HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAJ( (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFm SERVICES' ENVIRONIEHTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester ¡we. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAJ( (661) 32IHJ576 . PUBUC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3696 FAJ«661) 32IHJ576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX(661)326-D576 ,TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ( (661) 399-5763 Dear Business Owner: This packet contains important information regarding your business and the requirements of Hazardous Materials Inventory Regulations. Both State and Federal laws may require that your business complete a Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP). Please read all the enclosed information carefullv. failure to comply with any portion of the Business Plan requirements may result in Civil Liabilities of up to $2,000 for each day in which the violation occurs. WHAT BUSINESSES MUST COMPLY If you handle, use, store or dispose of Hazardous Substances at any time during the year in excess of the minimum reporting quantities you must submit a Plan. Typical everyday Hazardous Material you may find in your facility may include, but are not limited to: compressed gasses; fuels - all types including propane; solvents - most solvents would be Hazardous materials; oils - new and waste; thinners; caustic or corrosive materials; poisonous or toxic materials, and radioactive materials. Minimum State Reporting quantities are any quantity of explosives and any quantity of hazardous waste. For all other hazardous materials they are: 55 gallons for liquids 500 pounds for solids 200 cubic feet (at standard temperature and pressure. for gasses) For all acutely Hazardous Materials the minimum reporting quantities are found on the list of Extremely Hazardous Substances on the current EP A List (Vol. 52 No. 77 of the Federal Register.) This list is available at the Office of Environmental Services of the Bakersfield Fire Department, 1715 Chester A venue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Your reporting requirements are either the State quantities or the Federal (threshold planning quantity) - WHICHEVER IS LOWER! WHAT BUSINESSES ARE EXEMPT If you do not handle Hazardous Materials or if the quantities of Hazardous Materials are below the minimum reporting quantities at all times during the year, you are exempt. Hazardous Materials which are stored in transit or temporarily maintained in a fixed facility for less than (30) thirty days during the course of transportation are exempt frÓm the inventory requirements of the law. \,\, y~? ~ ~OHlAUUlÜp j7~ ,jØ6~. .o/7RA o/..g ~~''I ,.! , --NOTE- (Hazardous Materials contained solely in a consumer product for direct distribution to, and use by, the general public are NOT exempt from the reporting requirements of the law per this Administering Agency.) HOW DO BUSINESSES COMPLY Businesses that are required to comply with requirements of Chapter 6.95 Of California health and Safety Code must submit a Plan. This Business Plan consists of: . 1. Emergency Response Plans and Procedures. 2. Inventory of Hazardous Materials. 3. Training Program for Employees. The forms for completing the Hazardous Materials Management Plan are attached to this letter. By correctly filing this Business Plan in, you satisfy both the Federal Requirements (Tier I and Tier n Inventory Requirements of SARA Title ID) as well as the California Requirements of Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety Code. Business owners are urged to read and become familiar with Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety Code. Copies are available at the Office of Environmental Services of the Bakersfield Fire Department, 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979. The completed Business Plans are required to be submitted within 30 Davs of receipt of this letter. On-site inspections are required to insure compliance with the law. If you have any questions or need assistance with completing the Business Plan please call (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, 4~~ Ralph E. Huey Director, Office of Environmental Services REH:baw 7' j. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FACILITY INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS BUSINESS OWNER / OPERATOR FORM I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION: Enter the reporting period (year beginning and ending) for the facility information. Enter the business name and site address and phone number of your business. Do not use P.O. box numbers. Enter the Dun & Bradstreet or federal tax identification number for your business. Enter the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) number for your business. Each type of business has a Standard Industrial Classification code number. Some common SIC codes are listed on the back of this page. Other SIC codes may be obtained ITom your worker's compensation insurance forms, the State of California Employment Development Department, or by calling our office at (661) 326-3979. Enter the name and phone number of the person responsible for operating the business. II. OWNER INFORMATION: List the legal business owner or corporation name and provide the headquarter address or residential address if owned by an individual and phone number. III. ENVIRONMENT AL CONTACT: Identify the person who is primarily responsible for environmental compliance at the business. this person may be either the business owner, one of the emergency contacts, an environmental manager, or consultant. IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS: List the name, title, and phone numbers of two people at the business who can respond if the Bakersfield Fire Department requires additional information or other assistance. These contact persons must have keys or access to all areas of the facility, be available for emergency call-outs, and have decision-making authority to call on other resources (such as hazardous waste clean-up companies) as necessary. V. CERTIFICATION: The business owner or operator must sign, date, and also identify the document preparer. 1 " COMMON STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION (SIC) CODES 0111 Wheat production 0724 Cotton ginning 5821 Eating places 0115 Com production 0541 Grocery store 5813 Drinking places (Alcohol service) 0131 Cotton production 1541 Dry cleaners 5983 Fuel oil dealers 0139 Field crops, except cash 2911 Oil refineries grams 5984 LPG dealers 3441 Welding/fabrication- 0161 Vegetables & melons 7342 Pest control structural 0172 Grapes 7532 Auto top, body, 3443 Welding/fabrication- upholstery repair 0173 Tree nuts boiler Auto paint shops 0174 Citrus fruits 3569 Machine shop 7533 Auto exhaust repair 0175 Deciduous tree fruits 4222 Cold Storage 7536 Auto glass replacement 0179 Other tree fruits & nuts 4925 Compressed gas supplier 7537 Auto transmission 0192 General farms, primarily 5093 Automobile salvage repair \ crop 5169 Chemical supply 7538 General auto repair 0241 Dairy farms 5511 Motor vehicle dealers 7542 Car washes 0252 Chicken eggs (new & used) 8071 Chemical laboratory 0253 Turkey egg~ 5521 Motor vehicle (used only) 2851 Paint manufacture 5531 Auto & home supply stores 0291 General farm, primarily livestock & animal 5541 Gasoline service stations specialties 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 BUSINESS OWNER I OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FACILITY INFORMATION 3 BUSINESS PHONE I I I 101 I i 102 ! I i I , 103 I CITY 104 CA ZIP 105 : I I 107 ! i DUN& BRADSTREET 106 SIC CODE (4 Digit #) ~~;~~~3ßt;->~~~1j~ ;:¿¿;i{;:2:~t'·>.;:~;~:'_}';U~i@s'à{tRéflYE¡~~~\}:-":" ':;;-';. ,~.' :e.()WNER(I~EØRM1.\."'IPNy?ž';:¡:~' '.,.-,(- 'i,~ '[J~,s' ;~j/';jiii~",';i ¡f{~T ,,;:O/"~.'-: V,\}t""SA~~t ~~::':~:""i \:\ ';'iø~~-ii.. ,. -;., «~, j", COUNTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 113 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 119 ¡ i 7jlJ "T - ~-- . '- ., ,.<:<,-.;;:.i!:~~~', j;:~:: ·-~::~;;>:,/!~·-::_~>-)·~<!>7:'<~~^~..,~:;·,;~};: ";;¡yE:ME:RGEN,Q,~1C,~NJ~GIS:<> :'i~;F,;~;;¡tSeCJ:>ND \RY~<' : <.~ /fiy ,:·,!.~,>:,~.;}:~Ut!.~."<"~}-':',f""i', ;:At\#1:;~"~"',,,:,:, ",.,·,<·~_o, ,:.>~:,.;':,(,';. ú~, ">r_'~";,_" ,<>-:%'_~~~,;/ >., ;<,,'\-&~<~- ,'¡' ';. '" ,"~; "-" "_",',;_:';:", ßC tD Af(O,£ ù Åt"w.- Ø\(l~U.4C r I 126 I BUSINESS PHONE (¡¡ ~ { . 5ß t;š .... l.{ q t¡ 0 I 127 ! 24-HOURPHONE fc~ {.. J~ l'" ~ (ß 0 122 ! > : ) , ¡ NAME I i TITLE Åttô.- I I BUSINESS PHONE i 24-HOUR PHONE ~ùho ttb S'lt¡C ~\\ö..lJ\1L 1t r (¡, fo V" tó J.à:' ~ :) <t ß ~Co'" 3(.(3 A 110,b 123 ¡NAME 125 I TITLE I 129 i 130 . 131 132 ¡PAGER # 128 : PAGER # I 133 ". ':/"";-,: .;'C., (f~'j;^'·~~.':~ 1=' ,"',<.". .,:; .~¡ ';;-,;-4'-:,<'>',",:.'." /'-"~...,, ".:"'-:\, .' " ~,:';~~4>1';~~';:~' '.:,~-:>~- ,,: ;' --<~; , ,;~^:-~',,;;,\f«:' ,.:,. é':':'~':<\,' :;' -7;ß'j'~';' ':;', :' ;;~:>vnCERTIFlc'ATIO~ ~',f-.', e'_\;",", '_~" ~ ">;}~,::,:",."., ': ::/<~$"'<,;,~', .~/, c _ '-,' ~~:/, -~ /.' "f::~::-- ,>~>" ". ; ¡ '. ~+~' ~'J ,',,';. .. ., .' ,~- i'_:-::.:'~~.~;h1"<,,J·»<'> . V~Y;h "':'-::\;\,,.." ',-< 135 UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2730.TV4.wpd CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATEmALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS SECTION I. - BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA: The Business Owner I Operator Fonn, Chemical Description Fonn(s) and other Fonns (e.g.: underground storage tank infonnation, hazardous waste treatment, etc., as needed) may be submitted as the first section of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan in order to avoid duplication of infonnation for initial submissions. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION IT.! - DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATIONS A. LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: Describe the procedures and equipment used to detect any release or threatened release of a hazardous material from any storåge container, tank, or vessel at your business. Please provide a written explanation that also includes the make and model number of any automated or electronic leak detection equipment in use at your facility. B. EMPLOYEE AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION: What agencies and or corporate officials are notified in case of a hazardous materials spill or emergency - What procedures are used to notify these parties? At a minimum, you must call 9-1-1 and the Office of Emergency Services at 1-800- 852-7550 to report any spills that are a threat to life, safety or the environment, or for other non-emergency spill reporting, please call our office at (661) 326-3979. C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE MANAGEMENT: Please describe who will be responsible for what activities (notifying authorities, clean-up companies, etc.), and what the chain-of-command is at your facility for making sure these activities are carried out. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: Summarize your plan for handling medical emergencies occuning at your business. List the local medical facility capable of handling an accident involving Hazardous Materials used at your business. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 SECTION D.2 - RRT .RASE RESPONSE PLAN A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES: Explain the procedures that you have developed and implemented to help prevent an incident from occurring. These steps could include, but are not limited to, storage methods, container types, segregation, safety equipment, and/or procedures used. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MITIGATION: Explain the procedures that you have developed and implemented to assist in keeping a hazardous materials incident at your business as small or confined as possible. C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES: Explain what clean up procedures will be implemented in case of a release at your business. This should address small spills, as well as a major release of material once the material is contained. Hazardous Waste: Please provide the name of the hazardous waste company that regularly removes the wastes from your business, and how often that waste is removed. Please keep all disposal receipts for the last three years available on site for inspection. UTILITY SHUT -OFFS List locations of shut offs using compass points and known or obvious landmarks. If you have a lock box containing keys and maps of the facility for the Fire Department to use, please list its location also. PRN ATE FIRE PROTECTIONIW ATER AVAILABILITY A. Private Fire Protection: Describe on-site fire protection for your business or facility unit, including sprinklers, fire extinguishers, alarm systems and private response teams. B. Water Availability (Fire Hydrant): Give the location of the closest water supply or fire hydrant to be used by the Fire Department in case of an emergency. 2 SECTION ill - TRAINING List the number of employees that are working in the area of the hazardous materials, use or storage. Include all employees who have any occasion to be in those areas. Give the location where Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are kept on file. The MSDS must be readily available on site in a place where employees can access them. Give a brief summary of your Hazardous Materials Training Program. Employees are required by State law to have a program which provides employees with initial and refresher training in the following areas: 1) Methods for safe handling of the hazardous materials used by your business. I 2) The Cal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. 3) Correct use of emergency response equipment and supplies available at your business. 4) The prevention, minimizing and clean up procedures you have developed for your business. 5) The emergency evacuation plans you have developed, as well as, your notification procedure and medical plan. 6)' Procedure to coordinate with and assist the local emergency personnel that may respond to your business 7) Who and how to call for immediate assistance in the event of an accident involving hazardous materials. CERTIFICATION Please fill in your name, title, and sign and date on the signature line. IMPORTANT You must return this plan, inventory forms, and map within 30 days of receipt. If you have any questions please call us at (661) 326-3979 Thank you for helping to keep our All America City cleaner and safer. 3 ¡. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Section 11.1 - DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATIONS ';." ,':. . _t'..:,_, _.' .',.,,., "t..,:<f.;Þ_,. _~ d;,::~,'.~;~,)f'¡')~_. ','. 'tFAC'IUTYIDENTIFICÄTlêN':;'~' " ~ .,', , . . .,.~, ~,< "~"'''-'',. ~·t·~·."'1: ...~ 3 ADDRESS (For local usø only) 476. FACIL[Y I[) # D.IS~Ôv§~r,'_'.'i·,:L~i;rAt:'>'¡~:' , ~t:;~:~¿Ú¡i. A. LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: Ùu.tlc.r· A.oot- Tk.s· 3ÇO ~()f tlS\S, UI~VtL( ~t\l{.of'~( Jo.t ('I Of A~\ h\J\oc 6 d \õ.V\~') .:'/~.' --:~'/':.':-;::.:'~'-: ~~<.¡!.,'t.~. :"" !:f \",1 " NÒt.IFíêÄtÎê)NS;::~" . '·.I~·h'<r,"l·· '!~,,}......,..~,.....~.. ~"'~ ,,.)....<_~~. B. EMERGENCY AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: W~l""{N P"Q«Jv~l'«:> ~~-\t.f. SfMt.tl s~t.ll~ U~t. lllo~or~'~{. htf9t bytllt ~~l\ q(\ \- ' ß0Q ,~':'~ ,;:,,1,.\ ;~1 '.."'.\:'\,!.:",,!..~ . . ··..~...__~~·'~:h~:t: ~."';: ';~y:i' _, .~/:, ,;:.:';~':' . . "!~,~ ·~~,¡;f ¡::'>¡"'f.~.c·,)é';¡':ENVIRONMENTAl MANAGEMENT:, '..·.;,~/;::",-.:.S;'r: r.~~~. ,~"t;J.,...-..·¡t~'d'· ....~ì '''''.~,. :: \ r ...' " .~·I r......l~' ..-"i~ ,...'i~'.-".J\~.~.f"",'j:\r'< ....'1;.....(.1,. ·"'·"~<í ........c....., ' , ..:) ~ . I C. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES: ! ~t'l~ L\'\4t· ".1ùhc S l<.tt..l ~ OM~Lk ~~r. i I ! D. CLOSEST LOCAL MEDICAL FACILITY: D ". W a lld~' ¿ t t..f\. 6--\l ClN ~;~~;-~~;~~ ' ~. :i EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN ---~-- I UPCF (7199) S:\PROCEDURE MANUALIN_ HMMP f()( l1,wpd J" . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Section 11.2 - RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN ~'.', ,.-. ":~,\;~~~~¡~;,~:~;;~~:fi:\~~:;d~.::,'-~:~' _ ..' .~~. ", :·>~".;~;·lk~~~::i~il~~:~':~,~·r.' . '" . :·'6:-:'I;:'é'~t~;;r;::,,\~PREI.;IMINARYASSESSMENif';, . .f ~4 -..' ~.' .'" ,. , ...' . '. -. ~" . -, .',""' ' .. <. .'-Y.,.;; '" . . . A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES: -PÖ-\.4 Gkc.l eN A~t;¡otl1Cl" \- tt-\o..-kV'ud ~ \ of- Uc.aÚr-· ¡,(Oð+ \~S - 3S'O ·~,:·>:;;~X~~/,;A:';;·:RËSP6ÑSEA¢.t.þ~~:;Ç,;r:;F::;' " B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND MITIGATION: U St. ~k A~so~ b(~t- thtt-it~l4.C~ . ~ ,'. FOLLOW-UP ACTioNS C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES: Ittt sp(\d ðJ)~o('btlll\.-+ s~\I'(l iN ð-- ~Of'-~(N(c- (;It\tu(<l Wo~k 1- St(uvt6 tu\.~ (L ,,~J. ð=LL Wð.~~ c..udt Lx_ ptopc.tl'f tllSVC ~td t)..{ UPCF (7f99) S:IPROCEDURE w.NUAL\New HMMP form,wpd HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Section 111.1 - FACILITY AND LOCALITY INFORMATION ....'; ../:i/~~:~:"~,~?:,,",:':"·'-"' " ',' ~:.)' ::.'~A'·"'~·;:).i,;:":!!"j~:'{:4·~·:-~.f -. ":~,;~, .,~~:;; :~/j:UTII;iIT¥SHUT~o:øffS4~:~) .'" '. . ¡.; -'" '^" <.. ~. .".<' ._'. ~ " .~ - . 1 ~ . " LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY: NATURAL GAS I PROPANE: !J((_ tf¡\"e ( ft.i'f.J- ~ W skÍ1f ELECTRICAL: ~ 0 '"- L ð <..¡ A~ O("t _ {)... ~ ~~ WATER: ~ð.lt\.L (, ~ II ~thlL ~ðJ -- l1tt,Ltf r SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES I q;Q) IF YES, LOCATION: .;Iì.· ':~::;1::-~~'::-~'~ .'..~. ._,~ " .', , I~ "',.: '\ ~'r::. ". "".:-< ;-,t'~::·~~'"-:~·r:~~:-, '~.'T, . ,,': ;..' . . ': ~~'~i:'.:: '1?f{IŸAT~:F!~E:,PRørEc:TIÒÑ IWA"J"~~",AV~ILÄ~~LitY, ,,:.,' A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): 'f. t5 :,':~~~!li':~',' ; ~ ... ,-', - ','.-. ;. ~ : . .,~,,' ,:/' ,- .. . ·'TRAI~~N~". ~ ... \"-:, . .,:' ) " .' ,,,;:.- ~. . ~ A. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: S' 0 B. MATERIALS DATA SHEETS ON FILE: '{ t~ C. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ~ hO\)!i L.- ~ L (.(. ~ ~ u \ v~"" ~O f't 0 f~ t=:', C CERTIFICATION DATE 7!¿ ,1lt>u'1 477, 478. TITLE OF SIGNER 479. ¡' CCi\' WV~d. UPCF (71119) S:IPROCEOURE MANUALINew HMMP form.wpcI '" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY INSTRUCTIONS CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION FORM Make as many copies of the chemical description form as necessary to report your entire inventory of hazardous materials. Report every hazardous material handled in quantities equal to or exceeding 55 gallons of a liquid, 500 pounds of a solid or 200 cubic feet of a gas. Report any amount of any hazardous waste being generated or handled on site. 1. FACILITY INFORMATION: Check the appropriate box for a new inventory or for additions, revisions or deletions to an existing inventory . Enter the business name at the top of the form. Enter the page number in the right hand corner. Describe the exact location of the hazardous waste or material being reported. NOTE: Chemical location information is considered confidential unless you check "no." If a site map is being submitted, you may refer to the map number and grid coordinates for the approximate location of the material, as shown on the map. II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION: Each of the instructions below correspond to the entry field with the same number on the chemical description form. CHEMICAL NAME 205 Enter the proper chemical name associated with the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number of the hazardous material. This should be the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) name found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). NOTE: If the chemical is a mixture or a hazardous waste, do not complete this field; complete the "common name" field instead. TRADE SECRET 206 Check "Y" for yes if the information in this section is declared a trade secret, or "N" for no, if it is not. State requirement: If yes! and business is not subject to EPCRA, disclosure of the designated trade secret information is bound by Health and Safety Code, Section 25511. Federal Requirement: If yes, and business is subject to EPCRA, disclosure of the designated Trade Secret information is bound by Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the business must submit a "Substantiation to Accompany Claims of Trade Secrecy" form (40 CFR 350.27) to USEPA. COMMON NAME 207 Enter the common name or trade name of the hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material. EHS 208 Check "Y" for yes if the hazardous material is an Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS), as defined in 40 CFR, Part 355, Appendix A. If the material is a mixture containing an EHS, leave this section blank and complete the section on hazardous components below. C~# m Enter the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number for the hazardous material. For mixtures, enter the CAS number of the mixture if it has been assigned a number distinct from its components. If the mixture has no CAS number, leave this column blank and report the CAS numbers of the individual hazardous components in the section below. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (please leave blank) 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE 211 Check the one box that best describes the type of hazardous material: pure, mixture or waste. Ifwaste material, check only that box. If mixture or waste, complete hazardous components section. RADIOACTIVE 212 Check "Y" for yes if the hazardous material is radioactive or "N' for no, ifit is not. CURIES 213 If the hazardous material is radioactive, use this area to report the activity in curies. You may use up to nine digits with a floating decimal point to report activity in curies. PHYSICAL STATE 214 Check the one box that best describes the state in which the hazardous material is handled: solid, liquid or gaseous (gas). LARGESTCONTAUNER Enter the total capacity of the largest container in which the material is stored. 215 FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES Check all the physical and health hazards associated with the hazardous material: 216 PHYSICAL HAZARDS: Fire: Flammable Liquids and Solids, Combustible Liquids, Pyrophorics, Oxidizers Reactive: Unstable Reactive, Organic Peroxides, Water Reactive, Radioactive Pressure Release: Explosives, Compressed Gases, Blasting Agents HEALTH HAZARDS: Acute Health (Immediate): Highly Toxic, Toxic, Irritants, Sensitizers, Corrosives, other hazardous chemicals with an adverse effect with short term exposure. Carcinogens, other hazardous chemicals with an adverse effect with long term exposure. Chronic Health (Delayed): ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT , 217 If the hazardous material being inventoried is a waste, provide an estimate of the annual amount handled. MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 Enter the maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material, which is handled in a building or adjacent/outside area at anyone time over the course of the year. This amount must contain at a minimum last year's inventory of the material reported on this page, with the reflection of additions, deletions, or revisions projected for the current year. This amount should be consistent with the units reported in box 221. AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 219 Calculate the average daily amount of the hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material, in each building or adjacent/outside area. Calculations shall be based on the previous year's inventory of material reported on this page. Total all daily amounts and divide by the number of days the chemical will be on site. If this is a material that has not previously been present at this location, the amount shall be the average daily amount you project to be on hand during the course of the year. This amount should be consistent with the units reported in box 221 and should not exceed that of maximum daily amount. 2 STATE WASTE CODE 220 If the hazardous material is a waste, enter the appropriate California 3-digit hazardous waste code as listed on the back of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest. A list of common State Waste Codes are included on page 4 of these instructions. ~TS 221 Check the unit of measure that is most appropriate for the material being reported on this page: gallons, pounds, cubic feet or tons. NOTE: If the material is a federally defined Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS), all amounts must be reported in pounds. If material is a mixture containing an EHS, report the units that the material is stored in (gallons, pounds, cubic feet, or tons). DAYS ON SITE 222 List the total number of days during the year that the material is on site. STORAGE CONTAINER 223 Check all boxes that describe the type of storage containers in which the hazardous material is stored. NOTE: If appropriate, you may choose more than one. STORAGE PRESSURE 224 Check the one box that best describes the pressure at which the hazardous material is stored. STORAGE TEMPERATURE 225 Check the one box that best describes the temperature at which the hazardous material is stored. HAZARDOUS COMPONENT I - 5 (% by weight) 226, 230, 234, 238, 242 If a range of percentages is available, report the highest percentage in that range. HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 1- 5 Name 227,231,235,239,243 When reporting a hazardous material that is a mixture, list up to five chemical names of hazardous components in that mixture by percent weight (refer to MSDS or, in the case of trade secrets, refer to manufacturer). All hazardous components in the mixture present at greater than 1 % by weight if non- carcinogenic, or 0.1 % by weight if carcinogenic, should be reported. Ifmore than five hazardous components are present above these percentages, you may attach an additional sheet of paper to capture the required information. When reporting waste mixtures, mineral and chemical composition should be listed. HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 1 - 5 EHS 228, 232, 236, 240, 244 Check "Y" for yes if the component of the mixture is considered an Extremely Hazardous Substance as defined in 40 CFR, Part 355, or "N" for no, if it is not. HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 1- 5 CAS 229,233,237,241,245 List the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers as related to the hazardous components in the mixture. III. SIGNATURE: Please print name, title, sign and date each chemical description form. 246 If you have any questions please call us at (661) 326-3979 3 CALIFORNIA WASTE CODES Code Description Inorganics III Acid solution 2 < pH < 7 with metals (antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, vanadium and zinc) 112 Acid solution without metals 113 Unspecified acid solution 121 Alkaline solution pH > 12.5 with metals (see Ill) 122 Alkaline solution without metals 123 Unspecified alkaline solution 131 Aqueous solution (2 < pH < 12.5) containing reactive anoins (azide, bromate, chlorate, cyanide, fluoride, hypochlorite, nitrite, perchlorate and sulfide anions) 132 Aqueous solution with metals (see Ill) 133 Aqueous solution with total organic residues 10% or more 134 Aqueous solution with total organic residues less than 10% 135 Unspecified aqueous solution 141 Off-spec, aged, or surplus inorganics 151 Asbestos containing waste 161 FCC Waste 162 Other spent catalyst 171 Metal sludge (see 111) 172 Metal dust and machining waste (see 111) 181 Other inorganic solid waste Organics 211 Halogenated solvents (methylene chloride, chloroform,-TCE, TCA) 212 Oxygenated solvents (acetone, butanol, MEK) 213 Hydrocarbon solvents (stoddard solvent, xylene) 214 Unspecified solvent mixture 221 Waste oil and mixed oil 222 OiVwater separation sludge 223 Unspecified oil - containing waste 231 Pesticide rinse water 232 Pesticide and other waste associated with pesticide production Code Description 241 Tank bottom waste 251 Still bottoms with halogenated organics 252 Other still bottom waste 261 PCB's and material containing PCB's 271 Organic monomer waste (includes unreacted resins) 272 Polymeric resin waste 281 Adhesives 291 Latex waste 311 Pharmaceutical waste 321 Sewage sludge 322 Biological waste other than sewage sludge 331 Off-spec, aged or surplus organics 341 Organic liquids (nonsolvents) with halogens 343 Unspecified organic liquid mixture 351 Organic solids with halogens Sludges 411 Alum and gypsum sludge 421 Lime sludge 431 Phosphate sludge 441 Sulfur sludge 451. Degreasing sludge 461 Paint sludge 471 Paper sludge/pulp 481 Tetraethyl lead sludge 491 Unspecified sludge waste Miscellaneous 511 Empty pesticide containers 30 gal or more 512 Other empty container 30 gal or more 513 Empty containers less than 30 gal 521 Drilling mud 531 Chemical toilet waste 541 Photo chemical/photo processing waste 551 Laboratory waste chemicals 561 Detergent and soap 571 Fly ash, bottom ash, and retort ash 581 Gas scrubber waste 591 Baghouse waste 611 Contaminated soil from site clean-ups 612 Household wastes 4 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 Ó:ð.~ \ I · COMMON NAME o Yes 0 No 208 IW.- CAS # FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire c:tIief) 210 TYPE, o P PURE m MIXTURE o w WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE o Yes ßNo 212 CURIES 213 PHYSICAL STATE o s SOLID '!6, LIQUID "$2 REACTIVE o 9 GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER (co k.. 215 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) ~1 FIRE o 3 PRESSURE RELEASE ~ ACUTE HEALTH ~5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT eJ 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT .e- 218 AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT «:1- 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 UNITS' o 93 GAL 0 d CU FT . If EHS, amount must be in Ibs, o Ib LBS o tn TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 ; STORAGE CONTAINER (Check all that apply) ~ ABOVEGROUND TANK ~ UNDERGROUND TANK DC TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d STEEL DRUM o e PLASTIClNONMETALLlC DRUM Of CAN o 9 CARBOY o h SILO o i FIBER DRUM OJ BAG Ok BOX D I CYLINDER o m GLASS BOTTLE o n PLASTIC BOTTLE o 0 TOTE BIN o P TANK WAGON o q RAIL CAR Or OTHER 223 'STORAGEPRESSURE "iJ a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 , ,STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~a AMBIENT o as ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT o c CRYOGENIC 225 .:;:,?:;;:~;::~~~Ö~~~9M~9~~~~\; ;:-,:'~,'-;': ";~ .' .,::': -, ':-:< ;~. .:' ~ CAS#i ,<"è ';' ,.~,' -, 234 . l ;\ 0(\ ~l ~ \.\". ~Qt ~L.. 227 o Yes 0 No 228 231 DYes 0 No 232 235 OYesONo 236 239 DYes DNo 240 243 o Yes 0 No 244 229 .1 226 ó,o.~ (I· .i 12 )' 230 233 .'tJ· , ·..'..,.3. i '-J,"' .¡ '[ 4 ! ".,' I ,. ¡ I 237 238 241 i . I ) 5 I ."~"., ':,,^«' ,'; ':'1:-,:-:;". ',',-".~; .,' ," {\~'::'~":': ' '. i PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE I L Jv \ ~?__S:!.~ 242 245 "","f; DATE 246-- o ì f#2AJlj--~" µ 1þ\V nr l\ ~( . UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731.TV4,wpd ....' '... 1> CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA (661) 326-3979 SITE AND FACILITY DIAGRAM INSTRUCTIONS FOR HAZARDOUSMATER~LSMANAGEMENTPLANS These instructions explain the use of the site diagram and the facility diagram. Normallv. sma}) and medium size businesses will only have to submit a site diagram. If you have subdi\ '. . .;d yc' business into smaller areas because of the complexity or size, then you will be completirg and additional detail map, facility diagram, for each of these areas. Include instructions that show the route to your business if it is in a remote location. All diagrams must be on 8 ~ x 11 paper and drawn using a straight edge tool. SITE DIAGRAM INSTRUCTIONS The site diagram is used to show your business and to indicate the businesses that immediately surround your property, usually within 300 feet. If you will be showing specific area detail on facility diagrams, use the site diagram to show an overall layout of the plant. If you will not be submitting facility diagrams, the site map must include all of the following information: 1. Check the box on the top left comer of the form provided that indicated "Site Diagram" . 2. Print the name of your business, as shown in your HMMP, on the top of the diagram. 3. Label the location of the hazardous materials and identify them by name and type of hazard (ie. Flammable liquid, corrosive solid). 4. Label the location of utility shutoff points for gas, electric and water services. 5. Label the location of fire hydrants. 6. Label portions of the building protected by automatic sprinkler systems. 7. Label the direction representing north on the diagram. (The diagram form provided includes a north arrow). · , - - '. Map labeling must be legible and euily understandable. Try to avoid the use of abbreviations or . symbols. If you must use them. provide a losend explairúnS your system. Maps may be returned for correction if you fail to follow these instruction. FACILJTY DIAGRAM INSTRUcnONS Facility diagrams are supplements to the site diasram. Use them to show the subdivision details of a larse business. 1. Check the box in the upper risht hand comer of the form provided that indicated "Facility Diagram". 2. Print the name of your business as shown on your HMMP. Print the name of the area that this map represents. This name should be the same name that you used on this area's inventory report. 3. Indicate which area the cfiaøram represents and the total rwmber of 1àciIity diagrams that you are including. If a map represented the first offour areas. it would be labeled #1 of 4. 4. Follow instroction (3 -7) for site diagrams regarding the specific details to be included on each fiIcility diagram. 2 .;. . --. ~ :.. ' .;.. -rill' '\, \ ! N SITE DIAGRAM r Business Name: Business Address: 1 FACILITY DIAGRAM J I ; I J . i :¡ l- e o ~ hÓ\)L ~o\> ç F::- ç;c:.. ~-J, µ u-l-ll ~ 5~\'(¡~ sm: DIAG-.w ~ fACILITY DIAGRAM r)C Ba..-,N_ - - -~ W(\...~\Í ~"1-..&&7 Business Address: \. S~ l- uJ ( (.{w F' .. - \- r- '--I '- - __I , ld." ~1 t- ---, 1,- - '7T _I \J.. "- t'tc~ 1- - --}, 1- __. \ilc... Plv~ IV\ð. t t\ cl..t\(~ ç L '------ ç. ,1 . r ç: 'T)-. II Oc\o.ll 5~p ç.. \ùKNl.l ~l{Olr\wv..*, o.O( ~ ~kl~llll.\ ~~¢o.~L J\~L . . . L-,..,,' f .¡ r F .- ,- F WRITTEN MONITORING PROCEDURES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM ThilIDOa.itorUJ, prosnm mua be kcpc 1& the UST locaåoa at aU åma. The åJdbrmatioa oa tb.iJ rnnIIIitIoriD¡ propam are coadiåoaa of the opcrIIi.q permit The permit bolder IIWII ~ the Oð!œ at Eøvùo-IJ.......I..I ScMca withia 30 days of my ¡OM"". to the moaitorin, procedwa, uøJca required to obcai.a IppI'CM1 before nulrin,lbe chaqe. ~ by Secâoas 2632(d) aød 2641(h) CCR. F~ty Name W~~flL-~{~crlJ.'¡I.~k - Facility Address ~ gf¡ ff»1.1 ~ I E. F. G. ßlc~j ~cPr C¡'3'3flJ7 A D~be the frequency of perfonning the monitoring: Tank ~nIN~I\An;' ~ , Piping ~t\ 11\..\1\10.."'11 ~ B. What methods and equipment, identiñed by name aDd model, will be used for J*fomiøa the monitoring: Tank UUA t~· D.O()+ T~5" 3:Çð Piping \.... lr c. Describe the Jocatîon(s) where the monitoring will be performed (fiIåJity plot plan should be attached): Oc..\JItl' ~t\ (' (.L:{.ti (t N IJULd 11.\ ÁrtrHI .5?tOf D. List the name(s) and titJe(s) oCthe people responsible for performing the monitoring and/o,r maintainin~ the ~PDJt¿ntÅ 1~~ 'ï} t!a J' () "in l ...... tlA"1 ~' Reporting Fonnat for monitoring: Tank ¡c. L 1M.. Piping ~I CAÆ Describe the preventive maintenance schedule for the monitoring equipment. Note: MaiuteJlllJlce mlUt be iu acconlllJl~~~e manufacturer's 'f!':-teJl.;: schedule but UO~l tb.u every 12 moutbs. "¡-ul/,f "f 4 tI'I iiI r 41'£ (. ~ I ill Des~rib~ the tr~8 necessary for th!= operation ofU T )Xstem, including piping, and the moruconng eqwpment: ,{(/'(t 3. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM This mon.itoring program must be kept at the UST location at aU ùmes. The ìnfonnation on ùùs mon.itoring program are condiåons of the operaùng permit. The permit bolder must notify the Office of Environmental Services wiùùn 30 days of any changes to the mon.itoring procedures. unless required to obrain approval before making the change. Required by Sections 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR F~ty Name I ¡~~ tll/~{:Oc1 ~~IL~ FacilIty Address l . û1aÍJ J}J 1. If an unauthorized release occurs, how -w111 the hazardous substance be cleaned up? Note: If released hazardous substances reach the environment, increase the fire or explosion hazard, are not cleaned up fTom the secondary containment within 8 hours, or deteriorate the secondary containment, then the Office of Environmental Services must be notifi within 24 hours. L ~ ~(yuv ~;' ,^1J~~l ~ d~ IlJ/r! J'CIt~ L ph 2. Describe the proposed methods and equipment to be used for removing and disposing of any hazardous substance. l ~cribe the locati~ and availability of the required cleanup equipment in item 2 above. J IN tü:.l ~ mfl r:9,J¡tJJwrl- (fl'¡f)IL"-.. I 4. Describe the maintenance schedule for the cleanup equipment: C~ Jc.... JIj I {y .{()J prnrt Ý {)V4 "\{L¡ 5. tr ~t p~ / .. . ".. A.'. ........ --- -- -- .-. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK PAGE 1 ¢E rY~ OF A.CTION ,CI>ICI 0". ,_~) ~ 1, HEW SIT! PeRMIT 0 4. AMeNDED PERMIT o " CHNIGI! OF INFORMA TICN) ". 01 o ð, TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE o 7, PERMANENT\. v ClOSEO ON SITE o ð. TANI<REMOveO o 3. ReNew~ PeIUMT (~- . IlK lOcal u,. onI f) (~W/Ige . IlK lOcal ute on/)l) !JUSI"'ES! /IWoIII! (Same. 'A.ClLITY NAME 01 08A. 000n9..... "') h'~l\u1J. h:u- (6a.Mft~ \"OCA nON WITHIN SIT1! (0 I0N/ 5alû l 4l_~l. t1w''l 3 I FAWTY ~ · I ß~Çrl ~v1- ?J3()? I. TANK DESCRIPT10N = rA.NKI . 43.' COMPAATMEHT~IZED TANK 0 V.. !fJ No If -v.... comp/ele one øege lor NC:II comp.wtment. 4. 4.: .. TANK CONTINY'I PITAOl.eW'M'E a 1L REQUIAA UNL£H EQ 0 2. U!ADED a 11t. PREMIUM UNL£H EQ 0 3. 0IESEl ~ foC)QfW)E utI.EADEO 0 4. GASOHOL COfotMOH NAJ.E (/lam HNMtouI ~ InwntrJiY ~ ... o 5. JET FUEL . EJ e. AVIATION FUE. 099. OntER ...., CAS.(ftDm~~InvwnIørt~} 404: : TYPE OF TAN< I (CIt«JI one iIIIm odyJ i : TANK MA TERW. . prtInIfY 111* ; I ! (CIt«JI one ".... odyJ , a 1. SINGU! WALL. '$ 2. 00U8U WALL. li!f-1. BAA£ STEEL o 2. STAINLESS STEEL , TANK MATERIAL· -*'Y '-* 0 1. ØAA£ STEEL (CIt«JI one item odyJ 0 2. STAØØS STI!EL o 1. MNU'ACT\JA!D CATHODIC PROTECTION a 2. SACRIFICIAl. ANOOe YeAR INSTALLED 450 TYPE (Fot/oeM UH onIy ~ I. SPILL CONTAINfoEHT tll,p ~ 2. DROP ruse q ~ t::f 3. STRIIŒR P\.AT1! <f (,.. .'f..'~'~';"'" : ~ ~t1~,,:'!f;:f( " ':. ,..~,:~~.,'~:< r~,,,,.:}r: ;;~"" ,'T.vcK LIAK .-.... ~" ",. ~.. ..... .~.. "'1t·1'1o'·'~ . ,'. '.' .-:0-. .', .,1'>.., "".' ., SlNGLI WALl. TANK (CMcII..IIIt' IPPIYJ: o '. VISUAL (IXPORO POfmON aNI. V) o 2. AUTOMATIC TANK QAUQINQ (ATO) o 3. CONTINUOUSATO o 4. STATISTICAl.IN\IÐfTOAY ReCONCIlIATION (SIR). IIII!NNIAL TAN< TUTINO TANK IHTERIOR UNN3 OR COATINO (CIt«JI one item only) SPILL ANO OIl£RFILL ICMcIt~' /Nt~) (] 1. RIJIIIII!R LIED (] 2. AIJM) IJNNJ I!STIM4T!D OAT' WT UIIO (YMC'OAY) UPCF (7199) ... .. TANK CONStRUC11ON o 3. SINGLe WAIl. WITH EXTERIOR MEMBfWE LINER D.. SINOLEWAIl.INAVAUlT (] 5. SINGLE WALL WITH INTERNAL IUDOER SYSTEM o 85. UNKH()\\W 088. 0T1iEA D 5. CONC:AeTE (]!IS. UNCNOWN 08. FRP COMPATIBLE WI100% METHANOL 088.0'ÐER 443 o 3. FI8eRGlASS t PlASTIC o 4. STEEl. ClAD WIFI8ERGlASS REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) J9. 3. FIBERGLASS I PlASTIC o 4. STEE1. Cl.AD WJFI8ERGlASS REN'QRCEO PLASTIC (FRP) o 5. OONCR£TE D 3. EI'OJCY LMIO 0 50 GLASS UNINO (] 85. ~ D 4. Pt4ENOUC LINING ... UNJHED CJ III. OTHER '1A 3. F18ERGI.ASa REINFOACED P\JoS'\'1C 0 85. UNKNOWN 448 o 4. IMPR!SSEO CUAÆHT 088. OTH!!R 444 o .. FRP COMPATIBLE W1100% METHANOl o .. FRP~JAO<ET 010. COATED STEE1. O!lS. UNI<NOWN o 88. OTHER 445 448 MTE INSTAU.EO <141 /oeM ... MTE INSTAU.EO 4049 (For/oQluu only} 451 OVERFILL PROTECTION EQU¡p,.£NT: YeAR INSTALLED 452 SI. AlAAM t¡tt, 00. FILL ru8ESHVTOFFVALV£ ~ o 2. 8AU.FLOAT 0 4. EJœMPT :.~(M~~~·~~;:·P~:(:;~·:.:-!:' . .: ,'-' ".' ;;;~~ :::.:·r.~~~:.· '. .;:, . :,:, ::'..:;: ~:~}t~~~, _ 463 II' OOU8&.1 WALL TANK OK TANK WITH ISLAOOtR (CMcJI one ftm odYJ: 454 0,. VlStJAL(SINQL!WAU.INVAULTONLV) IJÍ 2. CONTINUOUS IN'ÆRSTITIAI. MONITORING o 3. MANU~ MONITORING o 5. MANUAL TANK GAUGING (MfO) o e. VADOSI! ZONe 07. OROUNDWATeA o .. TANK TESTING o 88. OTHeR Y. TANK CLOIUIUIIN'ORIlATIOH' PIRMANINT CLOIURIIN 'LACI U1'IM4T1O QUANTITY CW SUIITAHCIIWoWNtfO - TAM< FIUIO WfTH lHeAT MATeRIAL? 467 aIIIonI (Jy. DNa S;\CUPAFORMS\sWRCS-S.wPO I "r# ~ I í CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFIIICI Oil ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1115 Chnte, Aw., Øak....".ld. CA '3301 (H1) 32e-3179 UlT. TANK PAQ! : P-oe 01 - -. VI. ,... CONITRUCT1ON (ChedI..IIII' WJIr UNOEROAOUNO PIPING i SYSTEM TYPE I. PRESSURE 0 2. SUCTION 0 3. GAAVITY .51 ¡ 0 I. PRESSURE CONSTRUCTlON!'O I SiNGlE WALL 0 3, LINEO TRENCM 0 ge. OTliER .80' 0 I. SINGlE WALL : MANUFACTURER~ 2. DOU8LE WALL 095, UNKNOWN 0 2. DOUBLE WALL , I MANUFACTURER .01 MANUFACTURER , ; 0 1, BAR!: STEEL 0 8. FRP CO....ATlØU! WI I001UETliANOL 0 1. BARE STEEL !MATERIALSANO:O Z. STAINt.ESSSTEEl 07. GAlVAHIZEOSTEEl 02. STA NLESSSTEEL I CORROSION :0 0 0 . PROTECTION ; 3. PLASTIC CO....ATlØU! WITH CONTENTS 95. UNkNOWN 3. PLASTIC COMPATIBlE WITH CONTENTS : 0 .. F/8ERGlASS 0 8. FLEXI8U! (HOPE) 0 SIll. OTliER 0 .. F/8ERGlASS : 0 S. STEEL WI COATING 0 i. CA THOOIC PROTECTION 4114 0 S. STEEL wt COATING VI. fIIIIIiIG LeAK DETECT10N (Ch«:It.. tMt ~ PRESSURIZEO PIPING (Check "IN, 1/IIIII'y): o 1. ELECTRONIC UNE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST mIlS AUTO PUMP SHUT OfF FOR LEAl<. SYSTEM FAIlURE. AHO SYSTEM OISCONNECTIOH . AUDIILS AHO VISUAl AI.AAMS . o 2. MONTM. y 0.2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAl INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) CONVENTIONAl SUCTION SYSTEMS: o S. OAll Y VISUAl. MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM . TRIÐHAl PIPING NTEGAITY TEST (0. I GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VAlVES IN øaow GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FlOW: o i. BIENNIAl INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) Sl!CONOARft. Y COHrAlNED PII'ING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check ../Nt WIY): 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SU.... SENSOR mns AUOI8LE AHO VISUAl ALAAMS AHO JPIedc -) P a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A lEAl< OCCURS o b. AUTO PU.... SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAIlURE AHO SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o Co NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF ' q I ,. AUTOMATIC UNE lEAl< DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) mIl:1 FlOW SHUT OFF OR r RESTRICTION o 12. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTIO~VITY SYSTEM: o 13. COHT1NUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDI8le AHO VISUAL ALARI8 !M!RG!NCY GENlRATORI ONLY (ChecII...... flllJlyJ o 14. CONTINUOUS SU.... SENSOR m:IHQ!4 AUTO PUMP SHU1' OFF. AUDI8l£ AHO VISUAL AI.AAMS o 1 S. AUTOMATIC LINE lEAl< DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) m:r:l:QSlI FWW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 18. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. OAILYVlSUAlCHECI< ABOVEGROUNO PIPING o 2. SUCTION 095. UNKNOWN o 99. OTHER o 3. GRAVITY 45 46. 46.: 08. FRPCOMPATIBlEWI1001HtlETHANol o 7. GAlVANIZED STEEL o 8. FlEXI8U! fHDPE) 0 ge. OTHER o i. CA THOOIC PROTECTION 095. UNKNOWN 465 ".. ':i¡.:....=~~:. 4ðe ABOVEGROUND PIPING SlNGl WALL PIPING 487 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Chedr ..IN, ~): o ,. ElECTRONIC lINE I.SAK œreCTOR 3.0 GPH TEST m:IH AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR lEAl<. SYSTEM FAIlURE. AHO SYSTEM DISCONNECTION . AUDIØL£ AHO VISUAl AlARMS o 2. MOHTHI. y U GPH TEST o 3. NHJAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 4. DAIlY VISUAl CHEO< COHl/EHTlONAl SUCTIOH SYSTEMS (ChecII"IN' apply): o S. OAIl Y VISUAl. MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM o 8. TRIENNIAl. INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VAlVES IN 8ElOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FlOW (ChedI..IM, 1/IIIII'y): o 8. 0AJl Y VISUAl MONI1'ORING o i. BIEHHIAL INTEGRnYTEST (0.1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (CItedc .. 1M' apply): 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP seNSOR mw AUOt8lE NlO VISUAl AlARMS NolO (dIedt one) o a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A lEAl< OCCURS o b. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAIlURE NolO SYSTEM OISCONNECTION o Co NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 1,. AUTOMATIC LEAK DETECTOR o 12. ANNUAL IHTEGRlTY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTIO~VITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBle AND VISUAl AlARMS ElRRGENCY GENERATORS ON\. Y (ChedI""'" '""" o 1.4. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR ~ AUTO PU.... SHUT OFF. AUOISlE AND VISUAL AI.AAMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE lEAl< DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) o 1. FlOATMECHANISMTHATSHUTSOFFSHfARVAlVE o 2. CONTIHUOUS OISP£NSEA PAN SENSOR + AUOIIIU! AND VISUAl ALARMS ~3. CONTINUOUS OISP£NSEA PAN SENSOR mItt AUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER · AUDIBlE AND VISUAL ALARMS IX. OWNI!RIOPERA TOR SIONA TURI! 18 INe encIlCCUf8le to tile bell 01 my 1IncIwIedoe. .471 DATE 7/ Z-- zoOçI' TITLe OF OWNeRlOPEAATOR, ./ /.i Cl -e-¡r 470 472 474 Pennil ~ Dele (Fot1øUJ 1M ønlyJ 4J 473 I ,..".. Ap nMd (Fot loW 1M ønIyJ , Penn'l NumIW tFot JouJ 11ft ønIy) UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRCB-a.wPD tit .' .'~ :~~fr ....... ~ -- -- .-. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS· TANK PAGE 1 rYPE OF 4CTION 'Ø I, HIW 31Tt! PI!~T 0 4. AMl!HOED PERMIT 0 " CJofAHQE OF INFORM-' TlON) , CII.Ck Q". ,.., OdrJ o 1. IU!NEWAI. PERMIT (s".u, -- . fw IOt:M 1J6_ On/'fJ (~c/Ieitt¡e . ItN IOt:M IJ.I_ On/'fJ SlJSINESS ~ (s.ne. '",ClLlTY NAME 01 oeA· ~".,.. "-I 1 5"çlO f ,TANKI . ~~~-u.J.L ¢E Page r/ o 8. TEMPORNlY SITE CLOSURE o 7. PER~ENTI. Y' ClOseo ON SITe Os. TANKREMO\'eo f{1JJ~ 4J. I. TANK OESCRIPT1ON CO....ARTMENTAUZeD TANK 0 v.. \W' No "-V.". compleCe one page/or ðKII compartment. 4.' .. TANK can!NTI ¡ TANe use 43t : ~. MOTOR VEHICL! JrUB. ; (1f_rlred.~~TKNJ ¡ 0 2. NOH-FIJE1. ÆTAOl.EUM : 0 J, CHEMtCALPROOUCT ! 0 4. HAZAROOUS WASTe (~ ¡ u_ Of) 0 9$, uNI<HOWN : TYPE OF TANe ¡ (ChKJr OM iIIIm odyJ I i ¡ T ANI( MATERIAl. . ømwy ** ! (ChKJr OM iIIIm odyJ i Pe'1'ACUUM TYPE o 1a. REGtI.AR UfUAOEO 0 2. U!AOEO 111111. PRÐtIUW t.NEAOEO 0 1. CESEL o 1eo A«X1fW)E UNLEAœO 0 4. GASOHOl COMotON HAM! (110m HII8Iá:IuI ~ tlMnQy~) o 1. SINOLe WALL ~ 2. COUIU WALL 'Ø ,. 8AAE STEEl o 2. STAINLESS STEEL , T ANI( W. TERIAI. . MOGndIty ** 0 1. BAA2 STEEL (ChKJr OM ifrII odyJ 0 2. STAN.ESS STEEL TANK INTERIOR UNNJ OR COATINO (C/Ieck OM iIIIm only) SP1LL ANt) OVERFIU. I i (Check ~II /Nt.wyJ j ¡ [J 1. RUeIIIR I.MD [J 2. AIJM) LNNQ ""' o 5. JET FUEL EJ a. "'\MOON FUEl. 099. OTHER CAS' (/tom Haømus ~ ~s»geJ 401: 441 .. TANK CONSTRUCTION o 3. SINGLe WALL ~ EXT'ERIOR a.EMBfW E utER 04. SINOLEWAlLINAVAUlT o 5. SINGLE WAlL WITH IHTENW. 8C.AOOER SYS'TEM o M. UNI<NOYttI Oft. cmŒR o 5. CONCRETE 095. UNKNOWN o a. FRP COMPATIBlE Wl100% ME'nW«)L 0 it. OTHER 443 o 3. F18ERGI.ASS t P\AST1C o 4. STEEL Q-'D WlFI8ERGlASS REIHFORŒD PLASTIC (FRP) ~3. FI8ERGlASS I PLASTIC o 4. STEEl. Q-'D WFI8ERGtASS REWORœO PLASTIC (fRP) o 5. CONCRETE o 3. EPOXY UNN3 0 5. QtA88 LJHINO 0 M. UNI<NOWN a 4. PHEHOUC UNN3 ~ a. UNUNEO a.. OTHER 3. FI8EROI.ASS AØIFORŒO PLASTIC 0 M, UN<NOWN 448 o 4. M'ÆSSEO CUAAEHT 0 ft. OTHER 444 o a. FRP COY'AT18Lë Wl100% METHANOl o t. FRI'~JACI<ET a 10. COATED STæ. 095. UN<NOWN o ft. OTHER 445 44ð DATe INSTALLEO 4011 ~ IoI:M _ DATe INSTAlLED 4019 o 1. MN«M'ACTUN!O CATHCIOIC PROTECTION a 2. SACfUFICW. ANODE \'£AR INSTALLED ~ 1. SPILL CONTAINMENT t¡i- 2. OAOP TUllE 19 3. STRØCIR Pl.An! (F«~_0tIIy) 451 oveRFlU. PROTeCTION EQUIPMENT: YEAR INSTAlLED 452 'tf 1. AlARM q en IS 3. FlU. TUBe9lllTOFFVALVE ~ o 2. 8AU. FlOAT 0 4. EXEMPT 450 TYPe (For IoøI use oNy) 'I' SlNGU WALL TANIe {CIIet:If.. ".., ~ o I, VISUAl. (I!XPOII!O POImON 0... V) o 2. AUTOw.TIC TANe OAUOINO (ATO) o J. CONTINUOUS A TO o .. STATISTICALIHWHTORV Rl!COHCIIJATIOH (SlRI. 81ENNIAI. TAN< T8STINO I!STIM-' TIO OATI WT UIIO (VMotOIOAV) UPCF (7199) ... :.~t; ~~~~f:~";;~:··~~)~·:~~:· . :.':>.""'." :~t~t:·~·/:.~~?~· ...;. y. .:.~,:.".':::·~:~1~~~~.. IP OOUII&.I WALL TANK 0" TANK'MTH 8LADOIR (ChKJr OM //em odtJ: 454 C:J 1. VlSUAL(SINOU!WAU.IHVAUlTONt.V) r:¡.2. CONTINUOUS INTeRSTITIAL MONITORING o 3. PMNUAL MONITORING o 5. MANUAL TANK OAUGIHO (MfO) o a. VADOSE ZONe o 7. GROUNDWATER o .. TANK Tl!STIHO 0.. OTHeR V. TANK CLOIUIU! INFORMATION I PIRMANINT C&.OIURIIN PLACI UTlMATIO QUAHnTY cW suaaTANCI fWoWNI Q 4ð4I TAN< FIlLIO 'IVtTH INIRf MAT!AIAL? 457 IIIIIanI a v. 0 No S;\CUPAFORMS\SWRcs.s·wPD I ,"4' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OPPIeI! 0" ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chøte, Ave., Bak....ft.ld. CA 93301 (ee1) 3ze..Jt79 VI. .... CONSTRUCTION (CMdr ., IfII' eppIyJ UNDEAQAOuNO PlPINO I SYSTEM I"'I'PE ~ I. F>RESSURE 0 2. SUCTION 0 3. QAA\IITY "58 10 I, F>RESSURE CONSTRUCTIONt'O I. SINCle WALL 0 3, LINED TRENCH 0 it. OTHER ..IIO! ° I. SINGlE WALL MANUFACTURER! F 2. OOUBLE WALL 095, UNKNOWN 0 2. OOUBLE WALL I MANUFACTUREA ..81 MANUFACTURER ; 0 ,. BARE STEEL 0 e. FRP COMPATl8U! W!1001UETHANOL 0 t. BARE STEEL :MATERIALSANO'O 2. STAINLESS STEEL 07. GALVAHZECSTEEL 02. STAINLESS STEEL I CORROSION ¡ . PROTECTION ;0 3. PlASTIC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS 0 M. UNKNOWN 0 3. PlASTIC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS ~ 4. FIBERGlASS 0 It. FU:XlBLE (HOPe) 0 it. OTHER 0 ... FIBERGLASS : 0 S. STEEL wt COATING 0 i. CA THOele PROTECTION <4e4 0 S. STEEL WI COATING W. f'II'ING LEAK DETECT10N (CMdr" 111« ~ PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check ., /tie, WIY : o ,. ELECTRONIC UNE LEAl( DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST mItt AUTO I'UY" SHUT' OFF FOR LEAl<. SYSTEM FAIlURE. NIO SYSTEM CISCONNECTIOH . AUDIIIU! NIO VISUAL AI.AAMS o 2. MONTHLY U GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL/HTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS: o S. OAIL Y VISUAl MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM . TAIÐNAL PIPING INTEGRITY TEST (0. t GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7, SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FLOW: o i. BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PII'INQ PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check ., /tie, ¥PlY): 10. CONTINUOUS TUR8lNE SUMP SENSOR rßII:f AUDIBLE NÐ VISUAL ALARMS NIO (Chedc one) ~ a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS Q} o. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAIlURE NÐ SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF 'rf 11, AUTOMATIC UNE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) mn1 FLOW SHUT oFi: OR RESTRICTION o 12. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTlOloLIGRAvnY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR . AUCI8t.E AWJ VlStMLALNUI ÞI!RG!NCY GENlRATORS ONLY (Chedr" IIIIIIJIJIYJ o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR mnl2iŒAUTO PUMP SHUT OFF. AUDIIU: NIO VISUAL ALAAMS o 1 S. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) mIt!Q ,£[ Ft.1YN SHUT' OFF OR RESTRICTION o 18. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17, DAILY VISUAl. CHECK ,'. P-oe \liT. TANK ~AGI!: I d - -.,. ABOVEGROUND PIPING o 2. SUCTION o 95, UNKNOWN o 99. OTHER o 3. GRAVITY 45 46 I 46. o e. FRP COMPATIBLE W/IOQ% METHANot. o 1. GALVANIZED STEEL o 8. FLEXIBLE (HOPE) 0 99. OTHER o i. CATHODIC PROTECTION 095. UNKNOWN ~ ':,' ~:~~..;'~... ABOVEGROUND PIPING SING WALL PIPING 46, PRESSURIZED PIPING (CIIeck ., /tIe,~): o 1. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST ~ AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAl<. SYSTEM FAILURE. NIO SYSTEM CtSCONNECTION . AUDI8I.E NÐ VISUAL AI.AAMS o 2. MONTHL. Y 0.2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 4. OM. Y VISUAl. CHECK CONVEHTlONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (CMck .. /tie, ~ : o S. OAIL Y VISUAl. MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM o S. TRlENN1AI.INTEGRITY TEST (O. t GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN ea.ow GROUND PIPING): o 7. SElFMONITORlNG GRAvnY FLOW (Chedf dl1l« WIY): o 8. OM. Y VISUAl MONITORING o 9. BIENNIAl. INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) 8ECONOARIt.Y CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (CIIeck" /tie, .. : 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSORmI!:1 AUDIBLE AND VISUAl AI.AAMS AND (c:hec* one) o a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o o. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 1,. AUTOMATIC LEAl( DETECTOR o 12. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GAi) SUCTIOK'GRAvnY SYSTEM: o 13. COtmNUOUS SUMP SENSOR . AIJOI8LE AND VISUAl. AtARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS DNL Y (CMdt., IIIa,-'Y) o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR ~ AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETeCTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) O,e. ANNUAl INTEGRITY TEST (O.1 GPH) o 11. DAJLYVISUALCtfECK :Í'!tWT.&wùllVì'~{~,:\J.;(.;i:.:ï'::' : 1'... ~~.!~~"...."c.; :\:.'$'..";"11. . o 1. FLOAT MECHANISM THAT SHUTS OFF SHEAR VALVE o 2. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR . AUOI8U! AND VISUAL ALARMS ijZ1 3. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR mItlAUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER · AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS IX. OWNI!R/OPI!RA TOR SIONA TUR! 8CCUrIIe to tile MIl fA my 1uIowIecIge. DISPENSER CONTAINMENT DATE I TALLEO ... \ 470 OATE 07/021 411 TITLEOFOWNERIOPERATOR M~Å- 412 474 PermIt EJcpiraI on Date (~/OeM 11M OIIIyJ 47J I Pemllt NumIMt {FotIOClJ 11M onIy 473/ PwUt~(Fot"'''CMlyJ UPCF (1/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRC8-a. wpO ~-^ .. .?l~':" , ".. A.'. .-.. ...... -- -- .-. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakerstleld, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUNDSTORAGETANKS-TANKPAGE1 t!. o S, CHANGe OF INFORIM TION) ". 01 o 8, TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE o 7. PERMANENT!. Y CLOSED ON SITE o S. TANK R£MOvED rYPE OF ,",CTION ~ Nf!W SIT!! F't!ItMT 0 4. AMENCED PERMIT , elt.cll 0... ,tem OIII)I} CJ J. ReNEWAL PERMIT ($peU)r /MIOII . .tit' /OeM uu Only) 8USINESS NfoMI! ¡s.n... FÞ.ClUT't *ME or 0tIA - 00In0 ___....) '1A() \ ; OAT I , M¡KI . .q~Gb{o..ÍL ($peU)r ~ . .tit' /OeM uJ/. only) J HuJ't-----iAa <11309 L TANK DESCRIPTION I , - I """'...... œ"""""'"....... - ..., ¡ TANK use 43t ¡ ~ t. MOTORVEHlCUFUEL ì (If _"'-d. ~"...., 7)pe) ! 0 2. NON4'VEL PETRO&.eUM I i 0 J. CHEMICAL PROOUCT : 0 4. HAZAAOOUS WASTE (1tW:MIN i Used OIJ I CJ 95. UN(H()WN I : TYPE OF TANK i (Chedr OM iIIIm odyJ , ! ! TANK MATERIAL· IftIWy ** I ! (Chedr OM tIMI odyJ ! 43J COMPARTMENTALIZED TANK 0 Y.. No " -v.... CCl'llølele one I). 'or NàI QOmI)ar1ment. 4, NIJ 4: , f)~ 43<1 .. TANK CON1DTI ÆTAOU!UM TVPE $,.. ReGUI.AR UN.EADED 0 2. U!ADED o 111. PAÐIUM UNLEAOED 0 3. DIESEL o 1eo A.CXJRAOI! UNI.EADED 0 ... GASOHOl COMMON NAMI! (1Ivm IfNMfI:Iua ~ Inwntoty".ge) o 1. SINOU! WALl. S 2. 0ÓUIu! WALl. $ 1. 8AN! StæL o 2. STAItUSS STEEL , TANK MATERIAL· -*'Y '** 0 1. 8AN! ST&L (Chedr one iIMI odyJ 0 2. STAINL!SS STI!EL TANK INTERIOR L...o OR CQATINO (CMck"'" iIeIII ody) SPILL AND OVERFIlL I I (CJlecIl 6' ttuJI 6PPIY) I I o 1. RUIII!R LH!O o 2. AIJM) UHlIG ...., o S. JET FUS- E] e. AVlATIOH FUEL o 99. OT} ER CAS . (from ~ AII/IIIIII:r '-'*"Y".ge) ...; "" .. TANK CONS1RUCT1ON o 3. SINGU! WALl. WITH EXTERIOR..eøwE LItER 0... SINGleWAU.INAVAULT o 5. SINGlE WAlL WITH IHTERNAlIlt.-ooER SYSTEM o 85. UNI<NOYtW 098. 0111ER o 5. CONC:ÆTE 0 85. UNI<NOWtI o e. FRP COMPATlSlE WI100% AETHANOl 098. OTHER 4C3 /!it 3. F18ERO&.ASS t PU.STIC o 4. srea ClAD WIFISERGtASS REINFORŒO PU.STIC (FRP) S 3. F18ERO&.ASS} PU.STIC o ... STEEL. ClAD WII'18ERGtASS REINFORCED PU.STIC (FRP) o 5. CONCRETE o 3. EPOXY L...o 0 5. 0lA88 LHNO 0 IS. UNICNCMtI o 4. PHÐIOUC LIIN) ¡¡ .. UfLINED 098. OnteR rø 3. FIIERGI.ASS AfN'ORŒO PU.STIC 0 85. UNKNOWN 448 o 4. IJM'R£SSED CUM!NT 098. OTHER ...... o L FRP COWATt8lE WI100% METHANOl o 8. FRP NON-CORROOI8t.E JACI<ET o 10. COATED STEEL o 115. UNCNOWN 098. OTHER 445 ..... DATe INSTAllED 441 ' IocM _ DATe INSTAllED ...9 o 1. MNU"ACT1JAm CATHOOIC PROTECT1ON o 2. SACAIFICIAI. ANODE YEAR INSTALlED (J 1. SPIll CONTAINMENT o 2. DAOP rule o 3. STAIIŒA PlAT! (F« /oQ/ _ odyJ .." 0\IERF1lL PROTECTION EQUIProENT: YEAR INSTAllED 452 o ,. AlARM f~ (J 3. FILL ru8ESHUTDFFVAlVE ~ (J 2. BAlLF1.OAT (J ... EXEMPT 4SO T'tPE (Ft¡, IocM _ odyJ " SINOLI WAU. TANK (CMcJf" tN' ¥PlY): o " VISUAl (1!XP08IO POfmON ONl. Y) o 2. AUTOMATIC TAHIC QAUOINO (ATO) o J. CONTINUOUtATG o 4. STATISTICAL INV!NTOAV ReCONCILIATION (SIA). IIleNNIAL TANK T1!8TIHG ISTIMA TID OA TI WT UIIO (VR/MOo'OAY) UPCF (7199) .... :;.~::'f_LIAK :.~t: ~~:4~·~~~;;:·~~~.;:;t··.·:,~:: :..:>.,. ....' :;\:f.t:·~··(.~~::'~: ···/.r .:..,.:.... ::::!~.~~~~ " DOU8I.I WALl. TANK 0.. TANK WITH IILADØIR (Ch«It OM ..", ØfIIyJ: 4S4 o 1. VISUAl (SINQU! WAlL IN VAULT ONt. Y) ~ 2. CONTINUOUS INTeRSTITIAL MONITORING (J 3. MANUAl MONITORING Os. MANUAl. TANKOAUGING(MTO) o .. VADOSE ZONE o 7. GROUNDWATER o .. TANI< TESTING o tI. OTHeR V. TANK CLOIUIU! IN'ORMATION I PIRMANINT CI.OIURI IN PLACI UTtMATIO 0UNmTY ~ SUIISTAHCI RIMAIHNI .... TANI( FIUIO WITH INI!RT MATeRIAL? .a7 .-.otII o v. 0 No S:\CUPAFORMS\swRCs.s·wPC "'" ~, CITY OF BAKeRSFIELD Of"1C1! 0' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1115 Chuter Ave., Bakenfteld, CA 93301 (M1) 32e-3119 If "IT. TAMe ~AQe ~ ... 01 - UNDERGROUNO PIPING VI. ..... CONITRUCT1OH (Ch«It ., INt.." AaovEGROUND PIPING SYSTEM TYPE I. PRESSURE 0 2, SUCTION 0 J. ORAVtTY 451 0 t. PRESSURE . CONSTRUCTION!'O , SiNGle WALL 0 J. LINED TREHOi 0 ge. OTHER 4eo' 0 I. SINGLE WALL . MANUFACTURER!$ 2. OOU8I.E WALL 095. uNKNOWN 0 2. OOUBLE WAlL ¡ MANUFACTURER 481 MANUFACTURER , : 0 1. BARE STEEL 0 8. FRP COMPATIBLE WI 1001UETHANOl 0 1. BARE STEEL iMATERIAlSAND:O 2. STAlNI.£SSSTEEl 07. GA!.VANlZECSTEEl 02. STAINLESS STEEL I CORROSION : PROTECTION ; 0 J. PlAST1C COMPA T1BLf WITH CONTEHrS 0 M. UNI<NOWN 0 J. PlASTIC COMPA TI8LE WITH CONTENTS i æ. 4. FIBERGlASS 0 I. FlEXIBlE (HOPE) 0 It. OTHER 0 4. FIBERGlASS :05. STEElW/COATING 0 g. CATHOOICPROTECTION 484 05, STEELWtCOATING VII. fIIItNG U!AK DETECTION (Ch«It.. that /IPPIYJ PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check .. tNt 1IþþIy): o ,. ELECTRONIC UNE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST mItt AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR lEAl<. SYSTEM FAIlURe. AHO SYSTEM OISCONNECTIOH. AUDIIIU! AHO VISUAL ALARMS o :z. MONTK. Y 0.2 GAt TEST o 3. ANNUAl. INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GAt) CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS: o S. DAILY VISUAl MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM . TRIÐNAl PIPING NTEGR/TY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOWGROUNC PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FLOW: o 9. 81ENNW.INTEGRrTY TEST (0.1 GPH) secONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check .. tNt IIþþIy): I 10. CONTINUOUS TUR8ItE SU.... SENSOR mnJ AUDlBLf ÞKJ VISUAL AlARMS AHO I $Peà one) ! IB- a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS lOb. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR lEAI<S. SYSTEM FAII.UÆ AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF '$. 1,. AUTOMATIC UNE LEAl( DETECTOR (3.0 GAt TEST) m!I:1 flOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 12. ANNUAL INTEGRrTY TEST (0.1 GAt) SUCTIONlGRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR . AUDI8U! AHO VISUAL ALANe I!M!RGÐICY GENlRATORI ONLY (CMdt.. /tilt ~ o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR mnQI.II AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF . AUDIBLE AHO VISUAL AlARMS o 15, AUTOMATIC LINE LEAl( DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) ~ FLOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 18, ANNUAl INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. DAILY VISUAl CHECK o 2, SUCTION o 95. UNKNOWN o 99. OTHER o J. GRAvITY 45 46, 41L 011. FRPCOMPATI8I.EWt1OO1UEnw.oc. o 7. GAlVANIZED STEEL o 8. FlEXIBlE (HOPe) 099. OTHER o 9. CATHODIC PROTECTION 095. UNKNOWN 4et "..)þ...={:. ... ABOVEGROUND PIPING SING WALL PIPING 467 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check .. tNt ~): o 1. ElECTRONIC UNE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST ïtm1 AUTO PUW SHUT OFF FOR lEAK. SYSTEM FAIlURE. AHO SYSTEM DISCONNECTION . AUOI8lE AHO VISUAL ALARMS o 2. MONTH\. Y 0.2 GAt TEST o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRrTY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 4. OAIlYVlStJALCHECK CON\lENT1ONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (Check" tNt "IIfJIY): o 5. OAJL Y VISUAL MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM o II. TRIENNIAL IHTEGRrTY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING 0RAV1TY flOW (CIIecII at tNllIþþIy): o I. 0AIl Y VISUAL MONITORING o II. 8IENNIAL INTEGRrTY TEST (0.1 GAt) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check" tNt IPIJIY): 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR m!11 AUDIBlE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (cheCk one) o a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A L£A ( OCCURS o b. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR lEAI<S. SYSTEM FAIlURE AND SYSTEM DISCONJECTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o ". AUTO~T1C LEAl( DETECTOR o 12. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTIOtUGRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR . AUOI8LE AHO VISUAL AlARMS EMeRGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Ch«It.. tNt IppIy o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR ~AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF. AUDIBlE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 15. AUTO~T1C LINE LEAl< DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) o 18. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. OAJLYVISUAlCHECK :~. "." ',,: ....'~;.::~·~~,·ir DISPENSER CONTAlNt.ENT 0 ,. FU>AT ME<:HANISM THAT SHUTSOFF SHEAR VALVE 481 Q.:z. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR . AUDI8U! ANI) VISUAL AlAAMS ft.3. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR mD:I AUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER · AUDIBlE AND VISUAL AlAAMS DC. OWNI!RIOPERA TOR SIONA TURE ØIWdecI '-..... Ie InIe 8I1d 8CCUr8Ie 10 1M !MIl d lilY kncMIecIge. PERA T DATE I~STAlLED 1\ ~~ t... 474 I Penn.. Numb« (~/OeM ,. 0tIIy) 473 I PetrIIIt Aþprowd {~/oCtI1IM only} UPCF (7/99) 471 PetrIlli ExpIrIdon Dale (Few ØCII uU onlY) 4751 470 472 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRCS.S.wPD State of California State of Water Resources Control Board Division of Financial Assistance P.O. Box 944212 Sacramento. CA 94244-2120 For State Use Only (Instructions on reverse side) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBiliTY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM A. I am required to demonstrate Financial Responsibility in the Required amounts as specified in Section 2807, Chapter 18, Div. 3, Title 23, CCR: D D or I million dollars per OCCUJTence AND D D or 500,000 dollars per occurrence 1 million dollars annual aggregate 2 million dollars annual aggregate B. hereby cet1ifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Section 2807, (Name of Tank Owner or Operatol) Article 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial responsibility as required by Section 2807 are as follows: C. Mechanism T e Name and Address of Issuer Mechanism Number Coverage Amount Coverage Period Corrective Action Third Party Com Note: If you are using the State Fund as any part of your demonstration of financial responsibility, your execution and submission of this certification also certifies that you are in compliance with all conditions for participation in the Fund. D. Facility Name Facility Address t;""J,v Facility Name Facility Address Facility Name Facility Address E. Date Name and Title of Tank Owner or Operator Date Name of Witness or Notary CFR (Revised 04195) FILE: Orlglnal- Local Agency Copies - Fac:llltylSite(s) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - UST FACILITY TYPE OF ACTION (Check one item only) ~EW SITE PERMIT o 5, CHANGE OF INFORMATION (Specify change, local use only) o 6. TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE o 3. RENEWAL PERMIT o 4. AMENDED PERMIT BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) I. FACILITY I SITE INFORMATION 3 FACILITY 10 # Ct~h --, 401, FACILITY OWNER TYPE ¡§.1. CORPORATION o 2, INDIVIDUAL o 3. PARTNERSHIP 'f1. 1. GAS STATION o 2, DISTRIBUTOR TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS REMAINING AT SITE D 3. FARM D 5. COMMERCIAL D 4, PROCESSOR ~ 6. OTHER 403. Is facility on Indian Reservation or 'If owner of UST a public agency: name of supervisor of trustlands? division, section or office which operates the UST. (This is the contact person for the tank records,) 404, '~o 405. Dyes Page _ of _ o 7. PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE D 8, TANK REMOVED 400. D 4, LOCAL AGENCY/DISTRICT' o 5, COUNTY AGENCY· D 6. STATE AGENCY· . D 7, FEDERAL AGENCY' 402, 406. II. PROPERTY'OWNER INFORMATION· ,.. ., ~-. 5 -\-c ('t, ~, . l-N 408. 3J.· ì 3l(ß ~~ ~~ 409. CITY D 2. INDIVIDUAL o 3, PARTNERSHIP D 4. LOCAL AGENCY I DISTRICT o 5, COUNTY AGENCY o 1. CORPORATION III. TANK OWNER}NFÇ>RMATION TANK OWNER NAME D 6, STATE AGENCY o 7, FEDERAL AGENCY 413, 414, 416, 415, , ~ jJ~ ì3 C/<g CITY 417, 419, o 2. INDIVIDUAL o 3. PARTNERSHIP o 4. LOCAL AGENCY I DISTRICT o 5. COUNTY AGENCY '$ 1, CORPORATION IV., BOARD OF EQUALIZATION .UST STORAGE FEE ACCÔÙNT NUMBER . . .. . ~. . - . {";.. ,_. -. Call (916) 322-9669 if questions arise . ",".; -.~..J.' .::;,v: ..: "" . , -. .~.~, '" '¡¿'c' >; V. PETROLEUM UST'FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY,; ., ~- '{.,',. '~,.~, " o 4, SURETY BOND o 5, LETTER OF CREDIT o 6. EXEMPTION o 7. STATE FUND o 8. STATE FUND & CFO LETTER o 9, STATE FUND & CD D 6, STATE AGENCY D 7. FEDERAL AGENCY 420, 421, o 10. LOCAL GOVT MECHANISM D 99. OTHER: 422. VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Check one box to indicate which address shOuld be used for legal notifications and mailing. 0 1. FACILITY [ ...{" PROPERTY OWNER Legal notifications and mailings will be sent to the tank owner unless box 1 or 2 is checked. VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE 426, 424. o 3. TANK OWNER 423, I 1 I I 425. 4'Z1, STATE UST FACILITY NUMBER (For local use only) 429. 428. 1998 UPGRADE CERTIFICATE NUMBER (Forlacal use only) UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\swrcb-a.wpd · '", - ~ . .. CUSrrvl&NO. E5-lb915 ~ MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT DATE /-;;:;-0/ NEW ACCOUNT ADDRESS CHANGe CLOSE ACCT : FINANCE CHARGE ; OTHER ADJ i CUSTOMER NAME ,ð~~SfrF_ld Atfö. ~ 3£C¡s 0 C1¡veYtdo eel. s{-~ dOO STATE ;U {/ ZIP CODE 'ð 1 / f <¿(- S/tf5 S20{ ~'5-fryj-dQ I-e. 'Á/-wy MAILING ADDRESS CITY J-as VeJq ~. SITE ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT c:/. ç- ;;l. 4 - D- 53- lIb - R~~~\\ E0\~~ ~~~~)~:to~~~Îcd. APPROVED BY ~ ¡QCL--- t , - .? . /'i' - CUS~E&NO. E5 -lb9C;s ~\ MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT DATE Þj; :20-01 , NEW ACCOUNT; 1 ADDRESS CHANGE CLOSE ACCT ¡ : FINANCE CHARGE! , OTHER ADJ ! V , CUSTOMER NAME ß~ -er ~ºí f' (J <Aù~ 0 ~ ~ MAILING ADDRESS 30'-\S ...L0 O'1lJu0,ì:) eel 'SIc .:::2<:)'6 CITY k~ \)<:>3 <? '::> . STATE kN ZIP CODE'&1t t"i;·~t4< SITE ADDRESS S:::LO ~ S-\-C)C lJ.CL~ 12_ ~ v0 Y PARCEL NUMBER (IF APPUCABLE) ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT lq ~ R~~~~\~:~~\:~~\~,£~¿:; 1~1~5~:_s\ï; f· APPROVED BY r- ;7' e STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT4It ~ /' -' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P 0 BO;": 205ï BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-205ï TO: BAKERSFIELD DATE: 2/02/01 '1.0.: \..: ~/-~:_ \ ).,/'. ¿/,}'_/ .<",;;,." \"-.>;'v" 't:=n11 ~ r:.GA;:n". "I':II~,',.-.\"',',',.,'e--"...}l!-,e..'.... ii l:D.t:';G7, ,..."... ...'...,-. " ...,.,..., ,'. ~ S~OI ";b-:~~@tQ.l~ Q1fv~ .4 _ LP.ðIA":.'· J"&' 1M' ~... ~'!{.{.\i:;;E:· ~~ 'S".ð~ ~ ,~, ,"'" cu· r>TO....ER... NO··\~'~;~'··~~9i~{ ~~," ,c~\;~>©J ~US'Tii:O·'·"·\.,¡ER'::T·%~þE· ESI 20530 :) . .". . :_-_,,-%,'*'\~J;~~c7_:- i.:'~ ,:::~ _-''-:~>!:'''' \'''',<:1:\'~'''\ \io>, i:,}'~"'<,.,,':3"~.__ \.t >.~r~· ^ .,:\\-t-,,~,:;, . _ -~ ~-;..;;.-;:=-.~...;.~...;:=~t;:-~ff....~~~~~;::.T'h-;fþ;i:7j¡:~--...;.ð~7?F:3~.:..:;.--::..::.--------.:.....~ ~ - - 'j CHARGE DATE D~StRtp-r:IOt, i:~,;{;ii;.I;'::~.j;;:{¿:3is i REFhi\ll:Jt"¡B1;R DÙE'D~:tE TOTAL AMOUNT ------ -------- .10,~~~~~;~f~\t-.1~;~!~~~~t~~~~i:L,:i~ ;U.1~:~¿L{LU2L- i7----¡~~þ -------------- 1/01/01 BE:G-I;NNIN~ BALANCE~~) i'l 811. 50 1/31/01 Chi~;4ge ari¡Justmen\t",:~'~:~'-r:. tY/ ",., 116.00- H~!:';!"IA T 't::f~NDL ¡NQ)Fttr""<> , ,.",'A',~,~~"¥' ê:\\>:~i 1/31/01 Char:~!¡t ad j;.l§,tm,fmt .:\ \ ¡cr,:;, 3t02101 53. 00- HAZ:;M~.T ANNt}~lt'I NSPEC;r I ON A' /)(\\);7 ...../31_/0..... r- h ¡.,~':{ d ·"1"it' ....yt,\':t·\ ¥'> ..'. , ., " (..;''''', {~3' %;0'"::'/·0 1 'IJ..ar::i.e.,.ª,JtJs.me;t;1,,': /: ';"7 '\,,'> , '''., _.1. 'f',- r.A R-T:A'TE'·'-·,6UR"" r.Ii.IA····cQ· ·E':iJ·'\~i:\:'" >":'.;':)/;,.'1 ; ¡ /j ,! '." ..: -..: I", :::!___~__ '-~~:'''~,-_ _; '~.f! -_:~" '_:_ :-.',:>:~:,~x,:::T~_::--:'_:~':_:!<.?':~~,t,,::F«_,_-_--',t '\,'::___ ':?~,,__:':F:'. % ~<,(~/ 1/31/01 Charg e'ðCt:iö~t'ÌneTt't·,: .::.:'-':::::~','~>:\. .,) '';::1 \ 'J/3/02/01 <,' %: V""p''''¿ ~> .;" _" ,:,' f-. t]' <; :,,1:,7" '\"\ r'\ ~- ~ ._,' \,'~\"«ß" M-:~'-_þ~t ~ \));}/ UST STATE: r!:?o.~'9'1~~qf;.H ::::>J·,:;.:;.Yt¡ IMP;' TH I S FEE I S'A:,S"Fê'TE>SURC ; GE ¡ Ofj{$8. 00 FOR EACH '--"^" ',< .,/" _f __.<if __/ / /-~ J'" ,~~ ,./ -~' . f ;¡ f ~ ./:'''> þ;T UNDERGROUND 8TORé5i?E:'TÄNVl ,.,^~:'F -, ;"Ä,,i._}_,::,:::2'::i:::::',;,>:~,,,,,,,,,,, 1/31/01 Charge adjustment UNDERGROUND TANK ANNUAL HM005 HM01? 88001 10.00- 8S002 24.00- UTOOl 3/02/01 225.00- CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE. . . -=-":~ ~~-:;;.:::~--~~~:--::::--;:.:..::...~~~- ~~- ---=::;::-",=~~~~cQ"" ~~.....~---~ .:...-=-~~_. --~-~:-:-----=-- -=----.: ~----.- ---- .¿::;.........:.~-=-.~--:-.--=_._-~-- -;:...-~~ I~' e e STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT .--¡' / ¥ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD POBOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 TO: BAKERSFIELD 3645 i..J LAS VEGAS, DATE: 2/02/01 C USTor-1ER NO: ESt 20530 CHARGE DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ------ -------- -------------- FOR QUESTIONS OR CHANGES TO YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL THE NUMBER AT THE TOP OF THIS STATEMENT. -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER 90 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 383. 50 :;:;;...-~;--~~~;=...",.~..:::.....~-~~-=--.....-~-'---~~~~--~ -:--:---=:::--~--'- __.,;;.o.~;-_~:- -~-=~-~ -.....~. ~-"~~-.---~~---~~~-----i DUE DATE: 3/05/01 ...._ __ ~_ ..,r.' 1"\ - ,f' e CENì~:~~ 4 :;D BµsPhone: ! " , M~p : 123 IBY: . ~ id: 03B e BAKERSFIELD AUTO SPA/LUBE SiteID: 215-000-001843 Manager : ART RUBIO Location: 5201 STOCKDALE HWY City BAKERSFIELD (805) 834-9115 CommHaz : Low FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 11 EPA Numb: SIC Code:5541 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contacþ / Title ART RUBIO / MANAGER pÄ&û,...\A, 'r;~~~" / LUBE MANAGER Business Phone: (805) 834-9115x Business Phone: (805) 834-9115x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 836-3936x 24-Hour Phone : , (805) i;56>1~::- 6'f(i, ~ Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone :'1q - X ~8S- O~~""L Hazmat Hazards: Fire DelHlth Contact : ART RUBIO Phone: (805) 834-9115x MailAddr: 5201 STOCKDALE HWY State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93309 Owner JOHN PIERCE Phone: C"l6Z~' ~~U~::,ß~·$..,!, Address : U'S;~;i.;\4iC"''Q.<iÄ(l C, = ~~0,1 H: 'b State: NV ., City : LAS VEGAS Zip : 89118 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Pre parer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certifld: RSs: No Emergency Directives: , One Unified List ì All Materials at Site ì f= Hazmat Inventory p== As Designated Order Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards DailyMax MCP WASTE OIL GASOLINE GASOLINE GASOLINE F DH L L L L 60 10000 10000 10000 GAL GAL GAL GAL Low Mod Mod Mod !, ,,\ð~ «?\€.'Z..cr; D~ If'df}rnby oortify ~~~t'! V1I~V~ fív~ @r¡¡W¡t 00Ii'I0) r~ù®woo Rh® &!~~OO rn~Moo$ mB1teri~!$ M¢)1nage- m~fñ~ ~~a1fò ~©r~\ceðs~,...L()C?&\1 !Ja~~OO ihat. ¡~ ~!Ortg wi~h (~nS6ll) any OOi"FsdiOJU'1l$ ©Q)(l'üs~i~u~s a c()mpletê land OOBV~ m~r¡- agam~n1 ~ll§Jn ~oU' my ~m~. " a .t& I , -1- 10/29/1998 ~ ~----- - - -~- - [ -- -~~--,~-,-! l___~-- ~~- - ~ - - ---. - --- - -- e 'i '. I I, - ~ " ------- .¡. i e e F BAKERSFIELD AUTO SPA/LUBE CENTER f= Inventory Item 0001 F= COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WASTE OIL SiteID: 215-000-001843 ~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ì Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit IN PIT ON S WALL Map: Grid: CAS # 221 STATE - TYPE Liquid Waste PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container 663.00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 60.00 GAL Daily Average 40.00 GAL %-Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Waste Oil, Petroleum Based No 0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low HAZARD ASSESSMENTS f= Inventory Item 0002 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME GASOLINE REGULAR UNLEADED Location within this Facility Unit UST Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ì Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: CAS # 8006619 [ ~TA~E I TYPE ~ P~ESSURE --r TEM~ERATURE -, CONTAINER TYPE = LlqUld __pure ~mblent ---1 Amblent ~ UNDER GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 10000.00 GAL 10000.00 GAL 10000.00 GAL %-Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Gasoline No 8006619 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / / / Mod HAZARD ASSESSMENTS -2- 10/29/1998 t' .. e e F BAKERSFIELD AUTO SPA/LUBE CENTER p= Inventory Item 0003 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME GASOLINE SPECIAL UNLEADED Location within this Facility Unit UST, SiteID: 215-000-001843 ì Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ì Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: CAS # 8006619 [ ~TA~E I TYPE ~ P~ESSURE ---r TEM~ERATURE I ==LlqUld ___pure ~mblent ---1 Amblent ~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum 10000.00 GAL 10000.00 GAL CONTAINER TYPE UNDER GROUND TANK Daily Average 10000.00 GAL %Wt. I 100.00 Gasoline HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~ CAS#a006619 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / / / Mod HAZARD ASSESSMENTS p= Inventory Item 0004 = COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME GASOLINE SUPER UNLEADED Location within this Facility Unit UST Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ì Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: CAS # 8006619 [ ~TA~E I TYPE ~ P~ESSURE ---r TEM~ERATURE I CONTAINER TYPE ==Llquld ___pure ~mblent ---1 Amblent ~ UNDER GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 10000.00 GAL 10000.00 GAL 10000.00 GAL %Wt. I 100.00 Gasoline HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS CAS#a006619 ~ TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / / / Mod HAZARD ASSESSMENTS -3- 10/29/1998 .. -, e e f BAKERSFIELD AUTO SPA/LUBE CENTER I p= Notif./Evacuation/Medical ~ Agency Notification SiteID: 215-000-001843 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì I I I I Employee Notif./Evacuation [ I I Public Notif./Evacuation Emergency Medical Plan -4- 10/29/1998 · -. e e I F BAKERSFIELD AUTO SPA/LUBE CENTER I p= Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Release Prevention SiteID: 215-000-001843 '1 Fast Format '1 Overall Site ì 02/02/1998 911, OES, DAILY CHECK OF COMPONENTS. Release Containment 02/02/1998 USE OF ABSORBALL TO MINIMIZE RELEASE. Clean Up 02/02/1998 ABSORBALL USED AS AN ABSORBANT, PROPER DISPOSAL OF WASTE PRODUCT. Other Resource Activation -5- 10/29/1998 ¡ .. e e F BAKERSFIELD AUTO SPA/LUBE CENTER I p= Site Emergency Factors r== Special Hazards Utility Shut-Offs SiteID: 215-000-001843 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì I 02/02/1998 A) GAS - ROOM 9 B) ELECTRICAL - ROOM 9 C) WATER - D) SPECIAL - E) LOCK BOX - Fire Protec./Avail. Water 02/02/1998 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - ????????? FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, SPRINKLER SYSTEM NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT -?????????? .N.1'-'''-"( boo 12- I ~ ç e.c t-\ "( t:) F- ß þ.. t-\ \L Building Occupancy Level -6- 10/29/1998 I :' '" ~'. e e F BAKERSFIELD AUTO SPA/LUBE CENTER I F Training Employee Training SiteID: 215-000-001843 l Fast Format l Overall Site l 02/02/1998 WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY 35 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE DO HAVE MSDS SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: CONDUCT MONTHLY SAFETY MEETINGS AND WILL LOG ALL EMPLOYEES ONTO LOG BOOK. Page 2 r I I Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -7- 10/29/1998 ì.. . ,I " ~ - . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 W~E~~~~~' BY-:--::::-:::::::-::::~ j "'Þ-."",.. -.-.",_~~ ¡ INSTRUCTIONS: N~Tf:' (/:;,qQS 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPEIPRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a 'Yhole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA , BUSINESS NAME: i?-P.l.Œfl....C) ~ ,eJ. cP Av-k ~L( CSfðA LOCATION: 5ò1 0 I ~{,,K'òAl C MAILING ADDRESS: Sf¥oI\.'E.. CITY: 'BA~Ð2.s£,è-fd , ~ Abc cJ£ (:jcJS) ZIP~C¡PHONE: ~3c¡-q/{S STATE: (p. DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: SIC CODE: PRIMARY ACTMTY: CAI2.. itJ.ASH OWNER: lL.L. 3"'bh-v 'R~Le I\I\~ MAILING ADDRESS: "3Co L(~ tù. D10ÐJ1)() 4- ~O 4s Vé51A5( ~ V ?r1,II~ SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT 1. Äru 12.ùRT<) 2.---&b "As.p, .) LuA ( TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 03:°5) (¿'oS) f.t{ R0tIJAqdì %3 t( - q I \5 <"l. '?Þ - 39.3 (:, LvBf ~ ~4-qIlS(f{o~/-(~'¡77 1 e . ,~ ~.,~-. HAZARDOUSMATE~SMANAGEMENTPLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 35 APOOK MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: ~CS BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: CcNcuc.Á- f\^o~.)U',kl ~k+1 (Y\~.:£-+I/~S r:vvO ù-);¡ I LD1 ALL "®~k'1 ë-e s cvk> u'4 'Ecct SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REOUEST I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF-CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. /- WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIME EXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION I, Arz:ïiX?f', 'í2v@'\.CO CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT TIllS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIY. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. . C~-:f2~ SIGNATURE f-!{ANAq&L TITLE t.2~ OC[-Q'1 DATE 2 '\......, ." ..f""' e e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: 3 .." - ~~ -- - e ~\ :,......; ..!o.~ -, J.... HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION. PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: bh..¡~ t¡ .ç -f P"ú-I(>!:J I Nt I ( q II , l1 c .s. JCI(('f cJe.cIc. ~~ êCl\\fðt\(.\.J;, B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: lJ~t. Ð-f Jt~S4'fCod.I( -{.o t\{f'ltl-\-!Iù" rJCJl.5<"" C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: AtlSd4 ~d,(t u~d {JS a Í'\ A¡'5t¡-Þ~t-4 I -p(f¡tþt'( d t,ftPsJ fJ r Wd!:o\c. ptC!1dúe-t SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY) ROP ANE: {?ç,. ,...{Ç' ~ (' C. T"ot!R-\ C( f.G J-6 1...<- .()((\ ~t Ie- {¡J¡á1fClIA. $- (f WATER: SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES/NO IF YES, LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTIONIW ATER AVAILABILITY A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: NO B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): 4 FROM : . PHONE NO. S--rcewkdl.' Jun. 24 1997 10:57AM P2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (80S) 326-3979 HAZARDOUSMATEmALS~ENTORY FACILITY DESCRIPTION CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] BUSINESS NAME SAL'a"A!.s.4:""/Æ/-h ~¿/r<, J;;DA FACILITY NAME ~ SITE ADDRESS få:£&J/ ;S~_?!:>~Jt: h?c~.i '«/ CITY ':9Øf!1;"P$,t;/SLÒ STATE C!.4 zœ PJ~e??, NATURE OF BUSINESS ~ ~~.s# SIC CODE %'2./ DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER OWNER/OPERATOR ~.ce~~#/À ~ 1d4.r# PHONE ~d¢- 9//6' ¿.L3 ' .' MATI...ING ADDRESS ~/ .s ~~,At" . .;ekÇß~1 J~ CITY~re-.IS'/~ . STATE a.. ZIP 9./!J !50~ . EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME ~~ ~B;o BUSINESS PHONE .r.ß ~- ?//,$" NAME ~ A..$ÞLAI¿UA¿..L... BUSINESS PHONE Sa¥-- 9//6 TITLE ~¿¡:¡ 24 HOUR PHONE .:f'.3~ - S9'.:r~ TTILE H~¿ . . 24 HOUR. PHONE ..134"- í$ / 77 1 ·?~ ~" ......-. e . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUSMATEmALSUWENTORY FACILITY DESCRIPTION !If\: )é;)~06ß CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] BUSINESS NAME ~ J(é1è.:S~/El'J;J A~ ¥/J t-V3~ ¿míG12 FACILITY NAME fA;(ff~.d/I!!ll) .4 ¡Jt(J & ¡lJJJ. .wìl>.~~/~~ ¡J SITE ADDRESS ,-~MJ S-1Ód¿d/JLj(' flwy CITY -:ßA/eÆshElJJ STATEL:4 ZIP ¡':ßCl'1 SIC CODE /.ttdt.~ 9Io£) - ~ DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER NATURE OF BUSINESS M~ OWNERlOPERATOR_bPû£' ¡),eJt>Ce.. LLC. PHONE (~~J) 430-SCfJ:J.. MAILING ADDRESS PD. fdtJx:.. ("3c;l L{ CITY Lûs ALA!Y\ "ToS STATE M ZIP Q07,;).0 EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME A fLT 12Jß:fO BUSINESS PHONE C~{l~) ß'3 4 - q 115 NAME ~lJ ÄSptN LUAL BUSINESS PHONE C.!Æ0ç-) C?"3L/-9' \S- TITLE M "'flJÞ-C( æ 24 HOUR PHONE (Ç(oiJ <?3 b- 373'" TITLE L u ß~ fvt ¡><pJ ActD'L. 24HOURPHONE (~"3š5- ~/77 1 ~RDOUS MATERIALS INVENT& 0:- ,-/~..,: ¡r-< Page_of_ Business Name Address CBEN.ßCALDESC~ON 1) INVENfORY STATIJS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret[ ] Trade Secret [ ) 2) Common Name: 3) OOT # (optional) Chemical Name: ARM [ ] CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEAL TII Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release ofPressw-e [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code ftom DHS Fonn 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ Liquid [ Gas [ ] Pure [ Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c ) Temperature 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT F ACll..ITY Maximwn Daily Amount Average Daily Amount Annual Amount Largest Size Container # Days on Site UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs [ ] Gal [ ] ft3 [ Curies [ ] Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A. M, J, J, A. S, 0, N, D 9)~: Li~ the three most hazardous I) chemical components or 2) any ARM components 3) COMPONENT CAS# %Wf ARM [ ] [ ] [ ] 10)LOCATION I) INVENfORY STATIJS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check ifchemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) OOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEAL TII Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ 1 Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code ûom DHS Forni 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE' Solid [ Liquid [ Gas [ ] Pure [ Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c ) Temperature 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT F ACll..ITY Maximwn Daily Amount Average Daily Amount Annual Amount Large~ Size Container # Days on Site UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs [ ] Gal [ ] ft3 [ Curies [ ] Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A. M, J, J, A. S, 0, N, D , -I 9)~: Li~ the three mo~ hazardous I) chemical components or 2) any ARM components 3) COMPONENT CAS# %Wf ARM [ ] [ ] [ ] lO)LOCATION .. I certify under peßaIty oflaw, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the infonnation on this and all attached documents. I believe the submitted infonnation is true, accurate and complete. PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signatw'e Date .AARDOUS MA TERIALS INVENT~ VdJT#;l¡J,4íh~ Address )~O/ ~d~L.é-ít;1/JV ,i. (/l£ &N1t:rJl / CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION ! , ~',' I-~..../ ........ .,~ i":..... :f p~ / Business Name / /' I) INVE~OR Y STATUS: New [ Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ 2) Common Name: WAS\~ C', \ Chemical Name: -1V\: K ç:~ ~~~\f()( ~\..\.V'- j Page_of_ Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret [ ] 3) DOT # (optional) AHM[ ] CAS# 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEAL TII Á Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] hnmediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) vj 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION ~l (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid lXJ Gas [ ] Pure [ , ' 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximwn Daily Amount 6 a l' ../ Average Daily Amount ~t!) J' ~ Annual Amount Largest Size Container b~..J ,-;/ # Days on Site ? UNITS OF MEA§mŒ Lbs [ ] Gal f)oÌj ft3 [ ] Curies [ ] Circle Which Months: 9)~: Li& the three most hazardous chemical components or any AHM components COMPONENT 1) //$ecl /ffoTðr ¿J,'L 2) 3) lO)LOCATION L.C>tA-\~ð \ ~ .p~\ oN 'Sòu... \~ 1) INVENfORY STATUS: New [~ditiOn [ ] Revision [ ]Deletion [ w.q. \ \, USE CODE «10 Mixture [ ] Waste 1><1 Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: 02- b) Pressure: J c) Temperature Y 8- J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, 0, N, D CAS# % Wf ARM [ ] [ ] [ ] 2) Common Name: Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret [ ] 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: 4) Physical & Health Hazard Categories AHM[ ] CAS# PHYSICAL HEALTII Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] hnmediate Health (Acut,e) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ Liquid [ Gas [ ] Pure [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximwn Daily Amount Average Daily Amount Annual Amount Largest Size Container # Days on Site UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs[ ] Gal [ ]ft3[ Curies [ ] Circle Which Months: 9)~: List the three most hazardous 1 ) chemical components or 2) any ARM components 3) COMPONENT lO)LOCATION USE CODE Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c ) Temperature All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, 0, N, D CAS# ARM [ ] [ ] [ ] %Wf I certify WIder penalty oflaw, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information on this and all attached docwnents. I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Date Signature ;:;:7'" .ARDOUS MATERIÀLS INVENT& Business Name Address CHENUCALDESC~ON Page_of_ 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret[ ] 2) Common Name: 3) OOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ) CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEAL rn Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code ftom DHS Form 8022) 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ Liquid [ Gas [ ] Pure [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACll..ITY Maximum Daily Amount Average Daily Amount Annual Amount Largest Size Container # Days on Site UNITS OF ,MEASURE Lbs[ ] Gal [ ]ft3[ Curies [ ] Circle Which Months: 9)~: Lim the three mom hazardous I) chemical components or 2) any ARM components 3) COMPONENT CAS# %Wf ARM [ J [ J [ ] USE CODE Mixture [ J Waste [ J Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c ) Temperature All Year, I, F, M, A, M, I, I, A, S, 0, N, D 10)LOCATION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret [ J 2) Common Name: 3) OOT # (optional) Chemical Name: ARM [ J CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL, HEAL rn Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSmCATION (3-digit code 1i"om DHS Form 8022) 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ Liquid [ Gas [ ] Pure [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximum Daily Amount Average Daily Amount Annual Amount Largest Size Container # Days on Site UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs [ J Gal [ J ft3 [ Curies [ ] Circle Which Months: 9)~: List the three mom hazardous I) chemical components or 2) any ARM components 3) COMPONENT lO)LOCATION USE CODE Mixture [ J Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b)' Pressure: c) Temperature All Year, I, F, M, A, M, I, I, A, S, 0, N, D CAS# %Wf ARM [ ] [ ] [ ] I certifY under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information on this and all attached documents. I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signatw'e Date s. '*, \ ,::... ~~/" Business Name &ARDOUS MATERIALS INVEN&Y ^ ." I \ Page 3- of-ª- &~ ç\eH l..'UfO SPA Address 5(){) / $4Q:J:::~ rw<-¡ . CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION I) 1NVENf0RY STATUS: New ['1 Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret[ ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Conunon Name: ~þ..bn C'A ~ Chemical Name: 3) OOT # (optional) ARM [ ] CAS# 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Hazard Categories Fire [vf Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION a9-} (3-digit code from DHS Fonn 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ J Liquid [vf Gas ( J , Pure [ J 'Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximwn Daily Amount :;'D I COO Average Daily Amount Annual Amount Largest Size Container 10 DOO - # Days on Site IOn °lot} UNITS OF MEA§URE Lbs [ J Gal [ V1 ft3 [ J . Curies [ J 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c) Temperature Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M. A., M. J, J, A., S, 0, N, D 9)~: Li~ the three mo~ hazardous chemical components or any ARM components 1) 2) 3) COMPONENT ~ i2eqùLAfft> U^-J 1) E"A5 CAS# %Wf ARM [ ] [ ] [ ] 10)LOCATION 1) INVENTORY STATIlS: New [ J Addition [ J Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) OOT # (optional) Chemical Name: ARM [ ] CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Fonn 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE· Solid [ Liquid [ Gas [ ] Pure [ Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c) T emperatlu'e 7) AMOUNT AND TIME A T FACILITY Maximwn Daily Amount Average Daily Amount Annual AmOWlt Large~ Size Container # Days on Site UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs [ ] Gal [ ] ft3 [ Curies [ J Circle Which Months: AU Year, J, F, M. A., M, J, J, A., S, 0, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List the three mo~ hazardous 1 ) chemical components or 2) any ARM components 3) COMPONENT CAS# %Wf ARM [ ] [ ] [ ] J O)LOCA TION I certify Wlder penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the infonnation on this and all attached documents. I believe the submitted infonnation is true, accurate and complete. (ì ¡ J AruJ,\ù¡¿ R.