HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-12/13/89 1?e )¡ah)e L\ V)f'ý) J.}. ¡ I ~u rn n€r S~. Pi- (j() a4 ENV. SENSITIVITY: I , I" "" : <''if FACILITY: " " . ADDRESS : PERMIT #: " It' . (- e' FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY --~~ -----~- - ---- -,-'---,- - - -~ ~ . ." -.' - ---- ~~ ---=-::...~=-~=--- -,- ~----~ '" -;:.' --- ---~ - ---- --~ -.::: Activity , ". ~~:, . .,:. : Date # Of Tanks Comments . '.' '~~?:~12di~~::~~~iOn -- :'\':'"~,' AIo 1'J-/;-:';--' k1b reAL1/./-S (}k Jpwr .. ' . .. ~'.~" "~'.'.' _,_,~-==."'~~ -<-...,.-._o~_=.,--.-",-·.,..+ .4 hr/ 'Xg.~~ _._',/' __._' _",,",-_';~~"~L.. ~~~t7-'-=~-=-~-"=""-""--'-'--""-' ..-, -..- ,.~_.....,_..... 5/~~/fg ( ~s¡~y /~//3/g'l '.., .. ':(j' ' h....ý)· :~::"~/Ar·G:::·~;:·~~:;~:~~i;~v:t~~jJ~;:,. -w _at:.l... Ll '~'>:, .;:" (H"A·"Í>::t~,~[w.f:!~\':.~ . 7ã -~'k-';¡lJ{~~~~~~~~~r- . '. ~~-~~~~'~;'/{t.l{'~ii~fi;f;~¡~~~;~ ~';;';',-.~~;:-:.': ". .: -\~.: :.' '~.' '. ". .. ;:;:,:::~;.~~;:,;;~.i: ;':.~;~~~;§j:~:~f~~~:,,'~ .. " ~"r' ~.',' ,t. .._--,-.--,'"---_..--~=--~.,...--=..;~-=-.""'-"'~---"~..,,............~----~---,. ._~."'~"''''- -"",--"'-=-.,-. --.....,~--""¥- ~--,...-.._-'---. -.. - - -.__-,-.:0--_"'--_.--,_ ..,.--.._~'" ,..c· --"--"_~""'_""--"'-.,,,"._ "--.-"'~"-.-'--,...-.-==....--,--.-.~."""""~-~~=~-= .-=", -,,-...,.......,....-----< .,; GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 ,-,', e'- " , 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (8051861-3636 Telecopier (8051861-3429 . ,..'< ~..~ "-,"~?"':"\::' i ~ '':.. ~~,.7::~ . -':" .~< ~ , MAN A GEM. E N T I ~. ."~"'~ :':~:~:;:':~<~. , DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL -, ~ ." ..-, -~ ' ." ,,.- !HEALTIi ~~~YI~ES "~~O'" =-'~~"';'~~~~~:~c":ë:~~~"'?'"='--=:::=-.:"':o~~,-: __:,_,._,~..: '," ~~~~;,~~~~i;;~~ .:::'~:ë::-=-:==-" "'f'--:ë'-o:"="'::=,=;-::-?~~~=:,==-c:-c""s¿-=:S:::~-T':::=¿""'~c_-¿--,, .' STEVE Me CALLEY Director RESOURCE AGENCY , ! ,.! I .1 .:.,~~Ç;December 13, 1989 I .'. ",~( ,;', . ~ """,' _<:._.:t,:,".-;',·', ..:,~;~~",~:);,~41~{i~\>Jfi.M~~:!~~'1C (~S-!{[É~~l,"{;;,'~~c; ,..i"";:;~h<,.t<~~~c ;L~Jî¡~?#!~:~~jL'4, .: :,:;"~~~;/t:tb-:;3200North Figuera ",~' /.,' ·:';'.::~('1:~'::~·;';~Los Angeles ., California":90065, :;',..' ," ':?: ~ì~~i?;,~~t::~,.:;;i-' :t:, "J -~.<.~t,0,d ...~-.:. ,,"-~';""'¡ ..,.:-....,.; ..~... ,.~.' :~·,;:~':':{rr-:';' . CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 411 SUMNER STREET IN BAKERSFIELD ,CALIFORNIA. " . . . .... .. PERMIT # A 677 -14 / 140024, J;,.;",~~;;,~~I~i~:~~âo'; ,This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the'projeçt results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. -f i . Based upon 'the:: sample resul ts submi tted, this Department ,is satisfied that 'the as~essment is 'compl~te¡ Basedø on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important :to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. '. ,.. ~'. .' .....".,' ~ ~'; Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. ~~~2CA.w~",\t~ TURONDA R. CRUMPLER, R.E.H.S., HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST .. cc: D & J CONSTRUCTION , .. "--~--'-- -~.-~- -~ - , ...,-- --~-~"'.._ ~ ___ __....~,.....-_",.,.---<=_ _ _ ~..~ -- - - ----- ~ ~--'--.~---==~--,.,........-~-~---.....-....- --~~~.-........-- --=~__ ,.."...... ,-......: _ _~''''--'''- ..___ _ .,_.__........-..e-=- "L .-...---..........----- ! ~ "11-1'3:;::':3 11 : 07 FF:CIfI CÙ t::::,Clii ,j i L ¿ rr:t:.i-. 'It,., . 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' Oo HAVE A NICE DAY!! ~ ,:", ---':.---.-:-----.-~.n--~~~'~~'~~..-----,...-~~~-~~~-:.:::.-5· . . --- =--= ---- - ..;;='.= ~ ~ v- .Lb...-.,.. - r - - ·;'-1 j." - - -_.........."......~~....,.......,............,....-'.,='=....,...~--.,.---=-~.=:.,,-""-=-=~.-.....--:-- ," ... ! Ñ ¡', ; , :,;-,;"" -.:.. ~;:;,:;.. ;..-- I: .- i:.· ~ I" () f:: i !" ~ I:, ~ ~ ;,.~ <... ,-3: '~'~i ~.,- . .C' >i - G E -~"-tÏl"'" 'e lit A T o FI II: ,\1,1 ,~ '; ~ '" ,:~ C1. <h \1,1 a; .- 0( '5 J:: i ~ ..,J .- -< (j " oJ .- lC tn ,'~ >- o z w o t&: '~ ',III' Z < ,\&" o '\1,1 ,(I) ,< ,() '~ F A C , L , '--1-" Y DEC '11-198'3 11 ; 07 FFU'¡ GIBSON OIL & REF. TiJ 861342'3 P. 02 Toxic M.Incø~~ SacmNlllo~~OI'n . " ~~=~~~ì.~{ 6. Tr.IIS )OO1. " Comç8ny Nam.. MP VACUUM tRUCK SERVICE, INC. 7. Trans,porter 2 COMQ.ny Name .' '''',,¡ .J,!,. 'fk o..'gt\at~F.<:IIIW·Name'~ $11411 A.ðð,e"$ ":GIBSON OIL & REFINING ) END OF COMMERCIAL DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 -.-.'.'-; "",-' . " .~ '. '. .'; '. ~ ' A)',..::GASOLINE/DiESEL :.:. ,~i:~(~~~~:::)~~~::,.;,:::,~:", ·1, . :"~'., . . , I:. ,'. .'\..',::, " , :.~, '<.::: ...i:)}}., ':' " . þ' . :~.: "":'::::.>1::;:,:;'. "d. .,' '. .,0.. . . ;:,> "::.?·'l</,::';: " ' . '" .. . '.-",' . 15. S9*çIaI t1a1lð1itl; ....truclion" ,~ ÁclditÎQn,1 In'ormation GLOVES, GOGGLES, AND PROTECTIVE OUTER GARMENTS. RELEASE # g'14 b -L/ -. ,e. GENERA,TOR'S ceRTIFICATION; I hereby dvctere 1M' Ihe conlellls of Ihis COII$io"mem are fully and accuralely, ~$crib!td above," proper slliØPirlO w neme ItnCl are cIa$$ilivd. P.ç~ed. marhOd. .1Id labeled. and are ill ,n reaøects in oroøer OOII(tition lOt IranSpo" by highway accOfding to applic.JbJe ,~, ,internalic....1 and nalions' govommem ,egulationa. ¡ , ' ., . "', "It I am 8 large ~\I."tjty·gelle'aIOt. I ~ify thaI ....ve a ørogram ;It olace 10 feduce Ihe volume and loxicity of W:le gelle"tad to Ihe deQ1'ev I haye a.tem¡ined to be econo!'nioally proclil::øbJe alld thlllt I h8v. $.IVCled Ine pf,c;\icable moltlod 01 treatment, stora . 01' disøosal currently ayailable to "'- which millitni:tu Ihe I).enn' alld Mure Ihre.no human 1II),Ith and '''e ,"yironment: OR, II I am . s!'natl Clua fly ge/'ler8\or, I hav. made a go/XI faith elion 10 l'II;n;""ze my wasl. 9ltllq.etion alld "lecI the best weale mall,gemenl m"lhod Ihal Is av.ilable 10 me ItftO tn.. I csn aflorCl. , R A N is p o III T E, " i, Mo"''' O,y Ye., ß ';:~~~-393, \, ... 20. ¡Cpcility 0...- or Opø'elo' Cer'lifiç"IIQII of r~ø' PrIMed/Tn> "'amø ,ØHS~A(1'.") e.1"" 87000-22. (\: ft. 9-") F'f'eYÕQI,I, eøil~ e.e ottSOlorl9. Výhite: TSDF SENDS THIS' COPy TO DOH$ WITH JO 'VA YS To, P.O. Sox 3000, So~rom~l'Ito.' CA 95812 INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BACK T,-,Tùl t:' 17,.-:;, .. ~, , ... ¡., ~ J § -_.-.~- -~.-:::.:'- g c !! ~ !& ~ " \> -', ~; _,:1, -, .1 " ,~ .. :'(i .. - 'm ,¡ ..~ g ~ en w Q; ,,' ~ I ~ ~ ~ \> .J 5 tr. 0 >- ~ \1,1 0 tÈ ~ \IJ % -< ¡,. ~ I ~ IJ) '\: j ~ i ¡ \ I 1 -I -11-198'3 11 : 07 FROf1 GIBSON OIL & REF. TO UNIFORM HAZARDOUS :: ';WASTI!'MANIFEST' ~"p;¡;;;1:~MemÜ~"~ ' ' ~d'¡ It¡ $¿,~AJt"'7+-\ ß;"b~~.JJ.¡ <!~ ; A. GtMralor·. Phoøe <62:7>' 1> . ..; &. Tr.M )Ot(.. t Company Homo eo MP VACUUM TRUCK SERVICE, INC. C 7. T...n.porter 2 COMþaný Na",. ".... . VI £1'0\10 NUftloOt I ..: ). . t. o.a/gtlatH F.çillty HaÑ .'"' Slle AcIð,eu ,. GIBSON OIL & REFINING ~ END OF COMMERCIAL DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 G IS "-H- £- lit A T o lit e, ~. ...... ,. ,~.'~;on.$ Dft~iOn.tCM' 1oII81.....1a llatoð Abo~. ' ., :~" '~):'~:..:G~SOtINE./DIESEL .; ",'. ""WATER "~' -,:. ·":~·~:~~~i;~:·:J~·",,. '~~.,~::...~~~~~.'~ ~ . " , , , . ,;-.: , .... >~,?~::~,t . , '\;~.;'. . :;k~;:'; ': , ,,a. . ,·d. , , ~- :'J' ;.:..,',:: ',..' " , .' " of " ' '~!." . '.' ", 15. S9tçlel Halldlin; InetrvcliO"lI' ,..0 Adl1itiQna. "'Iorl\\Otion ReLEAse: , g'14h-L/ GLOVES, GOGGLES, AND PROTECTIVE OUTER GARMENTS. tee . " GENERATOR'S C£RTlfICATlOH; I he.eòy ~ect..e llIel Ihe OO/Ilelll$ of this COIISit nrnent are fully ènd accuralely ~aCfìb" above by proper 'hìÞ9iIlO" , n&/'II1t .II~ are oIassili\td. pac"~. markO(!, and labeltd. and are ift all reaøeclt ¡I\ proøer CÐIIdilion tor IntnSpol't by hio¡hway aco~i"9 10 applie.ble ifttetnaUonel and A8lionel govo.lI.....ent .egl/l'llon8. It lam. large (¡uentélY'<;1e11er8101', 1 ~ily that I "-v. . progra..... in place 10 t4rduce lhe vo'_ and toxiCily 01 W:l8 gelle'at~ 10 I}le dt9'e. , have ~t8""ined to be econol'lliç.lly proc:tiçebll, aftd Ih.t I have 8tl.cted Ih. ~r.cticllb e melhod 01 ffeall11ellt. lItora . Of' Olapoul cUl1'ently available to . me which minl/!lí~e8 Ihe pre8enl an4 Mllre Ihreat 10 hUtftan IIoelt" IInd I"e envÎ.onmenl; OR, III am 8 $o'nell 'QII8 lIy ~eretor. I have ""Ide a gOOd .:, taith \tHon 10 Minimize My ....asle ~""'r.tion 8114 ,.lecI Ihe ~$1 w881e ftlall'liIemenl melhod that's ....ilab19 to me 81\0 tIIe11 can 81fO~, , ' ~", ':':~,¡r' :',.' " A N a p o JI T !r Mont" Øa)/X"r "-:.'; ~ 1 ~':,,~ ',~ .' if A C , to , T y .;:~ ~ ~ -393, 20. F.ci jty ~ or Operll'tor Cer!ifi<;,.tlon Of ,".¡pl PrlttICHJfT hAUn:tOV8,rnðt..-ielaCOYèfitGby tfIi.,rnanii..t exOtoPt .. S!9natur. OHSIOt2 A (t I.") ¡PA~ ~....., .....oriou. eøiI~ ar. ot>a~., \ INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BACK White: TSDF SENOS THIS COpy TO DOHS WITH .sO OAYS To: P.O. Box 3000. So-::romtftto. CA 95812 " '~~Zl-\AJ~ /'" ~~W\'(\ ~ ~' ~.ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. ,," ~ Analytical &. t:ons~lting Services , 1 ~,____._ " .._...t .. .." , ''"- '. -". - ---.... " ::' DA"r£: (¡;.. ,~;:J . .:~ 1"' , ,_. ,.'. ·~;.!.~~3r ' If!J. ,.i1J£l~~·~.·, ~:~;·~~._~=.=~,_.,'__.c.__=-,.~=~=.~.~~=~,-;~- . ~ ,.:.:.. -.' ''-/'. ~- .. " Please deliver the follo~ing pagc(s) to : \j{)JJ..tiJr~ø..' (N-<~~ DIVISION ~ ¿ . C; C f/7) :ROOM: :";-~}1;:\~ ~~~~: ~. .;')~r'~:J:i.;ëtiJ ! j ":'~ ¡ I ¡ I , . .~ ,~ ~ CON'FIR."tA'I'!O~t PHma·: NO: ..... ,,-.-.-..-.. .... .,".'-' S!::Nl)ER:_.__2.(jf,~.Ll~__.____._..__.. ...' ___ ~l1BJ:.r.T:_~...~.~....~Js.:Q_.7~~._.....", ______._....". . ,. ". ..... , ',0,' ,-,. ¡ . '. '..,tX- ! . ¡ I ¡ I I \ I· I 1" Tot", 1 ' \)r..~~<1)' .;'. p.ï/,';:¡ (~111,: l \H\:i!ll( t!li::. <:t;,\,(: ':") 2.~.-....".., 7..3 J (' 0 '!', u,·: )~ :,; :::1" ~ 1:. {.'::, (. :;. ) :' ~ .',¡., 1 ('H, ~~ . I. T}w rl k i' ()\, , n ___,....-,......_~._u._ __,,_,__. _ ,-,__,-,,'....,-..,-'...,- - -_-_.".___--='....o..~__,-~·_.o___ . ~.-'_-.~~_,___L...~...__''"- _,___ ~--""'--- ~..,..._..~- .._-_.-""___--=~___-.,.."="'~^..."..-,...... -e='-,~ ....,.'--'..--_.-_.~__-_.__..._ - ,--^-. - _ . '. - ..--..... ..'.~. , .........':.30.-:; , :"""~' '1"'.'1 ,t". ¡a,., ,... ~ _II " r·',:·~~t·, \':"...,.;,..~I¡...:. ..:~ ::.·.~¡rc~~ !'\¡~: ~:·~~~:~~~.,(~}r~,...._....... ......-. _ _-, I- I T - .::::- .3 ........ -, - '-I .-, ~ ~f ~ f -:r- - --f-- T .-. J-J' .:= .:::-. ~ ~ ~ - ~-, ,-, ,-- '- , \ I .' .,~ . : ;.. (--~ ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC~. Analytical & Oonsulting Services ---,- .,., .....1.iOI ,[ ,..' j- . r I' ~~----"'- . ,-- -~_. , O:cwn Environmehtal, Inc. laboratOry No: 15073 ' 5630 District Blvd., SUite 102 ì Date Received: 5-25-88 ,,';,. '~:2::~~:~t;eld,~~~3~13" ':C'::'~ë;C-~:"\~:--~t=:"~=Ö-:-~~S¡~~_,",<~20'7:'=-~~~~_~;;~~;:::'c.'j~? -<,~ Attention: Paul Mease "I ..,. " l' . " 'f ,>. ,~ :".. , " , I . i ..;-. , ,.,' ..,'... ':, r , u Banple: SOilS-: -~~~~-ic,~::rff~ ~ ~ -. . ~. ., : l~le Cescription:see Below -'Sanpled. by Paul Mease on 5-25-88 '-"¿~~~~~i~3~'~;~~~~~~c~}~¿1~::t~'~L" ''''' , "-'.·;;·~~J.;jl15073-2 W2 West Erd @ 6' ,-, .;.. ".~.-- '"~...... . ........... ~;·:',·;-.!'[~*15073-3 El East ED:3. @ 2' . -' r; ;'if'::-. .r::-;':' . , - ···~<~i.·; ~t#15073-4 . E2 East Em @ 6' .' .:>....;... .:......:.., . f. .. . . .... 1 , ," - Jr'., " , Method: 802Q '15013-1 'JS073....2 .,,.' _. , '. ,:. Benzene Toluene 'Ethyl Benzene Xylenes O1lorobenzene Dichlorobem:enes ~ - .' N.D. -:·-~":·:~N. D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. ,.:_.' N.D.. ",,' . u "~'N.D. ,,-', N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. ,·N.D. '~N.D. .' N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. .~. ... . ',,:, ',Ki~j:~ D. ''':I\·..J~:N.D. - -I" :._:' . N.D. N.D. ': : N.D. ...j- 'N.D. I " ,", '" ...... N.D. = not detecteã level of Detection = 10 m:gJkg .". Method: Modified 8015 Total Volatile Peb:cleum, Hydrocarbons, mo;/gm ~ 5 '()'n1er 5 Urœr 5 , , ¡ , Under 5 JE/d9 Æ~~-:..- h J.im Etherton, i' I.abon1tory Director "1·" ....... I, -"""~'~-"'-" .,. -~-'~.-._-- ..--' ~ _ ____,~ ',._ ",,-"-,,",,-__~___ n"-"O~._~~-",· _. ~ _ "- _-.,_..",,'-._-~--"=",_~ ',-0- ... ~",-.",.,_c.o.... ='-_'""-'--''''-~'''_'._:"""",,,,,~ """'~--=-"--'--""'''''_-''""_._,_~,-,....,,,,-=..?_~_ ~- .._~_.-~~-=~--_.....!.~"--====-~ - ,,,,,-,,,,,---, 4SQS Armour"' Avenue 8akersfield. California SS30B {80S] 385-Q5:38 Z';:1-d -8NI-sa~~-08~~Z 83:~~ nH~ 68-ZZ-Nnr . .~~,. ~\~ -.... . .' ." ," " . " ' " . '\ ',". '. i;~ , . ' ....,.J. ',', . . .'. ~. , , " e , , . " ..' ..-.:.', . .. . . . -., '. w-.,;_-;~~:; .':"~.o-'+_;..~ _.,......_~..- . .,~- 11. r'-- --~~~ .. =-.~-:.-:::-:..~.::;::.=~""'=-~_.. -4 . .'~" -.:-" ';::- ";:-.,-;' "_:'.-::. --, ...:--; ", .-::.~ "';":;':;;':'_-:'-~':...:.~::.~.,::.~:-- -...... . ~ . :""'~-'~"~'-' -~'=.",',"~' , ':::·1~' , , " . -, . 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' ,~ , ENVIRONMEN1ÄL HEALiH DIVISION HEAL11-I OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Facility Name gai€~r"eIJ U,/fot'M+-¡;;we/; . ," Address 4-41 5dJ1,fJley sA ' -----:-,~;:.õ".--=-',~',,;r;;'=-"f3;¡ ;:¿'rsr¡ë7;j-:"''''"-::-~':;;'' .::'- :"::~;:"C:' DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL11-I Vernon S. Reichard Kern County Permit # Ii 677:../5' ~ - --~--,-_....._,- . --,--- ---.. -.-- ~._. -. - -'--~- - .-- -~-~._._- - ____ "_ ..___.. .:-----c;..~_.--- -.- - - : < * * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD * * - .~..~ . ,"-4..' ~. .....-···-_.....M . .... ,----I!"~ " ~ . - . -, . .~¡." . . "'+p .~,~;-, T~is form is to be returned to the Kern County Heal thDepartment wi thin .!i ~:::~:__'" :~~:. ." " ;,days of acceptance of tank (s) by disposal or ;recycling facil1 ty. "..~The ,..-......,.. ......,.~-,.~ :t.,_____ ____-','._,holder of the permit with number noted above .,1s.respoÍ1š1bleo'for ::insudÌ1g"'~~"" i'::=~-:-;-:-:-._, - 'i. t1i1ft-'-'thfS':- form-'lš':-~compl eted-'and:rèturned:'~"-'~:-"~:='-='~"--' '.:"" '.:'=_:,,-,_.L_::;.=-~~.:~~ ~=-. I e· .. .. .' ." .. .. . 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .' .. e· .. .. e. .. .- .. ... .. .. -. .. .. .' . .. .. Section.! ' :.. To be filled out ~,~ removal contractor: " Date Tanks Removed , . ,'. Tank Removal Address ,.' Phone # ~J~/-SOð~- Zip 'r '3 ?0=t. No. of Tanks' J .: ." ( f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Section.! - To be fUled out J!y caatr.ctar .decaallia.ti~taok(S)' Tank "Decontamination" Contractor IY! f _ _cv<J _ <S ù c; Address ~ ~l1-NQr . Phoae t(*::6)-",q<?Hl5/ ~ ~ 'Zip 'ì"3~d~ Authorized represent'ative of contractor certifies by signing below that tank (s) h iVe been decontaminated in accordance wi th Kern County Health D ar nt r irements. . \ t· /" '-.--- ignature <=v,<!I~ ~ Ti tIe ----- ., .. .. .. . .................... ................. Section 3 _ be filled out and signed BI. .!m authorized representative of !h! treatment, stora~e, ~ dis~osal,faclllty accepting tank(s}: I Facility Name AMER I CAN METAL RECYCL fNG ~ I NC . Date Tanks Signature '. ,". Phone # ( 7 1 4 ) 947 - ? R R 8 .. ,.~. ó·o.: ," ~.;'j' . -. Zip 91761 -: .'.ç .\ ~ :",l; ::~ ..{.} No .-"of Tanks ,(~\ 1 Address ??n? c:; MTII TKFN AVF. Title OFF I CE MANAGER . ~..' -~.... ...-...'.'.'..-....---..--. . .... --..___0.- _0 eo . . .. - ,... °0" -'-.,- "-,,,.-.-,--.=....,,.-- . I!,. ,-¿,__-- !,---,--_.--,~- ,.!--_-=O'-.!-~,...,-!_ ....:-........,.~.~-!'__. ~_ _. ~_ _ ~~~ __:_.....,_~~~ ----' o~~~~,..~,__~:,~ --'-,._:"-'-'-..,.~=~ _"".~:.,.... * '" '" MAILING iNSTRUCTIONS: Fold in half' and staple. Postage and mailing label have already been affixed to outside for your convenience. . ".- " (Form #HMMP~,150) , DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . L:3mont . L:3ke IS:3bel1:3 . MOjave . Ridgecrest . Shatter . Taft ~, 7~ =../100 ~N COUN":' HEALTH DEPARTM.Î; HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. 2700 M STREET MAILING ADDRESS '1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ." (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ..1 . ..c~~~~'!'. FQR ,~ERMANENT.~CL.º.SURE . -'='~-:~7~=:=OF'-mmERGRÔUNl)-HAZAROOUS-~":'~'CC~3~:=~'C: , ':J-'SUBSTANCES STORAGB FACILITY ~; ¡ ,- DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard - I I: ., ';;'i ""';'. - ..''''~':.'' ...:"....- :'," .<.:,~¿... - , " " ::\,;:.,;,;:~:.: PAC It ITY NAMEI ADDRESS: ' '.. OWNER (S) NAME I ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR :"~ .; :,. " .. ;:.",'; .;' : ;';¡,. ,_. ;t.r::;:~:'~ii::~fà~:(1i~;;;.\,~~'7D_"·.,:,", ,: ',::, ,.~ ';;.;, ":.,, ,:,:,:.;-;, "::, ·+l~'~:~:;'::;~<:f.; ':~? -,', .,,,,::.,/¡:~.:.; ':'" ~:.O,~,::i\~·'t;:·::~: ',. _ ,.;,C, ·C., , ...sd.E~~·~}~~ \~~¿~,C;'~ ~',,' .g>,";'Ú. akersfi e Id, .Uni form....and~.T.owel~;:.".R . A. '. Fie 1 ds,Company, ._l.~~-o..~~.:.dtP.&J:~,ç.QnsJ;J·JI..9...tJ___on_ .~ý .;;;,,;.:.:.';J,F;411 Sumner Street, ..'~".~_:. "~':;:~-¡281~~-'''-pTòe--Street:'''----'- '," P.O. Box 5202'~it~: ,,,,.-.- .. :~Bakersfield, CA :,,,. ',..': Fresno, CA " ':,,:.Bakersfield~',_CA, ' '·-~~.,..,..,·Jii~;~:;.;}:. <. ~ ~',' , ' , ,. ":',;!~::~ ·'.I..··':':":,:;'...,'i:.~,'{;3.:":;}i;!þi.. .. ;.. .Lit:· c'è,',:,.;",....'··",\·, ., .. , , " '.' ""'i, License No., 428!193A .'. ~,:~~!:.:~~::t:'ii/::·' '-' ""'¡",." "..:, Phone #(805) _32?:,-_~87~., ..... . . . . . ;;, ~ERMI T :' ~~p I RES. ./::~",:; ::: ': :;::F,è;,l":..,~.:.~,·,~,.,,,:,.,":,,~,~,',.~,:,',~::,~,.,'.,,C.:'~':'.è',',',k'"l'~'~'·'"'~,,..,.,'.,,:.;..:~,?,.,",'.i.:,¡,~:.'~~,:,',·,· ~.~[~1,¡,f;~:,,::.·..,',_.i,',t,.,.,¡,:,~,.,.....,.,-:,-,:.".. ?<,~;<;;~l;~APPROVAL ,DATB . :- ~'"~-: , .. ,-c" ,'-y ',', "',:,è 8Æ ~~ h'" ':',.o.":''F''·'''''':.~::''::c'Æ;,.",~:¡-:;;,'..,,-c': , APPROVED BY .. Ja~is Lehman ~ ";,':·~':;,;-;:fi~~~~f~~t:. . . . .POST ON PREMISBS. . . . . . . . .... :', ;.,,;':.:,,:~>,;~_ '".';:,;0:", . . . ,. ·':'t!\;;~f~~f~¡?t r;' ':, . . ,....~~:.,¡.'