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S~!:~.I_~al) Category Code Activity Code ., .;' ~" ~---- , .: 1tered By: Date: Env, Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89) -- ------~_._~- -.----- - _._---------~-- - - - ----- - ------- _.-__~"'''"~''''''''''4~'''''_'' ._ 'r....-___.~__ ." 4'-'_ ";". , ì ~ ~ t 11---- r /~" I; ! ~/ ~ ¡! !' .. !i ._ -............... ____ _.__.__. T" ____ . .._ _ _. _. _... ____..... ~~_n _.. ~- .·,··"""'.._"....._..···r~~_.._., .~~":;'.;L,-.- ~"-----' ......~.-~-.;. . ._~~-- ~~ . /. ~ II Permit /I Employee /I Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) ~ . ~~<~<.FQq; .-..'. Site-SpecifiçTime Accounti Site SpecifiC· statUs C~: ,~",~ ".. . ......~. ;-..;.:;{,..,....,~y-¡~\-;. Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description ( 1 Oths) Notes: ,i Data Entered By: Date: -c- ' Permit #, -- ....r.. Site Specific Status Changes: ,. Employee # ". " Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Date Category Code Activity Code Description Hoyrs. t1Oths) ..---- I' ~ ::::. .t?: ,--.~'. ".\ 0'':''1.__ -., -------.. "..,:;.._~;: ~/\..--, Notes: ". -- .. .. . :\.,' ."" ...... .-'\. J''''"?'<''!i... ",.. ~ ..'~ . <'", ....~~... .~--/.\/-) ¡., ';,.À.\ ,_.,.... ',.,", .;._.."".... '. ' , '.: - \.-~\/-..... -t-·":\_.J~rd".f~"""-";~~.Á...t.\ f\~...,..-" --. , " \ {, ...~ , ..... -"., "-._ ·r-~-~-~...,.'·",--",~"-.,,;.,'-:' \it-·f"·'} . ."\ ..' ~.-".'. ~ .;(':;~~'~~ /r~ (::f.J\~'/l',/) '}'~... "l_ , , , :''f':t-J , , .' J~\ 0.... ',K 'ì~"'; '->'. \ rT. .' ~~~··~t...l--~"'·,/·· ..\~ ":.-?.. '\ '), ..,' ; ': ."'..... \.": ." . . ,"r ~,f''V '. . .' -': ...,....... .....-. _.~ \.-..... ~"... ·~i~.L··~,..~ f-~-,:·"\. ::~, , ·1." . :"~ ~ "" --. - .I!,;' ./- " KERN COUNTY --- OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Accounting Date: February 22, 1993 FROM: Mike Driggs SCBJECT: Closure of work orders WORK ORDER NliMBER: 50018 í,:OR.K ORDER \A~1E: John D:3bcHn LAST DATE WORK ORDER ~~S ~TILIZED: Februar~ 22, 1993 REASO~ FOR CLOSURE OF ~OEK ()RDE?; Case closed t=! t~ ()(ž HA.~f >1.\~< -:~ t:; E R ------------.-------. ENVIRONMEI AL HEALTH SERVlcf ~EPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX February 16, 1993 Tri-Steel Company 207 East Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307 Attention: Alan Tramel SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL LOCATED AT 207 EAST TERRACE WAY, BAKERSFIELD CA. Dear Mr. Tramel: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remediation at the above location. With the provision that the information to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the Code of Federal Regulations, or Water Code, for past, present, or future operations at the site. Further, it does not relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the sit~ which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is your responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Michael Driggs at (805) 861- 3636, Extension 566. Sincerely Steve McCalley, Director  Q- By: ;;: Can:RE.H.S. Interim Program Supervisor Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:MD:ch cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATIN: Dale Essary driggs\tristeel.uic .- e \. DRAfT September 17, 1992 Tri-Steel Company Alan Tramel 207 E. Terrace Way Bakersfield CA, 93307 SCE-JECT: Class V shallow injection well located at 207 E. Terrace Way, Bakersfield CA. Dear Mr. Tramel: Your request for a 90 day time extension to prepare a workplan for the characterization of the class V shallow injection well at the above noted site is approved. Use of the well must be discontinued immediately, and the well adequately covered to prevent h-a.ter runoff from entering. I f you ccntact me at have (805ì ;_-1.n~- que s t ions regard ing 861-3636. extension 582. this matter, please Sincerely, Terry L. Gray Hazardous ~aterials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program cc: C.S. Environmental Protection Agency IEPA) ATT~: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATT~: Dale Essary e·e '. fSOURCE MANAGEMEN-~.. AdENCY RANDALL L. ABBOTI DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE m ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCALLEY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APeO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT .. \ .., ,,'.... \ ", . ,)V ni\ ' . I)lo Tri-Steel Company Alan Tramel 207 E. Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307· September 17, 1992 SUBJECT: Class V shallow injection well located at 207 E. Terrace Way, Bakersfield, CA " Dear Mr. Tramel: Your request for a ninety (90) day time extension to prepare a workplan for the characterization of the Class V shallow injection well at the above-noted site is approved. Use of the well must be discontinued immediately and the well adequately covered to prevent water runoff from entering. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, /~~ Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:ch cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATIN: Dale Essary gray\tristee2.uic 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) AAl-:~4?Q AI IAN TI< Me/ I C / A~e 7'l?A/f1e I c:rÚÁ.N ô.,s 6() RIJ e e "_.._' KERN COtJN'l'Y ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL'I'H SERVICES DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD OWNER ~. %~ ~ ~ DBA r;mJ,/i: lm! - ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: ASSESSORS' PARCEL # SPECIALIST/TECHNICIAN: CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION ADDRESS C'1' ;..... , ......... , " ~ DATE ... ~~-tj I .', . ~- .'~ '"r/',J :: ,_ .:_ " .,J (,::'. ~ "":.' , C~ ~ I ¡, :._. ~l . .', ~. . > -, . " ( . ;·r:. ~ ( --- f 1_ "-- , , ..f. . '-, ~l. , ~). :.-:t~".,-...·~- (/~.-t-( Cr ;v~~<¿; rI:-¿t ../'-e;..¿~é I ;;74../'" '1':. f I l . .')...~-,_ .:J,ç~....,.-.,~J,t...-7 ')r~ .-;1- .. ¡ ¡ c-- - ~ J " f.l·'';~ ...,-., . ':-:- "'.' " I',·f' , 1(AVv \ I' ~ ~ ,,; 'J ", . ".'0. .,' í: .. i. ,~ . .\,. '',.'0 !\; .'.. 'r J.;;..V"v~¿" ~r. ;'\ \~:- ..... '..-\ ,',,'. ,", '..,''7,";~, \ ,'\ c" (; . Li. . ~ :'l.. ., ,:., í... '. ;.'.""':'- :/\) (. ,I '. 1-), I,: , J.//"""\ ¡i -¿r·· _'" F7 ., (3/2 " ~R.! -.~!E!~ CORPORATION..~. 207 1"" - ".':Of' VVrr¡ ßAkf''fII~ ,":-""'~ :;7 . ~-_.._--- UCE/VSENQ ,~4S4 . ç". DATE: ¿ - (;~- 9:.3 e . i i TO: J"w'&etÂ'V~~72lL //C..c.4?'7'z ,~JTN ¿JØ.~ ~.? 1~~.:5____.___n FRO/v: ..----.L.rr a~~/??~. / COMMEr-,!;-S: ~S -fe..¿P~£!"/s7èt;,4 ...--.---.-..-...-..........., This transrn;' any probk is 3._ pages. "':Hng this p::;ge. If there werê 1 this t~n1mission, þle.:.:~ti.¡ ~¡I! us at (805)-327-7241. ::::......-¡- , .2E-SC)I::: 'ddOJ l331S-Idl 90:9T E6. 80 83j e ]3 [. fi "'((1 S.,., 14 1- AODRE88 ..2.ô 7 }; 1.t.úlfJa/C.. ~ß", ·;:TY,. STATE, ZIP -SA J,(J 1-\ &. ( ~ á) ~ :A I CONTAINERS: NO. J a: ~ tc ~I W! 01 :> ca r;; L I- L1J 10192 ..f e, (.....~ '-.- B:ON-HAZA.RDOU9WASTEDATA&dFOF.lM NAME E"A . . ~. 1~1111418101~S 1'10",'1 jaJ PHONE NO. VOLUME :JS ~AJ. 'd"ß OOt P ') WEIGHT TYPE: TANK o TRUCK O OUMP TRUCK o CARTONS o OTHER ~ DRUMS .... 43T£ tleSCRIPfION ¿ ¿C:,¡,¡r ¿7/.L.. ~A/T GENERATING PROCESS -rt< ú./Á.J# cOMPONENTS OF WASTE OOMPONENTS OF WASTE '!I. PPM PPM % 5. 6. ä:¡ :æ ¡ , 01 (.)' w14. m! o ,~'~OPERTrES pH _ LJ SOLID ' o LIQUID ;-/ HANDLING INSTFW.......rI'!~· 7. .: ," 8. l o SLUDGE 0 SLURRY Don'~R ! THE QENtA:ATOO CERTIFIES 'tHAT I THE WAS'tr> AS DESCRIBED IS 100% I NON·HAZARDOU6. I . ~ J~ :~h ~ ... EFA . ~ ~~. Ic! AI Dr 9,8, 316 i 41119, 5J 21 a: NAME Bee J Enterprises. services W t- AIXIÆSS 28330Hwy 119 a: 0 Taft, california 93268 c.. CITY, STATE, ZIP (J) 7¿J- Z cC PHONE NO. (805) nÞ5556 a: ... TRUCK UNIT I,D. NO. SERVICE ORDER NUMBER /t::,/? PICKUP DATE . 2/2-/'1..3 / TVPED OR PRINTI':D· FULL NAME,. SIGNATURE DUE"-·..· NAME -1 vt¿ þð ~. !C¡¿z.I,( I O,(7tO¡ffl' 101'1 ¥ra > t: ...J - CJ if c ~ AOORESS OI!iPOSAL METMOD CITY. STATE, ZIP !!] LANDfILL 0 OT ' I!R P~óNr. /'~O. TONS ,.. aEN TUNS C/O L. TYPED OR PRINTED· ME II SIGNATURE DATE OLÞIN~W . S It fÇD HWDF . DI$CREPANCY E.·/E . d 9t'28L2E:-Sm . d;:lO::) l:::!:j,l'::.- r;:ll DJ: '31 E6, 80 83j . ". ".~ . . ,'. !. '. . '.>.. .:.~ :'; .....~ .". ;.., ". .' . '"i·" '. '," '.-, . ~ ...,. ' '.~. On' . , .. I '. . .... ..... ." .....c. ,,' .\ ": :"':' ';' ...;';' ': ...,'.: ,,:::~.',..., ; ,::", I .-~" ¡' -~. ob.... '-.-1 '61'1 ,9 71' A L. P.O. BOX 208 MARICOPA, CA 93252 (805)785-5556 FAX (805) 783-1004 1~1¡1 I'! slg.nature I ,~ ?" .I" . DATE TRUCK ~ hipper -~ LXl .s~.1-11. é fJ1 m,ç r< Consignee Manifest No. I Po'nt of Orfgln , I I C~~.lIon. J,. µ, M I su~~.i1u'er.', .;-y f,;: ; "'. ':" II Disposal No. Haz 0 Non·haz o BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK Relson for Delay I I Demmu~age Time Authorization Company Start I Authorized By Stop . An addlltlonal chargo of $50.00 per hour WilL be added to billing for demmurage time. We will allow 1 hour past load time and 1 hour put unloading. A service charge of one and one.half percent per month will be charged on past due balance over thirty days. Customer shall relmbur'8Se8 J's for all reasonable attorney'. fè08 and QOsts Incurred In negotiation of 89ft/ement or enforcement of rights pursuant to any default or broach by customer, whether or not suit Is commenced. ! I Appofntm~.lt Time Time ¡ Arrive Depart Weight Weight Tlm& Arrived Released Dump Dump Ticket No. ; - - ~- STARTING TIME - ENDING TtME NET TIME I ADDITION CHARGES _.. , I CUSTOMER SIGNATURE /-:/. ~ /'/ /j ~ ....