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KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD - HHMP OWNER/OPERATOR: CAL STATE UNIVERSITY - BAKERSFIELD DBA: ADDRESS: 9001 STOCKDALE HWY ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: 9001 STOCKDALE HWY. BAKERSFIELD CA 93311 APN: 390-010-16-00-4 GT: 28 INSPECTOR: TERRY GRAY WORK ORDER NUMBER: 50308 TRACKING NUMBER: ÇHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION FILE NAME: GAL STATE BAKERSFIELD DATE TIME (DR) NARRATIVE ------------------------------------------------ C) 1/2 8 / :3 -1 ~3 t 8 I\ITI~L SITE IXSPECTIOX. ~IT\ESSED SA~PLIXG BY JS~ ASSOC. OF SOIL SAMPLES 1\ DRY~ELL BY ?;)R:·Œ? COOLI\G TOì\'ER. SPOIŒ TO E·ARB,\.W~ BRE\\ER. HAZ ~jA T COORDI:\--\TOR REGARDI:<G ~'iER "~·:..\SH fL\(:}~ .n THE ~jAI!\T. Y.\RD. RETt'R:\"ED IC ;)LL:~:·.::: _.is ?REP.\RED hOaR1\: ORDER, FI LE X\D :2::2.\ ?EPC<=t~ . CHECK FOR ADDITIONAL INFO ON HARD DISK , J. --r- - - . - - ~~-~-~ / , ~ t= L-.r Cc.-{ ___Ç~kß~~~~Ç~ Ll , . ,fQ.AX 0"80o~.3 ;;-()~-. - ___,q~c) ( , c;~C¿tcJ~e-tL ~J ~ - --'. - -~_._--'-'- ---- ~1/z'61 ~4 ~~~·I~I,,~J.,,- . 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'>~d CiÇ. _ (G..-_;c:.C~Re._, _" U . _ _ __..____u__n_ , - - - ----- -- - ------- ---~--- ---. ~ ----- - --- ------- --,----- -- ~--- ~ -------- - 4 ___ _____ __ __ -_._-~_. ç I, t> I~±~_ __ ê5:vß___,-",,:U C/, sc~4~v.~_t¿r;<;_Ít.r~~/< US~ _ m__p "u_ ~__ _ _. __ _____<f. ~ t I (,::,?jyj( ¿'t'I 4f I'fcyJ c-k,~! r;~ --'5-k5f"Ó-1. ______ _ f.2CAAk-~_~g_J_ __~ n ¿~ ~ ç:~ .~_~~__ ~ _ __~____~ -------- -~ --~_. ------- ,-- - ---- - ~ - - -- ----- - ---------- - --- - --- ,-- ---- -- ------ -- ------ - --- -. -- ~ - ~----- -------- - ---~--- - , - -- -- ------ .-- - --- ~-- - - - -.- ------ -- - - --- ------ ~I d 'I ., ~~o _____ ----- -- --- -- ----- - - - - - -- ------. ---"-- ._---~--.- .- --------- -- -~--~----~---~- -. -------.......----- -- -- - ___ -__-------------.-__-J ~- -'--_.------ --~~ - ---- - -- -- - ------ -- ----..--- ----~-~*--- - -- --- - _.~ ._-~---~ - ..---- ------ ---- -, CSUB . A.' .. ¿: State University Police California State University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield. California 93311-1099 .-..-...........-- '~"""."'-.,_..~........ ·__ø__. ~- 'II 'q~, _I :-";:.-...>-. ~(.~':' <::j'~'~!]~¡. \~'.~ ) .Wi!- I{\....,. ,. . 1-' -' f{·. ~~è-.~---··, "~,, " 805/664-2111 May 10, 1994 Lydia Von Sydow Hazardous Materials Inspector Kern Co. Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Von Sydow, Following is California State University Bakersfield's (CSUB) proposal for abandonment of the wash rack which has been identified as a class V shallow injection well. 1. CSUB will contract for clean out of the wash rack clarifier and for disposal of the existing contents as hazardous waste. 2. All use of the wash rack has been discontinued. The structure and piping will remain in place. Only surface rainwater run off will be discharged to the sump. 3. The University intends to connect the Corporation Yard to the City sewer system and will provide an approved clarifier for separation of steam cleaning effluent. The contents of the clarifier will be characterized and will be managed as hazardous waste if necessary. Due to budgetary restraints, we cannot currently provide a completion date for this work. Please let me Imow if you need any additional information. Sincerely, ,~L 0 - ~) ~ { .:\ (> lß-.r-N- ( Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Coordinator cc: Mr. Phillip Brown Dr. Kenneth Secor Chief Willie Shell ENVIRONME~ AL HEALTH SERVIC~ DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX April 14, 1994 California State University Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311 Attention: Barbara Brenner SUBJECT: SOIL FROM THE STORMWATER SUMP LOCATED AT 9001 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Ms. Brenner: This Department has reviewed the analysis of the soil in the stormwater sump. Provided the information submitted to the Department is representative of existing conditions, it is our position the soil in the stormwater sump may continue to be used as landscape fill material. - Any changes in the present use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. Please notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. Ifwe may be of further assistance to you, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director / ......./~ __--yo / _ v:... '¿, --..~ -- / -:. /:-.':,--.- ~. .. - -/ /By: Lydia V. von Sydow, REA Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program L VS:cas cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) ATIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno AnN: Dale Essary \lydia\Ca1Statc.smp ENVIRONME~ AL HEALTH SERVICI! DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX April 13, 1994 California State University Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311 Attention: Barbara Brenner SUBJECf: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL LOCATED AT 9001 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Ms. Brenner: The results of the samples retrieved on March 22, 1994, by B C Laboratories at the location noted above have been received by this office. Our review has determined that the hazardous waste toxicity criteria for metals have not been exceeded for soil sampled in the sump, nor did the soil sampled exceed the Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) as published in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories of 1992. Further soil investigations will not be required. In order to minimi7.e the potential for future discharge of an industrial waste into the sump, the system should be abandoned in accordance with U.S. EPA guidelines for closure of Qass V Shallow Injection Wells. Your plan to abandon this system should be submitted to this office within thirty (30) days so that a timely review can be made. Ifwe may be of further assistance to you, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director 1....-// ./ /'7/ ~" ,....- ;;(~~/.%:~ / ~.j?;/7 /-.~~~ _~f./ / By: Lydia V. von Sydow, REA Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program L VS:cas cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) ATfN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATfN: Dale Essary \1ydia\CalState.2nd FROM u!BORAT~~l~~'~, IN'ê. p. 1 FACSIMilE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET DATE OF TRANSMISSION: - ' -94 o. FAX NUMBER: ,..'; ",: ... ,,' ¡ " i .':. / ~... .' '{ ,". ".,0 A TIENTlON: .~ ,- . \.. ~ \., COMPANY: . ì .. FROM: Christy Ariey BC LABORATORIES, INC. FAX NUMBER (80s) 327-1918 COMMENTS: , , ANY PROBLEMS wlrn TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL: (805) 327-4911 EXT. 201 Transmitted by: 1(4 () Ii . .J NUMBER OF PAGES (including cover sheet): .." .~ .-......... .~ ..:~.".. ,---0 . ¡':.~::~. ··.I·...J:(~!(~ ("' t, ~-::;: ~>;;.·-f: . ~a:L~) ::J~:?7·'"'.:r.:;'~ " . F':AX. [E:í".::6") :·:·~~t?· 1 9 ~ a r ~ :S"~7-::'"-::"":';"7'_~>-r" '<.J-::'~~;::-::':..... :;;.'..~;T-7 . f ';;";'__'-:~:::~-~,-'-7~,~~h~~~-:--~--:"""'7.~~o-: ;~. ..~".., ~~~I~ONM!:rAL ~E~L T: ~ERVIC~:EPART~E~T ._-,- -- STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street. Suite 300 Bake,sfield, CA 93301 (805) 881-3838. (805) 881-3429 FAX California state University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311 . February 2, 1994 Attn: Barbara Brenner SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELLS LOCATED AT 9001 STOCKDALE HWY, BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA Dear Ms. Brenner: A.~ This is to inform you that the property noted above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Depa~tment to be the site of two Class V shallow injection wells. The first well has been identified as a drywell which received cooling tower effluent. This Department has already reviewed the analytical results for the drywell and concludes that no further characterization is required for this injection well. The construction planned for this site may proceed. The second well has been identified as a washrack that discharges to a sump located to the west of the maintenance building. This· notice is being sent to you because you have been identif ied as' the owner of the property listed above. Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations 40, (40 CFR), Section 144.12 (a) provides that "no owner or operator shalL.. operate [an injection well]...in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of' drinking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation...or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons." During our inspection sufficient evidence was observed to indicate that the washrack and subsurface structure discharge to the ground. Compliance may be .achieved by demonstrating that the washrack and the other appurtenances are not regulated under the Class V Shallow Injection Well Program. Please notify this office within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice of your intention to either proceed with the characterization of the Class V wells in accordance with the enclosed guidelines from EPA-REGION 9 or demonstrate that they do not meet the criteria of a Class V Well. The enclosed booklet cites the minimum required for site work plan activities, contractor requirements, example illustrations of well designs, and sampling methods and procedures. Should you wish to discuss the above regulations or criteria for Class V identification, please do not hesitate to call the inspector indicated below. .,¡ e - ,-- -'- - .~. State University Police California State University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311 Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Coordinator .--,:_.;-~_.... ,C;.. . _ ___ _____M___.__ (805) 664-2066 FAX (805) 664-3194 _..-...~--------- '~7~~ -- :;, [p:-::-::' ,i è'~~_!:~'C- ,>:: --:::~-~~,:_~ >A~;,i~~'~__~; ':'f£. ,':' :'-t~ .__~ _,__ . r:'-- _':-...__._:,,_ M_"'~__,__ ....-..._~ I'i ~ _'""~' .....__.::. . _.'--~..,. -.... i-- _.e' .r ".;".... .-.:..,.~..~_._ . ~.~ ~., _..i. , -, ." f ì - - . . '~d;4'~';~~~:'jiJEl~~'~~___ ~-'p' -JL~¿~Pé"<?Jp-$ß ~'~-r'~~'--'" _n______._ _ ..----~4:é~- ~.-ß _~ 4A£ ~ ~n.____ ---.-- ··~~/~~~7~~~-- -. . .,.,1/~~4( J-¿~,/>~ Þ, ~~, "~0r ~ uÞ< ~ jZ ~, ~~ ~ ;/ .~ ~c/.4 /~~ý~~.k~.~ .. ~~/ ~/ ~ ?vU ~..7í /?'Uf ~ . 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KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTlfENT INVESTIGATION RECORD - HBMP OWNER/OPERATOR: CAL STATE UNIVERSITY - BAKERSFIELD DBA: ADDRESS: 9001 STOCKDALE HWY ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: 9001 STOCKDALE HWY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93311 APN: 390-010-16-00-4 CT: 28 INSPECTOR: TERRY GRAY WORK ORDER NUMBER: 50308 TRACKING NUMBER: ÇHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION FILE NAME: CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD DATE TIME (DR) NARRATIVE ------------------------------------------------ 01/28/94 3.8 IXITIAL SITE IXSPECTIO~. WIT~ESSED SA~PLI~G BY BSK ASSOC. OF SOIL SAMPLES IX DRY~ELL BY FOR~!ER COOLI~G TOíŒR. SPOKE TO BARBARA BRE:':XER, HAZ ~jAT COORDI?(ATOR REGARDI\'G HER \·:ASH RACK AT THE ~jAINT. YARD. RET1.;R:'JED TO OFFl.ÇT_ & PREP,.\RED ì\'ORK ORDER, FILE ..l.:\D EP.~~ R,EPORT. CHECK FOR ADDITIONAL INFO ON HARD DISK 1 ENVIRONM.rAL ··..;Ê~LTH sERvlciPEPARTMENT STEVe McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 wMw Street, Suite 300 Bek~fi~,CA 93301 (805) 881·3838 (805) 881-3429 FAX California state university, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311 February 2, 1994 Attn: Barbara Brenner SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELLS LOCATED AT 9001 STOCKDALE HWY, BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA Dear Ms. Brenner: This is to inform you that the property noted above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the site of two Class V shallow injection wells. The first well has been identified as a drywell which received cooling tower effluent. This Department has already reviewed the analytical resul ts for the drywell and concludes that no further characterization is required for this injection well. The construction planned for this site may proceed. The second well has been identified as a washrack that discharges to a sump located to the west of the maintenance building. This· notice is being sent to you because you have been identified as· the owner of the property listed above. Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations 40, (40 CFR), section 144.12 (a) provides that "no owner or operator shalL.. operate [an injection well]...in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of drinking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation...or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons." During our inspection sufficient evidence was observed to indicate that the washrack and subsurface structure discharge to the ground. Compliance may be achieved by demonstrating that the washrack and the other appurtenances are not regulated under the Class V Shallow Injection Well Program. Please notify this office within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice of your intention to either proceed with the characterization of the Class V wells in accordance wi th the enclosed guidelines from EPA-REGION 9 or demonstrate that they do not meet the criteria of a Class V Well. The enclosed booklet cites the minimum required for site work plan activities, contractor requirements, example illustrations of well designs, and sampling methods and procedures. Should you wish to discuss the above regulations or criteria for Class V identification, please do not hesitate to call the inspector indicated below. ·.~. "...-.....~- ~ .. California state University, Bakersfield SUbject: Class V Shallow Injection Well February 2, 1994 Page 2 In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100 the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, review of reports, and laboratory service costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $24.80 per hour for oversight during the abatement of violations associated with the Class V well. If we may be of any further assistance, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director ~ .~ . . -. / /' // ~./ ,. /-4.-",/,- ..<. ~.¿?1 ..·-.(..A.'-:-t-¿7~ / ~............ r // ~y:. Lydia V. von Sydow, REA Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program cc; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATTN: Dale Essary (CALST A TE_ UlC) . ' '., ,~ . . 'c: '.'?;:;~~~~~;. ..01: ....,. . '..; I~'~i . ,~B.~~¡"f:i~i)j~r'~ ,'.' ·,/~,,~¿f':·'~:~'~ŠøClatês~'···<~,~;·ì'i·~·/·~4 ~:(., ., ,. .." ^~~. ·:~~~!~i~~.'~.~~;.?~~~:{ ':.". ,.~~: J~:~ ':.:~/: h;.~"~' ....,-' -1 :~- .~ ~. \.~_:.:'> .> !~~_!ß~!1~~!!!~b 16/..3ý,;;7 fROM: ---~~--~~-~~~_:_----------------------~-- ~~__~~~__~~~~Æf_____~___________________________ ßSk & ASSOCIATES 117 "V" Street Bakersfield, California 93304 TO' Phone Facsimf Ie Number: (805) 327-0671 Humber: (805) 324..4218 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT (inc1uding thfs page):___~_______________ OATE ___~~~~:~~_________ TIME ___¿'~Q_____________ COMMENTS: J1¿J¿&6L_~&__ ~~_:.J".z:LitT¿í_-LA.QZ~<;:.L.~_ ----______,______------_..._--........_......------------------~....... ------------------~-----------------~------------~~- ------------------------------------------------~~~~- -...----------------------------------.......-.......--------......----- --------------------~-------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------~ .'''~~" - --: ". ';"-.., ;;._ '.",'i"_. ' -- ·-,;7-'; ,,- ::_:. . . . _ . A' "n.:.~.>. .:. >:"':. : ::~.<~\r~;~~;.:": .,. . . y' .....~., :.~. .' . .,.~.~. .., J' Ii:I N-a':L ~94-:."M:Ót~~,,"1 "'",.;'.,':.> .,..:~ ;~rp"' ·~·2·: ".,. · '~:~'~7ii 3~1~~{}:{i;_f~':~';>'-'~"': .. aSK & AssociAte!! .,~ :':',. '_ . . ?t<$.~: .;;"'~·.;'-:'~Lab<lratòrY ·No: 38592-1 117 "VI' StreQt . . ;'.~·?!.ê!£/~;~.:'"-,:5-;. '!:~;;,H)"' Date Rec;Qived: 1..28-94 Bak.ersf~ e' d, CA 93304 '.;'.. ::1j"'.:';~4~:~>·," ' ";Oate Report-eell 1-31-94 . .. T , ~_ ¡ . . . .-; ; A\;t,Ql'lt'¡an: 8ruI;e B1ythe . ~. . '. . .,..:;"".," , ~ ~ ' ' $~~~1A: Brown Solid (type 1) Samp'e OQ5Ct~pt'ÌOM: 5-1, S-l Cat 21 Feè't, .Job *B9313S Sampled by Bruce 6lythe Dn 1-28-94 at oe30 hour' NO Free Liquid CAM ~ Tit'. 2~ Chapt~r 30, Artie', 11 Total Extract¡blt co~c~ntralio~ concentration (TC) mg/kg WET, (EC) mg/l '( < 10 ? 1. [; 23 ? < 0.& C.t~) 0.58 (2,$') 46 uS") TTLr./STl.C Ant Imony, 5b ~oa/ J S Arsenic, As 500/5.0 Barium. e~ 10000/100 B~ry1'ium. Be 75/0.75 c~dmium. Cd 100/1.0 Chrom1ym, Cr 2500/560 Chrom1um. (VI) 500/$.0 Cobalt, CO BOOO/80 ( ~,o CQpper, CU 2500L~5 11 LoaÔ. Pb 100Q/5.0 u..ç) 12 Mere.U!")', Hg 20/0.2 L'¡) C.l~ Mo'ybdenum~ Mo 3õOQ/2S0 (;1..>') S,S N1ckeL Hi ~OOOI '0 (S",/j) 5.9 Selenium. Se 100/1.0 ( 0.25 Silver. A9 $00;5.0 < 1.0 Thal' iunl, T1 700/7.0 '1 ( D v;ln~d1um V 2400/24 (¡,II) 12 L/Î)} ZiMC, Z~ 5000/250 32 MRL rC/EC 10¡O.Z 0.25/0.005 5.0;0.1 0.&/0.01 0.5/0.01 2.5/0.05 0.0&/0,05 5 .0/0 . 1 2.$/0.05 2,5/0,05 o .1 % .002 5.0/0.1 2.ðZO.OS 0.25/0.005 1.010.02 10/0.2 5.0/0.1 2.5/0.05 TTLC . Total ThreGholdL¡m1~ Co~cQntration, mg/kg STlt . Soluble Thre~ho1d L1m1t CDnç~ntra"on, mg/l in Q~tract wET _ Wðst~ Extraction Te$t: pH 5.0 So1ution, 0.2 M Citrate Buff.r Diionixed w~t$r for Chrom~um (VI) MRl _ M,nimum ReportIng Level Method Rœf~r8nç,s: 1, EPA SW..846. 196& 3rd Edition ~i. Eth.~ Lab operations Manager 4308 Armour"" Ave:".,u19 Sakèr"sfiold, Oallfcrnie 9330e JE/t.;w Method/ RliiferQ:\cQ 6010/1 7051/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 ô010/1 7411/1 G01011 15010/1 774111 6010/1 5010/l eOlo/l 6010/1 ¡eOel :ae!S-06:!S FAX (eoQ) ~e5·:3CESe þ£:st NOW Þ6-t£-N~r :c:::ø-~ ~....~ . ~'.... l~' ,:...,,&:- /' "-¡.....~-.~~.. --~ . ,;..,"ü;.;.~. ~} 4~~~~·::·--~~~'2~:·.~~~~::-~~~-:~·.-·.:~_ ~~. ~~.~--::.-;-~ ._ _ ~ '" = ,..,~ ';9-::-~'::-~·-._,-.:,::¡.-;-:---:::-:-:~~~·.:=.~-:-~:-:_;-:-Cc-:-_,,:""[,"::;-::-,::.,:---_--"'-_.._.... .". 'N'~a'1'~ · 4HY~:$it:¡;' -"~ ·:"~>~,;r~,': , ',' [21~i~~,~ .... ,',' ."., ,., ", .~. .,_-,\."...~.~, .?-. .,.,.' " . "...,.....'~ ,'.. " :;;;r,'''·,''''··'·''··';i>f,,· -.'. ',"~' "~" ,.', .,., ..,... . ···'-~~::~~~!;.f~. i -7~)¿~;f¡~~i:;~" '._Ç;!C-::~!Æf~·~~J2;f:~r::.~ft~;:'(·~;;:;?·\<··.:- . . . aSK & AUoe1 atis .. :.ti·',~i~X.:~.>, ~-z:, '<':' '·~rit'ôry 'No: . . 38592-2 ... . 1}7 "V'! Street "'.'.'~:~'>;;>':'. '":!,;,~:;r- ,;.~ ;''''~,;\''''atetRel:.i'ved: 1-28-94 B~ker~f1eldl CA 93304'" '. -':;':7~·"'''~'¿~(~;.:;~;~::~·;~':\~/.:t·:.:C·;:Oa~.Reported: . 1-31..94 .-'. ""'- ~. .., .' ".c- -:_". .,' - .:t';::. _~. '~"~.- .. ~ ...; - . . > . ,- '1 ....., . AttentiQn: eruc~ Blythe Sal1!þh: Brown So11d(~~p@ i} , Samp1. Oescription: S·2, S~l E ~~ 26 Feet, Job '893135 Sampled by SrueJ 81ythe on 1-28·~4 at Oa50 hours CAM - T1t1e 2% Chapter 30, Arti~'f 11 No Froe Li~uîd ExtraeUÞ'e ToUi TilC/STLC Concentration Concentt"lItion MRL Methodl (iC) mg/kg WET, (EC) mg/1 relet Refercnce Antimony, 5b 500/15 < 10 1010 2 5010/1 Arun1c. As 500;$.0 2,5 ' 0,26/0.005 7061/1 Barium, h 10000/100 LS'é) 120 ¿Çc-c) 5.0/0.1 6010/1 8ol"y111um. Be 15/0.75 LD. è '.) aO-;,!5¡ lr ;'j 0,5/0.01 6010/1 Cadmium, Cd 10011.0 L-.2,;! 1. (:1..5") 0.5/0.01 6010/1 -c Chromium, Cr 2500/560 L.1, s-) 12. [;2.;;ì 2.5[0.05 6010/1 Chromium. (V)) 500/5.0 0.05/0.06 6010/1 COb&lt, Co 8000/80 7 .2 $.0;0.1 &010/] CQþ )I!t·, CU ~500/2S L¡Jì 13 [¡3D J 2.5/0.05 6010/1 r- l.nå, Fb 1000/5.0 (.1.s-) 3.9 Cl.çJ 2.5LO.05 6010/1 MQrC:l.lry, H~ 20/0.2 < 0.1 a.IO/O.OOl 7471/1 - MQ'~bdenum. Mo 3500/350 ( 5.0 5.0/0.1 0010/1 Nickel, Ni 2000{20 (H.C) 14 L' Ð \ 2.5[0.D5 6010/1 Selenium, S. 100/1.0 < 0.?5 0.25/0.005 1741/1 S\lver, Ag 500/6.0 < 1.0 1.010.02 6010/1 Tha111um, T1 700/7.0 ( 10 ¡ j D.D ) 10/0.2 6010/1 -- 'Janad \ ~m. V 2400/24 f í,O j k.:.W 5 .0/0. 1 6010/1 . i ne, Zn 5000/250 $, 2.!/0.0$ 8010/1 TTlC ~ Total Thre$Mo1ó limit Concentration, mg/kg STLC . So1ub'e Threshold L1r.dt Conctntration, ms/l in eKt~~ct WET . W8!te Extraetion Test: pH 5.0 S~'utiQn, O.Z M Citr6t. Buffer De,onizcd water for Chrortrium {VI) MRL . Minimum ~~port!ng level /4ethod I\efêrences: 1. EPA SW.B4~, 1986 3)'d Edition JUCCH Jim Ete lab OpQr~t~onG Man¡ger 4309 A,..moul"' Avœnue (S06) :ies-oe~g Selocerefield, C~li1'oI"'Mle 93308 FAX (eos) æS6-;ii$OS8 . st:Ø-d ~~:St NOW ~6-t~-N~r ~_.,~~_./ . j ~~"~ ~'1P>~.- ":q~~:::'.,~;.a".l 1.",: ,_~~~~~~.~ .~: ,: _ - 1... ~.....6 _ l","' ., . ..:¡ 'Î\ ~ t. KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPT. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (REVISED 01/94) UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST FACILITY ~AME:CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - BAKERSFIELD DATE OF INSPECTION: 01\28\94 TIM E : 8 : 30 A . ~f . INSPECTOR(S): TERRY GRAY ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS:TOM VOIGHT - ~ANAGER PHYSICAL PLANT AND BARBARA BRENNER - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR WORK ORDER NUMBER:50308 CT :\UMBER: 28 I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. PROPERTY OWNER NAME:CALIF. ST. UN IV. AT BAKERSFIELD TRS. ADDRESS:9001 STOCKDALE HNY CITY:BAKERSFIELD STATE:CA ZIP:93311 PHONE NUMBER: (805) 664-2066 B. OPERATOR'S NAME:SEE ABOVE ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: APN:390-010-16-00-4 PHONE NUMBER: ( C. PARENT COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: ARE THEY A SUBSIDIARY OF A CORPORATION: ARE THEY INCORPORATED IN THE STATE: 1 II. .~ . UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST D. CONTACT PERSON:BARBARA BRENNER POSITION:HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR PHONE NUMBER: (805) 664-2066 INTERVIEW THE OPERATOR/NATURE OF BUSINESS A. HOW LONG IN BUSINESS:23 YEARS B. ARE THEY A MEMBER OF AN ASSOCIATION: C. ARE THEY AWARE OF ANY WATER SUPPLY WELL LOCATION AND/OR OWNERSHIP:WATER WELLS ON SITE PLUS MUNI. WATER D. SITE HISTORY YEARS OF OCCUPATION:23 YEARS PREVIOUS OW~ERS:TEKECO OWNER PROPERTY BEFORE DOKATI~G PREVIOUS OPERATORS:TENECO PREVIOUS USES OF FACILITY:FARMLAND E. PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED:UNIVERSITY ~. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ANY PROCESS, OPERATION, OR MAINTENA~CE THAT PRODUCES WASTE:COOLING TOWER AND MAINTENANCE SHOP G. WHAT CHEMICALS ARE STORED ON SITE: PESTICIDES. HERBICIDES. RODENTICIDES, OILS. SOLVENTS. THINNERS. PAINTS. COMPRESSED GAS. GASOLINE. DIESEL. ANTIFREEZE H. DO THEY HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS: YES I. DESCRIBE THE WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES:RECYCLIKG J. SOLVENT HAULER:SAFETY KLEEN MANIFESTS: FREQUENCY: 2 WEEKS YES OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: K. WASTE OIL HAULER:CRANES MANIFESTS: FREQUENCY: > 90 DAYS NOT ON SITE OPEN CONTAINER:YES PROPER LABELING:NOT FILLED OUT 2 .~. t. UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST L. WASTE ANTIFREEZE HAULER:CRANES MANIFESTS: NOT ON SITE FREQUENCY: > 90 DAYS OPEN CONTAINER: NO PROPER LABELING:NONE M. WASTE SLUDGE HAULER:UNKNOWN ~ANIFESTS: NO FREQUENCY: UNKNOWN OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: WASTE CHARACTERIZED:NO N. WASTE OIL FILTER HAULER:CRANES ~fANIFESTS : NOT O;'¡ SITE FREQUENCY: < 1 YEAR OPEN CONTAINER: ~ PROPER LABELING: NO ACCU~fL'LA TION DATE O. OTHER WASTES:BATTERIES - LESS THAN 10 VERIFICATION RECEIPTS: HOW OFTEN: OPEN COì\'TAIl\ER: PROPER LABELING: P. E.P.A. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER:CAX080033ï31 Q. BUSINESS PLANS ON FILE:YES WHAT AGENCY:BAK. FIRE R. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: NO DOCUMENTATION: NONE S. wEEKLY STORAGE INSPECTION:NO DOCUMENTATION: NONE III. INSPECT THE FACILITY GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS HOUSEKEEPING: GOOD EASE OF ENTRY:GOOD COOPERATION:GOOD SURROUNDING LAND USE:COMMERCIAL!RESIDENTIAL 3 ! . UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST A. DESCRIPTION OF WELL # 1 :DRYWELL FOR COOLING TOWER DESCRIPTION OF WELL # 2 :WASH RACK FOR MAINT. YARD SUSCEPTIBILITY TO SPILLS:MAINT YRD WASH RACK ONLY C. HOW MANY CLASS V WELL(S):TWO STATUS OF WELLS: ACTIVE:X- ABANDONED:X- UNDER CONSTRUCTION: OTHER: YEARS OF OPERATION:COOLING TOWER DRYWELL INSTALLED IN 1971. THE WASH RACK WAS INSTALLED IN 1979. D. WELL TYPE: AUTO SERVICE:X INDUSTRIAL WASTE:X STORM WATER: AGRICULTURAL WASTE: OTHER: E. INJECTATE SAMPLED:FOR DRYWELL ONLY VIOLATION FOUND:YES. PLUS HAZ MAT VIOLATIONS FOLLOW-UP NEEDED:YES RCRA FACILITY: F. PHOTOGRAPH OF WELL TAKEN: YES NO x G. PERMISSION GIVEN BY: H. OIL/WATER SEPARATOR OR GREASE TRAP USED:UNKNOWN I . ARE THE WELLS PUMPED OUT: YES HOW OFTEN: UNKNOWN J. DO THE WELLS EVER GET PLUGGED UP: YES. COOLING TOWER K. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (MEASURE) TOTAL DEPTH: DIAMETER: CASING: L. ARE THE INJECTION WELLS REGULATED BY A STATE OR LOCAL PROGRAM:R.W.Q.C.B. M. PERMIT: NO N. HOW ARE SPILLS OR ACCIDENTS HANDLED: O. WHERE DOES THE FLOOR/LOT DRAINAGE WATER GO: 4 !. ',.'" UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST P. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY THAT MAY ENDANGER GROUND WATER BUT NOT RELATED TO INJECTION WELLS OR TANKS (e.g. PONDS, SPILLS) : Q. CAR WASH: YES NO x. HOW IS THE EFFLUENT DISPOSED: CLEANERS USED: R. HOW MANY AUTOS ARE SERVICED DAILY: S. COMMENTS: DOCU~ENTS TO REQUEST 1. ~AP OF FACILITY 2. AS-BUILT DIAGRAMS, PLUMBING PLANS 3. DRILLERS LOGS 4. ~ONITORI~G WELL DATA D. FLOW DIAGRAM OF PROCESSES, WASTE GENERATION, AND DISPOSAL 6. MANIFESTS FOR WASTE DISPOSAL 7. ~ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS 5 ~ ~ ~ SITE DIAGRAMCAL STATE UNIVERSITY BAKERSFIELD - WASH RACK 2 <Qj ~~ ..> .~ ? ~I. í1'{o -.0 "" ~ ~ I~~ ~ ^ N ~ ; 2 ,\..I ...J ,. ~ ¡. 6 , . , ,- '. ,~-' - .. ,.~ ... SITE DIAGRAM CAL STATE UNIVERSITY BAKERSFIELD - DRYWELL 1 IS' ,,( ""',¡/ .., IwH ;:ntl!. . I ^ N ~ r:i. ~ ;- d d I' 2 uJ -:- d .... \- '2. J'I II I~ 1-- t~ £ .... II. /1...~~ "7. cv ~~ d '~p ~ __.0 f o ~" l) , . , i Tt ,.... :!. IU ..J t .:> .II 6 ~.. ~. WORK ORDER LOG SHEET Date:January 28. 1994 APN: 390-010-16-00-4 Work Order #: WO Category: WO Type: Reimb. : RP Code: WORK ORDER NAME: RESPONSIBLE PARTY NAME: RP CONTACT: RP ADDRESS: RP CITY: RP PHONE # INSPECTOR: ;-. ' EM050308 HAZMATS EPA Y---X-N_ UIC - 9001 STOCKDALE HWY - CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD CAL STATE UNIVERSITY BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BARBARA BRENNER - PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICE BAKERSFIELD STATE: ~ ZIP: 93311 (805) 664-2066 ( ) TERRY GRAY EXT. 582 PROGRAM: HMMP-Enforcement DESCRIPTION: VIC INSPECTION LOCATION: FACILITY NAME: COMMENTS: - ~ ~ 390-010-16-00-4 Roll 5 CURRENT YEAR 93 STATUS - ACTIVE Area Code 001-232 Name CALIF ST UNIV AT BAKERSFLD TRS Deed 801 cd SD 1 Use 60400 CV Notf UNKNOWN KTX CA Census Bill UNKNOWN Coord CA Zoning Site PTN EXC MR S-CD FROM 357-010-13-00-2 LIS 5 B/TP 30 TR/RG 27 Acres 371.32 CP *** VALUES *** Mineral ~1arket Land Imprvmnts Other Imps Pers/Prop Exemptions NET ASS E SSE D V A L U E ***** TAX INFORMATION ***** Bill ;'¡o. Gen Rate Amt Spc Rate Amt Special Asmnt Amt ZERO BILL \T~fBER Taxes Penalty Deling Amt 1st Bth when first is delinquent 2nd Bth 1st Paid Znd Paid Enter parcel number 390 010 16 00 ~ File - C EVENT- 2t-22 SA MW K5 1M II 51 S10A1660 KB ,. -' -~ .....~- . ,~. . IEDI 1 1-800-345-7334 390-0! T 30 S. R.27 E. 390-01 .1: 1 ø 1· .?;} 33ACt 40H 0MR /'Ì' ~~ [ &1-": l ,..../100. " I f i8 .-.- --'--'''- 80 @MR Ji I @J /29.12AC "-28.28 6 9.47 @ 60_ 56AC. 160 --t- --- ! 9 un _ _.. ..~. / ..__u___ ___ -- ~ I /8224AC. 1 IC' /. ':. .1893.76 ft eo. SOAr. @1R I :'~J ~: 50 .... ..L J r ---'------, , ( r 8 8 Mol.: Till. MOP ,. fill' _t¡~ OIIIJ. " I. not 10 be -".... .. ....,"".. ..... _.,1/11,1 or dhllal_ 01 IaiI4 fill' lIlt"" of lOIII119 or ....,1.I0Il .!- . , .......... .......1.. _.__ ,_ " . "-,,......--,- -... -- -. .'. ',664-3194:. C~B. CS05}-664-3194 " -, . ' "~ - .. - -. ',' ~ ,. .. ~ - '.' . - . , '", , .' ..j .:' . "", . .' . " , . . - i}0~8 .~0~ .,-. .MA; 21'94 ,..~5:,~7. - . . .- ?\A~\G 4~ 8 ¡¿ .. ~ (k.. ,'(ì 101 'tJ<t 'Y0'"'-! . 4 wor f'\.J,. \_ ..J. .) I , L 0 .. -- ,.' o.o00..1¡ -' -'. .t '.0 . , 'þe.( M(-\ . \ (.... '1- Ct:.r¡ . \;').L.L- ~ ,C\:~n. I IrnI I I -\~\ ~~ ~ì<v. ~ ... I . . ~"":...,.'.._~~... ~I'_":'_: ',.-; _0_----.-.- .¡ .-.!" S'QCKOA~CHWY~·_ _MII_:,,"J:::."· I ~--...' , . . :.: .,.. .,......... ra:~~1 L,rr <:....'''0 ..fOIA I jl : jl ! fl. II t ,i í Ii! I I ! I I ii' " 8 - I ... ..~ ...... . I 1~ ~ \ ;I~ 11' I ¡ ~ - ... ... - CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD C^MPUS MAP F^CllITY l£CENO: T. ew5ROOM uÞNJ i MI\.ø..c t~~ t.~~ t~~~ ¡~ ~O'Q"'hCNI n:~~ ,.. I .... n ~~~ Jt ~~rg~ i~ ~Ao JI. U~ 39. TltE 6 TOOO ~ lilT c.o.uø.y :t ~10lcA0: MuM:: 's. , TiC-Þlfft. U:~~¥ 6Q. T IIRY Ml'QtT ICR\IICIS ." Y'OIfß äNTIi U. ~fI.....Uf . U: ~ /W)NI;J:OMIIfX JIll 65, ~/oMT1OOi mH ", '" t<I .>dATION ,: 111. t<lt R....TION H ,,) r,; ~f1MybMU CQI,IRTS n~l~ 9oI.HMM. 3.. :¡ =r. Io\SI t cw.4ONO$ . ..' . ., .' - . . - - . :t:;,:. - . ...- - - . - - - -~,œue···· C.'Hom'. St.te Unlvenlty, Bakersfield _ ~. " . . 9001 Stockdale Highway . Bakersfteld, California 93311·1099 - - - . .. .-.- . -- ......-.-- ~. .--'" . .' ,- . . . . ;" :~:: .. ... .' - ..... .:.:::..-.~ ~.... '. . ..:. CSUB PAX NUMBER: (80S) 664~3194 DATE: ~ 3/d1 )'1~1 TIKI: v LCO_D TO: ~cl;~ VDr\~J~ I FAX I: ~~ \- 3l/~~ " FROM~+\ ~ ( PHONE I: (80S) r~64- ~O(¡;r., NUMBER OF PAGES TO FOLLOV: (INCLUDE COV~_PAGE) ;;;... . COMMENTS/REMARKS: X hCi!í'e 3:h~(oc\ f)G L.lJfJJ -fo 1~+ OtY Jµtv¡p (f), 00DO ~Y\- ~k ~ Lt-f fÎ1? vAnow l -Jh¿ fl¡~:.oj prt',r:o.St.... -F --Hv, OJ\cJ~JJ (acf-S ÚJ1~lflj. {Ylc¡p óJ r.Arcf?ù5 ª-fhCÁR.J. (:JIG d /7 r1~-w...Os .5 vV' {¡;o/O l~1ooo ~.~ ..1- II/?f./ ~PA 8010 /80~o -r f\.::P 1t ~PA i.fJ 8 D I ¡PH 'ErA So/5M ---.;:¡; ... VIII 15:7,210 TIll_ Cdfom" Stat, Un.....'" "'I' -:,.,.:1"_-.. -FROM - '- .-- -. '.:,,'- . ,,'~" ._" .-~ -..- ---.._. - - - '_.;- -, - --. :~> 04. 05. (99~,7.1:~li . _ - p NO,. - .4- P .7- .. .......-.. .....................,, ..-.....--.............-....-......... . . ..................,......... ... ...-- ---........, ..-.-.......-..........,.. ., . ...,.......,......,....... .., ,.........-....,. _'''f.'.lt.1[-~\ n:';PIr;;~:_. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Attn.: BARBARA BRENNER Date of Report: Lab #: 03/31/94 94-02956-1 664-2066 Sample Description: #483-92636: PLANT OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03-22-94 @ 9:00AM SAMPLED BY MIKE GRAHAM OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sample Collected: 03/22/94 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 03/22/94 Date Analysis Completed: 03/25/94 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. California D.a.H.S. Cert. #1186 / ß ~/' ~- // ¿~-.._...- Department Supervisor ." .-_. .'t.. J:...".... .... t"'¡~ '1')"""'''' ~rD fnr 'r,f~ ruc.\'J~ive USê of ¡he Submittj"Q ~,rty. Be labora!oriE!s. Ir.c. a.ss-um~c; ('\0 raspcnsibhry for rE!pon aHerafol1. s(Jþanit=or,. Ct.::'!':iCI·.¡!'d:'~: or ~';rd :.1t~1 ·.:tIrw~~~=:: ~;~. f;~:.:FROM; .:,:;'~,:.~<·L.: ::. .. . , 04. Ii! 5,' i9~7'15 0: ... - e .~ ¡ .:.---, .' '-"''" NO·, '·4.': p; .,; . . -.....................-.-.......-.-.... '.. .-..--.........--......-...,. . ........................ ............-........... ,-', " .. _.... ........_..........,.~._........... ..~.c ' .. ..............................._."......,.~. ," , -..-.....................---.. ..':'f30n,~ rCII,l¡E'r¡; CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Attn.: BARBARA BRENNER Date Reported: 04/01/94 Date Received: 03/22/94 Laboratory No.: 94-02956-1 Page ·1 664-2066 Sample Description: ~483-92636: P~~ OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03-22-94 @ 9:00AM SAMPLED BY MIKE GRAPAM OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC 'ITLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.O.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Antimony None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 15. 500. Arsenic .... "3"2~ mg/kg 0.5 SW-7060 5.0 500. ~,~---;..- -~..:. '! , Barium <:~:;-~.>U_;~.:J mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 100. 10000. Beryll i um None Detected mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 0.75 75. Cadmium . ,·~O ,S,ß ..;;¡ mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 1.0 100. Chromium ,";¡ . ;,Lj mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 560. 2500. Cobalt 4.1 mg/kg 2.5 SW-G010 80. 8000. Copper J2û mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 25. 2500. Lead ~. r.~g /kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Mercury None Detected mg/kg 0.2 SW-7471 0.2 20. Molybdenum None Detected mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 350. 3500. Nickel ~. mg;: J 2.5 SW-6010 20. 2000. Selenium None Detected mg/kg 0.5 SW-7740 1.0 100. Silver None Detected mg/kg 1.0 SW-6010 5.0 500. Thallium None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 7.0 700. Vanadium @;~. my/kg 0.5 SW-6010 24. 2400. Zinc d~9". mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 250. 5000. Co~~ent: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represen~ totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to deter¡nine total levels. ?Q.L. = STLr TILC :: Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size useè and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. ~~ Department Super ~sor A:; 'esuas listed in !r.IS roport arEl fOf the exclusive use of tho Sljb-TI~;~g PiJr~. Be La:x>rilfories, ,~C. assume5 roo re~pcnsíb¡lity fOf H!port alttHi.\!ío,,, s~par.a~·cn. dtt:J.C.:~~!·?~··': or ~';r¡: :a~ .!~:~HprUt¡l',(,:~. "" .~ r,"'Vn, .... ~ . -. -. ("...... . ¡.: -..... .-,.-.,...::" .:.... (....:\ ~:-"·,·~-:Yìr~J . ro··'Ç·-:';" \ "':':~-} ..'~ c:~.,.., . r: l\"X' f~::.·~;) ':t::y·;·".1 1·:":1 1 n ~,":::,......~"''''''''''11-:'''''~'''''''''~_' _ , " "., ... _']-"; -.- "--r ~ . . .' FROM '. .~ . ". ;,. '''~'' .ò· ." ., NO-. 4· p. 3 ....... ,- - .,. ....._.._............... ..___.__.._......._.___....... "'.,.. _........_..._.... . .~.__.__......, ___._u.................... .. ......._..__................-._._..... ...., . '" ..,___~..........__......, ..,_..~._.........._ ,',,~r.)~·I."TO¡;:¡ r.' ~,; Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 At tn.: BARBARA BRENNER Date of Report: Lab #: 03/28/94 94-02956-1 664-2066 Sample Description: #483-92636: p~~ OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03-22-94 @ 9:00AM SAMPLED BY MIKE GRAHAM OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. Sample Matrix: Soil Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.O.L. Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 430. mg/kg 100. BPA-US .1 Note: High reported PQL's due to high concentration of target analytes. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 / ~~··f~ Department Supervisor - - - ~ ot..... r. .'1-0......",........ ~"',........ n(: l abcra~o(ies. Inc. assumec.; -"'0 responsibility tor rupor' altera~;o" separation. detachl'!"':o"',tof ~\t¿ oar~ ;n~o'~ro~t.( F.R 0 M . 'â~' .,134. 135,. 19~~,71.~9 .... ·NO. 4 .' P; ,4 - .--..............<.....-..........-- . ..-............................-........-... ... ...-...-.-............--. ....... ... ................-.................................. ··.........1.<.... ,......_....................._.__.....,',. ~B("IRt\ rCJF~IE~> Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Attn.; BARBARA BRENNER Date of Report: . Lab #: 04/01/94 94-02956-1 664-2066 Sample Description: #483-92636: PLANT OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03-22-94@ 9:00AM SAMPLED BY MIKE GRAHAM OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sample Collected: 03/22/94 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 03/22/94 Date Analysis Completed: 03/30/94 Minimum Reporting Level Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) lao. mg/kg 50. Note: High reported PQL's due to high concentration of non-target analytes. Sample chro~atogram not typical of diesel. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ~./~.... Department Supervisor AI ,c5-ulrs lis:edin :his report are lor rhe exclusive usa ofth¡, s~bm}"lng ;)art'( Be laoo'Jror:es. Inc, asswmes no responsibility lor rcoor. ai:era:;on, separation, d,Hachëlc:,:or :'--',c: ~a':y ":e'~'e:I: O~. ¿j', CD ~r;;;¡s C,: . f::Ji:1'<',":""sñc'c. CA 923C8 . (8C'F)327--4911 . ¡::~'\X (B:61327·191 a =-- '.. " _...._._...................__........_...... ...__............._..n.. .........._._._. . ...--............--.--............ j:.¡;¡t;¡r:",1. "T'Or.1IE:::·; CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Attn.: BARBARA BRENNER r .. .... ._.__._...._......_.._...._:::~. .... . ..-..-.......................--.............-........ ,..---....-......- - . Purgeable Organic Analysis 664-2066 Date of Report: Lab #: 04/01/94 94-02956-1 Sample Description: #483-92636: PLANT OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03-22-94 @ 9:00AM SAMPLED BY MIKE GRAHAM OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. Test Method: EPA Method 8010/8020 Date Sample Collected: 03/22/94 Constituents Benzene Brornodichloromethane Bromoform Brornornethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane l,l-Dichloroethane (1 ,I-DCA) 1,2-Dichloroethane (l,2-DCA) 1,I-Dichloroethene (I,l-DCE) Total 1,2-Dichlorcethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene trans-I,3-Dichloropropene Ethyl Benzene Methylene chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Toluene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1,1,2 Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl chloride Total Xylenes Total Trihalomethanes Date Sample Received @ Lab: 03/22/94 Analysis Results None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected Sample Matrix: Soil Date Analysis Completed: 03/31/94 Reporting Units mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg rng/k9 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg rng/kg mg/kg Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1. ., .... A:¡ r05:J¡!S I:s:ad Jr'! !h\s ~oport are for ~h(J oxclus:vü use of the Sl.lbmlr.ir:g party Be Labcra~or:E!S. Inc. assumes"o rospcnslbzliry for rcport alter.:L!.on, SOC3!a::on, d~!ac;"\:~e~~ o~ ~:...d P.;!~~r' In~(~t?n}~: C"':. .::! 1 c.:.CJ/'..:X".'i C:. . f.'.~,y."r.".:.::·,,~c:, C,~\ S;O:3C:f.:! . (B~·.b) ::S;::J7,,;~'.:¡·11 . F"AX (8:::(;)') 3~?·l·1 f.~·1 F1 FROM· s·-········ '- "-'- '- ~,~ ,.. .~, . ~ . "''I'IØ;:¡'l'::liJ'I ."'(''t! "",,"·"~-NU~"---'-·-' 'ro' " , - ~'" \. ~ ~ " -.... . ~. ~. . " . ,. . " - . - , :' ::.. .,,: .I- ".,....""""""'.,,... .""'..__._'.........'..'........."'....... .,__. ..,...,_~........._._.._ ...,..,........1...., '. > .' ~..:."..........:.:..':'..:_.._.........._.......... .. J . . , ............----.-.......... ,. -...............................--.,....-.-...... ,. . ..Þ(:iC¡::~ T·CJF"1IE:~,' .. " .. ... Purgeable Organic Analysis Page 2 CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 At tn.: BARBARA BRENNER Date of Report: Lab #: 04/01/94· 94-02956-1 664-2066 Sample Description: #483-92636: PLANT OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03'22-94 @ 9:00AM SÆ1PLED BY MIKE GRAHAM OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ~/~- Department Supervisor A:: resu:ts lis:ed in :~;s report are lor the exclusiw usn 01 the subml~lng par:y. Be La'Xlrntonus, Inc. assu;¡,P,S no raspons:btlity lor raport altO/atlon. S8para:,on. d"taci1n'a":~r :;-,,~d P,¡!IY 'n:~r;¡ru:a:'<:r.. ,::, C.XJAUI'ì:¡ C~ . Ba""~"'S¡;e'c:, Ci\ 93:~)c::t::> . (f}'-:£:;) :-3~~"'4,~)1 " . FAX t~~"5) :-327.."\ t:';' E\ .....>.:~::~- " ~ ~... .~ '~>FRÒ~;- , . - ".", -'~:'i~~~¿':~V~'-' , . ....,. . ;. - .'. .,. ., . - , . '. " - ., r'. --.,,,,¡"'..-,. . - A-, - . 'e4,.e5'19~'. 07.147'-:~NO'~4-~~--..·_¿- '..J,' ct· ':. .', .'j" '.', ..' . 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RESEARCH ?~OPE~TY RECORD ~OR (¡h7:;ERSHI? {=F ::EEDE:0; :(j,~ FILE ~ E~ FE..£: . . .\TL\CH .\p:': >i).P TO ~I.LE (IF :\EEJ:~D) ~ ¡::-:::'..E 7 C()~.í~P,~ ETE ~'::"~~2T': "~: RDER :_C)(~ :~;H E ET : PER ~_\(:E ?ES?O\SIBLE ?\lT~-J :~. C:.\l P ~.~ T E '=) !-~_ \ L L ~.:' \- .::' - ..; E C -=- -=- C)~ h-E L ~-_ :~HECI~LIST ~ c:¡: ?ROC;R;\~ ?OR~1 .:=J ~() FJ .' '-' ~,~ I~ ?(J R ~ '. I F ~'..' EEL) EI) ) .:. t l)R)~FT \c)~=~:-=c_\~~c<\ ~_=T'~-=~{:~ f ( .RE\·~~ =::h-E~) f¡~· ~ .-, -.~ .(~. - \ .\,'. :~ :~;" .:~ ~ , , :.~ -- j - ~'-C¡-ì":: F I (~.\ -=- = .=,~" ~ :T-:'-ER ( :: } S =C()~~I> ,. - ~- - -'- 'j - - - :..:.. -~. >-:~( ~~:~~,:::.\?\/} l-~ l::~\F =:: G ". ;',""'" - -.-::- . 1 r '\E(~=S:S_\Fr\-} - - - '" - REFERRAL TO E.?A. (IF \ECESSARY) 1 ,") ~ ,) . l~IT\ESS I~ITIA~ SA~lPLI\G IJ . R E \' I E \\i .--\ \' .-\ L Y S I S 15 ( a ) . REeO~~E\D CLOSlRE ~ITHOUT SITE C.·HARACTERI ZA TIO\ IS{a){l). REQUEST DETAILS AND DOel~E~TATION [ 1 FOR CLOSURE OF UIe '''8J ~i1 e [~ r¡:X ~J :(7.1 ....-'-- '.- .:,-C :::' :') T_·:<~~ ~~ :\~ (~ := ~¡ :\. :~; ~ S 1': , ,. :"" ,.,_.,_r..... ~ I.. :. ~ . __ ,~,.- ..- ,- : \ ~ ";' \ '. - --- " ~ - -- .~. .:. '\,":<:~ l'~ ,~~~':.:~?\ -:': .. -- T ~ .., 1 _::~ ~\:. :.~) ;.~ ~3 ,', . , '-ìh-\" ~~~,~ i:! F ~:: E.-\ TC) ;~': _ : ~ T_ ! ","1 ~\. ~\- L}~ .~~ P E F ~ \ T ;') R , FILE '. ..... _...._ hO ( T::\IT'I4\LS ) [I[) [V ~.~ ...."ì (£h ~.á& {£ e . UIC PAPERWORK CHECKLIST ( 1\ ITIALS ) :5{a~(2). ISSCE CLOSCRE LET~ER FOR SITES \·;IT1IOt:T Cli.-\R.-\C'~ER I L.-\ TIO:; ?I ~I:~ ::::p.\ :"?\\~G!C B 15{~)(3}. CO~1PLETE ~;ORK ORDER CLOSVRE ~¡)R~ ~!LE h\C ~=~ 0 t~~",-T T :.- C~ ~ ::; : ,':~ ) ( I '. ':; i Pt-T -".J:n TE I):.\TE +,\\-í) :\B.\ TE>1E:-~T .\("T I CJ\" = ~ CC]~íPt-TER F I L E ~.~ (,::1. i (.~,} ~.C)(j F'~LE =:<T() F.\.CILIT=-.ES "'.:'TT ~-,::: :3(8::S}. 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TAKE COMPLETED FILE TO FILE ROOM £ ENVIRONME' AL HEALTH SERVICr DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street. Suite 300 Bakerefield, CA 93301 (805) 861·3636 (805) 861·3429 FAX California State University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311 Attention: Barbara Brenner SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL LOCATED AT 9001 STOCKDALE HWY, BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA. Dear Ms. Brenner: This Department has reviewed your proposal for the closure of the Class V well noted above and finds it acceptable as proposed. Please contact this office when the connection to the City sewer system is complete. If we may be of further assistance to you, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director Ú-r~/~ ~ydia V. von S~d;~,- REA Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATTN: Kevin Long (CAlSTATE. UIC) e e i:SUB , , ..., . L May 10, 1994 0~. _I-;;~:;:-::'. ~í~':,. '';>''.~~\; ?~/ ~<~;.,n.:\~ L~~ ~v.... State University Police California State University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, California 93311-1099 805/664-2111 Lydia Von Sydow Hazardous Materials Inspector Kern Co. Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Von Sydow, Following is California State University Bakersfield's (CSUB) proposal for abandonment of the wash rack which has been identified as a class V shallow injection well. 1. CSUB will contract for clean out of the wash rack clarifier and for disposal of the existing contents as hazardous waste. 2. All use of the wash rack has been discontinued. The structure and piping will remain in place. Only surface rainwater run off will be discharged to the sump. 3. The University intends to connect the Corporation Yard to the City sewer system and will provide an approved clarifier for separation of steam cleaning effluent. The contents of the clarifier will be characterized and will be managed as hazardous waste if necessary. Due to budgetary restraints, we cannot currently provide a completion date for this work. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Sincerely, (1 L 0 c\Q ~ <" ~ (c-, ty,-N---l ( Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Coordinator cc: Mr. Phillip Brown Dr. Kenneth Secor Chief Willie Shell .... - "_1'___1- ...._._ . I_I...__I&... e . ENVIRONMEN I AL HEALTH SERVICE~ DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (80S) 861-3636 (80S) 861-3429 FAX April 14, 1994 California State University Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311 Attention: Barbara Brenner SUBJECT: SOIL FROM THE STORMWATER SUMP LOCATED AT 9001 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Ms. Brenner: This Department has reviewed the analysis of the soil in the stormwater sump. Provided the information submitted to the Department is representative of existing conditions, it is our position the soil in the stormwater sump may continue to be used as landscape fill material. Any changes in the present use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. Please notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If we may be of further assistance to you, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director / / ......"'.' " ___ ....~. '" t--..., 1¿", ~-._ '- .:-./.-. .." / By: Lydia V. von Sydow, REA Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program LVS:cas cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno A TIN: Dale Essary \lydia\CalStaIC.smp - . ENVIRONME~ AL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861·3429 FAX April 13, 1994 California State University Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311 Attention: Barbara Brenner SUBJEcr: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECflON WELL LOCATED AT 9001 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Ms. Brenner: The results of the samples retrieved on March 22, 1994, by B C Laboratories at the location noted above have been received by this office. Our review has determined that the hazardous waste toxicity criteria for metals have not been exceeded for soil sampled in the sump, nor did the soil sampled exceed the Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) as published in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories of 1992. Further soil investigations will not be required. In order to minimi7.e the potential for future discharge of an industrial waste into the sump, the system should be abandoned in accordance with U.S. EPA guidelines for closure of Qass V Shallow Injection Wells. Your plan to abandon this system should be submitted to this office within thirty (30) days so that a timely review can be made. Ifwe may be of further assistance to you, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director /¿~ ~ (.....-::- . /"'J .-7"' ,,~,- 1'Þ-?'- V'!" _ _ __ . u'h'/7 ____ ,~/ . ,"v ~*';"~.. - '-""- / By: Lydia V. von Sydow, REA Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program LVS:cas cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATIN:Dale~a~ f \1ydïa\Calstate.2nd FROM - e. 04.05.1994 ·-07:48 - NO.4 p. 2 ..........,,-.--............... . --- - .-.... .... ........ ... . .....---.--- .............-.,. -.-.-~. .......-...........-...-...-.- ....,........._.....A.." :.[jr~:':...'\ T(")_"'I[" :,",: Purgeable Organic Analysis Page 2 CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 At tn.: BARBARA BRENNER Date of Report: Lab #: 04/01/94 94-02956-1 664-2066 Sample Description: #483-92636: PLANT OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03-22-94 @ 9:00AM SM1?LED BY MIKE G~~~ OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1196 ~/~- Department Supervisor ,".... ~es:.;:~s iisrad in :.~is {tJport û....e Ic!' tr(! êtclLJs¡vU lJ50 of ::"',e su bm l:llng p.a:r:y. SC L.1'x,;(": >: ··t!~. I:,,:: :::lS~,:; ¡~ I"! '5 no res::>ons.:,-¡d i:y for report a!torat:on. saoara~l::n. C~Ia.çh rl~~~~ Cr ~,._~r: P\1:~Y ~n~l:ar=,rt!:':l~ :~':. _~. ~., _. ... _ ·..·h "'"V'-.-"~ ...,.....,.... ....!" \. _~ t::_o ^ v rt::~-"--¡ ,":~~07 ° " (~ " c~ FROM - ! .~:'Rc~r;J.".·.. 'T·CJr·'¡E.~::-, .....-..............-....-..... CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 At tn.: BARBARA BRENNER e 64,135,1994 137:49 e- Date of Report: Lab #: 04/01/94 94-02956-1 NO. 4 p. 3 ....hu...._·....._·. "_~""""_""" ,..._.._..............._.._ Sample Description: #483-92636: PLANT OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03-22-94 @ 9:00AM SAMPLED BY MIKE GRAHAM OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. ·....·.......··._n~"·.. ... ....__..~_....... ..--.............--'..... Purgeable Organic Analysis 664-2066 Test Method; EPA Method 8010/8020 Date Sample Collected: 03/22/94 Constituents Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromornethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane l,2-Dichlorobenzene l,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane l,l-Dichloroethane (I, I-DCA) 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) l,l-Dichloroethene (l,l-DCE) Total 1,2-Dichlorcethene 1,2-Dichlcropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene trans-l,3-Dichlo~opropene Ethyl Be:lzene Methylene chloride 1, 1,2, 2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Toluene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1,1,2 Trichlorcethar.e Trichlorcethene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl chloride T:::>tal Xylenes Total Trihalometha~es Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sample Received @ Lab: 03/22/94 Date Analysis Completed; 03/31/94 Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 O.OOS 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1. .., .. . A' !es:..:~:s !:s:tjd I,'"'. :0;;.5 ~CþCr~ are for ¡:-,C oxC!~;S:''''H 1;5(\ ot the so.;Oml:!ir:g par7j 6C L3X~a:cr:es.I~t: assu."nes no (O$PC~SI::-:jlty for rQoon alte:':lt:on, sooa!a::.cn, da!ac;·:"I:~~~r~ ç~ ~;!,C PJ/'':i In~í.~r;J:'r3~: :.~. Analysis Results Reporting Units None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected Ncne Detected No~e Detected Ncne Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected Nor.e Detected Nor.e Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detec'::ed None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detecteè None Detected No~'9 Detected mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mgjkg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg r.-.g/kg mg/kg mg/kg rng/kg mg/kg !':'Ig/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg !':'Ig/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg ~ . ..., ... ....,. ~ f" ... '/ (c.V·""::~·1 ~'":~ ~'). \ ~::¡ , ~:;~ FROM - e 04.05.1994 07:49 .- NO.4 p. 4 __.____......... ........«___..._u.....___... .... ............................_ ....._~...........,,_._- . ...............-.. .................. . ..-......................,....--...... ,"... i ..'-f3C.,f.·~/\ rc}r."~IE·;·::~,: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 At tn.: BARBARA BRENNER Date of Report: Lab #: 04/01/94 94-02956-1 664-2066 Sample Description: #483-92636: PLA...'IT OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03-22-94 @ 9:00AM SAMPLED BY MIKE G~~ OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 801S Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sample Collected: 03/22/94 Date Sarr.ple Received @ Lab: 03/22/94 Date Analysis Completed: 03/30/94 Reporting Units Minimum Reporting Level Constituents Analysis Results Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) 180. mg/kg 50. Note: High reported PQL's due to high conçe~tration of non-target analytes. Sample chro~atog~arn not typical of diesel. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 // /' // /./ $~ .'~'" Department Supervisor /.; rc s.u!ts Jis:ed i'n this repor: are íQr thE.! axcl~ siva usa of ~:"';t' s~bm;!1lng party, SC Lax"ù:: r'es. r,c. ass'.,; mas no raSDonSI:)::1fY ~c~ reoor. a¡~era!:O:1. ~epara:!on, damch~, Ü....i~ or ~'~~ ;:a!tf :.~ :e~;:~~:.:!: ~.~. _. .-. --- ~-'" .. -~ ... ,/ 'r-.-c':'" ~,.....,-) ~_ Q ~ =::: FROM ¡- ' - - 134.05.1994 07=50 NO.4 P. 5 - . ... "---"--~-'" . ~ ......--.....-..... ............._~,~........_...... ..._.._-'.'~'"''-'''''------''''''' ..._...........-.......... .'.. t=.K:J Ft-7, i(1¡::';I[:.f..:.:, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 At tn.: BARBARA BRENNER Date of Report: Lab #: 03/28/94 94-02956-1 664-2066 Sample Description: #483-92636: PLANT OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03-22-94 @ 9:00AM SAMPLED BY MIKE GRAF~ OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. Sample Matrix: Soil Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 430. mg/kg 100. EPA-418.1 Note: High repo~ted PQL's d~e to high conce~tration of target analytes. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 --La-. f~ Deparcment Supervisor A'j 'eS!.i1ts iis:ed 1:1 r1ì:s rt;pcrt are fCf ~hc aYC~t.'S;Vè W5Ù at :r.o !.i;b~;r:ing p.'1r:"ý. OC laxra:cr'¿s, !,"'1<; Gssurnes:;o ftlS:JC;"';SlbILiy lor {(¡PO" altera:;ol*'1, søparJ.hon, detachr":e'",t Of ":"::.fC ~(lr:y :r,~O'P:O:.1:.Cr", ...._u. þ-....-.. ..-...... r·'." './ I~'--,,:,::~ ...~-::::.-:'" 1 (:~'1 Cl FROM 134.135.1994 _137:513 NO. 4 p. 6 ~ ~ e - ·..,..........h......_····· ................... ... -..~........_..............._._..~.... .... ..-...............", ...._.~' --.. .: ;'''':'ic·)r;...:-.. ~'r ¡~:¡iF ~':-. CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 At tn.: BARBARA BRENNER Date Reported: 04/01/94 Date Received: 03/22/94 Laboratory No.: 94-02956-1 Page 1 664-2066 Sample Description: #483-92636: P~~~ OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03-22-94 @ 9:00AM S~~PLED BY MIKE GRAP~ OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Cri teria Method STLC TILC Constituents Samole Results Units P.O.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Antimony None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 15. 500. Arsenic .. 3 2 'J mg/kg 0.5 SW-7060 5.0 500. ..... -1'~'~~---". ..~ ~....-...Jl:-; Barium . .' ~¿,..:;'U......2t.D mg/kg 0.5 SW-G010 100. 10000. Beryllium None Detected mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 0.75 75. Cadmium ~J mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 1.0 100. Chromium ~~¡ r.',g/kg 0.5 SW-6010 560. 2500. Cobalt 4.1 mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 80. 8000. Coppe -1.7_... mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 25. 2500. Lead ...L4_ . r,~g /kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Mercury None Detected mg/kg 0.2 SW-7471 0.2 20. Molybdenum None Detected mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 350. 3500. Nickel _5.,,3 > mgj: J 2.5 SW-6010 20. 2000. Selenium None Detected mg/kg 0.5 SW-7740 1.0 100. S i1 ve r None Detected mg/kg 1.0 SW-6010 5.0 500. Thallium None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 7.0 700. Vanadium Qb). my/kg 0.5 SW-6010 24. 2400. Zinc ".6.9. mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 250. 5000. Co~~ent: All above co~stituents are reported on an as received (wet) s~~ple basis. Results reported relireser.= tctals (7?LC) as s~~ple subjected to appropriate techniques to dete' ,¡ine t::Jtal leve:"s. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Li~it (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sar.'~le size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentra:ion Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLr' TILC REFERE.i,''':ES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1936. &~~ Department Supervisor ;.: rt:?Sl.;;t5 JISWO 111 ~r,1S rO:Of:àre ;or t~e exciwS!ve U$C 0: U"'O ~l.ib:r.I~'~:9 par7j. ß.C L3.X-i}.:~::e5, I::..:. a'5Sul'T'.¡.)'3 r.O re:;oc;:s:~¡ iït for rf~port JiriHt'!IOP, SEH)¡\ra7 C:",. eÌ;!:,lC~~;:'i!~~< or ~<r,~ :\i~ ..'·,:~}rp;l:~:· ';.:'. ..",,",,"', ...,.......-.., .~.'\'.~ r: /', '.' !~::.·""""":~1 ~:~~::ì"':.'I'.., .-:¡ ~ n FROM 134.135,1994 _137:51 NO. 4 p. 7 - e - .. ---.," ..-.-... ..... ......_-..-_.-. .......... ...--.--.....--.. ........................... .:.:·.:.h.J(·~~ T!:..~,r·J\r.:.:~::) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Attn.: BARBARA BRENNER Date of Report: Lab #: 03/31/94 94-02956-1 664-2066 Sample Description: #483-92636: PLA..."IT OPERATIONS SUMP 0-6" (SOIL) 03-22-94 @ 9:00AM SAMPLED BY MIKE GRAF~ OF BC LABORATORIES, INC. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.ü.F.T. ~anual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sample Collected: 03/22/94 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 03/22/94 Date Analysis Completed: 03/25/94 Constituents A:1alysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Det:ect:ed mg/kg 1. California D.C.H.S. Cert. #1186 ~'/ .. / . / ~:/ - . . / ¿~.......- Department Supervisor .. . - '... L_...,,.¡.... .~,~ ",v,,",.r'1 ~.g !"'!r fhp Pir.~:;~ \¡f! use of ::--.e SiJbminÚil: party. 3C LaX~;?;:0' ~!$. Ire a$SU;;¡t"\~ no r~$;)ci~slb;:;:'I for n;~~rt aHerat:on, SŒ~.'a~i::1/c~~. Ci~!.i3,C~'.:~'Ü~~: C'" ~:':~C :-~"'.'~y -.~êr;:.·c':;' .:." 664-3194 CSUB (805)-664-3194 e--' ca.=a . 048 P01 MRR 21 '94 15:47 e· Callfoml. Slate Unlve....ty, S8kensfleld ~ 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, California 93311-1099 'J CSUB PAX NUMBER: (805) 664~3194 ...DATE: ~ 3/d\ \'1~r TIKI: " LCOJ) Jl7'W' TO: ~d;().... V;(\~fÖvÙ FROM~+\ ~~ C FAX i: t6~ I - 3l/~S. PHONE I: (805J ~64- ~O(¡;V NUMBER OF PAGES TO FOLLOV: (INCLUDE COV~._pAGE) J.... . COKMENTS/REKARRS: .:c hCiV'€. r::XhPCk~.d 15C {lIfJJ -10 ,'50.+ OtÝ ~p 0, 0000 ~YL ~k . Lt--f t111-r Know If -+ILo~ ~rJ~t15 .'fIÞ-p',SAL, -fôr ~ O-AcJfJJ (QC~S Û/)~ÎI·tLj. (Yl'l¡D 11 f'Arr;pl1'S qlhcAeJ. '" -r--rLL /7 N p\D...Ps '5 vJ' ~D I 0 ¿ 1000 - I 'ßry~ f II/?H 2M 8010180;).0 { -rP..:?H- ~PA 'fleD I "¡PH ,?PA 80/SM 15:7,210 Th. t!allfilll""'- !ttat. IIR.......I... J : II r i ji, ~, II )'1' ,I Ii I I ! ¡ " " ~ ;W !, 'j1.. fj{;(, &+ "t- 8 I¿~I ' ~ rK. ,/î t 01 <t:". ¡ii _. . yo!'..! . ~ ~or ~ 11II .. .. L ~.. --..' 0.100...>-\ -' 1ìì' , . .. '.. .. .11 .t " .0 'þ~ (M (-\. f\·'-ì'-' U,z\(I ç 0.J'Ll- ~ '\ >M r- I IrnI I ïl . -\~\ ~~ ~~. ~ 664-3194 CSWB (805)-664-3194 e . -- .. --... ......--.. .. ......,' STO~KI)^\( tiWY.· ...,,-:.....:::0 . .,..-- ...-... - ~_..' " .. ."::.,.... ~ ."1' ., .. "...<U\ .. .. .'1 If l: i II I r~ 2~' ,L,r ~ CAM'NO ....101.\ ~ " r 048 P02 MAR 21 '94 15:47 I . e I'. ....!. ...... I .