HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 1/6/1992 i;t=:'~-~~~~~~g~?~~t~cÜon'c-' ;'_1~7..·_",_~::Yf$~ÜÜi' CaliTo:tÍ1Ïa' :93270- _ ' _ ATTN: ,Mr,,:Riçhard~ Warren :- .~__c _-------=.~:_: '':::::"_:,__.= n __. '~I--:' ~.. ~ -'1' .. . . , . - ;'- , ;I:.,~ A _ . _ _ ~_ -~- - - - ~ - - - -. -- -- --.- " ;";,. ,', I I~ I- I- 1:1- 1-: ..' i-.I I I I -I ,.1,: I'~:I~ :1 ~-- - - "{Hi<JJff1~:::~:&:r;;;}:oY~;n;.t.q:J/L ",." --- -, - ~ - -, --- . - ----~--..- , - ~ ~ ----~- .:; ':--=--~-----~-:--,:'"'"~ :~- -:";- - =-~ _' o!~~~~~r_Y'.-6,. ,'Ü~9..2 ~- ~ ~ u . --- --. - - - ~ ~ ------,--~- - '.. - -- - - -..-- , -. .- - , , - ---- --. - -- - '-- - -- - - - ". ------ --- -. - ------- - --- -.~ --- ----- ~ - '--~ ':':~----:-- u - - - , -RE: -- SUNDALE CólJNTRY CLUB 621S SUNDALE AYENUE ;-ßAKERSFIELD EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL . _'_m ~_ ._____ ~__. ___ ,- Dear Mr. ' Warren: - , At the request of Crisp C9nstruction, AquaGeosciences, Ìnc.:, .. mobilized to the above, mentioned site to collect five' (5) confirmation soil samples. (Exhibit 1) , The samples~were còlléète'd_- {rom the base' and four sidewalls after the contaminåted soil ~-wa.s removed. The remediation focused on the -area where one (1) _550 - gallon underground gasoline storage tank was removed. - - - --_. -- -- - On July 29, 1991, Crisp .çonstruction removed one (1) 550 gallon, underground gasoline storage tank from the above described property location. -SQ!l samples were collected from beneath the remove-d tank 'at-'S and 11 'foot depths and at _the south ,end of the. :exca:v:ation at 3 '6" . depth. - The samples were analyzed- -for total petròÜmm hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and volatile aroma~iès(BTEX) .', The analytical results indicated gasoline concentrat.i;ons, of~6400c ppm at' 3'6" at the south end of the excavation, 160 ppm at,s feet and 20 ppm àt u.-· feet_ beneath th~ gas_o,line tank. ,The" concentrations significantly decreased with depth; however;tlieYstiTl =remained' 'in excess of state and City of Bakersfield guidelines.. _The poteptial buy~r of the property requested that theconta,minated soil be excavated and appròpri'ately disposed. .. - . - -.- . Crisp Construction contracted with Aqua~eRsciences, ' Inc, to prepare: aworkplan which was approved on December 19,_1991 by Joe Dunwoody of ~he City of Bakersfield Hazar~ous Materials ,Division. On -December 24, 1991, after approval' of the workplan, Crisp_ Construction performed excavation procedures. ApproximatelY'loo cubic yards of soil was segregért;.ed into "clean" and "contaminated" - stockpiles. (Exhibit 2)' On December 24;-; 1991, after the excavation was complet~d, five (5) confirmatio~ soil samples were collected, one from the base and four, -sidewalls. ' TheY' w,ere obtained from the backhoe bucket immediately after soîl excavation. The 'samples were stored inQOR PAK jars--and capped. wi th -tef,lon lined lids t~ ~ 100% caþacity. The QOR PAK jars were labelled and promptly placed in a ice chest, at 4° centigrade. A Chain-of-custody record was initiated which jg\ . , C:\CORRESPO\SU~ALE.LET ~ -":,-_-~,__ __ _.....o.-~._ . _ .".-_ oF - . - --- . - .-. - "__ _d ~_ - - _.... .. - - -~ - - -.- - ,-- - - -- , - .- - - - . :~:no~ w estwind~¡jriv~" Sµite 101-·:; Bakersfield, Califo.rn[~~~330.1;:::/_:' :~; -..-~ _,è :_, ' . - 0' ,'~:~l~8~~!}tW~Q~?~·~· ~AX,,(BO:S~?-~~i,~:~~;Jif:~:~~~"~ t::1}I~~~~;,' ~ ' ~ -- --. .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I accompanied the samples to the analytical laboratory. The soil samples were submitted to SMC Laboratories. The samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and Volatile Aromatics (BTEX) using EPA Method 8015 modified and 8020, respectively, The laboratory reported that concentrations of TPH as gasoline were not detected in any of the samples collected from the four sidewalls. Minimal concentrations of TPH as gasoline (6 ug/g) and volatile aromatics (BTEX) were detected in the sample collected from the base of the excavation. Laboratory results and Chain-of~ Custody documents are enclosed as Appendix 1. The depth to the water table is estimated to be in excess of 100 feet (Water Supply Report, Kern County Water Agency, May 1990). No groundwater was encountered during the excavation procedures which reached a maximum depth of 12' below surface grade. The alluvial Quaternary sediments encountered were comprised of mainly coarse and fine grained sands. Given these site characteristics, a score of 49 for the LUFT Manual gasoline leaching potential risk analysis is ·assigned. This corresponds to a very low potential of leaching to groundwater and action level concentrations of 1,000 mg/kg for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline. (Appendix 2) Based upon the minimal concentrations of TPH, BTEX and the low leaching potential, it is the opinion of AquaGeosciences, Inc. that the excavated area may be backfilled and compacted back to its original grade. The "clean" soil segregated from the excavation may be used as additional backfil¡. It is recommended that the "contaminated" soil be transported to Gibson Oil and Refining where the soil will be recycled for future use as road mix. It is the opinion of AquaGeosciences, Inc. that based on the laboratory analysis after excavation, no further work related to subsurface contamination is warranted. Respectfully Submitted, AQUÁGEOSCIENCES, INC. ~ oalwin, R.G. #4779 ~Princip 1 Hydrogeologist ,qRegistration Expires 6/30/92 CC: Mr. Joe Dunwoody City of Bakersfield Hazardous Materials Division jg\ C:\CORRESPO\SUNDALE.LET I I I ìRUXiUN I Sadd/~ _ I I I .. W~ I ·ù Lar, '" ;:) I I I I ~ .. I I I I I I AauaGeosciences. Inc. Title Ex hl bit Sunda 1 e Countn~ C1 ub 1701 \y'est",ind Drive Suite 1 03 88Iœr~mel( , Caltforn18 I Bakersfie ld.. C<llifornia 93301 T e lephon~ : (805) -328-0962 VICINIT'./ t1AP F-~x 328-11 29 _~ :~,: c_::_____-:-;_.'--'- , --- - ,- -...-1.-..;·· , - ,:-I-=-=='~' 0- - :.",-·.'1'-·';-. ' .- 'I'C-'C -- -- - -- . .1 --:.1- - . --- ------ ~.-~I··: - - -- ,I--~- -,--- - .1,: -~ . -. ~ 1_- -: : ~ - - u, - I_~ c·- ~:-I 1 - - --1- ~~I ~I o:I~- jg\- , - ..C:\CORRESpO\SUNDALE"LET __ -. -- - -- "1- - ,. ,- - -.: - ~ . -" - 'C_ --õ.?;;. § ·:,1 - - - -, - - -, - - APPENDIX 1 -=- T-· ;~ - - " - ...."".;::. <'::. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I - I S M C Laboratory Client Name: Aquageoscien~es Inc, Address 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, Calif 93301 Attention Mr, Phil Goalwin Date samples received 12-26-91 Date analysis completed: 12-31-91 Date of report 12-31-91 Project Name: Sundale RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #4585 ID: N Sidewall Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene ug/g 0,0075 ND ND ND ND ND ND TPH (Gasoline) ND Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected ¡¿M ~. W!~ Robert J, Mlchels Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield. CA 93308 P_O. Box 80835 . Bakersfield. CA 93380 · Analytical Chemistry MDL,ug/g 0,0050 0.0050 0.0050 0,0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 1.0 8020 (FID) . (805) 393-3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 I I RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: I #4586 ID: S Sidewall ug/g MDL,ug/g ¡I Benzene ND 0.0050 Toluene ND 0,0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 , II p-Xylene ND 0.0050 m-Xylene ND 0,0050 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 I Isopropylbenzene ND 0,0050 II TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 I #4587 ID: E Sidewall ug/g MDL,ug/g I Benzene ND 0,0050 Toluene ND 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 