~. j ,/'/ #' /, I ./,;., .~- .....~~~... l~··.I(: r RECEIVED BY ::.v RATE HAS TOTAL CHARGES rONS 10192 . E/2' d .,. .......9Þ28¿ZE-£D8 . &:lOJ l331S:-)è:ll 90: 9 J E6 I .E¡0 8~j" , e ~i ENVIRON'MEI\I r AL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT' STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 881-3838 (805) 881-3429 FAX January 20, 1993 ~ ,...:::"\. ,.-- ' "1 lC·1{\" ... // ~.f~ u·-· U Alan Tramel Tri-Steel Company 207 E. Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECf: Class V Shallow Injection Well 207 E. Terrace Way, Bakersfield, CA Work Order #: 50018 Dear Mr. Tramel: This Department has reviewed the site characterization report (workplan) submitted by Advanced Cleanup Technologies, Inc., on behalf of the above-referenced facility. Lab results from sampling the excavated areas demonstrate that all probable contamination has been removed. It is necessary that the contaminated soil removed during excavation be properly disposed of as a hazardous waste at an appropriate facility. A copy of the disposal manifest will need to be submitted to this office. Once this is received and has been reviewed, a closure letter can subsequently be issued. If there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (805) 861-3636, Extension 566. Sincerely, steWIJ15 · By: Michael Dnggs, R~rR.E.A Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program MD:ch cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) Attn: Martin Zelenick Regional Water Quality control Board - Fresno Attn: Dale Essary File driggs\tramel.let e e __"_'" _,I. , Office Memorandum · ¿¿1~ ¿Ù:f~ PROM! --- 1- /C /~ SUBJECT: /Æ'r' S7t"c- / TO KERN COUNTY DATE: /2-2ð~~~ Telephone No. -ø¿ ;%",kC¿;; ;/ . I? kJ t-¡/J'J'¿ tTJ-\-. Jl~ . /,' /'; -1 // ~/ l:' ¿fC./'.¡;:,/!Ccc.·7 CX:C~; "-7 ,cr (~"d'¿,ç/' //Cdá é ~// /é.~. / ..,t /11 ' .-j ..l~'".ç // /<~.&( -<-·1' /Zc,¿.-;ct(",.'.),' c.,"!.;.. .(A...'>' "- /r< ¿;-¿" '~ /..¥-z; ,- }/ '"- ¡/~ ðf,ncK - 'i1 (3 t 7'1~1 //t'-¡,. '..¿'·t // /; /) ,:ä·¿,v· G.S.S. 580 1151 395-5004 (Rev. 4/87) -¿;.~ ",./ /t'. , ./ _ <':t' .-;' ....... ( .... --c· - -- ," '" ...~ ¿¿ t', .-; _:;":i ':":¿~·;'-1..¿~ \ ... _ __.. ì' ç,.'" ' ~- ce "..,.... ~ .J ;-" ~ ,. .~ " ....,-" 1" - '.'-j {)""J7-Þ ~ 'I ';,;-f}. \ ~.. ~;:\\ qD ., , AUGUST 20, 1992 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT TERRY L. GRAY 2700 M STREET SU ITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, 93301 SUBJECT: 207 E. TERRACE WAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, 93307 DEAR MR. GRAY: THIS LEITER IS TO INFORM YOU OF THE STATUS ON THE CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL, LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY STATED ABOVE. IT IS OUR INTENTION TO HANDLE THIS MATTER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT WE ONLY RECEIVED OWNERSHIP ON SAID PROPERTY ON JULY 15, , 992, THIS HAS NOT GIVEN US TIME TO RAISE THE FUNDS NEEDED OR TO MAKE A CHARACTERIZATION WORK PLAN. AS YOU KNOW CASH FLOW IN A NEW BUSINESS IS A PROBLEM AREA, SO AT THIS TIME WE ARE REQUESTING AN EXTENSION ON THIS MAITER. ANY WAY THAT YOU MAY ASSIST US WITH THIS REQUEST WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. SINGEREL Y, ALAN TRAMEL ~. r ATTN: TERRY GRAY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT' 2700 M STREET SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA~ 93301 1111,,, ,1111.11.1111111111111.11111.11111111111111" .-- ----_. ~~ _._--.._--~-~~- , .-------.....- -- ~ '- ·~·.<Ä¡~~' '~-'-" " ~*'UR~~ MANAGE~ENÇA~C~~ .:.~-: . :,,: RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Envirorunental Health Services Department STEVE McCAlLEY, REHS; DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 8, 1992 TRI-STEEL COMPANY John Osborne 207 E. Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECT: Class V shallow injection well located at 207 E. Terrace Way, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Osborne: The results of the soil samples retrieved on May 13, 1992, by Zalco Laboratories at the address noted above have been received by this office. Our review has determined that the hazardous waste toxicity criteria has been exceeded in the sludge/water sampled. The waste must now be managed in accordance with hazardous waste regulations. All waste characterization, profiling and transportation of the waste to a disposal site must be completed within ninety days. Please provide this office with a copy of the uniform hazardous waste manifest used by the licensed hazardous waste hauler that transports your waste to a hazardou? waste facility. The levels of contaminates that exist in the sludge sample indicate that further characterization of the soil under and surrounding the dry well and associated piping is required. A site characterization workplan must be submitted to this office by August 31, 1992. The workplan must be approved by this Department before any work is initiated. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 ..... -' -~.." . ~.. .. . " .;;, ~ (je 0. . ~.~~;~:"t~~~;~~1~~~~~1~.t~~. .' .-1 . ~~;'.';..: Page Two July 8, 1992 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, T2y~ Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TG : j g cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATTN: Dale Essary e . .~/ ., ZALCO LABORATORIES. INC. Analytical & Consulting Services Tri-Steel Company 207 East Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307 ." Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: 31566 5-13-92 6-2-92 Attention: John Osborne Sample: Black Sludge (type ii) Sample Description: Drain Pit at 207 East Terrace Way in the Yard Next to Cement Slab Sampled by Rick Erickson of Zalco Laboratories on 5-13-92 at 0930 hours Enclosed please find the results of the laboratory analyses for characterization of the sample by the CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT MANUAL (CAM effective 10-27-84). The guidelines for analysis and characterization are set forth in Title 22, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, ARTICLE II, Sections 66693 to 66723, the "Criteria for Identification of Hazardous and Extremely Hazardous Waste." Based on the analyzed constituents, the sample would be considered hazardous for the following parameters. TOXICITY: The soluble concentration of Lead exceeds the Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration. ~c~ Lab Operations Manager JE/tds cc: Terry Gray - Environmental Health Department - 2700 "W' Street, Suite 301 - Bakersfield, CA 93301 4309 Armour A venue Bakersfield, California 9330B fRn<=;ì ~qc=,-fìc=,~q FAX fRnt=jl ~q~-3069 e \~-' e ZALCO LABORATORIES~ INC. " ~.. "-' Analytical & Consulting Services Tri-Steel Company 207 East Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307 Attention: John Osborne .~ Page 1 of 2 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Sample: Black Sludge (type ii) Sample Description: Drain Pit at 207 East Terrace Way in the Yard Next to Cement Slab Sampled by Rick Erickson of Zalco Laboratories on 5-13-92 at 0930 hours CAM - Title 22 Chapter 301 Article 11 Total TTLC/STLC Concentration (TC) mg/kg Antimony, Sb Arsenic, As Barium, Ba Beryllium, Be Cadmi um, Cd Chromi um, Cr Chromium, (VI) Coba It, Co Copper, Cu Lead, Pb r~ercury, Hg r~olybdenum, ~10 Nickel, Ni Selenium, Se Silver, Ag Thallium, Tl Vanadium, V Zinc, Zn 500/15 500/5.0 10000/100 75/0.75 100/1.0 2500/560 500/5.0 8000/80 2500/25 1000/5.0 20/0.2 3500/350 2000/20 100/1.0 500/5.0 700/7.0 2400/24 5000/250 Extractable Concentration WET, (EC) mg/l MRL TC/EC 10./0.2 0.5/0.005 5.0/0.1 0.5/0.01 0.5/0.01 2.5/0.05 0.05/0.05 5.0/0.1 2.5/0.05 2.5/0.05 0.02/0.002 5.0/0.1 2.5/0.05 0.05/0.005 1.0/0.02 10./0.2 5.0/0.1 2.5/0.05 < 10 0.81 76 < 0.5 13 17 0.31 < 5.0 98 370 < 0.02 < 5.0 11 < 0.05 < 1. 0 < 10 8.9 350 65 TTLC - Total Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/kg STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/l in extract WET - Waste Extraction Test: pH 5.0 Solution, 0.2 M Citrate Buffer Deionized water for Chromium (VI) MRL - Minimum Reporting Level 31566 5-13-92 6-2-92 Method/ Reference 6010/1 7061/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 7471/1 6010/1 6010/1 77 41/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 4309 Armour A venue Bakersfield, California 93308 fa051 395-0539 FAX ra051 395-3069 "- e ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. e '\ Analytical & Consulting Services Jû 2.(\ r./, ·s <_J '-' Page 2 of 2 Laboratory No: 31566 Other Constituents Result MRL Method/Reference Free Liquid, ml/l00g Solids, g/100g 61.8 38.1 1310/1 1310/1 Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/kg !Il9Lkg 135000 250 Sonicator, 418.1/2 Orqanic Constituents Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline as Diesel ill9Ll 22 190000 1.0 500 DOHS Luft Manual DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed as Gasoline: 5-20-92 Date Analyzed as Diesel: 5-21-92 Volatile Organics Halogenated Organics Aromatic Organics See Attached Report See 8240 Report See 8240 Report 8240/1 8010/1 8020/1 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level r'lethod References: 1. EPA SW-846, 1986 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 3. A.S.T.M. 4. California Dept. of Fish and Game JE/tds cc: k~rru ¡Iv, Lab Operations Manager Terry Gray - Environmental Health Department - 2700 "M" Street, Suite 301 - Bakersfield, CA 93301 4308 Armour Avenue Bakersfield. California 83308 u=:¡nt=;l ~qt=;-nt=;~q ¡::::,ð. x fRnt=;l --::¡qt=;-:-=1nRq f. \ ' --- e C,.,; . .. -. '. .".