HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'ASSOCIATES Envi ron mentall Geotechn ica II Engi neeri ng Services I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECf STATUS/CLOSURE REPORT, SOIL VAPOR EXTRACDON SYSTEM BAKERSFIELD STOCKDALE STATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA LOWNEYASSOCIATES Environmental / Geotechnical/Engineering Services · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . Ii , ' 'ASSOCIATES Environmental/Geotechnical/Engineering Services October 21, 1996 864-9B, MV102106 Ms. Lily Soo Hoo UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE FACILITIES SERVICE OFFICE 850 Cherry Avenue San Bruno, California 94099-0300 RE: PROJECT STATUS/CLOSURE REPORT, SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM BAKERSFIElD STOCKDALE STATION BAKERSFIElD, CAliFORNIA Dear Ms. Soo Hoo: The attached report summarizes the results of our soil quality evaluation performed at the Bakersfield Stockdale Station located at 5601 Stockade Highway in Bakersfield, California. This work was performed per our work plan dated August 7, 1996. , ' , Based on the historical results of the on-site soil vapor extraction system and the recent soil quality evaluation, the petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in soil beneath the site appear to have been reduced to a level where no significant threat to the environment or human health exists. Therefore, the City of Bakersfield Fire Department should consider the site for case closure. We recommend that a copy of this report be sent to the Fire Department for their review. We refer you to the text of the report for details regarding our findings. If you have any questions, please call and we shall be glad to discuss them with you. Very truly yours, ..;;.~;;;:~~~:~~:':;~~::~:.,. /' -\1_"') (". ..,~ /~~¿;~; ~:~;::T·~·-j:~!~~~~:~' (J:;:~~." II .~\~./ .' \ "...... ..~. I ill '., '.,'.,' .... I -..;.' ~,- '(,.;y\'- \ . No W'li.i:7", \ . "..J \,\ Exp. ;'-31,98 j CERT!F/ëD ! ~~~ ~r" HYDROGEOLOGIST , i,./ . "-11' ~,,0-~:;< " ('OFC~:' Ron 1. Helm, R.G., C.E.G. .,.., ' Principal Environmental Geologist LOWNEY ASSOCIATES St Stason 1. Foster, P.E. Associate Environmental Engineer RLH:SIF:P]R:tjc Copies: Addressee (4) V' 405 Clyde Avenue. Mountain View. CA 94043-2209 (415) 967-2365 FAX (415) 967,2785 Mailing Address: P,O, Box 1388. MQuntain View. CA 94042,1388 Mountain View Walnut Creek I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT STATUS/CLOSURE REPORT, SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM For BAKERSFIElD STOCKDALE STATION Bakersfield, California To UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE FACILITIES SERVICE OFFICE 850 Cherry Avenue San Bruno, California 94099-0300 October 1996 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I USPS Bakersfield Stockdale Station Table of Contents Letter of Transmittal Title Page Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION.,.."",. ............" ,. "...,..,.."".,..."'.'"..",,.,....',... ,.,.......', ,....,...".,.""..".....,..,. ,1 1,1 Purpose.",...,...........,......,.,........."...,....,.....".."...",."....,.............,....."..",...."",.,......,., 1 1 ,2 Scope of Work,..,......,...,..........."........ ....",.."...,...,...........,..,......,."........",...,."""",.., ,1 2,0 SITE BACKGROUND..............,..,."..".......,......,...,....,....",........ ..........,.....,...",."""".....,...",1 3,0 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM START-UP ...............................................................,2 3.1 Summary of Analytical Results.,.."....,....,...,..",.....",...,.............,....,...,...."......""..,...., 3 Table 1. Summary of System Operation Parameters ...............................................,3 4,0 SOIL QUALITY EVALUATION...........,..,..."....."..,..",.....,.....,....,... ,...,....",..,..",.,.",."",.".".4 4,1 Subsurface Investigation ....................... ............... ..... ............., .............,.....,." .....""" ,.4 4.2 Soil Quality.,.. ................................ .......... ........... .......,.....,....,.",..,."..".",'. .......,.."...,..4 4.2,1 Laboratory Analyses ..... ............, .......,....,......., ..... ....... ....., .......,....",.. ......."",'.5 Table 2, Analytical Results of Selected Soil Samples ................................................5 4,3 Soil Cuttings..""..........,........."."..,...,........."."..,.".....",.."..........."...".",.""",.."..""".6 Table 3. Analytical Results of Composite Stockpiled Soil Sample..".",.,."""""."", 7 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......"....,..........................,......"'....,..,.......,..,..7 5.1 Soil Quality"....",...,."...,.""."",.".",..,.,..",..".",.,..""...,.."..",..",..."..,..""...""",..,."" 7 5,2 Soil Vapor Extraction System..........,............,..""....................,................,.,...........,..,8 6.0 LIMITATIONS"....,..",.",.".."......,.....,.",.."..",...........,.....,.,.......,.,......,....,....,..",....""",....,., ,8 FIG URE 1 VICINITY MAP FIGURE 2 CONFIRMATORY BORING LOCATIONS FIGURE 3 GEOLOGIC CROSS-SECTION APPENDIX A SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION AND SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL APPENDIX B ANALYTICAL RESULTS LOWNEY~lAlES Environmental I Geotechnical I Engineering Services Page i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECf STATUS/CLOSURE REPORT BAKERSFIElD STOCKDALE STATION BAKERSFIElD, CALIFORNIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION In this report, we present the results of the soil quality 1.1 Purpose evaluation and closure request for the Bakersfield Stockdale Station located at 5601 Stockdale Highway in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). This work was performed for the United States Postal Service to evaluate the effectiveness of soil remediation activities at the site. The scope of work performed was outlined in our 1.2 Scope of Work work plan dated August 7, 1996 and included: T Drilling and logging of two exploratory borings. T Collection of selected soil samples for laboratory analysis. T Preparation of this project status/closure request report. 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND In February 1992, a 10,000-gallon gasoline under- ground storage tank (UST) was removed from the site. Analysis of soil samples collected from directly below the tank detected gasoline hydrocarbons at up to 46,000 parts per million' (ppm). Subsequent work performed at the site included the drilling of several soil borings near the former tank location to evaluate LO\¥NEY~lAiES Environmental I Geotechnical I Engineering Services Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I United States Postal Service Bakersfield Stockdale Station the extent of impacted soil (Lowney 1992). Gasoline concentrations in the 1,000 to 4,000 ppm range were detected in the soil to a depth of approximately 65 feet south of the former tank. Soil saturated with free product was also observed at approximately 65 feet below ground surface. Gasoline concentrations rapidly decrease~ with depth below 65 feet and were not detected below the 100-foot depth. To reduce the gasoline concentrations in soil and limit further migration, a soil vapor extraction system was installed at the site. This system uses a thermal/catalytic oxidizer to treat soil vapor extracted from various depth intervals at two locations (see Figure 2). 3.0 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM START-UP The thermal oxidizer was started on December 12, 1995. As required by the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) (Permit No. S-739-7-0), influent and effluent air samples were collected during system startup and submitted to a state certified laboratory for analysis. To monitor the ongoing operation of the system and compliance with emissions limits established by the S]VUAPCD, additional influent and effluent samples were periodically collected and analyzed. Although the permit requires monthly sampling, more frequent sampling has allowed better optimization of the system during operation. As noted in Table 1, these additional samples were analyzed in the field using an organic vapor meter (FID or PID) or, alternatively, using an in- house gas chromatograph eGc). LOWNEY AS::ü:IATES Environmental I Geotechnical I Engineering Services Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I United States Postal Service Bakersfield Stockdale Station Due to the decreasing petroleum hydrocarbon concen- trations, the catalytic module was installed on February 9, 1996 and the system was switched from thermal to catalytic operation. This switch allows the system to operate at a much lower temperature, 600°F instead of 1,400°F, resulting in a lower propane consumption rate. Due to significant decreases in the influent concentrations and mass removal rates (see Table 1), the system was turned off in late August 1996. Presented in Table 1 is a summary of the analytical results obtained from the influent and effluent analyses. Flow rates, mass removal rates, and emission rates are also presented. 3.1 Summary of Analytical Results TABLE 1. Summary of System Operation Parameters Mass Emission Method of TPHg Concentration Flow Rate Removed Rate Destruction Date Analysis Influent Effluent Units %LEL (SCFM) (lbs/day) (lbs/day) Efficiency (%) 12/12/95 Certified Lab 3,850 203 mglm3 59.9 275 95.19 5.02 94.727 12/13/95 PlD/FID 1,575 14 mglm3 59.5 267 37.81 0,34 99.111 12/14/95 PlD/FlD 1,750 24 mglm3 60,3 267 42,01 0.58 98,629 12/15/95 PlD/FlD 1,680 28 mglm3 60.1 247 37.31 0.62 98,333 1/8/95 PlD/FlD 1,575 21 mglm3 59,3 265 37.52 0.50 98.667 1/9/95 PlD/FlD 1,470 24 mglm3 59,9 255 33.70 0,55 98.367 1/10/96 PlD/FlD 1,750 17 mg/m3 51.9 248 39.02 0.38 99.029 1/11/96 In-house GC 2,800 <20 mglm3 38,9 243 61.17 <0.44 >99.281 1/12/96 In-house GC 3,600 <20 mglm3 33.4 242 78.33 <0.44 >99.483 1/17/96 In-house GC 3,220 <20 mglm3 19,8 238 68,90 <0.43 >99.376 1/17/96 Certified Lab' 2,000 28 mglm3 19.8 238 42.80 0,60 98,600 1/25/96 In-house GC 2,000 <20 mglm3 13.4 233 41. 90 <0.42 >98.998 1/30/96 In-house GC 1,600 <20 mglm3 20.8 231 33.23 <0.42 >98.736 2/16/96 In-house GC 950 <20 mglm3 14,9 226 19.30 <0.41 >97.895 2/20/96 In-house GC 1,000 <20 mglm3 14.9 222 19.96 <0.40 >98.000 2/26/96 In-house GC 860 30 mglm3 13.6 213 16.47 0.57 96.512 3/14/96 In-house GC 480 30 mglm3 9.4 175 7.55 0.47 93.750 3/25/96 In-house GC 193 <20 mglm3 10.9 176 3,05 <0.32 >89.637 4/16/96 In-house GC 150 <20 mglm3 9.6 174 2.35 <0.31 >86,667 continued LOWNEY~IATES Enviroomentall Geotechnical I Engineering SelVices Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I United States Postal Service Bakersfield Stockdale Station TABLE 1. Summary of System Operation Parameters (continued) Mass Emission Method of TPHg Concentration Flow Rate Removed Rate Destruction Date Analysis Influent Effluent Units %LEL (SCFM) (lbs/day) (lbs/day) Efficiency (%) 5/13/96 In-house GC 280 <20 mg/m3 12.5 181 4.56 <0.33 >92,857 5/28/96 In-house GC 147 <20 mg/m3 15.9 183 2.42 <0,33 >86.395 6/12/96 In-house GC 182 <20 mg/m3 6,0 177 2.90 <0.32 >89,011 6/27/96 In-house GC 140 <20 mg/m3 8.0 187 2.35 <0,34 >85.714 7/8/96 In-house GC 119 <20 mglm3 11.5 185 1.98 <0,33 >83,193 7/24/96 In-house GC 38'; <20 mg/m3 15.5 187 0,65 <0.34 >48.052 . Split sample 4.0 SOIL QUALI1Y EVALUATION On August 20 and 21, 1996, environmental engineer Paul Reginato directed a subsurface exploration program and logged two borings (EB-7 and EB-8) to approximate depths of 95 and 65 feet, respectively. Soil samples were obtained from the borings at approximate 5-foot depth intervals or significant changes in lithology. Ground water was not encountered in either boring. Soil sampling protocol and boring logs are presented in Appendix A. The approximate boring locations are shown on Figure 2, and were selected to coincide with the locations (EB-3 and EB-4) at which the highest levels were previously encountered (Lowney 1992). To evaluate soil quality, the collected samples were monitored for volatile hydrocarbons using an organic vapor meter (OYM). The OYM results are shown on the boring logs presented in Appendix A and revealed concentrations of organic vapors of up to 650 parts per million (ppm). Soil samples collected from each LOWNEYAS3XIA1ES Environmental I Geotechnical I Engineering Services Page 4 4.1 Subsurface Investigation 4.2 Soil Quality I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I United States Postal Service Bakersfield Stockdale Station boring at approximately 5-foot depth intervals were selected for submittal to a state certified analytical laboratory. Twenty-seven soil samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons in the gasoline range (TPHg) and benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene (BTEX) compounds (EPA Test Method 8015/8020). Analytical results are presented in Table 2. For comparison, the new data are presented along with the results from nearby borings EB-3 and EB-4 that were drilled prior to operation of the soil vapor extraction system. Copies of the analytical reports and chain of . custody documentation are presented in Appendix B. 4.2.1 Laboratory Analyses TABLE 2. Analytical Results of Selected Soil Samples (concentrations in parts per million) Boring Depth Ethyl· Number (±0.5 feet) TPHg Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes £B-3 (EB-7) 15,5-16,0 4,300 (71) 29 «0.005) 280 «0.005) 83 «0.005) 600 «0.005) 20.5-210 1,500 (54) 18 «0.005) 190 «0.005) 47 «0.005) 360 «0.005) 25.5-26.0 1,300 (210) 12 «0.005) 100 «0.005) 31 «0.005) 200 (0.093) 30.5-31,0 1 ,400 «1.0) 9,6 «0.005) 110 «0.005) 30 «0.005) 210«0.005) 35.5-36,0 310 (5.6) 2,0 (0.34) 17 (1.0) 6.8 (0.084) 48 (0.69) 40,5-410 1,300 (7,900) 19 (66) 140 (740) 37 (210) 240 (1,400) 45.5-46.0 4,200 (4.7) 48 «0.005) 400 (0.011) 100 «0.005) 700 (0.018) 50.5-51.0 490 «1.0) 2.6 «0.005) 30 «0.005) 9.2 «0.005) 63 «0.005) 56.0-56.5 1 ,300 (NA) 6.5 (NA) 81 (NA) 29 (NA) 200 (NA) 610-615 3,400 (1.5) 36 «0.005) 340 (0.016) 84 «0.005) 590 (0.036) Bottom of £B-3 65,5-66.0 2,200 (620) 23 (3.4) 210 (28) 58 (8.4) 380 (53) 70.5-710 (3,100) «0.005) (1.1) «0.005) (4.1) 75.5-76.0 «1.0) «0.005) «0.005) «0.005) ( <0.005) 80.5-810 (62) «0.005) (0.54) (1.1) (11) 85,0-85.5 «1.0) «0.005) «0.005) «0.005) ( <0.005) 90,5-910 ( <1.0) «0.005) ( <0.005) «0.005) ( <0.005) 95,5-96.0 (1.5) «0.005) ( <0.005) ( <0.005) «0.005) continued L01NNEY~lAìES Environmental! Geotechnical! Engineering Services Page 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I United States Postal Service Bakersfield Stockdale Station TABLE 2. Analytical Results of Selected Soil Samples (concentrations in pans per million) (continued) Boring Depth Ethyl- Number (±0.5 feet) TPHg Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes EB-4 (EB·8) 15.5-16.0 <1.0 «1.0) 0.012 «0.005) 0.071 «0.005) 0,017«0.005) 0"110 «0.005) 20.5-21.0 5,8 «1.0) 0,056 «0.005) 0.46 «0.005) 0,14«0.005) 1.0 «0.005) 25.5-26,0 <1.0 «1.0) 0,016 «0.005) 0.027 «0.005) <0,005 «0.005) 0"015 «0.005) 30.5-31.0 <1.0 «1.0) 0.052 «0.005) 0,092 «0.005) 0,010 «0.005) 0"063 «0.005) 35.5-36,0 2.1 «1.0) 0.044 «0.005) 0,240 «0.005) 0.073 «0.005) 0.460 «0.005) 40.5-41.0 1.8 (44) 0.034 «0.005) 0,130(0.014) 0,026 (0.083) 0,190(1.0) 45.5-46"0 1.1 «1.0) 0.031 «0.005) 0,110 «0.005) 0,021 «0.005) 0,170 «0.005) 50.5-51.0 1,900 «1.0) 6,0 «0.005) 82 «0.005) 32 «0.005) 250 «0.005) 55.5-56,0 280 «1.0) 2.0 «0.005) 23 «0.005) 6,8 «0.005) 50 ( <0.005) 60.5-61.5 420 (2.0) 4.5 «0.005) 46 «0.005) 12 «0.005) 91 «0.005) Bottom of EB-8 65"0-65.5 1,000 (2,400) 11 (18) 120 (180) 27 (47) 190 (300) 66"0-66.5 970 21 130 29 180 67.5-68"0 58 1.3 3.3 0"240 1.8 69,0-69.5 <1.0 0.051 0,110 0,010 0.640 76"0-76.5 1.5 0,250 0.410 0,021 0"150 81.0-81.5 <1.0 0"170 0,270 0"009 0.060 86.0-86.5 <1.0 0.028 0,033 <0,005 0"007 91.0-91.5 <1.0 0.013 0"023 <0"005 0"007 96"0-96.5 <1.0 0"011 0,006 <0"005 <0,005 101.0-101.5 <1.0 0"005 0,012 <0,005 <0"005 106,0-106,5 <1.0 <0"005 <0"005 <0"005 <0"005 111.0-111.5 <1.0 <0,005 <0"005 <0,005 <0005 1160-116,5 <1.0 <0.005 <0"005 <0.005 <0"005 To evaluate disposal options for soil cuttings generated during drilling, one four-point composite soil sample (55-1, 55-2, 55-3, and 55-4) was collected from the soil stockpile. The sample was then submitted to a state certified analytical laboratory and analyzed for TPHg and BTEX compounds (EPA Test Method 8015/8020), and reactivity, corroslvlty, and ignitability (RCI). Analytical results are presented in Table 3. Copies of the analytical reports and chain of custody documentation are presented in Appendix B. 4.3 Soil Cuttings LOWNEY~IATES Environmental I Geotechnical I Engineering Services Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I United States Postal Service Bakersfield Stockdale Station TABLE 3. Analytical Results of Composite Stockpiled Soil Sample (concentrations in parts per million) Soil Ethyl- Sample TPHg Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes 55-1 to 4 10 <0.005 0.030 0,022 0.16 pH 7.70 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analytical results and observations during drilling of the two verification borings (EB-7 and EB-S), free petroleum product is no longer present in the soil beneath the site. As shown on the cross-section presented in Figure 3, the majority of soil underlying the site consists of sand. Thin layers of more finely grained soil (clays and silts) are present near the 40- and 65-foot depths. The soil vapor extraction system appears to have been effective at reducing the petroleum hydrocarbon levels within the sandy strata. Of the verification