HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-REPORT 01/23/88 ... . '. · Ii!. . ~ 'II/tledli T4«-£ ~~ ~ ~ ~ I . L ""-.-._ r M~ ~. <Þ--L.. ~. t.w fW'ð><.JL w-L.. ~'./-_.. I!i,~<!/ MJ' ~ ~.JU-d~. -:r~£ ...... -. IIJ~ ~0 . ." . ':/ {/ .. ~71€p!11· . ffemo-rJ .. +u& TJ¿~kl};;w~Lj~L_ . .,," . .... ,.-..-,.~' ..f-k. .+tLH-k auj..n,+~rvj ,.~,,'-Io _,IJ/1 g .J )lL-,ð~/-MÞD..___~_.:._.__ __'______'.''_'_~._I_.u_~.____..,_,_,____.__"_._______.._....'_._.__.__..__',._...___'__._____ .. _ 0p'······_~r#-tummG~_C'o/J._"- c..C-"f,¡-Ø--fL-4i1 -_.._-_:~-,.. l"v2.;:JJ,4---,,--,,---------:-,---- '. . '/;Z0 y I:' f;~Jt I~JlA·I~kz it .._n~=_ ..-........ -- 111 .. ..... ... _ ... ,... /;: . .. ...~ ~I ... n .. n .... ....--.. _ iT \:1 Ii! ," i;! nr iq j.¡ '" 1¡¡ !ii ¡il ... . ¡ ( I, I! Ii! in ;;1 jil ¡¡¡ 1:11 Ii ,--,--,-- -'''-'-'--¡1¡ .",.., . . ¡il Ii ¡ I" 1;1 Ii! Ii: ¡it Iii ¡II "I . Ii lid ¡ii 1>; - .-- -----.. -".--- .- ----------~- .----.,--- -----------,_._----- , __ _ _ __ _... __._"u ~"_____ _. _ . __ ___ M.___..__ ___, ._________. __.. . --~ - ---- - --.. ._- .-..-- .- "----, ---- -.- --- .-.-- _..-- - ---- ~@@)fR? JQ)~~@U~~~ ' ....- _. -- ._--+-. - . - - --. . -. -- --- -'-..-..--, '- .-- -. ,-- - --- .~. -_._- - .--- ,- . .'--.-.-, ,--..- ---- ---.' -- r -, -- . ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT EMERGENCY HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT BEEN FILED? DYES' I8r NO fPRLÖÇAI;AC2EfojCYUSEONLY> ....!lrWæ~i7'~~~m¡~I%~Ib~~r~~~~:Ü\~J~ç~8%í~~~~iéä~~~... ······R,,········· ........ .. .................. ...... . .................... ::: ::~~::::..:.::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ~: =::::::. .. .-...... ".. DYES J8100 REPORT DATE CASE. 0",1 -3"",1 / cl8 D 9 v I v ,$/ () 0/-5 NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT > .¿' //1 JI /M s¿ 00¿:J en @ REPRESENTING D OWNERIOPERATOR D . ~ ~ LOCAL AGENCY D OTHER ~r".J CO. FAl ¡). /lr"Æ/7"-t. UJ a: ADDRESS ' i / ' ;If'tJ() /1/1 S-I:./ S-rr"" .:500/ pA-/cer.rRe/dl c.A .9330/ smEET CITY UJ NAME CONTACT PERSON ~~ Cð!eCÎt'.s1" :¡:"Jc.., DUNKNOWN beðr".e ~/t: za: i~ :;;~ / 'S-f¡lJe ,ed¡ ~"kt!'í$::ft'e I~ C/J 93~~.? FAClLllY NAME (IF APPLICABLE) OPERATOR Cðlee('e.~-t ..:GJc.., ¿~rt.,l. '¿/rí: STATE PHONE ZIP STATE PHONE ZIP Z o ~ ADDRESS § UJ .... ¡¡¡ ( ,: ';kér..J COUNTY P cS.-t/~~ '!ir:.J ß,4-k.e~$Jìe Id¡ ell 91,i3t1 $ 500/ o ~(/) ~~ UJU ::=!z UJUJ -,0 c...< ~ CROSS STREET Þc he c 0 LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAME 1!',e.J Co, Ep VI /II!' Á Irk PHONE (g'tis) ~61- J6:7~ CONTACT PERSON L ci;,., ¡,/ ¡/o,;d $; cI,¿,J REGIONAL BOARD Cr",A)fr'Æ/ Ut/le , PHONE (/) (1) ~ ~ G/1$ 0 /ÆJ c: ~-' g¡ ~ (2) ;:)~ (/) NAME QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) r8j: UNKNOWN HOW DISCOVERED D TANKTEST D UNKNOWN D INVENTORY CONTROL D SUBSURFACE MONITORING', D NUISANCE CONDITIONS I2:f TANK REMOVAL D OTHER. METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) D REMOVE CONTENTS D REPLACE TANK ~ CLOSE TANK D REPAIR TANK D REPAIR PIPING D CHANGE PROCEDURE D OTHER ~ DATE DISCOVERED UJ ::=! ~ '" D D ~ DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN ~ ~ UJ '" U D D V > § HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED? Õ ~ YES D NO IFYES,DATE ÙlUJ SOURCE OF DISCHARGE g3 D TANKLEAK ~ ;:)< !is U D PIPING LEAK D ~ UNKNOWN U D ·OVERFR.L D CORROSION D RUPTURElFAILURE [J8 UNKNOWN D SPILL D OTHER UNKNOWN OTHER UJUJ (/)c... ë3~ CHECK ONE ONLY D UNDETERMINED lIB CHECK ONE ONLY ~ NO ACTION TAKEN D LEAK BEING CONFIRMED D REMEDIATION PLAN CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTIOIII(S) (SEE MCKFOROET~ D CAP SITE (CD) D CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) D VACUUM EXTRACT (VEJ SOIL ONLY D GROUNDWATER D DRINKING WATER· (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN AFFECTED) ..... z(/) w;:) a:.... a:~ 5(/) D PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPlAN SUBMITTED D PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY D CASE CLOSED (CLEANUP COMPLETEÒ OR UNNECESSARY) D POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION D POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS o CLEANUP UNDERWAY D D o REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) D PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) D TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) . D > . D D ßJ D CON7/l"Tr'~ ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) REPLACE SUPPLY (R5) VENT SOIL (VS) <i!z õQ UJ.... ::=!o UJ< a: EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) EXCAVATE & TREAT (ET) NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) OTHER (OT) C;1f5 e C./os e ~ z UJ ::¡; ::¡; o o TAJJt'S-tj/A -t'¡'CJN HSC 05 (11/89) - COUNTY OF KERN e Environmental Health Department . . ., 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 January 24, 1989 George Cole Colecrest Inc. 5001 Stine Road Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr. Çole: 'This is to advise you that this department has reviewed the project results for the subsurface contamination investigation at 5001 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. Based department significant exists'. upon the findings described in the, report, this is satisfied that the assessment is còmplete ana no soil contamination resul tin'g from any fuel .tank leakage Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. SinceriJIY, . o (;~ ø: ca=~ Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:dr 1-24-89 staff.haz\cole.ltr I tþ, COUNTY ÒF KER~ e Environmental Health Department .' 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 January 24, 1989 George Cole Colecrest Inc. 5001 Stine Road Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr. Cole: This is to advise you that this department has reviewed the project results for the subsurface contamination investigation at 5001 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. Based upon the findings described in the report, this dep~rtment is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination resulting from any fuel tank leakage exists. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. ( . ,~inCe~lY' 1 --- .' t..L tDtA------ , flJoe Canas Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program , JO~dr 1-24-89 staff.haz\cole.ltr BSl~& ~ssociates ,0 i·_; e í r~', --, '. ~._._"v .J4N 1 1 1989 " Geotechnical Consultants. Inc. Wesley I, Braun. CE Robert D, Skaggs. CE Hugo Kevorkian, CE lohn R, Hedley, CE John B:Moore, CE John M. Minney, CE James G, Sutton, CE Alex Y. Eskandari, CE --. .,. ".- ., . ~.. <>'" - .,., /"" - : -. ~ - ,...... ,,! ... -.,.- " I oh~-H;K¡rk', C.c" ,.;:.:. :'J ; ;'\L r: t:h_ TI- Thomas E. Vahlstrom, Ch September 23, 1987 ------------- OUR JOB B87211 George Cole Colecrest Inc. 5001 Stine Road Bakersfield, California 93309 SUBJECT: Preliminary Site Assessment Underground Tank Removal Colecrest Inc. 5001 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Gentlemen: .. At your request on September 17, 1987, 'we sampled soil at 5001 Stine Road, Bakersfield, California. Samples were taken at prescribed locations to determine if the soil was contaminated. Sampling was performed in conjunction with the removal of a 5000 gallon tank. The tank was 15 feet long, 8 fee~ in diameter, . and buried with 5 feet of soil cover. The tank ~eportedly contained unleaded gasoline, and had not been in u~e for the last six years. There was no visible sign of contamination in soil below the tank or in soil adhering to the outsid~ of the tank. Following tank removal, a track hoe was utilized to excavate to the specified depths of sampling. Soil was obtained with the trackhoe bucket at 2 and 6 feet below the bottom of the tank at the location shown in Figure 1. Soil samples w~reobtained by driving stainless steel tubes into soil. The sample's \.¡ere capped with pressure fitted plastic caps and then sealed with adhesive tapé. The samples were labeled wit h .a n a d h e s i v e - b a c ked 1 a bel i n c 1 u din 9 b 0 r i n g des i 9 n a t ion, de p t h of sample, and initials of the individual collecting the sample. A Chain of Sample Custody form was prepared and is enclosed. The samples were placed in a cool chest for preservation and transported cold, by Greyhound bus, to BSK Laboratories, in Fresno, Calif~rnia. r Soil Engineering' Engineering Geology· Engineering Laboratories· Chemical Laboratories o Fresno. California 93706 ". o Visalia. California 93278 o Bakersfield, California 93304 o Pleasanton. California 94566 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209) 485,8310 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 (209) 732,8857 117 "V" Street Telephone (80S) 327,0671 5729'G Sonoma Drive Telephone (415) 462-4000 I , I . I ; Undterground Tank Remùvai ·Colecrest Inc.~ 500 IS tin e R 0 a Bakersfield, Ca lfornia 1____ . ~eptemDer ¿j, l~~/ Page 2 The con~tituents tested comply with the Kern County Health Department Permit for Tank Abandonment #242-31. The analytical test results are enclosed and summarized in Table 1. TABLE 1 ------ Total Sample Total Petroleum 1oc~!lQ~__Q~E!~:____~~~~~~~_--IQ!~~~~_~_!r~~~_~~r~IQ£~IQQ~i 1 2 ND ND ND ND 1 6.0 ND ND ND ND " 2 2 ND ND ND ND .. 2 6.0 ND ND ND ND Detection Limit 0.02 0.05 0.05 10 *Dept~ measured bel~w bottom of tanks. ND = None Detected Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene tested by E.P.A. Method 5020/8020. ~ TPH test~d by DHS extraction GC/FID. All concentrations in mg/kg. Tfie laboratory analyses ~o not indicate that soil contamination is present at the site. We appre~iate the opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions, please call. Respectfully submitted, KJC/JBM/d1r Enclosure BSl( -.-----.--- & Associates ~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORO .' ;- ~Cb ~Zl \ SAMPLER~/Sígn'fJ~~ . PHUJI:CTCD {~C-\~ d T\'\.L, . . I ,~~ 1 . ___,. " ~..... ,( 0 Samp 1 c Type ' Station Sample Water 5011 No. of Analysis Numbe r DesiQnation Date Time Compo Grab. yv..,... . UI au, Containers ReQuired \~).:' \\..'Dt::: '-(S-r-'f. . ,pt\ "-11- \~\ç -{-. 1 \ \ e... S-' I )z .\ 6\1- T~H \\'ICO , ~e I \C.;z 5' --y:. \ 6\ 'f. I Tt> \-\- 7...' " ..1 e.. ç' '"' J 1"30 Y \ 'ßT'/- TV\t . I ø . \ \ , , ; ! ,. ( . , \ n\ ¥ i She~ ~Signature Received by: (Signature) Date/ T lme , C\-\'b I , 0 I\.. ~"- ~ \c ~l She~lgnature). Received by: (Slgnèltllre) 0. teCl, J,;¡¡m > . \uiShed by: (Slgnature) Received by: ( S i 9 11 a t u re ) Date/Tlme I., Recelved tor Laboratory hed by: ( S i 9nð tu re ) Date Tlme by: Da tell ime I t Shlpment: Q'J ~~~~'-) 2> . -to. \Ç--('~U\'(' ~~~ À IA{J ~ (,..Å ,~(\~~(~ry ~istribution: Ori9. - f,ccon1pGny ~,hipl:lent , BSl( ,....\. , ., '. ~ ~ . ,_\ .. c,t-'1 ) - - - -- - ,-.;'';.e. "I ....,. \ .. BSI( & Associates . Geotechnical Consultants. Inc. Wesley I. 8,aun. CE ~obert 0, SkaRRs. CE HURoKevorkian. CE lohn R, Hedley. CE John B. Moore. CE John M. Minney. CE James e. Sutton, CE Ale. Y. E,kandari. CE fohn H. Kirk. CEe Thomas £, Vahlstrom. Ch Colecrest, Inc. (B87211) . 4 ';,1 EXë:m. No. Ch871923-1 Report Date: " 9/22/87 Sample Type: / '- Soil Date Sample Collected: 9/17/87 Sample Description: 1 @ 2' Date Sample Received @ Lab: 9/18/87 1615 hrs. Date of Analyses: 9/21/87 'BTX 9/22187 TPH Constituent. Units Results Detection Li m its NO 0.02 NO 0.05 NO 0.05 ND 10 .. Benzene Toluene Total Xylene Isomers Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg ¡Kg N D=None Detected Method of Analyses BTX by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition TPH by DHS extraction GC/FID .....;.,' ,¿:- ~Cj4!qC~ na ys t . . L~¿L!iÄ' Lab Director Soil Engineering' Engineering Geology. Engineering laboratories. Chem.ical laboratories ~Frl!sno. California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209) 485-8310 . o Vlulia. California 93278 . 3901 So. Mooney Blvd.~ p.d, BOK 3236 (209) 732-8857 o B.Jkenfield. California 93304 ". 117 "V" Street' . Telephone (805) 327'()571 o Pleaunton. California 94566 5729-C Sonoma .Drive Télephone (415) 462-4000 ~~ _fl"" ~A..-J.T" -.' u.....................-. 111 J.", .1...l.....~."... m ,1.!,J l JJU.î.L....J~ 1 .Ut n,t.: , . ~ J _~~J1fIJ P....-~""q or .)..J. loti ....~..;;;~...,. .._~~~,-~~:...~.. .~,~...:~.'LÜ·":,....,-:,;",:,,,.,~.~~'.4,~f~~....:,:... ì;_"":{';_~j~~d1~~~,...':.;,.,:.;r.-..~·~;..~:,';:i',JJ...r.t4:i.d~~":~·.:,,';·-"¿~~;;"'.~f.M;.ø~('~_~~.s¿,>.~-~,,,-<. BSI~ & Associates . . Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. W@~I@y I. 8raun. CE Robert D, SkaØII~. CE Hugo KevOIkian. CE lohn R. Hedley. CE John 0, M;"'re. CE John M. Minney. CE Jame~ G. Sutton. CE Ale. Y. Eskandari. CE John H, Kirk. CEG Thomas E, Vahlstrom, Ch Colecrest, Inc. (B87211) . . Exam. No. Ch871923-2 Report Date: 9/22/87 Sample Description: 1 @ st Date Sample Collected: 9/17/87 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 9/18/87 Sample Type: Soil 1618 hrs. Date of Analyses: 9/21/87 9/22/87 BTX TPH Constituent Units Results Detection Limits ND 0.02 NO 0.05 NO ¿ 0.05 NO 10 - Benzene Toluene Total Xylene Isomers Total Petroleum , Hydrocarbons mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg ND=None Detected Method of Analyses BTX by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition TPH by OHS extraction GC/FID -w Á- ~<V. et. c.~ na yst. t=º La~/'d&: Soil Engineering. Engineering Geology· Engineering Laboratories ~Chemical laboratories 1m F,"no. California 'B70b o Vluli.1l, California 93278 o B~ken ield, California 93304, o Pleu.1Inton, California 945&6 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone(20'J) 485,8310 3901 So. Mooney Blvd. P.O. Box 3236 (2O'J) 732·8857 117 "V'· Street Telephone (805) 327-0671 5729·C Sonoma Orive Telephone (415) 462,4000 ........'f',...."..y.~ 1 f' II~--~....~..-"" ... ~·V1.......' "¥ "",....-,...,..... ·,~~"'~._"II 'ftj alf~_~·"-""-;""""~·· ,", .~.~..:.~..... .......,.' I'_'...... Jt..".-.-...... ,--. "," .~ .....~..:.r..~.~:~ ..J.',. ...:;~~~.I...:~:..L..-w.:.>,;..,.............J..:-.<........ ...' ¡.. , .._.:......._,.;.:.c~....._....';h .........~;... ......;;~..~N-..Â-Ü..,.~::.~""="~ .-' . , .:,., .-. -' ,~~-. ." .' .....: .. .,I.__" '.:;i.:;.~»~.....:... . ----' BSI~ & Associates .: Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. W",I"y n',1Un, CF Rolw,. D. Sk"~~,, (f Hu~o Kt''''orki.ln, Ct: lohn R Hl',III'Y, (f John II Moor.'. cr lohn ^', .\'lfmr'V. Cl Idn1t~1Ii C SUllo". cr. Alt·, Y I d:.Jnd.ul. cr I"'''' II K Ilk. CI C Thorn.1' I \',lh"'I.'II"'. ( h Colecrest, I nc. (B87211) EXé:¡¡:. No. Ch871923- 3 ~,2port Date#; 9/22/87 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 9/17/87 Sam,ple Description: 2 @ 2' Date Sample Received @ Lab: 9/18/87 1625 hrs. Date of Analyses: 9/21/87 9/22/87 BTX TPH Constituent Units Results Detection Limits NO 0.02 NO 0.05 NO / 0.05 , NO 10 Benzene Toluene Total Xylene Isomers Total Petr"oleum Hydrocarbons mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg ND=None Detected Method of Analyses BTX by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition TPH by DHS extraction GC/FID ~'£J ~st 1(" -t..- ¿:> ¿/J~~ L¿¡b Di t"cctor Soil E n~mel'rin~ . I. n~ifH'erín~ Cl'olol¡v . I· ngín(,l'rín~ Lolboro1rorí('~ . Chemic 011 LJbor,1t,HII" ~ F'e~nn. C.llrtorni.1 I) lìOf, o Viuli.l. Ctl,inrn',I ') !2711 [J B.I~eHfield. Cdiforni" 'J IIO~ í; Ple.lSdn'on,C"liforno" ()~'i"" 1 ~ 1~ St,I""I,IUS 5"....' f,'I"phntlt' (20'" ~I\'d\ \ 10 3901 So ,\1oorlt'V Blvd, I' 0 Bm HI" (2.0'1) 7 121\1I;~ 117 "V" S"...., Tt·lt'I)ho,1t'(80<;11270f.~1 572'1,(; Sonom,l Drive T el.'phonl' (~1") ~fo2,~I!I!O B· S· 1/- , .,.. ,,,"' & Associates 4t. Geotp.chnical Consultants, Ine. w".rev , Hr,Hln. CI, Rnh"rt () ~""1i:L!"'. C f HuJ,:o kt·"nrkl.II1, cr 10/1.. R ",,<II.,\" rr lohn n ,,"'OOff', CI lohn .\.1 ,"~,"nt'\,. cr Idmt'" C Sutton, CI AII',( Y I..Lltul,HI, CI lohn" ~If~ <'I C 'hom.,,, I \"dll,trOO1, (h Colecrest, Inc. (B87211) EX'::iìi. No. Ch871923-4 ::<200¡-t Date: 9/22/87 ,Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 9/17/87 Sample Description: 2 @ 5' Date Sample Received @ Lab: 9/18/87 1630 hrs. Date of Analyses: 9/21/87 9/22/87 BTX TPH Constituent Units - Benzene mg/Kg Toluene mg/Kg Total Xylene I somers mg /Kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons mg/Kg Results Detection Limits NO NO NO 0.02 0.05 0.05 NO 10 ND=None Detected Method of Analyses BTX by EP^ SOLO/(!020 GC/P O, 2nd Eclilioll TPH by OHS extraction GC/FID. ~,C\ ^ _ L-..\/,C(-<:) ·~s~~ L~~d& Soil I'n¡¡in('\·rlf1t.:. rnt.:in,'\·rin~ Cl'%gv' [ngin"\~ring l,Ihnrator,l'S. ClH'mirolll..IJOr.¡tor,t" X r,t"sn.!. C "I,fornr.! <) t¡Oh [] Vi1dlid. Cd¡i",n", .\ 1!7/1 C 8d~e,, i("ld. C,IIlnr111,1 "IIO.t .P't-..Is.Jn'nn, (' .lldorn!.) (J~ :¡(,h l.tl.t Sf,ln"I,,,,, SI,,"'! .1'\01 50 ,\\()OI"'~' Blvd. r () 117 "V" 51"','( ~7~')-C. Sonorn., Orl\'~ 1 ..I..phon.. (10'1) .tfl~·flI \11 lI,n !nh (l0'1) 7 11 fI/I~7 'el..phon\· (/10:;1 .l27·0/}71 1,'I.·phon.. (.t l,>j.lhl-.tO(MI ¡4It FILE CONTENTS INVEN~Y ~ F ae i 1 i ty (}c IE (?i-l-i:)f -7;í/r', i DPermit to Operate. 3ICO(::'(.. DConstruétion Permit t o Perm it to abandontlt )V'l- q, o Amended Pe rm i t Cond i t lons DPer,mit Application Form, ŒJ-,(pplication to Abancion OAnnua 1 Repo r t Fo rm s No. of Tanks -L Date Date Date Tank Sheets, Flow Chart tanks(s) Date DCopy of Written Contract Between Owner & Operator o Inspect ion Reports o Co'rrespondence - Rece i ved Date Date Date DCorrespondence - Mailed Date Date Date '0 Unauthorized Release Reports DAbandonment/Closure Reports DSampling/Lab Reports DMVF Compliance Check (New Construction o STD Compliance Check (New Construction o MVF PIa n Chec k (New ,Cons truct ion) DSTD Plan Check (New Construction) DMVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) DSTD Plan Check (Existing Facility) D· Incomplete Appl ication" Form DPermit Application Checklist DPermit Instructions DDiscarded o T i<) h tne ss Test Re su 1 ts Checklist), Checklist,) Date Date Date OMonitoring Well Construction Data/Permits ----------------------------------------------------------------- o Env i ronmental Sens i t iv i ty Da ta: DGroundwater Drilling, Boring Logs DLocation of Water Wells ' DStatement of Underground Conduits Dplot 'Plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive Data DPhotos DC~nstruction Drawings Location: DHalf sheet showing date received and tally of inspection time, etc DMi scellaneous 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861·3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ,,¿RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN. . . HEALTH OFFICER' Leon M Hebertson, M.D. , J , ! IJ ,)' 4 ~ PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT .~ CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND ! HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Colecrest Inc. 5001 Stine Road Bakersfield. CA George Cole 5001 Stine Road Bakersfield. CA 93313 PERMIT TO ABANDON PERMIT EXP IRES 1 TANK AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE LOCATION. APPROVED BY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .POST ON PREMISES.". ~ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT NUMBER A242-31 CONTRACTOR: Colecrest Inc. 5001 Stine Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 License No. '.A304528 '~"~ - ~ ',~. .:._~,' Octob·e~' ~ :<1987' ,;:jjX , ;-- "-., Octob¡r 3, 1986 -¡"K (æ4t V- 'J oe Canas I , , . . . . . . . * 1. Permittee must notify Kern County Fire Department at (805) 861-2577 two working days prior t~ initiating abandonment action to arrange for required inspection(s). 2. Tank removal activities must be per Ker~ County Fire Department approved methods as described in handout included with this permit. 3. All procedures used must be in accordance with requirements of Standards and Guidelines developed for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Code. 4. A minimum of four samples must be obtained at depths of appro~imately two feet and six feet, one-third from the end of the tank. 5. All samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene; xylene. and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 6. Advise this office of the time atld date of proposed sampling with 24 . hours advance notice. ACCEPTED BY ,~"--::t-A..'1 ~?,~ 5.9<:_. DATE /O-,~ -RCo DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont Lake Isabella . Mojave . Rldgecrest . Shatter . Tatt Provide )e~CriPtion_. physical Layout of Include All the Foll~rig Information:' Location of Tank(s), piping & Dispenser(s) ____ Proposed Sßm~linF. Locßtion~ Indicati~~fPproximate Depth of Samples ____ Nearest street or Intersection ~ /è,tt// ~ Ptl~l/b~ ____ Any Water Wells ,or SurfRce Waters Within 100' Radius of Facility /ù:- . Facility,Using Spa~e Provided Below; -- ". NORTH ,T i ! P L I i I' I J \; "'"b I 60 0 DtJ..J r- , I ~ ci :J. ~l/. / ! I f.\'¡Þ}p ?D ; ¡ , .. ~. , , , , I: , ¢ Kern 'GOunty lIealtlt iJepartment Division of F.nvlronmen~ 'ealth 1709 Flower street, BakeL,.:ield. CA 93305 (805)861-3636 Permit NÒ. .-'ication Date , .:......<8 to' be Abandoned /lei< tfç). - 3 j APPLIéATION FUR PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PBRMANENT CLUSURB/ABANDONMENT OF UNDBRGROUND HAZARDUUS SUBSTANCBS StORAGB FACILITY I· I ~ .Qf. APplication (Fill Out One AppJication Per Facility) [] Temporary Closure/Abandonment ~ Permànent Closure/Abandonme¡ A. Project Contact (name, area code. phone): Days Nights Facili ty Name Co /... £. C IP E ;t ~ 11Vc, FacUJtyAddress .t;(H' / S T/ po If ¡) Nearest Cross St. pC'~ T R SEC (Rural Locations Only) . ~:~~:..(}·~Î c'~~MW Telephone "08- :?j'~;/I~~us Operator ___________ _ Telephone Addres~' Zip B. Water to Fac111 ty Provided by C;' Ii/' t'~E.1ç' ,ë'~ ~epth to Groundwater Soil Characteristics at Facility _______~ Basis for SoU Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations 3ðOÇr C. Tank Removal Contractor Address 5'00' (<).f.ìtoJL Proposed starting Date Worker's Compensation Certification t _Ç""EJ-r ~J- Ziþ Proposed , / CA License NoA- 3"0 1~f ~ ~ Telephone (805) ~ - =? sc.., Completion Date Insurer CA License No. Telephone Completion Date Insurer Environmental Assessment Contractor Address ' Proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation Certification t Zip Proposed u. chêmical Comp09it~on of Materials Stored Tank' Chemical stored (non-commercial name) Dates stored Chemical Previously Stor' (if different)" I ~ SC<?I'J¿ to to to to E. Describe Metl~od for Retrieving Samples ij~~--LAr1A J -lSl"r7o ~~ ß í X ~ L-h;;f ¡;¿j-vt?!o,-< "'~ ry That Will Perform Analyses of Samples 1/) v.1;f .:!..k- Uøo ve,.. Telephone 3 ~7'~ð b 7/ F. This Application for: ~ Removal or 0 Abandonment in Place * * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED UN REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SIIEET BEFURE SUBMIT' APPLICATION FUR REVIEW. This form has been completed under penalty of prejury and to the best of my knowledge is a~d correct. Signature 4~ ~ Ti tle ~ Date ~- 3 -&'""(p . 