HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN Bakersfield-Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN \ ..;;:>;.;. ... c~ SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: - ~ - -- SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I C(:RTiFY UNDE~ P~NALTY OF P~RJURY THAïìvíY 8USINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE ~E?ORT[NG REQUlRE:'1ENTS OF C-1APTER ó.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAF=~Y CODE" :=OR Tt-iE FC-LLCW!NG ~=.~SCNS: I;VE. :0 ,\JOT HANDLE. :--1AZ.;:'.RDCUS MA TéRIALS. uX W E ~ 0 ~ ð~D_LE_:::àZ2.RD_C U.S_M.àlcmà.LS~_j.LJJ...l.¡::LE Q.U.àJ~JjI¡:.LES.-àL-~.O-. ¡iìvlEE\C=EJ Ti-'E :v1INIMUìv1:~E?CRT¡NG QUANTrTlES. --~-- .,-",":",r-.:=~ (::;,~c:r~c',¡ í"::.\ ~"-",'I\ ......., I L ,__. \ \ v I _ '-' II I I\. __.""""\ v \......,;' I ~ ,I SECTION 5: CERTIFICÂTION: \, Á~ D~ Ydlr:DJLfl Q..~ CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATiON IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THÞ.T THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FiRM'S 08l!GAílONS UNDER THE'C.';UFORNIA HEÞ\LTH AND SAF::TY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS ìvlATERIALS (D!V. 2.0 C;-l,~?TER ó.95 S=C. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE iNFOR¡v1AnCNCONST!TUTES PERJURY. ~Oh~~Dj'~ , , tGNA TURE Û1Jnf'LDL TITLE í)-11-90 DATE BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: ¡ . io avoid further action. rerum this ferm within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINï ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. Þ---Answe¡,-tn-e-Oí:J6Siions-beiùwfbr ¡he ëCJslness as a wnole. ~ .... 3e brief ond concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA 3USi~JESS NAME: ßu¡mma!l, A. L~JYìl_~'I~ ) ¡ (',(' . -rCN' ~ro ~ õV) n h CO, L-'_'",-,\I ¡ . . '- ) t I V I \.jL.J\.....,J ~ " , /1 ,', 'l! ,N G '\:"" r', R c ::: '::: ' ~.ÜY~.Q..... 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",' .-::;.'.f-~:'" ;.-.'~-;.-.~,.:..'~' CONDITIONS·'·,OFPERMITONR·EVERSE SID,E .. ",. '~ ~_ ,f :- .. .~~ ... -,. " "- . . ,.' This pennit Is ISsued for the following: iii Hazardous Materials P.lan ,\ o Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials o Risk Management Program ' o Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment Permit 10 #:: 015-000-000086 QUtJLITY REFINISHING I LOCATION: 331 SUMNER ST Issued by: i . . , :¡ .' .' ' '. I , . , , " , Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES' 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor ,Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: I-r :1 'I 'June 3.0, 2003 ..... ........-._......_.~____._. ~._..·_........_..h._._....,...._____,_·.__·. . ..'.._......., _.,__.. " , . 300 5t1lvlNE/~ -.", ,"'::>utpLQ(f..uu,¡ÓV.'aL /L . ð~Æ..s: 5.' , j.2 . tv/,/}4- -J 6-/1.<: ~ MErÆ:p \ ..----.-- . -'--". ....-------.-... . 1.0 1- ('.) 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G 11 ,- ... d_ - ., . -- f-- 1~af.J. .. m.... . ___ .~i "l> \ '(()0'(x"', ( ~ '; \~C~ :, '- " r ~l ¡ I I ¡ \ ¡ -- .. t ..- ..-. - - --" -- ---- -- - -- > : . ; T I! : ! , : ¡ .--.. 4.- - --- -- .--- , , , , I! , ~ i II I I . ti ; I t t . I - ~-- , i : 1 I , I L. I' ~ ; ~ : , , ,; I: I , , I 1l , , , I I, í I . 'C'r I' , , , ' u__. -- - H ; , II t j . I j ,I ¡ i '-. .-.. -iì : - -; j. , - - -- -. -~ .- - - - - - - ... -- --. -----_.-- -- -- ---- ---- .- --- u _ _ _ _ __. ! I I :1 :1 :1 I it [ I ,[ -- ----- . - - ---, . - ----- ·' ,.;-~ f...' - .....r---.>; e . t..-\1 / ~·t ~~~~ ;~ V HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 RECE IVED JAN24 1992 Ana'd............ INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: 13?1MJ- ~ ,.Ð,¿)/9 ~~/J.ll.!C?eHx5/.~. , ,LOCATION: ~)¿J ,--~._dm/\fP.A S + ...:3 .5' / ::¿, MAILING ADDRESS: ;j¡;¿;; ß/.Í?-dé 4¡~ , CITy:~.ç¡:;!Edd STATE: & ZIP: 03¿ PHONE:~..;7- //Jt/L/ DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: SIC CODE: PRIMARY ACTIVITY: a/',Ÿ:¿I\¡.J¡·tr£. , OWNER: ~A (I.-l1e J Ivll LA+-h,q /úì MAILING ADDRESS: 233 /,;;¿ /!3/,4de. /?¿/~I (/¡ i-Lf ¿) t SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. ~(lj¡e I /1,1, ¿,LJ-/-)¡/fM&Aføv), f17d I '7 <I c/ cYJ/ dIe¡ 3 2. CyeJ1 &;:,c-þcJ)'C/ .£'cJJJ ~/1IJ-þ:J.¿J / 1. FDI~ I · , : 1'"' . .._ , , " - · Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN , ~ \ . \;~I~\ i...· V'¡ ," . -. , .j.. SECTION, 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: - _, _-..;.~ ~ -~-~- --.~_--'- :;0- .- -~ ---....- ..-:-::----- . '" SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: .-...., ç, ~ ._'> _.- -.-- -- I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALlFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. ~ '-. - _..- - WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MA ~ERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO 'THv1EEXCEÉô-n= f-wHNIMUM REPOF<TING-QU-AI\JTITIES.- -- -- - -" --- .1 OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) \, ~ ' CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURAT DERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALlFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. cf~~~/. , SIGNATURE. 'TLE i 2. '¿~3-tÇ2 DATE FD1590 It ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. WI' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Business Name: J'y\Qrl'\ ~-T Location: 3DO 5ù"" N-t-í Business Identification No. 215-000 Station No. HC1:t. -IYLQ. \ Shift Date Completed }-/7-q ~ f f 30 (Top of Business Plan) Inspector ~~( Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees ;L Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Adequate ~ ~ ~ D D D Inadequate D D D g.--N-!-Gd-- -Þö Cltc..,...... 00+ ú> 'V'--b0S'+"b~ Rub b,-5~ D D D Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: D Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Comments: D Jd- D D D Verification of Facility Diagram D Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: -ºto. Sl DOS Ch-Ior[ Nt í~ f"V1D I!'-f.-, ~) frDM KCri' f .-~. L(..5S ..{1,CvI) 2øo Ibs ºfa!) ur((, 4-( t' ¿ I LLs S ~4^- . '25 C tTl- Sod,:vñ h\.. f0(j,¡Dn~ I LL.55 %c.-'1 3D C¡1rl- tŸ)ÙíCt.-f¡'C. 4C-t¿ Violations: p., f-MQ ;~I . . kls ó {\-FS (. f 5~ ?JlJC-.--/1/7/125 1 'Po. ; ri"tS t ÞC7> v-"- ( J}h: (\ I\.l/;' on Ç\.c, Ä-Il c.. "Cot. ~ -h: 0 Ct é( It $5 ~"- ..e.)(<L""'-~ r. .J- -n (-. D ...1A ,,1·. 11. V"\o Ù (V I 5, ~ ~;S ,..~Gt ~.