HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-08/04/04 PerIDit -1 to Operöte Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit is issued for the following: zardous Materials Plan round Storage of Hazardous Materials agement Program Waste 1215 PRESSURE ClM PERMIT ID# 015-02H)01462 K C GEN SERV - JUSTICE BL lOCATION TRUXTUN "'\ TAN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE PIPING PIPING TYPE METHOD MONITO !-. 0001 DIESEL - GENERATOR FUEL ,.; " , I Issued by: OW F Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 4f~ ph Huey, ffice of ental Servi es June 30, 2000 Approved by: Expiration Date: ' \, ·~ .,.' . CA Cert. No. I 00854 City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 An upgrade compliance certificate has been issued in connection with the operating permit for the facility indicated below. The certificate number on this facsimile matches the number on the certificate displayed at the facility. Instructions to the issuing agency: Use the space below to enter the following infonnation in the fonnat of your choice: name of owner; name of operator; name of facility; street address, city, and zip code of facility; facility identification number (from Fonn A); name of issuing agency; and date of issue. Other identifying infonnation may be added as deemed necessary by the local agency. This permit is issued on this 2nd day of November, 1998 to: K C GENERAL SERVICE - JUSTICE BLDG Permit #015-021-001462 1215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield, California 93301 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" L/ -~~ '~ \ ~ ---... -' ~ / I. . '. i"'~_~.___ " . >, " " . "','. . :' \~:':',::':'~~-,: '- -"'~- JÍL I~" '~,~7'~I"'¡~"W,' ~' ;.~,/,< - ~:! ~?1I~ ";~.:.{~~'" ' :. ," ~,'t·,:' ,." " y "',' ~., ' .' ì ~ . ". . " :'~"Ì ; ..' ~.~ ~ ... . I ~'" ..,," " ( .~..., ~.C'. ~Ù-f.~\C=~ ~ ,-- il' {iUWJJa.( () ~ {,øf90 1a.(. P/~er 7ã£t~> ft'G~'s . \~ ~f\ ~(c ~ {~(' ~ ~ ~s fvt(l()csJ~ ) , "\ ~~ \. ,'....:..:~. " ;,l \ . , \,\ \ \ " \, ,/ \. \ . . .. i .- ..... ,... ....- \. .. .' . " '\ " \ ';';'':;i",:'X:f:'~I: ,,< 11 .. .~ ..}'. ..' ~..~ ~.;: .. ...._-J . .'~': '. "~;....." -"".. . :~-.. · ,:.);> , ·.:~'·3·F. ' . , ,..:..~~:rj4;~,~~' of :.~ -·:~:1~J·~;:·:-::~::-~~:·i-~;'..:;..,; . . i{ .. :~'iÆ¡~?;t~~i¡;r; ~~:<;~:::t,:-::,,.:: .: .·..t'~ 'ú'" ,,_z'-:.~..'t,~ . ¡, ':' ~ . "1{:;;". _~~_'J:':r~~~·. .:~/~;>' }: - '.,,<?('~;:t ~>::~-!. ~, ,...,.:... ... ...... ' "",,' I"', ',',',~,' , ..;.0.',"", '" .... ~;¡.. . .;~.~ .. / . ;;, ". ...~.. "":' ... -' -~--~ . , ti ~ - - . . - --- \ - . ¡_f D L Name: K. C. General SeNices City: Bakersfield. CA Location: 1414 & 1215 Truxtun Ave. Tank Test No. 1271 A North 4- No Scale 1415 Truxtun Diesel 1 000 Gal. PARKING LOT ~ I Guard House I Drawn By: Robert Broclanan Date: 12-09-1992 Brockway's 2014 S. Unoin Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE AOMINISTRjmVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 210 1'H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTJI:)N SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (61)1) 326·3951 FAX (66~1) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAININ(:; DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 -e . June 30, 2002 Kern County General Services-Justice Building 1215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirement by December 31, 2002 of Underground Storage Tank located at 1215 Truxtun Avenue. Dear Tank Owner I Operator: The purpose of this letter is to inform you about the new provisions in California Law requiring periodic testing of the secondary containment of underground storage tank systems. Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1,2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, tc) ensure that the systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Secondary containment systems installed on or after January 1, 2001 will be tested upon installation, six months after installation, and every 36 months thereafter. Secondary containment systems installed prior to January 1, 2001 will be tested by January 1,2003 and every 36 months thereafter. REMEMBER! Any component that is "double-wall" in your tank system must be tested. Secondary containment testing shall require a permit issued thru this office and shall be performed by either a licensed tank tester or licensed tank installer. Please be advised that there are only a few contractors who specialize and have the proper certifications to perform this necessary testing. For your convenience, I am enclosing a copy of the code for you to refer to. Once again, all testing must be done under a permit issued by this office. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661)326-3190. sincere,- ~ S eve Underwood Fire Inspectorl Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Environmental Services SUIkr ""Y~ de W~ S70P ~0Pe ff~ A W~" ~ . .e -- - FAX Transmittal COVER SHEET BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT PREVENTION SERVICES 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (661) 326-3979 · FAX (661) 852-2171 TO: ~IL C(CC.f'è..J::> NO. OF PAGES: i 1ö r-vLt.Øc.J COMPANY: VL-c..,..".. ,,.je:,.. FAX NO.: 7(4, '2:Z5:',9Z1/ DATE: {i!) /7/04- FROM: cl, W r~-:> COMMENTS: FIRE CHIEF 7':.j'-, ::~ .\,lE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) B52-2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (6611852-2170 PREVENTION SERVICES FlU SAFETY SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 Truxtun Ave.. Suite 210 Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 852-2171 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 852-2172 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . . August4,2004 Mr. Dick D. Stark County of Kern General Services 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 1215 TRUXTUN AVENUE PERMIT # BR-0318 Dear Mr. Stark: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. Accordingly, no unauthorized release reporting is necessary for this closure. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, ~!dt¿J- ~ Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/dlc cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB T. Fleming, Fleming Environmental W. Gaston, Gaston & Associates (lD'j;;/l/.ltÙ~7 lite y;,;}IIIIIIINtl~r 0'Þ(w Q Ilo/t" 'r;.;;Jj(NI 0.<;( Yfi;!'ltÛII';V ',' · GASTON & ASSOCIAT. Environmental Consulting Environmental Litigation and Transactional Support 20 Truman, Suite 108 Irvine, California 92620 phone (949) 262-0440 fax (949) 262-0750 mobile (949) 278-4650 May 25, 2004 Mr. Dick D. Stark County of Kern 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301-4639 Subject: Report of Underground Fuel Storage Tank Removal at the County ofKem Civic Center Justice Building located at 1215 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. Dear Mr. Stark: Enclosed for your review is the report of the recent underground fuel storage tank removal at the above referenced site. If there are any questions, please call at (949) 262-0440. Respectfully submitted, GASTON and ASSOCIATES wJJJ ~ Wilbert P. Gaston, R.G. 4540 Principal Consultant cc: Mr. Terry Fleming, Fleming Environmental Mr. Steve Underwood, Fire Department I I I II 'I I-I I I I I II I I I I I I I I . . REPORT of UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL at the COUNTY OF KERN CIVIC CENTER JUSTICE BUILDING 1215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Prepared For: Mr. Terry Fleming Fleming Environmental 6130 Valley View Street Buena Park, CA 90620-1030 May 25, 2004 Prepared By: GASTON and ASSOCIATES 20 Truman, Suite 108 Irvine, California 92620 telephone (949) 262-0440 fax (949) 262-0750 JJJ f: Wilbert P. Gaston, RG 4540 Principal Consultant I . TABLE OF CONTENTS . I PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY II 1.0 SITE BACK G RO UND ........................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Previous Inv estiga ti 0 os ................................................... ..........................................................1 1.2 Site Use............................................................................................................................. .......... ..1 I 2.0 LOCAL GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY .................................................................1 I II 2.1 Geo logy .............. ................ .................. ........ ...... ............................ ............................... ..... ........1 2.2 Hy dro geology- .................... .......................... ... ..................................................................................1 3. 0 SCOPE OF WORK.................. ............... ......... ..... ..................................... ................. ..............1 3 .1 Tank Ex cava tio n .. ....................................................................................................................2 3.2 Underground Storage Tank Cleaning and Removal............................................................2 II I 3.3 Pre para ti 0 n for Sam p lin g..................................... ......................................................................2 3.4 SQ il Sampling..................................... ............................ ...........................................................2 4.0 REVIEW OF LABORATORY RESUL TS ...........................................................................3 4.1 Soil Sam p Ie Res ul ts ............................................................. .....................................................3 5.0 EXCAVATION BACKFILL PROCEDURES......................................................................3 I 6.0 SUMMARY AND CON CL USI ON S .....................................................................................3 I 7.0 RECOMMEND A TI 0 NS .........................................................................................................4 I 8.0 REFE RE N CE S............................................................... ........................................................ ..4 9.0 LIMIT A TI 0 N S . ... ... ..... ............ ....... ..... ..... .... ..................... ............................................... ..... .... ..4 I TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE LABORATORY RESULTS .............................................................3 I FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 SITE VICINITY MAP SITE PLAN I APPENDIX A APPENDIX B TANK AND RINSEATE DISPOSAL DOCUMENTATION SOIL SAMPLE LABORATORY REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF- CUSTODY RECORDS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I II . . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The County of Kern recently initiated the process to remove the underground fuel system at their Civic Center Justice Building located at 1215 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. í , i I i . \ ; ! The site includes a 1,000-gallon diesel underground storage tanle Two soil samples were obtained on May 6, 2004; from beneath the tank. No staining or odors were encountered during sampling. The samples were tested for TPH-d as diesel using modified EPA method 8015, MTBE and BTEX using EPA methods 8260B and 5035. The results of the laboratory testing indicate that concentrations ofTPH-d, MTBE and BTEX were not detected. Based upon the laboratory results, no further action is required and site closure is requested. I I I I I I I I !I il I I II I I I I , I i: I . . REPORT of UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL at the COUNTY OF KERN- CIVIC CENTER JUSTICE BUILDING 1215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 i ! I 1.0 SITE BACKGROUND The subject site is located at 1215 Truxtun Avenue in Bakersfield, California. The site is the County of Kern Civic Center Justice Building. The site location is shown on Figure 1. A 1 ,ODD-gallon underground diesel storage tank was located at the site. The tank was removed, resulting in the requirement to obtain soil samples from the area. A site map is shown on Figure 2. 1.1 Previous Investigations To our knowledge, there have been no previous environmental assessments conducted at this site regarding the underground diesel tank. I I i ¡ I : \ ' 1.2 Site Use The property is currently operated by the County of Kern. I i 2.0 LOCAL GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 2.1 Geology The site is situated within the Great Valley Ranges Geomorphic Province of Southern California, within Bakersfield. The site is at an elevation of about 400 feet above mean sea level. 2.2 Hydrogeology The site is located in the Central Valley of California. It is estimated that groundwater is located at a depth of 80 to 100 feet and is moving in the northern direction. 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of the work conducted at the site was to determine whether a release of fuel hydrocarbons had occurred beneath the 1,000-gallon underground diesel tank, which was removed on May 6, 2004. The field sample collection was conducted under the supervision of a California Registered Geologist. I Report of Tank Remov. 1215 Truxtun Avenue . County of Kern Bakersfield, CA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.1 Tank Excavation The overburden fill material was excavated using a backhoe operated by Fleming Environmental. The tank was exposed and the excavated material (pea-gravel) was stockpiled adjacent to the tank cavity. The potential presence of hydrocarbon vapors was measured in the excavated material using a Photo Ionization Detector (PID). The excavation activities were perfonned in accordance with requirements of the local regulatory agencies. , I i ' 3.2 Underground Storage Tank Cleaning and Removal The UST was removed on May 6, 2004. The tank was cleaned and degassed in-place by Nieto and Sons Trucking of Brea, California. Liquids removed during the cleaning process (1050 gallons) were transported for disposal as Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste at Demenno Kerdoon located in Compton, California. The condition of the tanks was inspected to ensure that no residual material remained and that no adverse explosive concentrations (less than 10% LEL) were present. An Industrial Hygienist was onsite to verify that the tank was inert and suitable for removal. , I I The tank was lifted from the excavation using a crane and loaded onto a flat bed truck for disposal at Ecology Auto Parts located in Santa Fe Springs, California. Following removal, the tank was visually inspected to detennine external condition and structural integrity. There were no visible holes, pits, or corrosion in the tank. Copies of the tank rinse ate and disposal documentation and the tanks destruction certificates are included in Appendix A. 3.3 Preparation for Sampling The tank was excavated and removed from the site by Fleming Environmental. Inspector Dick D. Stark the County of Kern arrived at the site to witness the soil sampling. 3.4 Soil Sampling Two soil samples were obtained from beneath the diesel tanks; one at a depth of two feet below the bottom of the tank and another at a depth of 6 feet below the bottom of the tank. The samples were collected using En Core™ samplers. The En Core™ samplers were sealed and placed into a chilled ice chest pending transport to the laboratory for analysis. 2 I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I 'I I I I ,I il I Report of Tank Remove 1215 Truxtun Avenue ' e County of Kern Bakersfield, CA , , : i I: ! ¡ i l; I 4.0 REVIEW OF LABORATORY RESULTS , , I: The samples were transported in a chilled condition to a California-certified analytical laboratory (Cal Tech Environmental Laboratories in Paramount, California) on the same day as taken, maintaining chain-of-custody documentation to ensure sample integrity. The samples were tested for total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d) using modified EP A method 8015, methyl-tertiary-butyl-ether (MTBE) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes (BTEX) using EPA methods 8260B and 5035 and ¡ ¡ I I' , , ' , , , 4.1 Soil Sample Results The results of the laboratory testing show that concentrations ofTPH-d, MTBE and BTEX in the two samples were not detected. I ' The sample results are shown on Table 1. The official laboratory reports and chain-of-custody records are included in Appendix B. TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE LABORATORY RESULTS (All concentrations in mg/kg) , , ¡ , SAMPLE TPH-D BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYL· TOTAL MTBE ID BENZENE XYLENES D-} ND ND ND ND ND ND D-2 ND ND ND ND ND ND Detection 10 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.010 0.005 Limit mgfkg mgfkg mglkg mg/kg mg/kg mgfkg ¡ I: I: , ' Notes: See offtciallaboratory reports in Appendix C for complete list of analytes. All other compounds were not detected, ND = Not detected at or above method detection limit TPH-d as diesel = (8015) MTBE = Methyl tertiary butyl ether (82608), 5.0 EXCAVATION BACKFILL PROCEDURES A new upgraded tank, piping and dispenser were installed in the same excavations by Fleming Environmental. The tank excavations were ultimately backfilled using the pea-gravel stockpile and clean imported pea gravel fill. [ , \ i I : ¡ , 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The results of the laboratory testing indicate that TPH-d, MTBE and BTEX were not detected in 3 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . County of Kern Bakersfield, CA Report of Tank Remove 1215 Truxtun Avenue - the two soil samples. 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the laboratory results, no further action is required and closure of this site is requested. 8.0 REFERENCES Norris, Robert M. And Robert W. Webb, Geology of California, 1976, John Wiley, 365 p. United State Geological Survey Topographic Map, Gosford, CA Quadrangle, 1954, photorevised 1968,1973. 9.0 LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations presented above are based upon the agreed upon scope of work outlined in the above report. Gaston and Associates makes no warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of information obtained from or provided or compiled by others. It is possible that information exists beyond the scope of this investigation that could change the conclusions presented herein. Additional information, which was not found or available to Consultant at the time of writing of this report, may result in a modification of the conclusions and recommendations presented. This report is not a legal opinion. Use or misuse of this report, or reliance upon the findings hereof by any other parties is not authorized. The Consultant does not make any representation or warranty to such other parties as to the accuracy or completeness of this report or the suitability of its use by such other parties for any purpose whatever, known or unknown to the Consultant. The Consultant shall not have any liability to, or indemnify or hold harmless third parties for any losses incurred by the actual or purported use or misuse of this report. Gaston and Associates does not and cannot represent that the Site does not contain any hazardous substances, contaminants, pollutants, petroleum hydrocarbons, or any other latent conditions beyond that observed by the Consultant during the course of the current scope of work. The scope of this evaluation did not include an evaluation of geotechnical conditions or hazards. 2 j. ' , ' ¡ i ! I ~ ! i : I' , , I , ¡ I '. : , , , \ , , , I , i ; , I ' ; ! , , I i , ' I ¡ I ! II , I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I II I I I I II . . : i I, ' t I i I : , I I , ! ' : : FIGURES I I, ' ~ ! i: I: i ¡ . II: ~ i . I' I' . ¡ ¡ :, \ : : I i ~I ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~;~:~$~i~~-~:~Ù~~5f~0~~f~/ ,,'.' ,_. . 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I; L.;:::' J:~1~: I -:·:B--t "f:C Ý , . (\ "'>W~' coo",," I_KERN f-· "-,,""~~J' -'«"",- I '~ ~\rù- L C 'f ",:-,"\ ',,' "î ~' "¡."'.I J:iI:ë- ~~"I ,: \_i 'h u""" r ....;." K· ,:f:'Þ' ~) :, ,;C':;'o:"" .!"~--- ,L ;::, 1- ~=. ~¡~.q "j' [Tn' r=--r- . :;.:L::...~ _ ~ y----'";;;.\::I Sél FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP COUNTY OF KERN Civic Center Justice Building 1215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Source: U.S.G,S, Topographic Map Gosford, California Quadrangle, 1954. Photorevised: 1968, 1973 Scale: I" = 24,000" - - . . I I I I I I ~ C!) .þ C/) ~ I I I , 1 I I I I . Generator D-1-2 Sampled at 2 feet D-1-6 Sampled at 6 feet Entrance Truxton . 1115 County of Kern- Administration Center 1,000 Gallon Tank ......................................................................................................................................................................... Parking Garage I 1 I 1 'I Parking Lot Gaston & Associates SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 County of Kern Civic Center Justice Building 1215 Truxtun A venue Bakersfield, CA \ ' . i, , i ! ! ; .... C!) g C/) Z I. I I, , i ¡ , , I i' I I , , i j : ¡ I I , i ¡ I , I '.1 I I I I ,I I I :1 I II I I I ;1 I I II . . i ' If: i i, , ; I' , I , i ! . ' , , APPENDIX A TANK AND RINSEATE DISPOSAL DOCUMENTATION : I, ; , i : i : , , ! , I JUI'I-U¡-'UUY IUI: UI'UI fll rlemlng cnv r n/\ I1V, I ¡"tc..c..uvc..,.¡ ¡ . I vc.. I , I I ,. I I I il I II , , I I I !I , I I. I. I ! I I I 'I I . . t'~ ð6L-/lVo CERTIFICAT)1 OF DESTRUCTION ECOLOGY AUTO PARTS 13780 E.IMPERIAL H\yv SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 (56~)404-8683 ',' COMPANY NAME: KERN COUNTX COURTHOUSE A.DDRESS..121S'TRUXTO~AVB . " BAI<.BRSFIELD, GA " ", /, . I I I;. " . . "t' , . DESCRIPTION: 1-1,000 GAJ .tON P$~RGLÄSS 'rANK ..' I . J I' 0' : . , '\.',. '. . '!'.". " .. . UNDBRGROuNÞ\:s¡:oil4liB ,(ÁNK(S) HAVE BEEN SCRAPPED, CRuSSP,A]VD DllSTROfBD AT ECOLOl;t ;4,vio PARTS SANI:Ä.IHt:~~N(;S, C~. · ON: 05/06/04' I . . I. . " I '.~' I " . I,' " t", I . U I: I f .' I,,~':" I . . 'f I ," ." ,II' I " 't' ',II ." 11:IJ: ,II.: J '. 1\, I, .1 '.. .':"':'. l 'd l~9 'ON 19BÞ066ÞI, s.NOS Q~Y QJìIN W\fn:A b( ~7 ' 'IIJnr I I I :';";lv'If~('IoI~rr""..t'''''( ''"'.''''''';'UIo,:tl''"l\linn'y. S I . b .' ffY\V'r-6 ;A~'X- , · f,,,," ^PP",vl1'l OMII Ht. 20~f> 'O(}}~ll ~pif'" y·~Ò'· ,,' co nstruchons on Q( ðge. U O".,,¡\Ø.I..., ,,' ,,,I to.,.: $""~I"'.(~,\ (a""o,' I !~''''I\ "f~ ,1 fJr 'yp", (¡'¡(If, t!I!',i(jlh}J ',l/u,u ~m &l1,lv I ~ IJ'lPr;wr¡tr)T. -, SucrQ J mkJo. (ollr("",,, ; . ....h........ -_. e_ .....-_. --- ..... ~,.. .. ~.. "\'''1 '(j~:;;.-;;~.~ US fr^ i¡)r:l;-···· ..1. ~.,.~. - Mflr.ìfrlot D<scum~r\J No --.-"" l~·"2·- !JÙ~ -,' r -¡;;ï~~:~i;~,~ ;~; 't.: ;ì;;'~.i':J,·· (~~~;.;---'-': UNIFORM HAl.I\.RDOllS £. i.I (Þ J...~" ï , .:..' 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(Ð CITY OF BAKERSFIEl£. . ¡;E OF ENVIRONMENTAL S~ICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326.3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CLOSURE CERTIFICATION I .-...--........... .'" ,."...." .."....,' ....-.......---.." ......--.... -_.. . ...." . ,..,!~~o.~.,' :::-::,.~::-' J. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION BLiSINË...~~ NAM,Ë ·(S.ó1mo '1:~)FA~'i.~1Y N^~¡Ë ò,'o'âA ~"ÕQ'i09 aüsiñëssÄsj-·_··..·_··3-·~~MïT'tf-···_..-J-' ¡ 'T'] " ' :.. j ,";"¡i ..···ï..·~·--..ï', : ,J d;)·~(c . J,·~hr. U~f.-..._...-_._--_.._-_..._,~_..,.,....." ...,....., :lL\'~_O'.3JB.,...,J.L.._,.....: .,~.. L ; "i... .......:....:__....,l rANK OWN£f~ NAM~:_ ' ' m; . TANK o~~~ ~JD'~È~\;.( . -~UJ~L.---'"ij"mr~~~I;-·· .-.., - ...--..----....... -.-.---... . ,. "".. . " ..., ".,...' ..m..... . --'--;;,': ...... ~ A " .. (.,)., \S~... ,~..\ ,\',J.y.,' .Y ,':{...... Vt.._. "'''''' '..,', ....,.- --' '---------T·'..'....., '...........'...-..-.....--6 .-..,." ......,.._._-'. ., ~~N~n:~; ~~::!l___.,._.., ,__.._........ ......._....... ._._ _.___ ' 142 t.~r ~~....~._~~L1J~3..~..._._ ".._.~~ II, TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION _~._ ,,_.__.._..,-______..._...._.,.:.:.::,.._~J i ...--.......,'...,..........,...... '..··--··-..-·riïñkiò tr . Concenlr.JUon offlammabte Vapor ConconIraUonofO)Cygo" ,.'" i, (A'l.Ich ~rJdilioIPN'tJfI'" or/l1,S,.ooo ~. Top--'" "--cïiñl8; -ãòiiõm.-'--.... ---=fo"p"- ',,··,·¡-'·-ëóní.ò'·..·.. i,···.·,ÎJöiiö----m· ". ror"/O,~ /I'M U"'hll''''~',J ~-~_._----._--- 74S ----'"¡4a'a- '''~---i4¡¡Þ -'--y4dé-,·..-_·"y~'rr: '''-'''''"'''7~1ti'ï :':'''''''''--:'''.7;:1 ~T]g~~~lfnE L__~.....! \.V.,_..Jh(·,~"-'L~.lð.h.\<...___"....L._.1Z____._~~.~·- ., -~!?~~':"n- _ ~;~0 ... ¡'_5::..~ ~,¡.r.;·~:l.·.~J " READINGS 1~ 140;» 14~b 4 c '~O;I ~O i ' 7~' i 2 , , ',: ~_.._.. ·..i·· ....,... '....... ' . .. .......-,.---. '--·...1)1-~····----)~~Q_· ·-··----·..~"2;;- -.-..... ..-r~2c-+--·......-M;t·¡..· ..··....ro~Q..i .....:. '~tS3Ç ; 3 I ¡ J' __ J.____-..!... ! . j . , ' , " \' ~.~ I'· , ")\ '~~f ·"'1::" \.1-"1,1, .t. '*'/ ./Ifl (' 11 .', ..,t',11 .,., "t , .:' ,', ",:«..' '. ,.".;. :.:,;'Pi:';" . r'II"I';~~ .1"~!f.i"oi{{'O·Û\l '~:~'l~:~'»"'n:~ 1\ I ,~,..,.,. 11' " " \}~tll. ....·t...¡·~' " 1") û:!~ .~~ (.:1~,~J~l~)'}»"'~~ ..,.,_..__.'- : ::'..~. .i! : ,. ~:.: ;::_~,_::"':j~.i,-~il~~. .~;! -L.:' ...!- '.~ . ~"."". .' ;;.;!~.:.=h.~..:~_ On c.t:unll\allon of Ihe l:1nk. I curtil)' the I..lnk I!: visui".IlIy froe from product, sludgo, &~te (!hln, ß3ky residual of bnk contents), nos9:\16 and debrIs, 'I~rth~r,:.' ~~~~~1~t;'~~vt~'3~'"'' ,,~"'-"" ~=.."" ~ ..~",., k;~j~~~~=D~~~T~y[z.~:~=r~~;~.:; ;~- ... . ..~'.. ,~l ~-- ..:..~.J :fUI(~X.___._ -.-- V, Yes 11 No "I ' NAME OF CEl'fflr:II~:;A (I',i",) 7~~ ,.."..._ ,~S:h lB.. ,." ,..tJ_hl«('~U.flc.({_._.______.._._ ::: :A~::.'I:~:::::::=::;~;~c~:: Envkonmanlal s'l'#lça: .' 701 TlTLt:: OF CErnlf'lEH 755 !.." "...,.., .C~.~~.....".,:l:~~, ,~/~C d.c:(~.,.".,_........__..____._._...._."..._...,___ ; ADOnESS I 1715 Che¡:;tcr Ave. 758 I I I I I I ~:~;i;';;F¡Æ~:~--0. ' I I I If certifier Is olhðr Ihon CUPA I LlA chock appropr!lIlo b~)( bøIO~: o ;¡. ç~rtin~~ !mfu!l!tt~1 Hygl9nl&\ (ÇlH) o b, Cðrtified Safety Pró(esslonal (CSP) o è. Cerllfied Marine Chomlst (CMC) o d, Reolslercd EnvIronmental Hl:allh Spocl;¡Ii?i1 (REHS) o { , ProrossloMI E091neer (PE) (&61) 326-3979 150 D f, CI¡ISS II Rt'9lslered ErlV fOnmllnlid Asscssor ! VA T~_ ~ ,~ .~ ~)~,~~.. '-, _..,., , _..~..~9J~~~;::~;~~~:~ --..--. --- ~- __~.~...,~;;;~~;~s;~~;~~~o;~~~t;~:~~;~!;~~:~~~:~~.:~_~_" , : T ANI( I'Hr:VIOI.JSt Y ~IGlf) ïlAMMADLf, OR COMDUSTIBll; MA'TERtALS àtÿós [J No . 70J I Wx",q:I(,U !~I\k. inl,O~ju.r!!!~I~,~I~Jfol !~~!.' ~ ~~~~c~~~. ~!~!...~b!):!!.~ltJ Of ).II /ndlcb/or prior 10 ~k h<'/n.~:.~~~d. ~?!.~!? fllllk;.L_.__._,_...... ~"........"'".. .." ... ,... .:;..:. _"". ,.1 : I CEFHlflEH'S TANK MANAGeMENT INSTRlJCTIONS FOR SCRAP DEALER, DISPOS^~ , ,\CILlTY. ETC: 704 " 782 : " I . ........-............__...-.__._~--_.-.-. I'ÒTŸ flal<crsndd, CA 93301 751 f'~¡Ó¡"Ù' ;'".._._.;..~;;.~_ ¡,_;..;.....¡... o..¡.¡ _.....:........._..___;_.....__.__ I I I I . . ..'.. ................. ..._.._....._.._....__...... ___..__ ....._________.______.__..___.______........:..' ,._........._...__..! i I' A copy 01 this cortlllc:,)!ó 6h311 ae<:ompal\y tnelank 10 Ihe recycling I ål&posal facillly and be provIded 10 tho CUPA. "Iherttl, no CUPA, . ' ~p¡,~i¡ ~h.)1I bò é\JMIIUòd It) tho !.fA aod ZlulhorlzfJd 3!)ÐOCY; ownor I operalor or IhG tank ,yslem; romoval contractor; and tho re,yel, log' disposal l¡JcIIllY.,:~_~_._: ' ..", .. I...· ....,... .'.._.. ..~ ......__.._.._____ __.__..... ......... ...' ...._...... .-,. ..._,......,.,~.. "..... .....___.___.........._..._.__.... _,......... .". ........ ~.... ......... .._....". .., ,~"""" _....... I I.JPCF (7199) S:\CUPAFORMSldísc1249.doc ¡ I I I I I I ,I I I I it I I I I I I I 'I I . . , I , APPENDIX B SOIL SAMPLE LABORATORY RESULTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORDS , " , i I I I I I I I '. . CAL TECH Environmental Laboratories Û 6814 Rosecrans Avenue, Paramount. CA 90723-3146 L8J Telephone: (562) 272-2700 fax: (562) 272-2789 ANALYTICAL RESULTS* CT206-0405026 Gaston & Associates, Inc. 20 Truman, Suite 108 Irvine, CA 92620 Mr. Will Gaston Bakersfield, CA 04/13/04 @ 10:00 am 04/13/04 @ 16:15 p.m. 04/14/04 - 04/15/04 II I ¡I II I I II 0405-026-1 D-1-2' 1 Dilution Dì~hlötødrfl'U:otølnethån¢ Chloromethane VÍtlyhChlóti'¢e Bromomethane ChlÒtoetI1ªne' ", Trichlorofluoromethane IøQ!&Îïl,etháfi~;,""',. Acetone .l,;1§~i·~WïQ~ìl~(!1~ifª¡t., ,',.' t-Butyl Alcohol (ffiA) ·M~thY'¡¢ìfe·~ìq~d~>·.· Freon 113 "diltj)'6ñ¡j: i~titfti(ê" ~s, 1 ,2- Oic~lor()~thene' Me*ýl"têí:#'ijiítYt:eth~ttN1tBE;}. 1, ,1- Oi~hl()~?e~ane \lin~LáÞet~t~: ' DiisoproRylEther, (OIPE) Nt~tPMï:~tli&l?~¢tqll~" ' cis, 1 ,2-Dichloroethene },W9Pi~~ìitØf.~Ì'Mfh@~' , Chlorofonn 2;2~~jGíiiÕ~&þrô'pilii~ . Eth)'l~t-butylether (ETBE) 1,hl<í'riélf(øtÕëtþàne " 1,2-Dichloroethane 1; 1'''Pichlöt0ptòpene Carbon Tetrachloride Beíi:iêri~· t-A~yl M~thrl~ther(T AME) l:;g~I1>.¡¢ljlØiºR¡:ºpìIDe·. ' ' Trichloroethene øiß'fb~9Ifi~lliiiïiê"'" Bromodichloromethane 2¡¡GtÌlotò¢fnYÌV.rñýlêther cis,1,3-Dichloropropene 4-MethYl-2~þêl1tlll1oI1e€M'¡) trans,1,3-0ichloropropene Tølu,ene 1,1,2- Trichloroethane (Continued) 'ND NO NO. NO NÐ NO "NÐ NO ..~ NO iIrì}»' . NO N'ID NO ~,' NO r\lID< ND ,Nt> NO " <N'Ï3>\ NO t'/ø NO NB NO NT)'" NO NID NO ,NID' " NO Nt)' NO ND NO NO. NO NÐ NO I I I I I I Phone:(949) 262-0440 Fax: (949) 262-0750 Matrix: Soil 0405-026- 2 D-1-6 ' 1 Method TOTALLY DEDICArED TO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION NE> ND NO ND "'NJD NO ND NO Am'; OtLl:· NO <~,>,"" ND }'f$f!) , NO "'Nt)' NO NO NO 4:-ip NO NID; NO .·Nll' ND NO ND ND NO NiD' NO "Nip. NO NÍi> . NO NO NO ND NO ND NO E:R;4$Z60B EP A 8260B EHP.:826ÓB EP A 8260B , "ßR:~ti~Q:6Ôß EP A 8260B :~g~l$gõ,Ó'ß EPA 8260B "',..;Êt?~:áØ~.~B. EP A 8260B ·;~l?~;;ß~~ø~:" EPA 8260B ':~~~ißg'6ØB" ;, EP A 8260B ;!Ê~~i&2~Øî3, EP A 8260B ,,$BÂ:~å~QQ~, EP A 8260B '~è~i~*ßf)B' EPA 8260B $f$~ª2~9B ' EP A 8260B ;~B~:8~()(i)ä EP A 8260B EB;A;;8ZßÔI3' EP A 8260B E.Ii1X8:260ï:! EP A 8260B &P1\ii$26Ø13~ ' EP A 8260B ·ßIIJ\f;Gg(jþj3' EP A 8260B "~ïr~;8~6QB EP A 8260B I3PA,&Z6(i)B BP A 8260B EPi\8260B EP A 8260B EPA8260B EP A 8260B Units: íngmg mg/i(g It¡WIeg mg/Kg 'Ìi1gr~g: IJ1WI(~ , m~"g Il1g/K~ ,·fu.w~g·; mg/Kg ~~gi" Il1&'.I(~ ,:þîírC&¡g' Il1WK-~ <ÍÍ1~ mgIK~ IT¡~g IllglKg mgl:~g' mgIKg ·',1fiWß¡g lllWl(g ;m~g' mg/I(g mg(:K!g mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg 'nîg(J<;g mg/Kg Í)YWï{g IJ1g/K¥ mgMg mg/Kg lrig/Kg mg/Kg nig(:Kg mg/Kg lÎlg/'~g mg/Kg Detection Limit <):.005' 0.005 0;005 0.005 Oi(i)05 0.005 ::0;<105 0.005 Ø¡(~Ø~ , 0.25 ;Øf02' 0.01 'O¡Ô05 0,005 '(J:OOS 0.005 ();O(i)S 0.01 'Ô:Q~ 0.005 O;QQ$ 0,005 ·"0:Ø.0.5 0.01 0;005 0.005 0:005 0.005 0;005 0.01 '(),99'S 0.005 ,O.QØ5 0.005 moos 0,005 0;01 0.005 0:005 0.005 . , ; , I: I i : , . , " j . I _ CT206-040S. . ,I Bakersfield. CA i ~ ~ ; I 0405-026-1 D-I-2' 0405-026-2 D-I-6' Method Units Detection Limit I , , , ' 1 I 1 I ! I¡ 1 I I I I [;1 I:: ¡;: , ' I ND = Not Detected at the indicated Detection Limit !', ¡: :i I SURROGATE SPIKE Control Limit ,I 1 I'· ¡: ;:1 Laboratory Director .:' , ' t' I, *The results are base upon the sample received. 'I II Cal Tech Environmental Laboratories, Inc. ELAP ID #: 2424 2' ' CAL TECH Environmental Laboratories ð 6814 Rosecrans Avenue, Paramount, CA 90723-3146 ~ Telephone: '(562) 272-2700 Fax: (562) 272-2789 -------- Sa- -0 -2-fa Lab Job No. 0 Page Loc Ì- ----------- Chain of Custody Record Client: Contact: (;AsTVN ~ ^~SOC\ 14\FS ~\\ 0 C{ ~~V\ .11LTYVMC'\V\ ,S\J\k,r\ot W'J , VI~ I (~ l')1,(P1..-0 Phone: qlf9 "'ZlP1- 0 Y 40 Fax: 0\4-'1 :t-~ê D1S"D Turn Around Time Rush Normal X Address: Project: ~ Analyses Requested . Sampled By: Name/Signature , Lab ID Number Field ID DatelTime Sampled Bottle Type No. Preserv . , 51\OM ~ am , ~_\ ...2. ~N (Ø2.f¿ ')( ~ ~ , tJf&fóf \\Clf() J t)-J-ltJ "" 7' ~ ,. Relinquished: eJ~ X -f) Date I Time: en \tJ\ ?~ Received: \ Dispatched : Date J Time: ~ Carrier: Date J Time: 'l£' ) j .. / I .. ~ V'" Received by lab: R ./~ / ' ". u _.~..::..~-~-:::-=--Jgõ--:---zf::-_:=.::~:--~ ---:a~!:§<::·~~-:--::~",=-c::::,:::?:':-:::-=:.,:::=:-::::.·~.:::::'=- c.:.,.,,'=-'.':=c.:::=.:.:-:;~.::.:--=::,:,-=.:..;.==:::::,:::;:-.,.._·:::::::=;:::Qi$\ooy::·~RSIinfã~f\ijïÖt\~§~~lá\)!r,,·,· - . BADRSFIELD, FIRE DUAA'l'IIJrr EHVIRCNDIfl'AL SDVICJ:. 171.5 Che.ter Ave., , Sakersfield, CA 93301 (80.5) 326-3979 TANK RDOVAL INSPECTION PORII ADDRESS-.fj \ ç ~lJN :Av< PERMIT TO OPERATE' CONTACT j!ERSON t OF SAMPLES Jd.. · - J 'N. CON'l'AC'1' PERSON I'" LEL' -@-- PLOT PLAN éx: li\t Ita. \«;> ( A f'c. L\.. /\\ ~ k u.!(" 0 &~ ~ r-l~ , I'; , ~I~ L_I,~- i..:: ~ðll\Lf ( lj CONDITION OF TANKS ~fltf t1c.ù r=- CONDITION OF PIPING ~tJod CONDITION OF \ SOIL ~dJAf{Y COMMENTS Nt) fJ ~Vlð¡f.1 f)11 J F t ~((-.J A-J¡j U ? l'~ ,tl,,{ f)~IVI u~ . ov- 0+ fJlqNS tÇ'" ~ ~ - 0 tf DATE 5-\ (VL {J Mt If'l1M¡r-{ INIfIRTORI .... J2 (ftljVY.I(ì IIGM1'1III 04/28/04 14:05 FAX 1 661 JllÞ3109 e IaI 002/002 " __-.~ . ~40/08/0. 15:'1 f'4X 1 1.1 8r 110D \....-/ PERMn' APPLICATION FOft REiIIOVAL OF NI UNÐSRGRoUND$1'ORAGETANk ! .....-.1....'- ... I.....·. ,.-, ",..'U·'.II· ....",..' ''a ...,. '1 liIIooz PMa-1 or t I paønINÓ·~I·"·IDI[: ] '-..../ .....JJa1d I'bII Dept- . ~ta1..m_. 1715 Chœtcr Ave J!lakenat£Gkl, CA. SJ3301 ~ 1.'& (661)3!ò16-S979 GII& INFCÎIMA"J1ON ~ . ··~'1Y..;&. ...: JI,,'~~r~.A.w:~. ,O!. _ ~_ Me f't'tMM1.... ~ " ~~~ .B.......-J:n:.Y*-~ ~~ M ~ ~Ø€-:r.::.-fAfi1.-- iiAiiii--_~...ctL~1tA# - ãiY.:- :ft'-AÜ..._n7 '~-_.. _~:&Io\.1n'~ 4114~JI..:s.1V' -<-.... _ At.-~~£UI .' ·ØGIDI!!t~p CONTRACfðRN'aRMA'IION oc.vwcY' - ... ~ ~ ~Z~e..&--~ ~"- p~J~) ~ø . : ~u..f)~, af.£6~~ _. JIA.~ Rtoak ~u 1J~o~d :IJI~. ".~I WOIWIIMS...,,-,= III' 'E..~ I PfUiUMIHMtY MBr!1SSIIII!tß' IMFCIIIMATJON ~ -...........-....... ,_, J.tQ ..- ."IiJ:I~~ &..r..u'''''I'-''Il~.~ t:-.2!t.u::._...___..~. __.....!!.!J. ~(14! III\u.n.Jh:Ær,,(~ aJ'f' ..,.. ZIP .. .. _ IUf'\IftI\ Q.A~tt WOfIØAENR""'-' TANKC ...........-...-.. ~~~~fC'o('tq.Q!A\I.- ~Ar'3Iíln.\(aw¡~..., ~- ..___ Wi CIßaR~.:s.....h! U~.. _.._ . 1IDQ1E811 "'...."".A.L....._ftTAÑK~iñ :noN NJ:'" Nr.:"",.. .~;... ;::..,-,.. .,..~~ ~·~~::"1- '''R.:-....Ai ~tlJI:_7..t__ ~ ~.:t!_ _~O¡t ___.... _(n1N/\'11Cll4A~..J_.ðM""..._ ¿4... _._~__ .._... TANKINFORMA11ON .... III .... .........__.... III.. .. CHItMIQM. IM.,,, ~l?;~---Ë~~ ..- I~ "riG.1i17.üéi""··--rræs _ " ---.-..... .......-I _.~........~........-.--1......... "'~r _ ~ ~"""'.oINII ...... 1IiIIIn., WJJ'H DIll M'lll1O'911C1N11fM1 111' ØI' 'rHØ f'I/RM' _ _ DJJþ IIDI'''' I,OCIIL... ~ lCCII&AíIoc. 1hI1~ ~. ~ ~~f'ØW,"".HItlIaI. to'P!lfllßrw...,.--"'. __..". AI~ ~-;7iG=; ~ ~. THIS APPUCATION a. ..--. ..... QIUCtL . t(!'rCN;Q I~"-I..I'.. ~---"-'" ... 8&QOMIiA PIØIIIIIT WHI!N APPRCMEP -- e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME \ct. ~ù~tc.'