HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 10/31/1991 IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR M OF PHONE NO. TELEPHONED CALLED TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU PLEASE CALL WILL CALL AGAIN RUSH RETURNED YOUR CALL MESSAGE '3 ~ l 5Vt. 'm ~(' t 1" yö 1-'1 QtA" ~. ~K~t'15 ~ ASSOCIATED L 1·A2334 SIGNED II ..,.;.. Specializing in Complete - Furniture Stripping - Refinishing Restoring - Repairing - Veneering Fire and Water Damage Restoration . Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing . Piano Refinishing - Tuning" Conditioning . . , Mirror.Hesilvering." Clock Repairing " . -.:~~~___-:::-~:--~~_';__"o~_~~__ . . ~uality . Refinishing BILL BARLOW .- 215 Daniels Lane - Bakersfield, CA 93307" (805) 327-9721 . < N-:'" '-. UNION AVE. ro 0 ~ :;¡: ~ m Þ m Z '"' Z :D ~ '"' ¡;; :D GJ m » (]o. » -i >< r- () 0:> < m (/I m fT1, _ :D §; :E :D . . » ·z » () m -< m Quality Refinishing - 215 Daniels lane (805) 327-9721 -----=.:..: -, ~-~~, ~- - " ~uality . Refinishing M OF PHONE NO. TELEPHONED CALLED TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU PLEASE CALL WILL CALL AGAIN RUSH ( ASSOCIATED L 1·A2334 .....IN'ftOIN y...... ~ '..,- ,~ ¡. J.re Safety Contl-ol BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU APPROVED FOR GROUP ß - 2- OCCUPANCY NOTE: Acceptance applies to plans as submitted and for construction and/or installation thereon, subject to final inspection and acceptance. Date: ? - j 5 - c¡ I Fire Marshall: ÇQ~~ ~v/lV1/ 4r PROJECT DESCRIPTION (ADDRESS/LOCATION, NAME OF PROJECT, SPR No., NAME OF DEVELOPER OR ARC:··~· ¡~;' J, tLd-L- ~ ~ Cl-& /¡2UV d#e ~ ~~__h ~~ ~ ~ /~. z4. ~aø¿~.. Ä j/~ a- ~/.ß;Z& ~. ~ ~~) $f~ ~ á/1¿ ~__ ~.dÆe. cuJ! T.h ~"'.<: 1·~.~~ ~¿ / _~~~' z:h ~/: aU ~r ~ CVl!~ ~__ ~~r4' . . 3. h~~ . 4Ø¿, ~, ~..' ~-- -- ì .. .~_... nn_' ..~......-_. . .____....N___ SEE BACK SIDE FOR ADDIT10NAL COMMENTS - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT INFORMATION SHEET STORAGE CABINETS FOR FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS DEFINITIONS · Flammable liquid~ - Liquid~ having a flash point leu than 1000 F · Combustible liquid~ - Liquids having a flash point at or above 1000 F REQUIREMENTS · Storage cabinets are required where it is desired to keep more than 10 gallons of flammable or more than 60 gallons of combustible liquids inside bundings. · Containers must not exceed S gallons individual capacitY. ::::~ Not over 120 gallons may be stored in anyone cabinet. A maximum of 60 gallons of the 120 gallons may be ---. -flammable liquids. ." . · A total of 3 cabinets may be stored in 8 fire area. CONSTRUCTION · Steel 10.0478 . inch) or 1-inch, exterior grade plywood. .. Minimum 2·inch, liquid tight sill or metal pan. · Doors must be self closing and equipped with a latching device. · Cabinet must be painted with intumescent, fire retardant paint. · FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS must be conspicuously labeled in red leners. · All ¡oints must be rabbetted and fastened with wood screws in two directions. · 1·inch rabbetted overlap on lip of door. · Doors must be tight fining. · If shelves are provided, they must be recessed 1·inch to facilitate dripping into pan. F LAMMAB LE LIQUIDS 1-inch Rabbmed'" Overlap . c::, .. KEEP DOORS . CLOSED c..,. "~~ . .1· v/... ('7¡Cr::/ (¿_ ('0 ¡J Y tL~L-~fL.t-ß.rb--§'-ð.-;-E-~-I-x.-!bå-L~_~tl-~-~-f Ppnco Sales, Jnc., r2.3 tn:CJut Drlv,,!, .....v. .DCM 12J.:;Jf CrD!lsvi Ie, TN 38557 . Emeorgency Phone I '61~"""484-957a . . PRODUCT NAMEI BENCO *H31 WATER-REDUCIBLE LACQUER PRO()UCT INFORMATION! Gen~ral or Generic ID~ Acqueous Emulsion 1r~de Name: Benco *M31 ~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS. INGREDIENT . 2-ButoHY Ethanol "'mmon i a r-nrm~ldehyde <0.05 % M~ximum) PEL (ACGIH) 50 ppm 25 ppm 1 ppm ~ . rHVSlCAL nATAl BQiling Point: 212 Degrees F Vapor Density* (1 <~ir =1 ) Sp~cific_Gråvity: 1.0-1.2 25/25C ^ppe~rancet Milky l~quid FIRE AND EXPLOSIoN HAZARD DATAl Fla~h Point: Non-combustible. Flammable Limits' N/A E:ltinguishing Media: Not Applic:able. ~ir~-tighting Equipment: Pressure demand self-cont~ined respi~atory equipment. Vapor Pressure' 17 MMHG @20C Solubility in Water' Misc:ible Percent Volatile by Weight: 68ï. VOC Conteontl 272 grams/liter // " . . ,'. . r; HEALTH HAZARD DATAl EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: E4e~: Pain and irritation, but no corneal injury should occ:ur. Skin: Short c:ontact-no irritation, possible burning sensation on cuts or bruises. Prolonged or frequently ~epe.ted contact-moderate irritation and dryihg. Prolonged skin contact ,with very large amounts may cause drowsiness, lethargy, or narc09is.··· . ' . Skin Absorption: Prolonged contact may result in let~argy or lightheadedness. Ingestion' Low single dose oral toxicity. ; Inhalation' Can cause headac:he, nausea. and i~ritation of the nose. FIRST AID' . '.. Eye~L Flush with large amounts of water, lifting ripper and lower lids for fifteen minutes. Get medical attention. Ski!,. Wash affected skin areas ~ith sðap and wat~r. Thoroughly wash and ~ir dry grossly contaminated clothes before reuse. Inqestion: Drink water. Call a physician. Never give anything by mouth to an unconsc:ious person. . InhAlation: Remove to fresh air, it effects occur. If respiration stops give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. CAn physician or tr~nsport to emergency facility. TOXICITY: G~rcinogenicity~ Not known to be carcinogenic. Mut~genicity: Not known to be mutagenic. REACTIVITY DATAl I az~rdous Polymerization: Will not occur. Stability' Avoid open flames, welding arcs, or other high temperature ~ourc:e~. Avoid strong oxidizers. '~Azardous Decomposition Products: Involvement in fire forms carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. "- 7. SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES' A~tion to Take for Spills or Leaks' Small Spills: mop up, wipe up, or soak Up immediately. Remove to out of doors. '_~rge Spills: evacuáte area. Contain liquid and transfer tó closed metal containers. Keep out of water êupply. Remove all sourc:es of ignition. Disposal ·MethodS (In order of preferenc:e)Send solvent to licensed reclaimer, incinerationl evaporation of very small quantities, or ~nproved landfill buria in compliance with loc:al~ state or f~rl~ral regul~tions. Dumping into sewers, on the ground, or into ~ny hody of water is strongly discouraged, and may be illegal. (Continued on P~ge 2) r!' ~ .., ~. !':Lð-L.~~L~t.;;..:t;A:"'E-§'-LY-º-~ T A _S tl-~-~- T ;'~rH~Q Sales, .Inc., 1.,,3 S1:0~t urrve, P.O. Bax'l115'; t'rossvlIIe, TN 38557 Emergency Phone I 615-484-9578 Page 2 PRODUCT NAME' BENCO .M3t WATER ,REDUCIBLE LACQUER /, ¡ .,. :'<J:';. :'::¡:..: 11 "ANDLING PRECAUTIONS' Vpntil~tion: Recommend cant~ol of vapors to suggested guide. R~spiratory Protection: NIOSH approved re~piratory protection required . in absense of proper environmental control. For emergencies, a self contained breathing apparatus or a full-face respirator approved by NIOSH is recommended. Eye Protectionl Use safety glasses. ADOITIONAL INFORMATION: Speciftl precautions to be taken in Handling and storage: Exerci~~ reasonable care and caution. Avoid breathing vapors. Vapors of this product are heavier than air and will collect in low areas such as pits, 'degreasers, storage tanks and other confined areas. Do not enter those areas where vapors of thi9product are suspected unless speci~r breathing ,apparatus is used aodan observer is present for assi$tance. Do not preS5ure product out of container with air. When opening drum, . open bung partially and vent any accumulated pressure before removing bung completely. . This Material Safety Data Sheet supercede9 any previous Material Safety O~ta Sheet dn this product. Effective date- May 30,1989. lIte information accumul~ted herein i9 given in goOd faith and believed tQ be accurate, but no warranty, e"p~essed or implied, of merchantibility fitness or otherwise is made. ThQ suggested prücedures are based on ex~erience as of the date of publication. They are not necessarily all intl~give nor fully adequate in every ci~cumgtance. Consult Benco Sales, tnc., for proper handling p~ocedures in specific situations or for any other further information. ' " " September 13, 1991 Bill Goatcher . Bakersfield Fire Department 1729 22nd Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 This letter is to confirm our meeting on July 15, 1991 with Mike Quon, Ralph with Hazardous. Materials and myself. At this meeting I stated that I would be using water based sanding sealer, water based lacquer and non-flammable stripper in my business. We also discussed that I would have some small quantities of flam- mable material on hand for doing small touch up on refinishing opera- tions that cannot be done with a water base product. We set a limit of no more than 60 gallons of flammable liquid would be stored in this building at anyone time. Also I am to build 2 storage areas with a one hour fire wall to store the flammable liquid and the stripping material. These structures are noted in oUr remodeling plans. Sincerely, ,~, /' /" \j: C'j~ ~/ . >~ T)-.'~' r'__ .._ J). /' / .,( '> .... , , ,/-/ /v' '.. -.." ,/ Bill Barlo¡{ Quality Refinishing .. September 13, 1991 Bill Goatcher Bakersfield Fire Department 1729 22nd Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 This letter is to confirm our meeting on July 15, 1991 with Mike Quon, Ralph with Hazardous Materials and myself. At this meeting I stated that I would be using water based sanding sealer, water based lacquer and non-flammable stripper in my business. We also discussed that I would have some small quantities of flam- mable material on hand for doing small touch up on refinishing opera- tions that cannot be done with a water base product. We set a limit of no more than 60 gallons of flammable liquid would be stored in this building at anyone time. Also I am to build 2 storage areas with a one hour fire wall to store the flammable liquid and the stripping material. These structures are noted in our remodeling plans. Sincerely, (-~, /-(" \ ... 1/ ' \ k // /(" .' / '·Y'·L ~ \. ,(I ¿_q_', /;;:' r '__ ) // (/C:;::;/,¡, \_....../t./" ./,,/ "- Bill Barlow Quality Refinishing