HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK plc( \ ' , I \ :' ~ - . -~ .\ " ' ~ :,\\ ' i . , / ,---.-_ ¡ i r \ i 1.,- tl~ \ .! C&~ \ " I -r \', I I ¡ : ¡ I :' \ ,I : , . -, : I 'l~ ¿4st- ,>-- \ I' ~, . ---- / : ,--j... 11) , I~ A ~~ I:: l~ I ¡ ¡': :"~A i ¡ }: ! 1 \ ¡ " ¡ ^ Ii .[' I ; ! \C¡!' [ , I" ,;/, , "," '. ~ \, I' ¡ f:'" ¡ \I"Å ' " " J ' '·I(,....I~l '",(1.:., ~,' /ð ~'~~ .~' ,'~,\., \ ¡--:j .' ' tOO , ' '. L \ "~ ¡ ,','ì" \ ,'" -. ¡ ,:\) , ...~ " j. :.....:: ':: ¡ ~ 'r " ",1 ,\";l~r.' I! . , , ~ r"'" , ¡ ... \ ; ~ ¡Ji1 "Y DV ~ \AS ~_ ,,-iJ~ \ ! ~ù'- I ¡ I : E) , , I I I / ¡ ~ ~., Qd'- .----- --.- " '" .. t J ¡ i I ! I ! , I I t 1 I í I , ~' lUf:<3', --.- - · : ---'··..r- C~ \/~ vifj ~ ~" --, , !r\ ú\ ¿ o 0 it·~ YJ I , ! I I b ,-.'......_~-.- c""' ---.--.-'-' ') 'J '~Ø\ '1' (' ^ t: I ! +- I I , ~ \¡""' 1 ~ ~ "- " :-:"ì " -. RI:IURCE MANAGEMENT J~NCY RANDALL L ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSIST ANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Servica Department STEVE McCAU..EY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WJWAM J. RODDY, APeO Planning & Development SeMcea Department TED JAMES, AJCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT February 28, 1991 Ralph Huey City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: Location 1600 East Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Known As Permit # Bakersfield Homeless Shelter 150037 Dear Mr. Huey: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Joe Canas at (805) 861-3636, Extension 588. ..,;~. 5i aer ly '~ / ~' ',~ is Bu~ge , R~ Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management IV Program CB:JC:cas 2700 "MAhe~H;~d:T, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861·3636 FAX: (805) 861·3429 j ~ GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805'¡ ¡ 861·3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director '. . 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Baker.fleld, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 881·3638 Telecopler (805) 881-3429 RESOURCE AGENCY .-- -'. -_.._-~-- . ... - - May 23, 1990 Ralph Huey City of Bakersfield 2102 IIH" Street ,~:, "'Bakersfield, CA93301 SUBJECT: Location . .. ,: Known As PERMIT I . . 1600 E. Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~meless Site ~ Dear Mr. Huey: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property described above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health to be the site of an unauthori zed release of hazardous materi a 1 s from an underground storage tank. This notice is sent to you because our records indicate that you are a responsible party for this property. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property and the cost for oversight of these activities. , Ca 1 i forn i a Hea lth and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ord i nance Code Chapter 8.48 require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL, ON A TIMELY BASIS, DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTERIZATION, FEASIBILITY STUDY AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find attachment IIA", Handbook UT-35, which states the minimum required site work plan activities, the necessary requirements for selecting environmental contractors qualified to perfo~ this work, a glossary of terms, example illustrations, and a section discussing the answers to commonly asked questions. According to the criteria listed below and in attachment "CII, your site has been designated as environmentally sensitive. All environmentally sensitive sites are automat i ca lly enrolled into a State contract program for recovery of oversight costs. The environmental sensitivity criteria for sites are as follows: .. 1. 2. 3. Highest historic ground water is within 100 feet of ground surface, or Nearest surface water in unlined conveyance is within 75 feet of tank(s), or Nearest agricultural or domestic water well is within 75 feet of tank(s), or , " ~ . . ~ '-" 4. Facility is located in a designated aquifer recharge area, or 5. Permitting Authority determines possible adverse environmental impact due to facility proximity to unique wildlife habitat areas. The cost incurred by Kern County Environmental Health for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs will be recovered by Kern County Environmental Health under the terms of the State contract described below. : The contract only pertains to costs' associated with oversight. STATE CONTRACT . The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill-the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State wi 11 then charge you, a respons i b 1 e party, for both the costs incurred by the County and the State, pertaining to your site, under the State terms explained below: Whereas the federal Petroleum Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund provides funding to pay the local and state agency administrat:ive and oversight. costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect cost:s of overseeing removal or remedial action at the above site are funded, in whole or in part, from t:he federal trust fund; and Whereas the above individuales) or entity(ies) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Subdivision (h) of Section 699(b) of the United States Code, the above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any all state and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Control Board. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Susan Gonzales at (805) 861-3636. SMC:cd Steve McCalley, Director Environmental Health Servic attachments "-.- -- --.,..~.. .~_....----~........~-- OFF~f ~HE~ ATT~NEY MUNICIPAL LAW: ALAN DALE DANIEL Assistant City Attorney LOUISE T. CLOSS Assistant City Attorney LAURA C. MARINO Deputy City Attorney ADMINISTRA TlON: SHARID. FOSTER Administrative Aide ARTHUR J. SAALFIELD CITY ATTORNEY 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3721 February 16, 1989 LlTlGA TlON: DON McG/LLIVRA Y Assistant City Attorney ROBERT M. SHERFY Assistant City Attorney MEDEL YIAN R. GRADY Assistant City Attorney WILLIAM H. SLOCUMB Deputy City Attorney IN VESTIGA TIONS: ROGER BUCKLES City Attorney Investigator Mr. Kenneth Ray Monds 4200 Boise street Apartment 23A Bakersfield, CA 93306 RE: Contamination of 1600 & 1610 E. Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Assessor's Parcel No. 17-072-06 Dear Mr. Monds: On or about March 30, 1988, you transferred by grant deed to the City of Bakersfield the above described property. You had previously operated this site as an auto repair facility and storage yard. You apparently operated a partnership under the name of Bakersfield Door & Supply Company. It has been determined by the Kern County Health Department and investigations by the City of Bakersfield that this property was contaminated when purchased. The cleanup cost will exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000). . Demand is hereby made upon you, and your partners to pay for the cleanup of the above described property. You should immediately contact this office to arrange for said payment. Failure to respond to this demand within thirty (30) days will result in legal action by our office. Sincerely, ) ~ r~Je~~\(2'" _ ~ian ~'Da'n-Wk:::::::::::J- Assistant City Attorney ADD: 19 cc: Art Saalfield, City Attorney Don McGillivray, Assistant City Attorney Ralph Huey, Fire Department A ADD 4 L.DEMANDl OFF~~Htj/::!::JT&vEY MUNICIPAL LAW: ALAN DALE DANIEL Assistant City Attorney LOUISE T. CLOSS Assistant City Attorney LAURA C. MARINO Deputy City Attorney ADMINISTRA TION: SHARI D. FOSTER Administrative Aide ARTHUR J. SAALFIELD CITY ATTORNEY 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326,3721 February 16, 1989 LITlGA nON: DON McGILLlVRA Y Assistant City Attorney ROBERT M. SHERFY Assistant City Attorney MEDEL YIAN R. GRADY Assistant City Attorney WILLIAM H. SLOCUMB Deputy City Attorney INVESTIGA TlONS; ROGER BUCKLES City Attorney Investigator Mr. Dennis B. Kay 607 Brown Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 RE: Contamination of 1600 & 1610 E. Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Assessor's Parcel No. 17-072-06 Dear Mr. Kay: On or about March 30, 1988, you transferred by grant deed to the City of Bakersfield the above described property. You had previously operated this site as an auto repair facility arid storage yard. You apparently operated a partnership under the name of Bakersfield Door & Supply Company. It has been determined by the Kern County Health Department and investigations by the City of Bakersfield that this property was contaminated when purchased. The cleanup cost will exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000). Demand is hereby made upon you, and your partners to pay for the cleanup of the above described property. You should immediately contact this office to arrange for said payment. Failure to respond to this demand within thirty (30) days will result in legal action by our office. Sincerely, A~k:Q_"'~ ~Alan ~e Da~~ Assistant City Attorney ADD: 19 cc: Art Saalfield, City Attorney Don MCGillivray, Assistant City Attorney Ralph Huey, Fire Department A ADD 4 L.DEMAND3 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 .KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMe ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard --.--...-.-..."--- .~ ,_. - _._~..~_.-_. Ken Monds 607 Brown Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Dear Mr. Monds: This letter is an official notice of your non-compliance ~ith state and county laws relating to underground tanks. Upon review of our records, it was discovered that the 1988 Permit to Operate fees for Comstock Roofing Company, 1600 East Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California were not paid. Enclosed is a copy of 1988's invoice plus,the 50% late penalty required by county ordinance. The second invoice is for this year~s Permit to Operate fees. These invoices must be paid wi thin 30 days to avoid further penalties and/or legal action. Be advised that these fees must be paid even if the tanks are no longer in use. I f the tanks are not in use, a permi t for permanent closure must be obtained from this off ice. Permanent closure requires either removal or closure in place of your tanks and assessment by soil sampling to determine whether there has been environmental damage as a resul t of unauthorized releases of hazardous substances from your tank site.' Th@ ~p@Gitic requirements for these activities are in Handbook #UT-30, available with your application. ,t!º çlosu!,~ activi!,y ~an begin prio!: to the issuance of ~ perm_it from ..this office. If you have any questions or feel this assessment is in error, or if you would like an application and our handbook on permanent closure please call me at (805)861-3636. Your prompt attention to this very important matter is appreciated. Sincerely, 2::ret;J~u Environmental Health Technician Hazardous Materials Management Program --. ~ -. ..., -.. ." ~ "'_.,.. _w~. ! >lSTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lakp "ella. Mojave . Ridgecrest . Shafter . Taft . .. f'[ L~: ,_'ONTt::NTS [N\I ,-::~'TOH y Fadl i ty , f-.f)~ t=?ro+1qg ('£), [glpeclftit to Operate' I [] Con s t rue t i on Per 1ft 1 t . [JPermit to abandon' [JAmendcd Permit Conditions ~pecmit Application Form, [JAppl1catlonto Abando,! "DAnnual Report rorlls'- , -' ) ~'''' ! i :...:. of Tanks Date Date Date No. I Tank Sheets, P\ot tanks(s) Dat. 'PIa ns: Y' , , OCopy of Wr 1 tten Contract Between Owner , Operator [J Inapect ion Report. ,~.P c()rre.ponden,:~ ':,,~~~~ ~v'~__"C'7~'~"C_:__"'~'_.o "-=---'~ "'-~-'~=-"~'--'-':_'--Da te ,- ,·Date Date . .:..:..;.,..-~ .;.:...~'-.:.;._....,.--,-....----:.---.,..: .. ' , . [JCOfre.pondenc. - Mailed .... Date D.te Date ~ . . . . 8unauthoriaed R.l.... Report. Ab.ndon.en&/Cl0.ure R.porta []S..pl1n9/Lab Reporta [JMVF C~pli.nce Check (New Conatructlon [JSTO C~pli.nce Check (New Construction [JMVF Plan Ch.ck (New Conatruction) [JSTO Plan Check (New Con.truction) [JMVP Plan Check (lx1stin9 Facility) 8STO Plan Check (lxl.tin9 Facility) -lnco.plete Applic.tlon~ Pora . [JPerait Application Checklist CPeellit Inatruction., [JD1.carded CTIC)htnea. Teat Re.ul ta Chec k 11. t }- Checkli.t) Date Date Date [JMonitorin9 'Well Construction Data/Permits ------~-----~-------~-----------------------~-~---------~------~- [Jlnviron.ental SenslttYlty Data, BGrdundwat., Orl111n9, 80rln9 L098 Location ofWate, Wells [JState.ent of Under9,ound Conduits a!Plot Plan Featurin9 All Environmentally Sensitive Data [JPhotos [JConstructlon Drawin9s Location: [JHalf sh..t.showin9 date received and tally of inspection tt.., Ptc DMi .cellaneous e ~ t.S ?flat /85" 3"~ 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 .eRN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM.'· HEALTH OFRCER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION .' . " . ~ .. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard :J: NTER.:J: M PERM:J: T·" TO OPERATE: PERM:J:T#:L50037C ,':J: S SUED: ,JULY 1,'1986 E XP J: RE S : JULY 1 1989 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES _:-~~~::-7~:::~>';~iJz,'::;STORÃGE :r ACIL;TY'~'-::=~',:=,~':;~~:c~;j;~'-;~~~" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FACILITY: .'.. '" , I ~::'!;:"OWNER: ','::.:( _<' "'.., .';:~ ,.~. "COMS,TOCK ROOFING COMPANY , ::-:;j;",c:",MONDSKEN & KAY DENNIS..·~·,'-;.',:;:;l:J:' .'" :»,1609 EAST TRUXTUN, ..AVE~~E, : ,;tl1t~~;f.t:.:'601BROWN ST.REE~ ' :-~~&;:,:[:{:;;:,j·}#i~2i>;,. ~ ,",c.:j} BAKERSFIELD, CA ""1:;,.,;,,, ,.,,_ ,'; , " I .;,;.~: ',BAKERSFIELD ,,:,;.CA ,il93305.;:;;,,,:.ë:i;;:} ,.~,,1~2t~=::::::¡;Z::~=':!.):::;;:~,~:.~~::.~'::-:~~~-=-;I!.::2(~;~~i.:i~~t;:~l,~~;I);:,S:~!t·#,jài.~~-Þ~~;i, ._,,';t'-7-~' NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT '; . . NON-TRANSFERABLE *** " :-.:-.. .... .» ,,~':~~~!{;'~:'.\'" ;;'·(·"~f~~'¿~~.'Y:;.^··-\ ',~' POST~N PREMJ:SES '. .' ....: :.. ..;:) DATE PERMIT MAILED: AUG 2 5 1986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: _______.~~,.....-:-_"'"'<.~ '--'c.'_"--~''''=--~~''''''''~-~'"'-- ..~-'--...-===<r-=...,..~;~".-.;....."...,."i'~:____.,..,__..,....-=-""'"__"._-",..-~=_'"_=."...."",.."""~~,.".,...._.~ ~---,--"-~---~-=",,,.. K~r,! çounty Ilea 1 th Departlllt:nt D1V1Slon of Environmental Heae 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfie 2A 91305 iJe em i t No. /.:::)"0 03 7C Application ~' ,~ A. .APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE F ACILI'l"l ~ of Application (check): o New Facility Oft*odification of Facility ~Existi~ Facility DTransfer of ownership Emergency 24-110"" Contact (name,. area code. phone): ~ys }¡ _ ~ - '3 't 0 ~ --th-\S \ S Á- ftn . I /- &u-z ~--r;;;--G--~ Nlghts -:l ~_ - -:J. ::x: os- _ Facility Name l,,6{ -' 6ct,· C'ð ( No. of Tanks ~ Type of~,Business,,(check) : Gaso lne tlOn er(describe) Rs of fj" ", r Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Yes DNo 0 Is Tank(s) Used Pri.marily for ~cultural Purposes? Dyes 0 No lu' « Facility Address \~OD £. \ (L,u ~u ~ ~arest Cross St. tv'\,.ç T . R SEC Rura Locatlons c:nly) /Ylo n C>.ner \<~ ~t~ ~ -b~~l ~ ~~. Contact Person, 0 Address _~ i'J ____~___ p ~3o.)Telephone Operator Contact Person ,Address ".....,...-... ,Zip . "cc·,.- ,e-Telephone' , B. Water to Facility provided by ('4.( ,~IZ, w~ ~ Depth to Groamdwater, Soil Characteristics at Facility ,-- ' Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Detenninations CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone Proposed canpletion Date ' Insurer C. Contractor Address ~ Proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation Certification t D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply) : Tank ! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular premium Diesel Wast~ Fuel 011 -+- 0 0 IS. 0 ~. 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 § D 0 0 0 8 B 8 8 0 0 0 F. Chemical Canposi tion of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank t Chemical Stored (non-coamercial name) CAS 't (if knCM'1) Chemical Previously Stored ( if, different) 'C ~ --- ~ G. Transfer of OWnership , Date of Transfer L:Jl 'L-- Previous Owner Previous Facility Name ' , I, accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued to I understard that the PeImittiB) Authority may review and modify or tenninate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receivi~ this completed fonn. -- --- -----_.-. 'Ibis form has been completed under penal ty of true and correct. Signature '~ perjury and to the best of my Imowledqe is ~ rL ~---,~ -.- "' Ti tIe ('')-c....-<./'\/\ ß./'...... Datel! - S -- ~S- , r cll.: J..1.J.CY l-.cUllt:: C"ç~.I.U."";--L""-.,,__ ....:_........ /-~ I . TANK t _ (FILL OUT SEPARATe FORM ~ 'CFf TANK, -FÕR~ sEc'i'ÏOO,æECK ALL APPRõPRI.ãõX~' H. 1. Tank is: 0 Vaulted ONon-Vaulted ODouble-Wall.. DSingle-Wall 2. Tank Material ~, ' ocarbon Steel0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride B Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Alll1limA Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment tate Installed 'n1ickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) ufacturer 10. . 4. Tank Secondary Containment o DoublEHiall-r:J Synthetic Liner 0 Lined Vaul t DOther (describe): o Material 5. Tank Interior Lining DRubber DA1.kyd DEpoxy DPhenolic OGlass o Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protectlon """LTGalvanized' DFiberglass-Clad EJPolyethylene wr OTar or Asphalt DUnknownONone DOther (desc i Cathodic Protection: DNone DImpressed CUrrent, Describe System & Equipnent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, ~ Interception i . a. Tank: OVisual (vaulted tanks only) CfG oW"dwater Monitorirq Well (s) D Vadose Zone Monitoring Well (s) D Wi thout tiner o U-Tube wi th Canpatible Liner Direct· n¡ Flow to Moni torinj well (s) · D Vapor ,Detector* 0 Liquid Level Se r D Condoctivit¥ Sensor· o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space f uble wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection U- , Moni toring well or Annular Space o Daily Ga~ing & Imentory Reconci tion 0 Periodic Tightness Testirg o None 0 Unknown 0 Other '",-, b. Piping: DFlow-Restricting Leak Det ' o Monitorirg 'Sœp with RaceWl 0 []Half-CUt COmpatible Pipe Racè y , [] Unknown D Other *Describe Make & Mode : 8. Tank Tightness Has 'nus Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank,Reœir Tank RePaired? DYes Date (s) of Repair (s) Describe Repa· ' OVerfill Pro ction [JOperator Fllls, Control & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float: a~e DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance r []Seal Fill Box DNone Dlbknown DOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices Thickness (Inches) Sacrificial Þ.node System ¡ ¡ 1 I I j I ¡ (s) for pressurized Pipirg led OoncreteRaceway Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None DYes ONo DtklknoW'l Resw. ts of Test Testirg Canpany 11. Piping a. Undergrolmd Piping: DNa Dunknown Material Thickness (inches) , Diëlneter Manufacturer []Pressure []SUction DGravity Approximate Length of Pipe RIm b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad [JDnpcessed CUrrent OSacrificial Anode []Polyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolatioo DVinyl Wrap DTar or Asphalt DUnknown DNone OOther (describe): c. Underground Pipi~, Secondary Containnent: ODouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System o None DlJnKnoW'l []Other (describe): . . Permit Questionnaire Normally , per m its are sent to f a c i 1 i t Y Owners but sin cell any ,Owners live outside Kern County, they .aychooseto have the permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit # and check one of the following before returning this form with payment: " óFor PERMIT ~1. # -\506 31 é --- Send all information to Owner at the address lIsted on invoice (if Owner is different than Operator. it wi 11 be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent information) . - ._; ....'.- ," 2. Owner at the ~ 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: t· Address: (Operator can make copy of permit 'fòr Owner) . . . ~o~ S~{ /.-.-- Cl---t»'l'"~r ------------...--.". _.. . '-""~-'-""'------'---~-~p'~ ---~_.__.----~... .--------- -. -- -- w....--CJ~.....Lt:bOk ~_·Ls.J--:u.J-!},!n -_....-~-~-~........ ..-~~-- ~--------_.~ ._.-.---_---...~. .... - -~~r;:¡qv1, , ~ ft2J:~~ ,.~~:3jLko. ."u,~.;j:--~~~",~··". ,~,,::,,-:~.::,..t,\;jlXf:~:~ .c'-- t..1~j' -Mu>,...~~-J.-L--~:'1r,c-~~.'t~,~- Iu- . fL. , ' ' " '. ....>;:1 ~ , . _ ' ,_, ," ø.--h.~.. . ~.............. . _ ,~' " " :..·'~:r '~f, )',," ~ \.t ;' -,' ,-::,' -\;?;'~'. '~~~~~: , " , "). L / . -r / ,<:;.1:'// 11 I) ',." \i!:,,(:~:;C J ?íin ',',:r,..:' ,~~~~....: ,3P/î().:..~A.-vI.U-.,=e.~c..--f~~~._,~ .,,:~.:J.~':~~_=~, , J S-.:.i~ ,,;',~(31la-Lb,.s~~ S{q.~ :'p {/,__~~.\~;;':·: " , ~ie. -rr .': ¡¡o7L¿'-3---1h~ ;,.;~, ~).f).~:p1. . " ,,'1::.; .', ",;',: ", -..., '--" -_.-........_-_...__.~-_._-- --,---------, .-.--.------ . ~-_. . ...... .. _ ...4 . . .. 5" jl ,-It D -.--V-f¿k.-r--I~..k.L. .._-~-J!J#- t- vi _~d__';¿oo_oJ ~~ _:¿ 9~ ,,J ().,crM.. 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( &TRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING T& ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: '.' .. Employee # Employee Signature (µ I Site Name or Addres,S' I-Í~.,- /'¿4,.J i ',¡ , Funding (Local, State, of Federal) J -::-7.Ö=~-" ..~.._-- - " -... "", ~----- ! Activity ¡, Code /1 (f) Ú>t.-r c..- I ,--Iv>, i' ! L:-v ,-'_.><. ¡ ,~. --~- Description : I I 3 Notes: ,..;':'~' , '5 . ì ".i'.'~ ",'''';. 'Ie t / . ~_. _1l 'f?'" r:;;r ,J ,T"t' j¿'" /, t::J ./.' o',.".-/~ ~.' J )..":-,,. ::.Þ-Il) ,J'~~L!f~ ( --- ;--;. L_ ; .1/':.' .-:t..-t_AJ--:.....L ,. J..í, 0 ; I ' Datà Entered By: Date:· 4, ': '~" d~____,__ ~·_:2:~,:~~_t:·~.:ì __ J._;:j':_:. ':: _ -!!. ~ _"'__:. !.Ù:.:.~c __:::-:_ ,.._~ ..( _.' _ <~., ~._:_~_ _.,:-:L ~:__,_ ':_'::"--=~_~ ~.!'" _:':::},~}._~:"::~: , Permit # S n :_) -:.' '"Î Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature //,__r¿ (1,-;_____ Site Name or Addre~i{ fL,."d¿ l¡;'''/l :\ L I~f'f Funding (Local, State, of Federal) CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (1oths) I'//"/Y-, (..... -;: 12 - 3- ¿J -.>( ".' ,/-.....-/ Notes: " I, i , l" r I -' (.-\,", ',~(.." .( ,~ / ,)! J , <:: v" ..¡ I , ' , ~, " ':' ," ,. ;~:~ '" . 'r , "':(,--', " I, I J j r; 1 I r 1;'.:- I I ¡"o. f é ,"" (' ~ , A '"-:.,,, " . :.'::~--ý' ::~ a·1 : '1,'. ...,...../\ nc"_', J '--' I j I / , I ,ï~ " - ....... I r " I r ,/ /y .. / ~' / " '/1,'[..1. , , . , -' \~. ; J- /.. " '; .,:~ ..·.:t-r:Ît:.:"'::..v, " ¡Jc,/- i i j "j' e // ~/ / . /~ " ¿ / 1. "-:'(':f"-~.,~ "'~ " r -4 )...: ...,... ~-'l( :-.' . jf , A /(_',11 : :: -/./ ',.r.'~{ _-I";:¡O ..::-1... ..¡ç,/ , l.,,~, ,.,:.p. ,. 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Description .. -----.-..- .: ,~·t-::-·:-..=,~- , , ,.¡ ~, i i Date Category Code " Activity , Code , .. /J 15. 0,.., Notes: /).5 ,)5 i I I \'" ~' /1, ' ",:-,:-. , Irlé'¡~'~;, ,: ,"" I;:' ',~~~ ..'," 'f"':":"'n:"':"--;;':;""'. .~::.: '~..-'-"'; .,:.:;:"~'" .-.' i I I, ¡.,' ~ '-... '--- . ' , .. '..' " P' . .. .. ".. , , ( .' .. ' " \., ~ ' .. Data Entered By: Date: -- - .-. - -_. -- .-..- -- - - --. - --. -- - -- --' --- - -- - -- --- -- ------. .-.- -- ~ --~ -- .----- -.---- -- - -- -.--- -- .-- .,--- -- - - -. -.. -- - -- -. -- - - -" - - - -- --.--- -- --- Permit # ! '5" ,--.., () 3 7 Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ,., Employee Signature j It' /;,¿f ( ,'~"- Site Name or Address' 1-1, /1.ü /r ", ,~ (:' 'Lv .......~ .-J. .,~ k ''" Funding (Local, State, of Federal) CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS 'Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description ( 1 Oths) i? í·j Î,o- r"~ ) :5 , .~ j / /, , .' -) Notes: '-" ,.. - (v '~ 7Lr..:. .I.) 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Data Entered By: Date: Env, Health 580 4113 137 (REV, 5/89) ! ,~~~=====~~- I ¡ i ! >. -. ,-_:......:.~~-- ....:: II I - ----. i I ! , I ì ! ¡ I I i ¡ "10,", Lcr OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Permit # Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Addre Funding (Local, State, of Federal) '. --- "--'-~-,.-._-- ~ -.-- -- Date Category Activity Code Code Description Hours , , (lOths) .. . Data Entered By: Date: -=---==C3II.::>-;::-OS=________~_=_...__e:::J_=_=:;:: ~ OE: _ -= II:; I-=- ~a::Io~'~ ~_c::::.~ ~ -.= C;:;;I ~-:; =_ Permit # Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Addres CONl'RAcr OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheèt Site Specific Status Changes: ~ ,ð ~ 'ï /' Date ~ '¡/4¡) Notes: Category Activity Code Code Description Hours ( lOths) (').4 I) J-:2.. fJ ...,..! '" I I" 1.1/\ r-., r ~_/'A .., y 1'" .. .""...,.-- ...----- ... -. -- -~.._~ .---",-.,"~--_......................~--- -",. Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113137 (Rev. 5{89) Permit # Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Addre ) .CONTRACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKIU3 ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: o? Î 1-/0' Funding (Local, State, of Federal) ~ -_._~_._,- - " ~n_· _._._ .-.- Date Category Activity Code Code Description 03 J;;¿ Hours (lOths) I.S I Datá' EnterédBy: Date: I:" "'}.¡r'-...f-.~~!Jdt':(í [r'f-/",- /".'\~c '-l!,{'IJl:~'::J~ t.' IPµ~ :?.c:.àtL .i.{r.: Tl..-w., :.) .....ç. ~cza&.:;; ~-=~_~~ _ ~. -=stoDll------=--~n=:..::~_.___=:!'_=_=tIC:2IlC::::~~_~_c:::IO_..,.g~«::aIKa__.;:;:I.~_=II:It_=_c:::;c:: I_=:COI;:>c:::=:.:.=c:::o___.;;;;;a_~..... CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKIU3 TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # I t: '):} -:z: "1 Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # " Employee Signature /J/~, / ¡ I WI-^-- Site Name or Addre~,S If '" (. ." Sf, ; 1.,,- Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activity Code Code Description Hours (lOths) Date "k'-!/;/ Notes: ()3 I~ n~ .'. ~ / / .¡.," r""" h () / ,., ._-:-:"..,,/ ,.r7 (), r (1)1;.. ' /, 'I I"'" /" I f ' < .....,. ,'+ ("..Y(' j' /." '.~ ---,. "'(,'{': "-:.;'l'5· '::-'l,' ;~,~-,-.<~....',d'-': 1~:;'··-·-'::fj~:...i,~''''I' j,.. ._;;;{,,:.-;; ';'1'0':' I )' , , l'ì1-1/>.,, .,~/'ú-r..r( .I aú!~ / it ,~S4'C,.J£flr: ("LI/l- /Í ' I ¡ I / /? -I;>¿ I; I ')1 t'J,·..,.,..-,' 1 ~. /i. !-A/f' L..' ,Le f." C Data Entered By: ~ i ." /( 'h/.-: . " ....;;.1.... .~ .\ r '--,"""'" ,~ ~.~ T ¡-O"! ..l,-t.( I' , ,/I(\/;/;; "",.1 ,.'<, , ¡ ('4 í! .1, ¡;;., /r ~ ..' /.'":1 Þ _\ .... /- ,"", -/J I to: .~___( 'S ,..1 J/ .{} '-'.... . .,!->, ..,-1 i ; . ().-1.!A I ~." ~-.A ./- ¿J.y;, , I ~ Date~ I ___i 4 I .I.-ï:- ,¿ I /Y\_r,i'l/ I~ '~r(A : ;:f!¡ (" )1 // I' _rrt-..;,.¿...- (/.. .,! ~/; 1 I ,-' <~. ,t;t.'::,I~~,~~~;l ~_~37 J~~/~:~~:!~,- .' , ," " ,~,' / ¡ '. L,. <' J'; ;.~ I I.r y'V" ',- r,' L v' hI' y"; /1(, ~"""-"",..... .._-----.--~_..~- . . CONl'RACT OPrIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Permit # ~ Employee # Employee Signature /J(J Site Name or .AddreSs I .- -.1' -.-. o,- _, __'_ I ¡ ¡ I t..___ i'o, I I . r Funding (l,c)cal,,~-t:ate,. ~f._ Federal) .. , ---'-~"-_. _.~._- ..---.. - ,,~. -- Category Activity Code Code Description 03 Hours ( lOths) J. Date: I ¡ ft I . , ìo !' ..,.,-' /o,~é \...( :1..~./,u~ +,:;, ("f(.J1Q. ',' ~ v'~ ¡()'v\ t-v--- c..ft U"'- jJ";i ..r l ~ 'A~C/L_V.. U":> 1"_"'- 11."'-- ,- __ ::.. ' ---~-~~~~~-~--~~~--~=~-~-~-~~-~~~~~~~~=~~=~~~~-~-~~~~=~~-~~~-~-~---~=-= ;¡ *- --'-. Data Entered By: , Permit # 1<'/;1'\<- í Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature tJ..;µ.., (Ic;....~......., Site Name or .AddreS!s· IL~-,,, :,(1, {¿l..~ f¡ '/Lr',r 'So, ¿;." Funding (Local, State, of Federal) CONTRACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Date Category Activity Code Code Description I ' c.,Y4/Q, n2 '.- ,.) I:J Hours ' (lOths) b Notes: I' ,-~ --.; --...: -- -~ ~- .-"'--" -- .-'-- --<. -. . . -"-.' -.--'.. -- ,.. .--_. '.... .~- . ...~......__.,.,..--~-_..~..,_.-_..-. -. _. ~-."._~"..." . ...,,,,--.,. .,__- _. . _.... _u_.. '.. ._, Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5t89) , I I ' , ï-"'~ , ; I I I I ¡ I ! ' I t , .J '.----.. , I I I I ! . -, - -. . . CONI'RACT OPI'!ONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Permit # Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Addres 'Funding (Local, State, of Federal) /} Date B ~&1/) Notes: Category Activity Code Code, Description Hours ,( lOths) D.4- 03 10 ¡:..:i" Data Entered By: Date: . F C:;;C::::; -==-e::J -==C::="'::'_~'IIõõ:I'''''''-::_-=C#~c;:3.C;2-==-C:;:':=-=:;c¡;r-=:>C::;C=~~_c::I__-=_~__c;::,C=_c::;J<==><II:)_-=_~c;.,_c='_ ~ -=:IoC=.. _ _ ~ _._"c::I" _ e=I ,_ __.e:::;;t'c::::.c::._=. í CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Permit # Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Addre Funding (Local, State, Date , Category Activity . Code Code Description Hours (lOths) 1.11- ()3 10 .:.~.!,.".'!_.~ ,/ ¿,' -::LJ2 1 ' Env. Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89) ~( _~ 0 ,--/ -> ~'-; .'-:....::?~, Æ /J-nc:~t-t /Hú.<.ð'A. . _. .. _.__ ..__u , , , _ ~ ____ _'_h_,_ - .-- .......:; --- -;:.;"""...". ."-- ;,--, - - -- ---- _.~ ---. . . . CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Permit # Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Addres~ /IV c:::., Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date Category Activity Code Code ,Description Hours (lOths) , IJ. I:; 03 1;;( ',' /, I?c., _.-.-- ill .., Data Entered By: Date: ~.._-=~ __--==-=-=-=-~_.c=>a::Io_c:=_=~___~~_~c==____=_~ _ ~ _-=-«::! __ _ ____ a:=c:::o t:::::J_-=c-.c:aca c:::II....C3I _ C:;:¡''C:O _ __ a::::I" c= e=_~-=re::lc=Jc:c. ':='_1::1_ I I I CONI'RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS r Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet , I , i i I I I I i I I + ----'«---"', ¡ I I I , I Permit # I ~(':'() :2 7 Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature /Îv I I I '-'_ Site Name or Addre~s' ¿j", ( /e>...: /\ ~c., ¡,t." Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date 0./, !., Notes: Category Activity Code Code Description Hours ( lOths) (J. d tJ. r)3 1.5 , r, I~ ......,~ . ....' ..! L_.~. ._, 'J _._ _~..~.....' __ . - __. ~ ._-, '-"'-"',,,"-,"--~,-............_- .... - -~---~. ---...-....~._=<-- -,-~ -.- ...... . ~ -,.- ---'-- - Data Entered By: Date: Env, Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89) I J ·,:,1.::....7, ""--" , ; \ t f , 1'__ .I...__._..-~- ._, ! f ! ; I , r' ¡ ¡ i ; r ~ . ' 'CONrRAcr OPI'IONS FOR LEAKI~ ~ Site Specific Time ~ccounting Sheet Permit it 1.:::/"1,") ":!, í ' Site Specific Status Changes: Employee it ~ Employee Signature flu (L-- Site Name or AddresEY )·Lyv...¡¡ lOA sL l-kv Funding (Local, State, of Federal) ,., " ,Date Category Activity Code Code Description Hours (lOths) 0.7 5 tll , II ")' Data Entered By: Date: _c:::::o.:o;,.o _ c...__C::)C=;'~.«=.c=~ ~c;:: c:::r_-_c.:-~ ~ -=:;-co;:: -= o;;:)-="~~~__-=-=_ &::f'c:lle:a_c»_-=_~-=a c:= ~~ ~c;:;:;a_ ~_...øc::= ~c;;:::I_ ~_c;:)_=_____~_=.c¡.~ ¡:-..... - --""... ~'''''-'--.' ~ , CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKI~ TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit it J ~ (-'/' "2, 'Î Site Specific Status Changes: Employee tt , /1 Employee Signature l{~ '" II , Wl......-t-- Site Name or Addres-S li ;A..ß /,' '5 ~jL ( JDyr- Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date ~ ::'3ho Notes: Category Activity Code Ccxie Description Hours (lOths) ()3 I~) J l r, . .o.~.-=_""- '-"--__.~_..__~.~"_"'.. , _. """'''- ....__~ ,,"-u..___·...--.."'-~'. ,---""'- """--'.- "- --,,-.,- ''''-'''- -,. "-~.- - ,-_.~...- . --- .........., -~ ,,,", ......,.--... - .,,------,-_.....-'. -....-..., ..-...,.,.~.. Data Entered By:' Date: Env, Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89) i I ~, I l I 'I , \ ,.~, i-- I I . .. CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TJ>JlP Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Permit # J<;~ )0 ~ 7 Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Addr s Funding (Local, State, of Federal) - - . ....- Description Hours ( laths) . tJ~ Notes: . '. . " .. . -, ~ r f' ;'. . ': ~ . q.' Data Entered By: Date: ..' ~~~~~~-~~-~~~~~~------~~-----------~~------~~-~'~~~~~--------~-------~~~- I i J I I I i i ~ CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Permit # Employee # Employee Signature t Site Name or Addre~ Î Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date Category Activity Code Code Description Hours (lOths) o 03 /5 ....._... ". "...,.,.. .,.__.-.-_ '00""'_ .-~ -,,~. ,."- '.~ ".._--.,.-~".,~-~---,-",,~. .."."..,.....--.......,.,-', .~-- ~......-.=<"..,,''''-..''''~~....- -...,..".,.....-__ . . . .'____~,,~_"'"',.~.,_"-_.......... __ " ______n_~~,.,.> .....-'~_..~ _ Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89) ----"-------- ...------- - -.. . . CONI'RACI' OPrIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS- Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet - ---.- -- --- Permit # ¡SO:,") '2,/ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # " Employee S,ignature I JU-P (L Site Name or Addres/s iLi'1f /, ,,of ~ (J IJ // !" I ?..1 , ,," / :,Q.v Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date Category Activity Code Code Description , ' . . -.,~ -'_.<~- - ~_. ¡)~ Jo Hours ( lOths) .1\ 7 L./~ 'l ,,"-I . -. ~ ._- ---- . I- ÍJ . "".,.....-¡ ì \) Data Entered By: Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~-~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~----~~~--~--~~~-~---~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # -- , -:::'Î Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature /} , .. , //~, ~.': .. ¡ ~, Site Name Address :/ .., " ~ or I , ;, !¥~. i '/ -:'A. ·"",",;.Ii ... ~~'.·}_~f -' Funding (Local, State I of Federal) Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description ( lOths) If/r.í;; ,,' f ,- ! ¡ " .. Notes : ."r} .. ( /~Z~.,..· ¡ --T· IX, I /( í- _, , i :, ( ,; ,'.Ii " i 1/1"" " 1/ f!u,' , , " -f .. ,~ " .....,..i-. I,d J J ,I / i /) .. ,^, ¡' -r~, '(,,:1 // /-' .. /,/ ~j ?, ".1-1, , , .. ," : ~./ .--~. .. " >, ...., - - (J. . , ~··t --' / T ,/ :j .'J-",.r " 'U .'-, , ,1- "..¡-¡ ~ r ..'J ../ .., .. -~.. .... '- ,.. " ___n_ .... .. .. ..,....- "~,,~~,.. '. -~.-'<--..~ .-- .. ... - ,--~ ~-" ..-~~,...--- - ------. ~ Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89) . a CONI'RAcr OPTIONS FOR LEAKI~ TANKl'" Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # J -:~ ':::- Î', ''2, -7 Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature /j(K I I Site Name or Address)' /J¢I,IU hss ~J I~~ ,/ ~_t:...£] Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date Category Activity Code Code Description " Hours (laths) /) 3 IO/7.o/q (J ,3 Notes: -) ',,' / i ¡["Lt' ¡It ,·f ,¡ f.' ~1'.'1 .'~ 12. . ;/ ." , 7:.-'(. ,,-", v "1 T7~.rr>,; j~ '1:~, <, (1/ ,_, ø -,/ /" liL", " /~ '. , \\, ,J c.,... -r-' . / ,/ ,'-'0 .j ,..¡ \ 't-, ' . .L ,;" ¡.,~ ,.-' V1-.i' ,,' 't..c;/ I" /., tJ ,'2.6Î)/f~ t4/ r> ,,' - . < l...'..~ ~li, 1'1 i .£" j¿' TT)/ -!- -, r ¡ " 5/. -l~.<--/, /. " I'" ;},,/ ,A...P ~I ./J ..f'; ". II / ,",r/'i- I/,{,./ /1,. 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Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # } 5 .:) ¿.; ~ .... Site Specific Status Changes: ? I Employee # I! Employee Signature /lL,¿ l!i ,~- Site Name or Addr~Ss , J C::,..,l L:Æ I I ,J-1"7f"Y'4-. { .~.;.,. ,d ~ Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description ( lOths) ¡;l:r ):1 I} ;, )d J ,,;;z Notes: ," . (Vu"~o-t<,,^- ,.AJ / E" /~"L'~~" r/ ' í'"Ti) !·\A;',-,Yn-)r;(· K,. '-'J'T.~-. f' /)n,.J ...../ U;,- i:..-, 11-'/1-, '"" {/ ,-J\,r,t,~ j~ -r'/ ¡I~,.., /~', /' h", ..J L .,\9., 0 ",-or",,- " ,¡ .-/ j , Ii:, /' (' / \ I'" V r I) ,/ '1 /1.;:> # ,,-'\ f....."........... V, \ !,', .~ I ð (" Ir··~"" f vt J... '-I-. (.,_..,"1. ,r" (,,-,II ,;] ì ' '11 /',/1 b ': < ,,,-1.../, !í ~-f-'J ' ", S /,/ N f}~:1~/(..A.. r' _0"'/-"'/"' J -:' u. 'I -I- !- .. ~ <; " (:, " ",; f _ .v<'" f I í : l=___r::=-Y"i.'-,'"",-,, .,.~.;t",¡~.' lA",--4....:'\.'· ;".¿ ·~,...4 ~ -- . I ~t,.~ ~ \ 0/ () v- I-:' ; , ( '. r" 1.1. ~ . "'- -. J Li~ .. 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CONl'RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # I -"": /)O~<'·7 Site Specific Status Changes: '-" '-~. '.-..' Employee # " /) Employee Signature II ( I{ç./H /.I 4 i. hL{/ , Site Name ~/ d j c::: p II- or Address;., " l ! ,v ' , 'r-YÎ-\..L1./ (' ,,} ,,1 '_--1¡( 1 I '-k' /, Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date Category Activity Code Code Description !t) 'IU, 0 3 Notes: /5 Hours (lOths) c2 - ,'} -r" l l ,~"'''; ~......,. ., ., ,/ ,.Ii(.. . I /j ..i' ,c... -L (JL I I ".~1~, " / J r , ;o/~/ t<" ~ Data Entered By: Date: ·~~~=~~~~~~~~=~~c~~~~=~~~~~~~=~~==~~~~~~===~~~===~~=~~=~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~~~~ Permit # Employee # Elnf1loyee Signature ¡J'h ...e.--i' ¿:\ Site Name or Addre~s' .t4."v){; /~?.-u S,{c (::/;;.1 Funding (Local, State, of Federal) . L5/J/7 -z:: -; CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) , ,l/~'~ 11::( )5 ,'J / -:.¿ Notes: ./ " .. ¡ I --/. ,,+ .I ! ' JLc. ,-1/' / <; " ..- "'t:" , " /} - ' , -_.~ ;;, j " r I I' ,'~/ , ' ,.y:h, /C, ;,..(- ,- I ,.¿ :/ / / /.:'~ "'-Ä , ';:":;i"n 17 7(; j., / j..~~. .:.)....-1-;-7 /: ?~ /~~.{-. ',/ /ì ..-} './ :'./.( "1./ :' ! ,', r" .. I .. I i' .... ,-". - - .... ,.--- ... '-~'~--.- Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5{89) .. CONI'RACT OmONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # }.:5 00 '3'7 C-' Site Specific Status Changes: EI)1ployee # /i Employee Signature (JU.JL (~;'I\~ Si:te Name or Address! 11... y",-O_ (r¡."7...') S,..G I t~y Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date Category Activity Code Code Description '. q I I I '..f' D 7J J 2.... Hours (lOths) /7..3 Notes: / ..-l . (I.. ~ .. ,..... I: ,j -.:&;,r::J:f.~:.:~~!!"'~- .j., . , .: r /',~~. <.' ../ .I Data Entered By: Date: . ....,.. ~__ ___._~. -;-'_~_I_,_'._'___ _.-..,_.._._._._._...:.._,ø_._._ __.__ __..........~ '" --__ _. _ __ -, .",. ..." . ,._..,~-,--- ,,- -- -"., .- -.. -- -,.., .-" '.' .- .~~. _.- '... --. "".' , I \\ ':¡ . CONI'RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ) ,'/):::. Î Site Specific Status Changes: -', Employee # " ,^ ',¿... Employee Signature /:?(.I_i.. !1d.'I~ . / Site Name or Addr~ss II l c..l' /-k' !,,i,,~".x. ,{;.>:55 -' (...y" _' v Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) I 9h&; !.f1 ,:) '2 I ¡ /}. .(1 ,~ Notes: , , I' ~ . ,/:--r: iA--'-<'/J,<. ¡J l., / (] i 4-t-v-J Ý .-:- -r/ --¡j,4 'r1 ~ )',Cr..!ht, - - h_ .'Ic".-<, )"J" .', .v-o';' ....-- i. f [, ' I 0 ~. , / f\x,(' _Q v-.J!.., ~~. -;. ~-1_~./.~ I ,/ . ,-; ~I.~.·- ··:t-L~.' ~ j' i /j f ¡ '/',' / ~;--- 1/ ,,/.,./ ~--~-:'~ <: ,I / ,~r' '·1../<..., " ~ , / ,'/ ,-'-.,¡/.' ..f....¡ -r ,"' " .' /·,1 '"'' , ,- - --L-V'l ~I il- Il 1":- L ::, '~<' ð ~I 'J!: '" /. - -- vI '7.,Ý-;?,~ " ,~,,1 . n ' :-,- /. ~ ./1,....._". 1'1'7 L . /." .Ii,' I l /,.~ 7: ,?" ,.I¡(" /.:. /~ ../." 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" Funding (Local, State, of Federal) CONI'RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description ( lOths) ;/1'- k.,: /) .?; I "'......, " , . - .; / " ,~ Notes: J ------.~.. . ·-7~? r,~-, .- I .-'-, ... I " ....'.:..-«, , / / " f' 1 ," r ,V: ../",.1 " /!, "-:-:'; ~ "'. ,,^ -! . / " /) / $ /1 t/ ., " ,..'\.. " ," u " ,,~ ./.! ,~ , I '.;:J,.)-,'. .' ~ '/ :..-<f I ¡ , ¡ -' ( I I ,/"::. -r-- - : ! ! ! " ....... .- -, Co ,'-" ... , " :...--¡"..... .' ~. . ---' " , " .._+- .. Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89) . CONl'RAcr OmONS FOR LEAKING ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # i - ~ ,', '~'! Site Specific Status Changes: ", ,I -- Employee # Employee Signature /1 /~; . 1/,,1..1 """"- Site Name or Address;.., j ,C· .... I ' '. I / ' ; .. , ~ /' Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activity Code Code Description Hours ( lOths) Date ,..J-J, .. './-, Notes: :J ,J I -~ ,..I .") II "" "I , .., to: '--' ,; 1 .' --l J, ,/; 'j,ó f ( 'f ;".¡ ...VL. - -"""' / / / J", / ,/. I I ¡j /1' / i h I ¡. !- t:""_ ",' ... ,'. ..~."..!. ,... u ..~_._ - ~ /?,- >/, -." I ",.- /', ~ ,I, L ;'!A.. J,~ '. c: L-f~ '-,!1¡~ r -.-' , ~... , I /, ,f, .y .--/ f! -/-"" _ IT (j T7)) j ,I ::L 1/; " (" \/ 'i"',-__¡~ -1.... JI /.. h.,,-JL I j ,I ?1 ,'"/,,.' .!-/, j .J ' ..' ./ i { 0':.\ 7 ...¡. \,j. ,..... /(...- ~i- -f i.~l~- ~~/ ,'" ...-' " : ( ''- I ' ' " ... r -f J/ .f , \ _';; ). 1'".. .1 ..,- ~;., .._1 -- , I ./ I ¡ ,'" ¡ ¡ +':,~ r->t-, ).. -' , , /' ¡ J........( ....... --( I ¡ _, Î..l .L~~ " r') l(¡~.~ I " " .. " , I 1:?) \.^ .,; ~ j" ; ,1 -i .J. t. I, I I " ,;.,1 ~ J '.,) î .~ .' t. t·; ~ ~- I i -, ~. /- '/ " .~ -. <; ,.JO,' /' 'f ¡ J. .. 0' " "" ' .. ~~ " Data Entered By: . Date: ....,.. _. ""'"JL':' ........_~"..:...-=.:=-.....c_:....,=- 5-õõ. ~-'....... ~ ...-.- <......-'.......;....,. ~ ...._·_-'>·-:~«..!.-J_'»..-.::"c-Jo~-.:...._~_......... "'_~"'-....____C-:;'<o..;:;or.=:>~__.....~_____=____________a::;:oCZl<'_''-C=-'. CONI'RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # I - '-I " '~ - : /1 Site Specific Status Changes: ; , Employee ~ Employee Signature ;/ 1/ Site Name or Address, 1..1 .. l..-· --':.1) ,- It,> ';;t " Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description ( lOths ) ,;/, /1 , " ¡"~ :::;:.,tj. O. f:; " .;./\ '- i ,...; -- *- .,...~ -' Notes : {' I I ,-.' .. - i/ I / I .' i , ~ .- ,..,.. , , A /j '~ .... " ! , (! I ¡ ,.--. ..-- , , .., : / " I , : " .. " I, i< I ; " í ",,~.',u / i , ! ! ! ,', I" " --- --.... , -J i -- ·f .., "f- ! .. , , .. :/·.t I l .. J I ( ~/ I '*-'. i -0-' I I ; .. "Y'j i J .. [ , ,C " ^ i, ~~ /],., , , C{___1;. , I,~' '. .- .' r , : " " ( I' / ..j " '~ +--/ ,.J.£; , : "'1 f ._' ì -r' , ... . .~, -I._.f. , / - "', " ,', " ^ -D . '--, '.,,- -~ .. +- .... ... t~_ , .. , '=--"-' ( ,J. , lA i) ,- " ! : I " .. ; i . i !.. ,'- " - '/ I ¡ -í- : i ,,' í ¡ -, " , , ", , ¡""'. Data Entered By: , Date '- : Env, Health 580 4113137 (Rev. 5/89) . CONI'RACT OmONS FOR LEAKING ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) Notes: , Data Entered By: . Date: ",. - ...-...--..... ~-",-......~ ----...- -- -- _ ____________""'- __~_r,__"__'_____________ _ _ _._._........_ _ __ _ _ ___ __ ________ CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # - /"ì. 7: Site Specific Status Changes: , Employee # Employee Signature / ; '-' I " <, '''-:'_-'-- Site Name or Address !~ ' ~ ¡ /~'---'/;- I ,) '/1"" " ~__ i... " 1'- ' Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description ( lOths) ,~ !JJJ?4 ;,ì ? I 2 0 ..- - Notes: -=.::.- 'I-- I V; --r;:.. {, ,j ..J', ~ "¡"F ." -' ,. ,¡, ,- ... ':, ''f .' " .. , -.... j "j ! , -r- ~ 0 I.- '-' " .. i , " :.i..^," .. " ¡ (:, , ' I,' " : : " .. ..' ¡pO .. " .., --¡,.j -:-/ , ,I r'!":'/ ( ! !, 'r:F " 1-r I" .--".."....,' " -r-' ¡-- ,',/ ! / ,- 1 _h,...:.", " ¡ ! ( " , '. ; " " " I..' ..' ,..- .'-.-'_...... '.. : , , i ~, ,~(;;-- - / ..j... .., 1,:;-':·:,(. +- i I \ / c: .:::::: T", ,~ " " , ,".1. " ! '. ì,( " ( 'd ~ , '::".r j I ,,-1 ¡ '-J .. -", .. Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89) CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS S~te Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Permit # Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Addres Funding (Local, State, of Federal) pate Category 'Acti vi ty Code Code Description j ð . 0',_\ /.!-1 Data Entered By: Date: \ Hours (lOths) 1)..5' if , ..i Env. Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/69) I. I I . CONI'RAcr OPI'!ONS FOR LEAKING J Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # 150031 c.. Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # J A /! Employee Signature I)vX ( ~...- Site Name or AddIes(l_L~ s: .1-I/.~t Funding (Local, State, of Federal) , .-.' Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description ( lOths) I I g/J3/~ 03 }5 (J.5 Notes: , ·1 ¡-:~-L . // +,~ ,".?A t,../ 'NL .2../) Q /1 ,/1.'1-\ 1 '" (" A...LA /0. (J -' ,-<, -t' .Å.L ~ " Q ,,-; ,'.....L.A- _I ,rý.' ? /f ' .' /. .+ ¡; U/ ' .. ,'1 I J )1./ ,~~ .<;.. '1 f ,·~.,\".l--". '), /. , '("-""' à 'I/!.. , I' .{ , J..-G./1 .JI,/.-.~ ,,n. . '>.1"';"" 4., "'+ t., \ f\() LI"- ( .. i "'2_d..'n /171 ¡; ji I \, :g.i 0 Ijç -~'I' ,/""ill <; if , ..... Data Entered By: . Date: ~c~~~~==~~==~==~~==~~~==~=~~~c~c~=~~~~~.~=~,~~~~~~~~~=~~~~=~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~= CONI'RAcr OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # I =-0,:"> :2. 7 ( Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # 1 /1 Ðnployee Signature /! IV (!IA' ir"....'- , , Site Name or Addre~.Sr ¡/',.,A,J/)/,..1 ~.t j-!f;,/ Funding (Local, State I of Federal) Category Activity Hours Da~el Code Code Description ClOths) 017/;;,4 1 ;I...., /-/ i· 1'-. ¡,,',y\.. ~ ~ Q ":1. - ,-" d.-:;:" " f?,L <-4-..¿u , , c· . f ; -' c.... , ) Notes: " ¡XU.-f,..¡" c::. / J~ ]/ .-..- , -r ¡/'f ;") ,,1' -r-: ,'/Y Uk / úA ¡.{/,~ l/),,·"/.f (12.-('/{/...(/( , ( ,.., ~/I ¡" ,......"ì'\ l i /t· \/¡=<" a.",) ¡i ,/ /' ~~h /11"1/ L<...,'ò" f',,,;-..:/r:·.-<.-1/I -ê ,0, ~';". /. , ~). c? 1 '~\ J ....... ..... rr" ,I' i y~ ¡ i < /...' -1-, ~) ¡Pi p -r-I \ --r/-;~.I:L II h . /,1 r": t- ,( ( .:! ! Q. .... Ii" ~ (.\/ ~"",Â"""" '....... "~' ..-, , 1 '-<' , .~/~./ I ' .¡ .I C2/7/3 c:. . , /):?.l1 (, ,..-:··}1 (.I", ¡,/'/ ,", f \) /~ 1',,( , . ~,' " ".c..- )! ---J ~ , : 'i - - - -----_... . ----._~.- Data Entered By: , Date: Env. Healtn 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89/ . . CONI'RAcr OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # 150o~1 Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ,1.1 Employee Signature /i /1/ 'leV , U./I<f- Site Name or Address f/CJekc.lÞw SJ),ë I L"/ '.' Funding (Local, State, of Federal) 'I CategOL}' Activity Hours Date. Code Code Description ( lOths) / I / , ð ~ /2- (j, z..... / 1'7/;; 7 Notes: , " 'I KQ , /; ,ðç r'\ Y: -r:~, .,..;;. ¡ , .-, / I .-~-/,;,;) ¡. , -f .:L. U') ,L J-C (, Q r ()_ t-/ 'jm I l.·; ,.. f -1 ;.11---¡" "':. (., -/; " i <-Jr:, <- .-t, /, . '-[ , L L~ ¿" ,c. í r. ! ..--)111..1 .r Jj I It \' I.')C/~ h,~ , :', ~. I " _,_ .' , " ~......._V Í,,,. .'c.' ," ~~ ,,- ^ I j !"~l r; .¡ if It / I Y ct- " ~ L/J-¿ :, tf .c. k ,¡' " ," ?; f /), ~1 'O/7/;'fl ,j,,!-/_,(~.... ¡/ /J/Y},/. AA~ . Ý, ~'~ - -.... ~ /1 /1 ,_ . " Il .<2./ I ~,)I ~-I j, i 1/·/ J ¡ /, i- J¿ , ~j -, ~'-"~.J " , 1.-'....\ " /' , ~ ,-v C:,"Tu / .':/.... /-1"" .. i' -/' / .f.~ /¿,J.¡;-' /' i , " Data Entered By: . Date: .~=~~=~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~===~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # i .. " .-, Site Specific Status Changes: ,-, - ,I , Employee # Employee Signature ' I Iv "/ (L1-"'~ Site Name Address . or : ! :"';' 5"'7 '7' , : I, : - Funding (Local, State, of Federal) , Date Category Activity Code Code Description Hours (lOths) ",)/--',0 j_"':-' :.J .-/ /u I. ".:., Notes: r''-' .'/ !. 1 ,,..J (' ( " .-....... L / ,,0/ 1.-'7-1..".-4,:.1 I', :; ,. -f- ~.··c. ; ,? / :'J"""~.< .' ~:,'")... 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CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ,J? ,):'" ~ ?;' Employee # ,"'\ Employee Signature /7..., / 1)/;; '.f ,__ Site Name or Addr~ss 1/ / r-, t 'i , . L. .,..-, ,., I' . ,,~<: ..:: "'-" /. ' [~w f./~ Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Category Code Activity Code Da!=-e¡ 1/0. II? 7 Notes: -3 );1.. Description K~~ .D l'JS {1,>. ,,¿y5-:.,.'¡lC>l l ¿f'I,N'J -I- I p-u yYt..L _I ,5 Hours (lOths) ,'J 0 ' ,'~ ",J' - r t'(:., r " 'd,' rl,' ,~ ;:.. ¡it. ,1 '" t J." r::- f~"-! ¡'" ( .:V} I,i,' /' ", r l.\", ,'\n,oVI /:;,.1"'"' !í: I , , ¡ .''-J . ·_r" I -- J:~:: .;~ i:_.~ /(<...·..1 r ,,/'h::' -¡-, I ' /' I" r OA,V" t " riL'L ... ¡ f -1'~ .,s - "(I ,J!, ( :{ì r!-: .,~-" I ,I '". ~ .. . _,L. . V ~ -- . -1-, <:: "f.I <; .(..,UJ,t..£' . >'~ --/) /) /1. ~ ,,"!,I)..-1 ,1 ,+ -:t; f ,,,, ,d 11......... 0-:- GH;' -i.I I/~ / U I I; c s, I JI :â/i{,~Ü ,'h';'v1 i , ,.~.-:..; ; ¡ I I ,f(,; // / S..L.:1j, I I , .4- /"l_',I1t:J.. '. 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""J ',:1-."/"\ ~J.'*j~) -'" ,I? f.f )1 '~I '--1.-1 '1', . i , :..\ '.-:.' ,":;,: . CONI'RAcr OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # I -c' - ..--' Site Specific Status Changes: ;..... /... .~., . _~ c,,1~........ ~~ / Employee # .\ ,/1 Employee Signature If, Ii, u/ cJ.2 i M-t.__ Site Name or Addres~/ ,4¡,1'L( / f.?;:: 5 ';'41/ .7.' , .-- ,''-k._ #/-- Funding (I.ocal, State, of Federal) Da¡:'e¡ Category Activity Hours Code Code Description (lOths) 7k1~ 0-:< I~ ['). (p . ~ Notes: I , ! , .I , / (~-u/~....j + ~ rh' CIÌ'\ (Ll V-L~N'!MÁ H J ,~ -10 ..¡-+ l" f " ~,. ¡("1M ./ I~( .e /~ ß....... aM.../1 ~L kHl.'Yk.¿~~~-I- A .wl";-: j ,,',1 /p.e I /~ / > --. -~~ - .,- ~." ~.." - I (J Data Entered By: . Date: :_.~~ ,....·....=.__~4-·.."'____......_... __......_____......._...._.........._:.. ~< ." _...:....~__._.~C__"_'..._I.--' '..._..~..~_..:>__~___~.-:.:....._..~_=____,~._.._~£...._.__........._:;a,u..o'~'~_o....;;.'O:=O....'_.o;... CONI'RAcr OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # I ~~ '''''''''-'::'í Site Specific Status Changes: .-J (~/ r-.../ -' Employee # .11 /J Employee Signature ' J ¡'I/. /) o..:J ( Ó-'/\.'''-- Site Name or Address i://-~ '>'>'" C,I,/ /Ä '" ,", ì 2 ,j..,;:" ...-V Funding (I..ocal, State, of Federal) Category Activity Hours Dai;e Code Code Description ( lOths) 7/- _I ..-~ /J (J. (ß a ,:) I:;, 1-) ~~ LÃj ,~{¡ Ú. . "¡c>i;';/IS .../ /l~...IL._ ! , , Notes : -- -- /f, ;.-" /'/,,_.( Ii ( i ¡1,L ! ,j"'; , '-'0 ¡ -/ ~ 1 . :J¡' ./'. / (;J I i ..'v"! '., 0 !/)t_,{~,..,.... , , r!'.~,,:r ,/')11.... ';..,'/ ,;{ ',\µ ',4 ¡ c,' , . , -i- ~f.(, -- to. (.~ c. I~ ~·t.(\. ,~··~,~{lt_~/ (/)1 ,~ ·Ae- -- -' () ,--p 'J:,\ .i....W /fÿVL.,t' é<. \..of. f}J/J ,¿ ! /) f\ ' , I II. /~,' . 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'f'.! ~, ,,:, PI 1,'/ ¡V.,/·Ý.( ,'/ .. .. ," , ~ '." /7 '/ ,., ." ¿~ ,..,~ 1';7 \ " ..( Data Entered ~y: I Date: " 1/" -' "'!,,~'''ii.. J.- .,...~.¿, ,', ....i~,:- " ' .'.:':7.~,"/'./ (:,} " ..~, .. ., I ;,,,! .f_~':. ~/t'~¡~~ Env. Health 580 4..13137 (Rev, 5/89) .." .....t: -/1~.~~:·..~-I· ./-~--:./H'¡ i.J...-i;~·y>~Z!J I . . CONI'RAGr OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit ~ .~ -:'C() ,2 5 Site Specific Status Changes: Employee ~ Employee Signature CfmR ( " " ¿iAA-- . , Si te Name or Addres5 ,LL.Y-r'1'.c Lw ,-- Q I ¡ .......) . , cc··,·'· ' ..Q., 't GI/ Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activity Code Code Description Hours ( lOths) /J h Date, 7b1.k Notes: '/) 3 }). . I r ~,l /' Y¥ I' T, C/Î'\ s ~/¡l/l /, /4 // ( .J:...~ I) ! rf ùv.A.c,CL I' -~.5 A ./ -./1' ¡-(' /1 .:!..s;..r,A'" -,-:"1:--'.' - , :t'". I¡L-:.._~ (f --r .·"':.....1 - .~- ~--~_."./-.(. -', .~:; - :;.',. ) /" Data Entered By: Date: :~~~~~~=~~~~-~~=~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~.~~~-~~~~=~~~=~~~~~-~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~== CONl'RAGr OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet ......... Permit # ~:3 ()(J 3=(~ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature C-)J-R 1/ ~ ,11 c..4 Site Name or Address 1Ím~, ¡ .l"¿1 .~ <;;'" '! j,. !,Ù.ý --...- '. ,. Funding (Local, State, of Federal) "', ~, Category Activity Code Code ,~h/ I~ ,~aj ,/ //...4/.-:" 1:2. Description Oh'I.ut-\..5a..-h r/". '.A./,( r.{/~ 0...."'<2... vi'\ f,E>t<.+,".II4+ 1\..1.:::'" Hours (lOths) Date! ,JI "Í ~.ír?, Notes: 03 I ,f). ~o , - ¡! /,: " ~ ,(('/.' f:;{.~ ({.'C::/OO' t'¡- .' . .."'\ ,/ :' I~~/' . / --,J '/ >of / (l.{/;:/ ',' /" -r _ '., ¿ I (\ ,/, ('~. , :. 11~' .j H 1.. .c.'/'"J ,,!11 -,- i ,.....' ./~' l-t /..p(- Þ. ,/- ,/ j , f' J¡ " ,J ~ ~,;.; ..1 ..../ +..-1 ( I ~ ~ ./t.. 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", -.... --......, .-" --- _. ,-- .-- .-.'...,: .. -- -- '.'. .~ _.. -- -'--'--"--'~'.- , . ' - CONI'RACT omaNS FOR LEAKING TMJl!!I' Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # '1 ~;~ ()(") -,.,... Site Specific Status Changes: ," ..., "--, Employee # n ,') .'/t Employee Signature ~l~ ¡{I- I kt-t<-- , Site Name or Address ¡i ¡ C /: ,ì / ,/ (ì'r , /.V ,<l..í,1 <:-.).. ;<.." Funding (Local, State, of Federal) ., Category Activity Code Code' Description rJ -.:::-' I') Hours ( lOths) éJ.6 Data Entered By: Date: ;;::, _1&":;' ~ OS£> _____.,.___ OI!:::>~.::;:.¡o~~=_~&:i;t~~-:-.J~''::;''__C;:Þ___c:.;¡o ___ _~ C::;>~...:3 ___ ~c:;»_~~oz;g._____.....-=,c:::;o_c;:::.=~~_C'::IO_ _ _..._._.__._._ CONI'RACT OmaNS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ~ :? .~) (~ ~" c: " Site Specific Status Changes: ~' , Employee # ,- ,.."'1 Employee Signature /./J.,ç ( i /i.~!A --... Site Name or Address l/- ':;'i.·:::'p/~ s.~e " ,({ Q. ,- Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activity Hours Date / Code Code Description ( lOths) I / ., ('~ - f~:) _ /1 ..., /I'"f/I...>j /.) ::;: I (;1i ;"'-'.\ C (\ I~";.,I..-~ ,---.-:'..·1 I:. ,~) i..<. ',,\ ~f Notes : j/' I // .'-}<, "/i~ / / .4__ ,-,-' """.;l .-. ~ ,:\ ' , ' ./...-/ /-h ,"" /' "' ,~- (" t I ~ .'-' " /1 .--,.....~ J ~ " " " .. ''1.-' , " , ( -;1-- ( ,:/ / .. //i-r?, -/ j -:ç ,',¡ /; ,', ! ,.., ".ì " ,':''' .-.'1 -7,,"'" ·1/)'?....c. (.../~ .., '" ~,/ " ., ",... ) t ~ , ' , I' (. I_l" ,. .. - I I / ¡ }"., : i " I f í i',..-, - " ,~ .' ,"'1":''." " /, ,," n r;" I ,'..-"., Q .~/ .....:..... < - " ,-,.J j;"""J i'r:> ," ;'i''')1\ .~1¡f,"',~1 1", "" .¿ \: ,..--;- ~ t ¡ ! / ! --~- ¡ ¡ ! ;./ , , / ! , ,j '/ I., f,."'; ," ", ,/" .. " '\.,' ,-{.-~~ " .. ;'/" . ,~,.'f ! ''-.--~ 'j':" ',. ~ ,.(. 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Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89) ~CT omONS FOR LEAKING ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # .:.¿ .2, 0 n '-:<', .c:, Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ., Employee Signature {j~ I:ÆA~'~ Site Name or Addres¿( } I ,,(' ;{,)'~ ~- fi I J- f" ¡", J'" í ...i/./1 Funding (Local, State, of Federal) - - ...m.' , .., Date Catego:ry Activity Hours Code Code Description ( laths) I 7/, ßft; /à P fA I"yI.../(_ I (),7' n~ ¡o. ',1 1µJ..if Ç.r; 1"7' ,/r Notes: , / I,) // I --rí ,-A, J I, " It / G:'.! , ,,,¡' ',;.. ;" I , 1/ I Ii ¡' , C' ,-I ¡ Þ c.'-" \"-. .1 ,,/\:>/1 \. A Q -...(!-';<1"L 0"1 _:" U ,^ au ß .,17; ,--1-1 Q -r: /Ja /' / þ" ' / LL --/æ1- ~ t n ~AAJ.,^ ~,-."..,-' - .,?''p r --t ,( /{,_tJ ......... ' II L~< I ..f ¡ïc; "} JL) , / i i I f , ,.4 ,A V-C..{ ~ ,~,f ~ " .":' _ r: ',0, 'rl, ,,0] .·_,jßc. '1.-)..:;.. G"t .....-,( . ", ":)", "r. " ð /! (J "-.-! ~ Data Entered By: . Date: 4...... __.......:> .......~.. ______ _ _ ___ _....... ......._......._ "';"'_..n"~._'·:..>oo""'_W--'C:____""""'~_"""J--"""",__"-__,,,","-,~-=--~=;';:I,,-~c.;JC;;"'_"'::'::'C>'III-...;;..~¡;-_~......~~<>t3......_c::-.......~o=.'_"""'''''''~ CONI'RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ~ 3003,5C. Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # /: " Employee Signature It ¡ I , ), J.~ I (j,,(/ v- Site Name or Address ' I / C')~.. i L>...,......... LicY>'( "4) 5 Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Catego:ry Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (laths) j (J. ( 7!¡ ,¡ f:;' L-1.3 /5 Notes: \ ~ " i /,/{ Y:,¡,,-, f A /, I ,oy1 o.u .&':', // ---;¡\'1/J I-:{/'...... ,.-/' (1 ,,~: ~n " :...f -r ,0-.,' , ,:'",,"'- -f,,::; () ,:/, >:'-"'ÆJ~~ ,jj'lid -I- if i i ~ A" ,1-'/4 // :,' f u, . ,., u .. , Data Entered By: Date: Env, Health 580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89) LCT OPTIONS FOR ~NG ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # /1 ~ --., ~.",\ ""'> '- Site Specific Status Changes: - ..... ;.... , " ,- Employee # /! . , ; Employee Signature " I I II.. 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T. SI ECIFIC TIME ACCOUNTING SHEET , ~~~~-~~ Employee Signature____~~-~~~---------- Funding (local, State, or Federal)__________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat. IActiVity I I Hours I Date Code, Code Description of Activity (.10'5) --l-------------:::!!---------.---------'7i!i- -t---, --Z- ___....'1-~__ ~ ~-;-.. ------ , - --------- .1/"'.# 2/- '.;,;;;) - , , .3 .. , tzl. .C w" ','!J'J. ..'. 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Chapter /, Page S C.O.L.1. SITE SPECIFIC TIME ACCOUIITINGSHEET : Permit n_~~_~~~~ Employee Name.and n_~j(~_~~~~~~______1 ,ite Specific Status Changes (Describe Below) Slte Name or Address r- ib v...:,) ~ Wie /eS ~ 1ft':'" ~p I.-fcn,," ---------------------------------_____________________ ¡~.lOY.. Signatur.__:~~~~~=:~~~':~~':::::::::::: ',------------------------------------------____________ Funding (Local, State. or Federal)_____________________________________________ -'.----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------~:---------------~---------~-- ¡Cat. IActivity I . 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SITE SPECIFIC TIME ACCOUNTING SHEET ermi t n _2:::iC!~~ª-'t2 Emp 1 oyee .Name and "_.lJìJj_~!t.r>¡dc._(![)_ ::;o:::·s:;n:::::::~~~~f.'":::::::~~~------------------ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::=:=::::=:: -------------------------------------------------------- unding (Local, State, or Federal)~_~__________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡Cat. ¡Activity I ¡Hours I Date Code Code Description of Activity (.IO's) , ~!~~~:::~:::::ï::2£::ï:Æ£~2J~¡jiÍ-:~kl~:~:1~£r--~lf-:7-~~::- '~~~~~~:~~:===:= I --------¡2!~:147~---~--£.~~:.7.å2-~- ___~.,L-.l::?P.::!f'j-ti..-¿..4d.¿"r.u)~'L-4-k.--a¡¡¿..7Zf:----------------- , ~~ J1~~~~~~~ ~ __~~~~------------------------_-----------------------_________________________ ¡ --------.4(j¡!::'7~--~../':.. --- - - -- - I / , ------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Site Specific Status Changes (Describe Below) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ -------- -.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================================================================================== ntered By Data ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K~ Ç~TY HEALTH DEPARJMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH . J~,cn~~~ u~L VAL!. PTO-; -~,-' _PT> 47D0-:J,;j APPLICA.. ; DA~ /3 Õ ð . OF TANKS TO BE ABANDONED ..... '=3 LENGTH OF PIPING TO ABANDON 1700 FLOWER STREET. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93305 /8051 861-3836 APPLXCATXÒX FOR PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/A.B~DONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBS~CES STORAGE FACILITY THIS APPLICATION IS FOR ~ REJIIOVAL. OR' 0 ABANDONMENT IN PLACE (PILL OUT .Q!!! APPLICATION PER PACILITY) SBC/T/R (RUIW. LOCATIONS ONLY) z: 01:0 0... ...... ~~ 01:;::. ...0 2100 Oz: U... NEAREST CROSS STREET < PHONE c.8os )J~G. -J)67-' PHONE fábr >] 66 -,;))j/j r9S-J8~ PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSJIBMT CONTRACTOR /l. vG Ý9m~ WORKER'S COMPENSATION. " '^-..I '2.. C. ADDRESS ¡:: c./N () II ) (1- INSURER II PHONE ( > (I CD' .C, ¿/l& IJ PHONE ' I~ /cI HIC~Ñ~ (&'o,j>J:<J - 5'9// LABORATORY THAT WILL ANALYZE SAMPLES z: o oJ... <... ~~ z;::. wo =... u~ CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OP MATERIALS STORED TANK . VOLÙME CHEMICAL STORED (NON-COMMERCIAL NAME I DATES STORED CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED / 1000 (/A-r TO ....L /OCJO r:¡ /7 ( TO ..l.- ,m ct.4 r TO f.-- TO y DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER / ¿;ìso SOIL TYPE AT FACILITY ¿Mé-- ci ¡f. oJ <= ...0 z:... 101'" ~~ 0;::' 01:0 ...... >z: z:_ CIJ ..¡ · · PLEASE ~ INFORMATION REOUESTED .Q! REvERSE ~ .Q!!!!!§ ~ BEFORE SUBMITTING APPLICATION !lOR ~. · ENALTY OP PERJURY AND TO THB BEST OP MY ,KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. () -,- TITLE 112-0 í?:<::../ /-z,£-5"Ø1/?A/' DATE ;-~~ / SIGNATURE (Po~ .HMMP-1401 · - ..<'J:I!::; .........'1";~O~IDE DRAWING OF PHYSIC~(-.:.. FACILITY USING SPACE AIDED{, ,J.Œ. ALL OF ~OLI..OWING INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR ~PLICATION TO BE PROCESS: . ./ n:NK (S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS ~~~ SAMPLING LOCATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL "®" ~NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION -¡/ANY WATER WELlS OR SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100 I RADIUS OF FACILITY /NORTH ARROW A1 4 it (fIN Y fI 'ì 0 ) ¡( J / I I I I I / I f , f I f f I I '/ I I ' I , / / , f ( ( ( ( , , , J I / / f I / I , I 1 / 7 ,.. , I I I f , ( ( , /' fµif..1-T'/ f"'-¡JC((" 10 1'¡rL' soIL- B'~o~») 000 L:J o¿rJ () ~~ ') .... /, -¡¡.,tl þ:/) \)~ \ JtrJ10 \) 0'- 1í" I) L~"Ý L @3 rh 9c @BÔ/ ~ ~Ø1 .-t ,ex ( \)/ & ~ ~ ~\ ~ ( SOV ~d £-0 f,~ ~ S~ {) ¡~ ,.,-:--.LÎ . tril7 ¡;:: (~ 0 ßvlG l¡qßf1NiX'#, l 69CJZJ 7tu >CTOA/ 4f(C I~~~ . . ,~ BAKERSFIELD OFFiCE 701 PEPPER DRIVE" PO 30X 57 EDISON, CALIFORNIA 93220 PHONE (805) 366-APEX FAX (805) 366-0650 - May 23, 1988 Environmental Health Golden State and "M" st. Bakersfield, Ca. Re: Permit Amendment Mr. Bill Schiede, 3 \/ENTURA OFFiCE 52:7 VERDUGO WAY, SUITE D CAMARillO, CALIFORNIA 93010 PHONE (805) 482,86ï6 ._ r·~· _ .______ This letter is to amend the permit for the site of 6900 Truxton to Read Fortson Construction as the Cantractor. Sincerely, /7 ?/?d ~~ Hark Quinn Project Foreman APEX ENVIRONMENTAL P.O. BOX 57 Edison, California 93220 ;" ~..~ ,...~ ~>. / " \ .ERN COUNTY HEALTH Dlt~RT& 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue . Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertaon, M.D. PBRMIT FOR PBRMANBNT CLOSURE DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT NUMBBR A706-23 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGB FACILITY .'" :?-- ';t: FACILITY NAMB/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: u'-''·--Putui·ë.- Hômeiess Shelter /~~O 69G~ruxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA .. -- _ . _ ~- ---- -- --- _ ,-- ..--- --- ·'Cl1:·y··ot-- Bak-ërs-f' 1;;1(f-' 515 Trux'tun Bakersfield, CA ..~ -,o,"--~-o"'Fortsõn --Côns true tIoñ-- 3218 Renegade Bakersfield, CA 93306 License # 468665 Phone: 805-366-2739 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT BXPIRES August 23, 1988 ~ TANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY Mav 23, 1988 &¡;f! '¿dæ~ Bill Scheide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POST ON· PREMISES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which ma~ be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiatinç closure action. 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Health and Fire Department approved methods às described in Handout #UT-30. 4. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. 5. Tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on-site supervising the actual tank removal. 6. Any deviation' from sample locations and numbers or constituents to be sampled for which are described below and in Handbook #UT-30 must receive prior approval by the Health Department. a. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of each gasoline tank at depths of approximately two feet and si~ feet. DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lake I.abella . Molave . Rldgecre.t . Shaller . Tall ~_ ..... f·t .~_ ..'~ .. ' . ( . PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS "'_.... SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY -- .- ---------.. . PERMIT NUMBER A706-23 ADDENDUM ..- 'J' bj A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six -feet from every 15 linear feet of _. "._ .,. __pipe. run ~nd _~!~,'!. near the d~spenser a~~,ëi_(_~) _.ëi~d drains._. ~'.._ 7. All (leaded/unleaded) samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 8. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Health Department within five days of waste disposal. 9.' All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment' must be adhered to. The Kern County Health Department must be notif ied before moving and/or disposing of any contamiriated soil. 10. Permittee is repsonsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14 days of tank removal. 11. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. 12. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis completion. APPROVED BY~cJ ~ DATE s-Ak - '-'--'~- -- -..... - - -- UNDERGROUND STOR~u~UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (~L~K)/.AMINATION SITE REPORT E'IIERGENCY o YES ~ NO ~ ('; 1 ê REPRESENTING ~ LOCAL AGENCY a: 0 OWNER/OPERATOR 0 REGIONAL BOARD o ~ ADDRESS Z7ð {) r'1J1 II 51: STREET NAMG~ ðl ßt:!.fers./-iekl 0 UNKNOWN 515' /yvXfr.¡;1 Ave.. .' STREET FACILITY Nt'ME (IF APPLI ABLE) I -J. Q ,Ft,r¿Jt'¿ ðØ1¿feÇj /}, ~ IYvXfi./U ..J W I- '" 1>- -I- In a: Z« ~[I. "'w w..J a:m ADDRESS o ADDRESS 6900 STREET COMMERCIAL o RURAL CROSS STREET TYPE OF AREA STATE TANK 10 ~ STATE PHONE (3ðS) 32h-~12 C4 933Qj STATE ZIP PHONE (~ð5)32.(o- 3; Y'JI1 ,- '9330 I ZIP o UNKNOWN W UO ~ ~ (1\ I-..J ",0 m> :;JZ '" CAS iI (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET iF NJ;:EDED) NAME I~ ý,,¡; It e.- -Dit?se / QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) ~UNKNOW o INVENTORY CONTROL ,0 SUBSURFÞCE MONITORING ~ ~~~~VAL 0 NUISANCE CONDITION', [] OTHER: METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) o REMOVE CONTENTS 0 REPLACE TANK ",&LOSE TANK o REPAIR TANK 0 REPAIR PIPING 0 CHANGE PROCEDURES o 0 Y Y 0 OTHER TANKS ONLY/CAPACITY 6"5.!) /¡)n /J ~ ROUTINE MONITORING ~I- a:Z wW >~ OW Ul- ",« -m C« YES NO IF YES, DATE I W OURCE(S) OF DISCHARGE ~ D.TANK LEAK ~ UNKNOWN « U "- W U a: :J o '" o PIPING LEAK ri OTHER (SPECIFY) "- C W I- U W I&. I&. <11: IJ)~ Wa: UI- ~< o '" W :!: RESOU RCES AF FECTED GROUNDWATER BASIN NAME YRS. ~ UNKNOWN GAL CAUSEIS) o OVERFILL o CORROSION l? Z -<J' I-W Z- wU ;);z WW ..Jl? [1.« ~ TSCD -g UNKNOWN AGE LU MATERIAL 'g'STEEt.. o OTHER YES NO THREATENED o o o o o o o [J [J o o o o FIBERGLASS o RUPTURE/ FAILURE [J 51"'11.1.. AIR (VAPOR) SOIL (VAOOSE ZONE) GROUNDWATER o ~ o UNKNOWN o OTHER I UNKNOWN WATER SUPPI..IES AFFECTED TH r¡ YES NO ENED KNOWN WELLS I '~ I PUBLIC DRINKING 0 0 0 ~ WATER 0 ?~IVATE DRINKING 0 0 ~ ß WATER 0 ;g1 INDUSTRIAl.. 0 0 0 ~ a AGRICUI.. TURAL 0 0 0 s rð OTHER (SPECI FYI 0 0 0 ~ UNKNOWN ~ COM'o1ENTS: 5J/73~ C/¡ðrdc-h'rru/t ~f-1. re~u¿5l¿¿¡ ¿)/f r:; -20 -gð ~ def¿:>YiÞf:i1t ~ */1 exl¿jir OfCðb1mW/i''rlâhcf,1 du¿1 -/tIC: -//1tr-ea+- tc....~cuvtd W~~Y: 3 VI¿J/llY )1dS 30 ~l~lL"5-' -I¿-" þ'f~!J-~! 5i/Á!f,l/f- ¡:}YojJe/5al COMPLETE AND ATTACH A CLEANUP TR~KING REPORT IF ANY CLEANUP WORK OR ~LANNING HAS STARTED SURFACE WATER OR STORM DRAIN 0 BUII..DING OR UTILITY VAU L T 0 OTHER (SPECIFY) [J .-t5C 05 (10/B51 2700 M STREET MAILING ADDRESS 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 K& COUNTY HEALTH DEPt , fME_ HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebert8on, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIREctOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard June 20, 1988 Roy Hall Community Devélopment City of Bakersfield 515 Truxtun .Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Hall: This department has reviewed the laboratory analyses for the underground storage tank at the future homeless shelter, 6900 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, Permi t 'A706-23. These resul ts indicated significant soil contamination in the soil beneath these tanks and their piping. The analyses for all three tanks indicated significant levels of gasoline and diesel contamination. This discovery requires a site characterization to find the full extent of contamination surrounding these tanks and their piping. You have thirty (30) days from the date of this letter to submit a site characterization proposal to this department. Please refer to pages 8, 9 and 10 of Handbook 'UT-30, "Requirements for Permanent Closure of Underground Hazardous Substance Storage Tanks" for guidance in developing a site characterization study. The proposal (workplan) must be approved by this department pr i 0 r to begi nn i ng the work. P I ease no te, tha t once you de te rm i ne the full extent of the contamination and the threat to groundwater, you must develop a mitigation proposal to correct this problem. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ¡Jde xI~ Bill Sche ide Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BSlgb enclosure cc: Apex Environmental DISTRICT OFFICES "....1........... . ,....rr-tf"'l....t . , ..,1...0 IC'c:lhalh . Mf"\Î~vp . Pirinørrpo:::t . c:.h~f1'pr . T~ft j\ ~... ?' '::' . -' . STATE OF CALIFORNIA GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor .. I'!.~'" ~E§.~ ( t (.~ '" @¡tß~~® \01 ~ ~ ',,-\, '! \q~~ J~\' , \-\ E-Þ.l\ ... tJ. E- Ñ"{ At. E-Ñ\I\fl.O\'\ DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DMSIO~ OF COMMUNl1Y AFFAIRS EMERGENCY SHELTER PROGRAM 921 TENTH STREET, lA SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-2774 (916) 445-0845 January 3, 1989 Mr. Bruce A. Ball Executive Director Bethany Service Center 407 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Mr. Ball: Re: Bethany Service Center, Standard Agreement 87-ESP-296 The State has reviewed the above referenced Standard Agreement and wishes to advise you on the status of the same. ' Existing documentation indicates that the homeless project located at 1600 Truxtun Avenue is critically behind schedule and is in jeopardy of having State Emergency Shelter Program funds, in the amount of $91,927.00, withdrawn, and either reassigned to another organization(s) or merged into funds for the next RFP if necessary. Further, the State may exercise it's option to extend said contract by 5(five) to 9(nine) months with the stipulation that the facility in question be functional by the end of the extension period. In addition, the State has determined that in spite of the criticality of this matter, Bethany Service Center, the City of Bakersfield, and the Kern County Health Department have acted in ngood faith" and have exerted a reasonable effort to utilize state funds. Nevertheless, the State is bound by law to identify those grant contracts that are either completely unused or underutilized, and determine options made in the best interest of the State. I am pleased with my recent telephone communication with Ms. Usha Mehra of the Pennzoil Corporation in Houston Texas. Ms. Mehra indicated that the Pennzoil Corporation has been, and will continue to, cooperate fully with the City of Bakersfield to address funding issues for remedial activities at the site in question. ' At this critical juncture, the State finds it necessary to require that all parties involved in this matter develop a workable time schedule that clearly defines: 1. The viability of the project 2. Construction phases 3. Dates for operations You may keep in mind that #3 should be determined assuming that the State exercises it's option to extend said Standard Agreement by 5 to 9 months. The State will anticipate receipt of your time schedule within 30 days after the receipt olthis letter. J ..,." Mr. Bruce A. Ball January 3, 1989 Page 2 . . Should you desire clarification of any of the above, please specify by calling me at 916/324-0830. Sincerely, TILV~ ~/k~::; ~reene. AICP Contract Manager a....-.. -- --.----- --... c: Mr. George Gonzales ,City of Bakersfield Community Development Department Ms. Ann Boyce Kern C<?unty Health Department g '\' ~ . . OFF ICE M E M 0 RAN D U M-------------------Kern County January 19, 1989 TO: Daphne H. Washington Chief of Special Programs FROM: Bill Scheide, EHS II t?~ Hazardous Materials Management Program SUBJECT: Future Homeless Shelter, 1600 E. Truxtun Avenue This department has been working in good faith with the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD), Hazardous Materials Division, and the Bakersfield Community Development agency for them to complete the site characterization and submit a remedial action plan on the subject property. A site characterization proposal was submit¡:eà to our department on 10-13-88, and approved. The drilling was begun and finished by late November. Since that time, however, our department was not informed of the study's progress. My conversation with Ralph Huey of the BKFD Hazardous Materials Division on 1-16-89 provided the latest details: 1. Their consul tant, Geosystems Consul tants, Inc., suomi tted a rough draft of the site ,characterization/remedial action plan to the BFD on 1-4-89 for review. The BKFD reviewed it, and expects the final report approximately 10 days from that submi ttal. Our department wa,s not notified of the completion, nor did we receive a copy of the draft. 2. The results of the draft as explained by BFD indicate contamination extends approximately 120' below grade at Site #1, which is the plume on the northwest side of the building. Site #2 was defined previously in August of 1988 by a site characterization performed by W.H. Park & Associates. '1'-; ,,, ~ . . Daphne H. Washington January 19, 1989 Page '2 . -.-- -~- ---.-- 3. Mr. Huey told me the report will recommend on-site air stripping to remediate Site #1, and bio-remediation or soil removal for Site #2. Neither ,site will have structures buil t over the areas of original release. Please note that high levels of benzene and gasoline-type contamination were found along with diesel con~amination at Site #2. With such high concentrations of Benzene, bioremediation may not be successful at Si te #2. A treatability study would definitely be required before bioremediation could be attempted. According to George Gonzales of Community Development, Pennzoil es~imates approximately $100,000 - $130,000 for the soil cleanup using soil venting. He did not have an estima~e for Site #2 using bioremediation. This department should have been consulted on these remediation proposals before a rough draft was aoproved for a final report. However, there is still time to revise The plan if needed and ha~e a proposal which will not unduly delay construction. ' BS :dr 1-17-89 staff.haz\homeless.mem c~ .,ITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM .ITMENT BILL MUNGARY DllWCtor C.D. Program Department Public Service. Building 2700 M Street, Suite 250 Bakerafleld, Call1ornla 93301 Telephone (805) 861-2041 ID .. ,~ ~ ~~¡;/~ ~" February 1, 1989 Mr. George Gonzales, Coordinator Community Development City of Bakersfield 515 Truxtun Aven\le Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear George:· As Vince may have already relayed, at the HUD meeting in Ventura Cef Ahvero clarified, the environmental review requirements for the ESG program. Although for the newest round of ESG funding, the environmental review responsibility is with the County, the earlier two grants are the responsibility of HUD. Cef's position is that the County must still submit an environmental assessment to HUD as the basis for their review. Cef also indicated specifically that the site contamination' problem will have to be reviewed by EPA. He suggested that EPA's review could be speeded if the County were to submit the information concurrently to HUD and EPA. The HUD and EPA processes may take a while, so this could effect the shelter construction schedule. On a related matter, Karen Potts confirmed that the matching funds required by the ESG program need not be spent on ESG eligible activities as long as the funds go toward the same project. Please call if you have questions. Very truly your~ . ~, Mark A. Smith Housing Programs Manager - -.- ----.-- _..~.-- ""-"- ----.--.--- MAS:ayb xc: Mary K. Shell, Supervisor 2100 .~. Street. Ste. 300 8akersTieid. CA 93301 ' (805) 861-3636 . . KERN , COUN. '. ---, Environmental Health Depa.rtmen~ February Mr. Roy Hall City of Bakersfield 515 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA .. . - . _._._-~ ,-- -._-".~ --." . SUBJECT: Location: 1600 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, CA Known As: PERMIT IF: Future Homeless Site 230p Dear Mr. Roy Hall: This letter is an official notice to i~form you, a responsible party for the above described site, of your options for oversight cost recovery. As previously notified, you are a responsible party for a site determined to have an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank and are required to provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property; see attachment "A". The cost~ incurred by Kern County Environmental Health for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health in one of the two ways described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of the (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options ONLY pertain to current and future costs associated with oversight, and you will not be "back-billed" or retroactively charged for ~revious oversight costs. (A) STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Piló't Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party for both the costs incurred by the County and the State pertaining to your site. (B) COUNTY LOCAL AGREEMENT Kern County Environmental Health is providing this option for those who prefer to pay the County directly and avoid the addition of State costs. Prior fIIiII'~''''' ,..~,..__ . .. . . to the County's performance of services, this option requires your deposit of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account. In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, attachment "B" . To safeguard the environment, the environmental sensitivity (Attachment "C") of this site has been reviewed by Environmental Health to determine the potential threat for groundwater contamination. Only sites determined to" be non- environmentally sensitive may e~roll in the Local Option Agreement. The site described above is not in an environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Option Agreement; however, the County of Kern reserves the right to cancel any Local Option Agreement, should it be discovered that groundwater contamination or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Environmental Health will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activitie~. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally sensitive area. It is necessary for you to respond in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmental Health of your choice: either the State Contract or the County's Local Agreement option. If, you select the County's Local Agreement, please sign the Local Agreement, enclosure "B", and return it with your check for $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) made payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kern County Environmental Health 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attention: Underground Storage Tank Contract Administrator. If you select the State Contract, please indicate that you have made this selection and that you have read Attachment "D", the official notification, in a letter sent to the address indicated above. Failure to respond in writing to this notice within ten (10) calendar days will automatically result in oversight cost recovery for your site(s) to be placed under the terms of the State Pilot Program for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. Attachment "D" will then serve as the official notification of your enrollment into the State Pilot Program for Underground Storage Tanks. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John NIlon, contract manager, at (80S) 861-3636. Sincerely, Mary Weddell Assistant County Administrative Officer Environmental Health attachments ( . . Attachment "B" KERN COUNTY LOCAL AGREEMENT OPTION BETWEEN KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (Kern County Underground Storage Tank Permitting Authority) AND Mr. Roy Hall Responsible Party for Underground Storage Tank for: Future Homeless Site Permit # 230035 This facility .has experienced an unauthorized release of hazardous substances from an underground storage tank. Action is necessary to protect the public health and the environment of the County, pursuant to Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Còde and Chapter 8.48 of the Kern County Ordinance Code. ? THE WITNESS FOR THE COUNTY AND SIGNATURE(S) FOR A RESPONSIBLE PARTY OF THE SUBJECT FACILITY DESCRIBED ABOVE DO HEREBY AGREE THAT: Kern County Environmental Health shall act as the lead agency for regulatory oversight for the: a) Site characterization: the study of a site, including sampling of subsurface soil and water where contamination is found in order to fully assess its extent and threat to the environment. It shall include a discussion of the relative risk to biological receptors and possible pathways of exposure. It may include removal or in- place closure of the tank, disposal or on-site treatment of contaminated backfill or adjacent soil. removal of hazardous substances floating on groundwater, and the drilling of groundwater monitor wells. b) Feasibility study: the identification and evaluation of feasible alternatives for cleaning up the site and remedying threats to public health and safety. c) Remedial action plan: the most cost effective. appropriate plan to lessen. alleviate" abate, correct or clean-up the effects that a release of hazardous substances may have on the environment. based on the feasibility study. d) Remediation: the action chosen by the responsible party and approved by Kern County Environmental Health for the mitigation and clean-up of contamination resulting from an unauthorized release of hazardous materials and any ongoing monitoring of the site. 1 #. , . . The responsible party shall do the following: a. Conduct all work as directed by Kern County Environmental Health pursuant to State and local law and in conformance with appropriate regulations to assess and remediate the contaminated site. b. Deposi t wi th the Kern County Environmental Health Leaking Underground Storage Tank Local Option Trust Fund the sum of $1,000.00. .,The Department I s oversight activities will be charged against this account at' the rate prescribed by Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.04 (currently $42.00 per hour). Monthly statements will be prepared detailing the activities and services provided and the remaining credit balance. Kern County Environmental Health shall provide the following services: a. Oversight of all activities to characterize the site's threat to the environment and/or the groundwater, and coordination with the appropriate State, County and local regulatory agencies. b. Serve as the single contact point for the responsible party's representati ves and other regulatory agencies for tþe acti vi ties described in "a" above. If during the Department's review of the site characterization/remedial action plan. it is determined that a permit may be required by another agency, the responsible party shall be referred to that permitting agency. c. Review reports, conduct inspections, and oversee monitoring until the site poses no further environmental or public health threat, An official certification letter shall be given to the responsible party when the site is determined to no longer pose a,significant threat to the environment. d. The responsible party will be officially notified by Kern County Environmental Health when: 1. Necessary oversight is completed. A final statement will be provided to the responsible party. If there remains an unexpenaed balance of the deposit made by the responsible party in the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund, a refund for the unexpended balance will be issued; - or - 2. Seventeen (17) hours of billable time has been reached. This will give notice that the available funds will be exhausted after five (5) additional hours of billable time at which time the agreement will expire. A statement estimating the amount time necessary to complete any remaining oversight work will be sent. The responsible party will then have another 2 ,r . . opportunity to renew their agreement with the County. Failure to enter into another agreement shall require Kern County Environmental Health to utilize the State Water Resources Control Board Pilot Project for which the responsible party may be billed by the State directly for the cost of County services as well as State costs. Kern County Environmental Health reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time for any reasons, including groundwater contaminatioq, or a ,uniquely complex hydrogeological condition. If an unexpended balance remains on deposit from the responsible party under the terms of this agreement, a refund for the unexpended balance will be issued and the agreement terminated. Once the agreement is cancelled, you, as a responsible party, will be enrolled in the ' State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program, see enclosure "D". This agreement may be cancelled anytime by either party by certified registered return receipt letter to the other party within five days of said notification. I, (responsible party), have read and agree to the conditions of this agreement for the contaminated site described as: Site Name Site Address City Zip Owner Owner's Address City Telephone Zip Operator Telephone Billing Address Attn: Permit # In order for this agreement to be executed, it must be signed and accompanied by the deposit of one-thousand dollars ($ 1000.00). Responsible Party For the County of Kern Date Date 3 ,., ~.~ 'fiIf . KERN COUNT4 2100 .~. Street. Ste. 300 Sakersrie1à. CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 Environmental Healt.h Department ATTACHMENT "D" r February 7, 1989 Mr. Roy Hall City of ,Bakersfield 515 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA SUBJECT: Location: 1600 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, CA Known As: Future Homeless Site PERMIT #: 230035 Dear Mr. Roy Hall: This letter will serve as the official notification concerning reimbursement requirements for a responsible party enrolled in the State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program. As mentioFled in the introductory letter, by either not responding to this package within ten (10) calendar days or through your own selection of the State Contract option, your site will be placed under the terms explained below: Whereas the Legislature has appropriated funds from the California Hazardous SubstancE Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costo associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Wherea: the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action at the abov site are funded, in whole or in part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund; anr Whereas the above individual(s) or entity(ies) have been identified as the party 0, patties responsible for investigation ~nd cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREB- NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and Safety code, the Abov Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Boar for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all state and local agencie while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground ~torage tank site, and the abov Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days 0 receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Control Board. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Nilor contract manager, at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Mary Weddell Assistant County~Administrative Officer Environmental Health attachments DIST;¡ICTOFF!CES 2700 'M' Street. Ste. 300 8ákersfieìd. CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 . KERN COUr-.""'y Environmental Health De~At February 8, 1989 .Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator City of Bakersfield 2102 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Site Characterization Report by Geosystem Consultants Inc. 1600 E. Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Huey: The department has reviewed the 1-27-89 Geosystems Consul tants site characterization report for the Truxtun Avenue future Homeless Shelter and accepts: 1. The conclusion on the estimated plume size for Site #1, and 2. The recommendation of in-site soil venting by vapor extraction for that plume. No further site characterization work is required for both tank sites #1 and #2. The next step is to develop a request for proposal on the remediation of both sites. At your convenience, please call me at (805) 861-3636 to arrange a meeting where we can outline the scope of the remediation proposal and discuss any concerns or plans the City may have in implementing a remedial action plan, as other 'agencies may require permits fòr the action plan chosen. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this matter. BS:cd cc: Sinc,e~e,~ y, / _ 8¿{ YfIc Á.ß¿L'ê-,; Bill Scheide Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program DIS"mICT OFFICES Delano · Lamont · Lake Isabella . MOjave . Ridgecrest . Shatter . Taft Mary Weddell, CAG Richard Casagrande, HMMP '--'- - -~,---,,----_.. - ~ ---:-1; . COUNTY OF KERN . Environmental Health Services Department :rroo "M" Street, Suile 300 Bakerstleld, CA 93301 (80S) 861-3636 (80S) 861-3429 Fax Number .June 13, 1989 ~- . - ..-." ........~.~~ .. ¥~".,¥__. - . .-" Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator City of Bakersfield 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: Truxtun Project Agreements Dear Ralph: . This is to reconfirm the agreements made concerning the ,Truxtun Homeless Shelter site remediation proposal at the 4-24-89 meeting with Thorné Environmental. We discussed the questions our Department had concerning Thorne's proposal, and they were answered by Thorne employees Phil Goalwin and Xandra Turner. Among the questions answered by Goalwin and Turner: 1. Obtaining permits and anticipated permit schedule. Goalwin allotted 45-60 days for the Kern County Air Pollution control District permit and 60 days for any permit that may be required by the state Department of Health Services. Goalwin said he thinks the state will allow Thorne to develop the wells without a permit at drilling time, with a permit to come later. Thorn intends to use a casing drive hammer rig, with Balick Drilling as the driller. 2. ~unctions and responsibilities ~ubcontractors. Goalwin specified the member responsibilities: of sDecified following team Drilling Supervision - Tom Gutcher and Phil Goalwin Well setting - Phil Goa'lwin Permeability/Compaction/Trenching - John Wilson Engineering/Site Characterization/Drilling Project Mgt Ed Hendrick r. it . . Vapor Extraction System Design troubleshooting - Scott Lin Vapor Extraction System Placement & Operation - Xandra Turner ....-.. --" -- All the subcontractors will be' under the management of Phil Goalwin on a day-to-day basis. Ed Hendrick and others from Thorne will review the work as completed. 3. Project SCODe, system desiqn and flexibility of desiqn. After discussion of the previous site characterization soil analysis for site II, the Department agreed with Thorne based on :the evidence presented that contamination at the site is primarily gasoline, 'riot diesel. As a result, the use of the vapor extraction system as the primary remediation method for site II as well as site I is accepted by the Department. According to Thorne, the system of wells will be manifolded with one well in the extraction mode and t~ree wells in the inlet mode at any given time during operation. Gate valves will be used to re-route the system. The system will have monitoring ports at the influent and effluent of the vapor extraction system, which will be used for monitoring individual wells. There are no plans to use pressure sensors in the system to monitor for leaks, but it can be done if need~d or required. Thorne has not found them necessary or useful in other similar projects. Goalwin said Thorne found 26-29 inches of Hg will suck the filter pack through the well screen and'destroy the well casing. He said most silty sand or sand formations function fine with 15 inches Hg on the wells. The system is designed to be modular and Thorne has the capability to change the vacuum pumps and the horsepower of those pumps if the project requires it. ' I also mentioned our concerns about the zone of influence ,~,\,'. and the potential need to cap the site to im?r<?ve well " performance. I also asked that there be a m~n~mum 20 I ',- '. of blank casing to pre~ent any short circuiting of air , ' flow at the site. Goalwin re,ferred to his and Turner I s experience operating and setting up a Vapor Extraction System in Stanislaus County for Methyl Ethyl Ketone, and other solvents. He said they have found there's a fairly simple relationship between the zones of influence of the wells in that .. - situation, and he thinks interpreting and getting ådequate vacuum will not be a problem at this site. o~ . . 4. ~rojeci Monitoring/risk assessment I explained the Department has a concern and a duty to see that adequate confirmation of cleanup is made. The Department's specific concern at present is that one soil boring at the project end point is not enough proof the plume has been removed, especially since a portion is underneath the building. I also stressed this project has two objectives: a. To remove the threat to ground water from this contamination plume; and b. To remove the threat to biological receptors from the plume. Because this shelter is going to house people the Kern County Environmental Heal th Services Department will expect thorough proof of adequate cleanup and safety. Goalwin suggested a health risk assessment may result in a target concentration or goal of approximately 100 parts per million Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the soil. If that is the case, this concentration is the level at which Thorne suspects difficulty in further reducing the concentration without an extension of time. He suggested Thorne could use an expert, Scott Wolfe, for reaching lower target concentrations if it proves necessary. However, this would mean extra expense not covered by the proposed contract. Goalwin also suggested the confirmation procedure: following changes to the a. Use Tedlar bag air samples from the individual wells correlated with the Flame Ionization detector strip chart and eventually prove through sample tests of wells that the zones are clean. b. Flush the zones/formations with steam to attempt to find additional contamination if there's need for more proof. 5 . Insurance Goalwin assured us that all contractors will have insurance. Thorne has $5,000.000 in coverage, including Errors & Omissions. As you may recall, during our discussion after the meeting I s~ressed the following points, among others: 1. The Department did not find major problems wi th Thorne's qualifications or their proposal outline after the changes. Whether their proposal was the optimum proposal is uncertain on our part since the City did not submi t other bid proposals to the Department for review. " . . 2. The Department will look very closely at and expect rigorous proof for: a. Quality control of monitoring and data collection; b. Parameters used to engineer the solution; and c. Evidence the site is clean. 3. If the City has any questions about the performance and/or expense related to the execution of this project, you should ask the contractor now before 4-26-89" when the contract is due to be approved by the council. If the City has any questions or concerns about this matter, feel free to call me before the presentation to the council. 4. The Department still has some concern whether the depth and size of this plume may present special problems in aChieving cleanup goals. Without case histories available on projects of similar characteristics, the Department cannot make predictions on whether the contractor's objectives for performance can be attained. 5. The Department will work with the City's selection of contractor as long as it meets our pre- qualifications, which Thorne has done, and it does not make serious errors in execution of this project. Please let me know if you feel.there are any misunderstandings in this matter and if there are any changes in the project as it was proposed. We hope to hear from the contractor soon on project preparations and the latest time schedule. Sincerely, '~,~// ¡:) oA.-- _ Bill Scheide Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials " ./ - //'",/ / '''"'::- tr~~ Specialist II Management Program BS:cd cc: Phil Goalwin c/o Thorne Environmental 3651 Pegasus Dr. Suite 117 Bakersfield, CA 93308 scheide\ralph 6-6-6 ð ,~' 'eo J"Zn ~\JY\CQ. C'\-tJ ð"f ßks~kl Q:J.k - 37&4 ) 'e\ h"" ? ~ OÙ{ fXH+ d.o0e.. ? ~1\<.J'r schd,úl"j--'{w .. 1st ifoJ+ of....êrk Au'} ,',. ~\¿. 'oe\levt5 Sk<... ",.e.dS ojV' ~o¡~('1 Io-'i t~ ~ ~.]. "".----- F,,,¿ ,oot w W 0"' .,,,"c\J""'~" tiS ú..+ -¡-hi s (po," + :' w 'vtu..*- ;(~ ou (' {¡ vv-e.-t ro...me... 7 , \.J~'A w'\\ \ L ? our poYT ~ðV\.e.. :. \ I l--- --- ----_\ ; . I TRUESDAIL REPORT LABORATOR I ES. I NC. . . . \. OUPLI CpIE "'~ , . CHEMISTS - MICROBIOLOGISTS - ENGtNEERS ® ~E,SEA~CM OEVEt..C¡::rMENT TESTING 14201 FRANKLIN AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 AREA COOE 714 . 730 - 6239 AREA COOE 213 . 22~ - 1~64 CABLE: TRUELABS Thorne Environmental CLIENT 4887 E. La Palma Ave. Suite 701 Anaheim, CA 92807 Attention: Mike Sajadi DATE November 14, 1989 SAMPLE RECEIVED Oct. 17, 1989, LABORATORY NO. 09295 Source tests for hydrocarbons on soil extraction incinerator INVESTIGATION, - .. - .-- - ---~.~_._---~ '----------;...--.:..- ... - .- . _~;.....~ ...__;_~~_.:........,.::'O..; ~~._ . Total hydrocarbons and NOx RESULTS On October 17, 1989 representatives of Truesdail Laboratories, Inc. conducted source tests to determine the total hydrocarbon removal efficiency of a regenerative thermal incinerator serving a soil stripping operation at the Airex site in Placentia, California. One test run was made with gasolene solvent injected upstream of the incinerator. The incinerator inlet was disconnected from any system and operated on ambient air into which the gasolene was injected. ' During the test run, ,a sample of the flue gas was collected for 60 minutes at the inlet and outlet of the incinerator simultaneously. The samples were collected with a Teflon sampling line connected to an SKC model 222 diaphragm pump and a 5-liter Tedlar bag. The inlet sample was collected downstream of the blower and did not require the bag pump (due to high duct pressure) which was replaced instead with a 0-250 mlsjmin rotometer. The nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions of the incinerator exhaust were determined by monitoring the flue gas for 60 minutes with a continuous monitoring trailer. The trailer also recorded the concentrations of sulfur dioxide (S02)' carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (C02) ,and oxygen (02). - -" -.. Thl~ report applies ani" to the sample, or samples, investigated and is not necessarily indicative 0í the quaiitv or condition oí at::Jarent!~¡ identical 'or siemiar ::,roducts, As a mutual DrOtee!íon to clients, the Dublie and these Laboratories this re::'0rt :s submitted and aeee:J!es ''')r the e~e:uslve " . ., q,~, "I '~.... -I··..~.r ·f: '.';':"""'" " ç 1';';:'>'0:;.'" '.... . ...~"..... '" . ..~.~-.....,,,,.~ .. ~..- ,-.. ,. .....". ,- '. ...... - '. , TRUESDAIL LABORATORIES, INC. ~ \. Thorne'Env. LN 09295 Page 2 The sampling bias--of the mo'i1itÓring system was 'determined by introducing the NOx calibration gas at the sampling probe tip and observing the difference between reported and expected values. Zero and span drift errors were checked by running zero and span gas before and after the test run. The entire system was leak-checked at 20" of vacuum before the'test run. A computerized data acquisition system provided concentration graphs of the data. Bias, span"and drift errors were less than 2% of full scale. "'__ ^_. The flow rate through the incinerator was determined at the incinerator exhaust and assumed to be the same at the incinerator inlet. The flow rate was determined by measuring the average velocity head with a Standard Pitot tube and a Magnehelic differential pressure gage, and by measuring the average temperature with a chromel-alumel thermocouple and a Micromite potentiometer (EPA method 2). The matrix of measurement points was determined by EPA method 1. The sampling and flow measuring equipment were leak-checked before and after use. The moisture content of the exhaust gas was deter- mined from combustion stoichiometry and the CO2 concentration of the samples. The sample bags were analyzed for total nonmethane hydrocarbons by gas chromatography utilizing Tenax adsorption at OOC to isolate the hydrocarbons, followed by (desorption at 100oC, combustion- oxidation of the desorbed hydrocarbons to C02' and detection of the C02 by nondispersive infrared spectrophotometry (EPA method 25) . The results were as follows: -. l. TRUESDAIL LABORATORIES, INC. THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL LN 09295 10-17-89 Gasolene Injection Flue Gas Incinerator Inlet Incinerator Outlet Temperature, of Velocity, ft~/sec Static Pressure, in H20 Duct Diameter, in. Duct Area,sq. ft~ Gas Volume: ACFM SCFM DSCFM Moisture, % by Vol. 459 232 " 30.5 -0.005 8 0" ~--O. 349 640 475 459 3.5 Inteqrated samDles Concentration, ppmv Carbon monoxide Methane Oxygen, % Carbon dioxide (15:30-16:00) (15:30-16:00) <1 29 2 <1 21.0 19.4 426 7085 6,714 214 5.85 0.19 96.8 (16:10-16:40) (16:10-16:40) <1 26 2 <1 20.8 20.0 426 6402 6,318 175 5.51 0.15 97.3 Concentration, pprnv Carbon monoxide Methane Oxygen, % Carbon dioxide Nonmethane HC as C1 Emission Rate, lbs/hr Total hydrocarbons, as c1 Destruction ~fficiency, % Total hydrocarbons, as Ci Inteqrated samDles Nonmethane HC as C1 Emission Rate, Ibs/hr Total hydrocarbons, as Cl Destruction Efficiency, % Total hydrocarbons, as C1 - . TRUESDAJL LABORATORIES, INC. '. THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL LN 09295 10-17-89 Incinerator Exhaust continuous Monitoring (15:35-16:35) Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) Concentration, ppmv Emission Rate, lbs/hr N02 Carbon monoxide (CO). Concentration, ppmv Emission Rate, lbs/hr Sulfur dioxide (502) Concentration, ppmv Emission Rate, lbs/hr Carbon Dioxide (C02), % Oxygen (02), % 2 0.0067 . .-- .-.- ~_. 39 0.079 2 0.0093 0.7 19.8 Respectfully submitted, TRUESDAIL LABORATORIES, INC. S" ¡Jlifi~ ¡§u;u0 S. Hugh Brown, Supervisor Air Pollution Testing '''~U!SÞ''I~ L'\!JC~"TC'UI1. ~.. -- ~- ---- . -._- -----.,. __u_ __.___.__ ~-'--~----~ ,---~.__.-. ... . ,--~~~..~ ..... --- -- A1YENDIX - m..______ _ __._"_ - . .'~- ~-~. -- '. . .-. . _.~----,- . _n__'~___ - ---.. ..........-- - . ---- - ---.-.-----.-.- , - --_. _.~~.. - ~ -. - ..~_.. ~ I ~~~~...c~.... ......~~1~:\~-:-'.R9' '"..",4=, .r:. '" .. .,. ... ............ ...... 1~11~ '~atlCiU i , ,. ~ uI V 4 O\.J'T ~-r ~ .~ I'~ I\ìè. VI hç Vel VB ~up V.l VB 'ramp Vel loint -!20 or ft/aec Point -S20 or ft./,ec Point -320 or ft/~ec \ .\~., ") I" '1. '" .\ '\ I . 13<Ç t7~ ~ ('·~5 ? I ~ 5 :2..3.1.4, '!.o.~(¡, ~ .,L.4Q J7ì ^ 7,5:5 .. ,~ . I ",. ) "1~ " :. <; -; .ISO 1<;(6 "1~~'7~ - -.. ., '/ ,lì~ h'-'3 ~?~, 1..1 .lbO \ 'i C. ~ cr. ~'í c: 1~ ~ ~o ;?,,-; r; ,1 <6"0 )0'5" I~,~~ (ø .155" ~o'i ~ h ,,~ C- oli 0 ¡ I" 31..3"'1 7 ;,so 3d-' ~¡,51 7 .1'70 0;"& :,1.50 .- '6 ' 1 "3 0 "I~ ?-7.33 <".ft .1 "0 ~Ln ~ IJ .'iy I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I .1 I I -·'~'¡'-=-.~4 ]~:1:J~~. );): ~9,57 . ~t.~è, ~:s~un. ,,: .;' "" _ .".... /b - , 7 . S c:¡ \, <., --.; ,.. ,., Q ..' . . ..... _". t ~.Î - i:., - ~ Leak Check Pre v Post Maqnehelic ID: 6,1.v Cr'd 'I". 'I M.icroMi te ID: (' A. AVera9~ Velocity (Traverse) ft/sec -: 1''\ _ ..;~ F Î ,)~, ..:~ I;: ,-- :' : ~ ..1 . ... . _ <"'..... . ':If/>. J Co....,., vo . ....:.~ ~ I i B.:' Reference Point Velocity (Traverse) ftls~ / ·C. Average Velocity (Reference Point) ft/sec D. Flue lactor C/B -:';~ ....; ~) i' :. .!.~~ ~/o'1.81ENí ...ue;; "70· F- e è ~ 7Q' F- õ2;¿ K.h. E. Pitot Tube Correction Factor 1..1 ( S T I. ò F. Gas Density Correction Factor .. J.:; 0 s- }... ";;C,3d. "Qv O'~4-'l ""'I"L,-: ('0 _' tf" p.- \ . 5-"A¡z T IÇ: 30 5-, (; P (6 '1"c> j' .... G. Corrected Velocity, AxE:ti' ft/sec , B. Area of llue, sq ft ," J. Average Flue Temperature, of It. Flow Rate, G x B x 60 r..Ac.~ L. Flow Rate, Xx 520 T BP + Ps/1J.6, SCFM 460+ J 29.9 f,.,t..f-O 1 -....,..,.. :-- I:::, .-----, I .... "_ ._. ..--..~~___ _..... " . 'Ò 'r~~~~i).\l~ 1..~30~.\'TC~ïl3,/. I Sæ:p11ng Station \' ~ Of'" ~ I A ~" ~ ',( , bA~ ¡è I DatI! '. 10-1 '-11 1 WATER VAPOR AND GAS DENSIT! CALCUUnONS P~rc~nt Water Vapor 1n Ga~e3 A. Ga3 pre:s.sur,e at meter, in. Hg. (absolute) B. Vapor pressure Qf water at impinger temp., in. Hg. C. Volume of metered gas, cu. ft. D. Volume of water vapor metered, B X CIA, cu. ft. E. ,Volume Qf water_vapor CQnden~ed"cu. ,ft. F. total volume water vapor in gas san:ple, D .. E, cu. ft. G. total volume of gas sample, C .. E, cu. ft. R. Percent water vapor in sampled gas, 100 x FIG ? \ '% 1- J. 4 '10 - "3 .:; 70 GAS DENSITY CORRECTION FACTOR Comconent Wt./Mole Volume Percent/lOa x Moisture Correction x ~ol. ~t, = Wet Basis 23,2 I. I I I ~. II Y \?'J,b3Y I I 1'J.1),b75 . c¡ '1 I ~30 ?C¡7 Carbon Dioxide 035 , .0°7 Dr', Basis 1.0 18.0 Water . C¡ b 5 44.0 Nitrogen & Inerts Dry Bas is r I q <ò Dry 3asis . ì '1 S Dry Basis 25.0 Carbon Monoxide O:<y en . C, b S I cl b S 32.8 Average Molecular Weight J. Density of gas referreå to air = Av. Mol. ~t. = 28.95 .. K. Gas density correction factor ~ 'jOO = A,,",6i~Nï Mo I'~ T:U( é. ?\ %1' (0.62.. ~.µ. )( 1.005 !.0/1.1." ) ¡:::ro..-. (! 0- b... $"T" 0 rv F _ (oj ?)(. ì) L. I - II < lOr) "- I, Y 70 -- :...~_...........~ .. ..._._~... ......' .e._'_ -:'". _'. :-_.~-.... . '-..- ,_.~.....,..- . .... ....... .. _4· .. . 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I tJ .:tF en ù t\J rrMV NO)( Pf'ft\ý $02- _..._ __ ___.___.._,__. _'u_,_....... ..__.,... .... ....... .- ,,,..... -"....-,...,...'........ ....----- ". - .-,---, '.--,- 10 D - <20 bO Li'V 10 1!": 35: øø 19/17/99 i (J)2- --V-,r-"./·------:---\Ji.---........~··--~\ r----\/~--V'--.\l---~···../·--"7\r-v'--..~1 _-_..-=---~----.------_.--------..-......u............ ._..~"'., .,..... ..__.. .~. ._.._ ..-.---. _...~..."'_::_:...,__...-_.._---..-----.r---..-,..-...... ,r------'-----·--..--' ¡-'-..---......'.--..'....'..-.. '''---'-''-'-l''''--'-''''- -..,---,-----.--..-.. 0 1~:5Ø:ØØ 16:Ø5:ØU 16:2Ø:ØØ 16;35:ØØ 19/1"/39 lØ/1' '/U~J J.Ø/J."l/B9 10/1'1/3'J Nth [F1] - Save I....age ;.. [SPC1 = Hotate Scales [FlUJ-- EHil 'I I '. ,J IY' tv ~J 'f " ,. , 01 , .' ....' l\lKt~ X JNC\tJERA1DR.. E 'Ki\Av~'- GA'5JJUµf- /fJ.J1C-\lotJ % 01. ì 599 h_' -.-----.----.--.--. -..-. - '--"---".-- ...---. .-....-....--... ...... ....'.'. .....-..........-. .,. ..... _..._._.._..,...~,_..,_..._.,.-..__._.._...-...-._....,_..-.......,. . ..',,'. "_ 1.5" O2 - ..- CO R3 PPMV [FIJ - ....--;....--........-.--.......---..... .-.---.... "'-" -.....,...-- -.-...."'... "_0"'-- of t... ...._ ........ , " ...-. . .. -.." . - ,-. - . -... 315 --. 259 125 - CO ~: __""\ ....__-""\ ,...,\ _.....\ ,r-I\ ._-.,\ _,....", ,.r...... ./..... .....\. .,.\ _-..... ,,/'1\ , V _",..- _- ,..... I. ,._-- '.- \.,.- ~ -, .--r ./ t .-- \ _ --' . l " .... "v '1 ..- ~. .r..- v' ¡ 9 ---·--·--I----..---"----..--·~· -·'1 ......,. ...." ,........." ...,...---...,..'...' ....1".'-.................'....---..-..-.-.......--.---- 14':35:ØØ 1§':5u:øn 16:Ø:J:uu .t6:2111:HØ 16:3::':ØØ lØ/17/89 lØ/17/0~ l'VI'/,.'II'ï lO/J"I/U9 lÜ/J"/IU9 Save IMage . £SPCJ - .1 nota(-e Scales [FJØ I ,': EKi, t w - IS- 10 s- o .' ~ TRUESDAIL LABORATORIES, tNC. " MOBIL MONITORING SYSTEM The continuous monitoring system enables real-time analysis of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (5°2), oxygen (02), carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (C02). As the sample enters the system, it is conditioned through a tandem condenser refrigeration unit, multiple-stage filtration and is pressurized wi tha Teflon coated neoprene diaphragm pump between the two condensers. All connections and tubing to the ins~ruments are 5wagelok and stain- less steel. Each analyzer has individual flowmeters and there is a system bypass flowmeter. Calibration gas can be introduced to each analyzer individually, or through the entire system, or manually through the probe tip. The analyzers employed are: Beckman Model 864-11 CO Analyzer Ranges: 0-5,000, 2,000, 500 ppmv with ranges 2 and 3 linearized Beckman model 867 low CO Analyzer Ranges: 0-2,500, 100, 50, 25 ppmv with ranges below 100 linear Discrimination: H20 100,000:1 ppmv C02 200,000:1 ppmv Western Research 502 Analyzer Model 721-AT Ranges: 0-100, 5,000 ppmv (linear) Bec~~an Model 95L; NO/NOx Analyzer (linear) Ranges: a-la, 25, 100, 250, 1,000, 2,500, 10,000 ppmv Bec~~an Model 755 02 Analyzer Ranges: 0-15, 10, 25 %V (linear) Beckman Model 864-23 C02 Analyzer Ranges: 0-5, 10, 20 %V with ranges 2 and 3 linearized The outputs of each analyzer are wired into a Fluke Helios A to D converter and logged on a Zenith model 5W-3000 computer running CIM-PAC software. The entire system is mounted in a 12 foot Dico tandem axle,trailer with a 13,500,000 BTU Domestic climate con~rol system. . ~. '\)N\ i . ~... r J; .. . , !, ~, ~, ~ '..: . ~ . . " . .' i I . , ' \ : I ' ~, ~ I. J. úl ~)!i ~, il g' 0 I j/ ~ : . r" «, ~ ~ \' : . ... f· ~ \ . ~ ø I . .. ~ III' :21 ~¡ I . ... 'Sa, ~ . ~ . ~ t ~ ~~S~\EM 3 11(¡, oi~:~~~p-\ ~"J- . ' I ~~~ bw-£?- ,~~ ~~~ . , , I , I ' ' , , \" . t . ~\... Co~~ i 'w · . . · ' I · ,t' . ~ : i . I ,., I'· 'I . · ,. I : ¡I: · . I . . t I I , ,_ . t I . , , I ' I : ' , . ! . . .~~~- I ' , 0... Low c..o W'1- l' ,f>,. f'~ tI:JZQ GAs ~ \0 /Yír'\ ' I ¡ , t Î il.', I[ , " I Ú' ~: "; ~1 II: i ' 0' ' ~I .c 11:1 0' II' j .Ji ~\ 0, .., W' :;1; . . '" ¡ , t- : .:PJ ~ ~, ~ .W^\-L.. Fl-'.NS (;v\s' ~-¡.. ,~'T':1:I:;tJ ~T ~ "-,).:~ : ~:x:.J~ ~~ ~ ~ ~-~~~ - I .' ~t.\\\ '~ ~(A' ',/-" ,// i "..-r /" .. ./ .r" ",..",,,' /.,' , ./',. Þ,/"",// r' ../ .-" /' ,.,.// ,,//./ / /" , ~~UI~OAIL UaO'RAT1]"lla.tC. . <Þ ..... .. .~"tr '" . _ l GA5 CDL1..ft.'IO N SÞtG II /I 1~ ,ru;imL 't10~ t ._-'-', --~~'- - ._.;;. ----------.--.-... ~s ÞUC'-' (jIJf' I ~ ~rI-E PUMP \1J ¡"n-4 $ 'l-I tDN e. þrÀp~£^GM . SKc. ~o t>~ \,.. 1.'1.1- 5" L\~R T~CLÞt~ SA[:? COtLec.t/ON ~TE. ~ ~o M(...s/M \)..1 &:J ~{MÙTt.S ~on.~ BA& I~ ÀL\JJA.VS NE.W ' Fa" ~lJ6-PPM I...Et£.~~. .' . . 1~UI3=A1L 1..1SCaX:O:U12. 1iWC. . NoTE.: nAF$ 1)IE:.Qf:- CwMlrJATEC FRoM l11lS A1JAi. '1515 . AnalY~1cal Procedures tor Hydrocarbon laissions ~v TCA M~thðd. Sðuth Cða~t AQMD SAm~lin~ P~oc~dur~ !his involves the use of a aamplin¡ train consiatin¡ of a stainless eteel probe and freeze-out trap connected to an evacuated cylinder. The trap will collect the condensable oraan1c matter and water and the 'non-condensable aaaes will be collected in the cylinder. -"~"'" . ...---;-..;~-~ .. Prior to takina the aampl1~ assemblies to the test site: 1. Using a hl~h-volume vacuum pump, evacuate the 7-liter tanks to a pressure of 1 Torr or less. 2. Flush the tanka three times by !illi~ to one atmoa~here ~ith pre-purified dry Hz and re-evacuating. 3. After the final evacuation, close the valves and check for leaks by allo~ing the tanks to stand for 16 hours after ~hich period any leaks ~ill become apparent by a change in the vacuum ¡auge readings. 4. For convenience in transporting as ~ell as ease of handling at the test site. each sampling pair can 'be mounted in a rack as is shown in the attached sketch. 5. Connect the exit tube of the tràp to the tank port fitting by means of the 1/8 in.' connector. Practice is needed to deter=ine the proper torque to use in tightening this crucial connection. Too-much torque will spoil the fitting for future connect~ons. Too little torque ~ill obviously result in leakage. 6. The assembly is now ready for transport to the test site. It should be noted that duplicates are al~ays taken at each test port. At the test site: 1. Conduct any required flo~ and temperature measurements on the stack as pre3crib~d in the Source Testing Manual (methods 1.1 and 2.1). 2. Immerse the trapB to a dept.h of four inches in crushed dry- ice, which i5 held in a metal De~ar flask. After making sure the trap probe tips are tightly capped, open the tank valve and ensure that there is no change in the vacuum ¡age reading tor at least 10 minutes. Reclose the valve after the leak chec~. 3. Remove the caps from the ends of the sampling probes (we are ,,' , '1,.1 -\ '" r:: to dup 1 ~C3 tes) and insert the pro~ ends into the -' . . T~U!SÐan. l."'~OíUTO'UIJ, INC. aampllns port. !ount the rac~ boldlna the palr of aaapllna asse.blles as close as possible to the laapl1nc port. C~re should be taken to ensure that both probe ends are positioned as --nearly identlcally as ,i~ practical. 4. When .ultlple sampllna is conducted. such as before and follov1n¡ an afterburner, coordlnate all stations. Open the tank valves almult&neously. Inte¡ration tl~es wlll v.rr for» 30 to 60 :ainutes. , 5. , Durina the auplin& period, record the vacuum .qe readlna at 5- minute-intervals and make field noteare,ardWp&ny unusual events which Day a!!ect subsequent analytical resulta. '--Ixõples-'~'" are: (1) plu,aina of flow as shown by the vacuum aaae and, (2) leaks which Day be lndicated by discrepant fillin& rates between the two tanks. Stop the teat when 5 incbes of vacuum remain in the tank and conduct a post-test leak check as in step 2 above. 6. Transport the assemblies to the laboratory. 7. Disconnect the traps trom the tanks and plug the open ends of the traps. 8. Store the traps in a dry-ice refrigerator or household freezer until they can be processed. 9. Measure the pressure in the tanks ~ith a manometer and add / pre- purified dry Nz to an absolute pressure of 860 Torr. Record these pressures as they ~ill be needed in ~ub8equent analytical calculations. ~ - ."- -- -_. .,-- '. ... ".UIJC.ASL 1..110UTOaSI3. I~c. ú . Analytical Procedures for Hydrocarbon !missions Bv 'C! M~~hðd. Sðu~h COA~~ AQMD ~ ..... --.. -~ -- - ---. .- ðnA1Y~i~Al Pr~~dur~ This involves the separate dete~inationa of carbon monoxide, .ethane And carbon dioxide and the combined deterzination of C~ and hi~her molecular weicht h7drocarbona. Results are reported as parts per . aillionand pounds per hour as carbon. The ¡aeeoue portion and condensables portion are analyzed separately. !he analysis of the ¡aseous portion ~equires ~ las chromato¡raphic column to separate and elute, in order. the carbon monoxide, methane and carbon dioxide in the sample. The separated components are then metbani:ed and detected by flame ionization (lID). The amount of methane measured by the rID is recorded on a cbrQmato¡ram strip chart. The analysis of the volatile hydrocarbons in the caseous portion requires a gas chromatographic column preceded by a loop of Tenax placed in ice ~ater (OOC) ~hich adsorbs theC3+ hydrocarbons. The C2 hydrocarbons are separated trom the carbon monoxide, l1et~ane and carbon dioxide in the sample (~hich elute together) by the chromatographic column. A!ter the Cz is eluted. the carrier ¡as flow direction is reversed and the Tenax loop is heated ~ith boiling ~ater (lOQoC) to desorb the remainin¡ hydrocarbons. As each component is eluted it passes through a catalytic oxidizer ~hich converts it to carbon dioxide. Each carbon dioxide peak is measured by a non- dispersive in!rared spectrophotometer--utilizing a carbon dioxide detector--and recorded on a chromatogram strip chart. The condensable portion of the sample is analyzed for total hydrocarbons as carbon by volatilizing the trap contents and catalytically oxidizing everything to carbon dioxide ~hich is then collected in an evacuated vessel and quantitatively determined by the lID as mentioned above. In order to obtain meaningful analytical data, it is necessary to . procure accurate re!erence standards and to calibrate the instruments ~ith these standards at frequent intervals. !Down concentrations of carbon monoxide, methane, carbon dioxide and propane in dry nitrogen are purchased from a vendor and are NaS traceable (+/- 2%). A. Gaseous Sample _u ~ 1. The room temperature and baromet.ric preSBure are not.ed 'and-"·~·"~~·· recorded. 2. The absolute pressure in the sample cylinder is measured with a mercury manometer. The tank is then pressurized il1th dry nitrogen to at least. 32 inches of mercury (absolute). ~ .. TJUIIO"SL LAIOaA TOIII2, .Me. ---:-'I . 3. The GC/tID 1ns~rumen~ 1a atandardi:ed with, a atandard ¡aa sample. ~. The pressuri~ed sample 1s used to flush the sample loop on the ¡aa chromato,rapb with sample and the injection valve actuated to place the loop 'into the carrier circuit. ----p,--", 5. The sample fractions are eluted in order--carbon monoxide, _ethane. and carbon dioxide--and plotted on a strip chart chroaato¡ru. 6. A computer inatantaneousl? intearatea and calculates each auple peak with the appropriate cona~antsand'correction factors and reports these values at the end ot the chroaato¡ram. Replicate runs are made until +/- 5% maximum deviation 1s obtained. 7. The Tenax-GC/NDIR instrUment is atandardi~ed vith a standard ¡as sample. 8. The pressurized sample is used to flush the sample loop on the ¡a8 chromato¡raph with sample. 9. The injection valve is actuated placing the sample loop into ~he carrier circuit with the Tenax loop immersed in ice water. 10. When the C: hydrocarbons have been eluted or their retention ti~e passed, the carrier ¡as tlov through the Tenax and GC columna is reversed and the Tenax loop immersed in boiling vater. The C3 and higher molecular weight hydrocarbons ,are eluted together and plotted with the previous peaks on a strip chart chromatogram after detection by the NDIR analyzer. 11. A computer instantaneously integrates and calculates each sample peak with the appropriate cons~ants and correction fac~ors and reports these values at the end of the chromatogram. Replicate runs are made until +/- 5X maximum deviation is obtained. 12. In the event that any of the hydrocarbon peaks are high enough to drive the analyzer off scale, the sample is rerun, using a smaller sample loop and an apropriate standard. B. Condensables 1. The condensables trap is placed in a dry ice cooling bath and then the ends of the traþ are heated vith a Bunsen burner to driv~ the hydrocarbons into the cold section of the trap a~ay from the plugs. 2. After a minimum of five minutes in the coolina bath. the plues are removed from the trap and the trap is then connected ~o the carrier ¡as on one end and a 1.8 liter evacuated vessel on the other end. The trap is purged at a rate similar to the sampling rate until at least 1 liter of purged gase8 are collected (at 1~AP.t 6 ~inute~). 1~unDAIL i,:'IOIIA TOllln.C. .' 3. The purle ,aa ~eaael i. reaoved and ~he trap ia.connected to the oxid1~er which ia followed by a sulfuric acid bubbler to reaove aoiature and by a MDIR CO: analy~er to indicate when the trap i. coapletelY clean. An evacuated collection veaael i. then attached to the KDIR,effluent and flow, re-establlahed in push- pull fashion. . 4. The coolina bath is removed and the trap is slowly heated with a Bunsen burner until the atainless steel trap reaches a dull red heat and the sample 1s eluted from ~he trap aa indicated by the NDIIL 5. The purge ¡as veasel is analyzed for volatile hydrocarbona by Tenax-GC/NDIR as above 1n -AM (7-12): 6. The collection vessel 1s analyzed for CO: by GC/!ID as in -A- (1-6). .. . TaUISDAIL L.aIORATOaIIS, ..c.. . '. . . C~l~ulAtiðn~ A. Condensable Hydrocarbons . 1. Intecrate the area of the standard. 2. Intearate the area of the a..ple. 3. Calculate PPI1 of carbon equivalent as follows: ,- , S.P." Be 520 STD (ppm) x A (x) x Vz (·---------~'x ;,;,-------...;~ ) 29.9 460 + or C (ppm) = ----------------~----------~------~-----~---------- A (std) x 11 S.P." Bg . 520 ( ---------- x ---------- ) 29.9 460 + or I . STD (ppm) = ppm carbon in' the standard. A (x) = Area dt the sample. A (std) = Area ot the standard. S.P.- Hg = Absolute pressure of the cylinder in inches of mercury. V1 = Volume of the sample cylinder in liters. V% = Volume of the collection vessel in liters. B. Volatile Hydrocarbons and gaseous components 1. Integrate the area of the standard. Z. Integrate the area of the sample components. 3. Calculate ppm of carbon equivalent as follows: B.P. + P2 Std (ppm) x A (x) x ( ------------ ) B.P. + P1 ' C (ppm) : ------------------------------------------ A (std) B.P. = Barometric pressure, net, in inches mercury. P1 : Residual pressure of sample cylinder. P2 : Final pressure of sample cylinder after N2 addition. C. Emission rate in pounds per hour H.C. (ppm) x 12 lce/mole x DSCFH ---------------------------------- = lbs/hour Cl 379 SCF/lbs mole x 108 H.C.(ppm) = Sum ot total hydrocarbons present. DSCFH: Stack flo~ rate, ~tandard cubic feet per hour (dry). 379 = Standard'cubic feet in 1 ~ound-mole. :. ,bu.t~~\\. 1...\ac"~TC~"Z~. '.- " - : . .' .. .. ~~ ~}Q ~~~~ 1/1a" eoœect1Da . Svq_1Q& J' 1 ttina ~ J SVqùok H ~ Cœmect1=a ~ 1foedl. Valva Smçl1ng / . __.port , . . P:u.u~"=v-~ G&u¡e " -. , ......1 ... I . .... . , - · , . '. .... - ..... I " . :.. ,. ..---.. --. 1 .. . -; _T .~..._...." --.