HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-12/18/89 HAZ~OUS MATERIALS "~ION TIME CHARGED BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: t1.<YlAl svP. of- S'cj.{oOL:<:> ~Sv-Æ:- eo, c.&V~ ADDRESS: :]00 é '~~rvv-J PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 'k~1M.... ~ í3u~ICC~ FuEL VA-VLíS "DS-J '?;) \ 0..6 \ ,ýQ , PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: v'4(U~ /a,(c,/~ v1ò li;~ i!¡!u;J- NAME: TIME ,CHGD: COMMENTS: I tv 0V1. c;, f <:- vJ I ../-"e.-S) o+' e'KCCV~ ./-;1111 ~ ~ 3 År R<Alc/!.W tf r~'ifJ -to g,ka~c4;"&:4...... '~ 4 "'r , '¡2e.v'IW f clorxz.. c~s~ r:.&Ìfbfé }JiM ~~ðfJ Qb~ 6~ ~ ~J '\?t\\·' e,,(o . \ G^~' ..~ ¿ D' S' ,. ùJy ? ~c..Cf' t00ü ~~ ') (:, (2 ~ \- 'ßec.k.~ _ ,~0'1 ~ r;.tJ ..... . ' cÚW , DATE: '0/2-3 (or PROJECT COMPLETION: ~ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSII:>N SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakerslield. CA 93301 VOICE (6Ei1) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-D576 ENVIRONME~ITAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakerslield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAININIG DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (6E;1) 399-4697 FAX (66'1) 399-5763 ·It -. October 25,2001 Mr. Robert Becker RG REA II Soils Engineering Inc 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield Ca 93313 RE: Sandstone Educational Center at 300 E. Truxtun Ave Dear Mr. Becker: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the result of the Remedial Action Report dated January 30, 200 I associated with the brick-lined underground fuel oil bunker removal. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, CÞ04¿J~~ Howard H. Wines, III , Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services S:\USTFORMS\UST,L8 "" 7~ de ~~ S4p .AOPe ,97'bt- ./6 r?eAÚ~~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRA'nVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfjelc!. CA 93301 VOICE (6£;1) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfjelc!. CA 93301 VOICE (6£;1) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersflelc!, CA 93301 VOICE (6£;1) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfielc!, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAININI3 DIVISION 5642 Vjctor Ave. Bakersflelc!, CA 93308 VOICE (6£;1) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 It .' June 9, 2000 Mr. Robert J. Becker R.O. Soils Engineering, Inc. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, Ca 93313 RE: Results of site characterization of the property located at Sandstone Educational Center, 300 East Truxtun A venue Dear Mr. Becker: This office has reviewed the site characterization report submitted by you for the property located at the above stated address. Laboratory results reveal petroleum hydrocarbons are present in the soil at levels exceeding limits allowable by state guidelines. This office accepts the recommendation listed in the site characterization study, implementation ofthe natural attenuation remedial alternative with the removal of any remaining hydrocarbon impacted soil : to depth of 12' bgs. and the placement of an asphalt or concrete cap over the in-place petroleum hydrocarbon vadose plume, as the most practical method for accomplishing a reduction in the hydrocarbon levels detected at the site. However, if you, or your client have an alternate method you wish to employ, you may submit a request to this office for review and approval. Please respond within twenty (20) working days from receipt of this letter as to your intention regarding this matter and a time table for carrying them out. If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3649. Sincerely, ~(~-_.- Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HW/dlm S:IUSTFORMSltlST,lS "".7~ de W~ ~ ,/Ø6oPe .o/'""~ A WYlh~'I'I '. c., oJ , í, ~ .,., "'II ~~'t.,J ';. " " ." \ , , ~...;:. '.' .':-- . ,," .~ 'Þ. .r~::.'.: ..- "r ' ,.. ", JI"', '" ~';..~... 'r;'...:. ..." ' : ;.,' 1J<-'~ :,;.~ r " . . ,~'f". : '" '".' _'. ' ''',Pi: ::';~·~;:.'-,,>,,<:y~:~.: : . ..... . ,. ;:';I¡'. .¡:..,:' ,; , " . :o-~. .J t ", ... :"'4 ., , .~ .. .' .' ~~ ., " . . . .r: P""l;:¿' . ~.I:" ". ;;~ t..~... ," '.i.· '~..',';'j~ ;,.,~ I, ," -'1' . _ -: ",. . ~.....;, .. , ~ .. . ... Þj , . ,r ;:~ ;J'._ ...~ .1' ~ ~...¡, ~ .:' '~2?' r'""'''-' :.., ... P:, .~ f. ~I~Ç" ;"í~ ,.. , -.;. j~,~ ~ . ~ , . .. ;~..n;_.~':" I.,~ V' ..~~r...'!~·w...i'1 frJ '.~ . ,.. . . ,.. . . .. 4\0 . ~"~¡~ 'J~ :.~. ;......_-~ - ,rlf ~",l~ ~ ,r GARY J. WIC:KS Agency Ol...(:tor (805) 861-3!i02 STEVE McCAI.LEY Director - .-: 2700 M St...... Suite 300 ø.k....fleld. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 881·3636 Telecopler (805) 861·3429 RESOURCE :,E N T AGENCY December 18, 1989 Mr. James Curran Sandstone, Inc. P. O. Box 866 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Dear Mr. Curran: SUB,JECT: Location Known As Pennit # 300 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Sandstone 150005 This letter confinns the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the infonnation provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the Ca 1 itorni a Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigaHon activity. It is the property owner1s responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Dolores Gough at (805) 861-3636. (Ø~ chrf(á~r;er , Program Manager Environmental Health Services Department CB: IDG :cas \150005.clo GARY J. WICKS Agency DIf1tctor (805) 861·:1502 STEVE McC.'LLEY Director e !. DEPART 2700 M St....t. Suite 300 Saker,lIeld, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 RESOURCE ENT AGENCY November 27, 1989 J ames Curran Sa.ndstone, Inc. P.O. Box 866 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Subject: Addendum to Site Characterization Report for Sandstone Equipment (corporate) yard, E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Curran: The subject report, prepared by Thorne Environmental, has been reviewed by this Department. The report indicated the presence of gasoline contamination to a depth of 50 feet. Thorne Environmental recommended the "no-action" alternative for this site. Based on all the information that Thorne submitted for this site, this Department approves of the "no-action" alternative. As part of this alternative, it is required that the site be capped/paved. Please notify this office after the paving/capping is completed in order to arrange for an inspection. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Ðo/~ Go~ Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:cd cc: Barbara Minette, Thorne Environmental y ~1-z, r r 7, , 'I r! .) Ý' .:ø:' '<; - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMIT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION 077 .".,.,.....: -~ 2 August 1976 Date APPLICATION Application No. In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, application is made by: John Howard Construction Name of Company 610 Williams Street Address to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involving or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to I ife or property as follows: Install: 1 2,000 gal. underground gasoline tank andl 1,000 gallon under- ground diesel tank, to be installed at southeast corner 18th & Inyo Streets, 1 - 3,000. Gallon Underground Gasoline Storage Tank. Bakersfield Sandstone Brick '"7 - ~ /' , (- issued..-- ì Ii>, " , 'c.< ,C"'-7/ . - . AI U. éÍ / '- .. '/ ¡/~ Permit aenled m·.."....-/......'.....~"".~. ...L/-/._... , dóte / ,/ :/ ';/J ....éiLi;I··7fu;:~~~;~;¡;~·u.n.nnunnu. /:],þ ê' BY....n.n.n.jZ~'n1¡1i:~~~rl"".nu.nn.nu ~ ~Nk..S A3r &()ð ~~ '3r:D (2,A':::.\-\-QÛ~t-ùr'\. ~"-L ~ , \ I I,V ,: '\ . i; ~ . ,- _.. ~; . ,-BA-K£'I-~~r/eLZ> ~~NÐ...::>TONE LJ!.~/dk CO. .. /8 r~' d!' :SOA/O,.e~ :5T~£E7~ _ _ _ . __ ._ ~;~,' .84 ;'::~R.=S¡::-I £ LZ::> , C /.lL / ;.::--o;l? N / ~ . -" / I . ":. =- _-:-__:;: ~_....:-~ = =--==-_::..:-=- ":_ :..:=--=-...:.-=-~-:._--:- ...-."~ -:-.-:"':"""-':'-_=-=.~.:.~_-:....-=_-::-_~ -= -= =.=:= = =:.=- = = == =--=--_-=----=--=_== = =--=.."'::..""7-- -== =..:: -=..... I \--,-------- I . ___ _ _. _ _.--- _ _ _ __ ,_.. _.' _ __-: _ _. ___ _.___ _ _.L_ ___ _ _._ _ ..__ __ ___ '\ - ------___ ------ , : \ r\J ---. 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'1> " " ~ ~ I VI - - - - .- - .. - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - ~--1 -- t-.., "-" ,-.. - - _. 0- _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___._.. .... ". .. __ - . .. - ._ _0 _ _ _ ~ . ,_ _ .. _ _ _ r,,: >_ _ .' ___'^_ J_ _.. ( ~ L, ::¡ ~ I., ~ ...... 'I .... 1:: , ~ !'I '<,. ..... t- y' '" ~ t /"--.- / / / / C'\ I::: " I I l-f 2\- " ï ~~ \ - \ .~~ i:. I')~!'\. ;' ''''~I f;'I:) '"' ~ ~\ I:: , ~ I) 1 . ~ ' '" , ~ ' ::¡ ~ ~'" .. ~.,.... " ,~, ~. , ... 1:), .. \: " \;, ~~ I' · , ,'1 ,J I I """!"t I ( ~. g I ..... '" '"' ..... I '" 'I I ..... ~ " ~~ : ():) c,., I., I . "- 1-..1 :::¡ ~ I~~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 ít1 ~ !I Ì11 i ~ ~ : \ \, il I II I II \ :1 I I' I II I II \ II , ' (êlfil '.. ê ENVIRONMENTAL ,{. t. .:......~: ,¡;.;:,':,¡ ,-, '~J A TG Company" . , ". .' ~" . .¡ :1', ,\, ; ; , ~'. , '. .,\ . ,,:" ":~ ',~'.:'" }':,'~ .; -':. "-< '<; ( '-',' " , , - - . ". . ,". .... '''.. . , ." ' '- ... ''¡' . , .¡ ~. " November 17, 1989 '. 11. ,~[s. Dolores' GQugh' '. , Kern C<;>unty, Department of Environniental Hewth Services 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ., . :. ,;,., ,,' ''.1 .' . Subject: Addendum to Report of Findings at the Sandstone, Inc., Corporate Yard Site. Dear Dolores: Attached is a summary of our activities and results associated with tbe advancement of a soil boring at the above site. If you have any questions regarding this please contact me at 326-0492. Sincerely, Thorne Environmental /7 /1"'" ./ -??.- :-/ /',' ~ /'-~ {. Barbara Minette Project Hydrogeologist BM/ cs 1l/89 3&1052.003 4570 California Avenue, Suite 200 · Bakersfield, California 93309 · (805) 326-0492 "Treatment by Design" e ;. GARY J. WI(:KS Agency Olre<:lor (80S) 861·35,02 STEVE McCAI.LEY Dlreclor " ,~:::~~~:4~L~,:;,' RES 0 U R C E M.~.'t'J~A ~"$7~:~E N T :t{¡; "¿tei::- , . _.£'::.;;~;:'~'. . : :~f;}i^ '::,>;,& ~~~~'"f'~~i:, DEPARTMENT' OF' ENVIRO'NMENT AL HEAt TH~~SERVí€~s ., ·~<tj~f:ZJt:;~:f·"" 2700 M Slreet, Suite 300 Baker./leld, CA 93301 TelephOlfl (80S) 861-3636 .Telecopler (80S) 861-3429 AGENCY October 11, 1989 Mr. James Curran Sandstone, Inc. P.O. Box 866 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Su b ject: Site Characterization Report for Sandstone Equipment and Rental Yards, E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Curran: The site characterization report prepared by Thorne Environmental for the subject site has been reviewed by this Department. The report presented the following information: 1. Analytical results for samples taken at the equipment yard indicate the presence of gasoline contamination below the previous location of tank # 5 (south end). 2. Diesel contamination (70 ppm TPH - Diesel) was detected at a depth of 15 feet in one of the borings drilled at the Rental Yard. 3. Two of the borings at the Rental Yard were advanced to 56.5 feet. No perched groundwater was encountered. Thorne Environmental recommended the "no-action" alternative to remediate this site. This Department approves the no-action alternative only for the Rental Yard area at this time. An additional boring shall be drilled by C-2 (9A & B) at the Equipment Yard to verify the vertical extent of gasoline contamination. A determination of the status of "no-action" or other remediation alternatives shall-be made upon the completion of the additional boring. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, 'Do I trÝlA- Gü '^ß h Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:cd cc: Barbara Minette, Thorne Environmental dolores\sandston.let e COUNTY OF KERN e' Environmental Health Services Department %700 "M" Street, Suite 300 BalœrsOeId, CA 93301 (1105) 861-3636 (1105) 861·3429 Fax Number James Curran Sandstone, Inc. P.O. Box 866 Bakersfidd, CA 93302 SUBJECT: Location Known As PERMIT # 300 E. Truxtun Avenue Sandstone 150005 Dear Mr. Curran: The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for work required at the property described above. As a responsible party for a leaking underground storage tank, you have previously received a letter from this Deparnnent notifying you of the required work necessary to identify the extent of the contamination. We are now requesting that this work, outlined in UT35, be done in a timely manner. In accordance with California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48, the Kern County Environmental Health Services Deparnnent requires a determination of the threat to the environment. Accordingly, you must select an environmental contractor and submit a site characterization workplaJl proposal to this office within 30 d~ from the date of this letter. The workplan must be approved by this Deparnnent before any work is started. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please immediately contact me at (805) 861- 3636. Sincerely, ~~ ~VYM./Yì /} ~ Janis Lehman Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JL:dr 5/10/24 e e GARY J. WI(:KS Agency Dlrec:tor (80S) 861-35,02 STEVE McCAI.LEY Director , , I '/:.';,# ~. . 'i r':: ¿i~:~:~Lfø)~~:'~; ~ ~. . . 1',(10 '<':';"1-'}i ~H~':·;":*..·1""·- ..;, RES 0 U R C E tyi,\l~iÑ}~ .G~I(~f:~·; [ N T ;d , it;}>!·,....· " o..,.r,A,ì'':;'~', i~,~1!1 r::-,- 4W:;:" "~~ì'~~~~-· ,"i"." .U-"" ,>'.;('1" ! :,..1"~it¡¡1q DEPARTMENT, OF. ENVIRONMENTAL H'fìtiR\~~ÈRV'í~És " ''':'ÌffjP;J!h~iiJ.. ,,' ,"'~ " ':'(~~\l,,:':':' 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Bakerafleld. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 881-3838 Telecopler (805) 881-3429 AGENCY August 4, 1989 Sandstone, Inc. A:'ITN: James Curran POI O. Box 866 Bakersfield, California 93302 Subject: Underground Tank Site Assessment Workplan for Sandstone Corporate Equipment and Rental Yards, E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Curran: This Department has reviewed the site assessment workplan prepared by Thorne Environmental for the subject site. In addition to the work described in the proposal, this Department requires that one of the soil borings by the Rental Yard be advanced to 50' in order to verify the presence/absence of perched groundwater at the site. Please (1) specify the lab that win do the analysis and (2) notify this office 48 hours prior to implementing the workplan. If any further work is required to define the full extent of contamination, an addendum to this workplan must be submitted to this Department for approval. After all the samples have been retrieved and analyzed, a final report prepared per Kern County Handbook UT-3t)(Attachment A) guidelines must be submitted to tlús office within 30 days. If you have any questions regarding tlús matter, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Ðolrru Gø~ Dolores Gough j Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:cas cc:: Barbara Minette, Thorne Environmental \~~ough \sandston.ltr . e UNIDERGROUND.Sr.PRAGETANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I ~ONTAMINATlON SITE REPORT .J. -' - _ '.::.) I:::. .. . _ _ . _.. ~.;¡ ,~ -.' ,I~~ili .'..: :.:.;.' .;:::;:¡:::;:::-......:;::;:;:::. .:: EMERGENCY DYES > m a I!! a: ~ w a: A R.iS ,,'~.... '? 700' " .i: ;j.J '~~.. ~ - " .'/ ··(;!;J"t:-_· , . , ;ç Œ' . ^ c CITY.. ¡.. CONTACT PERSON , a . .'""¡ ~ 1J!~ ~~ mQ. w a: h.. r.; , CJ - . · D UNKNOWN ADDRESS p-~() ;~.8Q( ~1J;(j) f?£-fèJ~ CITY . . .. ? . p ''- z o ~ § I!! ¡¡¡ D RUPTURElFAILURE 0UNKNOWN FACILITY NAME (IF APPLICABLE) C:::::' OPERATOR U-k1 TYPEOFBUSIN~S .. 0 RETAIL FUEL STATION D FARM OTHER,fi:¡"¡t();~ S¡'r:;)-,P ~m !ZI!! w~ 2w ~~ ;!!i m Wo ~~ g¡ ~ (2) ::;¡- m NAME ~NOWN I- Z w 2 I!! i ): a: w > ~ ë HOW DISCOVERED o TANK TEST INVENTORY CONTROL 0 SUBSURFACE MONITORING D NUISANCE CONDlmNS TANK REMOVAL 0 OTHER METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPl. Y) D REMOVE CONTENTS D REPLACE TANK' :.Q('CLOSETANK D REPAIR TANK D REPAIR PIPING~ .' D CHANGE PROCEDURE D OTHER MATERIAL o FIBERGLASS WSTeEL o OTHER M UNKNOWN YES D NO IFYES,DATE SOURCE OF DISCHARGE ..ø TANK LEAK . D UNKNOWN D PIPING LEAK D OTHER CHECK ONE ONLY ÚNDETERMINED CAUSE(S) D OVERFILL D CORROSION o SPILL. 0 W <II ::;¡ ~ o a: ::;¡ ~ YRS AGE o UNKNOWN OTHER Ww ~Q. o~ D GROUNDWATER 0 DRINKING WATER . (CHECKONLYIFWATERWELLSHAVEACTUALLYBEENAFFECTEOj o SOIL ONLY !Zm wj:! ~t'! 5m CHECK ONE ONLY o SITE INVESTIGATION IN PROGRESS (DEFINING EXTENT OF PROBLEM) D CLEANUP IN PROGRESS 0 SIGNED OFF (Q.EANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) o NO ACTION TAKEN D POST Q.EANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS D NO FUNDS AVAILABLE TO PROCEED D EVALUATING CLEANUP ALTERNATIVES CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) (SEE BACK FOR DETAILS) o CAP SITE (CD) 0 EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) D CONTAINMENTBARRIER(C8) 0 EXCAVATE&TREAT(ET) o TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) 0 NO ACTION REOUIRED (NA) :;iz 50 ~¡:: !J!5i o o o REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) 0 PUMP & TREAT GROUNOWATER (GT) D OTHER (OT) ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) ~ ffi 2 2 8 HSC œ (4187) j P 767 726 495 \ j' RECEIPT F()R CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) '~ ~ KERN COUNTY &virooental Health Servic : ! " i I , Truxtun Avenue field. California May 8. 1989 $3 t);).. s Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Dat'~ Delivered It ! ~::~~na~.;~ed~~;~~~;n8e¡fv:~om. CII § TOTAL Postage and Fees ~ Ò g Postmark or Date' C') E o ~ III ~ s ,02 Known As: PERMIT #: ¡"- sandstone,} /f ß"t 150005 '1o~ " Dear ~~r. James Curran: ~, <' This letter is an official notice to inform you \ has been determined by Kern County Environment unauthorized release of hazardous materials from notice is sent to you because our records indicat for this property. As a responsible party. you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property and the cost for oversight of these activities. California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48 require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL. ON A TIMELY BASIS. DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTERIZATION, FEASIBILITY STUDY AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH'S REVIE~i AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find attachment "A", Handbook UT-35 , which states the minimum required site workplan activities. the neceS!lary requirements for selecting environmental ~ontractors qualified to perform this ~~ork, a glossary of terms. example illustrations. and a section discussing the answers to commonly asked questions. The cost incurred by Kern County Environmental Health for the oversight of the work for the site characterization. feasibility study, remediation action plan. site remediation. and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are rl:!covered by Kern County Environmental Health in one of the two ways described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the te'rms of the (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options ONLY pertain to costs associated with oversight. (A) STATE CONTRACT The~ State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the e REPORT OF SOIL INVESTIGATION AT SANDSTONE, INC. RENTAL YARD AND CORPORATE YARD SITES, E. TRUXTUN AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PRESENTED TO: SANDSTONE, INC. PRESENTED BY: THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL SEPTEMBER 1989 e ~1HORNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL to/ :J I ffj ...,P6"' £e,d , ~ e e ~1HORNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Executive Summary 1 2.0 Project Background 2 3.0 Equipment Rental Yard Soil Assessment 2 3.1 Soil Borings 2 3.2 Soil Sampling 3 3.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples 3 3.4 Analytical ResuIts--Equipment Rental Yard 3 4.0 Corporate Yard Site Assessment 3 4.1 Soil Sampling 3 4.2 Analytical ResuIts--Corporate Yard 4 5.0 Site Geology 4 6.0 Conclusions 4 7.0 Recommendations 4 8.0 Limitations 5 9.0 Signatures 5 Exhibits Tables Appendix A Appendix B e e 1..0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In July, 1989, Sandstone, Inc. contracted with Thorne Environmental to perform site characterizations at two locations on their East Truxtun Avenue facility (Exhibit 1). .The two sites are Sandstone's equipment rental yard and corporate yard. The characterizations were performed to assess the extent of hydrocarbon impaction in the areas where a total of seven underground fuel storage tanks had been removed. Soil samples collected during the tank removals (per Kern County UT-30 requirements) were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and volatile aromatics (BTXE). Analysis of the samples indicated impaction had occurred from gasoline at the corporate yard and diesel at the rental yard. The LUff Manual guidance document recommended concentrations of TPH as gasoline and xylene in soil were exceeded at the corporate yard. The recommended guidelines for levels of TPH as diesel, benzene, toluene and xylene were exceeded at the rental yard. Thorne's site characterization at the rental yard included advancing four soil borings, soil sampling using a drive sampler, and laboratory analyses for TPH as diesel and the volatile aromatic fractions benzene, toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene (BTXE). The four soil borings were advanced to depths ranging from 26.5 to 56.5 feet to evaluate the la.teral and vertical extent of diesel contamination. One of the borings was advanced through the area where high levels of diesel (greater than 13,000 ppm) were detected in soil samples collected during the tank removal. A total of 33 soil samples were collected at the rental yard and ten were selected for chemical analyses. Only one of the ten samples analyzed contained a detectable concentration of TPH (70 ppm) and BTXE was not detected in any of the samples. Soil samples were collected at the Sandstone corporate yard using an extend-a-hoe to excavate to a depth of twenty feet below the surface. Brass tubes were used to remove soil samples directly from the backhoe bucket and were immediately capped and sealed. Six samples were collected and all were shipped to Med-Tox Associates Laboratories and analyzed for TPH as gasoline and BTXE. Results of laboratory analyses indicated maximum TPH as gasoline levels of 130 ppm in two samples. The Quaternary alluvial sediments encountered were composed of very fine to coarse- grained sands with interbedded silt and clay stringers. Perched water was not encountered in any of the soil borings. The depth to the unconfined aquifer is approximately 200 feet (Kern County Water Agency "Water Supply Report", May, 1988). The site characteristics observed at the two Sandstone sites produce a score of 49 points each using the LUff Manual leaching potential risk analysis parameters. This score implies low potential for either fuel to threaten groundwater. Remedial options available for implementation at the site are: excavation and disposal, in-situ volatilization (corporate yard) or on-site bioremediation (rental yard), and no a<:tion. Thorne Environmental recommends a course of no action due to the high LUff M[anual risk analysis scores. 1 e 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND e Seven underground storage tanks containing gasoline and diesel were removed by Thorne Environmental in March, 1989, from two facilities operated by Sandstone, Inc. (Exhibit 1). Four of the tanks were removed from the equipment rental yard and three from the corporate yard site. Work was performed under Permit number A864-15 (dated Febru~ry 27, 1989) issued by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. Laboratory analyses of soil samples collected during the tank removal revealed TPH as diesel in excess of 13,000 ppm at a depth of six feet in the tank area at the rental yard. LUFf recommended concentrations of benzene, toluene and xylene were also exceeded. The former locations of the tanks and results of the laboratory analyses performed on the soil samples collected during tank removal are shown on Exhibit 2. Analyses of soil from the corporate yard during tank removal yielded 1,400 ppm TPH as gasoline and 59 ppm xylene in a 2-foot sample (#01502) and 110 ppm diesel in a 6- foot sample (#01513). The concentration of TPH as gasoline and xylene exceed recommended LUff Manual guidelines for these compounds. Samples collected from a d(~pth of six feet yielded laboratory results below 15 ppm TPH as gasoline. Former tank locations and laboratory results are shown in Exhibit 3. Because of the apparent limited nature of contamination at the corporate yard a full site assessment was not required by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. The KCDHS agœed to soil sampling at 15 and twenty feet below surface using an extend-a-hoe to excavate. A formal site assessment was required at the rental yard to establish both lateral and vertical limits of diesel contamination. This was accomplished by advancing four exploratory soil borings and collecting soil samples for field and lab analysis. In June, 1989, Thorne Environmental presented a workplan to Kern County Environmental Health Department to assess the lateral and vertical extent of soil impaction at the two sites. Mter County approval of the workplan Thorne Environmental proceeded to advance the borings and collect soil samples in the proposed locations. 3.0 EOUIPMENT RENTAL YARD SOIL ASSESSMENT 3.1 SOIL BORINGS The old tank excavation pit (approximately IS-feet in depth) was lined with visquene and back-filled with clean fill material. On August 15, 1989 work began on the first of four borings advanced. The borings were denoted B-1, B-2, B-3 and B-4, and were loeated to fully assess the lateral and vertical extent of diesel contamination (Exhibit 4). The borings ranged in depth from 26.5 to 56.5 feet and were advanced using a Mobile B-53 drilling rig equipped with 8-inch 0.0. hollow-stem continuous flight augers in accordance with ASTM Methods D 1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The augers were steam cleaned prior to drilling each boring. No significant pf~troleum odor or staining was noted in any of the borings. ~ e e 3.2 SOIL SAMPLING Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals to total depth using a drive sampler containing three 6-inch brass tubes. The middle tube was immediately capped, labeled, se~aled and shipped to Med- Tox Associates Laboratories (a California State Certified Laboratory), Pleasant Hill, California, in an insulated container at 4° C. A total of 33 samples were shipped under proper Chain of Custody procedures to ensure traceability. 3.3 FIELD SCREENING OF SOIL SAMPLES The top tube was emptied into a ,mason jar, shaken and allowed to' stand for approximately 15 minutes. A headspace reading was recorded using a photoinoization dc:tector (PID) with a 10.0 e V lamp to determine the presence of hydrocarbon vapors. The bottom tube was examined for lithology and classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Field data collected includes blow counts per foot of sample, PID readings and lithology. This data was recorded on field boring logs and input to a computer. Copies of the computer-generated boring logs are contained in Appendix A along with a key to the USCS abbreviations. All of the soil removed from the borings remains contained in barrels on site awaiting proper disposal according to analytical results. The borings were backfilled to surface with a neat cement grout. 3..4 ANALYfICAL RESULTS -- EOUIPMENT RENTAL YARD Ten of the 33 samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as diesel (BPA Method 8015 modified) and benzene, toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene (BTXE) using EP A Method 8020. Standard 2-week holding periods were observed. Significant laboratory results are shown on Exhibit 4 and complete results and associated Chain of Custody forms are contained in Appendix B. TPH as diesel was detected at 70 ppm in one sample collected at 15 feet in B-1. Diesel was not detected in any other sample. No detectable BTXE was reported in the samples analyzed. 4,,0 CORPORATE YARD SOIL ASSESSMENT 4.,1 SOIL SAMPLING As stated earlier in this report, initial soil samples collected during the tank removal indicated relatively low levels of gasoline contamination that attenuated with depth; however, the County required additional soil sampling to assess the extent of contamination. The additional samples were collected using an extend-a-hoe capable of œaching an additional 10 feet below the 10 foot tank excavation thus allowing a final sample depth of 20 feet. Samples were collected at 15 feet in 2 two locations and 20 ff:et in four locations for a total of six. The locations of the samples and significant œsults are shown in Exhibit 5. The soil samples were collected from the extend-a-hoe bucket by pushing brass sample tubes into the soil and filling the tubes to capacity le:aving no headspace. The tubes were immediately capped, labeled, sealed and placed in an iced cooler. They were shipped immediately to Med-Tox Associates Laboratories J e e (Pleasant Hill, California) for analyses. Proper Chain of Custody procedures were followed. Soil in the bucket was routinely scanned with a photoinization detector. 4.2 ANALYfICAL RESULTS -- CORPORATE YARD All six of the samples were analyzed for TPH as gasoline (EP A Method 8015 modified) and BTXE (EP A Method 8020). Complete analytical results with attendant Chain of Custody forms are provided in Appendix B. Low concentrations of TPH as gasoline were detected in five of the six samples; however, three of the samples contained concentrationss of 15 ppm or below. The 20-foot samples from C-2 and C-3 (#01729 and #01730) each contained 130 ppm TPH as gasoline. The 20 foot sampl~ from C-4 (i.~01731) contained no detectable benzene but did yield 0.009 ppm toluene, 0.012 ppm xylene and 0.170 ppm ethylbenzene. 5.0 SITE GEOLOGY The sediments underlying the site are Quaternary alluvial deposits consisting of unconsolidated clays, silts, sands and gravels (California Division of Mines and Geology, 1971). In boring B-1, the deepest of the borings, these recent sediments comprise a 56.5- foot section of very fine- to coarse-grained sands with interbedded silts and clays. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS Assessment of the rental yard resulted in a detectable level of diesel in only one soil sample collected. Both the lateral and vertical extent of soil contamination were evaluated and it appears that diesel contamination was present only in the immediate location of the former underground storage tanks as indicated by soil samples collected during the tank removal. Assessment at the corporate yard, indicates the probability that only minimal amounts of gasoline are present in the soil. Based on these results it appears that gasoline contamination is limited to the immediate tank removal area. Tables 1 and 2 present the LUFf Manual leaching potential analysis using TPH as gasoline and diesel. The site characteristics observed at Sandstone's two sites produce a score of 49 points each using the LUFf Manual leaching potential risk analysis parameters of diesel or gasoline. This score indicates a minimal potential for either fuel to reach groundwater. The recommended maximum allowable TPH levels for this score are 10,000 ppm diesel, 1,000 ppm gasoline, 1 ppm benzene, and 50 ppm each of toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene. None of the samples collected exceeded any of the n~commended allowable levels. 7..0 RECOMMENDATIONS There are several remedial options that could be implemented at the two sites. The following three options are provided: Excavation and disposal, in-situ volatilization (<:orporate yard) or on-site bioremediation (rental yard), and no action. ~ e e Thorne Environmental recommends that no action be taken to remediate either site based upon the high score resulting from the application of LUff Manual risk analysis parameters and the limited areal extent of soil impaction at both sites. 8.0 LIMITATIONS ll1is report was prepared in accordance with the generally accepted standard of care which exists in Central California at the time the investigation was performed. It should b(~ recognized that definition and evaluation of geologic conditions is a difficult and inexact science. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with an incomplete knowledge of the subsurface conditions present. No warranty is expressed or implied. 9.0 SIGNATURES This site characterization study represents Thorne Environmental's professional opinion. Our opinions are formulated in accordance with current hydrogeologist and engineering practices. Sincerely, THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. ~f}~/¡/~ ~~- Barbara Minette Project Hydrogeologist ;~f?~ Trent R. Rosenlieb, P.E. Environmental Manager s. e e EXHIBITS , ~-. I ::".1" Mòn ,3.' ""' " -. -- -.-, ~.,- :. ' ~' ( , "".. it.. ~~I..... \1, '\ I"" ""..,; 3 .; 2'; . ~:cm¡h.l.J I :¡! " I ~('o -'..},..^' ' .' ". ':"""'"í' ::.:,:. '2' .., z '~ 1'. , I",~ 0: Rd..:!" ." NO",H KEAN GOL' COUASI! : I 1 ~ 'II ~..,. S'.da. 2 l I~ It' -_4\l".~ ;M "ft. ;I~ . ~_" ~ SHLJ39' ., 0 J ~. c.t :...: CD ,; 3 ~1 ¡ A..JI ð., ~~~~T ~~ 10 ,11 i It I .~ ~. I 1'0 I 11; I .2 '\7 .-;¡;,~: '1\' ;~...J 11 ../ \!!7.I, .~,--+'I 'I '0 I' c( ~. c -¡:;;::;;I .. ~dO ¥ u. a:: Hi,hw.., I . I. ., /.. "I ¡ ··-fZ )'¡. HUNa NTN. . ¡ I ,_ 17 Is~ '_" ~~~ UJER 11 , 17 MJI~Th~~~"Ð' '~~ .:o:~ J:;:::ii15~'''1 yr" ~~ 17J.<>,( ,e.! IS .. II U ,;'N. ~~ Py~ -ã AI_.id. "'''" I" . ;11..'"; ~ " ~ . ~,v."~ ./ ~ Round! 10. 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'A.~, T I ,:<..-' I 11 i 11"' ~ .. I \\ E ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ 4; Q:: ~ § ~ ~ ~ 18'l'!f <t-l-le o o CORPORATE YARD R~A~ Yð ~ -~- l ~læRNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SANDSTONE INC. BAKERSFIELD, CA LOCATION MAP DATE 9 89 PROJECT NO. EXHIBIT 3E.1052 1 U :ë: Q .... S ~ .- - - - - - - , : SA 0 59 · · GAS TANK 21500 GAL. . · · I · · ;'~A.Q _9J! : "6Ä-Ö-SB I I · I GAS TANK: : ~------: 2,000 GAL. I I I I DIESEL TANK : : : 7 A 0 78 1,250 I . I I :1.°AQjQê ~------: FORMER LOCATION OF TANKS o SAMPLE LOCATIONS TRUXTUN A VENUE SAMPLES IN PARTS PER MILLION (ccm) .§A!IIIPLE LOCATION TPH·GASOLlNE TPH·OIESEL BENZENE TOLUENE XYLENE 01504 5a NO NO NO NO ND /~H~~~: ~~ _.-~~-' -"--··-~.%4·-··-·-{-%4-·--~.~9 01513 6b NO 1.t~ 0..."--_ <W.2 6.3 -01510 7a '---0:-2-' NO ND 0.001 0.006 01509 7b NO NO NO NO NO .OJ.5..1Jl_ 8-3 1!1..____..._......: ,__..~,_.__...,..O..Ot 0.52,.....__2.0- ,,'01502 -"'9-.-"--' ,400 NO NO '--'-'--5':8 59 1..J)1515 9 b 1.4~___.__..N D____.....JI_Q__~O..O 2 3 O. 3 õ1512 10a 8.5 ND ND 0.017 0.29 01511 10b NO NO NO NO NO ~iTHORNE tSE ENVIRONMENTAL SANDSTONE CORPORATE YARD 300 EAST TRUXTUN SAMPLE LOCATIONS ANDRESUL TS FROM TANK REMOVAL z TANKS 567 5A 6A 9A 10A 7A 5B 6B 9B 10B 7B fj CROSS SECTION ETHYLBENZENE ND ND 0.02) Q...U./ ND NO 0.15 -,~ 0.01L" 0.029 NO ~ -9{- ! DATE 9/89 PROJECT NO. EXHIBIT 3E-1052 3 t -9{- - - . - . - . - - - . - . - . - . - . - . - . ..£~N!<F. - - - . - . - . - . -:- . - - - - -.' - t . . ALLEY r---------------l I 8-1 10 TPH-OIESEL 70 ppm BTXE NO BUlLDJNG SHED B-3 o FORMER LOCATION OF TANKS 8-4 o L____~_-------J TANK EXCAVATION PIT o SOIL BORING o 5' o SCALE B-2 o '~ 11iORNE (7~ ENVIRONMENTAL SANDSTONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL YARD 500 EAST TRUXTUN SOIL BORING LOCATIONS AND SIGNIFICANT LABORATORY RESULTS DATE 9/89 PROJECT NO. EXHIBIT 3E-1052 4 TANK EXCAVATION PIT r-------~-----------ì C-4 r-----l D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( I I C-2 .y¿ ~ FORMER TANK ~ _ _D2::'¡..I"':~F1''''' LOCATIONS r Cot 0--11'1"' / I : :/ r--!---, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C-3 L - - - - - J L - - - - - - J D 101 L-________________~__~ TPH I ~ (If"'" NO SCALE o BACKHOE SOIL SAMPLING LOCATIONS LOCATION SAMPLE NO. C·1 01726 C-1 01727 C·2 01728 -C.2 ,[L17?1I C·3 01730 C·4 01731 SAMPLES IN PARTS PER MILLION (ppm) DEPTH TPH.GASOllNE BENZENE TOLUENE XYLENE ETHYLBENZENE 15' 1.0 ND NO ND ND 20' ND NO NO ND ND 15' 2.8 ND ND ND ND _Z'O..:....-----1.3.0'---__."..... ,.NIL.,___.._.......J!,º_._--1I"O.,___.. N D 20' 130 ND NO NO -'-N1)- 20' 15 NO 0.009 0.012 0.170 ~ -9i- j DATE 9/89 PROJECT NO EXHIBIT ~THORNE [Sf ENVIRONMENTAL SANDSTONE CORPORATE YARD 300 EAST TRUXTUN SAMPLE LOCATIONS AND SIGlNIFICANT LABORATORY RESULTS 3E-1052 5 e e TABLES e e TABLE 1 LEACHING POTENTIAL Á.I"fALYSIS FOR GASOLINE USING TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS.(TPH) AND BENZENE, TOLUENE, XYLENE AND ETIlYLBENZENE (BTX&E) S SCORE S SCORE S SCORE SITE C 10 PTS. C 9 PTS. C 5 PTS. FEATURE 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- R DmON R DmON R DmON E IS MET E IS :MET E IS MET Minimum Depth to >100 51-100 25-50\1 Ground Water from the 10 Soil Sample (feet) . Fractures in subsurface None Unknown Present (applies to foothills 10 or mountain areas) Average Annual < 10 10-25 26-40\á Precipitation (inches) 10 Man-made conduits which None Unknown Present increase vertical 10 migration of leachate Urnque site features: None 9 At least More than recharge area, coarse one one soil, nearby wells, etc. COLUMN TOTALS 40 + 9 + = 49 RANGE TOTAL ITS. 49 pts. or more 41 - 48 pts. 40 pts. or less MAX. ALLOWABLE 1/50/50/50 .3/.3/1/1/ NA\J. BTXE LEVELS (PPM) MAX. ALLOWABLE 1000 100 10 TPH LEVELS (PPM) \1 \~ \~ If depth is greater than 5 ft. and less than 25 ft., score 0 points. If depth is 5 ft. or less, this table should not be used. If precipitation is over 40 inches. score 0 points. Levels for BTX&E are not applicable at a TPH concentration of 100 ppm. e e TABLE 2 LEACHING POTENTIAL ANALYSIS FOR DIESEL USING TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) AND BENZENE, TOLUENE, XYLENE AND ETHYLBENZENE (BTX&E) , S SCORE S SCORE S SCORE SITE C 10 PTS. C 9 PTS. C 5 PTS. FEATURE 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- R DmON R DmON R DmON E IS MET E IS MET E IS MET Minimum Depth to >100 51-100 25-50\1 Ground Water from the .10 Soil Sample (feet) Fractures in subsurface None Unknown Present (applies to foothills 10 or mountain areas) Average Annual 10 < 10 10-25 26-40\2 Precipitation (inches) Man-made conduits which None Unknown Present increase vertical 10 migration of leachate Unique site features: None 9 At least . More than recharge area, coarse one one soil, nearby wells, etc. COLUMN TOTALS 40 + 9 + = 49 RANGE TOTAL PTS. 49 pts. or more 41 ·48 pts. . 40 pts. or less MAX. ALLOW ABLE 1/50/50/50 .3/.3/1/1/ N A \3- BTXE LEVELS (PPM) MAX. ALLOWABLE 10000 1000 100 TPH LEVELS (PPM) \1 If depth is greater than 5 ft. and less than 25 ft., score 0 points. If depth is 5 ft. or less, this table should not be used. \2 If precipitation is over 40 inches, score 0 points. \3- Levels for BTX&E are not applicable at a TPH concentration of 100 ppm. e APPENDIX A BORING LOGS e i I e e UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION GRAVEL GW WELL GRADED GRAVELS OR GRAVEL SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES. AND POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS OR GRAVEL SAND M~XTURE. GRAVELEY GP LITTLE OR NO FINES. SOILS , COARSE GM SILTY, GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND - CLAY MIXTURE GRAINED GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL- SAND - CLAY MIXTURES. SW WELL-GRADED SANDS OR GRAVELY SANDS, SAND LITTLE OR NO FINES. SOILS AND SP POORLY- GRADED SANDS OR GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES. SANDY SM SILTY SANDS, SAND - SILT MIXTURES. SOILS SC CLAYEY SANDS, SAND - CLAY MIX'1;URES. MAJOR DIYISIONS LTR DESCRIPTIONS I SILTS INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROC~FLOUR, ML SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS, OR CLAYEY SILTS AND WITH SLIGHT PLASTICI~Y. INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDUIUM PLASTICIITY, CLAYS CL GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, FINE LL<50 LEAN CLAYS. DL ORGANIC SILTS,AND ORGANIC SILT - CLAYS, OF LOW GRAINEr PLASTICITY. SILTS MH INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SANDS SANDY OR SILTY SOILS, ELASTIC SILTS. AND CH INORGANIC CLAYS, OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS. CLAYS LL >50 DH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PL PEAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS. WELL CONSTRUCfION .::'-:~. ... '.. '.;.'~.':';' .;~;.: · .;.::-:..;' .:~::: ... '.. · ~';a:.";' .:~:;.. .... .... . · ~.:-:...;' .... .... . '.;.'~.':';' .... ... . ·i~::·· · .;..':-:.:';' ~. ...... ..;..:-:.~. .... .... . · .¡.':-:.:';' .... .... . '.j,;.:-:.':';' .... ..... · .,e::-:.:';' .... .... . · .;..~.:.;. .... .... . · .;.::-:.:.;. .... .... . ..;.;~.:.;. .... .... . ..;...~...;. .... .... . · .,;;:-:.:.;' ,'!':'....~... CEMENT .,.....~ .;~::.. GROUT · '!':'....~.. BACKFILL ~. ...., .... .... . ..;.:~.:.;. .... .... . '£~::'. .';';'~... .... .... . 'i~::·· ·i~::·· · .;.::-:.:.;' ..... .... · .,ï.::-:.:';' .... .... . · .;..' :-:. :.;. .... .... . · .;.::-:.:.;' .... .... . '.¡.':-:. :.;. ..... .... . .~.~.... :..:. .... . '.;.:;a-:.:';' .... .... . '.,¡.'~.";' ..... .... . '.;..':-:.~. .... .... . · .,¡..':-:.:';' .... ..... . · .;..':a:.'-;' ..... .... . '.;..'~.:';' .... .... . ....~..:.;. ... ... . ·i~::·· ·i~::·· · .;.::-:.:.;' .... .... . '~~::'. Surface Elevation: Total Depth: Date DriHed: e CHEMICAL ANALYSES Laboratory Field TPH OVM (ppm) (ppm) SAMPLE ~ iii . x'" CI 31- a: 0 .Z oZ 1-"" W J OCl J::J 0.. ID 0 H IDa w· z: x 'fI'I 0 0'" ::J I- fI'Iw OJ H ::)0 Z J 2000 705 - 70 1660 o 16 5 - 1006 30 10 410.0 feet 56.5 feet August 14, 1989 20 15 27 20 25 ~~th THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. .lSl:~ "TREA TMENT BY DESIGN" Project Number 3E-I052 September 1989 .' SP " .'. .' .' .' .' .' ..' . . 01686 :':':":': .' , '. ,'. 01687 ~ SW -,' IIIII .. . ,'.. -,' .., :'..~ " . : '.. ~ .' . . '. -,' .. .' -' .. 01688 ~/.. : '.., .. ~..; .. .'. . 01689 SOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE - FILL SAND, very fine-grained, brown, dry, slight odor ' Tank backfill SAND, very fine- to coarse-grained, well graded, light brown, dry, slight odor SAND, fme- to medium-grained, light brown, dry, no odor ML SILT, sandy, red-brown, dry, no odor Barbara Minette Logged By: Supervised By: Diameter of Boring: Water Encountered at: 8 inches feet Sandstone Rental Yard LOG of BORING B-1 PLATE 1 Page lor 3 e WELL CONSTRUCfION CHEMICAL ANALYSES Laborato Field:3 I- TPH OVM OZ .J::J (p m °u pm) (ppm) :~;?::: ..;..~.~. .... ... . '.fa. :-::..:';'. ... · .¡.'~.";' ..... .... . :;;;:: ·i~::'· · ·i.:~:..:';·, ... · .;,;.:-:...;. ..... .... . '';'''~:..';'. ... ..¡...~...;. .¿~;.: 'i::::', '.,¡.'~~' :?~§:: :}:§:: ... ... . - ....--:...;. :.,.'. .... . ..¡,;.~.~. ,~...'~,.. CEMENT .-;~;.. GROUT ~, -:;. 'BACKFILL :i~t' .... .... ' '.;..'~.:';' ... .... . '..;.:--:..:.;' :.... .... . 'i::-:::', '.;.'~.";' .... .... . '.¡":~.";' ... ... . ·i~::·· ..;..~..-;. .... .... . '-::::;', ..;..~.~. .... .... . · .;."-:-;.:';' .;~:.. .... ... . :f~t ..... .... . '.,¡.::-;-.";' ... .... . · ....--:.:.;' .', .... . ·i~::·· ·i~::·· · .j..':-:. :.; . .... .... . ..;...~...;. .... .... . · .... --:. :.;. .', .... . .:.~::< .~:-:-.:.;. .... .... . · .."--::"';' :..:. .... . · ....4;.:.;' .... .... . · ....--;-...,;' ... .... . ...~.... 331 117 51 ND 41.8 37 I: " 1-.... a.. w· o~ SAMPLE >- CI 0: 0 W .J m 0 E I: ::J I- Z ~ 01690 cñ < .Z UCl H <0) O)W :;0 e SOIL DESCRIPTION SM 30 01691 SAND, silty, fine- to , medium-grained, brown, slightly moist, no odor CL CLAY, silty, red-brown, slightly moist, no odor . ' SP : " SAND, fine- to medium-grained, " light brown, slightly moist, no odor : , ' 11.3 46 40 01693 ::.::-:. Grades to CLAY, silty, red-brown, , , iron staining, slightly moist, no odor .' ML 8.6 32 ND 13 35 01692 45 01694 50 ..... . :'. ~ .;.':. . 01695 f,¡,... , ... : '.... t·~~- -.':.~ ;'. ~ t·~.~ t·~~ SILT, sandy, red-brown, slightly moist, no odor SW SAND, fine- to coarse-grained, salt/pepper color, subrounded grains, moist, no odor ,b THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. J "TREA TMENT BY DESIGN" Sandstone Rental Yard LOG of BORING B-l PLATE 1 Page 20r 3 Project Number 3E-1052 September 1989 e WELL CONSTRUCTION CHEMICAL ANALYSES Laboratory Field:3 I- TPH OVM oZ .J::I (p ) moO pm (ppm) ':~.:8: . ~...:~." CEMENT .. .- . ~...::~:.. GROUT ~'. -:;. BACKFILL ..;..~.~. '11:' ..... ..;..~.~. .... .... 'i~::' ND ND 69 :I:^ 1--6J 0.. w· C'" .... 55 I~-,,~THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. I r~ø "TREATMENT BY DESIGN" Project Number 3E-I052 September 1989 SAMPLE >- CJ Il 0 W ..J m 0 J: :I: ::I I- Z ~ ~..; ~ '¡'"..' : '.:", t·~.~~ ...... 01696 ~~,~~ . ~ :. . ,;,,':- . :. ~ ~' e ui . .Z oCJ H .(11 (IIw :)0 SOIL DESCRIPTION SAND, very fine- to coarse-grained, brown, slightly moist, no odor TOTAL DEPTH = 565 FEET PLATE Sandstone Rental Yard LOG of BORING B-1 1 Page 30r 3 WELL CONSTRUCTION .;~.:.i:' .:~:: 40' .... ',;,;~.:e:' .... .... . ..;,;.-:-:.:.;' 4:' ..... '';'-:-:-.41:' .,... . .....~.~. :':'. .... . '....:-:-.:.:' 4:' .... ..;.~. :.;. .... ... . '~~:~'. :?~t .... .... . · .;.::-:..¡.;. .... ...... . '';''7'':'~' ... .... . '.;.'~.:.;. .;~:;.' .... ... . '..:-:.:.i;' .... ..... . ..;,;~...;. .... ..... . ..,;...~..:.;. .... ..... . '~~.:e:' .... ... . .~.-:-:.:';. ,;~::" CEMENT "~....~,.. GROUT ~ .'~ "~:.::.. BACKFILL ~.: , '::8:::;: .... .... . '.;..'~.:';' .... ... . ·i~::·· '.;..'~.'-;' .... ..... . ..;¡.~.:.;. .... ..... . · .;.'~.:';' ... .... . ..¡,;.~.:.;. ... .... . ..;...~.~. .... .... . ..;...~.:.;. .... .... . ..-:~..:.;. ....... ·i~::·· '.;..'-:-:.:';' .... .... . · .,¡.':-;. .e;. .... .... . '';';~.:.i:' ... .... '-:~::'. '.;..':-:-.:.;' .... ...... . · ....~...;' .... .... . '-::~::'. '.¡,;.-:-:..;' .... .... · ~'--:.,e;. :.... .... . ...~.*=. ... .... . '~':-:.:.i:' . ... . Surface Elevation: Total Depth: Date Drilled: e CHEMICAL ANALYSES Laborato Field TPH OVM (ppm) (ppm) ND 410.0 feet 26.5 feet August 14, 1989 SAMPLE >- J:..... CJ 31- IX 0 oZ I-~ W ...I ...I;:) n,. m 0 mO w· I: J: 0 C'" ;:) I- ...., H Z ...I 0 55 37 NO 32 NO 20 NO 27 S 10 1S 20 25 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. "TREATMENT BY DESIGN" Project Number 3E-I052 September 1989 · . 01697 :::' :"" .' ',:':' 01698 :::' :"" SP 01699 :::::::,: 01700 . . · . .. ',:':' .... . · . .... . · . .... . · . " ',' · " " ,,' · . " . " ',' . . · , · . " , , . . en . .Z (JCJ H 'en enw :)D SOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE - ASPHALT AS SP Ground asphalt and fill SAND, very fine- to fine-grained, brown, dry, no odor SAND, very fine- to medium-grained, brown, dry, no odor ML SILT, sandy, dark brown, slightly moist, no odor Barbara Minette Logged By: Supervised By: Diameter of Boring: Water Encountered at: 8 inches feet Sandstone Rental Yard LOG of BORING B-2 PlATE 2 Page lof 2 CHEMICAL ANALYSES SAMPLE >- . Laboratory Field X^ CI (I) . WELL 3'" ...~ II 0 .Z TPH OVM oZ w .J OCl CONSTRUcnON ...I=> a.. DI 0 H SOIL DESCRIPTION mO w· E X .(1) (ppm) (ppm) 0 at => ... (l)w Z H ::ia ...I :~~~: CEMENT ND NO 2.:) 01701 SILT, sandy, -darKl)rown, slightly , GROUT moist, no odor , . . .... . . BACKFILL TOTAL DEPTH = 265 FEET ~ THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. Sandstone Rental Yard PLATE " "TREATMENT BY DESIGN" LOG of BORING 2 B-2 Project Number 3E-I052 September 1989 Page 2 of 2 e - CHEMICAL ANALYSES SAMPLE >- cñ . Laboratory Field X'" (!J WELL 31- I-~ 0: 0 .Z TPH OVM oZ IIJ .J oCJ CONSTRUCTION .J:J D.- m 0 ,H SOIL DESCRIPTION DJo IIJ- E X CI)( ) (ppm) (ppm) 0 ct :J I- .IIJ Z H :Jc .J 0 SURFACE - FILL i2ª SP : . ,', ~f .' ..... '. .' .' .;~:;.. .' ..... ..... . .' ..;..~.... ..... .... . .' BACKFILL, fme sand,brown, dry, ..;...~.:e:. 5 .' ..... 4.7 7 01702 :';:,':' no odor :?~t .... . .' : .... .... . " .' ..-:~.:.;. : :~;~:: .' .' '.;.'~.:';' . . ... .... . ' . '~~:;'. : . . .' ..,¡..~.... 4;' ..... . '~~..e:' 10 017037 .... .... . 1145 26 SP '.;..':,,:.:";' ..... ..... . ....:... ..-..~.... ..... .... . CEMENT .' '';''':,,:.:';' .;~;.: GROUT . ,', SAND, very, fine to fine, brown, ..;.:~:.;. BACKFILL " dry, no odor ... ... . , . 'i~::·· .' 'i-:::', .' ..;...~...;. : .' .... .... . '.j..':":.:';' 15 .... .... . 01704 :';:,> SAND, very fine to med. grained, .....--:-.:.;. 4418 40 :.::. ..... . ..;..~.~. .' ' brown, dry odor .... .... . ·i~:·· " '~~::'. '''¡''':,,:.'';' SM .... ... . · ....~.:.;. ...... . ....~...;. .' .... .... . 'i~::·· .' · "¡"':,,:.";' : .:~::;.. 6917 17 20 01705 SAND, silty, fme-grained, brown, :.... .... . " · ....--:..:.;. moist, strong odor :.:. ... . '~~:;'. .... ~.... .', .... . '.;..'~.:';' .... .... . 'i::::-· · ....~.:.;' :i;§:: " 25 Surfa<:e Elevation: 410.0 feet Logged By: Barbara Minette Total Depth: 56.5 feet Supervised By: Diameter of Boring: 8 inches Date Drilled: August 16, 1989 Water Encountered at: feet . ~~ THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. Sandstone Rental Yard PlATE · 'TREATMENT BY DESIGN" LOG of BORING 3 " ...' B-3 lof Projec:t Number 3E-1052 September 1989 Page 3 - e WELL CONSTRUCfION ·i~::·· ...~.:.;. :§~§:: -IIt-. .... · .;. :-:..-;. .... ..... . ..;..~.~. .... .... . ....:-:.:.;. ';~?: ',;,;,~.:e:' ... .... . ·i~:·· ·i~::·· ·i~::·· ..¡...~..e;. ... '.. ...~.:.i:. .... .... . '~~::'. ·i~::'· · .j..':-:.:';' .:~:;.. ... ... . '.;,:~.'-;' ... .... . '.;..'~.:.;. · ~~~,.' CEMENT ~. ..... ,~~~'.. GROUT ... ,'''' ,~.;..'~... BACKFILL .... ,..., .... .... . '-:'::::', · .;.':-:..¡.;, .... .... . ',¡,,':-:.., .... .... . '.;.:-;-. :.;' .... .... . ..¡,;.:-:. :.;' .... .... . ..;..~.~. .... ... . '.¡..':-:...;' ... .... . 'i~::·· '.;.::-:-..¡.;' .... .... . ''¡'::-:.:.i:' .... .... . · .¡..':-:.:';' .... .... . · ....~..-;. · .. .... . · .;,;:-:.:.;. .... .... . '.¡..':-:.:';' .... .... . · .-: --:. :.; . :.... .... . · .... --:-. :.;. ... .... . '.;..':-:.~. ... .... . ..;...~.~. .... .... . · .,¡.':-:.:.;' ... .... . · .;..':-:..e;' · .... .... . · .;.::-:.:.;' .... .... . '.¡..':-:.:.;' .... .... . · ';"':-:. :.;. .... .... . · .¡..':-:. :.;. · .... .... . · .;..":-:.:,;' .... .... . · .;..':-:.";' .' .... . ·i~::·· ...~... e CHEMICAL ANALYSES Laborato Field 3'" TPH OVM 0% .J::J ) IDOO (ppm (ppm) 1404 48 ND 9467 62 2977 27 34 19 NO 7.5 22 4.3 49 x,... ....... a. - w- 0'" v SAMPLE >- CI 0: 0 W .J ID 0 :E: X ::J ... % ~ 0106 30 01707 35 40 01709 45 01710 50 01711 u) . .% OCl H .(1) II)w :)0 ML e SOIL DESCRIPTION SAND, same silt, fme-grained,· brown, moist, strong odor SAND, silty, very fme-grained, brown, mOist, slaght odor CL CLAY, silty, brown, moist, slight odor SM SAND, very fine to med. grained, brown, slighty moist, slight odor SILT, sandy SM SAND, silty clay, very fme-grained, brown, slightly moist, slight odor SAND, silty, med to coarse grained, tan, moist, no odor THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. "TREATMENT BY DESIGN" Sandstone Rental Yard LOG of BORING B-3 Project Number 3E-1052 September 1989 PLATE 3 Page 20c 3 e e CHEMICAL ANALYSES SAMPLE >- . Laboratorv Field J:'"' (! en . WELL 3t- ....... a: ° .Z TPH OVM OZ w .J OCl CONSTRUCflON .J:J 0.- m 0 H SOIL DESCRIPTION mO w· E J: 'en (ppm) (ppm) 0 o~ :J t- enw Z H :)0 .J .;~.:e,' . .. SW :. . .¿~? . CEMENT .' .' ~.~ . GROUT : -,- SAND, frne to coarse grained, Salt & .~.~.~. .i;'.-'; ~.'~ . BACKFILL ',,-.;. pepper, color, moist, no odor '.;.':-:.