HomeMy WebLinkAboutTANK REMOVEL 8/19/1991 - "'''':::.::::'' ~- ..:.- - -~;' ,.;,...."- -... - -------~- ., l:i ijtjc$,g~'C!A.cL§ncÞiJ~c "£l1J..C).œ__" ,. ." ' 'Groun~:V.i,tË~~renilsts '¡', Environtnent::ilConsultants - - -- -- -- ~ - - - '. ~-~~~-:'. ~ --.-~~¿-~;;.¡ - - - -- .~~':~~,~~f:r;j:~AJ¡gg~j;;~=9;~~f~,~}j:i,~~ '",= __ _ _ _M n_ . - . .----- --- - '" . - - - - - " , ' . _ _ _ u' - - ---- ---- , , " -"'"---"~ - - - --- -- -- . - -- - , , ," . - .'. - - - - -~ ~ --- - - --, ----.--..--- .- -- - ---- - - . -- - - -- I"-~':':-_''''-:'- ", ,- - --~-----=-'---- -,: ..; h:" ,e~isp- eonstru~tion !. ~. ~ :- B:~-O~~- - -'Box- . ~io 6 6 ----~ . '_~.~~~ ~i~~,,~i~aiia,' ,_California' ....'- ~ - - - _._~--..,.~ - - - - '.........- , - - . 93270 .-' --'- _. - "- -- -- - - - -- - - -'-- ,- - - -._- - , ATTÑ~:· -- ~R'~chard -WarreQ - - ..- -- - - . - _. - ~ ---. I· 1,- . -- RÈ: '?-'!I1dale"dç~iûritry . ëiüh· J',ank Remova:1.- 'ÀfialY-:tical')~esults:::'~'-=:: -. -~ - ~ - - . ~ .. - .... .-. ~- _. -.- , ~ -. ----- , - "- "--- - . -- - -. -.- - "~ - - - - , , - - . .~At the":-· 're~q·uest' 9~ Crisp Construction, AquaG'eo~c-~-ence~_" I~né. ç:o+leç~~4:thr_e~~ (3 f'soilsampl.eS:, Ül: corijunçj;:ion,wi.:th t~e·remqY?iJ o{ , 'an; underground7sto~age~ fàñkatSundal'e--Country 'Club in Bakersf,j.eld; , ~CaITf¿rñi~·." ': _ . --- . ' - '" - --- --- , - . . '_ On July 29 ~'1991, Cr,isp Construction, removed. one (1 ) 450 gallon· . gasoline underground storage tank. Mr. Joe Dunwoody of, 'the City of: Bakersfièld,,~ Fi:t'e ~~ Department Hazardous Materials Division was ·pre"sEii:\.t' to. _observethet~nk removal and sample collections. AqU:aG_~9sçÜ~nces~, " Inç.' collectedso~l 'samples in accordancew~th_ 'City' of Bakersfieldgúidèlines after a tank removal.' The f'irst, samp:te (S"':-1 ) was collected from th(3 south wall ,of the,_ excavation at . " approximately' j"6i'belqwg;round surface. __ The second and thi:r:d (~.:.. ':õ'~,2:,' S:"3 y. sampre~~ we]::-:~: collect~d from:bepeath the center· of the..:tank ,n ---"~-¿:,-~~2_:, at8 ~:·.and-'S';:'3~~at _ 11 '-below- -g~óund· "sUrface,. --,~IlE!- samplec . lþc~tions 'are shown on'Exhibi·t 1. . - ~- -. - .- _, . _ :......:-._'I'he::.soils~mples were ,<::cjJ l~_cted 'from the backhoebuckert- i,mm~diately .-, ,.~., ~ .', ift.EÚ',,!:?,oil ê~ç~vatioi1. -'The" sampleswer:..e:~stoz::ed ~in ·~":brass'tú}jès, , . ,-Seale9r'with-.teflon'~äpe: 'ànd~ plas·tièend'.~c·àPs,'.·- ..:. -- ,-- , , - --- - -- ,The bràss_tube~, were' labelled and promptly placed'iJi."a 'ice chest ,at . __.. , 4~ .cE:!l1tig;rade.,-' ' A"Chain~öt-èustddyrecord uwas.. ini 1;iatèdwhich:' açc_()lnpal}ie~the saniplei'to'--theanalytical laboratory." :The -- soij: samples were__submitted--to ':MobL~e ,~~1:>S,InC;, a Calif~!:,þia state Certified ..' Laboràtory.' .': Soil . samples were· "analyzecf:-';för 'Tqtal "Petroleum Hydrocarbons .'. (TPH) as' gasoline, and. volatile ,aromatics '(BTEX)USÎ11g' 'PHS' LUFT Method,EPAMethod 8015 modifièd;and EPA' Met!'1Öd-~8,q20, .'~espect,ively.,. The results aresummarizE:!d in Table 1'. -- -- - - - -~ -~----- -- - I" I' . I, - ------ . - ---.---. -'.-- I' ' I ~' , jg\ :: B:,\REPORT\SUNDALE.RPT -+ - ~- - .. -- -- - --. , , .---- --,. -- , .- ---- -- - -- . -., , . , """'--_ . ,_ _~ ~_r" ___ - -._--- ----.- , . . -- --- -- -- '--- . ,. - - - -. - ----,_. _. -----...... ., _.- "= --..- -- - --._~-~ - .' --- - ,- -- -- - ,- .-- - .. - --,-~- --' ..- ..::: - ~. -~--- ----,: ~,~ - -.-. . . - " - - - _ _"",", -. _ _ w _ _. . _ _ .. ~sc.~è~~~~}[~i~~~~i~1~Q¡~~ìt~£;~i~~~~~~~~ît\rti~~~Þì~~ii~~E:~$'~~~~~1~:t!