HomeMy WebLinkAboutES-BUSINESS PLAN 10/28/2002 ~ 0.00 1'2S"1ð<6'O - II..H.' . C!1....e... fj·,,·,,··..,·"'t;i)'..·';';" , , .....,,' · · · '\ 13001 Stockdale Hwy. Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93313 661-589-4842 SAME DÄY SERVICE ~~ n~a¡ N e n R UIe.~~ Úf,~ . Stockdale Hwy. Days Open -.-.-.-.-.-. Mon. . Fri. 7:00 A.M.· 7:00 P.M. Saturday 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. j uzette's Cleaners ~ FREE PICK UP & DELIVERY SHIRTS LAUNDERED UPON f $5.00 Discount f On any dry cleaning order over $30.00. Offer expires ':1./3/ 12.CØ2 (j .- .:.: ø CITY OF BAKERSflEI.D FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES /b /..: 35' D 07 UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd I-Ioor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 1V'G-U , FACILITY NAME 'S:\.r2C--rrE s CLC~~S ADDRESS-.1 :loo ( $'ëOC.6O)A«? ~ FACILITY CONTACT ¡<~ Aíf?.I,AJ\JO INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE {o ('2..81 ðL, PHONE NO. s-ge¡ - 4 %4'- BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- "Z-~ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section I: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine o Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency ~omplaint ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate pennit on hand N&J ~ Business plan contact infqnnation accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Veritication of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection ,v l~rL~ AAJG-6.'T1~~ ~ÆG- Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand . C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: WY.\.-)íE pcJZú-\(.aU DNo While· Env. Svcs. Yellow· Station Copy Pink· Business Copy Business Site Responsible Inspector: W IN'G- 5 Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 , . ' ~~- -~-~ -- -m~- - ~- - = -- ~ - ~ ~ _.~ - - - - - ~~ CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ G~ C(.~5 LocatioI)~/-ß 5~.HlJ 1079 Sub Div. . Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No ú) f=\çus -e)qï~<Aœ. s: 12G CCR-2.Gc;tY) SGW', c.6 T466&:? --ð A::::- ~f(lINKlßt.- ¡...(.(;ðJ).5 ac~-O ct.=t= ~ A«(..k"·[()t.A-~ Z-/ A.'I IN <;;?é(:; ~ T '^'E - I^"sl~ 1>'1 K-c.r::t) ~7'A 6S""" I$T-(,.,J Completion Date for Corrections ALL ~'T16\JS - 01<..... Date D'$ /O-z../Ô1 f/- L,<)1A.JE-5 , , Inspector 326·3979 .'---,,:,. , ~~-~.:= KBF· 7171 .¡_. - - .- t ,.'CORRECTION NOTICE --.-¡.~... BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~f..Æf[3 C.l..C~S Locatiol1i1OO1 -l'3> sr.JCK.OA.<.t'E: .~ :\~() \. \J'e'";) 1019 Sub Div. . Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: f Cor. No (]) f\«£ 'l:)lT! vi.-GU1sA€e ~/26 coeeGc í8) ¿:f SGz.Vr c.6 -;:46660 -ö k::... (2-) ç fÞæIAJKL.'Gft. ~ C.LC~-O ð={:. ~ A-c(<ffi1()Ø~ ¿IN'] Ar I A.J .t;; pc..:e. Ii""'; "( 'AE- " :1 pf2 fc.J("t 1..1.Isf~ f!><.( Kcr::f) '£7tJ. 6S-' h -r _ ,....J ) ',,- ./ , ' Completion Date for Corrections ALL (~C71dUS. . 01<..... Date os, /o?-Io> 1 ' cfl- W,AJG.5 ! ' I ' '. Inspector 326·3979 "I. ~ t 39r¡ 01 . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ( I A\A. 0 '?' OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES t( 1': r' I UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST .' L\AÅ \0/1 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 fr, I ~, \ \ 1 l;l :J-Opß b 7 r'1' ,fjD FACILITY NAME Et.-l IE: CLé:-ANa¿S ?,;}/~ INSPECTION DATE 3/"2-/07 ¡'SOD I <::j7Z>C..I< f)ÞI.£ .Hw I¡l ~ g Hazardous Waste Generator Program Section 4: EPAID# CAt... OCX?/ß30'13b o Routine J2k.. Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection I.· ~ OPERATION C V COMMENTS ~re: PC..ec· - ¡Ç 6Ac.- ~ .... '. Hazardous waste detennination has been made EP A ID Number (Phone: 916-324-1781 to obtain EP A ID #) Authorized for waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire, or explosion within 15 days of occurrence Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation time frames Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line Secondary containment provided Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters Transports hazardous waste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC Retains manifests for 3 years \" Inspector: W IVC"-'S Office of Environmental Services (661) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy / / I /1/ I ~ 1/ /I/U I), / / V It ï V1 AI \ f./J"l ___ ! 