee name, · social security number, · work shift ( sort), · date of initial 12-hour training, · date of current recertification training, and · date of current medical evaluation. All Designated Responders should also be listed on the Chain of Command in Section VII. Operations management is responsible for contacting by phone/visiting the outside responder at least every 12 months to discuss the conditions and emergency evacuation procedures at the facility. This contact must be documented and maintained in Section I of the UPS Emergency Response Plan. If an incident occurs which requires the presence of an outside responder, the operations manager or most senior designated management employee in the chain of command, on site, will be responsible for ordering an evacuation and contacting the outside responder. Revised 4/99 5 v. TRAINING NON-RESPONDER TRAINING This training is for employees who load, unload, sort, handle, deliver or are involved in the direct distribution of packages. Objective: To train non-responder employees that their primary responsibilities are: · Do NOT touch, · LEA VB the area, and · NOTIFY their supervisor. They are not trained to respond, but should be able to visually identify whether the spilled material is hazardous and report this information to their supervisor. The key areas of their training are: 1. Overview of hazardous materials marking and labeling. 2. Job specific hazardous materials training for package, feeder, pre-load and hub/local sort employees. 3. Their role in the damaged package response procedure. 4. The properties of hazardous materials. The difference between leakers and wet packages. 5. How to evacuate during an emergency and where to assemble. 6. How and where to get emergency medical assistance. .7. Their r~le in the Hazard Communication program and how to get information if they request it. Length of Training Each year a minimum of one hour of training will be provided to demonstrate competency in the above described areas, along with a pocket-size reminder card emphasizing their responsibilities. Each employee will be given a proficiency certification. Documentation of the most cmrent proficiency certification will be maintained in his/her center. Each operation will maintain the most current compliance training roster in their UPS Emergency Response Plan, Section IV. DESIGNATED RESPONDER TRAINING This training will be given to employees who will be designated to respond to, clean up, and dispose of, leaking hazardous packages. Areas of Training UPS Emergency Response Plan Common Physical Hazards Potential Health Hazards Biological Hazards Hazard CommunicationlMSDS Revised 4/99 6 Hazardous Material Labeling Health Surveillance PPE (don-doff, hands on, and decontamination) Hypothetical Spill Response Scenarios Reporting DMP Certification Length of training UPS has designed a 12-hour workshop for Designated Responders. Recertification training will be provided on an annual basis. Training will consist of hands-on and proficiency certification. Documentation of the initial 12-hour proficiency certification will be maintained in the center. The compliance roster will be maintained in Section ill of the UPS Emergency Response Plan. Documentation of the most current recertification training will replace any previous training documentation in Section ill of this plan. Only the most current recertification training will be entered into the EHP. The initial 12-hour proficiency certification must be maintained in the center. The proper documentation to be used in Section ill is the "UPS Compliance Training Student Roster" (016279-8/94). Management Designated Responders will receive the same training described above, but in addition, they will receive training in: A. Their role in managing the Designated Responders. B. C. How to follow the chain of command and contact the outside responder. , Their responsibilities in the emergency evacuation and restricting the access to immediate area. D. Proper inventory control ofPPE which includes the spill cart inventory and SCBA monthly inspection. Designated Responders trainers Special training will be provided to UPS management employees who will be certified to conduct 12-hour workshops for the Designated Responders. Areas of training Management trainers will be trained in accordance with the hazardous material response training instructor manual developed by UPS. Upon completion of the training, the trainers will be competent in all areas of the UPS damaged package response procedures, as well as legal and regulatory, hazardous materials labeling, properties of hazardous materials, potential health hazards, hypothetical response scenarios and how to train in 12-hour workshops and recertification workshops. Revised 4199 7 Length of training The trainer workshops will be 24 hours as indicated in the Hazardous Material Response Training instructor manual. VI. MEDICAL TREATMENTIHEALm SURVEILLANCE After any spill, medical assistance will be made available immediately to all employees who suffer any symptoms or other reactions. All Designated Responders will be required to undergo a baseline physical examination before assuming the duties of this program. The health status of all Designated Responders will be reviewed annually thereafter, and within six 'months of separation or reassignment to a position that does not require health swveillance. VIT. FOLLOW-UP AND RE-EV ALUATION UPS will monitor the effectiveness of the damaged package response procedure to ensure that the expectations for it are met. Any injuries, symptoms of discomfort, or illness experienced by employees as a result of a damaged package or spill will be reported directly to the district Health and Safety manager who, upon consulting Occupational Health and the employee's manager, will evaluate procedures in order to identify problem areas. Ifnecessary, corrective action will be taken. In addition, at least annually, procedures will be reviewed by Health and Safety in order to detennine the need for any revisions in the program. Revised 4199 8 ~ United Parcel SeMce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN pESIGNATED RESPONDER TRAINING Revised July 1995 SECTION ill ~ United PaIœI Semce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN NON-RESPONDER TRAINING Revised July 1995 SECTION IV ~ Unned Parcel Semce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN NON-RESPONDER TRAINING This training is for operations employees who load, unload, sort, handle, deliver or are involved in the direct distribution of packages. Objective: To train non-responder employees that their primary responsibilities are: Do NOT touch, LEAVE the area and NOTIFY their supervisor. While they are not trained to respond, they should be able to visually identify whether the spilled material is hazardous, and report this information to their supervisor. The key areas of their trainiDg are: 1. Overview of hazardous materials marking and labeling. 2. Job specific hazardous materials training for package, feeder, pre-load and hubllocal sort employees . 3. Their role in the damaged package response procedure. 4. The properties of hazardous materials. 5. How to evacuate during an emergency and where to assemble. 6. How and where to get emergency medical assistance. 7. Their role in the Hazard Communication program and how to get information if they request it. Length of TraiDing A minimum of one hour of training to demonstrate competency in the key areas described above is required. Annual refresher training will be provided. Each employee will be given a proficiency certification at both the original and refresher training sessions. Documentation of the most current proficiency certification will be mainœined in the center. Each operation will maintain the most current compliance training roster in this section of the UPS Emergency Response Plan. SECTION IV - Non-Responder Training Rev. 711$/95 Page 1 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TRAINING This training is for facility employees who are involved in the operation of processes using flammable substances at UPS facilities subject to the US EP A Risk Management Program requirements. Objective: Since UPS employees will not respond to accidental releases of flammable substances, the objective of this training is to ensure that all applicable employees are aware that their primary responsibilities as non-responders are: Do Not touch, Leave the area and Notify their supervisor. While they are not trained to respond, they should be able to visually identify whether the accidental release is hazardous or flammable, and report this information to their supervisor. The key are~ of their training are: 1. Overview of flammable materials marking and labeling. 2. Job specific flammable materials training for employees who are involved in the operation of Risk Management Program covered processes. 3. Their role in the emergency response procedure. 4. The properties of flammable materials. 5. How to evacuate during an emergency and where to assemble. 6. How and where to get emergency medical assistance. 7. Their role in the Risk Management Program and how to get information if they request it. Length of Training A minimum of one hour of training to demonstrate competency in the key areas described above is appropriate. Annual refresher training will be provided. Each employee will be given a proficiency certification at both the original and refresher training sessions. Documentation of the most current proficiency certification will be maintained in the center. Each operation will maintain the most current compliance training roster in this section of the UPS Emergency Response Plan. SEcnON IV - Non-Responder Training Rev. 4/99 Page 2 ~ United Parcel SerYIce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN DECISION TREE and RESPONSE SHEETS Decision Tree and Response Sheets 019100130202(4;o1)2~ SECTION V --------- . '. Revised - April 2001 LEAKING PACKAGE DECISION TREE FOR DESIGNATED RESPONDERS ~YES YES NO Refer to appropriate Response Sheet. Is SCBA required, or is I the material producing an YES irritating odor, smoke, or visible fumes? Is SCBA available? Refer to appropriate Response Sheet to clean up spill. Package and related spill must be handled by UPS designated responders, using SCBA and PPE as necessary. .'''' " :.:... '_ .:¡ .', . '--'¡, ~." .~.- '. '.. _.~. ._'t. . , fire department must be contacted. í.~~e~~ .~,~ ,.;·,,~J~~tij~tïr~fi~i~'t~~:'~~1~!~it~'it~~rflmt~ éforþo~rCtisþósitiôri'öf,UNSAlV AGEABLE. þortlol1)ôfthe'~:;'<" package and contaminated packaging/debris.' SAL V ÁGEABLE portion of any package with shipping papers must be repacked in a SALVAGE DRUM and returned to the shipper. NO . .. "othèréhèziì~d wérl1ihg;,òFare' the contents unknown? NO NO f~~~ijtf~HiJ!~i;f!Þ!º']lr:,~. /J"" ".'·'Æ'~~~' ~(I¡¡bëls;'šhlppil1g'r~ôrC:ls;' ~t~;,..., atftiê/?:~'" package contahís a household' product such as paint, personal care products or common household chemicals? YES ~:,~~~Wãij~!~~"'~""A'i"'~"~"" .' ':lsólatedJ''faspl~I]i:Jb(ß '. .',. direction òf u·pSs.ûpervìsórs),· '. Including those whò have not received special training on hazardous materials until the designated responder arrives at the spill site. :r~~~~è~~~~fti,~]~ä~~'~~~~I~~~; processed by UPS personnel," . Including those who have not received sp.ecial training on hazardous materials. . Does not Include packages that are wet from external sources such as rain or drink spills. T Unless carton Is marked with applicable exemption number. Revised 4/01 f:Ìlt~'~W~~~¡ - YES :<i~fãciliWl~ofdids "illèd;,}', ;*¡[9fit§ºf,~~~~~é(,~:~r~itiì,~' I NO Spilled or leaking package contents Waste Disposal for a Full DMP Facility Only Designated Responders can process liquid or chemical package generated waste -. Notify PE (District Spill Coordinator) immediately NO I -NO :,":~. y-' ~~1.~ N ~.:~{,i~L~~i~t.~:~~;~~?-~;~,:)\s::;..., :.,< :~,'~' I YES Notify PE (District Spill Coordinator) immediately - YES -. . NO I Solidify all liquid YES-' . waste, bag, and I " place in the trash ~~~i~t1,if-YES ~ I NO . Solidify'allliquid waste, bag, and place in the trash -:~:,.f.;-.:',';'..:: ., .. .... .,,<",,'. '--',~~ <..~ NO Solidify all liquid waste, bag, and place in the trash, YES :"-.;,-;.:,.,.,;.," I NO YES I , . Continue f()1I9wingDMP '. ',.procedures ånd '. ,'FAXcom~le~edI?MNto waste ' . 'vendor . DMP = Damaged Materials Program DMN = Damaged Material Notification form CESQG= Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator RQ = Reportable Quantity as indicated on the UPS shipping paper Revised 4/01 Spilled or leaking package contents . ,!tIDIII ~ I YES I NO Notify PE (District Spill Coordinator) immediately Waste Disposal for a CESQG DMP Facility Only Designated Responders can process liquid or chemical package- generated waste "') " "' ll~'1t~tf- YES I NO Notify PE (District Spill Coordinator) immediately NO "':,I#,.ånýjrlgt~di~nt'i~the;"( prôducflìstêd'irfTàble:j6;" ~fli.~i I YES ~~~III YES Notify (District Spill Coordinator) immediately (~ ...~ ~_. - Jr'>.~...~~ :\r,J,,;íl\!w,'nt":JJ.lCof:J :"~ '~}¡' \i1r.-f·:P, >" - " ". '!\!..~ \.- , : ... -" . '> !~:rí'f~:~l~I{~': :,": YES -. NO-' Solidify all liquid waste, bag, and place in the trash NO-' Solidify all liquid waste, bag, 'and place in the trash, '. - AND -. · Place solidified liquid waste and empty containers in plastic bag . · Attach label to bag identifying contents · Store in safe location until further directions from PE CESOG = Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator DMP = Damaged Materials Program RO = Reportable Quantity as indicated on the UPS shipping paper '\ .J I Revised 4/01 HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET PROHIBITED HAZARDOUS MA TERIALS PROHIBITED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Hazards 1. Contact may cause burns to the eyes or skin. 2. Skin contact may be poisonous. 3. Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases. 4. May be poisonous if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin. 5. Material may be flammable or may ignite if exposed to air. "Dangerous When Wet" may ignite when exposed to moisture. 6. The material may be toxic as well as flammable. Personal Protective EauiDment Reauired =[!rlEI 1. Wear goggles, boots, apron, and gloves while isolating the area. ResDonse Action SteDs 1. KEEP ALL PEOPLE AWAY. a. ISOLATE AREA USING CONES ANDI OR TAPE. DENY ENTRY. b. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CLEAN UP. 2. Keep all sources of ignition away from substance. 3. Avoid creating friction or sparks. 4. * Move persons exposed to spill to fresh air. Call for medical assistance jf needed. 5. FOLLOW CHAIN OF COMMAND AND CALL AN OUTSIDE RESPONDER IMMEDIATELY FOR CLEAN UP a. ONLY AN OUTSIDE RESPONDER MAY CLEAN UP THIS TYPE OF SPILL. b. Instruct the outside responder to containerize the absorbed material into one or more DMP plastic , bags then place the DMP bags into a 55 gallon 17H disposal drum, then seal drum for disposal shipment. c. Follow your facility's Damaged Materials Program disposal procedures. A Damaged Materials Notification (DMN) form must be submitted to the hazardous waste contractor for identification and disposal. Decontamination ~ Decontaminate any areas of the body or equipment that may have been exposed by utilizing the decontamination checklist. Revised 4/01 HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET FLAMMABLE SOLID or LIQUIDS CLASS 9 Hazards 1. Contact may irritate or bum skin or eyes. 2. Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases. 3. May be poisonous if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin. 4. Heat, sparks, or flames may ignite material. 5. Vapors may travel to a source of ignition and flash back. 6. The material may be toxic as well as flammable. Personal Protective EauiDment Reauired =[!rllJ 1. Wear goggles, boots, apron, and gloves. a 2. If there is an irritating odor that affects the eyes, nose or throat, an SCBA must be used. ResDonse Action SteDs 1. Keep all sources of ignition away from substance. 2. Avoid any activity that will cause the material to become airborne. 3. Liquids - Sprinkle clay based absorbent until all liquids are absorbed, stir with wooden stirring sticks until mixture appears dry. ' Solids - Clean-up all spilled solid material. No absorbent is required for solids. . Spills with noxious odors or fumes - Spread activated carbon (not clay based absorbent) over I~ spilled material. Use wooden stir sticks to rotate the carbon until all liquids are solidified. 4. Do not add any neutralizer to this material. 5. Containerize the absorbed material into a lined spill tray using a plastic shovel, fiber broom, and/or plastic dustpan. 6. Ensure all spill residue is removed from spill location. 7. Transport package to package service center for further processing. Decontamination ~ Decontaminate any areas of the body or equipment that may have been exposed by utilizing the decontamination checklist. ' Revised 4/01 HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET CORROSIVE SOLIDS OR LIQUIDS Hazards 1 . Contact may cause bums to the eyes or skin. 2. Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases. 3. May be poisonous if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin. 4. Skin contact may be poisonous. & 5. If producing visible fumes, follow Chain of Command and call for an outside responder. , 6. If there is noticeable skin irritation due to fumes or vapors, do not attempt to continue to · clean-up, follow the Chain of Command and call for an outside responder. Personal Protective EauiDment Reauired a:I[!rlEI a 1. Wear goggles, boots, apron, and gloves using the Silver Shield inner liner. 2. If there is an irritating odor that affects the eyes, nose or throat, an SCBA must be used. ReSDonse Action SteDs 1. Solids - Clean-up all spilled solid material. No absorbent is required for solids. Liquids - a. Tear off approximately 5 inches of pH indicator tape and immerse in the spilled liquid. b. Match the pH tape color to closest color on the pH tape dispenser. c. If the test indicates that the spilled material is an alkaline or an acid (not in the 6-9 pH range), carefully apply sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate mixed with acids produces a fizzing reaction; however, when mixed with alkalines there is no fizzing reaction. d. Retest the spilled material with the pH tape to ensure that the pH is within the neutral range of 6 to 9. e. Using wooden stirring sticks, mix clay absorbent with the spilled material to completely absorb all liquids. 