- ,,.... .".-.,". ·....c . . j \ VOIATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Laboratory Name: ZALCO LABS Lab Sample ID: 31566-1 Client Sample ID: DRAIN-PIT CAS Number 74-87-3 Chloromethane 74-83-9 Bromomethane. 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 75-00-3 Chloroethane. 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride . '/67-64-1 Acetone..... 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide . 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene. 67-66-3 Chloroform.... 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane.. ~8-93-3 2-Butanone...... 71-55-6 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 124-48-1 Bromodichloromethane 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 74-95-3 Dibromomethane...... Concentration: Sample Matrix: Percent Moisture: ug/l 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < . . 0450 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < . ,0100 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < LOW WATER " Date Extracted: OS/21/92 Date Analyzed: OS/21/92 Dilution Factor: 2.0 METHOD 8240 CAS Number ug/l 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane. 10 < 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 10 < ~ 71-43-2 Benzene....... 9 D I 100 .D"'J~ 10061-01~5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10 < 75-25-2 Bromoform...... 10 < 108-10-1 v4-Methyl-2-Pentanone . ,0780 591-78-6 ~Hexanone. . . .. . ,Q100 < 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene . .û270 .ClO S 79-34-5 1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane 10 < 108-88-3 Toluene . . . . . . . . . ,ö530 I 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene . . . . .. 10 < 630-20-6 1, 1, 1, 2-Tetrachloroethane 10 < 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene.. . 0140 6·7 100-42-5 Styrene 10 < 1330-20-7 Xylene (Total) . . ,<1980 /0 108-86-1 Bromobenzene. 10 < 95-49-8 Y2-Chlorotoluene . ,2800 106-43-4 v-4-Chlorotoluene . .0150 t)lð 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene . ,eV,10, d < ~ 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene . ·DO 14 ,D-¡ '~ 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene . .ðo95 The Lab ID for data on this page is JC14X5661. Partial reproductions of this report are not valid. Above data applies to submitted sample only. < - Compound analyzed for but not detected. The reported value is the minimum attainable detection limit for the sample. Billing Code: 9187 Analyst: ~\.1,'-1,-",'-rv<Z-~r:"""'J 1::'i?^ .._w, Rev,~,·ew: Data Releáse Authoriza&~on: ~ QC report can be made available for an additional ip fee. Information concerning non-target analytes can be made available for an additional fee for a period of 14 days after receipt of this report. (... e '-./ ce VOlATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Laboratory Name: ZALCO LABS Lab Sample ID: BLANK Client Sample ID: METHOD CAS Number 74-87-3 74-83-9 75-01-4 75-00-3 75-09-2 67-64-1 75-15-0 75-35-4 75-34-3 156-60-5 67-66-3 107-06-2 78-93-3 71-55-6 563-58-6 56-23-5 124-48-1 78-87-5 10061-02-6 79-01-6 74-95-3 Chloromethane Bromomethane . Vinyl Chloride Chloroethane . Methylene Chloride . Acetone. . Carbon Disulfide . 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Chloroform .. . 1,2-Dichloroethane . 2-Butanone. . 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloropropene Carbon Tetrachloride Bromodichloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Trichloroethene Dibromomethane.. . Concentration: Sample Matrix: Percent Moisture: ug/l 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 50 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 50 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < HE'l'HOD 8240 CAS Number 124-48-1 79-00-5 71-43-2 10061-01-5 75-25-2 108-10-1 591-78-6 127-18-4 79-34-5 108-88-3 108-90-7 630-20-6 100-41-4 100-42-5 1330-20-7 108-86-1 95-49-8 106-43-4 541-73-1 106-46-7 95-50-1 LOW WATER Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Dilution Factor: Dibromochloromethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Benzene . . . . . . . cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Bromoform . .. 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 2-Hexanone . . . . . Tetrachloroethene 1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane Toluene . . . .. .. Chlorobenzene . . . . . 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane Ethylbenzene . Styrene Xylene (Total) Bromobenzene . 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene The Lab ID for data on this page is JC9MBLK. Partial reproductions of this report are not valid. Above data applies to submitted sample only. < - Compound analyzed for but not detected. The reported value is the minimum attainable detection limit for the sample. Billing Code: 9187 ib ~ I Analyst: ·YV~.~~V'.J Data Relea e Authorizat' n: ~ QC report can be made available for an additional fee. Review: Information concerning non-target analytes can be made available for an additional fee for a period of 14 days after receipt of this report. OS/21/92 1.0 ug/l 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 50 < 50 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < (0,',> e .?:....; :.: ~~~ ' 6_':-<"·'· ZALCO LABORATORIES. INC. Analytical & Consulting Services JW - ~,,":.:. ,.:..........._. - . . . . . e hI'. qC e tiJa ~ffìceJ 1. 0 7 E. T;gÎ/ac~U/ay j!b/e S4ed ce¡1le1! ( - B 5" h j ;3> ~ .) Ae<f ( - ----- ® l' fJ/'a //1 1/ I 5 II- dee/l 3 {f die? .s;fc q I -1-. . lIme S- C{ /77 ¡iJ I í /7 4308 Armour A venue Bakersfield, California 83308 k//'/ 6/"Q / ~~ ð/l ol (B05) 395-0539 FAX (805) 395-3069 ~<.' œ'" ~ ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. :':I1r;(',! -~1,," .,,:' ·'·:;1 c·.!,'i·: ....~.. . '. 4309 Armour Ave. ':··.·;t'.i ~::1f.. '......: Bakersfield, California 93308 t :~{,:.;;<. '. [805) 395.(J539 :1 . ;'. ", Fax [805) 395-3069 }~; /: :'ê~ny Name '. . 1+ , -i"~ ;;) I (~;- '. ~.,~: '. '>'1 (t> ", .\;i .Ht ~{{, ¡'<t- v,:. .jO::;; .ø~ Zalco Lab # Chain of Custody Record Type· . See Key Below legal Sample Description p 5- /1 'Il .~ ~.'() ;"',./., : I 'I .' ,~: /','/ .//'. I / " .. , -r '. \'; I '. i.!"·'¡ I r· I . ~·:1/7/' r~·· L;· i :,.f¡, , '7 ..;\. f;H·; ~t: ":" Relinquished by ""-~ ,;.\ '<L ,I.. Received,by ",.' i ~' NOTE: Semptes øre discarded 30 days after results are reported unless other arrangements are made. Hezanloua semplee wi" be retumed to client or disposed of at client's expense. White . Office Copy V....llr-,.. '_,I. ,....,"~" Project Title Project or P. n N l/I/ Containers Preservative Type' Field Log # Work Order # Page Lof i ·:,t./'G~ I /'.' I r~' , I . µ,' I 1// I,' ;' /.J ( ,. \~ I ¡ / f / ¡, I, . ... (' . J ' 1:./1.. -;; . ...,/',.- - ~Þ-/ //./ ;' '7 /.- ." ".., ., .- , KEY: 'G - Glass P, Plastic M, Metal ... ·w - Wat:er S - Soil G - Gas p. Petroleum O· Other Remarks & PreSenta FAX TRANSMISSION c 0 };i:({~:i::"~~~f~IC\ ... ¡,~ ", . . ~ 0¡ \/ i . i -"\ ~ ~ . ... -,.. ~ .1 I, ~ I. ","' "~: ' f :/. , \ ., , ¡ . ,m. ~-~, ~ " ,.! ð -- ~ Dat~ ~ I ~~¿eL To:~-\6h n~btrnL_ Fax #: i;':'C~.: t",M~~¡".. ~ IÎ' AI\ . -....¡ ._.....III~~ ,.l, -.1 L ~ '.\.~-!..;. Î' /'\ C ~""\ V\ ~ J \It --\ -..- '; '<M.' ../V \., ) W QLo - ,:~~c'Jq , ,,3-kJJ ~ .1 , Zalco Laboratories, Inc. ìJu,7;ber of Pages (inciuding cover sheet); . L/ Origina1 \~ILL: X U . S. :·1 a íl : ~ I WILL r~Oi: follow by: Other: '" ~ o ¡@//t. 1. I F' ¡ % N l' H ~ F'  X 1- A N £ 4308 Äi'mour Avenue SSkersfield. Celifoi'ília S3::30S,:~ . . . (8051 3ç:j=;~Iì=-~o ( ... Tri-Steel Company 207 East Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307 Attention: John Osborne . .;'''<;';;?'!;''~~~;~:$q~¡ .Laboratory· No:' ·31566>- - -- Date Received: 5-13-92- Date Reported: 6-2-92 Sample: Slack Sludge (type ii) Sample Description: Drain Pi~ at 207 East Terrace Way in the Yard Next to Cement Slab Sampled by Rick Erickson of Zalco Laboratories on 5-13-92 at 0930 hours Enclosed please find the results of the ìaboratory analyses for characterization of the sample by the CALIFORNIA ASSESSII¡ENT MANUAL (CAM effective 10-27-84). The g~ìdel1nes for analysis and chatact~rization are set forth in Title 22, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, ARTICLE II, Sections 66693 to 66723, the "Criteria for Identification of Hazardous and Extremely Hazardous Waste." Based on the analyzed constituents, the $Qmple would be considered hazardous for the following parameters. ""XTCITY' ~ ìJ ,,l. . The soluble concentration of Lead exceeds the Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration. JE/tds cc: Terry Gray - Environmental Health Department - 2700 "M" Street, Suite 301 - Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~~r~ Lab Operations Manager 4~08 AI""mour Avenue 8akersfield, Oalifornia 8::3308 .---.. --- ---- ... A..., _..........__ ~,...~ .-..-..~.... 00 Tri-steel Company 207 East Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307 Attention: John Osborne Sample: Black Sludge (type ii) Sample Description: Drain Pit at 207 East Terrace Way in the Yard Next to Cement Slab Sampled by Rick Erickson of Zalco Laboratories on 5-13-92 at 0930 hours CAM - Title 22 Chapter 30, Article 11 Total Extractable TTLC/STLC Concentration Concentration MRL Method/ (T" ....,..Ikg ~';ET , (EC) mg/l TC/EC Reference v) II:~/.\ Antimony, Sb 500/15 < 10 10./0.2 6010/1 Arsenic, As 500/5.0 0.81 0.5/0.005 7061/1 Bari urn, Sa 10000/100 76 5.0/0.1 6010/1 Bery11 i um, Be 75/0.75 < 0.5 0.5/0.01 6010/1 Cadmium, Cd 100/1.0 13 0.31 0.5/0.01 6010/1 Chromium, Cr 2500/560 17 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Chromium, (VI) 500/5.0 0.05/0.05 6010/1 Coba It, Co 8000/80 .,0 5.0/ , 6010/1 Copper, Cu 2500/25 ~3 2.5/1..-.15 6010/1 '.ead, Pb 1000/5.0 370 65 2.5/0.05 6010/1 ·1ercury, Hg 20/0.2 < 0.02 0,02/0.002 7471/1 ¡· olybdenum, t~o 3500/350 <: 5.0 5.0/0.1 6010/1 Ni eke 1, N i 2000/20 11 2.5/0.05 6010/1 ." 5 100/1,0 < 0.05 0.05/0.005 7741/1 )e¡enium~ e Silver, Ag 500/5.0 < 1. Q 1.0/0.02 6010/1 Thall; um, Tl 700/7.0 <: 10 10./0.2 6010/1 Vanadium, V 2400/24 8.9 5. % . 1 6010/1 Zinc, Zn 5000/250 350 2.5/0.05 6010/1 7TLC . Total Threshold Limit Concentrationt mg/kg STlC . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/l in extract WET - Waste Extraction Test: pH S.O Solution, 0.2 M Citrate Buffer Deionized water for Chromium (VI) MRL - Minimum Reporting Level o ". . -.' 4308 Armour Avenue Bakersfield. California 8::33Q8~:":' ° ~ ,{.o:. ..---. --- ---- ,.. It.....", , .....r"~. ~~~ ~~e<~¥" p·ág~· 2'òf 2 ~',' Laboratory No: 31566 Other Co~stituents Besult !1B.I. Method/Referenc~ Free Liquid, ml/lOOg Solids, 911009 61.8 38.1 1310/1 1310/1 OrEanic Const~tuents Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/kg !!ELJig l33000 250 Sonicator, 418.1/2 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline as Diesel .:Ll 22 190000 1.0 500 DOHS Luft Manual DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed as Gasoline: 5-20-92 Date Analyzed as Diesel: 5-21-92 Volatile Organics Halogenated Organics Aromatic Organics See Attached Report See 8240 Report See 8240 Report 8240/1 B01011 8020/1 MRL · Minimum Reporting Level Method References: 1. EPA SW-846, 1986 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4~79-020 March 1983 3. A.S.T.M. 4. California Dept. of Fish and Game J£/tds cc: ~~~ ~~mEt~~rton ¡lv, Lab Operations Manager Terry Gray - Environmental Health Department - 2700 "M" Street, Suite 301 - Bakersfield, CA 93301 4308 Armour' Avenue 8aker'sfield, Celifcr'nia 93308 ,=,.,~, ~o=._,.,c:::~o ~ ^ '" rc::l~=~ ~~= ....3~~'"'" , 1'1'.1;., . ,', "" ,¡{\ ~~. .~'1 . .l= -~ - t/1I. r.tT_.'· J ' Wa DlII¡ ( OL esr¥11 (806)-32'1-7241 F~ 327~ DATE: TO: ~U. HëA-c-~ ~U> ATTN.: ~ ~ 8tß- FROM: ::JÐI-iJ' O~~~ COMMENTS: Qop'~ ~_ ~ 'I:~ """'\ C> __~ALc...0 r~ '1~- ~~~s. This transmission is _~~_ pages, including this page. If there were, any problems with this transmission, please call us at (805)-327-7241. ;:;~;H'.~;.~;L:¡~':.<,,} ,;,.'..< C"'" ~ .1,\ïr"" '"" ,.,'." ~'--w{"-' ''',-, , '- r ,,,~,.,~~;..-~>,.,~~:/~(r;;;¡~~~~~,.~·":.~~,,,- ""~--;:,~~,;~:7:~~:':'i-_:~:;_~~:tt~r')t~~~~¡~~[~~~;~~:1~~~f;';~1::;r- 1- Z7~~~~·i~f7!:~:':>-":'·-' ' \JLPT .~.\S " . .1- I"!' I Ii ¡, I, i 'j - .~.- ------~----- ....... ._- _...:-.....-~~--_.:.... >.- .;...,,~-~-.........:-~~~~-----.-. . . . _ . ..~"'_......,....;;;.;.:.__....,,....L.¡ ;:100<0. r:: ~-~,.~ ,. APRIL 27. 1992 ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. 4309 ARMOUR AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CA_ 93308 ATTENTION: RICHARD L. PENNER MR. PENNER, LET THIS LETrER SERVE AS NOTICE FOR YOU TO INITIATE THE REQUIRED TESTING PER THE ATTACHED LETTER FROM THE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT. I HAVE CALLED FOR AND HAVE BEEN GIVEN QUOTES FOR THESE TESTS AND I UNDERSTAND THE COST TO BE APPROXIMATELY $680.00. iF THERE IS A DISCREPANCY IN THIS FIGURE, PLEASE CALL AND LET ME KNOW THE REVISED COSTS PRIOR TO INITIATING ANY TESTS. IF THE ABOVE COSTS ARE CORRECT, THEN PLEASE seT UP AN APPROPRIATE DATE AND TIME WITH THE HAZARDOUS MA"TERIAL INSPECTOR TO COMMENCE TESTING. '. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL WITH ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS. "'~ SJNCEREl Y, "'-.., "". '."'""-"" COPY: TERRY GRAY· H.M.M.P. .. ·'-¡:,:_.~~':!t< ....;"~2t..~. . . 806-327..7241 :~. ..~~..f~~..a248,i1F~:.:r'->· 1, "- '_./'!h:~2~~¡·:~1~~;~f~~1~t~l~~:· . 207 EAST TERRACE WAY BAKERSAELD. CA. 93307 \, - ~<.::-<# . ~ - . ··~6R~E '-e ---:.: . .,' . - --' " . - - .' - . . MANAGEM~ AGENCV;r:· . ",oj. ". ~- RANDALL L ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE UI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Servica Department STEVE McCALLEY; REHS; DIRECTOR Air Pollution Controi District WIWAM J. RODDY. APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES. AlCP. DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT March 9, 1992 John Osborn e Claude Tramel J.-4ti AH-en Tramel 205 E. Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECT: Class V shallow injection well located at Amber Steel, 205 East Terrace Way, Bakersfield CA. Gentlemen: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property noted above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the site of a class V shallow injection well. As a result of your recent property purchase on January 17, 1992, at the Internal Revenue Service auction, you are hereby being notified of the regulations for proper management of Class V shallow injection wells. An inspection was conducted at Amber Steel on April 19, 1991. During the inspection it was noted that there was a drain located south of the shop building near the northeast corner of the property. The drain appears to discharge directly into the ground. Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations 40, (40 CFR), section 144.12 (a) provides that "no owner or operator shall...operate [an injection well]...in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of drinking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation...or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons." Wi thin thirty days of receipt of this notice, you must contract to have a representative sample (s) obtained from the liquid and/or sludge phases present in the drain in accordance with the procedures described in 40 C.F.R., Part 261 Appendix I " Representative sampling Methods." The samples must be analyzed by a certified hazardous waste laboratory for the following: 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805\ AAl-~4?q .' .tîì. G~ 6~' ;.;~:~·Ç~7~~i~~~:~~:~:-~:-:<~.;: ,_.~-';:J ",-'- . ·'.Ji -'$..:",:~ ,>-,-~~ ~,-. ::.~~ ':.- .,.'. Osborn, Tramel, Tramel Page Two March 9, 1992 1. Volatile and semi volatile organics, using EPA Method 8240 or EPA Method 8010/8020. 2. Title 22 inorganic persistent and bioaccumulative toxic substances. 3. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) using EPA Preparation Method 5030 for the EPA Method 8015 contaminants (nonhalogenated Volatile Organics). Specify analysis for gasoline and diesel. 4. oil and grease using EPA Method 418.1 Please notify this office 48 hours prior to sampling activities so that a Department representative can witness the sampling. A copy of the laboratory analyses must be forwarded to this office for review within fifteen (15) days of sampling. In addition, please provide this Department with the following information: 1. The length of time the injection well was in service and construction details of the well, including total depth and diameter of the casing. 2. A si te history including the years of occupation of present operator, previous owners-operators, and uses of the facility. 3. A plot plan of facility. 4. The plumbing/waste disposal system drawings or diagrams. 5. The type and origin of substances which were discharged into the drain. Enclosed is a pamphlet describing shallow injection wells and how they affect drinking water. If you have any questions regarding this order, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TG: j g Enclosure Certified Mail: P 871 998 216 cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATTN: Dale Essary ... ,'_: . '. .' ,_~<:".'.__:,_. /~,..'~ .....:;...~.,. .~ ,J. ..' .. ., ";. .. :..~::~~Tf~~:;~·)~-::;"~~~ "/l._",>+ .~;;;";,"~_\cif<i('.di!ÞÚ.I~(.m.I··¡¡_è.s..,,ic~¿~;t· " . '. ":!~S~:t¡;i:r~:~f%~~'11"1" ;:i;$:~:,'Â:' :,·:';'I·"·I·;i:(~;~~·~(:,~¡"1~ Noticê'dÒ' :0',;' ,.:.:"",.",1,,: ,¡1, tg: f ~~/;~_Ll~,;:. \. ~, 'f ' '"'.' , <t' ~ .,...:;. ..... .;' ~' , ,~~.":"",14\,.., ~.~t'¢\;,"".J.J}:""'''''''/1,..>.;,~,,,,,;'¡,\1:i'.''~fmt'~ '" ,:~.-'" ;~~:'~~:}¡~~~t1!'" .,' '., .; ,~«~, !"~~:f1?~~,: .:~?~~~;!-f~'~:i7s~7t~;:':-~,~k~~·;::·:~·~-·~~"r~t?;~'·~J~~'~":'~~~~'~'. < ..~~~: .' ~~. " _ 1::~ ~. '. '", . ':'.:'¡:~:~''''-f '~i.~D~;·:<~i~·;:~:~;~,1: Under the authority in Internal Revenue Code seêtion~6331',"th.e!p¡,o .. ~" . seized for nonpayment of internal revenue taxes due. fr~.. . .' CLEO S. TRAMEL The property will be sold at public auction as provided by Internal Revenue Code:section 6335 and related regulations. Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Title Offered: Description of Property: JANUARY 16 19~_ 11:15 am~ 800 Truxtun Ave., Rm. 117 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Only the right, title, and interest of \,1.£0 S. TRAMEL in and to the property will be offered for sale. If requested, the Internal Revenue Service will furnish information about possible encumbrances, which may be useful in determining the value of the inter- est being sold (See the back of this form for further details.) There are NO KNOWN encumbrances other than current real property taxes. MINIMUM BID $95,286.27 The north half of Lot 9, Section 5, Township 30 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, in the unincorporated area, Count of Kern, State of California, According to map entitled Lands of J. B. Haggin filed May 3~ 1889, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. EXECPTthe South 100 feet thereof. ALSO EXCEPT the West 500 feet thereof. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM an undivided ~ of all petroleum, oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances and minerals lying in and under as reserved in deed from Dorothy M. Lunt recorded March 22, 1946 in Book 1291, Page 172 of Official Records. KERN COUNTY PARCEL # 169-120-02-00-1 COMMONLY KNOWN ADDRESS: 207 E. Terrace Way, Bakersfield, CA 93307 ,The subject property is 3.49 acres zoned for heavy industry and has an office building or two and a metal shop building for steel fabrication and storageo Property may be Inspected at: 207 E. Terrace WaVe Bakersfield. CA 93307 Payment Terms: Form of Payment: o Full payment required on acceptance of highest bid ~ Deferred payment as follows: 20% of the highest bidupon acceptance, and the balance by 3:00PM January 27, 1992. All payments must be by cash, certified check, cashier's or treasurer's check or by a United States postal, bank, express, or telegraph money order. Make check or money order payable to the Internal Revenue Service. Si~#~ Name and Title (Typed) Date Michael H. Haas, Revenue Officer 12/31/91 Address for information About the Sale :. .:-::~: Phone (805) ........ 800 Truxtun Ave 0 , Room 109, Bakersfield, CA 93301 " ~f.,,;."'\.L 861-4144 "·Fór~2434(ReY. 3-84) Natur~ of Title Thl!right, title, and interest of the taxpayer (named on the front of this forrn) in and to the property -is offered for sale subject to any prior valid outstanding mortgages, encumbrances, or other liens in - ,fBvor of third parties against the taxpayer that are superior to the lien of the United States. All property .- is offered for sale "where is" and "as is" and without recourse against the United States. No guaranty or warranty, express or irnplied, is made as to the validity of the title, quality, quantity, weight, size, or condition of any of the property, or its fitness for any use or purpose. No clairn will be considered for allowance or adjustment or for rescission of the sale based on failure of the property to conform with any expressed or implied representation. Redemption Rights The rights of redemption, as specified in Internal Revenue Code section 6337, are quoted as follows: Sec. 6337. Redemption of Property. (a) Before Sale.- Any person whose property has been levied upon shall have the right to pay the amount due, together with the expenses of the proceeding, if any, to the Secretary at any time prior to the sale thereof, and upon such payment the Secretary shall restore such property to him, and all further proceedings in connection with the levy on such property shall cease from the time of such I payment. (b) Redemption of Real Estate After Sale. (1) Period.- The owners of any real property sold as. provided in section 6335, their heirs, executors, or administrators, or any person having any interest therein, or a lien thereon, or any person in their behalf, shall be permitted to redeem the property sold, or any particular tract of such property at any time within 180 days after the sale thereof. (2) Price.-Such property or tract of property shall be permitted to be redeerned upon payment to the purchaser, or in case he cannot be found in the county in which the property to be redeemed is situated, then to the Secretary, for the use of the purchaser, his heirs, or assigns, the amount paid by such purchaser and interest thereon at the rate of 20 percent per annum. Effect of Sec. 6339(c}. Effect of Junior Encumbrances. Junior Encumbrances A certificate of sale of personal property given or a deed to real property executed pursuant to section 6338 shall discharge such property from all liens, encurnbrances, and titles over which the lien of the United States with respect to which the levy was made had priority. . àfficial Business Penalty lor Private Use. $300 !i L'j -1:../ ~...~--,,-..,._~~.......-. ""--"""'.: --,,-~ -.".. Internal Revenue Service 800 Truxtun Ave Rml09 Bakersfield, CA 93301 .",. 1::-'\ /. ,::;' ..:,.<,._;.::.:-:--:-..~;.-- ... ,f)...i',!:: ~,~ ¡'-o l ¡ J' ,,---,. --..' :...;.:: .- q ·u·;---···· -----:- ., J! / : I ¡. \ i JAN - 7 ¡'q,c j 1\ \ [ - DUJ "...""........;,. _. '..... ,,"d. ~ . ,..-.--' ,.~..- . . ," .... ',. '. .;i~~},';j~tw~"'t~~S:fi;ii:t{';5:;': 7i.-¡f~Y G~AY ~"'.%120A/~c,.¡-r~,,: ,~ð,~~-r..(·,.~~~~~~~~:'¡)~¡d~. Postage and Fees Paid Department 01 the Treasury 564 ',. . ( .. ~_<tï _ r' "...' e KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD OWNER. ~ VA fRAMe I DBA . ADDRESS 5301 1A..Jt't1I6R;;()/ Dr, ßkF/D 7..53.:>, ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: ;)...rJ7 E ·ierrA<.e CVAY í-/I«r-L¡) 933()7 ASSESSORS I PARCEL # ¡ 6 9' -I?:t 6 - ¿;2 -(;() --IC CT SPECIALIST/TECHNICIAN: I 6 r< AY CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION·· ?- NARRATIVE DATE (- :.:t""7;t. 7'¿~ ') f - ? ,l., ). lK::¿!'5 ,._../ - . / (.~. .-.,/ ;, l.:>\..' ,..1 (v -Sf' H:'.. l. 7, "il. /-)vrl ,,.\.,0 <'~ /L.',)ll(~ ··Î.o>/I/L S-<-: '7 / . / i. I )' '7 2... F7 (3 J .... ...~ ,.fit. ., e e'>': : ..:, ~:j~~¿~~~'~~>,\c; ~SO.URCE MANAGEMEJ;J AGENCY'. '·.,'.L::--._ ). RANDALL L. ABBOTI' DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR EnvirOlVllel'ltal Health SeMœs Department STEVE McCALLEY, 'RBIS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WlUJAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 13, 1992 Eva Tramel 5301 Wingfoot Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 SUBJECT: Class V shallow injection well located at Amber Steel, 205 East Terrace Way, Bakersfield CA Dear Mrs. Tramel: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property noted above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the site of a Class V shallow injection well. This notice is sent to you because the Kern County Assessor's Office records indicate that you are the owner of the property listed above. An inspection was conducted at Amber Steel on April 19, 1991. During the inspection it was noted that there was a drain located south of the shop building near the northeast corner of the property. The drain appears to discharge directly into the ground. Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations 40, (40 CFR), Section 144.12 (a) provides that "no owner or operator shall...operate [an injection well]...in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of drinking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation...or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons." wi thin thirty days of receipt of this notice, you must contract to have a representative sample{s) taken from the liquid and/or sludge phases present in the drain in accordance with the procedures described in 40 C.F.R., Part 261 Appendix I "Representative Sampling Methods." The samples must be analyzed by a certified hazardous waste laboratory for the following: 1. Volatile and semi volatile organics, using EPA Method 8240 or EPA Method 8010/8020. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX, (~Ilr;\ ~'_~AI)Q ..' " ,'. .C:W _. e G ' , ;'. ~. '. ". .~ Page Two January 13, 1992 2. Title 22 inorganic persistent and bioaccumulative toxic substances. 3. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) using EPA Preparation Method 5030 for the EPA Method 8015 contaminants (nonhalogenated Volatile Organics). Specify analysis for gasoline and diesel. 4. oil and grease using EPA Method 418.1 Please notify this office 48 hours prior to sampling acti vi ties so that a Department representative can witness the sampling. A copy of the laboratory analyses must be forwarded to this office for review within fifteen (15) days of sampling. In addition, please provide this Department with the following information: 1. Your telephone number. 2. Length of time the inj ection well was in service and construction details of the well including total depth and diameter of the casing. 3. site history - years of occupation of present operator, previous owners-operators, and uses of facility. 4. Plot plan of facility. 5. Plumbing/waste disposal system drawings or diagrams. Enclosed is a pamphlet describing shallow injection wells and how they affect drinking water. If you have any questions regarding this order, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Enclosure certified Mail: P 767 336 401 Sincerely, ¿ry~ Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATTN: Dale Essary A- .,;t~:-~.,...t....'