HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (2) v~ T E IMPACTED SOIL AT PENCE PETROLEUM BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ---/~I / / PRESENTED TO MR. ROBERT PENCE PENCE PETROLEUM AND MRS. FLORA DARLING KERN COUNTY DEPARTAMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PRESENTED BY , ..' tit. .:~¡. W; AQUAGEOSCIENCES, INC. JUNE, 1994 C?~/Z~ PATRICK MCCULLOUGH STAFF GEOLOGIST ~~r- 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 101 · Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 328-0962 · FAX (805) 328-1129 . TABLE OF CONTENT JUN .2 I 1994 PAGE NO. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 2.0 BACKGROUND -2 3.0 PROJECT HISTORY 3 4.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES 7 4.1 Boring Methods 7 4.2 Soil Sampling 7 4.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples 7 4.4 Soil Analyses 8 5.0 SITE GEOLOGY 8 6.0 FINDINGS 8 7.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 9 7.1 Groundwater Risks 9 8.0 REFERENCES 12 9.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 13 10.0 LIMITATIONS . 13 . Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Vicinity Map Site Map/Boring Locations Aerial View of Plume Cross-Section A-A' Cross-Section B-B' Leaching Potential Anlysis General Risk Appraisal Benzene Environmental Fate Worksheet Toluene Environmental Fate Worksheet Ethylbenzene Environmental Fate Worksheet Xylene Environmental Fate Worksheet Appendix A Site Assessment Lab Reports and Chain-of-Custody Appenqix B Additional Inlet Wells - Lab Reports and Chain-of-Custody Appendix C Confirmation Boring Logs Appendix D Confirmation Boring - Lab Reports and Chain-of-Custody Appendix E Acceptable Cumulative Soil Contamination Levels - BTEX Appendix F Risk Assessment Calculations . 1 . . . 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY G¡:¡soline impacted soils were discovered during the removal of three underground fuel tanks in November, 1989 at the Pence Petroleum Company facility located at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue in Bakersfield, California. laboratory analysis revealed soil beneath the former tanks and dispenser was impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons. In July and November 1990 four soil borings were advanced to a maximum depth :of 120 feet below surface grade, but failed to define the vertical and lateral extent of the plume. In October 1991 a Site Assessment to define the extent of impacted soils and install vapor inlet and extraction wells was performed by AquaGeosciences Inc. (AGI) in which fóur soil borings were advanced and sampled. The borings were advanced beneath the former tank cluster and dispenser island where the highest levels of petroleum hydrocarbons were previously detected. The interpretation of data collected showed that soils beneath the former gasoline tank cluster are impacted to a depth ranging between 71.5 to 86 feet below the surface grade (bsg) in VI-4 to between 100 and 105 feet (bsg) in boring VE-1, and below 120 feet (bsg) at the B3A location. Subsequent to the installation of the additional vapor inlet and extraction wells a remedial program was initiated using an internal combustion engine to remove the soil vapors from the impacted area and to destroy the hydrocarbons entrained in thE~ vapor stream. Additional air/vapor inlet wells were drilled and installed in October, 1993 to enhance the remedial program and soil samples were collected to evaluate the effectiveness of the remediation to date. laboratory analysis of soil samples collect from the additional wells indicated the petroleum constituents have been significantly reduced in concentration and that TPH as gasoline concentrations has been significantly reduced in all but the southern portion of the plume. In the months of January and February of 1994, the VES located on the site began to use supplemental propane almost exclusively. This indicated that the vapors being drawn from the ground no longer contained concentrations sufficient to run the machine efficiently or economically. It was therefore AGI's belief that remediation of the soil was near to completion and that a confirmation boring was justified. This report presents the results of the confirmation boring and a health risk assessment is included which recommends that no further action is warrented. 2.10 BACKGROUND The site, known as Pence Petroleum Company, is located at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, on the southeast comer of East Truxtun and Beale Avenues in Bakersfield, California (E>ehibit1). The property parcel number is APN 017-160-07-00-0. The property is currently unoccupied and was formerly operated as Pence Automated Fuels by the Pence Petroleum Company. Prior to 1986, the site was owned by Davies Oil, Bakersfield, California, and was used as an automated cardlock fueling station. 2 · · · Exhibit 2 shows the former locations of the site facilities, as well as the former borings and existing wells. Positioned to the south-southeast of downtown Bakersfield, land use surrounding the site is varied in nature ranging from Light and Service Industrial to High Residential as indicated by the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan - East Map (3-7-90, updated 10-14091). On three sides (north, west, and south) the site abuts public streets (East Truxtun, Beale, and East 18th Street, respectively). To the east, at 985 E~ast Truxtun, is Signet Hardware, Inc. Residential areas lie to the south and southeast of the site. 3.0 PROJECT HISTORY In 1986 Pence Petroleum purchased the site from Davies Oil of Bakersfield. On November 1, 1989, two (2) 6,000-gallon underground gasoline storage tanks, one (1) 10,000-gallon underground gasoline storage tank, one dispenser island and associated product lines were removed from Pence Petroleum's Automated Fuels Card lock. Soil samples were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the former tanks at the time of their removal. Table 1 summarizes the results of the laboratory analyses of the soil samples reported in the Associated Soils Analysis, Inc., Site Assessment Study of December 28, 1990, on file with the County. .sAMPLE LOCATION TABLE 1 Summary of Laboratory Analyses Tanks and Fuel Island Removal November 1, 1989 (Soil in ppm) Benzene Toluene Xylenes Ethyl-Benzene IfI::Ugl 0.28 4.17 42.98 5.20 534.09 ~ 0.38 8.51 0.84 127.88 ~ t>I) 0.84 0.09 47.60 f<l) NO 0.24 NO 27.90 23.81 350.69 888.24 88.56 4550.10 58.81 588.24 1543.82 213.32 8843.63 f<l) NO ~ NO NO NO NO 0.72 0.05 31.52 2.40 48.95 222.26 14.10 1719.31 10.63 136.03 630.24 53.35 3491.08 ~ 0.10 0.33 0.02 6.93 ~ 0.03 0.16 NO NO ND ND 0.11 NO 11.85 NO NO f<l) NO NO f<l) ND f<l) NO NO NO 0.54 2.32 0.26 65.55 P1-2' P2-6' P3-2' P4-6' P5-2' P6-6' P7-2' P8-6' P9-2' P10-6' P11-2' P12-6' P13-2' P14-6' P15-2' P16-6' TEST METHOD: Minimum Reporting Levels: NO TPH as gasoline by DHS LUFT Method 8015mand BTEX by EPA Method 8020 BTEX 0.03 uglg TPH 5.0 ug/g Non-Detected 3 . The laboratory results indicated that the soil was impacted with petroleum fuel, with the highest concentrations of petroleum constituents detected at the eastern ends of the former tanks. Based upon these results, on March 2, 1990, the County requested a site characterization to assess the extent of impacted soil. Subsequent to the request, Associated Soils Analysis Inc. (ASA) advanced four soil borings to a maximum depth of 120 feet below surface grade (bsg). Boring B-3 was advanced in the vicinity of the former product line, believed to have originated the release, and detected a maximum concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) of 24,000 mg/kg at a depth of 50 feet (bsg). B-3 was terminated at a depth of 80 feet (bsg) with TPHg concentrations of 4,700 mg/kg. Boring B-3A, advanced ten feet to the west of B-3, detected various concentrations of TPHg ranging between non detect to 0.62 between a depth of 90 to 120 feet (bsg). Chemical analyses of these borings are summarized in Table 2 and reported in the Associated Soils Analysis, Inc., Site Assessment Study of December 28, 1990, on file with the County. TABLE 2 Laboratory Resuhs of Soils-Associated Soils Analysis Inc. Investigation July 9 & 10 and November 6 and 7,1990 Ðsu.ing Dimh Benzene Toluene Ethvlbenzene ~ :œl:i 82 11 NO NO NO NO NO . 82 16 NO NO NO NO NO 82 26 NO NO NO NO NO 82 36 0.013 0.028 NO 0.0178 NO B2 51 0.29 0.49 0.030 0.179 5.2 B3 11 3.1 49 13 184 1800 B3 31 21 340 78 480 4200 E33 51 370 2000 400 2430 24000 E33 71 340 1600 350 12080 18000 E33 81 44 370 97 600 4700 B3A 90 0.061 0.006 0.069 0.022 0.54 B3A 95 0.073 0.062 0.38 0.31 2.2 B3A 100 0.008 0.006 0.023 0.018 NO B3A 105 0.032 0.32 0.17 0.16 1.3 B3A 110 7.0 NO 11 NO NO B3A 115 0.01 0.01 0.042 0.05 0.62 B3A 120 0.041 0.052 0.28 0.27 2 B4 75 0.078 0.009 NO 0.023 NO B4 85 0.18 0.19 0.025 0.057 0.82 B4 95 0.38 0.05 0.22 0.18 2.0 B4 105 0.3 0.35 0.13 0.11 1.5 B4 110 NO ND ND NO NO B4 115 NO ND NO NO NO B4 120 NO NO NO NO NO All wesuhs in milligrams per kilogram (ppm) ND = Hot.l281BcBd . 4 · The Phase I assessment work performed by ASA did not delineate the vertical limit of hydrocarbon impacted soil beneath the probable product line release, nor was the study able to define the lateral limits of the plume towards the north, east, or south of tht9 site. The County requested an additional investigation to assess the lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil. In August, 1991 AquaGeosciences, Inc. (AGI) advanced four borings in compliance with the County's request and completed the borings as vapor extraction/inlet wells. The borings were advanced to varying depths ranging between 40 to 105 feet (bsg). Table 3 summarizes the laboratory analyses of select soil samples collected from the soil borings. The laboratory reporting forms are included in Appendix A. IäbILa Laboratory Results of Soils-AquaGeosciences Inc. Investigation August 21 through 30, 1991 Bg1iDg Dig1h Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene ~ :œti VI-1 25 183.750 421.220 82.1 05 984.220 15000 VI-1 40 73.505 168.210 31.215 492.015 6625 V/-1 55 91.875 210.000 42.310 615.010 7420 "1-1 70 61.250 140.000 27.010 322.975 5105 VE-1 65 200.335 505.075 92.015 1105.125 17220 · VE-1 85 147.310 323.015 52.710 779.875 12910 VE-1 100 0.995 1.210 0.275 4.225 125 VE-1 105 N) Il) N) N) NO VE-2 35 0.335 1.010 0.105 2.220 120 VE-2 50 12.220 28.885 5.500 103.775 1850 VE-2 60 2.210 9.055 0.875 12.150 375 VE-2 80 N) N) N) NO 30 VE-3 10 NO NO NO 0.105 80 VE-3 15 1.115 20.210 0.725 9.990 320 VE-3 20 11.775 26.210 3.330 88.845 1250 VE-3 30 17.200 50.270 7.710 161.075 1825 All results in milligrams per kilogram ND = Hot.QeII9cmd Elevated concentrations of TPHg were encountered to a depth of approximately 100 feet (bsg) in boring VE-1. The extraction well borings were positioned within the vicinity of highest concentrations of soil contamination and completed with 30 to 40 feet of screen over intervals selected on the basis of field screening results to initiate a soil vapor extraction remediation program. An internal combustion engine was manifolded to the extraction wells being used to extract and destroy the hydrocarbons contained i.n the soil vapor. · 5 . . . AGI recommended the installation of the additional air/vapor inlet wells to enhance the recovery of soil vapors. On October 13 and 14, 1993, AGI advanced three borings and completed the borings as vapor inlet wells. The analytical results are listed below in Table 4 with lab results in Appendix B. These inlet wells were designed to sweep contaminates toward the existing vapor extraction wells. Exhibit 3, 4, and 5 show aerial extent of the plume and cross-sectional views. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡j~¡jj¡j¡~¡¡¡¡¡¡~¡¡¡¡¡j~jjj~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡j¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡j¡j¡jI¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡j¡¡¡j¡j¡j¡j¡¡¡¡¡¡I¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡~¡~¡~¡¡¡¡¡j¡¡¡¡¡¡¡j¡j¡jII~ TABLE 4~::::::::::::¡::::~~:~~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~~~~~~~::~:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I:::~~:~::::::::::::I::::::::::~::~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::I SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS OF SOIL SAMPLES FROM SOILS INVESTIGATION* I:::~:~:::::::::::rr:::::::::::IIII:~:::::::r::::::::::::::::::::::::::r:!:::::::::::::rr:i¥~%::;:':::::I::~:::;::::::~~:I~::~:i::I:~::;:;:~:::::::::::::::::::::I:::::~:~~~~:::::::::¡r:::::::::~:~:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r::::::::::::::::::r::::::::::~:::::::r:::I:I::::r::::::~:::~:::::::¡r::~~ Ethvl Total Barina Samcle Decth(ft) Benzene Toluene Benzene Xvlene TPH (Gas V I -4 V - 4 - 3 5 3 6 - 3 6 5 ND NO NO ND 3 1 V - 4 - 4 5 4 6 - 4 6 5 0 1 2 0 53 0 .32 1 .0 2 0 0 V - 4 - 5 0 5 1 - 5 1 5 ND NO NO NO NO V - 4 - 6 0 6 1 - 6 1 5 0 78 2 .0 NO 4 .3 1 0 0 0 V - 4 - 6 5 6 6 - 6 6 5 ND NO NO NO NO V - 4 - 7 0 7 1 - 7 1 5 0 .023 0 02 2 NO 0 .02 1 0 7 V - 4 - 8 5 8 6 - 8 6 5 NO NO ND NO NO V - 4 - 9 5 9 6 - 9 6 5 NO NO ND NO NO V I - 5 V - 5 - 1 5 1 6 - 1 6 5 ND 0 33 0 74 3 9 8 1 0 V - 5 - 2 0 2 1 - 2 1 . 5 NO 2 .3 3 .2 9 .5 9 1 0 V - 5 - 3 0 3 1 - 3 1 5 0 .2 3 .7 2 .5 1 1 1 2 0 0 V - 5 - 4 0 4 1 - 4 1 5 ND 1 0 NO 2 2 5 2 0 0 V I - 6 V - 6 - 2 5 2 6 - 2 6 5 NO NO NO NO ND V - 6 - 3 5 3 6 - 3 6 5 NO ND NO ND NO V - 6 - 4 0 4 1 - 4 1 5 ND NO ND ND 1 8 V - 6 - 4 5 4 6 - 4 6 5 NO NO NO 0 0 1 0 .5 V - 6 - 5 0 5 1 - 5 1 5 NO ND NO NO NO V - 6 - 5 5 5 6 - 5 6 5 NO 0 00 9 NO 0 0 1 5 3 9 V - 6 - 7 0 7 1 - 7 1 . 5 NO NO NO ND ND V - 6 - 80 8 1 - 8 1 5 ND NO NO NO ND :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :::::::::;:;:::::;:::::::::::::::::::;:::::::: .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;. .......................... ::;:;:;:;:::;:;:::::;:::::::::::::::::;:::::;:::::::; rttttitrjjjjtrl~{ :;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: IItI¡trtIIit~~tI ........................... : ~: ~: ~:~:~:~: ¡:¡ :¡: ¡:¡:¡: ~:¡:1 :~:~:~:¡: ¡: ¡: ¡:¡:r ....................... ..................................................... ~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡~¡¡t~~tt¡~~~tttt~1~ ..................................................... ::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..................................................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........................... ........................... .......................... ....................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... * Results reoorted in ma/ka Iccm) In the months of January and February of 1994, the VES began to use supplemental propane almost exclusively. This indicated that the vapors being drawn from the ground no longer contained concentrations sufficient to run the machine efficiently or economically. It was therefore AGI's belief that remediation of the soil was near to completion and that confirmation boring was justified. 6 .' . . 4.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES AGI drilled one (1) confirmatory boring in the middle of the pre-existing plume to show that soil has been remediated to resonable levels given the depth to groundwater at this site. Boring C-1 was advanced to 105 feet at the location shown on Exhibit 2. 4.1 BORING METHODS One (1) soil boring, C-1, was advanced using aCME 75 rig with a six inch diameter hollow stem continuous flight auger in accordance with ASTM Method D-1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The augers were steam cleaned prior to advancing the boring. The lithology and other pertinent data was recorded on field boring logs in accordance with Method D 2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils. Soil generated during the drilling process was placed on Visquene at the site while waiting for analytical confirmation. Analytical results indicate the cuttings were impacted so this soil will be remediated on site using aeration and/or bioremediation. A cement slurry was used to abandon the borehole. 4.2 SOILSAMPLlNG Soil samples were collected through the auger in 2-inch diameter brass sleeves driven in a split spoon sampler by a 140 pound hammer with a 30-inch drop in accordance with ASTM Methods D1586-84 for split-barrel sampling of soil and D1587- 83 for thin-walled tube sampling of soils. The brass sleeves and sampler were washed in Alconox prior to each use. Soil samples were taken at depths of 5 foot intervals to a total depth of 105 feet. The blow counts, recovery, and lithology were recorded on field logs. Lithology was then described by an experienced environmental geologist under the direct supervision of a California Registered Geologist in accordance with ASTM procedure D2488-84 (Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils). One brass sleeve with soil from each interval was sealed with teflon tape, capped, secured with duct tape, labelled in accordance with EPA protocols, recorded on a Chain-of-Custody form, placed in a cooler at 40 centigrade, and transported to Halcyon Laboratories, a California Certified Laboratory with the Chain-of-Custody for the specified analyses. Appendix C contains the boring log forC-1. 