HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ~-~-.;--" ~ ----.....- -:.. ". \ \t¿:' .~ 1 .~ ,- . -, -- M-I\dvwIo..-q ( , ''r FACILITY PLOT PLAN X-RAY SOLUTION SERVICE, INC. 910'4, THURBER LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93311 SCALE: 3/16" - l' NEW SECON- DARY CON- TAINMENT TRAYS RESIDENCE ILICTROLYTIC IlECOVERY UNIT _/DEDICATED 2114 COII'1'AlNMllll'1' 20" . . GARIoI3 DOOR GARAGE '%WO Š-GALLON METALLIC RE- PLACEMEIft' UNITS H/DED- DICATED 2nd CONTAINMEIn' 'SOLID HAZ· AADOUS WAS'TI STORAClB UNIT n ~ 20' 1.-4'-:1 cali~ia Department of Fish and Game * Natural . AnÄCJtrmM+4 Diversity Data Base ** Element ID: ABNSB10010 ************************************* * ******* List Status ******** ********* Other Lists ********* * * ATHÈÑÈHCUNICULARIA Federal: None CDFG: Special Concern.* * Burrowing Owl -- -Ste-te:- None __ ___. Audubon: Special Concern * * NDDB Element Ranks - Global: G4T2; State: S2 CNPS List/Code: / * * Habitat Associations - * * FOUND IN OPEN, DRY ANNUAL OR PERENIAL GRASSLANDS, DESERTS & SCRUBlANDS CHARACTERIZED BY LOW-GROWING VEGETATION. * * SUBTERRANEAN NESTER, DEPENDENT UPON BURROWING MAMMALS, MOST NOTABLY, THE CALIFORNIA GROUND SQUIRREL. * ** California Department of Fish and Game * *,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** Element ID: AMAJA03041 ************************************* * ******* List Status ******** * VULPES MACROTIS MUTICA Federal: Endangered * San Joaquin Kit Fox State: Threatened * NDDB Element Ranks - Global: G4T2T3; State: S2S3 * Habitat Associations - * ANNUAL GRASSLANDS OR GRASSY OPEN STAGES WITH SCATTERED SHRUBBY VEGETATION. * NEED LOOSE-TEXTURED SANDY SOILS FOR BURROWING, AND SUITABLE PREY BASE. ** California Department of Fish and Game * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * ** Occurrence #: Qual ity: Type: Presence: Trend: Info Source: Quad Summary: County( i es) : Location: Threats: CORlTients: Occurrence #: Quality: Type: Presence: Trend: Info Source: Quad Sunmary: County( i es) : Locati on:' Threats: Conments: 41 Last Seen - Element: 1987/10/02 Unknown Site: 1987/10/02 Natural/Native occurrence Presumed Extant Unknown VANDER PLUYM, D. 1987 (OBS) Gosford (3511931) Kern JUST S OF BRIMHALL RD, 0.5 MI E OF CALLOWAY DR, ON WEDGE OFBAKERSFIELD. THREATENED BY SHEEP GRAZING, OFF-ROAD ACTIVITY, AND DEVELOPMENT. Ecological Notes - HABITAT IS A FALLOW AGRICULTURAL FIELD CONTAINING NON-NATIVE ANNUALS INCLUDING BROMUS, FESTUCA, AND ERODIUM; POOR SITE QUALITY. General Notes - ONE OWL AND BURROW OBSERVED IN 1987. Owner/Manager- UNKNOWN Lat/Long: UTM: Mapping Precision: , Symbol Type: Group Number: Map Index Number: 35d 22m 05s / 119d 05m 55s Zone-11 N3915686 E309344 NON-SPECIFIC (1/5 Mile) POINT 15789 More Information? N 15789 More Map Detail? N 29S 27E 32 NE Qtr M o 380 ft Township: Range: Section: Meridian: Acres: Elevation: 78 Last Seen - Element: 1987/02/10 Unknown Site: 1987/02/10 Natural/Native occurrence Presumed Extant Unknown VANDER PLUYM, D. 1987 (OBS) Gosford (3511931), Oildale (3511941) Kern S OF ATSF RR, BTWN CALLOWAY DR AND COFFEE RD, APPROX 3 MI W OF BAKERSFIELD. THREATS INCLUDE SHEEP GRAZING, ORV ACTIVITY, AND DEVELOPMENT. Ecological Notes - HABITAT IS FALLOW AGRICULTURAL FIELD CONSISTING OF WEEDY ANNUAL GRASSES AND HERBS (BROMUS, FESTUCA, ERODIUM). General Notes - ONE OWL FLUSHED ON APPROACH TO BURROW. Owner/Manager - UNKNOWN Lat/Long: UTM: Mapping Precision: Symbol Type: Group Number: Map Index Number: 35d 22m 27s / 119d 06m 06s Zone-11 N3916381 E309086 NON-SPECIFIC (1/5 Mile) POINT 15786 More Information? N 15786 More Map Detail? N ft Township: Range: Section: Meridian: Acres: Elevation: 29S 27E 29 S M o 380 Qtr ********* Other CDFG: Audubon: CNPS List/Code: Lists ********* * * * / * * * * Occurrence #: 2 Last Seen - Element: 1992/06/03 Lat/Long: 35d 19m 41s / 119d 36m 30s Township: 29S Quality: Unknown Site: 1992/06/03 UTM: Zone-11 N3912362 E262548 Range: 24E Type: Natural/Native occurrence Mapping Precision: NON-SPECIFIC (0 Mile) Section: UN XX Qtr Presence: Presumed Extant Symbol Type: POLYGON Meridian: S Trend: Unknown Group Number: More Information? Y Acres: 562926.2 Info Source: PRUETT, PAUL E. (OBS) Map Index Number: 23602 More Map Detail? Y Elevation: 285 ft Quad Summary: Wasco SW (3511954), Tejon Ranch (3511816), Bear Mountain (3511826), Arvin (3511827), Weed Patch (3511828), Bena (3511836), Lamont (3511838), Coal Oil Canyon (3511911), Conner SW (3511912), Maricopa (3511914), 60 Additional Quad(s) NOT Listed County(ies): Kings, Kern, Tulare Location: AREA BETWEEN 1-99 AND THE CALIFORNIA AQUEDUCT, NORTH TO LATON; SE TO THE GRAPEVINE; WEST TO MILE 175 OF THE AQUEDUCT. ' Threats: AGRICULTURE, GRAZING, DEVELOPMENT, COMPETITION FROM COYOTES AND RED FOX AND ROAD KILLINGS. Conments: Distribution Notes - NUMEROUS SITINGS THROUGHOUT THIS AREA BETWEEN 1973 AND 1992. Ecological NotèS - ANNUAL GRASSLAND, VALLEY SALTBUSH SCRUB, VALLEY SINK SCRUB, AGRICULTURE,AND DEVELOPED AREAS. General Notes - A LARGE AMOUNT OF INFORMATION ON THIS AREA IS IN THE VU~PES MACROTIS MUTICA ELEMENT FILE. Owner/Manager - UNKNOWN ** Element ID: CTT61410CA ************************************* * ******* List Status ******** ********* Other * GREAT VALLEY COTTONWOOD RIPARIAN FOREST Federal: None CDFG: * State: None Audubon: * NDDB Element Ranks - Global: G2; State: S2.1 CNPS List/Code: * Habitat Associations - * Not available at this time. * Lists ********* * * * / ... * * * ** California Department of Fish and Game * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * S * = Sensitive information; use discretion when disclosing locational details. X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Date Information Purchased: 04/02/97 Government/Conservation Client Date of Report: :07/22/97 Page 1 ** Element ID: IMGASC2080 ************************************* *.******* List Status ******** ********* Other Lists ********* * * HELMINTHOGLYPTA CALLISTODERMA Federal: Sp of Concern (C2) CDFG: * * Kern Shoulderband State: None Audubon: * NDDB Element Ranks - Global: G1¡ State: S1 CNPS List/Code: / * Habitat Associations - * KNO~N ONLY FROM TULARE AND KERN COUNTIES, ALONG THE LO~ER KERN RIVER CANYON. * HAS 8EEN COLLECTED FROM DEAD VEGETATION ALONG THE ~ATER'S EDGE. ** California Department of Fish and Game * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** Element ID: PDAST8Y080 ************************************* * ******* List Status ******** * STYLOCLINE MASONII Federal: Sp of Concern (C2) * Mason's Neststraw State: None * NDDB Element Ranks - Global: G1¡ State: S1.1 * Habitat Associations - * CHENOPOD SCRUB?, PINYON-JUNIPER ~OODLAND. * SANDY ~ASHES¡ 100-400(1200)M. ** California Department of Fish and Game * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * ** ** Element iD: PDASTA8010 ***********~************************* * ******* List Status ******** ********* Other Lists ********* * * LEMBERTIA CONGDON I I Federal: Endangered CDFG: * * San Joaquin ~oollythreads State: None Audubon: * NDDB Element Ranks - Global: G2; State: S2.2 CNPS List/Code: 1B/3-2-3 * Habitat Associations - * CHENOPOD SCRUB AND VALLEY AND FOOTHILL GRASSLAND. * ALKALINE OR LOAMY PLAINS. ** California Department of Fish and Game * * *:* w * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 1" /¡, " " Occurrence #: Quality: Type: Presence: Trend: Info Source: Quad Sunmary: County(ies): Location: Threats: Conments: Occurrence #: Quality: Type: Presence: Trend: Info Source: Quad Sunmary: County( i es) : Location: Threats: Conments: Occurrence #: Qual ity: Type: Presence: Trend: Info Source: Quad Sunmary: County( i es) : Location: Threats: Conments: e - California Department of Fish and Game * Natural Diversity Data Base 31 Last Seen - Element: 1985/09/XX Unknown Site: 1985/09/XX Natural/Native occurrence Presumed Extant Decreasing VILLASENOR, R. 1986 (PERS) Gosford (3511931) Kern BET~EEN H~Y 99 BRIDGE & STOCKDALE H~Y BRIDGE OVER KERN RIVERIN & ~ OF BAKERSFIELD. Lat/Long: 35d 21m 28s / 119d 05m 52s UTM: Zone-11 N3914545 E309381 Mapping Precision: NON-SPECIFIC (1 Mile) Symbol Type: POINT Group Number: 15791 More Information? Map Index Number: 15791 More Map Detail? Township: 29S Range: 27E Section: 32 XX Qtr Meridian: M N Acres: 0 N Elevation: 375 ft Ecological Notes - VERY OPEN RIPARIAN WOODLAND OF 30-40 FT TALL POPULUS FREMONTII & 15-20 FT TALL SALIX SP. REMNANT OF A ONCE EXTENSIVE RIPARIAN FOREST. Owner/Manager - UNKNO~N * * * * * Last Seen - Element: 1916/07/01 Unknown Site: 1916/07/01 Natural/Native occurrence Presumed Extant Unknown ED~ARDS, K. 1985 (LIT) Gosford (3511931), Oildale (3511941) Kern KERN RIVER 2 MILES S OF BAKERSFIELD. Lat/Long: 35d 21m 49s / 119d 04m 34s UTM: Zone-11 N3915147 E311375 Mapping Precision: NON-SPECIFIC (1 Mile) Symbol Type: POINT Group Number: 15807 More Information? Y Map Index Number: 15807 More Map Detail? N Township: 29S Range: 27E Section: 33 XX Qtr Meridian: M Acres: 0 Elevation: 375 ft Distribution Notes - KNO~N ONLY FROM THE KERN RIVER. General Notes - SNAILS ~ERE COLLECTED ON THE ISLAND FORMED BY AN IRRIGATION DITCH AND ON DEAD VEGETATION AT THE ~ATERS EDGE. SPECIMENS ~ERE DEPOSITED IN THE FERRIS AND PILSBRY COLLECTIONS. Owner/Manager - PVT ********* Other CDFG: Audubon: CNPS Li st/Code: Lists ********* * * * 1B/3-3-3 * * * * Lat/Long: UTM: Mapping Precision: Symbol Type: Group Number: Map Index Number: 35d 20m 23s / 119d 05m 46s Zone-11 N3912492 E309474 NON-SPECIFIC (1 Mile) POINT 30S 27E UN XX Qtr M o 375 ft Township: Range: Section: Meridian: Acres: Elevation: 3 Last Seen - Element: 1935/03/30 Unknown Site: 1989/XX/XX Natural/Native occurrence Presumed Extant Unknown MOREFIELD, J.D. 1992 (LIT) Gosford (3511931) Kern PLAINS ~EST OF BAKERSFIELD. SITE MAY BE ENDANGERED BY DEVELOPMENT OR OTHER DISTURBANCE ACCORDING TO MOREFIELD. Distribution Notes - MAPPED ABOUT 1.5 MILES SOUTH~EST OF KERN CITY. General Notes - TYPE LOCALITY. KNOWN FROM T~O 1935 COLLECTIONS (MASON #8240, 8241 UC). VAGUE DESCRIPTION FOR THIS SITE MAY = OCCURRENCE #4 (5 MILES WEST OF ROSEDALE). MOST SITES VISITED IN 1989, NO PLANTS OBSERVED, POSSIBLY DUE TO LOW RAINFALL. Owner/Manager- UNKNOWN 23792 More Information? N More Map Detail? N * * * * '* * S * = Sensitive information; use discretion when disclosing locational details. X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Date Information Pùrchased: 04/02/97 Government/Conservation Client Date of Report: 07/22/97 Page 2 '" _ e California Department of Fish and Game * Natural Diversity Data Base Or- '"1!- \ Occurr-ence #: Qual ity: Type: Presence: Trend: Info Source: Quad Surrmary: County( i es) : Location: Threats: Corrments: 23 Last Seen - Element: 1935/04/30 None Site: 1988/04/XX Natural/Native occurrence Possibly Extirpated Unknown MASON, H.L. #9315 DS, CAS (HERB) Oildale (3511941), Gosford (3511931), Kern 5 MI W OF BAKERSFIELD. HABITAT MAY NO LONGER EXIST DUE TO EXTENSIVE URBAN GROWTH AND AGRICULTURE. Owner/Manager - PVT Lat/Long: 35d 23m 04s / 119d 06m 2Bs UTM: Zone-11 N3917508 E308542 Mapping Precision: NON-SPECIFIC (1 Mile) Symbol Type: POINT Group Number: 15773 More Information? N Map Index Number: 15773 More Map Detail? N Rosedale (3511942) Township: Range: Section: Meridian: Acres: Elevation: 28S 27E " 20 SW Qtr M o 380 ft ** Element ID: PDCHE04240 ************************************* * ******* List Status ******** ********* Other Lists ********* * * ATRIPLEX TULARENSIS Federal: Sp of Concern (C2*) CDFG: * * Bakersfield Smallscale S~ate: Endangered Audubon: * * NDDB Element Ranks - Global: G1Q¡ State: S1.1 CNPS List/Code: 1B/3-3-3 * * Habitat Associations - * * CHENOPOD SCRUB, ALKALI MEADOW. * * HISTORICALLY IN VALLEY SINK SCRUB OR WITH SALTGRASS. 90-110M. * ** California Department of Fish and Game * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Occurrence #: 7 Last Seen - Element: Quality: None Site: Type: Natural/Native occurrence Presence: Extirpated Trend: Unknown Info Source: HALL, H.M. #11783 UC (HERB) Quad Summary: Gosford (3511931) County(ies): Kern Location: 8.1 MILES SOUTH OF BAKERSFIELD. Threats: Comments: Distribution Notes - VICINITY OF GREENFIELD NEAR JUNCTION OF MCKEE ROAD AND UNION ROAD (OLD HIGHWAY 99). MAPPED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY H.M. HALL'S FIELD NOTES. Ecological Notes - ON PLAINS WITH DISTICHLIS, FRANKENIA, AND ATRIPLEX BRACTEOSA. General Notes - NOW EXTIRPATED ACCORDING TO COX (1983) AND BOWEN (1984). Owner/Manager - UNKNOWN 1921/10/15 Lat/Long: 35d 16m 26s / 119d OOm 07s Township: 30S 1981/XX/XX UTM: Zone-10 N3905073 E317905 Range: 28E Mapping Precision: NON-SPECIFIC (1/5 Mile) Section: 31 NE Qtr Symbol Type: POINT Meridian: M Group Number: More Information? N Acres: 0 Map Index Number: 31463 More Map Detai l? N Elevation: 350 ft * S * = Sensitive information¡ use discretion when disclosing locational details. X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Date Information Purchased: 04/02/97 Government/Conservation Client Date of Report: 07/22/97 Page 3 -",.. - ;; v- - ~. e e Other Elements to Look for on GOSFORD Quad VIREO BELLI I PUSILLUS LEAST BELLS VIREO ABPBW01114. 36 Habitat Associations - SUMMER RESIDENT OF S CALIFORNIA. INHABITS LOW RIPARIAN GROWTH IN VIC OF WATER OR IN DRY RIVER BOTTOMS; BELOW 2000 FT. NESTS PLACED ALONG MARGINS OF BUSHES OR ON TWIGS PROJECTING INTO PATHWAYS, USUALLY WILLOW, BACCHARIS, MESQUITE. Location..: BAKERSFIELD. Source....: FISHER, A.K., 1893 (LIT) Last Seen.: 1891-07-20 Federal Staus: Endangered State Status.: Endangered Global Rank: G5T2 State Rank: S2 SOREX ORNATUS RELICTUS Federal Staus: Candidate Global Rank: G5T1 BUENA VISTA LAKE SHREW State Status.: None State Rank: S1 AMABA011 02. 1 Habitat Associations - MARSHLANDS AND RIPARIAN AREAS IN THE TULARE BASIN. PREFERS MOIST SOIL. USES STUMPS, LOGS AND LITTER FOR,COVER. Location..: EXCAVATED SLOUGH IMMEDIATELY OUTSIDE OF EAST SIDE LEVEE, BUENA VISTA LAKE, 290 FT. Source....: GRINNELL, J. 1932 (LIT) Last Seen.: 1932-02-26 DIPODOMYS NITRATOIDES NITRATOIDES TIPTON KANGAROO RAT AMAFD03152. 2 Habitat Associations - SALTBRUSH SCRUB AND SINK SCRUB COMMUNITIES IN THE TULARE LAKE BASIN OF THE SOUTHERN SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY. NEED SOFT FRIABLE SOILS WHICH ESCAPE SEASONAL FLOODING. DIGS BURROWS IN ELEVATED SOIL MOUNDS AT BASES OF SHRUBS. Location..: BAKERSFIELD. Source....: WILLIAMS, D. 1985 (LIT) Last Seen.: 1919-10-02 Federal Staus: Endangered State Status.: Endangered Global Rank: G3T1 State Rank: S1 LEMBERTIA CONGDONII SAN JOAQUIN WOOLLYTHREADS PDASTA8010. 2 Habitat Associations CHENOPOD SCRUB AND VALLEY AND FOOTHILL GRASSLAND. ALKALINE OR LOAMY PLAINS. Location..: NEAR BAKERSFIELD. Source....: SAYLOR, L. #93 JEPS (HERB) Last Seen.: 1935-03-21 Federal Staus: Endangered State Status.: None Global Rank: G2 State Rank: S2.2 CAULANTHUS CALIFORNICUS CALIFORNIA JEWELFLOWER PDBRA31010. 4 Habitat Associations - CHENOPOD SCRUB, VALLEY AND FOOTHILL GRASSLAND, PINYON JUNIPER WOODLAND. HISTORICAL FROM VARIOUS VALLEY HABITATS IN BOTH CENTRAL V. AND CARRIZO PLAIN. 65-900M. Location..: BAKERSFIELD. Source....: JEPSON, W.L. 1936 (LIT) Last Seen.: XXXX-XX-XX Federal Staus: Endangered State Status.: Endangered Global·Rank: G1 State Rank: S1.1 ERIASTRUM HOOVERI HOOVER'S ERIASTRUM PDPLM03070. 1 Habitat Associations - CHENOPOD SCRUB, VALLEY AND FOO~HILL GRASSLAND ON SPARSELY VEGETATED ALKALINE ALLUVIAL FANS, BELOW 500 FT. ALSO IN THE TEMBLOR RANGE ON SANDY SOILS, ABOVE 2000 FT. Location..: OILDALE. Source....: MASON, H. 1945 (LIT) Last Seen.: 1939-05-05 Federal Staus: Threatened State Status.: None Global Rank: G3 Stat~ Rank: S3.2 DELPHINIUM RECURVATUM Federal Staus: Sp of Concern (C2) RECURVED LARKSPUR State Status.: None PDRANOB 1 JO. 4 Habitat Associations - CHENOPOD SCRUB, VALLEY AND FOOTHILL GRASSLAND, CISMONTANE WOODLAND, VERNAL POOLS. ON ALKALINE SOILS; 3-685M. Location..: 4 MI W OF BAKERSFIELD. Source....: MASON, H.L. #8242 DH AT CAS' (H~RB) Last Seen.: 1935-03-30 Global Rank: G2 State Rank: S2.1 - 1 - TRACT' NO. 4544 .. A""" .. ',lit...., .,......" Mn_ ø.'........& ....... CIeIII.... ... _ ...... .... an........... . IIJl.\. ~ .. , ~. , ~ ' . / /. _.' "- ~;¡;;7 ~..;-r.. · ~ -rYv~~.~;~ ...-- 3 . 'Y ~ IN) ~ .a.J ,~ OJ .E u IG .a.J. .a.J ,c( . ~ --' \. ....~.. \ . . ., . . 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(:1'" . ,.,11" "'1"'1111'''' I"" ~ W .\ 1/ ", .~1 en I" ~ ~ ~! ,,- \ \ , - "', , , ,/ I y/ I - 1920 a: w > ~ e e' Jesse R. Huff, Director 400 P Street, 4th Floor, P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 a .0....... . " . . . . . Department of Toxic Substances Control Pete Wilson Governor January 4, 1999 Peter M. Rooney Secretary for Environmental Protection Mr. Jim Warren 4700 Easton Drive #45 Bakersfield, California 93309 Dear Mr. Warren: ADMINISTRATIVE CLOSURE PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 25143.13: X-RAY SOLUTION SERVICE, 9104 THURBER LANE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311, CAL920235089 Pursuant to Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 25143.13, the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) hereby deems the aforementioned hazardous waste facility administratively closed. As a result of the passage of Senate Bill 2111 (SB 2111), which added HSC Section 25143.13, the recoveryofsilver from photographic solutions is no longer subject to hazardous waste permitting and closure requirements in Title 22, California Code of Regulations. This new law became effective January 1, 1999. The administrative closure of your facility does not mean that DTSC certifies that your facility does not pose any environmental or public health threat, nor does it remove any liabilities associated with past hazardous waste substance management practices at the site. Sincerely, . / . ~·~0 . ,/ Mr.J~Radlm~~,P:t~/ / PermIt Streamhmng Branch Hazardous Waste Management Program cc: See next page. California Environmental Protection Agency œ Printed on Recycled Paper - 'J Mr. Jim Warren January 4, 1999 Page 2 cc: Ms. Susan Solarz Permit Program Development Section Department of Toxic Substances Control P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 Ms. Susan J. Laney, Section Chief Headquarters Statewide Compliance Division Department of Toxic Substances Control Sacramento Regional Office 10151 Croydon Way, Suite 3 Sacramento, California 95827-2106 Ms. Charlene Williams, Chief Berkeley Regional Office Northern California Statewide Compliance Division Department of Toxic Substances Control 700 Heinz Avenue, Bldg. F, Suite 200 Berkeley, California 94710 Mr. David Wright, P.E., Chief Permit Program Development Section Department of Toxic Substances Control P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 Mr. Mohinder S. Sandhu, P.E., Chief Standardized Permitting and Corrective Action Branch Department of Toxic Substances Control 700 Heinz Avenue, Bldg. F, Suite 200 Berkeley, California 94710 . The Info1711/ltion Advisory of Commodity Resource and EnTliromnental Inc. 116 East Prospect Ave., Burbank, California 91502 818/843-2811 · FAX 818/843-2862 Deregulation of Silver Recovery in California Coming Closer to Reality NEWS YOU CAN USE, INDUSTRY UPDATE With the passage of Senate Bill (SB)-2111, more relief is in sight You have probably read the brief articles in your imaging association newsletters regarding the status of efforts to deregulate certain aspects of silver recovery in California. Hopefully this upda!e will clarify the many questions you have been asking regarding the contents, timing and impact of the Bill. · SB-2111 was- sponsored by the Silver Council (a group representing imaging as-sociations and the imaging industry). , · In brief terms, the Bill seeks relief of California's strict treatment (silver recovery) regulations and requests adoption of the Federal exemptions and/or non regulations for silver recovery and precious metals recycling. It seeks to eliminate the laws which established our now infœnous "Tiered Permitting Program" for the on-site treatment of silver effluents. It places your on-site silver bearing processor overflows into a non- hazardous/pre-treatment category. · SB-2111 was- authored and submitted in February of 1998 by Senator Costa. · It cleared the Senate Enviromnental Committee in April 1998 · It overwhelmingly passed on the Senate floor (36-0) in June 1998. · It cleared the Assembly Enviromnental Committee in late June 1998. · 'It is anÌicipated that the Assembly will pas-s the Bill in August 1998. · Hopefully Governor Wilson will sign the Bill in September 1998. · The Bill contents would then become law on January 1, 1999. · After January 1, 1999 the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) will interpret the law and rewrite the regulations accordingly. However the Bill states that the industry will be regulated according to the law from January 1, 1999 until such time as- DTSC incorporates the new reguianons. During this interim period, of up to 9fJ days, you will probably be given legal authorization to recover silver per the proposed law via a DTSC Management Memo. . - . The following is what we "think" will be the resultant knowns and unknowns of the new regulations when put into place. However we caution you that laws can be interpreted in many ways by many people and this is only our "unofficial" interpretation and opinion. · The silver recovery operation (treatment) at your imaging lab will no longer be considered hazardous waste treatment. · The State (DTSC) will no longer be involved directly or through CUPU'sfor regulating silver recovery. State fees would disappear. · All regulations and/or ordinances determining your silver recovery and the allowable silver concentration discharge levels and monitoring points will be established and controlled by your local agencies which could include the County or City Health Departments or more commonly the local Publicly Owned Treatment Works (pOTW/Sanitation District/Water Treatment District). Fees,.if any, would also be determined by the local agencies. We have experienced a wide range of variations in allowable discharge and fees from local agencies throughout the State; (Our next big fight for more deregulation). · Through their interpretation and study of the new law, DTSC will determine if the by-products of silver recovery, electrolytic flake and metallic replacement cartridges, can be transported as non-hazardous waste in accordance with the federal interpretation for handling and transportation as solid waste destined for recycling. · Liquid (bulk) silver bearing solution containing over 5 ppm of silver will still be considered hazardous waste and must be handled, packaged, manifested and transported as such. (Iñere are some manifesting exemptions for Small Quantity Generators). · Through their interpretation of the new law, DTSC will also determine if off-site treaters (Silver Refiners such us CRE) will be eligible for the federal exemptions applicable to preciOiismetc¡Js-iecyclers. --This-will effect our permitting status and costs tremendously and we hope only registration and notification will be required to 'receive the federal exemption status. Like your operation, we would still be regulated by all local air, water, and health and safety laws thus assuring the proper handling and recycling of your silver by products. I hope this condensed update and status report clarifies some of your recent inquiries. Commodity Resource & Environmental, Inc. (CRE) fully supports SB-2111 and will continue to monitor its progress as well as the anticipated detenninations and implementation of specific regulations by DTSC. If you have any questions please contact me directly via phone, fax, mail or e-mail (DEWITTCRE@prodiQy.net). We also invite you to visit our Web Site at www.CREWEB.COM Very truly yours, Commodity Resource & Environmental, IDe. eZ~~ President - CRElBurbank: ·~ - ŒJœ&~u . a California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Toxic Substances Control Standardized Hazardous Waste Facility Pennit Facility Name and Location: X-ray Solution Service, Inc. 9104 Thurber Lane Bakersfield, CA. 93311 County of Kern Facility EPA I.D. No.: CAL 920 235 089 Effective Date: Expiration Date: Facility Owner: X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Facility Operator: X-ray Solution Service, Inc. 9104 Thurber Lane Bakersfield, CA. 93311 Pursuant to Section 25201.6 of the California Health and Safety Code, this Standardized Hazardous Waste Facility Permit is hereby issued to X-ray Solution Service, Inc. for the operation of its Bakersfield, California facility. The issuance of this permit, which consists of 29 pages, is subject to all the terms and conditions set forth herein. - Mohinder S. Sandhu, P.E., Chief Permit Streamlining Branch Hazardous Waste Management Program Department of Toxic Substances Control Date , r,;-, r:0 í0;\ r:J ~ ¡ , : , , , ':1 J " I L: i [ILl i' L:J I' , l.J u X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Pennit a Page 2 of 29 _ 1~ PART I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PART II PART III 1. 2. 2. 3. PART IV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . X-RA Y SOLUTION SERVICE, INCORPORATED STANDARDIZED HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY PERMIT INDEX PAGE DESCRIPTION OF THE FACILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Owner, Operator and Pennittee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 l.ocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Operations .....................:............. 3 Standardized Pennit Application ...................... 5 References and Tenninology ........................ 5 Effect of Penn it .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) . .. 6 SPECIAL CONDITIONS .......................... 7 FACILITY UNITS .............-................. 11 Electrolytic Recovery Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Metallic Replacement Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Liquid Hazardous Waste Storage Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Solid Hazardous Waste Storage Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 7, 8. CORRECTIVE ACTION .......................... 20 Authority .................................... 20 Statement of Purpose ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Definitions ................................... 20 Summary of Corrective Actions ................,.....21 Work To Be Perfonned ...........................21 Potential or Immediate Threats/Newly Identified Releases/Newly Identified SMWUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Sampling/Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 A TT ACHMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Attachment 1, Facility Plot Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Attachment 2, Plot Plan and Piping Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Attachment 3, Process Flow Block Diagram .................. .28 Attachment 4, Table of Contents, Standardized Pennit Application. . . . . . 29 ~¡ , X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Penn it tit Page 3 of 29 - "'.: PART I - DESCRIPTION OF THE FACILITY I '1 ! 1. OWNER: The owner of the facility is X-ray Solution Service, Incorporated. OPERA TOR: The operator of the facility is X-ray Solution Service, Incorporated. PERMITTEE: The pennittee of the facility is the owner and operator. 2. LOCATION: The facility address is 9104 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, California 93311, in Kern County at latitude 3SO 19' O"N and longitude 119° 6' 30"W. The facility is located in an area zoned Residential on lot 33 of Tract 4544, Being a portion of the Northwest Quarter of Section 17, T.305., R.27E. 3. OPERATIONS: (a) General Description This Small Quantity C (SMQC) Standardized Hazardous Waste Facility Pennit granted to X-ray Solution Service, Inc. (XSSI) authorizes XSSI to operate a hazardous waste storage and treatment facility in Bakersfield to reclaim silver from offsite- generated x-ray fixer solutions. Silver is a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste at concentrations above levels establishing waste as hazardous under the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). The silver concentration of XSSI' s waste exceeds TCLP and requires it to be classified as a RCRA hazardous waste due t9 toxicity. Under standardized pennit interim status, XSSI operated one lO-gallon Rotex electrolytic recovery unit, one 5-gallon metallic replacement unit, and stored four 5- gallon DOT-approved containers of x-ray fixer solution in part of a garage as shown in the Facility Plot Plan included in the pennit as Attachment 1. After the effective date of this stand~rdized pennit, XSSI will add one additional metallic replacement unit in series with the existing metallic replacement unit and place all storage and treatment units into polyethylene trays which will serve as dedicated secondary containment. XSSI, a registered hazardous waste transporter, collects 5-gallon Department of , Transportation (DOT)-approved containers filled with aqueous hazardous waste x-ray fixer solution containing silver from offsite generators and transports this manifested ., ! X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Pennit . Page 4 of 29 ., e '., hazardous waste to its facility in Bakersfiel-Ø for storage and treatment. XSSI was granted a City of Bakersfield Home Occupåtion Pennit No. 13234, dated March 27, 1995, to operate by the Bakersfield Development Services Department coordinated with the Hazardous Materials Division. The XSSI facility is limited to store and treat a maximum of 55 gallons of hazardous waste at anyone time by the above pennit. XSSI accepts hazardous waste from known generators only. The hazardous waste is manually unloaded and stored in dedicated secondary containment trays located along the northwest wall of the facility. XSSI uses a Rotex X4, Model 100 electrolytic recovery unit followed by polishing with two Kodak Circulating Model II metallic replacement units in series to recover silver from the hazardous x-ray solution. XSSI will have two metallic replacement units in series when a new metallic replacement unit is attached to the existing unit after the effective date of the pennit. All treatment units are located in dedicated secondary containment trays. Approximately 10 gallons of the hazardous waste is poured into the 10 gallon electrolytic recovery tank. Process equipment settings for amperage and voltage are constant for each batch treated and only the process time varies from batch to batch. Batch treatment rate in the electrolytic unit averages 10 gallons per 5 hours. Each month, silver chips that plate on the cathode of the electrolytic recovery unit are removed, placed in DOT-approved containers, 'manifested and transported to a DTSC-pennitted refiner. The partially desilvered fixer solution from the electrolytic recovery unit is gravity fed into the two metallic replacement units in tandem by opening a manual in-line valve. Batch treatment rate in the metallic replacement units is 10 gallons per hour. When the metallic replacement unit next to the electrolytic recovery unit pecomes saturated with silver, approximately once every three months, this metallic replacement unit is capped then manifested and transported to the DTSC-pennitted refiner. Another metallic replacement unit is then plumbed into place behind the remaining metallic replacement unit. The effluent from the last metallic replacement unit is discharged into the Bakersfield Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) and meets the requirements of the Bakersfield City Sewer Ordinance, Chapter 14.12.220, Prohibited Discharges, for allowable silver concentration' and pH. DTSC.requires XSSI to take a grab sample of the effluent initially after the second metallic replacement unit is installed and once every three months thereafter and have the sample tested by a State-accredited laboratory. The sample is to be analyzed for silver concentration and pH to verify that the equipment is perfonning efficiently by ensuring that these components are non-hazardous and meet the Bakersfield POTW sewer discharge limits. All èffluent discharges into the sewer are monitored to ensure the silver concentration and pH meet locai POTW limits. The treatment process is a closed system and air emissions and releases are non- existent. System leaks and spills, if any, are wet vacuumed and treated in the electrolytic recovery unit. Anything containing silver that cannot be recycled, such as shop debris, is placed in DOT-approved containers, manifested and sent to the DTSC- pennitted refiner. 1 X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Permit . Page 5 of 29 - e ...... A written design assessment of the new containment system and metallic replacement unit that is certified by an independent, qualified, professional engineer registered in California was reviewed and approved by DTSC. In this assessment, the engineer has certified that the container containment system satisfies the requirements of section 66270.15 and 66264.175, Title 22, Cal. Code Regs. Within ten days of installation of the second metallic replacement unit and dedicated secondary containment trays which will take place after the effective date of this permit, the engineer shall certify that the installation satisfies the requirements of Title 22, Cal. Code Regs. This certification must be submitted to DTSC and DTSC must approve the certification in writing before the facility can operate the treatment and storage units which are identified in Attachment 2. . (b) Listing of units regulated bv this permit (1) Electrolytic Recovery Unit (2 Metallic Replacement Units (3) Liquid Hazardous Waste Storage Unit (4) Solid Hazardous Waste Storage Unit 4. STANDARDIZED PERMIT APPLICATION The Standardized Permit Application (including all certification and submittal documents) herein referenced is defined as XSSI's Standardized Permit Application dated March 17, 1994 and all responses to Notices of Deficiencies dated March 24, 1995 and November 15, 1996. The Standardized Permit Application is by this reference made part of this Standardized Permit. Specific sections of this Standardized Permit are referenced elsewhere in this Permit. A list of all sections of the Standardized Permit Application is included as Attachment.4. 5. REFERENCES AND TERMINOLOGY All parts in this Standardized Permit are identified by Roman numerals. The items set forth in each part shall apply to the Owner, Operator, and Facility. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all cross-references to items in this Standardized Permit shall refer only to items occ~rring within the same part. All terms used in this permit shall have the same meaning ·as those terms have in the California Health and Safety . Code and Title 22, California Code of Regulatións, unless expressly provided otherwise by this permit. 6. EFFECT OF PERMIT (a) The Owner or Operator shall comply with the provisions of Division 20, Chapter 6.5 of the California Health and Safety Code (H&SC) and Division ") A-raY-~01Ullon ;:)-ervICe,-Inc. Standardized Pennit ., Page 6 of 29 , - ........ 4.5, Title 22, California Code of Regulations (22, Cat. Code Regs.) as well as all the terms and conditions of this permit. The issuance of this Standardized Permit by DTSC does not release the Owner or Operator from any liability or duty imposed by federal or State statutes 'and regulations or local ordinances, except the obligation to obtain this Standardized Pennit. In particular, the Owner or Operator shall obtain the permits required by other governmental agencies, at the federal, State and local levels under thc? applicable land use planning, zoning, hazardous waste, air quality, water quality, and solid waste management laws ,for the construction and/or operation of the Facility. If there is overlap in the requirements imposed by any of the above pennits, the most protective or stringent requirem~nt, as determined by DTSC, shall apply. (b) The Owner and Operator are permitted to treat and store hazardous wastes in accordance with the conditions of this Standardized Permit as specified in Part II and Part III of this Standardized Permit. Any treatment or storage of hazardous wastes not authorized in Part II or not listed in Part III of this Standardized Penn it is prohibited. (c) The Owner and Operator shall comply with the regulations adopted by DTSC pursuant to Division 20, Chapter 6.5 of the H&SC, including the·regulations which become effective after the issuance of this Standardized Permit. (d) Compliance with the terms of this Standardized Penn it does not constitute a defense to any action brought under any other law governing protection of public health or the environment, including but not limited to one brought for any imminent and substantial endangerment to human health or the environment. Notwithstanding any term or condition in this Standardized Permit, DTSC may adopt or amend regulations which impose additional or more stringent requirements than those existing at the time this Standardized Permit was issued. DTSC may fully enforce both the Standardized Penn it and all additional or more stringent requirements against the Owner or Operator of the facility, regardless of the time of adoption of such additional or more stringent requirements. 7. COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY ACT (CEOA) DTSC has prepared a Negative Declaration and De Minimis Impact Finding in accordance with CEQA (Public Resources Code, Section 21000, et seq.) and the State guidelines there under. DTSC has determined that this particular project will not have a significant deleterious effect on the environment. . X-ray Solution Servic~..lnc. Standardized Permit I. Page 11 of 29 . PART III - FACILITY UNITS This Permit authorizes operation of the following facility units and listed activities subject to the conditions specified herein', The Permittee shall not treat or store hazardous wastes in any unit other than those specified in this Part III, Any modifications to the designated units or permitted activities require the written request and written approval of DTSC in accordance with the permit modification procedures set forth in Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Sections 66270.41 and 66270.42. ' UNIT NAME: ELECTROLYTIC RECOVERY UNIT TYPE OF UNIT: TREATMENT WASTE CODE AND TYPE: U.S. EPA Hazardous Waste No.:DOll California Waste 'Code:541 RCRA Hazardous Waste COMMON NAME OF WASTE: X-ray Fixer. Waste Stream A: silver bearing x-ray aqueous hazardous waste from offsite facilities. Partially desilvered fixer. Waste Stream B: partially desilvered fixer from the electrolytic recovery unit. Silver Chip. Waste Stream D: silver chip plated on the cathode of the electrolytic recovery unit. HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENT OR CHARACTERISTIC OF WASTE: Silver LOCA TION OF UNIT: The electrolytic recovery unit identified in the piping diagram, Attachment 1, is located' along the northwest wall of the facility·. X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Permit . Page 12 of 29 W e PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF UNIT: .. The electrolytic recovery unit consists of a Rotex X4, Model 100 electrolytic recovery unit placed on top of a 10 gallon polyethylene tank. Electrodes of the electrolytic unit extend into the 10 gallon tank. The 10 gallon tank is mounted on a 14 inch high stand so that it can gravity feed a metallic replacement unit. A manual valve controls the flow of feed (Waste Stream B) from the 10 gallon electrolytic recovery tank into the 5 gallon metallic replacement unit. The control head for the electrolytic recovery unit sits in the wooden stand beneath the 10 gallon electrolytic recovery unit. The electrolytic recovery unit is contained in a dedicated secondary containment reservoir. ACTIVITY TYPE: TANK TREATMENT: Electrolytic Recovery Unit ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: This activity is used to treat the influent Waste Stream A. Approximately 10 gallons of Waste Stream A is manually poured into the electrolytic recovery tank. The current density is set in the control head and the unit is energized. After- approximately 5 hours, a manual valve from the electrolytic recovery unit to the metallic replacement unit is opened and the partially desilvered fixer, Waste Stream B, is gravity fed into the metallic replacement unit. Plated silver chips from the cathode of the electrolytic recovery unit (Waste Stream D) is periodically removed, placed in 2-gallon DOT-approved containers, manifested and transported to a DTSC- permitted refiner. DESIGN CAPACITY: Approximately 10 gallons per 5 hours can be treated by the electrolytic recovery unit based on design capacity, treatment capabilities, and feed concentrations. This treatment rate is not listed as limitation for this unit. COMl\fENTS/SPECIAL CONDITIONS: None FOR THE PURPOSE OF STANDARDIZED PERMIT FEE CALCULATIONS, THE FOLLOWING FEE TYPE AND UNIT SIZE WILL BE USED FOR THE ENTIRE FACILITY: FEE TYPE (Treatment): "Series Small Quantity C standardized permW in accordance to H&SC 25201.6(a)(3)(A). UNIT SIZE: The total influent volume of liqÜid hazardous waste treated is less than 1,500 gallons per momh. r: '..' X-raý Solution Service, I. Standardized Permit . Page 13 of 29 - .. UNIT NAME: MET ALLIC REPLACEMENT UNITS TYPE OF UNIT: TREA TMENT WASTE CODE AND TYPE: U.S. EPA Hazardous Waste No.: DOll California Waste Code: 541 RCRA Hazardous Waste COMMON NAME: Partially desilvered fixer. Waste Stream B: partially desilvered fixer from the electrolytic recovery unit. Sewer effluent (Non-hazardous). Waste Stream C: sewer effluent from the metallic replacement unit. Silver Sludge Waste Stream E: silver sludge from the metallic replacement unit. HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENT OR CHARACTERISTIC OF WASTE: Silver LOCA TION OF UNIT: The metallic replacement units identified in the facility plot plan and piping diagram, Attachment 1, is located along the northwest wall about 4.5 ft. from the northeast end of the facility. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF UNIT: The metallic replacement units consist of two 5-gallon Kodak Circulating Unit Model II units which are connected in series. The Kodak units are polyethylene container~ containing steel wool with a lid. An inlet port in the container lid allows partially desilvered fixer, Waste Stream B, to enter the first 5-gallon unit. The waste stream is polished in the last 5-gallon container in the series before it is discharged into the sewer as Waste Stream D. An in-line manual valve from the 10 gallon electrolytic recovery unit controls flow into the metalli~ replacement unit, and an in-line manual valve from the last 5-gallon container controls discharges into the sewer. A "U"- shaped sight tube between the inlet and outlet ports allows a technician to determine X-ray Solution;"i;;ivict;, inc. Standardized Pennit ., Page 14 of 29 _ ~ , the amount of the partially desilvered fixer, Waste Stream B, that is fed into the metallic replacement unit. Both 5-gallon containers of the metallic replacement unit are placed in dedicated secondary containment trays. ACTIVITY TYPE: TANK TREATMENT: Metallic Replacement Units. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: This activity is used to provide final polishing to the sewer effluent, Waste Stream C, before it is discharged into the Bakersfield POTW. Iron in the steel wool of the 5- gallon polyethylene container is dissolved and replaced by silver in the fonn of sludge. When the 5-gallon metallic replacement unit next to the electrolytic recovery unit becomes saturated with silver, approximately once every three months, this metallic replacement unit is taken off-line and capped off. This 5-gallon unit is manifested and transported to a DTSC-pennitted . refiner . The last 5-gallon unit is moved to replace the first unit at the head of the series, and a new 5-gallon unit is then plumbed into place to polish the sewer effluent, Waste Stream C, before it is discharged into the sewer. DESIGN CAPACITY: Approximately 10 gallons per hour can be treated in the metallic replacement units. This treatment rate is not listed as a limitation for this unit, but is merely descriptive. COMMENTS/SPECIAL CONDITIONS: XSSI shall take, at a minimum, one (1) grab sample within the first week of operation after adding the second metallic replacement unit and once every three months thereafter of the effluent waste stream C identified in Attachment 3 of the pennit. The sample is to be analyzed at a State-certified analytical laboratory to ensure that the silver concentration and pH of this waste stream do not exceed the Bakersfield - POTW limits cited below. XSSI shall retain these test results at the facility until DTSC approves the certification that the facility is closed. When test analysis shows that the samples tested exceed the sewer discharge limits cited below, XSSI shall cease operation of the treatment system and implement engineering and/or administration controls until the problem is corrected. XSSI shall notify DTSC within twenty-four (24) hours whenever samples tested exceed discharge limits and provide a copy of this test 'analysis data to DTSC within seven (7) days. . Prior to any discharge into the POTW, the pennittee shall ensure that the silver concentration of the effluent, Waste Stream C, identified in Attachment 3 of the rennit, shall be less than 2.81 mg/l «2.81) in accordance with the Bakersfield City Sewer Ordinance, Chapter 14.12.220, Section B.22 or any amendments thereto. X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Permit . Page 15 of 29 - . Prior to any discharge into the POTW, the permittee shall ensure that the pH of the effluent, Waste Stream C, identified in Attachment 3 of the permit, shall be in the range equal to or greater than 6.0 and less than or equal to 12.0 (2.6.0 to '::;'12.0) in accordance with Bakersfield City Sewer Ordinance, Chapter 14.12.220, Section B.3 or any amendments thereto. FOR THE PURPOSE OF STANDARDIZED PERMIT FEE CALCULATIONS, THE FOLLOWING FEE TYPE AND UNIT SIZE WILL BE USED FOR THE ENTIRE FACILITY: FEE TYPE (Treatment): Only one Fee Size Category for Treatment Activities is required for the entire facility. See the Fee Size and Type Description for the electrolytic recovery unit to determine the applicable Treatment Facility Fee. UNIT SIZE: Not Applicable. X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Penn it À Page 16 of 29 ., . UNIT NAME: LIQUID HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE UNIT TYPE OF UNIT: STORAGE WASTE CODE AND TYPE: U.S. EPA Hazardous Waste No.: DOll California Waste Code: 541 RCRA Hazardous Waste COMMON NAME OF WASTE: X-ray Fixer. Waste Stream A: silver bearing x-ray aqueous hazardous waste from offsite facilities. Silver Sludge. 'Waste Stream E: silver sludge from the metallic replacement unit. HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENT OR CHARACTERISTIC OF WASTE: Silver LOCATION OF UNIT: The liquid hazardous waste storage unit is located on the northwest side of the facility about 1 feet from the electrolytic recovery unit. This unit is identified as the Liquid Hazardous Waste Storage Unit in the facility plot plan, Attachment 1. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF UNIT: A maximum of four 5-gallon DOT-approved polyethylene containers are stored two (2) high in a dedicated secondary containment tray along the northwest wall of the fadlity. ACTIVITY TYPE: CONTAINER STORAGE: container storage for aqueous and semi-solid hazardous waste, ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: DOT-approved 5-gallon containers of x-ray hazardous waste, Waste Stream A, from X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Pennit Page 17 of 29 e - offsite generators are transported to the facility and unloaded and placed two containers high along the northwest wall of the facility in dedicated secondary containment trays. DESIGN CAPACITY: A maximum of 20 gallons of influent aqueous hazardous waste may be stored in this area at anyone time. This maximum volume is based on four 5-gallon containers stacked two high. COMMENTS/SPECIAL CONDITIONS: XSSI shall store no more than 20 gallons of incoming liquid hazardous waste in DOT- approved containers in the Liquid Storage Unit at anyone time. The storage volume is based on four 5-gallon containers or a total of 20 gallons and coincides with the limit set by the Bakersfield Home Occupation Permit cited below. The volume of any non-hazardous waste stored in the storage unit shall be included in the volume calculation. This penn it authorizes XSSI to have a maximum of fifty-five (55) gallons of hazardous waste at the facility at anyone time. This maximum quantity includes all wastes in b<?th the storage and treatment units and is based on the limit set by the City of Bakersfield Home Occupation Pennit No. 13234, date"! March 27, 1995, issued to XSSI by the Bakersfield Development Services Department and coordinated with the Hazardous Materials Division. The volume of any non-hazardous waste stored in the storage unit shall be included in the volume calculation. 5-gallon DOT -approved containers of hazardous waste shall be stacked no more than two (2) containers high in the dedicated secondary containment trays as shown in the Floor Plan included in the penn it as Attachment 2. The containers shall remain closed except when waste is being added or removed. FOR THE PURPOSE OF STANDARDIZED PERMIT SER~S FEE CALCULATIONS, THE FOLLO\VING FEE TYPE AND UNIT SIZE WILL BE USED FOR THE ENTIRE FACILITY: FEE TYPE (Storage): "Series Small Quantity C standardized pennit" in accordance - with H&SC 25201.6(a)(3)(D). . UNIT SIZE: The total facility storage for liquid hazardous waste is less than 15,000 gallons by statute (design capacity is 20 gallons at anyone time). X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Pennit e Page 18 of 29 ~ 4Þ UNIT TYPE: SOLID HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE UNIT TYPE OF UNIT: STORAGE WASTE CODE AND TYPE: U.S. EPA Hazardous Waste No.: DOll California Waste Code: 541 RCRA Hazardous Waste COMMON NAME OF WASTE: Silver Chip. Waste Stream D: silver chip plated on cathode of electrolytic recovery unit. Used Absorbents, Rags, Mop Heads. Waste Stream F: silver containing absorbents, mop heads, and rags. HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENTS OR CHARACTERISTICS OF WASTE: Silver LOCA TION OF UNIT: The solid hazardous waste storage unit is located on the southeast side of facility about 4 ft. from the northeast end. This unit is identified as the solid hazardous storage area in the facility plot plan, Attachment 1. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF UNIT: 2-gallon DOT -approved double walled container containing solid hazardous waste placed in a cabinet. ACTIVITY TYPE: CONTAINER STORAGE: Container storage of solid hazardous waste. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: DOT -approved 2-gallon containers of silver cþip and used shop debris are stored in the solid storage unit. X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Permit Page 19 of 29 e e DESIGN CAPACITY: Design capacity for this facility is 4 gallons of solid hazardous waste in DOT- approved containers. The 4 gallons of solid waste is part of the 55 gallon limit at any one time of hazardous waste at the facility set by the Bakersfield Development Services Department Home Occupancy Permit. COMMENTS/SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Total design capacity is less than two 2-gallon DOT-approved containers of solid hazardous waste at anyone time to comply with the Bakersfield Development Services Department Home Occupancy Permit limit of less than 55 gallons of hazardous waste at anyone time. FOR THE PURPOSE OF STANDARDIZED PERMIT FEE CALCULATIONS, THE FOLLOWING FEE TYPE AND UNIT SIZE WILL BE USED FOR THE ENTIRE FACILITY: FEE TYPE (Storage): "Series Small Quantity C standardized permit" in accordance with H&SC 25201.6(a)(3)(E). UNIT SIZE: The total facility storage for solid hazardous waste is less than 30,000 pounds by statute (the design capacity is two 2-gallon containers of solid hazardous waste at anyone time). X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Pennit e Page 20 of 29 - e PART IV - CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. AUTHORITY Section 25200.10 of the H&SC requires that any pennit issued by DTSC must require corrective action for all releases of hazardous waste or constituents from any Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) or hazardous waste management unit at the facility, regardless of when the release occurred. Failure to comply with any tenn or condition set forth in Part IV of the Penn it in the time or manner specified herein will subject the Pennittee to possible enforcement action and penalties pursuant to H&SC Section 25187. In addition, failure to submit the infonnation required in Part IV of the Pennit, or falsification and/or misrepresentation of any submitted infonnation, is grounds for tennination of this Pennit (22, Cal. Code Regs., Section 66270.43). 2. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The corrective action objectives contained in Part IV of the Pennit are provided to ensure that all threats to human health and/or the environment, resulting from the release or potential release of hazardous waste or hazardous constituents at the Facility, are addressed in an expedient manner. 3. DEFINITIONS The following definitions apply to the entire Pennit. "Facility" means the entire site that is under the control of the owner or operator seeking a hazardous waste pennit from DTSC. "Release" means any spilling, leaking, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, pumping, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing of hazardous wastes (including hazardous constituents) into the environment (including the abandonment or discarding of barrels, containers, and other closed receptacles containing hazardous - wastes or hazardous constituents). "Solid waste management unit" or "SWMU" means any unit at a facility that can be recognized as separate and distinct in which solid wastes have been placed at any time, irrespective of whether the unit was intended for the management of solid or hazardous waste. Such units include any area at a facility at which solid wastes have -been routinely and systematically released. "Hazardous waste" means a hazardous waste as defined in 22, Cal. Code Regs., Section 66261.3. Hazardous waste includes but is not limited to extremely hazardous X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Pennit e Page 21 of 29 . e waste, acutely hazardous waste, RCRA hazardous waste, non-RCRA hazardous waste, and special waste. "Hazardous constituent" means any constituent identified in Appendix IX of 22, Cal. Code Regs., Section 66264. "Day" means calendar days unless otherwise specified. 4. SUMMARY OF CORRECTIVE ACTION(S) (a) Active Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) (1) Silver Electrolytic Recovery Unit. (2) Silver Metallic Replacement Unit. (3) Liquid Hazardous Waste Storage Unit. (4) Solid Hazardous Waste Storage Unit. (b) Closed or Inactive Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs). None. (c) List of SWMUs which require interim measures. None. 5. WORK TO BE PERFORMED (a) The Phase I Environmental Assessment Checklist submitted to DTSC by the Pennittee indicated that no further investigation was warranted at the . Pennittee's facility. A summary of SWMU's and Corrective Actions required are listed above. After reviewing the Phase I.Environmental Assessment Checklist and the findings from DTSC's inspection of the Facility, DTSC concurs with the Pennittee' s finding based upon the submitted infonnation from the Facility and inspection resu1ts~ DTSC does not require the Pennittee to conduct further inyestigation at this time based on the infonnation submitted by the Facility. (b) DTSC may require that the Pennittee conduct further investigation of the facility if any of the following occurs: (1) DTSC determ'ines that the infonnation supplied in the Phase I Environmental Checklist is inaccurate, incomplete, falsified, or improperly completed. X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Pennit e Page 22 of 29 e (2) DTSC has reason to believe that the Facility may be adversely affecting human health or the environment. (3) The Permittee identifies an immediate or potential threat to human health and/or the environment, discovers new releases of hazardous waste and/or hazardo~s constituents, or discovers a new SWMU not previously identified. (c) If DTSC determines at a later time that further investigation is warranted, DTSC will modify Part IV of the Permit. The modifications will specify requirements that the Permittee shall complete as part of the required further investigation. (d) If, at any time, DTSC determines that modification of Part IV of the Permit is necessary, DTSC may initiate a modification of Part IV of the Permit according to the procedures in 22, Cal. Code Regs. Sections 66270.41 and 66270.42. 6. POTENTIAL OR IMMEDIATE THREA TS/NEWL Y IDENTIFIED RELEASES/NEWLY IDENTIFIED SWMUs (a) In the event the Permittee identifies an immediate or potential threat to human health and/or the environment, discovers new releases of hazardous waste and/or hazardous constituents, or discovers a new SWMU not previously identified, the Permittee shall notify DTSC orally within 48 hours of discovery and notify DTSC in writing within ten (10) days of such discovery summarizing the findings including the immediacy and magnitude of any potential threat(s) to human health and/or the environment. (b) DTSC may require the Permittee to investigate, mitigate and/or take other applicable action to address any immediate or potential threats to human health and/or the environment from newly identified releases of hazardous waste and/or hazardous constituents, or newly identified SWMUs. Upo'n written request by DTSC, the Permittee shall submit to DTSC any required documents within the time specified by DTSC. The required documents shall be developed in a manner consistent with guidance to be provided by DTSC. (c) DTSC will review the required documents and notify the Permittee in writing of DTSC's approval or disapproval, including any comments and/or modifications, in accordance with DTSC Approval/Reporting/Proposed Contractor/Additional Work section of Part IV of the Permit. If DTSC determines that immediate action is required, DTSC's Project Coordinator may orally authorize the Permittee to act prior to DTSC's receipt or approval of any required workplans. X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Permit e Page 23 of 29 e 7. SAMPLING! ACCESS - (a) Sampling (1) The Permittee shall provide confirmatory samples to DTSC within the time requested if requested to determine if there is a threat to human health and/or the environment. The sampling shall be done in accordance with guidance that DTSC supplies to the Permittee. (2) The Permittee shall notify DTSC in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to beginning any confirmatory sampling requested by DTSC. If the Permittee "believes 'it must commence emergency confirmatory sampling without delay, the Permittee may seek emergency telephone authorization from DTSC's Permit Streamlining Branch Chief or if the Branch Chief is unavailable, his!her designee, to commence such activities immediately. At the request of DTSC, the Permittee shall provide or allow DTSC and!or its authorized representative to take split or duplicate samples of all samples collected by the Permittee pursuant to Part IV of the Permit. (3) The Permittee shall submit to DTSC upon request the results of all sampling and/or tests or other data generated by its employees, divisions, agents, consultants or contractors.. pursuant to this Permit. (4) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Permit, DTSC retains. all information gathering and inspection authority rights including enforcement actions related thereto, under H&SC and any other applicable State Or federal statutes or regulations. (b) Access (1) DTSC, its contractors, employees, agents, and/or any US EPA representatives are authorized to enter and freely move about the facility pursuant to the entire Permit for the purposes of: interviewing Facility personnel and contractors; inspecting records, operating logs, and contracts relating to the Facility; reviewing progress of the Permittee in carrying out the terms of Part IV of the Permit; conducting su~h test, sampling or monitoring as DTSC or its Project Coordinator déems necessary; using a camera, sound recording, or other documentary type equipmeñt; verifying the report's and data submitted to DTSC by the Permittee; or confirming any other aspect of compliance with this permit and Division 20 of the H&SC. The Permittee shall provide DTSC and its representatives access at all reasonable times to the Facility and any othe~ property to which access is required for implementation of any provision of this Permit and any provision of Division 20 of the H&SC and shall allow such persons to v X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Permit a Page 24 of 29 _ e inspect and copy all records, files, photographs, documents, including all sampling and monitoring data, that pertain to work undertaken pursuant to the entire Permit or undertake any other activity necessary to determine compliance with applicable requirements. (2) To the extent that work being performed pursuant to Part IV of the Permit must be done on property not owned or cpntrolled by the Permittee, the Permittee shall used its best efforts to obtain access agreements necessary to complete work required by the Part of the Permit from the present owner(s) of such property within thirty (30) days of approval of any workplan for which access is required. "Best efforts" as used in this paragraph shall include, at a minimum, a certified letter from the Permittee to the present owner(s) of such property requesting access agreement(s) to allow the Permittee and DTSC and its authorized representatives access to such property and the payment of reasonable sums of money in consideration of granting access. The Permittee shall provide DTSC Project Coordinator with a copy of any access agreement(s). In the event that agreements for the access are not obtained within thirty (30) days of approval of any workplan for which access is required, or of the date that the need for access becomes known to the Permittee, the Permittee shall notify DTSC in writing within fourteen (14) days thereafter regarding both efforts undertaken to obtain access and its failure to obtain such agreements. In the event DTSC obtains access, the Permittee shall undertake approved work on such property. (3) Nothing in Part IV of the Permit shall be construed to limit or otherwise affect the Permittee's liability and obligation to perform corrective action including corrective action beyond the Facility boundary, notwithstanding the lack of access. DTSC may determine that additional on-site measures must be taken to address releases beyond the Facility boundary if access to off-site areas cannot be obtained. (4) . Nothing in Part IV of the Permit shall limit or otherwise affect DTSC's right to access and entry pursuant to any applicable state or federal laws and regulations. 8. MODIFICATIONS (a) The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification to revise any portion of this Permit. To request such a revision, the Permittee must comply with the procedures for permit modifications set forth in 22, Cal. Code Regs., Section 66270.42. A-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Permit e Page 25 of 29 . e (b) If at any time DTSC determines that modification of the Part of the Permit is necessary, DTSC may initiate a modification to this Part of the Permit according to procedures in 22, Cal. Code Regs., Section 66270.41. X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Permit .., Page 26 of 29 ~ e Attac1unent 1 FACILITY PLOT PLAN X-RAY SOLUTION SERVICE, INC. 9104 THURBER LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93311 NEW SECON- DARY CON- TAINMENT TRAYS cwu.GI DOOR ~ SCALE: 3/16" = l' r 20' , , . RESIDENCE ELEcnoLrnc RECOVERY UNIT ./DEDICATED 2114 COII'TAINMEIft TWO Š-~N ME'T'ALL I C RB- PLACE:MÐrr UNITS H/DED- DICATED 2nd CONTAINME!n' GARAGE 20" 1-4'~ X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Pennit e Page 27 of 29 ~f_ A i- 20 ' SCALE: B' FLOOR X-RAY GARAGE DOOR J.. e Attachment 2 PLAN AND SOLUTION SERVICE, 9104 THURBER LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93311 PIPING DIAGRAM INC. NEW METALLIC REPLACEMEN~ UNIT '1 ~. LIQUID HAZARDous WASTE STOAAGE UNIT I".A.XIMUM: FOUR 5-GÞ.L DOT-APPROVED CON- TAINERS W/DEDICATED1 2nd CONTAINMENT TOT~: 20 GALS ELECTROLYTIC RECOV- ERY UNIT W/DEDlCA- TED 2nd CONTAINMENT (ROTEX X-4, MOD 100) CAPACITY: 10 GAL TWO METALLIC RE- PIACEMENT UNITS IN SERIES W/DED- ICATED 2nd CON- TAINMENT (KODAK CIRCULATING UNIT MOD II) CAPA- CITY: 5 GAL/UNIT EXISTING METALLIC REPLACEMENT UNIT GARAGE ti U Z ti o H tI) ~ ø:: SOLID HAZARDOUS WASTE STOAAGE UNIT MAX I MUM: TWO 2 - GÞ.L DOT-APPROVED CON- TAINERS TOTAL: 25 LaS I '. 20' J 1/4" = l' 0"- ELECTROLYTIC RECOVERY UNIT W/DEDlCATED 2nd CONTAIN- FOUR 5-GÞ.L MENT DOT-APPROVED CONTAINERS W/DEPlCATED 2nd .'CONTAIN-' MEN'!' TWO 5-GALLON METALLIC REPlACEMENT UNITS IN SERIES W/DED- CATED 2nd CON- . TA+~ . . WASH ..BASIN SECTION. A-A X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Permit _ Pat!e 28 of 29 - . e Attachment 3 'i ® ® @ @ @ <Ð PROCESS FLOW BLOCK DIAGRAM X-RAY SOLUTION SERVICE, INC. ~l04 THURBER LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93311 @ ELECTROLYTIC RECOV- ERY ONIT W/DEDICA- TED 2nd CONTAINMENT (ROTEX X-t. MOD 100) CAPACITY: 10 GAL FIXER @ 'NO METALLIC REPIACE- MENT UNITS IN SERIES W/DEDICATED 2nd CON- TAINMENT (KOD~ CIR- , CULATING UNIT MOD II) CAPJI,r!T'/: S GAL/UNIT <Ð FIXER WASTE STREAM A PARTIALLY DESILVERED FIXER FROM ELECTRO- LYTIC RECOVERY UNIT WASTE STREAM B SEWER EFFLUENT FROM METALLIC REPLACEMENT UNIT, WASTE STREAM C SILVER CHIP FROM ELEC- TROLYTIC RECOVERY UNIT WASTE STREAM D SILVER SLUDGE FROM METALLIC REPLACEMENT UNIT, WASTE STREAM E USED ABSORBENTS, RAGS, MOP HEADS WASTE STREAM F SEWER EFFLUENT @) @ REACTION RATE: 10 GAL/S HRS SILVER CHIP TQ ,~E:f ~NE.R REACTION RATE: 10 GAL/HOUR SILVER SLUDGË TO REFINER CÐ USED ABSORBENT, RAGS,' MOP HEADS TO REFINER ê X-ray Solution Service, Inc. Standardized Pennit e Page 29 of 29 e 'i TABLE OF CONTENTS Attachment 4 SECTION I - FACILITY IDENTIFICATION. . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SECTION II - FACILITY LOCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SECTION III - W ASTE ANALYSIS PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SECTION IV - FACILITY DESIGN (CONTAINERS) ................... 22 SECTION V - FACILITY DESIGN (TANKS) ....................... 37 SECTION VI - STANDARDIZED PERMIT CLOSURE PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 ~ r:ç ',:;::;;; .~.. ¡-~, -::-'~I a I orma Environmental ProtectIon Agency Q, [s \ ~ U \W ~~¡ Department of Toxic Substances Control ~ JUL 28 1997 U: X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporated ='J 9104 Thurber Lane By~ ' Bakersfield, California 93311 '~-=~n'''''__ - Kern County EPA I.D. No. CAL 920 235 089 11'° :po ~'T' U f\JTI L , '.. FACT SHEET SEPT 19crì INTRODUCTION DRAFT STANDARDIZED PERMIT FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONS JULY, 1997 X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporated (X-Ray Solution) has applied to the California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) for a Small Quantity Series C Standardized Permit for the treatment and storage of hazardous waste. If approved, the Standardized Permit would âllow X-Ray Solution to continue to reclaim silver from offsite generated spent x-ray fixer solutions. X-Ray Solution is an existing facility that has operated at this location since 1973. PUBliC COMMENT PERIOD California Code of Regulations requires that the public be given 45 days for comment on, the draft standardized permit for X-Ray Solution Services, Incorporated. The public comment period will begin , July 25, 1997 and remain open until 1 September 8, 1997. The Public Resources Code requires that the public be allowed 30 days for comment on the CEQA Initial Study and draft Negative Declaration for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. The public comment period will begin on July 25, 1997 and remain open until August 25, 1997. For any comment or question, please complete the attached mailing coupon. FACILITY LOCATION X-Ray Solutibn Service, -Incorporated is located at 9104 Thurber Lane in Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The facility has collected and stored waste spent X-ray fixer solution and also reclaimed silver at this location since 1973 and was authorized to operate under a grant of standardized permit interim status in 1993. X-Ray Solution is located in part of a garage in an older residential area above the 100 year flood plain level in Bakersfield. X-Ray Solution was granted a City of Bakersfield Home Occupation Permi t No. 13234 I dated March 27, 1995, to operate by the Bakersfield Development Services Department coordinated with the Hazardous Materials Division. X-Ray Solution has applied to DTSC for a Small Quantity Series C Standardized Hazardous Waste Facility Permit authorizing the continued operation of a hazardous waste treatment and storage facility in Bakersfield, California. X-Ray Solution collects and stores waste spent x-ray fixer solutiún from offsite generators and treats the waste solution by reclaiming the silver. Silver is a federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste at concentrations above certain regulatory levels establishing some silver-containing wastes as hazardous under the Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP). The silver concentration of X-Ray Solution's waste exceeds TCLP and requires it to be classified as a RCRA hazardous waste due to toxicity. X-Ray Solution is exempt from requirin~ a RCRA permit because the facility i~ recla~ming silver, which is a precious metal. Under the 1993 Grant of Standardized Permit Interim Status, X-Ray Solution was authorized to operate one (1) 10-gallon Rotex electrolytic recovery unit, one (1) five-gallon metallic replacement, unit, and stored four (4) Department of Transportation (DOT) approved five-gallon containers of spent x-ray fixer solution. Under the Standardized Permit, X-Ray Solution will continue to operate as before. X-Ray Solution is proposing to add one (1) additional metall~c replacement unit in series with the existing metallic replacement unit and to place all storage and treatment units into polyethylene trays which will serve as dedicated se.condary containment. The X-Ray Solution facility is limited to storing and treating a maximum of 55 gallons of hazardous waste at anyone time by the above standardized permit. All treated waste must be shipped offsite to a permitted hazardous waste refiner. X-Ray Solution is a registered hazardous waste hauler and collects five-gallon DOT- approved containers filled with aqueous hazardous waste x-ray fixer solution containing silver from offsite generators in .a milkrun operation and transports this manifested hazardous waste to its facility in Bakersfield for storage and treatment, X-Ray Solution accepts hazardous waste only from known generators. The hazardous waste is manually unloaded and stored in dedicated secondary containment trays located along the northwest wall of the facility. For silver reclamat:.~on,~ X-Ray Solution uses CAL/EPA a ., X-Ray eution Service, IncorporatecJ Department of Toxi~ubstances Control . Draft Standardized Per.mit The partially desil vered fixer solution from the electrolytic recov~y, unit .Jª .grayj;ty. __'.~~- -- --fed into' the-two metallic replacement units in tandem by opening a manual in-line valve for polishing. The batch treatment rate in the metallic replacement units is 10 gallons per one hour. Once every three months, the silver sludge in the metallic replacement unit that is located closest to the. electrolytic recovery unit is manifested and transported to a DTSC permitted refiner by capping the metallic replacement unit. Another metallic replacement unit is then plumbed into place behind the remaining metallic replacement unit. The effluent from the last metallic replacement unit meets the requirements of the Bakersfield Ci ty Sewer Ordinance, Chapter 14.12.220, Prohibited Discharges, for allowable silver concentration and pH and is discharged into the Bakersfield Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). DTSC requires X-Ray Solution to take a grab sample of th~ effluent initially to begin with, and then once every three months, to ensure that the silver concentration and pH a~e non-hazardous and meet the Bakersfield POTW sewer discharge limits. The effluent sample is tested by a state accredited laboratory for silver concentration and pH to verify that the equipment is performing efficiently. As a result of the technical review of X-Ray Solution's application and previous DTSC inspections,. DTSC has prepared a draft Standardized Permit, based upon California laws and regulations, for public review and comment. This draft Standardiz'ed Permit_._ The treatment process is a closed system and _details the regu-l-ations'-and-èOìïáTt-ions wit-h air_emissions-a!ld.rel-eases~are-nOIrëxTst:ëñf :~- whic;:h the facility must comply in order to --- --~-A:Í1y system leaks and spills, are wet operate. If granted, this permit will' allow vacuumed and treated in the electrolytic' X-Ray Solution to operate for 10 years, recovery unit. Anything waste containing after which time they will have to resubmit silver that cannot be recycled, such'as shop a new Standardized Permit application. debris, is placed inside of DOT-approved containers, manifested, and sent to the refiner. a Rotex X4 Model 100 electrolytic recovery unit followed by polishing w~th two Kodak Circulating Model II metallic replacement units in series to recover silver from the waste spent x-ray solution. All treatment units are located in dedicated' secondary containment. trays. To start the batch process, approx~mately 10 gallons of the .' . hazardous waste solution is poured into the 10 gallon electrolytic recovery tank. Process equipment settings for amperage and voltage are constant for each batch treated and only the process time varies from batch to batch. Batch treatment rate in the electrolytic unit averages 10 gallons ~er every five hours. Each month, silver ch1ps that plate out on the cathode of the electrolytic recovery unit are removed, placed in DOT-approved containers, manifested, and transported to a DTSC permitted refiner. A written aSSessment of the design of the new containment system and metallic replacement unit was reviewed and approved by DTSC and was certified, by an independent, qualified, professional engineer registered, in California, pursuant to the requirements of section 66270,15 and 66264.175, Title 22, CCR. Within ten days of the effective date of this standardized permit and th2 subsequent installation of the second metallic replacement unit and, dedicated secondary containment trays, the registered engineer shall certify that the installation also satisfies the requirements of Ti tIe 22, CCR. This certification must be submitted to DTSC, which must approve it in writing before the facility can operate its new treatment and storage units. PERMIT PROCESS California state regulations include a five- tiered program for authorizing the treatment and/or storage of hazardous waste. The five tiers, in descending order of regulatory burden, are: · the federally equivalent "RCRA or Full" permit tier the "Standardized Permit'~ tier for-, offsite 'treatment õr"storage of non- RCRA hazardous waste the "Permit by Rule", "Conditional Authorization", and "Conditional Exemption" tiers for onsite treatment or storage of non-RCRA hazardous waste. · · X-Ra¥ Solution qualified for and has subm~tted an application for the Standardized Permit tier. The application contains a detailed description of the facility idëntification, location, waste analysis plan, design of the storage units, operations, closure plan, financial responsibility documents, environmental information, a disclosure statement, and a Phase I Environmental Assessment Checklist. X-Ray Solution also submitted certifications of compliance for the security plan, inspect10n plan, reportin5¡j plan, manifesting requirements, facility s1ting information, land ban com~liance, contingency plan, and employee tra1ning plan. STANDARDIZED REQUIREMENTS PERMIT AND CONDITIONS All conditions and terms of the DTSC draft Standardized Permit are required under Division 20, Chapters 6.5 and 6.7 of the California Heal th and Safety Code, ~nd under Division 4.5, Title 22, Cal; Code Regs. 2 FACT SHEET JULY 1997 e CAL/EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control . X-Ray SOlutIÞon Service, Incorporated Draft Standardized Per.mit '~ Standard conditions applicable to all facilities include severability, permit expiration, inspection and entry, reporting of releases, and waste minimization. General operating requirements. for the facility include personnel . training, emergency response, record-keeping,' reporting, and closure. CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIREMENTS For the purposes of corrective action, Standardized Permit applicants are required to complete a Phase I Environmental Assessment Checklist (checklist) pursuant to the California Health and Safety Code. The pur~oseof the checklist is to 1dent~fy all so11d wáste management units (SWMUs) and releases from SWMUs from which hazardous constituents might have leaked or migrated. Containers, tanks, surface impoundments, waste piles, land treatment units, landfills, incinerators and underground injection wells containing hazardous constituents are examples of a SWMU. Signs of SWMUs can be unusual stains or odors around drains, floors, walls, soil ¡and vegetation that appears unhealthy or dying without a reasonable explanation. Once a SWMU is identified, the applicant will evaluate the SWMU to determine if further investigation, such as sampling, is necessary. If the investigation reveals hazardous waste contamination, DTSC will make arrangements with the applicant to clean up the contamination as part of the conditions within the Standardized Permit. In addition, all Standardized Permit facilities are required to investigate and to remediate, as necessary, any areas of possible hazardous waste contamination that may occur in the future. All corrective action (or cleanup) activities will be overseen by DTSC. If X-Ray Solution has any future hazardous waste contamination or spills, DTSC will require corrective action. CEQA PROCESS As, part of the. California Environmental Quali ty Act CCEQA) process, DTSC requires a facility applying for a Standardized Permit to complete an environmental information document. This document contains a series of ~estions regarding the effects that the fac1lity will have on the environment or on human health. DTSC uses this information to prepare an Initial Study to assess the potential environmental impacts of the issuance of a standardized permit for the facility. The CEQA Initial Study determines what documents will be developed to meet the requirements of CEQA. Depending upon the results from the CEQA Initial. Study, a Negative Declaration, a Mitigated Negative Declaration, or an Environmental Impact Report (ErR) will be prepared. The draft Initial Study evaluating the possible environmental impacts from the continued operation of X-Ray Solution shows tha~ the proposed hazardo~s waste transfer and, storage operations would not present a significant effect to the environment or tQ, human health. Therefore, DTSC has' prepared a draft Negative, Declaration that is available for public review at the information repos1tories listed below. PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held if there is a significant degree of public interest. Please use the attached mailing coupon to submit requests for a public hearing, including the issues to be raised, to Ben' Makishima by August 25, 1997 at the following address: State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control Permit Streamlining Branch HQ-10 400 P Street, 4th Floor, P. O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 INFORMATION REPOSITORIES Documents pertainin;¡- to X-Ray Solution's Standardized Perm1t Aprlication are available for public v1ewing at the following locations: Southwest Branch Library 8301 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, California 93311 (805) 664-7716 Department of Toxic Substances Control Clovis Field Office, File Room 1515 Tollhouse Road Clovis, California 93611 (209) 297-3901 FOR MORE INFORMATION If you would like additional information about the X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporated Draft Standardized Permit process, please visit one of the local inform3.tion reDositories or contact one of the DTSC staff· members' list'~d below: Ben Makishima Hazardous Substances Engineer Standardized Permitting Section (916) 324-3112 Peggy Harris, P. E., Chief Standardized Permitting Section (916) 324-7663 3 F~ÇT ~~~~T ~ULY1997 CAL/EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control e , X-Ray SO~ion Service, IncQrporated Draft Standardized Permit ...., MAILING AND COMMENT COUPON If you did not receive this fact sheet in the mail and would like to receive future mailings regarding X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporated, please complete and return this coupon to the address listed below. In addition, if you have comments and/or questions regarding X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporated or the draft Standardized Permit or draft' Negative Declaration, please state them below or on a separate piece of paper. To be added to the X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporated mailing list, please check the box. 0 Please address all mailings to: Ben Makishima at the California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Toxic Substances Control, 400 P Street, 4th Floor, P.O. Box 806, Sacramento, California 95812-0806 [telephone number is (916) 324-31i2]. NAME: AFFILIATION: STREET.ADDRESS: CITY: TELEPHONE NUMBER: ZIP CODE COMMENTS: 4 FACT ,SHEET J.ULY1997 . ,.. e Of e ~" J ,/' -----~ - , State of California California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Toxic Substances Control 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 - .--- Infor~ation on the X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporated Draft Standardized Permit . ~ '!- r,.. '\ /,- :, ·e FACT SHEET C.rnia Environmental Protection Agen Department of Toxic Substances Contr I X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporatt I 9104 Thurber La: Bakersfield, California 933 Kern Coun EPA I.D. No. CAL 920 2350: INTRODUCTION DRAFT STÀNDARDIZED PERMIT JULY, 19' X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporated (X-Ray Solution) has applied to the California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) for a Small Quantity Series C Standardized Permit for the treatment and storage of hazardous waste. If approved, the Standardized Permit would allow X-Ray Solution to continue to reclaim silver from offsite generated spent x-ray fixer solutions. X-Ray Solution is an existing facility that has operated at this location since 1973. PUBUC COMMENT PERlOD ( California Code· of Regulations requires that the public be given 4S days for comment on the draft standardized permit for X-Ray Solution Services, Incorporated. The public comment period will begin July 25, 1997 and remain open until Septe~ber 8, 1997. The Public Resources Code requires that the' . public be allowed 30 days for co~ment on the CEQA Initial Study a~= draft Negative Declaration for >:-Ra'.' Solution Services, Inc. The pUblic comment period will begin on July 25, 19~7 and remain open until August 25, 1997. For any comment or question, please co~plete the attached mailing coupon. FACILITY LOCATION X-Ray Solution Servic~, 'Incorpoiated is locë:eò at 9104 ,!hurbe,: Lane in Bak~r~field, Kern Ccun:~, C&¡~fcrn~a. The fac111ty has collected and stored.....·ast;-e spe~t X-ray fix~r solution anò also recla1med s1lver at th1s location since 1973 and was authorized to operate t::-.âer a grant of standardized l?eirn~t interi~ statt:s in 1993. X-Ray Solut1on 1S locateà in part of a garage in an 'older resiàential area above the 100 year flood plain level in Bakersfield. X-Ray Solution .....·as granted a E'ity:of' Bakersfield Home ,Occupatio;'; Per.:'r',:':-Nc. 13234, dated March::-27, '1995,.- to operate by - t))e', 'Ba'kersf~e)d' DeYe~lopmef¡t ~ervices. Deþa;rtmént. c?o~dinated with the Hazardous Materl.als Dl.vl.sl.on>. FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIO! X-Ray Solution has applied to DTSC for Small Quât1títy Series C Standardrz :Hazardous WàSte Facility Permit aùthorizi (the còntinued operation of a hazardous was (treatment and. storage facility Bakersfield,California.:-/ X-Ray Sol uti collects and stores waste spent x~ray fix solution from offsite generators and trea the waste solution by reclaiming the silve Silv~r is a federal Resource Conservati and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste concentrations above certain regulate levels establishing some silver-containi wastes as hazardous under the Toxici Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP The silver concentration of X-Ray Solution waste exceeds TCLP and requires it to classified as a RCRA hazardous waste due toxicity. X-Ray Solution is exempt fr requirin~ '8-RCRA permit because the facili is reclal.ming silver, which is a precie metal. Under the 1993-Grant of'Standardized Perm Interim Status, X-Ray Solution 'w: ,authQrized to oJ¡>erate one (1) 10-gall:: ':Rote~ electrolÿt1C recover·yuni t ,one =( five:"gallon metallic replacem~nt unit, ~a 'stored four (4) Department of Transportati:;: :(DOT) approved five-gallon containers ' spent x..ràyfixersolutioii'. Under the Standardized Permit, X-R; Solution will continue to operate as befor, X-Ray Sol~tion is proposing to add one"::; (. additional'metal11c replacement unit' :serie~· with tþe existing tnetaH, replacerneIJ,t unit and to 'place, all storal 'and treatment units into polyethylene t~: (which will serve as dedicated seconda: '(-containment.. The X-Ray Solution fa~ility . , limited to storing and treating a maximum ( SS gallons of hazardous waste at any OJ time by the above standardized permi t . A: treated waste must be shipped offsite to përrnitted hazardous 'waste refiner. X-Ray Solution is a registered hazarâo' waste hauler and collects five-gallon DO' approved containers filled with agueo', . hazardous waste x-ray fixer solutil containing silver fr'om cffsi te generators: ,a milkrun - operation and transportsth manifested hazardous. waste to its facili' in Bakersfield for storage and treatmen X-Ray Solution acc~pts hazardous waste on, from kno.....~ generators. The hazardous was is manually unloaded and storeà in èe=:'cã-;. secondar\' containment travs lc=a~e:: a::' 0: the northwest ....·all of the -facili ty. For silver reclamation, X-Ray Solution us, . :-.::...",,-_. CAL/EPA - Department of Toxi stances Control '"" a Rotex X4 Model 100 electrolytic recovery unit followed by polishing w1th two Kodak Circulating Model II metallic replacement units in series to recover silver from the waste spent x-ray solution. All treatment units are located in dedicated :secondary containment trays. To start the batch. process, approx1mately' 10 gallons of the hazardous waste solution is poured into the 10 gallon electrolytic recovery tank. Process equipment settings for amperage and voltage are constant for each batch treated and only the process time varies from batch to batch. Batch treatment rate in the electrolytic unit averages 10 gallons ~er every five hours. Each month, silver ch1ps that plate out on the cathode of the electrolytic recovery unit are removed,' placed in DOT-approved containers, manifested, and transported to' a DTSC permitted refiner. The partially desilvered fixer solution from the electrolytic recovery unit is gravity fed into the two metallic.replacement units in tandem by opening a manual in-line valve for polishing. The batch treatment rate in the metallic replacement units is 10 gallons per one hour. Once every three months, the silver sludge in the metallic replacement unit that is located closest to the electrolytic recovery unit is manifested and transporteà to a DTSC permitted refiner by capping the metallic replacement unit. Another metallic replacement unit is then plumbed into place behind the remaining metallic replacement unit. The effluent from the last metallic replacement unit meets the requirements of the Bakersfield Ci ty Sewer Ordinance, Chapter 14.12.220, Prohibited Discharges, for allowable silver concentration' and pH and is discharged into the Bakersfield Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). DTSC requires X-Ray Solution to take a grab sample of the effluent initially to begin with, and then once every three mónths, to ensure that the silver concen~ration and pH a~e non-hazardous and meet the Bakersfield POTW sewer di~charge limits. The effluent sample is tested by a state accredited laboratory for silver concentration ?,nd pH to verify that the equipment is performing efficiently. The treatment process is a closed system and air emissions and releases are non existent. Any system leaks and spills, are wet vacuumed and treated in the electrolytic recovery unit. Anything waste containing. sil ver that cannot be recycled, such as shop debris, is pl'aced inside of DOT-approved,' containers, manifested,-' and sent to the refiner. A ~ritten assessment of the design of the new containment system' and metallic replacement unit was reviewed and approved by DTSC and· ~as certified by an independent, qualified, professional engineer registered. in California, pursuant to the requ~rements of section 66270.15 and 66264.175, Title 22, X-Ray S 'ution Service, Incorporated Draft Standardized permit CCR. Within ten days of the effective date I of this standardized permit and tñ~ subsequent installation of the se~~nè metallic replacement unit and dedi!d secondary containment trays, the regi.st__ed ~ngineer shall certify that the installation also satisfies the requirements of Ti tIe 22, CCR.. This certification must be submitted to'DTSC, which must approve it in writing I before the facility can operate its new treatment and storage units. PERMIT' PROCESS California state regulations include a five- , tiered program for authorizing the treatment· and/or storage of hazardous waste. The five, tiers, in descending order of regulatory I burden, are: · the federally equivalent "RCRA or Full" permit tier · the "Standardized Permit" tier for offsite treatment or storage of non- RCRA hazardous waste · the "Permit by Rule", "Conditional! Authorization", and "Conditional Exemption" tiers for onsite treatment or storage of non-RCRA hazardous waste. X-Ray Solution qualified for and has subm1tted an application for the Standardized Permit tier. The application contains a detailed description of the facility idèntification, location, waste analysis plan, design of the storage units, operations, closure plan, finan 1 responsibility documents, environme. .1 information, a disclosure statement, and a Phase I Environmental Assessment Checklist. X-Ray Solution also·s·ubmitted certifications of compliance for the security plan, inspect10n plan, reporting plan, manifesting requirements, facility slting information, land ban com~liance, contingency plan, and employee tra1ning plan... As a result of the technical review of X-Ray Solution's application and previous DTSC inspecti~ns,. DTSC has prepared a draft Standardized Permit, based upon California laws and regulations, for public review and comment. This draft Standardi zed Permi t details the regulations and condit~ons with which the facility must comply in order to operate. If granted, this permit will' allow X-Ray Solution to operate for 10 years, after which time they will have to resubmit a new Standardized Permit application. STANDARDIZED PERMIT CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS All conditions and terms of the DTSC draft Standardized Permit are required un¿~~ Division 20, Chapters 6.5 and 6.7 of tte California Heal th and Safety Code. a:-:d u:-:der Division 4.5, Title ~2, Cal. Coàe Regs. 2 FACT SHEET JULY 1997 " e " ., CAL/EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control X-Ray Jltution Service, %ncorporate Draft Standardized Per.mi Standard conditions applicable to all facilities include severability, permit expiration, inspection and entry, reporting of releases, and waste minimization. 'General operating requirements for the facility include personnel· 'training, emergency response,. record-keeping, reporting, and closure. CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIREMENTS ( For the purposes of corrective action, Standardized Permit applicants are required to complete a Phase I Environmental Assessment Checklist (checklist) pursuant to the California Health and Safety Code. The purpose of the checklist is to 1dentify all solid wåste management units (SWMUs) and releases from SWMUs from which hazardous constituents might have leaked or migrated. Containers, tanks, surface impoundments, waste piles, land treatment units, landfills, incinerators and underground injection wells containing hazardous constituents are examples of a SWMU. Signs of Sh1>rus can be unusual stains or odors around drains, floors, walls, soil; and vegetation that appears unhealthy or dying without a reasonable explanation. Once a s\-;rr-ru is identified, the applicant will evaluate the SWMU to determine if further investigation, such as sampling, is necessary. If the investigation reveals hazardous waste contamination, DTSC will make arra!1gements with the applicant to clean up the contamination as part of the conditions within the Standardized Permit. In aåèi ticn, all Standardized Permit facili~ies are required to investigate and to re~eèla~e, as necessary, any areas of possible hazardous waste contamination that 1M",' ocC'..:r i:-¡ the Ïuture. All corrective action (or cleanup) activities will be c','ersee:-¡ by DTSC, If X-Ray Solution has any future hazaråous waste contamination or spills, DTSC will require corrective action. CEQA PROCESS As part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process, DTSC requires a facility applying for a Standardized Permit to complete an enviroI1mental information doc~~ent. This document contains a series of questions regarding the effect~ that the facility will have on the environment or on hurr,a:; heal th. DTSC uses this information to prepare an Initial Study to assess the potential environmental impacts of the i5s~Q~ce of a sLanàaràized permit for the' facili tv. The CEQ;" Ini tial Study determines \o.'hat doêuments \o.·ill be developed to meet the re~uire~e:;:s 0: CEQ;", Depending upon the rest.:l ts f ::'~8:¡, the CEQ~~' .Ini tia"l Study I a Negative' :Lec2ara:icn, a !<itigatedNegative" Declara:ic::, or a:-; Environmental 'Impact Report (EIP.ì will be prepared. ... The draft Initial Study evaluating th possible environmental impacts from th continued operation of X-Ray Solution show tha~ the proposed hazardous waste transfe¡ and storage operations 'would not present significant effect to the environment or t human health. Therefore, DTSC has prepare a draft Negative Declaration that i available , for'. :public review at th inform~tion repos1tories listed below. PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held if there is significant degree' of public interest PIease use the attached mailing coupon t submit requests for a public hearing including the issues to be raised, to Be Makishima by August 25, 1997 at tt following address: State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control Permit Streamlining Branch HQ-10 400 P Street~ 4th Floor, P. O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 INFORMATION REPOSITORIES Documents pertainin~ to X-Ray Solution' Standardized Perm1t Ap~lication a1 available for public v1ewing at U, following locations:. Southwest Branch Library 8301 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, California 93311 (805) 664-7716 Department of Toxic Substances Control Clovis Field Office, File Room 1515 Tollhouse Road' Clovis, California 93611 (209) 297-3901 FOR MORE INFORMATION If you wQuldlike additional information about the X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporated Draft Standardized Permit process, please visit one of'the local information repositories or contact one 0 the,DTSC staff members listed below: . ,Ben Makishima Hazardous Substances Engineer Standardized Permitting Section (916)' 324-3112 Peggy Harris, P. E., Chief Standardized Permitting Sectio:; (916) 324-7663 3 FAéT 'SHEET JULY 19~' # . ~ ( ~ CAL/EPA'" X-Ra~olution Service, Incorpora' Department of To~ Substances Control Draft Standardized Pe~¡ MAILING AND COMMENT COUPON If you did not receive this fact sheet in the mail and would like to receive future I mailings regarding X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporated, please complete and return thi' Coupon to the address listed below. In addition, ,if you have comments.and/or questions regarding X-Ray Solution Service, IncorPorated or the draft' Standardized Permit or draf Negative Declaration, please state them below or on asepa~ate piece of paper. To be added to the X-Ray Solution Service, Incorporated mailing list, please check the box. Please address all mailings to: Ben Makishima at the California Environmental Protectic ¡ Agency, Department of Toxic Substances Control, 400 P Street, 4th Floor, P.O. Box 806, Sacramento, California 95812-0806 -(telephone number is (916) 324-~li2]. NAME: AFFILIATION: STREET.ADDRESS: CITY: TELEPHONE NUMBER: ZIP CODE COMMENTS: 4 FACT SHEET JULY l~ . e e ...