HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN (2) =-~- .......~ tt"'-.-. ...- .. , I 8,~ \- t1 ~..(+ e.... II - SITE DIAGRAM r ~ 1 FACILITY DIAGRAM r 1 Business Name: X ' ~ t S c) I Vv ~ : (}/V\. S e-V" v ~ ~. e æ", c. ( Business Address: O¡ \ 0 l1. T h (A v b -e;v- L ),. løç, "\.1 ç: :~e Ii ydn... T 0huybe.\{" L/1 @) V Y' '> lJ "-- ~ a-ý G'ðY'ð'de "3 rtl -:J)ß ....... ~ ~ V1 Q) ~ -s' (\ (), l' '> ~ (" (> (' Ql) ..; -+- D .s--t-(D-t.> ~~% ;. ~ ~ r \l> r- ...s- i- Q.-' :sc ~--,~ r~·~ (' qS- C" J (U..~~ "< X -r~ ~ ~ ...L "1 ......+ '"\ (\ - {"" " .3D.... r' tù o Q ~:s f'\ )(. ® © ~ e.S ~ d.e.Y\ Ge N \ I~ e e ~ ALUED PHOTO ProDUCTS CO., INC. A CPAC Company .JlM Wl\RnEN X-F~!; 'I [3(.~,·~..tJ~r!f.);\~ SERViCe 9104 THURi3ER LN. BÞ,KERSFIELD. CALIF. 93309 ¡: PA iJ c (1L q d-Ù J36....0 'ð>cr c. a"<Y' ~ t;.v \\\ Q. C -n 8? '7 S r¡ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~ MSDS M-02 DATE: 4-18-91 SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION PRODUCT NAME: RADOL FIXER WITH HARDENER CAT. # 23006. 23007, 23008. 23009 CHEMiCAL FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHIC FIXER PROPER D.O.T. SHIPPING NAME NOT REGULATED MANUFACTURER ALLIED PHOTO PRODUCTS CO.. INC. 5440·A OAKBROOK PARKWAY NORCROSS, GA 30093 Health Flammability Reactivity Personal Protection FORMULA AQUEOUS MIXTURE. D.O.T. HAZARD CLASSIACATION NOT APPLICABLE MANUFACTURERS PHONE NUMBER (404) 448-0250 CHEMTREC PHONE NUMBER (800) 424-9300 SECTION II - Product and Hazardous Ingredients Information ITEM #1405 CAS '# Pt:RCENT Ammonium Thiosulfate ' ,¿'. 7783-18-8 30-35 Sodium Sulfite 7757-83-7 1-5 Sodium Tetraborate ¡.:;. 'J 1330-43-4, 1-5 Acetic Acid 64-19-7 1-5 Aluminum Sulfate 10043-01-3 < 1 Water 7732~18-5 25-30 PELnwA) N/A N/A 1 mg/m3 10 ppm 2mg/m3 N/A SARA RQ I TPQ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5000# N/A N/A N/A N/A, N/A SECTION III - Physical Data' .- "., : .-¡, BOILING POINT: >212°F VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg): 17.0 VAPOR DENSITY (mmHg): 0.6 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Complete SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.25".,'" ,e' r pH:4.95·~;' '" PERCENT VOLATILE BY WEiGHT: '40o/~ :.,', . \", i; '.,,; '.; EVAPORÀTIÓN RATE: . NtA APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Clear, slight vinegafödor;, t;':'¡';ilDi: 'i~ ,,"oN .':";":' ! ¡-. .:;~>!. ;....~fL' .":.;~: ~r~"'J~'~" ~ :5~"'·" ,-1 SEGtlQN IV - Fire and, ExplosionHazard.Dat~k¿¡!"':d¡";,,~, ,,;,-,:'!¡',rw'\ '.' '>.1'''.'' Fl88h Point: Ntltle ' "'.~:\ : ( ..'..¡ ," ";1'''/1'; >',',"!,: ,Flainm~~I~eJ"I!:I'!I~ ,A.£L: N/A UEL:- N/A £xtInllilshlñé.Meclla: Use method appropriate¡:f~r)K.I~roµl'1ding ,fire'};:i",,.r·· t''\f'' '~' ~j SpecIal Fire Fighting pfocedures: Use protective clothing to prevent contact with.kin and eyes. Unusual Fire and explosIons Hazards: When heated to ~n. it can emit tOKe fumes of SOx and ~. . ,",,' . ammonia. ::..j' ., ;.of SECTIoN V - Health Hazard j)ata TLV(ACGIH): Acetic Acid (10 ppm), Aluminum Sulfate (2mg/m3), Sodium Tetrabol'ate (1mg/m3). ::: ~ f;Effect8.of ~D08Urè: :;~. ;....j Inhalation: Low hazard for ordinarY ihdustrial handling. Eyes: Contact lìiay cause irritation." ;,!\. '$kfn: Repeate~ and prolonged contact may cause irritation. ' ¡(~.'!;. ., ,'ngeetJon: Do not take internally. May be' harmful if swalloWld. {, , . Carclriogen: N/A . Teratogenlèlty: MfA'· Reproductive Toxldty: N/A Mut~: NIA . Synergistic ProduCts:, N/A " .ij ~ .; ..; <~J\ .:, ;. ~ e e 'I MSDS M-02 Emergency First Aid Procedures: Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention. Skin: Wash skin with soap and water. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. Ingestion: Induce vomiting. Seek medical attention immediately giving full details of amount ingested and toxicity. Inhalation: Move to fresh air. SECTION VI - Reactivity Data Stability: Stable. Incompatibility: Strong àcids. strong bases. Hazardous Decomposition Products: When heated to decomposition, it can emit toxic fumes of SOx and ammonia. Con- tact with strong acids may release Sulfur Dioxide. Contact with strong bases may release ammonia. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. ConditIons to Avoid: None Known. .; ,1 SECTION VII - Spill or Leak Procedure Sleps to be Taken In Case Material Is Releàsed or Spilled: Wear protective clothing as specified in Section VIII. Neutralize with sodium bicarbonate. If federal, state and local laws permit, flush to the sewer with large amounts of "Yater. , , :. . .: ~ ..-' 1 . 1 ¡ Waste Disposal: Neutralize with sodium bicarbonate. If federal, state and/or local laws permit, flush to sewer with large amounts of water. OtherWise dispose of 'contaminated product and materials used in cleaning up the spill in a manner ap- proved for this material. Consult proper federal, state anc:llor local regulatory agencies to ascertain proper disposal procedures. SECTION VIII - Special Protection . Information ! . Respiratory Protection (SpecifY Type):' Should not be necessary under normal conditions. If exposed to vapors that ex- ceed TLV or PEL, wear an approved vapor respirator. Ventilation: Goop,lqcal mechanical ventilation should be sufficient. Protective Eqùlpment: Gloves: Impervious' gloves. Eyes: Wear protective goggles. Other: As necessary to prevent skin contact. Eyewash facilities in vicinity of use. , ! " !!,,"f. I;.'<t':' .: . ~ SECTION IX: - 'SPëcial'Þrê~autions , , Precautions to be Taken In ,Handling and Storage: Do not store or consume food, drink or tobacco in surrounding area. Do not store near strong'aclds or bases. Wash thoroughly after use. , ,,-. '.' '.' , . ,. , , . .~~~~ . The information contained in this material safety data sheet is furnished without warranty of anyJ'ind. The user should con- sider this data a supplerpent, to other information gathered and muSt make iridependènt determinàtion of suitability and com- pleteness of information from'this'årid·other sourcés to assure proper use and disposal of the mater~ls and the health and safety of employees and customers. This statement is incorporàted as part of this Material Safety Data Sheet. , I '~',~! . ,', .' " ."!'r'": (" . ~w:r . :{~~> ~~ . e e ~ ALLIED PHOTO PR8DUCTS Co., INC A CPAC Company ~ ,1!M ""lAf:tiEN ;~·;:U\·/ :.:'.:_:';::j ~~EHV1CE :;: ~,.. ~ f~ :.l:~·_·r:;·~ Lr.!. MSDS M-01 DATE: 4-18-91 8f,IŒF1SfT::LO. C..'\UF. 83309 EFA t:t C.~L ~Jo;;t3~ogCf CJ.vyi~v "'ö. c A ~r¡'7..j-'7 ' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION PRODUCT NAME: RADOL DEVELOPER CAT. # 23001. ,23002, 23003, 23004 CHEMICAL FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHIC DEVELOPER PROPER D.O.T. SHIPPING NAME NOT REGULATED MANUFACTURER ALLIED PHOTO PRODUCTS CO., INC. 5440-A OAKBROOK PARKWAY . NORCROSS, GA 30093 Health Aammability Reactivity Personal Protection 1 o o B FORMULA AQUEOUS MIXTURE. D.O.T. HAZARD CLASSIFICATION NOT APPLICABLE MANUFACTURERS PHONE NUMBER., (404) 448-0250 CHEMTREC PHONE NUMBER (800) 424-9300 SECTION II - Product and Hazardous Ingredients Information ITEM #1111 CAS # PERCENT Potassium Hydroxide 1310-58-3 < 1 Sodium Sulfite 7757-83-7 5-10 Potassium Sulfite 10117-38-1 10-15 Sodium Carbonate 497-19-8 1-5 Hydroquinone 123-31-9 1-5 Water 7732-18-5 60-65 PELCTWA) 2mg/m3c N/A N/A N/A 2mg/m3 N/A SARA RQ I TPQ 1000# N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N1 #/500# N/A N/A SECTION III - Physical Data BOILING POINT: >212°F VAPOR DENSITY (mmHg): 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.23 PERCENT VOLATILE BY WEIGHT: 60% APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Cream white, odorless. ':n>-: , tl.'; it;, \, ' SECTION ,IV· Fireànd .E~~lo~ion Hazard Data Flash Point: 'Nóne ,-" ., Jp"I:¡r¡r,s¡t>, " ,Flammable Limits: LEL: N/A --ÜEL: N/A Extinguishing Media: Use:.Q1~~þod appropriate for surrounding fire. - I ' Special FIre FIghting Procedures: Use protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes. Unusual FIre and· Explosions Hazards: When heated to decomposition, it can emit toxic fumes of S02, CO2, and possibly CO. VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg): 17.0 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Complete pH: 10.6 -, i EVAPORATION RATE: N/A ~, ~ SECTION V - Health Hazard Data TLV (ACGIH): Hydroquinone (2mglm3), Potassium Hydroxide (2mglm3). Effects of Overexposure: Inhalation: Low hazard for ordinary industrial handling. Eyes: Vapor may cause irritation. Contact may cause burns. Skin: Repeated and prolonged contact'maÿ cause irritation. Ingestion: Poison. Do not take internally. 'Maý ~ause Nausea. Evidence of Carcinogenicity: Hydroquinohe j Teratogenicity: N/A . Reproductive ToxicIty: N/A Mutagenicity: N/A · Synergistic Products: N/A' , , I I ,.. e e ." /- ~ .~ MSDS M-Q1 Emergency First Aid Procedures: Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention. Skin: Wash skin with soap and water. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. Ingestion: Induce vomiting. Seek medical attention immediately giving full details of amount ingested and toxicity. Inhalation: Move to fresh air. . SECTION VI - Reactivity Data Stability: Stable. , Incompatibility: Mineral acids. Hazardous DecompOsItion Products: When heated to decomposition, it can emit toxic fumes of S02, CO2 and possibly CO. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Conditions to AvoId: None Known. SECTION VII - Spill or Leak Procedure Steps to be Taken In CaM Måterlålls Rete8Bed or Spilled: Wear protective clothing as specified in Section VIII. Neutralize with sodium bicarbonate. If federal, state and local laws permit, flush to the sewer with large amounts of water. \ . .,. Waste Disposal: Neutralize with Sodium bicarbonate. If federal, state and/or local laws permit, flush to sewer with large amounts of water. Otherwise dispose of cOntaminated product and materials used in cleaning up the spill in a manner ap- proved for this material. Consult proþer fedèral, state and/or local regulatory agencies to ascertain proper disposal procedures. SECTION VIII - Special Protection Information Respiratory Protection (SpecltV'TYPe): Should not be necessary under normal conditions. If exposed to vapors that ex- ceed TLV or PEL, wear an approvØdvapOr respirator. ¡'f¡ : ' Ventll8tlon: Good'local mechanical ventilation should be sufficient. Protective Equipment: Gloves: Impervious gloves. Eyes: Wear protective goggles. Other: As necessary to prevent skin contact. Eyewash facilities in vicinity of úse. .. . ; SECTION IX - Special Precautions .,.,,¡.r Precautions to be Taken In H8nd~lng 8nd!?t0r8gë~ Do not store or cOIJ~l!rrefood, drink or tobacco in surrounding area. Wash thoroughly after use. ., "'.",+ :. ',' ~H~>~;:I ¡' The information contained in this material safety data sheet is.furnished without warranty of any kind. The user should con- sider this data a supplement to other information gathered'ËÍnH fnlisi~äk~ l~dêpiJndent deterr'ninatiðn of suitability and com- pleteness of information from this andothêt'Sõû'tcés1to assure proper use and disposal of the mafêrials and thë health and safety of employees and customers. This. statëmëlíf'is' ilÌêötþdratéä as' part of this Material Safety Dàta Sheet. . , .'.j.. ." \"luv,,~,~'("1 r'f'dh,;~+~ OVf~ ',".-~; ~ ' . , : i, ~ ~ ,r' ; ':Ji,,:-;r'1. I/HY, ,.,' .. b·'Fr:;p . .\: ):r..;·~ .",;} f!:7r.<' ~..' ~;~,1 ¡ ;" ~ .1" ,- d oil t,; ; Il-; 1: :~'" Per it Operftte to Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERS"E SIDE This permit is issued for the following: zardous Materials Plan rground Storage of Hazardous Materials ftIIªQagement Program m.'". Waste \:f c;) "- \..0 - '. ~" PERMIT ID# 015-021.001541 X RAY SOLUTION SERVICE I LOCATION 9104 '\ Issued by: I Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 *~ ph Huey, " ffice of ental Servi es Approved by: Expiration Date: June 30, 2000 "~ - ~ . - ... BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FAX Transmittal TO: ~rJ- $t-f/ COMPANY: W l--j FROM: ~~ FAX No: 8" 3s- - Oc,,'-... Office of Environmental Services FAX No. (805) 326-0576 · Bus No. (805) 326-3979 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 COMMENTS: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................:::::r:...........f~~--9...........~.~.~............~.~........-;Ç........GQ.:c..........~.....J.;y......~-£!.~§:................. .._n_n...............u......nn........._.__n................n__................................_......._...................n.....................__....................................................................................................... .............................................-.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..__~.........~§::[..._ f{ f ~........~.'.':!.~.=!............~.~..~........ç~.~~...........!...?._.........9:fEç::"~=!.~........~.-i~:?::.'::::!..~Ç.~ ,.......................................-.-................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 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FROM: ~ W'~5 Office of Environmental Services FAX No. (805) 326-0576 · Bus No. (805) 326-3979 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 COMMENTS: f='c,J( UN,c:.¡G-D IN'5.P, ..........h................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..._..........................n..........._._......................................................................................u......................................................................................................................... ..._.......................-;¡;;;;..............P.~.~...........~.~.~.........~.~-=~........0:!.ti~~.....~.......G.~~......~~.....~.~............. ðFí-IC6 -rc AOvfç6" +f¡,..,.., (3.AI<._ C.c)U_~E 6.FFc..rz..,.....J6 '2' - ~t2.. .............................................-.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....l:±ß.-:?0:?..r:2E:.ç....("L.., .......ßç'-E!!::~.':i.f:-:!::::..........:.:.:-!..........!.:!.~.{:......................................................................................:.....................n .........................................--..-......................................................................................···..··················..·______···............___n...............................nn....................................... ..........................Ç?1}±ç~..........~T!.~~.~...........A.~..........'Y..<:?T..Çij?..7............................................................................................ ..~~..~..~~..~~..~....~~~~~~~~~~..~~~~~....~..~~.~=~....~~..~............~......~......~~..~~~~....~........~........~~..~....~~........~~................~~~~..~~~~~~....~~~~~......~~~..~~~~............~~~~~~~..~~~..·.·.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;¡~;X~·.~~~~~·.~·.~~~~~·.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ...........................................-..............................................................................................................................................-......................................................n....n...... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..-....................................-............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................-...............................................................................................................................-...................-................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...-........................................-.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................----................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....................................... . .....u...... ..................................... ......................................... .......................... ........................................................................................ ................................................-................................................................................................................................................................................................................ I i I ~ ...................................................-----................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ......................................... .....................................--............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................. ........................ ........ ............ ........................ .......... .................................................................................................. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSP.TlON ! i I Bakersfield Fire Dept. o ICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~~~p- Date Completed ·7/;;' ç!~ 7 f )< - R A.. c..¡ So LU oqöJ s~, CE . <q t04- IHutZßE"R. L,J Business Name: Location: Business Identification No. 215-000 Station No. c¡ Shift NfS.^J (Top of Business Plan) Inspector WINE.S Arrival Time: 0 ~ I 0 Departure Time: 04 3 0 ~U5/rVC:-SS. p,-AtJ ~ - ~o,^,,-r .HA.'"2.. WA"'>T€ b0V~A\c>R PttOGtt-A.IV\- Inspection Time: ( ';. 20 'N~ P. vJ! ~'TV £,..VA.. S. i E'-'JA 11:. fl.. ~oINT {I"s.P~ r.ü/ e,,"" W~5n:::wlJ.~~ Address Visable Correct Occupancy Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: Adequate Inadequate ¡ir"" L] fa" L] ~ L] 2f L] g L] c;Y L] L] Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees: ra'" Sã..~ L] CD L] Adequate Inadequate Emergency Procedures Posted L] a;y' Containers Proper1y Labled L] e- Comments: Pl£A~€" Po$. -r t::-"'f(5t'l6. PI-I -# 's séc= ~1t<=(:nc.Ñ NOTICE: Verification of Facility Diagram tr" L] Housekeeping B' L] Fire Protection L] ~ Electrical Q"" L] Comments: SeE C.ðI{fl:.ECT"f( .,.} NcJ -rlc...C UST Monitoring Program L] V//\. L] Comments: Nð ()NOC~1..fl"J I:) T.ðJ.J~ Permits L] IJ ¿ L] C::::i.AS~ Spill Control L] /A L] Hold Open Device L] L] Hazardous Waste EPA No. CA.'- qz.o Z3S- o~ Verification of Haz Mat Training / If It Comments: CUEcI<. c..J Be.. ON I-(A'Z.Wo p~ Verification of Abbatement Supplies and Procedures Comments: tY' L] Proper Waste Disposal Secondary Containment Security r;;r' ø- if CJ L] L] Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: .j-( A~ DOù S VJA s. TE FAGo<../ TV pez,.".",. ¢ , µ£)VC;TQld L. WA'S.T6 LJA-rC~ 'ù I sc. ,..AaG£ ...A=~,..., ,..,- Violations: S éC ~RG.C.'"