soil samples collected from these strata, the majority did not contain detectable levels of TPHg (a significant decrease compared to the prior sample results), and only one contained concentrations greater than 100 ppm. Higher concentrations were detected, but only in the thin, more finely grained clay and silt strata. The residual petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations remaining in these strata would be expected to have a low potential for significant future migration and will attenuate over time due to natural biodegradation. LOWNEY~IA1ES Environmental I Geotechnical I Engineering Services Page 7 Sulfide Cyanide <0.5 <0.5 Flash Point (OF) >200 5.1 Soil Quality I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I United States Postal Service Bakersfield Stockdale Station Ground water was not encountered at the site during drilling of the verification borings or during previous investigations. The deepest boring drilled at the site was EB-4, which was drilled to a depth of 116 feet. At depths of greater than 75 feet, petroleum hydrocarbons have typically not been detected above 1 ppm. Thus, the site does not appear to pose a significant threat to ground water. As shown in Table 1, the influent concentrations have been gradually decreasing since the system was started in mid-December of last year. The mass removal rates for the system have also significantly decreased. Based on these low removal rates, minimal additional benefit would be achieved by continued system operation. Using the measured total influent concentrations and flow rates, the total mass of petroleum hydrocarbons removed through the end of July, 1996 was approximately 3,000 pounds. We recommend that the on-site soil vapor extraction system be turned off permanently and that the City of Bakersfield Fire Department consider the site for case closure. A copy of this report should be sent to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department for their review. 6.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the use of the United States Postal Service in evaluating soil quality at the referenced site at the time of this study. We make no warranty,' expressed or implied, except that our services have been performed in accordance with environmental principles generally accepted at this LOWNEY~IA1ES Environmental! Geotechnical! Engineering Services 5.2 Soil Vapor Extraction System Page 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I United States Postal Service Bakersfield Stockdale Station time and location. The chemical and other data presented in this report can change over time and are applicable only to the time this study was performed. We are not responsible for the data presented by others. The accuracy and reliability of geo- or hydrochemical studies are a reflection of the number and type of samples taken and extent of the analyses conducted, and are thus inherently limited and dependent upon the resources expended. Chemical analyses were performed for specific parameters during this investigation, as detailed in the scope of services. Please note that additional constituents not searched for during this investigation may be present in soil and ground water at the site. Our sampling and analytical plan was designed using accepted environmental engineering principles and our judgment for the perfoffi1ance of a reconnaissance soil quality investigation, and was based on the degree of investigation desired by you. It is possible to obtain a greater degree of certainty, if desired, by implementing a more rigorous soil and ground water sampling program or evaluating the risk posed by the contaminants detected, if any. . . . . . . . . . . * . * LO\NNEYAS9:CIAll:S Environmental I Geotechnical I Engineering Services Page 9 I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I 11 CO c ~ CD (/) I I N Â. I I _0 .v I' FRUlTVALE .,/ I' :.' ~..:LM'RID""N'V -'I.' :;; £ 'I :;1i!! ORIN WY ~ 'JIJ!!iJ~!i§ ~~ '~u~~~ ! ANTONINO I- .::. VOJ'.~"'1o.... ~V" 'i!:' "':~'Þ-; .~ _I tvalti ~PRIt:11 E WY OIL -"!.~_~~ ~ ,GILMORE AV .v .. .... +,,'0 ~ ';{.>I "'I - ë I 3 GILMORE AN it "";C'+. 'f. v'f"Q't- .t;. I EAST I 3 ~~ ('~ .~ ,DAI. . I -=, Z¡(æ 0 .""- t fr ;~w. ..' FIELD.., OR I 0 « '" S 11' ¿ ~I ..., . .. ' "'::; ~.:V: 1M': 1'; ~CK ~ : rJß~,J ! ~ t¿;Y1', ~ :ñ --'TAN!~!I: ~ "LEe' I Z ~~~<¡, ~:~ ~~~O< l' ~ AV _ I ..r I' ~.. ~I æ I ~ à I 14th/. ~ or,. 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Cf~1~l ~RATONo: PARKj Fl 2:~ « ~ ~; b BUENAVISfA /(1) Sf I c ~I """I '-' . ~ c ~~:;~'~ ~' Ct VAutr U :;": 0 CI1 ~ a::: ~ .q fu I/) "'t.- >- I Z ~~ f,~T ~I,t~''': ~'~~~n~~~~~~~¡-~1!~ LD. ~- R'~jii- J~i.A~K ;..'RO< rlJ.2!..L . ~ ~s'*1TE ~ í ~,~...!š ARISS~~V ! \N~~'l ~ I_~, Q~ ,;fi~t::; ~~\11~ ~dt ~ i\gç- O~· ~ B7" ST .~L..-. ~I~ Bol'N -ó ~N"- --=t;= \ rn~; ~ AGGfTT ~ Ó J ::¡ 8V~N S ,. t ~TE ~ ~ ~ ¡¡ ~ \~:;¡ ~ TVERDE: lli Sf ~I:n ¡RñT _~~VEROE ST i:¡; t g ~ I : AY ~ « ENUfI 011 O{¡Iff104o\f ~ AV 'iVy II!..( 'i AV ':. ~ II It.. :r:;; I:TGGERS Sf I - q= ~ .; -~ III ~ H. "'TMAN AVo~. U 3 ~ \n UI ! ~ I!. ~ I r~ ~ _ ~ 13!L- -!!T ':5 "õ ,,~~~,~:;~.... STOCKDALE Ii' ~ ~ ~ " ª '.., ~l. ~:;; ö BRU DAGE 'hi:> ã: b.!~- ~ .., ,f C¡¡MAR;!.~~HWY.i ~.~ U :;;11 :\~ ~1'1, ¡¡-;¡ ST ~ ' ~~L¿Ls ~-Š;;Õ¡¡;;~Or¿;~ElT ST I" . ~<:.:....jJ WHITNEY DR OES~Th..T""..,'..o.~.',,~l·~ I:,;,~~, D~]r f~~E" :~ße~' ~I:;; fðY \lh~ PAR'N~ '! ~I~ ~r~~FJt..,l2~ -~:i;' ST . ; -. . ,MT HOOD - '~... L ~ >~ II: ,';>:4; RANOYðV ~ Ie. ELCIA DR i ~t;STA DR ~~;~~~i:' ~'$.g:> ..-; :"~x,.i':':D,:i:AL'~:·i:t.£.,::...... '" "'S£M~ I- '-' '" l'ð -~ ~..~ Or OUAan.8 s-- 0 Y~ ~: ""Ct1! 'AY ~JyACE ~ ~ TERRACE; f=1u;..-!I Wy'~ '-~' ":\'. I I .;.-,,{~::;:;':,.- ~°rt,ùR ~).s, ~ ~l:J.4 .... JOANNE~.::i ø S EAPl i~ AV 01- ¡ T.lR!fi.L a: g BR1~A~~5J~>: INrRy...i~~~D A ~<i. ~ W'Iwy'; ~..ì V)~~U ~ ffil- ::iø ·~èf UI c ::t a::: I- :r .q - ,m ¡ib!-~" S ¡::: HUNTER oIFIc:.HEAIÑG~ ~ ~V) DR ei~BRAVEAV ~. ::'~..: cF!!V~OWY 11lESTE..R~t ~ ~¡rT . c........~".,..u.......'..·..:,:...'..: ~ T' {:\. 8t.04 :<. LA Q41NT C1 ~ AV It:: ~~ ~ 0 VI tl¡ Ó ~ MONA 4( ~ _ ~ Q'" Z 0 ...¡¡ -. ._ .... Z Iz I .' C.'" '. . '~,~S~RAZ,,:~... Æ OAHAM WY I~ BLOMQUIST g_f_~ DR :'ffi ~ I- <{ WY 3 3 ~ :;;~~NO a:: ;; tñ::.:; >- IX: . .. ' 'f" ¡¡: BELLE t._ 0 :Jõ f UI ~ TER - g OR ~ ~ 0;5 ~ c f~ît~~,¡. wy i ; l } 0" {G.~.g.:.TY.~&~~ ~ ,..,':,..'....:.~..-.~~~V'.' -::~ NORD'C DR : ~"RK fi!J; /L .,.NC ~O IN 199 ~ ~nl' ~'''o ~ Ó~~ 3 ':~~~R::~: ~..K. B::::R D~ ~"\ wY~t;; '.'_.-.' -..... ~ ::J CT I~ RENO~Y po 1-:: m _ a:::OSE M"'RlelN~::; ··DOC" MARl ~, ~... · ·SUNOAl,.. 8 (Ú -.r c( ...:. - ~ . VJ SQUIRE IIJ ;:;;;¡... I- 3 ~ . ~~;....: l !\~ ~ z· WESTHS3 PARKC'R~ ORKl ~SJRHS~:~ ~ a ,...~~~i ~ I ~ DR 10. U" ~. ~~.. SUNNY PALMS ~~ c(NOASEMi~ ERINCT~l.AYEftNE AV~ ,--'\ ---"~~I !It.i üf GI- f~ a~¡, AY ~)oo FJORD DR > ST ~ ,,{ .. t..~~,~ X,RAO~NC( :j J wlAOIANŒ DR I I I I I I I -- ~TU I I I I I "Reproduced with permission granted by maMAS BROS. MAPS." I 1 096"EB I VICINITY MAP BAKERSFIELD STOCKDALE STATION Bakersfield, California LO\VNE\~ASSOCIATES Environmental/Geotechnical/Eng ineeri ng Services FIGURE 1 864-9B I I I I I Loading Dock >- c.s ~ <;j ~ 00 c ~ ... c.s c.. Post Office Building I I I I I I I I EB-6 S Former 10,000 gal. Underground Tank t c ;;;æ ... c.s c.. Treatment system location I I I I I I I Planter Area EB-2 S VW-2 ... ,., .... , ~ , , . " " " " , , , , , " " " " , , , , , " " " " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " " " " , , , , , " " " " , , , , , ..,',',',', " " " " , , , , , " " " " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " " " " , , , , , " " " " EB-l S , , , , , " " " " , , , , ~ ... ... ŸW_tEB-7 EB-3 · EB-4 EB-8 S . EB-5 S Trench/piping location ~ Security fencing LEGEND . - Approximate location of new soil boring œ - Approximate location of vapor extraction well S - Approximate location of previous soil borings Base by LOWNEY ASSOCIATES field sketch, July 1992. ..----.-..- ~ - ~ -- -.. CONFIRMATORY BORING LOCATIONS BAKERSFIELD STOCKDALE STATION Bakersfield, California LOVlNEYASSOCIATES Environm entel/Geotechn ieel/Eng ineeri ng Services o , Scale t c 32 ... c.s c.. ~ 20 N  ~ ~ u o E cu q) ... u c o U 40 , feet FIGURE 2 864-9B -----~~--- - -~--- . _.-< -.-. - - . - - o .,.. ... ~ .,.. ... Depth (feel,) S .,.. ,.. & N = .: .' ,. :: " .. " . .. --- ---- -------.......- .. ¡ .' .. '. ~ '. 1 .. } . .. '. ~: , " ,. " " ~ Q ~ Z " .' .' '. " " , " .' : .' .' .' '. " :. ... ..,., r0- o, ~ Iš ':1 D .9 "5 ¡.. tI ] ... ~ ~ ff\ = ~ Q Q Z Z ..... f " " . q q q GO ... ... ... ~ V V V V ¡ 01) ~ v\ ,. '. ." ,. :- ., < IIQ IJ Q i I B ! ~ ~ III III '. ", .. " :' V\ = ", o on ... - - - ~ ~.~ . . · . b ~ b ~~ ~ ~ ~'Z Z · . , · . · . . ~ .,.. ~ ~ ... - ----- --.---- · . · . · . 0 0 C! ~ '" ... ,..¡ ... z. ,..¡ N V V ~ ~ & 8. ... :!;' ... · . ~ - · . . - - ------~ ---. . . "': ~ " ~ '.' ~. :.: · . .. .