HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 1992 ------.._- ---_.----'- -- Per...Ït to - , Operate Hazardous MaterialslHazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit is issued for the following: zardous Materials Plan ,~$lround Storage of Hazardous Materials "tJ,~gement Program ", Waste 800 PERMIT ID# 015-021.Q00132 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINI ,,;¡ LOCATION . Issued by: TRUXTUN Bakersjfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 *~ ph Huey, ffice of ental Servi es June 30, 2000 Approved by: Expiration Date: '* I I I ¡ I I I I ·~I I "" I I I W ' I (¡) _ I ' ',I yJz.qþ l' "- -"-I _. 'I I IJ]- r ¡ I['~ ,I . ~ I ,~ ,j I I' , I, I i :' ~] ,. 1 I, -------- ~. ... ----.-- WIoLI.. t N r~r~~~ ~~~\)_ EVACUATION MAP * HYDR. N-r .. -------_._----- -- ! " ' , I . . .. . '~:- ' 'III. ! l;· I r .' " , ". ~ ; : i J t 't' ! ¡ ~ \ . " , , . PARKING -: i '; . .~ . ..-'- -.... . 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I~I(¡ I ': <> I ..__~ ...," ¡.,., ,llrll~~mf¡iliii&¡¡¡;;ml¡¡U !!!i III [ffiffi'¡"lfl ,lliÍlrñ1¡' I .-..------- 1IIIII I, .11 ..a. I. no .-- .--- . . . .' !,.:. _..- .:,;..... _~.'.~~.~.~~.__. .~,iÕr"i;,...;r- , í!ì\ ¡ U]¡ : I I I '. ! \ ! J I ~ I -- ---- . [JlJIltJJ ,rJIIJHfüJ .' ~'ï ~{'BIn .. ~ .. .---- . . .-- IfffiTIfrrrrHTlIllITI fITl. . L AWN ~ lliillil 5' IlT F LAN r,; -... . -. - - ........... .[ .~~I!!!~Jt~ _~~~.__.__.__ ' --.-.... --------- ----.---. t 'I' I- .... OCCUPANTS WIll £VACU~~f AT L£^5T J ' :0 TO TIlE AREAS HARKED wnll A SIM. ..- " .,_....... .....-...... ~ I , "I . m);> 0.:::: "0 :Þ-o nm cz :Þc - .... .... >< o 2 tTl :Þ -0 BAKER.IELD CITY FIRE DEF4fRTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 -CHESTERAV.£~ BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: ì . io avoid further action. return ¡his form within .30 days of receipt. 2. iYPEfPRINT ANSWERS IN ENGUSH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business cs a whole. 4. Be brief end concise es possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA 3USiNESS NAME: t=C::ÐC-f'2AL t$UI L-I:>'.v& '-CCAìïGN: )?Do Tn. ù)l.. "(ù ^-.J :\¡1;-\¡L!NG AC CRESS: """"7"Y· ~7,'"7"=, L-IP' qssõf P, HONE.' ·\...../il,. ......i'"\J....._~. S!J:~ ,~ 3RA:SïK==l" NUM6E~: SIC '=80=: :::~¡:VÎAf~Y ,';C~:V\jY: 'PC--DéUL o-C-,c,c..Gs ~WNEi<: \/j ,:.'.., : '_ ~ ~~ G.:.... = :. ~, = : ~ ~ SEC7¡ON 2: :=MERGENCY NOT¡¡:¡CATION: CCNïAC¡ ~¡ïL= BUS. PHONE 2<1 HR. PHONE ì. '"' L.. 1 DaKersneia ~'1re lJe"Ot. .aràaus Materials Di~sion . HAZARDOUS M~TERIAlS MANAGEMENT PLAN ,. . , SECTtON 3: TRAINtNG: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE.: BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: ! C::::n¡FY UNDE~ PENALTY OF PE~JURY THATMY 3US¡NESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE ;~E?CRj[NG f<ë~U[REMENTS OF CHAPTE~ ó.95 OF THE IICAUFORNIA HEALTH & SAFë:":Y CODE" ~CR THE ~QLLGWING RE.~SONS: WE :0 ¡\JOT HANDLE :-Lil.Z.~,RDCUS MA ïë:KIALS. 'NE CO ~ANOL::: HAZ.~RCC US :ViA TEKIALS, sur THE QUANTITiES AT NO -;-¡ME=XC:::=J THE MINIMUM ;~E?CRT¡NG QUANTITIES. .-,-:..;;:;-- /c::::c:r'(;:v ¡jC\~"""'N' '-..;II¡_."\\.-..Jt __U I "\~."""'\v~~.1 SECTrON 5: CERTIF¡C~TION: 1, C:::RTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS AC::URATE. \ UNDERSTAND THAi THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO fULF¡LL MY FIRM'S CSUGAilONS UNDE:< ¡HE "C.;UFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY ceDE" ON Hf\ZAROOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPïêR ó.95 SE:C. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES ¡:E~JURY. SIGNA TURE ilTLE DATE , ~ ~'Ð-qlo /-;¿0tf- l!~J? 'fê.0 7u .. ') J Ô ó :) I ...... ((;,.. . (" r ({; ;; A') " 11 1/30 0 ¡<~ 4 l.ò ( JAJÅ1'Lð C} "3 72... ( e5+k~ 0 fle I? øgvtg( ~fd ~ ~V'@~ W~>@!.a~~ ~ ~ÿ~. l\!~r;t.;; ¥@J/~>~ t\~ e~~Il~r~ {¡ ¿-EiL a't~ ~r!"'ß~ß-, ~.J:Y f! ~ 1)1 pL, Hazaràous Materials Division e e HAZARDOUS. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EV ACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTfFICATION PROCEDURES: 3. =MPLOYE= NOTIFICATION AND ='./ACUAiION: (' '-' . ?IJ6L;C =',1 ACJAïtCN: ..., , , =~¡\E~':;~~JC'( MECJICAL ? I_.':',~\j: ,., "'I =:::,~ e Bakersfield Fire Dept. . Hazaràous Materials Division .,_... - HAZARDO'U5 MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: ÞI. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: ¡ , , :~ . RELEASE· CONTAINMENT AND lOR MINIMIZATION: ,..... '>oJ . CL~..l,N-UP PQOCEJURES: SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (L::::::CAi¡CN OF SHUT-QFFS AT YOUR FAC¡LITY): \'A' .,.U~ ,\ I ~. ::::/DROP^ "E' o ~ I l "'~, _ ..:: ,-....... I I ,,,,",, I 'l . =~=<=~R ¡C..;~: ',V ;',ïE:<: ....,...--, " ' ~I- :j__,..-.L: ~OC:< :CX: '(ES/NO \F \i::~ '_;::C ;7~ON: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER A V AILABILlTY: A. ?RIV A TE FIRE PROTECTION: B. WATER AVAILABILlTY (FiRE HYDRANT): BAKERSF~ELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT H~OUS MATERIALS INVEN_RY Page_of_ Business Name Address I \ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION , i 1) INVENTORY Sn\TUS: New [ ) Addition [ ) Revision [ ) Deletion [ ) Check if chemical is . NON TRADE SECRET ( J TRADE SECRET ( ) 2) Common Name: DIESEL 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ) CAS # , 4) PHYSICAl & HEAlTH PHYSICAl HEALTH ! HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire ~ Reactive[ ) Sudden Releue of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ) Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ) : 5) WASTE CLASSIFICAi10N (3-digit code from DHS Fonn 8022) USE CODE (e¡ 6) PHYSICAl STATE Solid [ ] üquid .fØ Gas [ ) Pure rti Mixture [ ) Waste ( ) RadioactNe [ ) O<ECIC AU. fHAT AP''lY I 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY SZV UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maxim~lm Daily Amount: Ibs [ ] gal ~] ft3 [ ) a) Container: '2.. Average Dally Amount: '2..~D curies [ ) b) Pressure: 1 Annual Amount: S"OÙ c) Temperature: d Largest SizeContainer: 5l='(.J # Days On Site ;'bS Cin::1e Which Months: All Year. J. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. D 9) MIXTURE: Ust j) COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM the three most hnzatdous 1 ) 1 C-<S.F:-L ~ -"t.- [ ) I chemical components or , any AHM components 2) [ ) 3) [ ] 10) Location CJ UíS to£' tV S,oE ot= BLD(,- VNi)é12- S 1'"'A ¡ Itwç<-(... TO ß..{ÇE;t.tfE:"'¡-¡- CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ) TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: A(]UA -rfèC A T ~ Î-fC-"1 ,Cß t. S. ~ 973 -2(00 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: (..S2..(-S- / DSR-s-Q I C ç~ - S- / C 5'S-J-~ AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire ~ Reactive ~ Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSII~ICAnON (3·digit code from DHS Fonn 6022) USE CODE tJA-TC~ --rt2E-4k'G-vT- , 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid r] Liqui~J Gas [ ] Pure r] Mixture ~ Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] ::HE(; ( A.I.1. THAT A.PPl 'f 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES pC^Srë '- Maximum Daily Amount: ~) :bs r ] gal eir ft3 [ ] a) Container: t? /2(j"'1 I Average Daily Amount: çç- curies r ] b) Pressure: ( i Annual Amount: 5-r c) Temperature: 4- I ¡ Largesl Size Container: :30 I # Day!~ On Site :3Gs- Circle Which Months: All Yeas. J, F, M. A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. D i 9) MIXTURE: üst COMPONENT CAS # %wr AHM i ISOfctdP'{l Ai...co(c(cJ(.. [ ] I the three most h,azardous 1) i chemical components or I any AHM compctnents 2) S;ULFAM ''- ALIi) [ ] ! I SoD 'Utv\ l\J \...,. ~J. í¿ [ I I 3) I (Z..bcF í 10) Location 010 I certIfy under enal of law, that I have ersona", examined and am tamlllar w,th the IntomatIon submltfiKl on tfilS iiiIcf ail attached documents. I Del/eVe me p Iy p y submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Date q,-AðrtV Ir:or:"'lWnIrIIIIIn~ BAKERSFMiLD CITY FIRE DEPAllrMENT HAZAR150us MATERIALS INVENTðRY Page_of_; : usiness Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STAlrUS: N_ { 1 Addition { 1 Revision { ] Deletion { 1 Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ) TRADE SECRET [ ) 2) Common Name:_ 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: - AHM I I CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGCIRIES Fire II Reactive [ I Sudden Release of Pressure [ I Immediate Health (Acute) I I Delayed Health (Chronic) I ) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8(22) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE: Solid [ ] Uquid [ 1 Gas [ 1 Pure [ 1 Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ), OIEOIJU lHAr AWlY 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: Ibs [ I gal [ ] ft3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual \mount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A. S, 0, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM the three most ha¡:ardous 1) [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ ] 3) ¡ ] 1 0) Location CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ I 2) Common Name:_ 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ J Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3·digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE: Solid [ ] liquid [ J Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] OiEC1C AU. mAT APPlY 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: Ibs [ ] gal [ ] ft3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual \mount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, 0, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM the three most ha¡:ardous 1) [ I chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ ] 3) [ ] 10) Location ceftlfy unaer penalty' of law, that I have persona/l~ exammea ana am lanlll,ar w,rtI me ¡ntomat1on suom/rrea on this and ail attached Clocument3. I Del/eVe rtle y ~bmitted information is /TUe. accurate, and complete. RINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Datø ~ ..... ...... ... ..... ~...........-.- .. o<:::.:=t..__ e FACIUTY DIAGRAM e SITE DIAGRAM Business Name: Business ACdress: ror Office Use Only FirST !n SteTion: Area Meo ;; Qf Inscec~on Sterion: NORTH .0 --- '~ - - November 10, 1992 Regina Nickerson Gøneral Services Administration 650 Capitol Mall, Room 5515 Sa.cramento, Ca. 95814 RE: Storage of Hazardous Materials at 800 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. DE!ar Regina; Per our telephone conversation of November 10, 1992, I am enclosing blank inventory forms that will need to be completed along with a computer generated business plan. On the computer generated plan I have highlighted several areas that willi need to be completed with something other than (BLM to implement occupant...), all we need is a brief summary of what would be done in those areas. If you have any questions or if we can be of any assistance please don't hesitate to call (805) 326-3979. Please complete, sign and return this to us at 2130 "G" St., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 no later than November 30, 1992. Thank You, Valerie Pendergrass Hazardous Materials Division e - General Services Administration, Region 9 650 Capitol Mall, Room 5515 Sacramento, California 95814 September 16, 1992 RECEIVED SfP 2 2 1992, HA7, MAT. DIV. M:r. Joe A. Dunwoody City of Bakersfield Hazardous Material Specialist 2101 H Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Storage Tank - 800 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Dunwoody: Per our telephone conversation regarding the storage tank located at 800 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, it is my understanding that the existing above ground storage tank (approximately 400 gallons) is exempt from all regulation with the exception of the completion of a Hazardous Materials Management Plan. ~ A.ttached for your review and records, please find a copy of the required plan. Should you require additional information, please feel free in contacting me at 916-551-3351. Sincerely, A.s . Manager S/J~ J.e:;tW - -(~- (NO ¡NtI· INclu.ded). ,. Federal Recycling program"" Printed on Recycled Paper I ~-,,:,,""~"'. . it e e .. " ".-';111. HAZARDOUS MATERIA BfÌk.ersfield Fire Dept. I-Iazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93- . l.jf~4? 1f~'~~~~" MANAGEMENT PLAN f%e-1f3 . "'2' '30D ~O? 1-1 G RECEIVED .,,-.. .OOV 1 (} 19921 HAZ. MAT. DiV. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. To avoid further acllon, return thIs form wllhln 30 days of reèelpf. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. Answer fhe questions below tor file business as a whole. Be brief and concIse as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: GENERAL SERVICES AlllINISTRATION LOCATION: Federal Buildim~. 800 TnlXton Avenue, Bakersfield, California MAILING ADDRESS: 300 Tnlxton Avenlle CITY: Bakersfiè'ld STATE: CA ZIP: 93301 PHONE: DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: SIC CODE: PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Office space. OWNER: 11 S Fpclpr::!l r:ovl?mwE'nt, General Serv; c-es Aòm;ll; str::!'t; nn MAILING ADDRESS: 650 Capitol Mall, Hoom 5515, Sacramento, California 95314 SECTION 2: ' EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. Bernard Ray Stamper, Building Sup. 325-4913 323-0638 Brian Hoskins, 2. Fisher's ComlMaint/Jan 631-1669 873-7832 3. Ron Fellows, Building See/Coord. 861-4215 4. Carol Bustos, OCC~)ælt Emergency Coor. 861-4247 5. Jeff Fines, Building Manager, GSA 209~487-5069 209-456-4920 ~'> ------ 1. Ikersfield Fire Úept. Hazardous Materials Division ..HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN e ¥-.'" .. '\ ,.. ~ '. ~ ' .' . "I-"~ SECJION 3; í TRAINING: ,~ ' . '. " . " NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: " , MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Yes BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM~ . ' ~U.·í to iTnI?lement Occupant Emergency Pl~m previously established Training mc1uded 111 plan. (Attached) . SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: --- I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODP FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.! ; : WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. , I x OTHER ,(SPECIFY REASON) 550 Gal. Diesel, 600 Ibs. R-ll (call for location) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, Jo)m Habein " : CERTIFY THAITHE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UND~RSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT IN RATE I RMATlON CONSTITUTES PERJURY. FrEL TITLE JO DATE 2. fD1590 , .;)........;.-;:tf.·.,~ .='~ ~"'- -; , : J>--.. 1,/ . I .þ..... .., /-, -- -. ·e , ' . 'í.. ::¡,'.,; ," ,.,- Bakersfield Fir~Dept. Hazardous Materi~ls D~vi¿ion I, ,J. , , ~ ; ..... -4 ", . ~ . . '. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN I, , IFacility Unit Name: Federal Building 800 Truxton SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ' A. AGENCY NQTIFICATlON PROCEDURES: BUvJ to implement Occupant J3mergency Plan previcusly established for the Truxton Federal Building. B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: BUv1 to implement Occupant Emergency Plan previcusly established for the Truxton Federal Building. t . .' ~ t .' . . C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: BIN to implement Occupant Emergency Plan previously established for the Truxton Federal B~lding. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN:, BUv1 to implement Occupant Emergency Plan previously established for the Truxton Federal Building. ' enakersfield Fire Dept. e Hazardous Materials Division r jf,. ......., ,- ., " HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN ,'r, ,0" SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: Keep areas clear and, US,e, Fia-;e lockers. Keep cranes clear of tank etc. Lock for valves. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: Burn or sandbag large spills, absorbant materials for small spills. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Can plD11p truck for large spills, use absorbant materials for small spills. SEC:TION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: N/E side of building ELECTRICAL: In basement N/E corner Room B13 WATER: N/E side of building. SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES/NO IF YES, LOCATION: At Truxton entrance to the riEht R'high. SEGTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER A V AILABILlTY~ A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: Basement and part of the first floor. B. WATER AVAILÅBILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): S/W comer of Q Street and 17th Street, S/W COTI1er of Truxton and Q, South side of Truxton at P Street, West side of P Str~~t at alley. fD1590 " o [j o o o 5..50 GAl... DIJf:>¿i. FV¡f¿ ~/tN /(. ~ o o I sf ,ct . ¡, ¡) ~/!H Ii '\/'1'/b~·^,c.. ð r- f"'f~¡.rJ. U ¡r-..L R':"~"·¥\ ARFA 'NAY ·OP<.N ïO ~l\oVE' 0 0 0 p~.:~~~ ,'-c~"" 1064 * ''13 :;: 0 .' 0 0 GSD ¢¡ . ~ I~V';\'¡ I¡ TR^t-:~FORN.'ë." ~ [~\O .. I ~ \y~þ.. E40P , ·1.14 ~ j . ~5± -+7? ~ . 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OCCUPA1Il'.r EllBRGBHCY PLAB (COKIIABD CD1TBR - ROOK 220) BAlŒRSJr:IBLD I'BDBRAL BU:ILD:IBG 800 TRUXTUH AVBHUB, BAltBRSJr:IBLD, CA 93301 Karch 1992 e e occupant Emergency Plan Distribution List Bureau of Land Management -...-/ CA-010 CA-Oll CA-012 CA-012.2 (,.-CA-013 CA-014 CA-015 Cadastral Surveys Special Agent Safety Officer California State Office (CA-950.1) Internal Revenue Service ROOM 120 General Services Administration 105 Probation Department 205 Federal Bureau of Investigation 215 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and ,Firearms, 322 Jeffrey Fines, Field Office Manager, GSA, Fresno Federal Building, 1130 "0" Street, Room 4201, Fresno, CA 93721 Federal Protective Office, 1130 "0" street, Room 2006, Fresno, California 93721 Federal Protection and Safety Division, GSA, 450 Golden state Ave., P.O. Box 36127, San Francisco, California 94102 , Attn: Don Ross Bakersfield Fire Department, 2102 "H" St. Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 631-8421 Fire Chief, Larry Graham,(805) 631-8418 e - ALL COMMAND CENTER TEAM MEMBERS 40". _ a.;._.... B.L.M. LR.S Ron Fellows Carol Bustos Yvonne Rede Larry Saslaw Richard E. Hafenfeld John Bogacki Monica Villa Dan Byrne Richard A. Johnson Joann Nunn Viola Gallegos E\lbina Ayars Howard Marcus Peggy Brooks Fred Chynoweth Darrell Burgess craig Collins Deborah Estrada Kathy Mendez B.A.T.P'. PROBe DEPT. Dana Lee Larry William Jay Craddock Adrian Smith e e OCCUPANT EMERGENCY PLAN Preface '- 1. The Building Security Coordinator is: Ron Fellows Bureau of Land Management 800 Truxtun Ave. Room 311 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (See page 26 for alternates) Phone 861-4215 The Building security Coordinator should be contacted regarding ANY activity which has posed or potentially will pose a threat to the safety of any employee in the building. This contact should be made in addition to any internal reporting requirements within your agency. 2. The Occupant Emergency Plan Administrative Coordinator is: Carol Bustos Bureau of Land Management 800 Truxtun Ave. Room 311 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone 861-4247 The Administrative Coordinator may be contacted regarding: A. Employee/Agency suggestions or comments on the Occupant Emergency Plan. B. Revisions to the Command Center Team roster. C. Resigning from or volunteering for a Command Center Team position. D. Obtaining or returning Command Center Team equipment (hard hats and arm bands) 3. Prevention Measures: A. Each employee should be given the opportunity to review the Occupant Emergency Procedures contained in this book. B. Each employee should be instructed to check the glass bulletin board in the hallway nearest him/her to become familiar with appropriate exit routes. Also posted on bulletin boards are the names of Floor Wardens, Zone captains, etc. If employees have questions, they should contact the above persons or the Administrative Coordinator BEFORE an emergency situation occurs. C. There are no exceptions to evacuation procedures. employees must consider any fire alarm as valid. employee/agency will independently decide that a drill is progress and therefore fail to leave the building prescribed. All No in as D. If an emergency occurs, DO NOT lock office doors before evacuation. Doors should be closed but not locked. Accessibility of office space is extremely important. E. If an employee is permanently or temporarily handicapped (broken leg, etc.), that employee should contact his/her Floor Warden, Zone Captain, or the Administrative Coordinator above. A handicapped Person Monitor will be assigned to help these employees in an emergency situation. e e TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction and Training........................1 organizations Command Center Team Responsibilities.................................2 Emergency Plans A. Medical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 B. Natural Disaster Earthquake............5-7 c. Natural Disaster Flood{Earthquake......S-9 D. Fire..................................·10-11 E. Bomb Threat........................... .12-14 F. Explosion..............................15-16 G. Sit-ins and Demonstrations.............17-18 H. Civil Defense......................... .19 Emergency Call List..............................20 Command Center Team Call List....................21-22 Command Center Team Roster.......................23-25 Appendices: Appendix 1 - Evacuation of Handicapped Persons...26-27 Appendices .2-4 - Floor Plans.....................2S-30 Appendix 5 - Evacuation Map......................31 ,e e .~. FEDERAL BUILDING 800 TRUXTUH AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION A Command Center Team has been established to manage emergency situations when fire, earthquake, flood, bomb threat, explosion, sit-in/de~onstration or other disasters threaten the occupants in this building. The team is primarily designed to protect the safety of all occupants. All emergency operations will be directed from the Command Center located in Room 220. An alternative Command Center will be located in Room 105 (GSA Building Managers's Office). Team personnel are provided visual identifiers, such as colored safety hats and arm bands for the specific purpose of alerting employees the identity of Team Personnel. TRAINING The Command Center Team will be training on a biannual basis. Training will consist of a mock exercise of an emergency evacuation, demonstration of safety apparatus, and film presentations relating to real emergencies such as fire and bomb threats. 1 e e ORGANIZATION COMMAND CENTER TEAM RESPONSIBILITIES -~.- RESPONSIBILITIES DESIGNATED OFFICIAL - Manage the emergency BUILDING COORDINATOR/ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR Develop emergency plan and coordinate with all tenants Organize and train support staff Establish working relationships with Federal, state and Local Officials Display information about the evacuation plan in east and west ends of building Train occupants on a biannual basis Assist designate~ official and represent him during his absence FLOOR WARDEN Report to building coordinator/administrative coordinator Supervise and expedite the movement of personnel Maintain current personnel roster with emergency assignments ZONE CAPTAINS Report to floor warden Expedite the movement of personnel Insure complete evacuation and close any office doors left open Assist exit monitors in keeping employees beyond 300 feet from the building (after everyone has evacuated the building) HANDICAPPED MONITORS Assist physically handicapped in evacuation STAIRWELL AND EXIT MONITORS Assure safe and rapid exit Open and close assigned exit doors Keep employees beyond 300 feet from the building MEDICAL COORDINATOR Provide first AID/CPR 2 e e A. MEDICAL PLAN I RESPONSIBILITIES I DESIGNATED OFFICIAL AND BUILDING COORDINATOR Single Emergency Notify Medical Coordinator Notify Fire Department Notify Floor Warden Notify GSA Multiple Emergency Notify Medical Coordinator Notify Fire Department Go to Command Center Notify Command Center Team Notify GSA Provide First Aid/CPR Meet Responding Medical Unit at Ground Floor 3 -..-' e e A. MEDICAL PLAN '............ DESIGNATED OFFICIAL I BUILDING COORDINATOR SINGLE EMERGENCY: MULTIPLE INJURIES: - NOTIFY MEDICAL COORDINATOR - NOTIFY MEDICAL COORD. - NOTIFY FIREDEPT - NOTIFY FIRE DEPT. - NOTIFY FLOOR WARDEN - GO TO COMMAND CENTER - NOTIFY GSA - NOTIFY GSA - PROVIDE FIRST AID/CPR - MEET RESPONDING MEDICAL UNIT AT GROUND FLOOR 4 e e 11/0 NOT EVACUATE UNLESS DIRECTED) B. NATURAL DISASTER EARTHQUAKE PLAN \,,--,../ ¡RESPONSIBILITIES I DESIGNATED OFFICIAL AND BUILDING COORDINATOR DURING THE SHAKING AFTER THE SHAKING Notify Occupants Restrict Use of Elevators Assure water, gas and electric lines are checked and if damaged, shut off at mains If gas leakage/damaged building, evacuate employees (follow procedures in Plan C) Activate Command Center Team Notify GSA Direct Occupants to Safe Locations Tune into radio or television for emergency procedures Provide Rescue and First Aid Isolate Unsafe Areas ALL EMPLOYEE PROCEDURES Stay ,indoors Seek Shelter Under Sturdy Furniture (Desk, Table or Doorway) Try to stay Near Center of Building Stay away from windows or other glass, File cabinets and overhead fixtures Do not use matches, candles or other open flames Do not run through building where there is danger of falling debris FLOOR WARDEN Supervise Employees on "All Employee Procedures" (above) Report to Building Coordinator 5 e e ZONE CAPTAIN -" '..........- Inspect Zone Area and Supervise Employees on "All Employees Procedures" (above) Report to Floor Warden EXIT MONITOR Go to assigned exit areas and inform occupants of employee procedures (to stay indoors, etc.) H~DICAPPED MONITORS Help Handicapped persons seek Shelter under sturdy Furniture NOTE: After the shaking, if the decision to evacuate is made, conunand Center Team Members and All employees should follow procedures in Plan C. 6 -Stay Indoors -Seek Protection Under Sturdy furniture -Try to Stay Near Cent,er of Building -Stay Away from Windo~ls or Other Broken glass, file Cabinets and Ceiling Lights -Do Not Use Matches, Candles or Other Open Fl ames -Do Not Run Through Building Ilhere There is Danger of falling Debris ...¡ r ZONE CAPTAIN -I nspect Zone Are!1 and Supervi se Employees on Procedures to Follow -Report to Floor IJarden EXIT MONITOR -Go to Assigned exit Areas and inform Employees on Procedures to Follow (To Stay Indoors, etc.) B. NATURAL DISASTER EARTHQUAKE (DO NOT EVACUATE UNLESS DIRECTED) DESIGNATED OFFICIAL BUILDING COORDINATOR DURING THE SHAKING -Activate Command Center Team -Notify GSA -Restrict Use of Elevators -Direct Occupants to Safe Locations -Provide Rescue and First Aid -Isolate Unsafe Areas AFTER THE SHAKING -Assure water, gas & electric lines are checked and if damaged, shut off at mains -If gas leakage/damaged build -ing, evacuate employees(See Plan C) -Tune into radio or T.V. for emergency procedures e -Report to Building Coordinator -Supervise ElIfIloyees on "All ElIfIloyees Procedures HANDICAPPED MONITOR - Help Handicapped Persons Seek Shelter Under Sturdy Furniture e NOTE: After the shaking, if the decision to evacuate is made, Command Center Team Members and All emplc)yees should Follow Procedures in Plan C. , - C. NATU~ISASTER FLooD/~THQUAKE PLAN {IF DECISION TO EVACUATE IS MADE} RESPONSIBILITIES ~ ---," DE:SIGNATED OFFICIAL AND BUILDING COORDINATION Activate Command Center Team Notify GSA Notify occupants Restrict Use of Elevators Direct Occupants to Safe Locations Provide Rescue and First Aid Isolate Unsafe Areas ALL EMPLOYEE PROCEDURES Leave Building in an orderly Hanner by Assigned Exit, Do Not Run obey Instructions of Zone Captains and Monitors Avoid crowding and Undo Haste and Descend Stairs With Care Once outside, go to Safe Area, Away From the Danger of Being Struck by Falling Glass, Brick, Electric Wires, etc. Do not Return to Building Until Directed The Designated Official, Building Coordinator and Tenant Agency Chiefs will Decide if suspension of the Work Day is Necessary FLOOR WARDEN supervise Evacuation Verify Evacuation by Spot Checking Area of' Responsibility Report to Building Coordinator ZONE CAPTAIN Evacuate Zone Occupants Inspect Zone Area To Assure Total Evacuation Report to Floor Warden E:XIT MONITOR Inspect Assigned Stairwell Area for Safe Passage (If Second or Third Floor) Direct occupants to Safe Exit f~DICAPPED MONITORS Evacuate Handicapped Persons to Safe Area 8 C_ UATURAL DISASTER FLOOD/EARTHQUAKE PlAK (IF DECISION IS MADE TO EVACUATE) w ¡DESIGNATED OFFICIAL I -Activate Command Center Team -Notify GSA -Notify Occupants BUILDING COORDINATOR I -Restrict Use of Elevators -Direct Occupants to Safe Locations I -Provide Rescue and first Aid -Isolate Unsafe Areas I I -Supervise Evacuation FLOOR ~ARDEN I -Verify Evacuation -Report to Building Coordinator I I ZONE CAPTAIN HANDICAPPED MONITOR -Evacuate Zone Occupants - Evacuate Handicapped to Safe Area -Inspect Zone Area to Assure \ Total Evacuation -Report to Floor ~ardl~n I ALL EMPLOYEES EX IT MON ITCJR -Inspect Assigned Stairwell - Leave Building in Orderly Manner for Safe Passage - Obey Instructions of Zone Captains and -Direct Occupants to Safe Exit Monitors - Avoid Crowding and Descend Stairs with Care - Once Outside, Go to Safe Area - Do Not Return to Building Until Directed e - · A D. FIRE PLAN (FIRST PERSON TO SUSPECT FIRE"!!III'ÍALL ACTIVATE FIRE ALARM) RESPONSIBILITIES DESIGNATED OFFICIAL AND BUILDING COORDINATOR .....--.,.. - Notify Fire Department - Not ify GSA - Activate Command Center Team - Assure Building Evacuation - Provide First Aid and Rescue l\.LL EMPLOYEE PROCEDURES - Leave Building in an orderly Manner by Assigned Exit, Do Not Run - Close But Do Not Lock Office Door (Last person evacuating) - Obey Instructions of Zone Captains and Monitors - Avoid Crowding and Undo Haste and Descend Stairs With Care - Once outside, go to Des,ignated Areas Shown on Evacuation Map (Page 36) - Do not return to Building until directed - The Designated Official, Building Coordinator and Tenant Agency Chiefs will decide if suspension of the work day is necessary FLOOR WARDEN - Supervise evacuation - Verify evacuation by Spot Checking area of Responsibility - Report to Building Coordinator ZONE CAPTAIN - Evacuate Zone occupants - Inspect Zone Area to assure total evacuation and close office doors left open - Report to Floor Warden EXIT MONITOR - Inspect Assigned Stairwell Area for Safe Passage (If Second or Third Floor) - Direct Occupants to Safe Exit - Insure Occupants are beyond 300 ft. from the building HANDICAPPED MONITORS - Evacuate Handicapped Persons to Safe Area 10 , -Supervise Evacuation -Verify Evacuation -Report to Building Coordinator ZONE CAPTAIN ~ ~ -Evacuate Zone Occupants -Inspect Zone Area to Assure Total Evacuation/Close Doors -Report to Floor Warden I EXIT MONnOR -Inspect Assigned Sui rwell Area for Safe Passage -Direct Occupants to Safe Exit -I nsure Occupants al'e Beyond 300 ft. from building D. FIRE PLAN (FIRST PERSON TO SUSPECT FIRE SHAll ACTIVATE FIRE ALARM) ¡DESIGNATED OFFICIAL I ¡BUILDING COORDINATOR I I -Notify Fire Department -Notify GSA -Activate Command Center Team -Assure Building Evacuation -Provide First Aid and Rescue : FLOOR WARDEN I I HANDICAPPED MONITOR . Evacuate Handicapped to Safe Area ALL EMPLOYEES . Leave Building in orderly manner/close doors . Obey instructions of zone captains and monitors - Avoid Crowding and descend stairs with care - Once outside, to designated safe area - Do not return to building until directed -- e ../--- i \ " e e E. BOMB THREAT I RESPONSIBILITIES DESIGNATED OFFICIAL AND BUILDING COORDINATOR - Go to Command Center - Alert Command Center Team - Notify GSA - Notify FBI - Announce All Employee Search If suspicious Article found: - Notify Regional Emergency official - Alert police Department - Evacuate Building, as appropriate - Keep employees 300 ft. from the building ALL EMPLOYEE PROCEDURES - Perform visual observation of work area if required _ If directed to evacuate, follow all employees procedures in Plan D. Fire Plan FLOOR WARDEN - (Floor Wardens on first floor only) Perform visual observation of elevators for suspicious articles - After search, report to Building Coordinator (All Floor Wardens) ZONE CAPTAINS - Perform Visual observation of rest rooms and public areas for suspicious articles - After search, report to floor warden EXIT MONITOR - Insure occupants are beyond 300 ft. from the building. 