Ùß"1b N\~ Lh~ 2Jr- l;z- /o~97 PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signatlu'e Date 6ARDOUS MATERIALS INVEN..ay Business Name ~stìçl cO Avíð sPA Address gO I '5-kcJ~ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [v1 Addiûon [ J Revision [ J Deleûon [ J Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ J Trade Secret [ J 2) Common Name: bÞ.6DI-;AJE 3) DOT # (opÛonal) ,.-r--(i, .~~?: .... ~~ i-" I ( Page2of~ TWLJ I Chemical Name: ARM [ J CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Hazard Categories Fire [ v(Reacûve [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ J Immediate Health (Acute) [ J Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION ;k). , (3-digit code from DHS Fonn 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [0 Gas [ J Pure [ Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximwn Daily Amount ?,o~ (900 Average Daily Amount Annual Amount Largest Size Container I ~ L9~- # Days on Site l ÐcD 0 UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs [ J Gal[vf ft3 [ J Curies [ J 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c) Temperature Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A. M, J, J, A. S, 0, N, D 9)~: List the three most hazardous chemical components or any ARM components COMPONENT 1) SPeLlÀ( l.JN L~ 2) 3) CAS# %Wf AHM [ ] [ J [ ] 10)LOCATION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addiûon [ J Revision [ J Deleûon [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (opûonal) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEAL m Hazard Categories Fire [ J Reacûve [ J Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ Liquid [ Gas [ ] Pure [ Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c ) Temperature 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACll.ITY Maximwn Daily Amount Average Daily Amount Annual Amount Largest Size Container # Days on Site UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs [ ] Gal [ ] ft3 [ Curies [ ] Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A. M, J, J, A, S, 0, N, D 9)~: List the three most hazardous 1 ) chemical components or 2) any ARM components 3) COMPONENT CAS# %Wf ARM [ ] [ ] [ ] lO)LOCATION I certify under penalty oflaw, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the infonnaûon on this and all attached documents. I believe the submitted infonnaûon is true, accurate and complete. () 'j 10 Å W1Î\ùlL Rù{Z=)IO 1ì~AI0¡;(]ðL ~ 1;¿-1()-q7 PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Represen~ Signature Date ,. .......,..- .....'..':,";..,.."...,.. ~er ,~ .' '. 'i.~,t¡¡'¡¡~',,'}..¡¿II;t~~{;~;¡~~I.~:;;'r~~p~~~!,j¡'·...5~~~{~~t;¡,' " . , . ,.:a ' '.,"', "~.' ..", ,.::::;;:a<: ..,ia.:::,·· :." ", ,~:: .<",}:;.,.:\Zi.~'.":.,: ',',"^"~:::' ..'.:. .,<;<"C. ,'.'" .... .-:"<'~.. -:.. . . r, .;: Hazardo.us MaterialslHazardous' W aste Unified Permit CONDITIONS..'O,F ~PERMIT, ON REVERSE SIDE ~'- ,-. -,' .... . ..... .. .,: '. - .~~ " ~. '.' , '. .- ¡ ,', . . This' pennit Is issued for the following: It! Hazardous Materials ~Ian o Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials o Risk Management Program' , . o Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment , ,'.") .: ,-~,\.~, . . , Permit 10 #:: 015-000-001843 BAKERSFIELD AUTO SPA. ' LOCATION: 5201STOCKOALE HWY Issued by: ...~ .:~ ",..- ,'....'. ,¡.. . f" ,. . ; -:'~\:" :". . ~\~. -~ -' ',,-, ;';~ :: .: ..; . ":. ' . .......,. !..' ,< ' '.f, -.-. ',:'.. ,. '. . . '.. p' .' ~~ ,I I Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES' 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: Issue Date 'June 3JJ, 2003 . ')£ e ,,'.. . ('~: hz:c SrrE DIAGRAM.F'1~ 1. FACILITY DIAGRAM r kª~~nessName;~~~~~RA~~~ ~ SAq - ,.' {_.j..,;, ;~~H~ess Address~rS"ólO (.? ~Ak.., J..hdLL_~k12~:" ~ ,ð4 4' ~1?Ð9' ,;- ".,~.. , . 1 :j ~~~ 1.. :J . . lJ41ÎItI(J,.l A.ø,n '" Ii Ii iSvl'¡J~'I ~ ~'-. ~ , ~ ß "'ð 6' '''''-.. ,I ¡ ¡ ~tlJl.'1t 7 'I ·11 lðf f'I-oy/;rf-o . ~OOAl 8 ,: II &,., ~ ~- c¡ .. ¡ ¡ l! ¡(,.,- (134/0 10 " , II fIa,r 1MA1~ II I. I: :; .", nrtA/ C.. N.AJ~ ~ . ,.,,~ÞK.t;.. '~þ~~ \ ': O~,c.. ~uo f4 i'~~?~..l" (}FIi'~r.; ¡o.;~ ..¡~ , l ",' ./,...... ø , . @, , f ~ n I t (fJ ~. ; .' ¡ ';V',',-',..." .. "'<"-'-'.' , . ; , , " ~ ~ ,t;) @ ,. .' ~z ® . .... ..... . '.~' . ~ ~ ¡ J j ~. I 000 ,.. ..-.. ._.~ .. - ,_*-. CAL/¡::O¡(/J/A AYE: 04) S1ÍtVE RD 0 Î' / NOV-19-03 WED 1_51 FROM B. S. S. R. &. WNC. P. 01 Rosedale Hwy # ~ ' éillè.erid!E!ld, Call(Qmf& .9,~3~ PhoOò': 661588'Z1T7,, " Fax:èe1 588 21~ . ~ ~ '.' " ..... ," : : :. . . H " , . BSSR,lnc . ," ,,' . 'r',' . . '.' ~ .'.:. . ' . ,'.. ~.:..." :', .. " '" '", : I <:.!":~ T ,1 ..; ';,..,. ;' . .~. H :.:,,;' ,,'; . .', ',": . , . . ... ~ . ," . " '. . " , ' FaX:, ; .::- ' I' JJ"I·J/~.(doI. ":{"~' From: ..:f"'vv c;.. T' 1 :' :": :', :: . ,...;.:;.......~:..:.',. ,,' "'; Dot.: I ( - f_fi =-9-~,:~.~:':;:~(\ ;:>: ::, '" ¡ .,";"'~ :, . N.: ;',', ~.'.~-~ '/ : 'i:" .;,: ,:; ,.:' hg.S: ; " ' :.,r: ::-" ' j ~ ~-.:~,.~:-~~~ .... A ~ ~ ¡.\. Ç()j SI.1<-lJ.IlJ:c. ';':i " '>k' i ' , ) [J "'-"'* [J"" __ [J PI_ ~ [J Pt_ RoopIvj\ci-¡'"t.'~ .; ", "¡.~. ...' ", ':" .: ~: ".:. '. \ . . . I , :i: ,:~". ~.:. . .:~. . " ' : : ,:: }:fi·,'ax .., ..:. :' ¡: ;~.., > .... ..... . .' . sI~ UJ~ "3 ?,:rS- 051 , . ":. ~: .' '\'. " ': ~ 1! . To: ., ,.J ".It /l,- +\\ v 0 .-; "~~.:.:,:¡"\' '''.:~'':'.''.{'' :', ;:, ",: 'J :. ·~.::?':1, :'. ..:\ ,~', ';::', "\ ~ -- :;:"::::1..',; ',':'.., fõ t:'" diM <.y ON OJ.f'- ~ CW vJ;~4·A~: ~ '.. , . ' {Jæ /)0 (-JA/)e I\N A.~JM¿,J {þd-~ AI.A:IÞ :"ir4"'~ ~G/<.I<ri.~ tI ~ ~ Do +k;.. 5~ ~9: ;f? ¢(A.{.;,p ~IÚ. ~I'< -rer.{.¡,¡'w 5/r.v..+ MÛ:Aiß . 'k De<-]1-) '1.4,3. -r#;A.f dNd o.ki~. aJ ot.f'- A13/N, -(¡, cdIR<.l ~ f'J~:'~~, f>l'l{IWJ I=itÆM /\do ~fA' " , , ;; I '" . , I' ::,' \¡. . ,>;1:'; ~ ;. :!:: : , , . , . . , . "t· , C\ L\-~t41. ',' ~ ,',... , . " .. , " ,:',: I, ". ,',: í ': ; .; :.::" , .:': ". .:. . . .' " .'. . ¡ :" : ~'.:~ ~', ..¡....\ ',: ,"" I' ,..' . '. . :'. ". ' ': ;.... " .¡. '.:..... :' i:_>'" ..' .~ ¡ ; FROM - PHONE NO. : - Jun. 24 1997 10:57AM P3 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY page L of 3- Bt1lf~~¡t:'"~ ¡tt;1V7"eJ .s>AAddress Þ;u:J/ .;5~rÞA¿jfF H~~7' CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STArns: New [...(Addition [ ] Revision [ J De.letion ( ] Check ifchemicaJ is 8 NON Trade Sec:æt [ )Trade Secret [ J Business Name 2)ConunonName: ~"J!O!!!JL./A./. Chemical Name: 3) OOT # (optional) ARM [ ] CAS' 4) Ph~ical &; Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Haz&d Categories Fire [ y)'~tìve [ 1 Sudden Rele&$e ofPressuœ [ 1 Immediate Health (Acute) [ J DeJaysl Health (ChroQìc) ( s) WASTE CLASSIFICATION "'2121/ (3-digitcode f:omDHS Form 8022) 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid { ~ Gas [ 1 Pure ( 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY., ..'. Maximum Daily ADÌount ~ Av~cDaily AmOunt. AM~ AInount Largest Size Container ~- # Days on Site tþ , UNITS OF MEA UR£ Lbs{ ] Gal [V] ft3 [ ] Curies ( J Cìn;le Which Months: 9)~: LiR the three most hazardous chemìc.al cOmpÕÍ1mts or any AHM components COMPONENT I) "'~LJ'LAAZ. ¿..rA/'~.A71JA2> 2) ~;Þ~<4~ UA/'¿~-7'Io~ 3) .,S'......J~ L/;~' --A~.'2> 10)LOCATION USE CODE Mìxturc:.[ J Waste ( 1 Radioactive [ 8) sTORAGE CODES a) Conœwer: b) Pressure: c) Temperature All Year, J. F, M, A, M, I, J, A, S. 0, N, D CAS# ~.. tS;;tt¡þ.$ ~..s AHM [ J [ J r ] %Wf I) INVENTORY STArnS; New ( J Addition ( ] Revision ( J Deletion [ J Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret ( J Trade Secret [ J 2) Common Name: 3) DOT {I (optional) Chemical Name; AHM { ] CAS fI 4) Physital & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Hazard Categories Fire [ J Reactive [ J Sudden Release ofPn:ssure [ J Immediate Health (Aoote)[ J Delayed Health (Chnmic)[ S) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-4igit code tram DHS Form 8022) 6) PHYSICAL STATE Gas [ ] Pure [ Solid [ Liquid ( 7) AMOUNT AND 11ME AT FACILITY Maximum Daíly Amount Average Daily Amount Amma\ Ámoon't Largest Size Container # Days on Site UNrrS OF MEASURE Lbs[ ]Ga1[ ]ft3[ Curies [ J CiIcle Which Months: 9)~: Lì~ the three most lumirdous 1 ) chemical components or 2) any AHM components 3) COMPONENT IO)LOCA TION USE CODE Mixture [ ] waste [ J Radioactive ( 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pre$sure: c) TeiDperature All Year, J,F.M,A,M. I, J,A, S,O,N,D CAS# ARM { 1 [ ] [ J %WT I certify Wlder pc:rudty oflaw, that I have pc:rsoDally eItBIIlÍJIc:d and am familiar with.... 7;1l "'" 01'......... ___ I boli~Ã;rµ;QêJp;;...~:u~Œ .. ~ /ê)-/O-77 PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Date I. . . Mobil [""'~"=- Ç.¡' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA BULLETIN 25015-00 PAGE 1 OF 14 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT NAME: MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED SUPPLIER: MOBIL OIL CORP. PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGY DEPT. 3225 GALLOWS RD. FAIRFAX, VA 22037 24 - Hour Emergency (call collect): Product and MSDS Information: CHEMTREC: 609-737-4411 800-662-4525 800-424-9300 APPROVAL DATE: 10/04/95 703-849-3265 202-483-7616 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------'---------- INGREDIENTS CONSIDERED HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH: Substance Name Wti. -------------- GASOLINE (8006-61-9) 100 COMPONENT(S) OF PRODUCT INGREDIENTS INCLUDE: METHYL T-BUTYL ETHER 15 (1634-04-4) ETHANOL (64-17-5) 11 XYLENE (1330-20-7) 10 ISOPENTANE (78-78-4) 9 TOLUENE (108-88-3) 5 PSEUDOCUMENE (95-63-6) 5 BUTANE (106-97-8) 4 2-METHYLPENTANE (107-83-5) 4 PENTANE (109-66-0) 4 TRIMETHYL BENZENE (25551-13-7) 3 3-METHYLPENTANE (96-14-0) 2 BENZENE (71-43-2) 2 2.3-DIMETHYLBUTANE (79-29-8) 2 (Section continued next page) . . . Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 2 OF 14 N-HEXANE (110-54-3) 2 ETHYL BENZENE (100-41-4) 2 3- METHYLHEXANE (589-34-4) 2 2- METHYLHEXANE (591-76-4) 1 METHYLCYCLOHEXANE (108-87-2) 1 NOTE: THIS MSDB COVERS REFORMULATED GASOLINE. The concentration of the components shown above may vary substantially. Because of volatility considerations, gasoline vapor may have concentrations of components very different from those of liquid gasoline. The major components of gasoline vapor are: butane, isobutane, pentane and isopentane. Oxygenates such as MTBE or ethanol mayor may not be present depending on regional environmental requirements. The reportable component percentages, shown in the Regulatory Information section, are based on API's evaluation of a typical gasoline mixture. See Section 16 for a generic product description. See Section 8 for exposure limits (if applicable). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- US OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD: Product assessed in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 and determined to be hazardous. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: Eye irritation, respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness. Skin irritation. Studies (sponsored by API) conducted in the U.S. examining the mortality experience (causes of death) of distribution workers with long-term exposure to gasoline have not found any gasoline-related health effects. Case reports of chronic gasoline abuse (such as gasoline sniffing) and chronic misuse of gasoline as a solvent or as a cleaning agent have reported a range of neurological effects (nervous system effects), sudden deaths from cardiac arrest (heart attacks), hematologic changes (blood effects) and leukemia. These effects are not expected to occur at exposure levels encountered in the distribution and use of gasoline as a motor fuel. EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA: Yellow to Orange Liquid. Extremely flammable. Vapor accumulation could flash and/or explode if in contact with open flame. DOT ERG No. - 27 Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 3 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 4. FIRST AID MEASURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EYE CONTACT: Flush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, call a phys ician. SKIN CONTACT: Wash contact areas with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. INHALATION: Remove from further exposure. If respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, or unconsciousness occurs, seek immediate medical assistance and call a physician. If breathing has stopped, use mouth to mouth resuscitation. INGESTION: Not expected to be a problem. However, if greater than 1/2 liter(pint) ingested, immediately give 1 to 2 glasses of water and call a physician, hospital emergency room or poison control center for assistance. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. NOTE TO PHYSICIANS: Material if ingested may be aspirated into the lungs and can cause chemical pneumonitis. Treat appropriately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon Dioxide, Foam, Dry Chemical, Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Evacuate area. For large spills, fire fighting foam is the preferred agent and should be applied in sufficient quantities to blanket the gasoline surface. Water spray may be used to flush spill away from exposures, but good judgement should be practiced to prevent spreading of the gasoline into sewers, streams or drinking water supplies. If a leak or spill has not ignited, apply a foam blanket to suppress the release of vapors. If foam is not available, a water spray curtain can be used to disperse vapors and to protect personnel attempting to stop the leak. SPECIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: For fires in enclosed areas, fire fighters must use self-contained breathing apparatus. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Extremely flammable. Vapor accumulation could flash and/or explode if in contact with open flame. Flash Point C(F): -40(-40) (ASTM D-56). Flammable limits - LEL: 1.4%, UEL: 7.6%. NFPA HAZARD ID: Health: 1, Flammability: 3, Reactivity: 0 HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Report spills as required to appropriate authorities. U. S. Coast Guard regulations require immediate reporting of spills that could reach any waterway including intermittent dry creeks. Report spill to Coast Guard toll free number (800) 424-8802. In case of accident or road spill notify CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300. ' PROCEDURES IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Eliminate all ignition (Section continued next page) · · · Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 4 OF 14 sources. Runoff may create fire or explosion hazard in sewer system. Adsorb on fire retardant treated sawdust, diatomaceous earth, etc. Shovel up and dispose of at an appropriate waste disposal facility in accordance with current applicable laws and regulations, and product characteristics at time of disposal. ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS: Prevent spills from entering storm sewers or drains and contact with soil. PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS: See Section 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLING: NEVER SIPHON GASOLINE BY MOUTH. GASOLINE SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A SOLVENT OR AS A CLEANING AGENT. Use non-sparking tools and explosion-proof equipment. Avoid contact with skin. Avoid inhalation of vapors or mists. Use in well ventilated area away from all ignition sources. STORAGE: Drums must be grounded and bonded and equipped with self-closing valves, pressure vacuum bungs and flame arresters. Store away from all ignition sources in a cool area equipped with an automatic sprinkling system. Outside or detached storage preferred. Storage containers should be grounded and bonded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- VENTILATION: Use in well ventilated årea with local exhaust ventilation. Ventilation required and equipment must be explosion proof. Use away from all ignition sources. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Approved respiratory equipment must be used when airborne concentrations are unknown or exceed the TLV. EYE PROTECTION: If splash with liquid is possible, chemical type goggles should be worn. SKIN PROTECTION: Impervious gloves should be worn. Good personal hygiene practices should always be followed. ---TWA--- ----STEL--- NOTE Substance Name (CAS-No. ) Source ppm mg/m3 ppm mg/m3 ------ --- ----- GASOLINE (8006-61-9) MOBIL 300 890 OSHA 300 900 500 1500 ACGIH 300 890 500 1480 METHYL T-BUTYL ETHER (1634-04-4) MOBIL ACGIH 40 40 144 144 ETHANOL (64-17-5) MOBIL OSHA ACGIH 1000 1000 1000 1880 1900 1880 (Section continued next page) Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 5 OF 14 . XYLENE (1330-20-7) O. M, P, -Isomers MOBIL 100 434 O. M, P, -Isomers OSHA 100 435 150 655 0, M, p. -Isomers ACGIH 100 434 150 651 ISOPENTANE (78-78-4) MOBIL 600 1770 TOLUENE (108-88-3) Skin MOBIL 50 188 OSHA 100 375 150 560 Skin ACGIH 50 188 PSEUDOCUMENE (95-63-6) MOBIL 25 125 BUTANE (106-97-8) MOBIL 800 1900 OSHA 800 1900 ACGIH 800 1900 2-METHYLPENTANE (107-83-5) MOBIL 500 1760 Isomer of N-Hexane ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 . PENTANE (109-66-0) MOBIL 600 1770 OSHA 600 1800 750 2250 ACGIH 600 1770 750 2210 TRIMETHYL BENZENE (25551-13-7) MOBIL 25 123 OSHA 25 125 ACGIH 25 123 3-METHYLPENTANE (96-14-0) MOBIL 500 1760 Isomer of N-Hexane ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 BENZENE (71-43-2) MOBIL 1 3.2 OSHA 1 5 ACGIH 10 32 2.3-DIMETHYLBUTANE (79-29-8) MOBIL 500 1760 Isomer of N-Hexane ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 . N-HEXANE (110-54-3) N-Hexane MOBIL 50 176 Other Isomers MOBIL 500 1760 OSHA 50 180 N-Hexane ACGIH 50 176 (Section continued next page) Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 6 OF 14 · Other Isomers ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 ETHYL BENZENE (100-41-4) MOBIL 100 434 OSHA 100 435 125 545 ACGIH 100 434 125 543 3- METHYLHEXANE (589-34-4) MOBIL 400 1640 2- METHYLHEXANE (591-76-4) MOBIL 400 1640 METHYLCYCLOHEXANE (108-87-2) MOBIL 400 1610 OSHA 400 1600 ACGIH 400 1610 NOTE: Limits shown for guidance only. Follow applicable regulations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- · Typical physical properties are given below. Consult Product Data Sheet for specific details. · APPEARANCE: Liquid COLOR: Yellow to Orange ODOR: Hydrocarbon ODOR THRESHOLD: NA pH: NA BOILING POINT C(F): > 35(95) MELTING POINT C(F): NA FLASH POINT C(F): -40(-40) (ASTM D-56) FLAMMABILITY: NA AUTO FLAMMABILITY: NE EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES: NA OXIDIZING PROPERTIES: NA VAPOR PRESSURE-mmHg 20 C: > 400.0 VAPOR DENSITY: 3.0 EVAPORATION RATE: NA RELATIVE DENSITY, 15/4 C: 0.7-0.76 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: 1 PARTITION COEFFICIENT: NE VISCOSITY AT 40 C, cSt: < 1.0 VISCOSITY AT 100 C, cSt: NA POUR POINT C(F): NA FREEZING POINT C(F): NE VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND: NE NA=NOT APPLICABLE NE~NOT ESTABLISHED D=DECOMPOSES FOR FURTHER TECHNICAL INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 7 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- · 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- STABILITY (THERMAL, LIGHT, ETC.): Stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Heat, sparks, flame and build up of static electricity. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Halogens, strong acids, alkalies, and oxidizers. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. TOXICOLOGICAL DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- · ORAL TOXICITY (RATS): mg/kg). ---Based components. DERMAL TOXICITY (RABBITS): Practically non-toxic (LD50: greatèr than 2000 mg/kg). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. INHALATION TOXICITY (RATS): Practically non-toxic (LC50: greater than 5 mg/1). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. EYE IRRITATION (RABBITS): Practically non-irritating. (Draize score: greater than 6 but 15 or less). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. SKIN IRRITATION (RABBITS): Irritant. (Primary Irritation Index: 3 or greater but less than 5). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. OTHER ACUTE TOXICITY DATA: Inhalation of vapors/mists may cause respiratory system irritation. HAZARDS OF COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Exposure to high concentrations of carbon monoxide can cause loss of consciousness, heart damage, brain damage and death. Exposure to high concentrations of carbon dioxide can cause simple asphyxiation by displacing oxygen. ---ACUTE TOXICOLOGY--- Practically non-toxic (LD50: greater than 2000 on testing of similar products and/or the ---SUBCHRONIC TOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- 90-day oral gavage studies with rats resulted in kidney effects at 1200 mg/kg MTBE, but these effects are not considered significant to humans. Thirteen week inhalation studies with rats on MTBE resulted in increased organ weights and decreased body weight and anaesthetic effects at levels > 800 ppm. ---NEUROTOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- No significant adverse effects were observed at 8000 ppm MTBE in a 90-day neurotoxicity study with rats. · ---REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- Inhalation teratology study with mice at 2700 ppm MTBE during gestation resulted in no adverse effects. Another inhalation teratology study in mice at 4000 ppm showed some developmental effects. The NOEL was 1000 ppm. Teratology studies in rats treated by inhalation (less than or equal to 2500 ppm) showed no (Section continued next page) . . . Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 8 OF 14 effects on fetuses. One generation reproductive studies, dosing by inhalation at levels up to 2500 ppm, showed no adverse effects in rats. A two-generation inhalation reproductive study at 8000 ppm showed no reproductive or developmental effects in rats. A teratology inh~lation study in rabbits at 8000 ppm during gestation showed no developmental effects. ---CHRONIC TOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- An increased incidence of kidney and liver tumors was observed in laboratory animals exposed to > 3000 ppm MTBE. These effects are not considered significant to humans. ---SENSITIZATION (SUMMARY)--- ****Skin sensitization: Negative guinea pig test. ---OTHER TOXICOLOGY DATA--- Gasoline and Refinery Streams: Studies conducted by the American Petroleum Institute examined a reference unleaded gasoline for mutagenic, teratogenic and sensitization potential; no evidence of these hazards was found. However, isolated constituents of gasoline may display these or other potential hazards in laboratory tests. There were no significant adverse effects in three-month subchronic inhalation studies in rats or monkeys, or in a two-year skin cancer study in mice. Studies with laboratory animals have shown that gasoline vapors administered at high concentrations over a prolonged period of time caused kidney damage and kidney cancer in male rats and liver cancer in female mice. Studies carried out by Mobil's Environmental and Health Sciences Laboratory on some of the major refinery streams from which gasoline is formulated support the results of the API studies. There was no evidence of significant adverse systemic or reproductive effects for light catalytic cracked naphthas and reformed naphthas. Components: Gasoline consists of a complex blend of petroleum/processing derived paraffinic. olefinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons which include up to 5% benzene (with 1-2% typical in the U.S.), n-hexane, mixed xylenes, toluene, ethyl benzene and trimethyl benzene. Repeated exposures to low levels of benzene have been reported to result in blood abnormalities including anemia and, in rare cases, leukemia in both animals and humans. Prolonged exposure to n-hexane may result in nervous system damage, including numbness of the extremities and, in extreme cases, paralysis. The adverse effects associated with these components have not been observed in studies with gasoline or the refinery streams from which it is formulated. Generally, human exposures to gasoline vapors are considerably less than those used in the animal toxicity studies. As far as scientists know, low level or infrequent exposures to gasoline vapor are unlikely to be associated with cancer or other serious diseases in humans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL FATE AND EFFECTS: Not established. Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 9 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASTE DISPOSAL: Product is suitable for burning for fuel value in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. RCRA INFORMATION: Disposal of unused product may be subject to RCRA regulations (40 CFR 261) due to the characteristic(s)/chemical(s) listed below. Disposal of the used product may also be regulated due to ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity as determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) . BENZENE: 2.3200 PCT (TCLP) FLASH: -40(-40) C(F) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . USA DOT: SHIPPING NAME: HAZARD CLASS & DIV: ID NUMBER: ERG NUMBER: PACKING GROUP: STCC: DANGEROUS WHEN WET: POISON: LABEL(s): PLACARD(s): PRODUCT RQ: MARPOL III STATUS: Gasoline 3 UN1203 27 PG II 4908178 No No Flammable Liquid Flammable NA NA RID/ ADR: HAZARD CLASS: HAZARD SUB-CLASS: LABEL: DANGER NUMBER: UN NUMBER: SHIPPING NAME: REMARKS: 3 3 (b) 3 33 1203 Hydrocarbons, liquid having a flash point below 21deg C NA IMO: HAZARD CLASS & DIV: UN NUMBER: PACKING GROUP: SHIPPING NAME: LABEL(s): MARPOL III STATUS: 3.1 1203 PG II Gasoline Flammable Liquid NA . ICAO/IATA: HAZARD CLASS & DIV: ID/UN Number: PACKING GROUP: 3 1203 PG II (Section continued next page) · · · Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 10 OF 14 SHIPPING NAME: SUBSIDIARY RISK: LABEL(s): Gasoline NA Flammable Liquid ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Governmental Inventory Status: All components comply with TSCA, and EINECS/ELINCS. EU Classification and Labeling: Symbol/Classification: F+ T Extremely flammable, Toxic. Risk Phrase(s): RI2-45-38-22. Extremely flammable. May caÙse cancer. Irritating to skin. Harmful if swallowed. Safety Phrase(s): S53-45-2-23-24-29-43-62. Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Keep out of the reach of children. Do not breathe vapor. Avoid contact with skin. Do not empty into drains. In case of fire use carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemical or water fog. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. U.S. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III: Ihis product contains no "EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES". SARA (311/312) REPORTABLE HAZARD CATEGORIES: FIRE CHRONIC ACUTE This product contains the following SARA (313) Toxic Release Chemicals: CHEMICAL NAME CAS NUMBER CONC. --------------------------- -------------- ------- BENZENE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) PSEUDOCUMENE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) ETHYL BENZENE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) TOLUENE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) N-HEXANE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) XYLENES(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) METHYL-TERT-BUTYL ETHER(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 71-43-2 95-63-6 100-41-4 2.32% 4.55% 1.6% 108-88-3 110-54-3 1330-20-7 1634-04-4 4.65% 1.69% 9.9% 15.1% (Section cQntinued next page) Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED . 25015-00 PAGE 11 OF 14 The following product ingredients are cited on the lists below: CHEMICAL NAME CAS NUMBER LIST CITATIONS ------------- ETHYL ALCOHOL (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) BENZENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) (2.32%) ISOPENTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 2,3-DIMETHYLBUTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) PSEUDOCUMENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) PENTANE, '3-METHYL- (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) METHYL CYCLOPENTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) ETHYL BENZENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) BUTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) . PENTANE, 2-METHYL- (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) METHYLCYCLOHEXANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) TOLUENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) (4.65%) PENTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) N-HEXANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 2-METHYL 2-BUTENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 3-METHYLHEXANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) HEXANE, 2-METHYL- (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 1-HEXENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) XYLENES (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) (9.90%) METHYL-TERT-BUTYL ETHER (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) GASOLINE TRIMETHYL BENZENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) . ---------- 64-17-5 71-43-2 78-78-4 79-29-8 95-63-6 96-14-0 96-37-7 100-41-4 106-97-8 107-83-5 108-87-2 108-88-3 109-66-0 110-54-3 513-35-9 589-34-4 591-76-4 592-41-6 1330-20-7 1634-04-4 8006-61-9 25551-13-7 -------------- 1, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 19, 24, 25 1, 19, 25 20, 24, 25 1, 19, 25 19, 25, 26 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 10, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 19, 23, 25 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26 1, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26 19, 25 19, 25 19, 25 19, 25 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 11, 15, 21, 24, 25 I, 8, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26 I, 10, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26' 1 = ACGIH ALL 2 = ACGIH Al 3 = ACGIH A2 --- REGULATORY LISTS SEARCHED --- 6 = IARC 1 11 = TSCA 4 17 = CA P65 ~. 7 = rARC 2A 12 = TSCA 5a2 18 = CA RTK 8 = IARC 2B 13 = TSCA 5e 19 = FL RTK 22 = MI 293 23 = MN RTK 24 = NJ RTK (Section continued next page) . . . , Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 12 OF 14 4 · NTP CARC 9 OSHA CARC 14· TSCA 6 20 IL RTK 25 PA RTK 5 · NTP SUS 10 OSHA Z 15 TSCA 12b 21. LA RTK 26 RI RTK Code key; CARC = Carcinogen; SUS = Suspected Carcinogen · · · , Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 13 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. OTHER INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSHA Precautionary Label Text: GASOLINE. DANGER I EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. VAPORS MAY CAUSE FLASH FIRE; EYE, NOSE, THROAT OR LUNG IRRITATION, DIZZINESS, NAUSEA, LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. LIQUID MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION. LOW VISCOSITY MATERIAL, IF INGESTED, MAY BE ASPIRATED AND CAN CAUSE SERIOUS OR FATAL LUNG DAMAGE. LONG-TERM EXPOSURE TO GASOLINE VAPOR HAS CAUSED KIDNEY AND LIVER CANCER IN LABORATORY ANIMALS. KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT, SPARKS AND FLAME. AVOID PERSONAL CONTACT AND PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO YAPOR. KEEP CONTAINER CLOSED. USE IN WELL VENTILATED AREA. MISUSE MAY CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR ILLNESS. FOR USE AS A MOTOR FUEL ONLY. DO NOT USE AS A SOLVENT OR CLEANING AGENT. NEYER SIPHON BY MOUTH. FIRST AID: IF INHALED AND SYMPTOMS DEVELOP, REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. IF NOT BREATHING GIVE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION, PREFERABLY MOUTH- TO-MOUTH. IF BREATHING IS DIFFICULT, GIVE OXYGEN. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. IF SWALLOWED, DO NOT INDUCE VOMTING. GET IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. ONLY INDUCE VOMITING AT THE INSTRUCTION OF A PHYSICIAN NEVER INDUCE VOMITING OR GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONCIOUS PERSON. IN CASE OF CONTACT, WASH SKIN WITH SOAP AND PLENTY OF WATER. REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND WASH BEFORE REUSE. IF IRRITATION OCCURS, GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. EMPTY CONTAINERS MAY CONTAIN PRODUCT RESIDUE, INCLUDING FLAMMABL~ OR EXPLOSIVE VAPORS, DO NOT CUT, PUNCTURE OR WELD ON OR NEAR THE CONTAINER. ALL LABEL WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS MUST BE OBSERVED UNTIL CONTAINER HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY CLEANED OR DESTROYED. THIS WARNING IS GIVEN TO COMPLY WITH CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 25249.6 AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ADMISSION OR A WAIVER OF ANY RIGHTS. DETECTABLE AMOUNTS OF CHEMICALS KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Section continued next page) . ' . 'Mobil MOBIL SPECIAL UNLEADED 25015-00 PAGE 14 OF 14 . TO CAUSE CANCER, BIRTH DEFECTS, OR OTHER REPRODUCTIVE HARM MAY BE FOUND IN THIS PRODUCT. READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS AND USE CARE WHEN HANDLING OR USING THIS PRODUCT. REFER., TO PRODUCT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA BULLETIN FOR FURTHER SAFETY AND HEALTH INFORMATION. MPL-304 (10/94) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICAL NAMES AND SYNONYMS: HYDROCARBONS AND ADDITIVES USE: UNLEADED MOTOR FUEL NOTE: MOBIL PRODUCTS ARE NOT FORMULATED TO CONTAIN PCBS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INGREDIENT PERCENT CAS NUMBER : <-------------------------------------->:<----->i<-------------------->: GASOLINE 100.00 8006-61-9 ************************************************************************* For Mobil Use Only: MARKETING, SAFE USE: MHC: S 1* 1* 1* 1* 2*, MPPEC: C, REQ: US - ************************************************************************* . INFORMATION GIVEN HEREIN IS OFFERED IN GOOD FAITH AS ACCURATE, BUT WITHOUT GUARANTEE. CONDITIONS OF USE AND SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR PARTICULAR USES ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL; ALL RISKS OF USE OF THE PRODUCT ARE THEREFORE ASSUMED BY THE USER AND WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE, 'INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF- MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IN RESPECT TO THE - -- --- USE OR SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT. NOTHING IS INTENDED AS A -- -- RECOMMENDATION FOR USES WHICH INFRINGE VALID PATENTS OR AS EXTENDING LICENSE UNDER VALID PATENTS. APPROPRIATE WARNINGS AND SAFE HANDLING PROCEDURES SHOULD BE PROVIDED TO HANDLERS AND USERS. ************************************************************************* Prepared by: Mobil Oil Corporation Environmental Health and Safety Department, Princeton, NJ . . . . Mobil MATERIAL SAFETY DATA BULLETIN 35014-00 PAGE 1 OF 14 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT NAME: MOBIL UNLEADED SUPPLIER: MOBIL OIL CORP. PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGY DEPT. 3225 GALLOWS RD. FAIRFAX, VA 22037 24 - Hour Emergency (call collect): Product and MSDS Information: CHEMTREC: 609-737-4411 800-662-4525 800-424-9300 APPROVAL DATE: 10/04/95 703-849-3265 202-483-7616 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INGREDIENTS CONSIDERED HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH: Substance Name Wt'ï. -------------- GASOLINE (8006-61-9) 100 COMPONENT(S) OF PRODUCT INGREDIENTS INCLUDE: METHYL T-BUTYL ETHER 15 (1634-04-4) ETHANOL (64-17-5) 11 . XYLENE (1330-20-7) 10 ISOPENTANE (78-78-4) 9 TOLUENE (108-88-3) 5 PSEUDOCUMENE (95-63-6) 5 BUTANE (106-97-8) 4 2-METHYLPENTANE (107-83-5) 4 PENTANE (109-66-0) 4 TRIMETHYL BENZENE (25551-13-7) 3 3-METHYLPENTANE (96-14-0) 2 BENZENE (71-43-2) 2 2,3-DIMETHYLBUTANE (79-29-8) 2 (Section continued next page) . . . Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 2 OF 14 N-HEXANE (110-54-3) 2 ETHYL BENZENE (100-41-4) 2 3- METHYLHEXANE (589-34-4) 2 2- METHYLHEXANE (591-76-4) 1 METHYLCYCLOHEXANE (108-87-2) 1 NOTE: THIS MSDB COVERS REFORMULATED GASOLINE. The concentration of the components shown above may vary substantially. Because of volatility considerations, gasoline vapor may have concentrations of components very different from those of liquid gasoline. The major components of gasoline vapor are: butane, isobutane, pentane and isopentane. Oxygenates such as MTBE or ethanol mayor may not be present depending on regional environmental requirements. The reportable component percentages, shown in the Regulatory Information section, are based on API's evaluation of a typical gasoline mixture. See Section 16 for a generic product description. See Section 8 for exposure limits (if applicable). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- US OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD: Product assessed in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 and determined to be hazardous. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: Eye irritation, respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness. Skin irritation. Studies (sponsored by API) conducted in the U.S. examining the mortality experience (causes of death) of distribution workers with long-term exposure to gasoline have not found any gasoline-related health effects. Case reports of chronic gasoline abuse (such as gasoline sniffing) and chronic misuse of gasoline as a solvent or as a cleaning agent have reported a range of neurological effects (nervous system effects), sudden deaths from cardiac arrest (heart attacks), hematologic changes (blood effects) and leukemia. These effects are not expected to occur at exposure levels encountered in the distribution and use of gasoline as a motor fuel. EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA: Yellow to Orange Liquid. Extremely flammable. Vapor accumulation could flash and/or explode if 1n contact with open flame. DOT ERG No. - 27 Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 3 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 4. FIRST AID MEASURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EYE CONTACT: Flush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, call a physician. SKIN CONTACT: Wash contact areas with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. INHALATION: Remove from further exposure. If respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, or unconsciousness occurs, seek immediate medical assistance and call a physician. If breathing has stopped, use mouth to mouth resuscitation. INGESTION: Not expected to be a problem. However, if greater than 1/2 liter(pint) ingested, immediately give 1 to 2 glasses of water and call a physician, hospital emergency room or poison control center for assistance. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. NOTE TO PHYSICIANS: Material if ingested may be aspirated into the lungs and can cause chemical pneumonitis. Treat appropriately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon Dioxide, Foam, Dry Chemical, Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Evacuate area. For large spills, fire fighting foam is the preferred agent and should be applied in sufficient quantities to blanket the gasoline surface. Water spray may be used to flush spill away from exposures, but good judgement should be practiced to prevent spreading of the gasoline into sewers, streams or drinking water supplies. If a leak or spill has not ignited, apply a foam blanket to suppress the release of vapors. If foam is not available, a water spray curtain can be used to disperse vapors and to protect personnel attempting to stop the leak. SPECIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: For fires in enclosed areas, fire fighters must use self-contained breathing apparatus. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Extremely flammable. Vapor accumulation could flash and/or explode if in contact with open flame. Flash Point C (F): -40 (-40) (ASTM D-56) . Flammable limits - LEL: 1.4%, UEL: 7.6%. NFPA HAZARD ID: Health: 1, Flammability: 3, Reactivity: 0 HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Report spills as required to appropriate authorities. U. S. Coast Guard regulations require immediate reporting of spills that could reach any waterway including intermittent dry creeks. R~port spill to Coast Guard toll free number (800) 424-8802. In case of accident or road špill notify CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300. PROCEDURES IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Eliminate all ignition (Section continued next page) . . . Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 4 OF 14 sources. Runoff may create fire or explosion hazard in sewer system. Adsorb on fire retardant treated sawdust, diatomaceous earth. etc. Shovel up and dispose of at an appropriate waste disposal facility in accordance with current applicable laws and regulations, and product characteristics at time of disposal. ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS: Prevent spills from entering storm sewers or drains and contact with soil. PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS: See Section 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLING: NEVER SIPHON GASOLINE BY MOUTH. GASOLINE SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A SOLVENT OR AS A CLEANING AGENT. Use non-sparking tools and explosion-proof equipment. Avoid contact with skin. Avoid inhalation of vapors or mists. Use in well ventilated area away from all ignition sources. STORAGE: Drums must be grounded and bonded and equipped with self-closing valves, pressure vacuum bungs and flame arresters. Store away from all ignition sources in a cool area equipped with an automatic sprinkling system. Outside or detached storage preferred. Storage containers should be grounded and bonded. -------------------------------------------------~----------------------- 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- VENTILATION: Use in well ventilated area with local exhaust ventilation. Ventilation required and equipment must be explosion proof. Use away from all ignition sources. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Approved respiratory equipment must be used when airborne concentrations are unknown or exceed the TLV. EYE PROTECTION: If splash with liquid is possible, chemical type goggles should be worn. SKIN PROTECTION: Impervious gloves should be worn. Good personal hygiene practices should always be followed. ---TWA--- ----STEL--- NOTE Substance Name (CAS-No. ) Source ppm mg/m3 ppm mg/m3 ------ --- ----- GASOLINE (8006-61-9) MOBIL 300 890 OSHA 300 900 500 1500 ACGIH 300 890 500 1480 METHYL T-BUTYL ETHER (1634-04-4) MOBIL ACGIH 40 40 144 144 ETHANOL (64-17-5) MOBIL OSHA ACGIH 1000 1000 1000 1880 1900 1880 (Section continued next page) Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 5 OF 14 · XYLENE (1330-20-7) 0, M, P, -Isomers MOBIL 100 434 0, M, P, -Isomers OSHA 100 435 150 655 0, M, P, -Isomers ACGIH 100 434 150 651 ISOPENTANE (78-78-4) MOBIL 600 1770 TOLUENE (108-88-3) Skin MOBIL 50 188 OSHA 100 375 150 560 Skin ACGIH 50 188 PSEUDOCUMENE (95-63-6) MOBIL 25 125 BUTANE (106-97-8) MOBIL 800 1900 OSHA 800 1900 ACGIH 800 1900 2-METHYLPENTANE (107-83-5) MOBIL 500 1760 Isomer of N-Hexane ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 PENTANE (109-66-0) · MOB IL 600 1770 OSHA 600 1800 750 2250 ACGIH 600 1770 750 2210 TRIMETHYL BENZENE (25551-13-7) MOBIL 25 123 OSHA 25 125 ACGIH 25 123 3-METHYLPENTANE (96-14-0) MOB IL 500 1760 Isomer of N-Hexane ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 BENZENE (71-43-2) MOBIL 1 3.2 OSHA 1 5 ACGIH 10 32 2,3-DIMETHYLBUTANE (79-29-8) MOBIL 500 1760 Isomer of N-Hexane ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 N-HEXANE (110-54-3) · N-Hexane MOJH L 50 176 Other Isomers MOBIL 500 1760 OSHA 50 180 N-Hexane ACGIH 50 176 (Section continued next page) Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 6 OF 14 Other Isomers ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 . ETHYL BENZENE (100-41-4) MOBIL 100 434 OSHA 100 435 125 545 ACGIH 100 434 125 543 3- METHYLHEXANE (589-34-4) MOBIL 400 1640 2- METHYLHEXANE (591-76-4) MOBIL 400 1640 METHYLCYCLOHEXANE (108-87-2) MOBIL 400 1610 OSHA 400 1600 ACGIH 400 1610 NOTE: Limits shown for guidance only. Follow applicable regulations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Typical physical properties are given below. Consult Product Data Sheet for specific details. APPEARANCE: Liquid COLOR: Yellow to Orange ODOR: Hydrocarbon ODOR THRESHOLD: NA pH: NA BOILING POINT C(F): > 35(95) MELTING POINT C(F): NA FLASH POINT C(F): -40(-40) (ASTM 0-56) FLAMMABILITY: NA AUTO FLAMMABILITY: NE EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES: NA OXIDIZING PROPERTIES: NA VAPOR PRESSURE-mmHg 20 C: > 400.0 VAPOR DENSITY: 3.0 EVAPORATION RATE: NA RELATIVE DENSITY, 15/4 C: 0.7-0.76 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: 1 PARTITION COEFFICIENT: NE VISCOSITY AT 40 C, cSt: < 1.0 VISCOSITY AT 100 C, cSt: NA POUR POINT C(F): NA FREEZING POINT C(F): NE VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND: NE . NA=NOT APPLICABLE NE=NOT ESTABLISHED D=DECOMPOSES FOR FURTHER TECHNICAL INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE · · · Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 7 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- STABILITY (THERMAL, LIGHT, ETC.): Stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Heat, sparks, flame and build up of static electricity. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Halogens, strong acids, alkalies, and oxidizers. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. TOXICOLOGICAL DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---ACUTE TOXICOLOGY--- Practically non-toxic (LD50: greater than 2000 on testing of similar products and/or the ORAL TOXICITY (RATS): mg/kg). ---Based components. DERMAL TOXICITY (RABBITS): Practically non-toxic (LD50: greater than 2000 mg/kg). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. INHALATION TOXICITY (RATS): Practically non-toxic (LC50: greater than 5 mg/l). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. EYE IRRITATION (RABBITS): Practically non-irritating. (Draize score: greater than 6 but 15 or less). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. SKIN IRRITATION (RABBITS): Irritant. (Primary Irritation Index: 3 or greater but less than 5). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. OTHER ACUTE TOXICITY DATA: Inhalation of vapors/mists may cause respiratory system irritation. HAZARDS OF COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Exposure to high concentrations of carbon monoxide can cause loss of consciousness, heart damage, brain damage and death. Exposure to high concentrations of carbon dioxide can cause simple asphyxiation by displacing oxygen. ---SUBCHRONIC TOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- 90-day oral gavage studies with rats resulted in kidney effects at 1200 mg/kg MTBE, but these effects are not considered significant to humans. Thirteen week inhalation studies with rats on MTBE resulted in increased organ weights and decreased body weight and anaesthetic effects at levels > 800 ppm. ---NEUROTOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- No significant adverse effects were observed at 8000 ppm MTBE 1n a 90-day neurotoxicity study with rats. ---REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- Inhalation teratology study with mice at 2700 ppm MTSE during gestation resulted in no adverse effects. Another inhalation teratology study in mice at 4000 ppm showed some developmental effects. The NOEL was 1000 ppm. Teratology studies in rats treated by inhalation (less than or equal to 2500 ppm) showed no (Section continued next page) Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 8 OF 14 . effects on fetuses. One generation reproductive studies, dosing by inhalation at levels up to 2500 ppm, showed no adverse effects in rats. A two-generation inhalation reproductive study at 8000 ppm showed no reproductive or developmental effects in rats. A teratology inhalation study in rabbits at 8000 ppm during gestation showed no developmental effects. ---CHRONIC TOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- An increased incidence of kidney and liver tumors was ob~erved in laboratory animals exposed to > 3000 ppm MTBE. These effects are not considered significant to humans. ---SENSITIZATION (SUMMARY)--- ****Skin sensitization: Negative guinea pig test. . ---OTHER TOXICOLOGY DATA--- Gasoline and Refinery Streams: Studies conducted by the American Petroleum Institute examined a reference unleaded gasoline for mutagenic, teratogenic and sensitization potential; no evidence of these hazards was found. However, isolated constituents of gasoline may display these or other potential hazards in laboratory tests. There were no significant adverse effects in three-month subchronic inhalation studies in rats or monkeys, or in a two-year skin cancer study in mice. Studies with laboratory animals have shown that gasoline vapors administered at high concentrations over a prolonged period of time caused kidney damage and kidney cancer in male rats and liver cancer in female mice. Studies carried out by Mobil's Environmental and Health Sciences Laboratory on some of the major refinery streams from which gasoline is formulated support the results of the API studies. There was no evidence of significant adverse systemic or reproductive effects for light catalytic cracked naphthas and reformed naphthas. Components: Gasoline consists of a complex blend of petroleum/processing derived paraffinic, olefinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons which include up to 5% benzene (with 1-2% typical in the U.S.), n-hexane, mixed xy1enes, toluene, ethyl benzene and trimethyl benzene. Repeated exposures to low levels of benzene have been ,reported to result in blood abnormalities including anemia and, in rare cases, leukemia in both animals and humans. Prolonged exposure to n-hexane may result in nervous system damage, including numbness of the extremities and, in extreme cases, paralysis. The adverse effects associated with these components have not been observed in studies with gasoline or the refinery streams from which it is formulated. Generally, human exposures to gasoline vapors are considerably less than those used in the animal toxicity studies. As far as scientists know, low level or infrequent exposures to gasoline vapor are unlikely to be associated with cancer or other serious diseases in humans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL FATE AND EFFECTS: Not established. Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 9 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASTE DISPOSAL: Product is suitable for burning for fuel value in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. RCRA INFORMATION: Disposal of unused product may be subject to RCRA regulations (40 CFR 261) due to the characteristic(s)/chemical(s) listed below. Disposal of the used product may also be regulated due to ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity as determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). BENZENE: 2.3200 PCT (TCLP) FLASH: -40(-40) C(F) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . USA DOT: SHIPPING NAME: HAZARD CLASS & DIV: ID NUMBER: ERG NUMBER: PACKING GROUP: STCC: DANGEROUS WHEN WET: POISON: LABEL(s): PLACARD(s): PRODUCT RQ: MARPOL III STATUS: Gasoline 3 UN1203 27 PG II 4908178 No No Flammable Liquid F1 ammab 1 e NA NA RID/ ADR: HAZARD CLASS: HAZARD SUB-CLASS: LABEL: DANGER NUMBER: UN NUMBER: SHIPPING NAME: REMARKS: 3 3 (b) 3 33 1203 Hydrocarbons, liquid having a flash point below 21deg C NA IMO: HAZARD CLASS & DIV: UN NUMBER: PACKING GROUP: SHIPPING NAME: LABEL(s): MARPOL III STATUS: 3.1 1203 PG II Gasoline Flammable Liquid NA . ICAO/IATA: HAZARD CLASS & DIV: ID/UN Number: PACKING GROUP: 3 1203 PG II (Section continued next page) , . . . Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 10 OF 14 SHIPPING NAME: SUBSIDIARY RISK: LABEL (s) : Gasoline NA Flammable Liquid ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Governmental Inventory Status: All components comply with TSCA, and EINECS/ELINCS. EU Classification and Labeling: Symbol/Classification: F+ T Extremely flammable, Toxic. Risk Phrase(s): RI2-45-38-22. Extremely flammable. May cause cancer. Irritating to skin. Harmful if swallowed. Safety Phrase(s): S53-45-2-23-24-29-43-62. Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Keep out of the reach of children. Do not breathe vapor. Avoid contact with skin. Do not empty into drains. In case of fire use carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemical or water fog. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. U.S. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III: This product contains no "EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES". SARA (311/312) REPORTABLE HAZARD CATEGORIES: FIRE CHRONIC ACUTE This product contains the following SARA (313) Toxic Release Chemicals: CHEMICAL NAME CAS NUMBER CONC. --------------------------- -------------- ------- BENZENE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) PSEUDOCUMENE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) ETHYL BENZENE(COMPONENT ANAL YSIS) TOLUENE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) N-HEXANE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) XYLENES(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) METHYL-TERT-BUTYL ETHER(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 71-43-2 95-63-6 100-41-4 2.32% 4.55% 1.6% 108-88-3 110-54-3 1330-20-7 1634-04-4 4.65% 1.69% 9.9% 15.1% (Section continued next page) , . . . Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 11 OF 14 The following product ingredients are cited on the lists below: CHEMICAL NAME CAS NUMBER LIST CITATIONS ------------- ---------- ETHYL ALCOHOL (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 64-17-5 BENZENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 71-43-2 (2.32%) ISOPENTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 78-78-4 2,3-DIMETHYLBUTANE (COMPONENT 79-29-8 ANALYSIS) PSEUDOCUMENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 95-63-6 PENTANE, 3-METHYL- (COMPONENT 96-14-0 ANALYSIS) METHYL CYCLOPENTANE (COMPONENT 96-37-7 ANALYSIS) ETHYL BENZENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 100-41-4 BUTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 106-97-8 PENTANE, 2-METHYL- (COMPONENT 107-83-5 ANALYSIS) METHYLCYCLOHEXANE (COMPONENT 108-87-2 ANALYSIS) TOLUENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 108-88-3 (4.65%) PENTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 109-66-0 N-HEXANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 110-54-3 2-METHYL 2-BUTENE (COMPONENT 513-35-9 ANALYSIS) 3-METHYLHEXANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 589-34-4 HEXANE, 2-METHYL- (COMPONENT 591-76-4 ANALYSIS) 1-HEXENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 592-41-6 XYLENES (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 1330-20-7 (9.90%) METHYL-TERT-BUTYL ETHER (COMPONENT' 1634-04-4 ANALYSIS) GASOLINE 8006-61-9 TRIMETHYL BENZENE (COMPONENT 25551-13-7 ANALYSIS) -------------- 1, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 19, 24, 25 1, 19, 25 20, 24, 25 1, 19, 25 19, 25, 26 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26 1,10,19,20,21, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 19, 23, 25 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26 1, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, '23, 24, 25, 26 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26 19, 25 19, 25 19, 25 19, 25 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 11, 15, 21, 24, 25 1, 8, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26 1,10,19,20,21, 23, 25, 26 1 = ACGIH ALL 6 = 2 ACGIH Al 7 = 3 = ACGIH A2 8 --- REGULATORY LISTS SEARCHED --- IARC 1 11 = TSCA 4 17 = CA P65 IARC 2A 12 TSCA 5a2 18 = CA RTK IARC 2B 13 = TSCA 5e 19 = FL RTK . 22 = MI 293 23 = MN RTK 24 = NJ RTK (Section continued next page) . . . Mobil HOBIL UNLEADED 4 NTP CARC 9 OSHA CARC 14 5 NTP SUS 10 OSHA Z 15 Code key: CARC = Carcinogen; 35014-00 PAGE 12 OF 14 TSCA 6 20 IL RTK 25 PA RTK TSCA 12b 21 LA RTK 26 RI RTK SUS = Suspected Carcinogen . . Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 13 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 16. OTHER INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSHA Precautionary Label Text: GASOLINE. DANGER! EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. VAPORS MAY CAUSE FLASH FIRE; EYE, NOSE, THROAT OR LUNG IRRITATION, DIZZINESS, NAUSEA, LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. LIQUID MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION. LOW VISCOSITY MATERIAL, IF INGESTED, MAY BE ASPIRATED AND CAN CAUSE SERIOUS OR FATAL LUNG DAMAGE. LONG-TERM EXPOSURE TO GASOLINE VAPOR HAS CAUSED KIDNEY AND LIVER CANCER IN LABORATORY ANIMALS. KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT, SPARKS AND FLAME. AVOID PERSONAL CONTACT AND PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO VAPOR. KEEP CONTAINER CLOSED. USE IN WELL VENTILATED AREA. . MISUSE MAY CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR ILLNESS. FOR USE AS A MOTOR FUEL ONLY. DO NOT USE AS A SOLVENT OR CLEANING AGENT. NEVER SIPHON BY MOUTH. FIRST AID: IF INHALED AND SYMPTOMS DEVELOP, REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. IF NOT BREATHING GIVE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION, PREFERABLY MOUTH- TO-MOUTH. IF .BREATHING IS DIFFICULT, GIVE OXYGEN. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. IF SWALLOWED, DO NOT INDUCE VOMTING. GET IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. ONLY INDUCE VOMITING AT THE INSTRUCTION OF A PHYSICIAN NEVER INDUCE VOMITING OR GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONCIOUS PERSON. IN CASE OF CONTACT, WASH SKIN WITH SOAP AND PLENTY OF WATER. REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND WASH BEFORE REUSE. IF IRRITATION OCCURS, GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. EMPTY CONTAINERS MAY CONTAIN PRODUCT RESIDUE, INCLUDING FLAMMABLE OR EXPLOSIVE VAPORS, DO NOT CUT, PUNCTURE OR WELD ON OR NEAR THE CONTAINER. ALL LABEL WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS MUST BE OBSERVED UNTIL CONTAINER HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY CLEANED OR DESTROYED. THIS WARNING IS GIVEN TO COMPLY WITH CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 25249.6 AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ADMISSION OR A WAIVER OF ANY RIGHTS. DETECTABLE AMOUNTS OF CHEMICALS KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Section continued next page) · · · Mobil MOBIL UNLEADED 35014-00 PAGE 14 OF 14 TO CAUSE CANCER, BIRTH DEFECTS, OR OTHER REPRODUCTIVE HARM MAY BE FOUND IN THIS PRODUCT. READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS AND USE CARE WHEN HANDLING OR USING THIS PRODUCT. REFER TO PRODUCT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA BULLETIN FOR FURTHER SAFETY AND HEALTH INFORMATION. MPL-304 (10/94) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICAL NAMES AND SYNONYMS: HYDROCARBONS AND ADDITIVES USE: UNLEADED MOTOR FUEL NOTE: MOBIL PRODUCTS ARE NOT FORMULATED TO CONTAIN PCBS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INGREDIENT PERCENT CAS NUMBER i<-------------------------------------->:<----->i<-------------------->: GASOLINE 100.00 8006-61-9 ************************************************************************* For Mobil Use Only: MHC: 1* 1* 1* 1* 2*, MPPEC: C, REQ: US- MARKETING, SAFE USE: S ************************************************************************* INFORMATION GIVEN HEREIN IS OFFERED IN GOOD FAITH AS ACCURATE, BUT WITHOUT GUARANTEE. CONDITIONS OF USE AND SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR PARTICULAR USES ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL; ALL RISKS OF USE OF, THE PRODUCT ARE THEREFORE ASSUMED BY THE USER AND WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IN RESPECT TO THE - -- --- USE OR SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT. NOTHING IS INTENDED AS A -- -- RECOMMENDATION FOR USES WHICH INFRINGE VALID PATENTS OR AS EXTENDING LICENSE UNDER VALID PATENTS. APPROPRIATE WARNINGS AND SAFE HANDLING PROCEDURES SHOULD BE PROVIDED TO HANDLERS AND USERS. ************************************************************************* Prepared by: Mobil Oil Corporation Environmental Health and Safety Department, Princeton, NJ · · · . Mobil MATERIAL SAFETY DATA BULLETIN 15032-00 PAGE 1 OF 14 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVAL DATE: 10/04/95 PRODUCT NAME: MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE SUPPLIER: MOBIL OIL CORP. PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGY DEPT. 3225 GALLOWS RD. FAIRFAX, VA 22037 24 - Hour Emergency (call collect): Product and MSDS Information: CHEMTREC: 609-737-4411 800-662-4525 800-424-9300 703-849-3265 202-483-7616 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INGREDIENTS CONSIDERED HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH: Substance Name Wti. -------------- GASOLINE (8006-61-9) 100 COMPONENT(S) OF PRODUCT INGREDIENTS INCLUDE: METHYL T-BUTYL ETHER 15 (1634-04-4) ETHANOL (64-17-5) 11 XYLENE (1330-20-7) 10 ISOPENTANE (78-78-4) 9 TOLUENE (108-88-3) 5 PSEUDOCUMENE (95-63-6) 5 BUTANE (106-97-8) 4 2-METHYLPENTANE (107-83-5) 4 PENTANE (109-66-0) 4 TRIMETHYL BENZENE (25551-13-7) 3 3-METHYLPENTANE (96-14-0) 2 BENZENE (71-43-2) 2 2,3-DIMETHYLBUTANE (79-29-8) 2 (Section continued next page) · · · ,Mobil MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE 15032-00 PAGE 2 OF 14 N-HEXANE (110-54-3) 2 ETHYL BENZENE (100-41-4) 2 3- METHYLHEXANE (589-34-4) 2 2- METHYLHEXANE (591-76-4) 1 METHYLCYCLOHEXANE (108-87-2) 1 NOTE: THIS MSDB COVERS REFORMULATED GASOLINE. The concentration of the components shown above may vary substantially. Because of volatility considerations, gasoline vapor may have concentrations of components very different from those of liquid gasoline. The major components of gasoline vapor are: butane, isobutane, pentane and isopentane. Oxygenates such as MTBE or ethanol mayor may not be present depending on regional environmental requirements. The reportable component percentages, shown in the Regulatory Information section, are based on API's evaluation of a typical gasoline mixture. See Section 16 for a generlc product description. See Section 8 for exposure limits (if applicable). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- US OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD: Product assessed in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 and determined to be hazardous. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: Eye irritation, respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness. Skin irritation. Studies (sponsored by API) conducted in the U.S. examining the mortality experience (causes of death) of distribution workers with long-term exposure to gasoline have not found any gasoline-related health effects. Case reports of chronic gasoline abuse (such as gasoline sniffing) and chronic misuse of gasoline as a solvent or as a cleaning agent have reported a range of neurological effects (nervous system effects), sudden deaths from cardiac arrest (heart attacks), hematologic changes (blood effects) and leukemia. These effects are not expected to occur at exposure levels encountered in the distribution and use of gasoline as a motor fuel. EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA: Yellow to Orange Liquid. Extremely flammable. Vapor accumulation could flash and/or explode if in contact with open flame. DOT ERG No. - 27 , Mobil MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE 15032-00 PAGE 3 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- · 4. FIRST AID MEASURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EYE CONTACT: Flush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, call a physician. SKIN CONTACT: Wash contact areas with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. INHALATION: Remove from further exposure. If respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, or unconsciousness occurs, seek immediate medical assistance and call a physician. If breathing has stopped, use mouth to mouth resuscitation. INGESTION: Not expected to be a problem. However, if greater than 1/2 liter(pint) ingested, immediately give 1 to 2 glasses of water and call a physician, hospital emergency room or poison control center for assistance. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. NOTE TO PHYSICIANS: Material if ingested may be aspirated into the lungs and can cause chemical pneumonitis. Treat appropriately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- · EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon Dioxide, Foam, Dry Chemical, Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Evacuate area. For large spills, fire fighting foam is the preferred agent and should be applied in sufficient quantities to blanket the gasoline surface. Water spray may be used to flush spill away from exposures, but good judgement should be practiced to prevent spreading of the gasoline into sewers, streams or drinking water supplies. If a leak or spill has not ignited, apply a foam blanket to suppress the release of vapors. If foam is not available, a water spray curtain can be used to disperse vapors and to protect personnel attempting to stop the leak. SPECIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: For fires in enclosed areas, fire fighters must use self-contained breathing apparatus. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Extremely flammable. Vapor accumulation could flash and/or explode if in contact with open flame. Flash Point C(F): -40(-40) (ASTM 0-56). Flammable limits - LEL: 1.4%, UEL: 7.6%. NFPA HAZARD 10: Health: 1, Flammability: 3, Reactivity: 0 HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS:'Carbon monoxide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- · NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Report spills as required to appropriate authorities. U. S. Coast Guard regulations require immedia~e reporting of spills that could reach any waterway including intermittent dry creeks. Report spill to Coast Guard toll free number (800) 424-8802. In case of accident or road-spill notify CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300. PROCEDURES IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Eliminate all ignition (Section continued next page) . . . . Mobil MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE 15032-00 PAGE 4 OF 14 sources. Runoff may create fire or explosion hazard in sewer system. I Adsorb on fire retardant treated sawdust, diatomaceous earth, etc. Shovel up and dispose of at an appropriate waste disposal facility in accordance with current applicable laws and regulations, and product characteristics at time of disposal. ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS: Prevent spills from entering storm sewers or drains and contact with soil. PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS: See Section 8 ----------------------------------------------------/-------------------- 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLING: NEVER SIPHON GASOLINE BY MOUTH. GASOLINE SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A SOLVENT OR AS A CLEANING AGENT. Use non-sparking tools and explosion-proof equipment. Avoid contact with skin. Avoid inhalation of vapors or mists. Use in well ventilated area away from all ignition sources. STORAGE: Drums must be grounded and bonded and equipped with self-closing valves, pressure vacuum bungs and flame arresters. Store away from all ignition sources in a cool area equipped with an automatic sprinkling system. Outside or detached storage preferred. Storage containers should be grounded and bonded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- VENTILATION: Use in well ventilated area with local exhaust ventilation. Ventilation required and equipment must be explosion proof. Use away from all ignition sources. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Approved respiratory equipment must be used when airborne concentrations are unknown or exceed the TLV. EYE PROTECTION: If splash with liquid is possible, chemical type goggles should be worn. SKIN PROTECTION: Impervious gloves should be worn. Good personal hygiene practices should always be followed. ---TWA--- ----STEL--- NOTE Substance Name (CAS-No. ) Source ppm mg/m3 ppm mg/m3 ------ --- ----- GASOLINE (8006-61-9) MOBIL 300 890 OSHA , 300 900 500 1500 ACGIH 300 890 500 1480 METHYL T-BUTYL ETHER (1634-04-4) MOBIL ACGIH 40 40 144 144 ETHANOL (64-17-5) MOBIL OSHA ACGIH 1000 1000 1000 1880 1900 1880 (Section continued next page) . Mobil MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE 15032-00 PAGE 5 OF 14 · XYLENE (1330-20-7) 0, M, P, -Isomers MOBIL 100 434 0, M, P, -Isomers OSHA 100 435 150 655 0, M, P, -Isomers ACGIH 100 434 150 651 ISOPENTANE (78-78-4) MOBIL 600 1770 TOLUENE (108-88-3) Skin MOBIL 50 188 OSHA 100 375 150 560 Skin ACGIH 50 188 PSEUDOCUMENE (95-63-6) MOBIL 25 125 BUTANE (106-97-8) MOBIL 800 1900 OSHA 800 1900 ACGIH 800 1900 2-METHYLPENTANE (107-83-5) MOBIL 500 1760 Isomer of N-Hexane ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 · PENTANE (109-66-0) MOBIL 600 1770 OSHA 600 1800 750 2250 ACGIH 600 1770 750 2210 TRIMETHYL BENZENE (25551-13-7) MOBIL 25 123 OSHA 25 125 ACGIH 25 123 3-METHYLPENTANE (96-14-0) MOBIL 500 1760 Isomer of N-Hexane ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 BENZENE (71-43-2) MOBIL 1 3.2 OSHA 1 5 ACGIH 10 32 2,3-DIMETHYLBUTANE (79-29-8) MOBIL 500 1760 Isomer of N-Hexane ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 · N-HEXANE (110-54-3) N-Hexane MOBIL 50 176 Other Isomers MOBIL 500 1760 OSHA 50 180 N-Hexane ACGIH 50 176 (Section continued next page) , ,Mobil MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE 15032-00 PAGE 6 OF 14 Other Isomers ACGIH 500 1760 1000 3500 . ETHYL BENZENE (100-41-4) MOBIL 100 434 OSHA 100 435 125 545 ACGIH 100 434 125 543 3- METHYLHEXANE (589-34-4) MOBIL 400 1640 2- METHYLHEXANE (591-76-4) MOBIL 400 1640 METHYLCYCLOHEXANE (108-87-2) MOBIL 400 1610 OSHA 400 1600 ACGIH 400 1610 NOTE: Limits shown for guidance only. Follow applicable regulations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Typical physical properties are given below. Consult Product Data Sheet for specific details. . APPEARANCE: Liquid COLOR: Yellow to Orange ODOR: Hydrocarbon ODOR THRESHOLD: NA pH: NA BOILING POINT C(F): > 35(95) MELTING POINT C(F): NA FLASH POINT C (F): -40 (-40) (ASTM D-56) FLAMMABILITY: NA AUTO FLAMMABILITY: NE EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES: NA OXIDIZING PROPERTIES: NA VAPOR PRESSURE-mmHg 20 C: > 400.0 VAPOR DENSITY: 3.0 EVAPORATION RATE: NA RELATIVE DENSITY, 15/4 C: 0.7-0.76 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: 1 PARTITION COEFFICIENT: Nt VISCOSITY AT 40 C, cSt: < 1.0 VISCOSITY AT 100 C, cSt: NA POUR POINT C(F): NA FREEZING POINT C(F): NE VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND: NE NA=NOT APPLICABLE NE~NOT ESTABLISHED D=DECOMPOSES FOR FURTHER TECHNICAL INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE , Mobil MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE 15032-00 PAGE 7 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- STABILITY (THERMAL, LIGHT, ETC.): Stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Heat, sparks, flame and build up of static electricity. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Halogens, strong acids, alkalies, and oxidizers. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. TOXICOLOGICAL DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ORAL TOXICITY (RATS): mg/kg). ---Based components. DERMAL TOXICITY (RABBITS): Practically non-toxic (LD50: greater than 2000 mg/kg). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. INHALATION TOXICITY (RATS): Practically non-toxic (LC50: greater than 5 mg/l). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. EYE IRRITATION (RABBITS): Practically non-irritating. (Draize score: greater than 6 but 15 or less). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. SKIN IRRITATION (RABBITS): Irritant. (Primary Irritation Index: 3 or greater but less than 5). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components. OTHER ACUTE TOXICITY DATA: Inhalation of vapors/mists may cause respiratory system irritation. HAZARDS OF COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Exposure to high concentrations of carbon monoxide can cause loss of consciousness, heart damage, brain damage and death. Exposure to high concentrations of carbon dioxide can cause simple asphyxiation by displacing oxygen. ---ACUTE TOXICOLOGY--- Practically non-toxic (LD50: greater than 2000 on testing of similar products and/or the ---SUBCHRONIC TOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- 90-day oral gavage studies with rats resulted in kidney effects at 1200 mg/kg MTBE, but these effects are not considered significant to humans. Thirteen week inhalation studies with rats on MTBE resulted in increased organ weights and decreased body weight and anaesthetic effects at levels> 800 ppm. ---NEUROTOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- No significant adverse effects were observed at 8000 ppm MTBE in a 90-day neurotoxicity study with rats. . ---REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- Inhalation teratology study with mice at 2700 ppm MTBE during gestation resulted in no adverse effects. Another inhalation teratology study in mice at 4000 ppm showed some developmental effects. The NOEL was 1000 ppm. Teratology studies in rats treated by inhalation (less than or equal to 2500 ppm) showed no (Section continued next page) , Mobil MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE 15032-00 PAGE 8 OF 14 . effects on fetuses. One generation reproductive studies, dosing by inhalation at levels up to 2500 ppm, showed no adverse effects in rats. A two-generation inhalation reproductive study at 8000 ppm showed no reproductive or developmental effects in rats. A teratology inhalation study in rabbits at 8000 ppm during gestation showed no developmental effects. ---CHRONIC TOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)--- An increased incidence of kidney and liver tumors was observed in laboratory animals exposed to > 3000 ppm MTBE. These effects are not considered significant to humans. ---SENSITIZATION (SUMMARY)--- ****Skin sensitization: Negative guinea pig test. . ---OTHER TOXICOLOGY DATA--- Gasoline and Refinery Streams: Studies conducted by the American Petroleum Institute examined a reference unleaded gasoline for mutagenic, teratogenic and sensitization potential; no evidence of these hazards was found. However, isolated constituents of gasoline may display these or other potential hazards in laboratory te~ts. There were no significant adverse effects in three-month subchronic inhalation studies in rats or monkeys, or in a two-year skin cancer study in mice. Studies with laboratory animals have shown that gasoline vapors administered at high concentrations over a prolonged period of time caused kidney damage and kidney cancer in male rats and liver cancer in female mice. Studies carried out by Mobil's Environmental and Health Sciences Laboratory on some of the major refinery streams from which gasoline is formulated support the results of the API studies. There was no evidence of significant adverse systemic or reproductive effects for light catalytic cracked naphthas and reformed naphthas. Components: Gasoline consists of a complex blend of petroleum/processing derived paraffinic, olefinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons which include up to 5% benzene (with 1-2% typical in the U.S.), n-hexane, mixed xylenes, toluene, ethylbenzene and trimethyl benzene. Repeated exposures to low levels of benzene have been reported to result in blood abnormalities including anemia and, in rare cases, leukemia in both animals and humans. Prolonged exposure to n-hexane may result in nervous system damage, including numbness of the extremities and, in extreme cases, paralysis. The adverse effects associated with these components have not been observed in studies with gasoline or the refinery streams from which it is formulated. Generally, human exposures to gasoline vapors are considerably less than those used in the animal toxicity studies. As far as scientists know, low level or infrequent exposures to gasoline vapor are unlikely to be associated with cancer or other ~erious diseases in humans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL FATE AND EFFECTS: Not established. Mobil MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE 15032-00 PAGE 9 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- · 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASTE DISPOSAL: Product is suitable for burning for fuel value in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. RCRA INFORMATION: Disposal of unused product may be subject to RCRA regulations (40 CFR 261) due to the characteristic(s)/chemical(s) listed below. Disposal of the used product may also be regulated due to ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity as determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) . BENZENE: 2.3200 PCT (TCLP) FLASH: -40(-40) C(F) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- · USA DOT: SHIPPING NAME: HAZARD CLASS & DIV: ID NUMBER: ERG NUMBER: PACKING GROUP: STCC: DANGEROUS WHEN WET: POISON: LABEL(s): PLACARD(s): PRODUCT RQ: MARPOL III STATUS: Gasoline 3 UN1203 27 PG II 4908178 No No Flammable Liquid Flammable NA NA RID/ ADR: HAZARD CLASS: HAZARD SUB-CLASS: LABEL: DANGER NUMBER: UN NUMBER: SHIPPING NAME: REMARKS: 3 3 (b) 3 33 1203 Hydrocarbons, liquid having a flash point below 2ldeg C NA rMO: HAZARD CLASS & DIV: UN NUMBER: PACKING GROUP: SHIPPING NAME: LABEL (s) : MARPOL III STATUS: 3.1 1203 PG II Gasoline Flammable Liquid NA · ICAO/IATA: HAZARD CLASS & DIV: ID/UN Number: PACKING GROUP: 3 1203 PG II (Section continued next page) · · · , Mobil MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE 15032-00 PAGE 10 OF 14 SHIPPING NAME: SUBSIDIARY RISK: LABEL(s): Gasoline NA Flammable Liquid ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Governmental Inventory Status: All components comply with TSCA, and EINECS/ELINCS. EU Classification and Labeling: Symbol/Classification: F+ T Extremely flammable, Toxic. Risk Phrase(s): R12-45-38-22. Extremely flammable. May cause cancer. Irritating to skin. Harmful if swallowed. Safety Phrase(s): S53-45-2-23-24-29-43-62. Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Keep out of the reach of children. Do not breathe vapor. Avoid contact with skin. Do not empty into drains. In case of fire use carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemical or water fog. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show thi~ container or label. U.S. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III: This product contains no "EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES". SARA (311/312) REPORTABLE HAZARD CATEGORIES: FIRE CHRONIC ACUTE This product contains the following SARA (313) Toxic Release Chemicals: CHEMICAL NAME CAS NUMBER CONC. --------------------------- -------------- ------- BENZENE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) PSEUDOCUMENE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) ETHYL BENZENE(COMPONENT ANAL YSIS) TOLUENE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) N-HEXANE(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) XYLENES(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) METHYL-TERT-BUTYL ETHER(COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 71-43-2 95-63-6 100-41-4 2.32% 4.55% 1.6% 108-88-3 110-54-3 1330-20-7 1634-04-4 4.65% 1. 69% 9.9% 15.1% (Section continued next page) . Mobil MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE · 15032-00 PAGE 11 OF 14 The following product ingredients are cited on the lists below: CHEMICAL NAME CAS NUMBER LIST CITATIONS ------------- ETHYL ALCOHOL (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) BENZENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) (2.32%) ISOPENTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 2,3-DIMETHYLBUTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) PSEUDOCUMENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) PENTANE, 3-METHYL- (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) METHYL CYCLOPENTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) ETHYL BENZENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) BUTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) · PENTANE, 2-METHYL- (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) METHYLCYCLOHEXANE (COMPONENT ANAL YSIS) TOLUENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) (4.65%) PENTANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) N-HEXANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 2-METHYL 2-BUTENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 3-METHYLHEXANE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) HEXANE, 2-METHYL- (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 1-HEXENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) XYLENES (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) (9.90%) METHYL-TERT-BUTYL ETHER (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) GASOLINE TRIMETHYL BENZENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) · 1 = ACGIH ALL 6 2 = ACGrH Al 7 3 = ACGrH A2 8 REGULATORY rARC 1 11 rARC 2A 12 IARC 2B 13 ---------- 64-17-5 71-43-2 78-78-4 79-29-8 95-63-6 96-14-0 96-37-7 100-41-4 106-97-8 107-83-5 108-87-2 108-88-3 109-66-0 110-54-3 513-35-9 589-34-4 591-76-4 592-41-6 1330-20-7 1634-04-4 8006-61-9 25551-13-7 -------------- 1, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 19, 24, 25 1, 19, 25 20, 24, 25 1, 19, 25 19, 25, 26 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 10, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 19, 23, 25 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26 1, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21,23,24,25,26 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26 19, 25 19, 25 19, 25 19, 25 1, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 11, 15, 21, 24, 25 1, 8, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26 1,10,19,20,21, 23, 25, 26 LISTS SEARCHED --- TSCA 4 17 CA P65 TSCA 5a2 18 = CA RTK TSCA 5e 19 = FL RTK .' 22 = MI 293 23 = MN RTK 24 = NJ RTK (Section continued next page) . . . . Mobit MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE 4 NTP CARC 5 = NTP SUS Code key: 9 OSHA CARC 10 ... OSHA Z CARC = Carcinogen; 15032-00 PAGE 12 OF 14 14 TSCA 6 20 IL RTK 15 ... TSCA 12b 21'" LA RTK 25 PA RTK 26 ... RI RTK SUS'" Suspected Carcinogen .( '---. .~ e· , Mobil MOBIL SUPER 93 SUL OCTANE GASOLINE 15032-00 PAGE 13 OF 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. OTHER INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSHA Precautionary Label Text: GASOLINE. DANGER I EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. VAPORS MAY CAUSE FLASH FIRE; EYE, NOSE, THROAT OR LUNG IRRITATION, DIZZINESS, NAUSEA, LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. LIQUID MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION. LOW VISCOSITY MATERIAL, IF INGESTED, MAY BE ASPIRATED AND CAN CAUSE SERIOUS OR FATAL LUNG DAMAGE. LONG-TERM EXPOSURE TO GASOLINE VAPOR HAS CAUSED KIDNEY AND LIVER CANCER IN LABORATORY ANIMALS. KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT, SPARKS AND FLAME. AVOID PERSONAL CONTACT AND PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO VAPOR. KEEP CONTAINER CLOSED. USE IN WELL VENTILATED AREA. MISUSE MAY CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR ILLNESS. FOR USE AS A MOTOR FUEL ONLY. DO NOT USE AS A SOLVENT OR CLEANING AGENT. NEVER SIPHON BY MOUTH. FIRST AID: IF INHALED AND SYMPTOMS DEVELOP, REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. IF NOT BREATHING GIVE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION, PREFERABLY MOUTH- TO-HOUTH. IF BREATHING IS DIFFICULT, GIVE OXYGEN. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. IF SWALLOWED, DO NOT INDUCE VOMTING. GET IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. ONLY INDUCE VOMITING AT THE INSTRUCTION OF A PHYSICIAN NEVER INDUCE VOMITING OR GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONCIOUS PERSON. IN CASE OF CONTACT, WASH SKIN WITH SOAP AND PLENTY OF WATER. REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND WASH BEFORE REUSE. IF IRRITATION OCCURS, GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. EMPTY CONTAINERS MAY CONTAIN PRODUCT RESIDUE, INCLUDING FLAMMABLE OR EXPLOSIVE VAPORS, DO NOT CUT, PUNCTURE OR WELD ON OR NEAR THE CONTAINER. ALL LABEL WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS MUST BE OBSERVED UNTIL CONTAINER HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY CLEANED OR DESTROYED. THIS WARNING IS GIVEN TO COMPLY WITH CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 25249.6 AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ADMISSION OR A WAIVER OF ANY RIGHTS. DETECTABLE AMOUNTS OF CHEMICALS KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Section continued next page) FROM PHONE NO. : Jun. 24 1997 11:04AM P2 HAZARDOUSMATE~S~VENTORY Page_of_ Business Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION I ) INVENTORY 8T A TUS: New [ ] Addition [ ) Revision ( ] Deletion r ] Check if chemical is a NON Trøde Secret [ J Trade Secret [ ] 3) DOT II (optional) AHM( J CAS# 2) Common Name: Cheznical Name; 4) Physical &. Health PHYSICAL HEAL m Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] hnnlccliate Health (Acute) [ J Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid { Liquid [ Gas { ] Pure { USE CODE Mixture ( ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: ç) Tempemture All Year, J, F, M, A. M. J, J, A, S, 0, N, D 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit cade ûom DHS Fonn 8022) 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUIY Maximum Daily Amount .. AvemgeDaily Amount Annual Amount Largest Size Container II Days onSitc UNITS OF MEASURE Lb8[ ) Gal [ ]ft3[ Curies [ ] Cin:lc Which Months: 9)~: Li~ the three most bæardous 1 ) chemical compon=ts or 2) any ARM components 3) COMPONENT CA8# %Wf AHM [ ] [ ] ( ] 10)LOCA110N I ) INVENTORY 8T A TUS: New ( ] Addition ( ] Revi~ion [ ] De1etion ( ] Check if cbemìca1 is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret ( ] 3) DOT II (optional) AHM [ ] CAS tI 2) Common Name: Chemical Name: 4) Physical &. Health PHYSICAL HEAL 1H Hazard Categories Fire ( J Reactive ( J Suddm Release ofPresswe [ ] Immediate Health (Acùte)[ ] Delayed Health (CbroDic)l 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION . 6)PHYSlCALSTATE ,So¡.ìd[ (~t code /ÌOm DHS Fonn 8022) USE CODE Liquid [ o.s( ] Pu¡ç [ Mixtufe ( ] Waste [ ] RadilJlldive [ . 8) STORAGE CODES a)Confainer: b) PressUIè; c) T entpera1m'e 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACn.rrv Mrodmum Daily Amount Average Daily Amount Annual Anuront Largest Size Conœiner II Days on Site UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs[ ] Gal { ]ft3[ ] Curies [ J Circle Wbi¢h Months: All Yœr, J, F, M, A, M, J, 1, A, S, 0, N, D 9)~: Li~ the three most hazardous I) chc:mical components or 2) any AHM components 3) COMPONENT CAS" %wr AHM [ ] [ 1 [ J lO)LOCATION I cmify lindei' pen$lty onaw, that 1 have personally ~ and Iim familiar with the infonnation on this and all aaaehed documents. I believe the submitted inf'onnatiou is true, accurate and complete. Signature Date PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative