HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN "" ~.- f;:-'~ >~~~: ~, , s4ÞrE/FACI'LITY DI.AM F,ORM 5 q20, ø \ SuM Vyt Jt¡ £Æ, \ \ l07J \ 2- '. L 'NS~ NORTH SCALE: 1"=10' BUSINESS NA.\!E : PROFCO Inc. FLOOR: 1 OF 1 ) DATE: 10" 2]/ 87 FACILrTY :-¡A.\{E : PROFCO Warehouse UNIT =: 1 OF 1 (CHECK ONE) SITE OtAGRA.\! FACILITY OIAGR.~\{ xxx . I~1 Slide -... ,_.,._.__..L.md~L._D.QQ..R. L-.-=~__. oS I; cLe. . ,.L~hi Co~C I ~ I~ 18 -t! :5 ~ I ! ! Ac.c:.E$S T ____A 7\_ ,. I I i I I! OFFICE ti~ I :) !"wo__-Y I r~ ~ ;QI b STORAGE /)I! 'r ROOM : . , ~I ¡ i i ; I OFFICE' ,(J ¡z 'f' II CJ l(~ -:.------ MAT E R I A L S TOR AGE I EI..6c..TRìt. t::': ! Shu+ aU ~ ì ! , I Ri j!i I' <, '--./ ' WD ....~,.o._.~_. ..~._.. ·,0 ø\:¿ "' 3/cs ~ ,,/// OFFICE " , , ; A~ ; ,.-.---.,-'--.. .....- ,- .'-+- '." ·---~'rSI..I DE' ~D'- SI;~~~~U 'Y)~t~ I DooR rtld~1 ()aoR I r;ort~~~-J ¡ ¿ Lab REST OOMS! r- -......--- -.. '-- -- 'S I; J. e. ____ __.._ .__.. __ . .___.. ___._... I M~e.1 DooR e (..JA n=. R. Shu+ o~ CNC. ßL (Inspecto~ls Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONL¥- - 5A - .x,. ~ '..; .. . ,: ",'_",œ. ~ ~E/FACILITY DI~AM FORM 5 Jj.2ð .J¿/~ i:Þ 1073 rnJ,; .J- , NORTH SCALE: BUSI:-iESS NA:OIE : FLOOR: OF l' 1"=30' PROFCO, Inc. 1 1 DATE: 10/21/87 FACILITY ~A.\fE : PROFCO WAREHOUSE UNIT ::: OF 1 of 1 (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRA.'( xxx FACILITY DIAGR.~\f . } ~__J~_--+-___¿-__(_._ ~ __.,. . r I ì -,+.._+-1-"1- r"--'~--" . . t ..., -----. . N1'-~ .. ~. .__ h__ ___ ..__ ..,..·'--1---;----0-·-..-'- ...- .-..". -- -.. ~A; I ROAd T~A(:.k.s - --"1 ., . ~ .-. -.-. -- -.. --t---;'--L ! -, I Iii ¡ ¡ , I~+'-I-I- r·b.b-- i:2ß..,~.ll oA. d Doc..k I u __ __ ___ L.._.__.~.____:.. ! I . ¡ ,. ---.-- .._. .. "". ..~ ....~ ..- ~ --..--"... .- . '''---1 ---"',- ¡ , ". .. ~"' I.. -.. -_...._..-.._._....._~.. N 1 SI;c!¡,,'3 S/;<!í"3 .s1.<:{í/l.'1 - - ~ ÇlJ!'i·_~'·! - - -" . ~Ii~£:.¡~:'::~}·· 'T~'_ ~ I ~¡ ~ ð u œ 0 ~ ~œ z 0 : ArL. 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'1 (Inspectoi's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE O~LY- - 5A - KBF·7171 ...-··e _-:.~ ~-- -- - -'--- - - - -- - - - - - - - - ------ - -- - - - ---~ CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 91 5 A "7/) S V/V1 I\JC-fL LocatioJ1 ï"N.../ Sub Div. . Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No (]) -PL-6AS'E: ~(lo?6f¿LC¡ «6v,.ov£ (:. DISPo~é ~ A1J'f I-/A~Ddv5. WAS~ tI CoM.ßCJ$r¡-,8Lt: MATEZ/A.£..S FI'ØM "T1-(G" -PP-oPér¿:iY' Completion Date f r Corrections {- I.s-- 91- Date 12../<"<7/98 ~ W/NC~ Inspector 326..3979 Æ . e Spill ReI - Haz Mat Emerg Complaint !L(\ K E R 5 F [ I! L D 0 Environmental Services ~ D Haz Mat Incident I Spill Report I Complaint Follow Up Reporting Party Address Telephone No. 12!-¿~ (c¡s¡ ecc Time Date Environmental Services Contact W (/Vc So Location of the incident 4'"¿o Sc)N1¡J~ Description of the incident ( Chemical name and Quantity ) "'L.. -- A Lf.\It.IV1 r /t.C f2. 'EsPONS ~ ~ "f12ANSI C:V7" ~,('/r;. ç::./lE Å-' vAcANT wAltGHOIJ~€ y'A~ð v-JUICf{ <:AUS€D ru.~€ IMp·",¡óC-'1I-1t5V'í a'\J v4Jk.A.f:)W,J DevÞtS, iAlHfc¡,f f1.1C-'LÇ""C""0 (Pch.y -i)a.I.J~ f.A}/rµ ¡vo ¡tJPPtnC-1V'T fZeLC-4S:E /NÝcJLIIC,/) Responding to Incident if) N Observations ~AZ -M/J.r -, I 5u1t\lG(c../) t(1-fG SCC...,..¡c W/;l-t. p /.f ö.¡::. (êùN -oçç A, G / f Ii Q) ¡:: fflÆ-fC4t4<.. (N Vðt.vC-D A r 3 -4 {3""4'" ÅMffl./Wr crt= ~Es'D'iI.).1.. c....fa(v,o (IV PA'Z.T7A-(,Y' M(fLT&.J DÆ.c.JJ'I1)... Special Conditions and I or health risks fe£-t.,,,,^ ,/Ý/X'fJ f)C~1Z2.~¡/v/)" 71cMl oC ttv1--TZ:""4-t,.e..,-.s As (..VßP'IC/.JNT5> <¢ ~ tJ(.S.cN\I ~~Kr~S Wll',:f flI'(Ol)~TE (2.) HCA:t..T1-f 'I P~4ß({.,tTyt {ZATr.-cJG5,.. Haz Mat Team Dispatched (£)N Van Cellular No. 332-7865 Y@ Number OES Number Required Poss Exposure Victims Cï:-c:,. I C"t..SI< , -S:{., 8''5"'" " tf:F WU:fSC"""¡loW#T #-767 (-I4e-I~ JC.l( 761" , Medical Attention Required or Obtained S G-l LG.J IS. ß fOG ~ <i? (<1) ~ T1JA.-r I ~ ""{"'QAÇPtÇ. (ÓN(Q.ðL OIC(-la3ts PcJvJ)\)w,Nf) ðf= (rVÚ/Jc...vr «-L7'" /VIJ"V$C..A ( $4<..tx+í r-aC-QicAL A:TíC"""""o~ p..r--rC~ I~C, OC-JT (oß.sc.-t.J'C.tt.~ M fI1~tA(.., rlð £~I)~) Probable Hazardous Waste Clean Up '0 N Discussion and Disposition !V011P,$) 56. P.ðC-. ~/P- (rµpez..rY O-UNGz.) ß/ <..~ L' ^ ---~ Ð sF ~E <:' I r;>",,"T'C,. . - .....,...... A ~>-,)..t'C.X~ T '- ~ .> ........., c;;-'-. vv ~ c.,.Jl(L HAJG" C.T I Pc"2.~ f<~4-'- ot= ~TE-5. Referral ? C· ( J ~ STUDENT ~FO {qOO- ~D; /1 e USING RELD IDENTIFICATION KITS Unl(nown Number: 4 W S0YvttJ r9<... sT" Prefix a solid by "S" and a liquid by an "L." (Example: L-15) Date: ¡Z(z.5JIe:rg Team Members:' (First and last name) , '~AtJG-t6 \?óVL~ ~Ut.Drd c- ß-2 C;a-\f ',vr(\u- / Analysis/Steps Taken: (write In additional steps and observations In the blanks) 1 (-I 1. T~MLlJ. eðss,!::,/~ (\J~r'~hfs 2. PO)')' ';,'e.- c2M()l5fcf~ b~k~5 6. L ~w /s , . .s~t; eql«~:fß·- '- ,-to í'YC..rt ~ of(;c.vs $ol."'7Jkf 7. ",,-(I,d,cd ~~,~ ccM1pl..,/l1 oç V'\~ U seq ~ f+-~ e~ ''''4.. .fõ 8. ¿L,t.J~(..,.)¡O'1.J <)(Vtòte..1 ' 3. 4. 9. 5. 10. Summary of Hazards/Recommendations: 1. Chemical and Physical Hazards- p4 = "3 -, 4 a,T drr.ll"'\ GJ.,.,-I-~./- /" 5wt; ,f_ I ',- I 0 ~'~:J v(tr~\¡'o1e...+- ('jL.t )e4;¿cieJ fe-~(er:.lw su'i:J~.f.u.c.¿5' 2. Monitoring/Detection Available- 3. Chemical Protective Clothing Recommendation- 4. Containment'Control Options- 5. Other- C' 5tJj{ evc.J¿~ M.ø'5-H7 t34p.~ S~ rJ-/ September 1995 HMT18 SM 19.3 STUDENT UFO .SlNG RELD IDENTlFICAì10N KI~S Unknown Number: Prefix a solid by "8" and a liquid by an "L." (Example: L-15) Date: I Team Members: . CRrst and last name) Analysis/Steps Taken: (write In additional steps and observations In the blanks) 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Summary of Hazards/Recommendations: 1. Chemical and Physical Hazards- 2. Monitoring/Detection Available-, 3. Chemical Protective Clothing Recommendation-, ' 4. Containment/Control Oþtions-"' 5. Other- September 1995 HMt1B SM19,4 ~) I ..~) ) I ! ) I L ... '\ ' ... ...", '" . ' ' rolOO··",·~ " @} SCHOOL 01 ST. 1-3 @ - ST. <> ... 80 ---- ---- ILROAÒ -- - ~ ~ ® ~ - 80 S7. '" .. ~ L""'~."._ _....~....".~.... KERN ..J ¡.,,; @ ..: 11) 11) ~ JACKSON - T" - -" - I ø f - + - - - -r- - - I - -----,- ----------.- - @ f - ----- 35 -~ SOUì .- f :e-- I ----. ----- I ---4-_.____ --- I I I CD I I , g 1 ....,.....--.-- --~~-_._---~~------,-_.~-*.._--~.._----._._._--~._. 1,.T~1IV~~~QI,_, SCALE IN 1/10 OF AN INC~ 4-36 I I .- - o .- ã5 Q) ~ en Ó o N o ¿, CD C') ~ C; , ex¡ ( ) ...:. ( ) ( ) .- <i ü ¿ æ ~ ~ Q) Co e a. o w a:: ~ a:: ~ - SUMNER ""-" I ~ ~ '" .. ~ "I: ~ K 8 Not,: nb map.1t fer asaeument pw'POIt, onl,. ii-I. not to_be con.rru.d QI "po;lravfnQ legat own."rûIþ 01" dlvllloa."ot lend for p"rposþ Gf zonlno or IUtIdIv!alon ,law. , ASSESSORS, ,MAP 'NO..._I..~~3.",~." " . -' ," C' OUN' 'TY" "'O..F"K'e"R"'N"·"""."',:,",:, '. :.; ·'A.' __. _ . ,.' 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Q) Q) .c CI) ~ '0 .£: ..t- o , co 0> ~ 0> 0> .... ð Ë Q) ~ 19 C1 . e Q. is w D:: ~ D:: I- e ~, ASSESSORS MAP NO..,.1.4:.I~DfX COUNTY OF KERN ::I~e.: I~s n:t-~o,~b'~'o~!S~~~~'~:' ::&~,:o Ie..,at ,o~."Iih_ip or .dIYI~IOfts of Idnd fa". purpous of zoftlng"-cr IUbcn.I'lo~ low. , .JECT PROPERTY INFORMATIO~ 1) Property:, CA APN: County: Census: Map Pg: New Pg: Phone: Owner: 014-360-01-00 KERN,CA 227 -B2 Tax Rate Area: Prop Tax: Delinq Tax Yr: Exemptions: 000-1003 Use: UTILITIES Total Value: Land Value: Imprv Value: Assd Yr: 1998 % Improved: SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO Mail: PO BOX 2500; BROOMFIELD CO 80038-2500 SALES INFORMATION LAST SALE: IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR SALE: Bldg/Liv Area: # Units: # Bldgs: # Stories: $/SF: YrblUEff: Total Rms: Bedrms: Transfer Date: Sale PricelType: Document #: Document Type: 1st TDlType: Finance: Junior TD's: Lender: Improve Type: Zoning: County Use: 6100 Bldg Class: Flood Panel: Flood Zone: Lot Size: Lot Area: Parking: Park Spaces: Site Influence: Ground Lease: Baths(F/H): Fireplace: Pool: 8smt Area: Construct: Flooring: Air Cond: Heat Type: Quality: Condition: Style: Other Rooms: Seller: Title Company: Transfer Info: SITE INFORMATION Phys Chars: Legal: /SBE #872-15-6BC-39 Comments: Copyright © 1996 TRW REDI Property Data Page: 1 of 1 tþ:UECT PROPERTY INFORMATIO~ 2) APN: County: Census: Map Pg: New Pg: Phone: Owner: Property: ,CA 014-360..Q2..Q0 KERN,CA Tax Rate Area: Prop Tax: Delinq Tax Yr: Exemptions: 000-1003 Use: UTILITIES Total Value: Land Value: Imprv Value: Assd Yr: 1998 % Improved: 227 -B2 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANS CO Mail: 1700 FARNAM ST 10TH FL SOUTH; OMAHA NE 68102-2002 SALES INFORMATION LAST SALE: IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR SALE: Bldg/Liv Area: # Units: # Bldgs: # Stories: $/SF: YrblUEff: Total Rms: Bedrms: Transfer Date: Sale Price/Type: Document #: Document Type: 1 st TD/Type: Finance: Junior TO's: Lender: Improve Type: Zoning: County Use: 6100 Bldg Class: Flood Panel: Flood Zone: Lot Size: Lot Area: Parking: Park Spaces: Site Influence: Ground Lease: Baths(F/H): Fireplace: Pool: Bsmt Area: Construct: Flooring: Air Cond: Heat Type: Quality: Condition: Style: Other Rooms: Seller: Title Company: Transfer Info: SITE INFORMATION Phys Chars: Legal: /SBE #872-15-6BC-43 Comments: Copyright © 1996 TRVI/ REDI Property Data Page: 1 of 1 .JECT PROPERTY INFORMATIONe 3) APN: County: Census: Pro¡:,erty: , CA 014-360-03-00 KERN, CA Map Pg: New Pg: Phone: Owner: 227 -B2 Tax Rate Area: Prop Tax: Delinq Tax Yr: Exemptions: 000-1003 Use: UTILITIES Total Value: Land Value: Imprv Value: Assd Yr: 1998 % Improved: SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANS CO Mail: 1700 FARNAM ST 10TH FL SOUTH; OMAHA NE 68102-2002 SALES INFORMATION LAST SALE: IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR SALE: Bldg/Liv Area: # Units: # Bldgs: # Stories: $/SF: Yrblt/Eff: Total Rms: Bedrms: Baths(F/H): Fireplace: Pool: Bsmt Area: Construct: Flooring: Air Cond: Heat Type: Quality: Condition: Style: Other Rooms: Transfer Date: Sale Price/Type: Document #: Document Type: 1 st TD/Type: Finance: Junior TD's: Lender: Seller: Title Company: Transfer Info: SITE INFORMATION Improve Type: Zoning: County Use: 6100 Bldg Class: Flood Panel: Flood Zone: Lot Size: Lot Area: Parking: Park Spaces: Site Influence: Ground Lease: Phys Chars: Legal: /SBE #872-15-6BC-42 Comments: Copyright © 1996 TRW REDI Property Data Page: 1 of 1 .., ~ ~.., -.........·-l . .&!~~ 2 f. ~ 08/08/94 - t.. ci-\,~~(Ç;1fÜW~~· PROFCO INC 215-000-001073 ~age 1 \r' Overall Site with 1 Fac.. Unit I DEC 1 :3 1994 U General Information R\I r Location: 420 SUMNER ST Map:103 Haz:3 Type: 3 City . Grid: 29A F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 . - Contact Name Title r--- Contact Name Title LARRY BLAKE / BILL SPIER / Business Phone: (805) 322-3446x Business Phone: (805) 322-3446x 24-Hour Phone · (805) -397 41SQJt 39]-l'I/I 24-Hour Phone · (805) 872-1425x · · Pager Phone · ( ) - x Pager Phone · ( ) - x · · Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 3125-220 19TH ST D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93301- CommCode: 215-002 BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 SIC COde:.?b\ Owner: LARRY BLAKE/WAYNE PATTERSON Phone: ~ ) <ji./j- -c}I8/ Address: 7805 KELWONA WAY 113" /lIorlJ.... Preev.A.'1'f $'/7:.; ltD State: CA CitY~BA~~RGFIELD /-lOllS fOI1. TY Zip: 9-3309- ?7D~D Summary /'I"~:)'" L1S if' ~¡ .-',-' ¡I'.~' l ':--'\,\ \,:) \~O ~y 0(\0 ' 0[(; ijLa d'4 7?t to ke.- Do her~roy csaítify ih~ i hav@ D (Ty~ <lr print MmQ) reviewed ~h~ ati.ã1Ched hazardous ffia~erials manage.. ment nlan ior ? f() ~ l.O Jr\C.- and iha~ ñ'ì a1o~ witRiJ fd' (Name of Ineœ) ~ny correctioftS constitu~s Sl compt9~e and oorrooi mM<> 1agsmeni plafll for my facility. \ ~£...Dß( ¡J.-/IJ /91 ' --- , ~ .. i' - e 08/08/94 PROFCO INC 215-000-001073 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order Page 2 02 - Fixed Containers on Site PIn-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-002 CAUSTIC POTASH Solid 8000 Moderate ~ Reactive, Immed Hlth LBS 02-001 CAUSTIC SODA Solid 8000 Moderate ~ Reactive, Immed Hlth LBS 02-003 v~~~~, Liquid Jð~ Moderate e e, rom HI GAL 02-004 Liquid ~~ Minimal Hlth GAL e e 08/08/94 PROFCO INC 215-000-001073 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-002 CAUSTIC POTASH ~ Reactive, Immed Hlth Solid 8000 Moderate LBS CAS #: 1310-58-3 Trade Sec:r:et: No Form: Solid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max LBS ----r-- Daily Average LBS --r-- Annual Amount LBS -- 8,000 4,000.00 I 40,000.00 Storage r' Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient SOUTH WALL OF WAREHOUSE BAG - Conc l 100.0% Potassium Hydroxide Components 1-; MCP ---re;uide Moderate 60 02~001 CAUSTIC SODA ~ Reactive, Immed H1th Solid 8000 Moderate LBS CAS #: 1310-73-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max LBS ----r-- Daily Average LBS --r-- Annual Amount LBS -- 8,000 I 4,000.00 I 40,000.00 Storage r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient AmbientlSOUTH WALL OF WAREHOUSE BAG - Conc l 100.0% Sodium Hydroxide Components 1-; MCP -:-¡Guide Moderate 60 02-003 PHOSPHORIC ACID ~ Reactive, Immed Daily Max Liquid 300 Moderate GAL CAS #: 7664-38-2 Form: Liquid Type: Use: DRILLING Annual Amount GAL -- 2,000.00 Storage DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL ss T Temp ient Ambient Location YARD Conc 50.0% \-; MCP -:-¡Guide Moderate, 60 e e 08/08/94 PROFCO INC 215-000-001073 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 4 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-004 FERRIC CHLORIDE ~ Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 300 Minimal GAL Daily Max Type: WATER TREATMENT CAS #: 7705-08-0 Form: Liquid Annual Amount GAL -- 2,000.00 Storage DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Location YARD Cone 42.0% Ferric ChI r; MCP :-rGuide Minimal I 60 e e 08/08/94 PROFCO INC 215-000-001073 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 Y , <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation EMPLOYEE WHO FINDS SPILL OR THREATENED SPILL IMMEDIATELY EVACUATES AREA OF SPILL AND NOTIFIES ALL EMPLOYEES. NO EMPLOYEES SHALL ATTEMPT CLEAN UP UNTIL RESPONSE TEAM IS ASSEMBLED. EMPLOYEE NOTIFIES OFFICE, EVACUATION ORDER IS ANNOUNCED ON PA SYSTEM AND RESPONSE TEAM MEETS AT DESIGNATED PLACE. TEAM LEADER DECIDES APPROPRIATE ACTION: CLEAN UP NON REPORTABLE QUANTITY; CLEAN UP REPORTABLE QUANTITY; EVACUATION. IN CASES OF B & C; TEAM LEADER WILL NOTIFY AUTHORITIES BY CALLING THE FOLLOWING TELEPHONE NUMBERS, 911 AND 1-800-852-7550. GIVE FOLLOWING INFORMATION; YOUR NAME; EXACT LOCATION; NAME OF MATERIAL; AMOUNT OF MATERIAL; INFORMATION ABOUT MATERIAL. TOTAL EVACUATION WILL BE ANNOUNCED AND ROLL TAKEN IN FRONT OF THE PUBLIC RAILROAD LOADING DOCK AT WEST END OF PROPERTY. TEAM WILL MAKE SWEEP TO CONFIRM TOTAL EVACUATION UNLESS THIS WOULD JEOPARDISE SAFETY OF THE TEAM. TEAM LEADER WILL THEN REPORT TO RESPONDING AGENCIES AND ADVISE THEM OF THE SITUATION. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation NONE LISTED <4> Emergency Medical Plan MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AVE - 327-3371. e e 08/08/94 PROFCO INC 215-000-001073 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medica1 <4> Emergency Medical Plan (Continued) \ e e 08/08/94 PROFCO INC 215-000-001073 00 - Overall Site Page 7 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention ALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARE SEPARATED AS TO TYPE IE. ACID, BASE, FLAMMABLE,\ OXIDIZER ECT. AREAS ARE PLACARD ACCORDING TO TYPE. APACING BETWEEN ROWS ARE A MINIMUM OF 18". IN ALL AREAS OF STORAGE AND USE, EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT IS PROVIDED AS FOLLOWS: GOGGLES, GLOVES, MASK, PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, ABSORBANT, SHOVEL AND HAZARDOUS DISPOSAL DRUMS (MARKED). <2> Release Containment WE ESTIMATE A MAXIMUM SPILL OF 55 GALLONS. ON HAND IS BENTONITE, RICE ASH, AND SAWDUST FOR ABSORPTION AND CONTANMENT. <3> Clean Up SHOVEL ABSORPED MATERIAL INTO 30 GALLON, OPEN TOP, DOT APPROVED DISPOSAL DRUMS. <4> Other Resource Activation · ~ e e 08/08/94 PROFCO INC 215-000-001073 00 - Overall Site Page 8 <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NO GAS HOOK-UP B) ELECTRICAL - CENTER OF INNER EAST WALL OF WAREHOUSE C) WATER - OUTSIDE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WAREHOUSE D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - NONE LISTED FIRE HYDRANT - 1111111 <4> Building Occupancy Level , ~ e e 08/08/94 PROFCO INC 215-000-001073 00 - Overall Site Page 9 <G> Training <1> Pagel WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY 5 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. MANAGEMENT WILL CONDUCT MONTHLY 1 HOUR TAILGATE SAFETY MEETINGS. AT LEAST ONCE EACH QUARTER THESE MEETINGS MUST COVER HAZCOM TRAINING ON CHEMICAL HAZARDS. SUPERVISORS WILL USE SIGN-UP SHEETS TO RECORD ATTENDANCE AND SUBJECT OF TRAINING. SHEETS TO BE TURNED INTO DISTRICT MANAGER. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use · " 08/08/94 - e PROFCO INC 215-000-001073 00 - Overall Site Page 10 <H> RMPP DATA <1> Release Containment <2> Offsite Consequences <3> In House Capabilities <4> Plant Shutdown Instruction ;:} .-~. 't. e e 08/08/94 PROFCO INC 215-000-001073 00 - Overall Site Page 11 <I> Underground Storage Tanks <1> Leak Monitoring Methods <2> Leak/Spill Response Plans i <3> Financial Responsibility <4> Tank Test/Service Company ¡.QAZARII.JOUS IMIA..n~.'S iNSPECTION .JrsrneBd Fire De~ Haz ous Materials Division Date Completed ~ 11 /.Jð US f Cf i , Business Name: ?eoFe- 0 Location: "1,;20' _)UI11r!e/¿ Business Identification No. 215-000 / ¿) /'3 Station No. ~ Shift A Q~ Number of Employees: (Top of Business Plan) Inspector 6-1b1J.# / '- I.- Departure Time: f tJÞtl Ins?ection Time: ~ illl ,J Adeq at InadeqUat~ :ECEIIIED Verification of Inventory Materials ~ / ~ Á Vb 0 5 1994 Verification of Quantities 0/ D HA2. 1\..14 ì. Verificatioo of location 1JJ / ~, . D¡v, Proper Segregation of Material ~ L.J) / ~ ~ Verification of MSDS Availability õJ Arrival Time: Jþpð . Comments: Verification of Haz Mat Training r:J Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled ~/ 0 W~ 0 ~ / (j ~/ ~ LJ Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: It Sðv¡::£/I-'L J11,qír:;eI/lJ..~ J.6ëYJ Tõ !Jg; AO/J~ ~. 5 ðP 1/ l-¡P É ¡:::¡ æg;. ~r¡v 6- CJ /.5(~ ßILL 5~H[)rrb I Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME All Items O.K j Correction Needed j ¡;)' s¡ î ~ '" ~ CI u. \I\Ihite-Haz Mat Div Yellow-8tation Copy Pink-Business Copy -\ .... e e - CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S D, JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 May 27, 1993 Mr. Larry Blake PROFCO Inc. 3125 - 220 19th Street Bakersfield, Ca.¡ 93301 Dear Mr. Blake; NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- In the inspection of your business PROFCO Inc., located at 420 Sumner street¡ Bakersfield¡ Ca. on May 27th the following Hazardous Materials regulation violations were identified: 1) Your hazardous material inventory included only corrosive materials. Many combustible materials¡ irritants and other health hazard materials are present but not included in your inventory. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 25509(a)11-4) (a) The annual inventory form shall include, but shall not be limited to, information on all of the following which are handled in quantities equal to or greater than the quantities specified in subdivision (a) of Section 25503.5: (1) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every hazardous substance or chemical product handled by the business. (2) The category of waste, including the general chemical and mineral composition of the waste listed by probable maximum and minimum concentrations¡ of every hazardous waste handled by the business. ~ e e ~ . c (3) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every other hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). (4) The maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material dis~losed in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) which is handled at anyone time by the business over the course of the year. 2) Hazardous Materials containers not properly labeled. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910'.1200 (1) The chemical ,manufacturer, importer, or distributor shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals leaving the workplace is labeled, tagged or marked with the following information: (i) Identity of the hazardous chemical(s). (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings; and (iii)Name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party~ (4) Except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4) the employer shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals in the workplace is labeled, tagged, or marked with the following information: (i) Identity of the hazardous chemical(s) contained therein; and (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings. (5) The employer may use signs, placards, process sheets, batch tickets, operating procedures, or other such written materials in lieu of affixing labels to individual stationary process containers, as long as the alternative method identifies the containers to which it is applicable and conveys the information required by paragraph (2) of this section to be on label. The written materials shall be readily accessible to the employees in their work area throughout each work shift. .. e e . \, (7) The employer shall not remove of deface existing labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals, unless the container is immediately marked with the required information. (8) The employer shall ensure that labels or other forms of warnings are legible, in English, and prominently displayed on the container, or readily available in the work area throughout each work shift. Employers having employees who speak other languages may add the information in their language to the material presented, as long as the information is presented in English as well. 3) Hazardous materials containers open, corroded, or broken and do not adequate to protect against a release VIOLATION OF UFC 80.301 (e) Security. Thè storage of hazardous materials shall be safeguarded with such protective facilities as public safety requires. 4) Hazardous waste being improperly stored on sit,e. VIOLATION OF 40 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS SUB PART C, PART 262.34, Accumulation time Except as provided in paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, a generator may accumulated hazardous waste on-site for 90 days or less without a per~it or without having interim status, provided that: (1) The waste is placed in containers and the generator complies with Subpart I of 40 CFR Pårt 265, or the waste is placed in tanks and the generator complies with Subpart J of 40 CFR .part 265, except 265.197(c) and 265.200. In addition, such a generator is exempt from all the requirements in Subparts G and H of 40 CFR Part 265, except for 265.11 and 265.114. (2) The date upon which each period of accumulation begins is clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container. (3) While being accumulated on-site, each container and tank is labeled or marked clearly with the' words, "Hazardous Waste", and '.. - e . 7 (4) The generator complies with the requirements for owners or operators in Subparts C' and D in 40 CFR Part 265 and with 265.16. (b} A generator who accumulates hazardous waste for more than 9q days is an operator of a storage facility and is subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265 and the permit requirements of 40 CFR Part 270 unless he has been granted an extension to the 90 day period. Such extension may be granted by EPA is hazardous wastes must remain on-site for longer than 90 days due to unforeseen, temporary, and uncontrollable circumstances. an extension of up to 30 days may be granted at the discretion of the Regional Administrator on a case-by- case basis. 5) Hazardous Materials training of warehouseman inadequate. VIOLATION OF UFC 80.106 Personnel Training and Written Procedures. Persons responsible for the operation of areas in which hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, handled or used shall be familiar with the chemical nature of the materials and the appropriate mitigating actions necessary in the event of fire, leak or spill. Responsible persons shall be designated and trained to be liaison personnel for the fire department. These persons shall aid th~ fire department in preplanning emergency responses and identification of the locations where hazardous materials are located and shall have access to Material Safety Data Sheets and be knowledgeable in the site emergency response procedures. 6) Corrosive liquids being stored adjacent to the cyclone fence on the street side. VIOLATION OF 80.314 2. Distance from storage to exposures. Exterior storage of corrosive liquids shall not be permitted , within 20 feet 'of any building, property line, street, alley, public way or exit to a public way. An unpierced two-hour fire-resistive wall extending not less than 30 i~ches above and to the sides of the storage area may be provided in lieu of such distance.' '. - e . ~ The above violations must be corrected by June 25, 1993 The depa~tment will schedule are-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Ralph Huey at 326-3979. c/lc;lY~'/)u¿ - , fu~:Ph E.~ I Hazardous Materials Coordinator //.--ßAK~~, 1,0'\ C", ~~'\ /~i*',~, 1,- ::,--f..~ ('\ :,;~)~) \,(~~ e . . CITY of BAKERSFIELD "liE C-'iRE" ¡-;)J-9¡ . \~\~~~'~,:----- ~f I..\\:.LJ .:;-..., Sf' ~\ 1-:...:"'..... :iE§i': ~~ -, =,:..c: ~ ~ ::.~== a~~ " ::~S ~... . \ ~\ ... ~ "I' ~;;;;:-E '7\~~/ ~l--'II'~~ ;: ~E D::?~~7ì'¡1E:,jï 2ÎG~ :.... S-;-,::;=~- F!::iE CHiEF B,t..KE?SF!E!..O. 93:2-:," 326·39, , 0, S :~EEJr"iv1 û~ Dear Business Owner: This notice is meant to act as a reminder that the California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.95, requires any handler of hazardous materials to revise their hazardous materials business plan within 30 days of anyone of the following events: (1) A 100 per cent or more increase in the Quantity of a previously-disclosed material. (2) Any handling of a previously-undisclosed hazardous material, subject to the inventory requirements of Chapter 6 '.9 5. (3) Change in business ownership. (4) Change in business address. (5) Change of business name. Any questions regarding these required revisions, please call the Hazardous Materials Division at (805) 326-3979. s:~~~_ 1)LfE ß-Ac..K.. ;)- IS -c¡ I Materials Coordinator REH/d 1-;).';-<;'/ C~ Õ¿ ~Z5 ~ ~- --LAui ~CA4 CJ./lL@' 4d-O ~ t:PLM ~ LY)t ~ j CITY of BAKERSFIELD 0HAZARD2uS ~~T~R~~LS INVENTORY 'TRADE SECRETS 1 of 1 NAME 0G THIS FACIlITYÒ' Baker,sfield Warehouse STANDA 0 IND Cl 55 C DP- ----..- DUN AN BRADèTREET NUMBEA---' - - - - - - P!g~ Larry Blake 2~NE~ NAME: O~l~~ S¡~p~ RËFE~ to.ilf ness Standard Bus Inc o PROFCO ture Far. and Agticu BU5INE~S NAME ~9CQTI ~þ PH6u~ : It ~i.ture(Cc,ponents Instru= Ions Caustic Soda Hues of See 3 , by lit 00 CODES 12 on Where n Facility Whse of loc~t Stored S~>uth Wall & NUllber ~ne . on 5 Measure UnIts 5 Annua Est 4 Average Alt 4Q 8000 th Halard app I YI 3 Mu Alt 2 'YDe Code I 'r~ns Code u NUllber Number S C.A.S C.A.S A C Nalle NUI8 & NUle COllponent . mmediate COllpònent .2 Health : Comþonent 13 I 1310-73-2 SUddfn Release o Pressure Humber o De Jayed Hea Ith C.A.S o ty Reactiv . a nd t~:t re Hazard prH~~~ .F 001 Caustic Potash Whse of South Wall 11 4 1 Ibs 1°,000 C 4000 ê.QQQ. PhYSic.1 'od Health Halard (Cheek a I that apply I u Number Humber NUllber C.A.S C.A.S C.A.S Nllle & I I Nalle Nalle Component . 12 13 Immediate COllponent Hea I th . ' Component iii SUddfn Re lease o Pressure HUllber o S De Jayed Hea Ith A o ty v React ." Fire Hazard o Phosphoric Acid 50 West Yard 11 4 1 gal 2000 50 300 A Water 50 Number NUllber NUllber C.A.S C.A.S C.A.S & I Name Nllle Nalle Component . Immediate Component .2 Health COllponent 13 Number C.A.S th Haurd app I YI Phys ica I 'nd Hea (Check a I that II· SUddfn Release o Pressure o De Jayed Heal th o ty Reactiv I) re Hazard o Ferric Chloride 42 West Yard 41 4 1 7 Water 5 NUllber NUllber NUllber C.A.S C.A.S C.A.S Nalle I Hille Nllle Component . Immediate Component .2 Health COllponent 13 I 7705-08-0 SUddfn Release o Pressure NUllber o S De Jayed Health C.A o vity Physic'l lod Health HaJard (Check all that apply React I] re Hazard F o 322-3432 - H 'Hf-PMñe- II-JS--?C( Ditniqfëð-- r W- ier end a" leVe that ihis be $12 R ,ubllitte~ in Infonatlon 322-3432 2Tllrphone CertifjçatiolJ (Reed and $ign af1ßr cÇ>m'f'eting {:111 rcect,ionS} leer Ify unØer enalt 0 la th t I nave persona I~ exalln e d I familIar it the Informatl n altaçted dQCUllen~sl an¡ t at ~as~~ on my Inquiry 0 rhose In~IYI~uats responsIble or obtalnlng t~e sublltted Informat on IS true, accurate, anØ co~plete. , LA ßL ~T' mfëñõô iñ per r H Dist Ttt Blake $11 Larr HI EMERGENCY CONTACTS 11/15/89 :,~ 'ì e PROFCO INC Site as a Whole e Page 001 General Information Location: 420 Sumner St Ident Number: 215-000-001073 Map: 103 Hazard: Moderate Grid:29A Area of Vul: Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 3125-220 19TH ST City: BAKERSFIELD GeoSubdiv: BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 D&B NI.lmber: State: CA Zip: 93301- SIC Code: Owner: LARRY BLAKE/WAYNE PATTERSON Addrs: 7805 KELWONA WAY City: BAKERSFIELD Phone: (805) 322-3432 State: CA Zip: 93309- C':'Y',t act LARRY BLAKE BILL SPIER Title ¡h,s i y>ess Pho:e 1 r Hour Ph,c'Y',e ( ) .....;::..-. ....4 .....;::. ~ ) ....C7 I i a.L:>. ~~~-~ ~~ 7 ~~.-!~~ ( ) 322-3432 , ;» 272 1 (,25 "Bl.lS1nGSS phon~ ì.5 ;Jt.J hr.. l f Sl.lmmary: RECF-"'tD NOV 2 0 1989 Am/d. ............. U.~'A € D- h ' . (YVP3 r narM) '-- ;.1 .9reoy œúîB~ ~htaJ~ n ~~v~ Ii'í9/Vlswed tlh~,..,·~,,,,.,.,.,,, . "" ":'.:~""...:": :-:: );.r:··2Ui~ mªt~HiSlfs man,fì1tn®o mSM rJ!:: ,', .. , ~ F -.~ t ~"l'~ ... ...', ... ".' .¡:¡, . . ; '¡';:'::'J' f.'. ~ ;.::.:.; .....,- '.. ..t~i u ¡~i It along WÏfGII SlnycOi"r\:Cl' .......~ ,.,., ".,,:.:-., " a .... .'......... ;.:..,.......1 2 Cv.ìlplGtû Qnd correCi m~fYo ~~mS¡M plan 10r my facility. u¡ 4L~ _JI-/~-t5' ~. - 11/15/8'3 e PROFCO INC e Page 002 , 'j Overall Site HAZMAT INVENTORY - LIST 01-003 Bi'J 1tV¡ > II 2,000 Ext t'erne LBS 150 High GAL 150 High GAL 2,000 High LBS 2,000 High LBS 8,000 Mc,det'at e LBS 2,000 Mc,det'ate LBS > f),'JeOVi J'fltVe.d 01-007 ()ffii\1õ..il:lh, l\ l1;r'~ 01-004 }¡Ii.:! > ;:::00 ,ð¡ 01-005 S'?elil:li\l PH'ti'.-i1t.£a. ) II 01-006 P,?t~3i·.\F'1 1>1~c- ) ð8 01-001 Caustic Soda > 01-002 Caustic Potash > 11/15/89 PROFCO INC e Page 003 e OJeralt Site HAZMAT INVENTORY - DETAILS 01-001 Caustic Soda > 8,000 Mc,derate LBS Form: Unknown Type: Pure Days i Yt use: Use: Da i 1 y Max Amt T Da i 1 y Avet~age Amt -r- AnYtl.\a 1 Aml:ll.mt -----rUY1 i t - 8,000 I 40,000 LBS CC'Y'lt a i Y'Jet~ r+='t~eSsTTemp 1 Lc,cat iCIY" RESALE S WALL WAREHOUSE BAG - CCIYIC. Cc,mpCly,eYlt s 100.01- sodium Hydroxide MCP --.-List- I Mc,det~at e I 01-002 Caustic Potash > 2,000 Mc,derat e LBS Form: Unknown Type: Pure Days i Y't use: Use: Daily Max Amt ~ Daily Average Amt -r- Annual Amount ----rUnit 2,000 I I 8,000 LBS CC'Ylt a i ner ¡+'t~eSsTTemp 1 Locat i c.y, I RESALE S WALL WAREHOUSE BAG - Conca Components 100.01- potassium Hydroxide MCP --.-List- I Mc,derat e I ()1-:8Ci:J i'l1 > I()(~ 150 High GAL Form: Unknown Type: Pure Days in use: Use: - Dai ly Max Amt T Dai ly Average Amt -r- AYJYJI.lal Am,:,I.ly,t -----rUni t 150 I 360 GAL - CC'Y'tt a i Ylet~ PLASTIC CONTAINER í'ressTTemp 1 Lc,cat iCln RESALE W WALL WAREHOUSE - Conca Components 1.01- Methanc,l 25.01- Glutaraldehyde ~ MCP Jist- High Mc.det~ate O~!<¡ B';',_, ::~ > 150 High GAL Form: Unknown Type: Pure Days i y, use: Use: 11/15/89 e PROFCO INC e Page 004 ! -. Ovèrall Site HAZMAT INVENTORY DETAILS Dai ly Max Amt T Dai ly Average Amt -¡- AYIY'llal Amc,l.IYlt -----yUYlit - 150 I 360 ¡GAL C,:,,'",t a i r,et~ PLASTIC CONTAINER í't~essTTemp LClcat ic.n "'RESALE W WALL WAREHOUSE - Conc, Components 1, (>'j(, Met hëmc, I 25,0~ Glutaraldehyde ~ MCP Jist- High Modet~at e 01-0(>5~M~1N ~~~ > 2,000 High LBS Fc.rm: Urrkr,c,wYI Type: P'.lre Days in use: Use: Daily Max Amt ~I Daily Average Amt -¡- Annual Amount 2,000 I 2,000 ~YIÍ t - ,LBS CC'Ylt a i Yrer f'ressTTemp 1 Location I RESALE N WALL WAREHOUSE BAG - CC'YIC, 1 100,0'j(, Sodium Nitrate CC1mpC1Yley,t s ~ MCP îist- High 01-006-£~-~.:ï¡,I-;.~e > 2,000 High LEIS Form: Unknown Type: Pure Days i rl use: Use: Daily Max Amt T Daily Average Amt -¡- Annual Amount 2,000 I 2,000 . UY"IÍ t - ¡LBS CC'Ylt a i Yler l~ressTTemp Location I ¡RESALE N WALL WAREHOUSE BAG - Conc, 1 Components 100.0'j(, Potassium Nitrate I C MCP -.-L ist- ,High 01-007 ~,.. :~ 2,000 Ex t t~eme LBS Form: Unknown Type: Pure Days i YI use: Use: -- Daily Max Amt T Daily Average Amt -T-- Annual Amount -----yUnit - 2,000, 2,000 ILBS - CC'Ylt a i rlet~ ,PressTTemp LClcat i c:en ~- ~~ - ~- ~- == ~~ 11/15/89 PROFCO INC - e Ov~ralr Site HAZMAT INVENTORY - DETAILS Page 005 BAG - CCIY'IC. ~ 100.0~ ~ CC1rnpCIY'lerlt s toft _ ,PI~ .........~ It::' -.. ¡RESALE N WALL WAREHOUSE MCP îist- ~ t t~en1e 11/15/89 ~ PROFCO INC {D} Nc.tif. /E:.Wcuatb:ln/Medical fClt': 00 --'te as a Whclle Page 006 {1} Agency Nelt i f i cat i e'n DAIL 911 {2} Employee Notif./Evacuation 3A SEC 2) EMPLOYEE WHO FINDS SPILL OR THREATENED SPILL IMMEDIATELY EVACUATES AREA OF SPILL AND NOTIFIES ALL EMPLOYEES. NO EMPLOYEES SHALL ATTEMPT CLEAN UP UNTIL RESPONSE TEAM IS ASSEMBLED. EMPLOYEE NOTIFIES OFFICE, EVACUATION ORDER IS ANNOUNCED ON PA SYSTEM AND RESPONSE TEAM MEETS AT DESIGNATED PLACE. TEAM LEADER DECIDES APPROPRIATE ACTION: CLEAN UP NON REPORTABLE QUANTITY; CLEAN UP REPORTABLE QUANTITY; EVACUATION. IN CASES OF B & C; TEAM LEADER WILL NOTIFY AUTHORITIES BY CALLING THE FOLLOWING TELEPHONE NUMBERS, 911 AND 1-800-852-7550. GIVE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: YOUR NAME; EXACT LOCATION; NAME OF MATERIAL; AMOUNT OF MATERIAL; INFORMATION ABOUT MATERIAL. TOTAL EVACUATION WILL BE ANNOUNCED AND ROLL TAKEN IN FRONT OF THE PUBLIC RAILROAD LOADING DOCK AT WEST END OF PROPERTY. TEAM WILL MAKE SWEEP TO CONFIRM TOTAL EVACUATION UNLESS {3> Public Notif./Evacuation '~ - 11/15/89 , PROFCO INC (D) Notif./~cuatiOY'/Medical for: 00 -~te as a Whole ? Page 007 (4) Emergency Medical Plan 2A SEC 5) MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AVE - 327-3371. 