12 E. BOMB THREAT PLAN I-' W DESIGNATED OFFICIAL I IBUllDING COORDINATOR I r I I If suspicious Article found: · Go to Conmand CentE~r · Notify Regional Emergency Official · Alert Conmand CentE~r Team · Alert Police Department · Notify GSA - Evacuate Building - Notify FBI · Keep employees 300 ft. from the building · Announce All E~l01'ees Search , r FLOOR "'ARDEN I - Perform visual observation of elevators I for suspicious articles (First Floor "'ardens only) - After search, report to building coordinator (All Floor "'ardens) \ I I ZONE CAPTAINS EXIT MONITOR · Perform visual obs,ervation of rest rooms and publ ic areas f'or suspicious articles - Insure occupants are beyond 300 ft from · After search, report to floor warden building ALL EMPLOYEES . Perform visual observation of work area if required - If di rected, e,vacuate and follow all employees procedures in Plan D. Fire Plan e II \. " II ,< ¡REPORT CALL IMMEDIATELY TO: e RON FELLOWS, BUILDING SECURITY COORDINATOR 861-4215 JEFFREY FINES, BUILDING COORDINATOR 861-4101 CAROL BUSTOS, ALT. BUILDING COORDINATOR 861-4247 RICK HAFENFELD, ALT. BUILDING COORDINATOR 861-4251 PLACE THIS CARD UNDER YOUR TELEPHONE 1. When is bomb going to explode? 2. Where is it right now? 3. What does it look like? 4. What kind of bomb is it? s. What will cause it to explode? 6. Did you place the bomb? 7. Why? 8. What is your address? 9. What is your name? EXACT WORDING OF THE THREAT? Sex of Caller: Race: Age: Length of call: Number of which call is received: 'I'ime: Date: I I BOMB THREAT CALLERS VOICE: _Calm Nasal _Angry Stutter Excited Lisp -Slow -Raspy Rapid Deep Soft Ragged -Loud -Clearing throat ----Laughter-Deep breathing Crying ::::Cracking voice Normal Disguised ----Distinct----Accent -Slurred ----familiar If voice is familiar, who did It sound like? BACKGROUND SOUNDS: _Street factory noises -----machinery ____Crockery _____Animal noises Voices Clear -PA system -----Static Music Local ----House -----Long distance ----noises -----Booth Motor -----Other ----Office ----- ---- mach i nery THREAT LANGUAGE: _Uell Spoken _____Incoherent educated _____Taped Foul Message read ::::Irrational -----by threat make REMARKS: -.--.-----.--..--.--.---------------- Date I I I Name: Position Phone NU1ber 14 e e F. EXPLOSION PLAN \ , / RESPONSIBILITIES DESIGNATED OFFICIAL AND BUILDING COORDINATOR - Go to command center - Notify fire department and command center team by activating nearest building alarm - Notify fire department by telephone - Notify GSA - Notify FBI ALL EMPLOYEES - Take immediate shelter under tables, desks, or other such objects for protection against flying glass or debris - After explosion, evacuate and follow all employees procedures in Plan D FLOOR WARDEN - Supervise evacuation - Verify evacuation by spot checking area of responsibility - Report to building coordinator ZONE CAPTAIN - Evacuate zone occupants - Inspect zone area to assure total evacuation and close office doors left open - Report to floor warden EXIT MONITOR - Inspect assigned stairwell area for safe passage (If second or third floor) - Direct occupants to safe exit - Insure occupants area beyond 300 ft from the building HANDICAPPED MONITOR - Evacuate handicapped to safe area 15 .- F. EXPLOSIOlt PLAJI - supervise Evacuation - Go to Command Center - Not ify fire department and Command Center by activating alarm - Notify Fire Department by telephone - Notify GSA - Notify FBI - verify Evacuation - Report to Building Coordinator - ZONE CAPTAIN HANDICAPPED MONITOR -Evacuate zone occupants -Inspect zone area to assure total evacuation/close doors -Report to floor warden -Evacuate handicapped to safe area t-' 0' e EXIT MONITORS -Inspect assigned stair'well area for safe passage (if 2nd or 3rd floor) .-Direct Occupants to s¡lfe exit -Insure occupants are beyond 300 ft. from building ALL EMPLOYEES - Take immediate shelter under tables, desks, or other such objects - After explosion, evacuate and follow procedures in Plan D. Fire Plan It e G. SIT-INS AND DEMONSTRATIONS PLAN , ". t/ RESPONSIBILITIES DESIGNATED OFFICIAL AND BUILDING COORDINATOR DURING WORK HOURS - Notify Bakersfield Police Department - Notify GSA - Notify FBI AFTER WORK HOURS - Notify Bakersfield Police Department - Notify FBI 17 ¡I G. SIT-INS AND DEMONSTRATIONS PLAN DESIGNATED OFFICIAL BUILDING COORDINATOR DURING WORK HOURS - Notify Pol ice Department - Not ify GSA b:; - Not ify FB I It AFTER ' oR!:: HOURS - Notify Police Department - Notify FBI e H. CIVIL DEFENSE PLAN (NOTE: DISPATCH - BLM office located in Room 220, 800 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, X 4119) I-' 1.0 I ALERT RECEIVED I NOTIFY REGIONAL SECURITY COORDINATOR FOR CIVIL DEFENSE/BUILDING SECURITY COORDINATOR Room Phone Ron Fellows 300 4215 GSA 105 4101 Carol Bustos 311 4247 (USBR INTERNAL USE ONLY: The only above persons shall notify Dispatch X4119. They will notify the Regional Emergency Official.) , I I I II. INITIAL ALERT III. ADVANCED ALERT I. COMMUNICATIONS UJITCH (ADVANCED YARNING) Warning system activated. Building No warning devices ac:tivated by No warning devices Security Coordinator notifies all dispatcher upon noti1'ication, monitor activated, carried out building occupants, dispatch office EBS Radio Station Communication, watch with minimum reloca- remains manned and monitors EBS radio is carried out without public tion staff put on for instructions. disclosure and with minimal internal alert by security disclosure coordinator I I I I REMAIN IN BUILDING BUILDING EVACUATION TAKE COVER UARNING Personnel to remain at Fire Drill procedures ere Personnel to take shelter their desks and await to be followed. Comnand under desk or table. additional instructions Center Team to follow Plan D. - FIRE PLAN. ALL CLEAR SIGNAL Return to Normal Operations It e '. ...-' e e EMERGENCY CALL LIST COMMAND CENTER.....................................··· EXT . 4119 ALTERNATE. . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXT. 4110 FIRE DEPARTMENT. .'.................................... .911 POLICE SERVICES Bakersfield Police Department..................·911 FBI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 323-9665 BOMB DISPOSAL Police Department and sheriff..................··911 BUILDING MANAGER Jeffrey Fines...............................·····(209)487-5069 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION John Bogacki............;.....................···EXT.4195 Patty Gradek..............................·.·····EXT.4287 MEDICAL Ambulance Service (Golden Empire)................327-9000 Fire Department..................................911 E:MERGENCY DURING NON-WORKING HOURS: Bakersfield Police Department....................911 BLM Dispatch.................................... .EXT.4119 FBI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 323-9665 20 e DESIGNATED OFFICIAL Title Phone BUILDING COORDINATOR Title Phone (ALTERNATE) Title Phone (ALTERNATE) Title Phone FLOOR WARDENS Zone 1- Firs,t Floor Title (ALTERNATE) , Phone Zone 2- First Floor Title Phone (ALTERNATE) Title Phone e ORGANIZATION COMMAND CENTER TEAM CALL LIST Ron Fellows District Manager Bureau of Land Management EXT. 4215 Jeffrey Fines GSA Building Manager General Services Administration EXT. 4101 Carol Bustos Administrative Officer Bureau of Land Management EXT. 4247 Richard E. Hafenfeld Fire Management officer Bureau of Land Management EXT. 4251 Deborah Estrada Secretary Internal Revenue Service EXT. 4144 Howard Marcus Internal Revenue Service EXT. 4144 Jay Craddock Officer in Charge Probation Department EXT. 4203 John Bogacki Assistant District Manager, Operations Bureau of Land Management EXT. 4195 21 "--. ." e Zone 3- Fir~t Floor Title Phone (ALTERNATE) Title Phone MEDICAL COORDINATOR Title Phone e Dana Lee B.A.T.F EXT. 4420 Monica Villa Secretary Bureau of Land Management EXT. 4406 Dan Byrne Property Technician Bureau of Land Management EXT. 4389 22 e ¡zone 1 - First Floor e ..--....,. Fbina Ayars - Floor war, den ~RS EXT 4107 Howard Marcus IRS ZClne captain Room Monitor-South E:KT 4357 Fx~ed Chynoweth IllS E>cit Monitor Eé,st EXT 4161 Craig Collins IHoS Handicapped P43rson Monitor EXT 4161 Peggy Brooks IRS Peggy Brooks IRS Zone captain Room Monitor-North EXT 4150 Darrell Burgess IRS Exit Monitor West EXT 4357 Deborah Estrada IRS Telephone Monitor EXT 4118 - Alternate Floor warden EXT 4150 Kathy Mendez IRS Elevator Monitor EXT 4144 23 e e ¡zone 2 - Second Floor [Jay Craddock Probation . Floor Warden John Bogacki - Alternate Floor Warden EXT 10203 BLH EXT 4195 J,eff Prude BLM Z,one Captain Room Monitor-South EXT 4234 Richard A. Johnson BLM Zone Captain Room Monitor-North EXT 4290 John Bogacki BLM Exit Monitor East EXT 4161 Jay Craddock Probation Exit Monitor West EXT 4357 Richard A. Johnson BLM Handicapped Person Monitor EXT 4290 24 . e ¡zone 3 - Third Floor ......' [Larry \Jill i am BATF . Floor \Jarden Monica Vi lla - Alternate Floor Warden EXT.1,420 BLM EXT 1,1,06 Mcmica Villa BUi Zcme Captain Room Monitor-South EXT 4406 Yvonne Rede BLM Exit Monitor East EXT 4194 J()ann Nunn BLM E:dt Monitor Wt:!st EXT 4194 Larry Saslaw BLM Handicapped Person Monitor EXT 4284 25 e to handicappeJlterson persons. APPENDIX 1 monitors who area NOTE: The below procedures apply only responsible for evacuating handicapped PROCEDURES FOR EVACUATION OF HANDICAPPED PERSONS --- (Reference: GSA Building FPMR D-196, Subject - Occupant Emergency Plans fe,r using elevators to evacuate handicapped persons) Handicapped persons who are not capable of negotiating a stairway in a fire emergency will be escorted by at least two handicapped person monitors to a point adjacent to the nearest safe exit stairway to await assistance from the rlBsponding f ire department. Prior to using an elevator for the evacuation of handicapped persons, a knowledgeable and authorized person should determine that it is safe for this purpose. Normally, decision regarding the safety of an elevator during a fire emergency will be made by the responding fire department and the elevator manually operated by its personnel. (The location of the fire "and/or the presence of smoke" are dominant factors in making this decision. For instance, elevators remote from the fire area may be safe to use.) Handicapped person monitor: First Floor Craig Collins IRS EXT 4161 Second Floor Richar~ A. Johnson BLM EXT 4290 Third Floor Larry Saslaw BLM EXT 4284 In the event of an emergency, the above handicapped person monitors shall: 1. exit stairwell to If this area is building damage, exit to await the Escort handicapped persons to a point adjacent to the await the responding fire department's assistance. determined to be unsafe, due to fire, smoke, or handicapped persons shall be escorted to the alternate responding fire department's assistance. 2. In the event, that it is inappropriate to wait for the fire department's assistance, handicapped persons shall be physically carried down the stairway and evacuated. 26 e . APPENDIX 1, PAGE 2 Zone captains shall report the location of the above individuals to the Floor Wa.rden. Floor Warden shall report the location of these individuals to the building cClordinator. " ........." B~lilding Coordinator shall report the location of these individuals to the Fire Delpartment. "7