HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTE MESSAGE '" Qp tt« oN IV¡ m'«C"TI¥<IL 'T ~ f'OSS,ßtF I"ú~ 1'U\-r.AlG- ßv~. /i\.f!ü..("S!r.J> ,'" PRãPCJ¿ tV, FOR M OF PHONE FAX# -\ ~ >. t· ·0\)~ - A.M. T1M~ , ~P.M. " - /ì " tj TELEPHONED RETURNED YOUR CALL PLEASE CALL WILL CALL AGAIN CAME TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU fl~ '-" FOR M OF PHONE FAX # MESSAGE r'::LEPHONED RETURNED YOUR CALL PLEASE CALL WILL CALL AGAIN CAME TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU r~ SC 1164-20 ~ -[ .'" ¡ T ¡~~ jø= 'F ~ . L-~ ,~~~...;... -".a:.u:I::' . .¡:.- (;;:~...\ ~ ,., '= "",::;::::::..,::;,~ / / r ----,- I J J ail C,) ';1 ai¡ (/.)1 b.: "¡; C,) ~I ei ;!l £1 Clf .51 III· :I. õl ..., :II oí >1 ~ CI co· ,c' 1-: "" Q "t:I 'iij Q) III .. G> > Q .. Q ,c ~ C o "t:I Q ¡åi ¡Q. I ä I~ (/.) w a: o o ~ 2 a: ::> I- W a: .. :I o > PS Form 3811, December 1991 ",u.s. GPO: 1993-352·714 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ,!J SENDER: -- .-.- · Cõmplete items 1 andlor 2 for additional services. 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Signature (Agent) ---,- ----¡;-. e '\ \ \ -:...~ ~ . -- .;/:,,(0 st4>..... : ( \ i \~} i"... ,,+1 _>., PRo<t" U.S. Environmental Protection Agency RegioQ JOHN P. JAROS Investigations/Enforcement 4EÆ'o .s.r~-~ R'er"",..al [Rl\.,u;~'J1ent ~eçdulI i"-8--4i 75 Hawthorne St. San Francisco, CA 94105 'Z. 31 ~ (415) 744-H!e FAX (415) 744-1916 - -- -- - ~._-- ",(0 S'4~... i~' ') 'i ~ . ~ " ~ 1<,.",( PRo1t.c" U.s. Environmental Protection Agency RegiO JEANNIE CERVERA Assistant Regional Counsel Office of Regional Counsel 75 Hawthorne Street (RC3-1) San Francisco, CA 94105-3901 ~1 ii' (415) 744-13 ' Fax (415) 744-1 41 u ù PATRICK K. PRINSTER ATTORNEY AT LAW 8723 SANTA MONICA BOULEVARD SECOND FLOOR WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90069-4507 TEL.EPHONE (310) 360-8989 FACSIMILE (310) 360-8988 ~ v' -- OCT-04-1996 11:02 FROM HEALTH+SAFETY DPT -~iÎ It \. TO 918053260576 -. P. 02 - a Ti~r 3 Case Studies r ÇSI Metal Finishing Workgroup #4: ,E vironmentally RespoQsible Transition· I September 25, 1996 i OCT-04-1996 11:02 FROM HERLTH+SRFETY DPT It TO e 918053260576 P.03 Exe~utive S,umm,ry Transitio~ng a small business to new owners ís oft~n a difficult task. Where environmental contamination is ~ikely to be present at the place ofbusiness) succession can be even more difficu.lt. Not only mighl ~hC' business bc difficult to $cU) but the potç'ntiEÙ for contnl'T\ination makes the rea] estate difficult to !sell as well. even for another use. Where contamination is substantial) the cost of cleanup can potehtially e;cceed the value of the business a(1d the property, bankrupting the owner. ' These CO~ditions create a difficult situation for the owners of the business. Environmental I cunlwniJ'llìtion carl force the original owner to keep the business operating simply to avoid incurring the cost of deanihg up the site. In the interim, contamination may worsen. In some situations. the owners simply t1eè. Abandoned and derelict former metal finishing companies ca.n be. found in most states and are pre~aJent in urban areas. They are left behind by owners who have been irresponsible or were simply insolvent. These sites are often community 'eyesores' and subject to vandalism. Vaçant buildings bd çhernica.1 residues on buildings, machinery. or in soil. c:an posr: threats to JocaJ residents. Subsurace contamination may affect groundwater. . Operatink metal finishers who wish to transition their b.usiness to a new owner or to a new use are known asl"Tier 3" firms. In an effort to develop more attractive options for owners of these businesses than a&andorúng the site, going bankropt) or being forced to continue to operate. EP A has conducted three dase studies of small meta! finishing firms. The case studies evaluate how the owners chose to shut do~n, how the state and federal governments were involved with the sites, and how the process oft~nsitioning a contaminated site can be improved. Bakersfield Chrome &. ßumper (Bakersfield, CA) demonstrates the difficulty in detennining responsibility for recently abandoned metal platers ~ong th~ va.rious regulatory agencies, e$pecially when the property and company owners are differ~nt individuals. Advance Plating (Worcester:, MA) is attempting to purchase a Tier ' 3 firm in Worcester, and is having a difficult time overcoming numerous regt,llatory and paperwork hurdles. Contratt Plating (Stratford, CT) has been unable to complete a site closure beçause of a lack of funds and Ilingering complianoe issues with the state. Themes that cut across the case studies were thc.need rbr improved infonnation for site owners; better coordination and communication' among regulato~ agencies; t~ need for rapidly-developed site assessment information; and improved strategies for' sitè transition where current owners have few financial resources. CSI Met~ Firùshing's ~vironmei1tany Responsible Transition Workgroup has been fonned, ù, part, to help d~elop a federal strategy to assist small businesses with environmentalliabi.lities and financial con.strai~ts to sell. relocate or close their. company in an environmentally responsible ~anner. The Workgrou~ is interested not only in developing new reSOl:1rces to suppon this missio~ but in. leveraging the ebcpertise already gained by the private seçtor and existing government programs addressing cont~minated Sites such as Superfund, Brownfields. and state Urban Sites initiatives. Discussion Drait· 18 September 1996. OCT-04-1996 11:03 FROM HEALTH+SAFETY DPT e - TO . 918053260576 P.04 Acknowledgmen ts 'Sf eta' Finish; s El7vir nmemal/ S onslble TronsWon WQ k CJ I The worJc:Joup on Environmentally Responsible· Transition was establish~d by the Common Sense Initiative (CSI) Metal Firúsmng Subcommittee to address the liability and succession issues of Tier 3 firms. The_Forkgroup's goal is not to force lower tìet metal finishers out of business, but rather to offer pOfntial solutions to the dilemmas these Tier J firms face as they try to exit the market. It is important to note that a Tier 3 firm, by definition, wants to go out of business. By facilitating a respdnsible site transition, this Workgroup hopes to offer the small blJsiness owner alternatives to aba~doning the site or being forced into bankruptcy. WORKGROUP ~ORE PARTICI~ANTS · James DeWitt I GZA GeoEnvironmental. Inc.. Workgroup Chair · Scott Dosick I US EPA Office ,of Policy, Planning and Evaluation. EPA Staff Lead · Katherine Dawbs US EPA OSWER/Brownfields · Linda Darveau US EP A New Engh¡nd (R 1) J. William Eyring Center for Neigþborhood Teçhnology · Paul Gorecki W ASTRENt Inc. · Doug Koplow Industrial Economics , · Bob McBride I A.C. Plating! National Association ofMetaJ Finishers · Karen Morley ¡ US EP A Office of Site Remediation Enforcement ,. I 2 . Discussion Dnl11 - 18 SeplCmbct 1996 I RECOMMENDArt"ION: EPA and the StaJes should make the environmentally responsihle transition of Tier 3 metal· finishing facilities.......I!!'iority, including allocating resources (staff and funds) to faciJitatä!~ese tr~siWms....rEPAI shò'uld establish a "Brownflelcis Prevention" program for outdated metal __ ~nishing firms, e~uring site transitions· to appropriate, communiry·sensitive new uses. . A~nON ITEMSi -- .- ----- . -~_.-.... / · R~ional Guid nce Manuals for Respo~sìble Transitioll. ~A should produce, i~ conjunCtion \VÌth industry and local/state governments, regional ifls1J'tJcriol1!Jl doc:umellts or guidance ma7lllals ~q;h:1& ~~cess that should b~.o~~si~_ <:lo!e or sell ~~~p.t~Z!.ª~ed faciliry. A regional approach was cñosen to reflect important ditfereñëesîñ requirements or available \ resources acrosJ regions. The lTUU1ual will contain information on the steps that need to be 'taken; .~ ~ \ \ ~ t?e various g~\lémment and community en.ti.ties and ~s~íst~nce programs ,thac should be invOlv~ci; . \ ...L.-.r risks at partlcJlar stages; and opportunities for rt'utlgatmg costs. shanng costs, and resolvmg (Y I '~:\ó ~ common disag~~çments tha; often arise over who mugt pay for tne cleanup. While focu~ed ';1 1 \rJI À specifically 0~1 metal finishing firms, we anticipate many aspects of the approach would be \~ l \~, applicable to 9ther industries as well. The target audience for this manual is small business \ \....(... ~ ) owners, as welt as local regulatory and redevelopment agencies_ The National Association of ~', . Metal Finisher~ the American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, the Metal Finishers. Suppliers Asso"D.tion, and the Na,ioJ7oJ Metal FÙlìshing Rew:m1'Cll Cenlt!r can help promote and distribute the gµides. i . · Transferring 1jier 3 finns to ~ew Higher Tier Owners. EP A and the States should assiSt high- tier metal tinishcks to purchase Tier 3 firms through assistance in tmderstanding and overcomíng the env¡,.onme~JQl regulatory harrÎe,s to prop~"'Y lranif(!1'- Assistance for the sale of Tier 3 metal finisher~to top tier firms should be contingent upon their commitment to make the investments in the property and practices of the Tier 3 firm. This option preserves jobs and local taxes while pre~enting the abandonment of an industria! site. . · Improved A~cL to EgtingRed~elopment Resoufnts. EPA should ~ncoura¡e the state$ to expand the accbss of Tier 3 metal finishers to existing redeVelopment programs and initiatives. This may inc:lu4e legislative actio~ at the state leve1. Brownfields redevelopment grants should be targeted towards Tier 3 finns which are located in geographic localities with a high number of metal finishers. I . .. . '- · Early IJltervelion. EP A ~uld encourage d1e Regions and States to identifÿ potential Tier ;- \ metal finishers ~th a high likelihood for on-site contamIna~jon and work with them to ¡chi. site transition or site improvement In this regard, additio ontarninatjon that oc:c:u it:r 3 . firm II· voide .. EP A should work WIt t e states to develop. Q:~~8!.~...,ts ~~~oordin~n i . dentifYin¡ Tier 3 firms. t I r· - Ù r...~ .'V ""--~__...-' \ \ 'tLri)""\ ~ I 'I·t~ 1. .,H\l.....' ---1> ~)" ,,,, '( 3 Discussion Draft - IS Sop_bet 1996 I ,~, ~ ¡.k ~.., rl.,,·.;~ ~( OCT-04-1996 11:03 ¡FR04IÞHEALTH+SAFETY DPT TO - 918053260576 P.05 \" ; ---.__.--- OCT-04-1996 11'04 FR04iÞHEALTH+SAFETY DPT I I i I I . OVERVIEW ANJ BACKGROUNU Bakersfield c~me and Bumper (BC&B) is a former Chromjum plating shop in Bak~eld, California. BC&S demonstrates the complicated nature of addressing environmental concerns at a site where the bu~iness and property owners are different individuals and unwilling to participate in the environmental~y-reSPOnsible transition of the site. The ça.s~ abo demonstrates the importance of clear lines of responsibility' for different municipal authorities with overlapping or unclear' jurisdiction for an a~and(')ned site. From the perspective of a small business owner, the complicated, nature of the regulations and the uncertain outcome of any involvement with EP A have created a· large hurdle to tim¿ly and effective site cleanup and transitjo~. ' Simon I. MOlinJ. the owner of Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper, was a successful,bumper recycler. &om the Los Angelés area ànd decided to expand into the Bakersfield market. Mr. Molino began his - business by leasing the building and property at 231 Sumner from· the property's owner, Mr. Howard Rubin. As his busin~ss improved, Mr. Molino purch~ed the property from the Mr. Rubin outright.-- l'Jñtnè late 19805, thb declining business in bump;rr~ycling. coupled Wìth ancrea.sed environmental . regulations in Califðmia, forced Mr. Molino to return ownership of the property (nQt the businessY to Mr. Rubin. Mr[ Rubin ~ed Mr. Molino to lease the property arid continue to operate the fadlity. Sometim~ in the krly 1990'~\Bakersfield CH~ome.& Bumper went out of business. Me; Molino removed all assets from the property and left Mr. Rubin with the liability of the plating' solutions, chemicaJ:$l il.mJ potential site contamination. Mr. Molino is believ~d have operated at least . one other plating company in addition to his Bakersfield facility. ' . The Bakerstietdb. has remained dormant fur the past few yearS. Recendy, the ptOpet1y 0WDe( . tried unsuccessfuU~ to sell the property in "as is" condition,. Despite the presence of hazardous, plating solutions on th~ premises.. the municipal aùthoritics hø.ve not taken decisive action against either the firmls oJ-ner or the property owner. Municipal authorities have taken court action in an attempt to make Mr. Molino act responsibly, but to date Mr. Molino has yet to respond. His, whereabouts are u~known.. ' ' The property uLuer has strongly resisted taking responsibility for the site ~d still believes that J' ~~" the property could be sold "as is." . This unwillingness to clean the site was apparent when.Mr. Rubin .- ~~ refused an otter trbm Kisc:o Sales, an adjacent property OWlter, to buy the BC&B if cleaned.l Mr. ~, ~ Rubin does not febI any responsibility for payin~a-'pha.se Ls~assessment and assessing the· ~\.> cleanùp costs. An ¡offer wa.s made by a local environmental firm to perform a modified phase 1 on a contingency basis. This offer W03 relayed to Mr. Rubin by his rea.l estate a$ent at Garone Real Estate. Accardin, to the egent, his calls to Mr. Rubin were not returned. . . , 4, Discussion Draft· 18 September 1996 . ~ " il . u ) I ,. TO '. Î/, '\. . ' , .,' 918053260576 I' .. P.06 r ..----.. ---. BAKERSFIE.LD CHROME & BUMPE~ . .C..~~~\ ..:f??~~~~"",.J Bakersfield, CA L.J (p~\wA"k OCT-04-1996 11:05 FROM HERLTH+SRFETY DPT - . TO It 918053260576 P.07 SITE HISTORY I Bakersfield C~me & Bumper is located in an area considered light manufacturing anc1 commercial, with sþorRdic residential dwellings. The plating facility is surrounded by a bottling company, a plastic tánk wholesale outlet, a pool service company) a railroad track, and one residence. The building is consiructed of steel on a cement foundation and the entire property is asp halted and fenced. The building has been vandalized numerous times and the lock has had to be replaoed whan homeless people broke in to the building for shelter. . When BC&B w~t out ofbusine,s,"1t,.MoIina.r-ecI all asset' ofvaJue and left the plating tanks and chemica~ behind. the subsequent vandalism, aI remaining items of value have been removed. The ta.n1c$ and berms are still intact an . utions, q,lthough corrosion from the \. chemicals will eve~tually ruin the integrity of the tanks and increase the possibility of a significanl ~ \~ ~ spill. . The ChemiC&r left in and arollnd the plant have labels that are badly deteriorated or missingt .. \,,'J . ~reating the potent' ! for another possible mishap in the future. . ,\~'\ - --J \ ~ The environmental cundition of the property itself is unknown since no $oìl or groundwater samples have beeh taken at this time. A visual inspection of the site suggests. only núrùmal contamination is øresent because the entire facility is either cement or asphalt and no u.nusual discolorations eXist cn these surfaces; we have no information on whether thete are çracks in any of these surfaces tha~ could allow chemical migration. Documentation from the Bakersfield rue Depanment's Office:; ofEnvironmcnta( Services indicate that Mr. Molino had numerous violations and fines regardini the correct procedures for handling chemicals and waste. Only a phase 1 and phase 2 site as~nt will determine if poor envirorunental management at the site has contaminated the ground and/or groundwater. . . . On June 8, 19J, a manifest from Mr. Molino indicates that 1 00 g~110ng of sodium cyánide was removed fÌ'om the p~emises. It is unclear whether this was the entire amount of cyanide stored at the site since an earliet report indicated 5 drums of the material were on the premises.. It is clear that· many other poten~ialJy hazardous materials remain; drums containing unknown substances with decaying DOT hazb.rdOu,S materials labels continue to sit outside the BC&B building. ' According to JecordS fÌ'om the City of Bakersfield's Public Works Department, Wastewater . Division. BC&B ~ad numerous problems with their reporting requirements, site inspections, and wast e dispoSal. I~ 1992. the facility. was considered to be in significant non-compliance with the Clean Water Act ror failure to file its semi-annual report. Notes from each inspection indicate inconsistenci~ in di$posal methods of hazardous wastas, including undocumented claims that \\I3Stes were shipped for di$posaJ, without. manifestS, to another facility.owned by Mr. Molino. BC&B was warned numerous t~mes about improper storage of hazardous materials and improper or inacqurate labeling ofhazardoqs chemicals. Photographs from various inspections indicate poor housekeeping procedures and nutnerous cracks in retaining waJls. . \ \ ( k N\-vb~~ 1 Ç\ . ,J" \t.') \;.n \ .... \. \ \J.4'" \J ¡o; . ~ 'N\' \ . w."'\.. 5 I~ Discussion Draft. ¡ g September 1996 OCT-04-1996 11:05 ¡FR04IÞHEALTH+SAFETY DPT I I I EFFORTS TO KEEP BUSINESS OPERATING i I Urùike owners in bme ofthe other case studies, Mr. Molino does not seem to have made much of an effort to keep his business operating. Perhaps his age (older) and the substantial capital needed to shift from a dying industry (bumper recycling) to one with more potential led him to give up. With very little promise ohurning his business around, he elected to cannibalize the assets and leave the area. There is no e1ùem:c: lhat ~r. Molino tried .to work with local programs to keep his business operating Qr to shut¡down in a responsible manner. EFFORTS TO ENbuRE ~SPONSIBLE OPERA. TION AND SITE TRANSITION I Mr. Molino appJentJy abandoned the site without contacting any of the agencies about a correct procedure for closur~. This left the contro1lìng agen~ies with a dilemma, sim;e they no longer had a business to oversee, Mthough they did have potential environmental threats to evaluate and contain. While the hazardou~ materials section of the Fire Department ultimately sought action agaínst Mr. Mulinu Cor his failu~ to supply a c:/osure plan, better coordination among the various agencies would have made lines of command dearer, and response times quicker. J\tc:ord~' g t~. ~e!y PI~er:~ developing a sy~ f1110 . g platers to come fo~ wi~hout fear of ~u~nt 1 pu~m two Id g~~t1Ý reduce t?~entiv to flee, ~d would ens~hai&an-uPètforts ar ot unnec s co~ated by the tack of info ation ~ arises when an ow~es ~on a site. .. I . I Risk ~naJemenJ and Prevention PI~n . I In January of 1991, Simon Molino, owner ofBC&B was asked 'to prepare a Risk Management and Prevention P~ram (RMPP) for the storage and use of hazardous materials. On January 28, 1992, Mr. Molino '¡:as issued a violation for failing to prepare this plan within one year. Over the course ofthe ne~ s¡~ m~nt~ Mr. Molinp made attempts to satisiY the disposal requirements of some of his hazardous c~emicals an~ to prepare a. satisfactory RMPP. His efforts were irusufficient;·in August of 1992~ Mrl Molino was issued a violation for storing sodium cyanide in uncovered drums~ without proper labeling, and for gréatet ,t~an 90 d3ys On November 23, 1992. another violation was issued because the sodium cyanide remained in five uncovered, 55-gallon drums. In April of 1993, Molino was servedla citation for failure to implement an approved RMPP. On June 21, 1993, Mr. Molino pleaded guilty in a Bakerstield court and, upon agreeing to prvpclly di5pO:;e of illl on-site . hazardous wastes,! was sentenced to three years probation and fined $465.86 to reimburse the investigative, adm~njstrative, and legaJ fees associated with the Bakersfield Fire Department's repeated investigaqons and RMPP evaluations at BC&B. PropertY Abandokment . I Emphasis shiftld from safe operations t~ proper closure/remediation once the propeny was abandoned. RaIph Huey, the Hazardous Materials Coordinator for the city of the Bakersfield Fire Department's Office of Environmental Services, believes the property has been abandoned for I . 6 Disçussion Draft - 1 g September 1996 TOe 918053260576 P.08 ~ OCT-04-1996 11:06 FR01llÞEALTH+SAFETY DPT TO - 918053260576 P.09 'i approximately twj years. The fire ~epanment has repeatedly sent letters to Mr. Molino (at his factory address) abdut the condition of his business. Unfortunately, Mr. Molino has lell Ba.kersfield and his current whkreabouts are unknown. The letters from the Fire Department do not appear to ever have reached Molino . . Given the p~ abandonment, it is somewhat su<¡xising that little action has been taken by the state or local govJrnment to assess and mitigate any imminent environmental hazards I1t the site. According to Mr. Huey, a major factor in the lack of action taken at this facility was the lack of' communication between public agencies and an unclear designation of responsibility for this small, abandoned propertÝ.. However. as ofJanuary 19~7, California's CeI1ified Unified Program Agency (CUP A) program ~m designate responsibility and authority to specific local agencies to deal with these types of sitUations. In the ca::S1;: uf BC&B, tho: Dakcrsfield Department of Environmental Services will have j~risdiction over the site. W. Huey plans to initiate action at the property and with the property' S ¡eg~l owner when granted jurisdiction in January. I The Bakerstlelkl Fire Department has recently begun to ~earch for Mr. Rubin in relation to the environmental cohcems of the site. A certified letter was sent to Mr_ Rubin on May 14, 1996 requiring his assist$ce in determining the type and quantity pf hazardous materials on his property. ~ of August 19961 there has been no reply. There does not appear to be any ongoing effon to find . Mr. Molino. Despite , the enVIronmental problems at BC&B, it is ironic that failure to pay property taxes may be the ultim~te drifer ~f action at the si~e. Routin~ tax bills go to the registered owner ofthe site, Howard RubIn, and are 19norect Accordmg to the city of Bakersfield. property taxes have not been· paid on the propetty sinc!: 199J, resulting in an overdue bill ofSS,46S. If taxes go unpaid for five years, the city willi auction off~he property. . REDEVELOPMENTPOTENT"L Despite being lbandoned and çontami~at~d, the BC&B site has fairly gOOd' redevelopme~ potential. I A real~or with Garone Real Estate e.sti~ates that the site has a value of approxhnately $90,000 after a cømplete clean-up and that clean:-up eosts for the removal of tanks and solutions could possibly be done for half that value. Discovery of soil or subsurface contamination, although considered some*hat unlikely, would obviously niter, this balance. In addition, if the site is left. unattended. prop~ contamination could increase, potentially· driving up remediation and closure costs by a factor df three or more. . / I I . . I In tãct, apJroximatelY .18 months ago, ¡¡ nearby linn (KisQO Si1lcs) wuntcd to expfU1Q their opet;&cions and pwclw.se ~ sjre~ However, they were interested in raking ownership of a cleOln site; Mr. Rubin. the e&IlT'Cnt owner, wanted to sell the site "as is". . ...~ . . ')- '" 7 Discu~ion Draft . 18 September 1996 . . ') \) OCT-04-1996 11:07 FR04IÞHEALTH+SAFETY DPT TO e 918053260576 P.10 " I . Redevelopment f.0tentîal aside, there remains considerable uncertainty regarding the cost of remediation. This uTlc<:r1aimy UliSJ<..es bidding for the site: much more risky for a redeveloper. To .address this concern! the Environmentally Responsible Transition Workgroup sought to have a site assessment conductetl. WZI Inc., a Bak:ersfield~based regulatory and envÎronmental consulting firm ~ specializing in devJIopment and compliance efforts, has been involved in a variety of projects promoting industry/and government cooperative effons. The firm offered to perform a modified PhWiC 1 Site AsseS$1ent (includíng moderate soil and water s:unpling) on a c:ontingency basis. Thus, they would get paid,only ¡fthe site was sold. Despite this off~. the property owner, Mr. Rubin, has refused to grant p~rmission. According to his real-estate ageht, Mr. Rubin is not interested in any yoluntary clean-up project but rather, will only consider selling ~hc property "as is. It It Îs unclear what type of information needs to be pr~vided, - or action taken, to get Mr. Rubin to take responsibility for the site. \ . ., . \ ì i. _ \oF'" - I i\,,J-......-) J 'ik'1. \.. l' jÚ'1 ."" , \ . ~ LESSONS LEARNED / -¡,.. h" ~ ",,_) ",k., (,;" . Fear or re¡UIRthry agencies is a m~livating r.t~~. V. 1e the act aI !,-';riv ofMr.lI'IeIino c not be gues1-c.d. hi . eak to a broader issue tn an s all metal 'shers ~ pot tiail cent Jnj~ed ro e. TRese· ea ear 0 a 109 Wit or an Ir perceptIons 0 on-NFL Superfund sites include a regula.tQ.[)' "':gbtJ,.:.tr~ ·W·::in Î"1tnl"!n.;e P$\I'P"'W'9orY burdeR. -i'tìbô man, g.g"p1ed '9'itb4~ thren ofJom'Z..term liabili~ :Jnd extremely ~pensivp dtMby~, 1'4~...leå te a nrimUst ot the govenunent as~()sitive f'Qfee in accelerafil1¡ sire C'"~ When propeny owners become fearfUl of huge fines and possible jail time associated with the contamination of their property, and realize that . the capital they nbed to clean up the site may drive them into bankruptcy, they flee. DevelOPinG a process that is] quicker and euier for owner~ to participate in can help increase the likelihood. that properties ~U be transitioned with the input and site-specific knowledge of the owners and . managers. ~: ~ ~ .' ... . . Comm.unicatioh and coordination between local ag~Qc;ies is vital. The great~st bamers to the,esponsib/il ttansilion oft~is particular property are the attitudes of the site and finn owners and the appardt lack of communication between regulatory agencies. The case raised more· questions about lactions that weren't taken than about actions that were: · Wh~ weren't any actions taken when the owqer ceased payin~- . · When the P01W stopped receiving discharges from BC&B, why didn't they alert California EPA·s Department of Toxics and Substances Control. Kern County En~ronmental Health, rstield's Office ofEnvironmenraf Service? J I · ~ was the time allowed for the company to evelop ats Risk Management Plan so - ~!'fI, P long¡. and the penalties so small when the deadlines weren't met? ~ . If t:.)).. L\~)~ .t"l:t.~~:·~. ... ... Wlúle Cahfonua's r A will begin to remedy these ISSUes by deSIgnating authonty and ....ponstbility Do Not Cite or Quote 8 I \ ~.~A ') . f . v· (, l . ., ,f¡"" . \ \\ ., \ . 'Ï -,¡,,"" \!\\\, " ~ ., .S'- .~ \.)