1.1/15/89 '. .. PROFCO INC <E) MitigatiW/Prever,t/Abaternt fCI"'~: e>e> aite as a Whclle Page 008 <I} Release Prevention 3A SEC 1) ALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARE SEPARATED AS TO TYPE IE. ACID, BASE, FLAMMABLE, OXIDIZER ECT. AREAS ARE PLACARD ACCORDING TO TYPE. SPACING BETWEEN ROWS ARE A MINIMUM OF 18". IN ALL AREAS OF STORAGE AND USE, EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT IS PROVIDED AS FOLLOWS: GOGGLES, GLOVES, MASK, PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, ABSORBANT, SHOVEL AND HAZARDOUS DISPOSAL DRUMS (MARKED). <2} Release Containment 1. We estimate a maximum spill of 55 gal. 2. On hand is Bentonite, Rice Ash, and Sawdust for absorption and contanment. <3} C 1 earl Up 1. Shovel absorped material into 30 gallon, Open top, D.O.T. approved disposal Drums. --~ 11/15/89 , PROFCO INC <E> Mitigat_/p¡-~ever,t/Abatemt for: 00 ~ite as a Wh,:,le .;; Page 009 <4> Other Resource Activation 11/15/8'3 .. PROFCO INC <F> Site ~rgency Factors for: 00 - _e as a Whole Page 010 <1> Special Hazards <2} Utility Shut-Offs 2A SEC 3) A} GAS - NO GAS HOOK-UP B) ELECTRICAL - CENTER OF INNER EAST WALL OF WAREHOUSE C) WATER - OUTSIDE SE CORNER OF WAREHOUSE D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3} Fire Protec./Avail. Water 3A SEC 4) NO PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION LISTED. 3A SEC 5) FIRE HYDRANT? -t PROFCO INC <F) Site ~rgency Factors for: 00 - ~e as a Whole Page 011 11/15/89 ," (4) Held for Future use TRAINING 1.) Approximately 9 employees assigned to, the Bakersfield District. 2.) MSDS Sheets available on all Hazardous Materials 3.) ~anagement w~ll conduct monthly 1 hour tailgate safety meetings: At least once each quarter these meetings must cover HAZcÒMtraining on chemical hazards:Supervis6is will use sign-up sheets to record attendance and subject of training. Sheets to be turned in to District Mgr. . ~.. ~, '/&IN1N:¡ I) N c> ~cf f1kf~ yee~ ~ - Do roC{ hc{l/~ H.s. D g,. jr!J1è ~J) N Œ:2:.. ffe¿ '3) 73 Rte f,- ~ú k Uc< (L ý. (1? s:-: ) Iè~ N~"'l . ...... PM::! .e.cu~. . - -- , " , - . . ~ . . .''4 / ~.- -;¡¡¡; . . ,. ~BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPAR~. ,., 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 .:~ ,,¿ ~ rJ~ Vj~ OFFICIAL USE (0 RECEPJED OCT 2 7 1981 Ans'd.........._. USINESS ~AME ID# ()-:r73! I 001073 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A ..3 ~ \f(dL& K INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: PROFCO, Inc. B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 420 Sumner st. CITY: Bakersfield ZIP: 93305 BUS.PHONE: (805 ) 32?-i4i? .(. SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In tase of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. E~PLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF E~ERGENCY: Nk~E AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. A. Larry Blake - Disr.Mqr Ph# 322-3432 AFTER BCS. HRS. Ph# 397 -4 1 RO B. Bill Spier - Warehouse Mgr. Ph;; 322-3432 Ph; : 872-1425 SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: No Gas Hook-up 8. ELECTRICAL: Center of Inner East Wall of Warehouse C. WATER: Outside S.E. Corner of Warehouse D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES /@ IF YES. LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAr~ SITE PLANS? YES I ~O ~SOSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES I ~O KEYS? YES I NO - 2A - ; ~, 'r'~'~ -."'::'::. ~ 4IÞ BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPAR~ 2130 "G" STREET .... BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE' FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: PROFCO, Inc. B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 420 Sumner St. CITY: Bakersfield ZIP: 93305 BUS. PHONE: (805 ) 3n-141? SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF E~ERGENCY: NAl'fE AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BeS. HRS. A. Larry Blake - Dist. Mqr Ph# 322-3432 Ph# 397-41RO B. Bill Spier - Warehouse Mgr. Ph# 322-3432 Ph# 872-1425 SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: No Gas Hook-up B. ELECTRICAL: Center of Inner East Wall of Warehouse C. WATER: Outside S.E. Corner of Warehouse D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES /~ IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES. DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / ~O MSDSS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2.4. - . . .. -,\(, 1-"': o_~.: " .~ ~ SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA.'i FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE 1. Team Leader - Larry Blake or Bill Spier Sr. 2. Crew Leader - Bill Spier Jr. 3. Crew Members - Kerry Gannon, Gerry Collins * Note: Any two men plus a team leader constitutes a response team. SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGÈNCY MEDICAL ASSISTfu~CE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 327-3371 All of Above SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING E~PLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRA.~ WHICH PROVIDES ~~PLOYEES WITH INITIAL A~~ REFRESHER TRAI~ING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR ~o A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS :-tATER IALS: . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:............... ....... .... C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCED~RES:................. E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: . ... . . . * Note: All of these are being Started. SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL I~ITIAL REFRESHER @§) NO ~NO ~YO ~YO S NO NO E )1'0 S NO YES ~ YES (@) CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDO~S ~~TERIAL IN Q~ANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID. OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: . ..... YES NO I, Lar~v R]Rkp , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIGNAT~RE ~ [) ~ TITLE District Manaqer DATE 10-7.0-87 - 28 - .. e e \ I;" . BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPART)IEXT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 OFFICIAL CSE OXLY ID# - - -' - - - BUSINESS ~AME: BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR MJS~\'ERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY 'UNIT# 1 of 1 FACILITY UNIT NA.'fE: PROFCO, Inc. SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEME~-r PROCEDù~ES 1. All Hazardous Materials are separated as to type ie. Acid, Base, Flammable, Oxidizer ect. 2. Areas are placard according to type. 3. .Spacing between rows are a minimum of 18". 4. In all areas of storage and use, Emergercy Response Equipment is provided as follows: a. Goggles b. Gloves c. Mask d. Protective clothing e. Absorbant f. Shovel g. Hazardous Disposal Drums (Marked) SECTION 2: ~OTIFICATION A~~ EVACUATION PROCEDLKES AT THIS L~IT O~LY 1. Employee who finds spill or threatend spill immediately evacuates area of spill and notifies ALL employees. No employee shall attempt clean up until Respone team is assembled. 2. Employee notifies office, evacuation order is announced on PA system and response team meets at designated place. 3. Team Leader decides appropreate action. a. Clean up non reportable quanity. b. Clean up reportable quantity. c. Evacuation In cases of B & C¡ Team leader will notify authorities by calling the following telephone numbers, 911 and 1-800-852-7550. Give following information: 1. Your Name 2. Exact Location 3. Name of Material 4. Amount of Material 5. Information about material Total evacuation will be announced and roll taken in front of the Public Railroad loading dock at West end of Property. (See Attachment for further details) - 34 - T·", , e . Kern County Fire Department Section 2: Page 2 Team will make sweep to confirm total evacuation unless this would jeopardise safety of the team. Team leader will then report to responding agencies and advise them of the situation. Note: Emergency medical measures ie. transport to hospital take precedent. BAKERSFIELD 805/397·5053 . EL CENTRO 714/353·1692 . SANTA MARIA 805/922-1889 SANTA ROSA 707/576-1920 . VENTURA 805/656-1482 . WILMINGTON 213/424-1283 . WOODLAND 916/662·6084 /// i ". i'f 1. ; i i of 1 Page BAKEHS F 1 EI.U C l1'Y F I HE UEP AHTMENT FORM 4A-t NON-TRADE SECRETS AZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY f D j .\ , LITV UNIT NAME: I ~avne Patterson FAC _ FACILITY UNIT 93309 OWNER NAME barr ADDR ESS : 7805 CITY.ZIP II Inc. Mail Mail ßUSINF.~~ N^M~: PROFCO ^I)o RES S : 420 Sumner st C J T Y 7. J P: 93305 19th #220 I ,~- , ..- .....--- - ---.....- (805) 322-3432 PIIONE t: (805) 397-4180 IOFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ry r r. M^X ^NNUM, r.ONT USE LocATION IN TillS % OY "A7.^RO O.O.T :OOE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CIIEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE £ 8,000 40,000 lbs 12 Resal South Wall Warehouse P ¿~~ºéO~dal.~~UJÞl, ~~iP~~ ~ CfMT 1823 . ' ~ , 1/(1, ~jtWS ~J~kT ~ P 2,000 8,000 lbs 12 Resal South Wall Warehouse P CaustJ.c ktash (~T@J~'J>ltßF!i.' ~. '\ dS/M è ' , ,., '1"L I'J ld-~Q l.ðehyð-e' 3 )P 150 360 gal 10 Resal West Wall Warehouse BIO 100 __ ~Y-~~ Mr.~ 7 K" -LJ_ PSNB ------ /\ JSf ' '" )~ ~'4'-~~ , y }p 150 360 gal 10 Resal West Wall Warehouse BIO 200 PSNB ------- "\ [ ctO 7 '5ìp 2,000 2,000 lbs 12 Resal North Wall Warehouse P Sodium Nitrate OXIO 1500 ~P 2,000 2,000 lbs 12 Resa1 North Wall Warehouse P Potassium Nitrate ' Ilq7 OXID 1486 ì'? --- 2,000 2,000 Ibs 12 Resal North Wall Warehouse P Ammonium Nitrate ¡ð~Ò OXIO 2067 .... , ·e '-lAME: Larr Blake TITLE Oistr :~MERGENCY CONTAr.T - ":MERGENCY CONTACT: Bill Spier Sr. TIT L E : Warehouse Mqr. f'R I NG I rAf, nUSINESS ACTIVITY Oilfield Service ç~_mºªllY- 1 ". 3125 93301 ONE , nus flOURS AFTER BUS fiRS: ONE , BUS HOURS AFTER BUS, }IRS: II II P p -- , , . ¡::- j. It! ~ t_ , !~ 1r... ""!.~~ ·.\I}J~s::~. .,'.. \..: ';:'/ 1- . .",~ ~ '.. .... ,,,' . "'f:~' 1:',) -~"~ ," e~"~" 'C ft, .' ';,to. ,.,ù," d.>'" ; ;''\þ:' <j~'F:d ~,,;, . ,;.., .~ Ll,;,/· '¡>,':' ,,~. ;:-'L ~j..... '''. " -., ::<'i; PRJ.-:. ~- '.-:~~''-;~'' . ::,~' ': .;...' . " ::. i: ;;\~. . (Ì/¡J!ff:, .' :. ' ':':' ' ,~J;\i":"':":' " " , ,~, l'~ ..'r f;". -,/; ~ ¡ ':. ~ .-;l " ~. ').. .; . ',\\: "..,:::,~:(, ,"+'\'~ .".." ,.>'~i ;.~..' '!, "::< '::;"~~'" .',;', ., ~].'! ~ .' ... t - +jIf.) ~ ,. , ~., ~ :,' ',.; .. " ,: -;:- -" '~¡ ,: ~ ....' -, '- ,~-," ...~'. . .~. } ;'é<'i;~~">S};j; :14 i \fiJg~!EnVEI!dl JG\N 2 2 ~9~~ e \fJJAI. MAT. DUV. Ht1448701 ...., . II ,- It , ... I I '~'~":"', ~¡.' , .~ "'~. ':1 \ \:' ", ~-. ,/ ~;_:" .'. ," ''\:;,'--. ':..-- II J.I t i ..II . 1 it Ii.Hit II II =."J .' .-,' ; .. , \. o "" u f!..!J \h¡j,;".,¿b ~(I;Ib~ P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD" CALIFORNIA 9330ª-20,57, " i ' ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED , DO NOT FORWARD , ' 't :;:-. ., '. .~. -~. . ~. ..... .. ., ' .~ ~-:;, '," .... ~ ,'" -'''<~\' " " '. "t t . " , , 'I , . // ,// _/ " , r:'· ,-'7 ,{ ~~ : .~ . ;,r...=-- -_0..····' ..,"<; '''' .0 I. .' ",,' , - - - I .,.,. -' -... ~ . I .: I , , --~- ~~~~, F_~·_~ ~-..._~""'{.._~_(=__"'""_"......._ . , PRaF~RADEN~Œ - BIO-lOO ° 6/0- a.OO . (To Be Sold as Bio 200) J_ 21, 1986 June 30,1987 . -...-.... - .- ., , ". - - 'C. -'~- ~ 0 0" '-.',-', . ,".-,1"-"'"' -, '. "''''-'~'-'''''''''l_ \~"'.;:;~:'-"¡"k-: ·_~v "";:~'.':: .{, l~"', ._.:'L ·...~r~..·~~,.~. l~""~ .'(":4-~: ~''''A..:,,~;;: ~·Þ,<,~ t~ff¡'-~ \.". f'! ~ í~-;' ..... ..~~ ~ :r.~*~..tìf· . ~A:,:"I'-'-;.·i~: ~.,.:. :¡;A':"'~'~~15:~..v,;:¡~.;~.~-ija..~~~ ;~H;,;;~:;~~"\~:}.::"~,;;,!" ,~~~ ,~: N"'. -.;"~~-f4::'r;¡".::'~~:\~<.:1. .~:·:~:·~::.i!~;~."~~~f...~ ,~_'#':~:-:'_'.?r ·~--.~-r' ."",'1.." .~"!j' ~'r..."~t:·:;'~~~t\..i"':j,"> ,.: .:·~~..:,,'"',...:~r.::~1.~~ UCARCIDETM Antimicrobial 125 ----- ! PRODUCT NAME: ¡ CHEMICAL NAME: FORMULA: SYNONYMS: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ¡CAS' 111-3()'8 Glutaraldehyde, 25% Aqueous Solution OHCC" H6 CHO Glutaraldehyde, 25% Aqueous Solution CHEMICAL FAMILY: Aldehydes MOLECULAR WEIGHT: Mixture r,e'oeo TIZA'¡~1\I""~: /6,'0'-- /1:0 HAZARD CLASSIFICATION SHIPPING NAME CAS NAME None None '1,5-Pentanedial .. -10 0 C (approx) , BOILING POINT, 760 mm Hg I SPÉCIFIC GRAVITY (H20 = 1) VAPOR DENSITY (air = 1) , , 1.066 at 20/20 0 C FREEZING POINT VAPOR PRESSURE at 20·C SOLUBILITY IN WATER, % by wt.at 20°C EVAPORATION RATE (Butyl Acetate = 1) 0.88 16.4 mm Hg >1 Complete PER CENT VOLATILES BY VOLUME I APPEARANCE AND ODOR 75 (Water) Clear liquid; sharp odor. - ;g:¡-" ' "-:0,,\ ~~~·:1 ~~,:lltnNGREDIENTS'> -.,~ '7' MATERIAL % TL V (Units) I ., HAZARD Glutaraldehyde -25 -75 <1.0 Irritant 0.2 ppm., ceiling Water Methanol I Fool' 'R' -A"N" D· EX'o' PL"'O' ·SIO·N "H' ^7^'RD"D~ATA' h~~i;;.~~~:'i.:.'-:~,,",''''~~~:''- . E ~ . . ~ ~ ._ ~ ' ... /?~~~~:~~~~~~~*~~~~'.;:..r:~ 'I ,~~~fii~'~.r.c~"'~'~" I'V' .1--......,...-..._ -. ,...... .."!(;-....:.-:-....,~~....-,~ _.~~Ò!'"....~..~,..:>:o.:..-. ....Ii"WJ;....'.... ~ , . FLASH POINT (test methodes)] None, Tag closed cup ASTM D 56 None, Cleveland open cup ASTM D 92 UPPER 6.0 (methanol) ß FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR, % by volume EXTINGUISHING MEDIA I I SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS u 36.0 (methanol) If water is boiled off, the residual material can burn. _.. Use water spray, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, alcohol·type or universal·type foams applied by manufacturer's rëcommended technique. '" Self·contained breathing apparatus should be available to fire fighters. Vapors can be irritating. , None ~.~;~.~: ¡i;~~~.~~~~-~~~7~.;f~:d.::.~~~·~~~-:"~:t*~ ~ EMe RG ENCY PHONE NUM BE R :.·~f.i.~~:~:(~:}~a~.· ~:. ':~~~~;, ~~···~:;~2:;;¿:"":·_··:;r~~~~~:··;"~'::·~:~ 304/744·3487 Thii number is available daYi. nighu. weekenm. and holiday,. Whll~ Uf'HOn CarblCSt> CotpOf,hon bel~ ~t the doIla ContlllfW!d herein Irt' tKtual and 'he ()ØIntOl"lS eJ:pte-5.SoPCS .re thOse ot Quåht,e"d eape>"S r"~rd'no the re'sul1, 0' the te'st, COndVC1Pd. thr caUl are not to be t,ken.s. a ...."""ty or representahon tOf whCh Un.on Carbide eorporahon ,\~u"W's W>9I' rf'soons'b,ht'y They arE' o!1erpd SO'e1r to' your cons.tOf'rahOn. Wtveshga11()n ilr.d Ye'flhc.ahon Any use ollhe-se ø.ata and .nlormatlon musl be delf"",uned by the' U~r to be' It\ .ccorOlnce- with .opllUible feOE'ral. StAle ,f\d I~I &,iws.."'" le(~)UL¡IIO"S II", , ~;. .'1.- ~ .. ... UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION · SPECIALTY CHEMICALS AND PLASTICS DIVISION - ~....~-~_.._.... -.-. -- --" -",,-,~. ,..- ,...~~.."...... oc e p -~ . , e 7(. . ~ - tØ STABILITY UNSTABLE STABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID Avoid evaporation of water. ..j. ~- ¡'NCOMPATIB'LITY (materials to avoid) I HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION OR , DECOMPOSITJON PRODUCTS HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION May Occur Will not Occur Strong alkalies or acids. '.. Burning may produce carbOn monoxide and/or carbon dioxide. - CONDITIONS TO AVOID Avoid removal of water and contact with alkalies. U :-c~ '..j ~ OCEDURESr~. . ' '- STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Toxic to fish; avoid discharoe to natural waters. Very low concentrations (10 fPm. or less) can be de~raded in a biological treatment system. Thus, smal spills can be flushed with large quantities of water. , " Large Quantities, or "slugs", can be harmful to a treatment system. Thus, làrge spills should be collected for disposal. It may also be possible to decontaminate spilled material by careful application of aqueous sodium hydroxide or sodium bisulfite solution. - _ _'-, I . Atomize into a very hot incinerator fire, or mix with a suitable flammable solvent, and I --;J \ WASTE. DISPOSAL METHOD incinerate where permitted under appropriate Federal, State, and local regulations. ,;- High water content may dampen flame. ' i Ji ··1 ~~~~i~~~1!!;:rE:C~:~~;';:~:~:~~?~~~~~:'MðTIO~·~~~Ñ~~~~~tl "~ '~~ VENTILATION General (mechanical) room ventilation is expected to be satisfactory. However, if vapors are strong enough to ~ irritating to the nose (or eyes), the Tl V is probably being exceeded and special ventilation may be required. ' -'~'fI,'~ '.' ,:4 .~ . PROTECTIVE GLOVES Rubber EYE I PROTECTION Vapor-proof goggles f' ~ ~,~ ."--..:;.~ r ~œII ~~e"'!~ .--...."'."<-...~ I 'I OTHER PROT, ECTIVE EQUIPMENT I . ·::'::!';;:0f:~~~£~;~3:~:D}f.::>~'.:;:';:/5;,~:;:<::,;:'X;? IXSÞ-ECTALPRËCÃOfïðNS·:-'::,·~;·:·7¡~-:· ~:¡;~-,;:..~'7· .~ .;-.:::- ';~~~-:"::~ ........~:~ A··:;,;,~··:5.~'~:"~?: ~~·~~;.~,,~~.~:;:.::~,;,~"'·~:~:·-::~,~S...:s::t:.. .;:..': .:.. .',,~. .# -'. '.' .>.- .-. " '. .£i.e.......:...... ..'.... ,...".~~. ':¿.~JJ ~~ ~p..:I. -:-:"" ~~. .:~.~_:::.... ...~-.,~.~:..;~ PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Eye bath, safety shower, rubber overshoes r- ,::~ i~ Avoid breathing vapor. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Keep container closed. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FOR INDUSTRY USE ONLY OTHER PRECAUTIONS ]-- Wear goggles or face shield and rubber gloves when handling. . n [~ F-49542 7/81·3M PT nled In U.S.A. ":;:~~: '. · I · 1 ~-¡:I ,'t..1,,: ;~. · , ,. :-TI .J "'1'"'ïl~ , .11,:,' IfIIL.rfli!ùl l ~I " e .. .-. ~. .Y'... .......:: ..::>. ;'.. .. ~ -:"',-:' ~ .;:':":: ':.to )." t~ T~V AND SOURCE: 0.2 ppm.œiling, ACGIH (1979) . I ACUTE EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE SWALLOWING ',' 'I SKIN ABSORPTION May cause nausea, vomiting and general systemic illness. None currently known. , , INHALATION Vapors may be irritating and cause chest discomfort and symptoms of bronchitis. or ...;.... ':?1,¡~,: I ""J: SKIN CONTACT Contact with uncovered skin causes redness. Covered contact, as from clothing wet with the chemical, may cause burns. ~'~~~ /~,;-:' EYE CONTACT Causes burns. CHRONIC EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause sensitization and sktn rash. ' OTHER HEALTH HAZARDS None currently known. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: SWALLOWING Give 2 glasses of water and induce vomiting by putting finger down throat. Call a physician. SKIN Remove contaminated clothing and flush skin with water. INHALATION Remove to fresh air. Call a physician if symptoms persist. Xi .~ EYES I mmediatelr flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medica care, preferably an eye specialist, at once. .~ I NOTES TO PHYSICIAN -, Treatment of overexposure should be directed at the control of symptoms and the clinical condition. Th,!!re is no specific antidote. í i B LJl 1IIIì;;; iiiñtÄtñÄ. '. J ~ ~ --1 -1 -~~=-.... . I \-.š Bak:;el~~ JIpt. ~D Hazardous Materials Inspection ~. Date Completed r/ 11 If! I þs I ('ArL-D~ Adequate Inadequate Business Name: f't<oF c ð Lf 2 0 S fJ jV JJ 13¡¿ 5y. . -:. " Location: Plan ID # 215-000 1 D13 (Top right èo~er Business Plan) Station No. J., ft· Inspector Shift Verification of Inventory Materials ø 5r 5!r ~ Verification of Quantities RECEIVED AUS 2 1 1989 verification of Location oper Segregation of Material H.AZ. MAT. DIV. o o o o ~ D ~berofEmployees E verification of Haz Mat Training ~ o Comments: - ¡¡P - Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures ~. . \ f¡S 0Jmments: ~ Emergency Procedures Posted ð ~ ontainers Properly Labeled rnr ø o ... o ~ Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram ~ Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: ~ o o Violations: FD 1652 (Rev. 3-89) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Office "~!' " . (':;1;~JI :/0..... ,1:'"-' ,~,..,;ø't·t'!,"f:~:~..' ~~;\J''''-'~''''' . -../' .' . ,~ ",f ...... - i-.. ,I,' ~-:y;- ~ ~,ø~-itt:. :C.l. ~" ;~~ ;\' :N". ~,',l ~. " , (?1] ~- t. ~.~< /1:/' ~ ; /ó~- û3Vt3~X=1H Q~P( f r ~11¡!\ u'\ , ,.¡. t.:.~ tJfo.o\ .vIa .TAM ,SL:H / I . .. .... ,j,::---~-~;~;" ·7 -." " " ·--'~"'~-;-~t .'1>,'-- ...:::,... ~ .'~ e NIUU ~) \ :; PROFCO PROFESSIONAL DRILLING R.UloS DISTRICT oFRCE MAIUNG ADDRESS: 3125 19TH STREET # 220 BAKERSRELD. CA 93301 805/322-3432 . . November 13, 1987 RECEIVED NOV 1 7 1987 Ans'd.......... .. Mr. Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator 2130 G st. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey, Here is the information you requested. As for the Bio 100 & Bio 200 MSDS Sheets; my corporate office has told me that we are discontinuing the Bio 100 tradename and handle just the Bio 200. The Bio 200 is the same as Bio 100 so the MSDS sheet enclosed is for the Bio 200. If you need some clarification on this please feel free to give me a call. at 322-3432. Sincerely, ~ f) fP¡v~ Larry D. Blake District Manager