4.3 FIELD SCREENING OF SOIL SAMPLES Soil samples were collected using three (3) six-inch brass tubes installed inside a split-spoon sampler. The middle sample tube was immediately sealed and prepared for transport and stored in an iced cooler upon collection. The bottom tube was used for lithologic description and the top tube was used for field screening. The material 7 · · · frc)m the top tube was placed in a mason jar to approximately 50 percent capacity, shaken, and stored for a period of 15 minutes. A standard headspace reading will be collected at this time and noted on the boring log. Field screening was accomplished using a Photo-ionization detector (PID). 4.4 SOIL ANALYSIS Twenty two (22) confirmation soil samples were sent to Halcyon Laboraties, a California State Certified Laboratory in accordance with state guidelines and EPA protocols. All samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and volatile aromatics (BTEX) using EPA Method 8015 modified arid 8020, respectively. 5.0 SITE GEOLOGY The soil borings penetrated a sequence of uncons·olidated sediments to a maximum depth of 110 feet (bsg). The unconsolidated soils are Pleistocene non-marine flood- plain fan deposits (California Division of Mines and Geology, 1964'). The section consists of alternating dense to very dense silty sands and sandy silts with interbedded clay and poorly graded sand. The soils moisture content varied between dry to moist, predominately slightly moist. No free standing ground water was encountered during the October 1993 field investigation. Published data (Kern County Water Agency, 19912 ) show that the average depth to groundwater beneath the site approaches 200 to 250 feet (bsg) and has a gradient to the south and southwest. 6;0 FINDINGS On May 18, 1994, AGI advanced a confirmation boring, desingated as C-1 (Exhibit 2), to 110' below surface grade. ACME 75 hollow stem auger drilling rig operated by Soils Engineering Inc. was used. The rig was positioned to the south of the VES unit, approximately 4 feet from VE-3. Although field indicators of hydrocarbons (petroleum odor and photo-ionization detector readings of cuttings) appeared high, lab analyses indicate that the hydrocarbons concentrations present in the soil in the central area of the plume have been greatly diminished. Table (5) includes analytical results for C-1. Appendix D contain laboratory reports with chain of custodies. ,~IIOml8 UIV1Slon 01 Mines ana ü8OlogY. '964, Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet. 2 Kern County Water Agency, 1991, Water Supply Report 8 . . . ¡IIIII:::::::I:::::::¡¡¡:¡¡¡::::I:::::¡¡¡¡¡¡¡::¡:::::::::¡¡¡IIIIII¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡:¡:¡¡¡¡¡¡¡:::¡:lillli¡:¡¡¡¡¡¡¡:¡:¡¡:¡:IIII¡iIIIl¡¡¡¡¡¡:¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡IIJ.III::::::I¡:¡:¡:¡¡¡¡:III:::::::lIlilll:: 5 I N) NO NO NO NO 1 0 I t.¡) 0 0 0 5 NO 0 0 3 3 1 2 . 1 5 I 0 0 6 0 6 3 0 6 8 2 4 1 8 0 0 2 0 I t.¡) 1 5 1 5 9 5 2 0 2 5 I 0 4 3 3 2 5 1 4 3 0 0 0 · . 3 0 , NO 2 5 1 7 9 3 1 2 0 0 · 3 5 , NO 1 5 NO 1 0 6 9 0 4 0 , NO 0 5 NO 7 8 4 1 0 · 4 5 , 0 8 2 1 1 2 7 4 5 0 5 0 I 1 2 9 2 6 1 2 1 7 0 0 5 5 I 1 5 3 1 2 9 1 1 2 3 0 0 6 0 , 1 1 8 2 4 3 1 1 1 0 0 · 6 5 I NO NO NO 1 1 0 0 7 0 I 0 5 1 3 0 8 3 8 3 8 0 7 5 I 0 5 1 2 0 7 2 3 1 3 0 · 8 0 I 0 2 0 5 0 2 1 5 8 0 . . 8 5 , 0 4 1 5 1 4 8 2 1 9 0 0 · 9 0 I 0 4 1 3 0 8 5 6 1 2 0 0 · 9 5 I 0 2 1 0 6 4 1 6 5 0 1 0 0 I NO NO NO 0 5 4 0 1 0 5 I NO 0 0 0 5 NO 0 0 1 NO . 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 8 6 5 ANALYTICAL M E HTOD BTEX - EPA M ETHOD 8020. TPH (G) - 801 5M M I N I M UM 0 ETECTION LI M IT BTEX - 0.5 mg/Ko: TPH (G) - 50 maiKo ma/Ka - milliarsm œr Ki,loaram (Darts Der mill io n - ppm) NO - None Detected . sm SIYJ mL tY)J- YY}L ¿¿/ l ;~ 7.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Interpretation and risk analyses of the data collected are presented in the next sections. 7.1 Groundwater Risks The primary objective of the under ground tank regulations is protection of groundwater resources. The State of California through the Department of Health Services and the State Water Resources Control Board developed the Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Manual3 to provide guidelines to regulatory agencies 9 . . . and other interested parties concerned with investigation, risk assessment and cleanup of underground tank related leaks. That document presents a leaching potential analysis for gasoline which evaluates those site characteristics which iniluence the downward migration of the fuel componets BTEX and TPH(gasoline) sUlchas; depth to groundwater, precipitation, soil lithology and the presence of BTEX and TPH values which can be left in place without threatening groundwater. Using this approach the Remediated site at Pence Petroloeum using data collected during the confirmation boring was determined to fall into the low leaching potential category, however, several samples from the confirmation boring exceed the stipulated maximum allowable TPH(gasoline) and BIT/E/X levels which for the low category are 1000 ppm and 1/50/50/50 ppm, respectively (Table 6). For those sites with a value above allowable levels, further analysis using the General Risk Appraisal is recommended. This is a more sophisticated approach adapted from two computer simulations to estimate the concentrations of BTEX components which can be left in place without endangering groundwater. This method also considers the physical characteristics of the site as well as environmental fate and chemistry data for BTEX. The first step is use of a questionaire to determine whether site conditions do not present a greater risk to groundwater than those on which the models are based. A environmental fate worksheet is then completed for each of the BTEX componets (Table 8, 9, 10, & 11). The concentration detected in samples at each successive five foot interval is added to the sum of the previous concentrations for the total vertical distance of the plume. The sum at each interval is compared to Acceptable Cumulative Contamination Levels provided in Appendix E for each aromatic componet to determine if remediation was successful. These tables show distance to groundwater from the contaminated mass on the verical axis and annual rainfall on the horizontal axis. Use of the General Risk Appraisal for Pence Petroleum appears to be suitable based on the preponderance of "NO" answers on the checklist (Table 7). Worksheets for the confirmation boring were then completed to evaluate residual risks to groundwater. Note that the depth to groundwater used in the an lyses was 200 feet, a value taken from the Kern County Water Agency. A complete profile of distribution of gasoline hydrocarbons in the center of the impacted soil mass was provided by samples collected during the drilling of Confirmation Boring (C-1). Samples were collected from 5 to 110 feet below surface grade. At no depth interval were cumulative concentrations of any BTEX components found to be in excess of Acceptable Levels (Tables 8, 9, 10, & 11). It can be concluded then, that the remaining hydrocarbon concentrations still present do not constitute a threat to groundwater resources. 10 · · · 7.2 Risks to the Surface Environment Risks to people and the surface environment from vapors migrating upward from the contaminated soil masses are also considered to be very low. The affected area at the former tank location will be overlain by asphalt paving used for parking space for the business to the east. If left in this condition, little to no risk to human receptors would exist. The following Risk Assessment for the Surface Environment is performed in the unlikely event that a building would be placed on this vacant area. An effort has been made to evaluate health risks due to exposure to benzene volatilizing from the soil and entering a ficticious building from the plume. Benzene was used because of its high volatility and known carcinogenic properties, it is considered to pose the greatest health risks. The highest concentration reported from the confirmation boring C-1 was 1.5 ppm which was detected at a depth of 55 feet. This value was used in the calculations. Laboratory determined values for soil properties required for the analysis are not available. Assuming a sandy unconsolidated sediment type with a low moisture content, the following parameters were estimated: Porosity .35 Bulk Density 2.0 Moisture Content .15 The approach used for the risk assessment is based in part on the methods and logic presented in the California Site Mitigation Tree Manual4 and a report by Chemrisk5 submitted to the Orange County Health Care Agency and made available as an example of a state of the art risk assessment. The steps followed and conclusions of this analysis are outlined below. A more complete discussion and the calculations are included in Appendix F. The first step in the risk evaluation process is the calculation of the steady state flux of benzene through the soil matrix assuming a non-diminishing source at some distance below the ground level. This determination requires a knowledge of benzene's coefficients of diffusion in air and through the soil as well as the vapor phase concentration of the compound at the source. Knowing the vapor phase flux through the soil, the volume of air within the building, a ventilation rate and assuming a leakage rate through a structure's foundation, a benzene vapor concentration within a building can be predicted. Then, taking a worst case scenario of a person working their entire 45 year occupational lifetime at the business, a lifetime average daily dose (LADD) received can be derived. . Values of indoor vapor concentrations and LADDs can be compared to regulatory guidelines to evaluate degree of exposure and risks. In this instance, the indoor 1 1 concentration of benzene was calculated to be 2.1 X 10-8 mg/m3. The Department of Health Services Applied Action Level for benzene in ambient air is 3.2 X 10-3 mg/m3. The air concentratio~ for lifetime cancer risk due to benzene exposure 6.6 X 10-4 mg/m3 can also be used. Based on an individual who worked at the site for 45 years, a LADD of 1.0 X 10-9 mg/kg-day was calculated. This result can be compared to 3.0 X 10-4 mg/kg-day which is considered to result in a 1 and 100,000 excess cancer risk under DHS Proposition 65 guidelines. In all cases, calculated values are well below established guidelines. · The potential for carcinogenic health effects can also be evaluated by multiplying the lifetime benzene exposure (inhaled volume times concentration) with an "adjusted potency factor" (USEPA)6 to derive a carcinogenic risk associated with a specific exposure to benzene. In general, regulatory agencies have found that a risk in excess of 1 and 1 million is acceptable. In some instances risks of 1 in 100,000 are used in setting environmental standards. At Pence Petroleum a risk of 3.86 X 10-11 was derived, well below the 1in 1,000,000 criteria. In conclusion, based on this risk assessment, no significant health hazards related to the gasoline contamination at the Pence Petroleum site are believed to exist. The contamination does not encroach on any proximal building and the site will be sealed at the surface with asphalt paving. · 8.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. · REFERENCES Smith, A. - complier. Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet, Ståte of California, Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1964 Clark, Thomas N. - General Manager. Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report 1990, September 1991 State of California Leaking Underground Fuel Task Force, Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Manual: Guidelines For Site Assessment, Cleanup and Underground Storage Tank Closure, October 1989 State of California Department of Health Services Toxic Substances Control Division, Alternative Technology and Policy Development Section. The California Decision Tree Manual, May 1966 Chemrisk. Screening Level Risk Assessment for Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and Ethylbenzene in Indoor Air at the Former Shell Gasoline Station at Cost Mesa, September 19, 1989 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Update of the Risk Characterization Tables in SPHEM (Toxicity Data for Potential Carcinogenic Effects and Non- Carcinogenic Effects), 1988 Thibodeaux, L.J. and Hwang, S. T. Landfarming of Petroleum Wastes- Modeling the Air Emission Problem: Environ. Prog., 1982 Millington, N. J. and Quirk, J. M. Permeability of Porous Solids: Trans. Faraday Soc. 57, pg. 1200-1207, 1961 12 · · · 9. Fuller, E. N., Schettler, P. D., and Giddings, J. C. A New Method for Prediction of Binary Gas Phase Diffusion Coefficients: Ind. Eng. Chern. 59, pg. 19-27, 1966 10. Grimsrud, D.T., Sonderegger, and Sherman, R.G. A Frame work of a Construction Quality Survey for Air Leakage in Residential Buildings: Proceedings of Thermal Performance of External Envelopes of Buildings, pg. 442-452, 1983 11. Fisk, W. J., Spencer, R. K., Grimsrud, D. T., Offerman, F. J., and Sextro, R. Indoor Air Quality Control Techniques: Radon, Formaldehyde, Combustion Products: Pollution Tech. Review No. 44: Noyes Data Corp, 198 9.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the information obtained and anlyzed from confirmation boring C-1, risks to groundwater resources and public health are considered to be extremely low. No further assessment or remediation of the site is deemed necessary and site closure is recommended. 10.0 LIMITATIONS AquaGeosciences, Inc. performed this investigation in accordance with generally accepted standards of care which exists in California at this time. It should be recognized that definition and evaluation of geologic conditions is a difficult and inexact science. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with limited knowledge of the subsurface conditions present. No warranty ex·pressed of implied, is made. 13 .. TABLES . . Leachirig"Põtë~tlãl-"Anêï1y-sis-- -for -Gasol in-e-·ánd Diesel Using Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons(TPH) and Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and Ethylbenzene (BTX&E) The following table was designed to permit estimating the concentrations of TPH and BTX&E that can be left in place without threatening ground water. Three levels of TPH and BTX&E concentrations were derived (from modeling) for sites which fall into categctries of low, medium or high leaching potential. To use the table, find the appropriate description for each of the features. Score each feature using the weighting system shown at the top of each 'column. Sum the points for each column and total them. Match the total points to the allowable BTX&E and TPH levels. . S SCORE S SCORE S SCORE SITE C 10 PTS' C 9 PTS C 5 PTS 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- FEATURE R CITION R CITION R CITION E IS MET E IS MET E IS MET Minimum Depth to >100 51-100 25-50\.1 GroundWater from the 10 Soil Sample (feet) Fractures in subsurface 10 None Unknown Present (applies to foothills or mountain areas) Average Annual' 10 <10 10-25 26-40~ Precipitation (inches) - . I Man·-made conduits which None Unknown Present increase vertical 10 migration of leachate unique site features: None At least More r~charge area, coarse 9 one thàn one soil, nearby wells, etc COLUMN TOTALS~TOTAL PTS 40 + 9 . + 0 = IE] , RANGE OF TOTAL POINTS 49pts or more 41 - 48 pts 40pts or less MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 1/50/50/50' .3/.3/1/1 NA\1. B/T/X/E LEVELS (PPM) ',." MAXIMUM GASOLINE 1000 100 10 ALLOWABLE TPH : LEVELS (PPM) C,IESEL 10000 1000 100 AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Driw Suite 101 Bakersfie~d, California 93301 Telephonle: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 ]hm<e<e IPœanllœwW} KERN COUNTY. CALIFORNIA TABLE 6 Leaching Potential Analysis . . .. .,..t\:"'....;.ì. ..., ..... ,.~,(\..I.'~I',ó . "';rJ1:' , GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL FOR PROTECTION OF WATER QUALITY: APPLICABILITY CHECKLIST YES NO 1. Is the site in a mountainous area? (shaded moist X areas &/or areas with rocky subsurface conditiòns) 2. Is the site in an area that could collect surface intercept water "M' runoff or from a sou~ce other than the natural precipitation? ,'r X 3. Does the areal extent of soil contamination .. exceed 1000 feetZ? X 4. Do the concentrations of fuel constituents in any soil samples exceed the following amounts: X benzene - 100 ppm, toluene - 80 ppm, xylene - 40 , J ppm, ethylbenzene - 40 ppm? 5. Are there anyrec6rds'or evidence; of man-made or X natural objects whichçould provide a conduit, for vertical migration of leachate? . 