HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 2/16/2004 ¢>'-.-. Per it '~ "1 Issued by: to \ ] Operate Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste'Unified Permit ~CONDITIONS. OF.:PEBMIT cON REVERSE SIDE : , ' .:"" '.'. -: ..: "!¡~;~:) .' :,;?'~t,\},;:~,;~: . ,'; '¡ 'i ( , ' . , , ." This oermit Is Issued for the following: . It! Hazardous Materials Plan o Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials o Risk Management Program o Hazardous Waste On-Slte Treatment .: ',I ", . ~ ~ - - . Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVI/?ONMENTAL SER VICES' 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 'June 30, 2003 ¡ . ';' ::·i,.·~...f":--'¿;;;1.1:;:~'õ'~·""~·.Þ;-¡·",,,,: Approved by: , , Issue Date "1 ,- ., i , ~~i¡~-'-,--;~.~i .~::. . ~~/~~::~ ~. , .: Exp~tioÌl Date: . .; ~~;~~~:~{f~;~}~#f.~1&;i~i~~~;,:t~~",~ '~_:'. . , .' e ri" ~ ~ i; ~ -R!W OVERALL SITE PLAN / ""TO' OVER""O R."OAD POW," 313.2 t!Þ-HOHOl[ S[[ OWG. Q-D1D EXISTING POWER POU (2) - .. SSP CONDUITS TR[NtH[O 0 048" .,IN. DYCONTRACTORTOIO' OIfTSIDErENCE. 45' :¡¡ ~ ;¡ ~ '" ;1 '- owm neER .g NEW OVERHEAÐ POWER UHf, 24' WIN. GfiOUNO CtUru.Ner. 240 VOLTS, 400 AMPS, SINGU: PH4SL OWEST POWER POLE IS 35', \2)-." SCH. 40 PVCCONDurrs RENeHEO 0 4B" ~I~ BY CONTRACTOR TO N£W HANDHO[£ m :~~~~~~~N[¡¡DUCTS W/PUu.ROPES /EXISTJNGOVERHEAD RAlUiOÞ.O POWER e ~., -~- fu ~ ... ::i r!r"&¡fo"¡~0!\i~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - R/W - - - - INSTAllED BY CONTRACTOR (2)-4"SCH.40PVCCONDUITS TRENCHED 0 48" WIN BY CONTRACTOR TO NEW HAHDHOlE ~:l :~~~~~~N[RDUCTS W!PUUROP£S eUILÐING 90lSUWNERSTREET SUWHERSTR[ET AS ;¡ ~ ~ BUILT 1M('oIIIIJ ("1NSDOC\III[IfIIIIISTIIrr'\u U,1'KINAl,SfAILNIILJ:X:AI. JUttSOICfK ItS, CODES, SP£CfØf1OIIS, I.MD 1EQ/U.1QI$. NOTES BURIED (LEe. PROPOSED CONDUIT. FIBER c..aLE.. HANDHOlf ~~~N¿:...&T~UI~ANDHOLE UETERjPOWER POLE [XISllHCCONTOUR$ DRAINAGE SW-'LE 1'1,1'1. COY"', LINE STOR"'S[~ GROUND WIRE & ROO COt<CRETE a....RRIERS OTHER OVERAll SITE PLAN LEGEND -------E------- _e_ ~~ Q¡ Q¡ Q¡ -~---- ---- R/W---~ ------ t IIIII IIIII --œ-- ___-{H}-___ NEW GRAVEL c=:J ~JFCA~~ F~~W ~ _______30_______ -JO- -c- -W- ~s------------:-- -ss- -- ---~-G------- _GW_ - ----- -0- ·col'nlQll' 1"~ QW£St t:OIoIIAJNlCAnoKS COIoIrAIIT_ ALL _no .CSUVl:Þ. J IS IHfottu.'lDH IS stcm. COHf1D[Jln.u. 'IlOl'111(1""" 1Hf'00000fIDIiI.1.DtIGItIG '0 owes, COMNlINlC"-tIOIfS COIiII'AIIT'" 111.1 MO'. ustÞ. COl'll:Þ O. Dl5CLÞSG wmIOUf TIle _ WIIITTtJI C(IHS[JIT Of" <IW£$f CQIIIMIICAT10tfS COIiII'AII'I'." Owest Communications BAKERSFIELD CA ROW POP SITE OVERALL SITE. PLAN 97380 630900 ØAKEP002 11 10" ORAWIMG NUWMR 1N-60' Q 002 !¡ I I .. ... Qwest Communications International Inc. 1801 California, Suite 1160 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 672·2927 FAX (303) 672-2929 Qwest. Nancy Kahl· Environmental Project Manager Environmental Affairs 8nail: nancy,kahl@qwest.com 3~ If/DY February 16, 2004 Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Emergency Services 1715 Chester Avenue ',-- ---~--..Bakersfield, CA 95340 Re: Site ID # 215-000-002008 Annual EPCRA Hazardous Material' Report Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find the following documents to meet the annual Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know (EPCRA) hazardous material reporting: . Business Owner/Operator Identification. form . Hazardous Materials Inventory - Chemical Description forms If there, are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Ms. May Vichitkulwongsa, Safety & Environmental Manager, at 206-346-7532. Sincerely, ~ /;7 ~L/ Nancy Kahl Environmental Project Manager Cc: S&E Manager Site File HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER I OPERATOR FORM Page 1 of 5' Bakersfield Fire Dept. D Environmenta,l Servièes 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 -~ Owest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield POP 2004-02-16 2005-02-16 3 BUSINESS PHONE 1(12 661.805.5600 SITE ADDRESS 906 Sumner Street 103 CITY Bakersfield DUN & BRADSTREET 14-872-1178 104 CA ZIP 93305 100 100 SIC CODE (4 Digit #) 4813 107 COUNTY Kern OPERATOR NAME Owest Communications Corporation 1œ 110 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 1801 California Street, Suite 1160 113 116 CONTACT NAME P. May Vichitkulwongsa CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 1600 Seventh Avenue, Room 2708 119 NAME 123 NAME 129 UniCall Vince Link TITLE, 125 TITLE 130 Owest Emergency Center Manager Network Operations BUSINESS PHONE 126 BUSINESS PHONE 131 866.864.2255 661.805.5600 24-HOUR PHONE 127 24·HOUR PHONE 132 866.864.2255 661.805.5600 PAGER No 128 PAGER No 133 661.805.5600 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible 'or obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the infonnaUon submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true. accurate, and complete. NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 Nancy Kahl 136 TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR Environmental Project Manager 137 fd2090 ,> ~ HAZARDOUS MA TÉRIÁLS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION: DNEW DADO D DELETE IX! REVISE 2004 r¡IIN FORM!«rmìo~lo ;'j:·'-r;:¿,:~<' , BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) Owest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION East end of buildings FACILITY 10 No, CHEMICAL NAME Diesel.Fuel COMMON NAME Diesel F.uel CAS No. 68476-34-6 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire chief) TYPE I!l P PURE o m MIXTURE o w WASTE PHYSICAL STATE o s SOLID !!II LIQUID OgGAS o 3 PRESSURE RELEASE 220 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) !!I 1 FIRE o 2 REACTIVE ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 0 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 200 UNITS' !!I ga GAL "If EHS, amount must be in Ibs. o cf CU FT o Ib LBS o In TONS STORAGE CONTAINER (Check all that apply) ŒJ a ABOVEGROUND TANK 0' b UNDERGROUND TANK o c TANK INSIDE BUILDING , 0 d STEEL DRUM o e PLASTIC'NONMETALLlC DRUM o fCAN o 9 CARBOY o h SILO o i FIBER DRUM OJ BAG STORAGE PRESSURE !!I a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT STORAGE TEMPERATURE !!I a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 (one form per material per building or area) Page,('õf 15' 3 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) 0 Yes ŒJ No 203 GRID No, (optionaQ 204 TRADE SECRET 0 Yes !!I No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions 207 o Yes I!J No EHS· 208 209 'If EHS is"Yes," all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 211 212 CURIES 213, RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes 6Ð No 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 215 200 gallon ŒJ 4 ACUTE HEALTH 216 ŒJ 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 218 AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 200 219 STATE WASTE CODE NIA 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 365 223 Ok BOX o I CYLINDER o m GLASS BOTTLE o n PLASTIC BOTTLE o 0 TOTE BIN o P TANK WAGON 0, q RAIL CAR o r OTHER' o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 o ba BELOW AMBIENT 225 o c CRYOGENIC 226 227 DYes o No 228 229 2 230 231 DYes ONo 232 233 3 234 235 DYes o No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes o No 240 241 242 243 DYes ONo 244 245 Nancy Kahl, Environmental Project Manager -Z-/I&/B '/ ¡¡ ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DNEW !XI REVISE 2004 DADO D DELETE Bakersfield Fire Dept. D Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 (one 'Ofm per material per building or area) Page£of ,,. Qwest.Communications Corporation - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION Inside Building 1 along west wall FACILITY ID No. CHEMICAL NAME Sulfuric Acid COMMON NAME Lead acid battery CAS No. 7664-93-9 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete W requested by local fire chief) TYPE o P PURE !!I m MIXTURE o w WASTE PHVSICAL STATE o s SOLID !!II LIQUID OgGAS o 3 PRESSURE RELEASE 220 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) 01 FIRE ŒJ 2 REACTIVE ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 0 UNITS' 0 ga GAL ''If EHS. amount must be in Ibs. 217 MAXIMUM. DAIL V AMOUNT 655 o cf CUFT Œ)lb LBS o tn TONS STORAGE CONTAINER (Check all that app'Y) d a ABOVEGROUND TANK o b UNDERGROUND TANK o c TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d STEEL DRUM 0, e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM Of CAN o 9 CARBOV o h SILO o i FIBER DRUM OJ BAG STORAGE PRESSURE !!I a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT STORAGE TeMPERATURE !!I a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT 3 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) 0 Ves !!I No 203 GRID No. (optional) 204 205 TRADE SECRET 0 Ves!!l No 206 If Subject to EPCRA. reter to instructions 207 EHS' ŒJ Ves 0 No 208 209 'If EHS is"Ves," all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 211 212 CURIES 213 RADIOACTIVE 0 Ves 6rJ No 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 215 131bs ŒJ 4 ACUTE HEALTH 216 o 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 218 AVERAGE DAIL V AMOUNT 655 219 STATE WASTE CODE NIA 221 DAVS ON SITE 365 222 223 Ok BOX o I CYLINDER o m GLASS BOTTLE o n PLASTIC BOTTLE o 0 TOTE BIN o P TANK WAGON o q RAIL CAR !!I r OTHER Battery o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 o ba BELOW AMBIENT 225 . o c CRVOGENIC 226 227 g¡ Ves DNo 228 229 35 Sulfuric Acid 7664-93-9 2 65 230 Water 231 D Ves g¡ No 232 233 3 234 235 DVes DNO 236 237 4 238 239 DVes DNo 240 241 5 242 243 DVes DNo 244 245 PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANV REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE 246 CD co o N :E Nancy Kahl, Environmental Project Manager Z/I ~1'ð 'I ,¡ ;: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 2004 Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental SerVices 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 (one fOflTl per material per building or area) Pagep"bf ¡ 5' ~/t:-(:-::- - o..:-i\-::_,_ - -, ~i"~.":, >.'.,¿:",_::.;?-;;,:;: :);:;P:,h 'ILlT¥INFØRM~7J7 ':";"':-rr;lj'lY:'i ':: '-<:.;\::-._;::_:: _ .-.-:. :___c_ ----:-~-:-::c_::':-::-?":::~'::,;;~~;,\/: BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION, Inside Building 1 along west wall FACILITY ID Nò, 3 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) 0 Yes ŒJ No 1 MAP No. (optíonal) 203 GRID No. (optíonal) 204 2 0 0 8 ;::+\'é;Y~ði(~:>++9::\Æt~"___:, _ -"~ ;:':', ;.: \--:- :;---,-_:,:-~:-_:_ ::__'_'-,. ;~:. ",-:--'; ,,'·';"'f:'" :+~:,:::,:::~,:':::")"::<~J:~çt~\;,~~:. 1~:,CB'§MIC~I.;;"""I~gG),~M~IIG)~;¡;·"Ù'J ; ._-,--; ;:;:L;;A8;;f(r<~:;":::::':p>~ ,,:'> ,:-, :-- - _.;_:~- -~:-:\.>X'>\ '/:___-/>.» ..::\.:.>i:.:.:' "':'<:0"i '{Kfft~" --,' CHEMICAL NAME Lead COMMON NAME Lead acid battery CAS No. 7439-92-1 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ~ requested by local fire chief) TYPE o m MIXTURE o w WASTE ŒJ p PURE PHYSICAL STATE o I LIQUID 09GAS o 3 PRESSURE RELEASE 220 ŒJ s SOLID FED HAZARD CATEGORIES , (Check all that apply) 01 FIRE o 2 REACTIVE ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 0 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 6,624 UNITS' 0 ga GAL 1f EHS. amount must be in Ibs. o cf CU FT o In TONS ŒJ Ib LBS STORAGE CONTAINER (Check all Ihat app'Y) o a ABOVEGROUND TANK o b UNDERGROUND TANK o c TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d STEEL DRUM o e PLASTICtNONMETALLlC DRUM Of CAN o 9 CARBOY o h SILO o i FIBER DRUM OJ BAG, STORAGE PRESSURE ŒJ a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT STORAGE TEMPERATURE ŒJ a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT 205 TRADE SECRET 0 Yes ŒJ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions 207 o Yes )¡) No, EHS' 208 209 '11 EHS is'Yes: all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 ' 211 212 CURIES 213 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes OCJ No 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 1371bs 215 o 4 ACUTE HEALTH 216 !XI 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 218 AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 6,624 219 STATE WASTE CODE N/A 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 365 223 '. Ok BOX o I CYLINDER o m GLASS BOTTLE o n PLASTIC BOTTLE o 0 TOTE BIN o P TANK WAGON o q RAIL CAR ŒJ r OTHER Battery o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 o ba BELOW AMBIENT 225 o c CRYOGENIC 226 227 DYes o No 228 229 2 230 Water 231 DYes ONo 232 233 3 234 235 DYes o No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes o No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes ONo 244 245 Nancy Kahl, Environmental Project Manager z.//¿ ¡:r~ ~..... ). 1>' /. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION IXI· REVISE 2004 Bakersfield Fire Dept. EnvÏl:onmental Services 1715, Chester Ave Bakersfield; CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 (one f0!l" per material per building or area) Page/bt 15 -. ' --~{ -: _u,_' -: __:':_'--',.>:/:":' ',:::';."':,,:(,,- " -- u_;' - - :_;-:;};;:té:_~:{":,,,,: '} ,',,' -- ::'-- :----::;j?1~-"11±:«i:';;,~~:~,::<' i::::;':'<~:" :,:,::--:lvJs:: -1!0F;;~ÇII2:'~¡;,t~·I;~,gM~;r:IØ -~,~-- -:;'),,,,,,:'._< "c -'~~~:~" >',,~~ :(",: :'~ BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL lOCATION Each building FACILITY ID No. <'-'- .':'::::~ '-:';u<:_::-:::,u:' - _.",,::,' \:,}~,/'-::' '-,;' :::-;-, : - :--,::- --J~<:'Y¿~~~ ,': ':i:::_::,):' ';;:,;i111;,,€H EM leAI!'I~ ~" :~ ~: -::--,~/""'::'-j5r ::;')'::-::' -: - -: - - ""::::::' '::t::, ~:".:, ',: ,,;' ,,:'::"':--:-:,::{:--':::- CHEMICAL NAME 1,1,1,2,3,3- Heptafluoropropane COMMON NAME FM200 Fire Suppressant CAS No, 431-89-0 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requesled by local fire chief) TYPE ~ P PURE Om MIXTURE' o w WASTE PHVSICAl STATE, o s SOLID o I LIQUID ~gGAS ~ 3 PRESSURE RELEASE 220 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) 01 FIRE o 2 REACTIVE ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 0 217 MAXIMUM DAll V AMOUNT 230 UNITS' 0 ga GAl 'II EHS, amount must be in Ibs. o cf CU FT ŒIlb lBS o tn TONS STORAGE CONTAINER (Check all Ihat apply)' o a ABOVEGROUND TANK o b UNDERGROUND TANK o c TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d STEEL DRUM o e PLASTIC/NONMETAlliC DRUM o I CAN' o g CARBOV o h SILO o i FIBER DRUM OJ BAG STORAGE PRESSURE o a AMBIENT ŒI aa ABOVE AMBIENT STORAGE TEMPERATURE ŒI a AMBIENT· o aa ABOVE AMBIENT 3 201 CHEMICAL lOCATION 202 CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) 0 Ves ŒJ No 203 GRID No. (optional) 204 205 TRADE SECRET 0 Ves ŒJ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA. refer to instructions 207 EHS' 0 Ves IX) No 208 209 ' '11 EHS is'Ves," all amounts below must be in ibs. 210 211 212 CURIES 213 RADIOACTIVE 0 Ves 6Ð No 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 76 ct 215 ŒJ 4 ACUTE HEAlTH 216 o 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 218 AVERAGE DAll V AMOUNT 230 219 STATE WASTE CODE N/A 221 DAVS ON SITE 365 222 Ok BOX ŒJ I CVLlNDER o m GLASS BOTTLE o n PLASTIC BOTTlE o 0 TOTE BIN· 223 o p TANK WAGON o q RAil CAR o r OTHER o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 o ba BElOW AMBIENT 225 o c CRVOGENIC 226 227 DVes o No 228 229 2 230 Water 231 o Ves DNo 232 233 3 234 235 o Ves DNo 236 237 4 238 239 DVes DNo 240 241 5 242 243 Dves DNo 244 245 Nancy Kahl, Environmental Project Manager SIGNATURE DATE ~L/ ;z /¿; tY'I 246 (0 ex) o N :E ~~ ~~? '~ . . ¡ CITY OF BAKERSFIEIJD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENT ÄL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd ¡<'Ioor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAMEQu.1e<;.T CÒ.'Y\~VNKA Î(CW5.: INSPECTION pATE I / '-I / ð ':5 ADDRESS , '1 06 S;U.",,-NG;..~- PHONE NO. lÞè.1>' g:se-/ - '17;<? FACILITY CONTACT fY)A~ K (L'è-YtJdLb. <> BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- On Zo<3 '?' INSPECTION TIME I~' YY\ I N NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ,3 Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program a;:rRoutine o Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA TlON C V COMMENTS Appropriate pem1Ït on hand Iv Business plan contact infonnation accurate ./ Visible ãddress V NOV14 zoaJ .~ Correct occupancy ¡/ V-- ~. ...- Veri fication of inventory materials V' 1/ ./ , Verification of quantities Verification of location 1,/ .- Proper segregation of material 1./ Verification of MSDS availability V Verification of Haz Mat training >/' Verification of abatement supplies and procedures v Emergency procedures adequate v Containers properly labeled ./ Housekeeping v Fire Protection ../ Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand Iv C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes ~o Pink· Business Copy Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 While - Enll, SIICS. Yellow - Station Copy Inspector: --2- ~, ~". : \_'-'.'0, '~~~. '~. "" I . SiteID: 015-021-002008 " QWEST COMMUNICATIONS I , I Manager : Location: 906 SUMNER ST City BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 EPANumb: BusPhone: Map : 103 Grid: 29D (661) 201-3531 CommHaz : Moderate FacUnits: 1 AOV: , I I , SIC Code:4813 DunnBrad:14-872-1178 Hazmat Hazards: / Title / AREA MANAGER (661) 834-9727x (661) ~,Ol 3SJ2KCELL (661) 635-5176x '4'Q,_ ) 80 ç.- ~ úðO (!.<',I/( Emergency Contact / Title UNICALL / QWEST EMERGENCY Bus'ness Phone: (866) 864-2255x 2 -Hour Phone : (866) 864-2255x ager Phone : () x Emergency Contact VINCE LINK Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : Pager Phone Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Phone: (206) 346-7532x S,tate: WA Zip 98191 Phone: (303) 672-2938x State: CO Zip 80202 TotalASTs: = Gal TotalUSTs: = Gal RSs: No // Contact : P. MAY VICHITKULWONGSA MailAddr: 1600 7TH AVE 2708 City SEATTLE Owner Address City QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO 1801 CALIFORNIA AVE 1160 DENVER Period Preparer: Certif'd: to Emergency Directives: ..::.:.:;- VINCENT LINK 834-9727 OR CELL 201 :J532-- ipG\ ~oS-"" 5"'<.000 MARK REYNOLDS, SITE TECH CELL 2B-l 353"'1 ~~\ g-oS--$'<:.o ~~~R~cgg~~~g~ ~~~=~~2;4 O~R~E~~0~~0;~~~5 ~~i -~ð~- ~:"CoO' ENVIRNMENTAL CONTACT IS P. MAY VICHITKULWONGSA 206-672-2938 ADDRESS: 1600 7TH AVENUE, ROOM 2708 SEATTLE, WAS 98191 *-';.. ....~:~ One Unified List 9 I All Materials at Site 9 p= Hazmat Inventory f== Alphabetical Order Hazmat Common Name. . . SpecHaz EPA Hazards DailyMax IH L G S L 200:QP GAL \;.,LOW 230.00,,FT3 'UnR 6624.00 L!3S Min 655.00·LBS Hi DIESEL FUEL, #2 HEPTAFLUOROPROPANE LEAD SULFURIC ACID F R IH DH P R IH >;'" · "~f~¡;t;~~¡'i.' -1- 01/07/2003 ...;". ,~. t.J QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO'' f., ,- Ic ~ "~~ ~...-'" \.",....... ~f..--:- ~> /' '-....._~..-- SiteID: 015-021-002008 Manager,.:: \itNcE UN~ Loèation: 906 SUMNER ST City BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 EPA Numb: ~ 1.\)\)1 (\t,\ ~ BusPhone: Map : 103 Grid: 29D (661) , 201-3531 ComrnHaz : Moderate FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:4813 DunnBrad:14-872-1178 Emergency Contact VINCE LINK Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : Pager Phone / Title / AREA MANAGER (661) 834 - 9727x (661) 201 35]~xCELL (661) Emergency Contact / Title UNICALL / QWEST EMERGENCY Business Phone: (866) 864-2255x 24-Hour Phone : (866) 864-2255x Pager Phone : () X Hazmat Hazards: Bo:;- - ':7bOo Fire Press React ImrnHlth DelHlth Phone: (206) 346-7532x State: WA Zip 98191 Phone: (303) 672-2938x State: CO Zip 80202 TotalASTs: = 2DD Gal TotalUSTs: ø Gal RSs: No Contact : P. MAY VICHITKULWONGSA MailAddr: 1600 7TH AVE 2708 City SEATTLE Owner Address City QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO 1801 CALIFORNIA AVE 1160 DENVER Period : lb{Dllo3 to lð[Dllð<q- Preparer: P. \vtAY \{lCH:ll~uNbNG--s.A- Certif'd: ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: VINCENT LINK 834-9727 OR CELL 201-3:J}%- 9DS-. §'boo MARK REYNOLDS, SITE TECH CELL 201 35 3.q,.. ~- 'vbD;L NETWORK CONTROL CENTER 24 HRS 800-860-6485 OPT 2 RANDY NCCORMIC OR CELL 201 J585c. '3D'i7 -t;bol ENVIRNMENTAL C TACT IS P. MAY VICHITKULWONGSA 206 G72 29JßL Ç;Ç;-( -~40'" ADDRESS: 1600 7TH AVENUE, ROOM 2708 SEATTLE, WAS 98191 <33q-- ~+ 2--.:r 1,'P~y (Ty~ or print naIM) r~"iswsd ths attached hæardous materials mSb1SlQ s- msni plan for W'v4esr and that it aJong wi~h (Name of, ~1I6) Slny ooIT~ions oonstitute ~ complete aoo correct man- 00 hersby certify that I have agsmem plBln ~Of' my ~~ciliiy. -1- 09/26/2003 Î' ;. / i"!(". J F QWEST COMMUNICATIONS I ~ F Hazmat Inventory f== MCP+DailyMax Order . . SiteID: 015-021-002008 9 By Facility Unit 9 Fixed Containers at Site 9 SpecHaz EPA Hazards DailyMax MCP IH L 655.00 LBS Hi F R IH DH L 200.00 GAL Low S 6624.00 LBS Min P R IH G 230.00 ~ UnR U3S Hazmat Common Name... SULFURIC ACID DIESEL FUEL #2 LEAD HEPTAFLUOROPROPANE -2- 09/26/2003 Í":~ , . F QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO ~f= Inventory Item 0003 F= COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL LEAD . SiteID: 015~021-002008 ~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ NAME Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit IN EMERGENCY BATTERIES Map: Grid: CAS # STATE - TYPE Solid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE OTHER - SPECIFY Largest Container 137.00 LBS AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 6624.00 LBS Daily Average 6624.00 LBS HAZARDOUS OMPONENTS %Wt. RS CAS# 95.00 Lead No 7439921 C HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / / / Min f= Inventory Item 0004 = COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME HEPTAFLUOROPROPANE FM200 Location within this Facility Unit EACH BUILDING Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ Map: Grid: Days On Site 365 CAS# 434-89-0 - TYPE Pure PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE Above Ambient Ambient CONTAINER'TYPE FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER Lar~est Container 76.00 FT3 AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum LB~ 230.00 ~ Daily Average 1..-B5: 230.00 ~ M NEN S %Wt. RS CAS# 99.00 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons No 64742489 HAZARDOUS CO PO T AR A ESSME T TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies P R IH / / / UnR HAZ D SS N S -5- 09/26/2003 'j'.' ~ e QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO . SiteID: 015-021-002008 9 Fast Format 9, Overall Site 9 06/12/2002 f "i I p= Notif./Evacuation/Medical Agency Notification WHEN A FIRE ALARM SOUNDS, EMPLOYEES WIL IMMEDIATELY EVACUATE THE BUILDING AND MEET AT ONE OF THE DESIGNATED MEETING PLACES. ANY VISITORS AND THIRD PARTY INDIVIDUALS PRESENT AT THE FACILITY WILL BE VERBALY INSTRUCTED BY QWEST PERSONNEL TO EVACUATE THE FACILITY AND PROCEED TO A D¡(ESIGNATED MEETING PLACE. PRIMARY DESIGNATED MEETING PLACE IS OUTSIDE OF THE PROPERTY FENCE NEAR THE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE TO THE FACILITY FROM SUMNER STREET. ~lc,..N,A--TE--D SECONDARY ~ MEETING PLACE IS OUTSIDE OF THE PROPERTY FENCE, WEST ALONG SUMNER STREET, NEAR THE BEALE STREET OVERPASS THE LEAD SITE TECHNICIAN WILL NOTIFY EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES AND QWEST UNICALL EMERGENCY CENTER. THE ENVIRONMENTAL COORDIATOR RESPONDING TO THE UNICALL NOTICE WILL MAKE OTHER APPRORIATE AGENCY NOTIFICATIONS IN THE EVENT Employee Notif./Evacuation 06/12/2002 ?N2-l'f IF ADDITIONAL QWEST PERSONNEL OR ANY THIRD ~ INDIVIDUALS ARE PRESENT IN THE QWEST FACILITY WITH THE SCHEDULED FOPS TECHNICIAN, THEY WILL BE NOTIFIED ON AN EMERGENCY BY THE FACILITY FIRE ALARM OR VERBALLY BY THE TECHNICIAN. BASED ON THE TYPICAL STAFFING AND SMALL SIZE OF THE FACILITY, VERBAL EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION IS ADEQUATE TO ADDRESS BLDG OCCUPANT AND VISITOR NEEDS. THE BLDG ALARM SYSTEM IS CONNECTED TO A CENTRAL MONITORING CENTER LOCATED IN DENVER, CO THAT IS STAFFED 24 HOURS PER DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR. Public Notif:/Evacuation 06/06/2000 EXTERNAL EMERGENCY SERVICE PERSONNEL WILL BE NOTIFIED OF A FACILITY EMERGENCY VIA TELEPHONE. THE BLDG ALARM SYSTEM IS CONNECTED TO A CENTRAL MONITORING ~ENTER. THIS OPERATIONS CENTER WILL NOTIFY EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCIES INEASE OF A SITE EMERGENCY. IF QWEST PERSONNEL ARE PRESENT AT THE , FACILITY WHEN AN EMERGENCY DEVELOPS, THEY CAN CONTACT EMERGENCY SERVICES DIRECTLY VIA LAND OR CELLULAR TELEPHONE LINES. Emergency Medical Plan 06/12/2002 IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY REQUIRING MEDICAL RESPONSE, EMPLOYEES SHALL USE THE 911 SYSTEM TO SUMMON EMERGENCY SERVICES. BE PREPARED TO PROVIDE DIRECTIONS TO THE FACILITY. PRIMARY HOSPITAL WITH EMERGENCY SERVICES IS KERN MEDICAL CENTER. BAKERSFIELD MEMOIRAL HOSPITAL, 420 34TH ST, 327-4647 OR KERN MEDICAL CENTER, 1830 FLOWER ST, 326 200e~ ~q-2- -6- 09/26/2003 ¡, . e , F QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO " I f= Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Release Prevention . SiteID: 015-021-002008 9 Fast Format 9 Overall Site 9 06/06/2000 TH:WO CHEMICALS PRESENT AT THE ,SITE ABOVE THE QUANTITY LISTED ABOVE AR i ULFURIC'ACID CONTAINED IN WET-CELL BATTERIES USED TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY PO ER SUPPLY AND DIESEL FUEL #2 USED IN THE EMERGENCY POWER GENERATOR. THE BAKERSFIELD SITE HAS FORTY-EIGHT (48) WET-CELL BATTERIES CONTAINED WITHIN TWO SEPARTE BATTERY RACKS IN THE WEST'END OF ROOM 1, WHICH IS LOCATED IN THE E END OF THE FACILITY BLDG. ALL OF THE BATTERIES ARE HANDLED DURING INITIAL PLACEMENT, ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT ACTIVITIES. ALL BATTERIES ARE SENT FOR RECYCLE/RECLAMATION WHEN THEY ARE NO LONGER USABLE. THE DIESEL FUEL TANK AND THE EMERGENCY GENERATOR ARE BOTH CONTAINED IN A SINGLE UNIT, WITH THE GENERATOR SITTING ABOVE THE FUEL TANK. THE COMBINED UNIT IS LOCATED ABOVE GROUND OUTSIDE THE E END OF THE FACILITY BLDG. THE FUEL TANK IS CONSTRUCTED WITH DOUBLE WALLED STEEL AND HOLDS 200 GALLONS OF #2 DIESEL FUEL. QWEST USES FUEL ADDITIVES TO LENGTHEN THE USEFUL LIFE OF THE FUEL, THERBY REDUCING THE NEED TO RECYCLE FUEL THAT BECOMES AGED. R 1 C 05/03/2000 F=== e ease ontalnment = HOW WOULD YOU CONTAIN A, RELEASE ONCE IT HAS HAPPENED??????????? .4 I Clean Up 06/06/2000 : I ~EST MAINTAINS THE NECESSARY PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND CLEANUP ~~TERIALS ONSITE TO SAFELY CLEANUP AND CONTAINERIZE INCIDENTAL SPILLS. ALL ECOVERED PRODUCT/WASTE, ASSOCIATED CLEANUP MATERIALS AND PERSONAL ROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT GENERATED BY INCIDENTAL OR EMERGENCY (EXTERNAL ~ESOURCES ) CLEANUP ACTIVITIES WILL BE PROPERLY CONTAINERIZED IN STEEL AND/OR POLYETHYLENE DRUMS, DEPENDING UPON THE SPECIFIC NATURE OF THE WASTE Other Resource Activation \ ~ ~ tt-tt;:; EMRD'fE:E tÞGNTtFytNG,- TW:: $?(Ll- ~UL-Þ R1<~í A=rTE:µVl 1D CDNTA-íN lH& ~'PlU- ÒlNet w= T~~ ts. ND THRE-Æ-T lb tf-\:E[Þ- SAFB\Y. U~l'N& LoDS;t:; ~SD~E-N""ß ¡4.Np ,6..;{?S:D~g-il ";PtLLDWS; D~ ~~ tH,A-T ~ t~ ,~E sPtLL- ~T. ~7- 09/26/2003 ''-;' QWEST COMMUNICATIONS' -; I f= Site Emergency Factors ~ Special Hazards .' SiteID: 015-021-002008 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì I Utility Shut-Offs 06/06/2000 A) GAS - NONE TO FACILITY B) ELECTRICAL - SW CORNER OF FACILITY ON UTILITY POLE C) WATER - NONE TO FACILITY D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO Fire Protec./Avail. Water 06/06/2000 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - AUTOMATIC FIRE DETECTION, SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS AND TWO HAND OPERATED FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - LOCÀ'I'ION?????~ APPf<OKlMA-TLY ~ Pr tD TH;e $;.W Building Occupancy Level -8- 09/26/2003 Qwest Communications .national, Inc. Safety & Environmental Management 1801 California Street, Suite 1160 Denver, Colorado 80202 ~ " Qwest4 Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) Owest Communications Corp Bakersfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Agency: Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Prepared By: Owest Communications Int!., Inc. Safety & Environmental Management (303) 672-2938 2003 , ' Qwest Communications aersfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 . 2003 Lat: Long: Table of Contents Business Owner/Operator Identification Form Hazardous Materials Inventory - Chemical Description Forms Area Map Site Diagram Hazardous Materials Management Plan - Fire Department format Section I: Business Identification Data Section 11.1 Discovery and Notifications A. Leak Detection and Monitoring Procedures B. Employee and Agency Notification C. Environmental Response Management D. Emergency Medical Plan Section 11.2: Release Response Plan A. Hazard Assessment and Prevention Measures B. Release Containment and/or Mitigation C. Clean-up and Recovery Procedures D. Utility Shut-Ofts E. Private Fire ProtectionlWater Availability Section III: Training Emergency Response Telephone Numbers Attachment A: Material Safety Data Sheets Bakersfield POP - HMMP Table of Contents '.1 J . t:i,~~º9'J..~,"'J:\.T.ERIAL.S FACILITY INFORMATION Ii ':':-:=:::";:::':':-:';';';';':';';';':-:';';';';,;>,-:,;-:';I,%,.;.;.:"-:.;=::;.:.:.:.:.:.;.~:::::::::::;:;:::::::-«::-:.:::.::::::::::::.:::::::::"-::::;:::::::::::;::;:;::::.:~~.:X;:::::::::;:::;:::;;':;:::::;:::;:::::::::;:::;';::::>;:::=::::::::::;:::::::0:'::::;::': BUSINESS OWNER J OPERATOR FORM "1 P~e1~ · Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661 )326-3979 101 2003-10-01 2004-10-01 BUSINESS NAME (Same ao FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing _..... Aa) Owest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield POP SITE ADDRESS 906 Sumner Street 3 BUSINESS PHONE 661.805.5600 102 1111 Bakersfield DUN & BRADSTREET 14·872·1178 COUNTY Kern OPERATOR NAME Owest Communications Corporation CA ZIP 93305 tœ CITY 101 lœ SIC CODE (4 Digtt III) 4813 101 101 UII OPERATOR PHONE 661.805,5600 110 CMINER NAME Owest Communications International, Inc. CMINER MAILING AOORESS 1801 Califomia Street, Suite 1160 111 CANNER PHONE 303.672.2938 112 113 CITY Denver 115 ZIP 80202 118 CONTACT NAME p, May Vichitkulwongsa CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 1600 Seventh Avenue, RDom 2708 CITY Seatlle 117 CONTACT PHONE 206,346.7532 118 119 24-HOUR PHONE 866,864.2255 37 123 NAME 129 Vince Link, 125 TITLE 130 Manager NetwDrk Operations 126 BUSINESS PHONE 131 661.805.5600 127 24-HOUR PHONE 132 661.805.5600 128 PAGER No 133 661.805.5600 NAME UnlCall TITLE Owest Emergency Center BUSINESS PHONE 866.864.2255 PAGER No Certification: Booed on my Inquiry 01 those indivldualo rasponslble for obtaining tho Information, I certily uncIer penally of law that I have personally examinod and am !amlllar with the ânformation submitted in 'this irNentory and beüeYe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATURE OF CMlNERIOPERATOR DATE It) - '3 - D 134, NAME OF OOCUMENT PREPARER P. May Vichitkulwongsa 1ao @ NAMES OF OWNER/OPERATOR (print) Brian T. Jacobson 136 mLE OF CMlNER/OPERATOR DirectDr of Environmental Management 137 40 fd2090 ~ HAZARDOUS MA TER~ls INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 (one form per material per building or area) Page1 of 4 [] NEW [] ADD [] DELETE !XI REVISE 2003 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) 3 Owest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 East end of buildings CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) o Ves 18] No FACILITV ID No, I I I I I I I II 1210 lois/ 1 I MAP No, (optiona~ 203 GRID No, (optiona~ 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET 0 Ves 18] No 206 Diesel Fuel If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 207 EHS' o Ves [ No Diesel Fuel 208 CAS No, 209 'If EHS is·Ves: all amounts below must be 6S476-34-6 in Ibs, FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire chief) 210 TYPE 18] p PURE o m MIXTURE o w WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Ves 2121 CURIES 213 IKJ No PHVSICAL STATE 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 215 o s SOLID 18] I LIQUID OgGAS 200 gallon FED HAZARD CATEGORIES ŒJ 1 FIRE o 2 REACTIVE o 3 PRESSURE RELEASE ŒJ 4 ACUTE HEALTH ŒJ 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Check all that apply) ANNUAL WASTE 2171 ~AXIMUM 218 AVERAGE 219 STATE WASTE 220 AMOUNT 0 DAIL V AMOUNT DAIL V AMOUNT 200 CODE 200 N/A 18] ga GAL o cf CU FT o Ib LBS o tn TONS 221 DAVS ON SITE 222 UNITS' 1f EHS, amount must be in Ibs, 365 223 STORAGE CONTAINER 18] a ABOVEGROUND TANK Of CAN Ok BOX o P TANK WAGON (Check a/l that apply) Db UNDERGROUND TANK o 9 CARBOV o I CVLlNDER o q RAIL CAR o c TANK INSIDE BUILDING o h SILO o m GLASS BOTTLE o r OTHER o d STEEL DRUM o i FIBER DRUM o n PLASTIC BOTTLE o e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM OJ BAG o 0 TOTE BIN 18] a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE PRESSURE o c CRVOGENIC 225 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 18] a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS # 1 226 227 OVes o No 228 229 2 230 231 OVes o No 232 233 3 234 235 OVes o No 236 237 4 238 239 OVes o No 240 241 5 242 243 OVes o No 244 245 III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANV REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE 246 P. May Vichitkulwongsa. Safety & Environmental Manager ~~ C\, -; \ Lon. ~ ,/ tDtódó 3 ///'1 0 co co o N :E =- HAZARDOUS MATERils INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Bakersfield Fire Dept. D Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 (one form per material per building or area) Page2 of 4 DNEW DADO D DELETE IX! REVISE 2003 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) 3 Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 Inside Building 1 along west wall CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) o Yes ~ No FACILITY 10 No, I I I I I I I I I 12\ 0 10 lal 1 I MAP No, (opüona~ 203 GRID No, (opüona~ 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET 0 Yes ~ No 206 Sulfuric Acid If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 207 Lead acid battery EHS· ~ Yes 0 No 208 CAS No, 209 'If EHS is'Yes," all amounts below must be 7664-93-9 in Ibs, FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ~ requested by local fire chief) 210 TYPE o P PURE ~ m MIXTURE o w WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes IX] No 2121 CURIES 213 PHYSICAL STATE 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 215 o s SOLID ~ I LIQUID ogGAS 131bs FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 01 FIRE !XI 2 REACTIVE o 3 PRESSURE RELEASE !XI 4 ACUTE HEALTH o 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Check all that apply) ANNUAL WASTE 217í~AXIMUM 218 AVERAGE 219 STATE WASTE 220 AMOUNT 0 DAILY AMOUNT DAILY AMOUNT CODE 655 655 NIA o ga GAL o cf CU FT ŒJ Ib LBS o In TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 UNITS' 1f EHS, amount must be in Ibs, 365 223 STORAGE CONTAINER o a ABOVEGROUND TANK Of CAN Ok BOX o P TANK WAGON (Check all that apply) Db UNDERGROUND TANK o 9 CARBOY o I CYLINDER o q RAIL CAR o c TANK INSIDE BUILDING o h SILO o m GLASS BOTTLE ~ r OTHER Battery o d STEEL DRUM o i FIBER DRUM o n PLASTIC BOTTLE o e PLASTIClNONMET ALLlC DRUM OJ BAG o 0 TOTE BIN ~ a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT o c CRYOGENIC 225 STORAGE TEMPERATURE %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS # 1 226 227 KI Yes o No 228 229 35 Sulfuric Acid 7664-93-9 2 65 230 Water 231 o Yes g] No 232 233 3 234 235 o Yes o No 236 237 4 238 239 o Yes o No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes o No 244 245 III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE 246 p. May Vichitkulwongsa, Safety & Environmental Manager ( )-. N :O..clk,I'I.,~'-;~ ~ ("D6~lLD :s C CD to o C\ :E ---- '-r-- HAZARDOUS MA TERlls INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661 )326-3979 (one form per material per building or area) Page3 of 4 DNEW DADO D DELETE IX! REVISE 2003 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) 3 Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 Inside Building 1 along west wall CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) a Yes ~ No FACILITY ID No, I I II I I I I I 1210 10 181 1 I MAP No, (optionaQ 203 GRID No, (optionaQ 204 , II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET a Yes ~ No 206 Lead II Subject to EPCRA, relar to instructions COMMON NAME 207 EHS' a Yes IX! No Lead acid battery 208 CAS No, 209 '11 EHS is·Yes: all amounts below must be 7439-92-1 in Ibs, FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ~ requested by local fire chief) , 210 TYPE ŒI P PURE a m MIXTURE a w WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE a Yes IX! No 212ì CURIES 213 PHYSICAL STATE 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 215 ~ s SOLID a I LIQUID agGAS 1371bs FED HAZARD CATEGORIES a 1 FIRE a 2 REACTIVE a 3 PRESSURE RELEASE a 4 ACUTE HEALTH !XI 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Check all that apply) ANNUAL WASTE 2171 MAXIMUM 218 AVERAGE 219 STATE WASTE 220 AMOUNT 0 DAILY AMOUNT 6,624 DAILY AMOUNT CODE 6,624 N/A a ga GAL a cf CU FT ŒJ Ib LBS a In TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 UNITS' 'II EHS, amount must be in Ibs, 365 223 STORAGE CONTAINER a a ABOVEGROUND TANK a I CAN akBOX a p TANK WAGON (Check a/l that apply) a b UNDERGROUND TANK a 9 CARBOY a I CYLINDER a q RAIL CAR a c TANK INSIDE BUILDING a h SILO a m GLASS BOTILE ~ r OTHER Battery a d STEEL DRUM a i FIBER DRUM a n PLASTIC BOTILE o e PLASTlClNONMET ALLlC DRUM OJ BAG o 0 TOTE BIN , ŒJ a AMBIENT a aa ABOVE AMBIENT a ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE PRESSURE ŒJ a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT a ba BELOW AMBIENT a c CRYOGENIC 225 STORAGE TEMPERATURE %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS # 1 226 '227 DYes DNO 228 229 2 230 Water 231 DYes DNo 232 233 3 234 235 DYes D No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes D No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 245 III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE ~RE DATE 246 P. May Vichitkulwongsa, Safety & Environmental Manager <"J:b,().~ t'O[Odö3 \j CD co o N J2 ~, HAZARDOUS MATER'S INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661 )326-3979 (one form per material per building or area) Page4 of 4 DNEW DADO D DELETE !XI REVISE 2003 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) 3 Owest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 Each building CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) o Yes lID No FACILITY ID No, I I I I I \ r I \ 1210\0\8\ 1 I MAP No, (optionan 203 GRID No, (optionan 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET 0 Yes !!I No 206 1 ,1,1,2,3,3 - Heptafluoropropane If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 207 o Yes iii No EHS' FM200 Fire Suppressant 208 CAS No, 209 'If EHS is·Yes: ail amounts beiow must be 431-89-0 in Ibs, FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ~ requested by local fire chief) 210 TYPE 211 212\ CURIES 213 ¡¡n p PURE o m MIXTURE o w WASTE RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes iii No PHYSICAL STATE 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 215 o s SOLID o I LIQUID !!I 9 GAS 76 cf FED HAZARD CATEGORIES IX! 4 ACUTE HEALTH o 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Check ail that apply) 01 FIRE o 2 REACTIVE IXI 3 PRESSURE RELEASE ANNUAL WASTE 217\ ~AXIMUM 218 AVERAGE 219 STATE WASTE 220 AMOUNT 0 DAILY AMOUNT DAILY AMOUNT CODE 230 230 N/A o ga GAL ,0 cf CU FT !!lIb LBS o In TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 UNITS' 'If EHS, amount must be in Ibs, 365 223 STORAGE CONTAINER o a ABOVEGROUND TANK Of CAN Ok BOX OpT ANK WAGON (Check all that apply) o b UNDERGROUND TANK o 9 CARBOY !!II CYLINDER o q RAIL CAR o c TANK INSIDE BUILDING o h SILO o m GLASS BOTTLE o r OTHER o d STEEL DRUM o i FIBER DRUM o n PLASTIC BOTTLE o e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM OJ BAG o 0 TOTE BIN o a AMBIENT !!I aa ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE PRESSURE 225 STORAGE TEMPERATURE I!I a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT o c CRYOGENIC %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS # 1 226 227 DYes o No 228 229 2 230 Water 231 DYes o No 232 233 3 234 235 DYes o No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes o No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes o No 244 245 III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE 246 P. May Vichitkulwongsa, Safety & Environmental Manager ®,U, rtbJ OO/1\'vA~ tD[Ö l L03 U CD co o ('oj :E .~,., \. Site Diagram Qwest Communications - Bakersfield POP 906 Sumner Street, Bakersfield, CA u @) * Located ~ 1'1Oth mile @) at Owens 51. - Q) Q) .... - en .... Q) c: E :J en Beale Street Overpass , 25 Feet r------------------ . CJ) c .2 1û- o c .- ( ) C E 111 .9- E :) 00" oW ( ) q¡ I- . CJ) C o <= Ct\- o C .- ( ) C E :)c. E·- E :) 00" ¡¡¡W q¡ I- 1:::1:,,,,::,,,::1 CJ) C o <= Ct\- o C .- ( ) C E 111 .9- E :) 00" ¡¡¡W q¡ I- . * I Engine I J , ( ) .< ¡¡¡ 't " , , I r-~ t;:c;,:;~~:t:~ ---- Driveway 50 Feet . Q; ( ) u. o "" ~ North . +: Q) c :::¡ "C (\j g ëii a: 80 Feet Key: !II] Batteries I Engine I Engine with Diesel Fuel AST . FM-200 Fire Suppression Cylinder Fence * Evacuation Meeting Place @) Fire Hydrant ~ Qwest Communications eerSfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 . 2003 Lat: Long: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION I: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: Qwest Communications - Bakersfield POP LOCATION: 906 Sumner Street. Bakersfield. CA 93305 MAILING ADDRESS: Qwest Environmental Affairs Attn: P. May Vichitkulwonasa. Safety & Environmental Manaaer 1600 Seventh Avenue. Room 2708 CITY: Seattle STATE: WA ZIP: 98191 PHONE: 206-346-7532 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Telecommunications OWNER: Qwest Communications IntI.. Inc. PHONE: 303-672-2938 MAILING ADDRESS: 1801 California St.. Suite 1160. Denver. CO 80202 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CO NT ACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 1. UNICALL Qwest Emera Ctr 866-864-2255 2. Vince Link Area Manaaer 661-805-5600 24 HR PHONE 866-864-2255 661-805-5600 SECTION II: DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATION A. LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES The diesel fuel for the emeraency poweraenerator is contained in an above around double wall steel tank. The interstitial area between the tank walls is monitored for leaks and will alarm at the site in the event of a leak. The Site Technician performs visual intearity inspections of the tank and connected pipina for sians of corrosion and leaks. The sulfuric acid and lead are within sealed batteries used for backup emeraency power. The batteries are constructed with "absorbed alass mattina" technoloay desianed to result in zero to less than 1 % loss of free electrolyte even with a catastrophic casina failure. The batteries are low maintenance and include low pressure. self-sealina safety vents. leak-resistance epoxy post seals: individual cell flame arrestors. heat dissipatina spaces between the cells. a collapsible bridae in the base of each cell or allow for break-resistance expansion: and a steel frame module desianed for Zone 4 seismic activity. The Site Technician performs visual Bakersfield POP - HMMP - ~ Qwest Communications leersfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 . 2003 Lat: Long: inspections of the batteries for sians of weepina. swellina. corrosion. and conducts float voltaae measurements to monitor the battery intearitv. B. EMPLOYEE AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION When a fire alarm sounds. emplovees will immediatelv evacuate the buildina and meet at one of the desianated meetina places. Anv visitors and third party individuals present at the facilitv will be verballv instructed bv Qwest personnel to evacuate the facilitv and proceed to a desianated meetina place. Primary desianated meetina place is outside of the property fence near the driveway entrance to the facilitv from Sumner Street. Secondary desianated meetina place is outside of the propertv fence to the west alona Sumner Street. near the Beale Street Overpass. The lead site technician will notify emeraencv response services and Qwest UNICALL Emeraencv Center. The Safety & Environmental Manaaer respondina to the UNICALL notice will make other appropriate aaencv notifications in the event of a hazardous material spill. C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE MANAGEMENT Emplovees use 911 -In the event of a medical emeraencv. fire or earthauake when immediate emeraencv response is needed. Personnel will telephone Qwest UNICALL and internal emeraencv center. The Center will notify the appropriate Qwest Safetv & Environmental Manaaer for the area of the emeraencv. Disaster Recovery. and/or Security. The Safety & Environmental Manaaer will contact the person makina the UNICALL notice to obtain more information about the incident. He/She will notify state or local aaencies in the event of a reportable spill of hazardous material and assist in coordinatina site cleanup activities with cleanup contractors and site manaaement. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN In the event of an emeraencv reauirina medical response. emplovees shall use the 911 system to summon emeraencv services. Be prepared to provide directions to the facilitv. Primary hospital with emeraencv services is Bakersfield Memorial Hospital. The secondary hospital with emeraencv services is Kern Medical Center. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 420 34th Street Bakersfield. CA 93305 661-327-4647 Bakersfield POP - HMMP ' 'ý- Qwest Communications eersfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 . 2003 Lat: Long: Kern Medical Center 1830 Flower Street Bakersfield. CA 93305 661-326,.2542 SECTION 11.2: RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES Upon identification of a spill. the employee should attempt to determine the substance spilled. thè'amount. the extent of spread. and the source of the spill. Remove all non-essential personnel from the immediate area before beainnina spill response activities. Usina spill response materials. attempt to contain the spill. If the spill is of such a maanitude that it cannot be safely controlled by facility personnel. then notify outside emeraency response aaencies (911) and Qwest UNICALL. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MITIGATiON The employee identifyina the spill should first attempt to contain the spill only if there is no threat to their safety. Eauipment available in the spill response materials at the site may include loose absorbents and absorbent pillows or booms. If it is safe to do so. the spill responder should attempt to seal or otherwise stop the source of the spill. Common methods of eliminatina a spill source include closina valves. leak stoppina compound for pinhole leaks. drum over-packs. deactivatina pumps. and divertina flow to another pathway. The spilled material must not be allowed to enter a floor drain. storm drain. or other pathway to a water source. C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES Personal protective eauipment and spill response materials are available onsite to safely cleanup and containerize incidental spills. Employees may respond to , incidental spills usina spill response materials and personal protective eauipment if they have received appropriate trainina. Once the spill is contained and the source eliminated. the spilled material will be collected in an appropriate manner to prevent employee exposure and placed into secure containers. The area of surface in contact with the spilled material will be decontaminated by an appropriate method that is permissible under local. state. and federal laws. The specific method used will depend upon the substance. the availability of permitted sewer discharae to a POTW. reaulatorv standards applicable to hazardous and toxic substances. and other factors. The Safetv & Environmental Manaaer will be , consulted as necessary for the appropriate clean UP and decontamination methods. Bakersfield POP - HMMP ~ Qwest Communications eersfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 . 2003 Lat: Long: All collected spill material and debris will be manaaed so to fully comply with applicable local. state. and federal laws reaardina the recyclina or disposal of wastes. Containers will be sealed. labeled accordina to the type of waste. and stored in a secure location until transported for recyclina or disposal. UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATIOIN OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY) NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: None to facility ELECTRICAL: On Utility pole at SE corner of facility WATER: None to facility SPECIAL: None LOCK BOX: NO PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: The facility is eauipped with an automatic fire detection and suppression system. Each of the three interconnected buildinas has a fire and smoke detection system that is monitored by a Qwest Network Control Center. 24 hours per day. 365 days per year. In the event of an alarm. the Center will notify emeraency response and site personnel. The fire suppression system uses FM-200™ fire suppressant contained in compressed cylinders. There is one cylinder in each buildina at the facility. Portable fire extinauishers are also present in each buildina at the facility. B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): A fire hydrant is located approximatelv 1/1 Oth mile east of the facility near the intersection of Sumner Street and Owen Street on the south side of Sumner. A fire hydrant is located approximatelv 1/1 Oth mile west of the facility on the south side of Sumner Street. near the Beale Street Overpass. SECTION III: TRAINING NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: This is an un-manned facility. A Site Technician will perform reaular maintenance activities at the facility. The activities are done durina business hours from 8:00 Bakersfield POP - HMMP ~- Qwest Communications eersfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 . 2003 Lat: Long: a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Monday throuah Friday or may be scheduled durina "off" hours if there is a need to take eauipment off-line. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Material safety data sheets will be maintained in the Site Technician work area at thefacilitv. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Employees will receive initial and annual trainina on the followina topics (minimum): · OSHA Hazard Communication standard reauirements includina types hazardous materials used at the facility: how to handle the hazardous materials; and recoanition of potential exposures to hazardous materials. · Use of personal protective eauipment to protect emplovee from potential exposure to hazardous substances: · Use of spill containment and response eauipment in order to minimize the spread of a release: · Procedures for response to the accidental release of hazardous substances includina alarms. evacuation routes. and emeraency notification. CERTIFICATION I, P. May Vichitkulwonasa CERTIFY THA THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PURJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE Bakersfield POP - HMMP ~~ Qwest Communications eersfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield. CA 93305 . 2003 Lat: Long: Emergency Response Numbers Aaencv Emergency Number Business Number Bakersfield Fire Department 911 661-326-3979 Bakersfield Police 911 661-327-7111 Poison Control 911 800-876-4766 Hospital - ,Bakersfield Memorial HosDital 661-327-4647 San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Pollution Control District , 661-326-6900 Sacramento County Hazardous , Materials Division 916-875-5000 916-875-8550 California Highway Patrol Bakersfield Dispatch Center 911 661-864-4400 California Office of Emergency Services 800-852-7550 916-262-1621 CAL EPA- Department of Toxic Substances Control 916-255-3545 CAL OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health) 916-263-2800 California Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region, Fresno Office 559-445-5116 Radiological Health Branch 800-852-7550 916-445-0931 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9 415-744-1500 415-744-2000 National ResDonse Center 800-424-8802 N/A CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 Qwest Network Control Center 800-860-6485 option 1 UNICALL - Qwest Emergency Notification Center 866-864-2255 Bakersfield POP - HMMP ~- Qwest Communications .ersfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield. CA 93305 ATTACHMENT A . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS 2003 Lat: Long: Bakersfield POP - HMMP Attachment A - MSDS ----- i' No.2 Distillate (MSDS# .01847) Page 1 of6 . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NO.2 Distillate 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Synonyms: Formula: Chemical Family: CAS Number: SAP Code: Product Code: MSDS Number: NFPA Ratings: HMIS Ratings: High Sulfur Diesel Fuel; #2 Distillate; #2 High Sulfur Diesel - Dyed; No.2 Low Sulfur Distillate; Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel; #2 Distillate; #2 Low Sulfur Diesel - Dyed Mixture Hydrocarbons 68476-34-6 1014071; 1014072; 1014073; 1014074; 1014075; 1014076;1014077; 1014078; 1014079; 1014080; 1014081; 1014082; 1014083; 1014085; 1014087; 1014088; 1014089; 1014090; 1014091; 1014092; 1014093; 1014096; 1014098; 1014100; 1014549; 1014550; 1014551; 1014552; 1014759; 1014760; 1014982; 1014983; 1014984 34260;34360; 35260;35360 US001847 Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Flammability 2, Reactivity 0, Health 1 Manufactured By: Phillips 66 Company A Division of Phillips Petroleum Company Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74004 Phone Numbers Emergency: (918) 661-8118 Technical Information: (918) 661-3709 For Additional MSDSs: (918) 661-3709 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMA TION ON INGREDIENTS ACGIH ACGIH OSHA - OSHA- Chem,ical Specification Weight % In ACGIH TLV Short Term Ceiling ACGIH Skin OSHA Final Final PELs - Final PELs - and CAS # Product Exposure Limits Designation PEL Ceiling Skin Limit Limits Notation Diesel fuel no. 2 100 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 68476-34-6 Sulfur < 0,5 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 7704-34-9 1 ppm TWA (Areas exempted by the skin - Benzene Benzene 2,5 ppm; 8 potential for Standard, 71-43-2 < 0,005 0,5 ppm mg/m3 NE cutaneous 29 CFR NE NE 1910.1028, absorption will have a 10 ppm 8 hourTWA and 5 ppm STEL) 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency Overview 7 ~o. 2 Distillate (MSDS# .01847) could be reignited on surface of water. . Page 3 0 f 6 Fire and explosion hazards: Carbon and sulfur oxides and various hydrocarbons formed when burned. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Sweep or gather up material and place in proper container for disposal or recovery. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Avoid breathing vapors, mist, fume or dust. Do not swallow. May be aspirated into lungs. Wear protective equipment and/or garments described in. Section 8 if exposure conditions warrant. Wash thoroughly after handling. Immediately remove and launder contaminated clothing before reuse. Use with adequate ventilation. Keep away from heat, sparks, and flame. Store in closed container. Store in well-ventilated area. Bond and ground during transfer. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Eye Protection: If splash hazards are present use chemical goggles and a face shield. Respiratory Protection: Not generally required unless needed to prevent respiratory irritation. If Used As Fuel: This section does not address exposure to by-products of combustion, such as carbon monoxide. It is therefore recommended that the expert assistance of an industrial hygienist or other qualified professional be sought. :. When entering or exiting from areas where the exposure concentration is unknown or if conditions immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) exist, use a NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or equivalent operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Skin Protection: Use gloves resistant to the material(s) being used (Nitrile). Suggestions forthe use of specific protective materials are based on readily available published data. Users should check with specific manufacturers to confirm the performance of their products. Ventilation: Use adequate ventilation. Other Personal Protection: Personal protection information shown in Section 8 is based upon general information as to normal uses and conditions. Where special or unusual uses or conditions exist, it is suggested that the expert assistance of an industrial hygienist or other qualified professional be sought. Exposure Limits: No known applicable information. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical State: Appearance: Odor: Odor Threshold (ppm): Boiling Point: Melting/Freeze Point: Vapor Pressure: Vapor Density (Air=1): Specific Gravity @ 20 C (Water=1): Liquid Light yellow to amber. May be dyed red. Mild Unknown Approximately 300-690F (149-366C) Not Established , Not Established >1 0.82-0.88 @ 60/60F (16/16C) N.o. 2 Distillate (MSDS# U.1847) Bulk Package Placard/Marking: Flammable/1202 ICAOIIATA Proper Shipping Name: ICAO/lATA Hazard Class: UN/lD Number: Packing Group: Subsidiary Risk: Non-Bulk Package Marking: Diesel fuel 3 UN 1202 III None Diesel fuel, UN 1202 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION EPA SARA 311/312 (Title III Hazard Categories) Acute Health: Chronic Health: Fire Hazard: Pressure Hazard: Reactivity Hazard: Yes No Yes No No Diesel fuel no. 2 10068476-34-6 Regulated Substance on TSCA Inventory: Listed Canada - Domestic Substances List: Listed Sulfur < 0.5 7704-34-9 Regulated Substance on TSCA Inventory: Listed Pennsylvania Right to Know List: Listed New Jersey Right-to-Know List: Listed Massachusetts Right To Know List: Listed Florida Toxic Substances List: Listed Canada - Domestic Substances List: Listed Benzene < 0.005 71-43-2 Section 313 of Title III of the SARA and 40 CFR Part 372: Listed Clean Water Act - Toxic Pollutants: Listed Clean Water Act - Hazardous Substances: Listed Clean Water Act S307 Priority Pollutant: Listed Pennsylvania Right to Know List: Listed New Jersey Right-to-Know List: Listed NJ Environmental Hazardous Substances List: Listed Michigan Critical Materials List: Listed Massachusetts Right To Know List: Listed Florida Toxic Substances List: Listed Canada - Domestic Substances List: Listed 16. OTHER INFORMATION Revision Summary: Section 2 and Section 15 Preparer: Health, Environment and Safety Department Date Prepared: 05/10/2001 Supersedes: 03/20/2001 . Page 5 of6 .."':-- ';' .0 Electronics Unigy® II Batteries . ID: 11695 Pagel of 4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Tyco Electronics 3000 SkyJine Drive Mesquite, TX 75149 Issue Date: 09/09/98 Issue Number: 3 Supersedes Date: 01/28/98 Non-Emergency Telephone # 1-800- THE-IPWR (1-800-843-1797) Emergency Telephone # 800-424-9300 (CHEMTREC) , Use CHEMTREC only in the event of chemical emergencies involving a spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident involving chemicals. '. Reason for Re-Issue: Update name, remove comcodes, change transportation data I. P~OI;)UCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Battery, Uolgy II Series WP-93379 Chemical Name/Synonym: WP-93379, Sealed, Rechargeable, Lead-acid Battery HMDB Number: 11695 ' Label Codes Health: Fire: Reactivity: 3 - Corrosive 0- Non-flammable , 1 - Slightly reactive " II. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS ComDonent *Lead oxide *Lead * Lead sulfate ··Sulfuric acid CAS # 1317-36-8 7439-92-1 7446-14-2 7664-93-9 % 20-25 43-70 N.D. 20-44 TLWACGyn .05 mglm ' .05 mg/m3 .05 mg/mJ 1.0 mglm3. I PEUOSHA) .05 ug/mJ .05 mglm3 .05 mglm3 1.0 mg/m3 lSTEL (ACGIH): 3 mglm3 ISTEL (OSHA): N/A Comments: The data presented refèr primarily to the acid electrolyte since this compound poses the predominant immediate haZard associated with this product. *These chemicals are subject tóSection 313 Title III SARA Reporting Requirements. **This chemical in its existing form is not subject to Section 313 Title m Reportable Requirement. However, if the use ofthis product results in aerosol formation of this chemical, then the aerosol of this chemical is subject to SARA 313 Title ill Reportable Requirements. II - 2 Material Safety Data Sheet Issue 5 March 2001 -.....-.. .0 Electronics Unigy® II Batteries . ID: 11695 Page 3 of 4 V. FIRST AID PROCEDURES Eye: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. Skin: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention immediately. Wash clothing before ~se.' Inhalation: If inhaled, reniove to fresh air. Ifnot breathing, give artificial respiration. Ifbreathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention. Ingestion: If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Give victim a glass of water. Call a physician immediately. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Notes to physician: None VI. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Point: N/ A F1ammable Limits: LEL: Nt A Autoignition Temp: Nt A VEL: Nt A Extinguishing Media: For small fires use carbon dioxide, dry chemical. For large fires, flood area with large quantities of water, while suppressing vapors with waterfog/spray. Special Flreflghtlng Procedures: Cool battery exterior with water to prevent rupture. Firefighters should wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus and thermal protective clothing to avoid toxic and corrosive mists, vapors, and possibly lead fumes. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Sulfuric acid, especially when diluted with water, can react with metals , to produce flammable gas. Remove all sources of ignition and ventilate area if battery is ruptured or recharging. . VII. REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid: Prolonged overcharging; sources of ignition. Do not allow metallic articles to simultaneously contact the negative and positive terminals of the battery. Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Combustibles, organic materials, strong oxidizers and reducing agents, strong acids and bases, active metals, water. Carbides, chlorates, nitrates, picrates, fulminates, halides, halogenates, peroxides, sulfides, potassium nitrate, nascent hydrogen. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Sulfuric add: Sulfur oxides, sulfuric acid mist, hydrogen. Lead: Presence of nascent hydrogen may generate highly toxic arsine gas. Thermal decomposition of battery casing may produce nitrogen oxides and cyanides. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur Conditions to Avoid: None 11 - 4 Material Safety Data Sheet Issue 5 March 2001 '-...--- . .. -~.. ? Great Lates CII...lcal CorporlUoa MATERIAL ~FETY DATÀ SHIH EMERGENCY TELEPHONE (501) 862-5141 %J)DT:tn - FH-200™ ~... ~. ..... - 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane ----~--------------~----~~-------------------------------~------ SZCT%OHI - .aODU~ ~oaKATIOH DNt7J"~C'r1JRD.' 8 1D.XE - GREAT LAKES CHEMICAL CORPORATION ~ELBPKONB VUKÐBR FOR INFORMATION - (317) 497-6100 WKKI8 KA21RD CLASS AND DrvISION - A. CAS REGISTRY HO. 431-89-0 DATE PREPARED 2/96 J'ORXtJU CJHF, SUPE1tSEDES 4/95 '. CHEM%C1L 71M7LY - Halogenated alkane 8YBOHYX8 - None PRODUCT USB - Fire extinguishing, fire suppression, explosion suppression and inertinq aqent PREPARED BY - Regulatory Affairs Department Great Lakes Chemical corporation West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 This product is being commercially manufactured under a TSCA Section 5 Consent Order. The siqnificant New Use Rule (SNUR) for . I this chemical can be located in 40 CFR Part 721.8125. For use as an oce alternative, consult 40 CFR part 82.170 for approved SNAP uses or contact Great Lakes Chemical corporation. ----------~----------------------------------------------------- ~;'fION %1 nñöuâCOMPONEH'rS (SDecify Chemical Identitv: Common Names) COMPONENT OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other Limits Recommended , optional 1,1,1,2,3,3,:3- Not estbl. Not estbl. Not estbl. >99 Heptafluoropropane QUAT LAKES CHEMICAL CORPORATION P.O. Box 2200. H1ehw&)' 52 NW . We.t Lafayette, Iudi&n& "1906 qÇ\8"'C:¡Or:'.1~f; FAGE.Ø2 Great Lakes Cheeal Corporation MSDS - FM-200TM . Ba..rdoUB neeomÐosition or B~roduct9 Decomposition by elevated temperatures (fire conditions, glowing metal surfaces) may gen~rate hazardous decomposition products common to other CFCs, HCFCs or HEFCs. These can include hydrogen fluoride, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and others. Ba..rdous polvaeri..tion May Occur will Not Occur I Conditions to Avoid: None --~---------------------------------------------------~----~---- SBC"l'%Oll'n - IrEALTB KAZARD DATA Rou~et.) of Entrv: Inhalation? Yes Skin? No Ingestion? No B..lth Basards (Acute and Chronic): The human health, hazards of this product are expected to be similar to other liquified gases including N2, CO2, CFCs, HCFCs, and HBFCs. Therefore, direct eye or skin contact with the ~ liquid or cold gas can cause chilling or possibly frostbite of exposed tissues. Inhalation of high concentrations can be harmful or fatal due to oxygen deprivation and/or heart irregularities (arrhythmias). Misuseo! the product by deliberately inhaling high concentrations of this gas could cause death without warning. Persons with preexisting cardiac or central nervous system disorders may be more susceptible to effects of an overexposure. Ariimal studies h.ave found the rat 4 hour LCso to be >788,696 ppm (-sot), the highest level tested" A cardiac sensitization study in dogs found the No Observable Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL)to be 9.ot. The Lowest Observable Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) for this study was reported to be 10.5t. A 90 day inhalation study did not find any exposure related effects at 105,000 ppm (10.5% vol./vol.), the highest level tested. Inhalation studies looking for developmental effects on pregnant rabbits and rats or their offspring did not show any exposure related effects at the highest concentration tested (105,000 ppm). CarciDoaenicitv: NTP? No IARC Monographs? No OSHA Regulated? No Clllr: 1" 1CCC 1C;:~11:. 9087885436 J x " PAGE. 04 - '- " ~ Great Lakes Chem.l Corporation MSDS - FM-200m , . 5 pr.cautions to be Taken in Randlina and storinq Use the same type of precautions as would be used in handling any cryogenic gas. Protect container from damage. Handle in well-ventilated areas. When this material is used as a tirefighting agent in fixed or portable extinguishing systems, ~follow the manufacturer's instructions for operation, inspection, maintenance and repair of the system. other precautions ' COT: Proper Shipping Name: Hazard Class\Division: Packing Group: Identification Number: Labe 1 : Heptafluoropropane 2.2 Not ap.plicable tJN:J296 Nonflammable gas ---------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION VIII - CO~OL MEASURES a..Ðiratorv Protection Wear a NIOSH/MSHAapproved self-contained breathing apparatus in emergency situations. ventil.tioD Local Bzhauat - Use to minimize exposure to gas. XechaDiaal - Use for general area control. special - None other - None protective Glove. - Use lined neoprene gloves if handling liquid. BYe protection - Chemical splash goggles when handling liquid Other protective Bau1~m.nt - None Work Hvaienic Practices - Ensure piping is empty before doing maintenance work. --------------~------------------------------------------------- Information on this form is furnished solely for the purpose of compliance with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29CFR ~910.1200 and The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 122, No. 2 and shall not be used for any other purpose. JSD:843 Revision Information: Replaces JSD:69l AUG 12 1998 15:17 9087885436 PAGE. 06 -o; - ;; . Qw~st co'nicatiOnS International, Inc. 1600 7th Avenue, Room 2708 Seattle, Washington 98191 Qwest. ¿;/f/t of Sefv/ce~ 1(, P. May Vichitkulwongsa, P.E. Safety & Environmental Manager 206-346-7532 direct 206-345-8705 fax May. Vichitkulwongsa@qwest.com .. ~ ~~~11 ~C\ ~ October 2, 2003 Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 ." RE: Facility ill No. 215-000-002008 Qwest - Bakersfield POP Dear Mr. Huey: '4;, Attached please find the -revised Hazardous Materials Management Plan for the Qwest - Bakersfield POP located at 906 Sumner Street in Bakersfield, CA. Please feel free to cöntact me should you,have any questions regarding this submittal. Sincerely, QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION P. May Vichitkulwongsa, Safety & Environmental Manager Enclosure H:\OOOPacific Region States\Califomia\CA Facilities\Bakersfield POP\HMBP Submittal Cover Letter.doc ,,¡,.-:--t'..-:-~ ø e e- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER I OPERATOR FORM Page 1 of ~akersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave . Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 I. F ACILlT¥ IÐENTIFICA 1'10'" 100 Year Ending 101 2.003- 0\- ot 2.Ð~Ö- \"2.~õl 3 BUSINESS PHONE m1 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) ~ \0) f...to-\- c..h"'M"'''.4/\.''' "*,1:> Wl.S Út't. - ~~t.r6t,e.\cl '\>O~ ¿. <ø \ - Z.O\ - 353 \ SITE ADDRESS <10 t;, ~"'-"" Y\f..f" CITY "B~C", -Ç:t.\d 1m ~. 101 ZIP 1œ CA q ~ '3 05 DUN & BRADSTREET 1"\- ~'7...-h'~ COUNTY Kt.'C"V\ OPERATOR NAME ~We.~t 100 SIC CODE (4 Digit #) "'i g \ ~ 107 1œ Gð"""_"",,,ì"4.~ìø"'~ ~t' . It OWNER INFORMATION 1m OPERATOR PHONE løl. \ ~ ~~I.\ - c\-',1 110 OWNER NAME ~wut- (.0 M"" ~V\ ~'-4-'ti... "'!> \ ~t\.~ \" '- . 111 OWNER PHONE .303·tø'J.- .:L'3! 112 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS l ~O\ (.A.\~.tør",ìA. St. Sv.~+e. \\1.;.0 113 CITY ~e.""" f..\'" 114 STATE C-:D 115 ZIP ~Þ2.0z.. 116 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME ~. ~Q,. 117 CONTACT PHONE 118 V¡"h;tk",\wøn 5Q... 20"'- 3"'«':' -1532.. CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS \ 10 DC> ì ~ I\\I(',,",C- CITY S t.t<.-\t\ t. 119 ~",,-~tt. 21ot;' 120 STATE WA. 121 ZIP '18111 -SECONDARY- 122 -PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCYCONTACTS CÛ\te.r 123 NAME \1;",(.. Li",~ 125 TITLE M. r ~d,""ø..\.. ð $ 129 NAME Lt r\ ~ L4.\\ TITLE t( .., t.$ ~ E."" U" 130 BUSINESS PHONE ~Io~ ~ ßlø~· 2'2.55' 126 BUSINESS PHONE (ø(Ol- ß3&\--Q1'2.1 131 24·HOUR PHONE ~Iø(a- cg¡,&\- 'l:Z·56 127 24-HOUR PHONE 132 1010\- 2.0\- 3532.. PAGER No 128 PAGER No løløi~ ('~S"-S11l,e V. CERTIFICATION 133 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true. accurate, and complete. DATE 134 NAME OF DOCUMENT PRE PARER J . 'f~. ð:> 135 136 137 fd2090 .;õ ...,..-_. e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DNEW DADD D DELETE REVISE 200 I. FACIU1'¥¡INF0RMAÌ'10N e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 (one form per material per building or area) Page1 of ... BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) Q \\)-L~i- c.. 0 ~ _ ~Y\. \t.. ",-t,· ðW\.~ Gn - ~ ..1..~1",.ç: e.LJ "\>0 'p CHEMICAL LOCATION E A..~ t FACILITY 10 No, 3 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) 0 Yes ~ No 1 MAP No. (optional) 203 GRID No, (optional) 204 II. CHEMICAlINF0RMA110N CHEMICAL NAME 'b, e.U...\ ~,,-J COMMON NAME 'b ìe.~~l :r~~\ CAS No, (ø&"\ïlø- 3i-l¡, FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete it requested by local fire chief) TYPE k'1. P PURE o w WASTE o m MIXTURE PHYSICAL STATE ~I LIQUID OgGAS o 3 PRESSURE RELEASE' "4 ACUTE HEALTH 218 AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 220 o s SOLID FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check al/ that apply) !!l, FIRE o 2 REACTIVE ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT C> 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 2.e>e:> UNITS' JZl ga GAL lf EHS, amount must be in Ibs. o cl CUFT o ib LBS o In TONS STORAGE CONTAINER (Check all that apply) Ra ABOVEGROUND TANK o b UNDERGROUND TANK o c TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d STEEL DRUM o e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM o I CAN o 9 CARBOY o h SILO o i FIBER DRUM OJ BAG STORAGE PRESSURE J8t a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT STORAGE TEMPERATURE Jl.,a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT 205 TRADE SECRET 0 Yes ~ No If Subject to EPCRA, reler to instructions 206 207 o Yes JQ No EHS' 208 209 "'If EHS is~Yes," all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 211 212 CURIES 213 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes þt No 214 LARGEST CONTAINER '2.. (;;10 .J 215 !;IIl5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 2.Ðt::> 219 STATE WASTE CODE V\JIL 221 DAYS ON SITE 3«05" 222 223 Ok BOX o I CYLINDER o m GLASS BOTTLE o n PLASTIC BOTTLE o 0 TOTE BIN o P TANK WAGON o q RAIL CAR o r OTHER o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 225 CAS # 229 233 237 241 245 o ba BELOW AMBIENT o c CRYOGENIC %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS 226 227 DYes o No 228 2 230 231 DYes DNo 232 3 234 235 Dyes DNo 236 4 238 239 DYes o No 240 5 242 243 Dyes o No 244 III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE ~A..U J.I<A.k\, trl.~\roW\W\~.J ~cl.. ~-ðJ -¿>3 246 (0 CO o N :E --- ~"1:;-----=''- - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 (one form per material per building or area) Pagel.of 'i DNEW DDELETE ¡¡( REVISE 200 I~ FACILlTYINFÖRNiATION , ' , ' BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA.. Doing Business As) Q..~e.~-t c..WO\W\.\A.t'\.~c:......tìÞW\.~ c..r~ - ~c:r...\u..,"å.çìL\J CHEMICAL lOCATION iY\:s~c\.e.. "B~~\d.'r\~ i ð.t~.W\.,\ w,-~t W4.l\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I DADD FACILITY ID No, , 3 "po? 201 CHEMICAllOCA TlON 202 CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) 0 Yes A No 1 I MAP No, (optional) 203 GRID No. (optional) 204 , II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION 206 CHEMICAL NAME ~ ",\.fIA..t"\c- Å.c:..~d COMMON NAME L e.c..j - A:(..~A ~ .-.:t\-~rl( CAS No. ~ ,(øtQL\- 'I?>-C{ FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire chief) TYPE 1!ii( m MIXTURE o w WASTE o p PURE PHYSICAL STATE JQ. I LIQUID o s SOLID OgGAS o 3 PRESSURE RELEASE 218 AVERAGE DAilY AMOUNT loSS" FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all thaI apply) 01 FIRE 51. 2 REACTIVE ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT t:> 2171 MAXIMUM 1 DAilY AMOUNT ~5S UNITS' 0 ga GAL 1f EHS, amount must be in Ibs. o cf CU FT ØZllb lBS o tn TONS STORAGE CONTAINER (Check all that appty) o a ABOVEGROUND TANK o b UNDERGROUND TANK o c TANK INSIDE BUilDING o d STEEL DRUM o e PLASTIC/NONMETAlliC DRUM Of CAN o 9 CARBOY o h SilO o i FIBER DRUM OJ BAG STORAGE PRESSURE ÞQ. a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT %WT 1 35 2 105" 3 4 5 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT , 205 TRADE SECRET 0 Yes l8l No If Subject to EPCRA. refer to instructions 207 Jll Yes 0 No 208 EHS' 209 *If EHS is"Yes," all amounts below must be in Ibs, 210 211 2121 CURIES 213 215 o 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 219 STATE WASTE 220 CODE '" (4- 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 3lo5" 223 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes ~ No 214 LARGEST CONTAINER \ 3 \ b6 . II. 4 ACUTE HEALTH Ok BOX o I CYLINDER o m GLASS BOTTlE o n PLASTIC BOTTLE o 0 TOTE BIN o P TANK WAGON o q RAil CAR IØ..r OTHER ~ A.'\\e...~ o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 o ba BELOW AMBIENT 225 o c CRYOGENIC EHS CAS # 226 SIA.\.ç "'"'" ~ c..- ~¿,á 227 'lit. Yes o No 228 "1o«'~-':¡3-'\ 229 230 231 DYes J!l No 232 233 Wa..t¿T" 234 235 DYes ONo 236 237 238 239 DYes ONo 240 241 242 243 DYes o No 244 245 III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TiTlE OF, AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE // I A ~~..M..~ ~. K.4.k\) t:"""~roW\W\.,-rttA.\ ~t"tl· ~~. 7{.., /' ;l ~ < ~ - t>.]-t!:>7 246 <0 00 o N :E ø REVISE 200 I.FAélL.:ITY INFORMA110N " BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) &.uL~~ c..¡>W\.M.""-"\.\e.A.-'\{ðVl.~ [.61"'\>' - ~.....\u."t>fìe.\J. 't>O'? CHEMICAL LOCATION If\.~ ;c\(. 'B\.\.; \ðìn'\ i c...\-'.1 "'a.~t 1A.>a..\\ I I II I I II I I I I I :."""... .:""--:--. '.. e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DNEW DADO D DELETE FACILITY ID No, e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 (one form per material per building or area) Page) of '"' 3 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) 0 Yes 10 No 1 I MAP No. (optional) 203 GRID No. (optional) 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME t.. t.~ COMMON NAME LtA..l- ~,~J ~.....,*('t",\ CAS No, 1'\3~-q'Z.-\ FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ~ requested by local fire chief) TYPE 'IiQ. P PURE o m MIXTURE o w WASTE PHYSICAL STATE ø s SOLID o I LIQUID OgGAS o 3 PRESSURE RELEASE 218 AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT ~ J Co 2.&.\ FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) 01 FIRE o 2 REACTIVE ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT t> 217' MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT Co <ø 2- "\ UNITS' 0 ga GAL 1f EHS, amount must be in Ibs. o cf CU FT ~ Ib LBS o In TONS STORAGE CONTAINER (Check a/l that apply) o a ABOVEGROUND TANK o b UNDERGROUND TANK o c TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d STEEL DRUM o e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM o fCAN o 9 CARBOY o h SILO o i FIBER DRUM OJ BAG STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT %WT 1 226 2 230 3 234 4 238 5 242 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 205 TRADE SECRET 0 yes1q No If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions 206 207 o Yes ~No EHS' 208 209 'If EHS is'Yes," all amounts below must be in Ibs. 210 211 2121 CURIES 213 215 ~ 5 CHRONIC HEAlTH 216 219 STATE WASTE 220 CODE VIol ~ 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 3Co5 223 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes . /81 No 214 LARGEST CONTAINER t~ï lb. o 4 ACUTE HEALTH Ok BOX o I CYLINDER o m GLASS BOTTlE o n PLASTIC BOTTlE o 0 TOTE BIN o P TANK WAGON o ~ RAIL CAR ~r OTHER 'BCl.t\e.~~ o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 o ba BELOW AMBIENT 225 o c CRYOGENIC EHS CAS # 227 DYes DNo 228 229 231 DYes D No 232 233 235 DYes D No 236 237 239 DYes DNo 240 241 243 DYes D No 244 245 III. SIGNATURE " PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE N....M'" 4. K.,J..\ 'E...vìT'ÞII\.WW\e..d-.....\ 'Pr-ci· t\1\f". 7L~ 9¿...L(J -- , ;(-Ð3-03 246 CO 00 o N :E r.' -, e e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 (one form per material per building or area) Pageflof "\ DNEW DADO D DELETE ~ REVISE 200 ',' . ," I. FAGllITY INFORMATION , , ',' , BUSINE~ ~AME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) 3 Wot.$t C')""''''''~~ '-6..+: O>'\~ Cð","". - "B....knst¡¿là ~6\> CHEMICAL LOCATION , 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 'ç;:~~ ~",-; \ðìl'\"\ CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) o Yes)g, No FACILITY 10 No, I I II I I I I I I I I I I 1 I MAP No, (optional) 203 GRID No, (optional) 204 II. CHEMIGAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET 0 Yes fiif No 206 t "\'"2- 3.3 ~- ~(."tt:\...ç\ ""Þ,"e>'¡)re>¡;>~>'\L If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME , . 207 Fire. S~þ~ Tot.~~AJ'\.;- EHS' o Yes ~ No F ~ - 2.00 208 CAS No, I 209 £t.~I- 'it~- ö '11 EHS is"Yes: ali amounts below must be in lbs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete ~ requested by local fire chief) 210 TYPE ~ PURE o m MIXTURE o w WASTE 211 JQ. No 2121 CURIES 213 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes PHYSICAL STATE (8..¡¡ GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 215 o s SOLID o I LIQUID 1iD '-I.\. f+ FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 01 FIRE ~ PRESSURE RELEASE ~ 4 ACUTE HEALTH o 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Check ali that apply) o 2 REACTIVE ANNUAL WASTE 2171 MAXIMUM 218 AVERAGE 219 STATE WASTE 220 AMOUNT D DAILY AMOUNT 'l.~c> DAILY AMOUNT :t.3D CODE Y\./ A- o 9a GAL ~Cl CUFT o Ib LBS o tn TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 UNITS' 3(05" ·If EHS, amount must be in Ibs. 223 STORAGE CONTAINER o a ABOVEGROUND TANK o I CAN OkBOX o p TANK WAGON (Check all that apply) o b UNDERGROUND TANK o g CARBOY )a.J CYLINDER o q RAIL CAR o c TANK INSIDE BUILDING o h SILO o m GLASS BOTTLE o r OTHER o d STEEL DRUM o i FIBER DRUM o n PLASTIC BOTTLE o e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM OJ BAG o 0 TOTE BIN o a AMBIENT ;¡gtaa ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE PRESSURE 'þ!.a AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT o c CRYOGENIC 225 STORAGE TEMPERATURE o aa ABOVE AMBIENT %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS # 1 226 227 DYes o No 228 229 2 230 231 DYes o No 232 233 3 234 235 DYes o No 236 237 4 238 239 DYes o No 240 241 5 242 243 DYes o No 244 245 , III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE~ DATE ~ 246 N.A.... t..,j ~. K.AÀ\ I ~r\"lTØ"'I\'\e-W\tJ "Pf"!.l' ~6.[' p r 7' '7- .:? -03 -19 3 ~ / P' CD CX) o N :E ~ 1- :_:::;..-. e Qwest Communications International Inc. 1801 Califomia. Suite 1160 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 672-2927 FAX (303) 672-2929 - Qwest-!t2- Nancy Kahl Environmental Project Manager Environmental Affairs Email: nancy.kahl@qwest.com February 3, 2003 Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Annual EPCRA Submittal Owest Communications - Bakersfield POP Dear Sir or Madam: Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Law (EPCRA), we are submitting the Business Owner I Operator Form and Hazardous Materials Inventory- Chemical Description forms for the Owest Communications Corp., Bakersfield POP site. Any questions regarding the reports may be directed either myself or Ms. May Vichitkulwongsa, Pacific Mountain Region Environmental Manager. She can be reached at telephone number 206-346-7532. Sincerely, /07//¿Ç/ Nancy Kahl Environmental Project Manager Cc: Environmental Manager Environmental File . . . '0 (Ê) -- -- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 BUSINESS OWNER I OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FACILITY INFORMATION Page _1- Of _L FAClflV D I I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION ill:111 LII·112Iolol~IY~a~~~~n~C_Z-' 102 Year Ending '7.. ~C> "i - 10 - :z.. I BUSINESS PHONE /Qt.I- 2.Ol-353t- DO D1 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) Q""u+ c..dI"",_~",i'",*;D"~ (.ø..~.·- ~ø..k¿t'~Çi,\J. "PO? SITE ADDRESS '\ 0 G;. - 5 LLW\ W\,~ ~. CITY "EA.\c.Lr~..çi¿,\Å 3 ¡ 103 DUN& BRADSTREET l't- 'I11L-\n '8' 104 I CA ZIP e:¡ 330 5 106 SIC CODE (4 Digit #) ~ t 13 107 105 COUNTY Kf.1"f\ 108 OPERATOR NAME D.""t.~t c.o~m."'-I'\.~'A.-t;ø,,~ c...,..~. 109 OPERATOR PHONE II. OWNER INFORMATION lølDl-g3o.f·C¡12.1110 . - OWNER NAME ~""c..tIt (..,~...~",:~.:ti"V\!> \~+\'I \f\'. , - 111 .OWNERPHONE '303-~4"Z--2.93~ 112 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS c.ð..\;.før-nldo.. 5+., ~....~~ "1.0 Igo\ 113 CITY "t:> u\ .., c.r 114 I STATE c...D 115 I ZIP ~O 1...0'1- 116 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME f>. ......--"'\ \Uc.~:+k",,\wClW\,\~4- - 117 CONTACT PHONE 2." ~ - ð'\ c. - ì 5 3"Z..118 CONTACT MAILING I, ADDRESS IQ 00 ì+\.. Ä.vt..,^IA..t.., RoCl'" "'2..ìo~ 119 CITY ~" 4. -\t\c.. -PRIMARY- NAME u..", ~ C. -.\ \ TITLE ~,.u.~t 'E¥I\t.t''''~M.~ Lt..",tt.(" BUSINESS PHONE g /Q ~ - 1t £ø '\ - 2.1. 5 5' 24-HOUR PHONE g 1.0 /Q - g Cø "\ - "2... 5' 5 PAGER # 120 I STATE W Þo. 121 I ZIP ~ tH c::¡ l IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS ·SECONDARY- 122 123 NAME Viti. Lt. U...\c.. 125 TITLE A.f'~A. ""... '" '""\ c..r 126 BUSINESS PHONE t. (q \ - 1f 3'\ - ~, 2.1 127 24-HOUR PHONE lø t.l - 2.Ð l- 353 2- -' 128 PAGER # løt.l- '" :35- 511(" V. CERTIFICATION 129 130 131 132 , 133 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true. accurate. and complete. SIGN~t\pF OWNER/OPERATOR DATE, 134 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER ¿:jsI -VI, .;)(Od- 152- ~A.nc.~ 1<..0.\, Ëf\I/.1>..O\. K..'\I'. NAM~~OWNER/OPERATOR (print) 136 TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR "Brl~W\ T -lð..C.ð\.!oO~ ' bìr~("-\Þr of 'E"''':rÐII\W\~n-t6.l Å.ffA.\r~ 135 137 \ UPCF (7/99) C:IW INNT 40lProfilesljtraylor,OOOlDesktoplOES2730, wpd , ~~~:'~~-\~ e e + QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO ============================= SiteID: 015-021-002008 + Manager : Location: 906 SUMNER ST City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: Map ,: 103 Grid: 29D (661) 324-1573 CommHaz : Moderate FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 SIC Code:4813 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:14-872-1178 +==============================================================================+ +=======================================+======================================+ Emergency Contact / Title" Emergency Contact / Title VINCE LINK / AREA MANAGER LARRY REICHERT / SR MGR SAFETY Business Phone: (661) 834-9727x Business Phone: (303) 992-3223x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 201-3532xCELL 24-Hour Phone : (303) 884-8216x Pager Phone : () x Pager Phone : () x +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ I Hazmat Hazards: Fire React ImmHlth DelHlth I +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Contact : ZELMA ZIEMAN Phone: (206) 346-7532x MailAddr: 1801 CALIFORNIA ST 1160 State: CO City : DENVER Zip : 80202 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Owner QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO Phone: (303) 672-2927x Address: 555 17TH ST 300 State: CO City : DENVER Zip : 80202 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Emergency Directives: \ çr I VINCENT LINK 834-9727 OR CELL 201-3532 - MARK REYNOLDS, SITE TECH CELL 201-3531 NETWORK CONTROL CENTER 24 HRS 800-860-6485 OPT 2 RANDYfflCCORMICK 834-9723 OR CELL 201-3585 WHO WOULD YOU LIKE FOR US TO CONTACT FIRST IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY???? +==============================================================================+ += Hazmat Inventory ========================================= One Unified List + +== Alphabetical Order ================================= All Materials at Site + +--------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----+----------+----+---+ I Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards I Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMCpl +---------------~------~---------+-------+-----------+-----+----------+----+---+ DIESEL FUEL #2 F R IH DH L 200.00 GAL Low LEAD S 19824.00 LBS Min SULFURIC ACID IH L 4800.00 LBS Hi +==============================================================================+ -1- 03/27/2002 ./~ ~7"':~ ..~_f.J . .... e e CITY OF BAKERSFIEl.,D FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Hoor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME Q~ E: <;;, (' f/'Y'M.U/¥ (<It TI~SPECTION DATE to / '3 I 102- ADDRESS CfoÚ),'uY1-...f1Jf2f2 $T PHONE NO. !oW(s;;2.'-!-jS'7S FACILITYCONTACT V'tIVC.../Z. Lnvk' BUSINESS fDNO. 15-21O-(?Q)2..ðò~ INSPECTION TIME I 0 __ /.rl NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Y Section 1: Œ{Routine Business Plan and Inventory Program o Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate pennit on hand V Business plan contact infonnation accurate V Visible address V Correct occupancy V Verification of inventory materials v , v ,. Verification of quantities Veri fication of location 1/ Proper segregation of material V Verification of MSDS availability v Verification of Haz Mat training V Verification of abatement supplies and procedures l/ ,. , Emergency procedures adequate 1/ " ,- Containers properly labeled V Housekeeping ¡, ...- Fire Protection ¡/ / Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand V C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes ~o Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326..3979 White - Env, Svcs. Yellow· Station Copy Pink· Business Copy Busin s Site Responsible Party Inspeclor:~ - ;) t!-. -oR. "sa ~;-- -It e' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 BUSINESS OWNER I OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FACILITY INFORMATION Page __L Of --.1_ I. ,FACILITY IDENTIFICATION SITE ADDRESS ,\D~- S~W\W\~. ~~ CITY "'BA.-b.r6..çj'\J. - -----~~~tSTREET ud lq71Jl't.:- \l'"\ 1r- COUNTY Ku VI. OPERATOR NAME &"'t.~t GøWOl\m.,.u~~(.~,*;ø~~c...,~ . 1>Ð? DO Year Ending "Z. (!I 0 '1. - I D - Z- 3 BUSINESS PHONE 401..1- ZCI-353t- 1)1 102 103 - , 104 CA ZIP '13305 105 --~- 106 ~SIC~CODE (4 Digit #) tt t í3 " _~..c--jOL~- '108 109 OPERATORPHONEløCøI-g,4'4.'t12,;,1 110 II. OWNER INFORMATION OWNER PHONE "30 i _-:_~J ~_:...~i~~~ OWNER MAILING ADDRESS Igo\ ~~Q.~t,G.~""'\oI.~\(....ti~~6 \"'+\' \Vl.c.. c..A.\~.çør-ni~ S+., ~~~~ llfoo 113 120 STATE W ~ 121 ·PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME \.\.W\~ c.Q.\\ 123 NAME Vii\.(..1.. Li",,,," TITLE ~II)Ht ~Wltt c.t.V\tt.í' 125 TITLE A.r~A,. ~A.n ~r -- -Bl:JSINESSPHONE -g~ (0 --ß(Q '-\-- 2- 'Z. 55- -- -~. ___126_ ·-BUSINESSPHONE--"- fo·\-ß-3~."-~ '-2-~- OWNER NAME CITY 't:> Uwt.r CONTACT NAME t>. M"Q. CONTACT MAILING I.. ADDRESS 'IQ Do CITY ~ -t. Q. -\\-\ &. 111 . , 114 STATE (!..O 115 ZIP 'ð 0 1..0'Z.. 116 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT VI·c."';·H~~\\A)DWI. {)4_ 117 CONTACT PHONE '2.ð <0 - 21 '-\ Co - ì 53'L118 l+~ A.vLnv...&', "RooW\. ""l..ìo?; 119 ZIP ~ßI'1l 122 ·SECONDARY- 129 I I "-I 130 - ---~ -- :;;.-- - -~-- 13,1_ PAGER # 24-HOUR PHONE S (a Cø - g Cø ~ - '2.1. 5' 5 133 127 24-HOUR PHONE to to \ - '1.ÐI - 353 i. 128 PAGER # løc.\- '" 35- 51' V. CERTIFICATION 132 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNA OF OWNER/OPERATOR DATE 134 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 .:ltC-cP- l52--' ~A.r\c.:\ I<'~\, Ef\I/. 'Pre... k t. 136 TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR 137 \:)ìuÒÞr of 'E""';rÐ~W\-t.,,'t.s.l Aff...\No UPCF (7/99) C :\WI NNT 40\Profiles\jtraylor.OOO\Desktop\OES2730 .wpd Qwest Communications lriternationallnc. 1801 California, Suite 1160 Denver. CO 80202 (303) 672-2927 FAX (303) 672-2929 . Qwest4 _, '~,?" .,"i' _ .r~r" ., Nancy Kahl Environmental Project Manager Environmental Affairs Email: nkahl@qwest.com October 21,2002 Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Emergency Services 1715 Chester Avenue ,-'.. '-~~~o_6aker:sfield",CA~9330j~"o . . -=--~:.-~~;~_ -,-_ _ ______~~~.~.::o-....--'~-~~~~~_ Re: Facility ID #215-000-002008 Owest Communications - Bakersfield Site Dear Sir or Madam: We recently had a change in the Environmental Contact at our location. Please find enclosed an updated Business Owner I Operator form which reflects this change. No other changes have been made at our site or to the chemical inventories. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me or May Vichitkulwongsa, Pacific Region Environmental Manager. She can be reached at 206-346-7532. Sincerely, ~-¿ j7 ~L/ --~- --~'~""NañciKàhl . dO ._~.- <-~.~- "--. ,.--- Environmental Project Manager _._. --- ~ -- --,,~ Cc: P. May Vichitkulwongsa, Environmental Manager ~~~ _ CITY OF BAKERSFIELI)a OfwtE OF ENVIRONMENTAL sWlVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 BUSINESS OWNER I OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FACILITY INFORMATION Page _L_ Of 1._ I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION FACLnY D' 1 Year Beginning tJo Year Ending tJl BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) west Communications Cor . - Bakersfield POP SITE ADDRESS 3 12/31/02 BUSINESS PHONE 661-201-3531 102 01/01/02 103 906 Sumner St.' CITY Bakersfield 104 CA ZIP 93305 105 ,=- DUN& BBJ.\DSIREET, 1.4:-872-:-1.178 106 SIC CODE (4_Dig!!Jt)"" 107 4813 COUNTY Kern 108 OPERATOR NAME west Communications Cor . 109 OPERATOR PHONE 661-834~9 72 7 110 II. OWNER INFORMATION OWNER NAME Qwest Communications IntI., Inc. 111 OWNER PHONE 303-672-2938 112 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 1801 California St., Suite 1160 113 CITY Denver 114 STATE CO 115 ZIP 80202 116 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME Lori Harrin ton 117 CONTACT PHONE 916-712-8635 118 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 295 E 8th Street 119 CITY Chico 120 STATE CA 121 ZIP 95928 -SECONDARY- 122 -PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME Unicall 123 NAME Vince Link 129 TITLE west Emer enc Center 125 TITLE Area Mana er 130 BUSINESS PHONE 866-864-2255 866-864-2255 126 -. _. -~...--..-.,;-- -----~.- --:: f31 24-HOUR PHONE 127 BUSINESS PHONE 661-834-9727 24-HOURPHONE 661-201-3532 PAGER # 661-635-5176 132 PAGER # 128 133 V. CERTIFICATION Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNAT ERlOPERATOR DATE NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 Nanc Kahn 136 137 Brian T. Jacobson Director of Environmental Affairs UPCF (7/99) C:\WI N NT 40\Profiles\jtraylor.OOO\Desktop\OES2730. wpd Qwest Communications International hie. 1801 California, Suite 1160 DenVer, CO 80202 (303) 672·2927 FAX (303) 672-2929 . . Qwest!12- Nancy Kahl Environmental Project Manager Environmental Affairs Email: nkahl@qwest.com July 29, 2002 ~~~~.., Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Emergency Services 1715 Chester Avenue -Bakersfield-;o-eA~9330c1 ~-~~- _4:::::. ~~~-~~~~ ---- - -_--: -~-~-~--~ Re: Facility 102008 Dear Sir or Madam: We are submitting an updated Business Owner/Operator Identification form for thè Qwest Communications Corp. site in Bakersfield. The environmental contact listed in Section III has recently moved to a different office and has a new address. If there are any questions, please contact either myself or Ms. Lori Harrington, CAfNV Environmental Manager. Ms. Harrington can be reached at telephone number 916-712-8635. Sincerely, ---.:----~- ;--- > ··~7-·7'dLt -.;. ~- ~-... .... - ---~- -"' - ~~ -. Nancy Kahl Environmental Project Manager Cc: Lori Harrington, CAfNV Environmental Manager V, \'\ " ~,. ':..,"Jr-' '\L_ . ,..Lf:i' 'Ii;. ~~"p=>- - Q"'"'t Communi"tion, Inti!. Environmental Affairs Department 1801 California Street, Suite 1160 Denver, Colorado 80202 '.r:-~ =--,' .. ' ~ ~ Qwest!f2 Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) Qwest Communications Corp Bakersfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield CA 93305 Agency: Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ Prepared By: Qwest Communications IntI., Inc. Environmental Affairs (303) 672-2938 2002 't --,ò' Qwest Communications - a~sfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 ,e· ',...:/ Table of Contents Business Owner/Operator Identification Form Hazardous Materials Inventory - Chemical Description Forms Area Map Site Diagram I Hazardous Materials Management Plan - Fire Department format Section I: Business Identification Data Section 11.1 Discovery and Notifications A. Leak Detection and Monitoring Procedures B. Employee and Agency Notification C. Environmental Response Management D. Emergency Medical Plan Section 11.2: Release Response Plan A. Hazard Assessment and Prevention Measures B. Release Containment and/or Mitigation C. Clean-up and Recovery Procedures D. Utility Shut-Ofts E. Private Fire ProtectionlWater Availability Section III: Training Emergency Response Telephone Numbers Attachment A: Material Safety Data Sheets 2002 Lat: Long: Bakersfield POP - HMMP Table of Contents t _ CITY OF BAKERSFIELre OFii'CE OF ENVIRONMENTAL S~VICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 BUSINESS OWNER I OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FACILITY INFORMATION Page 1 Of 5 I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION FACl flY D I ' Year Beginning 'Z-Þe:>7-loI BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) Qwest Communications - Bakersfield POP -00 Year Ending "2- e> 0"2- { 1"2- 3 BUSINESS PHONE 661-201-3531 Ul 102 SITE ADDRESS 103 906 Sumner St CITY Bakersfield DUN& BRADSTREET 14-872-1178 104 105 106 SIC CODE (4 Digit #) 4813 107 COUNTY Kern 108 OPERATOR NAME west Communications Cor . 109 OPERATOR PHONE 110 II. OWNER INFORMATION OWNER NAME Qwe s t Communications In t 1., Inc. OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 1801 California St Suite 1160 111 OWNER PHONE 303-672-2938 112 113 CITY Denver 114 STATE CO 115 116 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME Lori Harrington CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 117 CONTACT PHONE 916-712-8635 118 119 CITY Durham 120 STATE CA 121 8 -SECONDARY- 122 -PRIMARY· IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME UNICALL 123 NAME 129 TITLE west Emer enc Ctr 125 TITLE Area Mana er 130 BUSINESS PHONE 866-864-2255 2~HOURPHONE 866-864-2255 126 BUSINESS PHONE 131 PAGER # 128 PAGER # 661-201-3532 661 6 132 127 24-HOUR PHONE 133 V. CERTIFICATION Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATU DATE 134 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 NERlOPERATOR (print) Brian T. Jacobson .02- Nancy Kahl 136 NERlOPERATOR Director of Environmental Affairs 137 UPCF (7/99) C:\W INNT 40\Profiles\jtraylor. OOO\Desktop\OES2730.wpd -t ~~~ ~I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 'NEW 'ADD DELETE X REVISE 200 (one form per material per building or area) Page -2. of .5- I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) 3 Owest Communications Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION Eo..'$t oU\d "of Ic......~ \J.¡...~ t. 2011 CHEMICAL LOCATION Yes X No 202 CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) FACILITY ID # I I I I I I I' I I I I I I 1\ MAP # (optionaf) 203 I GRID # (optionaf) 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION 205 TRADE SECRET 'Yes X No 206 CHEMICAL NAME Diesel Fuel If Subject to EPCRA. refer to instructions 207 COMMON NAME EHS' Yes X No 208 n.¡ oco 1 Fl1e 1 CAS # 68476-34-6 209 'Emi¡'lu,'¡1inlllllllllll\!íl!:1111 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire chief) 210 TYPE --X P PURE m MIXTURE w WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 'Yes X ' No 212 CURIES 213 PHYSICAL STATE s SOLID I LIQUID g GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 200 Gal 215 X FED HAZARD CATEGORIES X- 1 FIRE 2 REACTIVE 3 PRESSURE RELEASE 4 ACUTE HEALTH ~;X 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Check all that apply) ANNUAL WASTE 217 I MAXIMUM 218 AVERAGE 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 AMOUNT 0 DAILY AMOUNT ?OO DAILY AMOUNT 200 nla UNITS' X 9a GAL cf CU FT Ib LBS tn TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 . II EHS, amount must be in Ibs. 'Hi<; STORAGE CONTAINER X a ABOVEGROUND TANK e PLASTIC'NONMETALLlC DRUM 'i FIBER DRUM m GLASS BOTTLE q RAIL CAR 223 (Check all that apply) b UNDERGROUND TANK I CAN 'j BAG n PLASTIC BOTTLE r OTHER c TANK INSIDE BUILDING g CARBOY k BOX o TOTE BIN --------------------- d STEEL DRUM h SILO I CYLINDER P TANK WAGON STORAGE PRESSURE X a AMBIENT aa ABOVE AMBIENT ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE X a AMBIENT aa ABOVE AMBIENT ba BELOW AMBIENT c CRYOGENIC 225 O/OWT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS # 1 226 227 Yes No 228 229 2 230 231 Yes No 232 233 3 234 235 Yes No 236 237 4 238 239 Yes No 240 241 5 242 243 Yes No 244 245 '. III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNA~ :77'ߣ! DATE 246 Nancy Kagl, Envir.onmental Proj. Manager 5/2. "b II) "z- {- UPCF (7/99) C:\W I N NT 40\Profiles\jtraylor .OOO\Desktop\OES2731.wpd '\ ~~~ ~! CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 'NEW 'ADD DELETE X REVISE 200 (one form per material per building or area) Page -3- of _í I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) 3 OTJe<::t Communications - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION \1'1.6 i d.e.. ~~ld.~'\..j i Á.\c, 01\ .j \.U L ~t wJ\ 2011 CHEMICAL LOCATION Yes ~'XNo 202 CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) FACILITY 10 # I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 11 MAP # (optiona~ 203 I GRID # (optiona~ 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION 205 TRADE SECRET 'Yes X No 206 CHEMICAL NAME Sulfuric Acid If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions 207 COMMON NAME EHS' X Yes No 208 Sulfuric Acid~ CAS # 7664-93-9 209 ' fllli¡'1!\,"¡iIIIl11:\ÌlIIIIII:i!:tlh FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire chief) 210 TYPE P PURE X m MIXTURE w WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE ' Yes X'No 212 CURIES 213 PHYSICAL STATE s SOLI 0 X I LIQUID g GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 13iLb. 215 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 1 FIRE X 2 REACTIVE 3 PRESSURE RELEASE X 4 ACUTE HEALTH 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Check all that apply) ANNUAL WASTE 217 I MAXIMUM 218 AVERAGE 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 AMOUNT 0 DAILY AMOUNT 655 DAILY AMOUNT 655 n 1::1 UNITS' ga GAL cf CU FT X Ib LBS tn TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 . If EHS, amount must be in Ibs, 365 STORAGE CONTAINER a· ABOVEGROUND TANK e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM "i FIBER DRUM m GLASS BOTTLE q RAIL CAR 223 (Check all that apply) b UNDERGROUND TANK f CAN Ij BAG n PLASTIC BOTTLE X r OTHER 'c TANK INSIDE BUILDING g CARBOY k BOX o TOTE BIN .B.a-1: t e J:Y____________ d STEEL DRUM h SILO I CYLINDER P TANK WAGON STORAGE PRESSURE 'j[ a AMBIENT aa ABOVE AMBIENT ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 'j[ a AMBIENT aa ABOVE AMBIENT ba BELOW AMBIENT c CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS # 1 35 226 Sulfuric Acid 227 X Yes No 228 7664-93-9 229 2 230 231 Yes X N0232 233 65 Water 3 234 235 Yes No 236 237 4 238 239 Yes No 240 241 5 242 243 Yes No 244 245 III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE -/ :? K-LI DATE 246 Nancy Kahl, Environmental Prole Manager (. ~/"l..""/ð"l..- UPCF (7/99) C:\ WINNT 40\Profiles\jtraylor .OOO\Desktop\OES2731. wpd 'l, ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELÓ~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 'NEW 'ADD , DELETE X REVISE 200 (one form per material per building or area) Page ~_ of 5._ I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 Qwest Communications - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION \ ",~\àe. ~ ...\ tel, ~ i 4.\e>~~ we.~t- w..1~ 2011 CHEMICAL LOCATION Yes XNo 202 CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) FACILITY ID # I "I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 MAP # (optiona~ 203 I GRID # (optiona~ 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION 205 TRADE SECRET , Yes X No 206 CHEMICAL NAME Lead If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions 207 COMMON NAME EHS' _ Yes X No 208 Lead CAS # 209 '!fli\i¡"hl,",illlllmilil1l11:i¡illil 7L..1Q,·Q? .1 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire chief) 210 TYPE P PURE m MIXTURE w WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE ; Yes X' No 212 CURIES 213 X PHYSICAL STATE s SOLI D I LIQUID g GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 117 215 X lb FED HAZARD CATEGORIES -,;" (Check all that apply) 1 FIRE 2 REACTIVE 3 PRESSURE RELEASE 4 ACUTE HEALTH X 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 ANNUAL WASTE 217 I MAXIMUM 6,624 218 AVERAGE 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 AMOUNT 0 DAILY AMOUNT DAILY AMOUNT 6 624 n I~ UNITS' ga GAL cf CU FT X Ib LBS tn TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 . If EHS, amount must be in Ibs. 365 STORAGE CONTAINER a ABOVEGROUND TANK ePLASTIClNONMETALLlC DRUM ' 'i FIBER DRUM m GLASS BOTTLE q RAIL CAR 223 (Check all that apply) b UNDERGROUND TANK f CAN 'j BAG n PLASTIC BOTTLE X r OTHER c TANK INSIDE BUILDING g CARBOY k BOX o TOTE BIN -.Bat.te:r*--------- d STEEL DRUM h SILO I CYLINDER P TANK WAGON STORAGE PRESSURE xa AMBIENT aa ABOVE AMBIENT ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE X. ,a AMBIENT aa ABOVE AMBIENT ba BELOW AMBIENT c CRYOGENIC 225 O/OWT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS # 1 226 227 Yes No 228 229 2 230 231 Yes N0232 233 3 234 235 Yes No 236 237 4 238 239 241 Yes No 240 5 242 243 Yes 245 No 244 III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATU?t: .-, ¿L/ DATE 246 Nancy KaQl, Environmental Proj. Manager I / '7' 5J Z ,/ f)'Z- '-- / / UPCF(7/99) C:\W IN NT 40\Profiles\jtraylor .OOO\Desktop\OES2731. wpd r" .,~ ~~~ E R S F 1 "~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELri~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 'NEW X'ADD DELETE REVISE 200 (one form per material per building or area) Page 5_ at L I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA· Doing Business As) 3 Owe!':t atio"'" Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION 2011 CHEMICAL LOCATION Yes X No 202 Each Buildin2: CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) FACILITY ID # I I I I I I I I r 1 I I I 11 MAP # (optional) 203 I GRID # (optional) 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION 205 TRADE SECRET 'Yes X No 206 CHEMICAL NAME 1,1,1,2,3,3,3,- HeptaFluoropropane It Subject to EPCRA. reter to instructions 207 COMMON NAME EHS' Yes X No 208 FM- 200 Fire Suppressant CAS # 209 '¡¡mii"!!I,"¡lIm¡I:IÌt:lI1l1:i,ilih FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire chief) 210 TYPE X P PURE m MIXTURE w WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE ; Yes XNo 212 CURIES 213 PHYSICAL STATE s SOLI D I LIQUID X gGAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 76 ft 215 CU FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 1 FIRE 2 REACTIVE X 3 PRESSURE'RELEASE X4 ACUTE HEALTH '5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Check all that apply) ANNUAL WASTE 217 I MAXIMUM 218 ~X~L~:JOUNT 230 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 AMOUNT 0 ; DAILY AMOUNT 230 _/~ UNITS' ga GAL X ct CU FT Ib LBS tn TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 . If EHS. amount must be in Ibs. 365 STORAGE CONTAINER a ABOVEGROUND TANK e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM 'i FIBER DRUM m GLASS BOTTLE q RAIL CAR 223 (Check all that apply) b UNDERGROUND TANK f CAN Ij BAG n PLASTIC BOTTLE r OTHER c TANK INSIDE BUILDING 9 CARBOY k BOX o TOTE BIN ------------- d STEEL DRUM h SILO X I CYLINDER P TANK WAGON STORAGE PRESSURE a AMBIENT X aa ABOVE AMBIENT ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE X a AMBIENT aa ABOVE AMBIENT ba BELOW AMBIENT c CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS # 1 226 227 Yes No 228 229 2 230 231 Yes No 232 233 3 234 235 Yes No 236 237 4 238 239 Yes No 240 241 5 242 243 Yes No 244 245 III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE 7 ~4£! DATE 246 Nancy Kahl, Environmental Proj. Manager . /. -1í z.~/,z- , UPCF (7/99) C:\ WIN NT 40\Profiles\jtraylor. OOO\Desktop\OES2731.wpd í'-~--n~~UH;:¡~-T]-~rm ,I ~ r B ~ \b\~\ ~~ Bakersfield, CA Qwest Site' Location ... \~'~;~;NR Y ," N N _ BakerSÌield-Mer~tal ~JRn --.- ~ ' \;, JEFF RS N GR ,~ ~ ~ LNCOL\I ~ ~1ST ~ ¡ OWE~ f ì " ~OTH ¿)uINC \ L 1:::" 9T~' . R,ACIFI 'J. ~" I ~ "'" 1,8TH P"~ 7 _~ ~ "'" ~ OREGL N I z:L6T~ ~~ ........... N LE,:, '" 'l 1787- r- 5T ~ '~4~;;8 ~'~ ,I _r.-£.L.;¡ . rrÊ~E3~... __ ="-' , r-....... KE·· ~ de "-..,f..:-- _........ ___~ 2 Hrin.' -IV U ky an I r ~_~ _~:;:::.-- hR h '"""w.. S~ .co r. ~- b ~ !,,\:UMN R "-' 21ST I "'\ 21S p l:I )t. ',r -, OT -¡ Ce-<M 11 Dnpl .. 19TH E Ì'9Rl 18TH E 18TH ~A l_UN Bakersf elO E Tf uJdn};'-,' ~ dod~:>~ ~:i::c~ HAYOE~1 ~ ,/,--- '~PI ~ 3 T I / - '----l.. __._m_:___.__r-º-AJJfQß.t'JIA ECA'.L ~Ið r--..... - ~ b g 11n I 10TH E 10 H I - HEIGHTID ./-i1~ I ~:tñHAM ~ MA ok ~n~R ~~OWAY i ~~y~ CUNH rì r ): BE f ~RESTVIEW/ HeÅtage Park -\ ~A~ ~N~ 'Î PEARL .A ~ME10A ( bAJ,GJ RIOd E RO 'N f'/l JEF TEJO ~ "- \ L r < riit ER ON F ( LI~COI~~ . A FI ~LLEbE/ I 906 Sumner Street R Ker ed¡cal C;~nte E /J.¡ UINcy 0 I ,.....:. ~ '4C/F/C ¡:: ,- ~ '_ 0 REGOd )/, ~-L ''4 KE TU Gç ONTER - NILES Y '-Ak£ T ,. nal /~~~' --¡. ~ I '/ 21S ~'~ I ~ RUXTUR KENTUCK I 18T 19T V~~ J:::;-ICENTER ~ _ ¡ SE E RE A STEELS ~ _ __~ : ~.\ E C,L1FO NIA Ii- N L RCI S N i UCKY r i- N cbb- lv,~~ n~ US R j E \ ¡ _! ':J v RGINIA ! , n - ...l L 38TH ;1 Ñ t:{- 36TH ~ ;} 34TH rK~A y 1 Of-!fM1q j .. ~ I Fj ,\~ N r[/'H8 1;#" - 1- 12Y ~ I. ,M4M ..Ma '/ ~'f f'n. ~"~ E 9TH / ~LAI END() ~ OTOMA -c ORRI L f'\C IMO FE R LSTC N M ROO K VIF GINIA ~ ME ~LN ~ J ~' N , r I r ~, 2041 E 8T~ E 7TH E 6TH 85T H E 4TI; ~ S -t - 8TH ~tD: ~TI- -\ ~ 4TH CHESTEO f) - .. L ~1I Park t_ I I triLL E 3FD 3RD I 2ND BANK !..) / ~EV' S \ I I- 8/ ~ I, WILKINs rST 0 L,0::º- I R 8 RUNDAC E L E BR JNOAGE N --;:::100BRll<:;KY I Œ.t C204J WAY ROSS ~?:..58 ~ 58 .M ~ I "I TERR~~Y ~~:cr~~~LI CRO~ S I,t / , ,J' Mf ITLAND ~ --- Ij / r- d" /T::fWN~Y 'DANIELS LN IJ ;( ANNON I G-l'~ ~I East B \'- K I I rJ ranchranal 0 yàn~!ge SMI H ,ß BECUJ : E BŒlLE I» E ¡ b It;¡ !" S N ' MT ~ P RINITY ¡ ¡ ~ (t. ~ MAOO r~ ~ Wayside Pa k ì í If 19 9 Dd.onn~~reCl htlas USA ; I ~ ) ~ ,~ J , 1-- r~6 !f-' - PC \ I 8 ,~ Mag 14.00 Thu May 18 10:52 2000 Scale 1 :25,000 (at center) , 2000 Feet , iii ~ ) / ~ ;¡ ß \ / E BRur I S // l; ~ ~ AGEl '-I \ =38 500 Meters I ,r ~,- Local Road FELIZ - Primary State Route MCNE\ § c::::::::» Interstate/Limited Access \.~ ~ C EATHAM § Eh MAR \ REESE \ I I I I I I \ -I § I ____4---------------------- L _ __ _____.1 J ,~- Major Connector ~"" State Route o Exit I-I Railroad 1: y -' Ç7 Site Diagram Qwest Communications - Bakersfield POP 906 Sumner Street, Bakersfield, CA LI e .;þ North . t @ * Located ~ 111 Oth mile @ at Owens 51. +-' Q) ~ +-' C/) ..... Q) c E ::J C/) Beale Street Overpass * Driveway 50 Feet 25 Feet r-----------------~ , , , I , . , , , fI) , <::: , 0 , :¡:¡ ro- , 0<::: I .- Q) <::: E , E .9- , , E :> , S¡ff I Q) , ~ , , I , , . , , , fI) , <::: , 0 :¡:¡ , ro- , Q) o <::: .- Q) ,Q) <::: E ,LI.. E .9- ,0 E :> ,~ S¡ff , Q) Qj I- c::r:J fI) <::: :8 ro- 0<::: .- Q) <::: E E .9- E :> S¡ff Q) ~ . Engine I ) , Q) ,( 1ií ·t (9 , , I '~¡>l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ - - --' L Electrical Shut-Off Q) <::: :::¡ "t:I t1:I o -= ëii a::: 80 Feet Key: CJ Batteries I Engine I Engine with Diesel Fuel AST . FM-200 Fire Suppression Cylinder Fence * Evacuation Meeting Place @ Fire Hydrant '? $' e Qwest Communications - Bak¿':sfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 - "'" 2002 Lat: Long: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION I: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: Qwest Communications - Bakersfield POP LOCATION: 906 Sumner Street. Bakersfield. CA 93305 MAILING ADDRESS: Qwest Environmental Affairs Attn: Lori Harrinqton, CAJNV Env Coord. 2547 Durham-Davton HwV CITY: Durham STATE: CA ZIP: 95938 PHONE: 916-712-8635 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Telecommunications OWNER: Qwest Communications IntI.. Inc. PHONE: 303-672-2938 MAILING ADDRESS: 1801 California St.. Suite 1160, Denver. CO 80202 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 1. UNICALL Qwest Emerq Ctr 866-864-2255 2. Vince Link Area Manaqer 661-834-9727 24 HR PHONE 866-864-2255 661-201-3532 SECTION II: DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATION A. LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES The diesel fuel for the emerqencv power qenerator is contained in an above qround double wall steel tank. The interstitial area between the tank walls is monitored for leaks and will alarm at the site in the event of a leak. The Site Technician performs visual inteqritv inspections of the tank and connected pipinq for siqns of corrosion and leaks. The sulfuric acid and lead are within sealed batteries used for backup emerqencv power. The batteries are constructed with "absorbed qlass mattinq" technoloqv desiqned to result in zero to less than 1 % loss of free electrolvte even with a catastrophic casinq failure. The batteries are low maintenance and include low pressure. self-sealinq safety vents, leak-resistance epoxy post seals; individual cell flame arrestors. heat dissipatinq spaces between the cells, a collapsible bridqe in the base of each cell or allow for break-resistance expansion: and a steel frame module desiqned for Zone 4 seismic activitv. The Site Technician performs visual Bakersfield POP - HMMP "~">, ~ - Qwest Communications - Bakê~field POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 e J 2002 Lat: Long: inspections of the batteries for sians of weepina. swellina. corrosion. and conducts float voltaae measurements to monitor the battery intearity. B. EMPLOYEE AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION When a fire alarm sounds. employees will immediately evacuate the buildina and meet at one of the desianated meetina places. Any visitors and third party individuals present at the facility will be verbally instructed by Qwest personnel to evacuate the facility and proceed to a desianated meetina place. Primary desianated meetina place is outside of the property fence near the driveway entrance to the facility from Sumner Street. Secondary desianed meetina place is outside of the property fence. west alona Sumner Street. near the Beale Street Overpass. The lead site technician will notify emeraency response services and Qwest UNICALL Emeraency Center. The Environmental Coordinator respondina to the UNICALL notice will make other appropriate aaency notifications in the event of a hazardous material spill. C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE MANAGEMENT Employees use 911 - In the event of a medical emeraency. fire or earthauake when immediate emeraency response is needed. Personnel will telephone Qwest UNICALL. internal emeraency center. The Center will notify the appropriate Qwest Environmental. Health. Safety & Coordinator for the area of the emeraency. Disaster Recovery. and/or Security. The EHS Coordinator will contact the person makina the UNICALL notice to obtain more information about the incident. He/She will notify state or local aaencies in the event of a reportable spill of hazardous material and assist in coordinatina site cleanup activities with cleanup contractors and site manaaement. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN In the event of an emeraency reauirina medical response. employees shall use the 911 system to summon emeraency services. Be prepared to provide directions to the facility. Primary hospital with emeraency services is Bakersfield Memorial Hospital. The secondary hospital with emeraency services is Kern Medical Center. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 420 34th Street Bakersfield. CA 93305 661-327 -464 7 Bakersfield POP - HMMP 'l .y, - Qwest Communications - Bakê{;field POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 e j 2002 Lat: Long: Kern Medical Center 1830 Flower Street Bakersfield. CA 93305 661-326-2000 SECTION 11.2: RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES Upon identification of a spill. the employee should attempt to determine the substance spilled. the amount. the extent of spread. and the source of the spill. Remove all non-essential personnel from the immediate area before beQinninQ spill response activities. UsinQ spill response materials. attempt to contain the spill. If the spill is of such a maQnitude that it cannot be safely controlled by facility personnel. then notify outside emerqency response aQencies (911) and Owest UNICALL. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MITIGATION The employee identifyinQ the spill should first attempt to contain the spill only if there is no threat to their safety. Equipment available in the spill response materials at the site may include loose absorbents and absorbent pillows or booms. If it is safe to do so. the spill responder should attempt to seal or otherwise stop the source of the spill. Common methods of eliminatinQ a spill source include closinQ valves. leak stoppinQ compound for pinhole leaks. drum over-packs. deactivatinQ pumps. and divertinQ flow to another pathway. The spilled material must not be allowed to enter a floor drain. storm drain. or other pathway to a water source. C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES Personal protective equipment and spill response materials are available onsite to safely cleanup and containerize incidental spills. Employees may respond to incidental spills usinQ spill response materials and personal protective equipment if they have received appropriate traininQ. Once the spill is contained and the source eliminated, the spilled material will be collected in an appropriate manner to prevent employee exposure and placed into secure containers. The area of surface in contact with the spilled material will be decontaminated by an appropriate method that is permissible under local. state. and federal laws. The specific method used will depend upon the substance. the availability of permitted sewer discharQe to a P01W. reQulatorv standards applicable to hazardous and toxic substances. and other factors. The EHS Coordinator will be consulted as necessary for the appropriate clean UP and decontamination methods. Bakersfield POP - HMMP ',' '~ - - Qwest Communications - Bakéfsfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 - -,-'" 2002 Lat: Long: All collected spill material and debris will be manaaed so to fullv complv with applicable local. state. and federal laws reaardina thè recvclina or disposal of wastes. Containers will be sealed. labeled accordina to the type of waste. and stored in a secure location until transported for recvclina or disposal. UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATIOIN OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY) NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: None to facilitv ELECTRICAL: On Utilitv pole at SE corner of facilitv WATER: None to facilitv SPECIAL: None LOCK BOX: NO '-' ',., ..;. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTIONIWATER AVAILABILITY A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: The facilitv is equipped with an automatic fire detection and suppression system. Each of the three interconnected buildinas has a fire and smoke detection system that is monitored bv a Qwest Network Control Center. 