-hr\ . \l) ~~J...rr1 r_ ~j- ': ; s --n~-L All Items O.K. 0 ~ \~ Correction Needed 0 Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev. 1·90) White·Haz Mat Div. Yellow·Station Copy Pink-Business Copy e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" - ------- FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326·3911 January 17, 1992 Mrs. Latham: In the inspection of your business Marnet Inc., located 'at 300 Sumner Street, Bakersfield, CA on 1-17-91, it was noted that the quantities of hazardous materials in storage or use are less than the exempt quantities for which a hazardous materials management plan must be filed. It will be necessary for you to formally request exempt status by filling out sections 1, 4 and 5 of the attached form. It is important to keep the quantities of hazardous materials below 55 gallons of liquid, 500 pounds of solids and 200 cubic feet of gases in order to maintain your exempt status. Bakersfield Fire will inspect your facility periodically to verify exemption from these reporting requirements. Please return the completed exemption request to: Bakersfield Fire Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Call me at 326-3979 if you have any questions or need assistance. Sincerely, t&~~ ~~r Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey ,^-.- " \ I \\ \ ' "WE CARE" "\. .... FIRE OEP,4RiMENT S, D, JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF ~~ \\ .....\\.-~ \ 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 AUGUST 15, 1991 MRS. RACHEL LATHAM: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS MARNET INC., LOCATED AT 300 SUMNER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA ON AUGUST 15, 1991 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS ~ r(~èi t~(,~ ~~~'\~~\ ~)V (a) The annual inventory form shall include, but ~ shall not be limited to, information on all of the /\\ following which are handled in quantities equal to or Ov - \ ?f7 greater than the quantities specified in subdivision (a) Ir- of Section 25503.5: \ (1) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every hazardous substance or chemical product handled by the business. WERE IDENTIFIED: ~ Hazardous materials inventory is inaccurate. Reported inventory of gaseous chlorine does not include the contents of the one ton chlorine cylinder located behind the building. Contents of propane cylinder has not been reported. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 25509(a)(1-4) (2) The category of waste, including the general chemical and mineral composition of the waste listed by probable maximum and minimum concentrations, of every hazardous waste handled by the business. (3) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every other hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). :i e e (4) The maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material disclosed in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) which is handled at anyone time by the business over the course of the year. 2. The acutely hazardous materials registration filed for chlo~ine is inaccurate. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.95 CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SEC. 25533 (a) On or before September 1, 1987, the Office of Emergency Services shall develop an acutely hazardous materials registration form to be completed by the owner or operator of each business in the state which, at any time, handles any acutely hazardous material. Except as provided in Section 25536, on or before January 1, 1988, ·any business which handles acutely hazardous materials in the amounts specified in subdivision (a) of Section 25536 shall file the registration form with the administering agency. The Office of Emergency Services may adopt appropriate regulations to implement the requirements of this section. 3. The small chlorine cylinders were not adequately restrained. VIOLATION OF UFC SECTION 74.107 AND BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE, SECTION 15.64.110 Section 74.107, Storage and Use of Cylinders, of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: All compressed gas cylinders in service or in storage shall be adequately secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. This shall be accomplished by the installation of safety chains of suitable size or other restraining methods approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. 4. Propane and chlorine cylinders were not labeled. Various pool service chemicals are stored in containers which bear the wrong label. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910.1200 (1) The chemical manufacturer, importer, or distributor shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals leaving the workplace is labeled, tagged or marked with the following information: (i) Identity of the hazardous chemical(s). - ~ - e (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings; and (iii)Name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party. (4) Except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4) the employer shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals in the workplace is labeled, tagged, or marked with the following information: (i) Identity of the hazardous chemical(s) contained therein; and (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings. (5) The employer may use signs, placards, process sheets, batch tickets, operating procedures, or other such written materials in lieu of affixing labels to individual stationary process containers, as long as the alternative method identifies the containers to which it is applicable and conveys the information required by paragraph (2) of this section to be on label. The written materials shall be readily accessible to the employees in their work area throughout each work shift. (7) The employer shall not remove of deface existing labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals, unless the container is immediately marked with the required information. (8) The employer shall ensure that labels or other forms of warnings are legible, in English, and prominently displayed on the container, or readily available in the work area throughout each work shift. Employers having employees who speak other languages may add the information in their language to the material presented, as long as the information is presented in English as well. 5. Empty boxes and containers constitute excessive amounts of combustible rubbish. VIOLATION OF UFC 79.1311(b) & 11.201 (a-d) 79.1311 (b) Disposal of waste. Combustible waste material and residues in a building or unit operating area shall be kept to a minimum, stored in covered metal receptacles and disposed of daily. \, o e e Accumulation of waste material. 