., ~, to specific agencies i each murùdpality to address these concerns, informal communications between . agencies earlier wo¿ld have gone a long way towards avoiding this situatiu~1. · Rcgionnl Resolrce Guides. F.P A 5õhouJd encourage the states/regions to develop regional . reSOI,Jrce guides that would provide information to property owners and communi[y developme~t agencies regarding voluntary cleanup programs, sources of funding, and sources of technical assistance throJghout the state and federal agencies. Members of the City of Bøkerstield)s Redevelopment Agency and Office of Environmental Servic;es have said that a listing of aU local) State, and FedeJI resources (agencies. people. funds) that can be contacted for assistance in the remediation and redevelopment of small, recently abandoned (or about to be abandoned) properties would be of great assistance to them. Likewise. such a manuaJ could be made available to job shop o.~ ' ers who Want to act in an ~nvin;mmcntall.y rC$ponsÎblc manner, but lack the resources to do· so. \~ A«eleraled p!perty Inspeclions in C..es,of Abandonment. EPA should etlC9uI1Ige Slates ¡ and 10cÈdities to ¡perform aggressive inspecti~ns as soon Q.'i regulators slIspect t~e property may ¡ have been aba}llJo/J(/(i, Between the:. POTW, t~ assessor's office, nnd the. Fire Department, L-someone shoul4 have known the situarion ofBC&B. . · Improved InrJrmation Sharing. EPA should encourage comm~nities and states to ~stabüsh . communication hetworks and protocols for identifying recently (or about to be) abandoned metal tì nishing faci1it~es. There neerJ:s lu be b~ttet coordination bctween the various state; locaJ, and federal agencies to identify Tier 3 sites as early as possible. Local metal finishers may also be able to provide insights ·or information about Tier 3 firms in [heir area. · Options for Si~e Assessment. EP A should encourage the states to assist small metal finishers to determine ~n-site c¡;mllimination (Phase 1 & Z sito øssessmen~s) without the threat of an imminent enforeement action. . · Ulilize EXisliJg Trutmeot Equipment During PI.nt CI..nrelR....edi.lion. EPA should encourage the states to tàcilitate low·cost options ofche disposal of on· site hazardous substances, such as extencdng a facililic:s djs~harge permits to anow the on-s~t., treatment and discharge of hazardous soIJtions, thus avoiding the extremely high cost of removal, incineration. ancllor disposal. I . , I· i , /. , ! REFERENCES I I Do Not Cite at Qulte OCT-04-1996 11:07 FRO~ERLTH+SRFETY DPT TOe 918053260576 P.l1 , 9 Discussion Draft -. September 18, i 996 OCT-04-1996 11:08 ,FR04IÞHEALTH+SAFETY DPT TO e 918053260576 P.12 \ McBride, Robert. ~.C. Plating, Bakersfield, CA, personal communications March 1996. Huey, Ralph. B~kersfield Fire Depal1ment, Ojce of Environmental Services, personal communication. Jut ~ September 1996. ~. ~i (g1¿j') J ~ (... 3'1/ ( Bakersfield Fire DePlutment, Office of Environmental Services, copies o£1n;pection reports and court doçurtl~( ts, 1985 - 1996, Tanner. Alan. Gardne Real Estate, Bakersfield, CA, personal communications March 1996. I I , City of Bakersfield, rublic Works Department, Wastt:water Division, inspection reports, pemùts, and \,Plianoe status r~ports. .1 985. - 1996. }~,- )~ 7 f .. I Do Not ate or Qu e 10 Discussion Dr¡¡ft -- September IS, 1996 .. OCT-04-1996 11:08 FROM HEALTH+SAFETY DPT e . TO . 918053260576 P.13 ~\ ~~DVANCE AND RELIABLE PLATING \....~ 1\ \< Worcester, MA ~ þ// OVERVIEW AN~ BACKGROUND I In summerl1996, Advance Pla1Ìng Company of Worcester, Massachusetts was trying to purchase R.eliable Pt. tins. another Woroester metal plater about half its size. Although both the buyer and seller appearéd motivated to conclude a deal, various constraints related to potential environmental codtamination arising from past activities in the plant and on aàjacent land were hinàering progres~. Both parties were concerned about the nature and extent of their liability exposure, the uncertainty over the degree of clean-up required, and the likely cost of rem~iation. . Although scycral n¿w public: and private initiatives were available to help deal with these obstacles. the complexity ofthkse programs and the resources needed by a business owner to fully understand and be able to usb them effectively somewhat diminished their potential value to facilitate the transaction. .1 ' Advance Plating was founded in 1957 by Steve Jorjorian. Sr. His sons later joined him in the business. Advande Plating operated as a job shop and provided almost all types of plating. Environmental reguttions led to its eventual specia]ization into nickel and chrome plating. Reliable Plating is one of a ' andfuJ of remaining fumily-owned platers in the Worcester area. Fuunded at a similar time as Adv I ce Plating, the children of Reliable's founder have decided that they do not want to continue operating the company after their father's retirement. - There is Jery little information òn the environmental conditions of the Reliable site. Contamination; hoJ.ever, is likely. in addition to forty years of plating operations liLt the site. the land was previously used as a city dump and landfill. Adjacent properties, such as a foundry and a scrap metal yard are othb- sources of potential contaminat~on. SITE AND CO ANY HISTORY . Ad"Rnc:e Platins: I Advance PJating was founded in 1957 by Steve JOrjorian Sr., who wanted to go ou~ on his ovm after learning the plating business white working for a relativl::. Togeth~r with·a partner t"Ncnty years NS senior, Jo~orian purchased the rights to use an undeNtilized plating room that wu part of a manufàcturing p~ lot!ated in the cen(~r of Worcester. Jorjorian's son, Steve Jr., started w'*king f~r the company in /1972. at the time of the oJder partners retirement. A second son joined. his father and brother a few years later. In 1979. Advance Plating purchased the building which it currently occupies. With ore space than it needed for current businc~s, Ad".ance expanded by creatins a separate company. -Tech Gold, with a new partner who had experienc:e in precious metal plating. .Il Discussion Draft - September 18. 1996 Do Not Cite or Quo . I OCT-04-1996 11:09 FR04llÞEALTH+SAFETY DPT TO_ 918053260576 P.14 ... Scott Dosick, JA 4 / . .. Andy Comai. ut wIt L October), 19961 - - . Here are my chaf1ges tu thè BWr..cfsfietd case study. The Bakersfield base study will be moved to the last pOSi~Ol1 in the document. and the following chang~s made to make sure that people understand that this is a tier 4 situation. Page 4 First par~h, third sentence: .. The case also dbonstrateli Lhe dire ,"ollsequ.ences re5ulting from a lack of clear lines of responsibility [etb.] First paragraph ,~dd after Fifth Sentence: This may well stve to drive potentially law abiding small business owners from a tier three status tu ti~ fUUI ~LaLus. However, the case also demonstrates that true rcncgadç operators who sbffer trom chronic noncompliance, do not fear enforcement, since the EP A and local a~thorities have no clear enforcement procedure against small companies that may pose art imminent risk to the surrounding cOl1UTl\lnity. Page 6, end orJst p.,-agraph. Chl'ooic oon-comptianoc: with waste handling n:quircmcnts and willingness to abandon his business signifY that MR. Molino was a Tier 4 operator. Page 6 paragrapl two last sentence. Eliminate this senten~e. What does the nearby plater know? Is his 1nion really relevant her:? I don't think the ínt~retat~on .is COlT~ct in this ~il.Sê. The guy dJíd ha.ve a system of conung forward and cleamng up his site. It lS described in the þext paragraph. Risk Management and Prevention Plan. He plead guilty in court and gotla slap on the wrist. Once slapped, he then skipped town to avoid his costs. So its not the fear of substantial punishmètlt that m~de hìm flee, its lack of enforcement and lack of leverage on his assets that allowed him to skip town. Lessons~. . Number one Leéson: Delete first three sentences: These sentences are either conjecture or patently untrue. The last two sentences are O.K. if you include: A faster process will also ensure that renegades operators with criminal intent will be re.;ognizw mOlt quiçkly by the cxistingjud.içial ~Y3tem ~d win be held accountable before they have the opportunity to flee. Under the secoJd lesson: Include the fourth lesson (Accelerated property inspection...) as a bullet. I Mil a fifth bulldt: Current ~gencie~ with inspection authority such as POTW pretreatment inspectors, fire departments, LEPCs., or county health department inspectors, should be able to recognize plants that may be prone to abandonment. Some municipalities that have been adversely impacted by renlegade metal platers have developed a pollution prevention inspection systcm that willlallOW cxpert:s to perfo.nn yearly inspections. One example of !¡:ouch a I OCT-04-1996 11:09 . ' IFRO~EALTH+SAFETY DPT TOe 918053260576 P.15 program is Wa.sIp.tenaw County , Michigan. These inspections can serve as early warning of imminent closure. The 6na1 es~ (Utilize Existing Treatment Equipment) is rnther odd. Does this mean tbaL upon clo~ a facility gets an automatic RCM TSD permit to flush its haznrdous waste leftovers?l.! don't agree with this bullet. Among the many reasons this is a bad idea is the fact that small POTWs are not going to have the technology to deal with the waste that is ßu~hed. POTWs aren't going to be able to monitor batch disposals. The onsite treatmentl might pose a community rìsk All these things should be dealt with llu·ougb a RCM pemut process. I EP A should estJblish a policy on Phase one investigations. These should be mandatory upon. closure of!a facility, especially îfthere is an ìmmînent hazard to the community trom abandoned wastb and vandalism, as there is in the Bakersfield situation. ( perhaps we should call Ralph IIucy, Dakersfield Fire Department, (80S) 326-3911 to clarify the o1Ulite hazards) Finally under the recomendations section we should add to the last item, ~·Early r Intervention". After the first sentence, add: Regions and sta.~es should also be apprised of the potential for Tier 3 companies to slip to Tier 4 status, necessitating, strict and swift enforcement to ensure public safety and enviromnenta1 ~. I I I I , ----- ~ --- - - - .'>,",L· 1~~f~~~~;~!~~~~~~~~~1~f~f;I~~~l~,:~:;i';;'" ..".;..,." :'.''1. ... ;" ';',;;;.':",.:.;': ;i:~;':'/,' ' ::<,'. ,'.'/ ;::;, ' . 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Y LAt-vfl-'C.--.J c.é ( Us 'Cp 4-) Business Phone: 4- I ~ ... 744 _ 'Z 'Z 8" '7 FAX: InspeCtor's Name: ~ Time of Call: Date: <[{/~ Ie; ~ Time: J þ 0cJ # Min: 16 Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing ~] Returned ~] Content of Call: KlJ..e( CÅL<-C-6 ME (/\J íCc-Ç;. !V\Y INQv·l2.<I c>F TAsk:.... Çdacé orJ Cu(l...R..C-.J'Í $'íATUS òÇ ßAK27.Sí-/;:'1.D CH(21J...-ê... KA-"'" ~It:) ë1-IA'T ,~ F~ß /þ¡-1(L". C>P 71+(5 VC...A/L USC-PA;-..\4-0 , // GOrV£ DrJ'Tô P(Z.dl>-cf2-,y ¿( R~v'G/J ~ 'f!-.6v7A-;...Jr.-J6- l.J~"Síe=S .!( fLATIN 6- ßA--TH Ea}v,p"",C-Jr ¿JA-ç S4JpsF'l3-0 7Ut: f2f3¡L.ov4<- kTlrM.í . Actions Required: )(/.J.'I W'l-t- $GJD --ruE" ca:...A..rJ - c/P c£;/\/ìf2./J..CwQ..'s. (?GP(/~:r DC-rAlt...,'\JG- '1'1-fE ælS4-tc>vA-<...- /l<:.-í7Ý'Pt?s. .Âl'f./VGG-NT<..Y'" 77-f'5 vJ'ý),..> fAte) ((:rft,. ß Y ~ SJrPCif2..Fuf\/..D , ,'T f S (l./cJvJ 110 0Vfl- .JuIlI5l)'c..í?Q'V {Õ /MPÖ<;¡t: hJ</ úX.Þ<- L.A'Vf> !Js'é (Z..é5?t(...;cncPJs" [? Sð DEs(æéQ~ ÚS£PA Du:) pJo-r l^^fC)')(3 .ÞJI( LArJf) IJÇE Cc;YJíIZd¡,...> 'T1-féM5C"u/l5s, Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: ·~ . e· - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (805) 326-3979 · FAX (805) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal (4 P6's ~~V~ "\0 Fdw..citJ) FAX No. í 2.0,. 49'i!'. 74 ~"LI I TO: I Au SA (.2.. / C. u 'íl....<:~ COMPANY: I U/V I TC~ SfA-TE5 FROM: I ~ W,-vE$ COMMENTS: ~L.d,..J- ùP orJ -rAslL 0æLe ,~; 'EO / ~VL.' ç / ~ 1+{E SUPét2~lJNÖ G·flòtJP PJ2-tE- OO,N6- Suc:..H- Å ~QD ...jÐß oN ~EL<-~ S (TEl /l.L('\'::r:: WA,.J~ '"¡1-(E MÖMGvTUM 'T"û -+ZELP wRAP uP MOLINO . ¡P :.L ,- , $. û;:)M , I\J &- üP ar-J A- Yc.Af.2... u.h -n..IOV r- At.J~ Wol2.l) I .o,...;E w~ý Q(L 'ï1-tE O'f1-t~ø' otJ (A.H~A--rS (;0,,,,<;. (ù ~l\óô. LLY &€" ùDNE:", /VI. 'r' tJe-t.;J MO"ð , S : f( øq NO ßf2.òw,JP; ELÞ~ IN BA~~SÑé-'-O. 07/09/98 10:08 'ð'805 326 0576 TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT BFD HAZ MAT DIV *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** 7575 12094987432 U.S.ATTORNEY-FRE 07/09 10:05 02'40 3 OK ~001 e FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRAßVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SEIMCES 2101 ·w Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PRMNTlON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-Q576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-Q576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 3W-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ . e - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT May 6, 1998 Mr. Richard J. Cutler Assistant United States Attorney Federal Building, Room 3654 1130 "0" Street Fresno, CA 93721 RE: Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper at 231 Sumner Street in Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Cutler: In reference to our previous correspondence (attached), I followed your advice and telephoned both the USEP A Counsel, Jennie Cervera and Investigator John Jaros regarding the current status of Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper. Unfortunately, neither USEP A official returned my phone messages. Perhaps you could make federal agency inquiry with USEP A concerning this instant case before the Southern Central Valley Regional Environmental Enforcement Task Force. Please inform our office of any activity on this case. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: 4-~ 4w..:::.-~ Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist HHW/dm attachments (7~d'e W~ ~~on¿~ A W~" · U.S. Depart. of Justice United States Attorney Eastern District of California Federal Buílding, Room 3654 United States Courthouse 1130 O. Street Fresno, California 93721 209/498-7272 Fax 209/498-7432 Howard H. Hines, III City of Bakersfield Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Febrmuy 24, 1998 (RECEIVED I!3Y :EB 2 5 1998 Re: Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper Dear Howard: I have received your letter dated February 5, 1998 concerning Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper. From my review of the limited material that you sent to me, it seems that USEP A, including investigators and attorneys, is actively involved in the case. It would thus seem more practical for you to directly contact whoever from EP A is working on, this case with you, rather than contacting me. If that does not work out, or if EP A is no longer involved in the clean-up, please let me know:. PAUL L. SEA VE By: ~ RI HARD J. CUTLER Assistant United States Attorney ) I . ! rJ...... '~.' ,.h. .;,(0 sr.~" lOt) \ ,I ~4L fi'A01t.~ ,(: U,S. Environmental Protection Agency Regir 'X JEANNIE CERVERA Assistant Regional Counsel Office of Regional Counsel 75 Hawthorne Street (RC3-1) San Francisco, CA 94105-3901 c¡s- (415) 744-13;Z Fax (415) 744-1~ï -: "r.· : ^.. ..~.' :,: H ~'. ---- ",-,(0 "'..." :.Ql\ \....., f'A01t~,I· ','.' . ---------..........-..-.----....---" U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ReQiO( - JOHN P. JAROS InvestigationslEnforcement JE.,fo S.¡:.~-¿, ReI.."".al ("rUf~tnnen[ :>eGdun ~H-8-4IJ 75 Hawthorne St. San Francisco, CA 94105 -. c Z3/' (415) 744êMt1 FAX (415) 744-1916 c PATRICK K. PRINSTER ATTORNEY AT L.AW 8723 SANTA MONICA BOUL.£VARD SECOND FLOOR We:ST HOLLYWOOD, CALtF"ORNIA 90069-4507 TEL.EPHONE (310) 360-6969 FACSIMIL.E (310) 360-6966 '------- - ._.' _ _ ....'. _ .._.__.._.._...._ _~.___~n___ ___ .'~'" _."~.__' .__ ._ ~. BAKERSFIEL FIRE DEPARTMENT e -- D MEMORANDUM DATE: August 18, 1997 TO: FROM: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator ~Howard H. Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician SUBJECT: Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper, 231 Sumner Street I received a call from Joe Canas, this day informing me ofUSEPA's arrival in town to meet with property owner's attorney, Patrick K. Prinster. Also in attendance were Kay Lawrence, USEPA Field Operations, John Jaros, USEP A Investigations/Enforcement, and Jeannie Cervesa, USEP A Assistant Regional Counsel, Joe Canas, and myself. We met briefly at the site to examine the security and posted warning signs, then met at the Double Tree Inn (formerly Red Lion) to discuss a plan of action for clean up of the property. · The property is for sale, has a value of $80,000 to $100,000. · A Remedial Action Plan has been prepared by RAM Environmental with clean-up costs estimated between $60,000 to $70,000. USEP A is requesting Financial Responsibility information on assets owned by property owner, Howard Ruben. · Attorney is trying to broker property transaCtion so that escrow effectively funds clean-up. USEP A is skeptical that this property will attract a buyer willing to commit to a cash deal, contingent on clean-up. Therefore, USEPA is requiring the return of the financial statements by August 29,1997. USEPA will issue a Clean Up Order on or about September 30, 1997 and will move to immediately lien the property. (Kern County Tax Assessor is the only other lien currently on the property). I mentioned that the City's goals are consistent with USEPA's as well as the property owner's: get the property cleaned-up, marketable, and productive. However, as a side issue, there is still an outstanding oversight charge account due and payable to the City. The attorney seemed willingly to address the City's costs right away if I would correspond this to him. (I've asked Drew Sharples to provide an accurate accounting of these charges, to date). I also informed USEPA that the City of Bakersfield has been delegated hazardous waste authority from the State and that the City would work directly with USEP A on establishing acceptable clean-up levels, and/or impose deed restrictions on the property as necessary, to protect health and safety. (USEP A was agreeable to that and Joe Canas didn't object). HHW/dm '~~de W~ ~ vØ60Pe ~ A W~ .. FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMlNISTRATM SERVICES 2101 ·w Street Bakersfleld. CA 93301 (805) 3~41 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 ·w Street BakEIISfleld. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PR£VENOON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 32bœ76 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DMSION 5642 VIctor Street BokEIISfIeId. CA 93308 (805) 3w-4t1/7 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT . - ~ February 5, 1998 Mr. Richard 1. Cutler Assistant United States Attorney Room 3654, Federal Building 1130 "0" Street Fresno, CA 93721 RE: Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper Dear Mr. Cutler: I am enclosing copies of recent correspondence trom our Office in the above matter. My understanding of the Task Force concept is that it will effectively coordinate the efforts of all involved branches and levels of government in any particular case. The City of Bakersfield, through our Office, is especially interested in due and timely resolution to this case. We ask that the Task Force establish the necessary coordination with USEP A representatives, as noted in the enclosures, in order to eliminate the continuing threat of a hazardous waste release resulting from the illegally disposed of materials still on site. I thank you in advance for your diligent assistance. Sincerely, ~~L-l__ ~ - Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm cc: R. Huey enclosures 'Y~~ W~.97~ ~0Pe ~./6 W~ n FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-ü576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-ü576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 - ~ . e - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT August 29, 1997 Patrick K. Prinster, representing Howard P. Ruben 8723 Santa Monica Blvd, 2nd Floor West Hollywood, CA 90069-4507 RE: Former Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper Property, 231 Sumner Street in Bakersfield, CA. Dear Mr. Prinster: Thank you for meeting with representatives of the several environmental agencies interested in the restoration of the above referenced property during our meeting of August 18, 1997 in Bakersfield. As I mentioned to you at that meeting, the City of Bakersfield's goals are consistent with those of your client's: to get the property sufficiently restored, marketable, and productive once again. However, as a side issue, an outstanding balance remains due and payable to the City of Bakersfield on the Hazardous Materials Handling Fee account in the amount of$953.01. In the interest of the best use of limited resources, the City of Bakersfield is offering to clear this account balance provided that Mr. Rubin conforms to all corrective actions ordered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEP A) regarding the restoration of the property. The City of Bakersfield will also work cooperatively with the USEP A on helping to establish reasonable target levels for the completion of corrective actions at the site. Sincerely, ~(Þf¿J__ ...,v..... Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician Office of Environmental Services c: J. Cervera, USEPA HHW/dm 'Y~deW~~~~~AW~" 4IÞ STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT 4IÞ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-0000 (80S) 326-3979 DATE: 2/01/97 TO: BAKERSFIELD CHROME AND BUMPER 9427 SHADE LN. PICO RIVERA,· CA 90660 CUSTOMER NO: 3061 CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ 3061 ,- -;;;:;",;.~-~.....~......~----- -..oJ _ CHARGE DATE DESCRIPTION REF-NUMBER DUE DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ------ -------- ------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------- 1/01/97 BEGINNING BALANCE HM014 2/01/97 FINANCE CHARGE FC01I HM014 2/01/97 ADMIN SERVICE FEE PNO 11 HMOI4 2/01/97 FINANCE CHARGE FCO 11 HM017 2/01/97 FINANCE CHARGE FCOl1 906. 90 3. 77 38.07 3. 77 . SO FOR QUESTIONS OR CHANGES TO YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL THE NUMBER AT THE TOP OF THIS STATEMENT. -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER 90 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 46.--1-1 ~ 4. 27 512.82 DUE DATE: 2/03/97 PAYMENT DUE: TOTAL DUE: 953.01 $953.01 -. ~--,-~~~.~~......~-...""'""'.,,',.,,:,"I"'-""'-"'" ~~~-"""""...=..'.-"" _w,_."'.,,"""_~'~__"""'~_="'"',"'.;..~=,.,.,,'~~~,__."'''''''~'''__,,'''''"~".''''''''''''''',_oY~"'M~~""""~",...""""'~'"'.~=~~-~....~,""'..._;,_ö~"'"""'"'____~··,·,-- DATE: 2/01/97 DUE DATE: 2/03/97 PLEASE DETACH AND SEND THIS COpy WITH REMITTANCE REMIT AND MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD CA 93303-2057 CUSTOMER NO: 3061 CUSTOMER TYPE: ESt TOT AL DUE: 3061 $95:3.01 e - BAKERSFIELD CHROME & BUMPER ES-3061 01-01-96 427.00 427.00 08-01-96 29.89 43.12 500.01 09-01-96 4.27 504.28 10-01-96 4.27 508.55 11-01-96 4.27 512.82 12-01-96 4.27 517.09 01-01-97 377.00 12.81 906.90 02-01-97 8.04 38.07 953.01 TOTALS 804.00 67.82 81.19 0.00 953.01 ~ -e - FAX Wansmittal Cover Sheet BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 FAX No. (805) 326-0576 · Bus No. (805) 326-3979 Today1s Date g! "-0 (e; '? Time No. of Pages 3 TO: ~ .........."...... .................... . . '. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E~N""~ ......···.·c~.y·t~·. ¡ , ... ... . . .....:.....: ,', ........ .....-.. ", .. . ........". ....... .... ',",'-:"0:' ".:::- ...... '", ,.. .' .... ...."' ",. ....' . .. COMPANY:<q .... QçGfA- . . .......... . .... ......... "' . -. ..."...... . .... ....-...,........ .. .... ." ..... 0","'.' .... ..... "," .... ...... .... .... ..... . " ..' ...... '.. ..". ,", .......'....,...;. FAX No:: 4~ S- _ ? 4 4. 10 4 ( .. .... ..',.... .. . ... ,..... . , .... ......... FROM:. 44.~ ···W¡l~$«.. .... .............. .. . .. ............... '..:.:.::;::;:.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;:. .. Bakersfield Fire Dept. · Office of EnvironmentarSèrvices COMMENTS:~\~~SRE1...ö CtJ(.ðMrg: 'i( ß.YI'kIPe<- :-....'..;,..;. .:- ,>, . . . :'. . -....;.... . . ,>:/. >.:- .;.... ... .. . .' >..'-:<::'.::;.. .' ':.-: .~ ..,. . ... '... . WA-STE w&ll?>.t$ ðlz. .FtJr2L.~,~pò~A:2:w ~ewér<-.. . .. .. '" .... .... ... ." . .. .. .. .. .. .... . . ...... . .... ...... No D! s.ccJÝl/wcz.'1fCJN ++l\-:;' òac/ii.rií3(). NoR. APPC.-M..:;. WM/2M/TtSf) ~ II AUG-19-97 TUE 14:14 CITY OF BKFLD WW DIV e ~ FAX NO, 805 835 0912 e p, 01 .' . '-' ... --- BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ....fi......__.., --- post-ltO Fax Note 7671 To /.. {,IA)'l {l W,'/V.i-& Co.lDept. '2- Â~ January 30t 1997 Phone # I>nonu ~2 &,., "Z..f.( 9 Fax # Faj(1I ,"2. C. U5"7 " Mr. Daniel Shane EP A - Region IX Emergency Response Section (H-8-3) 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Re: BakersUeld Chrome & Bumper Clarifier Wastewater Analytical Results at %31 Sumner Street, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Shane: Enclosed, per your request, is a copy of the analytical data summary for the samples you witnessed being taken during the search at Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper. Tbe summary shows various pennit 1imits which applied to this site. The November 21, 1996 data. does not demonstrate any violations. The second stage of the clarifier is currently connected to the City's sanitary sewer. The City is interested in disconnecting the efflu.ent pipe from the clarifier as soon as possible. Please inform our office of any further action or pending site remediation that would affect ou.r operation. If you have any questions, please can Timothy Ryan at (805) 326-3249. Very truly yours, RAUL M. ROJAS Public Works Director By ( 'I /,? / ?:L!.e~. ~Ñ2lil Wen-Shi Cheung Wastewater SupelVisor II TJR Enclosure _ ___.. ... _~....._J"_.. .~_ AUG-19-97 TUE 14:14 - CITY OF BKFLD WW DIV e .....~' FAX NO, 805 835 0912 e "--./ p, 02 ,. . <' :. ,'" Bakersfield Chrome &. Bumper Sl,Immary of 1996 Analytical Data on Clarifier Samples Sampled on November 21, 1996 by City of Bakcrfield Staff Location: 231 Sumner Street ',,_,-,,. Dctcction Location Analytc 11/21/96 Current 1/1193 Pmt 7/1{90 Pmt mf!ll Limit Local Limit Limit Limit 1st Stage Clarifier _.'~... Chromium 0.0539 0.005 Copper 0.11 0.03 Lead 0.013 O.OOS Molybdenum 0.0188 0.01 Nic~.£!. _.. 0.424 .. 0.02 2nd Stage Clarifier (pH on grab sam- Chromium 0.0538 O.OOS 4.28 14.90 3.00 ple....as 9.51 at Copper 0.1 0.03 3.97 -- --- 20.1 0c) L~ad 0.014 0.005 0.90 0.60 0.60 Molybdenum 0.0184 0.01 0.80 -- -- Nickel 0.462 0.02 0.75 3.70 ,,~~ Notes: 1) AU data reported as milligrams per liter (myL). 2) All data faUs below current 10tal discharge limits. 