24 hours per dav. 365 days per year. In the event of an alarm. the Center will notify emeraencv response and site personnel. The fire suppression system uses FM-200™ fire suppressant contained in compressed cvlinders. There is one cvlinder in each buildina at the facilitv. Portable fire extinauishers are also present in each buildina at the facilitv. B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): A fire hydrant is located approximatelv 1/1Oth mile east of the facilitv near the intersection of Sumner Street and Owen Street on the south side of Sumner. A fire hydrant is located approximately 1/10th mile west of the facility on the south side of Sumner Street. near the Beale Street Overpass. SECTION III: TRAINING NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: This is an un-manned facilitv. A Site Technician will perform reaular maintenance activities at the facilitv. The activities are done durina business hours from 8:00 Bakersfield POP - HMMP f4~ !~~ .- Qwest Communications - Bakclsfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 4' 2002 Lat: Long: a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Mondav throuQh Fridav or may be scheduled durinQ "off" hours if there is a need to take equipment off-line. M,ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Material safety data sheets will be maintained in the Site Technician work area at the facilitv. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Emplovees will receive initial and annual traininQ on the followinQ topics (minimum): · OSHA Hazard Communication standard requirements includinQ types hazardous materials used at the facilitv: how to handle the hazardous materials: and recoQnition of potential exposures to hazardous materials. · Use of personal protective equipment to protect emplovee from potential exposure to hazardous substances: · Use of spill containment and response equipment in order to minimize the spread of a release: · Procedures for response to the accidental release of hazardous substances includinQ alarms. evacuation routes. and emerQencv notification. CERTIFICATION I, Nancv J. Kahl CERTIFY THA THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PURJURY. ~ " ç/ ~-/I SI ~RE/ r" v ¡"~"~It"f.J 'J;~/ l' TITLE <...J S-Ä.3/Þ 'Z- IDA TE Bakersfield POP - HMMP ~ ~~, -- Qwest Communications - Bakefsfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 2002 Lat: Long: . Emergency Response Numbers Agency Emergency Number Business Number Bakersfield Fire Department 911 661-326-3979 Bakersfield Police 911 661-327-7111 Poison Control 911 800-876-4766 Hospital - Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 661-327-4647 San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Pollution Control District 661-326-6900 Sacramento County Hazardous Materials Division 916-875-5000 916-875-8550 California Highway Patrol Bakersfield Dispatch Center 911 661-864-4400 California Office of Emergency Services 800-852-7550 916-262-1621 CAL EPA - Department of Toxic Substances Control 916-255-3545 CAL OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health) 916-263-2800 California Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region, Fresno Office 559-445-5116 Radiological Health Branch 800-852-7550 916-445-0931 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9 415-744-1500 415-744-2000 National Response Center 800-424-8802 N/A CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 Qwest Network Control Center 800-860-6485 option 1 UNICALL - Qwest Emergency Notification Center 866-864-2255 Bakersfield POP - HMMP ,., r~, Qwest Communications - Blrsfield POP 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 . 2002 Lat: Long: ATTACHMENT A MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS Bakersfield POP - HMMP Attachment A - MSDS - ~~ No.2 Distillate (MSDS# USO.7) -/ Page 1 of6 '/ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET No. 2 Distillate 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Synonyms: Formula: Chemical Family: CAS Number: SAP Code: Product Code: MSDS Number: NFPA Ratings: HMIS Ratings: High Sulfur Diesel Fuel; #2 Distillate; #2 High Sulfur Diesel - Dyed; No.2 Low Sulfur Distillate; Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel; #2 Distillate; #2 Low Sulfur Diesel - Dyed Mixture Hydrocarbons 68476-34-6 1014071; 1014072; 1014073; 1014074; 1014075; 1014076; 1014077; 1014078; 1014079; 1014080; 1014081; 1014082; 1014083; 1014085; 1014087; 1014088; 1014089; 1014090; 1014091; 1014092; 1014093; 1014096; 1014098; 1014100; 1014549; 1014550; 1014551; 1014552; 1014759; 1014760; 1014982; 1014983; 1014984 34260;34360;35260;35360 US001847 Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Flammability 2, Reactivity 0, Health 1 Manufactured By: Phillips 66 Company A Division of Phillips Petroleum Company Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74004 Phone Numbers Emergency: (918) 661-8118 Technical Information: (918) 661-3709 For Additional MSDSs: (918) 661-3709 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ACGIH ACGIH OSHA- OSHA- Chemical Specification Weight % In ACGIH TLV Short Term Ceiling ACGIH Skin OSHA Final Final PELs - Final PELs - and CAS # Product Exposure Limits Designation PEL Ceiling Skin Limit Limits Notation Diesel fuel no. 2 100 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 68476-34-6 Sulfur < 0.5 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 7704-34-9 1 ppm TWA (Areas exempted by the skin - Benzene Benzene 2.5 ppm; 8 potential for Standard, 71-43-2 < 0.005 0,5 ppm mg/m3 NE cutaneous 29 CFR NE NE 1910,1028, absorption will have a 10 ppm 8 hourTWA and 5 ppm STEL) 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency Overview ~o. 2 Distillate (MSDS# USO.7) ~7 . Page 2 of6 Combustible liquid. Irritant. Lung Aspiration Hazard. Potential Acute Health Effects Eye Contact: May cause moderate irritation. Skin Contact: Skin Irritant. May cause severe irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact with the liquid may cause defatting of the skin resulting in drying, redness, and possibly blistering. Dermal LD50 for diesel fuel is 9 ml/kg (rat) Inhalation: Inhaled Hydrocarbons cause central nervous system depression at high concentrations resulting in headache, dizziness, and ultimately unconsciousness. Ingestion: May be irritating to intestines causing nausea and vomiting. If swallowed, may be aspirated resulting in inflammation and possible fluid accumulation in the lungs. Oral LD50 for diesel fuel is 9 ml/kg (rat). Subchronic and Chronic Effects: No Known Applicable Information Aggravated Medical Conditions: No Known Applicable Information 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Eye Contact: Flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation or adverse symptoms develop, seek medical attention. Skin Contact: Immediately wash skin with soap and water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation or adverse symptoms develop, seek medical attention. Inhalation: Remove from exposure. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing ceases, administer artificial respiration followed by oxygen. Seek immediate medical attention. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention. Notes To Physician: Gastric lavage using a cuffed endotracheal tube may be performed at your discretion. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point: FP Method: Ignition Temperature: >100F (>38C) PMCC, ASTM D-93 Unknown Flammable Limits (% by Volume in Air) Lower Exposure Limit - Not Established Upper Exposure Limit - Not Established Fire Extinguishing Media: Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemicals, Foam Fire Fighting Procedures: Evacuate area and fight fire from a safe distance. Shut off source, if possible. Firefighters should be equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus and turn out gear. Use water spray to cool nearby containers and structures exposed to fire. Do not spray water directly on fire - product will float and Mo. 2 Distillate (MSDS# USO.?) ......"... -- Page 3 of6 could be reignited on surface of water. Fire and explosion hazards: Carbon and sulfur oxides and various hydrocarbons formed when burned. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Sweep or gather up material and place in proper container for disposal or recovery. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Avoid breathing vapors, mist, fume or dust. Do not swallow. May be aspirated into lungs. Wear protective equipment and/or garments described in Section 8 if exposure conditions warrant. Wash thoroughly after handling. Immediately remove and launder contaminated clothing before reuse. Use with adequate ventilation. Keep away from heat, sparks, and flame. Store in closed container. Store in well-ventilated area. Bond and ground during transfer. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Eye Protection: If splash hazards are present use chemical goggles and a face shield. Respiratory Protection: Not generally required unless needed to prevent respiratory irritation. If Used As Fuel: This section does not address exposure to by-products of combustion, such as carbon monoxide. It is therefore recommended that the expert assistance of an industrial hygienist or other qualified professional be sought. When entering or exiting from areas where the exposure concentration is unknown or if conditions immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) exist, use a NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or equivalent operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Skin Protection: Use gloves resistant to the material(s) being used (Nitrile). Suggestions for the use of specific protective materials are based on readily available published data. Users should check with specific manufacturers to confirm the performance of their products. Ventilation: Use adequate ventilation. Other Personal Protection: Personal protection information shown in Section 8 is based upon general information as to normal uses and conditions. Where special or unusual uses or conditions exist, it is suggested that the expert assistance of an industrial hygienist or other qualified professional be sought. Exposure Limits: No known applicable information. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical State: Appearance: Odor: Odor Threshold (ppm): Boiling Point: Melting/Freeze Point: Vapor Pressure: Vapor Density (Air=1): Specific Gravity @ 20 C (Water=1): Liquid Light yellow to amber. May be dyed red. Mild Unknown Approximately 300-690F (149-366C) Not Established Not Established >1 0.82-0.88 @ 60/60F (16/16C) · No.2 Distillate (MSDS# USO.7) -- Page 4 of 6 Percent Volatile by Volume: Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=1): Water Solubility: Viscosity: 100 <1 Negligible 1.7-4.1 cSt@40C 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Will Not Occur Incompatability (Materials to Avoid): Oxygen and strong oxidizing agents. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon and sulfur oxides may form when burned. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Other Health Effects: Combustion (burning) of most carbon-containing material forms carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide inhalation may cause carboxyhemoglobinemia. Chronic exposure to carbon monoxide causes fatigue, poor memory, loss of sensation in fingers, visual disturbances and insomnia. Carboxyhemoglobinemia is frequently misdiagnosed as flu. Sensitive sub-populations to the inhalation of carbon monoxide exist. Carbon monoxide displaces oxygen in the bloodstream and therefore, can adversely effect people with pre-existing heart disease, pregnant women and smokers. Combustion, a normal use of diesel fuel, results in an exhaust that has been associated with lung cancer in animals. There is limited evidence to suggest an assoication between occupational exposure to diesel exhaust and lung cancer in humans. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data at this time. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal should be made in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT Shipping Description: Non-Bulk Package Marking: Bulk Package Placard/Marking: Hazardous Substance/RQ: Packaging References: Fuel oil (No.2), 3 or Combustible liquid, NA 1993, III Fuel oil (No.2), NA 1993 Flammable or Combustible /1993 None 49 CFR 173.150, 173.203, 173.242 IMDG Shipping Description: Non-Bulk Package Marking: Diesel fuel, 3, UN 1202, III Diesel fuel, UN 1202 '- Ño. 2 Distillate (MSDS# USO.?) Bulk Package Placard/Marking: Flammable/1202 ICAO/IATA Proper Shipping Name: ICAO/IA T A Hazard Class: UN/ID Number: Packing Group: Subsidiary Risk: Non-Bulk Package Marking: Diesel fuel 3 UN 1202 III None Diesel fuel, UN 1202 15. REGULATORYINFORMA TION EPA SARA 311/312 (Title III Hazard Categories) Acute Health: Chronic Health: Fire Hazard: Pressure Hazard: Reactivity Hazard: Yes No Yes No No Diesel fuel no. 2 100 68476-34-6 Regulated Substance on TSCA Inventory: Listed Canada - Domestic Substances List: Listed Sulfur < 0.5 7704-34-9 Regulated Substance on TSCA Inventory: Listed Pennsylvania Right to Know List: Listed New Jersey Right-to-Know List: Listed Massachusetts Right To Know List: Listed Florida Toxic Substances List: Listed Canada - Domestic Substances List: Listed Benzene < 0.005 71-43-2 Section 313 of Title III of the SARA and 40 CFR Part 372: Listed Clean Water Act - Toxic Pollutants: Listed Clean Water Act - Hazardous Substances: Listed Clean Water Act S307 Priority Pollutant: Listed Pennsylvania Right to Know List: Listed New Jersey Right-to-Know List: Listed NJ Environmental Hazardous Substances List: Listed Michigan Critical Materials List: Listed Massachusetts Right To Know List: Listed Florida Toxic Substances List: Listed Canada - Domestic Substances List: Listed 16. OTHER INFORMATION Revision Summary: Section 2 and Section 15 Preparer: Health, Environment and Safety Department Date Prepared: 05/10/2001 Supersedes: 03/20/2001 . Page 5 of6 : '. ~ -!' . f. No.2 Distillate (MSDS#USO.7) . Page 6 of6 Phillips Petroleum Company (references to Phillips Petroleum Company or Phillips includes its divisions, affiliates and subsidiaries) believes that the information contained herein (including data and statements) is accurate as of the date hereof. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS CONCERNS THE INFORMATION HEREIN PROVIDED. The information provided herein relates only to the specific product designated and may not be valid where such product is used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Further, since the conditions and methods of use of the product and information referred to herein are beyond the control of Phillips, Phillips expressly disclaim any and all liability as to any results obtained or arising from any use of the product or such information. No statement made herein shall be construed as a permission or recommendation for the use of any product in a manner that might infringe existing patents. ~, .'41:" e Tyco Electronics Unigy® II Batteries - ID: 11695 Page I of 4 MATERlAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Tyco Electronics 3000 Sky1ine Drive Mesquite, TX 75149 Issue Date: 09/09/98 Issue Number: 3 Supersedes Date: 01/28/98 Non-Emergency Telephone # 1-800- THE-l PWR (1-800-843-1797) Emergency Telephone # 800-424-9300 (CHEMTREC) Use CHEMTREC only in the event of chemical emergencies involving a spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident involving chemicals. Reason for Re-Issue: Update name. remove comcodes, change transportation data I. PJtOI)UCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Battery, Unigy n Series WP-93379 Chemical Name/Synonym: WP-93379, Sealed, Rechargeable. Lead-acid Battery HMDB Number: 11695 Label Codes Health: Fire: Reactivity: 3 - Corrosive 0- Non-flammable 1 - Slightly reactive II. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Component *Lead oxide *Lead * Lead sulfate "Sulfuric acid CAS # 1317-36-8 7439-92-1 7446-14-2 7664-93-9 ~ 20-25 43-70 N.D. 20-44 TLWACGyn .05 mg/m .05 mg/m3 .05 mg/m3 1.0 mg/m3.1 PELf OSHA) .05 ug/m3 .05 mg/m3 .05 mg/m3 1.0 mg/m3 tSTEL (ACGm): 3 mg/m3 'STEL (OSHA): N/A Comments: The data presented refer primarily to the acid electrolyte since this compound poses the predominant immediate hazard associated with this product. *These chemicals are subject to Section 313 Title III SARA Reporting Requirements. ·*This chemical in its existing form is not subject to Section 313 Title III Reportable Requirement. However. ifthe use of this product results in aerosol formation of this chemical, then the aerosol of this chemical is subject to SARA 313 Title III Reportable Requirements. 11 - 2 Material Safety Data Sheet Issue 5 March 2001 11 ~~ e Tycó Electronics Unigy® II Batteries e ill: 11695 Page 2 of 4 III. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Appearance/Odor: Acid electrolyte is clear with a strong acrid odor. Specific Gravity: > 1.2 Vapor Density (Air-1): 3.4 Boiling Point: - 235 "F Melting Point: N.D. Vapor-Pressure: > 11.7 mm Hg at 68 "F Solubility In Water: Soluble Evaporation Rate: < 1 pH: < 1 % Volatiles by Volume: N/A % Volatiles organic carbon: N/ A IV. HEALTH HAZARD SUMMARY Oral: Primary Routes of Exposure Skin: X Eye: X Inhalation: X Effects of Overexposure: None during normal conditions of use. The electrolyte is corrosive to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. Repeated or prolonged inhalation of mists can cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and chronic bronchitis; pulmonary edema and death may occur from severe exposures. Early symptoms oflead intoxication include a persistent metallic taste, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, and severe abdominal pain. Continued exposures may result in muscle weakness and fatigue, nerve system damage, paralysis, liver and kidney damage, anemia, anorexia, and adverse reproductive and developmental effects. Listed as a Carcinogen or Potential Carcinogen By the Following Agencies? NTP: No IARC: Yes OSHA: No Toxicity Study Information: Only selected Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) data are presented here. Consult latest issue for more information. Sulfuric acid: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified "strong inorganic acid mist containing sulfuric acid" as a Category I carcinogen, a substance that is carcinogenic to humans. This classification does not apply to liquid forms of sulfuric acid contained within a battery. Inorganic acid mist is not generated under normal use of this product. Misuse of the product such as overcharging, may result in the generation of sulfuric acid mist. Lead-TCLQ: .01 mg/m3, human, inhalation; TDlO: 450 mg/kg/yr, human, oral. Reported to cause chromosomal aberrations in human and animal cells. Causes reproductive and developmental effects in experimental animals. Lead sulfate-LDLQ: 2 glkg, dog, oral; LDLO: 30 g/kg, guinea pig, oral. Positive sister chromatid exchange assays in human and animal cells. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monograph Supplement (1987), there is inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity oflead in humans. Lead and inorganic lead compounds are classified as group 2B carcinogens by IARC. OSHA regulated (29 CFR 1910.1025), The lead and lead sulfate contained in this product pose a minimal hazard because they are enclosed. A lead hazard may result during recycling or if battery is discarded improperly. Issue 5 March 2001 Material Safety Data Sheet 11 - 3 " .~~ e Tyco Electronics Unigy® II Batteries e ill: 11695 Page 3 of 4 V. FIRST AID PROCEDURES Eye: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. Skin: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention immediately. Wash clothing before ~~. ¡ Inhalation: !finhaled, remove to fresh air. !fnot breathing, give artificial respiration. Ifbreathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention. Ingestion: If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Give victim a glass of water. Call a physician immediately. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Notes to physician: None VI. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Poiot: N/ A Flammable Limits: LEL: N/ A Autoignition Temp: N/ A UEL: N/ A Extinguishing Media: For small fires use carbon dioxide, dry chemical. For large fires, flood area with large quantities of water, while suppressing vapors with waterfog/spray. Special Firefighting Procedures: Cool battery exterior with water to prevent rupture. Firefighters should wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus and thermal protective clothing to avoid toxic and corrosive mists, vapors, and possibly lead fumes. Unusual Fire aod Explosion Hazards: Sulfuric acid, especially when diluted with water, can react with metals to produce flammable gas. Remove all sources ofignition and ventilate area ifbattery is ruptured or recharging. VII. REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid: Prolonged overcharging; sources of ignition. Do not allow metallic articles to simultaneously contact the negative and positive tenninals of the battery. Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Combustibles, organic materials, strong oxidizers and reducing agents, strong acids and bases, active metals, water. Carbides, chlorates, nitrates, picrates, fulminates, halides, halogenates, peroxides, sulfides, potassium nitrate, nascent hydrogen. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Sulfuric acid: Sulfur oxides, sulfuric acid mist, hydrogen. Lead: Presence of nascent hydrogen may generate highly toxic arsine gas, Thennal decomposition of battery casing may produce nitrogen oxides and cyanides. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur Conditions to Avoid: None 11 - 4 Material Safety Data Sheet Issue 5 March 2001 f~ ~, e Tyco Electronics Unigy® II Batteries e ID: 11695 Page 4 of 4 VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Ventilation: General ventilation should be adequate under normal conditions of use. Respiratory Protection: Respirators are not required under normal conditions of use. Use NlaSH approved respirator for acid mist if PEL or TL V is exceeded when handling electrolyte. Protective Gloves: Protective gloves are required if exposure to electrolyte is possible. Neoprene, rubber, or polyethylene types are suggested. Eye Protection: Chemical splash goggles or full face shield is required if exposure to electrolyte is possible. Other Clothing and/or Equipment: Eyewash and safety shower should be available for immediate use. Rubber boots and rubber apron in accordance with potential for electrolyte exposure. Long legged and long sleeved clothing. IX. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Steps to be Taken In Case Material is Released or Spilled: If an acid spill is external to the battery. cover the spill with clay or other recognized acid absorbing agent. Neutralize the acid with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or other recognized neutralizer. In an emergency sand, ashes, or gravel can be used to cover spill, and soda ash or lime used to neutralize acid; such substances should not be used on the battery itself as they can cause damage to it. Do not flush with water, even after acid has been neutralized. Waste Disposal Method: Contains lead. Dispose of according to all applicable regulations. TSCA Status: AU components appear on the TSCA chemical substance inventory. Shipping Information: USDOT/IATA: Name: Battery, Wet, Non-spillable Class: 8 ID#: UN2800 PG: ill This battery meets the DOT requirements for non-spillable batteries as specified in 49CFRI 73. 159(d) and fAT A requirements for non-spillable batteries as specified in packing instruction 806 and provision A67. X. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Storage and Handling Requirements: Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area. Protect batteries from physical damage. AJllead acid cells have enormous circuit capability. Extreme care should be exercised to avoid shorting of cell terminals. When working around cells remove rings, wrist watches, necklaces, metal bracelets, belt buckles, etc. Explosive hydrogen gas may be generated during charging. N.D. = Not Determined N/A = Not Applicable. While information in this fact sheet has been compiled from reference materials and other sources believed to be reliable. its accuracy and completeness is not guaranteed. nor is any responsibility assumed or implied for any loss or damage resulting from inaccuracies or omissions. Any specific evaluation will involve professional judgement by the users industrial hygiene personnel. Issue 5 March 2001 Material Safety Data Sheet II - 5 AU.P- .1£-~O It -- /. U..3:~..Lt"" ...... '~'"'-IC;;; .. - -..I - --...- e Great Lakes CIa..ical Corp.raUo. e , MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET BMERGENCY TELEPHONE (501) 882-5141 %1)BJI'1'xn - FM-200™ UTBBk ~. ..... - 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane ~~--~---~------------------------------------------------------- SBCTION I - ..ODU~ ~ORKATIOH JlANtJY'ACormtU'S 1IAXB - GREAT LAKES CHEMICAL CORPORATION TELEPBOHB HUKBBR FOR INFORMATION - (317) 497-6100 WBXIS KA21RD CLASS AND DrvI8ION - A. CAS REGISTRY WO. 431-89-0 DATE PREPARED 2/96 I'ORXULA C)HF, SUPERSEDES 4/95 CBEKIC1L P~LY - Halogenated alkane 8YBOHYXS - None PRODUCT USB - Fire extinguishing, fire suppression, explosion suppression and inerting agent PREPARED BY - Regulatory Affairs Department Great Lakes Chemical Corporation West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 This product is being commercially manufactured under a TSCA section 5 Consent Order. The significant New Use Rule (SNUR) for this chemical can be located in 40 CFR Part 721.8125. For use as an ODe alternative, consult 40 CFR Part 82.170 for approved SNAP uses or contact Great Lakes Chemical corporation. ----------~----------------------------------------------------- 8ECTZON Z% KÃzÃRDÕuã COMPONENTS (5necifv Chemical Identitv: Common Names) COMPONENT OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other Limits Recommended % optional 1,1,1,2,3,3,3- Not estb!. Not estbl. Not estbl. >99 Heptafluoropropane OlUCAT L,&1C"RS CHEMICAL CORPORATION P.O. Bos 2200. HiChwa)' 52 NW. W..t Lafayette. IndilU1& 47906 _,._ 4~ 4-~~ ~~.~~ QÇ\8"C:¡Oc:' .1 <~ PAGE. 02 ~ ~ ~ Great Lakes Chemic~corporation MSDS - FM-200™ - J' 2 SECTION III - PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Point Specitic Gravity (water=l) Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) Melting Point Vapor Density (AIR=l) Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate-1) Solubility in Water Appearance and Odor -16.4·C POF) 1.46 58.8 psia at 70·F (21°C) -131·C (-204°F) 6.04 Not Available 260 mg/L Colorless gas, odorless ------~--------------------------------------------------------- SECTION IV - 7IRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash point (Method Used) Flammable Limit.s LEL UEL Nonflammable gas Not Applicable Not Applicable zztinauiahina ..dia All conventional meàia are suitable. 8~.ci.l 7ir. 7iahtinQ Procedures Keep cylinders cool with a water spray applied from a safe distance. Use a self-contained breathing apparatus if containers rupture or release under fire conditions. Do not allow reentry into areas where this material has been released without first ventilating to remove products of combustion/decomposition. . unuaual~ir. and ZzplosioD Hazards Although containers of our product are provided with pressure and temperature relief devices, containers can rupture if exposed to localized heat. ,Thermal decomposition will generate toxic and corrosive gases. See section V for details. --------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION V - RZACTI~TY D~TA stÙlilitv Stable x Unstable Conditions to Avoid: None )cnown Incompatibilitv (Materials to Avoid) powdered metals (ex. Al, Mg, or Zn) and strong alkalis, oxidizers or reducing agents are not compatible with this and most other halogenated organic compounds. AUG 12 1998 15:16 9087885436 PAGE.12!3 ,.............~-...... - ~~ --: --. .... . --- " "~ Great Lakes chemic4IÞ corporation MSDS - FM-200'rH e ,J J ¡' , Ea.ardoUB DecomDositioD or BVDroducts Decomposition by elevated temperatures (fire conditions, glowing metal surfaces) may generate hazardous decomposition products common to other CFCs, HCFCs or HBFCs. These can include hydrogen fluoride, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and others. E..ardous polvaeri.ation May Occur Will Not Occur x Conditions to Avoid: None ---~------------------------------------------------------------ 8BC'l'%OIr n - BZALTH HAZARD DATA .ou~el.) o~ Zn~rv: Inhalation? Yes Skin? No Ingestion? No Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic): The human health hazards of this product are expected to be similar to other liquified gases including N2, CO2, CFCs, HCFCs, and HBFCs. Therefore, direct eye or skin contact with the liquid or cold gas can cause chilling or possibly frostbite of exposed tissues. Inhalation of high concentrations can be harmful or fatal due to oxygen deprivation and/or heart irregularities (arrhythmias). Misuse ,of the product by deliberately inhaling high concentrations ot this gas could cause death without warning. Persons with preexisting cardiac or central nervous system disorders may be more susceptible to effects of an overexposure. Animal studies have found the rat 4 hour LCso to be >788,696 ppm (-aO%), the highest level tested.