- 'f State of California Ca::fcr~ia Environmental Protection Agency ~epartffier.t of Toxic Substances Control 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Eoy. 806 Sacraffier.to, CA 95812-0806 ¡nfC~~ã::=~ O~ the };-F:ay Scl'.l~ion Ser""ice, Ir.corporated ~~ê:t Sta~=aròized Pe~mit . }"":.".,'. '1:.-: .·..-r..+t...·";.· '.:"';:4I~~':" . ~.. ,," .~- ...- -<" ~ ..,............-...... ~ <. \.' OFFICE USE ONLY ", Receipt #.1 q ~q Initial '\](\)." ',~", :: .P~;CATIÒN TO CITY OF BAKERSFIELD e PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT (Sectlona17.10.02O E and 17 .04.330 of Munlcpal Code) No. 13234 I, ~\~ ~ð.V'r-t-'" (Please print or type) the City of Bakersfield for a PERMIT FOR A HOME OCCUPATION at my home. the undersigned hereby make aPØllcatlon to the Planning Department of My dwelling, at which I desire to conduct and carry on an occupation, is located in an 12-) Zone, City of Bakersfield at C1f lOt.¡ f N () 12. ¡2,. ¡:;r? I-A./ (Number and street) lf~ The use, occupation or business proposed to be conducted and carried on at the described location Is fUlly described 88 follows: Sc> ~ \A {¡ ~ ~ I~ 1./-;0'""\ ... e "....<.e-c::. ""2f)e¡o..., eV,'Cwe.¿- i?y k~ 6'~ vH-Y ~ ' ""~ ~X"C~'R. .'v.1,e-. S"VVI~1f \I1ot 111+ 0(- S ~d'1~) I understand and agree that any PERMIT FOR HOME OCCUPATION Issued to me shall be sub\ect to and condit oned on the faithful compliance with all of the following listed criteria, conditions and regulations. 1. The occupation shall not Involve the use of signs on the premises. 2. The residence address will not be used for advertising purposes of any kind. Nor shall any other residence addre88 be used for advertising purposes in connection with the home occupation. 3. The occupation shall not Involve the use of commercial vehicles for delivery of materials to or from the premises, other than a vehicle not to exceed one ton, owned by the,eparstor of such home occupation, which shall be stored in a garsge, If there Is one; If there is no garage on the premlseaany such materials Including stock, wares, goods, semples, or equipment, carried in the vehicle shall be concealed 80 as not to be visible from the street, sidewalk or alley when such vehicle is parked at such residence. 4. There shall be no retallselesatlhe residence and there shall be no services performed at the residence for parsons who havecomètothe residence for such services. Customers, clients, or prospective customers or clients shall not be invited to the residence for the purpose of purchasing or obtaining or considering the purchasing or obtaining of merchandise, wares, goods, equipment or service. The term "invited" shall be construed to Include the making of appointments with customers or clients or prospective customers or clients for the performing of services at the residence. 5. No noise, pedestrian or vehicular trsfflc or activity which constitutes a nuisence or disturbance of the peace of any parson shall be produced or made at the residence In connection with the home occupation. ~ e y"",, C. f 6. No displays, models or semples shall be'exhibited on the premises. " "-i:-' ñ no way shall the appearance of the structure be so altered orthe conduct ofthe occupation within the structure be such that the stn,Jeture may be reasonably recognized as serving a nonresidential uSe (either by color, materials or construction. lighting, signa, 8Ounds, or noises, vibrations, etc.). 8. Any stock, wares, goods, materials, samples, merchandise or equipment stored on the premises shall be entirely within the building and not visible from the street, sidewalk or alley and shall not interfere with the residential use or endanger any person. 9.' No employees, salesmen or other help, including independent contractors, partners or joint ventures hired, engaged. or retained by the permittee, other than members of the immediate or resident family shall perform any work at the premises or go to or upon the premises in conjunction with the home occupation. Employees may be allowed to enter~he premises in all R·S andA zoned property for the purpose of loading and unloadlngsuppliesonly, 10. There shall be no processing or manufacturing of goods. wares or merchandise on the premises unless the Planning Dlrectorfindsthat, In addition to meeting all other criteria applicable to the home occupation, the processing or manufacturing can and will be done in such a manner that no noise, sound, vibration, odor, fumes or light,!1J9 emitted from the premises. 11. Before conducting any business at the above address a business license shall be obtained. 12. The permittee shall also comply with all applicable state and city laws for health and safety. 13. It shall not involve the use of more than two hundred fifty (250) square feet of the premise&, not including a vehicle meeting the criteria of condition 3 above. / 14, No Class I flammable liquids or liquified flammable gases may be used or stored on the premises, and not more than the equivalent of seventy-flve (75) cubic feet of other flammable materials to be used in relation to the home occupation may be stored on the premi888 at anyone time. I understand thatfailure to comply with all of the criteria, conditions and regula 1n.t~e revocation ofthe HOME OCCUPATION ~RM~ . (I ~ \ Date /-, _~sale number, if any !.' \ (\ .- , 0, I k .,-L .''J\I.-.- APPROVED !" , "'-of1' Y-Y"\ ¿~ ' /"Buildin ;jDirector/) .J i/ / // APPROVIm ;;;7!~1.~t....,., (;->---<.~ ¡ DirEþor of Planning / 1 ~ .)....! 0 (~<: . ; i'~)/ / 6' Ç/. 77s¡;;re Home telephone "--:'~l /'-7,/' _,,(~;¿:', /-::13/¿o Fire Marshall APPROVED 7_ ¿d -9 )- Oate Trade Name of Business. if any Date 3¡~;-7/ J (-o/APPROVEO J Daté ,.,..; Date ._,;.., ¿, DATE " ACTION PER REMARKS ..; .. c "..~ ':', ¡ '\....... '" ....~.. '. PARAGON PRINTING FACT SHEET Standardized Permit Tier for Hazardous Waste Treatment/Storage Facilities March 1996 a The California Environmental Protection Agency (Call EP A), Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) BACKGROUND: The California Legislature enacted the Wright-Polanco- Lempert Hazardous Waste Treatment Pennit Refonn Act of 1992 (Assembly Bill 1772 of 1992) which made important changes to California's laws governing the treatment and storage of hazardous waste. The Act established a five-tiered program for authorizing treatment and/or storage at many businesses that require State authorization to treat or store hazardous waste. The five-tiered program also includes the "Full Pennit" (or Federal) tier. This fact sheet describes one of the five tiers, the Standardized Penn it tier (HSC 25201.6). It is designed to assist you in assessing the applicability of this statute to your current or proposed operation. It is also designed to assist you in understanding the various administrative and technical operational requirements you must meet in order to operate under a Standardized Pennit. If after reviewing this fact sheet, you still have questions regarding the applicability of these tiers to your operation, please call the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Headquarters Standardized Pennit Duty Officer at (916) 323-6042. DEFINITIONS: "Application" means the portion of the Standardized Pennit procedure that includes a detailed operation plan. It is similar to the federal "Part B" portion of the facility pennit application. "Notification" means the portion of the Standardized Pennit procedure that provides the basic facility infonnation (DTSC Fonn 1093 A). It is similar to the federal "Part A" portion of the facility penn it application. "Offsite facility" means a facility that receives waste generated at any location that is not contiguous to the 'treatment or storage facility. "Series A Standardized Pennit facility" is a facility that treats more than 50,000 gallons or 100,000 pounds of waste in a month, or can store than 500,000 gallons or 500 tons of waste. "Series B Standardized Penn it facility" is a facility that 'treats more than 5,000 but less than 50,000 gallons, or more -than 10,000 but less than 100,000 pounds of waste in a month; or can store more than 50,000 but less than 500,000 gallons, or more than 100,000 pounds but less than 500 tons of waste. STANDARDIZED PERMIT: This fact sheet describes the Standardized Penn it tier and the requirements with which you must comply in order to obtain authorization to treat and/or store bazardous waste under this tier. ELIGmILITY: Other than those specified below, treatment or storage facilities that do not require a federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Permit are eligible for a Standardized Pennit. Additionally, any owner or operator of a transportable treatment unit (ITU) may be eligible to operate under a Standardized Pennit after January 1, 1996. The following types of facilities are not eligible for this tier: · used oil recycling facilities · solvent recyclers except as specified in Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 25201.6(g)(2) · incinerators and land disposal units except as specified in HSC section 25201.6(g)(3) "Series C Standardized Pennit facility" is a facility that treats less than 5,000 gallons or 10,000 pounds of waste in a month, or can store less than 50,000 gallons or 100,000 pounds of waste. ':'-Sniall:qualÌtity SenesC Standardized Pennit facility" is ,ra facility that treats less than 1,500 gallons or 3,000 pounds of 'waste in a month, or can store less than 15,000 gallons or ~~,OOO pounds of waste. IN THIS FACT SHEET: · Definitions · Operating Requirements · Eligibility · Notification/Application Requirements · Fees · Financial Responsibility ]OPERATING REQUIREMENTS ".j The following operating requirements apply to Standardized Permit facilities. All citations are to the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, unless otherwise noted. Identification number - (Section 66264.11) The facility must obtain this nwnber issued by DTSC. The nwnber must begin with CAD or CAL. Waste analysis - (Section 66264.13) The facility must maintain a waste analysis plan to ensure that wastes received from generators are within the scope of the facility's permit. Generators must supply the facility with an analysis of a representative sample of the waste being manifested to the facility. All facilities reserve the right to refuse waste that does not meet the criteria of the facility's permit. Security - (Section (66264.14) The facility must maintain a security plan and system to ensure that entry to the active portion of the facility is controlled at all times. Inspection - (Section 66264.15) The owner/operator must maintain a regular facility inspection schedule to ensure any malfunctions at the facility are identified and remedied. Personnel training - (Section 66264.16) The owner/operator must develop a training plan for all facility personnel relevant to their positions to ensure that all personnel have adequate training to perform their duties safely. Facilities must maintain records of employee training. Ignitable/reactive/incompatible waste - (Section 66264.17) Wastes of these types must be separated to prevent accidental ignition or reactions. Location - (Section 66264.18) A facility located in a 100- year flood plain must demonstrate that the waste can be removed before a flood could reach the facility. Required equipment - (Section 66264.32) Each facility must have an internal communication system, communication to outside emergency response personnel, fire suppression equipment, and an adequate water supply. Arrangements with local authorities - (Section 66264.37) Prior arrangements shall be made with local emergency response authorities. Contingency plan - (Chapter 14, Article 4) Each facility must develop and maintain a contingency plan that outlines the protocol to be followed in the event of an emergency at the , facility. The DTSC must be notified if the contingency plan is activated. Manifesting - (Sections 66264.71, 66264.72, 66264.76) All waste transported to and from the facility must be manifested. Operating records - (Section 66264.73) Each facility must maintain operating records that include waste received and treatment provided, location of waste within the facility, waste analysis results, contingency plan reports, inspection reports, closure cost estimates, treatment standard notifications, and a copy of the facility's authorization that is provided to generators. Annual report - (Section 66264.75) The owner/operator must submit an annual report to DTSC and the appropriate Regional Water Quality Control Board by March 1 of each year that covers waste management activities at the facility during the previous calendar year. Closure - (Chapter 14, Article 7) Each facility must prepare a closure plan that outlines the steps that will be taken to remove all hazardous waste from the facility at the end of the facility's operating life.. Management of containers - (Chapter 14, Article 9) Each facility that manages hazardous waste in containers must ensure that the containers are compatible with the waste, are closed except when adding or removing wastes and are not handled in a manner that could damage the containers. Management of tanks - (Chapter 14, Article 10) Each facility that manages hazardous waste in tanks must ensure that the tank system is compatible with the waste, has sufficient strength to not collapse, rupture or fail. Any tank that does not have secondary containment must be certified as meeting these criteria by an independent, qualified professional engineer. Secondary Containment - (Sections 66264.175 and 66264.193) Each tank and container storage area shall have impervious secondary containment that can contain the water from a 24-hour, 25-year storm (plus 10% of the volwne of the containers, or plus 100% of the capacity of the largest tank). The required date for compliance with the requirement for secondary containment depends on the age of a tank. Corrective action - (HSC Section 25201.6) Each facility must submit a Phase I Environmental Assessment with the application. This is an assessment of any past releases of hazardous waste at the facility, based on records, a visual survey, etc. Sampling and testing are not required for a Phase I Environmental Assessment. LOCAL LÁND USE/CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYACTIPUBLIC NOTICE: Standardized Permit facilities are subject to the Tanner public notification and siting requirements (HSC Chapter 6.5, Article 8.7) and to the environmental impact assessment requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq). Included in these requirements is a 30-day public comment and review period for all environmental docwnents (e.g., draft Negative Declaration, draft Environmental Impact Report, etc.). Additionally, the draft Standardized Permit must be made available for a 45-day public comment and review period, It is DTSC's intent to run the public comment periods for these requirements concurrently, when possible, to ensure a streamlined approach in processing permit applications. DTSC Standardized Permit Fact Sheet Page 2 FEES '~ Each facility will be billed an activity fee for each application. The amount of the fee is determined by the size and Series designation of the facility. An activity fee is also assessed for a renewal application. The activity fees are as follows: · Series A · Series B · Series C . Small-Quantity Series C $31,578 $19,715 $5,254 $5,254 Additionally, each facility must pay an annual facility fee when billed by the Board of Equalization. The amount of the fee is determined by the size and Series designation of the facility. Effective January 1, 1996, ITU's operating under a Standardized Permit will pay the same annual fee as those facilities operating pursuant to a Permit By Rule. · Series A · Series B · Series C · Small-Quantity Series C $15,373 $7,205 $6,051 $3,025 A facility is eligible for a year-for-year fee credit if the following conditions apply: 1. The facility operated lawfully under a hazardous waste facility permit or other grant of authorization prior to September 1993 and; 2. The facility paid facility fees for the applicable period prior to September 1993 in which it operated. If eligible, the facility will be exempt from facility fees for ~ period of time equal to the number of years facility fees were paid prior to September 1993. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, Facilities treating or storing hazardous waste must provide both closure fmancial assurance and proof of environmental impairment liability coverage for third parties. Closure assurance must demonstrate the owner or operator's ability to pay for the complete closure and cleanup of the facility at the point at which the facility would be the most expensive to close. The closure cost must be updated annually and adjusted for inflation. The mechanisms used to demonstrate closure assurance are listed and explained in 22 Cal. Code Regs., Section 66265.143. The amount ofliability coverage required is determined by :the size and Series designation of the facility. The figures listed below are the coverage levels required per sudden ,accidental occurrence and as the annual aggregate (Section 67800.5). · Series A · Series B · Series C · Small-Quantity Series C $ I million / $2 million $500,000 / $1 million $300,000 / $600,000 $100,000 / $200,000 The mechanisms used to demonstrate liability coverage are listed in Section 66265.147. Financial responsibility forms and assistance are available from the Financial Responsibility Analyst for Standardized Permits. Please call (916) 323-6042. NOTIFICATION I In order to apply for a Standardized Permit, you must submit a Standardized Permit application package to the DTSC Headquarters office in Sacramento. It is recommended that a preapplication meeting be held prior to the submission of the permit application. To request a copy of the application, call the Standardized Permit Duty Officer at (916) 323-6042. DISCLOSURESTATEMENT ,,' A disclosure statement will be required as part of the application pursuant to HSC Section 25200.4. Series C facilities, however, must only provide documentation (with the application) regarding any convictions, judgements, settlements or orders resulting from environmental violations in the previous three years. I COMMUNITY PROFILE . I A Community Profile will be required as part of the application package. This profile will help DTSC determine the potential community interest, and to predict any public notification needs that go beyond the required Public Notice. DTSC Standardized Permit Fact Sheet Page 3 e e '\ " ! Region 2 - Berkeley (510) 540-2122 Dept. of Toxic Subst:mces Control 700 Heinz A ve.. Suite 200 Berkeley. CA 947JO Siskiyou Madoc California Department of Toxic Substances Control Regional Offices Shasta Lassen . Region 1 - Sacramento (916) 255-3545 Dept. of Toxic Substances Control 10J51 Croydon Way. Suite 3 Sacramento. CA 95827 Region 1 - Fresno (209) 297-3901 Depl. of Toxic Substances Control 1515 Tollhouse Road Clovis. CA 936 J I San Bernardino Region 3 - Glendale (8 ] 8) 55] -2800 Includes the area nonh of the 91 (Anesia) Freeway Depl. of Toxic Substances Control 101 J Nonh Grar.dview Avenue Glendale. CA 9120 I RiversIde San Die¡;¡o Imperial Region 4 - Long Beach (3 J 0) 590-4868 )nclud~s the area south of the 91 (Anesi;!1 Freew;!) Depl. of Toxic Subsl;!n~'es Control 245 We..t Broad",;!y. Suite 425 'LonJ; Bea¡;h. CA 90H02 Rev. 4/95 ~' I ''\,~, e Cal/EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramelllo, CA 95812-0806 e _ ~ WJ DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Pro;ect ProDonent: X-Ray solution Services, Inc. 9104 Thurber Lane Bakersfield, California 93311 Contact: Mr. Jim Warren Owner/operator (80S) 664-7760 Pete Wilson Governor James M. Strock Secretary for Environmental Protection Lead Aaencv: Department of Toxic Substances Control Standardized Permitting Section 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 Contact: Mr. Ben Makishima Hazardous Substances Engineer (916) 324-3112 Pro;ect DescriDtion: In accordance with Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 25201.6, a Series Small Quantity C Standardized Permit is to be granted by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. (XSSI), Bakersfield, California, I.D. number CAL 920 235 089, for the purpose of authorizing the operation a of a transfer, treatment, and storage facility to reclaim silver from off-site generated spent x-ray fixer solutions. XSSI, an existing facility, was granted Standardized Permit Interim Status in 1993. The actions to be taken at this site are defined as a "project" according to the Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21065 and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378. This project is subject to the environmental review process by the lead agency (DTSC) as defined by the 'PRC Section 21080 and the CEQA Guidelines Section 15063. Consequently, this environmental review document has been prepared in accordance with these CEQA requirements. Silver is the x-ray lab waste constituent most often regulated. California lists silver as a persistent and bioaccumulative toxic substance. Silver is also a characteristic (toxicity) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste at levels that exceed the Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP). The silver concentration of XSSI's waste exceeds TCLP and requires it. to classified as a RCRA hazardous waste due to toxicity. XSSI, a registered hazardous waste transporter, collects 5-gallon Department of Transportation (DOT) approved containers filled with x-ray aqueous hazardous waste solution containing silver from offsite generators, and transports this manifested waste to its facility is Bakersfield. XSSI was granted a City of Bakersfield Home Occupation Permit Number 13234 (HOP), dated March 27, 1995, by the Bakersfield Development Services Department, 1 ., \.J "'¡fWd on /Wqded "- e . 1 coordinated with the Hazardous Materials Division, to operate its hazardous waste facility. The facility has a maximum treatment and storage capacity of 55 gallons of hazardous waste pursuant to the HOP. XSSI accepts hazardous waste from known generators only. Under standardized permit interim status, XSSI operated one 10-gallon Rotex electrolytic recovery unit, one 5-gallon metallic replacement unit, and stored four 5-gallon DOT-approved contain~rs of x-ray fixer solution. Under the standardized permit, XSSI will be authorized to add one additional metallic replacement unit and place all storage and treatment units into polyethylene trays which will serve as dedicated secondary containment. XSSI will use a Rotex X4 Model 100 electrolytic recover unit, followed by polishing with two Kodak Circulating Model II metallic replacement units in series to recover silver from the hazardous x-ray solution. All treatment units will be located in dedicated secondary containment trays. Approximately ten gallons of the hazardous waste will be manually poured into the ten-gallon electrolytic recovery tank. Process equipment settings for amperage and voltage are constant for each batch treated, and only the process time varies from batch to batch. The batch treatment rate in the electrolytic unit averages ten gallons per five hours. Once a month, silver chips that plate on the cathode of the electrolytic recovery unit will be removed, placed in DOT- approved containers, manifested and transported CRE Refining, located at 11847 United Street, Mojave, California, CAD 981 402 522. The partially desilvered fixer solution' from the electrolytic recovery unit will be gravity fed into the two metallic replacement units in tandem by opening a manual in-line valve. The batch treatment rate in the metallic replacement units is ten gallons per hour. The metallic replacement unit that is adjacent to the electrolytic recovery unit, and that contains the silver sludge, will be capped and then manifested to a refiner. This transportation of the hazardous waste will occur quarterly. The original metallic replacement unit will be replaced by a second unit which is plumbed behind the remaining metallic replacement unit. The effluent from the ~ast metallic replacement unit will be discharged under permit from the City of Bakersfield (Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit Number 3-BK-P026) into the Bakersfield Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) , and the effluent must meet the requirements of the Bakersfield City Sewer Ordinance, Chapter 14.12.220, Prohibited Discharges, for allowable silver concentrations and pH. In order to confirm City of Bakersfield wastewater discharge requirements, effluent from the last metallic replacement treatment (prior to discharge to the POTW) will be sampled upon installation and again sampled quarterly by the facility an~ tested for silver content and pH by a California State Certified Analytical Laboratory: All effluent discharges into the sewer are monitored to ensure that the silver concentration and pH meet local POTW limits. The treatment process is a closed-system, and air emissions and releases are non-existent. System leaks and spills, if any, will be poured into the electrolytic recovery units.' Non-recyclable silver containing waste, such as shop debris, will be placed in DOT-approved containers and manifested ·to the 2 e . 