~ , , ~, .,. ~.. ::!. , . . 'ª ~~ · . q C!. ... ... V V ~ jij ~ §~ ~ ~ b'b ~ ... ... ... z.z · .,. .... · . ,..,. .... ,.,. .... ,..,. .... ,..,. .... .. Q Z Q Q Z Z & ~ - .,.. ... - ~ · III B· ~ . III :ï.: " . . ~! :111, I III . . : ... " " :... .- .'. .... ..~ . . ~.~. ~ I:~"J ~ ~ ~ s .,.. ,.. (I:a:aJ) 1 1d~ - - - r?/.~:~. ::-:. := :~: ·,:.~F\:· .: :.; .... .: .. .:... ..... ~.~; .,~ · .. · · .. '. . .- " . Q :b' z :~ . .. ". ::::. ~ ~ ::::. := " ::. ..' .... .. .. . ... ~.;.~:' ::-; .:::.::.: . ': ;<= ;::: :". B" .. - I .. . - .... ~ - ! .. !! - ~ N ..... ~ ... ~ ..... ~ ~ ::3 ...... .5 .5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .¡:: ~ U) U) ~ ~ .... .¡:: ... 0 0 ~ ~ _mmm - -----.. - ....- rn CO I 0.- i z 0 ~ ~ E-'~ § u:> '8 ~ <~ fI¡I e2"~ W) ~ uu~ ~~ u u:>a:: ~ o~ ....:IV ~~ ~ _CIS ~~ u:> ~ ~ ~ .- ----- -- Ê 0. 0. ...... c: ,2 ] g 'd ] c: S tj III ~ III ~ ~ ~ 8 c ..!!! III III III .5i .5 ~ 1-- ~ ~ ~ :a :a CO ::c ::c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d i ~ ei ~ . . . . I ~~~ D~~ ~ - ,- - - Q b z z U) ¡: u ~l 8:[ U)~ ~j ~ õ Q) o ....... o "E Q) E c: e ';; c: UJ - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c » \J \J CD :J 0.... x' » ,J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION AND SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL The subsurface investigation was performed on August 20 and 21, 1996 using a truck-mounted drill rig equipped with a 8-inch hollow-stem auger. Two soil borings (EB-7 and EB-8) were drilled to depths of approximately 95 and 65 feet, respectively. The standard penetration resistance blow counts were obtained by dropping a 140-pound hammer through a 30-inch free fall. The blows per foot recorded on the boring logs represent the accumulated number of blows required to drive the sampler the last 12 inches of the interval indicated. Soil samples were collected at approximately 5-foot depth intervals using a 2.5-inch diameter modified California split-spoon sampler. Soils encountered in the borings were logged using the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D-2487). The logs of the borings, as well as a key to the classification of soil (Figure A-I), are included as part of this appendix. Soil samples for laboratory analysis were collected in brass liners, the ends covered in aluminum foil, taped, then labeled, placed in a chilled cooler, and trans- . ported to a state-certified analytical laboratory with chain of custody documentation. Soil from each sample was also monitored with an GVM. Soil was placed in a ZiplockTM bag. After a minimum of five minutes, the GVM probe was used to pierce the bag and record the organic vapor levels present. All LOWNEY~lAlES Environmental! Geotechnical! Engineering Services Drilling Sampling Protocol Page A-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I USPS Bakersfield Stockdale Station drilling and sampling equipment was cleaned in a solution of tri-sodium phosphate and distilled water or steam cleaned before use in each boring. LOWNEY~lAlES Environmental! Geotechnical! Engineering Services Page A-2 I PRIMARY DIVISIONS I a.£AN GRAVELS GRA VEI.S ~ :s aE5S THAN Õ MORE 'THAN HAlF S"fI1'I !:IS OP COARSE PRAcnON en ¡-... IS LAIICER 'THAN I 0 ~o NO..SIEVE t:.1 ~;~ Z ~ ~~i \,j ~...- I t:.1 0" en ¡:~ SANDS c:: ::a MORE 'THAN HAlF < 8 0 OP COARSE PRAcnON :E IS SMALLEIt 'THAN NO. . SIEVE I ~ DI SILTS Ai.'lD CLAYS Õ ......N I en O~¡;¡ UQUID UMlI" IS tæS THAN SCM 0 ª~~ t:.1 Z ~:~ ~ ¡:::So I \,j DI!:IZ ~!<z SILTS AND CLAYS t:.1 :E:E:S Z ¡: UQUID UMlI" IS CREATE!! THAN SCM E:: I HIGHLY ORGM'1C SOn.s I SOIL GW GP GM GC SW ML a. OL MH æ OH Pt LEGEND SECONDARY DIVISIONS ~.'..'..".1J :.:-':~'~~'::":'~":':'" Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fIDes. "....:-,..... . !¥~.~!. Poorly graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fIDes. Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fIDes. Oayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, plastic fIDes. :~:~:~:~:~. ~ ....:::..:::..:;...:.~...:.:. Well graded sands, gravelly sands, httle or no fmes. : : ; : : :: : : ::. Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fmes. Oayey sands, sand-clay mixtures, plastic fmes. Inorganic silts and very ine sands, rock our, silty or dayey ine sands or clayey silts with sli ht lasticitv. Inorganic days of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy days. sil clavs. lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity. Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fIDe sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts. Peat and other highly organic soils. DEFINITION OF TERMS U.S. STANDARD SERIES SIEVE 200 40 10 CLEAR SQUARE SIEVE OPENINGS 3/4" 3" 12" 4 SAND GRAVEL Sll.TS AND CIAY I I I COARSE COBBLES BOULDERS FINE MEDIUM COARSE FINE I I .:\ TERZAGHI .,) SPLIT SPOON ;~\¡: STANDARD PENETRATION SAND AND GRAVEL BLOWS/FOO-r* VERY LOOSE 0-4 LOOSE 4 - 10 MEDIUM DENSE 10 - 30 DENSE 30-50 VERY DENSE OVER 50 I I I I RElATIVE DENSITY I GRAIN SIZES IN,', 1;:t,I, MODIFIED CAUFORNlA :->:.: -:.:-:. :->:.: SAMPLERS Iø.: iiil, SHELBY roBE [\¡ PITCHER roBE Sn.TS AND CLAYS STRENGTH: : BLOWS/FOOT- VERY SOFT o - 1/4 0-2 SOFT 1/4 - 1/2 2-4 MEDIUM STIFF 1/2-1 4-8 STIFF 1-2 8 -16 VERY STIFF 2-4 16 -' 32 HARD OVER 4 OVER 32 CONSISTENCY . Number of blows of 140 pound baimœr falling 30 inches to drive a 2 inch O.D. (1-318 inch I.D.) split spoon (ASTM D-1586). : : Ucconfmcd compressive sacngth in tonsIsq. ft. as determined by labot2tOrY testing or approximated by the standard penetration test (ASTM D-l586), pocket penetrometer. torv:me, or visual observation. I KEY TO EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS Unified Soll CIassiflcation System (ASTM D - 2487) I LOVlNEYASSOCIATES I Environmental/Geotechnical/Engineering Services FIGURE A-I I DRILL RIG: Mobile B-53 SURFACE ELEVATION: - DEPTH TO GROUND WATER: Not red BORING DIAMETER: 8 inches encounte I I I I I I I -. g ~ II) o :z: ... C1 ... ,..¡ ~ :z: ~ II) :z: 8 Very Loose DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS 3 inches asphalt over 1 1/2 feet silty sand, brown, slightly moist, well graded Pea Gravel (partial sample recovery) +FILL SAND, Brown, slightly moist, poorly graded medium sand I I I I I I Slight petroleum odor at 15 feet I I I 9I96"EB EXPWRATORY BORING WG - ED-7 BAKERSFIELD STOCKDALE STATION I LOWNEYASSOCIA TE;akersfield, California Environmental/Geotechn ical/Eng ineering Services I SAND, Gray to white, slightly moist, well graded ....... "'....'" ........ "....." ........ ".J'.'" ....... ........ ....... ",.".", Medium dense LOGGED BY: P]R DATE DRILLED: 8/20/96 ... ~ ~ ~ß m ~~ I:! wæ :§ ;~ s¡ o'-';:¡ 8 SM - - 20 -11ff:: - ~~~. it - - ~~~ ~~~~ ~!1 i~9 ¡¡¡¡g:'" S~~ ... 5 jS > 2 1 .~~. Very GP t:.t~ - J':.."'." ....... Loose t:.~ - ~~:.-: ~:.'!" - #.t:.~ '!:.~ ,.,... S-I '~æ 01'. - I .~. . "'01'.01' ,-:~ ..-:.: ,.-,,.-:,. j.~.;'j. - ~.... 01'.01' ,.-:1':- - ...... ~:.~t( "...." ....... - 0I"~ ~~.~ . ... 10-1 t:.~ft!, ~-::.-: - ,,, Medium SM ":~~ dense - - - lS-r B" ;.::: - <"':' b::; - - 12 18 19 - 25 -II' 22 520 - "'. ., - - SP - 30- EB-7 864-9B I DRIli RIG: Mobile B-53 DEPTH TO GROUND WATER: Not red encounte SURFACEEŒVATION: - BORING DIAMETER: 8 inches I I DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS I SAND, Gray to white, slightly moist, well graded, slight petroleum odor (continued) I SILTY CIA Y, Olive gray, slightly moist, low to moderate plasticity, slight petroleum odor I SILTY SAND, Brown, slightly moist, well graded sand, slight petroleum odor, refusal of sampler I I I I SAND, Orangish brown, slightly moist, moderate medium to coarse gravel at 46 feet, petroleum odor, refusal of sampler at 46 1/2 feet I I SAND, Gray to white, slightly moist, occasional flne to medium gravel, only slight petroleum odor I Color change to orangish brown at 51 feet I I I SAND, Brown, slightly moist, occasional fIne to medium gravel sample refusal at 55 1/2 feet I 9191rEB I LOVlNEYASSOCIATES Envi ron m entail Geotech n ice I IEng i n eeri ng Services I g ~ t; z o II) z 8 Q Z ~ ¡¡¡ ... .......1 j.~j.~j. Medium SP ....... r!:.-::.! . dense ......... ....... ",."... ....... ",.",.., ....... ......'" Very CL stiff Dense SM ~~~~~ Dense SP j.~j.~j. 45 ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ......JI ....... ........ ....... ......-", ....... ....... '!:..'!:..'! Dense SP '!:,.'!:..'! 50 ......'" ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ".".", ....... "...... ....... ..."." ....... ".'.rI' ....... "'...." ....... ........ ....... ...",... ....... ......'" j.~j.~j. 55 ....... ......'" ....... "'...." . ... ....... rf'...... ....... J'....'" ....... ......'" ....... rf'...... :::;.-:,. 60 ~ ~ ï=~ ~ 1:3 fuæ ~ ~ 0,-, '" LOGGED BY: PJR DATE DRILLED: 8/20/96 35 I,:: ~¡¡ EXPWRATORY BORING WG - ED-7 BAKERSFIELD STOCKDALE STATION Bakersfield, California 40 I,' ..... ~:: .... Wi" ~~W ::::: ::::: ~~ ~ii ~~Iš ~~1 !J~ ~~9 i!ie;: ~~.; 8 .. 5 III > 27 30 34 650 45 I,:: .'.;:: ::::: \~ 50 54 490 EB-7 864-9B I DRILL RIG: Mobile B-53 SURFACE ELEVATION: - LOGGED BY: PJR I DEPTH TO GROUND WATER: Not BORING DIAMETER: 8 inches DATE DRILLED: 8/20/96 encountered ~ þ. l ~~~. ~~~g ~~'? ... 0 z ~ ¡:~ ~ i~~ 0 z 0 ~~ DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS ~ þ. ... 1;;" I ~ (.: = ~æ ~ :::: 0 o'"j ~ II) ,,!¿ -9 "'e~ ¡;~ II) z ~ Q....., 8 ~5 8 ... III > SAND, White to light brown, slightly moist, trace rUle to ........ ....... Very SP 66 "'...... 170 ....... I medium gravel, slight petroleum odor ........ dense ....... rI'...... ....... "'a"'." ....... ........ ....... "'...... I SILTY CLAY, Brown, slightly moist, occasional sand lenses, Very CL slight petroleum odor stiff 65 m I Ii: 29 180 SILTY SAND, Light brown, slightly moist, slight petroleum odor Dense SM I ·1 70 m::; ~::~:; 34 110 Color change to brown at 71 feet and increased fines ~::~:: OOi~ I ....... SAND, Gray to white, slightly moist, occasional rUle to medium rI'...... Dense SP ....... ,/'.",... I subangular gravel, slight petroleum odor ....... ~.".~ 75 ....... it ...~... ....... ...",.", ~~~:: 35 18 ....... "'...... îtI ....... ........ ....... I "'...... ....... ,...... ....... ........ ....... "'...... ....... ........ ....... ........ I ....... ........ ....... "'...... 80 m:: ....... ........ I: ....... 25 ........ ....... "'...... I SILTY SAND, Dark brown, slightly moist to moist, fine to Medium SM medium grained sand, slight petroleum odor dense I CLAYEY SILT, Orangish brown and brown, slightly moist to Very ML moist stiff 85 "'...... 28 I SAND, Light brown, slightly moist to mojst, trace fine gravel, ....... Medium SP "'...... medium to coarse grained sand ....... dense ........ ....... ........ ....... ~.~.~ ....... ~.~.~ I ....... ...",... ....... ........ ....... "'...... ....... ........ ....... 90 ...",... I 9I96"EB EXPLORATORY BORING LOG - EB-7 ' BAKERSFIELD STOCKDALE STATION I Bakersfield, California LOWNEYASSOCIATES EB-7 I Environmental/Geotechn ical/Eng ineering Services 864-9B I I I I DRILL RIG: Mobile B-53 SURFACE ELEVATION: - DEPTII TO GROUND WATER: Not d BORING DIAMETER: 8 inches encountere LOGGED BY: PJR DATE DRILLED: 8/20/96 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ... ~ Igj ..§~£ ~mJ ... Q z ~ ~~ ~ g z ~ ~~ ~~ DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS ... ~~sg ~ <:1 r:'! ¡¡¡§: ~ !ag ... ¡¡je¡.. s~ ... z ~ 0,-, 8 ~e. Ìà 8 '" > SAND, Brown, slightly moist, trace of pyrite, well graded sand ..... ... SP 11 .... ... Dense ..... ... 32 2 .... ... :0;::: í ..... ... :;::: · . SILTY SAND, Brown, slightly moist, fine to medium grained . . Dense SM · . - . . sand (no petroleum odor) · . . . · . - . . · . SAND, Orangish brown, slightly moist, fine to medium grained .... ... Dense SP - ..... .... .... ... sand, trace brown silt ..... .... .... ... ....... .... 95- I .... ... ...... .... 36 .... ... ....... ... .... ... - ....... .... Bottom of Boring .. 96 1/2 feet - - 100- - - - - 105- - - - - 110- - NOTE: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between the - soil types. The transition may be gradual. - · Pocket Penetrometer Strength - 115- - - - - 120- 9/WEB EXPLORATORY BORING LOG - ED-7 , BAKERSFIELD STOCKDALE STATION Bakersfield, California LOWNEYASSOCIATES Envi ran mental! Geatech n ical /Eng in eeri ng Services EB-7 864-9B I DRILL RIG: Mobile B-53 SURFACE ELEVATION: - DEPTII TO GROUND WATER: Not d BORING DIAMETER: 8 inches encountere I I DESClliPTION AND REMARKS I 3 inches asohalt /' SILTY SAND, Dark brown, slightly moist, poorly graded fine to medium grained sand I I I I SAND I White to gray, slightly moist, medium to coarse grained, trace fine subangular gravel Color change to brown at 11 feet I I Decrease in coarse sand and fine gravel I I Color change to gray and light brown at 20 feet I I r I I I 9I98"EB I LOVlNEYASSOCIATES Environmental/Geotechnical/Engineering Services I LOGGED BY: PJR DATE DRILLED: 8/21/96 ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ... ~ ~ t~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ EXPWRATORY BORING WG - EB-8 BAKERSFIELD STOCKDALE STATION Bakersfield, California Q Z ... C1 ... ~ Loose SM - - - - 5-. - :: - - . . - .~.... Loose SP ,...... ....... 10-. ........ ....... ........ ....... :::.: ........ - ':: ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... - ........ ....... ........ ....... - ........ ....... "'...... ....... ........ - ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... 15-, rf'...... Medium ....... ........ ....... dense ........ - rÙ ....... ........ ....... "'...... - ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... - ........ ....... ........ ........ - "...... ....... ...",... ....... J'...... 20 -I~:: ....... ...",... ....... .:-:. ........ - !f' ....... ,...... ....... ........ ....... - ........ ....... ........ ....... ....~... - ....... ",...... ....... ",....... .~.... - ",.....'" ....... ........ ....... 25 -II: ......... ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... - .~:: ........ ....... ........ ....... - 1/'...... ....... r/'."'.'" ....... - ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ - ....... "...... ....... ........ ....... 30- "'..It... ~~i ~~Ig ~!1 ~~9 ¡¡¡e~ S~~ .. 5 III > 8 7 15 13 25 , , EB-8 864-9B I DRILL RIG: Mobile B-53 SURFACE ELEVATION: - DEPTII TO GROUND WATER: Not d BORING DIAMETER: 8 inches . encountere I DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS I Increase in moisture to slightly moist to moist at 30 feet, trace coarse sand to fIne gravel I I No sample recovery, resampled with catcher CLAYEY SILT, Brown, slightly moist, trace fine grained sand I SAND, Gray to light brown, slightly moist, fIDe to medium grained sand I SAND, Brown, slightly moist, medium to coarse grained sand, slight petroleum odor I I I Moderate coarse sand and fine to medium gravel at 45 feet I SAND, Yellow to light brown, slightly moist, medium to coarse grained sand, slight petroleum odor I Color change to brown at 51 feet I I I Trace clayey silt, brown. at 55 1/2 feet. color change to gray to white sand at 56 feet, trace coarse sub angular gravel at 56 1/2 feet I I 9I96"EB ... o ~ ~ ......'" ....... ........ ....... ......'" ....... J'...... ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... fI'...... ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ .... ....... ........ ....... ......,/1 ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ...",... ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... .......1' ....... ........ ....... "'...... ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ......'" ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ......'" ....... ........ ....... ......'" ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ".'.rI' ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ...",... ::::::;. ....... ......JI ....... ........ ....... ......JI ....... ".JI." ....... ........ ....... "...... ....... ........ ....... ......JI ....... ..."." ....... JI.JI." ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ......'" ....... J'....'" ....... .......'" ....... "'...... ....... rf'...... ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ Q 2: ... I:) ~ ~ 2: ~ ~ 8 ~ ~e ª = Ç<Jæ ~ s¡ 0,-, '" ML 35 SP SP SP EXPLORATORY BORING LOG - EB-8 BAKERSFIELD STOCKDALE STATION Bakersfield, California I LOWNEYASSOCIATES Environmental/Geotech n ical/Eng i neering Services I Medium SP dense Very stiff Dense Dense Very dense Dense LOGGED BY: PJR DATE DRILLED: 8/21/96 40 I': S,:: :;:::, :>,:: ~:: 45 50 55 60 ~~ ~~i ~~~g ~~1 ..Si ~~9 "'e~ a~j .. 5 III > 24 22 46 72 52 39 EB-8 864-9B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRILL RIG: Mobile B-53 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: Not d encountere SURFACE ELEVATION: - BORING DIAMETER: 8 inches DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS ... ~ Q z g z ~ g¡ ~ ~ en Z 8 "....~ ......... Very rI'-rI'-rI' ....... ......... dense ....... "'."'.t/' ....... ......,¡. ....... "....'" ....... "."... ....... "'a"'." ....... "'....J' ....... Stiff Color change to brown at 61 feet, occasional fine to medium subangular gravel, slight petroleum odor CLAYEY SILT, Olive gray to brown, slightly moist, trace fine sand, slight petroleum odor ' Bottom of Boring" 66 1/2 feet 9I9ErE8 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG . EB-8 BAKERSFIELD STOCKDALE STATION Bakersfield, California LOWNEYASSOCIATES E nviren m ental/ Geetech n ical/Eng i neeri n9 Services ~ ~~ ::3 ~~ ~' oð SP ML LOGGED BY: PJR DATE DRILLED: 8/21/96 65 70 75 80 85 90 ~ ~ ~~ ~ iJ~ 8 ~!i ~~~g ~~1 ~Ð9 on ¡;;: S~~ .. 6 III > 59 12 EB-8 864-9B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I » -0 -0 (j) ::J CL X' CP I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B ANALYTICAL RESULTS The chilled samples were delivered to a state-certified analytical laboratory. Chain of custody documentation was maintained for all samples. Attached are copies of the analytical results and the chain of custody forms. LOWNEY~~TES Environmental! Geotechnical! Engineering Services Page B-1 ~ E n ~~~~Re~v~~ls~~: ~s~~Yv~e~:9~:861. ~~ "735-1550 . Fax (408) 7:;- ::;:# 1369 '1 I I 'I' -I I' I, I, I, I I I I ·1 I I I Attn: Stason Foster Lowney Associates 405 Oyde Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043 Date: 8/28/96 Date Received: 8/22/96 Date Analyzed: 8/22-8/26/96 Proiect Name: Bakersfield P.O. Job No.: 864-9B Sampled Bv: Client Certified Analytical Report Soil Sample Analvsis: Sample ID Sample Sample Lab# DF , TPH- Benzene Toluene Ethyl Xylene Date Time Gas Benzene SS-1,2,3,4 8/22/96 Cl1176 1 10 ND 0.030 0.022 0.16 EB-71511z-16 8/21/96 C 11177 1 712 ND ND ND ND EB-720Y2-21 8/21/96 C11178 1 542 ND ND ND ND EB-725V2-26 8/21/96 C 11179 1 2Hr ND ND ND 0.093 EB-7 30112-31 8/21/96 C 11180 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB-7 35112-36 8/21/96 C11181 1 5.6 0.34 1.0 0.084 0.69 EB- 7 40Y2-41 8/21/96 Cl1182 250 7,900 66 740 210 1,400 EB- 7 451)2-46 8/21/96 Cl1183 1 4.72 ND 0.011 ND 0.018 EB-7 50Y2-51 8/21/96 C 11184 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB- 7 60Y2-61 8/21/96 C11185 1 1.5 ND 0.016 ND 0.036 1. DLR=PQL x DF 2.' TPH-Gas chromatogram for Lab #Clll77 to #Cll179 & #Cll183, although within the reporting range, does not match the typical Gas pattern 3. Analysis perfonned by Entech Analytical Labs, Inc. (CAELAP #1369) Summary of Methods and Detection Limits: EP A Method # Units PQL DF=Dilution Factor DLR=Detection Reporting Limit ~EC2~~Ö7;~~~:' PQL=Practical Quantitation Limit ND=None Detected at or above DLR 'tJJG 3 C 199fi LOWNEY ASSCC. Environmental Analysis Since 1983 I Entech Analytical Labs, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I 'I I I I I CA ELAP# 1369 525 Del Rey Avenue, Suite E · Sunnyvale, CA 94086 · (408) 735-1550 · Fax (408) 735-1554 Attn: Stason Foster Lowney Associates 405 Oyde Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043 Date: 8/28/96 Date Received: .8/22/96 Date Analyzed: 8/23-8/27/96 Proiect Name: Bakersfield P.O. Job No.: 864-9B Sampled Bv: Client Certified Analytical Report Soil Sample Analvsis: Sample ID Sample Sample Lab# DF TPH- Benzene Toluene Ethyl Xylene Date Time Gas Benzene EB-7 65Yz-66 8/21/96 C 11186 100 620 3.4 28 8.4 53 EB-7 70Yz- 71 8/21/96 C11l87 50 3,1(}(f ND 1.1 ND 4.1 EB-775V2-76 8/21/96 C11l88 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB-7 80V2-81 8/21/96 Cl1189 1 622 ND 0.54 1.1 11 EB-7 85-85Yz 8/21/96 C 11190 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB-790V2-91 8/21/96 Cl1191 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB-795'h-96 8/21/96 C11192 1 1.52 ND ND ND ND EB-8 15Yz-16 8/21/96 C 11193 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB-820'h-21 8/21/96 C11l94 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB-8 25'h-26 8/21/96 C11195 1 ND ND ND ND ND 1. DLR=PQL x DF 2, TPH-Gas chromatogram for Lab #C11187, #C11189 & #C11192, although within the reporting range, does not match the typical Gas pattern 3, Analysis perfonned by Entech Analytical Labs, Inc. (CAELAP #1369) Summary of Methods and Detection Limits: EP A Method # Units PQL TPH-Gas 8015M X lenes 8020 Benzene 8020 Toluene 8020 Eth lbenzene 8020 .FF·~ .:? ,~~.!\ ;:::' :~ ": , ~ ~-.:~ -. DF=Dilution Factor DLR=Detection Reporting Limit PQL=Practical Quantitation Limit 'tor- ND=NoneDetectedatoraboveDLR PUG :3 n "Ocr ..I .i..... '..10 LOWNE'l ASS,'::; ï~~ _ Environmental Analysis Since 1983 I Entech Analytical Labs, Inc. I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I ,I I I CA ElAP# 1369 525 Del Rey Avenue, Suite E · Sunnyvale, CA 94086 · (408) 735-1550 . Fax (408) 735-1554 Attn: Stason Foster Lowney Associates 405 Oyde Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043 Date: 8/28/96 Date Received: 8/22/96 Date Analyzed: 8/23-8/27/96 Project Name: Bakersfield P.O. Job No.: 864-9B Sampled Bv: Client Certified Analytical Report Soil Sample Analvsis: Sample ID Sample Sample Lab# DF TPH~ Benzene Toluene Ethyl Xylene Date Time Gas Benzene EB-8 30Yz-31 8/21/96 C 11196 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB-8351;2-36 8/21/96 C 11197 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB-8 401;2-41 8/21/96 CIII98 1 442 ND 0.014 0.083 1.0 EB-845Yz-46 8/21/96 CI1l99 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB-8 50Y2-51 8/21/96 C11200 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB-8 55Y2-56 8/21/96 CII201 1 ND ND ND ND ND EB-8 60Yz-61 8/21/96 C11202 1 2.W ND ND ND ND EB-8 65-65Yz 8/21/96 CII203 100 2,400 18 180 47 300 1. DLR=PQL x DF 2, TPH-Gas chromatogram for Lab #CIII98 & #CII202, although within the reporting range, does not match the typical Gas pattern 3. Analysis perfonned by Entech Analytical Labs, Inc. (CAELAP #1369) Summary of Methods and Detection Limits: EP A Method # Units PQL TPH-Gas 8015M X lenes 8020 Benzene 8020 Toluene 8020 Eth Ibenzene 8020 DF=Dilution Factor DLR=Detection Reporting Limit ,.. }~....:. ", ~ '" . ¡ ..'.~ ;~. :':.1 :. -: ~ . PQL=Practical Quantitation Limit ND=None Detected at or above DLR ¡r,,... 3 n 'c! (:,) 199R LOWNEY ASSCC. Environmental Analysis Since 7983 I Entech Analytical labs, Inc. I 525 Del Rey Avenue, Suite E · Sunnyvale, CA 94086 · (408) 735-1550 · Fax (408) 735-1554 I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I CA ELAP# 1369 Attn: Stason Foster Lowney Associates 405 Oyde Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043 Date: 8/22/96 Date Received: 7/31/96 Date Analyzed: 8/20-8/22/96 Project Name: Fonner Palo Alto P.O. Job No.: 864-36A Sampled By: Client Certified Analytical Report Soil Sample Analvsis: Test SP-l to SP-4 PQL EPA Method # Units Sam Ie Method Com osite Sam Ie Date 7/31/96 Sam Ie Time 11 :35-11 :50 Lab # C10320 H 7.70 Sulfide ND C anide ND , Flash Point >200 1. DLR=DF x PQL (DF= 1 unless noted) 2, Reactivity, Corrosivity, and Ignitability analyses petfonned by Advanced Technology Labs (CAELAP #1838); see attached reports for analysis details. Units 9045 9030 9010 1010 m ;';"DI"""r:""'~" f~~ tdr';.... '..";.;II. I ßa::;; ~ 't, ,>¡:JØ!j \~ If '>-. :'__ ',...: "1..-',', 1__ ~.. '-,\,t1G .-;-- f) 109r.. r-, t, ,;-1 ,~' ,) V;\N~\E\' , , "., /f~ /Michael N. Golden, Lab Director v DF=Dilution Factor DLR=Detection Reporting Limit PQL=Practical Quantitation Limit ND=None Detected at or above DLR Environmental Analysis Since 1983 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'l"'Ádvanced Technology ~ , Laboratories August 22, 1996 ELAP No.: 1838 Entech Analytical Labs, Inc. 525 Del Rey Avenue Suite E Sunnyvale, CA 94086 ATIN: Mr. Mike Golden Client's Project: Lab No.: 864-36A 12704-001 Gentlemen: Enclosed are the results for sample(s)receiyed by Advanced Technology Laboratories and tested for the parameters indicated in the enclosed chain of custody. Thank you for the opportunity to service the needs of your company. Please feel free to call me at (310) 989 - 4045 if! can be offurther assistance to your company. Sincerely, '~i~tu.; dUv~ Edgar P. Caballero 'ítV'L-- Laboratory Director EPC/ms Enclosures This cover letter is an integral part of this analytical report. ~~~ ;E ,::~ ;:; j \l:£ ~ P,UG -:- 9 1.9gb LOWNEY ASSOC. .... This report pertains omy to the samples investigated and does not necessari1y apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is subnùttcd for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. Any reproduction of this report or use of this Laboratory's name for advertising or publicity pwpose without authorization is prolúbited. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9108 Newport Beach, CA 92658 1510 E. 33,.d Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 310 989-4045 Fax: 310 989-4040 I I Client: Attn: Entech Analytical Labs Mr. Mike Golden Client's Project: 864-36A I Date Received: Date Sampled: 08/01/96 07/31/96 I 12704 - 007 I 12704 - 007 12704 - 007 I I I I 4:1 com osite ofCI0320 4:1 com osite ofCI0320 4: 1 com osite of CI0320 I I MDL = Method Detection Limit ND = Not Detected (Below DLR) DF = Dilution Factor (DLRlMDL) II Reviewed/Approved By: I I ~~~ d., ~A"T7 rrJ Cheryl De os Reyes Department Supervisor the cover letter it an integral part of this analytical report. I I I I I 'l"'Ãdvanced Technology ~ Laboratories 08121/96 08/20/96 08/22/96 7.71 ND ND 0.5 0.5 SH 0.5 SH 0.5 AI( 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 310989-4045 Fax: 310 989-4040 Date: d ø;fq.6 "'1.'~"'-1."'1IIO'\iIVII~ ~... "1f".;':I ..¡O--~. . '}j ,'.;.-. ~ .;J \.: 7. :..~, ;~7 t-:~ 3 ~~\ ~ ..