3) All data falls below permit discharge limits at the time the permit was rescinded. C\5II~V-I\ÐCOQ.,-a.. 3II-Jsn-1I7 08/20/97 08:07 ~805 326 0576 TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT BFD HAZ MAT DIV @001 e *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** 2851 14157441041 EPA REG 9 (ORC) 08/20 08:05 01'36 3 OK ~ ----------~ f;~~ "~H ernr Of ISA~IERSfijlEl\O) . , - !P.O. BOÄ 2051 AD(IERSlFijlElfO), CAUlFöIRN~A 93303-2051 ,. ~OUTIN~&REQUEST<01 Please... To: & ~ DRead o Handle ~. 7P1.a-7" o Approve - And... o Forward From: o Return o Keep or Toss o Review with Me Date: ( post-n- 7664 ©X3M 1993 - --'--" ~ . - - '.,---- - '!>-"'"' .. r I \ ' \ 0"'" =~ ~~ -- -... ="", ào~ ~ f2,niD)" "~,,'-0?rr:\-~(.§®.;[ßû.,,',,"', ~~n' ,'1',:, I.rULnJ¿SV--~W__j ~~'~'___'___'-'!f: LS" I ! , 1 I fO BAKERSFIELD (HROMiE t, BUMPER 231 SU~NER Sf Ii> BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 , ~~q. ... . 1 ! ~ -¡:;-.----- .. -. - BAKERSFIEL CALIFORNIA FAX lfansmittal over eet / , (~.~ø~~. Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 FAX No. (805) 326-0576 · Bus No. (805) 326-3979 .~ .- Today's Date ?r - Z Z. - 't £ Time '1.' ~(:) No. of Pages /~ TO: SClr.)tf Da r/t'K. r COMPANY: e P R . FAX No: 202 - ;¿60-~66Z. FROM: ---;;'aLIJ h !-;/ Ue\;) -llJ= I / Bakersfield Fire Dept. · Office of Environmental Services COMMENTS:~£. tb.Ji!. Z~"(-' P.c-h- / have / ~ lIVe I L.ldpd 1ÃP C.ðUIJr dor{).Mt:JJJtz.CtAld- ot:Aet¿ If¿ R. 1-1 AI ~AI-t rkx:u. I"'f ~N~r-t-.t /ð AI ð'¡ ~ (lA1:oH 'ßUAf~ l .. .. ."...... 0';: ." ...-- _.~ ..' - e :'~'Ii>'" ::~7i~ ~~ _ ....~. ~:.""... . _ ..... ".' ',. -', t- ,._ . _._ . ... . ~. ~ . . . -. _·,ê.":" '. ~~.~-.I·:" 4~:,_'''''!: . ..,' :t~~~~~' .,".". .:\ ._.~~~~.-'.,,~"~ ~"·~.wr~"'''···~~~:r " -, .. . Ò, ';"';"'~ ;,. ," '," ""~ "'~"'(Þ:<"~\~: ',' ~.~1'tó~".~.'J ~'~...:..~;.,.'.'( ::.:~_'.~.'..,~...~~:~:::':'":,_.....:.;_:......';-_.,..~.,·:~...-_~~:·,~.;_~.,~.·~.f.~..~.,~...k.~.~.~.:.\~}~~~;t~;.j~:~...:,~.;.'...:.....'.~...':~_-....:_...~.-'.'.".......:~.... ..»,..;~~;~~'~~é~~~""':::~.~~,,~:~~~&..~::~~,·- ··.'.i:J-··~i~J···:,"-- .. >:~o ,'C' -', ,~. .~.~:' .......-... '. ~,.-, .... ..... .-.....:. .\ \ \ .....- , -,'. -.. .....:. ...... '::'~ .. '.~ :. ~',-.. ._~. . ......... " ',. -, ~..; -: .,' ", , ..,. ',.. -- ..,"......-.....<1. ;'........:..... . H ,;....: .,4, :.: .._ '~._:.,~. ....~.~, '. .~. .. . . H ".":,;",., ~ '.'~ ," . ~ . .,~. .;....,~:.' .\~. . ..' .:"".. .. -- ..,.--r 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 - e 2 LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI City Attorney State Bar No. 63679 MI CHAEL G. ALLFORD Deputy City Attorney State Bar No. 129959 City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 F! E ....'-0 !l- 0 :- ''\~nSF'l.:lO ~:'.'!C!rAl . LOIJRT DlS1ii,;;T 3 I .,.., '''''R'''- .,¡ J ~r' I - . AIO: II 4 5 JI1J 1~·k'tUdU ,., - ,- ~ ¡ 'YC(\ Tin :¡I'.O i.... ,....,.. ·.....t ·....TR ..-..... :11/,', .11~ A TOR 6 Telephone No.: (805) 326-3721 BY 7 8 BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT 9 FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 47S?O'¡- Case No. Plaintiff, MISDEMEANOR COMPLAINT SIMON J. MOLINO, Defendant. 17 I, THE UNDERSIGNED, SAY, UPON INFORMATION AND BELIEF, THAT 18 IN THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , ~:~'- DEPARTMENT! COUNT 0001: ON OR ABOUT APRIL 26, 1993, DEFENDANT SIMON J. MOLINO DID WILFULLY AND UNLAWFULLY FAIL TO IMPL~ ALL ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS SPECIFIED IN THE RISK MANAGEMENT PREVENTION PROGRAM RELATED TO THE BUSINESS IDENTIFIED AS BAKERSFIELD CHROME AND BUMPER, INC., LOCATED AT 231 SUMNER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, WITHIN ONE YEAR FOLLOWING THE CERTIFICATION MADE PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (j) OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 25534, IN VIOLATION OF SECTION 25534(k) OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, A MISDEMEANOR. III ""' '" _.~ . "~~n'¡~ . . ',,; ·1 '..;'.j \ ~ , . 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 " :GAL. DEPARTMENT' e ei I DECLARE, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. EXECUTED THIS a.7~ DAY OF APRIL', 1993, AT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. 2 3 ~¡/Ç~ MI C . ALLFORD :oMPLAI2l1'\PI>LDlO. QIP 2 e e CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ISOI TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93301 PH.80S-326-3721 FAX 80S-32S-9162 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEYS ROBERT M. SHERFY ALAN D. DANIEL LOUISE T. CLOSS JOHN D. CLOSS LAURA C. MARINO April 27, 1993 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEYS ALLEN M. SHAW WALTER H. PORR JR. MICHAEL G. ALLFORD CERTIFIED AND FIRST CLASS MAIL ADMINISTRATOR FRANCES E. THOMPSON Mr. Simon J. Molino Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper, Inc. 9724 Shade Ln pi co Rivera, CA 90660 Mr. Simon J. Molino Bakersfield, Chrome & Bumper, Inc. 231 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Violation of California Health & Safety Code 231 Sumner Street, Bakersfield, California Dear Hr. Molino: This letter is to inform you that a one-count misdemeanor complaint has been filed against you for violation of section 25534(k) of the California Health and Safety Code, Case No. Lf75"'707 , .....ith regard to property located at 231 Sumner Street in Bakersfield, California. A copy of this complaint is enclosed f or your records. . Please be advised that an arraignment date has been set with regard to this complaint for May 20, 1993, at 7:30 a.m. in Division G of the Bakersfield Municipal Court located at 1215 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. Failure to appear at the arraignment indicated above may result in the issuance of a bench warrant for your arrest. I respectfully urge that you give the foregoing your immediate attention and, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, ::f:::! f¡/;;'fd Deputy City Attorney MGA: gp \ CCJœLlIB1'\HOLINO. LTR e e , - " J2411H1 KERN CJIS ORGANIZATION: WM BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN CASE NO. BM475707 A DATE: OS/20/93 TIME: 08:00 AM PEOPLE VS. MOLINO, SIMON J JUDGE: LOUIE L VEGA, COURT COMMISSI CLERK: FREDDIEL. WARD REPORTER: E R BAILIFF: DEPUTY SHERIFF NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. µI l -L-- OS/20/93 12:26 DEPT.: G CHARGES: 1.. HS 25534(K) DEFENDANT APPEARED WITHOUT COUNSEL. DEFENDANT ANSWERS TO TRUE NAME AS CHARGED. CONTINUED TO 06/21/1993 AT 8:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, D- G FOR MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. DEFENDANT TO SHOW PROOF OF COMPLIANCE. TIME WAIVED BY DEFENDANT. CUSTODY STATUS: DEFENDANT TO REMAIN ON CITE/RELEASE. -'-;- \\J "; ARRAIGNMENT - MOTION MINUTE ORDER PAGE 1 e e ~ J2411H1 KERN CJIS ORGANIZATION: WM BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN 06/21/93 11:51 CASE NO. BM475707 A DATE: 06/21/93 TIME: 08:00 AM DEPT.: G PEOPLE VS. MOLINO, SIMON J JUDGE: CHARLES B PFISTER, JUDGE . REPORTER: E R CLERK: PAT HEALEY BAILIFF: DEPUTY SHERIFF NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. CHARGES: 1. HS 25534(K) DEFENDANT APPEARED WITHOUT COUNSEL. DEFENDANT ANSWERS TO TRUE NAME AS CHARGED. DEFENDANT INFORMED OF AND ACKNOWLEDGES UNDERSTANDING OF HIS LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, AS FOLLOWS: TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY AT ALL STAGES OF THE PROCEEDINGS; TO A COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY IF HE LACKS FUNDS TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY; TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL, BY JUDGE OR OR JURY, WITHIN 30 TO 45 DAYS UNDER PC 1382, AND TO A DISMISSAL IF NOT TRIED WITHIN THESE TIME LIMITS UNLESS GOOD CAUSE IS SHOWN OR TIME WAIVED; TO CONFRONT AND CROSS-EXAMINE THE WITNESSES AGAINST HIM; TO USE THE SUBPOENA POWER OF THE COURT TO COMPEL THE ATTENDANCE OF WITNESSES ON HIS BEHALF; TO REMAIN SILENT AND NOT INCRIMINATE HIMSELF; TO BE SENTENCED WITHIN THE STATUTORY TIME, AND TO A DELAY OF SIX HOURS; TO BE RELEASED FROM CUSTODY UPON POSTING A REASONABLE BAIL; TO A PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING IF IN CUSTODY; THE PROVISIONS OF PC 1016.5; THE PROVISIONS OF PC 987.8(E) REGARDING POSSIBILITY OF HAVING TO PAY FOR ALL OR PART OF THE -COSTS OF COUNSEL. DEFENDANT ADVISED AS TO THE PERILS, PITFALLS, DANGERS AND DISADVAN~ES OF SELF- REPRESENTATION. DEFENDANT ADVIS~D OF THE NATDRE AND EXTENT OF THE PUNISHMENT THAT CAN. RESULT FROM A PLEA OF GUILTY OR NOLO CONTENDERE. DEFENDANT INFORMED OF THE CHARGE(S) ALLEGED. DEFENDANT ACKNOWLEDGES UNDERSTANDING THE NATURE OF THE CHARGP.S AGAINST HIM, AND THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE PUNISHMENT THAT CAN RESULT FROM A PLEA OF GUILTY OR NOLO CONTENDERE. ARRAIGNMENT - MOTION MINUTE ORDER PAGE 1 ~ e e .~ CASE NO. BM475707 A DATE: 06/21/93 PEOPLE VS. MOLINO, SIMON J TIME: 08:00 AM DEFENDANT ACKNOWLEDGES UNDERSTANDING OF WAIVER OF RIGHTS, AND BEING SPECIFICALLY QUERIED, VOLUNTARILY AND INTELLIGENTLY WAIVES: RIGHT TO COUNSEL; RIGHT TO TRIAL BY COURT OR JURY; RIGHT TO CONFRONT WITNESSES AGAINST HIM AND TO CROSS-EXAMINE THEM; RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT AND RIGHT AGAINST SELF-INCRIMINATION. DEFENDANT'S' SIGNED WAIVER OF RIGHTS FILED AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. DEFENDANT ORALLY STATES THAT HE HAS READ AND UNDERSTANDS THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WAIVER OF RIGHTS FORM, AND THE MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PENALTIES FORM, WHICH HE HAS SIGNED. DEFENDANT ADVISED THAT THIS CONVICTION MAY BE ALLEGED AS A PRIOR OFFENSE. DEFENDANT ENTERED A PLEA OF GUILTY TO ALL COUNTS. DEFENDANT WAIVES STATUTORY TIME AND REQUESTS IMMEDIATE SENTENCING. ORIGINAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROBATION. PROBATION GRANTED AS TO COUNT 1. IMPOSITION OF SENTENCE SUSPENDED, AND DEFENDANT PLACED ON PROBATION FOR A PERIOD OF 3 YRS; 0 MOS; 0 DAYS. TYPE OF PROBATION: COURT. PAY $465.00 INVESTORGATORS FEE TO CITY OF BAKERSFIELD.. ALL SENTENCE ELEMENTS FOR THIS PROCEEDING ENTERED. TERMS OF PROBATION INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. DEPT.: G -~:cr ARRAIGNMENT - MOTION MINUTE ORDER PAGE 2 e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S D JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF May 25, 1993 2101 H STREET 3AKERSFIELD. 93301 326·3911 Mr. Simon Molino Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper Inc. 231 Sumner St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Mr. Molino: I have discussed the outcome of your arraignment with the Deputy City Attorney. In order to resolve your citation on June 21 the following steps must be followed. You will need to transport the remaining sodium cyanide wastes for disposal. A copy of the hazardous waste manifest and reimbursement for Bakersfield's costs of investigating and issuing of this citation must be delivered to the Hazardous Materials Division's office at 2130 G St. Bakersfield on or before Friday June 18, 1993. These costs are listed below and a bill is attached. 9 hrs. x $47.50 = $427.50 (RMPP implementation follow up) 1 hr. x $38.36 = $ 38.36 (Attorney time) $ 465.86 Total due You will be required to reappear at the Municipal Court at 0730 on June 21, 1993. If you have both disposed of the waste and paid the City of Bakersfield's costs, we will inform the court that this issue has been satisfactorily resolved. Please call me at 326- 3979 if I can be of any assistance. Sincerely, ì /) ~_: :Á \..: c\."'ere..- \ )(\..1; r" .i~, r .~ ~ .~' ~ -,~ Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey Michael Allford ·;J~;:~j1ik,~'-~;~i~~;:.~, --i:~"; -:~:~~.~.;.:. ..: -' . , ~ 'd~::L:æ~~;.:~~~ .' ;UNIFORM HAZARDOUS" 1. Genemlor'a USEPA 10 No. McnfestDoQmentNo. J .'·":~1:WASTE'MANIFEST C,A,'l',O ,8,0,0,2,8,6,1,6 0 t ~~ '.~"" NameandMalnOAcöIKt _ i, '.;,!þ,,~~. dIìIQII. a BIMdA ., 'N' .,.0''''.'....'''"..':,..'>.;., '.',.. 105 .. 321-.,5].28, ~:~:~~., ' .;';'..' .'~, :7.TIa'1IpOMr2~Name· i ::f1t; :",~ ;¡:~'~"..';:' ..' 'fi' : '. ~ . ..' :~'. Oetignated Faclty Name or: SÞ Address . :¡;;' , r:'.GlmCAL 1WftI1WUØJIIQ'f 1.... '.:~~; '; ,:.' ',,:~. ·om 8IfLDI BCW) ... CIA, ,ð,0,0,6,4,61111,' .-~' '~. .. 12. Contoinen .".;;, . :..:' u. us DOT ~ (hcIud1ng Proper Shipping Name. Hazard Class. and ID Number) No. T ')/f~: ¡. ;.~,~~:.. M . S ~t~i.;"~~~;1;·.:l-a· VASB ctAJIIDI SOIlUl:,w. .0.. en,1 ':,> :~1:':'~ ~i "i'l. :r;p 14o "A. ',if:' .....;. ii·.f...;.~ C. ~·ill: ',o:~··:r;¡,· ~, , " : /I,~" <.... ~:'., r:.:~~; ,.:":;" '~t/~ ~~f ··~fi·~ ;.- .~ J¡ .'~. ;.:t..: 0,0 a B,X " F 19. Dilcrepancy IndIc:oIIOn Space A ..,... .. 20. Faciltly Owner or OpeIatorCertiflCation of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this monKes! except os nof"8à In Kern 19. PMfed/Typed Nome Signature (~Ð J , /'I() DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE. \ . . ':'.' .' "', :::~:; . DHS 8022A (12/90) : EPA.81OO-22 Blue: GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY TO DHS WITHIN 30 DAYS.· To:· P.O. Box 400. Sacramento. CA 95812~ e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF SPECIAL REPORT April 26, 1993 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326·3911 OWNER: Simon J. Molino, Corporate President 9724 Shade Lane Pico Rivera, CA 90660 LOCATION: Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. 231 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 On January 23, 1991, Bakersfield Fire Department requested that Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. preparae a risk management and prevention program (RMPP) for the storage and use of the acutely hazardous materials sodium cyanide and sulfuric acid. On January 28, 1992, a notice of violation was issued to Mr. Molino for failure to prepare this RMPP within one year. To correct this violation, Mr. Molino submitted a brief RMPP document on February 14, 1992 stating that the sulfuric acid and the sodium cyanide would be removed from the premises. On April 1, 1992, a notice of violation was issued to Mr. Molino for failure to include an implementation schedule in a RMPP. On April 6, 1992, Mr. Molino submitted a schedule stating that the sodium cyanide would be disposed of by April 30, 1992. He had already sold and transported the sulfuric acid to Whittier Plating in Santa Fe Springs. On April 9, 1992, the Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division acknowledged the plan to eliminate the acutely hazardous materials, documented in the correspondence dated 2-14-92 and 4-6- 92, as an acceptable risk management and prevention program for Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. On April 30, 1992, Mr. Molino notified Bakersfield Fire Department that he had removed the sodium cyanide from the plating tank and placed it in 55 gallon drums. An inspection on August 7, 1992 resulted in a notice of violation issued to Mr. Molino for storage of a hazardous waste for more than 90 days without a permit, inadequate labeling of hazardous waste containers and storage of the sodium cyanide wastes in uncovered drums. On November 23, 1992, a second notice of violation was issued to Mr. Molino for storage of a hazardous waste for more than 90 days without a permit. An inspection of Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper on April 13, 1993 verified that the sodium cyanide remained on the premises at 231 Sumner contained in 5, 55 gallon drums. A notice of violation for failure to implement a risk management and prevention program within one year was issued. The hazardous waste storage violations have been refered to Kern County Environmental Health Services Department for enforcement action. e e Mr. Molino verbally requested a one month extension of the RMPP implementation date on April 16, 1993. He was asked to set a time to meet with Fire Department staff to discuss the terms of the extension but was unwilling to schedule·an appointment. A letter from Bakersfield Fire outlining the terms of a one month extension for disposal of part the cyanide material was hand delivered to Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper on April 19, 1993 and received by the facility manager, Ms. Bertha Sotello. Ms. Sotello was asked to have Mr. Molino call Ms. Brenner to discuss the seriousness of these violations. Mr. Molino has been unavailable to meet with Bakersfield Fire staff to discuss resolution of these continued violations and has failed to formally request an extension for RMPP implementation. He is in Bakersfield only occasionally and at unannounced times. Therefore, it is necessary to serve Mr. Molino a citation for failure to implement a risk management and prevention plan by mail. Ç?scv:'S~\~ '~t~~ Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division 2 __ CITY of BAKERSFIELD . "WE CARE" ~~uf Lf-d-~ FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF APRIL 13, 1993 2101H STREET B.AKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 MR. SIMON MOLINO: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS BAKERSFIELD CHROME AND BUMPER, LOCATED AT 231 SUMNER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA ON 4-13-93, THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: 1. The risk management and prevention program submitted on 4-9-92 has not been implemented. Sodium cyanide wastes have not been removed from the premises. CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION 25534 (k) Except as specified in subdivision (d) of Section 25535, the handler shall implement all activities and programs specified in the RMPP within one year following the certification made pursuant to subdivision (j). Implementation of the RMPP shall include carrying out all operating, maintenance, monitoring, inventory control, equipment inspection, auditing, recordkeeping, and training programs as required by the RMPP. The administering agency may grant an extension of this deadline upon a show of good cause. The above violation must be corrected ~;il 23,~~. Failure to correct this violation will re~ citation. The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Barbara Brenner at 326-3979. Sincerely, ~ ß~\~C\rt- ~~r Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey Michael Allford, Deputy City Attorney . CITY of BAKERSFIEJ-·O e "WE CARE" e -" ....~- FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S. NEEDHAM FIRE-BHIEF· .- .- .- ---- .. ..__n.____ 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 .--- - ---326-.391-1. - __u_ CAL OSHA .~ KCDA HAZ MAT TASK FORCE D KCEH D ."." ___..._h__ .... .. AGE N C Y REF ERA L THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE.DEPARTMENT~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIQN IN A RECENT INSPECTION OF: BUSINESS NAME ~~e~iQ1A (¡VOIY1f. -;I: :B,)('V', ¡wr h. BUSINESS ADDRESS 23\ S,',,^<'V( S,. ~\1~ekJ) (A FOUND THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS WHICH WE BELIEVE ARE REGULATED BY YOUR AGENCY. í) . -' gJ / . \)f¡lìD Of, \fì~¡?rïÌ{)1Î con ((ð. Cì7/ IT nfF=:R.(iJp(! (Jl11nll2t1fJ<) I U I M0rK ~ r1~ QPOu"r) .jht, N,(fL, "p t. í híÇ~ p1Q.-ri/7é) .Jç/<.!77&Pz<; (A)'~(,){ tJ~(!1)1/'a-/r;JJ f)(?)66!-r"Or? 1hf7 5fl Dtol//Jf 5J/ufrorlS 'f I . p~,:¡ ~'8~ ¡í/';;¿q / rµ~pJ. Q/1d ~ r&';fI7{ Cflry-brv¡ r..~j(~ --p e (Jí1J __f~. 13c,;f;a, fa... J:r ÚV1f[ @j¿, jq ;L SIGNAT RE DATE hfa~ · ·.,/C~. :.:~ ...~;¿ '~~~~À'~\ (y.... ....,.. ~\ \ ( ,-". ('" ,e: ::.:..~"I-...- 'd\\ 1 -~r'--"""'" \, :....;~¡.. \\....... -..: \.... ^oy.. ~..." I ~..~~/ _ CITY oj' BA.I(E.I<"Sl~·IF~ ., "WE CARE" · ~\\";;''.''--~'!'" ~ , ~\\:,\"L) ¡-ì--... ~ ~("''''\.~ß 1',<~ =~:..: ~ ¡(~ :;~ =,< '.IF ..,~a ~\~ '/ :--!: ~ "..', ':..tW "". ~:-~~ c~\I.~, - ,(QJll --.",,¿ F!?E DEPARTMENT D. S. NEï::DHAM ;:¡RE-(;HIE¡;' 2101 H STRE:: BAKERSFIELD. 93301 - 326..391-1 .-.---.--- GAL OSHA D KCDA HAZ MAT TASK FORCE D KCEH EJ AGE N C Y REF ERA 1.. THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION IN A RECENT INSPECTION OF: BUSINESS NAME """ßA"-.er'S¥~ Icl Chrome, t ~M"e..r "Jf'-c:.. BUSINESS ADDRESS ~31. f)vrr"'l?r St-. \3A~e.í4fe.H Q330S FOUND THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS WHICH WE BELIEVE ARE REGULATED BY YOUR AGENCY. Ac.c.ÙMù\.c...~o.n 0\ ha. ~ðcJS u..::c.<6\e.~ 0('\ ~ ;"'ta. . Hc..~C,[c:k0S W("t....'\-to cl;~~ Î"Q( h,,:t~S. C'.Ä..C,. 1) 1~:">."t-t~.LG\..c. ~ÚA~O- \3 \<2-I"\..Nl..(" 6-7 -ct \ SIGNATURE . DATE ¥~doJ~ ~e,~~ ~~S \.ttlN:0~ 0)£P - :¿li'7C¡ (C ~ t;o~(~~~I¿. l~úSít~(, Î ~rM~n-l: \..'0i~v~ ~h . ChvìU\~ e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S. NEEDHAM . FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 . February 5, 1991 CAL-OSHA 4800 Stockdale Hwy. Suite 212 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Sir: On January 21, 1991, I observed the following conditions while conducting a hazardous materials inspection at Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper Inc., 231 Sumner St., Bakersfield, CA 93305. A large tank of nickel solution was in use in the metal plating process. The tank was uncovered and being mechanically stirred. The fumes from the tank were very irritating to my nose and throat and the irritation persisted after I had left the area. The information which this business disclosed to Bakersfield Fire under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code reports the hazardous ingredients of this nickel solution to be 38% nickelous sulfate and 15% nickel chloride. Our Haz-Mat data base, Material Safety Data Systems compiled by the Northridge Toxicology Center, identifies these two compounds as carcinogens in addition to being irritants. I am concerned that the employees of this business may be receiving unacceptable exposures to these nickel compounds and would appreciate your investigation of the work environment at Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper. I filed this complaint with your office by phone today, but I would also like to request a report regarding the outcome of this compliant. If I can be of any further assistance, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, . .¡ i,Q{ \rly\ r 0--. \~{tf'--r---.Q. ( Bar1:?ara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator ARE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KEllY ADMlNlSJRAnvE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street 9okersfieJd, CA 9330 1 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 -W Street SoKelSfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 'FAX (805) 395-1349 PRMNßON SERVICES \ 715 Cr.ester Ave. 3oKersflelO. CA 93301 ::805) 326-3951 eN.. (805) 32~76 ,NVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1 ì 15 Cr. esTer Ave. =ckersfield. CA 93301 .è05) 326-3979 'F~X (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION :042 VICTor STreet :cKersneld. CA 93308 .':05) J~·4697 :~X (805) 399-S7óJ .~ . e ~ Receipt for Certified Mail fM No Insurånce Coverage Provided ~~ Do not..., ~\>' International Mail (See Reverse) -- BAKERSFIEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Senllo Howard Rubin Street and No. 11101 4444 Riverside Drive ~t'r~~ñï ~IP e't 91505 Postage I $ .32 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing 1.10 to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date. and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ 2.52 & Fees Postmark or Date ~ '- - - _.~- . - - . - -- -.- - . . --- ----- May 14, 1996 Mr. Howard Rubin 4444 West Riverside Drive #101 Burbank. Ca 91505 .... 0) 0) .... CD c: ~ ., ò o co (W) E è5 u.. (/) 0. .... RE: 231 Sumner Street in Bakersfield (APN: 016-020-10-00) Dear Mr. Rubin: The Bakersfield Fire Department requires your assistance to determine the types and quantities of hazardous materials that are located at the above referenced site. Our records indicate that nazardous materials were previously handled at the site and that the last known occupant has vacated the premises. Several drums are visible within the yare a~d have hazardous material warning labe:s on them, As owner of the property, you are responsibie for maintaining a Hazardous Materials Management Plan for this facility. California law requires all sites that store hazardous materials prepare an inventory of ~hose Items and submit that inventory, along with an emergency response planning document. to the Local Admlnister:ng Agency, The Bakersfield City Fire Department. Our office IS willing to assist you in the preparation of these state required hazardOUS materials doc~~ents. but we also need to complete an inspectIon of this facility. Pi ease contact me at 805-326-3979 within seven (7) days of reciept of this letter to arrange a t¡~e for the Bakersfiela ~ire Department to access your property to document the hazarcous materials on site. Sincerely, / Þ" I " :' /"/' '. o" I ,1' . ..' , ..-,..;-. ~I ../.~ ,-,,",\ ~1~,-_____.., ..... ~ . Howard H, Wines, III Hazarcous Materials T ecnnlclan '~HÝl? de W~ 7¡We v~on" ~ .A W~ ,. I,~ . ~ . . -~~ 1m. I Il,,' Je, (p.N:.S · CITY of BAKERSFJl!.D I J /J(í'" I. Go, i, ( O·fYJì01tTh£ nl::. 1'4 "WE CARE" túCt \4Vl rV ¡ (1 9-.'1:J0 <1'\ ~r ¿e.í ~?fxJ . 9}?¡)1 ~\\I~~~'''--- ~¡I~\'i.\.D '~f-"'" s/.;'::"~ .f>1'"\ §rJ~ "~ J.rp/J :,,~_ =~ \.1 {{j ..,,=: =~~ :J~;:S ~\ .. .'~~ .' >' ~ ~;-..:ý~ "7"'~~J l . LUJ'I;iáiliC~ ::c: :~ Sï~::~7 3.':' " ¡:;:;SFI E:"J. 9330, .. ..- - _. J2ô-39 1-, .. .-- CAL üSHA D KC~A HAZ ~AT TASK FûRCZ D KCEH [YJ AGE N C Y REF ERA L THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION IN A RECENT INS?ECTION OF: BUSINESS NAME ?:0.~ \'S~~.\c\ (~h;(;íYìQ. "â., ~i\'lcx..( 1:nG / , BUSINESS ADDRESS ~3\ 5";,,,Nç\, S ~1'cu"'1clè I ,. FOUND THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS WHICH WE BELIEVE ARE REGULATED BY YOUR AGENCY. ~' I 1'", . ,.v r\, 1M Ll l ~h\" r- \ , X-tr(ClC~ l ù( :~f\ C"t'( lYl\Of\-\çc\-~\ r-. _ \ ..,,' Ii· .u·.l.:.. ,r,·-..., .\ \ 1"'\ \'"'/'--;, "'-r-\r .~ vI,. ;.,~"Î ~\- " )') ( .'Ii ,,\ r ' \ ( I. -'-Z...A... ~ .-.....' " '~\ \.~ J),'-'"':'.-- 7(~ . b l' \ r:C\ "".k' (' 0íL l, , ì \ç Cl-\ """'> -:\ (,- - 4-,. I . \....-. J ' C;l.<~\"x\ \; ,ç.\rd;, 0, , ,. ',0 \ x \ ìc\ ïJ-reJ:' (Dc~ \-~ 0...\ (\..; ?,í0____N~.. e 1þ(v / 9, ~ - SIGHA îURE--- I OÁTE AUG-21-96 WED 11:05 ..@ FAX NO, 805 835 0912 . UNITED STA1U ÐMRONMENI'AL PAOTEC11ON AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 204EiO CITY OF BKFLD WW DIV it p, 02 Au¡uat IS. 1996 Cl'1'ICiE OF PCUCIf, PUle«IGMG EYAIJ, ¡ I,Tll:a. City Clerk ofBakerstleld 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 AtteGtÌon: City Clerk My name is Sçott Dosick and I am. aD cmpJoyee ofthc United States ErMtonm'entaJ Prote"ion Agency in WashingtoD" DC. lor the purpOIlC:l of a case audy Vte are preparing under the 3LIIpiœs of the Common Seme Imtiaûve, 1 would IiJœ to request an industrial waste monitoMg rccørds for BaÞnfleld Chrome ..d Bllmper, 23 1 SUmDCf. I would like a çgpy of all rccordJ from 1985 until ~ shut down. I "I\'Quld appRlCÙte ~y and aU information you c:an provide. mduding: ../ petmÌtJ .; violations" çitations (both nwnbcr and dca:ription) /inapeçtioœ pr.trcafment prosrams - V dates for which the çompany discbargsd to porw ../ final date of disdmge any actions the City took øn~ diac:har¡u çcasc:d =- 'þ \.