-;"" í~.:,~~"f;';T:~~~'t~~ ~~"*~~~~~~:~5:¿~;:::;:. ::·~d:· .~:~·:i,~rff~~~~:tf~~~~1t~~~i~~~~~ø~~t~~~~~~":;::.:' ". .,~ . ·...et (p@@œ @ffiU®O~ßI1 -.-- .. '. ,'. PS Form 3 11, October 1990 .¡,U,S. GPO: 19110-273-861 DOM~:nC;.RET1.iRN~RECE1PT'·· ., -- .-' ' . ~\)<i {~ P 767 336 401 ~_ Certified Mail Receipt ~ No Insurance Coverage Provided ~ Do not use for International Mail p~~i~rs1l:J~E (See Reverse) 06 $ I Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee a Return Receipt Showing (j) to Whom & Date Delivered ~ Return Receipt Showing to Whom. Q) c Date. & Address of Delivery ~ -, TDTAL Postage $ 0 & Fees 0 Postmark or Date 00 M E I-/~ -fJ- æ (f) a. ___ _u______ ___. .-'-'-'- ce ce,·" .. ,., WORK ORDER LOG SH~(Çl: Work order #: WO C&teqory: WO Type: Reilm. : Y )(. RP Code: DO .sÓ; () I ~ JI~nt:s H WORlt ORDER 1mKE: ~cJ,^J l.)~)ìC'ÎN / r- RESPONSIBLE I PARTY (RP) HAIlE: _;,:r!~ VI " c.,j~l~v}~ /~z/I/"h _~~/1-Y?'fJ//lfr1'Yl ..J1A~ l~/ -' ,. RP CONTACT: Sr.l'),."^-·· ~f/,-" ~1_ // ,. . RP ADDRESS: .;;;",-, ,_'-.. /1-<:"( C'._'i.¿.,-, RP CITY: Î I; ,;. '/ Ii /"':i?,JZ/...' t..,_}L-L/...,' ,-1 STATE: {i:"1..- ZIP: ¿. -; --,;> /7 '7 + ,'.... ..... " <...' ./ INSPECTOR: ( 50) 3 27- /.""J '1/ ( - ) - <' {2 ¿\ /1!rr'l / RP PHONE NOS.: Br1' . ,S' ~ :::t BIIIIP-Permittinq PROGRAM: HHHP-Enforcement DESCRIPTION: / -,;?.r9?-. !/'L(" / / C J., . /,;- , "!-, 1 - _ I" /~ - ¡,j 7 - (/ C" - '- L.-v f / 1 LOCATION: FACILITY NAME: A (\Ahf v'- ,"¡ 1(7 r( I COMMENTS: 'i'~:'~'.';" 1> "=:t.~1~.~~~~~l ~-~·~:j':'-'¡~~:;~"3\~f~~~.~;~:~.:~;_.;~~~~/::',-,~,. SERVICE AND COMPlAINFFORM' ., .. ~ ...,~..i_~~..;:::-~~: :T·j~[:. ',t ~ .," <~;::t.... , ..'~,.t, , _.;t-:...: ,,' . ..";.t. ' . KlRN;·'COUNTY":- ENVIRONMENTAL  ..," :...... .~¡. r ',. > 'i r· I I L_ o CT No. ...---------...-....-. Direct i ons ~...~........._.._....._....____...._..._......_____...._...._.................._......................._........................................_................_............_......_......................_..........................._......_._...._...._...._....__...._.____..__.._ Repor tin g Person .------...------___m____m____._.._m_._.._.____m_m..______m.m Ad d ress -._.____________.__m___._...m_____m___.....______._..._____.__..._____ Ph one _____.___.._._____.___m___ Property Owner -------L.:.i..£!...______~Uc.;:_J.1!~'!::ç L._________________ Address --.:;.,,~~-'~.~---;::.':::~.:7./.:k.:t.!:..-.-.-!J.-c:-.-..----------- Phone __________m_________. . , Rea son for R equ est ........·~.~..-..~..:~~........~...:~~.n..n.._:;..¿i..~:~.:;~~~;._....;~-~u....._...._·u¿~__..._.:.n. .....~.._r; :-'..'::=:-.....--.-..:::~~~~:t:~:;~...n......................................n............._...........................................n............_.._... ............-....-....-........-..-...........--.-----.-......-..........---.......~........_-..........._.~---...................~-----..............-.-..............~----................~..-...................._....................................................--.....--....-....................--..........--..-.. .--_..~......._._-----..........-....__._--..........._......._...........................__......._.............................._~..........._.._-.............~._.........................................-.........-.........-......-.......-.........-....-......................-....-..-.-........-... Information Taken by RESULTS OF I N V EST I GA T I ON -----m-.-.L-::-----_.___..:___.__._~--m--'o_:..-~__--mm:-___-____._____m_______________..____m__.____..m_m____._________.__-'_____..__.______m_______________ / '/,>::-;-::=:1.. '--'- .....~..._---............_-._.........-..._.._-......_--..-.~..._-................................_..................~.........................--......~............._......................_..................-....--...........-........-........-......-...---............................................-......- ._~---_.._~.._..._._-....._.._----_....__......_...-......_....-..._......_..............._.-.._..-.............__._-~........-------..~..~...~----.._-...............-.._.................................-....-....-....-........-.......................-.....-......-..---.....---.. -----.-..-.--- ..---..-..----.----........------.-..-..-...------......-.------_...-.._................._....._.........._~......._----_._-----...--.__.................__.._~_....................__......._-_................--...-...........-....---..---......--..--- ComplaInant notified of results ...-.----.-....---.---.---.....-...... Investigated , . \ r· (..., I' , , . , " J... ¡ y- by _m______m_____.._.._._____~~._==_:;-_____m_.__________.._.._...m_______________._____________"'__..._ Date ...___f..J._______.______________~--_ Environmental Health 580.4113 2029 (,Re~~?I_'!.?! -~----~-- ---_._----¥----_._-~---...._----~- ._---~_._-,._-- .--.--- ~ Shallow Injection Wá ,- ,. _Cklist .11/90_ FACILITY NAME' fr fit\. bel' .5Te. e I DATE OF INSPECTION 4~(q-~1 INSPECTOR(S): têr ry fry rc.....y TIME: ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: f< \JSS /~ ¡ i ('~"-d, A. F. ;. I. General Information Introduce Yourself and All Others (Show Credentials) B. Explain why you are there, go over the Notice of Inspection. Have them read and sign it C. (Need Legal Info.) Owner's Name: (' !e: () --¡-P PJ.¡~(; i If E',; A í/'ltJ J1(/ I Address: "<'. ~·I .J'J:~ ,~(;:..< ,),"-.¿P.~-:r~';I¡¿i) CA· 7'33ub Phone No. operator's Name: I:.\\."\ !" e(' <::¡ ,',2 : Address: .~ 0 <' -;' \' ,'," i',. " ¿,,' " Phone No.: ;-<.... ,; "':1.., ."1 J.I.¡ I (SWAP BUSINESS CARDS, also ask for business license) Parent Company: Address: Are they a subsidiary of a corporation? Are they incorporated in the State?:. Contact Person: ..,,)'S·:.' ,.::.; !-"'¿~.'i_ Phone #: ,,c' -, "-'-. '.i ..... D. , ~ t . ¡~ /1 ,1.£ r-<, I"~ í ¿ .' 0/ ('{\. q3 .~ u., E. II. Intervi~w the Operator\Nature of Business A. How Long in Business?: B. Are they a Member of an Association?: C. Are they aware of any Water supply Well Location/Ownership: D. Site History - Years of Occupation, Previous Owners and Uses of the Facility: E. Products or Services Offered?: .~ .""¡:(;!/ /'f1h:.l'",/il"V F. Brief Description of any Process, Operation, or Mairttenance that Produces Waste: () ¡:Ls T ;.. /" :"~¡'./ /i.". 7.j , . ..,.. ~'C:,/:'-;:--v,'/ e-:, T- /:Jrec5-C-UT- / G. What Chemicals are stored on Site?: I'll f'"~e / ( 'v.l(-T/~J / -<;5 ¿'J ~ H. Material Safety Data Sheets?: , I'. e\, ,- .,. '.:: e··~·, . " r:~\ .-...~-- .\4 Describe ,the J . c..Á :)5' olvent.Hauler: Verification Receipts? How Often?: ~~~ GI~ J. K. Waste Hauler: Verification Receipts? How Often?: L. Ask for site Maps of Facility and As-Builts, Plumbing Plans for the disposal system: III. IDspec~ ~he pacility GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS(Housekeeping, ease of entry, cooperation): c;. A (r - ¡;'pf?.r',,().~ /':: A. {'ìÝ r~A!IVm ~t/(..H"I< ù.J ¡"ït... , SURROUNDING LAND USE: ·~IVt)l" ¡-¡¿,L. I A. General appearance of the Well (s) : C(r ·r//VI.(;? c..'I~ /tVS¡:)ecnON . . -;- ¡,,," /'. c.. ,_": ¿;;,/ [jJ-' /.-po':.: \- .K.,"" _" B. Susceptibility to Spills: C. Class V Well(s) Status Yrs. of ODeration D. Oil/Water Separator, or grease trap device used: E. Are the Wells Pumped Out, if so How Often?: F. Do the Wells Ever get Plugged Up?: G. Construction Details - TD, Diameter, Casing, (Measure): ~ 'f) ,..-(.,",,,,, , 'J i) " <1 'V\«' r-t'r .-. l" ¿ ,'. i ,1< i.J.v 1.:.',. ,. ¡,...' v .... ,...., _ ,-. {I '_' ,J . '_ ._ _~.. ,....._ ,L,.'::::: . H. Are the Injection Wells Regulatated by a State or Local Program?: I. Permit?: H. How are Spills, or Accidents Handled?: iJ- /IVOI::(~ ;; rz¡.'Vt (~û,~"- ,Pfl-r i""; (' po. /'v' ., :\.,"í7j C,,/(, í / J. How are Floors Cleaned?: K. Where does the floor/lot drainage water go?: L. Car Wash? If so, how is effluent disposed? Cleaners used?: M. How many autos are serviced daily?: --------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTS TO REQUEST 1. Map of Facility 2. As-built Diagrams, Plumbing Plans 3. Drillers Logs 4. Monitoring Well Data 5. Flow Diagram of Processes, Waste Generation, and Disposal 6. Manifests - Waste Disposal 7. Material Safety Data Sheets e </' ", ". .~. - UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT Agency 1<.e~rJ Co- ¿f>JV· f4R&-JrL ~ Inspector /".¿ r- ry G f2.c...y Facilitv Information Facility Name ¡¡¡V\,bf'1I'" S7et?/ Parent Company Address ;2.05 "/t'r,~ A( e ~.,JA "/ Ci ty /4A ~r""·';/':'IC'f./ Contact Name and Position /"(.7""5 ~ Phone J(c:J ')- 3PJ 7-?..;l y / stat)! s:d- . ;; ,..1 I /~ d (Ç &,,X' "'" ! -' Zip :?:3..367 M/.Jp/l'J ,... Description of waste stream NO, JI);",€: Description of injection well f " ) 1/, L\' :·v,r'e-r€,..-' (',1;) ,.~ . ~¿ ì1" I JAr./ .h/·V·- D 12/JI.k,:;> ~., /~~ . ,v ,.\...;-z.' . ,.I;" / Description of activity that may endanger related to injection wells or tanks (e.g. Á./·)'·~L-"- (-I t~(1t·-·Jt/· r'O, ,( /\.-- :-.LJ /1-1; :\./::'-\. ',-, ..'..... ,.:'-/;~:._'/....... ..stJ~· I/S' ;\ " r ;:.\ ( _¡ '. ,C", .' ground water but not ponds, spills) '\,J -¡ / ~ - /1 /J H:.