. t~¡r5:;:: ::o:::~ o~. LOCATION. CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW: .2. " It is the responsiability of the Permittee to obtain permits which may _be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. Permittee must obtain a City Fire' Department permit prior to initiating ,.:' c 1 0 sur e action. " 3.' Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Health and FIre Department approved methods as described in Handout #UT-30. . If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be graned by the specialist listed on the permi t. ' '" Tank removal contracto~ must have a qualifi~d company employee on-site supervising the actual tank removal. 6. Any deviation from sample locations and numbers or constituents to be sampled for which are described below and in Handbook #UT-30 must receive prior approval by the Health Department. -" , a. A minimum otfour samples must be retrieved one-thirdot thewayjin ,from the end of the gasoline tank at depths of 'approximately "two fee tan d six fee t .' ',.'...". . :" ", -. . b. A minimum 0 f two sampl es mus t be retr i eved at depths ':of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear / feet:,of pipe run and also near the dispenser area. 7. .. - A II, -1 eaded/ un It!aded 'gas 01 in-e·s ampI-es '-must -be'-analyz ed fo r-~benz e ne ,-- -t-o·l-ue ne, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocabons. 1. 4 . 5. , DISTRICT OFFICES Delano - Lamont - Lake Isabella - Mojave . Ridgecrest - Shatter - Tatt '~ ,. ~ . e PERMIT FOR PERMANEN~CLOSURE ,OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ;~UBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY .. PERMIT NU~BER A677-15 ADDENDUM 00 '" " , :'~r'-,:, , .......t ':~_:; ':~r -~.~. ~ j ! -, , ' , , - . --., " . ,.~ '-1" -"- ,', .' .. " -~~~:8'¡~:-::='C 0 ple s ,,,,,,,,,;ot~-;::~t.ra n sP_ø~J; a:tJo n ,=~~ anif.~~S:t;!I,_"""",mJl-s t------b. ª--=_",~ u b..~1.:t,.t,,~_{,I_,,_. !_C! th e " He a 1 t h ,',:Department within tl,,-è'-dåys -ó-r-wa"ste disposal. ""'- ::,:,:;~:-::,::,-~: ,,,-,;:,/.;:__,,:=o::,:~';;~'~-~~-.' 9. -':All ,applióable state laws for "hazardous waste disposal"transportation~ '~,or ~'",.,_~:.treatllentmust be adheredto.:<~~;,The Kern County Health Department must 'be ~ .. .~. . ~. . ",.~>'not1tiedbetore moving and/or .disposing ot any contaminated solI. '.',,, . \'.1',,;, . '. ' . '".. . "10. PermIttee is 'responslble:for ~'making8ure -·that "tank 'disposition tracking' '>'..,_:;.::record.'I~,;i ssued wi ththis .,perm! tds ::proper ly ,t i 11 edout ,andreturnèd ,wIthIn '·f1ï~~H~::~~:~!~~on~*fo~~~~;1~e'" ·mM-~~~t~~-;~t1t~:~~~i~~~tri\~~t. :'.12 .}ResùI ts (':mus t'ì;,;be~csubìal tted ~~;to ;' , i s~r'ott i ceÎ ::w 1 thi n l,thrèè;;:days ",,;of.r':ana'l ySis ~I~:;~~-~ . """,," :1: '00' . , ~7-'::::,:'L, " , ' . ., ~~ . ~ y. ",j' . f .;..: ",' . . . , " DATE s~~s --88 ----------------------- . . . . :.- ~ , " : .,' ,. , , '. . " ... . 00 " i " i .~-,,-';\. , - '....; , , , - η .'~ . < . ,.".' .. , ", - ·~_·,____.~T._,....,..",..~_"~=__~_~.-~,-______ "'""""_ ___~~___ .' , ='- ....~"- _~ _~ -"- _- -------------r-----=-=--=~~___...... -------'""-.:-__~..=_.._...- ~~~________,........_=~__--,,-...-~__........_~~-__~___ ''t... '--1r~>' 1700 Flower Slreet Bakersfield, Call1ornla 93305·4198' Telephone (80S) 861·3621 .~~!.:~::r AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PERMIT fOR PERMANENT CLOSURE ' Of UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS - - - '. - - -- '. . -_.. ..- --'-'-'---'-, ----.. -.. - SUBSTANCES STORAGE PACILITY . .' ~.. ' , ,:,i;/ LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. .;..,,¡,,~ ; Director' of Public Health·r;~F:~~tJ; Air Pollution Control Olllc.r '" , ' ..' PERMIT NUMBER //677 -Ili - - -. -- ~ - -- , PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF L I-I TANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION. PERMIT EXPIRES " p~* ~ ~,t? 1988 ~ 2.a. ' , 1988 ~:¿~' y _:'~7---441· -s.c.W'\·n-c V'" ~I=() c,I"r OWNER ( S ) NAME/ADDRESS: &Ke~-Gt.\c~ Unr~ +-~, : (¿,,,.. A~/dS CO. ~ +-- .,.~ _0-.. - "--- ·_.~.-/2.t,W pJt f:. _.-::J+~ _ ______.._ FYesDO C~ fACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .POST ON PREMISES. ............. CONDITIONS AS fOLLOWS: .1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agenci~s prior to beginning work. 2. perm1ttee!!.!!rt obtain a, City Flre Department perm1t ørior to initiating closure action. ' 3. Tank clòsure activities must be per Kern County Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handout #UT-30. ' 4,. If any _contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized. prior approval must be granted by the specialist 'li9t~d on the permit. '5. Tank removal contractor must bave a qualified company employee on-site supervising the actual tank removal. 6. Any, deviation from sample locations and numbers or constituents to be samp 1 ad for wh j ch are des cr i bed be 1 ow and in Handbook #UT-30 MUS t recei ve "', prior approval by t)M )leal th Department 'ðns-th'lrð "f'tke way j~ +rt¡....... -the , a . A m i n i mum 0 f ~ú sam p 1 e s m u s t be r e t r i eve d ... III II ,. ... t.ß the c e n t e r 0 f e a c h e"4 ð~ ..,flSt.. ni 1 taftJ( ....d- the gasoline tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. ( b. A minimum of two samples must be ,retrieved at depths of aproximately two teet and 'six, feet for every 15 linear, feet, of pipe run and also near the djspen~er areaJs) aaš špaiR8. >n_________·"· _ .. ., u.. ,ì.. '~t " .:... I,..'~' \~:~ e e " ,:,:.: '~. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUM,BER ADDENDUM /l~ 77-/5 _.'".~ ¡- ~.' - .-.--.-- _._-.. ",-...--...--.--. _. ___..____u_____~. .~-_.-__.__--... _, __.d_ _ ___ . . --. .-. _.--. .' .._..~. .----- ..' ._-.. -..... --,"-.~.' .. .,- - --_. ~.~ ~._. - .-. .--- - -.. . .~' .-:-. ..-.--., --- --- \ ~' 10. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. . It> ·...l·l.~ ._.JII._,h.'~~ ,-_ft8.'~·-~~,J_. 1i9~":1 ~ 1.. I li.h,.., ~ll,_..L 8' ]~._--~.~'" >H"_" Copies "of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Health Department within five days of waste disposal. All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, trans.portation, or trea tmen t mus t be adhered to. The Kern Co un ty Heal th 'Departmen t mus t be notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. Per m i t tee i s res p 0 n sib 1 e f or m a kin g sure that " tank d i s P 0 sit i on t r a c kin g record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14 ðays of tank ,removal. . Advise this office of the time and date of the pr"oIJosed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis completion. & 7 . ·"s:"· 9. 11. 12: .b .. ______ _ .___._ 4.... ._ _. .h__"' _.<_ .___.. APPROVED BV DATE --------r:::==;:r-!---'T----------"'-----~.".-' --r---,------------- - ~- .-._----<-...-~- ........-.- .- -- . .-,-=-'-"'-"~--,,. ..- _.~.' ~, .,. ~ 2700 MStreet Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 e ~RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART_ ' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. _____'T' _._ ,"". .__ ~..-_._------- - . .. . .. - - ; -:.-,:~::~---.":'.; .......:... - ------,-- ~..._~- --~~.' .. - . . DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard . - --~.,--- __.___._..__. _ .a~'_ _ _~__. . .-.--.----.,., """,'"- O::<T,~.'__.,,= ? April 18, 1988 _~__;;;;....~_.:~:.__"";__..~--.;::....::~ _::-".,....,.;:__.~~_..;:~-;...;:;;.__...::=-..;;...-._~...;;,;;~_~~__~_~____~...::;===_-:...~_ ...__..:=:::=_-:;..__~...~_~.........-.~,.;,,;;-..::;;,;-;.,,-.z;. _~-.,;:;;:-.;-~--::;.;;.,;.:~...~..=...--:::;~::;;~_-.. To: Permit Applicant Jack Kash Golden State Environmental Services 2420 Eric Way, Suite B Bakersfield, California, 93306 T his de par t me nth a s rev i e we d the a p p 1 i cat ion and p 1 an s submitted for the underground storage facility located at 441 Sumner Street, Bakersfield, California, known as Bakersfield Uniform and Towel. Based on this review, your application has been denied for the reasons listed on the attached Permit Application Checklist. We are returning the original permit application and plans. After making required corrections and/~r modifications, the application may'be resubmitted for review. If you have any questions regarding our requirements please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ðdt!xf ðklc1{¿, Bill Scheide Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program B8/gb '-. ---- - - - ....,...-..7.·'..'"- .. ._, -",- --- - - ~__'_____'''-_ -.--------e.----_~ _ ________ -.--- -,-~~O~~~ _=___,~,....._. ,_n .........__ -,- '."","- ~,.__=, ',---0- _,....,.."..,......,....,...... __ __-----..--,c-.-----..,",..,. DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lake Isabella . Mojave . Ridgecrest . Shatter . Taft ·3, ~ ,. ~~ .- é- " " '- Permit Application Checklis~ Facility Name'Bcd¿e~~stìeIJ a1Ì'~rwt t-lõwe/ "Facility Address 44-J5tJ~Jt-1+>V s,t. &k1:r~-r~eJd , ,,"'.