-' tBOt WUl.j INSPECTION DATE~ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks J Type of Piping OwF ORe-inspection o Routine 0 Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank OW~ Type of Monitoring t L-M OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile / \ Proper owner/operator data on tile V /' Penn it fees current V Certification of Financial Responsibility ,/ Monitoring record adequate and current ;..I Maintenance records adequate and current / Failure to correct prior UST violations / Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No \. / - Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfiII/overspiIl protection? :~::,~:'~~Vd£:O N~NO Oftìce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White· Env. Sves, Pink· Business Copy '<lJ x~ " " 8-22-2003 10:19AM .M CALVALLEY EQUIP 1661325252.- '- P.2 , '. MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION , For Use By All Jurisdiclicm$ Wfthin lhB Stote ofCalí/orllia Authority Cited: Chapter 6.7, Health and. Safety Code; Chapter J 6, DMsion 3, Tille 23, Caiifomia Code of Regulations Thit form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or report' must be 2!'cøared for each monitoring system control panel by the technician who performs the work. A copy ofthis form ~U5t be provided to tbe tank system owner/opera,tor. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this fonn to tbe local agency regulating UST systems within 3Q days of test dale. A. General Information FàciUty Name: 4(1J1ÎCe. (JÞtt;. Site Address: / 1./ ~ Tru.l11u1ll .4v~. City: (Ja.kty,f'¡'·'/¿( FàcillLy Contaot Person: f'J1¡~C Ea..J t Contact Phone No.: ( ) MakeJModel of Monitoring System: --EiJ.¿lfI. C (¡'y¡ ¡v..('", In t ht.. l'WfJd. cpa Date of Testing/Servicing: :LJ Xli fl B. Innntory of Equipœent Tested/Certified Cbeclc. tb~ a ) ro rl,te botea to laeflote sptdne e III mcnt id3pceted/,cnl£cd: TDnkID: f TQnkID: o 1n~Tank Gauging Probe. Model: a In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: II AnnUlar Space 01' Vault Sensor. Model: rm~( Fila:;¡- = 0 Annulor Sp~ or, Vault Sensor. Model: Oil ptpins Sump I Trench Sellsor(s). Model: /;ÚtD...I. ~'tn:t tJ Pípìng Sump I Trench Scnsor(s). Model: II F.iII Sump Sensor(s). Modei: F/ðA-r Šf.c,/'.t(.t. tJ Fill SW11P Sensor(:¡). Model: C Meclt8niçal Line Leak Do;tcator. Model: 0 Mecltanical Line Leak lJct~tot. Model: C Electronic Li~ /..eak Detcetor. Model: Q Electronic Line Leak Detector. Mode:l: o .Tank. Ovetflill HIgh-Lewd Sensor. Modei: Q Tank Overfill I High.Level Sensor. Model: o Other s cltÿ e uipment type IIlld model in Section E (In Pa e 2). C Other (spcçif;y ¢qulpment typc and model In Section B on Page 2 . Tank 1D: ., Taøk ID: ~ o In- T~ Gauging rrobo.. Model: 0 tn- Tønk Gauging Probe. Model: a Annular Spá(;C or Vault Sensor. Model: a Annular Space or Vault Sensof. Model: C Piping Sump I Treneh Scnsor(s). Model; 0 Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: o Pill Sump Sen~r(s). Model: Q FìII Blimp Sensor(s). ,Model: a Mçcbanlcal Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Mecllanical Line: Uak Detector. ' Model: C £Iectronlo Line Leak Detector. Model: Q Electronic Line Lel1k Detector. Modol; Q Tank Overfill I HIgh-Level Sensor. Model: [J 'fank Overfill I High·...evel Sensor. Model: o Other sic ul ment ty e and model in Section E oø Page 2. Q Othc:r (specIfy ui ment C lUll! mode/In Section B on Pa e:l). Dlapenser 10: , Dbpenser .D: _ o Dispenser Containment Sçnsor($). Model: CJ Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: Q Shear Va\Vé($). CJ Shear Valvc(s). C DI Containment Floal{s) \l.nd Chain(s . a DIs nser Containment Floal(s) and Chain s). DIspenser ID: _~ DI.pealer ID: C Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: Q Dispcnscr Containment Sen80r(s). Model: Q Shcar Valvc(s). . 0 Sheæ- Valve(s). O'Dis !1SQ' Containment Flo s and Chain{s). 0 Dispcn:¡cr ContaInment Float sand Chllin(s). DI'pèII.,lO: Dbpen"..ID: . o Dispenser Contlainmçnt Sçn$Qr($). Model: ' C Dispenser Containment 801190r($). Model: o Shear Valve(s). CJ Sbcar Valve(s). ODi ns« COntainment floa 51 and,Chaln(s). , a Di c:n:;çr CQnlaifunent Flaa s and Chain s . ·lftbe ficillty con\s m¡ more tan $ or spensets, copy this form. Include infomtatlon for flVery tank ftnd dispenser sithe facility. , C. Certification . 1 c;ertlfy th.t the equipment Identified in this document WIS Inspected/serviced In 8ccordan~ -wIth the manuf.cturer,' guidelinC!t. Attached to this Certlßclltton t. Information (e.g. manufacturer.' checklists) necasary to verify th.t this InforØ1l1t1oR i, C!:orr@tt and a Plot Plan .howlng the layout of monitoring equipment For any equipment capable of leder.tlnl luch report&. .h.ve .1$0 attached a copy of tll. repoft; (e/løck (1(( tlrllt app/;J)t [J System set-up 0 Alarm "btor,y,report TechnIcian Name (print): fln,.( e ls/.i';1..f./'f¥'-· . Signature: ~ J-~ Certification No.: License. No.: -¡ 8' 'I J 10 Ii I-fI1 Z Testing Company Nam,,: CA.¡.. V4//~'f l3f.l.IlPhI£h(: PhQneNo.:(C;"¡ ) 3Z.7-9:Jfl Site Addre$s: [1.,/..1'. 7Y~t.I" 1ft/fl. &J:".¿Y;(Ii'-"/~C&l.. Date of TestinglServicÙ}g: iL!22.I03 Bldg. No.:_ Zip: Page J of3 OJlÐl Monitoring System Certificatlou .-:> # 8-22-2003 10:2ØAM .M CALVALLEY EQUIP 1661325252. P.3 ~ . " D. Results ofTestiJtglS~I"t'Jciug Software Version Installed: c h heddi omplete t e following c st: \'If Yes o No· Ja the audible alann operatiQnal? ~ns o No' Is the visual alarm operational7 II Yes Q No' Were all ~cm$Or$ visually inspected, functionally tested, alld con finned operational? ~ Yes tJ No' Were all StnSOr$ installed at lowest point ofsecondary containment and positioned $0 that other'equlpment will not interfere with their proper operation? eyes Q No'" If alarms are relayed to' a remote monitoring station, is all communicatÎon$ equipment (e.g. modem) ~ N/A ' operational? tJ yos a No' For prcssuriud piping systems, does the turbine automatlcally 5hut down ¡fthe piping secunda{)' çonœinment ~ N/A monitoring system detßCts a I~ fails to operate, or is electrica1ty disconnected? tfyes: whtcþ sensors initiate positive shut-down? (Check a/lthat apply) CJ Sumplfrench Semors; CJ Dispenser Containment Sensor." Did YO\l confirm Ðositive shut-down due to l~ks and sensor fai,Jure/dillconnectfon? 0 Yes; Q No. t) Ye$ q No" For,tank; systems that utilize the monitoring system as the prlmat)' tank overfill waming device (í.e. no biJ NI A mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfJU warning alann visiblè and ¡wdible at the tank fill point(s) and operating properly? If 00, at what percent of tank capacity does the alarm crigger? '% c;r Yes' œ No Was. any monitoring equipment replaced? tfyes, identifY specific sensors, probes. or other equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for aU replacement parts in Section E. below. a Yes' ~ No Was liquid found Inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check tJ/J th(J1. øPþ/)J) Q P.roduct; 0 Water. If yes, describe causes in S~tion E, below. II Yts (J No' Was l\1onitorjng system set-up reviewed to ~nsure proper settings? Attach set up reports, if applicable I:iiI Yes Q No· .5 aU monitoring equipment operational per manufacturer's specifications? · In Seetlon E betow, de$crJb~ how and when· these deficiencies were or wilt be c:orrected. , E~ Commeots: ,: P.2e 2 of3 03101 -' " 8-22-2003 10:20AM .M CALVALLEY EQUIP 1661325252. P.4 '. ., F. In-Tank Gauging I SUt Equipment: [] ¢heck this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory ~ontrol. GI Çheçk this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is instaUed. This section must be completed if in~tattk gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. c I t th J IJ wi h kll t om pie e è (1 0 PI c ee 5 : a Yes a ~o· Has all Input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? a Yes 1:1 No· Were all tank gauging probes visually inspec;ted for damage and re$idue buildup? [J Yes o No" WM accuraçy of system product level r~djngs tested? IJ, Yes [;] No· Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? o Yea a No· Were all probes teinstalled properly? C Vea I:J No· Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's tJ'tttintenance checklist completed? " In the Sectlop 1ft belDw, describe how Bod when these deficiencies 'Were or will be corrected. G, , Line Leak Detectors (LLD): AI Check this box if L.LDs are not installed. , Comp] ete. t e 01 wing c ec: lit, OYN Q No· For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak ,Imu ated 10 verffy LLD JX'I"fbnnlnce'l C NlA (Ch~ck all that apply) Simulated leak rate: Q 3 g,p.h.; a 0.1 g.p.h; Q 0.2 g.p.h. e Yea C No· Were aJlLL.Ds confirmed operacÎonaland accurate within regulatory requirettJents? I;J Y 05 a No· Wø the tesling apparatus properly calibrated? IJ Yes o No'" Por mechanical LLDs, does the LLD ~estrjct product flow if it detects a leak? [J N/A , eYes tJ No· For electronic LLD$, does the turbine automatically .but oft· if the LL)) detects a leak? o N/A eVes C No. For elecµ-onïc LLDs, does the turbine autQl11atically shut off if any portion of thð monitoring, $)'$Iem 1S disabled o N/A or disconnected? o Yos a No· For electronic LLD8. dQe$ the turbine automatically shut off If any portion of the rnonltoring systmt C N/A malfunction!! or fails a test? I:) Yes 1:1 No· For electronic LL.Ds, have all accessible wiring connections been vis1Ially inspected? o N/A , o Yea o ,No' Were all {terns on the equipment manufacntrer's maintenance ehecldist completed? h J 10 h kU ft In the Settlon Ht belowt describe bow And wben these deßcleøc:ies were or will be corrected. H. Comtnenis: " Page 3 or3 OjJOl '. .M CALVALLEY EQUIP 1661325252. 'P 8-22-2003 10:21AM I MoujtQrlng System Çer~l.fieallolJ ì , UST Monitoring Site Plan Site-^ddress: ..i21S- Trú.Ytr~v ,Ave, ßttl<r.~YJ'A'fk Ca. '. .. ~ . ç..u;e,rqf'óy' : J.: : : : O· :f[jf ~/Ù'¡'IÑIt; : : e: ,:"':H~ S.(JJ¡;,I: þ¡Qhl~ : ,: .' ! .' Date map W3$ drawn: -.---1_1_. Instructions ø . I. P.5 . . ~ .' . .' , . _, ,. f .. If you already have a diagram tbat shows all required information, you may include it, rather than d1Ï!I page, wilh your Monitoring System Certification. On your site platl, show the general layout of tanks and piping. . Clearly identify locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or Òther.$econdary containment areas; mechanical or ,e1ectronlc line leak detectors; ttnd if Hank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date thís Site Plan was prepared. Page _0'_ 05100 (~ 8-19-2003 4., 00PM .M CAL VALLEY EQUIP 1661325252. P.3 1 : r ' I ¡ , I, I . . '. ';:.." .,'". .,',.::,;':'..:.),',:,'" , .' . : ~:: . . ~, . ", " .," ¡d:!r:l!H . , j..::' i<~.r :" .:, .... ' '. . ¡~f.n.t..:;",·: , ,.., "::.':."" ~lbft,lf:i¡ .~ ,~¡j~;~' .';..,,: .'.. ' lIt'··,·.." "" :"J'i~tr',~ ~:<, ,', 1"'1' ,,' " .~ ~:;~. .: , '. .:' I.: ' :. ,1~~·,,·, , . I~~:': ...... : r:;».:"L'~,:..:" rACILtTY K~v'Ÿ\ C,ðØitf t;~/I1~yp.15~(/lct![ .l.~·:F~>;;<!:,~':;, ;':APDtŒss J2)~ mutz.,tJ1 ,~//<. ", ¡ jø..:'ì··,'·······..::" ',' .:.:. ,':','. .,"': .. " '! ' \. . .' 1,;;'~/.?:: := .'., . ()~TP~,NAMB k~n ,~l/hry- ~~p"i,,:te;rV¿l:~ f r;:/,(:::<::·~ :i~ òWNeas NAME ' San¡, c. ' " '. :,' -"--.. ~ï:i" ,.'. : ,,' '" .. "..".:-,' ,.... I' , .. :i{::.:::~,~::.:i·,..;:,'::NAMB:o;pMONrfOaMANUFÁcrUR$ ':,: ': ' ,~,,,.,, '. : " :. .' " . . , . .... ." T 'L:~»:'~'::: ;::'; ~::',' DOsS FACILITY HAVE DISPENSER PANS? " ',YES_' .~ ,.'., " '" ..: . :. : .' . .. 1 ' . .: . ': .1',".. .. , , i ¡ " , . ' . :. ;'¡; " ~ ,', CITY OF JJAKERSFtELD OFF1CE OF ~:vIRONl\fENTAL SERVICES , , 17;15 Ch~ter Ave.~ Bakersfield, CA (661) 3ì6..391 " ' . . I ¡ . '..:..' . "'::';' , " . . , ~ APPLICATION, TO PERFORM FUEL MONlTORINè},CERTIFICATION I" " ," ! "1 I. . '" 'j':";'. "i..':.. It """"'I"I"I'ë . ~ .', . . ': ~ '.' .. .. P' \. , . NO_ I', I , , ~. : . . .' .' ' ;,::;.t~>,,~, :', ,.,,: . .,': ". ',' . , . " , ..... . ". " T~K" 'J VOLUME' CONTENTS ()"~5(/ . !: .. ..... '. ~ .... " ~.'. ., " .' ,'.... .' , , '. " . , . . ~ '. '....'., .' .. ... r ,f . '.: ......... . , ;. "" " , " ' ,,'." . ì l' '., .¡,.~ . . ,, ~ ' i·... '. ":." . . . . :'~" . . " ~.'" ." . . ! ' . ... '.' '. ';, ~ ' .~ 'l~ ". .' ' : : .' . . ! . .' ~I . ,.., ~ : :.. ':.'; ~ , ":";":::NAMBOP~OCO~Al CAJ-U.;/~ ~~JHeØ: ... ,,:: t ¡tÜI~~)?\;dl; -:" " , , ,I,'-'r', ,.", ',' "f'ïtl I"[)~ ¡. ',::':-···:·::'·""CONTRACTORSUCBNSB'I-¡f.t¡J7IJÁHll.2.": ': . " .~:.i:..' .If~f;<·i·.', ;".'" ::':-," ' , .. 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'"I:,;' .,' i' ~rn ~\."",.,',,1 ftJ.\,Jn.DUr :r.u.~~',:, '!¥~<!>...:;".;.:!¡,,'.:'::."", i"",'..,', .'.. .' "'II'" '.', ·1.' -')','" !,¡. , ,. I .' ,'!it',lh";':,J,I,,~\,,.,. . P~¡!;~~:T ff~Y:r'~><';' ,<::::'.: :": '.., ::'.< , ',;:'.' .:}.: . }< :'..~:' : .¡' " ,.-:. it/ '. ¡, <¡ "eFt',. " , '"~'~r~¡~'';'i''' .",: :" "" ..' . ",;' ,'1'1'..:', . . '. ,.{, ;' "",Í'..";. .' .' ,', f~;': t.i:!3/¡. t~í:r: . , ,n:~:.:'-·fr;;r·:\:;":",;;:', :,' ': .', ':',:: ¡ ,'~ ; .. ," "'+,';, t.'>~J,~:..::"';'<;, ',: ,:,.' '.~: ,,'.' ¡': H : F;~:~¡: .j; }~!'1 :,: ,~,.!h""" " , .. i...." ,I, '" q. ',,, t'ii~" ~~,,~>:;r~.·: I. '1· :>::1" : i,' -- U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAILM RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ru tr Lt') rT\ Lt') o:Q tr tr ~ D D D D Lt') ,...::¡ rT\ . ,. . , . . ., . . ,. I 0 n-F I C I A l U S E I p'.oŠtage $ CertiÍÌid Fee Return Reciept Fee Postmark (Endorsement Required) Here Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ ru D D !"- Certified Mall Provides: . A__ _.,,_____'" · A unique identifier for Your mal/piece · A -."........... by... _'8""" '" Iwo.... ImpOrtant RemInders: · Cenme.I "'" may ONly be _ ... ...."""-... '" P",""" ..... · Cenme.I M"" not._ '" ""y...." ,,,.""""", "". · NO 'NSURAN',. """""'SE IS PRoV'DED ... .""""'" .... F", """"""" - - '- '" R_..... .., · Fa, "" -"""'.... · _ ~..", be _.I.. _ '"""" ""'"" ro-........ """" -. __ _ ""'..... R_ R..."" (P8 Fen" "" ) .. ", """ "" ... _Ole _g, .. "'.."... .... Eod_ _ "R_ """" R_. ro.......... ""'"' '" · '",.... """ -.. USPs. _ '" you, """"'" M" _.. required. . Fa, '" _ .... ....... may be _... .. "" "'_ '" .-. ""-...... -- ", .""'" ."".'''-... ", endorsement "Restricted DelivelJl~ · ". -", "'., Co"... M" -,".. ..."". "'- '''"or., "". d, Of ... "'" 0""" .., ""'''''''''!!. ". _ <m 'he Co""" M" "Oel" .. "'" ""-. ...."'.od .m, "be'." ""'" 'od ..". IMPORTANT, 8... 'hi, ",OJ" on. ,'..,.. It "" ...tI., on '.,..". ,.."." "en.. '0 '"'''''' ''''''''''on ',.ot """bI, on "'" addressed '0 APOs and FPOs. FIRE CHIEF ~ON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFffi SERVICES· ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Ch~,ter Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 'ï PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakerslleld, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 ,FAX (661)326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e August 11, 2003 ' CERTIFIED MAIL Burton Walker Kern County General Services Justice Building 1215 Truxtun Bakersfield, CA 93301 NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Mr. Walker: Our records indicate that your annual maintenance certification on your leak detection system was past due. You are currently in violation of Section 2641 (J) of the California Code of Regulations. "Equipment and devices used to monitor underground storage tanks shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks at least once per calendar year for operability and running condition." You are hereby notified that you have thirty (30) days, September 8, 2003, to either perform or submit your annual certification to this office. Failure to comply will result in revocation of your permit to operate your underground storage system. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely yours, Ralph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services By: /1,/ /~ JlLc~ ....' Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/db ~~ ~~~ ~ WonIRlU/l/!y ..o/Ò/e ./P6o/'e .!Ÿ%O/b .A WYlÚ-uy" · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece. or on the front if space permits. 1, Article Addressed to: BURTON WALKER KERN COUNTY JUSTICE BUILDING 1215 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 I I I 2 I 7002 3150 I PS Form 3811, August 2001 '--..-- --- ~--~~-- - ---~-~- D. Is delivery address different from item 1? if YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type o Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise r 0 Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. , 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 0004 9985 3899 I 2ACPRI-03.Z.0985 Domestic Return Receipt I ~ I J )0 , III I First-Class Mail I Postage & Fees Paid I USPS Permit No. G-10 I I I I I ¡ I I I I I -I -J J I I UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ,e , , · Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box · .., Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 BakersfIeld, CA 93301 ::r ! t:I It:I It:I It:I , Lt') In fT1 U.S. Postal SerVlceTM CER;t"'FIED MAILM RECEIPT , \ (Domel~ JAail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) . ." 0 . 0 0 "0 0 . " I OFF I C.....A L USE I Postage $ CertIfied Fee Postmark Return Reclept Fee Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) \ tr tr c() fT1 Lt') Ic() ¡tr tr Total BURTON WALKER tTl KERN COUNTY JUSTICE BUILDING 1215 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 IrtJ 1:5 I ['- ~i.' or PO/ ëitji,-§ ~--~-~~ . .... :.. " - - -,- ------ Certified Mail Provides: ~, · A mailing receipt (Ð&l9Ae/:1J ¡¡O... 008£ WJO:/ Sd '" · A unique id,entifier for your mailpiece / · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years I Important Reminders: , : " · Certified Mail may ONLY be~mbl~ith Arst-Class Mail$ or Priority Mail®. I · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. I · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Return Receipt service, please complete and attach a Retum Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailplece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USP~ postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or I addressee's authorized a~ent. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement "RestrictedTJelivery·. · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired, please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt Is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery Information is not available on mall addressed to APOs and FPOs. F;RE CHIEF ?GN i=RAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 21 01 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENvtROHIŒNTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 e e May 8, 20Q3 .........,. ~ ... .'" Burton Walker Kern County Justice Building 1215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 CERTIFŒD MAIL RE: Failure to Complete SB 989 Secondary Containment Repairs & Retest FINAL REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner & Operator: Since January 1,2003, this office has sent you monthly reminders advising you of a failed SB 989 test. In that letter, this office also requested an update with regard to repairs of your system. This office further explained that repairs of your system are a condition of your permit to operate. Please be advised that you must have your system repaired and retested by June 15,2003. Failure to comply may result in further enforcement action up to, and including revocation of your permit to operate. This office has extended every courtesy with regard to sending contractor information as well as one on one visit's Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661-326- 3190. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services by: il- I' I / r', ~~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc \.\.y~ de W£Y/'IHUuu{? ..97"0P ,Aope .o/~ ./6 W~?"" I · Complete items 1, 2, and 3, Also complete item 4 if Restricted DeliVery is desired. ' t · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: KERN COUNTY JUSTICE BUILDING 1215 TRUXTUN AVE i BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 ~__~ _ ~ -"-- __-0....- _ _ _____ -=-- --~ - ~ -- - .- I I I I \ I I I I \ I I I I 2ACPRI-03·Z-0985 I D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? if YES, ente~ delivery address below: APR" ! 4 2003 3. Service Type o Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.O.D. 7002 3150 0004 9985 3196 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes I PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE , ~ dill 0J; I - I I I I I Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 i?; II. lu It II. ull.II... IH I r, I. I u II. I. IIHn 11111111 11111111111 , .:::r- o 10 o , 0 , LI1 , ,..:¡ ¡ITI , ru I 0 o £"- U.S. Postal erVlceTM O-QTIFIED MAILM RECEIPT (ú~..,estic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) . .. 0 , . . ., 0 . . I OFF I CJ Ail USE I Postage $ Certified Fee Return Reclept Fee Postmark (Endorsement Required) Here Restricted Delivery F~ ì (Endorsement Required r- Tote KERN COUNTY JUSTICE t BUILDING 15TRUXTUN AVE "§riiš;, 12 A 93301 orPO¡ BAKERSFIELD C ëítY.ši ~- ,-===---=========-- - --.--..--- ,..n ¡a- IM ITI , LI1 IcO la- Ir . - . , See Reverse for InstructIOns Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt · A unique identifier for your mailpiece · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years , Im1JOrtant RemInders: .. · Certified Mail may ONLY be coínblne~th First-Class Maile or Priority Mail@. · Certified Maills not available for any class of International mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For vafuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Retum Receipt service, prease complete and attach a Return Receipt (PS Form 38111. to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse maiipiece 'Retum Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USP5@ postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized a~nt. Advise the clerk or mark the mallpiece with the endorsement 'Restricted Delivery', · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt Is desired, please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mall receipt is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. (8SJ8A81:/) ;::00;:: 8uneWJO:l Sd FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "HO Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'Ho Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326'()576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e .,<J. .. ~ .~-' .. April 11, 2003 Kern County Justice Building 1215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield CA 93301 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Recent SB 989 Secondary Containment Testing FOURTH REMINDER NOTICE Dear Owner/Operator: Our records indicate that you completed your secondary containment testing on October 4, 2002. Our records further show a failed test. Therefore you are required to have your system repaired and re-tested as soon as possible. This office requests an update with regard to repairs of your system. Please be advised that repairs involving the replacing of components must be under permit from this office. The repairs of your system are a condition of your permit to operate. Failure to repair and re-test will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Si¡' ~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~~7~ de W~ ~ ~0Pe y~ A W~" KERN COUNTY JUSTICE , BUILDING . 1215 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 3. Service Type o Certified Mail 0 Express Mail . o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I 2ACPRI-Q3-Z.098S\ . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. I · Print your name and address on the reverse I so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, I or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: _J ~--------- ~ 7002 3150 ! po' F"':-~~-;; ~~~:"-t:~01 0004 9985 2984 Domestic Return Receipt \ " . .". I e UNIT~D S,T~TES POSTALSERVlê~ I " " '- " " . ~ . . .' ~" ".'. " I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ III First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 -"-, · Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box · .p;. ~A1iœR~fûELD FIRE D:EJPARTI"qENT Ö~f!C~-: OF E~JV¡MC~~\f.ENìTAl SERViCES ~ 'i"J S Üf::.3'J~ei" AVe'fì!10, Suite 000 ßS1/{ei"s~Ge!d" CA ~~ I. . ·os a ervl . TM CF-qJIFIED MAILM RECEIPT (D¿ , ¡tic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) o 0" 0 , . , "' , . . I OFFICIA.l USE I postage $ ...../l"! . ~ " Certlfled Fee Postmark Return Reç ept Fee Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement RequIred) r I \.:r- lcO I]"" , ru ILI1 cO , a- il]"" I.:r- o '0 '0 ,0 ¡LI1 ñ '111 Tote KERN COUNTY JUSTICE BtIt BUILDING ~ 1215 TRUXTUN AVE orPQ ëitÿ.. BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 ¡ru o o f'- , ~ =1 Certified Mail Provides: ~ · A mailing receipt (9SJ9A91:J) <:00<: eu.._ WJ0:l Sd · A unique identifier for your mallpiece · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years 1 Important RemInders: · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mai~ or Priority Mai~. I · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. 1 · NO INSURANCE COV5AAGE J.<:..PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For 1 valuables, please consider Insureu or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of II delivery. To obtain Retum Receipt service, please complete and attach a Return Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailpiece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPSe postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is I required. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or I addressee's authorized a¡tent. Advise the clerk or mark the maUpiece with the I endorsement "RestrictedTJelivery". I · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired, please present the arti- I cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail I receipt is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and present It when making an inquiry. , Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "HO Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAl. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Avo. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661)399-5763 e e '. " " ..., .~ ~ .- March 5, 2003 Kern County Justice Building 1215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield CA 93301 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Recent SB 989 Secondary Containment Testing THIRD REMINDER NOTICE Dear Owner/Operator: Our records indicate that you completed your secondary containment testing on October 4, 2002. Our records further show a failed test. Therefore you are required to have your system repaired and re-tested as soon as possible. This office requests an update with regard to repairs of your system. Please be advised that repairs involving the replacing of components must be under pennit from this office. The repairs of your system are a condition of your permit to operate. Failure to repair and re-test will result in the revocation of your pennit to operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Sin7kcerel~1 d££i'J :' I ' .'.. , , Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""..r~ ~ WN~vnN/U(? ..¥'OP v#'60Pe ..r~ ..Æ W~" . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. , . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: o Agent o Addressee I I' 1 KERN COUNTY JUSTICE BUILDING 1215 TRUXTUN AVE . BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 1'---- - - -- __~O_ --- ------- ------- -- -_--' \ I 2, DYes o No '\ 3. Service Type o Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C,O.D, 4, Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 7002 0860 0000 1641 5820 PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt I 102595·02·M·0835' UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE =~Ç'lD c_, 1 =._c:,"",oePirstcClass_Mail-_,:c- . - Rostage & Fees Paid , ,Q:J PM i ) L-c - . usps - - . ~..... . , , , } _ RermitNp: G-19~ .; - · Sender: Please print your n Ý - ~J~'ãd~~~s, and ZIP+4 in this bo!':~= -;-:= -- BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPA~T\\f.ENT OFF~CE OF ENViRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chestsj" Avsnue, Sujte 300 Baìt{~is!d, CA 00301 1:::. III \ IIIII\.! 11111\ 1111111 \ III1II1 \ 1\ I 11111\ 111111 II. \ I \ 11\111 \ 10 IN ¡I:Ð U1 , r-'I ::r ,...I] r-'I U.S. Postal Service CERTIFJFQ MAIL RECEIPT (Domest, '3i/ Only; No Insurance Coverage Provide' I C I A~L . USE , 0 Postage $ 10 I g Certified Fee c::J Return Receipt Fee ,...1] (Endorsement Required) ,I:Ð Restricted Delivery Fee o (Endorsem I N Total POI Y JUSTICE o KERN COUNT "~ Sent To BUILDING ~ š;rëëi;Äp. 1215 TR UXTUN A VB ....... , ~~~~.~, BAKERSFIELD CA 93~?_~ __ _~.._.....' , City, State, '-_ ' - -¿~-'-~ PostmBlk Here ... !II '. II Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt · A unique identifier for your mail piece · A signature upon delivery · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail. , . Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Return Receipt service. please complete and attach a Return Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailpiece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required, · For an additional fee. delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clu-k or marlt the mailpiece with the endorsement "Restricted Delivery", ' · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired. please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not _d, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: S.is receipt and present it when making an inquiry. PS Form 3800, April 2002 (Reverse) 1n?~Q¡;:~nl) .. ",U'_ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAfETY SERVICES· ENYIROIIIIENTAI. SEIMCtS 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 32&3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e . .¡ .- .'- ~ January 13. 2003 Kern County Justice Building 1215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield CA 93301 Certified Mail RE: Recent SB 989 Secondary Containment Testing REMINDER NOTICE Dear Owner/Operator: Our records indicate that you completed your secondary containment testing on October 4, 2002. Our records further show a failed test. Therefore you are required to have your system repaired and re-tested as soon as possible. This office requests an update with regard to repairs of your system. Please be advised that repairs involving the replacing of components must be under permit from this office. The repairs of your system are a condition of your permit to operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Si2~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc \ --..~ $e ?7~ .¥eve ~0Pe .r~ J6 W~'I'I --:..:.;.~'-.!- . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~ ,C. ðc(l\ Sl'rdt("~'; ß), (J'1 INSPECTION DA TEI:l . (~ - cD L Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine \!j Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank ikt)t~' Type of Monitoring ( LÅ'\. o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks ( Type of Piping -¢uJF ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile L /" Proper owner/operator data on file L /" Pennit fees current L ,./ Certification of Financial Responsibility '-' / / Monitoring record adequate and current ./ Maintenance records adequate and current L- ,/ Failure to correct prior UST violations / ,/ Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No I ./ Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspilI protection? C==Compliance V==Violation Y==Yes N==NO I",P"W~ ~ Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 Whitc - Env. Svcs, Pink - Busincss Copy (~vj \// . e ~1- bJI~4 ' f/ J: V ¿¡'5r1·tÙð ' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I -,,-rh' _:=r ' · qFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES I ~ 17tS Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-397~ ì i I i I i I, ; , . .!. I i , I ' APPLICA TION [TO PERFORM A TANK TIGHTNESS TESTI i SECO*DA~Y CONTAINMENT TESTING Ii' FACILITY ,Tv5t(Ce. BId;;. I ADDRESS /2/..5 7Ÿï-t~Yt1Þ1 i I?diff+i'eIc(Ct:f., I , PERMIT TO OPERATE # i , , I OPERATORS NAME K~ý'~ r-D~vd~ C-e1//e¥'Pt./ SeYi//ce.f. OWNERS NAME ¡ I "", . ;',. ~ ; I; , " . ,1 . , I I i l i': .1 ! I" ;: ,¡" ',<:." " .1,. ., i NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED I - TANK # VOLUME I IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED' y. CONTENTS (h'es el i· TANK TESTING COMPANY C/Â,./- //a.//lY E~t//PÎ1/JehÎ MAILING ADDRESS .5 ,~oo (;'/'Ih1"ý'-€, Ave, &kf!xrt-/.el..~ Ca. '1330 g- o i ¡ NAME & PHONE NUMBE~ OF fONTACT PERSON l3ruce I-hrUS/~;:t bbl-327-'1Y'lli TEST METHOD In CtJt1 :rs - St5 I ! NAME OF TESTER OR SPECIAIl. INSPECTOR ßy-UCl!. fh'J1S/-e!;f' , ! CERTIFICATION # (}#j¡¡f¡> CJ2..0Sz.g'lG DA TEl TIME TESTIS TO; BE 90NDUCfED 10- t¡ -02 if!) 0,/: 0 () J1£ d~' ,. 9-~-O2- ~4v~ APPROVED BY DATE SIGNATURE OF APPUCANT e e- , " I .' . ~y" .¿ ~,~ ,'} FIRE CHIEF Ror" FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESStON SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 , VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 - . D August 30, 2002 Kern County General Services-Justice Building 1215 Truxtun Avenue Bakerstìeld, CA 93301 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary secondary containment testing requirements by December 31, 2002 of underground storage tank (s) located at the above stated address. Dear Tank Owner / Operator, If you are receiving this letter, you have not yet completed the necessary secondary containment testing required for all secondary containment components for your underground storage tank (s). Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1, 2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, to insure that the systems are capable of containing releases :trom the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Of great concern is the current failure rate of these systems that have been tested to date. Currently the average failure rate is 84%. These have been due to the penetration boots leaking in the turbine sump area. For the last four months, this office has continued to send you monthly reminders of this necessary testing. This is a very specialized test and very few contractors are licensed to perfonn this test. Contractors conducting this test are scheduling approximately 6-7 weeks out. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that under code, failure to perfonn this test, by the necessary deadline, December 31, 2002, will result in the revocation of your pennit to operate. This office does not want to be forced to take such action, which is why we continue to send monthly reminders. Should you have any questions, please feel :tree to call me at (661) 326-3190. Sincerel1 II /J /J )J1ív~/ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services "" ýOe/V~ de Wonvnu~ .