\ I - - - ~ - - Ii · ! 'I " · \ ¡ · 1 I ,\11 ~\I ¡ ílii II!( CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD CAMPUS MAP I FACIliTY tECEND: ,. CW¡AOOM"~ i~rlW~ ~~~~ ~~"&:~ t~~JX7j 1uU:lRMV 11. """'" OOfJIATIOh$ 1t.!:.~T~~ ~t~~~& ::4. us,,, t'Wl'" ¡~ ~~~ÞoCI ~ ~ I~ t!SUÞoCI ¡.wI \I ~::~~) n ]:¡''' n. it,- ""T~ko ]8.~", BUlCNC ' ]9. [j( ft' THL<"TRI & TOOO MAOICAN IlAT c.o.u¡¡¡y :'ï': ~<¡'~¡OI<AO.If.;'~ ~~ ~~11C aNn. ~ ~ tT~~H SIlvas t1. SI'OA15 èr><Tt" U. MtltflHfA1U .. U ~ MQNÇ cowtI~ ~~~~~:1 bl. "'~k"""T1ON IOOT".~ :t ~~~vblll\LL COUtTS n:~l~~ ~: ~~~"T~~A11 cw.ò<O$ 'iIo.MSüAU ~ e - KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPT. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (REVISED 01/94) UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST FACILITY ~AME:CALIFORNIA STATE UKIVERSITY - BAKERSFIELD DATE OF I~SPECTION: 01\28\9~ T PiE : 8 : 3 0 :'1. . :-1. INSPECTOR IS): TERRY GRAY ADDITIONAL PARTICIPA~\TS: TO~1 \'OIGHT - ~lANAGER PHYSIC\L PL.A:\T .\:\D BARBARA BREN\ER - HAZARDOUS ~ATERIALS COORDI~ATOR WORK ORDER NUMBER:50308 C~ NU~1BER: 28 I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. PROPERTY OWNER \A~E:CALIF. ST. U~IV, AT BAKERSFIELD TRS. ADDRESS:9001 STOCKDALE HKY CITY: B:\IŒRS FTELD :3T.\TE: C\ ZIP:9.3311 FHO;':!:: \U~1BER: (805) 66·1:-2066 B. OPERATOR!S \AME:SEE ABOVE .-\DDRESS: C I T':- : STATE: ZIP: APN:)90-010-1G-QO-1 PHO~Œ \T~1BER: C. PARE~T (~O~lPA\Y: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: -. .-\RE THEY d Sl·BSIDL~RY OF :\ CORPORATIO\: ARE THEY :NCORPORATED IN THE STATE: 1 II. e e UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST D. CONTACT PERSO~:BARBARA BRENNER POSITION:HAZARDOCS MATERIALS COORDINATOR PHONE NUMBER: (805) 664-2066 INTERVIEW THE OPERATOR/NATURE OF BUSINESS A. HOW LO~G I~ BCSI~ESS:23 YEARS B. ARE THEY A MEMBER OF AN ASSOCIATION: C. ARE THEY AWARE OF ANY WATER SUPPLY WELL LOCATION AND/OR OWNERSHIP:WATER WELLS ON SITE PLCS MUNI. WATER D. SITE HISTORY YEARS OF OCCUPATION:23 YEARS PREVIOUS OW\ERS:TE\ECO OWKER PROPERTY BEFORE DO\ATI~G PREVIOCS OPERATORS:TENECO PREVIOCS CSES OF FACILITY:FARMLA~D E. PRODCCTS OR SER\'ICES OFFERED: U~n-ERSITY F. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ANY PROCESS, OPERATION, OR MAINTENANCE THAT PRODCCES WASTE:COOLING TOWER .\ND MAINTENANCE SHOP c;. . íVHAT CHPnc.-\LS ARE STORED ON HERBICIDES, RODENTICIDES, OILS, PAINTS, COMPRESSED GAS. GASOLINE, SITE: PESTICIDES. SOLVENTS, THINNERS. DIESEL. ,\\T1 FREEZE H. DO THEY HA\l:: ~L-\.TERL\L S:\FETY DAT,\. SHEETS: YES I. DESCRIBE THE WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES:RECYCLING J. SOL\-[:-:T H,-\.L'LER: S.-\FETY r\:L££:': ~L-\N I FESTS : FREQUENCY: : WEEKS YES OPE:"': CO:\TArŒR: PROPER LABELING:. K. WASTE OIL HAULER:CRANES ~L-\.\IFESTS : FREQUENCY: ~ 90 DAYS :-:OT ()''- S!TE OPEN CONTAINER:YES PROPER lABELIXG:\OT FILLED OCT 2 e e UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST L. WASTE ANTIFREEZE HAULER:CRANES MANIFESTS: NOT ON SITE FREQUENCY: > 90 DAYS OPEN CONTAI~ER: NO PROPER LABELING:NONE M. WASTE SLUDGE HAULER:UNKNOWN MANIFESTS: NO FREQUENCY: UNKNOWN OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER L\BELI:\G: WASTE CHARACTERIZED:NO :\. WASTE OIL FILTER HAULER:CRANES ~fANIFESTS : NOT ON SITE FREQCE\CY: < 1 YEAR OPEN COI\T AINER : ~ PROPER 1.:-\.BELI\G: NO ACCr~·n_'LA lION DA IE O. OTHER KAST~S:BATTERIES - LESS THAN 10 '.'ERIFICATrON RECEIPTS: HO\\" OFTE>:: -- OPE:'; CONTA.I\ER: PROPER LABELING: P. E.P.A. IDEXTIFICATIO~ ~C~BER:CAX080033731 Q. BUSINESS PLANS 0\ FILE:YES KHAT AGENCY:BAK. FIRE R. TRAINING RE0UIRE~ENTS: \0 DOCr~E\TATIO\:NONE S. KEEKLY STORAGE I\SPECTIOX:I\O DOCU~ENTATIO\: NONE III. INSPECT THE FACILITY GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS HOCSEIŒEPI\G: GOOD EASE OF ENTRY:GOOD COOPER.-\TIO:\: GOOD SURROUNDING LAND USE:COM~ERCIAL/RESIDE\TIAL :3 e e UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST A. DESCRIPTION OF WELL - 1 :DRYWELL FOR COOLING TOWER DESCRIPTION OF ~ELL, 2 :WASH RACK FOR MAINT. YARD SUSCEPTIBILITY TO SPILLS:~AINT YRD WASH RACK ONLY C. HOW MANY CLASS V WELL(S):TWO STATUS OF WELLS: ACTIVE:X ABA\"DONED:X U~DER CONSTRUCTION: OTHER: YEARS OF OPERATION:COOLI~G TOWER DRYWELL INSTALLED IX 1971, THE WASH RACK WAS INSTALLED IN 1979. D. WELL TYPE: AUTO SERVICE:::\: INDUSTRIAL WASTE:::\: STORH ì\'ATER: AGRICULTURAL WASIE: OTHER: E. INJECTATE SA~PLED:FOR DRYWELL ONLY VIOLATION FOC\"D:YES, PLUS HAZ ~AT VIOLATIONS FOLLOW-UP NEEDED:YES RCRA FACILITY: F. PHOTOGRAPH OF WELL TAKEN: YES NO x G. PERMISSION GIVE\" BY: H. OIL/WATER SEPARATOR OR GREASE TRAP CSED:C\"KNOWN I. ARE IHE '\\'ELLS FT~1PED OUT: VEL- HOW OFTE),7: T.:NK.'JOFK J. DO THE ,\,'ELLS E'\,-ER GET PLUGGED UP: YES. COOLING TOiïER K. CONSTRCCTION VETAILS (~EASURE) TOTAL DEPTH: DIA~1ETER : C\.SI:-IG: L. ARE THE I~JECTIO\" í\'ELLS REGULATED BY ,\ STATE OR LOC:"L PROGRAM:R.W.Q.C.B. ~1 . PER~lI I: \0 N. HOW ARE SPILLS OR ACCIDENTS HANDLED: O. WHERE DOES THE FLOOR/LOT DRAINAGE WATER GO: .:! e e UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST P. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY THAT ~AY ENDA~GER GROU~D WATER BUT NOT RELATED TO INJECTION wELLS OR TANKS (e.g. PONDS, SPILLS) : Q. CAR WASH: YES NO x HOW IS THE EFFLUENT DISPOSED: CLEANERS USED: R. HOW MANY AUTOS ARE SERVICED DAILY: S. COMHENTS: DOCU~ENTS TO REQUEST 1. ~AP OF FACILITY 2. AS-BUILT DIAGRAMS, PLUMBING PlA~S :3. DRILLERS LOGS 4. ~ONITORING KELL DATA o. FLOW DIAGRA~ OF PROCESSES, WASTE GEKERATION, AND DISPOSAL 6. ~ANIFESTS FOR ~ASTE DISPOSAL . ~ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS s e e ~ - SITE DIAGRAM CAL STATE UNIVERSITY BAKERSFIELD - WASH RACK 2 I J I I I ~ I \i ! ~ ¡ i I I j , - ~ ~ .,~ t~~i I ~~ ftJ'- -0 -L "" [§ 6 ^ N I ff '" ,~ fJ § if ! I I ~ [j " ~ ii< :2 ~ ~ 'Ii ~ ~ .~~ ,'.I :¡ ~ I I ~ oj § I i ~ ~ J ~ ~ ii.i. e ~""II- e SITE DIAGRAM CAL STATE UNIVERSITY BAKERSFIELD - DRYWELL 1 .("",/1' . «/y(t ;¡70J.5.... I I . if ~ I J I I ~ ~ ª I '1 i t~ \'3 ~ J }3 1] I j ~. --t. ~~ '7. ¡:y ~~ .~ -.1:.p 0 \SJ. --.0 ~, o -ç,.-, , ^ N d t- 2. IJ) d .... \- 7- JI ,\ cY I- I! ( 2( f3 d ,.- ? IU ~¡ tl .., J1 I r I I I ! I I I ï ! j '~ ~ 1\1 'j ~ .! ~ ; ¥i '~ ~ ~ ij i -.... - e e WORK ORDER LOG SHEET Date:January 28. 1994 APN: 390-010-16-00-4 Work Order #: WO Category: WO Type: Reimb. : RP Code: WORK ORDER NAME: RESPONSIBLE PARTY NAME: RP CONTACT: RP ADDRESS: RP CITY: RP PHONE # INSPECTOR: EM050308 HAZMATS EPA Y--LN_ UIC - 9001 STOCKDALE HWY - CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD CAL STATE UNIVERSITY BAKERSFIELD BARBARA BRENNER - PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICE 9001 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD STATE: ~ ZIP: 93311 (805) 664-2066 ( ) TERRY GRAY EXT. 582 PROGRAM: HMMP-Enforcement DESCRIPTION: UIC INSPECTION LOCATION: FACILITY NA~1E : COMMENTS: ~ . e 390-010-16-00-1 Roll 5 CURRE~T YEAR 93 STATUS - ACTIVE Area Code 001-232 ~ame CALIF 5T C~IV AT BA[ERSFLD IRS Deed 801 cd SD 1 Use 60400 CV ~otf UNKNOWN KIX CA Census Bill UNKNOWN Coord CA Zoning Site PTN EXC MR S-CD FRO)! 357-010-13-00-2 L/S 5 B/rp 30 IR/RG 27 Acres 371.32 CP *** VALUES *** Mineral !>!arket Land Imprvmnts Other Imps Pers/Prop Exemptions NET ASS E SSE D V A L U E ***** TAX INFOR~AIIO~ ***** Bill ~o. Gen Rate Amt Spc Rate Amt Special Asmnt Amt ZERO BILL \T~!BER Taxes Penalty Delinq Amt 1st 8th when first is delinquent 2nd Bth 1st Paid Snd Paid Enter parcel number 390 010 16 00 ~ File - C EVEXT- 01_?? SA MW KS =M II 51 510A1660 KB ~1 '- .~- '- -.-- ,- -- ~ - T1- r-J I 1-800-845-733 Jì¡¡;l IEDI 390- 0' T 30 S. R.27 E. e .-.- ---- "-- .~ ~ /-96 /-/82 SCHOOL DIST. / -/54 /-/88 390-0 I /-232 /-230 /-/79 /-97 _ _ /_-_-_~,~~ _ ___-_ :~~~ _ ~-:~~~5~ _~ ~f . _ ~....~'v I 1J< 50' . ~ r 55 . 65 {-¥ 80 36 C\>' : 85~ I ~' --@..' I. I~~I ' 375.344C. I ' \ I J : ,.,-=1 ->Ì 8 ¿I:i 0 i ,>;) J3ACi 40H 0MR -J ~ "T U @> 129.12AC. '\'245.47 . 1.66.2 '. ·"90 ····28.2 "'28.28 ,~ I .. ~-- ------ @ 60. 564C. 1?J 18224AC. r e IC' /. ':. r L ~ 8 "0 /:'800' @MR g, dl ¡ ]\ I , sz:.- r~ -:rtE I . ; ;.iï'..J . I ¡ --- I - --.-.- tr-- -..--. I 160 .189.1.78 . '"II -~;.- ~I: '?OMR . ICI ~ I I 50 ~ 60 ~~ I ~ [ ~Ir ~ 80.50AC. r¡yR I@ ~ I 6.53A¿' 60, .L , r -L- 1 r 8 No,.: T"Ia IIIGP I' ,." au..-nt pur lOH' onIJ. 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