· A cardiac sensitization study in dogs found the No Observable Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL)to be 9.0%. The Lowest Observable Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) for this study was reported to be 10.5%. A 90 day inhalation study did not find any exposure related effects at 105,000 ppm (10.5% vol./vol.), the highest level tested. Inhalation studies looking for developmental effects on pregnant rabbits and rats or their offspring did not show any exposure related effects at the highest concentration tested (105,000 ppm). carcinoaenicitv: NTP? No IARC Monographs? No OSHA Regulated? No '- AUG 12 1998 15:16 '3087885436 PF=\GE.04 ~ .~ ~ Great Lakes ChemiC' corporation MSDS - FM-200™ e :.J 4 Sian. and 8vmD~O.S ot BxDosure: symptoms similar to oxygen deprivation (headache, nausea, dizziness or loss of consciousness) may result from overexposure by inhalation. Heart irregularities such as irregular pulse or heart palpitations may indicate cardiac sensitivity. Cold, white or discolored skin or in severe cases blisterinq, can bea siqn of frostbite caused by cold liquids or qases. a.die.l conditions Oenerallv AQqravated bv ExÐosure: Persons with preexisting cardiac, respiratory, or central nervous system disorders may be more susceptible to effects of an overexposure. The use of epinephrine or similar compounds can increase susceptibility to heart irreqularities caused by excessive exposure to these types of compounds. za.ra.DC1 and pirst Aid Proeedures: Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air; if not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention. mdn: Flush with water; if frostbite occurs, get medical attention. ~: Flush with water. Get medical attention. ---------------~------------------------------------------------ SBCTIOH VII - PRBCAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE St.DB to b. Taken in Case Haterial is Released or SDilled Evacuate the area and ventilate. Do not enter areas where hiqh concentrations may exist (especially . confined or poorly ventilated areas) without appropriate protective equipment including a self- contained breathing apparatus. .aste DieDoeal Method Non-contaminated product is reclaimable. Contact Great Lakes Chemical Corporation for information. otherwise, dispose of waste in an approved chemical incinerator equipped with a scrubber as allowed by current Local, State/Province, Federal/Canadian laws and regulations. AUG 12 1998 15:17 9087885436 PAGE. 05 -IIrt,.u9-....'-~c;;» ~...:...Jc...r ...... .--- . ~ /,.' - . , Great Lakes Chemica~corporation MSDS - FM-2001'K ~ 5 precautions to be Taken in Bandlina and storina use the same type of precautions as would be used in handling any cryogenic gas. Protect container from damage. Handle in well-ventilated areas. When this material is used as a firefighting agent in fixed or portable extinquishing systems, follow the manutacturer's instructions for operation, inspection, maintenance and repair ot the system. other pr.cautions DOT: Proper Shipping Name: Hazard Class\Division: Packing Group: Identification Number: Label: Heptafluoropropane 2.2 Not applicable UNJ296 Nonflammable gas ------~--------------------------------------------------------- 8ZC"l'IOB VIII - CO!l'1'1tOL KD81JRES ...DiratorY Protection Wear a NIOSH/MSHA approved self-contained breathing apparatus in emergency situations. ventilatioD Local Bzhauat - Use to minimize exposure to gas. ..chaDioal - Use tor general area control. special - Hone Other - None protective Glov.. - Use lined neoprene gloves if handlinq liquid. BYe protection - Chemical splash goggles when handllng liquid otber protective BaU1Ðment - None Work Hvaienic Practice. - Ensure piping is empty before doing maintenance work. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Information on this form is furnished solely for the purpose of compliance with OSHA's Hazard Communication standard, 29CFR 1910.1200 and The Canaåian Environmental Protection Act, Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 122, No. 2 and shall not be used for any other purpose. JSD:843 Revision Information: Replaces JSD:691 AUG 12 1998 15:17 '3087885436 PAGE. 06 -,= -;:::: . . Qwest Communications International Inc. 1801 California, Suite 1160 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 672·2927 FAX (303) 672·2929 Qwest4 Nancy Kahl Environmental Project Manager Environmental Affairs Email: nkahl@qwest.com May 23, 2002 Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Qwest Communications - Baker~field POP Site 10# 015-021-002008 Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find an updated Hazardous Materials Business Plan for the Qwest Communications - Bakersfield POP site. We received a request from your office to update a copy of the business plan currently on file. Upon review of the plan, we felt it would be cleaner to provide a completely updated plan then to mark up the copy you provided simply due to the number of changes that were needed in the plan. If there are any questions, please contact either myself or Ms. Lori Harrington, CNNV Environmental Coordinator. Ms. Harrington can be reached at telephone number 916-712-8635. Sincerely, ;7( --;7 1';:: ¿( Nancy Kahl Environmental Project Manager Cc: Environmental Coordinator Environmental File ¡ (ft-'~~,.;- . ~, 0) '""'...... QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO -- .' ;0 , = Sl.teID: 015-021-002008 . Manager : BusPhone: (661) 324-1573 Locatiorl': 906 SUMNER ST Map : 103 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 29D ,FacUnits: 1, AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 SIC Code:4813 EPA,Numb: DunnBrad:14-872-1178 ,/ Ù, fro ç::: { ¡'Át1¿ Sl. 3 (.,( Q7"L'7 W~ Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ße9~-'RQYRÐACII / AREA MANAGER LARRY REICHERT / SR MGR SAFETY Business Phone: (661) &.34- 15áOx Business Phone: (303) 992-3223x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 2Öl-353~ C. E:. L l 24-Hour Phone : (303) 884-8216x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x , Hazmat Hazards: Fire React ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : NANCY KAHL Phone: (303) 672-2927x MailAddr: 1801 CALIFORNIA ST 1160 State: CO City : DENVER Zip : 80202 -Owner QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO Phone: (303) 992-3223x Address : 555 17TH ST 300 State: CO .. City : DENVER Zip : 80202 , Period . ' to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: VINCENT LINK 834-9727 OR CELL 201-3532 4~E..4 M<;rL. I MARK REYNOLDS I SITE TECH CELL 201-3531 NETWORk CONTROL CENTER 24 HRS 800-860-6485 OPT 2 '- RANDY mCCORMICK 834-9723 OR CELL 201-3585 WHO WOULD YOU LIKE FOR US TO CONTACT FIRST IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY???? p=Hazmat Inventory p== Alphabetical Order One Unified List ì All Materials at Site ì Hazmat Common Name. . . SpecHaz EPA Hazards DailyMax MCP . DIESEL FUEL #2 LEAD SULFURIC ACID F R IH DH IH L S L 200.00 GAL 6240.00 LBS 3920.00 LBS Low Min Hi -1- 07/06/2001 ".-.... . - p~-~ CITY OF BAKERSFIEI,D FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd ¡<'Ioor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 '(p FACILITYNAMEQuJEÇ\ C CM-tMLJ^JtAtIÖ~PECTIONDATE 9/' ~ 101 ADDRESS C:¡O(P SU )In. tJe.J2-- ~ T PHONE NO. B 3'1 ' c¡~~ 7 FACILITY CONTACT VI,A.<2 ~ó?-EyA.bLb ~ BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- OO-:::L.o-Øg' INSPECTION TIME f ó VIA. t'aJ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 3 Section 1: ~outine Business Plan and Inventory Program D Combined D Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint D Re-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate penn it on hand V Business plan contact infonnation accurate V Visible address V Correct occupancy V Verification of inventory materials t/ Verification of quantities V Verification of location V Proper segregation of material ,/ Verification of MSDS availability \/ Verification of Haz Mat training \/ Verification of abatement supplies and procedures V'" Emergency procedures adequate V , Containers properly labeled ./ Housekeeping V Fire Protection (1/ Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand V C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes a60 White - Env. Svcs. Yellow· Station Copy Pink· Business Copy . e Responsible Party Inspector: C. .l1\-~ \' <:ev1' CQ.,~~· Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 -- --- .-,i"- "" >..... ~- ~ '! ... UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM BUSINESS ACTIVITIES FACILITY ID # BUSINESS NAME (Same as Facility Name of DBA-Doing Business As) Qwest Communications - Bakersfield POP FACILITY INFORMATION ......../'-"1 r//' // Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable Federal threshold ~ YES 0 NO 4 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ___ _ _ _ ~quantityJoLan_ extremely,hél?:ardous_su'þstance.specified.in_40,.CER:Parc ~:_~> ~__~~~_-'-"~~"__ ,~-: ÇHEM!CALDESÇRII'TIQ.~- (PES 2731) __' .--, 355, Appendix A or B-; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emergency plan is required pursuant to 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) 1. Own or operate underground storage tanks? 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? o YES ~ NO 5 DYES 181 NO 6 3. Need to report closing a UST? C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: ---any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or ---the total capacity for the facility is greater, than 1,320 gallons? D. HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. Generate hazardous waste? o YES ~ NO 7 o YES ~ NO 8 o YES ~ NO 9 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted recyclable materials (per HSC 25143.2)? Treat hazardous waste on site? o YES ~ NO 10 o YES ~ NO 11 3. ---=.-..,..,..--"'" ~----C:-~Á~"':::'---7:. """"'--_,~___~-__~--'~~~_'_""~_~"=:,~~.o:..._~-._,:,--:,"~__.-"_~;;.....",-,,,-;-~;;;;.. - .... -~ ~-4-_ . .,,_________~~~:-~..<..ç:,.-'" 4. Treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for Permit by Rule and Conditional Authorization)? Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? DYES 181 NO 13 DYES 181 NO 12 5. 6. Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that was classified as - hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? o YES ~ NO 14 E. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS UST FACILITY (Formerly SWRCB Form A) UST TANK (one page per tank) (Formerly Form B) UST FACILITY UST TANK (one per tank) UST INSTALLATION - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (one page per tank) (Formerly Form C) UST TANK (closure portion -one page per tank) NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUP As EP A ID NUMBER - provide at the top of this page RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT (one per recycler) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - FACILITY (Formerly DTSC Forms 1772) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - UNIT (one page per unit) ,(Formerly,DTSÇ"Forms 1772 A,B,C,D and L), CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE (Formerly DTSC Form 1232) REMOTE WASTE / CONSOLIDATION SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Form 1196) HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE CERTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Form 1249) (You may also be required 10 provide additional informalion by your CUPA or local agency.) 15 UPCF (1/99) 2 / 6/ ~--!.i..:¡ð 7;/ /' FACILITY INFORMATION .UNIFIE OGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM ,/ :/ BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION Page I. IDENTIFICATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) Qwest Communications - Bakersfield POP BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 906 Sumner St. CITY Bakersfield DUN & BRADSTREET 14-872-1178 COUNTY Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME Qwest-Communications-Co;~-~ -- ~ - ~---~- 1 BEGINNING DATE 1/01/2000 ENDING DATE 101 FACILITY ID# 102 103 104 ZIP CODE 105 CA 93305 106 SIC CODE (4 digit If) 4813 107 108 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE " -- :----~~----- '-(JÔ3f672=:'2927~""----- .:::-- II. BUSINESS OWNER 110 ...-........::--:~ - ~-....- OWNER NAME Qwest Communications CO. OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 1801 California, Suite 1160 CITY Denver 111 OWNER PHONE (303) 672-2927 112 113 114 STATE CO 115 ZIP CODE ' 116 80202 ID. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME Zelma Zieman CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 1600 7th Avenue CITY Seattle 117 CONTACT PHONE (206) 346-7532 118 119 -PRIMARY- 120 STATE 121 WA IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS ZIP CODE 98191 , -SECONDARY- 122 NAME 123 NAME UNICALL Dominic Moore TITLE 124 TITLE Qwest Emer enc Center Director Southwest Fièld 0 erations BUSINESS PHONE 125 BUSINESS PHONE . -+ ,gOO)-65*2-525"-=-'---=-..,.e__c~~"'--=,-~-- ~,~'=-;'-'---~~------=-'(209 "'57~9945- - ._-"--- 24-HOUR PHONE 126, 24-HOUR PHONE 1 800) 654-2525 916) 997-7181 PAGER # 127 PAGER # N/A 888 761-1597 ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: 128 129 130 -- '- --' -- 131 132 133 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. A TED REPRESENTATIVE DATE" 134 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 136 137 Nanc Kahl UPCF (1/99) 3 / / _>r-';P -"/,' ',~ /? UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM / ,7 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION one a e r material r buildin or area) DADD DDELETE o REVISE I. FACILITY INFORMATION 200 Page 3- of BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) west Communications - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION Lead-acid back-up power batteries FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA o YES ~ NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) Yes 202 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME Sulfuric Acid COMMON NAME Sulfuric Acid__ CASH 7664-93-9 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 205 TRADE SECRET o Yes ~ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions "---- -- __.--- ..'"-_CO:- 207 EHS* ..__ _ ,,_~_Y~__D_1io , ,..--~~ --","~--?----,-~:-.--_,~...---...~-- .' - - - _--... , 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. 208 -- ~- '--.. 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) 213 o a. PURE 181 b. MIXTURE 0 c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes 181 N~ 212 CURIES PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) A VERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 215 o a. SOLID 181 b, LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 44 gallons 216 o a. FIRE 181 b. REACTIVE 0 c. PRESSURE RELEASE 181 d. ACUTE HEALTH 0 e. CHRONIC HEALTH 221 222 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 220 4800 4800 o UNITS' Check one item onl STORAGE CONTAINER o a. GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET 181 c, POUNDS 0 d. TONS · If EHS amount must be in ounds. o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK o b. UNDERGROUND TANK o c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING o d. STEEL DRUM STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT o e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM Of. CAN o g. CARBOY o h. SILO o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o i. FIBER DRUM o j. BAG o k. BOX o 1. CYLINDER o m. GLASS BOTILE 0 q. RAIL CAR On. PLASTIC BOTILE 181 r. OTHER o o. TOTE BIN (Battery casing) o p. TANK WAGON 223 o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o c, BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 .';;"-~-'---- J:I~Zi\~()!!§. C::()~P~!'ffi~'!. ~Fo?L~i~~e or wa~tt,:'Q!}lYL _ _ _~_ EI:I'§_ ~___ CAS # %WT 35 226 Sulfuric Acid 227 ~ Yes D No 228 7664-93-9 231 o Yes ~ No 232 235 DYes 0 No 236 239 DYes D No 240 243 DYes 0 No 244 229 2 65 230 Water 3 234 4 238 5 242 233 237 241 245 lC more hazardous components are present at greater thaD 1 % hy weight If non-<:arclnogenle, or 0.1 % by weight if earclnogen1e, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required Infonnation. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 ?õ7~~" UPCF (1/99) 4 // ~/ ",Þ- -~~~ ~ / UNIFIED PROGRAM'CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION DADD DDELETE DREVISE 200 Page (one a e er material I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) Qwest Communications - Bakersfield POP CHEMICAL LOCATION Lead-acid back-up power batteries FACILITY ID # 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA D YES ~ NO MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) Yes 202 204 ll. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME Lead COMMON NAME Lead CAS# 7439-92-1 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 205 TRADE SECRET D Yes ~ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA. refer to instructions -"'------ 207 _ EHS* ' D Yes ~ No ___--~A-----.......~-.....,::.---· ---:-"--- 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. 208 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) 213 o a. PURE 181 b. MIXTURE 0 c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE 0 Yes 181 No 212 CURIES PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) 215 181 a. SOLID 0 b. LIQUID o c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 44 gallons FED HAZARD CATEGORIES ' (Check all that apply) 0 a. FIRE 0 b. REACTIVE 0 c, PRESSURE RELEASE 0 d. ACUTE HEALTH 181 e. CHRONIC HEALTH 216 221 222 AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 220 19 824 19 824 o UNITS' Check one item onl STORAGE CONTAINER o a. GALLONS 0 b. CUBIC FEET 181 c. POUNDS 0 d. TONS · If EHS, amount must be in ounds. STORAGE PRESSURE 181 a. AMBIENT De. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM o f. CAN o g. CARBOY o h. SILO o b. ABOVE AMBIENT o i. FIBER DRUM OJ. BAG o k. BOX o I. CYLINDER o m. GLASS BOTTLE 0 q. RAIL CAR o n. PLASTIC BOTTLE 181 r. OTHER o o. TOTE BIN (Battery casing) o p. TANK WAGON 223 o a. ABOVE GROUND TANK Db. UNDERGROUND TANK DC. TANK INSIDE BUILDiNG o d. STEEL DRUM o c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGETEMP~RATURE 181 a. AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT o c. BELOW AMBIENT o d. CRYOGENIC 225 _~~T__ ,__ ~__ g~~1.RDOUS~COMf'O~NT (Fºr ~i~ur~_or waste ~nl~,ì _. - ,- , - EHS' CASH 95 226 Lead 227 DYes ~ No 228 7439-92-1 2 5 230 Inerts 231 D Yes ~ No 232 3 234 235 DYes D No 236 4 238 239 DYes D No 240 5 242 243 DYes D No 244 229 233 237 241 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1 % by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1 % by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required inConnation. '. '. 246 ?(7/4I ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION If EPCRA Please Si n Here UPCF (1/99) 5 I I I I I II I I I ' II I 1'1 il I I I I II I I I I I I I - - \' - \ ----.-- ¡ ~'~/i ~V 2 2 æm I:' I ,-I (-- '<- . ¡ 4 , -~ " 'I , --,-,-,,: í Hazardous Material Business Plan (HMBP) Qwest Communications Corporation Bakersfield POP Site 906 Sumner Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Prepared For: City of Bakersfield Office of Emergency Services 1715 Chester A ven ue Bakersfield, California 93301 , Submitted By: Qwest Communications Corporation Larry Reichert, PG, CHMM Corporate Senior Manager of Safety (303) 992-3223 May 2000 I I I I I I II I I II I QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO SiteID: 215-000-002008 Manager : Location: 906 SUMNER ST City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: Map : 103 Grid: 29D (661) 324-1573 CommHaz : Moderate FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 EPA Numb: SIC Code:4813 DunnBrad:14-872-1178 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title SCOTT ROHRBACH / AREA MANAGER LARRY REICHERT / SR MGR SAFETY Business Phone: (661) 834-1550x Business Phone: (303) 992-3223x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 201-3533x 24-Hour Phone : (303) 884-8216x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: ImmHlth Contact : LARRY REICHERT Phone: (303) 992-3223x MailAddr: 555 17TH ST 300 State: CO City : DENVER Zip : 80202 Owner QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO Phone: (303) 992-3223x Address : 555 17TH ST 300 State: CO City : DENVER Zip : 80202 ~ Gal Period : to TotalASTs: = Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: , F Hazmat Inventory I ~ As Designated Order Hazmat Common Name. . . One Unified List ì All Materials at Site ì SpecHaz EPA Hazards DailyMax MCP I I I I I II I II I SULFURIC ACID IH L I, larrv A. Reichert Do hereby certify that' have (Type or print name) reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- Q.vest Cormnunications. . ment plan for Corporation and that It along wIth (Ñãiñll 01 Businoss) any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. 3920.00 LBS Hi S:-/l-DO Dale -1- 03/28/2000 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATEIDALSMANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. 5. You may also attach Business Owner / Operator Form and Chemical Description Form(s) to the front of this plan instead of completing SECTION I. below for initial submission. SECTION I: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA I BUSINESS NAME: Owest Communications Corooration - RnkPTRfi P 1 n pop LOCATION: 906 Sumner Street, Bakersfield. CA 93305 kILING ADDRESS: 555 17th street, Suite 300 CITY: Denver STATE: CO ZIP: RO?02 PHONE:303-992-3223 PRIMARY ACTNITY: Telecamnunications OWNER: Qwest Comrmmications Conx::>ration PHONE: 303-992-3223 MAILING ADDRESS: 555 17th Street, Suite 300. Denver. CO R0202 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. Scott Rohrbach - Area Manaqer 661-834-1550 661-201-3533 2. Larry Reichert - Corporáte Sr. Manaqer of Safetv 303-992-3223 303-884-8216 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I HAZARDOUSMATEIDALSMANAGEMENTPLAN SECTION II. 1 : DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATIONS A. LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: . See Attactunent B, Section 4 B. EMPLOYEE AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION: See Attactunent B, Sections 8 and 9 C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE MANAGEMENT: See Attactunent B, Sections 4 and 7 I D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: See Attactunent B, Section 2 2 , I I I I I ! ¡I il I ! I , - I I I I I I I I I I I I I HAZARDOUS MATEIDALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 11.2: RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES: See Attachment B, Section 4 ( \ B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MITIGATION: See Attachment B, Section 7 C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES: See Attachment B, Section 7 UTILITY SHUT -OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT -OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY) NATURAL GAS/PROP ANE: NA ELECTRICAL: Southeast corner of facility compound WATER: NA SPECIAL: NA LOCK BOX: ~ IF YES, LOCATION: PRIV ATE FIRE PROTECTIONIW A TER AVAILABILITY A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: Yes, See Attachment B, Section 3 B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): None at or near facility 3 !I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HAZARDOUSMATEIDALSMANAGEMENTPLAN SECTION III: TRAINING NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: One (1), part time MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Maintained at site BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: See Attachment B, Section 6 CERTIFICATION - I, Larry A. Reichert CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. Corporate Sr. Manager of Safety and Training S-If-OD TITLE DATE 4 ¡n- i. I I. I II UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FAClLlTY INFORMATION BUSINESS ACTIVITIES I - L FACILITY IDENTIFICATION FACILlTY W H \\-1111 1\ I I 11-\1 I, I EPA W N OW-Gouow_onr) 1. -NAMh ~.. FAClUTY MAW£" D6fo'0w1I Bui... AI) ). Qwest Communications Co. - Bakersfield pop IL ACflVITlES DECLARATION NOTE: If you check YES to any part oftbis list, please submit Ibe Business Owner/Operator IdenlÎfiealÎon page (OES Form 2730). Doca your flUõility... If YCII, plcaJC complclc thcse pagcs of the UPCF... A. ~US MATERIALS Hrn: 011 aile (far lilY purpcIIIG) baDnJøua JUla"iaIa at ar above 55 gallons for ~~ .500 pIIIIIIda far 1D!idI, ar 200 c:ubi&; fed for com IRII8CII gasca (include liqwda IP AST. .... UST.); ar Ibo applil:able Fcdcnl tJva¡hold qUll\tÎty for an K>YES ONO 4, '" HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY· cxIrCIDCIy haødollll.ub1lÞlØ ~IGII ill 40 CFR Part 355, Appendix A or B; cHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (OF.:! 77)1) ar baadIa radioJøgic;al1lUllCriala ill qlllØli&M:a far which an cmCfgCIIC)' plan λ lGC uårcd punumt tolD ŒR Pllli3O, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (UST.) 1. 0wD ar opcnIG lIDIkrgouød .aøPße unka? OYES ~NO 5. '" UST F AClUTY (F.....r sWRCII F.... A) '" UST TANK (_ pop.......) (F.......r F.... B) 2- IntcDd to upgrade c&ÌltÃDa ar iIIa&all ø_ UST,? OYES ~NO 6- '" UST FAClUTY '" USTTANK (-.......) '" USTINSTAU.ATION. ŒRT1FlCATEOF COMPLIANCE (_....... ...XF......r F_ C) 3. Need to report døaÏDa a UST'1 OYES c»N0 ,. '" UST TANK (d_.....--.... ......) C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own ar opcnIC AST. above dICIIc IhrcaboJda: _lilY 1aDk ~ ia p:aIØ tbaD 660 plIona, or OYES <XNO a. NO FORM REQUIRED TO Cl/PAS -Ihc tolal Clf*ÌIy far the fM:i1ity iø grcaaø than I~ aaIlona? D. HAZARDQUS WASTE I 1. ~ baankJuawaølQ? aYES <XNO 9, '" £PAID NUMBER-.........", IO IO(.... po ' 2- lùqt:k marc IbID 100 k&'lDonIh of cxdudcd or cxanplCd rClCYI:lllble ma&<:riab OYES <XNO 10, '" RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT (per HSC §25143.2)? (en ... ...,...) 3. Treat biDrIIolIII wiMG 011 aile? OYES <XNO 11, II ONsrrE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT. FACILITY (f_.,urscF_1m) '" ONsrrE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT . UNIT (-....... ....) (r__r ursc r_11'72A.JI,C,D..... t.) 4. TIG\IIDCII1 aubjc:d ID fioanI:iù _" requircmcnlll (for Pamit by Rule and OYES <}(NO IZ '" CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL Conditiona1 ~)? ASsURANCE (r_"Y I1I'ICF_I:DZ) 5. Conaolidllc balar\ktUI WIIIG pcn&cd at . rano&c sile? OYES GQNO I). II REMOTE WASTE I CONSOUDA 110N SITE ANNUAL N011F1CATION (F.....r ¡me r_ 1196) 6. Need to report Ibe cJøllUlClranoval of a tIIIIk Ibat - d_ifu:d as haz.ardollll OYES G(NO 14, '" HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE I waaID .... domed OIUIÍIC? CERTIFICATION (F_"r DTSC F_ 1249) E. LOCAL REOlJIRF.MENTS 15, (You may also be required ID provide additional information by yolU CUPA ar loc:aIa CllC)'.) ..... or 3- I I II I I II I I I I , I I I UPCF (1/99) I I I I I II I il II !I I II :1 I I I I I I I I FACIUTY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTlFICA nON ... 2- II 3 I. IDENTIFICATION 1 BEGWNIIIG DATE / / 01 01 99 BUSl'ESS IIMI£ (s..M .e FAClUTY NAME Of DBA - 0øinII Buai_ Ae) Qwest Communications Co. - Bakersfield pOp BUSINESS SITE ~ESS 10L I0Il, EJIDINGDATE 1 2/31 /99 3 BUSINESS PHONE 661 324-1573 FAI:III'Y 1)1 lœ, 103, lœ. 906 summer Road CITY Bakersfield DUN & BRADSTREET 14-872-1178 CA ZIP CODE 93305 108. SIC CODE (411111") 4 8 1 3 108, 104, 107, 108. ~~~SSOPERATOR( 303) 992-3223 110, COJNTY Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME Qwest communications Co. O'N<IER NAME O'N<IER MAILING ~ESS CITY II. BUSINESS OWNER Qwest communications Co. 113., III OWNER PHONE (303) 992-3223 112. 555 17th street, Suite 300 114, STATE Co 116. ZIP CODE 80202 118. Denver III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT 117, CONTACT PHONE ( 303 992-3223 l1a, CONTACT NAME Larr Reichert 118. CONTACT MAILING ~ss 555 17th street, suite 300 ZIP CODE 122, 121. 80202 ..sECONDARY. 120, STATE CO CITY Denver IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS . . -PRIMARY· NAME Scott Rohrbach 123, NAME Larr Reichert 12a 124 TITLE Sr. Mana er Safet 128 I~ BUSINESS PHONE (303) 992-3223 130 120 24.HOUR PHONE (303) 884-8216 131 127 PAGER" 132 133. TITLE Area BUSINESS PHONE 24-HOUR PHONE er PAGER " ACOITIONAI. LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: _, ...... m, ....d_- _",_...", ""'~"'.' œ'" _.......d.....'- -............ .-..... informaliDn IUÞmit1eCIlII1CI be ' Ihe inlonnabon is true, aClCuralB. and complete, SIGNATURE OF O'N<I OR SIG DREPRESENTATIVE DATE ~UMENTPREPARER f- ~ 136, 137. 13ð, OI£S FOltty1 2730 (1/,)4» I I HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY. CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (_¡o".,.,_tiIII,.,""'jd,r¡ .,1M4i I L FACILITVINFORMATION I I\USnuS3 NANE (S-" fACu.rrY NANE.. DBA, DliI1l ø.an- AI) ) Qwest Communications Co. - Bakersfield pop Cl\EIiØCAI. LOCATtON :111. Gv@ Lead-acid redundant batteries C!lEWlCAl. LOCA 110N 201 power CONFlŒNI'IAIo . EPCIIA FACUlI'Y ID'II ::.l11 ,." I I I II 'I 1\1oIAP.(......,..¡¡ 20). I OJU )~ :1)4, IL CHEMICAL INFORMATION - JO), TJW)ESECJIJ!1' G v.;~ ; 16. c~1WÆ sulfuric Acid us,q.ø " EI'CIIA....."..-- -207, BGN. COWWON !<lANE sulfuric Acid EllS . :ø. CAS' 7664-93-9 :ID!I "llE/lS ¡ry.r. ~ __.......... .ioU.. - Fw: coDE jW.AaDcu.ssE:nc.....,....¡¡,..n,CIJP...) 2111. HAZAJ.I)OOs ..... 'I1iIUAL G .. I'URE (lrb, WI~ G e. wAS"re 211, RADIOACI1VE Gv.~ 212. CURIES 21), TYPE Cwck- _1IfIl1) Pl\YSICALSTA'" G .. SOUD @ b. u~iV G e. (WI v.JlOEST COh'f AlNER 35 gallons 21). fCMd-- ..,q) 214, FED HAZAIW CA'11iOO1UES G .. "RE G It. IlEACI1VF. G e, PRESSURE RELEA:lE Q3 d ACVTE~ G., CHRONICHEA1.11i 216, (C1rd" *" 'ßIIX) A vEIIAO ¡ DAIL v 217.1 NAX1WUM 218, ANNUAl. WAIl'" , 219, STAn wAS11i 220 IJo¡ ()Uh'I' 3920 DAlLv.urouNT 3920 AMOUNT 0 Ibs CODE NA UNrJ1I. G .. CIA1. G It. CUff (G e, LI~J G d TONS %II. DA Y:I ON 365 %12, arrE (C/*k __on/)') . It 1:Jt3. ........ ID'" lie in I.... STOIIAOE COKTAlNER G.. AIIOVEOMOONDTIoH~ ~:. ~ONwETAUUCDRUM G i, FIBER DRUM G ID, ~ ()' 1U: ~ :w (C/*k" *" 'ßIIX) G It. UHD¡¡¡¡OIlDUND TAl« G[CAN G¡ BAD G" PLA3TtC IIO'l1U G " anŒ G.. TAM' INSWE WIIJ)II<IO G.. CAIWOV G t. BOX G 0. TOI'E BIN Ba ery G II. S1UL DJWW G h SILO G I. CYUNDtR G P. TIoHII: wAOON Casing STOIIAOI! PlWiSURE ro .. AWB;.ø G b, ABOvE AMBlEHI' G e, BELOW AMBlEKI' 224, STORAOI! n:wPÐIA1\JRE ~..~ G b. ABOvE AMBlOO G e, BELOW AMBlEKI' G II. CRVOOENIC 22), %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (b..-..·- "'1) EHS CA!U I 35 ~ Sulfuric Acid %17. ~GN. 7664-93-9 %19. m 2 65 :DO. Water 131. GV:~131 13J. J 234. ]]), G v..G No 2J6, 137, 4 :D& 139, G v. G No :141. :140. ) :142- 241. G v. G No :14), :144. u-...... ......-_"..,..".._1".,...., ,__.......~ ...o.J"" wi¡¡IIIlf--lfI"'"~ ... ~_rt(,.,..............-~ /J ~ . I ADDmOHAl.I,.OCAU.Y cou.a:rm IllFOIlWA11ON; ,,?~ ',..if ~ :146- I ¡IPC".... ".." s".. H." ..... ..3 or 3 I QADD Q DE1..m Q REVISE ]110, I I II II I I I II II I I I I I II I OES FORM 2731 (1199) I ,_;W,lJI~u t.L~L=tll_\t-'f ¿'-î'~~ ~G-=~,TLTn~[&rnnR~AYFf.~ 1 Bakersfield, CA Qwest Site Location ~ I L_ ----1..\-<= 38""-- --.-'j,~.. "'''0'''j. T~"En'R y- _u --; N I ---- f -- 1- --HE'GHTP =1'~ -- - I ~ y ~36TH ,,7'/ ~ R~~DIIIAN ~ ~ ·~~~HAM - Mil:!:. ill KÁOTTS N ~~~mw R ~MOWAY { } 4TH Bakers field-MefI, orial osOltal N.\ Ä J ~~:Y' l CU "\ ?:' r -.- I -, Go A'':'':' ~L.;;:: NH I ~3RC r JEFF RS)N :I. N 7!i r, BE ' ~RESTVIEW.1 ~er tage Park --\ == t L NCOL \I ~^"j 1781... ~A~ N ' Î "',1ST ~ F OWE f ~ PEARL ,A, Þ.MJOftJ .-J I bArl G I ~ OTH UINC) 1. 1 r.df!r .Y! RIOISE RO .-.1{- r !Q! I ~9T ~ rH ~ ACIFI 7. , / -:::LY f - ~EJO 1Z '- \ JI ~ prjf)t '- ~""" 8T h CREGaN r JEF ERÇON ~'( 7T '" 'WÞ<.II ---':KN E V' J -p_ ~COI~~ -.Le"ì -.-:: ~~ 4 ,~. ""Ç ~ /~8 __ FI~LLE ;EI I I I I ,§L ~ ~;k~ 1{; ~'t!~ äeE =: / 9~6 ~mner Street Ker ~Ical cen,(1( ~ ~,_~,~:.-- R 'W..s~ ¡::o ~ -r"lJJ ~ i;¿o; I) ~ ~ þ ~ UMN R ~ ~WI---- rF l' , .::..:. 21ST "21S J '.... 0 REGOI\ '!/, l:I 'cJ OT Ce ,tr" I µ"rL ~ N K S ONTE NILES :¡ . 19TH ~ E TU Y R T I 18TH E 18TH nall.A,k12l~ --- _ ~~A J -....:, ~ ê," UN êg~~!§f eta ':::2- u-Jrf ~ l-d"J..... ~ ~~UXTŒ<f I<ENTUCK I '- dO~~DnIC~~r ~~1lI!IJf1Jfffj18 ~j ---~ '---.CENTER ~ T 19T II Lßê:P - SE HðYQ! T~ '--- E RE A CfT ONW Y ,. --.::::!~ ~ I 3T J -= PI / T ~~EELE,~ ___._ .__ CALIFORNIA E C ~ -:7'';: ß- 'r/-- i> E C ;LlFO NIA 1""1 - B 11TH I /_ . M 'WA ., _ :) 10TH j E 10 H I .Ma "1 "I~ T :N~\J'E:I ~ L RC SA' I L-~' E 9TH CLAi E UCKY I I\J Þ 8TH i( 204 E 8n I OTOMA( P 11: --1 _ E 7TH A S (; ORRll L no:- ^'O FE ~ I ' ,IW"A \ I I ~TH \ Õ E 6TH S T R LST( N M\ US R W ( ~ ~ -rl ~ .L well Park 135 H M JROO K j E \ _ .. - VI GINIA 'I V RGINI1I. 4TH E 41t1 ___ ~ . N , I d-ŒSTEO ill4- Ml~LN Ii Mag 14,00 I I 3RO E 3RO I ~f> Thu May 18 10:522000 BANK (H TE xls Scale 1 :25,000 (at center) I 2NO / ~ ~ ~ ) 2000 Feet T I ¡... ~ f I ~NS ~ /! I I ST 0, 0 L OYO ~. \ Y '500 Meters ~RUNOAŒ L ~l.JNOAGE N ~./ \ \ / E BRU! I I IiO~:RLlsKY ,E.!.Ç ¡.. C2041 58 WAyrROSS oM I S // L L I ~ HU,j:óI FSRRy ~CH~CHILL ~ t /~ r I 1- Local Road I $ TERRICf~AY E TElifV" Acf WAY i C ~OcS / FELlZI': - Primary State Route .nÞ· MJ! ITLANO ~ -.J J MCNEI¡ ~ I II A'~; / TbW~Y E ~"NIELS LN A. A' NNONI~ Interstate/Limited Access ) r" I., a,¡ BmnchfCana/ OK Van ~e eM' H ~ !- M,j"Co,",cto' II'-' BEg i E B a.LE? ¡.- State Route E ~ "I~ r ~ ~ 2. : LJ Exit RINITY I à G <. W I , I - Wayside Pa k MADO", I I G C EATHAM ~ : -'--I R,iI,,,,d I 19 9 Do"'''' S.re", h"" lJSA !;.IF DEh MAR \ REESE D J.. " ; .~ : I =Œ8 1 :---¡ - - - ~ -~.'". - - - - - OVERALL SITE PLAN 1"51~C """"" ....OA!) POWII ]ll2 S[(()W~~~ UISTING ..O.-U POll (2) - ,- r." COMCI!..m 111(ttCH{tle 4-....... IT COMihC1M 10 10' - otn5o[)[ ftfilC[, ",' $ ~ ~ - - - / [lISnMG MMAO ..wt.JQAD~' . - - - - \. QWtst nit. 'iI tlfW D\lUHlAC P'OWU UM[ 2" "I~, t'DUMO Q1_J.IrI:t.. 2.0 VOI.TS tOO .w~. SIroW 'kiSt. owtST POWt. I'OLI 15 »". \2) ~ ,- SQi. '"' PVt COtIWITS R{MCH{[¡' 4!" Will. . rr COtolU,C10f0' TO W[' II koINDI-i.:>..l \:J :~~~0P~"UiJUC1~ W/PuLlJOPES ~ -f::: - ~ ~ '" ;I I'!:,~f,'t'~tí; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - R/_ - - - - II'S1' C0llTJl4:1011 (2) - ,- SOl. 4ú rYe CONDUI1S tIKMCMtD' 68- "'" rr C(ljltACTDt! TO tIOI fWCltlOIl m :~~0P~R0IJ(1S W¡P\lUJCJ1S ","'" toT SUWMrR Sßl((1 WWN£J. ST1tUT [; ~ i AS BUILT - - - _. .t~~~i' ,.", -,""i:è,. . ¡~<:iJ~'-~~~._~ NOlES WI _ II wn...-_-.r51IIQ"I" ~JWLIIICILDCõIi ......... CIIon. P!.œu.1ÐG, IIICI .autQIS OV£RW ~n( P'..AN LIctND - - -- ---f------- O.MDlI...tt -.- ~ ~ ~ ----- _.._ 111/,,<-'-- ----- ~()I>O!>[D CQIIoiO!. .l !'1M" C.-&l . .........oo.CIL.l f~~~.¡n.·~uC»+Oú ~ ----{"}---- "Í'I{Q¡'POWI: ¡J'...o..1 . ..~.. 101~[ toI(. ~·o'[l c=I :-~,c~ ,~. .... ------.)0------- -"'- [.~lI..C to'olO'...~ DR_U.(·s...u: -c- -.- -,- S1011..$('III(1I -55- -------,------- ",c:v..oIlUl1:6'OO -,.- tOOiCN[1lIl&,",(~ ----- 0fì:'l" -0- .~, '''S'''SI~nr:-sC.,..." ~~~. _ ..._,.,.. II SlCIIO. ~'"'"'- ~&I"f ...__ ~ TO _IS' ~.-:._ ~_ ME ~u.c' _ ..... ~o 0" -.øIt~ ""-" noc _..,-rþ ___.. ~ ~_ _...... Owe st Communications BAKERSFIELD CA ROW POP SITE OVERALL SI1E PLAN 17580 630900 IAK(POO;Z '-.fO' DU.'MK ",1(1 a 002 - - - - - -' -' - -- '- - - .- - - - - - - Site Diagram Attachment B ' I . I I ~ 1- , Qwest Communications Bakersfield Site HMBP Map 906 Sumner St. Bakersfield, California 93305 Not to Scale ,----- I I. . I I I II I I I I' I., I I II I ~ > 0-3 0-3 > g I a:: t":I 2 , 0-3 > - :1 1 I I 1 I : I. \ I ' I ! I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I. I II I II 'I ,I I I I Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan ATTACHMENT A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS AND PRINCIPAL EQUIPMENT CONTAINING THE EHS SULFURIC ACID Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment A I I II I I I I I I ! I I I I ,I I I I I I Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan Attachment A - Additional Locally Collected Information - Item 36/37 From Business/Owner Identification Section - Description of EHS Items The Bakersfield, California site uses forty-eight (48) lead-acid cell batteries to provide emergency power, and the batteries are manufactured by Lucent Technologies, Model Number 3A VR85-23. The batteries are constructed with "absorbed glass matting" technology designed to result in zero to less than I % loss of free electrolyte even with catastrophic casing failure. The forty-eight (48) batteries are arranged on two (2) battery racks situated in the west end of Room 1, which is located on the east end of the facility building. The batteries are designed to require extremely low maintenance, and have patented technology safety features, including: · Low pressure, self-sealing safety vents; · Leak-resistant, color-coded, epoxy post seals; · Individual cell flame arrestors; · Heat dissipating spaces between cells; · A collapsible bridge in the base of each cell to allow for break-resistant expansion; · Flame-retardant, clear, plexiglas cover shield that also provides shock protection; and · Eleven gauge steel frame module~ designed to withstand Zone 4 seismic activity. I', The batteries do not contain any metals except for lead and are entirely constructed with fully recyclable materials. ~ / Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment A I I ' ,- . I I I I I I :1 I . I I I I I II I I . ' II . I ~ > Þ-3 Þ-3 > n == ~ t"J 2 Þ-3 = ' , .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan ATTACHMENT B ADDITIONAL TEXT INFORMA TION TO FORM QUESTIONS Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B I I. I I ·1 I I I I , , I '-I' :1 I I 'I I I I I I 1 Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan Emergency Response Plan Section 1: Main Utility Shutoff Locations Type of Utility Facility Shutoff Location Notes/Comments Natural Gas/Propane N/A None to Facility Building Electrical Southwest comer of facility Requires Gate Access to compound. On Utility Pole Shut Off * situated within separate fenced area in southwest comer of the compound. Water N/A None to Facility Building Other N/A N/A * Qwest personnel are delivering a complete copy of this Hazardous Material Business Plan (HMBP) to the Bakersfield Fire Department and will make arrangements with the Department to have access to the site in order to effect electrical shut off, if needed. 1.1 Lock Box Location and Ìnformation No lock box is present at the facility. The main entrance gate and the access gate to the electrical shut-off are normally locked, and the gate padlock combination is 2-3-6-8. 1.2 Availability of Site Plans In Lock Box v No lock box is present at the facility. 1.3 Availability of Material Safety Data Sheets In Lock Box No lock box is present at the facility. Section 2: Emergency Medical Assistance Locations and Contact Numbers . HOSPIT AL EMERGENCY ROOM CARE - LIFE/LIMB THREATENING CALL 911 CALL 911 CALL 911 CALL 911 CALL 911 CALL 911 The primary designated hospital with emergency services is approximately 1.4 miles northwest of the facility in Bakersfield, and the secondary hospital with emergency services is approximately 1.1 miles northeast of the facility in Bakersfield. Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B; Page 1 of 10 ,I ~I I I I II I I I I I II I I I I I I I , I I I Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan Primary: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 420 34th Street Bakersfield, California 93305 661-327-4647 Secondary: Kern Medical Center 1830 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 661-326-2000 . URGENT CARE - NON-LIFE/LIMB THREATENING Primary: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 420 34th Street Bakersfield, California 93305 661-327-4647 Directions: West on Sumner Street to Union Avenue Right (north) 0nto Union Ave. to 34th St. Left (west) onto 34th St. and continue to hospital. Secondary: Kern Medical Center 1830 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 661-326-2000 Directions: East on Sumner St. Sumner St. becomes Truxton Ave. Truxton Ave. becomes Edison Hwy. Left (north) onto Mt. Vernon Ave. to Flower St. Left (west) ontv Flower St. and continue to hospital. , Section 3: Private Fire Protection Systems Qwest's Bakersfield, California facility is equipped with automatic fire detection and suppression systems. The fire suppression system consists of a ceiling-mounted, 1" diameter piping network equipped with automatic dispersion heads. The system is pressurized with FM-200™ (1,1,1,2,3,3,3 - Heptaflouropropane) manufactured and supplied by Great Lakes Chemical Corporation. The suppressant is a halogenated alkane with the chemical fonnula C3HF7. Two (2) hand-operated fire extinguishers are also màintained in the facility and are inspected on an annual basis. Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B; Page 2 of 10 I !II I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan Section 4: Prevention, Minimization, Monitoring and Cleanup Procedures 4.1 Pollution and Emergency Prevention Qwest uses a minimum number of chemicals defined as hazardous chemicals under the Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) at the Bakersfield site. Most of these chemicals are kept on the Qwest property in very small quantities, i.e. less than 1 gallon. Keeping the rhinimum quantity of chemicals on site that are necessary to conduct routine operations is an active pollution and emergency prevention procedure. By not storing any chemicals beyond that necessary to conduct routine operations, Qwest reduces the potential for accidental releases and material storage accidents. \ The two chemicals present at the site above the quantity listed above are sulfuric acid contained in wet-cell batteries used to provide emergency power supply and diesel fuel #2 used in the emergency power generator. The Bakersfield site has forty-eight (48) wet- cell batteries contained within two separate battery racks in the west end of Room I, which is located in the east end of the facility building. All of the batteries are handled during initial placement, routine maintenance and replacement activities. All batteries are sent for recycle/reclamation when they are no longer usable. The diesel fuel tank and the emergency generator Çlre both contained in a single unit, with the generator sitting above the fuel tank. The combined unit is located above ground outside the east end of the facility building. The fuel tank is constructed with double- walled steel and holds 200 gallons of #2 diesel fuel. Qwest uses fuel additives to lengthen the useful life of.the fuel, thereby reducing the need to recycle fuel that becomes aged. Qwest maintains acid neutralizers and personal protective equipment to clean up incidental spills related to maintenance operations or ruptures (cracks or holes) in an individual battery casing and all employees receive safety training to accomplish these tasks safely. Qwest employees also receive initial and annual training in the proper procedures for maintaining and handling batteries to minimize and prevent spills and in the proper procedures for recognizing an emergency and initiating the proper emergency response sequence. 4.2 Minimization Minimizing the likelihood of emergencies developing is supported by employee training and proper storage of hazardous materials. Waste minimization is accomplished by minimizing the quantity of materials stored on the site and by recycling all expended batteries and any other waste materials suitable for recycle or reclamation. Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B; Page 3 of 10 II II I 'I I I I I I II I I il II I I I I I I Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan 4.3 Monitoring The Bakersfield facility has six (6) large-capacity air-handling units that routinely provide four (4) complete air changes per hour, and accumulations of hydrogen gas related to the emergency battery banks are not anticipated. The above ground fuel storage tank/emergency generator is equipped with automatic leak detection float switches (E&CA Model 530B). Based on the type of hazardous materials present in the Bakersfield site, additional environmental monitoring is not necessary except in case of a major release. Qwest employees are not authorized to respond to any hazardous material release other than spills incidental to routine operations. External responders are expected to provide environmental and employee monitoring required by the tasks being perfonned and applicable regulations. 4.4 Clean-Up (including unauthorized releases from UST systems) and Disposal All Qwest employees are trained per the requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard and the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard - Awareness Level. The training program educates the employees about the hazards of the materials in their work environment and on the proper means to protect themselves during routine use and incidental spiU cleanup operations. Qwest maintains the necessary personal protective equipment and cleanup materials onsite to safely cleanup and containerize incidental spills. All recovered product/waste, associated cleanup materials and personal protective equipment generated by incidental or emergency (external resources) cleanup activities will be properly containerized in steel and/or polyethylene drums, depending upon the specific nature of the waste material. All waste materials will be accumulated onsite and characterized for disposal in accordance with the requirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and applicable California statutes and regulations. All waste accumulation, characterization and disposal activities are conducted by or coordinated through the Qwest Safety Department. All w~3te materials will be packaged, transported and disposed of in compliance with the applicable requirements established by the waste characterization process. Based on the approved Qwest procedures for cleaning up battery spills incidental to operations (neutralization), no hazardous wastes are generated by the Bakersfield site as part of ordinary operations. There are no UST systems operated or maintained by Qwest at the Bakersfield, California facility. Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B; Page 4 of 10 I II I I II II !I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section 5: Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan Emergency Notification and Evacuation Procedures Part A - Notification 5.1 Internal Notification Procedures The Bakersfield site is not routinely staffed. A single FOPS technician typically maintains Qwest's Bakersfield facility during normal business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), on a regular maintenance schedule and as required to accommodate operational requirements. Typical maintenance activities at the site require the FOPS technician to be present approximately 4-5 hòurs per month. The site is routinely inspected at least once every two (2) weeks. The technician's responsibilities at the site include standard operational tasks, periodic equipment qualification testing and ongoing maintenance and repair operations. The technician will be the individual most likely to discover a hazardous materials release or other site emergency. '\ The facility is equipped with an automatic fire detection system, and all technicians are trained to immediately evacuate the building in case of a fire alarm if they are present in the building. If additional Qwest personnel or any third party individuals are present in the Qwest facility with the scheduled FOPS technician, they will be notified of an emergency by the facility fire alarm or verbally by the technician. Based on the typical staffing and small size of the facility, verbal emergency notification is adequate to address building occupant and visitor needs. The building alarm system is connected to a central monitoring center located in Denver, Colorado that is staffed 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. 5.2 External Notification Procedures External emergency service personnel will be notified of a facility emergency via telephone. The building alarm system is connected to a central monitoring center located in Denver, Colorado that is staffed 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. This operations center will notify emergency response agencies in case of a site emergency. If Qwest personnel are present at the facility when an emergency develops, they can contact emergency services directly via land t..f cellular telephone lines. Part B - Evacuation 5.3 Evacuation Procedures All Qwest employees are instructed to immediately evacuate the facility in case of a fire alarm or verbal notification of an emergency. The route of evacuation used depends on the nature and source of the emergency, and the proximity of building egress paths. All regular facility occupants are trained to know and practice using two routes of emergency egress from the building. Training includes procedures to communicate with and account for any visitors to the site. Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B; Page 5 of 10 I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Qv,·est Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan In all cases, employees and visitors are instructed to remain clear of vehicle parking lot access points and lanes of traffic. Employees are informed not to obstruct emergency response vehicles and are made aware of the hazards of being injured by being struck by response equipment or other vehicle traffic. The senior Qwest employee who is regularly assigned to maintain the facility is responsible for directing all personnel to the primary emergency evacuation meeting place unless the nature of the situation makes the use of the primary meeting place unacceptable. If this is the case, all personnel are directed to gather in the secondary meeting place. Maps that show the primary and secondary evacuation routes and meeting places are posted immediately inside the facility entrance/exit doors, on the wall adjacent to the doorway. The senior Qwest employee who is regularly assigned to the facility is responsible for obtaining a head count of all personnd assembled at the primary or secondary (whichever is used) emergency evacuation meet:ng place. If any personnel are determined to be missing once the head count is obtained and confirmed, then the senior Qwest employee who obtained the head count will inform the incident commander of the responding agency. Qwest employees are n It authorized to reenter the facility under any circumstances until access is approved by the responding agency. 5.4 Designated Meeting Place - Primary The primary designated meeting place in case of evacuation for the Bakersfield, California facility is outside the property fence line at the driveway entrance to the facility :trom Sumner Street. 5.5 Designated Meeting Place - SecondQ1Y The secondary designated meeting place in case of evacuation for the Bakersfield site is outside the property fenceline, along Sumner Street approximately 100' west of the driveway entrance. Section 6: Description of Employee Training Program and Records Qwest provides initial and annual training for all Qwest employees working in the Bakersfield, California facility. In ::lddition, the Qwest Safety Superintendent that is responsible for California also conducts safety meetings at various times throughout the year in centrally located meeting areas for groups of Qwest technicians that service multiple sites. The minimum training program provided to each affected employee includes instruction to meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards found in Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 1910 - General Industry, for the applicable Subparts listed below: Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B; Page 6 of 10 I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan Subpart Z - Hazard Communication (1910.1200) Subpart H - Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response - Awareness Level (1910.120) Subpart I - Personal Protective Equipment (1910.132-1910.138) Subpart E - Means of Egress (Emergency and Fire Prevention Plans) (1910.37- 1910.38) The Qwest Corporate Safety Department located at 555 17th Street, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado 80202, maintains the Qwest Communications Corporation's written training program. To obtain information about the Qwest Training Program, contact Mr. Larry Reichert at 303-992-3223. 6.i initial Training Initial employee training is provided to all new employees or employees who transfer to the facility. The training program i..cludes in-person instruction, videotape instruction and a written examination at the conclusion of the training program. The initial training program includes approximately four (4) hours of instruction, and annual training includes approximately two (2) hours of instruction. The training program is designed to develop employee competency in the following areas: a) What hazardous substances are, which hazardous substances are present in the facility, and identification of the potential short (acute) and long (chronic) term risks associated with the materials, including the proper and improper means of storing and handling hazardous materials; b) Recognition and understanding of the potential outcomes of a hazardous substance release or exposure to the hazardous materials present in the facility, including information that can be learned by reading and understanding material safety data sheets, container labels and consulting additional information sources; c) The means that employees can use to protect themselves during routine material handling and cleaning up minor spills incidental to operations, including discussions regarding the uses and limitations of personal protective equipment, and the importance of engineering controJ , and good personal hygiene; d) The ability to recognize and identify hazardous substances, if possible, and information about the factors involved in evaluating a spill or release in order to make a determination of the difference between an incidental spill and an uncontrolled hazardous substance release; Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B; Page 7 of 10 I I I II I I I i I !I , I I I I I I I I I ·1 I 'I I - Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan e) An understanding of the require111ents of the Hazard Communication, Emergency Egress, Personal Protective Equipment and HAZWOPER Standards, including the role of the Awareness Level Responder (employee) within the Qwest emergency response sequence; and f) Infonnation regarding the appropriate internal and external emergency response notification, training and evacuation procedures for employees and visitors to the facility, including identification of and practice in using the primary and secondary routes of emergency egress. 6.2 Annual Training Annual/refresher training is conducted for the facility employees to reinforce the concepts developed during initial training and to provide updated infonnation regarding changes in the applicable regulations and/or internal Qwest policy. Ongoing employee training is provided whenever new chemical products are introduced into the work place or when work processes or conditions are changed sufficient to change the potential hazards to which employees may be exposed. 6.3 Training Records In addition to the employee training records maintained on the site, copies of all Qwest training records are kept at the Qwest Corporate Office located at 555 1 ih Street, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado 80202. To obtain infonnation regarding the Qwest training records, contact Mr. Charles Fiser at 303-992-3215. Section 7: Description of Private Response Team Responsibility and Capabilities 7.1 Internal Cleanup Employee Training, Equipment and Notification Procedures Qwest does have employees trained to handle, ".. .incidental releases of hazardous substances where the substance can be absorbed, neutralized, or otherwise controlled at the time of release by employees in the immediate release area, or by maintenance personneL." (quoted from 29 CFR 1910.120(a)(3) - emergency response definition). Qwest does not have employees trained to respond to uncontrolled hazardous substance releases or to conduct emergency æsponse activities beyond the Awareness Level identified in 29 CFR 191 0.120( q)( 6)(i). All Qwest employees receive tr'ining under the Hazard Communication and HAZWOPER - Awareness Level Standards. This training is designed to provide the employees with infonnation regarding hazard recognition and protective measures required for them to clean up spills that are incidental to standard operations, and to recognize the difference between an incidental spill and an uncontrolled release. Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B; Page 8 of 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan The trammg that Qwest employees receive relative to the Hazard Communication Standard includes instruction regarJing procedures and infonnation relative to the facility: 1. Chemical Inventory 2. Materials Safety Data Sheets 3. Written Hazard Communication Program 4. Personal Protective Equipment 5. Container Label Infonnation and Program 6. Employee Training 7. Non-Routine Task Procedures 8. Multi-Employer Worksite Procedures The training that Qwest employees receive relative to the HAZWOPER Awareness Level instruction is sufficient to demonstrate competency in the following areas for the hazardous substances present in the Bakersfield, California facility: 1. An understanding of what hazardous substances are, and the risks associated with them in an incident; 2. An understanding of the poter Üal outcomes associated with an emergency created when hazardous substances are present; 3. The ability to recognize the presence of hazardous substances in an emergency; 4. The ability to identify the hazardous substances, if possible; 5. An understanding of the role of the first responder awareness individual in the Qwest emergency response plan including site security and control of the U.S. Department of Transportation's Emergency Response Guidebook; 6. The ability to realize the need for additional resources, and to make appropriate notifications to the internal and external personnel. 7.2 Internal Cleanup Equipment Qwest maintains an adequate supply of personal protective equipment for each employee regularly assigned to work in the Bakersfield facility. The standard personal protective equipment that is available and that each employee is trained on includes: · Chemical-Resistant (acid) Protective Apron · Chemical-Resistant (acid) Protective Gloves (inner and outer) · Chemical-Resistant (acid) Protective Boots · Safety Glasses, Goggles and/or a Face Shield · Hard Hats Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B; Page 9 of 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan In addition, the facility is equipped with the materials and equipment listed below: · Solid- Type Acid Neutralizers (gnulUlar/powder fonn) · Polyethylene Containers (i-gallon to 55-gallon capacity) · Acid-Compatible Absorbent Pads, Containment Socks and/or Booms · Emergency Eye Wash Stations · Non-Sparking Shovels, Brooms and Scoops · Container Labels andWaming Signs 7.3 Internal Cleanup Notification Procedures Since the facility is routinely staffed by a single individual, that individual is the person most likely to discover or identify a spill or release and is responsible for verbally notifying any additional personnel present in the facility. Only those Qwest employees who have received equivalent training and are properly equipped with personal protective equipment are authorized to assist in any hazardous material spill cleanup procedures. Section 8: Employees Designated to Report Actual or Threatened Releases Employees Designated to Report Actual or Threatened Releases Employee Name Employee Title Authorization LeveVComments Dominic Moore Regional Manager Full Authorization Scott Rohrbach Area Manager Full Authorization Larry Reichert Senior Manager of Safety Full Authorization Section 9: Employees Authorized to Initiate Work Under the Emergency Response Plan Employees Authorized to Initiate Emergency Response Work Employee Name Employee Title Authorization LeveVComments Dominic Moore Regional Manager Full Authorization Scott Rohrbach Area Manager Full Authorization Lance Wood FOPS Technician Emergency Notification Authorization Central Monitoring - Various Emergency Notification Authorization Denver, Colorado Larry Reichert Senior Manager of Full Authorization Safety Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B; Page 10 of 10 I : 'Ie il II I , 1 I I' 1 -, II I I I I I I I. I I ---... > .., .., > n = a:: trj z ..., (j .J I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I 'I '1 'I 'I I Qwest Communications Corporation - Bakersfield Site Bakersfield, California Hazardous Material Business Plan A TT ACHMENT C MA TERIALS INVENTORY Bakersfield Site - 2000 Business Plan Attachment B - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION CHEMICAL INVENTORY FORM il Ii I I" Facility Name: BAKERSFIELD POP . CLL! Number: BKFDCA01 / / Facility Address: 906 SUMNER STREET Qwest Site ID#: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CALIFORNIA Zip Code: 93305 Container ' Number of Total Volume On MSDS On Site Date Entered on Product Name VendorlManufacturer Size Containers Site (Y or N) Inventory IlL Diesel Fuel 200 gallons 1 200 gallons Y 01/03/2000 Sulfuric acid (in emergency batteries) Lucent Technologies 81,67 Ibslcell 48 cells 3,9201bs Y 01/03/2000 Lead (in emergenc;:y batteries) Lucent Technologies 130 Ibslcell 48 cells 6,240 Ibs, y 01/03/2000 - - - FM-200 Great Lakes Chemical 931bs, 1 931bs Y 01/03/2000 , Motor Oil Onan / Cummins (in generator) NA 1 17,3 quarts Y 01/03/2000 Anti-Freeze Onan / Cummins (in generator) NA 1 6.5 gallons y 01/03/2000 , " ,( - -- · ':! Ie ¡t;;;At " l, " . .:.. 10' " ' .. ~ .. .~ . . -.' . IS UNABLE::", ,,', ,'" .,.~~,::. '. TO PROCESS ":' '. ..' ~\ ,Jd;:.~,~~~,~~~,~ " . .:C". :', ..~..,"-::'.~'t?C. ~ :g~A~! - .~ ~ dj~:;f' . .~ ~ ~":",' . . .' >f;f~~' ." ."'.. . ~. :~:';:'·~~·:;l.:;:;.-rç..~·:'.·_-. Q,west-··' " -" .. -"-..'--" . The following procedures must be followed and proper informatio~ provîd~d in"o~der to ensure..~~W"å~d accurate processing of your invoices: .':. ·;.¿i,:: ' . The full name (first and last) of the QWEST employee ordering your goods or services must clearly appear on the invoice. . ' I I. Th~ QWEST "cost center/dept code" must clearly appear on the invoice. . The invo~ce must be s~nt directly to the QWEST requester for appr~val and co"ding. DO NOT se~d àny invoi '" u-ectly to Accounts Payable. Accounts Payable CAL"fNOT process any invoices without proper a oval. I. H this invoice is related to 'a purchase order, please reference your valid QWEST purchase order number and return the invoice to Accounts Payable. ">,' ,- ..>-c-. I .,' .- . '- . -";: · -'. '. Tb~YO~fOryour_ coope~ti:~;i6c- . ..~~;~:': , . , , .. ". ' , . L c ---- ---- -' '\ '!""O4 " . ~ .- It STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT e '\ r .'i r þITY OF BAKERSFIELD '--- POBOX 2057-- BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-205ï (661) 326-3658 DATE: 3/01/01 TO: GWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO 555 17TH STI STE 300 DENVER, CO 80202 CUSTOMER NO: 29888 CUSTOMER TYPE: ESI 36413 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -+--_.- --- - -- '-- --~-- -- - -~- CHARGE DATE DESCRIPTION REF-NUMBER DUE DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ------ -------- ------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------- 2/02/01 BEGINNING BALANCE 317.00 l':', :,~,'G~:.~ ,~' "':,, !} 0 , QWf:.\e" '-'f" '~\~Ii';r':'";'Fr"(c' vjrp. C'i J "I (. .....J"'.. 11_ , .. ('\ "'-"'1"''1 1'1. ,:< I 0 Æ.~J u ß ' 'Q''\1r íI.{' MI"1I iEß¡p I.;JÒ 1l¿!IgL0~o ü Ü~UU U=VUC ~ ¡\it Ç2JM FOR QUESTIONS OR CHANGES TO YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL THE NUMBER AT THE TOP OF THIS STATEMENT. -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER 90 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 317.00 1- - -DUE DATE;-~/02/01 --------- ---- - .-- -------- -~------ PAYMENT DUE: TOTAL DUE: 317.00 $317.00 ,- - --"''''--'''~'.~.."..~.'''-,~..~,~~>''".-" .. -"""""<',~~..-""".".,..<'O_=, -""""..~~..,,","_"""" ,.~".~". ,-....."-...."~.""..~..~~ió"_~~~"',,._~""_----. _ ,___ ....." '. "''''__, '~~".'~"'~~'~_"""." .,.' ,..,_r· '...,._._~....".-.~,~~--" -- - -<,""'."-.~.'_.,.~"~"'"_......_.'_~~~~.~¥¥'^'^",,.__,.. DATE; 3/01/01 DUE DATE; 4/02/01 PLEASE DETACH AND SEND THIS COpy WITH REMITTANCE REMIT AND MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PO BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD CA 93303-2057 (661) 326-3658 CUSTOMER NO: 29888 CUSTOMER TYPE; ESI TOT AL DUE; 36413 $3iï.OO -) .. . Qwest Communications International Inc. 1801 California, Suite 1160 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 672-2927 FAX (303) 672-2929 Qwest4 Nancy Kahl Environmental Project Manager Environmental Affairs Email: nkahl@qwest.com -",; March 14,2001 City of Bakersfield Finance Department P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, CA 93303-2057 --' L Re: Address Change .. /'&S Æ, , - II '-~. ~ 18% 1- . -- - ~- '":___ ___-,=o_____~ Dear Sir or Madam:. Please update the contact person and mailing address for Customer number 29888. We have only changed personnel and office address, not ownership. The correèt mailing address and contact person is: Qwest Communications 1801 California Street, Suite 1160 Denver, CO 80202 Attn: Nancy Kahl If YQu have any questions, please contact me at 303-672-2927. ~~.",--,,~-_~, -Sincerely,;-"""""'-""".>oË"c~--"-~ -Ij",;.- <--~-~ --= .>=- --~. "~""'oò¡" -, " ,.< -"'~~--"""~'-,,----<- _-,'._. "___ ':. _.~.., -"""'~~_. --0. ::'~__. ~ 7 :7~L/ Nancy Kahl Environmental Project Manager Qwest Communications IntI., Inc. Cc: Environmental File ..- <,-,~...::.~ ,"e QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO ~ ,'1;;:" >t,~ . SiteID: 015-021-002008 Mànagér:. .', Location: 906 SUMNERST City : -,BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 EPA Numb: BusPhone: Map : 103 Grid: 29D (661) 324-1573 CommHaz : Moderate FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:4813 DunnBrad:14-872-1178 Emergency Contact ' / Title Emergency Contact / Title SCOTT :ROMltBACH / AREA MANAGER LARRY REICHERT / SR MGR SAFETY Business Phone: (661) JJJ4 lS50x. Business Phone: (303), 992-3223x 24-Hour Phone (661) 201-3531..x 24-Hour Phone (303) 884-8216x Pager Phone ( ) x Pager Phone ( ) x Period '. Pre parer: Certif'd: QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CO 555 17TH ST 300 r'~- --~ DENVER /' "" i c. to t... ..<.~f- Fire React ImmHlth DelHlth Phone: (303) 992-3223x State: CO Zip 80202 Phone: (303) 992-3223x State: CO Zip 80202 TotalASTs: Gal TotalUSTs: = Gal RSs: No Hazmat Hazards: Contact : LARRY REICHERT MailAddr: 555 17TH ST 300 City DENVER Owner Address City Emergency Directives: . Hazmat Common Name... One Unified List ì All Materials at Site ì p= Hazmat ~nventory p== As Designated Order Hazards DailyMax MCP SULFURIC ACID DIESEL FUEL #2 LEAD F IH R IH DH L L S 3920.00 LBS 200.00 GAL 6240.00 LBS Hi Low Min (V\tAf2-K (LfL1 Nc)\,\) S ... î.--l> l - '). 5'"J \ ~~~\" ~ 5" ø\?,"\" , ¡'^u <Z ~('!) .- <b løO'- \.A( -\ " <1 ,1-£ TIî ~ ~,~..c' c..PV\Teð' C-e..",.'T (/L ;;2 4 fI{¿.s 'b~'1"'4.111G2..ß~r¡1 M'- u~~Ck G Ld . '20 -, -1 5" ~ ~ ~€-t L ) 07/19/2000 - e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 I FACILITYNAMEQùJEÇ.\" tðmMuNIC..<\I,Í1NS INSPECTION DATE \ I.\~ 16 \ ADDRESS 9D(,~ SUt'k-NtZ.Cl... Ó l PHONE NO. gJ'1-Js-s-o FACILITY CONTACT ~A.Ñit M"-'füct~\c-K BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- ocy<..acH? INSPECTION TIME ~ """ \; NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES '2; Section 1: ¡¡a/Routine Business Plan and Inventory Program o Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERATION C V . COMMENTS Appropriate penn it on hand vi Business plan contact infonnation accurate .;/ Visible address / Correct occupancy V Verification of inventory materials V'" ./ , Verification of quantities Verification of location v ,/ Proper segregation of material "-' /' " - Verification of MSDS availability ", v- Verification of Haz Mat training ¡J {tA- Verification of abatement supplies and procedures if ~ Emergency procedures adequate t/ Containers properly labeled / V Housekeeping v , Fire Protection V /' Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand v' C=CompIlance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: o Yes ~o White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy ~ Busmess Site Resgonsible Party Ins~ecwrt ~ ~/ Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 ~~ , Q ~ est.. öA_OD Qwest Communications Corp. . I , IS UNABLE ~' "~_' TO PROCESS " "YOUR INVOICE' ~*~ ~ .' 'A dAibD· FORPAYMENT! cfYtVV-~ ~.. The following procedures must be followed and proper information provided in order to ensure timely and . accurate processing of your invoices: · 'The full name (first and last) of the QWEST employee ordering your goods or services must clearly appear on the invoice. . ,~¡/e :tì1~t e 1\~ A'. 'b VA'\, %.~ '/ '\~k ~'?", tP J' ~ -,:..~~~ ~ "~ .;n ·'~i<"n ~.J' · The WEST "cost center/dept code" must clearly appear on the invoice. he invoice must be sent directly to the OWEST reqJJe~ttr for approval and coding. DO NOT send any invoices directly to Accounts Payable. Accounts Payable CANNOT process any invoices without proper approval. · If this invoice is related to a purchase order, please reference your valid QWEST purchase order number and return the invoice to Accounts Payable. Thank you ~or your cooperation. ...' e . t" STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD POBOx 205ï BAKERSFIELD. CA 93303-2ü5ï (661) 326-3979 DATE: 9/01/00 TO: ~WEST COMMUNICATIONS CO 555 17TH ST, STE 300 DENVER, CO 80202 CUSTOMER NO: 29888 CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ 364i3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C~- --- -·DA-"Æ-ÐESCfHPTION---------- ------ RE-F-NtJMB-ER-- DUE· -DA-1-E-- =f-Cl''fAt.::--AMfH:JN-T .. ------ -------- -----------------~------- ---------- -------- -------------- 8/01/00 BEGINNING BALANCE 302.00 C:~f\.'2S"t :'0:' , , J . '. ",:~'" r""':J . ~ut ... vi; . SEf 1 ~ 2~Ou ó.pdJ ft )£')' ",'" 1 -I ~,L :Y""'",L.; a L ,.r. jI\ r'\;;1 'd:H; "~t .I "'v, '. FOR QUESTIONS OR CHANGES TO YOUR PLEASE CALL THE NUMBER AT THE TOP OF THIS STATEMENT. -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER 90 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 302. 00 DUE DATE: 10/02/00 -------- PAYMENT DUE: .----- ---rOTÂL -ûûE-:-- 302.00 $302. ob --.-----'-'-~_~_____~~~__^~._ ,- __'__~·_~_·_______~_~'"'""_~~_______.~.~__h.__"".__~ DATE: 9/01/00 DUE DATE: 10/02/00 PLEASE DETACH AND SEND THIS COpy WITH REMITTANCE REM!T AND MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PO BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD CA 93303-2057 (661) 326-3979 CUSTOf1ER NO: 29888 CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ TOTAL DUE: 36413 $302.00 ~£y~- _..~~~~ ?~~ .-.- (- ,\ elFIEP PROGRAM CONSOLIDATE.RM , BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ~, ' FAC~{~FO, RMATION ~~9~~ ..../(·c, ¡. f"....--..\t';' - , \\'1:'" . I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION \.\'" \' \... ,+' I. EPAID#(H_doutW~òny)f, '\ . \~,>\/ )( '/, '.. /' ~- ./",.....- (J,' " ,\ /' ;r Bakersfield pop \,' /./ ./ IL ACflVITIES DECLARATION NOTE: If you check YES to any part of this list, please submit the Business Owner/Operator Identification page (OES Form 2730). Docs your facility..., If Yes, please complete these pages of the UPCF... A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Have on site (for any purpœc) ba2ardous mataiala at or above SS gallons for _ ' , ~quida, SOO pounds for IIOIida, or 200 cubil: fed for comprc:ssed gases {include .. -liqiiiilSiD""ÄSfäãìid'USTÍI);-O¡ tbè ãppliciible FedccaJtbrœholdquautity for an roYES ONO 4,.- ,,0/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENfORY . extremely hazardoUII aubs&ancc spcc:ifMXl in 40 CFR Part 3SS, Appendix A or B; CI-ŒMICÄi DESClÙPTlON (OES 2731) or handk: radiologic:al maICrials in qllalllibcs for which an c:mergc:ncy plan is required porauant to I 0 CFR Pans 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS lUSTs) 1. Own Or opcnIc UDdcrgrouad øtorage tanks? FACILlTYID# Qwest Communications Co. OYES ~NO s, 2. IntGDd to upgrade existing or instaU new UST,? OYES ~NO 6. 3. Need to report dœing a UST? OYES <»NO 7, 0/ OYES ~NO s. OYES,CXNO 9. 0/ OYES (XNO 10, 0/ OYES ~NO 11. 0/ 0/ C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or opcralc ASTs above thcøc thn:sbolds: -any tank cap8l:ityia greater than 660 gallons, or -the total çapacity for Ihe facility is greater than 1.3ílO gallons? ' D, HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. Gc:œràc ba2ardous wasIe? 2. Rcc:ydc more than 100 kWmonth of excluded or exc:mpted recyclable malerials (per HSC §2S143.2)? 3. Treat haDrdoUII wlllilc on sÎII:? -, "'--. . - - 4. Tiêaimcnfsubj~ to fmanc:iãl asliUraDl:C requircanl3lls (forPcrmit by Rule and Conditional AuIhorization)? S. Consolidalc ba2ardous waøœ go:ncnted at a remote sÎII:? OYES ~NO 12 OYES GlINO 13. 6. Need to report the clo8Ul'dremoval of a tank !bat was classifacd as hazardous wasIe and cleaned onsitc? E. LOCAL REOUIREMENfS OYES ~NO 14 0/ ..~'\ PI8ò \ 'I' .\ ,\' " " ;' \ 3. of 2. .---' 3, 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ UST F ACIUTY (Fonnedy SWRCB Form A) UST TANK {ono Jlll O pc lank) (FormcdyForm B) UST FAClUTY UST TANK (ono pc lank) UST INST ALLA TION . CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (ono JIII I pc ....)(F-ay F_ C) UST TANK (d..... pœ1i........ ~ porlri) NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAS 0/ EPAID NUMBER-po';de IIIlhotøpofllO.poøc RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT (anD pcrnqd..) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - FACILITY (FOIIIIcdy ImIC F_ 1712) ONSlTE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENf . UNIT (ono Jlll C pc .0.) (FOIIDcdy ImICFOIIIIII71~,D.1III L) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE (Fonncdy ursc FII11II:D2) REMOTE WASTE I CONSOUDA nON SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (FormcdY DTSC FOIID 1196) HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CWSURE CERTIFICATION (Formcdy DTSC FŒIII1249) 0/ IS, (You may also be required to provide additional infonnation by yourCUPA or loc:al agcnçy.) . . , ' ." . ". _ -', '. M,'·'.. ".'" '';'~ '. : ... .. _~ ~.: ..:. .:....:'.~ i ,:" '" . _ '. r ~. . ¡ UPCF (1/99) ,.: . -' .~~~.,..- ',' . -. ~ ....- ...' ,-('. ~ t- Jf!.- -'- ~ / e e FACIUTY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTlFICA nON P.2-111 3 FACLItY Ð' I. IDENTIFICATION 1 BEGIN/IIIIIG DATE / / 01 01 99 BUSIIIESS NAME (Same as FAClUTY NAME Ot DBA· Doing Business As) Qwest Communications Co. - Bakersfield pop BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 906 Surmner Road 100. ENDING DATE 1 2/31 /99 3 BUSINESS PHONE 661 324 1573 1111. 1D:1, CITY Bakersfield DUN & BRADSTREET 14-872-1178 104, CA ZIPCODE 93305 108, SIC CODE (4 digit.) 481 3 103, 105. 107, 108, COUNTY Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME Qwest Communications Co. 10&. ~~~SSOPERATOR( 303) 992-3223 110, QW< ER NAME ,___.__.11., BUSINESS OWNER Qwest Communications Co. 111 OWNER PHONE (303) 992-3223 112. ov.f' ER MAILING ADDRESS CITY 555 17th street, Suite 300 113. 114, STATE CO 115, ZIP OODE 80202 116, Denver Reichert III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT 117, CONTACT PHONE ( 303 ) 992 - 3 2 2 3 118, CONTACT NAME 119. CONTACT MAILING ~SS 555 17th street, Suite 300 CITY 120, STATE CO ZIP OODE 80202 ..sECONDARY. 122, Denver 121. .:..' IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME Scott Rohrbach 123, NAME Larr Reichert 128 TITLE Area Manager 124 TITLE Sr. Mana er Safet 129 BUSINESS PHONE 661 834-1550 125 BUSINESS PHONE (303) 992-3223 130 24-HOUR PHONE (661 ) 201-3533 126 24·HOUR PHONE (303) 884-8216 131 PAGER , 127 PAGER # 132 'ADDITIONAL LOCALLY' COLLECTEDINFORMA TION: 133, Certification: Based on my inquiry of tIIo&e individuals responsible for obtaining the infonnation, I certify under penalty of law that I have per&Onally examined and am familiar wrth the information submitted and beli e the infonnation is true, accurate, and complete, SIGNATURE OF O\/\IN OR SIG D REPRESENTATIVE 136, 137, DATE NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER ---r: 135, ,~ OES FORM 2730 (1/99) ~, :ø"" ", fJ --- ~ e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY. CHEMICAL DESCRlPfION (_fonnpo,maJ.rlaIpo, building o,area) , , . ,',.. ",",',' ",,' ',":,' , " L FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (s.m. u FACILrrY NAME or DBA· c.¡rø Buárøo AI) ) Qwest Communications Co" - Bakersfield pop CHEMICAL LOCA'l10N 201. Gv@ 'Lead-acid redundant batteries CIlEMlCALLOCA'l10N 202. power CONFlDEKrIAL . EPCRA FAaUn'ID' I Þ;: I I ItA I I I I I I II MAP, (opIiona/ 20), ORID, (op1J<>na/ 204, ,',',",',",',.,"~ ..'" " " IL CHEMICAL INFORMATION ,', :ZOS, TRADE SECRET G V..~ 206, CIlEY1CAl. NAME Sulfuric Acid IfSubjN ID El'CRA. ndirr IDÙ1IU\II:II 207, BGNo COWMON NAME Sulfuric Acid EtJS" 20& , '. .. ,. --+ .. .- , CAS' 7664-93-9 20!1, "lCEHS ii"Y...IIl....... "".....111.. "'inll1o, FIRE CODE HAZARD C\J\SSES (C.p," if,.twI by CUPA) 210, IIAZARDOOS MATERIAL G a. \JRE ~ G c. WASTE 211. RADlOACI1VE G V.. ~ 212. CURIES 213, TYPE (CIrou--onIy) PHYSICAL STATE G .. SOLID ~ b. UQUiV G c. GAS lÃROESTCONfAlNER gallons 21S. (a-t..._onIy) 214, 35 FED IfAZARI) CATEOOR1E8 G a, FIRE G b, REACI1VF. G c, PRESSURE RELEASE ~ d, ACIJI'E H~ G .. CHRONIC HEAL 111 216, (ChoU 1II1/ha1 'ff'IY) AVERAOEDAlLV 217,1 MAXIMUM 211i ANNUAL WASTE 219, STATE WASTE 220, AMOUNf 3920 DAlLV AMOUNT 3920 AMOUNT 0 lbs CODE NA UNITS" G ..GAL G b. WIT (G c LR'I) G d, TONS 221. DAYS ON 365 222, (Chot:k... i_ only) " If EllS'. omOiiiímuot,...inlbo. SITE STORAOE CONTAINER G.. AJIOVEOROIDIDTANK Ó~, PLAS'l1C1NONMETALUCDRUM G ¡, FIBER DRUM G m, OUW IIO'ITLE cE · :~AR m, (ChoU all /haI<wiY) G b. UNDEROROUNDTANK G£CAN G¡ BAD G n PU\S'l1C 1!OTI1.E G r, aJ'IIE G.. TANX INSIDE BUILDlNO ' G ~ CARBOV Gk. BOX G 0. TOTE BIN Ba ery G cL STEEl. DlUJ.. G h SILO G 1. evUNDER Gp. TANKWAOON Casing STORAOE PRESSURE œ L AMB~ G b, ABOVE AMBIENT G c, BELOW AMBIENT 224, STORAOE TEMPERA'l\JRE @..~ G b. ABOVE AMBIENT G c, 8ELOW AMBIENT G d, CRVOOENIC 22S, O/.WT " HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (elL' ..&Im....__ OOy) EHS CAS # 1 35 ZZ6. Sulfuric Acid 227. ~GNo ZZ8. 7664-93-9 229, 2 65 :DO. Water 231. G v..<Q 232, 23). 3 2).4, 23S, G v..G No 236. 237, 4 :J38. ,239, G V. G No 240. 241. S 242. 243. G V.. G No 24S, 244, q________-".-..",..-I" ty......II_~ .,41" ty wi¡¡/IIlf--", 1I/IIIdr___·I,....,...··rqrrJ1wt4~ /J .---.... ADDmONAL LOCALLY OOLLECŒD INFORNA'l10N: t/ ~J .J¿¡~ 246- A -,- I EPCRA. PI. a.. Sill" Hor. QADD Q D£IEJ1: Q REVISE 200, ",e ...3 of 3 OES FORM 273n1l99) ---=------ e e I /' .\, / ri, ;t '", ~ -R/W OVERALL SITE PLAN / ".ro, 0"""0 R~LRO'" pow" £X~TJNG POWER POLE STEElæ CO'IER .... 10' 3112 IU..NDHOL£ SEE OWG. Q-OIO QWEST FIBER (2)-4" BSP CONDUITS TRENCHED 0 4S" WIH. BY CONTRACTOR TO 10' OUTSIDE FENCE. >", ;0 HEW Ol/ERHEAO POWER UNt, 2'" WIN. GllOUNO CU.~HCE, 240vom,400AIIPS.SlHGLIPH.l.SE. QW[ST POWEll POlE IS 35'. \2) - 4~ SCH. 40 PVC CONDUITS R[HÇHED 0 W ~IN. BY CONTRACTOR TO NEW HANDHOLE ~:J :~~~u1~;~NERDUCTS W/PUWlOPES !(ì !5 ~ t; ~ ~ 45' _140' (2)-4-BSPCONOUITS TRENCHED 0 4S" WIN. . BY CONTRACTOR TO 10' ! ~ OUTSIOEFENC[. - - - - ;:¡ - i?HI\\\fD H/fDff2f!¡ - - - INSTAlilD BY CONTRACTOR - (2) - 4~ 5tH. 40 fVC CONDUITS TRENCHED 0 48" WIN. BY CONTRACTOR TO NEW HANOHDlI ~:J :~~u1"O;~NEROUCTS W/PUlLROPES /EXISTlHGOVERHEAO RAlI..R()A[) POWER e ~ -¡::J- fu ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- R/W - - - - rr.HI!lifo HI~O~$f!¡ INSTAllED BY CONTR,I,CTOR BUILDING 90lSUWNERSTREET 5UWNERSTREET AS t; '~ i BUILT NOTES 1M: 110M III 00 ÞOCM1fI' lUST IIŒT IUMfIOIW.. sun..IIO LOCAL .IURISOIC1IOIISCODU, Sl'£ClfCATIDM5, MIII£Gt.UTICIIIS. OVERAll SITE PLAN LIGEND BURlEO ELEC. -------(------- ------=:...-p- fENCE LINE 11111111 II II II Q¡ Q¡ Q¡ ----- ____ R/W---- CENTER LINE ----- J I PROPOS[Ð CONDUI1. naER CA8LE '" HANDHOI..£ ~~~Nt...~~~I~·...NDHOI.£ ~ ___-{H}-___ , ETtR/pO~R POLE E)(ISTINGCONTOURS N[WCRAV[L c=J g~~fA~~ fe~W .... - ------JO------~ -)()- -G- -w- -,- STDR... SEWER -ss- -- -----C------- CROVND 'MRE 61 ROO _cw_ CC»ICR[T[BARRI£RS - ----- -0- ·COl"r1lGH1 IH~ OW£SI COIoIIILIIIICAIIOICS C~AIII. AU. _n lI£stMo. THIS INf"OIbUoIIOM IS $(CIt'T. CONf1D£N1IAL.'_"d"I' INftlaWAlIOII a£1..OMGII<G 10 1IW£5ICOU..UNIC.l.I1ON5COWP'I.III_.....IMOT.IJS[II,CIIrI£P . ~OI$CU)$[OWlntOVTTMlr'InOII'Mllm..COHSOfTOIfQW[SICOICIIUMlCAI1ONSCOW"Nn'." Qwest Communications BAKERSFIELD CA ROW POP SITE OVERALL SITE PLAN 97580 630900 Ø....KEP002 1-=60' 1110" DRAWING NUlltB£R Q 002 e f\t ~ dG 555 Seventeenth Street Denver, Colorado 80202 /OIlO/OOIOOlnll~ln¡nln" 1'( ''-'' '¡, 303,992,1400 I Telephone 303,992,1245 I Facsimile February 27,2000 l<i d NAR 0 ,_ A.c(6 ENVIRON. SER~ /.,¿(,- ~ lCES ~'6 Attn: Fire Department Official RE: 1999 Tier Two Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Enclosed please find the 1999 Tier Two Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory report(s) for facilities owned and/or operated by Qwest Communications Corporation in your fire district. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the enclosed 1999 Tier Two report, please contact me at (303) 992-3223. Sincerely, Qwest Communications Corporation d~t?µ.JT Larry A. Reichert, PG, CHMM Corp. Sr. Mgr. of Safety & Training 555 1 ih Street - Ste. 300 Denver, CO 80202 .~. , ,.~ :;-~ "~ _IFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATE'e<>RM BUSINESS ACTIVITIES FACILITY INFORMATION ,11 ACfIVITIES DECLARATION NOTE: !fyou check YES to any part of this list, please submit the Business Owner/Operator Identification page (OES Form 2730). Docs your facility... If Yes, please complete these pages ofthe UPCF... A. HAZARDQUS MATERIALS Have 011 site (for any plllJlOliC) bazanIoua mata'iaIs at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for øo1ids, or 200 cubic: feet for c:omprœscd gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applic:ablc Fedc:ra1 threshold quantity for an ~YES ONO 4, ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - extremely hazardous subs&am:e specified in 40 CFR Part 355, Appcndix A or B; CHEMICAL DESCRlPfION (OES 2731) or baadIc rsdiologiçaJ matc:ria1ø in qUlll1lÏ1iai for wbil:h an cmcrgcnçy plan is required punuant tolO CFR Pads 30, 40 or 701 B, UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) l. Own or opc:ntc WJdøgruUDd sIOrase tanks? I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION \. EPA ID # (HazørdoUl Wille Oriy) FACn.JTYID# ' Qwest Communications Co. - Bakersfield pop OYES œNO s, 2. IntcDd to upgndc existing or inatall new UST.? OYES ~NO 6. 3. Need to report dolling a USTI OYES ~O 7. ~ OYES <XNO 8. OYES ~NO 9, tI OYES ~NO 10. ~ OYES ~NO II. ~ ~ C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or opcnœ ASTs above 1hcøc thresholds: _y lank capaçiay is gtcaIa'than 660 gallons, or -the total c:apar:iay for the facility iø grcaIeI' than 1 ~ gallons? " D, HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. . Gc:ocra&e bazanIoua wasac? 2. Rl:c:yclc more than 100 k¡Vmonth of cxdudcd or exempted recyclable materials (per HSC §2S143.2)? 3. Treat baDrdoua wllSlG 01\ site? 4. Trcalmcnt subjcc:t to financial aSIiW.llI;C requircmenlli (for Pennit by Rule and OYES <XNO 12 ~ Conditional Authorization)? S. Consolidalc ba2Mdoua waøtc gcnc:calCd at a remote sile? OYES ~NO 13. ~ 6. Need to report !be cIollUl'dremoval of a lank that was classifu:d as hazardous OYES ~NO 14, tI waSIc and cleaned 0IIIIÎte? E. LOCAL REOUIREMENTS Poøo of 3- - 2. 3, ~ tI ~ ~ tI UST F AClUTY (Fonnedy SWRCB Form A) UST TANK (OIW IO I pol' _) (Fon11tIIy Form B) USTFAClUTY USTTANK (onopol'_) UST INSTALLATION - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLiANCE (OIW III OpoI' ....)(F........y Form C) UST TANK (doouro XI1iCJl>-œl po I per link) NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAS EPAID NUMBER-pn>vido oIUootøpoflli,pI8c RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT (en per rooydor) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT· FACn.ITY (FOIDIody JmIC Form 1772) ONSITEHAZAROOUS WASTE TREATMENT - UNIT (OIWpI Opor.n,) (FoomaIy I7l'SC F...... 1772A,11,C.D.1III I.) ŒRTIRCATIONOFHNANClAL ASsURANCE (Foanedy DTSC Foonl232) REMOTE WASTE I CONSOUDATION SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (Formedy JmIC FOIDl 1196) HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE CERTIFICATION (Foanody DTSC Foon 1249) IS, (You may also be required to provide addiiional information by your CUPA or local agcnçy.) UPCF (1/99), .~ l I' "\ ' "" ,j.~ e e FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTlFICA nON p~ L III 3 I. IDEHTIFICA TION I BEG.....G DATE / / 01 01 99 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FAClUTY NAME or DBA . Doing Busin8S$ As) Qwest Communications Co. - Bakersfield pop BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 906 Summer Road 100. ENDING DATE 1 2/31 /99 3 BUSINESS PHONE 661 324-1573 101. FAClUtUU 1~, CITY, Bakersfield DUN & BRADSTREET 14-872-1178 103, 104, CA ZIP CODE 93305 106. 106. SIC CODE 107. (4 digiti) 4813 108. 109. ~~:SSOPERATOR( 303) 992-3223 110, COUNTY Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME Qwest Communications Co. II. BUSINESS OWNER Qwest Communications Co. 111 OWNER PHONE (303) 992-3223 112, ~ER NAME OV1INER MAILING ADDRESS 555 17th Street, Suite 300 113. CITY 114, STATE CO 115 ZIP CODE 80202 116, CONTACT NAME Larr Reichert III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT 117, CONTACT PHONE ( 303) 992-3223 118, 119. CONTACT MAILING AOORESS 5,5517th Street, Suite 300 Denver 120, STATE CO ZIP CODE 80202 .sECONDARY. 122. CITY 121. '. .j'- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS , ..pRlMARY- PAGER , ADDITIONAL LOCAI.L Y COLLECTED INFORMATION: 123, NAME Larr Reichert 124 TITLE Sr. Mana er Safet 125 BUSINESS PHONE (303) 992-3223 126 24-HOUR PHONE (303) 884-8216 127 PAGER" 128 NAME Scott Rohrbach TITLE Area Manager BUSINESS PHONE 661 834-1550 24-HOUR PHONE (661) 201-3533 129 130 131 132 133, Certification: Based on my Inquiry of th06e Individuals responsible tor obIaining Ihe informabon, I certify under penalty of law thai I have per&Ol1ally examined and am familiar w~h the information submitted and bel' the informabon is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATURE OF OIIVN OR SIG DREPRESENTATIVE L h",ba.c" DATE 135, 136, 137, OES H)RM 2730 (l19\) ,<..Y- r(. ~~ '" ' .....:/'¡; -¡ /'/ / f/ ,/ e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (..../onnpo' mal.naJ po' building 0' aroq) 'i " :i,,"":':',,':',.':,":':..' ... L FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (s.me.. FACIUI'Y NAME or DBA· D<irv BuoiIao AI) 3 Qwest Communications Co. - Bakersfield pop CHEMICAL LOCATION " 20\. Gv@ Lead-acid redundant batteries CHEMICAL LOCATION 202. power CONFlDEKrIAL . EPCRA FAClUf'¡' D/ I I t(; I T I~" I 1 I I 1 I.. II MAP'(oplional) 203, GRID. (opIIona/) 21).1, '., ',',",' ,',,"'. ':".'... '" ',',' , IL CHEMICAL IN FORMA TlON " 2OS, 11ù\DE SECRET GV"~N0 206, CHEWICAL NAME Sulfuric Acid IISubjN II> EPCIIA. niIòr 10 inouuI:D_ 207, BGNO COMMON NAME Sulfuric Acid EllS . 208. CAS' 7664-93-9 2I)! , OlfEHS ii'Y....III...aun1t .....111.-1 boinlllo, FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSS (C.p.- if toqUItedby CUPA) 21D. I!AZARJ)OOS NATElUAL G e, I'URE ~ G c. WASTE m. RADIOACJ1VE Gv.. -~ 212. CURlS 213, TYPE (Chock ....1_ GIlly; PHYS1CALSTA'I1! G .. SOLID ~ b, UQUiV G c, GAS LARGEST CONI'AlNER gallons 2lS, ta-t--Gllly; 21~, 35 FED HAZARD CATæORIfl! G e. FIRE G b. REAC'I1VP. G c. PRESSURE RELEASE (§ d, AClTI'E H~ G e. CHRONICHEALTII 216. (Chd a/l1Itll'4'PIY; AVERAOEDAlLV 217, I MAXlMUM 218, ANNUAL WAS'I1! 219, STATE WAS'I1! 220, AMOUNT 3920 DAILY AMOUNT 3920 AMOUNT 0 lbs CODE NA UNITS· G .. GÞ.L Gb.CUFl' (G c, L~ G d, TONS 221. DAYS ON 365 222, sm (Chd_I_GIÑ)I) . fEllS; omOiiilm...b.inlbo, STORAOE CONTAINER G.. AIIOVEORDUNDTANK C:. PlASTIClNONMETALLICDRUM G ¡, FIBER DRUM G III, OLASS IIO'ITLE cEqWf 22), (Cheek a1IlItlllfllly) Gb. UNDEROROUNDTANIC GlCAN G¡ BAD G n IUSTIC BOTTLE G r, arnE G.. TANIC INSIDE BUILDING G ø. CAIUIOV Gk. BOX G.. TOrE BIN Bat ery Go!. S1ULDRUM G h SILO G I. CYUNDER Gp. TANKWAOON Casing STORAGE PRESSURE <::G .. AMB~ G b, ABOVE AMBIENT G c BELOW AMBIENT 224, STORAGE TEMPERA1URE cg..~ G b, ABOVE AMBlENI' G c, BELOW AMBIENT G d, CRVOOENIC 22S, %WT ' " ,'HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (f... mixlUre....~ ....y) EllS CAS # I 35 226. Sulfuric Acid 227. ~GNo 228. 7664-93-9 229, 2 65 230. Water II\. G vuG 112. 113. 3 :1).4, IIS, G v..G No I17, I\6. 4 238. 119, G Vu G No 240, 241, S 24:1. 20, G Vu G No 24S, 24~, q_______-"..r.."..- J".,...;¡¡6r iI-~ .,o.J" 6y woi¡¡IIIlf-~" ~ øMbI.-J__ .f""'''''''''··''''-~' /J ~ ADDI110NAL LOCALLV COLLECl1!D INFORMATION: (/ ~I .Jß~ 246- A 1__ I JlPCRA. Ploa.. SI,,, Hue QADD Q DElETE Q REVISE 200, Poøe .3 of 3 OES FORM 2731 (1/99)