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" / -----.-- J .$"'1~vI""~ - " ;Jjf ST '. 1( Inspector:' s Ccmnents) -OFFICIAL USE ONLY':, / , ", <:;., e e . / /" SXTE'/PACXLXTV DXAGRAM FORM t5 " ' NORTa SCAL£:/tI ~ BUSINESS NAME=~ '5ð ,.., , r,ðt2. y ,. ·1 fLOOR:. OF I l' ~/7 ~T( O,JÞ--'- . ~f'I \) PL OO~ 4 OATS:.3/bÆ1 FACILITY NAME: It " UNIT .:/ ,OF I . V' (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGRAM . ,~~"l~,. H .,_;J..c' :~.:_<_J~.~.:. .. .-> , .0. "~.._'. _. . " . " L'ti:J,4,,,\ ß,:,(..~/ I"tof.s.,) C"'f$", ~vq::c.1S ~..,.).J~ # . ". t '\ 1 ~ _.tPI ." ~~ ,G.~ hQ.- ~k '. ,- (7 0, , .. , I~( Inspectot' s CoJmtents) r -OFFICIAL USE ONLY~ ,. ,/ & ~'':"..., ' :;;: e e / / SJ:TE'/FACJ:L:ITV DXAGRAM FORM !S .' NORTH SCALE: /" , BUSINESS NAME:~ . Sð,., I\:~(t.y_'· FLOOR: . OF 1 :::17 ",.-'0"',4 L. B!JSJ::'ME,..rr'" ,... ~ DATE :.;3/ (p /& Î FACILITY NAME: ~ I' UNIT e: OF (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM PACILITY DIAGRAM V " .' ..' ". -- -- .,"-.. .-' . ",; \ ~--': -FEu,':" Fl(t...è::,<''¡þi-Îrµ~l.Jï.s ~ê1L .. ' . 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BACK YARD STORAGE OFRCE OFFICE SUPPLIES B U m*tltfa~¡ L AREA K OFFICE Rlimt1l&?_1 p BACK A OFFICE c-:-»»»»:-:-:-:-:-:-:-»:;:;:;:.:;::;:;:;:--:;:.:;:.:-:.:-:.:-; p YARD REST r.**f::;:::;;::";:;m~~ E R STORAGE ROOM ~::::::.~::.~-mm:-::::.~ S T. ........................ ¡MAIN ELECT/CAL __,__".A!'!H.~L.,__ SHOWROOM SHIPPING RECEIVINGI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~¡~~~~~~~~~iS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ - ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~0~~~~~~~~~~~~0~~0~~~~vv~vv~v~v~vv~~~vv~v~vvvvvvv~v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PARKING KEY: Doors Inside WaJls Outside Walls r;::::::~'$.::::i-j = CHEMICAL STORAGE REV. 03/24192 NOTE: All 8dJeçenf: ctructu.... a... buslMUjlncllMt1t8l. TMm8a 81"08. Uep Ceðtdi_: Uep SCALE: 1" - 16 FEET e e ¡' .. NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO 13217 South Figueroa, P.O. Box 61126, Los Angeles, California 90061 (213) 770-1970 Ms. Barbara Brenner Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H Street Bakersfield, Calif. 93301 RECEIVED MAR 2 7 1992 HAZ. MAT. DIV. March 24, 1992. Dear Barbara, o~ Enclosed is a revised facility diagram including the designations shutoff points for gas, water and electrical service per your request dated March 17, 1992. This will supplement the annual Business Plan update submitted during February. Please contact me if further information is necessary. Sincerely, rnest M. Sibson Gov't Affairs Administrator (310) 527-3000 x228 cc: Charles Lane Ken Vuylsteke Larry Carr, Bakersfield (copy of revised Plan diagram) Enclosure EMS:ems Ref.: "BAKERS1.LTR" SANITATION,. JANITORIAL AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES " ì\ , '., ..¡, ',. ------- - ---. . 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KERN COUNTY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENC ENVIRONM.AL HEALTH SERVICES DEPART~T 2700 "M" ST T. SUITE 300. BAKERSFIEL~A.93301 (805)861-3636 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY * INSPECTION REPORT * ' PERMIT~OV TIME IN ..._._.__... TIME OUT ..._............_ . NUMBER PERM I T ~ 1')-. yES...................... NO.......................... INS PE C T ION TYPE OF INSPECTION: ROUTINE..................,....._.. REINSPECTION ......_............. OF TANKS: 1 D ATE : '¡;.i~·:Cfb....'··..· ..............1............,..................... COMPLAINT ~.._._-......._............ ....._.._........n___.........................................._............._......._. FA C I LIT Y N A·M E : ,t!y...º.§.º.~.....;~gL!?!?.!::.X.....ç.º.~.!?.!.':.t~!.y........_..................................................................................................................................................,... FA C I LIT Y ADD RES S : ..1.!.].~......?~.I.t:L....§.I.ß.~.~.T......................_..........................................._.........._....................................._........................................... BAKERSFIELD. CA OWN E R S N A ME ,~ .§J. N Ç.!::AJ..B..t.....::L 0 f:L~L.....................,.........................._......................._...................................................................._................_................ OPE RAT 0 RS ~ AM E : .ê.Q.Q.~..~..t.._~.. I M._......._............................__.__......._...._..............._...._.........._........................._......_..........._.___..........._ COMMENTS :' -........-....---..........................-----....-......-........---..........--..................--..---......--........-..-----....................--..-.......-..".......---....-..-......-..---.......-- ....-..............---.........--.......-................-----...........-..--..-.--........-......-.....---.......------..----....--.........-.........................--..........---.........-.......-.........................-...-................. .....__...........~~.~~~...........,..~..,_.~~....,..........................,.,.............,...._,-_.~.........................-......................~...................~..................._........_........_~._................,........................................_...._............................................................................................................ I TE:"I VIOLATIONS/OBSERVATIONS' 1. PRIMARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. Intercepting an directing system b. Standard Inventory Control c. ~odified Inventory Controì d. In-tank ~evel Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring' f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. SECCNDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: 3. '_~j:e:' b. Ooubie-rla11eci tank c. Vault 3. PI~ING MONITORING: 3. P''''essur~zed o. SwCtl8;; c. Gravity 4. OVERFILL PROTECTION: .. !IGHTNESS TESING 6. NEW CONST~UCTION/~OOIFICATíONS 1 CLOSURE/ABANDONM€NT '- L : I úl1 /C.. "lt11lJvd u ,t 8. UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE 9. MAINTENANCE. GENERAL SAFETY, AND OPERATING CONDITION OF FACILITY COM V! EN T S / R E COM ME i\i 0 þ, T r 0 N S ......,..,....,."..,.,.....,...,'....'...'.......,......",.......'.........'....',....,...."..........,..,................'.............,'..,....,..............................,..,.,...,....'....',.......... ... 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""'''''''''-'''''",'..., ".".."..."".......'.....,.. ."..."."....-""". ·"E..i~~··2:¡:;'EETI..oNy~.0~ìLJ.·b'·::;..';:::.::..·....y·~·~..··..,....·...."~';;..·:AP-¡:;R'6X-TM',Ä:·T·E.....RfiI¡~'s-¡:;·E·E'TiÖiT"D,ô'Tf~:;.........."....,·..·,···":'·....,..· SPECTeR ':Rf'::I...~~..::,.. ........,.."...' k'I::::)CRT RECEIVED· 8Y: .,.,..........,...,. ¡ , 11 1 'I ,,< - .)/" I C ,-' l l¡ It Il II I ¡ l I : I FA C I LTTY""Ñ'Ã"M E : Hlj_Q§"Q~':::- ~Y.P p-(Ÿ::_-º.9M .e.~.~.:( ,1,1 F ~ C I LIT Y 'A D D R ES S : J..~l~__?A T Ii..._:?_ T R ;'~1_.___... 8AKERSFIELD, CA I! OWN E RS N AM E) .§JJ~-º.!~.ðJ ~..£-..4.Qt!~..._.~.__.__._..___.______.________._.___._....___._._._________ ' I' 0 P E RA TO RS' :tl AM E :.ß 09.!~L§_c......J I r>-1.=::.:...____ _.________._____.._.__. '-- .[ COMMEN TS : ~_.____.___________ _._________..__ , :j .:::---::=::====:::::'==:~-' ===~--_._-=--::-~~_..._.__._-_..-====:._-----_.._.:_._._.._--.:_---~~_._--- I.}:~?/':>~ITEM. VIOLATIONS/08SERVATIONS' ¡! "·?J.~~·::#iMARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING:. I ' ., .> I' a. Intercepting an directing sýstem . b. Standard Inventory Control I I" c. Modifi ed Inventory Control I'... d. In-tank Level Sensing Device , e. Groundwater Monitoring ,I 'f. Vadose Zone Monitoring l '/ I' 'I t KERN COUNTY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ENVIRONM~L HEALTH SERVICES"DEPART.T _ , 2700 nM" ST_T, SUITE 300. 8AKERSFIELD ,A.93301 '- . (805)861-3636 AGENC ' .. U~DERGROUND HAZARDOUS SU8STANCE STORAGE FACILITY * INSPECTION REPORT * PERMIT# 160032C PERMIT POSTED? TYPE OF INSPECTION: TIME IN TIME OUT NUM8ER OF TANKS: 1 ----- ·------·-¡-N S P ECT I ON DA T E : ¡:T:r·91S'·--· YES.._._.____._ NO ..___.___ __.__J_...__..____...__ ROUTINE____ REINSPECTION _.__ COMPLAINT __.___. '. ....--..----..--........----..-....-..--..-.........---..--------- . -....-..-....---....----.--.---------....-..------...----..--.-..- ';~:'. ~,: -".;..- ,"" .~. ~:"'. "" 2. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. Liner b. Double-Walled tank c. Vault I 3. PIPING MONITORING: ,- Pressurized ,; a. b. Suction c. Gravity 4. OVERFILL PROTECTION: ¡ \ ! . ! 5. TIGHTNESS TESING 1 l 6. NEW CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATIONS 7. CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT 9. UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE 9. MAINTENANCE, GENERAL SAFETY, AND OPERATING CONDITION OF FACILITY COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS I 011f 11110 vtd UY' (fr11¡+ .".,........................................--.............-........--.......................-.....-..................--..............................................---........--......-.........................................................--............-......................................... .............--.............-.--......-.................-.......................-.......................................................................-.........-........................--...........................................-.................."..--..........................-.....-................---.................................-......................---......-..................................... ...........-.................-......-.............................................................................................................................-.......-...-......-.................-...............................-..............................................................-...............................................-.--............................ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................... .............................................................................-.................... ................... Ì~~·~·~g~-~··~C~[)·LjL·EC)?::~:~:::::::..·y·es....:::::~::::::0Õ·...~·~·:~-~·~Ï·~·~·~'~·;·~·~·~·Ñ·~~·~'ET·T6Ñ··..·ÕA'T·E..;·:::=~::=~~=:::=:=:=::::::: . m..........L~m,..........,.,.......,...........,.,..,...,..,. ".....................,'...,.'..................,'..".........,.,.',..,...,...,. I I - - 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861·3636 Telecopier (805) 861-3429 r- I (~ GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 ','- . , . ~,;:~::._'~:::>.;" >':"~'>.:~' "~. -', . STEVE Mc CALLEY Director RESOURCE M AN'A G EM E N T AGENCY : ¡,~~ ~~,;-,\.;~,)~::~-. .. «.... , " ~~':~;.: :...~;~'"- ~~ '~'~;á~~~;;:~~'; DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ". ", ..... ". . .. #~'- ,,- HEALTH SERVICES . ";:~'4.¿ii.:fjj.þ,:" , .June 20, 1990 .John Sinclair 6334 N. Via Real Carpenteria, California CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 1414 24TH STREET IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A1235-16/160032 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subjec~ site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. u.