¥O>'<' ~{}Pß .rk,/ A W~.,., FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "1-1" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "1-1" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SEIMCES' ENV1ROHIÆNTAI. SEIMCES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . e July 30, 2002 Kern Co General Srvcs Justice Bldg 11215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield CA 93301 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirements by December 31,2002 of Underground Storage Tank (s) Located at the Above Stated Address. Dear Tank Owner I Operator: If you are receiving this letter, you have not vet completed the necessary secondary containment testing required for all secondary containment components for your underground storage tank (s). Senate Bìll989 became effective January 1,2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, to insure that the systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Of great concern is the current failure rate of these systems that have been tested to date. Currently the average failure rate is 84%. These have been due to the penetration boots leaking in the turbine sump area. For the last four months, this office has continued to send you monthly reminders of this necessary testing. This is a very specialized test and very few contractors are licensed to perform this test. Contractors conducting this test are scheduling approximately 6-7 weeks out. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that under code, failure to perform this test, by the necessary deadline, December 31, 2002, will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. This office does not want to be forced to take such action, which is why we continue to send monthly reminders. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190. Sin:;l ~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector Environmental Code Enforcement Officer ""Y~ ¿.t; W~ S70P ~0P6.r~ A W~" 1~~tJ~~2-2ØØ2 lØ,25AM FROM CALVALLEY EQUIP 16613252529. P.2 . ¡ ~ MONItt>RING SYSTiM CERTIF.ATION ¡ , For Use By All JtJti.~dit:(i()".f Within the State ofCaliforl1itJ' " AlltJf(,rity Cited: Chapter 6. 7, Healtlz a/fd Safety Còde; Chapter /6, JJivisilJTl3, Title 23, Californío Code ()f Regulations 11,;5 form Jnusl be used to document testing and servíc:il)g of monitoritJg equipment. A separate certification or report must be \ El'cpared fur each rnonitorin~uystern control panel by the technician who performs the work. A cOpy of this fonn m,ust be provided to {he tauk syStem owncr/operato\". The owner/oþcrator ,"ust !:ubmit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST sY5teln$ within 30 days oft¢st date. A. Genel'alll1fonnntion Facîlîly Nome: k~YJ1 CtJvHt:Y t;eJ1~ra/ ~'en//c:(,L(rølic.e Irbj;?) _____ Bldg. No,:, Site, Address:_I.2/.'> Trú..Yl'1Æ AItt.. ____ City: ß~K~~ <v'¿ Zip: 91301 Facility Contact Person: -'11/k.'( 1Ea..s.'t:.___._ Contact Phone No,; ( ) MakelMadcl of MOil itoríll~ Syst!¡:ln: £I¡',!I..:I/ (tJJ.,ft..~"It JH~ lit Tilt' CPF- 2 _ Dale of Testing/Servicing: L/. 2...)..!!Z U. JnvealtOI'Y uf E(I~ip.nent T~sted/Certified ~'1Y. -ZZ.~&"'O-I I & I d ;, Ch(ck ' c nppl'oprlntc boxes to ÎndicAte spçc fic equipment 1n$IIcÇtc sen cc : 1'.ltk ID: __1. .J);'~ ~ 1.1 Tank UJ; -..-..-. .. .~._"....-- ...,"" .'-"- Q In··I'nnk Olluging'l'rohe. Modd: q Jr¡-l'nnk Gauging I'robe.. Model: J!íJ, AI"J\JIRt Sf7uc:c or Vault Sensor. M()del: ~.Á!J.r~B€¡..hi...: Q Mlnulal' ~pace or Vault Sonsor. Model: , Plrlng Sum ) / 'hc/lch SCllSor(~). Model: .ÇI1L."t:,.!.~:µ"~ Q riping SUn1p / Trench SCtl$or(s). Model: iii fill Sump SCII$or(s). Model; i.ld....II1!i1t~'!!ml.'. '." ' ", a fill Sum/" Setl$M{S). Model: a Medllmîc,,1 Line Lenk !)clcclQI'. Model: _ o Mechanîc~ Line l.cak Dc:'c::ctot. Model: a Electronic Line Lenk Detector, Mode,l: 1:1 r::lecttonic Line Leak Detector. Model: _~,,"'.\'M"'.~____ o Tank Overfill I J1ígh-Le\lcl Sensor. ModeJ ; ~-------- o Tank Overfill! High-Level SeMor. Model: Q Olher (spedfy l..quipll1ent type IInd .nodel in Scc:tion E on Page 2). o Other (~pcdry equipment type and .nodcl ill Scction E on Page 2). ..........~....".- Tllllk ID: .._..~<,..(...",_., Tank ID: -'- I:J In-Tank (;allging P1'Obe. Modd; - --- Q In-Tank Gauging Probe, Model: o Annuhlr Space or Vnlllt Sensor, Model: _._...._ I '. .... ._....__-___ o Annuhlt Space or Vault SensQr. Model: Q rifling Sump r Trcnch 8cnsor(s). ModI:!; -- Q Piping Sump I Trench Scnsor(s). Mot,id: o Fill SIIJ1'!p S\:\II$()t{!\). Model: o Fill S\"n/" SCt\$I,)t(S). Model: ~ ~-'-' ,~".."."--' .------_.- Q Mechanical Line Lea~ Octcetor. Model; Q Mechanical Line leak Detector. Model; , ' ,. Q Elce(rollic Line Lellk Detector. Model: o Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: , " --.--. Q 'hl1k Overfill/HIgh-Level Sensor. Model~ o Tank Ovetfill / High-f-evel Sensör. Model: I' o Othcr (spc::eify c:qulpsncnt tYPQ nnd model inŠ~~l¡¡;;;'Ë ~~ï;~g;2):'- a Other (specify cQuipment type and !node! in Section g oti f'ligc 2). : ,. I>tsl/en~et 11): Dispenser IÐ: .~~_'" I, " ',I -,-.--'---- - .. ¡ o Dispc::nser Co"t~i"lnel'lt SC1Isor{s). Model; a Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: . 'II ,: ¡ " o Shenr Vnlve(s). o Shear Valve(s), ¡. s" ; ..' I,' t] Dispenser Conhtinlnc:ut Float(s) ilnd Chaln{s). o Dispenser ContaInment Float{s) I1nd Chain(s). \ ¡. ,I. ~i " " ,I' " ", 1,;,,", '. i ...~i.i. " Dbpen$er JI); Dispenstt UJ: ! ~ > ' " 1 n:·~ f:1 f a Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: o lJispensc:r Containment Scnsor(s). Model: 1\ .,' , .. "ltL'f a Shear Volvc(s). o Shear Vnlve(s). 'I'" ¡;"'fl ¡ , I, ;' '1';"1 ~~. I o Dispenser Cuntainment l'¡oat(s) and Chain(s), Q Dispenser Containment Float(s) àJtd Chaln(s). , ',. j .t;:,:,.:,~,ij~"to.~~l: Dispenser 11>: ---~- Dispenser IV: , i I ._ ::,:I t:i r [J DI~pellser CUlltaintnent Sensot(s). MQdd: o Dispenset CQntaÍlllT1ent Setlsor(s). Modd: I:: l tJ $heßt Vhlve(s). Q Shea~ Vlllve(s). 11: ~~;': ~~~ ;;,:~~ , [JDlsþensc:t Còntàlrunèl1t Float(s) and Chain(s). a DispensE:r Containment Flollt(s) arid Chain(3). ¡ ,'; " I'; , ,'.' t" ' . ,,' " ," , . ¡- , I - f ;",:, ~ r, ' i If;; ;' . ~ ¡" ¡~ ' .' 'I' ';:: .~ ~ ~ J" ,(,' ':if j¡: ; ~':; ., ft ' 1,1, ~'~ , "'1 ~, I': ':,1:/:1 r Ii:! I ( -'fthe fDelhty contains more tanks or dlspen:¡er~. cnpy tins fOml. Include mformatJon for every tank and dispenser at the facility. , , . , :' ,; '", C. Certification ~ I certify thsit the equiplmmt Identified ill this dòcuftlcnt was inSptdcd/$èrvlc:l:(t lit u:eótd.,¡Ji~lthj;thl' InRrlu(Rcturers' g~ldell ' es. Attached to this CertIßc tlon Is Inforln tlon (e.g. ntlllturødurers t"etklisb) nttessltl':Y tit ~èrìti thl 'thlt. Information Is correct and n Plot Plnn sllowing the Inyout of monHl)rlng equil1ment. lor any equipment ClÌpnhie of gé.l~;jtlJ g 'Útlt' ter~rts I hnve nl~o IItfn~cd R copy of the report; (t:het:4 øIl ,/u,t "I'ply): Q Systeln set.up a A'arm history ttpðtl' ':':' TechnIcIan Name (print): ß'L~~' ' Signature: ~"-' ~ ' :" , : ': , , I ' " Certification No.: .~'~'''~__ License. No.: 7g'l¡2/J...A}J/J z : i Testing Company NaIU&: ~.L:I:.1:J:L/l!:l E'l,L'¡"h1~J.'T ~_,_,__ Phone NO.:( 6'~1 ).3.27-1jY/ , Site Address: J..Z1:L.n~t:J/.i:.1 li:fL<'· &.t.·l!-f'J.fN~~J;¡~_ Date of TestiuglServicing; .:z.J 2. 1(;2. i ~ , ~ ; 'I:' ,\: i:') , ,: ~' .' ': ,r , 1 " \ , Pagclof3 113101 M~rlUori"g System Certification !; 7-02-2002 10:26AM ~ FROM CALVALLEY EQUIP 16613252529 e e f: J. i~esults ,of Te5tiIlK/Se..vicin~ Software Version Installed: Þ7Á- _1'--- Complete the fuUowing checklist: ., 'Yes 0 No· Yes CJ No' Yes Q No' , Yes - 0 No· DYes tJ No· Qr N/A DYes UNo" 91' N/ A [J Y csM C1 No'" 13 N/A -=-- o Yes'. No a Yes· ,. No P Yes a No· o Yes (J No.'" Is the audible alarm oþeralÎonal? Is the "isual alarm operational? , ' Were all sensors visually inspected)unclÎollally tested, and confirmed operational? I Were a\l senSOrs installed at lowest point or secondary containment and positioned So that other equíprneht will not interCere with their proper operàtion? ' , ' , If all\rms arc relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e,g. irlødetrt) òperationol? I " .. For pressurized pipÎ\1g systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary cotltafnmet1f Ino;,itoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is e!cctrièally disconnected? If yes: which seo'sotS IrUtlat~ positíve sllut-down? (Check all that apply) q SumplTrench Sensors; a Dispenser Cotltalnmel1t Sðnsors. ; Did you cOl1fÎrm positive shut-down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? aYes; d No.! , ". ' For tank ¡¡ystems that utilíze the monitoring system as the prirnary tank overfill warning device (I.e. M mechanícal overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the tank , , fill point(s) and operating properly? If so, at what percent oftnnk capacity does the alarm trigget? ' % Was any monitoring equipment replaced'¡ If yes, identify specific sensors, probes, or other equipment ~epláeed and fist the manufacturer name and model for all replacement þal1s in Section E, below. i : ' Was liquid found inside any $ècoodary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check 011 thol apply) o Product; a Water, Iryes, describe cause.<: in Section E, below. ': I Was monitoring system set-up reviewed to ensure proper settings? Attach set up reports, if applicable, Is all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturer's specifièations? · .In Section E below, describe how and wbe.. thesc deficlències were or wiII be c:otrec;:(ed. E. COJDmcltts: --,-~...-.._--_.".."'." ______...J."....... -. _--__10,..·· --.-.-...--......--------.--:0'.- -,-",..._........."~,-_.. --------- ---- ._.~. ..M....__......·........u,..--..-··__· --_._,---_.__.._...._,.._..,._--~,-._.. _... -'....'.... ..-.....-.- .---------.-~-_... P:tge 2 of3 O:Mtt ---......-- P.3 jij " i "¡ , , ¡, :) i ~ I' ,. , ! ¡, :¡ " :i !j !~ I; !: I.! " ¡: , ,I ) . I f: !! 7-02-2002 10:26AM FROM CAL V ALLEY EQU I P 1 661 3252529 P.4 ! e . In-Tnuli. (;nuging I SUt EquiJ)lncnt: '. . e , o Check this box iftànk gauging is used only for invetuoty cöntrol. D Cheçk this box ¡fno lauk gauging or SIR equipment is Installed. ~ I This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. COllJplete tile following checklist: M ;4. (J Yes 0 1'10* II;¡~ all input wiring been ¡i'!!pected for proper entry and ler;nínation, including testing for ground faults? o yes [J No'" Were all Inn" gauging pr(lbe~ visually inspected for damage and residue builduþ? o Ye..<; Q No· Was accuracy of system produèl level readings tested? Q Yes Q No· Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? CJ Yes a No· Were 1'111 probe~ reinstalled properly'! a Yes a No· Were all iteITls on the eCluiptnent m:.'lnulactllrer'!; maintenance checklist completed? .. ~ -, -. _.. . .. In the S(:CtlOIl II, below, de.~c:rÎbe how "lid when these deficiencies Wcrc or will be corrected. , G. Liue Lcnk Detectors (LI.O): ~ Check this box if CLDs are not installed. Corftl'fctc tbe JoJlowing cbecklist: Q Yes a No'" For equipment start-up or 1111IIIIal eqüiprnent certífication, was n lealc; !!imulated to verífy LLD þerformance? o N/A (Ch(~clc all rhat or/,M Simulated leak rate: a 3 g.p,h.; (J 0.1 g.p.h; Q 0.2 g.p.f1, a Yes CJ No· Were all' LLDs conliriTlcd opel'ational and accurate within regulatory requirements? Q Yes a No· Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? I I Q Yes a No· For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? 0, N/A Q Yes a No· For electronic; LLDs, does the turbine autolnatkally shut off if the LLD detects a leak? ON/A : a Yes o No· For electronic LLDs, does the turbine autornaticálly shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disablèd Q NIA or disconnected? " .' a 'Yes o No· For elec.tronic LLDs, does the turbine auton~atica\ly shut off jf any portion of the monitoring system Q N/A malfunctions or fails n test? ~-- '0 No'" for electronÎc LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? o Ye$ I' o N/A , , ,. ~ a Yes Q No· Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? 1, " ,_. . . - · .,.. j'l '; ¡ . ' " , . ; :j , :, , ~. . ¡, H ) ~ l i 'it III the Section H, below, dcscrlbe how alld whcn these deficiencies were or wfIJ be corrected. '\", H. Comments: I: , · .' " ' , " " ",. '. 'p' · It . .~.; :., : ,;( . ; i ~' ...... . :~. ,~;; ~ ',' ,;,;,:";:, .c,;' .¡ei: , , .,~,: ,'~. ,., r " ,':' "t, -.; i,: /, 1 :'1;' , (~,' ~ . ~ ' . , ' , .; ~ ~' ; ,:,;. '. :' ' ! I ," 'ô I I, I " \',' -------......-.. --...--_......'...._-_..~ .....--.,-,-.. I /. i , . ~ . !' " ' . , .J". , ,:jl: ,; ¡ "¡ <~ , ~ .. ~ j " .' ~ '. ~d , oil ~ ;'d ;. I ~. : d " , ; ,-.........----.....-.--.----- -............--......,...,........---- ---------.-..---.--......... ." \.- ...........,..--....-.---- .'srgc ;3 or 3 ojmt 7-02-2002 10:27AM FROM CALVALLEY EQUIP 16613252529 P.5 t :bnltorirlg System CCl'tlOcnti(m e Ii e .;, UST MoniC:oring Site I)lan Site Aùdl'css: --1.11~ TrfAtTWI J1.(/e.,,_.&~Çf':J'lie/~ La, ~']?oL. I ; · · · rr~Ktv~"ûf.V<· : , , . . . . · · , - I I . . I . . . ...:,...:,-_:..-.:.-:......:.----- · " . ."._.:;'_a"--:._.."' . .-.,.--. _..._._.~," .-.'" , , 1 ; ; . · ; " I I " I ; , .. · I , , · ¡ ~ · ". · .j ¡ , , · - j · .. : ; :ì · · " " ; · \ · ; · I j , 1 " . .' ~ ~ ~" .. · ; · I ¡ :. :i :st: .' · ¡ I · ,. I , · ; · j ; ¡ "in.,: ; ~ðyn'ttr· I · · ¡ I, . I ':~' ~ I_ " · ¡I'll' .,. .r. . , · · · I I I,' t i.: ~ ~", ' ¡ · . :a ~~ t-'t: I · ¡ ¡ J ¡ ~ ¡ ; , . ~ :; .! ~ ;; · " , r ' .' I'" · ¡ · · ;~,¡\> · · :/ , r ; · ¡ , · · · · 1Ii<~ ~ it I( ~..~ I!'R'."''!~~ . . f I · , I ' ,II.;.' · · . ¡ I': :~; ; " . /?tfÞ...i,.,( . A¡"l1v/4t'. . . . . · · :! ; · · · . t~o~ ':4.< · ; : · 'I ¡ ~.~ ~:. , ; ; · · · I ¡ · ; · · IlWII . I I :! I I · I · ; I · · '. I · " · · .~ I I · · · ; .; I ; · · , · , · ¡ · · · I · · ¡ · · · · · , · I , · I · · I 1 · · , ; · · I · · · · .. · 1 · · · · · · · · ; ; · · · · ; I · · 1 · · I · · · · · · I " · , · · · · · · ¡ : i' , I ~ , ¡ ; , I Ii I " :.. , : j ~f ~ ~: i f'~ ¡,.i 'Iii , ,; ,/ ~ ~ ~ j ': .J , , ',' I ,~ 1 ., II: i ¡ ! ' I: ;¡ Date map was drawn:.:J-! 2.. / tJ2-. Instructions If you already havè a diagram that show~ all required information, YOll may include it, rather than this page, with YQur Monitoring System Certification. On your sÍle plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular ~pa(:es, sumps, dispenser pans, st)iJ cont/liners, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line teak detectors; and in·tank liquid level probes (if lIsed for leak detection). III the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was þrEpared. Page _ ()f_ 0510Ò ' 6-24-2002 10:45AM /\LV )/ FROM CALVALLEY EQUIP e 16613252529 . P.2 , CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION, FACILITY J"v.rì;ce. f?ví/~'h!J ADDRESS 1115" T£u...rlVJ1 OPERATORS NAME l(eYh Cðl/Yf7 (;.ChCt("tA./ Sat/¡'c,-eJ OWNERS NAI\1E NAME OF MONITOR MANUFACTURER Fluid Cðl?'1YÞlf Jit4t. CtJørn>Was. 1 DOES FACILITY HAVE DISPENSER PANS? YES_ NO TANK # ( VOLUME to¥J CONTENTS o 'de¡ NAME OF TESTING COMPANY Ca-/- l/PiJi;Y Ç~IA¡;hfelt'" CONTRACTORS LICENSE # 7g'/J70 I; Nil;?. NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ßýc.ûe. WhiffY &b/-327-9.:J£I DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED 7-2-02 09:00 /f£. ,:ltJ .' !~ ;-2. ¥-f):L APPROVED BY . Flv/'d. (ÃH'fYþ/S r~c. ßvS¡"'cß. '~~~ DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT · L£J,t h4t" be 'føUh~. Ir- Þ.~fJe.tM/S thfÅÎ th~ a.-r< OVfð-F FIRE CHIEF RON FR<\ZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVfCES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 - e Kern County General Services-Justice Building 1215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA,93301 RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirement by December 3 I, 2002 of Underground Storage Tank located at 1215 Truxtun Avenue REMINDER NOTICE Dear Tank Owner/ Operator: The purpose of this letter is to infonn you about the new provisions in California Law requiring periodic testing of the secondary containment of underground storage tank systems. Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1,2002. section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, to ensure that the systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Secondary containment systems installed on or after January 1, 2001 shall be tested upon installation, six months after installation, and every 36 months thereafter. Secondary containment systems installed prior to January 1, 2001 shall be tested by January 1,2003 and every 36 months thereafter. REMEMBER!! Any component that is "double-wall" in your tank system must be tested. Secondary containment testing shall require a pennit issued thru this office, and shall be perfonned by either a licensed tank tester or licensed tank installer. Please be advised that there are only a few contractors who specialize and have the proper certifications to perform this necessary testing. For your convenience, I am enclosing a copy of the code for you to refer to. Once again, all testing must be done under a pennit issued by this office. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661) 326-3190. Sincerez.,' ' 'I / .- ~ íthiIUJft..) Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer SBU/kr enclosures ~~..9'~ de W~ ~ ~~ y~ .A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Streel Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 e -- April 17. 2002 K C General Services Justice Bldg 1215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield CA 93301 RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Required by December 31, 2002 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Tank Owner/Operator: The purpose of this letter is to inform you about the new provisions in California law requiring periodic testing of the secondary containment of underground storage tank systems. Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1,2002. Section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containmênt components upon installation and periodically thereafter. to ensure that the systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Secondary containment systems installed on or after January 1,2001 shall be tested upon installation. six months after installation, and every 36 months thereafter. Secondary containment systems installed prior to January 1,2001 shall be tested by January 1,2003 and every 36 months thereafter. Secondary containment testing shall require a permit issued thru this office, and shall be performed by either a licensed tank tester or licensed tank installer. Please be advised that there are only a few contractors who specialize and have the proper certifications to perform this necessary testing, For your convenience. I am enclosing a copy of the code for you to refer to. Once again, all testing must be done under a permit issued by this office. Should you have any questions. please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. s;2 rMattC Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer SBUldm enclosures --y~ ~ W~ 370P.A0Pe ~~ A W~" e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 I FACILITY NAME 1':.,(. GCl/\' ~ft1Cl ~ 111 firM , INSPECTION DATE /:Jþ7/n¡ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine t!I Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank lIJtuF Type of Monitoring ¿L(;I.\.. o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks l Type of Piping (lJJF ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile ~ / Proper owner/operator data on file '-" / Permit fees current VV Certification of Financial Responsibility v/ Monitoring record adequate and current t......y Maintenance records adequate and current C/ Failure to correct prior UST violations <:/ Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No J Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MYF? I f yes, Does tank have overfiIl/overspiIl protection? C=Compliance ð=ViOJation Y=Yes ,",p",o,L b/fJd![J Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White· Env, Svcs. N=NO Pink - Business Copy · C ete items 1, 2, and·3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your, name and address on the reverse so that we can return. the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Burton W¡Ûker K.C. General Services Justice j Bldg 1215 Trux'tun Ave Bakersfield CA 93301 umber (Copy from service labelj 520 0021 9610 7813 PS Form 3811 , July 1999 I) B. ate 0 Delivery g' 0 C. ~~~ª1.!Jre J - ~h~ ' 'X, ~~'é:7.~-r-~1\gem, "I ' . ' ressee D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes I if YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No \ I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Service Type XJ Certified Mail D Registered D Insured Mail D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes Domestic Return Receipt 102595·99-M·1789 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Me Postage & Fe id USPS Permit No. G-10 · Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box · BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 00301 ... f . U.S. Postal Service CERT'~\,ED MAIL RECEIPT (Dam, ; Maíl Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) 'IT! I,..:¡ . r:c II"'- 'e I,..:¡ I...[J ,0- :,..:¡ ,rtJ 'e e 'e rtJ I LI1 Recipient's Name (Please Print Clearly) (To bØ't:Dmp/iltedþy mailer) I e Burton Walker " ',,',' ' ',' ,,' : § ši;æf~1t~Ñ';tf~~~~öi~·~--·_------_·_--------·-·---_·_---.--..--,.. : ~ ëj,ÿ,·~~~::;li~·ï~ï··ë·~···--933Öï-·---·_·__·_·--_·__·_---.---.-.-.--. 'Postage -.-,--~ .~ $ Certified, Fee 2.10 1.50 Postn\aIk-' Return ReCeipt Fee Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Rèqulred) Total Postage &Í'ees $ 3.94 '".. a. .. 1'1 -.. ... .. .. . t;ertified MailProvides: · A mailing receipt · A unique identifier for your mailpiece · A signature upon delivery · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important RemInders: · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail. · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For , valuables. please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Retum Receipt maybe requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Return Receipt service, please complete and attach a Retum Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailpiece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. .~ !!t · For an additional fee. delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement "Restricted Delivery". · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired, please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not need,ed. detach and affix label with postage and mail, IMPORTANee this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. PS Form 3800, February 2000 (Reverse) 102595·0D·M·1489 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 it - ~.t ">.¡;- --/. ~ August 27, 2001 Burton Walker K. C. General Services Justice Bldg 1215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield Ca 93301 CERTIFIED MAIL NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE RE: Failure to Submit/Perfonn Annual Maintenance on Leak Detection System Dear Mr. Walker Our records indicate that your annual maintenance certification on your leak detection system is past due. (April 10, 2001.) You are currently in violation of Section 2641 (1) of the California Code of Regulations. "Equipment and devices used to mollitor underground storage tanks shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks at least once per calendar year for operability and rurming condition." You are hereby notified that you have thirty (30) days, September 26,2001, to either perfonn or submit your annual certification to this office. Failure to comply will result in revocation of your permit to operate your underground storage system. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services bY:&~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services cc: Walt Porr, Assistant City Attorney "" y¡~ ác g-oN/lAlU~ .¥OP At~ ..rbt, A W~~?'I'I -, -.,....._-- '-.__........~----_._-..-.-------...._--~--......-.--..-" --.-,......... '~-.' -e e CVE- 36Ð69 '/ -...' 1 " ' . .. OOKHEI'¡~ TOKHEIM DISTRIBUTOR Cat-Valley EqIDpment; 3500 Gilmore Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93308 f";' ,. Cont. # 75~103 . Pho~e (661)327-9341 . Fax (661) 325-2529 -i.' ~ ~...: " .' Authorized By: n..· Customer: _~ (' pvJ ,J~ I.) /5 ..hl Job Location: ~ 7(UXJ...!! J . ' , 'Date:3-I-.!.!{j 00 ,.. ',_ O,rder # 11'.' ~'5:)'; t &mof' ; r" '!'" , , ' \ , Arrival . Time: J ! 30 A.M./~ , Departure , 'Time:v'OA.M~ ·NotificatioIÍ to w~ Confirmation # City: Job: t.~1· ,·HP ~, " .VI , " Make Serial # , ~~'.' : '. '1." Reported Problem "~1. , '0,", - . " ~ Primary Cause/Corrections Made (þ Qty.',. , Part number and Description ~ " Unit Cost Total Cost : >. , , "- '~¡~ . 'I",! {¡'''oil' " ' ; '.\ ..' ~ I' t f~U n it' ... ,. ' , ".fi; , ; " " ";/'i , " ,_.....""'or:~........,~'.~ .' '", " , ',V~ .,.., ,'~."-' -<. ·...',1""~ ¥- '......(.-. ~fM\....'t.~ " ,...v...... , '..\,' , t'«: H-':f~ ,,' i i ..... . <', -~ , 'I ·¡"It!: : ¡ , ; I . .\ r' ',. .. , í ..' ! , , ... . - .. . , " .- j, , ¡ Additional Information Listed Below: " ¡' i4-~ '" .. '} ,,. 1 ¿þ,'''t:...~:~~,_.., '-, ,...,""'...... -,;ftY: ,..(.~(¥ " . . ,,- 1) Parts .d. ..,;.......:'... ~, ,~ i'" ,...., :,' "~ ~¡ ! rif$J '},o,.J'l;l\h; . ) î . 2) Sales Tax;"'" Ni ~'f'·/'_'P.;t , ¡ . :,j' ) t 3)!Freight~· >, r " )." . ~,-.~ , f4)LaborTotal" ~if \ :.',p:h ! :.:-~H;'·,,< ; " , .~ It ì ) "~ ',<.. 15) Mileage Total " " (:' , ~t_.) : . " ;6) Equip: Rental\' '. .. : t~ r\:. , ¡ ''', ¡ ;! ¡ ; 7) Subcontract $ : .. " Total Amount!!,-; ,. " '\' , " 'C"" ':" It is understood !ind agreed that in event this bill becomes ove~due and the seller commences legal action for the collection of same,.the buyer ~iII pay all costs of collection Incl!ldlng attorney's fees. The title to the property described bereln sball remain tb~ property ofthe,seller, an!! title sþall,not P.!I~sS'topurchaser until paid. A Ie e charge of 2~, equaUo.240/0.per.year"cbarged,on.past due,a~couDts.~.,*. "":;..,. ',M, " " ... ' ,,_, .! '., .. .",-.." :~,_ ~~, '.. ..' "'~"..,,, Servlcè'.Wor . Çal-Valley Equipment Representative ~ I ~ By: Title ¡, , Date: i./ -/ () ,. cO '~ ' . ·'t·~,!.1' ¡". FACILITY NAME -- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION DATE~ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine œ Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank ~lJ..)F Type of Monitoring t¿.¡V\. o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks \ Type of Piping pwF ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile 1\/ Proper owner/operator data on tile V Pemit fees current V Certification of Financial Responsibility Ý Monitoring record adequate and current V Maintenance records adequate and current 1\( tAlill ~ruJd.fJ ~nn'\.J Failure to correct prior UST violations V T , Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No (/' Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tiJe with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfilI/overspiIJ protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO lo'p"to, ~ c~ti;Ø() Oftìce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White· Env, Svcs, ~~'/.. Ú )tiO¡ÔQÀ~ Business Site Responsible Party Pink - Business Copy '-II t ur tlAl\..EK~1' It-LV OFFICE OF ENVIRON~IENT..w:-J SERVICES 17.hester Ave., Bakersfield, CA .301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - UST FACILITY œ f1'PE OF ACTION , C""cl< one <rem only) o " NEW sITe pERMIT o 3. RENEWAL PERMIT ~ 4, AMENDED pERMIT o 5. CHANGE OF INFORMATION (Specily c".~ . ~ ... only) o 8, TEMPORARY SITE ClOSURE Page _ ot o , pERMANENTlY CLOSED SITe o 8. TANK REMOVED 40C BUSINess NAME ¡s.ne.. FACILITY NAMe 01 DBA . Doing 9usln... Aa) I. FACILITY I SITE INFORMATION 3 ! FACIlITY ID , i <lQ1. FACILITY OWNER TYPE o ,. CORPORATION o 2. INDIVIDUAl o 3, PARTNERSHIP o 4. LOCAL AGENCYIOISTRICT" $' 5. COUNTY AGENCY' o 8, STATEAGENC~ o 7, FEDERAL AGENC~ 402. IJ\5 BUSINESS TYpE t\ o 1. GAS STATION o 2, DISTRIBUTOR TOTAL NUIvf3ER OF TANKS REMAINING AT sITe o 3. FARM 0 5. COMÞ.ERCIAL o 4. PROŒSSOR Lfa. OTHER 403. ¡ IS '8d11ly on l/!den R_don 01 ." owner ot UST a Ø( ÞØc agency: Nlme ot su HlNisor ot 1I\ISdands? ctvisIon. JeCIIon Of ollie» wnidI opera!. the UST. (This is the oonr.a perscnlOt !he IM1It rec:onIS. 4Ø4. Dyes 6Í.No 405. 406, IL PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION ,.... PROPERTY OWNER NME to M t:tr\\. MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS I I 'ßtú 407. PHONE <Bc,g ~ 3() if"" 408. fh4tt\~ 409. CITY 410. 412. PROPERTY OWNER TYPE o 1. CORPORATION tt 3ø/ o 2. IfÐMOUAL o 3. pARTNERSHIP o 4. LOCAL AGENCY' DISTRICT g 5. COUNTY AGENCY 413. , " ,,' ,";:j;,{."Ú, ~.:.;~!/I,:~~ÉIfÍl!~TK,Ñ'i,~'.i r;Cí\ ~Yr". _lLín~ AU'L.- .... 414, ¡ PHONE .~(,€ ~ 30 '7 .- . ......:: :::::-~:;: .~..~~~~...:;;!;,.J ." .: ~\~~\~?'$:~\t::~{:~ ...- . . .', ;,. ._., .~~';": ~.!f.j¡ :;;:~1i n' .'¡;":. ....;.>~ .' TANK OWNER NAAE to . ~ \ctrt\ MAILING OR STREET AOORfSS 1 itS- \r'tl 'tiu t'\. '\ß l4J. 415. 418. CITY TANK OWNER TYPE o 2, INOMOUAL o 3. PARTNERSHIP 417. I STATE ~J+ o 4. LOCAL AGENCY' OCSTRICT ~ 5. COUNTY AGENCY 418. zlPcooe 419. o 1. CORPORATION ~ ?3()/ o 8. STATE AGENCY 420. o 7. FEDERAL AGENCY , ' , IV. BOARD O,F EQUAUZATIO~ USTSTORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER Call (916) 322-9669 If questions arise 00' "j' " 421. TY (TK) HQ , INDICATE METHOO(S} V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBIUTY o 1. SELF-4NSUREO o 2. GUARANTEe o 3. INSURANCE o 4. SURETY BOND o 5. lETTER OF CREOIT o 8, EXE~T1ON o T. STATE FUND o 8. STATE FUND & CFO LE1TER 09. STATEFUNO&CO "$ 10. LOCAL GOVT MECHANISM o 99. OTHER: 422. VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Check one box 10 Indicate which 8ddreu snook! be uNCI '01 legel noüfIc:ellona and melllng. LðQIII notifications and melllnga will be senl to the IMIk owner unlees box 1 crt 2 Is cneckecl. '$ I. FACILITY o 2. PROPERTY OWNER o 3. TANK OWNER 423. VII. APPUCÁNT SIGNATURE ..,- CenlllcaUon: I CIII1Itt INI the Intormalton pnMdecI herein Is INe and Kante 10 the bMt ot my 1UI<IWIedQe. SIGNA TURf OF APPLICANT 428. OA TE 424. 12. 1ft¡ I ð Õ TITlE OF APPLICANT < 1<::.. IYl.~Cht4 ;1t~ 42:5. 7 4Z?, ,10<:.' u.. only) 4~, UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\swrcb-a.wpd -' ~~ ,,(·it .. 1 . ".. ..' A.f. l~.., _.~ ....... CITY OF BAIŒRSFI~D _FICE OF ENVIRONMENT'-SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326..3979 UNOeRGROUNOSTORAGETANKS.TANKPAGE1 (I P8ge o S. TEMPORARY SIT!! ct.OS\lAl! o 7. PEIUWleHT\. Y ClOseo ON 3rT!! o a, TAM( A£MCM!O I"fPE OF .CTIONI a I. NtW SIT! PeRMIT ~.. AAIINDID PeRMIT 0 S. CHAHOI OF INFORMII noN) (C/t«. one·_ oN)I) 01 a 3. Rl!NeWA&. Pt!JtMlT (~,..., . W 1ØcaI1I.. only) 8USlNESS NAMe (SlIM.. 'AQUTY NAMI!I 01 08A. 00iI'V""'" AI) IJI~ ANKI . Auv L TANK DI!SCRIPTION COMPARTMENTA&.IZEDTAHK 0 YII fjZI No It "Y.... CIOIIIpIe!e one Hoe for ucII ~ t'\ . .. TANK CØN1'IN1'I " ì TAN( U9I 43t ¡ !j.,. MOTOR V!HIC:U PUa , iT maMd. ~,.....,..... 7)pI) ! 0 Z. NQH.fUEL fIE1r1IQ.EUM I I 0 1. CHEMICAl. PAOOUCT I 0 ., HAZAROOUS WAST'I!! (1rtt:MIN I u..d Of) o 95. IJH<NCMW f TYPe Of TNI< ./ (Ch«Ir _ iIIm ad)1 i ¡ TANK MATERIAL . pr\IUy" a 1. IWœ STEEL I (Chedr - tam ad)1 a 2. STAN.£SS ST'EEL I TANK MA~IAL· MOCII'ICbry .. D 1. 8NU! STUL (Chedr _lMt ad)1 D 2. STAItUSS 8TI!EI, TANK INTEIöOA LHNO OR COAT1NO /CMdt _,.", ðIWt OTHER COAAOSION PROTECTION II' AI'fIUCAIIf..8 (Chedr_'lMtonlyJ SPILL AND OVEAFIU. (Ch.ch'tNIIPtJlYJ D 1.INUWALL ijD 2. DOUIU WALL PITACUUM'TYPe a 1L AE<UJoR IØ.I!AOED 0 Z. L!ADED a 1b. PRfMIUMIHJ!ADEO ~. DCESa. a 1C. ~ UNLEADED a 4. GASOHOl. COIM)H NAMe (1Iam HIatdocIa MøMIIr "-'IIIy"'J o S.JET FUa EJ t. AVlAT10HFUEL 01)11. O'nœR CAS' ( hIm ~...... *-Ib1".J 441 400 .. TANK CON8TRUCTION a :L SlG.lWALL ~ I!X11!AIOR ."efWI! UNER D 4. SINOU!WALl.IHAVAULT a 5. SN3U! WALl. wrTH INTERNAL III.ADœR SYSTEM 085. ~ Dee. OTHeR o 5. CONCÆTE a lIS. UN(NOWN o a. FRPOOMPAnSU:WI100%METHANOL Dee. OTHeR 44:: ~ :L FI8EAGL4SS I PI.ASTIC D 4. STEEl. CtAO WIFI8I!RG&.ASS RÐNFORœD PI.ASTIC IFRPI ~ :L FIIERGlASS I PI.ASTIC a 4. STEEL aAD w.f'ISERGL4SS . REINFORCED PI.ASTIC (FAP) a 5. è::oHcÆr& a So IFOXY I.MG a 5. GLA88 ~ a... UNI<HOWN a 4. PHI!NDUC UNNI II' .. I.ØJNEO a.. OTHER QJ :L FIIERGlASS RINORCED. JIt.AITIC a 85. UN<NCMtf ..... a 4. &FAESSEO CURfIENJ' a ee. OTHER ..... o a. FRP COY>ATI8lE WI100% METHANOL o to FRP HOHoCORROOI8LE JACIŒT o 10. COATED STEEL D 85. UN(NOWN Dee. OTHeR ~ ..... MTI! IHSTAUED 447 a 1. IUIMR UH!O a 2. AUM) LIINQ II'MI«:M,. MM MTE 1HSTAU.fD 448 [J 1. IWIUftACTUAI!D CATHODIC PAOTIC1'ION a 2. SACRFICIAL ANODI! Y1!AA INSTAlLED 13 1. SPILL CONJ'ÞHAeHT t.J 7 m 2. DROP TUII '17 97 (For 1«:M!IIe onIyJ 4&1 OVERFIU. PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: V!AA INSTALlfO C52 m 1. AlAAM q ì 03. FlU. TUBeSHtITOFFVA&.VE_ o 2. BAU. FlOAT 0 4. exEMPT 450 'NPe (1'01 1oUI_ ad)1 ,:f'·;, .' r' SINOLI WAU. TAMe (CheM""" IfJtJI1J: o I. VlSUA1.11)CJI()1ID JICft1"ION ONL V) 02, AUTOMATlCTAHKQ/\UQIHO(ATO) o 1. COHTIHUOU8ATO 0., STATISTICA&.IH\/IHrORV RICOHCIUATION (SIA). ð,eNNW. TAN( TIIT1HO ISTIMATIO OAT' LAIr ute ~V) UPCF, (7190) ,;"\f"~NlUJW(. v;" ~w;.. .¡'fI!,' . ", .~~. :.;'. ',. "..... :..>~' .... .~:.. ~~. ',' :','.. ....:~~:.~~ ..t· ,~~. J..' ¥-::"," ...... . '" , . ..... :\. "".. ". "i. ". ..... .....'..:.t>~... ~ ~ ....."...,.- ..... .¡r..;.."..... .' .' I' JI;'; .'J' .," . "DOU8UI WALL TAHIC 0" TAHIC WITH" ~.. (CMdt_,.",orIyJ: 4&C a t. VISUAL(SIHOLaWALl.IHVAULTONLY) " 2. CONTINUOUS INTeRSTITIAl. MONlTOAIHO a 3. w.HUAL MONITORING 411 o So MANUAL TANK OAUOINO (MTO) o .. VADOSI! ZOHe 07. OROUHOWAT!R o .. TANK TUrIHO a II. OTHeR V. TANK CLOIUIIUIINPORMATION I 'IIUIANINT C&.OIUU IN P&.ACI '1T1M4T10 QUANJ'm' ", SUtlTAHCIIUMAINNI .... TAHIC 'WO ~ INIAT MATWUA&.1 447 IIIIIOnI a v. C No S:\CUPAPORMS\SWRCB-S.INPO co , ,'t . (i e - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OfI"CI O"I!NVIRONMENTAL SER.S 111' C,,"tet Aw..lak....ft.,d, CA 13301 ( , 328-3t1t VI. ,... CONITIIIUCTION (CI/«* III IN, WIYJ UNOEROAOUNO PIPING , SYSTEM n'PE '0 I. PRESSURE " 2. SUCTION 0 3, GRAVITY 45a 0 I. PRESSURE CONSTRUCTIONl! 0 I. SiNGlE WALL 0 3. LINED TRENaI 09t. OTHeR 480 0 1. SiNGlE WALL MANUFA.CTliRER!!'5f. 2. COU8l! WALL 0 M. UNI<NO'M<I 0 2, COUBLE WALL I MANUFACTURER "1 MANUFACTURER ¡ 0 I, BARE STEEL 0 e. FRP COMPATlIIL! W11~ tÆTHANOl 0 I. BARE STEEL : MATERIAlS AMJ ¡O 2. STAINleSSST1!!L 0 7. QALVAHIZE!Dma. 0 2. STAINLESS STEEL I CORROSION I PROTECTION 10 3. I'tÁSTIC COMPA TlBU! WITH CONTENTS 0 M. UNKNOWN 0 3. ~TIC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS ff 4. FIBERGlASS 0 e. FU!XJBlE (HOPe) 0 9t. OTHeR 0 4. F/BERGI.ASS : 0 5. STEEL WI COATING 0 9. CATHODIC PAOTECTION 484 0 5, STEEL WI COATING VI. PI'ING L.eAK DeTECT10N (CIIedc III,.., WlYJ OISPENSERCOHTAlNMe:NT 01. FLOATMI!CHANlSMTHATSHUTSOFFSHl!ARVALVI! OA TE INSTALLED 4M 0 2. CONTINUOUS DISPEHSER PAH SENSOR . AUOI8U! AHa VISUAL AL.AAMS o 3. CONTINUOl/8 0I8PEN8M PAH seNSOR mII:I AUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER · AUDISLE AHO VISUAL ALARMS DC. OWNIRIOPI!RATOR SIGNATURe <*tify lIIeI!/Ie llltormaØcln ønwtcIed IIer.in 18 ItUe tnd 8OCUr'" 10 !