~,:."~:,:," --:':¿~~=,:.;--=:::-~~...::..._-==~~_.:.~ :~~~";'.:7..:,;;;:,~':;:"-:='=:'-:=;::-;-~~::-:""7~-::""::::-:"_::-"~~..:.:::...-=-:.::....~,. ~_. _-7""-~- ____~_.~_--:_~-~ ____~__ .___ _ -,~ -_.-:'-~-:-'- :-':'=~=~-'=-="'-:';:-~~,:::~~_~"::";;"';;'~ .. -:', ;. '. _.~~-'I.~i.:·_/:_~_:'";:·:i '~'-~~'..~i3!:.: :7; ';-,' -- ':'-:: '-~~pI~c~:t~~:~~~~~~~es¡~C~ ,. '.~ ·"-~,c~",c~,,-"T- ~':t:r' v~hicle ;uel- È;'~~¡~r~i~~¿~'ii~~h- I ' .'.', '. (Secondary Containment) (Non-Secondary Contafnment)~'::'::' I' '~c:',',:'i_L", :'" ,,,,. ... ' , - .'. '::'::'-' ;,":';.!;':t>,>:,·y" ; :. ':>~~~f~;;~~~At:-:~,-~·. '~..::~:~. .> _: .. Ii,;:.;; .:: ".: ~,~..ø"¡·",-,""'Permit Application II ~~i[~1?t~~i.;.~:'~,¡,""':·";".~.·.;.~.!.t,.,;".,,·,:,'.:.i,,¡..1.~ifI~ I ene I es : .. ...... '"""':,"O"..,."~"."" -~" ::-~ - A~ 2'- - . ':.'.. .:\ :":f'::·:~:<;,......;,'~;~:t1·r':~J;f.";:iW~:~~;£.::'~··':'<u'_~. I ,.I~" ~"'i...... ~ ~:., ,,"~:,,'~ ~~ '';~''- ":fJ~1;.. ::.;1,... ,... h.'~ ) J<~ ---:: ',-"7.~: /.l-· "'~...... ·.~ì:.;' \\~;~..·,.:¡'~-~':t~~;:'f\if:.·<;.."",...-, :"-:. ~ ;~?":~~f Y/"~;;;:~~~"~"~::2·~~~'''': /? :~p> ; 3 Copies of Plot Plan Depicting: .' , "':¡f~:~~fÈ~;~;~~~~~):f~?j~~:" - propertylTñë'S -', ,'",'."., , ,,<.r ", by minimum 100 foot rad ius around tank (s) ·,and ,~ ." ~. '., ,'. - piping , ~ ..,~~~:;..~:~~:~;-;,..~i:~;-;,~~~~~,~~,,~~;~~.'~: t;~r¡"~J¥~~;J:~;~\~\i~Ò,~~ n k ( s) . I d en tH I ed by a number and pr ad ue~~~"'b~::~'~~~~~: ~" . . .'. - ~~. ¡~.i. ~.....~t:·f~-:··~:~ t;;'-.<_,~~, ~.~:: .-:-- Adequate scale (minimum l"=ló' 0" in detail) .:5:ca.le- Y'lðÌ"shr,)lllvt. North arrow' ,..... , All structures within 50 foot radius of tank(s) and'pipi}19.~ , ~'" .;:,',' "I, '. --' I ,j . j Location and labeling of all product piping and dispenser, islands Environmental sensitivity data including: *Depth to first groundwater at site , ' , '. ... ,., . _. _ ,_ _~" u. . .. *Any domestic or agricultural water well within 100 feet:of tank(s) and piping , . , *Any surface water in unlined conveyance within 10Q feet of tank (s) anù piping ..-<, " *1\11 utility lines within 25 feet of tank(s) and piping ,',,"', (telephone, electrical, water, sewage, gas, leach lines,': ' seepage pits, drainage systems) *Asterisked items: appropriate documentation if permittee seeks a motor vehicle fuel exemptIon from secondary , containment -, _. - Comments: J"-o-'~-.----'-~" ,,= c._.,.....,,-------_ ---. ,-------' --.'=""-~"'''~ .~~. -.-.".~,-.,....-.-- ------__~______._ ,,~ ." _.... - .. " < - "_. .. \.f'¡ ..-t.> .'/' , " -~ -- Approved 3 'Copies of Construction Drawings Depicting: - Side view of Tank Installation with Backfill, Raceway(s), Secondary Containment and/or Leak Monitoring System in Place Top View of Tank Installation with Raceway(s), Secondary S"~~~ a i nm e n t~ ,_~~_dl~. ~.~~,c:l~~,!'1.~rl"~~-~ r i n g ~ y s tE;! m,."~~-!!"..~~ ~.'~.~.=. -,~----~_.- ·---"--·-ï·- '.:':: .-:..,.. :=-:-..::-.,.~.,;..:..:.......;:;-,-,:-- ..::...::.:....~;:.. ,.-.---..,---- _.-.~,'~-- A Materials List (indicating those used in the construction): Backfill Tank (s) Product Piping ...~. ..-ooc~..~~:_:~!}L~2_-._ Sealer (s) Secondary Containment I L..,.=.,-~·.~_, ¡ I ! - - -_.._--- Leak Detector(s) Overfill Protection Gas.or Vapor Detector(s) Sump(s) Monitoring Well(s) Additional: Documentation of Product Performance Additional Comments Rev iewed By /JiLt 4e1Ø~L/J, Date 4-1f"-ff SITE INSPECTION: -cämments: Approved ~ Disapproved . -" - - .-- -~--._--. Inspector Da·te 'INTERNAL Qg ~; 180S} 881-3636 -.-) .--- ~ .:: ',¡":t'"' --11 t :¡, , '-" -1~ .- APPLICATION DA 'f - \ \ - PTA A GJ"11 - \ <-\ Xg , \ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR~ DIVISION OP ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH e 1700 FLOWER STREET. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93305c.-! :- C"r:;:- t\\ ",1J) i~~:- ,~.. -, \fYf l~'¡ÄR '¿ . '\988 APPL%CAT%ON FOR PERM%T FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDOMMBNT OP UNDBRGROUND HAZARDQU9'SUBSTANCES STORAGE PAC%L%TV THIS APPLICATION IS FOR ŒJ REMO~~~":¡'OR 0 ABANDONMENT IN PLACE I (PILL OUT ~ APPLICATION PER PACILITY) . OF TAHICS 1'0 BE AIIAHDONED LENGTH OP PIPING 1'0 ABANDON ..ë R.A. Field __ "~...~ <H'" . ____.,_____..__.~ ~_ on . , - - . "- _..~ >--"'~. ---..-..-..-...--~-,,_.. '-=~:.:;;:.::~ ;;"'-. PROJECT CONTACT NEARBST CROSS STREET Uni TANK REMOVAL CONTRACTOR O&JConstruction ", '-""~-"'-'~'.,_. F ~.