('fo,.J AJù,.c.é :&:f= 366 Business Owner /Manager PRINT NAME White-Haz Mat Div. íÕ ~ ~ All Items O. K Correction Needed L] Q-" ~ ~ fij <D ~ Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy o u.. e KBF-7171 e .--- .. -- .-- ". .-. . ..-..- '-'--' .----- -- . - ~- - - ~,.- - - . CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 0366 I Locatiol1 c¡ (04 --rH.UR.. ßé'<... LtJ / { ,/ Sub Div. Blk.. Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No ú) PL.E~SE .pl<.ð",O!£ Å Ç'jaG ~1ï~G-UIS#C~ 2.A (ù B. c- ~P€ 6) PLEASE LAg~L. Tf-{E C.ON7"A ,^,~ (.,...) , rH "iHé IVANlE eJ-.Ç "I2dDUC:¡-.. ~ P¿C*"'AS£ .c:; c 's """ , C L Ç-.J SEGurz€ ë1-<€ WA. So rc ~TfVlc=Nr CCPu I PI"'?é/'J r '::J.. . ~ ~": Completion Date for Corrections ðCT.. 2.. S:-. t7 G 7 , ..H LJ/l\le~ 1(2~-/'17 Date 09/25/97 10: 11 eS05 326 0576 TRANSMISSION OK TXlRX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** 3411 12092973904 09/25 10:09 01'47 3 OK 09/25/97 10:03 '8'805 326 0576 TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT BFD HAZ MAT DIV I4J 001 *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** 3407 8350912 09/25 10:01 01'45 3 OK ·;.,/ .. / \ i . e ;¡ ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD.. OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL:SERIffEES;;,< 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 1-54 \ ~ \d.~-\ÎI\ ~6 øP.~rQ&/l~r:ø/~ , S£p 25 7jj INSTRUCTIONS: 8y~ 1991:// 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. .~ 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. . 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: X -~ 'ð.....j Sol V\ .~ ~ () ~ ~ e;y v ~ Co e Tn c .. / J LOCATION: ~ La LI T h LAY" \:, -e..v- L V, MAlLING ADDRESS: S -¿'}.on ~ CITY: G ~h e.x~ Q- ~ì~~J STATE:GiLZIP:'11'3I/PHONE: tit.¡... 776 () DlTN&BRADSTREETNUMBER: /t-S3~-~?:>7o CD~ SIC CODE: PRIMAR Y ACTIvlTY: S ~ \ v Ci'( r'\< ~ c.. \ Q. ~ """ ~ +-~ -(J ~ OWNER: ~'\ .'VV\ ~ id--v-Y' "t/h MAILING ADDRESS: OV\-o L{ \h ~V' k -e-v L V\ (J'dIheyj Ç~e.ld CfJ. q '33// SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT ~ cJ 1. ~ '.. ~ d.,.'( ý VV\ TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE (!)WhVv- t{lf...7J6o S&!h ~ 2. - . fr- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN ~ "\ ". . , .. -:. '. ,·~;..i(/~~~/;1.~:·. ~;Jt~ SECTION 3: TRAINING NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: II/() h -c. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Y-e.> BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: a ç yea-yJ. .£XC¡ €oJ' ¡ en ce _ ~- _ _ -__ . _=__ _ _ - _~ ---:::..___;:-_ ~-~ - ,." ~""'-'"_ __-:o-~_ ___. _ ---~-~- SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY QF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORN!A HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO :\OT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. \VE DO HAl'IDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT ~O TIME EXCEED THE :\1INTIvfUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) ~, ~. - - -- . -. - ~ ~ -- -- --,. -- . ~ --" -~-- - _.--" -" - - - - ---~- SECTION 5: CER TIFICA nON I, ':S' , ¥1"\ c.....) cl'~ CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT TIllS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FlJLFILL ~vfY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIY. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 E AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. ~, lS- DATE 2 ...., I i" . 'i e e ,.~.. -" /~ K~RDOUSMATEmALSMANAGEMENTPLAN SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: q\\ B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: N IA é' N t.l\ \ . 