~. - 55 -,' - .... .... ND ND 35 01712 "'.' ..;...~.:.;. -,' ... '. .... ... . . ·';i.:~::::·. ~.~.~ .-:.-=.: TOTAL DEPTH = 56.5 FEET ~ THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. Sandstone Rental Yard PLATE "TREATMENT BY DESIGN" LOG of BORING 3 B-3 Project Number 3E·I052 September 1989 Page 30e 3 CHEMICAL ANALYSES SAMPLE >- . Laboratory Field 1:" (! (I) . WELL 3.... .....¡J 0: 0 .% TPH OVM 0% 0.- UJ .J O(! CONSTRUCfION .J=> UJ- 00 0 H SOIL DESCRIPTION 000 1: 1: ·en (ppm) (ppm) 0 0'" => .... enUJ '" z H ::i0 .J 0 SURFACE - CONCRETE .. Z;, Cï '~'-:-:::'. .. .' SP '.~.:e:' .:~;;.: ::.:':' .' . . ~~ª : .', . . · " :?~;:: .'. .' : · '. .. ,', '';';'~::'. - 5 ' , .. 2.3 24 01720 :':,::':': Concrete chips, fill, fine sand, dry, '-:~::'. · ..'--:.:';. .' no odor ~. ...... '-:'~::'. ' . ..;,:~.:.;. : ... ..... . · . :;;;:: .' : 'i::::', ·.1.:~::·. .. .' ";.:~::'. 10 017217 .. ND 55 35 SP '£~::'. .' ..;.::-:.~. ',' ... .... . CEMENT SAND, fine-grained, brown, dry, '£~::'. '~'~:'. GROUT . ' slight odor .. BACKFILL · ~':-:.:';' ' . ;~;': " ''¡';~::'. .. · ' ..;.:~.:.;. ..,. ..... . ..;..:-:.~. .... ... . 15 01722 :':,::> '.;..':-:.:';' 7.5 37 SAND, fine-grained, brown, dry, no .... .... . ....~..;. odor .=~::;.. .', .:~::.. '. .', .... . 1::::· " " SM .:~::.' ... .... . '.:-:-.:';' .... .... . ·i~:·· - 20 '.¡..':-:.~. 6.0 25 01723 SAND, silty, fine-grained, brown, .... .... . .' 'i::::', slightly moist, no odor · .¡..':-:. :.; . .... .... . '.¡..'~.:';' .... .... . · .;..':-:.:';' ... .... . · .;,;,:-:.:.;. ... .... . '~'~.4i:' .... .... . · ';"':a:.:';' .... .... . "'i.'-~:::'. , 25 " Surfac:e Elevation: 410.0 feet Logged By: Barbara Minette Total Depth: 31.5 feet Supervised By: Diameter of Boring: 8 inches Date Drilled: August 16, 1989 Watcr Encountered at: feet ~ THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. Sandstone Rental Yard PLATE "TREA TMENT BY DESIGN" LOG of BORING 4 B-4 Proje<:t Number 3E-I052 September 1989 Page lof 2 e WELL CONSTRUcnON e CHEMICAL ANALYSES Laborato Field:3 t- :I:'" TPH OVM 0 z t- ~ ..J5 g¡. (ppm) (ppm) DI 0 0 ~ ..;..~:';. ... .... .~~.:.;. ... .... ....~.:e:. ..... . ..... . '-::. .::'. CEMENT '~::-:::., GROUT 'i-:-:::', BACKFILL '....:-:..¡.;. -tI:.'''' '';''~.'';' .:~::.. ..... . ';':;-:.:';' ... .... ''¡';~.:.i:' ... '.. . ..... . " ND 38 ND ND 35 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. "TREATMENT BY DESIGN" Project Number 3E-I052 September 1989 SAMPLE >- (! a:: 0 III ..J ID 0 I: :I: ::J t- Z ~ 01 30 01725 cñ . .z OCl H ·en enlU ='0 ML SOIL DESCRIPTION SAND, silty, very rme-gràined, brown, slightly moist, no odor . SILT, clayey, brown, moist, no odor TOTAL DEPTH = 31.5 FEET PLATE Sandstone Rental Yard LOG of BORING B-4 4 Page 20r 2 e APPENDIX B LABORATORY RESULTS e · e RENTAL YARD LABORATORY RESULTS · - LABORATORY RESULTS - EQUIPMENT RENTAL YARD SAMPLE NUMBER SAMPLE DEPfH TPH DIESEL B T LOCATION (FEET) (mg/kg) x E 01c)88 B-1 15 70 ND ND NO NO 01c)92 B-1 35 35 ND ND ND ND 01 )96 B-1 55 ND NO ND NO ND 01698 B-2 10 ND NO ND NO ND 01'701 B-2 25 ND ND ND ND ND 01'707 B-3 30 ND ND ND ND ND 01'71 0 B-3 45 ND ND ND ND ND 01'712 B-3 55 ND ND ND ND ND 01'721 B-4 10 ND ND ND ND ND 01'725 B-4 30 ND ND ND ND ND B == Benzene (mg/kg) T== Toluene (mg/kg) X= Xylene (mg/kg) E == Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) ,- ED-Tox ASSOCIATES. INC. e .. PAGE 1 OF 6 ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES 3440 Vincent Rood Pleasant Hill. CA 94523. (415) 930-9090. FAX# (415) 930·0256 LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 4570 CALIFORNIA AVE. STE. 200 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 ATTN: BARBARA MINETTE CLIENT PROJECT NO: 3E-I052 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE SAMPLED: 08/14/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908141 ANALYSIS OF: FIVE SOIL SAMPLES FOR BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS See attached pages for results ~"'.~ 7I(.iI. Michael Lynch, Manager Organic Laboratory Results FAXed to Barbara Minette 09/01/89 AN DIEGO LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO SEATTlE WASHINGTON, D.C. - e A1"J?c7J:º~ PAGE 2 OF 6 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01688 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/14/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908141-03A MED-TOX 'JOB NO: 8908141 DATE ANALYZED: 08/22-23/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/22/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene NO 5 Toluene. . NO 5 Ethyl benzene. . . . . . NO 5 Xylenes . . . NO 20 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Diesel 70 mg/kg NO mg/kg 10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Waste Oil NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e A1~Pc7J:9~ PAGE 3 OF 6 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01692 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/14/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908141-07A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908141 DATE ANALYZED: 08/22-24/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/22/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene ND 1 Toluene . NO 1 Ethyl benzene. . NO I Xylenes . . . . NO 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Diesel NO mg/kg NO mg/kg 10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Waste Oi 1 NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e A1~e7!9~ PAGE 4 OF 6 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT ID: 01696 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/14/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908141-11A MED-TOX' JOB NO: 8908141 DATE ANALYZED: 08/22-23/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/22/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene ND 1 Toluene ND 1 Ethyl benzene. . . . . ND 1 Xylenes . . . . NO 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Oi ese 1 ND mg/kg NO mg/kg 10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Waste Oi 1 ND = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e NI~Pc7!~~ PAGE 5 OF 6 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT ID: 01698 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/14/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908141-13A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908141 DATE ANALYZED: 08/22-23/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/22/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . · · ND 1 Toluene . · · . . . . . ND 1 Ethyl benzene. . . . . ND 1 Xylenes . · · . ND 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Diesel ND mg/kg ND mgl kg 10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Waste Oi 1 ND = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e A1~e7!~! PAGE 6 OF 6 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01701 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/14/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908141-16A MED-TOX' JOB NO: 8908141 DATE ANALYZED: 08/22-23/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/22/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene ND 1 Toluene NO 1 Ethylbenzene. . . . . ND 1 Xylenes . . . NO 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Diesel ND mg/kg NO mg/kg 10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Waste Oi 1 NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e ED-Tox ASSOCIATES, INC. e PAGE 1 OF 6 ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES 3440 Vincent R.oad Pleasant Hili. CA 9452.1. (415) 9.10·9090 . FAX# (415) 9.10·0256 lABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 4570 CALIFORNIA AVE. STE. 200 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 ATTN: BARBARA MINETTE CLIENT PROJECT NO: 3E-I052 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE SAMPLED: 08/16/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908142 ANALYSIS OF: FIVE SOIL SAMPLES FOR BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS See attached pages for results ~ . ~~CtJ Ì'J .1trw-.L,~ /Jtð.. Michael lynch, Manager Organic Laboratory Results FAXed to Barbara Minette 09/01/89 ;AN DIEGO LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO SEATTlE WASHINGTON, D.C. e e A1"1l7J:9~ PAGE 2 OF 6 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01707 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/16/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908142-06A MED-TOX' JOB NO: 8908142 DATE ANALYZED: 08/22-23/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/23/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (EXTRACTION) CONC ENTRA TI ON (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . . NO 1 Toluene. NO 1 Ethylbenzene. NO 1 Xylenes . . . NO 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Diesel ND mg/ kg NO mg/kg 10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Waste Oil NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e NI~~c7T.~~ PAGE 3 OF 6 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01710 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/16/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908142-09A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908142 DATE ANALYZED: 08/22-23/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/23/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene NO 1 Toluene . NO 1 Ethyl benzene. . . . . NO 1 Xylenes . . . . NO 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Diesel NO mg/kg NO mg/ kg 10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Waste Oil NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e A1~e7J.~! PAGE 4 OF 6 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01712 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/16/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908142-11A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908142 DATE ANALYZED: 08/22-23/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/23/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene NO 1 Toluene NO 1 Ethyl benzene. NO 1 Xylenes . . . NO 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Diesel NO mg/kg NO mg/kg 10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Waste Oil NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e A1"~7!~~ PAGE 5 OF 6 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT ID: 01721 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/16/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908142-13A' MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908142 DATE ANALYZED: 08/22-23/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/23/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ugjkg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . ND 1 Toluene. . . . . ND 1 Ethyl benzene. ND 1 Xylenes . . . . . . ND 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Diesel ND mgj kg ND mgjkg 10 mgjkg 20 mg/kg Waste Oi 1 ' ND = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e A1~!?c7!~~ PAGE 6 OF 6 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01725 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/16/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/17/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908142-17A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908142 DATE ANALYZED: 08/22-23/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/23/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . · NO 1 Toluene. · . NO 1 Ethyl benzene. NO 1 Xylenes . · . . . . . . NO 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Diesel NO mg/kg NO mg/kg 10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Waste Oil NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit - I - ENVIRONM£NTAL PROJ, NO. PROJECT NAME )l - J 0 5 :¡, NO. L.P. NO. SA~PLERS: (Signature/Number, ~( (P.O. NO.) OF ,I þ--ß' }y~./~ /~ CON· DATE SAMPLE I.D. sÄMPLE 1.0. TAINERS REMARKS TIME ~-:: MM/DDIYY HH:MM:SS '! JIt.J /-; ct .- 'I: "-is ,., 1/ ,Q.(., 1]-1 ,( I /' PI t1 . ~...,,-y..;"" 0/4- , It) : 30 CI{o~-;1 ,. J;; , . I ./ -:: -'0 c; ð~ 10 ' <./5 (~ I Cb <? ~ " IS' / ./ 0/ 70 ¡vO NO NO II/t) - /Gø (,,0 (;~fl II : 11 C' I (., "if c:¡ - " ]. ,,' / ./ : Ice <é (J'ÍA- II :~5 OJ~~O I' d Sf I ./ ~ 33/ OS I I . ~ c; o I' c I " j Of / ,/ ; I 17 ()~4 II : 55 ,: I c..,CI).. . . 35 I v v ¡VO /VO NO NO IVC :- ~J, 8 Ò7A- f:;J.: .lD OIf.:JC¡_~ I. '10 J v .- 11.3 O'JA ':1 ,'-40 /) i W "1 '-I' ' , <..1 S f ./ ~ 'i? _ (" ,Y~4 I', 10 c 1'~c 5 '. So I V - 0 IDA, - ) '<70 C'/wC¡&. " 5 S / V ¡/ IvO 1Vc.." Nt:) /vC .vO -0 ItA y, I? ' I ""en ß·^ 5' / J ~~~ I ;;A- '1 1,c o I f.., '1 <:6 I I v ./ . - ('"1 13.4- ' , 10 ,vo µo NO ,vb ¡vO (..1 ,.;. 110 C1 C /S' v / -- (.,...." j4/J. "0 " i ') : OL" ., I-¡cr.' ,·...:Jo J ./ :1'1 ISA 5 ' I <) 01?01 "~5 '/ t/ vi' NÒ ,vo ,vD NO ,t¿O ;'0 i6. ~elinquished by: (Signalure, Clate/Time Re;:eived by: (Signature, Remarks Send Results To B ð ... ~/uS ~1.5 '1'1"'" F ~ vi y 1'1 : 1'1 E1't ~ /7.7~'Ú? 'Y'/thvC1- Attention of ~" ~ THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL. INC. Relinquished by: (Signeture, [late7ime R.calved by: (Slgneture. fJO y' n1&t / T.,.,.,. Yl4v() v...../ ys 10 CCII; I,,. "':" tJ a.,QO - I ß'I C. f,ð .{i't IJ I (A , q 3 ":\ 04 Relinquished by: ISigneturel [latefTIme Received for Laboratory by: go i - J ~ (0- O~ 'I J, '~f/~l/I jot) rrtl. ;1::.. '- L L .J,' ~ 'ÓC5 -J;.I.~_ 0<;'iß ¡:: "J )(. I~ ~ r White· Sampler U Canary· Return Copy To Shipper Pink ,'Lab Co R 4 ~ D c: c · 01ÜC¡I'T-/' Ç::lti _N~ py (\1° 01q~ £"'1U .\ TM ()'f¡' rTT~TnT)V · --...I 1'-1 ENVIRQNMrNTAL PROJ :)10. PROJECT NAME .. , 3~-(o 5 ~ NO, l,P. NO, S;~PLE~S: (Signature/~Umber) II T~¡< (P,O.NO.I OF ;~ ~-- ~..-tz- 1/ CON· DATE SAMPLE I.D. SÁMPLE I.D, TAINERS REMARKS TIME ~ V ~?I...:ë 15 C(> ¡... ~ I.v MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS <l/,~/<¿~ ì: ~,1 01"10 L ß-~ '5' I V P,O -= 4,7 I') I A- I ',...IS rll,O) /0' I v -:. II"'; 5 ð .2. .4- ~ ,co I:) I Î D 1..1 IS I v ,~ ~ooo .¡.. Ò3A- ~. IS o lï{")~' ;2.;)' J v = ~ 00 0 r Öt.J/.J.. ~ " 3(") In .., 0 (.;, 1.<;' ./ ": Y.O~ 05""" I '6 ',50 O ÎO"7 )0' I ./ LI fJO wO ¡J() NO Nt) : .2.. 000 t- O(,A Cj " r(' o lï(J~: 35' I ../ ::~ooo~ ò74 I '.., ð /" I '7 (; 4' '-Ia I I ./ =35'" "gft I '20 ~ I -"7 10 '-15 / v' ../ NO NO NO IL¿! /\/t:) =- 7.5 O'iA F ./ / '.3:5 Cliff <)'0' I :,,/~ loA- t -.Sa C I ï .,,:,- c:¡¡' / ./ ../ 1"'0 ,v(} NO IvC ,v¡;) ~D 1/ A. ~elinquished by: (Sign.tu,e, DatelTime Re~eived by: (Sign.tu,e) Remarks Send Results TO/3 h ~.t~;:;.. ~/~~I S~-. ró þ 1"'/_ .'><" A lien lion of e:,,, ~.I;..., E-rrt THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL. INC. Relinquished by: (Sign.lure. Da'~F-- . Received by: \Sig".ture} NO.r..........s I Tv,;-.... ...,....)........~ t t:( /.;~,...."... 0 "-'--'-"'- - ..... _..- ..... -- -- ._- 0/5 70 ::LoD - .- " iJ¿" rf",/:t IrI, (' A 9.J30C¡ Relinquished by: (Sign.lure} ';'Wime R8C8iv:[or laboratory by: fsjr7. ¡ I' , (!J·r '~ ?c.5 - :3 ;J <Ø -0 ~~ .1- ," /·00 .. J.. . .hi ' I White· Sampler U Canary, Relurn Copy To Sh,pper Pink, Lab Copy '<;' - l..f 2> 'ð'i 0 '8 '2 c;'~::: (\.fo n1q~ {""IU.\ f1\T O'P ('1TT~~(H)V I. + F:h 1·~It::W." -,- ~i.(O'3} "'2.. DQ2 Qt-" [NVI-P,ONMJ:Nrn ',- '.0. PROJECT NAME , 3E - /CS2 NO. ~ L.P. NO. SAMPLERS: (Signature/NIJmber) ~ ~ ;.;'" .~ M~cI- Tox (P.O. NO.) ~. OF .~.:'" )¡ 'V .' ,~ ;' Jy¿..-../t.!- ' ( __ CON· i'~' 0 ,,~ ,', DATE SAMPLE I.D. SAMPLE 1.0. TAINERS REMARKS TIME MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS 1. lit. / f$&j 10 ''''0 1,.,/ ., ::1,-, 8--1 s' I V p/O ": ,J. 3 /-:2 A- I I V ./ 13A- 10'.30 1n/7:2./ ' . 10 NO (>/0 \/O ^/o ,>.It; : 55.0 I ¿) ·.c.JS II) / Î .:l :~ .. Is , 1 v -~ 7. t; I Lf. A- II ',1\0 In I -, '1 -"1 . J '1.0' I V : /, G IS IJ- I J( : 15 ,., r .., "1 .~ '. ~ 5' ( ¡/ -= 0 I to'" II.' 30 o (Î.:2.5 I, 30 , v V /vO vO NO /11(/ NO - 0 /7.4- . - I -e ~ellnquished by: (Sign.lur., ~;:rime Re.:eived by: (Sign.lur.) Remarks Send Results To ße, b 1-0 ¡I:£-" - X H.:"",Eff f /1 /.,1 5",,......, Attention of ;' ')..¿ ?:J.-¿..,J?, - T vV' V1&,,,~..... "" ."I l / THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL. INC. Relinquished by: (Sign.lure. [)atelTime Received by: (Sign.lur., V c) or "'" "I , I Ce.,I:¡;'"V'I ;~~ tf ;lea I t..{570 Relinquished by: (Slg....lur.' 9fii~f;;~·oo Received lor Laboratory by: 8&1 ~E"S I': r ,ç/') CA ~ 3 3oc:¡ --_.~-- (S~Ij"ï "' J. L . -; l-,-- ~o5 -.3 ).(,..ol../C)::L White· Sampler / Canary. Return Copy To Shipper Pink : Lab Copy N° 0196 ,... U "T'\J ().... (" IT ~ .... () 1') V e e , , CORPORATE YARD LABORATORY RESULTS · e ¡ - LABORATORY RESULTS - CORPORATE YARD SAMPLE SAMPLE OEPTH NUMBER WCATION (FEET) TPH GASOLINE B (mg/kg) T x E 01726 C-l 15 1 NO NO NO NO 01727 C-l 20 NO NO NO NO NO 01728 C-2 15 2.8 NO NO NO NO 01729 C-2 20 130 NO NO NO NO 01730 C-3 20 130 NO NO NO NO 01731 C-4 20 15 NO .009 .012 .170 B:= Benzene (mg/kg) T:= Toluene (mg/kg) X:: Xylene (mg/kg) E:= Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) e M~e7!~! . PAGE 1 OF 7 ENVlRONME:NTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES 3440 Vincent rlead Pleasant Hill. CA 94523. (415) 930·9090 . FAX# (415) 930·0256 LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 4570 CALIFORNIA AVE. STE. 200 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 ATTN: BARBARA MINETTE CLIENT PROJECT NO: 3E-I052 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 DATE SAMPLED: 08/17/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/18/89 MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908153 ANALYSIS OF: SIX SOIL SAMPLES FOR BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS See attached pages for results ~~:í ~·~~tn~~~ Organic Laboratory Results FAXed to Barbara Minette 09/01/89 ;AN DIEGO LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE WASHINGTON, D.C. e e A1"1?c7!º~ PAGE 2 OF 7 , THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT ID: 01726 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/17/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/18/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908153-01A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908153 DATE ANALYZED: 08/27-30/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89. BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . . . · · ND 1 Toluene . · · . . ND 1 Ethyl benzene ND 1 Xylenes . . . · · . . . . ND 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline* 1. 0 mg/kg 0.2 mg/kg ND = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit * This sample contains what appears to be 'weathered' gasoline, which includes higher molecular weight hydrocarbons than those typically contained in a gasoline fuel. e e h1~~c7!~! PAGE 3 OF 7 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT ID: 01727 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/17/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/18/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908153-02A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908153 DATE ANALYZED: 08/27/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene ND 1 Toluene. . . . . . . ND 1 Ethyl benzene . . . . ND 1 Xylenes . . . . ND 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline ND mg/kg 0.2 mg/kg ND = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e A1~e7!~! PAGE 4 OF 7 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT ID: 01728 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/17/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/18/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908153-03A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908153 DATE ANALYZED: 08/27-30/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT ( ug/kg) Benzene · · · · NO 1 Toluene . . · · · · · ND 1 Ethyl benzene · · · · · · ND 1 Xylenes . . . · · · · · · ND 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline* 2.8 mg/kg o . 2 mg/ kg ND = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit * This sample contains what appears to be 'weath~red' gasoline, which includes higher molecular weight hydrocarbons than those typically contained in a gasoline fuel. e e A1"~c7Iº~ ,PAGE 5 OF 7 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01729 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-1052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/17/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/18/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908153-04A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908153 DATE ANALYZED: 08/27/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89. BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 {PURGE & TRAP} CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . · . · NO 200 Toluene . · NO 200 Ethyl benzene · . . . NO 200 Xylenes . · . · NO 600 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline * 130 mg/kg 40 mg/kg NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit , * This sample contains what appears to be 'weathered' gasoline, which includes higher molecular weight hydrocarbons than those typically contained in a gasoline fuel. e e A1~~7!~~ PAGE 6 OF 7 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT ID: 01730 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/17/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/18/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908153-05A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908153 DATE ANALYZED: 08/27/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89, BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP) CONCENTRATION ( ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . NO 100 Toluene . . . . ND 100 Ethyl benzene ND 100 Xylenes . . . . . . NO 300 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline* 130 mg/kg 20 mg/kg NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit * This sample contains what appears to be 'weathered' gasoline, which includes higher molecular weight hydrocarbons than those typically contained in a gasoline fuel. e e A1~I?c:f.º~ PAGE 7 OF 7 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01731 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I052 DATE SAMPLED: 08/17/89 DATE RECEIVED: 08/18/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8908153-06A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8908153 DATE ANALYZED: 08/27/89 REPORT DATE: 09/15/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . . · · · · · . . NO 5 Toluene · · · · 9 5 Ethyl benzene · · · · 12 5 Xylenes . . · · · · · 170 20 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline 15 mg/kg 1 mg/kg NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit - - fNVIRONMENTAL 1 PROJ. NO. PROJECT NAME , /. ¡ tv ,3:--10$:;' NO, ..f + ,. i.. f1¡.d- Tox L.P. NO, :¡;=ign;:~/~ 01.0 .... , ~ "" '1 , (P.O. NO.) OF ~"j . 0' \.J. '#- { " ,,\.; '",,4 CON· ~ D v¡:J \,.; ~ .' . DATE SAMPLE 1.0. SAMPLE 1.0. TAINERS REMARKS TIME MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS 1111'7 q:So ¿) J '7 ::Jt,ð DIA- I / ,/ I IV!: NO Nt) PI I::; : 3 1? 90 c-/ IS V" rJO 10: 00 "'" i 7 :::J-7 ö-;.A . :;¡ c:/ ( ¡/ V ,..,0 " .' .. , , ~/O : .29.;10 jO : /0 O/7~'8' C?;J'r C-~ IS' I ¡/ ./ ~,'ð " " " " ¡:J¡¡:::J ~ S 3. S 10: .::2..0 OLtÄ , f 0/ ¡/ \:p " " " " ¡tJ,D ~ ~SSo ðl7;1':::; , , .;10 .. t)/73'o 05Pr , I ../ J .' " ., " ¡O/D :: 97k /0 ~ 30 C~~ ;:0 \;0 /0 '·<../5 ð / 'Î 3 I ObA , I 0/ oJ IS ~o " I'd- PIC ::: 3/~ c-~ .,20 (10 ~elinquished by: (Signalura, C1ateITime Re.::eived by: (Signalure) Remarks Send Results To B ""', £. s0,/"J S""'_ rÜ,,: .K Attention of q,..ó . "Æ"?f". A-h-~ THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL,INC. Relinquished by: (Sign. lura, Clate~lme Received by: (Sign.lura, µGlr-~c~/ ~,....., è4,,<7t.'.....e:;/ 4/570, Cc,,~, h.·..,.·'i-,J I!/' .J.~ø I &~E;'.$/',·" /~ CrJ 9JJø"f' Relinquished by: (Sign.lure) C'atelTime Received lor Laboral02 !"<7S- 3,) ~ -o·¡c:; :l. ß/i~~ I ¡O:OIJ (tn'lX" , 3 ;¡~ - 0 v<i r FA"x" - }o,J.~~ -] " -f White· Sampler U Canary, Relurn Copy To ShIpper Pink: LaO Copy Zc. SL '6'10'6 i ~3 Ç~ltr~W~ ' t\ln "..co ro...~ , T1\, T r\ T7' f"'T T CH',",r\ n V e e ......"'; ADDENDUM TO REPORT OF FINDINGS SANDSTONE CORPORATE YARD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA e~ ¥ ENVIRONMENTAL A TG Compàhý,':''''':. ....., ',. '.1 - -- :' '; I: -.:..~.¡ .,~ " :- .:'.': ." r'·;-··.'': . . ;, November 16, 1989 .~ ,-.' .,.. . 1~. James Curran Sandstone, Ine. ~~ 15 E. 18th St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Subject: Addendum to Report of F'mdings at the Sandstone Corporate Yard. Dear Mr. Curran: On November 2, 1989, Thome Environmental complied with a request from Dolores Gough of the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services and advanced one soil boring to a depth of 50 feet at Sandstone's Corporate Yard site. The purpose of the boring was to evaluate the vertical extent of soil impaction by gasoline. Exhibit 1 illustrates the location of the boring and analytical results. The boring was advanced using a Mobile B-53 drilling rig in accordance with the methods described under Section 3.1 of the Report of Findings. Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals. Field data including blow counts and lithology were transferred to a computer-generated log which is attached. The boring was backfilled with cement grout. A total of ten samples were delivered to National Toxicology Laboratories, Inc., under Chain-of-Custody procedures, where two were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and the volatile aromatic constituents benzene, toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene (BTXE) using EPA Methods 8015 (modified for gasoline) and 8020. Analytical results are summarized in the following table *, and complete results are attached: S¡lmple # / Depth TPH Benzene Toluene Xylene Ethylbenzene '2-<1' ,~ NO ;JD NP ND 02174 / 30' 400 3.8 9.3 29 6.8 02178 / 50' 65 ND 0.0048 0.0037 ND *Concentrations are in mg/kg (ppm) 3B·1052.002 Addendum 4570 California Avenue, Suite 200 · Bakersfield, California 93309 · (805) 326-0492 "Treatment bv DesÍfm" e e ffil1IØNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL . «. .' It jis the recommendation of Thome Environmental that the "no action" alternative apply at this site. Sincerely, I I, I Thome Environmental /:~~ '¿4?