HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION ·1 I I I -I II I. I I I I -I 'I 'I I I I I I ~... ð_'.. .', .. ~...:: .' I.:~", -.-.. - . SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE CHACTERIZATION REPORT & REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN For SANDSTONE EDUCATIONAL CENTER 300 E. Truxtun Avenue Kern County, California Prepared For: Kern County Superintendent of Schools 1300 17th Street - City Center Bakersfield, California 93301-4533 File No. 99-9105 Prepared By: Soils Engineering, Inc. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA. 93313 ,May 10,2000 4700 DISTRICT BLVD. · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 · PHONE (661) 831-5100 · FAX: (661) 831-2111 I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~... ð'o Þ.... '.' -:-:'.:~: .. '.:~: SOIILS ENGINEERING, INC. Ma.y 10, 2000 File Number 99-9015 Mr. Steve Underwood Bakersfield City Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA., 93301 Subject: Site Characterization Report & Remedial Action Plan Sandstone Education Center 300 E. Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA. Mr. Underwood: This Site Characterization Report (Report) and Remedial Action Plan (RAP)is submitted by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) following the completion of field activities and the receipt of analytical test results at the Sandstone Education Center located at 300 E. Truxtun Avenue in Bakersfield, CA. (site). SEI supervised the removal of 2 brick lined underground storage tanks, the excavation· of hydrocarbon impacted soil, and advanced 7 soil borings to a depths ranging from 40" to 58' feet below ground surface in the area of the former underground storage tanks (UST's) to collect soil samples for chemical analysis. This report describes the field work conducted, an~ùytical results of soil samples, cross-sections of the identified oil impacted soil, conclusions and recommendations for the site. BACKGROUND This is the location of the former Bakersfield Sandstone Brick Company, which operated from the early 1900's to the 1930's. They produced bricks at this location, which included numerous structures, a sand pit, retort burners, kilns, a lime shed, an oil pump, an oil tank and brick storage areas. At the Kern County Main Library Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for the years 1905, 1912 and 1949 were reviewed. The 1905 Sanborn Map shows the Bakersfield Sandstone Brick Co with the following: a main building with retorts, brick press and office area. Smaller buildings storing lime and cement. Northeast of main building is an area where a 600-gallon underground oil storage tank is shown along with a 10" diameter well approximately 52' deep. Two (2) kiln seats lie along the western border with Inyo St. and one (1) is west of the main building. A tramway connects the brick retort with the kiln seat. The east side of Inyo Street was not ma.pped. The 1912 Sanborn Map is similar to 1905 with a larger warehouse in southwest corner of the site. Oil tunnels are now shown going from oil pump (where oil tank was) eastward and southward. Eastside of Inyo St. and west of Tulare St. is brick storage yard in northwestern portion and sand pit on eastern portion. A rock bin and underground tunnel are also shown. 4700 DISTRICT BLVD. · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 · PHONE (661) 831-5100 · FAX: (661) 831-2111 ,I I I , I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SUe Characterization Report & Remedial Action Plan 300 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA. Sandstone Education Center File Number 99-9105 May 10, 2000 Page 2 An old building between the main Sandstone Building and the office buildings to the north was recently demolished due to its unreinforced construction. During the removal of the foundation of this old building 2 brick UST's were uncovered along with brick tunnels leading from them to the east. The Bakersfield Fire Department was notified of the presence of the UST's, but removal permits were not required. The BFD wanted to be informed on the results of the soil samples collected beneath the UST's and the extent of contamination if present. SCOPE OF WORK CONDUCTED Removal of 2 Brick-lined UST's & Brick-lined Tunnel On April 24 and 25, 2000 SEI supervised the removal of brick-lined Tank 1 (west) and Tank 2 (east) along with portions of brick-lined tunnels. Tank 1 was approximately 12' deep and 8' diameter for an estimated capacity of 4,500 to 5,000 gallons. Tank 2 was similar in structure, but slightly smaller and had a concrete cap approximately 5' below ground surface (bgs.) within the ta.nk. Hydrocarbon stained soil was evident starting approximately 3' bgs. sloping down to approximately 6' bgs. adjacent to Tank 1. In an effort to characterize the extent of oil-impacted soil in the area of Tank 1 a backhoe was utilized to deepen and widen the excavation. Soil samples were collected in brass sleeves on the west sidewall (Tl-W-lO'), the bottom at 16' (Tl- BTM-16') and at the bottom at 23' (Tl-23'-BTM) from the backhoe bucket. The soil samples were sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed in an iced cooler. Hydrocarbon impacted soil was still evident at the base of the excavation at 23' bgs. and at the west, south and east sidewalls. Tank 2 also had hydrocarbon impacted soil adjacent to and beneath the tank and soil samples T2- 15', T2S-5' and T2S-11' were collected to characterize this area and the adjacent tunnels. Portions of a 6' diameter brick-lined tunnel (North Tunnel) proceeding approximately 65' east from Tank 1 were removed revealing oil-stained soil beneath the tunnel. Soil samples were collected along the north tunnel (TF-W-lO', NTN-N-14', and NTN-E-15') to characterize the oil- impacted soil in this area. An additional 4' diameter brick-line tunnel (South Tunnel) was found proceeding east from Tank 2 and also had oil-impacted soil beneath the tunnel floor. An additional brick and concrete structure proceeded southerly from Tank 2 toward the Sandstone Building Center with hydrocarbon impacted soil beneath. Portions of the excavation were backfilled for safety and to prepare drilling pads for further characterization. Drilling of 7 Soil Borings SEI utilized an SEI owned and operated Hollow-stem auger drill rig to advance 7 soil borings to depths ranging from 40' to 58' below ground surface (bgs) at locations shown on the attached Plot Plan. Soil boring B-1 was placed near the center of former Tank 1 and drilled to a depth of 48' bgs.. Soil boring B-2 was placed approximately 50 feet east of B-1 in the area of the north tUlnnel. Soil boring B-3 was placed approximately 40' east of B-2 near the eastern edge of the former building. Soil boring B-4 was placed approximately 20 feet south of boring B-2 near I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site Characterization Report & Remedial Action Plan 300 E. Truxtun A venue, Bakersfield, CA. Sandstone Education Center File Number 99-9105 May 10,2000 Page 3 former Tank 2 and associated tunnels. Soil boring B-5 was located approximately 35' feet northeast of B-1. Soil boring B-6 was placed approximately 30 feet southeast of B-4. Soil boring B-7 was placed approximately 30' west of boring B-1. A geologist supervised by a California registered geologist oversaw the drilling process. Soil samples were collected at 5 to 10 foot intervals and evaluated in the field for petroleum hydrocarbons (staining and odor), soil type and photo-ionization detector (PID) readings. A soil sample from each sampling interval was sealed, labeled and placed in an iced cooler. See Plate 2 for soil boring locations. The augers were steamcleaned between borings and the sampling equipment decontaminated between sampling intervals to prevent cross-contamination. The soil borings were backfilled with bentonite chips (bottom 3') and soil cuttings up to the surface. The soil cuttings were stockpiled and covered by plastic sheeting. Soil sample TI-Pro was collected from the stockpiled cuttings and analyzed for profiling purposes prior to disposal/recycling activities. Analytical Testing Selected soil samples from the excavation and soil borings were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH), volatile organics (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX», and MTBE at State certified analytical laboratories. In addition soil sample T2S-11 was analyzed for fuel fmgerprinting and sample TI-Pro was analyzed for CAM17 Metals, and Chromium 6 for profiling purposes. FINDINGS SoH Characteristics Soil encountered in the excavation and the 7 soil borings conducted at the site in general consisted of silty sand (SM) and sandy silt (ML) to a depth of approximately 22' bgs., underlain by silty clay (CL) to a depth of approximately 25' bgs.. Silty Sand (SM) and Sand (SW) was encountered from 25' to approximately 33 feet bgs. where a clay (CL) or clayey silt (ML) was observed. From 40' bgs. to 55' silty sand (SM) and sand (SP) was encountered. A clay (CL) was encountered at a depth of 55' in boring B-2. Petroleum stained soil was encountered in the majority of the borings starting from 5' to 7' bgs. except for borings B-5 and B-6 where minor staining started at 32' to 33' bgs.. Boring B-7 had no petroleum staining or odor to a depth of 40' bgs.. Below a depth of 35' bgs. the petroleum odor and staining (if present) decreased significantly. The highest PID reading (1800 ppm) was recorded in boring B-2 at 28' bgs.. See attached Boring Logs in Appendix B for more detail. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Sit ~ Characterization Report & Remedial Action Plan 300 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA. Sandstone Education Center File Number 99-9105 May 10, 2000 Page 4 Analytical Results of Soil Samples The analytical results of the selected soil samples analyzed from the soil borings are presented on Table 1. The analytical results indicate significant petroleum hydrocarbons are present from near surface to approximately 35' bgs. in the area of soil borings B-1, B-2, and B-4. The highest TRPH concentration reported was 40,000 ppm in soil sample T2S-11'. The highest benzene concentration was reported in soil sample T2-15' (0.0146 ppm) with the majority of the soil samples having no BTEX constituents reported. Soils samples TI-16' -BTM and TI-Pro had elevated detection limits of 0.530 and 0.370 ppm for benzene and were reported as none detected (ND). The fuel fmgerprint analysis of soil sample T2S-11' indicates that the main contaminant is in a diesel range with gasoline and crude oil range hydrocarbons also reported. The chromatogram indicates that this contaminate is closest to a bunker fuel or weathered crude oil. Metal concentrations were in the normal range for the soil sample TI-Pro. The soil is classified as a non-hazardous waste based on this analysis. See Table 1 and attached analytical reports in Appendix A for more detail. CONCLUSIONS Based on field observations and soil sample analytical results SEI concludes the following: 1) Petroleum hydrocarbons are present in soil from near surface to approximately 35' feet bgs. in the areas of Tank 1, Tank 2 and the north and south tunnels. Lateral extent of this hydrocarbon impacted soil is approximately 15' west of Tank 1, 5' north of the north tunnel excavation, 30' south of Tank 2 and approximately 90' east of Tank 1. The estimated area of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume is approximately 110' in diameter east-west and approximately 50' in diameter north-south to a depth of 35' bgs. which equals approximately 5600 cubic yards. See Plates 3A and 3B for hydrocarbon plume cross-sections. 2) The highest benzene concentration reported in the soil samples was 14.6 parts per billion (ppb) at a depth of 15' in sample T2-15'. The majority of the soil samples had no BTEX constituents reported. 3) The petroleum hydrocarbon plume is apparently bunker fuel or a weathered crude oil, with the majority reported in the diesel fuel range in the fuel fmgerprint. The highest TRPH result was 40,000 ppm at 11' in sample T2S-11'. It appears that the hydrocarbons were stopped by a Clay layer starting at a depth of approximately 32' to 33' in most of the borings. 4) No elevated concentrations of BTEX or metals were reported in the hydrocarbon impacted soil sample (TI-Pro) collected from the stockpiled soil, indicating that the hydrocarbon stained soil is a non-hazardous waste. 5) No significant petroleum hydrocarbons are present at borings B-3, B-5, B-6 or B-7 to the total depth of the borings (40' to 55' bgs.). 6) Depth to groundwater in this area as reported by the Kern County Water Agency is approximately 220' bgs. (October, 1998) or approximately 185' below the base of the hydrocarbon plume. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site Characterization Report & Remedial Action Plan 300 E. Truxtun A venue, Bakersfield, CA. Sandstone Education Center File Number 99-9105 May 10, 2000 Page 5 7) The nearest public drinking water well (California Water Service well #98-01) is over 1000' southeast (down-gradient) of the vadose plume area. Static water level at this well in March, 2000 was 221' bgs.. REMEDIAL AL TERNA TIVES The following remedial alternatives are presented for the site. Natural Attenuation The petroleum hydrocarbon plume extends to a depth of approximately 35' bgs. in the area of the former brick-lined UST's and tunnels. A good portion (approximately 1000 cubic yards) of the hydrocarbon impacted soil has already been removed and stockpiled during the site characterization phase of the project. With the depth of groundwater reported at 220' bgs., there is approximately 185' of soil buffer zone between the base of the hydrocarbon plume and the unconfmed aquifer beneath the site. It is highly unlikely that the petroleum hydrocarbon plume will ever migrate to the groundwater. The nearest drinking water well (California Water Service Station 98-01) to the plume area is over 1000' southeast (down-gradient) and completed in a zone hundreds of feet deeper than the base of the plume. The source of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume, the former UST's and associated oil-tunnels, have been removed and will not continue to add to the plume. The levels of benzene are very low in the soil with the likely elevated cancer risk to the on-site employees less than 1 x 106. If the petroleum hydrocarbons are left in-place they will continue to bio-degrade over-time further reducing any current environmental risks. The hydrocarbon plume does not appear to be a significant threat to the groundwater beneath the site or to on-site workers. A5 part of this remedial action alternative SEI recommends removing any remaining hydrocarbon impacted soil within the plume area as shown on Plate 2 to a depth of approximately 12' bgs. (equal to the base of Tank: 1) to provide a 12' buffer zone from the surface. Any "clean" unstained soil overburden should be segregated from the stained soil and can be used as fill. After removal of the stained soil to a depth of 12' bgs. the excavation should be backfilled and compacted to a minimum of 90% relative density up to match existing grade minus pending surface cover. An asphalt or concrete cover should be placed over the vadose zone plume area to prevent water inftltration, minimize the potential for the hydrocarbon plume to migrate deeper and for the prevention of the minor volatile organics in the soil to migrate to the surface. Cost for the cap would range from $10,000 to $40,000 depending on the material used. The excavation, transportation and disposaVrecycling of the hydrocarbon impacted soil is estimated at $35 per ton plus backfill and compaction testing. An estimated 1000 cubic yards of hydrocarbon impacted soil is left to be excavated with approximately 1000 cubic yards of hydrocarbon impacted soil currently stockpiled. SEI recommends this remedial alternative since it is the most cost effective and quickest alternative. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Sit4? Characterization Report & Remedial Action Plan 300 E. Truxtun A venue, Bakersfield, CA. Sandstone Education Center File Number 99-9105 May 10, 2000 Page 6 Excavation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Plume . The petroleum hydrocarbon plume extends to a depth of approximately 35 feet bgs. in the area of the former UST's and tunnels and is in a confmed area between two (2) buildings on the north and south. An excavation to a depth of 35' bgs. with a diameter of at least 60' in this area would not be feasible. The stability of the two (2) building foundations would be compromised by an excavation of this extent. Estimated cost for this type of excavation with extensive shoring of the sidewalls on the north and south would be well over $200,000. Based on the above information this remedial alternative is not recommended for this site. In-Situ Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons The petroleum hydrocarbon plume at the site could be removed by the remedial alternative in-situ bioremediation. This would involve the installation of multiple bio-vent wells (at least 15) to depths of 35' within the plume area of soil borings B-1, B-2 and B-4. Since there is a great deal of silt and clay within the plume it may be difficult to provide air and nutrients to the plume cost effectively. A bio-venting pilot test would need to be performed on the bio-vent wells to determine the effectiveness of in-situ bioremediation at this location and to determine the appropriate flow rates, size and type of bio-venting unit. Microbe counts would need to be evaluated to see what indigenous hydrocarbon degrading bacteria are present. Based on the high TRPH values reported within the plume the levels may be too high for the bacteria to exist in high numbers. If the pilot test shows that bio-venting would be effective at the site, an authority to construct (ATC) permit would be acquired from the Kern County air pollution control district (APCD). Once the ATC permit is approved, bio-venting piping connecting the wells to the bio- venting system would be installed. Operation and maintenance of the bio-venting system would be conducted for approximately 12 to 24 months. Test soil borings (at least 5 to 35' bgs.) would be drilled periodically to collected soil samples for analysis to evaluate the reduction of the petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil after bio-venting every 6 months or so. If the analytical results indicate a significant reduction in petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil, closure of the site would be recommended. Estimated cost for the installation and operation of a bio-venting system for a period of up to 2 years would be $120,000 to $150,000. Based on the presence of less permeable soils and possible low indigenous bacteria counts this remedial alternative is not recommended. RECOMMENDA TIONS SEI recommends the implementation of the natural attenuation remedial alternative with the removal of any remaining hydrocarbon impacted soil to a depth of 12' bgs. and the placement of an asphalt or concrete cap over the in-place petroleum hydrocarbon vadose plume. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Site Characterization Report & Remedial Action Plan 300 E. Truxtun A venue, Bakersfield, CA. San:dstone Education Center SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 99-9105 May 10, 2000 Page 7 Please call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions concerning this Report. Sincerely, ~I Robert J. Becker, R.O., REA 1120074 Environmental Division Manager Enclosures: Table 1, Analytical Results of Soil Samples Location Map, Plate 1 Plot Plan, Plate 2 Cross-section W to E, Plate 3A Cross-section N to S, Plate 3B Appendix A: Analytical Reports Appendix B: Boring Logs ------------------- TABLE 1 SOIL ANAL VTlCAL RESULTS Sandstone Education Center. 300 E. Truxtun Avenue. Bakersfield. CA. Ethyl I CAM17 Sample TRPH TPHc TPHd Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE Metals Sample No" Date (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppm) Soil Samples T1-Pro 4/24/00 24000 NA NA <370 <370 <370 <740 <370 No Elevated T1-16'-BTM 4/24/00 23000 NA NA <530 <530 3500 <1100 <530 No Elevated T1-W-10' 4/24/00 8700 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 NA T1-23'-BTM 4/25/00 7400 NA NA 12 <5 61.1 19.3 <10 NA T2-15' 4/25/00 27000 NA NA 14.6 <5 432 116 <10 NA T2S-5' 4/25/00 23000 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 NA T2S-11' 4/25/00 40000 2930 12600 <5 <5 25.5 39.3 <10 NA NTN-E-15' 4/25/00 23000 NA NA 12.3 <5 228 69.1 <10 NA NTN-N-14' 4/25/00 7000 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 NA TF-W-10' 4/25/00 12000 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 NA B1-33' 4/27/00 30000 NA NA 5.7 47 19 82 NA NA B 1-38' 4/27/00 <5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA B1-48' 4/27/00 7.5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA B2-28' 4/27/00 31000 NA NA <5 62 210 260 NA NA B2-38' 4/27/00 <5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA B2-48' 4/27/00 9.6 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA B3-35' 4/27/00 <5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA B3-45' 4/27/00 5.5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA B3-55' 4/27/00 9.3 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA B4-22' 4/28/00 24000 NA NA <5 39 110 180 NA NA B4-32' 4/28/00 <5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA B4-42' 4/28/00 <5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA B5-30' 4/28/00 <5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA B5-40' 4/28/00 <5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA B6-20' 4/28/00 <5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA B6-35' 4/28/00 5.5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA B6-40' 4/28/00 <5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA B7 -20' 4/28/00 <5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA B7 -40' 4/28/00 <5 NA NA <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA Notes: ppb=parts per billi,)n (uglkg), ppm=parts per million (mglkg), TRPH= Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, TPHc = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons es crude oil, TPHd = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel, MTBE=Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether, No Elevated = All metals @ non-hazardous concentrations, NA = Not Analyzed Page 1 I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Location Mtlp andstone Educational Center 00 E. Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA. I File No. 99-9105 :> ..... I :h: ~r ~~ Geor i. A,. ä:F' i!:~' :1"' 3:lprin,.;~A A,e rJ". coul;?- I.ANE/ 0 }\ cñ ~r~l'. " ~~or ~~~;' c:i ~ À I'atlcI;rio Ayo. - ~.. .. cñ '9 Õ :; § 1i cñ _-<f- . ;. >. <:~~ .../Sh..tuck Ayo. =- '~ - ~ - = ~,. 3 ~' ;..I E ~/. "'E",o.RIAL.4 .. / 0' " ~.3 8 ~ ~ ~ :: ': III « j }' IT~_,ph Aye,. . STAo.lUM :I: ~ ç,......,. 01. cJ Acaci,':~" ~ 'b ~c5 UnlVers'ty Aye. ::;;;~~ r r- lDon,.. ~'. ' _ \;., Ci. f¡;'~" ~ ¡¡¡ .\,~~.,~~~ ..~. Go", -' , Duko. Dr. FD.'", Biã~ . ~/ ¿. '\. .. If 0 '" f.' ~¡¡, ~I.j,;.- v.: ~--:: cii cii l Renena BHIIEl /.. c,' "- ~.. ~(:' ',0 __ ~ IS~ ~ GI<~ >!j., Co' If< n~. b~t cii .¡; ...... ~~~g~c¡,L;C ç\., 'CI~~ ,..... ~.~ ~~ G 5r ,<' !>., c....... ~ _~ r'" --: ftij:zr -J "" $ ":J ..; -, ... ' Orilhu ~~~·\~~~i~ j'\ ~~\ "~' ~ <Ç ~~:~;~{4I/i"'Dr ~ta", o~:Nalrl~.t/./.; ~:~~ ~ gj ;Oirf'·~·~ ~~"', õ1~ i~ \ ,,, :: ~~ ~ ~ :; ~'.1;1.R~~'.5~"" .! /, ~ .." .:!.!!! 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RUXT NI- ,........., ~ .;; ·.~11!I16th il~l> ~.,;.rDO¡T v".¡ tf/ifItit.'" -A,V . /91~' ~ìsON':¡Sìièè¡'lr- .J_E · ~·u~~; Co.NVENno.~\~, ":1 ::¡_~h'dv:! c~; '~S ('~.'; .../~ <: ~, 18,~ $, ,;; .R ...... ~~" . ;L I ~ .-;; ~ :0. AU .~ IV CTENTE~~O¡r1 ~~ITLn·w 08"". '0 t:. .';~f6 ","'~' g Fre~õ;t;; P,.... ~ - :tI~'S _~) ;.. -~, ~ 4/", ~$ S, ~ s, .1~~C(;...';!S'J ~ ~- c;- Š Crl~\ton.WY ~Õ¡F~~~ ~~~ ::!. ~ ~ ~ tr: _ _ Vi ~ 1 H.Jyden ~t DE;' r ~ oq' go ~ CJ..¡ 1 ¡ ~ c: ~ "f..1 ~ v; ð;f) ~ ~ Steele ¿'ve t........... 70;; '" '" 1 JI/ ;; \ soa AVE. .. . "~4N Sf' Q) ,; . EA T '" ~! CA IFORNIA", ::; <5 AVE. '~BETHI 11 th !!_ Streot::: - E 11'" -I O¡.ac:.o 11 tn St/¿'I~~'" IHa,per 51. I O~,: . Hon y 51. .cr _ ,,,. LI (l)LCJI ..; '- ",. \~~ ~ aJ -< ~ c Larcus _. ....:......::.. UJ 10 ch (.11 t---:Þ ": :¡ 'E . 10th ;¡ f .g 10~ ~' Adelante C·r. J ,< larClJl á II ~'I A ð, ~ Þ- :ñ Street ~ - ~ -..:. ~ u.. 0. a: r-~:f _~I' J:ÒCI/renlcto~ St.J . Er~ ~ v uJ _; ~ .~ õ1 9 th . 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V'I (j) .. - ... 0 E. 3rd (,I) J' / 0 - ~" Qs Srleet ,.... ..._., JrrJ f 51 T'Q1 ~ ·~~r= I en I I .~ I I.S en CL c _ ~~ C.~\.'~ ~~ Pla1e1 N t LOCATION MAP SANDSTONE EDUCATIONAL CENTER I PLATE: 1 300 E. Truxtun A venue Bakersfield, California I ------------------- SCALE 111 = 15' I I 0' 15' DIRT DIRT $B-5 NTN-N-14' Asphalt Parking Area TF-W-10' B-2 Aerial View of Estimated Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil To Be Removed By Excavation to 12' bgs. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 SANDSTONE EDUCATIONAL CENTER, KCSS 300 East Truxtun A venue BAKERSFILED CALIFORNIA PLATE DATE: 5/8/00 PROJECT NUMBER: 9105 PLOT PLAN 2 B-7 10' 50' 40 E -? - _? ? . LEGEND 1<) <I Sand & Silty Sand (SP, SW & SM) (-:-:-:-:-1 Silt and Sandy & Clayey Silt (ML) ~ Clay and Sandy & Silty Clay (CL) . Soil Sample Locations _ Previous Excavation Boundary - Estimated Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Boundary B-7 PIDlBenzene Soil sample Field & Lab 1 TRPH Analytical Data ~ Horiz. - 1" = 20' Vert. - 1" = 10' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfielld, CA 93313 KERN COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Sandstone Facility BAKERSFILED CALIFORNIA PLATE DAlE: 5/5/00 PROJECT NUMBER: 9105 3A W - E Cross-Section N S 86 (Lithology Only) 10' LEGEND 20' 1...1 Sand & Silty Sand (SP, SW & SM) f::::::J Silt and Sandy & Clayey Silt (ML) ~ Clay and Sandy & Silty Clay (CL) . Excavation Soil Sample Locations _ Previous Excavation Boundary 30' - Estimated Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Boundary B-7 PIDìBenzene Soil sample Field & Lab I TRPH Analytical Data ~ Horiz. - 1" = 10' Vert. - 1" = 10' CL SOILS ENGIINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 KERN COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Sandstone Facility BAKERSFILED CALIFORNIA PLATE DATE: 5/5/00 PROJECT NUMBER: 9105 N - S Cross-Section 38 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix A Analytical Reports Soil Samples SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (6613 395-3069 I I Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No: 0004369 04/24/00 04/25/00 Attention: Bob Becker I Description: See Below Sampled by Bob Becker I REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS TPH Petroleum Hydrocarbons I I Lab Sample Date Time Number Description Sampled Sampled mg/kg 0004369-1 T1-16'-BTM, Project #9105 04/24/00 09:30 23000 0004369-2 T1-PRO-BTM, Project #9105 04/24/00 10:30 24000 0004369-3 T1-W-10' -BTM, Project #9105 04/24/00 11:20 8700 I I I I I I I I cc: ~, I ' / Jim~therton. Lab Operations Manager ~9/k9 ~milligramS per kilogram (parts per million) mg/l,V: ~illigramS per liter (parts per million) ug/kg : micrograms per kilogram (parts per billion) ppmv : parts per million volume NO: None Detected NSS: Not Sufficient sample I Date l\nalyzed: 04/25/00 Analyst: LEC Detection Limit for Reporting: 50 Method: 418.1 I Method References: 1. EPA SW-846. 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 I This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the somples tested. loleo is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Icc: I I I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield. California 93308 (661 J 395-0539 FAX (661J 395-3069 Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0004369-2 04/24/00 04/25/00 Attention: Bob Becker 04/24/00 10:30 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: T1-PRO-BTM, Project #9105 Sampled by Bob Becker REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref Purgeable Aromatics 8020 Benzene ND ug/kg 370 8020/1 Toluene ND ug/kg 370 8020/1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 370 8020/1 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 740 8020/1 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 370 8020/1 Analyzed 04/24/00 4T~~ ~. J~Etherton, Lab Operations Manager , ,. 'mg/I/: milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug~ : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) u~hos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C ~mhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ~D : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable /'NSS Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ,. JMM Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zako is not responsible for report alterotion or detachment. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661J 395-3069 Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0004369-2 04/24/00 04/25/00 Attention: Bob Becker 04/24/00 10:30 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: Tl-PRO-BTM, Project #9105 Sampled by Bob Becker CAM - Title 22, Chapter 30 Article II Constituents Total Concentration (TC) DLR Method/Ref Units TTLC Total Concentration Antimony, Sb Arsenic, As Barium, Ba Beryllium, Be Cadmium, Cd Chromium, Cr Cobalt, Co Copper, Cu Lead, Pb Mercury, Hg Molybdenum, Mo Nickel, Ni Selenium, Se Silver, Ag Thallium, Tl Vanadium, V Zinc, Zn < 10 mg/kg 500 10 6010A /1 3.2 mg/kg 500 1.0 60l0A /1 9.8 mg/kg 10000 5.0 6010A /1 < 0.50 mg/kg 75 0.50 6010A /1 1.7 mg/kg 100 0.5 6010A /1 14 mg/kg 2500 2.5 6010A 11 6.5 mg/kg 8000 5.0 6010A 11 24 mg/kg 2500 2.5 6010A 11 < 2.5 mg/kg 1000 2.5 6010A /1 < 0.10 mg/kg 20 0.10 7471A 11 27 mg/kg 3500 5.0 6010A 11 16 mg/kg 2000 2.5 6010A /1 < 2.5 mg/kg 100 2.5 60l0A /1 < 1. 0 mg/kg 500 1.0 6010A 11 < 25 mg/kg 700 25 6010A 11 33 mg/kg 2400 5.0 6010A 11 43 mg/kg 5000 2.5 6010A 11 Date Analyzed: 04/25/00 Manager SMS cc: I...... Method Reference 1. EPA SW-B46. 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 19B3 DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting TTLC : Total Threshold Limit Concentration. mg/kg STLC : Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration. mg/l in extract WET: Waste Extraction Test; pH 5.0 Solution, 0.2 M Citrate NO : None Detected ; Deionized Water for Chromium VI This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer ond applies anly to the samples tested. Zako is not responsible for report alteration ar detachment. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0004369-1 04/24/00 04/25/00 Attention: Bob Becker 04/24/00 09:30 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: T1-l6'-BTM, Project #9105 Sampled by Bob Becker CAM - Title 22, Chapter 30 Article II Constituents Total Concentration (TC) DLR Method/Ref Units TTLC Total Concentration Antimony, Sb Arsenic, As Barium, Ba Beryllium, Be Cadmium, Cd Chrc)mi urn, Cr Cobalt, Co Copper, Cu Lead, Pb Mercury, Hg Molybdenum, Mo Nickel, Ni Selenium, Se Silver, Ag Thallium, Tl Vanadium, V Zinc, Zn < 10 mg/kg 500 10 60l0A /1 2.0 mg/kg 500 1.0 6010A /1 150 mg/kg 10000 5.0 6010A /1 0.5 mg/kg 75 0.50 6010A /1 3.0 mg/kg 100 0.5 6010A /1 19 mg/kg 2500 2.5 6010A /1 12 mg/kg 8000 5.0 60l0A /1 53 mg/kg 2500 2.5 60l0A /1 < 2.5 mg/kg 1000 2.5 60l0A /1 < 0.10 mg/kg 20 0.10 7471A /1 48 mg/kg 3500 5.0 60l0A /1 20 mg/kg 2000 2.5 60l0A /1 < 2.5 mg/kg 100 2.5 6010A /1 < 1. 0 mg/kg 500 1.0 60l0A /1 < 25 mg/kg 700 25 60l0A /1 46 mg/kg 2400 5.0 G010A /1 74 mg/kg 5000 2.5 6010A /1 Date Analyzed: 04/25/00 SMS ;1.'-.." ..,. ':p1. . I l./ , Cc/L-;Ç/ / '. - ./ ~,. , ~" Operations Manager cc: Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting TTLC : Total Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/kg STLC : Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/l ill extract WET: Waste Extraction Test; pH 5.0 Solution. 0.2 M Citrate NO : None Detected ; Deionized Water for Chromium VI I This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer ond opplies only to the samples tested. Zaleo is not responsible for report alteration or detochment. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Icc: I I I I ZALCO LABORATORIES. INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0004369-1 04/24/00 04/25/00 Attention: Bob Becker 04/24/00 09:30 Sample: Type: CAM Solid Descri.ption: Tl-16'-BTM, Project #9105 Sampled by Bob Becker REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref Purge able Aromatics 8020 Benzene ND ug/kg 530 8020/1 Toluene ND ug/kg 530 8020/1 Ethylbenzene 3500 ug/kg 530 8020/1 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 1100 8020/1 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 530 8020/1 Analyzed 04/24/00 (l/~ ,~'m Etherton, Lab Operations Manager Img/ : m111igrams per Liter (parts per millioni , u L: micrograms per Liter (parts per billion! umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 2S C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes JMM Method Reference 1. EP~ SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the somples tested. Zako is not responsible for report alterotion or detachment. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Icc: I I I I ZALCO LABORATORIESJ INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0004369-3 04/24/00 04/25/00 Attention: Bob Becker 04/24/00 11:20 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: T1-W-10'-BTM, Project #9105 Sampled by Bob Becker REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref Purgeable Aromatics 8020 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/1 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 Analyzed 04/24/00 ·4"' /____,,o-----.,"-, f/ ,~ ~..~~--..._-. _..~. . ~ ","~ / ~m Etherton, Lab Operations Manager i/mg¡(: milligrams pet" Liter (parts pet" million) uß/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) pmhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C .rmmhos/cm : mi1limhos/cm at 25 C ¡ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable (' NSS Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes I \ JMM Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846. 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA. 600/4-79-020 March 1983 This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples fested. Zaleo is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. May-02-00 I 01:lBP Zalco Laborator;es~ Inc. 661-395-3069 P.20 I .....N... .... ZALCO LABORATORIES, 'NC. Analytical & Consulting Services l.~·:'~~:-;. I 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661] 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I Sample Type; C1\M Solid - ,I \\ FI~1ev(f(' hf f\v¡e<.\y5i5 r,¡¡¡boratory No: Date Received: Date Reportod: Contr.:\ct: No. Date Sdtnpled Time: Sii!Hlpl ed 0004393-.3 04/2!;/OO 0':>/0;/00 I soU 1:1 Eng:\ fleering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Att.cntion: Roh Bcçkf~'" 04/25/00 14;30 I Description: T2S-11', Project #9105 Sat1\pl(~d by Chris C.,:o::risilez REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESUL'i'~; I Constituent.s '.l'l'H Crud!!! oj 1 Gasoline Hangc OryanicA C4 Cia Diesol R~ngo Organics Cl~-C~5 Ct'ude Oil Nange nT'ganic::; C26·,C4(J Total Crude Oil ()r'gan:Î.çl'l C4 C40 Pef::\ullS _ Unitg,...,_" DLR Me,th()d/R~f ?~no mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg !.JO 80lGB/l 50 001513/1 50 8015B/1 50 801513/1 I 510 1~~60U I 16(){)() I I I I I I Analyzed 04/28/00 JMM .-... -.-.-~_..,..,._.. .--.--.-- cc: I Met.hod R.éfE:T;(~IIC~(: Lab Oper.:\tionD Manager I 1. li:F'A ¡;W 1:141:" 1!J!'4 ~rrl ~:clil,;ml 2, li:PlI 500/4·"'1:>-020 M<\J:ch ,1.~~3 4. t:C\l i forni<'l L1C'pt. r.,f ~'; ,.;11 "ruJ G.'o"I" lI~gJI : f llll).t·a!l1~. pi~l Li.t.~¡ tp.u"I.~; pf~1 mi.tLir.:JrtJ "9/T. : O!Cr09ram~; pi:' LiLI.'L (~',t¡·L:; ¡JI.'L' lJilliU[1 I",unhue-¡h ~ur ~ wi r:rnmhQ!;¡(.~nt at 2-,. (' mmno cm: mlll1t11)·,()ni<:1II .'01.. "., (: ND N,,,,,, n"I....c:t..."¡ N/A , Not. Applicable N¡;S NOI. Su[[i<:i,,"' :-;mnpl1' fr',>: Pon.,lvsis TJI.R ; rJ"lc,'~'L.ic.'" t.;m; ~ for Itc·PQrt in'3 F\.Il'pOSeB I I I hi. rr.nnrl i. f,""I<nr.ci fnr thr. r.>ol",;"" mr. "I "'" Cu,l"mr.r end aaali". "nlv to th" .ornal". 1".led. Zolco i. nol re",ar"ibl" for ,e"or! 011"'01;0" 0' detodu"",,1. C-OS-OO 04:0SP Zalco Laboratories, Inc. 661-39S-3069 I 0004393-3 2X C:\CPWIN\OATA4\042800.15R I 8Q rl 7Q I . i ~~ GO ~N ~... ~\ I so , I :;;. 40 ~ I ~(] I 20 . ...- .....--.--.,.. -.---.. 10 I o I o 10 15 20 31) 3~) 25 G Minutes I Sample Name: 0004393-32X .. Acquired from HP5890 #3--FID vÎa port 4 on 04/29/2000 06:07;26am by JMM TPH-CRUDE OIL ANALYSIS I Data File; C: \CPWTN\DA T A4\042800.1 SR Dale Stamp: 04/29/2000 06:07:26am Sequence File: 80 15D.SEQ #15 Method File: C:\CPWIN\DA TAl \80 15D.MET I Version 40. Date Stamp: 04/2912000 09:41 :46arn Calibration File: C ;\CPWIN\D AT Al \8015 D .CAL Version 19. Date Stamp: 04/29/2000 09:30:48am I Run Time = 40,75 min Sample Rate '" 5.0 per sec, AmoW1t Inj. = 1.000 Dilution Factor = 2.000 Sample Weight == 15,000 Int Std Amount = 1.000 I Starting Peak Width =; 0.03 min. Peak Threshold = 6 Area Reject = 100 · Some peab h;~vl! been manually inteSfal"d. I P1<.~ Re~I!».1e Name Al11uunt Amount% ,0.,,,,;\ Aren% ,\yoe Width I1C.\gllt liei..ht% 1 0.452 0.0000 0.000 209 J.4 0.001 tiS 0.112 311,40 0.007 ~ 0.777 0.0000 0,000 200H 0.006 BV OMS 957.82 0,021 3 ~~5e>\'U(\!. ~~K.. 0,0000 0.000 I :11i RH:i!tI~9-· 57.234 Vß 0.294 1014083.00 23.627 I .. ~ 730 0.0000 0,000 2029.3 O,UG/; BB 0.047 718.01 0017 S )..336 0.0000 0.000 172U 0.006 BB O,O~I j61.20 O.OIJ 3.694 0,0000 0.000 216M 0.009 Bv 0.039 1183.24 0.028 I ~,.744 0.0000 0.000 3J74.! 0.011 VB 0.045 126291 0.029 4.,004 0.0000 0.000 964.7 0.U03 BB 0.039 417.25 0.010 9 4.221 0.0000 0.000 1108.7 0.004 BV 0,048 381.74 0,009 10 4.305 0,0000 0.000 1084 .~ 0.007 vv (j,042 831.53 0.019 I IL 4,3~9 0.0000 0.000 8056.0 0.026 va 0.043 3134,97 0.073 12 4.538 0.0000 0.000 2300.6 0.007 BV 0.047 8ZZ.L6 0.019 13 4.S ¡'ß o .oooa 0,000 2475.4 O,OOR VV 0.034 1215.56 0.0:28 14 4.832 0.0000 0000 1906.3 0,006 VV 0.036 886.61 0.021 I 15 4.928 0,0000 0.000 5186.8 0.017 VV 0.038 2255.\lï 0.053 16 5.070 0.0000 0.000 80:21.7 0.026 VV 0.092 WHO 0.03~ P.02 40 Apr-27-00 04: 13P Za lco---Laboratories, Inc. 661-395-3069 I-".u¿: I I ZALCO LABORATORIES. INC. Analytical & Consulting Services I 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 385-3069 I Soile Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakcrafield. CA 93313 Laboratory No: Da.te Received: Date Repc>rted: Contract:: No: 0004393 01/25/00 o4/~7/oo I Attencion: Bob Becker I Description; See Below Samp1.E!d by Chris Can·isilez REPORT OF AN~LYTICAL R~SULTS I TPH Petroleum Hydrocarbons I Lab ~a.mple Dôlte Time: Number I::8iSCription Sampled Sampled mg/kg 0004?93 -l T~ -15' , Project tt9l05 04/25/00 09:45 27000 0004193 ~ 2 T2S - 5' , Project 04/25/00 11:30 23000 0004393,-3 T2 S ~ 11' . Project #9J,.05 04/2S/00 14;]0 40000 0004393-4 Tl-23' ·BTM. Project #9105 04!25/00 13:45 7400 000439]-5 NTN-E-1S' . Project #9105 04/25/00 15:00 23000 0004393-6 NTN-N··14' , Project #9105 04/25/00 15;15 7000 0004393-7 1'}.'-W-Ol0', Project ~9105 04/2S/00 13;00 12000 I I I I I I I I cc: Lab Op~rå~ion5 Manager I Date AnalY1.èd; 04/26/00 Analyst: L~~ Detection Limit for Report.ing; 50 Meth()d; 418.1. Method Reference~: 11. 81'A SW·B45, 1994 .~.ð EditIon 2. ~PA ~OO/1-79-02Q M~,çh 1983 g/kg , Mil igrama p~r kL1ogr~~ (parts p~r m\Jlion) mg/1 , mil i.gl-ame p.,r J iter (parte p"". ,"i 11 ion) ug/k9 ' m· rograms ¡)t!!T Idloqram (pa~L!1 1''''. billi"n) pp,nv , p.lI. t B per ~u.l: Ü'n vo lllme ND: Non lJ~tc(;'ted NGG: N,,~. $u ~ ficlen!: Sa./llp1.. I . r .. .. . Apr-27-00 04:13P Zalco Laborator;es~ Inc. I 6õ1-395-3Ub~ r- . U~ I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical &. Consulting Services I 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I soils Engineering 1700 DisLrict Blvd Bakersfi~ld, CA 93313 LabO:I:"atory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Dat.e Sampled Time Sampled 0004393-1 04/25/00 04/27/00 Attenticm; Bob Becker 04/25/00 09:45 I Sample Type~ CAM Solid. I Descript:ion: T2-15', Project #9105 Sampled by Chris Carrisilez I REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Purseable Aromatics 8020 Benz(~nc Toluene Ethy.Lben:l?-;ie Total Xylenes Methyl te~tqRutyl Ether (MTBE) RE':!sults Un1ts DLR M~-:t::hQd/Ref 14,6 ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 432 u9/kg 5.0 8020/1 116 ug/kg 15.0 8020/1 NO ug/kg 10, 8020/1 I I I I I I I Analy<:ed 04/26/00 JMM cc; I Method Refe-rence 1. EPA SW-B46. 1'94 3l'd Edition Z. EP.... 600/4 ')9 020 Mal·': ¡ ¡'j/ ) , " .,. /.1 ,,' ,.- / I /'/ ·-7l~·' - ./J-' . )." .. . .:::-::r //'./ / '..__ "',~/,"t...;r:· -::~. .~ (. ."'''-.f.: ..-( . ':¡;¡"~ EtherX'Ónj Lab Operations 1,/ ('.' I Ma.nager I 11.;,/]. '.,' mil 1 J.g¡;ain,¡- ~~,: Lit.er (p"t~5 pel' mlll1oll) ug/L : microgl-~O\$ prH· Lite¡' (P<II·t.S p!'<l' lJillion) "mhos/em : nÜc;romhos/cRI a~ 2, C ,,'mhos/cm : .n. 1.1imhos/cl\\ oi~ '2'> c Nf) None nt!tec:ted NIp. ; Net. Applicable N$S : Not Sufficient. 6.,mple for J\11('Ily:;is OLR : D~~..,ction Llmir. for Repon i.119 purposes I .. .1' .. - - Apr-27-00 04:13P Zalco Laborator;es, Inc. 661-39-5-3069- - P.04 I I ZALCO LABORATORIES. INC. Analytical & Consulting Services I 4309 ArmDur Avenue Bakersfield, California 83308 (661) 395-0538 FAX (661) 395-3068 I Soils Engineering 4700 Diatrict Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Laboratory No: Date RecE!ived: Dç¡.te Repo:r.;t.ed; Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampl.ed 0004393-2 04/25/00 04/27/00 Àtt:.ention: Bob Becker 04/25/00 11:30 I Sample Type: Cl\M Solid I De~cription; T2S-5' I Project Sampled by Chris Ca,,',risilez I REPORT Oli' ANALYTICÄIJ RESUL'TS I Coneti tueIJ.ts Purgeable Arom~t.ics 0020 f,!,en2;ene Toluene Ethylber17.ene Total Xylenes Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Results Uni ~.~ DLR l']et})od/R~ NO ug/kg 5.0 B020/:!. ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/k.g 5.0 8020/1 N1) ug/Kg 15.0 8020/1 Nf) ug!kg 10 8020/1 I I I I I I I Analyzed 01!26/00 .' r''IM ec; I Method Ref(~rence 1. EP}\ $"'-846, 1994 .)rd <::dition 2. E~A 60a/1-?9-03D Mareh 1993 ,.. "'--- ,) .~~,;.- t>~~·}~' .;;;. ;{;-j~h~~;;!1:b~··~~;~~~·:on8 Manager l / / j m9/L~., lIiÜligrams P<:'" ):,'iton- (>J"t"~" P~l' milllol\' ug!L :"'microgrl1ms per'Liter (parts pCL bi 11 ion 1 umhos/em , micromho~/~m at 2~ C mmhos/cm , millirnhO$/~m at 2~ C ND Non" Detected N/lI. : Nllr. Applicable N$8 : Not SuEficient S.sml'l.o: fe.!: lI.n,;,ly'';s ~LR : Detec::t.~on LimlL (nr Repc'rclng PUT."PC>IH!!! I I I Thic r.","'\" ic '1 hl"':4I'._à 1_.. ......... .......1...:.... . .__ _I _... ,.~. .... " . . Apr-27-QO II I 04:14P Zalco Laborator;es. Inc. 661-395-3069 P.05 ZALCO LABORATORIES I INC. Anelytical & Consulting Services I 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield. California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661J 395·3069 I Soils Bngineering 4700 District ~lvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 CAM Solid Laboratory No; Date Received; Dáte Reported; Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0004393-3 04/25/00 04/27/00 I Attention; BQb BecketT: Sample 'l'ype; 04/25/00 1.1;30 I DeecriptÍ<Hl: T2S-11', Project #9105 Sampléd by Chris Ç<\rrisilc::;z I REPORT QB. ANALYTICAl.. RESULTS I COnstituents Result¡;; Units DLP. M~thQti/Re~ Purgcable Aromat:lca 8020 Benz.=ne ND uS/kg 5.0 eO:20/1 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 Ethylbf;r¡z:~ne 25.5 ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 Total Xyhmes 39.3 ug/kg 15.0 8020/1 Meth:r'l t,,~]-t--Butyl Et:har,- (MTBE) NT) ug/kg 10 8020/1 I I I I I I I AnalY7.ed 04/7.6/00 cc; I 1. EPA S¡'¡-Q46. 1991 3~-cI P.c¡¡tion 2. EPA GOO/4 ,1?-020 Màrc;h 1!/B3 4. ç(!laonÜ.:¡ Oep~. of Fi~h i!lnd Game ~,1:1~~~fj¿'ó:6::~n:s Manager I mg/L( . mil1i9raÍns~ Liter 'paLI_" P':'~ milllon: ug/L : microgramš p~r LitCl' (Pi!l·t!: p'~r billion) ""'¡'cs/cm : m~<::romhc>g/(:m ðt 25 C rncnhos/cm ; millimhos/cCII "t 25 C MD NOn~ Detected MIA: Nut Applic~bla N:;S , Not Sufficient S"nlpl~ for l\r,<\1y"is DLR : Det....ction Lln,H, fo, Repon.iuy p\I,poses I Method RefcY'E:1I1Ce I I T"':... ........_... ~_ C..__:_L._J l._~...... Apr-27-00 I 04:14P Zalco Laborator;es, Inc. 661"::395-3069 P.06 I ~ ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services I 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395·0539 FAX (661) 395·3069 I Soils Engin(~ering 4700 District Blvd Bakerafield, CA 93313 Laboratory No: Date Receiveò: Dat.e Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0004393-4 04/25/00 04/27/00 ^ttention: Hob Becker 04/25/00 13:45 I Sample Type: CAJl.I Solid I Descr.iption: Tl-23'-BTM, ProjecL #9105 SaT\'\pled by Chris Carrisilez REPORT Of ANALYTICAL RESULTS I I Constituents Purgeabl~ Aromatics 8020 Ben2:ene Toluene Ethylbenzer¡(:~ Total Xylenea Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Result.s Units DI,R Met.hod/Rf:!f 12.0 1,1g/k9 5.0 S020/1 ND U9/1<9 5.0 6020/1 61.1 u9/k9 5.0 SnO/l 19.3 uS/kg 15.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 10 8020/1 I I I I I I I Analyz,ed 01/26/00 JMM cc: I 1. ePA SW-Q46, 19514 Jl·d R<:!ition 2. ErA t;oO/"··'!I· 020 Md.rc:h 1953 .'- k'· . . . - (. ... ~..-,-' ..-;;.. . ./ -.~ . ~. £/ .~ .,' -"\.--' ..-¿of -.' ' i .-:-6.. ./. . /)~idi - Eth~7téIÌ" Lab Operations Manager !!19fL..-{ mi1l1gr.im:3.p·ér Llt1:r (P<lrts p.". million' ug/L : r~icrogralll~ pel· J.,itt't (parts pel' billion.' amhos/cm : m.iI::romhoe:/r;r~ at 25 c: t"'"hos/em : 1nillimtto!\I<~·m at 2'> C !llJ No,¡e Detected N/A : Not AppllCilul" II:;S Not S\JUieient ¡;"''''~le tat A""lYSl9 DLR , Detect~~n LimlL fur Repo%ting rurpo~e. I Method Reference I I T),;. .....-........;.. t........:..k....... 4.....·.1... _.._1....:.._ ..__ _t... .,.. . Apr-27-00 04:14P Zalco Laborator;es~ Inc. I 661-395-3069 P.07 I ZALCD LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services I 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0589 FAX (661] 395-3069 I Soils Engineerin!J 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 ¡,aboratory No ~ Date Received: Date Reported: Contract: No. Date Sampled 'rime Sampled 0004393 -5 04/2.'5/00 04/2"1/00 Attention; Bob Becker 04/25/00 1.5:00 I Sample Type; CAM Solid I Description; NTN-E-15', project #9105 Sampled by Chris Carrisilcz I REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constit_uent..s purgeable Aromatics 8020 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzen~ Total Xylen0.s Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Results Uni t.s DLR Me1;:hod/Ref 12 .3 ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND UO:3' /kg 5.0 8020/1 228 ug/kg 5.0 80:20/1 69.1 ug/kg 15,0 8Q~O/1 ND ug/kg 10 8020/1 I I I I I I I Analyze~d 04/26/00 JMM cc; I 1. EPJI 8W-B46, 1994 .)n\ Sdit101) 2. EPA 6(JO/4·79-020 M.wch 19D3 . .:' ~n.~. .:(',' .-.:~: { _ .1· -,./~:: . .:: '. 0 ..~'J. r;. --. 0.' ';_. ~. -, /,,¿r;·'..ïJï.' Ethe~.to~j l,ab Operç¡.L.lOn5 Managcr. mcJ/L , mllllgl'"a.,n~ p,h' ¡,ltel· (IMI·~5 P""l" ",Ul ion! ug/L ; micrograms pH Lller (p¿ll·tS pPol" t,i.llioll: urltho",/cm : ml.c..nmhos/cm dL ;/;. C mmhòI'/cm : milHmhoa/cm ill·. 2<; r. ND None De~~çt~d N/A , ~ot A~~l.ç~ble NSS Not sutti,;icnt sampl", fra- ""nall'e.." DLR , l1etect1orl Limit fOl" Ro:-¡.>t>l"ting Puq't1ses I Method Reference I I T~:_____..~_,"._.'.L. It ,I Apr-27-00 I 04:14P Zalca Labaratar;es~ Inc. bb~-;;S~t>-;;SUC::::1 r . ""'...... I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services I 4309 Armour Avenue BakerSfie(d, California 98308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I Sails Er~ineering 4700 District Blvd Bakcrafield, CA 93313 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date :Reported: Contrtict No. Date. SamJ?lt::d Time Sampled 0004393·6 04/25/00 04/27/00 Attention: Bob Becker 04/25/00 15:15 I Sample Type; CAM Solid I Description; NTN-N-14', !?roject 1t9105 Sampled by Chris Car.risilez REPORT OF ANALYTiCAL RESULTS I I Constituents purgeable Aromatics 8020 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBR) R~~mna V.nit.s DLR t>1ethodLRef ND u<)/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND u9/k9 5.Q 8020/1. ND ug/k9" 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 10 8020/1. I I I I I I I Analyzed cc: 04/26/00 JMM I Method Referenc;e 1. ¡¡;PA 51\1-816. 19'4 Jrd EdHi<:>n 2. £ÞJ>. 600/4·79-'1?'(I March 19a~ _ d;~'f1¥£; ~;~i~:on" M;nager /~./( milligrIo5.-þel· L¡l;.c-r (piing µ.,r milhoo' vg/L : ml<:rogra111s per L1Lèr (pares per h¡ llionl vmhos/crn , mir.'romhQ!;/crn at 2~ C mmhoa/cm , ntillirnhOg/l;ln ilt 25 C tolD NOr1~ netect~c;! N/A . /IIot ApplJ.r.:<lble I'ISS : N<)I;. $uff).c¡.ont sample fc>~· Analy.-.i:¡; DLR : O('tection L~mit fo¡: ft.r:-portlng F'uq10ses I I I l'hilõ rAL....nrt ;.. +~tr·,,;-:.~..rt ~I"\r th^ ~",.·h ....:.... .... ...~ ro..... r-.....^_,.,.· .....J __ _1:_. ... _I.. . - .~. .. . . I . . I -' . Apr-27-00 04:14P Zalco Laborator;es~ Inc. 661-395-30bY ......u~ I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytìcal &. Consulting Services I 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 83308 [661] 395-0538 FAX (661] 395-3069 I Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attent.ion; Bob Becker Laboratory 'No; Date Received: Date Reporl~ed; Contract No. Dat.@. Sampled Time Sampled 0004393-7 04/25/00 04/27/00 I 04/:25/00 13:00 Sample Type: CAM Solìd I Description: TF-W-010'. Project .9105 Sampled by Chris Carrisile~ REPOR't OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I I Constituents Purgeab1e Aromatics 8020 Ben:.:ene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenca Methyl te~t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Results Unifs DLR f".1e!;110d/Ref 'NO ug/kg 5.0 8020/l ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 B020/1 ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/1 ND ì.lg/kg 10 8020/1 I I I I I I I AAëÜyzed cc: 01/26/00 J'MM I Method Rf;!ference 1. EPA SW e46, 1994 ]rd Editla~ 2. Ei'Ä EOO/1-79-II?'O March 1993 ., ~..). i< :~~ì~J2i~LC'£~::::ns Manage< ,-ff ,:' I / f ¡ Rtgf'ù··-( milligrilm¡;p;tl· LHp.r I¡:¡,nt:~ po¡¡¡; mil:i.io,,: ug/L : micrograms per Liter (pall~ p~r billion' \lm11.oeh;.. , mlCl·"..hoa/cm at ~~ C mmhO$/çm 1 ml11.imhoa/cm II~ 2~ C ND None Dt:tccted N/A , N"L J\l'plicabl'" NSS Not Sufficient S"'.ple for J\11111Y6ia DLR , Detect.i.on Llnl~t for Ro;,¡J(Jrt. i.n'] Pu1"p<:'$el; I I I '1".. --,.·:01'" ...1......,'''..1(... In. ..··.11...6;.·..· VJI. nl uu,. r__u:Jj/nrr"wJ .:J 1',. >:In <J¡:Jþ Ie',," l')f1/y 10 thf!4 $.:::Jrnpl~s tt3sh1ð. 7"!r,-. ., _ .. - - - -- - ---------- POSITVE LAB SERVICES Date: 04 . 28 - 00 N 0.. Client: Soils Engineering 418.1 - TRPH (Soil) Batch #: 0119418.1 M2-1 Extraction Method: 418.1 Extraction Date: 04 - 28 - 00 Date Analyzed: 04 - 28 - 00 8021 B - BTEX + MtBE I(Soil) Batch #: 01198021M2-1 Extraction Method: 50~:0 Extraction Date: 04 - 28 - 00 Date Analyzed: 04·28 - 00. 300 E. Truxton Ave. . Bakersfield, CA (!) N (!) 00 Units ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg I ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg %Rec mg/kg mg/kg Sample # Benzene MOL I Toluene I MOLl Ethylbem MOL Xylenes MOL I Surrqt. I TRPH MOL PBS . 0119 - I ND 5 NO 5 NO 5 NO 10 106 NO 5.0 81 - 33' 5.7 5 47 5 19 5 82 10 62" 30000 4000 81 - 48' ND 5 NO 5 NO 5 NO 10 73 7.5 5.0 .~---_._-"_..,"..-'- ._·,"'~.L'_~'.A'_ ~._---" --.__...~._", ~..-,.-"'-",,-, .~_..------- ._,~-----.-... ---.-- -..------ 82 - 28' ND . 5 62 5 210 5 260 10 47" 31000 2000 82 - 48' NO 5 NO 5 NO 5 NO 10 81 9.6 5.0 83 - 45' NO 5 NO 5 NO 5 NO 10 84 5.5 5.0 83 - 55' NO 5 NO 5 NO 5 NO 10 89 9.3 5.0 84 - 22' NO 5 39 5 110 5 160 10 55* 24000 2000 B4 - 42' NO 5 NO 5 NO 5 NO 10 100 NO 5.0 85 - 40' NO 5 NO 5 NO 5 NO 10 102 NO 5.0 86 - 35' ND 5 NO 5 NO 5 NO 10 92 5.5 5.0 86 - 40' NO 5. . NO 5 NO 5 NO 10 81·.. NO 5.0 87 - 40' ND ,... 5 NO 5 NO 5 NO 10 102 ND 5.0 ~ ~ r--- ('Y) ~ N o U w (j a:J <:( -1 (j >- I 0.. Ô * Matrix interference caused low surrogate recoveries. See TRPH results. a: LL L 0.. ~ N ~ ~ ~ N I ~ ~ I l.C) - - - I ~Ð POSITIVE I .~ LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ö~/ö~/Lööö LU~öö Ll~ (q~b~ (L-- r-u:;, 1 I IVt I...HD ;:)I:.!'W.L '-'I:. rHO¡::-- r.r, 781 East Washington Blvd" Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 CA 93313 05/03/00 Prj.No.9105 Kern County Sup. of Schools Fax: (661) 831-2111 Sample#: 20000933-001 R.eceived: 05/01/2000 Type: Soil I.D.: 81-43' ~>~~r",ª.m.~.t~r~<,,( ~e-»» ~~(...« 0 .- ,...- " Collector: Client Sampling Date/Time: Method: Picked Up By PI.S 04/27/2000 11:10:00 AM , Ji~r~plJ.e~~M~~hº~L ,,,, ,,~ß$,!J.,t ...m ""t),Qit"", «J~Qt,. Sample#: 20000933-002 Received: 05/01/2000 Type: Soli I.D.: 62-38' x (~~ r:~)r:\l!~~~r:):»)C. HH4 ~.:.... II Extraction Method/Date Analysis Date 8en:l!:enl~ Toluene Ethyl benzene Xylene (Total) Surrogates Trifluorotoluene EPA S0218 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 8021 B EPA 80218 EPA 60218 05/01/00 05/01/00 ND ND ND ND ug/kg 5 ug/kg oS ugJkg 5 ug/kg 15 Percent Extraction Method/Date EPA 50306 EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 50308 EI>A 50308 EPA 50306 EPA 5030B EPA 5Q306 * 94 Analysi,. Date Benzene Toluen!! Ethyl benzene Xylene (Total) Surrog¡ltes Trlfluorotoluene Extraction Method/Date Analysis Date TRPH 418.1 EPA 418.1 EPA 418.1 EPA 418.1 05/03/00 05/03/00 ND 5 mg/kg ----·~_''''.,''_..........._._.,''''._n'''_'.,.._.._________..'YW''''''''NJ'N.__"...._..........._.__n""'._"""'_."""._-..___....-....,YNNWN"""'_""''''_'''__''' . ..~r~plJätM,~.thº~.« .«. ..R~~~J~. ".,.".. «Mott."... "J~Q~<. EPA 50308 EPA 80216 05/02/00 ëPA 5030B EPA 80218 05/02/00 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 ND uÇ /kg , EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg , EPA 50306 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg S EPA 50308 EPA 60218 ND ug/kg 1S EPA 50306 EPA 80218 * EPA 50306 EPA 80216 96 Percent Collector: Client Method: Picked Up By PLS Sampling Date/Time: 04/27/2000 1:35:00 PM 20000933-002 ~~/~~/L~~~ L~;~ö L.L~(q~b~(L I AIIID POSITIVE I .", LAB SERVICE I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I SoilS Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 CA ~U~.LI.LV~ LA~ ~~~V.L~~ ~AI.J~ ~~ 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles. CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 05/03/00 Prj.No. 9105 Kern County Sup. of Schools Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 50308 EPA 5030B EPA 503013 EPA 50308 EPA 5030B EPA 50308 EPA 5030B EPA 5030B Extraction Method/Date AnalysiS Date TRPH 418.1 ---".".....,"""~............ 93313 EPA 418.1 EPA 418.1 EPA 418.1 05/03/00 05/03/00 ND mg/kg 5 ,....".....y_,~H.'oI'"'NNN.'.""'^.."N,.,.,.N~._...._....",~"""',,................,.,...,.,.,.""'..,....."...................._...._......".,"".."................,_.........,......"N.'W. SampUe#: 20000933-003 Received: 05/01/2000 Type: SOil I.D.: 133-35' x<P~r~m~I~~r,:-» ,,>:«« ~. »» ~ Extraction MethodJDate Analysis Date Benzene Toluene Ethyl henzene Xylene (Total) Surrogates Trifluorotoluene ExtraC1:ion Method/Date Analysis Date TRPH 'Ua.1 _"",,,,,,,-'_"'YN. Sample#: 20000933·004 Received: 05/01/2000 Type: Soil I.D.: 67-20' ~ ~f!ªr,'m~~~r:«HU» ~~~ HcH ExtraCtion Method/Date Analysis Date Benzene Toluene Ethyl benzene Collector: Client Method: Plçked Up By PLS Sampling Date/Time: 04/27/2000 3:55:00 PM < .,p,r,~pjJ~ßt M<~th9~... "«J~.,~§~!tw>m"':uni~...".. ",~Q~" EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 8021S EPA S02lS êPA 80218 05/01/00 05/01/00 NO ugJkg 5 ND ug/kg S ND U9/k9 5 ND ug/kg 1S * 93 percent EPA 418.1 EPA 418.1 EPA 418.1 05/03/00 05/03/00 ND I11g/kg 5 ,-......--- ,..",.._"P....,y,..,_........--......-......"'"...y""""'""",.................,........... ",,..,..._..,,,,,,_. ColI~ctor= Client Sampling Dilte/Time: Picked Up By PLS 2:15:00 PM Method: 04/2.8/2000 > "ernJ;)1:r~tM~hº4> > > ,~:.):uR.~"Jt ....c<..~.,~Yoitu~:.:. XH~Q~".. EPA 50306 EPA B021e EPA 503Q8 EPA 80218 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA S0218 EPA 5030B EPA S0218 2 OS/01/00 05/01/00 ND ug/kg 5 ND ug/kg S ND u9!kg S 20000933-004 I ...n POSITIVE I .~ LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 05/03/2000 20:08 2137456372 POSITIVE LAB SERVICE PAGE 04 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 05/03/00 Prj.No. 9105 Kern County Sup. of Schools Soils; Engineering Inc. Flle# 73443 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 CA 93313 XyleM (Total) Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 5030B EPA 60216 ND EPA 50308 E;PA 80218 * EPA 5030B EPA 80216 86 EPA 418.1 05/03/00 EPA 418.1 05/03/00 EPA 418.1 ND Surrogates Trit1uorotoluene Extraction Method/Dat@ AnalySiS Date TRPH ·U8.1 '^"'--'~~"^'o"NW'."^,^'''',^",,,,'''~ _.........._........................../WVI......'...,.._v."...'.,.____......~,......._,....,''''_,Wo'Io......., Sarnple#: 20000933-005 Received~ OSjOlj2000 Type: Soli I.D.: 84-32' ,<P~r¡¡trn~t~r.",,, «<, ",.,,,, I,¡g/kg 15 Percent mg/kg 5 Collector: Client S3mpling D3té/iimè: Method: Pìcked up By PLS 04/2812000 8:10:00 AM ,.J.?f~pl:r~~.~,~thQa" , ««,J~.~'"'!~....m'..JJ"O!t.,«< ".J~Q1« extraction MethDd/Date AnalySiS Date Benzene EPA 50308 EPA 50308 EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 50306 EPA 5030B EPA 50306 EPA 5030B Toluene Ethyl benzene Xylene (Total) Surrogates TrifluDrotoluene ExtraC1:ion Method/Date Analysis Date l'RPH 418.1 ---.."".,-~... "'_~_"'_-'"".",,,, SaanpJe#: 20000933·006 R.êceived: 05/01/2000 Typê: SOil I.D.: B5-30' "P.~r.~m~t~r.."", >>>. '^ ..... EPA 80218 EF'A 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80218 EPA 80216 EPA 8021B EPA B021B EPA 8021B 05/01/00 05/01/00 ND ND ND ND * 90 EPA 418.1 EPA 418.1 EPA 418.1 05/03/00 OS/03/00 ND ug/kg 5 ug/kg 5 ug/kg 5 u9lkg lS percent mg/kg 5 CDllector: Client Sampling Date/Time: MethDd: Picked Up By PLS 04/26/2000 10:15:00 AM . .J.~r,~pl:r.~~~,~,~tl;t.øsJ.,. "" ,R~¡u!t^...... '" µ.oit. "" A<.~QJ.".. extrâction Method/Date Analysis Date EPA 50308 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA S0218 05/01/00 05/01/00 3 20000933-006 VW~UW' LUUU LU.UV .c...L...Jf""'1'wVw(L. I ~Ð POSITIVE I II ~ LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I SOilS Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 CA , U-.l..L , ..L VL... L-r-U..1 ...JL-''-V..L'-''- 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745M5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 93313 05/03100 Prj.NO. 9105 Kern County Sup. Of Schools Fax: (661) 831-2111 Benzene To¡uenl~ Ethyl b~nzene Xylene (Total) Surrogates Trifluorotcluene Extraction Method/Date AnalySiS Date TRPH 'HS.l ."""__WWoMI'...--.~................__......, Sample#: 20000933-007 Received: OS/Ol/2000 TYPe!: Soil I.D.: B5-20' ". :.~~ rRrn~t~r« ~.:o ~> o o > :0.:·:((4 Extractjon Method/Date Analysis Date Benzene Toluene Ethyl benzene Xylene (Total) Surrogates Trlflucrotoluene EXtTaction Method/Date AnalySis Date TRPH ,US.! EPA 50306 EPA 8021B ND EPA 50306 EPA S0216 ND EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND EPA 50306 EPA S0216 ND EPA 50306 EPA 80216 * EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 79 EPA 418.1 05/03/00 EPA 418.1 05/03/00 EPA 418.1 ND ug/kg 5 ug/kg $ u9/kg ~ ug/kg 15 Percent mg/kg 5 "'M.N'No"N."..~_._.""....... _.__.._._...",~""....,.."~,,,,,.......,,_,,~,,_n_"""YoN,,n",,_,."""""'N"'·"NoYN""""_n.""_".... Collector: Client Method: Picked Up By PLS S3mpling Date/Time: 04/28/2000 12:30:00 PM , J~r~»l:r~~~.M~ttu~(:t.. ., > m~e:i~Jt"<,,. ....y.a~t..... ,,,~Q1.,-.. EPA 50308 EPA 5030B EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 50306 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 EPA 80218 EPA 8021B EPA 80218 EPA 80216 . EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B 05/01/00 05/01/00 ND ND ND ND * 77 EPA 418.1 EPA 418.1 EM 418.1 05/03/00 05/03/00 . ND 4 ug/k9 s ug/k9 5 ug/kg 5 ug/kg 15 Percent mg/kg 5 20000933-007 I ..4Ð POSITIVE I . r LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~wlUwl LU~U kU.UO .LJ.~r'"t;.Jo~{£ Soils Engineering Inc. Fi1e~~ 73443 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 CA ,U~~I~V~ LHD ~~~v~~~ rH\::I~ tJO 781 East vVashington Blvd.. Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 93313 Fax: (661) 831-2111 05/03/00 Prj.NO. 9105 Kern County Sup. of Schools sample.#:: 20000933-008 Received: 05/01/2000 Type~ 5011 I.D.: M@thcxl Blank 00 )~~r~"moO~~"r«« H >,:.. .;.'« (,.. Extraction MethodlDate Analysis Date 8@nZE~ne Toluene Ethyl ben;¡:ene Xyl@ne (Total) Surrogates Trifluorotoluene Extraction Method/Date Anôlysis Date TRPI-141S.1 ND·· Not D~~d NA..... Not App1icable PQL = Pra(.1ical Qunntitation Limit Colh~ctDr: Sampling Date/Time: Me.thod: > <.er~plX~.~Me,thQa>" >.....R~§y!~,,«< """U,oit..,,, "J.~Q~" E?A 5030B EPA 50308 EPA 5030B eF'A 50308 EPA 5030B EPA 50308 EPA 50308 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 EPA 8Q218 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80218 EPA 60216 EPA 80216 EPAS021B 05/01/00 05/01/00 ND ND ND ND * 97 EPA 418.1 EPA418.1 EPA 418.1 05103/00 05/03100 ND ug/kg s ug/kg .s U9/kg 5 U9/k9 1S Percent mg/kg s Authorized Signaturc(s) Sub 0: SubcCll1tracled analysis, original report enclosed .Any to!!mainine, $alnl,r.e(S) fQr 11!8tiog will be diSl!o!!ed of 30 days from receipt date w11css notified. 5 20000933-008 ------ ~ ZALCO LABORÞ,TORIES, INC. 4309 Armour Ave. Bakersfield. California 513308 (B05) 395-0539 Fax (B05) 395-3069 - ----- Chain of Custody Record - -,- ... _, ~ J - - -- P,g.-L" 'L ''!i r , ZalcoLab/l () )() U' Ct I Project Title C) ì¡'ì r·· .' ' l-..... ...... . I _.> Turnaround Time: . ORUSH By: :)', )~~)U o Expedited (1 Week) o Routine (2 Weeks) Field Log /I Ice Chest /I , Temperature,DC Work Order /I Company Name c:r Phone /I Results ÇJ;FAX/I i Results .:/3 / --" ~j# ./ (){.',r ANALYSES REQUIRED Sample Date 10/1 Sampled Time Type** Sampled See Key Below Legal Sample Description Containers /I Type' / \,;./' ... ., i c: ... Q) t; 'r II> !!! (t " II> .Ë Q) a. " > II> II> ..I. 'iã õj õj '". ~ Q) Q) .:1. (/J (/J , , Q) v. . II> U U æ 0 8 Remarks a. u " I , J Ì'. Address City, State, Zip )(? j' ~' 7 II ,.,../ < l /1 /. IS r'"'(.." 1.«(' .1/" Lab /I '~f: í ,/ .,- -.- /" .J :>ÙI<... T /.-/{; /-{]T¡q T I-frò T 1-- w..--(Ó / /()." ") () r'/~ !'- I ,/.:? :~) l:( 11' ,i; ,/ ,j/t J I NOTE: Samptes are discarded 30 days atter resul1s are reported unless o1her arrangements are made. Hazardous samples will be returned to client or dispœ;ed of at clienfs expense. White· Office Copy Yellow· Lab Copy Pink· Client Copy KEY: 'G-Glass P-Plastic M-Metal T·Tedlar V·VOA ** W-Water WW-Wastewater S·Solid P·Petroleum L·Liquid O·Other A·Acid, pH<2 (HCI,HNû3,H2S04) S·NaOH+ZnAc C·Caustic, pH>10 (NaOH) \Turnaround Time: . 'A' (ZI\RUSH By: I v. ä./~. /0 Expedited (1 Wéek) o Routine (2 Weeks) - - -- page~of / Zalco Lab # COO LI3£{ Ó - - - - - - ----- Chain of Custody Record q /0S- - "11- ,./ .., - ~ ;~;~~o:~A~e?R~\TORIES, INC. Bakersfield, California 9:3308 (805) 395-0539 Fax (805) 395-3069 Project Title Field Log # Ice Chest # , Temperature,DC Work Order # " Company Name <:;t T o Phone # . . -~ .., .. Results Address pFAX # .. I .' - Results i .... City, State, Zip I ReportAttention A :.i ë .... l.:? L -. ~@ ~~~B ~£a Q) ü ->0") t;ec (c{ ~oo (/) -..' - Q) '" (/) à: Ë Lab # sri];¡ ~J (l/Þ( ¡ I " I Employed é ---r: Q) ;&-c ' , > (/) (/) ~- . ::::t ..... 'j¡j õi õi \,.., Q) Q) ~. A'-~ """ ~ (J (J !:~~ Q) Sample Date Time Type** '-- "-< (/) () () Containers ~ 8 8 10# Sampled Sampled See Key Below Legal Sample Description J-.-, c·./'"'. a.. Remarks # Type' .............. I If¡0s),ú q : 45" > 72-- /5" I A/Î X l 1', I r... I 1/:30 I /2 ç - S-I I I I '// ¡ I I "', I .i I / .-\ / i í ( ;):30 T2 .5 I / -- I , X - i i "y' \ \\1.\5 \ //-23 -= (ß TM ! \ , '.,/ Y I .:..... '; 3~ 00 \ /VTIJ- F -J)' .-- \ i ~-< V ( 3~ ¡Š- N - 14" \ ì /VTN - )( ""r I ;J... If;~Lj ftð I: 00 -rr:-vJ- --- \ 'I I /0 í \ I ';/ 'I '<. I , , , ! I I I i I, . . . : ... .. . ., .' -. : '.. .. ~, , . .. . .'. ! ,-,-- , . / ;_~... ! t, /1 ,I!' l :' // \ If ............:;.... ! Z . ___ "" , (;5 [I <;f::'Y- :;Jv.o ,)Q Jl) /-"ll! '·f·· \/! r;(fÝ\ (I. .... I _~. . - . ''','\ _I' .' I"~ ,-. V '---' I ....... ..-". .., '. .' .... '.'...' .' ~ " . i! \ ""--"._ ..,.... ''''''/ 'J "', " j . .- ~ I .: V ..--' " NOTE: Samples are discarded 30 days after resu~s are reported unless other arrangements are made. KEY: , G·Glass P-Plastic M-Metal T-Tedlar V-VOA Hazardous samples will be returned to client or disposed of at clienfs expense. ** W-Water WW-Wastewater S-Solid P·Petroleum L-Liquid O-Other White· Office Copy Yellow· L.ab Copy Pink· Client Copy *** A-Acid, pH<2 (HCI,HN03,H2S04) S-NaOH+ZnAc C-Caustic, pH>10 (NaOH) 'i i - -- -.... --..-- .- --- --- - - - - - - - - - -- -- ~[1 POSITIVE CHAIN OF CUSTODY AND 781 East Washington Blvd., ANAL YSIS REQUEST 1]'" Los Angeles, CA 90021 DATE: " - PAGE~OF i LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 LOG BOOK NO. FILE NO, LAB NO, C' ! -- /(. ,t::T~) AIRBILL NO: CLIENT NAME: ~. A1f.1 I r¡it ( ~ /1/¡ -...,..- ANAL YSES REQUESTED: "):) " ( Î . JI.' - \.. ) 1.- PROJECT NAME:k, 11 (1ðt\' rl, i .IJ f!;, ¡-. E71 ó :-:; COOLER TEMP:_ " I 1 j PROJECT NO. P,O.NO, .f (1 <'~â, >I "//;,,15 PRESERVED: ï ADDRESS: 47ij() ì"" rl' i 'p I ~"{.! F"'J l'I;. ( (,r-: ¡j /1 Þ--Ì ..:"¡ ;/~ -> LA';'! \ I' , ._" , .,)..... , ~ ¡ /.-/ -, ::...... .. -r- OC REPORT PROJECT MANAGER: ß,)b r!~t>c k( ,_ í PHONE NO:(¡;¡ ..'?¿'I_~-;I('(~¡ FAX NO: .~?j! ~;J; ~ ) -- !\. LEVEL: .·1.. /7} . 1 ! ..0,·// / ; ....,. , - " REMARKS: SAMPLER NAME: ( "" ., rP ~@~ ,- .... . /.. {-- /.', . @~ @O& . /'" ( I~ign.?t~~é;,· <'.. _...1.'"¿·.l.~ .J.....¿~.'#'... .J,_.' ZiJlb C, II' .:; jí ( ì IPri~Iet\).\L' ¿.' I ... .' ,- .. TAT (Analytical Turn Around Time) o = Same Day; 1 = 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; (Etc,) N = NORMAL j CO NT AINER TYPES: B = Brass. G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = VOA Vial, 0 = Other: .' SAMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX CONTAINER -~: ....., SAMPLE CONDITION/ -, NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION TAT ,.... ,.. COMMENTS: WATER SOIL SLUOGE OTHER # TYPE i.... .':' "% .I / ;;;1 r;; i / - )'f/iJU 11'. {O O· LJ ? ..- / ¡ " !:>t '- ~tí c... .' -' I _~ / .. I't./,' i }"''"' .", ('- , ..r // )/~ i is , I j ï "1/" ('2'-;;,r ./.. /- .''l) / f ",,"^ (¡i" ;;> . .J:J ,~),t- -:¡{) ·.l:·-:t1 \ " J .. £{; ; 1/ ,., f , Jr-rr E' --, .:.; -r .... /~1: ì ,..... )ï::. T / [IV ".., .( _.- I.," I "' ",.,J. ....,)...J -,1'-/ .-~) -....... ; ," ,I (Ji-J / / 15 ./ ç:{ --, ,.... /./ I" tl f 14·' ß7- l:)() . ~. ( f'AI /<, "eo' " ..,lì..-ï¡/¿.; .- 1/- I .. r~i1A /. H:lo [' '{ :i") -- / ¡ ;.l' / " - Jl,{j',d ....~,¡. -.... # ~:·1/ ' , ! .I -' ! ~'... --" -)...... i n4.- ,. ,- r/:- .. ..- ;/ ,\( ! ~. "I .- i - 110)/.,. ~{r. ! s: ' J . ) . !.:" fC- Y ;,..- ',' ,·:.Ù - .>0 I / / I~ . ('1;0 ¡ !3[,.' ;)J" // I ~ ", / U V , / .- "),.;,!.,¿. 1);jtJ 1 /1.1 ! ~'. ..,: ,- r .~.. V , . -." . . . .~ ~ . .. , . -...- ....' .-' .._.- ..... .-"'-' """" . . --. ·-··.v· . --'~'-" I Rel"'~ed By: )Sig~ature...and ,~rinted Name) f?r.~ f _ .- ~ceived By: (~ì9nalure and Printed Name) Dale: Time' SAMPLE DISPOSITION: ( J.( ! ,,- t·tt~"i,(,l -', I I¡~ l .-1 l ( /(./ t /7.. : . 1, Samples returned to client? YES NO Relinquished By: (Signature and PrinteO!NameJ Received By: (Signature and Printed Name) Date: Time' ,...~. 2, Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless '" ." additional storage time is requested. RelInquished By: fSlgnalure and Printed Name) Received By: ¡Signature and Printed Name) Date: Time: 3, Storage time requested: days SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: By Date .- I' , I { .':: , .' 1~ , ¡.~ ......:.....;,; ,.'~" --- - - -' IIÍIIIIÌI - - - - ... '- -- .... '- .... pas I - - CHAIN OF CUSTODY AND 781 East Washington Blvd., ANAL YSIS REQUEST ,". II,.. LAB SERVICE Los Angeles, CA 90021 DATE: PAGE , OF~ (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 LOG BOOK NO. FILE NO, LAB NO. (""~,~ J l <. r:: . " , , " AIRBILL NO: CLIENT NAME: ~ , .r - r::: -I ANAL YSES REQUESTED: T ,"'1 {,;, ilf{ (; i ,¡ 1,,{ ¡ .. f.._ j , . ,~ PROJECT NAME:JCn I /1 \ ,- .. -, COOLER TEMP:_ ". ,- .'~ (/ . PROJECT NO. e": ¡ i /;..,.--- P,O, NO. ( ú,~t~ I " ,r t 1 /. )ti j ,1' ":.?t'r,,'.' /! u,/ PRESERVED: I 4 " ADDRESS: ï7fJó /-<'>... ! Ilrj . , F' ¡-- ) ¡/l j~! ....") "'~~-~I ~~. l~çf(l¡ , ".A/(.(<,T i~" It . ( / I " ......././ --,....;> QC REPORT PROJECT MANAGER: p'YJ¿ &cf~r PHONE NO: tll ;1.~:1 </ (/(j FAX NO: ?/:'?i :i¡;¡ LEVEL: ,-:~i (%ris ¡J ~ ,--- .. REMARKS: SAMPLER NAME: (/t f IÍiPí>nJ, z: ./.:~.?., ..{ . .... \Signatu,e!/ /. ., - '. . ,.- ./ <"~' .//Î'~ (.>~~~" .' (,ÈJ(g @m? ~m?O(ì /\ .. ~B fì!JL .rb ~ TAT (Analytical Turn Around Time) o = Same Day; 1 = 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; (Etc. I N = NORMAL (j °t-· CONTAINER TYPES: B = Brass, G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = VOA Vial, 0 = Other: g ,-_..? SAMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX CONTAINER SAMPLE CONDITION! NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION TAT COMMENTS: WATER SOIL SLUDGE OTHER . TYPE : , , ; i ~ ì ¡ : " ! , I o- j i., , ! ¡ , '"! , 0' r , ; , : ,. , , , .. \ ; , ! !.¡ ! .' I I ,; "" " / ¡;."-. .' ~. ~ ~... " , i_' ,.\ \ \G J. ..- r, , ,', Reh~¡,~¥d BY:,\S;\l'nature ~ndr~''!'ted Namel /.X // /,' Received By: (Signature and Printed Name) Date: Time: SAMPLE DISPOSITION: ,/ /"... ,." ..of.'" " f'Ol':-"t.....!..... ...". ! !'" J \ //, .,' .;;(, /-;f ., , 1- Samples returned to client? YES NO RelinqUIshed By: íSlgnatu,? and pri~,,!,~Name) Received ElY: ¡Signature and ~"nted Name) _)/1- . " ~ Date: Time' /~,;",/ ,1'/( .·,//.7 -~';" 2. Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless : .. /- .. i, ~ ..'''''.. .' " " ( .' .! / !:).j. '.~ . { /; i I ) additional storage time is requested, Relinquished By: (SIgnature and Printed Name) ReceIved By: (Signature and Pr!nted Name) Date rime: 3, Storage time requested: days SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: By Date \".1 iFI\!T (.': .... . ....... - -- - IÍIIII.- -'. .- - - - - - - - - .- - - ~[1 POSITIVE CHAIN OF CUSTODY AND 781 East Washington Blvd., ANAL YSIS REQUEST -,,- Los Angeles, CA 90021 DATE: PAGE~OF~ LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 LOG BOOK NO. FILE NO. LAB NO. /". . ¡, - ,/ r'r '\ AIRBILL NO: CLIENT NAME: ". 1 }- ¡"'ìC .I <-, ANAL YSES REQUESTED: . )(j ì. \ (. L- \1/'/1'\" " C p) (/ . l ...~,. PROJECT NAME: f< .; , .,'\ {'> /. COOLER TEMP:_ ,'; of ~r f) . ¡,pROJECT NO, ) I . r~· P.O. NO. .( \ \1 ( I!ii ¡ !i . ¡ .:,\1 ). ...:JI. ;"'.' . C).? PRESERVED: I , ADDRESS: ¿-r7 Ü( ) ;" 4- ~ "', J ·i./,¡J(, {" i.t ''1A .··~l_-) . ~ "7 'd \, ì { \ ( I. ." '. " ,~ (I ';¡ >Í .-'" QC REPORT I ;, iJ '-', . ( ;,,' r}:t. !..., I· \. r I ì~')-e c k (' ,- PHONE NO:(ir0:/ )6':;/- :::/ú:fAX NO: LEVEL: PROJECT MANAGER: ,/. . .-.... ) II i . )C; ::, ~~i .:::) SAMPLER NAME:tJ - ÎJ ~ I ~ .-:::~ ~ f REMARKS: , / @~ . Ins (P"nted) (SIgnature) (.. .' ~'/"':"i' ... @LZ? ( (i ( {¡r.f\1¿> ~ .< , " @[ÆD ~Oœ1 " ~a, TAT (Analy1ical Turn Around Time) o = Same Day; 1 = 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; (Etc.) N = NORMAL 0 CONTAINER TYPES: B = Brass, G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = VOA Vial. 0 = Other: 1:> L ~~ SAMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX CONTAINER SAMPLE CONDITION! NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION TAT COMMENTS: WATER SOIL SLUDGE OTHER # TYPE .1,. I \ . ., ,-'. ,. . . f . . .. .. ; ; . ;.- ¡"..! '., o' -.-.- -- ....- .... _u_ ___ .. .... - ..-..- .. .. . .. .. ..... .. "'. .. "'- .. '0 .. .... .. -.. .. -, "~ ". , , ·0 .'. Relzquished ,: (SIgnature and Printed Name) Received By: (Signature and Printed Name) Date: Time' ~ ~J \ \. SAMPLE DISPOSITION: -J. /./ ~I // ~,./ I . Samples returned to client? YES NO ( ,},'I< {d í~~.tÞz / ( <'/ ,./.' "'," ,. . " " ! 1. Relinquished By: (Signature and Printed Name) Regeìve¡fBy: ¡Sig98lure and Printed Namej ,.', (l¡ r t~J :",¿:;. Date' Time 1'/. /;', ,. \.~·7· .::. . 2. Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless "~- !-' - ¡... { . 'i.l,'" additional storage time is requested. RelinquIshed By: (SIgnature and Printed Name) Received By: ¡Signature and Printed Name) Date' Time: / ~ 3. Storage time requested: days SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: By Date I I I I I I I :1 I I il II I , I I I I I I I II I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix B Boring Logs I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field I- 0 Z - è> ã) .!) Boring ::> ...J a: E ïi) Benzene Hnu 0 ~ < w >- CD 0 > m ~ , Abandonment TRPH P.I.D. 3: I a: ~ ~ iii I- W 0 a.. I- ::> 0 Ò ...J W ~ Z 0 iii ppm ppm m 0 ~ :; 0 Backfilled with cuttings SOIL DESCRIPTION Open Trench Backfill from trenching :~:~:~:~:¡:¡:¡:¡ I!I!I!I!I!II!I! :;:;:;:;:::;:;:: ::=::::::::::::: ~~t¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ II11111111111111 I:IIIIIIIIIIII! t1¡t1¡¡¡¡¡ 1:1:1¡1¡1¡1~1~1¡ ¡:¡¡1:1:1111¡¡11 ML Sandy Silt - dark brown, moist, soft, brown stain, mild odor, sandier with depth. 0.0057 30,000 B1-33' Sandy Clay - clean 90 SM Silty Sand - very light brown to white, dry, fine to medium sand, moderate silt, no stain or odor. SM Same as above, yellowish brown Bottom = 48.5' ND 7.5 LOGGED BY: CC DIAMETER OF BORING: S" DATE DRILLED: 4/27/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 48.5' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Solis Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: K. C. Superintendent of Schools PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: Sandstone Educational Center 4700 District Blvd. 300 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: At center of Tank T-1 Project Number: 9105 LOG OF BORING B-1 page 1 of 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field I- Õ Z - d> - .l:I Boring ::::> Q) ...J CI: E ë¡¡ Benzene 0 Q) « w >. Q) Hnu () ~ > m U) "li' SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment TRPH :¡: I CI: ~ >. P.I.D. I- w C) U) 0 a.. I- ::::> 0 to! ...J W ~ Z Õ U) ppm ppm m 0 ª ::š Backfilled with cuttings B2-18' Open Trench Backfill from trenching Sand - Dark brown, moist, low density, hi stain, strong odor. Sandy Silt - dark brown, moist, soft, brown stain, mild odor, sandier with depth. 10 12 18 710 ND 31,000 1800 15 20 25 .:.:.:. CL Silty Clay - brown, damp, medium density, patchy staining, medium to strong odor, moderate silt. SP Sand - light gray to very light brown, dry, loose no stain, very light odor. LOGGED BY: CC DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 4/27/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 58.5' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Soils Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: K. C. Superintendent of Schools PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: Sandstone Educational Center 4700 District Blvd. 300 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: 50' east of B-1 Project Number: 9105 LOG OF BORING B-2 page 1 of :: 15 315 21 27 82-38' ND 9.6 1160 38 51 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field ~ Õ z - .!:I 0> Boring ::> Q) ..J a: E ïii Benzene Hnu 0 ~ « UJ >- CI) () > III I/) "'9 SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment TRPH ~ I a: ::2 Ë;; iii P.I.O. ~ UJ ::> U 0 a.. ~ 0 ..J UJ ~ Z Õ ~ ppm ppm III 0 ~ :J Backfilled with cuttings B2-53' ¡IIII=III,I. S M i¡iilili¡ ;:::.:;:.:;:;:;: Silty Sand - light brown, dry, medium density, no stain, very slight odor, minor silt, fine to medium grained sand. 24 45 35 3" 40 25 26 40 B2-58' CL Sandy Clay - reddish brown, moist, medium density no stain or odor. LOGGED BY: CC DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 4/27/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 58.5' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Soils Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: K. C. Superintendent of Schools PLATE SOilS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: Sandstone Educational Center 4700 District Blvd. 300 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: 50' east of B-1 Project Number: 9105 LOG OF BORING B-2 page 2 of 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANAL YSES SAMPLE Lab Field I- a z Q) .!:I C¡ ::) ....J a: E ïii Boring Benzene Hnu 0 ~ < w >- Q) () > en (/ "9 SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment TRPH ~ I a: ~ >- ui P.I.D. l- e> 0 w ::) 0 <3 c... I- ....J W Z Z a ui ppm ppm en 0 ~ ::i 8ackfilled with cuttings 83-25' ftf~1¡ ~1~1~1~¡~¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ tm¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡f¡¡¡¡ ~1~@~¡¡¡~¡¡¡¡ 1IIIiillll 11111111·11.1 ~j~~~~¡~~~j~¡~¡ ~~~¡~¡~¡~¡~¡~ii ::::::::::;:;:; ML Sandy/Clayey Silt - dark brown, damp, moderate sand and clay, no staining or odor until 7 feet bgs. Silty Sand - charcoal gray, moist, medium plasticity SM due to hydrocarbon content, very stained, very strong odor. :.:.:.: Silty Clay· brn, damp, low density and plasticity, :::: CL med.. low stain & odor, mod. silt content. 26 9 28 40 SM Silty Sand - light brown, damp, loose, no stain or odor, fine sand, low silt. 30 28 26 83-35' SP Sand - light gray to very light yellowish brn, dry, ND 40 loose, fine sand w/minor med. grns, no stain or odo ND 40 SM Silty Sand -light brown, damp, loose, no stain 3" or odor, fine sand, low silt. Clayey Silt - dark brown, moist - damp, medium stain and odor. ND 250 29 83-45' 5.5 52 Sand - light gray to very light yellowish brn, dry, SP loose, fine sand w/minor med. grns, no stain or odor. LOGGED BY: CC DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 4/27/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 55' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Soils Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: K. C. Superintendent of Schools PLATE SOilS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: Sandstone Educational Center 4700 District Blvd. 300 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: 40' east of B-2 Project Number: 9105 LOG OF BORING B-3 page 1 of 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field l- e en z - .a Boring ::> Q) ....J a: E ëñ Benzene 0 CD « w >- CD Hnu 0 ::::. > CD .I/ "9 SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment TRPH ~ I a: ~ >- u) P.I.O. I- W ::> C) Ò 0 a.. I- 0 ....J W ~ Z e ~ ppm ppm CD 0 ~ ::3 Backfilled with cuttings 365 47 50 B3-55' B3-50' :::::::::::::::: Silty Sand - light yellowish brown, dry, loose, mod. ~~J~~~~~~~~~~ SM silt, fine to coarse grained sand, well graded, lense t:¡t¡¡I of gravelly sand @ 51', no stain or odor. SP Sand - yellowish brown, damp, loose, low silt, fine - med. grn, no stain or odor. NO 9.3 29 45 51 5" LOGGED BY: CC DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 4/27/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 55' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Soils Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: K. C. Superintendent of Schools PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: Sandstone Educational Center 4700 District Blvd. 300 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: 40' east of B-2 Project Number: 9105 LOG OF BORING B-3 page 2 of 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field l- e z - ..c C> ::::> Q) ....J a: E ëñ Boring Benzene Hnu 0 ~ « LU >- CD 0 > co C/ "9 SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment TRPH ~ I a: ~ >- en P.I.O. I- LU C) 0 a.. I- ::::> 0 cj ....J LU ~ Z e ui ppm ppm CO 0 ~ ::I Open trench Backfilled with cuttings B4-22' Backfill from trenching. NO 24,000 468 7 13 23 30 280 17 30 50 NO <5 B4-32' CL ilty Clay - dk brn, damp, low density and lasticity, heavy stain & odor, mod. silt content. sw Sand - light red brown, damp, loose, well graded, fn cs sand, low stain and med odor. :-:-:-: CL Clay - olive green, moist, dense, heavy stain & odor. lii~lllllilili~ ML Sandy Silt - dk brn, moist, heavy stain & odor. 8P Sand - reddish brown, damp, slight stain & odor. Silty Sand - light reddish brown, moist, no stain 8M or odor, hi silt. 8P Sand - light yellowish brn, dry, no stain, very slight odor. 40 37 30 40 B4-42' LOGGED BY: CC DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 4/28/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 53' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Solis Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: K. C. Superintendent of Schools PLATE SOilS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: Sandstone Educational Center 4700 District Blvd. 300 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: S edae of Tank T-2. 20' S of B-2 Project Number: 9105 lOG OF BORING B-4 page 1 of 2 NO <5 96 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field f- Õ z ã5 ~ Ó> Boring :J -I a: ëñ Benzene Hnu 0 ~ « w >. ( ) () > CD I/) "9 SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment TRPH ~ I a: ~ >. iii P.I.D. f- w 0> 0 a... f- :J 0 0 -I W 6 z õ ~ ppm ppm CD 0 ;fi ::J SP Sand - light yellowish brown, damp, loose, low silt, 75 18 B4-53' fine - med. grn, no stain very slight odor. Backfilled with 29 cuttings 50 55 LOGGED BY: CC DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 4/28/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 53' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Salls Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: K. C. Superintendent of Schools PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: Sandstone Educational Center 4700 District Blvd. 300 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: S edae of Tank T-2. 20' S of B-2 Project Number: 9105 LOG OF BORING B-4 page 2 of :2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANAL YSES SAMPLE Lab Field l- e z - .!) d> :;:) ã5 ....J ex: E ïii Boring 8enzene Hnu 0 ~ « UJ >. (]) () > [J) II) "9 SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment TRPH 3: :r: ex: ~ >. en P.I.D. I- UJ C) 0 0.. I- :;:) 0 0 ....J UJ ~ Z e ui ppm ppm [J) D ~ :::I 0 8ackfilled with cuttings 123 ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:¡: IML Sandy Silt - brown, damp, no stain or odor. 31 5 8 17 NO <5 44 12 22 50 85-20' Stained interval from 32' - 38'. NO <5 50 SP Sand - yellowish brown, damp, no stain or odor. CL Silty/Sandy Clay - yellowish brn, moist, low density, plastic, no stain or odor. SM Silty/Clayey Sand - reddish brown, moist, slightly plastic, no stain or odor. Silty Sand - yellow brown, very moist, no stain or odor. 85-30' 85-40' Sand - very light gray, damp, fine - coarse grained, well graded, occasional fine gravel, no SW stain, slight odor. Stained interval from 43' - 48'. LOGGED BY: CC DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 4/28/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 50' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Soils Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: K. C. Superintendent of Schools PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: Sandstone Educational Center 4700 District Blvd. 300 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: 6' Nand 35' E from Wend of excavation area. Project Number: 9105 LOG OF BORING B-5 page 1 of ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field I- a z - ci> ã> .L) Boring ::::> ~ a: E ïii Benzene 0 Q) ~ UJ >. Q) Hnu 0 :::;.. CD I/ "9 SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment TRPH ~ I a: ~ >. u) P.l.o. I- UJ C) 0 0- I- ::::> 0 0 ~ UJ ~ z a ~ ppm CD 0 .s::. ::I ppm ::: 20 B5-50' Sandy Silt - reddish brown, damp, moderate fine grn 38 sand, no stain or odor. Backfilled with 45 cuttings 55 LOGGED BY: CC DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 4/28/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 50' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Soils Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: K. C. Superintendent of Schools PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: Sandstone Educational Center 4700 District Blvd. 300 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: 6' Nand 35' E from Wend of excavation area. Project Number: 9105 LOG OF BORING B-5 page 2 of 2 ANAL YSES SAMPLE Lab Field l- e z - .a C> ::> 1ií ...J a: E ëñ Boring Benzene Hnu 0 ~ « w ~ G) ü > CD "U , Abandonment TRPH P.I.D. 3: I a: ~ >- ui I- W ::> C) 0 0 IL I- 0 ...J W ~ Z e ui ppm ppm CD D ~ ::i 0 Backfilled with cuttings I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I <5 ND 21 SOIL DESCRIPTION B6-35' Silty Sand - yellowish brown, damp, poorly graded, fine to medium grained, no staining or odor. 35 ND 5.5 61 Silty Sand - brown, moist, fine grained, no stain or odor. Sandy Clay - brown, moist, fine to medium sand grains, no stain, slight odor. SM Silty Sand -light yellowish brown, damp, poorly graded, fine to medium grain sand, no stain or odor. ML Silt - light yellowish brown, damp, minor fine and medium sand, slight patchy gray staining and odor. B6-40' LOGGED BY: CC DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 4/28/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 41' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Solis Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: K. C. Superintendent of Schools PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: Sandstone Educational Center 4700 District Blvd. 300 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: 30' E of B-4 Project Number: 9105 LOG OF BORING B-6 page 1 of 1 ND ND 51 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field l- e z - ci> Q) ..c Boring ::> ....J a: E (ñ 8enzene Hnu 0 ~ c( w >- ( ) () > CD u "C SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment J: a: ~ , TRPH 5; >- u) P.I.O. I- w C) 0 Q... I- ::> 0 U ....J W ~ Z e u) ppm ppm CD 0 ~ ::; 0 8ackfilled with cuttings <5 NO 25 ~¡¡~;¡¡¡;¡¡;¡; :::::::::::::::: ~~~~~¡~¡¡¡¡¡ :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: ~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ML Sandy Silt - brown, damp, no odor or color. ¡~~¡¡~¡~~~~¡ CL Silty Clay - brown, damp, hi silt, no stain or odor. 87-20' SM Silty Sand - brown, damp, low silt, fine to medium grained, no stain or odor. 26.5 17 26 49 Silty Clay - brown, moist, medium density, plastic, n CL stain or odor. 87-30' SM Silty Sand - light yellowish brown, damp, fine to medium grained with rare coarse grains, no stain or odor. NO NO 26 48 52 Sand - reddish brown, damp, medium density, well graded, fine to coarse grains, no stain or odor. SW 87-40' LOGGED BY: CC DIAMETER OF BORING: 8u DATE DRILLED: 4/28/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: 'NA TOTAL DEPTH: 41' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Solis Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: K. C. Superintendent of Schools PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: Sandstone Educational Center 4700 District Blvd. 300 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: 30' W of B-1 Project Number: 9105 LOG OF BORING B-7 page 1 of 1 32