'I ~I o 11 ~ ~ ~ c ~h e C. PlJ13LIC EV ACCATION: ;v//J 0, EyŒRGE:\CY :-'ŒDICAL PL~Y IV//} \ ~ -' . . .. HAZARDOUSMATEIDALSMANAGEMENTPLAN ....~. ,. 'þ,', ..~, SECTION 7: MITIGATION. PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: /"f/¿/l(rhr~~ ~f 2(( +fn-c~ \2-ov l~j B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT A..L~TI/ORNIINIMIZATION: S +0 '(dð- e. -+ ~ c::: e-l ';!. ~ þ, ~{[,,",,- "Q,v~ S eGo h dd d-- C'o~~ ¡ k \'Y1 ~ f - - ~'--.. - ------- ~ .-- -- -'--, - -- . - ~ . c. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: We. ÙM.. a. es '\ YclV~~ a. b SOY- Þ ýY1. e-,.-V1- ~ ~ '1'\ '(}/~ ~ ý'..J~, + L. ¡ c ~ S e J. cî ye.s ;d~ +vk~ d¡J~oJ~1 (j/~. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY) NA TIJRAL GASIPROP.",,'IE.sþ C cry'" -e.v" 't cs. ì J.... d1 ELECTRICAL ,ýt.J CoYr¡ -e<V ~ 'f~ j Å 4-> c -e WATER~.J ~ ~ Y-w cL SPECIAL: /'J1-.e..- . LGCK BOX:YE~ IF YES.-LÐCSTION: - - - SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTIO),TIWATER AVAILABILITY A. PRIV ATE FIRE PROTECTIO);: ;vl/h.--e e~J e-, f6ð~e- - /Jk-fh~ FI~~.vþrê:- B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): c-/h .4 ýdYCh-of dJ 11 ¿~/7 a C.VdJ'Y f-h-e Sf-rr:=-r:;'f-- 4 .... --', ". ~~' -¡. e e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUSMATEWALS~NTORY FACILITY DESCRIPTION CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] BUSINESS NAME X' J~ 'd ì' '3 d ~+; ,,'" S' (l.Jv '-' ; C-t' 12t:1 C. ~ "\ FACILITY NAME ~.~~ ¥V\. CAJr:L Y'V"' C V] SI.TP ADDRES~ ~ \iJ. Y . . \ h v\.,v b· -€x- L ~ ' ~IT~(' .\3~\'(e~~ \ eJÅ.ST.~TE· c4 ZIP 'ì :3"5 II NATURE ~F ~U~~SS S ~ I YC/VtR <= c1'd f~ Wr <L·tl ~ . '" .. . SIC CODE . IYI~ DUN & BRADSTREETNUMBERI'i·:S3l..(-SS-)Ú c. D~ ^Ie) f lIua ¡fable.. OWNER/OPERATOR ~,W'\ cJ ~YV- C/V1 PHONE ~ ¡ ¿¡.. 7?b 0 MAILING ADDRESS c:>¡ L () '1 "-h v( (' b 6)r 1 Ì1 CITY ~ '&n ev~ (2.) c lei STATE cA' ZIP 9 g? / / EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME ~\ YV'I c.J :li'n" c.v¡ BUSINESS PJfQ~ '{; ('1.' 77 f 0 TITLE ßWh&r 'J.~~ 24 HOUR PHONE q --. .., ... . NAME "., .. ,.--, ¡,' : . TITLE BUSINESS PHONE 24 HOUR PHONE 1 .,. ". "~. ~ous MATERIALS INVEN.V B~iness Name ~ /~;) t Sò l t.\,; \--~ ð ¡.... ~ Vc ~ Address .5..\ 0 <1 Th t.(.v' \'-c.v- CBENUCALDESCRDncrON L PageRof~ h I I . I I I) INVENTORY STATIJS: New [ Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ 2) Common Name: ili~À X· 'R'"2 Ý \? ; X <.JV Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ Trade Secret [ ] 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL Mr VI -e. HEALTIi !\/tJ h e Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSmCATION S ¿,¡/ (3~gitcode fromDHS Fonn 8022) USE CODE If III-GE1JJv';¡;hklc 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid'J:>(] Gas [ ] Pure [ Mixture [ ] Waste i)(] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNf AND TIME AT FACll..ITY.,¿,/ UNITS OF Mt¥URE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily AmOWlt "10 Lbs [ ] Gal p\] ft3 [ ] a) Container: /0 Average Daily AmOWlt Q 0 Curies [ ] b) Pressure: I . Annual AmOWlt 1-:5 ðO c) Temperature 'i Largest Size Container / 0 ~ # Days on Site ~ h lC Circle Which Months: ~,F, M, A. M, J, J, A., S, O. N, D 9) MIXTURE: List 1\ COMPONENT CAS# % wr the three most hazardous I) J:t"'" "'" Ð61 ~ IA..Vh ..,...h j 0 S ~I ç~+ e.... 00 77 ~s -1"3 -g /0 - / S"' chemical components or 2) ßc.s:.....\-~ c. ~c.\¡~ (!)~~ 0 ~ e( -]'1;.1 1- £ any AHM components 3) 'ì m t')\ .,.... ~ ""va-, 5 lA \ r-; f-c 0 \ ø I c¡ ~ -ol.{-!I ~ , AHM [ ] [ ] [ ] lO)LOCATION tJ C5 f- cJ 'J...