6. Do any boring or excavation logs show the presence . of fractures, joints or faults that could act as a X conduit for vertical migration of leachate? I 7. Do any boring logs show that contaminated so~l X could be wit~in 5 ft. of highest ground water? 8. Do any boring logs show the presence of a layer of material, 5 ft. thick or more, which is more than X 75% sand and/or gravel? 1.<4-.. . AquaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 101 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 1Pœm<tœ IPœ~llœ1JJ1rm KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA General Risk Appraisal TABLE 7 · It DIST,V4C;E FRat SURfACE TO G"OUÞd> "'A'JER ~ .20.!)..ft ! · .. . . TABLE 2'1 ENVIRONMENTAL fATE WORKSHEET 'OR Rpn 7.pn p ..C fUEL CONST I WENT) C DISTANCE FRat SAMPLE TO SURfACE 2__ f t .. 5ftl "~~.ft .. 5ftl . 15 _'t .. 5ft 20 f ._t .. Table 8 I Pence Petroleum D DISTANCE FRat = SAMPLE TO GROUND "'ATER .. SAMPLE 1 195ft SAMPLE 2 ~!.~.ft SAMPLE 3 185 ft SAMPLE 4 180 ft SAMPLE 5 175ft .... SAMPLE 6 170 ft SAMPLE 7 165 . _'t 5ft I 25 ._ft ... 5ft ." . . 30 ._ft .. . .:.<' . . 5ft li:~·. : ::: . . ."'--,-ft . .-:-:......:': '.:. :..... 5ft !~(l:ft ··:SAM~LE 8 .' 6 O. ft .. 5ftl 45 "'_ft .. ... .5ft :. ......:.. ..:.' .: 5·0 .:: ..",_ft ::::: .. ."..... .. ~ftr5k· .,,_ft SAMPLE 9 155 ft SAMPLE 10 150 ft 145 SAMPLE 11 - ft :>:::':..::0.-:.' . .. .... ..:::·~:t~ :~·:g.??:: :.'::.\.. ... 40..: D.N"";;.' ..~m¡Wæ!i*t¡i;!.~¡tt¡¡;¡;.;Eft;j.....;¿. .ft " E CUMULA TI VI:. CONTAMINATION LEVElS C.C.l. SOIL SURFACE SAMPLE 1ND .H.fll = C.C.l. 1~~ ~.. C.C.t. 1 + SAMPLE ~~_..._.rJ ··'" = C.C.l. 2=.- C.C.L. 2 . + SAMPLE 30 .!..9_~ r, Oil = C.C.l. 3Q... 0.6 . C.C.t. 3 + SAMPLE ~-º _ lpll = C.C.L. "0..06.... C.C.L. 4 . + SAMPLE 5Q.~4__ ~ pa ; C.C.l. SCl-A6___ C.C.l. 5 +. SAMPLE ~.!?~_.PI~II = C.C.l.. t.() _46.. __ C.C.L. 6 . SAMPLE ~-º_ppu = C.C.L. 7(L4.6.__ C.C.l. 7 + SAMPLE ~D __WIn = C.C.l. 8.~__ C.C.t. 8 + SAMPLE 9 0 . 8 ppm = C.C.t. 91. 2ã C.C.L. 9 +SAMPLE 101. 0 ppm =C.C.l. 10 2. 2ã C.C.l. 10 +SAMPLE 11 1 . 5 pPI11 =C.C.l. 111 76 '. C.C.L. 11 _ +SAMPLE 121.0 pPI11 =C.C.l. 124 ~.? 6 J- A r: AVERAGE ANNUAL PRECIPITATION I ... r- -:~:-_-:=:I_~CHE~__S I 1// / / / / / / I I I I i / I I 1// / / I / I I I f G ACCEPrAULF. en... AM I HAl ION LEVelS -.--..- _!Q.Qº- ..1_0.Q º___ ...1.9Q.Q_ 1000 - ----..--.-.. 1000. . 1000 1000 1000 1000· 1000 CLEANUP? YES If E .. F NOIFE!!f __.ye!. X..no __yes X-no ye" X-no __yl!.... X _no _. ..ye~ K...no _yes K...no yes Lno _yes Lna _yes Lno _yes Lr,o yes ~no i~~~~~~;~~'~~ ~·~·:"~.-~k~~·~·~~~.~~~~~~.: ~-.~:,~~~.::-.:~-~ · ft ø feet ppm = parts per million · NOTI:: CONCENTRATIONS fOR AMY SINGLE SOIL SAMPLE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppn FOR BENZENE, 80ppm FOR TOLUENE, 40ppø FOR XYlENE AND 40ppn fOR ETHYLBENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH THE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLUDE BOTTOM SAMPLES "'HICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT. - 42 TABlE 2·1 ENVIRONMENTAl FATE WORKSHEET FOIt Benzene _.(fUEl CONSTITUENT) Con t . I Table 8 Coot. i Pence Petroleum .1- A r AVERAGE ANNUAl I,.J ~RE;_:PI~~~~~~_S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I f G . It C D E CLEANUP? YES If E .. f NO If E :5 f DISTANCE fRC14 SAMPlE TO SURfACE D I S.T AHC;E FRC14 $.URiFACE TO G~OUId) \lA1ER DISTANCE fRC14 SAMPlE TO GROOND \lATER ACCEP r AUl f; r.ntH AM I NA rI ON LEVELS CUHULA T/ VI:. CONTAMINATION LEVELS C.C.t.. SOIL SURFACE . . 2J:Hl...f t ! SAMPLE 1 JiID, ,.f' ,fI = C.C.I.. 1. 4.-76 C.C.I.. 1 + SAMPLE 2Jl~.5.fJ ··fI =c.c.1..2_5.26 C.C.l. 2 _ + SAMPLE] 0...·5. J'''' = c.c.1..3_5.·7·6· C.C.l. 3 + SAMPlE 1,.0....-2 ppll = C.C.I.. ".-5...96H' C.C.l. I, . + SAMPLE s....o......4. w'" = C.C.I.. '>-6.-3-6-- C.C.l. S . SAMPLE 6.QJ_Pl~1I = C.C.l. t'-6..-16-. C.C.l. 6 + SAMPlE 7 _Q......2.-.Pµ1I = C.C.L. 7~~_~_ C.C.I.. 7 + SAMPLE 8 ND__ppn = C.C.l. 8.~__ C.C.l. 8 . SAMPLE 9 ~PP" = C.C.l. 9 G . 9 G C.C.L. 9 +SAMPLE 100. O~ =C.C.I.. 10 G . 9 G 5 C.C.l. 10 .SAMPLE 11_pp" =C.C.l. 11 65 it SAMPLE 1 115tt SAMPLE 2 .13.Qtt SAMPlE 3 12Stt SAMPLE 4 12Ûtt SAMPLE S 11Stt .... SAMPLE 6 11O,t . SAMPlE 7 10 s,t ye!> 2L.no __ .100iL · Sftl ·;Z.º--' t . . ,1QQ.o_ ,.._yes Lno · Sftl ~e ft ___lO.Q.Q;. __Yi:" Lno · Sft I ~ft ._ __10 O.Q_ __Yl!'" x._no · SIt ~ft ., Sft .,' . '~ft ,. , Sftk~'··:f'i · , ,::.. .',:.':, H' , Sft H:, : ,', .:: ", '~oO ft 'SAMPLE 8 10o,t __. J.Q.QQ _. ..yc~. Lnn . . __1...0..0.0.. _yes Lno H 1000 _yes X-no 1000 yes L no _yes ~no _yes K-r,o · ~., : Sft I ~05 ft ,".'.' , ' , ,Sft ::>',.. , :~10 ft " ',':::: '" ','," HH,H Sft r. ,,:::', ' H._ft :'c,:::.:,. ' , . ./~ift :> 'HH .. tj{¡¥¡E,:t¡igt'~;¡::;:~:é::' c-!t.... ':':'.::::,':::::::::..:::::::::.':::.:-::::::::.:,:,':,':.:::::::::,::,:::::::::::..,::.::/:::::::"-,":,:" SAMPlE 9 ~ft 90 10 - ft SAMPLE 11 - ft 100.0 1000 _yes _00 C.C.L. 11 , +SAMPLE 12 '=C.C.l. 12 pPIII '.. ,_yes. _no H , .. ... , , , " - iJi~ _,:i~~:~_~~.~~:~~~~~,o_~'~~...~=..-..:'.-,;:'-..~,~~~,"':..~.".~..;:~.~.'.~..::~~;;:;=~~-- ft .. feet ppm ,. parts per mi II ion · NOTE: CONCENTRATIONS FOR ANY SINGLE SOIL SAMPLE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppn FOR BENZENE, 80ppn FOR TOLUE!lE, 1,0pPII FOR X'fLEII£ AND 1,0ppm FOR ETHYLBENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH THE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR A80VE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLUDE BOTTOM SAMPlES WHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT. . 42 - . It o I S.T ¡UlC;E F R<J4 $URfACE TO G"OUÞiÐ \lA'ER .. 1~~~·~1t ! .... . . . .. TABLE Z-3 FATE wœicSHEET FOR Toluene r I Table 9 ! Pence Petroleum ENVIRONMENTAL C o E CUMULATIVE. CONTAMINATION LEVElS C.C.l. SOIL SURFACE SAMPLE 1J~D. = C.C.l. 1........,. . .J>!.'" C.C.l. 1 + SAMPLE 2-º.!..OJ~·~1I = C.C.l. 2-0.00.5 C.C.l. 2 _ . + SAMPLE J O.~.º.3r,.n = C.C.t. 3..0...635 C.C.t. J + SAMPLE 4_!.~_5 ppn = C.C.l. 4.2...135 C.C.l. l, . + SAMPLE 5 _3-!.. J. HJI:I = C.C.l. '>...5...-43.5. C.C.l. 5 + SAMPLE 6_~.~.PlJlII = C.C.l. 1"_7_.9.35.. C.C.l. 6 . SAMPLE 7J;:.~PlJII = C.C.L. 7 ...9~4..35_ C.C.L. 7 + SAMPLE 8~~_ppn = C.C.t. 8.!L..9..35_ C.C.L. 8 2 1 + SAMPLE 9 . ppm = C.C.L. 9 C.C.l. 9 +SAMPlE 10 2.9 ppm =C.C.L. 10 1 4 . q 3 6 . C.C.L. 10 3 .SAHPlE 11 . 1 ppm =c"c.L. 1118.035 >·~Ùt"I:'?:>::· C.C.l. 11 .,,,,2:i¡tJ~,¡·i~;.,:,~E,:2: '14~t .. . . ..:c~~~~ :~~ô 8 .~ .:'::'-::;:":::::::.:'::::::::::'::::::::::::;::.:.;':':.::::::::{':::{:::;::.;.:;:::;:::::::.':;::i.::.:y,:X.:::::.::: ::'::.:"y DISTANCE FR<J4 SAMPLE TO SURfACE DISTANCE FR<J4 SAMPLE TO GROONO \lATER ..(fUEL CONSTITUENT) J- A AVERAGE ANNUAL r r PRECIPITATION I···. -=-::-.=-:I~~_S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ¡ I I I I I I I I I I I I I f G tCCEPIAUlE CLEANUP? r.(JNrAMINArIOIl YES IF E :> f LEVELS NO If E ~ f -- --. .".. -.- - _ _. yc~ __.no .... .10. 0..0...- .. _._yes Lno -1.00.0.- _Yf:~ X-no .1..0 0 0..__ __yc'., X-.oo .-100-0- _. ..yc~ LOt) . _l.Q..O.a._. _yes Lno 1 nn~" yes Lno 1000 _yes X-no .. IDOL _yes X-no lnnn _yes X-r.o 1000' _yes Lno . ..... ,. ... ... .... . 1-... .. . . .. ..- .. - - . .. ~~~~~~:=:;~:>,~~-~-::~-~~~-=.=:~;~~.<.-~~.~-.-.....~.~..._;;".~.-.'.¿~~:~~.:~~,;~~=:~? .. L_ft 12.5ft 1000 Lnö . ft .. feet ppn = parts per mi 11 ion .. NOTl:: CONCENTRATIONS FOR ANY SINGLE SOIL SAMPLE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppn FOR BENZENE, 80ppn fOR TOLUENE, 4Dppn FOR XYlENE AND 40ppm FOR ETHYL BENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH THE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE lAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLUDE BOTTOM SAMPLES WHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS lESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT. SAMPLE 1 .. 5ftl "lº-.ft SAMPLE 2 .19 9f t .. 5ftl "12.._ ft SAMPLE 3 18 51 t .. Sft I ,,20___ft SAMPLE 4 18~t " 5ft . "~ft SAMPLE 5 1 7 Stt . . " 5ft ' . .. "~ft SAMPLE 6 .. 17~t .. " " .. Sft I . .. y~fi: .. ...."..:.:....:.. '.. sftIH::. :. .... '~ft SAMPLE 7 16 s,t .. SAMPLE 8 16(ft " Sft . ~ft SAMPLE 9 15~t " . Sft ..·.:·. ,,50 10 15O,t ..." ..:...... SftlH .:.... .. ,,5S.tt SAMPLE 11 14~t 42 . . , i. · 1& 01 STAHC;E fROM SURfACE TO G~OOt.iD WA 'JER .. I ~.~~ -º- it ! · TABLE 2-3 ENVIRONMENTAL fATE WORKSHEET fOR Toluene _.(fUEL CONSTITUENT) Cont. Table 9 Cont.' . Pence Petroleum C o E CUMULATIVE. CONTAMINATION LEVElS C.C.I.. SOIL SURfACE SAMPLE 1.~PH·"1 = C.CoI.. 1.19.~835 C.C.I.. 1 + SAMPLE 2 1. 3 "pn = C.C.I.. C:iï:135 C.C.1. Z . + SAMPLE 3 1..2 HOII = C.C.I.. 3.22.:.3.35 J- A r· AVERAGE ANNUAL PRECIPI TATlON I- J -:~:-_-:=-:.I NCHE S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I F C E:CCEPIAUll CLEANUP? I tON lAMINAr ION YES IF E > f lEVELS NO IF E ~ f .. ~OO.o_ __.ye!. X__no DISTANCE FROM SAMPLE TO SURfACE DISTANCE FROM SAMPLE TO GROOND WATER ...lfi.O.Q. .. __yes x.,..no .. 6LS_ft SAMPLE 1 .13.9t _ __l.o.o.fi. __Yl?" Lno .. 5ftl "1.(L.ft SAMPLE Z .1.3.c, t .. 5 f t I . "25-.ft SAMPLE 3 .l2:/t .. 5ftl ,,8 <L..f t SAMPLE 4 ~2D t .. 5 ft I . "ª-2-ft SAMPLE 5 ..l.l.;tt .. 5ft I - . ~ft .... SAMPLE 6 ~t C.C.I.. 3 + SAMPLE 4 0 . 5 ppn = C.C.I.. (_2:2.835 .__-1.QQ.Q C.C.I.. 4 5 + SAMPLE 5_1. _. J'P" = c.c:1.. '>..ll....3.J.5 .._.lD_OJl. C.C.I.. 5 1 3 + SAMPLE 6 . PI~n = C.c.1.. 6~2?::{)J.:5 C.C.1. 6 1 0 . SAMPLE 7_· PµII = C.C.1. 7 -,£Q.~6 3_5 C.C.I.. 7 ND + SAMPLE 8 ~n = C.c.l. Sµ:º:L5 C.C.l. 8~0 + SAMPLE 9 .. = C.C.l. 9 . 4 C.C.l. 9 0 0?r +SAMPlE 10 .. =C.C.I.. 10 26. 6 C.C.1. 10 +SAMPLE 11 =C.C.I.. 11 ". . 5ft I:.:'·" . : . .~fi SAMPLE 1 10:tt ..... .. sit ····: ....:. ·,,100ft :. 100ft C.C.L. 11 . +SAMPLE 12 =C.C.L. 12 SAMPLE 8 ..:::...... .. ... . .. . ....... ....... . ...... -.. ..... .... .. ..... ..... ... ... ..... ... ". .... ,.-.... ...'....... . .......... .. .... .. ..... ",'" ............ ..... .... -.. .......................................................................:.................................. ... ..............:..... ............................................................;.............:...... ..' .... .' ..:.:..:::::.:::::::..".::::::.:::..::.:.:.::::::::.:.::.:../:::::::::.::.::::::::::..:.::::::::.::.:.:.:...::.... :x.·.·:·.::: .:..:..... ... 5ftl ...10.5 ft SAMPLE 9 .2.2...-ft ... .. 10 ..2JLft ... ...:....::...... Sftl y ....:..:::::... ........ :::·Sft :.::::::<::::. ..:':\::.;-:... ::::\i:· SAMPLE 12 _ft·· __y~" x._no _. ..ye~ Lno . __UHtO.. . _yes X-no .. .. ... . ..... ... .. .. ... .. ,... . ....... ............ .. ... ....... .. .' ..... . . l - ..' .. .- . , ' ~ J ,..., - e t _ f" --'-=':'=~'I;r=o-::;:r.<;>-c:.'"'-'.x.c-~='O""ù:.. -_- ,... - ~ ~=, ....::: - - ~ ~~~==.:~~~=~:~,:~~..._~-~.:¥g~~ro:... ~~ii~.-:."~&~~=};~:~:·-~. 11 _ft 1090 _yes Lno · ft :r feet pprn = parts per mi II ion * NOTI:: CONCfNTRATlONS FOR AMY SINGLE SOIL SAMPLE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppn FOR BENZENE, 80ppm FOR TOLUENE, 40ppnl fOR JffLENE AND 40ppn FOR ETHYlBENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH THE CENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS fOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLUDE BOTTOM SAMPLES WHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT. .. .. . . . 42 1000 yes K.. no 1000 _yes K..no 1000 _yes Lr,o ~ _yes _no pPI1I ~ . .l . Ii ¡. . I , , , , '1 · I! ~IS.TAHC;E FRC»4 SUIUACE TO Gf!OIJ/d) 101,11 "fER , . A 1_?·9.Qft ! . , , i · . . Ethy1benzene Table 10 Pence Petroleum. C D TABLE 2-3 ENVIRONMENTAL FATE WORKSHEET fOR Ethv1Ben_~FuEL CONSTITUENT) DISTANCE FRC»4 SAMPLE TO SURFACE ...5__ f t .. 5ftl .. .l(L.ft A 5 r t I .. ..l.5.. _ f t A Sft I .. ...2JL f t A 5ft I . ...2.5.... f t .... 5ftl . ".l!Lft A ............ DISTANCE FRC»4 SAMPLE TO GROOND \lATER A SAMPLE 1 1 ~_5 f t SAMPLE 2 f.~Qft SAMPLE 3 182 ft SAMPLE 4 18-º.ft SAMPLE 5 175ft SAMPLE 6 170 ft SAMPLE 7 165ft Sft "" . . "~ft SAMPLE 8 160ft ... 5ftl ....!L.ft SAMPLE 9 155ft . . ... "......... Sft I ...., '..:' .. ..5..0.- h ........................... Stt " .... . .. 22.._.f t >..:S~t ...1:'/·. .'''..:. ;6Ô·ft ". " 150ft E CUHULA TI VE. CONTAMINATION LEVElS C.C.L. SOIL SURFACE SAMPLE 1~D. .H·fII = I:.C.L. 1__ C.C.L. 1 + SAMPLE 2!,:!-º....pf.'1I = C.C.L. 2=- C.C.l. 2 . . + SAMPL E 3 O,.~ .~ .8r, oil = C.C.L. s.O..68. C.C.L. 3 + SAMPLE 4J.::..~-º ppn = C.C.L. 1,.1...6. 8. C.C.L. I, . + SAMPLE 5~_~?PP" = C. C. L. c¡ A......l.8_,"-_ C.C.l. 51 7 . SAMPLE 6_..~._.Pf~1I = C.C.l. 6.5 .JHL.__ C.C.L. 6 + SAMPLE 7ND Pf~1I = C.C.L. 7~_8-ª___ C.C.l. 7ND . SAMPLE 8 ppm = C.C.L. 8.5. 8 ~__ C.C.l. 81 2 + SAMPLE 9..:...:...:..JJ = C.C.l. 97.08 C.C.L. 92 6 +SAHPLE 10' ppm =C.C.l. 109 .68 C.C.l. 102 9 +SAMPlE 11'. epn =C.C.L. 11~8- C.C.L. 112 4 ".SAMPLE 12· r q=c.c.L. 1214. 9 f-I~~ERAG~ ANNUAL PRECIPI TATlON I .... r -::~::-_=:-:.I_~CHES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I f G ACCEPIAUlf. UJN I AHI MAr ION lEVELS CLEANUP? YES IF E .. F NO I F E ~ F .- _.... -.- - ._.ye!. no ... . ----..- ..__yes _no ~.O.O.o.._ __. Yl!:" X-no ..100.0..._ __yc'.. x...no .lD Of} _ _. ..yc~ X-no . _l.O.O.Q._.. _yes X-no 100q. . _yes X-no 1000 yes L no 100L _yes X-no 1000 _yes Lr,o 1000· _yes Lno 1000 · ft = feet """~~. ~ =. parts per mi II ion * NO·rE: CONCENTRATIONS FOR ANY SINGLE SOIL SAMPLE CANNOT EXCEeD 100ppm FOR BENZENE, 80ppm FOR TOLUENE, 40ppm FOR XYLENE AND 40ppm FOR eTHYLBENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH THE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLUDE BOTTOM SAMPLES WHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT. 42 ... . ......... ..... ... ...... . ................... ... .... ... ..', .., .' , - ,^_ ,H ,_ ... _~ ) _-.' _ _. '-.-'-U"'C"'..r::n=o-,;;,, ç;rf:"f<;""""t:TA:¢"=~"r -_~ ~=, '.o" - ~ ,ii~;~þ~~;~;:~~" ~~¡~~~~£~. . ..~-. '.--==~.~...:-.=.'~. .-.....þ~..~"~~~:~~.-,-;=~~;.;:;~.~ .H, TABLE 2,' ENVIRONMENTAL fATE WORKSHEET 'OR Ethylbenzene Cant. · Table 10 Coot. Pence Petroleum · ij C D I ST ANtE FR() DISTANCE FR() SURfACE TO SAMPLE TO G"OOI,¡D ~A'ER SURFACE A A 1-213-9- f t ! Q.?- ft ... 5ftl70 " ft ---- ,. 5ft I ,,75 ft .. 5ftl ,,80 ft ,. 5ftl ,,85 ft 4 5ftl . . ,,90 ft D E DISTANCE FR() CUHULATIVI:. SAMPLE TO CONTAMINATION GRWND \lATER LEVELS C.C.L. SOIL SURFACE SAMPLE 1..~D. .H·m SAMPLE 1 1_3 9 t = C.C.L. 1.14~98 C.C.L. 1 . 13.o0t + SAMPLE 2_(t~. ª.PPII SAMPLE 2 = C.C.L. 2_15. 78 C.C.L. 2 0 . 12_St + SAMPL E 3 ... ~-? J~ <II SAMPLE 3 = C.C.l. 3_16....48 C.C.L. 3 120t + SAMPLE 4_Q.~2 ppll SAMPLE 4 = C.C.L. 4._16.. 6.8 C.C.L. 4 1 4 lISt + SAMPLE 5_~...W'" SAMPLE 5 = C.C.L. 'i...l8. ~8 .... C.C.l. 5 .- IlGt + SAMPLE 6_ 0 . 8.Pf~1I . SAMPLE 6 = C.C.l. t,_~8...8ß. ,- C.C.L. 6 10 !it + SAMPLE 7 _.Q..:...§..PPII SAMPLE 7 = C.C.L. 7...l9-L..4Jt C.C.l. 7 D lOCh + SAMPLE 8 N ppn SAMPLE 8 = C.C.l. 8~4_el C.C.L. 8 ND ~ft + SAMPLE 9 ppm SAMPLÉ 9 = C.C.L. 9 19.48 C.C.L. 9 O.0fg +SAMPLE 10 SAMPLE 10 ~ft =C.C.L. 10 19.4 .......::...:... sit I··:: .. . . . ,,100ft' 4 5ftl : 10.5ft . 5ftl· ..:' . ,,110ft ... ...:....::.....:. 5ftl' :."_ft C.C.L. 10 +SAMPLE 11 =C.C.L. 11 _ft ...: ::.::4 ... ... . .' ·:::·YU·)·::·~:~ : ·::ŠAMPLE 12 C.C.L. 11 . +SAMPLE 12 ·=C.C.L. 12 ". . .. _it .. .. :::::.:'y ..... .... ..... ...... ......... ..... ........ ..... ... ...... ....... ... ...... .... .. ......... ...... .. ........ .... .... ............... .... .. ..... . .. . ...... .... ..... ... .............. ... ......... ............ ............. .......... ............... ...... ......... ... . ....... .............. .............. .............. ............. ............ ...... .............. .. .... ... ..... ..:....:::::.:::;:::..:..::::::.:::.-::.::::::::::::.:.:.......::::::::::::.::::;::::::..:.::::::;::::.:.:::.::.:.:.:y .::::..:.:'.:::'.. .. ..( FUEL CONST ITU£NT) --I~~ERAG: ANNUAL I ..J'~RE;_:PIT!~~~:s ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I f G · ft .. feet ppm .. parts per ..i II ion . NOTI:: CONCENTRATIONS fOR ANY SINGLE SOIL SAMPLE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppm FOR BENZENE, 80ppm FOR TOLUENE, 40ppm FOR XYLENE ANO 40ppm FOR ETHYLBENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH THE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS fOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLUDE BOTTOM SAMPLES WHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT. 42 ACCEPIAUU: WtH AM I HA rI ON LEVELS CLEANUP? YES IF E > F NOIFESF ppm .lD .00_ _ __.yc!> X_.no .10_QO.._ .. __yes 1Loo _ ~ .o..Q.O-..::. _ye~. X-oo ._ ..1.0_00___ __yc:. ]Loo __.1_0.Q.0_ _. ..yc:', ]Lon . _..l.Q..QSL. _ycs JLno 1000 yes JLoo 1000 _yes JLno . . ,.. 1 OOL _yes JLoo 100.0 yes JLrp yes _no ppm ... . _yes.' ...,..-00 .. . ....... . ." ..... .. .. . ..' ...... ..... .. ... ........ .... ..... ... ..... .... .. . ... ........... . .. . II D I S.T AHC;E FROM SURfACE TO G~CXJM) \lA'JER .. 