- --.;¡_._- --'-- . . .. ........... . . ! ,8 liter .tainless steel . sapling' tank . ~ : · . . i " -:-. -:-. -': .' .... ..~-._.. -" .~ I ' .. ~- .. - ...: i .. · . .. .. ¡ . '.. .- : ..... -..¡.. -. .. -.- :---;--- . , . .. '.' . -.. .. .. .." .. · , . ----..- --.....- . .... - ._- ...-..-..-- · - . . .-- :- '".. .. .' -I' · -- ï ... -_. ; · ...-.. .... ,. . ; -. .. - ~ .. -.. .. , " · /' _ _Stack ____.., Wall ~ ,___Dewar Flask with Dry Ice .... . . . .--. ... ...- -. ... ... ------ .. ...0-;---__ · ," Sampling Probes ..,. "rop View .. .... ... .. -..... ---.... .. - --. .. .. Dewar) Flask . With 'two 'traps _. _:. . Hazik and .. p~r_ :FI RoIdel: ---. .. .. ... _. -------- . SëUDpIi:ng 'tanks --"'--. *Note:' The distance between dt')1 ice top surface and the sampling probe of . the trap should be at least 1 inch. so that the water vill no~ freè:e in the narrow sampling tube_ '" ~~u UDAlL LAaDAA TD AlE!!, fe, . MAGNEHELIC CALIBRATION ==-================== 10/12/89 ."-...-.-- .- -. --..-. - .. -. ===============================--===================== LOW MED HIGH ==---=========---==------====--========== MAGY. t MAGY. MICRO. MAGY. MICRO. MAGY. HI CRO. ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- 1/4" - GW92 0.045 0.048 0.110 0.108 0.200 0.195 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1/211 - AM78 0.150 0.150 0.245 0.238 0.380 0.362 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1/2 " - AG44 0.100 0.098 0.250 0._254 0.400 0.394 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1" - NH125 0.17 0.166 0.49 0.488 0.90 0.886 -------- -------- -------- -------- .-------- -------- 1" PM283 0.16 0.160 0.50 0.504 0.78 0.776 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1" - AMl12 0.26 0.266 0.51 0.510 0.71 0.706 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2" - PM9 0.25 0.234 1.00 1. 060 1.51 1.490 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2" - PM2 0.23 0.222 1. 00 0.992 1.75 1.776 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2" - PM28 0.0.5. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 4" - RF68 0.60 0.580 1. 70 1. 680 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 4" - B26 0.60 0.600 1.60 1. 640 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 15" - JH84 1.5 1.50 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 15" - RB6 1.6 1. 66 ===================================================== (CALIBRATED WITH DWYER MICROTECTOR) _,__..,..n ___ _."'_____._.n~_______,'_~_._._ I ,.ci_ó . . ~. KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICI' 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 BaketSfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3682 William 1. Roddy Air Pollution Control Officer ISSUE DA'IE : November 2, 1989 APPUCAI10N NO. 0181001 EXPIRATION DATE: November 2. 1991 DATE: August 11. 1989 AUTIiORITY TO CONSTRUcr IS HEREBY GRAi'ITED TO: ~ -..... .- - . THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL. INC. In the event au AUTHOIUTY TO CONSTRUCT is reœucd to a new ownC%'. auy emissiOIll iDcr= assigned to this equipment during initial New Source Review Proc=s remains with the iDièal bearer of this documc::nL ' AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUcr IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR: Contaminated Soil Vapor Extraction and Incineration I (See attached sheetS for equipmcnt description and conditions) s T R Location: Start-up Inspcc::ion Datc : 28 29S 28E 1600 E. Truxtun. Bakersfield Upon completioD oC COllStrUCtiOD aMlor installAtioD. pie..,., telepboDe the Manager oC EngiDeering. Thi3 document xrves as a 'ŒMPORARY Permit to Operate only as provided by Rule 201 of the District's Rules and Regulations. For iÆuance of a Permit to Operate. Rule 208 requires that tbc eGuiptllCnt authorized by this AUTHOlUTY TO CONSTRUCT be installed and operated in accord.auce with the COnditiODS of a.pprovai. Changes to these conditiollS mUlt be made by applicaåoo. and must be approved before such changes arc made. 1'bj¡ document does not authorize the emimoo. oC air C011taminants in excess of New Source Review limits (Rule 21QJ) or Regulation IV emission limits. Emission testing requirements set fonh in this document must be saUsfied before a Permit to Operate c:II1 be gnnted. Validation Signature: - --"-- ........- ..-. , ----- --_. - ~~§~ .:; . - - .::::: - - . '"1 1"."::::" ~ . . . Page 2 of 5 Pages 0181001 Continued EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: Contaminated Soil VaDor Extraction and Incineration. including the following equipment and design specifications: A. Knockout Pot V-l 24 in. dia. x 57 in. high with demister. (trailer mounted) B. Knockout Pot drain pump P-2. (trailer mounted) C. Vacuum pump 400 scfm P-1 with 15 hp electric motor~ (trailer mounted) D. Air compressor K-1 with 2 hp electric motor. (trailer mounted) E. Regenerative thermal oxidizer H-1. (trailer mounted) F. Piping from vapor extraction wells' to vapor extraction system. G. Covered pile extraction system and piping to vapor extraction system. CONDITIONAL APPROVAL: Pursuant to Rule 209. "conditional approval" is hereby granted. Please be aware that all conditions of approval remain in effect for life of project unless modifications are approved by District. DESIGN CONDITIONS: 1. Vacuum pump shall deliver no more than 400 acfm to thermal oxidizer. (Rule 210.1) 2. Vacuum pump shall discharge only to thermal oxidizer. (Rule 209) 3. Thermal oxidizer shall be designed and maintained to achieve no less than 95% destruction of hydrocarbons. (Rule 210.1) 4. Exhaust stack shall be at least 10 ft. in height and shall not exceed 8 in. inside dia. at discharge. (Rule 419) 5. Adequate provisions shall be provided for testing exhaust for air contaminants. i.e. capped sampling port in accessible location of uniform flow. (Rule 10~.1) 6. Thermal oxidizer shall be equipped with monitors for inlet hydrocarbons concentration and bed temperature. (Rule 419) OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: a. Extraction wells shall not vent to atmosphere. (Rules 210.1. 419) b. All lines. fittings, connections. pump seals, and appurtenances shall be leak- free. (Rule 210.1) c. Thermal oxidizer shall be in use whenever vacuum pump is operating. (Rule 209) d. Sufficient dilution air shall be provided to maintain inlet hydrocarbon concentration of thermal oxidizer at no more than 12,000 ppmv. (Rule 210.1) e. Bed temperature of thermal oxidizer shall be maintained between 1780 and 1800 degrees F. f. Material collected in knockout pot shall be pumped only to closed 55 gallon drums and disposed of by qualified waste handler. (Rule 419) g. Thorne Environmental, Inc. shall sample and have analyzed by an independent testing laboratory thermal oxidizer inlet and outlet twice during the first week of operation to document' compliance with benzene emission rate. (Rulè 419) h. If any thermal oxidizer outlet sample indicates benzene concentration in excess of sampling limit. process shall be terminated. (Rule 419) " '" . . '" Page 3 of 5 Pages 0181001 Continued i. No~emission shall endanger the health, safety, or comfort of any person and there shall be no discharge of air contaminants which have a natural tendency to cause injury or damage to businesses or property. (Rule 419) j. Operation shall not result in odors detectable at or beyond property boundary. (Rule 419) ..-- ~- _.~ -.. EMISSION SAMPLING LIMITS: Carbon Monoxide: 0.01 lbm/hr (as PMIQ) (Rules 210.1, 419) 0.00 lbm/hr (as S02) (Rule 210.1) 0.15 lbm/hr (as NOx) (Rule 210.1) 3.83 lbm/hr (Rule ~nO.1 ) 0.03 lbm/hr (Rule 210.1) 2.16 ppm\' (Benzene) (Rule 419) Particulates: Sulfur Comcounds: Oxides of Nitrogen: Hydrocarbons: Toxic Comcounds: COMPLIANCE TESTING REQUIREMENTS: Compliance with all emission sampling limits shall be demonstrated by District- witnessed sample collection by independent testing laboratory within 30 days of .startup. (Rule 108.1) SPECIAL CONDITIONS: aa. Thorne Environmental. Inc. shall submit documentation of thermal oxidizers hydrocarbon destruction efficiency of 95% prior to implementation of this Authority to Construct. (Rule 209) bb. Thorne Environmental, Inc. shall keep accurate daily records of thermal oxidizer inlet hydrocarbon concentration and bed temperature and shall make such records readily available for District inspection upon request. (Rule 107) cc. Facility shall not operate for more than a total of 180 calendar days. (Rule 419) STATE OF CALIFORNIA AIR tOXICS HOT SPOTS REQUIREMENTS: Facility shall comply with California Health and Safety Code Sections 44300, through 44384. (Rule 208.1) \I..... . . Page 4 of 5 Pages 0181001 Continued RULE 210.1 (NSR) ANALYSIS VALIDATION: Maximum daily emission rate of each contaminant from this permit unit shall not exceed daily amount shown as "proposed" on attached emission profiles. Compliance with these emission limits shall be verified by source operator (with fuel consumption data, operational data, etc.) on daily basis (maximum daily emission rate) and written documentation made readily available to District for period of one year. RULE 210.1 (NSR) SPECIFIC LIMITING CONDITIONS: (see attached emission profiles). :, '. ~ . , . .~ 0181001 / Ibm/day 0.18 Ibm/day Ibm/day 92.00 . THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. . STATIONARY SOURCE EMISSION PROFILES PMI0 Proposed Ibm/day SULFUR DIOXIDE [SO~) 4. r .... 0.01 Prooosed o days/year ------------------------- :------------------------ 365 SULFATES [S04) Proposed = 0.00 365 Ibm/day :------------------------- 365 o , days/year HYDROCARBONS (HC) Prooosed Ibm/day 3.50 o days/year NITROGEN DIOXIDE (NO~) .. Prooosed :------------------------ o days/year 365 CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) -~ -_.~--.. --~--- 0.70 Prooosed o days/year ,------------------------- :------------------------ o days /year 365 365 RANDALL L ABBOTT Agency Director (805\861-3502 . . -~ "- ._.~ ,~-- .; 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopier (805) 861-3429 STEVE Mc CALLEY Director RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY , . DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES September 27, 1990 , Ralph Huey Bakersfield Fire Department , Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street' Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: This is to confirm that during the month of August, 1990, this Department made a determination that the property located at 1600 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, known as The Homeless Shelter site, was not a hazardous waste property or a border zone property as defined by California Health and Safety Code, Sections 25117.3 (a)(2) and 25117.4, respectively. Based upon this determination it was our opinion that the provisions of Health and Safety Code Section 25220 et. seq., did not apply to this property. A call to confirm our opinion was placed to Don Plain, Senior Hazardous Materials Specialist of the California Department of Health Services, Toxic Substances Control Program, Site Evaluation Unit. Mr. Plain, after conferring with others, confirmed our opinion. Sig.cer~ly, Ii - . D Chris Burg r, Manager, Hazardous Materials Management Program CB: jg cc: George Gonzales ~~~~~ S-(~- Trv¿-~ ~ b¡¿.. ~ . ;3 .] ò ( .''',.. - ---~- --- -~--'-~_.....---~-. . . - -,.- .--.--_._- . -~--_._-~-- . -._-. ...-.._.... _..:_< -,". """~ ......,,. ...- .... "" I Please DREAD D HANDLE D APPROVE and D FORWARD o RETURN o KEEP OR DISCARD / ) o REVIEW WITH ME ' 1.,( Dale ..--. ~'~--_._-- -~~..~ ~---.~, ..... "...._""<.~--,...~.~ ~ ~ cA1v J, WICKS 'Agency' blrector (805) 861·3502 STEVE McCALLEY Dlreclor . . 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Baker,lIeld. CA 113301 TelephoM (80S) 861.3838 Telecopler (80S) 861·342i ..., '~....... DEPART ENT AGENCY RES 0 'u R C E HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NMENT AL S APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO (CIRCLE Or:E) CONSTRUCTt RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN OR DESTROY A WELL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM '". ...... ..' UMONITORING WELL APPLICATION DRIU.ING METIiOD Hollow Stem Auqer CT FEE PAID YES ( ) AMOUNT PAID $ NO ( ) APN: 9/26/90 PROPOSED STARTING DATE FACILITY NAME Homeless Shelter S1 te ADDRESS 1600 East Truxtun Ave. Rakersfield. CA ,93301 DRIlLINGCONTRACT.OR Melton Drill1nq Company ADDRESS 7101 Down; ng Avpnup HOME PHONE NO. WORK PHONE NO. 10/2/90 APPLICATION DATE LICENSE NO. 508270 , PHONE NO. 5 89- 0 5 2 1 ON APPROVED LIST () YES ( ) NC LICENSE NO. 55836 HAZ PHONE NO. 326-0492 ON APPROVED LIST () YES () Nr REGISTRATION #: RG: 4522 REA: 1200 9/27/90 PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE LITHOLOGY LOGGING REVIEWED BY: Eric J. Greem'lOod ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTOR Thorne Environmental ADDRESS 1830 Truxtun Ave.. Suite 216 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER &: FLOW DIRECTION PERFORMED BY: Er; c J. Greenwood REGISTRATION #: JOB SITE: T 2gS R 28F. SEC. 28 DIRECTIONS TO WELL SITE: 40 ACRE SUB. NF.~ of the SW~ GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: 1. Permit applications must be submitted to the Health Department at least 10 workin!! days prior to the propose startin [ date. 2. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continu work past the stage at which an inspection is, required unless inspection is waived or completed. 3. Other required inspections include: conductor casingt all annular seals, and final construction features. 4. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hour before the placement of any seals or plugs. S. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives.- 6, Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with required Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance c a "Stop Work Order." , 7. A copy of Hie Department of Water Resources Drillerts Report as well as copies of logs and water quality analySE must be submitted to the Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. 8. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department if a well is being destroyed \that is not i conjuction with a test hole permit. 9. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of issuance if work has not been started an reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. 10. I have read and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted ab<?ve. . ··0''- -.. .,-...,__ ._~.. -/oz.qo DATE OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE APPLICATION APPROVED BY: DATE: a-monito.app :cd ------- --.... -..."" ....._--, "( DlULLIOO ME'lliOO HOllo.em Auqer . WELL ~ CB-l WELL ~ WELL i WELL i WELL DEPl'H 90' GROUND ELEVATION (1.011) DEPIH ro GROUNDWATER ( 1. 0 11) IF I<NCmN .. -_._-- 200'+-- - , BOREHOLE DIAMm'ER 10 inch CASIN:; INSIDE DIAMETER 4 inch CASIN; MATERIALS & GAUGE PVC-Scd. 40 "C - .... -~ SCREEN MATERIALS & GAUGE PVC-Scd. 40 , TYPE OF BENDJNITE Chips PLUG & DEPI'HS 28'-291;60'- ~O ' ANNULAS SEALANI' Cement/ .. MATERIAL & DEPl'H Bentonite C;nr-f;::¡("'p .?R' FILTER PACK MATERIAL Monterey #3 & SIZE Sand SCREEN SIJ:Jr SIZE & 0.02" L=301 LEOOni (30' to 60." ) SEALANr PLl\CEMENI' Tremie METHOD Pipe WELL CAP I.CX::KABLE yes FACILITY Pwr PLAN - Provide a description of the facility to be monitored, Include location of tanks, proposed monitoring and placement, nearest street or intersection, location of any water ælls or surface waters within a 5001 radius of facility. Please attach. WELL DIMENSIONS - Provide a detailed drawing of well(s). Include: well, casing length, screen/filter pack length, sealants, and well cap. Note any irregularities. attach. depth of annular Please ZONE OF INFLUEæE - FOR VAr::OSE ZONE WELLS Provide mathematical calculations that detemine the zone of influence for the soil at each site taking into account the monitoring method being used. Please attach. ,M:7I'E: ·..--I,£-this application is not complete it will be returned. AEX;:cd:foz:mtool\monitor /, " or, , N I ~TIiORNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL' I 0.11 I I I I I · · SITE r-- BOUNDARY · · j. · · · · ,. '. · .. 0 · I I .' · LEGEND .. · "SOIL BORING · LOCATION '. -;,, r-----------~---~, I" B 5 I I I I I I - I I II' APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF , I EXCAVATION 'I I I - 'I I ,. . . I I I ,. I I I I Und'" I '. ,. I · · · · I :. ;. ,i:L';' - - _ _ _ ~'~ _ _ .'___ FORMER 1,000 GAL. GASOLINE TANKS B-4 VE-3 . " B-3 r I I I I I I ·VE-2 0B-6 . { . -.- - . . I f: I VE-4. . , , DISPENSER ISLAND REMOVED 10 , SCALE 20FT I . VAPOR EXTRACTION WELL , OPÁOPOSED CONFIRMATION BORING E:] EXISTING BUILDING -- --.-.---._---,--- ---.-,..----.--.--.-e--.......,...,'--=..'"o-,..,....- ".. SOIL & BORING V APOREXTRACTION WELL LOCATIONS SITE I HOMELESS SHEL TEA BAK ERS FI EL D,CALI FOR N I A PROJECT NO.~3E-I044 EXHIBIT ~ ì «: , SURFACE 4" BLANK ' SCD 40 PVC CASING . " " " ... " " " " " " " " " " " ... " " " " " " ... " " " " , " " ... " " ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... " " " ... ... ... " CEMENT GROUT l' #3 MONTEREY SAND BENTONITE ..' - l' 10· hole 4" SCHEDULE 40 PVC 0.02 SLOTTED CASING NOT TO SCALE (7~~ 8" hole Bentonite ""'"'" TD90' BAKERSFIELD HOMELESS BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA EXTRACTION WELL DETAIL CB-1 TO YES UNIT ] þ -----. PROJECT NO. EXHIBIT 3E-1044