11.201 (a) Accumulations of wastepaper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, or combustible or flammable waste material, wàste petroleum products or rubbish of any kind shall not be permitted to remain upon any roof or in any court, yard, vacant lot or open space. All weeds grass, vines, or other growth, when same endangers property or is liable to be fired, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property. When total removal of growth from a piece of property is impractical due to size or to environmental factors, approved fuel breaks may be established between the land and the endangered property. The width of the fuel break shall be determined by height, type and amount of growth, wind conditions, geographical conditions and type of exposures threatened. (b) Combustible rubbish or waste material, when kept within a building or adjacent to a building, shall be stored in approved containers or in rooms or vaults constructed of noncombustible materials. Metal, metal- lined or other approved containers equipped with tight- fitting covers shall be provided for oily rags and similar materials. Combustible rubbish or waste material, unless stored in approved vaults or rooms, shall be removed from the building at least once each working day. 6. Storage of flammable liquids in the same room with oxidizers. Storage of flammable liquids near exits and paths of egress. VIOLATION OF UFC 79.201 . (a) Scope. This division shall apply to the storage of flammable and combustible liquids in drums or other containers not exceeding 60-gallon individual capacity and the storage of portable tanks not exceeding 660-gallon individual capacity. For the purpose of this article, flammable aerosols and unstable liquids shall be treated as Class I-A liquids. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Liquids in the fuel tanks of motor vehicles, aircraft, boats, or portable or stationary engines. (b) Reactive Materials. Materials which will react with water or other liquids to produce a hazard shall not be stored in the same room with flammable or combustible liquids. W' ".,1" ~ e e (d) Storage near exits. Class I, II, III-A liquids , shall not be stored (including stock for sale) near exits doorways, stairs, nor in a location that would impeed egress. 7. Improper storage of empty flammable liquid containers. VIOLATION OF UFC 79.201 , , (c) Empty Containers. The storage of empty tanks and containers previously used for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids, unless free from explosive vapors, shall be as specified for the storage of flammable liquids. Tanks and containers when emptied shall have the covers or plugs immediately replaced in openings. The above violations must be corrected by September 16, 1991. Complete the attached inventory forms and acutely hazardous materials registration forms. Review the computer printout of the Marnet Hazardous Materials Business Plan and make any .necessary corrections to the text. Be certain to add responses to the items highlighted in yellow. Send the signed and completed forms to 2130 G St., Bakersfield, CA 93301. The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Barbara Brenner at 326-3979. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey 10/03/91 , \ e MARNET INC DBA ADVANCE POOL SVC 215-000-001130 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit e -¡: ;,'i I I General Information RECEIVED OCT 2 5 m§fe Ans'd............ 1 Location: 300 SUMNER ST Ident Number: 215-000-001130 Map: 103 Hazard: Moderate Grid: 29A Area of Vul: 0.0 Contact Name 'POM LA1'ltAM ::it<. TaM LATHAN JR. Title Business Phone l M. L~.Jh irA,.( tJtdAli ( 805) 872 -1 7 4 4 x (.iDS) SJ4 9323 x 24 Hour Phone (805) 871-2193 ( ) Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 300 SUMNER ST City: BAKERSFIELD Comm Code: 215-002 BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 Owner: TOM M. LA'fM~ 1?Ache..L Nt. L#h¡q M Address: 3312 BLADE AV City: BAKERSFIELD D&B Number: State: CA Zip: 93305- SIC Code: Phone: (805) 872-1744 State: CA Zip: 93306- , Summary £Mer4' -ti ç.,-~<¡ C\ FÞA-r'd / g'1:2-1O~7 / d OW./!:k( Qc..e~>t:d ' , S~t +-e. t S C 1 ð S"e : s.-to\ t') N .$ltt ij t (Type Of print 1\íM'fi3) rr~~¡~W@@ ~~® auached h~ð.rdQUS ma~~~~a!$ mCì.~Sl~@a and U'¡®~ it tâ'OO1t?) with m~&1~ fP~a1[ij ~OW' (~of sùnimlU$) -=- $fI)f \OO\j'~®©lto~$ oo~$illm~ ~ oomp~~~® ~nd OOff®@( ffi®ft" ®©@)m®n~ 1P>!~1!1) ~@\i' my ~®@in~y. c.>t-e~1 c.a.Ls s.ol"\€- Do her~b)f csr1ify tha~ ~ ~~\I'® ko u.:;<2Ve tJø~ tJC2-W' , ~ v' . ~r-J rl~ . .:--.... ~¿;i:~- /(/- 15""-7/ 110/03/91 MARNET INC IA ADVANCE POOL SVC 215-0_001130 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 2 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-001 CHLORINE GAS Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Gas 251 Extreme FT3 CAS =It: Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: ADDITIVE Daily Max FT3 251 Daily Average FT3 412.00 I Annual Amount FT3 3,012.00 Storage r Press T Temp ~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Ambient Ambient BETWEEN BLDG & SHED - Conc l 100.0% Chlorine (EPA) Components MCP ---rList f;xtreme EPA - Notes ~10t03/91 e MARNET INC DBA ADVANCE POOL SVC 215-0~001130 00 - Overall Site Page "3 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation THIS IS STORAGE ONLY, NO EMPLOYEES. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation <4> Emergency Medical Plan KERN MEDICAL CENTER - 1830 FLOWER ST - 326-2000. '10/03/91 It .. MAR NET INC DBA ADVANCE POOL SVC 215-0'-00·1130 00 - Overall Site Page 4 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt TéM LM'H»hlS THE ON ILL THE CHLORINE TANKS S 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE Y WATER AND NOTIFY FIRE DEPT. EMPLOYE IN THIS G. WE HAVE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND AN THE FIRE PLUG IS ECTLY IN FRONT OF THE BLDG 40 ~~d -t-~ ~ /'11/ ~~¡e,d 1ÂtJc/< <1> Release Prevention <2> Release Containment <3> Clean Up <4> Other Resource Activation "10/03/91 It MARNET INC DBA ADVANCE POOL SVC 00 - Overall Site 215-0-'001130 Page 5 <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NEAR FRONT DOORN ON LEFT 10FT B) ELECTRICAL - NEAR FRONT DOOR ON LEFT 10FT C) WATER - NEAR FRONT DOOR ON LEFT 10FT D) SPECIAL - ALL NEAR FRONT DOOR E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - ??????????????? FIRE HYDRANT - ????11?111111 r:rotJ f PAY J</tJ1 L" r <4> Building Occupancy Level "1010'3/91 tit MARNET INC DBA ADVANCE POOL SVC 00 - Overall Site 215-.001130 Page 6 <G> Training <1> Q\O '"\~J.. Page 1 c¿,ti', \.OŠ~ \).0 ~~ WE HAVE 'EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE1~~ BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use C I -.r y UE' BAKER.SFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY o Farm and Akriculture 0 Standard Business BUSINESS NAME: Ml.tf?Nllt LOCATION: i CITY, ZIP: PHONE #: NON - TRADE SECRET (DB/1) ~dýo.tJUl ~g~~~C.NAME:K~dH L I.o.t:h~ k ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: PHONE #: NAME OF THIS FACILITY: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 1 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID # - - -I -- --- --r- INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 11 12 Use Location Where Code Stored in Facility I _sical and Health Hazard heck all that apply) o Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release of Pressure C.A.S. Number o Reactivity 0 Inunediate 0 Delayed Health Health Component . 