1~·9..Qft ! TABLE 2'1 ENVIRONMENTAL FATE WCltICSHEET 'OR Xy ene Table 11 Pence Petroleum C D DISTANCE FROM SAMPLE TO SURfACE DISTANCE FROM = SAMPLE TO GROUND \lATER .. ..5__ f t .. 5ftl · .l.íl. _ ft .. 5ftl ..l5..._ft .. SAMPLE 1 19..5 f t SAMPLE 2 l.9..O.. f t SAMPLE 3 L8.5_ f t 5ftl ·2!Lft SAMPLE 4 L8JL f t .. 5ft .. · 22.J t SAMPLE 5 1..25.. f t .. .. . 5ftl' . . · ..J.íL f t SAMPLE 6 .11Jl.ft .. 5H ..::·. .:. L6.5.. f t ..~ft SAMPLE 7 ..... . .'. . . . Sit ···::; : .. " . ·.~ft SAMPLE 8 160 ft .. 5ftl .:~ft SAMPLE 9 155 ft 5ftl·: ...2JLtt 10 150 ft .... .:...... '.. 5ft ..::.'. . .22-ft SAMPLE 11 145 ft . .:... ...... . ... :.š~! r\.:.\:::::: . .i\,,:,::,::,:,¡f!t,tf;b,'~,L~,~: :.:...:.....:.:.....:.....:.:.:...:::.....:.............:.:.:.:.:.::..:.:.:.:.:.......:.:.:.:.:.:..:...... ::.:..:'y E CUMULATIVE. CONTAMINATION LEVELS C.C.L. SOIL SURFACE SAMPLE 1~P. . Hill = C.C.L. 1~~_ . C.C.l. 1 + SAMPLE 20 . 0 3 Ã,UI = C.C.l. 2õ~·~-ö33 C.C.l. 2 .. + SAMPLE 32 .~. ~_. H.II = C.C.l. 32..4.33 C.C.l. 3 + SAMPLE 4?_.~.~ ppll = C.C.L. 48..333.. C.C.L. 4 . + SAMPLE 5!~.... ~J ~a = C.C.L. 52.2..- 33.._ C.C.l. 5 + SAMPLE 69 . 3 PI~II = C.C.l. t',3T~~6~3_. C .C.l. 6 . SAMPLE 710 PµIJ = C.C.L. 742[AJi~ C.C.l. 77 8 + SAMPLE 8' pµn = C.C.l. ~9 .-4)_3. + ;~P~Ë ~ .~ = C.C.l. 9Sb:433 C.C.l. ~, 2 +SAMPLE 10-<- ppn =C.C.l. 106 8.433 C.C.L. 10..1 +SAMPLE 11L ~ =C.C.l. 11/9.433 . C.C.l. 11~ 1 '.. +SAMPLE 1 Z- . PeD =C.C.L. 128.2. ::)::S j .. _.C FUEL CONST ITUENT) r-I~~ERAG: ANNUAL PRECIPITATION I·J -::-=-_~.I NCHES / / I I I I I I I I I I I I i I / / / I I I I I I I I I f G ~ ACCEP r AUlf~ UlN r AHI NA r ION lEVELS CLEANUP? YES If E .. F NO If E ~ F ... . .....q........ ...... . ................... .". ... . . ~-i;:.~~¥~~~~~~.~~:~.:;~~~~... 0 .~....~-.~-==..-.-==;:.~...:;.....=._;~~~ ~.~~~~~..=~~s=~~~.~.~< . ft .. feet ppm .. parts per mi II ion · NOTE: CONCENTRATIONS FOR ANY SINGLE SOIL SAMPLE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppm FOR BENZENE, 80ppm FOR TOLUENE, 40ppm FOR X~LENE AND 40ppm FOR ETHYLBENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH THE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLUDE BOTTOM SAMPLES \lHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT. 42 ..LOOo. _ ._.yc!> -X.no . .1fiD.D._ __yes ..x,..no _.~:0.01L _ye', ...x...no . ..100.0._ __Y~-';' Lno ._1.0J)1L _. ..yc~ ...x...no . _.lO..OlL. _yc~ ...x...no loon'· _yes -X...no 1000 _yes Xno ;.. . 1Q.OJL _yes lLno 1000 _yes ..x...r,o 1000 yes 1l.nÖ .. . . 1& 01 ST IItIC;E FRCIf SURfACE TO G"OO~iD IJA 1E R .. 12.M ft ! . .. ..... . ... . .. . fABLE 2'1 ENVIRONMENTAL FATE \lCRICSHEET fOR xylene __.(fUEL CONSTITUENT) Table 11 Cont.I i Pence Petroleum' C DISTANCE FRCIf SAMPLE TO SURFACE .. o 01 ST ANCE fRCIf SAMPLE TO GROOND \lATER ..6.5- ft SAMPLE 1 13-5 f t .. 5ftl Y:J.ü-.ft SAMPLE 2 13.0.ft .. 5ftl Y~_ft SAMPLE 3 .. SAMPLE 4 SAMPLE 5 .. SAMPLE 6 . ... SAMPLE 7 ... SAMPLE 8 SAMPLE 9 . . SAMPLE 10 _ft .1- A r AVERAGE ANNUAL PRECIPITATION .J INCHES ---- -. --.-- ... .. .. ... I· ....... .... ........ ........ ...... . .................. ... ...... ..... '.' ........ '.' . - - -..... .. .... .... .... .... ....... . . _ ~ _ _ ~ -=_~_~_~'~'___ _~--=---,~~~...ç -~;";;..r~ n_r.--7.t_~o-==='~r==~--~~-~__ ~-:- - ~_...:-~--_ -- _:.~--: ;,...,.y ,-.o~ ~-.:r.T:J.J. _/ _~( ___,;;')",,1' .......-(.,.,~~~,.....(;~_~~¥;;::-o:-_ _ _v - I :§~-~':~~~~~~.:.~..;;~;==-~ __~~. :7~~~~.... .' .....;,:z~~. ....... .~=.~.~~.~.rt,~;;.=~::~~_ -:. 5ft Y .8..0-- f t .. 5ft I Y.B..S- f t .. 5ftl Y 3...Cl- f t .. . .. 5f~I' .. ....9...5....ft .......::... :": ..... 5ft I..··:· . .. .lil.Qf t .. 5ftl ".lO.5ft .. .. 5ftl .. .. Yll.!lft ...:.. .::.....:. 5ft Y_ft '. ... ....:..... . ::.::..~.~~ r·t...· .. : .:.:....~::;:.:.¡.?:::.:.:·:.tti..H:::..f.\:....SAMPLE.12. ~!~.:. ..... .. ..... ....:.......:.:...:.:.:.:.....:..-:...:.:.:.::.:.::...:.:..-.. ....:.:.:.:...... .... :::::.:' y. '::;.;:::::;": :.::;'::\:':-:.' ..:":'{:::::::::::.:":::::::.:::.::; :'::::::::::::~::'''',,:::<::::::":::::::::::::,:::/::::::::::: :::'~_: >:.:y :::::..,:/: :':. :": SAMPLE 11 _____ft E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I f G . ft ø feet ppm = parts per mIllIon . HOlE: CONCENTRATIONS FOR AMY SINGLE SOIL SAMPLE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppn FOR BENZENE, 80ppn FOR TOLUENE, 40ppø FOR X'flENE AND 40ppm FOR ETHYLSENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH TKE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; 00 NOT INCLUDE BOTTOM SAMPLES IJHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION liMIT. CUHULAIIVE. CaNT AMI NA TlON LEVELS.c.C.l. ACCEPIAUU; UJN r AHINA rI ON LEVEL S CLEANUP? YES IF E :> F NOIFESf SOIL SURfACE ft SAMPLE 1L.O .H·fI. = C.C.l. 18 3 w 5 3 3 ..JAW 0. . __.yc!> X.no C.C.l. 1 .. SAMPLE 21~.ª_.'J ·UI = C.C.l. 28.7.333 ..1 O.QO._ .. __yes Lno C.C.l. 2 .. SAMPLE J2 ~~).. n'" = C.C.l. 38..9 w ··6 3 3 _~.o_Q.O_ ye,. Lno C.C.l. J .. SAMPLE 4.~..~ ppll = C.C.l. "91.133 . .1.0.0 0__ __yc'.. JLno C.C.L. 10 .. SAMPLE ~J._ ppa = C.C.l. 59..9-.. 3.~ ._1.0..00- _. ..yc~ Lnt) C.C.l. 5 · SAMPLE 6?..!..2.._ _ppll = C.C.l. t'1G.4...9.33 . _~.oJHL. _ycs Lno C.C.l. 6 .. SAMPLE ~~LPJ~II 1000 = C.C.L. 7J...O.9 _Q33 _yes .x....no C.C.l. 7 . SAMPLE ðJ . 5 __pp'ß 1000 ]Lno = c. C.l. 8JJl9.......5A3 yes C.C.l. ~ 01 c· .. SAMPLE . ppm 1000 ]Lno = C.C.L. 91 0 q _ 5A.3 _yes C.C.l. 9 . .SAMPLE UP. 0 8 ppm 1000 =C.C.L. 1(JJ n q h?1 _yes X..-r,o C.C.L. 10 "SAMPLE 11 =C.C.L. 11 ppm _yes _no C.C.L. 11 . .SAMPlE 12 .·=C.C.L. 12 ppm .: _yes.' ..,..-no ... " ". . ...... .. .. . ... "" .'::">::-::";::~:::;':::::"»:.. .... . . . . 42 I . EXHIBITS . . I . 'I I . ;.-!L:_ -11'~ ..... 11M rt §.-.rw ~ -- '" ~""""N.. 14''''' o· . 51 - ... ~ LUQt'IÎ - !"'" c!;¡ :; Iii ~JJ .1 i i -~--' AU ..,.. I I i :;;. '.0. ~ ~ ORSUIDIT ~--'L!¡~IT, .- - .~ - ~. -_.¡=' 1lfmZ:tïG . ..... ... ~I_MJ· - 0 . wr ~ ...W"\___ ! Ii 5,· iG'I1WAT lilt· : i ¡ ·:Cc ' _.. I~ - . _ .. DfUlU ' S ::.'I'CaMCUI_ IfIIi'i ~. AVI-'';' MDltI It ~auOlll." Q caou --.. --~,.gI -ìtV-;;! -.-sT:: i m.IZ ~ . J _ . MeN" CT ~NI~~_. ._Il!.. i". .fJ:~~~ AVI I ... '- ~_i~ n IT :1 lilt .. -I i I i ! i i I i 71 t: ~ E;d'li bit AauaGeosciences ¡nc . ." 1 \r' 'i's~"^,1nd Dr-in Suit", 1 03 enñ€' ld, ~;a 1ifornia ;'330 ~ T~tephone. (30~) ~ZS-O~6: ;~X 328-1129 I I I I II , Pence ?et.r~)1 eum ô;,s i<~ rMi e! d ::.j 11 fo r ni 3 ",/1 C I NIT..' ~AF I I I I i 'I o St\lIght N ~ x Dirt Lot East Truxtun Avenue Sidewalk Fence Line / Approximate location of former underground tanks B-4 . Scale 1" = 10' o 5 10 20 15 AquaGeoscienœs, Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax: (805) 32801129 Sidewalk \ VE-2 o Vapor Extraction Unit B- A VE-3 o Slg~st VI-1 o Confirmation Boring D. \ VE-1 \ 0 \ B-2 ~ . ~ VI-6 . Approximate location of dispenser island o Pole Anchor Title Pence Petrole.wn 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California SITE MAP VI-5 · \ Approximate limit of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil Key · T esthole Borings o Vapor Extraction Wells · Vapor Inlet Wells · Conflnnatlon boring Exhibit :§ Q C ~ æ 2 \ N Estimated Portion of Plume Requiring Remediation Former Gasoline Tanks and Dispenser Island manhole o CI) ëã CI) a:I East Truxtun . streetlight East 18th SCALE 1" = 20' . Prior Boring Location o Vapor Extraction/Inlet well - - - parking lot - -- Exhibit AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 W~!Stwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfie.d, California 93301 Telephor1le: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California AERIAL VIEW OF PLUME 3 o 8-4 Surface V!-4 B-2 VE-1 VE-3 VI-1 VI-6 20' ND ND 40' Screened Interval 60' NO 80' ND 100' ND ND ND TPHg Plume 120' Scale 1" = 1 5' o 20' I 40' Title Pence Petrol.e.um 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California Cross Section A-A' Exhibit AquaGeosciences, Inc. 1701 Wastwind Drive, Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax: (805) 328-1129 4 o Surface ~:.. ·i~·:::.:..:.t:~:.:.:::\:::::\:::·:.:.::· .::::;::..:,"::=-. :-.:. r::::::::::::::n:::::~ . 1:t::li:i.!I..llf ... ..... .... .. . ....... . "i4,!f~i~~i~~I~jìfI"- í~';, A _.. :::::!::~m ....:.:.::.,.. mmm..·:·:··· .... .··.il!lii~~I:L.·······...··,·,:::::::: ....::::::;.::::;:.. :;:;:;:::·:~:~ii~:!:r···· .... .......... . Interval B-3 VE-3 VI-S 20' 40' 60' 80' 100' TPHg Plume Scale 1" = 1 5' 120' 0 20' I 40' Exhibit AquaGeosciences, Inc. 1701 Westwlnd Drive, Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax: (805) 328-1129 Title Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California Cross Section 8-8' 5 · APPENDIX A Site Assessment Lab Reports and Chain-oj-Custody · · c:77q ua z~..:,.: ~:,~~: ~:':I:~.'.I ::1~1::: ~JECT NAME ~ENœ - 9'0/ E, 7/~ J)(riAl L.P. NO. SAMPLERS' ,S'gnalure/Number} (P.O NO) Ph; // n (.;/I~:J/ L4...' ~A1 DATE SAMPLE ID, I SAMPLE 10 TIME MMtDDtYY HH,MMSS PROJ. NO. L NO. Simp'. OF Typo 5011 CON· 151 T AIN· WI'or ERS (WI Sludgo ($g) 'pc, / REMARKS , I~ 1,1 141, q' t¡ 3 JJ.M Vr . / ~ :¡~- Ie ',.... } -- JI'D' I,. L I ro' J J~' i·1. 1'JM Vi:. - Ai) ~ j I Ç;/Z.I 'tH i / 1'1 ~ tJ t AM 'II - 1 @ ,j-S-' 1~~1.,""J 1/ 'I' AM IIr - 1 6) '71) I ....- ,//.,,,/PtI IlJ ~~" AM )., '1 J J '. /)c:; ^ 1YI rK(...~/,,'/ ~. .,^~- '5 . Jd ;1' '-5 ÿ(Joa'\ , I ^ R"}~qUi "-d bY\~i~nltu~ ^ fI d ~/..11, r 1 .J ~ Re inqu She~ by: '(Signltu,o¡ Relinquished by: ISignlture) c/E - 1 /iiJ ¿6-' V '- - J /if¡J fi~ I .1 ~ I \J E.. -I @ 1t:JtJ \/£-1 ræ jfjç' I 5 vV' I 5 1/./ i 5 vV' J j vlÝ J ~ V II" J '5 v'V '. f 5 l/ ~ . I S V' ¡.... 1)'/ ~J~;r~':~~ ~"';"d by ~""".. \ "-"I'm. ..~;..d by' ..",,-. Remarks Send Results ~ r . 0 (,., /V kJ J¡J Attention of I f 1 (;1¿;f7&- AQUAGEOSCIENCES I 1701 Westwind Dr.. Suite 101 Bakersheld. California 93301 D.1erme ~e~V¡:I ¡;¡b~~.tOry ;12, ~ J ~ ,I, /JI' :j/.' / / JI.t' if 'Y () , Canary . Return Copy To Shipper CHAIN OF CUSTODY Pink lab Cop" White Samplef a;qua-' -~--~-'þ---' - .--. (;..·"".1.·....·. ~. "'""". . 1".".·,.....·"..1 C.·'....h.,,'. PROJ. NO. -,ECT NAME ~;"i16i} ~..Je~c.,¿ ? tA·(õ \ t:..Vt^ l.P. NO. \P.O NO) L .--- ¡Ý'iG NO. S.mple OF Typo SoU ~ CON· (51 ~CIj " TAIN· Wiler ~ ERS (WI ~ Sludgl II~ ($g) /^ SAMPLERS' (S,gnalure/Number) 'P h' \ ~:> (:, oA-Lw ,~ DATE SAMPLE 1.0. I SAMPLE 1.0 TIME MMIOD/YY HH MM 55 g'z,ilkrt/ "',30M '8 111 t?/ 10.' D~-Irl 1~(2A~" 1t>:JAAt1 c¡ Iv;''!1 II'. 'JA AM I W7Jr.IIIJI i'. 3 ~ 41-1 97J!hl 1: 'it:. N1 ~ ~14 J:.~ç p('f ((} !lÞ"" "ir' ')~" AM I , REMARKS \/&...2,. G? 2. -' I " i/ ~ ,;)~ \11£ . 2. r;J I;-Ò i , 5v1v \1 r;,-;J. @ "ð , S / 1/ . \/¡¿"~6J )¡O' , .$ vi II v£.,· ~ @. lò I I 5 V V vE, .- ~ (ð) /j_1 5 .... 'V' ~ v/3....· ~@ , , ~ vy .;)0 . \/1£.-:;3 ~ ~l>f I 5 vV' ----. ^ . :Q !C~~d~~~ .. /' W;:r;:, ,fll ";:¿:...; . RelTnqulsned \Y:¡ISignIIU'I) Relinquished by: (Signllurol ~.. -~<- Send Results To ~I -. \ 1" .. I ., I Attention of 'V\A, \ I ~ ()ð\--LW J.J AQUAGEOSCIENCES 1701 WeSlw,nd Dr.. Suile 101 Bakersloeld. Californra 93301 Remarks DÐITlme Delemme eV)t!¡A l:w p Received by: (S\9nalure) :~ ;¡¡¡""~7 i'l VL Canary. Return Copy To ShIpper PH'" lab COD~ WhIle Sample, CHAIN OF CUSTODY Nevada ~.I!øJ¿ JM. Arizona . 5327 Wlngfoot Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 (805) 872-4750 Laboratory Res~lts Por : Pen,c:e Petroleum 901 East Truxtun Ave Bak1ersfield, CA Date Received : 8/23/91 Date Analyzed : 8/30/91 Analyst: J.S. Johnson Lab NO. 910122 Sample Matrix ; Soils Benzene . mg/1c~ Toluene mg/kg Et.hylbenzene IIIg/kg Xylenes mg/kg Tot Pet Hyds mg/1cg V I - 1 @2 5 I. 183.750 421.220 82.105 984.220 15,000 VI-1340' 73.505 168.210 31.215 492.015 6,625 VI-:lti55, 91.875 210.000 42.310 615.010 7,420 VI-1370' 61.250 t40.000 27.010 322.975 5,105 . V.E-ÜÞ65 ' 200.335 505..075 92.015 1105.125 17,220 VE-JL@85' 147.310 323.015 52.710 779.875 12,910 VE-Jl@)100' .995 1.210 .275 4.22S 125 VB-HUOS · ND ND ND ND 30 All Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram ND = Non Detectable; ¡PA 8026 (oOOS mg/kg) EPA 8015 Modified tor Gasoline (5 mg/kg) Analysis of VOlatile Aromat~cs ; EPA 8020 . -AnaJ.ysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ; EPA 8015 MOdified for Gasoline *The TPH Method for Gasoline is· the Calif DOHS Recommended Procedure Certificate Number : E739 . te3'd 6Zt'tSZ£ t '* :62HEa2ssøs Certified Full Service On Site Analytical laboratories 01 'JNl Se~l 3lIeOW WO~~ Se3:'t't 't66't-St-d3S ~9S£g 2¿8 50S : Wö¿ø:øt tõ-St-6: tt0¿ ~3IdO~3ì3~ XOö3X:^g ~~ö Nevada MoIà bJM, JItA Arizona . 5327 Wlngfoot Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 (805) 872-4750 La~oratory Results For Penc4~ Petroleum 901 Bast Truxtun Ave BakeJ:'sf ield, CA Da~e Received : 9/1/91 Da~e Analyzed : 9/9/91 Analrst : J.S. Johnson Lab No. 910130 Sample Matrix ; Soils Benzene . mg/kg Toluene mg/kg Ethrlbenzene mg/kg Xrlenes mg/kg Tot pet Hyde mg/kg VB- 2(i3 5 ' .335 1.010 .105 2.220 120 V!-2I§1S0' 12.220 28.885 5.500 103.775 1850 VB-21~60 I 2.210 9.055 .875 12.150 375 VB-21~80 ' ND HD ND ND 30 . VE-31!UO' ND ~_D ND .105 80 V!- 3111 S' 1.115 20.210 .725 9.990 320 VE-3'@20 · 11.775 26.210 3.330 88.C45 1250 VE-3830' 17.200 50.270 7.710 161.075 1825 All Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram ND = Non Detectable, SPA 8020 (.005 mg/kg) BPA 8015 MOdified for Gasoline (5 mg/kg) Analysis of Volatile Aromatics ; EPA 8020 -Analysis of Total PetroleUM Hydrocarbons ; BPA 8015 MOdified for Gasoline .The TPH Method for Gasoline is the Calif DOKS Recommended Procedure Certificate Number £739 ~.o . E0 ' d 6EH8E£ Certified Full Service On-Site Analytical Laboratories O~ 'JNl S8~l 3l180W WO~~ 60:tt t66t-8t-d3S ~Q~:;-<::I ::>,/.g C:;;C39 : wösø:øt t6-St-6: ttø¿ ~3IdO:)3ï3J. xO>-:l3x:,1..8 1'r:J::! '/ 1:t~¡:::''/T.T.~~'/<:"t:;ClQ . APPENDIX B Additional Inlet Wells . Lab Reports , and Chain-of-Custody . .,..-: ",-:J . ITII.EMERV COMPANY CHAIN OF CUSTODY. "ull Se,vice /"depe"de", Testi,,!! Lablln/tory. ¡';"'/ablished /904 ANAL YSIS REQUE I East Washington Boulevard · Los Angeles, California 90021 · (2 749·3411 · Fax: (213) 745-6372 DATE: PAGE OF P.o. Box ¡!!!()550, Hunter's Point Shipyard Bldg. 114 · San Francisco, California 94188 · (415) 330-3000 · Fax: (415) 822-5864 5427 Easl La Palma Avenue · Anaheim, California 92807 · (714) 693-1026 · Fax: (714) 693-1034 FILE NO. LAB NO. CLIENT NAME: Rv£ )J~.... Cc: ANALYSES REQUESTED: REMARKS: PROJECT NAME: ,P(:!... c c: rC. 7,:. .Ie,,--. PROJECT NO. P.O,NO, ADDRESS: 0 PROJECT MANAGER: ~I /1 ((c./~..,. ( PHONE I: J '1.. ð' - o"} (, ~ FAX I: ....J .- w c/:~ U) ð~ w SAMPLER NAME: ~ T' ,f- /1 t(t.lPr¡~ ':.I ¿ ë5 .... " '- A' ~ " X w TAT ¡Analytical Turn Around Time o = Same Day; 1 = 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; ¡Etc. I- co <:) C} C\/ ::E <:) CO NT AINER TYPES: B = Brass, G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = Voa Vial, 0 = Other: LO co ~ J N cci CONTAINER <:) ~ SAMPLE CONOmONl SAMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX <0 NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SOIL OTH~R TAT COMMENTS: WATER SLUDGE . TYPE v-r-Jo /0)1)/11 /r)o 7JA- 2. í! >' ./' I /J ./ /' V-S--)l" Jø /)/11 l.rfr iJ/i-Li'J /' I j) ",-/ /' V... f~Jr /0111' .Ii } 07J1' íJA- Lft ,/ I /J /' "".- I/-~-'Ir /ú1Í~A) Ju/f rJJ 2..f 7 /' I tJ .,,/ .,,/ I/- /-Sb k/lyJfJ IOJ) 7J A- 2-P ¡> 1/ I 3 / ---- II-jl· '6 JO;/"hJ 1117 'JA-L't7 ./ I J ../' ...,/ 1/-1-~ Ja/;JlAJ IlrJ íJ.4- ¿<90 /' ( !J ----- /' hIlt/In .,../ I !J /" /' I/-Y-lò 1}/1 1J k t , I v-Jl-~r JO#JJlfJ I rlð 7J 4- ¿ , 1- ./ / ø /' /' V-i-1f /oþý),) IF }b 1JA-'L 'J / J b /" ./ aedB~IUreandPfi~øj _ Received By: (SignJlfe III1Ji.PrlntQd N~ /v'Ic; Date: 1~lme: IlltM SAMPLE DISPOSITION: &J -L_ ~ ?c. "...,'c.. Æ- /"1 r G. d.,¿ nlc "I'1CN11 t",lr'Ycn ; ~ 1. Samples returned to client? YES Relinquished By: (Signature and Printed .N!!me) Received By: (Signature and Pfinted Name)¡:7' , Date: Tima: 2. Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless Relinquished By: (Signature and Printed Name) Received By: (Signàture and Printed Name) Date: Time: additional storage time is requested. " 3, Storage time requested: days SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: By Date,'''"':' ..,±:;::'- .:, DISTRIBUTION: WHITE, YELLOW, PINK TO SECO - GOLD TO CLIENT ..;~. .]i,,- . ITH.EMIo.:RY COM!PANY CHAIN OF CUSTOD~D 'FilII S<'IV;æ IlId<'l't'l/dt'l// Tes/illg Laboralo!y. t:s/ab/ished /904 ANAL YSIS REQU 7¡¡ 1 East Washington Boulevard · Los Angeles, CaliFornia 90021 · (2 749-3411 · Fax: (213) 745·6372 DATE: PAGE OF P.o. Box ¡¡¡¡0550, Hunter's Point Shipyard Bldg. 114 · San Francisco, California 94188 · (415) 330-3000 · Fax: (415) 822-5864 5427 East La Palma Avenue · Anaheim. California 92807 · (714) 693-1026 · Fax: (714) 693-1034 FILE NO. LAB NO. CLIENT NAME: /(06<:=,,- r- ? ~,.., C. fiÞ ANALYSES REQUESTED: REMARKS: PROJECT NAME: ~...<...... ?e.7::"" Ic,,--. PROJECT NO. P,O.NO. ADDRESS: 0 PROJECT MANAGER: ~ 7;.,' c- k /1 (('..1'4~,/ PHONE It: .J 2.. ,ÿ - .;) c¡ ç L FAX It: ....J w <:.L d Y CJ) ~ 7:.,1, k" ~~~ w SAMPLER NAME: I~ fp'~/¡'::~.