HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION I , I · I the'f;group I I I I I I I I el el I ~I -I I I II I IT Corporation Submitted by: -?',L~~ IT Corporation 4005 Port Chicago Highway Concord, CA 94520-1120 Tel. 925.288.9898 Fax. 925.288.0888 A Member of The IT Group REPORT ON ADDITIONAL SITE ASSESSMENT 7-ELEVEN STORE #17721 3601 Stockdale Hwy. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA IT Corporation Project 823983 April 29, 2002 Prepared for: Mr. Bob DeNinno 7 -Eleven Inc. 10220 S.W. Greenburg Road, Suite 470 Portland. OR 97233 IT Corporation Approved by: c/l~¿c::?' SHELBY LATHROP Project Manager ...-' KIM METEZ Staff Geologist I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Report on Additional Site Assessment 7-Eleven Store No, 17721, 3601 Stockdale Hwy" Bakersfield, CA ii April 29, 2002 CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION......... ............. ........... ........... ............. ......................... ...................... ......................1 2.0 ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT ..........................................................................................................1 2.1 Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan.................. ....................... ............................... ...........1 2.2 Soil Boring..............................................,......................................................................... ...1 2.3 Soil Sample Collection......... ... ......... ......... ... ......... ......... ...........'............ ......... ...2 3.0 RESULTS .............. ........ ........................ ....... ............. ............... ....................... ....................... ..........2 3.1 Results of Soil Sample Analyses.........................................................................................2 4.0 CLOSURE ABSTRACT ........... ......... ........... ........... ............. ........................... ................... ........... ....2 FIGURES 1. Site Map TABLES 1. Soil Analytical Results APPENDICES A. Drilling Logs B. Laboratory Reports and Chain-of-Custody 17721sar,doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I Report on Additional Site Assessment 7-Eleven Store No. 17721,3601 Stockdale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA 1 April 29, 2002 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report is submitted by IT Corporation to summarize the results of the site assessment conducted at the 7-Eleven Inc., Store No. 17721 at 3601 Stockdale Hwy. in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). The scope of work included the drilling and sampling of one angled soil boring to a depth of 40 feet below surface grade (bgs) and preparation of this assessment report summarizing the methods and results of the work performed. The site assessment was completed as outlined in IT Corporation's June 6,2001 workplan prepared as requested and approved by the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) in their letter dated November 27,2001. The work scope described in this report was completed at the site on March 26, 2002. The purpose of the work was to establish vertical soil concentration distribution (as applicable) and determine if shallow groundwater was to be found in proximity to the base of the soil hydrocarbon/oxygenate plume. Additional assessment was requested on the basis of total petroleum gasoline (TPH-G) and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) concentrations detected in soils during piping upgrades (IT Corporation, 2001). Soil concentrations ranged up to 4,300 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) TPH-G and 6.5 mg/kg MTBE at depths of 2 feet below grade. At depths of 6 feet below grade, concentrations had declined to 100 mg/kg TPH-G and 0.85 mg/kg MTBE in soils beneath the piping areas. 