~ti ~~'~G f"\ 1"'t1 po ¡j" ":.;1 9 ~.," LO\NNEY ASSOC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I n I I II 1111 1P 1 [I 1 1_ ,- lil{llll' I: 1~lll III l 1_ -- --- I b. I ru' II __ ___ t/J ::;;;:; 1 è.. § 1 , __ _ ;; '¡¡j o 'Ill :>, "" c "'§ ~ "'" '- <.; c ~ ~ ":3 (S " "'" <.; " f ..~ ~ ;; '¡¡j o t/J ::?; - [i¡ s o o « ::,¿ c.. t/J - ~-.. .".. -'. '- -' .0_ u z o 0 u z ....¡ c.. t/J i: ¡ iG ~~ ~ 10Æ}f" I'~'l ;; ;-¡ .1-:. 'J ,¡ LOWNEY ASSOC. ::,¿ z « ....¡ 0 a¡ Z x !;j :¿ r-- u '" .. 0:: '$. ? - r-- '" . .. '" 0:: t/J U ....¡ - , u 0 c _ ð I g J r- I t/J ~~ __ o ~ ~ E ___ 8 ::,¿ N -- U '" « '<' '¡¡.¡ I- .. , ~ ~ " ~ -i:i 'i;; ¡¡: :i ~ .L .L.....L ,g ~ s « .L~ * ~ 8 .L ~ - -- ;,:, .<> "" g¡ o t- o. « - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iriJiìt DO Method: 9010 Date: 08/20/96 Analyst: SH Sample 10: Blank Matrix: Water S ANAL YTE UNITS LCS Conc LCS Res %Rec METH BLANK SPL CONC SPK ADDED MS RESULT MSD RESULT %MS REC %MSD REC % REC Limi RPD RPD Limit MDL Cvanide ml!/kl! 0.40 0.44 110 NO NO 0.40 0,37 0.37 93 93 50 - 150 0 50 0,5 Approved by: q.e¿'/<?'4G Date: c '~dl'anced Techn%RY - ~ Lahoratories .i) .. ~ ~;:¡) ::;..; ¡-- C <0;...: -=:. .-:.. m -( )';. U., er- e, p rJ 6233 F' I Entech Analytical labs, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 525 Del Rey Avenué, Suite E · Sunnyvale, CA 94086 · (408) 735-1550 · Fax (408) 735-1554 Subcontract Chain of Custody '(c0<;~ ~ ,.--- Subcontract I.åJ: Date xnt Project ~ame: Due Date: z.Ei v\ «\~Vc.."t\Jc.ç~ \ec,^^o\o~'f "1 ' '3 I ,i( Go %64 -3~A 4 -2>~G - Sample ID and Source Matrix Required Analysis Date Taken Time Taken Containers Pres? C IO:S\<6 c.. ~S-I Q 7 I ') 5i: \ c¿ 0\ Ù ,- ~\ -4¿ ,r , C..bl'4.~S L...er t(', " (IO"3\S (~S-(J;)~5') ~O~ \ C£O~ D î-j¡, 'i~ \\',;0 I '" \., I'''-~'' ~ ~ 1J e r Clû3~O~ (s?-\) '\ ì - "\ 1 -~ ~ ,1",3 r; \ x \., ~'" '> ':.> \ ~ ¡.J ~ r- eI o'3Z 0 ~ (j?-,-) )\.{ 'Þ \ ~¿~e. rf",. r-.. ì->I~' \\:~ \ It \" 1""1 c,') \ ~ Iv e r (.\032.0 ~ (>\>-5) \ c ~v' ov \ V~ðA (-31 ¿f' ()'.'f (' 1)(~~<\"~ \:NI1: r ...\ (.103 '2.0 ~(~?-t.¡) ) ,?V' ~L~ 'd ~... 't.b 1-'?\-L1 h \ {-·.,-o ,....bN,\,:>';> 1~l.Je r Ab -"t --' ~'¡¡r ""10 "-...J ~c...-\-- ('\A~ :7Î'1 ¡J: I (7\ kA ~ ~?\ ~ ,{,() , ''-'''' .......'- ..... --' , "--" ~....... ~ ....... L .. ,""v r- '- r-.. i", -- ~ l.r -. - /' Jt1 )\L I~ .L,-L - ~ \<=-~:: ~Ll ~ - 't r-.,. ') ~ $Ø;~_ ~'- ;:;: :jj ~ - f/"1b~ '-I- S l>\£ð~ 'J.~ - 2.241:) . 1 ..A /}.. x::- ~ ò...J. h W r "1J)' \ Relinquished By: ' ~L Rclinquished By: \' c.-" Ou \IÙ ^ '.. "'- t- Date: Timc: {'?I'~C .$-:XJJ>r-r Dale: Time: ~~D - D~DD Date: Time: Relinquished By: Notes: f\-NCA \'f 'l. '(J ~~'h ~\ e 60S \ ~ N E r- . f rúM. u ~d ,~ivrbE A eN~ vF- ;-. ...) /,-;~ ;:~': '-, 'j . ~';~_~¡ ':::J è..""U';." " ,;¡;r Q ~n~~ : .\.;.... LOWNEY ASSOC. - -1- Pg.-L. of - - - ------- CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY: - - - .. ßI II1"Ádva/1ced Technology ~ Laboratories - - - Sample Condition Upon Receipt (2,6) 5, SEALED Method of Transport Walk,in 0 NO NO NO YO YO YO 6. # OF SPLS MATCH COC 7. PRESERVED CONTR, LOT # ) ) NO NO NO 8. 1 TEL: ( FAX: ( YO YO YO 1, COOLER TEMP ·C 2, CHILLED 3, HEADSPACE (VOA) 4, CONTAINER INTACT o o o o Courier UPS D.O,# . Ct:» Batch #: P,O.#: 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 (310) 989-4045 . FAX FED. EXP, ATL Date~imeJl30 - Address: ( Logged By: (310) 989-4040 Zip Code State (Printed Name) City Time: Time: Time: (Signature) Date: Cl-...Df...t'\b Date: Date: Sampler: Received by: (Signature and Printed Name] Received by: (Signa", and Print.d Nam.) Received by: (Signa... and Printed Nam.) Send Report To: Attn: Project #: Client: Û1le.c..h Attn: Q,\ \/lX'\ Project Name: g'h4... 3loA Relinquished by: (Signatur. and Printed Nam.) Relinquished by: (Signatur. and Printed Nam.) Relinquished by: (Signatur. and Print.d Nam.) Speciallnstructions/Comments: Co: I I hereby authorize A TL 1D perform the work indicated below: Project Mgr /Submitter I Date: Unless otherwise requested, all samples will be disposed 60 days after receipt. OA/OC ~ RTNE ~ ¡:: RWacS 0 < WIP 0 ~ NAVY 0 w CT D ~ OTHER_ g: REMARKS CIRCLE APPROPRIATE MATRIX XLLI_ Address State Time SHIP TO LAB (SUB CONTRACT) .D. Sample Description I. I TEST: ATL.: DATE: CLIENT Name SHIP TO LA Signature (SUB CONTRACT~: TEST: ATL': DATE: CLIENT to. Print SHIP TO LAB: (SUB CONTRACT) TEST: ATL.: DATE: CLIENT to. - LAB USE ONLY: Batch #: lab No. I T E M Type -,- J:a 1 I I I r Preservatives: H=HcI N=HN03 S=H2S0. Z=Zn(AC)2 O=NaOH - Gofd to submitter. I I 1 I I I t I I I i I I . I I I r I I 1 I I I T I Date rDmOlYa\\t'. {jçt'¡{Y)oJ\~;I:fI"'1 D Sample 4:\ , 00 , 12:JoL.\- - :::' T L ... .':.- ...µ.2 .... .".... (j. UJ r- C [.",.".:\ t";") ~)'. B= Tedlar G=Glass Green to organic, Yellow to inorganic, Pink to Biology I [Drgent D= ~ Workdays P=Pint J=Jar DISTRIBUTION: White with report, Sample Archive/DispoSal: o Laboratory Standard o Other_ o Return To: - - - - - - ------- CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD - - - -:~) I - '~dvanced Technology FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY: Method of Transport Sample Condition Upon Receipt ~ Laboratories Batch #: 0,0,# Walk,in 0 1, COOLER TEMP 'C _(2,6) 5, SEALED YO NO Courier 0 2, CHILLED YO NO 6, # OF SPLS MATCH COC YO NO 1510 E. 33rd Street p,O,#: UPS 0 Signal Hill, CA 90807 (IX')) Date~.:U:2:~:¡'ïmeJ 130 FED, EXP, 0 3. HEADSPACE (VOA) YO NO 7. PRESERVED YO NO (310) 989-4045 . FAX (310) 989-4040 Logged By: ATL 0 4, CONTAINER INTACT YO NO 8, CONTR. LOT # V"': Client:Cn·t-e.eh Address: TEL: ( ) Attn: t.l\\aX\ City State Zip Code FAX:( ) Project Name: ~bY..3IoA Project #: Sampler: (Printed Name) (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signatur. and Prinled Name) Received by: (Signature and Prinled Name) Date: ~ ....0\-"\10 Time: Relinquished by: (Signature and Prinled Name) Received by: (Signa"e and Prinled Name) Date: Time: Relinquished by: (Signature and Prinled Name) Received by: (Signa..e and Prinled Name) Date: Time: I hereby authorize A TL to perform the work indicated below: Send Report To: Speciallnstructions/Comments: Unless otherwise Project Mgr ¡Submitter: Ann: requested, all Co: samples will be Date: I I disposed 60 days Print Name after receipt. Address Sianatura City State Zip SHIP TO LAB: SHIP TO LAB: SHIP TO LAB: CI<d, m Add J' ~ ' / CIRCLE mOOPR'ATE QA/QC (SUB CONTRACT) (SUB CONTRACT) (SUB CONTRACT) Analysis(es) f' <ó rf' MATRIX z RTNE ~ TEST: TEST: TEST: R ad .;!p g.. ~ 0 equest rfl ~ '" ~ ~ ~ 'j 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ Q - RWacS ATL,: ATL.: ATL.: ",'Ii':>' CiJi!'if & 03};fJ f- a .(J qj :-:-.. ~ 0 DATE: ¡,fþg..!1 J §9$~ « WIP DATE: DATE: > ~.prflßCJ~-'?'J' ~ ~1-.:};fJ};fJ NAVY 0 CLIENT LD. CLIENT to. CLIENT to. .¡¡~.'(J~oCi'<l·'" 0 '~~:<r ~ c: ~~;f'-'iJ€1" »!{i):<r~ I.iì w CT 0 I LAB USE ONLY: Sample De5c'ription ~i§ t ~rfl $ rf p p ~ ii1~ ,g ~ ~ 0 ::3 Container(s) C/) OTHER ~ ~~"'<1.<1.~~, èt·~ q:- T Batch #: ~ Æ' ~ ~ !\,<> ;..: ;..: ~ .....0 Q' 0 $" ~ . ~ w - E ~~~!\i~~~,,'-<ó "'¡';:'~ i<t{i) cr: REMARKS M Lab No. Sample I.D. Date Time D.. 12.::f04- ~ 00\ '4:\ l'cmOlYo\~.l)'tìi)'320/'2~: :t/~1 X ~ £-., I JiG . , ~'V' I , : ,- Co í -. ,., ...:.. -""-." , .t·." ". ,...,," I .. I ..,. '.'" I (j, T I Cf; £........:1 I T '.. I (.':,J I C ::,', I I I Sample Archive/Disposal: TAT· A~ I Overnight I B= I Emergency ~yl c= Critical I ,I Urgent ,f¡R r ,I . TAT starts 8 a.m. Preservatives: E= ou me fOIlOW::P day if samples o Laboratory Standard . - < 24 hr Next workda 2 Workdays D= 3 Workdays 7 Workdav5 reœiv after 3 n.m. H=Hcl N=HN03 S=H2S0. r o Other o Return To: Container Tvpe5: T Tube V=VOA L Liter P Pint J Jar B Tedlar I G Glass P Plastic M Metal Z Zn(AC)2 o NaOH - * $10,00 FEE PER HAZARDOUS SAMPLE DISPOSAL DISTRIBUTION: White with report, Green to organic, Yellow to inorganic, Pink to Biology, Gold to submitter. -ro~~A~O~ÄIB - - - - SI!NU IŒSIJI:rS "( - -,-- - - -- - CIIAJN OF CUSTODY nnCOIlD Mounlaln Vlcw Office .jus Clfcle ^vc Mounlaln View, Ca 91013 o Walnul Crc~ck OHìcc 16m 5. Main 51, :)lIilC 125 Walnlll CIcek, Ca 9·15% ~~5-%7-2365 510-9311·9356 I'AX COl'Y 415-%7-2705 <I'A)() I'AX corYI 0 510·9311-9359 (I'AX) I'.o cel N.Jmc: _ (J~r .,r.~OVAl- - Turnaround ~l ;=éICMl:IC- 'PA(.O A-t.-f7:) ?~ O'::r-Ië e" I(cc ulrclllcnls: , ANAI.YSIS ItI!QUHSTJU> r;;,~ 8hL/ - 3hA o 10 Working (by, \ I Joh No.: / ~'lJ ~y ~ I ncpOll To: 0m~ 1=õ~~ o S WOlklnB (lay, :? 'v' Y'-:::1 3 :) 0It:.~6 o 3 WOlklnß (lay, I ~ \'0 ~ ::::¡ ?' Salllplcr (plllIl): ~~ ~ 1I0\llS eelV' ~I..:; !-. ",,;)."'? VI - Sampler (sIHllatll'C~ ¿J~.-- ~"l'" ~ ~ ~.f .£I .§' ~ l!} ... Ï:"J t." o/:{'., ~ l>?:oc"",nlL/' / IJ 21110111' "~~~~ i~"-" LL~ ~';¡ ¡ 6' II ò å ~ 4' iff ~ I.cveI ^ (~I:U\llaul) 0 l.evel n o l.cvd G [I l.evel n o 2·3 I lours (HUSII) iJ ð"t ¡ .(f :¡ J c" 1_ / Ii :¡,'1: ~ " (, ~.. V ) Salll llc I.n. I>alc TIllie Llh I. n. Salll lle No. uf ~ç ~'t: ~ .