~. QÅ~ M}~~~S, HA~US MATERIALS SPECIALIST cc: Groundwater Resources Inc. 5400 Aldrin CT. Bakersfield, CA GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director . - /,-- ( 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 RESOURCE AGENCY PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1235-16 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY .' FACILITY NAME I ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAMEI ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: National Sanitary Supply Company 1414 24th Street Bakersfield, CA John Sinclair 6334 N. Via Real Carpenteria, CA Groundwater Resources Inc. 5400 Aldrin Ct. Bakersfield, CA Phone: (805) 327-1606 License # 520768 Phone: (805) 835-7700 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES SePtember 5. 1990 1. T ANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION APPROVAL DATE June 5, 1990 APPROVED BY ~rb~ U11t: Micha Driggs "- Hazardous Materials Spe a 1st ....................... ....... .... ......................... ....... ....... ..... .POS TON PREMISES. ......... ................... ................ ..... ............ .... .............. CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments). 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved one-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. '.," , : . (' PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACn.ITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1235-16 ADDENDUM 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the.tank. f. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contained furfuryl alcohol resin must be analyzed for phenols, formaldehyde and furfuryl alcohol. 10. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY DEADLINE Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Ma'terials Management Program At least two weeks prior to closure Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of closure and soil sampling Two working days Transportation and tr:acking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program~ All hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management Program No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis 11. PurgingJInerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain 'attached to tank until the inspector arrives to åuthorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule, workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and analyses documentation are necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. ~/~/,o IDATÉ '. - ( . ( f\.. I .groundwater resources inc. ~ 5400 ALDRIN CT, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 933 J 3 General Engineering'Contracror Class A/Haz License No. 520768 June 18, 1990 Mr. Dan Starkey Kern County Department of Envi'ronmental Health Services 2700, M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: National Sanitary Supply 1414 24th St. Bakersfield, CA Permit # 1235-16 Dear Mr. Starkey, On June 14, 1990, Groundwater Resources Inc. (GRI) removed one (1) three-hundred (300) gallon underground gasoline tank from 1414 24th St. in Bakersfield, California. The tank was decontaminated on site using a'high pressure cleaner and inerted with dry ice. Rinsate was disposed Gibson Oil & Refining Co. in Bakersfield, California hazardous waste manifest 88524488. The tanks were removed in Ontario, California. steam of at under to AMR Soil was sampled under the direction of Kern County. The samples were analyzed at SMC Laboratory of Bakersfield, California for TPH (gasoline) and BTXE. A complete chemical analysis is enclosed. In addition to the lab results, copies of the 'manifest, chain of custody and the tank disposition tracking record is enclosed. Please contact our main office at (805) 835-7700 if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, ?:::! lB~ Project Geologist RJB:tdc:004.rep cc: John Sinclair National Sanitary Supply MAILING ADDRESS: P,O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 LOS ANGELES (2 ¡ 3) 724-3 J 47 (805) 835-7700 (e - '-..... LEGEND ~ Dispenser o Sarr1>1e location SCALE ( Approx.) ~. ~ ~ m ~ Par1<lng lot N , Inc. r-\ groundwater resources. ~ environmental/geotechnical services NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY COMPANY 1414 24th Street Bakersfield. California PLATE 2 JUNE 18. 1990 PLOT PLAN . SMC· Lab~ratOry Client Name: Groundwater Resources, Address 5400 Aldrin Court Bakersfield, CA 93313 Date samples received 06/14/90 Date analysis completed: 06/14/90 Date of report 06/15/90 Labor~tory No. 1909 through 1910 , RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #1909 ID:T-2 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) #1910 ID:T-6 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylben~ene TPH (Gasoline) Inc. ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND . Analytical Chemistry Project #: 360-2 P.O. #: 4362 MDL,ugm/gm 0.1 0.1 0.1 O. 1 0.1 0.1 O. 1 1.0 MDL,ugm/gm 0.1 O. 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram (parts per million) ND = Not detected ~~ Stan Corner 3155 Pegasus Drive P.O. Box 80835 . · Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93380 . · (805) 393-3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 ~. -q "'r' "to\"'toi#'~'o'J"'o?~" - ~-,-9Ç"~$!"~f~~':~'!!' .,...-"Pt" ...,..,."..-"" 5400 Aldr1n Court Bakersf1eld. Ca11forn1a 93313 Te1ephone: (805) 835-7700 Te1e-Fax: (805) 835-7717 -..~~ nc CHAI N OF CUSTODY RECORD - i ~ groundwater resources~ .."" LAB DESTINATION: PRQJECT NUMBER:3M=-~ PROJECT CONTACT: g ok R ecúf'Þ1'" S/Vt C ¿AEs P.O. NUMBER__!L3_~L._ SAMPLEI3tS): <S1gnature) ~ ~ . /Wt.J- l. 7)0_/ t- t: COUNTY: k-e y~ ,~ OW LAB SAMPLE ~a: ANALYSIS SAMPLE CONTAJNER NUMBER NUMBER D,ATE TIME SAMPLE LOCATION u ~ REQUESTED. TYPE TYÞE / '", T ~ :z t#l//96 /OS"'# M,"IJIe. 0+ TI1IJlt 2-- Rrx E "6-- TP H I ~~5) ~o,'L I?r&tS( r'J ¡ . /(> 7-6 t!/t.¡/9ò J/oo' }..1 ·drll~ ,fTAAA6' Jt "',, ), "-. I . rl "-I ..------- Date/T1me: - Date/T1me: ,- Date/T1me: - Date/T1me: - ~0 -------------- ¿/;~/ /I,3.sRece1ved by: ?r¡c,;¡ f' Rece1ved by Rece 1ved by: Rece1ved by: PINK: JOB FILE YELLOW: SAMPLE LOG -A POSS I BLE SAMPLE HAZARDS: Re 11 nQu1shed by ~)">/'L,I ,}):-~,./_-, Date/T1me Re11nQu1shed by __ Date/T1me Re 11 nQu1shed by __ Date/T1me Re 11 nQu1shed by __ Date/T1me CCR (Rev. 0/89) WHITE: LABORATORY , .; . / ( . ( , . ", ,,;;. , "" ,ø, .0(1',.:.; . ";' . ~\ ,',:'" .'" ' . ~-...--. -------------------------------------------------------------- AMERICAN FUEL TANK METAL RECYCLING, INC. 10 I ·1 I No. 34705 TANK DISPOSAL FORM 2202 South Milliken Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 (714) 988-8000 ~ Date: Job # P. O. # DESTINATION: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: JOB SITE: ADDRESS: DATE A.M.R. 2202 S. Milliken Ave., Ontario, CA 91761 PROJECTED TANKS ORDERED BY: Lie. NO. TIME IN: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: TIME OUT: ." Services Rendered Cost \ Disposal Fee 200.00 TANKS RECEIVED OTY. GALLONS TYPE NET TONS TOTAL Extensive Loading Time. 150.00 F'S· 280 D~ .14 -..? Disposal Fee with Permit 300.00 500 D D .21 550 D D .24 . Fiberglass Tank Disposal Fee Per Tank 400.00 1000 . 12 ft. D D .« 1000 . 6 ft. , D D .61 Fiberglass Tank Delivered 200.00 1500 D D .87 2000 D D .97 Bobtail Disposal Fee 250.00 2500 D D 1.14 300ù ["J [-J 1.::12 ~ ~ClJ,j ~ i I 1.fj·~ ~';';'~~..2.;hY;;"¿ - .-' .~~~ 5000 [J ' , 2 ,? ~- 6000 0 U 2.84 TOTAL CHARGES $ ~ 7500 D D 3.26 8000 D D 3.44 9000 D D 3.82 All fees Incurred are per load unless specified. 10000 D D 4.33 Terms are net 30 days from date of invoice. 12000 D D 4.93 Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank NO. OF TANKS TOTAL NET TONS removal complies with State laws. .. /7" / CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATÚRE ·F - FIBERGLASS Cos - STEEL ~ CERTlFtCATE OF TANK DISPOSAL I DESTRUCTION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THE RECEIPT AIW ACCEP1ANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIALS SPECIFIED HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY DESTROYED FOR SCRAP PURPOSES ONLY. ~ ~~- Æ-~~~~ff~ . AUTHORIZED "" DATE CONTRACTOR COPY ; ¡¡ e . /... ( , 1700 Flower Slreel Bakersfield, Colllornlo 93305 Telephone (8051861,3636 . I<ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Loon M Heberlson. M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OIVISIO~ Facility Name . ~ã'\:~J~~ hddress \"-' \ ~ - ~.<.f \"1\ ~\ E£\ ~ ~é.~~F ,EI-t) \ 0A DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Kern County Permit # --8J cl. ~ç - \ ~ .' * * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING nECORD * * " , This form is to be returned to the Kern County Health Department wi thin 11. dftYs of acceptance of tftnk (s) by disposal or recycling faclli ty. The holder of the perDli t wi th number noted above lsresponslble for insuring' that this form is completed and returned. . . . . . ... . . . . . e· . . . . . e· e· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section.! - To h.. filled J!!!! hJL t4.';: E.0atracto", Tank Hcmo\lnl Contractor: ,~ ~~ ~ - Addre.. ~~~(,A'- Phone: 7J-}~-77úo ___ ~ ~ zip?'"3 "']/:3 Date Tanks Removed ~t/9' t6 No. of Tanks / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section ~ - To be filled out hY contractor "deCOn(;a.minat~ ;'jnk (s) : tAl2?fæ--~ Phone # Tsnk "Uecontsmlnation" Contractor hddres3 Zip . . Authorized repr~s~ntaÙve' òf contractor certifies by tsnk (9) have been decontaminated in accordance with Oepartment requirements. ,r'/ /' ;7 /~ -' ~ ,.;'" - ....).. signing below that Kern County Heal th "'/ ; --_.~.. . . -. .... -------....-------~., ---------- - / . . ~, '. .' r .,'. -.---.----- ¿// /' S 1 ::11<.1 t moo // Title / .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section -ª. - To be fiUed out and slImed ~ !.!l authorized ~epresentative El. the treatment. stor8~e. Qr disposal facility 8cceptin~ tank(s): File! 11 ty rlamc Address AMIRICAN METAL RECYCUHG 2202 SOUTH MIUIKCN ONTARIO. CA 91761 Phone it P<t:-) ý';;-'?J""-ðr~ Zip nat~ Tilllb nf~ce{\'er'~¿=---'7 /S; /~¿?~ Sl¡r:lulm'c <,~-::>,,",*~.,,-....: ~.?'"-~-" ___ TJtle ~- (AuthorIzed Representative) ~'~~'. of Tanks / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . * * * ~1^T',TNr; TN~rrn1JC'rTO~'!): Ji'oJc1 _in lH1,lf And 9tílpl~. Pa~t~~~ ~~~~ 1:d~01 hHVt~ 4.\1 rl~ady b(:l'~n arf ixed tu oat:: I tie r~Jt' yei.::" Ct~::·}:::::.?ì~:~C·~. r.1~ilj~~ (Fm'm fllllolMP-150) OISTnlCT OFFICES '~ II) .... N II) 'II) 8 '9 ," ..J ..J < o (0< ø~ ~~ 'q-~ N° Lt)~ ¡:; CX)- ~ ex) .. N ~ II) "" N ~ 8 '9 .. a: w I- Z W o w (/ Z o 0.. (/ w 0:: ..J < Z o ¡:: < z w ¡: ..J ...I < o ..j ...I ñ: (/ f5 > o z w CJ ,0:: w ~ w Z < U. o w (/ < o ~ . Department of Health Servlcea Toxic Subatancea Control Dlvlalon Sacramento, California ( UNIFORM HAZARDOUS . WASTE MANIFEST 2. Page I 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Addreaa (: 1fa1;icnal SIm1tory ~y CaI\G-tY' -> 1414 "lAth 1ak8z:8f181c1CA 4, cTenerator~"lìone' , , 6. Tranaporter I Compan)' ame 7. Transporter Company Name 9. Daalgnated Facility Name and Site Addreaa .~.~t~te Fa~~i~:~",.