2. Containerize the absorbed material into a lined spill tray using a plastic shovel, fiber broom, and/or plastic dustpan. 3. Ensure all spill residue is removed from spill location. 4. Transport package to package service center for further processing. Decontamination. v Decontaminate any areas of the body or equipment that may have been exposed by utilizing the decontamination checklist. Revised 4/01 HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET UNLABELED PACKAGES OR UNKNOWN CONTENTS NO LABEL ON BOX OR UNKNOWNS '. Hazards (Anv or all of the followinQ may aDDIy) 1. Contact may cause burns to the eyes or skin. 2. Skin contact may be poisonous. 3. Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases. 4. May be poisonous if inhaled or swallowed. 5. Material may be flammable or toxic. it 6. If there is noticeable skin irritation due to fumes or vapors, do not attempt to continue to , clean-up, follow the Chain of Command and call for an outside responder. . , Personal Protective EQuiDment ReQuired =l!IrllJ a 1. Wear goggles, boots, apron, and gloves. 2. If there is an irritating odor that affects the eyes, nose or throat, an SCBA must be used. ResDonse Action SteDs 1. Keep all sources of ignition away from substance. 2. Avoid creating friction or sparks. 3. Solids - Clean-up all spilled solid material. No absorbent is required for solids. Liquids - a. Check the pH by tearing off approximately 5 inches of pH indicator tape and immerse in the spilled liquid. b. Match the pH tape color to closest color on the pH tape dispenser. i. If the pH of the material is above or below the 6-9 pH ranoe, use the CORROSIVE LIQUID response sheet. ii. If the pH of the material is within the 6-9 DH range, use the FLAMMABLE LIQUID response sheet. 4. Containerize the absorbed material into a lined spill tray using a plastic shovel, fiber broom, and/or plastic dustpan. 5. Ensure all spill residue is removed from spill location. 6. Transport package to package service center for further processing. Decontamination CJ Decontaminate any areas of the body or equipment that may have been exposed by utilizing the decontamination checklist. ) Revised 4/01 HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET ORM-D CONSUMER COMMODITY .1' . . .. " iORM-D~ÄIR¡ ORM-D (other regulated material) - consists of a material which although otherwise subject to regulations, presents a limited hazard during transportation due to its form, quantity and packaging (consumer commodities). Hazards (Anv or all of the followinQ mav apply) 1. Contact may irritate or burn skin or eyes. 2. Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases. 3. May be poisonous if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin. 4. Heat, sparks, or flames may ignite material. 5. Vapors may travel to source of ignition and flash back. 6. The material may be toxic as well as flammable. Personal Protective Equipment Required =[!rllJ a 1. Wear goggles, boots, apron, and gloves. 2. If there is an irritating odor that affects the eyes, nose or throat, an SCBA must be used. Response Action Steps 1. Keep all sources of ignition away from substance. 2. Avoid any activity that will cause the material to become airborne. 3. Liquids - a. Check the pH by tearing off approximately five inches of pH indicator tape from the dispenser and immerse in the spilled liquid. b. Match the pH tape color to closest color on the pH tape dispenser. i. If the pH of the material is above or below the 6-9 pH ranae, use the CORROSIVE LIQUID response sheet. ii. If the pH of the material is within the 6-9 pH ranae, use the FLAMMABLE LIQUID response sheet. Solids - Clean-up all spilled solid material. No absorbent is required for solids. Spills with noxious odors or fumes - Spread activated carbon (not clay based absorbent) over spilled matedal. Use wooden stir sticks to rotate the carbon until all liquids are solidified. DO NOT USE activated carbon if the material is an organic peroxide or oxidizer. 5. Do not add neutralizer to this material. 6. Containerize the absorbed material into a lined spill tray using a plastic shovel, fiber broom, and/or plastic dustpan. 7. Ensure all spill residue is removed from spill location. 8. Transport package to package service center for further processing. ~. 4. Decontamination () Decontaminate any areas of the body or equipment that may have been exposed by utilizing the decontamination checklist. . Revised 4/01 HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET FLAMMABLE GAS 2.1 OXYGEN 2.2 Hazards 1. ' Extremely flammable, may be ignited by heat, sparks, or flame (Oxygen is not flammable, but will support and accelerate combustion). 2. Vapors may travel to a source of ignition and flash back. 3. Container may explode if exposed to heat or fire. 4. Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases. 5. May be poisonous if inhaled. 6. Vapor may be extremely irritating. 7. Contact may cause bums to skin and eyes. Personal Protective EauiDment Reauired =[!nEl m 1. Wear goggles, boots, apron, and gloves. 2. If there is an irritating odor that affects the eyes, nose or throat, an SCBA must be used. & 3. If there is noticeable skin irritation due to fumes or vapors, do not attempt to continue to clean-up. Follow the Chain of Command and call for an outside responder. ResDonse Action SteDs 1. Keep all sources of ignition away. 2. Attempt to close the valve. 3. Remove leaking cylinder outdoors to a well-ventilated area. a. Place a warning sign in area to warn of flammable hazards and to keep employees away. 4. Follow supplier instructions as to the return or disposition of the cylinder. 5. If the supplier cannot be contacted, seal the non-leaking cylinder in a DMP bag and process through the DMP. Decontamination ~ Decontaminate any areas of the body or equipment that may have been exposed by utilizing the decontamination checklist. j Revised 4/01 OXIDIZERS HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET Prohibited in the Air ORGANIC PEROXIDES System Only Hazards 1. Contact may cause irritation or burns to the skin or eyes. 2. May be poisonous if inhaled, or swallowed. 3. Oxidizers or Organic Peroxides are not flammable, but may cause other materials to burn. 4. The material may be toxic as well as an oxidizer. 5. Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases. 6. ~ DO NOT ABSORB OXIDIZERS OR ORGANIC PEROXIDES WITH ACTIVATED ~ CARBON. USE CLAY BASED ABSORBENT ONLY. Personal Protective Eauipment Reauired =[!rla a 1. Wear goggles, boots, apron, and gloves. 2. If there is an irritating odor that affects the eyes, nose or throat, an SCBA must be used. Response Action Steps 1. Keep all sources of ignition away from substance. 2. Prevent liquid from coming into contact with other boxes or flammable materials. 3. Liquids - Sprinkle clay based absorbent until all liquids are absorbed, stir with wooden stirring sticks until mixture appears dry. Solids - Clean-up all spilled solid material. No absorbent is required for solids. 4. Because this material may cause the packing box to ignite, move the material and packing box to an area that will be safe if it were to catch fire. 5. Containerize the absorbed material into a lined spill tray using a plastic shovel, fiber broom, and/or plastic dustpan. 6. Ensure all spill residue is removed from spill location. 7. Transport package to package service center for further processing. Decontamination ~ Decontaminate any areas of the body or equipment that may have been exposed by utilizing the decontamination checklist. Revised 4/01 HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET NON-FLAMMABLE GAS 2.2 ... ~ I Hazards 1. May be poisonous if inhaled. 2. Vapor may be extremely irritating. 3. Contact may cause burns to skin and eyes. 4. Material may burn, but will not ignite readily. 5. Cylinder may explode if exposed to heat or fire. 6. Some liquid cryogenics, such as liquid nitrogen, may be extremely cold when first released. Lt 7. If there is noticeable skin irritation due to fumes or vapors, do not attempt to continue to , clean-up, follow the Chain of Command and call for an outside responder. . Personal Protective Eauipment Reauired =[!nlJ a 1 . Wear goggles, boots, apron, and gloves. 2. If there is an irritating odor that affects the eyes, nose or throat, an SCBA must be used. Response Action Steps 1. Attempt to close the valve. 2. Remove leaking cylinder outdoors to a well-ventilated area away from heat or fire. a. Place a warning sign in area to warn other employees to keep away. 3. Follow supplier instructions as to the return or disposition of the cylinder. 4. If the supplier cannot be contacted, seal the non-leaking cylinder in a DMP bag and process through the DMP. Decontamination (D Decontaminate any areas of the body or equipment that may have been exposed by utilizing the decontamination checklist. Revised 4/01 HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET HARMFUL - Stow Away from Foodstuffs - Prohibited in the Air System Only OR The "Keep Away from Food" label used for materials in Division 6.1, Packing Group 1/1, is being phased out. During the transition period, the labels are interchangeable. Shipping papers will continue to show "Keep Away from Food" in the "Label(s) Required" field, even when this new label is used. Hazards 1. Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases. 2. May be poisonous if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through skin. 3. Material may bum, but will not ignite readily. 4. The material may be toxic. as well as flammable. Personal Protective Equipment Required =[!IrlEI a 1. Wear goggles, boots,apron, and gloves. 2. If there is an irritating odor that affects the eyes, nose or throat, an SCBA must be used. Response Action Steps 1. Keep all sources of ignition away from substance. 2. Avoid any activity that will cause the material to become airborne. 3. Liquids· Sprinkle clay based absorbent until all liquids are absorbed, stir with wooden stirring sticks until mixture appears dry. a. Do not add any neutralizer to this material. Solids· Clean-up all spilled solid material. No absorbent is required for solids. 4. Containerize the absorbed material into a lined spill tray using a plastic shovel, fiber broom, and/or plastic dustpan. 5. Ensure all spill residue is removed from spill location. 6. Transport package to package service center for further processing. Decontamination ~ Decontaminate any areas of the body or equipment that may have been exposed by utilizing the decontamination checklist. Revised 4/01 HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET BIOHAZARD ~ Hazards 1. Inhalation of airborne living organisms or contact through cuts or broken skin may result in transmission of disease. 2. Preservative fluids may be irritating (i.e. formaldehyde). 3. Improper handling of broken glass fragments, needles, or contaminated debris can result in punctures in personal protective equipment. 4. Eating or smoking, after responding to spills, without first washing hands may result in transmission of disease. Lt... 5. If there is noticeable skin irritation due to fumes or vapors, do not attempt to continue to , clean-up, follow the Chain of Command and call for an outside responder. .'. . Personal Protective EauiDment Reauired =[!nlJ a 1. Wear goggles, boots, apron, and gloves. ResDonse Action Stees 1. Cordon off the area within 15 feet of the spill. 2. Do not touch sharps or broken glass without the proper protective equipment. 3. Apply bleach solution (1 part bleach, 10 parts water) to the spilled material and any equipment in contact with the spilled material. 4. Apply clay-based absorbent. Completely solidify the spill. 5. Retrieve BIOHAZARD SPILL KIT. a. Containerize all broken glass fragments, needles, contaminated debris, etc., into BIOHAZARD SPILL KIT. . b. Decontamination of property and equipment should be performed utilizing a chlorine bleach solution (1 part bleach, 10 parts water) and disposable towels. Place all contaminated materials used to clean up the spill into the BIOHAZARD SPILL KIT. 6. Seal BIOHAZARD SPILL KIT container. 7. Management must then contact medical waste disposal contractor for pickup. Any spilled material generated from biohazard package cannot be disposed of within the Damaged Materials Program. Notify the Plant Engineering Department, who will arrange for the disposal of the- material. Decontamination ~ 1. Decontaminate any areas of the body or equipment that may have been exposed by utilizing the decontamination checklist. 2. All responders, and any other employees that had contact with the spilled material, must thoroughly wash their hands using soap and water. 2. If there is an irritating odor that affects the eyes, nose or throat, an SCBA must be used. 1 .....f Revised 4/01 HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET MERCURY ( METALLIC or INORGANIC MERCURY) MERCURY Hazards 1. Contact may cause bums to skin and eyes. 2. May enter the body through the skin. 3. May be poisonous if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin. 4. Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases. Lta 5. If producing visible fumes, follow Chain of Command and call for an outside responder. , .,. , 6. If there is noticeable ski~ irritation due to fumes or vapors, ~o not attempt to continue to ,.e clean-up, follow the Cham of Command and call for an outsIde responder. Personal Protective EauiDment Reauired =[!r:lEI a 1. Wear goggles, boots, apr0!l, and gloves. ResDonse Action SteDs 1. Cordon off the area within 15 feet of the spill. 2. Use clay-based absorbent to build a barrier to prevent liquid mercury from coming into contact with other boxes or materials, from entering cracks or hard to reach places, or entering the drainage system. 3. Clean u 0 tions: 0 tion A - Outside Res onder For any spill: a. laraer than a thermometer OR b. package source cannot be identified c. the mercury spill kit is not available, Option B - Internal Response If Mercury Spill Kit is available: Small spills (one oral thermometer) may be cleaned UP usinQ the Mercury Spill Kit. 4. Clean up instructions for using the Mercury Spill Kit. a. Do not attempt to clean up spill using clay, carbon, or mopping. b. Retrieve Mercury Spill Kit and apply sufficient "Mercury Absorb Powder" to amalgamate mercury residue. c. Clean up all contaminated debris using plastic dustpan or shovel. d. Decontaminate area using "Mercury Absorb Sponges". e. Check area for mercury residue using "Mercury Check Swabs" . f. Apply additional powder or sponges as required to ensure all residue is removed from spill location. 5. Containerize all materials into a lined spill tray using a plastic shovel, fiber broom, and/or plastic dustpan. 6. Do not attempt to segregate spilled material or contaminated debris. Process all residue or waste within the DMP program. 7. Transport package to package service center for further processing. Decontamination ~ Do not attempt to decontaminate personal protective equipment or clean up equipment. Dispose of any contaminated c,lean up equipment through the DMP. Decontaminate floor surfaces or equipment using "Mercury Absorb Sponges". After decontamination, use "Mercury Check Swabs" to detect any remaining residue. Apply "Mercury Absorb Sponges" and "Mercury Absorb Powder" until no mercury is detected using check swabs. Dispose of all contaminated personal protective equipment with waste debris. Employees who handle mercury must wash their hands thoroughly with soap, or mild detergent and water before eating, smoking, or using toilet facilities. 2. If there is an irritating odor that affects the eyes, nose or throat, an SCBA must be used. Outside Responder must be used for clean UP. Revised 4/01 HAZARD CLASS RESPONSE SHEET RADIOACTIVE I #" ~, t Hazards 1. Radioactive I materials emit less than 0.5 millirems per hour: 2. Radiation at these levels are encountered in many activities and poses minimal risk to health and safety . 3. Released materials from damaged packages can cause low levels of external radiation exposure. 4. Released materials entering or contaminating the body can cause internal radiation exposure. 5. Some radioactive materials cannot be detected by commonly available instruments. Personal Protective EaulDment Reauired l:I[!naa 1. Wear goggles, boots, apron, gloves and SCBA. SCBA must be worn to protect against the possibility of airborne radioactive particles. Radioactive materials may also be corrosive or an oxidizer. 2. Lead aprons used to protect against higher doses of radiation are not necessary for Radioactive I materials. ResDonse Action SteDs 1. Minimize radiation exposure using the following practices: a. Identify and stage spill response materials prior to actual cleanup to reduce time necessary to perform required tasks. b. Maximize distance from spill when not directly handling or cleaning up the spill. 2. Keep all sources of ignition away from the leaking package. 3. Solids - Clean-up all spilled solid material. No absorbent is required for solids. Liquids - Solidify material, following the CORROSIVE or OXIDIZER response sheet to the extent applicable. 4. Containerize the absorbed material into a lined spill tray using a plastic shovel, fiber broom, and/or plastic dustpan. 5. Ensure all spill residue is removed from spill location. a. Waste from Radioactive I spills may not be disposed of through the DMP program. b. Contact Plant Engineering for an alternative disposal option. 6. Transport package to package service center for further processing. Decontamination ~ Decontaminate any areas of the body or equipment that may have been exposed by utilizing the decontamination checklist. * PACKAGES BEARING YELLOW AND WHITE RADIOACTIVE" OR RADIOACTIVE III LABELS, WHICH EMIT HIGHER LEVELS OF RADIATION, ARE PROHIBITED IN THE UPS SYSTEM. IF SUCH PACKAGES ARE LEAKING, FOLLOW THE CHAIN OF COMMAND AND CALL FOR AN OUTSIDE RESPONDER TO CLEAN UP THE SPILL. ,) Revised 4/01 ~ United Parcel SelVlce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN DECONTAMINATION CHECKLIST Revised July 1995 SECTION VI ~ United P8JceI Semce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN Respirator Cleaninø and Disinfectinf Each Designated Responder who uses a SCBA shall be responsible for decontaminating hislher equipment. Those SCBAs used exclusively by one Designated Responder shall be cleaned after each day's use, or more often if necessary. Those SCBAs used by more than one Designated Responder shall be cleaned and disinfected AFl'ER EACH USE. Daily cleaning and disinfecting shall include: 1. Wipe interior and exterior of the facepiece thoroughly with a clean, damp cloth. Heavy soil may require use of a small hand brush and the manufacturer's recommended detergent &olution ncl~er-sanitizer #2. n (For disinfecting, use the manufacturer's recommended procedure of dipping the facepiece into a cleaner-sanitizer #2, warm water solution.) 2. Rinse completely in clean, warm water. 3. Air dry in a clean, protected location. 4. Clean the other respirator parts as recommended by the manufacturer. 5. Inspect and replace valves, headstraps and other parts, if defective. 6. Place the respirator in a plastic bag or in its storage case. All respirators should be stored in a clean, convenient, and sanitary location, accessible at all times. Cleanup of residue remaining on equipment depends on the type of material spilled. Use the following guidelines for removing residue from floors, equipment, or cleanup tools. All heavily contaminated equipment must be wiped clean with a disposable towel before rinsing with warm water. Equimnent 1. Use a non-sparking scraper to loosen solid spill residue. This includes spill residue on the floor or plant equipment, and spill "residue on cleanup supplies or equipment. 2. Use a disposable towel to wipe clean any remaining spill residue. 3. Place the disposable towel into the DMP bag with the cOntaminated debris from the spill cleanup. SECTION VI . Decontamination Checklist hv. 7115/95 Page 1 ~ UnJted Pan:eI Semce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN Personal Drotective eauioment 1. While wearing protective gloves, rinse them with warm tap water and soap. Do not remove gloves at this point. 2. Remove boots. Clean with warm tap water and soap. Rinse with additional warm tap water. 3. Remove apron. Clean with warm tap water and soap. Rinse with additional warm tap water. 4. Remove gloves by pulling ,down on the cuff, turning glove inside-out. Roll down cuff to pop fingers out. Clean the exposed inside of the glove with warm tap water and soap. Thoroughly rinse with additional warm tap water. 5. Remove goggles. Clean with warm tap water and soap. Rinse with additional warm tap water. (Note: Goggles are not worn ü SCBA is used.) 6. Wash hands with warm tap water and soap. 7. Place protective wear in clean area and allow to air dry before returning to spill cart. (Note: Protective gloves must be turned right-side-out before returning to the spill cart.) 8. Always thoroughly wash any exposed parts of the body with warm tap water and soap. Other decontamination Drocedures Refer to the "UPS Plant Engineering Housekeeping Manual, Volume X" for additional guidance and products available to clean up spill residues or stains that may remain on floor surfaces. SECTION VI - Decontamination Checklist Rev. 7125195 Page 2 ~ United Parcel Semce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CHAIN OF COMMAND Revised July 1995 SECTION vn EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CHAIN OF COMMAND Non-responding employees who encounter a leaking damaged package or an accidental release of a flammable substance shall notify their immediate supervisor. Non-responder supervisors shall notify a Designated Responder of the spill occurrence. The Designated Responder :first notifies his supervisor of the spill incident, then, using the Decision Tree and Response Sheets, follows the guidelines in the UPS Damaged Package Response Procedure. If the spill incident is beyond hislher capabilities or if the release is from a flammable substance storage tank, the Designated Responder notifies hislher supervisor who assesses the situation and decides if an outside responder is necessary. The supervisor follows the chain of command and notifies hislher manager, or the most senior management person who is both on site and listed on the facility chain of command. The most senior management person becomes the facility coordinator. The facility coordinator, who assumes management control of the situation, shall be responsible for notifying the outside responder and/or the fire department. The facility coordinator 'may request or designate another management person to initiate the call to the outside responder. Until the arrival of the outside responder at the UPS facility, the facility coordinator shall direct and coordinate all emergency evacuation and/or response activities. Once the outside responder arrives, the senior emergency response official shall become the incident commander in charge of the Incident Command System (ICS). The central command post of the ICS shall be located at the guard shack for the facility, or a prearranged location agreed upon by the facility coordinator and the outside responder. The facility coordinator shall promptly brief the incident commander concerning the spill incident circumstances and current status (including the identity of the chemical spilled, the results of the head count of employees at the assembly point; any injuries, or need for emergency medical assistance). The incident commander shall thereafter be responsible for directing and coordinating all emergency response and/or cleanup activities. The facility coordinator shall assist and cooperate with the incident commander. The ICS shall remain in effect until the incident commander orders it discontinued and determines that it is safe for our employees to return to the building. ) Each facility must maintain a chain of command form which identifies: Designated Responders (employees), Designated Responder management, and management authorized to evacuate the facility and notify the outside responder. Each management employee and all Designated Responders must be trained thoroughly concerning the chain of command. SECTION Vß - Chain of Command Rev. 4199 Page 1 ~ United Parcel SeMce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN Revised July 1995 SECTION IX \ ~ UnJted Parcel Semce EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN APPENDIX A EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLAN Revised 712S195 SECTION IX ~ Unned Parcel Semc:e EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PURPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ll. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ill. WRITIEN PLAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 IV. FACILITY MANAGEMENT PRE-EMERGENCY PLANNING AND PREPAREDNESS .............................. 3 V. NOTIFICATION OF AN EMERGENCY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 VI. SAFE DISTANCES AND ASSEMBLY POINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Vll. CHAIN OF COMMAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 vm. GENERAL EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 IX. NATURAL DISASTERS AND MAN-MADE EMERGENCIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 A. Fire ................................................. 7 B. Tornadoes.............................................. 8 C. Hurricanes ............................................. 9 D. Bomb Threats ........................................... 10 E. Explosions ............................................. 10 F. Earthquakes............................................. 11 G. Floods And Flash Floods .................................... 12 H. Gas Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 I. Transportation Accidents .................................... 13 I. Toxic VaporslFumes and/or Hazardous Chemical Releases .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 X. EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN TRAINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 XI. PARTIAL EVACUATIONS ................................... 14 Xll. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 APPENDICES A. Emergency Evacuation Plan B. Emergency Evacuation Plan Pre-work Communication Meeting (pCM) C. UPS Compliance Training Student Roster Revised 7115t95 SECTION IX EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN I. PURPOSE This Emergency Action Plan has been developed to protect lives, reduce injury, and minimi7.e property damage during emergencies and/or natural disasters at United Parcel Service facilities. Examples of such situations are fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, explosions, hunicanes, natmal gas leaks, smoke (without fire), toxic vapors, any hazardous substance release within the facility or externally (fuel tank spill, railroad car spill, etc.), transportation accidents (plane crash, train derailment, etc.), bomb threats, or other unanticipated emergency situations. This plan is in accordance with OSHA Standard 1910.38 and US EPA 68 Subpart E Emergency Response provisions. ll. INTRODUcnON The complexity of a given emergency action plan depends on the complexity of the operation for which it is written. The emergency action plan should be kept as streamlined and practical as possible. This document is designed to provide useful information for program development for UPS facilities of all sizes. Therefore, it may contain procedures or responsibilities not applicable to smaller operations. Likewise, some facilities have unique emergency safety issues that are found only at that facility or very few others. Those facilities have special considerations which are not treated in this document. A section is provided at the' end of this plan for those facilities to write down their special situations and plan for them accordingly. Emergency events, and issues that arise during an emergency, can never be fully, anticipated, and emergencies can never be completely planned for, since each situation is unique. The procedures provided here will address most anticipated events. However, all emergencies, anticipated and unanticipated, will require good judgement and pmdent response by UPS facility management, who are ultimately responsible for making emergency decisions. An Emergency Action Plan can be summarized as follows: 1. Provides a written record and means of communicating decisions, direction and information throughout the organization. 2. Forces clear and thorough planning of the facility emergency program. 3. Assures that all procedures fit into an integrated plan. 4. Promotes uniformity, consistency, and integration of emergency actions. SECTION IX - Emergency Action Plan Rev. 4199 Page 1 ~ United Parcel ServIce EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN I. PURPOSE This Emergency Action Plan has been developed to protect lives, reduce injury, and rninimi7.e property damage during emergencies and/or natural disasters at United Parcel Service facilities. Examples of such situations are fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, explosions, hurricanes, natural gas leaks, smoke (without fire), toxic vapors, any hazardous substance release within the facility or externally (fuel tank spill, railroad car spill, etc.), transportation accidents (plane crash, train derailment, etc.), bomb threats, or other unanticipated emergency situations. This plan is in accordance with OSHA Standard 1910.38. ß. INTRODUCTION The complexity of a given emergency action plan depends on the complexity of the operation for which it is written. The emergency action plan should be kept as streamlined and practical as possible. This document is designed to provide useful information for program development for UPS facilities of all sizes. Therefore, it may contain procedures or responsibilities not applicable to smaller operations. Likewise, some facilities have unique emergency safety issues that are found oniy at that facility or very few others. Those facilities have special considerations which are not treated in this document. A section is provided at the end of this plan for those facilities to write down their special situations and plan for them accordingly. Emergency events, and issues that arise during an emergency, can never be fully anticipated, and emergencies can never be completely planned for, since each situation is unique. The procedures provided here will address most anticipated events. However, all emergencies, anticipated and unanticipated, will require good judgement and prudent response by UPS facility management, who are ultimately responsible for making emergency decisions. An Emergency Action Plan can be summarized as follows:c 1. Provides a written recOrd and means of communicating decisions, direction and information throughout the organization. 2. Forces clear and thorough planning of the facility emergency program. 3. Assures that all procedures fit into an integrated plan. 4. Promotes uniformity, consistency, and integration of emergency actions. SECTION IX - Emergency Aaion Plan Rev. 7n5m Page 1 ~ United Paft:el SeMce EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN 5. Assures a record of decisions, thus eliminating dependence on individuals who may later change assignments or employment. 6. Provides a means for the orientation of all employees concerning emergency responsibilities . 7. Permits management to delegate specific authorities, and assures understanding by all individuals regarding assignments. 8. Provides UPS facility management the opportunity to anticipate potential emergencies and develop emergency action plans to contend with such situations. 9. Provides for safe evacuation and/or other actions of employees. Other actions could include supervisors checking their areas to ensure all employees have evacuated, and PEIMaintenance personnel responsibilities for emergency shut down. m. WRI'ITEN PLAN This emergency action plan includes an explanation of how each of the following elements should be handled for a specific emergency or disaster: · Emergency notification, · Chain of Command, · Géneral emergency evacuation procedures, · Accounting for all employees after evacuation has been completed, · Means of emergency egress, and · Employee training in the emergency evacuation/action plan and documentation of that training. In addition to the written plan, each facility must have a written evacuation notice posted in each work area. This notice must include: · Facility name and address, · Designated work area, · An explanation of the exit routes and safe assembly point(s), · Emergency contact phone numbers for the police, fire, hospital and emergency medical responders, and · Instructions for post-evacuation procedures. k.--'·; SECTION IX - Emergency Action Plan Rev. 7125195 Page 2 ~ United Parcel Semce EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN This written notice must be accompanied by a directional-specific diagram for each work area, illustrating the evacuation route and the designated assembly point for the work area. See Appendix A for a sample written notice and diagram for this facility. The written notice and diagram should be displayed on an "Emergency Evacuation Plan Board" (142746-Red) in each work area in the facility. A copy of both the written plan and the diagram for each work area must be maintained in this section of the Emergency Response Plan. IV. FACILITY MANAGEMENT PRE-EMERGENCY PLANNING AND PREPAREDNESS Determining what action needs to be taken in the event of an emergency, and staying prepared, greatly enhances a proper and safe response in the event the emergency does arise. The division manager is responsible for ensuring that all full- and part-time management employees conduct pre-emergency planning. Supervisors and management personnel must ensure that: 1. Written plans with diagrams are kept current and posted in each work area. 2. Employee evacuation training is conducted for all employees based on the training guidelines in this section. 3. Documentation of all emergency evacuation training is completed on the UPS Compliance Training Student Roster (0162798/94). 4. All physically challenged employees are pre-assigned "buddies." 5. The equipment and utilities which must be shut down before leaving a work area are identified. 6. Equipment/utility shut-down is assigned to dependable personnel. 7. Adequate means of egress from the facility are maintained at all times. 8. Exits are periodically inspected and kept unobstructed at all times. SECTION IX - EmergtnCy Action Plan Rev. 711519S Page 3 ~ United Pan:el Semce EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN v. NOTIFICATION OF AN EMERGENCY Any employee who observes an emergency situation must immediately notify the nearest supervisor of: · the exact location of the emergency, · any missing or involved people, · any details that might be helpful. The supervisor is then responsible for verifying the emergency and then, following the Chain of Command (see the Chain of Command section in the UPS Emergency Response Plan for this facility), notifying the most senior management person on site (the "Facility Coordinator"). The Facility Coordinator makes the decision to fully or partially evacuate the facility based upon each individual situation. The Facility Coordinator is responsible for calling and directing an evacuation. · If evacuation of the facility is required, the Facility Coordinator must activate, or immediately have activated, the emergency evacuation alarm. · The alarm must be audible in all parts of the building and recognizable as the alarm to evacuate. · If an announcement is required, the person designated to make the announcement should use the public address system. · Management should shut down all moving belts and machinery to reduce building noise. · Should the public address system fail, instructions should be communicated verbally by supervisors and managers. Local police or appropriate emergency services should be notified if necessary (they may be automatically notified in case of fire). Finally, division, district and region management should be notified in accordance with established reporting procedures. VI. SAFE DISTANCES AND.ASSEMBLY POINTS When there is an emergency, such as.a hazardous material package spill, the immediate area shall be cleared. Designated Responders, individuals trained to respond to hazardous material leaking packages, are responsible, along with the area supervisor, for making sure the immediate area remains clear. When an outside responder is called in to handle the emergency, the immediate area surrounding the emergency situation such as a leaking package, must be evacuated. SECTION IX - Emergency Action PÜ1n Rev. 7f15/95 Page 4 ~ United Parcel Serw:e EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN If a full evacuation is ordered by the Facility Coordinator, all affected employees must respond as outlined in this plan and proceed to their safe assembly point(s). The assembly point(s) for this facility is (are): Work Area Assembly Point AH ASSfJ'Aß'~ ro\ tJ T$ t--ot;. \),::>:S ï<:P \ t-.) {. 