1u/iness Sité ResponsiH(e ~y ./ /I / /1 1/ Retains hazardous waste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts for 3 years Detennines if waste is restricted from land disposal C=Compliance V=Violation . CITY OF BAKERSFIAD FlCE OF ENVIRONMENTA~SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION NEW DADO 200 D DELETE D REVISE . ~:' :.~~ ~;";~:~~~~;~ <~f~~.:, ':.:~ ,'-'·~~~:;,t~ffii~i~~~t~t BUSINESS NAME (SlIme _ A III &-l;Er~ ,.~' :t'.C'...' '~"" ,.,-" '~..,..'" <'" .. .. ,"~' .. . 1L...o. ~ .,.... . ''''.1 '" " ',,' .. , . , 'i'Vv' '.'I~ .........,".:..\': ~.¡.~::.3?!"':..;.>.'~_J..~. ..... '. . C· )I"FORMATION:!"W:"I;;".~';""" .... " (one foml per malflrilll per buid'ng or al8a) Page 01 CHEMICAL LOCATION 3 2011 CHEMICAL LOCATION /'VIA£/.¡.,rJ£ - ~G42. oF S~ CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) 203 GRID" (optional) ,'.' ~~~g~ÚQ~il~~'~~'~i'~::"{:":·~,:~, 205 TRADE SECRET 0 Ves 0 No 206 If Subject to EPCRA. refer to instruclions , CHEMICAL NAME :p é..QCftt.ofl..C-..:-rtj<yJLL~ oVes oNo 202 204 COMMON NAME EHS· o Ves 0 No 208 i ! 207 CAS' 209 FIRE CODE HAZARD TYPE o m t.4IXTURË 211 RADIOACTIVE DYes 0 No o w WASTE PURE PHVSICAL STATE ~UID 7S-' o s SOLID 214 LARGEST CONTAINER ogGAS ¡ FED HAZARD CATEGORIES I (Check all thai apply) I ANNUAL WASTE , AMOUNT 218 AVERAGE CAlLY AMOUNT o Ib LSS 0 In TONS 02 REACTIVE 04 ACUTE HEALTH o 3 PRESSURE RElEASE o 5 CHRONIC HEALTH ~~NT 7<Ç ~ GAL 0 dCUFT . If EHS. amount must be In Ibs. UNrrs- STORAGE CONTAINER (Check an that apply) De PLASTlCINONMETALLIC DRUM Or CAN o 9 CARBOY o h SILO o I FIBER DRUM 01 BAG Ok BOX o I CYliNDER o m GLASS BOTTLE o n PLASTIC BOTTLE 00 TOTE BIN o p TANK WAGON o a ABOVEGROUND TANK Db UNDERGROUND TANK ~TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d STEel DRUM STORAGE PRESSURE ~"AMBIENT o .. . ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT o c CRYOGENIC 22S o . AMBIENT 210 ~ 212 CURIES I 213 : 215 : 219 STATE WASTE CODE 216 ! 220i , 221 DAYS ON SITE 222j o q RAIL CAR Or OTHER 223 224 ;~:~,;,f¡tl~:~':-"~;'¡::~:.'~·~':~':~~1 "':<'/:-~"I'~~~:~I{::,"·~"-·;"~"'~' :':..~'" :.¡/:;r; r~.-: ( ~,/",..;~, 1"~' -'\.'~~·1·l..::p:!; "~I ~·,~t~.~~t~§,. ~i~ '::,:/;.,~:r:~~Ë~1~¿':~~-~-i~-:~~~~}:;:~r~~~~,~rfý~J~:.~~~I~~S:~~'~;~_~fl'~ ...., .~ :'I'¡I.." J.... '.,....,...:¡l.;' \~~,... '¡:J/tlt_~,~D^,)4.l:i~.-,...tJ'Hc;rt)I.\«:l\.\ .,..,¡..·~.,..·.·,;..~¡'~..~J...+p"'" t...i!;'~~;¡'.1"'t~.""1. 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CITY OF BAKERSFJAD FICE OF ENVIRONMENT~ERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION " o DELETE 200 o REVISE " (one 10"" per ma/8tie' ptN building or area) Page 01 ... 2011 3 CHEMICAL LOCATION FACILITY 10 ø .... -: ':,::' ."'¡.. o Ves DNo 202 204 , CHEMICAL NAME fGf?.<:..~-<n..r~ TRADE SECRET 0 Ves 0 No 206 If Subject 10 EPCRA. refer 10 instructions ':~::~~~¡:;'. ! WÄ-'S.T'E COMMON NME CASø 209 FIRE CODE HAZARD ClASSES (Complete if requested by local ftnI w WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE oVes ONo 212 CURIES 213 TYPE OpPURE o m MIXTURE i PHVSICAL STATE o . SOLID '~ID FED HAZARD CATEGORIES :Iia:t_ FIRE o 2 REACTIVE (Check aU that apply) ANNUAL WASTE 217 MAXIMUM AMOUHT DAILY N.«>UHT DgGAS 214 LARGEST COHTAlNER 1Ç- o 4 ACUTE HEALTH o 3 PRESSURE RELEASE o 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 218 AVERAGE DAilY M«>UHT UNITS" ¡Ç- ~ga GAL 0 d CUff . If EHS. amount must be In Ibs. o Ib LBS o In TONS 223 STORAGE CONTAINER (Check aU /hat apply) ~ PlASTlCINONMETAWC DRUM OfcÀN 09 CARBOV o h SILO o ABER DRUM OJ BAG Ok BOX o I CYLINDER o m GLASS BOTTLE o n PLASTIC BOTTLE Do TOTE BIN o p TANK WAGON o a ABOVEGROUND TANK Db UNDERGROUND TANK DC TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d STEa DRUM 215 218 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 ¡ , 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 o q RAIL CAR Dr OTHER STORAGE PRESSURE ~ AMBIENT o 88 'ABOVE AMBIENT o be BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMÆRATURE ß{. AMBIENT o .. ABOVE AMBIENT o be BELOW AMBIEHT o c CRYOGENIC 225 226 227 DYes 0 No 228 229 . I 2 230 231 o Ves 0 No 232 233 I , I 3 234 235 OVesONo 238 237 I I 4 238 239 OVes ONo 240 241 I 5 242 243 o Ves 0 No 244 245 I ,UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731.TV4.wpd