I p-Xylene ND 0.0050 m-Xylene ND 0.0050 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 I Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0050 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 I #4588 ID: W Sidewall ug/g MDL,ug/g I Benzene ND 0.0050 Toluene ND 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 , I p-Xylene ND 0.0050 m-Xylene ND 0.0050 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0050 , I TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 I ,I ,(M ¡ 1i1uk¿ I Robert IJ, Michels I Analytical Chemist ¡I I I I I I I I II 'I ¡I I I I I , I I I :1 i -I I I RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #4589.ID: Base Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m,o"-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) a(µ:} ¡1J!u1d, Robert ~. Michels Analytical Chemist ug/g ND 0,0085 0,010 0.077 0.14 0.014 MDL,ug/g 0.0050 0,0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0,0050 6,0 1.0 ff '~ , , dl-qua0EOiCiEnCEi, !Jnc, \Có (;rl'U!l.lw~lft'f 5"fl'n(I~!~ . EI1\'lr"l1l1h'nlol (~<'!\<\I¡!lI!\t~ PROJ. NO. PROJECT NAME 1, 5(,0'1 dql G ~ SM~ L-IIiJS NO. Sample C'J \4". fvðíe L.P_ NO. SA M PL E R S :~t:;;ure/N umber) OF Type #-::J.l(?- (PO NO) /ìl;J~ //Jf;I¿;--V-~ 5011 - CON- (51 TA(N· Water " ---v o SAMPLE 10 EAS (WI DATE SAMPLE I,D. REMARKS TIME Sludge MM/DD/YY HHMMSS (Sg) /J. /JI q¡ i~' '3/ .1~ N S/J~(.Vn // J S' V 4<:8~ /),?~)ql ¡ ,;;,·X.{" oJ .s .., 'J"~/I /1 .s V 4Sec;, IJ,-:;);'I "if 1~'J..1, ''6 ,.... $" 'J.., u 1/ I 5 V' 4..s-~7 c IJ/.:J ,I. J. :)i ,"''1 V" 4..s- 88 . . ;J.1Jcr / t.J .$, '-,,<.- '''' I J S I/3J~iJ¡1 I.;).. :3(;, I~ flASH S V 4 S-éJ '7 ~ ~ ~ ,'J, , ~ ~ ............... I"'-. .......... .......... .' ...... , .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... r-........ ~ -~ ~ ~ Relinquished by: (Signlture, Dalerme Re~eived by: (Sign.lure) Remar~s c@ Send Results To ?Á 'i' 6,00 / I.tJ I .:-., ~~ Attentoon of . -. í:, y" a rQl,lI1. J AQUAGEOSCIENCES Relinquished by: ISignltur.) Date,ime Received by: (Sign8Iur.) i~ 1701 Westwind Dr.. Suite 101 pI t'~J e. ~(1)C ,4-Srl[) NÐ Bakersfield. California 93301 I r"\ 50f'/ 3'J.8 - 0'(6.2. ( I~h~...~ 14;Z~~~Signllur.1 'tb J;;elTime Received lor laboralor~~-Y ~c<'~ c2:>/d' /~.d'I'~ fborj '3Jf:I-l/ 2 q . :J6' -IS: r? fwo (SignIIUre~__ ¿. <'r ( ¡:;I'J~) rr I r T l-$;~c L.,ðM~r",,--L WhIte Sampler C Canary. Relurn COP)' To ShIpper Pmk lab COD)' -- - - - - - - - - ~A""'OIIII!!IUS ~ "U~ - - - - - - _ I I I I I I I I I I ¡I I ':1 :1 ¡I II I I il II .APPEND I X 2 LE.A.CHING POTENTI.A.L AN.A.LYS!S FOR GASOLINE USING TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) AND eENZENE} TOLUENE, XV1ENE .AND ETHV1BENZENE (BTi<&E) SCORE SCORE S SCORE G 1 I) PT S. G 9 PTS. 5 PTS. C C C SITE 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- I FEA TLI~:E: R DITION R DITION R DITION E IS MET E IS MET E IS MET MI NI1"1IJ1"1 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER FROM THE 10 } 1 00 51-100 25-50 t1 SOIL SAMPLE FRACTURES IN SUBSURFACE (APPLI ES TO fOOTHI LLS 10 NONE UNKNOWN PRESENT OR MOUNTAIN AREAS) AVERAGE ANNUAL PRECI PITATlON (J NCHES) 10 < 10 10 - 25 26- 40 t2 MAN- MADE CONDUITS WHICH I NCREASE VERTICAL 10 NONE UNKÞJOW'N PRESEtH MIGRATION Of LEACHATE UNIQUE SITE FEATURES: 10RE THAN RECHARGE AREA, COARSE ~'ê~, NONE 9 AT lEAST SOilS.. NEARBY WELLS, ETC. ONE ~NE COlUr-1N TOT AlS 40 + 9 + = 49 RANGE TOT AL PTS. 49 pb. or more 41 - 48 40 ph. or less MA¡( ALLOV·/ABLE 1/50/50/50 .3/.3/1/1 NA t7 BT;(E LEVELS (PPM) ,,I : MA::~_ ALLOV·l ABLE TPH LE\/EL~3 (PPM) 1000 100 10 r 1 I F DEPTH IS GREATER THAt<! 5 FT. AND LESS THAN 25 FT., SCORE 0 POI Ins. I f DEPTH IS 5 ft. OR LESS _. THIS TABLE SHOULD NOT BE USED. t2 IF PRECIPITATION IS OVER 40 INCHES, SCORE 0 POINTS t3 LEVELS FOR BT:X:8'<.E ARE NOT APPLICABLE AT A TPH CONCENTRATION OF 100 PPM.