þ ::x 0" ,." Þ ~ c:: ~ q') rT1 ï CJ1 o ("') ~ -i 3 < - C""> .- r- - ~ I understand that Joe Turner can provide most if' nøt .n ofdùs ÎlÛonnaQOß. If you have any questiOD$ or çon~ please c;a11 me at.(202) 260-9111. Thank you for your assistartce. ~.~ Scoø M. Do9i.ck USEPA ~."""~OI""'_.'''''~'''''(_''''''''' P 3 9 0 2 1; 4 5 0 1 ~ - UHITB> STATES POSW.SEJIVIŒ Receipt for Certif~ed Mail Nò Insurance Coverage Provided Do not -atse fO(;;;"ternational Mail (See Reverse) . Q c: ~ .., Ò O· 00 (II) E Õ u.. U) Q. Sent to Howard Rubin Street and No. 4444 Riverside Drive #101 B<{i'r~1irÎ~ ;IP t!'Âe 91505 Postage , $ , .32 ! Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing 1.10 to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ & Fees 2.52 Postmark or Oa Ie :":- Q) Q) .... FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KellY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street BakelSfìeld. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street BakelSfìeld. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakerstield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 F.AX (805) 399·5763 -~ . . ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ ~ May 14, 1996 Mr. Howard Rubin 4444 West Riverside Drive #101 Burbank, Ca 91505 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: 231 Sumner Street in Bakersfield (APN: 016-020-10-00) Dear Mr. Rubin: The Bakersfield Fire Department requires your assistance to determine the types and quantities of hazardous materials that are located at the above referenced site. Our records indicate that nazardous materials were previously handled at the site and that the last known occupant has vacated the premises. Several drums are visible within the yard and have hazardous material warning labels on them. As owner of the property, you are responsible for maintaining a Hazardous Materials Management Plan for this facility. California Jaw requires all sites that store hazardous materials prepare an inventory of those items and submit that inventory, along with an emergency response planning document, to the Local Administering Agency, The Bakersfield City Fire Department. Our office is willing to assist you in the preparation of these state required hazardous materials documents, but we also need to complete an inspection of this facility. Pi ease contact me at 805-326-3979 within seven (7) days of reciept of this letter to arrange a time for the Bakersfield Fire Department to access your property to document the hazardous materials on site. Sincerely, /-/1 /L:"¡'ì ,; .' ~(,-~.,;.{'~L/ l/.~"''''- Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician 'Y~de W~ 7tYe ~0Pe ~ A W~ " IItC) 1994 TRW REDI property~ta ------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Situs:231 SUMNER STREET, BAKERSFIELD CA 93305-5139 Use:GARAGE APN :016-020-10-00 County: Kern CA Census:15.00 Map Pg:227-B2 New Pg: Exemption Assd Land:$44,225 Assd Imp :$39,368 Total Val:$83,593 Assd Year:95 %Improved:47% Tax Rate Area:000-1003 Property Tax :$1,134 Owner :RUBIN HOWARD P & FRANCINE Mail :4444 W RIVERSIDE DR #101¡BURBANK CA 91505 Transfer Document Document Price First TD Last Sale Date:04/29/93 # : 61195 Type:TRUSTEE'S :$15,400U Prior Sale 11/30/78 51550544 Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories # Units # Buildings: DEED Junior TD Lender Seller :ZUBIN TITLE CO (TE) Title Company:FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS CO County Use:2200 Bldg Class: Flood Panl: Flood Zone: , Heat Air-Cond Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Pool Condition Park Type Park Spaces: Paved Pkg Legal :Ll-5 B88/ TRW-REDI (C) 1994 The Page & Grid reference is copyrighted by Thomas Bros. Maps <TM> ------------------------------------------------------------ » Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed « " .' W'., . .;; M_', , .' ..'·r··..'~ . .,:~~_:; <;. .~.:~..... ;'T ':~~~ :;¡:~.~~:<.~: ~.. -.~..~..~...:._:.:' ~·~~~.·.:.c~:.~.·_.'.·.:~.~_.~,:..';~::..~.... ~~......_:._;:~.;:::..:~.'~.~.:~; . ..' . .:'~.~~... " .:~~..:':::~~~:.....::..-.::~ - . .·f~. ... . ~~~.:~~~:':. .'" ~1~z-;~:œê~i'5i.~';f;,\:?~~ltl''Þ~~f~~~~'·· ~. ..,~7~;},1~~:t:';:~·:ôi~~~~1;:;'~;'r1J;?:%;;~~"'1~~'~ :;,;~~~ .. ....0;.;..., . ,.;. ~::',;, ..:. .. ". .. , .' .. :~.'-::,\:..". '-\. :,':"¥/' .·t··~. ...,;"," .:';'.,;,~. ',' :...';':~ ;.:::.:., ::.~. ~';.'" \ : ~ -:' . . - .... '. . . .... ~ .,' .' . '\..:. ~. ......~, ~.. . . .\ . . '. .. :...,~ <., .:'¡':""';'.::.:i "~~~"::'~.~"~')~~::'~:~:;~;:~~~;l-,~j:..~~,~.;,?::....;;;~: ;' .:..::.:';. . ". - . . ,'. .' .. '. .' . . . .' . , ' . . ~ "~ .~;:~·~;:~:-:~~~~:·~~~;{N~:~;:\.:~:~h_ii;:~?Ä~:~?;·J~~ .. ... .'~ : . . ... . ~ . . :....:<:;:·"-i·~: . . \ .'; ".. , .' ". I' .......' .. .. . ~ . ... ..... . " \.. \ \ '. ,'.' ..\.", , .~. ....:.. \. \ \ ì \ \ ¡ ~ . . ì .' , . . ¡'i'. . .... .' . . ~.' -·:"":·~;î:·.· :........... '"''''':2~~~~¡'~~~;¡¡~44;:,¡,~~~,~'''.'''è,;''''';,\j~~~..~~¡;,,~;~''''''' . ,·f;.~:.;~·\;;:i-~~;.'ftk~+~:...:~~;fJ;"4" " . i J '. ..'---'- ;,,- -;: .:~ ;1, 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 e¡ e\ 2 LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI City Attorney State Bar No. 63679 MI CHAEL G. ALLFORD Deputy City Attorney State Bar No. 129959 City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 F! E ..."CD !L 0 .'. ''\~r1SFH.:LD1w' :I·!!C!P Al , (.() JRT ilIS1,ii::T 3 I "., ,....R "'- .J J ~r' I _ ' AID:, I 4 s .~, '..VI'IIdU ",. ,.:.. ~PI..".J4\(\\.TI¡¡ ,¡f.O ¡ : ,..... '''''I tJf''rn T v'.._i\l'" :11/;', ,í ~I"IA OR (805) 326-3721 BY 6 Telephone No.: .. --.. 7 8 BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT 9 FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 4?S70'; Case No. Plaintiff, MISDEMEANOR COMPLAINT SIMON J. MOLINO, Defendant. 17 I, THE UNDERSIGNED, SAY, UPON INFORMATION AND BELIEF, THAT 18 IN THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA: 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 21 28 i:GAL DEPARTMENT I C.1"'Y 0' e...c.....~1CI.a i :OUNT 0001: ON OR ABOUT APRIL 26, 1993, DEFENDANT SIMON J. MOLINO DID WILFULLY AND UNLAWFULLY FAIL TO IMPLEMENT ALL ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS SPECIFIED IN THE RISK MANAGEMENT PREVENTION PROGRAM RELATED TO THE BUSINESS IDENTIFIED AS BAKERSFIELD CHROME AND BUMPER, INC., LOCATED AT 231 SUMNER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, WITHIN ONE YEAR FOLLOWING THE CERTIFICATION MADE PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (j) OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 25534, IN VIOLATION OF SECTION 25534(k) OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, A MISDEMEANOR. III ...... '" --,~ ,¡ '~. ~ ~ ~ d 1i :~~..;, ~ . " ':..... - "" .... , . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 !GAL DEPARTMENT! CITY 0" B.uc:......,,--..a :: e· e' I DECLARE, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. EXECUTED THIS a..7~ DAY OF APRIL', 1993, AT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. ~LAINT\MOLINO. ClIP ~/Jç~ MI C . ALLFORD 2 e~ e CITY ATIORNEY LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF THE CITY ATIORNEY 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 PH. 805-326-] 721 FAX 805-325-9162 ASSISTANT CITY ATIORJ~EYS ROBERT M. SHERFY ALAN D. DANIEL LOUISE T. CLOSS JOHN D. CLOSS . LAURA C. MARINO April 27, 1993 DEPUTY CITY ATIORNEYS ALLEN M. SHAW WALTER H. PORR JR. MICHAEL G. ALLFORD CERTIFIED AND FIRST CLASS MAIL ADMINISTRATOR FRANCES E. THOMPSON Mr. Simon J. Molino Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper, Inc. 9724 Shade Ln Pi co Rivera, CA 90660 Mr. Simon J. Molino Bakersfield, Chrome & Bumper, Inc. 231 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Violation of California Health & Safety Code 231 Sumner Street, Bakersfield, California Dear t-Ir. Molino: This letter is to inform you that a one-count misdemeanor complaint has been filed against you for violation of section 25534(k} of the California Health and Safety Code, Case No. 1-(7S-707 , with regard to property located at 231 Sumner Street in Bakersfield, California. A copy of this complaint is enclosed for your records. ,Please be advised that an arraignment date has been set with regard to this complaint for May 20, 1993, at 7:30 a.m. in Division G of the Bakersfield Municipal Court located at 1215 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. Failure to appear at the arraignment indicated above may result in the issuance of a bench warrant for your arrest. I respectfully urge that you give the foregoing your immediate attention and, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, ::t::~ ~/:::f«J Deputy City Attorney MGA:gp \ caœLAIBT\HOLINO.LTR e e J2411H1 KERN CJIS ORGANIZATION: WM BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN CASE NO. BM475707 A , DATE: OS/20/93 TIME: 08:00 AM PEOPLE VS. MOLINO, SIMON J JUDGE: LOUIE L VEGA, COURT COMMISSI CLERK: FREDDIE L. WARD REPORTER: E R BAILIFF: DEPUTY SHERIFF NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. o { (C OS/20/93 12:26 DEPT.: G CHARGES: 1. HS 25534(K) DEFENDANT APPEARED WITHOUT COUNSEL. DEFENDANT ANSWERS TO TRUE NAME AS CHARGED. CONTINUED TO 06/21/1993 AT 8:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, D- G FOR MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. DEFENDANT TO SHOW PROOF OF COMPLIANCE. TIME WAIVED BY DEFENDANT. CUSTODY STATUS: DEFENDANT TO REMAIN ON CITE/RELEASE. '~\ ~jì \,/ '-..... .' ~, ARRAIGNMENT -,MOTION MINUTE ORDER PAGE 1 e e 1: J2411H1 KERN CJIS ORGANIZATION: WM BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN 06/21/93 11:51 CASE NO. BM475707 A DATE: 06/21/93 TIME: 08:00 AM DEPT.: G PEOPLE VS. MOLINO, SIMON J JUDGE: CHARLES B PFISTER, JUDGE . REPORTER:: E R .~. ') "'- CLERK: PAT HEALEY BAILIFF: DEPUTY SHERIFF NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. CHARGES: 1. HS 25534(K) DEFENDANT APPEARED WITHOUT COUNSEL. DEFENDANT ANSWERS TO TRUE NAME AS CHARGED. DEFENDANT INFORMED OF AND ACKNOWLEDGES UNDERSTANDING bF HIS LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, AS FOLLOWS: TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY AT ALL STAGES OF THE PROCEEDINGS; TO A COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY IF HE LACKS FUNDS TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY; TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL, BY JUDGE OR OR JURY, WITHIN 30 TO 45 DAYS UNDER PC 1382, AND TO A DISMISSAL IF NOT TRIED WITHIN THESE TIME LIMITS UNLESS GOOD CAUSE IS SHOWN OR TIME WAIVED; TO CONFRONT AND CROSS-EXAMINE THE WITNESSES AGAINST HIM; TO USE THE SUBPOENA POWER OF THE COURT TO COMPEL THE ATTENDANCE OF WITNESSES ON HIS BEHALF; TO REMAIN SILENT AND NOT INCRIMINATE HIMSELF; TO BE SENTENCED WITHIN THE STATUTORY TIME, AND TO A DELAY OF SIX HOURS;· TO BE RELEASED FROM CUSTODY UPON POSTING A REASONABLE BAIL; TO A PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING. IF IN CUS'rODY; THE PROVISIONS OF PC 1016.5; THE PROVISIONS OF PC 987.8(E) REGARDING POSSIBILITY OF HAVING TO ·PAY FOR I\LL OR PART OF THE COSTS OF COUNSEL. DEFENDANT ADVISED AS TO THE PERILS, PITFALLS, DANGERS AND DISADYANTAr.ES OF SELF- REPRESENTATION. DEFENDANT ADY~~'OF THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE PUNISHMENT THAT \C,AN:HESULT FROM A PLEA OF GUILTY OR NOLO CONTENDERE. DEFENDANT INFORMED OF THE CHARGE(S) ALLEGED. DEFENDANT ACKNOWLEDGES UNDERSTANDING THE NATURE OF THE CHARGP.S AGAINST HIM, AND THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE PUNISHMENT THAT CAN RESULT E'ROM A PLEA OF GUILTY OR NOLO CONTENDERE.. . ARRAIGNMENT - MOTION MINUTE ORDER PAGE 1 e - CASE NO. BM475707 A DATE: 06/21/93 PEOPLE VS. MOLINO, SIMON J TIME: 08:00 AM DEFENDANT ACKNOWLEDGES UNDERSTANDING OF WAIVER OF RIGHTS, AND BEING SPECIFICALLY QUERIED, VOLUNTARILY AND INTELLIGENTLY WAIVES: RIGHT TO COUNSEL¡ RIGHT TO TRIAL BY COURT OR JURY¡ RIGHT TO CONFRONT WITNESSES AGAINST aIM AND TO CROSS-EXAMINE THEM¡ RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT AND RIGHT AGAINST SELF-INCRIMINATION. DEFENDANT'S SIGNED WAIVER OF RIGHTS FILED AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. DEFENDANT ORALLY STATES THAT HE HAS READ AND UNDERSTANDS THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WAIVER OF RIGHTS FORM, AND THE MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PENALTIES FORM, WHICH HE HAS SIGNED. DEFENDANT ADVISED THAT THIS CONVICTION MAY BE ALLEGED AS A PRIOR OFFENSE. DEFENDANT ENTERED A PLEA OF GUILTY TO ALL COUNTS. DEFENDANT WAIVES STATUTORY TIME AND REQUESTS IMMEDIATE SENTENCING. ORIGINAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROBATION. PROBATION GRANTED AS TO COUNT 1. IMPOSITION OF SENTENCE SUSPENDED, AND DEFENDANT PLACED ON PROBATION FOR A PERIOD OF 3 YRS¡ 0 MOS¡ 0 DAYS. TYPE OF PROBATION: COURT. PAY $465.00 INVESTORGATORS FEE TO CITY OF BAKERSFIELD.. ALL SENTENCE ELEMENTS FOR THIS PROCEEDING ENTERED. TERMS OF PROBATION INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. DEPT.: G --'-'\- ~ ',' \ )! ~ I" ........--'" ARRAIGNMENT - MOTION MINUTE ORDER PAGE 2 J241481 KERN CJIS ORGANIZATION: WM IN e BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL C.. DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN 05/17/93 11:22 PAGE 1 --- CRIMINAL CASE DOCKET CASE NO. BM475707A STATUS: OPEN PEOPLE V. MOLINO, SIMON J 2314 SUMNER (BUS. ADDRES) BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 D.O.B. : / / ******************************************************************************* ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: PROSECUTION: DEFENSE: **********************,~******************************************************** CHARGES, PLEAS AND DISPOSTIONS: COUNT NO. CODE/SECTION 1 HS 25534(K) LATEST PRS TYPE PLEA DISPOSITION '/ ., '! M i' \' - .t :' n \ '- {~ r \'. ", ï' ~vl ~._/' J241481 KERN CJIS ORGANIZATION: WM ~- ". CRIMINAL CASE DOCKET CASE NO. BM475707A 05/17/93 11:22 PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************* CASE SYNOPSIS: 04/26/93 04/26/93 COMPLAINT - GROUP A FILED HEARING SET ON OS/20/93 AT 08:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, DIV. G, FOR: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. CUSTODY STATUS: CITED & RELEASED. ******************************************************************************* ~m;. \ \:~//i ~.h__-' 4¡ J241481 KERN CJIS ORGANIZATION: WM e ,_ CRIMINAL CASE DOCKET CASE NO. BM475707A 05/17/93 11:22 PAGE 3 ******************************************************************************* RECORD OF CASE EVENTS: 04/26/93 08:00 MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT SET ON OS/20/1993 AT 8:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, D- G. *******************************************************~*********************** END OF CRIMINAL CASE DOCKET ~mr \ 'ë/) '......_-~_./" . . '" ..t-" . .- CITY of BAKERSf!ßÞl1¡-¡, , ·~L "WE CARE" ,:0(;;;':,. -¡ "J .', '.. oJ ", " 1,'( . ,. ! I FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF SPECIAL REPORT April 26, 1993 .. .. \.,~-,',. , \ ."' 1.:: ,.,:; ......:. i.¡:::·:t..· , -~~: .... 'IT.' "C· .~ T [J¡~ 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326·3911 BY OWNER: Simon J. Molino, Corporate President 9724 Shade Lane Pico Rivera, CA 90660 LOCATION: Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. 231 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 On January 23, 1991, Bakersfield Fire Department requested that Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. preparae a risk management and prevention program (RMPP) for the storage and use of the acutely hazardous materials sodium cyanide and sulfuric acid. On January 28, 1992, a notice of violation was issued to Mr. Molino for failure to prepare this RMPP within one year. To correct this violation, Mr. Molino submitted a brief RMPP document on February 14, 1992 stating that the sulfuric acid and the sodium cyanide would be removed from the premises. On April 1, 1992, a notice of violation was issued to Mr. Molino for failure to include an implementation schedule in a RMPP. On April 6, 1992, Mr. Molino submitted a schedule stating that the sodium cyanide would be disposed of by April 30, 1992. He had already sold and transported the sulfuric acid to Whittier Plating in Santa Fe Springs. On April 9, 1992, the Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division acknowledged the plan to eliminate the acutely hazardous materials, documented in the correspondence dated 2-14-92 and 4-6- 92, as an acceptable risk management and prevention program for Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. On April 30, 1992, Mr. Molino notified Bakersfield Fire Department that he had removed the sodium cyanide from the plating tank and placed it in 55 gallon drums. An inspection on August 7, 1992 resulted in a notice of violation issued to Mr. Molino for storage of a hazardous waste for more than 90 days without a permit, inadequate labeling of hazardous waste containers and storage of the sodium cyanide wastes in uncovered drums. On November 23, 1992, a second notice of violation was issued to Mr. Molino for storage of a hazardous waste for more than 90 days without a permit. An inspection of Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper on April 13, 1993 verified that the sodium cyanide remained on the premises at 231 Sumner contained in 5, 55 gallon drums. A notice of violation for failure to implement a risk management and prevention program within one year was issued. The hazardous waste storage violations have been refered to Kern County Environmental Health Services Department for enforcement action. ,- ..~ f..~, e· .' Mr, Molino verbally requested a one month extension of the RMPP implementation date on April 16, 1993. He was asked to set a time to meet with Fire Department staff to discuss the terms of the extension but was unwilling to schedule an appointment. A letter from Bakersfield Fire outlining the terms of a one month extension for disposal of part the cyanide material was hand delivered to Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper on April 19" 1993 and received by the facility manager, Ms. Bertha Sotello. Ms. Sotello was asked to have Mr. Molino call Ms. Brenner to discuss the seriousness of these violations. Mr. Molino has been unavailable to meet with Bakersfield Fire staff to discuss resolution of these continued violations and has failed to formally request an extension for RMPP implementation. He is in Bakersfield only occasionally and at unannounced times. Therefore, it is necessary to serve Mr. Molino a citation for failure to implement a risk management and prevention plan by mail. ~ch..ç c-- (3~ Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division 2 I T· ,I . n i J , .. p ~ Re: ViolatloJ 231 Sumn. I c 1 .. ~ 1 J i Dear Mr. Moliz This lett complaint has 25534 Ck) of tt. ~75"'70 7 , \4 ~n Bakersfielë for your recoz Please be regard to this Division G of Truxtun Avenue arraignment in warrant for yo I respect· inunediate att . comments, pIe . MGl:gp \ cacPL1Dl1'\MOL1.:" - --------------- - ~ ' BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTIIENT NOTIŒ TO APPEAR DATI! '·,8682 --L- 'tEAR M WHICI.Í! IIOO'f IJI'tLE . 0CIL.0ft IoWCI! IIEGISTEÆD OWNI!ROA lD8EI! MICREISS M OWNEROA lD8EI! o cr),.Ji.'T r;co·., ..D.-'" .. f.) ¡:... ,"'j -~ þ1~ c eanor tiOD o. r Street enclosed set with n 1215 r at the a bench IY . ,=- ~~---~.~ ~-~ :-;.- ~.~:~~~~~~.: . ~~~-- ~.~,: .,''';';'::'!2:. -">" '. ,,~~,. .,~~,F-" -~:='=-" . ..... PG2of2 _ , CASE NO. TERMS OF PROBATION - PAGE 2 -'" ,-. "'i:(~~[e]~") :1 :::.f., :leoJ:....:~::(11 ~"1I111 :f·' III [II ~... III =4-., ..,..~ (tIeI.III ~ 1I_t:j TCS_ D VOLUNTARILY SUBMIT TO A SEARCH OF YOUR PERSON, VEHICLE OR RESIDENCE AT THE REQUEST OF ANY PEACE OFFICER OR PROBATION OFFICER DAY OR NIGHT WITHOUT THE NECESSITY OF A SEARCH WARRANT o 1. UPON PROBABLE CAUSE. o 2. WITHOUT PROBABLE CAUSE. D 3. UPON REASONABLE CAUSE. o A. FOR NARCOTICS AND PARAPHERNALIA AS TO COUNT_. o B. FOR STOLEN PROPERTY AS TO COUNT_. o C. FOR NARCOTICS, PARAPHERNALIA, AND STOLEN PROPERTY AS TO COUNT _. TCBA-,- o D. o DEFENDANT TO SUBMIT TO A BLOOD, BREATH OR URINE TEST AT THE REQUEST OF ANY PEACE OFFICER OR PROBATION OFFICER TO DETERMINE. o A. BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT. o B. DRUG DETECTION. o C. BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT AND DRUG DETECTION. TCNON o DEFENDANT NOT TO USE OR IN ANY WAY TRAFFIC IN NAR- COTICS AND NOT TO ASSOCIATE WITH ANY PERSONS USING OR IN ANY WAY TRAFFICKING IN NARCOTICS AS TO COUNT(S)_ . o DEFENDANT TO PAY $ CRIMINALIST LAB FEE BY AS TO COUNT(S) TCCLF TC.~;::'"., 0 REGISTER AS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO o A. HS 11590 AS NARCOTICS OFFENDER AS TO COUNT(S)_. o B. PC 290 AS A SEX OFFENDER AS TO COUNT(S)_. o C. PC 457.1(b) AS AN ARSON OFFENDER AS TO COUNT(S)_. 'LI] ~II ~ II 111:::1:::1 :'It{IM I Mil ~ 111..·........:::1 :\'J[~ =-."'... (tItlt}11 ~ II i'1:J "'i:(~ ~ [e] ~ I.) TCCS--, 0 DEFENDANT ORDERED TO COMPLETE _HOURS, OF COMMUNITY SERVICE BY AS DIRECTED BY o A. THE PROBATION OFFICER. 0.8.. THE COMMUNITY SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE. ·0 C. TCJTS . 0 - DAYS IN CUSTODY SUSPENDED PENDING COMPLETION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE AND PERMANENTLY THEREAFTER. TCSCS 0 DAYS IN CUSTODY STAYED PENDING COMPLETION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE. . "'i:(~~[e]~.. TCNS_ 0 Ifllll ~ J..."1:::111 I ~ [t'fJ:¡:::I: ,.,:) III II ti' III [I] ~ w·"".... (IIliIt]11 ~ II i'(:1 DEFENDANT TO ENROLL IMMEDIATELY IN AND PURSUE CARE, AND TO OBEY ALL REASONABLE INSTRUCTIONS, CONTINUING UNTIL TERMINATED, WITH o A. PSYCHIATRIC CARE. o B. COUNTY APPROVED TREATMENT PROGRAM. o C. KERN DEPT. OF MENTAL HEALTH. o D. KERN REGIONAL CENTER. o E. COUNSELING. o F. SECTION 8: RESTITUTION AS TO COUNT S : TCCR_ 0 DEFENDANT' TO MAKE RESTITUTION FOR DAMAGES AS TO COUNT(S) 0 A. IN AN AMOUNT AND MANNER TO BE DETERMINED BY THE PROBATION OFFICER AND ORDERED BY THE COURT. DEFENDANT ADVISED IN RE: CERVANTEZ. 0 B. IN THE AMOUNT OF $ AND IN A MANNER TO BE DETERMINED BY THE PROBATION OFFICER AND ORDERED BY THE COURT. DEFENDANT ADVISED IN RE: CERVANTEZ. 0 C. IN THE AMOUNT OF $ AT THE RATE OF $ PER MONTH THROUGH THE PROBATION DEPARTMENT. D D. IN THE AMOUNT AND MANNER TO BE DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES AND ORDERED BY THE COURT. D E. IN THE AMOUNT OF $ AND IN A MANNER TO BE DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES AND ORDERED BY THE COURT. o F. IN THE AMOUNT OF $ AT THE RATE OF $ PER MONTH TO TCRP _ 0 DEFENDANT ORDERED TO REPORT TO PROBATION OFFICER. 0 A. WITHIN 5 DAYS OF RELEASE FROM CUSTODY. o B. FORTHWITH 0 C. o D. ANY CHANGE IN HIS/HER ADDRESS UNTIL RESTITU- TION IS PAID. TCFP _ SECTION 9: MISCELLANEOUS: 0 o REPORT TO IDENTIFICATION BUREAU TO BE FINGERPRINTED AND PHOTOGRAPHED PURSUANT TO P.C. 1201.3 AT o A. KERN COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE o B. TCNOC TCNAM TCNCA 0 TCNFA 0 TCWP _ 0 TCWR_ TCVIM 0 TCVIW 0 TCRIE 0 SHOTH 0 TCOTH -~ o DEFENDANT ORDERED NOT TO CONTACT, CALL OR OTHER- WISE COMMUNICATE WITH DURING PROBATIONARY PERIOD. DEFENDANT IS ORDERED NOT TO ASSOCIATE WITH MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF 18, NOR FREQUENT PLACES WHERE MI- NORS CONGREGATE UNLESS IN THE PRESENCE OF A RESPON- SIBLE ADULT APPROVED BY THE PROBATION DEPARTMENT. DEFENDANT NOT MAINTAIN A CHECKING ACCOUNT OR HAVE ANY CHECKS IN HIS/HER P.OSSESSION EXCEPT PAYROLL OR BUSINESS CHECKS PAYABLE TO HIM/HER. DEFENDANT NOT TO HAVE FIREARMS OF ANY DESCRIPTION IN HIS/HER POSSESSION DURING HIS/HER PERIOD OF PROBA- TION. UPON EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD, WEAPON ORDERED ALL PREVIOUSLY ORDERED TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PRO- BATION TO REMAIN IN EFFECT. HEARING SET ON AT IN COURT, D- FOR ~ . ~ :;~\ ~~ ~~."'~ ~'-Í5 --~-\.9.-----.. --~" ~~ MIASE 0 ALL SENTENCE ELEMENTS FOR THIS PROCEEDING ENTERED. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE TERMS OF PROBATION AND ORDER SET FO~OVE, AND UNDERSTAND Tf::iE CON~.EQUENCES¡~VIOLATION OF PROBATION. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF A COPY THEREOF, THIS ~. \ . DAY OF"- \._ ft _ 1d--Š ") ~ \ I. ~ )( ~ 1-"1 ~___-- DEFENDANT ADDRESS \ ~- \ ~_ ~ '\, . d <.,.DEFENDANT o.O.B. _ CITY, STATE, ZIP NOTE TO DEFENDANT: UPON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE TERMS OF PROBATION, YOU MAY APPLY THROUGH THE PROBATION DEPARTMENT TO HAVE YOUR CONVIC- TION SET ASIDE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 1203.4 OF THE PENAL CODE. o o o o C. A. CONFISCATED AND DESTROYED. B. RETURNED TO RIGHTFUL OWNER UPON PROOF OF LEGAL OWNERSHIP. D WEAPON ORDERED CONFISCATED ANQ, IN LIEU OF DESTRUC- TION, IS TO BE RELEASED FOR TRAINING PURPOSES PUR- SUANT TO PC 12028 AND PC 12030 TO o A. KERN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE. o B. VEHICLE IMPOUNDED FOR_DAYS AT DEFENDANT'S EXPENSE. . VEHICLE IMPOUNDMENT WAIVED. REASON: _1~1I1f~:~:J:~:::I If=ll:~___-;t·.. i=4~~JI=4~._. ,truly translated this form and all the statements therein to the defendant language. in the DATED: I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. ,19_ Official Court Interpreter I _I G.S. STORES 395-9035 (12-88) COURT PROGRAM PGlOt2 ~ ..IiÎIl, IN THE ~c..~ COURT"~ . . . ~OUNTY OF KERN.s>TATE OF <¿ALlFOR~i:. DEFENDANT'SNAME6,-\"...<...'i~\-~\S\ ~~"'''-{¡. \':)~'1..t~!:''''CASENO.L(ìÇì''ì DATE ~~~\-'\ '\ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ORDER GRANTING PROBATION AND TERMS OF PROBATION ~:;~~~A~~A::~A~A:;AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~A~~;;~A~~:A~~A~A~~A~A~A~AtA~~AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .... SECTION 1: GENERAL. TCORG ~ ORIGINAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROBATION TCAMD D TCPRG ~ '~ TCPC_ D AMENDED TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROBATION PROBATION GRANTED AS TO COUNT \ IMPOSITION OF SENTENCE SUSPEND~D DEFENDANT PLACED ON PROBATION FOR A PERIOD OF ~ YRS;~MOS; ~DAYS. TYPE OF PROBATION: D A. FORMAr::--I[] B. COURT D C. FORMAL TO AR.O. TCDA_ D SENTENCE OF_DAYS IN JAIL SUSPENDED FOR: YEARS; MONTHS; DAYS. o A. DEFENDANT PLACED ON FORMAL PROBATION o B. DEFENDANT PLACED ON COURT PROBATION. TCEA_ D SENTENCE OF $_FINE SUSPENDED FOR: YEARS; MONTHS; DAYS. o A. DEFENDANT PLACED ON FORMAL PROBATION o B. DEFENDANT PLACED ON COURT PROBATION. TCFPR D PLACED UNDER THE CARE AND SUPERVISION OF THE PROBATION OFFICER FOR A PERIOD OF _ YRS;_MOS; ~DAYS; TO FOLLOW ALL ORDERS OF THE COURT AND PROBATION OFFICER AND REPORT AS DIRECTED. ..¿~?\~ TCRFV ~ REFRAIN FROM FURTHER VIOLATIONS OF THE LAW. SECTION 2: MOTOR VEHICLES I ALCOHOL AS TO COUNT S _. TCAAM o ATTEND ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETINGS FOR THE PERIOD OF D DURING PROBATIONARY PERIOD, NOT TO OPERATE A MOTOR VEHICLE UNLESS DULY LICENSED BY THE STATE OF CAL- IFORNIA AND INSURED. D NOT TO INDULGE IN THE USE OF INTOXICANTS OR VISIT ANY PLACES WHERE INTOXICANTS ARE SOLD AS A PRIMARY INCOME OR BUSINESS. AJ A. DURING YOUR PROBATIONARY PERIOD. D B. UNTIL YOU REACH THE AGE OF 21 YEARS. TCLAI TCNA_ TCBA_ D DEFENDANT TO SUBMIT TO A BLOOD, BREATH OR URINE TEST AT THE REQUEST OF ANY PEACE OFFICER OR PROBATION OFFICER TO DETERMINE B A. BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT. B. DRUG DETECTION. D C. BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT AND DRUG DETECTION. TCNDD D NOT TO DRINK AND DRIVE DURING PROBATION PERIOD, WITH ANY MEASURABLE AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL OR DRUGS IN YOUR BLOOD. TCNOV D YOU SHALL NOT OPERATE A MOTOR VEHICLE DURING YOUR PROBATIONARY PERIOD WITH ANY MEASURABLE AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL OR DRUGS IN YOUR BLOOD. TCDMV 0 D.M.V. SHALL REVOKE/SUSPEND DRIVING PRIVILEGE FOR _ YEARS;_MONTHS; _ DAYS PURSUANT TO CVC TCLlS D LICENSE SUSPENDED FOR_ YEARS;_MONTHS;_ DAYS. TCLlR D LICENSE RESTRICTED FOR...:...- YEARS;_MONTHS;_ DAYS. TCTEM D DEFENDANT MAY DRIVE TO AND FROM EMPLOYMENT. TCDEM D DEFENDANT MAY DRIVE DURING COURSE OF EMPLOYMENT. TCTTP D DEFENDANT MAY DRIVE TO AND FROM TREATMENT PROGRAM. TCORS D OTHER RESTRICTIONS: TCRFC D RESTRICTION FORM COMPLETED AND GIVEN TO DEFENDANT. TCMBC D COURT RESTRICTION CARD MUST BE CARRIED AT ALL TIMES. TCSL_ D DEFENDANT TO SURRENDER DRIVER'S LICENSE TO COURT AS DIRECTED ON "DRIVER'S LICENSE RESTRICTION/SUSPENSION FORM" GIVEN TO DEFENDANT. LICENSE TO BE RETURNED TO DEFENDANT ON COMPLETION OF THE SUSPENSION PERIOD. LICENSE TO BE SURRENDERED TO THE COURT D A. FORTHWITH. D B. BY TCCA_ D DEFENDANT TO PARTICIPATE IN A COUNTY-APPROVED D A ALCOHOL EDUCATION PROGRAM. D B. 5B38 PROGRAM. D C. TCDR D DEFENDANT TO REPORT TO DMV FOR RESTRICTION AND PRO- VIDE COURT WITH PROOF OF ENROLLMENT IN SB38 PROGRAM AND DMV LICENSE RESTRICTION. D A. IMMEDIATELY. B B. IMMEDIATELY UPON RELEASE FROM CUSTODY. C. II, TCPSB D SELF-TERMINATION FROM 5B38 PROGRAM. G.S. STORES 395-9018 (12-88) COURT PROGRAM TCDIJ SECTION 3: JAIL TIME AS TO COUNT S _. DEFENDANT TO SERVE_ DAYS IN CUSTODY AS TO COUNT TCDIJ SEN_ TCSMC TCSEJ D TCSUJ D TCWJ_ D TCWK_ TCRWR D TCNWR D TCCTS D TCAAR D D D DEFENDANT TO SERVE_ DAYS'IN CUSTODY AS TO COUNT D A. COUNT D A. o B. D C. CONCURRENT WITH CASE NUMBER D D. CONSECUTIVE TO CASE NUMBER D E CONCURRENT WITH TIME NOW BEING SERVED. D F. CONSECUTIVE TO TIME NOW BEING SERVED. TO BE SERVED CONCURRENT WITH COUNT CONSECUTIVE TO COUNT D STAY OF MANDATORY COMMITMENT ON COUNT_PER PC 654 UNTIL SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF SENTENCE ON COUNT(S) AND PERMANENTLY THEREAFTER. STAY OF EXECUTION OF SENTENCE TO JAIL GRANTED UNTIL AT _ DAYS SUSPENDED ON CONDITION DEFENDANT SERVE _ DAYS AS TO COUNT DEFENDANT TO SERVE _ WEEKEND(S) AS TO COUNT COMMENCING ON AT 6:00 P.M. AND RELEASED ON AT 6:00 A.M, AND CONSECUTIVE WEEK- ENDS THEREAFTER UNTIL COMPLETED, AT D A D B. Do c. D. LERDO. MAIN JAIL. RIDGECREST POLICE DEPARTMENT. o DEFENDANT TO SERVE _ WEEKEND(S) AS TO COUNT COMMENCING ON AT. AND RELEASED ON AT AND CON- SECUTIVE WEEKENDS THEREAFTER UNTIL COMPLETED, AT o A LERDO. D B. MAIN JAIL. D C. RIDGECREST POLICE DEPARTMENT. D D. DEFENDANT REFERRED TO WORK RELEASE PROGRAM. NO WORK RELEASE PROGRAM ALLOWED. CREDIT FOR TIME SERVED OF_DAYS PLUS_DAYS GOOD AND WORK TIME, FOR A TOTAL OF_DAYS. DEFENDANT TO ATTEND THE ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION OFFICE LERDO PROGRAM WHILE IN CUSTODY. SECTION 4: FINES AS TO COUNT S _. TCFIN D TCFIJ 0 SHRTN 0 TCPFW D TCFCB D TCFEE ~ TCSHB D TCINS D TCSEF TCSUF TCPTC TCCON DEFENDANT ORDERED TO PAY FINE OF $ PLUS $ PA PLUS $ NVRF FEE, PLUS $ C.L. FEE, LESS $ FOR TIME SERVED AT THE RATE OF $ PER DAY AS TO COUNT _. OR, IN LIEU OF SAID FINE AS TO COUNT _, TO SERVE _DAYS IN JAIL AT THE RATE OF $ PER DAY, COMMENCING ON OR RETURN TO COURT ON _AT IN COURT, 0- TOTAL FINE(S) AND ASSESSMENT{S) OF $ TO BE PAID FORTHWITH. TOTAL FINE(S) AND ASSESSMENT(S) OF $ TO BE TAKEN FROM CASH BAIL POSTED, AND BALANCE, IF ANY, TO BE RETURNED TO DEPOSITOR. \ DER.I;NDAW.T0 PAY i\ b~ - FO~"'\ \ \ 'U\..~ '\~ '\\"" '-.':'\...... \:>\ ~"^ \.u>....... \ A-_ d\ ~ . AS TO COUNT , DEFENDANT TO PAY FINE OF $ PURSUANT TO H&S 11372.7. DEFENDANT \ASSESSED ADDITIONAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FEE OF $ . TOTAL FINE{S) AND ASSESSMENT(S) OF $ TO BE PAID IN INSTALLMENTS OF $ ON AND $ ON THE OF EACH MONTH UNTIL PAID. IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT. BALANCE WILL ACCELERATE AND BECOME DUE AND PAYABLE FORTHWITH. o STAY OF EXECUTION OF SENTENCE TO PAY TOTAL FINE(S) AND ASSESSMENT(S) OF $ AS TO COUNT(S)_ GRANTED UNTIL o $ OF FINE SUSPENDED PENDING COMPLETION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROBATION AS TO COUNT(S) o ALL PAYMENTS ON FINES TO BE MADE DIRECT TO THE ABOVE- ENTITLED COURT. o TOTAL FINE(S) AND ASSESSMENT(S) CONSOLIDATED WITI-I CASE NUMBER IN TRUST ACCOUNT. If . CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF May 25, 1993 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 Mr. Simon Molino Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper Inc. 231 Sumner St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Mr. Molino: I have discussed the outcome of your arraignment with the Deputy City Attorney. In order to resolve your citation on June 21 the following steps must be followed. You will need to transport the remaining sodium cyanide wastes for disposal. A copy of the hazardous waste manifest and reimbursement for Bakersfield's costs of investigating and issuing of this citation must be delivered to the Hazardous Materials Division's office at 2130 G St. Bakersfield on or before Friday June 18, 1993. These costs are listed below and a bill is attached. 9 hrs. x $47.50 = $427.50 (RMPP implementation follow up) 1 hr. x. $38.36 = $ 38.36 (Attorney time) $ 465.86 Total due You will be required to reappear at the Municipal Court at 0730 on June 21, 1993. If you have both disposed of the waste and paid the City of Bakersfield's costs, we will inform the court that this issue has been satisfactorily resolved. Please call me at 326- 3979 jf can be of any assistance. Si~CereIY .~ (""c\..Vjc ~G--- \ C't-~ .../ Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey Michael Allford L -- e·· CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" ¢ ¿~ V.à FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF June 4, 1993 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Mr. Simon Molino Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper Inc. 231 Sumner St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Mr. Molino: I have discussed the outcome of your arraignment with the Deputy City Attorney. In order to resolve your citation on June 21 the following steps must be followed. You will need to transport the remaining sodium cyanide wastes for disposal. A copy of the hazardous waste manifest and reimbursement for Bakersfield's costs of investigating and issuing of this citation must be delivered to the Hazardous Materials Division's office at 2130 G St. Bakersfield on or before Friday June 18, 1993. These costs are listed below and a bill is attached. 9 hrs. x $47.50 = $427.50 (RMPP implementation follow ùp) 1 hr. x $38.36 = $ 38.36 (Attorney time) $ 465.86 Total due You will be required to reappear at the Municipal Court at 0730 on June 21, 1993. If you have both disposed of the waste and paid the City of Bakersfield's costs, we will inform the court that this issue has been satisfactorily resolved. Please call me at 326- 3979 if I can be of any assistance. ~~r<--~~~~ Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician ., cc: Ralph Huey Michael Allford e e " \~ ------. -.-..------- ~ .---.--'-'-'- I'. . .-_. -..------.---- iI' I RE1iURN PAYMENTS TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303"2057 ACCOUNT NO. L1CAT10t¡, 2H SUHt [,A FJ~ RMPP IMPLEMENfAfION FQLLOW'UÞ I, ,,' HW OF ATTORNEY'S T1Mt m '3a.36i "AH1llin:g (losiri'J OiJte 95l31/9!-3' it~lS BILL IS DUE UPON RECEI?T,~ ,~ PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: , I' FtRF ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVlSIOI CITY OF BAKERSFIELD fD-OO!J;U Previous ealance 46':::j .' , 465.86 :': 46S~8 ii ð1 ·~4"f.5,Q, AND 1 9HR$ otl-l1U.7 Total Current 8ill TOt'AL NOW CUE '0 ;"/: ,} I '- INQUIRIES CONCERNING THIS BILL, PLEASE PHONE: 3Z6- ]/,r:Þ , : IJVO~~E4~~~BER 8AKERSFIELD CHROME 4 BUMPER 2:31 SUMNER ßAKË»SFIELO CA 93305 MUST RETURN THIS COpy WITH PAYMENT ~_._.,-- ..-.-- -------~~ _.- --- --- . ;::'. ,I. .¡ .'~" . . ' . :~~~~],". , . ......::. ,.;. ~'~.;r.:~ :~;:' .'.. '. '. >?,~~;i~~f;:'~'~'~~~'~-T:})~}~~~~~§f'i ,......,..~........"'~,. .. . '.. ..- ·"···'·""~"''''H;''''I·· ~ . ..'.~ ," ,t ' . . '.1'. . . . '<.' .o. ....;",:.' J~'-"~,IfUl ~ .' ..: ".,,-;;' See Instnìcttonson bac g86:::-.·" ;-'{~ ~ .;: :TÓXtéAl~C::.ón' ' :/.\,~: ,~'..,;'.' "~~'.::~ . '. .' 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GeMlOlor'l.\IS EPA I~ N9., 6 Manfl!".~ No. ' .2.,' ",,:~, :.:.lL,'.~~,',":,..".' " ' .'<.;.r- "~WAST£MANIFEST O,A,1',O ,8,0,0,218, ,1,6'0' iO ïO ,0 ,1' ... ~..; ~;.: , lNamea'ldMalngAddr.- :~~ ~ ~,~;:·1~.~1Q.1) ~~,'6'" '7~,"-" ", :"':: ;;i;:;:!">;;";"/-' 105. 'Mi'f-rI 'J8 ~":}~' '·~_.iaIof.Phone( ) ".,.,-~ ,...... .:-'", .'~;.:'. ~ i ....... ':.~' ~:q~' »1 :Ñ t)E y" D~ R t)ð A ~,~ I." "'1 r J).. ,-" ~ '. ~\'. , ..:. ..ij. - :m' . ~ ' ;',,0 "w :~ ",i:S1. ..~.. ¡ .~;'''' .: ~ ~.~~ i (:~ .'~ ,:~.g . ~~~' r Q: 0: R º A 'W '~' ~ p '~ ~ w T u. E o R ~ 4( F U A ~ C I L I T '( DHS 8022A (12/9(1) EM 8100-22 " 231 ÞWUI& SD.Iifi" .--n&LD. ~. I Corr1paIr Name , :~~'. 'S'fIIIII'" II so. .7. T~2Corr1pa1r Name ,., :/ I 1 1 1 I 10. US EPA ID Number .. , ". CIA,I,O,O,O,6,4,6,l,ll . 12. COnloinell ,1. L8 DOT ~ (hctudlng PIoøer Shipping Name, Hazard Clem, crod ID NLmber) No. T .0. JIQ I lAm ctAJIIDI SODIKJ.I.1. ..0.9. 0,0 2 B,X ,1 ¡() ¡() .'.' þ. c. i , do VIAl JlJD'!lm'IYI GEU ,-' ~"" ~'8IN1lA1OII'I CØ1IFICA1'1ON: , ~ .-:kft that ,.... Mntl of thll conolgnmenl are fIAv and OCCUIaIeIV dIHcIt)ed abcwoe bw' pIOPef ~ ÌIariIe __ ~'èr pacIced. marked. a'Id 1aÞe*1 and are i'1 01 respecl1ln proper condillon for IranIpoIt by hlgh\o<Jy occoldng to OWIC ~ htetnanonCII a'Id naIIonaI ~. ";,.' "'~" . . ,:... .....~ ~:n.....~...", ~ '·1 '''~:. ..' . ~ ,,'-: ;~.,;r I Q'TI a trge qua'IItIy genMCfor. I certtv that, he-.. a pmgram n place to reduce the voUne and toxlc: y of 'NOlIe oenerOt.d 10 tt. ~:Ùö.a:~,W " ;.:. . KOIoOtrbAv practICable and that, he-.. oelected the pn:x:ttcaoI9 method of treatment.ltorcoe. or di!potal currently' 0II'0iIaÞIe '0 me IIIIhIct1"**,** the ~cnI ." ,:., ttftOt 10 hIman heaItII a'Id the envtronmenl: OR. r , am a mol QUCnttly generator. I haw made a good faith etfOlllo mini'nIM my walle ger--JIIOh aneh.lld"- ""1fCÍIIIF;"'~; , ' mauagement metnod thalli CJIICIIabIe to me crod that I coo afford. '. .' " ." ',.. ' f::-;;:;::/ .:.. ~" . ...".' -~'.. '''.' :.'~ .-~" /Typed Name ~...-' :dl fY\ OJ' / II AÌò " J, . . ¡"'f) / . , I ' ! , 'f) I "I 17. TlClnlporte, I Acicno_dgement 01 Receoot 0( Materials I'mlwd/Typed Name -, Montn , Day Year, G>, ~ 1 ,81913 SIgnatU'e Montn Day Year 1 19. Dllcrepc:n:y IndicalIon Space ~. 20. Focillty Owner or Qoerator CenlfocaTlon Of receipt of hararaous matenals CCMlred by this manrtest exceot as nolëd In rtem 19. Printedllyped NarnfJ SIQnatU'e~. /l1/J/'NtJ ~ Month Day Yea \ -=.J DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE. BlJe: GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPVTO DHS WITHIN 30 DA'1S. To:' P.O. Box 400. Sacramento. CA 95812.()4(X) "..".;,.'~~"':~." S910IIft \.-.- \.,... ~ ..: ::~i;)~;~i'·:~;;"'S!.}f;]~:;;:~~:t$~~ '; ~ , ." " ....' ..' '~"~'~¡111~ ~'" ··\~:i·.:/:'.~'1~.... '" ..'.... SlQI10Iure t~ '."'1 '. :'·~·:~S" ,.. ",.:..W".";'·' ':" 20. Foc*y ~ Of ()petator c.rtlicotlon at receiPt 01 haZOrdous malerlall COWAÞd Þv Ihis me"'", except Q noted Ì\ Dem 19, ~lTyped Name Signature -I": . ;~";".., "',~ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE. .. ~~~"~~:f*~ GENERATOR SENDS THIS COP'fTO DHSwnHN 3ÖDA'1i~·ì:¿ P.O. BoxAŒ).s..·)LI\~1In ('.A 0!'\A1?-^1tY'I .:,...;~.,;, .,;. "',,:; " . . . ; M 8D22A C12Ì9O> I EM 1100-22 BUt: To: /[1Q~ (1'4; I /D,' . e ,,- /' ~ ./". , -~--U^(\µ5 ! J;erN Co· ";¡O~rThQ ~cd4h. rV ¡u l 'à.r-pO (1'\ i\-r ee.í ~?:co Cf]30\ . CITY of BA.I(ERSFJELD "WE CrlRE" ~\\\~~,/,,--- 1i:';<\~~LD Z~Ä ==~::i \~ rffl ~~ -~;; ~ 3J;§ '~\'" ~ ...'/ ~;:-..:~s C^~"<;J/ . iUJII(iñilií'~ ::01 ~ SïH::~T 3.':'i<E,::;SFIELD. 93301 -.------- - '" U_ 4 -.326.391-1 ._ .__.: CAL üSHA KCDA HAZ MAT TASK FORC:;:: KCSH D D [] r A 'G E' N C Y R E F E R A L THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION IN A RECENT , INSPECTION OF: BUSINESS NAME .~ BUSINESS \è FOUND THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS WHICH WE BELIEVE ARE REGULATED BY YOUR AGENCY_ 5 , SÇ) C\H-ll )0;) ¿'(D('\~ .0{; S:cc\.ùm ~ëf\...r:\(\ 0 \..A.Jo..S--b.. ~\'""tJ \~X\- ~.o c4., eM -M.'ì ~--.(\ \nc 0--t1.C:Î\ ..!\~rî( 0 ··~V(ì \ \~ (\ \ l"'"' (' 0'0'" LDO.' ~ fL laQ oJ.. CALl..- Cd ]1C·~- .~7C, j ~ 'L·t t ùr ~~ C't'('èrr\Of\-'t\.-\;~(\. ~ J(1.,,0. \f ,Q\(.ct>.û;, 1 >'; l!.....- \}Q 'ìd"i1u..C r C'-\~OJCv ~œN~r 1/J~J9.3 ~ SIGIiATURE~ I DÁTE ~ ,,' :~ .e _ CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 April 19, 1993 Simon Molino Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. 231 Sumner St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Mr. Molino: We have considered your request for an extension for full implementation of the risk management and prevention program (RMPP) for Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper. Due to your reported financial hardship, a one month extension for RMPP implementation will be granted provided that the following conditions are met. 1. Two 55 gallon drums of sodium cyanide wastes are transported for disposal on or before 4-23-93. A copy of the completed uniform hazardous waste manifest for the disposal of these drums will be provided with the letter requesting an extension for RMPP implementation. 2. A signed letter requesting a one month extension for RMPP implementation will be submitted to Bàkersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division on or before 4-23-93. The letter will clearly state the following: A. The remaining two and one half 55 gallon drums of sodium cyanide wastes will be transported for disposal on or before May 25, 1993. Include the name and address of the hazardous waste facility which will be accepting these wastes. B. A copy of the completed uniform hazardous waste manifest for disposal of the two and one half drums of sodium cyanide waste will be submitted to the Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division on or before June 1, 1993. .."" ";, .. e - Failure to either properly dispose of the all sodium cyanide wastes or to submit a request for an extension for· RMPP implementation, meeting the conditions stated above, by 4-23-93 will result in a citation for failure to implement a risk management and prevention program. Further extensions for RMPP implementation will not be granted. Failure to meet the terms of the extension will also result in a citation for failure to implement a RMPP. Uniform hazardous waste manifests must be retained for any disposal of the sodium cyanide waste. Sincerely, ~&/3~ Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey Michael Allford !" e - CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF SPECIAL REPORT April 26, 1993 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 OWNER: Simon J. Molino, Corporate President 9724 Shade Lane Pico Rivera, CA 90660 LOCATION: Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. 231 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 On January 23, 1991, Bakersfield Fire Department requested that Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. preparae a risk management and prevention program (RMPP) for the storage and use of the acutely hazardous materials sodium cyanid~ and sulfuric acid. On January 28, 1992, a notice of violation was issued to Mr. Molino for failure to prepare this RMPP within one year. To correct this violation, Mr. Molino submitted a brief RMPP document on February 14, 1992 stating that the sulfuric acid and the sodium cyanide would be removed from the premises. On April 1, 1992, a notice of violation was issued to Mr. Molino for failure to include an implementation schedule in a RMPP. On April 6, 1992, Mr. Molino submitted a schedule stating that the sodium cyanide would be disposed of by April 30, 1992. He had already sold and transported the sulfuric acid to Whittier Plating in Santa Fe Springs. On April 9, 1992, the Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division acknowledged the plan to eliminate the acutely hazardous materials, documented in the correspondence dated 2-14-92 and 4-6- 92; as an acceptable risk management and prevention program for Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. On April 30, 1992, Mr. Molino notified Bakersfield Fire Department that he had removed the sodium cyanide from the plating tank and placed it in 55 gallon drums. An inspection on August 7, 1992 resulted in a notice of violation issued to Mr. Molino for storage of a hazardous waste for more than 90 days without a permit, inadequate labeling of hazardous waste containers and storage of the sodium cyanide wastes in uncovered drums. On November 23, 1992, a second notice of violation was issued to Mr. Molino for storage of a hazardous waste for more than 90 days without a permit. An inspection of Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper on April 13, 1993 verified that the sodium cyanide remained on the premises at 231 Sumnercontained in 5, 55 gallon drums. A " notice of violation for failure to implement a risk management and prevention program within one year was issued. The hazardous waste storage violations have been refered to Kern County Environmental Health Services Department for enforcement action. ..... c" !'- e e Mr. Molino verbally requested a one month extension of the RMPP implementation date on April 16, 1993. He was asked to set a time to meet with Fire Department staff to discuss the terms of the extension but was unwilling to schedule'an appointment. A letter from Bakersfield Fire outlining the terms of a one month extension for disposal of part the cyanide material was hand delivered to Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper on April 19, 1993 and received by the facility manager, Ms. Bertha Sotello. Ms. Sotello was asked to have Mr. Molino call Ms. Brenner to discuss the seriousness of these violations. Mr. Molino has been unavailable to meet with Bakersfield Fire staff to discuss resolution of these continued violations and has failed to formally request an extension for RMPP implementation. He is in Bakersfield only occasionally and at unannounced times. Therefore, it is necessary to serve Mr. Molino a citation for failure to implement a risk management and prevention plan by mail. ~ ~ ",,¿ ~c~~{"~ ~ ~~ Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division 2 .e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" ~~ur Lf-d~ FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF APRIL 13, 1993 2101H STREET B.AKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 MR. SIMON MOLINO: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS BAKERSFIELD CHROME AND BUMPER, LOCATED AT 231 SUMNER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA ON 4-13-93, THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: J I· 1. The risk management and prevention program submitted on 4-9-92 has not been implemented. Sodium cyanide wastes have not been removed from the premises. CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION 25534 (k) Except as specified in subdivision (d) of Section 25535, the handler shall implement all activities and programs specified in the RMPP within one year following the certification made pursuant to subdivision (j). Implementation of the RMPP shall include carrying out all operating, maintenance, monitoring, inventory control, equipment inspection , auditing, recordkeeping, and training programs as required by the RMPP. The administering agency may grant an extension of this deadline upon a show of good cause. The above violation must be corrected ~il 2~. Failure to correct this violation willn~~~it ln a citation. The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Barbara Brenner at 326-3979., SincerelY,~ ß~\~<,r'-~r Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey Michael Allford, Deputy City Attorney -e . CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF APRIL 13, 1993 2101H STREET B.AKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 MR. SIMON MOLINO: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS BAKERSFIELD CHROME AND BUMPER, LOCATED AT 231 SUMNER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA ON 4-13-93, THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: 1. The risk management and prevention program submitted on 4-9-92 has not been implemented. Sodium cyanide wastes have not been removed from the premises. CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION 25534 (k) Except as specified in subdivision (d) of Section 25535, the handler shall implement all activities and programs specified in the RMPP within one year following the certification made pursuant to subdivision (j). Implementation of the RMPP shall include carrying out all operating, maintenance, monitoring, inventory control, equipment inspection , auditing, recordkeeping, and training programs as required by the RMPP. The administering agency may grant an extension of this deadline upon a show of good cause. The above violation must be corrected by April 23, 1993. Failure to correct this violation will result in a citation. The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Barbara Brenner at 326-3979. SinCerelY,~ Ç3~\Àt)~r~~r Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey. Michael Allford, Deputy City Attorney ~~(1) 'If.~~r:d -ro 13. ~ 01'4 t/~/3--q3. ~I'I} 10 fflJ. ~ Yhar- hCt3 (,ûl5-re. ,w111sr.s. mµ.M- UtJ a~qw.JU ill dO(.Vrrto1 ctSpoW.,,'$ ;Va(d l.U15lR. 1-13~ /BB ~ CUSTOMER: FINANCE CHARGE -------- e e FIRE - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION CUSTOMER ACCOUNT STATUS AS OF 03/09/94 FD00013 BAKERSFIELD CHROME & BUMPER CURRENT 30 DAYS 90 DAYS & OVER ACCOUNT BALANCE ~:. - - - - _0:",,,. ~ 60 DAYS ------- -------- -------- -------- 465.86 1. CHARGES 2. PAYMENTS 3. HISTORY (HARD COPY) OR <CR>=NEXT CUSTOMER 3 *** NOW PROCESSING *** YOUR ACCOUT HISTORY IS READY AT D.P. <CR> ,,; e e Page: ================================================================================ SUTL108 1 Account Billing/Collection Activity Inquiry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acct SSN Name Svc Add: 418301 Cyc St: Parcel: BAKERSFIELD CHROME 231 SUMNER ST CL Bill St: NO Cyc: 5 Rt: Svc CIs :e Seq: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amt due: Lst Pmt: Pmt Dte: Prior Date 01/01/94 01/01/93 01/01/92 01/01/91 02/15/90 1312.09 -2.18 04/25/91 Bills -- Balance 508.49 416.88 324.00 0.00 0.00 AND BUMPER INC Current Period Postings Date 02/01/94 03/01/94 03/01/94 Amount 8.72 37.70 16.30 Receipt :# Type B92 B91 B92 Desc FINANCE CHARGE PENALTY FINANCE CHARGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter 'I' For Billing History, 'P' To Print Report, 'D' For Detail Page, or '/C' For Credit and Deposit History or 'XX' To Exit .,¡ e e Page: 2 ==~============================================================================= SUTLI08 Account Billing/Collection Activity Inquiry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acct SSN Name Svc Add: 418301 Cyc St: Parcel: BAKERSFIELD CHROME 231 SUMNER ST Cyc: 5 Rt: Svc CIs :e CL Bill St: NO AND BUMPER INC Seq: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readings Cons Prev Rdg Curr Rdg Cons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/94 Fwd: Water: Sewer: Misc: Cred: Total: Amount $740.88 $0.00 $0.00 $508.49 $0.00 $1249.37 Type B92 B91 B92 B92 B92 B92 Misc Transactions Date 02/01/93 03/01/93 03/01/93 04/01/93 05/01/93 06/01/93 Receipt =It Amount 4.01 34.00 10.84 7.90 7.98 8.06 ================================================================================ Desc FINANCE CHARGE PENALTY FINANCE CHARGE FINANCE CHARGE FINANCE CHARGE FINANCE CHARGE Enter 'I' For More Billing History, '+, For More Postings, 'D' For Detail Postings,'/C' For Credit and Deposit History or 'XX' To Exit ,~ e e Page: 3 ==~============================================================================= SUTLI08 Account Billing/Collection Activity Inquiry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acct SSN Name Svc Add: 418301 Cyc St: Parcel: BAKERSFIELD CHROME 231 SUMNER ST CL Bill St: NO Cyc: 5 Rt: Svc CIs :e Seq: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readings AND BUMPER INC Cons Prev Rdg Curr Rdg Cons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/93 Fwd: Water: Sewer: Misc: Cred: Total: Amount $324.00 $0.00 $0.00 $416.88 $0.00 $740.88 Type B91 B92 B92 B92 B92 B92 Receipt # Misc Transactions Date 03/01/92 03/01/92 04/01/92 05/01/92 06/01/92 07/01/92 Amount 32.40 6.51 3.63 3.67 3.70 3.74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desc PENALTY FINANCE CHARGE FINANCE CHARGE FINANCE CHARGE FINANCE CHARGE FINANCE CHARGE Enter 'I' For More Billing History, 1+' For More Postings, 'D' For Detail Postings,'IC' For Credit and Deposit History or 'XX' To Exit ~: e . ==;============================================================================= Page: 4 Accaunt Billing/Callectian Activity Inquiry SUTL108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acct SSN Name Svc Add: 418301 Cyc St: Parcel: BAKERSFIELD CHROME 231 SUMNER ST CL Bill St: NO Cyc: 5 Rt: Svc CIs :e Seq: AND BUMPER INC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readings Cans Prev Rdg Curr Rdg Cans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/92 Amaunt Misc Transactians Fwd: $331.23 Type Desc Date AmQunt Receipt # Water: $0.00 B92 FINANCE CHARGE 02/01/91 0.31 Sewer: $0.00 B91 PENALTY 03/01/91 30.00 Misc: $362.83 B92 FINANCE CHARGE 03/01/91 6.34 Cred: $-370.06 99 PAYMENT 03/18/91 -150.00 31339 Tatal: $324.00 B92 FINANCE CHARGE 04/01/91 2.18 99 PAYMENT 04/01/91 -217.88 31576 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter '/' Far Mare Billing Histary, '+' Far Mare Pastings, 'D' Far Detail Pastings,'/C' Far Credit and Depasit Histary or 'XX' To. Exit ~ e . ==~============================================================================= Page: 5 Account Billing/Collection Activity Inquiry SUTL108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acct SSN Name Svc Add: 418301 Cyc St: Parcel: BAKERSFIELD CHROME 231 SUMNER ST CL Bill St: NO Cyc: 5 Rt: Svc CIs :e Seq: AND BUMPER INC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readings Cons Prev Rdg Curr Rdg Cons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/91 Amount Misc Transactions Fwd: $260.00 Type Desc Date Amount Receipt :# Water: $0.00 B91 PENALTY 05/01/90 26.00 Sewer: $0.00 B92 FINANCE CHARGE 05/01/90 5.23 Misc: $331. 