/Ie MIl cI my 1IncIwIedge. SIONAT AI! OF OWNERIOPI!RATOR '.7. NA. I' RIO RATOR (pmtJ 471 Bid l-ðA e. PRESSURIZED PIPING (CII«k """'.wy : o I. ELECTRONIC UN! lEAK oenCTOA 3.0 GfIH TEST mItt AtlTO puw SHUT OFF FOR LEAl<. SYSTEM FAA.URI!. ÞHJ SYSTEM DISCONNECTION. AUDIIILE AM) VISUAL AI..AAMS o 2. MONM.'" 0.2 QPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPti) COMÆNTIOHAI. SUCTION SYSTEMS: a 5. OAIL Y VISUAL MONITOR/NO OF PUMPING SYS'TEM . TRIENNIAL f'IPING IN'ÆGfUTY , TEST (0.1 GPH) I' SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALves IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): a 7. SELF MONITORING ' ' GRAVITY flOW: a 9. SIEHNW.INTEGMY TEST (0.1 GPH) aecOHOARll.Y CONTAIH!O PfIIINQ PRESSURIZED PIf>IHG (Ch«Jc" ,.., .wyJ: 10. COHTlNUOUS TUR8INE SUMP SENSOR mI!1 AUOI8lE ÞHJ VISUAL AlARMS AHO (C/IecIc CN) o a. AUTO PUMP SIiUT OFF 'MIEN A LJ:AK OCCURS o Þ. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAlLUR£ AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o Co NO AUTO PUMP SIiUT OFF . a 11. AUTOMATIC LINE lEAK oenCTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) mnt FlOW SHUT OFF OR R!:STRICTION o 12. ANNU~IHTEGMYTEST(0.1 GPH) SUCT'IONIGRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUW SENSOR + AUDI8U! AND VISUAL ALAAMS UIMOIHCY G!NI!RATORI OM. Y (CMdt"..., ItJPI1} o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR mI1QUI AUTO PUW SHUTOFF. AUOI8U! AND VISUAL AI..ARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE lEAK oenCTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) mIt1!2W: FlOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION I 0 I S. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17, OAILYVlSUALCMECI< .", ,..',1: I PermlC ~tIer (For bo:M "" ølllyJ 47:1 I "-mil A IpnMd (For" 11M ~ . UPCF (7199) Ptoe un. fAMe p", I - 01 - ABOVEOAOUND PIPING o 2. SUCTION o 95. UNI<NOWN o 90. OTHER o J. GRAIlIT'( - o S. FRPCOMPATIBLE W/I~ ~ o T. GALVANIZEDsrEEL o s. FLEXIBlE (HOPE) 0 9t. O't'HER o 9. CA THODle PROTECTION o 95, UNI<NOWN ,'. 4ðS ABOVEGROUND PIPING WAU. PIPING PReSSURIZED PIPING (CII«k II"..' ~J; o 1. ELECTRONIC UN! lEAK oencrOR 3.0 GPH TEST ïtmt AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEA SYSTEM FAA.URE. ÞHJ SYSTEM OISCQNECTION . AUOf8U! AHa VISUAL AI.ARMS ' o 2. MONntL Y 0.2 GAt TEST o 3. NHJAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 4. OAIlYVlSUALCHECK CONIIENTIOHAI. SUCTIOH SYSTa.tS (CIIeck II",., apply : o 5. CAlLY VISUAL MONITORING OF PIPINO AHO PUMPING SYSTEM o e. TRIENNIAL INTEGRrTY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BElOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. seLF MONITORING GRAVITY flOW (CII«k " IN, ."xyJ: o 8. DAILY VISU~ MONITORING o 8. 8IENHIAI.INTEGMY TEST (0.1 GPH) 8ECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check""'" ~ . 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR Ï!1!!1 AUDIBLE AMJ VISUAl. AI.ARMS AND (c:hee* one o a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LJ:AK OCCURS o Þ. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AHD SYSTEM DISCONNECT1O~ o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OfF o 11. AUTOMATIC LEN< OETECTOR o 12. ANNUAL INTEGMY TEST (0.1 GfIH) SUCT10NIGRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMlRGEHCY GENeRATORS ONLY (Ch«:/(""'" IPPIY) o 104. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SIiUT OFF . AUDIBLE AND VlSUH. AL.AAMS o 15. AUTOMATIC UNE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) o IS. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. DAlLYVlSU~CHECK , ,,,_ ',' .' ~M~::::'~,;\f~)f,iif.Jt~· o 4. CAlLY VISUAL CHECK o 5. TRENCH UNER I MQNITORIHG ISle. NONE .- 470 472 474 I Penn/t!xp/r1lllOn 0Itt (FOrØUl'- C1tI)') 475 I S:\CUPAFORMS\S\NRcs.8.WPO COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR EACH FACIUTY"ITE . STATEOFCAUFORNIA -- .- '~ ..,ATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD '. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM A MARK ONLY ONE ITEM o ' NEW PERMIT D 2 INTERIM PERMIT D 3 RENEWAl. PERMIT D 4 AMENDED PERMIT ~ 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION D 7 PERMANENT!. Y CLOSED SITE [J 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE I. FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION & ADDRESS· (MUST BE COMPLETED) i N OF OPERATOR A 1 .. le.Q.. ~L.ld I (' , V~\ £), I ,J I NEAREST CROSS STREET I" PARCEL' (OPTIONAl) rí;' l.1;:r;; r<) L\ <2. C>I- ~ ..s"f--' : STATE i ZIP c:9pE CA : '13:30 I SITE PHONE' WITH AREA CODE [J INDIVIDUAL o PARTNERSHIP --1 LOCAl·AGENCY DISTRICTS Do/IF INDIAN 'OF TANKS AT SITE RESERVATION OR TRUST LANDS I 2Ç' COUNTY-AGENCY o STATE·AGENCY o FEDERAL-AGENCY TYPE OF BUSINESS D o , GAS STATION :3 FARM c---" 2 DISTRIBUTOR 4 PROCESSOR E. P. A. L D. , (opIiDtIaJ) - ¡sa 5 OT¡.IER EMERGENCY CONT Ac:r PERSON (SECONDARY). optional DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRSl) PHONE' WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (lAST. FIRSl) PHONE , WITH AREA CODE I CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION : 0/ box 10 Indlcala 0 INDIVIDUAL I 0 CORPORATION D PARTNERSHIP I ST~ i ZIPc,QPE ; ~ð.: Lt.3So1. o LOCAl·AGENCY 0 STATE·AGENCY COUNTY-AGENCY 0 FEDERAL-AGENCY PHONE' WITH AREA CODE -ß t~.:z4ìl 'bloc/''' 3Ð5ì ~e~ CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION o Q¡1 MAILING OR ~E T ADDRESS 0/ tIOIloìndíeala 0 INDIVIDUAL 0 STATE.AGENCY I t \ 5" \ Y" V1 0 CORPORATION 0 PARTNERSHIP ~~ ~ ~~ t3i4-Kè2r"S d ,~4. J IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER· Call (916) 739-2582 if questions arise. TY (TK) HQ @E]-LIIrIIJ V. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILUNG ADDRESS legal n::::;~ication and billing will be sent to the tank owner unless box I or II is checked. I CHECK ONE BOX INDICATING WHICH ABOVE ADDRESS SHOULD BE USED FOR LEG;'~ NOTIFICATIONS AND BILLING: I. D II.~ III. 0 THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY. AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE AND CORRECT L.1¡)~ T\~ TR l T'-\-{ LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY ;';:>?LICANrs TITLE DATE MONTHiDAYIYEAR MAIV\)~""AO(E 'Suf>E~U¡~(.\ :5(3. Cj . COUN7Y # æ JURISDICTiON # crr:= FACILITY # LIIrIIJ LOCATION CODE· OPTIONAL : CENSUS T¡:¡ACT. . OPTIONAL i I SUPVISOR . DISTRICT CODE . OPTIONAL i THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AT LEAST (1) OR MORE PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM B, UNLESS THIS IS A CHANGE OF SITE INFORMATION ONLY. FOROO33A-R2 FORM A (9·90) -' - e STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM 8 COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY ONE ITEM o 1 NEW PERMIT o 2 INTERIM PERMIT o 3 RENEWAL PERMIT o 4 AMENDED PERMIT l8r 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION o 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE o 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE o 8 TANK REMOVED DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED: I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS·· SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. # B. MANUFACTURED BY: 0-. D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: I 0 0 a II. TANK CONTENTS IFA·1ISMARKED,COMPLETEITEMC. RJ 1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 0 4 OIL B. C. 0 1a REGULAR ~3 DIESEL o 6 AVIATION GAS A. UNLEADED 04 02 0 ~ 1 PRODUCT 0 1b PREMIUM GASAHOL o 7 METHANOL PETROLEUM 80 EMPTY o 5 JET FUEL UNLEADED 03 CHEMICAL PRODUCT 'i 0 95 UNKNOWN 0 2 WASTE 0 2 LEADED o 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D. BELOW) D. IF (A,1) IS NOT MARKED, ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C.A.S.#: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B,ANDC, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX 0 A. TYPE OF ~ 1 DOUBLE WALL 0 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER 0 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM 0 2 SINGLE WALL 0 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) 0 99 OTHER 01 BARE STEEL 0 2 STAINLESS STEEL ~ 3 FIBERGLASS 0 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC B, TANK MATERIAL 0 5 CONCRETE 0 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 0 7 ALUMINUM 0 8 100"/0 METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP (Primary Tank) 0 9 BRONZE 0 10 GALVANIZED STEEL 0 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER 01 RUBBE R LINED 0 2 ALKYD LINING 0 3 EPOXY LINING 0 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR ~ 5 GLASS LINING 0 6 UNLINED 0 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER LINING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100"/0 METHANOL? YES_ NO_ D. CORROSION D 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP 0 2 COATING o 3 VINYL WRAP ~ 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION 0 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION 0 91 NONE D 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION ¡rAJU 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL ŒU 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C, MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PV~ U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING A U 8 100"/0 METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION D 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR D 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING D 3 INTERSTITIAL D 99 OTHER l' \ t-1 MONITORING V. TANK LEAK DETECTION ~SUAL CHECK 0 ~\NK TESTING D 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION D 3 VAPOR MONITORING 12{] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING 0 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING 0 91 NONE 0 95 UNKNOWN D 99 OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION 1, ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAYIYR) 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH GALLONS INERT MATERIAL? YES 0 NO 0 THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TV OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT ~'LlCANT'S NAME DATE L:'NTED&SIGNATURE) C.uRTIS T \\<..\4 '7>/"5/'1 LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D, NUMBER IS COMPOSED OFTHE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW STATE 1.0.# COUNTY # IT] JURISDICTION # IT]] FACILITY # ITIIIIJ TANK # ITIIIIJ PERMIT NUMBER I PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE I PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE FORM B (9·90) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FORD034B·R4 '....., . ·":.'·"r ..... - .... # STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM B :e ""-," ." ~. .,' .' . '- COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY 0 1 NEW PERMIT 0 3 RENEWAL PERMIT ~ 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 0 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE ONE ITEM 0 2 INTERIM PERMIT 0 4 AMENDED PERMIT 0 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE 0 8 TANK REMOVED .~ DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTAllED: Co . 'O.f'{(; IN..? ~ 6 +1 ~ e ßIA I À . I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS·· SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A, OWNER'S TANK I. D, # B. MANUFACTURED BY: \ I (l _ \ \ . ., 1 --r- ' \Å ~ 1;) ~O"" m; fV M e~'\J.,wc. D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: I J 0 0 0 II. TANK CONTENTS IFA·1ISMARKED.COMPLETEITEMC. XI 1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 0 4 OIL B. C.' 0 1a REGULAR b~ 3 DIESEL o 6 AVIATION GAS A. UNLEADED [ 4 GASAHOL O:! PETROLEUM 0 SO EMPTY ~1 PRODUCT Ó 1b PREMIUM o 7 METHANOL -';;--,\ .. UNLEADED [J 5 JET FUEL 0 :1 CHEMICAL PRODUCT 0 95 UNKNOWN 0 2 WASTE 0 2 LEADED [J 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D. BELOW) D. IF (A.1) IS NOT MARKED. ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C.A.S.#: III. TANK "CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, AND C, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D I' "/"', , , . . " :< A. TYPE OF ~ 1 DOUBLE WALL 0 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER 0 95 U~íKNOWN SYSTEM , 0 2 SINGLE WALL 0 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) 0 99 OTHER , ,.\ lRJ í ~ '_ 0 0 1 BARE STEEL 0 2 ,STAINLESS STEEL 3 FIBERGLASS 4 STEEL CLAD W, FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC B. TANK MATERIAL 0 5 CONCRETE 0 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 0 7 ALUMINUM 0 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP (primary,l"nk)'~'" 0 9 BRONZE 0 10 ,~LVANIZED'STEEL 0 95 UNKNqWN P 99 OTHER , ' tJ . ..-, t\ f,,-..-, 0 1 RUBBER LINED 2 ALKYD LINING. "~ f. 0 3 EPOXY LINING 0 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOFI ~ 0 " , \~i;;'è <,' 0 o 99, 01;!'ŒR 5 GLASS LINING 6 UNtlNED " ' 95 UNKNOWN LINING "- IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL? YES ---"- ,NO,,-- I,' \K; " ,,~ '.' ~ ..', 'oj ,.,,, " POLYETHYLENE WRAP 'c::J ~',COATING ;' ,G:] ':3 V1f<I,YL WRAP rzf - D. CORROSION 0 1 ,~ 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC '.,\ ' '~,'-., I, " .' \. '"' PROTECTION 0 5 CATHODIC PROTECTI?,\~'~ 91 NONE ' \CJI.~5' 'UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER \\, ."" ,""'...' /I, C ",((!>. r:;;ò-¿ ~j;¡;) );,,:..¿ 11,· ' ,'. " ," \,(~"'t;.. '-. '-..- ï>j\\J":~1\\~ ."'J~'-'I': - IV /PIPIN~'¡ I~E,ORMA TION (, CiRCLE' A IF ABOVE G~OUNDþ~ U II~UNDERi3ROUNb, B9TH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM'TV'PE; "Þ.\U{:SUCTION .@-u-2"1iR~~~þJ.E\E~ \:(\ 'Ä U 3 GRAVITY A U 6'9 0T~ER , B. CONSTFlUCTlON (;~'À, U,,1":SIN~L~ WALL '\"\R~~' 2' ~~~l{,~LE;;\ivÅLL ~'" U3' LINED TRENCH A U 615 UN~NOWN A U 99 OTHER A C. MATERIAL AND (.. A, U 1rB~HE STE~L ,,>~A U 2,STAINLESS STEEL A:U 3 POL YVIN~L CHLORIDE (pvc(ij),U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE ~ J, CORROSION A U f'5ALUMINU¥, , \A, ,U ,~'CONCRETE " A U 7 STEEL WI CÓAlllNG A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP ~r> P,ROTECTlO" ..'.... A U 9 GALi¡A~~ßD STÉ{:Ì:\\~~'roéÂÍ-HODICPROTECTION~ A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER, D, lEÄK D E,ç:t19 ~, ,1 AUTOMATIC LlN~ LÊAK bETECTO~ /0 2 LINE¡ TIGHTNESS'TESTINf 0 3 ~6~~~~1;~~ 0 99 OTHËR .. A ~l";- V. TANK LEAK DETEcnON ~1 VISUAL CHEC: 'D 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION IS(] 6 TÞ.NK TESTING 0 7 INTERS¡;~~lIMONIJORING v!_ I (', /' _ """/ V',... VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION . b if" '7 11. ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAYiYR) -'2~E§JJM·Át€b,gU.ANTITY OF "S,uBS[ANCE R6MAINING 10 THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT ~PLlCANT'S NAME ~ DATE I L:'INTED & SIGNATURE) C LI ~ n S T \ '\ <. \-\ I "3/"3/ c¡ '1 D 3 VAPOR MONITORING g] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING D 5 GHOUND WATER MONITORING of o 91 NONE ¿¿ 0 95 UNKNOWN o 99 OTHER -;" /' GALLONS 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH INERT MATERIAL? YES o NOO LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW STATE 1.0.# COUNTY # IT] JURISDICTION # [II] FACILITY # ITIIIIJ TANK # ITIITIJ PERMIT NUMBER I PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE I PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE FORM B (9·90) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FilED. FOR00348·R4 ..- ...~. ~ -.....- ~ -1- -~.I: Sf ATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM B .',',',' ' ' . "'- COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY 0 1 NEW PERMIT 0 3 RENEWAL PERMIT ONE ITEM 0 2 INTERIM PERMIT 0 4 AMENDED PERMIT DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTAllED: CD. () f. .J:;;, I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS·· SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN Id:? 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 0 o 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE 0 'Al -:;:~,..:.[~(t 1:'"""I"\, 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE 8 TANK REMOVED '~D' I:- B. MANUFACTURED BY: ~ \ " '1 , 11 A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. # ì\ .. .,,:4)':. J -' (.k \~ l f",.n> , ,. ,A. I...... :",j".j {~_I -.:> .:.1/,,..j'ì ....~. C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAYIYEAR) l? ..:;;¡ . 9-r I D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: I .000 II TANK CONTENTS IF A·1IS MARKED, COMPLETE ITEM C. ~ 1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 0 4 OIL B. C. 0 1a REGULAR ~ 3 DIESEL o 6 AVIATION GAS A, UNLEADED 0 ~1 PRODUCT D 1b PREMIUM 4 GASAHOL o 7 METHANOL 02 PETROLEUM 80 EMPTY o 5 JET FUEL UNLEADED 0 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT 0 95 UNKNOWN o 2 WASTE 0 2 LEADED o 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D. BELOW) D. IF (A,1) IS NOT MARKED, ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C.A.S.#: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, AND C, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D , . A. TYPE OF ~1 DOUBLE WALL 0 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER 0 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM 0 2 SINGLE WALL 0 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) 0 99 OTHER 01 BARE STEEL 0 2 STAINLESS STEEL ~ 3 FIBERGLASS 0 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC B. TANK MATERIAL 0 5 CONCRETE 0 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 0 7 ALUMINUM 0 8 100"10 METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP (PrimaryTtnk) 0 9 BRONZE 0 10 GALVANIZED STEEL 0 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER 01 RUBBER LINED 0 2 ALKYD LlNI~,~ , 0 3 EPOXY LINING 0 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR ~5 GLASS LINING 0 6 UNLINED 0 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER LINING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 1000/0 METHANOL? YES _ NO_ " D. CORROSION 0 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP 0' 2, COATING GJ 3 VINYL WRAP ~4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC i '. " , PROTECTION 0 5 CATHODIC PROTECTIO~ 0 91 NONE o ~5 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER " IV. PIPING INFORMATION -:..\ " j' '. ' CIRCLE' A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF'UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE . l " -" """ ¡-~ .~ #- -~ I A. SYSTEM TYPE' A:,U 1 SUCTION fÁJu 2PRËS!iURE~;',' A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTlÒN AU .. ....~J~;" 2 DOU~LEWAi.L 95 UNKNOWN 1 SINGLE WALL ~t A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U A U 99 OTHER " BARE STEEL 'A' Ü 2 STAINLESS STEEL 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC ~ U C. MATERIJ\~ AND A U 1 A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A U '5'ALUMINUMÄ U "6:'CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING A U 8 100"10 METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP I . PROTEC:TIO~i ' ' . , : '\ ,." .. A U 9 GALVANIZ~D STEEL' 'A U' 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION, A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER .,) D, lEAK DEt~CTI0N·:.ltJ 1 AUTOMATIC Llt'JE LEAK DETECTOR o 2 LlNETIGHTNESS TESTING D 3 INTERSTITIAL D 99 OTHER e , H MONITORING , \f _ ~ ..... V. TANK LEAK DETECTION ~SUAL CHECK 0 ~'NK TESTING 0 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION 0 3 VAPOR MONITORING [;g] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING 0 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING 0 91 NONE ,,_ 0 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER .' ... I , VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION ,: '.,:.'" ... (:.-; 1. ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAYIYR) '2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SÚBSTANCÈREMAINING 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH GALLONS INERT MATERIAL? YES 0 NO D THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY, ANq TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT ~)LlCANT'S NAME I I DATE L:NTED & SIGNATURE) C tJ R it S T \ T <.. \1 1. _ :, /"3/<1 '1 LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OFTHE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW STATE 1.0.# COUNTY # CD JURISDICTION # [II] FACILITY # ITIIIIJ TANK # ITIIIIJ PERMIT NUMBER I PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE I PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE FORM B (9·90) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPUCATION· FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FilED. FORD0348·R4 ~;; It CITY OF BAKERSFIELI OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL S RVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK FACILITY Page of TYPE OF ACTION (ChecK one item only) o 1 NEW SITE PERMIT o 3 RENEWAL PERMIT o 4 AMENDED PERMIT ~ 5 CHj\NGE OF INFORMATION (State type of Change) ,..¡ e. ~') T A. N \0( _ o 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE o 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE o 8 TANK REMOVED 400 I. FACILITY I SITE INFORMATION SA - Doing Business As) ^ 1 t ,J "512..1"" ''1A I"~ FACILITY 10 # 401 FACILITY OWNER TYPE o 1 CORPORA nON o 2 INDIVIDUAL o 3 PARTNERSHIP o 4 LOCAL AGENCY'DISTRICT' )if 5 COUNTY AGENCY' o 6 STATE AGENCY' o 7 FEDERAL AGENCY' 402 ,s'-{ . o 3 FARM o 4 PROCESSOR RíI' 5 OTHER 403 o 6 COMMERCIAL 404 o Yes ~o 405 'If owner of UST a public agency: name of supervisor of division, section or office which operates the UST. (This is the contact person for the tank records.) Is facility on Indian Reservation or trustlands? . =-,0 406 II. PROPERTY OWNER./NFORMATION 407 PHONE (P/~ <Jrol- 408 409 410 STATE Q..4 411 , ZIP I q 5 30 I 412 01 CORPORATION o 2 INDIVIDUAL o 3 PARTNERSHIP o 4 LOCAL AGENCY' DISTRICT ~ 5 COUNTY AGENCY 06 STATE AGENCY o 7 FEDERAL AGENCY 413 , - , ' , , III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION- s 414 PHONE Cølo(-86(... 415 TANK 0 416 o 1 CORPORATION o 2 INDIVIDUAL o 3 PARTNERSHIP 417 STQ 4 o 4 LOCAL AGENCY I DISTRICT Jt5 COUNTY AGENCY 418 zq~5(}1 419 o 6 STATE AGENCY o 7 FEDERAL AGENCY 420 IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER TV (TK) HQ Call (916) 322-9669 if questions arise 421 V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INDICATE METHOD(S) o 1 SELF· INSURED o 2 GUARANTEE o 3 INSURANCE o 4 SURETY BOND o 5 LETTER OF CREDIT o 6 EXEMPTION o 7 STATE FUND o 8 STATE FUND & CFO LETTER 09 STATEFUND&CD ~ 10 LOCAL GOV'T MECHANISM . Ò 99 OTHER: 422 VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS ChecK one box to indic.ate which address should be used for legal notifications and mailing, Legal notification and mailing will be sent to the tank owner unless box 1 or 2 is checKed. o 1 FACILITY o 2 PROPERTY OWNER 3 TANK OWNER 423 VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE vided herein is true & accurate to the best of my knowtedge DATE 7:./~ tq~ 426 TITLE OF APPLICANT 424 PHONE 6," \ - g, {- 2.4 ì I 425 427 WI A I 10 TE.o AIUCé V..flE~ VISo~ STATE UST FACILITY NUMBER (For local use only) 1998 UPGRADE CERTIFICATE NUMBER (For local use only) (Fonnerly SWRCB Form A) July 1, 1998 P:IUSTFAC·A.FM4,wpd , '*;.. ) "; a CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~CE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 e UST . TANK PAGE 2 SYSTEM TYPE . .,,-..... '.i.'. V< 'IP ABOVEGROUND PIPING INFORMATION o 1 SUCTION C8I. 2 PRESSURE 0 3 GRAVITY 454 o 1 SINGLE WALL 0 95 UNKNOWN ] 2 DOUBLE WALL 0 99 OTHER 450 o , BARE STEEL 06 FRP COMPATIBLE WI 100% METHANOL o .~ STAINLESS STEEL [) 7 GALVANIZED STEEL o ~: PVC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS 095 UNKNOWN Q(' 4 FIBERGLASS 0 8 FLEXIBLE' 0 99 OTHER 05 STEEL WI COATING 09 CATHODIC PROTECTION 455 NSTRUCTlON MATERIALS AND CORROSION PROTECTION , ",~;,'¡?:,:~;;;~tV¡¡j"~ÎI{~tiL.~KI)EÎ"Ettl()N ABOVEGROUND PIPING INFORMATION SINGLE WALL PIPlNS:-' 457 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all thai apply): o 1 ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST JMI!:! AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 2 MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST ~ 3 ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) 11(1 4 DAILY VISUAL GHECK CONVENTIONAl SUCTION SYSTEMS (Check all that apply): o 5 DAILY VISUAl MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM o 6 TRIENNIAlINTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS: o 7 SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FLOW (Checl( all that apply): o 8 DAILY VISUAL MONITORING o 9 BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all thai apply): o 10 CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR ïi!I!:! AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (check one) o a AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o b AUTO PLIMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11 AUTOMATIC LEAK DETECTOR Cil12 ANNUAl INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTIONlGRAVllY SYSTEM: o 13 CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check a:! that apply) o 14 CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR ~ AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS .w 15 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) .RT 16 ANNUAL INTEGRllY TEST (0.1 GPH) .at 17 DAILY VISUAL CHECK Page Of UNDERGROUND PIPING INFORMATION o 1 SUCTION ~ 2 PRESSURE 0 3 GRAVllY o 1 SINGLE WALL 0 3 LINED TRENCH 0 99 OTHER æ 2 DOUBLE WALL 0 95 UNKNOWN o 1 BARE STEEL 0 6 FRP COMPATIBLE WII 00% METHANOL o 2 STAINLESS STEEL 0 7 GALVANIZED STEEL o 3 PVC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS ~ 4 FIBERGLASS 0 8 FLEXIBLE o 5 STEEL WI COATING 0 9 CATHODIC PROTECTION 455 454 o 95 UNKNOWN o 99 OTHER 456 ...., ',... . Check all that a I UNDERGROUND PIPING INFORMATION SINGLE WALL PIPING 456 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all that apply): o 1 ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST WITH AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAILURE, AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAl ALARMS o 2 MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST 1il 3 ANNUAlINTEGRllY TEST (0.1 GPH) CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS: o 4 DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM + TRIENNIAL PIPING INTEGRllY TEST (0,1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS: o 5 SELF MONITORING GRAVllY FLOW: o 6 BIENNIAL INTEGRllY TEST (0.1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check all thai apply): o 7 CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR:£i!I!i AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (Check one) o a AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o b AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 8 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) ~ 9 ANNUAL INTEGRllY TEST (0.1 GPH) EMERGENCY GENERATORS OtlL Y (('..heck alllhat apply) o 10 CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR WITHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS ,.àj 11 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPH TEST) ~ 12 ANNUAlINTEGRllYTEST(O.1 GPH) 13 DAILY VISUAL CHECK o 1 FLOAT MECHANISM THAT SHUTS OFF SHEAR VALVE 181 2 CONTINUOUS ELECTRONIC SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAl ALARMS o 3 CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR ïi!I!:! AUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS Dl4 DAILY VISUAL CHECK 462 DAT~ I ~ 7>(G<; 463 TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR ~&lAn~ "Tn ,,- H Il1q I ~T'c:..1'\ e.. '" c::.. Permit Number (For local use only) Permit Approved July 1. 1998 Formerly SWRCB Form B 464 P:\USTTNK-B,CM3,wpd .ê. e CITY OF BAKERSFIElA OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SlRVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TYPE OF ACTION Check one item only o 1 NEW SITE PERMIT 0 3 RENEWAL PERMIT UST Tank - 1 Page of o 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE o 4 AMENDED PERMIT o 5 CHAN$1i OF INFORMA TlOfll (~Iale type of change) I'~eù ~AN +< . o 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE 3 429 BUSINESS NAME ( Q.,O. D LOCATION (Option I) I ,;;. J.:J- T r'- i-{ '\ l ~ TANK 10 # HcJ~'-~w\-lo DATE INSTALLED (YEARlMO) g -~'--;L ~c¡ 11-, 433 ADDITIONAL DESCF:IPTION (For local use only) ß~(J . o 8 TANK REMOVED ~ I I I / ÐOO II. TANK CONTENTS VEHICLE FUEL TYPE o 1 a REGULAR UNLEADED o 1b PREMIUM UNLEADED o 1 c MIDGRADE UNLEADED TANK USE 437 .e 1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL (If mar1<ed. complete Vehicle Fuel Type) o 2 USED OIL o 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT o 4 HAZARDOUS WASTE o 95 UNKNOWN I. TANK DESCRIPTION TANK ~UFACTURERI. r 431 bl"'\t 'A>tp.I0vVte,.J t ~ TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS 434 430 o 2 LEADED ~3 DIESEL o 4 GASOHOL COMMON NAME (from Hazardous Materials Inventory page) TYPE OF TANK o 1 SINGLE WALL I2t 2 DOUBLE WALL Check one item only .TANK MATERIAL (primary tank) Check one item only o 1 BARE STEEL D 2 STAINLESS STEEL TANK MATERIAL (secondary tank) D 1 BARE STEEL 02 STAINLESS STEEL Check one item only INTERIOR LINING OR COATING o 1 RUBBER LINED o 2 ALKYD LINING Check one item only OTHER CORROSION PROTECTION IF APPLICABLE Check one item only o 1 MANUFACTURED CP o 2 SACRIFICIAL ANODE COMPARTMENTALIZED TANK 0 Yes œ No If ·Yes", complete one form for each compartment. 432 NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS 435 1 436 438 o 5 JET FUEL D 6 AVIATION FUEL D 99 OTHER CAS # (from Hazardous Materials Inventory page) 440 III. TANK CONSTRUCTION ' o 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER 04 SINGLE WALL IN A VAULT o 4 STEEL CLAD WI FRP II 3 FIBERGLASS o 4 STEEL CLAD W, FRP ~ 3 FIBERGLASS o 5 CONCRETE o 3 EPOXY LINING o 4 PHENOLIC LINING o 5 INTERNAL BLADDER SYSTEM o 95 UNKNOWN o 99 OTHER o 5 CONCRETE D 8 FRP COMPATIBLE W/100% METHANOL 441 D 95 UNKNOWN o 99 OTHER 442 D 8 FRP COMPATIBLE W/100% METHANOL o 9 FRP NON-CORRODIBLE JACKET 010 COATED STEEL 443 ¡ o 95 UNKNOWN o 99 OTHER o 5 GLASS LINING D 6 UNLINED D 95 UNKNOWN D 99 OTHER D 95 UNKNOWN D 99 OTHER 444 o 3 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC D 4 IMPRESSED CURRENT SPILL AND OVERFILL SPILL CONTAINMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) I Gtct '1 Check all that apply DROP TUBE STRIKER PLATE DYes Dyes ONO DNa D 1 VISUAL (EXPOSED PORTION ONLY) þ( 2 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING (ATG) ~ 3 CONTINUOUS ATG D 4 STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION (SIR) + BIENNIAL TANK TESTING D 5 MANUAL TANK GAUGING (MTG) o 6 VADOSE ZONE D 7 GROUNDWATER D 99 OTHER 445 OVERFILL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) \ C\q ., 446 448 449 447 o 1 ALARM 02 8ALL FLOAT _ 3 FILL TUBE SHUT OFF VALVE IF DOUBLE WALL TANK (Check one item only): 450 o 8 VISUAL (SINGLE WALLIN VAULT ONLY) ~ 9 CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING ESTIMATED DATE L~ST USED (YRlMO/DAY) V. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION I PERMANENT CLOSURE IN PLACE 453 451 ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING July 1, 1998 Formerly SWRCB Form B 452 GAS TANK FILLED WITH INERT MATERIAL? Qal Dyes DNa P:\USTTNK-B,CM3,wpd e e EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM This monitoring program must be kept at the UST location at all times. The infonnation on this monitoring program are conditions of the operating permit. The permit holder must notify the Office of Environmental , Selvices within 30 days of any changes to the monitoring procedures. unless required to obtain approval before making the change. Required by Sections 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR Facility Name e.c <> ~ ~,,~ ~ ~ ~"--<'- ~ <i', {,\ : ~ 9 FacilIty Address L;)... \:.> ,(' u... k lA. to u Q.. . 1. 2. "L' 3. 4, Describe the maintenance schedule for the cleanup equipment: 04rne -4.s -4' ~2' - 5, List the name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) responsible for authorizing any work necessary under t~e ~eßPC)nse pptAt F"4c- i /I~ .s ,/ ';/4/1,1 4c¡ f¿ /" . J. A/'/1 1 ,4 d rI In f~1< ~ 0 ~ I -.. >J; b 8 ... 40 0 () '--.. I _"'it ~~ .\ ~, ~ c. D. E. F. G. WRITI& MONITORING PROCEAmS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM This monitoring program must be kept at the UST loc:atioD at aU times. The iDformation on this IIIOIIÍ1aI'iDI program are COoditiODl of the operating permit The permit holder must DOIÜÿ the Office of Environ_..~1 Services within 30 days of any CMQr to the monitoring proœdurcs. unless required to obCaiD approval before making the change. Required by Sections 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR. Facility Name c,,,. J~V';::, ~ tete. ¡o.".: l J ì "'1 Facility Address l 2. \ S- "IA. ~ ~ (J. ú e. > --_./ A Describe the ftequency of performing the monitoring: ~ J Tank rYv r<2 4- d Aft r. !,'R J Wl()rV IÌ or \ Piping ON G.Q.. 4--uJ fiL~ i< - Q.. "^~ J< PI' P f Ìv f / N .0, 'I; - " v B. What methods and equipment, identified by name and model, will be used for perfomiDg the monitoring:~ n . ¡-II _ Tank f-/~, j Cð,(} /~dIlMeN . IÑC2- /% dc~/ - c.?r- -Z Piping f" r.>:1::, if¡, '4' e, ~ I. k 0:he re. f ~ ~ '"' ! 6.1'-1' Ie'¡;' " t; Go I A-r _ ~._ f?ç 'AN ~ _4--4- l1_s AlVA/AI'#/.-. I'ß":,- Describe the location(s) where the monitoring will be performed (facility plot plan should be attached): 6( t..,.¡,)J Ó~ :/j,;...,. r r> fA -/. "N f) /J~ N AM-4. Œ..--h<LLk .ploP -'AN- /' :t....fl-J Reporting Fo Tank Piping Describe the preventive maintenance schedule for the monitoring equipment. Note: Maintenance must be in accordance witb tbe manufacturer's maÎDte ce schedule but not less tban every 12 months. e ^' ~ ~ c..Í1~ ~ k ~ .~4: r'-- e c..e ~-U iect e S"4~'N ~V'v:t.-c... Des~rib~ the tr~g necessary for the operation of UST ~st~ including piping, and the morutonng eqwpment: ()..p.e. /' ¿) Is-.-. oS ~/Ù U ,-:4- - " - ~r~'11~11¡t~11ìl!.~~1¡~r,~f~~!~~f~{;~4~jl :........:.....~......... .~ t..K ..! , Z "". . . ......,~............... -a.A , ....~~.........:..:,.::' IJ . I""'Iq I'?!!',;;; "i',"''''': '. ,.. . .... . ......,............ ;f.)o.. . '. '. ~l~Œ~*~¡ > ~:._.. .,. ~. ., ~~" " . E.N(G. 1 ße~. r~uc.b~· . L.,?~ , . , . tt. ·-r-µSI;!¡t.. '.,.....1' - T-'¡...- ---: Û~y' ; -rA~:) r-, . I .q; I ,. . I, I. . ..' . ,. ø~ 1-- ----J ~~ ~LJ~¡!S ~íAN (' .., ~' " . eL-~. DW f~' to4. , . ~ . ' ""'- v.J -r <;t~~e. 'BtA.( d. ^ LJ~v -r. ~"e I "2 J 5"T ~"" ~ H^ I\) '.' " 13" k'QI'''?, ~l ~ I ŒA, . ,t, " , .....: r "" ..J- \ " , --,..." , . '. "- "0 co " 'j " N J --- I .. \., '," - ~'i. '. ", . .;:.:~. '\'/,~~:;:~: ,~~.<:.t:,. :.~~. ", .......:.... "'., ¡, . t .. . II. . .:.\.:',:.;. ~t: , ','r:'l':~~'1 . ~.: :1 . io~ ":,' i,~:.:;;~~: "O:-,r, r~'1 ';,,;( ~I ~ , " I h~ ':~~~ . "". . " ~~. . "1".. , . " 'I ;:,,) . ~j :. ,i,· , " 'I 1 V.,)/ V.~~l!!...YJ~..L-i..jw.J J.:.n....},. UUJ.. ()U.. vIUJ. n \.. l:..I.\' J.J.\UJ.\lJ.11.L.:.l\ .í.':-1L.. ULJ..ii ~VV_ e A'1T'ACII ME'll r A e .o;¡, . :. I ~et .... 1~"'CIIfr Stall! at Caütbnsia SIa. Wa_ Raourœs Control Board C)¡¿~':J(' G . .... CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBiliTY FOR UND~BAOUNO STQRAAI= TANKS CONTAlNINA PETR LJ;UM A. lem r~'I.....d u. .__1Ift1C y...