1'( H ~, Q.. fA The Facility Coordinator designates himself /herself or another management person as the outside responder contact person. After contacting the outside responder, this employee is responsible for meeting them at the guard shack or a designated area outside of the facility. This area becomes the incident comrnanrl station (ICS) for the outside responder. YD. CHAIN OF COMMAND Facility management is responsible for implementing and maintaining this plan. Once notified of an emergency, the order to evacuate the building will come from the management person designated by the Chain of Command as the Facility Coordinator, who is authorized to evacuate the facility. The Chain of Command for this facility is located in Section vn, page 2 of this manual. VIll. GENERAL EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES A. Once notified of an emergency, the order to evacuate the building will come from management. B. Once the alarm is sounded, all affected employees must quickly leave the building using the nearest exit, and proceed directly to their designated assembly area (review location-specific emergency evacuation plan). SECTION IX - Emergency Action PÚUI Rev. 705/95 Page 5 ~ Unrted Parcel ServICe EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN C. Management shall: 1. Shut off all machinery and systems in an emergency (equipment shut-down may be assigned to dependable employees). 2. Assign two individuals as "buddies" for any physically challenged employee. 3. Know how to activate and recognize the emergency alarm. 4. Know what equipment and utilities must be shut down. 5. Make a quick sweep of their work areas to notify employees and ensure that all employees are accounted for. However, DO NOT PLACE YOURSELF IN DANGER. 6. Stress the importance of a calm, orderly exit. Be sure that each employee knows where the assembly point is located. 7. Direct all of hislher employees to their designated safe assembly points using the prescribed routes. 8. Account for all assigned employees after evacuation (taking a head count). Account for employees who are temporarily assigned to another department/area. 9. Provide hislher immediate manager with a status report once the accounting is complete. 10. Inform Facility Coordinator, police, fire or emergency personnel of hazardous materials present in hislher work area. 11. Stay calm. Employees look to management for direction and reassurance in an emergency . 12. Do not place yourself or your employees at risk. Each manager, in turn, shall report such information to the Facility Coordinator, who will be responsible for providing the outside responder with pertinent information concerning the accounting of all employees and the need for any emergency medical assistance. D. Employees must follow these rules during an emergency evacuation: 1. Remain calm and listen for instructions. 2. Do not attempt to retrieve personal belongings unless they are immediately at hand. 3. Do not re-enter the building until told to do so by UPS management. SECTION IX - Emergou:y Action Plan Rev. 7/15/95 Page 6 ~ United Parcel SeMce EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN The order to re-enter the building will come from the Facility Coordinator. It is important to remember that during an emergency evacuation employee panic and confusion can sometimes create a scenario worse than the emergency itself. IX. NATURAL DISASTERS AND MAN-MADE EMERGENCIES A. Fire Discovery Party 1. Notify the nearest supervisor of the fire. It is the supervisor's responsibility to initiate the chain of command. Follow any instructions given to you by the supervisor. 2. If possible, close all doors leading to the fire area to isolate the area ånd prevent the spread of fire. All Employees 1. Do not panic - remain calm, listen to instructions. 2. Do not open hot doors. Before opening any door, touch it near the top to see if it is hot. Do not break windows. OXYGEN FEEDS FIRES. 3. Evacuate the work area using your primary exit route. If your primary route is not usable, use your secondary route. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. 4. Ifusing a stairway, keep to the right, grasp the handrail, walk, keep silent, and follow your supervisor's instructions. 5. Do not assist fire fighting personnel unless asked to do so. 6. Do not leave the assembly area or return to the building until instructed to do so by UPS management. 7. DO NOT attempt to salvage items; this could cause a delay resulting in injury to yourselves and others. 8. DO NOT RISK YOUR OR OTHER EMPLOYEES' SAFETY WITH ATIEMPTS TO PUT OUT A FIRE. 9. Do not be a spectator - move away from the problem area. SECTION IX - Emergency Action PlDn Rev. 7f15f95 Page 7 ~ United Parcel Semce B. Tornadoes EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN Tornadoes are among nature's most violent and destructive storms. No part of our country is safe from them. When these air columns come in contact with the ground, they can cause much destruction. Tornadoes bring down buildings, roll mobile homes, and hurl people and animals through the air. Wind-borne debris can become deadly projectiles. In order to prepare for and lessen the damage of a tornado, the National Weather Service issues forecasts. The National Severe Storms Forecast Center is constantly evaluating weather conditions across the nation in order to keep people informed. Through radio stations, two forms of warnings may be issued: 1. TORNADO WATCH means that conditions are right for a tornado, and you should stay informed and be ready to take shelter immediately if a tornado warning is issued. Bring loose objects inside or secure them. 2. TORNADO WARNING means that a tornado has been sighted, and requires immediate action. Seek shelter if you are in the threatened area and follow the established safety rules below. Avoid being near windows. a. In office areas or building perimeter areas, "move to an interior hallway on a lower floor or go to a designated shelter area. The district Health and Safety manager should work in conjunction with district Plant Engineering to identify the locations best suited for this purpose. The shelter area(s) in this facility is (are): Work Area Refuge Area b. If you are with your package car in open country, move away from the tornado's path at right angles. If there is not enough time to move into a shelter or avoid the storm, pull your vehicle to the side of the road, get out and away from the vehicle as far as possible, and lie flat in a ditch, ravine, culvert or under a bridge. DO NOT STAY WITH YOUR VEHICLE. SECTION IX - Emergency A.aion Pion Rev. 7115/95 Page 8 ~ United Parcel Semce EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN ~-¥,. 3. If you observe a tornado, report it promptly to the nearest law enforcement agency or National Weather Service office. Give its location and direction of movement. C. Hurricanes Striking mainly along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, hurricane season is between June 1 and November 30. The National Weather Service can usually provide twelve to twenty-four hours advance warning. Since an incredible amount of destruction can result to people and property from a hurricane, it is important to keep informed by listening to a radio. A HURRICANE WARNING means that hurricane winds of 74 miles an hours or greater, or a combination of dangerously high water and very rough seas, are expected in a specific coastal area within the next 24 hours. If this warning is imminent, and applies to an area in which a UPS facility is located, the following precautionary actions should be taken immediately by facility management and employees. 1. Monitor the storm's position by listening to weather advisories on the radio. 2. If time permits, board over windows or protect them with storm shutters or tape. 3. Secure any outdoor objects that might be blown away (garbage containers, tools, signs). 4. H local authorities have not ordered an evacuation from the area, stay indoors on the downwind side and away from windows. Communities in hurricane-prone areas have hurricane preparedness plans in place for the community. The plans are an excellent source of information in order to determine which areas are to be, evacuated during an emergency. If an evacuation has been ordered for your facility, return should not occur until an "all clear" has been issued. Upon returning, it is important to check for gas leaks, and that water has not become contaminated. SECTION IX . Emergency Aaion Pion Rev. 7175t95 Page 9 ~ United Parcel SeMce EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN D. Bomb Threats A facility-specific plan to address bomb threats should be developed in accordance with Section 33 of the Loss Prevention Manual. The district Loss Prevention manager should be consulted in the development of the plan, which should include training for key personnel most likely to receive a threat at each facility (i.e. hub simulators or switchboard operators). The following procedures should be followed according to the site-specific plan. 1. Employees shpuld: . Notify the nearest management person of the threat. · Follow UPS management instructions. · If an evacuation is ordered, evacuate the building using the prescribed exit routes, and proceed to the safe points of assembly. · If using a stairway, keep to the right, grasp the handrail, walk, keep silent and follow instructions. · Do not return to the building until told to do so by UPS management. 2. Supervisors and management should: · If the threat is perceived as serious and immediate, evacuate the building. · Notify the district Loss Prevention manager as soon as possible. · Follow instructions by Loss Prevention manager, or if not available, contact local law enforcement. · Proceed in accordance with local law enforcement instructions. E. Explosions Chemical accidents, leaking gas or faulty boilers could be the cause of life-endangering explosions on,or near the premises. . , 1. If there is a THREAT of an explosion, management will activate the emergency evacuation plan or other appropriate measures to assure employee safety . 2. If time does not allow: A. Follow instructions to take cover under sturdy furniture or leave the building and proceed to designated assembly point. B. Stay away from windows and glass. C. DO NOT light matches. D. Stop any activity that could generate sparks. SECTION IX - Emergency Action PIœa Rev. 7125/95 Page 10 -- -" -', ~ United Parcel SeMce EMERGENCY AC110N PLAN " 3. In case of EXPLOSION in the building: A. . Follow instructions to leave the building. B. Move crosswind, NEVER up or downwind. AVOID toxic fumes and/or vapors. C. Do not take time to gather personal belongings. D. If possible, call the Fire Department. E. DO NOT return to the building until told to do so by UPS management. F. Earthquakes The main concern during an earthquake is taking cover from falling objects. The actual movement of the earth is rarely the cause of death or injury. If you are inside the building - stay inside. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. -'" 6. 7. Sit or stand against an inside wall, stand in a doorway, or take cover under a desk or strong table. Stay away from windows, glass and outside doors. Do not use elevators. Do not use telephones. If the earthquake should be followed by fire, follow pröcedures included in fire section. Avoid lighting a cigarette or striking a match for any reason until gas lines are checked. Extinguish any lit smoking materials or ignition sources. Evacuate the building upon instruction from UPS management. Remain outside until otherwise insttucted. If yc;>u are outside or have left the building - stay outside. < 1. Move away from buildings and utility wires. 2. Watch for falling glass, electrical wires, poles or other debris. 3'. Go to your designated refuge area and remain there until otherwise instructed. The district Health and Safety manager . should work in conjunction with district Plant Engineering to identify the locations best suited for this pmpose. The designated refuge area(s) for this facility is (are): Work Area Refuge Area .d·__._ - ._ _.. __u_ ". -- ----..---. - ..- " .-..----.-------...... In the event of an earthquake, all employees should DUCK, CO VER, and HOLD. Upon instruction 1Ì"om management through word of mouth, employe~ are to evacuate the building and assemble at a designated area. SECTION IX - Emergency Action Pltm Rev. 71251'JS Page 11 . -~J>~.' . ,- , . , , ~ United Parcel Service EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN I I ,.., G. Floods And Flash Floods Floods are a natural and inevitable part of life along the rivers of our COuntry. Some floods occur seasonally as a result of spring rains and melting snows. Other floods are sudden, resulting from heavy localized rainfall. Although no area is immune to floods, certain areas are. more likely to experience flooding than others. Flood warnings are issued as an advance notice that a flood is imminent or is in progress at a certain location. The National-Weather Service ISSUes flood forecasts and warnings . when the rain that has fallen is enough to cause rivers to overflow their banks. These forecasts and warnings can be issued hours to days in advance of the flood peak. These warnings provide time for people in threatened areas to prepare for, and thereby lessen damage from the flood. However, flash floods can occur so quickly that little or no notice may be given. Ata UPSfacílity: 1. If a facilio/ is located in a flood-prone area, and conditions indicate the probability of flooding, a local radio station should be monitored for flood warnings. 2. Management should be prepared to move all facility personnel away from flood waters upon short notice ,..... ( 3. After the flood J;1as passed, do not handle electrical equipment. Notify Plant Engineering. Drivers on the road: 1. If on the road with a package car or feeder, watch for fl~g at highway dips, bridges and low areas. 1;)0 not attempt to drive through flood waters of unknown depth. ,. 2. Seek alternative routes to rapidly flooding roads. 3. If your vehicle stalls in water that is rising rapidly, abandon the vehicle and immediately seek:higher ground. H. Gas Leaks Plant Engineering should be consulted regarding the location of the facility gas supply to the main, in the event that the gas supply' must be cut off to the building. The responsibility of ~g off the gas supply in a gas leak emergency should be coordinated with Plant Enginee~ as part of the facility emergency planning. SECTION IX - Emergency Aaion Pltm Rev. 7/1$/95 Page 12 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN If the odor associated with natural gas is detected, act fast. The odor will be strongest closest to the origin. Since there is an immediate danger of fire, explosion, or in an enclosed area, asphyxiation, do not try to discover the source of the gas. 1. Employees should notify UPS management if the odor of gas is detected. 2. The gas company should be notified immediately. 3. If possible, open windows. 4. Extinguish all ignition sources. 5. Turn off the gas at the main. 6. In the event of strong gas odor, or if a gas main breaks in your area, evacuate the area and notify the fire department. 1. Transportation Accidents Many UPS facilities are located near airports, railroad lines or major highways. While transportation accidents are rare, such accidents do occur. Should a plane, train, truck, or fuel tanker accident occur that requires emergency action, follow the General Emergency Evacuation Plans found in Section VIII. J. Toxic Vapors/Fumes and/or Hazardous Chemical Releases A toxic vapor, fume or other hazardous substance would be released in a UPS facility under very rare circumstances. If the hUJU'dous substance is leaking from a damaged package, follow the UPS Damaged Package Response Procedure. Should a toxic vapor, fume or other hazardous substance be released by an outside agent in the vicinity of the facility, all facility personnel should follow the orders given by the responding fire department or local HazMat response team. K. Flammable Substance Accidental Release A flammable substance (such as propane, compressed or liquified natural gas, etc.) would be accidentally released from a UPS facility under only very abnormal and rare circumstances. If a flammable substance is accidentally released from a process at a UPS facility the emergency response actions as defined in this plan should be followed. These actions would include evacuation of the immediate area, notification of the appropriate supervisor, and contacting of the applicable outside emergency response organization in the event of a fire or serious hazard. UPS employees will not respond to a flammable substance accidental release which has resulted in a fire, explosion or serious hazard. SECTION IX - Emergency Action Plan Rev. 4/99 Page 13 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN -"- If flammable substance leak is detected, the following steps should be taken by employees who have been fully trained on these steps, and who have been provided refresher training annually. Hyou notice a flammable substance leak: 1. Immediately close all valves. 