( Ci .Þ" ~ ~ TAT (Analytical Turn Around Time o = Same Day; 1 = 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; (Etc. CJ) t- « !D (!) 0 N :2 g ~ CONTAINER TYPES: B = Brass, G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = Voa Vial, 0 = Other: to C; è\ì ex) 0 ~ SAMPLE CONDmONl SAMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX '. CONTAINER ex) CD NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION WATER SOIL SLUDGE Onl,ER TAT . TYPE COMMENTS: 1/- ,-~ /0/;);' 3 o 7Jtc> <JJA 1..1 y- ./ / f) ./ / V-c,-Jf /o/ÍJ I,) 100 l 9.Jk'2-7r .,/ I ¡J /' / 0- ,-~ /0 It 1/") lOLl 7) If '2-7(, /' I 0 /' / V-'-Ý-J /ol/J/IJ / I IJ ,,/ / lùJ7 ';J ,4 2-77 V-~-.>o )6 It d91 lo-SF C¡J ..fl.? g / I IJ ,/ / V-' -S]' /ð /ÍJ I1.J 1110 7J A-l. 7 '1 / / JJ /' / (/- "-70 lol/J/tJ /1-1(, 9J A- l..fo ./ I /; /' / V-'-'1o /ð I/J/,) /Joo q"J If-'Ll I /' I lJ ,,/ / tl-s--/j /óI11/1I /';Óo ?J A 1..9L / J iJ / / , . / / v-r-~ /O/"/l1 IS-DC¡ i J 4- 2- 1) / / J; Relinquished ~nalure a~~rinted ~e) ~ ~ j;. k /"1 .C.. /..t-:~ By: (SlgJf"ture and Printed Nama) 11/¡~/&1"J Date: Time: SAMPLE DISPOSITION: ~.;- /1-1 ( ~. /,-,. ~J '~n'~ . HClo/mh-tVlI~y¡m J I Jnv. 1. Samples returned 10 client? ® NO Relinquished By: (Signature and prjjllfd Name) Received By: (Si9~ and Printed Name) Date: Time: 2. Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless Relinquished By: (Signature and Printed Name) Received By: (Signature and Printed Name Date: Tima: additional storage time is requested. '. :";X,,,: 3. Storage time requested: days SPECIAL'INSTRUCTIONS: ,. By Date I ¡ DISTRIBUTION: WHITE, YELLOW, PINK TO SECO - GOLD TO CLIENT · · · 11111111111 11111111"- ""1111111 HALCYON ìJLaboratoríeS'. Certified by the StDte of California Department of Health Services Lðborðb)nl # IÇþ~ 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakelosfleld, Cl~ 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 ,1111 11111h, Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~md BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-35 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A286 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units PQL* mgIKg (ppm) 0,05 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,05 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,05 m m 0,05 mgIKg (ppm) 1. m m 1. Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND ND ND ND TPH gasoline 31, TPH diesel ND ·~PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit -~ ~) Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director, . 1111111111111 llliÍALCyòN'11111 'IJLaboratorít~. ( Certified bV the Stotz of California Deportment of Health SeNices LOba'8t«'Y # 'c;J~ 1701 Westwbld Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield.. {~,-\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0062. Fa ,x: 805·328-1120 ,dlllllllllllllllllb. Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-4-45 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A287 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 . Date of Report: Oct 19,1993 . Com und Concentration Units L* mgIKg (ppm) 0,02 mgIKg (ppm) 0,02 mgIKg (ppm) 0,02 m m 0,02 mgIKg (ppm) ,5 m m .5 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.12 0,53 0.32 },O TPH gasoline 200. TPH diesel ND *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa Lemz, Ph,D, Laboratory Director. . I. . 1111111111111 IIIIÍÍALCyo:N11111 ~,JLaboratorít£). 1 ,lIllllIllllllllhl. Certifì0d bV the Stote of California Deportment of Health SeNices LðlKnltcn' # .~~ 1701 Wesh"hld Dr. Suite 103 Bakel~neld.. (:,-\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962. Fax: 805-328-1129 Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons é!lßd BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Date of sampling: Oct 14~ 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19~ 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19~ 1993 Sample: V-4-50 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A288 ND ND ND ND Units i[,* mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,005 mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 m m 0,005 mgIKg (ppm) ,1 m m ,} Com und Concentration Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes TPH gasoline ND TPH diesel ND *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ , Rafael Espinosa Leniz~ Ph.D. Laboratory Director, . 11111111111 ¡ 1IIIHALCYON'111 ,JLaboratorítS' ,f Certified by the Stote of California Department of Health Services Lðb«'ðtu"Y # IÇþ~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 . 1111 III 1 1IIIh , Report o' Analvsls Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Bakersfield~ CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-60 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A289 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 . Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 . Com Wld Concentration Units L* mgIKg (ppm) 0.05 mgIKg (ppm) 0,05 mgIKg (ppm) 0,05 m m 0,05 mg/Kg (ppm) 1. m m 1. Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ,78 2,0 ND 4.3 TPH gasoline 1000, TPH diesel ND *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit p/~ Rafael Espinosa Lernz, Ph,D. Laboratory Director, , . . . 11111111111 1111""'" ·,··.'11111 HALCYON IJLaboratoríeg .j ¡dllllllllllllh, . Certified by the State of Californio Deportment of Health Services Laba.ita'" # .çt~ 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, (';A 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons arid BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 28,1993 Sample: V -4-65 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A290 ND ND ND ND Units L* mg/Kg (ppm) 0,005 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,005 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,005 " m 0.005 mg/Kg (ppm) ,1 m .1 , ' Com ound Concentration Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes TPH gasoline ND TPH diesel ND :·PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit .?/~ Rafael Espinosa Lèniz, Ph.D, Laboratory Director, . Certified by the State of CaliFornia Deportment of Health Services LðlK.filta"'Y # '<J~ 1IIIIIIIIh 111111111" "'11111111 HALCYON IJLaboratorít£) .j 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, £:A 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Pax: 805-328-1129 ,tllllllllllllllh. Report o' AnGlysls Test 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~md BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 . Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 . Com und Units Concentration Sample: V -4-70 Matrix: Soil AnalystMCM Lab #: 93A291 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ,023 ,022 ND .021 mgIKg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m TPH gasoline ,7 TPH diesel ND *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ,~~ Rafael Espinosa LeD.iz, Ph,D. Laboratory Director, i[,* 0,005 0,005 0.005 0.005 .1 ,1 . Certified bV the State of California Department of Health Services Lðba"ðWn' # 'Ç)~ 11111111111 11111111'....," IIIIII HALCYON ,JLaboratorítS: ·1 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, <:i\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax~ 805-328-1129 ,II 1111111111h. Report o' ARGlysls Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-85 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A292 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, ,1993 . Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 . Com und Units Concentration Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X Ienes ND ND ND ND mg/Kg (ppm) mWKg (ppm) mgIKg (ppm) TPH gasolin.e ND TPH diesel ND tPQL = Practical Quantitation Limit .~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph,D, Laboratory Director, L* 0.005 0,005 0,005 ' 0,005 .1 _I . 11111111111 11111111'"' "'11111111 , HALCYON IJLaboratoríes. Certified bl,l the State of California Department of Health Services Lab«ðtory II .t)~ 1701 WestwAnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 ,I IIIII Ilh. Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~lDd BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-95 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A293 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 . Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND ND ND ND Units L* mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 mglKg (ppm) 0.005 mglKg (ppm) 0.005 m m 0,005 mg/Kg (ppm) .1 m m .1 Com und Concentration TPH gasoline ND TPH diesel ND ~PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit . ~ //// , ~ C.-/'J.-- Rafael Espinosa , Ph.D. Laboratory Director, . . . 11111111111 1'11111"'- ·"'1111111 HALCYON ~JLaboratorítS' .j Certifìød by the State of California Department of Health Services Lðba'8krY It .~~ 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 .1111111111111. Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by PW'ge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-5-15 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A282 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 15:00 pm. Date of analysis: Oct 18, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Ii Benzene ND m!ifKg (ppm) 0,05 Toluene 0.33 m!ifKg (ppm) 0.05 Ethylbenzene 0,74 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,05 X lenes 3,9 m m 0,05 Ii ¡ ! TP~ gasoline 810, mgIKg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m 1. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ø~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph,D. Laboratory Director, . 11111111111 11111111'" "'11111111 HALCYON IJiaboratorítS' ·f Certified by the State of Califbrnio Deportment of Heolth Services Lðbu'ðt4)O' #I .~~ 1701 We8twind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, ~A 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 till II 1 1111 h. Report o' Anealysls Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -5-20 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A283 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 15:09 pm, Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 . Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 . Com ound Concentration Units L· Benzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 Toluene 2.3 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 Ethylbenzene 3,2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 X lenes 9,5 m m 0,2 TPH ~oline 910, mg/Kg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m 1. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit fJ . ~G Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph,D. Laboratory Director, . . . 1IIIIIIIIh 11111111'" ."11111111 HALCYON ~JLaboratorlts ·f CertiAød by the Stete of California Deocrtment of Health Services Lðbu"ot«Y # .~~ ~ I :1 'I ! 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, (;A. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805·328·1129 .1111 Ilh. Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~md BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -5-30 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM i Ii , I, ¡; Lab #: 93A284 , I .1 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 .' ¡ii ' ¡ ! Com und Concentration Units PQL* ¡Ii I, i! ;J Benzene 0,2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 i~ I' " Toluene 3,7 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 I; I. h Ethylbenzene 2.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 I! II X lenes 11. 0,2 " m '1 ! TPH gasoline 1200, mgIKg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m 1. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit -~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director, · · · 11111111111 111 l1I1"· ."11111111 HALCYON IJLaboratorít~ ·f Certified by the State of California Deportment of Health Services Labu"atu"-y II .{þ'2() 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, (;A 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328·1129 Report o' AnalysIs Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons éJlnd BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -5-40 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A285 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0,2 Toluene 10, mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 X lenes 22, m 0.2 TPH gasoline /5200. mgIKg (ppm) 1. TPH diesèl ND m m 1. ~~PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit -.~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director, . . . 11111111111 1111111.... -"'1111111 HALCYON IJLaboratorítS ·f I ¡ 'I 1 I ! , Certified by the State of California Deportment of Health S0rvices Lðbu"at«Y # .Ç)~ 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805·328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 .111111111111111. Report 0' AnalysIs Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons cmd BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-6-25 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A274 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 09:40 am, Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 '. :I: ¡ " .; ~ I :1 i' II , " :1 I. i; !; I. l~ 1\ :, 1 Com ound Units L* Concentration Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X Ienes mgIKg (ppm) mgIKg (ppm) mglKg (ppm) m m 0,005 0,005 0.005 0,005 ND ND ND ND TPH gasol#Ie ND TPH diesel ND ~~PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit 0.1 0.1 -#-~ Rafael Espinosa Léniz, Ph.D, Laboratory Director, ('I I: II Ii . . . 11111111111 11111111'" ·""111111 HALCYON, IJLaboratorítS'. Certified bV the State of California Department of Health Services LabU"ðt«y # .~~ 170] Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 ,tlllll II ¡. Report o' AnGlysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6..35 Matrix: Soil Analyst MCM Lab #: 93A275 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 10:03 am, Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 Toluene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 X lenes ND m m 0,005 TPH gasoline ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0.1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit , ØL-l) Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D, Laboratory Director, . . . 11111111111 flllll....· ."11111111 HALCYON ~JLaboratorítS ·f 1701 WestwAnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, (;A 93301 Certified bl,l the State of Califurnia Department of Health Services Lðb«ot«Y # .~~ Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 ,dill 1 " Ilh. Report 0' Analysis Test: 80I5m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-40 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A276 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 10:21 am. Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 Toluene ND mgJKg (ppm) 0,005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 X lenes ND m 0.005 TPH gasoline 1.8 mgIKg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0,1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~é-7 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph,D. Laboratory Director. · · · ~ - 11111111111 1111111 t'0 0"11111111 HALCYON ~1..ab(JratorítS' ·1 Certified bV the State of California Department of Health Services LðbU"ðt«" 1# ..;þ~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, <:A 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 ,tlllllllllh, Report of AnGlysis Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons cmd BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfiel~ CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-45 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A277 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 10:37 am, Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units P L* Benzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0,005 Toluene ND mgIK.g (ppm) 0,005 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0,005 X lenes 0,010 m m 0,005 TPH gasoline 0.5 mgIKg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0,1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph,D. Laboratory Director, · · · Certified by the StClte of California Deportment of Health Services LðbU"ðtu-y # .<)~ 11111111111 . 11111111'" "'11111111 HALCYON ~JLabo rat 0 ríeS-.f 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, ~A 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805·328·\129 ,lIlllllllh. Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-6-50 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A278 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 10:54 am, Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND ND ND ND mglKg (ppm) mgIKg (ppm) mgIKg (ppm) m m TPH gasoline ND TPH diesel ND *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit .~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph,D, Laboratory Director. L* 0,03 0,03 0,03 0.03 0,5 0.5 · · · 11111111111 1111111"'. "'11111111 HALCYON ~JLaboratorítS' .( Certified bt,l the SlCIte of California Deoartment of Health Services LOb«otc:>n' It .~~ 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 ,dill Illh, Report o' AnalysIs Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-6-55 Matrix: Soil Analyst MCM Lab #: 93A279 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 11:10 am. Date of analysis: Oct 18, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 Toluene 0,009 mglKg (ppm) 0,005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 X lenes 0,015 m 0,005 TPH gasoline 3,9 mW!(g (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0,1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit R4~Ph.D. Laboratory Director. . . . 11111111111 1111111"'- -"11111111 HALCYON )JLaboratorítS . Certified by the Stele of Calilbrnia Department of Health Services Lðbu'ðt4:O' II .~~ 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, (;A 83301 phone: 805-328-0962, Pax: 805-328-1129 ,lIlllllllh. Report o' Analysis Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-70 Matrix: Soil Analyst MCM Lab #: 93A280 Date of sampling: Oct 13,1993 @ 12:16 pm, Date of analysis: Oct 18, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mglKg (ppm) 0,005 Toluene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 X lenes ND m m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0.1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit /Ø//0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph,D. Laboratory Director, . . . 11111111111 1111111.... "111111111 HALCYON IJLabnratorítS' ·1 Certifìød by the SIDle of Calilbrnia Deportment of Health Services LðlN:filf.a'y #I .c;)~ 1701 \festwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, ~A 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 Report o' AnalysIs Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-80 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A281 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 13:00 pm. Date of analysis: Oct 18, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 Toluene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 ' X lenes ND m m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND 0,1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. . APPENDIX C Confirmation Boring Logs . . f'-. {) ~ 5 I 6" Date 5/18/94 ___ Slot size: _______ Material type: _ Project Geologist Patrick McCullouQh Total depth of boring: ___JJ..9~ Diameter of boring: - Casing diameter '___________ Length: Screen diameter: ___ Length: Drilling) company: _ Soils Engineering, Inc, Method used: _ Hollow Stern Auger Signature of Registered Professional: p, Goalwin Registratioñ-No.: 4779 ___ State: __ CA DEPT SAMPLE LOWS F I D U.S.C.S DESCRIPTION LITHO WELL ... CODE TYPE CON NO, Surface -0- -2- · . . . -4- 4 · . . . SAND - some gravel, gravel to sand · . . . 4 0 SP · . . . grade, red/org., damp, no odor, no · . . . -6- 4 · . . . stain · . . . · . . . -8- · . . . · . . . 22 · . . . -10- SAND - some gravel, gravel to sand · . . . 11 950 SP · . . . grade, red/org" dry, moderate odor, · . . . 3 · . . . -12- slight stain · . . . · . . . · . . . -14- 15 57 575 SM SAND - some silt, sand to silt -16- grade, gray, damp, mod, to strong odor, no stain -18- 11 SAND - some silt, sand to silt -20- 25 1000 SM grade, gray, damp, strong odor, no -22- 26 of:- stain Key ~ nrrn ~ E:J .. I~ (ll SW ML CL SP SM SC GP AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title PENCE PETROLEUM 901 E, TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA CONFIRMATION BORING C-1 Exhibit 5 DEPT SAMPLE BLOW F I USCS LITHO WELL NO, .I, r:, CODE DESCRIPTION TYPE CONST. -24- 5 SAND - some silt, sand to silt grade, 10 850 SM -26- 13 red/org" damp, strong odor, no stain -28- · . . . . · . . . . 23 SAND - some gravel, gravel to sand · . . . . -30- 1000 SP · . . . . 38 grade, red/org" damp, strong · . . . . + · . . . . 24 petroleum odor, no stain · . . . . -32- · . . . . · . . . . -34- 12 23 1000 SM SAND - some silt, med, sand to silt -36- grade, red/org" damp, strong 27 + odor, no stain -38- 12 · . . . . 000 SP SAND - coarse sand to med. grade, · . . . . -40- 26 · . . . . + red/org., dry, strong odor, no stain · . . . . 34 · . . . . -42- · . . . . · . . . . -44- 15 SAND - some silt, med, sand to silt 28 000 SM grade, brown, damp, strong odor, -46- + 31 no stain -48- 8 SILT - some sand, trace clay, fine -50- 16 000 ML 24 + to clay grade, brown, sltly, damp, -52- strong odor, no stain -54- 7 SILT - some sand, trace clay, fine to 18 1000 ML -56- 42 + clay, reddis/brn" dry, strong odor, no stain Title PENCE PETROLEUM 901 E, TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA CONFIRMATION BORING C-1 i 701 Wes1twind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Exhibit 5 Page 2 DEPT SAMPLE LOW USCS LITHO WELL NO. F.I,D, CODE DESCRIPTION TYPE CON ST. -58- 15 SILT - some sand, trace clay, fine to -60- 42 1000 ML clay grade, brown, sltly, damp, 43 + strong odor, no stain -62- -64- 18 57 000 MUSM SAND/SILT - med, to silt grade, -66- + brn.lorg" dry, strong odor, no stain -68- 16 -70- 29 000 SM SAND - some silt, med. to silt, 40 + brn.lorg" dry, strong odor, no stain -72- -74- 9 SAND - some silt, trace clay/gravel, 22 000 SM gravel to clay grade, reddish brn" -76- 25 + damp, strong odor, no stain -78- 12 · . . . . SAND - med, to fine grade, · . . . . -80- 24 1000 SP reddish/org" dry, strong odor, no · . . . . · . . . . 43 + stain · . . . . · . . . . -82- · . . . . · . . . . -84- 21 32 ML SILT - some sand, trace clay, fine 000 to clay grade, brn" damp, -86- 34 + moderate odor, no stain -88- 13 SILT - some sand, some clay, very 1000 ML -90- 30 + fine to silt grade, brown, damp, 34 strong odor, no stain Title PENCE PETROLEUM 901 E, TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA CONFIRMATION BORING C-1 701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Exhibit 5 Page 3 DEPT SAMPLE NO, LOW PI ) USCS .. . CODE DESCRIPTION -92- -94- -96- -98- 100- -102- -1 04- 106- 114- 116- 118- 120- 122- 124- AQuaGeosciences, Inc, 701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 akersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 9 SAND - some silt, trace gravel, 30 000 SM gravel to silt grade, org.lbrn" 37 + damp, strong odor, no stain 15 SM SAND - some silt, very coarse to 26 1000 silt grade, org.lbrn., dry, strong 23 + odor, no stain 18 SAND - some silt, coarse to silt 41 1000 SM 45 + grade, org.lbrn" damp, strong odor, no stain 31 .. SAND - some silt, med, to silt 1000 SM/ML 51 grade, org.lbrn" damp, strong + odor, no stain END OF BORING @ 11 0' LITHO WELL TYPE CONST, Title PENCE PETROLEUM 901 E, TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA CONFIRMATION BORING C-1 Exhibit 5 Page 4 I . APPENDIX D Confirmation Boring . Lab Reports .. and Chain-oj-Custody . 1llllm/llb -.:I'li"". , .."qlllll~111 ¡ I HAlCYON ~ J.i1Uornlorirs" ! . CHAIN OF CUSTODY 1701 Westwind Dr., Suite 103., Bakersfield, CA 93301 . AND ANALYSIS REQUEST 805-328-0962 CLIENT NAME A~,... &-t:ofc ,'e"c.<:J .::L;,c . ANALYSES REQUESTED REMARKS PROJECT NAME I ~ , "¿><:::. /,-0 k~-. ~ ",co:: S 0 ADDRESS \!) ~ '" ~,,~ PROJECT MANAGER'p /"1 rt'.. /hq~¿ PHONE .l~¥-o,~¿ ~ FAX g "~ ../ SAMPLER NAME A- /-,..., ~c ~ /'-7 r ('.. /~ 4<: ,( I, ~ \~ SAMPLE DA TEl TI ME SAMPLE DESCRIPTt"'ON, IDENTIFICATION J" , SAMPLED Mat r I x, container, etc.., 0. \, ~ C¡'IA'-I7Lf o8ýr So.'¡ C1--.) ,- ,/ 1/ rÞp/~y o 'i.r J.... / 9L¡/)47'J r//,n}l" Jo.' I I L f - /0 ' ./ ./ O?oý , 7¿¡/.} Lf76 /h~Ay JfJ:/ C1- /s- I' v"" - . OCj/J , .;:).0 I Cf4 JJ Ll77 r)/'-/9 Y Jo : /. C:t- V ,/ 0?j.?~y , 1'1 t¡ Ii If 7i{ ~/£. So;/. c.:L - dl..S I ....- ./' O'JJ I 19t¡/}LJR .r~r'Av Sü;! c 1. - :J<.J ,- (/ - - 09j(. hv , 9'1J}4ffò .Sc ·f CJ-..Js/ ~ '/ r. /1 0, íooo ." nJ 11It.¡?¡ / r~"Ay )0/'1 CL- ~o I V ...... ¡.- 77/7 /0/'8 / 9 t¡ JJ l/ff;? .r//Phy Sc.·/ C1 - Y.r ic...- - . J /ð]7 , C(/ /,'1' Jr// Jo: I C1 -s-o v v' :?f") .-hl'flY /0.%/ / 9,-;' ,/,-V I .r /IA~ So:1 C.L- s..s; l/ 1-- 'F/ 'v 7 REUNQUISHED BY c7~ ~~~ Date a time RELINQUISHED BY Da te a time SIGNA TURE AND PRINTED NAME ~~ ~,. c.. k /-1 ;~, ( SIGNA TURE AND PRINTED NAME Æ-CEIVED BY. 0/7 æ7- y-- RECEIVED BY. SIGNATURE AND PRItfr"~ N;ME ·A~k;:;1 C.//I}~Vt>n.. SIGNA TURE AND PRINTED NAME r 1IIIImlilb .¡liliÍiAtcY():NIII~1111 'I::tH~oralOnr51~¡ . CHAIN OF CUSTODY 1701 Westwind Dr., Suite 103., Bakersfield, CA 93301 . AND ANALYSIS REQUEST 805-328-0962 CLIENT NAME AI.IÜ' &c.oJc.,'.-_ Coo f ...L,., <- ANALYSES REQUESTED REMARKS 7 ;' PROJECT NAME ?e,n c. <- Pc / ''0 Ie"",.... t ADDRES6 70/ E -¡--;"c., y 7£. ~ 4M4- ~I ~~ 0 PHONEJ 2.?- o,~ ~ ~ PROJECT MANAGER P. '/1 C( Co /~"C t FAX $ ~ ... .¡.. ~ 1'\ SAMPLER NAME Pct.-'¡::,'c. ¿.. /'-f (("//u'1'õ( ~ ~ SAMPLE DA TEl TI ME SAMPLE DE6CRIPÎION, IDENTIFICATION ~ . SAMPLED Matrix, container, etc... " Qt¡,44g-5 1//9 C-1- ~o I' V .r/n /9V Jo.'/ V I 1: /~ ./ L/ ir'", , ,,, t..¡~ Su: I C..2- ~.r ./ , "7/" r", 'SIe /Joo ;' .... 19</Atfff::¡ <"" /0 /9"- JtJ,-¡ C..l - 7ó ./ ¡......... QL/J)c¡5f/ /J/~ ./ I........~ c::~o /çy .Jú,· J C..z. - 7.s- ,/ IJJ'.s- '" 9L/j)tf?M r-A./,v Jo,"¡ C1- ã'o V t./ .... /~~ / Ê__""" 'qo .n ~ 1/<;11' jo:/ C:J. -. is'' /" ",- / '/'11 , - " 'r', J . <-ÅJÞ/9I' So,' ( C..2 - 9~ I' ,.,/ /' ~/""or ..., 7 /~~,4~ , 91/ IJ (/5:l s:; /,/ JUl'! C1- 9.s' / / /q: /^u / ./ qt¡¡¡ LH':? .j /- So,' I c...1 - /00- ./' :..-- /(;/ L / 19t/,4l/QQ .;//1'/9ý fb.' I , ./ C-L - /dS -' ~~, Jl'r ./ C¡t¡/J lftï? ~ 6- /;/e;" J 0 " / c..1- //Q " ./ - REUNQUISHED BY cJ?~ ~ V ¿3?~ Dete . time RELINQUISHED BY De te . time SIGNATURE AND PRINTED 'NÀME /<r,...,'c, k /1 ~C:/¡(...,< SIGNA TURE AND PRINTED NAME ftCEIVED BY';¡¡¡C; "U'~ v RECEIVED BY, SIGNA TURE AND PR1N1ED WAME ,. MC '"-h,,..,, ÀV~ SIGNA TURE AND PRINTED NAME ~ / . 11111111111 . .11 IÍÏÄLCyON111111 .. aLaboratori£~tlll ,illlll Ilh. Certified by the State of California Department of Health Services Laba"ataY # .gþ~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, c.~ 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 Report o' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-j' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A474 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 26, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 . Com ound Concentration PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes TPH gasoline ND TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed . -~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph, D, . Laboratory Director, Units ND ND ND ND mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m /K. m) 0,005 0,005 0.005 0.005 0,5 0,5 · 11111111111 11111111'" , "'111111111' ,lLUCY'ON I 1,'JLaboratoríe~ft J ,dill lilli, Cerbfied b\,! the State of California Deportment of Health Services lLa!b4)lrat4)!rY # .<}'1() 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C,,"- 93301 Phone: 805-328:0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 Report o' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: CI-10' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A475 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 26, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 · Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND 0,005 ND 0,033 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m /K m) 0.005 0,005 0.005 0,005 TPH gasoline 1.2 TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL, NA = Not Analyzed 0.5 0.5 · ~~ Rafuel pinosa Leniz, Ph, D, Laboratory Director, . . . 11111111111 1111111"" - -"11111111 HALCYON )'l.abo r atortes.j CertiAød by the State of California Department of Health Services lLab£llrat«y # i<):2() 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805·328-1129 . dlllllllllll. Report o' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: S015m/S020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C1-15' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A476 Date of sampling: May IS, 1994 Date of analysis: May 26, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0,06 0.63 0.68 2.4 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 TPH gasoline 1800, TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 0,5 0.5 ~?- 7 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph, D, Laboratory Director, . . . 11111111111 IIIII P'" --',11111111 HALCYON ,I-nbar atDrtes .11 Certified by the State of California Deoartment of Health Services lLðbm-at~ # 1Iq,~ 1101 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328·1129 Report o' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: CI-20' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A477 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 27, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units P L* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND 1.5 1.0 5,9 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m /K m) 0,2 0,2 0.2 0,2 TPH gasoline 520, TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL, NA = Not Analyzed 20, 20, ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph,D, Laboratory Director. · 1IIIIIIIIh IIIII"~'" , . -"1111111'1 HALCYON ¡laboratoríeS.,I, ¡ tlllllllllllllI, CertiAed by the State of California Department of Health Services lLðbC) n)t~()f"" # .<}~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield!, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1l29 Report 0' AnGlysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-25' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A478 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 27, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 · Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethy lbenzene X lenes 0.4 3.3 2,5 14, mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m /K m) 0,2 0.2 0.2 0.2 TPH gasoline 3000, TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 20. 20. · ~. Rafael ES~Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. . 11111111111 IIIIIIP'" -"11111111 HALCYON IJLaboratorítS' .j , Certined by the State of California Department of Health Services lLabaatu-y # .<)~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C.i\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805·328·1129 ,dill 11111 h. Report o' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-30' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A479 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 27, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 . Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND 2.5 1.7 9.3 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m /K m) 0,5 0.5 0,5 0.5 TPH gasoline 1200, TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 50, 50, ~~niz, Ph.D. . Laboratory Director, . tllllllllh I 1111111;1'" ""111111\ HALC"YON ' .k1Laboratorits ¡'llllllllllllllllo CertiAed by the State of California Department of Health Services LðbtÐl"ðWlnt # 1I~'2(> 1701 "Testwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, ~A 93301 Phone: 805·328·0002, Fax: 805-328-1129 Report of RAcalYll1 Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEXls by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-35' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A480 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 27, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 . Com ound Concentration Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes ND 1.5 ND 10. Units PQL* mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 m 0.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 50. m m) 50. TPH gasoline 690. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed . ~?7 - Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. . 11111111111 II 1IIIilll'" "'1\1111111 J ILUCYO,N I i ìJLaboratorltS.¡f ,111111111111 . CertiAed by the State of California Department of Health Services lLðOOr-ðtory # N~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C.!\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 Report o' Analysis :Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-40' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A481 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 27, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 . Com ound Concentration Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND 0.5 ND 7.8 Units P L* mg/Kg (ppln) 0.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 m g m) 0.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 50. m m) 50. TPH gasoline 410. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed . ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. . 