-* ........W¡., i. 0- nqwNd ..._y.. .,.a....1a s.cua. U81. a...... I" Di9.11i'" U. ccx: D500.CIIO dollan per__ 01 ..iI_ dol........... ..... II'. ., ANÞ ., 0, ..ill_ dollul ~r-.._ 01 .iIìae dallln ....... ...,...,. --- B. County of Kern herøby œnIfítJs lhtJI " S in comp/illncrl wit" ,he fflquirflmenrs of Section 2BOT. (~"',...o....q..r) Alrtc1fl3. CMptw 111. DltliaiDIJ 3. 77rIIr 23. c:.JItmtá 0:Ide of~. n. ~ (,S«/cþ~_IJ_ ffrrørt:ial,. .. ~ ZtJfJ7.-. _ fr1I/t1rtIs: C. u.c.,.,.m Nmneara ~ ~ COWrBgII COrnEIM 1nrd Pany T\ø NanIÞer Period Adbn Comø. Count.y of Kern 1 million Worksheet 1115 Truxr.un Avenue St:h F~ per Test ~lyœr yes yes Bakersfield, CA 93301 N/A occurrenc ~ 1 mil1ioo ........"'1 te -- . Note: If you 1118 using the 5ranr Fund as any ¡MIf of your dflmoffSlllltJon of firWtt:ilIl f'fJSpormö/ify, yollF" ueaJtÍQn and sutJmiBsion 01 UI S C1!9trØi:11Ði::ItJ also ceJfJ/itø thaI KlU II11J in r:omDlÍllnctJ with all cøndlllote for . rIon in ". Fund. I U.I'IOiII,,)I_ .....~ see at r.ached list fIodII.,N_ ~~..... Flldlloy N_ .......,~ F..w...,_ ........,~ fadll., N_. 7.....,......- \ I Eo 11_""..., ..~ 'tI\ - u.- ,.... _11" alno.t 0.-.. 0\IInIar I , XV"'- S-11-Q¿ Còuntv of Kern-JoseDh E. Drew I SllPAtJn1'.kh-' ~l£i (1 . CIo. If_alWI_...,,,.., ·-~~.R 1 L'.u.. 5~J'-94 Sharon Pierce CFJ(D~U I'D..2: CIriJågI - '-""" CG I¡oo - 1'IodII,.sIlI(tl )3/08/99 MON 14: 57 [TX/RX NO 6822] 141 002 __Q}(0.8/9L MOlL 14 : 56 FAX 661 862 870.1 e N K C ENVIRONMENTAL HLTH 1410.0.3 e .. WORk.Ii;HJò Þ:-r FOR 1\fœ\iCIPAL nx~~CIAL TEST PART I: BASIC L\TOR1\fATION 1. Tora! Revcnues a. Revenues (dollan) 726,259,315 2. Vuue af te'lfalUC$ excludl:S liqwdaQOD of iDvemacalS aod ismmce of debt. V-.lue ineludes &llgmc:raJ fund opc:ruiag aad DOD.- oper:uiug ~e:aues. as ""C:1I as -all m'CDbC:S (rom aU aiber Bavenamcataj fuads iac:ludiDg e.aœrpr1sc. debr service. capi~ PIVjecu.. aDd spcc:iaJ ~ucs. but ueJudiDS n:veDga; 10 fuads held ita .Irun or _Selley caplCity., b. Subtract intcrfund tr3nsfers (dOllars) c. Tora! Revenues (dollars) Total &penditU~ a. Expenditures (doJ..lus) Value c:oD.si.. af the sum of g=aal fuad opcnbD¡ IDd D.OD-ope:ra1iDg CZ.P=àillUCt iDdudiDg mClftsl paymeacs OD. debt. payments for RÚreDII:IIl of dc:bl priDcipaJ. IDå lOW czP=iitllml fn:lID. all oUacr ¡ovemmcataj ÑDdI iadudiag e:aœrpriJe. debt se:r.-icc. c:apiw projecu. aDd special n:vaua. 10,079,927 716,179,388 741,802,931 3. b. Subtract unerfund transfcrs (dollars) c. Tow Expenditun:s (dollars) Loca.1 Re\fen~ a. ToraJ Revenues (from Ie) (doUars) b. Subtract tor:aJ intergovernmental transfers (dollars) c. Local Revenues (dollars) Debt Service 340.654.786 10,656,028 731,146,903 716,179,388 375,524,602 4. a. Intcr=SI: and fiscal charg= (doJ..Iaß) Add debt n:drcmem (dollars) Total Debt Semce (dDllars) 4,296,700 11 , 298 ,990 7,002,290 b. c. 0.3/0.8/99 MON 14: 57 [TX/RX NO 6822] 141 0.0.3 03/08/99 MON 14:56 FAX 661 862 8701 e þ K C ENVIRONMENTAL HLTH 141004 e ,. 5. Tora! Funds (DoUars) 53,526,836 6. (SUrD of &mOwu. held 1.1 ca¡b aad mY~t sQ:urilies fralD all fuads. eschadiDg amollDU hdd for employee mimrll!!J:lt fwlds. ag=ey fJ.a.Dds. ud uuat funds} Population (Persons) 610,000 PART D; APPLICAnON OF TEST 7. Total Revenues [0 Population a. Total Revenues (frum 1 c) 716 , 179 , 388 b. ' Population (from 6) 610.000 c. Divide 7a by 7b 1174.065 d. Subnaa 417 757.065 e. Divide by 5,212 0.1453 f. Multiply by 4.095 0.595 . 8. Total Expenses to Populuion a. Total Expenses (from 2c) 731.146.903 b. Population (from 6) 610,000 c. Divide 8á by 8b ,1198.601 d. SubUacI 524 674..501 e. Divide by 5.401 Ó.1249 f. MUltiply by 4.095 0.512 9. Local Revenues to Totill Revenues a. I..ocaIlœvenues (from 3c:) 340.654,786 b. Tola! Revenues (fmID Ie) 716,179,388 c. Divide 9a bY,9b 0.4757 d. SubDaa .695 -0.2193 e. Divide by .205 -1.070 f. Multiply by 2.840 -3.038 03/08/99 MON 14: 57 [TX/RX NO 6822] 141 004 03/0AJ~~ MON 14:56 FAX 661 862 8701 e K C ENVIRONMENTAL HLTH 141 005 " .~- ~ ".. e ~'-' .. / ~ 10. Debt Service to PapulaIjon a. Debt Service (from 4(1) 11 lQI1.990 b. PoPUlaUOD (from 6) 610.000 e. Divide J Oa by lOb 18.523 d. . Subtract 5 I -32.l..77 e. Divide by 1,038 -0.0313 f. Multiply by . 1.866 0.058 11. Debt Service to Totù Revenues , a. Debt Service (from 4d) 11 .298 , 990 b. Total Revenues (from Ie) 716,179.388 c. Divide Ila by lIb 0.0158 I d. Subtract .068 -0.0522 I e. Divide by .259 -0.202 f. Multiply by - 3.533 0.712 12. ToraJ Revenues to Total Expenses a.. TolaJ Revenues (from Ie) 716.179.388 b. TofJll Expenses: (from 2c) 731.146,903 c. Divide 12& by 12b 0.980 , d. Subtract .910 0.070 e. Divide by .899 0.0779 f. Multiply by 3.458 0.269 13. Funds Balance to Tow RcveDues a. Total :Funds (from 5) 53.526.836 b. Toral Revenues (from Ie) 716,179,388 c. Divide I3a by 13b 0.0747 d. Subaact .891 -<>.8163 c. Di.,ide by 9.156 -0.0892 f. Multiply by 3.270 -0.292 \, 03/08/99 MON 14: 57 [TX/RX NO 6822] 141 005 FIRE CHIEF RON r'RAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVEN110N SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 - . February 9, 1999 KC General Services Justice Bldg 1215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Compliance Inspection Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The city will start compliance inspections on all fueling stations within the city limits. This inspection will include business plans, underground storage tanks and monitoring systems, and hazardous materials inspection. To assist you in preparing for this inspection, this office is enclosing a checklist for your convenience. Please take time to read this list, and verify that your facility has met all the necessary requirements to be in compliance. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 805-326-3979. SiJ ddv Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosure 101o7~ ~ ~~ ~ ~OP6 7kz- .A ~~~.., \- - CITY OF BAKE.FIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (80S) 326-3979 Facility r.-:SPEC11ON RECORD POST CARD AT J08 SITE Owner " ~), :' ~ ;:. . Address Address City. Zip City. Zip Phone No. Permit # r- (j(! ßq' r:\1STRUCfIONS: Please call for an inspector onJy when each!!1OUp ofinspcctions wiIIId1e same number are ready. They will run in coasecuùve orderbegimùngwitbrnmïber' , ,.'::, 1. DO NOT covet' work for any numbered group until all items in tha1 group are Slgnedotfby the Permitting Authority. Following these insIruaioœ will reduce the DUIIIber of " ,,;" r~quired inspeaion visits and therefore prevent assessment of additional fees. " :.. " T A.'õKS A.~ BACKFILL I Elkfill ofTank(s) , Spark Test Certifica1Îon or anufactures M Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) rsSPECTION " ' DATE INSPECTOR ;','{f, ':":, '}:~~: , ;': _\.~ ::.:~,~\ ',. t~! . Piping & Raceway WI Collection Sump ,.. '. : Corrosion Protection of Piping. Joints. FiD Pipe, ':"1 ,:", ..,'1' . :';, ,. Electril:aI Isolation of Piping From Tank(s) " , '.:::) , ,", " Cathodic Protection System-Piping , ',." ':. ::.\i":' " , ,¡.' Dispenser Pan " ,-' r ..\ PIPI~G SYSTEM .,', " ". ," .~.;. ':"':' ':.' .:,':. '..' Liner Installation - Tank( s) . , I'"'" ~. , Liner Installation - Piping . . '/ ~ ,.t~:~·,~~~ :;::~}'~,;t;p \ Vault With Product Compatible Sealer ',,' ,,:~:,~:,,:');": :j: ~ Level Gauges or Sensors. Floal Vent Valves " , : :",~ , ., -' Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Product Line Leak Detecton 5) Leak Detector(s) for Annual Space-D.\\', Tank(s) Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) - H20 T~st Leak Detection Device(s) for Vadose/Groundwater Spill Prevention Boxes SECOSDARY CONT AI~'Œ:\ï. 0\ "EBfILL PROTECfION. LEAK DETECfION ;~~~ "'~..~, ~i~i.~: ;~:~,i:' \~~r ~;~:!!{ "I )< ..' ~ ' ¡ " , '.-.'" r··{r~'~ ~·u;~· . 1: .~\j';. '"y mAL \;." '~\~'.:' . Monitoring W~IIs. Caps & Locks Fill Box Lock Monitoring Requirements Type ',' ':~~: ., CO;-;TRACTOR_.....ß~~ A..d.e.!:J ;; r It:". n.h '" .I: No . UCENSE # PHONE # 811.Ç- 33'" ~(~1) , ':1' I~ ':.i~~' ,;':)1'1 :;~:i "J,I}!t. ',(:};~. .ir'~~~1 ,:¥. . '). CO:\T:\CT ~~ ,~'\ I I 6rmitNo. ,___Jl-l:U~~ CITY OF BAKERSfIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805)~3Z6-3979 e PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCTIMODIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TYPE OF APPLICA nON (CHECK) []NEWFACILITY []MODŒ1CATIONOFFACILITY ~WTANKINSTALLATIONATEXISTINGFACILITY STARTING DATE 8 -'2-íw~ PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE O - ~ - c:::¡ 7 FACILITYNAME~ _ _ ~LArCl{Æ_ EXIST]lrG FACILITY PERMIT NO. FACILITY ADDRESS J 21 "S" I ev.JL1'UIJ CITY '~AæesP e<..o ZIP CODE q ~ ~o , TYPE OF BUSINESS APN # TANKOWNERC- r:: PHONENOBoS' ~J - .:2¥i J ADDRESS 1 IC ZlPCODE c:¡~~o I CONTRACTOR C. CA LICENSE NO. ADDRESS 00 CITY ~Pt fi..L./) ZIP CODE Gì:3~ 1 "3- PHONE NO. 0 BAKERSFIELD CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO. :l57c¡.t> - ~3S -1- 0 WORKMANCOMPNO. "2..3c:¡'lÞ~ -q7 INSURER ~ ~"'~ ,,: BRŒF.L Y DESCRJBE TIIE WORK TO BE DONE ~~oJfZ."'- ~ u r kU () e~ç,¡ w l"il-t ~G1.,V Ow1ØtJ S ~(¿r-J IIJ I::, Doc,¿ f>L..~ L.JK'"U.- I..( S'T""'. WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY ~J1"'1 0':' ßþCG~-;'Pt Ø.(,.C> DEPTII TO GROUND WATER SOIL TYPE EXPECTED AT SITE NO. OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED J ARE TIIEY FOR MOTOR FUEL SPILL PREVENTION CONTROL AND COUNfER MEASURES PLAN ON FILE X. TANK NO. VOLUME I c;;t:;?tp -- -- -- -- TANK NO. VOLUME -- ~ -- -- -- YES )<. NO YES NO SECTION FOR MOTOR FUEL UNLEADED PREMIUM DIESEL X. AVIATION ;:ŒGULAR SECTION FOR NON MOTOR FUEL STORAGE TANKS CHEMICAL STORED (NO BRAND NAME) ø~"~ CAS NO. CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED (IF KNOWN) FOR OmCIAL USE ONLY ~ ' .."", ,..",'":,................,,........ '..~I'........·..u....,....,......,.--- 12~CA1"ImmpATE "7~;~.t1?'f~q!µ1YNO. '."·,'··'~B·:~f:'{"~,,',.!~:!!LfiåÚk:}~F::: DIE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, A!~D WILL COMPLY wrrn TIIE ATIACHED CONDmONS OF TIllS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STA IE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. TIllS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UND, ER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO:¡:TIIE EST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS 1RUE CO T. /1 L- . -~~ ~U?~~ l )£qQ Þ-- I AP 0 APPUCAi.'rr NAME (PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ~~_. -I ! -. '""\ " ..... - - --..... :. a[ &SFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT (_ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITY ("Ùt¡ te,,~~ LH'¡(,.. .~ f/ðhLADDRESS 1215 Tr-ù~.fvf' OWNER t'1GJU~ y~ PERMIT TO OPERATE#ßQ - (J:J 13 CONTRACTOR----flpll.l tJ C;t'It'hi't "!:hL CONTACT PERSON iMr~ LABORATORY fl-",-Ir~p'" ~"I. c, # OF SAMPLES ., ~ TEST METHODOLOG 'PH n r¡.WE"7Y PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. .f.Ir1l/t.. ~AlJt¡t'lNfi _ CONTACT PERSON CO~! RECIEPT a rllll¡"'~ c,1Y1!1í- LEL%.:J 02%? 7 PLOT PLAN K l' 1 .2- - - - r I cD I I J I I/' I- f' I g..-. I ~ .3< Q ... IJ I.,.... 5 I 1- C'6 '- - - _, ~-:. 54 tI4. Oks f- ~ 1 ,'f.,¡_ f '. ,. r ~ ~ Q - '-C 'Q""c ( I ..,.. (__ _f .:. CONDITION OF TANKS <7nt\1t .JI( ---=Z~n~' :#.!1 h~wl"y. Iðc~tÁ"\"" I hu.~C"{ '1/fl-\S ~~ ('~,..J¡¡"9 I h '3l>Ølt" tU'ra.!J Snxt(.., lY.. h 1tJ(~!1 4'-1' I CONDITION OF PIPING tJhrHM""""~J "HJ~ t..nJ ,AlJ/f..{.(f/I.'f CONDITION OF SOIL~AI",J'i ¡ t'iA.y hlt;~,f frð. "/'dud b~ '¡¡tr COMMENTS;' ~fi.1Mr{u ('tCllJ(d lAðJ- 6:Jc. {l'1t£h ~.(...Iy (,..UtHJU <tJf S~) ~(I\~~ ~., 6(/''11" "J 'i -fq,t\'" Ill" < fOt",Je.{y,( "".fc"dt, LJf e 1"11"~ 'lC/O) u- _-J- :Jð-16 DATE ~r\JL cJ~aJ! INSPECTORS NAME £->'1 "'n(¡"WD~ e" ,,J[ 1- dl}.tJ£) SIGNATURE _ CITY OF BAKERSF,LELÖ·...ßk?: ml-~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMEÑ1t SERVICES ' 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PERI\'IIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY·~Ut:.~t'~~~~~*,' ç(\~ ,PH~ENO. g3¿~gll)" . LICENSE NO. (9!;:,i)t.107 R ADDRESS ~ '1). u¡.k CITY~br41fi!tJ.. C-L\. zlpq~3/3 INSlIRANCE CARRIER _ _ ~Arë:. FV/\J.L> _ ,,_ WORKMENS COMP NO. ";1..'6 <1 ¿,:L -q z,. . Haz. PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION " ~ COMPANY ~E()J(',IEAJC£S NG PHONE NO. g-~ fllO() LICENSE NO. ,e.G. 11'/779 . 7'íl ADDRESS S Co 11"'- Dr. SJ· e CITY &h.rs.flt:../ð ZIP 933/3 INSURANCE C ARRJER .s-nsr£ Fv IV b WORKMENS COMP NO. ' I J :).. 39 {,:1. - 9 ~ TANK ('LEANING INFORMATION COMPANY ~:i~~ ADDRESS 9 ' ,.. "hr, 5ui:k "D WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ()Ç NAME OF RiNSATE Di PO,sAL FACILITY :.....U >/\ VJ.Pt-src rv'\Ç f\c.-. ADDRESS I h~ (¡Jes r CITY /l\cJ,7{trcJ, , FACILITY IDENTIFICAT N N MBER eAt) 9W;3bt¡;J3 ( ( TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION c f)A l3 u ~~ COMPANY. ~L - rl)"D PHONE NO. 398 - 1386 L/Ç!'NSE NO L: 10_ ADDRESS. P.O, Do _O~_~ _ . CITY -B-K{!L , C!.1't- ZIP cr33 ~_ TANK DESTINATION ~I- tnl'l/il\:5-1a-k. f1'lo.k.k F~rjlass ~ j3eM t.nnd.nU TANK INFORMATION , TANK NO. AGE J . _.____1~ _. CHEr-.IICAL DATES VOLUME STORED STORED -Ie ~OO ~ ~'~~SSn!ÆL) V~AN"IÙ~ ~Ô,O()O \ {FlðU{'úú2I.'A;j(¡J.;t.:..-J CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED JON£' IV CN Iž:. !''''r Ot1icial! Iso: (>nlv I APPLICATION DÁTE q~(().;q<6 ",' FACILITYNQ;,< " , NO~OFTANKS ¿Ç)FEES~ TI II': ¡\PI'IK',\NT 11M; RECElVFD. UNDERSTANDS. AND WILL COMPLY wrlll TIlE AITAClfED CONDITI()NS (>F TIllS I'I-:JUvllT ANI) ANY (>TIIER STAll,:. LOCAL AND l-'EDFRAL REGULATIONS. TI liS FORM Ili\S III':EN COMPLETED (INDER PENALTY OF PERJURY. AND TO 'Çl ~ BI ST OF ANI> ('( )f{f{I' 'T !//U P C()4.W¡N . AP (.Je¡\NT SI<ìNATlIRE ¡\1'1'I.lC\NT NAME (PRINT) THIS APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED -----. ~-~-~ -- ARE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KEllV ADMINISTRA1IVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FIIX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 ·w Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FIIX (805) 395-1349 PREVEN1ION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FIIX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FIIX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FIIX (805) 399-5763 ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT . e -- February 13, 1998 Kern County General Services Justice Building 1215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: "Hold Open Devices" on Fuel Dispensers Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The Bakersfield City Fire Department will commence with our annual Underground Storage Tank Inspection Program within the next 2 weeks. The Bakersfield City Fire Department recently changed its City Ordinance concerning "hold open devices" on fuel dispensers. The Bakersfield City Fire Department now requires that "hold open devices" be installed on all fuel dispensers. The new ordinance confonns to the State of California guidelines. The Bakersfield Fire Department apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, J~ ák£J Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector cc: Ralph Huey 'Y~de W~ ~ ~O/'e ~.A W~ " e . OFFICE MEMORANDUM COUNTY OF KERN o ~(Ç~~~ I By -,-..,~-.. ~--, COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE GENERAL SERVICES DIVISION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES (805) 861-2491 MARK E. RUSSELL MANAGER TO: Mr. Ralph Huey Bakersfield Fire Department Peter Mullaly r-- Engineer III DATE: July 18, 1997 FROM: TELEPHONE NO.: 861-2491 SUBJE,CT: Justice Building Replace Emergency Generator Fuel Tank Please find attached for your review the product list for the above-mentioned project. PM:sp Attachment ? . ;(~' ~ I ,./ ./ 1 y/{ ~~ 1d ~) ,ì :' \ " ::,~ - ,,' ì' .'< \ \ ' / ,. ;//' . ~ JJ'~ , - =',- / ì" ì" 11 ~\}~\./ r¡,lJ'II ,. ~'1} ~,\q ~ ...~ /b1} M - · [ S REMIT TO: 3970 S. EVANS BLVD. DISTRIBUTING, INC. TUCSON,AZ85714 *********+**~***** 2655 N. 37TH DRIVE FHCENIX, AZ 85009 PhGn~ NQ. 602-233-3363 SOLD TO: CA.SH CUSTml~Ü:: , A Z CUSTOMER NUMBER SALESM4N NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER of .-, ,. L.",:j() PRY ¡:: a IJ " [I I: QUANTITY ORDERED QUANTITY BACK ORDERED STOCK NUMBER QU 4NTITY SHIPPED i 1. o 0 E' {lJ- 1 C - 2 1 0 0 V C F r'~ .- 6 :3 4 T T - 7 C' o t'n.-305L o C P f.oJ - t:; 1. -S C - 4 0 0 ( o 0::' (,J - 2 3 :3 \Jr'¡ - 4.'L o i'm·- 1. 8 4 - ? :x 1 1 1. ; L i 1 ; L 1. ., i 1. " .L i o ~r~.;~ - 3 5 4 - 2 V XX¡''':R - 3:3 4 - 11 2 o XXP-1.1.0-37TX F'TF (; B.t·~ - P - 2 1 i 1. ", ',r: -"-BEE -:r.ti.~:·:~; í FEE FCiJT < 0 AI"\- EL c) 0 - 2 .L 1 1 0 l1.i.-:--gL45-2 ; < 0 ÄM-SC-2 J. .L 1. 1 0 i'lM- E}:t'1- 2 < i 0 At'1- EXF'- 2 .L 1 1 0 AM-T-2 J. 1 1 0 TF-224. 1 1. 0 Tf-330 ~ ; ; 0 TF'-1. 1224 .L .L 1 1. 0 TF'-l 1 218 1 1 0 XXF'C-SBOO1 1 r· ..L \..,- 1. 1. 0 XXF(::'- Df ^ ., 1 0 XXF'C- SF ... 1. 1 0 YX¡:¡'C - rl'D~\;T··' ..:.": J. . l...t 1 T". ¡",'} ECEIVED BY; * SHrFFI~G PAPER * ****************** \. I [I ~~. [:: ~.£ F: # ~ F' \YT ~:i ji\ -i13224 P A :2 2: #:: i [)P~.TE ~ '} c., ·;3 0 ./~)? SHIP TO: Br.rJf)G~:]3CIEr;C~3 ~)TE:¡}E: F'~ (;::05) 8:36-8800 SHIP VIA ORDER NO. SHIP OA TE 11:::224 DESCRIPTION SPILL CONTA'INMENI MANHi)LE 4 Ii CTJRA - ':CUFf CH.F 4" T[I~' SE.Å,J., ADAF'T~E GVERFILL V~LVE 5'X8' CARB 2 X 1 DOUBLE TAF BUSHING 2;' F' I P E: 2 G 3 5 4. 3 E: t:. 2;¡ 9 Co DE':;" ELBCt(i~ 211 ,i5 DEG. EIBCJ~tJ 20372108 2(1:371508 2ft Sl!EEi.lE: '~l)~}PI!lN·G 20350707 2" EELL X i·1tŒE 2Ü370202 2" E: ELL X FEl'îÞ,LE; 203:; Ü 2 03 2" TE.€ 20378007 2 X 24" FLEX C1J~'HŒ':=:TCi::~ 3" Y.3 0" S S FLEX '::CJ{NEi=::TCR l:i) 1/2 X 24 ¡¡ FL~X CONNECTOR 1 1. / 2 X 18 ,; FLEX CO~N~('=:TC;R ClJNTR.i]L F Af':EL HYDRCi SENSC'R COl.LAR S EN SO;:. 1.000 GAL TANI~ :ij/MANWAY & PULLED BY: M B ( R =PEI§ q,u'ol (QUIf't.4f\l ,\~,- PLEASE NOTE: All shipments made only upon the following terms: Terms: Net 30 Days, unless otherwise specified above, This shall be an Arizona cDntract and its laws shall govern, Unless otherwise specified, interest of 1 '/,% per month shall be added to delinquent balances In the event i1 is necessary to hire an anorney to assist in collecting a balance, all expenses of collection, including a reasonable anorney's fee, will be added to the amount due, "'£",y¿ ~JAO '.. ,..,. H.L TERMS INVOtCé DATE CfiSH UNIT PRICE TOTAL '4 J 0 -'S]TK ErJ rj I eo k.. PIPE... R. 2 <is-IN s,:; Tf-\/1J fÝ)EN SALE AMOUNT TAXABLE AMOUNT SALES TAX -- - /J)-2J - 7' '7 1/ :,5 Am· FlVltd at- K \ <!., \1 J6.{((~ l~JlJt tit itf ü.Jo..!:J ^ p.~tJ(" flJ,Tfl ~ ~,~.l(J.-ltD~ +ho.f I!!.~t- Ihct1.( '¡"ON;'~~ft\ tb t!t..e(.l:~ dally ù.JCuc[ ~(cJk5 w Ie hJE,. ~.pø~ w 1-£.. T Ii--.. " cc e p ( '- , c- d. S5.d.t.cLthe -f~f- -flub ~tJ IJ ftJc.... !i()J1~ TI",'~ #r &o~~3o').7 ~ I --- --------------- _.~-- ------ - e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES" 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 F aci1ity Address INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOB SITE Owner Address City, Zip Phone No. City, Zip Pennit # I~STRUcrIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same nlllllb« are ready. They will nm in c:onsecuâve arcIer beginning with number I. DO NOT COVeT work for any numbered group until all items in that group are signed offby the Permiuing Authority. Following these insIrucIiœa will reduœ the number of required inspection visits and therefore prevent assessment of additional fees. TANKS AND BACKFILL I INSPECTION ~kfill ofTank(s) Spark. Test Certification ~actures Meth~ Cathodic Protection of Tan1c(s) DATE I INSPECTOR I ~17 ~ tljjJJJWiJ I PIPING SYSTEM II. Piping & Raceway w/Collection Sump ep,(? ,It;"') Ji/;- tÆ, II I Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints. Fill Pipe Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tan1c(s) Cathodic Protection System-Piping Dispenser Pan SECONDARY CONT AINME:\ì. OVERFILL PROTECTION. LEAK DETECTION Liner Installation· Tank(s) Liner Installation - Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Senson. Float Vent Valves Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Product Line Leak Detector( s) Leak Detector(s) for Annual Space-D.W. Tan1c(s) Monitoring Wel1(s)/Sump<.s)· H20 Test Leak Detection Device(s) for Vadose/Groundwater FINAL Spill Prevention Boxes Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks FiIJ Box Lock Type f(\)¡¿( ~t'b~C /lCt( CO~TRACTOR A ~ Ja ?(~ýdC/A.q C7 CONTACT C0( UCENSE # PHONE # BAlaRSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 4IÞ, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITY 'J"(}S\l~ ßn,lilkt ADDRESS 1.31.5" TN-C-I.J"" Aw. OWNER l'1I1I"~' 6+ It..,,"~ ,!,...,..../ !.rr,J/r,<' (Jw. PERMIT TO OPERATE# ßtl - Of g~ CO]~RACTOR Aq';i/:4;e.(ctI¿~ .:C'11c:- CONTACT PERSON ~k- LABORATORY ~_~ #OFSAMPLES ~ TEST METHODOLOGY TlPtt· IIJI~~ PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. Aqdl1'''s«cW 0 CONTACT PERSON ~f<:,^- CO:! RECIEPT c9S tÞ5 LEL% 62. O2% 7 ~ PLOT PLAN N l' - -;; '3 I, ÚJo:.'( r- --I '\i I r ~ c::. I I- I f. I :. I .. ,; 1- 1-_ _ J x ~ 54.""l t-5 . - - I I' CONDITION OF TANKS €~ly éDrtJJ.1' , ,,,In''lðlJ~ $'91...' e+ Cou:.4';t CONDITION OF PIPING &',,(1:0£ ¿;(c CONDITION OF SOIL fre.-'flY1ud stØt\l /VtJ lJbcJl{Jl)~ ~/,II~ c-f. !J-laiJ1"ìJÎf lJr- d{ç~d"f/4Itc:" COMMENTS DATE ,#Cur, l )fllcrwôr1Á INSPECTORS NAME Æ, rf¿»o , SIGNATURE -A/tq/Z7 __ CITY OF BAKE.IEI~~m;tNo.ߣ:.QI'(,b OFFICE OF ENVIRONl\tlENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PER!\iIIT APPLICATION FOR RE!\iIOV AL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION ' SITE Jt.(~TlŒ BLlILDllvC¡ ADDRESS /2/5 TIW>tTUN lh'Ð/tI£ZIP CODE '1330 ( APN FACILITY NAME -Jl-/.jnc.e- eUIL/Jliu~ CROSS STREET IIL" S7lZ:eEI TANK OWNERIOPERATOR ÛllÆJlY t¥ I¿PM ae-AiefYH-..5exlliœ$ Dv. PHONE NO. (P05) f7(..( - 2'-1'7( l\'IAILlNG ADDRESS 1115 Tf2-UXTUN I1-vENUl? CITY t3AI/.eJ2...s-{tEZ-O ZIP 9-330 ( CONTRACTOR INFORMATION corvlPANY ff&u¡¡.Ç;wsoe¡UCES I XiVt:.. . PHONE No(fo5 )836- .f/Cú LICENSE NO. 05500/ If. HA-2- ADDRESS lJLf40 6~1 SSO fYJ síY2t:'7:T¡ SUI Tt 100 CITY ßff&ì2S flt:-L.-D ZIP "1-33/3 INSURANCE CARRIER..sm-æ- C-ðMf'ENS',4-77Û,.} IttJ.5uRA\.tE\VORKMENS COMP NO. 1123'9&2 - q7 -Ft'tU6 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COl'vlPANY PQU/f0E7JSélelli~S-, -:¡:NL,PHONE NO.(cYD5) J3h - ¿'¿DO LICENSE NO. ~551..," Î IJ.I i-/.cJ Z ADDRESS !:i!1Yo tQ¡¿,ssom ..5~, SU ITE /ÒO CITY /5'¡:¡f.E¡¿ShELD ZIP q 331-3 INSURANCE CARRlER~ ¿ÒN ¡:;€¡1fSlhïlJt0 //u:Yll£4ANtðRKMENS COMP NO. 1 (2-39",,2 - 97 rtL Ai!J TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY HGìu~r;EOSUe/IJCES, .:Tf/Jt... PHONE NO. (%05) ADDRESS 44UO G. tS,5ò/Y7 STtt-"E7. 5iJ1TF I{)O CITY ß/+/ú::-Y¿S?tel-¡) WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATIÓN NUMBER Clt-O Qcf24/3 202- NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILITY EV~ ~AJ DIL I .:::r:^-Jt:.. . ADDRESS & Jfð ...5M 177-1 mr::;vuE CITY !'VEw/112-1L FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER C.;:;.-D c¡ cfô f6 7Lf I¿ f3(P- ~(òo ZIP 933/3 ZIP CJ45hD TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION CorvlPANY ~u~ ëðS¿tFNGE5, INi:.. PHONE NO(&?5) ~3G -¿1M LICENSE NO. ADDRESS WI./O (ÓÞSS;OIf) _(t#:tir Sill~ /(){) CITY, ;1-/ú::72S'HELO TANK DESTINATION <2:oLD-EN ~577'hT µ~ - I3/J-It..ef2Jliez-LJI C4 , Cø55(¿,G 7 11- ç ~L ZIP 9'531S TANK INFORMATION TANK NO, AGE VOLUME __J___ U¡JiL- J, {)ûO CHEMIC AL STORED DIESEL DA TES STORED ¿¡¡¡JIL- CHEMICAL PREVIOUSL Y STORED D I r::-:Sl:L- _..~._------ ----- ---- ---- -- For () ]iciall ;s.: ()nl\' I APPLICATION DATE FACILITY NO. , , . . .. , 'NO>OFTANKS FEES Till' 1\1'1 'UC/\NT II/\S RECEIVr ). t IN )ERSTANDS. AND WILL COMPLY WITII TilE AITACI WI) CONDITIONS OF TIllS 'II{MIT I\NI> ANY OTIII':R SIAl I:. LOCAL AND n'DI·:RAl. REGULATIONS. 1 II liS H JlHv111/\S III'LN COMI'!.! II]) !lNDER PENAL ry OF PFRJIJRY, AND TO TIlrctJ: BEST ) -' M KNO\V!.!] F IS rRIlE I\NI) ('()I{f{ C r - t -- . 'HILi ~ · uJ I~) ~ I]) Y AI'I'LlC¡\NT NAME (PRINT) PUCANT SIGNATURE ( THIS APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ~~ :~,!\ I I ......it No._____'-.L- L~lj ~ y CITY OF BAKERSY'ìELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805)'"326-3979 --- PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCTIMODIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TYPE OF APPLICA nON (CHECK) [ ]NEW FACILITY []MODIFICATION OF FACILITY ~W TANK INSTALLATION AT EXISTING FACILITY STARTING DATE B -'2.~~ PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE ot - ~ - '17 FACILITYNAME~ _ _ ~I(,f- EXIS~G FACILITY PERMIT NO. FACILITY ADDRESS J21"S" 1ev.)C CITY -~A~Pt~o ZIPCODE Q2¡301 TYPE OF BUSThŒSS APN# TANKOWNERC. PHONENOBoS' ~, - ~~ J ADDRESS l ZIP CODE '9~~~ I CONTRACTOR C. CA UCENSE NO. ADDRESS 00 CITY ~PI fi.U) ZIP CODE q3~ L ~ PHONE NO. - \ 0 BAKERSFIELD CITY BUSThŒSS UCENSE NO.:2 5'J'I() - S35 -1- " WORKMANCOMPNO. tJ2...3'í'¿'~ -q7 INSURER ~ BJtJQ BRŒFLYDESCR1BETIIEWORKTOBEOONE 'f?g",¡ ovtZ. ~1~T1~t..r u~r ,IoJO e~ _~.fi~ tJ~ C>vJ~ S ~(¿,..a, 'H::r DatA. f>L.r"E. L..Jk'LL l.{ S'\. WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY ~J'f'1: ()(:.. C3~~-::.Pt~t;) DEPTII TO GROUND WATER SOIL TYPE EXPECTED AT SITE NO. OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED J ARE TIIEY FOR MOTOR FUEL SPILL PREVENTION CONlROL AND COUNTER MEASURES PLAN ON FILE ;;<. TANK NO. VOLUME J c;¡)t:;?~ -- -- -- -- TANK NO, VOLUME -- ~ -- -- -- YES )<. NO YES NO SECTION FOR MOTOR FUEL UNLEADED REGULAR AVIATION PREMIUM DIESEL X. SECTION FOR NON MOTOR FUEL STORAGE TANKS CHEMICAL STORED (NO BRAND NAME) ~..... CAS NO. CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED (IF KNOWN) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r¡;; ""...."" " ' ,.." ,.', ...."........................ I' ....,............,....,.. L2~CA'flo:mp~TE. "7-.Çß~q7f'ÀçIÚr&NO. "'·'····"..·~ç.,~~!r~w....::.,' ~" '.,":,·,~:~i:·......::...:;....'" THE APPUCANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY wrrn mE ATTACHED CONDmONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OlliER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HA, S BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND T0J;:TIIE EST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TR~ CO T. 11 /~ L- ' -~r¿. ~U?~~ l )£QQ Þ- I AP 0 APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPUCANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 -. v') \r ~~ " ~ () I '-!) '- \ "J' § 5 ~Ll DARREL PERKINS, DIVISION CHIEF KERN COUNTY GENERAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE 610 E. 18TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 .,----. / i i +-- - --- -- ----- SSaJppe UJI1!aJ aL ! !o H 6!J aL ! o! adola^ua !O do! Ja^o~au!I~¡e Pl0::l · Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. · Complete items 3, and 4a & b. · Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. · Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number. · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered, . ". ,-8 SENDER: I ëii 'Q ¡III I~ If! I~ I';; 10 "t:I 3. 1$ ,Q) :'ã. IE 10 It.) I~ l~ :0 '0 1« I ~ 5. Signature (Addressee) 1::1 '~ Iw I r: 6. Signature (Agent) 16 I > PS Form 3811, December 1991 ~.!l 1 II Article Addressed to: DARREL PERKINS, DIVISION CHIEF KC GENERAL SVCjMAINTENANCE 610 E 18TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 t<u.s. GPO: 1992-323·402 4a. I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra f! fee): .:; 1. 0 Addressee's Address Æ l ...1 .~ I t.) I &!¡ E I a¡ &!¡ enl .~ I :I I I I I I I I I ¡ I j 2. 4b. Service Type o Registered mertified o Express Mail o Insured o COD o Return Receipt for Merchandise 7. Date of Delivery .. o ~ :I o > 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested ~ and fee is paid) æ J: ~ DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT .. .. ,: .' ~ ,L , '~ t . \ FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KElLY ADMINIS1RAnVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENnON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93W1 (80s) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street 8akersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399·4697 FAX (805) 399·5763 . ~ . .- ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 11, 1996 Kern County Administrative Office 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: William A. Wilbanks RE: Underground Storage Tank located at Kern County General Services Justice Building, 1215 Truxtun Avenue. Dear Mr. Wilbanks: As I am sure you are aware, all existing single walled steel tanks that do not meet the current code requirements must be removed, replaced or upgraded to meet the code by December 22, 1998. Your tank does not currently meet the new code requirements and therefore falls into the remove, replace or upgrade category. Your current operating pennit expires on or before that date and of course will not be renewed until appropriate upgrade of your tank system is accomplished. In order to assist you and this office in meeting this fast approaching deadline, I have attached a brief questionnaire addressing your plans to upgrade this tank. Please complete this questionnaire and return it to this office by Friday, December 27, 1996. If you have arty questions concerning your tank or if we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, ph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Office of Environmental Services REH/dlm attachment 'Y~~~~~~~~A~~n .r, . . ··~3A .-- JOEL A. HEINRICHS COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER scon JONES Assistant County Administrative Officer WILLIAM C. DOUGLAS Employee Relatjon~ Officer KERN COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE October 23, 1995 City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 rr§(ç~~w~~ @y OCT 3 0 199~_~ Attn: Howard Wines tÞ\.V<w J Dear ~s: Per our telephone conversation on October 20, 1995, enclosed is a copy ofthe County's Certification of Financial Responsibility for all underground storage tanks owned by the County. The original of this form is on file with the County Environmental health Services Department. If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to contact me. ?J~ Fred A. Plane Deputy CAO '\ FP:dr\tankscit.fin Enclosure cc: Robert Perry, Risk Management Charles Conner, Communications Division David Baumstark, County Administrative Office 1\ , " \ 1115 Truxtl1n Avenue,5th floor BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-2371, FAX (805) 325-3979 .' i ant BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPA1A1ENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE, . BAKERSFIELD. CA . 93301 R,E HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 SEP 2 8 1995 FINAL NOTICE!!! RB, TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326·3951 REVOCATION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT Will FOllOW IN 3D-DAYS IF VIOLATION PERSISTS Please be aware that failure 'to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days, will result In your Perm't to Operate being revoked (25285.1(b) California Health & Safety Code). - '.----- --- --- -- ~ ---:"-----".- --. -"'-=--."....,--- ~~_.......~--~---.-...-. ,....,: ~ ---------.'-=--- -..-:.- ---.- ~- - '-- ~~.....,-- - \ r ;::: 15-000'-00 1298 K C COMMUNICATIONS CENTER i?6Ø 1 PANORI~:¡ti A DR BAKERSFIEl.D, CA 93306 C~~RL PARI" Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Our records also indicate that you have been issued at least one warning letter prior to this notice, Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification for Financial Responsibility form and return it to this office within 30 days. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. , .,. _c_~___---= =~ _ _ __~ _-ç- The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes fr~m section-A of form) are as folÎows: -I If you don't sell product from your tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence", For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All other need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregateD. If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sincerely, ~ LL-- #~ Ralph E, Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm attachments . - -- -~ - 95 Óéf ~ p 3: 3 5 f~ISK MANAGE~~Un ." -- . " - COUNTY ~STRATIVE OFFICE MEMORANDUM Joseph E. Drew County Administrative Officer TO: Distribution DATE: June 6,1994 FROM: ~ Fred Plane Deputy CAO SUBJECT: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS Attached for your infonnation is the statement of financial responsibility for underground storage tanks operated by your department. This infonnation has been filed with the Environmental Health Services Department and the State Water Resources Board. If you need any further infonnation. please contact me. Distribution: Karen Geye, General Services Department Mike Parker. Fire Department Dave Price. Airports Department Ron Errea. RMA Daphne Washington, Waste Management Department Lee Willeford. KMC cc: Robert Perry, Risk Management Attachments A-rrACII M9& r A .. ,..., UMo.If State 01 CaüIorDia State Water Rc80urcca Control Board ,CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBiliTY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM A. I.m required '0' demOllItr.1e ......1ICia1 RelpOlllÎbiiay ÏII die nquired .mouala., tpecified ÏII $eeaioa 2107. a..,..r II. DiY. 3. Tide U CCR: D 500,000 dollan per __ 0 I .ili_ dollan ....... .......'e « ~D « D I miUioo dol",. per __ D 2 .ilioa dol"" ..DUlI,,,,,,,'1 B. County of Kern hereby certifies that it is in complisnce with the requirements of Section 2801, Coverage CorrectJye Period ActIon Worksheet Test County of Kern 1115 Truxtun Avenue 5th Bakersfield, CA 93301 N/A 1 millio per occurrenc 1 milliœ 1 year yes yes te Note: If you are ~ing. the State Fu.nd as any pIIrt of your demonstration of financisl responsibility. your execution and submission of thIS certificatIOn also certifies that u are in com iance with all conditions for rtici. tion in the Fund. . FociIilyN_. PociIity AIIdr.- sæ attached list FociIiiyN_. JlociIity.wr.. Fac:i.lity NMlC p..wtyAddr_ FociIiry NIDI. p..wty_ FociIiI)'N..... FociIioy AIIdr.- -- DIlle N.D...s 1\11. oCTuIt 0-. or Open"" Count of Kern Jose N_.oCWi_orNowy Sharon Pierce Capieo - 1'1dII1)lSl1O(1) 5- 1- DIlle 5-31-94 FlU!: 0ri ÍDIII - LoeoI A.-, .. ·e e XKS'1'1UJCTXOR. CBØIFICM!IOII OF FIIIAIICIAL D8I'OII81BILlU I'ORK ,~.... type or print d..r\y .U tnfo,.tton on Certtftcatton of FtNnCia~ .......tbft ity fo.... AU'" fecH tti.. tndIor aft.. 0MMd or operated -V be Uated on one forti; therefore e ..ret. certificate ta not re"dnd for øch att.. pocuM£lT tllfORMATlCII Ii.. MøYtt ....