1 Name & C.A.S. Number Component · 2 Name & C.A.S. Number Component · 3 Name & C.A.S. Number l I :, :iPage_of~ 13 , by wt / 'iÖ I Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that ~pply) o Fire Hazard '0 Sudden Release of Pressure o C.A.S. Number Component · 1 Name & C.A.S. Number 0 ~Yed Component · 2 Name & C.A.S. Number Reactivity, IDDDediate Health Health Component 1/ 3 Name & C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS I Certification I (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) , I certify under peanj1ty of law that I haver personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information. I Þelieve that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. NAME AND OFFICIAL T]µ.E OF OWNER/OPERATOR OR OWNER/OPERATOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESEl'ITATIVE I r Physical and Healt~ Hazard (Check all that apply) C.A.S. Number CI Fire Hazard o Sudden Release Q Reactivity 0 IDDDediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health I I Physical and Healtp Hazard (Check all that apply) o ' , Fire Hazard D C.A.S. Number Sudden Release 0 Reactivity 0 IDDDediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health u Name Title Component i 1 Name & C.A.S. Number component /I 2 Name & C.A.S. Number' Component /I 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Component /I 1 Name & C.A.S. Number Component /I 2 Name & C.A.S. Number Component /I 3 Name & C.A.S. Number #2 24 Hr. Phone Name SIGNATURE Title \ [ I ,I I I I 'I ,\ I I 24 Hr Phone DATBS<Oßl tit . I ¡ CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D, JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF October 9, 1991 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326·3911 Ms. Rachel Latham Marnet Inc. 3312 Blade Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93306 Ms. Latham: Thank you for calling to let me know that the gaseous chlorine has been removed from the premises of 300 Sumner Street. Because of the recent changes in ownership, mailing address and chemical inventory, it is time for a revision of Marnet's hazardous materials business plan. I have attached a computer printout of the plan which is currently on file. Please mark changes directly on the printout. Complete and sign the stamped statement on the front of the printout before returning it. Deletion of the chlorine and addition of the propane should be completed using the enclosed inventory form. All hazardous materials whose storage quantities equal or exceed 55 gallons of a liquid, 500 pounds of a solid or 200 cubic feet of· a gas must be reported on an inventory form. A note on the facility diagram that muriatic acid quantities equal 120 gallons indicates that muriatic acid should be added to the inventory. A copy of the facility diagram which we have on file is also enclosed. Due to the deletion of the chlorine, this diagram needs to be revised. Please update the diagram using the forms enclosed. Instructions are attached for both the facility diagram and the inventory forms. These updates to Marnet's hazardous materials -business plan should be submitted at 2130 G Street in Bakersfield by November 11, 1991. Call me at 326-3979 if you have any questions or need assistance. Sincerely, , ,~~~ ~~(' Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey - E- - .. e e- CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEP,';RTMENT S 0 JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET Bi\KERSFIElD, 93301 326-3911 AUGUST 15, 1991 MRS. RACHEL LATHAM: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS MARNET INC., LOCATED AT 300 SUMNER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA ON AUGUST 15, 1991 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: 1. Hazardous materials inventory is inaccurate. Reported inventory of gaseous chlorine does not include the contents of the one ton chlorine cylinder located behind the building. Contents of propane cylinder has not been reported. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 25509(a)(1-4) (a)The annual inventory form shall include, but shall not be limited to, information on all of the following which are handled in quantities equal to or greater than the quantities specified in subdivision (a) of Section 25503.5: (1) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every hazardous substance or chemical product handled by the 'business. (2) The category of waste, including the general chemical and mineral composition of the waste listed by probable maximum and minimum concentrations, of every hazardous waste handled by the business. (3) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every other hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). "' . I':¡, e e ,(4) The maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material disclosed in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) which is handled at anyone time by the business over the course of the year. 2. The acutely hazardous materials registration filed for chlorine is inaccurate. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.95 CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SEC. 25533 (a) On or before September 1, 1987, the Office of Emergency Services shall develop an acutely hazardous materials registration form to be completed by the owner or operator of each business in the state which, at any time, handles any acutely hazardous material. Except as provided in Section 25536, on or before January 1, 1988, any business which handles acutely hazardous materials in the amounts specified in subdivision (a) of Section 25536 shall file the registration form with the administering agency. The Office of EmergencY'Services may adopt appropriate regulations to implement the requirements of this section. 3. The small chlorine cylinders were not adequately restrained. VIOLATION OF UFC SECTION 74.107 AND BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE, SECTION 15.64.110 Section 74.107, Storage and Use of Cylinders, of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: All compressed gas cylinders in service or in storage shall- be adequately secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. This shall be accomplished by the installation of safety chains of suitable size or other restraining methods approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. 