~ L/l~ Inspection Information Inspection Date :-.: _ ¡Cr· "¿ I Number of Wells í Well Type Auto Service ___ Industrial Waste >( Agricultural Drainage ___ Storm Water ___ other ___ Status of Wells Other Active~ Abandoned Under Construction Injectate Sampled(Y/N),; Violation Found(Y/N) Follow-Up Needed(Y/N) y RCRA FacilitY(Y/N) Comments j£..J " . .1 ¡,-,I'V.'V.'''í11 I - /", '} I. ,'1/ ~ï /v c:~ ja~',./·~ :¿¿ J ,:2.sL/¡ ¡f-acÁ ~t"'/1 4 ;j ¿ II i.IÓL /)-Pn.': ¿~:J ~?/../~-n-- . . ." l'· . ( ./ I r'(f· (r 1)1/U.", -, fl_" l·t'-J';', :í- /'. ¥L~-I'-'",--- ;, -j -. PAGE ~"6 ...... ::OD" --...-.,.-.~....., rw.t>\ ... ..r ....., --. ..~ ',."" ~. :...-c. ,. .- 169-110-11-00-'+( U-HAUL REAL ESTATE CO .. 6253-1909 - .,. '.. 056-039 "'" I \ TAX DEPT I~ .... 23. ,.., IIOfto ~ -I' ..a<ItA.... .. 00000 .. I) - .. - 19.201 - ... 2..000 81030 - POBOX 290"6 06/13/89 .... """ '" PHOENIX RZ 85038 " ... -- .,. >-c' 55/3" ... POBOX 290'+6 " 1- - ..~ PHOENIX AZ 85038 " "" "2.3'+2 '+2. 3"2 .~. ..~ - .... 102 UNION AVE SOUTH BAKERSFIELD .. ... ---- " 0000 ... 000 ..... 00000 .. ACTIVE I ~ 169-110-IZ-00-7C U-HAUL REAl ESTATE CO .. 62S3-1909 - ... '.. 056-0'+0 .... I , TAX DePT I~ .... 59.830 .....-.....- .. 00000 .. S - .. - 236.626 - .... Z'tOOO 81030 - POBOX 290'+6 06/13/89 .... .,.. ... PHOENIX RZ 85038 " ... - '" - ... POBOX 290'+6 .. 1- - ..~ PHOENIx AZ 85038 " .... m."56 296.'+56 - ..~ - ... 101f UNION AVE SOUTH 8AlŒRSFIELD .. ... ---- ., 5 ... 30 "10 Z8 .. ACTIVE I .- IO-110-13-00-0C U-HAU.. REAl ESTATE CO - 62':i3-190~ - ... ... 0,56-0'+0 - 1 DBA U-HAUL SOUTHSIDE '" .... Q.96" .....-...- .. e31~" - I) - .. - 66.100 - .... Z'tOO I %128 - POBOx 290'+6 06/13/89 .... 32.681 ..... ", PHoENIX RZ 85038 10 ... B'J.606 -- ." - 55/3'+ ... POBOX 290'+6 .. 1- - ... PHOENIX A1 85038 " "" 2'+2.031 2'+2.031 - ... .oo .... 102 UHIOH AVE SOOTH 8Al<ERSF IELD .. ... ---- " 5 ,.. 30 .10 28 .. ACT IVE , .- 169-110-'''-00-3( STIER HI(t-ÆL G .. 602'+-1"1)6 - ." ... 056-0'+0 "". I I~ - 68.9'+9 """-...-- .. 8825'+ ... 5 - .. - 57.686 ..- ... 2"000 88101) ~ 500 UNION AVE SOUTH 07/08/87 .... """ .', BAKfRSF I ELD CA 93307 '.. ... - .,. - ... 500 UNION AVE SOUTH I. ,- Of· ..~ BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 ,. .... 126.837 126.837 - ..~ - ... PTN LT 8 .. ... ---- ., 5 .- 30 .... 28 .. .71 ACTIVE 1 .- 169-110-IS-00-6( CHEVRON USA IHe .. 5Z't8-1 337 - .,. ... 056-0"0 .... I , PROPERTY TAX DE~T .. .... I()ho ..... .t. Dh~ .. 00000 - 5 - .. - ..- ... 82020 ~ POBOX 7611 07/01/81) .... """ ... SAN FRANCISCO CA 9'+120 I. ... ..... .,. .... ... POBOX 7611 " 1- - ..~ SAN FAAHC I seo eA 9'+ I ZO .. .... -, ... ." .... 100\ '4R NEILL-JASTRQ (O!.. .. ... ---- ., PTN7 .~ 'O- .. ACT 1 VE ,- 16'-120-0l-00-IC TMPEL CLEO S .. 5937-1'9"0 - .,. d- '.. 056-0'+5 ...... I .. .- 35.337 .,.. _. .,. ............. .. 00000 .. 5 .... .. ~ "1),552 .... .. 32000 ~ 5301 NIHGFOOT DR 11/1",86 '- .,.. ~ BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 .. - ..... ," - ... BOI NIHGFOOT DR .. ... <A_ .., j BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 .. "" 80.889 80.889 ,- .a·, .. ~~ 205 TERRACE H'( BP' .ERSF IELD .. .. ! ---- .\ I) 1_ 30 'Ow. Z8 "' ACT I VE 0 ~ - ..J I s¡ :10 ' ¡I~ i LOT 9 & PTN. OF LOT 10 OF SEe. 5 T 30 S. R.28 E. @ l 56-45 SCHOOL OIST. 56-40 @ 169 - 189 -, 2 g: ! c,¡ ::::s '~RRA£C "' " , "' , "' ~., I , I "' ì( ø ® ®MR ø l 38AC 3.49 AC. ®MR , -- "' ~."' Q "» 115. S e . ~ J ® @ 2;: AC. ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ Q ... "t ~. ~ e .:::) \ I/$.$ I ---../ ~ 2. 31AC. a 2. 3 J;.4 C. ø 4. 15 AC ~ "> - - - - - - -- - - -; - - - - - - - - -;:. - - - - - - - - '. PIn. of LoI 10 ..( -- --- ---~ LN. ~ ~ Q DANIELS ------ @ ..... '* ... .. .. . ...... ..... .......... --.... -,....... . ..... . =-~==-..:..'-::.~ ..: .:. ASSESSORS MAP:NO.1§Jt , ~~).r:··.; .. ...1i . - ....:::~.., -.~>.. - . ~ . co . :,.. KE ; 1.111 " , c'" ,,'.., ,- ., ~_ <. . ': ' . , I .. ¡ ;i~~D~~: =:~.. . ~~~---~-~-~~ . ..... ~=-==!p_:cn_,:;:::::~~.u ._..... .-_.._-.... % Cr~ ,t:_~~1~i,; f ,¡¡¡; 1" -,,~ ftl' ~/~~?~;ç';:- ~-~"'.'. .. RAIL CARS · · · CHANE: WAY · · · OFF LU11TS ~ C2~ · · · · · · · · · · 4 "/.. e .J W N m f\¡ rp 10 CS) ID Q L... ~ ro 0 u ø ;at ~·0 r-;: ISI If) ~ ~ (J'I .. ... ~ =1 ~ 1)P 0··········: " : , D A hL'III.!j ((;~ÞJ Ì\ j),(:.';)(1 TANI'::" ( 12 e,,, v4J ) REST ROOMS ''Á 0.. .'. · . .......... .~..... _........... ENTRANCE: ......... .. · · # · , , · , , , , · , , , , , · , , · · · · I N + ENTER 0:········. 0: SLAB: . . -., . . . . . . .. : SHOP . . ................... E. TERRACE WAY · ·0'e· -, .-. ~ ·'e····· L· , 'Ot~_¡NÔ; ~ . Esc:r_ No. Loan No. &ÕOK5937fAGE 940 ¡qSb NG'l I L,t p.f2: 5 Obi 2 B I .., WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Cleo S. Tramel 5301 Wingfoot Drive Bakersfield, Ca 93306 RECORDED BY GALE S. E:ISlt,. I:EP.N COUNTY CLEF!H~ECO~!)~~ ORS 3.00 IfI£P 1.00 REC.FE 1.00 CHfCK 5.00 1I'J7'J810 COO2 ROl TJ:J:OO 11114186 SPACE A8C'VE THIS LINE FOR RECORDa R·¡~ USE MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Cleo S. Tramel 5301 Wing foot Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 OOCI.MNTARY TRANSFER TAX s...Æ..<' . S" 0 ...... Compuuct on 111. COIIIIcIIntIon 01 Yltu. 01 property convoy...; OR .JC. Computed on the consk1llf"don or vatu. I_II... Of .ncumbrances rom~nl~1t dm. OJ7el'~ .¿ t?%~~~ ~~ Sllnet",. of Ceel.."t or ..n, det.rmln '" till - P Irm N.me ~. GRANT DEED rTttK J1E.~ t."'1IfCK /92.50 11'17'1:120 c002 1101 T/J:Ol FOR A V.ALUABLE CONSIDERATION. receipt 0' which Is hereby .cknowledged. Cleo S. Tramel and Eva L. Tramel, husband and wife as joint tenants hereby GRANT IS) to Cleo S. Tramel, a married man, as his sole and separate property ¡ I i ~ '. i·· I the real property In the City of unincorporated area Count'( of Kern . State of California. described as The north half of lot 9, section 5, Township 30 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diabld meridian, according to map entitled Lands..of J.B. Haggin filed May 3, 1889, in the office of the county recorder of said county, EXCEPT the south 100 feet thereof, ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM an undivided one-half of all petroleum, oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances and minerals lying in and under as reserved in deed from Dorothy M. Lunt recorded March 22, 1946 in book 1291, page 172 of Official Records, EXCEPT the West 500 feet of the North half of lot 9 also. I I I I \ I ; ~ .-:_ " : ·,.·..;~~::~f,:·. ,: .~¿~~~. .~i{;:;~ig;;~.:::...lf;6 ~[~i ;~<{.:¡~1:Ë~~':'.::17~-- ;t~~~~ )~¿~"2Ë~~==-~= ""' ....... æ.J/J~ ~~~ . ~~IFIAl. SJW; THERESA M. SHERRill NOTAII\' PIJIIUC· CALFOIINIA IŒANCOIMY ..---,..,"' ::-1;;!;~!(1 :d~~!~ ! I.,., ",. I .. ,\.....1, (, ".. .r. fot' official no tart.' ...U ..' ',,- h r¡ I I i I' I t·· .j,'" ··...1 ! I I , . ""-':'0'. a··'o .... ([¡- c'·"· . '~..-: " ...... . . '-.~ . ':~"'-'" a;.'. .. .-4; -Order ItO. Escrow No. Loan No. Obl282 8ÕÕK5937,ãGE ~1 i%b ~JI fLl P 12: 52 RECORû£¡) BY Ii/,I.E S. EI'STi.:, KERN COIJNTÝ CL£l¡.;·r:ECC¡W'.R ORS 3.00 /IŒP J.OO m;c.ff J.OO CHECK 5.00 [) ''7'l8JO I..W2 ROJ TJJ:Ol . fJl1f/~ WHEN R!:CORDED MAIL TO: Eva Tramel 5301 Wingfoot Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 c. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECOIIOEII'S USE MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Eva Tramel 5301 Wing foot Drive Bakersf~eld, CA 93306 DCICI.MMARY TRANSFER TAX $. ,:5 5': ~ __. ComputICI on III. conaldtrtllon Of vtlu. 01 proptrty COII'Ieyod; OR .~ Computed on "\I constderatlon Of v.luelcc Ii,,. or Incumbranc. tlnlng aI II . ohtll. GRANT DEED /IRA .xJ.OO ClifCX 55.00 il97'l8f<J COO2 nOl TJJ:Ol FOR A VALUABLE CONSlDtRATION. receipt of which Is hereby acknOwl~ged. Cleo S. Tramel and Eva L. Tramel, husband and wife as jOint tenants hereby GRANT{S) to Eva Tramel, a married woman, as her sole and separate property the real r.IOperty In the City of unincorporated area County of Kern . . State of Ca 'ornla. described as Lot· 10 in Tract 1517, as per Map recorded Janu~ry 5, ~95l in Book 7, Page :~::125 'et seq. of Maps, EXCEPTING THEREFROM all oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances within or underlying said land as granted in deed to John·J. Kovacevich, by deed recorded August 6, 1948 in Book 1551, Page ~49 of Official Records. I ¡'<\2-\ , .~ :... . . ...'; r . ~ \..1,. . -~'C(~~'_.,:··~J.·¡~ ~\r: , .-' '. ,. ~;::. . ;~~~~~i;, ~li;~;g:~ :: /~~~ . ..... ,':~:~~ <':T'.: " ~,;; IitIort me, tIW ~ned, . NOla/)' PWIIc In and fgr taId StaIe,_ ",-:·f}ii.{~~ý{%j~~~~~~·;'.T;:m~î. Tramel ';ß:)~~:;j;~f'f' ~i¿~~;,¡ii~·,-:;.-.:....-= ,,-",.2"-:':,!~: ',1' :~~....; ~:~~ntn.lnlntand""" ;Alllgedto_ttIIII.......,..,1II8CUIIId . -....-.: I ::~~~=~~_ ~-'->rK-è"'"f:esa I-!. Shp.rri 11 ~~. ~~I. .~~~~~lJ e; iHtwA M. SHERRILL· NO_PUllUC'~ .. _COUIßY ,,, , ..