-.... - Check the wroprlet. box... I. .... of Tank 0Mner - Ful~ ~ of etther the tant owner or the operator. or Clperator c. llechant_ T,pe - .... of Juuer - llecMni_ lUIber - Cowrage ~t - Cowrage Period - Corrective Action - Third Party - Cœpensation O. Facility- Jnfo...tion E. Signature Block - Indicat. ...tch Stat. wrDV8d -.chant_a) ara being und to show ftnancial rasponatbHtty either.. contained tn the federal NlUlattone, 40 CfR, 'art 280, Subpart H, Secttone 280.90 through 210.103 (See Financial Itponeibfl fty Gul., for ..,.. tnfo....Uon), or Sectton 2808.1, Chapter 18, Dh,t.lon 3, Titl. 23, CCR. Li.t all .... and addr..s.. of cCllllf*'I.. and/or Indtyl~ls issuing coverage. L 1st Identifying nultler for .ach -.chani.. used. Ex...,le: insurance pol icy I'Ullber or fi ~e nultler as indicated on bond or docuDent. (If using State Cle8lq) Fund eState fund) ~eave blank.) Indicate aIIOWIt of covera,e for .ach type of -.chani..cs). If ..re than one -.chant.. ts indicated, total lUSt equa~ 1001 of financta~ responsibU fty for each facHity. Indicate the effectiye dlt.es) of a~l financial mechanismes). eState'Fund coverage would be continuous as ~one as you ..intain c~~ianc. and remain eligible to continue participation in the Fund.> Indicate yes or no. Does the specified finenc:ia~ .-chani... provide covera.. for corrective action? elf using State Fund, indicate -vea".) Indicate yes or no. Does the specified financia~ mechani... provide coverage for third party compensation? (If using State Fund, indicate "yes".) Provide all facility and/or site names and addresses. Provide signature and date signed by tank owner or operator; printed or typed NIIIIe and title of tank owner or operator; signature of witness or notary and date signed; and printed or typed name of witness or notary eif notary signs as witness, please place notary seal next to notary's signature). Where to Mail Certification: \Please send original to your local agency (agency who issues your UST permits). Keep a copy of the certification at each facility or site listed on the fOMß. Questions: If you have questions on financial responsibfl Ity r~irements or on the Certification of financial Responsibility form. please contact the State UST Cleanup Fund at (916) 221-4307. Note: Penal ties for Failure to ~ly with Financial Resoonsibit iCy RecaJir_ts: Failure to comply may result in: (1) jeopardizing claimant eligibility for the State UST Cleanup Fund and (2) liab!lity.for civil ~lties.of up,to S10.000 dollars per day, per underground storage tank. for ~ach day of vIolatIon as stated In ArtIcle 7. Section 25299.16(a) of the California Health and Safety Code. ~ -------- e " e WORKSHt£f FOR :\fm\"1CIPAL FINA.~CIAL TEST PART I: BASIC I!\TOR1\1A110N 1. Total Revenues a. Revenues (dollars) 2. Value of reveaues excludes liquid.uioD of iDvestmeDts and iSSUlDce of debt. Value iDcludes all geacral fund operatiDg and DOD- operatiDg revenues. as well as all revenues from all other goveramental fuDds iDcludiDg enterprise. debt service. capital projects. aDd special revenues. but excludiDg reveuues to fuDds held iD a trust or agency capacity. b. Subtract interfund transfers (dollars) c. Total Revenues (dollars) Total Expenditures a. Expenditures (dollars) Value consists of the sum of geaera1 fund operatiDg and DOD-opcratiDg expenditures iDcludiDg iDterest paymeats OD debt. payments for reùremeøt of debt principal. and total expenditures from all other goverumeutal funds iDcludiDg euterprise. debt service, capital projects. and special revenues. b. Subtract interfund transfers (dollars) Total Expenditures (dollars) c. 3. Local Revenues a. Total Revenues (from lc) (dollars) 4. b. Subtract total intergovernmental transfers (dollars) c. Local Revenues (dollars) Debt Service a. Interest and fiscal charges (dollars) Add debt retirement (dollars) Total Debt Service (dollars) b. c. 726,259,315 10,079,927 716 , 179 , 388 741,802,931 10,656,028 731,146,903 716,179,388 375,524,602 340,654,786 7,002,290 4,296,700 11,298,990 -- --- e . 5. Total Funds (Dollars) 53,526,836 (Sum of amounts held as cash and inVCSUDCDt securities from aU fuoås. excluding amounts held for employee retirement funds. agency funds. and trUSt funds) Population (Persons) 610,000 6. ¡¡ PART U: APPUCATION OF TEST 7. Total Revenues to Population a. Total Revenues (from Ie) 716,179 ,388 b. Populaúon (from 6) 610,000 c. Divide 7a by 7b 1174.065 d. Subtract 417 757.065 e. Divide by 5,212 0.1453 f. Multiply by 4.095 0.595 .8. Total Expenses to Populaùon a. Total Expenses (from 2c) 731,146,903 b. Populaúon (from 6) 610,000 c. Divide 8a by 8b _1198 . 601 d. Subtract 524 674.601 e. Divide by 5,401 å..1249 f. Multiply by 4.095 0.512 9. Loca1 Revenues to Total Revenues a. Local Revenues (from 3e) 340,654,786 b. Total Revenues (from Ie) 716,179,388 - c. Divide 9a by 9b 0.4757 d. Subtract .695 -0.2193 e. Divide by .205 -1.070 f. Multiply by 2.840 -3.038 e e l~ 10. Debt SeIVice to Populaåon a. Debt Service (from 4d) 11.79R.990 b. Populaåon (from 6) 610.000 c. Divide lOa by lOb 18.523 d. Subtract 51 -32.477 e. Divide by 1,038 -0.0313 f. Multiply by - 1.866 0.058 It. Debt Service to Total Revenues a. Debt Service (from 4d) 11,298,990 b. Total Revenues (from Ic) 716, 179 , 388 c. Divide IIa by lIb 0.0158 d. Subtract .068 -0.0522 e. Divide by .259 -0.202 f. Mulúply by - 3.533 0.712 12. Total Revenues to Total Expenses a. Total Revenues (from Ic) 716,179,388 b. Total Expenses (from 2c) 731,146,903 c. Divide 12a by 12b 0.980 d. Subtract .910 0.070 e. Divide by .899 0.0779 f. Multiply by 3.458 0.269 13. Funds Balance to Total Revenues a. Total Funds (from 5) 53,526,836 b. Total Revenues (from Ic) 716, 179,388 c. Divide 13a by 13b 0.0747 d. Subtract .891 -0.8163 e. Divide by 9.156 -0.0892 f. Multiply by 3.270 -0.292 ~, e e KERN COUNTY OWNED UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS Number Location Description Department ---~-- -- -~ General Services 160028 ' 1215 Truxtun Avenue) Diesel/Erner. Generator "- - ---~ -- -- -- -~ --' --- --- ¡------ --- - - 160026 , 1415 Truxtun 1 Gas General Services ~------ .- 1 Diesel 1 Waste Oil 1 Diesel/Erner. Generator 120007 Jessie Street 1 Gas General Services 060023 :2717 ~;O;; Str-eet~ 1 Gas General Services --">'.-'-- -----.----+ -, .. - 010006 1350 Norris Road 1 Gas, General Services 1 Diesel/Erner. Generator 540002 128 E. Coso Street 1 Diesel/Erner. Generator General Services Ridgecrest, CA 090005 G601Pßnorama'Dr. " 1 Diesel/Erner. Generator General Services - ~ ~.. - ~ 120003 1830 Flower Street 3 Diesel/Erner. Generator KMC 390022 Industrial Farrn Road 2 Diesel/Erner. Generator Sheriff 230001 301 S. Oswell Street 1 Gas Kern SaIÙtation 450034 Lost Hills Airport 1 Aviation Gas Airports Lost Hills, CA 040009 101 E. Roberts Lane 1 Gas Fire 1 Diesel 010027 101 UIÙverse Avenue 1 Gas Fire 520025 11018 Kernville Road 1 Gas Fire Kernville, CA 530001 140 E. Las Flores 1 Gas Fire Ridgecrest, CA 1 Diesel 1 ~.' . e e .. 450023 14670 Lost Hills Road 1 Gas Fire Los Hills, CA 1 Diesel 520019 16001 Walker Basin Road 1 Gas Fire Walker Basin, CA 590016 1953 Highway 58 1 Gas Fire Mojave, CA 1 Diesel 230028 2214 Virginia Avenue ' 1 Gas Fire 1 Diesel 330103 2420 Symonds Drive 1 Gas Fire Pine Mountain Club, CA 440018 2424 7th Street 1 Gas Fire Wasco, CA 1 Diesel , 510029 24700 Highway 58 1 Gas Fire Keene, CA 1 Diesel 2 Empty 560008 26965 Cote Street 1 Gas Fire Boron, CA 160029 2731 "0" Street 3 Gas Fire 600023 28946 Bear Valley Road 1 Gas Fire Bear Valley Springs, CA 580008 2980 Desert Street 1 Gas Fire Rosamond, CA 630025 301 Campus Drive 1 Gas Fire Arvin, CA 1 Diesel 410013 325 Campus Drive 1 Gas Fire Shafter, CA 1 Diesel 520026 4500 Lake Isabella 1 Gas Fire Lake Isabella, CA 1 Di~el 2 ," '"':'II ,-# ~ ~ e e 520001 5309 Navajo Avenue 1 Gas Fire Southlake, CA 1 Diesel 050092 6400 Fruitvale Avenue 1 Gas Fire 1 Diesel 330102 729 West End Drive 1 Gas Fire Frazier Park, CA 610015 800 S. Curry Street 2 Gas Fire Tehachapi, CA 640010 8225 McKee Road 1 Gas Fire 1 Diesel ~--~.- '- "-- ~- . ... Fire' 380019 l~J~,o§~º-al~ Hwy J i 1 Diesel 320022 9443 Taft Hwy 1 Gas Fire 050105 Landco & Marlin Ct 1 Gas Fire 1 Diesel 510030 Glennville Fire Station 1 Gas Fire Glennville, CA 1 Empty 010013 1401 Skyway Drive 2 Gas Airports 2 Diesel 330104 1801 Mettler Frontage 1 Gas Fire Mettler, CA 3 - Bernard C. Bannann, Sr. County Counsel . OFFICE OF THE COUNTY COUNSEL Risk Management COUNTY OF KERN . Robert J. Perry Risk Manager Stephen D. Schuett Assistant County Counsel n~",,":"¡ -¡ t...W Clarke E. Schlabach Claims Manager Administrative Center John Mellow 1115 TrU)<l:un Avenue, 4th Floor Loss Prevention Specialist Bakersfield, CA 93301 . 'I U· P tl .. 0 I Telephone: (805) 861-298~ 5 MAR .. Fax: (805) 324-0546 '" §~L l~ 0 i .';'--J \7;~ti-; /"'Z-. , S- "TJ2J?'. 'ìJ eJ lij~~~aW?~rnl h OCT 91995 MI By:=,: _~ February 15, 1995 City of Bakersfield - Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Material Coordinator Re: Insurance Regarding Certification of Financial Responsibility Dear Mr. Huey: Kern County is presently self-insured for property and liability damages. This is to advise you that exposures associated with underground storage tanks located on County property are covered by the County's self-insurance program undertaken pursuant to California Government Code section 990. Under our self-insurance program, we will bear risks of bodily injury and property damage losses connected with its use until we have satisfied our obligations including environmental cleanup. Very truly yours, B. C. Barmann, County Counsel ~-- By Robert J. Perry, Risk Manager BCB:RJP:dt Permit to Operate Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility · State I.D. No. 031936::'~~i;j)~;;;~,~,~rmit No. e ONDITIO N:Si)):)fJF:·:;:~E::RMI~:::':';!:'N:':;'!:;:::REV ER SE SIDE Tank Number 01 Issued By: Approved by: l_ 1462 . .... ...... ... Hazardous Substance .:::.::. -;, :.;::'", -":::: /.-,:., .:.: '., "'. :.:'..:.......:.;.;.. ........ Gálfon(::':::\::,:;;::>' C~:P:~Ç!!Y\:==::> . . ...... Piping Monitoring .. . . -, . . .. . ....... .. . .. Y ....',. '...' T' k ............... ,'. . ...... .,. . . ...... .. ....... ... ....... ... I rišl'''ta:!,: lir; ~ e .. . ........ .... ......... . ..... ........ ... .. ........ ..... . ......... :PRE;'1~h6:;(:;i'i:i':':,:::$WS, M~Wt~{'; ,~~~i MTGffiT sws .. . .. Piping Method SUCTION DIESEL :t1,:bt)Q,({/ LTT .. .. .'.... . . . .. .. . . . . .....: :.:. ,.. , .. .... . , ,.. . ... ..,.... ......... . ", ... ..... .. ... . , , ............... . ,. . .... ..... . . .. ... ..... ... ..... ... . ........ .. ..... ...... .......... .. .. ...... ...... ...' .... . ... .:.:..':.:.;':.:...:..:...... . ............... ... ................. . . ..... ..........., ,. ................ .... . ............... . , . ......... ....... " , .. .-..... ........ · ....... -.. ......., ... . . . . . .. ........................ ....,.................................................. · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . · . . , . . . . . ... . , " .. ... . .. , ... , , ...... , " .. ,. .. ..... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .... ". ....... " . .' '.' ........ .',' .....'..,.......... '.' .'. . ...... . ...... ,:.' . ..... ~:c6oqifì$Hs:$.uÞ.jøctto chang~jn,,{øgulati96$,..) , .. .. .... . ... ..... .. ..,... ...... ... ......... ..-.... ........... ..... .... ....... ... ..... ...... ...... . ........... ....... ...... ,.....,..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... .. ........ ... ... ....... ....... ....... "0 "'. . . ......., '" ... ....... ... . , ' 0" . '.:.:." .............. ... .. ... ..... . . ,. .. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . '.'..,','..,',', ..,.. ..',' , "".."'1 d T '::\, "::):, ",'/',::'::'"'" : : :)",,""" ssue 0: ... . ,.. .. Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 (80S) 326-3979 ... . . ..... .... . . ... '" .' . ..... .... . .., COUNTY OF KERN GENERAL SERVICE - JUSTICE BlOO 1215 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ........ . .... , .. . . . .. ... . .. . ...... ..... -4f:J ~- Ralph . Huey, H' terials Coordinator Valid from: 12-22-93 to: 12-22-98 .., 08/:~/94 _ 08: 53 MAINTENANCE: GENERAL SRVCS. BKLD 001 . , (J r"Y/(b-~4, j ~4~' (.';) (&'-J .~ 'COUNTY OF KERN GENERAL SE~VXCES DEPARTMBNT MA%NTENANÇ~ DXVXSXON 610 East 18th Street Bakersfield, CA. 93305 FACSIMIL.E COVER. PAGE: FAX NUMBER (805)321-5056 DA~E: g... l {P - q ~ TO: 13~¥EtL~~':;-I~ -:¡:.LaE. þEVî, A'lTENTION: ~Ou..)A(LÜ FAX NUMBER: ~.:2Co - Q57(P .gPt'Z.Þtrt..'t\O ús. M(+1"""Erl_IA.L S NUM8ER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: (ç MESSAGE/SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: SENDER:~n ~f)n..L1.JdA SENDER I S PHONE NIJ"M8ER: ~ lo I - ~ 4 l ( TRANSMITTED By:.J\(tvv\~~J..n TIME: C\'. G7 0 A.~· IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THIS TRANSMISSION OR NEED CONFIRMATION. PL~ASE CALL (805)861-2471 I [ . -. '~ t' 08/16/94 e 08: 53 A~rJ, MAINTENANCE: GENERAL SRVCS. BKLD , . e ' ~R..Mo..ND.Ò ' 002 .- INVOICE #YEOOOOl2 I UNbERGROUND, 'fkriit, *~~¡~fti!i~ ~ ¡NC~ . 91; WEST à~tt~V:tEW:ÀV:ß. PORTERvILrJÈ J í:íl;,:-=, 93257 .' ,...,.. ""', l-aoo"';244¡":I92~ l (.~::'~: ',. .' . TANK STATUS ~vÄig¡~fb~R~ÞORT ---..........----......~-1:.....~_' -:.;~!;.;:: ~i:;j,¡.12·l~)c'-.~ ....::_____. , , TEST DATE:. 04/16/94- I **~** CU$TQMER DATA ****~ :k,~iJ:** SI~E DATA ...~*:t* ~~~i GÊWBkAL SERVIC~S ,:,j,:,.,:,::,¡.:,.: "~I,.':'-~mON AVE. , .' ~J:.5 'i'L<'UÁ. . ',¡';" "too, ~riËRSF:rßLP, CA. !bßofi KERN GENERAL SERVIÇES 610 EAST 181tH STR~ET BAKER$:F' J:ELD , CA . 93304 " CONTACT; ORTEGA, LANCE PRONE: it: 805....861.-2471 b8~Tj.¡crr; OR'I'EGA; WCE Þ.HÔNÊ #: 805-861-2471 ,[ " ***~* COMMEN~. nINES..*** , ',' '"',, ," " , " ' : ;;{~~¡~~t;';~;iGhi¡"';' ,,~ '; , .' 1;';; '::, ~è;f,¡j;~~1~fèÞ:~"'; : , ," .' ',CURRENT 'EPh·!'S'.1\A.N ~DS:,~;DICTA~~:::'·;';';;:"·t:"..:~:~<, ;', . THAT FOR UND~GROUNP :FUEt TA1fK'S'\':f~'þ:åE;1¡¡~xJ:KüM{ÄLrlbWA:a:a ;I:;11:AJ\4;(;ÅÌliì.;AATE . OVE~,':¡,'I'HË': PERJ:OD ÓF¡f:ði~\~'!\::1iòûR ']S':::·!;'ò'5·:(¡!G]..tti¡.j~'ÖÑS~~fJ'~:':;~}: r. . *THESE' TES~S~t~~" PERFOM~D'::' ~stNG lim:' Ü$·r~~~;íf.r~R~b~L* " ,.'\:" ,.', " ';"', " t.rANK #1: DIESEL :FUEL 2 TYPE: STE:S!~ , RATE: ,~'Ol'4'03'8 ·G.P.H. GAIN' ' , . ':'1 ' TÅNK Is ~ë!áJ:T.ìli ~ ,. ", 't· " . .,..... . . . ,:J.,.;.... "','i::;;;;~.t , ',:.'{./:i:' .. ~..'::. ~;: ¡~;':¡~': ":':(:/? ":.\.' '. "\;!:{:,.r t:,.. .' " ',' , , OPERATOR: GEORGE YARBROUGH --....1n1l1f9a~~-~-- SIGNAT1JI~E ; :.~, . .,' . f .. " .. " . ~. )¡f~~~L DATE: ~:[~~K ~Ø'd 1~:Þ1 Þ56~-¿~-~d~ 0, .. '. : , . TANK DI~l!:t'ER (IN) '., ,.,1tENGTH). eFT) VOLUME' (GAL) TYPP: FUEL LEVEL (:IN) FU~L '1'¥PE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) CALIBRAT!ON ROD £:Ø'd ., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 08/16/9~., 08:54 *,ft* "'* 'I' TAN1<: NO. 1 45 12.10 1000 S'I' 35 DIESEL 2 '23 .52 ~. DIS~ANCE 10.6563 26.9531 41.9375 56.9375 74.9375 .0000 .0000 .0000 ·;,~ I~IÔ;II~.. MA I NTENANCE: GENERAL SRVCS. ,BKLD . 1'.f'....¡I~: {'I"~"'" ,. . e ','¡,..!;\<;¡~,:'i'¡}':':'~'" ," ,¡\~/ïV!HJ ,Irw, 'I . ,f', . J ""~:'~'f"~~ ,;Æ~~,\,. " Ä ~Ï~~~~1 ¡!,q/:fi I;t~ A '. ';':',~~~~~.~*,~. L~(\·.'rfi~I';'.f~\~ :' ~.~., . ',,' , ' "'''¡;:','''''\o(' ',', ,..'., . .:,,', ,,'II!:d!i:'l'ïh " '. , "j "'I"·';.L'ANK )¡Ö.; . .1l'A.NK"NO. :'}!~';H\:,'>:' .., 2 I ",' ': 3 i ' " . , . ".. '. " ' I' ,. .=~;~,:~,:""",\ . .·J'!;:t:(t,\(~i~:~::. . ::'.- . ". ,. " , . .. . :t. " ',' . . , '.' ~ I" . . "" '.:: '. :'~I ~ :., ... .. :.' " " '.' ¡/'.:~' ~ ~:," . ., .. , 003 TANK, NO 4 ~v: v~ v66 ~~·a~-·~dtj 08/16/944IÞ 08:54 . . " . .. ***._*~ C U S TOM' E JOB NUMBER t CU~TOMiœ (COMPANY N;A1'1E)' . : ,CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAS~, flRST)= ADORESS - ~¡NE 1 ; ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX~XXXX) PHONÈ NUMBER '(XXX)XXX~XXXX . .r,!~,I::JpN~: G.RL,~. R .. ri:i 'Ä I;tiè, :1'.******* :::':")i:;ì~,,<';~:.. ' . OOO,O'X:2~¡':'~full\';' , KÊRÑ~iGË:ÑE' , >", ,SERVICES ·O'·';îTi~o!G··!;¡:~~';~Tì~C' '+.; , , ~...rj Z'.1.I,i:,'I.t\,a^-N.[!,( . 6iiër~:&'\ST:' iaTH s~EÉT ..'~~".:¡~~~'~',',..;~; :""~:.: . :' '"...~I...·. ....",1,..1", : B~~;.,.~~·~F,IJf:lti), CA. ~ 93:.;¡0i4¡.." .¡i', ' : lä05~~ ~~:i:..t24Ï-¡i *****1(* COM M E .N 'I' 'Ì.~ 1: # E S ****11'*.;' ******* S, I T E SITE N'1t.ME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ,ADDRESS ~ LINE 1 ¡ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX~XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (:FT) NmœER OF TANKS' L~GTH OF PRE.;,TEST (HIN)" LENGTH OF TEST (KIN) " ~'. ~ 4., .~~.~"' ~l~..., '. Þ0'd D ·Å>:,~·A.:~.******* . ',i::~;:~~:':"::".¡,:,;;" . ' ; , . ',' <':"'; . ' : KÈAA;=;GENERALSERV-ICES',': oRTEGA; ~.::·LÂNcE , 1215>TRUXTON AVE. ',. ,.,,: ,. . ' . '. '. : . '.. .', ,', _ ' ,' .' . .'. : ~EäS'Fi!LDi CA~ . 114' : 93304"; , . , . r : 805";:861-2471. I o t ':.¡ BKLD , ' :,' ~ 1,' ;, :, ", ... : 3D, : 240':"" '.t '; , ",' ~" , . :~.L,~: ~:. '.. ;,.:;:...~~ :~:'" ' . .,.... .. '. :.~. ~ ~~ ·~t :.: '~::~,?/: /,: . .' ." '" .,.'.:',;{:'., '...' .' . . ,.... ..:.... . " , .... " , , . . I, . ".1 004 GÞ:Þ~ þ66t~¿Z-~d~ UNDERGROUND TANK''- TESTERS, INC. 917 West 1k!lleview, Porterville, CA 93257 1-800-244-192.1 .' TESTER 'LOG PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMANATION PtAOO FORMAT TBST LOCATION: 1< e;-¡\J G e N e." ,,? 5 e Y' cJ J . Co e s / ;;< /7'·· J J:j- (f .x: -r'u!\-/ ¡:).. tI c... , Bd'~e"r' F!&.·l¿ . em ?"3 304 ~£ t rrl/.", ~ ~~.(""'-/U1TL.__ 7t:J -/:;. J 7 <-".}.~ I J' f" c:' '/7j-/ IJro ~? ' TEST OPERATOP~ Date 4 ~/b-·'?:'-f·: ~ .r£. ,: ~CÞ;~ 11\ ë}v f-< u. .2 ];·'·~~.:·~:jr ... QJ" QI. -g .2 1-0 b au · ~~f·tl~:,:~~~~~~JJ~'· Reg. UJ'\lcl. ~ , .. .. r '" '- - -. í .. .. " -. i - t i ~, - , ., , .... ,- '-~""..' .....,:...- .. ..' '. - : ...: "" f-;~:.. ., _ LJnld. Pius .~ .; SupeJ: U.nlcL .. .. -- . . -. ....::-.- " - Diese1, :. I I u. ... - (II ..... ø: .~ .:J. I:; ..;J- . ,.r 2 r:: t::t.- , '"",. ,l" -. .-~' I'~: .of Cr'::¡~ '::~:7:;~ ()'~? .:J..:....; . '.".. ,....." ", ."". . '- ....~ ~~I~~~' . .-..- (µv.,~·'sièp#,' , " ':~'.:';..-': ~,:::~l?A : or 1M '13D GR I lSE .. 17 1)F ., " taF laD ~;.. ~ teak P1'te ..,. - t Fòr plus change, use - lS'f C\lculat[cn; ~ for mJUt3 c:han:ße. \1Se + - W-r, CY L{·~2J ;. J( , 1= ( ~) r<.ì52} 1:< 1J : Jiffi f _ : L : 3;a} I l~T 60 l5ö 18F 60 T1JJIe: or ~ of T~:: (D1~J Test (Dh1.de) Commen 1.9: (S) (S) Ul ~~ "1:: ~ ~ ~ .:J- '- " : 41;.'. 4J r;¡ ~ ~- (;¡ ~ l:... lSF .. OPTION OPTION 0P11CN .. . " <II . ~ t:: ~. @..I<I., ~~ci'~'~ -<C.J ,o!b1 .,., . .... r;:, ~~ ¿:'. .. v/' "' ¡' (S) CD '-. :.... (J\ .'-. \.D . (S) CD Ul .p.. -- - §., ;;~ j5 ···o.:;:z :.:..0"-" --' "-'m . ¡ 15 iz n m , fH I z m AJ ' '- ]) r (jJ AJ C n (jJ '. . .~.~: ~ tJ: ^ '- b : -./ Leak Di?~lor functioning properly Wii 08/16/94~ 08:55 . ", ;.!..~ " r à 'u".., I V"" "1'-~" ' ".c:::-.;··1,~,) __-'~- .. ""v- ... . MAINTENANCE: GENERAL SRVCS. BKLD ··..·..··TI'j." II..~I\..r;,,,.¡,..·.,~.\:: " . e-- ". ··"i·.."· :', J O!3 S r '¡-F:~t O,ç A:rr 0 ¡~, '." ')(', , ': ' . . .' . ~ ~ . . 006 ¥ Ü' I\. ~ " 1'1 (' q'., ~ d' ^<. -e."W-~.!;:JU.... &:; cr. ~ _ v J , I·, . _ill.;J.£ í ~ I,~LX ÎL.( ".J _nAY ~_ , ' .f5ø Ie. ~ .I' ( r, 1'1 <jL.J~.__3.,¿ ª t:J L{..... ~ .~ ., -~- f¡;;'" lft;H ~ OtJ<Jit(Jt't' l- I) 0 C /L.. , J ·,·....."ll...::. ---...-._~.-..,--~-_.. ..~._- l .> Î ~ (!, (' , " . . .. "'. .( ":"';0" " . "., .',' '!: '. '. ; ~ . ' ,,,::: " '. ,~ " ._._..._._..,.._~.,.~.~.._,,-,--_.:.). 'jn,L:~,~L-",._ ' I'} ,. "';' ./,;' ;." " I' I ..;' : I :': ,.~~I;F<: : '::, \ 'i' f JJ' it. II, '{ ( .1'.',',",' >. . . K"', "'\'~r:'," ," '. ¡,' , ". , ',:,', . ';. t '-" \'~...,~").:,,, " . ~. . .'- ,.. ,. '.. ~ ';' ; . .' .. , .- , .. '. . T.ANK ._",__ S! Z E'> .--............-. -..._...... . .......-...,- ..;,' ,/" /', " . / .,'. / ...-. PRo'!ì..UCI..,.,._._...~'-__'___...'..h...._~._..<O LliG~t{D I r:' 'fILL' .,.,..',.. :"TJ' D(' ~<;.. è.l ).,., .__ ................-.. ...\,.. ~-......._.....-- ,.' ,,' " " ,. ,../' ." " #'l So u- r ;, i,DOl? 1 'fURB I N F; ; ..:: ~·F ".:), 'f"- -- fill .....: 'f: .,~, ;: '..: . .' '...', .\' .. . T~kÐ~~~~W~TH iEAx DETECTOR . '.:' (;.':',1" ~.' ..'., f~. " " .~, #2 t3 :'~: r~'\ ":;'" .~., /:"'\ ,;.¡¡,,:: .'. ,( F; . . :'~ ~.1<.,~r·\':, !~, ': I..J , .', ."·<.~;.:,7;,:.:~·,:: . .: "':.~~J(':..~~~;..1:. . ~l.:';. .. ¡" ' .. , OV~R.S,P:~.LL,..;·,C.O~TAINER 'ON' FILL . .' 'V'·:'."~:~ .,.J !':.: " . ·;f..I,,'J r"'\ . :I i ~;'," '. .' ',: ,'7 " ~:~:~"~:':I'!';;"'''':''':: .:.';~;; t.~/ïi:~,:;~~!(.,' ,'I.," REMO,T-E\;:'F1LI)"¡:::: ;", .,. ..:.~\'.~:,r(.:..f; ·~,.·:....t:.:'~.L~I::'~~~¡ ":. . J~\JmJ?:;J i;!',":0' #4 ':', ::~:.'" ',:'" iÊ)' ,',' /:·;":::.¡;;·,.¡.!;:·;,,,,~'")11'\·''':;;''' , , ",',". . .... ,. ',.. . ;,;,:' ,: I ~ 'EXTRACT.OR'YA·LVE :~ ':'" . f ..." - ", :: ,:,. ", .', ":'-: "~'t . " , ~ MON:r;l'OR SY~'TEM --'--r-:=, ~ , -, 'II f' _.. .,,_...~ """"IIt'n...,.._ #5 #6 90'd, £ÞõÞ1 Þ66~~¿è-~d~ ., t P 390 214 233 ~ "0 ~ Receipt for ..~, , ~ Certified Mail _...:: ~~ ~":tU~~~c:o;~~:~:~i:~~~~~ .......SSMŒ (See Reverse) ..... ( ) ( ) .... Sent to CHIEF DARREL PERKINS, DIV. Street and No, SVC/MAINT KC GENERAL P,O., State and ZIP Code 610 E 18TH 5T Postage .3305 BAKERSFIELD. CA Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted 'Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ & Fees Postmark or Date G> c:: :J ""'I Ò o Q) ('I) E o u.. (/) STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE. CERTIFIEO MAIL FEE. AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES (see front!. 1. If you want this receipt postmarked. stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leeving the receipt atteched and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge), 2. If you do not want this receipt postmerked. stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address at the article. date. detach and retain the receipt. and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt. write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card. Form 3811. and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise. affix to back of article. Endorse tront of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee. or to an authorized agent of the eddressee. endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested. check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 105603·92·8-0226 "'"," ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0'1 0'1 Q) r:: ;: -, Ò 0 00 C") E 0 u. fJ) Il. ... e _ CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" August 15, 1994 J.... -.., " FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326·3911 Darrel Perkins, Division Chief Kern County General Services Maintenance 1215 Truxtun Ave., Diesel Generator Tank 61 0 E. 18th Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Mr. Perkins: NOTICE OF VIOLATION - SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE WARNING! THE PERMIT TO OPERATE YOUR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK(S) HAS EXPIRED AND WILL NOT BE REISSUED UNTIL YOUR STORAGE TANK(S) ARE BROUGHT INTO COMPLIANCE. Our records indicate that you have not performed an annual underground tank system tightness test in the last year. This annual tightness test was a condition of your previous permit to operate which has now expired as of June 30, 1994. Herein, you are granted, a conditional authorization to continue to operate your underground storage tank(s) for the next 30 days. During this interim, you must submit proof to this office that you have arranged for the tank system tightness test. A valid permit issued within the next 30 days by this office, to perform a tightness test at your underground tank site will satisfy the interim condition. If you do not respond to this notice within 30 days either by providing proof of an annual tightness test performed within the last year, or obtaining a permit now to do so, you will be required to cease underground tank operations until compliance is achieved. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call the Hazardous Materials Division immediately at 326-3979. Sincerely yours, . ~ /I J £div0/ ~ J (.¡.(µW) Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator -- - CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KEllY FIRE CHIEF October 20, 1994 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326·3911 K C GEN SERV - JUSTICE BLDG 1415 TRUXTUN '~L. I'; BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 I ~OJE9r Dear Business Owner: This notice serves as a reminder that owners of underground storage tanks must be registered with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit an Underground Storage Tank renewal application form, Forms A. Band C completed for each tank at this facility (forms included) and a state surcharge of $56.00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to complete and return these forms along with the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed -_ e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" January 30, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF WARNING! 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSAELD.93301 326-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED i:~ 1 :::!,_·øøø-øø 146;::.: i< C GEN SERV -- lidS TRUXTUN EiAI-ŒRSF I ELD, CA p..lS- 'T/W)t Tv,.,) JUSTICE BLDG Av. 93301 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the -2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate" box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). . If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm e . , -. . INVOICE #YE~00012 TEST DATE: 04/16/94 - -·f 1 UND~GROUND TANK' TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLíVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 1-800-244-:1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ---------------....- ~...--"""".....,......----- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** KERN GENERAL SERVICES 610 EAST laTH STREET KERN GENERAL SERVICES 1215 TRUXTON AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 CONTACT: ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE #: 805-861-2471 CONTACT: ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE I: 805-861-2471 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** ,.' CURRENT EPA ST,~DARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RA'l'E OVER THE PERIOD OF ONF.: HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. *THESE TESTS ARE PERFORKED USING THE OSTEST PROTOCOL* TANK #1: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: .014038 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. I OP~AATOR: GEORGE YARBROUGH SIGNATURE: ClIo _ U. L h,! DATE: u. -ít: ....¿¿-!t.. ---""UTTl.lf9(J:}13T---- ...!£i.Lr.;.~tJ..~-~~-- :l_J..~__ - è0'd 1Þ:Þ1 Þ661-¿è-~d~ '\ J '. . e ******* TANK NO. 1 TANK DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH: (FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) CALIBRATION ROD J £:0'd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 45 12.10 1000 ST DIESEL 2 23.52 . DISTANCE 10.6563 26.9531 41.9375 56.9375 74.9375 .0000 .0000 .0000 TANK DATA TANK NO. 2 35 e ******** TANK NO. 3 TANK. NO. 4 ,. 1V:Þ1 Þ661-¿G-~d~ e p' ******* c U S TOM E R e D A T A ******** - -·.10B NUMBER : 000012, ", CUSTOM~ (COMPANY NAME) : KERN QENERAL SERVICES CUSTOMER CONTACT (LAST, :FIRST): ORTEGA, LANCE ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 610EÄS~ 18TH STREET ADDRES#$ - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKÈRSFIEÌ.D, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93304 , PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : .805-861-2471 w***.*. COM MEN T ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX .;ROUND WATER LEVEL CFT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (HIN) LENGTH OF TEST (HIN) 170'd L I N E S ******* D A T A ******** · KERN GENERAL SERVICES · · ORTEGA, LANCE · 1215 TRUXTON AVE. · · : BAKERSFIELD, CA. · 93304 · · 805-861-2471 · · 0 · 1 · 30 · · 240 · . I ,,'" èÞ: 'V1 Þ661-¿.è-èJdC; UNDERGROUND 1À~.J.\)K TESTERS, INC. 917 West Belleview, Porterville, CA 93257 1-800-244-1921 TESTER LOG PIPING TIGI-ITNESS DETERMANA TION PlAOO FORMAT TEST LOCATION: 1< erN G eN ('~~q? 5 e r d /' C E?.s ' / it. / éJ lifl.J>C Tu AI A- V C!- . 3d' /?c.' r Fr'~ t¿ Ca, ? 3 30 '-I "ŒST OPERATOR: It.~ "!~ - . 11S...à . U1TI.. ~ilaiM' 'To -/ J> :ff 7 O~"lý '=' Y'H-t b,.Q ~f? ci. ~(l v ~ ~ ãJ I-< u ¡-. c: .. ~ id QlIII 4 / /-- l' J ~ ~ .... .... '1: Date - ~ ~ ï .S ~ ~ (':I ...J;> 1-<;> . " e '0 (l (l (l I!,' (l I/) :::; Q.I (l C!J(l .oJ ~ +' .... . (l ã: ::3 0 100 ... 1$ i"G I'] ~:g .... .-::3 ::: E..¥ ~ ¡:,::¡ J:::: ~ ~ .oJ ....cc .~ !l. _ v. ::IP.. oX oX oX .::I. ...ox (/;, ;gID II: (l fO - .= c ID:3 ~e '-It) m I'] 1\1 u:. .- 0·- ~ C!J ... (,/ >~ II: ~ <~ ¡-.Q .s~ itl: ;>0 ...J ...J ,.J ~ <-' ;:.. Diesel ç 15' (O 7 Dlrø7 ,olb1 ~ ~. ~ 17A ISO 01'1' ION OP'TION I>C 188 191) OI{ 17 IOF 13f JSr OI'TION .. .. .. 1BA t8E Reg. Unld. VoId, Plus Super Unld. User Insfmdions (rcvJJ) Sfep II Leak ~te ~ -1 For plus change,use - 18F Calculaticn: / For minus c:han3e, use + - Q) 1 .ç:';'/ Œ ø ] L C. 752) ; 'X .~ / ( f) (, iS2) T X' , f 3iffi f _: f 3ïaJ J lðr 60 168 18F 60 TIlne or Time of Test (Divide) TestCDhi.de) Comments: : Leak Detector functioning properly [¡;JA '.' 'ft- . ......., ," '~.J- ¡q.1)c-e " ~ " / A- '1.1-", I ¡) /..J ",... ~¡;~."'.J PLOT PLAN JOBSITE LOCATION Ke~N ~~^,pr&l.. 5cr"I)I(:;~Ç \ /;). ) S- ÎÂ- il )( iu N A. lie. FS~/.c.....I ( r, ,. I t"/ ~ q 3 :3 tJl.{ e r~;~ l 0( ~ 1't..H L. (JtI~-Pf~ ". r... .> í ~ ~ ( í ) ___a_..._.~___.·_-_··---r--·· ...._-_.~ 'I :' I ' I ~ I . j ! I I I ~ : ;. ~ I ,; jJ~, JI i¿;. ,':r' '{!' ' v I- . . t" t- I} 0 c. ~, . ~ ~ ,. J " I , , f ,f J Ii\ , I ' ' I , , " ' , ,.. , I' / / I / /1' " TANK / " LÉ'~END / SIZE PRODUCT ! ,"il ,#lS(:)u-'t-~ J. IJ 00 O,\eLl!-l ^ F FILL ~ TURBINE I --r , {ñJ TURBINE WITH LEAK #2 DETECTOR #3 ~ OVERS PILL CONTAINER ON FILL D REMOTE #4 IR¡ FILL ItS I~ EXTRACTOR VALVE - #6 Cill MONITOR SYSTEM 90'd ~ ... ~'_"'''T '" ,..'rMrn...... £Þ.Þ1 Þ66t-¿G-~d~ '" I e e --- INVOICE #YE000012 ì TEST DATE: 04/16/94 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST --------------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** KERN GENERAL SERVICES 610 EAST 18TH STREET KERN GENERAL SERVICES 610 EAST 18TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 BAKERSFIELD CA. 93304 CONTACT: ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE #: 805-861~2471 CONTACT: ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE #: 805-861-2471 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** í J CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. * THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL * TANK #1: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL SN: .22 TANK IS TIGHT. vtrrL 70'/7-)7 cr1 l r/_ _1_ . / DATE: __V_-_í_'_"_f'<Y -¿¿~~- vJERATOR: GEORGE YARBROUGH SIGNATURE: -------------------- è0'd ¿è:S1 Þ661-¿è-od~ e . . I~ ICE #YE000014 TEST DATE: 04/16/94 UNDERGROUND TANK 'rESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 1-800-244-1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT -------~-------~~-----~-~~--- ***** COSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** KERN GENERAL SERVICES 610 EAST 18TH STREET KERN GENERAL SERVICES 1415 TRUXTUN AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 CONTACT ~ ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE #: 805-861-2471 CONTACT: ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE #: 805-861-2471 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** TANK #2 HAS PERMANET DROP TUBE [ TESTED TROUGH. DROP TUBE ] CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. *THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL* TANK #1: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: .031360 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHt'. TANK #2: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: .006307 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. OPERATOR' ___:~«:f:~~~~_ SIc.;NATURE' ~_~____ DATE: '!.1~j'_~ 80'd 97:Þ1 Þ661-¿è-~d~ e e ******* T A N K D A T A *******. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. , .1. :2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 108 120 LENGTH (FT) 21.0.1. 34.04 VOLUME (GAL) 10000 20000 TYPE ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 90 115 FUEL TYPE DIESEL 2 DIESEL 2 dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 87.81 84.8089 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.6563 10.6563 2 26.9531 26.9531 3 41.9315 41.9375 4 56.9375 56.9375 5 74.9375 74.9'375 6 .0000 .0000 7 .0000 .0000 8 .0000 .0000 ;t.:::} 60'd SÞ:7t Þ66t-¿G-~d~ ....:. e e I I .. I ******* C U S T o M E R DATA ******** 000014 : KERN GENERAL SERVICES FIRST): ORTEGA, LANCE 610 EAST 18TH STREET 10B NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : BAKERSFIELD, CA. : 93304 : 805-861-2471 ******. COM MEN T L I N E S *****.. TANK #2 HAS PERMANET DROP TUBE [ TESTED TROUGH DROP TUBE ] ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX \ , GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (HIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) Ø'j:'d D A T A ******** : KERN GENERAL SERVICES : ORTEGA, LANCE : 1415 TRUXTUN AVE. : BAKERSFIELD, CA. : 93304 : 805-861-2471 o : 2 : .. 30 : 240 ~~.I SÞ:Þ'j: Þ66'j:-¿G-~d~ .~ I . .'. . . "~I···. . "~ ..:: . ,.. ¡.. ... ,;'"'¡ IlL . . \ H. UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 West Be11eview, Porterville, CA 93257 1-800-244-1921 D '"U ;u I f\) -.J I .... úJ úJ ~ TESTER LOG I< e."N Ge AJ I!" 11~ ¿,' 5a. t cJ/ t:. e t 14 I f" Tit- u x. T 1.1 N I}..V¡? ß c()v..P;E" p" ~ L..{ ~ I ? 330 4- ~. r'~ 1-' '~'~---Y'L ~. W UITL. ~ t::{O"';'/'J... ~7 Gee>~,. e ~'¡J'bt'I?~" "- .... ~ ~ (J) PIPING TIGHfNESS DETERMANATION PL400 FORMAT TEST LOCATION: e TEST OPERATOR: Jate H -I b - er If Reg. Unld. Unld. Plus ej(',oc~ Supertttud. 0,".,...( r"*', f)'.) v Diesel User Instructions (rev.D) Step # W' Raæ ó.. EG> <J V f-Ic 1lI'~ .6 ~ ..J:> Ii. ~1lI ¡""V 100 c::: ~~ .....J: ~ I! ¡....> "8 CJ tJ <J (! Q.o ] s:: CJ OJ ~ .... ...- .. t3Jœ 0 I- a.. III V t'3 1\1 Ç 1\1 :¡ _::I ;$ E,g ~ ¡:G ~ ~ ~ ~.g Ie cc v;. íiì~ ;;1c.. ~ ~ ..I/: ~ a..~ 11), .= 0 ....S .- æ cOJ õ·~· œ r. "' I'J QJ~ ¡a .- ~Q ~a:: u::t Q.o ~. :;¡ G( ~j (.J ~;¿: ....t::- :>0 ,..J .... ..J .... ~ µ. ./ / I" ~ (5 t~ ..J+ oq) ,,0°9.'> _ . ù t-"'" L.$ IJ '7 ~, olt17 .....o(b'? ? 17A 180 OPTION or 188 lBD OR 17 18F 18F 18F OPTION OI"f10N 16A 18B ... ... .. '.' Comment!!: For plus change. use - tar Calculatlcn: ,-:;: For I1IÚ1US change, use ... {t)~' G) = -1.[<,-;'52) t x ;l±~( f) f(.i52) ::c lJ f 3ïff¡ l _ ¡ l I 37f.6 laF 60 laB 18~ 60 nme or ' 'l'Gœ"" of Test (Dtvide) Test<D1\1.de) '"U .... .... , .-... Leak Delector f1U1ctioning properly æA e . ......--..---........., ..~-... .. .'M ~ii~"'" ·.:~·~·:II'....~.r.',..:'~ .... ""1.",..,. î' ,.. PLOT PLAN JOBSITE 1.0CATION ~ j x V I ~ H ~ I l- I CJrr I I $ í t1... -f ( I I r I I M ArM ¡µII-Y i I I ! I I , , I ' .to oft k et IV r; f:'N -e"",t s (!., to VI' c. t!!.5 LII/~ 744)(. T/.I,~ Ii V c:.. !5,,/c.t2,Þ{ fi' c. ftÞ ClI!. 9:.3.3 0 L{ j) If- r k. " r-'l 1 "of. . f.. r If 4-11' ( GI/- ,.'~ c :;::1' ' \ ,ÇA tJ..t- c ... , ... TANK SIZE PRODUCT LE GEND #1 We4 r' t;) ,I P a!_& À F FILL ~ TURBINE 10.000 ~ , # 2 ~J4.. f,-r /-.0" ",., roo? D.' ~ S I'.f-. J.. @ TURBINE WITH LEAK DETECTOR #3 rB OVERSPILL CONTAINER ON FILL f::\ . REMOTE FILL #... \ IiI #5 I~ EXTRACTOR VALVE - #6 J!J MONITOR SYSTEM · e i II aCE #YE000014 TE:ST DATE: 04/16/94 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, ~\ 93257 1-800-244-1921 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST -------~~------~-~~-------~~----- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** i KERN GENERAL SERVICES 610 EAST 18TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 KERN GENERAL SERVICES 1415 TRUXTUN AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 CONTACT: ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE #: 805-861-2471 CONTACT: ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE #: 805-861-2471 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** TANK #2 HAS PERMANET DROP TUBE [ TESTED TROUGH DROP TUBE ] ) CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD of ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. *THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL* TANK #1: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL SN: .04 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL TANK IS TIGHT. SN: -.09 OPERAroR, __~:~~t¡~~~~3~:~__- SIGNATURE' ~_~______ DATE: Y~:f~ £1'd ¿v:Þ1 Þ66t-¿G-~d~ ".: r·· ... TANK DIAMETER. (IN) LENGTH (FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) CALIBRATION ROD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ) t7T 'd . ******* TANI( NO. 1 108 21.01 10000 ST DIESEL 2 87.87 DISTANCE 10.6563 26.9531 41.9375 56..9375 74.9375 .0000 .0000 .0000 ~ A N K D A T A, TANK NO. 2 120 34.04 20000 ST 90 115 DIESEL 2 84.809 10.6563 26.9531 41.9375 56.9375 74.9375 .0000 .0000 .0000 .- ******** TANK NO. 3 TANK NO. 4 ¿Þ:t7T t766T-¿è-~d~ .-- '. . ------- . ******* c U S TOM E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : "I CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 : ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX 000014 KERN GENERAL SERVICES ORTEGA, LANCE 610 EAST 18TH STREET : BAKERSFIELD, CA. : 93304 : 805-861-24-71 ******* COM KEN T L I N E S ******* , / TANK #2 HAS PERMANET DROP TUBE [ TESTED TROUGH DROP TUBE 1 ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) 'SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ') GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (KIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) st 'd D A T A ******** · KERN GENERAL SERVICES · · ORTEGA, LANCE · .. 1415 'l'RUXTUN AVE. · · BAKERSFIELD, CA. · · 93304 · .. 805-861-2471 · · 0 · · 2 · 30 · 240 · " 8v:vt v66t-¿G-~d~ {1' :',,' '1'..'" - ::;. ~ ..¡¿e. '"- , . .,. . ~;A~~~:~~] By _ _ _~ TEST DATE: 04/16/94 ~ -- :; INVOICE #YE000012 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 1-800-244-1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ----------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** KERN GENERAL SERVICES 610 EAST 18TH STREET KERN GENERAL SERVICES 1215 TRUXTON AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 CONTACT: ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE #: 805-861-2471 CONTACT: ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE #: 805-861-2471 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THA1' FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. *THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL* TANK #1: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: .014038 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. GEORGE YARBROUGH 9.; OPERATOR: _~-_-UTTI~~l23Z---- SIGNATURE: {~_~___ DATE: Y-jþ_~S( ~~ ..-' ? r .~ - TANK DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH (FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) CALIBRATION ROD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 e ******* TANK NO. 1 45 12.10 1000 ST DIESEL 2 23.52 DISTANCE 10.6563 26.9531 41.9375 56.9375 74.9375 .0000 .0000 .0000 ,¡ TANK DATA TANK NO. 2 35 - ******** TANK NO. 3 TANK NO. 4 .... e e .F" '\ ******* C U S TOM E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 : ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 000012 KERN GENERAL SERVICES ORTEGA, LANCE 610 EAST 18TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 805-861-2471 ******* COM MEN T L I N E S ******* ******* SIT E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) · KERN GENERAL SERVICES · SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ORTEGA, LANCE ADDRESS - LINE 1 1215 TRUXTON AVE. ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) · 93304 · PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX · 805-861-2471 · GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) · 0 · NUMBER OF TANKS 1 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) · 30 · LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) · 240 · .". .... .', ' .--.. 1 0 tf) W :I: Ü ~ 5 ~ o o . ....... -' 0 ~ -' z w -5 ø z -< ::I: c..> -10 e e 1'5' CURRE"T TI"E:13:45:88:88 TANK 1 START TI"E:12:45:88:88 -,88816 ,88868 EAK RATE: .81484 GPH GAl" PTALL, UERSIOH 3,88 -15 o YE888812,TST,2 3Q 60 TIME (MINUTES) 90 120 84/16/94 Cr: - Date UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 West Belleview, Porterville, CA 93257 1-800-244-1921 .' TESTER LOG ..~ < -...... PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMANATION PL400 FORMAT ~~ ; I TEST LOCATION: 1< e ti'ï\J G eN r- ç'(jl [ / ;( /1:] 14 (~ X Î (J AI ßtJ!?,.-.,'t" f-¡rl/ Cø (f .,// I ¡" .):( l_Æ m-~ ( !. b.: ~~_ , ~/t. .~..t" ,_."?/,,~ - Ð~NNJS;Ê~,"Ò0@Ð~- /UTTL. #9Q;o}Ø()() '7 tJ - / }1 § 7 (-,' '/ 'I (,¡;' I' t.:f?' t... .:--:( . I ~". ( £7 r i " Se V't/f('" P ~ ¡q. )/ c.. . ? 330LI TEST OPERATOR: 4 - I b ~ tí' II Ii. E Q) Q) U ~¡:; (0 Q)'" ¡:; I-< .... (0 ...J> Ii. E Q) Q) ~u I-< ¡:; Q) (0 .... ... (/J I-< Q) (0 ~> "'0 Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) (/J ¡:; Q) Q) Q) Q) .... .... .... .... Q).... .E 0 I-< I-< (0 (0 <I: (0 è.()(O .... -==' ==' E.$ r:t: ~ ~ r:t: (O~ ~.g .... t;~ (0 (/J _ (/J =='''- .:.: .:.: .:.: .:.: 1-<.:.: (/J ... (/J (0 (/J n:: Q) (0 - .:: 0 .~ Q,.I ¡:; Q) -(/J ro ro (0 (/J & Q) ==' 0·.. Q) Q) Q) Q) ;> Q) (0 -<~ ~o ¡:; I-< æ~ >0 ...J ...J ...J ...J <...J ~ -~ e ,. . I.eqk Rate ":' Reg. Unld. b ,S' 10 7 D,(-1 Dlb~l ¡// ,. ... 17A 18D OPTION OPTION OPTION or 18B 18D OR 17 18F 18F 18F .. .. .. 18A 18E Unld. Plus Super Unld. Diesel User Instructions (rev.D) Step # For plus change. use - ISF Calculaticn: ../ For minus change. use + - Q) ~// a> = -1 LC.i52) ; .x : l/< t) ~.i52) ¡ x 'J f ~1ìC6 f _ J l f 3Æ6 f lôF 60 188 18F 60 Time or 1'Iir.C" of Test (Divide) TestCDh1.de) Comments: Leak Detector functioning properly (ij7 ~ "'-- ~------ -- ..,' ~ \ r ~\.. . , \ . ~ It!.. \.IX T¡)AI e r'~ V e.. PLOT PLAN JOBSITE LOCATION e )I r':i.-·"Þ";'~ I ¡ ( I ~ I ) :..- ~ I , , / '1 1\ I (' ! e' I -r /(eI'N I~ I. ., t'? /'0.( (.,0 rf (jI f, 5 t" rI' Ii ,. C e ç v-h-¡ ø I 1;;<. I ,. i Â-ll X ìu N rJ.. Ve. ,'; !"'¡~ _:- /'.. )" It: " ,I ( I . r) if é ___"> - '9 3 :.3 fJ¡U ~;;~~IT "," J ~ !ir/J,' ,I,. ~;:IL -?QLrJ I I . J Qj , I~ I ! ¡ j I J ----...---,-- I L 1 ... -.-' -_.- ·--·---"\l., ¿ ~, " \ .---",. ' L--·- I ./ " 'J î ¡ 1" I TANK SIZE I PRODUCT LEGEND # 15" 1.1. 't- ,11 J,r>OO D,'et,.¡pl F FILL ,-;¡;r TURBINE ;i\ ~ #2 @ TURBINE WITH LEAK DETECTOR #3 ~ OVERS PILL CONTAINER ON FILL , f::\ #4 IR) REMOTE FILL #5 I~ EXTRACTOR VALVE I M I MONITOR SYSTEM #6 ~ #7 r--1 MANIFOLD SYSTEM ~ ~~._- -~ '. w ( '~.~ .... ~. ,. ~-- ~~,.. e e INVOICE #YE000012 TEST DATE: 04/16/94 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 1-800-244-1921 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST ---------------------------~----- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** KERN GENERAL SERVICES 610 EAST 18TH STREET KERN GENERAL SERVICES 1215 TRUXTON AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 CONTACT: ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE #: 805-861-2471 CONTACT: ORTEGA, LANCE PHONE #: 805-861-2471 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. *THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL* TANK #1: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL SN: .22 TANK IS TIGHT. OPERATOR: -~~=I1Y~~!~~~Ç!:L- SIGNATURE: ~~___DATE: _'i:::f!5!( it':'- .:::: "-'Ç ~~),~, .. .~ .-rp . "'\ I e ., ******* e TAN K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 45 LENGTH (FT) 12.10 VOLUME (GAL) 1000 TYPE ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 35 FUEL TYPE DIESEL 2 dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 23.52 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.6563 2 26.9531 3 41.9375 4 56.9375 5 74.9375 6 .0000 7 .0000 8 .0000 TANK NO. 3 TANK NO. 4 ~- ~ A,,'>to· .. -1"."',"", ·'f~ TANK 1 '"'" 0 ~ a::: I..LJ 2.0 (/) 0 z 0 I- --' -< z () - tf) 1.0 "-" 0 8M: or- t') 9 PEAK 8M: e .22 8.71 " e Cr: TI"E -- 13:52:58 .0 50 YE888812.S0M ,/ì 1 n 31 2 UTA, UERSION 1.88 'vI' V 500 5000 FREQUENCY (HZ~ 50000 84/16/94 ·e e -"9\ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 1715 CHESTER AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST FACILITY ,:{ .I/w . o'!U?JuI-f. ~~RESS /:J./ '" 001- I "/ /.;- ::)~ ~ PERMIT TO OPERATE -#:' / ~()O :7.. ~ C. OPERATORS NAME ¡{.""~ ~'"'1 OWNERS NAME ÄQA<' , NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED ~i IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED . TANK¡ : I :2 ,? VOLUME I (~ rtJ(OO I{£) Oct) 0 .~{(}' / I!? a? 0 , CONTENTS cJ . , 11 JU~ ~;::~ ~ TEST METHOD I ~::s. ~ NAME OF TESTER ~ ~FICATION # STATE REGISTRATION -#: c:; 0 0J:;¿ _ ~ 7 --¡:-ADDRESS q¡ 7 t'./I), ~d,-,-~ ~~~~ C'tdý TANK TESTING COMPANY DATE & TIME TEST I S TO BE CONDUCTED ~ - / b -? Y' - /0 /1#/ '1~ -- · -1'- 22--9'£/ DATE cO~ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT " ',j.... ' . BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMEI e~-;y - C:l\!::'Iy HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 ADDRESSI;(J5~X7VN k. i5Á-KHS,q~ '93::Ö').~~}:' , ,'..:i:,~~/~i~i:: APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST .. , " , FACILITY~~{)N7?b~,Q1{...~¡¿0t6::f , , . PERMIT TO OPERATE #)t, 0028 G OPERATORS NAME ~N au"-'7Y C S'. NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED I OWNERS NAME k~ CtJo/V7¥ IS PIPING GOING TO' BE TESTED~ -.... ;. ". TANKf J VOLUME /000 CONTENTS -:])J ~Gi- TANK TESTING COMPANY BIZocK.wrtK/S ADDRESBó?o/~ S. O"uJoA.J Av6 .;.:JI)o3 ____~ 'AA' , Q:3_301 ,TEST METHOD..J.B'61' ~Á S JON ~T rl.G7Jlo7) , NAME OF TESTER.£8~T 6Æ'o~""~ -CERTIFICATION" Q;2.-)25/ STATE REGISTRATION # .Æ/or VGr ,sOhi-GDA"G-Ò - t-VJt-L.. $f,I/SG DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED ~4-'Ig }fov~J ¡:J~/oR 7Z> 7ES-r ,{a~;J~ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT - / J - /2- 9':J DATE : ...., .. . .",.. , : ,'., ~ ¡ >:~~~." '; . ':..1 .. :~~}.:: . _~{i··l:~: ::_;:.~;;::>(,: ... . '". .". . ::~.. ",:-:... . ',-" , , . c 'f'.:. -. . , .~' . : ,;""'1;1 IBEX -'CiSion Tank T. " BROCKWAY'S (805) 834-1146 2014 S. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 .~~- -~'. Performed for: Test Location: K.C. General Services 1215 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA Test Identification Test Date Start Data Collection Ending Test Period Time Filled for Test 1271-1 12-09-1992 10:06:40 12:28:20 + 48 hrs Tank Data TANK ID. Volume Depth Bury Groundwater Tank ,Type Test Fluid :Stnd-By Gen. : 1000 :36 :> 15 FT :1 Wall Steel : DIESEL CONTENTS Diameter Product level Pump Type Water in Tank Vapor Recovery : DIESEL. :45 :59 :Suction :0 :N/A ** Test Report ** Average Rate of Change is based on 235 Data Points Standard Deviation ............. .0018 Gallons .. - Volume change of Tank Contents - Net Volume * (60 min/Test Time) -.0051 Gal. * (60/ 61.31 min.) = -.0049 Gph. - Volume change due to Temperature - Avg. Temp. * Volume * Coef. of Expn. * (60 min./ Test Time) -.0596 Deg.F * 1000 Gal. * 0.00040 * 60/ 61.31 = -.0233 Gph. Net change = Level Volume - Temperature Volume NET CHANGE 0.0184 GPH. Based on the Information provided and the Data Collected This TANK & SYSTEM LINES Test has...... PASSED Certified Tester: Robert Brockman # 92-125';W ~ This Test meets all U.S.EPA and NFPA requirements. . ~. ~: ! ; .' :, I I ";. ~ . ';";.); ;',!.' " ' ',",. , ····_·····~·IIIII.III~I"g~.~~I~~r············.····,..~.r·····~.1 I ~(.;:;,~{~t~{fSLt'_·'" ..: ~"? '''VÞ" ·:·,'~::';::~t:~,~~~,;\:,~~~Ž:·d~t~i ;':~¿f!ktt%~ :.-::.<-.>.."..".,..' .,' 'an '" Y"" en, '''''1'' ·an';,·-·,·" ,'^......,-.,..'. .....'",' ....,.........,.-, ~~~¿;~~t~;:~:j~ . .::..~~.: . . ::~~?~_. /~L~.". ~ I :.;:<~ .... ._~ ~~~~:¿,.~~ '~;.~~2>~-.:~:·,t:J:.;:·~~'·:r~ ~~:;~~ '7..~.~·:;~;:·~;~~Æ·;i ~~:. ·;;'";.~'~····--f "'Q "".."..·t "J r.;""·~DI ES ED""'''''''''''' , ,'".,£,,'" ..,.,... ''', .~,..,..'"'" <,.,.,..,,{.. . ' "'t¿tw"}'t~T~~·t·~ßà't~12;;Ø9"":iff¿~t~I~;r:~f,Þ~~"\ Length (Min.) 61.31 Level_P~ecision .99993 TeMp. P~ecision.99998 . 5 gal. Level - -.9949 Gph. NET CHANGE -9.9184 G~h. -) 9 .......-.....-......-..........-........-.............·~··r·~··.' I Test Level I: " Ue~tical Scale 1 : .91 gal. S gal. 61.3 Min. ---- .....- .. ~. l' , ( ~ \~ ''10 \.... ..... . .- ~ DiaMete~ Liquid Level G~ound Wate~ -- -........ ..\ ". 59 9 ,I I' .' .i' .' ..... -. --- . 5 gal. .25 Net C}1ange Gal. 9 ..~..._...~.jllll.IIIII..g~.jl~a.............................~.wi I ,". . . . ~'-. . ~'" ", .. . ' ';'.-. ',' .' . Precision Tank Te!t IBEX 2014 S. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 (805) 834-1146 , " t:;:L;\{!{i2:.., 'c¡:'j"~.:r:~rf 0 rmed for: ~ì~~~,Location: K.C. General Services 1415 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA /7~-13 fu : ,;\:\~:\:r,;r.~~t Identification 1271a'-1 !:;ji~~~:':!;~~~~~' Date 12-09-1992 ''-;{¿;(,;;¡);J>tirt Data Collection 12: 50 :42 _,"_,,",1/"-'1 -, .-".. !.j . . :",:L:";;:::~H4ing Test period 15:22:55 ';;;>i~:'L:;:/1i~e Filled for Test + 48 Hrs Tank Data :Stnd-ByGen. :20000 "(;¡¡~;"O¡("\.:.;;",:·.D,epth Bury : 36 '*~¡i ¡!j~\~~;-!~;:r ~iI::~~Steel -};/'i''::'" ,. ',"_: \~: . ,: CONTENTS Diameter Product level Pump Type Water in Tank Vapor Recovery :DIESEL :120 :128 , : Suction :0 :N/A ".,>i..... ** ,Test Report ** i~~l1t!!f!¡f[:~::~::::::~:::::~~~~:~:::~:n~o~~~~:~~o::ints !?;;2':i.:f~'Net':Volume * (60 min/Test Time) ;·:f\~fÚY 3129 Gal * (.60/ 61. 32 min,) = .3062 Gph. n)\~i~i~;~¡lume ~hange due to Temperature - :·~{~::·;;;:"A.:vg~'·Temp. * Volume * Coef. of Expn. * (60 min./ 'l'est Time) ;:;:;:Fl::o~.Q315 Deg.F * 20000 Gal. * 0.00043 * 60/ 61.32 = 0.2699 Gph. .:;';, t<>~?:;·: : ;"::~ t.i¡~~,~~\; ;\:", . {~~~":¡I¡ífi~~~hM~::::~ Volume Temperature v:u.m: 3 6 3 GPH. r:·:.< ',~: ..f·,;,.;; :.'"- ·':.Wi:/,.. I !\f!:~~;:~'hr!:Ba~ed on the Information provided and the Data Collected ,~;.h~;:,:~\:,:Fr . ,'\ :,,! : ~_!". , - . . . :;'-";)::i:;;~'.;:,ThlS Tank & Flttmgs Test has. ..... PASSED ~;n:~;:~;;tW;·r./¡;r.<' , .. ~;¡~mb~:~[rfied Tester : Rohert BrockmM # 92-l25~~ ;;;"i'....,~:,:{.\:{::~.ì':.Thii(;Test meets all U.S.EPA and NFPA requirements. ~..,';.r~lt,:,i""~t.;.,.:o~ ..r..;!:.".:.~ "'"",' . ~;~(~~E~,.'~~~·:(" ~,,",. .. "r';' n. .' "... ,i~:~;~;it~~ )~~~::::, ",,:'.. ;. ", , , '. . -..:, .'.J . '. ;: ¡: ',,' ¡ ",.J,"" " , , . 5, gal. ' NET CHANGE : 0.0363 G~hl I, . . Test Level -} - * . 5 gal., .25 . Ueftical Scale 1 : .91 gal. I 5 gal I . 61.3 Min. , -- - ---- --. .... ...... ,..-r .... ~ , , ~ I \ , \ (f DiaMetef 120 \) ",' Liquid Level 128 ' Gfound Wate~ 9' , \, - ;' , .I ' , ',~ , ~~ - ~ .. . . --- ---- - - Net· C}lange Gal. . 111 \,~~i,~J~I~i~.~U'~I.l~w~j~~J~LI'JwJ¡~'~~i".~~~¡~¡U~i~jJI.\~.~~..w I , " ....-:... ".= - , ' , ... . r..·_·.··· . . .', -, .' . .' ,.- ~. ,. " . . , , . ~ . ., ,:". - , , , . .'.- -" - '." . · -, .,..~.-......-~,... -- .........." . <'- , ~~ e . (0Y TANKPACXLXTY ANNUAL REPORT 1<64J ~ Pacil1ty ~~~ ~LJII\.J~ 1. Peril! t .16~c..Month/Vr. 1 have not done any .ajor cations to this facHi ty during the last 12 months. ' JIM HINDMAN, Supv Mech If Signature /, eneral SefYlceSO GnraQe Diviaior. . Note: All lIajor .0d1ficati s require a Per. it to Construct from the Peralttlng Autho lty. bh 2- 2. I have done aajor lIod1fications for which I obtained Perait(s) to Construct froa Peraitting Authority Sipature Per.it to Construct . 3. Repair and Maintenance Suaaary Date Attach a suaaary of all: -- Routine and required maintenance done to this facility I stank, piping. and .onitoring equip.ent. -- Repair of submerged pu.ps or suction pumps. -- Replaceaent of flow-restricting leak detectors with same. -- Repair/replace.ent of dispensers, lIeters, or nozzle~. -- Repair of electronic leak detection. components. or replace.ent with __e. -- Installation of ball float valves. -- Installation or repair of vapor recovery/vent linea. Include the date ot each repair or aaintenance activity. NOTE: All repairs or replacements in response to a leak require a Per.it to Construct froll the Peraittii1g Authority as do all other .odifications to tanks, piping or monitoring equipment not listed here. 4. Puel Chances - Allowed for Motor Vehicle Puel tanks Only. List aU fuel storage chances in tanks. noting: Date(8). tank nu.ber(s), new fuel(s) stored. 5. Inventory control aonitoring i8 required for this facility on the per.it to Operate, and I have!21 exceeded any reportable Ii.its as listed in the appropriate inventory control aonitoring handbook durinc the laat twelve .onths (if not applicable, disregard). Signature 8. Trend Analysis Suaaary Please attach Annual Trend Analysis Suaaary for the last 12 periods. 7. Meter Calibration Check Por. Please attach current, co.pleted Meter Calibration Check Por. (11; I ;I/:#~. ·5eC. ?t'i3 / //r/?~tf 7: 16 / ~/~ 2.-3 /J J./J f D/0s......VÞî.3 A/k.25' ~ I'~ ~/JóYA/l4 éod.€?f Æ~~S q/ U~~~ /Vd/ ~~c--~ /~d:? ~/~P--"7 'f5 #--/~,ð-~ ~ ~e~Gê' 7//?v'¿ /~~c-~ ~ //?/4ê/~ . I/U c2CCc/r:~~ ~?/,( .-!rI/c ;Z~- ~~t/ ^,- e . ANNUAL TREND ANALYSZS SUMMARY TANK , o TIME PERIOD:'7~~qJ QUARTER 1 PERIOD 1: PERIOD 2: PERIOD 3: QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: PERIOD 5: PERIOD 6: QUARTER 3 PERIOD 7: PERIOD 8: PERIOD 9: Sipature TIME PERIOD: 1/iJ'91 , Total Minuses Thr~ Period (Line 3) / Action Number f~r this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) TIME PERIOD: ,o~;l91 to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line to ,,1Z,J72- ø¡ )2,'/9 J . to I ~J'-t/? / , , TIME PERIOD: 1'-/YJ/9( to ..:i)Zt,J'7_ .. , , Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Nuaber for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) is a t~e and accurate report. JIM' NDMAN, Supv, Mach Ii. \1eÐGfa.1 Services. Garage Division -,,~,-. to '/z/'Z- QUARTER 4 TIME PERIOD: .~ 13, /9 J I I PERIOD 10: Total Minuses Tnis Period (Line 3) Action Nuaber for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuse. This Period (Line 3) Action Nuaber for this Period (Line 4) ,.. PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Nuaber for this Period (Line 4) Date ,J:;. 9/'72.- , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, ". ~ * * QUARTERLY MODIFIED ~NVENTORY CONTROL SHEET * * !i8 ~ i.tJ, t.£ tL."'.... If PERMI T # - ¿OO2. TANK# CAPACITY I. 000 _SUBSTANCE STORED.J ,EsøL --2UARTER/YEAR_ - - = 1 I I I I I 91 10 I - COL. 11. COL. 2 COL. 3,COL. 4,COL. 5, COL. 6 COL. 7,COL. SICOL. COL. COL. 11 I I - TEST I WE WATER I 2ND 1ST' INCH I 2ND 1ST VOLUME CUMULATIVE _WEEK J.§ IU' LEVEL GAUGE -GAUGE = CHANGEIVOLUME~VOLUME =CHANGE~SUBTOTAL~ CHANGE - . .L TIM] INCHES INCHES , INCHES INCHES 1 GALLONS 1 GALLONS GALLONS 1 GALLONS 1 GALLONS - - - 1 I D, E/HI ~ I ø I Sí~ I S-I Cf (j) I 0 I ç I I TO ..2.-'3 I ~ I I I I I - - .l-º: 'E/HI I - 1 1 - 1 ~ --' 2 I D,E/HI I I I I rj; I I I TO ø ;2-3 I ~Š ø I $/7' I ~/~ ¢ I I ÇI I 1-;- .l-º: 'E/HJ I - 1 1 - L ¡ ..J I D, E/HI ;L. -S 1/ ~ !á I I I I I 1- TO t 2:;¿3/{ I $" ~Jo I S/~ Jlf I ø I It/ I - - .m 'E/HI L 1 L - L ~ ..J 4 I D. E/HI P' ~/~ I I I I I I I TO ).. ;;.. ~ Æ I 5'ðS I 50~ I P I I ~ I / 'I. I .m 'EIHI ,~ 1 1 1 1 I ..J - - - 5 'In 'E/HI I ø I I I I . . I I I TO ø ;;¿~ I I I L( 91 I !L I ' .. I I J-;).... ~c:Y\ J!:L . I <f J.!! 'E/HJ I 1 1 1 1 ¡ ..J - - - 6 In 'E/HI ¢ I I I I ø I I I I '1'0"-, ),,;;1.. ~'2-1 ~ I '-/1' J I t/7/ I I Ii I I if· I J.!! 'E/IÌJ 1 1 L 1 i ..J - - ~~.- - - - - 7 In 'E/ß] I I ,L?( I (þ I I 1£./ I I TO I> ~"J- ~^ ø I t/-7! I I I /4: I I - - J1! 'E/HJ . , f - 1 1 L - L i ..J a I n 'E!ß] I I I I I I ~- - I TO cp )..2- ' ;î¿; t$ I "" ¡ I ct, , I 9' I 1t.J I i. f'··· I J1! 'E/H 1 1 1 1 , ..J - - 9 I D, 'E/H I I I I I I ; ,.i:--t'; I TO, !l ~'- ~?-- ø I 1''1/ I t/'f / I P I /'J I /~ I . - : ~.', i:. ¡ ~ 1-º 'ElK - 1 1 1 - 1 - I 10 ID 'E/ÌI ¡t - I I I I I '1 TO ;;...~ ;J-;;'" I ø I q~1 J '-/9/. t cjJ I ~ /'1 I - J1! 'E/H - I - 1 L - 11 I D 'ElK J-J Yý L I ~ I I I rp I TO ¢ ~(7¥ I I t/Bcj I t/ec¡ I /¿j !.1 ...ill 'E/H L L 1 - - - - 12 I D 'ElK r) ;¿r 1;J.- I ' I I ø I I I r.:Þ I TO I ;U';LI I '-177 I Y77 I Ii.. It{ - ...ill ~E/H - - L _ L - - 13 I D ~E/B ø 2 I /'-1 ;;¿tl{¡ () t!6C¡ I ~6e¡ I ç a5 I TO I I )'-/ ~ ~E/H - ,- FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING REPORTINGSÙMMARV APPLICABLE 'TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE (CHECK ONE ONLY) UARTERLY SUMMARV IS REPORT TO T~ . PERMITTING AUTHORITY .-... - . - A. ;TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR ·LESS CAPACITY HAS -Ä'-VOLtJMECHANGE OF +/- 25 GALLONS OR MORE ',-' , ,c'".. ---B.- ~'TANK OF ·1001 ·T05000 GALLONS CAPACITY -HAS:A:' VOLÛME;CMNGE OF +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE :-.::. _..~~:: ~"--":. C. :TANK OF OVER,5000 GALLONS CAPACITV HAS A YOLU~E CHAN.G.t:,JCOL , _. -.:+ / -50GALLONSORMORE : -, ..,:~- -, -_.; " :..--'" ~:'::::", '::C'-: ;::y:~..~;:,<: _.. ._ D. ANY TANK HAS A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANG£·:(C()L:;:"':l1) 'O¡ +/.:. 250 GALLONS '.' ._~ OR MORE OVE~ THE QUARTER TIME FRAME REPR~$ENrEPON. R~YERSE - . . ....- .~., ;-~ SU~Y :;~:-.::~~' :'.:~:_/~ ',' ..... . .. , '. A A ) OF 9 9 COL (COL .. 9 -9l' OF ,. /ì¡./'::::'" , GALS ª~:T~~~ LJ.~E:.~:~o.~ ,-"-' 1· HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOV,E-NOTED RESULTS ÍŒPRESEN1: 'A,TRUÈ AND ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABL~,LIMITS DESCRIBED IN "A THROUGH "0 ABOVE . ( A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK WITHIN 24 HOURS 'IF: RESULTEi) COL ~1 -TANK # ',6:>, c PERMIT:# MONITORING B~TwiEN DATES OF ~ :( INCLUDE YEAA) NOTED ON ~EVERSE ) MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE 2 CUMU~~TIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL , .. J "I .. GALLONS TANK MONITORED -..... . .. . JIMHiNDMAN,_Supv Mach H 1.~e!1.&·rarSërvlces·., ef!rag~ Diviaiot. TITLE·', .. :~71:J-:c. l'l( DATE p:z~ SIGNED I TANK MONITORED [S A WASTE-OIL OR NON-MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK I ,'f' I REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUT~ORITY WITH~N 24 HOURS' IF: .' ,-- I .' ..... ' ,... ~ ," '. '..... ...'- I A. VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) IS +/- 10 GALLONS OR MORE I I . B. CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11) IS'+/-100 GALLONS 'OR-MORE . ....... '1 I , I e',..··'........ '...,... -- ..,..-.."...., --.' .. . .'.....- "'. -' '._, ,-......-...... '''::'-'1 : I -..Ú.._ .._~_,.' _ _ ~.~. . " .~~._ . ~;'" . ___ ,_ . ..., ~ . .. ~"'I' '¡j SUMMARY - : I , : I - - '-'-,- --TANK· # ...... :.~ .. -- ,-- ~ PERMIT·# . .-.. -,. - -'..... ...--. '. ~... ',.-~---.. -.+ MorÙTOJÙNG aÈ~EEN DATES OF ' AND ' I (INCLUDE V~AR) NOTED ON REVE~SE RESULTED IN: I . ' . "." . -':,', . -"... ".. ..- '.. -_... .. -,.. I 1. A MAXIMUM~:;WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) OF ' GALS I , 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11, BOTTOM LINE) OF I --', ¡ ,GALLONS .,.. , . ~.. ... I , .~ I I I HEREBVCERTIFYTHAT THE ABOVE~NOTEDRESULTS·REPRESENT A TRUE AND I ACCURATE REPORT AND'ITHAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS I e DESCRIBED IN "A AND "B" ABOVE I I I I I SIGNED TITLE I I DATE I ,. ,. SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS * ,. ~ * QUARTERLV MODIFIED 1NVENTORV CONTROL SHEET * * 4 ~ &-tJ((/? FERMI T # 1¿~~8c I - _S~BSTANCE STOREn~/~6G CApACITY I tPtPO --2UARTER/VEAR /9~/ " - I I I 6 COL. I I 91 I COL. 11 COL. 3,COL. 4,COL., 5, COL. 7, COL. aICOL. I COL. 10 I WATER I 2ND _ 1ST _ INCH 2ND _ 1ST _VOLUME + _ CUMULATIVE LEVEL IGAUGE GAUGE - CHANGE VOLUME VOLUME -CHANGE SUBTOTAL~ CHANGE INCHES I INCHES INCHES INCHES GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS I GALLONS 1 GALLONS I tþ I 0 I ¢ ø I ~( ~I ~b?- yloJ- cp I I - , I J 1!IiJ ;tIo - I{o I I ? I R¿;A)/NH" c:2./IIt( ~l j" tjb r ~""~ I ø I {J '7~ ~. l I - "¢ I ' ~/'4 I I (J I d t ;L I ~t/ Cf I L/6~ '167 ~ I I - 1 l ¡ I I I I A- I ~I ~I () I Y-6" I 46"- (þ I cf I L 1 I ' I 1 l I I I I I ' . - I I I . I I () I ;Ä( ~(' I ¢ I ¥tJ-:.1 ~6~ I "ø I d· I ¢' I - 1 , 1 1 J , I l- I I I I fJ I ~'3jf ;)..0 :5 J"¡ I 0 I ...¡SS i..!ss ø I ~ I çI I - 1 1 1 ¡ , I I I I "I, fJ{qj I ~ t ~/ I;;... ~ 'z, I I '-/ '11 L./ L/ g + Î- ~ I cjJ I + ,;t. ~ I ~:L-'f -I - 1 ' L .J I ;2D 1¿, :kJt¡~ ø I I I ø- I y'-/0 7'7'8 ¢ I ;2,.1 ~? I 1 - 1 1 - .J I fØ I ÇlJ I I r¿ t d-O 'It} 1 }..ð '/+ I ~t./O LfLJ 0 I .;¿.¡ ;L¡ I 1 .J I I I I I - I .. LJ~3 "'Lf3S" JL I 2- ~ 1- ~ -# I 1 /-D 1 .> 1 .J I I ø I éf I ¢ I J.e; I ~ tf:53 Lf33 I ,;21 ~ I - 1 - ø I tf +~3 t./~3 cp I tJ.-O ,é)D ;;2'1 ~7' - - - - ;2-0 ,;)..0 f Lf33 '-133 ø ~r ,2f FACILITV TANK# {q - - l' - COL. COL. 1 TEST I WEEK L 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 6 7 a 9 I . .-"..::,' i ,'r, f .,...-".'"..> ""... ..~....~, -:-.vti. ~ :.'r\nO!1:1 ...",JI.o........ .- ~ 10 I 11 12 13 .J UARTERLY SUMMARY FILL OUT THE 'FOLLOWING REPORTING SUMMARV APPLICABLE TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE (CHECK'ONEONLY - .- IS A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK REPORt: TO THE Au:n'0RITY. !,ITHIN24 HOURS' IF .....--. .. .- . - . -. ". A TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR LESS CAPACITy'HAS'A'VOLUME CHAÑGE OF +/-'25 GALLONS -OR MORE . ': '. " \ _ .,~,< _, - . .' . - ~ } TANK'OF 1001 TO 5000 "GALLONS CAPACITY~ HA~'A VOLÜME::,CHANGE -'(COL OF +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE '- --.,-,.-------.:., ";:':"0". ' ., .... _ . . . . ,_ ,iß . TANK OF OVER'5000 GALLON~ CAPACITV HAS ~._VO~U~~ _~~N~~::.}COL. 9) OF :+-/:- :50 GALLONS ,ORMORE..· .' ------:--:.: -"::::;ò'~,' :~_...~.,~~:-':;~;;:;;... - '. ANY TANK HAS' A CUMULATIVf: VOLUME CHANGE':(COL-;' Ü L~,;:O~"-: +1.;,.d250 GALLONS OR MORE ÒVER, THE QUARTER TIME FRAME RËPRESENTEÖ"ONREVERSE. . :. . .. : ~ , .' . '. ", .~ .~~_ _ ~:. .~_ 1 'r -~'~_~~_<.:~_ .:'~~'~'.',-.,.~~\;._~~~~~>;~~ -~_~'..~.. .__ SUMMARY ..: . '<. ~ ;.' . . : , , : " :. ',.,',. ~" ,~:; . . ;'Tr, " ~~T~~ING~E~EN ~T;rE~=I;.i,1<í'li{~&;~~t:- (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RESULTED 'IN:· V. ".' ~n '. , ", .... ".. \, ..... -c' ,.,,, .' 1 A MAX~~J.. ~~~~¿~'-~O'L.~E··~'HANG~'-(~ÖL~--:~)~ "ri~:-:: ~l::~; -:-~A'LS 2 A CUMULATIVE"VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11. BOT1'0r.ï LINEJ.)F; ~ I GALLONS' - \ ..., ..< 0'- ,~.- ::0 ~""···7,.-:-: ~. ", ~\.,_......t .. :....~ 9 9 (COL ~ERJlITTING . . TANK MONITORED B C o , , . --- .. '. t- ,'" .-. \ ..' .' I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS.,REPRE,SENT A:rRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE"REPORTABLEÙMITS " " ." . DESCRIBED.IN,"A THROUGH D ABOVE ., , JIM HiNDMAN, Supv Mech ;1 ~~!1Gfal~~,~-vtcese ~araQe DivilÙœ I TITLE DATE SIGNED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I , I TANK MONITORED (S A WASTE-OIL ORNON~MOTOR VEHICLE' FUEL TANK . " '~-- r.:: REPOR~.·!O .~H~. PERMITTIN_~, ~UTH.OR.~~ WIT~I~_~~:HOURS'-~F: " A. VOLUME CHANGE (COL. Q) IS +/- 10 GALLONS OR MORE : \ . B.--CUMULATIVE VOLUME-'CHANGE -'(COL';-l1) IS +/- 100 GALLONS-OR MORE ~d ' : ~JJ .... '. ',' "'- e" . '---' _~n"'C. -- --..-.----- -,. ' 1 -,':~: .. '" .... ..., ...- "-_...--- '-'" " I " ~ <-.. .- ~- .-.... - ".+ - -...~. '-"-'." -.-" .- On' SUMMARY '. ,.- 1 \' , - -- ......- ..TANK- # '". ;-'.. '''''''' -.,.. -PERMI'r# --, "'. ' ,. " .- -.-.-,-.. MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF AND (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RESULTED ÍN: . ~ ~ : _..' ._~.~ _~D.._....~. .-,_., _'......'_ . . , 1. A MAXIMUM~EEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) OF GALS. , . \ 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11, BOTTOM LINE) OF '. GALLONS.. .,... I HEREBY CERTIFY 'fIJ1T THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT AND~THATTHEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS e DESCRIBED IN "A" AND "B" 'ABOVE . . TITLE ·DATE SIGNED ~ ~ SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT " ~ ~ RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITV FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS ~ * * QUARTÉRLV MODIFIED tNVENTORV CONTROL SHEET * * FÁCI LI TV k6R..¡ ~ Jv.b~ ~c.J({ ~ .. PERMI T # - GXz:::¡.:2.~ ~ _SUBSTANC·E STOREDV~.L- TANK# CAPACITY 1,/ ~D -2UARTER/VEAR/P9~ - - = I I I I , I 91 I I COL. 2 COL. 11 COL. 1, COL. 3.COL. 4,COL. 51 COL. S,COL. 7, COL. B1COL. COL. 10 I I - TEST I WATER 2ND 1ST INCH I 2ND 1ST VOLUME CUMULATIVE WEEK LEVEL GAUGE -GAUGE =:' CHANGE LVOLUME-VOLUME =CHANGE+SUBTOTAL= CHANGE _ # INCHES INCHES I INCHES I INCHES L GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS L GALLONS -1. GALLONS - 1 ø I I ÇI I 1~3 Lj55 ø I 0 I ? ;;;-0' . I ;lO I I I I . I I L L ~~ - 2 II I I I ø I ø J /-6. I /-Ð ø I L)~ +;:;-3 I e I L L ~ - 3 I I!J I (6 I , /7' I( /f~'·1 1731i , c¡~~ if;;' b I L' cp I ,q I L L .J 4 I I (þ I j ~ ø I 1:- I 4 -r~ I I tJ-fB ~ I ;2.77 :/71 I , L r L þ. ïlt .J 5 .. . -~ I . -- I I P- i L}- 1/ LJ ·}LIJILf ~ r ;).. ? l) ;¿?y ...: ~ I· .. . I ··"ø I L L {þ ~ .J 6 c:Þ ~!Ir' . I/A I I I I ï'lft.f I N/;}- ... .. I -Çð I ;)- "} LJ -.!:l -, L L ' ø .J . - I I ..'~ .. I 7 cJD '/2- I cfD34 iL 1(P 3 I -9~J; ;L. I /1:. I ~ I L L -, ø .' .-,' ."' .... .J - a ' , - , ' I, I I· . .' ~ , " ," I - , ~¡ Þ '1ft:; 1r.J>: I L/ o.'/q -t¡; I 1S1 Cf51 cj I·;, .;2.... .- ·,1 ~". I L L L 1 .J - - 9 y.D Ý1 ø I I ø I I I 40~ I ¡57' 7S? I I ~ I ~ I ;,~ n~P?¡A t.:, L{ I L 1 .J .1(':lZ~tg ;?P~: - - - " .~ ..,...:~',: .' ~ ". '. I I J " '-. I - -tj () '/~- tþ f/~ 6_ 957 r 5~/. r(J' I ~ I ~ I - I - L - ~ - 11 I I I t./J 40 1/,-/ 3/,- 11~ I CJ51 "3 I ~ I / ~ - _ L - L - 1 - 12 tjO '/'6 'Vo ,/~ q qS(, I q56> (l) I I I I 15 I 15 - - - - - L - L - 13 37~' ~9?~ , C¡~ 9$ cf I J - I IS I (...) \ UARTERLY SUMMARY ÚLL OUT THE FOLLOWING REPORTING'SUMMA.RY APPLICABLE TO THÈTANK NOTED ON REVERSE (CHECK ONE ONLY) . ~ , TANK MONITORED-[S IS A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK MONITORED TANK REPORT A PERMITTING AUTHORITY '\ '. ,. ~. TANK OF 1000, GALLONS OR LESS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME CHANOE . \ ~ I. .... OF +/- 25 GALLONS OR MORE ' \ .'; d, ~""',.' -TANK 'OF 1001··T05000 GALtONSCAPACITYJiAS1\~'¥OLUME,:CHÄÑG~ OF +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE '., : .::~.:......... .:.~-- ....->' ' ." '. rANi<.oF-.OVER-: 5000A3ÀLLONS CAPACITV HAS A VOL~~:_ C~~~.E;~.COL 9)- .~ -.+/ - - 50 -GALLONS ~OR~MORE .._.. ._,., .. ,~.; :.-- ", ~.-:-'..:.:_:';'.-' .., ._- ANY TANK HA&, A CUMULATIvE VOLUME CHANGE " tCOL. .. ¡ll'-ÒF~:;*'f-- 250 GALLONS OR MORE~OVEg THE QUARTER TIME FRÀME REPRESENTED ON REVERSE .' ..~--..-. ~-~. "- .. . .,: SUMMARY " ;',' ;7'; 9 OF I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A~RUE AND ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED TH~ REPORTABLE' LIMITS DESCRIBED IN "A" THROUGH "0" ABOVE JtM HINDMAN, S~pv Mecn i! t~ooral ~~f'VlëèS-. Garage DivÎSÏ'Or. TITLE DATE 9 ,.' , , ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A WASTE-OIL OR NON-MOTOR ,VEHICLE FUEL TANK REPORT TO THE 'PERMITTING AUTBQRITY (COL (COl. GALS (-;-~ OF IN: _.(~'~ ., .~) :riF~~";i}:'; BOTTOM LINE), WITHIN 24 ,HOURS IF: .,,- . ". :\.:... ~' :ÞO~ Qj' - - - \ ':~ND'3 - .: " '\ TANK-#..--_·..IøL___-- ·-PERMI!{'-i., MONITORING aETWEEN DATES OF ~ (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE I _."_ _. _,,__ 4 _ .; __... ~_. , .. 1 A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE 2 J CUMULJ\T I VE VOLUME ,CHANGE . ( COL , "-- GALLONS TO THE B: C o .- .. , 1.' WITHIlf24.HOURS· IF A. VOLUME CHANGE COL 9) IS +/- 10 GALLONS OR MORE B."· -CUMULATIVE VO~UME'CHANGE ·(COL.H) -IS +/--100 GALLONS OR MORE '\ .I....,.: ~ . , . ., .... ~~. .. , . ., . ...,".--._.."-~. ~ ",--' .." -..... . ...'~ .....- -~ '.- ....,. ........ . . .,_·cO . ." -, ,.~. .', I. :; ,;;;': '.- \ ... .... . - .... -, ,," - -' ~. - -' ..,.,.~ ..' . '". ., .._--. SUMMARY '.~ , .... .. ., , . ~-·TANK .# - ...__....::;;.,.. .., .,..- . - ··PERMIT,#·-··..- . .-_.. -~ - _ _, ._ w - \ MONITORING .QETWEEN DATES OF -, AND (INCLUDE VEAR) NOTED' ON REVE~SE RESULTED IN: : , ~ -0" __'. _, _~ . _.___.._....+ "."...... ..- . ....-.. ."'. '" 1 A MAXI~WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (COL 9) OF GALS 2 -"A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11 BOTTOM LINE) OF GALLONS e' , :.. - - '., I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT ~DtTHAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS DESCRIBED IN "A" AND "B"ABOVE , e TITLE DATE SIGNED ~ ~ SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT ~ ~ RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS # - -- - --- -- --- * * QUART£RLY MODIFIED iNVENTORY CONTROL SHEET * * r " 13Lc.' LJ, ~f' 6 ð o;?-ð c... ~ ~,cL PERMI T # - CAPACITY 1/ 000 _SUBSTANCE STORED_ i)T-ES£. L- ~UARTER/YEAR /f(:2... COL I I I I I I , I COL. 11 . 3,COL. 4,COL. 5, COL. 6 I COL. 7,COL. S,COL. 9, COL. 10 I WATER I 2ND _ 1ST _ INCH I 2ND _ 1ST _VOLUME. = CUMULATIVE LEVEL IGAUGE GAUGE - CHANGEIVOLUME VOLUME :CHANGE_SUBTOTAL CHANGE INCHES I INCHES INCHES INCHES 1 GALLONS I GALLONS 1 GALLONS 1 GALLONS I GALLONS I I I I I I ' - - '~g' ~,. {. ,-, - r:l!" 1-" I o . "','<f- ',1:-:"... ".... ," ,.' éþ I 'J-9 ~~ 3'S/~ fl5 '1'-16 . ,....\.Õ''L,~t. ~., .. -', - _. - I I 7't./b I ¢ I I ø ',-. " I -;. . '. .. ..... - I 1 I 1 1 ';' f ,« ", 1 - - i 3'7/v ð--9% ø I I I cp I ø I C¡~y I 7ft.¡ 1 I ø I ø I 1 I 1 ~ J - - - ¢ I ø I I I I tp r ¢ I I :Jr9 3r'7 I q34 I /~~ I ~ I I J - - 1 1 1 1 { J f2 3 ~7/lò a I I I çJ I ø I 38~ I 9~) I 7'ál I I ø I I 1 1 1 1 J J - - 3 g'ì~ I I I ¢ I I ø I !k 38 /I~ ~ I r~/ 1 7'á/ I I ø.' I I 1 1 1 i j - I I I I J Q 37'-1'8 3j~8 1 I 9 t./ ;).. I . 7~~ I ~ I 'ø I -- {jJ J 1 1 1 { j é/ 3g ;ý~ $ßYB I I ~ I {JJ I ø- I ~.31 I ~c3- ( J ø I I - 1 1 - 1 J J r? ~ g 1/..¡ ø I I ø I ø I ø I ~g ly I 9/1 I 7/5 I I I 1 1 1 J J - - 3~ It.( "39 'I L/ ø I 7// I ;7/ / ¢", I ~ I ø I ~ I I I I I 1 1 J J - - 3> ~ 1"6 3~ V<& ø I ø I I j!J I 1:. I CJl7 crt7 I ? I I 1 1 f J - - 38 1'6 1 3~ 1'& ø I 9/7 (/ I ép ~ I [¿ I q/7 I J J 1 i J - - 375/g I 37 9B ~ CfOb C?Ob ø I ~ I (ð I ¢ I J I - - - - J ~7-1~ 37' rp 906 tp ø f I rOb I FACILITY K~ TANK# - Co COL. 1 COL. TEST WEEK . 1 2 e3 - 4. - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 I - 9 - .10 - .1.1 - 12 ~ - .' .13 UARTERLY SUMMARY FOLLOWING REPORTING SUMMARV'APPLICABLE TO THE CHECK ONE ONLY) TANK NOTED ON REVERSE A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK AUTHORITY IS TANK MONITORED HOURS IF WITHIN 24 ~PORT TO THE ,PERMITTING TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR LESS CAPACITV OF +/- 25 GALLONS OR MORE TANK OF 1001 TO 5000 GALLONS CAPACITY HAS OF +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE TANK OF OVER 5000 GALLONS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME CHANGE +/- 50 GALLONS OR MOR~ ANY TANK HAS A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL._ 11) OF +/- 250 GALLONS OR MORE OVER THE QUARTER TIME FRAME REPRESENTED ON REVERSE 9 OF I ~ bq_ d,B c., ::.