2.0 ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT 2.1 Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan The existing site-specific Health and Safety Plan (as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standard Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response guidelines 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.120) was used during recent activities. The document was reviewed and signed by all IT Corporation personnel and subcontractors prior to commencement of work at the site. 2.2 Soil Boring On March 26, 2002, IT supervised the drilling of one soil boring to 55 feet below grade with a truck-mounted direct-push drill rig. The soil boring was drilled 15 feet deeper than proposed in the June 6, 2001 workplan in attempt to reach groundwater. The soil boring was drilled at a 15 degree angle to surface in order to obtain representative samples from under the dispenser island. 17721 sar.doc ,I I. I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Report on Additional Site Assessment 7-Eleven Store No, 17721,3601 Stockdale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA 2 April 29, 2002 Groundwater was not encountered during drilling. 2.3 Soil Sample Collection Soil samples were collected at five foot intervals from surface grade to total depth of drilling and logged using the Unified Soil Classification System. The samples were then sealed using Teflon septum caps, labeled with the job identification number, the sample number, date, time, and type of laboratory analysis required. The samples were stored on ice and transported with a chain-of-custody record to a state-certified laboratory for analysis. The samples were analyzed for TPH-G using EPA method 8015, and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), MTBE, tert-butyl alcohol (TBA), di- isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl-tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME), ethylene dibromide (EDB) and 1 ,2-dichloroethane (1 ,2-DCA) using EPA method 8260B. Copies of the drilling logs can be found in Appendix A. 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 . Results of Soil Sample Analyses Table 1 summarizes the laboratory analytical results for soil samples collected on March 26, 2002. Of the soil samples collected, samples from 15 feet, 25 feet, 40 feet, 50 feet, and 55 feet below ground surface were submitted to a laboratory for analysis.' None of the target analytes were detected in any of the soil samples. Copies of the analytical results and chain-of-custody documents are included in Appendix B. 4.0 CLOSURE ABSTRACT Site closure is requested on the basis of 1) completion of vertical delineation (the plume has been demonstrated to be limited to depths of less than 10 feet below grade), and 2) no evidence of shallow groundwater to a depth of 55 feet below grade. 17721 sar.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I> I I . I I .1 FIGURES 17721sar.doc I I I I 00:: Zw -m ~~ 0::::) OZ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I >- m ° w > o 0:: a.. a.. « >- m ° w ~ () W I () « I t') OC) (J) t') N OC) STOCKDALE HIGHWAY N 8" WATER w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w, <: 2" H.P. GAS G :::- _~ -=-=- G._--=-=~=-==-_~_----:="G__==-~::=:_G_~~_-=::-~.=-::-_~-===_G_---==-_~_.." G - G l '. '" "-, ',,- I \ '" \ I \ '" , I wi'" I ¡ I r ! I I '" I ! I I '" ¡ I , '" ! I ! '" ! I I '" ! I ! I I '" I , I , , I , I , I , , I , I , I , , I , , I , , I , , I , I , I , , I , , I , , I ~______u_u___________________ _________________________________J P1-50-2' P1-50-6' (!) 58-01 ~ ~ >-~ m"') C> Z ~ a:: °ltl Q: w'E ()O - u u..c: u.. 0 O() u.. W 0:: I X LEGEND w o « ~, SB-01@ SOIL BORING FUEL DISPENSER PROPERTY BOUNDARY o ---- -G- GAS LINE WATER LINE ELECTRICAL LINE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK -w- -E- ---------- P3-50-2' P3-50-6' ,..---, : B : W\ I I I I I I I I J I ! ! W, I I I I lr ! I P2-50-2' P2-50-6' r--------------, :0 00: I I L______________~ r--------------, :0 00: I I L______________~ E -p. 7 - ELEVEN FACILITY NO. 17721 I o SCALE I 30 m IT CORPORATIOI I <: I <: I <: I <: I~ <0 I~ <:« I~ <:I I§ <:(1) I <: I <: I <: I <: I < I I 60 FEET 7-ELEVEN, INC. FACILITY NO. 17721 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 1 SITE MAP I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I TABLES 17721 sar.doc ------------------- Table 1 Soil Sampling Results March 26, 2002 7-Eleven Store #17721 3601 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, California P Soil Boring Samples $at1:,,~·~·:$~~;5:mm;: ¡·i0&QJ~Z26/Q4;;{j';·· SB-1 24.5-25' 03/26/02 SBI1·..3~j5__4º.:.i.m; ¡;!:::Q3/26lOg,j:::.;: SB-1 49.5-50' 03/26/02 SB~1.~4:5-55;.t:::. "'O~/26lQ2 <0.02 'J:'!.;<Q;O~, Explanation TPH-G = Total petroleum hydrocarbons-as-gasoline MTBE = methyl-tert-butyl ether TBA = tert-butanol DIPE = diisopropyl ether ETBE = ethyl-tert-butyl ether TAME = tert-amylmethyl ether mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram 7-11\17721_tbl.xls 1 of 1 04-02-02 I I I II I I I ,I I I I ., 'I :1 ; I :1 I I I i I I I I APPENDIX A DRILLING LOGS 17721 sar .doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [I] IT CORPORATION A Member of the IT Group Project ï-Eleven, SS#1772/ Location 3601 Stockdale Hwy, Bakerfield Surface Elev. Top of Casing Screen: Dia Casing: Dia Fill Material Neat Cement Drill Co. Vlronex Driller Steve/Casey Checked By Fd Simonis Proj. No. 823983 Diameter 2 In. Static Type/Size Type Rig/Core Truck Mounted 6600/Macrocore Method Geoprobe Kim Metez Date 03/26/02 Permit # License No: California RG#4422 Total Hole Depth Water Level Initial Length Length Log By 0 '- >- ui .... ... (/) ...... c Q ü ro .c~ ~ ...., . OE QJ 0 > .cO) 0.::: ......0. ã. U 0 0.0 U ŒJ~ a.-3 0 ~..J E ~ Q If) 0 I1J 0 a: (!) u U) iñ ~ If) ::> - -2- ~ 0 - i- 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - - 10- I- 12 - I- 14 - 16 - - 18 - - 20- - 22- -24 - - 26l 0-'1/16/:'00:' lithlog-Mar,99 ASP!- ',0 ' )~OIY'O ' GW ~:'~ . . . · . · . o' · . · . · . · . · . · . · . · . · . · . 'I I'll SH · . · . '. SW å1J1..... - · . ML I--- · . '0 · . · . · . o. · . · . .>. -:;.;. f- Ji:1'\ SH · . . '. · . ~ . .. SW . . · . · . '. · . · . '. · . · . · . o. · . · . · . · . · . · . · . · . Drilling Log Soil Boring 58-1 Owner 7-Eleven, Inc. See Site Map For Boring Location 55 ft. COMMENTS: No groundwater. PlO readings 0.0.0.. Refusal @55 feel. Li!¡~t ~'33.. ' nM..a11 the Joc) U'UWII ¿v SC ,*cct. Description (Color, Texture, Structure) Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% Asphalt (?) ovel' gravel base. Very fine to medium SAND: brown, slightly moist, soft/loose, micaceous. SW Fine to medium SAND: light brown, dry, loose, angular to subangular, micaceous, no product odor, Grades clayey, silty fine to medium SAND (10,15,75): soft, Grades very fine to fine SAND: loose. Sandy, clayey SIL T (15,35,50): brown, slighty moist, soft, slightly plastic. tv1edium SAND: tan, dry, loose, subangular, feldspathic, slightly micaceous. sw Silty fine to medium SAND (25,75): brown, slightly moist, soft/loose, (caving?), tv1edium SAND: tan, dry, loose, angular to subangular, feldspathic, slightly micaceous. Grades interbedded medium SAND and medium to coarse SAI\JD, Grades interbedded with fine to medium S,L\,I\ID, . SW Grades medium to coarse SAI\ID, Page: 1 of 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1111 IT CORPORATION A Mem/)er of the IT Group Project ï-Eleven. SS#lï121 Location 3601 Stockdale Hwv, Bakerfield 1::.~ .... . a.:::: QJ~ o 0 ...... >- u) - ~ (J) ~ .... C QJ 0 IU OE QJ ~ > 1::.0) 0 0 U ....0. a. u u 0.0 a. a. E OJ IU...J UJ ~ 3: '- IU 0 II: (!) U (j) ro ~ UJ :J - , . , , '. '. '. '. '. SW '. '. '. '. '. " ¿e- , . , . . , ' '. SW '- 26 - r- 28 - I- 30 - I- 32 - I- 34- - 36- - 38- -40- - 42- -44- · .() ,°0',( O.·.