-II 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision ( ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEAL TIi Hazard Categories Fire ( ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure ( ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3~git code tÌ"om DHS Fonn 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ Liquid [ Gas [ ] Pure [ Mixture [ ] Waste ( ] Radioactive [ 7) AMOUNf A.~ TIME A T FACILITY Maxunwn Daily AmOWlt Average Daily AmOWIt Annual AmOWlt Largest Size Container # Days on Site C~ITS OF MEASURE Lbs [ ¡ Gal ( ] ft3 ( Curies [ ] 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c) Temperature Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J. J, A., S, 0, N, D 9) MIXTIJRE: List the three most hazardous 1 ) chemical components or 2) any AHM components 3) COMPONENr CAS# %Wf AHM [ ] [ ] [ ] IO)LOCA TION I certifÿ WIder penalty oflaw, that I have personally exammed and am tàmil" believe the submitted· ònnation is true, accura~ complete. ~\ -Iv ~WY1 PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative tion on this and all attached documents. I 9 )~!') Date ~ HÀZÃRDOUS MATERIALS INSaTION .-- Bakersfield Fire Dept. ICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~~ Date Completed CZ'/7.Ç/S7 , I Business Name: >< - f<(),.Y ScJLU~öJ S&JI(.E Location: <=q 104- It< uR..ßE(~ L,J Business Identification No. 215-000 Station No. c:¡ Shift N 6...J (Top of Business Plan) WINES. Inspector Arrival Time: CJ ~ I 0 Departure Time: "iStJ:)I"'~-SS P£..,AtJ -t1w~ ~A.'2 WA-->T€ b0'JERATúR D43ò - ..lDIN\' P(tO~A,1V1 - Inspection Time: / ';. 20 INS. p, ~ I c::. tTY UJD..s."'TEC-<JATEfZ-. .-\o/NT l"'SP~ f.()( c..,...... W~5n:::WI.l-n=R- Address Visable Correct Occupancy Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: Adequate Inadequate ~ 0 Ja' 0 ~ 0 2( 0 g' 0 ¡:y- 0 o Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees: ø" s ã., F' o CPo Adequate Inadequate Emergency Procedures Posted 0 ¡zy- Containers Properly Labled 0 e- Comments: PL£AÇé PO$."r Etvtez6. Pt-I-# 's S.EE ~r«':';rlú,.J NoncE: Verification of Facility Diagram r;;;r' 0 Housekeeping !a" 0 Fire Protection 0 ¡go-- Electrical ~ 0 Comments: SeE c..ðI'<.te.EC.n6.,.) Ndrlc...¿ UST Monitoring Program 0 VA 0 Comments: Nt) ()NOC.fl.6l'l.ec.,pJ I> TA...... (S. Permits 0 AJ ¿ 0 CLASS Spill Control 0 /A- 0 Hold Open Device 0 0 Hazardous Waste EPA No. CA'- c;.2..Q Z3S- o<þ-~ Verification of Haz Mat Training / tI " Comments: ClAé.CX:. c.J Be. ON I-(A2wo p~ Verification of Abbatement Supplies and Procedures Comments: c/ o Proper Waste Disposal Secondary Containment Security Q"'" ø- e" o o o Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: 4-l A2f)..R. cot> ~ (.¡..JASTE FAC-,L.., TV ¡pez,."" r ¢ I rJDvC;TQIL),L.. WAS,TE LJA-,....c~ 'ù l sc. I-fAaG-E"' ..A::-t¿/'I"'f I ~ Violations: SEE ~RG.C."'(7o,J tJcJ'. <-E ~ 3~6 (() S2! " ~ ~ All Items O.K 0 :> Q) Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME SIGNATURE Correction Needed b).../ es ¡¡j '" ~ White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy 0 l.L. ............ \\--'C.~ í ..7171 C ' _I ~ -_._--~~-- -- -~--_I I=;-~~~-·_----~---- ~ CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 0365 Cf 10 4 -rLI UR... 1Z r.:ð L,J Locatiol1 l (n: .~\,..~ Sub Div. . Elk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the foIl owing corrections at the above location: Cor. No Q PLE~$E f'c'<.ò\/10€ Á. ç,a¡; 6 (r NGJ s#.c~ 2.A ( Ù f?. c.. I -r'¡JP€ -" 6) PLEASE LA~r=L- T(-(E C.ØAl7'A IlIIël<..... c.....Jrrn "íH-& tV AIVIé c>C Pt2òDuc:ï.. ~ PI.,c.--ASé: "5E 'Swr IC Lç./ 5EGufZt" (1-{6" W'Ä S í€" '\1<.6D.T M &v"- éÖ;>UIPMéAJr" " Date Completion Date for Corrections ð C'{" 2... ~. 1'7 c; 7 / ~ W)I\J¢"~ 1(2~/'17 Inspector "~' 326·3979