4. Propane and chlorine cylinders were not labeled. Various pool service chemicals are stored in containers which bear the wrong label. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910.1200 (1) The chemical manufacturer, importer, or distributor shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals leaving the workplace is labeled, tagged or marked with the following information: (i)Identity of the hazardous chemical(s). ~ õ e e (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings; and (iii)Name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party. (4) Except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4) the employer shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals in the workplace is labeled, tagged, or marked with the following information: (i) Identity of the hazardous chemical(s) contained therein; and (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings. (5) The employer may use signs, placards, process sheets, batch tickets, operating procedures, or other such written materials in lieu of affixing labels to individual stationary process containers, as long as the alternative method identifies the containers to which it is applicable and conveys the information required by paragraph (2) of this section to be on label. The written materials shall be readily accessible to the employees in their work area throughout each work shift. (7) The employer shall not remove of deface existing labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals, unless the container is immediately marked with the required information. (8) The employer shall ensure that labels or other forms of warnings are legible, in English, and prominently displayed on the container, or readily available in the work area throughout each work shift~ Employers having employees who speak other languages may add the information in their language to the material presented, as long as the information is, presented in English as well., 5. Empty boxes and containers constitute excessive amounts of combustible rubbish. VIOLATION OF UFC 79.1311(b) & 11.201 (a-d) 79.1311 (b) Disposal of waste. Combustible waste material and residues in a building or unit operating area shall be kept to a minimum, stored in covered metal receptacles and disposed of daily. ¡¡ ',' :w. e . Accumulation of waste material. 11.201 (a) Accumulations of wastepaper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, or combustible or flammable waste material, waste petroleum products or rubbish of any kind shall not be permitted to remain upon any roof or in any court, yard, vacant lot or open space. All weeds grass, vines, or other growth, when same endangers property or is liable to be fired, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property. When total removal of growth from a piece of property is impractical due to size or to environmental factors, approved fuel breàks may be established between the land and the endangered property. The width of the fuel break shall be determined by height, type and amount of growth, wind conditions, geographical conditions and type of exposures threatened. (b) Combustible rubbish or waste material, when kept within a building or adjacent to a building, shall be stored in approved containers or in rooms or vaults constructed of noncombustible materials. Metal, metal- lined or other approved containers equipped with tight- fitting covers shall be provided for oily rags and similar materials. Combustible rubbish or waste material, unless stored in approved vaults or rooms, shall be removed from the building at least once each working day. 6. Storage of flammable liquids in the same room with oxidizers. Storage of flammable liquids near exits and paths of egress. VIOLATION OF UFC 79.201 (a) Scope. This division shall apply to the storage of flammable and combustible liquids in drums or other containers not exceeding 60-gallon individual capacity and the storage of portable tanks not exceeding 660-gallon individual capacity. For the purpose of this article, flammable aerosols and unstable liquids shall be treated as Class I-A liquids. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Liquids in the fuel tanks of motor vehicles, aircraft, boats, or portable or stationary engines. (b) Reactive Materials. Materials which will react with water or other liquids to produce a hazard shall not be stored in the same room with flammable or combustible liquids. ~: ~) .. e· . (d) Storage near exits. Class I, II, III-A liquids shall not be stored (including stock for sale) near exits doorways, stairs, nor in a location that would impeed egress. 7. Improper storage of empty flammable liquid containers. VIOLATION OF UFC 79.201 (c) Empty Containers. The storage of empty tanks and containers previously used for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids, unless free from explosive vapors, shall be as specified for the storage of flammable liquids. Tanks and containers when emptied shall have the covers or plugs immediately replaced in openings. The above violations must be corrected by September 16, 1991. Complete the attached inventory forms and acutely hazardous materials registration forms. Review the computer printout of the Marnet Hazardous Materials Business Plan and make any .necessary corrections to the text. Be certain to add responses to the items highlighted in yellow. Send the signed and completed forms to 2130 G St., Bakersfield, CA 93301. The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Barbara Brenner at 326-3979. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey e e Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, DIVISION Date Completed B/ 15/'1 I Business Name: I'1ctrNf'T Location: 300 ÑM.n Q ê Business Identification No. 215-000 J 130 Station No. tb2:. /Ý1ú'" Shift (Top of Business Plan) Inspector -¡5r~r'I nt...í Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantnies Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: Adequate Inadequate D D D ~ D D D æJ D D Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: D D D D Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Comments: D D D ~ D D Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: I1Hm 1·/'I.5~TÍ0"'1 . Sf NO tJ. 'J:'(\v~.nì1> ^1 ~ f~ Y)e~rI I pc-lc.."t I /ON Ct, lor,. f\le... . Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev. 1·90) All Items O.K. D Correction Needed ~ White·Haz Mat Div. Yellow·Station Copy Pink-Business Copy HAZARDOUS MATERXALS XNVENTORY -. NON - T R A DES E eRE T S. Pig, L. r _'-- OWNER NAME: ÍJ./nMf.fS M, 1. Rf hfHV! NAME OF TrrtS FACILITY: D e..... ADDRESS .3. 4J.3.1.1. d ¡J;:)Jje,¿ STANDARD IND. -c-iÄSSCODEI CITY, Z~P: i."');/IfP ~<;t¿7d ê'.tJ Cí'!34!}(Jt., DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER 'I PHONE .:¡O~ 8q~J~~q , IUlI'lDl ro IlIS'rRUct'IOllS roB PROPIlR CODa ï :1 I :1 -1-- - I ,I I ---r-- r- I r-- ----- -T- r ----JL______l.________-L-1--____________JL_____________J_____J________L_____J_~JL____..Jl___ ,1_ Phvsiul IIId HHIt" 1I.,~rtI C.A.S. ..,. Cœpantnt II 11-.. C.A.S. ...... ,/ (theck all that ""')1 ---------------------- : --- ------ ~=~ Fir, Hazard [:I~ IIHc:tivity ~:J hlaytd ~=J Sudden R,I..n ~:::: l.edlat. COII IQIItIIt 12 11_' U.S. IMber :1 Health of Pressure Health eo.oon.nt 13 11-.' C.A.S. .....1' ------------------r------- ------ ICfRGfNCY CIXlTACTS II ~NL1.JafMIY1_.________________ !i?1~-~C-.----.....i6~74f!':t.f------- .{[e.l..v'1.JAJ:.h8-'J_~_______________ ~!\~~------- ¡~f~;'~E3 Certification (Read Jnd sign lifter co_plp-ting IIll sections) , 'I I c.r;.tHv und,r ".,..lty bf ,... that I hav, .,.rson.l1y ,...in~ .nd .. ,..i);.I' ..ith the infO/'NtiOllfu ·ttad In this IIId .n attached doe_ts. IIId that INtsad on -V i/IC Uiry of thole IndlvidINlJ .... JØI.ib'. for obtaining the m·n " tion. I believ, that the subltitt~ infol'tlltion is true. accur.t'. and coapl't . ,<;;;:. ../ 9 ,"I = ¡ TC,-J" It,_Tì,\t.f;rJn , \ -----, ~ /~ ~ / - 1'7 - g · 114.. -¡~a-ömmn t1, .' T.:J.~'if~øirãtõ;:y~W~~õ;:·š~ãütliõ;:i¡¡a-;:¡õ;:iš¡;¡tmÿ¡ '--Sigñitur, - --Ç7------------------------------------' Ilãt¡-Si9ñ¡a--·--------~-------------- ~~c.;, , j i - , - - ~ - DßI4 I, IJd¡f/J¡Jße PODI1.e.n . ?pJdOC!.i<. -V O(S ,-, ~ Far. and Aqricu !ture L-J St.nd.rd Bus ;n,ss '---' BUS r NESS NAME, ~,q R rue r I 1\)<'., LOCATION: 3.o.dS~NH"~Y sf CITY, zrp:~;4KP(~'·eJI{\liA t(~~ot, PHONE II :XD~ ~f7i::2.. IIJL/.tj. I 1 2 3 . 5 Ir8n' Ty.,. .... aver. Annual Cod, Cod, Mt ' "'t Est -(I.:. .F-- __2.SLL ' __ _30/7; __ It. Ph~ica I and HH Ith H.~'rdJfJ I ;).. C.A.S. ..... f Check .11 that 'IIP 'y )1: - r~.( r-(, r-., 'r~ LV'; Fir. Hllard I._I" RlICtivity L_" Del.ytd L_" Sudden ..,_ tIN Ith of Pl'tlSUI't ~d:- CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD I Cant Prw. 11 Un CoN 12 lOClt 101'1 IIhere StOl'ld In facility II ..... of _1atUl'l/eo.oon.nt. See Instruct i_ 13 Q.~ '.ttr ~4itJ.k~*__ COII IQIItIIt 11 11-.. C. A. S. ....... 10 Cant J.., 6 ....Ul't Units 7 IOys 01'1 SIt. _ h\.Qf.\\riL.c'.,...A<;«2 '-~_~~_1.________ ,.V' L -" l.edl.t. IIeIlth ec.aon.nt 12 .... U.S. ...... eo.oon.nt 13 .... C.A.S. ....... ~\)~~ - \JQ...\e\eJ, r-' r-, ~-, L_" DeI.yed L_" Sudden ..,_ L_..I l.edl.t. tlNlth of Pl'tl1U/'t HIIlth COII IQIItIIt 12 11-.. C. A. S. ..... CoIIDonInt n ..., C.A.S. ...... U.S. ..... eo.oon.nt 11 11-.. C.A.S. ...... ,..-., r-' ra-, r-' r-, L _.J Fir' HII.rd L - oJ RHctivity I. - oJ hl.v-c/ L - oJ Sudden 11.1.... L -" l.edi.t. Health of P....sur. IIH Ith COII IQIItIIt'2 11_' C. A. S. ...... eo.oon.nt 13 11-.' C.A.S. ....... .T___ .~~ . /-:~ ,/_f."'òAKq'., ... /0'" 0""" -s')¡ 7,i,~.':;"',,' ?\\ / ,I:, _ . .i.h-... ("' i,;l.i ?~~L~,' ' '''i) \\.-,...........~f_o;,! '\ ....;\', . \ . 'i \·<24l."'~/';¡·:' ,-¿\~,' / "'~ . . I) 1 ~ Ù \\\~\~~~~~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD' JL~:/'::\ /;:~:~ ('/-1 ~- J 7~ ,\, :: \'~ .. H,'E CARE" 1; I ""f:.\ ,?" ~,':gJ "Ä--- ,'~..~~\ ~'. /..:¡ - L¿~j¡'ííÍ~ I THOMAS M. LATHAM (tYDe or print name) (i) o REr;r:,'VED Do hereb~- certify tha t I ha-\-e revieh'ed the JAN 1 ~ 1989 ARs'd. -....... attached Hazardous Materials bu~iness plan for MA RNF.T TNC. DBA PADDOCK peOLS . ADVANCE POOL SERVICE (name of business) and that it along with the attached additions or corrections constitute a complete and correct facility. /- /7-f'' date of-- ~·-?·-i - -... e e ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION AND RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM CHECK LIST 1. A.H.M. REQUESTED O~- /c:2- 219- , Z. A.H.M. RECEIVED 01/- c2,J- 87 3. R.M.P.P. REQUESTED 4. R.M.P.P. RËVIEWED 5. R.M.P.P. APPROVED 6. R.M.P.P, INSPECTION COMMENtS: ,A/),;9/Wé/ flUc. ¿).8~ ./ldY/1AJC£ Ao/ a. BUSINESS NME # //da I.D. NUMBER e e ~ ~"ir CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D.S, NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD,93301 326·3911 April 12, 198!:! Marnet Inc. dba Advance Pool Co. 300 Sumner Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 Dear Business Owner: The enclosed "Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration Form" must be completed by any business, handling above the minimum reporting quantity of any material on the EPA list of Extremely Hazardous Substances. (Fed~ Register Vol. 52, No 77, P. 13397), Your company has reported handling the following Acutely Hazardous Materials: CHLORINE GAS Please return the completed Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration Form to: Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G STreet Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 If you have any questions regarding this form please call Duane Meadows or Ralph Huey at 326-3979. ( Duane . Meadows Hazardous Material Planning Technician DJM/ed AHi''1REG . FOR -!" ,.~, ACUTELY HIARDOUS MATERIALS REIsT RATION FORM THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE OWNER OR OPERATOR OF EACH BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA WIDCH AT ANY TIME HANDLES ANY ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES GREATER THAN 500 POUNDS, 55 GALLONS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF GAS AT STP.l THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITfED TO YOUR LOCAL ADMINISTERING AGENCY. (§25533 & 25536 Health & Safety Code) RECEIVED Note Instructions on reverse Business Name #11£4/£7; - ØC, Business Site Address ðt'O .5"'Q'A? /!/~Æ 'APR 2 1 1989 f-IA7 MAT n,v .5"r: Business Mailing Address (if different) Buslne~s P~one 9)5"' %7 ~ - /1 W Business Plan Submission Date2 Process Designation3 ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLED4 -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY- CHEMICAL NAME (?Ø¿oÆ/AlÆ c§;:;s QUANTITY ø¿?.&I=- ::: . !J/¿) ;/.g GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROCESSES AND PRINCIPAL EQUIPMEN"P:'-.ß1/A'1 /J?/AI~ ¡g1J¿' ~JL4U A~ &,vSr-A?