-. AND IN: SUMMARV _GALS OF p ) \ , , \ I HEREBV CERTIFV THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESqLTS REPRESENT A TRUE: AND ACCURATE REPORT AND _ THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED TH(REPqRTABLE LIM·ITS ·DE$CRIBED IN.\~·.A;·- THROUGH "P:' ABOVE . . . .' . \: \ JIM HiNDMÄN, $upv Mach ¡¡ ~1enei'al Serv¡cesø Garage Diviator. TI TLE (; DATE 9 COL COL 9 TANK' lS' PERMIT MONITORING BETWEEN DATES O~ (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVE 9) OF BOTTOM LINE , \ COL 11 ( A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL . , , . . GALLöNS . 1 2 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FILL OUT THE TANK fS A WASTE-OIL OR NON-MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK MONITORED REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS IF: A VOLUME CHANGE COL CHANGE A VOLUME HAS A. C D. B 10 GALLONS OR MORE 100 GALLONS OR MORE IS +/- 11 +/- COL IS CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE 9 COL VOLUME CHANGE A B e AND IN: SUMMARV TANK , PERMIT , MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF (INCLUDE YE~)'NOTED ON'~EVERSE RESULTED _GALS OF ) COL_9) OF 11-- BOTTOM LINE A MAx·iMUM _WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE A CUMI:1~TIVÈ VOLUME LCHANG.E (COL _ GALLONS 1 2 I HEREBY CERTIFY T~AT YHE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT ,AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS , ' DESCRIBED IN "A"" AND ,,'B" ABOVE \\ ,e TITLE DATE SIGNED * * SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARV WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITV FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS RETAIN * * ,', . f' .. , TANK FACXLXTY ANNUAL REPORT t.<.~Ä ~~ (¿;A~ PnciUty S"~~c..£ ~.~c/ Perllit 1.. 1 have not done any .ajor aodificat last 12 aonths. <.-~} ~::'~-~, 3' ~':1f'~~r . n th/Vr. MAl\.. ¡ 1 <¡ ;-. , " Note: All the s facility during the ,cL€..£.T /h~~ erai t to Construct fro. 2. (I have done .ajor lIod1tications for which I obtained Per.it(s) to Construct fro. Per.itting Authority Signature Per.it to Construct. 3. Repair and'Malntenance Suaaary Date Attach a s~ary of all: Routine and required aaintenance done to this facility's tank, piping, and .onitoring equip.ent. Repair of subaerged pu.ps or suction puaps. -- Replacellent of flow-restricting leak detectors with S8ae. -- Repair/replace.ent of dispensers, aeters, or nozzles. -- Repair of electronic leak detection co.ponents, or replace.ent with s..e. -- Installation of ball float valves. -- Installation or repair of vapor recovery/vent lines. Include the date of each repair or aaintenance activity. NOTB: All repairs or replace.ents in response to a leak require a Per.it to Construct troll the Peraitting Authority as do all other aodit1cations to tanks, piping or lIoni toring equipaent not listed here. 4. Puel Changes - Allowed for Motor Vehicle Puel tanks Only. List all fuel storage changes in tanks, noting: Date(s), tank nu.ber(s), new tuel(s) stored. :5. Inventory control lIoni toring is required for this tacUi ty on the Per.it to Operate, and I have ~ exceeded any reportable li.its as listed in the appropriate inventory control aonitoring handbook during. the last twelve aonths (if no a I able, disregard). 6. Trend ~alysis S~a Please attach Annual Trend Analysl , ~T" M~~ for the last 12 periods. 7. Meter Calibration Check Por. Please attach current, co.pleted Meter Calibration Check Por. _un. . ANNUAL TREND ANALYSXS SUMMARY TANK # ~ QUARTER 1 PERIOD 1: PERIOD 2: .' PERIOD 3: QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: PERIOD 5: PERIOD 6: QUARTER 3 PERIOD 7: PERIOD 8: PERIOD 9: TIME PERIOD: t.../) 0 /70 TIME PERIOD: t..f ),0/70 to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) TIME PERIOD: 7)~Jqo to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) TIME PERIOD: /0 /S .I 9 0 to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Nu.ber for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 4 TIME PERIOD: I /18 /q ( to PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Nuaber for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Nuaber for this Period (Line 4) to / / '-II <// 9 J Î I ~ Ie; 0 ~ ¡oj 3./1 0 ø I / 'ih / ~ L.//1/5/ I hereby certify this is a true and accurate report. Signatur. I tÞ Date Lj ¿-(51 ,¡ 1/1- 11+- N!t j{ -{< I FACILITY F PERMIT :#: . , - I TANK.#:_ " _CAPACITY ~ ()() ~UB~~_T~CE STORED, þ¡ QUARTER/YEAR, ~ COL. 11 COL. 2= COL.:3ICOL=. 4 COL. 51 COL. 6¡COL.7 COL. a¡COL. 9:: COL. :10 1 COL. ~ ] TEST I WATER I 2ND 1ST INCH I 2ND 1ST VOLUME + ' CUMULATIVE r WEEK I: LEVEL 'GAUGE -GAUGE = CHANGE I VOLUME-VOLUME =CHANGE ~UBTOTAL= CHANGE I # 1 INCHES ' I INCHES I INCHES INCHES I GALLONS I GALLONS I GALLONS ,; GALLONS I GALLONS 1 II ',' T ·~,·I >-~>-- ,··,·1" ,. ," . I I ". I· ..... I '. .' -·-1 ,'C'" ",. ,::::",tp:+:-£·f';';!3)ti -.. -is' 3)../:·~::.:·ø I $qB 1 ::":"l~'-~d ":'':11 .;;...0 .', :.d_:~;;l·";;":;:·:"!::'_·{jJ :.-..-... II _ I ,57~ I _ LL _ IL- ' 2 II .:;.'c" . ' . _ I I I I ,\ I ,"',' ""'..:'<,..1 A1 '~5 }J'L - ~ (.... ,IJ1: ",,^ I eo I .;: ''',£""'0 I ..,-1 A J '" I .-,..., ø ;, .. -"*''''''1] ~ .~ I"''''~ T¿,. ..yo' ~7 '. !"~J', ~ L ~ IL..' ~ , .:¡ , J . ,'<;' ". .. 'C-, . -::c~ ;.", .. r " . I I I :3 ,. '~I] ~ .' i.-~"3/1·~ 0/.., .. ø ';9B ~7§ I ø I\: 6 I ø _--1J _ I _LL _ IL j 'J I I ¡i I ~ J !L L;2Sf:z- (}.S 'f¿ ø $7/ .J'1/ i cJ ~ ~ ~ ? 5 : . 1 I I I I _ J .L 1_ a-5~z.- ;LÇY7- ø S-91 I ~I Q I~ ø l ø 6 --I· - I I ' I _ l !1:>- ~'/~ ,;~ 1"2- .P $~ / I rr¡ / ø ~ ~ l ~ 7 I (7( I I~ I I _ t E ;2s1c!, ~s'/~ ø 5e"3 I .s~~ ~ L ø k. --.!! I 8 I, I I I _ t !L;LŠ ft{ ~~ ,/q cf I š~ 3 ~8 3 1. L ~ ~ £. "- I 9 1 I, 1 I _ I tj,;25 I(f ~6 '/'-1 ¢ ~-g3 '~~3 ? L: ~ L. ø ~ 10 I ì I I _ 'L ð ~ 'I~ ~ 4 )/~ 1Z5 .sS5 ;:55 I !!!... L ~ k. ~ I 11 I I, /'£.. I I _ ~ J-~I/L-{ ~~I)L/ ø :ÇS$ S"5,-~ I ø L ~ k ø I 12 ~, I ~ I Tl. I} I I ({/ ~. 'of, ,;¿ ':f '1' 5'«-I@; Sa¡, ß I 4J I' 9 I 115 I _ _ 1- L _ JL- I 1 3 (þ ~ 't ;l Y: ø'.s-.¡ a, .s 7¡ B ! IÞ I \ C/ i (P : __-..L__ ____________J__._.,__ ---- .,. - -----.-,---. '/A I ~ ---.-.---' ·. UARTERLY SUMMARY . FILL ,OUT THE FOLLOWING REPORTING SUMMARY APPLICABLE TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE (CHECK ONE ONLY " TANK MONITORED (S A WASTE-OIL OR NON-MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK TANK MONITORED IS A MOTOR VEHICLE ~ TANK REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS .!f.: REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS IF A. VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) IS +/- ,10 GALLONS OR MORE A. TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR LESS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME CHANGE COL 9 " OF +/- 25 GALLONS OR MORE B. CU~ULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11) IS +/- 100 GALLONS OR MORE B. TANK OF 1001 TO 5000 GALLONS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME CHANGE COr. 9 OF +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE C. TANK OF OVER 5000 GALLONS CAPACITV HAS A VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9 OF +/- 50 GALLONS OR MORE D. ANY TANK HAS A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11) OF +/- 250 GALLONS OR MORE OVER THE QUARTER TIME FRAME REPRESENTED ON REVERSE. SUMMARY SUMMARY TANK' PERMIT # TANK' 0 PERMIT # ~ ~ Oö;:LSc.. I .~ MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF AND MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF I()/~I: 0 AND 1/ 'L./ / (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RESULTED IN: (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RESULTED IN: 1. A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CH~NGE (COL. 9) OF GALS. 1. A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) OF 7 GALS.- .... 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE' (COL. 11. BOTTOM LINE) OP 2. A CUMU1IVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11. BOTTOM LINE) OP GALLONS ) GALLONS 1 " ,..--- ._____:...___....__....._ _.~__._ .__-.._._..._.".~. '~~ - _.---,,~ ....-...-~~-....-.. -~..--. "....__.~..___h__._.'·. -"_.- .- -. -'". ......... . .___~._. ."J~ ..:~.:. ~.:.', ~~,:; I HEREBY CERTIFY THÅT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT Á TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY ~º__~O,!,: EXCEED, THE _REPORTABLE LIMIT$:=~.'.:_: _,._.. I ,,_. ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE. LIMITS·--- DESCHIBED IN "A" AND "B" ABOVE. I DESCRIBED IN "A" THROUGH "0" ABOVE. ,__ " ^ c",·., Ç? I ' ___.Oo .... __ ._ . .... ._ - -- .-. _0··..· . _ _. ~.-___..__." -. : '_O_L___ .--. .- .. ..... -- .,-' _._-:-:-'--_.. .., .... __ _.;-::. .::: ' -- ~;-.; I ' , SIGNED _ TITLE .-.- I·...:. . . / TITLE_ I DATE I DATE _ * * SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT *- .. RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT TilE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE VEARS I "'" - QUARTERLY MODIFIED INVENTORY CONTROL SHEET * * ./ FACI LI TY l<~.) :wt 1- .Jw.bh c..1£.. 16 ~ ~ PERMI T # / b bo~ - r _SUBSTANCE-STORED2 ~~ " - I tJc90 I TANK# CAPACITY ./ ~UARTER/YEAR . - - - - - i - , - - - - I " I 11 - - I I I I I 1 COL. I COL 2 COL. 3ICOL. 4ICOL. 5, COL. aICOL. 7, COL. aICOL. 9, COL. 10 I COL 11 J TEST I WATER I 2ND 1ST INCH I 2ND 1ST VOLUME, CUMULATIVE I WEEK I: LEVEL IGAUGE -GAUGE = CHANGE VOLUME-VOLUME =:'CHANGE+SUBTOTAL= CHANGE ,I , I INCHES I INCHES , INCHES INCHES . GALLONS GALLONS L GALLONS L GALLONS I GALLONS I Ii :~t:;::¡ ~':;i., % ! -ÙJ/,¡ --_. .-.... 6~ b I -, - I;' I I 1 I .Þ t ;;Lb I ð" I·' 0 I ,ø." ·:r:'.: ~ .-/,;~ , J L - lL.. V II c;¡ I ., -' ..- I I I' ."."' '1 ~~~: Co .~~.J 1-., _J¡'0 r !~}i,~_,ç~~:1 :.~)~ b "'/i-'-'~b :3./4 -~ '/'-1 c /1 è' G,.2þ I .;.:.'1 L - ~¢ I .-1'_7 . I] F ,_' -' .' "I" ',' "-' - - L - L v 1 ," '''---1' ·~h:,,,.~" I .",;,,- '-,' , , . I I 'I ' 3 -"""'-;' 4> I ;).fc If 1- ;1-fo ,(~ :J I ~/l ~/J I )D I -7 I -7 J. L L v - - "I ·1 .. ø I II 4, I (f, J-~ 1(1- I )- ~ l/~ ~"r ¿/7 I ø ., -? I -7 l I L v - - . - - 5 I I II '1 I ;t? .2rol)7- 2-'- lIt.! 4- Jly Wll ro I 'J- I +-7 III -7 I ø l L L v - - - - :1 a I . ".. I I' ø I tÞ ~b '/ L/ ;¿ro'/t./ tþ fol;2.. , ) 2- I ø' I I tJ - l - L - L - V 7 I I I,' çJ :1 I ,;, IjJ ;2b N ;). ¿ 3JJ tþ 0:1b ¿,~ to I clJ I I (J l L L V - - - :1 a I .(/J ;;¿b'/~ .;; I ø I ~ I ?- ~ 'it{ ~J:l- (;,/).... I I I d I 1 l L V I - - - - :1 9 I I I I,' eI I I ø 2, - - eoøc; I - I I I ¢ I - - - l l - L - V , 10 /) C:-b JjLI I 1 1 rj ~I ø I .:.-- -- I / " 1 I I I - o / ¿..., - l l L Y , , - - - - 11 I I 1\ ¢ .1 d I 0 é)-- 5 31 f I ;J-S-N ø 598 I 5'?5 I - I' I 1 - - , l l - L - V , 12 I I 1 I ø ~I ø I ~ ;1.5 Y4 I ;¿~. 3)4 (Þ 5iß 1 5?S I - I I I l l L V , - - 13 I ;J-5 3/c./- ø 5'7 g I I 1\ æ ~I r7 I ¡þ ;l-~ Ÿt.j I I 5'jß I - II I I I ..__,___,~_______,_____ ____l__ , I 1- .J _ _.______.____ _ _____~ ,1 -~- 7 CHECK .QNg ONLY UARTERLY SUMMARY I FILL ~UT THE FOLLOWING REPORTING SUMMARY APPLICABLE TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE ~ IS A MOTOR VEHICLE fQ§1 TANK TANK MONITORED TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR LESS OF +/- 25 GALLONS OR MORE TANK OF 1001 TO 5000 GALLONS OF +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE TANK OF OVER 5000 GALLONS CAPACITY HAS +/- 50 GALLONS OR MORE ANY TANK HAS A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL 11) OF +/- 250 GALLONS OR MORE OVER THE QUARTER TIME FRAME REPRESENTED ON REVERSE AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 ,HOURS II REPORT TO THE PERMITTING 9 COL A VOLUME CHANGE CAPACITY HAS A 9 OF o AND SUMMARY GALS OF IN: 9) OF BOTTOM LINE ~ , -' I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPR~SENT~À TRUE AND< ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT 1'HEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS--~--""- DESCRIBED IN "A" THROUGH "0" ABOVE;"";·,· .-.- "" '^~. ;.;:. ___.";¡,_.. .,.. r - -_.~..._. -', . .. '.': ~. _!: FLuT Ä-,,fÌJIr-6-£<-. ~h/ TITLE DATE ~ 510/ I I I I I I 1-<- I I ~ (S A WASTE-OIL OR NON~MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK TANK MONITORED TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITV WITHIN 24 HOURS IF :\ ~O REPORT OR MORE GALLONS +/- IS 9 COL CHANGE VOLUME A COl. 9 CHANGE COL CHANGE A V9LUME A VOLUME CAPAC ITY HAS B C o 100 GALLONS OR MORE IS +/- 11 COL CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE B TANK , PERMIT # MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF ___ (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE AND IN: SUMMARY TANK # PERMIT # MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF ~ (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERS~ RESULTED , COL 11 A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL GALLONS 1 2 GALS OF 9) OF BOTTOM LINE A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (COL A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE: (COL 11 GALLONS 1 2 - -' I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT I EXCEE~_!HE REPORTABLE_LIMITS '-'-'- DESCRIBED IN "Ai''''AND "B",ì--ABOVE -.---_. .. r \ i , _ TITLE DATE >-----...,--.--,"---'----; t"~~~: ~-~~_.....'- -_....".......~....:. SIGNED * * SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS ... * - . .zYG -. SHEET * l1 PE~MI T # UARTER/YEAR , lb. * CONTROL tJF I 5 r ¿, l"'lUUJ..,r· J...b.U J.. N VENTUR Y Jl/ST/C E Ilt/¿::, - SUBSTANCE STORED x /J/1/JCF 1.000 '-lU.I4>.K.Lbo.KL FACILITY I I I I I I I I I I I J I I C O'L. 11 CUMULATIVE CHANGE GALLONS ø a¡COL. 9 _VOLUME -CHANGEtSUBTOTAL= GALLONS GALLONS ø 0 10 COL 7 I I 1 I I 4 ~ COL. CAPACITY 3 ~COL --·1 .~ ~ ':t ~ I COL. 2 COL. TANK#" 1 I I 1 I +:fl' - - COL. TEST WEE~ # 1 2 " c< ø Œ ~', - , q d I I 6 <Ie I I briO I I I I 1 I I ø I I 1 I I '. ;l 7 'hI ,'. :;., 11/ j I I 1 I I 1 J I r ',~;" 1(<<1 -. ," '. '" ~ - ..' ;J- 7 'f.; ;L 7 Vi ~t . ...., " I Ii '...... ~.. ,i:¡,'it-"'"...r :..- :~ I' ".,., , -,1 ...... .~. I Ä_~ "er ti I':; . ..·.F r\ _t.....',...; ,J 3 (;ð Of I í c;ð 'slo ;17 Vy It) 4 d <;J fJ ø I I 1 I I 1 I I Ç1J ÎI I q C:,tfO to sio ø (j ;¿ Î )/'1 ;)1)t.j ¢ ø rø t./ Q I I 1 I I ø bl~ 633 ~ ø 6 ""53> <i:33 ,6 ¢ ø I I t I I q cÞ ø I I t I I ç/ ~ ø I I 1 I I <P to 33 '33 f15 if I I I I I 1'/( ø ? if ø C/J "~3 ~ 3'~ &,"3~ -,' I I 1 I I 1 I I ;27 .:L7 :J-7 51 COL. e¡COL. COL. _ INCH I 2ND _ 1ST CHANGEIVOLUME VOLUME INCHES GALLONS GALLONS ø b rd ?Y() ~ ø (" '1'J {bY-å; ÇJ q ;;.1 ;),,7 r¡ ....... ¢ ..0..- ~q ;-- {þ 5 6 7 a ¡)-7 ,)7 633 6 3 ~ to ;J..lo ¿;lb I I 0~Co ¢5 c¡J cf (þ ;;..? '1-7 ;L? rj tP tI 9 10 11 I I ~.s3. ~;)io I I 1 I I :;¿7 ;;:.2 b. 3j'l ;l b 'Xt ) 3¡ý .;;.. 12 ;2(P d-b 3/t{ cf rþ 13 I I , \ SUMMARY UARTERLY CHECK ONE ONLY TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE QUT THE FOLLOWING REPORTING SUMMARY APPLICABLE \ OR NON~MOTOR VEHICLE IS A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK TANK MONITORED WITHIN 24 ,HOURS IF REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY 9 9 OF GALLONS 7/5/'7 0 00;;:' BC- AND SUMMARV TANK' ~ PERMIT MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF _ (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RESULTED GALS~ OF IN 9) OF BOTTOM LINE ~+\ .0....,\. " ',. _.w ~'.' REPRESENT-Å TRUE AND REPORTABLE LIMITS------,. .~. :"' ,~j;:~: , . -r'" ... ...-, --- /~..\:~ -- + ~. I HEREBV CERTIFV THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS ACCURATE REPORr AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE DESCRIBED IN "A" THROUGH "0" ABOVE ¥\1:~:-¡:':"._ , ' " .. " , 11 t+J.JJ¡ 6£,·< l/ I ~ If' COL CO!. 9 COL 11 A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL GALLONS 1 2 -.. -, .- FL,;::Fr TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR LESS CAPACITY HAS OF ~/- 25 GALLONS OR MORE TANK OF 1001 TO 5000 GALLONS CAPACITY HAS OF +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE TANK OF OVER 5000 GALLONS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME CHANGE +/- 50 GALLONS OR MORE ANY TANK HAS A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11) OF +/- 250 OR MORE OVER THE QUARTER TIME FRAME REPRESENTED ON REVERSE A VOLUME CHANGE CHANGE COL '-;~~T;~=-~': .~\~; i TITLE~-' "'--- '. DATE: '. _'J, A VOLUME A o -~ S I~Ir I \..- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; FILL FUEL TANK (S A WASTE-OIL ~tON I TORED TANK I REPORT TO THE ,PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS IF , í , 10 GALLONS OR MORE \ B C 100 GALLONS OR MORE IS +/- 11 +/- COL IS CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE 9 COL VOLUME CHANGE A B AND GALS OF IN 9) OF BOTTOM LINE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND I ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOTI EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS DESCHIBED IN "A" AND- "B" ABOVE'''-----''-¡ --- ------- -- --... .--- -.. - - ( I ,-):- - -- TANK , MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERS 1 A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CH~NGE A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE! (COL GALLONS 1 , ---. -t- SUMMARY , PERMIT # RESULTED COL 11 1 2 .....--......--- TITLE DATE -,.-----""'--.--.---"'....;....----- ..._~..~_.. .- SIGNED ,., , ,.,- -'- SUBMIT A COpy OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS * \ 'I ¡ 'I "" * ~,- I .'U~~~~KLY MUU~~~bU ~NVENTURY CONTROL SHEET * * -c 'I VÑ'/'/ r;.~/1~6E J~ TIC E lJLPr" PERMI T:#: I bOO .2 TANK# _CAPACITY "ao 0 SUBSTANCE STORED ¡;J£ IS £ L. --2UkTER/YEAR I , = I I I I .' I I I I, COL. 1, COL. 2 I COL. :3.COL. 4. COL. 5, COL. ,COL. 7, COL. aICOL. 9¡ COL. 10 , COL. 11 TEST I I 2ND _ 1ST = INCH I 2ND _ 1ST =VOLUME~ _ CUMULATIVE WEEK 151 GAUGE GAUGE CHANGE VOLUME VOLUME CHANGEISUBTOTAL: CHANGE I , INCHES I INCHES INCHES; GALLONS I GALLONS , GALLONS i GALLONS 1 ,~" GALLONS 1 I DAT·-.:· - -. 1- -. . I I I 0 I . I "-'741 ?7:J~ ø bSu r /S¿¡ I .&?J - I :,;;,'-~ "-IDAT J, 7f , ¿. /~ 7 ,~ , ~ 1 J /G" 2 _. H-.ID~! '~ '<,--_ ..,- I", ;r: ,;¡; , I ". > ,,-,I ,_. I._~_;¡ ',cr,: ,:' I ,;;-;'"",h!',· , - dl '~'i' - :i"7/2 1:2-7-#" - Y7' Þ r 1 I ~ 5'1 t - 7! P J - 7 . 3 '~.'·J:i , .1 I J I ~ 2 7 ~z I .71/7- L ? ~ 7 6 ¥ 7 I ø' 1 - 7 J - 7 -.-- 4. I I I I _ 27~127Yz 0 h~7 6~7 I ð 1 -7 J -7 5 I I I _ 270- 27~ ð ?¥"7 ?"¥/ I ~ I -? J -7 6 íf 1/ I I _ ) 7 I 21/2 4 r: if 7 ? q? CJ 1 - 7 J -7 7 I. I 7 I _ 27lz 27Yz- ø h7'? C't7 ø 1 - J ~ a / I I _ J 7/jy :2 71( ff 6 cr (/ I? If ~ Rf 1 - 7 J - 7 ~ .27H 27/'.r,Ø CYd bf<cJ ;:;T ¡ -7 ] -/ 10 .J l /'f 2 7 /" ß {'I tl t~ « 0 ß! - 7 ¡;/ 11 / ð _ / .,- /' I ._. I -. _ ..l '7// >J ,7 ./ i Y- t r/~ if t( ú j? I - / 1 .,-.. 1 2 , / ,'71' 'I ,J .--, I -, _ / 7./1 /7~/~ W ?'It/ 69'"0 I ø I - / 1 // I 1 I/, I / /% /' I .~ I I I :3 17/L( 27 /t¡ /& l:7 ú 0 G f/CI ~ ø I 7 I -7 I - l _____J ( - ~~ . . TO: /'~'" ,«0)'·~' ~.~;>, I V ., . /~ ~~ ;~~ 24 HOUR REPORTABLE VARIATIOH/L~S ~",~ ~~, '8:\ NOTIFICATIOM S\ ~~~~~~~:,~\\ ~., \".-x , \. î \ t,Þ" f... '\ ~\,. . ,- 0;(. Kern County Environmental Hea~th Department 2700 "f-1" Street, Suite 300 ouker.stield, Calitornia 93301 Attn; ~ Undcrground Tank Section REGARDING: Fz:lCllity: KERN COUNTY GARAGE - JUSTICE Permit # 160028C F::iCl Ll ty Ac1(jrcss: 1215 TRUXTUN AV. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Nai:1.c at Person F illnq Report: LARRY JOHNICAN, FLEET MANAGER On WEEK ENDING 2/17/90 , the above tacillty had an (date ünd tlme) lnventory valiation/loss that exceeded reportable limits as described below: Amount ot Amount ot Amount ot Total Minuses Tank * 1.>a il y Weekly Monthly Line 3 ot variation/loss Variation/Loss Variation/Loss Trend Analysis 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A I have/have· not stopped dispensing product and begun investigatIon procedure required by the Permitting Authority. ThlS notitication is in addition to the phone call I previously placed Sign ~ I AN, FLEET MANAGER ERVICES GARAGE DIVISION . . KERN COUNrY ENVIROHIŒMTAL HEALTH DEPARTftEMT VARIATION/LOSS INVESTIGATIOII REPORT '. Facility: KERN COUNTY GARAGE - JUSTICE Permit # 160028C Facility Addrcss: 1215 TRUXTUN AV. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 Tank{~) with Discrepancy: # Date/Time of Discovery: Nt.:lme ot Pcrson Filing Report: Larry Johnican, Fleet Manaqer Dcscription Ot Discrcpancy:A SECOND STICK READING WAS INADVERTENTLY MISSED DURING THE WEEK. CONTROL HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. .\ INVESTICATION SUMMARY 'fhe following procedures must be performed within the specitied times starting at the time a reportable loss is discovered or should have been discovered: \'/i t h in: 6 Hours 24 Hours 48 Hours 72 Hours Owner/Operator or other qualified person is to I review records for errors before determining 12 there is a reportable variation/loss. Performed By : LARRY JOHNIC 11) I I I 12) I I J.) I I owncr/Operator must verbalLy report I Date I Time discovery to KCEHD andtollm.¡·up·'.vith 'Ñr~·t~18 notification on torm provided. Pertormed By : D _ LAWLER Visual tacility chec~~ to be performed usinq I Date I 'l'ir:e ct1ccklist on the bac~~ ot this form I I Performed By : All product dispensers arc to be checked for Date TIme calibration and adJusted it out ot tolerancc Pertormed By Piping to be leak tested using approved method I Date I Time Contractor's Name Liccnse ~ Test Performer's Name Description ot test performed ~ W ATTACH COPY OF TEST RESULTS. * * Tightness Testing of Tank(s) to be using approved tester and method. Contractor's Name: License # Test Pertormer's Description of test performed performed I Time Date Name * * ATTACH £QfX QI ~ RESULTS. NOTE: THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 5 DAY OF COMPLETION OF INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES. * * . . ...._~- 2. VISUAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST A.. Dispensers ~ All dispensers and their end doors visually checked tor leaks. N/J\ All hoses and nozzles v-isually checked tor leaks. ~ All totalizer seals cheçked for tampering. Results: ~ All dispensers appear tight signature/date qispenSer(s) not tight as listed below signature/date #ICOMMEN'fS: I I I I I. I· I· I. I I. (DISPENSER :¡¡' SERIAL 1-- I 1-- 1-- I .L- I B. Tank Area N/A All turbine boxes inspected. N/A All tills and vapor manholes inspected. Results: Tank area appears tight with no product or liquid present signature/date Turlk area doc~ not appear tight because ot the problems/conditIons listed be 1m';: signature/date I T^NK # I PH.ODUCT:¡¡'I COMf'1ENTS/RESULTS: 1- 1- 1- 1- I. I. I. I. . i c. Piping Type: 11 Pressure 11 Suction Pressurized piping leak detector(s) tested tor proper tunctioning ar , detection' of leakage. Suction piping tested for indication of leakage. Results: Piping tight based on test(s) above. signature/date J Piping not tight based on test(s) above, with problems/conditions listed below. signature/date De~c('.i.ption i I ! I ! I ,'I ! I ¡ ! I ! : I I r í ! I t I . t : I r -, ' ,'))..:PRIf4ARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: '-,:: ;..'.;,::'J:: !. <". o:.a~ >~ Intercepting an directing system r . ;"b.··' Standard Inventory Control I ~ Modified Inventory Control !' d. In-tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring t<r..:ERN COU"'-Y' RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ,,! "ENVIRONMI!IItAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPART.~ T , 2700 "M';' STREET.' SUItE 300. BAKERSFIELD., Â.93301' , (805)861-3636 ...AGEN Ç.. , ! , i~'\¿7: UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY ~~~..~. * INSPECTION REPORT * J. . . PERMIT#~O~ TIME' IN J.IJ:s2!M. TIME OUT .___ NUMBER OF TANKS'~~ PERMIT P û"_'_'_" 'I' ES........___..__ NO ,_~___ INSPECTION DATE:,_...:t:3.:..1.L_.....__.___ TYPE OF INSP,ECTION:~'~'\ ROUTINE,._._===:::.... REINSPECT ION COMPLAINT ,_____.... \,. "- -,,~.~.'c' --:::::....___ ' ". .. , .F A C I LIT Y N AM E : K E.ß.~__Ç.QY N I.Y._§Aß.~~.s.. FAC I L I TY ADD R ESS : -1_~_l~Ll.ß1!l<.1Y..t~L~ V I;.N t¿,!;________ BAKERSFIELD, CA OWNERS NAME:COUNTY OF KERN OP E RA TORS N'Ã'M-Ë-;L'ÃR Rÿ-j'õ"HÑ-Ï CÃ'N---:-'-' ',' -.--------------.----~--- ',COMMENTS: ,~~, ':~-- 7i)-¡-:¡:41·t.··......~' , . ~---z::---_.~-. . ',....., , " ~-- - "~-," , "'-, " -. :.-_--¡,..-~ " .~_.~~_",' 4":':'.~. ',' '". - ~ .' _ ~:....~__~~~.~. ......... . .' ;;". I.:,i.; . ' ":".? I: .' .' ' -. .- .-,"'" ----....- . . ..____....0.--____...._ n ." ". -,. . "'; 0 . .-' . " ' ';.,:' . t °t -....----...--..------....--..---..---.-.---..--.. , . , . ----~---_.. --------.... ITEM VIOLATIONS/OBSERVATIONS t""'/ì;-. ~ '. .'::~tJðð& N~ðt:~6 . '-'~:"tJß /-~, '~þ~ .<....... 2. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. Liner b. Double-Walled tank c. Vault /JIA Uð Þð7~ ph~. 3. PIPING MONITORING: ~ Pressurized .~ Suction c. Grav; ty .. 5. TIGHTNESS TESING 6. NEW CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATIONS 1. CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT 8. UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE g. MAINTENANCE, GENERAL SAFETY, AND OPERATING CONDITION OF FACILITY \tJr...- 4. OVERFILL PROTECTION: I I , I ! f I t I I I 1 1 i ¡J AJO/1J. IJ~ U/~<h.ù"Y\- '-# COMM EN T5 / R ECOMM EN DA T I ON S.._....._.__.___.._.__.._._.....____...._._..._........_._._..._.__.__.___._.__._.:...______.__.__...._...._. .-.----....----......---.-..--....--....-..............--........---....-..........---.---........------.........--.-.....--.-................-........-....--..--..-...........-.............-.....-.......--..---............................. ....-..........-..........--............--............-...........-...................................--................-.......................................--......................................................--.....-..............-.................-..................................................................................---....................-......-..-................................-............--..-...................................... ..........-..-.............................---.....................-.....................................................-..................................................--......-.--...................-............-........--...-.....-.................---...........................................-.-.................---.....................................-----..........................-............ r l' ï~" E ÏÑ'i5¡~·Ë-ë;TTõr'J·--··--~Ëï5·?:::~:··y-;';·-·::::~::~::r.;';;-'''Äï5'PR-Q'X'i'M"Ä'fïf'''RïffÑš-¡; E ..ë'Tiõ-Ñ....·······..T-Ë·~··~=::'Æ~~J~ ~" I NSP ECTOR : ..~~.........._................._._...............................,__.........__ REPORT R EC E I VED ' BY : þ[.~.~:...o~~ " '-" .- -- -- -... ,--- ';~{ " . FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY Facility' Kern ~1'11¡¡¡. fiZl pe rm i t to Ope rate . J Co()o.;;J.ð DConstruction Permit t o Perm i t to abandont [JAmended Permit Conditions ~Permit Application Form, [JApplication to Abandon []Annual Report Forms ~ t1rt1.(}fJ/ - ~ 46-h C.-e., Date Date Date .----- / / /.'7 t/ i:::: No. of Tanks '- / Tank Sheets, P\o+ ?IClY1S: tanks(s) Date-·n---. ",,/ []Copy of Written Contract Between Owner & Operator [] Inspect ion Reports DCorrespondence - Received Date Date Date DCorrespondence - Mailed Date Date Date DUnauthorized Release Reports OAbandonment/Closure Reports [J Sampl lng/Lab Reports DMVF Compliance Check (New Construction DSTD Compliance Check (New Construction DMVF Plan Check (New Construction) OSTD Plan Check (New Construction) DMVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) OSTD Plan Check (Existing Facility) O"Incomplete Application" Form [JPermit Application Checklist [Jpermit Instructions ODiscarded []Ti,ghtness Test Resul ts Checklist) Chec kl i st) Date Date Date DMonitoring Well Construction Data/Permits --'--------------------------------------------------------------- DEnvironmental Sensitivity Data: []Groundwater Drilling, Boring Logs DLocation of Water Wells []Statement of Underground Conduits ~Plot Plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive Data DPhotos []Construction Drawings Location: DRalf sheet showing date received and tally of inspection time, etc []Mi scellaneous tit N ~~ ~1fJ.\/~S :s- ~ . . HEALnt OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone lB05) e,61-3636 C'¡(ERN COUNTY HEALTH DE~~('r . . ... ENVIRONMENTAL HEALnt DIVISION '"~å'~::~,;,f,'~Y~~:.;":=:::' HEAL," , .,:.'-;...... , o. .~.,' ~~.,\,~:~; ¿'.', ',', -. :J: NTER.I M PERM-I T TO OPERATE: .:~..,. <.' NDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY . ~', ~,~', ,.:. I': , '.;.> ... ." ..ALL :IN'IER:IM REQU:IREMEN'J:S ES'IABL:ISHED BY 'IHE PERM:I'J:'I:ING AU'IHOR:I'J:Y MUS'I BE ME'I DUR:ING 'J:1IE' .'IERM OF,,, 'IH:I S, .]?ERM:I 'I,: .".::;.~);, '_ "j;: \:!Y;~:'¡'~:':'~'::':I/f:~::;~~~;i:~\ç';:$.~17i,<~~Ú ".'." ,." ')j> '/,'1:>',''( 'J;1; NO N _ or RJ'>.N5 F:e RJ'>.B L:e ......... ]? 0 5 or '0 N "']? R:eM:J: 5:e 51;' ,," ~ ' ;;7:;':,~; ., f ~.... .:. ~" (: "i .. ' ~ . -~ > " " '. I, ,.- DNrE pERMIT MAILED: SEP 12 1986 .' DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST BETURNED: ".;,.\ K~rn Co- I' ;' -I~,j 1 r::h Ot,:pdrtment-..t ::> ìv is ~-)i, L'f Env i re>nmenta 1 He~r'" 17QC Ficw<er Street, Bakersfie~ " ,CA 9330') Permi t 1i1. Appl i::a':-,or..,~e - /ø (}()óZ cPê ~ -, .,~, (.J :> A. APPLIC'..ATI0N FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDE~ROOND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ~ of Appl icatÍon (check): o New Facility DModification of Facility ~Existi03 Facility OTrans,fer of Ownership I . I <:(0 ')-- ~~/ - a.. & II Ðnergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days A.-;q..re.'~í JJ, ¡(\ " C 4-J,1 . <""'Í N i g h ts . .s S::!:!::J .p Facility Name Y..C'h) Cc>~ G,q.y"g~ -<..J1A2...J.ì~e... ~. of Tanks. ~7f' I Type of Business (check): salIne S tlon Oather (describe), .Is TanK(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes [B-tqie)" Is Tank(s) Used PrimarilY-fgr ,Agricultural PurRO~? Dyes ~ Facility Address t:;./õ J~~, Æ4kfL'i~ Nearest Cross St. Æ---<-~-f:- T R SEC (Rura Locat ons O1ly) =~~ssCfi:1~µtf;t ~~<A'~ z~p 9.i~~tact :r:;:'ne »,- .;1(¡z I;, Operator ___~__ ~_ _ _ ,Contact Person "M.~ ~Z""d,~ Address Z p , Telephone ~ _ _ _ __ II Water to Facility Provided by ~ J(\AtY'L-L' IÙ . Depth to Grourñwater l.J.M..kV1.bLÙl1) Soil Characteristics at Facility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Detecninations ¡vi/A B. ., '-.. Contractor Address Proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation Certification I . CA Contractor' s Ucense No. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion Date , , Insurer ). If This Pennit s For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed ft.'f+A-ch.d ~ .. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank! waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel waste Fuel ~ Oil o '0 j¡ã7 ~ 0 0 rid 0 DOg [8~ 0 þ¡ 0 OJ" B 8 8 8 8 [J 8;/, 8f Charnëãt c£1(X)Sitio~f Materialsqtored (not ~cessary f~ IOOtor ~icle fueUf~';· c:::t Tank I Chemical Stored (non-coomercial name) CAS I (if kno'-n) Chemical Previously Stored (if dlffere~t) S ï=t:; v -~ _..- . ._-_.- _--"A' "):-,Q'1~f€:r ,')f Ownership ,-:;st.:òf ~nsfer Previous Facility Name It/lA Prev iOW,3 O\oIner -.. accept fully at.: 'oS;:-fgations of Permit tb. issued tr. I understand tt.ar the Pennitting Authority may review and mcx:H fÿ·-"'(;'i" tenninate the" transfer of the ~<:::1~'~ to Operate this œdergroœd storage facility iJpon rec~iving tll1s;':11\pleted form. ... , -.-....... --- ~""'"'---'_.''' :;lS ,fOrß'~ ~s 'beegPleteè. _,.ue anð ~.,.rkt , . . ,.' .' ("-.. : ." c,l~f::ïr-È\ ;", {. I} LI '\,1 -......."7"'.- ..... . .." " ...._:5.~_~:;-_ ...... "."'!. . I: 'IDder penalty of !y, .,' .,;,¡,.:¡¡ ~..o the best of my kno...·J.edgt: T\~ 1- /v~\ . '/' ' ~, "~:.__._ I'h 114'<1~ Date . ~.b... ' ...I ... ....---.. Facility Name K-€.,w, ~-¥J"~ . ~ Pennit No. TANK1r- -¡f'- t (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR u\CH TANK) - roR ~ SEcTIõÑ, CHECK ALL APPRõPRÏÃTEBõXES- H. 1. Tanl< is: OVaulte~ DNon-Vaulted DDouble-Wall ~le-Wall 2. Tanl¿ Material o C~n Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-Clad Steel , ~berglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Ahrnim.ln 0 Bronze OUnknown o Other (describe) 3. primary Containment Date Installed 'ftlickness (Inches) J t /}~ 4. Tanc Se ndary Containnent DDouble-Wall--r:J Synthetic Uner DOther (describe): DMaterial Thickness (Inches) 5. Tank Interior Lining _ DiRubber DAlkyd DEpoxy OPhenolic OGlas5 OOther (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --O-Galvanlzed DFiber~SS-Clad o Polyethylene Wrap DVinyl Wrappi~ . DTar or Asphalt ~kJ1o\¡¡n ONone DOther (describe): . Cathodic Protection: o None DImpressed OJrrent system I:JSacriflclal Anode System Descr ibe System & Equipnent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception 0 ~Tank: OVisual (vaultedtãnks only) (fGrourdwater ~nitoriR)' well (s) o Vadose Zone Moni toriD;) Well (s) 0 u-Tube Wi thout Liner o U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi"-l Flow to MonitoriR) Well(s) * o Vapor Detector * 0 Uquid Level Sensor 0 Condœtivit¥ Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Aru1ular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Ttbe, MonitoriD;) Well or Annular Space o Daily Ga~ing & I.!!'eJK:õry Reconciliation D Periodic Tightness Testi~ ' o None 0 unknO'-11 .lZ}Other 1/:' S CL~ b. Piping: Flow-Re5trictiR) Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipi~'II' o Mon! toring SlInp wi th Raceway D Sealed Concrete Raceway CJ ~f-cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway D None lldúnkn~)\~¡n 0 Other .. *Describe Make & Model: - 8. Tank Tightness _ /' HaS 'nus Tank Been Tightness Tested? Dyes (lJfb Dl1'1known Date of Last Tightness Test Resul ts of Test Test Name TestiBJ Canpany 9. Tank Repair _ / Tãñk Repaired? DYes I1fflo DUnknojowTl Date(s) of Repair (5) Describe Repairs 10. Ov~ Protection ' rator Fills, Controls, , Visually Monitors level DTape Float Ga~e DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls BCapacitance Sensor OSealed Fill Box DNone Dll1known Other:' List Make & Model Por Above Devices Capacity (~:l~) Manufacturer ß""¿?Ò ~ ~~ DLined Vault ~ Dl1'1known Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) Delay Dll1lined ~kno,., 11. Piping __~ ' ð. underground Piping: lU'Yes 0110 O\)\kno\,¡n Material ~ Thickness (inches) ~ Dianeter~ Manufacturer I. DPressure . ~tlon (jGravi ty Approximate ler¥]th of Pipe RLn 0 ~, b. Underground Plpll'g Corrosion Protection: , . DGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad OImpr-essed current DSacrificial Anode DPoJ.yethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation OVinyl Wrap DTar or Asphalt ~nknown DNone DOther (describe): ' c. Underground Pipirg, Secondary Contairrnent: ~ DDouble-Wall DSynthetic_ Liner System rzd1iióne DUnknown [JOther (describe):