~5:' TABLE 1 RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS AUGUST 1991 DESCRIPTION DEPTH TPHg -ª T E X 1. South Wall 3'6" 6400 43.970 160.470 14.410 291.035 2. Center 8' 160 1.550 5.650 .510 10.265 3. Center 11' 20 ND ND ND ND Results in Parts Per Million (ppm) TPHg = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline B = Benzene; T = Toluene; E = Ethylbenzene; X = Total Xylenes ND = Not Detected Copies of the laboratory report and Chain-of-Custody document are attached. The laboratory reported that concentration levels are high, yet ';. they do fall rapidly with depth. It is AquaGeosciences, InC opinion that based on the laboratory analysis, addi tional work related to subsurface contamination is warranted. We recommend that you forward a copy of this report to Mr. Joe Dunwoody of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division. Alternatively, if you would like we could submit a copy to the City on your behalf. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. Sincerely, i ip Princip I Hydrogeologist Registration Expires 6/30/92 jg\ B:\REPORT\SUNDALE.RPT _._",___o-.o-"¡"___"';""';",~_-~_"",~.o....__~_______..__~"__"_,_.,,___,,._"._ ~_~_"_-,-~~_._~-__" Nevada M~~ Jnc. Arizona 5327 Wingfoot Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 (805) 872-4750 Laboratory Results for Sundale Country Club Date Received : 7/29/91 Date Ana~yzed : 8/1/91 Analyst: J.S. Johnson Lab No. 910103 Sample Matrix Soils Benzene mg/kg Toluene mg.! k g Ethylbenzene mg/kg Xylenes mg/kg- Tot Pet Hyds mg/kg S- 1 43.970 160.470 14.410 291.035 6400 S 2 1.550 5.650 .510 10.265 160 _S - 3 ND ND ND ND 20 [ . All Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram .,ND = Non Detectable.. ;"_EPA80.20 (.005 mg/kg) - EPA 8015 Modified for Gasoline (5 mg/kg) ,Analysis of Volatile Aromatics ;EPA 8020 . *Analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ; EPA 8015 Modified for Gasoline *The TPH Method.'for Gasoli~e is the Calif DOHS Reco~mended Procedure ,- , ~ . ~ , ~ ~ ,. :t # ~. ~ I r ~:" ït . j Ii ~ ' ¿ 3 I {~ i: ~ '- ~; ·i' ;~l ":·Certificate Number E739 ,-, ~ "[- ' ' .i~n Ch~ ~ ':.;;'\\ ,~" .¡to..". . -.". ." . -- \,., .' " . > , Certifjed Full Service On-Site Anal~icallaboratories ~. - -;. -~,- ','" - ., "_ :' ;_.'~__~~~; ?, ','0:'",. " "r'- ~\ ,_.~. ...!t.:.:",:¡:'~'Þ':~ ''",: 3...-:,'\~ '';-'-:;,', -.-~. ,~:T_:·-:"·\·'"''--:'"''>''·''' : 0- : i,1"',"~î¡t'!fjtJt~~~?'5·'!'ò~·~!:!!~g"""¡~'''\<.I;.'t:Si,¡¡~<'ii,g~¥~~;~;lj/'.;:,,',:' . . dlqua ¿un:.~::'~~::::'"., Con~.::· ,. .' ".;:., ". .;.:' - ". ' ~. - - . . . . ,. ..',: PROJ. NO. -, PROJECT NAME . LP. NO. W.O NO) gvnð4J ~ . ro~NI-/'U SAM~,gn:;::¡1 SAMPl·.r..D. I SAMPLE I.D. TIME HH:MMSS Q du L NO Sample OF Type 5011 CON· 151 TAIN· Water ERS (WI Sludge ISg) REMARKS DATE MM/DD/YY :7- 1." 1/ I 0; '1 0 s-t J~/~// "'?!c. (f t S >< . . o F JI....~ A ,flð~ S c.~""~ C rI'\ I) I ¡) :'1 () ~-2- ~ ~I / :>.)( . . ~e.;')-tt'I t:> F 719" "- ~I .;t n /ð:l/:J S-....:J d- /I' I 5 ( [1p_.- of "lLJ", /, tJ II I v , " -. '. . .. - . - . '"' (> iÞ' . , '0 ". e, .' I; , i:i ,. u (;; . . v - a .... .. - o ~ Q ." . "' .. ~eli:q. he.:db:Wtu~: /~·v·/NY' RelllÍqui~hed bf: (s¡gne'ur." ':.). - Send ReSuItST~þ~ . /!//4/L'?'/li] - Attention of. . / "/h. ~ -,~. . AQUÄGEOSCIENCES.· ";~".;1::..;_:' '"',~, 1701 West wind Dr, Suile 101', .;~~%~ ,". . Bakersfield, California 93301 ". . - c . ' . DatelTime Rei:eived by: fSignàtur., ',7~i?;~I,7~'I'~~O' ''''.''.' ...." . , ~/I' 7l . - . ....r. "~,... by"."....., Dá:t:rme Remarks . ";""- :':"~"" c , .. ~ .' T ~ ". ~ i . '" .' ..:' ,.f" ~~ '." ':. a " .' -. Whtle R,ceivtf:l~f r Laboratory bý: ..' (Sipna! ) ",. ! Þlrl'~~J.}1 . (/ (/ '. tit!">. Canary Relurn'Copy To ShIpper !~.,~ \ II'.".·\!,,' I.'Y IC"I'[\J)" . , Reliñqu¡~~.d bf. (Signa'ur.¡ . Samplel PInk lab CODy ,