~. .., P.O. -Sox.5202 WORKER'S COMPENSATION e PHONE ( ) -' , 805 - ,327-- .1871 PROPOSED PROJECT STARTING DATE CALIFORNIA LICENSE . 2: DCa a... ¡..¡.. u~ ~It: ¡..a 2:... a2: u_ A" 66wc1-110066 Paul Svbrandt PR01fE ( ) PHOBE ( ) PHONE ( ) Golden State Environmen WORKER'S COMPENSATION . cD on file LABORATORY THAT WILL ANALYZE SAMPLES SMC Laborator' i!i TANK . ...- ee ¡.. 1 ;¡- ilia =... uz - VOLUJIE 7500 CHÍ!JIICAL STORED (NOØ-COJØI!RCIAL rwŒ) Gasolinp DATES STORED Ilk n 1'0 1'0 1'0 1'0 CHBMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED n/;:¡ . u ... eez ¡..a z_ III¡" ~¡ DCa -... 5~ ¡WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY ¡OEPTII 1'0 GROUNDWATER California Water Service 200' ttEAREST WATER WELL - GIVE DISTANCE AND DESCRIBE TYPE II' WITHIN 500 FEET ¡SOIL TYPE AT PACILITY none sandy loam BASIS FOR SOIL TYPE AND GROUNDWATER DEPTH DETERMINATION Kern Countv Water Aqency report on water conditions. 104. 1987 TOTAL NUMBER OF SAMPLES 1'0 BE ANALYZED SAMPLES WILL Ba ANALYZED POR: 10 Benzene, Toluene, Xylene & total Petroleum Hydrocarbons c:i i!i ...- ee... ~¡ C )a -...' I:I~ ESCRIBE HOW RESIDUE IN TANKIS) AND PIPING IS 1'0 BI REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF IINCLUDE TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL COJfPAlI1IES): Decontaminated b Goldèn State Env. Serv., MP Vacuum Ois ose of at Gibson ESCRIBE BOTH THE DISPOSAL /fETROD AND DISPOSAL LOCATI01f FOR: TANKIS) Tran PIPING w same '" · · ~ ~ INFORMATIÄD ON ~ 1!!!§ .Q!! '~ !!1m BEFORE SUBMI'M'ING APPLICATION l!!!! m!!!!! · · ::.: \ .... ;, PØAL~TD:~ :n:::e:'t:7 S:=~t ..~~~~~~'~&;- :¡ I, _ .. .. ... u_ll~ ~6lt !~sfwJ jjM.lr(\i\ årUJ t ' __________ _~_4 _&lWU':\£/_6w_ _____~______.__~______-___ e .1......./' : '('A' r \ v()t(){. 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M ~ @ .f) 0'1-.;). -¡fJ-: ;;?J/O .._____;..._........____ 6~.jj1. .~ L~~<¿f~;h:~-.-~ ~ ~--:J~--~ .... - ------_.~._----.*'-----, ,.- ~ -- - '- "". -.- -----_..._---"._--"----_.---~--_._.._--------- . - .,-._. -. ----- .-, -----~_._....------- -----------.- - . - . - . - -- - .-_. - - l..l I.(".V·:i.~- c0.~~.\.c..\û_n . ·1~~c\J._ ......_.-:..~.. ~,~ ....~:_~.¡L.~_.___.__m ~!l.;r~~. ~..~~~=.~ "j~.'.- .... .. ·..·..w.- \\----- -.. _" -, __~' U~.~\ "~.-- -..--"..,--,----..~-....-~-.. '_.__"__'~_ _~~, ',., .._\\'.,____<_.~'-~~~'_._,....,-I\ , " --- ..-,_. -.- 'Ì' I' .R ~ ... ' '-~\, \" rn ,: I ~ . " I ' . . # ' . I! , I ì -. -- ...- -- 1 ' , : ¡ ¡ · -- FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY FACILITy:J<iYì9_L11YYì rx=:r ADDRESS : .Sf t m nt', r ~ I In i ()Yì A"re. PERMIT #: jJ..)(){);l.;;<. ENV. SENSITIVITY: -. .---.--..... ..-,-- -~--"---...- .-- - - -. Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments ~ i /,,2/~/?ff / J;;nk' rFJ:fl{)VP/;/ u' / I R;/ ~s -'~----'--"- ,C,C-,_,_·=__ -~""-,)\Jr)- /3&.. ('.iJf)b mJmf/t1y/ . _'_"'" ,.,..___ I . . . ~/~/ R'c5"" 19M 1- )1 " "tS0 mr)e "Fe5'1H:.s ())< )e fk r p.'. -.,.. ",---. -'--"'-~ - . 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305-4198 . Telephone (805) 861·2231 - K\~RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARIE~T AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTqlCT - -- ~ - .-- -- LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Director of Public Health Air Pollution Control Officer July 2, 1985 ;- ~--_:'-'~~·-'-RoÍi.alâ --F ~ " Rue-Ü:ge tS" ,-...---' 2707 'F' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 ._:,~ "...:;.'..:;;:;=:..;.-":;....---..."'.-- ~._,,-,. -þ- - - '.".. .,,,. _...._.. _~'h_,"~~ ~.. .___.____. ._;';';___ . _ _ ._.,~ __ _ . __h."~" ~__, _ __'" k_ --.. .--- .,.-- --;;:..--- Dear Mr. Ruettgers: This is to advise you that this department has reviewed the project results for the subsurface contamination investigation conducted at the former Lumber Yard at Union Avenue and Sumner Street, Bakersfield, California. Based upon the findings described in the report, this department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination resulting from fuel tank leakage exists at the site. An invoice for our activities is enclòsed. to avoid penalty. tank removal and assessment review Please remit payment within 30 days Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. S incerel y, 1:::yC~ Environmental Health Specialist II AB:aa cc: Soil Engineering Inc. Enclosure . -- ..'~ -.- --.---.-- .-... - -----"-,. . - ~- ...-~.-.~",--,------''-="---'