23 99 PAYMENT 05/16/90 -260.00 16882 Cred: $-260.00 F14 HAZ MAT HANDLING FEE 01/01/91 300.00 Total: $331. 23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter '/' For More Billing History, 'D' For Detail Postings, '/C' for Credit and Deposit History or 'XX' To Exit ~ - . r Page: ==z============================================================================= 6 Account Billing/Collection Activity Inquiry SUTL108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acct SSN Name Svc Add: 418301 Cyc St: Parcel: BAKERSFIELD CHROME 231 SUMNER ST CL Bill St: NO Cyc: 5 Rt: Svc CIs :e Seq: AND BUMPER INC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readings Curr Rdg Cons Prev Rdg Cons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02/15/90 Fwd: Water: Sewer: Misc: Cred: Total: Amount $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $260.00 $0.00 $260.00 Misc Transactions Date ** 02/15/90 Amount 260.00 Receipt # Type Desc FFN ** Not on File -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter 'I' For More Billing History, 'D' For Detail Postings, '/C' for Credit and Deposit History or 'XX' To Exit :¡ Chein.a \J a s t e Man age men t, I- Inc. MRL AM3532 Profile # ~-. Date Printed'11/12/92 \ _) Check here if this is a Recertification \J A S T E PRO F I L E LOCATION OF ORIGINAL Midwest Regional Lab GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Generator Name: BAKERSFIELD. CHROME & BUMPER 2. Generator Address: 231 SUMNER ST Generator USEPA ID: CAT080028616 Bilting Address: (_) Same IJHITTIER DRUM AND VACUUM 13319 IMPERIAL HIGHIJAY BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 3. Technical Contact/Phone: BILL URLANZ 4. Alternate Contact/Phone:. 310/941-6934 IJH I TT I ER CA 90605 310/941-6934 Bill i rig Contact/Phone: PROPERTIES AND COMPOSITION 5. Process Generating IJaste: CHROME PLATING 6. IJaste Name: CYANIDE PLATING SLUDGE '7A. Is this a USEPA hazardous wast.e ,40 CFR Part 261)? Yes (X) No' ) B. Identify ALL USEPA listed and characteristic waste code nUmbers 'D,F,K,P,U): D009 F009 . l. "J:'::'. ." .. State IJaste Codes: 09DOOl ".' \ ' 8. Physical State jj) 70F: A"i.'·S6\f~i¿~:;t¡qÜid( ) Both'X) Gas'_) B. Single Layer ,_) Mul ti layer ,~) C. Free l iq. range -2. to -1i% . ~# ''''-':':''~ ..,....~:... , - - 9A. pH: Range 7.0 to 12.5 or,'Not ap~i'i2'~ble C) B. Strong Odor C);describe 10.Liquid Flash Point: < 73F (_) 73-99F C) .100-139F ,_) 140-199F (_) >= 200F ,~) N.A. ,_) Closed Cup (~) Open Cup ,_) 11. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION:. List ALL constituents 'incl. halogenated organics) present in any concentration and' forward analysis Constituents Range Unit Description METAL HYDROXIDES: SILVER, COPPER, CHROMIUM, LEAD, 45 to 90 % ~ ¡:: CADMIUM, NICKEL, SODIUM, POTASSIUM to .' POTASSIUM AND SODIUM CYANIDE .~ 5 5 to 25 % IJATER to 3D % to to TOTAL COMPOS IT ION 'MUST EQUAL, OR EXCEED 100%): 145.000000 12. OTHER: PCBs if yes, concentration _ ppm, PCBs regulated by 40 CFR 761 (). Pyrophoric') Explosive (_) Radioactive ,_) Benzene if yes, concentration ppm. ShOCK SensItive ,_) Oxidizer ,_) Carcinogen ,_) Infectious ,_) Other 13. If waste subject to the land ban & meets treatment standards, check here: _ & supply analytical results where applicable. SHIPPING INFORMATION 14. PACKAGING: Bulk Sol id (_) Bulk Liquid (_) Drum ,~) Type/Size: 55 GALLON DRUM Other 15. ANTICIPATED ANNUAL VOLUME: 5 Units: DRUMS Shipping Frequency: ONE TIME SAMPLING INFORMATION 16a. Sample'source (drum, lagoon, pond, tank, vat, etc.): DRUM Samplè Tracking Number: 1011449 Date Sampled: 9/22/92 Sampler's Name/Company: BILL 16b. Generator's Agent Supervising Sampling: UHITTIER DRUM & VACUUM, INC 17. (~) No sample required 'See instructions.) GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that all information submitted in this and all attached documents contains true and accurate descriptions of this waste./ ny sample submitted is representative as defined in 40 CFR 261 - Appendix I or by using an equivalent method. All relevant ~nf rmation re9a~óír1g \nown 0 suspected hazards in the possession offt enerator has been disclosed. I authorize CUM to 0 fro any wast hjpment for purposes of recertification! IJ ( ? //'?¿ 7 D te ··led on recycled paper.~ Date Printed ·11/12/92 -e e .. MRL AM3532 Profile # 18. This is a Nonwastewater. 19. If this waste is subject to any California list restrictions enter the letter from below (either A, B.l or B.2) next to each restriction that is applicable: ___ HOCs, ___ PCBs, ___ Acid, ___ Metals, ___ Cyanides 20. Identify ALL Characteristic and Listed USEPA hazardous waste numbers that apply (as defined by 40 CFR 261). For each waste number, identify the subcategory (as applicable, check none, or write in the description from 40 CFR 268.41, 268.42, and 268.43). . , A. US EPA B. SUBCATEGORY C. APPLICABLE TREATMENT D. HOY MUST HAZARDOUS Enter the subcategory description. STANDARDS THE WASTE BE REF \JASTE CODE(S) If not applicable, SPECIFIED MANAGED? simply check none PERFORMANCE- TECHNOLOGY: # BASED: If applicable Enter tetter Check as applicable enter the 40 CFR 268.42 from below table 1 treatment code(s) DESCRIPTION NONE 268.41(a) 268.43(a 268,42 1 0009 LOW MERCURY < 260 PPM X A 2 F009 X X X A 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 Management under the land disposal restrictions: A. RESTRICTED \JASTE REQUIRES TREATMENT B.1 RESTRICTED \JASTE TREATED TO PERFORMANCE STANDARDS B.2 RESTRICTED \JASTES FOR \JHICH THE TREATMENT STANDARD IS EXPRESSED AS A SPECIFIED TECHNOLOGY (AND THE \JASTE HAS BEEN TREATED BY THAT TECHNOLOGY) B.3 GOOD FAITH ANALYTICAL CERTIFICATION FOR INCINERATED ORGANICS C. RESTRICTED \JASTE SUBJECT TO A VARIANCE D. RESTRICTED \JASTE CAN BE LAND DISPOSED \JITHOUT FURTHER TREATMENT E. NOT CURRENTLY SUBJECT TO LAND DISPOSAL RESTRICTIONS 21. Is this waste a soil and/or debris? No: ~ Yes, Soi I: Yes, Debris: _ Yes, Both: _ 22. Specific Gravity Range: _____ to _____ 23. Indicate the range of each: Units Cyanides: 5 to 20 " Type (free, tota l, amenable, etc. ) TOTAL Cyanides: None to Type (free, total, amenable, etc. ) ··r· Sulfides: ~ 3 to MG/L Type TOTAL Optional Phenolics: ~ 10 to MG/L 24. Identify the waste color T-BROVN 5%, B-BRO\JN 95" , DOT physical state Liquid and physical appearance T-CLEAR LO\J VISC LIQUID, S-MUD LI KE SOLI D ! Printed on recycled paper.@ I I Date Printed 11/12/92 -e . !:!8.h AM3532. Profi le # ¿~. COMPLETE ONLY FOR YASTES INTENDED FOR FUELS OR INCINERATION TOTAL Beryllium as Be < 5000 Potassium as K > 99999 Sodium as Na > 99999 Bromine as Br < to 5 Chlorine as Cl < to 5 Fluorine as F < .to 5 Sulfur as S < 26. RECLAMATION, FUELS or INCINERATION PARAMETERS (Provide if information is available) , RANGE ppm A. Heat Value (Btu/lb): ----1- 4000 ppm S. Yater: ppm C. Viscosity (cps): _____@_____F _ 100 150 F X D. Ash: 59.30 X X E. Settleable solids: 95.00 X X F. Vapor Pressure @ STP (mm/Hg): X G. Is this waste a pumpable liquid? Yes No ~ H. Can this waste be heated to improve flow? Yes No ~ I. Is this waste soluble in water? Yes ~ No J. Particle size: ~ill the solid portion of this waste pass through a 1/8 inch screen? Yes _ No ~ 27. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION A. Is this a DOT Hazardous Material? Yes ~ No B. Proper Shipping Name: ~ASTE CYANIDE SOLUTION, N.O.S. (F009) RQ (0009) C. DOT Regulations: North America Hazard Class: ORM-E I.D. NA9189 D. CERCLA Reportable Quantity (RQ) and units (Lb, Kg): Lb 28. SPECIAL HANDLING INFORMATION _ Material Safety Data Sheets Attached 29. OTHER INFORMATION 30. CHEMICAL ~ASTE MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION Chemical ~aste Management, Inc. has all the necessary permits and licenses for the waste that has been characterized and identified by this approved profile. Prinledon recycled paper.@ '. e . (\ Date Printed 11/12/92 MRl~ Profi le # 31. OTHER HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENTS Indicate i.f the waste contains any of the following. METALS TClP InformatIon: TCA or TOTAL Check only ONE for each constituent TClP Data Use units: ppm, mg/l. mg/kg Use units: ccn. mall or percent TC Equal Cal1fornJa lIst less Regulated or \Jaste TClP Equal Actual Than level More No. Actual less Regulated or Thar Level More Arsenic as As X 5.0 mall D004 X 500 mqfl Barium as Ba X 100.0 mall D005 Cadmium as Cd X 1.0 mall 0006 X 100 mc¡fl Chromium tot Cr X 5.0 mall 0007 lead as Pb X 5.0 mall 0008 X 500 ·mq/l Mercurv as HCI .2 mall X 0009 X 20 mall 3.71 pom Selenium as Se X 1.0 mall D010 X 100 mall Sit ver as AQ X 5.0 mall bOll Nickel as Ni X 134 mall Thall ium as" Tl X 130 mall Chromium Hex X 500 mall Antimonv Bervllium CODDer Vanadium Zinc ~ Printed on recycled paper.@ Generator Name: LAN~ ~SAL NOTIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION FORM ~ Manifest Doc. No.:; State Manifest No: ~, CUM Profile Number: 1. Check OwE: ThIS IS a Nonwastewater ~astewater 2. If this waste Is subjeët to any California List restrictions enter the letter from below (either A, 8.1, or 8.2) next to each restriction that is applicable: HOCs, ___ PCBs, ___ Acid, ___ Metals, Cyanides 3. TOentify ALL USEPA hazardous wa~te codes tnãt apply to this waste shipment, as defined by 40 CFR 261. For each waste code, identify the corresponding subcatagory, or check NONE if the waste code has no subcategory. Also check which treat~nt standards apply. Spent solvent and California List treatment standards are listed on the following page. If FD39, multi- source leachate applies, those standards must be attached by the generator. 4. US EPA 5. SUBCATEGORY 6. APPLICABLE TREATMENT 7. HOU MUST HAZARDOOS ENTER THE SUBCATEGORY DESCRIPTION. STANDARDS TilE \lASTE BE REF \lASTE COOE(S) IF NOT APPLICABLE, 6. a - 6.b - SPECIFIED MANAGED? SIMPLY CHECK NONE PERFORMANCE· TECHNOLOGY: /I BASED: IF APPLICABLE ENTER LETTER CHECK AS APPLICABLE ENTER THE 40 CFR 268.42 FROH BELO'J TABLE 1 TREATMENT CODE(S) DESCRIPTION NONE 2bB. 41( a) 2bB.45(a 268.42(a) 1 ., , , 4 5 / Addltlona USEPA waste code(s) and Sl.bCate orv' SI are provIded on t e sUtJOtementat sheet (CI,IM-200' -B): II o HOU MUST THE \lASTE BE MANAGED? In column 7 above, enter the letter (A, B1, 82, 83, C, or D) below that describes how the waste must be mðnaged to comply with the land disposal regulations (40 CFR 268.7). Please understand that if you enter the letter B1, 82, B3, or D, you are making the appropriate certification as provided below. ' A. RESTRICTED ~ASTE REQUIRES TREATMENT This waste must be treated to the applicable treatment standards set forth in 40 CFR Part 268 Subpart 0, 268.32, or RCRA Section 3004(d). 8.1 RESTRICTED \lASTE TREATED TO PERFORMANCE STANDARDS "I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the treatment technology and oper- ation of the treatment process used to support this certification and that, based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining this information, I believe that the treatment process has been operated and main- tained properly so as to comply with the performance levels specified in 40 CFR part 268 Subpart D and all applicable prohibitions set forth in 40 CFR 268.32 or RCRA Section 3004(d) without impermissible dilution of the prohibited waste. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting a false certification, including the possibility of fine and i~risorment." B.2 RESTRICTED ~ASTES FOR ~HICH THE TREATMENT STANDARD IS EXPRESSED AS A SPECIFIED TECHIIOLOGY (AND THE ~ASTE HAS BEEN TREATED BY THAT TECHNOLOGY) "I cert ify under pena l ty of the law that the waste has been treated in 'accordance wi th the requi rements of 40 CFR 268.42. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting a false certification, including the possibility of fine and i~risorment." ' B.3 GOOD FAITH ANALYTICAL CERTIFICATION FOR INCINERATED ORGANICS' "I èertify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the treatment technology and operation of the treatment process used to support this certification and that, besed upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining this Information, I believe that the nonwastewater organic constituents have been treated by incineration in units operated in accordance with 40 CFR Part 264 Subpart 0 or Part 265 Subpart 0, or by combustion in fuel substitution units operating in accordance with applicable technical requirements, and I have been unðble to detect the nonwastewater organic constituents despite having used best good faith efforts to analyze for such constituents. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting a false certification, including the possibility of fine and i~risorment." C. RESTRICTED \lASTE SUBJECT TO A VARIANCE This waste is subject to a national capacity variance, or a case-by-case extension. Enter the effective date of pro- hibition in column 7 above. . D. RESTRICTED ~ASTE CAN BE LAND DISPOSED ~ITHOUT FURTHER TREATMENT "! have determined that this waste meets all applicable treatment standards set forth in 40 CFR Part 268 Subpart D, and all applicable prohibition levels set forth in Section 268.32 or RCRA Section 3004(d), and therefore, can be land disposed without further treatment. A copy of all applicable treatment stàndards and specified treatment methods is maintained at the treat~nt, storage and disposal facility named above. NI certify under penalty of law that I personally have examined and am familiar with the waste through analysis and testing or through knowledge ,of the waste to support this certification that the waste c~lies with the tre8t~nt standards specified In 1,0 CFR Part 268 S\bpart D and all applicable prohibitions set forth on 40 CFR 268.32 or RCRA section 3004(d). I . .. believe that the information I submitted is true, accurate and c~lete. I am aware that there are sIgnIfIcant penalties for submitting false certifications, Including the possibility of 8 fine and hrprisorment."" E. ~ASTE IS NOT CURRENTLY SUBJECT TO PART 268 RESTRICTIONS This waste is a newl identified waste that is not currentl ere y c.e(~~~at a ':\n ,Ormat10 s . Ht In t IS a a assoclat best of my ~l ge a~ írit \tiO , p signatur{ . fY'---->..1.1 . 0 Title / /(þ"J:~'( Date '- C emlca ~8Ste Management, Inc. - 7/17/90 - Form C\IH·2001-A '- f\ ,,\. " -e . !:!Rh ð!illE Profi le # Oate Printed 11/12/92 32. OTHER HAZAROOUS CONSTITUENTS Indicate if the waste contains any of the following. ORGANICS TCLP InformatIon: TCLP Oata TCA or TOTAL Check only ONE for each constituent Use units: ppm, mg/l or % Equal TCLP AnalytIcal Less Regulated or \laste Test Resul ts Than Level More No. Use units: Porn or mq/l Benzene X 0.5 m<J!1 0018 , Carbon Tetrachloride X 0.5 mq/l 0019 Chlordane X 0.03 mq/l 0020 Chlorobenzene X 100.0 mq/l 0021 Chloroform X 6.0 mq/l 0022 m-Cresol X 200 mg/l 0024 o-Cresol X 200.0 mq/l 0023 p-Cresol X 200.0 mq/l 0025 Cresol X 200.0'mq/l 0026 2 4-0 X 10.0 mq/l 0016 1 '4 Oichlorobenzene X 7.5 moll 0027 1 2-0ichloroethane X 0.5 mq/l 0028 1 1-0ichloroethvlene X 0.7 mq/l 0029 2 4-0initrotoluene X 0.13 mq/l 0030 Endrin X .02 mq/l 0012 HePtachlor & Hydroxide X 0.008 mq/l 0031 Hexachloro-1,3 Butadiene X 0.5 mq/l 0033 Hexachlorobenzene X 0.13 moll D032 Hexachloroethane X 3.0 mq/l 0034 Lindane X 0.4 mq/l 0013 Methoxychlor X 10.0 mq/l 0014 Methyl Ethyl Ketone X 200.0 mqfl 0035 Nitrobenzene X 2.0 mq/l 0036 . Pentachlorophenol X 100.0 mq/l 0037 Pyridine X 5.0 mq/l 0038 , Tetrachloroethvlene X 0.7 mq/l 0039 T oxaohene X 0.5 mg/l 0015 2 4 5-TP si lvex X 1.0 mg/l 0017 Trichloroethylene X 0.5 moll 0040 2 4 5-Trichlorophenol X 400.0 mg/l 0041 2.4 6-Trichlorophenol X 2.0 moll 0042 VinYL Chloride X 0.2 moll 0043 -¡-. Printed on recycled paper.@ '.' TRADE WAST~NCINERATIOÑ WASTE PROFILJltHEET ADDENDUM Waste Type: ð\u\ WPS# A(Y\?:>S~ L Q 'Waste Origin: Mark all that apply: ÐsamPling Method: (If miscellaneous special waste, disregard) I certify that I have obtained a representative ~ample of the waste described in the Generator's Waste Material Profile Sheet referenced above according to sampling methods specified in SW-846 or equivalent methods. If an equivalent method was used, describe below: 2. Lab Pack Certification (if non-Lab Pack disregard): I have read and understand the CWM-TWI Lab Pack Guidelines and certify that these Lab. Packs have been packed according to CWM-TWI Lab Pack Guidelines. ~ certify to the best of my kno~ledge that this waste does not contain any of the following materials. If a listed item is present, indicate which of these materials are present by circling and initialing the item on the lis~. Trichloro-monofluoro-methane(Freon 11»lOOOppm Dichloroditluoro methane(Freon 12»1000 ppm Tribromomethane(BrOmoform»lOOOppm 2,4,5 T or 2,4,5 TP EPA Waste Codes F020-F023,F026,F027 & F028 Lead acid or cadmium batteries Silvex Thorium Compounds Uranium Compounda Infectious Compounds Dioxins Compressed Gases(excluding a.roøol ~anB) , ~I certify that this waste has been evaluated for the presence of the following compounds and that any of the following materials, if known to be present in the waste, have been disclosed. Air ReactiveB Halodorous Compounds Ethyl Ether Vermiculite Water Reactive Constituents Thermic. ~ I certify that beryllium ___is or )( is not present. Ð certify tha,t mercury L is or _ is not present. If mercury ia present then: I certify chaC mercury is present as one ot the following sub-categories, ~D009-10W mercury«260mg/l)wastes c=J D009-hiqh(>260mq/l)organic wa.te. that are not incinerator or RKERC residues c=I X106-1ow mercury«26Omç/l)wa~te. c:] P06S-any mercury concentration provided waste is not inéinerator or RKERC residue c=J P092-any mercury concentration provided waste is not incinerator or RMERC residue c:J U151-low mercury«26Omg/l)waatee c=J NON-HAZ-containa low mercury«260mq/l)and ia not characteri.tic for D009 I certifr under penaltr ot law that thia docuaent and all attachaenta were prepared under .Y direction or aupervilionin accordance with a Irlt.. deaigned to as.ure that qualified perlonnel properlr gather and e.,aluate the inforaation aubaittod. Þ.od on ay inquiry of the person or p.rlonl who aanage the ay.t.., or tho.e perlon. directly reaponsible far gatheriAg the iAforaation, the intaraatian aubaitted is, to the b.at of ar knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and coaplete, I .. aware that there are significant penaltiel for subaittiAg falae intoraatlon, iAcludinCj the po..ibi~ itr of in..e a~d prilonaent for knowing .,.ialations. ~ f),' oJ. . ~ ~ 1 (t? r:, I'._-r-Ç ).l{rtL ._i . __::t ./l-i...-' ~ / c '.' 0 ¡IV u '(.,¡:'':S, Hqnature Name (Print) Title ',.-." .' . . CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" Mr. Simon Molino: J- fYllX,'IlO CClI/ed, lie. W,·u. ~ ---/r()if$Fif-k ¿ Jòf' cÞ "SpCfAQ ~ 1- J -C¡3 . /\1., BA~~~~~ESLT;'E9E3~01 +Ü.. i4 {t¿ {1jZb ~ )j{)./-¡jq ~ ~c.e --Me,. Uf-ltft 326-3911 November 23, 'i~h rtf cJ;.jpJ,rJ iJ .&-1. . 1;2 'f1(9;. FIRE DEPARTMENT S, D JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- In the inspection of your business Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper located at 231 Sumner Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 on 11-17-92 the following hazardous materials regulation (' violations were identified: 1. SODIUM CYANIDE WASTE HAS BEEN STORED ON SITE FOR MORE THAN 90 DAYS WITHOUT A PERMIT FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE. VIOLATION OF 40 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS SUB PART C, PART 262.34, Accumulation time Except as provided in paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, a generator may accumulated hazardous waste on-site for 90 days or less without a permit or without having interim status, provided that: (1) The waste is placed in containers and the generator complies with Subpart I of 40 CFR Part 265, or the waste is placed in tanks and the generator complies with Subpart J of 40 CFR Part 265, except 265.197(c) and 265.200. In addition, such a generator is exempt from all the requirements in Subparts G and H of 40 CFR Part 265, except for 265.11 and 265.114.. (2) The date upon which each period of accumulation begins is clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container. l' LØ3tß not L1Q% ~ ~-Cß .6t~- ,.(be ~; \ ùí(J -\b \ MVllLfY1e;r)-\- ~ pç> . ~\) - 2/2ð-q~ p ....~ . - (3) While being accumulated on-site, each container and tank is labeled or marked clearly with the words, "Hazardous Waste", and (4) The generator complies with the requirements for owners or operators in Subparts C and D in 40 CFR Part 265 and with 265.16. (b) A generator who accumulates hazardous waste for more than 90 days is an operator of a storage facility and is subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Parts 254 and 265 and the permit requirements of 40 CFR Part 270 unless he has been granted an extension to the 90 day period. Such extension may be granted by EPA is hazardous wastes must remain on-site for longer than 90 days due to unforeseen, temporary, and uncontrollable circumstances. an extension of up to 30 days may be granted at the discretion of the Regional Administrator on a case-by- case basis. In September, Steve Baldonado of Whittier Drum and Vacuum, called in regard to the solid cyanide wastes. He indicated that testing would be complete and that a date of transfer to Chern Waste Management would be supplied to this office by September 16, 1992. You must proceed with disposal arrangements immediately and notify me of the transfer date by December 17, 1992. Failure to correct these violations will result in enforcement action. The department will schedule a re- inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me at .326-3979. Sincerely, 0~ Q /'" ~ <"0 Co -rÇ-..~Xe-~_ ' Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Michael Allford, Qeputy City Attorney .' DEPT. For your information For your handling let's discuss Sign and return copies Investigate Approval Please Advise Your File F"'m_ ~ 1.,,, -f (7 f( Rf « -;::. '-"':'r':~ .....-: ~ ''"I e ~?;~5~ /?-'.;~;:/:-'>\ (\~( ~~:'~'i \\.',<~ .¿. .' / ~~~i;/ -- A8 (rl Z66l vI 9nV M ~~t%~~~~~ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 LAWREJ'\CE \1 Ll':--':ARDlNI CITY A TTOR\EY PH, 805-326-3721 FAX 805-325-9162 ASSISTA1\T CITY ATTORNEYS: ROBERT \1. SHERFY ALAN D. DANIEL LOUISE T ClOSS JOHN D. CI.OSS August 13, 1992 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEYS: LAURA C. MARINO ALLEN M. SHAW WALTER H. PORRo JR, MICHAEL G, ALLFORD r·lr. i>lo1ino Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper 231 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Violations of Hazardous Materials Regulations Dear Mr. Molino: It has come to the attention of this office that the above 'business is in violation of 40 Code of Federal Regulations subpart c, part 262.34 (accumulation of hazard waste on site) and Uniform Fire Code 80.301 (uncovered drums containing sodium cyanide waste liquids. It is my understanding that you have been notified by Ms. Barbara Brenner, Hazardous Materials Planning' Technician, of these violations. . The specific remedial action necessary to correct the above violations has been detailed to you in correspondence by Ms. Brenner dated August 7, 1992. The purpose of this letter is to further impress upon you the need to take immediate remedial action. With that goal in mind, I must inform you that failure to correct these violations on or before September 7, 1992, may necessitate legal action, including, but not limited to, misdemeanor citations and/or injunctive relief. ',"",<".-'~ e r..;_ :: ~ -:-_ . ... ..-," \ Ø\,1\¿1V.,~\ . I wr(\W' Ð rv [). '\JJ. {\(¡.) ,~~¡. {\O (p . oi". fÝ'~I¡\cJl -')ifv ^' 0'1{:. ~ ^rlIt~). \Y~ . "\) =",S v 1{'(,tJ I" '4 rP', >¡ , .~-~. -. \¡\.Þ ~v. .,¡JI):,) ~. 0 \ _ oJ{w . ' IS 1-' ..n\:, 'c'¡L V> .Iß<Y' '<;t . ¥.-'" ' ~ 0 --\-,v vY q.t~ í 'I'" ,¡Ò . . rÞ -;t:,':;. ().- -'\0 0'0' ~\)V ;)'1;,. . \~ r-fì~-b y..,c, ~_'::> oØ to\<I \¿;"'L . .~v ~ .,{'L~. I >... ~~ { ~~ '''' (,Pif-Y ~ Û'"' ,,"- ()\~ -So . r?' \-tò '$î'// ~ "f-;;I..'ØJ !O- ~~/ ltY 7 ~, ~ \~ ;. ..l","F- .~' e ~-;-:r ~ e Hr. Molino Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper Re: Violations of Hazardous Materials Regulations August 13, 1992 I thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation and, should you have any questions concerning the necessary remedial action or require further information, please c9ntact Barbara Brenner directly at (805) 326-3979. Very truly yours, -- .;Z·'J;'{l:a¿//~:;. ~~li!,lk:d MICHAEL G. ALLFORD Deputy City Attorney cc: Barbara Brenner, Hazardous Materials Technician MGA:gp HZRDSMAT\BFDCROME. L TR -:--- e Bakersfield Fire Dept. e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION . {J /1 /c¡~ Date Completed Business Name: & i'1fJr1- {Ie!. (;-)1' nrl! t Bf'7[Je-T location: 231 t ,t::;UfY)""¡(P ~--L \ Business Identification No. 215-000 09B (Top of Business Plan) Station No. _HOt?, (f¡(Kí Shift Inspector ~ ·13~,. Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: . Adequate Inadequate D D D D 0 0 0 0 o Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: o o o o o Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly labeled Comments: o o o o o Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: fÝov o 1 '"KrvfPP Fo/{O{)JcJD. 5or£·ut'V/ Ct.¡Qn,& I Waf)T~. Now S7ò("ftf Ù\J (ð X S<Ç . 9,r¡~ c}(7)¡YIS i/L ~ C!.e Cf~J· Violations: / 4óe /,/\ 1 ~ f'1Jú y>' /1/ Co rr/e, 'lie '5 is i redP'b JCL'Ú i 3 r!.(Uf>15 tVf'/r: A/CO JefùJ. f\I () tJ i5 5~¿ . Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) All Items O.K. 0 Correction Needed ? White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy ~ ~ e - - "1- FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of ·BAKERSFIELD ~;AR~ --.. Sri~ AUGUST 7, 1992 7( ¡qC(d.- ~..\~l 2101 H STREET t\ V Ovc...... ~ '\0 .. BAKERSFIELD, 93301 V\--';\9.J JT 326-3911 tft0 _ ?#Ð ~\Cb~1J ~CU ~6'. MR. MOLINO:' NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS BAKERSFIELD CHROME & BUMPER, LOCATED AT 231 SUMNER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 ON 8-7~92 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ,REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: 1. SODIUM CYANIDE WASTE HAS BEEN STORED ON SITE FOR MORE THAN 90 DAYS WITHOUT A PERMIT FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE. THE SODIUM CYANIDE WASTE CONTAINERS WERE NOT ADEQUATELY LABELED. VIOLATION OF 40 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS SUB PART C, PART 262.34, Accumulation time Except as provided in paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, a generator may accumulated hazardous waste on-site for 90 days or less without a permit or without having interim status, provided that: (1) The waste is placed in containers and the generator complies with Subpart I of 40 CFR Part 265, or the waste is placed in tanks and the generator complies with Subpart J of 40 CFR Part 265, except 265.197(c) and 265.200. In addition, such a generator is exempt from all the requirements in Subparts G and H of 40 CFR Part 265, except for 265.11 and 265.114. (2) The date upon which each period of accumulation begins is clearly ma~ked and visibl~ for inèpection on each container. (3) While being accumulated on-site, each container and tank is labeled or marked clearly with the words, "Hazardous Waste", and (4) The generator complies with the requirements for i., ..~.... - . - -- -' ......- .... - - ..' owners or operators in Subparts C and D in 40 CFR Part 265 and with 265.16. (b) A generator who accumulates hazardous waste for more than 90 days is an operator of a storage facility and is subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265 and the permit requirements of 40 CFR Part 270 unless he has been granted an extension to the 90 day period. Such extension may be granted by EPA is hazardous wastes . must remain on-site for longer than 90 days due to unforeseen, temporary, and uncontrollable circumstances. an extension of up to 30 days may be granted at the discretion of the Regional Administrator on a case-by- case basis. 2. SEVERAL OF THE DRUMS CONTAINING SODIUM CYANIDE WASTE LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS WERE UNCOVERED. VIOLATION OF UFC 80.301 (e) Security. The storage of hazardous materials shall be safeguarded with such protective facilities as public safety requires. The above violations must be corrected by SEPTEMBER 7, 1992. Failure to correct these violations will result in enforcement action. The department will schedule a re- inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact· me at 326-3979. Sincerely, ~~ ~~<' Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey,Hazardous Materials Coordinator Michael Allford, Deputy City Attorney e . PROOF OF PUBLICATION Proof of Publication of: State of California -ss County of Kern - 16008 I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of 18 years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the assistant principal clerk of the printer of The Bakersfield Californian, a newspaper of general circula- tion, printed and published daily in the City of Bakersfield, county of Kern, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Kern, State of California, under date of February 5, 1952, Case Number 57610; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: PUBLIC NOTICE . r PuBlJC NòTîœ- - I I A RIsk Management and Preven. . _ . tlon Program (RMPP) baa been prepared by Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Ine. loeated at 231 ¡ Sumner St., Bakersfield, CA. The RMPP describes programs and controls designed to prevent a II hazardous materials accident. This RMPP will be available for publle review until May 29, 1992 at I the Bakersfield Fire Department, I.. _ Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Sf., Bakern!iel1, CA 93.'101, Con- , ) tact Barbara brMller ¡or informa- . lion reg.rdin¡; ¡i,v' RMPP. ., April 13, 1992 (16iJfJ8¡ ! 4/13 all in the year 1992 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and corr- ect.~ ~ . .uJ~ ~9na ure Dated at Bakersfield, Ca APRIL 13, 1992 ROSLYN T. WILLIAMS PROOF OF PUBLICATION ¡PROOF of Story ~ tH6008~ iReqwested by O.1A~!ELL (~Fi&03) en 4/0~/~2 8:42: 16 .. ~d ro ~1600B Ad type V Basket CENSOR 1 !Entered BV iOJAN!ELL On 4/09/~2 ~t 8:42 Fer ftO.1AN!ELL Account 326391~BAK Cl&ss 397 ~aoe FKRE DEPTG BAKERSFIELD Pho~e (B05~ 32i&39!! Addr 210ft H STREET GB/PO PUB NOTKC!E City ÐAKEiRSFKELD State CA Zip 9330! ~d Start 4/~3/92 Tiaes! stop 4/&3/~2 ~ate LR 22 Billing lines 1.49 Inches Total ~!qG80 Adcost 19GBO lfIlet'31arks:: " .{-., "~, . LNtc< J(N~l1'f· TEXT _________L______________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------- 11 2 3 4 (STVL) p~k\'l ] g1 (q)) (A2)PUBL]C NOTICE¢qc) (Ai> <q)} A Risk Manage~ent and Pre~en- t Í1 on PrllJl¡g¡1!~ao (RMP¡¡::t) hêlls been pll~efPIarœi'c.c1 by 1Biìlk12'lI~sfi /!!'Jld C!h1~~( J¡D12' , iìlmJ'! Jau!3perj) Inc.. Jlocat/!!'d! a~ 23j¡: S!L.u::Jner St.. 1'1 Bakersf:ñeJldl'l (CiA.. Tlhœ- ¡{ft ,¡,rll _ ( ) R~PP describes pro¡g¡rêllDs and ~c , p r (\ controJls designed t.o pb"e~ent a ' [)\LI./, , ha2.:rrdo!L.!ls Qateb~ið]S accident" ^ Vlll\\.\ 1"ll _, This RMPP will !be avai·lab]e 1/'or: ) \Cà' cl(A,t, ~N'\,¡ 'ð)~5 -.7'5.þ~ pll.~bHc re~i\?~ !L.mt.il ~ay 2$\1', 11'9192 iìlt(}o.~ 1'v the JBakersfie1\d !Fire JDœ-lPab~tDœ-nt~ rÌ)V' ':)!wro ~ to fY\.£X(\{., J'- Ha2é\!rd1lJl1I.QS Mæ..ter:ñaDs Khvis:ñon 21130 - r 'f L.(,>.- '" 1. ' G St", JBal\(ers1/'ie1lc.c1... CA ¢3>3301lø COU'b- ~oJ ().ð; 1}v·~\ot\.; t~t Biìlrbiìl~Ð Brenner for in1/'orD~- ~~~ ~-~'1~ t:ñon re~ardin~ this RMPP.. (qJl) , ~V ~pri] 131'1 1\~~2 (1\~OOB) <q]) -l 5 ~ -; a <9 1\0 11 î 1\2 :!I 3 :!l4 :!IS H., 1\7 JIB .119 . . CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF April 9, 1992 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 Simon Molino Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. 231 Sumner St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Mr. Molino: Bakersfield Fire has completed review of your plan to eliminate the sulfuric acid and sodium cyanide from the premises of Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper. The elimination of storage and use of these materials fulfills the requirement for the preparation of a Risk Management and Prevention Plan. We will conduct inspections of the facility to verify implementation of the proposed plan. Be certain to retain the disposal manifests for the sodium cyanide so that you will have proof that the material was properly disposed of. Please call me at 326-3979 if I can be of any assistance regarding hazardous materials planning. Sincerely, £CÀ~c-r~ \3('-~~J' Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician . cc: Ralph Huey ~~. ., .. e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF April 8, 1992 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 The Bakersfield Californian Legal Notice Division P.O. Bin 440 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Dear Sir: Please publish the following public notice one time only. A Risk Management and Prevention Program (RMPP) has been prepared by Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. located at 231 Sumner St., Bakersfield, CA. The RMPP describes programs and controls designed to prevent a hazardous materials accident. This RMPP will be available for public review until May 25, 1992 at the Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G St. Bakersfield, CA 93301. Contact Barbara Brenner for information regarding this RMPP. The bill for this service should be sent to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G St., Bakersfield, CA 93301. Please fax me a copy of this notice for proof review and note the date on which it will appear in the paper. Our fax number is 395-1349. If you need any further information regarding this legal notice, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, ß&>.~~·c.- r-\3~. (" Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey ~~-- ~. -.),~:..- ,:þ;. · City afBakersfad Fire Department .-.. . ;'21 0111H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date: 4-8 Fax Phone No. (805) 395-1349 Office (805) 326-3941 ,19~ PLEASE ROUTE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO: Name: LQ_c\0L- \): J; "S', ~Ç) f) Company/Organization: hA M~f" lc\ (AL+'CN'c.- Fax No. Sending Message to: 38¡ 5 -;.5'-(0 --------------------------------------- FROM: Name: í3A I\.Q (::-f ~ tel ¡~ ((' J Contact Person: 'tS~A-i,A¡ brç J'"\.0&( Number of Pages (including cover sheet): 3 Description of Materials Sent:J ~ÙD\¡G N~'CQ.5 r~(' rvb\ìCPFriC/\ Special Instructions:··' -1" ..:- .,~_/~ e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D.JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF ~ rJ;pJ ~ 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 APRIL 1, 1992 MR. SIMON MOLINO, NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS BAKERSFIELD CHROME AND BUMPER LOCATED AT 231 SUMNER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 ON 4-1-92 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: ;;:1. A RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE HAS NOT BEEN SUBMITTED. ~~ \~~ VIOLATION OF CH. 6.95 CALIFORNIA HEALTH ~\\g~ & SAFETY CODE 25534 (c) The Risk Management and Prevention Program shall be prepared within 12 months following the request made by the administering agency pursuant to this section. The RMPP shall include all of the following elements: (1) A description of each accident involving acutely hazardous materials which has occurred at the business or facility within three years from the date of the request made pursuant to subdivision (a), together with a description of the underlying causes of the accident and the measures taken, if any, to avoid a recurrence of a similar accident. (2) A report specifying the nature, age, and condition of the equipment used to handle acutely hazardous materials at the business or facility and any schedules for testing and maintenance. (3) Design, operating, and maintenance controls which minimize' the risk of an accident involving acutely hazardous materials. (4) Detection, monitoring, or automatic control systems to minimize potential acutely hazardous materials accident risks. ,.- ~ e .e (5) A schedule for implementing additional steps to be taken by the business, in response to the findings of the assessment performed pursuant to subdivision (d), to reduce the risk of an accident involving acutely hazardous materials. These actions may include any of the following: (A) Installation of alarm, detection, monitoring, or automatic control devices. (B) Equipment modifications. repairs, or additions. (C) Changes in the operations, procedures, maintenance schedules, or facility design. (6) Auditing and inspection programs designed to allow the handler to confirm that the RMPP is effectively carried out. (7) Recordkeeping procedures for the RMPP. 2~ THE PLATING TANKS ARE NOT PROPERLY LABELED. ...\qx~(;1 VIOLATION OF UFC 80.301 and Bakersfield \ ~\): tJ Municipal Code 15.64.345 ~ Section 80.30l(d) of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: (d) Signage. In addition to the hazardous identification signs required by Section 80.l04(e), stationary aboveground tanks shall be placarded with hazard identification signs as specified in U.F.C. Standard No. 79-3 or with other labels or signs approved by the Chief, for the specific material contained. Signs prohibiting smoking shall be provided in storage areas and within 25 feet of outdoor storage areas. Signs shall be in English as a primary language or in symbols allowed by this Code. Signs shall be durable. The size, color and lettering shall be in conformance with nationally recognized standards. (Ord. 3232, Section 15, 1989) The above violations must be corrected by April 6, 1992. ~. .,.,,;'ä e e Failure to correct these violations will result in enforcement action. The Fire Department will schedule a re- inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Barbara Brenner at 326-3979. Sincerely, (òe-Mc.r-c.- ~~~(' Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Michael Allford, Deputy City Attorney e Bakersfield Fire Dept. e HAZARDOUS MA TERIAL~DIVISION L/¡¡ / r1Z ~ ~ ·Date Completed Business Name: fS4/{,ef5 Cl Ie! f}lrtJrYI,- '1 tvtVIf(r 1 Location:.23..1 S vM fl./lf' Business Identification No. 215-000 Station No. ffa2 ...../Ylti1 Shift (Top of Business Plan) Inspector 6('eníJ~( Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: Adequate Inadequate D D D D D D D D D Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: D D D D Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: D Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Comments: D D D D D Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: D Violations: Noll FoJlow- tlO. Tot~1L !CA-6'¿(,-t\.(j NOT (JJ¡v(¡)Leíf. . I '/1C!.. ) ~t11 pp ì M (' Lttvf<tl1"¡a-h è>f1 5uJ.edd L Aio i C~Le¿ 1 ¿í. :7-=--- jl/i) V IS) vUJ 1 All Items O.K. D Correction Needed ~ Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF March 6, 1992 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Simon Molino Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. 231 Sumner St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Mr. Molino: I have reviewed the Risk Management and Prevention Program submitted for Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper. The only item which remains unaddressed is the preparation of a schedule for implementation of the plan submitted. Please submit a schedule which indicates a date by which the copper plating solution containing the sodium cyanide will be transported to Norris Industries. Also include a date by which the new alarm system is to be installed. Upon receipt of the RMPP implementation schedule, Bakersfield Fire Department will be able to find the proposed Risk Management plan for Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper complete. I will conduct a follow up inspection of your plant to verify that the tank labeling and tank covers are in place. Please call me at 326-3979 if I can be of any assistance. Sincerely, ~I\:P..-c.- ~~~r Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey .. .--- ( ( \ I \. ~ ' .~ e -- ~:'i 1't\ \~:¢ ts'"Fie-/ð- CHROME & BUMPER 231 SUMNER STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. 93305 (805) 327-5128 (805) 372-5129 February ¡4-, 1992 Ro. ~. Risk Management & Prevention Program ::'UBJECT : SULFURIC ACID . The SulfÙYic Acid on the premis~s has been removedl It has been sold to 1:!hittier Plating in Santa. Fe Springs, Ca.lifornia. It Y,"as shipped Via Truck by 1fui ttier Plating BPA # CAD 0001.'95129. AU Placard were installed to meet shipping requirements. SUBJECT: COPPER CYANIDE We sent a sample of the Copper Cyanide to Norris Industries for a profile tha.t is needed to ship the product. Kern Vacuum will be shipping the chemical to Norris Industries for recycling. Norris Industries is located in Vernon, California. He have aboutJOO Gallons to 'be cent out. Kern Vacuum assured us that aIr proper procedures Hill be foUOi'Ted for "-,hipping. ~Ie ~Till notify Kern Vacuum as coon 2.S He receive the profile needed for shipping. . ".; ~/:,~.~·· RECEIVED FEB 28 1992 ARB/d. ........... .. ~.~.-. ,. . e " " ... -'- ( ~c;\}t1t~Fielð CHROME & BUMPER 231 SUMNER STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. 93305 (805) 327-5128 (805) 372-5129 Fe bruary ILL, 1992 I . SAFETY CODE 2 5 5Jl~ I. We have not had any accidents in the past three Yeâ:ts . ( 2, We do not buy materials in volume for use at. this facility ., as He did in past years, \'[e buy only ,·rha t '-le need for immedie,te use. The testing for wase water which is required by the city of Bakersfield, is routinely tested and a,ne.lysed including random grab samples. J. Our operating and maintenance controls has been very efficient am He 2,re constantly revie¡-¡Íng all factors 1'lhich may cause any problems. Our last incident was almOEt 7 years ago. That alone shows .. ( . He Ð,re very careful in our duties here. LL . We do not have any detection or automatic monotoring control systems. A. An alarm is being installed - 'ÌAJ0I.~19f\ c&(Á(o\" ~ p.tr' 'ß·lc\·\tllv B. Equipment modifications a.nd reµirs C. No changes in operating procedures ). He have started a neH prog~_m.of auditing and inspection. .;.>\-:: " '.. , /. í \, e e 1'~\t¢J:5"Fielð CHROME & BUMPER 231 SUMNER STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. 93305 (805) 327-5128 (805) 372-5129 II. ;:l,FETY CODE 25509 All safety data sheets are in a rack by the ~nt door entrB.nce. I am enclosing a new inventory form as you requested for the muratic acid and caustic soda. III. The placcards are being specialy made for the plating tànks. I should receive them in a short time. I,· ,¡ . The exterior tank covers "rill be in place monda.y March 2. Sincerely, Simon J. j'101ino . :;:... - -. I._~ e· e 1'~\:t¢1;S"Fie-lð CHROME & BUMPER 231 SUMNER STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. 93305 (805) 327-5128 (805) 372-5129 - R'2.(,t:IVEG ( APR 0 6 19<n HA'" ~,MT. f'IV. ~ G., / '79'd-. aÞf-~~ ~ 6~"L- ~?)~. ~ : J "",,?.Â: ,y-7 ~ )~U.A- ~ ~ d7 0~ d- ¿¿¿¿ p-téVl!- 4~ ~L0.~ ( ¡d~ C7"'- c<.-LL T~ t4~ ~L ~ ~~ ~ w ~-' ~a-J-:;:ý . ~ QL~ ~ ~~ þ__ ~-t.£~ CeLL ~~.ov~ (3) A~ ~ þ!~~ ~7/~ ~ ~ ~ LLé <V1_/~vt.- ( ~ ¿¿¿ CV>.Av'-' ~ Ä.¿-:Þ)/...e.'1-"~~ fcVi-~p~ ~. ~f -biz ~~( vi ~ <U'4-t--n'--' ~'U) ¿G.c-~~J ¡JÐ~v + r ~~ ~ ~ -rUJuidl 1{ c~ keel ~~ ~ ~ ~¿ ~ ~2L f~~" ~~cLa ~ ~~ 4 ~ ~µt..J 0~~~ : ~~~~ ~~ 7 ~~ ~ ~ ïLä''-:7 -/~ --¿j¿~ ~4Þ~, k~~ '. ··c,,-..,· - '.".~" . .- ~;~'. ~¡) ...1'·, ' tr e e 1'~ \titttrFie/ð CHROME & BUMPER 231 SUMNER STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. 93305 (805) 327-5128 (805) 372-5129 fh.u)\cv-vt-<-C-".vL tvLe~ .Z::. hcJL "7' -r:k¿ ~ . ~ v( l/lA-.vU~,·, LJ)L- ~ k~~ -e~ ~a~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~.~/L fc,~- ~ /Z4~ ~ ~~(~~~. ,-. . ~ ()'~ . . Q.. ~ Vn.A.-ft...~j!..J ) ~µ ·c~. 4ô~" I Lu~ I~~ 16 ¡~ ~ ~~ ru'''~ ~ ~ .8v~,·IC¡9d-; ~V<~ ~~ e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" ~, .~ ~ JANUARY 28" 1992 :;/1)!¿~ /t_I-'"1~ 2 ~¿. 1 1';;--- . W'~ ')tile- ¡it! tJ11u ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 MR. MOLINO: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS BAKERSFIELD CHROME AND BUMPER LOCATED AT 231 SUMNER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 . ON 1-28-92 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: 1. A RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN PREPARED REGARDING THE USE AND/OR STORAGE OF SODIUM CYANIDE AND SULFURIC ACID. -? (0 fi~ Ii!; Sòi/ :i71~ t9J1 "5* LTfr¿ /t/q CN &=J~ tHt ~~ VIOLATION OF CH. 6.95 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 25534 (cL The Risk Management and Prevention Program shall be prepared within 12 months following the request made by the administering agency pursuant to this section. The RMPP shall include all of the following elements: (1) A description of each accident involving acutely hazardous materials which has occurred at the business or facility within three years from the date of the request made pursuant to subdivision (a), together with a description of the underlying causes of the accident and the measures taken, if any, to avoid a recurrence of a similar accident. (2) A report speciÏying the nature, age, and condition of the equipment used to handle acutely hazardous materials at the business or facility and any sch~?ules for testing and maintenance. (3) Design, operating, and maintenance controls which minimize the risk of an accident involving acutely hazardous materials. ,~ -~ e e (4) Detection, monitoring, or automatic control systems to minimize potential acutely hazardous materials accident risks. ~~.~ A schedule for implementing additional steps A~ ~be taken by the business, in response to the fÝfO/S findings of the assessment performed pursuant to I~;_~-ud subdivision (d), to reduce the risk of an accident v~ invol~ing acutely hazardous materials. These Lf actions may include any of the following: (A) Installation of alarm, detection, monitoring, or automatic control devices. (B) Equipment modifications. repairs, or additions. (C) Changes in the operations, procedures, maintenance schedules, or facility design. (6) Auditing and inspection programs designed to allow the handler to confirm that the RMPP is effectively carried out. " i ! I I I I . :I I ·1 i (7) Recordkeeping procedures for the RMPP. blC- 2. THE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FILED FOR THIS LOCATION IS INCOMPLETE. CAUSTIC SODA (PAINT STRIPPERSQLUTION) HAS NOT BEEN DECLARED ON THE INVENTORY. THE QUANTITY OF MURATIC ACID DECLARED ON THE INVENTORY DOES NOT INCLUDE THE CONTENTS OF THE EXTERIOR TANK. i . I :1 VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 25509(a)(1-4) (a) The annual inventory form shall include, but shall not be limited to, information on. all of the following which are handled in quantities equal to or greater than the quantities specified in subdivision (a) of Section 25503.5: (1) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every hazardous substance or chemical product handled by the business. (2) The category of waste, including the general chemical and mineral composition of the waste listed by probable maximum and minimum concentrations, of every hazardous waste handled by the business. .j ., e e (3) A listing of the chemical name and common names of ·every other hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). (4) The maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material disclosed in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) which is handled at anyone time by the business over the course of the year. 3. PLATING TANKS ARE NOT PROPERLY LABELED. VIOLATION OF UFC 80.301 and Bakersfield Municipal Code 15.64.345 Section 80.301(d) of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: (d) Signage. In addition to the hazardous identification signs required by Section 80.104(e), stationary aboveground tanks shall be placarded. with hazard identification signs as specified in U.F.C. Standard No. 79-3 or with other labels or signs approved by the Chief, for the specific material contained. Signs prohibiting smoking shall be provided in storage areas and within 25 feèt df outdoor storage areas. Signs shall be in English as a primary language or in symbols allowed by this Code. Signs shall be durable. The size, color and lettering shall be in conformance with nationally recognized standards. (Ord. 3232, Section 15, 1989) / .. UJa?M Lo I/tf) í'~~. THE EXTERIOR PLATING TANKS ARE NOT ADEQUATELY COVERED. VIOLATION OF UFC 80.301 (e) Security. The storage of hazardous materials shall be safeguarded with such protective facilities as public safety requires. The above violations must be corrected by FEBRUARY 28, 1992.. A written plan which includes proper disposal of the sodium cyanide and sulfuric acid may suffice as a Risk Management and Prevention Program. ~,. t." -: ~' e e The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Barbara Brenner at 326-3979. Sincerely, ~~~~~~ Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey ~, , , CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 October 30, 1991 Simon Molino Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper, Inc. 231 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Mr. Molino: Bakersfield Fire has not received a plan for action regarding the Risk Management and Prevention Plan (RMPP) which Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper must prepare relating to the use and/or storage of sodium cyanide and sulfuric acid. The due date for this RMPP is January 23, 1992. A copy of my letter dated 7-17-91 is attached. This letter specifies the details which must be included in the plan, for elimination of the acutely hazardous materials, which will serve as the required RMPP~ It is important that you meet the required due date for the submission of this Risk Management and Prevention Plan. Failure to comply with State law will result in enforcement action. Please contact me at 326-3979 if I can provide any assistance regarding completion of this RMPP. Sincerely, ~ r ~o/c. ~rvNN.J Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey 'CITY of BAKERSFIEj; "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S. NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF July 17, 1991 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 Mr. Simon Molino Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper Inc. 231 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Mr. Molino: On 'January 23, 1991 Bakersfield Fire notified you that Bakers field Chrome and Bumper is required to complete a· Risk Management and Prevention Program (RMPP) regarding the use' and storage of sodium cyanide and sulfuric acid. The due date for submission of the name of a qualified RMPP preparer passed on 4-23- 91. I understand from our discussions that you intend to recycle or dispose of these materials in order to fulfill the requirement for completion of a RMPP. However, the proper.handling, disposal and final disposition of these acutely hazardous materials must be carefully documented. It is important that you formally notify us regarding your progress toward completion of this RMPP. You' must submit, in writing, either the name of a qualified RMPP preparer or an outline of the proposed disposal plan. If the details of the disposal are not firm at this time, please indicate when you expect to notify us of the name of the hazardous material hauler and their licensing information, the disposal destination and the date by which the materials will be removed from City of Bakersfield jurisdiction. The details regarding the transport and destination of the sodium cyanide and sulfuric acid will serve as your Risk Management and Prevention Program and must be submitted to Bakersfield Fire prior to completion of the disposal of these acutely hazardous material. Please send me a written statement regarding the progress toward the completion of your RMPPirnmediately. ~inCerelY,~ ~~r~'~r Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey . e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S. NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF July 17, 1991 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Mr.' Simon Molino .' Bakers.field Chrome & Bumper Inc. 231 Summner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Mr. Molino: As of July 1, 1991, the City of Bakersfield has instituted a fee of $45.00 per hour for the review of Risk Management and p:çevention Programs. Time spent conducting site inspections, reviewing hazard, risk and consequence analyses and meeting with . company officials or consultants will also be billed at this rate. Upon completion o~ your Risk Management and Prevention Program, you will be billed for the time that Bakersfield Fire Department personnel have spent reviewing the project. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, ~'J~~r~ ~r~( Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey · CITY of BAKERSFIIlD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S. NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF April 26, 1991 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 Mr. Simon Molino Bakers£ield Chrome and Bumper Inc. 231 Sumner Street Bakers£ield, CA 93305 oe'H _ .... '." . .- .... .. .,~. .--.---- .~.. . . ------ '-.- Mr. Molino: I met with Ms. Sotello today at your Bakers£ield operation. We discussed the deadlines which have passed regarding the revision o£ your Hazardous Materials Management Plan and preparation o£ a Risk Management and Prevention Program. Enclosed is another copy o£ the' management plan £or you to revise. A copy o£ my letter o£ 2-5-91 is also enclosed. Mark any changes in the inventory or text directly on the computer printout. Please add responses £or the items highlighted in green. . ý' Ms. Sotello indicates that you no longer ,. use the sodium cyanide in the p.l:ating process and that you plan to remove the material £rom the premises in order to £ul£ill the requirement £or completion o£ a Risk· Management Plan. You will need to submit a plan £or the disposal or relocation o£ the sodium cyanide to the address below by 6-1-91. Bakers£ield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Street Bakers£ield, CA 93301 The revised hazardous materials business plan is also due on 6-1-91. It is important that you take action on these items so that you will not receive a citation £or noncompliance. I have included a copy o£ OSHA's hazard communication guidelines £or your re£erence while developing a train~ng program. Please call me at 326-3979 anytime that I can be o£ assistance with hazardous materials planning. Sincerely, \e.c~r~ Cö~ /' i3arbara Brenner Hazardous Mate~ials Planning Technician Q cc: Ralph Huey e .' February 5, 1991 Mr. Simon Molino Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper Inc. 231 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Mr. Molino: Enclosed is a computer printout of the hazardous materials business plan which this agency currently has on file for Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper. Please review this plan and make any corrections or updates by striking through outdated information and witting in any new information. Please supply responses to the areas highlighted in green on the plan printout. Make copies of the attached inventory form and use them to update any of the chemical inventory whose quantities or storage conditions/locations have changed. Please complete this revision of your business plan and inventory and return it to me at 2130 G St., 93301 by March 6, 1991. I found an error in the letter which I sent you requesting the Risk Management and Prevention Program (RMPP). The finished RMPP will be due January 23, 1992, rather than January 23, 1991. I have cörrected the RMPP request letter in our files and apologize for the error. The qualifications of the RMPP preparer will still be due by April 23, 1991. Please contact me regarding your intentions to perhaps dispose of the sodium cyanide solution as a method of complying with the requirement for risk management planning. Evaporation of the liquid to the atmosphere is NOT an acceptable elimination technique for the sodium cyanide solution. It is VERY important that you utilize an approved hazardous waste disposal method if you decide to remove the cyanide solution from your property. I can be reached at (805) 326-3979. Please call anytime that I can be of assistance. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner . ~ Hazardous Materials Planning· Technician cc: Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator '01 ~ e e· 4~--- .--:~ "'....<;.~ ", f /0 ,-:,: '"\'''''~¡/·,,·..s'Å''' //:l.. "~..ð..I.': . ~\ I .k~ ~ ~\ ftü ::.~ c\ ¡ t . :-'-~~I \ ¡ l:^" --'" ':·:td \\. C'.:~: "."-: // ,."._~~ CITY~ of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" . "11T111Tlr... ~\\\ ';'(;;;~:!ff11... ~,I'.;;\'cIJ f.:;--__~~ . .~ ..:...' 1'/..... g/i \;,/11 .~\ _'I.-t ,,--=~ e~~ . "-1~' ~~, .. I, ,- ~"':.... ........... - I ~~--~~!:' C\~~IJ; - LII/(j¡("'" Fi.=E DEP,A.RTMEìH D, S NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STRÉET BAKERSFILED. 93301 326·3911 .Januar~! ) ') ...:;"..;. 1991 ~r. Si~on ~olino Bakersfield Chrome and Bumner Inc. 231 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 ~lr. Molino: Your business Bal~ersfield Chrome and Bumper, has been identified as a handler of SODIUH CYANIDE and SULFURIC ACID, . acutely hazardous materials. It has been determined that your operation may present an acutely hazardous materials accident risk. Therefore, pursuant to section 25534 of the California Health and Safety Code, you will be required to submit a Risk Management and Prevention Progra~ (RMPPI for the use and handling of SODIUM CYANIDE plating solution and SULFURIC ACID concentrates and solutions. The RMPP shall be based upon a risk assessment which shall consider all of the following: THE RESULTS OF A HAZARD ANALYSIS WHICH IDENTIFIES THE HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE HANDLING OF AN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS ~ATERIAL DUE TO OPERATING ERROR, EQUIP~ENT ~AILGRE AND EXTERNAL EVENTS WHICH ~AY PRESE~T AN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS ~ATERIALS ACCIDENT RISK. FOR THE HAZARDS IDENTIFIED IN THE HAZARD ANALYSIS, AN OFFSITE CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS WHICH ASSU~ES PESSIMISTIC AIR DISPERSION AND OTHER ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS. The RMPP shall include the fallowing elements: A DESCRIPTION OF EACH ACCIDENT INVOLVING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS ~ATERIALS WHICH HAS OCCURRED AT THE FACILITY ··~[THI:¡ THREE YEARS FRO:--1 '~HE D,·HE OF THIS R:IPP REQUEST, THIS DESCRIPTION SHALL I>iCLGDE THE UNDERLYI:-JG CAUSES OF THE ..\CCIDE:-JT :'ÙD THE :'!E:\St'RES T.-\IŒN, IF .'iNY, TO AVOID A RECl.ìRRE:iCE OF A SnJIL.-\R :\CCIDDiT. A. REPORT SPECI?YI:jG THE >L\TURE, ,'iCE A~iD CmmITION OF ~Q(;IP~ENT USED TO HANDLE ACUTELY HAZARDOUS ~ATERIALS THE .FACILITY. INCLUDE SCHEDGLES FOR TESTI~G AND :!APnE:-L-\:--¡CE OF THI S EQIJ I P~1E:jT .. THE \'" . ."1. . r- ~ :) e . DESIGN. OPERATI~G AND ~AI~TE~ANCE CO~TROLS WHICH ~I~I~IZE THE ~ISK OF AN ACCIDE~T I~VOLVI~G ACUTELY HAZ.'tRDOUS :·JATERL\LS. DETECTION, ~ONITORI~G OR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEMS WHICH MINIMIZE THE POTENTIAL RISKS POSED BY ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ACCIDENTS. IN RESPONSE TO THE FI~DINGS OF THE RISK ANALYSIS, ADDITIONAL STEPS TO BE TAKEN 3Y THE BUSINESS IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE RISK OF AN ACCIDENT INVOLVING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. THESE ACTIONS MAY INCLUDE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: INSTALLATION OF ALARM, DETECTION, MONITORING OR AUTOMATIC CONTROL DEVICES. EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS, REPAIRS OR ADD~TIONS. CHANGES IN THE OPERATIONS, PROCEDURES, MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES OR FACILITY DESIGN. THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM SHALL IDENTIFY, BY TITLE, ALL PERSONNEL AT THE BUSINESS WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CARRYING OUT THE SPECIFIC ELEMENTS OF THE RMPP AND A DESCRIPTION OF THEIR RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES. THE RMPP SHALL INCLUDE A DETAILED TRAINING PROGRAM TO INSURE THAT THOSE PERSONS ARE ABLE TO IMPLEMENT THE RMPP. AUDITING AND INSPECTION PROGRAMS DESIGNED TO ALLOW THE HANDLER TO CONFIRM THAT THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM IS EFFECTIVELY CARRIED OUT. RECORD KEEPING PROCEDURES FOR THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAi'!. THE ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLER SHALL REVIEW THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM ,AND SHALL MAKE NECESSARY REVISIONS TO THE RMPP AT LEAST EVERY THREE YEARS. REVISIONS SHALL BE ~ADE WITHIN 60 DAYS FOLLOWING A ~ODIFICATION WHICH WOULD MATERIALLY AFFECT THE HANDLING OF AN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS ~ATERIAL. The CA Health and Safety Code provides businesses 12 months, from the date of request, to complete and implemerit a RMPP. The Risk Mana~ement and Prevention Pro~ram, and any revisions to it. shall be certified as complete by a qualified person and the facility operator. It usually taj(es a business several months to locate a qualified company or individual to carry out the hazard analysis. It then takes several more months to have the plan's various elements revi~wed by this Admini3tering Agency and to complete the R:'-JPP. ·' . e e The attached questionnaire regardin~ the qualifications of the RMPP prepar~~ should be submitted to this A~ency by APRIL 2~, 1991. Upon approval of the RMPP preparer, we will . a~ree to a schedule for the cOffiDletion of the ha~ard analysis and RMPP\ The finished RMPP will be due on JANUARY 23, 199~..~ All submittals regarding this RMPP shall be made to: The Bakersfield Fire Department 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 If I can be of any assistance please feel free to call. I can be reached at 326 3979. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician ~. .. It ~--' '\" _~'t' e H ISK Pf1Nt< I1\!5 .... '"'/.\"r.:t·'f'r:-Tr.:'L' fJ- ('~Jtii'ìMì:' !,-\¡Kjn HUh1PEP,< INC. t)t~1·\i:'':'¡"~,:J. ~.J.!~.' \.J~I!\\.~'¡¡\"", '1,- ". . FACiLITY RISK INDEX- INSPECT·ION HISTORY POPULATION EXPOSED 4~3 X ;~ ~z ø }(: ~~ ~:::; 4 }~ 2:= 1',1(,1:) 1.....·¡ ( ,Ja C 1\.1) if ~~¡ "" TO>{ FfiCTOF{ (r:c<~ /1.1 ) (17 cP C3 ;SO '1) !DV \=OtC-TD(~f:1-~0 ~ ;¿I-q I TI1Spe..TId:lFl -.&31 )- . '·~rn, G Aúd,' - 155, ,'!J1L&¡)(I\.; - , c9J ;)SSftG J.fjJ{ýó . Toll\( c~\n;~~'5ftN&uC:'oo..¿ j - c.o~r _ '_ o(\J'J N -...Jwo -fD//!:.S J.DcÆ .Þ -fti I ~'.'::;' 5-50 ~ file¡ eN St(tJ ()¡./J (eportiJ _&A- t'nv't()-k~ -1 . 5/ó2cfj97 . _ _~tîC.~5Or.I'(~cl'i ! J £?}~ H?.,o - ~~_~_ffSo~ =;J7fpo~ x ¡ - I 7/.8 ~ --,¡;s -- fl/CA.CAJ . j-~ ið ~$~U?~~N(k4 l¥(PH^~ kr>r- bvrNtdM"ð~mcd iroM t~é uttS{tvœ:¡(g, - lej! . !JU~?f' fr- ~) ~__ 'j ~ 7 X i :~, , 1'1· "I" ..;.// SOn) \ ¡"..ðL- "1 ::¡;.n~ .., 12ø9 o 8 4 1: ? TO'"AL d 26~S ..¡ 'f J J.'7 'Ì I :: -- :: Lj,O I. '1 Tl>T~ ::. 'j) ø6 ·'.' ..'-~ . It - FACILITY RI$K INDEX EATlj\!G w == Activities or condition5 that incr'eocie the li~~~l~hood of ð "....~ ="':¡¡;.::o '.... .'. '>-. '.~.~ W '...¡ ~ ...... ,~.. j ;~:i . ~ ~:t: 1 r" ¡ 'i ,,:::. (NO. OF YES ANSWERS 0N THE QUESTIONNAIRE 1-13. Add 1 yes to eaQh faci~.ity for 5·torðg~ Ofld MiniMal X Thi5 factor reflecto a COMPðMY'O claiM (5efety) hibtory. 0" (WORkER COMP FACTOR, MAXIMUM EXP~CTEO IS ! .5) y ~~ ~;·~lf '-'epor'ted accident i 5e\ff~'ty ír"f~.<~~)r'~d" {::.¡ "I.' (REASONABLE=0, INADEQLJATEcG,,25, GROSSLY INADEQUA1·E~Øa5) "' A.di5cr~ticnðry ca'cogo('y u5ed to ecccun·t for fBctor5 not direcily addres5ed in the que5tianndire~ 2 * (VERY SUBSTANTIAL) (OTf~ER COMPLICATING FACTORS MINIMf\L=Ø~ CONSIO~RABLE=Ø~5~ SU8STANTIAL~1 .0) ·x" SH(!\~~ED ~~3ECONDt~RY CO,r\~T A I Nf{!EN'T {1C TD fìND NeCN ~ INf1CCUHA TE REPOHT INS ~ INADEQUATE VENTILATIONf INADEQUATE LABELING ON TANKS, SHOP A MESS FACILITY F"j T .:~ ~i T ~J1,ê:V \ ¿ ...if t ,J.. 1'11-./1,_ It 4.,,:~¿~ RATING ::::r , '" l~J+)<+\{+Z RATING RATIONALE~ Risk ir1creôses with incr~ea5ing proce55 cCMplexi·ty and potehtiôl for hU.f(ít~if·j e:""'r'or' ~ tr:. .¡'! .. JI - - POPUL{1"rIot~.l ¡::'v"r1,;:cn ,_. '-/\ I .-t....'!-.t.J f"iATTh/r:; >.1 II J.I"....... '1 = IS TOXIC MATER~AL APT TO BECOME AIReORN RAPIDLY ? i;eb A GAS) FINE PUST) HIGHLY ~)OLATIl~E LIQlJID NO""1 vc-.:-ç:=," ") ! 1...\,.,' .!". ¿ I F f1NS~~JEP TO i~ 1 I;:> F'ROCEED TO :tt:6 }..in I'n..l ;, IF ANSWER TO #1 IS YES1 ESTIMATE T~fE EVACLJATION RAOIUS~ USING THE BAKERSFIELD FIRE OEPT~ GRAP~~ MOOEL.~ 0ND ANSWER QUES1'IONS 2-5~ 2" IS "THERE A SCHOOL WITH IN T'HE EVACUATION RADILJS NO,~~Ø;, VES~·~ 'I (.I, "-' ~n IS '"HERE A NURSING HOME OR HOSPITAL WIT~~ IN THE EVACUATION RADIUS ? t, tl-=fi\ v£::-~::,~ 'j 0 "f,.I ~ I I.-. '-' I 'i,.I 4p IS T~~ERE RESIDENTIAL HOUSING WITHIN THE EVACUATION RADIlJS ? NO=04 YES=1 5. IS THE POPULA1'ION 'THAN THE AVERAGE NO=Ø, VE~3~ 1 n¡::¡\J(~ î'TV ...r ~,.. j If ..J.(, I ¡ t:REfi ¡···I I C~HEF< OF THIS DUE TO Al.OT OF MUL.TISTORY 8U:[LÚINGS ? ø S" ~JHt1T' T C T!...IÇ~ ... "'/ I I /1_, OF THE eUIL.Dlj\!G H;l1NDL E D II\! ? THf1T AHI'-'! J~; OCCUPANCY S,TORED OF LESS 'l-HAN 5 PEOPLE=1 {.: ,_. ')r~ pc'nC>i t:' r.:t:.':'.1 U i- ".,1 I "-'..II "-.1._ ...~ 26 .- 50 PEOPLE =3 MORE 'THAN 50 PEOPLE c4 'TOTAL POPlJlAl"ION EXPOSED RATING 4. RATING RATIONALE: Releaôes that are liMited t~ cn5ite conseq:JerlCe5 will liMit t~:e expc5ed popuJ.ation. A~ the nUMber of per~5cn5 or:siie increB5es, evacUa"ticT1 and end response efforts becoMe Mare cOMplicðted~ an~ tt1e potential for in,jury in-ç;r'f."it1.5t:.S" ;',,, ,~'I·';»·, ,'~ .¡, .,~ ¡.:-..¡,~:~ ,?';·····v' .' . I, I': ". ¡: " I I, . Ii : ..¡.. "."" ."<;. '1\¡ , !": .,', I' e e ~LrJ. f ¥\yCVÙ1 Plèase answer each of the following questions by circling Y( yes) or N (no). ,";. . 3. FACILITY l~FORMATrON FORM 1. Is ,any acutely hazard,ous ma terial (AHM) manufactured or used in a chemical rea9tion .:,:\\vSû¡,\,--. ?', ' or));' l Q " Y., - . - . ~ 2. Is any other flammable ga~, flammable liquid or explosive material manufactured or used in a chemical reaction ? Is any reaction in question 1 or 2 a moderately or highly exothermic reaction (e.g. alkylation esterfication, oxidation, nitration, polymerization or condensation) or one involving electrolysis ? .... ":.. ",.',,'. .. ,y/(fij p Y I@ 4. Can any unplanned release of a ARM to the atmosphere result from the malfunction of any scrubbing, treatment or neutralization syste~or the discharge of a . ~ pressure relief system ?,'y I~ 5. 6. 8. Does any physicaL or chemical process in which an AHM is produced or used involve a batch process ? , Ht.-lp¡· Does any physical or chemical process involve the production or use of any ARM at a pressure in ' excess of 15 psig ? 7., In excess of 275 psig ? Does any'physical or chemical process involve the product~on or use of an ARM at a ~emperature above 125 degrees F ? 9. In excess of 250 degrees? . .' ,. , Can any explosive dust be present in any closed container within 100 feet of an ARM or otherwise be present in the same...building as an,AHM ? 11. Is there any ignition source or open flame within 100 ft. of any process, storage or transfer' area" where a flammable or explosive ARM is present , except where there is a firewall providing protection? 12. Is any lined or non-metallic pipe used in the transfer of any ARM ? 13. " Is any equipment or piping handling any AHM ~ore 10 years old ? '%v:~ 4\0(\1\1> NC4C/Il OtppßÇ{~ ~ +< ÐtcV ~~-tc! ~1 NclN (j)Nd b ~ þr 6vC¡ 'J(t). r[)GiJ . ...... ·,'.r '," .C,' Y IcE) Y./0 Y I® Y I: (Ñ) , Y·I(W ~/@ @I N (f)1 @ ',' .. ....: {- . \ t·· '. .. e e .~ ~'; PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFOR~lAT.rO\ ( Attach additional pages if necessary) ~t 7 ~!i_tù 1 . Your company's current workers compensation experience modifica~ion factor. 2 . How many people occupy the building in which AHM'sare used or stored? . L,' 3. Give details of all accidents which involved any hazardous material and all other instances when the fire department has been summoned in an emergency. 1,!7iN G- .. ..-----: . --:-~-- " ',.. 4. Briefly and the storage described the operations process at your plant specific processes utilizing AHM's, including proceedures. . , L -r- . "'" A .' (. .' i A t+ ý\\- I f\J\ cJ· f)..lL W t: f\ ~·v E.. v+ ~Ó.ìA ( ~ f) ôil't' 5., 5" . '<.: . . .1- P/··-+¡-N~~:INU3. . I L -l- r. C1 -. ,""-q RI p.& E..., ß·' tr. . L 'I'+¡;' ~ u.. I \.J e 1\ ,,"v l~ \'t . 2 t:: I. . '/. ' ~. r- _ ' ._. J \ l --f-:- (¿ i ·ct . - tf\ b- fJ\F.. L¡¡.-¡;:f-' ~"" i ~~ \rJþ 1'Tð ~~~~ . ,'~ J- a.~.ð¡;"'L- ('\ ./ .." ""~n(f}N., ðu.. y¿.. ðN ~7 .0 f¡.;;f Nfl 1;5 ./'-11...)(...(:/1 ~ l.t tAftl..fi- <::7 f U -2- I', ",. , .' /, : ~ (, 'a ~...., / , / / ,c ..- ",. e e ~. " :;. 5" Briefly describe the equipment being used in the processes involving AHMs. I , " 6. Report quantity of AHM(s), referenced in the cover letter ,. that this business handles. ,~7JðV ¡/"o,GJ ---,--,.:-'-a-)---Maxi'"-!Ïlull1 amount-on-h'a;-nd--a;-t any~om:~- time--,- ----yf7L.j I~'~ .'-- ,,-- b) Please attach a Material Sa,fety nata Sheet ND'I IN /I ..s ð for any material that is a mixture. Do not . ~ , ~ ',,' include MSDS for pure substances. ::::; (to 0Jh., 11-z.~tj DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: '- 1. Nearest school. 2. Nearest daycare center, hospital, nursing home or similar facility. 3. . Nearest .residence/motel etc. 4. Nearest . occupied building. . . State the straight line distance in feet between the business property line and each of the following. ., _~. h . . .~ ," J S!)!J/)¡ , . ,"t,': Soèfð, ·rl", -2_5 . 'TI 7 :;;-;:7'/ ' '.' """Business Name:..."P#r{:::e..es"c/¿:¿ p C!-#..&Phe %/(I'C-. A«;idress: d23/ c.S;(h¡ It GÆ- Sr. ~¿ðr¿~,ø-/ß'~ I;) C,4 ~.$ð¿r¡:; , , I certity that-the foregoing infor correct to the bes~ ot my kno~rêd~\ j/~ ( Signl;lture: ;"-----""" " , "I" / Title: /~/~., Date: true and 5:.//11 l>M ..;r--, f'VI.-o <-./ Alð ßÃI.>- ,/ ,;L G7 -7-~ o'll-nJ e. g "I:;. -3- ~ . CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S. NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 December 13, 1980 Ms. Bertha Sotello Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper 231 Sumner St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Ms. Sotello: The following questionnaire is a supplement to the Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration Form previously submitted by your business as required under Section 25534 of the California Health & Safety Code. This registration indicates that Bakersfield Chrome & Bumper handles sodium cyanide, an acutely hazardous material ( AHM ), in an amount greater than the planning quantity for this chemical. , ~:', Additional information is necessary in order to complete .~, the risk management planning functions of this agency.' ~..,. '.... This questionnaire should be completed by an officer of the company or other person having substantial management control over all operations at the facility. If there is any doubt as to whether or not the answer to a question is yes or no, the answer "yes" shall be given. With in two weeks of receipt, complete and return. the questionnaire to: The Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 If you need additional information, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician :~ . e- ACUTELY HARDOUS MATERIALS RE~TRATION FORM .' TIllS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY TIm OWNER OR OPERA TOR OF EACH BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA WIDCR AT ANY TIME HANDLES ANY ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES GREATER THAN 500 POUNDS, 55 GALLONS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF GAS AT STP.l TInS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITIED TO YOUR LOCAL R E C E r V ED ADMINISTERING AGENCY. (§25533 & 25536 Health & Safety Code) MAR 2 8 1988 ..fcKq M r~ f.s'd............ BuslnessName 13 A ¡¿FfSNÎi;;;IQnë;V;:G I Business Site Address :¿~ J d L.{ N\ 1"\ 'E fL- - .-- Business Mailing Addres~ (if different) Business Phone ~-- ~ 2) - 5' J ¿ rÝ' Business Plan Submission Date2 S!J y / f'? . Process Deslgnailon3 P ( __-to tI. ~ ' ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLED4 -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY- III CHEMICAL NAME 50cS I UM QUANTITY C )ICilY I d -e ~W-O ð aQ /~Q% ~~. ( C!n ,¡ta,,,,eð ') IiJ 6 pOWJd 50 . \ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROCESSES AND PRINCIPAL EQUIPMEN-r5: Yt.A hiJif IZ- 1,)'{ ~ j t-tUl/iJh f? 17(.1, F I è-IL ~ f 1--1 s 1~5) tJJ A 'I ~tR... :5' p ~;~~'¡'~'tJ ~ ~.N S 'I A. } I A·u?£: ~ I ( U. ~~ d ¡;, II.. I': / è!c'f Il<J ¡D I,in 'ð . 'VJ ð '" t. M fA S 1- .6 iZ. & / !£ "''' If.. c:L WI~ ..s·1t6~ ~(JJ..,j ~a..J ~ ,; f (Aj .;s0412. dip i~ O/EA/~I ðr¡:::' ~. Y.J J.... oJ- ~ h. 1:= flJ. 'c G.s Iì j\l elf /2.¿h\ ¡p / f).1J}~ (¡)-ß C6;ç ç. R, ~Jl~.c.pc tJ ~;::::- /::: Y- Co ~ .£ ~ c A fi.() I1A i? S t1 /6¡~/'f I~ N cl \) tJi;( ~ l2eIJdy F;J f2- d'Z/'~iJ t!! Y I' /. . Sb ~ ' ~ SrGNATuR~:t:~·· ~ mLE. ' PRINTED NAME £ & l4ø held Cìf ~ 4Jßw/AY/l'WATE ~ 2./~~ , , California Office of Emergency Services FÖRM HM 3777 (1-15-88) -. e . e ". INSTRUCTIONS: . Superscripts: 1. Quantities for RMPP compliance are "equal to or greater than" the minimum criteria and apply to chemicals handled . "at anyone time". 2. Businesses handling reportable quantities of Acutely Hazardous Materials that have not submitted a business plan MUST contaCt local Administering Agencies. The business plan submission date will assure the Administering Agency that a business plan has been submitted and is on me. This will also immediately identify businesses that have not submitted business plans. 3. "Process Designation" is provided as a reporting option (with the approval of the Administering Agency) for facilities that can most easily report by process. Thus, facility RMPP registration data could be submitted in a similar format to a business plan that is divided by process. "By process" data can initiate an emergency response to a process incident rather than a general emergency response to a major facility. Process designation ~ ~~lifYÍJÍspéctions forßiájöffacilities and improve futUí'e ~rg:~y ~n~:_ _ -- - - -~_~ _ __'__ 4. Refer to the EPA list of Extremely Hazardous Substances from the Federal Register (Volume 52, No. 77, p. 13397 ~,April22, 1987). Each chemical has a threshold planning quantity. This list may be changed by EPA on an annual basis. Updates of this list may be available early in 1988. To comply with this element, you may attach a copy of the inventory submitted to your Administering Agency from your business plan and highlight all Acutely Hazardous Materials. It is recommended that facilities list all extremely hazardous chemicals handled in quantities equal to or in excess of 1) 500 pounds, and 2) any EPA threshold planning quantity less than 500 pounds. 5. Do not include Trade Secret information in these descriptions. General: -' For emergency response purposes, it would be desirable to describe the following to the Administering Agency: 1. Batch Process: a. What raw materials? b. What operating pressure range? c. What operating temperature range? d. Batch capacity rating? e. Product characteristics? (e.g., chemical state, flammability, toxicity, etc.) , f. Critical process points and characteristics? -- - - - -2:-COnunùous proceSs: (SiîiiiIarúiformation as above.f . . -~ ------ ~ NOTE: "Pursuant to §25534, the Administering Agency may require the submission of a Risk Management Prevention Program (RMPP), if the Administering Agency determines that the handler's o¡xntian may present an acutely hazardous materialsraccident risk. The handler shall prepare the RMPP in accordance with subdivision (c) [of §25534J. The RMPP shall be prepared within 12 months following the request made by the Administering Agency pursuant to this section. " (§ 25534 (a) Health and Safety Code) . An amendment to the RMPP must be submiued to the Administering Agency within 30 days of: 1. Any additional handling of acutely hazardous materials. 2. Any material or substantial altera1ians to business activities. 3. Change of address, business ownership, or business name. (§ 25533 (c) Health & Safety Code) . EVERY BUSINESS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT AN RMPP SHALL IMPLEMENT THE APPROVED RMPP . Califomia Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3m (1-15-88) -- . e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" [\ ,y ...ta.. ," í~~ MATERIALS FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF BUSINESS NAME: ~W5X"G1è ~IÐ,,^,,- t ~pct ADDRESS: . ¿...,~ \ ~í'f\-N~r PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ~('(t?P TIME CHARGED 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 DATE: NAME: I--)ß~~ 13~r ~ ~~. 3ft.? }1J. ~ ~r -?-I3--tl).- B('U'-NÍ TIME CHGD: COMMENTS: l·û ",\~~(QA - NO"'(Or-(?~o.~ \.'0 ~1'P 0·5 r.JDV 7~~Qn 1·0 'R~;~ ~ ~~f> ~ í2a.~~ g. 5 :=: 1lf!JJl¿ ~. ï t&J -p; ~ =- 'Ert.;..¡ ì~cn'0t7 Rf:~ R/'-frp ì "1'to ~ o I"\.¡ J .Q ~ i .: ra (Pt' C/ ff/1b '"l.l. : "f11firú Ift!A I CZ21l r : ~ () · ~s 'f re pf1 J't.. NO V Q.5. 1ì.!iufA\., :ArlOV:t f'1f1?(Uif( -h A c;~{¡ ~ T?~:t n> ~ f1Y' ft.!&¡J.lih i I· 0 , «I.JlJJ.mVi-:M:f!. {)r¡ _"G.. ~~~" I -WI Ilttt,. rrl. ~ . ~ ~(&1nif .i:1.3.:=-'ß ~ ~~/343 C6vþ.IV q~ 1t¡-13 1ff fl.l"lRl' ~ y..;;¿o.-q~ ~~ '-I, Jfo -q3 ~~ f\..f\ILJ 4-~fo-q~ ~ «(~b-Cj3 %~( . ~ ~~ -13 \t\-ef\Nl-r 5/20-£13 ~f t5!dY ~ O¡3 '~æ--Îf\Y\L.r (D{JJI-q?> .~ -- --- O. d~ ~ dlJ.·vtI11 ðÇ It.uc..r dc{~¿' ~/Jq (7..<..) ...fÐ ~~I¿. LhtrJrYV¿ . .... ^.~ J:h5p2.CTì"""/'f'n ~ ;~t<:f,µ- Úì({l{'{\L ~ '""- ~; - '!On AcId~:X). (Orl! wI ¡v/.A1/Wd DnS '$. () ez: .' Don ,.s ' 'fee., C~\~~~~ N.A1/f=b(ò ït"' 't\..\..Q ()~t\ ~ cl. c:ú.> tt\.(ìo-\a.~f\ % tJ· CF7 .({~,lQ.¥\~ l\hQ {'.Au ~ !'1 Ol' a:x..nu ~ cv .() (Cll: ~ o .5 ?rep;i(ú e.¡/{{' - (!¡rl1...~ 1v /!1. J~l 'ré fE¡t( í)[Cl f-t: o . S =- Ccðf.."\ -A. y\'XC (" LO(+ «.e(.Cj'{'f ~oJ( '1S(-Ll~.¿ 5/Qf..j " e '. - .0 .J >:~¡. .... MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" March 13, 1992 TO: Valerie Pendergrass FROM: Barbara Brenner SUBJECT: Bakersfield Chrome and Bumper, Inc. A total of 3.5 hours have been spent to date reviewing Bakersfield Chrome's RMPP project. 3.5 hours x 45 $ per hour = 157.50 $. Please enter this amount into the computer so that a bill will be generated for the first quarter of 1992. Note the date that the entry is made on this memo and file it in Bakersfield Chrome's RMPP file when you are done. cc: Ralph Huey ,<\I Ú\.rV / ~ f'r; e e 't - tfro CJ ... " ~ 'i " CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 ( APPLICATION TO INšTAtL"ÅND/OR REMOVE 1..- _________ ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK(S) In confonnÎty with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, permission is hereby granted to: J( f:Y¿¡.1 CL t:JL}/II . l!l 1f;V/ (Jð ~·rltllCtY r ~ CI' eé/ Ll C. Name of Company :2..:3 / ~ St:; OS) to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or process involving or creating conditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: eN C )'-ro1L4Cf;' ·rtll.-W(¿{' (3 -J.L/'I20 'r+ ( 1 -ILl k 20 ') subject to the provisions and/or limitations as provided. Violation of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations shall void this pennit. Issued Pennit Denied Date Approved by: Le>1Y< 1l.)70/jl1r/a ~~~¡J Applicant Name (print) Ap~~ ;I" TIllS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED (fs:,te(J q7t3 -S-~~ 32.-S- - ~~ S- &~)., e e . ~( <;;Jfi" , "'~~..~ ' .' :: '/-J ¡ ~ . r ... ~ .. \. ,. ¡;. .. 7" ~..... " . , . ..... .ft .. ...... .~ - -. . ,. ., 1 e /> f to( r[CiJ . . e ~ : ! . :/ ~ ..