11111111111 11111111'" "'11111111 1 HALCYON ¡IJLabor ato rits.t Certifîed by the State of California Department of Health Services lLab£llratffY # ~O}'2() 1701 Westwitld Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield., <;i\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 . dill Illh. Report 0' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-45' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A482 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 31, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 . Com ound Coricentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.8 2,1 1.2 7,0 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m /K m) 0,5 0.5 0,5 0.5 TPH gasoline 450, TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL, NA = Not Analyzed 50, 50, . ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph, D, Laboratory Director, . 11111111111 11111111'" -"11111111 " HALCYON "JLabor atorírs ·(1 Certified by the State of California Department of Health Services lLa!b4)lrat«y # 'Ç)~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328·lJ29 . dill IIII h, Report o' Ancalysls Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C I-50' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A483 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 31, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 . Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 1.0 2.9 2.6 12, mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m /K m) 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 TPH gasoline 1700. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit. ND = No detected at given PQL, NA = Not Analyzed 50. 50, ~¿-¿ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph,D, . Laboratory Director. . . . 11111111111 1111111"" .' , "'11111111 , HALCYON k1Laboratorirs.. Certined by the State of California Department of Health Services lLab«atu"" # .<}'1() 1701 Westwand Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, ~A 93301 Phone: 805~32B·0962, Fax: 805·328·1129 ,dill 1 ·11111. Report o' AnGlysls Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-55' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A484 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 31, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Units PQL* Concentration Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 1.5 3,1 2,9 11. 0.5 0,5 0.5 0,5 TPH gasoline 2300. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL, NA = Not Analyzed 50. 50. ~h Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph,D, Laboratory Director, . 11111111111 1111111"" """111111 'HALCYON ' ìJLaboratoric1), ' ,1111111111111111, Certif,ed b~1 the State of California Departme'ìt of Health Services lLðlbu-ðt,t)Ir'Y # œ<Jt~ 1701 't'estwitul Itr. Suite 103 Bnkelosfield!, Ci\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1I~'9 Report of AnalysIs Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-60' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A485 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 31, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 . Com ound Concentration Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes TPH gasoline 1100, TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed ~?--; Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. . Laboratory Director. 1.0 1.8 2.4 3.1 Units P L* mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 m m 0.5 mgfKg (ppm) 50. m m 50. . . . 11111111111 '11111111"" ""1111111 ,I I-IALCYO,N ' , I aLaboratortt~'I,¡ , dll III 11111, CertiAed bV the State of California Departmelìt of Health Services lLðlb«ðWIrY # IIÇJ:lf) 1701 't'e~'¡;,,{ind 'Jr. Suite 10:1 Bnkel~field~ Ci\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-11:;:''9 Report of ARalysls Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-65' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A486 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 31, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* mgIKg (ppm) 0.5 mgIKg (ppm) 0,5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 m m 0,5 mgIKg (ppm) 50. m m 50, Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND ND ND 1.0 TPH gasoline 100, TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. . . . 11111111111 i II IIIii' , ""'111111 I II· HALCYON . Ijalaboratorits)~ ,II 11111111111h. Certinød by the State of CaliFornia Department of Health Services lLðlbOrðt«y # .<)~() 1701 't'estwind IIr. Suite 10:1 Bnkel~field!þ Cl\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-11::''9 Report of Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-70' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A487 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units L* mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 m m 0.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 20. m m 50, Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.5 1.3 0.8 3.8 TPH gasoline 380. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL, NA = Not Analyzed ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director, · 11111111111 111111111'. . "'1'11111 'HAI~CYON ' I JaLaboratorítS' ,j ,till Illh, Certified by trle Stote of California Department of Health Services lLðlb«at«J/ # IÇJ~() 1701 "esturinfl ..... Sui(,eIO:J Bokel"Sfield!, (;1\' 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-11:''9 Report of AnQlysls Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-75' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 WestwindDr, Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A488 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 · Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.5 1.2 0.7 2.3 Units P L* mglKg (ppm) 0.2 mgIKg (ppm) 0,2 mgIKg (ppm) 0,2 m m 0.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 20, m m 50, Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline 130. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit Nb = No detected at given PQL, NA = Not Analyzed · ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. . . . 11111111111 111111'1". . ""111111 ' HAIACYON " . aLaboratorits, Certined by the State of California DepmtmelÎt of Health Services lLðlbttðt:or~ # IIÇJ~() 1701 West.wind )Jr. Suite 10:1 Bakersfield, C;\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 , dll 1111 Illh. Report o' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-80' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A489 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Com ound Units PQL* mgfKg (ppm) 0,2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 m 0.2 mWKg (ppm) 20, m m 50, Concentration Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0,2 0,5 0.2 1.5 TPH gasoline 80. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL, NA = Not Analyzed ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. . I· . IIIIIIIIII III Illiill,3'" . - "',11111111,111 . HAl.CYON ..11 III aLaboratorit~1 ,I ,dllllllllll, CertiAed b~1 ~'Ie State of California Department of Health Selvices lLðlbocðt,()!rY # IIÇJ2(J 17..1 't'estwinfl IIr. Suite )0:) Bakersfield, Ci\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805·328-11::'9 Report of Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: CI-85' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM BakersfielcL CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A490 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Com ound Units P L* mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 m m 0,2 mg/Kg (ppm) 20, m m 20. :! Concentration Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.4 1.5 1.4 8,2 I I I ), ¡ TPH gasoline 1900. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph,D. Laboratory Director. 'i ¡' . 11111111111 ! IIlla..' "'111111111 HALCYON' " ¡ . aLaboratorit£) II ~ I CertiAe,d b~1 the State of California Department of Health Sef\1ces lLðlbttoÜt<OIr,)' # ~Ç):2{' 1701 "e~"'willd 1).-. Suit,e 10:1 Bakersfield!, Ci~ 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 , dllllllllll ¡, Report of AnalysIs Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-90' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A491 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 . Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.4 1.3 0,8 5,6 Units PQL* mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,2 m m 0,2 mg/Kg (ppm) 20. m m 20. Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline 1200. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed . , ~~ Rafael Espinosa eniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. · 11111111111 II IIill"" ""1111111 HALCYON ' . 'iJLaboratorit~ I ,11111.1111.11111. Certified by the State of California Deportment of Health Services lLðlÞu-atU-y # IIÇJ2f:· 1701 Westurind IJr. SlIite 10:1 Bakelosí'ield, Ci\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-11;;:.'9 Report of Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-95' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 9330 I Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A492 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 · Com ound Concentration Units P L* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0,2 1.0 0.6 4.1 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m m 0.2 0.2 0,2 0.2 TPH gasoline 650, TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL, . NA = Not Analyzed 20. 20. · , ~0 Rafae Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. . . . 11111111111 I' II I~ I"" '~, "',"111111' I HAI,C1iON " . . , ¡ :hJLaboratorttS' !1 ¡ ,111111111111111, Certified bl,! d-,e State of California Department of Health Services lLðlbu-ðtVIr'~' # 1<JJ2() 1701 'festwbul IIr. Suit,e 10:1 Bakersfield~ Ci\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-11~>g Report of Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-1 00' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A493 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Com ound P L* Concentration Units Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m m 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 ND ND ND 0.5 TPH gasoline 40. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 20. 20. ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. · 11111111111 11111111','" , ""111111111, r ILt\.I.CYON ., í I ¡JLaboratoritZ,1.! ,dllllllll ¡. CertiA0d bV the State of California Department of Health Services lLðlb()!r,ati()n' # I<)~ 17"1 Westu:hul 'Ir. Suite 10:1 Bnkel-sfield, Ci\ 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-11;;''9 Report 0' AnalysIs Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: CI-105' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr, Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A494 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 · Com ound Concentration Units P L* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND 0.005 ND 0.010 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m m 0,005 0.005 0,005 0,005 TPH gasoline ND TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 0,5 0.5 · ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D, Laboratory Director. · · · 11111111111 11111111". . ""'IIIIJ HAI~CYON ' , aLaboratoriesí CertiAed 01.,' the State of California Departme,ìt of Health Services ILiillbU'ðt·{)IrY # 1I<JJ2f) 1701 "est"rind IJ... Suite In:1 Bakersfield!, C¡\ 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962. Fax: 805-328-11:;''9 ,dllllllll!lI. Report of AnalysIs Project Pence Petroleum Test: 80 15mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: CI-II0' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A495 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 ! I Com ound Units P L* mgIKg (ppm) 0,005 mglKg (ppm) 0,005 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,005 m m 0.005 mg/Kg (ppm) 0,5 m m 0.5 :1 " I, Ii II II !I I , i ¡ ,I Concentration Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.005 0,020 0.010 0,080 TPH gasoline 6,5 TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detectéd at given PQL, NA = Not Analyzed ~ Rafael Espinos Leniz, Ph,D. Laboratory Director. i. . . APPENDIX E Acceptable Cumulative Soil Comtamination Levels ifi}~::3'!:;;<" :.:>'o<~"¡~~ìþ.; '.""~-' ~\\'~~t;"~.....-..,g¡,-.;,_~.~ J..~ I . . < -';':"='t~~. '.. ';:, . .: ' , " . TABLE 2-4 BEllZEIIE ACCEPTABLE aJIJlATIVE SOil COITAMIIlATlOI LEVELS FOR PIIOTECTlOI OF GRCUCD WATER AT QUALIFIED SITES Stop: Do not use this table unless the site in question has been screened using the applicability checklist (Table 2-2) for general risk appraIsal to protect ground water / MEAN ANNUAL INCHES PRECIPITATION 0 5,1 6,1 7,1 8,1 9.1 10,1 11,1 12,1 14,.1 16,1 ' 18.1 20,1 22.1 24,1 26,1 28,1 30,1 32,1 34,1 36,1 38,1 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 14 to /16 to 18 to 20 to 22 to 24 to 26 to 28 to 30 to 32 to 34 to 36 to 38 to 40 5-9.9 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-14,9 5 3 2 1 0 0 n ,-!) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15-19,9 10 10 6 3 1 07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20-24,9 60 40 20 10 5 2rr f' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25-29,9 200 100 60 30 10 7 - 3 1 -{) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30-34.9 800 400 200 100 40 20 10 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35-19,9 1000 1000 700 300 100 60 20 10 .3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40-44,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 400 100 80 30 '9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45-49,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 'i00 200 100 20 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50-54,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 200 50 9 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55-59,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 100 20 5 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60-64.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 300 40 9 6 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 65-69,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 80 10 10 8 5 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 70-74.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 30 20 10 9 6 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 75-79.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 300 60 40 20 10 10 7 4 2 1 1 0 0 80-84.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 100 70 40 30 10 10 7 4 2 1 1 0 85-89,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 200 100 80 50 30 10 10 7 4 2 1 0 90-94.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 400 200 100 90 50 30 10 10 6 3 2 1 95-99.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 200 100 90 50 30 10 10 5 3 1 100-104,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 BOO 400 200 100 90 50 20 10 8 4 2 105-109,9 \000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 7 3 110-111,,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 croo 1000 1000 1000 800 400 200 100 70 30 10 10 5 115-119.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 200 100 50 20 10 7 120-124,9 10eo 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 300 100 90 40 20 10 125-129.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 200 100 60 30 10 130-134.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 400 200 100 40 20 135-139.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 300 100 60 30 140-144.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 200 100 40 145-149.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 300 100 60 150+ 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 200 90 DISTANCE TD HIGHEST GROOND \lATER FROM SOIL SAMPLE IN FEET Note: IndivIdual concentrations for any soil sample cannot exceed 100 ppm. The numbers In thIs table do not represent soil concentratIons; they reflect the accumulatIon of pollutant mass in contaminated soIl. These numbers can 'be derived from the LUFT manual worksheet (Table 2-3), 43 ........... '''"::.'"""'':"-. ".'-"; ~,""-~';:-~."".=- \- ':':~_"_'_'~" .-___ .,.--_ ."'~~;=-.=-=.t..:-- I-- "~,...-. " .~ ~~~-~ ..--.= ..' .'_~' ", " ':>:~.C:,: '. -. .. '~~,::r_ .. - ,:~~.;._.,- ,,--- . _, ~:;:-!::-::~ _n . ..:s::....:;. ,"",:~;,:.~,":,.'~='~"-"~. " .,.- ..... ........- . ;;.... ". ~ . -. - - .. - !--... . - -. ~ <?'R"';:~':":":.:;~'.:c:~~~~?::Þ¡~:.""~~'=.: '-':~~=::' _ .' ~-' '. ''''''''-.', TABLE 2-5 TOUDE ACCEPTABLE aJIJl.ATlVE SOIL aJlTMllATUII LEVELS FOR PROTECTlOII Of GRŒJI) "TER AT QUALIFIED SITES Stop: Do not use this table unless the site in question has been screened using the applicability checklist (Table 2-2) for general risk appraisal to protect ground water MEAN ANNUAL INCHES PRECIPITATION IN 0 5.1 6.1 7,1 8,1 9.1 10,1 11.1 12,1 14,1 16.1 18,1 20.1 22.1 24,1 26.1 28,1 30,1 32,1 34,1 ]6,1 38.1 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 14 to 16 to 18 to 20 to 22 to 24 to 26 to 28 to 30 to 32 to 34 to 36 to 38 to 40 70 30 20 10 5 3 2 1 , 1 5-9.9 50 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10'14,9 200 100 100 70 40 20 10 8 4 , 3 2 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 15-19.9 1000 600 400 200 100 60 30 10 10 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 20-24,9 1000 1000 1000 700 300 100 ,00 40 20 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 25-29.9 1000 1Mn 1000 1000 1000 500 200 100 50 20 10 10 10 '9 7 5 4 3 2 2 1 ' , 30-34,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 200 100 ' 50 30 20 20 10 10 9 7 5 4 3 2 1 35-39.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 200 100 60 40 30 20 20 10 10 8 6 4 3 2 40-44.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 200 100 80 60 40 30 20 10 10 9 6 4 ] 45-49,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10nO 1000 1000 1000 ,400 200 100 100 80 50 40 20 20 10 9 6 4 50-54,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 oeD 400 300 200 100 100 60 40 30 20 10 9 5 55-59,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ' oro 800 500 300 200 100 100 70 40 30 10 10 7 60-64,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 '1000 1000 1000 00 1000 1000 600 400 200 100 100 70 40 20 10 10 65-69,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 300 100 ' 100 60 40 20 1 70-74,9 1000 10DO 1000 1000 1000 10M 1000 1000 1000 100r 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 400 200 100 100 50 30 ~ 75-79 9 1000 fOOD 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 1000 100ti 1000 1000 1000 800 400 200 100 80 40 80-8io 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 200 100 60 85-89,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 300 100 80 4 90-94,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 400 200 100 50 95-99,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 '1000 1000 1000 1000 700 300 100 ,70 100- 104 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 400 200 90 105-109,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ' 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 200 1 110-114,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 400 1 115,119,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 2 120-124,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 200 125-129.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ''-000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 JOOI 130-134,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ·1000 '. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 135-139.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ,1000 1000 1000 1000 ·1000 ' 1000 1000 1000 ' 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 140-144,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 OM 145-149 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ' 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 150+ 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 DISTANCE TO HIGHEST GROOND \lATER FROM SOIL SAMPLE FEET Note: Individual concentrations tor any soil sample cannot exceed 80 ppm, The numbers in this table do not represent soil concentrations; they reflect the accumulation of pollutant mass in contaminated soil, These m.lrberacan·beder·ived"from the,lUF,T.,msnusl worksheet (Table 2-3), ' 44 - ~-~ -~~---:-.- ..-,-..".:.~--~--- . .h'~ r' .~ ....' ~.~.~'!~:. -..... . ~ . - .. . ....;t...... . ~ ., :'. ~ "'..c; '::::~.""~-j:~.'-':'" .. :..~....""~'".,.~ '.' '.'i=~T'f.;'.:! '. !~- .. _~: u;;.;.~::-' .""?-:~.':'~ ,.J.;.~:.; :.;.~.L.-, '.....".... - ._:.~._- H-'~. "'~~~'.~~" ...-;o~,~.<L... ~ . .:.:-!", .._-.~,..&.. ~,.~--,..- .. -" .. TABLE 2-7 ETHYL8EIIZEIIE ACCEPTABLE aJIJI.ATIVE SOil allTMlllATION lEVELS RIt fIttOTECTICII OF GRCUI) \MYEl AT QUALIFIED SITES Stop: Do not use this table unless the site in question has been screened using the appltcabillty checklist (Table 2·2) for general risk appraisal to protect ground water MEAN ANNUAL INCHES PRECIPITATION 0 5,1 6.1 7,1 8.1 9.1 10,1 11.1 12.1 14.1 16.1 18.1 20,1 22.1 24.1 26,1 28,1 30.1 32.1 34.1 36,1 38.1 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 14 to 16 to 18 to 20 to 22 to 24 to 26 to 28 to 30 to 32 to 34 to 36 to 38 to 40 5-9 9 300 200 100 100 70 40 30 20 10 10 co. 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 10-14,9 1000 800 500 300 200 100 70 . 40 ~O '0 10 10 10 10 10 9 B B 7 6 5 Ii 15-19,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 300 100 90 50 /,~O 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 7 6 20-24.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 .800 400 200 100 .60 40 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 8 7 25,29,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ¿DO '00 ' ·,100 7'0 50 40 40 30 20 20 10 10 10 111 ç 30-34,9 1000 1000 1000 1noo 1000 11M 111M ono 400 100 100 on 70 60 50 40 30 20 20 10 10 10 D I.ST ANCE 35-'~9, 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10001 1000 1000 BOO 300 100 100 100 90 70 50 40 30 20 20 10 10 40-44 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ,600 ~OO 200 100 100 100 80 60 40 30 ZO ZO Ü TO 45·49 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 400 300 200 200 100 100 80 60 40 30 20 10 -"n·54 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 500 400 300 ZOO 100 100 80 60 40 30 2Ø HIGHEST "5·59 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 600 400 300 200 100 100 80 50 40 2ii 6O-1..t. 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 500 300 ZOO 100 100 70 50 30 GRooND 65-69,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 300 200 100 90 60 ¡;o 70-74,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 " 200 100 100 70 40 WATER 75-79 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 400 200 100 90 50 -sa-84 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 500 300 100 100 70 FROM 85·89,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ' 1000 ·10no 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 200 100 ~ 90·94.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ·1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 00 300 1M 1 SOIL 95·99,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1001'1 1000 ' 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 roo 400 200 1 1100·'04.9 1000 10 10 1000 1000 1000 100n 1000 1000 1000 1000 ¡1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 H1l] liDO 200 100 SAMPLE 105·109.9 1000 10 0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 300 1 110·111..9 1000 10 0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 Mil 1000 1000 800 400 IN 115·119 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ' 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 120-124.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10M 1000 1000 ,1000 1000 1000 . 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 FEET 125-129,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 300 130-134 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ,1000 1000 1000 " 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 135-139,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ,1000 1000 1000 ' ,100Q 10nO 1000 1000 ·,1000 .1000 1000 ~1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 140-144.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 :};. 1 DOl! 1000 1000 ,,1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 145-149.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 150+ 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000.;,,1000 _ .1000 1000 . 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 '. Note: Individual concentrations for any soH s8q)le camotexceed 40 ppn, The nulåer's: In thIs table do nOt represent soil concentrations; they reflect the accUILIlatfon' of pollutant mass In contemll'\8ted soil. These numbers can:be derived from the, lUFT ,manual worksheet (Table 2-3), 46 ,~ ..:-... ;~... '-. . -.......--.....-I! . '.. . , .,. "'J17..j~~l·"Jb....,,;~....., LI!f 1,~:~7':73~?r;,',:~',,,, ;~.~~~ >~t¡~ :":'~(~: ':~"::~~'" :~:·_~;'~:~.~.~'':'~·i~:~~~:;it ,., . :., :. .' '>'.., " ,-,;. ". ~.~~~. . < :'. \".;,~."~.': T.2-6 XYlEIIE ACCEPTABLE aJU.ATlVE SOIL IDITMIIlATICII LEVELS Fat PROTECTUII Of IìRCUI) \MTER AT CllALIFIED SITES . Stop: Do not use this table unless the site in question has been screened using the applicabILIty checklist (Table 2-2) for general rIsk appraisal to protect ground water MEAN ANNUAL INCHES PRECIPITATION IN 0 5,' 6,' 7,' 8,' 9,1 10,1 11,' 12,1 14.' 16,1 18,' 20.1 22.1 24.1 26,1 28,1 30,1 32,1 34,1 36,1 38,1 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 14 to 16 to 18 to 20 to 22 to 24 to 26 to 28 to 30 to 32 to 34 to 36 to 38 to 40 5-9,9 100 100 90 60 40 30 20 10 10 9 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 10-14.9 600 400 300 200 100 80 50 30 20 10 10 10 10 9 8 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 15-19,9 1000 1000 1000 600 400 200 100 -70 40 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 20-24,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 300 100 80 50 30 30 '0 20 10 10 10 10 10 9 7 6 25-29.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 300 100 90 50 40 40 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 9 8 30-34,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 300 100 90 70 60 50 40 30 20 20 10 10 10 9 35-39,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 200 100 100 100 80 60 50 40 30 20 20 10 10 40-44.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 200 200 100 100 90 70 50 40 30 20 10 10 45-49.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 400 300 200 100 100 100 80 60 40 30 20 10 50-54,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 . 700 500 300 200 200 100 100 80 60 40 30 20 55-59,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 " 1000 100D 1000 800 600 400 300 200 100 100 80 50 30 20 60-64 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 600 400 ~oo 200 100 100 70 40 30 65-69,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ' 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 300 200 100 90 60 40 70-74.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 400 200 100 100 70 50 75-79 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 400 200 100 90 60 80-84,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ' 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 500 300 200 100 70 85-89.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 . 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 200 100 90 90-94,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ' 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1noo 1000 1000 600 300 100 100 95-99.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 . 10no 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 400 200 100 100-104,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 000 1000 500 300 100 105-109.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 200 110-114,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 500 200 115-119,9 . 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 300 120-124,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 300 125-129.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ", ,1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 400 130-134,9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 135-139.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 140-144.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 145-149.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 150+ 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 DISTANCE TO HIGHEST GROOMD WATER FRC»4 SOIL SAMPLE FEET Note: Individual concentrations for any soil sample cannot exceed 40 ppm. The numbers In this table do not represent soil concentrations; they reflect the accumulation of pollutant mass in contaminated soil. These numbers can be derived from the· LUFT manual worksheet (Table 2-3), 45 ~..- - .- .. . . ..-.-.....-....-. -"'-' i ~'M ~.' . ",:. -.,-;' . ....... _.~~. ··'i··.....:-'·,· :,. ;.':!:;-:-:-:' '~':' ~"~~~~r::::. -;-(:.:~~:.\.:f~"''''.'.. ·"1,'~4~~.'''.''~.._-:'~.~-:- ,~'~___'-=:="..=~o ----=-...-.,- --- - . ... .__.. --- . . . ., . .. ~ .. . '-"'I'~."... . . APPENDIX F Health Risk Assessment Calculations . . · · · APPENDIX F RISK ASSESSMENT FOR BENZENE AT PENCE PETROLEUM STEADY STATE VAPOR FLUX The first step in determining the benzene exposure to occupants is the calculation of the rate of emission of the chemical from the soil. This rate is influenced by such factors as the degree of partitioning of benzene between vapor, soluble and non- aqueous phases, the rate and degree of movement of the various phases through the soil, soil properties, and environmental factors such as temperature, moisture and surlace conditions, The general approach used, is to take the dominant transport mechanism, in this case vapor diffusion, and model the process. The model used is based on one developed to predict emissions from landfills by Thibodeaux and Hwang7. It assumes steady-state fluxes for a non-diminishing source at a specific depth below the ground surface. The applicable equations are: F = Cv Ds H Where: F= Steady-state flux through a soil matrix from a non-diminishing source - mg,m2-day Vapor phase concentration of benzene at the source - mg/m3 Vapor phase diffusion coefficient through soil - m2/day Depth below ground surface of the contamination - 15 ft (4,9 m) Cv:: Dv= H= Cv = x PM w RT Where: x= Mole fraction of benzene in the free liquid hydrocarbon phase. It is assumed to be approximately equal to the weight fraction of benzene in residual 1,5 ppm benzene/2300 ppm TPH. The TPH value is the concentration at 55 ft. Pure benzene vapor pressure (atm) at temperature T - 0.10 atm Temperature (OK) - 298 oK Molecular weight of benzene - mg/mole - 78000 Universal gas constant - 8.2 X 10-5 m3 -atm/mole-oK p= T= Mw= R= · · · -1á.. c v = 2300 (0.10) (78000) = 207.9 mghn (8,21 X 10-5) (298) The following equations are derived from Millington -Quirks, _ (Da)(a3.33) Ds - T2 a = E-MB Where: Da= Diffusion coefficient of benzene in air - = 0,71 m2/day, This value is calculated after Fuller et al9 Soil air content Soil moisture content - 0.15 Porosity - 0.35 Soil bulk density - 2.0 Porosity -0.30 a= M= E= B= T= a = E-MB = 0.35 - (0,15)(2) = 0,05 D = (0,71 )(.053.33) = 9.4 X 10-5 m2/day s .35 Substituting C\" Os and H into the equation for steady-state flux: F = Cv Ds H -5 = (207,9)(9.4 X 10 ) = 3.9 X 10-3 mg/m2-day 4.9 BENZENE CONCENTRATION IN INDOOR AIR Knowing the vapor flux through the soil, an estimate can be made of the concentration of benzene in the indoor air of the fictitious building which might contains a volume of approximately 8600 ft3 (244 m3) given the sapce available, Benzene reaching the surface under the structure may enter the building through openings in the floor, for examlPle, cracks, joints and loose fitting pipes, The ratio of leakage to total floor area in the average California home is 2 - 10 cm2/m2 of floor area (Grimsrud et al )10. Commercial buildings built on concrete slabs would experience less leakage than residences with crawl spaces, therefore, the lower value of 2 . . . cm2/m2 is used in this analysis. The ventilation rate for the building is based on studies of Fisk et a111. They estimated that the average air exchange rate for residences at 0,5 - 0,9 air changes per hour. The most conservative low end value 0.5 is used, A retail business with numerous customers entering and leaving and equipped with modern ventilation systems would experience much higher exchange rates. The concentration of benzene in the indoor air is predicted by the equation: FA Cb =- Q Where: Cb= Indoor air concentration of benzene due to volatilization from the soil - mg/m3 Vapor flux through openings in the foundation - mg/m2- hr 3.9 X 10-3 mg/m2-day X 1 day/24 hr = 1.6 X 10-4 mg/m2-hr Leakage area = 2 cm2/m2 =0.0002 m2 openings/m2 floor area X 100 m2 floor area = 2,0 X 10-2 m2 Ventilation rate in building - m3/hr = 0.5 exchange rate/hr X 304 m3 building volume = 152 m3/hr F= A= Q= Cb = (1,6 X 10-4)(2,0 X 10-2) = 2,1 X 10-8mg/m3 152 RISK BY EXPOSURE In order to estimate the health risks associated with exposure to benzene, a very conservative approach was used based on a individual working at the business for an entire occupational lifetime of 45 years, 5 days a week and 50 weeks a year with an inhalation rate of 10 m3/hour. Total lifetime inhaled volume = 1.13 X 105 m3 Average daily volume = 4.4 m3/day Exposure is the product of contaminant concentration (Cb) and the air volume breathed calculated by the following equation: LADD = Cb AB Bw · · · Where: LADD = Cb= A= Lifetime Average Daily Dose - mg/kg-day Concentration of benzene in air = 5,5 X 10-8 mg/m3 Inhalation bioavailability (fraction of benzene inhaled) - 100% Average daily volume inhaled = 4,4 m3/day Body weight = 70 kg B= Bw== -8 LADD = (2.1 X 10 ) (1) (4.4) = 1.0 X 10-9 mg/kg-day 70 The carcinogenic risk associated with a specific exposure can be estimated by the following: R= P'E Where: R= P'= Risk associated with a specific exposure Benzene adjusted potency factor [mg/lifetime exposure]-1 = 1.63 X 10-8 per USEPA 1988 - derived from epidemological studies on cancer induced leukemia, Exposure = inhaled volume M3 X concentration E= R = (1.63 X 10-8)(1.13 X 105)(2,1X 10 -8) = 3.86X 1011