HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK - -, -- f{J D --- C\ ;...:. - -- .--. .-.-- .-- .. - -' . - ,- ~ ... ~ , , ''---; - ----- ~ ~~, ' k Y¡+E 5 , ' , 1 " 1· . .". "',££::;' . -r~+~ A~> " ...... " , ,. " '-;',".>"-' :.,;:..: -. :¿'"" . . . '.' " .F" ...~ ".... . ~ - . . I o~~~ Òe¡ I I I 1/0)0::::0 J ! fo~l " I b¡CCO I. - , . ~l~l ! II ." ._"' ,_~_"'~___4'" ._ 1-- 1 <qO:C [: --" ~~ ~ ~' rf ;!lor ~ f ~r ~p ....... [ i .. ,. " ~,~ . ~~ CAlf: {~ ' ~ - ~~, C::! ~ )_ w '" , rr, ~ ~ ' ~ t ~ Æ ø f. ~.'- ~ , , t< fl ,I, Í:¡ 1> , ,",iI , ' , " " .,;",' ' , '~',' ~ _ .. .."...ì.- ~ . " J ... " ' " . ,', "'." ''':,,: '''.! ',' , . ' ~ ¡, , ','" " "c, .':.: :' . .' "" . ,~' . . .;..... . ..... i# if;!)}?; .,~=-4..~ +:ú.JJ, . Ea:/-?'I8Tt. SI-;; ",'\11;vÞ',.~:~::":"~~i,'-~,'~ ,::,...;.,.. /;,£~ Ian, '$-\. :;'ì,;',J'¡ ,,>. ¡fV:;;''" ; L:- " " c;:c:>.'(e~~c:k:l Cei, , ¡: , , . , ,,: ,.." .,' , .' J t: (' . ~' , - " . ... ..:. "'" .. . ',- -~: ~:::; .:"">' -" . -,-'''' .' " . . < . _..: " ~ - ' - - ~)... '. . '-' ,. "<. '.~. " . " , " '...., ~ - .'". . . - e .. - "J ,....¿¡.: .. . 8J~, 9~'~~J~ b~ cd- \j &lC:ö ~~. ~~C~. ,OY:zc ~ I IPp~;Ole~ co. IIõ)VN] I i 2700 Wear St. ' i Bakersfield, CA 93308 : (805) 589-5620 I i I JOHN WOODS Res. 831-8712 - - -- - - .. , ,- . ,., . ,. ",' , , \ \. -rc:;."k. lob. /, ~p... G:.O!:>~ ;2. (J\;\ \ecdd~~e \ 3+k,^",(J1A\~Gr..=~ \ ~ \c::. 5-br-t s.J..rt.AC-Ìu. eo srt::.- W F" "^ ~sc::::.. ~~ 'SA...~~ëçÇ w[ IOI~j \ EIcdvc,..: E~~ N ("CJ:ó ~~-I £,1R, . . . . --"- ~ . ~....) ~.dcv ::- ~ccc o ,,(À~ev- G'~L,vd -ID.,^~ t~ ~~' ~' ....'"..,;,-, '," I" ' ","12 :,' , . ¡b/e: ¡l-b9v, ~~''5b.\- ~.. .::r&;\"'SS'oJc:::.. 13:../1> /~""<:,,, .",-<:C , - -rh~ s>~; ~ ~~Tfo ~'t:s'~~!cr1,9~ ~.,' , . ~ t': .'. " , ' , ~-I . .. i ~' ": 1 II ," -» , . ('\, 'I i ' \ ' ! ! . ....' , ,.' '::~':~~i<.~:, t: ....\ . . . .,:. _ }"., .' _J..... '.,'.' ' . ,,"", ,.': ~ . ' "..·;(.r~':&·,J:~~:"ot~;' /:::;; :<~:~9<:'¡, ::, ",:; -~'I\' ' , ,~ vJ :=) . \ \ I ¡ \ \ I \ i (~~ c::>c::::) \ \ Pl..A.e( ~ ~ - j 1 ¡ ~. I , ", -, "i 'í . ... ... .. .... .!f-l{J 1/ ~ , ,'" ' ' ";<' - !ItJS~ Z ~ do . µQ:iÄ~~;' .' ...(J;~ Å,^~';'cJ.,d ~b ': ~;i5-~:- ..~~+ I8Tl.Sh ...., .. . .........Ie,;. ,.."'.. '" · \ ,.- - ".,',":, C',' ....' ,:~":.,_,:,,i,.. ' .e~)~ ' I ,,' """, ,. ~:, ',' ',''',''':'' ,,' , :' .'\/' ',", q~-' :, , ',,: .,:,';.>;' " ' - . -" " ' ,..' ' , ',' . "¡ I nENCE '-PETROLEUM CO. - - 2700 WEAR STREET (805) 589~5620 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 - /.'~,J~ì \ I ~,-.e I~Jc:l1J' \J~ yivÞ, rlß-~~J¥i () November 25, 1991 RECË\\I\:-[) ,~~ ? 6 '99' HAZ. t--^ ~"'L 0 \V . Bakersfield Fire Department Hª-~élrdºu~" MateJ::ia¡s ,IIi visjo[1 , 2130 G St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 -- - - Attention: Joe A. Dunwoody Hazardous Material Specialist Underground Tank Program In reference to your letter addressed to Pence Automated Fuels (215-000-001011) concerning their underground storage tanks, Pence Automated Fuels is no longer in operation. The facility at 902 E. 18th St. was demolished in November 1989 and the underground tanks removed as required by the Kern County Health Department. Pence Petroleum does not operate any underground tanks in the City of Bakers- field or the County of Kern. Could you please delete us from your computer ~~:::n:o:ff~:d::::O~::pt::kt:::~ators? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fA\ \ ~/ t) nl \0' /:::~A!r ~ /,' ~,'\£~i", ,--'di:.. "". ",<S')" /,.1.. '..", ~\) i!::;, _ " \""', , '(.;,' -'~..Ã!"--- v I,\: ~~~,,;, \\('"'" ",..'. /J' " ',,1'·····'·..,;;:;.,,'i":' "',,"".'-/ FOR"·'> '~/ I e e \\ Ú \ 1T117lIìr.. \\\:>;,~;:::!!fl1l ~""Li) .,.~ $,.';::''- ','.~,¿-...." ::!§i",'" ..,~/j -',,'- -,:.:: '.'- :</J :::"= : \~ <.~ :;,,~~ ::; ~... ,'" , --.II'.... ~ ~-·-~:'E ,:,\,',>" ~ LJ~J'lí¡Í~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE C.-1. RE" John Woods (tYDe or print name) RECEIVED MAY 3 0 1989 HAZ. MAT. DIV. Doh ere by c e r t i f y t hat I h a \- ere ,- i e h- e d t 11 e attached Hazardous Materials business plan , j ~ 3 ~ fj; if for Pence Be.tlJøJJèum CorniDany (name of business) and that it along with the attached additions ./ or corrections constitute a complete and correct my facility. o o ¡- ro /' I / / '9\ I "'~) ~ " ~ 4/12/89 date ~\ QC ~ q cUJ fYU!J J}ff;l ~ J1~ ~Czf - 0o'd. J-owrt (f: }lux 0 ~ ()I\ jfJ-- rJI w, ~ ~ ~ '--> CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD Far. and 'qr;culturr '---' Stand.rd Bus in!!ss '2[: HAZARDOUS MATE:R:I:ALS :I:NVENTORY NON-TRADE SECRETS 1 1 P.g!! ____ of ____ BUSINESS NAME?ence Petroleum Company LOCATION: 902 E. Uft:h ~'t. CITY, ZIPB=lkP'Y"!=;fipliJ. ca. 93305 PHONE I: e05 sæ-,5620 OWNER NAM~harles Pence, RobPence, John ADDRESS :2700 W:Er st. CITY. ZIP: R=JkP'Y"!=;fipliJ ~ <rnM PHONE ,,: ROt) 1:)Rq...i:)fi?O RD'llR ro IIIS'rRUct'IOIIS roB PROPIlR CODa WftAMÈ30F Trrts ~£~L1.TYE.18 STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER L 9_ - 9.. a 2.. - 8. 1 2 9... lock 1 2 Irans TV" Cod!! Cod!! 3 11111 Mt . A""'91 Mt 5 .....UIII Est & "".ur. Units 7 IOys an Sltl , 10 II Cant Cant Un PrIs. T., Code U teat tan IIhIre Stor.d In Fec:l1tty 13 'by lit It __ of lIillture/c:c.oanentl SIt I nstructiCIIII -9-- ------- lOP T~~~:uœ Ph~iC.1 and HH Ith Hillai'd ICh«k .11 that a""ly) ~~ Fire HllIrd ~J Røctiyity ~J Delayed ~:J SucIcNn hl_ ~J ¡-.dietl HH Ith of PI'IIII/I'I IIeIlth c:c.oanent II .... C. I.S. ...... --------------- ------ - ea..-nt 12 .... U.S. ...... c:c.oanent.3 .... C. A. S~ ...... JL '1ànk NJ. 3 ______ 100 U1J.~Lc.ac:n1iœ -- c:c.oanent II .... C.I.5. ...... ------ ~J FII'I Hazard g] RHctiyity 2ptJ Delayed ~:J SucIcNn hl_ ~J ¡-.dlnl HHlth of PI'llIUf'I IIeIlth c:c.oanent 12 .... U.5. ..... c:c.oanent 13 .... C. 1.5. ...... u C.I.S. ....... 'Jànk'-NJ. 2 c:c.oanent IT .... C.I.S. ...... 00 ------- ---- p",", ical end 11M Ith 11111 a'" (Chick all that a""ly) JŒ:" ~ ~' ,.-, ,.~ L _.J Fir!! lIaza,.d L - ~ Reactiyity .. _.J hlayed L - ~ Suddtn II.IM" L~.J ¡-.diatl IIHlth of P.....UI'l IIHlth ---- c:c.oanent 12 11_' C.I.S, ..... ------- ta.panent 13 .... C.A.S. ..... -___JL____l____________1-.____________JL_____________J______l______L_____J_~JL----___L______ '",",ieal end IIH Ith IIlIIa'" (Chick .11 that a""lr) C.A.S, ...... ____________________ tc.ponsnt 11 .... U.S, ...... ---- ,..-, r--, r-.., ,.-, ,.-., L _.J Fir!! lIaz.rd L - ~ hect;y;ty L _.J hl.yed L _.J Suddtn 1I.løs. L _.J ¡-.dl.ta Health of Pr...ure Health Cœøanent 12 .... C, A. S, IhÌIIIIIf' ------------------------------ ----..- ta.panent 13 .... C.A,S. .....r "fRGfNCY COIITAC1S 11 ~-~m-------------------~-~.---------------- W~¡:13~~~..Q-- 12.~_ ~ ------------------ 'Wm~'~-------- W~I'~,5620_--- Certification (R~.d and sign after cOllpleting all s~ctions) 1 certify und.r IIIIIlty of 1.. that I hay. OI!rson.lly !!.a.;nl!d .nd a. f..ili.,. .ith till info,.i..t;an su";ttl!d in this end al1 attec:hed doc_u. and that basl!d on ., inquiry of those indlyiduals rlS ICIII.;bl. for obta i':Iing till inf_t ian. I III! Ii eye that till! su"ittl!d ;nfo....t;on is true. .ccuret.. .nd COIIP let., R4~a=1-fitl¡-õT-õWi¡¡;~-~7õõir;;tõr·š-¡üfliõ;:iiëaï:¡õrišiñf;;tiÿ¡ Siijñ¡tü;:¡---------------------------------------------------- Ditn~tt.L89.._---------------------- LI"'?- =::- ~t-= e e March 2, 1990 TO~ Nina Mayer, Accounts Receivable FROM~ Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator SUBJECT~ Pence Petroleum Company Nina, Account # 443801 should be voided. This business is no longer in business in Bakersfield, please void their current bill and close this account. Thank You Val,...rie e e nENCE J -PETROLEUM CO. 2700 WEAR STREET (805) 589~5620 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 0V\1ò City of Bakersfield P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, CA 93308 RE: Hazardous Materials Fees for 011-11117 Account No. EM 443801 Please be advised that these fees are for a station at 902 18th St. that has been dug up and is no longer existing. Pence Automated Fuels has been dissolved as a corporation since 1988. Thank you for correcting your records to reflect the current status of our account with you. /;;~:ïJ (J~ ~ 1ff~ ~:Vpence .,. .. ,." ~'IWI .. . ..,.. ~ ..' ",.