¡p. GW ~Oo'·( ~ -46 - -48- · . · . " · . · . " - 50- · . .... sw · . - 52- · . '. · , · . '. . . -54- · . · ' '. - 56- -581 -6oj 04/16/2'102Iithlog-Mar,gg Drilling Log Soil Boring 58-1 Owner 1-Eleven. Inc. Pro;, No, 823983 Description (Color, Texture, Structure) Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% Ivtedium to coarse SAND: tan, dl'y, loose, angular to subangular, feldspathic, slightly micaceous. Grades medium SAND. Grades medium to coal'se, Grades fine and fine to medium S,AND: tan with orange yellow layers (a few 2-3mm black laminae of fine grained heavy minerals -80%) subrounded, Sandy GRAVEL: dry. Grades pebbly coal'se SAND. Grades interbedded medium to coarse SAI\ID and fine to medium SAND, , F'age: 2 of 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B LABORATORY REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY 17721 sar.doc I I IT Corp I 4005 Port Chicago Hwy Concord CA, 94520 I Sample ID SB-1 14.5-15' I SB-1 24.5-25' SB-1 39.5-40' I 8B-1 49.5-50' SB-1 54.5-55' I I I I I I I I I I I SunStar Laboratories, Inc. I ~ I Leah Beauchaine, Project Manager Project: 7- Eleven # 1 7721 Project Number: 823983 Project Manager: Shelby Lathrop Reported: 4/1/02 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Laboratory ID Matrix T200221-01 Soil T200221-02 Soil T20022 1-03 Soil T200221-04 Soil T200221-05 Soil Date Sampled Date Received 3/26/02 3/26/02 3/26/02 3/26/02 3/26/02 3/27/02 3/27/02 3/27 /02 3/27/02 3/27/02 The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document, This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety, Page 1 of8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT Corp 4005 Port Chicago Hwy Concord CA, 94520 Project: 7-Eleven #17721 Project Number: 823983 Project Manager: Shelby Lathrop Reported: 4/1/02 Volatile Organic Compounds by EP A Method 8260B SunStar Laboratories, Inc. Reporting Analyte Result Lirnit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes SB-l 14.5-15' (T200221-01) Soil Sampled: 03/26/02 00:00 Received: 03/27/02 11:00 Benzene ND 5.0 ug/kg 2040103 03/29/02 03/30/02 EPA 82608 Di-isopropyl ether ND 20 Ethylbenzene ND 5,0 Ethyl tert-butyl ether ND 20 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 20 Tert-amyl methyl ether ND 20 Tert-butyl alcohol ND 50 Toluene ND 5.0 m,p-Xylene ND 5.0 o-Xylene ND 5.0 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 96.9% 81-117 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 91,1 % 74-121 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 115% 80-120 SB-l 24.5-25' (T200221-02) Soil Sampled: 03/26/02 00:00 Received: 03/27/02 11 :00 Benzene ND 5.0 ug/kg 2040103 03/29/02 04/0 1/02 EPA 82608 Di-isopropyl ether ND 20 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 Ethyl tert-butyl ether ND 20 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 20 Tert-amyl methyl ether ND 20 Tert-butyl alcohol ND 50 Toluene ND 5.0 m,p-Xylene ND 5.0 o-Xylene ND 5.0 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 97.2 % 81 -117 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 93,3 % 74-121 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 97,8 % 80- 1 20 SunStar Laboratories, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety, ~ Leah Beauchaine, Project Manager Page 2 of 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT Corp 4005 Port Chicago Hwy Concord CA, 94520 Project: 7-Eleven #17721 Project Number: 823983 Project Manager: Shelby Lathrop 4/1/02 Reported: Volatile Organic Compounds by EP A Method 8260B SunS tar Laboratories, Inc. Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes S8-1 39.5-40' (T200221-03) Soil Sampled: 03/26/02 00:00 Received: 03/27/02 11:00 Benzene NO 5.0 ug/kg 2040103 03/29/02 03/30/02 EPA 82608 Oi~isopropyl· ether NO 20 Ethylbenzene NO 5.0 Ethyl tert-butyl ether NO 20 Methyl tert-butyl ether NO 20 Tert-amyl methyl ether NO 20 Tert-butyl alcohol NO 50 Toluene NO 5.0 m,p-Xylene NO 5.0 o-Xylene NO 5.0 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 98,7% 81-117 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 93,2 % 74,121 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 117% 80-120 S8-1 49.5-50' (T200221-04) Soil Sampled: 03/26/0200:00 Received: 03/27/02 11:00 Benzene NO 5.0 uglkg 2040103 03/29/02 04/01/02 EP A 82608 Oi-isopropyl ether NO 20 Ethylbenzene NO 5.0 Ethyl tert-butyl ether NO 20 Methyl tert-butyl ether NO 20 Tert-amyl methyl ether NO 20 Tert-butyl alcohol NO 50 Toluene NO 5.0 m;p-Xylene NO 5.0 o-Xylene NO 5.0 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 98.0% 81-117 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 % 74-121 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Jl6% 80-120 SunStar Laboratories, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. ." .~ Page 3 of8 Leah Beauchaine, Project Manager I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT Corp 4005 Port Chicago Hwy Concord CA, 94520 Project: 7-Eleven #17721 Project Number: 823983 Project Manager: Shelby Lathrop Reported: 4/1/02 V olatile Organic Compounds by EP A Method 8260B SunStarLaboratories, Inc. Analyte Analyzed Method Reporting Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Notes Prepared SB-l 54.5-55' (T200221-0S) Soil Benzene Oi-isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Ethyl tert-butyl ether Methyl tert-butyl ether Tert-amyl methyl ether' Tert-butyl alcohol Toluene m,p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Received: 03/27/02 11:00 Sampled: 03/26/02 00:00 NO 5,0 NO 20 NO 5.0 NO 20 NO 20 NO 20 NO 50 NO 5.0 NO 5.0 NO 5.0 98.9% 93.1 % 111 % 03/29/02 04/01102 EPA 82608 ug/kg 2040103 81-117 74-121 80-120 SunStar Laboratories, Inc. I fY) ÍI ~ ,I "-:., The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document, This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Leah Beauchaine, Project Manager Page 4 of 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT Corp Project: 7-Eleven #17721 4005 Port Chicago Hwy Project Number: 823983 Reported: Concord CA, 94520 Project Manager: Shelby Lathrop 4/1/02 Purgeable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by 8015 SunStar Laboratories, Inc. Reporting Analyte Result Lirnit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes SB-l 14.5-15' (T200221-01) Soil Sampled: 03/26/02 00:00 Received: 03/27/02 11:00 Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons ND 500 uglkg 2032902 03/28/02 03/28/02 EPA 80158 Surrogate: 4-Bromojluorobenzene 90.4 % 65-135 ~B-l 24.5-25' (T200221-02) Soil Sampled: 03/26/02 00:00 Received: 03/27/02 11 :00 Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons ND 500 ug/kg 2032902 03/28/02 03/28/02 EPA 80158 Surrogate: 4-Bromojluorobenzene 86.4 % 65-135 SB-l 39.5-40' (T200221-03) Soil Sampled: 03/26/02 00:00 Received: 03/27/02 11:00 Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons ND 500 uglkg 2032902 03/28/02 03/28/02 EPA 80158 Surrogate: 4-Bromojluorobenzene 89.6% 65-135 SB-l 49.5-50' (T200221-04) Soil Sampled: 03/26/02 00:00 Received: 03/27/02 11:00 Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons ND 500 ug/kg 2032902 03/28/02 03/29/02 EPA 80158 Surrogate: 4-Bromojluorobenzene 81,6% 65-.135 SB-l 54.5-55' (T200221-05) Soil Sampled: 03/26/02 00:00 Received: 03/27/02 11:00 Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons ND 500 ug/kg 1 2032902 03/28/02 03/28/02 EPA 80158 Surrogate: 4-Bromojluorobenzene 88.8% 65,135 SunS"" ~ --, r7"'-, The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document, This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety, Page 5 of8 Leah Beauchaine, Project Manager I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT Corp 4005 Port Chicago Hwy Concord CA, 94520 Project: 7-Eleven #17721 Project Number: 823983 Project Manager: Shelby Lathrop Reported: 4/1/02 V olatile Organic Compounds by EP A Method 8260B - Quality Control SunStar Laboratories, Inc. Reporting Spike Source %REC RPO Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPO Limit Notes Batch 2040103 - EPA 5030 Soil MS Blank (2040103-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/29/02 Benzene NO 5,0 ug/kg Oi-isopropyl ether NO 20 Ethylbenzene NO 5.0 Ethyl tert-butyl ether NO 20 Methyl tert-butyl ether NO 20 Tert-amyl methyl ether NO 20 Tert-butyl alcohol NO 50 Toluene NO 5.0 m,p-Xylene NO 5.0 o-Xylene NO 5.0 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 98,0 100 98,0 81-Il7 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 89,9 100 89,9 74-121 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 105 100 105 80-120 LCS (2040103-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/29/02 Benzene 247 5,0 uglkg 250 98.8 75-125 Toluene 245 5.0 250 98,0 75·125 