2. Inform your supervisor. 3. Supervisor, determine if leak has been controlled. 3A. If leak is controlled, assess whether to call Fire Department. If significant amounts offJammable substance are present - Dial 911. 3B. If leak is not controlled, dial 911 on the nearest telephone and inform them of the situation. 3C. If a fire ensues, go to 4B. 4. If3B, then evacuate the surrounding areas of the building. 4A. Facility Coordinator activates the emergency evacuation alarm. All employees are aware that this means that they must evacuate to the designated assembly points and wait for head count and further instructions. The Facility Coordinator is responsible for the head count and the return to the building once clearance is given by the Incident Commander. 4B. The Facility Coordii1ator must pull the nearest fire alarm (nearest to him on his way out of the facility), which directly informs the Fire Department of the emergency. AIl employees must immediately evacuate to the designated assembly point. They will await a head count and further instruction. The Facility Coordinator is responsible for the head count, and the return to the building upon clearance. 5. After the threat of leak or fire has subsided, the Facility Coordinator in conjunction with the Incident Commander will assess the situation and assign responsibilities for clean-up, and return of equipment to the original condition. X. EMERGENCY ACflON PLAN TRAINING The Division manager is responsible for ensuring that all full- and part-time management people are trained in the emergency evacuation plan. SECI10N IX - Emergency Action Plan Rev. 4/99 Page 14 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN Each supervisor is responsible for training his/her employees in the Emergency Evacuation! Action Plan at the following times: a. When the plan is initially introduced, b. On the employee's first day of employment, c. Whenever an employee's job assignment or job location is changed d. Whenever the plan is changed, and/or e. Annually. How to Train: 1. Present the PCM enclosed in this section of the plan, pointing out the written plan and diagram. Cover the building-specific Emergency Action Plans for other types of emergencies such as hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. 2. Read the written description and demonstrate exit routes from the diagram. 3. Activate or simulate the emergency evacuation alarm. 4. Escort the employees out of the building following the exit routes on the diagram. Use the buddy system where applicable (see Section IX, IV, 4). 5. Go to the designated safe assembly point. 6. Account for all employees (take a head count). 7. Ensure that all employees understand that they are not to re-enter the building until instructed to do so by UPS management. 8. Answer any questions about this procedure. Documentation of this training must be recorded on the UPS Student Compliance Training Roster (016279-8/94). The most current original roster must be maintained in this section of the UPS Emergency Response Plan. The two-sided carbon copy should be sent to Human Resources for input into the Employee History Profile (EHP). XI. P ARTIAL EVACUATIONS At larger UPS facilities there may be occasion, such as during a chemical release, to evacuate employees from only part of a building. In these situations, the UPS management person in charge of the area to be evacuated must use his/her best SECTION IX - Emergency Action Plan Rev. 4199 Page IS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN judgement regarcfing how many employees to remove from the area. UPS management must be notified of the emergency and the decision to evacuate before action is taken. Since the evacuation is only partial, the evacuation alarm shall not be used. The decision to evacuate should be communicated by word of mouth to all employees in the area. Employees should be removed to a safe area an adequate distance away. All other measures for emergency evacuation, such as using a buddy system, shutting down machinery (if necessary), and taking a head count once in the safe area, should all be implemented for partial evacuations. If the partial evacuation is called because of a hazardous material spill, the decision to re-enter the area must be made based on the advice of the Designated Responders, or outside responder if outside help was needed to respond to the spill. As with any evacuation, employees may only re-enter the area upon instruction from UPS m~1)agement. XII. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Not all emergencies can be anticipated and planned for. Some facilities may have unique emergency or safety issues that are not addressed in this Emergency Action Plan. In any emergency, all employees, and especially those named on the Chain of Command, must exercise good judgement and common sense. . Planning ahead of time for emergencies makes decision-making in an. emergency easier. If your facility has a unique emergency issue not discussed in this plan, use this section to plan for it. Write down any special issues that your facility has, and what actions may be necessary in an emergency. Clear your plans with both your district and region Health and Safety managers. SECTION IX - Emergency Action Plan Rev. 4199 Page 16 ~ United Parcel Semce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) AND RESPONSE SUPPLIES Revised July 1995 SECTION XI ~ UnIIed Parcel Semce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS I. SPILL CART WITH PPE ll. SCBA HYDROSTATIC TESTING PROCEDURE ID. FACILITY SUPPLY UST Revised July 1995 SECTION XI 0' // ~--,. ~ United Parcel Semce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) , and RESPONSE SUPPLIES SPILL CART INVENTORY CHECKLIST To effectively clean up and process hazardous material spills, the following spill cart items must be available and in good repair. All deficient items can be ordered through region supply. 1. One plastic' shovel 2. One plastic dustpan 3. One fiber broom 4. Two rubber-coated chemical-resistant aprons 5. Two pair of chemical-resistant boots (size "L" and "XL") 6. Two pair of chemical splash goggles 7. Two pair of chemical-resistant gloves (hazardous chemical resistant Silver Shield and nitrile gloves) 8. One pH indicator tape 9. UPS Guide For Shipping Ground and Air Hazardous Materials 10. One Prohibited Hazardous Materials Poster (011112 rev. 8/93) .,' . 11. One rewrap knife 12. One I-gallon container with water (labeled) 13. One gall?n of bleach in its original container (hibeled) J~.,-Qnesþîíl tub which includes a spill-tub liner 15. Clay-based absorbent 16. Sodium bicarbonate 17. Activated carbon 18. UPS Decision TreelResponse Sheets (Designated Responder Reference Guide) 19. D.O. T. Emergency Response Guide Book 20. One box disposable gloves 21. Six wooden stirring sticks ~ SPILL CART LOCATION(S): /~- ìJJ R6J.,ùQAP /",. SCBA LOCATION(S): Tt.vD t .AJ 0~Ð;J~::'j\;": A C CÁ ÄQ,EA ,~., a/oj£. \ ¡J )...)tVT DA) A \:¿ Aí.2EA SECTION XI - PPE/Equipmm/ - S1lppli~s Rev.7f25/95 Page 1 --0 ~ Umted Parcel Semce 'EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN SCBA HYDROSTATIC TEST PROCEDURE During the monthly inspection, all hydrostatic test dates should be checked. The date stamp will be located either on the cylinder label or the neck. D.O.T. regulations require that all composite cylinders be tested every three years. Hyou experience any problems with the SCBA during use or the monthly inspection, call: MSA Customer Service Center 1-800 672-2222 H you have a cylinder which requires hydrostatic testing, allow 90 days for MSA to exchange, test and return the cylinder. UPS has contracted with MSA to have a limited supply of SCBAs dedicated as loaners to be used while repair work is completed. As an alternative, if your outside vendor who refills your cylinders is a D.O.T. certified test facility, you may choose to allow them to hydrostatic test your cylinders. We recommend calling MSA to verify a facility closest to your location. IMPORTANT - Only an MSA certified repair center is qualified to work on any other SCBA equipment such as air mask. Only MSA parts, designed for a particular piece of equipment, may be used on MSA equipment. Never attempt to interchange parts from one manufacturer to another, or from one model of equipment to another from the same manufacturer. Doing so will invalidate the manufacturer's warrantee and the NIOSH certification. Contact the MSA Customer Service Center for further details. SECTION XI - PPE/Equipment - Suppliu Rev. 7f151'15 Page 2 United Parcel Service 8400 Pardee Dr. Oakland, CA. 94621 Phone: (510) 633-3974 ' ~~~ c5) I 10 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ DATE 02/29/2000 Environmental Health Services Division 1Z950X110110163858 ~ ATIENTION TO: "/ Kern County Dept. of Environmental Health 2700 M Street /' Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE- D Change Orders D Plans . Other: D Samples s DShop Drawings o Copy of Letter DAttached Dprints Under separate cover via UPS WE ARE SENDING YOU: Buisness Plan 2000 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Feb24 Buisness Plan 2000 Bakersfield THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For Approval DApproved as submitted o Resubmit _copies for approval DFor your use DApproved as noted o Remove yellow copy - Return remaining copies .AS requested o Returned for correction o Remove white copy - Return remaining copies o For review and comment o For your signature * IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED. KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE REMARKS COPY TO: FILE SIGNED: ~ -m.... Matt Morris 'OJ ]", ~ KERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AL HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION 2700 M STREET, BAKERFIELD, CA 93301 BUISNESS PLAN 2000 ---------------- ---.- __n__·____~·~___.._. California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Business Owner/Operator Identification Page CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING (1) I D ( 101 loci BUSINESS NAME (4) I Un/in) PtJ~l 5ÚV/Ul SITE ADDRESS (6) I 39CD IJ, 'Silled CITY (7) I ßck.~sJ:"J.¿/ DUN & BRADSTREET (10) I 00 - fo99- Ires I OPERATOR NAME (12) I Chev/d Jc.dcso>1 ENDING (2) I 0 I I 0 I I Of I I BUSINESS PHONE (3) PAGE 1 OF 13 (5) I~/- 3.;20- 1595' STATE (8) I CA SIC CODE (4 DIGIT #) OPERATOR PHONE ZIP (9) I 9'3308 (11)1 4;)/5" (13) I C:J&I- 3.u,- (1/95 OWNER INFORMATION OWNER NAME (14) I f)nt-kL1 Pwml Se,·VlC.Q. OWNER MAILING ADDRESS (16) I 'ii400 4r-k fJr,~e. CITY (17) I ocJcfu,i OWNER PHONE (15) I 57o-(ò33·· 4034 I STATE (18) I CA ZIP (19) I 94&')..1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME (20) I M~w ~tc.rn5 MAILING ADDRESS (22) I ~4lX' Pc.rCt?il {)r'/V~ CITY (23) I OcJduvl CONTACT PHONE (21) I 5'10 - ,,-J3- 4035 I STATE (24) leA ZIP (25) I 91.{" ).,/ Primary EMERGENCY CONTACTS . Secondary NAME (26) I é'hc..rl.e5 JC.clC.fO;1 TITlE (27) I úvdPr ~L'~r- BUSINESS PHONE (28) I . - 3:J.fo-/595 24-HOUR PHONE (29) I {¡;(Pí - 5Sf7J- c¡f~95 PAGER (30) I Ñ /A ~~ (33) I -: =- '8195 (34) I &1;,/- 392- 0 I :J./I IV/A NAME (31) TITlE (32) BUSINESS PHONE 24-HOUR PHONE PAGER (35) ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON SITE AHM (36) YES @ If yes. and above Threshold Quantities, atIac:h a sheet 01 paper with a general description 01 the process and principal equipment ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION TYPE OF BUSINESS (37A) tlcc.:s~ l1dlVPlt I DATEOFOVVNERSHIP (378) 11987 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (37C) TOTAL POUNDS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (370) I INVOICE CONTACT (37E) I PM ~g~:~¡~~ ~ INVOICE PHONE (37F) I 5;o-~33',4034 INVOICE CONTACT ADDRESS (37G) __ __ _0 Pc..nlðl1. OrlV, CITY (37H) I &JefL..rv1 I STATE (371) I (,4 I ZIP (37J) I 94"-:1-/ PURPOSE OF 5UBMm AL - CHECK ONE (371<): FIRST ~ILlNG OF BUSINESS PLAN C:=J YEARLY CHEMICAL INVENTORY C:=J UPDATE OR REVISION OF OWNER INFO OR INVENTORY NO CHANGE - INVE~ORY SAME AS PREVIOUS FILING c=:J U2f CHANGE OF ADDRESS CHANGE OF OWNER CHANGE OF NAME CJ c=J c=J OTHER (EXPLAIN): I I [¡¡;:¡I:I;:~:~~:¡~~:~t:II:I~I~:I~I:~I~I:tttHllll:~:~~~~I~i~i¡:~:t:t~~:~:~~:~t::i:1~~:~~!:~~~~~~¡:¡~:~:~~~¡:I:II~r~~~~:~~:~::~rt~~:~1~111~~II~::~fl ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ;¡'ffi:~¡ljltffflrnl#lJ{¡?nnffHJjW¡¡f¥i¡¡Hi¥.&fM11i¥H@tWltj¡ttttj~fl¡¡mWtftlt:t:tJtnft\:W::t:~:~:H: CERTIF1CA TION: I CERTIFY UNDER PENAL TV OF LAW THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAMINED AND AM FAMILIAR WITH THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IN THIS INVENTORY AND BEUEVE THE INFORMATION IS TRUE, ACCURATE, AND COMPlETE. PRINT NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER (38) I J.//alhw ~rrú' (39) I ~ ~I/ 4-e ?/.¡;', I DATE (40) I :L 1:I4 I 00 SIGNATURE OF OVVNERlOPERA TOR ~ fÞ OIL SPILL RESPONSE CONTACT TELEPHONE LISTING BAKERSFIELD & LAKE ISABELLA Last Update: (02- J 5-00) FACILITY SPILL COORDINATOR CHARLES JACKSON (Primary) TERRY RUSSELL(f4/ternate) RICK GARCIA (p.E) WORK NUMBER (661) 326-1595 (661) 326-8195 (559)442-2925 24 HOUR # (661) 558-8295 (661) 392-0124 (559) 263-0954p DISTRICT SPILL COORDINATOR MATT MORRIS DAVID HALLETT (510) 633-4035 (510) 633-3974 (510) 448-5105p (510) 448-3134P DISTRICT MANAGER KENNY BOLTON (510) 633-4040 REGION SPILL COORDINATOR JOE KERHT JON BRUGMAN (925) 833-4678p (415) 474-7622 (925) 277-2860 (925) 277-2229 NA TIONAL SPILL COORDINATOR GARY WILLIS ALTERNATE AL TERNA TE (404) 828-4254 (888) 394-3475P (888) 614-2693P (888) 394-3476P LOCAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCIES Note: Immediately notify the emergency response agencies listed below if there is reasonable belief that a release or threatened release of hazardous material poses significant and potential hazard to human health, safety, or the environment. Refer to the Facility's Business Plan for further instructions (notification procedure). FIRE DEPARTMENT............... ......... ......... ............ ............... ....(661) 324-4542...911 POLICE DEPARTMENT................................. ..................... ... ...(661) 327-7111...911 BAKERSFIELD FIRE & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION...... ......... ...(661) 326-3979 CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICE........................ ...... ...(800) 852-7550 If spills equal or exceed federal reportable quantities, notify:(25 gallons or more) U.S. NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER......... ............ ...... ......... ... ..... ...(800) 424-8802 LOCAL EMERGENCY NUMBERS FUEL EQUIPMENT REPAIR FRANZEN HILL..................... ......... ...... ... ............ ...... ... ...(559) 688-2977 (800) 655-3436 ELECTRIC REPAIR LEVINAR... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... (661) 323-7044 AC ELECTRIC..,......... ......... ......... ......... .................. ...... ...(661) 633-5368 SPILL CLEAN UP MP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE...................................... ..(661) 393-1151 (800) 245-9518 UNIVERSAL ENVIRONMENTAL... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... .....(707) 747-6699 NOTE: THE FIRE DEPARTMENT IS NOT TO BE CALLED UNLESS THERE IS A CLEAR DANGER OF FIRE. f< ~ California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Chemical Description Page (1)1 DADD 0 DELETE BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LDCATION DREVISE I (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE BAKERSFIELD (5) I FUEL ISLAND PAGE (2) o (3) l 13 MAP # (6) (11) 0 yGJ N 'EHS (12) GJ yO N GRID # (7) CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME ITRADE SECRET (S) I BLEND OF HYDROCARBONS (9)! GASOLINE CAS # (10) (13) 8006619 . IF EHS BOX IS "Y" All AMOUNTS MUST BE IN LBS. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check all boxes thaI apply to this chemical and write in the appropriate Class.) Physical Characteristtcs ~ Explosives/Blasting Agents ~ Flammable Solid Class_F lammable Liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_ Combustible Liquid Ciass_ Unstable Reactive Class Oxidizer Class Organic Peroxide Flammable Gas Class Pyrophoric Non,Flammable Gas . COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTED BY THE LOCAL FIRE CHIEF, REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS Health Characteristics ~TOXiC Highly Toxic Corrosive Irritant Other Health Hazard § Sensitizer Carcinogen Radioactive TYPE (14) I I PURE RADIOACTIVE (15) I 0 Y ŒJ N (16) ¡ (CURIES) ŒJ MIXTURE 0 WASTE PHYSICAL STATE (17) FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SITE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAINER STORAGE CONTAINER STORAGE PRESSURE o SOLID ŒJ LIQUID o GAS (18) [J] FIRE o REACTIVE DPRESSURE RELEASE ~ACUTE HEALTH !x I CHRONIC HEALTH UNITS' (22) o GAL o CU FT MAX DAILY AMOUNT (23) I 20.000 GALLONS 365 DLBS o TONS AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT (24) 5.000 GALLONS 10,000 GALLONS . ~ EHS, amounts must be in Ibs. ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT (25) (26) ~ _'G~"""~' ~'~ ~~' § TANK WAGON X UNDER GROUND TANK CARBOY CYLINDER RAIL CAR TANK INSIDE BUILDING SILO GLASS BOTTLE ------ STEEL DRUM FIBER DRUM PLASTIC BOTTLE PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM BAG TOTE BIN (27) ŒJAMBIENT o ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (28) ŒJ AMBIENT o ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT DCRYOGENIC (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (31)EHS HYDROCARBQNIGASOLlNE ~'~' 8006619 BENZENE X Y N 71432 BLEND OF HYDROCARBONS X Y N MIXTURE TOLUENE X Y N 108883 XYLENE X Y N STORAGE TEMPERATURE (29) %WT (32) CAS # 85,95 2 <5 3 4 <25 5 (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT - CONVERSION TO POUNDS: h..,ooo LBS i" ,\" California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Chemical Description Page (1)1 DADO 0 DELETE OREVISE I PAGE (2) 1¡ o (3) 1.3 BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LOCATION (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE BAKERSFIELD (5)1 AUTOS HOP MAP # (6) (8)1 PETROLEUM LUBRICANT (9)1 LUBRICANT GRID # (7) ITRADE SECRET CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME CAS # (10) (13) . IF EHS BOX IS -., All AMOUNTS MUST BE IN lBS. 64741884 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check all boxes that apply to this chemical and write in the appropriate Class.) TYPE (14) I Physical Characteristics ~ ExplosiveslBlasting Agents ~ Flammable Solid Class_F lammable liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_Combustible Liquid Class_Unstable Reactive Class Oxidizer Class Organic PeroXide Flammable Gas Class= Pyrophoric Non,Flammable Gas . COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTED BY THE LOCAL FIRE CHIEF, REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS Health Characteristics ~TOXiC Highly Toxic Corrosive Irritant Other Health Hazard I PURE !TI MIXTURE o WASTE RADIOACTIVE (15) I OY!TIN (16) I o SOUD !TI UQUID o GAS (18) !TI FIRE o REACTIVE o PRESSURE RELEASE OACUTE HEALTH Ix (11) 0 yGJ N 'EHS (12) DY~N §sensitizer Carcinogen Radioactive PHYSICAL (17) STATE FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SITE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAINER STORAGE CONTAINER STORAGE PRESSURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (29) %WT :ËTI (CURIES) UNITS' (22) o GAL o CU FT MAX DAILY AMOUNT 365 DLBS o TONS AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 30 GALLONS . If EHS, amounts must be in Ibs. ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT (26) ~ """" '"0","'" ~C" ~~' UNDER GROUND TANK CARBOY CYUNDER TANK INSIDE BUILDING SILO GLASS BOTTLE X STEEL DRUM FIBER DRUM PLASTIC BOTTLE PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM BAG TOTE BIN I CHRONIC HEALTH (23) I 64741884 30 GALLONS (24) 20 GALLONS (25) § TANK WAGON RAIL CAR ------ (27) ~AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (33) ADDIT10NAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT - CONVERSION TO POUNDS: I219LBS (28) !TI AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT OCRYOGENIC (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (31) EHS (32) CAS # LUBRCANT BASE OIL ADDITIVES ~~m I '" " California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form· Chemical Description Page (1) DADO 0 DELETE DREVISE I PAGE (2) o (3) Ii /3 BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LOCATION (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE BAKERSFIELD (5)1 CAR WASH TUNNEL MAP# (6) ~yON OY~N GRID # (7) CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME ITRADE SECRET (8)1 (9)1 SURFACE BLEND (11) BLUE MAGIC DETERGENT . EHS (12) CAS # (10) (13) N/A . IF EHS BOX IS -yo All AMOUNTS MUST BE IN lBS. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check all boxes that apply to this chemical and write in the appropriate Class.) Physical Characteristics ~ Explosives/Blasting Agents § Flammable Solid Class_F lammable liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_ Combustible liquid Class_ Unstable Reactive Class Oxidizer Class Organic Peroxide Flammable Gas Class = Pyrophoric Non,Flammable Gas . COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTED BY THE LOCAL FIRE CHIEF, REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS Health Characteristics §TOXiC Highly Toxic Corrosive Irritant Other Health Hazard § Sensitizer Carcinogen Radioactive RADIOACTIVE (15) I 0 Y ŒJ N I TYPE (14) I (16) I I PURE ŒJ MIXTURE 0 WASTE (CURIES) PHYSICAL STATE (17) ŒJ LIQUID FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SITE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAINER STORAGE CONTAINER o SOLID o GAS (18) o FIRE o REACTIVE DPRESSURE RELEASE DACUTE HEALTH I CHRONIC HEALTH UNITS· (22) o GAL o CU FT MAX DAILY AMOUNT (23) I 55 GALLONS 365 OLBS o TONS AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT (24) 30 GALLONS 55 GALLONS . ~ EHS, amounts must be in Ibs. ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT (25) (26) ~ ~G'O"'''''' ~~' ~'O' § TANK WAGON UNDER GROUND TANK CARBOY CYLINDER RAIL CAR TANK INSIDE BUILDING SILO GLASS BOTTLE ------ STEEL DRUM FIBER DRUM PLASTIC BOTTLE X PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM BAG TOTE BIN STORAGE (27) ŒJAMBIENT o ABOVE AMBIENT DBELOW AMBIENT PRESSURE STORAGE (28) ŒJ AMBIENT o ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ;§ I (29) %WT DCRYOGENIC (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (31) EHS (32) CAS # I ~m~ PROPRIETORY CHEMICAL BLEND (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT, CONVERSION TO POUNDS: 1400 LBS t\ " , , ! California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Chemical Description Page (1)1 DADD 0 DELETE BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LOCATION OREVISE I (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE FRESNO (5)1 CAR WASH TUNNEL PAGE (2) o (3) ~ f3 MAP # (6) DvGJN GJVGJN GRID # (7) CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME (8)1 (9)1 ITRADE SECRET SURFACE BLEND (11) BLAST AWAY DETERGENT . EHS (12) CAS# (10) (13) 9016459 . IF EHS BOX IS "Y' ALL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN las FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check all boxes that apply to this chemical and write in the appropriate Class.) TYPE (14) I Physical Characteristics ~ Explo'siveslBlasting Agents ~Flammable Solid Class_F lammable Liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_ Combustible Liquid Class_ Unstable Reactive Class Oxidizer Class Organic Peroxide Flammãble Gas Class= Pyrophoric Non,Flammable Gas . COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTED BY THE LOCAL FIRE CHIEF, REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS Health Characteristics ~TOXiC Highly Toxic Corrosive Irritant Other Health Hazard § Sensitizer Carcinogen Radioactive RADIOACTIVE (15) I DY[RJN (16) I I PURE [RJ MIXTURE 0 WASTE (CURIES) PHYSICAL STATE (17) o GAS FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SITE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAtNER STORAGE CONTAINER STORAGE PRESSURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (29) %WT J~ª o SOLID [RJ LIQUID (18) o FIRE o REACTIVE DPRESSURE RELEASE DACUTE HEALTH I CHRONIC HEALTH UNITS' (22) o GAL o CU FT MAX DAILY AMOUNT (23) I 500 GALLONS 365 DLBS o TONS AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT (24) 250 GALLONS 500 GALLONS . " EHS, amounts must be in Ibs. ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT (25) (26) ~ ""''' """'.. ""' §~" §OO, B TANK WAGON UNDER GROUND TANK CARBOY CYLINDER RAIL CAR TANK INSIDE BUILDING SILO GLASS BOTTLE -- ---- STEEL DRUM FIBER DRUM PLASTIC BOTTLE X PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM BAG TOTE BIN (27) [RJAMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (28) ~ AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT OCRYOGENIC (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT NONYLPHENOXYPOLY(ETHYLENEOXY) ETHANOL TETRASODIUM ETHYLENE DIAMINE TETRAACETATE (32) CAS # (31)EHS ~Y~N Y X N Y N Y N Y N 9016459 64028 (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT· CONVERSION TO POUNDS: 1>000 LBS ~ ~ .,. California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form· Chemical Description Page (1)1 DADO 0 DELETE BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LOCATION DREVISE I (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE BAKERSFIELD (5)1 AUTOS HOP PAGE (2) o (3) (p {.3 MAP # (6) OyGJN G::h 0 N GRID # (7) CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME (8)1 (9)1 I TRADE SE~RET (11) WASTE OIL WASTE OIL . EHS (12) CAS # (10) (13) N/A . IF EHS BOX IS 'Y' ALL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN LBS FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check aU boxes that apply to this chemical and write in the appropriate Class.) Physical Characteristics ~ ExplosiveslBlasting Agents ~Flammable Solid Class_F lammable liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_ Combustible Liquid Class_ Unstable Reactive Ctass Oxidizer Class Organic Peroxide Flamm¡;ï,le Gas Class - Pyrophoric Non,Flammable Gas . COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTEO BY THE LOCAL FIRE CHIEF, REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS Health Characteristics ~TOXiC Highly Toxic Corrosive Irritant Other Health Hazard §sensitizer Carcinogen Radioactive 1YPE (14) I I PURE RADIOACTIVE (15) I DY~NI (16) I o MIXTURE ~ WASTE (CURIES) PHYSICAL STATE (17) o GAS FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SITE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAINER STORAGE CONTAINER STORAGE PRESSURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (29) %WT o SOLID IKJ LIQUID (18) GJ FIRE o REACTIVE DPRESSURE RELEASE ~ACUTE HEALTH Ix I CHRONIC HEALTH UNITS' (22) o GAL o CU FT MAX DAILY AMOUNT (23) I 500 GALLONS 365 OLBS o TONS AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT (24) 250 GALLONS 500 GALLONS . ij EHS, amounts must be in Ibs. ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT (25) (26) ~ .,"", G"'"""''' ~'" ~GG' § TANK WAGON UNDER GROUND TANK CARBOY CYLINDER RAIL CAR TANK INSIDE BUILDING SILO GLASS BOTTLE ------ STEEL DRUM FIBER DRUM PLASTIC BOTTLE PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM BAG TOTE BIN (27) IKJAMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (28) ~ AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT DCRYOGENIC o BELOW AMBIENT (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (31) EHS (32) CAS # ~§ I I m~~ I N/A WASTE OIL (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT, CONVERSION TO POUNDS: 13750 LBS ~ '~ ) California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form· Chemical Description Page PAGE (2) (1)1 DADD 0 DELETE DREVISE I 7 o (3) )3 MOTOR OIL GRID II (7) MAP II (6) BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LOCATION (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE BAKERSFIELD (5)1 AUTOSHOP I TRADE SECRET DY~N DY~N CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME (8)1 (9)1 LUBRCA TlNG BASE OIL MIX CAS II (10) (11) . EHS (12) (13) . IF EHS BOX IS '"'(" All AMOUNTS MUST BE IN lBS. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check all boxes that apply to this chemical and write in the appropriate Class.) Physical Characleristics ~ Explosives/Blasting Agents § Flammable Solid Class_F lammable Liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_ Combustible Liquid Class_ Unstable Reactive Class Oxidizer Class Organic Peroxide Flammable Gas Class= Pyrophoric Non,Flammable Gas ~ COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTED BY THE LOCAL FIRE CHIEF - REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS Heallh Characlerisllcs §TOXiC Highly Toxic Corrosive lnitant Other Health Hazard §sensitizer Carcinogen Radioactive !K] MIXTURE 0 WASTE RADIOACTIVE (15) I 0 y!K] N I TYPE (14) I I PURE PHYSICAL STATE (17) (18) !K] FIRE DPRESSURE RELEASE FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SlTE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAINER STORAGE CONTAINER STORAGE PRESSURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (29) %WT >70 2 <3 3 <1.5 4 <.1 5 o SOLID !K] LIQUID !K]ACUTE HEALTH MAX DAILY AMOUNT AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT ~BOX CYLINDER GLASS BOTTLE PLASTIC BOTTLE . TOTE BIN DCRYOGENIC (31) EHS ~Y~N Y X N Y X N Y X N Y N (16) I o GAS o REACTIVE D CU FT o GAL DLBS D TONS (CURIES) Ix I CHRONIC HEALTH UNITS' (22) (23) I 500 GALLONS (24) 250 GALLONS 365 500 GALLONS . If EHS, amounts musl be in Ibs. (25) (26) ~ ABOVE GROUND TANK UNDER GROUND TANK TANK INSIDE BUILDING STEEL DRUM PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM ~CAN CARBOY SILO FIBER DRUM BAG B TANK WAGON RAIL CAR ------ (27) !K]AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT - CONVERSION TO POUNDS: 13750 LBS (28) !K] AMBIENT D ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT LUBRICATING BASE OIUREFINED PETROLEUM DISTILLATES BASE OIUADDITIVES ZINC ALKYL DITHROPHOSPHA TE HEXANE (32) CAS II MIXTURE 64741884 68649423 110543 .~ , .~ ) California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Chemical Description Page (1)1 DADD 0 DELETE BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LOCATION DREVISE I (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE BAKERSFIELD (5)1 AUTOS HOP MAP# (6) ITRADE SECRET PAGE (2) c¿ o (3) 13 CAS # (10) (8) I EHYLENE GLYCOL (9) 1 ANTIFREEZE 107211 GRID # (7) CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check all boxes that apply to this chemical and write in the appropriate Class.) (11) Dy~:h 'EHS (12) DyGJN (13) . IF EHS BOX IS ~Y' AlL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN LBS. Physical Characteristics ~ Explosives/Blasting Agents ~ Flammable Solid Class_F lammable Liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_ Combustible Liquid Class_ Unstable Reactive Class _ Oxidizer Class_Organic Peroxide Flammable Gas Class_ Pyrophoric Non,Flammable Gas . COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTED BY THE LOCAL FIRE CHIEF, REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS Health Characteristics ~TOXiC Highly Toxic Corrosive Irritant Other Health Hazard §sensitizer Carcinogen Radioactive TYPE (14) I I PURE !KJ MIXTURE 0 WASTE RADIOACTIVE (15) I 0 Y Œ] N I PHYSICAL STATE (17) Œ] LIQUID FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SITE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAINER STORAGE CONTAINER STORAGE PRESSURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (29) %WT 85,95 2 <5 3 <5 4 <5 5 o SOLID o GAS Œ]ACUTE HEALTH MAX DAILY AMOUNT AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT §BOX CYLINDER GLASS BOTTLE PLASTIC BOTTLE TOTE BIN DCRYOGENIC (31)EHS ~Y~N Y X N Y X N Y X N Y N (16) I (CURIES) (18) o FIRE o REACTIVE DPRESSURE RELEASE Ix I CHRONIC HEALTH o CU FT (23) 1 55 GALLONS UNITS' (22) o GAL (24) 25 GALLONS DLBS o TONS (25) 330 GALLONS 365 55 GALLONS . If EHS, amounts must be in Ibs. § TANK WAGON RAIL CAR ------ (27) Œ]AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT - CONVERSION TO POUNDS: I... LBS (26) ~ ABOVE GROUND TANK UNDER GROUND TANK TANK INSIDE BUILDING STEEL DRUM X PLASTIClNONMETALUC DRUM §CAN CARBOY SILO FIBER DRUM BAG (28) Œ] AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (32) CAS # 107211 111466 PROPRIETY 7732185 ....;~, '~ (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT ETHYLENE GLYCOL DIETHYLENE GLYCOL HYDRATED INORGANIC ACID, SODIUM SALT WATER ~~ , California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Chemical Description Page (1)1 DADO 0 DELETE BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LOCATION DREVISE I (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE BAKERSFIELD (5)1 AUTOS HOP PAGE (2) o (3) 13 9 MAP# (6) CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME (8) I BATTERY (9) I BATTERY GRID # (7) ITRADE SECRET (11) D yGJ N . EHS (12) GJ Y D N CAS # (10) (13) FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check all boxes that apply to this chemical and write in the appropriate Class.) 7664939 . IF EHS BOX IS 'Y' All AMOUNTS MUST BE IN LBS. Health Characteristics §TOXiC Highly Toxic Corrosive Irritant Other Health Hazard Physical Characteristics ~EXPIOSiveS/Blasting Agents §Flammable Solid Class_F lammabie liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_ Combustible Liquid Class_ Unstable Reactive Class _ Oxidizer Class_ Organic Peroxide Flammable Gas Class_ Pyrophoric Non-Flammable Gas . COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTED BY THE LOCAL FIRE CHIEF, REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS §sensitizer Carcinogen Radioactive TYPE (14) I Ix PHYSICAL (17) STATE RADIOACTIVE (15) 1 0 Y Œ] N I (16) I I PURE o MIXTURE 0 WASTE (CURIES) FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SITE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAINER STORAGE CONTAINER STORAGE PRESSURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (29) %WT ;êl! Œ] SOLID 0 LIQUID o GAS (18) Œ] FtRE Œ] REACTIVE OPRESSURE RELEASE Œ]ACUTE HEALTH 1 CHRONIC HEALTH UNITS' (22) o GAL D CU FT MAX DAILY AMOUNT (23) I 8 BATTERIES 365 DlBS D TONS AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT (24) 5 BATTERIES 1 BATTERY . If EHS, amounts must be in Ibs. ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT (25) 20 BATTERIES (26) ~ M~'G'O","'" ~~ ~OO, § TANK WAGON UNDER GROUND TANK CARBOY CYLINDER RAil CAR TANK INSIDE BUilDING SilO GLASS BOTTLE X BA______ STEEL DRUM FIBER DRUM PLASTIC BOTTLE PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM BAG TOTE BIN (27) Œ]AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (28) Œ] AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT DCRYOGENIC (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (31) EHS (32) CAS # LIQUID CONTENT ,ACID PLATE CONTENT ,LEAD HYDRATED INORGANIC ACID, SODIUM SALT WATER ~Y~N X Y N Y N Y N Y N 7664939 7439921 (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT, CONVERSION TO POUNDS: 1,000 LB" ~ ~ '\ j California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Chemical Description Page (1)1 DADD 0 DELETE OREVISE I PAGE (2) o (3) LJ ID BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LOCATION (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE BAKERSFIELD (5)1 AUTOS HOP MAP# (6) (11) 0 yGJ N . EHS (12) D Y GJ N GRID # (7) CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME ¡TRADE SECRET (8)1 PETROLEUM LUBRICANT (9) I DURA LITH GREASE CAS # (10) (13) FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check all boxes that apply to this chemical and write in the appropriate Class.) 64741884 . IF EHS BOX IS ~'î' ALL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN LBS. Health Characteristics ~TOXiC Hi9hly Toxic Corrosive Irritant Other Health Hazard Physical Characteristics ~EXPIOSiveSlBlaSting Agents ~Flammable Solid Class_F lammable Liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_ Combustible Liquid Class_ Unstable Reactive Class _ Oxidizer Class_ Organic Peroxide Flammable Gas Class_ Pyrophoric Non-Flammable Gas . COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTED BY THE LOCAl FIRE CHIEF, REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS §sensitizer Carcinogen Radioactive TYPE (14) I I PURE ~ MIXTURE o WASTE RADIOACTIVE (15) I DY~NI (16) I (CURIES) o SOLID ~ LIQUID o GAS PHYSICAL (17) STATE FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SITE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAINER STORAGE CONTAINER STORAGE PRESSURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (29) %WT ~~ (18) ~FIRE o REACTIVE DPRESSURE RELEASE ~ACUTE HEALTH I CHRONIC HEALTH UNITS' (22) I o GAL o CU FT MAX DAILY AMOUNT (23) 55 GALLONS 365 DLBS o TONS AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT (24) 25 GALLONS I 55 GALLONS . If EHS, amounts must be in Ibs. ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT (25) (26) ~ ."",..,OO'''AA' ~~' ~.o, § TANK WAGON UNDER GROUND TANK . CARBOY CYLINDER RAIL CAR TANK INSIDE BUILDING SILO GLASS BOTTLE ------ X STEEL DRUM FIBER DRUM PLASTIC BOTTLE PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM BAG TOTE BIN (27) ~AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (28) ~ AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT DCRYOGENIC (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT LUBRICATING BASE OIL (MIXTURE) HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL ADDITIVES (31) EHS (32) CAS # ~Y~N Y X N Y X N Y N Y N 68476346 64742809 8008206 (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT - CONVERSION TO POUNDS: 330 LBS ~ . California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Chemical Description Page (1)\ DADO 0 DELETE DREVISE I o (3) PAGE (2) 11 (-3 BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LOCATION (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE BAKERSFIELD (5)1 AUTOSHOP MAP# (6) (11) 0 yGJ N 'EHS (12) GJ yON GRID # (7) CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME I TRADE SECRET (8) I ACETYLENE (9) I ACETYLENE CAS # (10) (13) FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check all boxes that apply to this chemical and write in the appropriate Class.) 74862 . IF EHS BOX IS ....,.. AlL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN LBS Health Characteristics ~TOXiC Highly Toxic Corrosive Irritant Other Health Hazard Physical Characteristics ~EXPIOSivesJBlasting Agents ~ Flammable Solid Class_F lammable Liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_ Combustible Liquid Class_ Unstable Reactive Class Oxidizer Class Organic Peroxide Flammable Gas Class= Pyrophoric Non,Flammable Gas . COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTED BY THE lOCAL FIRE CHIEF· REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS §SenSitiZer Carcinogen Radioactive TYPE (14) I Ix PHYSICAL (17) STATE RADIOACTIVE (15) I 0 Y ~ N I (16) I o MIXTURE 0 WASTE I PURE (CURIES) FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SITE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAINER STORAGE CONTAINER STORAGE PRESSURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (29) %WT :~ o SOLID ~GAS o LIQUID (18) ~FIRE o REACTIVE ~PRESSURE RELEASE ~ACUTE HEALTH I CHRONIC HEALTH UNITS' (22) o GAL GJ CU FT MAX DAILY AMOUNT (23) I 300 CF 365 DLBS o TONS AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT (24) 70CF 150CF . If EHS, amounts must be in Ibs. ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT (25) (26) ~ M'," OM",' ""' ~~ ~." § TANK WAGON UNDER GROUND TANK CARBOY X CYLINDER RAIL CAR TANK INSIDE BUILDING SILO GLASS BOTTLE -- ---- STEEL DRUM FIBER DRUM PLASTIC BOTTLE PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM BAG TOTE BIN (27) DAMBIENT ~ ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (28) ~ AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT DCRYOGENIC (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (31) EHS (32) CAS # ACETYLENE ACETONE ~¡~~ I 74862 67641 (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT - CONVERSION TO POUNDS: 12u LBS * , California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Chemical Description Page (1)1 DADD 0 DELETE OREVISE I PAGE (2) 11. o (3) 13 MAP # (6) GRID # (7) I TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LOCATION (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE BAKERSFIELD (5)1 AUTOSHOP CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME: (6)1 OXYGEN (9)1 OXYGEN CAS # (10) 7782447 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check all boxes that apply to this chemical and write . . in the appropriate Class.) (11)Dy~h . EHS (12) 0 Y GJ N (13) I . IF EHS BOX IS ....,.. All AMOUNTS MUST BE IN les. Physical Characteristics ~ Explosives/Blasting Agents ~ Flammable Solid Class_F lammable liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_ Combustible liquid Class_ Unstable Reactive Class Oxidizer Class Organic Peroxide Flammable Gas Class= Pyrophoric Non,Flammable Gas . COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTED BY THE LOCAL FIRE CHIEF· REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS Health Characteristics ~TOXiC Highly Toxic Corrosive Irritant Other Health Hazard § Sensitizer Carcinogen Radioactive TYPE (14) I Ix PHYSICAL (17) STATE o MIXTURE 0 WASTE RADIOACTNE (15) I 0 Y~ N (16) I I PURE FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SITE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAINER STORAGE C~~~·tAli";ER STORAGE PRESSURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (29) %WT o SOUD ~GAS OACUTE HEALTH MAX DAilY AMOUNT AVERAGE DAilY AMOUNT ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT ~BOX X CYLINDER GLASS BOTTLE PLASTIC BOTTLE TOTE BIN o CRYOGENIC (31) EHS I m~~ I (CURIES) (18) ~FIRE ~PRESSURE RELEASE I CHRONIC HEALTH (33) ADDITIONAL lOCAllY COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAilY AMOUNT - CONVERSION TO POUNDS: 1,..9 LBS o UQUID o REACTIVE Ix GJ CU FT o GAL UNITS' (22) DlBS o TONS (23) I 300 CF (24) 150CF 365 150CF . If EHS. amounts must be in Ibs. (25) (26) ~ ABOVE GROUND TANK UNDER GROUND TANK TANK INSIDE BUilDING STEEL DRUM PLASTIC/NONMETALUC DRUM ~CAN CARBOY SilO FIBER DRUM BAG § TANK WAGON RAil CAR ------ (27) OAMBIENT ~ ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (32) CAS # 776447 ~§ I ., ' (26) ~ AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT o BELOW AMBIENT (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT OXYGEN ~ .. California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Chemical Description Page (1)1 DADD D DELETE DREVlSE I PAGE (2) o (3) t~ 13 BUSINESS NAME CHEMICAL LOCATION (4)1 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE BAKERSFIELD (5)1 AUTOSHOP MAP # (6) GRID# (7) CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME (8)1 MINERAL SPIRITS (9)1 PARTS CLEANER, RECYCLED (CYCLONE SINK) ITRADE SECRET (11) OVILJN . EHS (12) 0 v ILJ N CAS # (10) . IF EHS BOX IS T AlL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN LBS. 8052413 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Check all boxes that apply to this chemical and write in the appropriate Class.) TYPE (14) I (13) Physlca' Characteñstics ~ Explosives/Blasting Agents ~ Flammable Solid Class_F lammable Liquid Class_ Water Reactive Class_ Combustible Liquid Class_ Unstable Reactive Class Oxidizer Class Organic Peroxide Flammable Gas Class= Pyrophoric Non,Flammable Gas . COMPLETE BLOCK (13) IF REQUESTED BY THE LOCAL FIRE CHIEF, REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS Ej MIXTURE D WASTE RADIOACTIVE (15) I D v Ej N I 1 PURE PHYSICAL STATE (17) (18) Ej FIRE D REACTIVE DPRESSURE RELEASE FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES STATE WASTE (19) CODE DAYS ON SITE (20) LARGEST (21) CONTAINER STORAGE CONTAINER STORAGE PRESSURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (29) %WT 99 2 0 3 1 PPM 4 0,100 5 0-100 D SOLID DGAS Health Characteñstlcs ~TOXiC Highly Toxic Corrosive Irritant Other Health Hazard § Sensitizer Carcinogen Radioactive (16) I Ej LIQUID G]GAL o CU FT D TONS (CURIES) DACUTE HEALTH Ix 1 CHRONIC HEALTH UNITS' (22) MAX DAILY AMOUNT (23) I 3D GALLONS OLBS AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 20 GALLONS 365 3D GALLONS . If EHS, amounts must be in Ibs. (24) (26) § ABOVE GROUND TANK UNDER GROUND TANK TANK INSIDE BUILDING X STEEL DRUM PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM ~CAN CARBOY SILO FIBER DRUM BAG ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT (25) ~BOX CYLINDER GLASS BOTTLE PLASTIC BOTTLE TOTE BIN § TANK WAGON RAIL CAR ------ (27) EjAMBIENT D ABOVE AMBIENT DBELOW AMBIENT DCRYOGENIC (31) EHS (32) CAS # (28) Ej AMBIENT D ABOVE AMBIENT D BELOW AMBIENT ~Y~N V X N Y X N Y X N V X N 8052413 8052413 64742478 (30) HAZARDOUS COMPONENT MINERAL SPIRITS DYE ANTISTATIC AGENT . NAPHTA SOLVENT PETROLEUM DISTILLATES (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALL V COLLECTED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT - CONVERSION TO POUNDS: 1,80 LBS · .. ~.,:",~. ~, Oil Spill Procedures for Above Ground SpÍlls for the District Spill Coordinator or J~lternate Action Procedures A. IF THE OIL SPILL INCIDENT MEETS ONE OR MORE OF THE STATE REPORTING CRITERIA. the Facility or District Spill Coordinator or one of their alternates immediately notifies: 1. The Corporate Spill Coordinator (with infonnation fÌ"om the: Oil Spill Incident Report). 2. The District Manager. 3. The Region Spi1l Coordinator. 4. The State spill reporting office. 5. The UPS Public Relations Manager, through Corporate Spill Coordinator, of any request for infonnation rrom the media. Obtains name, publication or station and phone number of any reporter requesting information. a) Do not invite the media onto our premises or allow photographers to photograph or film the incident without prior approval of Public Relations Manager. . b) Do not permit any press conferences to be held on our premises. B. The Corporate Spill Coordinator or alternate notifies: 1. Corporate Plant Engineering Manager. 2. The U.S. Coast Guard (if the oil spill has discharged or may discharge into the waters of the United States or adjoining shores). Investigation Procedures A. Ensures cleanup and removal operations are initiated in accordance with the Emergency Action Steps. B. Ensures excavated or exposed impacted soils do not pose a hazard. C. Ensures all fÌ"ee product (oil not dissolved in water) is removed as soon as practical. D. Conducts investigation of the spill, the spill site, and the surrounding area possibly affected by the spill in order to determine the full extent and location of soils impacted by the spill and the presence and concentrations of dissolved product in the groundwater, if any of the following conditions exists: A-rT r 1. There is evidence that groundwater wells have been' affected by the spilL 2. Recovery of free product is required.,; 3. There is evidence that impacted soils may be in contact with groundwater. 4. The State Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program Office requests an investigation, based on the potential effects of impacted soil or groundwater on nearby surface water and groundwater resources. '"~' Regulatory Pro<:edures A. Should the State spill reporting office request an investigation, submits the information collected during the investigation to the office, as soon as practical. B. Completes and submits any required follow-up reports. _.",:,~'. Follow-up Procedures A. Review the incident with respect to the following: 1. How could the incident have been prevented? 2. Were the Emergency Action Steps followed properly? 3. Was the Oil Spill Response Plan followed properly? 4. Were proper notices/reports given in a timely manner? 5 _ Were personnel trained to adequately respond to the incident? 6. Was the Oil Spill Response Plan for containment and cleanup adequate? ~) B. Complete the Oil Spill Incident Report Follow-up: 1. Review the incident with the applicable District and Regional personneL 2. Forward a copy of the completed Follow-up Report to the Corporate Spill Coordinator. . ~ µív ~ ~.,,:,:~. " Oil Spill Procedures for Underground Releases The UPS :Manager at the scene: A. Determines the cause or source of the spill or leak and. stops it. B. Initiates oil containment action with the required manpower, equipment and materials in accordance with prepared Oil SI?ill Response Plan for containment of an oil spill. 1. If the spill is rrom a leaking underground storage tank or piping, remove as much of the product rrom the system as is necessary to prevent further release to the environment. C. Identifies and mitigates fire, explosion and vapor hazards. D. Ensures that there is "no smoking" in the area of the spill. E. Notifies the fire department (in the event of a fire or th~.likelihood of a fire or explosion). . F. As soon as practicable, records the infonnation on Oil Spill Incident Report and notifies the Facility Spill Coordinator or alternative and the District Spill Coordinator or alternate. G. Visually inspects any aboveground spills or exposed belowground spills and prevents further migration of the spill into surrounding soils and groundwater. H. Alerts neighbors if personal danger is possible or if spill is not being totally contained on UPS premises. 1. Initiates cleanup and removal operations in accordance with prepared Oil Spill Response Plan for cleanup of an oil spill. J. Remedies hazards posed by contaminated soils that are excavated or exposed. K. Investigates to determine the possible presence of oil that is not dissolved in water (£Tee product), and begins rree product removal as soon as practicable, if applicable. L. Notifies UPS Press Relations Manager, through Corporate Spill Coordinator, of any request for infonnation rrom the press so that he can respond to the request. Obtains name, publication or station and phone number of any reporter requesting infonnation. 1. Do not invite the press onto our premises or allow press photographers to photograph or film the incidents without prior approval of Press Relations Man~~. . 2. Do not permit any press conferences to be held on our premises. M. Maintains a chronological log of events and communications during the spill incident, containment and cleanup. Records times, names, conversations, instructions given and instructions received. N. Has photographs taken of the oil spill and the containment and cleanup activities. u~(, If the Oil Spill Incident meets one or more of the following criteria: t .I 1. The oil spill is ITom or suspected ITom a leaking underground storage tank or plpmg. 2. The spill exceeds 25 gallons. 3. The spill is not contained on UPS premises or the spill has entered a body of water. 4. The spill cleanup will not be accomplished within 24 hours. A. The Facility or District Spill Coordinator or one of their alternates immediately notifies: +-.":':~" 1. The Corporate Spill C09rdinator (with infonnation ITom Oil Spill Incident Report). 2. The District lVIanager. 3. The Region Spill Coordinator. 4. The State Underground Storage Tank Program Office. 5. The National Response Center (if the oil spill has discharged or may discharge into the waters of the United States or adjoining shores), after contacting the Corporate Spill Coordinator. tt" 'h,,",,./ B. The Corporate Spill Coordinator or alternate notifies: 1. Corporç.te Plant Engineering Manager. The District Spill Coordinator or Alternate: A. Conducts investigations of the spill, the spill site, and the surrounding area possibly affected by the spill in order to detennine the full extent and location of soils contaminated by the spill and presence and concentrations of dissolved product contamination in the groundwater, if any of the following conditions exist: 1. There is evidence that groundwater wells have been affected by the spill. 2. Free product is found to need recovery. 3. There is evidence that contaminated soils may be in contact with groundwater. 4. The State Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Program Office requests an investigation, based on the potential effects of contaminated soil or groundwater on nearby surface water and groundwater resources. a. As soon as practicable, submit the infonnation collected during the investigations to the UST Office. ú£ r '2-- ., .. _.~':~. "" B. Within 20 days after an oil spill incident, submits a report to the State UST Program Office summarizing the action (initial abatement) steps taken in response to the incident, and any resulting infonnation or data. C. Within 30 days after an oil spill incident, submits a letter :!Tom the chief financial officer and certification documenting current evidence of fin'ancial responsibility to the Director of the State UST Program Office_ (letter and certification available from National Insurance Group) D. Unless directed to do otherwise by the State UST Program Office, assembles information about the site and the nature of the spill, including: 1. Data on the nature and estimated quantity of spill. 2. Data concerning surrounding populations, water quality, use and approximate locations of wells potentially affected by the spill, subsurface soil conditions, locations of subsurface sewers, climatological conditions and land use. 3. Results of measuring for the presence of product 4! an UST excavation zone, if'~' applicable. ' 4. Results of :!Tee product investigations. a. Within 45 days after an oil spill incident, submit the infonnation assembled to the State UST Program Office. E. At sites where :!Tee product is present, removes free product to the maximum extent practicable as determined by the State UST Program Office. 1. Conduct free product removal in a manner that minimizes the spread of contamination into previously uncontaminated zones by using recovery and disposaJ. techniques appropriate to the hydrogeologic conditions at the site, and- that properly treats, discharges or disposes of recovery byproducts in compliance with applicable regulations. 2. Use abatement offree product migration as a minimum objective for the design of .the :!Tee "product removal system. 3. Handle any flammable products in a safe and competent manner to prevent fires or explosions. 4. Unless directed to do otherwise by the State UST Program Office, prepare and submit to the UST Office, within 45 days after an oil spill incident, a free product removal report that provides at least the following infonnation: a. The name of the person(s) responsible for implementing the :!Tee product removal measures. b. The estimated quantity, type, and thickness of :!Tee product observed or measured in wells, boreholes and excavations. c. The type of :!Tee product recovery system used. U~f3 d. Whether any discharge will take place on-site Qf off-site during the recovery operation and where this discharge will be located. '.I e. The type of treatment applied to, and the effluent quality expected rrom, any discharge. r. The steps that have been or are being taken to obtain necessary permits for any discharge. g. The disposition of the recovered free product. t, :; F. If required by the State UST Program Office, submit additional information or develop and submit a corrective action plan for responding to contaminated soils and groundwater. Follow-up: ....~:~. A Review the incident with respect to the following: ( 1. How could the incident have been prevented? 2. Were the Action Steps For An Oil Spill Incident followed properly? 3. Was the Oil Spill Response Plan for containment and cleanup followed properly? 4. Were proper notices/reports given in a timely manner? 5 . Were personnel trained to adequately respond to the incident? 6. Was the Oil Spill Contingency Plan for containment and cleanup adequate? l~: US( '1 '- '" ~ ':';::'1 Oil Spill Procedures for Above Ground SpiUs for the UPS Manager at the Scene Action Procedures A. Ensures the cause or source of the spill or leak is stopped in accor9ance with prepMed facility specific Emergency Action Steps. B. Ensures spill containment and control action are initiated with the personnel, equipment and containment materials in accordance with prepared facility specific Emergency Action Steps. C. Determines iffire, explosion or vapor hazards exist. D. Ensures that there is no smoking in the area of the spill. ~"~' E. Alerts neighbors if personal danger is possible or if spill.is not being totally contained on UPS premises. Notification Procedures A. Notifiesthe fire department (ONLY in the event of a fire or the likelihood of a fire or explosion). B. Maintains a chronological log of events and communications during the spill incident, containment and cleanup. Lists times, names, conversations, instructions given and instructions received. Takes photographs of the oil spill and the containment and cleanup activities. Maintains this log until the spill incident is closed. C. As soon as practical, records the infonnation on the Oil Spill Incident Report and notifies the Facility Spill Coordinator or alternate. D. IF THE OIL SPILL INCIDENT NIEETS ONE OR MORE OF THE STATE REPORTING CRITERIA contacts the Facility or District Spill Coordinator or one of their alternates immediately. Follow-up Procedures A. Perfonns Follow-Up with Facility and District Spill Coordinators or their alternates. ¿-~' ~;~. <;" '. E!!3 ~ Unrted Pare!!1 SelVlce , J '-. EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN' " FACILITY MAP .' .... .. : :;. Revised 7f'..5/9S SECTION IX ~ :1>'3: m~ :t>~ 0" .. 111)"\ )( 1 ' I L.....~......... ~ -, '- '~.I¡;_ I- . . .L.. _~L- '. .--. - ·1 - "--- L.r I I~ - '....,.. ~ [U '-' ----- --... ..- ---- . .. 1! ~ -'-- ''&1 .. ~ -J IT- IT 1"-.: ~) i~- .... :....;..- - 1 IO. ~ f-'H' - ...:.. ~ i~ 1; . -.- .0...., ......~ ¡ 11111·'·,~ -- .::. ": ---' .. _(t ~ .( .--.-- ~ ~ . , --. .- - ..c:::. 0 ~" - ~ ...., ¡-:.- . ~ , ,¿ --...... $; ~ 2 ~ : ¡ ~ ~ ¡ . ....1 rMl'- ... it ~ ( -1) . ¡-; -, i I :.::. -?"'i I . 'U"I"", 41 (II I'll ! &-.,.. I '" ffil ~~ ~II I <II - ; , )." :' <:.tV £J: , ~,. , 0 " - ,- \....¡ t i ! J ¡ I I oJ i - . ... I tÐ~I. L· , ·",tC. ("",,r~'o r-- ~- ~ ~ i .~ ..... -.' ~=~ ... .~ ... ... I ,ilnm# =\) I <fj) ~......... ~f .. v . ...., I .... .... - --I--~ rL=D cl ---- ..- ---- !..;If ........... "'.'..... -. ... I J- IJ '1 ¡ -.... I "'--- -- - - ..... - ....t~. c.......... ~..- ~ TTlT rrrm 11T ~ Ej ,..... I: ~ "" ... . 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RCOH tIfN'l> U<R, 2.· .'5' CQflD( 8 RE:ST ROCV\ CD BfU:DIY CDflJT - m R::CII !Df'Lf)( C ¡£JI'5 LOO<ER feST RXiM WILDING PLAN OF BI\KER5FIELD UNITED PARe SERVICE 0.11£: 4-~1-80 r.aJITAHI/\ Ø/ø¡rX7fi,;þ£;/" 7/75 /1 /" ¡;/::~~ :.:~; ,)~ .' n "j , j plll'il'·· 'li"!i~:I'~,:,h~I¡t!lhilt~af:;M"~!~::ij/lt¡.t~:,*nMÞ~~~~..fjiI._~_.....__ ""f'IY~~r.'1' ¡'/ ;,f' ..--..--..--..-- Ii " ~i ~" ~~ '~j ·Jf .-.~ -----~ ----..------- \ ~! .~ ) \ ~~-? :-® 7 J L . .. V ,/ ·~L¡~Q~rt:>l-JP-.'·~' ,. ..1 .. ..l.,.t ----- -- -- -- ¿ // t:11T'c;.H lie ~ Z ~ ~ III I- ¡.¡ 'L élð No,qH L.¡:;&~Nt? ----f'I2OI"'¡:;;~rY I-II-J~ ------- ~íO~M I.-IN~ -.·_..-¿,e~~ L.11JE..- -..-. CA"fC.H ~::;.tN -"- MA-NHOL¡¡:' <D C;L-AIZ PIl3-f'i:. @ : T~NGI-i I7AAJ~ @ eXíl'=t-Jt? s>ío¡eM LINe: INío !?f4>.,.IN~¡¡:' t? l' c.t-i @ I'!E:ÞU!Æ: ß>IN . @ ,~íe. OIL. 1"^NK. @ :, t101'o~ OIL. ::>LJt""P\...Y í^N1<. f!) 'cH^V6I~ L.UI:!<~) ,o..Ní1.F" :Zg~) ,Tfl.A..N6MI~ICN O'IL. ® . teOOÞ" 17r<:A.IN (1'Y¡O:) ~ ---.-, tt;A-l¡''¿ n.oW-- '. ~AKt:ne6~I¡::Lt:=¿.. ~A 81ít:: 4' 17~^INt\Ue: PLAN ::7CAL.-e: I' '" 100'-0" I-L3-i"~ / 'iC. EMPLOYEE PARKING (128) IV ~' 8' -6~ TYP. I I "it C' -<õ, ~' I I I , I . . . . . , . . . . c c ., FUELING TRENCH ORAl ~~L. DUAL Sh$r o Jl ~ DISPENSER LSINGLE DISPENSER CAR WASH 140' ~' '~·"ttf\1;~bw$ ''S~-A&€ REFUSE BIN (NIC) . , ( 4' -- .' A _J CANOP ßt}~-r/.S ;=:'/1=1..0 . DISTRIBUTION BLDG. 178' -S" 50' 54' 5 ~ 550 GAL. WASrt 0.1... Tt.....1 K f.8l 5' 6" CONC. PAD to ~ ri I 0 I L-1 t 7' -6" CANOPY CLE"'r-l 0\.... rA¡..Jt( 5~O q~ '0 ,() Tvc ·~,. , . F\II\RE WILDII{) £>I>I>NSICtI Lf'S GalTltG FilClLITY lJ'S UœVELtFED AlI£A 245' Lf'S U lJE'ÆLCF>([ M£^ -10 SIL.L.£Cr æl'Æ (j) !/tA!¡Jl/UiJH¡.lr) 1AII .'J..)t10DO ( .'l) lÍil It' ¡;,1/tii/I.!i¡h¿., ~¿\ '1 ( J' ([;1. {. .$'lt¿ /(¡'Í r (;¡) /14 ,t.4,{ b() J( J' k.JAdïl.., .betl,J# @ <!.. I ... .- ~/TOf/- .~ .-....... .' KERN R[VER ... PLOT PLNN OF ~ERSF[ELD UNITED PARCEL SERVICE D^TE:4-21-BB ^GUIT^NI^ -"7 / // ¿of C::::::://A>~Æ~¿/ ,.7 . '7/pJ V?..; (..- ,/,.. ,,-:: /, /.;- '" United Parcel Service 3800 N. Sillect Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 ( J } ( f OIL SPILL CONTINGENCY PLAN .:it" .! ., ." LOCAL~ttERpttfCR~s~~§~¡C~LAN FOR BAKERSFIELD -' Note: All containment and cleanup materials are in the spill control container (YELLOW BARREL) located at the FUEL ISLAND. STOP THE SOURCE: 1) TURN OFF SYSTEM AT THE EMÉRGENCY SHUT-OFF SWITCH. CONTAIN THE SPILL 2) OPEN FUEL SPILL KIT CONTAINER (YELLOW DRUM) LOCATED AT FUEL ISLAND FOR ABSORBENT BOOMS & SHEETS, PLASTIC BAGS, & ANY OTHER CLEAN UP MATERIALS. 3) POSITION BOOMS & SHEETS IN FRONT OF THE SPILL AND THE STORM DRAIN TO PREVENT FUEL FROM ENTERING STORM DRAIN SYSTEM OR LEAVING UPS PAVED PROPERTY. 4) ABSORB SPILLED PRODUCT USING ABSORBENT BOOM & SHEETS, & ANY OTHER CLEAN UP MATERIAL (IE. KITTY LITTER). 5) PLACE USED ABSORBENTS & ANY OTHER SPENT ABSORBENTS IN PLASTIC BAGS OR IN AN EMPTY HAZARDOUS WASTE DRUM (DMP DRUM). CALL FOR HELP: 6) NOTIFY FACILITY SPILL COORDINATOR USING TELEPHONE LISTING FOR PROPER DISPOSAL PROCEDURES. 7) MANAGEMENT MUST COMPLETE A TELEPHONE INCIDENT REPORT FOR SURFACE FUEL SPILL OF 5 GALLONS OR GREATER. 8) IF THE SPILL EXCEEDS FACILITY MANPOWER FOR CLEANUP, NOTIFY SPILL CLEANUP CONTRACTOR USING THE TELEPHONE LISTING. IF THE FUEL OR OIL SPILL MEETS ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: * The spill is from a suspected leaking or a leaking underground storage tank or piping. * The spill exceeds 25 gallons * The spill is not contained on UPS paved property OR a spill has entered a body of water (ie. storm drain) * The spill cleanup will not be accomplished within 24 hours The Facility or District Spill Coordinators or Alternate must follow the notification chain of command procedure. Refer to the OIL SPILL RESPONSE CONTACT TELEPHONE LISTING and ACTION STEPS FOR AN OIL SPILL INCIDENT for reporting and clean up measures. IN CASE OF LEAK ALARM ON FUEL TANKS: 1. Notify Automotive Supervisor, or; 2. Notify Maintenance Supervisor, or; 3. Notify Spill Coordinator from Telephone Listing ... " rynited Parcel service J800 N. Sillect Avenue ~--qakersfield, CA 93308 ..1 f ¡ NOTIFrCATION - ì C\. .. UNITED PAR:~L S~RVIC~ '. EMERGENcY NOTIFiCATION PROCEDURES \ I EMERGENCY RES?ONSE AGENCI~S ARE TO BE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFIED IN THE EVENT OF A RELEASE OR A THREATENED RELEASE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INCLUDES ANY MATERIAL THAT, BECAUSE OF ITS QUANTITY, CONCENTRATION,~OR PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS, POSES A SIGNIFICANT PRESENT OR POTENTIAL HAZARD TO THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF EMPLOYEES, THE COMMUNITY, OR THE ENVIRONMENT IF RELEASED. THERE IS NO MINIMUM RE?ORTABLE QUANTITY ESTABLISHED FOR A RELEASE. FACILITY OPERATORS MUST USE THEIR BEST PERSONAL JUDGHENT IN DETEP.MINING 1fH!3HER A RELEASE OR THREATENED RELEASE IS REPORTABLE. NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING WHEN REPORTING A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RELEASE: 1. FIRE/POLICE/AMBULANCE 9-1-1 E.'1ERGENCY 2. COUNTY OFFI CE OF EMERGENCY SERVI CES .. 'rJ.~L Or &Kt.£5~J¿l..Þ AGENCY: _ A/t-L .lJb1r. ADDRESS: ~.s (!.;Æsíi/( #~L- ~hÚ-¡)',eA ?33ð/ , . I . , . ~ hÞ<-1J h#: f-JA-2. ~A:r VI -PHONE NO: ~ÔJ - :3 2-6 . 3?::¡.r ,) '. . (aDO) 852-7550 (915) ZI,Z·/,z./ (800) 424-8802 3. STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES - CALIFORNIA ....... 4. NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER "nEN REPORTING A HAZAP~US MATERIAL RELEASE" USE THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE: 1. IDENTIFY YOURSELF, ,GIVING YOUR NAME 2. LOCATION OF THE INCIDENT A. BUILDING ADDRESS t INCLù'DING BUILDING AND/OR SUITE NUMBER B. NA."iE OF NEAREST' CROSS STREET , 3. !DENTIFY THE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVOLVED A. ESTIMATE THE QUANTITY OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RELEASED ¡ B. ESTIMATE THE POTENTIAL HAZARDS PRESENTED BY THE RELEASE 4. NATURE OF THE INCIDENT (SPILL, EXPLOSION, FIRE, ETC.) A. ESTIMATE THE NUMBER OF'INJ~IES, CAUSE OF INJURIES, OR NUMBER OF-INDIVIDUALS CONTAMINATED BY THE RELEASE B. IS THE FACILITY BEING ~ACUATED? 1 '" ~ United Parcel Service 3800 N. Sillect Avenue ( Bakersfield, CA 93308 f REPORTING ,(" ..:J J '-'If; ~ Oil Spill Incident Report '\ Incident Date: Report Date: Facility Name: District: Address: Time: Time: (T 0 Corporate) Mnemonic: Region: S1REET CITY COUNTY Phone: Phone: ST ATE ,.;.. ,,;,"~. Reported By: UPS Mgr In Charge: Type of Product Involved: From: Fuel Delivery Vehicle UPS Vehicle Underground Storage Tank and/or Piping - Capacity f Aboveground Storage Tank and/or Piping - Capacity Does Quantity Exceed Reporting Requirements? .................. ...... ........ ..... ........................ State Regulatory Authorities Notified? ....... ..............",. ......... ....... ....... ... ... ... .................... Approximate Volume Involved? ....... ........................... .......... ......... ...... ........ ......... ........... When Will Cleanup Be Completed? .............. ....... ............ ...... ....... ...... ........ ... ................... Product Contained On UPS Premises? ..... .... ...... ........,.... ........... ............ ........ .............,.... Ifnot, did product enter Sewers, Pipes or Ditches? ............................................... Ifnot, did product enter a Body of Water?..........,............................................. ... Describe Body of Water and Distance From Incident: Contractors Contacted/Agencies Aware of Incident: CONTRACTOR/AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE PHONE Describe Incident, Hazard Abatement, and Remedial Activities: (State the facts accurately and carefully. Do not speculate about events about which you are not certain. Do not give your opinion.) F '" Oil Spill Incident Report Follow-Up To be filled out by the District Spill Coordinator: Date and Time agency notified: To: To: Of Of (NAME) (AGENCY) Est. Cost ofIncident: How and why did tliis incident occur? (State the facts accurately and carefully. Do not speculate about events about which you are not certain. Do not give your opinion.) ....;,~. What steps should be taken in the future to prevent this from occurring again? Have recommendations been implemented? y N DATE: Reviewed By: District Automotive Mgr ])istrict P.E. Mgr District Mgr Division Mgr PC: Region Automotive Mgr Region P .E. Mgr (also, when pertinent) Facility Environmental File Fuel Facility Equipment History /'\ 7 "\ " United Parcel Service 3800 N. Sillect Avenue 3akersfield, CA 93308 \ EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT db ~ ;: " \. I. Protective Wear AvaJlable on Each Spill Cart J * Chemical- resistant boots (2 pairs, size "L" and "XL") * Chemical-resistant gloves (1 pair) * Chemi.cal-resistant apron * Chemical-splash goggles (1 pair) II. Respirator * MSA Ultralite MMR self-contained breathing apparatus * Refer to UPS Respiratory Protection Program and manufacture's literature. The location of the spill cart(s) in this facility is/are: Unload Damaged Package Service Center The location of the MSA Ultralite MMR self-contained breathing apparatus is/are: Damaged Package Service Center ~1 ---_.-. , I I~ ~, United Parcel Service SUBJECT ENVIRONME..~A.L SAFETI PROGRAM I'NUMBER ... I ~.UPS¡ PROCEDURE ~ III. INCIDENT RESPONSE AND 'DISPOSAL Are 08/01/39 , I. SUPPLY AND EQUIPMENT RE UIREMENTSI Name DUS7 Þ~N~ ," /' : I i I . II APRON 800TS GOGGLES GLOVES PH INDICATOR GU !DE R¡:"SPONSC:: é. OÏSPOS,~L PRCC=:JUP.E RÐiRAP KNFE PAGE 23 'JF 6? Location Xinimum Requirements BROOM ~ "PROHI8ITED" ¡:;GS7=:~ /- C'~ "L' Tüa ¡- ::>r_ - ! / SUPPLY 1q ¡I I! - II .' t I' c , 0·""/ .·c I. J .... . t ¡ ¡ I ! I II I' II ! i i I , I ~ 1 ¡ I I I I L ! II ! J I I ! ! , , · , i! ,\ , I I. I' II Ii I ~ ¡ ! i ¡ , ' Ii · i I ¡ j ¡ i ¡ II ,. " i ¡ I' · ! " 8!3 ~ United Parcel Servtce EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN iff, " PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) and RESPONSE SUPPLIES ,- SPIU CART INVENTORY CHECKLIST To effectively clean up and process hazardous material spills, the following spill cart items must be available and in good repair. All deficient items can be ordered through region supply. ". 1_ One plastic shovel , 2. One plastic dustpan 3. One fiber broom 4. Two rubber-coated chemical-resistant aprons 5: Two pair of chemical-re~istant boots (size "L" and "XL") 6. Two pair of chemical splash goggles 7 . Two pair of chemical-resistant gloves (hazardous chemical resistant Silver Shield and nitrile gloves) 8. One pH indicator tape 9. UPS Guide For Shipping Ground and Air Hazardous Materials 10. One Prohibited Hazardous Materials Poster (011112 rev. 8/93) 11. One rewrap knife 12. One I-gallon container with water (labeled) 13. One gallon of bleach in its original container (labeled) 14. One spill tub which includes a spill-tub liner 15. Clay-based absorbent 16. Sodium bicarbonate 17 _ Activated carbon 18. UPS Decision Tree/Response Sheets (Designated Responder Reference Guide) 19. D.O.T. Emergency Response Guide Book 20. One box disposable gloves 21. Six wooden stirring sticks SPILL CART LOCATION(S): SCBA LOCA TION(S): - ,.L-..._ . SECTION XI - PPEiEquipmmt - Supplies Re'f, 7!~5!95 Page 1 "<I United Parcel Service 3800 N. Sillect Avenue 1kersfield, CA 93308 EVACUATION ROUTES'AND PROCEDURES J . 'W EVACUATION PLAN BAKERSFIELD BUILDING RIO BRAVO CENTER ~ 0" IT Pþ, ' .METER F E CUSTCMER CQtJNI'ER STOCKDALE x x II I i I I i . I LJ x x I !In MAT CAOB I SHOP x LOAD MOD. (X) = Exit Door I I EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE 1. Calmly exit by following the path to the Emergency Exit Door indicated above. 2. Assemble at the fence or property perimeter directly in front of the exit door. 3. Your immediate supervisor will take attendance of all evacuees and provide further instruction on how to proceed. j~Æ ~ ··EVACUATION PLAN BAKERSFIELD BUILDING BAKERSFIELD CENTER ~ CAR WASH ¡. <-<-<--<-<-- ~ I POINT I I PERIMETER I FENCE X CtJSTOMER COUNTER I X srOCKDALE X X X X I HAZ MAT CAOB I SHOP X LOAD MOD. (X) = Exit Door EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE 1. Calmly exit by following the path to the Emergency Exit Door indicated above. 2. Assemble at the fence or property perimeter directly in front of the exit door. 3. Your immediate supervisor will take attendance of all evacuees and provide further instruction on how to proceed. /t, ¡;f 4-, .J,V · EVACUATION PLAN BAKERSFIELD BUILDING STOCKDALE CENTER ~ .. f I ;t -, ¡~lTIER I , CAR WASH I X CUSTOMI!Il COUI'<TER x ->-> ->(X) I MEET X POINT x I U x x I HAZ MAT CAGB I SHOP x WAD MOD, X = EXIT DOORS EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE 1. Calmly exit by following the path to the Emergency Exit Door indicated above. 2. Assemble at the fence or property perimeter directly in front of the exit door. 3. Your immediate supervisor will take attendance of all evacuees and provide further instruction on how to proceed. 'þ.,J IY I I \....,.../' <t EVACUATION PLAN BAKERSFIELD BUILDING AUTOMOTIVE SHOP ~ ~ [-Pi. ·METER f E CAR WASH -' CUSTOMER COUNTER x STOCKDALE x x I I I I I ; I I I L-J x' x--> -> IIIAZMATCAGI! SHOP I I I I X I LOAD I ( = Exit Door MOD, I I I W ----------------------~----------------------------.-- MEET POINT EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE 1. Calmly exit by following the path to the Emergency Exit Door indicated above. 2. Assemble at the fence or property perimeter directly in front of the exit door. 3. Your immediate supervisor will take attendance of all evacuees and provide further instruction on how to proceed. yl{Ì) " ~ ~ EVACUATION PLAN BAKERSFIELD BUILDING ¡ PRELOAD AND LOCAL SORT P. ,- ,l\fETER F E CAR WASH I ClJSTOMER COUNTER x STOCKDALE x - - ,-- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- RED BELT 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I BROWN BELT BLUE BELT I I ¡ I ¡ I I I I I I I ¡ I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I : I I I LU I 1--------------------- I I I I I I X -- I I I I I I I I 1 I (X) ------- ------------ ------ ---- ------- --- ----- ------ MEET POINT I HAZ'fATCAGB I SHOP IX I I I I LOAD I ~OD. i X = Exit Door X-I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 j I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE I I i 1. Calmly exit by following the path to the Emergency Exit Door indicated above. I 2. Assemble at the fence or property perimeter directly in front of the exit door. I 3. Your immediate supervisor will take attendance of all evacuees and provide further instruction on how to proceed. ~ J v( í/