^, "....,. _~, ..... '"" "" "'1... ¥' e .& ler~+i eJd rt L. t- ¡ nO .. ~ß~ eaUNTY FIRE DEPÃRTME~ 5642 VICTOR STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 9~308 (805) 861-2761 1D3&O RECEIVED SEP 3 1987 Ans'd..... ~~'~..... OFFICIAL USE ONLY ¡' 'I 10# BUSINESS ~AME 001011 , HAZARDOUS.MATERI A-LS. ¡, ':'¡"¡:,.{ :lJ\~}Ü:¡ ~;!, \~fH't::mt BUS I NESS,,' PLAN AS:: A WHOLE,' ._,,- '-..,-"....,,-:-.._--~...,.- FORM 2A" INSTRUCTIONS: 1. ': 2. ',3. 4. To avoid further action, return this form by TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. Answer the questions below for the business Be as brief and concise as possible. JUl 2 9 \981 *' ; as a whole. SEcTION T~, BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA :.... . A ;,~\~USINESSNAME: ,Pence Automated Fuels I'"~. -. ,1.·. B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 902 East 18th St. " \ I' (\ t ;), ~c· .': ~ . BUS. PHONE: ~05 )589-5620 CITYBakersfield ZIP: 93305 " ':'" I,,' ".Vi'" , , ..'" .' t .' .. j'" i ~ : l "'1 ~·F~ ~ ¡ ~ï 'i ::' . f SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS , . :" ~ 'P : II:; *1 ?':," :ì,UB"i \ or'~threatened release o~ a;~: ;;:: ·;¡nn iò: 1-916-427-4341. Thiswill,not1fy:(~ Emergency Services as required1bY.'F'17 In case of an emergency involving the release hazardous material, call 911 dnd 1-800-852-7550 or. your. local fire department and the State Office of law. . " ; 4/~n{~.~:' :f;t jrf \') ., , . ,. ' I ,~ .:' ::' "·¡r~'; :~:::,;<,' ~'..-; , EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY INCASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE A.-B.ab ~nr.e , , . , . . ~. ì ¡'. ' ; : i \. ::: ~). " ~1 ':"g.: t,.; ! ~ DURING BUS: 'HRS,~ Ph# 589-5620" 'AFTER BUS:;.'! HRS'.i 1]''-ý(.(1 ,1 Ph#589-5620 Ans Serv 393-1136 Home B..-J:Qbn'Wm(J!,; Ph#589-5620' Ph#589-5620 Ans Serv 831-8712 Home , .:-' I ! ,".', '.' , , . .' '~. ti ~ ) I, ., ,. t "~. :"¡ { d ~.... ; . p~' hit· : ," ','.' . , t ~1 ',! ,,: ' " , , .~ i ~~ ¡ ", ..." f (". , ' SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFSFOR BUSINESS 'AS A WHOLE, , I ' f' 1 ;. f.: f ~ ¡ . ~"" I '. . A.NAT. GAS/PROPANE: None At Site B. ELECTRICAL: ÐnerqenCV PUmp East Wall buildinq next to door C. WATER: At Curb Sòuth West Comer of Property D. SPECIAL: E. LOC}{ BOX: YES / NO IF YES. LOCATION: ,'I. IF YES, DOES IT CO~TAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES! NO KEYS? YES / NO -Over- HMCU-4 ,.~.". ~__.",.""I'" .......... ... ."._:'"-....\..'":';'.....~'~.~,:. -'10'; 'i' ... e .. , '" r~ . ,,,,,,e , I} þ . -- ..,. . ~ . >.,' SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE John Woods WOrk-AIls Serv. Rob Pence WOrk-AIls Serv. 589-5620 589-5620 Home 831-8712 Home 393,..1136 , ¡ . ~;íí 7- '; ;---:: ;':¡;~: ¡:':' ~"î';,',!' .", r\-~. t t ....~. . ,." '. . _.....,....,....0.;-... '1':,..., _JL"_ ;.,., Ú;. ~".'.J M.P. Eacuum Service (805) 393-1151 ",Hazardous Materials HandlingC<;}. SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR'YOUR BUSINESS'AS A WHOLE ' Hall Plrnbulance Service (805) Mercy Hospital Emergency (805) Kem Medical Center Emg. (805) 327-4111 327-3371 326-2000 _' ~i:¡~!l:;~ PJ~~~r~;~:r r ;·r ~ J ¥,,' (.1 I~",,' ~ ( . 1 , ! Li \ '. .; J"'; O :¡U ~rf: . l þi " .-~jI,.~.. rL~11 I'¡\~~~\'~' .f;" , ; , , t, :11' ·J'~~/.~·:df, .:~ ~ '; ~ ~ (, .~ i¡ . r' . '. ~ . ."\ .,." ~, , : i'i'.' ' ~ ;; ~~~ ,.: ~.+J~, :"'\:.:).~{~ ~¿;~~~ "':':~'~":f ......f......... _·-.-·.~....'k.% . 'i' ~':! r.-:~~~, (2U,'¡ ¡. ~, SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. .:..' ~ / Þ~':i·.'~¡. ' ~-~'i~t.,. ?,~ '" 'j : ";""'_:J~::~ CIRCLE YES OR NO A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:.. ....... ...... ........... C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT:.................. D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES:............. .... E. DO .YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:.. . . . . . INITIAL REFRESHER ,,'<" . , i YES . NO YES . NO '. 1 . ,> '. 'r 1\'.1 , " " f', . " ~ t ¡ , : . YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES '. NO YES NO :' YES NO YES NO , " .,....,... ' -- ..~..~. ". 'oJ' ..r.,', ;..~'~_..__._., . ~ t· , 1 : .' '[ ) ,:- f \. ! ' 'I' ~ ~:; .' : f ~ -. i : ~t;:\ ·;~l~,·\ f¡i ;".-.~,..,.,' ~.. ./\ I, John Woods , certify thát the aboye, ~nfarmation ,.is; aèc,u.r.,ate ~ I understand that this information will be used to. fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety cade on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500Et A!.) and that' inaccurate infarmatian constitutes perjury 01;';" i'$ ':';~~ :,:;; '1,. \,,':';~'î. <. .... r:" I,. '1 I'rt'\ ;, SIGNATURE ~ITLE -:::P""v-\.- , DATE 8}31 )B7 ;' t "I I'f: .. HMCU-4 . ".- "'; ¡...,.¡...... ...-.-. ,-,", .__~_..".__;...,... ................. ....',...._.'_Cl~..~·:~;!~<'..;::,,'\i ,.w".....,~#·t':,· : ~~,., I~, ~ tltN COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 4IÞ 5642 VICTOR STREET.", \- Ç¡,,';t ,t.,lt,_,¥.~,,"?t,~', BAKERSFIELD. CA 93308' ,".':.' ..- ~:: ~!~} ,(¡:; I,. .-·~,;;.ZJ~~ '::...,!) t: ·;_1 {;{\"" iT ~J. . q I RUS INESS OFFICIAL USE ONLY NAME: ',7r"JD#,__ ,_, _ ,_, _ .:,' '. . . . , . . .. .. (-1 ':.. . f~' :, i ~: ~ ,:~..}·t1~·¡! ?,).}í:·':r:.:'!~ ,-~r{~ !ir \!f1,H <;if'rt~. .li BUSINEs's"i P'£Þ:.N ....;::'",'< {;"¡ ,',,<" ~,\ î'·'Ù;t;~\;jt; SINGLE FACILLTY UNIT", : ~}.. ,'1" . " ".;¡'~-. :.')'~ ,'" 'r," ),,;.--:"'.:Þ f" ,r-*("'_'lí'''~''':'I')!) -I-\.·.'·I"·'·~·~· . . FORM, 3A' .'H'.:~., ,'" """"~ '" 'V,,":"', , f.:' ¡ :", \ ~,,' :';, ':. /~ ;', ': ' " ',' ';d,¡ : " ; ,:, ,:,.:;~r~~~~;'~ð,~;:!;çt;~ ":~;',::~ !.~~...~:~·!~~,~\~1~i ' INSTRUCTIONS . ~. To av~id f~~th~¡; ."~'~~rq\n;~~t~).s:~o.Jt,~\Í~'t ':Þ,e',\J~t;Jtn~d, ~y\~ut:Z:~¿)~~?'~~ ' ,J, , , 2, TYPE/PRINT YOUR 'ÃNSWERS 'IN ENGLISH." I Y 1-. ('" .',,,.... :"" :J~t<¡:J,.,"" " 3, Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY-¡'IP~IT\;..LJ,SIEI:1~-:;~E,L9~1;~p¡;';1:7 ,:;',:;"t'¡~¡';;'~,"'~:i 4 B BR I EF d CONC I SE 1 b 1 ...,,' '. ¡ "J! {'. 1 H" ¡, 'J ,¡", t:,\ ' ¡d :,,~ ' "J "-,,$] '. .,It\ '--, . e as an as poss e. ...."..,.~...,.........."~~--~..".,..-...... ~,,,. ~..... ~''''......,-:-' ''''''':¡''f',,,,,,,<:,,'.o;~-;::~_··'''''''r...~~·''~~_~.''''<.,,",,';;~.,+Jo " '. FACILITY UNIT# 1-, ~...' . , , FACILITY UNIT NAME: Pence Au toma ted Fue 1 s CardlÓck, :',; '", SECTION 1: MITIGATION. PREVENTION. ABATEMENT PROCEDURES " ~,~ ',t,,- ~: "'::,Cµs t()~~r requ:i·F:,E1,\1\,..~9i;;r7?-ft and ~ ~gI'!-,~ d~s.:~:ç:¡\R,};~pn"9~f, q.~~~:L,Ç>B~!-ía t~I),'~\n""{~'" ',;,prac:t~ee for 'dispènstn'griìotor vehic le·'..;£Üê4·~-;;'..'/ ' !'."". '''-;.'.'.2ì,-~·,t!::t:::::;."..t.::Wr.:,:¿..",~-i~X. . - ,~. : " "þ'irè"';'éxtingushèr as required by Bakersfield City Fire D§!pt. "'. t, :,': .. ~;- '. ;.'". -., Flow restricters on· aLl. dispenser,s as, required. " ,.' .' . .?'_<. ,.!,~" \ ',1,; ~':~':~ . \~!,1 (t".· Removal of dispensing nozzle locks as required. Adequate signage as required for unmaned fuel dispensing site. Emergency pump switch, fire extingushers, no smoking, stop your motor etc. ~'; .~,r".';1 ,'~<' ~ ,-. (J.: .' ..:~. ,5:~~~1 Lt}:.~; > S . .. ~ " ' " , : .!.f.~: l~~\:·.'} -i¡..t~ :~~;... ~ON 2: NOTIFICATION AND£VACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS UNIT ONLY Notify various emergency agencies as necessary. Unmaned facility no exacuation required. '. ~.~?¡~ :< ", , '~ , " ~ ;M :J3<:¡;';: ,C: '.':'~~¡ :;i(.1',~ ,.. ~~~' ::1 "'-' "YT ~ . ·x 'f ",1 if· .::": ; ! ,t , ~ ,-' HMCU·6 '" ~"__"w,,~_.. '-~""""."""-_""""';,","""",",:,::-'-... ~ "/1'~~,.-:;:~~~~_""" ""~,~,, ,.- ; .. .. . .: e '~,." :, ~7\"¡'~">" e", .," . -. "_." .f.. V. ,', ~ ~ ~ t.; ~\. . ONLy'rl<:; f;: '.' I ¡:1r~ ~'~ " ~,' ... i.'~ ~. .....-."'-_....~".. ., SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT 'A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazar~~µs Materials?.... . ~ i\ ~ . .} ~ ) If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4,. YES" NO, '.....' . :.'.fz ,::' é,J~~,.}t.·'~ \ '.> B. Are any of the hazardous materials 'a bona 'fide Trade Secret'" ai~'-- ,,,,_,- defined by Section 6254.7 of the Government. Code?.. ... ... YES NO }; . ^_ .11 . .: ~ .~:,: .,~ ~ . *.('~'~ Oft: "'. . \, J t.:~ . . .~ --; . .~ .. <.:. '~, ; ~.. - ~ :~, ."\ ~.~; . . , .f :' ') r:t' ~~ ~. If No, complete a separate hazardous materialslriventory .~ ": . ,,{ ':. 11 rJ '.j . r form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (whi te-'torm #4A-l) ,', " If Yes" complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: ' "':':';"':·'t'l:'" i:~'ï'¡"::":~" ' TRADE'SECRETS·-0NLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addlt1onto thenon~tradè~"ê''',~:-l~~:'~:::d~''" secret form. List: onl'y 'tlì~' t'Í-ade>t'seêr'é'ts~!oi1:jfo~IÌI'f.4A:l2.~;:~rfj'Ü!I :H":~ffl, !::'t',. t:", I ii,,: j J '.ì~-1.:ì L~! ~1\;3\-Ir.';~'¡f: WfíjY, 'I;!] 1 fill \:'j<.¡'I{';' , ,;;.,,' .",'.'(SECTION 4: PRIVATE¡·-:FiRE-1PR'oTECTION'!Ti.i'.'}/~~ '~\?T'; " ~~~'~:~¡rf .~:~Of.)8~i)t'1.éq1_J·r.tt{~q0rjt~ t!>~' :, 1':r{df:."1~t¡q ~~~ :'L)i~"t~-10~:; 1.Úi·· ~:tlS!ß ~~~.0 "?,(:r ~·,t-,,·~ , :F:ire extin'!ushiers a~ re<:Iuired bY,B.ak~FS~f~r\~:À::!~~ ty Fi:-e de~~!l'r~\j ~¿"n.uJà~ ' >'~dequate slgnage as requlred'" for llnmaned fuel dlspe'n'sTng"""'STt;.e. '. "" .. ' : ii~~~~~~ ~~ . pump sw itch, fi ~,e,¡;,,*.1;~n\Ju, s~!'.¡;¡'it' f~q1'!,'1'~ ~~~J ~ . ~ tí'Bli!$>::~,' . ;;>!.ii~, ":',:>~SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS } " ",. ~ ... ~'i; '>: .: , ~ - '. - ", . .", .'.;'<' . i'.'~":fire:HYdrant East Truxtun Ave. .) 'I' . ,-~, . ~' . ':. :: ~ . , . " " ~, , SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: None at this facility - .'.j ,B. ELECTRICAL: ,',' 'Emergency p:amp swictc;h ~,ast>wq.ll":f¥"'ont'··9f:þ~.t;1c1j::p.<:t·',~:i;r"l;~[;t~:,H ~S "iC' electrical shut off inside huilding middle' w"cillsoúth r'oorñ:-"""""':'"'''''''' C. WATER: Water meter at curb line south west corner of property. D. SPECIAL: ", E. LOCK BOX: YES I NO IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES. SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO YES / NO MSDSs? KEYS? YES / NO YES / NO HMCU-6 :~. \ . ~.KER~ COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT ot· D~::' , ,. ~: '7 ,:;. ~ =: ~":;:?' :::~;~~;;;:-~J\i£>: >':,~, ':'~ 1ð":~;rê,%~~ g l_O.~M? 4_A=;1~;:';;; ;:';: t:j~:~ t; .~ ~, r ;~; '~~ .' ," ," f' ~, p'a~e.l::.- °t·i- ",;;4. ' , . - " :;';-',(',"f;}~\' ,y'.. . '" NON -'-.~'R AD E' SEe R E T S ' , . 'r'. -:.' ;.. ;;'r::·' 1", --.; ¡''¡'' " ...~ . ~;;4:>"~'r '~; ;';;, ~ c::' t'¿;t;ì~ ~j~ ;H'~~ZJÄ:IiD ö-ufS{,~'Mé~\j,T'E'R I:A.iU"S:>~';~I\ N'V'E'N TOR y- (','" '.", :"';' '" {;,; ~" ';,J, 'f~f ,;:~: ';; "'~ ~, t ,~~:~<S'·~'~t~~~:.~~,~~f~ "':';',;,>:";::~;'~1~";~;~l':~~'~;2 '~.~ ,E,"; ,~.' :~i ~l-¿{ .~ ,~¿} ~~, ':~ E: " _,," _,., ,P ~,',i , '~BUS INESS NAME": PeÏlœ 'i~ullørña~oo rËuels' , : n,:~. ';,~ df ,~;iOWÑER NAME PhaÏ'l\Qs~' Pence,Roh PeRce, John Wood'S; PAC I L I TY,UN IT,':~-'-:' '.;"ADÓRESS:902 E J18lli"rSù.",,;,;-- ~1':'i;;. ,.f ',t p;'~ ?i.·::ÁÔORES'SZ'1Öø WeaJi<its.t.".', ,.~, ,~. ':: v~, FACILITY,::UNT'Í' NÃ'MÉfLf9th':CArâlOGk ;~CITY.~ ZIP!3akers;E,iËŒd, Ca..;;;99305:.¡¡' è"{~.~~. C" ,;.;. ;~¿iT\<"ZIP:Bakersfiè'1d. tCa,. 92308 " >" '.';;: ~ ':; t; ~ '. t '. ~;PH~~~ ~ I',: (¡~O~) ~~S89:S:~~'>~,~'~~ .:":"'~,: .,:.;t ,." H !ðPHONE ,: (80S)~ S89~5'620 ~ ~:'IO~iF~~~i ~L U~~', Ç:FJ R_S COD.E 1.':: ;,: 2; ~. '"' 3,;: ~ {4"'" ,5~ 6~f 7 '::; 8 9 .¡ " " " -- :':,10 TYPE MAX;;' ANNU,(L ..,~ CONT USH! LOCATION IN ,THIS .,% BY g :~ '~ ' :,HAz'ARD 0.0 T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT uii'T.' CO'ÒE CODE FACILITY UNIT '~WT CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME ,,, èO'DÉ' GUIDE " ':" (. Gar:! .,,, .... ,- .....,¡: '\. ,~ }; trJ .~t· t"".~ 010 100 :;asoline I/t~ , - " . h ... FLID on - > , c: '", , -- ., '" -Pi,_ .- " ".. " " - ~ ., \i I _', ~ I p 22 0'00 ")40 000 919 'Pank Nos. 1. 2. 3 ~, -, ,-. ... '" ". 'T -- ~ .. ~'" ,.. ¡¡,} '<;; ¡;;- '" ~.., , " ¿:'~ ,~~ ~'':.' ~,;- "''1'~ .. ." ~__ .1-. '.~ :è ~.. 'f.).' ,_ ~- .. ~ .... i,Þ: " . .' .- ,-' ,. ,,,: r; ~ -E;"". 1".... .~ ...~ " '._ .r;:. f~ -t": ::-; '\.I'; {t '.. 1'" "' t~ ~ ~ ~~ ~.~ - ~ -ó ~. +'t ··;~""'~··41 1..... .. .¥ - ,.. ,," ~.. ~;f-';1; '. " " ir:~ - , " " ~> '! ,.. ~ :-'~:: ':. '::::: ~w ~ '. ,..,... --> ", .~~ ....... ;1 t " ,"r f~ ,r -... '-" ._ .OÞ' ~ ",.' .......... .,... ,4~ .~ .-.. i;- ", !.'o. ., '" ,. s )} ~. .,...... -. "', ¡,... '. ". ... " ,,' " " ; ",-. " <'" ~- .. - " ~, .. '. - .- , , . " .- " ~, -- " " - ~ - ~.. ,', , " ':''-.:'\'.)',:: , -- N AM E ;JOhn Woods EMERGENCY CONTACT:.Rob. Penr.p- . ~ :.: ~ .:_:~. ~~ ~..:.,., , './t":j~<;~:.;~:, ,>;~ ';:>~;~.~~~.'.,_ ' .' I.'" . EMERGENCY CONTACT :.Jobn Wmr'l':;' , ",,', ~"':~:T'Iti/E': P;::¡r+m:>r-iît.mp'ÿ-· PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Unattended Fuei Dispensing FaciÆi~! ' TITLE :Pë1rtner'" " SIGNATURE: , . ""~', ,_T IT.LE: P;:¡rtnpr-rMnpr DATE:____________ PHONE # BUS HOURS :ROI) I)Rq-l)h?O .,AFTER BUS HRS: Same PHONE' BUS HOURS :80S S89-S620 'AFTER BUS HRS: Same " HMCU-9