___241.'''' I\) OFF1OA SE.AL . THERESA M. SHERRiL. NOT_PUllUC'~ _COUIßY ..C-~_.2"11t\ (Th" ..... for Clfftc.;l" "0'-'." ...11 100,' :',./f1:"\ ...., ,.,. KER~OUNTY --- OFFICE ~ORANDUM TO: Accounting Date: February 22, 1993 FROM: Mike Driggs SUBJECT: Closure of work orders WORK ORDER NUMBER: 50018 WORK ORDER NAME: John Osborn LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS UTILIZED: February "" t..L, 1993 REASON FOR CLOSURE OF WORK ORDER: Case closed PROGRA~1 ~'L-'\\_-\GER · ENVIRONM~L HEALTH SERVICt::'DE;';~1tMeNW . . STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA, 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX February 16, 1993 Tri-Steel Company 207 East Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307 Attention: Alan Tramel SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECfION WELL LOCATED AT 207 EAST TERRACE WAY, BAKERSFIELD CA Dear Mr. Tramel: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remediation at the above location. With the provision that the information to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the Code of Federal Regulations, or Water Code, for past, present, or future operations at the site. Further, it does not relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is your responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Michael Driggs at (805) 861- 3636, Extension 566. Sincerely Steve McCalley, Director i~Û~ By: fJoe Canas, R.E.H.S. Interim Program SupelVisor Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:MD:ch cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno A TIN: Dale Essary driggs\tristeel.uic ... -' . . ..:....: ,;.,.:.·t,:;~;:<~~~y~,:·.· ...'}..,. CORPÖRA.TION . ."f~~~~~~?!':~~{:~: TtiI - STEE~' 207 EIIJÞ" ·,-":':;)œ Wfly Bakto,!!II.<:·j ,'.. ro~7 ',', ":!::",.- .~+\''¿' --:, . ê'-.'~',,:~ ..; , DATE: ¿-(;~-9J A/I//£ Cð'V ~¿;¿Z?f¿ //t:A. A 7YL , , ~l};J / ~ {¿.:3 /L~/?7 €-. / ~S fet?l-l'e~c;,4 ,M~ TO: ·~·rT'1.ì ""\ ¡ 1''' " FROM. /j'~: ..' n COMMEf\j¡S : This transm;' any problE' is "- 3 pages, :....-::, ',ding this page. If there were .1 this tran&nission, pleZ:.&1ii call us at (805)-327-7241. ':: _.~::::-£D:=: 'ddOJ l331S-Idl 90:91 E6, 80 83J ·~___h.._~. .... .- -.....----.----- <-.- I ..~~.. . a: NAME Bee J Enterprises, services W t- AOOfÐS 28330 Hwy 119 a: 0 Taft, California 93268 a.. CITY, STATE. liP (f) 7¿J Z ct PHONE NO. (805) nÞ5556 a: I- TRUCK UNIT 1,0. NO. > t: ...J - (.) if o J2 10," . - .'" (/~ ··tJQ.N-~~ZAaD:OUS·WASTŠ··D~ .'~".;}.:" . -~) '. ) a: ~ a: w z w. 01 .>' CO ~ NAME -=rill S ~,, ¡JJ- . ADDRESS ..:i. ð 7 & 1.l.f.R.lQ/C.. bu.!l o,t I -:::TY,STATE,ZIP 1JJ1J<.JR-\ ¡""J{-'-.O ~~ CONTAINERS: NO. J . WEIGHT ..300fa> ~"A . . ~. ICJI'?1418JOIØSI';OI"f/JaJ PHONE NO. .:J$ ~At. VOLUME TANK o TRUCK O DUMP TRUCK ~ DRUMS TYPE: o CARTONS o OTHER ·.A.srE DESCRIPTION LL¿,/./r ¿?/.L. ~A/7 /~ ú/A5// CENERATING PAOCESS COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM COMPONEtn'S OF WASTE % PPM '!(, f" . ¡:.:;: w :: ; ..-; : Q..! :æ¡ 01 U' w14. ml 0' }-/ 5. 6. 7. .: \~. 8. ! pH ~ [3 SelJD ' o lIQUID o SLUDGE o SLURRY DOTMER ~-ìOPEFrTrES HANDLING NSTRU---:>N~· ¡ THE QENEAATOR CERTIFIES THAT THE WAST" AS DESCRIBED IS 100% NON·HAlARooue. ~~ !C¡AIDI9181316!411191512J SERVICE ORDER NUMBER /&:,// PICK UPDATE . 2/ z../90 / TYPED OR PRINT£D· ~UL.L NAME" SIGNATURE DUE NAME / '^- M¿ /V1 ~A ·lc~¡.t:: I OI&710¡~I' 10,'1 (,a ADDRESS DISPOSAL METHOD CITY. STATE, Zlþ !RJ LANDJ!ILL 0 OTH~R PHONt NO. QEN TIitAN!!I CJO .. TONS A OI.ÞINIW TYPED OR PRINTED· ' ",ME" SIGNATURE DATE . S It !CD HWDF DISCREPANCY ,:'....c· ...J 0.....":'0 J ":Ie"' _(-'''''0 . ..J~(Ì"'" "'~-:J I .::- _ T ~ I J ~ . 0 T C'C 0'"" . ·C~ J '""b': '.-) ::: .,..,....:.:,... P~.=::~···,··,~~::~i~~:t~t~~~~~11~r4' . MARICOPA, CA 93252 (805)-765-5556 . FAX (805) 783-1004 DATE.' TRUCK ~~Ipper -liJ Consignee \9 T£AL Driver ~/J{ S~.I-1).. If fJ1 WI.t r< Point of Origin SlgnatUrê I ...~ 7- .j" Manifest No. Deatlnatlon ,J, w, M Disposal No. Sul)-Mu e~..· ~ ..::...... . ": "'" . : ,:J.' 4 " " Haz 0 Non-haz o BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK Reason for Delay Demmurage Time Authorization . Company Start Stop .'. Authorl2ed By An sddl/tJonal charge of $50.00 per hour WILL be added to billing for demmurage time. We will allow 1 hour past load time and 1 hour put unloading. A service charge of one and one· half percent per month will be charged on past due balance over thirty days. Customer shall relmbùrteSe, J's for all reasonable attorney's fees and coats Incurred In negotiation of 8êttlement or enforcement of rights pursuant to any default or breach by customer, whether or not suit Is commenced. ! Appofntm'tJ.lt Time Time Arrive Depart Weight Weight TIm A Arrived Released Dump Dump Ticket No. n _ I - STARTING TIME ENDING 11ME NET TIME ADDITION CHARGES _, ¡ CUSTOMER SIGNATURE ./?/. ~ 0/·' .' '. . ~. .... , 'r" ~ .," " . /.--,.~ ,. .-" "0r,";... l~. . /'" RECEIVED BY :::-I" RATE HAS TOTAL CHARGES TONS 10192· -E/2' d ...... ,9Þ28L2E:-£V1R ',... ;>. Q:) l131S-I~1 90:91: E6, 80 IB--t , .-' c-.~ ." ~-.- . '- ¡ .. ',;: .: ';';7·~'~~~.~:'·:~;·~~t~E!~~~1~~,f~¿~' ENVIRO~EN-TAL HEALTH SËkí~~DÈF.?tfi.ti~' .1'~ . ....~ STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Beke,.field; CA 93301 (806)881-3836 (805) 881-3429 FAX January 20, 1993 (C r;=:::::.., r;=:" ~', 7 (0, r~i'.'// '~Û lJ Alan Tramel Tri-Steel Company 207 E. Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECf: Class V Shallow Injection Well 207 E. Terrace Way, Bakersfield, CA Work Order #: 50018 Dear Mr. Tramel: This Department has reviewed the site characterization report (workplan) submitted by Advanced Cleanup Technologies, Inc., on behalf of the above-referenced facility. Lab results from sampling the excavated areas demonstrate that all probable contamination has been removed. It is necessary that the contaminated soil removed during excavation be properly disposed of as a hazardous waste at an appropriate facility. A copy of the disposal manifest will need to be submitted to this office. Once this is received and has been reviewed, a closure letter can subsequently be issued. If there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (805) 861-3636, Extension 566. Sincerely, Ste~¡JP · By: Michael Dnggs, R~(R.E.A Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program MD:ch cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Attn: Martin Zelenick Regional Water Quality control Board - Fresno Attn: Dale Essary File driggs\tramel.let ..-", ~~. <:.J' . .....·~;~{:;:'~~¡~~~~:~1~~~~f.:~5.~·.: ::.,,: . ..:~. ,}, ':_~"~-. ":~r.,~~~~,i;~¡~~~",:Ç1:·;¡:-$J·::!~;'1~~--t;~"·,; , . '" ,.! - .-.....,"-·~_'-1-....~' ';¡_~"'.D..~.". ;t.. .. ..",./~.~ - '~+::s:r~' ;} Office Memorandum. ¿7l~ &!f~ -- /~ ./~ SUBJECT: 7k~' S7~é / KERN .~. l_- COUNTY TO DATH: /2- 2 (f -7Z. FR.OM Telephone No. -;J1tÍ fiù£(; 7' ;' 1 J& ¿r^-. ¿;;'L-<ÇL?1'Þ1C~/ c£:~,~ (~~. /k .ÇJâ~ £ ¿z,;~J{ /£¿~~ j .~~/ A1~ /&j .0?~ --;; .:ee/~'f /Z;;. ¿- ?é¡1 4-~ ~. -:;7;U:~_ ~~ /Î,J L- v',.Ju.:.) (/ /' 9// /./z..;7,?""h ¿, .~) I';¿í;r~^- - -/ './ (3 ¿ 777/ G.S.S. 580 1151 395-5004 (Rev. 4/87) -- -'~-- -- - - ~- ._~~......... - -_._------_..~-- í \. ./ te ""-.,..; .' \ L~ DRAFT September 17, 1992 Tri-Steel Company .·Uan Tramel 207 E. Terrace Way Bakersfield CA, 93307 S1.:BJECT: Class V shallow injection well located at 207 E. Terrace Way, Bakersfield CA. Dear :-11'. Tramel: Your request for a 90 day time extension to prepare a workplan for the characterization of the class V shallow injection well at the above noted site is approved. Use of the well must be discontinued immediately, and the well adequately covered to pre v e nt,,' ate r run 0 f f fro 111 en t e r i n g . I f you ,:'ontact me at have (805) any questions regarding 861-3636. extension 582. this matter, please Sincerel.y, Terry L. Gray Hazardous ~aterials Inspector Hazardous ~aterials Management Program cc: t' . S. En\'.L ronmental Ft'o ~:ect ion :\gency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATT~: Dale Essary ·~URCE MANAG~~e~ . .. .~~ . RANDALL LASSOn DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental HaIth Services /)epartment STEVE Mc:CAU:EV~· Ram. DIRECTOR Air PoUution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY. APCO Planning & Development Services Department 'ŒD JAMES. AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 11~\ '\ ,1. u r¡ ~ IJ Tri-Steel Company Alan Tramel 207 E. Terrace Way Bakersfield, CA 93307 September 17, 1992 SUBJECT: Class V shallow injection well located at 207 E. Terrace Way, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Tramel: Your request for a ninety (90) day time extension to prepare a workplan for the characterization of the Class V shallow injection well at the above-noted site is approved.· Use of the well must be discontinued immediately and the well adequately covered to· prevent water runoff from entering. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, /;:7~ Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:ch cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATIN: Dale Essary gray\tristee2.uic 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 I . ,::r-OÁN I AIIIIN.'RAMel C/Ævde Tl<NN¿/ ô.s~ó RAJ ~e L~... Ctþ' .. ". -,í KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL'1'H SERVICES DEPAl.TMDT' INVESTIGATION RECORD OWNEB. ~,~~ ~~ DBA t:Vvrtt/l~ lmt - ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: ASSESSORS' PARCEL # SPECIALIST/TECHNICIAN: CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION ADDUSS CT DATE ""cJ.õ-q¡ 1. - .; .-~? ;-).... ~ ..' -- u '7 /- ; G.- ~ .. i.-- í : . -., ; ,( ;. 'i~", ~\ - (). ..., ''2-- , - J -0~;t. , 'd-. -I' . .~ I. I ·-1.o1~¡.:-""'- ;v·'£;.".'L- .Qç...."'-...? ~ '~.;"J \j'- .~ \ '..:-} tv ......., . I, . vw... ".'" ,'j ¿'.,,"e:C (', C __ Ll .,>:).... ¿, í. ,:l£, '- c-~ F7 (3/2 I ..