HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #2 UNIFIED PROGRAM INIECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. - Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 FACILITY NAME \INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME ADDRESS---'-- u..e.s_____ _..,,__n,_ -- - -- -- - ,-,- - ,-' --"-'-.. ..,,-,-- --".. - ~PH6NE~-<\ No'ofEmplõyeës --, ~ <2;00 C\~__.._&~_~Ç~r_,_ 'n_ __.___,__,.._ __,_ ____ __..., ,,_ _ _.., .. FACILlTYCONTACT Business ID Number 15-021- Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine Combined D Joint Agency D Multi-Agency D Complaint D Re-inspection c V ( c=comPlianCe) V=Violation OPERATION COMMENTS ~ CJ ApPROPRIATE· PERMIT ON HAND . -~------------_.~~------_._---_._--_._------_.._. ---------."----..'---.------- - .-..".----- -...--.-- ~ ~ D BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE -----~-------~-----~~-------,--------- --.-.+--..-. ,.----..-.-----...- ._.. .__.__n..______._.___.... _ ..._.____.._.n......_ ...._...._ ._u..._ +____.__m._...___ .._.m...._ .._..___n_ _ --..------.------ ..--.-...--.--------.--.. r;{ D VISIBLE ADDRESS A-. -." . _____.____·_____._._________M____.___.____._...___...__--.--.- D CORRECT OCCUPANCY _ ....-... ---.-.------.---.-...-.,. ~--- -. --..._--- ------_.--. --- --. .--.-.-.-.....---. -.. _.-_..._---------_._---_._-------_._-_._---.._~~~---_..----- ..~_~.._...._.._._.. _._._~...._ ~_....___._._..__.>.....___.~_.".' ._..__. .__..._.. .m___.___ .._~... _~_~__ VE~~~~~~ON OF INVENT~~~_MATE~~~~_,.. ,_____ _,_, ~ D VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES __.._.___u__..._.__...___________n_____._.___......_._._.__.____...._ ..__.____.....___._.__.. _..__._. ......_..___.u_.........___...._ '.._ _..___ ........._.__ __. ..._ }~ ~;.~~:::~;~~:===--~- - -~~~~~-~=~~ ..~=---==-=---~....--...- ~ D VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABIUTYE _n____________._____.___~__._______._____..u______ ...._._.______....._._____ ...___..__ _ __....______..__._______._._._.__ _ . .._......._...__....._..___ .u___....._ .. . _._....___.__. . ._ .'__. ..__ ..._._ ~ _,~_~~IFICATI~N OF ~~~ M~~ TR~~~~.,__.____"'__'n___'____..____,__._.__".....,...,___..__,_,.." ." ."..,_".. ~~__ VE~IFICATI~~~, ABA~~~-=~T SUP~:~~~,~~!~OC~~~~~S.,__,..___,__,.____,____,__.._,_,,_, __"..,_..""__".,__,,.. no,. tlJ LJ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE .,:\.______,____,_.._,______..________'m._......__...________._..'____n'...'_"~-m'-..'-....--..,. .._.._..'u"... "',.._no_ m.. , ... _.... .... ~ D CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED I ..~~_.__.._-----,-, ...-..--.,-...- ,-,..--..-....-...-" ,_...._, ---.---,. ...,...,.. _..~,..__... .-,.----- ." -. .,-.".-..... ..-.......... ,..,.., .....,..... ~,_..9,__~~~SE~:~~~_..n__'_..':____".._._,______ "-'1---"--'------"'-'" _,..___.._,,'__._.____m_'____,__. --,---..' ~_n-.~-n~I~~!~~:~c~~~_m,-,-m-,-,-,_--n_---,,-' ..,_,______, .,_,____._,.,_, ___ n'_____'..___,,_... .",..,' .,. _, D SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND i .._ __ ______. __. _ __~__ __h ._ .....___.__u.__ .. M__ _____...._. ._n. . .._.. .. _. _.._._ .. __ _ h .-----..-.- - . ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: jVES (] No 41Jt9 C-V=-" -ð', \ b \ \=1"ç "? EXPLAIN: ""'NG THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 _ _.~ ~ _ ~ ~~Siness Site ponsib e Pa White . Environmental Services Yellow ' Station Copy Pink . Business Copy e e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRON!VIENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME U~ INSPECTION DATE O<ß.~ 4-. O~ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank pW~ Type of Monitoring c...L--0("\ o Multi-Agency Number of Tanks Type of Piping o Complaint ~ DWF ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile þ( Proper owner/operator data on tile rI. Penn it fees current 1,( Certification of Financial Responsibility !X' Monitoring record adequate and current ~ Maintenance records adequate and current X Failure to correct prior UST violations X Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No 'I Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA nON Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overtill/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO &Jt - Z-/Ú'/c4- Pink· Busincss Cory .... . UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 I AUG 24. 2004 3: 31 PI'" SVSTEI'l :::;TATUS REPORT - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL F U NCT IONS NO Rl"lAL INVENTORY REPORT T 1: UNLEADED VOLUr'1E ULLAGE TC VOLUI"1E HEIGHT I¡JATER VOL WATER TEr"1P T 2:LJNLEADED 2 VOLUI"1E ULLAGE TC \,j'OLUr1E HEIGHT l¡JATER VOL '"I A TER TEr'1P 1 :3972 575b 3887 313.83 1 1 0.76 90.2 4998 4730 4892 46.94 11 GALS GALS GALS INCHES GALS INCHES DEG F O I""~ 1"7 . i I' GALS GALS GALB INCHES GALS INCHES DEG F 90.0 . ~ Jul 17 03 05:44p A~PETROLEUM SERVICES 66~33-S611 p.2 .A(~J~ 1>]~rrI~()r..jl~l Tl\I H]1.Jl~'~I(~~~H 6305 HESKETH DRive I' BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 PHONE (661) 633-9611 IWroger.;@bak.fT.com Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer July 17, 2003 RE: UPS Monitor repair 3 ~O() 'ft - s, \\td- Dear Steve, I replaced both Veedeer-Root interstitial liquid sensors in the annular in two 10,000 gal. fuel tanks located at UPS. 3800 N. SILLECT AVE.. BAKERSAELD. CA 93308. Checked for correct operation after install. Sin~~ _ RoÇR'~~ce~l~e~ices ~:zy '<'/ Jul 19 03 06: 02p A8IÞPETROLEUM SERVICES 66.33-9611 p.2 A ( 1J~:p~JrrI~()J .J~ l T1\1 HJ~I~' ~I ('}i~f-; 6305 HESKETH DRIVE BAKERSAELD CA 93309 PHONE (6611 633-9611 I'Nrogers@bak.rr,com Steve Underwood Fire InspectorlEnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer July 19, 2003 RE: UPS Monitor repair 3 <&co t{. g II t(d A\J'-'-.. Dear Steve, I checked operation of two Veeder-Root stand alone dispenser pan sensors located at UPS. 3800 N. SILl.ECT AVE.. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93308. Both are operating correctly. Sinc~~p~ ~u~rviCes --........- 02/26/2004 14:33 66~~~.7 REDWINE TESTIN~CS PAGE 02 "--'" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester A ve.~ Bakersfieldt CA (661) 326..3979 APPLICA TION TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION FACILITY U nd·~ ...Fkrc..e...\ ~~I,I~ .... ADDRESS 3RO() t:J. ~\)\e.ct (j1len."e.;~Kd~Y) CI;r '3:3~o'R' OPERATORS NAME ,. :R \c..¥ ~a.""uG..J OWNERS NAME ... NAME OF MONITOR MANUFACTURER ~ ~ V;- ~o6i- DOES FACILITY HA VB DISPENSER PANS? YEs.,L.. NO_ -' TANK#: , \ .J.. VOLUME .~ i '1:3 , ~C\<t3 CONTENTS µ",\dl.J ~1 <A.~ \d ~'l NAME OF TESTING COMPANY :R P.cll1JIr\C!- ~ ~~'''f) Se..r"H.P. s.) ~c.. CONTRAC1'ORS LICENSE # 5~~&'\~ Pt H-t\"Z-..- NAME &. PHONE NUMBER OF CONT ACT PERSON'þ~Cl" ---rtA,.",lj'" & ~t..f.-lø q~3 DATE & TME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED ..2.-iÞ-oc.J ~'.()O~ Æ(~ APPROVED BY DATE ~~ SIGNATURE OF APPUCANT .J) ~ 3-~_ / ;"---,' {;' -.-/ . ~. i / MON~;<&~~~,~r~O~~~ ~~~~}~~~ TION / .-lmhoFiry CiTed: Chaprer 6.7, HeaÜh and SClfery Code; Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, California Code ofReg¡¡lCJ(iol1s This Conn must be used ro docwnenr testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or report must be prep,Ir<:d for è:lc:h moniwL'ing system control panel by the technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the runl.; SYStèJl1 owner/operator. The owner/operator must submÌl n copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 J¡¡y.s of fè.st dat~. _~. ,,?~ßerall~t:~91ation Facllny Name: ...u.ú. Sií<: .'\ddrtss: .J~ð· 4J. FaL j]iry C ùl1lacr Person: M:Ü~c: lVlodd of Monitoring System: J I <.. t. t"'t LL13/..t- Bldg. No.: Ciry: ¿A¡¿F/<-F¡£¿ t.? Zip: Contact Phone No.: ( Date of Testing/Servicing; -1_/____, - TI...~ - 3s-ð B. Invcntory of Equipment Tested/Certified Ch~,I, (h~ a ) )rù rial~ boxcs 10 indicàtc s ccilic c ui mwt ins )cctedfserviced: r '}":Uj;: ¡ D , Ll,(J L ,,7 \ ~ 11'1-'1';1111. Gau~ing Prob~. Model: .t:146.1 , ))If Annul,lr SpÙ~è or Vaulr Sensor. Modd: 14' fÉ Piping Sump i Trench Sensor(s), Model:)O g o FilJ Sump Sensor(s). Model: Ii t\kt.:h:u1ÏL¡lI Line Leak Detector. Model: II (J "o.i ~ o FkL'rfoniL Line Lè!lk Derector. Model; o LlIIk OVèrti!! f High-Level Sensor, Modèl: , o L)rh-:r lS eLir've ui mènr r' e and model in Sècrjon E on PaDè 2). Tünk lD: _ o 11\- Lwk Gauging Probe. Model: o :\llnu!ar Spat.:~ or VaulI Sensor. ModeJ: o Piping Slimp / Trench Sensor(s). Model: o FiJJ Sump Sensor(s). Model: o i\kch,u1Ïcal Line Leak Derècmr. Model: o t::k":H\Jl\ic Linè Leak Dèrecror, Model: o LUll\. O\èrriJI / High·Levè! Sensor. Modè!: º l,J¡!lèr \S ècit\· é, IIi mem rv e Md modèl in Sècrion E on p¡¡ e 2). Disp¡;nSèr lD: t8' Di~pèlbâ Conrainment Sensor(s). Model: ð~ ø Sh-:,~r Valve(s). o _l-~is~!.)Sèr Conra.inmènr Floa[(s) and Cl1ain(s), Ois¡JclIsèr Ill: o Dispènsa Conrainmenf Sensor(s). Model; o Sl\èar VaIVè(s), o Dis enSèr Conlainmènr Float s) and Chain(s). Tank lD: (.l (.)¿ i' ) - ;v1/}~ I Fc?L tJ .~ In-Tank Gauging Probe, Modè!: ~61 ~ Annular Space or VaulI Sensor. Mode!: .2¿1'ž- o Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: o FilJ Sump Sensor(s). Modd: o Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: o Electronic Line Leak Deteclor. Model: o Tank Overfill/High-Level Sensor, Model: e and modèl in St:crion E on p¡¡ .; 1). J I I I Tank ID: o In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: o Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Modd: o Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: o Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: o Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: o Elecrronic Line Leak Derecror. Model: o Tank Overtill / High-Level Sensor. Model: ____, o Other (5 ccíft c lit men! \'1 è and Oìockl in Sècliun Eon r'Ø c:n. Dispenser lD: 9'" jð Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: o¿;J.. 14 Shear Valve(s). o Dis enser Conrainmenr Flo¡H(S) and Ch¡¡in(s). Dispenser lD: o Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: o Shear Valve(s), o Dis enscr COn!ainrncm Flam s) and Chainls). Dispenser ID: o Disp~nser Conrainmenr Sensor(s). Model: o Shear Valve(s), o Dis enser Conrainmenr Flo¡¡t(s) and Chain(s . Include information for every tank and dispenser 3r rhe tÌlciliry. ¡ ] I ~ Oisp.:ns.:r 10: o l)¡~p.:ns~r Containment Sensor(s). Model: o St¡¡:;l!' V:J\'c'ls), OD~~ c'JJsc'r COJ1uinmenr FJou[ $) and ChaiJ1(s), 'lf rh.: ÚII.:ílity comains more ranks or dispensèrs, copy this form. ""- C. Certification -1 certify that the equipment identitied in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufaclur"rs' guiùelines. Arràched to this Cerrilication is information (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this informariúlI i> <=ÙITècr and a Plot Plan showing the layout of nwnitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I havI: al,u ;\¡¡¡¡cÍJed a copy of the report; (check (/I! 111M /lpply): .ŒiI System set-up ¡arm hi~ry report ~1\:dlLlic¡an Nanlè (prim): 'i,f¿V M/'fs (/}"-'" Signarure:· r Ie CèriiÜL'mion Nù.: Sú i' - ')) r i t:;OItJ l'çsring Cùmpany ~ame: R ¿J w '1\ t... -r ~5t I " Sitè .-\ddfi;'SS:~" 1lJ. '&JL-LFt--r ,,¡,It: ~--_. C61 / D4 Phone No.:\ Mal ) 't? 3" - &'i q3 &IJ(I¿5F'IG¿t¡ (.If Date of Testing/Servicing: 2/ -ILl?$. l\'Ïùuicorjug S)'SCtßl Certi1ïcat~on Pagt 1 of 3 03/01 ·. rl JI): RèSUl1:S of Testing/Servicing e Soifl\ :lfè Y çrsion lnstalled: J 7, t:J / . Cùn, pkrè rhe followiuO' checklist: 1 : ~:~: I ~ ~~: ~: ~~: :~sd~:II:~l~~~l~ °e;:~~~;;~I? II \;~'~ 0 No'" Were all sensors visuall ins ected, functional! tested, and contìnned 0 erational? ,I ~ Y,-''i 0 Nù" Were al! sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that orher equipmC'lH will;: nor imerfere with their 1'0 )er 0 çration? ; If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.g. mOJ':'l1j'ill operational: " '" , . ,J For pressurized plpmg systems, does the tLlrblne 3Lltomancally shut down If the plpmg secondary contall1!\\<:I\{ \i moniroring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is eJeco'ically discormected? lfyes: which sensor::> iJljliòJlt.: ¡; positive shut-down? (Check (III that apply) ;Jf Sump/Trench Sensors; 0 Dispenser Conlainmenr Sen::>úrs. ; Did 'ou confirm ositive shut-down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? .¢Yes; 0 No, : For rank systems that utilize the monitoring sYStem as the primary rank overfill warnin~ devic<: !.i,<.·, Ilu mechanical overtill prevention valve is installed), is the overfil! warning alarm visible and audible': at [he: l; jlÌ,. :' fil! oinr(s) and 0 eratino )1'0 erl ? If so, at what ercent of tank ca aci does the aJann tri"','a? '; '~_ ' Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specific sensors, probes, or orher equipment replili:nJ ! and list the manLltàcturer name and model for all re lacemel1t arts in Secrion E, below. _, Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed a~ dry sysrems? (Check all rha! appl.ìJ CJ :, Product; 0 Water, If es, describe causes in Secrion E, below. ..Ii ]: ò 0 No· Was monÜorinù s srem set-LI reviewed to ensure 1'0 er sertinos? Artach set LJ orts, if a pljcabk " YèS 0 No" 1s all monitorina e ui menr 0 erarional er manufacturer's s ecificariol1s? " in S¡:ction E below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. I U..-, '\--.. ç;~ o No'" ~N/A o No" o N/A ~ \.;s I rO\-:; o No'" \~NiA )tNo o Y.:s'· ¡ 0 \'èS'" ~No £. Comments: .. . n_'" .._~ _,u . __...._~..~ .___. e .-.,...- ....-,'-. -----.-- .-.- ............ ._...-'- ---"- ....--_.. .---.---... .". -_._-" -....--.. _._- ",.' ...- .---. ... h. ._.___.." ...-. ... .....----- ..---.-. ---.-.. _._._....._n_ ------ --. _..~". ... ..-.-.- OJ//l1 Page 2 of 3 'þ ? 1;'. In-T.ìl1k Gauging / SIR Equi_nt: S Check this box iftar_uging is used only for inventory control. o Check this box if no rank gauging or SIR equipment is inswlkJ, This Sè¡;ÙOn must be completed if in~tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. CÚI1I~':I·t> rhe followino checklist· J o \'~:) 0 No* Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termin.ation, including, testing for grolmd fallits? 'i! -,--,--- 0 Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buiJdup? -11 0 y"s Nù* . ¡I 0 \' ,'S 0 Nù" Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? ,ì¡ o \' ¿-s I 0 No* Was accw-acy of sysrem water level readings rested? I I DYes \ 0 Nù'" Were all probes reinstalled properly? ¡ O\',;:s 0 No* Were all items on the equipmem manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? Ii .- - . _.._1 '" 111 tilt' Sc::t:tioo H, below, describe how and when these deticiencies were or will be corrected. G. Lint: Le.ìk Ûetectors (LLD): Com p etl.! the followma checklist: ~ Y èS 0 No· For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD perforn Ian.:,;') II o N/A (Check all ThaT apply) Simulated leak rate: .3 g.p.h.; 00.1 g.p.h; 00.2 g.p.h. !I , I Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? Ii Was tbe testing apparatlls properly calibrated? Ii For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? II II l' For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of rhe moniwring sYStem is diSabled';( or discOIU1ecred? ,I For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfuncrions /1 or fails a resr? II For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring cOIUlections been visuaJly inspected? ii ~ YèS ~ Yes ~ \'èS DYes o lèS OÚ'S o Yes ~Yes o No* o No* o No'" o N/A o No'" )it N/ A o No* ~ N/A o No'" ~ NiA o No'" 'þì N! A o No* o Check. this box if LLDs are not instaJled. For electronic LLDs, does rhe turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? ¡' I ,< in fj¡~ .section H, below, describe how and when these deticiencies were or will be corrected. .. H. Comments: .-.. .....-.-.--. -.-'-..'--.~._- ...._.....- --- ---...-.---- --- ._--- . "_'~._ n.._.._. _._... . ..--.-. Page 3 of3 03iUI ¡- 'i''''' . Monitùl'illg System Certification e e Sire Alidn;ss: 3 f(/)ð ,0. UST Monitoring Site Plan ~ I LL.-...fkT Rv~ ðA-I.Ft?F/f L ~ (A 1 ) 0 ~ . ~: CJ J, ~~: ~. . ~..... . .~. .~.~. « '7 , ."'~. ()IÙ~ ~~o , , 0 I ~~ ~J . , . . -- :~ :) :'t L - T .,...... Þ ¿ A- u ' . R . .. -4 Date map was drawn: .a- /1R-/ () i. Instructions If) úU alr~ady have a diagram that shows aJI required information, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Mùnitoring System CerÜf'icatioll, On your site plan, show tlìe general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly idenlif: lúç¡niol1S of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular' spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line le;:!"- deœctors; and in-tank liquid level probes (if lised for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan \\'a,; prepared. Page ~ofL 0510(/ ¡. REDWINE TESTING SERVICES, INC. P.O. BOX 1567 .. BAKERSFIELD, CA 933~ 567 PH (661) 834-6993 Fax (661) 836-3177 Emall: redwlneteat@prodlgy.net Tank and Pipeline CompliaraExperts Testing · Installation · Rem.' Closure Monitor and Cathodic Protection Testing License No. A-532878HAZ HG No. 415 RG No. 5761 ~~LKANL~AL L~X P'T~CTQR T~ST WORK S~j:ET W/Oth Facility Name: tJe~ ")&o·..PI .... , or J I I ;: / -", LV ¡. Facility A~~re..:~' v 'Y. ~_e~~~_ ~ M-KrixF/J'¡, t{ ~ /? Prod\J.c t Line Type· (irUlil.\.r., Sl,¡c:q~, ( rav;f. ty) f¡Z~S'()/lK PRODUCT Lü.K Di:'I'i:C'I'OR TY¡¡li: .. TEST' TRIP iEJ1.1AL NUMBBR BELOW ~SI I./D TYPE t i&lUA.L . V~L ~7 LID T'íiE 'lEi SUa¡. t NO LID T'í1».R 'lEi S~IU. . NO I.lb T"i,U: 'l&i SDIAl. . NO PASS OR ¡OUI. iASS lAlX. iAiS ¡OUI. PASS lUx.. . I certify the above tests were OPnQ~9ted on this date according to Red Jacket P~p. field test appar~~~s: testing procedl.\.re an limitation~. The Mechanical Leak Detector Test p~as I a ·.low flow threshold t:.rip rate of 3 9~llon I acknowledge that:. all data coll.Ct~q is of my knowled.ge. Tech: ~'V.:ï1V r"1~ Si9natur.,J«- r1? fail is determined by using per ho~r or less ac 10 PSI. true and correct to the bast \. '\ _/_ . ~t./ Date: Ø' I.J' / , , \, ~. ... ..' '. J80¡r S I LLECT AVE. (' BAKERSF rELD. CA 93308 661-326-1595 FEE 6. 2004 9:24 AM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL INVENTORY REPORT T 1: UNLEADED 1 VOLUME · 3886 GALS ULLAGE ... 5842 GALS TC VOLUME'" 3872 GALS HEIGHT ... 39.26 INCHE~ WATER VOL III 11 GALS WATER III 0.76 INCHES TEMP 64 . 7 DEG F : T 2:UNLEADED 2 VOLUME ... 4003 GALS ULLAGE ... 5725 GALS TC VOLUME III 8998 GALS HEIGHT a 39.90 INC~ WATER VOL III 12 GALS I WATER ... 0.82 INCHE~ TEMP ... 63.4 DEG F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93808 661-826-1595 FEE 6. 2004 8:88 AM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL INVENTORY REPORT T 1: UNLEADED 1 VOLUME ... 3886 GALS ULLAGE ... 5842 GALS TC VOLUME... 3873·GALS- HEIGHT III 39.26 INCHES WATER VOL'" II GALS WATER . 0.76 INCHES' TEMP ... 64.6 DEG F T 2:UNLEADED 2 VOLUME ... 4003 GALS ULLAGE ... 5725 GALS TC VOLUME... 3998 GALS HEIGHT ... 89.90 INCHES WATER VOL a 12 GALS WATER a 0.82 INCHES TEMP ... 63.4 DEG F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UPS 8800 SILLECT AVE. BAKER~LD.CA 93308 661-8..., 595 FEE 6. 2004 9:24 AM LIQUID STATUS - - - - - - - - - - - -, ,FEE 6. 2004 9:24 AM L I:UNLEADED 1 SUMP , SENSOR NORMAL , . i L 2: UNLEADED 1 ANNULAR I SENSOR NORMAL L 3:UNLEADED 2 ANNULAR SENSOR NORMAL i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD,CA 93306 661-326-1595 FEE 6. 2004 9:24 AM CSLD TEST RESULTS , - - - - - ."¡j , FEE 6. 2004 9:24 AM ¡ 132226 !¡ i T 1: UNLEADED 1 PROEE SER I AL NUM 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: FEB 5, 2004 PASS . T 2: UNLEADED 2 ., PROBE SERIAL NUM 1322231' 0.2 GAL/HR TEST . PER: FEE 5. 2004 PASS,' IE IE IE IE ~ END ~ IE ~ IE ~i UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. EAKERSFIELD.CA 9330e \ 661-326-1595 FEE 6. 2004 9:25 AM CSLD TEST RESULTS - - - - - - - - _. - - - FEE 6. 2004 9:25 AM T 2:UNLEADED 2 PROEE SERIAL NUM 132228 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: FEE 5. 2004 PASS ~ ~ * ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~M ~ SOFTWARE REVISION LEVEL VERSION 17.05 SOFTWARE~ 34~-100-F CREATED - 99~.01 .20.40 S-MODULE~ 330160-002-A SYSTEM FEATURES: PERIODIC IN-TANK TESTS ANNUAL IN-TANK TESTS CSLD SYSTEM SETUP - - - - - - - - - - - - FEB 6. 2004 8:35 AM :1 ~ ¡ SYSTEM UNITS U.S. SYSTEM LANGUAGE ENGLISH SYSTEM DATE/TIME FORMAT MON DD '1'1'1'1 HH:MM:SS xM UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. EAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 SHIFT TIME 1 DISABLED SHIFT TIME 2 DISAELED' SHIFT TIME 3 DI'SAELED SHIFT TIME 4 DISABLED TANK PERIODIC WARNINGS DISABLED TANK ANNUAL WARNINGS DISABLED LINE PERIODIC WARNINGS DISAELED LINE ANNUAL WARN I NGS DISABLED PRINT TC VOLUMES ENAELED TEMP COMPENSATION VALUE (DEG F): 60.0 STICK HEIGHT OFFSET DISAELED DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENAELED START DATE APR WEEK' 1 SUN START TIME 2:00 AM END DATE OCT WEEK 6 SUN 'i END TJME 2:00 AM -.- _h : \ '.;' IN-TANK SETUP ------ T 1: UNLEADED 1 PRODUCT CODE THERMAL COEFF TANK DIAMETER TANK PROF I LE FULL VOL 87.4 INCH VOL 82.8 INCH VOL 78.2 INCH VOL' . 73.6 INCH VOL' 69.0 INCH VOL. 64.4 INCH VOL 59.8 INCH VOL 55.2 INCH VOL. 50.6 INCH VOL, : 46.0 INCH VOL,: 41.4 INCH VOL 36.8 INCH VOL 32.2 INCH VOL 27.6 INCH VOL 23.0 INCH VOL 18.4 INCH VOL .1 :3 . 8 I NCH VOL 9.2 INCH VOL 4.6 INCH VOL : .000í 92. 20 V 97. 95' 92' 88' 84 79: 73' 61' 61 55 481 4';" 3:,: 29' 23 18: 13 : 8' 4, 1 t FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. 84': WATER WARNING : 2 HIGH WATER LIMIT: 2. MAX OR LABEL VOL: 97: OVERFILL LIMIT: ~, 87' HIGH PRODUCT ; 9: 92' DELIVERY LIMIT; I: . 14' LOW PRODUCT : LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: TANK TILT MANIFOLDED TANKS T¡i: NONE 14: .: r o. ' LEAK MIN PERIODIC: LEAK MINANNUAL: 2: '" : 24~ PERIODIC TEST TYPE . STANDAF ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLE PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARM D I SABU GROSS TEST FA I L ALARM D I SABLE ANN TEST AVERAGI NG: OF, PER TEST AVERAGING: OF TANK TEST NOTIFY: OF TN ( TST SIPHON BREAK :OF DE!-IVERY DELAY 5 Ml " T ;¿; LJNLEADED . 2 PRODUOT CODE THER/"IAL COEFF TANK DIAMETER TANK PROFILE FULL VOL 87.4 INCH VOL 82.8 INCH VOL 78.2 INCH VOL 73.6 INCH VOL 69.0 INCH VOL 64.4 INCH VOL 59.8 INCH VOL 55.2 INCH VOL 50.6 INCH VOL 46.0 INCH VOL 41.4 INCH VOL 36.8 INCH VOL 32.2 INCH VOL 27.6 INCH VOL 23.0 INCH VOL 18.4 INCH VOL 13.8 INCH VOL 9.2 INCH VOL 4.6 INCH VOL : 2 : .000700 , 92.00· 20 PTS· 9728 9559 9258 8873 8417 7910 7857 6770, 6154: 5516; 4864: 4212· 3573' 2957 2870 181S· 1311 854 469 168 FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. 8496 ! WATER WARNING : 2.0 HIGH WATER LIMIT: 2.5 MAX OR LABEL VOL: 9728 OVERFILL LIMIT 90% 8755 HIGH PRODUCT 95% 9241 DELIVERV LIMIT 15% 1459: LOW PRODUCT : LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: TANK TILT : MANIFOLDED TANKS T1*: NONE LEAK MIN PERIODIC: . . LEAK MIN ANNUAL : 14591 30 90 "0.00 25%' 2432 PERIODIC TEST TVPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL . ALARM DISABLED: PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF ER TEST AVERAG I NG : OFF ANK TEST NOT I FV : OFF- NK TST SIPHON BREÄK:OFF' ELIVERV DELAV 5 MIN LEAK TEST METHOD . -'--=--"'1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 TEST CI : ALL TANK Pd .. 9 CLIMAT rACTOR:MODERATE ¡ LEAK TEST REPORT FORMAT; ENHANCiI) I I i LIQUID SENSOR SETUP I - - - - - - - - - - - i L I:UNLEADED 1 SUMP I TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT] CATEGORV : STP SUMP 1 I L 2:UNLEADED 1 ANNULAR TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORV : ANNULAR SPACE : L 3:UNLEADED 2 ANNULAR I TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) GATEGORV : ANNULAR SPAC~ 0% 0: EXTERNAL I NPUT SETUP - - - - NONE OUTPUT RELAY SETUP - - - - - - - - - R 1 :SENSOR ALARM TVPE: STANDARD NORMALLV OPEN \, LI GU ID SENSOR ALI"tS L 1: FUEL ALARM L I:SENSOR OUT ALARM L 1: SHORT ALARM L l:LIQUID WARNING ...-.... -" i ----- SVSTEM ALARM ---~ SVS SECURITV W.ING i FEB 6, 2004 6 AM ALARM HISTORV REPORT ----- SVSTEM ALARM ---~ PAPER OUT APR 18, 2008 12:54 PM PRINTER ERROR APR 18. 2003 12:54 PM BATTERV IS OFF JAN 1. 1996 8:00 AM SVS SECURITV WARNING FEE 6. 2004 8:36 AM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I . I ! ALARM HI STORV REPORT ! ! ----. IN-TANK ALARM ---1' ! T 1: UNLEADED 1 I : OVERF I LL ALARM : JUL 25. 2003 1: 15 PM I' ¡ MAR 7. 2003 6 : 00 PM !JUN 20. 2002 9: 4!;i AM ! ' : LOW PRODUCT ALARM ¡ JUL 24. 2003 11 :05 PM :JUL 3.2003 1:17AM " JUL 13. 2002 1 :50 AM '. .- DELIVERV NEEDED JUL 24. 2003 11:05 PM JUL 3. 2003 1:17 AM JUL 18. 2002 1:50 AM NO CSLD IDLE TIME ¡ DEC 2:3. 1 999 8: 00 AM ': eSLD INCR RATE WARN . JUL 19. 2003 10:85 AM JUL 17. 2003 2:38 PM : MAV 26. 2003 2:06 AM \ : '. .'~. ; M M ~ ~ ~ END ~ M ~ ~ ~ .- ~-_.-. '---.. ALARM HISTORV REPORT ---- IN-TANK ALARM T 2: UNLEADED 2 OVERFILL ALARM DEC 22. 2003 1:51 PM DEC 4. 2008 4:07 PM JUL 25. 2008 1:8Q PM LOW PRODUCT ALARM JUL 25. 2003 2:29 AM JUL :3. 2003 4:37 AM JUL 13. 2002 5:48 AM HIGH PRODUCT ALARM DEe 4. 2008 4:09 PM SEP 6.2002 1:08 PM MAV 13. 2002 2:22 PM PROBE OUT OCT 14. 2003 10:27 AM DELIVERY NEEDED JUL 25. 2008 2:28 AM JUL 8. 2003 4::35 AM JUL 13. 2002 5:48 AM MAX PRODUCT ALARM SEP 6.2002 1:11 PM MAV 13. 2002 2:23 PM OCT 24. 2001 2:03 PM PERIODIC TEST FAIL APR 9. 2003 2:11 PM APR 4. 2008 7:27 PM APR 4. 2003 12:20 PM NO CSLD IDLE TIME DEC 23. 1999 8:00 AM CSLD I NCR RATE WARN AUG 4. 2008 6:13 AM MAV 26. 200:3 2:06 AM JUN 30. 2002 2:34 AM M M ~ ~ M END M M M M M ALARf:1 H I STORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM ----- L 1: UNLEADED 1 SUMP STP SUMP SENSOR OUT ALARM JUL 81. 2003 1:25 PM FUEL ALARM MAR 20. 200:3 10:55 AM FUEL ALARM FEE 3. 200:3 1 :,51 PM ¡::¡£.¡r:;¡;¡-¡ íì~--¡ ;;~;-'"'". ~. :~:~-' SENSOR ALARM ----- L 2:UNLEADED 1 ANNULAR ANNULAR SPACE SENSOR OUT ALARM JUL 31. 2003 1:25 PM SENSOR OUT ALARM JUL 17. 2003 12:19 PM FUEL ALARM JUL 17. 2003 12:19 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ · --. , ALARM HISTORY REPORT ¡ ----- SENSOR ALARM ----- "I! L 3:UNLEADED 2 ANNULAR ANNULAR SPACE SENSOR OUT ALARM JUL 31. 2003 1:25 PM SENSOR OUT ALAR!"I JUL 17. 2003 11:02 AM FUEL ALARM JUL 17. 2003 10:55 AM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END . ~ ~ ~ ~ ALARM HISTORY REPORT - EXTERNAL I r:æUT .ALARM I 1: * * * * * END * * ~ ~ * e UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-826-1595 FEB 6. 2004 8:37 AM SYSTEM STATUS,REPORT - - - - - - - - - - - - SYS SECURITY W~NING . .. '. .... ~. ~""- .. '. ! I I ;, I ,I I ----- SENSOR ~ARM ----- L 1: UNLEADED 1: 'SlJl'1P STP SUMP " FUEL ALARM FEB 6. 2004 e:4~ AM I I 'I I, : ;" I: UPS ; I ¡ 3800 S ILLECT AVE. : I' BAJ<ERSFIELD.CA 9:J3p8 :: 661-326-1595 I ! I I !' FEE 6. 2004 8:.47; AM 1 ¡ I . ~: _ ~Y~T~M _ S:AT~ _ R~f.~R: _ I ALL FUNCT I ONS NO~ :1 i ; -I I \ ----- SENSOR ~MI----- L 2:UNLEADED I;:A~~ } ANNULAR SPACE: ' I ; I: FUEL ALARM, I '! FEE 6. 2004 :Ø:50jAM . !' ~ ¡ I --..- c... -'~'-'.--"r i I ,-I. ' " ¡; ,I e UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKER8FIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 FEB 6. 2004 8:52 AM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL FUNCT I,ONS NO~ I ----- SENSOR ALARM L 3:UNLEADED 2 ANNULAR ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARM FEB 6. 2004 8:53 AM UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAJ<ERSFIELD,CA 93308 661-326-1595 FEE 6~ 2004 a:55.AM i 1 I _ ~Y~T~_S:AT~_RfP~R: , ~L.L_.~UNCTIO,! NO~.,:.~ '. I., .'~ FEB 26 2004 16:28 BKtlrD FIRE PREVENTION (6.) 852-2172 p. 1 82/26/2684 14:33 6618363177 REI»JINE TESTING SVCS PAGE 82 ........., CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ,ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester A ve., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326..3979 APPLICA TION TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICA TION PACJLlTY~rl'fJ. -.s.e.r>J~ ADÐa.ess 3Raa..&. ",'\<<i- ~tp""[1 <K.:1!;1!r1l~ I ~ ~ ~~4: OPERATORS NAME ~ \(.,~ Gtll""t..vL.... ._ OWNERs NAME NAMS OP MONlI'OR MANuFACTlJR.BR V ~ u-- ~~ DOBSFACM'YHAVEDISPENSERPANS? YBSÁ NO_ -- TANK. , -L. ..2.. VOLUME 31'13 , ~q,\3 CONTBNTs _".b..\tA tJ- ~W ~'1 ---... I>..... NAME OFTESTINO COMPANY ~ P.d.wlfte.. ~ &'.rlltr., ~ . ~c.. CONTRAcroRS UCBNSB II 5~~~..î: ~ AA7- NAMB I; PHONE NtJMI I!R OF CONTACT PBRSON~D """'t;;.,....... & ~:t.'I'l:l DA 1'8 &It TIMB TESt' IS TO BE CONDUCTED .:. -I. -{) <I }:OQ AN>, .Æ../ßt1~ DATE ~~ SIONATURB OF APPLICANT APPROVED BY -"-3-L .I e . , I) SECOND.N~''f::SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM DATE ;)-(¿, -0:1 :: ___ {J . It:"' FACILITY ID '\A.~,Ù""\Ÿ~ ~mL "56..0\~;S FALïLlTY ADDRESS' ?::>~. N . ~\llK.t ~f\'4-J2~ \(Ul.CA. , UST Annular Space ' i " , , " .~ Tank 1 . :, Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Start Time hútial Pressure '" End Time I···. , "j FiDal PreMure ,. ). Certifkation (Signature) ,', Secondary Piping .,' Libel .. Line 2 Line 3 JAne 4 " Start Time Inidal Pressure ' End Time FlnaJ ~es!JUre " Certif'aeation '.1 (SI¡nature) , '\",1 ~,·~~·'7~·~·,..r".·· .. (}.~. J ~~ "'.' " ..,.': " . ,;.,- . .' , .. Page 1 of ..3 , , j~,þ?',:" ~ ~;"'t...:", .. ~I'" , ::.f,::~· ,': ~'~::~~:' . tK,;;,""': ?~[~:').~':; . '1: ~~"',." .. .1 ~' 'I I·'·...·,';·Î',~.< . t!t;.' ' 1'~·1.::;,f; " , ~r\',' . , 'b"' '. .' \,7-,,::" . '¡..'O''W'I. 'II: e e SECOND~R¥ SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM DATE2::&>-OL{ . '. ' FACILITYID \k~. ' . FACILITY ADD~ 3s?£JQ N· c;~llE:C.+. Turbine Sumps Sump 1 Sump 2 Sump 3 Sump 4 Start Time , lnidal Height . , of Water Time . . Water Helgbt '.J .. , , Time : . Water Height ,. Time Water Height " Certification ~(D;~+ A p(2(Ulo\AS~ ,j\ L- (Signature) IT r I c... Overfill Buckets Start Time Initial Height of Water Ovftftlll ' 't\S"~· Overfill 2 \J t\ () C : I~ C¡:/S""Arv1 Time Water Height Time Water Height CertlncatJon (Signature) Page 2 of 1> :tf~1~ "" ~"';';i·;·:, ¢.. ':~"'>'... ;¡." ,"" . \V-"- -·'l-,~·';·· '<1.....1..'" ~ ,..~,:...~.;~:' . I t·,· . ~;j.:;:, f¡''5j#:~' '~-""\ t't¡:";~i \ ,: ¡ÿì1.t'·~',' ~~;~~;; ~r :~~'/~':~' , '.. L ,',Y .~f~,~,:'::, '. ~,~",... ~~~'~t,"..! I' ~:é~"{', . : ".,{;~ :;. . ~ l~~ ,'e.' (ii, ,......)1 b:",hl~" , ~~'.'. .'. ~~~~::~.: .' 11··( ~ I',.. '¡~:..,' jI\'~ ii"}}' : I' :Ji;'(\.: }i'¿; "',r,,,~"~ '. ".' ..' -, ·'f " }~"t:: ..:, ,. . . ~:~,J ,,' I . '~t~·} ; . I"',!¡,jj",':'· : ~}!~\~\.!. , f.fþ ''\ ~~~p..'~, . (ðh~'·· ." ~~"\~\. ~:~f~:i. .: ~~¡;, /t\i:·'¡"· ; ~~!\\H '. e e SECONDA'RY: SYSTEM CERTIF.CA TION FORM DATE J:-lP-Od, " FACILITY ID ~,.. . FACILITY ADDRESS 39-.00. t>-\ .S'\\lfC..-\. UDC TESTING DISPENS~~ : DISPENSER DISPENSER DISPENSER START TIME INITIAL HEIGHT OF " WATER ~~11\ r.1' ~ {7SùJ\ C'l1 JS.. A~ ¥ ¡r,\l1r ',. , \ TIME . .. WATER HEIGHT 1'JM:E ., , WATER HEIGHT CER11FJCA TlON (SIGNATURE) , , .. DISPENSE.~ DISPENSER DISPENSER DISPENSER ; . STARTT(ME " . INITIAL HEIGHT OF -' -- WATER .\ . . TIME WATER ' ' " HEIGHT , . TIME WATER HEIGHT . CERTlFlCA TION (SIGNA TURE) Page ~of .:3 ¡ ,,4. q ;3 2 ~ e ßI -- ('; l 3 Ct e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF E~VIRON~:IENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester A ve., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 5-1> 9 g'q c'l"IOtVTít T5"r APPLICATION TO PERFORt\-t A-Tt\NK TIGHTNESS' TEST/ SECONDARY CONTAIN~IENT TESTING FACILITY UNITE() fJA¿CE /.. Se/!;(/¡CF" ADDRESS :?~QCJ AJCJÆ71i {cf/¿¿~.c;r &;<tJZ'J/t!2¡C} cA· <?.~ PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPERATORS NA1'v1E {(ICk C¡tJ.&~/4 OWNERS NAME ( Jj(JjTo:J ~4/C~/. . . NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED;;;" TANK # VOLu~ I /()K , /ð/¿ IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED CONTENTS ( .JÆ.K-mø&O I)/I!:\P¿ TANK TESTING COMPANY ~e»WI;"';(F 77tJ//U ( .Çt!:ZwC P //UC MAILING ADDRE$S ,A ð ,M.t /5'6' 7 NAME & PHOì-Œ NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON j:06rw '70¿NO<... TEST METHOD IN t:o,I\.J NAME OF TESTER OR SPECIAL INSPECTOR . Tr15/1 ¡)/J 1//( CERTlFICATION# C~/KlØ~ L¿c i ~ ~R7cf DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED :2 - C - o<.¡ q;oo A/Y) t=i:/~ APPROVED BY :J-l¡.; ðV f DATE ~~ SIGNA TURE OF APPUCANT ~ e e ß--r - 0 t 3 9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 51> 95'Q C,Ø/(JltiTÎ/ ~I APPLICA TION TO PERFORM A IfÂNK TIGHTNESS' TEST/ SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING FACILITY UIJ¡TEíJ j}:)¿CE I.. Se~t//C/f ADDRESS ~?£'()O 'AJCJÆ7fi tV¿¿ tÕCT ~&tØ'æ~ cA 9:.d?iQl PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPERATORS NAME f(1(:k C/l¿Ç/~ OWNERS NAME ( Jj{ ;JTUJ ;iJ4'¿C6~ . NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED ;:;.. TANK # VOLUME I /ðK , /() /.¿ IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED CONTENTS ( .J~m,ð¿¡O I)/I!X¡J¿ TANK TESTING COMPANY ~e»W¡~tF r;eOl/Uc .Ç1ZZt//C.p /AJC MAILING ADDRESS jJ.CJ·~ /66/ ~ NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON j):JGI9A/ /Í .JLJj.J(7( TEST METHOD / AJ t:ON NAME OF TESTER OR SPECIAL INSPECTOR . TI1S/1 f)A vi r CERTIFICATION # cðlt.J'œMlØt:.. L¿G i ~ ~ R 7tf DATE & TESTIS TO BE CONDUCTED :2-C-Qlf 9,'00 A/YJ MPAY APPROVED BY :J-t¡~ t) V /ih ~~ ~ ( ~ DATE SIGNATURE OF APPUCANT e -- ._~ UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 OCT 27. 2003 H " '''''1'' F' 0..,)- i 1"1 SY'STEr"l STATUS REPOF:T - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL INVENTORY' REPORT T 1: UNLEADED VOLU~'1E ULLAGE TC \/0 L U~'1E HEIGHT klA TER VOL tJATER TEr'1P T 2:UNLEADED 2 \IOLUt"1E ULLAGE TC VOLLW'1E HEIGHT l,JATER VOL klATER TH'lP 1 4842 4886 4756 45.85 o 0.00 85.4 4927 4801 4840 46.44 o 0.00 85.1 GALS GALS GALS INCHES GALS INCHES DEG F G l.:"(-. ~ ;~ GALS INCHES GALS I NC HES DEG F * * * * * END * * ~ * * e ". --- ., (\ v UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program ." Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 ! INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME ,:.' . ~O'J1-03 _~~~~~~~..~_~~_"=~_~~'~,~~ m:~o~~.~,~ ,~~dôOy~~~~-'~~· Business 10 Number 15-021- e , c FACILITY NAME _.___._._JJP_i__'___'_...____'__'....'__'.___._.. ,_, .....,_,_ ADDRESS , 3 g oD N-,,-"-sJ_,l c~t___________., ___'___ FACllITYCONTACT Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program CJ Routine t$ Combined CJJoint Agency CJ Multi-Agency CJ Complaint CJ Re-inspection ~ C V (C~COmPlianCe) OPERATION COMMENTS V~Violation ~ ApPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND '-~-'B~'~;~~';;LAN '~~~~;~~~~~~~~;;~~-'~;~~~~-m"'-'-_ ...,._,_____....""_....oo_"_"..m._.....'..., ..-,.".,-..,..-." ,-,..,--, .-...... .,.."'- -7~--'~~~-:,~~SS---'-.,...-"-'--- -- "---'- ,,-- - ,-,--oo--- -,- . .-,,- . . ,moo.,... . .". -94-- CO~~CT O~~~~;;~~_,=-~~=~-=~~'~~...~'__~~-~~':~-.·.,,:-..,: I_..-..:.:~-=:~:'~.:··,':.~:,'~~'_-::,:~·~_::,~'..·:.'~~.~..~-:~..~_., :~:.'.. _,_,.,._ ."_" !]I/" CJ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS -;7ri'-VERI~~:~ON OF ~~~NTI;;~;'----·m--'-u"----'-'-' ..n,._.., ,----,--- ,- 'moo..'_ "..-..----...,-,-------------",-,'oo -~--~ERIF;;~;ON'-~;-:~~~I~~----------'---'- -,-,-----,.-.'-, -- 'm .,..,---..."---,,,.. .,., ,-,---- ."--- -dl/6-'--;~-;~~~~GR;G~IO~-;~-~~~;I::-'-----'-----'-"....., ------,-...-""--. --.-'" ..., -.,..,--".-,.--.... ".." ,.,....,.",-....-".", ,."...-". Q/b-~;~:FICATION ~;~-S~~ A~~;:~~I~-~'-..._---"'-'-'-' ,.,_0.",...,_,__.,...,,__.. --. . "'..oo---,,-,,.',·,-,----, "-..-- '7rJ-V~;;I~~TION of-H~-M~-~~~I~~---·n....n-----'-- ·.__mn - ,---,--..',---.'---, -- ,_n'__'___m___n_u.._,,_ on ,.. ...., ..."..", '"t. ~ __... _.__,__~____.__,___.___".__ .____.o_. '_,..n . ,_ _n_+_._"..____, ___ _____..__..,_.oo__ __ _ ___,,__,_____ ,. ...__..__" ~2 VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES .,~ 2~~~~~~E_~~~_~~i~~~~~~~~D~~~~~_.:~_':_~~:::·~-=,,':.'.:-':~,~:.'~~-~':~-,~_~' ::""-'-':~~',_~ ~:-.:.:.~".:::.'::::,','~,:.-~'~"-..,': ',~:'~.'~~::'-'-~:".-~~:-~~,. ¿¡7--0 CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED I ,~_-~~~~S~K-E:~~~_ ~ -~,',~~-~~-~~, ~,~' ,=',',~~~ -----~,'1~-~~~, ~~:'-~_~-n~"· ~"~~~ -,',-----,'~,~'...--~~.' ------,..".-'-'-. ~ FIRE PROTECTION , ¡' _n' ,,_ ,_ ...,__,_ ,___ ,__ .. _ __ _,__ .._"" _ _ _.. ",_, _oo ._ _, _ _____,_, ,_, ___ ..___.. ,____, ,_ ....' '" , _, "" ,_" .. __u. .. ,_,___,__ . ~ CJ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND I I. I ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: "rt YES CJ No EXPLAIN: H!rl.",\c.- C ) L\ ð- ()ll.(..\ú-rh QUESTIONS, GARR(Z'NG HIS, SPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 ,7 ,f , '/. 'y. '.' C( -- - --------------- Inspector Badge No,. White . Environmental Services Yellow ' Slatlon Copy Pink . Business Copy r i f'~ . c ~ e CITY OF BAKERSFiELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave.. 3rd J<'loor. Bakersfield. CA 93301 FACILITY NAME UpS INSPECTION DATE If) ';)1 - e 3 Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~ Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank Ow ¡::: Type of Monitoring ¿ UII\ o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks l- Type of Piping IJwF ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile V / /' Proper owner/operator data on ti Ie V Pennit fees current /' V Certitication of Financial Responsibility V / Monitoring record adequate and current V / Maintenance records adequate and current 0.../ Failure to correct prior UST violations "- ./ Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No l - /' Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfilI/overspill protection? C=Compliance Y=Yes N=NO Inspector: I Office ofEnvironmenta1 Services (661) 326-3979 White, Fnv. Svcs. Pink, Business Copy ( . CITY OF BA~FIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 Facility INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOB SITE Owner '" Address Address City, Zip City, Zip Phone No. Permit # INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same number are ready. They will run in consecutive order beginning with number I. DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all items in that group are signed off by the Permitting Authority. Following these instructions will reduce the number of required inspection visits and therefore prevent assessment of additional fees. TANKS AND BACKFILL INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Backfill ofTank(s) Spark Test Certification or Manufactures Method Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) PIPING SYSTEM Piping & Raceway w/Collection Sump Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints, Fill Pipe ( Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tank(s) Cathodic Protection System-Piping Dispenser Pan Liner Installation - Tank(s) Liner Installation· Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors, Float Vent Valves Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Product Line Leak Detector(s) Leak Detector(s) for Annual Space·D.W. Tank(s) Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s)· H20 Test Leak Detection Device(s) for Vadose/Groundwater Spill Prevention Boxes I", .lrJ: ~~+- ó/L- ï -(Ì . Q "J FINAL Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks Fill Box Lock Monitoring Requirements Type Authorization for Fuel Drop CONTRACTOR ~tltùt'¡ -' LICENSE # 53d~)<6 /l HaL CONTACT [)ù 111."{ PHONE # ~ 3;JQ-{)<.{tffo · . I' svn f) ~{ {'r -..., '" " . aPermlt 110. ~ -;{-- - 0 ()- ~ J CITY OF BAKER§'FIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (80S) 326-3979 f3 3 ~ - 3 /77 fr1 PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCTIMODIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK STARTING DATE FACILITY NAME 'Ý-o WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDIIDB ¿ 'F" DEP1H TO GROUND WATER 60 NO. OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED 0 ARE 11ŒY FOR MOTOR FUEL SPILL PREVENTION CONTROL AND COUNTER MEASURES PLAN ON FILE TANK NO. ± VOLUME J~ TANK NO. VOLUME NO NO SEcnON FOR MOTOR FUEL UNLEADED X- X PREMIUM AVIATION REGULAR DIESEL SEmON FOR NON MOTOR FUEL STORAGE TANKS CHEMICAL STORED (NO BRAND NAME) CAS NO. CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED (IF KNOWN) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY :,~I*~mm¡m~I¡!!!!;!'!;.!!:¡!!!t;¡;!¡¡::::¡¡w::::¡?;~:;¡;¡;;¡I;;¡¡I¡¡IIII!¡II!t¡':¡¡¡¡!I¡¡¡;;llæ~¡:¡:',¡il:~:m;;;;¡I;¡¡III¡¡~:¡r¡;r.¡mM¡¡¡¡ TIm APPUCANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH TIlE ATrACHED CONDmONS OF 1HIS PERMIT AND,»N OTIIER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. ~~ HAS BEEN COMPlElED·UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO TIlE BEST OF MY IOIOWLEDGB, IS LrJ;ZJ:¿¡j Do,¡w ìZ,R.N~ ~~ APPROVED BY: APPUCANT NAME (PRJNr) CANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED . . "/3<; ø ir:f- 0 I?-D .---..' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIJ~ONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 / Sß <ff'1 ~S"T APPLICA TION TO PERFORM A TANK TIGHTNESS TEST/ SECONDARY CONTAINl\ [ENT TESTING , . FACn..rry UNI1TtJ fJlf&~ b~~!//("ê . ADDRESS Jf?ðcJ N{jæJTfI S/L¿¡:;cT fY1J(f!llt"F¡IfL,¡O 96'';>03 PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPERATORS NAME I<JC¡¿ -{;A¿(/IJ - 81(( ,e,cr .. . OWNERS NAMElJAJ~J 7ðÞ PI91l~IFL NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED 2. IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED \¡ {S , TANK # VOLUME CONTENTS J /0 1<-. (J III L (f>'tLJé2? i II) /<. /J/fl ¿-¿ ~'--- TANK TESTING COMPANY /(CJtJúJl/LJé Tét7/N6 ~&I..II/CC . MAILING ADDRESS p,O· 80x /~C, ~ . J NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACf PERSON j)UG/hV 7ùIlNÐ1<-J ~ ~9~.] TEST METHOD , II.) COA./ . NAME OF TESTER OR SPECIAL INSPECfORJS;¡ D/t--v/... ( CERTIFICATION # CO'll17?Þr¿l7J,( ¿¡ C. 5-; 'J.. B?R /j rI~2- DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCfED (;'.....¡/-() 3 I ~ ()() j)hJ. ,~dt,LIdOf) (,-¡/-tJ3 ~~ APPROVED BY DATE SIGNATURE OF APPUCANT " . .,: ,I:. ! .': :;'j . . ::~ . ¡ :. 1. '. I ' ~',~~\' 'S~"t¡$~CERTU1ÇATIONFORM ..' '\. ',",', ' '::, "'~" I . 'D~TE '\~-((-()3 " :','" " ; :,",' ,i; , " FAClLlTym 'i ~" >::":" . _ft~ ~^ h"",' .f.lr') "Î 11 FACILITY ADDRESS '~~',µ-,3~~," . ,: '. , ,,', !'::;, ., .. ',q ",",V'oJ'" ............."'" \1\ " "".,,1'.'..'''' t , '\'-......W.1.'1C- I t;..:.J t ,4'""..' ,e.., , : ,~ I,,' , , .' , . .' . " .' ' , lIST A.aau1ar Spice : ''',,:. ~ ',r.', :,1::;: , , .. s.t TbDe Initial Preaure, EIId T~ Ji1DIü~' " CertUk:ation ' (Slpture) ',' p. Tank 3 ""4 , , '\ ¡; , : ,".., ~;r ~ ,~, .; '., ~, ,', " :' ",;" : ,-;, ... ,~, ..... .. , ' ~PÍP~~: I,', .~,::;'r ',".':,:, , ~,\;.,~: ...," . (..' Line 2 L1n~ 3 '.';J,¡Cne 4 " Start TuDe ldidaf Priaun " End Time 'F11IaI Preaure CettUkaöon (Slrlttl.Üe) '.' .. . . :,' , ~ , ',':;,';,;: J " ' r.l of 3 , " 1.\ .~ , , ' " . ".' '::':~I::¡,':: ¡ , ~. "::.~' .: ,',' ,'" . , ' " . ': ' ¡ . ~ " . ~ ,',,' " . ' , ' I" , : :.:. '.::" '~", , .. , , .'."," " . , . ' ,','S'''' J' .'., ,.".0;;,..;' " , i ! ,""'- ¡~ , , e',:' ; , , , . . 'V_ ...._ e . . 't " sEcoNDöisŸSTEM CERTIFICATION FOaM DATE I a. - ¡ {-O~,' ," .;;, FACILITYm~~"" , FAÇILITY ADDRESS ""B~ ð ð " Turbini Suarps Start Tune IIdtIIIIIIIpt 01 Water Time, w... BellM , Tinae Water Height TIme water HeIght Cettiftc:atioD (S ) Oye:rftlt Bucbu Start TIme ' laJti.Il BeJghl or Water TIme . Water Hetafa~' TbIM w..... Hetp. Cerciftc:aüoa (Sipalure) N, SE.I.E~Tj 6~FJELJ "'j ','. , , . " . , " , Suœp 3 , Sump 2 " , , " ~l:; '.....:i."!' ' ',' '".. .. :'.V.! ';.., , 8\\(",); ,.... ~,~ " . ":""1 ' , ...;. ~r , ' ,~,,,:, Pa¡e 2 of .3 : :,"¡ . . . :1,'. I . 't' . ':' " Samp 4 0Verftn 4 . . .' . , . .. "~",,,·.",,.,,~~.,,!.~..~",,W,;;;,..~,,,.h.-=-,,,W.... ..·.¿V...,,;:·;;,;,.....-.~.- : , I "¡' ,',,"', " ,- "~;, \,:,,::, e' ..," ,,"' .~'", , ." I ".. '""'tV" I..... I I..ow' I A,I '\.01 I~ CJ:.J - ,'" " SiCO~it:rSYSTEM CERTIFICA nON FORM ' ,DATE to - \.:=~i1' J~'~" i,: ;" ' , FACILITY ID " " ::> ~ ': N , FACILITY ADDREss .', 3MO . , ' UDCTESTING START'-hME' =OF WATER . TIME WATER HEIGHT TIME WATER HEIGHT CERTIFICATION (SIGNA 1'\1RE) START TIME 1NlTIAL JŒJGRT OF WATER, TIME W ATEa HEIGHT TIME WATER REtG11T (:£R'J'DI)(;A TWI'f (SIGNA 11IR8) , . ·'SStECT )~8~,tE-ù) N~~ ÐJ~ fo~ fL€fJQiCf1l DISPENSER 3 ÞJSPEN8ER 4 :Di~'&' J)1SPENSßR., DISPENSER 7 , oIsPENsn 8 .. , , , ." ¡ · ',' , " ,:;. " , · \. . , . ',' ;":\ . 'I' . , " .' .... '; , ", J ) ~, : '. .' 1 ' " :,.' . , ",1 · ." . ,:,' ¡ :, ,'!. "3of~ " , , , '. ,~ , e . Q/3G ~ ¿::L 0 (?-D .. . \ I~ <,... '): . w .. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVI}~ONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 .' '- Sß <fff 7ë'"$"T APPLICATION TO PERFORM A T~NK TIGHTNESS TESTI SECONDARY CONT AINl\ {ENT TESTING , . FACIlJTY UNlrEtJ fJl1&ez. bLiffl/C-ê . ADDRESS 3[?CJc;J NrJ~~TfI SIL¿¡:rcT ß4~o¿çFIt!L¡O 9$'';03 PERMIT TO OPERATE ## OPERATORS NAME A¡C¡¿ '(;A¿(,/!J - 8/1..( ~/cr . . OWNERS NAME U AJ J TDP ~ 1911~~L ".'''~,' _ . .,'W'. -...-' , NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED 2 IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED Y ß TANK' VOLUME CO~S I /0 k. -1L1tJ ¿ (f)'tða? i I tJ /Z /J/fl E¿ . TANKTESTINOCOMPANY R.CkJcµ//tJ!' Tés7IAJ6 ~&I..{/'cC MAlLlNO ADDRESS ~. O· ¿OX / t c; r¡ ] 7:. (C(,/J NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONT ACf PERSON /'Jut; ~IV' I v J2NÐ1 ~?ý' ~ 9f J TEST METHOD I III cOA./ . NAME OF TESTER OR SPECIAL lNSPECfORJS Ii D/9-v/, ( CERTIFICATION ## Cc:wl7?h¿,Tó,( ¿¡ L. 5? ¡ B?R /j 11192.. DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUcrED c,'-/!-() '3 / : 0cJ j)/'f1. " , ,j£ dL,JrJdJ APPROVED BY DATE ~~ SIGNA TURE OF APPUCANT (, -//-63 I,....:¡ 10 ITl IITl I , Lf1 <:[) I [J'" ,[J'" I I::r- 10 ,0 ,0 o Lf1 ,....:¡ ITl Tota u.s. Postal ServiceTM CER;:t:lfIED MAILM RECEIPT I , (Dome¡" "IJ1ail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) 0 0" 0 0 0 '0 0 0 . I OFF I c"r AL USE I ~~' "'" Postage $ .~) Certlfled Fee Postmark Return Rae/epl Fee Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) '\ r ru o 10 1 f'- ent STACEY BYRUM =,"-'~' 8400 PARDEE ",mmt, orPO OAKLAND CA 94621 ëitÿ;'š "- 7' :.. 1"1 Certified Mail Provides: At- · A mailing receipt (9SJ9A9/:J) <:0";' 'OOEl& WJo, Sd ¡ · A unique identifier for your mallpiece · A record of delivery kept by t~e Postal ~ervice for two years I fmportant Remfnders: ,~, --- · Certified Mall may ONLY be combined with First-Class Maii@ or Priority Maii@. ! · Certified Mail Is not availpie .forrGò1i' class of International maiL · NO INSURANCE COVÉRAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee. a Retum Receipt may be requested to provide proof of I delivery. To obtain Return Receipt service, prease complete and attach a Retum Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailplece "Retum Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for \ a duplicate retum receipt, a USPSe postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is I required. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to 1he addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk or mark the mailplece with the I endorsement "Restricted1Jeliveryu. I · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired, please present the artl- I cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt Is not needed. detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed 10 APOs and FPOs. FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oH" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAJ( (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 . . þ-",r April 11, 2003 Stacey Byrum 8400 Pardee Oakland, CA 94621 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Recent SB 989 Secondary Containment Testing UPS, 3800 N. Sillect, Bakersfield CA 93308 FOURTH REMINDER NOTICE Dear Owner/Operator: Our records indicate that you completed your secondary containment testing on October 17, 2002. Our records further show a failed test. Therefore you are required to have your system repaired and re-tested as soon as possible. This office requests an update with regard to repairs of your system. Please be advised that repairs involving the replacing of components must be under permit from this office. The repairs of your system are a condition of your permit to operate. Failure to repair and re-test will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Sin¡ere,l,:,¡ '. ~/ ¡J /' (J!1¡fjlJJtiL/ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~(,y~ ~ W~ 9"'0P ~0P6 .r~ .A W~" , lri=! IT' ¡m U.S. Postal ServiceTM CER('"1IED MAILM RECEIPT (Domesl.__ilAail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ¡Lf} <D IT' lIT' ¡ , .:T ,0 , 0 io , " , , , " , , I OFF I crIA:iL USE I Postage $ Certified Fee Return Reclept Fee Postmam (Endorsement Required) Here Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) ( 10 , Lf} .~ m Total POS1 STACY BYREM UPS 8400 PARDEE DRIVE OAKLAND CA 94621 ;....- , ru o Sent 0 ,0 £'- ~£APC or PO Box I ëitÿ,šfãiš; : II . II Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt · A unique identifier for your mailplece · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years ImfJ.ortBnt Reminders:, I · Certified Mail may ONLY be dimblneõWIth First·Class Mai\œ, or Priority MailQl).¡ · Certified Maills not available for any class of Intemational mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROViDED with Certified Mail. For 1 valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Retum Receipt servlce, prease complete and attach a Return Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the ' fee. Endorse mailpiece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a uSPSe postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. , · For an additional fee. delivery may be restricted to the addressee or i addressee's authorized a@nt. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement "Restricted1Jelivery·. I · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired, please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt Is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail , addressed to APOs and FPOs. (9SJ9119/:J) ¡:_r 'oose: WJ0:l Sd I . Complete items 1; 2, and 3. Also complete I item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. I. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. I . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece. \ or on the front if space permits. 1. .Article Addréssed to: I I I STACY BYREM í UPS 8400 PARDEE DRIVE OAKLAND CA 94621 ~-~~~~~~-~~~----- ~--~-~./ ,.' PS.Form 3: ' I I I I I I I I I o Express Mail \ o Return Receipt for Merchandise I o C.O.D. I _#.,'~! '¿J,:-':';'~:"1f>.:!J DYes . _. :. J . ' '~'-o3-Z-09~5 , :.1." .,/. ' UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE e First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 · Sender: Please print yoyr name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box · Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 \ 'S 11.1111111'1111.11. II mil.', I" .1.1" .1111" 111111.1.' .l\tIIl _ Complete items 1; 2, and 3. Also complete I item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ,_ .Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. I _ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, I or on the front if space permits. 1. .Article Addressed to: r ; BRIAN LONG . ~. USF BESTW A Y 4901 LISA MARIE CT : BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 \ I \ '--~-----~~~-~--------_.~---___J I r; I o Agent o Addressee C. Date of Delivery i \~NO .s-I'Z.-O~ D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1\ if YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No I I I I I I I I ·1 I I 2ACPRI-03.Z-0985j 3. Service Type o Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted DeUvery? (Extra Fee) DYes· 7002 3150 0004 99&5 3974 . J I u..,,"'...., ,. ,.nll UOI ",....."" If;u,Jr::n} \ PS,Form 3811, August 2001 \ , Domestic Return Receipt J ----~""'"- ~¡;irst-Class,Mai~ ::,=.':--" ~~=~ ~E'Þ¡=,té1sii,&J:::eeS" 2ai<t: =_-,='= .J-!,êf.§i, ="~~ _--- .,fermìt'T'!~G;;10~ . .- -:::::---..." · Sender: Please prin . Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 I I 1 I 111¡¡I~j \~ It IIII111 {I! 11'III !, 111111 , 111111111,11111 i 111111 f II filii ¡ 1111 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 , VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENVlRONIlENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326H0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326H0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399·5763 e e May 8, 2003 ~, 'ii, :'\ ,i' 'i Stacy By;em UPS 8400 Pardee Dri ve Oakland, CA 94621 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Failure to Complete SB 989 Secondary Containment Repairs & Retest at UPS, 3800 North Sillect, Bakersfield, CA FINAL REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner & Operator: !'" Since January 1,2003, this office has sent you monthly reminders advising you of a failed SB 989 test. In that letter, this office also requested an update with regard to repairs of your system. This office further explained that repairs of your system are a condition of your permit to operate. Please be advised that you must have your system repaired and retested by June 15,2003. Failure to comply may result in further enforcement action up to, and including revocation of your permit to operate. This office has extended every courtesy with regard to sending 'contractor information as well as one on one visit's Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661-326- 3190. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services bY:~ úk£J Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~~7~ ~ W~.97~ vØ60P6.r~ A W~" · Complete item , and 3. Also complete litem 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. I . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. I · Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. \1.lAr1iCle Addressed to: \: 3SÛC) ¡ . i I i ( f J \\\ J S~ \ \ec"\' L r '1 ^~i±iL:!otð I\hlMhô.. I 7002 3150 0004 9985 3301 ~ PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt I I I I I I I I I 2ACPRI.03.Z.098S /1 o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. DYes ~Iass Mail ·1~il ~ge & Fees Paid .~I Permit No. G-10 " .. J ,I , ;1 ' [ i ,~:,I ; II ¡ . I ; ,.J, I:: il '! , ". , :1 I! ;~ I ,[ 1 ,I -j UNITED STATES POST_RVICE I III · Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box · Bakersfield ,Fire Department PreventIon Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 \.~ I 11'11111111111111 II fl f! II! If IIIIII I f I 111111!f I 1 Illf IIIIII it II Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: í UPS I 3800 N. SILLECT : BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 --~~-- ---, -- - -----------./ D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: "' 3, Se Ice Type Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 7002 2410 0002 1974 9800 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes i PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102595,02,M·1540 I t UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVrt='rE//n L \, I ;.« J I f · Sender: Please prin~þur~;!TIe;{¡ddress, ab9 ~.IP,+4, in this b.9~ ., ~ I First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 Bakersfield Fire Oepartmer¡¡ Prevention Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 I I I I ·3~:··:':Ci i +:::::2."i. \) ii ,i",.I1" II i, Ii. II II Iii ,Î.i .,,! .1. II!lIIllllllii li,i, ii ."i ! Ie Ie IttJ I[J"" --- -. , U.S. Postal Servi~TM ; , ." C~~TIFIED MAlbM RECEIPT ( (L _ ~)stic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) .::r f'- [J"" ,..:¡ ! !ru ,e e !e I o ,..:¡ .::r ru Postage $ Certified Fee Return Reciept Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endo ' Postmark Here Tot UPS ~ Sent 3800 N. SILLECT 10 on.,_ BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 , f'- Stres, or PO ëit.Y:-t~-=--=-=~~ ---'- ~~-- _ -==_~__________......f.._______...... Certified Mail Provides: J ..-I> ~69~.:r.r·~O-969~O~ · A mailing receipt (6SJ6A6/;J) ë:oœ 6unra WJo, Sd · A unique Identifier for your mallpiece .. · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years ImfJortant Reminders: · Certified Mall may ONLY be combined with First·Class Mall® or Priority Mail4¡ · Certified Maills not available 'lor any class of international mall, · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mall. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mall. ' · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of I delivery. To obtain Retum Receipt service, prease complete and attach a Retum I Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the 1 fee. Endorse mallpiece "Retum Receipt Requested", To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPSq¡¡ postmark on your Certified Mall receipt is I reqUired. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk or mark the mall piece with the endorsement "Restricted1Jelivery". · If a postmark on the Certified Mall receipt is desired, please present the arti- 'I cle at the post office tor postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mall receipt Is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mall. IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. ! Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs; FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FmE SAFETY SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326"Û576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 . , ;.......-. ~ ; t"Þ,.1: _ \. ,'I< . v. ',~ :: " March 5, 2003 UPS 3800 N. Sillect Bakersfield CA 93308 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Recent SB 989 Secondary Containment Testing THIRD REMINDER NOTICE Dear Owner/Operator: Our records indicate that you completed your secondary containment testing on October 17, 2002. Our records further show a failed test. Therefore you are required to have your system repaired and re-tested as soon as possible. This office requests an update with regard to repairs of your system. Please be advised that repairs involving the replacing of components must be under permit from this office. The repairs of your system are a condition of your permit to operate. Failure to repair and re-test will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. sin2 Steve Underwood I"ire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~~7~ de W~~" .AOPe.r~ A W~" This form must be uaed to document testing and .serviång of monitoriag eqvip=t. A seoarate ceni.fication or remrt must be n~ for eøch monitoring ayStC1tJ CDDtrol oatId by the u:duùcian who pcrlonm tbe work. A copy Qf this [orm must be provided tD ihe tank sYStbm o1lllW/opemtOl. The owncr/opetlltor Jn1JIit submit a copy of thi, funn [() the local agem:y mgulating UST systems within 30 ~~I oftt:st~. A. General InfO~tWlL Facility NaIJJØ: l..{ji' ) SiœAddRu: 39'()6./'"'i /kc::r 'Pø.ciJity ~t Person: MakeIMode! of MoIIitoting Symm: -nS":7 S ð B1' InVento..,. 01 EquipIDeDt TestedlCertifted ClYiü1læ MRÏralildll!ùa, dIk at _t ~~ ~m ~m '~J&.T:~. iW: ~giag Prabe. ~~TaIIk Gw¡i¡ag Pm!.. ~QQe1: œ' .JdÍm SPICI: or Vauk Seasor. a- ðnDular 51*= c.- V¡¡ult Salsor. ~ç4 'PipiD¡ SDIIIp I TtetICb. Sasor(I). Iil""Piping Sump I ~ St3ISOJ(s). Modd; o jiJl SUIIIp SelllClC(s). Model: a v~ Sump Scuor(I). ~e1: e··II,f~I:.m~LAkDt.UtaDt. Model: Ilf;-D"3b ~UneLHkDe=TOr_ ~ ,'" !J ~:UaeI.akDete=r. Model; IJ B1ccIroaicLÍde~.~. Modet: I ,.' , c 'Í'~ ~ J Hfa:b-Leve.l~, Model: a Taak 0verõ111 High-l..eveI Sc:.Q5Qr. ~ødel: :, ':' ", " o...OdIor ( "'. i . 81'Id ~ izI Sec:t1011 E 00 2), IJ Otbt:r ( í nt and madet iD Section R em. P1I. ¡",' ~ ' . ';, 'TsÌDk'D): . ,! TaDk ID: ¡::\:: " ,C f.a-1'aak~Prøbc. Moœl: 0 bI-T:mkGllU¡illgPrøbo. Modd: a AøDWar Spaœ or VaDk ~t. Moàe.I: C AmdJlør Space or Vanlt 8=1tI1'. ~odd: a ~f ~ I TII::IIdJ s-«(I~ Model: [] Pipin$' S'Drøp /Tmlc:b SclllOr(s). Yodè1; [J Pill Sump :~). Modc:l~ tJ Pin Sump Sensm(1I). Model: [J McclauIicIl1.iadak~. Model: C M~LineL=ak~. ~ocZ1: a,~:uaeLaatDtlœçtot. Moœl: 0 E1=rookLine lIIakDeœøor. Yodel: C T_ Od! '{ HIP-lavc1 SIIISCIt. Model: [] Tank Ovetfi1l/HJøh.I.evea Semat. ~odd: o 0IMr ( I . aDd model ÍII St:çdOll E oø p a 0Ihcc t aDd model ill Sectiou E CD Pa '~~~ 1 ~m: ~:~';'iR';;""t Scusm(s). Modal: J.1Ó2Ù.. -00 ~ ~PCQfiC'.I" Cœtammmt 8c1l601'(:s). )fod~l; ",.,. \. V~~~~). Shear Valve(s). ,\'" ,,' ·,......Di . ~1!Itt f) s) and Qqi¡¡(s). 0 Dia DiCI' CODt:ûDmen1 5 DUd CuûD(& . ¡..:',: 3·, ;,:'. '~Bf.:". DItpeuero1D: ~: C~;: ~ :,:; \t;1.,p,t~p~_i~ s-,or(s). Mode[: [] DíapeDSet COQtaWmont Scnsor(s), }lode!.: :.: ',';-, ,q'SMr'li(~,). IJ SbearVA.1ve(s). ¿ ,~:',:~: -; ~; 0'" ,èOntJlin.rllenr FIoat(s aDd Cb' B). IJ Di DIiCI' Cooœi.omc.Dt ( "~ "--1 .. , ,', : ,'. . t)SspÌøIIIer. IÌJ' .DÎi¡JiIR5S II): ~::/".. ,', . '0, ~ ~Wl2ml:llt Scmor(s). Modd: [] Dispeoør CoøtailUDeöl S~ Iør(5). Model: f','; ',~' [J"She$t vsl.~s). Q Sbe;Jr V:I1ve(s). ro\,,':' ; "", . CoÌiIlillmlm F10a 5 aod Ch' s _ a Dis CotJuûumont S ß1\d Qm¡¡¡(a). , I', ¡'~:'.. { ".' '. ~1J * ~'c~ mgn tanks or- d ¡¡pc;IIScn. cop;¡ Ibis form. [ø¡;ludc isI!oroIaûon ror evuy tank aDd dispenser 111 tile ~. ~':: :.; 'C." ~t:iOD,-1 eulß'y lba~ tile eq.,.._ kIeoür"aed Ut 0û8 deeemeou _ ÌII! ~UIM Íâ ~ wi&h die GIùIIila~' ~? ,: pjdelbJa, Auaebed to tIIis Ctrtirlt::llÎIIII is iDlor~ (..go lD8IIIIf'adunn' clleddiste) -=aI!IIIry to verify that dais ÍIIlOnøatÎaII Jr¡ ~: ' '~ d aiId I Plot. PJaD strowiDg die laytJu( ollllOJÚtolÚlfl øq1dPIIIIIIIL FOt ~ eqlÛpJœn1 C8pasble of &enn1I&ÎDg sum reports, I Iuwe .. ,. ,I, .a.dIed. CIIfI1 ot die repon;.(,chd fJ/! ~ ~1'11)1 CJ System &eto-ap 0 ~j)9rt :;' ":',.; 1 T~id.I1~1IŒC (priut): cJA ~ r-" r ,SigDaCQrc: ~ _____ ~: " ,Certification No.: Ç7 2 \( Uœnse, No.; " , ~::' Tè$dngCo~anYName: CI{A""P(Oi1 ¡¡¡-.N'l.. Ti2f~;tjJ PhoncNo.:( g'oû) Md'-1~c..(V J' i,,": Shc'Address::' f?jJ.. ì}JA j 3ðS~' f.19'1 t:'M 9S8t;J' .-:J'OP't Date of Tr:sting/ServicÍIJg: ..2..../.2-1.9.3 ,!. MAR I \ i '_I '~~'~':J f ~,:.":,'" "':~ ('.'~' " ' .: .;...., " :' . : ":",:,, ~II : ',' ~. ~ ;.' " , " '. . ~ I" ,," , ~ ':t : ..',,' :. ", I, ' , , , . " , ". ',:\: " ','.'r" , " :., ' I . , ' ::',:\:'.' 1'/'",' ,', , ' ~ '. . ¡ . "\. 10 2003 10: 12 FR Is PLANT ENG 510 633 39~TO 916613260576 P.02 MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For Use By All JwisdictÏðns Within ths StIlte ofC4JifornÚJ , Awhoril)' Ciled; ClIIJptør 6.1,. ll¡à/tk. and Saj6ry Code; Ch4.pLff. J6, DiVÍJ'ÍDn 3, T/.lø 2), CaJ;¡qmÚJ Cod~ of RøgldalÌOlls " , Bldg. No.: City: 0 (L key Æ e I cJ Zip: ContaCt Phólm No.: ( ) Date of Tc:stíDg/Servicb1g; ~J...¡í!:!. . " Page 101'3 ootD1 . '. , " : :'MontloriDJ $JItem Cerdðcatkm . ~. \ I ,: . '1"" " ' ~l~fn¡::,.... '. .ì\ ~ I ,",:: " :~ .' ~',:::; .'" D.. ResuIta,ofTesdnøfServidng I~""":;.:""~,..,~~.,,,,, ::,,;,,1 ': ~I. " : : . . 5qt\Ware'VI;ØiCm wWJed: ~~ ':-.,.: I' , I ,I \ ' I.. I,"~ 1 \ .... ..... '. " . i ~i :-:~ ~\ , \', · ~1" . '." I :.: I ,~~ ::" !':;' .¡,," :' c : ' · ".'" " , " " ,.. · , e MAR 10 2003 10:13 FR UPS PLANT ENG \ ì 510 633 39~TO 916613260576 P.03 " . , '.the fiílløwlø d1~fIt: p. No" Ii tbe audible alann '1 ·0 ; No" Is the yjlUal alarm 0 eraliuna1? tJ 1'11'0* Weœ an seœon visuaU ' . functional1 te6ted. and c:cnf'J.UDed tional'1 tJ Noot' Wé!ltO an se.usms ÍDStaØed at lowcst poin[ of secondary CDnt:JinlJ1P.t1t aDd positioœd so thai: otbet equipment will not iDrI:rfr:rc with tbeir cr 0 . on? If aJsrøu¡ are œ1ayed &0 a remota uaoaiCOt.ing sratiœ, is aD ~ ec¡uipmei1t (e.g. DJOdenO operaJiouaJ? - . Pol' ~'red pipiDs syst£ms., does the IUlbinc -~Rri..û1y shut down if rhII piping sec:c:mdaJy conm.........c mouirodug system detccr.s a leak, wJs to ope:ta.!l-4" is eJecaicaJly disc:oøœacd? It yes: which seWlm'll iDiâare positive siJut-down? (Chfilck 9/1 zhar apply) er-SmnpIT.r~ Sens01S; CJ DUpeusef ~møcnt Soøsoø. Did 011 eaDfitm . åYe sbut-down due 10 leaks :md sensor fai1uøJdiscOmJeetion? lð"Ves: CJ No. , C' No* Por tank sys=- døt IJÛ1iZC the moniJoriI1g system as the pIiJDa1y !3Dk ovedill warning device (Lt. IIQ Q WA mccbanica1 over.ti11 prcvCJ11ion valve is w~). is ~ overi'"Lll wa.mißg a1acn 'iÍsib]ø and audible ar. tho taIIk fID. . s) and . 1 '1 If SD" at wbar. of IIWk 'does tbulum iii tr7 9h Wu III1Y mommring cquipme.ot replaced? It yes, ideutity specific semon, probes. or odIer equipment repJaœi and list the JDaD ¡factmm' name and model tar an acemeat in S«dim! E. below. Was liquid found ÍIllSide any secondary cmuaiDmeDt sySI'œ!9 daigned as dry SyslCmS'l (Check all that apply) CJ Pta4ucco Q Wat=. [f describe ~ ÙI. Seàion E. below. Was DK1IIimriD stem set- æviewed to ðIIIìW'C seJ!ÍJl? Attach act es 0 No" II all mouirariJ1 mean: 0 mow mauufacturct's c:ifications? '!" Ia Sa:dØII E Wow. dacribe how and wbell these de&ieDdes WG"8 or 1YiII be COn'ected. .if . able ~ :.~.,:'. " .,', ::;,." ,l · " . I " '¡'I' :,~.",'> '. \.' "E; ~., I', . . I. " ," ,,0/ ¡~.::(, t~.: ';.. .' . ( ~}. ~.' f , ~', '0' t !. ~. \ ':.."" , ' " ~.:~ ':, v'.. i:< ",' 1I.1i I 'II",': , ¡:,;,i.,,: i:" ';" ;:,: I~~":': '.' ~ k;· , ; ,;,1\: ., · '" I",~:: I.~ f \'., r,:",,'; ..: '-:~ :IJ ,. : ¡ " , , , '. \ , .~'. ' .' ~.:-- , ".' '\' ',','1'" .,J " ,'I" ,,' r\, ~~.~:' ~, ,':/ ' ,',. ~', I ..'" . , \ " ' : '., , . . c l :1..1, . """"" ""\ " :" .' PIIp :& or J II31II1 " 'I, ' . ~.. .! f :k. I',., , , e MAR 10 i003 10:13 FR UPS PLANT ENG . 510 633 38~TO 816613260576 P.04 - ,. .::,:"~~.~':;.,:: ' ': J:,~ ~-T~ Gauging I SIR EquiplDent: ;';::),::': ('J' , ,'. I::,', ' , ~< :'. :: ~' ÇoJUmeats: ':;~ . I.:..'. ,. ' ~/' . ~:,}" " , ~.t...1 '. .', :';~:\~". .', , " ':,,1,,', I'· , ~ . : ¡; , . " ,. , ":: ' 1".'( . ~\\, :><: \' " . ;;:\'.:~ I \ ".~ ï ¡ I' I - , ",', ~,. I, . , "1 , ~., : ., , ' i' ; , . t......, , ' " : . , .. \< ',~ 'I' ~. I . ',' ¡:, ., ' ~:, "', ". "0'" ;":"'" .. '.' '\ , I'~ /. /.. , " I', " " ' ...... , ~ " , <, ' \' ",'1,' , , . ~ ~ , , , " , ...,' " .,::.' , 'I:~ ::: ' : :~~c~:~ i,'" " " f' ~"> : . ;:~::;>', : [J CJec.t Ibis box if tank gaugiug is used only for invemoV c0na01. o (])eck thiJ¡ box íf nQ tank gaugíng or SIR equipI2Jeut is I nstaDr"", This, section mnst be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. . toDo,wt- dH:cIdIst: : "'I:f ~'. O"No* Has all inpu[ wiring been Wpected (or proper enuy and rermiDation, inclodi.ng testing tor gmund faults'l :, !:II ~ c;:I N~ Were aU IB!Ik gauging probes vu,"UaJ!y inspected for damage aud residw!: buildnp? 13" ~ [J) No. Was accura¡:y Qf sysœm pn:xiw:t leVel teadings tested? tIY ÍIrIi... o No· Was acc:utIcy of systeœ water loval readings t.c&r.ed? œr 6, o No* Were all probes rcinslaJ]ed properly? ~y- Q. No* Were all iœms on we cquipmeD1 maautacanr's ~ cbŒklliIr compJeted? · ha the Sec;dIlD H, bc1ow, describe bow ad wheJÌ tbese deftdendes 1'rere 01' WiD be correeted. G. Line ~ Detectors (LLD); o O1ec;k!his box if UDs are aot installed. ,die Ì'oßowiJI dIeckJiIt: .Q No't Pm:' equi~ stitt-up or annual equipmmn ~cuion. _as a leak $iuJ.olatcd to 'Ycrlfy LLO pcñOlDlanl:C? IJ 'NIA (Ch«k all IMl apply) Simulacœd leak tt¡te; Iilf3 g.p.h.; 00.1 g.p.h j Q 0.2 g.p.b. Were aD.u.Dø COJÛImIcd apera.tioaal and 8I::cutm within:ægn1atory ~ms? Was die tMGg apparams pxoperly ciùibruU!d? For lD!iCbanicaJ LLDs. does !he J'..LD rcslrict product now if it detects a ~ IW' e1cœonic u.DB, dQes the turbine automatically abut off if Ù1C UD déreds a leak? For eIKtmDic u.Ds, does the turbine aut(UDatiçq}1y shu£ off if any porti.on of the mouitorltJg sysr.cm is di5abIed or ciiB&:ooMeteò? · Pot eJec:r.oDie UDB. does the turbine ~ shut off if my pottion of eM moailorlDg sysœm maJ.fuJu:tions 01' faüs a test? for ckctroDú: Il.Ds, have all accessible wiring coaaec1iobs been visuaJ1y h1spoc~d'1 NIA Yc=s ~ Not 'Wac aD iœms 011 rhð tquipment 1IUU1~'s ~ ¡:b£ddist compleced? :It lIS Ibe SecdØia It belo1J, describe how and when fhae då1c:ieDdrIJ were or wm be con'cc:ted. Page 3 00 æJ01 " ~.. . e MRR 10 2003 10:14 FR UPS PLRNT ENG .. 510 633 39~TO 916613260576 P.05 - ~ ¡:, ~'. .:::., ·.........SJIMIQriifia.. ':' I,· I ". ( ?~'.::: ' ' , ~'. ;'1" SU&,~ ',I, i ""'...'~ ", ':1 ,', :.. ;l: . . . ...~. .\. . ' r~ ;, t .. ?: ~~'i .:" . . ,,' ~ j ~ ',' . , ',!,.\.', .':~: ;'~:" :r: :"':"'~ . . ¡t,;..:,;,:¡l?;i!.~::i ; ~ ~',,"I$,' I q'ï',,~'" . .~ 'if ~E ',\' ~ ~' ~ ~ r_.~"··","..,. 1..1·.....c~+I.~I.rW ... .' r\/ ':,' ~'.. '} " 1:) ,~..~ I ¡ ;!~ ::':: .~ 6~; . ~ ~.,';- ~:' .' f' ",Þ.' l ...!\", '; .. ,. t; ,',' " '/ j: 'I" I. ' .~' t. : ~. .. } '¡. . ~'rJ~ ',";.' \~;.: ,:~,~~:.\~:-: ,....., :~/'" . J).: f'q . . '.~'\ ~ ,.'.. ~ . ;' . . '1... - . . . ""~ . ¡'-,:'.~ ..' "::':'::!','}'.': ."I! ";',, : ~' ~ = ¡\ L:'~:::"'::" ': .:- ~':;'::'~,".~f :O~~.·. .ÇJJ "\", , ..... ~.~ " . ~ :::, '" - .¡. .. .'. . \.. ",. .... ;,.: . ..:: L' .:, L.~c~, ~ 0;1 ',:" ,i,_ L:!. : :J .j ..' , t . ~, " . ;~: :; ~,~J:: :~:, :t:\' "e " . " , , . UST Monitoribg Site Plan '. .",. 'C' : TJ,t~P: . , . .. " , ':~, ,I ~ ~ '.- "'.~ , .. I" ' I,. '\ '.,", .... 4 . ,. . ;. l:J .~: ., . . .. .. . ·bPj· . , . ;þvt1A·t~.... . . , . . . : 1.. :v.P>.'~"': ~ . : ~ :r:., ~t: : : : q. '¡ "'Wit "Péøh~ : : S" ~rf.,..r;t! J.,'. ., t 4 '. :1.'· ,. ..¡ 4 ... ,. , ::\ ¡i .'. r'_, . r.,~;;:, ~ ~;~ ~> : ~ ~\~J .~ :':~1" ," ~< .. ,. t, ' ",' . ' . I. '. '.. . I., ¡ ',~' ':,' " ,\ ;"1', " o. t~f;: ~~\:~ \" ;: ~ I ..' . , . '. ~ bdII ---...-. Døe YmIp '\IIU drawn; J.J..2J CJ J. " (..-nadia.. If' ~ ·81r¥Y ~ve a diagram that shows all requJred infomwion, you may include it., r.ut1er rban this page, witb your Monitoring Systen1 Cerriñcation. On yOUr site plan. show the gede~ layout of tank. BOd :piping. Clearly identify locatiOUB q( the foUawing equiprœnr.. if instal]ed: mouitDriag system CDntrvJ panels; 9CDSCXII monitoring tlulle IPUlUIar spaces, sumps, dispmiJer -pans. spiU containers, or other secondary cootaiJnnent areas; mechaniçaJ. or electnßÜc line leak dl!ltcçtof&; ",d in-tank liquid level probes (if used tor leak deœction). In the spICe pIOVided, note the daœ this Site Plan 'was prepat.ed. ~_er_ Hfl» ** TOTRL PRGE.05 ** BUSINESS NAME (Same as Facility Name of DBA-Doing Business As) 1? Pet-y cu-L. ,. u- II. ACfIVITIES DECLARATION NOTE: If you check YES to any part ofthis list, please submit the Business Owner/Operator Identification page (OES Form 2730). Does our facili ... If Yes, lease com lete these a es of the UPCF.... A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases / (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable Federal threshold Œ'YES D NO 4 quantity for an extremely hazardous substance specified in 40 CFR Part 355, Appendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an eme enc Ian is re uired t to 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) 1. Own or operate underground storage tanks? 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? e UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM BUSINESS ACTIVITIES FACILITY ID # 3. Need to report closing a UST? C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: -any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or -the total capacity for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? D. HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. Generate hazardous waste? gÇES ~O 5 DYES NO 6 DYES ~O 7 DYES ~O 8 œ<ES D NO 9 DYES ~o 10 DYES NO 11 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted recyclable materials (per HSC 25143.2)? 3. Treat hazardous waste on site? 4. Treatment subject to financial assurance requirernents (for Pennit by Rule and Conditional Authorization)? 5. Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? ~O 12 gNO 13 ~O 14 DYES DYES 6. Need to report the closure/rernoval of a tank that was classified as hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? DYES E. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS (You may also be required to provide additional infonnation by your CUPA or local agency.) UPCF (1/99) 2 . FACILITY INFORMATION Pa e lof',,\ EP A ID # (Hazardous Waste Only) q' ð4 DEb&b HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (OES 2731) UST FACILITY (FonncrIy SWRCB Form A) UST TANK (one page per Imtk)(Formcrly Fonn B) UST FACILITY UST TANK. (one per tank) UST INSTALLATION - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (one pagc pcrlmtk) (FormcrtyForm C) UST TANK. (closure portion -ooepage pcrtank) NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAs EP A ID NUMBER - provide at the top of this page RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT (one pel'recycler) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - FACILITY (Formerly DTSC Form. 1772) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - UNIT (_pagcpel'lDlil)(Fonncrty DTSC Fonn.1772A,B,c,DandL) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE (FormcrlyDTSCForm 1232) REMOTE WASTE I CONSOLIDATION SITEANNUALNOTIF~ATION~onncrty DTSC Form 1196) HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE CERTIFICATION (FormcrlyDTSCFonn 1249) 15 e - ." --'./ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION 1. IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID# 101 102 qs 103 104 ZIP CODE 105 ~~'~D CA Q33C8 DUN & BRADSTREET 106 SIC CODE (4 digit #) 107 -lÞ 42- COUNTY 108 K-eVN BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE 110 \J V\.· &vv ì (..L., (p I - 3;)(P- I '5' II. BUSINESS OWNER At III OWNER PHONE Ñlf'\ 112 OWNER NAME ß T Ó.r ðtü,ö OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 8:5" 6- f'tt-V k.w 113 CITY 116 lli. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACf -PRlMARY- 118 119 ZIP CODE 122 tq4<oL I -SECONDARY- 123 128 124 129 125 130 126 131 127 132 133 CONTACT NAME NAME TITLE Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the infonnation is true, accurate, and complete, 136 135 NAME OF SIGNER (print) 137 UPCF (1/99 revised) 4 OES FORM 2730 (1/99) e UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM TANKS TYPE OF ACTION 0 I. NEW SITE PERMIT 0 3. RENEWAL PERMIT (Check one item only) 04. AMENDED PERMIT UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - FACILITY (one page per site) Page -.!.. of .Ii o ?PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE o 8. TANK REMOVED 5.CHANGE OF INFORMATION specify change loca! use only o 6.TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE 400 .1. FACILITY I SITE INFORMATION 401 402 "If owner ofUST is a public agency: nwne of supervisor of division, secûon or office which operates the UST (This is the contact pe"",n for the tank records.) BUSINESS NAME (Samc... FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing BIL.in... As) UV\ii-uJ ~ $uN I· tL.- NEAREST CROSS STREET b V'Û· 1. GAS STATION TYPE 0 2. DISTRIBUTOR TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS REMAINING AT SITE 'l- 3 FACILITY ID# 3. FARM 5. COMMERCIAL o 4. PROCESSOR u;rí. OTHER 403 Is facility on Indian Reservation or trustlands? 404 0 Yes ~o 405 406 ll. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION PROPERTY OWNER NAME 407 PHONE 408 At ParkWì 410 tJlA 409 CITY 412 . CORPORATION 2. INDIVIDUAL 03. PARTNERSIDP Ill. TANK OWNER INFORMATION 6. STATE AGENCY 07. FEDERAL AGENCY 413 ~/vt.eL ~ I U- Dt. 414 PHONE 6' L ó- &'63 -l( 035 415 416 CITY 417 STATIft ,^ 418 ZIP CODn ( Vf1 . -, ï~ '2- I o 4. LOCAL AGENCY / DISTRICT 0 6. STATE AGENCY 05. COUNTY AGENCY 07. FEDERAL AGENCY 419 1. CORPORATION 02. INDMDUAL 03. PARTNERSIDP 420 IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER Ó 2- Call (916 322-9669 if uestions arise V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 421 INDICATE METHOD(s) 1. SELF-INSURED o 2. GUARANTEE o 3, INSURANCE 04. SURETY BOND 0 7. STATE FUND 05. LEITER OF CREDIT 08. STATE FUND & CFO LEITER 06. EXEMPTI()N 09. STATE FUND & CD o 10. LOCAL GOVT MECHANISM o 99. OTHER: 422 VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Check one box to indicate which address should be used for lega! noûfications and mailing. Lega! noûfications and mailings will be sent to the tank owner unless box I or 2 is checked. o 1. FACILITY 02. PROPERTY OWNER ¡sr{TANKOWNER 423 Vll. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Certification - I certify that the infonnaûon provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNA TORE OF APPLICANT 426 424 425 ~s- NAME OF APPLICANT (print) DOl> C:r STATE UST FACILITY NUMBER (For local UBe only) 427 428 429 UPCF (1/99 revised) 8 Fonnerly SWRCB Fonn A . UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS-TANK PAGEl (two pages per tank) TYPE OF ACTION o I NEW SITE PERMIT o 4 AMENDED PERMIT ~ CHANGE OF INFORMATION o 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE o 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE o 8 TANK REMOVED page-lf-0f-l'f- (Chcck one item only) o 3 RENEWAL PERMIT F AClLITY ID: 430 I 431 I. TANK DESCRIPTION (A scaled plot plan with the location of the UST system including buildings and landmarks shall be submitted to the local agency.) TANKID# 432 TANK MANUFACTURER 433 COMPARTMENTALIZED TANK DYes 0 O\N<NLS, ~, 435 TANK CAP AClTY IN GALLONS 1.0 000 434 DI DATE INSTALLED (YEAR/MO) it ~ ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION (For local WIC only) If''Y 08", complete one page for each compartment. 436 NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS 437 .., u ,-.-- 438 II. TANK CONTENTS TANK USE 439 ~ MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL (If marked complete Petrole1Dn '!ypc) o 2, NON-FUEL PETROLEUM 03. CHEMICAL PRODUCT 04. HAZARDOUS WASTE (Ineludes Used Oil) o 95. UNKNOWN PETROLEUM TYPE ~ REGULAR UNLEADED 0 2. LEADED o lb. PREMIUM UNLEADED 0 3. DIESEL Ole. MIDGRADE UNLEADED 04. GASOHOL COMMON NAME (trom Hazardous Materials Iovcntorypagc) 440 o 5. JET FUEL 06, AVIATION FUEL o 99. OrnER 441 CAS# (lium Hazardous Materials Inventory page) 442 ~ ðCD&lq TYPE OF TANK 1. SINGLE WALL III. TANK CONSTRUCTION 3. SINGLE WALL WITH 5. SINGLE WALL WIrn INTERNAL BLADDER SYSTEM EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LiNER 0 95. UNKNOWN 04. SIGNLEWALLIN VAULT 099, OrnER . FIBERGLASS I PLASTIC 5. CONCRETE 95. UNKNOWN 04. STEEL CLAD WIFIBERGLASS 08, FRP COMPTlBLE WIlOO% MErnANOL 099. OrnER REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) 3. FIBERGLASS I PLASTIC 04, STEEL CLAD WIFIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) 05. CONCRETE 3. EPOXY LINING 443 (Check one ilem ooly) ~ DOUBLE WALL 1. BARE STEEL o 2. STAINLESS STEEL 444 TANK MATERIAL - primary lank (Check one item only) TANK MATERIAL -secondary tank (Check one item only) 1. BARE STEEL 02. STAINLESS STEEL 5. CONCRETE 0 95. UNKNOWN o 8. FRP COMPTIBLE W/IOO% MErnANOL 099. OrnER o 10, COATED STEEL 445 TANK INTERIOR LINING 1. RUBBER LINED o 2 ALKYD LINING o 4 PHENOLiC LINING 5, GLASS LINING g( UNLINED 95. UNKNOWN 446 DA TE INSTALLED 447 OR COATING (Check one item only) o 990lliER OlliER CORROSION 0 1 MANUFAClURED CA THOmC PROTECTION IF APPLiCABLE PROTECTION (Check one item only) 0 2 SACRIFICIAL ANODE SPILL AND OVERFILL /' YEAR INSTALLED (Check all that apply) &'1 SPILL CONTAINMENT r;r{DROP TUBE D 3 S.TRlKERPLATE IV . TANK LEAK DETECTION (A ctc.criprioo of the monitoring program shall be submitted to the local agency.) IF SINGLE WALL TANK (Cbcck all that apply) 453 IF DOUBLE WALL TANK OR TANK WITH BLADDER "'-- . (Check one item only) o I VISUAL (EXPOSED PORTION ONLY) 0 5 MANUAL TANK GAUGING (MTG) 0 1 VISUAL (SINGLE WALL IN VAULT ONLY) 02 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING (ATG) 0 6 VADOSE ZONE ~ON11NUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING 03 CONTINUOUS ATG 07 GROUNDWATER 03 MANUAL MONITORING 04 STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION 0 II TANK TESTING (SIR) BIENNIAL TANK TESTING D 99 OTHER IV. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION I PERMANENT CLOSURE IN PLACE ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (YRlMOIDA Y) 455 ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING 456 TANK FILLED WIlli INERT MATERIAL? gallons DYes 0 No 3 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC o 4 IMPRESSED CURRENT o 95 UNKNOWN o 99 OlliER 448 DATE INSTALLED (For locallL« only) 449 . (For local WIC only) 450 TYPE (local Wle only) 451 OVERFILL PROTECTION EQUlPMENT:YEAR INSTALLED g{ALARM ~ILL 11JBE SHUT OFF VALVE o 2 BALL FLOAT 0 4 EXEMPT 452 454 457 UPCF (12199 revised) 10 Formerly SWRCB Form B - e UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS-TANK PAGE 2 VI. PIPING CONSTRUCTION (Check 011 thatl! ) )lv) " UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SYSTEM TYPE ß(I. PRESSURE 0 2. SUCTION 0 3. GRA VI1Y 458 0 1. PRESSURE 0 2. SUCTION 0 3. GRA VI1Y CONSTRUcrlON 0 I. SINGLE WALL 03. LINED TRENCH 099. OlliER 460 0 1. SINGLE WALL 0 95. UNKNOWN MANUFACIURER [i( DOUBLE WALL 095. UNKNOWN 02. DOUBLE WALL 099. OlliER MANUFACTURER 461 MANUFACTURER 463 o 1. BARE STEEL 06.FRPCOMPATlBLE w/IOO"Æ, METHANOL 0 I. BARE STEEL 06.FRPCOMPATlBLE W/IOO"I.METIlANOL 02. STAINLESS STEEL 07. GALVANIZED STEEL 0 Unknown 02. STAINLESS STEEL 07. GALVANIZED STEEL o 3)'LASTIC COMPATIBLE WI CONTENTS 0 99. Other 03. PLASTIC COMPA TlBLE WI CONTENTS 0 8. FLEXIBLE (HDPE) 0 99, OTHER ~. FIBERGLASS 08. FLEXIBLE (HDPE) 04. FIBERGLASS 09. CAmODIC PROTECTION 05. STEEL W/COATING 09. CATHODIC PROTECTION 464 05. STEEL W/COATING 095. UNKNOWN VII. PIPING LEAK DETECTION ¡Check oIllhal annlv) IA d=rintion oflbe monitorin. molmUtl shall he submiucd to the locol aacncv.1 UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 466 SINGLE WALL PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING ¡Check 01\ thai apply): o 1. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST WITH AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK, SYSTEM FAILURE, AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + _ / AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS. W'2. MONTHLY 0,2 GPH TEST 03, ANNUAL INTEGRI1Y TEST (O.IGPH) CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS o 5. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM + TRIENNIAL PIPING INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALUES IN BELOW GROUNDPIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING GRA VI1Y FLOW 09. BIENNIAL INTEGRI1Y TEST (O.t GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING ¡Chcclc 011 that apply): 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR wlm AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (Check one) o Y AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS ¡¡;r¡,. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS, SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION "Dc. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF rø' 11. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) WITH FLOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION 012. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTION/GRA VITY SYSTEM o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Chcckoll thai apply) o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF · AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) WIlHOUT FLOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICßON o 16. ANNUAL INTEGRI1Y TEST (0.1 GPH) 017. DAILY VISUAL CHECK Page c¡ of UI '" . 459 462 465 467 PRESSURIZED PIPING ¡Check 01\ thai apply): o I. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST WITH AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK, SYSTEM FAILURE, AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS, o 2. MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST 03. ANNUAL INTEGRI1Y TEST (O,IGPH) o 4. DAlLY VISUAL CHECK CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS ¡Check oIllhal apply) 05. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM o 6. TRIENNIAL INTEGRI1Y TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING GRA VI1Y FLOW (Check oIllhat apply): o 8. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING 09. BIENNIAL INTEGRI1Y TEST (0,1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check 011 that apply): 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR WITH AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND ¡Check one) o a AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o b AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS, SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION , DC NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF 011. AUTOMATIC LEAK DETECTOR 012. ANNUAL INTEGRI1Y TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTION/GRA VI1Y SYSTEM o 13, CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Chcckolllhat apply) o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF · AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) o 16. AfmuALINTEGRI1Y TEST (0.1 GPH) 017. DAILYVISUALCHECK VIII. DISPENSER CONTAINMENT o 1. FLOAT MECHANISM mAT SHUTS OFF SHEAR VALVE o ;-CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS Q'3. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR WTII AUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS IX. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE DISPENSER CONTAINMENT DATE INST ALLED468 I certifY Iballhc inronnalion provided herein is true and accurate 10 the hcøt of my knowtedge, SIGNATUREOFOWNERlOPERATOR/ b NAME OF OWNERlO~RA TOR (print) "",/.A!!:;;I ',){'". V-{..-t A Pannit Number (For locol ose only) 4'1a Pannit Approved (For locol osc only) UPCF (12/99 revised) o 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK o 5. TRENCH LINER I MONITORING 06. NONE 469 471 DATE_ /_ , .;; 'c.r~/¿? ..> TIDt6~~Z+-RATOp.Ç f\Ä.o..V\f1.. o.l A 474 Pannit Expiration Date (For locAIu..e only) 470 472 475 12 Fonnerly SWRCB Fonn B e UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS-TANK PAGE 1 (two pages per tank) BUSINESS NAME (Same.. FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing BIL.i.e.<. As) U . UL- FACILITY ID: o 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE o 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE o 8 TANK REMOVED Page -tt of i't TYPE OF ACTION o 1 NEW SITE PERMIT o 4· AMENDED PERMIT g-{ CHANGE OF INFORMATION (Check one item only) o 3 RENEWAL PERMIT b1- DATE INSTALLED (YEARlMO) It &î ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION (For local use only) 435 If"Ya¡", complete one page for each compartment. 436 NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS 430 431 0 434 437 438 440 (Specify ",..on - ror local use only) (Specify fCa.'IOn - ror local use only) II. TANK CONTENTS TANK USE 439 ~ MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL (If marked compláe PelrOlcum Type) o 2. NON· FUEL PETROLEUM 03. CHEMICAL PRODUer 04. HAZARDOUS WASTE (Include.< U.ed Oil) 095. UNKNOWN PETROLEUM TYPE œ-C REGULAR UNLEADED o lb. PREMIUM UNLEADED Ole. MIDGRADE UNLEADED o 2, LEADED o 3. DIESEL 04. GASOHOL 05, JET FUEL 06, AVIATION FUEL o 99. OrnER 44 \ CAS# (&om HazardoUJI Material. Inventory page ) 442 COMMON NAME (from Hazardou. Material. Invcnlorypago) & ObLR& (4 (Cbcck one item only) ~ DOUBLE WALL l. BARE STEEL 02. STAINLESS STEEL III. TANK CONSTRUCTION 3. SINGLE WALL WITH 5. SINGLE WALL WIlli INTERNAL BLADDER SYSTEM EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER 0 95. UNKNOWN o 4. SIGNLE WALL IN VAULT 0 99. OlliER 3. FIBERGLASS I PLASTIC 5. CONCRETE 95. UNKNOWN 04. STEEL CLAD WIFIBERGLASS 08. FRP COMPTIBLE W/IOO% METHANOL 099. OlliER REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) I. BARE STEEL . FIBERGLASS I PLASTIC o 2. STAINLESS STEEL 0 4. STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) 05. CONCRETE 03. EPOXY LINING 444 TYPE OF TANK l. SINGLE WALL 443 TANK MATERIAL - prima¡y lank (Check onc item only) TANK MATERIAL -secoudary tank (Check one Hem only) 5. CONCRETE 95. UNKNOWN o 8. FRP COMPTlBLE W/IOO% MElliANOL 0 99.0lliER o 10. COATED STEEL 445 TANK INTERIOR LINING OR COATING (Check one item only) o 2 ALKYD LINING o 4 PHENOLIC LINING 5. GLASS LINING go{ UNLINED 95. UNKNOWN 446 DA TE INSTALLED 447 I. RUBBER LINED o 990lliER OTHER CORROSION 0 I MANUFACTURED CATHODIC 03 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION IF APPLICABLE PROTECTION 0 4 IMPRESSED CURRENT (ChccJc one item only) 0 2 SACRIFICIAL ANODE SPILL AND OVERFILL / YEAR INSTALLED (ChccJc alltbmapply) B y>PILL CONTAINMENT bð2 DROP TUBE D 3 STRIKER PLATE IV. TANK LEAK DETECTION (A description orlhe monitoring program .hall be submitted 10 Ihe local agency.) IF SINGLE WALL TANK (Check alllhatapply) 453 IF DOUBLE WALL TANK OR TANK WITH BLADDER (Cbcck one item only) o 1 VISUAL (EXPOSED PORTION ONLY) 0 5 MANUAL TANK GAUGING (MTG) 0 I)USUAL(SINGLE WALL IN VAULT ONLY) 02 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING (A TO) 06 VADOSE ZONE ~ CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING o 3 CONTINUOUS ATG 0 7 GROUNDWATER 03 MANUAL MONITORING 04 STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION 08 TANK TESTING (SIR) BIENNIAL TANK TESTING D 99 OTHER IV. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION I PERMANENT CLOSURE IN PLACE o 95 UNKNOWN o 99 OlliER 448 DA TE INSTALLED (For local nsc only) 449 450 TYPE (locallL.e only) 451 OVERFILL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT:YEAR INSTALLED ~ ALARM ~FlLL TIJBE SHUTOFF VALVE o 2 BALL FWA T 04 EXEMPT (For 1"",,1 use only) 452 454 ESTIMA TED DATE LAST USED (YRlMOIDA Y) 455 ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING gallons 456 TANK FILLED WITH INERT MATERIAL? DYes D No 457 UPCF (12/99 revised) 10 Fonnerly SWRCB Fonn B e e UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK PAGE 2 VI. PIPING CONSTRUCTION (Check 011 that armlvl Page '1. of UI " UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SYSTEM TYPE Ef I. PRESSURE o 2. SUCTION 03. GRAVITY 458 o 1. PRESSURE o 2.' SUCTION 03. GRAVIlY 459 CONSTRUCTION 0 1. SINGLE WALL o 3. LINED TRENCH o 99. OTHER 460 [] I. SINGLE WALL o 95. UNKNOWN 462 MANUFAcnJRER ~. DOUBLE WALL o 95. UNKNOWN [] 2. DOUBLE WALL o 99. OTHER MANUFACTURER 461 MANUFACTURER 463 [] 1. BARE STEEL 06. FRP COMPATIBLE w/l00% METHANOL o 1. BARE STEEL 06: FRPCOMPATIBLE W/100%METHANOL []2. STAJNLESS STEEL [] 7. GALVANIZED STEEL [] Unknown [] 2. STAINLESS STEEL [] 7. GALVANIZED STEEL g{PLASTICCOMPATIBLE WI CONTENTS [] 99. Other 03, PLASTIC COMPATIBLE WI CONTENTS [] 8. FLEXIBLE (HDPE) [] 99. OTHER 4. FIBERGLASS 0 8, FLEXIBLE (HDPE) [] 4. FIBERGLASS o 9, CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 5. STEEL W/COATING [] 9. CATHODIC PROTECTION 464 [] 5. STEEL W/COATING 095, UNKNOWN 465 VII. PIPING LEAK DETECTION (Check 011 that a""lv) tA dcscriotion of the monitorina nmaram shall be submitted to the loeol a.acncv.) UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 466 SINGLE WALL PIPING 467 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check 011 thai apply): PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check 011 thai apply): o t. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3,0 GPH TEST WITH AUTO PUMP SHUT [] I. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST WITH AUTO PUMP OFF FOR LEAK, SYSTEM FAILURE, AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + SHUT OFF FOR LEAK, SYSTEM FAILURE, AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + ~ AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS, 2. MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST [] 2. MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST 03. ANNUAL INTEGRIlY TEST (O.IGPH) [] 3. ANNUAL INTEGRIlY TEST (O.tGPH) [] 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (Check 011 that apply) o 5. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM + TRIENNIAL PIPING [] 5. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM INTEGRIlY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALUES IN BELOW GROUNDPIPING): [] 6, TRIENNIAL INTEGRIlY TEST (0.1 GPH) [] 7. SELF MONITORING SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): GRA VIlY FLOW [] 7. SELF MONITORING D 9. BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) GRA VIlY FLOW (Check all that apply): [] 8. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING 09. BIENNIAL INTEGRIlYTEST (0,1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (ChccI: 011 that apply): PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check 011 that apply): 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR WITH AUDIBLE AND VISUAL \0. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR WITH AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (Check one) ALARMS AND (Check one) D a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o . AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS ¡;j{" AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS, SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM [] b AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS, SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DiSCONNECTION DISCONNECTION J,Dc. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF DC NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF II. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) WITH FLOW SHUT 011. AUTOMATIC LEAK DETECTOR OFF OR RESTRICTION [] 12. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) 012. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTION/GRA VITY SYSTEM SUCTION/GRA VIlY SYSTEM D 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check all that apply) EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check.!! thai apply) [] 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF · o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF · AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS D 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) WITHOUT FLOW o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION D 16. ANNUAL INTEGRIlY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 16. ANNUAL INTEGRIlY TEST (0,1 GPH) [] 17. DAILYVISUALCHECK 017. DAILY VISUAL CHECK VIII. DISPENSER CONTAINMENT DISPENSER CONTAINMENT [] I. FLOAT MECHANISM THAT SHUTS OFF SHEAR VALVE [] 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK DATE INSTALLED 468 ~ONTINUOUS DiSPENSER PAN SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS [] 5. TRENCH LINER I MONITORING 3. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR:MIH AUTO SHUT OFF FOR [] 6. NONE 469 DISPENSER + AUDiBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS IX. OWNER/OPERA TOR SIGNATURE I certifY that the inronnation provided herein i. true and accurate to the bcøt of my knowledge, SIGNATURE OF OWNER/OPERATOR JL_ k DATE >/.;;: 470 2: Z W"o 5 NAME OF OWNER/OPRA TOR (print) /~ 471 TITLE kWNER/OPERATOR 472 Dot>Cr I'? r~.A A. o /'6 ~('L- + .f e f'Å£L1N1f)"A-- Permit Number (For local 1IIC only) '-' 473 Permit Approved (For locol1L'" only) 474 Permit Expiration DI4d(For local Wle only) 475 UPCF (12/99 revised) 12 Formerly SWRCB Form B UNIF1ED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD DDELETE DREVISE I. FACILITY INFORMATION 200 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION automotive shop FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA 12! YES D NO MAP# (opûonal) 203 GRID# (opûonal) 202 2(» II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes I:8J No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME Mobil Lube 75W -90 CASH Mixture FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) zm 208 EHS* DYes 12! No 209 *If EHS is "Yes". all amounts below must be in lbs. 210 HAZARDOUSMATEIDAL TYPE (Check one item only) 213 o a. PURE ~ b, MIXTURE 0 c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes ~ No 212 CUIDFS PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) FED HAZARD CA TEGOIDFS (Check aIl1hat apply) AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 215 o a. SOLID ~ b. LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 55 216 o a. ARE 0 b. REACTIVE ~ c. PRESSURE RELEASE o d. ACUTE HEALTH 0 e, CHRONIC HEALTH 221 212 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 220 1 180 UNITS* Check one item onl STORAGE CONTAINER ~ a, GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET 0 c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS * If EHS. amount must be in ounds, o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o c. TANK INSIDE BUIlDING 181 d. STEEL DRUM o e. PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY o h. SILO o i. FillER DRUM o j. BAG o k. BOX o 1. CYLINDER o m. GLASS BOTTLE 0 q, RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r. OTHER o o. TOTE BIN Dp. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d, CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASH > 80 226 lubricating base oil 227 DYes D No 228 2 230 231 DYes D No 232 3 234 235 DYes D No 236 4 238 239 DYes D No 240 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 229 233 237 241 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capttning the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 UPCF (1/99) 6 If EPCRA Please Si n Here OES Form 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD o DELETE o REVISE I. FACILITY INFORMATION 200 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION automotive shop 3 FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA ~ YES 0 NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 202 204 n. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME lubricatin oil COMMON NAME Exxon Bus aurd CNG oil CASU 205 TRADE SECRET o Yes ~ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions 11J1 208 EHS* o Yes ~ No 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in 100. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) 213 o a. PURE ~ b. MIXTURE 0 c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes ~ No 212 CURIES PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 215 o a. SOLID ~ b. LIQUID o c.GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 55 216 ~ a. FIRE 0 b. REACTIVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE ~ d. ACUTE HEALTH ~ e. CHRONIC HEALTH 221 222 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 220 2 55 UNITS* Check one item on STORAGE CONTAINER ~ a. GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET 0 c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS * If EHS, amount must be in ounds. o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ d. STEEL DRUM o e. PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM o f. CAN o g, CARBOY o h. SILO o i. FIBER DRUM o j, BAG o Ie. BOX o 1. CYLINDER o m. GLASS BOTILE 0 q, RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOTILE 0 r. OTHER o o. TOTE BIN o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a, AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASH 226 zn DYes 0 No 228 2 230 231 o Yes 0 No 232 3 234 235 DYes 0 No 236 4 238 239 DYes 0 No 240 5 242 243 DYes 0 No 244 229 233 237 241 245 U more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if oon-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper captwing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 UPCF (1/99) 6 If EPCRA Please Si n Here OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION I8IADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION Automotive Shop 3 FACILITY ID# 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA 181 YES 0 NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 202 204 ll. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes 181 No 206 If Subject to EI'CRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME Waste Anti-freeze CASH N/A FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 21JT 208 EHS* 181 Yes 0 No 209 *If EHS is "Yes". all amounts below must be in 100. 210 HAZARDOUS MA TERlAL TYPE (Cleek one item only) 213 o a. PURE 0 b. MIX1URE 181 c. WASTE 2ll RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes 181 No 212 CURIFS PHYSICAL STATE (Cleek one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Cleek all that apply) AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2tS o a. SOLID 181 b. LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 968 2t6 181 a. ARE 0 b. REACIlVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE 0 d. ACUTE HEALTH 181 e. OIRONIC HEALTH 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 221 222 3 968 1760 o a. GALLONS 0 b, CUBIC FEET 181 c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS · If EHS, amount omst be in ounds. o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d. STEEL DRUM 181 e. PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY o h. SILO o i. ABER DRUM o j. BAG o k. BOX o I. cYuNDER o m. GLASS BOTTLE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOTILE 0 r. OTHER o o. TOTE BIN o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT ·0 c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 22S %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 50 226 ethylene 1ZT 181 Yes 0 No 228 75-85-1 2 230 23t o Yes 0 No 232 3 234 23S DYes 0 No 236 4 238 239 DYes 0 No 240 5 242 243 o Yes 0 No 244 229 233 237 241 24S U more hazardous cœJI IOIWIIS are present at greater than 1'J , by weight If ~ or 0.1'J , by weight If can:lnogeuk:, attach adotitlonal sheets of paper capturiug the required iDformation. ADDmONAL LOCALLY COLLECfED INFORMATION MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT CONVERTED TO POUNDS: 968 246 UPCF (1199) 6 If EPCRA Please Si Here OES Form 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DD DDELETE DREVISE I. FACILITY INFORMATION 200 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION Automotive Shop FACILITY ill # .201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA ~ YES 0 NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 202 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET o Yes ~ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME Waste Motor Oil CASU N/A FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) Class 3B combustible HAZARDOUSMATEUAL TYPE (Check one item only) '1JJ1 208 EHS* [8] Yes 0 No 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 213 o a. PURE 0 b. MIXTURE ~ c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes ~ No 212 CURIFS PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 215 o a. SOLID ~ b. LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGFST CONTAINER 1875 216 ~ a. FIRE 0 b. REACTIVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE o d, ACUTE HEALTH ~ e. CHRONIC HEALTH 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 221 222 4 1875 8250 UNITS· (Check one item 0 STORAGE CONTAINER o a. GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET ~ c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS · If EHS, amount must be in ounds. STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a. AMBIENT De. PLASTIClNONMETALLIC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY o b. SILO o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o i. FIBER DRUM o j. BAG o k. BOX o 1. CYUNDER Om. GLASSBOTILEO q. RAILCAR o n. PLASTIC BOTILE 0 r. OTHER o o. TOTE BIN o p. TANK WAGON 223 ~ a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o c. TANK INSIDE BUIWING o d. STEEL DRUM o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS II 100 226 waste oil '1ZT ~ Yes 0 No 228 N/A 2 230 231 DYes 0 No 232 3 234 235 o Yes 0 No 236 4 238 239 DYes 0 No 240 5 242 243 o Yes 0 No 244 229 233 237 24t 245 If more bazardous compoøents are pnseDt at greater than 1'J1o by weight itlJOlloCal'dDogeDie, or 0.1\1& by weight it carc:iDOgeuk, attach addilloDal sheets cl paper captmiDg the required iDformatioa. ADDmONAL LOCALLY COLLECI'ED INFORMATION 246 UPCF (1/99) 6 If EPCRA Please Si Here OES Fonn 2731 , UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one oa.e per material perbuildil12or area) DADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 Page -a.,0f ~ I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 fuel island EPCRA ~ YES D NO FACILITY ID #1 0 I 7 010 I 0 1191417141 I 1 I MAP# (optional) 203 I G RID# (optional) 204 IT. CHENUCALINFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET DYes ~ No 206 blend of hydrocarbon If Subject 10 EPCRA, refer 10 instructions COMMON NAME 207 208 EHS* ~ Yes D No gasoline CAS# 209 8006619 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUSMATE~L 212 I CURIES 213 TYPE (Check one item only) o a. PURE 181 b. MIXTURE Dc. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes 181 No PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) o a. SOLID 181 b. LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 10,000 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) 181 a. FIRE 0 b. REACTIVE o c. PRESSURE RELEASE 181 d. ACUTE HEALTH 181 e, CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2171 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 2191 STATE WASTE CODE 220 165 700 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 212 UNITS* 181 a. GALLONS o b. CUBIC FEET o c. POUNDS o d. TONS 365 (Check one item only) * If EHS, amount must be in pounds. STORAGE CONTAINER o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o e. PLASTICINONMETALLlC DRUM o i. FIBER DRUM o m, GLASS BOTILE o q. RAIL CAR 181 b. UNDERGROUND TANK o f. CAN o j. BAG On. PLASTIC BOTILE 181 r, OTHER Dc. TANK INSIDE BUlWING o g. CARBOY o k, BOX o o. TOTE BIN o d. STEEL DRUM o h. SILO o 1. CYLINDER o p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a, AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASH 1 85,95 226 hydrocarbon! gasoline 227 ~ Yes D No 228 8006619 229 2 <5 230 benzene 231 ~ Yes D No 232 71432 233 3 <25 234 Toluene 235 ~ Yes D No 236 18883 237 4 238 Xylene 239 ~ Yes D No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 245 U more bazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-can:inogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 If EPCRA Please Sil!n Here UPCF (1/99) 6 OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one a er material DADD o DELETE DREVISE 200 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION behind wash tunnel FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA ~ YES 0 NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 202 204 ll. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET o Yes ~ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instrucûons 207 208 misc. CAS# lab ack hazardous waste drum EHS* o Yes ~ No 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) 213 o a. PURE 0 b. MIXTURE 181 c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes 181 No 212 CURIES PHYSICAL STATE (Check: one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT varies 215 181 a, SOLID 0 b. LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 500 216 181 a. FIRE 181 b. REACTIVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE 181 d. ACUTE HEALTH 181 e. ŒRONIC HEALTH 221 222 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 220 900 2306 o a. GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET 181 c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS · If EHS, amount must be in ounds. STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT o e. PLASTICINONMETALLIC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY o h. SILO o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o i. FIBER DRUM o j. BAG o k.BOX o 1. CYLINDER o m. GLASS BOTILE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOTILE 0 r. OTHER o o. TOTE BIN Dp. TANK WAGON 223 o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o c. TANK INSIDE BUIlDING 181 d. STEEL DRUM o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASH 226 mixture will vary 227 DYes 0 No 228 229 2 230 231 DYes 0 No 232 233 3 234 235 DYes 0 No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes 0 No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes 0 No 244 245 U more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if oon-c:arclnogenic, or 0.1% by weight if ean:inl>genIc, attach additional.heets of paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 UPCF (1/99) 6 If EPCRA Please Si n Here OES Form 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD DDELETE OREVISE I. FACILITY INFORMATION 200 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) Unit~ Parcd,C:;ßrvice. ClIEMICALLOcÃTION .. Automotive Shop 3 FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA 181 YES 0 NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) '}JJl 204 n. CHEMICAL INFORMATION 205 TRADE SECRET DYes 181 No 206 If Subject 10 EPCRA, refer 10 insuuctions 7ffI 208 EHS* o Yes 181 No 209 *IfEHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (0Iedc one item only) PHYSICAL STATE (Q¡edc one i\em only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Q¡edc aII1I1al apply) AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 213 o a, PURE 181 b. MIX1lJRE 0 c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes 181 No 212 CURIES 215 o a, SOLID ~ b. LIQUID 0 c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER ))0 216 o a. FIRE 0 b, REACI1VE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE ~ d. ACUTE HEALTH 181 e. OlRONIC HEALTII 211 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 221 222 1 110 ~ a. GAlLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET 0 c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS · If EllS, amount must be in s. o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK. Db. UNDERGROUND TANK o c. TANK INSIDE BUIlDING o d. STEEL DRUM STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT 181 e. PLASTlClNONMEfAWC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY Dh.SIW o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o Î. FIBER DRUM o j. BAG o k. BOX o I. CYUNDER o m. GLASS BOTILE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOTILE 0 r. OrnER o o. TOTE BIN o p. TANK WAGON 223 o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOOENIC m %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 85-95 226 Ethylene Glycol '1Z1 o Yes 181 No 228 107211 229 2 <5 230 diethylene glycol 231 o Yes 181 No 232 111466 233 3 <5 234 hydrated inorganic acid, sodium salt 235 o Yes 181 No 236 proprietary m 4 <5 238 water 239 DYes I8J No 240 7732185 241 5 242 243 Dyes 0 No 244 24S U..-e Uzard..... e<IIDJ"'""ft'I are prcseut .. puler IhoD 1-. by wtigllt If ...........~ or 0.1-' by wtigllt If ean:Iuo&oaIe. attaoh acIdiIIoua1 sheds of P...... eapturiD& 11M: requImIlDf____ ADDmONAL WCALLY COLLECrED INFORMATION 2A6 UPCF (1199) 6 ~þ If EPCRA Please Si Here OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD ODELETE DREVISE I. FACILITY INFORMATION 200 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United P~cel S~rvic.e CHEMICAL LOCATION carwash tunnel 3 FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA ~ YES D NO MAPK (optional) 203 GRID# (opûonaJ) 202 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME surface blend COMMON NAME Blast A wa Deter ent CASK N/A FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (~Iete irrequi~ by CUPA) 1 flanunable HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Cleek one item only) 20S TRADE SECRET D Yes 181 No 206 If Subj<ct to EPCRA. rerer to instrucûons 1J1T 208 EHS* D Yes ~ No '1f.1:J *If EHS is "Yes". all amounts below 1Ì1ust be in 100. 210 213 o a. PURE ~ b. MIXTURE 0 c. WASTE, 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes ~ No 212 CURIFS PHYSICAL STATE (Checlc one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Checlc all dial apply) AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 215 o a. SOUD ~ b. UQUID 0 c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER .300 216 o a. ARE 0 b. REACTIVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE ~ d. ACUTE HEAL11I ~ e. ŒRONIC HEALTII 4 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT qoO 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 221 222 IB a, GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET :: c. POUNDS 0 d, TONS * If EHS. amount must be in s. o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o b. UNDERGROUND TANK ~ c. TANK INSIDE BUIlDING o d. STEEL DRUM De. PLASTIClNONMETAWC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY o h. SILO o i. ABER DRUM o j. BAG o k. BOX o L CYUNDER o m. GLASS BOTILE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOTILE 0 r. ornER o o. TOTE BIN Op. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PREssURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT 22A STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 22S %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASU <5 226 nonylphenoxypoly( ethyleneoxy)ethanol 1ZT Dyes D No 228 9016-45-9 229 2 5-10 230 tetrasodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate 231 Dyes D No 232 64-02-8 233 3 234 23S Dyes D No 236 m 4 238 239 Dyes 0 No 240 241 5 242 243 Dyes D No 244 245 If men bazanIoas CGID,- are pnsaIt at puter thaø 1 <¡¡,. b11Ri¡11t if~. 01' 0.1" by weIcJ>t if cardDo elÙt, attach acIditIoDal sbeets 01 paper capturiDc the .....uIred lurormatioD. ADDmONAL LOCALLY COLLECI'ED INFORMATION 246 UPCF (1/99) 6 4? If EPCRA Please S· Here OES Form 2731 UNIF1ED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION one _rial DADD DDELEfE DREVISE I. FACILITY INFORMA nON 200 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parc.eJ" Service CHEMICAL LOCATION carwash area 3 FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA ~ YES D NO MAP# (op!ional) 203 GRID# (op!ionaJ) 2m. 204 n. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME surface blend COMMON NAME Blue Ma ìc Deter ent CAS# N/A FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ifr....ired by CUPA) 1, flammable HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (01eclc one item oDly) 0 a. PURE 181 b. MlX11JRE PHYSICAL STATE (01eclc one item oDly) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check aU that apply) 2O:'i TRADE SECRET D Yes 181 No 2{J6 If Subject to EPCRA. refer to instructions '1JJ1 208 EHS* o Yes 181 No 209 *If EHS is "Yes», aU amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 213 Dc. WASTE 211 RADIOACflVE 0 Yes 181 No 212 CURIES 215 o a, SOUD 181 b. UQUID 0 c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 55 216 o a. FIRE 0 b. REACflVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE 0 d. ACUTE HEALTH Ið1 e. ŒRONIC HEALTII AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 STATE WASTE CODE 21ß ø a. GALLONS 0 b. ruBIC fEET ;_~ c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS * If EHS, amOUDl must be in 00$. 221 222 < 1 55 STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT 181 e. PLAsTIClNONMETAWC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY o h. SIW o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o i. FIBER DRUM o j. BAG o Ie. BOX o I. CYUNDER o m. GLASS BOTILE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r. OrnER o o. TOTE BIN o p. TANK WAGON 223 o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o c. TANK INSIDE BUIU>ING o d. STEEL DRUM o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 20-30 226 sodium dodecylbeozene sulfonate 1Z1 o Yes 181 No 228 21516-30-0 229 2 230 231 o Yes 0 No 232 233 3 234 235 o Yes 0 No 236 2YI 4 238 239 Dyes 0 No 240 241 S 242 243 Dyes 0 No 244 245 u_ bazantOllS eam~ are pnseDt at pater thaa 1'110 .,. wd&ht if~, or 0.." .,. 1Iàgbt if cardDo :eDk, attach additioDaI sheets.-Æ paper capturing the requlRd Ialormatiaa. ADDmONAL LOCALLY COLLECI'ED INFORMATION 246 UPCF (1/99) 6 If EŽle Si Here OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERlAM" , HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD ODELErE OREVlSE I. FACILITY INFORMATION 200 or 0=) of J!ì BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United ParceLSç~li.~ c' .' .'. CHEMICAL LOCATION automotive shop 3 FACILITY ID I 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENfIAL EPCRA I8J YES 0 NO MAP# (cptional) 203 GRID# (optioaal) Z1Jl 204 n. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET o Yes I8J No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME Chevron Dura-Lith Grease EP NLGI 00 CASH N/A FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (CoIq>lete if required by CUPA) 2lJ7 208 EHS* DYes I8J No 209 *If EHS is "Yes". all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (OJed: one item only) PHYSICAL STATE (OJed: me item only) FED HAZARD CA TEGOR1ES (OJed: all Ibat apply) A VERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 213 o a, PURE 181 b. MIXTURE 0 c. WASTE 211' RADlOACI1VE 0 Yes 181 No 212 CUR1FS 215 o a, SOLID 181 b. LIQUID 0 c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 55 216 o a. ARE 0 b, REACI1VE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE 0 d, ACUTE HEALTH 181 e, OIRONIC HEALTII 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 221 222 <,·1 55 181 a, GALWNS 0 b. CUBIC FEET 0 c. POUNDS 0 d, TONS * If EHS, amount IJ1IISt be in $, o a, ABOVE GROUND TANK o b. UNDERGROUND TANK Dc. TANK INSIDE BUlWING 181 d. STEEL DRUM STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT De. PLASJ1C1NONMETAWC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY o h. SIW o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o i. ABER DRUM o j. BAG o k. BOX o L CYUNDER o m. GLASS BOTTLE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n. PLASJ1C BOTTLE 0 r. OTHER o o. TOTE BIN o p. TANK WAGON 223 o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATIJRE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o Co BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASU >90 226 lubricating base oil 2I7 Dyes D No 228 229 2 230 hydrotreated Dist., Lt. Naphth 231 Dyes D No 232 64742525 233 3 <4 234 lithium base thickeners 235 Dyes D No 236 231 4 <6 238 additives 239 Dyes 0 No 240 241 5 242 243 D Yes D No 244 245 limen ~ am~ are pRSeIItal veatertlwll'31o l>Jwå&blIf~ or 0.1'310 l>JwI&bIlf~ auadudditloDal sheets olpapereapluriDctbe nquiredlDformallaa. ADDmONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 UPCF (1199) 6 IfE7¿ease S' Here OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION I8IADD DDELETE DREVISE I. FACll.ITY INFORMATION 200 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United Parcel Service CHEMICAL LOCATION automotive shop 3 FACILITY ill H 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA 181 YES 0 NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 202 204 n. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME blend of h drocarbon COMMON NAME Motor oil Chevron Delo 15-40 CASH mixture FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 205 TRADE SECRET DYes 181 No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refcr to instructions '2I!l 208 EHS* DYes 181 No 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (01eck one item only) 213 o a. PURE 181 b. MIXTURE 0 c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes 181 No 212 CURlFS PHYSICAL STATE (01eck one item only) FED HAZARD CA TEGORlES (01eck all that apply) A VERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2t5 o a. SOLID 181 b. LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 450 216 181 a. FIRE 0 b. REACTIVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE o d. ACUTE HEALTH 0 e. ŒRONICHEALTH 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 221 222 20 450 UNITS· O1eck one item on STORAGE CONTAINER 181 a. GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET 0 c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS · If EHS. amount must be in s. STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT o e. PLASTIClNONMETAWC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY o h. SILO o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o i. FIBER DRUM o j. BAG o k.BOX o L CYliNDER o m. GLASS BOITLE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOITLE 0 r. OTHER o o. TOTE BIN o p. TANK WAGON 223 181 a. ABOVE GROUND TANK Db. UNDERGROUND TANK o c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d. STEEL DRUM o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASU 1 226 refmed petroleum distillates 227 o Yes 181 No 228 mixture 229 2 230 base oill additives 231 o Yes 181 No 232 64741884 233 3 234 zinc alkyl dithrophosphate 235 o Yes 181 No 236 68649423 131 4 238 hexane 239 DYes 181 No 240 110543 24t 5 242 243 Dyes 0 No 244 245 U more hazardous compouenls are present at greater than 1'J(, by weight if ~ or 0.1'J(, by weight if cardnogeolc. attach additiooa1sbeets of paper capturing tbe required luformatioD. ADDmONAL LOCALLY COLLECrED INFORMATION 246 UPCF (1/99) 6 If EPCRA Please Si Here OES Fonn 2731 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD DDELETE JŒVISE 200 I. FACUlTY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) United, Parcel Service . CHEMICAL LOCATION automotive shop 3 FACiLITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOÇATlON CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA 181 YES 0 NO I MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (cplional) 202 204 ll. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME lubricatin base oil COMMON NAME Mobile SHC 50 s thetic CASU N/A FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requjrod by CUPA) 20S TRADE SECRET o Yes 181 No 206 If Subje<:t to SPeRA, ",fer to insttuctíons 7JJ7 EHS* :::: Yes IS3 No 208 209 *IfEHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Chedc one item only) 213 o a. PURE ~ b. MIXTIJRE 0 c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes ~ No 212 CURIES PHYSICAL STATE (Chedc one item only) FED HAZARD CA TEGOR1ES . (Check all !hat apply) AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 215 o a. SOLID ~ b, LIQUID 0 c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 55 216 o a, FIRE 0 b. REACflVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE 0 d. ACUTE REALTIJ 0 e, CHRONIC HEALTII < I 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 5S 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 221 222 UNITS· Check one item on STORAGE CONTAINER B a. GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET C c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS * If EHS, amount must be in OIIooS. ~ a. AMBIENT o e. PLASTlClNONMETALLIC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY o h. SILO o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o i. FIBER DRUM o j. BAG o k, BOX o L CYliNDER o m. GLASS BOTTLE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOTTLE 0 r. OTHER o o. TOTE BIN o p. TANK WAGON 223 o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o b. UNDERGROUND TANK DC, TANK INSIDE BUIWING ~ d. STEEL DRUM STORAGE PRESSURE o c. BELOW AMBIENT 274 STORAGE TEMPERA TURE ~ a, AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOOENIC 22S %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CASH < 15 226 bydrotreated distillate m DYes 181 No 228 64742547 229 2 < 15 230 solvent 231 o Yes 181 No 232 64742650 233 3 > 85 234 lubricating base oil 235 o Yes 181 No 236 mixture m 4 238 239 o Yes 0 No 240 241 5 242 243 Dyes 0 No 244 245 If IIIÐft bazardous .....poaeuIs .... pnseøt al pater'- 1-. by weight II~, or 0.1-' I>y weight II ~ allach addIIIoua1 sheets or P...... capt1IriDc die required iDfGnDaIIcaI. UPCF (1/99) 6 246 Jf~""'" S' "'" OES Form 273 I ADDmONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION Oi.pill Response Contae List FACILITY NAME: BAKERSFIELD Facility Spill Coordinator Name: Craig Hill Office: 661-326-1595 Home: Pgr/Cell 661-634-2840 Alternate Facility Spill Coordinator Name: RICK GARCIA Office: 559-442-2925 Home: N/A Pgr/Cell 559-263-0954 District Spill Coordinator Name: Stacey Byrem Office: 510-633-4035 Home: 510-533-6488 Pgr/Cell 510- 448-7633 Alternate District Spill Coordinator Name: Office: ) - Home: ) - Pgr/Cell ) - Local Fire Department Name: Office: Home: Pgr/Cell Facility Engineer Name: David Hallett Office: 510-633-3974 Home: 925-803-9961 Pgr/Cell 510-4483134 District Plant Engineering Manager Name: Doug Ray Office: 510-633-4037 Home: Pgr/Cell 510-448-2623 ~pcJv 3ðCø·· tS'iS- 911 Region Environmental Coordinator Name: Joe Kehrt Office: 510-636-2680 Home: Pgr/Cell 925-833-4678 Corporate Reporting Name: Corporate Environmental Group Office: 404-828-4254 Home: ( ) - Pgr/Cell 404-432-4699 Alternate Corporate Spill Coordinator Name: Corporate Environmental Group Office: 404-828-6766 Home: ( ) - Pgr/Cell 727-460-5742 DATE REVISED: . February 2003 Local Spill Cleanup Contractor Name: MP Environmental Services Office: 1-800- 458-3036 Home: N/A Pgr/Cell N/A Alternate Local Spill Cleanup Contractor Name: Universal Environmental Office: 707-747-6699 Home: N/A Pgr/Cell N/A Fuel Facility Repair Contractor Name: Franzen Hill Office: 800-655-3436 Home: 559-688-2977 Pgr/Cell N/A Alternate Fuel Facility Repair Contractor Name: Champion Tank Testing Office: 800-660-9443 Home: N/A Pgr/Cell N/A Tank Draining Contractor Name: Franzen Hill Office: 800-655-3436 Home: 559-688-2977 Pgr/Cell N/A Tank Testing Contractor Name: Champion Tank Testing Office: 800-660-9443 Home: N/A Pgr/Cell N/A Electrical Contractor Name: Levinar Office: 661-323-7044 Home: Pgr/Cell Alternate Electrical Contractor Name: AC Office: 661-633-5368 Home: N/A Pgr/Cell N/A State Water Pollution Agency Name: Office of Emergency Services Office: 800-852-7550 Home: Pgr/Cell Local Water Pollution Agency Name: City of Bakersfield Office: 661-326-3979 Home: Pgr/Cell ç . . Employee Emergency Action Steps for an Oil Spill Response Plan for Bakersfield Facility Location: Fuel Island 1. STOP THE SOURCE Emergency Fuel Shut-off Switch Located: On the exterior wall at the car wash tunnel. 2. CONTAIN THE SPILL Prevent Spill from Entering Storm Drain System or Leaving UPS Premises by Placing Containment Equipment: Place containment booms around spill. Do not allow product to leave UPS property. Do not allow product to enter storm drain. Place absorbent sheets or clay absorbent to absorb spilled product. Place used absorbents in plastic bags and process through DMP. (See Diagram on Back) Spill Kit Located: In yellow barrel at fuel island Additional Containment Equipment Located: HazMat compliance center 3. CALL FOR HELP Contact: Operations Manager- Craig Hill Office Telephone: 661-326-1595 Home Telephone: 661-634-2840(p) Alternate - Rick Garcia Office Telephone: 559-442-2925 Home Telephone: 559-263-0954(p) District Spill Coordinator - Stacey Byrem Office Telephone: 510-633-4035 Home Telephone: 51 0-448-7633(p) . -~ . Damaged Materials Program Contingency Plan Bakersfield Facility Bakersfield, CA Company name: Facility address: United Parcel Service 3800 N. Sillect Ave. Bakersfield, CA. 93308 Day (661) 326-1595 Evening (661) 326-1595 Phone number: EMERGENCY COORDINATORS Primary emergency Coordinator: Coordinators Home address: Coordinators work phone number: Coordinators emergency phone number: Secondary emergency Coordinator: Coordinators home address: Coordinators work phone number: Coordinators emergency phone number: LOCAL EMERGENCY CONTACTS Fire Department Police Department Hospital Electric Co. Gas Co EP A Region 9 Chemtrec Emergency Response MP Environmental (emergency contact) Poison Control Center Facility hazardous materials business plan is on me with county agency. Craig Hill Bakersfield (661) 326-1595 (661) 634-2840(P) Rick Garcia Fresno, Ca. (559) 442-2929 (559) 263-0954(P) 911/(661) 324-4542 911/(661) 327-7111 911/(661)-632-5000 (800) 611-1911 (800) 611-1911 (415) 947-8000 (800) 424-9300 (800) 458-3036 (800) 876-4766 -.,. 02/25/2003 15:58 6613260739 . UPS AUT09330É 4IÞ PAGE 01 UPS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN DAMAGED PACKAGE PROCEDURE DESIGNATED RESPONDER ANNUAL CERTIFICATION I "- , Bakersfield CENTER 0186/0191/0360 EHP CODE V;gfl INSTRUCTOR 11-Feb-03 . . Initial Date Annual Date Current Date Respirator Social Security Employee Shift / of Training of Training of MedIcal Training Number Name Area (12 Hour) (4 Hour) Evaluation Type / Model Msnsgf!lf7Mt 546-37-1576 CraiQ Hili On Road 10/29/92 12/05/02 06/05/02 SCBA I MMR Ultra/lIe 613-01-1573 David Palmer LIS 03f01/01 06/05102 02f28f01 SCBA I MMA Ultra/Ita . . HourlY 559-82-4983 Lester $praaue P/L 1 0/29/92 06/06/02 07/16/02 SCBA I MMR UltralltG 559-93-2149 Rvan Lanslna LIS 03/01/01 12/05/02 04/06/01 SCBA I MMR Ultrallte. Codes for EH P: 0181 - Respiratory Protection 0186 -InitIal 12 Hour Training 0191 - 4 Hour Recertification 0360 - Damaged Matetials Program The certification form must be maintained In Section III of the center's Emergency Response Plan Safety Manual Yo. XIV. (Blue Book) " 02/25/2003 15:59 6613260739 . UPS AUT09330É PAGE 01 . United Parcel Service EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN I CHAIN OF COMMAND DATE: 11-Feb-QS AUTHORIZED TO EVACUATE THE FACILITY AND AND NOTIFY THE OUTSIDE RESPONDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 DIvision Mana er Stockdale Mana er Bakersfield Preload Su ervìsor Local Sort Su ervisor 661-326-8195 661-326-1595 661-326-8195 661-326-1595 661-326-0805 661·392-0124 66' -587-4866 661-587-4514 661-872-6403 661-588-3831 DESIGNATED RESPONDERS (HOURLY EMPLOYEES) Bakersfield I Preload Bakersfield / Local Sort ARE THERE ANY OTHER FED/STATE AGENCIES WITH WHICH EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACTIVITIES ARE COORDINATED? NAME OF AGENCY: AGENCY com ACT PERSON: AGENCY PHONE NUMBER: OUTSIDE RESPONDER: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE NUMBER: 911 911 911 Mpe Gina Blankenship 1 800 458-3036 UPS EMERGeNCY RESPONSE PLAN· SECTION VII- Chain of Command Rev. 04102 I"- il"- ,0 IT" u.s. · OS a erviceTM . CEP~IFIED MAILM RECEIPT (DO~, ,; Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) .::T II"- lIT" ,..:¡ I ru ,0 o o Return Reclept Fee , (Endorsement Required) o Restñcted Delivery Fee , ,..:¡ (Endorsement Required) ::r ru Postage $ Certified Fee Postmark Here , Total Pc RICK GARCIA ,~ Sen/To UNITED PARCEL SERVICE ~ m....... 3800 N. SILLECT , - Street, AI. orPOBq BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 ëitŸ,štãi ~-- -~----~ ----- - - ------~-~------~._- PS Form 3800. June 2002 See " , 4 --- Certified Mail Provides: ,?1l!I~'W';::0-969;::OL · A mailing receipt (8SJ8A8~) ;::00;::_ 0098 WJO'¡ Sd · A unique identifier for your mailpiece .. · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Iml'ortsnt RemlndtJrs: ""'" · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First·Class Mail,¡¡, or Priority Mailq¡ · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For I valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of :, delivery. To obtain Return Receipt service, prease complete and attach a Return Receipt (PS Form 3811), to the article and add applicable postage to cover the I fee. Endorse mailpiece 'Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USP~ postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is reqUired. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement oRestricted1Jelivery". ' · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired, please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail , receipt is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. I IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and present II when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information Is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · .Print your name and,address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. .Article Addressed to: I ( I : RICK GARCIA \ UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 113800 N. Sll..LECT ¡ BAKERSF.IELD, CA9.~308 I ~~~'~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~,_.J I 3. Service Type o Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 7002 2410 0002 1974 9077 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes PSForm 3811, August 2001 I 2ACPRI-Q3-Z·0985 Domestic Return Receipt /"" BAKERSFiELD FIRE D!:PARTMENT OFF~CE OF ENVIRONÎ;¡~ENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfie~d. CA 93301 I I I I I I I I I I I is II \ '1' 1\ 1I11,1I.lIll.lluIIIIIlIlH,lllllnllll,HIIII It Itil Itu f FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFm SERVICES' ENVIIIONIlENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 321H>576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3696 FAJ( (661) 321H>576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 . . -i\ -:" ' ;(\ ;,"9/0 , l' February 5, 2003 Rick Garcia United Parcel Service 3800 N. Sillect Bakersfield, CA 93308 CERTIFIED MAIL NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE RE: Failure to Perform/Submit Annual Maintenance on Leak Detection System at the Above Stated Address. Dear Business Owner: Our records indicate that your annual maintenance certification on your leak detection system was past due on January 31, 2003 You are currently in violation of Section 2641(J) of the California Code of Regulations. "Equipment and devices used to monitor underground storage tanks shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks at least once per calendar year for operability and running condition." You are hereby notified that you have thirty (30) days, March 7, 2003, to either perform or submit your annual certification to this office. Failure to comply will result in re~ocation of your permit to operate your underground storage system. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services bY:~Œtmû Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services ~.~ 7~ ~ ?f'fY/'l/~ .¥Ofl .AOPe .r~ A W~p·" I - Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. I- Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. - Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the frorít if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: I I I o Agent I o Addressee EB D1e ,~~\1(ßY I \ UPS \ 3800 N. S1LLECT \ 'BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 ~~~~~~--- ,-.~ . D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes if YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No - '3. Se Type Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Retum Receipt for Merchandise,' o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes , PS Form 3811, August 2001 2 ^",'nln·'·7L002 2410 0002 1974 9404 Domestic Return Receipt 2ACPRI-03-Z-0985 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE _ 'rr.. ...-; 1111\\ , I First-Class Mail . Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 · Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box · BAKERSF1ELD FIRE DIEPARTI\IJENT OFFICE OF ENVfRO~~~ŒNTAl SERVICES 17~5 CI18Sler Avenue, Sui~ 300 ß51ksrsfleld, CA 93301 . .... - .. ! .... II I 11 ·'·111 "llt1,i'lllI1"II1111111111\,l,1.\\IIIÎ ""III III I 1111 I l~ IT' U.S. Postal ServiceTM CE~:=::'.FIED MAllTM RECEIPT (Domf., )Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) . I~ I.:T I:;: M ru ¡O I~ I ,0 M .:T ru ru ° ,0 I~ FFICIAL USE Postage $ .1J>t ~, Certified Fee Return Reclept Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here Total POI Sfñiii.:4PI or PO Box ëi,ÿ,"šiãi'; UPS 3800 N. SILLECT BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 Sent To Certified Mail Provides: . ;:!19~·W·;:0·969;:0~ · A mailing receipt (BSJBJ\9I:JJ ;:00* oose WJO, Sd · A unique Identifier for your mailplece .. · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Iml'ortsnt Reminders: · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail(!þ or Priority Malia¡ · Certified Maills not available for any class of intemational mail. I · NO INSURANCE COV;iRAGE q{1 PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For II valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Retum Receipt service, please complete and attach a Retum Receipt (PS Form 3811l to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mail piece 'Retum Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPSœ, postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is reqUired. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement "Restricted1Jeliveryø. · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired, please present the arti- I cle at the post office tor postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail . receipt is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Inlernet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. ENVIRONIlENl'AL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661)326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 e e ¡:<Þ ... ....... ~ ,. February 13,2003 UPS 3800 N. Sillect Bakersfield CA 93308 Certified Mail RE: Recent sa 989 Secondary Containment Testing SECOND REMINDER NOTICE Dear Owner/Operator: Our records indicate that you completed your secondary containment testing on October 17, 2002. Our records further show a failed test. Therefore you are required to have your system repaired and re-tested as soon as possible. This office requests an update with regard to repairs of your system. Please be advised that repairs involving the replacing of components must be under permit from this office. The repairs of your system are a condition of your permit to operate. Failure to repair and re-test will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Sincer~ . ' )itZ..~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorlEnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~~7~ de ~nvnu~ .¥OP ~0P6 ~~ .Æ W~" ~-- FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAJ( (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Streèt Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFm SERVICES. ENVIROHIlEHTAI. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326"0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester AvÌl. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326"0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 . .""" tJI\ January 22,2003 UPS 3800 N. Sillect Avenue Bakersfield CA 93308 RE: Upgrade Certificate & Fill Tags Dear Owner/Operator: Effective January 1,2003 Assembly Bill 2481 went into effect. This Bill deletes the requirement for an upgrade certificate of compliance (the blue sticker in your window) and the blue fill tag on your fill. You may, if you wish, have them posted or remove them. Fuel vendors have been notified of this change and will not deny fuel delivery for missing tags or certificates. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661- 326-3190. SBU/dc ~~7~ de W~ S7OP.A0P6 .r~ A W~" .~~ ~ Jan 20 03 12:39p . .:" 5596881467 p. 1 Franzen Hill - . .. ~ . .. .' ;.\ Sep as 02 02:42p FRANZEN HILL 661 834 4216 " ,...3 ": .,,;.::.. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 .--...... . .( ,;~þr';£~:;~ APPLICATioN TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION '. 'ÍÀ . á FAcILrrLl1~1\·t-f'd rLJt(~~J ~(J~'~IIC º h 15 -OZ{- Q,oJIJÆ ADDRESS 3~OLì 1\1 ..cCi \ \ ect ÄU.Jl OPERATORS NAMET L\ .p::.) I OWNERS' NAME U~ ' I , NAME OF MONITOR MANUFACTURER LÁtt¡JIt1 () 1.0 V".. DOES FACILITY HAVE DISPENSER PANS? YES~ NO~ . ::. '....:.:,: 0" "'"",", :'." . ',' . ,,::. . .41,' ,.~..~ :" TANK # -t- . VOLUME CONTENTS . . ,:'.::. .;": -~. .... : . . ~:. .,;.;", ~ :..;~:'':~~.~;:~::'>;.~:..' . .. ~" ~.,:.: ;:~;;~~;::~;,.~: . '.:.:~::.." , , . " . "', '~~::'.:. . . '. ~ ',. ; ,,- .... " . NAME OF TESTING COMPANY WQyrz-Q'\ - \-\i ,\ ŒOt'ÐD¡rðcM't5Y\ CONTRACfORS UCENSE # C NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONT ACT PERSON DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED \ .. .. J-,. dd~/r/D . \lwfDQ .. ~ APPROVED BY ~ ~~.. S ON... OF APPUCANT " . .... '¡ . ... ...: ;;!Ä;.~ ~ï;¡! " .', . . . ~.~ '.. ':. . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery i,s desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. I . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1, Article Addressed to: r : UPS : 3800 N. SILLECT : BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 I I I I I , I PS Form 3811, August 2001 '--- -- D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: ,,/ 3. Se ' e Type Certified Mail D Registered D Insured Mail I I I I I I I 1 02595-02·M,0835 \ D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 7002 0860 0000 1641 6001 Domestic Return Receipt DYes f ! ¡ ~, " I ¡ ~ I ¡ , ! I I ! I BAKERSF!ELD FiRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENViRO¡\W;iENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, SU4ta 300 B81kørs~¡alo1, CA 9æ01 i \ ~ III 1!l1I1I'1I1I! /III 111111 I," I!J¡ I II 1111111" IIII/!I ,1/11 I Postage $ Certified Fee 10 , ..D II:[) ! 0 Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endo . ( Tot! ru '0 o Beni UPS '£'- ......' 3800 N. SILLECT [ StTflI or PI BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 City, "-_ Postmark Here ~............ ,...-.....-.... d . Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt · A unique identifier for your mailpiece · A signature upon delivery · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: I . Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail. · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables; please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of ' delivery. To obtain Return Receipt service, please complete and attach a Return Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mail piece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk or mark the mail piece with the endorsement "Restricted Delivery". · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is de~ired, please present the arti- cle at the p..ffice for postmarking, If a pommllrk ·onlhe Certified Mail I receipt is n ded, detach and affix label with postage fmd mail. IMPORTANT: this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. PS Form 3800, April 2002 (Reverse) 102595·02·M·1132 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 21 01 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAJ( (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H· Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. EIIV1RONIŒIITAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester AvÌl. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAJ( (661) 326-()576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 It - 1" !,\ January 13, 2003 UPS 3800 N. SilIect Bakersfield CA 93308 Certified Mail RE: Recent SB 989 Secondary Containment Testing REMINDER NOTICE Dear Owner/Operator: Our records indicate that you completed your secondary containment testing on October 17, 2002. Our records further show a failed test. Therefore you are required to have your system repaired and re-tested as soon as possible. This office requests an update with regard to repairs of your system. Please be advised that repairs involving the replacing of components must be under permit from this office. The repairs of your system are a condition of your permit to operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. s:¡ cMmv Steve Underwood Fire InspectorlEnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~"7~ de W&~ ..¥OP.A0P6 .r~ A W~" ~\,~ l ~ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' EIIV1AOHIlEHTAI. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 . . January 13,2003 UPS 3800 N. Sillect Ave Bakersfield CA 93308 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A review of our files indicates that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. sin1~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~"7~ Dfe W~ STop .Aong, .r~ .Æ W~" :. . '- CITY OF BA.ÙRsFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester A.ve., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM'A TANK TIGHTNESS TEST I SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING FACILITY UV\H--{(1 ~,(.Ír/el S-DJìL~ ADDRESS ~Dh ~. 9~}J1V\UD PERMlTTOOPERATE# l?\~ - 02-) - (Sa 1)~ OPERATORS NAME Ll~\'i taL1?1,Vfo P Sf If\J ìC ~ OWNERS NAME U-~lle('j tllvw &rùìCl? " NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED ¿) IS PIPING GoING TO BE TESTED+ TANK # VOLUME CONTENTS ~ -~ ~ ~ :~li:: TANK TESTING COMPANY 'f¥"n,Vl?',€f\ - \¡.-\i \\ C rrv-4)fWClti· OÞ1 MAll..ING ADDRESSjJ rù Ñ· d 8Y-e &J LL,{(lA.P, CÅ q 8;)~ NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACf PERSON ?tf{ ~Mtií: ' TESTMETHOD~ O¡~ lY'CJfY\ I ~MtJJf.-l{ NAME OF TESTER OR SPECIALINSPECfOR ..:J;,q('jJ f(lvYN v / FLJiy J/I¡lp-J¡1f1es CERTIFICATION # öz. ð~ Z IS I / ri'ZDCl Z. -¡sz. DA~~TFSfJSTOBECONDucrED lO(I1/tr7_ v' (dØnwO W/BIOZ- . APPROVED BY DATE UP:3 3800 81LL£CT AVE. BAKE_ I £LD. (;(1 '3::::308 661 -.-1 5'3:i OCT 17. 2002 9:05 AM ~:3\/~:rrH'l :::n'c:.TIJ8 F:H">RT - - -- - - - -- - ~ .- - - ALL FU!',¡CT lON:3 NOF:I-'l{iL I N'I)'U TOF:\' f:EPOPT T 1: UNLE(iDED l'/OLUI"lE ULLAGE TC IjOLUr"1E HEIGHT ¡",.lATER "."':)L WATER TH'lP T 2: 8-:i':'DED c, VOLU. = LlU.AI~;E'" = TC VOL LInE HEIGHT l,IATEr;: \/OL LJATER TH'lP 1 6:341 Gr-:\LE:~ GAL~3 (;;':'L:=:; [ NCHC'3 GALS ¡ Í'iCHE~; Lifi:; F :=:~3B7 6226 56.58 11 D~75 E:::¡. [: 6~I'J5 G{4L~::~ GAU:; GFïLE '-I" ,'-1("1 ..J"':::',_";,.I 6::::~l:=: ~1'7 . 7:~~ ¡I',V:HE:::: 1 :=~ G{,L:3 D. 8:~ :::~I. ~I 1 ¡,;'::HE:=:; fiD'; F ~ ~ ¥ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Hoor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME-WP .s ADDRESS '5«O() N~ S,((rG+ FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE IQ - 17' 0 L. PHONE NO. 3~S ~ 0 (I ~ BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ~ ~(Q Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine ~ Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate pennit on hand t- V Business plan contact infonnation accurate v V / Visible address V" Correct occupancy \,... V ./ Verification of inventory materials ./ Verification of quantities ./ V '/ Verification of location .' Y' Proper segregation of material V ~ Verification of MSDS availability / .I Verification of Haz Mat training 1/ ./ Verification of abatement supplies and procedures 1/ ./ Emergency procedures adequate ,/ /' Containers properly labeled ./ /' Housekeeping / ./' Fire Protection / ./ Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand " C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes ~NO Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 White· Env, Svcs. Yellow· Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME diJS INSPECTION DATE 10 "'7 ..01....- Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine æCombined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank (J)wF Type of Monitoring èl-W\. o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks l....- Type of Piping Dr; JI<;: ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile l.I I / Proper owner/operator data on file ../ j Pennit fees current .,..; / Certification of Financial Responsibility / 1/ Monitoring record adequate and current / / Maintenance records adequate and current ./ Failure to correct prior UST violations ¡' Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No J Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? c~comp¡;"o':/;~V¡~'''¡OO, V~y" '''peolo'' _ &~ Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Fnv. Svcs, N=NO w8L , Business Site Responsible Party Pink - Business Cory 8IE3 ~ ~ey Byrem Environmental Coordinator East Bay District Worldwide Olympic Partner United Parcel Service 8400 Pardee Drive Oakland, CA 94621 Phone: (510) 633-4035 Fax: (510) 633-3997 eby1svb@ups.com Q5ð) --~I r;-.. ----:;r'; I\"u \~ / L- e e United Parcel Service 8400 Pardee Dr. Oakland, Ca. 94621 '3 ~vo Sl(lcc,+ City of Bakersfield Fire Dèpartment Attn: Steve Underwood 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 September 26, 2002 Dear Mr. Underwood, Thank you for your letter dated September 13 in reference to the annual UST monitoring system certification for the United Parcel Service facility located at 3800 N. Sillect Ave. Enclosed you will find a copy of the monitoring system certification performed by Franzen-Hill Corporation on January 31,2002. Our line leak detector was tested operational on this date. Also enclosed is a copy of the monitoring system certification completed again by Franzen-Hill on August 14,2002. Since this is our regularly scheduled semi-annual inspection, a line leak detector test was not performed, although all other monitoring devices were confirmed operational. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning the fuel systems located at this UPS facility. Kindest Regards, ~lteM~ StaceýlByrem Environmental Coordinator United Parcel Service CC: Amanda Hill, Franzen-Hill Corporation ·. MONttORING SYSTEM CERTIfIcATION . For Use By All Jurisdictions Within the State of California Authority Cited: Chàpter 6. 7, Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16. Division 3, Title 23. California Code of Regulations This fonn must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or report must be prepared for each monitoring system control panel by the technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system owner/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this fom1 to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. A. General Information Facility Name: U P 5 Site Address: 3800 H 0 r :4 .s. i; ~ (-r City: B -<;i(-~;-:: ,.( 1"" d Contact Phone No.: ( 661 Bldg. No.: Zip: 933 Oç5' ) 3bl&'- (J/f6 ~ Facility Contact Person: 13, iì ¡;:: c ~ MakeIModel of Monitoring System: If -e eJu' 1.00/ - TLS - '350 Date of Testing/Servicing: ~ 3/ I D ? B. Inventory of Equipment Tested/Certified Check. the a ro riate boxes to indicate s ecific e ui ment ins cctedlserviccd: TapK'lD: :3 7 P /' <> ~ 0 cr Tank ID: {¡ÝJw:'fank Gauging Probe. Model: lJe('j rl' ¡2o'.::> T 0 In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: (B"""Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: [) Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: ~ liping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: 0 Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: I:¥þll Sump Sensor(s). Model: 0 Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: 19"Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: o Electronic Line. Leak Detector. Model: 0 Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: o Tank Overfill / High-Level Sensor. Model: 0 Tank Overfill / High-Level Sensor. Model: o Other (s ecif e ui ment t e and model in Section Eon Pa e 2 . 0 Other s eci e ui ment t e and model in Section E on Pa e 2 . Ta)rl< ID: S:, Þ f' od '.J C I Tank ID: ~~~~a~ ~;~;~~ ~~~I~·sensor. ~~~::~ /I (?d,~' /,~ 0 ''To ~ ~~~~~~ ~;~;~n:r ~~~I~·Sensor. ~~~:~~ o þping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). ModeJ: 0 Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: ¡g;~HI Sump Sensor(s). Model: 0 Fill Sump Sensor(s). . Model: B"Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: o Electronic Line LeakDetector. Model: 0 Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: o Tank Overfill/High-Level Sensor. Model: 0 Tank Overfill / High-Level Sensor. Model: o Other s ecif e ui ment t e and model in Section Eon Pa e 2 . 0 Other s ecif e ui ment t e and model in Section E on Pa e 2 . Di~nser ID: 1./0 Dispenser ID: !9'l).i-spenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: V<"Jt ld~ r ,;> <."J --r 0 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: f3'"Shear Valve(s). 0 Shear Valve(s). o Dis enser Containment Float s) and Chain s). 0 Dis enser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Di~enser ID: <( I Dispenser ID: Er g.ispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: II I;? ( rI (f'O() '7 0 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: CY!;hear Valve(s). 0 Shear Valve(s). o Dis enser Containment Float s and Chain s). 0 Dis enser Containment Float s) and Chain s . Dispenser ID: Dispenser ID: o Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 0 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: o Shear Valve(s). 0 Shear Valve(s). ODis enser Containment Float s and Chain s . 0 Dis enser Containment Float s and Chain s). ·lfthe facility contains ~o!.~.tanks or dispensers, copy this fonn. Include infonnation for every tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification - I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification is information (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also at~a~hed a copy o~ the re,p~. rt; ~cllec, k all tllat apply): 6'System ~et-up 0 Alarg.1 hi~$o~r.Jeport . Technician Name (pnnt): /7!.( I,Q~ j p/,;¡ ~ I.ur ,;:.. SIgnature: -1?¿.../~ :/;-:$"..:-<,....- v.' .",.. _-"'"' Certification No.: License. No.: ..... ~, ,/ '-'¡' q/"'.!..... .,-,,- ~ Phone NO.:( 5~5'q ) 688 - ¡J. '777 Date of Testing/Servicing: ~ ~ 02.... Testing Company Name: ¡:;'ç. r, ? eA· ~/.! ( " Site Address: Ii 0.0 /"/0 ^ ~T~ V ,_~ 'f"'::" -{~.~ - Page 1 of3 03/01 Monitoring System Certification D. Results of Testing/servicinf!Þ e .. Software Version Installed: .. lete the followin checklist: és D No'" Is the audible alarm 0 erational? Y D No· Is the visual alarm 0 erational? Y {J No· Were all sensors visuall ins ected, functionall tested, and confirmed 0 erational? {J No· Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their co er 0 eration? If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.g. modem) operational? For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment monitoring system detects a leak, fails to opera~ is electrically disco~cted? If yes: which sensors initiate positive shut-down? (Check all that apply) C3"Sumpffrench Sensors; ~Dispenser Cgpttrinment Sensors. Did ou confirm ositive shut-down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? {E(Yes; D No. D No· For tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e. no D N/A mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the tank fill oint sand 0 eratin ro erl ? If so, at what ercent of tank ca aci does the alarm tri er? % Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for all re lacement arts in Section E, below. Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check all that apply) D Product; D Water. If es, describe causes in Section E, below. {J No· Was monitorin s stem set-u reviewed to ensure ro er settin s? Attach set u Yes D No· Is all monitorin e ui ment 0 erational er manufacturer's s ecifications? * In Section E below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. DYes {J ijpY' CYN/A D No· {J N/ A " DYes· DYes· E. Comments: Page 2 of 3 03/01 e F. In-Tank Gauging / SIR Equipment: e o Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. o Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perfonn leak detection monitoring. Co lete the followin checklist: V s 0 No· Has aU input wiring been inspected for proper entry and tennination, including testing for ground faults? o No· Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? o No· Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? o No· Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? s 0 No· Were all probes reinstalled properly? Q No· Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. # G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): o Check this box if LLDs are not installed. coIt\P'lêÍe the follo\vine checklist: (9-"'Ves o No· For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? /' o NfA (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: !if3 g.p.h.; [J 0.1 g.p.h; Q 0.2 g.p.h. Œr'~/ 0 No* Were all LLDs confinned operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? (3" Yp' 0 No* Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? !::Y'Yes o No· For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? o NfA o Yes ~. For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? fA Q Yes ~" For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled \ fA or disconnected? DYes ~. For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions , NfA or fails a test? all ~. For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? fA eJ Yes o No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. H. Comments: .,_._, ,---- - ..-- Page 3 of 3 03101 Monitoring System Certification Site Address: e . .j, ; UST Monitoring Site Plan .' ·0 $7: ~,!I: . gO? '\)l.lí . . .. .. .. 'rQ· . . . .' B7(ii! . .. .. .. .. 8Î"V~I1~ . : &) : : s v>,,:p : ~ ~ '11, e:~<i t ,~~ ~:l : .. s..j., '11':' {~r~J;: .. " I .gD. . ,,;'fjl; ·I.{ï 'P . . . . o ~ ·0' ·0 .. .... .. .0. :0 0 ·0· ·0· . . . . 'co· .þufI\P. ~ '. . If you already have a diagram that shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certification. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak detectors; and in-tank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared. o , J . SS· ). . . o ~. . . ....... ..... O· . . , '. Datemapwasdrawn:~/ 31 /02... Instructions Page _of_ 05100 IK TEST METHOD T-CSLD - ~ ÃLL TAÑK- Pd = 95% CL I !"TATE FACTOR: MODERATE á---- IN-TANK ALAR~'1 .T 1: UNLEADED 1 LOW PRODUCT ALARM JAN 31. 2002 11:11 AM LEAK TEST REPORT FORMAT ENHANCED ---- IN-TANK ALARM ----- T 1: UNLEADED 1 DELIVERY NEEDED JAN 31. 2002 11 :11 AM LIGUID SENSOR SETUP - - - - - - - - - - L I:UNLEADED 1 SUMP TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : STP SUMP L 2:UNLEADED 1 ANNULAR TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : ANNULAR SPACE T 1: UNLEADED 1 INVENTORY INCREASE INCREASE START JAN 31. 2002 11:11 AM L 3:UNLEADED 2 ANNULAR TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : ANNULAR SPACE VOLUME HE I GHT WATER TEMP 728 GALS 12.37 INCHES 0.00 INCHES 66.6 DEG F INCREASE END JAN 31. 2002 11 :17 AM VOLUME HEIGHT WATER TEMP 1626 GALS 21.30 INCHES 0.77 INCHES 66.6 DEG F GROSS INCREASE= 898 TC NET INCREASE= 894 EXTERNAL INPUT SETUP --- ---- NONE ;:;'.,..< OUTPUT RELAY SETUP UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 JAN 31.2002 11:28 AM - - - - - - - - - R I:SENSOR ALARM TYPE: STANDARD NORMALLY OPEN SYSTEM STATUS REPORT - - - - - - - - - - - - LIGUID SENSOR ALMS L 1 :FUEL ALARM L 1 :SENSOR OUT ALARM L 1 :SHORT ALARM L I:LIGUID WARNING ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL I ~ I I ì f ¡ i I I ¡ ! , , i I , ; I t i 1 L· UI'ltL.r:.HlJC.u c.. .oA6 PRODUCT CODE THERMAL COEFF TANK DIAMETER 9 . 0 TANK PROFILE 20 PTS FULL VOL 9728 87.4 INCH VOL 9559 82.8 INCH VOL 9258 78.2 INCH VOL 8873 73.6 INCH VOL 8417 69.0 INCH VOL 7910 64.4 INCH VOL 7357 59.8 INCH VOL 6770 55.2 INCH VOL 6154 50.6 INCH VOL 5516 46.0 INCH VOL 4864 41.4 INCH VOL 4212 36.8 INCH VOL 3573 32.2 INCH VOL 2957 27.6 INCH VOL 2370 23.0 INCH VOL 1818 18.4 INCH VOL 1311 13.8 INCH VOL 854 1- 9.2 INCH VOL 469 f . 4.6 INCH VOL 168 ¡ . FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. 8496 I WATER WARNING : 2.0 HIGH WATER LIMIT: 2.5 MAX OR LABEL VOL: 9728 OVERFILL LIMIT : 90% 8755 HIGH PRODUCT 95% 9241 DELI VERY LI M I T 15% 1459 LOW PRODUCT : 1459 LEAK. ALARM LIMIT: 8 SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: 5 TANK TILT 0.00 MANIFOLDED TANKS t;t: NONE PERIODIC: 0·' LEAK MIN /y 0 LEAK MIN ANNUAL : 25% : 2432 PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL , ALARM DISABLED GROSß TEST FAIL LED ALARM DISAB ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOT I FY : OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF DELIVERY DELAY 5 MIN ! I .\ 1 , í i ..... .... ""'''' "-'.L:..1 WE" ~ ~::N~E:D~D ~ - . - - PRODUCT CODE : 1 THERMAL COEFF :.000700 TANK DIAMETER 92.00 TANK PROFILE 20 PTS FULL VOL 9728 87.4 INCH VOL 9559 82.8 INCH VOL 9258 78.2 INCH VOL 8873 73.6 INCH VOL 8417 69.0 INCH VOL 7910 64.4 INCH VOL 7357 59.8 INCH VOL 6770 55.2 INCH VOL 6154 50.6 INCH VOL 5516 46.0 INCH VOL 4864 41.4 INCH VOL 4212 36.8 INCH VOL 3513 32.2 INCH VOL 2957 27.6 I tK:H VOL 2370 23.0 INCH VOL 1818 18.4 INCH VOL 1311 13.8 INCH VOL 854 9.2 INCH VOL 469 4.6 INCH VOL 168 FLOAT SIZf:: :~LO IN. 8496 WATER WARNING : HIGH WATER LIMIT: MA>< 0R LABEL VOL: OVEF:F I,LL LIMIT HI ';H PRG-DUCT DELI \lERV LJ M I T 9728 90% 8755 95% 9241 15~. 1459 1459 10 5 0.00 LOW PRODUCT : LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: TANK TILT MANIFOLDED TANKS Tft: NONE LEAK MIN PERIODIC: 0% o LEAK MIN ANNUAL 25% 2432 PERIODIC TEST TVPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALAR!"! DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARI'1 DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALAR~1 DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOTI FY : OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF DELIVERY DELAY 5 MIN 2.0 2.5 S'Y'STEM SETUP ------ JAN, 31, 2002 10:56 AM SVSTH1 UN I TS U.S. . SVSTEl"l LANGUAGE ENGLISH SYSTEM DATE/TIME FORMAT MON DD YYVY HH:MM:SS xM UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 SHIFT TIME 1 DISABLED SHIFT TIME 2 DISABLED SHIFT TIME 3 DISABLED SHIFT TIME 4 DISABLED TANK PERIODIC WARNINGS DISABLED TANK ANNUAL WARNINGS DISABLED LINE PERIODIC WARNINGS DISABLED LINE ANNUAL WARNINGS DISABLED PRINT TC VOLUMES ENABLED TEMP COMPENSATION VALUE (DEG F): 60.0 STICK HEIGHT OFFSET DISABLED DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENABLED START DATE APR WEEK SUN START TI ME 2:00 AM END DATE OCT WEEK 6 SUN END TIME 2:00 AM , ! , i j . I i ¡ 1 , I r COMMUNICATIONS SETUP - - - - - - - - PORT SETTI NGS: NONE FOUND RS-232 SECURITY CODE : 000000 ¡ .~ r RS-232 END OF MESSAGE DISABLED THRS = -Õ:ï3 GÄL~HR ,~ 0.20 GAL/HR TEST FAI~ * * * * * END * * * * * 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 9330~ 661-326-1595 .. JAN 31. 2002 10:33 AM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 JAN 31. 2002 10:34 AM CSLD TEST RESULTS JAÑ '31~ 20Õ2 ïO~34 ÃM- - UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 JAN 31. 2002 10:33 AM LEAK TEST REPORT T 1: UNLEADED 1 PROBE SERIAL NUM 132226 T 1: UNLEADED 1 PROBE SERIAL NUM 132226 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: JAN 29. 2002 PASS TEST STARTING TIME: APR 11. 2000 4:50 AM T 2:UNLEADED 2 PROBE SERIAL NUM 132223 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: JAN 30. 2002 PASS HEIGHT ~~A TER TEMP 68.4 INCHES 0.8 INCHES 74.4 F * * * * * END * * * * * TEST LENGTH = 2.0 HRS STRT VOLUME = 7762.9 GAL PERCENT VOLUME = 79.8 LEAK TEST RESULTS 0.20 GAL/HR TEST INVL 0.20 GAL/HR FLAGS: PRODUCT LEVEL INCREASE * * * * * END * * * * * UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 JAN 31. 2002 10:34 AM LIQUID STATUS - - - - - - ----- JAN 31. 2002 10:34 AM UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 'JAN 31. 2002 10:34 AM LEAK'TEST REPORT L 1: UNLEADED 1 SUI"'P SJ;:NSORNORMAL' -I- i \ 69.5 INCHES I,. 0.9 INCHES 73.8 F , > ! L 2:UNLEADED 1 ANNULAR SENSOR NORMAL ¡ , ¡ i ¡ if }! :-'1 T 2:UNLEADED 2 PROBE SERIAL NUM 132223 L 3:UNLEADED 2 ANNULAR SENSOR NORMAL í ¡ f I ¡ ; ì TEST STARTING TIME: APR 11. 2000 4:50 AM * * * * * END * * * * * HEIGHT WATER TEMP TEST LENGTH = 2.0 HRS STRT VOLUME = 7886.7 GAL PERCENT VOLUME = 81.1 UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 JAN 31. 2002 8:00 AM CSLD TEST RESULTS JAN 31. 2002 8:00 AM ------ T I:UNLEADED 1 PROBE SER I AL NUt·'! 132226 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: JAN 29. 2002 PASS T 2:UNLEADED 2 PROBE SERIAL NUM 132223 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: JAN 30. 2002 PASS UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 JAN 31. 2002 10:33 AM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL INVENTORY REPORT T 1: UNLEADED VOLUME ULLAGE TC VOLUME HEIGHT WATER VOL WATER TEMP T 2:UNLEADED VOLUME ULLAGE TC VOLUME HEIGHT WATER VOL WATER TEMP 1 1655 GALS 8073 GALS 1647 GALS 21.56 INCHES o GALS 0.00 INCHES 66.7 DEG F 2 1728 GALS 8000 GALS 1720 GALS 22.21 INCHES 12 GALS 0.83 INCHES 66.3 DEG F * * * * * END * * * * * MONI..troNG SYSTEM CERTI.ATION For Use By All Jurisdictions Within the State of California Authority Cited: Chapter 6.7. Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16. Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations This fonn must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or reDort must be preDared for each monitoring system control panel by the technician who perfom1S the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system owner/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. A. General Information Faci1ityName: UNt roe D p(:.(.r~e I $-e r-t/I ~~ Site Address: 3 '>ÐÐ AI, S 1/ ¡,e ~ T Facility Conia'ct Person: 8, ! I 1!., c .e. MakeIModel of Monitoring System: tJ.e.e.deï /!&J& r Bldg. No.: City: ¿A. I:-oe r,> Nt£? lei Zip: Contact Phone No.: ( r¿,6 I) 3- 2- g-- - ¿) // b T¿ > - ~ 5:" ð Date of Testing/Servicing: 0/ / ~t!J 2- " . B. Inventory of Equipment Tested/Certified Check,the a ro riate boxes to Indicate s Dc ul ment Ins «ted/serviced: Tank ID: f. ~e. () , ø In-Tank Gauging Probe. ?-Annular Space or Vault Sensor. R Piping Sump! Trench Sensor(s). Q Fill Sump Sensor(s). .g,. Mechanical Line Leak Detèctor. b Electronic Line Leak Detector. }§. Tank Overfill! High-Level Sensor. ModeJ: ð fJw b I $ " F/ II ril Q Other s cif e ui ment e and model in Section E on Pa e 2 . Tank 10: o In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: Q Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: o Piping Sump! Trench Sensor(s). Model: O. Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: Q Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: o Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: o Tank Overfill I High-Level Sensor. Model: , 0 Other s ecif e ui ment t e and model in Section E on Pa e 2 . Tank 10: N Ie k "2- a In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: ø Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: Q Piping Sump! Trench Sensor(s). Model: Q Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: a Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: o Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: §il'..:rank Overtill! High-Level Sensor. Model: 'IV. £ð ' Q Other s if ui ment t and modelin Section Eon Pa e 2 . Tank ID: Q In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: o Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: Q Piping Sump! Trench Sensor(s). Model: o Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: o Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: Q Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Q Tank Overfill! High-Level Sensor. Model: o Other s cif ui ment t e and model in Section E on Pa e 2. Dispenser 10: V N Ie A ()-e {) Dispenser 10: til-Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: ~'7 C¡lfð -ðO;l- Q Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 11 Shear Valve(s).' Q Shear Valve(s). o Dis enser Containment Float s and Chain s . Q Dis nser Containment Float s and Chain s . Dispenser ID: 1V.e -e Dispenser ID: lØ..Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: <t Q Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 'IS Shear Valve(s). Q Shear Valve(s). o Dis enser Containment Float s and Chain s . 0 Dis nser Containment Float s and Chain s . Dispenser 10: Dispenser ID: Q Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: Q Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: o Shear Valve(s). . a Shear Valve(s). QDis enser Containment'Float s and Chain s . Q Di enser Containment Float s and Chain s. ·1 [Jll<;.il!c.i1i.ty conta.ins mQrÇ. ta.nks or dispensers, copy this fonn. Include infonnation for every tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification -I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturen' guidelines. Attached to this Certification Is Information (e.g. manufacturen' checklists) necessary to verify that this Informat1OD Is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating sucb reports, 1 bave also attached a copy of the report; (d,eck øll tl,øt øpply): ~ystem set-up iF-~arm history report TecluùcianName(print): J)~rJ1D ¿, I41Arl,Þ"J Signature: ~;1I!i5~ Certification No.: 7 <' 2... S? ~ ( ¿"14 License. No.: Testing Company Name: PY A...,V ZeN - /-1/ 1/ Site Address: II (J () ¡oJ, .j, So f, -r;:; /are Phone No.:{ S'~? )~ 8'1r- 7__7 7 :7 9 ~ 2-7(' Date of Testing/Servicing: 9i/ a!..Þ~ Page 1 of3 03JOl Monitoring System Certification D. Results of TestinglServicing . Sofu';'are Version Installed: /7... () 5 Com lete the Collowin checklist: Yes a No· Is the audible alann 0 erational? , Yes a No· Is the visual alann 0 erational? .' Yes a No· Were all sensors visuall i ected, functionall tested, and confinned 0 erational? ,121 Yes a No· Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their ro er 0 eration? If alanos . are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.g. modem) operational? For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electrically discormected? If yes: which sensors initiate positive shut~own? (Check all that apply) J'( Sumpffrench Sensors; [J Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did ou confum ositive shut-down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection?..Ð:Yes; a No. CJ Yes a No· For tank systems that utiliie the monitoringsystein as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e. no ,it N/A methanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alann visible and audible at the tank fill int s and 0 et'atin ro ert ? If so, at what rcent of tank ca aci does the alarm tri er? % Was any moriitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for all r lacement arts in Section E, below. . Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check all that apply) a Product; Q Water. If es, describe causes in Section E, below. Yes a No· Was mònitorin stem set-u reviewed to ensure ro er settin s? Attach set u 1Iil Yes· [J No· Is all monitorin e ui mento erational er manufacturer's s ecifications? * In Section E below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. [J No· R;lN/A a No· a N/A (J Yes· ~No CJ Yes· ~ No e . '. ~ . . E: Comments: ----P ~S P -eNs-er G-€AJ'S{)rS &,ú (y , "lS Att~D Tð. s tfvT lJF-P -r~e {J¡S.IJr3A!sçur- , d .. Page 2 00 03/01 . . e F. In-Tank Gauging / SIR Equipment: ,~heck this box if tank 'ging is used only for inventory controL IJ Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perfonn leak detection monitoring. Com1Dlete the followine checklist: o Yes o No· Has all input Wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? o Yes o No· Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? o Yes o No· Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? o Yes o No· Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? o Yes o No· Were all probes reinstalled properly? o Yes o No· Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? " . ." In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): o Check this box if LLDs are not installed. Complete the followine- c ec 1st: o Yes ~No· For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? o N/A (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: IJ 3 g.p.h.; 0 0.1 g.p.h; 0 0.2 g.p.h. o Yes o No· Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? a Yes a No· Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? -< DYes o No· For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? a N/A . a Yes o No· For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? o N/A DYes o No· For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled o N/A or disconnected? a Yes a No· For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions a N/A or fails a test? o Yes o No· For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? o N/A DYes o No· Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? h kI' * In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. H. Comments: Page 3 0(3 03101 e e Monitoring System Certification Site Address: '3 ~OD UST Monitoring Site Play / IV, c::3 / r/o(Er! 15a.£ep- s¡:".ød .. . ., '. .0 . . .. . . ~~: :~: · . I:A ~(Í\ · . V1~-ø :~(:!~ o ~ 't' .\1) (b · ~ ~. '\h '''';6' . · ..þ. . Nd_' Æ ;)1/ . .~: Date map was drawn:' 8" /1 ýjð 2 ., Instructions ... ., " . . .' · . . . . . ·0" · . . .. . · .. . · . .. . V\~. : ¡:v: 0\)' 'n:1: 'r~ . :¡:f: . \.{3:'. . t .f' . .~. ·iO· '3' · .. 0"- · . . .. . (bO Q 01 : 0 O.J) : <. - .~ 0 . . .~ 0;-.· .~ .. ~ .. ~ ~ \:). · ... .. ...):It . ,"l. ï ~ '0 . 'e:: . .w. . .~. ":' . ...... If you already have a diagram that shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certification. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak detectors; and in-tank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared. Page -4l Of~ 05100 .. ...... "-:'-~ - ..... '. . . <II. .... ;, u___ SENSOR ALARM ----- I· L 1: UNLEADED 1 SUMP I STP SUMP I FUEL ALAR/"! FEB 19. 2002 12:03 PM I I ¡ I i ?\LAP.H H I STORY 'ORT FUEL ALAR/"! FEB 19.2002 11:55 AM FUEL ALAR!'1 FEB 19.2002 11:47 AM * * ~ * ~ END * * * * * '...... ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM ----- L 2:UNLEADED 1 ANNULAR ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARM AUG 14. 2001 4:36 PM FUEL ALARM AUG 14. 2001 4:15 PM FUEL ALARM AUG 14. 2001 4:13 PM ~ ~ * * * END * * * * * ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM ----- L 3:UNLEADED 2 ANNULAR ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALAR/"! AUG 14. 2001 4:36 PM FUEL ALARM AUG 14. 2001 4:20 PM FUEL ALARI'I FES 15. 2001 1:30 PM .... ......-/." ,,---/ . ........-- .'-"':" .; ~-. '-- ". . .',-".-. .: .. . . e ALAR!"I HISTORY REf'ORT ---- It'l-TANK (~LAR/"I T 2: UNLEADED 2 OVERF I LL ALAR!"! ...1U1. 15. 2002 !: 16 P/"I MAY 13. 2002 2:19 PM FEB 22. 2002 2:37 PM lOW PRODUCT ALARM JUL 13. 2002 5:43 AM JUN 19. 2002 3:55 AM FEB 22.2002 1:50 AM HIGH PRODUCT ALAR/"I MAY 13. 2002 2:22 PM OCT 24. 2001 2:01 PM APR 10. 2ÙOO 1:40 PM DELIVERY NEEDED JUL 13. 2002 5:43 AM JUN 19. 2002 3:54 AM FEB 22.2002 1:49 AM MAX PRODUCT ALARM MAY 13. 2002 2:23 PM OCT 24. 2001 2: 03 PM PERIODIC TEST FAIL APR 11. 2000 7:15 AM APR 6. 2000 9:13 AM AUG 12. 1999 9:06 AM NO CSlD IDLE T I ME DEC 23. 1999 8:00 AM CSLD INCR RATE WARN JUN 3D. 2002 2:34 AM AUG 18. 2000 3:47 PM JUL 18. 2000 2:00 PM , . ,'- . ;;:·:;.:·:"·,..··5~;;· _~?'.~' .~~~~.: , . .......,. * Joi ~ * '" END * * ;IE * ;IE .. ". ", .- . -'~ '.... -. . ¡,' ALARM HISTORY REPORT ---- IN-TANK ALARM T 1: UNLEADED 1 OVERFILL ALARM JUN 20.2002 9:45AM JAN 19. 2001 8:06 AM DEC 22. 2000 11:18 AM LOW PRODUCT ALARM JUL 13. 2002 1:50 AM JUN 19. 2002 2:09 AM FEB 21. 2002 11:24 PM DELIVER\' NEEDED JUL 13. 2002 1:50 AM JUN 19. 2002 2:09 AM FEB 21. 2002 11:24 PM NO CSLD IDLE TIME DEC 23. 1999 8:00 AM CSLD INCR RATE WARN AUG 18. 2000 3:47 PM JUN 6. 2000 7:56 AM JUN 4. 2000 5:49 PM * * * * * END * * * * ~ -' .. --'~;. . > e I , ¡ I' ·1.·..··. . :.: ~,. .' í·. - f t í I ¡ UPB 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKEkSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 AUG 14. 2002 1:26 PM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL FUNCTIONS NOm1AL INVENTORY REPORT T 1: UNLEADED VOLUME ULLAGE TC VOLUI"IE HEIGHT WATER VOL WATER TEl1P 1 2409 GALS 7319 GALS 2357 GALS 27.91 INCHES o GALS 0.00 INCHES 90.3 DEG F T 2:UNLEADED VOLUME ULLAGE TC VOLUME HEIGHT WATER \lOL WATER TEMP 2 2576 GALS 7152 GALS 2524 GALS 29.24 INCHES 1 2 GALS 0.82 INCHES 88.8 DEG F ~ * ~ * * END ~ * * ~ * UPS 3800 SIllECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 AUG 14. 2002 1:26 PM CSlD TEST RESULTS AUG 14. 2002 1:26·PM T 1: UNLEADED 1 PROBE SERIAL NUM 132226 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: AUG 13. 2002 PASS T 2: UNLEADED 2 PROBE SERIAL NUM 132223 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: AUG 14. 2002 PASS ~ ~ ~ ~ * END * ~ * ~ * e UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 AUG 14. 2002 LI QU 10 STATUS - - - - - - AUG 14. 2002 1 : 26 PM - - - - - - 1 : 26 PM ¡ I !. L l:UNLEADED 1 SUMP SENSOR NORMAL L 2:UNlEADED 1 ANNULAR SENSOR NORMAL L 3:UNLEADED 2 ANNULAR SENSOR NORMAL ¡ r' ..! I A * * ** * END * * * ~ * '. . . ",:.." ..... ".. ,", -,' ·_....._.1&:.... .::;.;t:.lUF - - _. - ÀUG 14·, 2002 1: 27 PM S'iSTEi"1 UN 1 TS U.S. SYSTEM LANGUAGE ENGLISH SYSTEM DATE/TIME FORMAT 11{)N DO YYYY HH: 1"11"1 : SS:<1'1 UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 SHIFT TIME 1 DISABLED SHIFT TIME 2 DISABLED SHIFT TIME 3 DISABLED SHIFT TIME 4 DISABLED TANK PERIODIC WARNINGS DISABLED TANK ANNUAL /¡JARNINGS DISABLED ~INE PERIODIC WARNINGS ) I SABLED ~INE ANNUAL WARNINGS ) I SABLED >RI NT TC VOLUMES ~NABLED HiP COMPENSAT I ON 'ALUE <DEG F ): 60.0 'T I CK HE I GHT OFFSET ISABLED AYLIGHT SAVING TIME NABLED TART DATE PR WEEK SUN fART TIME 2:00 AM 'ID DATE ~T WEEK 6 SUN m TI ME ~ : 00 AM '11'1UNICATlONS SETUP ----- - ?T SETT I NGB : IE FOUND 232 SECURITY E : 000000 232 END OF MESSAGE ~BLED . IN-TANK SETUP ------ T I: UNLEADED I PRODUCT CODE THERI"IAL COEFF TANK DIAt'IETER TANK pROFILE FULL 'JOL 87.4 INCH 'JOL 82.8 INCH VOL 78.2 INCH VOL 73.6 INCH VOL 69.0 INCH VOL 64 . 4 I NCH VOL 59.8 INCH VOL 55.2 INCH VOL 50.6 INCH VOL 46.0 INCH VOL 41.4 INCH VOL 36.8 INCH VOL 32.2 INCH VOL 27.6 INCH VOL 23.0 INCH VOL 18.4 INCH VOL. 13.8 INCH VOL 9.2 INCH VOL 4.6 INCH VOL 1 : .000700 92.00 20 PTS 9728 9559 9258 8873 8417 7910 7357 6770 6154 5516 4864 4212 3513 2957 2370 1818 1311 854 469 168 FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. 8496 /¡~TER WARNING : HIGH WATER LIMIT: MAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERFILL LIMIT : HIGH PRODUCT DELI VERY LI 1''11 T LOW PRODUCT : LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: TANK TILT : MANIFOLDED TANKS Tt!: NONE LEAK MIN PERIODIC: LEAK ¡"I I N ANNUAL 9728 90% 8755 95% 9241 15% 1459 1459 10 5 0.00 25~~: 2432 PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED, GROSS TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF WINK TEST NOT I FY : OFF TNK TST SIpHON BREAK:OFF DELIVERY DELAY 5 MIN 2.0 2.5 0% o e ¡ f ¡ i Î 1 i t ''':,; " f i /",/ ,,' r" . .-, . T 2:UNLEADED 2 PRODUCT CODE THER~'IAL COEFF TANK ['IAt1ETER TANK PROFILE FULL VOL 87.4 INCH \lOL 82.8 INCH VOL 78.2 INCH \lOL 73.6 INCH VOL 69.0 INCH VOL 64.4 INCH VOL 59.8 INCH VOL 55.2 INCH VOL 50.6 INCH VOL 4£..0 INCH VOL 41 . 4 I NCH VOL 36.8 INCH VOL 32.2 INCH VOL 27.6 INCH VOL 23.0 INCH VOL 18.4 INCH VOL 13.8 INCH VOL 9. 2 INCH \lOL 4.6 INCH VOL : 2 : .000700 92.00 20 PTS 9728 9559 9258 8873 8417 7910 7357 6770 6154 5516 4864 4212 3573 2957 2310 1818 1311 854 469 168 : I \ L I \ FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. 8496 WATER WARtH NG .: 2 . 0 HIGH WATER LIMIT: 2.5 MAX OR LABEL VOL: 9728 OVERFILL LIMIT: 90% 8755 HIGH PRODUCT : 9~~7 DELI VERY LI 1"11 T 1 à ~~ LOW PRODUCT . 1459 LEAK ALARM LIMIT: 8 SUDDEN LOSS Ll M IT : 5 TANK TrLT : 0.00 MANIFOLDED TANKS Tit: NONE LEAK MIN PERIODI~: LEAK MIN ANNUAL' 0·, /. o 25'... 2432 PERIODIC TEST TYPE DAR[ STAN' I ANNU~L.TES¡LÄ~~LDISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL BLED ALARM DISA ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOT I FY : OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAY.:OFF DEL I VERY DELAY 5 M IN LEAK TEST METHOD - - - - - - - - - - - - TEST CSLD : ALL TANK F'd = 95% CLIMATE FACTOR:MODERATE LEAK TEST REPORT FORMAT ENHANCED LIQUID SENSOR SETUP ----- - ---- , ' L 1: UNLEADED 1 SUr-IP TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : STP SUMP L 2:UNLEADED 1 ANNULAR TRI-STATE <SINGLE FLOAT> ',' CATEGORY : ANNULAR SPACE L 3:UNLEADED 2 ANNULAR TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : ANNULAR SPACE EXTERNAL INPUT SETUP - - - - - - - - - - NONE " . e I ¡ . COl"11"1UN I CAT I ONS SETUP ----- - PORT SETTINGS: NONE FOUND RS-232 SECURITY CODE : 000000 RS-232 END OF MESSAGF. DISABLED ..."..--'_.... ,// ~ '"...- ----- -...........~....., -:... , , t ',' ..... c ','. I,"'" .:":>,' , . " " I i . ", ~U:P~T_R~L~Y ~~U~ ~ ~ ;- - - R 1: SENSOR ALARf-1 T'iPE: STANDARD NORI"IALL Y OPEN LIQUID SENSOR ALMS L 1: FUEL ALAR!1 L I:SENSOR OUT ALARM L 1: SHORT ALARM L I:LIQUID WARNING ,. ! I I f ~, SY8TEI"J SETUP - - - - - - AUG 14. 2002 1 :28 PM ::::\"STH'l UN T TS U.S. ' SYSTEI"I U'INGUAGE ENGLISH SYSTEM DATE/TIME FORMAT MON DD YYYY HH:MM:SS xM UPS 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93308 661-326-1595 SHIFT TIME 1 SHIFT T1I1E 2 SHIFT TII1E 3 SHIFT TIME 4 DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED TANK PERIODIC WARNINGS DISABLED TANK ANNUAL WARNINGS DISABLED LINE PERIODIC WARNINGS DISABLED LINE ANNUAL WARNINGS DISABLED PRINT TC VOLUMES ENABLED TEI"¡P COMPENSAT I ON VALUE (DEG F): 60.0 STICK HEIGHT OFFSET DISABLED DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENABLED START DATE APR WEEK SUN START TI ME 2:00 AM END DATE OCT WEEK 6 SUN END TIME 2:00 AM SVSTEr" SECUR I T'I CODE : 080339 .I + I I I Complete items 1, 2,and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and ad9ress on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. p . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: UPS i 3800 N Sillect I Bakersfield CA 93309 Î L.. /_ '_&"_11 7002 0860 0000 1641 6308 Domestic Return Receipt V1Vz\ Uá.l~ D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type KKCertified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail . 0 Agent o Addressee DYes o No o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes PS Form 3811, July 1999 102595·00,M·0952 + I UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ~ I al ag~aid· £ ~MC<, .y~_ ~ un,____. .. .....,., · Sender: Please print you~~§;{e;S, and i~:5.Õ· -II I I BAKERSFiELD ARE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF Ei'J'VIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suits 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 ·:~r::.:::.:::: i ..... ;::::2, i ;j It.\ ""\\," \1.1\ III 11.1\ .1..11 Ililll'I,I!I!I!!!I!lil'I!llil'II.!! .I!!!.ili.! I Ie[) 10 I~ I I"" I~ I,.., 1 10 I 0 o o o ..J] e[) 10 lru 10 o II"- U.S. Postal Service CER't'''''ED MAil RECEIPT (Dome, \Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) , - USE Postage $ Certified Fee Return ReceIpt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage'" Fees $ Postmark Here Sent To UPS širëêi,·Äjji.·Ñõ:;-····..··················..············..····................................ at PO Box No. 3800 N Sillect ëi;isiãië.¿7¡;;;¡··~~k~·;~f~i~ïd···ëA·····9·33Õ·9·········............. . II : II ~"I.I..-..I' A. .. . _ I Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt · A unique identifier for your mail piece I . A signature upon delivery · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years I Important Reminders: · Certified Mail"may ONLY be combined with First,Class Mail or Priority Mail. · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. , . For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Return Receipt service, please complete and attach a Return Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mail piece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement "Restricted Delivery". · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipf'T!rdesiref. please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail i receipt is nQt needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. I IMPORTANTe this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. I . PS Form 3800, April 2002 (Reverse) 102595·02-M·1132 ¡:IRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. ENY1ROHIlENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX(661)326~76 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIc10r Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 e, at" .'> *,~,,' .. ~. ~ ~ September 13,2002 UPS 3800 N. Sillect Bakersfield, CA 93309 CERTIFIED MAn.. NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE RE: Failure to Submit/Perfonn Annual Maintenance on Leak Detection System Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your annual maintenance certification on your leak detection system was past due on August 24, 2002. You are currently in violation of Section 2641 (1) of the California Code of Regulations. "Equipment and devices used to monitor underground storage tanks shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks at least once per calendar year for operability and running condition." You are hereby notified that you have thirty (30) days, October 13, 2002, to either perfonn or submit your annual certification to this office. Failure to comply will result in revocation of your permit to operate your underground storage system. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services bY.Jt ~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services cc: Walter H. Porr Jr., Assistant City Attorney ""7~ de W~ ~.A0P6.r~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. ENVIRONMENTAl. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAJ( (661) 326-()576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 e .~ D August 30, 2002 UPS 3800 N. Sillect Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary secondary containment testing requirements by December 31, 2002 of underground storage tank (s) located at the above stated address. Dear Tank Owner / Operator, If you are receiving this letter, you have not yet completed the necessary secondary containment testing required for all secondary containment components for your underground storage tank (s). Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1, 2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, to insure that the systems are capable of containing releases fÌ"om the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Of great concern is the current failure rate of these systems that have been tested to date. Currently the average failure rate is 84%. These have been due to the . penetration boots leaking in the turbine sump area. For the last four months, this office has continued to send you monthly reminders of this necessary testing. This is a very specialized test and very few contractors are licensed to perform this test. Contractors conducting this test are scheduling approximately 6-7 weeks out. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that under code, failure to perform this test, by the necessary deadline, December 31, 2002, will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. This office does not want to be forced to take such action, which is why we continue to send monthly reminders. Should you have any questions, please feel fÌ"ee to call me at (661) 326-3190. Si~~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services ~~..9'~ de W~ 3?'0p.A0Pe .r~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENY1ROHIlENTAI. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 32S-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAJ( (661) 32S-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 JIt .' July 30, 2002 UPS 3800 N. Sillect Bakersfield CA 93308 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirements by December 31,2002 of Underground Storage Tank (s) Located at the Above Stated Address. Dear Tank Owner / Operator: If you are receiving this letter, you have not vet completed the necessary secondary containment testing required for all secondary containment components for your underground storage tank (s). Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1,2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, to insure that the systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Of great concern is the current failure rate of these systems that have been tested to date. Currently the average failure rate is 84%. These have been due to the penetration boots leaking in the turbine sump area. For the last four months, this office has continued to send you monthly reminders of this necessary testing. This is a very specialized test and very few contractors are licensed to perform this test. Contractors conducting this test are scheduling approximately 6-7 weeks out. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that under code, failure to perform this test, by the necessary deadline, December 31, 2002, will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. This office does not want to be forced to take such action, which is why we continue to send monthly reminders. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190. Sin;i .~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector Environmental Code Enforcement Officer ~~y~ de W~.¥OP ~~.r~ .A W~" " FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 MHo Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAJ( (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oH" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 ';- .~ June 30, 2002 UPS 3800 N. Sillect Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirement by December 31, 2002 of Underground Storage Tank located at 3800 N. Sillect A venue. Dear Tank Owner / Operator: The purpose of this letter is to inform you about the new provisions in California Law requiring periodic testing of the secondary containment of underground storage tank systems. Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1, 2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, to ensure that the systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Secondary containment systems installed on or after January 1,2001 will be tested upon installation, six months after installation, and every 36 months thereafter. Secondary containment systems installed prior to January 1,2001 will be tested by January 1,2003 and every 36 months thereafter. REMEMBER! Any component that is "double-wall" in your tank system must be tested. Secondary containment testing shall require a permit issued thru this office and shall be performed by either a licensed tank tester or licensed tank installer. Please be advised that there are only a few contractors who specialize and have the proper certifications to perform this necessary testing. For your convenience, I am enclosing a copy of the code for you to refer to. Once again, all testing must be done under a permit issued by this office. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661)326-3190. SincerelM ~'. Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Environmental Services SUIkr ~(,y~ de W~ ~.A0P6.rkz, A ~~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oH" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAJ( (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oH" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAJ( (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 i;~. ., April 12, 2002 UPS 3800 N. SILLECT AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Re: Enhanced Leak Detection Requirements REMINDER NOTICE Dear Owner/ Operator, The purpose of this letter is to remind you about the new provision in California law requiring periodic testing of the secondary containment of underground storage tanks. Your facility has been identified as not having secondary containment on at least one of your underground storage tank components and as such falls under section 2637.(1) of the California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16; As an alternative, the owner or operator may submit a proposal and workplan for enhanced leak detection to the local agency, by July 1, 2002; complete the program of enhanced leak detection by December 31, 2002; and replace the secondary containment system with a system that can be tested in accordance with this section by July 1, 2005. The local agency shall review the proposed program of enhanced leak detection within 45 days of submittal or re-submittal." Please be advised that there are only a few qualified testers available to perfonn "Enhanced Leak Testing". All testing must be under-pennit through this office. For your convenience, I am enclosing a copy of the code as a reference. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at (661)326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services bY:~~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SU/kr Enclosures ~"7~ de W~ 37OP.A0P6 .r~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 MHo Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 . FAJ( (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oH" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAJ( (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave'. ' Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAJ( (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 - , FAJ( (661) 399-5763 . . - -.-... --- February 11, 2002 , - - UPS 3800 N Sillect Ave Bakersfield CA 93308 RE: Deadlin~ for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1, 2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced töï'evoKe yom Perniit tõÖperate~ for-fal1úre'to comply with the - regulations. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your Jacilities. ' If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326- 3190. Sincerely, ~rM£ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorlEnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm ~~7~ de W~ STOP.A0P6.r~ A W~" --- ----- UE:S 3[_, 8 I LLECT PtVE. BL:, c'F I ELI) ('L:, q"'~'L-ID Ir, ~t_1 ' ," ·_'r, _' ,.) ,-' 0 661-:326-1595 DEC 19. 2001 8:00 AM CSLD TEn' R£:3UL T:::~ DEC 19. 2001 8:00 AM T 1: UNLEADED 1 PROBE :3ER! AL NUt" 1 32226 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: DEC 17. 2001 PASS T 2:UNLEADED 2 PROBE SEF: I AL NUt"1 132223 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PED' [)Er 1:-1' ?L~nl PLQO _ " c.,' _. _ n._'._' UP:::: 3800 SILLECT AVE. BAJ:ER:3f'I ELD. CPt '33308 661-326-1595 De 9. :='001 10: 1 2 i~r"1 t3'''-STHl ~;TATUE; F:EF'OF:r - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL FUNCT! ort::; NC'F:r"lAL I N\iENTORY F:EPORT T 1: UNLEADED VOLUI"1E ULLAGE TC \lOLUf"1E HEIGHT 1""If-iTER \lOL t."IATER TEi''1P T 2: UNLEADEL¡ \/0 L Ur"lE _AGE . \/OLUr"1E H 'I GHT (."IATER \/OL klATER TEi"lP 1 4250 GALt:~ 54'18 GALE~ 422:3 GAL3 41.67 INCHE:3 o GALE; 0.00 I NCHE:3 6'3. 1 DEG F 4 :~j ::: ~,' <:<346 4:350 42. t,O /1 0.78 '70.0 ¡'~~AL~=: GALS ,:;AL3 I NCHEE; GALE: I NC HEE; [lEG F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ * ~ * ¥ I . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST }715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME U~ ~ INSPECTION DATE I a.~ fJ I Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine l}Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank --1JWF Type of Monitoring .A-f(,., o Multi-Agency' 0 Complaint Number of Tanks L Type of Piping ---1ßclJí ORe-inspection OPERA nON C v COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile L..- V Proper owner/operator data on tile \.....- V' Pennit fees current L..- V Certification of Financial Responsibility ........ /' Monitoring record adequate and current 't,....-"" /' Maintenance records adequate and current V ./ Failure to correct prior UST violations -- .----- Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No \..-- Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? c~comPI;'O~~V¡OI"¡;O' I"p'oto, , litH.[) Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env, Sves. Y=Yes N=NO úJß~ <;- Business Site Responsible Party Pink - Business Copy · -- CITY OF BAKERSFIEI.lD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Hoor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME UÆ.s ADDRESS 3ßl) b - st/(Cl1 FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE (~1/~() r 0 ( PHONE NO. 3d (-:071 Co BUSINESS 10 NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES d- Ç() Section I: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine !§f Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS , Appropriate pennit on hand \...0 / Business plan contact infonnation accurate L- / Visible address \... V Correct occupancy t.- V Verification of inventory materials \... V Verification of quantities t..- V Verification of location IV V Proper segregation of material Iv V Verification of MSDS availability It...... V Verification of Haz Mat training Iv / / Verification of abatement supplies and procedures \.; V Emergency procedures adequate I\.... / Containers properly labeled t,...1" , Housekeeping v V Fire Protection IV' Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand ,/ C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardf¥ls w)lste on site?: ÒiÍ Yes 0.,0 No Explain: £,<}Mk.. ·~hlft(~., . A-,,{.. ,{{-LL~L- _¡] Pink - Business Copy Ai ß -- - Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 Whitc· Env. Svcs. Yellow· Station Copy Inspector: