HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION OD~ GROUNDWATER ODD TECHNOLOGY, INC. 4101 AIken Street, Suite B-1, Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 589·8601 Fax: (805) 589-8605 September 14, 1995 Mr. Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Material Specialist Bakersfield City Fire Department 1715 Chester Ave. 3rd Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 REceIVED SfP 2 0 1995 HAZ. MAT. OlV. RE: Transmittal, Site Assessment Report, Chevron Facility No. 9-2718, 5101 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Wines: Enclosed is a site assessment report on the above mentioned site. On July 5. Groundwater Technology supervised the drilling of one boring (B1) on the east end of the unleaded-regular UST. Three soil samples (including the bottom) were selected for analysis for BTEX and TPHG. No hydrocarbons were detected. If you have any questions regarding the assessment report, please contact me at 589-8601. Sincerely, GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY, INC. ~cl'. (JÎ~ Kevin L. Hamilton Lead Geologist enclosure: Site Assessment Report cc: Mr. Mark Horne (Chevron U.S.A.) Offices throughout the U.S., Canada and Overseas . . ~ -.- ~>:- ~ '::"'"'.- , ---...,," "-. .......~,- > . -~ ,> - '" -,~ .'. -~. - . '--"-~::."'-"~ --:,Ç~{-- .:' .. ."r':",-: _. . . - '--~ ~, . - . ~_<o_.-: 0....- ,>, , -~.J_-__- - - ~- ",.- - -.- ~ - - -,. '., '-~- ~ '<-~': '~7_~:: ~-- ~;...~~->::.- '_~;k r~:;:':" ~-"": ;...->~ :~. -i; .'7"; ,',_. ""-' ,~,,,,.....- -'. , ' -~ ~-~~. ·BB~i~.1~~~ -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Prepared For: Prepared By: Written 'By: ",~;;( 11~ Kevin L. Hamilton Lead Geologist Mr. Mark Horne Chevron U.S.A. Inc. P.O. Box 2833 La Habra, California 90632-2833 (310) 694-7352 SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT CHEVRON FACILITY NO. 9-2718 5101 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA August 16, 1995 Groundwater Technology, Inc. 4101 Aiken Street, Suite B-1 Bakersfield, California 93308 (805) 589-8601 IDD~I GROUNDWATER DDD TECHNOLOGY ® 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 1 2.0 BACKGROUND ............................................................ 3.0 GEOLOGY/HYDROGEOLOGY .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 4.0 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES ................................................. 2 5.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS ...................................................... 2 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .............. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 7.0 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 TABLES Table 1. Analytical results (in µg/g) of soil sampled by RLW Equipment Co., 3/1/95. Table 2. Analytical results (in mgjkg) of soil samples from boring B1, 7/5/95. FIGURES Figure 1. Site Location Figure 2. Site Map APPENDICES APPENDIX A. DRILLING LOGS APPENDIX B. METHODOLOGY B.1 Soil Borings . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1 B.2 Soil Sampling ..................................................... A 1 B.3 Laboratory Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A1 B.4 Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2. APPENDIX C. LABORATORY REPORTS Site Assessment Report Chevron Facility No. 9-2718 August 16, 1995 ii IDD~I GROUNDWATER ODD TECHNOLOGY ® I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 INTRODUCTION Groundwater Technology, Inc. has been contracted by Chevron U.S.A. Inc. to conduct assessment activities their facility no. 9-2718. The site is located at Stockdale Highway and Village Lane in Bakersfield, California (Figures 1 and 2). The purpose of the assessment is to determine the extent of hydrocarbons in soil associated with the flexible product line at the east end of tank no. 2, as requested by the City of Bakersfield (letter dated April 10, 1995). This report presents site background, assessment procedures, sampling protocol, and findings of the assessment. 2.0 BACKGROUND On March 1, 1995, RLW Equipment Company encountered hydrocarbon bearing soil while replacing a flexible product line. Soil samples were collected at depths of 2- and 6-feet on the east ends of the unleaded-regular and unleaded-plus USTs (Figure 2). The samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHG). Benzene concentrations ranged from 540 to 230 mg/kg, respectively, In the 2- and 6-foot samples associated with the unleaded-regular UST (Table 1). The concentration of TPHG in these samples ranged from 22,000 mg/kg (at 2 feet) to 12,000 mg/kg (at 6 feet). No analytes were detected in samples associated with the unleaded-plus UST. 3.0 GEOLOGY/HYDROGEOLOGY Chevron facility no. 9-2718 is located in the southwest portion of Bakersfield. The approximate elevation of the facility is approximately 385 feet above mean sea level. The site is located on the alluvial plain of the Kern River. Topography in the region is flat, and no natural bodies of water adjoin the site. Approximately 4,500 feet east of the site is the Stine Canal. The station is located in a commercial area and is approximately 3,950 feet north of the nearest school. The site overlies alluvial-fan deposits of the Kern River (CDMG, 1965). Sediments underlying the region consist of fluvial deposits including silt, sand and gravel. Sediments encountered during drilling activities at the site consist primarily of very flne- to coarse-grained sand and silty sand. Site Assessment Report Chevron Facility No. 9,2718 August 16. 1995 1 IDD~I GROUNDWATER ODD TECHNOLOGY ,~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I An unconfined aquifer is present below the site at a depth of approximately 210 feet. Based on regional data, the gradient of this aquifer is essentially flat (KCWA, 1994). Shallow, perched water has not been identified in the vicinity of the site (KCWA, 1995). 4.0 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Assessment activities conducted at the site by Groundwater Technology were completed on July 5, 1995. One vertical boring (B1) was advanced on the east end of the unleaded regular UST to a total depth of 40 feet. Undisturbed soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals. Specific sampling, boring abandonment, and waste-handling procedures are discussed in detail in Appendix B. 5.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Three soil samples (including the deepest) were analyzed by a state-certified laboratory for BTEX and TPHG. No hydrocarbons were detected (Table 2). The laboratory reports are presented in Appendix C. 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The findings of the site assessment activities at Chevron facility 9-2718 can be summarized as follows: · Sediments encountered during the drilling activities consist primarily of very fine- to coarse-grained sand and silty sand; · An unconfined aquifer is present below the site at a depth of approximately 210 feet; · Hydrocarbons were detected in grab samples collected from a depth of 2- and 6-feet at the east end of the unleaded-regular UST. · On July 5, 1995, Groundwater Technology supervised the drilling of one boring (B1) on the east end of the unleaded-regular UST. Three soil samples were analyzed for BTEX and TPHG. No hydrocarbons were detected. The assessment has indicated the extent of the hydrocarbons in soil is limited to a depth of approximately 6 feet. Benzene and TPHG were not detected in any of the samples submitted for the Site Assessment Report Chevron Facility No. 9'2716 August 16, 1995 2 IDD~I GROUNDWATER ODD TECHNOLOGY c§ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I current assessment. An extensive vadose-zone buffer of approximately 204 feet exists between the hydrocarbons detected in grab samples and groundwater. Groundwater Technology recommends that no further action be required at this site. Site Assessment Report Chevron Facility No. 9-2718 August 16, 1995 3 GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY", I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.0 REFERENCES CDMG (California Department of Mines and Geology), 1965, Geologic map of California, Bakersfield sheet. KCWA, 1995, 1993 Water supply report. KCWA (Kern County Water Agency), 1994, 1993 Report on water conditions--Improvement district no. 4. Site Assessment Report Chevron Facility No. 9-2718 August 16, 1995 4 IDD~I GROUNDWATER DDD TECHNOLOGY .~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLES IDD~I GROUNDWATER DDD TECHNOLOGY ® I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 1. Analytical results (in mg/kg) of soil sampled by RLW Equipment Co., 3/1/95. Sample No. Location Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Xylenes TPHG benzene 1 (2') East end of unleaded 540 1,940 410 2,700 22,000 regular UST 2 (6') East end of unleaded 230 1 ,400 250 1,300 12,000 regular UST 3 (2') East end of unleaded <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 < 0.005 <1 plus UST 4 (6') East end of unleaded <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 < 0.005 <1 plus UST Table 2. Analytical results (in mg/kg) of soil samples from boring 81, 7/5/95. TPH as Sample No. 8enzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Gasoline 81-10' <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1 81-25' <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1 81-40' <0.005 <0.005 < 0.005 <0.015 <1 Site Assessment Report Chevron Facility No. 9,2718 August 16, 1995 IDD~I GROUNDWATER DDD TECHNOLOGY ® I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II FIGURES IDD~I GROUNDWATER DDD TECHNOLOGY I, [:Jf:JI~GROUNDWATER DO TECHNOLOGY CLIENT: CHEVRON U.S.A. PRODUCTS COMPANY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOURCE: U.S.G.S. 7.5 Minute Gosford Quadrangle Kern County ", SITE LOCA nON SCALE: 1 :24,000 o I 2,000 4.000 1 FEET SCALE SITE LOCA nON filE: PROJECT NO.: PM PE/RG 9:\chev\2718\topo REV. flGURE:- DES. DATE: 1 KlH May 1995 LOCA TlON: Chevron Facility 9-2718 5101 Stockdale Highway I N I STOCKDALE HWY I CONCR£Tt APPRo-.cH CONCRnt 4PPR0Ar.CH I I \OlT RIS[1 ~ I ~ ~ ~cu.1oiI t.......: ~ I œ 1° 01 < 1.0 . ". <1.0 11 1° "". ol~ w :z I 22,000 ~ -J ° 'OIl q 12000 W Ü I I I ~ -J -J ......... :> 0 æ æ """'. I c:=J I I '" ~ ~ I w 12'11' T"'-'SI'I £HQ.OSUilt[ i """'" I LEGEND I TPHG @. 2 FEET SOIL SAMPLE LOCATfON--3/1/95 )t- TPHG @ 6 FEET °81 BORING LOCATION--7/5/95 I ~gB~GROUNDWATER SCALE I I SITE MAP TECHNOLOGY 20 0 10 20 I fEET CLIENT: FILE: PROJECT NO.: PM PE/RG CHEVRON USA SM (1 :30) 02250- FACILITY NO. 9-2718 REV. I LOCATION: FlGURE: STOCKDALE HIGHWAY DES. 2 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA JDP 5/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A DRilLING lOGS IOO~1 GROUNDWATER ODD TECHNOLOGY ® I I I I I Drilling Log POOOIiJO' I G ROUNDWA TER TECHNOLOGY Soil Boring 81 I See Site Map For Boring Location . I Project Chevron facility 9-2118 Owner Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Location 5tOt Stockdate Hwy, BakersfHed, California Pro;. No. 022500033 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 40 ft. Diameter 8 in. Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia Length Type/Size Casing: Dia Length Type Fill Material Rig/Core Mobile B-53 Drill Co. Melton DrillinQ Method Hollow Stem AUQer Driller Sonny Shepherd Log By Kevin Hamilton Date 7/5/95 Permit # Checked By Jonathan Parker License No. RG 4128 Boring was drilled approximately eight feet east of the unleaded-regular UST. COMMENTS: I I I 0 ..... >. <Ii .... C ... 0 (I) J:: ___ --- III ID OE ~ > :ëQ - . 41 0 Ü a.:: ....a. ã. u 0 a.o ~~ a.. a. (.) ID..J e :r III "- II) ID 0 a: (!) u Cf ii5 ~ II) ::> - -2- - 0 - .'.~ · . I 2 - . . - · . · . .. · . . . · .. · . .. - 4 - SW 1.5 81-5 5791 .:...... - 6 - ..: ." .. .. . · . , · . .. t- 8 - I- 10 - 0,5 81-10 1 Ml 667 I-- 12 - · . " I-- 14 - · . · . · .. 0.0 81-15 I :... .. t- 16 - 6912 ...... · . · . '. · . !-18 - · · . '. e.· .. SW · .. · . " e." .. -20- 0.0 81-20 I ..... · " 81418 .... .' . .' . - 22- . . .' . · . '. . · '. r- 24 - .' " 08/16/1995 lithlog-mar93 Page: I of 2 Description (Color, Texture, Structure) Trace < 10%, little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% I I Asphalt. I I SAND, very fine to medium grained sand, trace silt, well graded, moderate brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. I I Sandy SIL T, very fine to fine grained sand, poorly graded, moderate brown with orange streaks, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. I I SAND, very fine to medium grained sand, trace silt, well graded, brown with orange, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. I SAND, fine to coarse grained sand, trace silt, well graded, brown with orange, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. I I I I I I I I I Drilling Log PoDo[¡ol GROUNDWA TER . TECHNOLOGY· Soil Boring 81 I I Rroject Chevron facility 9-2718 Owner Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Location 5101 Stockdale Hwy, Bakersfiled, California Proj. No. 022500033 I c ~ >- ui ... c: ãi 0 II) Description J::-.. cÊ :> :£:0) ID .oJ . dI 0 > ü o.~ ...0. ã. U 0 0.0 ð~ Q.,9- () ID..J (Color, Texture, Structure) E ~ GJ '- en ID 0 a:: (!) u Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% (f) iñ ~ en ::> -24- :.. ....: - 0.7 81-25 I ........ SAND, medium to very coarse grained sand, well graded, yellowish brown, - 26- 121418 ........ damp, no hydrocarbon odor. >::::.: · . .. ..'" . - 28- · . ... · . ... .: · . . .. . · . · . . .: - 30- 0.3 81-30 I :::.. : SAND, medium to very coarse grained sand, trace peþbles and cobbles, · . 141825 >::::': light yellowish brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. I- 32 - · , .. · . . sw ... .10, · . · ' .. .. . , . · .... .. I- 34 - · . · . " · . . · . 1.4 81-35 I :>:/ I- 36 - 18 24 30 · . " · . . · . .... .. · . .. f- 38 - · . . · . · .. .. :.'" .. .. .. eO I · . f- 40- · . SAND, fine to coarse grained sand, trace silt and pebbles, yellowish brown 0,4 81-40 I .. 18 20 24 with orange inclusions, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. - 42- -44- I- 46- I- 48- -50- - 52- -54- f- 56 - I I I I I I I 08/16/1995 lithlog-mar93 Page: 2 of 2 I I II I I I I I '1 I I I I , I I I I I I APPENDIX B METHODOLOGY IOO~1 GROUNDWATER ODD TECHNOLOGY I I I I I I I I , ,I I I I I I I I I I I B.1 SOIL BORINGS A truck-mounted hollow-stem auger drilling rig was used for the assessment. Samples were collected from the borings as described in Section B.2. Upon completion, the boring was backfilled with a 5-sack sand/cement slurry and capped with cold patch asphalt. B.2 SOIL SAMPLING Soil samples were collected at 5-foot inteNals with a split-spoon sampler. The sampler was driven ahead of the augers into undisturbed sediments using a 140 lb. down-hole, slide-hammer. The sampler was fitted with stainless steel or brass sample tubes. When the filled sampler was retrieved, the tube to be submitted for analysis was separated from the other tubes with a knife and sealed in such a way that no significant headspace was left at either end of the tube. The tube was sealed at each end with a tetlon sheet, a plastic cap, and tape to secure the plastic cap. The sample was labeled to indicate date and time of sample collection, boring number and depth of the sample. The sample was placed on ice in an ice chest pending delivery to an analytical laboratory. Another sample tube retrieved from the sampler was field screened with a PID for volatile organic compound (VOG) emissions. To do this approximately 2/3 of the material in the sample tube was removed and the tube was capped on both ends with a plastic cap. The tube was then shaken vigorously for several seconds and the inlet to the PID was inserted into a small hole in one of the caps. The PID reading was recorded on the drilling log for that sample inteNal. The material from the second sample tube was described on the drilling log of the boring using visual classification according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Color, grain size, and sorting charts were used to aid in the soil classification. Between sampling events, the sampling equipment was cleaned using a three~bucket wash system. In this system, the tubes and samplers are scrubbed in a bucket of biodegradable detergent, rinsed in a second bucket of tap water and given a final rinse in a bucket of distilled water. 8.3 LA80RA TORY ANALYSIS Soil samples were shipped via overnight courier to GTEL Environmental Laboratories, Inc. (Certification No. E1075) in Concord, California. The temperature within the ice chest was recorded when the samples were received at the laboratory. Site Assessment Report Chevron Facility No. 9-2718 August 16, 1995 A1 IDD~ GROUNDWATER DDD TECHNOLOGY @ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I All soil samples were extracted using EPA method 5030 and analyzed for BTEX and TPHG concentrations using EPA methods 8020 and 8015-modified, respectively. Detection limits for the analytes were as follows: , . 0.005 mgjkg for BTE; . 0.015 mgjkg for X; . 1 mgjkg for TPHG. 8.4 WASTE MANAGEMENT Drill cuttings were stored temporally in appropriately labeled. 55-gallon, D.O.T.(17E) approved drums. The drum contents will be disposed of by Chevron in an appropriate manner. Site Assessment Report Chevron Facility No. 9-2718 August 16, 1995 IDD~I GROUNDWATER ODD TECHNOLOGY @ A2. I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX C LABORATORY REPORTS IDDroo¡ GROUNDWATER DDD TECHNOLOGY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LAB 0 RAT 0 R I E S, INC. .- 4080 Pike lone Concord, CA 94520 (510) 685-7852 (800) 544~3422 Inside CA (800) 423·7143 Outside CA (510) 825-0720 FAX July 12, 1995 Jon Parker Groundwater Technology, Inc. 4101 Alken Rd. # B-1 Bakersfield, CA 93308 RE: GTEL Client 10: Login Number: Project 10 (number): Project ID (name): 022500033 C5070030 022500033 Chevron/#9-2718/5101 Stockdale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA Dear Jon Parker: Enclosed please find the analytical results for the samples received by GTEL Environmental Laboratories, Inc. on 07106/95 under Chain-of-Custody Number(s) 33624. A formal Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) program is maintained by GTEL. which is designed to meet or exceed the EPA requirements. Analytical work for this project met QAlQC criteria unless otherwise stated in the footnotes; GTEL is certified by the Department of Health Service under Certification Number El075. If you have any questions regarding this analysis, or if we can be of further assistance, please call our Customer Service Representative. Sincerely, GTEL Environmental Laboratories, Inc. ~{k¡r Rashm~h Laboratory Director I GTELClient ID: . Login Number: I Project 10 (number): ~Project 10 (name):' 022500033 ANALYTICAL RESULTS C5070030 022500033 Chevron//J9-2718/5101 Stockdale Hwy.. Bakersfield. CA Volatile Organics Method: EPAB020/15 Matrix: Solids ...~.. BFB (Surrogate) I Notes: Dllut10n Factor: Dilution factor indicates the adjustments made for sample dilution. I EPA8020/15: "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wàste. Physical/Chemical Methods", $W-846 , Third Edition including pranulgatedUpdate 1. Modification for TPH as I gasoline as per California State Water Resources Board LUFT Manual protocols. May 1988 revision. Acceptability limits for recovery in the Branofluorobenzene <BFB) surrogate is 60-119%. I I I I I I I IBe6î~6~~~j,{ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toluene I I GTEL Concord. CA C5070030:1 I I ........'................... ..... .................... .................................................... ......................................'...-........ ... ..............".." .... ..............,........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............,........... .................... '.. Reporting Limit ...·s.·.·.·.·..··s.·.·...·..·..·.·.·.·.·.·.·..·.·.· ······0..·0.. ·5' ................... .......... ... . .............,.........,.........., .., ' .......... ........ ......... '. ............................., .. """"""""""""""""""""""""""",,,"Al:.,.......... o. ................................................ .................................................. .......................................................................................... :,0:~00,0:1©~Ñø~ÞQ$.Š0t. ~e~00~.~;:~º? < 0.005 < 0.005 Units fuiUKgI· ...............:.~:~. .. ........ ..... ...'....................... . % 64.7 83.4 86.2 GrEL, ENVIRONMENTAL _ LABORATORIES. IHC, I GTEL Client ID: I Logi n Number: Project ID (number): Project ID (name): I 022500033 QUALITY CONTROL RESULTS C5070030 022500033 Chevron/#9- 2718/5101 Stock.dal e Hwy.'; Bak.ersfi el d. CA Volatile Organics Method: EPA8020/15 Matrix: Sol ids . Method Blank Results I QC Batch No: F070695-1 Date Analyzed: 06-JUL-95 . , .. ·~~~~~g.::::·::··.·..~j~.j.j~;ø~~Þ~P~f(~.·)~~.~;~~;~ ~;~·~~.~:~0{~J·i:::i)::.>··················'······ '.. ..... .. I T~i~~~~H I I ~0¡¡jìG¡~¡¡¡jR~';'fjW!jW'iii:"C""%ir\@;Æjmj~i;~;¡i%i@if4tt&W::C1iiYÆ;;iiWi;Æi;ii!dMi!dW't8:::;C'f,i;C",g''f'f,c,rye,g"" I Notes: I I I I I I I I I I I GTEL Concord. CA C5070030:1 GTEL " ~ ~:B"oIR~~~R~EEs~ ~~¿. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Client Number: 022500033 Project 10: Chevron/9-2718 5101 Stockdale Hwy. Bakersfield, CA Login Number: C5-Q7-Q030 CONFORMANCE/NONCONFORMANCE SUMMARY (X = Requirements Met * = See Comments NA = Not Applicable) ,# Conforrnance.ltem .,VOA VOA SV SV , Wet " GC/MS GC GC/MS GC ' . Metals Chern , 1 GC/MSTune ,; . , NA NA NA NA I 2 Initial Calibration X . . Continuing Calibration X . 3 ., 4 Surrogate Recovery , ' X " NA NA 5' Holding Time X 6 Method Accuracy X . , Method Precision X . 7 8 Blank Contamination - List/NO (None Oetected)/*(See Comments) VOA: NO SV: Metals: Wet Chern: 9 Comments: GTEL Concord, CA C5070030.KT Page 1 of 1 GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL ~ LABORATORIES. INC, ì 'I Î I ,I I I IÍIIIIIIia . '..... ....¡¡¡ , - . \ ..'"'too(.:. .........../.. ~~,...' IGTEl .. _ ~:."oI.AA~~.~IIS~ ~~¿ -..... >.....- - 4080 PIKE LANE, SUITE C CONCORD, CA 94520 (510) 685-7852 (800) 423-7143 Phone #: 805 55'1 8"01 FAX#: ,PAS 5"R<1 R¡..,oc:.. Site Location: 5' 10 S foc I: Ó o1t ¡-bJY Bak..QV5 h.åJ d ' Client Project 10: (#) 0 z..Z- 50003.3 . (NAME) C'H£V' q- 21 I~ Sampler Name (Print): KeYI V) HZ\YY1II+oV\ . . Matrix Method Preserved Company Name: Gv-ou. VIet Wet l-e t'" Company Address; q I q I . AI kc ~l Sf·, Sc" ~ ~' r, 1"'>0 [" 0 v <. ~'I P 1/1 't\ -,3 ?,(') H . ProjectManager: .Jon Parker- I attest that the proper field sampling procedures were used during the collection of these samples. '1 Field Sample ID <~/~s {d...·'. 1 ~ , ~ , I I I I ¡ r ¡ TAT Priority (24 hr) Expedited (48'hr) 7 Business Days Other II,) Business Days BlueD , ¡ l: I 'I I I CUSTODY RECORD Têc (" Vl n ¡nQ \ "':/ GTEL· Làb# (Lab Use) only , . oZ-" ~ m a: w z ~ a: z w 8 ~ .. S: x ~i¡;j /A r; . Special Handling o GTEL Contact . o Quote/Contract # o Confirmation # ~ P.O.# OA/OC Level CLP 0 Other 0 ". Relinquished by Sampler: . .~I"";/IÁ} rY ':7%. Relinquished by: :l¡;:~'il. aX,>,i.- .');;', >;*.' )( 7-5 ÇI,: 21-, )( 'f.:, ~ ," ~ ~~ ~ 11¡¡."'3.1\ ,'oi0'; ....,;"",', I- W Ü C) :::> a: .. ,0 a: ..J 0 0 w 8 0 Ww UJ~ W W Õ II: :::> 0 :I: Ü m w a:> J:"õ I- ::;; ..J a: I- Z Q.a: I-~ <{ m ~ en Q. 0 :I: '-I I !:2 zw o!'? 0 ¡:: "en - -.- _._,_._.- -- iiiiiCHAIN-OF-CUSTODYRE.CORD . ,:, ,':. . 3362'4'" 'AND ANALYSIS REQUEST ., . ',' . ¡I!II: ~ . o ~ D J: <{ o 0 ¡s ~ û) a: :g 8'. 0 :.õ 0 Q; <{ J: 0 o ::;- 'Ë <D m o <{ o > o en -¡¡¡ Q; ::;; a.. ..J ü I- Sampling . 0 0 w CD c: I- ~ 0 ::;; t; £; m 8 '§ 0 II> o Q;en :IE o 0 <D m ~ ~ ~ ~ § ::;; a.. ~ Õ ~ 0 £; ~ ~ ~ v M k.8o@.O~ o ~ ~ ~ (") :! C\J g ü Õ -.::t (fJ ~~<;à:~W OJ:ÕÕmtci N ~ -e .D ~ ; gC)",~ a: x x g g -g w w .t; -ö en :f tDtDi'i'ðg: S:,' Y'L'~~> .,'<' 'f.. 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