-~ Barbara J. MiÍ1ette "- Project Hydrogeologist 1~71~ Tnmt R. Rosenlieb, P.E. Environmental Manager BJM/TRR/cs 38-1052.002 Addc:ndum TANK EXCAVATION PIT r-------~-----------ì , , . C-4 r-----l D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C-2 4: FORMER TANK SCIY-10D I LOCATIONS ¡C010==¡ / I I 1/ r--l---, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C-3 L_____J L______J o L____________________~ NO SCJ~LE 00, ~ -9-£- ! o BACKHOE SOIL SAMPLING LOCATIONS o SOIL BORING LOCATION SAMPLES IN PARTS PER MILLION (DDml LOCATION, SAMPLE NO. DEPTH TPH·GASOLlNE BENZENE TOLUENE XYLENE C-1 01726 15' 1.0 NO NO ND C·1 01727 20' NO NO ND NO C-2 01728 15' 2.8 NO ND NO C·2 01729 20' 130 NO NO NO C·3 01730 20' 130 NO NO ND C-4 01731 20' 15 ND 0.009 0.012 SCY-1 02174 30' 400 3.8 9.3 29 SCY-1 02178 50' 65 NO 0.0048 0.0037 ~~rHORNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SANDSTONE CORPORATE YARD 300 EAST TRUXTUN BORING LOCATION AND PREVIOUS SAMPLE LOCATIONS WITH SIGNIFICANT LABORATORY RESUL T5 ETHYlBENZENE NO NO NO NO NO 0.170 6.8 ND DATE 11/89 PROJECT NO EXHIBIT 3E·1052 1 - CHEMICAL ANAL YSES SAMPLE >- . Laboratory Field :t^ CI (I) . WELL 31- 1-.... a:: 0 .Z TPH OVM oZ w .J OCl CONSTRUcnON ....:) 11.. m 0 .H mO w· E: j!: (1)(1) SOIL DESCRIFI'ION (ppm) (ppm) 0 0'" :) .w .... Z H :)0 .J .,........ ':~:.i:' , 974 28 02173 ML ~. ... , SAND, Silty, Dark browDtwry stiff, .~~... .¡. .... slightly moist, .,".' , : '1Ì>~oÍo:' ~. .... slight odor 0, ~ ;::;~ , ~.,:: .;~:.i:' ~. '... :~~:: ~. .... : ..;.~.:.. 30 ~.' 400 1025 35 02174 '1Ì>~:.i:' ~.'-. .' SM SAND, Silty, very fine-to coarse :;;;:. .' grained, tan, dense, :i~t .' sltghtly moist, s~t odor ." .... ... .' 'i~::·· "i::::"· .~~;. ," '';'~::'. - 35 '. ... 248 49 02175 SAND,Very fine to coarse grained, - '~~:~'. -, .. SW tan, dense, ' '~::;'. :'..:-' ...... slightly moist, slight odor '~::::'. :'..~ .....~... ~...~ :. . t~;': ,..... . .. : -.' ..:-:.:';. ......~ :. . .. ..... ~.:~ '-:'::::". :. . ..~..e;' Cement -....~ : -. .... '. . backfùl -...... ..;...~..e;. :. . .. .... . 40 02176 t{· '-~':';' 168 66 SAND, Very fme to medium grained, .... ... . '~~:;'. ---'- -." iii! tan, dense, : -.' 0'. . slightly moist, no odor ..,¡..:-:.~. ~'II :. . .... .... _.w ..:~.:.;. '. .. .... ...... '.;.'~':';' :'.., .... .... . ," w" 'i-:-:::', -.' .. : .. . · .;.'~:';' .. . . ." ...... .... ....~.~. :.. . :..:. .... . .... ..j...-:-:.... .... .. '. .... .... . 45 ·i~:·· 58.4 47 02177 .' SM SAND, Silty, very fme to medium · .;.':-:.:';' ..-..-.... grained, tan, dense, .... .... . '.,¡.'~:';' .' slightly moist, no odor .;~::;.. .... .... . .~~.:.;. .... .... . ..;...~:.;. .... .... . ..¡...~.:.;. .;~:.. ... .... . ·i~::·· ." · ... :-:. :.; . - 65 4.3 38 50 02178 SAND, Silty, very fine to medium ... .... . 'i::-:::< - --..... grained, tan, · ';'::-:::';'. .' slightly moist, no odor ~~THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. Sandstone Corporate Yard PLATE ~ 'TREA TMENT BY DESIGN" LOG of BORING SCY-I 20r Proiect Number 3E·1052 November 1989 Page 2 e ,e CHEMICAL ANAL YSES SAMPLE >- . Laboratory Field 3'" J:'" CI II) . WElL ....... a: 0 % TPO OVM 0% W .J .. CI CONSTRUcnON .J;:) 0.1 m 0 UM mO w' z: J: ' . II) (ppm) (ppm) U D~ ;:) ... II)w % ~ :)D .;~_. .... ..;.~:';. ~.'.. · . .... . ~. .'-' .0'. ..;..~:';. .0'. ..;..~'-;. ..,..... ..;.~:';. · "!It''-:~'' ~. .'... ..,..... ..;..~.~. ." ... ..;..~.:.;. '::i-:::;' .... ... . '.;..'~.'-;' .;~:: .... '. .~~..-;. .... '.. ..,.:~.:';' .... .... . '~~.:.i:' .;~:: .... ... . '.;..'~.:';' .;~;:.. .... ..;.:~:.;. .... ... ..;.:~.-;. .... .... . · ...' --;. .-;. .',... . ..;,;.~.:.;. .... .... . .....~.:.;. :.... .... . ...~.:.;' .... ... . ._~..e;' .... .... . ..;...~.:.;. .... '. . · .... ~:.;. .', ..... .~~.:e,. Cement .... ... . '~~,:e,' backfill .... .... . · .;.::-:.:.;' .... .... . .~~.:.;. .... .... . · ....~.:.;' .:.... . · ..~..-;. ..... ... . ·i~::·· 'i::-:::', · .¡..':-:.:';' .... .... . '-:::-::', ·i~::·· '.;,.'~.:';' .... .... . '.:-:-.:';' .... .... . ..;.:~..;. .... .... . .~--:... :..:. .... . · .e:--:.:';' .... .... . 'i::-:::', '~~:'. Surface Elevation: Total Depth: Date Drilled: - o 4 - 10 o 2 1481 24 15 1240 25 20 25 feet 51.5 feet November 2, 1989 ~I,THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. ~'~J 'TREATMENT BY DESIGN" ProjeClt Number 3E·I052 November 1989 o 5 ....-. : -.0 ~'... : -., -...... :. . -::-. ~~~~ ~.::~~ -:.-. :. . ...... :,.::" -:..... :. . 02169 ~~:~.; t;.~'; -:..~ ~.~.;~ : -00 -:.-~ : -0' ~.~.~ ~..;.~~ ~.~.~~ .....~ :. . 02170 <~.; -::-.; ~~..;. ~~'';'~ ,ow.. ~.~.~~ :<: ,"w' :.~~~ :'~.~ 02171 t·,;,~- ~....~ ...... t·~~'; -::-.; ".- , - sw - ".- - : "w .' : - 02172 . ....; ,'. . ,;- _.. :'..~ t·~:~ . '..;. . - ....:.~ .' . - ...... :'w ~ .... . e SOIL DESCRIPTION Surface ba~kflll Sandy backfill 'C ,"\.,' 1':. ,.. ·,,:i" SAND, Very fine to fme grained, tan, medium dense, slightly moist, no odor SAND, Same, except fme to coarse grained, slight odor Barbara Minette Logged By: Supervised By: Diameter of Boring: Water Encountered at: Sandstone Corporate Yard LOG of BORING SCY-I 8 inches feet PLATE Page 10c 2 t 0 V '- 1 5 - 8 sa WED 11_:::: TO::·~ I I.LOG·.~ P.Ð2 t-~AT I Ot-~AL LABI::- .,NatitJnal -l-oxicology Laboratories INC. :5 I 0 I - 16th Street. Suite 107 Sample ID: 911078-45 Date Received: 02-Nov-89 .Jate.Analyzed: 10-Nov-89 )a te Repo rted lS-Nov-89 Date Collected: 02-Nov-89 3ample Descrip:02174 "arab C. .Jain. Vb.D. ~ Dlrea« ~ " . . AFfIlIATeD WITH ZALCO LABORATOAIES.INC. TIIomas C. Sneath. B.s. ~:'{~;'~'¡;;~.;:_~-!~ Bakersfield. California 9330 I LABORATORY REPORT .<urt R. Neisess, Ph.D. l/or7", Director Environmental Analysis ~ Constituent Ben;z:ene: Toluene: Ethylben;~enB : ·otal xyl ~nes: 3urrogate Recovery: -::omments: Reporting Units ug!Kg ug!Kg ug!Kg ug/K9 % ~alifornia D.O.H.S. Cert. ~225 ,805/322·4250 800 I 350·3515 . ~~.. , ' Date Extracted: n/a Test Requested: 8020 BTX Test Method: EPA Method 8020 Type of Sample: Soil Basis: As Received Surrogate: Trichloroethene Dilution Factor: 1 in 100 Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level 3800.0 9300.0 6800.0 29000.0 103.0 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 ~O·...·- 15-89 WED 1 1 e3 NAT I O"'~AL T,.::J::-:: I 'eL 0 G·.... LABO P.03 ~ati.()nal l-oxi~:ology . " L ~I b 0 rat 0 r i e S INC. AFFILIATED WITH ZAlCOLASORATORIES.INC; 3101 - ~ 6th Street. Suite 107 Bakersfield, California 93301 I'farab C. .Jain. rh.D. I.eÞontory DlrKIOr . '~"~~~~~~;i~~;~~':,.··..:...··." - : . 1'IIomu C. Sneatb. B.s. :~'~~.;;:~ .805/322-4250 , 800 / 3~0-3~ 1 5 LABORATORY REPORT Sample IC' : 91107B-49 )ate RecEli ved: 02-Nov-89 Date Analyzed: 10-Nov-B9 )ate Repo'rted 1S-Nov-89 Date Collected: 02-Nov-89 Date Extracted: Test Requested: nla 8020 BTX Test Method: EPA Method 8020 Type of Sample: Soil Basis: As Received 3ample Descrip:02178 Surrogate: Trichloroethene' Dilution Factor: 1 in 1 Kurt R. Neisess, Ph.D. I~D~ Qirector Environmental Analysis ~ Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Ben,zena: TollJene: Ethylben;z:ena: 'otal Xyll!nes: Surrogate Recovery: ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg % None Detected 4.8 None Detected 3.7 109.0 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 :omments: ~alifornia D.O.H.S. CeFt. #225 NO·...·-1 ~5-:39 ~·JED 11.4 NAT I Ot-~AL TOX I.LOG·~ LABO P.04 ..NatiionaI . IOXL~ï:::!tories INC. ,,_''"w_,.~,.~..__.~ .:11 U I - J (5tn Street. :suite 107 Bakersfield. California 9.3.30 I "arab Co Jain, Ph.D. , " U"" r :IlOl)' DIredar TbOm8S C. Sneath.. B.s. ,', CIIIct~aIo_ 805/322-4250 800 I ~~O-;,\:'11 R ~HØUKHIUKY REPORT SAMPLE ID: Thorne Environ. Samples (see below) NTL LAB #: 911078 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED: 11/02/89 DATE ANALYZED: 11/10/89 TEST: Total Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons METHOD: California DOHS LUFT Manual SAMPLE TYPE: Soils RESULTS: Minimum Reporting Level = 5 mg/Kg -------------------------------------------------------------- LA8 ** SAMPLE ID RESULTS ---_._----------------------------------------~--------------- 91107B-45 911078-49 02174 02178 400 ug/gm as Gasoline 65 ug/gm as Gasoline ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- DATE REPORTED: 11/15/89 Kurt R. Neisess, Ph.D., ~n~ Director Environmental Analysis ~~ PROJ. NO. 3E-lo5~ L.P. NO. IP.O.NO.) PROJECT NAME SAMPLERS: (Signa lure/Number) Ò1vv/~ !;thJ?" /# 16 SAMPLE 1.0, DATE SAMPLE I.D. MM/DD/YY TIME HH:MM:SS I, /l/~c¡ 9.' .30 c. O.~/~e) C;:"¡s r') .;II 70 ID:On 0..:1 17 , I'): 10 ,') ,J 7 =l. l" : /5 O~ I Î ~) 10: .,2G in) '-4 JD:<-ID 0.:;2 / 7 'S II : oC) ,.,'¡(7(O '/:l'5 'j~'7/ Il..;2S ðd./78" DallelTlme I ,II' '... I~, \" I' , ..:.'~~ Daterme Daterme J¡elinquished by: (Sign.tur., ~t )/~r:~ Rellnqulahed by: (Slgn.tu'" Relinquished by: (Sign.tur.' While· Sampler "'0 . n? 11 NO, "" r l.. "\ " LV M ~ ~ ¡ ~ ,~) ~ :' - ' - -. .... \;. ) If· .- Y 1 . \ \ \¡, ~ .o;¡,' -' ~'-' C 't , ...... 't ..t' ',c. '" r <' '- '- '- '- OF CON· TAINERS Sc y- I S , J t/ / I ./ /0 J~ , , ./ 01 0 ( I V ~ S' ( J ./ 30 l j vv' ·~s ' ) ¡/ , / ./ 4" f..( s' I (' , J vJ S"ð ~oO ~,q é1,ò ~' :".9, \C.;, µD .oc-ß ."0;1 1-/0 Re.::eived by: ¡Sign.lu,.. Remarks Tê. ~o~7 J... Jvc.....h?~,/ Ti.,. / ..... ... Þ'> c; ... ,. ~ .... rl Received by: (Slg".tu,.) Received for Laboratory by: (Slgn.tur.) Canary, Retu,n Copy To Shipper ""';TT .. T'T r\""'" r1T'T('"'1m""""''T'''''' r;-~ TI~;: .... ENV Al ¡VTL REMARKS 0 0 ¡ "¡S-I / .;2 '10 - r:, 7" /f.:,J ~ ,J4~ '/G, i-' .5P.CJ 1u3 Send ReSults To ::) L. ~¡ ~ , Attention of ~Ø"'C7 " r:./ÞI~77"r . ~. , " ~; .- 1~ A THOR'NE\ENVIRONMENT AL.INc¡l': ' "'S"?O'~CØ)'¡~Ø_..I J' ·~.ø ,&.,c#".J rt!'..~,~ C /9 93.Jo? yc>s- 3~" -o"19~ o ~9 ~ F/9,J( Pink ' Lab COpy e e WORKPLAN FOR PHASE I SITE ASSESSMENT OF GASOLINE IMPACfED SOIL AT THE SANDSTONE CORPORATE YARD AND DIESEL IMPACfED SOIL AT THE SANDSTONE RENTAL YARD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA .~ e e .~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Project Scope 1 2.0 Facility Background and Històry 2 2.1 Project History 2 3.0 Soil Borings 3 3.1 Report of Findings 4 4.0 Methods 4 4.1 Boring Methods 4 4.2 Soil Sampling 5 4.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples 5 4.4 Soil Analyses 5 5.0 Quality Assurance Plan 6 5.1 Sample Collection and Handling Protocol 6 5.2 Sample Identification and Chain of Custody Protocol 6 5.3 Analytical Quality Assurance 6 6.0 Site Safety Plan 7 7.0 Schedule 7 8.0 Remarks/Signature 8 Exhibits Exhibit 1 -- Location Map Exhibit 2 -- Equipment Yard: Former Tank Locations Exhibit 3 -- Rental Yard: Former Tank Locations Exhibit 4 -- Equipment Yard Sample Locations - Tank Removal Exhibit 5 -- Rental Yard Sample Locations - Tank Removal Exhibit 6 -- Equipment Yard Proposed Sample Locations Exhibit 7 -- Rental Yard Proposed Sample Locations Exhibit 8 -- USCS Key To Log Of Borings Exhibit 9 -- Soil Sampler Appendix A Site Safety Plan Material Safety Data Sheets e e .~ 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..' . Sandstone, Inc. has retained Thorne Environmental, Inc. to prepare a workplan for soil assessment at two sites: the corporate equipment yard at 300 E. Truxtun, Bakersfield, California, which has been impacted by gasoline, and the equipment rental yard at 500 E. Truxtun which has been impacted by diesel. The lead agency for this project is the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, (KCEHSD). 1.1 PURPOSE The soil assessment described in this workplan has the following objective: o Assess the lateral and vertical extent of soil impacted due to gasoline contamination at the corporate yard and diesel contamination at the equipment rental yard. 1.2 PRO.JECf SCOPE The scope of services in this workplan include: o Locating underground utilities utilizing Sandstone information as well as calling Underground Service Alert (USA); o Advancement of four (4) soil borings at the corporate equipment yard and two (2) soil sample locations at the equipment rental yard. Borings will be advanced to approximately 30 feet, below ground level, around the perimeter of the former tank locations at the rental yard. The augers will be steam- cleaned prior to and between each boring. At the corporate yard samples will be collected to ten (10) feet below the bottom of the tank excavation pit; o Collecting selected soil samples at depths to be evaluated in the field. Samples will be collected at approximately 5 foot intervals. These samples will be field screened and selected samples will be chosen for chemical analysis. Lithology and other pertinent date will be recorded on field boring logs. o Field screening of soil samples will be accomplished using a photo-ionizing detector (PID) with a 10.0 e V lamp. Soil samples will be placed in mason jars to approximately 50% capacity, shaken, and let stand for 15 minutes. A standard heads pace reading will be recorded at this time. 1 e e .~ {})Jv lP Soil samples for chemical analyses will be collected in brass tubes and immediately sealed with end caps and tape.' The sealed tubes will be immediately placed in a cooler with blue ice and shipped to a California State Certified Laboratory under Chain of Custody procedures. o Selected soil samples from the rental equipment site will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as diesel. Selected samples from the corporate yard site wili be analyzed for TPH as gasoline. The concentrations of TPH as diesel or gasoline will be determined using EP A method 8015 modified. Selected samples from both sites will be analyzed for purge able volatile aromatic organics using EP A method 8020; o o Preparing a detailed written report which describes the results of the soil investigation and will include drilling methods, sampling methods, chemical analytical results, distribution of contaminants, recommendations and conclusions. 2.0 FACILI1Y BACKGROUND AND HISTORY Sandstone, Inc., operates a corporate facility at 300 E. Truxtun Avenue and an equipment rental facility at 500 E. Truxtun Avenue, in Bakersfield, California (Exhibit 1). At the Corporate yard (Exhibit 2), three (3) underground Storage tanks were in place between 1968 and 1989. They consisted of one (1) 2,500-gaIIon unleaded gasoline tank, one (1) 2,OOO-gallon unleaded gasoline tank and one (1) l,250-gallon diesel tank. These tanks had been out of service for several years prior to 1989. At the equipment rental facility (Exhibit 3), four (4) underground storage tanks were in place also between 1968 and 1989. These tanks consisted of one (1) 500-gallon gasoline tank, one (1) 250-gallon gasoline tank, one (1) 250-gallon diesel tank and one (1) 250- gallon tank which was suspected to have' contained kerosene. These tanks also had not been in service for several years. 2.1 PROJECT HISTORY On December 8, 1988, Thorne Environmental provided Sandstone, Inc., with a proposal for the removal of the three (3) underground tanks at the corporate equipment yard and the four (4) underground tanks at the equipment rental facility. On March 8, 1989 the removal commenced with the dismantling of the old dispenser islands and the concrete over the seven (7) underground tanks at the two sites. The top soil was excavated to expose product lines and the underground tanks. On March 9, 1989, the seven tanks were triple rinsed on-site by Calpi, Inc. The tank rinsate was ~ e e .~ vacuumed out and properly disposed of by a licensed hazardous waste hauler. The tanks were filled with 20 pounds of dry ice per 1,000 gallons of tank capacity. The process was witnessed and certified by a representative of the Bakersfield City Fire Department The cleansed tanks were then removed from the excavation and transported to American Metal Recycling, Inc. facility at 2202 S. Milliken Avenue, Ontario, California. Soil samples were collected from the floor of the excavation, in native soil, by a qualified hydrogeologist under the direction of a Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services representative. The definitive soil samples were collected from a backhoe bucket that would excavate soil at the prescribed locations at vertical depths of 2-feet and 6-feet below the bottom of the tank excavation (see Exhibits 4 and 5). A 6- inch long brass tube was driven into the soil, thus collecting a relatively undisturbed soil sample. The brass tube was removed, capped, sealed with duct tape, labeled, put in a Ziploc bag, and refrigerated in an ice chest at 4°C. Chain of Custody forms were completed to ensure sample validity and traceability. The samples were delivered to Med- Tox Associated, 3440 Vincent Road, Pleasant Hill, California for analysis. The soil samples beneath the four tanks at the equipment rental yard at 500 East Truxtun Avenue were found to have concentrations in excess of State Department of Health Services regulations for hydrocarbons (greater than 100 mg/kg) when tested for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as diesel. TPH as gasoline was non-detectable. Additionally, the 2-foot sample beneath the 250 gallon kerosene tank was found to have concentrations in excess of State regulations for benzene, toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene (BTXE). Soil sample #9A, collected at 2-feet under the southern end of the 2,500-gallon unleaded tank located in the corporate yard was found to have concentration levels of TPH as gasoline in excess of State regulations. All other samples at the corporate yard have significantly lower levels or are non-detectable. 'The excavated soil remains at the corporate yard, covered with plastic and is estimated at ten (10) cubic yards. The soil will be legally disposed of, under the guidance of Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services, at a later date. ;3.0 SOIL BORINGS 'This workplan formally establishes the methods to be employed in the implementation iDf the dual-site assessment. Following approval of this workplan by the County Thorne Environmental will begin field operations. Thorne Environmental proposes to assess and ~valuate the full lateral and vertical extent of the contaminants in the soil. It is initially planned to collect soil samples at two (2) locations at the corporate yard. This will be accomplished by using a backhoe to remove soil to the desired depth and then sampling from the bucket. The corporate yard samples will be collected to 10 feet below the bottom of the tank excavation pit which is approximately 10 feet deep. Tentative soil sample location are shown in Exhibit 6. At the rental yard soil borings will be advanced J e e .~ C;;:;oximatelY 30 feet or 5 feet)n;:~p-a.Ç~ Exhibit 7 shows "the tentaûve ïboring locations at the rental yard. A soil boring will be advanced, or sample taken, Ithrough the center of the previous tank location where the 2- or 6-foot samples indicated j¡mpacted soil. This will be done to evaluate the vertical extent of the contamination. 'The other borings or sample locations have been chosen to define the lateral extent of the contamination based upon the geologic setting and the orientation of the previously removed tanks. Any hydrocarbon vapors detected by a 'photo-ionization detector in ~xcess of 5 ppm above ambient will be used as the basis for our decision to terminate or continue a boring. Additional borings or sample locations may be indicated after ~valuation of field data. This provision allows some flexibility and will ensure an accurate and complete assessment of the impaction plume. All samples collected will be sent to a California State Certified Laboratory. Laboratory :analyses will be done on selected samples and the remaining samples archived for a standard two-week holding period. Determinations will be made based on field data regarding the number of samples to be analyzed. ;3.1 REPORT OF FINDINGS A report of findings will be prepared which details field activities, sampling procedures, :analytical results, data evaluation, recommendations, and conclusions. Based upon the çonclusions of the initial report of findings, Thorne Environmental, Inc. will recommend what further action should be taken. ~tO METHODS 'TIle methods employed implementing the above scope of work are described In this section. ~tl BORING METHODS 'TIle borings at the rental yard will be advanced using a drilling rig with a 6-inch hollow stem continuous flight auger in accordance with ASTM Method D 1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The augers will be steam cleaned prior to drilJing each boring. The lithology and other pertinent data will be recorded on a field boring log in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System for visual description and identification of soils (Exhibit 8). Cuttings and other soils from the borings will be placed in 55 gallon containers or on sheets of plastic and covered until it is determined and verified with analytical results whether or not the soil is contaminated. If the material is contaminated a written plan will be submitted by Thorne Environmental on behalf of Sandstone, Inc. to the County for their approval before disposal occurs. Disposal will be the responsibility of Sandstone, Inc. and occur within 90 days of completion of drilling. ~ e e .~ The soil borings will be abandoned by backfilling as follows: A BoringS which do not encounter any contamination will be backfilled with native soil and sealed with a five-foot plug of cement grout B. Borings which encounter contamination will be backfilled with either neat cement grout or sand cement grout using a pipe to tremie the mixture down the boring. The bentonite content will not exceed 5% of the mixture. ~J.2 SOIL SAMPLING Soil samples at the rental yard will be collected through the auger in 2-inch brass sleeves driven in a split-spoon sampler by a 140-pound hammer with a 30-inch drop (Exhibit 9). This will be done in accordance with ASTM Methods D 1586-84 for split-barrel sampling of soil and D 1587-83 for thin-walled tube sampling of soils. Soil samples will be driven at 5-foot intervals. The blow counts, recovery, and lithology will be recorded on the field logs. At the corporate yard samples will be collected from a backhoe bucket that will excavate, at the prescribed sample locations, vertical depths of 5 and 10 feet below the floor of the existing tank excavation. A 6-inch long brass tube will be driven into the soil. The sample will then be processed the same as those taken from a split-spoon sampler. Lithology will be described in accordance the Unified Soil Classification System. One brass sleeve with soil from each interval will be capped, sealed, labeled in accordance with EPA protocols, recorded on a Chain of Custody Form, placed in a cooler at 4 degrees centigrade or less, and transported to a California State Certified Laboratory with the Chain of Custody for the specified analyses. :1.3 FIELD SCREENING OF SOIL SAMPLES Soil samples at the rental yard will be collected using three two-inch diameter 6-inch long brass tubes installed end-to-end inside a splitspoon sampler. The middle sample tube will be immediately capped, taped, and stored in an iced cooler upon collection and shipped for analysis. The bottom tube will be used for lithologic description and the top tube will be used for field screening. The material from the top tube will be placed in a mason jar to approximately 50 percent capacity, shaken, and allowed to stand for a period of 15 minutes. A standard headspace reading will be collected at this time and noted on the boring log. ~ e e .~ 4.4 SOIL ANALYSES Analyses of the soil will be performed by a California State Certified Laboratory in accordance with state guidelines and EP A protocols. The samples from the corporate yard will be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by EP A Method 8015 (modified) for TPH as gasoline. Samples from the equipment rental yard will be analyzed by EP A Method 8015 (modified) for TPH as diesel. Samples from both sites will be analyzed for volatile aromatics using EP A Method 8020. ,5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN 'This section describes field and analytical quality-assurance procedures to be followed during the investigation and remediation. ,5.1 SAMPLE COLLECfION AND HANDLING PROTOCOL Proper sample collection and handling are essential to assure quality of data obtained from a sample. Each sample therefore will be collected in a brass tube, preserved >correctly for the intended analysis and stored for no longer than the permissible holding time prior to analysis. Protocol to be applied in this project is described in Section 4. $.2 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY PROTOCOL Sample identification and Chain of Custody procedures are designed to assure sample quality and to document sample possession from the time it is collected to the time of its ultimate disposal. The container for each sample submitted for analysis will have a label affixed with the identifying number or the number will be inscribed directly on the Icontainer if feasible. The analytical laboratory will assign a separate sample number unique to that sample for internal sample coordination and identification. A description IOf the sample including the sample number and other pertinent information regarding its collection and/or geologic significance will be written in field notes and/or a geologic boring log being prepared by the site geologist. These field documents will be kept in a permanent project file. All samples will be analyzed by a California State Certified Laboratory for the analyses requested. A properly completed Chain of Custody Form will be submitted to the State Certified Laboratory along with. the sample. The laboratory's assigned number will be properly c~ntered on the form. A quality control officer at the lab will verify integrity of samples submitted, proper sample volume, correctness of container used, and properly executed Chain of Custody Form. Pertinent information will be entered into a log book kept by the laboratory. ~ e e fAI Tt()RNE 12 ENVIRONMENTAL 5.3 ANALYrICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE In addition to routine calibration of analytical instruments with standards and blanks, the analyst is required to run duplicates and spikes on 10 percent of analyses to assure an added measure of reliability and precision. Accuracy is verified through the following: 1) U.S. EPA and State certification of results; and 2) Participation in inter-laboratory round robin program; 3) "Blind" samples are submitted for analysis by the quality control officer on a weekly basis. These are prepared from National Bureau of Standards specifications or EP A reference standards; and 4 ) Verification of results with an alternative method. ~6.0 SITE SAFETY PLAN Appendix A contains a Site Safety Plan which complies with Worker Right to know Regulations and CAC Title 26. 7.0 SCHEDULE Thorne Environmental anticipates beginning work described in this workplan within two (2) weeks upon approval by the County. The soil borings should be completed within three (3) weeks of mobilization to the site depending upon the availability of a qualified drilling rig, the occurrence of good weather, and other factors including client needs and site specific conditions. 1 e 8.0 REMARKS/SIGNATURES e rØl1IØNE œ ENVIRONMENTAL This work plan represents our professional opinions. These oplmons are based on currently available data and were arrived at in accordance with accepted hydrogeologic and engineering practices. This work plan was prepared by: ~~ Barbara Minette Project Hydrogeologist This Work Plan was reviewed by: ~AJ'd&.-L;/ , rent R. Rosenlieb, P.E. Environmental Manager 7h '-I/,f'7 Dáte ' /;i~1 I Date ß. e e EXHIBITS ~~ THC:)RNE I@.t ENVIRONMENTAL e e , ." =.' ~ .~ - . ~7\.:~..:~ ,._". . ~. .;. . ~ " . _ : _ .;;..¡.~<,., _' -. -..- .~ J."'" -'- .~., ". .. '..-<' ,. : .., ",":", . ;":-"" .-./ o CORPORATE YARD ."~..... ~THORNE ~ ENVIJRONMENT AL LOCATION MAP SANDSTONE, INC. . ",' . -~-' EXHIBIT 1 §g ~ r-l TANK I I I I L_J r-l I r--, TANK 6 II I - GASOLINE 2,000 GAL'IOO I L _ JL _...I ~ I ..~;~~,:;,¡;~,~~~~tr;~ .. TANK 5 - GASOLINE' 2~500 t:ÂTJ'~":":;c\<,' .. n-' .;,..;.:,. ;.~,,~:~~~·::.··:~;."~·.4U~~.:~7¡~~;~;~~!!~;· -' 0- e e ~ ····;~ì1J=~:i:;.:"i;¡.;. ... .' . . ·'t '. ":. "',"..^ . -.. ~ - ,.....':... 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'" ~ of' " f ;..~~~~, : " ,;~';::~; BOIIl):m; . ~.. ,", ',"~', :, ---- FORMER LO CATION OF TANKS TRUXTUN AVE. ".ë:-- I ¡ ~ThœNE I ~ ENVIRONMENTAL i , SANDSTONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL YARD 500 E. TRUXTUN FORMER TANK LOCATIONS EXHIBIT 3 - e ~ "~; .-.:. :'J ,. '. \... ..o~:~~,,::JI}j'S~;'~~'i'~ ...... ....:.... ...... . . ,~'iiy!~~:~~~~<;;~_·. 0' f" I , , . .c t . .: . -,..,..... .,,- ":,( . '~. .' >;" miK 5 - ~#iEj1t ~ ~ 9 § [5Aœì TANK I I I . 19A EÐ 9B1 J6Aæ -;;¡ TANK 6 I Ir-, - GASOLINE 2,000 GALIœ hOA 1cm1 þA æ 1Ð( &.. .m ..J L _ -oJ ,- j~~~:~;>.v.. . .'-~·'·~';;1·J¥ '-...:.,~-.' ,.. . . ..;~" ...... . . .... , , ' . '.:: ';'",1;\:~: -' .' TANK 7 - DIESEL 1,250 GAI.I.OO EÐ SAMPLE LOCATIONS ---- FORMER LOCATION OF TANKS TRUXTUN AVE. TANKS ~5 6 7 5A 6A 2' 9A lOA 7A SAMPLE 01504 01503 01514 01513 '01510 01509 01516 01502 01515 01512 01511 5B 6B 7B 6' 9B lOB ~ TUr\D ~n:- ~(~ I nvnau, , ~ ENVII~ONMENT AL SANDSTONE. CORPORATE EQUIPMENT YARD 300 E. TRUXTUN SAMPLE LOCATIONS - TANK REMOVAL ~.. LOCATION SA 5B 6A 6B 7A .7B. 8-3 9A 9B lOA lOB . EXHIBIT , r _. ~_ 0"';' '. . .~. ~ 4 e BCIIDIN3 -..:. · ',", , }:'t ?~ TANK 1 -GASOLINE:,. ,. 250 ,GAL"""" . . .-..,..... h=": " :- "'.> .::;;,:;;~. , " ~ TANK 2 - KEROsmE ' .,..,...-.:. e I I I I I .. ······3t~lj~~{~~i~j~.; . ~'., ." t, " ...," . '" .' ... ':~ 'f~:' '. -' i" ,:"", , " ,.~ '. ,:/:"Atl.æY " . ~ ~ . :. :i.'-" . ,~. ."...;. -:-:... '... . . , ! . j ~ - N- ~ .; -,;'.",' '" .p:",.:~!.f;:~rT. .. , .. ~~:J~/~~~'~'''~< " ."~·~4~~~~-; ",', ' :~: EÐ SAMPLE LOCATIONS FORMER LOCATION OF TANKS ---- TRUXTUN AVE. TANK SAMPLE IDCATIæ ~.... -.' 1 2 3 4 01524 1A ttl I ~ 01523 1B 2' 2A 3A 01522 2A 01521 2B 01520 3A 6' 2B 3B 01519 3B 01518 4à 01517 4B ~THORNE C5: ENVIRONMENTAL SANDSTONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL YARD 500 E. TRUXTUN SAMPLE LOCATIONS - EXHIBIT 5 ...r.'. "_. - ~ ~ . .:.: :.::~.' .. \... . ," ;:;". ·,;'~:ji . .... - . , '·::···,:;fi;·~ e . . ..... ." ::~?·i1'~ft~"¡~':':":L, ¡ "." . 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TRUXTUN PROPOSED BORING LOCATIONS EXHIBIT 7 ----. .-..------..-- MAJOR DIVISIONS ;~rJ :".:~ . c~:~';;t~ '~'q./!j': .. .. '. ~: ,,' 1-; ,. . .:.. -.' ':';: " 'INE ,GRAINED SOILS SILTS ANO CLATS "'..... "'..., ¡.¡,u ,... CL."'. -..c C&..."o1'..oAf".."¡Jtw. .~'<.¿Jo "'.'nD...- _...~...:,_...... ::: ~~~.::'·~;Vrl~~·'&~~· ...- ...." ~~~::.;~~.;,,', ...n ,cuwt ..~.. ·~.flict.. ; -.;,;-:,1;,:"~:'·,::,,:"· .' ;-".- , '~7" OL MH ;~.:;;.'" . ~ -"- " .-...ae _".w ,".ace.. .....- IoAtotoocr_ .... ,-_ '.. ....,'1 ~.' "~:":' ...-c: ,... 10' Q(J ..,...." .1 ~ ,... Il1O. 100 ..(Ve IlIe SILTS AHO CUTS l..ov.D ,",'." t.!.1.!.!1! ~.... CH ........It c",.&1" .. ... .......c..'t. 'AY·. cL.n OH ......-c C"'... .. ....... ,. -.. .....'tCT'I. ...... ."",,' HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT ".'. ........ ......,....... ..,. .... ......c C..fe." NOTC: DU~ SY.'~S A.C USCD TO INDICATt 'O.Dt.~INC SOl~ CLASSIFICATIONS. KEY TO LOG OF BORINGS .~.... SAMPLES AND SLOW COUNTS CHEMICAL TEST RESULTS HAMMEñ BLOWS Pet FOOT OF ?E!'IEi?AT1CN ii'H · TCT'AL PE1"F.ct.SJM HYDRCCAJ=IeCNS B · BENZENe I INCICATES UNCISiUBED SAMPLE T · TOUJENE S'iANCARD PeNEi'rV\T10N i'EST SAMPt5 X · X'tl.ENE CRIVEN WITH A 1~OUNC I'WwtMS CRCPPING E · EiHYLBENZENE 30 INCHES ND NA PID ~ TI«:>RNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL = Not Detected = Not Analyzed = Photo ionization detector UNI FI ED SOl L CLASSIFI CATION SYSTEM EXHIBI' 8 --- ..--- .....- e ':.,..... .:", ······~~~i~\!~!~i . ~.' .. \:-:,. -: ,.,. .~.. '.¡ " .~. ~ ?;::;.~~;::~~~- ·:~E.~·>':<: -.' ;. "_il. ;. :.......... ',- ' ..;¡.. ...... .-.: IIOTOIII '0. UCAGlNG "IMING TOOL IIIO'.INI GASKIT NIAD '''LIT 11.....[1. ITO , Acn..If'" TI .t:..O....L 0' CO.. ''''~UI IIT- ---..- e ',. VAL. v, CAG' SOIL SAMPLER CO.I..U....NE. .,NGI .~-- CO.E.RETAINING DEVICE .'TAIN.I ".0 I' '''IN.. "\.ArIS ".'..01...016.... ..,.. O'N" TY'U, EXHISI ~ TI-«)RNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOl L SAMPLER 9 e e . noNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL ~ ,'. . ..'., . ..; -. ',"' . . '.~-'. ~~.~ '. APPENDIX A SITE SAFE1Y PLAN . . Introduction: A Site Safety Plan (SSP) has been designed to address safety provisions needed during the site assessment. Its purpose is to provide established procedures to protect all on- site personnel from direct skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion of potentially hazardous materials that may be encountered at the site. The SSP establishes personnel responsibilities, personal protective equipment standards, decontamination procedures, and emergency action plans. Thorne Environmental, Inc. seeks to enter properties described above for the purpose of conducting a soil assessment consisting of approximately four (4) soil borings at the rental yard and two (2) sample locations at the corporate yard to further define the extent of impaction. Soil samples at the rental yard will be collected at five-foot intervals during exploratory drilling using a California modified split-spoon sampler through a hollow stem auger and with a backhoe at the corporate yard. All possible efforts will be made to collect undisturbed samples. Each sample to be chemically analyzed will be collected in a brass sleeve, capped with lined plastic lids, sealed with tape, and placed on ice in a cooler immediately. All Chain of Custody protocol will be followed. Drilling equipment will be brought to the site and operated by a licensed subcontractor. This SSP describes means for protecting all on-site personnel from deleterious contamination or personal injury while conducting on-site activities. As described below, we will strive to meet all requirements promulgated by the California Department of Health Services. Site Background: Two sites are covered within the scope of this workplan the first is the Sandstone Corporate Equipment yard. Three underground fuel tanks with a total capacity of approximately 5750 gallons were removed in March, 1989, from this site. Soil samples revealed gasoline impaction. The second site is the Sandstone equipment rental yard. Four underground fuel tanks with a total capacity of 1250 gallons were removed in March, 1989, from the site, soil samples revealed diesel contamination. e e rfilnaNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL Responsibilities of Key Personnel: All personnel on-site will have assigned responsibilities. Barbara Minette, will serve as Project Manager and On-Site Geologist. She will also serve as Site Safety Officer,(SSO). As SSO, Ms. Minette will assure that all on-site personnel have received a copy of SSP. All personnel will be required to document their full understanding of the SSP before admission to the site. Compliance with the SSP will be monitored at all times by the SSO. Appropriate personal protective equipment, listed below, will be available and utilized by all on-site personnel. Prior to beginning wor~ the SSO will conduct a training session to assure that all are aware of safe work practices. In .the training session, personnel will be made aware of hazards at the site and will utilize Material Safety Data Sheets for information on compounds to be encountered. Barbara Minette will also be responsible for keeping field notes, collecting and securing samples, and assuring sample integrity by adherence to Chain of Custody protocol. All on-site employees will take reasonable precautions to avoid unforeseen hazards. After documenting full understanding of the SSP, each on-site employee will be responsible for strict adherence to all points contained herein. Any deviation observed will be reported to the SSO and corrected. On-site employees are held responsible to perform only those tasks for which they believe they are qualified. Provisions of this SSP are mandatory and all personnel associated with on-site activities will adhere strictly hereto. .Job Hazard Analysis: Hazards likely to be encountered on-site include those commonly encountered when operating any mechanical equipment, such as the danger of falling objects or moving machinery. Simple precautions will reduce or eliminate risks associated with operating such equipment. A drilling contractor has been employed to deliver and operate all drilling equipment. Qualified personnel only will have any contact with this equipment. All on-~ite personnel, including the drilling contractor and his employees, are required to wear hard hats and hard-toed boots when in close proximity to drilling equipment. Latex sampling gloves will be worn by persons collecting or handling samples to prevent exposure to contaminants. Gloves will be changed between samples, and used ones discarded, to avoid cross-contamination. Proper respiratory equipment will be worn if vapor contamination levels on-site exceed action levels as determined using PID. Furthermore, 110 on-site smoking, open flame, or sparks will be permitted to prevent accidental ignition. Risk Assessment Summary: Exposure to chemical on-site include TPH as diesel and gasoline, toluene and xylene (BTX). Therefore, we will include these compounds in this summary. These chemical represent a hazard because they are moderately to extremely toxic and most are highly e e IfiI DfORNE ISf ENVIRONMENTAL ." ~ '. . .... . ø - ~ flammable. Threshold Limit Values (TLV's), Short Term Exposure Limits (STEL's), and Toxicity levels (ID50, oral-rat), all in mg/kg (ppm), are listed below:'''~:_'·;:·",'' Toxicity Compound TLV STEL Benzenes 10 25 Toluene 100 150 Xylene 100 150 4894 5000 4300 Benzene is considered an extreme cancer hazard. Applicable MSDS forms are attached. Exposure Monitoring Plan: A Photo-Iomzation Detector (PID) will be used to monitor vapor concentrations around the site. Should concentrations exceed TL V's, protective measures will be taken. Passive dosimeter badges will be placed in downwind locations if PID readings indicate high levels of volatile organics in the breathing space. Personal Protective Equipment: All personnel on-site will have access to respirators with organic vapor cartridges. Replacement cartridges will be available on-site as needed. When handling samples, the on-site geologist will wear latex gloves. Hard hats will be worn by all personnel on-site when in proximity of drilling equipment. Work Zones and Security Measures: Access to the site will be restricted to authorized personnel. A set of cones, placards, or wide yellow tape, surrounding the site will define the perimeter. The Project Manager will be responsible for site security. Decontamination Measures: Avoidance of contamination whenever possible is the best method for protection. Common sense dictates that on-site personnel avoid sitting, leaning, or placing equipment on possibly contaminated soil. All personnel will be advised to wash their hands, neck, and face with soap and water before taking a break or leaving the site. Respirators will be washed with soap and water following each day's use. Drilling and sampling equipment used will be decontaminated by steam-cleaning. Sampling equipment will be decontaminated before each sample is taken and drilling (~quipment will be decontaminated before each boring is commenced. e e rftI11-IC)RNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL General Safe Work Practices: Personal safety and hygiene should be of utmost consideration while on-site. To prevent ingestion of contaminants no person shall be allowed to eat, drink, or smoke on the site. The Site Safety Officer will designate an appropriate nearby area. Standard Operating Procedure Drillers and other on-site personnel will be briefed each day in "tailgate" meetings as to the day's goals and equipment to be used. Anticipated contaminants and emergency procedures will be reviewed. Appropriate personal protective equipment will be put on and verified correct by SSO, including respirator fit. Drilling and sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before being brought on-site. Split-spoon sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before each use. Augers will be steam-cleaned between borings. The On-site Geologist will oversee all operations and log all borings in consultation with drillers. The Sample Coordinator will assure that proper protocol is used at all times in collecting and handling samples. Training Requirements: The SSO will conduct a pre-site training session which will include all points MSDS forms, contaminant properties, warning signs, health hazard data, risks from exposure, and emergency first aid. All chemicals to be covered and the SSO will assure that everyone fully understands site hazards. Medical Surveillance Program: According to CFR 29, 1910.120, Paragraph (f), employees who wear respirators 30 days or more during one year or who have been exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards above established permissible exposure limits are required to be monitored medically. All site personnel will be required to have had a complete chemical physical within the past year. Record-keeping: Documentation will be kept on all personnel exposed to contaminant hazards on the job site according to OSHA regulations. These will include documentation that employees have received training on the SSP, respiratory protection, MSDS forms, and all emergency procedures. These will be reviewed during the pre-site training meeting. Exposure records on each job will be kept for 30 years to meet requirements. Included wiH be names and Social Security numbers of employees, medical evaluations, on-the- job logs from entry to exit, first aid administered, visits on-site by outside persons, and personal air monitoring records. - e 1PA11HORNE œ , ENVIRONMENTAL Contingency Plans: In the event of accident, injury, or other emergency, the Project Manager/SSO, or other person will notify appropriate government agencies or individuals as follows: 1. Kern County Environmental Health Department Ms. Dolores Gough (805)861-3636 ¡ I -- 2. Police, Fire, Ambulance: 911 3. Nearest Emergency Hospital: Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805)327-3371 e e MATERIAL SAFElY DATA SHEETS rAJDfORNE ~ ENVIRONMENTAL -, I. :3" d 'v. .. ;,..ø..... "" "-. ....., . . ...... . .......-. -..... j.=t~!" "~:::rl! æ5 ,.-~ Q!J ... : ;j rt ~ ~j I.. ~ c.o~ C~ I. ...J C'r·... 'J(ur ~ (I1PC;c ~TYH· -. ~.11:.L.iJ .. ~OH ~ c..O-.a:S CU1Sìv:i( i, ... 222 :;tQ S~:\COI urA ?nilliosourg, N.J. ~65 2~.riaut =mer~C'1 ï .aleononl! - i~a 1) 3:So21: '. C~amtr.c .f (aoo) .&:;:~3~QQ National ñesøonsa C.-nter . (Saa, ~24·a8a2 l JO;~2 5ff~," _ ._ '. . .~iJ ~~, .~..·~.,'_;.:.:,:,4,:,-.,,;,',;:,C7,-:,',:~,:~~:~CI.,.,..~..,,':;...,' =,~",:" :I,:,.;.".',..,~,.'.,'.'.....:-.e.'.~,'...:~.'.~..':; ::~·f;~.~·~:_¥"~~~~}~1f4~~~.~!3;::f -~~. ~~.~~. - ]·~.~;~·.~0~;,~~:.~~:~:...·~· . .l.~Õ~~f!~~:(·~-_···_-~~~-~~ ~...,; : ,:/i~,:;::J',¡'. ii. ~,",iU. N.~;I '~,;':" PRODUCT .-IDENT- - ..- - -_:. ~'~".~';'~';". .....:.. -.. --~-.:.~~~~~~;'-,..: -- - -- - -. - --- -;.' ~ '. ~ ~,' :,:., ". ~.;'~, ....:,..:,"!' r-,::¡~!i ~~; ~0i~:;:.:~~;:-" . . A'? r:-oduct.'ttame :1~'tIØen: :r..jõ~':'~;r;.,:. ' '.. - JormulA:;3~~<::~;'" '. '~'~,p" '- r Qrmul~;'LJIt. r<, ·'ê·'. _ C~S ~o.: .'::>'::'~(:;::,. ." ..".O~~~~, :,,:.;.,0~~:i~f:,:,...:.> .;:;".,,-, ]I05iV·RTE.CS No.. ,'~,. . 1400.000 ~.,..,.~_. c'''':', . _u -, ~mmon S~lno~~nñ~'~'~:,~:~¡~~~l;":i~)rh~;;Y'i' Hydt-ido;' COAl "'~,p ?:":;)duc't C:~dc~:' ;' 91~S',92~S',·915J,91S4,91S5,B71?J9.];~~:. ]. -. .-~. -.-... ~_.._,-~,~,\,-"~'~,<~-~._- ----.. ~-- ------~~~~~r", ',', , ':'" :c":"~'-=';:" PREC"UTIOttARY tASE!.tIH.G:<ã~; .._-----_......_~._--_._----_.__._---------------~---~~-_.~ -l~;( î:? :~;:" - '!" - "f::Tr:I TM S \1~ t e m;:;;;[;";'oirtltlijf\;::}~-;;'~" .. ,ti"C' , . I ··~\r~t~~~~~¡;','~:,~; .bY rn .CQJ 'ê1j~~' OCTR£l"£ !é:vG£ ~ SL:,c;nr =~~t~~~!'~e c·]ui~ment ]. -J-~" -,tt t . ,."...~" . - r.... t-o..1 ~ t .-, t ,. ,",. ..,., .., -r ... POISON! Dç.NG;::~! ~{,~~MEtY ¡LAHMAa~~ HArtMrút IF SUAtLOUEQ) INHA~!~) OR ASSOR9ED ~~ROUGH S~!N C~UT!ON: CONTAIN::: BENZE:HE) C~HC:::~ HAZARD ~e=? ~Wð~ r~om hcat, $~4rk$, rl~ma. Ayoid cant~c~ with eye$) $kin) cl~.~hinq._ -'fvcnd bre4t.Tu.nq Ya~Qr. iCec? 1." tight.ly c:lQ~ad c:antAinor. U:rao wit.h ad~uat.=· ~en~~la~~on. Ua~h thoroughly ~;te~ handllnq. In c:~~oa~ Fire, u~e ~a~e~ ~~r~y) ~lc~hal Foam) dry chem1.c~l, or carban dioxide. Flu~h ~~ill area W1.th water _ ~cra.u.· . r . . r···-------·--------~----------------··------------------------.---------------- ~ SECTION I! - HAZ~RCOUS COH?ONEHTS ...---..-....---------------------------------------------------------.-.-.----- -l::n:ene c~ m,,~ n~ n?, ~ gO-laa C;::c: N", ?1-~3-~ ....-----.---.------------------------------------------_._-------_..--~---_._--- , SEC7ICN I!! - PHYS¡C~~ CAT~ ,," d·---·---·----------~------------------------------------------------------------ "'.:::J:.l:.na ?:::.n~: ao·c 1/5·~) Uð9ar ?:"~=-$ur:(mmHq) 7~.3 " -, I C~n~~nu~¿ an ?~ge: ., III ~',:" . .' . .4. "'T. ~__ ,\1;.,. __..__. __. ~~'nOUI ::r.~r~ C" ï .:Ic!~nan~ - \::J 1) ¿:::-21~ 1 _ CZ\1t J (jOO) ~¡~·~:ca N~'ion~1 "doonu ':.1nler , (aoo\ ~:~aaQ2 . -':t ~ ~ ! --c: .....___4... ~lil1[~:. . ._" ('J~J 1 )."';'.~" ':,;" :'. ".. '}:tI!l,:q,.-",>..': :]~ ~~;~~i~i~~fi~f::~I.~.:~r,J.~~i~á;:~~if, 0,1 ~ ·~ÛéiA~.' , , , ,,;,i;;.':'':;~::,.. , ',"" .' , ' '..;,' ',:'. ' " .~".:;~~?-~~f~3t!~~~( c. = ¡:::.= _~:~ ~'~.~~::::~ ~ _:~ ::5::::.: ~~:~: _::~~::: -~~;~~~~;~~,;, .SE:CTION ,IU ..;,: F!RE AND EXPC.OSIOH HAZ,ARlJ.: DAT~',; . II ...._._ _. - - __.._ .-..----. - - -.--. .------------ ..----~---...--..-----'-----I!II'".-...---.-,.. : j~ 1. n t. : ; -11 · C . ( '::!. = )' ~F?A , 0 ~11 R~t...~~q: ·'.;,Æ]~:~b'·' '.. . ·,i~:.. . -' ~ '<,:~~.' ,"., ~ :;~":,~ft;, :.~; ~-':l= r.imit~: UpplSr ,.~ tauet' 1 ~'. '.:' " ~: ! :~~~ ~~ ~ ";o::~' :<'J c hc..ic~ 1 0 < cu bó n diox id.. ~~~(~;:,€~~:Æ~ 1"·<' ..4Y b.. inci'l'.cuve. ",:;:;...:: e .. _I :"; - - _:- f ryh 1': ~ ""q ø_,., ~ - -it~ t" '! ~,;[;<~;'~:'t;:~?" :l::::.gi1t.e::'~ ~hQuld weAr proper prat.:c-:'i.vlS equipment. And ~u,lf.-C:Qni:.à.inàd..;tf' ~::£du.ng ~~p4r~tu~ ui.:.h ~ull ¡:~c:?iec~ oplSr~t.ed in pa~itive pr~~~uJ:'š,~mod4S. _~:uc c~n~~:.ner~ r::'om fire ~r~4 :.r i~ c~n be danlS withau~ ri~k. U~c UAtC:- I S kecp fi:c-a~?o~ad c~n~~lne::'~ c~ol. -i' ~...- .'.£ t..··(,.,1,,~',.,n ~."!~~r-~~ -:-oÂ.i9Qr:. mA~ rlaw ,,-long ~urr02.c=~ t.a ': ;lQ:.04 cQnt.AinlSr~ ISxpa:.ed 'to hO"-1:- '-~i,h=~r~ m4\} c~u:.c f iro. ~, di~1:.~n~ ignit.ian ~aurc~:. And Fla~n bAck. may ex?lada. C~ni:.~c~ w~~h ~t~ang ...____.__________________.___._________________________a________._.._.___ ~ S~CT:OH U - HE"~!H HAZARD DAT~ . I' ,......______... ________.._____ ______ __,_______...________..________ ..__________....___ '1:¡c:'(,4nc:: i.:. l~~t=d A~ 4. knaun c.3.r:inagcn b'} t.hlS HAt.ionAl. 't"axici~'} P,:~g;~ _.~ I : -~=Ld ['i.:n1.t Va.lue CTt.U/1'tJA) 30 - : .... I.. _ ::~·I.:::'::t :..:cpa~ur= ~imi.t lSTZ!:.): '5 -'¡".'J: '.- t.:Jsa t.!JSO CQr~l-r~t)Cmg/kg) (ar~l"mau~IS)Cmg/kg) mg/:n 3 ClO ppm) ., mg/m .. ("'~ ppm) -.. 489<\ 4700 ---~ ...;. '"'.: ,.,U,.·..-'"'C'~,.,-(l~- ::ln4¡'~~:'Qn or V4~Qr=o -~ :.sÍ<ne=.=o :.n .sr::l~ .sn¿ m4\} c.:s.u=.o l=g:i. ;'oðd.sc::'o, nðu=O04, di:=ina~:. f~t.iquêt .:s.nd f) L C~n~inuc¿ on ?~go: ::3 -"i' . .' ~. - !' ~~~"t~B~t~/u'i~rt~%1;~,"·' i~· ..__~~i;¡g:;~~~~.., '~' '.""'" ~~~",.,~~~~--...-~~...,.~.~". A[ .Së:C!,I 9N ~ ''-!~ I :!t~1t.~:t.~~~!EEæ.~9.!¡;C"¡,IUE '¡òu t ?tf , . .----...... ~;~-:~~~.;·~~~~~:.~,~-·~·-··~~---~~.~~w~ t· .n' Pro~-;;~tla~': 'Yf;.~:~y'\Sqcj¡~;a'4',·and.FAC:.=, 4hia.J:. _ ~ cr. ~~~'~:::::f~~~ "i~~ ,"ö:~~!:!~!~~~!~¥:~;.~;:·~::;,~~:::~~:.. f' ü; . ~...r"" t .....~y...~\\;""'... . ~K~~~ì:~-;<:,·ftJ~T~~~~_.'i;.... '"-' , "' -'.. .._.,..~ ,'~'- . ,~_._. : . '. .,··,>:·z:?~S¡;C1't "~"'., "ORAC:ë:~è~ANO HANOt.ING 'PRE I. ......".;;',~'~~·...iìi'~...._..._~·~';:~~~J;.';..__~....~___.>~~ . ....... v ., . """"'.",'i'òI\~~;,;,.,:,f_·"'A"""""';;} ...¡......"., , '. "" .',... ., JurA TH 'Št'~~';~~ :'c~.i~~~è~'å:~¡'?~t~~~'·Strip~' . '. \,.' . ~~~c:aution5':·-;,:'~:F~~:,:,:;",,~:~'~;;?:;~·~;;::i~:;:~:' .' ".' .J;1 cant.a1.r:'er. tightly c lased 0.,, Star~ in a caa 1, d~..~.:,.~~~~ l~.~.~ ~.a,nmable 11QU1.d star age 4r e.s or cab1ne ~ . - ::1:·;-;,i-';¡~~·.: ,'. '-;~."i,"'; l .- -- __a -. ....... .~~.. ".-_. - -- -,,~"'... - -.. -. --..-.. ...,~~:;~,:~:,~~,;;'" '~ :I~_:~~~:~~.~. :..~:~~:~~~~:~:~,~~~~~:.~~~ .~~~ :::~~~~~~~~,~,~;,~ ¡-.... (n 0 -) , .. ' I ~I . '- 'J. .!__ L_.j"1PPing Name: , .., I i~j""r~4~~ . .!.l ct QU4nl;,:. ':. ~ I I, "'T'ONQf (r' !'1 n, 1 . 'oo f , . ::: ¡, 1. ? P 1. ng Name ¡... :14~~ .. r- L 8en:=ne (ben:al) FlAmm4b1e liquid UN1Ll4 ·Ft.~HMA a tE: t.! QU ! 0 LOaO t=5. \oJ. J. C~Kc:::f '-¿ lc:rnlC3i l-Q. 2~2 R!1:2 Sc:\oal una ?n,lIioscurq. N.J. C~;5 2';·Hout Emer " i ~h!::none - ¡::a 1) 5:::-21 ~ 1 C:t.m"lc I (aOO) ",~';.3:!ûa "'N.lIian.1& RUØ4ns. C..nt.,. . (aOO' ~:';.J!02 e, . .:.-.¡'. k<' ":;:;,~;:Í~~:~c~;}~~;~~ . :-::,'f.~'~:-- '-" -..." :·~~:·-~:~?!111:i~,::-':<", '. ._~:.~;~'.~. .:~).t~~~J:~.·: .. ~ V Þ f~ ~' f) " ~- r f t I ¡; ~ ~ ~ (. t t t' I. Ii '" ;- ç À . . . ~ . PO@~ @ITt~GIM~? ~~-"':'> 8en::cnc 3.~ UtH 114 ~t.~MMAatE: t!QU!!) i...-.__._.._.._....._________________._._____________________________.______ i..__(~t. "ool:'c~Qlc or Nat. AVct.ilAble i . . I ,..HJ·..!:-:JIAtian ~ubl:.~hcd in thi~ Ma~e::,iAl S4¡:='t~ 04ta ShlSst. ha~ been comai!.ed. . :~: exos::-:.::nC3 and da'ta t'r::~ent.=d in variau~ t::chnic.:s.l public.3.tian~.· Itor; ~~~ ~c~pon~lbilit.~ 'ta dc~c::'m1.ne: 'the ~u1t~Qili~y ai thi4 1nfarmatian ~ar "Lr.:.an ar nec::~~4r~ ~4rlS~~ prlSc.3.u'tion~. lJa r=~e::'Ve t.he right. ta revise , .~~ S4rct.v DatA She=t~ pcriadicAll~ 4~ naw inrarmatian become~ Aua.14~le. ~ -- rr aJ. '--t' I i:!. '-~' .!~ --II J." -q d. .. - ~ [ ;- ,.., ., ~ ...;.... t.;;S7 ?AG~ ',. I . J '¡l! v. 1 0 :..;.....^'t::~ ,--.IC::;~ 1111..r~! ,-u. 2~~ Red Sc:nocl L.lnl!. ?hillia~ou(g. .'U. C~a55 24.Hout ::nerge 1 Tðll!~ncnc! - {¡at} 359·2t51 C:'emuec , lðOOJ 4Z.¡·9JOQ Naliana' Resaanu C.!nler ,f (aOO) .¡24·aS02 e ...: ". ~'" :~ : L J¡:~ "';"¿~~~r, To lue no,' ~ os c: ~ i ve i~.èi9 ~ aias\ t;h.~tÞ7t}yt4:1!f)ñ~~~~ ;. r-';'-,~~~:i~~,:~;d~::~;;,'7'~~*~~~;~'~:'".:~;~è;~~';!¡'~~c~:~~ ~~:;~;;~~:~~" , . "":;::::.:,~~'1~1~~.:%fi:"~J'}Jt,~1~~,~ÇtI0!':l,::!;.:---,;.,; J~~ODUCT;~IDE.~TIFI , ----------------.-.----------------------------- ." t H· . -. ~...' --. :T ·l-·u.y'r~-~nt '. '~":;x"t: ,<..: ';<;..,~; '..' .. .. [:lC Allie. ..oJ -~.. a ,II II. f?'. .' :{~.,.:,::tf-c;..../··... .;:~;; ;¿~:~~ft-,:fo~~1~~~~~~i£: . c. , ·1.:~~R~~~;'n~:~: ,"": ~;;~~~::~:~~:tr~~:'~h':~ýlmathAnll; Ta:~.9~:" ":Jduct. Coda:.: 9'472 ~ 945ti 9466 J 9~62 V963 J 935 l, 946 Qi..~1~}?,~91~ . f' - ---- -- ----. --- - --_-:-~ ----- - --- - - - - --.-- -------.- - -~:::/-,::~--i-,..~,',J¡~~~~,: n I ' . ' PR£C~UTIONARY LABE!.r.IHG-..:'Z',~'*~;~1;r~~~t,3;" ------_._------_.~~-------------------_._-------~------~--.-~~- : ~.'" -,..,;, ;~<' -; ": ~, C:~F-"-O~T~ TN S\JS tem '-~[~ ... . '[' '''''+-ðro'' .: ~.. a· , ' æ ~ C[) [IJ- ~~rE: SCiG£ ~ . SL.:.~r ~-~t~c~~v~ ~~ui~me~~ ..:;. - t ,..... I L ~ wti] em ~' ~ .-= ~ I ã,TjJ ~ S..,ï: TY ,-~a '. ell r ;.r.OP!:~ ::XT!N- Q..4SS¡:S CCöH ~Q ~J"'(S CJLSN:a ~ij@~ @~'~B~~i r- ; :',;::..'1 + .: " "':1 ,.. , , ~ ~ b.. 1 S .. ~ + ,..,... ,., + ~ L WARNING I =r..~HHAaLE: HARMFUL I: SWALLOWED OR IHHALZD C~USE:S £YE IRg!TATIOH .:=~ 4wa~ from heA~, sparks, F14me. Avoid c:ont~c~ wi~h aya~, ~kin, c:lo~ng. q~d breA~h~n9 vapor. K4ep in tightly c:lo:.ad c:ont~iner. Usa wit.h adaquata ~_~ilation. Wash ~horouqhly Arter hAndling. In c~~a or firs, ~~a wa~sr ~pray, ~=:Jhol foam, dry chemical, or c~rbon dioxida. Flu:.h :.pill Ar~4 wit.h ~Atar - '1f..1 y . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,~ S~CTION II - HAZARDOUS COHPOHEHTS - '1- I' . . .~----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -J CoJm",n"","Í': . .::. C~S Nn : ~~a ne 90-100 los-aS-3 -ir-~------------------------------------------------------------------~-------- . S~cTtON It! - PHYS¡CAL DATR .¿._--------~-------------~---------------------------------------------------- ;:.l.:'ng ?oin1:.: :! l!.l·C ( 2""'0-:" -- ..) 1 Uapor ?~~~~ur~(mmHq): 2~ i oJ .- Cwn1:.~nuaå an ?~g~: .., - '". -:.. '-"'; . ~ ~ , - ::..r . ~. i t I :;;.t -' :J J. T "a:<2:: ChemlC31 ~O. m Red Scnca.e pnillipscurq, N.J. aaSãse> " 24.rtcul Emerget\c" T.aleønona -120\) 3:3-2151 ;,':~;~';("'"~ ,<C,.. .... :~."1;. ~ ~ '" "_'": . ",.;>C~lmllec J (1i00) 42~.9~00' ,..r ~aliQnal Ruaanse C,¡nte, .f (800) 424·aa02 ' ':'~:ff:~~;i) -:·I.i~:~{~~r ,'" l~,@,1:' " ?C'~~~~:J~~>,",,¡ . . ----- .1:i{:F'i;:;Aif: i _·G-~·~:;"i.~;3Ç j: . - , ... ; 'Pa-int.- '- ~;?t;;:~~~;,. ,': r.i.C"'C:4:'a~ I ( ')-1) ";;f?~r . ~ ", -,':-~, ", , " ;:-~ .\),' . .,;)'" ':. .. :'.';:~>;'f~,.::' . I; C· ~it~(~2~,~./.~~::~}~H~~~~_~t~t~~f-~:~,l~~~'.~th4n Q.1 .. ~ . ~ . ~ - - "".. ' ,~r~nc~ ~ Oda~~ Cloan, ~~i~~le~~ liquid " .~¡, i2oint: ", ,lble ['imi t.~: ' "4·C( :;' 4 Q · = ) Uppo~ :7.1 ~ La..,e r 1.2 ~ .. :::~ ::' Jf~~~S:·::~ "..; ., .~ ' ';'0 ~ l-~t~"a~i~hin" H~dia ,~a 41cohol fo~m, drV chamic~l <W4~ar m4Y bo inorrac~ive.) or c~rban diaxide. ~uo~.øR.~@f~ _:-c"':FC" .' '0 ~,:..-..... ~ f' -. -. ..... .. ..1 ... ..1 ~~...,., ~n(.."'-"n ...~"~~!]'lr~"! :~T~righ~er~ ~hauld ~a4r prapar p~otec~ivð oquipmon~ and ~elf-contained =~o4~hing 4pp4r4tu~ ~itn full r4c=pioc~ apor4~ed in pa~i~iva p~a~~u~a·moda. r~ava con~a~nar~ rram Firo aree i: i~ C~n be dana ~i~hout ri~k. U~ð ~4~ar ! .0 kao¡1 fiC'a-a)Cpa~ad cant.~inar~ caal. 1.. - - ...,!~1 ~:~~ ,c;. C::-<nlo~ia" H3.::ar'd~ i )4por~ m4Y ~la~ along ~urr~c~~ to di~tant.ignitian ~aurc=~ and fla~h b4ck. L~la~ad cont~inar~ axpo~ad ta heat m4Y exploda. CQntac~ ~ith ~trong oxidi:=r~ m4Y c~u~a riC'~. " ..r~----------------------------------------------~--___________·______~~-~---ø -C:'- '. . S~C"l"ION U - HE:At.nt H~Z~RD D~TA . ' '" . .~-----------.------------_.--------------------------..-------------------- ¡hold t.imi~ U41ua L ( Tt.U/TtJA) : J?S 3 mg/m (lOa ppm) . :c--Tarm Expo~uC'~ t.imi~ (S~EL): S6Q ,hi":.":,J: t.D;Q (or~l-r.st) Cmg/kg) '-'.. r - I .; ~~ ,.,!" nv~!"..~~o:!u!"~ ~ , ¡-!nri41~~~on or V4~or~ may c~u~a nau~e4' vomi~inqJ head~cha, ar la~~ of :0 n~c ~au~no~~. . L ~~ron1C orrcc~~ ar aver=x~a~uC'~ may incluåð ~idney and/ar livar â~maça. 00, 3 mg/m (150 P5lm) SODa '-" I L C~n~inu=d on ?=ge: ~ ~ I . 4 . - t· .. I J_.3 í !,. ',. J , , 2.~1;r~;!~~~{{~~;t , , .... .. ~""".,.,,.- . - ,-, j .:..r rsC .~IJ.·f -M, .' _,' _ -'é '. "'" ,":,..._~"1··"'1!-;v.~~i';~·.·' .._.....;'-,,7:"~¡-.;~:c;,...;, ~;~, ",_\..~~~~4.~.!"~~_"-.~_....~.~.III!I~fI!.. > ~,!,,~--~--_~~.--_._-'--~ t.I~::'$.rfJ~\!" ~¡~.- , ;.. - ::,";io~.,;;~-.(.....~~I~:'':,.,:J{¥'~''''''~.~~;:,,¿. -, ':. <".'. .....;..::!~ ...J;>.~ l,...., -"::V' .~1i '. ';t-.;_,-, """ "'$c.~,t~~,9:;,,,:,>;'HEAt..TKdiAZARD,rDA, r Ii:. p i ;¡'t;ÎQ'n'~;:'if:t f~b'r"'iât.1ìi nq:èlåj;~if f icult ~'~~tõ!'~W'í' In ca~é ·Oicon~act.,·· l.mmedia.te bJ Flu:.hey~~;'{~f~~":~p least'15 minutes. Flush skin ",it.h "'ater;">·;>;:2~~f.':,;;?n\'h, r- ---- - - - ---..----....... .--- -.. - __._.____...______~~:,;;~-'íii'~,,~,.-..------ , ' _ 'Së:CTIOM or - REACTIUITY':DATA~-: :~~t;:- , . "';' ___ _._ _ ___. ______ _ _ _ __ _. _ __ _ ____ __________ - ----~--~-~-:--~-...tíi:~..--.~..~-,-~...~.;;~~...-.. -,. Sta.bil i ty: Stable Ha:.srdous Pa~ymeri:4t::tä:;;c"~';2~~;;~~!~'~~~~\,;t~~cc:l.r [C.:Jnditi.On~ to Avoid: heat, sourc:::!a of. iqnitiC~;h~ . ':.'.~i~'· J~~'.';' ::1 ~=\J ::";~C\J ?tti,lioscu(q, ~u. ~3sò5 :~.¡.;OU( -=. nc', Tèl~~nont! -(201)'::9-21:1 C:&emtrlc ~ (Baal ~~~·~~oo ~aliall¡¡1 Rl!soans!! C~nler .f !Soo, .;24·aa02 e ~" I : I, '-.I r j í :... . -:;~ '.,.'- ~ :... '.~"~,~~~... . , _ r{~;::,.~· ~ . ;, f ,! ncompc3\.t ibla~ : ~ trong ox idi:inq agents I ni. ~ricaci'c:1í· si,¡~~~r:.i: :-ac id. ----....------...------------.--.-----------------------~~~-----~~~~~~-----_._-- -' Së:CTIOM UtI - S?![,;c: AND DtS?OSAr. PROCZDUR~ t~'5:e::'-- . -----...-------....----------.-..-.--.-.------------------------~~~~------------ l:¡.'~~~ ~:~ ~~ ~~!<en '..:-1 tne ~'.I~nt ~F ~ ~O"1 "~r!·~~nl!!"~~ ,~F~:,;:--" Wd4r ~eLf-con~~~ned br=4~hing 4pp4r4tu~ and full protectiu.~lothi~q. Shu~ o~i iqni~ion sourc:~; no flAr~~, smoking or flame~ in ~~:.a. 5l~p 14ð if ~ou c~n do ~o ~~thaut ri~k. U~e w4tar ~pr.sy to r~duce vapor:.. T4~e up w~tn 3~nd ar o~har nan-comou~tibl~ 4b~ar~an~ matarial end plac~ i~ta c~n~~~nar rar l~~~r di~~a~~l. Ftu~n ~ra4 ~ith ~4te~. [ :1. rår . a T. 94kar Solu~orb ~olven~ ~d~~i~ant spill~ of ~hi~ ~roduc~. i~ :: a c~ mme nd~@!.õ) .' w @~Q@DfitjiM1 r.!)"'~~C~.a!. O_"~~~I:':"'~ &~ Di~~o~e in accordanc: ~ith all ap?lic~~le fod=r~l, sta.te, 4nd lac~l anvi~anmen~41 ragu14~ions. -y ~~.: ~ [::?~ Ha':~rdous tJa.~t., Numaer: U22a (Toxic (JA~t.e) ,- , ______1______-----------------------------------------------------------------.- S~C"':'ION utI! IHDUS7~IAr. pgOTZCTIOE ZQUI?HEHT ..j [ - -- - - - - - __a ___ - - _.. - - - __ - ___ - __ ___ -_ ------....---------------- ----- --..- --- .----~... Uen~ilatian: U~e ganeral ar loc~l axhau~t ven~il~~ion to meat -, TLU r~quirament:. ' L ;.ie~pirat.ar";,J ?::ot=c~ion: Re~pir~tor~ protec~ion r:quired if airborne conc=n~ra~ion ~xc~eds T~U. At canc=ntr4tian:. up t.o SQU ppm, ~ ~hemic~l c~r~ri4qe r~~pir.s~ar wi~h orga.n~c vapor.c~r~::idqe i~ ::=c~mmended. ~~bave tni~ tavel, 4 ~el:-con~~ined br~A~hing 4pp4r~~u~ . . d . :..:. r' =c:Jmma naa . ~ r l... 1 . ==.,.Jes/:~i:1 ?:-~"t3C~:"Qn: SGr=~~ gl~~~4~ ~i~h ~ida~hi~l¿~, ?ol~vinyl ac=~~~= l.;. C~n~i~~e¿ on ?~g~: ~ ::.' - :!::! .':¡~d ~.::tOOI Wn~ .~IICI U':''''''''"1' . '.-. ~---- 2~.¡"ouc :Inecgenc" ïc!l në - \ZOtl ~:9·Z1:1 .C:¡em"ec " ,a 4:~·3~aa Nalional AesQonsa C..ncen (8001 ~24·380:! ~ ~~'~;'f~:~~~~~~~:;~;~~~('~~~,'~' ;.~:è2~~/~~~~:.~,,:~: :. , " .'¡: f¡$ t. Q r .iéje )~I'~~~ ,>~ ~ . t~!~~~~~~t~¿\~'~~~~~~;i~i~~;i~~~~,~~~ ~~t~~,¡; - ..... - -. ..-- - .... .---..- - - ~ -.. -. -. ---.._~.... -. -.. - -. --- ._-~'~"~'~~j~~~"~:;' -.f::~~_~_:~I~:~::~~I~~t~~~g~~Ef~~~-~~~:~:~~~:_:~:i~~~:~~1 ", . J-. ,. . ) ~ . ~~, ",. .: ·::.i~t?~:.:~:,,;,~~,..l~::,··:...;¡- .' I . ,..- . . ," ::,~.;~,·'~~;:·::·,',,',~,L,;.·.k,'.¥~~:,' ...¡.' -' ~--.\' ~~;,}¥." ~ ···}~·~·:i~'¿(~. J ~'nq Ha.me Toluene . Flammable UHL29" FLAHMASt.=: lQQQ t.~S. liquid J ·.:Ln-t i. t 'J - t.IQU tD .. r r ~ H 0;..1. , fCo :;:'-;"19 Ha.mc:s :r~ ~G~, ' !J~ @~Q@~~ j&L , ,..." c,.,- :.::\~;. 1 "'I"".,.:...:;"":':';"':.~ ~:;, L' ......::. '::b,:' Taluc:snc:s 3.2 I "-., . ~~~.i;~"~~ ~": ~ ~ .' ", ~. UH1294 I . _ ¡:U~HHAac.::: C.:CU:tD ._---.--_.)------~---------._-----------------_._---------------------_. ~-~lic.:Lbl~ or Hot Ava.il.:Lblo r~ . ~; :an ,ubli~ncd in thi~ M~t=:i41 5~r=ty Dat~ Sneo~ ha~ boen com9i1ed ~;~~isnc~ and d~t~ prs~on~=d in v.:Lriau~ ~~chnic41 pu~lic4tions.'I~ i~ f~~?an~ibilit~ ta dctarMinetho ~uit.:Lb£Lit~ a' r ~hi~ iniarma.tion for =f or nec~~~ar~ ~4iot~ pr=c4utiQn~. Ue re~orve tho right to ravi~e ~;-::t.'} D4'T;,~ S¡'cat.~ pet"iodic~ll'} a~ nau inrorma~ion become~ a.vail.salo. :ë-"'" r" c - .~' .. ¡ I t....... 1. io:. .~~ ì I ¡ I I '~ t.;1S7 ?!=.G~ '. --", :.·~~..t;'.;:1~~~~~'1.:...:: ",' ~": . :~~;;¡:·:~1~t7:,,;;:;:;':~ ,," '..,;,~ " ~ .....-,.==" :,tI ..~. ~ ::":..,r . ,_"\.oi::. ':r~4 ï . f· ·f . , ... --....... ---.-.- --. ----.- ... ---.- - - ---.. .----------~~~,~.!!t_.., .! '.. I'IJC(AAr~ sc.1:iU: ~ s.z::nr t.~hð~..+:"~t, ?-..,+-,.~..t.J~ c-~'-.!~"'m~~t "-'- .,. -----.,,"-. ........ ......, ,......... ~---. :21 ~t!a ~¡:~~nð ?!1iiliasculg, N.J. ~ ~~.HauJllllrnc!lgenC"1 To!lepnanl! - (~Q1) 3:9021:1 . C~.mll.C: , I~CO) "~~·9JOQ ,N.Jllon.J' ñuøonu C..nhll . (aOOI ~24·a8Q:Z , , . ~ . '~~~~~t·!J~~l, . r,~,,:X..Qr:ut. £. ;.ot,:, ¡: i . C:t" , Ê!~t~j~~:~~~~~~~~~ " 'P~Qd:,~':~:~,~4iD~ ~;.:.~l;~:: C""raL"1IW14:~' ê,,",' ' : ~ .....' "·;~L·<:--::- ~f ~Q6 .., .~,-~;,,; ..ç~~~~~. ~.- - .:. :;,F.O~ID~. ..; ''''', -lo!'"".~~~~~~;~f;~ ,.. 0 "C;:\S HCJi¡-' .,..,., ·33Q-2a-7·~·":·~······"·,:'.<_:~':;'},7l' r:16_:' ":.C.2auDQn,~Sy~ò;'Yia~I' ..'iíí..i1.hYlb.-ñ':~·.!¡~-i ".,Xylàl . PL"ac!uc:.t.":·C4C1C1s.: ~~:~.,;.)9\~89 ,94:a9 ,S37?~9491 ~ 9493)9~~~J. ,><..~.,.. -~--_.._--------_._--------------------------------- " .- . - .:..". ',:'¡ PREC~UT I ONA Ry·~t.AS£U.ÌHc¡· l ;-~'. ~ a:, -t.i' , .' .' ,~¡' . ..~ :.- " ',.~. ;;.:"~', ,....:-.. .. : . E ",'.., L r ~ ì: 5 r+] ú7J c;... rr or 1.A8 '¿C:H I ~s,¿:s cc.or ~ ~ ~ P"'OP(~ ~..,u ~l J ~;~~INAL LXT!H- ' c:J~ f - I ' 1;.. :2_...,.. .'.:,.+ .,... ,.,.'II'-" a ;.., ~ 1 c: ... .~ ... ....., _ !"'"' ~ [ f'! iJ UARHIHGI F't~MNAa[.Z HARH:UC. !: SU~~~OWED OR IHHALZD CñUSZ~ I~~I~~T!ON ~~~~ ~~4~ r,~m ha~~J ~~ArK~J rl~ma. A~oid c~n~4C~ wi~h a~a~J ~kin, clathing. A~o~d bro4~hing ~A~or. ~~a~ in tigh~t~ clo~ad c~nt.~inar. U~a ~it~.ad~qu~t~ van~il~~ian. Wa~h thoroughl~ ~i~~r handling. In C~Aa af fir~, U~.~4t~L"·~~r~~ alcohol fa am, dr~ chamic~l, OL" c~r~an dioxid4. :lu~h ~~ill Cra4 yit.h Y4~~r :.~r~~. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ SZCTIOH It - HAZ~RDOUS COHPOHEHTS ---------------------------------------------------------------_.------------~ C.']m"~",, "1: 1r. - C~~ Nt" I :<~lana~ 90-100 1220-20- .----------------~------------------------------------------------------------ S~C~:OH III - ?HYS¡C~~ DATA r; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3ailing ?Q1.n~: l:!7·C , 279-:) Ua~ar P~~a~~ra'mmng): s. :. .) L C~n~inuad an ?~ga: ~ .. [ '..~J - '\ ::: :~::!a ::';~C:.A1~ P!1Iilic:)cuc'J. ~I..t ~:.:: , . :';;n':~1 _lIj~nc'l Îc:H!cr.Cne - ~~aH ¿:'~:1::i '"~,, i ". ,/"q;:t.mCldC: , t:icJQ) ",:4d:lCQ , '."":' .':':' ·f; >"",,1 . 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C.:Ln ~a &lona ~i~hQu~·'f;:"i~ck.-:/;,U=:cjï':w4'1:.a'" ~:I kaa? ;:''''a-ox~a~o4 cont~~na~~ coal. ,~~, , r tl: - r. '. , , .. .'.' ," 1 - .- ...-. .. :. ~v"1~~~~n u.-_~~. . - ~ '., U~~a~s mAY rlow ~lonq ~urf.:Lc~s ~o di~~~n~ iqn~~~on ~aur=~s4n~ rl~~h b4CX. C~o~ad con~~inar~ oxaa~dd to h.4~ mA~ ax~loda. C~n~~c~ wi~h st~onq ~xidi:~~~ m4~ C~U~a fi:~. .._-----------------~----------_._----------_.-----_.------------------.------ u n S=:C7!CN CJ - H.::ñr:rH !·H~::;:;RD DA't"~ ._-'",,' ,.",.,.., M------------------------------------------------------.--~;~;~~~~~~~.~-.-~-- . f:l na l¿ ~imi ~ CJ4l~~ C':"t.~/':"!JR) .!t-:~ ,-- 3 I1Ig/m ClQQ ??m) ~@@I QrIW@Uç.!J{é;\[, ~=~-:.-:-:ar':":l ~;(PQ:.ur~ ,.. . _:':111.":, (S~z!.) : .:::= ..-- ., mq/m- (~:¡] !?~m) :I=~':.'): ....' r '" -"';0 r - -.... :..~ r '" _<w:: Ù (ar~l-r~~)(mq/kg) (inn41-~~~-~) '?~m) (~c:.J.-t"~t. ~ (mg/~<c; J 4~aa saaa I ~7Qa ...:;. 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J{~g'iü~~f.·o.x·9· In C~~a Q r c:an'C,4c't., immadi4t.alyFlu~h a~ao;Qr '$'k'i At. 1a4a& 15 ·min~t..o. '" , Fe -----------......-.---------.-.-..-.-.-.-------....------ . S::C-:'!OH UI - R£HC-:-IUtTY"/DÄTFC:~:::"'- . ~ , ;:~~ '.~' -. ~."'- ___________._..____...___._.__________.________________·e·__,... ~ ~ ", -:-.~-""---_. :::::::::~ ~:'::::d: h..l, .ouré::=::d:::~::::~~:~~~~~~:~~~~còur !nc::Jm;:~ti~loa; ~tr-onq oxid.i::'nq 4son~~ ;"'-':\~"7.\)~~~ ~::':'~'.':~::. .-___.,__~___-------------------------_._-----------------------~------_.-----_. S::C-r:CH U!! - S?!t.~ AND DtS?OSHr.. PROCZDUR£S.._ ",~;'~..... ----_..--------------------~------------------------------~~~~---------~---_._-, "'r:_..__ ..... ~_ .,,''''''''n .;.., .~... -"..~~ ....,~ ....,.', ~.. :-'''.'- ....., WQ~r ~Q1~-can~~~n.d brQ4~h~ng ~994r~~ua ~nd rull pro't.aê~ivacla~hin~. Shu~ aif igni~~an ~our=a~; no FL~C'~o, ~mokinq or fl~mo~ in ~C'~A. Sto9 la ~~ ~ou c~n do ~o ~i~hou~ r-i~~. U~a ~A~Ar apr~~ to ra~uc4 "4por~. T~Ka u -~~~th ~4nd or o~nar non-comcuAtibL. ~aoQrb.n~ m4t4C'i4l And pl~c. in~o c::Jn~~~nar- ior lA~ar di~po~41. ~l~Ah ara4 with W4~.r. J. ~. 34K4r 501u~Qr~~ ~olvant 4daor-:ant i~ racammand~@~@~Q~I~AL rar ~pi~l~ or ~hia ~r~duc~. n;·_~..~1 ~'- Q....,. .~,...- - - ~ O~~9Qoa in 4~=::Jrd~nc~ ~i~h ~ll 4pplic3bla fsdar~l, ~t~t~, 4nd lac~l ~nv~ronman~~l. r.gul~t.ion~. ~?~ H4:3C'~Q~~ U~~~a Numcar: U~~9 (~oxic U46ta) .~-------------~--~--------------------~------~----~--------------------------. S,C~!ON Ut!! - !HOUS7~I~~ ?~C~Z~:U£ EQUI~M£HT -~---------~-------------~-------------------------~--.------------------------ IJan~iJ.~c.ian: U~a ganar~l or lQ~~l .xh4ua~ von~il~~iQn ~Q moat ~~~ rQqui:Qmon~~. ~aO?~~3~::Jr~ ?~~~ac~iQn: ~a~pi:3~ar~ pr-Q~4~~iQn r~auirsci if 4i:=aC'na c::Jnc~n~~3c.iQn axc~ad~ ~~~: ~t c=nc.n~r3c.ian~ up ~~ ~oaQ ~9m) 3 chami~~l c~r~r~~qs rao~i:a~or ~i~h oC';3n~= V4~ar c~r~:i~;. ~~ r~cammand6d. Abov. C~n~~~u~¿ ~n ?~q~: , "\ ,:¿ .J'., ~ , .' .:'\ .~. ~ .-~ ----~. !-~~ ~. A.. ...--............. '-' I.....'" .,....,..... --. '- (j ~ :";·r-:i.~1 'P-~esutit""~ :~.- [1 Band. And. grau,nd , ~ igh~ ly c looed. ,:St.a ra ~~or4ge 4r04. . ',j"" ,,~ '.,...':' .~. ' ·E··----~~~;~~~-~-:-;;~~~;~;;~;~~~-~~;~-~~~-~~~~;~~~~t-~~;~;~~Tt&N~~;30:7~~-- ..... . .. ·::._··..·.r:~~·~fU1í:i¡,,;~;:,,~~,~·< . ....~. ,-..' . . - -. - ----. -- - -- -------...-------- --- ---- - - ------------ _..._------~~~..-._..~------- ~.·~~=~T~ rn nT' : 4C' ~.. . :~.o~ _n~~p~ng N4ma ~:.:.".:i ClAO~ IrA .:.l:b : ~I'ð" ~.:.blQ QUAnt i to'). ~ ! :[':J,..,~,.Tnt-lør. (T ~ (). Xylona FLAmmAble UN1J07 n.S;HHS;BC.~ laaa C.35. liquid. t.!QUID VJ@[Kl ~ðG~Wi&\l1ø':·' ~~=~: Shipping HAma ; .....:::1 Cl4~~ I L].A ~ '-- :.:. Xylana~ 3.3 UNlJ07 Ft.~MHAaL::: L!QUID ----..------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,-i:;-"'" . ~:I· No't. Applic-sble ar No~ AUAil.1bla .~ inror~G\tian pu,bli~had in ~hi~ H~tQri-sl S4f~ty D4t~ Shaet ha~ baan CQmpiled ~_ our axperianco And. d.4t4 pra~en't.ad in ~Ariau,~ ~achnic41 public~tion~. I~ i~ IY~a~'~ rao~an~ibilit~ to_da't.armine ~ha ~U,i~4bility of ~hi~.inrorm&~ia~ ror ~~QP~~an or neceO~4r~ ~&ra~~ ?rsc4u,'t.iano. Ua ra~arva ~ha r~qh~-~Q ~eU~~a .' ~~.:r:"4l SG\rllt.') Dot..:a Shaa't.~ coriadic-sll\l A~ now inrarmAt.ion bacoma. &v4il-sbla. \" ..;r I I I ,J; ., r.....c:-:- _1"1_. ?RC:;: ·{.;{~j:·~·7~(~ c, \~ '.'.~ ,.~:..... r:{J::~tF?·:; ,. I .1": . .... .- .~ ""'-.. J' .~ 'X " ï =. -: '1 ;;:;. r .I.-c.~. \ ___;.1.11 ~. 222 Rc!1J 5'::1001 Wnd PhilliOSQUII}. N.J. 08865 :!4·l1ou( =ml!fg~nc'l T IJll!pnonrl - (20 'I 359-2 t5' C:umllllc . (dOO) 42",-oJ:!OQ N£lIonal (¡usoonu Coin..., , (8001 424-8802 ;(~UOO -0 L ~iiQctivQ: ~9/23/aS X~lana$ lQ)(w@~ @~~@~~~ib .. _ _.. ..... - -.. - - --- --_. - _ _ _ .--.. -_ .._._____...__.._.._....__...tÎi_.._.~. ,., SECTIOH UIII - IHDUST~HAC. PROTECTIU£ EQUIPHEHT (Cont.inuad)'¡,:; ......---...-------.--------..---..----....---......---...------........ l hi~ lava 1. a. ~a 1 f-cont4.ined breathing .pp.ir~t. i~ racommandad.' ' ..:H,âi.:~(.:/": ~yn/Skin Protactian: Sa.Faty gl.~a.a~ with a.idaa.hialds, rubbeC'\.:gi~'u.~:,',_, .. racammandad. {~":I _.·,..>At;~t~~~:::?"·~'.~~·~:·;~~1· ·r,' ".4. .... ... ....i.......... .._ _.. ....... _......... ...........................II!I.~..'....-..,~ - 'J,' ,.:,,10;¡ '. -':;','1 SECTION IX - STORAGE: AHD HAHDLIHG PRECA1JTIOHS , ',.' ,\.t~H:;~~;i~i,:"::;;:;/i,: .----.-.-----.------------.-.------.-.-.---..-.....---._.._-_......_~~._~~-~.~. :: . :: ;~~;: ~;~:~; ~;;: :: ~:: i :::: I ~ h. :.: <. n. fa < ri n9 liquid. K.. pi~~~!~~,'i);:~~~ t.i9htl~ claood. Star;"CI in 4 coal, dC''}, wall-vant.i14tad,"·l~:qùï.d\(;f:~c: ~larA9a a.Cao.. . . . :. , \',*':,::.;..1£' _... _ _..... _. _ __ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ ___ __ ~.. ___._.._.____~......~..~._:.iJ.;¡.~.: , '". .-(-: ,'. SECTION X - TRANSPORTATION DATA AND ADDITIONAL~ IHFORHAT:X' , , r.'.\. ': . ,~ ~_~;-: .-------------..-----------------------------.--------..-.-.--~-~ e )"'~SiTC (0 O.L..l ';. ~" ." P, ' ..'. . .. ~ . " : ~;!~~r ~~~Qr Shipping Na.ma ,~~C'~ Cla.oo I 'IA ~ ,l:i 2purt~bla QUa.ntit~. X~lana ~la.mmabla liquid UH1307 ~LAHHABL£ [.IQUID 10QO LaS. ;', t" :., .. ! :~t-IAT!nHFH.. (f. H. 0 .1 ,', \. ··..'i :,o¡:ar Shipping Nama X'}lana~ ~·;,:;l,' :'. ~ ~~~ C14~~ " 'è~~î3Ø7 " ;' ,.,,(~\::'J~Jr,:·~:'(~'è,>Í;:: lua l~ tC.ANHABLE: LIQUID; yr;¡f:r:,';~~'}':',r:,:, : ",' ~ :.... - - - - -- ---.. - -. -.. - - --... ~- - --.. -- ---- --- -.-'-.--.--.-...~~,;,~"., ~ .,~.11 :"'.~".:"" .. . . Hat. Applic4bla ar Not. Auai.14bla ". .'t~:j¡~t~;?¡..~"ák¡(::', 'd in':'3rmo.tian pub1iahad 'in t.hio Hat.Îlria.l S4faty D.t.s ,;;Sh¡¡·.·t.":ha¡¡,t1J " . ' ...., our a)Cpat"ionca and do.t.4 prQ~ant.ad in vo.riau~ tochnic41 pubJ.icÅt.iô1lh~\/jt';¡'i:i·". 113"r'& ra~pon~ibilit\) t.o dot.armina t.ho c.uit.abilit\) af t.hi~ infQrma1:J.o·:J, far. .j., ,. .¡¡-ro;........, ,....,.. ;;:--- e SUMMARY OF UNDERGROUND TANK REMOVAL SERVICES SANDSTONE, INC. / PRESENTED TO: MR. JAMES CURRAN SANDSTONE INC. 300 EAST TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 PRESENTED BY: THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. APRIL 1989 e ffiJ 1HORNE !Sf ENVIRONMENTAL e e TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I __ I 1 INTRODUCTION 2 2 REMOVAL SUMMARy 2 3 LABORATORY ANALYSIS SUMMARY 4 APPENDICES I PERMITS II KERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PERMIT III HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST IV UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD V CHAIN OF CUSTODY VI LABORATORY ANALYSIS e e , , INTRODUcnON: Sandstone, Inc. operates a corporate equipment yard facility at 300 East Truxtun Avenue and an equipment rental facility at 500 East Truxtun Avenue in Bakersfield, California (see Figure 1). In December of 1988, Mr. James Curran of Sandstone authorized Thome Environmental to perform the removal of three (3) underground tankS (one 2,500 gallon gasoline, one 2,000 gallon gasoline, and one 1,250 gallon diesel) at 300 East :Truxtun Avenue, and the removal of four (4) underground tanks (one 500 gallon gasoline, one 250 gallon gasoline, one 250 gallon diesel, and one 250 gallon kerosene(?» at 500 East Truxtun Avenue. The previous tank locations are shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. REMOVAL SUMMARY: On March 8, 1989 the removal commenced with the dismantling of the old dispenser islands and the concrete over the seven (7) underground tanks at the two sites. The top soil was excavated to expose product lines and the underground tanks. On March 9, 1989, the seven tanks were triple rinsed "on-site" and certified as clean and vapor free (zero percent of the lower explosive limit) (Appendix I). The tank rinsate was vacuumed out and properly disposed of by a licensed hazardous waste hauler (Appendix In). The tanks were filled with 20 pounds of dry ice per 1,000 gallons. The process was witnessed by a representative of the Bakersfield City Fire Department. The cleansed tanks were then removed from the excavation and transported to American Metal Recycling, Inc. facility at 2202 S. Milliken Avenue, Ontario, California. An underground tank disposition tracking record was generated and is presented in Appendix IV. Soil samples were collected from the floor of the excavation, in native soil, by a qualified hydrogeologist, under the direction of a Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services representative. The definitive soil samples were collected from a backhoe bucket that would excavate soil at the prescribed locations at vertical depths of 2-feet and 6-feet below the bottom of the tank excavation. A 6-inch long brass tube was driven into the soil, thus collecting an undisturbed soil sample. The brass tube was removed, capped, sealed with duct tape, labeled, put in a Ziploc bag, and refrigerated in an ice chest at 4°C. Chain of Custody forms were completed to ensure sample validity and traceability, then the samples were delivered to Med-Tox Associates, 3440 Vincent Road, Pleasant Hill, California for analysis. The soil samples beneath the four tanks at the rental yard at 500 East Truxtun Avenue were found to have concentrations in excess of Kern County regulations for hydrocarbons when tested for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as diesel but were non-detected when tested as gasoline. Additionally, the 2-foot sample beneath the 250 gallon kerosene (?) tank was found to have concentrations in excess of Kern County regulations for benzene, toluene, xylene, and ethyl benzene (BTXE). (Appendix VI). e e '. ' Soil sample #9A collected at 2-feet under the southern end of the 2,500 gallon unleaded tank located at 300' East Truxtun Avenue was found to have concentration levels of petroleum hydrocarbons when tested for TPII and BTXE as gasoline, in excess of Kern County regulations. All other samples at the corporate equipment yard have significantly lower levels or are non-detectable. The excavated soil remains at the corporate equipment yar~ covered with visqueen, and is estimated at ten (10) cubic yards. The soil will be legally disposed of, under the guidance of Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services, at a later date. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS: Based on laboratory analyses and our on-site data, Thome Environmental recommends a more definitive and detailed site characterization to effectively access the areal extent of soil impaction at the Sandstone Equipment Rental Facility, 500 East Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield. This will be referenced to as the Phase I Soil Assessment. SCOPE OF SERVICES: Thorne Environmental proposed to complete the Phase I Soil Assessment as follows: 1. Regulatory Liaison Thorne Environmental will represent Sandstone, Inc. as an independent consultant during meetings with Kern County Department of Environmental Health (KCDEH), or any regulating agency that would be involved with the site. The purpose of these meetings is to establish "action levels" for clean up that are agreeable to all parties, and to develop open lines of communication that will facilitate the decision making processes. 2. Workplan Preparation The workplan will be designed around the "action levels" so as to maximize efficiency and minimize expenditures, detailing the following: o o o o o o Purpose Project Scope Soil Boring Locations Soil Sampling Procedures Methods of Drilling Decontamination Procedures Chemical Analyses Facility History Project Background Site Specific Health and Safety Plan Schedule On-site Personnel o o o o o o e e .', . 3. Field Operations, Site Assessment , ' ~ ~,·.\~~'f.:;b·é·· ".. '. .' . Upon receiving Kern County approval for the workplari/'-1bonie Environmental will commence field operations. Currently, Thome intends to advance five (5) borings to approximately 30 feet. Soil samples will be collected according to standard, acceptable engineering practices at predetermined intervals. Soil samples will be anaJyzed for totaJ petroleum hydrocarbons and volatile aromatics according to respectiveEP A, methods 8015 (modified) and 8020. . 4. Installation of a Bioremediation Delivery Well A field selected soil boring. will be completed as a 4-inch bioremedial delivery well. The well will be constructed to comply with RCRA standards and will be screened so that deliverability of bioactive materials is maximized. 5. Report of Findings A detailed report inclusive of field activities, sampling procedures, analytical results, data analyses, recommendations, and conclusions will be prepared for submission to KCDEHS. e e - . ",'. - : ''',:~ .... ~ ~., . NILES AVE. : " , - I , I- W . W . W > w a: > l- e( « en w z a: ...J 0 W e( - ~ w Z aJ ;:) c( a:l CORPORATE EQUII'MENl' YARD RENl'AL YARD 300 TRUXTON 500~ / 0 0 TRUXTUN AVE. ~ -N- ~ CALiFORNIA AVE. - ¡¡-¡ORNE ENVIRONfvlENT AL LOCA T10N MAP FiGURE SANDSTONE, INC. 1 ! ,...A>:-:.r: <.: '~.;~~",.:':'¡';'~.- ,.... . , ., " . ~ ¡ /-.... '\ ( ~Irß PItt ) \~/ SAEÐ5B ~ TANK 5 - GASOLINE 2,500 GALLON r~ TANK 12' - .... ~ - - ~ ~TJ< <:LE. 1 InC/~ 8 r ¡( £ ~ 9A EÐ 9B ~ ç. 8 ~ ?,. lì. ) . 01- 0.'2. 0.0),.. (, J 6AEÐ 6B 9' 6 I lOA lOB~6 ~ANK 7 - DIESEL 1.250 GALLOII æ ~ TPti (6A) Illlf) 1c.J TANK 6 - GASOLINE 2,OO~N TRUXTUN AVE. TANKS SAMPLE LOCATION S 6 7 01504 SA 01503 5B '}, SA. 6A. 7A 01514 6A 9A lOA 1)1513 6B t)1510 ÎA 5B 68 01509 ïB 6' 7B t)1516 8-3 9B lOB 01502 9A 01515 9B 01512 lOA 01511 lOB :-iORNE EN'I!RONtvIENT AL FiGURE EQUIPMENT '( ARD 300 2 ~ -N- ~ BCILDIM; ALLEY BUILDIm e FENCE fST;( ~ 7::" ì';'~ &Z ~J r;::;:] TANK 1 - GASOLINE ~ 250 GAL. ~ TANK 2 - KEROSEm:? , 250 GAL. ¡:;:;;:J TANK 3 - DI~ ~ 250 GAL. r::-;-:;1 TANK 4 - GASOLiNE ~ 500, GAL. MlIrf£, ~Ci- ~' TPH ih~ @ ~' , ?\.O ~T)( t:I €. Œ 2 ~ (, I TRUXTUN AVE. TANK SAMPLE LOCATION 1 2 3 4 01524 1A 01523 1B 2' 1A 2A 3A 4A 01522 2A 01521 2B 01520 3A 6' 1B 4B 01519 3B 01518 4A 01517 4B :-iORNE ENVIRONfvlENTAL SANDSTONE RENTAL YARD 500 E. TRUXTUN FìGUR E 3 e e ". . .~>;~~~~;f~~~>·'·-·· .' ~ . "'-",.< -. '. APPENDIX I PERMITS .. , u o o o o o c ri if I........J e e 3 í~ /<'1 , . Dat. BAXERSFIELD fiRE DE?ÄITMEHT JUREÁU OF fiRE PREVENTION PERMIT (; í 1... - :J.SS Pennit No. .';;.~.... ·'.ì:~;;ï~&.'¡:..~,,;' _- .. ..:.. . . . . - . In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinonces, cedes and/or regulations, per~issi~- is hereby granted to: .j' /:5t.,;Q. -k {¿?"..L . ~c. 3£ ':'-1 -;t! ~ . // Name of Compony Addtaa to display, stare, install, use, 'operate, sell or handle materials or precess invalving or creating can· ditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: ' ", /1£-?"Y........ (.,,) 53'ð- 0...£ """,' (; ).j"':'-"j"~ ~ f- ~.2Sð "",J U IJ) , ~ U (J) '. ~ - ~_~. ,l..7?-ttV'Ä" ~ 9,t~-'¡y, -t). ù......... ¿~""'-tl~. U 1. I I .) , ~ / / 3 t.-C {? -:-¿tv-t 'kvr......i _t~'¡'" : - r " Ú pertin- subject to the provisions and/or limitations as provided on the ent ordinances, cedes and/or regulations shall void this permit. .---," Fire Motano' IJA TE : ~k :"'.-1 BAKERSF~ÊL'~')laE DEPARTHENT BUREAU OF'FIRE PREVENTION í] ~.- PERMIT NO ;j"J.... - :2....,.:; -c 191< l Auto Tire Rebuilding Plants D. ,; Ammunition D o ·.·Flammable Finishes 0 o 'Spray Fin:shing. 0 . ~ - j¿ .,i~\...ðÞ~ g . p1Íhmiåbfe Liquids 0 / O' . Fumigation 0 o Garage, 0 [J Hazardous Chemicals [J o Lique fied Pe t Gas D [] Lumber Yard o Magnesium High Piled Stock Natches Au to \.Jrecking ~lace of Asembly Junk Y.3rd Tent ¡.Jaste Handling Welding & Cut:ing BowL ing Alley Motion Pic Project C~lluLo5e Nitrate Airport - Heliport: Combustible Fibres Organic Coating C'1nlpr-=5sed Gas Dust Explosion Hazard L:"D Los i ves :'his ';;lrd is to remain in a..conspici·" s place near the installation ".Jnt:'~ :inal £n:,~)¿ction is maJe 3nd apprcweJ. ;.J::HARKS: ~'in;Jl Inspec::ion: 19 Inspector: e e . ......: ,".- ~." . ... "-,' <....:~',~~..:=c.-. . ._" . .~.. . I' " ..... e, APPENDIX II KERN COUN1Y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 7~O .~. Str!e~. Star 300 aaKersr;eid. CÅ 13301 (30S) 361-:636 e EnviroI13enw Health Sa~lic~9 Deparoent e K:ER~ COU.ITY fl /4d~:V 4{-J _ HIT FOR PE~rr SLSS&RB PE!UtI'1':mnœu A8S4-15 ~. .~ - '. ~ UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS [ ISTANCES STORAGE PACILITY : .\CILITY HAMEl ADDRESS: OW1ŒR(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: '¿ lds1:one uù E. Trux1:un Ave. :akersfield, CA 93305 Sandstone, Inc. P.O. Box 866 Bakersfield, CA Med-Tox Associates, Inc. 3651 Pegasus Dr. 117 Bakersfield, CA License II "183965 Phone: (805)-399-3564 Phone: (805)-325-5722 :-RMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES Mav 22. 1989 . TANK(S) ~ \' Fe!!rU;J; 27 I <Y~44 k~ &v! ' Dan staÿey . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POST all PREMI SES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE 1989 _ CATION APPROVED BY 1 CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: It is the r~sponsibili~y or the Permittee to obtain permits which may be r~quir~d by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Depar~ment permit Drior to initiating closure action. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Health and Fir~ Departmen~ approved methods as desc=ibed in Handbook UT-30. SaLl Sampling Any deviation from sample locations and numbers or constituents to be sampled for which are desc~ibed below and in Handbook UT-30 must recsive prior approval by the Health Department. a. (Tank s1:s 1,000 gallons or less) - a minimum of two samples mus~ be r~~~ieved beneath the csn~er or the tank a~ dep~hs or approxima~el~ two feet and six fee~. If any contractors or dislJosal facilities other than those lis~ed on permi-: anå lJermit application are to be u~ili=sd, prior approval must be gran~s¿ by the slJecialis~ lis~ed on the permit. e e ý) A· ;<..~ \i (.- :...UT FOR P~RMAlŒHT OLðßUe , UNDERGROtIND H..\ZARDOUS I~TANCXS STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT HUMBER A864-1S ADD2HD~l.~~h~~:;~:,. . :.~~~;:;r;t:c, : ...:.,.,'.... I . Soil Sampling (piping area) a minimum or two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe- run and -~a~sa"'near the' dispenser area(s). ..,' Sample analysis a. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. b. All diesel samples must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons and benzene. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Health Department within five days of waste disposal. All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Health Department must be notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. ?ermittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned wi thin 14 days of tank removal. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis completion. ~Z?TED '& ~\ Î\ a /J¡Jj BY:' 0 ~ /7c~(d /rd¿ \J }/ DATE 2 -Z7-8ì cd tar~ey\a64-15.pta) e APPENDIX III HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST e $Ial., 01 C.hloml_rleallh anó Welfare ~qency . :orm ,~PptO"1Id c..m No. 205(>-1)039 (e.'Plte. 9-30·91) "lean ønnl Of type. (Form d8siqnrtd tal use 0/1 elife (12 typewnt8r}. I. GoIIIeralOf's US SPA 10 No. e Oeoanmenl of Haallh S.uvlca,' Toxic Sua.lance. Cwnlrol D¡".'II¡;, .3actamHlo, CalifornL ... ~ _J ... '~ æ 'J " ;- G t: e N e R ,;] A ~ T ':. 0 R - = LIJ ~ .:z: ~ :: 'ò! j .1 ! 6 .. : ~ :¡¡ R .\ :'4 Õ S ? LIJ 0 .') ¡:¡ ( T ) ë - F " C I L J T Y 2. Paqe I of / UNIFORM HAZARDOUS W ß~STE MANIFEST ,C A r CC C¡ I 3. Generault'a Ha.e and M.iling Addle.. (. ,.- I.' ... . __...., ~~.-.",;,.,.-.." (.":,¿",-,,ø: .-:,.".... ~~.I ~ .:.;.., 3' / 5 ¿~~.... -;- /",-._...-< -r¡....~....;, é'...-/--:,~·-r 4. Gen..IOt'I PtIoM ('10~) 3 7 ~- 7Z- Z 5. Tr.eapan... 1 Company Name .n4 ,;;;. 1/. . . ..,....... I.' ~.-" ,-... /, /'...1.. ""'......C'-'-"..,..· I.-'J"~. . )"... v'...· "-' Infomwioa iA 1ft. ....d.. ar... i. :lOt 'HIIII" by e:ea..... law. 1'. A. Stat. Manü~ O~ I'tIatIW ",;~;" ," '·08.133633 7. T,anapon... 2 Compaay HallIe ð. J~:;: .; 7~. ~/' r.. ._ Numl)", a. Us SPA 10 ï'í.?lOO 6t ~ '11 US SPA iD HumII... ., ... 9. Oe8lQllaleá F.CIIity Nam. end Sile AddI... _ , . " ,.., .~ ~ ~ ~. . - '-", ~ f::;,.,., -.;" ~~;" ~t-, ~,......y ~;-:." ·=~C~·....~"",~f:1I...,/ ¿',I-, v·,,- &'_.A~~..~ '.::!,/:.; C,q .3 30~ "t4.o -'¡'Ji!:;J.~- ". . .' ~~ ~~~~~;~~~~ ..~ .....~":...Is..·..:.·-:.~;;....:.... ~ , ;' ¡ ~";':,~~""':'~T'¡; .:' G .~£Z~~:.. ~~!.~}~~:~~~:~b;\ ·~~~~:.~~~E;~~~. ~::31ft$~:~~" 11. US DOT O.scriplion (Jnc:IudIng Proper ShIpping Name. Hazatd CIaaa. and ID Numb...) a. "~'"v .:f':~ ~$ <.::I ~ ..u0- I '7 .-¡.::.I .1-;' ~f.~·~ t.""--~/ A~i-"'j' ~- ;-'~9µ/;;··~.I .5'/"'/V ::/ b. ';--' ~ ....... . ~~. c. ...,;.... . . ~ÜOR OI'GØÚ\1Li\~" EP/UOtIIer . .' :r.!··:-f~i:..'!.··::,~t!~~:~ ~ d. ~",!J.:%~J¥r;;..· EPAlOtIIer, ~','t;.;'~;-; . ~......:...- ~~i;. -.". .. .. -. .. '-' ..,....... ,. :::~~7;::J~~~~Ø5£fd~~~~~ .... . .. . .. b.:" '. . :-;,:d;.:Ji..~·-~;7;'~.::H;:::~:d~:. ~(;Z~:t~;~·~.,:'- ._C,' .~~~f-"..,':r::'~~=,;;!,:.~~,"":.;,'.·tt... ;;,.7"l:,:".~,~"·,~~,'_:~.-".,··. .. ..-. 5--_"i'!;,~'<9' . '.""''',,",,' . . ·~,·.:.-..::,_,r,· ~.-~,_.::~,,'.:·'::~~~,.~~~;';~;r',~".~;~ '~{" . ....~..:::.:>-;::.;:;~~.::-:...~:::::;~~: - 15. Special Hanóling inslruclions and ,\aditionallnlOnnallon ~. / .. '.'.- . .~. - .,. ... . .. - ..' -... ;-r___ __ '::" ' .... , -.£;- <¡. Z:--/.. '--,. .". Ii> .' " ...0--. ~ /..;..... .". - .:: /..:::;, ~ '" ,.,þ. . , .:::;';'//2... '- ?-':"'-'/'-..,.' .:;.. --1" . / '.~~.:;: I ,_ ..,,:..,.,...,.--, .. 18. " GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby dedare Ihallhe conlenls of this consignmenl are fully and accUI.lely d8scribed abowl by prop... ahiclPing name and are claSSllieó. packed, marked, and Jal)aled. and are in all respecls in proper condillon íor Iranapon by highwey according ID aPPlicable mlemaûonal and nalional go"ernmenl regulalions. III am a larg8 quantity !;Ieneralor, I certify Ihat I have a program in place 10 reduce Ihe volum. and loxicity at waala generalad 10 th. dllQle. I ha". del.rmined 10 b8 economically practicable and Ihal I have selected Ihe practicable melhoc:l ollrealmenl, sIOrag.. or óiapoaal cUITenl1y a".:lable 10 m. wnii:n minimizes Ih. preaenl and fulure threal 10 human health anó Ihe en"ironmenl; OR. ill am a small quantity <Janeralor. I ha"e maae a gOOG faith e\fon ID mlnimiz. my waal. gan.ration and aa.ecl Ihe beSI wasle managemenl melhod Ihal is a"ailal)le 10 me and Ihall can a\fotCS. Prinl8ó/Typed Name /'... .~ I . * t.. r f 'J /..;. ..,' Signalure f ~~' .wO/l'" Day YaMr , .";.-" . .' Il .., , I, ¡ , , ...... /~.~~. ,T( -~" I ~I -' . ." ./ .' Signalure Mont" Day Ye"r ~ ,'/' ~ ,r-'- '0' --' ,-- " Signalure ....on,,, Day Year ! ~. -- 17, Tranaporter I ACknowledgemenl ot Receipl 0' Malena'a Prinled/Typea Name ..--J "'..,7 -.~...:J ;~''J'' r·!. 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgemenl 01 Recelpl 01 Mal Jfials Prinlea/Typed Name 19. Oiscrapancy Indica lion Space e~12 /7~ 'f' cf):::::- / 73ç7-- 19. ;(}o-\~KevLS ~alur8.i ,~ 1, C;(../l /vl C~-- .Wonl/! Qay ',' , ./ 1C)3ûl,i¡'3'I:: 'fELLOW: GENERATOR ~ET>' NS 00 ,'lot Write delow ¡his Line :HS 8022 A (1188) '?-' 81Co-22 Re". g·SS) Previous eclitions are obsolele. '::1.", .:>1 C..hIOrnta-I...,lh and WeUar. AqtlAQy . - JUn -"pprovold CMØ No. 2050-0039 (ExpU'ea 9-:!-0-91) ',..se prinl or Iype. (Fonn d"signeø IrK"." on elil" (';Z'pr /ype.,i,.,}. I. a_alor's US éPA 10 No. -: .:1t: rJIC/(it / c: 3. aIlA.aIOr'S Name aaá MaJ_ Addre.. . c., v"-'-'::" ~ C" .-~ "';-'I;t. ~'J -:z I ~ r... . ., 7 -. ' ~ ,r ~ .. ' ",. - 0 ¿Þ y ~ ~ . -:: ~, ...!' .... rJ 1 J a :: I ... G.neralor's PIIOiIe ( ,"t' .~() . ~..... ~ .! ~ ., '1_ '!.. 5. Trans¡lon. , CoIapMy ..... 8. . Yt ...., . / -r _ l... ~ ' !\ /.rJ1" V,.,."!'. (I~ . ,).~.... .~r:~..·:..:: '- 1 7. Tranapor . 2 Campeny HarM II. 1 .. ~I .J :) ~ ~t ~I =1 G =1 e ::1 N æ R ~I A T 0 R š! ~ :1 ~ -- .:J ....J .i ...J ..J :- :1 .u 00: ]/ ï R -\ N S ...J ? L.1J 0 ~ R T E F A C e Deaar.m.l ~ Heallft 3ervtc:aa To_ 3uo.lanc:N ConUOI DlvialOn Saer_IO, Calilornia UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 2. ¡2age I of 9. Oeaignal. Facility ..... aIId SIte Addre.. . q:' ¿ $)"" O. ·I-_··lþ-f.···~/:·"i ê;~~' ~~ .:à 4I'7~¿/~ ' ~..I t~ 1"'-;' ~ ~ '¿:JJ ..... -'5' r.' '"" !-:;. ~"1, ~ (j ~ ~ 11. US DOT Oeacriptlaa 0ncIudInt Proper ShIppiøO Name. Hazard Cia... and ID Number) a. ?,/ J rl ¡;. /.,J, ., I .. ,.."V..., ?'~~:J '/ "¿ ~/ç~ /:-:.--"5 ,'!.¡ ..r-,. :~,~ j,;,7.:., C- 7, ~ .-."";, ":_r'-";:'·;1(/jt.;1~_;//?l~// r :/ / b. .......-: ert~~,1..~:ltf:;i;.:: ? ~:~~~~~~~~ , EPA/oa- "'~,";:"..::<~, '. :~:- ;':.. ;';.:~.~.':.~' 't:..:. c. <I. ~:~i~~~~~?~ . EP~/~~,~~f.~¡,;~f~: ' J. Additional Oe.cnplions lor Maltlfia's Lislad Abov. . .....~....;.; '~:..;~~~~~:~ ," ," '":~l::·;. .:" '-~.-~_ .' ". > : --~:: .:::i~;:< ,~::::.....- . .." :., :.", ":', .; .:":' ',.: ':.f¿>;' .' , .. .: '. '!,. ' ,,', ,~. <: '-'~:-f-: - .:..~ :-,'. ~:,:... ,'" " ',i:.,:~';,/...:. ",:' ,·..f/J .' . <::,.-" '.,: 'y;" I'"ß 7,·;:(=7·0·-·"·'''j';- ~c!-:~> O(;~:".."!.~> ¿//'::';5,:=::"" " t/.;,/-~.z:.../'-~~'.:: ," '.' ..' . :",.,..' .. ...", ,". ," :' . " " ~~~~} {~~~:.·~:~:~;~·:;;.:·:~~f~ff1:i· . ~ . ·.·~;;i~~;T~·~~_;·:?:~~;*~· ....: ..;.'~~>~,.:;.:-:~~: ~~.;:::-.: ,.. . .. 15. SpecIal Hanaling Inslructions ana AddilionaJ Inlormalion .Jf'J / ... ," .J.,,~ ...... _ __ , ~_.- '-~' "';.- .~ ,;" ;../ ~ '-"/. ---" .....,... --.- .'",' t.;' ..t: 7 18. ,-::;.' . ", --: ',', ;/.... ,': - . . '-..... --r .-./:" ~" ....... 'I)~-' ''-'·-'7 - -..,y' _""__ ',/1> ~ :'~'.i /... / "/"' -_..' , /./ C,:·~·:..· ...:,;,.. _.' ..,... /'v _~ / :/ GENERATOR'S CERTlFlCAT10N: 1 herelly declare Ihal the conrenls of Ihie coneiGnment ate fully and ace",alely deacrìbed above IIy proper ahiopinQ "am. and are clessdied. packed. marked. and labeled. .lnd are in aU respects in proper condilion lor Iransport by hlQhway accon:lina 10 epplicaDI. inlemalionel and nallonol gOl/emmanl regulalions. II I am a large qUclnlity (¡eneralor. I candy Ihall havlt a program in placa 10 raduca the volume and 10aicity of wesle generated 10 Ih. degre. I have detennined to Þe oconomlcallY practicable and Ihal have seleered Ine pracricabl. melhOd 0' Ireaunenl. slOfage. Of dis¡lo.... culTlmlly available 10 m. wnicn minimizee Ihe presenl ana 'ulure Ihreallo human health and Ihe envlronmenl: OR. ¡¡ I am a smeU quanlity gene..'or. I have mad. a good laith-ellart tD minimize my wasl. Janeralion and .elecllhe besl wasle managemenl melhOd Ihal is avadable 10 m. and 'hal' can alford. .- .- {?-:o /;? t/, 'o./ ';~" , Jrr-~ Prinleal Typed Name 5ignolure ,wonrh Oa., Yea, 17. Transponer 1 ACknowleagemenl 01 Recalpl 01 ..Ialenals Prinled,Typea Name Signalur. MOIIrh Oey Ye.., . - ., ,. , I ,/ Sionature Momlt De., Yeer " - , . ,.' +.,...~..,.. 18. Transponer ,'Acknowledgemenl 01 Recelpl 01 Malenals Pnnled/Typea Name 19. Oi:sctepency Inoleellon Space ::/ /flC¡). 'fEllOW: GENERATOR ~ET)..INS e e I -- APPENDIX IV UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACING RECORD e-:U1 c~uÌ'lr( HE:\LTi' DE?ARTIi1E. ~NVIAQNMIHT"L HEAL.nt DIVISION ,'li~ 1IIIt,~~ II . -=- -~i1CiUty ~1i1me .\\\" .....~ W,:,., .~ ~ l:· '" ..: 8A/{n5F/£Lb.:4AlfJ!:Tl~I/£~. . 't~ . ~dureS3 -3:PO ~ T~ fi£'r/l.1 N ,,\ .,l.' '- ~ 8kSFl. D ft'" A ',- I I:CU ;;'0......, :.ih.., HIAL.--W Q,P1CU L.n III .......-. :.LD. 3~"~'.1I"", C~ O OIm. 9JJO~ -:-".0110". I,¡QSI oa I'''~S DIRICTCR QII INWlCHMaHTAI" HU&J1t ""'-I.~ Kern County,P.~!t # --l! " ð"-i{-is- "...! i 11 " UNUERGUO\JNU TANK DISPOSITION TRAC:UNG RECORD · · This 'orll is to bit r.,turned to the ¡(ern County Health Department witbin .!! days of accep tance of tõ\nk ( s) by disposal or recycl!nw tac!l! ty. The holdel'" ot the per:1it with nUllber noted above Is reaponsible tar insuriDI tbat tbis to~~ is completed and returned. ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section.! -!2..2.!! tilled JU!1 Æ! ~ removnl. £,gntrnctor: Tank Removal Contractor: ~~7ó.~ ""'f~a::.l~féJ.s ff Mr~ É,Vlj;''f1~-f./ - , Address ;t~/ ~~~~""ve ~//7 Phone ~~3<?f-7,-5D7' _dJkA~t<Jý/C?1 ' Zip c:;7:-;~ð~ Date Tanks Relloved 3 - 9- g 9' No. a! Tanka 7 . . . . ................................. . . . . . Section Z. - Il ~ r 1Ued .ill ~ contr::1ctor "deconl:n/ftinatlncr tanic( s): 1·.mk "Up-contal1lination" Contractol'" 0~ ( ~. $'''''<:'. AùùreS3 ~ C'. ð~)( 8';z. 7~ Pltone ~J~5V9Ø ~~~~ ðA _ Zip 'J'33U ,\uthot"i::ed repr!!sent:at.l'le a( contrllctor certitles by :sl.¡nlnsr belaw ,that tank' 3) have been decon t¡:ullina tad in accordance jf! th Kern Count}' Usa.! tJ¡ Depart~ent requirements. ~/~---~. Si~natur~ . ,,_..... ".,,~,. -t' ~ ".. Ti tle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ Sect.!.on ~ - To ~ (!l!ed ill and ~l:!ned ~ ~ authorized r!!present&1tl'1e .2! lli tr~!lt::tent 3tor:1~~. 2.!:. di::uus&11 rac1l1t', a.cceD1::ing: t:lDk(s): ,.dUty 1IB". ~. /'}. ~. Address 27!""'"?. 5·,....,¡ ¡hi. r~ /J~. Phone #rit:i)'1ð":?-éCCC C" ~ I" ,. 0 c. /9 Zip 91'7~ I" Date T&1nl(s ReCe.i~---:)v·.. . -:;¿,p- 5<,'1 11o. ot Tanks ..;2. SlSlnatur~ ~ _ _ THle Сy,,-k,L ¿'/ (J\U thori~ed ~cpl'~sen t&1 t.i 'Ie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :11 .~ tAl!.": ::G ~;JS7~UC:-:Orl5 : :'.1 iIÌ ~n hair :mú Jt:~~i e . ! ~"r:':1 ~U:·I¡\IP- ~;3a 1 ':~I~"" .~:nr.n· ~ISï:1IC7 CFFIC:S .~" ":\OClII·' . ~OIOV" . :ldc:.,r:r~"1 ;Í!.,II:r , -.11 e APPENDIX V CHAIN OF CUSTODY e rnOJ. "0. PROJECT NAME ? aJ"d 7 /~ /1-/ e., SAMPlEns: 'Slønll ",.,mtl,n'",, ;::J?~~-,~ ~~~._f.h OF ~ . CON· s"...rlE I.D. SAMPLE I.D. - v T AI HEns liME ' !.IM/UO/VY IIltMM:SS '_ _ _ :r0L:¢;:'¡ IT,' ~'O_ (') /"" / h / ~'. ,/, I '-., :/ '"/ r? J _" / 7 "..2.. ' " / 1- Olç'/~ 3' / Q/f)'/? {. ./ 0/'<'''2:0 '-;. / o /.1.)';:2 / (/.0 /' 0/<"'7 "L 1" O-L--J(" 'z..., ~ K ;. Q i r.;. 'z..',! r¡ :' (J I ç 04 O 'f:".- ~ I ;.>' CJ ~ f) 15'/1/ ~'.. 3"Z.. 0 15"/.~ $'. . ~ L1.. ê'7 j ç /0 ( _ _So' .U ("'j I.t;· ("") q ,__S!'.' ~/' ñ 1~'()'2 _ _ 5:' ~T.5' n Ie..' I .'5 ____f,:9f? _QtS'/ ~ """v' ç': 5·3 ( 1,5// ~ r: '-'/('/7 .' ,::. '. lor. PlO. '''.0. 110.) DATE Y,' /~. __ ¥,' i.: 0 _ y:z y _. _ 1: Z-b _ __~' <=(".:J '" . ~ '-=.. " ".0"...". ~/' ~~ , .'''' X' =\ ¡!Ç.·zo ~'I ~. ---~ _ £~z..JL - iS1D '3 <.)C;3 n~lIn"";5hl!d by: '5'9""''''.' D'I''{'m' ~~~~f!!)rp./ ~¡t7'1 //A'~ n,.lIn'1"hh..d br. 1~lq" lu,,' DIIII!/¡"m. - .-- r "~I/"" I~,,,.d by: ~Ii " I".. - ...- - .- I') J I ,~ r.;l /3 . / Y ~:' 15"': /6 "'- (7 ,. If <- 11 " "1!::.lvl!d by: !Slgnalu", Rl!cl!lVld by: ISlg""u..) .,- L-;... _I,ll.' II,' "!i.d.i'" ,: NO. nH,^nr.s -- --. -------.--. / / / _ _ J__~.¿7' , '-:f.v Sf' - J ~"'-!:'JJ~~_L'~--_ , / /' ." ..J.. ..-- .¿,. (.;.. ... '. l' I,.. ) (. .~I':~t::.. "". ,-:10 _ /r.'~ VI\.. (r::-t~l! ,J,'--~,. "-_ , -') ~ / ~~-I'';''~;;'.Ivk '4;;~~y0"/L(!-{~. _,__ __ ___ ¿(I(j'JI/<fü:7Q",-vt>5i$.!~,£./",/~·(;.\I.;' I- { aM!.:l,,~'~11d~vA .;.t7<!:-1:ï~>1.~Z~-j_;'~~ 1-_1__ ----....... -, 7- _ ¿_º-';'c"41(:J¡f"-;: í~./·vl..~.2~,~"f./¡~fL (i.~1 (...~ _ _ _ _I- ~.J..G!,::t.~,f}i;;" ,j/I;." ~ J~!c.'r¡"ê/'- f2. í ,~ ~(.(~-I /CN! k".v /:.. ~; -;'-:!:!4-/_~!l~_,~~U:,. {.oG.(d~(y,...J '~'#~Jk. I-...:{~J.''..Y .!..~¡~,1.1.J2._ ¡.' _ _ :.at.At"(~f:,U ~&il.l..l5;5"''''';''Îh·,:!] (.r. )_:~ I- _ ._ _ _ _ _ 0.(:c1i~t1. N~1c1/'/Ir_:¿-\.;;'u"vý,~J~ J~;) ~. / ",--r.::' L (.. I,. I /":)- I- ~ßjlÚ1£L!:!<!:!·r..~4_-}-~'-"1(' ,~I...._,-!_~!:- .'. I- if:.c,.,!;,\Hti..(u¡; 'Í:t_...,/L..'-J_f"-.,ú"'I'¡" I}/pt &;"~'¡IC": l<v.~~~"Jl'l:-'-:..~_f.l..é':).·1 ~(J.,~l., ét.·J ;1t~~<- (Il'rY~ I~ JÙJ!. ( ~..' L(Jc;.c'-~r"J f, $~--".!'f~,~,~lLe) _ fa...tJ.~()r.·,·-1¡ðr5~: ~'.l~/':J- J.l,J.~! ( I ~h~~µr..dj~!o{f_~·~~Y'.J·'::-'1J:::'~ .' _ ¡;~~/I((,I ffi..··/~,1 (~I..~ r~~'('./.r'·,,-. }J~)-' ---- - / / /' /' /' /' / /' ---..,. Rl!mR'~5 s~"r 1l"~IIIt~ t 0.A.... ; " / '/~, .r.f "'_/ (,.. '.' ^"""Iirm o,///.(r./,... ,C ,/ /, . ~ /' ,. RECE\\'L\) \11\R \ 5 \~~'J BI\K£RS;':;.~U TlIOf!tJF. E,~vrnOtJrÆEtH ^l. ItlC ::'1G~~/A!J 1'.1'-;:,· .:~,. ~ _. rJ £7_ , ., I." Þ T P..---/ r,/ , J ,-§~,-,y(j~J" ~. 0 f:2../~' o / " . .~ //" ,.-,. , _/:..,' (.." , :-:. ;~. ..'~,: - DIII'î'm. nI!C'!lf"d lor lllbo'lIlo" b,: _ t 'I' 1~,'..tu'~1 .:3 -I, {I LaJií" ~1 1,7 " / -; - - '."JI" .,.I~, . Ll'y 1'-',"'" ""', ,.. ",,;, . .. ,......\. , .,.,"",. e APPENDIX VI LABORATORY ANALYSIS e e e f:;QoID SÐOE Tvu.;c.t- LABORATORY ANALYSIS SUMMARY, RESULTS (IN KG/KG) DEPTH VOL. SAMPLE TPH TPH TK LOC (FT.) (GAL.) CONTENTS # (GAS. ) (DIES.) B T X E ---------------- -------- ---------- ------ 1 1 2 250 GASOLINE 01524 ND 4,800) ND ND ND ND 1 1 6 250 GASOLINE 01523 ND 7,100 0.6 7.3 7~3 1.7 2 2 2 250 KEROSENE(?) 01522 ND 6,600 16.0 190.0 :210.0 40.0 2 2 6 250 KEROSENE(?) 01521 ND 6,800 1.7. 15.0 17.0 2.5 3 3 2 250 DIESEL 01520 ND 13,000 1.2 5.1 11.0 1.5 3 3 6 250 DIESEL 01519 ND 13,000 ND ND ND ND 4 4 2 500 GASOLINE 01518 ND 3,400 ND ND ND ND 4 4 6 500 GASOLINE 01517 ND 7,400 ND ND ND ND CORPORATE EQUIPMENT YARD - 300 EAST TRUXTUN AVENUE RESULTS (IN MG/KG) DEPTH VOL. SAMPLE TPH TPH '::f TK LOC (F'r. ) (GAL.) CONTENTS # (GAS.) (DIES.) B T ' 'I>..:){ E ---------------- -------- ---------- ------ 1._ SP 8 1 N/A N/A 01516 18.0 - 0.01 0.52 2.00 0.15 5 5 2· 2,500 GASOLINE 01504 NO NO ND No NO NO 5 5 6) 2,500 GASOLINE 01503 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5 9 2. 2,500 GASOLINE 01502--1400,,- ND ND 5.800 59.000 3.100 5 9 6) 2,500 GASOLINE o 1515 -l4....1l.. ND ND 0.023 0.300 0.017 -----.-.---- 6 6 2 2,000 GASOLINE 01514 13.0 ND 0.04 0.040 0.090 0.020 6 6 , 2,000 GASOIæÆ--- -015~3 ND 110.0-0 o .A.oØ__'_, º~J~Z9. _ ~. ~,,9 _~_ 009-2-& 6 10 2 2,000 GASOLINE 01512 8.5 ND ND 0.017 o . 290 Õ-~-Ö'2-9- 6 10 6 2,000 GASOLINE 01511 ND ND ND ND ND ND 7 7 2 1,250 DIESEL 01510 0.2 ND ND 0.001 0.006 ND 7 7 6 1,250 DIESEL 01509 ND ND ND ND ND ND e e ED-Tox ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 1 OF 20 =NVIRONMENTAL & CCCUPAT10NAL HEALTH SERVICES 1440 Vincenr Rood Pleosonr Hill, CA 9452;) . (415) 9;)0·9090 . FAX# (415) 9;)0·0256 LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT THORNE ENVIRONMENTAl INC. 3651 PEGASUS DRIVE, STE. 117 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 ATTN: Mark Margargee CLIENT PROJECT ID: 3E-I019 MED- TOX JOB NO: 8903093 ANAL.YSIS OF: NINETEEN SOIL SAMPLES FOR BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS See attached for results /1 -;'J ..? //' ~/i~('é-4j/ ~r~ Michael Lynch, Manager Organic Laboratory Results FAXed to Phil Goalwin 03/29/89 !""". '" r-\'C'~.,,"", I.CS ANGEL:=S SAN ~RANC:SC:J SE.-\ TilE ','JASHll'IGïON, D.C. e e AAED-Tox .II JASSOCIATES. iNC, PAGE 2 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT ID: 01516 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-01A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE ANALYZED: 03/18/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . . . . . 10 1 Toluene. . . . . . 520 1 Ethylbenzene. 150 1 Xylenes . . . . 2,000 20 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline 18 mg/kg ND mg/kg 1 mg/kg 50 mg/kg Diesel ND = Not detected át or above indicated method detection limit e e AAED-Tox J" JASSOCIATES. INC, PAGE 3 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. I . CLIENT ID: 01517 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-02A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/20/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/19-24/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89, BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene NO 200 Toluene. . . . . . NO 100 Ethylbenzene. NO 600 Xylenes . . . . . NO 6,000 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mg/kg 7,400 mg/kg 7 , 000 mg/kg 300 mg/kg ~iesel 1- NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e AA!EDaTOX ¿ :I J ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 4 OF 20 . " THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. ·'<ì;.~:-; . ....... CLIENT ID: 01518 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 HED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-03A HED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/20/89, DATE ANALYZED: 03/19~24/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89. BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene NO 200 Toluene . NO 400 Ethyl benzene. . . . . . NO 200 Xylenes . . . . . . . . NO 500 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mg/kg 3,400 mg/kg 3,000 mg/kg 300 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e ÅAED-lox J I JASSOCIAT5S. IN;:, PAGE 5 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT ID: 01519 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-1019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-04A MED-TOXJOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/21/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/19-27/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP A.ND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION ( ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene · · · · ND 600 Toluene . . · · · · ND 100 Ethylbenzene. ND 500 Xylenes . . . . · · · · ND 3,000 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline ND mgl kg 13,000 mg/kg 10,000 mg/kg 300 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e .AAED-Tox 1iI.I JASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 6 OF 20 ! -. THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. " CLIENT ID: 01520 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-05A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/20/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/19~27/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89-,' BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT ( ug/kg) Benzene . · . . . . . 1,200 100 Toluene. · . . . . 5,100 100 Ethylbenzene. . . . . 1,500 100 Xylenes . · . . 11 ,000 300 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mg/kg 13,000 mg/kg 10,000 mg/kg 300 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e ht~7I9~ PAGE 7 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01521 ' CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-06A HED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/20/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/19.;.27/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . 1,700 100 Toluene . 15,000 100 Ethylbenzene. . . . . . 2,500 100 Xylenes . . . . 17,000 300 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mg/ kg 6,800 mg/kg 6,000 mg/kg 300 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e _AAED-7ox '" , JASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 8 . OF 20 - ,~'q "', ~. . '.' THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. _ ;,., '.'t', ~:,,: CLIENT ID: 01522 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-07A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/20/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/19-27/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89. BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . 16,000 100 Toluene. · . . . 190,000 100 Ethylbenzene. . . . . · . 40,000 100 Xylenes . . . . . . . · 210,000 300 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mg/kg 6,600 mg/kg 7,000 mg/kg 300 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e ,e MED·7ox J .I j ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 9 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01523 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-08A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/20/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/19-27/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89 BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene 600 100 Toluene . 7,300 100 Ethylbenzene. . 1,700 100 Xylenes . . . 7,300 300 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mg/kg 7,100 mg/kg 7,000 mg/kg 300 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e AA!D-Tox .iI .I JASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 10 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. '.' .,.. ..~....' ',' , CLIENT ID: 01529 I:LIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 HED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-09A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/20/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/19-27/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89: BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT ( ug/kg) Benzene . . NO 200 Toluene. . . . . NO 800 Ethyl benzene. . NO 300 Xylenes . . . . NO 3,000 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mg/kg 4,800 mg/kg 5,000 mg/kg 300 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e h1~r?c7J.~~ PAGE 11 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT 10: 01504 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 IMTE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-10A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/20/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/19-24/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89, BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . NO 1 Toluene . . NO 1 Ethylbenzene. . . . . . NO 1 Xylenes . . . . . . . . NO 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mg/kg NO mg/kg 0.2 mg/kg 50 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e AAED-Tox J , JASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 12 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC.;" c. CLIENT ID: 01503 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-11A CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 MED- TaX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/24/89 , [)ATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/20.;;22/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89. BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ugjkg) DETECTION LIMIT ( ugjkg) Benzene · · . . . . . NO 1 Toluene · · NO 1 Ethyl benzene. . . . . . . NO 1 Xylenes · · . . NO 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mgjkg NO mgjkg 0.2 mgjkg 50 mgjkg Diesel NO = Not detected at-or above indicated method detection limit e e MED-Tox ¿ :I j ASSOCIATëS. INC. PAGE 13 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. .. , ¡CLIENT ID: 01514 ICLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-12A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/24/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/21-27/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89: BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRA TICN (ugjkg) DETECTION LIMIT (ugjkg) Benzene 40 10 Toluene. . . . . . 40 10 Ethylbenzene. . . . . . 20 10 Xylenes . . . 90 30 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline 13 mgjkg NO mgj kg 2 mgjkg 50 mgjkg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e AAED-Tox .I I J ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 14 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. . ." p'~' ". , " (CLIENT ID: 01513 (CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 IDATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 IDATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-13A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/24/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/21-27/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89, BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS ¡METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . 400 100 Toluene 820 100 Ethyl benzene. . 920 100 Xylenes . . . . 6,300 300 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mg/kg 110 mg/kg 100 mg/kg 50 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at-or above indicated method detection limit e e ./}1!9c719~ PAGE 15 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT ID: 01510 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-1019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-14A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/24/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/21-27/89' REPORT DATE: 04/05/89. BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . NO 1 Toluene . . 1 1 Ethyl benzene. . . . . ND 1 Xylenes . . . 6 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline 0.2 mg/kg NO mg/ kg 0.2 mg/kg 50 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e A1~£7I2~ PAGE 16 OF 20 " . , . . THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. r"" -. . -.... CLIENT ID: 01509 MED- TOX LAB NO: 8903093-15A CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/24/89 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE ANALYZED: - 03/21~27/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89,. BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS fJIETHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . NO 1 Toluene. . . . . . NO 1 Ethylbenzene. . NO 1 Xylenes . . . . NO 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mg/kg NO mg/kg o . 2 mg/ kg 50 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit e e .A1J.~7I2~ PAGE 17 ,OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. ~,-::';'J" ~t~_.~:~-__ ". CLIENT ID: 01502' CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX ,LAB NO: 8903093-16A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 . DATE EXTRACTED:..03/24/89 ""~' DATE ANALYZED: 03/21-27/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89;' BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene · · . . NO 1,000 Toluene. . . · · · 5,800 1,000 Ethyl benzene. · · · . . 3,100 1,000 Xylenes . . . · 59,000 3,000 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline 1,400 mg/kg NO mg/ kg 200 mg/kg 1,400 mg/kg [)i ese 1 NO = Not detected at ,or above indicated method detection limit e e AAEt)-Tox .I I J ~SSOCIATE3. INC. PAGE 18 OF 20 . .." ".:-.......... ";_'r-' THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. - ~:. . CLIENT 10: 01515 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-1019 ()ATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 ()ATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-17A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE, EXTRACTED: ",.!,"03/24/89 " '," DATE ANALYZED: . 03/21-27/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89·, BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS f1ETHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . ND 5 Toluene . 23 5 Ethylbenzene. . 17 5 Xylenes . . . 300 20 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline 14 mg/kg ND mg/ kg 1 mg/kg 50 mg/kg Diesel ND = Not detected at- or above indicated method detection limit e e A1~r¿:r~~ PAGE 19 OF 20 THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CLIENT ID: 01512 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-1019 IDATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093-18A MED-TOX JOB NO: 8903093 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/24/89 DATE ANALYZED: 03/21~29/89 REPORT DATE: 04/05/89' BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS I~ETHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . . · · · ND 2 Toluene · · · . 17 2 Ethylbenzene. . 29 2 Xylenes . . . . . · · · 290 6 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline 8.5 mg/kg NO mg/ kg 0.4 mg/kg 50 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit It e THORNE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. ~~:T:º~ PAGE 20. ,OF; 20 ~. ...";l'~ ," _ . ~::~~Š ,. '~:::~'~;:";:J~~' ':;;,., . . "":C".~.' . CLIENT ID: 01511 CLIENT JOB NO: 3E-I019 DATE SAMPLED: 03/09/89 DATE RECEIVED: 03/13/89 MED-TOX LAB NO: 8903093~19A MED- TOX JOB NO: 8903093 '." DATE EXTRACTED: ·.,03/24/~"~·~.:.. DATE ANALYZED: 03/2b~8/89'< REPORT DATE: 04/05/89~~~;' ' BTXE AND TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS METHOD: EPA 8020, 8015 (PURGE & TRAP AND EXTRACTION) CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) Benzene . NO 1 Toluene. . . NO 1 Ethyl benzene. . . . . . . . . NO 1 Xylenes . . . NO 3 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS: Gasoline NO mg/ kg NO mg/kg o . 2 mg/ kg 50 mg/kg Diesel NO = Not detected at or above indicated method detection limit ,::;;' :Ñ , 1700 1=lower Street Bakersfield. California 93305 TelephonEI (805) 861-3636 e e( Kt:.HN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INT'ERIM PERMIT" TO OPERATE: DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAlTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT#:L50005C ISSUED: EXPIRES: JUlY 1, 1986 JULY 1, 1989 _, .,__UNDERGROUND_ HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES__ STORAGE FACILITY 'c"-~NUMB-ÊIt-ÔF-TANKS;;';-'3"'T~"~-c~="~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FACILITY: OWNER: BAKERSFIELD SANDSTONE BRICK CO. CURRAN, JAMES II 300"EAST TRUXTUN" AVENUE _ 5901 CYPRESS PT. ?-._,'>'~:' ~,....,'-"".-.. ._~_.. '~'.. ~.,~~~~~~~~~~~:-:~-"""".,,,-c--'Oc----::::::=.::~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~o:';~é~~~~t;;~!£WÆf';~· . ~,. ..,,,.-:' , AGE(IN YRS) UNK ,; UNK SUBSTANCE CODE MVF 3 NOT IN USE " -. : ~ :... :,~ ,"J'-' .-' -"\'.,- -, .::.:.:. ~:;.'" . -" .;"~_ ': -..... :~. \ :<»1':'-' NON-TRANSFERABLE *** POST ON NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY- MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT .:. .:.-.,. ',: ",-' .,' ',' DATE PERMIT MAILED: MAR 1 7 \981 DATE PEID1IT CHECK LIST RETURNED: , I .. , ' :t' , . ' _ _ ~___~__.__"-""''';'~", _._._~___.__~_ .-,.- --.._____~T--'''"·.'--_ ...-=....."'.,.=.:...-....~__'__~,._<.~-----:---------.-----.--- --:-.__ __ :__~--....- ----=~..,.".__-. _~_......-~---,--.--.- -, '~ '\ \ \ ¡'- K~r~ çounty Health Oepart~ D1V1Slon of Environmenta(~lth 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 Perm60., I~ () ()~ S c... Applicati~Daté APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORNJE FACILITY :!.Ye: of Application (check): . DNew Facility Dr-'odification of Facility ~Existi~ Facility DTransfer of CM1ershiF A. Ðnergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, ¡X1one): Days J"io",¿:J [.,orCi,1 )JJ' Çc)~ -~3 7.-'v-C¡-~ Nights &uç- 5þ.S--~-T Facility Name (, nd. ~~ Æì;-"C/~ év No. of Tanks'~3 " Type of Business (che~k): Gaso ne Statlon Other (escribe) HtI">'I .¿./Ì'¿n ~ Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes aNa Is Tank(s) Used primarily for Þtgricultural Purposes? DYes WNo ¿- Facility Address 3úcJ ¡;- Tf"'l.4( ~Yt. Av'~ Nearest Cross St. ~bY11{. 5+- T R SEC (Rural Locations Oily) <Mner ,'1'~h-t." Contact Person ' J ),f57)"- 2- Mdress ,(/ 1 C/ o¡ Telephone 4<,' - rt)~ ç- -_.__o'-'..-Operator ~I>n~ ,,_Contact Personcc~:'-<'-~.,,~~-'"~2.. Mdr ess 5"O(J '7 ~ IJ ~V""'-l:vP\. VlrC( 7 z J 0 q Telephone '?r '? l- - ~e"1 2--)- B. Water to· Facility Provided by Cd-I.- t:-vee þ-<;- Depth to' GroW'Xiwater Soil Characteristics at Facility Basis for Soil Type and Gro~water Depth Determinations c. Contractor Address ,Proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation .Certification I CA Contractor's ~lcense No. Zip Telephone proposed Completion Date Insurer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly rescribe Modificatioru:: proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply) : Tank I Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel 'Waste --- Fuel Oil I 0 0 - -L_ . D rn 0 0 0 0 -2- Ç;1 ,P~D' 0 0 0 0 B 0 D -3_ 0 0 D 8 B B B -- 0 0 0 0 F. Chanical CanPJsi tion of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tan¡'~ i ChemiCðl Stored (non-conmercial name) CAS i (if known) Chemical previously Stored (if different) -- -- -- -- G. Transfer of Ownership D:1te--of"Transfer Previous CMner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued tc I understaoo that the Permittirv;J Authority may review dOC modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage __facility upo~ receiving this completed form. This form has been completed under penal ty of true and CO::,"":" ~ Signature ~-/?1 =,--- ~ #: perjury and to the best of my knowledge is i ~ . ~.""\ /,/. , Title¿,. ~"Íftte v,/Ir ~_. r:'ðCl'liL7 Ndl11t:: : ",,' '. .':!. ,";..-; .-':'6"" ~. .... F .'I"~ .- [-'en,) it No·/'!::J-COG' 5C -' TANK ! ~~ (FILL OÙT SEPARATE FORM At i._of TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES -- -- H. 1. Tank is: DVaulted DNon-Vaulted DDauble-Wall ~Single-Wall 2. Tank Materiat -00 Carbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass~lad Steel (J Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 AlLmim.lT\ 0 Bronze OUnknown [J Other (descr ibe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 6. Tar1k Secondary Containment [J Double-Wall U Synthetic Liner IJOther (describe): [JMaterial Tank Interior Lining I:fRubber DAlkyd OEIx>xy DPhenolic DGlass DClay Ol11lined ttd'l11knOW1 IJOther (describe): Tank Corrosion Protection _._ - -- ---- - - , ._-oH_"___'_'C';~_.~~-_ ...._, I:TGalvanized DFiberglass-Claã DR>lyethyiene Wrap DVinyl Wrapping ~Tar or Asphalt DUnknown DNone' DOther (describe): ' Cathodic Protection: DNone Drmpressed CUrrent System DSacrificial .anode System DescrU:e System & Equipnent: ' 7. Le,ak Detection, Moni toring, and Interception . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) LIGrourrlwater Monitoril'1] Well (s) o Vadose Zone Moni toriß3 Well (s) D U-Tube Wi thout Liner OU-Tube with Compatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitoril'1] W811(s} * o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Condoctivitï Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni toring Well or Annular Space o Daily Gaugiß3 & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness Testing o None r;g unknown 0 Other b. Pipiß3: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping- o Moni toring Sl.II\p wi th RaceW3Y 0 Sealed Concrete Raceway o Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway D None ~ Unknown 0 Other *Describe Make , Model: Tank Tightness Has 'nus Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name \ Tëmk Repair Tar..~ Repaired? DYes ONe DUnkno;,.¡n Date (s) of Repair (s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection Qgüperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float Gauge DFloat Vent Valves D Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor DSealOO Fill Box DNone Dunknown OOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices Capacity (Gallons) J.. {)dO I Manufacturer 4. D Lined Vaul t D None l)aunknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) Thickness (Inches) 5. 8. DYes rpNo DUnknown Resul ts of Test, . ' Testlng Canpany , 9. 10. 11. I, P~ a.. Underground Pipiß3: DYes DNa t(Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer DPressure OSuction DGravi ty 'Approximate LeN;¡th of pipe RLr\ b.. Undergrol.1l'l!;1 Piping Corrosion Protection : DGalvanized DFiberglass~lad (JImpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode Dpolyethylene Wrap DElectrical IS0lation DVinyl Wrap, DTar or Asphalt ~UnknOwr1 DNone DOther (describe); c.. Und~rground PipiN3, Secondary Containnel')t :-- ODouble-Wall Dsynthetic Liner System Df\ (')ne DUnknown (JOther (describe): .:Y . \ \ NO./~- () ÇO 5' c ''- 1)& r.~<;::;.{ ';::L:c:TJ-S'~:~T:::~i fACHe:::~ -FOR EACH S'ECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES- Fac il i ty Name -- H. 1- 2. Ta.nk is: 0 va.ul ted DNon-Vaul ted DD:>uble-Wall ~single:...wall Tank Materia 1 -Il] Carbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-Clad Steel D Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 AlLroinum 0 Bronze DUnknown D Other (describe) Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 3. 4. Tank Secondary Containment o Double-Wall 0 Synthetic Liner DOther (descriœ): / DMaterial 5. Tank Interior Lining -DRubber 0 Alkyd DEIXJxy DPhenolic DGlass DClay DU1lined ØU1knOW11 DOther (descriœ): ·--------6~'- Tank Corrosion Protection' -UGalvanized OFiberglass-Clad D~lyethylene Wrap DVinyl WrappiD] riTar or Asphalt DUnknown ONone OOther (describe): ' C.athódic protection: ONone Drmpressed CUrrent System 0 Sacrificial Mode System Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) DGrouoowater Monitoril'J1 welles) D vadose Zone Monitoring Well (s) D U-Tube Wi thout Uner o U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitoril'J1 Well (s) * o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Condoctivit¥ Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank D Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni torin; Well or Annular Space D Daily GalJ3in; & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness TestiD:j o None æ Unknown 0 other b. Pipin;: 'Flow-Restrictirq Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipi~'" o Moni tori03 SL111p wi th Race'MiY 0 Sealed Concrete Race-..ay g,Half-Cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway D S, ynthetic Liner Raceway 0 None U Unknown D other *Describe Make & Model: - 8. '1~nk~igh;n~s Be 1 s 1S a en Tightness Tested? r~te of Last Tightness Test 1~est Name 9. Tank Repair ~rank RePai red? 0 Yes DNa DUnknown r~te(s) of Repair(s) . Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection - QlOperator Fills, Controls, & visually Monitors Level DTape Float GalJ3e DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box DNone ~Unknown DOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices Capacity (Gallons) r;-o-O Manufacturer I o Lined Vaul t 0 None ~Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) Thickness (Inches) DYes hANa DUnknown Rèsults of Test Testing Canpany ll. Piping ,a. Underground Pipi03: DYes DNo qtJnknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer DPressure DSuction DGravity Approximate Length of pipe RLn b. underground Pipirg Corrosion Protect ion : DGa1 vani zed DFiberglass-Clad OImpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode Dpolyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap OTar or As¡X1alt DUnknown DNone DOther (describe): c. Undergrouod pipirg, Secondary Contairroent: DDouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System DNone DUnknown [JOther (describe): ..~ .1... ".-.... \ Facil i ty H. Name] ','. T-c, 0; i "'~ w> Co:õ .«e- k. I·Co ,~ "e''''it No ./-5'" ::::CG L . ^-'t/ _ ,;- ~ TANK\! ___.(FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM.R EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES -- '- 1- 2. Tank is: 0 Vaul ted DNon-Vaul ted Decuble-Wall rp'Single-wall Tank Material - ŒfCarbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass~lad Steel o Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 AlLrninum 0 Bronze DUnknown o Other (describe) primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 3. Capacity (Gallons) ") Òcï rI Manufacturer !ank Secondary Containment DDouble-Wall 0 Synthetic Liner DOther (describe): DMaterial !ank Interidr Lining DRubber 0 Alkyd DEpaxy DPhenolic DGlass DClay Dlblined ~l11kno'ft'l1 DOther (describe): ~ank Corrosion Protection -UGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DPolyethylene Wrap DVinyl WrappiB;J I;JTar or Asphalt DUnknown DNone DOther (describe): ' Catihodic Protection: DNone DImpressed CUrrent System 0 Sacrificial Anode System - Descriœ System & Equipnent: ~eak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception ' . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) DGrourrlwater Monitorirq Well (5) o Vadose Zone Moni toring Well (s) 0 U-Tube Wi thout Liner o U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directin¡ Flow to Monitorirq Well(s)· o Vapar ~tector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Conductivit¥ Sensor· o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank ' o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, MonitoriB;J Well or Annular Space D Daily GaugifX3 & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness Testirq o None [Syunknown 0 Other " b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized PipifX3- o Moni torifX3 SlInp wi th Raceway 0 Sealed Concrete Raceway o Half~ut Canpatible Pipe Raceway D Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None , L'j] Unkno\<wn 0 Other *Déscr ibe Make & Model: 8. i:nk ~igh~n~sBe ,s 1S a en Tightness Tested? r~te of Last Tightness Test 'I'est Name 'I'ank Repa i r Tank RePaired? DYes DNo DUnknown Date (s) of Repair (s) Describe Repairs (Nerfill Protection DOperator Fills, Controls, & visually Monitors Level DTape Float Gauge DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box DNone DUnkno\oKl , DOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices 4. I D Lined Vaul t 0 None ~unknO'ft'l1 Manufácturer: ' Capacity (Gals.) Thickness (Inches) 5. - 6. 7. ' o Yes ~No DUnkno\<wn Results of Test Testing Canpany 9. 10. 11. Piping al. Underground Piping: DYes DNa c1unkno\oKl Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer DPressure DSuction DGravi ty 'Approximate LefX3th of pipe Ru1 b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : DGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DImpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode Dpolyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap DTar or As~lt ijJUnkno\<wn DNone DOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: DDouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System DNone Dunknown DOther (describe): · e· /. permi.t Questi.on.n.a.ire Normally, permits -are-- sent-- -tofacilitY'Owners-but - since many Owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the. facility where they are to be posted. IPlease fill in Permit # and check one of the retur~ing this form with payment: following before , / :~or PERMIT # !l50()tiJS c.. .-- -....--.-.-- ,---~.__. ....-- - -~---"'7-;:'c, c~-=~:cc:I~--~~:~~-~:~:::~ ~-~-;;;~~; --~~ _u the ~dd;e~~-~-'--'=~~'c~', listed on invoice (if Owner is different than Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent information) . .-.....-.._.~_.~ - -~----_._- ----..---.- - ,..-'--._- . -.-~ _.."-~-~ 2. Send all information to Owner at the following corrected address: 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner) . - -- _._,---- --~ -- ...,.----,-=-·.,.·~'_""ë-·· ...._-'<'~---~....-=-_ " e .-J (' e (- f'lLE ·':ONT~NTS IN":~~tT()HY __ ¡. Facility ~QK~and6-fo()Ò --¡:Sr/~--'Co, 181 Penn i t to Ope r: d t e . 150t'XJL~ ,Da te DConstruction Permit t . Date DPermlt to abandon' No. of Tanks ~ate DAftu!Odod pe r:m i t Cond i t Ions ' E'Permlt Application Focm, "3 Tank Sheets, ~OT prans: t:1APP\ tcat ton to Abandon ~tanks ( 5) _Date OAnnua 1 R.poc t Forms - OCopy of Written Contract Between Owner' Oper.tor [JInøpectlon Report. "_. CColrre.po~denc:e -:._~~c~lved 'h'~____".__~_~____, .'" _ _ _. __,_..,_.~__~ . - - - -. - -'" ..m_. _ n. ..~ "'~--__"""'__~'~__" --~- -~·_·__~Æ'__.____._ ~ ..:.~. ..::" .;:..-:.:....:.-..;..:.. ....---- -' -... --- - ~ -..-" .--.........- 'Date ··D.te Date ~:' ' ¡ . . CColrre.pond.nce - M.tl.d .... Date D.te Date '. . . 8 Uncluthol' laed R.I.... R.port. Ab.ndon..n~/Clo.ur. R.port. []Samplin9/L.Þ R.port. [JMV~ C~pll.nç. Ch.ck (New Con.tructlon ChecklI.t) [JSTD Coapli.nc. Check (N.w Construction Ch.ckli.t) [JMYlr Plan Ch.ck (New Con.truction) [JSTD Plan Check (New Con.truction) CMYI,. Plan CheQk (Exiatinq 'acility) [JSTO Plan Ch.ck (lxl.tln9 Facility) ~ c· Inco_pl.t. Application- Por. C'etrait Applic.tion Checkliat B,eemit In.tructlon., DDi.carded Tightne.. Te.t aeaul t. Date Date Date OMonltorlßCJ Well Construction Data/Permits __-I_____~---~~---------------------------------------____________ DEn~'lrorui.ntal S.nalt{Ylty Datal BGrOUndwater Drillinq, Bori,nC) Loqs Location of Water Wells [JState.ent of Underground Conduits C]Plot 'Ian Featucinq All Environmentally Sensitive Data DPhotoa OConstruction DrawinC)s Location: OHalf sheet showinC) date received and tally of inspection time, ...tc OMi .cellaneous tit ~t-S $S/~\/~ ~ -'~: .. /<;:tJ~.:J l.\. ,l ·c .. Perm.:it Qu.est.:ionna.:ire "u _ _ _,,__ ---- '~ u - - Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the. facility where they are to be posted. PI~ase fill in Permit' and check one of the following before returning this for. with payment: ,:----~·---~,~·------~Fo-r~-,P ERM l.T #,_. -,.J5'aDD5C~".- -. --.--- -- - --.--.- -,. --- .- .-.-... + .--' - .._--~.~--._--_..__...~~-..~ -"--"_~'~:-'.':..-._- - :.,~.---~~- 1. Send all information to Owner at the address listed on invoice (if OWner is different than Operator, it will be Owner I s responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent information) . 2. Send all information to OWner at the following corrected address: x 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: James 6.J..vr()J\ rrr Address: P 0 BD'>' ~(p ~ ßakerS-Belcl CO. <13302- " .....-- (Operator can mé1Ï\.e copy oi i>el-ml1. for Owner) . ./ ---. --'- ----.- - ---- ~ --- - . .~-., ~ '-' .,~ .~ ..----~~- . ~....~_'_~_=, __ _.r.-..."..,=--"""-- .--==.- II.Ef.<N \...UUNI, tIL':"ll~1 Ulf->AkIME:Ne " (. 170U flUWE:f.< ::'1~t[1 BAKEIÖHf.LD, LAW'uI<NIA YjJO~ (805) 861 2231 . L~:C"~- . -# I.s-ODD) e- E~~~~-~'5üe~- I r- II' _" .".-, .~ .' ._.. I. ---JQmes·--·c.,Ù \rafìn-~ -~---- " &k€n;~¡, e \cI S::U )d skV\c:. n ' k /9 or! Q.. \.......0, 5g0) C, ¡pr-:=.s.s P-+., ba..K ers +-i e\c\) c.,<;, L . _..- ~-~ - - -. ----.- E"MõUNTTNCTóSf[ U1AI/Ù~'PÄ;-I-ï)'uI~-'Äru-'5u'~-JEër~;fÖ:-PË'::'ÄT y . Q3'309 [~~~~-= .-J ~~r~C~__~E,::~=+ PlI:A~1: REIUI/N Ittl~ Pvl/IIUN 10 INSUIII: U)I/klll t'AVMHH IIJENllfllATlON .-....~-~~. ~ ... --'--~- -- ---- --~~- ..__..~___..b J.... - --'-'~" . --. -. - -- ~ - ~-------,. - --- r _ ~._,~ ~__ _.._..~. ___~ >_.~. ,,_,,~~"[:.~.~~rA(~ ' . DËSëRIPTION"--" -- AMoui\: - 3 /C¡l1k::s /.L.¡ O,Oú (360 .E. J rux.ft../r? /il/e, - _.. ---- . ---------_. -- ~N COUNTY HfAlTH DiPAITMENT 00 FLOWER STIIEET .KERSFIELD. CA,LlFORNIA 93305 ~t;JIl.JN JIUI ""~""II.) II "", I.. ~.. _.... boy ,I.., d.......G. "" '" ,I 1,1 I.. ".. ..."........., .lul., ". """,,,,," to... n I.. ,'''- 'If'I·IoU.'''''· "."'~, flU' .. ........... . .I, ", '......, :::.=t7;".¡;I\~..~:.':..':i ::~~::-':=~~=:~~'I~ :7~' :',~.·.~·:;:;;t 'TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ... .-.... . OM"'.........' '" I'" ..,..n... '" -..... Q COMPLETENESS CHECK: o Incomplete information on first page of application entitled -Application ~- Permit to Operate Underground Storage Facility". The information required is noted in red on enclosed copy. I~ Incomplete information on second page(s) of application --Tank Sheet". The information requir~d is noted in red on enclosed copy. Plot Plan lacking or incomplete. instruction sheet enclosed. -----. .-'---- -.- --.- --,-- - . Refer to .. -'-~-_._-,_.- ._-~-_. r~ Other: _..---- 3-/9-'P<- / r (...' --' INITiALS ~ j ,/ - _..-..- -