~>,~';;;1st:::è:'-'.. , ~beca on. I Bef1n1nq ~ 'Jat of o...".,~ Dd.w 11. US DOT Dllacrlptlon (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Clasa, and ID Number) , , I. '/¡/Waate No. a. ~tate G E N -E R A T o R ~'i-Fotni. 1Iegalated waste Q1ly b. "\ \ .. . ' . - " . ! EPAlOIher .' Stete .t."_ EPA/Other Stete . ' EPA/Other ... ~" c. d. J.. Addltlonel De~.~tlo~e ~"~aterle e Uat.d Above .' .'... ':::!£/;X,;k~:;::)\~:';:~~j~j;:'~'~"'0:~t;.f:;:., ,;¡!~~5:~~Mr¡~ ··j;"t©'·lr~p';~;¡ , , 16. Special Handling Inatructiona and Additionallnlormation pick up locat1cn - 1414 24th St...~, 1IIkeøfie1é1, 0- pJ:Of1le .8245-1 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents 01 thia consignment are fUlly and accurately deacribed above by proper shipping name and are claaalfled, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all reapects in proper condition lor tranaport by highway according 10 applicable internalional and national government regulatlona. If I am a large quantity generator, , certify that I have a program In place 10 reduce the volume and loxicity 01 waate generated 10 the deg,ee I have delennined 10 be economically practicable and that I have aelected the practicable method of treatmenl, storage, or dlaposal currenlly available 'to me which minimlzea the preaent and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, if I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good faith ellort to minimize my waate generation and select the beat weate management method that ia avail me and that 1 can afford. 0 T R A N 5 P o R T E Monlll Day Yeef pt 01 Materials Monlll Oey Yes; of Receipt 01 Materiala Monlll ,Day Yesr 19. Diacrepancy Indication Space F A C I L 1 T y 000' 20. FacUlty Owner or Operator Certification of receipt 01 hazardoua materlala covered by thla manifest except aa noted In Item 19. Printed/Typed Name Slgnalure Monlll Day YSSf " DHS 8022 A (1/88) EPA 8700-22 (Rev. 9-68) Previous editions are obaolete.' Do Not Write Below This line Blue: GENERA TOR SENDS THIS COPY TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DAYS T9: P.O. Box 400, Sacramento, CA 95812-0400 1700 Flower 51reel Bekersfleld, California 93305 Telephone (B05) B61-3636 e ( . (~ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Habarlson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION , .' DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. ReIchard '. Facility Name {. cv_~ ~-æc~oŸ. ~t~"U' '. Address ,~ ,~ - ~~Ti\ ~\ E£\ ~A ~£R.~F \ Et-b \ 0fì Kern County Permit # A 1~~Ç~l~" /';'~;/ 7 ( U1JIH31f * * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING nE\2ò~D qp6~ OZ Nflf ' Q.,,: ~~~s form is to be returned to tbe Kern County Health De~~lO'~14' ,'. days of acceptance of tank (s) by dIsposal or recycling fac ' ~. The holder of the permi t wi th number noted above Is responsible for insuring that this form is completed and returned. - ..,. · . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . , ' .. .. .. .. .' .,.. . . . Section 2Ta:kT:e::v::l:::t:::t::a~~~0:::L~ ~' .," ' Address ~~tY- Phone' "ir3C;--77ð¿, __~ ~ ~ Zip j?31/3 Date Tanks Removed ~~--:;/-? ¿5 No. of :anks / ~. ' · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A<,1dres3 "decontaminat~~ ;"jnk(s): rYifPæ--~ ' Phone # ,. Section ~ - To be filled out Qy contractor Tank "Decontamination" Contractor , . Zip " Authorized repres~ntaÙve' of contractor certifies by signing below that tank (s) have been decontaminated in accordance with Kern County Health Department requirements. ' h~- /?~ . 0/2, ~'" . Title, .' .' · . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Section ~ - To be filled out and sif!ned J.!y an authorized representative of the' treatment, storaf!e, or disposal facility accepting tank(s): Fac!1 ity Name Address AlUICAN METAL R£CYCUIfG 2202 SQl:JtH MilliKEN ONTARIO. CA 91761 Phone # p~) ý'~~ Zip Date Tanks Rece.ived_~...-.- /~ /~~ ,Signature ~-.: ~~ ~ (Authorized Representative) No. of Tanks / Title D'\ ç ~O-;-~'e...c . .. , " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. :. .. .. * * * "JAII. ING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold in half and staple. Postage and mailing, label have already been affixed to outside for your convenience. (Form #If1.IMP-150) DlSTnICT OFFICES nnln~n . ! :"!!"'''H~' . ~_n:~f!o ~tt0h~!!.'1 Mn¡~·J~. n!r'r'tIo~!""~~ . C:!. ...~I~... . ;~I~ ". ~,~. . ~_.~ " ~-:-.\ e ( . c-' , ~ ...;" - " , " :, GARY J. WICKS ". Agency Director ~';(805) 861-3502 ,:~:; , " .:.' , .:' ;~:." '~~·,'~:i·.17~,:·:· ,:,..;",2700 M Street. Suite 300 . ":,' :"C.:, Baker.fleld, CA 93301 . d:,:,'::;:~,~':::Telephone (805) 861-3636 c' ?//:'¿:~;04~:t~¡:~~~I,:,~;:~ ~~ (805) 861-3429 G'E N'C Y/'ljh# " ,'. ..'''' ,. . ~ , . "t,:f )i~'! ,'!." .,~¿ . ." ,-' ~,~~<.;~. c:rf.!t'PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF :i""",,", .":L\?/ . ..~ .! T ANK(S) AT ABOVE ,LOCATION ., .. ·~i~~/~kft~f~~?J~ BY '~, ',': ' ,'~. -, . .;: .. .~ ~.~?, . , - ~ ................oo..... .................. ....................... ............... P~S TON PRE MIS ES. .......................;: ......... ....~:.:......::~..... ;~'...... ................:..: 3. ,4. r~. ':: .:~. ::~':?;.:'.;1:1::5~\:{~.~~ :+~..: .: CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS' ,~'jf~1~;:~\f~~:(\1;;:-':,;:'/ . .~": r '.¡\.·'···-!'.?;'~'j~.~·;'''';;,øi-·'·~'~''~~ ,1. . It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior tô beginning ,,:ork, (i.Ii..; C~ty ,.,' Fire and Building Departments). . . " , ','.: '... '. ,'. ." .'... ". " . '.'. ",,\ .",:::;,-:rt1.'~r;r\":,"'¡:1,:J",:·~'~',~1:?;:'::.;~,::;, Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to iànk removal or abandonment' in place to arrange for required inspections(s). "',,',..: >' Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. It is the. contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. '. '.., .' ,,". .~,','.; . "'> \,:."...:. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised.. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist . listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. , .': ," '.. " .' Soil Sampling: ¡".,;'., "",': >-;" , " .a. Tank size less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - ~ minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the c,e.nt~r o.f the tank at depths ,,'of approximately two feet and six feet. . ....'(·;,;fd' ',', ,'." '.: ":',:;:~,;,:,,:,,:;:~'\Y'<~':'" ,-,," '" " ,Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons -'it minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. '. :.: '. . "'> ":..' ':....,. '... .. ':'. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples Òìust be retrieved one-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank . 'and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. ,': Soil Sampling (piping area): ". .,... "";,,,~,,.,"'.., :-'\:',,:i'.',":'. J: "':::'''' .¡ ..,:- '.. ::', . ,,.¡:\,", "':', " ,"'A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area....., ' . 2. .." s. 6. 7. '.';',:·b. 0'" c. ,', ,'d, ~- ~ ," ';:;.,¡, '.-. ',' -~r', ,. ~..-. . .,:' "..,~-',!f'-¡'~" '....1< . . \.,". ., '.~,~,,' .': ~,::.:l . -.; ~~:-.; '>,:.".:.;~." ...\ ',e (~,. '.. ( .' ,', . ;1,',' ~/ PERMIT FOR PERMANEN.T CLOSURE . . OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS \:5~~;¡;'SUBSTANCES STORAG~ FACILITY, ::~~. ",~~~~'f~?ì;'~~ . ,'" ~ ; , iI Sample âíí;;lýsis:, . ".. .'., . 'á~ .. '.. 'All soil samples retrieved Crom beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks andappiirienances must be'analyzed . , , and tot al,pet roleum. hydrocarbons (for g~soline). ,'~'~:;;:~:o;';:':;¡\:\);-;"¡~1";;,?*,:(~:;:~~'~~j~;:1~Ä';;f,;:E~:'~~f,o!il~;¡~i~~Ji..~¡'~~~~fiiit~1;,f~~~~ 11 soil samples retneved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must, be analyzed for lolal troleum h drocarbons' for dieSel' nOd. ~enzene. -J~J¿@,if~[~~1Z~~~~~lß}¡~~~~~{w!~m~t~~~j~~l~Ø~~:~i~t~:~'~1i~~;~)ît4~ß~fh~r~' - - - .' .' .' I soil sampleS¡:~l;¡~v'ed'C~~~'b~ÚI~íií\;ás'íe'òit' t;ñk~~;;d appûi1e~á'~è~'~Ušt'be á·h~iyzCd for totaorganic,halides., ea, 9!an .greas., I soil samples retrieved from beneath!=rude~il tanks and appurtenances, must be ,~nalyzed for Ôil ~n,d greaS«=:-;ffj~iV~J¡~~f;if I soil samples retrieved from beneath ianks and appurtenances that contain unknown subStances must be analyzed forâ full ränge, Of , . bstances that, may. hayè. been'st~red within'i~e ~.ank,,~~4~j&~~5,i;;{1~¥~ti#i~~~ki;~~~~~~~i~~t~~~~,-*~it~~~~~~~~if-t ! soil samples retrieved from beneath, tanks and appurtenances that contained furfuryl, alcohol.resln ,must be anal zed for phenols,. t¡fþ\... -',_.;(. . ,:.."" ormaldehyde and ~urfuryl alcohol. ~~~~' 'timetable lisls;" re-'ànd . t::...,' ~. N,:o later tban ,3, ~~r, 'Jßg days .arler:~mpleti,o.!!;. , ";,.i~¡'Jt~,;":)' ¡':»:~~i~~:~t~~~ßVi:;?i~i';-!!":~~~~~~~~~~ . 11. Purging/Inerting Conditions: ". ~'. .' , ' , i "::~\".>¡~:ti~.~~~~f.':t:',:~!dw:¡i;}"\:f;~'ij¡,,"~·::l·.~{;;~~¡:,1~;: ?\ ;'!~,;a, 'è: ,:"Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such tha'l I~ tha~ 8 gaj¡~n~ Of liquid ~~m~in 'iD·t~nk. (CSH&SC :41700) b. ..'...' Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) . c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) ..; " d. No emission shall endanger the healtb, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. . '. .,' :..,;}¿~~[l~(~r:£:.:< . '. :.~'~~'}~':~:." , _ ~-i;..' This deparlment is responsible Cor enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage ·tanks. Represenlatives from this depart men I respond 10 job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that tbe overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations Cor this department. ....,. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS "',"- ",' ..' . , . 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule, workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted Cor ladders. :....' > '.'.' ".' .. 2. - . Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may r:esult in a stop-work order. ' . . . ',' . , .,~ ,-,::~,;\,.::,~,...,.;. ..- :'., 3. ",; ..,:' / ;- . ;""_::" .1',' :...~c:"" ,"./:.;' . -'. . Individual contractors will be held responsible' Cor their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms; hazardous wasle manifests and' analyses :, documentation are necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on 'necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing lime for completing new closures will increase. ' . ....~~/;Ú.~.,í~~£,j'";,¡'~~;!~,:l~~~!;j~;~f'·; .' . .' "-, ',' <;,.r~. . ,'.' ~' . *-. ¡~ ---. ., > .:?,~!~._. . , ~":'> ~-":,,,,,~,~~~;,,¡ . .. MD:cas \aI235-l6.pIC . . (- # URN COUNTY BNVIRON ' ENTAL IiEALTHSERVICES DEPARnll!NT 1100 ..... STREET. SUITB 300 BAK.I!RSPIBLD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (IOS) 161.)6)6 INnRNAL 1!ß. 2I!U: , ¡ ~ .... !In or:'.~- 7 ~ I a 35/ (p; APPLICATION DATI (t:jl ~/ 9 \ . or TAHU TO II AIAHDOHED I " . . LENGTH or PIPIHO 10 AIAHDON . .. . TGII APPLICATION II POI APPL%CAT%ON POR PERM%T POR PBRMANBNT 'CLOSURB/ABANDONMBNT OP UNDBRGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCBS STORAGE PAC%L%TV (]I REMOVAL, 01 0 ABAHDONMIIn' II PLACE ("LL OUT Q!!1 APPLICATIOI PII 'ACILITY), ""-" "~':,:"{ :. .;- r ~ '. . ~ ·1¡"".¿ r=! -t: Mr. JOHN SIN L I · ~ ¡ 'ACILITY lWeI . · ~; NATIONAL SÞ1ITARY .. OWMEI SUPPLY COMPANY 487-3647 IRURAL LOCATIOHS OffLYI PROJECT COHTACT · 4 JOHN SINCLAIR IlIARIST CROSS STRIET 24th STREET BAKERS. CA. "K" Street PRaHl N. VIA REAL, CARPENTERIA CA ( 805 ) 327 - 1606 ~ PHONI ,( 805 ) 835 -7700 ANIt REMOVAL COHTRACTOII ~! .èl · 8 ~ GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. PROPOSED PROJECT STIJtTING DATI IrORMIA LICEHSI . 6-12-90 520768 " PRELIMINARY SIfE ASSESSMEHT COIITRACTOa G.R.I /' RKER'S COMPEHSATIOI . ALDRIN OT. same STATE FUND PHONE (805 ) 835 - 7700 , . '. SAME LABORATORY THAT WILL 'ANALY11 s.ucPLU SMC LABORATORY ".. PHONI (805 ) 664 - 4000 PHOIII 3155 PEGASUS DR. BAKERS CA 93308 (805 )393 -3597 g! ¡il 'U. .. YOLUJII 500 CHili I CAIo STORED I MOII-COIOCDCI.u. lAIII) GASOLINE DATU STORED ? 10? 10 TO 10 CHDlCAIo PREVIOUSLY STORED ? HÞlCAIo COMPOSITION or MATERIALS STORID c.i :> ~! it: ~I i~ !CATII TO rACILITY I'IIOVIDED IY I DIPTI TO GROtIHI*A TU CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT . 150 MEAlIEST WATlR WILL - GIYI DISTANCE AND DlSCRIII TYPE Jr WITIII eoo rUT 1SOlL TYPB AT FACILITY 1/4 MILE SANDY ALLUVIUM BASIl POI SOIL TYPE AND GROUNDWATU D&PTI D&TEIUnMATI~ KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY WATER SUPPLY REPORT 1988-MAY 1989 TOTAL NUMBII or SAMPLU TO II .uw.'RID ¡SAMPLES WILL 1& .AHAL'RID POI: . 2 ... BTXE TPH GASOLINE " Q ! íï: ¡I .. uatUI IIOIf RESIDUE II TAHiti II AND rlPl1IG IS TO II RIMOYID AND DISPOSID 0' (INCLUDE 11tAMSPORTATIOfI AIID DISPOSAL COICPAIIIUI: ,. . . . - RINSADE TRANSPORTED BY OUALITY VACUUM TO GIBSON OIL FOR DISPOSAL )UCRJIE 10TH THE DISPOSAL IŒnIOII AND DISPOSAL LOCATJOII POll TAIIK(I) ... AMR ONTARIO '1'1110 AMR ONTARIO ai · · ~ l!2ï1.RI INpORMATIOW ItBOUIS'nD m! !.mI!B 1.mI 2[ I!!.!! .um l!l2J!1 SUBMITTING APPLICATION m mI!!! · · ..,s .... ... ~CDfPIZTSD ...... P,\",-1Y Of _ ... .. Tn ISST Of SY _.... ,s .... ... ........ ,/'" .~~, .:? . '. . / '-, SlGNATURI l ¿.,v://;iifJ!?"k. TITLI!~"'-/"<::~"" ,-<;;;:7:.:-, ~ /--- /,- DATI t:;-Á ¿/ /<76 / / '-I PLATE 1 N 24th Street ='S ~ m m ~ LEGEND ~ Dispenser c» Sample Location f\ groundwater resources, Inc. .. h icaI . environmental/geotec n S9Mces May 30, 1990 NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY COMPANY 1414 24th Street Bakersfield, California PLOT PLAN .~-..........-.~.. ec-' ( .' c, ~''''''''''~,'~' RECEIPT ,:. ~':~~:~G,E . . ~. ," . . . .' .- '" '-ÕŠï3Õï9Õ-------------------------------------------:-ï;;~Õi~;~Ñ¡;;:-:_-:--1~~=r3¡Š7ã-J I 4:14pm KERN COUNTY PLANN ING & DEVELOPMENT . ',,~< ,"" .,,:) " I , .J' 2700' M' St reet , " " ..., './ " I ú Bakersfield. CA 93301 Type 9f Order, ''''''''''W' ·,;..~:·:,:<·I .-~ ''Ì .. . . ,', ,".,: .~ :', , '. '. . þ. ... . ',- .', I ' , ',' .,. ' , (805)' 861 2615 ',' '".,' . , "...,':""":" "",.;;"'/ .- I __~_'____~~~______~__~~_~___~__;.._~_;_.:._~~:..~_:.._~_:..'_L~i____~_~~l.-i__~~~:~éJ±:iJi:¿3i·~~:f(ii: I CASH REGISTER . GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC ,,':~:::' '~'·):;}f~5·:~:..rt; · i __~____________________________~____________~~_~_~~__~~~=!~~~?!j~i~71!fi~~Jt~ I Customer P.O. # I Wtn By IOrder Date I Shi p Date I Vi al Terms,', " I IH0530902 I RAR I 05/30/90 I 05/30/90 I . "DO '. 'I, NT ,.;,./ L______:.._______ 1________ I ________~__ I ___________ I ______...;___:.._~__.:.._I__~_·~___.:,~;;, I Line Description Quantity ,Price Unit Disc,=Tota1 1 TANK PLAN CHECK 1 100.00 ,ErOO.OO 170A Order Total 100.00 Amount Due 100.00 Payment Made By Check 100.00 ': TH.A.NK YOU! . ~. ( (. .( ~ FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY Fðcility Jdud~ý) []Permit to Operate DConstruction Permit # o Permit to abandon~ OAmended permit Conditions OPermit Application Form, o Appl ication to Abandon []Annual Report Forms /&9n4£P~ ('.lð . , . No. of Tanks Date Date Date Tank Sheets tanks (s) Date " .' ., ,\ [JCopyof Written Contract Between Owner & Operator [JInspection Reports ~orrespondence -,Rec~ive1 r! , . . ('),:i.~J¡sl- ~~t7'1- Y~Y/f~~ '" Date Date Date ra&<ei'J~O~dence ~I;~ð~led \ I L l:¡Ulrr.öm~ Œ -E'- I£.~ r :~: ~//~/ £9 Date o Unauthori zed Release Reports DAbandonment/Closure Reports D Sampl ing/Lab Reports DMVF Compliance Check (New Constructi o STD' Compl lance Check (New Constructi, DMVF Plan Check (New Construction) DSTD Plan Check (New Construction) DMVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) DSTD Plan Check (Existing Facility) [J" Incomplete Appl ication" Form OPermit Application Checklist D Permit Instructions DDiscarded o Tightness Test Resul ts JÒh~O~\QìV" . 1.0 '3 3 ~ N .\]\C\ eea,\ I . '~ 93a/3 to.~",+e/" []Monitoring Well Construction Data/Perm --------------------------------------, []Environmental Sensitivity Data: '\ []Groundwater Drilling, Boring Logs DLocation of Water Wells DStatement of Underground Condui ts ," -\-;-'-t:::.. []Plot Plan Featuring All Env'ironmentally Se re0~I~,.rS 1..\...4 11\",,-)1 DPhotos Construction Grawings Locat )¡\.QZ..-'-~, ~Vfê/I, []Half sheet showing date received and tally of i ~-f¡' DMiscellaneous ~ . ! e NG:S 3-!'1-SG ~' [JJ GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director e i ( \ e ( RESOURCE 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861·3429 ....;.~~ N T AGENCY I I February 21, 1990 John ~Sinclair 6334 N. Via Real Carpenteria, CA 93013 RE: 160032 ,. Dear Mr. Sinclair: This is to inform you of the inspection of underground storage tank located at 1414 24th Streetr Bakersfield, California. At the time of the inspection the warehouse manager stated there were no inventory monitoring records and the tank was not being used. You are therefore in violation of the Kern County Ordinance Code Sections 8.48.140, 8.48.260 and 8.48.470. A copy of UT-15 and monitoring records are enclosed so inventory can begin immediately. If you wish to discuss the report or the requirements, do not hesitate to contact Dan Starkey or Amy Green at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Turonda R. Crumpler, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program TRC:cas \160032.1tr P 108 683 168 . , -, ~ U\.,¡ ~nq.:-.- , RECEIPT FOR c-:¡.="'-'!=J:::D MAIL 'iG INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) ( I L oo32--e ( Postage S Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Dale Delivered I/') , CD Return Receipt showing to whom. ( ) ... Dale.,and Address of Delivery GJ r:: TOTAL Postage ana Fees S ~ ..... Ò Postmark or Date 0 ~ . . ~ . :...., ",.' E ¿)-Q~-qD ... 0 GL· u.. CI) <1. _...r·'~",·.... 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (80S) 861-3838 Telecopler (80S) 861-3429 AGENCY .....:........ February 21, 1990 This is to inform you of the inspection of underground storage tank located at 1414 24th Street, Bakersfield, California. At the time of the inspeètion the warehouse manager stated there were no inventory monitoring records and the tank was not being used. You are therefore in violation of the Kern County Ordinance Code Sections 8.48.140, 8.48.260 and 8.48.470. A copy of UT-15 and monitoring records are enclosed so inventory can begin i mmed i ate 1 y . I f you wi sh to discus s the report or the requ i rements , do not hesitate to contact Dan Starkey or Amy Green at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ~~(~~ í2 en") Turonda R. Crumpler, R.E.H.~. ' Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program TRC:cas \160032. ltr t' e~ (. C e ,-,_....'.. _._, " -'. ,---' r'" (~I \(g Þò '. '...sp8C\.... Time ,.- _.~-'- ......-- Permit # -! ~CD'7:J L Environmental Sensitivity UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY · INSPECTION REPORT · Facility Name No.ofTanks~ Type of Inspection: Routine Complaint Comments: ~'0 S.'f'C.~.0\,(, O\s)'(1f'< '2~ ~D~ No Permit Posted? Yes No Reinspection 'oU \\œ.t) (~ ITEM VfOLATIONS NOTED ,. , 1. Primary Containment Monitoring: . ~tercepting and 'Directing System ~tandard Inventory Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In· Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. .Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Liner \ . ~ ~\.U\J~ ~1)C:) .' . ~ ~,~ '(Y'O-~(~\ciJ. u& *,~ \~~Y\~'l ~ "frO\'ltb~ \ 'M.'rv\eQ. \&e ~ ., " ,-,... b. Double-Walled Tank c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring: a. Pressurized b. Suction c. Gravity ~ 8erfill Protection .'* '('y{2 cÆ- \~~C-\-\O(\-, ~\\l~ 'u.Y'C~-E'~ <i~\<'C\\;~C\d~~(\\ \0 \S-\GY'd~t\Y' ð\"?VY\~~' 5. Tightness Testing '" 6. New Construction/Modification 7. Closure/ Abandonment '""'- "" 8. Unauthorized Release 9. Maintenance. General Safety. and Operating Condition of Facility '" C (' l)Çi tc> \)e ''(Y'(\\ \f c\ \n ~\{ei':) , ".'..;m... R.;".",;.n D.... CZA ~æ~ REPORT RECEIVED BY:X ; ~~. ........ ¡.- Reinspection scheduled? INSPECTOR; Î) , \ Health 580 4113170 (7,87) ~ - ~.." _', 'ii_; _ ~ ;' ~..~. . ....,.'.......,......,... *{':r.~,:¥~r~~~,q'::'~'r·-"~;!~""'é Â... þi.,,:;--..-j;_' ,,,.;~,-:, .' '4'>:'~::~~i""";';~t;'~if~;;~~:;' i1J;f~~;'f¡"ë'~';i¥¡ioit~~~i~~1;w~ A:te r~.- '. \; ~ ~.~( ì ,~sp~lme Permit Ii ...r _ _, "_- I! I-O.-Ä-.'./ '.I_...::~f,_ _ _J ~ Environmental Sensitivity ~..c; . UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY · INSPECTION REPORT· Facility ~ame 1\b\~ (\'0~~ ~^('~~~J ~Y·~1ddress \loti ~ No. of Tanks ~ Is Infor:a=~rmitlAPPlièÌltlon Correct? Yes Type of Inspection: Routine Complaint )<.. ~r\:{\ t-:\y'C V-',\ '(' 0' \.}fR'( r--;~ '2'+-H\ q.,\ O()~ No Permit Posted? " Yes No Reinspection \ ." - '" '('\\ '. \ \(17W') ( ~ Comments: .:', .' '':,.~. . . . .. . ._....~~ ".-';:- . '. .' ~ ~, r' .. \ ITEM VIOLATIONS NOTED :-;."...~'\: . .'i .' 1. Primary Containment Monitoring: . ~tercepting and Directing System G,..$tandard Inventory Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. . Groundwater Monitoring f. Vedose Zone Monitoring 2. Sec;ondary Containment Monitoring: \ t \"D tv\~\U\f'26 '~~ . \ :".-~ . ~ \D1\et'C\}<æ' '(Y'a~ çf<,-~\:,.ii~: .~ *\T.\~~'i~~t\à~· \ 'Mtv\eß ~ \ . ." 'c"'è~;:~~:j1t,.;,;:,} 11'-: ~~j:~~fj,;:,¡:t:::<:~~WdiW~:f2;;:Ji;; ~,,'. . :' ,:",:\.;,:: i' .":. e. :Liner. ". ; .:~~~.r ; ',' b. Double-Walled Tank c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring: e. Pressurized b. Suction c. Grevity "--" '···~I I """'I r- .. 0.:.. L~ÞC>~rr;:;:;o.. ,,-' -..'~¡ ~ ;.. &rfill Protection .~; \ rY'k' ~ \ ~'\~~' L::\\ O\{\ -/ t-' \ \ \~te. ·\..\Y'CDLP\R~ c\~\.('.'c-\1..~,-\ od~ce'(\\ \:-0 \s-\oro~M~' è '/.-" 'ÇP Y\~'~· 5. Tightness Testing ,~ """ 6. New Construction/Modification ,,",,---, 7 . Closure/Abandonment ~, 8. Unauthorized Release ...... "'- 9. Maintenance. General Safety, and Operating Condition of Fecility "\. Comment~Recommendations: \.....L\?-Â\"~ 'f'M~\Þ,(" -);.-: :y., \ \:. "I \\ --+"', ~\) - , , ~ \ ~\/\ ~~'""r.'-}lþ ""'-'A ~ ,)<: \ ""':ì<'" ¡ -', ·~~~1'c.¿'t , \ " '"\r t.--.. Ýà \:(':x ~\0: '( ?V'\\:-\ \ \~, \-\¡\p C--("ç. \' t::..~'("" \..Y:l~ ') \~'"\.~\(--V'^\ '::"A~,\ 1 '\.~ Q \ i , ¡ ,-- ~ ( '(')~~t ~ De \(v'{\ \ \f' r\ \1""\ ".. '\ i'í - Reinspaction scheduled? _ Yes y~ .....No !~, f' :., ') i· -\ I , \. . -:-.... ,~....... \('f; \\ /' \ ~ INSPECTOR :.........__.. ~ ,'\ '- ··,·l ·r \, ,I \' ',,, ". 'I '-'~ .... " í\ :", \ /\ '..-.. \ .~ (', 11",\ IJ! \ 1, \..~ ; '< . 1 . '\' ......- \. '\ o \')\{\(?'{' \ - ~- ,"-' r- ~ ""\,, . ~'-.s J' \ \-;)\ . -.;. ') r\('\ ~ K:-\ Approximate Reinspection Date '_ I '" ,\ r \. ",<, ! .....1.. "{:J-' REPORT RECEIVED BY:'X ¡i; l! i/l- {Cll,,::.. - \ 1 I ¡, ~ '.... ....... f \, Health 580 4113 170 (7 ·87) .~ I.'/.. .') ,., :::<. ·-c t::: .... (~,: -- L .'- Peril it It Environmental Sensitivity fl/,:::'~ UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY .. I NSPECTI ON REPORT .. Facil'! ty Name No. of Tanks II j rl.if/~ òjf I "'-' i ...., ',IV' ,./ (,/ 0 i/ ' Address " I Is Information on Permit/Application Correct? Routine;>< Complaint Yes No Jtt' Type of Inspection: COlllments: ( -, -{ (¿;;-,I. / .., Dste ..../131 '%7 Inspection Tille . 2hí5>. 1J./4 24-Ut sf" No Penit Posted? Reinspection Yes ITEM VIOLATIONS NOTED I' I I a. Intercepting and Directing System " ' Q Stan~ard Inve~tory Control Monitor~ng ~)¡..h.(tt1l.!)((;¿,~t( 511. /lIrWI7· '. . JlPf ~ ~ud ~ ¡;~Ô. c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring , /. AJt) 4~¡¿ C'f. jJ?<J7i:.. ' i 2'. MJI? ,,/- "lV¡TP<.f..ga!!!íI'!!J. ~tI/l:o" S/Ië.¡ eKo/J- ----:: ~~-:;~~-----------------i~~~~~~~~ 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: i '-"V. /-' jJ F ~ ~~, a. Liner I' ;1/ I¡; b. Double-Walled Tank ~ .t , c. Vault , .---------------------------------------______1______-__________________________________________________________________________________ I . , . / ,-' /' ',. ",,1/ '-,t- ,r" 1 ~)JJI j':,: -J.¿.'þ[, ¡;;r, /-J¡p¡7-A'j..:J ,'Ç Ä~' ~~,*-, /t/ t':.ð /" ~'1-fA'i : 7J4f ~ 11'.,..tl!/j;#t~C. , I' I c. Gravity 1 ._----------------------------------------~----:--------------------------------~-----------------------------~-------------------------- ð Overfill Protection . 1 J. '! /!.' ¡...¡ /'/ .'.' :-1/- '~1 1.' í J/Y..~ /.Q r //!/kI! 4·- ~f .----------------------------------------------¡-~~~;;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-¡l~~-~;t-~· ê;ì Tightness Testing I:) /:::1.//1 / /'~lâ /2"p,,(,1å:4./ 2t£rf/)£~/t/ft: !///¡/( k-. ·----------------------------------------------i-::--<~~~.~-~~~~:,~~~-ï~~-~~~~cf?-~~~--~-~~-¡f--¡t~ 2? 6. New Construction/Modification I ¡.-' / / I I .____________________________________._______________________ -------------------------------·--·-----------1--··-------------.--.------- 7. Closure/Abandonment I I ---------------------------------.------------,------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I ,-------------------.--------------------_.____1_____-_______.__________________________________________.__.____.____________________._._ I I I I .----------------------------------------______1_____-_____________________________________~____________________________________~_______, Q Primary Containment Monitoring: d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device " ..,.~ '. @ Piping Monitoring a. Pressurized b. Suction 6. Unauthorized Release 9. Maintenance. General Safety and Operating Condition of Facility /.,. ;" J , /~o --. Approximate Reinspection Date'~, " . - -- ; (J::) - ¡ :; - ð / REPORT RECEIVED By,:.,':.~-I---:-=- ,// -- .... INSPECTOR: ..-j / ¡' ,~/ ,:-,. r ." / .'~ .//'._ .' l / ... . .'-_,-'.. .' ..X.. ./ 'oj" .~"'. .1-(:)....::..- (Forll ItHMMp·l70) . Date Permit It Environmental Sensitivity UNDERGROUrJD ( hAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE e I[ STORAGE ction Time FACILITY ". INSPECTION REPORT ". I Address Is Information on Permit/Application Correct? Yes Routine " Complaint '.:'j Facility Name No. of Tanks No tI' Permit Posted? Reinspect10n Yes X ./ No Type of Inspect~on: Comments: ,. ITEM VIOLATIONS NOTED a. Intercepting and Directing System l;:; Standar~ Inventory Control Monitoring '.",,;-'.. I.~ 't'" . i . J' / -,' - / .'/ /1 I ¿'-/-'íl·-~'_··"·I¡'·"I'" ~'..~..,/ , " ; I ; . f~" .": r -., --"'" :' , .....L. .-1»·--"'..ll(..-/'~/ /,,:.f... /,¡l'r";,/ I Ii ',..- ! l .., ,_ _......-- I ?-'J(/' 'iH"·'I{I. .'\ \!.:. Primary Containment Monitoring: ,- L_ .' ; ..,.- "f,.;, ' c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring '/!,-; ;' - ~.. ..- ,.r,! J :Ji' ~ I d. In-Tank Level Sensing Oevice e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: I I a. Liner , , b. Double-Walled Tank I , c. Vault I --~--------------------------------------------,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , ~. Piping Monitoring I I a. Pressurized I , ~b. Suction I I c. Gravity I -----------------------------------------------:------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------- 4. Overfill Protection ! I I __ -------~---------------------------------------I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Tightness Testing , , ! ' -----------------------------------------------,---------------------------------------7------------------------------------------------ 6. New Construction/Modification I I I -----------------------------------------------,---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 7. Closure/Abandonment I , -----------------------------------------------i---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Unauthorized Release , I ! -----------------------------------------------,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Maintenance. General Safety and I Operating Condition of Facility I I _________________~_1___________________________1________________________~________________________~_______________________________________ Comments/Recommendations: -, -.' f .-.... i. . i -".' Reinspection scheduled? " Yes No Approximate Reinspection Date INSPECTOR, .. REPORT RECEIVED BY: (F'nrm ~HMMP'17nl ,- ¡. .. e"- '. a SÄL rt.4oéY ..;5Q¡-1'PL.Y· ( 14' L 2.4~ J3o.,),.,J E . f'11 ~R.. 327 - i Wrè , . þT"~ -:::::r: 1M- . , [)oÞ& PI L.I,)PQV (~ri QWÑi:~ ~J3) 323-3S4, 13217 So. F,;;t.tEK,gA '\ L . A <100/# I BJ..b6. Ow~ ~ ~H S'H ·C,¡.AI L . '-334 V~A ReA£- CAIlPifol7'E.ti.Ut cA <¡30tS KC #£41. 7}1 DEn: JoÞ ~~s . . . . -- " .... ,- _.. . .' .- -- .. -- . ....". . , -'" ".. _. ...... , .' _.." . .._" _. _ _. .·oJ . -. '.-. .. i :,,:<,.:;:~~;~;:;/;ié~;.~;¡;:',:/,~;::·l'.; ;';';':':~>:-;::~"'~:'~,.::~:,~<~,:<:.,:::,<..~~ -,:, ,;".:, ";"',.~:;;:':::': ~~'i',. : '. . . '.". ......~. ...". .'"- .' . . .~...... :..... :_.: '"., .,..'~ ',~..:,-~ ,.:' ". .,-,.....;...'0.;..:..: ¡ . I . -------- ~ VENTURA (805) 653·2505 OXNARD (805) 656-6158 FAX (805) 653·2760 ~ c e ( 6duxvd fT aJacAk ~ ab $.m- 87 N. CHESTNUT ST. VENTURA,CA 93001 MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1950 VENTURA, CA 93002 May 9, 1989 Lar,ry Tolar, Fire Inspector " Fire Station #4 ........ ". 130 Bernard Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Re: John Sinclair (Owner) , 1414 24th Street Bakersfield, California Fire Ordinance Violation #40979 Dear Mr. Tolar: I represent John Sinclair, the owner of the above-captioned property. On May 1, 1989, your office cited my client for abandonment of an underground tank. The tank has in fact not been abandoned. The property is currently leased to National Sanitary Supply Company. They do not use the underground tank. It is however used, and continues to be used, by Mr. Sinclair's family. Please contact me if you need further information. Very truly yours, EDWARD T. BUCK ~~. ETB/mt FD 1916 (Revised 8·15·861 e ( ( CITY OF BAKERSFIE_ ,( FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE ORDINANCE VIOLATION TITLEOwJI/£1!. (!k()p -a.A 40979 . ~ .''!t-_4 , , .' TO: OCCUPANCY BLOCK NO. -,- if Combustible wlSte / VI etatiDn Remove and safely dispose of aU hazardous refuse and dry vegetation on the above premises (U. F. C.) .'-:..:~~~.~~. .{:~~'" '.- ,....- Violation No. REQUIREMENTS . - . H f i Combustible Storage I 1 . Extinguishers - l i "', r \ \ Signs , I 2 Provide noncombustible containers with tight fitting lids for the s10rage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal (UF.c.) . - 3 Relocate combustible s10rage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box/lire door (N.E.C.) (U.F.C 4 Relocate lire extinguishe~ s) so that th~Y will be in a conspicious location. hanging on brackets with the top to the extinguisher not more than 5 fetrt above the floor. (N.F.P.A. # 1, 5 Provide and ins1all to be immediate accessible for use in approved (type & size) portable lire extinguis r area. U.F. C 6 Recharge all lire extinguishers. Fire- extinguishers shall be serviced at lease once each year, and! or after each use. by a person having a va'!d fiœnse or certificate. (U. EC ....-..¡;r~ ~'.~~--.""',.,~""~""""~'~" 7 Provide and maintain "EXIT"' sig~~) with letter>; 5 or more inches in height over each requilj!d exit (door/window) to lire escape. (UF.c.) - , 'j 8 Provide and maintain 'appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and ,visible from the street to indicate the conect address of the building. (B.M.c.) (U.F.c.) ¡, Rra doors/lira Seperations 9 Repair aU (crackslholesl openingsl in p/ast2r in (Iocationl. Plastering shall return the surface to iIs fD,¡inaI fie IllSistÏ'JØ COndilioll (UB. Exits ( Remove-Repair) merchanicaJ device. or b an a ,roved smoke and heat sensitive device. 11 RemDve aU obstruction from haliways. Maintain ¡: I means of egress ftæ of any storage. (U. F. c.) I Storage 2 Provide a contrasting colored and permanently insrnJ!ed eieàric light over or near required exit (Iocation¡ to de indicate it as an exit U. F. C. 3 Remove aU storage and! or other obstruc1ions from ( fire escape landings aoo stairways stair shafts). (Fire escape$! stair shafts are to be maintained flee from obsuuctions at aU times.) (U. F. ·í '1 ... ,:¡ Rra protection appliances 1 1 5 Remove mulitiple attachment cords from specified electrical convenience outlet (one plug per outlet}. (N. E.C.) (U. F. c.) Extension conls shall not be used in lieu of permanent approved wiring. Install additional approved etectrical outlets where needed. (N. E.C.) (U F. c.) I ~ ' Other . ~ n _=~,_.. _, c.."C"_=,"",'ccc.-:":-=- REIlUIREMENT ; I I l' ,I ¡ 'J ~' '.- ", ~ ,J"'IÓ.-' -. .~ '.< J "...1-(1';..; :~;, "l,¡ttF~ ! Person receiving notice of Iriolaiion: ""!" '~¿' , . ON ~ / 1/19JN INSPECTION WILL BE MADE IF NO COMPlIANCE é> ð 1 COURT A.«?T'0N MAY BE-'NmATED., ," . ~- , Sign:.1ft ¡ r ¡ Fire Station #4 130 Bernard Street: Bakersfield. CA 93305 Phone: 326-3964 Date Completact ~.; ,. . .,':,' ~~. AFTER VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED. RETURN THIS NOTICE BY MAIL. OR IN PERSON, TO: By INSPECTOR U. U.B.c. B.M.C. N.F.P.A _ N.E.C. · Unifonn Fire Code · Uniform Building Code · Bakersfield Municipal Cod3 National Fire Protection Association · Netionel Electric Code , (' e (' MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" ¿'-30·yr TO ,. , £DWAÆ~) ___I ' ,¿.' 6.'ú';,<~~ A1 -A", T ;0k N'e:y _ Lkr.-r.I FROM C4Ijr-'<".../ / $- .., .'-,¡(: y - I~...E:·:" ç - ..-- - ~/ì4.N.' ....&:..,)1- I..:;..-(.J - ,j)i¡ ,J ,/ Oy - ' ¡-n,c¿¿!s;;m~r"l.¿ vï 51 ¡lJC L /11"¿' SUBJECT ?,'"v'L ...C;,.,',*,,-,A:6 ~.K. OW'.IL4 "'"' ....)JÁ.. (j¡VIV -- I- ..... ¡If. I-¡~ L' ;,¿,. .- ..L ,,-..iT ~":/~ ;; I ~ ¿.J (,-,/¡ r;.:.,. - L /H~'--J/¿--¿'5 rJ,r ßí7JA';'<- '") ,-)'" / I ;-';/"<y ...)¿,/'>'/;L/ /~/'¡ 2/-eí., " Jr:.,e-~' ,t:(, _.-,-~-' þ" 14 /< '- ,'(f;:' -" r / ¿-i- J> I ,. I ~ r't I ...·'1,·, ,,-. j.~ ,;: ;, . _':-_.....1--.-" .