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 98.7 100 98.7 81·Il7 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94.6 100 94.6 74,121 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 105 JOO 105 80-120 LCS Dup (2040103-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/29/02 Benzene 214 5,0 uglkg 250 85,6 75-125 14.3 20 Toluene 207 5,0 250 82,8 75·125 16.8 20 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 97,5 100 97.5 81-Il7 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 92,3 JOO 92.3 74-121 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Il7 100 Il7 80-120 SunStar Laboratories, Inc. æfJ, í,r,,-: i' ~ '. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Leah Beauchaine, Project Manager Page 6 of 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT Corp 4005 Port Chicago Hwy Concord CA, 94520 Project: 7-Eleven #17721 Project Number: 823983 Project Manager: Shelby Lathrop Reported: 4/1/02 Purgeable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by 8015 - Quality Control SunStar Laboratories, Inc. Analyte Reporting Limit Units RPO Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits Result Batch 2032902 - EP A 3550B Blank (2032902-BLK1) Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons Prepared: 03/28/02 Analyzed: 03/29/02 NO 500 ug/kg 120 125 96.0 65,135 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/28/02 10700 500 ug!kg 12500 85.6 75-125 117 125 93.6 65-135 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/28/02 12100 500 ug/kg 12500 96.8 75-125 12,3 20 126 125 101 65-135 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene LC8 (2032902-B81) Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene LC8 Dup (2032902-B8D1) Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene RPO Limit Notes SunStar Laboratories, Inc. ì ,'- (){) ~ ;:Jí!/fb4 '<.,.' The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety, Leah Beauchaine, Project Manager Page 7 of 8 I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I. I I I I I I IT Corp 4005 Port Chicago Hwy Concord CA, 94520 Project: 7-Eleven#17721 Project Number: 823983 Project Manager: Shelby Lathrop Reported: 4/1/02 DET Analyte DETECTED ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis RPD Relative Percent Difference Notes and Definitions SunS tar Laboratories, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety, I ()D íJ. 'j!¿í~ (/"'- ¡ Leah Beauchaine, Project Manager Page 8 of 8 -------~----------- Vironex Inc. 3002 Dow Ave, 8te,. 406 Tustin, CA 92780 1-800-847-6639 Chain of Custody Record Date: 7/').-6/ CJ "2-- Page: Of Project Name: í-f3;:/L.IIrt/Yl #' I 7 ï 2--1 Collector: ¡?-. M-t-tL.-b Client Project #: B ~ q~ 3 Batch #: Proposal #: Client: -C-r Co f2.-POr2..A-r f ON Addres~: 4006" f?;/z-T C+t1U\é7D Hw-vJ Cot-J COft.Þ CA- OfifSW Phone: v¡-z,~- ues- q(!q<6 Fax:C1oz,{;"- tj.1-'- UJ1--q Project Manager: G ~~ ~~ YêJ1? 1 ~ IJ) (ij IJ) Q3 (ij ~ ~ Q3 ~ ~ N Q) ~ N .!: ,..... ~ I!! II) (5 ëii Ü IJ) c:: ï= Q) ~ IJ) Q) c: II] :§. 0 0 '*I: ëõ ~ .3 0 0 Q ë 0 0 ~ ~ t::: t::: Q) 0 0 0 0 0 ..... It) It) 0 0 ~ .2: u 0 N CD ..... cO ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ro - 0 N N ..... 0 0 0 '§ è: 0 Sample Container co co co co "" co co CD CD Q) '*I: « « « « « « « « « 0 IJ) (ij Sample ID Date Sampled Time Type Type a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. .0 Q) Õ w w w w w w w w w II] ... Comments .4Yh"'1 ...J a. - l't.g- Ie; \ "7 h.-L /0 1.-- ~ðlZ rv1~ 01 I ~ Ch- I ?-tI-. c:::;- -u:;' 02 ¿; r::? - \ ~q.C;- ~' i>') \ ~Ih-I a..f-O .C;-_5'J' c'f ¿;'fh_ of .::; Lt-. t;' - l? ~ I II;' , , , " ð<Ç .. / Relinr(i~gnature) Date I Time Receivr~Øsignature ) ~~;~ Total # of containers IS Notes '7/-;,,(, /0 1/ A, /t...--' ----7-----, Chain of Custody seals Y/NIf>iÅ Relinquished b~gnature) Date I Time Received by: (~ure) DBte I Tfme Seals intact? Y/N~ I--- I--- Received good condition/~ Relinquished by: (signature) Date I Time yed t ignature) I Date I Time L-...- } ( ? 2r/oz- J I :,ÞСfN'l Turn around time: Sample disposal Instructions: Disposal @ $2.00 each _ .,.'..1Urn to~' Pickup _ .~