¿¿¿7/t!J/l./ TITLE ¿"u/064/7' DATE f..... -ð'f California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3m (1-15-88) e e + ~.. iNSTRUCTIONS: Superscripts: 1,. Quantities for RMPP compliance are "equal to or greater than" the minimum criteria and apply to chemicals handled '"at âñy one Ùßle". ·2:. BusinesseS' handling reportable quantities of Acutely Hazardous Materials that have not submitted a business plan ~ST c.ontaCt local Administering Agencies. The business plan submission date will assure the Administering ; Agencythàì a business plan has been submitted and is on file. This will also immediately identify businesses that have not submitted business plans. ~----= 3. "Process Designation" is provided as a reporting option (with the approval of the Administering Agency) for facilities that can most easily report by process. Thus, facility RMPP registration data could be submitted in a similar fonnat to a business plan that is divided by process. "By process" data can initiate an emergency response to a process incident rather than a general emergency response to a major facility. Process designation can simplify inspœtiOiìS"Cor majol'-facilii.ies-and ÍlIìp.rove future -emergency respðnse:-- -- - - -- - - -- - -- ~ --. 4. Refer to the EPA list of Extremely Hazardous Substances from the Federal Register (Volume 52, No. 77, p. 13397 ~,April22, 1987). Each chemical has a threshold planning quantity. This list may be changed by EPA on an annual basis. Updates of this list may be available early in 1988. To comply witl1 this element, you may attach a copy of the inventory submitted to your Administering Agency from your business plan and highlight all Acutely Hazardous Materials. It is recommended that facilities list.all extremely hazardous chemicals handled in quantities equal to or in excess of 1) 500 pounds, and 2) any EPA threshold planning quantity less than 500 pounds. 5. Do not include Trade Secret information in these descriptions. General: For emergency response purposes, it would be desirable to describe the following to the Administering Agency: 1. Batch Process: a. What raw materials? b. What operating pressure range? c. What operating temperature range? d. Batch capacity rating? e. Product characteristics? (e.g., chemical state, flammability, toxicity, etc.) f. Critical ¡rocess points and characteristics? 2. Contin~ous ~s: (~_ informati~J1 as above.) . u MQIE: "Pursuant to §2SS34, Ibe Administering Agency may require the submission of a Risk Management Prevention Program (RMPP). if the AðmjnilltHing Agerv;y detennines that the handler's opezation may present an acutely hazardous materials accident risk. The handler sba11 prepare the RMPP in accordance with subdivision (c) [of §25534]. The RMPP shall be prepared within 12 mmths following the request made by the Administering Agency pursuant to this section." (§ 25534 (a) Health and Safety Code) An amendment to the RMPP must be submitted to the Administering Agency within 30 days of: 1. Any additional handling of acutely hazardous materials. 2. Any material or substantial alterations to business activities. 3. Change of address, business ownership, or business name. (§ 25S33 (c) Health & Safety Code) · EVERY BUSINESS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT AN RMPP SHALL IMPLEMENT THE APPROVED RMPp· California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3m (1-15-88) :: " ~USINESS NAME MARNET INC Oßf\ ADVANCE POOL lOCATION 300 SUMNER ST \ EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION I EVACUATION SIlC 10 NUMBER ZI5~Ø0Ø-ØØTI3Ø HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 LAST CHANGE 11/07/88 BY EStER 3A SEe z ) THIS 15 STOHHGEONLY ,N{YB'1PLOYEES. E. MITIGATION / PREVENTION IRBllTEMENr' ' 'nfsr CffRJIìI6E rrr07/88 BY ESTER 3A SEC 1) TOM LATHAM IS THE ONLY PERSON "TO' FILL THE CHLORINE TANI<S HE HAS 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE. APPLY' l-JRTERAND NOTIFY FIRE DEPT. THERE ARE NO EMPLOYEES IN THrS..BtOG,··""WE·'RAVE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND AN ALARM SYSTEM. THE FIRE'PLUG"Ts'orRECTI-Y IN-FRONT OF THE SlDG 40 FT, PAGE 4 12/19/88 14:50 MATERIAL SAFtTY DHTA' SYSTEflfS", rNCnT80S) S4H-6S0Ø e e BUSINESS NAME MARNETIC DBA ADVANCE POOL SVC 10 NlJ~ 215-000-001130 lOCATION 300 SU -R ST H. HAZARD RATING 3 1, OVERVIEW LAST"CHf'iNGE ~ 1/07/88 E}V ESTER JURIS tODE Z) 5'·002 .TURfS BAKERSFIELD STiHION 0Z MAP PAGE 103 GRID Z9A . 'Ff'iCILtTy UNITS 1 HAZARD RATING 3 RESPONSE SUMMARY ZA SEC 4) TOM LATHAM SR. ~ LfHHAM JR. --rê) M EMERGENCY CONTACTS ZA SEC Z'}· . TOM LATHAM SR. - 872,-1744 DR 871--2183 TOM LATHAN JR. - OR 834-93Z3 UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2A SEC 3) ALGAS - NEAR FRONT 'OOORN ON LEFT 10FT B) ELE~TRICAL - NEAR FRONT ODOR ON LEFT 10FT C> WATER - NEAR FRONT DOOR ON l.EFTI0FT D> SPECIAL - ALL NEAR FRONT' OOOR E) l.OCI< BOX .- NO Z. NOTIFICATION! PUBLIC EVACUATION LAST CHANGE / 1 BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION> -- -- -- - -.- - - ----- -- - -. ~. '. " " f, PAGE J 1 Z/ 1 9/88 1 4: 50 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INe.. (805) '£i4B-GBØ0 ~ ",-- ,BUSINESS NAME MARNET INe DBA ADVANCE PQOL SVC 10 NUMBER 215-000-001130 lOCATION 300 SUMNER 5T ' HIGH HAZARO RATING 3 3. HAZ MAT TRAINING SUMMARY ((1ST CffANGF. I' I BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION ) 4. LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCe LAST CHANGE 11/q.J7/88 BY ESTER ZA SEC 5) KERN MEDICAL CENTER - 1830 FLOWER 5T - 326-2000, PAGE Z 1 VI 9/ a8 14: S0 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA5YSTEMS, INL"(a0S) 648-6800 tit -- BUSINESS NAME MARNEr. DBA ADVANCE POOl. SVC 10 NU~ 215-000-001130 ' LOCATION 3Ø0 SUMJ(R ST HfIlIIr HAZARD RATING 3 FACILITY UNIT 0t A. OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY t:FlSTCHfìNBE' 1 T rø7lHa BY ESTER ID TYPE NAME LOCATI ON COI\ITATl'ifl"fËl'VY- , MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD USE PURE CHLORINE; GAS 251 FT3 EXTREME BETWEEN ßLOG 3: 5HEU-- PCJRTfìBL:E" PRES-5. CYL.. ADDITIVf:: 10 PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST 1018.00 100.0 CHLORINE (EPA) EXTREME EP 2 PURE MURIATIC ACID 120 GAL HIGH SHOP NEAR BACK ROLL DOOR PLASTIC CONTAINER[S] ADDITIVE 10' PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST 1078.02 100.0 MURIATIC ACID HIGH 8. FIRE PROTECTION / WATER SUPPLIES LAST CHANGE 11/07/88 BY ESTER 3A SEe 4) NO FIRE PROTËCTTON 'LISTED. 3A SEC 5) FIRE HYDRANT? PAGE :3 1Z/19/88 14:50 MATERI AL . SAFETY 'OATH "SYSTEMS , ' INC. (805) 648- 6800 \ \, " ::; '?d.1- o:..!-~ e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD ARE DEPARTMENT D. S. NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF 2101 H mEET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 -7 I.:> ,- :)--<=6 ' I;J~ ./44' l'~/I/~ o ~ 'lJ 41/s ('.' l.gee ..... '0. Dear Business Owner: .- Enclosed please find a copy of your r~sponse to the Hazardoús Material Business Plan request. We have found it necessary to reject YO~lan for th,e foì1owing reason(s) as checked below. ~ D Illegible Busine Plan (please print or typ,e information in English). Form 2A Missing or D IncomPlet~ ~ . j f{ ha.t~i<-e,¡t. ~ ( D M" ~~I t .utICJtlt"'¡C;W) P¡¿e.'¡€11/V1øN Form 3A ,1ss1ng or l.bd" J.n7 e e -.I Form 4A ~Missing or D I complete Form SA Site Diagram ~iss'ng or D Incomplete Facilities Diagram Missing or D Incomplete resubmitted within 30 days to: 1~d.-<6~ This If additional copies of any forms are needed they can be picked up from the Hazardous Materials Division at 2130 "G" Street in person. Sincerely Yours, Coordinator REH/eg .. ~. . --~.... ~r~!. ~~" ';"'~f;...,~'.. .,..~" ~J\' ~ ótJY, , , /\ \JJ e e ; ~ BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET RECEIVED BAKERSFIÊLD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 q A J U L 6 1987 I03-.d P Ana'd............ 'I \\)6 d.-, ~ (bó212 3 'f'ø¿(;tX OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# U01130 USINESS NAME I HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH, 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: MARNET'INC. DBA ADVANC,F. POnT, ~FRVTC':E' HID SUPPLyg M B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 300 SHMNF.R STRF.F.T CITY: B}.KERSFIELD ZIP: 9330') BUS. PHONE: (80S) 872"\ 1 7 (I I~ SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFV IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NO~~_ NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A. TOM LATHAM PRES. . Ph#.81¿J.-i'lLfL/- Ph# gOS g712193 B. TOM Ll'.thAM 0......-é?"Ø~# ~~ Ph.;)DS 'i';"3'f cn d- J . , . " A. B. C. D. E. IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - ¡~ e e <' . ,~ 6 oJ ""'-.. . f'-- ""f' .,.,... .~ - ~_ r:¿.r::~, 4· .:t- t=:' r", SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE !OM lAthA1V\ c;r --1D1V\ LAt hAM jv-; SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCV MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE 1-< 1M C- , I SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:...................... .... ~ NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT:..... . ... ....... .. ~ NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:. .... .. YES ~ SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL /s¿¡:it- ~ : INITIAL REFRESHER' YES NO YES NO YES NO ,YES NO YES NO ~Bo-<!' CIRCLE ~ OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS:. .,... ~ NO I, '16M LAth It M , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. TITLE ~~. DATE 7-2 -R7 r - 2B - · ,~-~ ;Jf~" ,)(~v .-/"-'. (- '?~..: .; T 1 " ' e e OFFICIAL CSE ONLY R~tr""~~ OCT RECEIVED Ans L 0 CT 3 0 1987 Ans'd. ........ .. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPART)IEXT , 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ID# - - -' - - - BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A 00 //30 ~-- ----- -.- -- INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action. this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANS~~ERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW ----- 4. 'Be- as BRIEF and CONCTSE--asposs-ible:-- ~. - ---'- --~--- -~ ,--- "-.. ~---7"---~' FACILITY UNIT# 11 FACILITY UNIT NA.'fE: MAIN BUILDING SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEME~jl PROCEDURES I?MA~~I~Atlat~rT~~dON~tiîyRf~~e ð~pt~LLT~~qC~LORI~ETANKS HE HAS 3syrsExp. 2. There are no employees in this building. 3,yes. 4, we have extinguishers and an alarm system. 5. The fire plug is directly in front of the building.40 ft. SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION A~~ EVACUATION PROCEDL~ES AT THIS u~IT OXLY l_ _____ ~ ~-,~-- - -._-------~~ - --. - ----- - - --- - THIS IS STORAGE ONLY NO EMPLOYEES. YOU HAVE A PLAN DRAWN BY TOM FOR THIS BUILDING ON FILE. DBA ADVANCE POOL SER.MARNET INC. ADVANCE STEEL BUILDING:300 SUMNER ST. PADDOCK POOLS. i, I ¡ ---'-- - 3-\ - e e _.f :j V { , :.,\\~SECTIO~ ,3: HAZ,\RDOt;S ~f¡l.TERIALS FOR THIS TDTIT ONLY ~:~,Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Mate~ials?...,. YES ~O If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. .. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES ~O If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS OXLY (white form #4A-1) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow for~ #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION '. t....,....~ : ~"., ~:': ~.;., ';'. '"~. "0 ~-:..-.::.=-=,..~..:-"'-;-:>~.=- -_.~-~-- ..:."......"----=~-..~ -- ---~~.:;...~-,-..,-~~..~----- - _._ ;-:¿:::.-~ ':- :::.s.-~-.."...--.__ ~ --=:='-- ~_.e~~......_ ,-.,'" ~ ~ ~ - , .---. ....... ..__.._........ ._..__~.c..,. .,._. SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER Su~PLY FOR USE BY E~RGENCY RESPONDERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUi-OFFS AT THIS u~IT ONLY. A. NAT. GAS!PROPANt~ B. ELECTRICAL: -<.----.0,;""- =--- ,~_,__=""::!.~~ -_.-0-.... ..- _ -::_ :----~_ -.:_-;...,;.-.....;-.c-~ ~,"",:",. ~-___~ -- --: --,-- -------~-,..-~ ',---~----' C. WATER: D. SPEC:AL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOC,\TIO~:: IF YES, SITE PLA~S0 FLOOR PL\~S0 YES / :;0 :vrSDSs? , Y2S \"0 ~:EYS ':' YES \:0 YES \'0 - 33 - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM 4A-l NON-TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ',' p.J '" - J I <~ i~· .2,_ - ~- 1. D. # ..7 -- --- '¿ BUSINESS NAME: MA.RÞŒT INC D:Br.\ PADDOCK POOl.S ADDRESS: I 300 SUMÞŒR ST CITY, ZIP :1 K^.KERSFIELD,C.'\ 93305 PHONE #: (805) 872 17/1~ OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY,ZIP: PHONE #: TOM M 1. A.TH 1M 3312 BLADE AVE EA~:~;~I:;~ ~A aqqn~ "(805) S71':'2ï93 FACILITY UNIT It: FACILITY UNIT NAME: I ___,_-'- ,. I 10FFICIAL USE dFIRS cori~ ONLVI M~X I -.. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 110 TYPE ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY H~ZARD D.O.T CHEMICAL I CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. OR COMMON NAME ! CODE GUIDE ))p 251 I·· 3012 FT3 04 01 in back between \D~~ PISNA m<=l;n r.l1;lr1;noR,,,,h,,,r1 r'J-rTnt>TT\TH' (èAC: , :J\ F r~O 180 GAL 10 01 in shop near back I b ì9 . ()~ pISNR e r () 1 1 11 n n () () r MTT'RTArrTr' ^"Tn ) I See DrPåJ,')Jq I I I I , I / I '1 I ; I I I I I I , I I I I I I I - I NAME: ~ f?")M I {\f\. LAt'hAtJ\ TITLE: (Jwr{f'/'f SIGNAT~RE~ Z t--':i!ó , ...£. DATE~ 11-/5-g'7 /1?; EMERGENCY CONTACT: ~TDN\ Sheefs T I TL E: SON_I'", - \-Al~' P m:rrrn # BUS HOURS: 'X '1.:zJ '7 L./ t.f I ' .: EMERGENCY CONTACT 1DM L¡;) rhA{IIl J -J. TITLE: Sow 'PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Swt'M.M\'N4 fbol Ct')N~TRI..I~t-\t/h.) ~ - 4A-l - AFTER BUS HRS: grJ¡ ~/9 3 PHONE # BUS HOURS: 3~ql-::X'.>~V AFTER BUS DRS: 83 f3';¡