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 ~ Telephone (805) 861-3636 -k:RN COUNTY' HEALTH DEPARTM.~~' HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Facility Name ~I.:cr~<?-t ,1 ~c.. Address SCOI S-hNC R.Cr.\Æ & /a'-5 .Q~J! CA r , DIRECl:OR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Kern County Permit # A 2'/7-4 ~ I * * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD * * This form is to be returned to'the Kern County Health Department within il days ,of acceptance of tank (s) by disposal or recycling faciU ty. The holder of the permit with number noted above is responsible for insuring that this form is completed and returned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Section 1 - To be filled out ~ tank removal contractor: Tank Removal Contractor: ~(e c..~e"!)~1:'tJc:.. Address Ë) I D Sf. J,..J~ ¡¿~a d ~{J.h..,~~Jd, e4 I Dat,e !anks Removed 0<1, /7- S 7 Phone # Zip q ~ ~ \ (,., No. of Tanks ::L .. ~' . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . .'. '.'- . . . . Section.! - To be filled out !Œ contractor "decontaminating tank(s):' Tank "Decontadnat~;; è~~ctor "DflJ19 t.+- ~Jlr""..~-Iwl . .- Address Ro~ C-6GS- Phone # 3Z¿~qs~~ &t..--.. .t1d<lj·,eA Zip 16"ð8h Authorized representatioYe'" of contractor certifies by signing below that tank (s) have been decontaminated in accordance with Kern County Hèal th D artme requirements. Signature ~i~~/5r~:~e~~1 Title . . . ,'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . " . . . . . . . . . Section 3 - To be filled out and signed !?Y !ill authorized representative, of the treatment, storage, Qt disposal facility accepting tânk(s): Facili ty Name Address Phone # ì /9- q 4/· "2. '65'8' Zip 933~" ¡¿;cof~.øðe '~, ~~ Date Tanks Signature (Authorized Representative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~@@~ @1R9@U~ß¡ P , . . . . . . . * * * MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold in half and staple. Postage and mailing label have already been affixed to outside for your convenience. (Form #HMMP-150) DISTRICT OFFICES D..,,,"o . Lamont . L:lke '."hell" , Mnj,we , Ridqecr"91 , Sh:lfter , T:lft e e F I,,¿ CONTE~T~¡ \' ~ \I."J¡';.'f Œn/eJI/(,"e...~ f _ rAi¿ , J2S¡ ,> : i. m i t toO pe rat e it 3 J DO/~ OC'')nstru:;tion Permit # o Permit to abandon~ DAmended Permit Conditions taPermit Application Form, DA?plication to Abandon DAnnual Report Forms F,. .~lity No. of Tanks Date Date Date ! / . , ,i/'".? ¿. --..,... / Tank Sheets tanks(s) 4?tc+ 'Plo.V\s·, -- Date c. DCopy of Written Contract Between Owner & Operator o Inspection Reports DCor respondence - Received DCorrespondence - Mailed DUnauthorized Release Reports DAbandonment/Closure Reports o Sampl ing/Lab Reports DMVF Compliance Check [New Construction DSTD Compliance Check (New Construction DMVF Plan Check (New Construction) DSTD Plan Check (New Construction) OMVF-Plan Check (Existing Facility) DSTD Plan Check (Éxisting Facility) 0" Incomplete Appl ication" Form DPermit Application Checklist o Permit Instructions DDiscarded o T i-J h tness :rest Resul t.s ..- Date Date Date Date Date Date Checklist) Checklist) OMoritoring Well Constructìcn Data/Permits Date Date Date -----------------------------~---------.----------------------__._·M OEnvironmental Sensitivity Data: DGroundwater Drilling, Boring Logs :J".ocation of Water Wells OSta tement of Underground Condui ts '~Plot Plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive Data OP~c~~s Construction Drawings Loca~îon ~J""L f sheet showing date rec:eived and tally of ~:lspection tir.\ë' p.t~ r.; ..... ij , <,~' 1 a neo us =-~. ,~,'= ~(þ)(Q)~ ~!L _.--- .....~-"....._..,._,- e ;J r:Ç:- S --....--.. (V-~ (/ " ,ý,! 'L) -ft.¡ ~. ,:) _i Division ot I:;nvlconment.ðl Heal AfJf:HlCüUùn L 1700 Flower Street, Bakersf4IÞd"CA 93305 . 'APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE .ERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES.STORÞ.GE FACILITY ~ of Application. (check) : . DNeW Facility Oftbdification of Facility RfExisting Facility DTransfer of CM'lership A. Ð"nergel1CY 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days ýt! ~- - <;j- -:<;2- 1 i 5-b ~ Nights /, // // Facility Name . U~~..JJ fB...-d---- No. of Tanks I ' Type of Business (check): Gaso lne Station r20ther (describe) ~~..z-~ Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes J;iNo Is Tank(s) Used primar~ly fo~ Þtgricultural Purposes? . DYes,!JrNo '£>. Facility Address ..S )O I ~ Æ!~ . Nearest Cross St. r~ß6&<__ T R SEC (Rural Locations O'lly) o.mer t:ftA'~~ Contact Person '~ ~ Mdress ..> () . . ~_ Z i p 7 1;' L) <] Tele¡:hone IJ~- ~ - S-l. Operator' Contact Person . Address Zip Telephone B. water to FacUity Provided by 01 ~ Depth·toGroundwatar .?SD II Soil Characteristics at Facility ____~ Basis for Soil Type and Grolll'dwaterDep . Dete nat ons C. Contractor Address Proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation ,Certification I CA Contractor' s License No. Zip Telephone proposed Completion Date Insurer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Brieflv Describe Modifications ' Proposed I E. Tank(s) Store (check all that:: apply): ~! waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded. Regular Pr_iUl1 Diesel Waste 10/ Fuel 011 D 0 Ið- ~ 8 0 8 8 0 0 0 § 0 0 0 B B B B 0 0 0 F. Chanical Canposi tion of Materials Stored (not necessary for IDOtor vehicle fuels) Tank t Chemical Stored (non-coamercial name) CAS . (if kn<M'1) Chemical previously Stored (if different) G. Transfer of OWnership Date of Transfer Previous Facility Name . I, Prev ious OWner ~(à)(õ)~ @~¡¡~~~, 'J accept full y all obligations of Permit No. issued to I understand that the Petmitting Authority may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this \mdergrolnd storage facility upon receiving this completed foon. 'Ibis form has been canpleted under true and correct. Signature '/-!~.L/ ~~c--- penal ty o.f perj ury and to the best of my knowledge is 1'1 tIe fO,/U-:?--- Date.? - 2- ~~.- 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Teleph0'1e (805) 861-3636 1- .ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, HEALTH OFFICER /ý'<./''-- ¡ A Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION . DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT,#310015C . , INTERIM' PERMIT TO OPERATE: UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ISSUED: JULY 1,1986 EXPI RES: JULY 1, 1989 NUMBER OF TANKS= 1 ------------------------------------~--------------------------------- FACILITY: COLECREST, INC. 5001 STINE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA OWNER :' , COLECREST, INC.. 5001 STINE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 f , . , .---------------------------------------------------------------------- ,"r' "" -._. ,c TANK # AGE ( IN YRS) 101 11 ., .. ""¡,, .,." SUBSTANCE CODE MVF 3 " ',,' ',', . NQTE: ALL. INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON-TRANSFERABLE *** POST ON PREMISES ¿¡¡ .... -~ ,.;....;.. '- ~ .;: , ·r , , " DATE-PERMIT MAILED: JUL 1 {; 1986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: " , ,-~., . , . ø 11. Piping a. underground Pi piB3 : ŒlYes DNa Dunknown Mater ial ThickneSS (inches) Diameter Manufacturer DPressure SSuction DGravi ty' Approximate LelY:)th of Pipe IU1 .I 11 /¡'f- b. Underground PipilY:) Corrosion Protection : ~lvaniZed DFiberglass-Clad DImpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode DPolyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap DTar or Asphalt DUnknown o None DOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: DDouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System árNone Dunknown DOther (describe): H. , 10. lhl'" :!. I ,\'~:::: ~ ,:,'Lr'M.I"'"'''lr:. ~ ~ ~ TANh) . FO~CH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 'rank is: 0 Vaul ted Non-vaul ted DDouble-wall' Lle-wall Tank Material ~Carbon Steel"O Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-Clad Steel o Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Allltlim.ln D Bronze OUnkmwn o Other (describe) Primary Containment 'Date Installed Thickness, (Inches) ~ ~~., jq7¥= -t;:" , 4. ank Seconaary Containment o Double-Wall U Synthetic Liner DOther (describe): OMaterial 5. Tank Interior Lining -¡:rRubber D Alkyd DEpOxy DPhenolic DGlass DClay ~lblined DlbknoW1 OOther (describe): Tank Corrosion,Protection -UGalvanized QFiberglasS-Clad OPolyethylene Wrap DVinyl WrappiBj DlTar or Asphalt DUnknown [JNone DOther (describe): . Cathodic Protection: o None DImpressed CUrrent System I::::JSacrif1clal 1tnode System Descrit:s System & Equipnent: Leak Detection, MonitoriB3, and Interception ' . ~Tank: OVisual (vaulted tanks only) LfGrourowater Monitor1n:j' W811(s) o Vadose Zone Moni toriB3 Well ( s) 0 U-'l'ube Wi thout Uner OU-Tube with Compatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitorin:j WBll(s)* o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Conductivi t~ Sensor* D Pre~sure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-T~, Mon! torilY:) Well or Annular Space o Daily Gau:JilY:) & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic T19htne. TestiRj ~ None D unknown 0 Other b. PiplB3: Flow-RestrictilY:) Leak Detector(s) for pressurized Piping- o Moni toriB3 SlIDp wi th RaceWlY 0 Sealed Concrete Raceway o Hal f-cut Cc:mpatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None Jg Unknown 0 Other *Describe Make & Model: 8. Tank Tightness Has nns Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank Repair' Tank Repaired? DYes ~ Dunknown Date(s) of Repair(s) . Describe Repairs OVerfill Protection ~ator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float Gau:Je DFloat Vent Valves D Auto Shut- Off Controls BCapacit.ance Sen59r DSealed Fill Box [¡None Dl1'1knoW'1 Other: List Make & Model For Above DeVices l. 2. r~ 3. Capac~ty (Gallons) t;.J ð t.l t7 .1zr-i o Li ned Vaul t 0 None 0 unknown Manufacturer: Capac1 ty Manufacturer --~.A:~ Thickness (Inches) (Gals.) 6. 7. DYes ~ Dtbknown Results of Test Testi~ Company · - - -.-----......... i -.--i- -..---~--- i \. ~_--; /. BAKERSFIELD, Ctt9331 3ERMlT CHECKLIST Facility C~TJ~..,., I 1 perm. #3/ð €II Sc ,~ This checklist is provided to ensure, that all necessary packet enclosures were received ani! that the Permittee has obtaine~ all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this within 30 days of receipt. form and re turn to j{ClID in the self-addressed envelope provided Check: f , Xes ~.Q f A. ~ ~ L k ~ The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes; Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook tUT-IO. 3) Th~ Followjn~~FGrms: a) Inventory Recording Sheet b) Inventory Recording Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) B. ~ have examined the information on my Interim Permit. Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner I s name and address. fac il i ty name and address, opera tor I s name and address. substance codes. and number of' tanks to be acdurately listed (if "no" is check'ed, note appropriate corrections on the back si~e of this sheet), .K C. I have the following r~quired equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1)' Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste 4- D. I have read the information on the. enclosed "Informatiòn Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this fad Ii ty (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility have/had calibration checks withi n the last 30 days -ª_f)~ were cal ibrated by a registered device repairman lf out of tolerance (all meter .calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Cali uration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in Handbook #UT-IO. Date Started Signature of' Person Completing Checklist:· ¿j,..r1..~~~ / aL __ / Title: P./H~" -- Date: ~ .1_11-J-1: BACKHOES · DOZERS · TRUWG · SIDE BOOMS · LOW BEDS ,. iERAL ENGINEERING . CONTRACTORS '. CO LEG RES TIN C '~MACHINERY '"~~~~':~; 5001 S. Stine Road Bakersfield, California 93309 Phone (805) 832-3156 ~ ~jl~~ 'tL,;u~. . ~o¡P,Q'-"-'lb 7~ J7ðO 1-~ ,dt, ,~, C2...., P'33oS- r, ;\' r ~.l-,'_..(L...--~ ~__J, /J. ..j. ~ ~- b-:3 / 0 d-S-C ,¿A.;'-<? ~ft~ 'LJf.....,?/. /r. J " r . '~~CL~. a..~ ú ¿...¿o_~~~t---.--~--~ ¡J j}' . () ~ . . .-")?-Z-~ . J L.-¡¿~j,AU(J 1.....- / ;' '1'rÝ~ / (.pI 0~~r J POOR CfÆ'~B~£fl é1£ ' / 7 .' ~.,.........,...-..---r -..-4.<-<::... ' . ¿'"j"JÚ0/ ~-'->----"r<-' / ,??-¡ c... . I ~ . , \ , . ........ i I j i I tj", J ¡ ! j ! . . ,~ Qu.estion.n.aire Permit Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern County,they may choose to have the permits s~nt to the Operator~ of the facility where they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit # and check one of the following before returning this form with payment: For PERMIT # 'g/(JoJl;C . ~ 1. Send all information to Owner at the address listed on invoice (if Owner is different than Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent information) . {] 2. Send all information to following corrected address: Owner at the 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner) .