--. I J-f<:.- I( ,;., - '- v . '_ //Í,-.'J ,7 ;;)/,,'¿~ .----' / /(/.,.1<. II~~ N0ï ~; L,; ','.~ ~ ~ ,.j 1./5(_ -j) ";1 ,'....C ¿ ,L!~ J. .01 S T -- f-;¡' '/ '-- /'1 . 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"':"... .' ,.... .', ,- r~' .....¡~" II..)).·VI ~.·/ç:, U<: DATE (805) 861-3636 Office Address: 8ok~'si;-2;¿, CA 93301 270C M 51ree1, Bakersfield 1:3 (\ ~.1 AMOUNT DUE 1 3 c¡ . () C PER~!T I~vnICE ::6CC32C-R£ AMOUNT ENCLOSED r ..., SIXCLA!R. JOHX HCDSO~ SrpPLY CO~PA~Y 1i33-i ~. VIA RE:A;' ~CARPE:\TERiA. CA 93013 CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY DUE DATE o 8 .' 1 2' 8 ~: L -.J DETACH HERE-. . PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMENT iDENTIFICATION .- DETACH Hf. ~VI / At!: SE~D PAYME~T WITHIX 30 DAYS TO AVOID ADÐITIO~AL 5C~ PEXALTY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT o 7 ' 1 8" 9 PER ~t I T I ~ V 0 ICE :t 1 6 0 0 3 :2 C - 8 8 FISCAL YEAR 87 88 FEE FOR PER~IT TO OPERATE r~DERGROLXD STORA ,E FACI~~' "IrE 1 TA~R(S) LOCATED AT: 1414 2-lTH STREEI BAKERSFIELD. CA 100.00 5C~ PEXALTY FOR LATE PAY~EXT OF ORIG!:\AL IXVOICE 5C.CC :ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ~NIA 93305 SKTtON 3fIJ1 PfNAurtS. If Oft'¥' f.. '~utred by this divisfOft IS not pard prlOf 10 th4t deh~nc., do1e. ,n addition to such f... the oppl cont tholl pay 0 penalty eq'I(JI 10 fifty ~;~~'~~':.'..,,:~~:t:,.':e~~~~\,'":\:;~~~~,,:=xtOTAL AMOUNT DUE (CtI'I~em."t ct the bv1oI"e"" 01 oct,...f'1 130.00 e e KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ~~TüèE:r"!;'~ :_,:,~\:~~ : . ,,~':~~f fZii1ltQBfJ''!r''';&·).' (805) 861-3636 ....;.;;;;;,ç; Aj.~ies:. 1~1~, 1'··'0.<';",;('! 11.2~"1L,e BILLING DATE Oftice Addre$s; S~~;'er')f;eld, CA 933C: 2700 M St~ÐeT, Bakersfieid !J -, '. ~'~ . ;.~, . AMOUNT DUE Ico.on PER~rT INVOICE #1£0032(-90 AMOUNT ENCLOSED r "'l (5) SI:\CLAIR, JOH?\ HCDSO~ SCPPLY COXPA~\ 633~ ~. VIA REAL 'CARPE~TERJA, CA 93013 CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY DUE DATE. o 8 ..' 1 2 / 8 9 L -1 DETACH HERE-. PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMENT IDENTIFICATION . r DETACH HE ! ~ITHI~ 30 DAYS TO VOID 50~ ?E~ALTï DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 9 PERMIT.IKVOICE = 160032C-90 A~~UAL FEE FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROCND STORAGE FACILITY WITH I TANK(S) LOCATED AT: 1414 24TH STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 100. ( / 'ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 7tií£~&t'1 ,AKERS'FIELD. èÄtìF~RNIA 93305 Sf:CTION 3801 Pf:NAlTlES. If ony f.. ,eq....,.d by 'hi' d''OI,..on ., not pold prlO' 10 I'" del.nqvenc.... dote, ,,, odd_lion fa such 'H, .he QPØI1COt'lf '"011 po.., 0 penalty equal to frfty ru:;;~' ~~~"'~,,~~~ =~"'í::t~~':~~~~"J,0~~~~~:: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE comme"{ern~nl of '....e bu,¡neu Of OCI,Vlly 100. e \, (' (e ( KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1f~~ll~~F,. (805) 861-3636 - t.. ~..; pSt. ~..; 15 T¡ ...Jxi,_,..., .A... t:-:-'·~....'e BILLING DATE 0'" <t:' Add'e~s: B(:kersf:e!o '2Þ.,9:1)01 2700 M Stre6-l, Fcke'sfjeid 0..1 ~ !:", .'" '-' AMOUNT DUE ~OC.O..1 PER~ITI\VO¡CE ~:60G32[-89 AMOUNT ENCLOSED í ì BOO :\ E. J I ~! HEDSOX S[PP~Y COM?AXY 7.616 SADDLEBACK 3AKERSFIELD. CA 93309 CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY DUE DATE 0;),29 . f:¡\:.' L ..J DETACH HE~E --. PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMENT IDENTIFICATION r DETACH He;; <lV' ..- DA1t SE~D PAY~E\T KITH!~ ao DAYS TO AVOID 50% PEXALTY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT O~ 29 89 PER~rT I~VOICE # 160032C-89 A~XLA~ fEE FOR PERY.IT TO OPERATE rXDERGROr~D STORAGE FACILIT\ KIT~ TA~K(S) ~OCAT[D AT: 1~1'¡ 24TH STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 10 Ü . : / :RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 'o};I{çŸiJiìlij!ijJ \KERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93305 SECTION 3807 PE""'''l TIES If 0"" f.. r~u,r~ by'"'' d.....,slon .. nOI paId Øf'OI' 10 Ih. d.¡,nQuenc'l. QQ. ~.'1 POq"JQf'I.'P ~~CÞ.f".Jb~ g~,~~I'\QJ. .pø,,'p ,p,øQQ ~~~Q.I.JQ Nl\ : n .. ~ ~~;:~~: ~~~tr~~~!t-~I ~~.':'r: ~~I~~r.¿~u¡,;eu\ o;~~~;·I~,,~~Õ~~3~·~~~~ ~\ TOTAL AMO UN T DUE comrnencrmrn' ot ''''4!' bU\'f'leu 0' oC"."'I' 1 C' ,) e e .. . - .. ,.;7:..:';,:'- . (805) 861-3636 "';'~~~-~fØ-~ ,.'" .f~¥ .' r,:>~~~' Office Address: ( ( 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 2700 M Street, Bakersfield ._Jl.' - '. ',,""'-' " . ~. "', . PERMIT/INVOICE #160032C-89 ( ;:r:.AMOUNT.ENClOSED .' -, . ~ .,. -.. .~.-~~ r , . : ."~ '¡ ~, ·BOONE. JIM HUDSON SUPPLY COMPANY' 7616 SADDLEBACK BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT ,TO PENALTY - ,~: ,'~<¿ ..~~,:,:(.;j~~}.~.);:,:~'-~~:~:"~':,~" L -.J , œ;¡:S:piDUEDATE OS/2~/89 ,-. DET~~~ HERE--. PLEASE RETURN THIS ~~TION TO IN~~~E, ~~~~~~,PAY_ME:~,I~E~~I~,I~~:~__,____.,__~_~_ ':,: t_~ETA~~',~,EF SERVICE / IN., DATE ..' SEND PAYMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS TO .~~'~. '-~ .:-."".-~ 'n DESCRIPTION 50% PENALTY , "",':c,:,;;AMOUNT 04/29/89 PERMIT/INVOICE # 160032C-89 ANNUAL FEE FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITy WITH 1 TANK(S) LOCATED AT: 1414 24TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 100.0 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT SECTION 3807 PENALTIES. If any fee required bV this division 1$ nol paid prior 10 the . ;;,~;n~~~'~i~~~i~i~~iiiii~~~i'~,~i¥~a~*~ X1t)T AL AMOUNT DUE commencement of Ihe business or aCTivity. 100.0 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 e ~ ~ - . .,.> 1 , .:.:,~ e ." . . -. .'. KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTC (' MaiHng Address: (805) 861-3636 ',. . ~ ~", ,~, Office Address: c·.,·.· c··,'· . . , . 1415 Truxtun AvenÙe '-, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ,,2700 M Street, Bakersfield .. . . .' PERMIT/INVOICE #160032C-88 í BOONE, JIM HUDSON SUPPLY COMPANY 7616 SADDLE~ACK BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 :l . ~.. ..-.... ," ~, " ' . , CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY ~. I'·'·..·'.· .,.. DUE DATE ;..,...." . "..,;o..~,,> ". 0 5 / 2 9 í~9' L -1 . .. , DETACH HER~ --. PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMENT IDENTIFI~T~~~_.. __ __ _, ___ __.. __ _J:.~__ ~~T:~.~,HE: SERVICf / DATE SEND PAYMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS TO AVOID ADDITIONAL 50% PENALTY IN ,.. DESCRIPTION ., .. " ·:·AMOUNT " 04/29/89 PERMIT/INVOICE # 1600~2C-88 FISCAL YEAR 87/88 FEE FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILIT WITH 1 TANK(S) LOCATED AT: 1414 24TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 100.00 50% PENALTY FOR LATE PAYMENT OF ORIGINAL INVOICE 50.00 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 SECTION J807 PENALTIES. If anv fee required by this diviSion " nol paId prior 10 the ~:~n.".,~~~.x:~~¡~X~f~:.c~,~:x:%..'&:a~~ Xib Julv 31, and in the case of a newly established business oroclivlty Ihirty-one (31) days after TAL AMOU NT DUE commencement of the businltu or activIty. 150.00 ~ ncc"::, ~R7 C:R~:'E: ~~'L !:J":' COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMP r NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION (See Reverse) HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. . , DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Restricted Delivery Fee Retum Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered \I) ~ Retum ReceIpt showing to whom. . ';;; Date. and Address of Delivery :' § TOTAL Postage and Fees S ..., Ò ~ Postmark or D ~ 1/;;"'7/ P'1 II) Q. rnia 93309 .. an official notice of your non-compliance with ws relating to underground tanks. Upon review of our records, it was discovered that the 1988 Permit to Operate fees for Hudson Supply Company, 1414 24th Street, Bakersfield, California were not paid. Enclosed is a copy of 19881s invoice plus the 50% late penalty required by county ordinance. The second invoice is for this year I s Permit to Opera te fees. Th·ese invoices must be paid wi thin 30 days to avoid further penalties and/or legal action. Be advised that these fees must be paid even if the tanks are no longer in use. I f the tanks are not in use, a permi t for permanent closure must be obtained from- this off ice. Permanent closure requires either removal or closure in place of your tanks and assessment by soil sampling to determine whether there has been environmental damage as a resul t of unauthorized releases of hazardous substances from your tank site. The specific requirements for these activities are in Handbook #UT-30, available with your application. No, closur~ activity can begin prior to the issuance £f ~ permit f~~~ !þis office. . If you have any questions or feel this assessment is in error, or if you would like an application and our handbook on permanent closure please call me at (805)861-3636. Your prompt attention to this very important matter is appreciated. Sincerely, C1nœ úJ~ ~~;__~arren Environmental Health Technician Hazardous Materials Management Program r)ISTRICT OFFICES Delano . lamont . lakp I hp.lla. Mojave . Ridgecrest . Shafter . Taft .'- KC'..'4 COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR.. T (- , 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard July 10, 1989 Mr. John Sinclair 6334 N. Via Real Carpenteria, California 9.3013 Dear Mr. Sinclair: This letter is an official notice of your non-compliance with state and county laws relating to underground tanks. Upon review of our records, it was discovered that the 1988 Permit to Operate fees for Hudson Supply Company, 1414 24th Street, Bak.ersf ield, California were not paid. Enclosed is a copy of 1988's invoice plus the 50% late penalty required by county ordinance. The second invoice is for this year I s Permit to Operate fees. These invoices must be paid within 30 days to avoid further penal ties anù,'or legal action. I Be advised that thesE> fees must be paid even if the tanks are no longer in use. If the tankß ~j.',fjt oo·tin us.e, a p.ermi t for permanent closure JIU.19t be ",bt~j.n@d tr(jM tbis 6rrité. P'êrïriãrient closure requires either removal or closure in place of your tanks and assessment by solI sampling to determine whether there has been environmental damage as a result of unauthorized releases of hazardous substances from your tank si te. The specif ic requirements for these activities are in Handbook #UT-30, available with your application. NQ s:J.9_~,~r~ activity ,gan begin prior to the issuance of 9: permi t f.r.:,SJ!1! this .of f ice. I; I: If you have any que~ tions or feel this assessment is in error, or if you would like an 'pplication and our handbook on permanent closure please call me a1 (805)861-3636. Your prompt attention to this very important )n'ltt. r is appreciated. ~~incerely , C7a?æ ¿J~ k i!e Warren F:anlous Materials Inspector I 3ardous Materials Management Program Delano . Lamon! Is 'CT OFFICES · Mojave . Ridgecrest . Shafter . Taft , .. ~ERr";OUNTY HEALTH DEPARTME_ ,C' f ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION .. '. .' :"::;:/·~<':-«i:\'.:L"',, . .: ~~§~~j{.~.i~~~~~~;·~~~;¡¡~:;~;~~;;;~::trEALTH .~ . ~':~':PERMI,~.#..~,60·032 .. ',- ,~,\ Þ-r ~ .!"!~~-~ fJfw~~~Ý;.~~~~~J1t~~t~"(~~f'f(:&~~T.i~~.&~~~~~;~~~~,~~{;~:· ." .' ." <, ~ ." z ... \~. ,'~' ~ '" -"'''. .~! '\.: /~' ! ;' ~'~...~",'~ .'" ~n-.. ~ .. : :'::.I S SUE D :: -;-~,.Ú-ìoVEMBÈR 0 1,.'~1986 . ~ "~i.~~~~;.;:;;~~;1~~{~\7;¡~;:~'~¥~~~=~i::t,' '1989 .:' ..- 'NUMBER '.:',TANKS= '1, , " . ';';li~ " " 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 .Telephone (805) 861-3636 .......:... " ""-""":.-.. .,.,., ,> I NTERI M 'PERMI T >,';TO '¿,ii'oPERATE . , . ;. ··i'''~;f~~<f ' ;,;, ' -', ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE~PERMITTIN -, AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE ,TERM OF;~HIS ;,PERMIT:, '.' ';'ii;.:..;\J~;$_~~7~~'~\~~~:~;j;~~;,j,:~i~~;:~~f;~~~~~;.~?;ß~~~i~: ~~i~~1¡ì~~~~ . "NON-TRANSFERABLE *** :'POST )~FON ~:{/PREMISES '... .., '. . . DATE PERMIT MAILED: NOV ~ 4: 'I~~t¡j j .' DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: " . . Facili ty e (- _.r PERMIT CHECKLIST µ., ~"'1' N .. S ,,,p\ 'à ('0. lINe... Permi t' / b Oû3d. C. This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary' equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. c Please complete this form and return to KCRD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No v- I/"'"' v .L v ~ v ./ ci.~à NÙ:r 2.. ~ ~e...c.V- ù v ~ A. The packet I received 1) ~ver Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Perm' Phase I Interi. Permit Monitorin~ Requirements, Information Sheet. (Agreement Between Owner and Operator), _Chapter 15 (KCOC 'G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes, EquiDment Lists and Return Envelope. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook 'UT-IO. 3) The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recordipg Sheet b) Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facIlity) B. I have examined the 'information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner I s name and address, facility name and address operator I s name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the .following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste /" _ D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if ,"no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). ~ E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts tanks are identical, one chart will suffice: tank numbers listed on permit), for all tanks at this facility (if label chart(s) with corresponding ~ F. As required on page 6 of Handbook IUT-10, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). ~' /" '-- Si[!nature in accordance G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started with procedures described in Handbook IUT-IO. Date Started of Person Completing Checklist: ' a Title: ~'c~ ~~"o.~.R Date: \ de riC\ - ~6 ( --{~ I NATI.ONAL SANITARV SUPPLVCO 1414 Twenty·fourth Street, Bakerstleld, Calif. 93301 May 1, 1989 Mrs. Jane Warren Environmental Health Department 2700 M Street, SteM 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mrs. Warren; Per our conversation I have enclosed the corresponden~e received by me. I have listed the owners name and address where current and future correspondence should be sent regarding underground storage tank. If you have any questions please contact me personally. Sincerely; . - / ./i ~. /'I,/~ , /--:::-~' ~/ -1-;~.'__ ~ ',,------~ James C. Boone Regional Branch Manager I i I SANITATION, JANITORIAL AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES L-____, (805) 327·1606 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue. Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 - _ëR:~ ~OUNTY HEALTH DEPART. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION (' HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard .Jim Boone 7616 Saddleback Bakersfield, California 93309 Dear Mr. Boone: This letter is an official notice of your non-compliance with state and county laws relating to underground tanks. Upon review of our records, it was discovered that the 1988 Permit to Operate fees for Hudson Supply Company, 1414 24th Street, Bakersfield, California were not paid. Enclosed is a copy of 1988 I S invoice plus the 50% late penalty required by county ordinance. The second invoice is for this year I s Permi t to Operate fees. These invoices must be paid within 30 days to avoid further penalties and/or legal action. Be advised that these fees must be paid even if the tanks are no longer in use. If the tanks are not in use, a permit for permanent closure must be obtained from this office. Permanent closure requires either removal or closure in place of your tanks and assessment by soil sampling to determine whether there has been environmental damage as a resul t of unauthorized releases of hazardous substances from your' tank site. The specific requirements for these activities are in Handbook #UT-30, available with your application. No closure activity ~ beqin prior to the issuance of ~ permit from this office. If you have any questions or feel this assessment is in error, or if you would like an application 'and our handbook on permanent closure please call me at (805)861-3636. Your prompt attention to this very important matter is appreciated. . Sincerely, ~ Wcvuvv--· ~~;_,~~,:ren Environmental Health Technician Hazardous Materials Management Program DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lake Isabella . Mojave . Ridgecrest . Shatter . Taft 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 .' ( ." ( KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard July 28, 1987 John Sinclair 6334 N. Villareal Carpinteria. California 93013 Dear Mr. Sinclair: This is to inform you of the reinspect ion of the Hudson Supply underground tank facility (permit #160032C) and the required action to reach permit compliance. The dispenser totalizer was not working, and Mr. Boone said the service company told him it would have to be replaced. I agreed to have Mr. Boone perform Modified Inventory Control Monitoring as soon as he received the materials from the department. ( You may continue using the Modified Inventory Control Meth~d or repair the totalizer and return to Standard Inventory Control Monitoring. When the additional monitoring requirements of Phase II are implemented. however. those tanks on modified will require more frequent line testing than standard. Modified does not adequately cover the inventory in the product line. I stated on the return to Standard monitoring system. return to standard recommenda t i on only. requirements. do not reinspection report you have 90 days to Inventory Control or propose an equivalent Please disregard those instructions; the monitoring under these circumstances is a If you wish to discuss the report or the hesitate to call. Sincerely. ð¡¡¿d~ Bill Scheide Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BS:aa cc: Jim Boone DISTRICT OFFICES nol:"\nn I ;,mnll' . ~k" Is~h"lIa Moi<]ve Ridqecresl . Shaller Tall Facility Name ~~;)¿'JV1 ~~"'~7' ~. ' Address No. of Tanks _. Is Information on Permit/Application Correct? Yes No Type of Inspection: Routine Complaint Comments: Ol/flier- /S ...../ohvl <;¡J1//ú 'y ;1()f ~/jY14 BOO 1~. I . . Permit # /('()032C ... Environmental Sensitivity I'le5~ UNDERGROUND I (' -- '-1- £.') . - Iv I Uat-.-- _ ... I) In tion Time ~+ ÅI{ HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE S~~RAGE FACILITY ... I NSPECTI ON REPORT ... #51 Reinspection ~ VIOLATIONS NOTED ITEM II i/" I I I I ! I I I I I f. Vadose Zone Monitoring I -----------------------------------------------1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: I I I I I I c. Vault I I . ~-~:::::-~:::~:~~::-------------------------¡---~-~~~~-~~~--~~~-----------------------------------------------.----,.. I I I I c. Gravity I ~-~::~~~~~-~~:~::~~::-----------------------¡---~---~;~-,,~~~~--~~~~----------------------------------~----------------, -~~--;~:~:::::-~::~~::-------------------------!--~~------------------------------------------------------------~---------------_.., -----------------------------~-----:,7~------~~------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------ 6. New Construction/Modification,' / I I -------------------------------~---------------:-~------------------------.... ----------------------------------------------------------- ? Closure/Abandonment I I I ___________________________L___________________I______--------------------------------------------------------------------------------,.. 8, Unauthorized Release I ' I I -----------------------------------------------,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q Primary Containment Monitoring: a. Intercepting and Directing System ~ Standard Inventory Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring a. Liner b. Double-Walled Tank a. Pressurized b. Suction 9. Maintenance, General Safety and Operating Condition of Facility b.. !7t¡;¡,y:> ·!ð/¡¡/i2tY H"I/~AC-hð~u/. tdJ.~1c/ /;:eé h> c/J /i'Iot/ifier! .Jj,¡j~J4/ð7 /If¿/ltod tí'HIí! y~¡y "y reI bllt)VU e /4 f:- Reinspection scheduled? J Yes ~_.~/~6z_ Rf - Co r INSPECTOR: IForm #IIMMr,170¡ C: No Approximate Retnspection Date 9.- 20- g7 REPOHT RECEIVED BY: J¡~'~l B( {)VI e... ðF CARBoJ J ~~~~~~n:ental SensitiVity. (-: ~~r :ion Tille .- -.. , :;0~¡l¡J",;;,,¡'"'''i''' UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS '~UB~,;'~C"'0!ORAG~,,:,'!;t'C'L,';:'¡;ii':;:~;i~g::;;~: f¡tl ·":;;'~9/.ê~~;~;:;;~;~J~x,~.?:f~~~~f¡,i~~i~~;:;~:;0!¥' ;;;~1:2::~;;;~o~/~' , :::,::::¡:,~:'I:, ..,~,;",.u""::,,;~~r~:_., '_-N'."."'''':r'I'.:'';''~''";''- ._.... .,,-,' COlllllents. . L, / .... 1:· , f, '." I"<rr¡"{,_ . , . r :;:,~ -. ...., ,n.:. '._.. _""".._..'...!~..,~.;,:..., " .1~.,~','.","., '. '. 'j~j' "". '" . . " ~.~}:.~. .~ ~~~~"~::~":::" .... ¡.-oJ' . ,,' ~."" . . ' .. '.:~;~:>'-.: .,:~i\Çr'.- . " ITEM ; ..,./:¿::,Q.::pri.arr,:;~ontainlllent M~ni tor ing: ~~r~';2'~'C"';'~~;¡;~,;~~;~~i.~.. ." '. <~'f¡' ·,,,StlU!~l!r~ }n\lentor:y,~~ontrol ,lCo~it.ori~g . .'.~ :,.J".:'-...... ,,'".' ',': ',- ;~'';'o~.:' \" . ". "/' ........., . .... . ';; i( ied ,}DVentory,:control ~onitor ing. ..';".~":".._"."...'- ..",..~~,~", ·"¡.~:t·...~,~ .-.. ~~"":~I!~rank Level Sensing Device: >,.': :-\~;~:,.~.-..;~. . : .. . . - ._'::-~~~.,'.. : . ~J'I:'9~~~n_~w~te~ ~o~~ ~~~lng "'i;/::' ~ . ;!1t{~~~~:~~~~{~:~~1~~-;I-~"~~r ..¡.,. ....., ";,,~;~c"" b.."Double Walled Tank '::':-o? ., I ~~~~;~!~:;:;;~-~:~------:-_:~--I--7fr~~~;~~'@:~1 ji,lti~~xi! .:",~ :::::::"" l' ' . 'rO:{i~f;)';C!~j~lr';;:!ç¡~'~I~;"~f:*(~:'j ;:=)-------------------------------------------:---~~-~----------~~-~~-----------¡---;-----------~-------------~~~------~--:~--~:: ~ Overfill Protection I ¡:./ . ':.' :f! .\. ,'1." ..J ..~"', '.. I . '( ,. " ¡f.Ot ,,'.11"11 . :'--------------~--------------------------______I___-______________________________________________________---------------------------~-- .;~. I "..,. '~;II. ',T18btnsaa Testing I . ':~~? - ~ , ':~-:~-~:::~~::::~::::::~::::~~:::~::-------------!-------------~--~-~~---~-7~;.[:;~~~~~S~~~;~~~~~~~~];~~--------~~~~----~~~~:;0~~5~-~f!' ;;ig~~~~::::::::::~~:::::~:::::::::::i ::::~:::::~::::::~~~~~~~::~~-=:::===~;~;¡~~~J~Îj . ':"':,'-,8:: U~.a~..t.horized Releese : .. ::;,,;,;~;-: ;'i,;:::;;;:~~/t~Kt,':· . '...; ~fi~f:~}£~---i~~~~'t~j~ :~§~~f::~~:~~:::::~=~:::::~:::::::::::~::~:~~:::~~:~=~~i~t~~~T~~:~~~=i·'~~~fI~l~; '¿)' 1(//0·'-: if '/ ,,/~ ,///.'/ ,;¡t¡,~"1j,tl,'1J,';,'¡;:~;.~l!~'·¡~f 1",: ~'·/:::}~">'t,,::;:>,-:;" It· ~ ,~ '''f.,¡tIJk- ;,¡...;, ,···,;,··...-~>·':.-c¿~;,:.-;_::· '~¡~¡' ~~ ~:..~: ;'. -:, ~'. ;'; ",-":' ':;"~'::;' . .. .;.,.:.....<>} I!.·.., ,'.~~: .-;:F.::;....~.: ;:~;.:~...-~::, ,:; '~:-:"k-;:,";:<..".,.~:":' . . -"':.';';. ·"¡+:.'f.~?:..j··~·......·~,,·~ /:J':.'-~' "'.~' Õ.J··" -;.~,·t''':~::· '1.. ,":. .~, " " --'"ft." ,~,~/, ",:' I j . ';::~n);:f'.:/~V¡fd v~ ·¡It¿ (Jtl/-1d,.:' ;. /ö ftt ." -" A/ :.J - / .:,,;~"i":\;~;~7.)' ReinspecÚon schedulø!l?' . V Yes :(,.~<..F?:;:;~:;;i'}' d /;~".1 / ~. INSPECTOR: /..' '~~"'// I,~:"'" 'Pnr,. .J.lMMP-17n1 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (8051861-3636 ., ,¿,.- ~ ., ( -- KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ( HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Heber1son, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon s. Reichard January 15, 1987 Jim Boone 7616 Saddleback Bakersfield, California 93309 Dear Mr. Boone: The permit checklist returned December 30, 1986, to this department for your underground tank indicated you hadn't received the Interim Permit to Operate or a copy of Chapter 15 from the ordinance. I called your office and Juanita confirmed they were missing. I have included a new permit and chapter 15 of the ordinance with this letter. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, I3dt 4c1wø~ Bill Scheide Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BS:sw Enclosure DISTRICT OFFICES "..1__... 1..._-.... I "'I\'o IO"'''' ' oIl~ Mni==-vp RIr1Oflr.rp"t Rhalter . Tall - KERN COUNT': rlEAlTH DEPARTMENT 1700 FLOWER STREET BAKERSFil::lD, CALIFORNIA 9330'5 {8C:;j 861-2231 ( _ r 51 LlI NG DA TEi; I ._'_,-----1 =~'\\i:~1 /(POo3:2.C- ~ì yY) J300 ý\e. r µudso"Supp', CO, 701 tp 5c<dd /ebJ cJ<. L 'J3cJ<qrs.,P¡e1c/ í Co, -, I AMOUNTENCl~D CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY · DUE DATE ' q 3 3a? .-1 . . DETACH HERE-. PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMENT IDENTIFICATION : r DET ~C~H~R 't_".. ., . DESCRiPTION ~ ~~. ' . ,.::;~ I ~i/t.I¿ / if Itj c2~~ g-f. . . ':iAMO' Nt /oo'~ .. ~ Q/â~5 _/;'~/c/ <ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1700 FLOWER STREET 3AKERSF,~El[). CALIFORNIA 93305 . ~(:T10N 1801 PENAl ¡:t~ It <I") 'fto:l '.Q....,rfKI t)y ,"'" d'~I' on ¡i nor po.d prtor '0 '"II Jel.nQuenC, dale, .n OdoØI"O"!C \"'..:... f~., 11'111 opc.';UJnf shUI/po'f Q pena"'" eQual'o f.....,-t'Y- t,,,e p.'~e-n' i25'\;~ I of I~ h.. Th. ~"fm d.!'n'l....ncy du'e' ,/:loll mean ,n Ih. case of Q renttW(1' Jvt'y' ]1, l)"d "' The ~OM nt .J n.....ly ""tobhsh.d bU\'I"IIU or QCII"'1)o Ih,'",-o". (31) dnv' oflef (I.)lm..\e....ceme'" 01 'he D",~ul.S\ ....r arf....ly , /ÓÒ - TOTAL AMOUNT DUE o Incomplete information on ~ page of application entitled "Application for Permit to Operate Underground Storage Facility". The information required is noted in ~ on eEclosed copy. r¡/¡ '1 /¡) (Y' Incomplete information on second page(s) of application - "Tank jjeÄ' . ~ krma~~~upd is noted in ~ on enclosed copy. ~Plot plan__lackinR,or incomplete. Refer to instruction sheet enclosed. o Other: ¡ f'\/,!-/ ., I ¡ Kern County Health DepartmJllþ ( Division of Environmental Hl th ,---' 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 . PerI?it, . '/-'., OÓ~ G Appllcatlo~~te A. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROOND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORÞiGE FACILI'1Y ' ~ of Application (check): ONeW Facility Of'odification of Facility l!tfXistin:¡ Facility DTransfer of OWnership . .' ~~7-~_ Emergency 24-Ho,ur Contact (name, area code, phone): ~ys .3"," !1"",JJJ'¿ 76//.. 6AJd.k &;'4 ßN'~ I J. . . Nlghts . . 34'7- t> ¡, ,. Facility Name L::/j././) 6 ¿,,,J .5 u.~/7' ¿;;. No. of Tanks . / Type of Business (check): ÔGasoline Statlon SOther (describe) ~J5T.R,SL<'1.ðA Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes (ß.No- Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Þtgricultural Purposes? Dyes g..Na- . Facility Address Itj"J<-/ chiT'} 6r /fRS.· Nearest Cross St. ;-< T c-r R SEC (Rural Locations O'\ly) , ,... .',' . Owner" .:::) J m ~L1 ;V .~ Contact Person "J I rn' ðð ¡J -nJ..e:... Address 7/?1¿ 5-4-ddk..6'Ac;.¿ Zip ¿:;d3~7TelePtone ,3Q7- ¿;~ q / Operator Contact Person Adàress Zip Telephone B. Water to Facility Provided by lOA IV ~ Depth to Groundwater Soil Characteristics at Facility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations C. Contractor Address Proposed Startin:¡ Date Worker's Compensation Certification I CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone proposed Completion Date Insurer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An EXisting Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ! Waste product Motor Vehicle unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste I Fuel Oil D 0 g-----' 0 a-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 B 0 B B 0 0 0 0 rJ F. Chanical Canposi tion of Materials Stored (not necessary for IOOtor vehicle fuels) Tank i Chemical Storeå (non-commercial name) CAS i (if known; Chemical Previously Stored (if different) G. Transfer of Ownership Date of Transfer Previous Facility Name I, Previous OWner accept fully all obligations of PeI'J'!'it No. issued to . I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and modify or tenninate the transfer of the Pennit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed form. en completed Imder penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is i Title i~'l¿::2-- . Date /-~ J- fr c... , ,~"'" - ./60032C -¡V'¡£$ e '. .__-."':'."'.'r:'"":.... ...~;< ",,~.', , t. '--I_t. '.t-~ '-1.I_L.f_I.C._.""'L,. ......."':".,,. per.it , Environ.ental Sensitivity ( /' .';'''' :'': ,¿:" .', -- ( 'h ..¿ . ,. uate; - /3 '5..1 Inspection ·Ti.e ~ r:>. ~ UNDERGROUND HA~ARDO~S'~UBSTANCE STORAGE FACXLXTY. .. / X NSPECTX ON REPORT ... Type ot 'Inepection: l/tlrhðlf )(/ pp/V" ":,;;'~:~!;:" ',. <W\;,l~/:',';:;:":~~dr~ee I Ie Infor;atiorf on Per.it/Application co~r~ct? X "IJ./4- 24-lh sf- ...... .' .'., Pacility Naae No. of Tanke Y88 No Per.it Poeted? Rø1nepection Yes - No II!' Routine Co.plaInt COllaents: f ITEM Q I :~i::::r:::!:~::: :::::::::S:yate. >! ~;~~f0~l'~~i;1~!~;o}~;\£~¡:~:-:/ '~'''" :,'. " ,>:~~~~,~ '. ' G) St8ndar~ Inve~tory Control Monitor~ns 4)¡k.f,I4r<'ðf1~Ci{5I//I!,w/~~f a.I ""~ ~ Píð. c. Modified Inventory Control Monitorins I /.)J" 4!ft./c!!.. ()t jJt:4J1i:. .t/ ' ., :: :::~:~::-'::.""~ 12,:,.;/~" ~1f{J ",t r'<'ft/ì I'Ptf.,.gQf!9i 'is. ð¡()¿Ï: ."" 5 /1ë. I .~.I- .. I. .Ðt.;'.}.,I!!!.¿ ~-r //Jq/.I!J ~. ilL ~ cltttrt- ¿it ,,:' , ..,..:::: ::.~::~:..",..,!~:~~ !.þ~~ - .' .' , 0----- ---- '·,,··13)îWt~tt~~·"~ÆI:··'··"· .';:, , $jJe~AI&/#~ j:~'~___!'~~i3~~~-__--------~;"'''· ð Overf1ll Protection ¡+)ðW~ þ1~ Þ4 /14 t1A ~t:: /I!/&I/~~ ~--;;;:;::::-;::;;:;------------------i;;¡,,)~~~~~~~"I'-;¡-7: .----------------------------------------------!----~~" -~.. -~~-~~~~--~~~~-¡I1?~:;: 8. New Construct1on/Moditicat1on I ..,. ~ ',,:-;. _" . , '7 I ". '. ", ,..,.... '. ,-------------------------------------------~--I----~------------~-~------~-----------------------------------------------------~~-------. 7. Closure/Abandon.ent I , .. ,----------------------------------------______I_~__---~________~~~~___________________________~______________------------------------~- . I 8. Unauthorized Release I I ------------------~----------------------____~_I_____-______________________________________________________----------------------------- I . 9. Maintenance. General Safety and.. . ':' ':' I·,,:~; ',",.._ Operat1ns CondJtion ot l'acU1tyji;¡,;~~2;~J.l'r·'~~~~4~\~W;;;è;~:{" '.' ." . , ··;,:~=~~;..~~,4;r,,~,~;;~....:~:----- .' -'·,;'f¿~~:~~··~~,?~1.~<':?: .:' ';>~'::\~~;~~~~~¥;~¥i~~?~~::-.: ., "'. ..!""', " VIOLATIONS NOTED . . ~:,:'~ . .: I ~ a. Liner .t:':' > .:l..:· .:_. "., . b. Double-Walled Tank c. Vault ~._{.. -".' 'þ Id& 4¡~ ........,.... ""''''''~.Da e /5'-~7 REPORT RECEIVED B . , ( , /' Reinapectlon INSPECTOR: (pora .HMMP-170/ ... \ 4?cx:..Y0 , , , -~ URtl"~' C e-- ¡n~ ion Time .. ',' HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY :~..;;~. . ":'1',- I NSPECTI ON . ~EPORT' ':"" . . .!;:/+~;'~~; s;~,~,~~;, / Addr'>e'~~-:~:</>: "1, ,...'''..''''.':" c;;:::,:;::~~~"" ,':!{.¡;;;:::::)i';('~;~~~~1;~f '."~_ ..~.: . ,\. .'';r ";,"',':", '. . .~. '.' Permit It Environmental Sensitivity UNDERGROUND .. ,,~ .:.:. ',' ._'1'...' , //~., ¡' I . I t.," . , .. " .' I Is Information' on Routine Facility Name ',' .No. ' ot· Tanks Type ot: InsPl!ct!,on: COllments: .' i r! '1; .:.', . ~·!r:o:! ' . :: \~; :{',: ···:¡<'é~'~,~i_~{;;~~!;~~;;:,;;;;{;;;':!G\¡NJfl¡~.:-, '~." '¿:;:),fP ,,:/;~;:,!};:.@,~~~g)~~~:¡,\~::;)x;~~;·:· ... .' VIOLATIONS NOTED ){.,¡Jhj;';:¥l,þ//I/í> P5F1;';'~/"''f~ ~':,>d·'i"_"-¡ ¡a;¿;%;:<;}·;;~t,¡, . ,-.r h;''''f,. .".......".""..,/J (/,.:-;-:;.',fV/!.("1¡ðJftll..._,·"..,,"<,;·,·;,,·S;, ,/ ....0. " '."Z';fW¡j/:ø0/;;Y/~; !'>, ;-:J..,..,~~,.,.;;:; ,;,' ',:}%J.;"?I(:'¡';;: ,!'·tt: ITEM '.' P,~,~~~rY Contaimlent Monitoring: :. /~ /:ç ·\;;.t"a;~!n.~~rcept~ilg and Directing SysteM 1 ,il' ~~'.'1..';·':1·~;~ '.~ :1'; I .. ~ ,:Standarct..Inventory Control Monitoring f . fi~:;~;";::~t":::,~;~,~~:;T': !,J,. ". ;;~~,::tGr~ulldlfater Monitoring ;';,~:,q I .,I-i«,~.'.~ '~;~¡;;;. ,I Contaißllent Monitoring: "',;.;. ,c- '!_;t;;,:~;'t~~~;:,~~t;~;l~,~er . "',:.:: .;;'c',·.·.~"b.",Double-Walled Tank, ~.'; : .~._....~~¡~~..~~~._~t;;:4:.: -''':' . " . .... '-, ~ .. " .. , . ",',:.. " '"-';f .-. ~. , , -, .... .. " ... .... .,.. ,.:-:,. ., .. "''.:~~' 4 Overfill Protection I A/" I ''¡A /1f. . {ji;-k.:!..';;':;··':_¡;;'~-"¡·~''':'' - ,',,', ::,;". ~ ;">~;"~'" , . - . '" -. .. ;{H~:;)i_'~i::-~---0W0~ft-ii¡:0j~~2~It~fii~~~!~t~7~~~I~ .., :,.J...; ,.. . .~: " ".' < :\':':: ~. No ':'", INSPECTOR: REPORT RECEIVED BY: ~~..".,~:~- , -.- (ForJII '"MMP-170) o' ,I~~ . , -:;:;¡~ .J ,) ""-- ... . ion Time -',- F -/ ( Permit. EnvironMental Sensitivity .. UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS Facility Name No. ot '·Tanks ..~/." , ! ~ -, ._),... ~ If. I, / , I Is Information'on Routine " , I' C' .: ¡ Typa ot, Inspect.!.on: Comments: . I Permi t/Appl1cation Correct? ·,~':;¡Yes ";:~~í...~~. , ' COMplaint I ,) " ... F-, "::Ir'~ ..,...;:~~~~. r Per.! t ~.~ Poe ted? ~:~:~;~: Yes ~:'Lj;!i;t:NO'~~: r'~ ,,~;tj':-':;:,:Re ~~~~lIction ......")~. ."'~"'~", ;Pj¡\'~'~~;': I of ," , .- -..... . }),...\) '_, ...~. '" . ·...··..,;/....:.1~'.· -.....~..,.~;,:..:.'.:'"','~~.~.......,.'.., ·;·:¡·.~~¡1~;~~~2;~~~i~·~<~;-\; : - ,., . )~~{é.~~:i:~f~::¡:{~{~~fii;!~~~~~:r~x~\ ',: :'~~. '. - ~~~~p:;:~:;:...i.i..:::- ...ii.,.." ':.::::,;"'" ;~:~. a., .I~terceptiÍ1g and Directing system i~~;i:::';:-~.~::·' ;',,9 ~~ltndard/Inventory Control Monitoring , ,!j!!ji¡j,~f¡'':~,~,:::::::-L::::-::::.::·::::,:-·ii''i'' ~. too. . VIOLATIONS NOTED I , . Þ. , e:~~roundwater Monitoring ~ :¡ .. ~-,' t ~::vadÒ8e Zone Moni toring , ;~~..; ''0"" :_'ß>:~ ~':',:<~' £~:~-~')~'!~;j'~;;¿~~;~~~.,:'~¿.~ " " : .'<»~,;"'.:.;¡~J~'~.. .:.~;'-;.,. .:.- . ;~~~.~::.~ 8chð~d_~.l. ~,d? A :~ .....,,/.' ,/ ..: ~., , ,// l~'--- No INSPECTOR: G ..../.';.. , .~., . ,\." " ' <>, (POI'II 'HMMP-170) "j-" .- ............