1 refiner. A written design assessment of the new containment system and metallic replacement unit that was certified by an independent, qualified, professional engineer registered in California was reviewed and approved by DTSC. In this assessment, the engineer certified that the container containment system satisfies the requirements of section 66264.175 and 66270.15, Title 22, California Code of Regulations (22, Cal. Code Regs.). Within ten days of the effective date of the Standardized Permit, and the subsequent installation of the second metallic replacement unit and dedicated secondary containment trays, a written assessment of the containment system and treatment unit that has been certified by an independent, qualified, professional engineer registered in California, shall_be submitted to DTSC. DTSC must approve the certification in writing before the facility can operate the additional treatment and storage units. Safe management practices, operating procedures, inspection program, and the facility's emergency plan will ensure environmentally safe operation. Proiect Location: XSSI is located at 9104 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, Kern County, Californie., at latitude 35 degrees, 19 minutes, 0 seconds and longitude 119 degrees, 6 minutes, 30 seconds. The facility is located in an area zoned Residential on lot 33 of Tract 4544, Being a portion of the Northwest Quarter of Section 17, &.305., R.27E. Findinas of Sianificant Effect on Environment: DTSC has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment as that term is defined in the Public Resources code Section 21068. A copy of the Special Initial Study which supports this finding is attached. Signature Date Project Manager Signature Date Branch Chief Revised by DTSC, PEAS 7/12/93 ND.FRM 3 e - . . DOCUMENT REPOSXTORY LXSTXNG Preliminary Xnformation: a. Name and address of facility or project sponsor: X-Ray solution Services, Inc. 9104 Thurber Lane Bakersfield, California 93311 b. Name and address of person/organization Financially Responsible for the facility or project: X-Ray solution Services, Inc. 9104 Thurber Lane Bakersfield, California 93311 C. Person to be contacted concerning this project: Mr. Jim Warren X-Ray solution Services, Inc. 9104 Thurber Lane Bakersfield, California 93311 d. Address of Project: X-Ray solution Services, Inc. 9104 Thurber Lane Bakersfield, California 93311 e. Lead Agency: Department of Toxic Substances Control Hazardous Waste Management Program Standardized Permitting Section 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 f. Document references and location of documents available for public viewing: Document: 1. Notification (Part .A) 2. Application (Part B) 3. Notices of Deficiency 4. Draft Permit 5. Fact Sheet 6. Environmental Compliance Report 7. Complete CEQA documents and environmental information 4 e e !i Location: 1. Southwest Branch Library 8301 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, California 93311 2. Department of Toxic Substances Control Clovis Field Office, File Room 1515 Tollhouse Road Clovis, California 93611 Ms. Jennie Harbour (209) 297-3905 5 ·~ ~ ,." e . ø':~" " " Cal/EPA DRAFT Department of Toxic Substances Control 400 P Street. 4th Floor P. O. Box 806 Sacramento. CA 95812-0806 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALJTY ACT SPECIAL INITIAL STUDY For Standardized Pennit X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Pete Wilson Governor The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has completed the following Special Initial Study for this project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (§ 21000 et seq., California Public Resources Code) and implementing Guidelines (§ 15000 et seq., Title 14. California Code of Regulations). This Special Initial Study has also been used to satisfy the requirements of § 711.4, Fish and Game Code and § 753.5, Title 14. Code of California Regulations relating to filing of environmental fees. James M. Strock Secretary for Environmental Protection I. PROJECT INFORMA nON Project Name: X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Site Location: 9104 Thurber Lane Bakersfield, CA 93311 Contact Person: Mr. Jim Warren 9104 Thurber Lane Bakersfield, CA (805) 664-7760 Project Description: In accordance with Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 25201.6, a Series Small Quantity C Standardized Penn it is to be granted by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to X-Ray Solution Services,.Inc., ,(XSSI), Bakersfield, California, I.D. number CAL 920 235 089, for the purpose of authorizing the operation a of a transfer, treatment, and storage facility to reclaim silver from off-site generated spent x-ray fixer solutions. XSS~, an existing facility, was granted Standardized Penn it Interim Status in 1993. The actions to be taken at this site are defmed as a "project" according to the Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21065 and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378. This project is subject to the environmental review process by the lead agency (DTSC) as dermed by the PRC Section 21080 and the CEQA Guidelines Section 15063. Consequently, this environmental review document has been prepared in accordance with these CEQA requirements. Silver is the x-ray lab waste constituent most often regulated. California lists silver as a persistent and bioaccumulative toxic substance. Silver is also a charact~ristic (toxicity) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste at levels that exceed the Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP). The sÍlver concentration ofXSSI's waste exceeds TCLP and requires it to classified as a RCRA hazardous waste due to toxicity. XSSI, a registered hazardous waste transporter, collects 5-gallon Department of Transportation (DOT) approved containers filled with x-ray aqueous hazardous waste solution containing silver from offsite generators, and transports this manifested waste to its facility in Bakersfield. ~SSI was granted a City of Bakersfield Home Occupation Pennit Number 13234 (HOP), dated March 27, 1995, by the Bakersfield Development Services Department (Attachment 1), coordinated with the Hazardous Materials Division, to operate its hazardous waste facility. The facility has a maximum treatment and storage capacity of 55 gallons of hazardous waste pursuant to the HOP. XSSI accepts hazardous waste from known generators only. n \.J Pr_ on "-:Jded "- e De~ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 2 Under standardized permit interim status, XSSI operated one 10-gallon Rotex electrolytic recovery unit, one 5-gallon metallic replacement unit, and stored four 5-gallon DOT-approved containers of x-ray fixer solution. Under the standardized permit, XSSI will be authorized to add one additional metallic replacement unit and place all storage and treatment units into polyethylene trays which will serve as dedicated secondary containment. ' XSSI will use a Rotex X4 Model 100 electrolytic recover unit, followed by polishing with two Kodak Circulating Model II metallic replacement units in series to recover silver from the hazardous x-ray solution. All treatment units will be located in dedicated secondary containment trays. Approximately ten gallons of the hazardous waste will be manually poured into the ten-gallon electrolytic recovery tank. Process equipment settings for amperage and voltage are constant for each batch treated, and only the process time varies from batch to batch. The batch treatment rate in the electrolytic unit averages ten gallons per five hours. Once a month, silver chips that plate on the cathode of the electrolytic recovery unit will be removed, placed in DOT-approved containers, manifested and transported to CRE Refming, located at 11847 United Street, Mojave, California, CAD 981402522. The partially desilvered fixer solution from the electrolytic recovery unit will be gravity fed into the two metallic replacement units in tandem by opening a manual in-line valve. The batch treatment rate in the metallic replacement units is ten gallons per hour. The metallic replacement unit that is adjacent to the electrolytic recovery unit, and that contains the silver sludge, will be capped and then manifested to a refmer. This transportation of the hazardous waste will occur quarterly. The original metallic replacement unit will be replaced by a second unit which is plumbed behind the remaining metallic replacement unit. The effluent from the last metallic replacement unit will be discharged under permit from the City of Bakersfield (Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit Number 3-BK- P026) into the Bakersfield Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), and the effluent must meet the requirements of the Bakersfield City Sewer Ordinance, Chapter 14.12.220, Prohibited Discharges, for allowable silver concentrations and pH. In order to confirm City of Bakersfield wastewater discharge requirements, effluent from the last metallic replacement treatment (prior to discharge to the POTW) will be sampled upon installation and again sampled quarterly by the facility and tested for silver content and pH by a California State Certified Analytical Laboratory. All effluent discharges into the sewer are monitored to ensure that the silver concentration and pH meet local POTW limits. The treatment process is a closed-system, and air emissions and releases are non-existent. System leaks and spills, if any, will be poured into the electrolytic recovery units. Non-recyclable silver containing waste, such as shop debris, will be placed in DOT-approved containers and manifested to the refmer. A written design assessment of the new containment system and metallic replacement unit that was certified by an independent, qualified, professional engineer registered in California was reviewed 'and approved by DTSC. In this assessment, the engineer certified that the container containment system satisfies the requirements of section 66264.175 and 66270.15, Title 22, California Code of Regulations (22, Cal. Code Regs.). Within ten days of the effective date of the Standardized Pennit, and the subsequent installation of the second metallic replacement unit and dedicated secondary containment trays, a written assessment of the containment system and treatment unit that has been certified by an independent, qualified, professional engineer registered in California, shall be submitted to DTSC. DTSC must approve the certification in writing before the facility can operate the additional treatment and storage units. Safe management practices, operating procedures, inspection program, and the facility's emergency plan will ensure environmentally safe operation. ' This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized permit application, a May 31, 1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data from the facility. Agencies Having Jurisdiction Over the Projectffypes of Permits Required: City of Bakersfield City of Bakersfield DTSC Hom,e Occupation Permit Industrial Wastewater Discharge Penn it Registered HW TraI?-sporter II. DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL ACTION BEING CO~SIDERED BY DTSC e e Department of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 3 o Initial Pennit Issuance o Removal Action Plan o Penn it Renewal o Removal Action Workplan o Penn it Modification o Interim Removal o Closure Plan ~ther(Specify) :s.t-Û(\ûf¥ÖR~,0 (})~ ('JY) l+ o Regulations Program! Region Approving Project: Hazardous Waste Management Program Pennit Streamlining Branch Standardized Pennitting Section Contact Person! Address! Phone Number: Mr. Ben Makishima 400 P Street P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 (916) 324-3112 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The boxes checked below identify environmental factors which were found in the following ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGIIMPACT ANALYSIS section to be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is "Potentially Significant" or "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated". DEarth D Risk of Upset D Aesthetics DAir D Transportation! Circulation D Cultural/ Paleontological Resources D Surface and Groundwater D Public Services D Cumulative Effects D Plant Life D Energy D Population D Animal Life D Utilities D Housing D Land Use D Noise D Recreation D Natural Resources D Public Health and Safety ~one Identified IV ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING/ IMPACT ANALYSIS The following pages provide a brief description of the physical environmental conditions which exist within the area affected by the proposed project and an analysis of whether or not those conditions will be potentially impacted by' the praposed project. Preparation of the Environmental Setting and Impact Analysis sections follows guidance provided in the DTSC's Workbook For Conducting Initial Studies Under the California Environmental Ouality Act (CEO A), October 1996 (Workbook). This Special Initial Study also contains evidence to support the claim that this project will have absolutelv no adverse impact on fish or wildlife or the habitat that on which the fish or wildlife depend pursuant to the provisions of Title 14, CCR § 753.5 (d). Areas of special concern to fish and wildlife are highlighted within the appropriate environmental factor in the following section. A list of references used to support the following discussion and analysis are contained in Attachment A and are referenced within each environmental factor discussed below. ~ - Dep!ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 4 Mitigation measures which are made a part of the project (e.g. penn it condition) or which are required under a separate Mitigation Monitoring Plan which either avoid òr reduce impacts to a level of insignificance are identified in the analysis within each environmental factor. ...-...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;..-------------------------------------------------- t. Earth -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...------------------------------------- Descrivtion of Environmental Settinf!: XSSI is located at 9104 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The facility has operated at this site since 1973. The facility is located in a residential area, zoned R-t. The project consists of the issuimce of a standardized pennit to an existing facility currently authorized under standardized penn it interim status. The treatment and storage area is located along the northwest wall of the garage at this residence, see Attachment 2, Plot Plan. This area of Bakersfield is above the IOO-year flood plain. Ref: Standardized Penn it Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn Analvsis of Potential Imvacts: [Analysis must include thefollowing concerns: 1) Changes to any riparian land or wetlands under state or federaljurisdiction?; 2) Changes to soil required to sustain habitat for fish and wildlife? J XSSI is located in an existing building (garage) that will require no changes, modifications, or alterations to the building structure. There will be no changes of any type that would affect soil, topography, geologic features or physical features. Due to the design of the secondary containment trays, there is no possibility of migration of waste from the garage. This project will not cause erosion of any type. No riparian land or wetlands will'be affected by this project, and there will be no changes to soil required to sustain the habitat for fish and wildlife. No known seismic faults exist in the immediate area of the facility. There is no exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as landslides, mudslides, ground failure or similar hazards. . Although the facility is situated in a residential area, there is no possibility for adverse affect because the entire treatment system will be located and operated within the facility's secondary containment trays. XSSI was granted a City of Bakersfield Home Occupation Penn it Number 13234 (HOP), dated March 27, 1995, by the Bakersfield Development Services Department, coordinated with the Hazardous Materials Division, to operate its hazardous waste facility. The facility has a maximum treatment and storage capacity of 55 gallons of hazardous waste pursuant to the HOP. XSSI accepts hazardous waste from known generators only. Management practices, safe operating procedures and an inspection program in the facility operation plan (the operation plan is part of the pennit application or Part B that is available during the comment period for public viewihg) will help to ensure that there are no releases to the environment. Because of the low-hazard nature of the waste and the precautions taken in the operation of the facility, no significant environmental effects are expected from the operation of the facility. This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized pennit application, a May 31, 1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data from the facility. Ref: Standardized Penn it Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn Findinf!s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impa¢t Mitigated Impact ~ct ----------------------------------------------~-------'---_:_----~-~~-----------------~----------~-----~-----------------~---------- 2. Air .........----------------------------.----------------------------------..---------------------------...----...--------------------------------------- Descrivtion of Environmental Settinf?: ,',.,1 e Deptent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 5 XSSI is located at 9104 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The facility has operated at this site since 1973. The facility is located in a residential area, zoned R -1. The project consists of the issuance of a standardized penn it to an existing facility currently authorized under standardized pennit interim status. The treatment and storage area is located along the northwest wall of the garage at this residence. Because all treatment and storage activities are conducted indoors at ambient temperature, there is no exposure to temperature, wind, or precipitation. The treatment and storage process create no air emissions and no pennit i!¡ required by the Kern County Air Pollution Control District. . Ref: Standardized Pennit Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn Analvsis of Potential ImlJacts: [Analysis must address the following concerns: Degradation of any air resources which will individually or cumulatively result in a loss of biological diversity among the plants and animals residing in that air?) This project will not involve, nor result in, any air emission that would be malodorous or pollute the air. Therefore, the activities at the facility will not have any significant effects on air resources, air quality, or the plant and animals residing in the air. Airborne emissions and releases are non-existent because silver, the hazardous constituent of photo waste, does not volatilize or in any way affect air quality. The treatment process does not produce odors, and a penn it from the local air district is not required for any hazardous waste management activities. Activities at the facility will not alter air movements, atmospheric temperature or humidity or degrade any air resourc~s that will result in a loss of biological diversity among plants and animals. In tenns of potential for health effects from exposure, waste fixer is relatively benign. Even occasional direct contact with waste fixer would not be expected to produce any discernable reaction. The primary potential hazard from waste fixer is that silver accumulates in the food chain, so as long as release to surface and ground water are prevented, the health risks from a silver recovery operation are minimal. The activities at the site, including loading and the storage and treatment of aqueous waste solutions containing silver, will be conducted indoors in an existing building (garage) and the units will be placed into polyethylene trays which will serve as dedicated secondary containment. Management practices, safe operating procedures and an inspection program in the facility operation plan will help to ensure that there are no releases to the environment. This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized penn it application, a May 31, 1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data from the facility. Ref: Standardized Penn it Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn Findin'ls: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact Impact o 0 0 J\.- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\------------------------------------- 3. Surface and Ground Water --------------------------------..-...------...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DescrilJtion of Environmental Settin'l: XSSI is located at 9104 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The facility has operated at this site since 1973. The facility is located in a residential area, zoned R-I. The project consists of the issuance of a standardized penn it to an existing facility currently authorized under standardized pennit interim status. The treatment and storage area is located along the northwest wall of the garage at this residence. The facility is situated above the IOO-year flood plain. The nearest stonn drains to the facility are located 890 feet to the left of 9104 Thurber Lane and 600 feet right of9104 Thurber Lane. The nearest body of water is the Kern River which is located five miles away. The nearest well is located approximately one-half mile northwest of the facility. Ref: Standardized Pennit Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn · e Department of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 6 Analvsis of Potential ImlJacts: {The analysis must address the following concerns: 1) Changes to riparian land, rivers, streams, watercourses and wetlands under state and federal jurisdiction?; or 2) Changes to any water resources which will individually or cumulatively result in a loss of biological diversity among the plants and animals residing in that waterZl' , This project will not involve nor result in any physical change to any body of water, water course, or wetland. The activities at the site, including loading and the storage and treatment of aqueous waste solutions containing silver, will be conducted indoors in an existing building (garage) and the units will be placed into polyethylene trays which will serve as dedicated secondary containment. The facility uses approximately 10 gallons/month of water trom the local water utility for the purpose of general cleaning of the facility and for sanitary purposes. This volume of water does not impact public water supplies, nor will the usage volume change as a result of the project. No water is Qsed for the processing of hazardous waste. Additionally, operations at the facility do not affect the quantity of groundwater, nor is there any alteration of the direction or rate of flow of groundwaters. There is no runoff trom the secondary containment, and operations at the facility do not affect the quantity of groundwater, nor is there any alteration of the direction or rate of flow of groundwaters. The facility discharges less than 55 gallons of effluent per month under permit from the City of Bakersfield (Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit Number 3-BK-P026. The effluent will be tested to ensure that levels will be below the hazardous constituent limits set by the sewer district. Quarterly sampling and analysis by a California Certified Analytical Laboratory will be conducted to ensure that the effluent meets local discharge requirements. Management practices, safe operating procedures and an inspection program in the facility operation plan will help to ensure that there are no releases to the environment. This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized permit application, a May 31, 1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data from the facility. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmentallnformation Form; City of Bakersfield Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit Findin~s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact Impact -----------------------------------~--------------------~------------------~-----------------~------------------------------------- 4. Plant Life --------------------...---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DescrilJtion of Environmental Settin'f: XSSI is located at 9104 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The facility has operated at this site since 1973. The facility is located in a residential area, zoned R-l. The project consists of the issuance of a standardized permit to an existing facility currently authorized under standardized permit interim status. The treatment and storage area is located along the northwest wall of the garage at this residence. The immediate area is not a known habitat for any plant endangered species as per information submitted to DTSC and information gained trom site visits. Plant life in the immediate area consists of common landscaping grasses, trees, shrubs, and flowers. There are no habitats such as wetlands, riparian woods, etc. adjacent to or in the immediate vicinity of the facility~ With the lengthy history of residential development, little remains of the area's original flora and fauna. In the more- general Bakersfield area, a search of the Department ofFish and Game's Natural Diversity Database ("RAREFINDS") identified four species that are endangered, threatened, proposed as endangered, or listed as a species of concern: the Great Valley Cottonwood Riparian Forest, Mason's Neststraw (StvlocIine mason ii), San Joaquin Woollythreads (Lembertia congdonii), and Bakersfield Small scale (AtriDlex tularensis) (see RAREFINDS report summary, Attachment 3). Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form, Natural Diversity Database Analvsis of Potential Impacts: - Dep!ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 7 [The analysis must address the following concerns: I) Any adverse effect to native and non-native plant life?; 2) Effects to rare and unique plant life and ecological communities dependent on plant life?; 3) Any adverse effect to listed threatened and endangered plants?; 4) Effects on habitat in which listed threatened and endangered plants ar!! believed to reside?; 5) Effects on species of plants listed as protected or identified for special management in the Fish and Game Code, the Public Resources Code, the Water COde, or regulations adopted thereunder?; or 6) Effects on marine and terrestrial plant species subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Fish and Game and the ecological communities in which they reside?] XSSI has been operating at this site since 1973 and received standardized permit interim status December 31, 1993. The. activities at the site, including loading and the storage and treatment of aqueous waste solutions containing silver, will be conducted indoors in an existing building (garage) and the units will be placed into polyethylene trays which will serve as dedicated secondary containment. There will be no runoff from the secondary containment. The facility discharges effluent under permit from the City of Bakersfield (Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit Number 3-BK-P026. The effluent will be tested to ensure that levels will be below the hazardous constituent limits set by the sewer district. Quarterly sampling and analysis by a California Certified Analytical Laboratory will be conducted to ensure that the effluent meets local discharge requirements. Airborne emissions and releases are non- existent as previously discussed in the impact analysis for air. Because of the low-hazard nature of the waste and the precautions taken in the operation of the facility, none of the activities at XSSI are expected to have any effects on native or non-native plants, plant communities, listed or protected plants or habitats, or the ecological communities in which these plants reside. Under its Standardized Permit, XSSI will continue to conduct the same activities as it has been since 1973. Management practices, safe operating procedures and an inspection program in the facility operation plan will help to ensure that there are no releases to the environment. This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized permit application, a May 31, 1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data from the facility. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form; RAREFINDS Findin,?s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact Impact· -----------------------------------~--------------------~------------------~------------------1------------------------------------- 5. Animal Life ---......----------.....----------...------------------........-----------------..----------------------------------------...------------------------------- Descrivtion of Environmental Settin,?: XSSI is !ocated at 9104 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The facility has operated at this site since 1973 and received Standardized Permit Interim Status December 31, 1993. The facility is located in a residential area, zoned R-l. The project consists of the issuance of a standardized permit to an existing facility currently authorized under standardized permit interim status. The treatment and storage area is located along the . northwest wall of the garage at this residence. The immediate area is not a known habitat for any animal endangered species as per information submitted to DTSC and information gained from site visits, and has limited value as an animal habitat because it is a residential area. Animal life in the area consists of common domestic animals (dogs, cats, birds, etc) and insects. II} the more-general Bakersfield area, a search of RAREFINDS identified two species that are endangered, threatened, proposed as endangered, or listed as a species of concern: the San Joaquin Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica), and Kern Shoulderband ffielmintho!!:lvpta callistoderma). See RAREFINDS summary, Attachment 3. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form; RAREFINDS . Analvsis of Potential Imoacts: [The analysis must address the following concerns: J) Effects on listed threatened or endangered animals?; 2) Effects on habitat in which listed threatened and endangered animals are believed to reside?; 3) Effects on species of animals listed as protected or identifiedfor special management in the Fish and Game Code, the Public Resources Code, the Water Code, or regulations adopted thereunder?; or 4) Effects on marine and terrestrial animal species subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Fish and Game and the ecological communities in which they e Dep.ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 8 reside?] This project will not involve nor result in physical change to any animal life nor any wildlife habitat. Because of the low-hazard nature of the waste and the precautions taken in the operation of the facility, none of the aCtivities at XSSI are expected to have any effects on listed or protected animal or habitats, or the ecological communities in which these animals reside. None of the RAREFINDS-identified species are in the immediate area of the facility. There is no possibility of any adverse impact because the activities at the site, including loading and the storage and treatment of aqueous waste solutions containing silver, will be conducted indoors in an existing building (garage) and the units will be placed into polyethylene trays which will serve as dedicated secondary containment. There will be no runoff iÌ"om the secondary containment. The facility discharges effluent under permit iÌ"om the City of Bakersfield (Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit Number 3-BK-P026. The effluent will be tested to ensure that levels will be below the hazardous constituent limits set by the sewer district. Quarterly sampling and analysis by a California Certified Analytical Laboratory will be conducted to ensure that the effluent meets local discharge requirements. Airborne emissions and releases are non-existent as previously discussed in the impact analysis for air. Under its Standardized Permit, XSSI will continue to conduct the same activities as it has been conducting since 1973. These activities have not resulted in significant impacts to any animals, animal habitats or communities, and, in fact, have provided treatment capacity for photographic wastes that might otherwise have been disposed directly into the sewer. Management practices, safe operating procedures and an inspection program in the facility operation plan will help to ensure that there are no releases to the environment. This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized permit application, a May 31, 1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data from the facility . Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form; RAREFINDS Findinf!s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact Impact o 0 0 ~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------_.._------------------¿-~-------------------------------------- 6. Land Use ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DescrilJtion of Environmental Settin,¡: XSSI is located at 9104 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The facility has operated at this site since 1973. The facility is located in a residential area, zoned R-l with homes on either side of the facility and across the street. The treatment and storage area is located along the northwest wall of the garage at this residence. XSSl was granted a City of Bakersfield Home Occupation Permit Number 13234 (HOP), dated March 27, 1995, by the Bakersfield Development Services Department, coordinated with the Hazardous Materials Division, to operate its hazardous waste facility. The facility has a maximum treatment and storage capacity of 55 gallons of hazardous waste pursuant to the HOP. XSSI accepts hazardous waste from known generators only. The facility operates weekdays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The project consists of the issuance ofa standardized permit to an existing facility currently authorized under standardized permit interim status. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form; City of Bakersfield Development Services Department Analvsis of Potential ImlJacts: , This project will not result in any alteration of present or planned land use, which can be described as a residential area of single dwelling homes, see Attachment 4, Area Map. The permitting of the facility does not require rezoning or a land use amendment. Although the facility is situated in a residential 'area, there is no possibility for adverse affect because the entire treatment system will be located and operated within the facility's secondary containment trays. The facility has a maximum treatment and storage cåpacity of 55 gallons of hazardous waste pursuant to its e De.ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 9 land use penn it. XSSI accepts hazardous waste from known generators only. The silver reclamation activities are in compliance with all local land use requirements and restrictions. None of the nearby residents have contacted the facility to express concerns or complain about the facility's operation. The silver reclamation activities pose no reasonable possibility of significant environmental effects or changes to land use. Ref: Standardized Penn it Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn; City of Bakersfield Development Services Department Findinr¡s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Thein Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact Impact -----------------------------------~--------------------~------------------~---------------~-------------------------------------- 7. Natural Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------------..-------------------------------......-----------------------......-- Descrivtion of Environmental Settinf!: None of the waste management activities at XSSI consume natural resources. The minimal electrical usage required to reclaim the silver from the waste fixer is greatly offset by the recovery of silver, resulting in a reduced demand for the mining and refming of silver. Ref: Standardized Penn it Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn Analvsis of Potential Imvacts: This project will not result in an increase in the rate of use of any natural resources. The facility treats and stores spent x-ray fixer solution, and these activates pose no reasonable possibility of significant effect. Ref: Standardized Penn it Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn Findin,?s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact "Impact . -----------------------------------~--------------------~------------------~------------------~~.._---------------------------..-------- 8. Risk of Upset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descrivtion of Environmental Settin,?: XSSI is located at 9104 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, Kern Cou~ty, California. The facility has operated at this site since 1973. The facility is located in a residential area, zoned R-l. The project consists of the issuance of a standardized penn it to an existing facility currently authorized under standardized pennit interim status. The treatment and storage area is located along the northwest wall of the garage at this residence. This waste stream does not pose a fire or an explosion hazard. The activities at the site, including loading and the storage and treatment of aqueous waste solutions containing silver, will be conducted indoors in an existing building (garage) and the units will be placed into polyethylene trays which will serve as dedicated secondary containnient. SpeCific measures used to decrease the risk of upset are 1) all equipment is monitored and in~pected daily; 2) the containment area is kept clear and well maintained; 3) the hazardous waste [a maximum of 55 gallons/month] is manually poured from five- gallon carboys very slowly to prevent any spillage. The containment trays will confme any overflow, which will then be poured back into the spent fixer tank and recycled once more; and 4) in the event that the equipment at the e Dep.ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 10 site is not operable, the spent fIxer would be manifested to an authorized facility for treatment. There is a copy of the contingency plan on me with BakersfIeld Fire Department, Hazardous Material Division, which outlines steps to be taken in the event of a spill, accident or other type of emergency. The owner/operator of the facility, who is a retired fIre chief with 25 years of experience hàndling hazardous materials, has been trained to properly respond to an upset or release. There are no other employees at the facility. XSSI is also Ii registered hazardous waste transporter (Registration #3221), and as such transports the waste coming to the facility in compliance with the safety precautions required for hazardous waste transports. During waste handling and transport, protection against releases is provided by the packaging required for hazardous wastes. Pursuant to DOT regulations (Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Subtitle B, Chapter 1, Subchapter C, wastes must be shipped in DOT-approved containers. In order to qualify as a DOT-approved container, a container must meet the following perfonnance standards: "Each packaged used for the shipment of hazardous materials under this subchapter shall be designed, constructed, maintained, fIlled its contents so limited, and closed, so that under nonnal incident to transportation, ... 1. there will be not identifIable ... release of hazardous materials to the environment; and 2. the effectiveness of the package will not be reduced [by conditions] encountered during transportation. " Additionally, containers that are used to transport liquid wastes must have passed technical test standards for compatibility, resistance to penneability and impact resistance. Ifan accident were to occur during transport, the potential for release and resultant exposures would be limited by the size of individual drums (maximum 5 gallons) (i.e., it is unlikely that all of the drums in a load would rupture) and the DOT container standards. Ref: Standardized Penn it Application; Environmentallnfonnation Fonn; HAZNET Transporter Registration Tracking System Analvsis of Potential Impacts: XSSI has been reclaiming silver at this location since 1973. No releases of any environmental signifIcance have occurred during the operation of the facility. The project will not result in an increased risk of upset or possible interference with an emergency response or evacuation plan. Waste management practices, safe operating procedures, an inspection program, emergency plans and the employee's training (25 years with fIre chief experience) help ensure safe conditions and no releases to the environment. This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized pennit application, a May 31, 1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data fÌ'om the facility. Ref: Standardized Penn it Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn Findin'Zs: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No , Impact Mitigated Impact Impact -----------------------------------~------------------._-~------------------~-----------------~---------------------------------.-- 9. Transportation/Circulation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of Environmental Settinr¡: XSSI is located at 9104 Thurber Lane, BakersfIeld, Kern County, California. The facility has operated at this site since 1973. The facility is located in a residential area, zoned R-l. The project consists of the issuance of a standardized penn it to an existing facility currently authorized under standardized pennit interim status. Regional access to the facility is provided by Highway 99, exit at White Lane west to Hemingway Place. Travel north to Harte Way, and fmally turn right on Thurber Lane, see Attachment 5, Street Map. Other main roadways travelled are Gosford Road, Truxton A venue, 34th Street, Chester A venue, and California A venue. The facility uses one van -- -.-- e Dep!ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page I I which is registered by DTSC to transport manifçsted waste. No waste is received by the facility except that which is transported by XSSI. Hours of operation are weekdays fÌ'om 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Analvsis of Potential Imvacts: There will be no major effect on existing traffic as a result of the project, the issuance of the Standardized Permit because there will be no change in current operation. The facility has been operating at this location since 1973. The normal volume of traffic along Thurber Lane is approximately 25 vehicles per day. Only one trip per day is made by the operator of XSSI. This analysis is based on data presented in tlie standardized permit application, a May 31, 1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical data fÌ'om the facility. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Findinf!s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact Impact -----------------------------------~--------------------~---------_:.._------~----------------~-------------------~----------------- 10. Public Services -------------------------------..--------------------------..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of Environmental Settin,?: Services such as fire protection, police protection and public transit are not impacted by the continued operation of this facility. The activities proposed in the draft permit are the same that have been conducted at the facility since 1973. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Analvsis of Potential Imvacts: Because of the low-hazard nature of the waste and the precautions taken in the operation of the facility, no significant environmental effects are expected fÌ'om the operation of the facility. Waste photographic fixer is not ignitable or reactive, and posed few immediate-hazard risks. There is no reason to believe that any of the continuing activities at XSSI would impact the need for any public services. This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized permit application, a May 31, 1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data fÌ'om the facility. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental ~formation Form Findin,¡s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact I¡µpact . ------------------------------------~--------------------~-------------,-----~-------~-----------~-----~------------------------------- II. Energy Descrivtion of Environmental Settini{: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------....--------------------------------------------- XSSI uses small amounts of electricity to operate the electrolytic recover unit and metallic replacement units. The - Deptent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 12 electrical demands of the waste treatment system are not metered separately from the residence, so XSSI has not been able to differentiate electrical demands for waste management. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Analvsisof Potential Imvacts: The project will not involve nor result in any alteration of the existing demand for energy. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmèntal Information Form Findin'ils: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact Impact -----------------------------------~--------------------~------------------~---------------~-------------------------------------- 12. Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descrivtion of Environmental Settinf{: This project will not involve or result in a need for any new utilities. The permit gives fmal approval to treatment systems currently operating. XSSI currently discharges less than 55 gallons/month of non-hazardous wastes into the sewer each month. The effluent from the metallic replacement unit is discharged into the Bakersfield POTW Plant 3. The effluent meets the requirements XSSI Discharge Permit # 3-BK-P026 (see Attachment 6). The effluent meets the requirements of the facility's permit for pH (acidity/alkalinity- pH of 6.0-12.0) and silver discharge (less than 2.81 milligrams per liter of effluent). All effluent discharges into the sewer are monitored by the facility to assure compliance with the POTW's requirements. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Analvsis of Potential Imvacts: This project will not involve or result in the need for new utilities or alteration of any current utilities. The facility's operation will result in no changes with the utility services that are currently in place. Management practices, safe operating procedures and an inspection program Íil the facility operation plan will help to ensure that there ate no releases to the environment. This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized permit application, a May 31, 19.96 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data from the facility. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; EnvironmentaL Information Form'; City of Bakersfield Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit Findin-¡s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact Ill}!act O' . 0 , 0 9C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------;.-------------------- 13. Noise Descrivtion of Environmental Settinf{: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- e De.ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 13 All waste management activities are conducted indoors in the garage of the residence. None of the hazardous waste management activities generate a significant noise. The ambient noise level of the area is that of a typical residential neighborhood. The noise generated from the units (at the level ofa smalHan) is inaudible from outside of the garage and noise level is well below California Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulatory limits. The quiet operation of the facility was confmned during an inspection of the facility on May 31, 1996 by the project manager developing the draft permit. The traffic associated with the waste management activities at the facility is minimal, and does not contribute significantly to the overall noise level of the facility or the area (one vehicle). All hazardous waste management operations at the facility are conducted between the hours of8:00 AM and 5:00PM (nine hours per seven days). Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Analvsis of Potential Imvacts: The approval of this permit will not significantly increase the noise level at this facility. Even though the facility is in a residential area, XSSI has never received a complaint abut noise associated with its waste management activities. The only noise produced that might impact surrounding residents comes from XSSI van as it transports incoming fixer. However, only one trip is made on any given day. The silver flake and spent cartridges are transported to CRE Refming by XSSI. Neither of these occurs frequently enough to contribute significantly to the ambient traffic noise. The noise generated from the units (at the level of a small fan) is inaudible from outside of the garage and therefore creates no concerns. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Findinf!s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact Impact -----------------------------------~--------------------~------------------~----------------~---------~-------------------------- 14. Public Health and Safety -------------..----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of Environmental Settinf!: XSSI has operated at this site since 1973. The facility is located in a residential area, zoned R-t. No releases of any environmental significance have occurred during the operation of the facility. The activities at the site, including loading and the storage and treatment of aqueous waste solutions containing silver, will be conducted indoors in an existing building (garage) and the units will be placed into polyethylene trays which will serve as dedicated secondary containment. Waste fixer is toxic because of the silver content, and may also be an irritant to lungs, skin and eyes. The treatment of the waste fixer, besides reclaiming virtually all of the silver, significantly reduces the physical hazardous of the waste. At the start of the treatment process, the pH of the solution is approximately 6.3 (very slightly acidic). After the treatment, the pH of the solution is about 6.8 (neutral). In terms of potential for health effects from exposure, waste fixer is relatively benign. Occasional external contact with waste fixer would not be expected to produce any discernable reaction. The primary potential hazard from waste fixer is that silver accumulates in the food chain, so as long as releases to surface ground water are prevented, the heal risks from a silver recovery operation are minimal. No health hazardous are expected as long as rubber gloves and· goggles are worn, and safe handling precautions are observed by the owner/operator. There are no other employees at this facility. The owner/operator is aware of all safety equipment in the storage and transfer area. The owner/operator, who is a retire fire chief with 25 years of experience, is trained on the inherent hazardous associated with the spent x-ray fixer. The owner/operator follows the adapted Health and Safety Plan, which is periodically reviewed and, if necessary, updated. " ~.,', . '~, ~ " :;~ .¡ .',," e De.ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 14 7 XSSI is also a registered hazardous waste transporter (Registration #3221), and as such transports the waste coming to the facility in compliance with the safety precautions required for hazardous waste transports. During waste handling and transport, protection against releases is provided by the packaging required for hazardous wastes. Pursuant to DOT regulations (Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Subtitle B, Chapter 1, Subchapter C, wastes must be shipped in DOT-approved containers. In order to qualify as a DOT-approved container, a container must meet the following perfonnance standards: "Each packaged used for the shipment of hazardous materials under this subchapter shall be designed, constructed, maintained, filled its contents so limited, and closed, so that under nonnal incident to transportation, ... l. there will be not identifiable ... release of hazardous materials to the environment; and 2. the effectiveness of the package will not be reduced b [by conditions] encountered during transportation. " Additionally, containers that are used to transport liquid wastes must have passed technical test standards for compatibility, resistance to penneability and impact resistance. If an accident were to occur during transport, the potential for release and resultant exposures would be limited by the size of individual drums (maximum 5 gallons) (i.e., it is unlikely that all of the drums in a load would rupture) and the DOT container standards. Ref: Standardized Penn it Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn Analvsis of Potential Imvacts: This project will not result in the creation of any health hazard nor exposure of people to potential health hazard. Because all of the treatment processes operate within closed systems, airborne releases are nonexistent. In tenns of potential for health effects from exposure, waste fixer is relatively benign. Occasional external contact with waste fixer would not be expected to produce any discernable reaction. Tl)e primary potential hazard from waste fixer is that the silver accumulates in the food chain, so as long as releases to surface and ground water are prevented, the health risks from a silver recover operation are minimal. Management practices, safe operating procedures and an inspection program in the facility operation plan will help to ensure that there are no releases to the environment. This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized penn it application, a May 31, 1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data from the facility. Ref: Standardized Penn it Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn Findinf?s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact Impact ,. . -----------------------------------~--------------------~------------------~---------------~------------------------------------ 15. Aesthetics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desorivtion of Environmental Settimr The activities at the site, including loading and the storage and treatment of aqueous waste solutions containing silver, will be conducted indoors in an existing building (garage). These activities are not visible from outside of the hazardous waste management area. Ref: Standardized Penn it Application; Environmental Infonnation Fonn Analvsis of Potential Imvacts: There will be no changes in the operation of the facility, and. the operations conducted at XSSI are not visible from - Deaent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 15 " outside of the garage. This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized permit application, a May 31, 1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data from the facility. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Findinr¡s: Potentially Potentially Significant, Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact I.mpact -----------------------------------~--------------------~------------------~----------------~------------------------------------- 16. Cultural! Paleontological Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. Descrivtion of Environmental Settin,?: XSSI is located at 9104 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The facility has operated at this site since 1973. The facility is located in a residential area, zoned R-t. The nearest school is located approximately one mile away. The nearest place of worship is approximately one-half mile away. There are no neighboring businesses. There are no prehistoric sites or historical landmarks near the facility known by the operator. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Analvsis of Potential Imvacts: In terms of potential for health effects from exposure, waste fixer is relatively benign. Even occasional direct contact with waste fixer would not be expected to produce any discernable reaction. The primary potential hazard from waste fixer is that silver accumulates in the food chain, so as long as release to surface and ground water are prevented, the health risks from a silver recovery operation are minimal. The owner/operator is aware of all safety equipment in the storage and transfer area. The owner/operator, who is a retire fire chief with 25 years of experience, is trained on the inherent hazardous associated with the spent x-ray fixer. The facility has operated for 24 years without evidence of significant exposure hazard or releases. Based on these factors, there is little to no risk for any nearby land uses or effects on any cultural or paleoentological resources. This analysis is based on data presented in the standardized permit application, a May 31,1996 site inspection by DTSC and historical operating data from the facility. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Findin<¡s: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact 'Mitigated Impact lJ!!pact . o 0 0 ..PC -------------------------------------------------------~-----------------~--------------------------\----------------------------------,~- 17. Cumulative Effects ' ----...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of Environmental SeWn,?: Access to the facility is made through the front door of the residence. The garage is kept locked at all times except when removing the van. The door between the house and the garaged is kept locked and there is no public access. There is a posted hazardous waste warning sign. There is a telephone located in the garage to notify emergency personnel, ¡fnecessary. All treatment and storage activities are conducted in the garage and XSSI is limited toa treatment/storage volume of 55 gallons per month. There are no other know facilities in the general Bakersfield area. e De.ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 16 .. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Analvsis of Potential Imvacts: Assuming compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, DTSC has determined that this project will not have any significant cumulative effects because 1) There will be no physical changes to the site; 2) Although the facility is located in a residential area, there is no possibility for adverse affect because the entire treatment system will be located and operated within the facility's secondary containment trays. XSSI was granted a City of Bakersfield Home Occupation Permit Number 13234 (HOP), dated March 27,1995, by the Bakersfield Development Services Department, coordinated with the Hazardous Materials Division, to operate its hazardous waste facility. The facility has a maximum treatment and storage capacity of 55 gallons of hazardous waste pursuant to the HOP and XSSI accepts hazardous waste from known generators only; :3) This project will not result in air contamination as discussed in the impact analysis for air; 4) The facility discharges effluent under permit from the City of Bakersfield (Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit Number 3-BK-P026. The effluent will be tested to ensure that levels will be below the hazardous constituent limits set by the sewer district. Quarterly sampling and analysis by a California Certified Analytical Laboratory will be conducted to ensure that the effluent meets local discharge requirements; 5) All treatment and storage activities will be conducted within secondary containment areas that have been certified by a professional engineer registered in California. There is no runoff from the secondary containment. Management practices, safe operation procedures, and inspections will help to ensure there are no releases and will serve to protect human health and the environment. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Findines: Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Mitigated Impact Impact . -----------------------------------~--------------------~------------------~-----------------~------------------------------------ 18. PopulationIHousing/Recreation ' .......------------------------...------------.........------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Descrivtion of Environmental Settin,?: XSSI is located at 9104 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The facility has operated at this site since 1973. The facility is located in a residential area, zoned R-I. The project consists of the issuance of a standardized permit to an existing facility currently authorized under standardized permit interim status and there will be no changes in the operation of the facility. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Analvsis of Potential Imvacts: Since the project consists of the issuance of the standardized permit for this existing facility currently authorized under standardized permit interim status, there is no foreseen impact 'to population or housing or"recreation. Ref: Standardized Permit Application; Environmental Information Form Findines: Potentially Significant Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Significant No · ; - Dep.ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 17 Impact Mitigated Impact Impact o 0 0 ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------- 19. Mandatory Findings of Significance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated Less Than Significant Impact a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the Quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or, endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? [J [J [J b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short-tenn, to the disadvantage of long-tenn, environmental goals? [J [J [J c) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects) [J o o d) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? o o [J V. DETERMINA TION OF DE MINIMIS On the basis of this Special Initial Study: ~ I fmd that there is no evidence before the Department that the proposed project will have a potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat upon which the wildlife depend. A NEGATIVE DECLARA nON with a DE MINIMIS IMPACT FINDING will be prepared. VI. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANT EFFECT On the basis of this Initial Study: )( I fmd that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment. A NEGA nVE DECLARA nON will be prepared. o I fmd that although the proposed project COULD HA VE a significant effect on the environment, mitigation measures have been' added to the project which would reduce these effects to less than significant levels. A NEGA nVE DECLARA nON will be prepared. o I find that the proposed project COULD HA VE a significant effect on the j'.- :"; No Impact l'\ ~. ~ ~ e Dep.ent of Toxic Substances Control Initial Study Special Checklist for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Page 18 '! environment. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT will be prepared. Name of Pre parer Title Signature of Preparer Date ATTACHMENT A SPECIAL INITIAL STUDY REFERENCE LIST for Standardized Permit X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. I. Standardized Permit Application for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. 2. Environmental Information Forms for X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. 3. City of Bakersfield, Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit (attached) 4. RAREFINDS Naturàl Diversity Database, Natural Heritage Division, California Department ofFish and Game (location-specific report attached) 5. City of Bakersfield, Development Services Department (Home Occupation Permit, attached) 6. Title 49, California Code of Regulations 7. HAZNET Transporter Registration Tracking System [information available from Tari Patterson, DTSC Statewide Compliance Division, at (916) 323-3219] 1; e e -s Cal/EPA DE' MINIMIS IMPACT FINDING for Standardized Permit X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. Department of Toxic Substances Control 400 P Street. 4th Floor P. O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 Project Proponent: X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. 9104 Thurber Lane Bakersfield, California 93311 Contact: Mr. Jim Warren Owner/operator (805) 664-7760 Lead Agency Department of Toxic Substances Control Standardized Permitting Section 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 Contact: Mr. Ben Makishima Hazardous Substances Engineer (916) 324-3112 Project Description: In accordance with Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 25201.6, a Series Small Quantity C Standardized Permit is to be granted by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to X-Ray Solution Services, Inc. (XSSI), Bakersfield, California, I.D. number CAL 920 235 089, for the purpose of authorizing the operation a of a transfer, treatment, and storage facility to reclaim silver from off-site generated spent x-ray fixer solutions. XSSI, an existing facility, was granted Standardized Permit Interim Status in 1993. The actions to be taken at this site are defined as a "project" according to the Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21065 and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378. This project is subject to thè environmental review process by the lead agency (DTSC) as defined by the PRC Section 21080 and the CEQA Guidelines Section 15063. Consequently, this environmental review document has been prepared in accordance with these CEQA requirements. Silver is the x-ray lab waste constituent most often regulated. California lists silver as a persistent and bioaccumulative toxic substance. Silver is also a characteristic (toxicity) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste at levels that exceed the Toxicity Characteristics ,Leaching Procedure (TCLP). The silver concentration of XSSI's waste exceeds TCLP and requires it to classified as a RCRA hazardous waste due to toxicity. . Pete WiLson , Governor ! James M. Strock Secretary for Environmental Protection XSSI, a registered hazardous waste t~ansporter, collects 5-gallon Department of Transportation (DOT) approved containers filled with x-ray aqueous hazardous waste solution containing silver from offsite generators, and transports this manifested waste to its facility is Bakersfield. XSSI was 1 .n '-J Printed on Aecrded Paper ~ e - ; granted a City of Bakersfield Home Occupation Permit Number 13234 (HOP), dated March 27, 1995, by the Bakersfield Development Services Department, coordinated with the Hazardous Materials Division, to operate its hazardous waste facility. The facility has a maximum treatment and storage capacity of 55 gallons of hazardous waste pursuant to the HOP. XSSI accepts hazardous waste from known generators only. Under standardized permit interim s~atus, XSSI operated one 10-gallon Rotex electrolytic recovery unit, one 5-gallon metallic replacement unit, and stored four 5-gallon DOT-approved containers of x-ray fixer solution. Under the standardized permit, XSSI will be authorized to add one additional metallic replacement unit and place all storage and treatment units into polyethylene trays which will serve as dedicated secondary containment. XSSI will use a Rotex X4 Model 100 electrolytic recover unit, followed by polishing with two Kodak Circulating Model II metallic replacement units in series to recover silver from the hazardous x-ray solution. All treatment units will be located in dedicated secondary containment trays. Approximately ten gallons of the hazardous waste will be manually poured into the ten-gallon electrolytic recovery tank. Process equipment settings for amperage and voltage are constant for each batch treated, and only the process time varies from batch to batch. The batch treatment rate in the electrolytic unit averages ten gallons per five hours. Once a month, silver chips that plate on the cathode of the electrolytic recovery unit will be removed, placed in DOT- approved containers, manifested and transported CRE Refining, located at 11847 United Street, Mojave, California, CAD 981 402 522. The partially desilvered fixer solution from the electrolytic recovery unit will be gravity fed into the two metallic replacement units in tandem by opening a manual in-line valve. The batch treatment rate in the metallic replacement units is ten gallons per hour. The metallic replacement unit that is adjacent to the electrolytic recovery unit, and that contains the silver sludge, will be capped and then manifested to a refiner. This transportation of the hazardous waste will occur quarterly. The original m~tallic replacement unit will be replaced by a second unit which is plumbed behind the remaining metallic replacement unit. The effluent from the last metallic replacement unit will be discharged under permit from the City of Bakersfield (Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit Number 3-BK-P026) into the Bakersfield Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), and the effluent must meet the requirements of the Bakersfield City Sewer Ordinance, Chapter 14.12.220, Prohibited Discharges, for allowable silver concentrations and pH. In order to confirm City of Bakersfield wastewater discharge requirements, effluent fro~ the last metallic replacement treatment (prior to discharge to the POTW) will be sampled upon installation and 'again sampled quarterly by the facility and tested for silver content and pH by a California State Certified Analytical Laboratory. All effluent discharges into the sewer are monitored to ensure that the silver concentration and pH meet local POTW limits. The treatment process is'a closed-system, and air emissions and releases are non-existent. System leaks and spills, if any, will be poured into the electrolytic recovery units. Non-recyclable silver containing waste, such as 2. .... e e '.. shop debris, will be placed in DOT-approved containers and manifested to the refiner. A written design assessment of the new c9ntainment system and metallic replacement unit that was certified by an independent, qualified, professional engineer registered in California was reviewed and approved by DTSC. In this assessment, the engineer certified that the container containment system satisfies the requirements of section 66264.175 and 66270.15, Title 22, California Code of Regulations (22, Cal. Code Regs.). Within ten days of the effective date of the Standardized Permit, and the subsequent installation of the second metallic replacement unit and dedicated secondary containment trays, a written assessment of the containment system and treatment unit that has been certified by an independent, qualified, professional engineer registered in California, shall· be submitted to DTSC. DTSC must approve the certification in writing before the facility can operate the additional treatment and storage units. Safe management practices, operating procedures, inspection program, and the facility's emergency plan will ensure environmentally safe operation. Initial Study Information: The initial study has been conducted by DTSC to evaluate the possibility of significant effect. A copy of the Special Initial Study Checklist is attached. Declaration of No Evidence of Potential Adverse Effect: When considering the special initial study, there is no evidence before DTSC that the proposed project will have potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or habitat upon which the wildlife depends. Declaration of Rebutment of Presumption: DTSC had, on the basis of substantial evidence, rebutted the presumption of adverse effect contained in section 753.5(d), Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. Certification: The Department of Toxic Substances Control certifies that it, as lead agency, has made the above findings of fact and that based upon the special initial study and upon the record, the project will not individually or cumulatively have an adverse effect on wildlife resourcès, as defined in Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code. Signature verifying this certification is attached. Signature Date Project Manager Signature Date Branch Chief Revised by DTSC, PEAS 7/13/93 DM. FRM 3