~ f!o l! '.I:!. "blllx CUIII. ¡}; ¡}; t: ~.., <f? ,f¡ 1\ C III a III S :B?- ) @ ., I Î/~f qþ X ~ - - - '- - - - - - - JJ l,oÇ C'./O-!J/J 70Jl,., , /< ~ X ß? ... z@ g.~' 1/'-3'0 C/ù311 -+- ~ ~ ~ ~ :t ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <!.UJ4 PO~I T}; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? SP-I ~. }J7 lq~ - i - - - - J - - - - - - - / ¡: 3~ .., .~/(, 1 Þ X X ~ , \ J II ~p-z L,L)O;¿.)Ô =i= =F L L::. '/.. ß _\1 -- - C-1 ?D~ lIE =t= 1/: I..{o ~ ~ J- 8 .....~ ::>A.Á. çp-~ II: ¿¡j- L ~ L f 1:. -I- \ sp-1 //.oSO _./ :p. L :L -sL. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !7I - - - - - - - - [r - ~ / /" ........ f\ /'"\ . \ , IIcllr\llllbllcllllYI~ _ / ./ & Ihlc: 1/3} Ie¡ b TII.(c:'l1ft :61) 7Uccclvctl "y: rr ìJ ) Ihlc:1131 ~ '~ìl1\cw :.Q1") ~'M b\lIbl: IIdlrll lIbllcdI6/ ¿:;7 I , '- :..- I)ale: Tllllc: IIccclvCtllly: )alc: Tllllc: ..!!dhll lIbJ.c,llly: DaIC: Tllllc: I.ah of ItcCCI"I: TCIIII'CI.JIII'C: -- Ikt:dv~tllly I:\h: 1\;\11:: TIIII", -- ..----..----.-----. .------.. -,.. . "'. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Entech Analytical Labs, Ine. 525 Del Rey Avenue, Suite E Sunnyvale, CA 94086 QUALITY CONTROL RESULTS SUMMARY METIIOD: Gas Chromatography QC Batch #: GBG2082396 Matrix: Water/Soil Units: Date Analyzed: 08/23/96 · QC LIMITS · · ARAMETER Method # ¡ SA SR SP SPD SPD RPD . (ADVISORY) · %R : RPD i %R · I Gasoline 8015M 2451 250. 247, 101%1 1.2, 25 50-150 : Benzene 8020 20' 20.5: 20.5: 103%: 0.0: 25 50-150 I I Toluene 8020 201 19.51 19.71 99%1 1.01 25 50-150 , . I I I I I I I I I I Definition of Terms: na: Not Analyzed in QC batch SA: Spike Added SR: Sample Result RPD(%): Duplicate Analysis - Relative Percent Difference SP: Spike Result SP (%R): Spike % Recovery SPD: Spike Duplicate Result SPD (%R): Spike % Recovery ________~~~2~~al:~~~~__________________________________________ QNQCOfficer: ~, N. Gaone ~ ;-:::"1'1 $~ ~'~' - '-'. ~.' ~:-:. ,;.....; ,<~. :'] . ", 't¡fC: ~ f: 1- "'_. v." 19~1h LOWNEY ÞS,S(:C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Entech Analytical Labs, Ioc. 525 Del Rey Avenue, Suite E Sunnyvale, CA 94086 QUALITY CONTROL RESULTS SUMMARY METHOD: Gas Chromatography QC Batch #: GBG4082296 Matrix: Water/Soil Units: Date Analyzed: 08/22/96 QC LIMITS PARAMETER Method # SA SR SP SPD SPD RPD . (ADVISORY) o/oR : RPD i o/oR I Gasoline 8015M 2101 NDI 2391 2251 107%1 6.oi 25 50-150 : Benzene 8020 20' NDI 23.0: 21.0: 105%: 9.1: 25 50-150 I I I Toluene 8020 201 NDI 21.01 21.01 105%1 0.01 25 50-ISO I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I Definition of Terms: na: Not Analyzed in QC batch SA: Spike Added SR: Sample Result RPD(%): Duplicate Analysis - Relative Percent Difference SP: Spike Result SP (o/oR): Spike % Recovery SPD: Spike Duplicate Result SPD (o/oR): Spike % Recovery NC: Not Calculated ------------------------------------------------------------- QAlQCOfficer: ~ N. Gaone i':;'; ~ ;t~~~ ;~ ,;.~ ~\. f~ ;I~ 7! r¡¡'r .i" 3 C 1991) 1 ;)IU:"-·~··· ,.- - - mvmE\'A~~T~ - ClIAIN OF CUSTODY IŒCOIID Project Name: R. 1;- :s N ~/ ~sl- ð;l; 'c-~ / Job No.: ,. 'it, ~ - '1 ~ Rcporl To: .-/ / --- / "':> RS 0....... h.sV'C-t-- Sampler (print): Sampler (signature): QC HCC' lIircmcnts: ~ Level ^ (standard) 0 Level n 0 Level C 0 Level D Sample 1.0. Date Time u.b J.D. :55- I ot/zr./?¿ SS - t- S5 - .3 5"J - Lj Ff!>- 7" I'Sx. -If¿, 09/ "I..'/1.t., E/J- 7 , -µ:JY... -ZI . £13- 7. 2'iY-r. -7(,- . Eð-7 ~oYi-J. Gß -7. ~)x.-~(. . Eb-~ ~()A -9/ E ß - 7. ~s)lf. -t't. éB-? sr>X-rl ",1/ . Relinquished Oy: /j¿e';::; ~ He1ìnquished Dy: / .It" q;;f =-dI--¿;5'1 I!elinquished Oy: /1 JlJ-U Uti 110 ) CII/77 (:1117J' e../1/7 c¡ CII/<Þ) CIII fl CII(~t-, L¡ II f'.3 CIIIN - - -, - - - - - - - - - SEND It Esur:rs TO, ~ Mountain View Office 0 Waln\lt Cled< Offiu: -Ins Clyde Ave 1600 S. Main St, Suite 11.5 . Mountain View, Ca 91Ü'13 Walnut Crcek, Ca ~·í5% 415-967-2365 510-938-9356 PAX COPY: 0 415-967-2785 (FAX) PAX COPY: r8 510·938-9359CFAX) Turnaround RequiremenlS: o 10 Working days ~ S Working days o 3 Working days o 48 Hours o 2-1 I lOUIS o 2-3 1·lours (nUSH) Sample No. of Matrix Cont. 50; / ' 50ì / /, .J/ ....1/ ANALYSIS REQUESTED , . .,. . .., .. .. ." "' - " . .. . . ... .. I ", Hcnnrks · ' ill! ¡; I.- ~:,.\ lhi - 1'. ; ï 1'\.'; '\ \' --:1: ii,';; 'I' 'I', i I: i;:: _31',,; " II -----1-1, ¡:; -1. W ,,- 1;- ,i Iii L if ~I'III,; I ,;' _____________~'- ,,:1 I' I'i: _I·, _ __1; I . II! , ." Ô' 6'6'R' ~ a _ë: ~ rfl "'~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (J .(J .¡ ~&4}2 $~ ' .-:r (; ::::. 'b {fJ <ý ¡:¡ ~ Q (J 0 ro .~ Ç'/ ... v ~ .}' ö () f .'if ~ ""~.... ^_ h1 ij {l::Oó ~ ~. ~-v ~' I! f: f:ß$èt$ \ I~ \/ "" ~ .. -:T .. iF - ~o >;'f"t, " " - " I 1\ I \ ./ V - - v ", Received By: K ð7J::::f:'1oS-1' Date: ) -;};}-.J.(~ime: c::¡s-¡ 0 ' Received Dy: q¿ -;.·/uk ?JlI, /.'>~ate: <c/:J;¿!91Z/ Time~ /100 ~7f (j I . , l.:1b Of Recor(l,l Received By u.b: Date: Time: Dale: () 3/ Z.;l /~ '- Time: f.' / 0 Date: ~Þ.01ð Ti~e/~' Date: Time: ..... . .,. tl'l PM initial: . >,...- Tc~lpcralurc: mvmErA~~T~ - CI-IA1N OF CUSTODY RECOIID Project Name: ß~G4"S J2JJ Job No.: fb ~ - 7ß Report To: ¿ I ~~So""" Sampler (print): 1i t/ / Sampler (signature): Post- t) 'ì1ï è ~ hJ~ u: Æ(r;;~~ "' QC HCC \lircmcnls: ti5:'!l.cvc! ^ (st:ll1lbrd) 0 l.evel IJ 0 Level C 0 Level ) SJmple J.D. Date Time Lab J.D. Gð-7/ ~oÝ'l. ..;.¡,) C~/t~h", Ej!:>-} 4> r Ji - Go '- £ß-7, t0h -7/ £ß-7 7)".72 -7(,. Eß- 7 iOYl -3/ ,. £J>-7'~-trx éb-7, 7ðY~ -7/ iß. ß - / 'SYz -fC, '\ I . CIII g:( CI II f10 Clllf? C¡ II R& Gill tr CII/ 9 () CIIICf) C11197/ . " ------------ SEND II ESm:rS TO. [] Mountain Vicw ürTicc 0 Walnut Crc:t:!< Ollicr: -{OS Clyde Ave 1600 S. Mail! 51, Suill.: I i!5 Mountain View, Ca 9t{0'13 Walnut Creek, Ca 9·í5% t{1s-967-2365 . 510-938-9356 PAX COpy: 0 415-967-2785 (FAX) PAX COPY: 0 51O-938-9359(FAX) Turnaround Requirements: o ]0 Working days ~ 5 Working days o 3 Working days o 48 Hours o 21 'lours o 2-3 'lours (HUSH) Sample No. or Matrix Conl. 50;/ I , ~II Relinquished "Dy: ~ é/ /? ~ Date: of? /z l--/n~ Time: 3: 10 Relinquished By: / /..1 cd--#=0sí Date: X1':?z/0 Timel/ð'd Helinquished Dy: Dale: Time: ANALYSIS REQUESTED , . · . ... . ... .. .. .. . , ' ,,' ..- ... I . r, Hqparks , : ì \~I ~H" _d\ IV ~lli!~: -,- -~¡ :',I! '\ 'I" =1, k ~I--I--- - _1';;- '. II ,.' I,: ¡¡,¡ -1' I' rr I, i{ 111M --------------I~~[:- - -- ---- -- - - - ---'¡-¡r--- ----- --- & 6' Ô' ~ fj .... v; !'J ~ ~ Æ & çg Õ' ;J ~ éJ .11 .p ~~£}.P ~~ ::Y Ù':::' b lY'ct I!;' ... Q () 0 Jb .!J c:: ... I!J -.!' ,~. b ""I c!! ..... -Q .~ ..., I;J I!J ~ ,'J Oó Of;t: ~f(J v t A'l: ø ¡ ;00 ¡ · . · , - ./ ---______1- I- - , I Received By: ."J:? CV¡ -1057 Date: (5 -")'7 CjÇ'.- Time: 8'7 Ò Received By: ClI/l/l-r1.{..-"-¡¡A f'11/ð1tÌtÆate: '7f1c?;i¡¡;/J Tirne~ 1;:00 /.l I (j I I ... tab or Reco~~ Received By tab: Date: Time: . ..... . .,. ,to! PM initial: - Tc;~~I;c';al\lrc: "',_. _. _. -- LUV/NE\'- ASSOCIATES CIIAIN OF CUSTODY IŒCOIID - Project Name: ß4.k t:.- <; {;,.h/ Po.>f- f) JI.,~c.. ~ Job No.: j{, r - '1 /~ Report To: r / ~ / ::.;,1fA.so...... ~5~ Sampler (print): ~,} / ,'"r ~t;':'-'-r.~'j Sampler (signature): 12/ 0 ~ QC IIcC lIirclJ1cnls: ' ~ Level ^ (st:II\Jard) 0 l.evc\ D 0 l.eve! C 0 I..cvel () Sample J.D. Time Lab J.D. Date I~- '3 JJ)'~ -/? ()f/..1/1t.. 1£8- 8 uY-t. -,21 ,c/!:.·f z s-~ - z·(... lFô-S ~oX ->1 £1>. ¡ ~ S- y~ -..3¿ éß-3.1o,X -~/ . , £1) - f C¡J){ -n 1=13-8. wx - ')1 Eß-ð',J"J)í -n. Eß-1 'DA -t,j Eb-i ~)-iÞ>~ ,17 (!/I/tf3 CI(lq~ Cltí qf C I J/C}L t!j/ 111- C/I/qf; c¡ ¡; q1 C/Iu:Tò CII Zð I CI ¡ z.o ].; CI/bð? . RelinquishedDy:/f«. é1 ~ flelinguished Dy: .''R- v..;r ~&'5í I!clinquished Dy: " - _.--------- - SEND \I ES{II:rs TO. £81 Mountain View Office 10S Clyde Ave Mountain View, Ca 91<M3 415-967-2365 PAX COPY: 0 4]5-967-2785 (FAX) Turnaround RequircmcnlS: o 10 Working days 1&1. S Working days o 3 Working days o 18 Hours o 2.f IIour5 o 2,3 lIours (HUSH) S;lInplc No. of Matrix Cont. -50; / / "II , / Date: P/z...-Z/'fL Time: f: /0 Oate:<¡- ;)-;;J-~" Time: II ð '0 / Date: Time: [J Walnut Crt:clc Ollie/: 1600 S. Main St, Suite I 1.S . Walnut Crcc\<, Ca ~·í5~í 510-938-9356 PAX COPY: 81 510-938-9359 (fAX) ANALYSIS REQUESTED . 6' 6' 6' R êl £J ~ t:J ~~ ~~G ~ ~ ~ (J .tJ f ~&£}.P ~~ . i.:r jl 6' 8 òtlõ ct ~ .v c:: ... fJ ~ ~ ~'õ b f :¡; ;§> ."i:tIõ ;t: ;t: ~ 00 ¡¡ l¥ f: f:~:Ø~4 '- ~ - --- J/ . , .. ' .... . .., . .. " , ' .. . .,. ., 1 . I. . . - , Received By: j(a;1- ~s7' Date: 7- .2);¿:.ìCmme: 'fI"/cJ /> ~¿¿' v: I Received ßy:?trtnr; 'itn!~pate: tq, #/C¡(/JTimc~/r CO La b Of Recor : HCnlarks . , 'II ¡; n. ~:\ \\¡\ . 1" ~: T Jh: -.Ii ;i!ì j'I;1 I· k I. . I I::; ~-~-- ~'¡p I r- - 'i~W~,' i 'Iii L Ii: _______________ LiJß_ I' I",', : ;j' ----t--~-:----- IiI: Î ~ . Received Dy Lab: Dale: Time: .... . , . .,. "'1 PM initial: . ·t·· ,- TC'!1pcral\Jre: