HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK .... , -~ f.··· r"'." - 7 .. ,'"1 Ç' f -- f !.:..,.. :,-1 .';.... ~...... ~ *-..t-~ . , ?ì~ , -"--,, e ..,..- Groundwater Scientists · Environmental Consultants -0 .... ...., April 18, 1994 ."- ..- Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 l.......__.···~-_..··-·· Attn: Ms, Flora Darling RE: Addendum to Closure Workplan for Remediation of Gasoline Impacted Soil at Pence Petroleum located at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Dear Ms, Darling: Pursuant to our phone conversation on April 8, 1994, the information you requested regarding the quantities of propane used and the volume of removed contaminants as follows. PROPANE USAGE DAŒ QUANTITY 09/24/92 114 gallons 09/14/93 142 gallons 1 2/16/93 194 gallons 12/17/93 169 gallons 01/10/94 174 gallons 02/07/94 193 gallons Total 986 gallons Note: Propane use records were obtained from Pence Petroleum files. INSITU CONTAMINANT REMOVAL An estimation of the final removal of hydrocarbons from the subsurface by the IC Engine was calculated using the ideal gas law, stated as follows; Ibs/day, = (ppm of constituent / E6)(lbs/lb-mole of constituent) (volume of air; cfm) (atm. pressure; psi) (144 sq. in.! sq. ft.) (60 min/hr) (hours run) divided by (1545) (temp,; deg. R), 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 101 · Bakersfield, California 93301 lonc:\ ']'0 not:." . L'AV (Ol"\t::\ '}10 11 1n - e The estimation of hydrocarbon volumes were also based on the following assumptions: Hydrocarbon concentrations necessary to maintain operation of IC Engine = 5000 ppmv Molecular weight of hydrocarbon = 86 Ib/lb-mole Vapor flow rate = 58 cubic feet/minute Standard conditions for temperature and pressure Density of hydrocarbons = 53 Ibs/cubic foot From the ideal gas law, an estimated 1.55 pounds of hydrocarbons vapors are removed and consumed per hour. This volume translates into the following hourly rate of usage: 1.55 Ibs/hour 53 Ib/cubic foot X 7.48 gallons 1 cubic foot = 0,22 gallonsl hour The YES machine has run for 9,561 hours since start-up of the equipment and has used 986 gallons of supplemental propane. Therefore, the machine has removed approximately 1,117.42 gallons from the subsurface (9,561 hours X 0.22 gallons/hour- 986 gallons of propane). Should you require additional information or wish to discuss this matter, please contact the undersigned, Respectfully Submitted, c/~ ~~~ Patrick McCullough Project Geologist, I ,'(-----1'~--· (/ ~ , .' M / ,/ " --_./', t' I // , i .I . {.../ ",-1/( .A/~0!J -7¡C;rð~ / :;-Philip GcÞþlwin, R.G, #4779 Principal" Hydrogeologist Registration Expires 6/30/94 _: ','-'-, . e -' j..-: ....- .- --- ....... ,~...._, ' -"-...,-- ~' .q e Groundwater Scientists · Environmental Consultants - ., Closure Workplan: Remediation of Gasoline Impacted Soil at Pence Petroleum Bakersfield, California Presented to: Mr, Robb Pence Pence Petroleum and Mrs. Flora Darling Kern County Department of Environmental Health Presented by: AquaGeosciences, Inc, March, 1994 --/~ , - c::?'~~~ - " / " /-. \ ", Patrick McCullough Staff Geologist /' \ ., I. '~" '\ ! J ,.. t ..--1/,' \. ---;'" .( i ,1,,' ." \, . J.' ,{}~<,.r..~!\.... Philip Goalwin, R,G. #4779 Principal Hydrogeologist Registration Expires 6/30/94 \ ., \ \. , ( Je-,,\ ( , , ~~: f3--C¿ / / / \ \. I.. \~, \' , \~- \ 1701 Westwínd Drive, Suite 101 · Bakersfield, California 93301 ,- .... -, - - - - - ~ - - . - - ,.... - -, ... -.... . - ... - e e TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE ~O, 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Purpose 2 1.2 Scope of Work 2 1.3 Schedule 4 2,0 BACKGROUND 4 2,1 Property Description 4 2.2 Project History 4 3.0 WORKPLAN 9 3,1 Soil Boring Depths and Locations 9 4.0 METHODS 9 4.1 Boring Methods 9 4.2 Soil Sampling 10 4.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples 10 4.4 Soil Analyses 11 5.0 HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT 11 6.0 CLEANUP TARGET CONCENTRATIONS 11 7.0 REPORT OF FINDINGS 12 8.0 SITE ABANDONMENT 12 9.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN 12 9.1 Sample Collection and Handling 12 Protocol 9.2 Sample Identification and Chain 12 of -Custody Protocol 9.3 Analytical Quality Assurance 13 10,0 SITE SAFETY PLAN 13 Exhibit 1 Vicinity Map Exhibit 2 Site Map/Boring Locations Appendix A Site Safety Plan 1 of 1 9 e e 1,0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose Based upon propane usage for the Vapor Extraction System, AGI recommends the following course of action: 1. Advance confirmation boring to establish the concentrations of residual gasoline fuel remaining throughout the plume, 2. Prepare a contaminant fate transport analysis and a health risk assessment prior to requesting regulatory closure of the site. 1.2 Scope of Work The scope of services described in the Workplan include: * Locating underground utilities from as-built drawings (if available) as well as Underground Service Alert (U.S,A.); * Advancing one (1) soil boring in the vicinity of the former gasoline storage tanks and associated underground piping; * The one boring will be advanced to a depth of 110 feet, or ten feet of clean (non-detect) soil, or until encountering groundwater; * Steam cleaning of all drilling and sampling equipment prior to the boring to minimize cross-contamination; * Collecting soil samples at depths to be evaluated in the field, Initially, samples will be collected at approximately five (5) foot intervals beginning ar five (feet) feet below ground surface (bgs) and continuing until total depth, The samples will be collected using a standard California split- spoon sampler equipped with brass tubes, which have been steam cleaned prior to use. These samples will be field screened and selected samples will be submitted for chemical analyses; * Field Screening will be accomplished using a photo-ionization detector (PID) equipped with a 10.0 eV lamp or a flame-ionizing detector (FID), Soil samples will be placed in mason jars to approximately 50% capacity, shaken, and let stand for approximately 15 minutes, A standard headspace reading will then be collected; 2 of 19 e e · Soil samples for chemical analyses will be collected in brass tubes and sealed with teflon tape, end caps and duct tape, The sealed tubes will be placed in a cooler at 4° centigrade for transport to Halcyon, a State of California OHS certified laboratory, under chain-of-custody protocol; * Analysis of approximately 22 soil samples for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline and volatile aromatics using EPA Methods 8015 modified and 5030/8020, respectively; * Prepare field boring logs with appropriate lithology descriptions, blow counts, PIO readings, etc, in accordance with ASTM Methodology and the Unified Soils Classification System; · Prepare a Risk Assessment to assess whether soil contamination may be left in place without threatening groundwater. AGI proposes using the SESOIL Model described in the Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Field Manual issued by the State of California LUFT Task Force. SESOIL is a mathematical model which simulates the long-term environmental fate of pollutants in the unsaturated zone, It can simulate movements of pollutants introduced into the vadose zone and predict the quantity of pollutants which may migrate to groundwater, The SESOIL simulation can also be used to evaluate emission rates at the soil surface of the site, Input parameters are similar to those used to determine groundwater risk. * AGI will prepare a Health Risk Assessment for benzene, a volatile aromatic constituent in gasoline which poses the most concern from a human health standpoint. The Health Risk Assessment will be conducted in accordance with the methods described in the Toxic Air Pollutant Source Assessment Manual for California Air Pollution Control Oistrict Permits (known as the CAPCOA Manuãl),_ Cancer risk for benzene is evaluated using the emission rates calculated from the SESOIL Model and the resultant ambient air concentrations from the CAPCOA guidelines. · Prepare a written report summarizing the results of the investigation including conclusions and recommendations, Additionally, a summary of the Risk Assessment which will include all input assumptions and variables used in the calculations will be presented, The report will be certified by a California RegiStered Geologist. It should be noted that preparation of this assessment and its subsequent certification by a registered geologist does not automatically assure approval for closure, but provides a quantitative evaluation of the risk to human health for further evaluation by the State, 3 of 19 e e 1,3 Schedule AquaGeosciences, Inc. anticipates beginning work described herein within one week upon approval from the County and authorization to proceed from Mr, Robb Pence, The soil boring can be drilled and sampled in approximately two working days. The analytical data will be reported within two weeks of field work completion and the report will be completed within one month after receipt of the analytical results, 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Property Description The site, known as Pence Petroleum Company, is located at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, on the southeast corner of East Truxtun and Beale Avenues in Bakersfield, California (Exhibit 1), The property parcel number is APN 017-160-07-00-0, The property is currently unoccupied and was formerly operated as Pence Automated Fuels by the Pence Petroleum Company. Prior to 1986, the site was owned by Davies Oil, Bakersfield, California, and was used as an automated cardlock fueling station, Exhibit 2 shows the former locations of the site facilities, as well as the former borings and existing wells, Positioned to the south-southeast of downtown Bakersfield, land use surrounding the site is varied in nature ranging from Light and Service Industrial to High Residential as indicated by the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan - East Map (3-7-90, updated 10-14091), On three sides (north, west, and south) the site abuts public streets (East Truxtun, Beale, and East 18th Street, respectively), To the east, at 985 East Truxtun, is Signet Hardware, Inc. Residential areas lie to the south and southeast of the site. 2.~~ Project History In 1986 Pence Petroleum purchased the site from Davies Oil of Bakersfield. On November 1, 1989, two (2) 6,000-gallon underground gasoline storage tanks, one (1) 10,000-gallon underground gasoline storage tank, one dispenser island and associated product lines were removed from Pence Petroleum's Automated Fuels Cardlock. Soil samples were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the former tanks at the time of their removal. Table 1 summarizes the results of the laboratory analyses of the soil samples reported in the Associated Soils Analysis, Inc., Site Assessment Study of December 28, 1990, on file with the County, 4 of 19 SAMfLE LOCATION P1-2' P2-6' P3-2' P4-6' P5-2' P6-6' P7-2' P8-6' P9-2' P10-6' P11-2' P12-6' P13-2' P14-6' P15-2' P16-S' TEST METHOD: Minimum Reporting Levels: NO e e TABLE 1 Summary of Laboratory Analyses Tanks and Fuel Island Removal November 1, 1989 (Soil in ppm) Benzene Toluene Xylenes Ethvl-Benzene IEI:iLgl 0.28 4.17 42.98 5.20 534.09 r-i) 0.38 8.51 0.84 127.88 NO r-v 0.84 0.09 47.60 NO r-v 0.24 r-v 27.90 ..I 23.81 350,69 888.24 88.56 4550.10 58.81 588.24 1543.82 213.32 8843.63 .¡ NO r-v NO t-.O NO NO NO 0.72 0.05 31.52 2.40 48.95 222.26 14.10 1719.31 ) 10.63 136.03 630.24 53.35 3491.08 J tÐ 0.10 0.33 0.02 6.93 NO 0.03 0.16 NO fII) NO fII) 0.11 f\D 11.85 NO ND NO NO ND NO ND NO ND r-v NO 0.54 2.32 0.26 65.55 TPH as gasoline by DHS LUFf Method a015m and BTEX by EPA Method 8020 BTEX 0.03 uglg TPH 5.0 ug/g Non-Detected The laboratory results indicated that the soil was impacted with petroleum fuel, with the highest concentrations of petroleum constituents detected at the eastern ends of the former tanks, Based upon these results, on March 2, 1990 the County requested a site characterization to assess the extent of impacted soil. Subsequent to the request, Associated Soils Analysis Inc, (ASA) advanced four soil borings to a maximum depth of 120 feet below surface grade (bsg). Boring B-3 was advanced in the vicinity of the former product line, believed to have originated the release, and -detected a maximum concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) of 24,000 mg/kg at a depth of 50 feet (bsg), B-3 was terminated at a depth of 80 feet (bsg) with TPHg concentrations of 4,700 mg/kg, Boring B-3A, advanced ten feet to the west of B-3, detected various concentrations of TPHg ranging between non detect to 0.62 between a depth of 90 to 120 feet (bsg), Chemical analyses of these borings are summarized in Table 2 and reported in the Associated Soils Analysis, Inc" Site Assessment Study of December 28, 1990, on file with the County. 5 of 19 e e TABLE 2 Laboratory Results of Soils-Associated Soils Analysis Inc. Investigation July 9 & 10 and November 6 and 7,1990 ßgrlng, Dig1h Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene ~ IW B2 11 I\D I\D NO NO t\O B2 16 ND NJ NO NO t\O B2 26 I\D t\O NO f\[) ND B2 36 0.013 0.028 NO 0.0178 NO B2 51 0.29 0.49 0.030 0.179 5.2 B3 11 fin 49 13 184 1800 83 31 : 21 340 78 480 4200 B3 51 I ~~ I 2000 400 2430 24000 B3 71 1600 350 12080 18000 B3 81 ~ 370 97 600 4700 B3A 90 0.061 0.006 0.069 0.022 0.54 B3A 95 0.073 0.062 0.38 0.31 2.2 B3A 100 0.008 0.006 0.023 0.018 f'.D B3A 105 0.032 0.32 0.17 0.16 1.3 B3A 110 7.0 ¡ t\O 11 NO t\O B3A 115 0.01 0.01 0.042 0.05 0.62 B3A 120 0.041 0.052 0.28 0.27 2 84 75 0.078 0.009 NO 0.023 /II) B4 85 0.18 0.19 0.025 0.057 0.82 B4 95 0.38 0.05 0.22 0.18 2.0 B4 105 0.3 0.35 0.13 0.11 1.5 B4 110 I\D f'.D ND NO f'.D B4 115 NO t.{) NO NO NO 84 120 NO t.{) NO NO I\D All results in milligrams per kilogram ND '= tiot.D.ellàld The Phase I assessment work performed by ASA did not delineate the vertical limit of hydrocarbon impacted soil beneath the probable product line release, nor was the study able to define the lateral limits of the plume towards the north, east, or south of the site, Th& County requested an additional investigation to assess the lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil. In August, 1991 AquaGeosciences, Inc. (AGI) advanced four borings in compliance with the County's request and completed the borings as vapor extraction/inlet wells, The borings were advanced to varying depths ranging between 40 to 105 feet (bsg), Table 3 summarizes the laboratory analyses of select soil samples collected from the soil borings, 6 of 19 - e ~ Laboratory Results of Soils-AquaGeosciences Inc. Investigation August 21 through 30, 1991 ß2J:ing, Qggtb Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene ~ IW VI-1 25 183.750 421.220 82.1 05 984.220 15000 VI-1 40 73.505 168.210 31.215 492,015 6625 VI·1 55 91.875 210.000 42.310 615.010 7420 VI·1 70 61.250 140.000 27.010 322.975 5105 VE·1 65 200.335 505.075 92.015 1105.125 17220 VE-1 85 147.310 323.015 52.710 779.875 12910 VE-1 100 0.995 1.210, 0.275 4.225 125 VE-1 105 NO t-l) NO NO t-i)' VE·2 35 0.335 1.010 0.105 2.220 120 VE-2 50 12.220 28.885 5.500 103.775 1850 VE-2 60 2.210 9.055 0.875 12.150 375 VE-:2 80 ND NO t-l) NJ 30 VE-3 10 t-i) t-l) NO 0.105 80 VE-3 15 1.115 20.210 0.725 9.990 320 VE-3 20 11.775 26.210 3.330 88.845 1250 VE·3 30 17.200 50.270 7.710 161.075 1825 All results in milligrams per kilogram ND = HotlletectBd Elevated concentrations of TPHg were encountered to a depth of approximately 100 feet (bsg) in boring VE-1. The extraction well borings were positioned within the .. vicinity of highest concentrations of soil contamination and completed with 30 to 40 feet of screen over intervals selected on the basis of field screening results to initiate a soil vapor extraction remediation program, An internal combustion engine was manifolded to the extraction wells to extract and destroy the hydrocarbons contained in the soil vapor, AGI recommended the installation of additional air/vapor inlet wells to enhance recovery of bydrocarbon vapors in the soil. On October 13 and 14, 1993, AGI advanced three borings and completed the borings as vapor inlet wells. The analytical results are listed below in Table 4. These inlet wells were designed to sweep contaminants toward the present vapor extraction wells, 7 of 19 e e tj:i:¡:::¡:~:iI:¡¡)¡:j::::¡t:¡:::¡I:¡:i:j:¡I:¡II)i:j@::i::¡:Itr:¡:::j:::::¡:::¡:I::m¡:¡:::::j:jm::¡:::¡~ TAB LE 4j::::@::@:::¡::::[::::t:::¡:::¡:;¡:¡:::::¡¡:¡:::::¡:¡:t:¡:::¡fi:¡:::i:¡:::tjI'¡:¡I:j:j¡j:¡:::!:!:::!I:::j:!I:::::i:i:j¡!:!:¡¡::¡¡¡:¡j:!:i:j¡!¡::i:j:::!¡!:j:j:j¡!:!:::j:!:i:it:m¡ SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS OF SOIL SAMPLES FROM SOILS INVESTIGATION" ::¡::::::¡::::ft:t::~:¡:::::::¡I::::::~~::I::::::::::::::::~¡¡:~:~::¡::::::::::::~:~j::I::::::::::::~::~::ij~~*¡¡;:~:t~::::~~:~~~::::~¡::I~,~:¡:;:~::,::~::~;:i:f::::::~:::;:¡::!~::::::~~:I::::::I:::~:~:~~:~::j::~j::I::::~iI::::~i::~~i:::::j:j:I:::I;:~!~:~::i~::::::::j¡~¡::~:¡;:::i¡:::¡::II:::{j~:¡:~¡:¡:¡¡:¡::!:¡::¡¡: Borina VI·4 VI-5 VI-6 Ethyl Total Samcle Oecth(ft) Benzene Toluene Benzene Xvlene V-4-35 36-36 5 NO NO NO NO V-4-45 46-46 5 o 12 0,53 o 32 1 0 V-4-50 51-51.5 NO NO NO NO V-4-60 61-61 5 o 78 2.0 NO 4,3 V-4-65 66·66 5 NO NO ND NO V-4-70 71-715 0.023 0,022 NO o 021 V-4-85 86-86,5 NO NO NO NO V-4-95 96-96,5 NO NO NO NO V-5-15 16-16 5 NO 0,33 o 74 3 9 V-5-20 21-215 NO 2.3 3,2 9,5 V-5-30 31-315 0,2 3 7 2.5 1 1 V-5-40 41-415 NO 1 0 NO 22 V-6-25 26-26 5 NO NO NO NO V-6-35 36-36 5 NO NO NO NO V-6-40 41-41,5 NO NO NO NO V-6-45 46-46 5 NO NO NO o 01 V-6-50 51-515 NO NO NO NO V-6-55 56-56.5 NO 0.009 NO o 015 V-6-70 71-715 NO NO NO NO V-6-80 81-815 NO NO NO NO " Results reported in mg/kg (ppm) TPH (Gas' 31 200 NO / 1000 , NO 0,7 NO NO 810 910 J 1200 " 5200./ NO NO 1 8 0,5 NO 3,9 NO NO ~ From October 15, 1993 through December, 1993, the machine ran almost exclusively on processed -soil vapors and required very little supplemental propane. Beginning in early December, 1993 propane usage increased dramatically indicating that the concentration of the soil vapors had decreased. At this time the machine was shut down for a period of one week to allow soil vapors to reaccumulate. The machine was then restarted. Propane use was low for one day and then increased dramatically. This cY9ling ~s conducted three times from December, 1993 through January, 1994, // each time propane use was exceedingly high; therefor inion that soil ../ por concentrations have decreased to a concentration that warrants a confirmatory s6ìf boring. ---------- The following sections detail AGl's workplan for this confirmatory sampling and potential request for site closure. 8 of 19 e e 3.0 WORKPLAN AquaGeosciences, Inc, proposes to assess and evaluate the remediation by vapor extraction of gasoline and BTEX impacted soil at the Pence site toward obtaining final closure, The proposed confirmatory sampling program is designed to meet the closure requirements of the Kern County Environmental Health Services (KCEHS) and to address any remaining public health concerns by conducting a Health Risk Assessment with data derived from a site specific calibrated SESOll model of surface emission/vadose diffusion/and groundwater transport of the primary constituent of concern, which is benzene. 3,1 Soil Boring Depths and locations One (1) soil borings will be advanced to a depth of approximately 110 feet. Soil samples will be collected at five (5) foot intervals beginning at five (5) feet and continuing to a proposed depth of 110 feet. Should field screening indicate the presence of hydrocarbons, drilling will continue until groundwater is encountered or, ten feet of unimpacted soil is detected, The proposed locations are shown on Exhibit 2. The location has been chosen to provide roughly continuous hydrocarbon concentration data in the area where pre· remediation concentrations were the highest. Confirmation Boring C-1 will be centrally located in the impacted soil plume between boring VE-1 and B-3, The highest concentrations of petroleum constituents were detected at these locations during the initial investigations. 4.0 METHODS The following sections will describe in detail the methods to be employed in implementing this workplan, - 4.1 Boring Methods The borings will be advanced using aCME 75 rig, or equivalent, with a six inch or larger diameter hollow stem continuous flight auger in accordance with ASTM Method o 1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings, The augers will be steam cleaned prior to drilling each boring. The lithology and other pertinent data will be recorded on a field boring log in accordance with Method D 2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils, 9 of 1 9 e e Cuttings and other spoil from the borings will be placed in appropriate O,Q,T, approved, 55·gallon drums until verified, with analytical results, whether or not the soil is contaminated, If the material is contaminated, a written plan will be submitted by the facility operator to the County for their approval before treatment and/or disposal occurs, Disposal will be the responsibility of the Facility operator and will occur within 90 days of completion of drilling, / Backfilling of the boring will be accomplished by pouring a cement/bentonite slurry. If contaminants are not found or suspected in this boring, backfilling will take place by placing native soil into the borehole and capping with a cement/bentonite plug, 4.2 Soil Sampling Soil samples will be collected through the auger in 2-inch diameter brass sleeves driven in a split spoon sampler by a 140 pound hammer with a 30-inch drop in accordance with ASTM Methods 01586-84 for split-barrel sampling of soil and 01587- 83 for thin-walled tube sampling of soils. The brass sleeves and sampler will be steam cleaned prior to each use, Soil samples will be driven at depths of 5 foot intervals in each boring to a total depth of 110 feet. The blow counts, recovery, and lithology will be recorded on the field logs, lithology will be described by an experienced environmental geologist under the direct supervision of a California Registered Geologist in accordance with ASTM procedure 02488-84 (Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils), One brass sleeve with soil from each interval will be sealed with teflon tape, capped, secured with duct tape, labeled in accordance with EPA protocols, recorded on a chain-of-custody form, placed in a cooler at 4° centigrade or less, and transported to a California Certified Laboratory with the chain-of-custody for the specified analyses, 4.3 Field Screening of son Samples Soil samples will be collected using three six-inch brass tubes installed inside a split- spoon samplér. The middle sample tube will be immediately sealed and prepared for transport, and stored in an iced c..ler upon collection. The bottom tube will be used for lithologic description, and the top tube will be used for field screening, The material from the top tube will be placed in a mason jar to approximately 50 percent capacity, shaken, and stored for a period of 15 minutes. A standard heads pace reading will be collected at this time and noted on the boring log. Field screening will be accomplished using a photo-ionization detector (PI D). Additionally, on-site chemical analyses, using an SRI Instruments Gas Chromatograph (GC) in AGl's Mobile Laboratory, will be performed during field operations, 1 0 of 19 e e 4.4 Soil Analyses Approximately twenty two (22) soil samples will be analyzed by Halcyon Laboratories, a California State Certified Laboratory in accordance with state guidelines and EPA protocols. The number of samples analyzed will be determined by the total depth of the boring; however, a sample of each five (5) foot interval will be submitted for analysis, The samples will be analyzed for fuel hydrocarbons as gasoline and volatile aromatics using EPA methods 8015 Modified and 5030/8020, respectively. The detection limits for TPH as gasoline will be 0.5 mglkg and for BTEX, 0,005 mg/kg. 5.0 HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT Once the remnant gasoline concentrations have been evaluated, a Health Risk Assessment will be conducted to demonstrate the residual levels that may be left in place without significant risk to human health or the environment. The Health Risk Assessment will be performed according to the methods described in Sections 2 and 3 of the October 1, 1987 draft of the Toxic Air Pollutant Source Assessment Manual for California Air Pollution Control District Permits (known as the CAPCOA Manual). The objective is to demonstrate that the residually impacted soil may be left in place, Therefore, the assessment will focus on exposures due to non-inhalation pathways, such as soil ingestion, as well as, surface water and groundwater ingestion, The inhalation exposure due to the residual gasoline fuel remaining is expected to be minuscule and need not be pursued beyond a screening level unless initial estimates indicate a substantial risk from this exposure pathway, AGI proposes using the SESOIL Model described in the Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Field Manual issued by the State of California LUFT Task Force, SESOIL is a mathematical model whiçh simulates the long-term environmental fate and transport of pollutants in the unsaturated (vadose) zone. It can simulate movements of pollutants introduced into the vadose zone and predict the amount of pollutants which will enter the -groundwater. The SESOIL model can also be used to simulate emission rates at the surface of the site. Input parameters are similar to those used to determine groundwater. 6.0 CLEANUP TARGET CONCENTRATIONS Cleanup target concentrations for gasoline and purgeable aromatics in soil are 1000 part per million (ppm) fer TPHg and 1,0 ppm for BTEX with laboratory detection limits of 0.5 ppm TPHd and 0.005 ppm BTEX. 11 of 19 e e 7,0 REPORT OF FINDINGS A report of findings will be prepared which will detail field activities, analytical results, discussion of analytical results, conclusions, and recommendations. The report will also include a summary of the Health Risk Assessment which will contain all input parameters, assumptions and variables used in the calculations. The report of findings will recommend what further action, if necessary, may be required, If additional work is warranted, the scope of the additional work will be specified in the report, The report of findings will be certified by a California Registered Geologist. 8,0 SITE ABANDONMENT PROCEDURES Abandonment of operations at the subject site requires the removal of surface facilities, as well as the destruction and/or cementation of all vapor extraction and inlet wells. to include the following points: * Piping will be disconnected from the Vapor Extraction System and well heads; * The Vapor Extraction machine and piping will be loaded onto a trailer and removed from the site; * Upon approval from the County, the Vapor Extraction wells (VE-1 through VE-3) and Vapor Inlet wells (VI-4 througmyl-6) will be destroyed by removing the well head extensions and backfilling the casing and screen from total depth to surface'grade with neat cement. 9,0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN This section describes field and--analytical quality-assurance procedures to be followed during the investigation and remediation. 9,1 Sample Collection and Handling Protocol Proper soil sample coHection and handling are essential to assure quality of data obtained from a sample. Each soil sample, therefore, will be collected in a brass tube, properly preserved for the intended analysis, and analyzed within the permissible holding time, Protocol to be applied in this project is described in Section 4, 9.2 Sample Identification and Chain-of-Custody Protocol Sample identification and chain-of-custody procedures are designed to assure sample quality and to document sample possession from the time of collection to the time of its ultimate disposal. The container for each sample submitted for analysis will have a 1 2 of 19 e e label affixed with the identifying number or the number will be inscribed directly on the container, Additional information, such as, location, the depth of collection, sampler, and date and time of collection will be included on the label. The analytical laboratory will assign a separate sample number unique to that sample for internal sample coordination and identification, A description of the sample including the sample number and other pertinent information regarding its collection and/or geologic significance will be written in field notes and/or a geologic boring log being prepared by the site geologist. These field documents will be kept in a permanent project file. All samples will be analyzed by a State certified laboratory for the requested parameters, A properly completed chain-of-custody form will be submitted to the analytical laboratory along with the sample{s) and the laboratory's assigned number will be properly entered on the form, A quality control officer at the laboratory will verify integrity of samples submitted, proper sample volume, correctness of containers used, and properly executed chain-of-custody form, Pertinent information will be entered into a log book kept by the laboratory, 9.~1 Analytical Quality Assurance In addition to routine calibration of analytical instruments with standards and blanks, the analyst is required to run duplicates and spikes on 10 percent of analyses to assure an added measure of reliability and precision, Accuracy is verified through the following: 1. U,S, EPA and State certification of results; 2, Participation in inter-laboratory round robin program; 3, "Blind" samples are submitted for analysis by the quality control officer on a weekly basis. These are prepared from National Bureau of Standards specifications of EPA reference standards; 4. Verification of results with an alternative method, 10.0 SITE SAFETY PLAN Appendix A contains a Site Safety Plan which complies with Worker Right to Know Regulations and CCR Title 26, 1 3 of 19 ---!.!....,;3 r-. '-... . §-.."" --.ø ... ........ Ht1JI1fT AI.. . ST -L ':I ~ ' .. $.....-ø ,",,~ST ';ii, _ ...y~ Ž IA M"'"+ iF'- ' q,-.;I -.,. - v'f "'-,,- - OMAN .!:PM4.....-. .,y-. /'~- 'tlHf .' .,y ~ I!HOm :;; z o I'\.OWR ~ ouwCr e MOfIC OUGON I 'ØDST .GiL.:;; ; ST::;; 22ND ST , 2Îsr !.. ¡ ST; COiIUIIMTY1 i =2ImI:;~. ~ ST ~ ¡ ~mI I '.CIIHNIHGKÙI . 11TH i sri _ II ilfDlU( I - I ,,~ IUIG¡ '7nf > i .',_ . ; T1IUXTUN j t e :.u-. ¡. ¡== ., O\'IC~ ""1 AUDfItIIIIUII ' í i ~ ~ ¡ I, I ! ... ! ~ sr' ! I ' ~= ¡ c, I i .0; 0 $1'1- I ! ~ i 2 i ... .. I I I IIUNDAGI_ :;;;. "_0. Š :!! & æ .- ~ ~ OIðWÞST 1::;; ~ .:L;~~~·~_ _ - nNd) 011 - ..;; J'itu¡¡z¡: I ..:t-~ 5 JI.~~.wtJ 'L , c,- . W'T ".. ..~ ""-_ ''!'OIIJOOUS( "lIoi.. OUIUL.I. . .;- MOIII ~ :; _'" Q ~"VI . rsdII Q :: :at.'CIIU.- 2 -~ î;; -i 'fUZ ~ .. ~ ! _ . MeHfW CT _ ~ ~ 3 .. .!I'I 0 S .... ~ . ~ .. CoUINON A'" ~ ~ ~ . ~ -;:;:---'-- -....0 rowtl =--_ i SMmI ST ! ST 'I i ~ c œ ~'I' ~TtWA' 011 5 ,:<c i 1_.. I~ _ DANlfL5 'cIoI .. --- ~M~ ! ! i I I ! II I AauaGeoscjences Inc 1701 Yt·~~¡~··..,.md Driv~ Suite- 10::: Sðker$i;~Jd, !:a:ifornia 93ZC ~ To?Iepf\oM. (30~) ~Za-0'76:: r ~x 328-11 29 ~it:r: E;~ hi bH Pence ?etr!)1eurn 5~ker3f;eld ::.j1j~orni:'3 , I \/ H: I N I T'..' ;1 A P I I o SI\IIDht N ~ Dirt Lot East Truxtun Avenue Sidewalk Fence Line / Approximate location of former underground tanks B-4 . ~ I Scale 1" = 10' o --.J 20 5 10 15 AquaGeosciences, Inc, 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax: (805) 32801129 Sidewalk VE-2 o Q) c co Q. B-2 . SlgHost Vapor Extraction Unit B- A VE-3 o VI-1 o B-3 VI-6 . Proposed Confirmation Boring VE-1 o Approximate location of dispenser island VI-5 · \ Approximate limit of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil Key e Testhole Borings o Vapor Extraction Wells · Vapor Inlet Wells · Confirmation boring o Pole Anchor Title pence PetroklluD 901 E, Truxtun Bakersfield, California SITE MAP Exhibit :§ a c ~ æ 2 e e APPENDIX A SITE SAFETY PLAN Introduction: A Site Safety Plan (SSP) has been designed to address safety provisions needed during the confirmation boring, Its purpose is to provide established procedures to protect all on-site personnel from direct skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion of potentially hazardous materials that may be encountered at the site, The SSP establishes personnel responsibilities, personal protective equipment standards decontamination procedures, and emergency action plans. AquaGeosciences, Inc. seeks to enter property described above for the purpose of conducting a confirmation boring consisting of one (1) boring to evaluate the residual contamination of the soH, Soils samples will be collected at five-foot intervals during exploratory drilling using a California modified split-spoon sampler through a hollow-stem auger, All possible efforts will be made to collect undisturbed samples, Each sample to be chemically analyzed will be collected in a brass sleeve, capped with lined plastic lids, sealed with tape, and placed on ice in a cooler immediately. All Chain-of-Custody protocol will be followed, Drilling equipment will be brought to the site and operated by a subcontractor: Soils Engineering, Inc, 4700 District Boulevard Bakersfield,. California 93313 C-57 License Number 253192 The SSP describes means for protecting all on-site personnel from deleterious contamination or personal injury while conducting on-site activities, As described below we will meet all requirements promulgated by the California Department of Health Services, Site Background: This property is owned by Mr. Robb Pence, located at 901 E. Truxtun Ave" Bakersfield, California. The facility contained two (2) 6,000-gallon underground gasoline storag,e tank and one (1) 10,000-gallon underground gasoline storage tanks. 1 4 of 1 9 e e Responsibilities of Key Personnel: All personnel on site will have assigned responsibilities. Mr, Patrick McCullough of AquaGeosciences, Inc, will serve as Project Manager and On-Site Geologist. He will also serve as Site Safety Officer (SSO), As SSO, Mr. McCullough will assure that on-site personnel have received a copy of SSP. Personnel will be required to document their full understanding of the SSP before admission to the site, Compliance with the SSP will be monitored at all times by the SSO. The SSO will conduct a training session to assure that all are aware of safe work practices, In the training session, personnel will be made aware of hazards at the site and will utilize Material Safety Date Sheets for information on compounds to be encountered, Mr, Patrick McCullough will also be responsible for keeping field notes, collecting and securing samples, and assuring sample integrity by adherence to Chain-of-Custody protocol. On-site employees will take reasonable precautions to avoid unforeseen hazards. After documenting understanding of the SSP, each on-site employee will be responsible for strict adherence to all points contained herein, Any deviation observed will be reported to the SSO and corrected. On-site employees are held responsible to perform only those tasks for which they believe they are qualified, Provisions of this SSP are mandatory and personnel associated with on-site activities will adhere strictly hereto. Job Hazard Analysis: Hazards likely to be encountered on site include those commonly encountered when operating any mechanical equipment, such as the danger of falling objects or moving machinery. - Simple precautions will reduce or eliminate risks associated with operating such equipmént. A drilling contractor has been employed to deliver and operate all drilling equipment. Qualified personnel only will have any contact with this equipment. All on- site personnel, including the drilling contractor and his employees, are required to wear hard hats when in close proximity to drilling equipment. Latex gloves will be worn by persons collecting or handling samples to prevent exposure to contaminants, Gloves will be changed between samples, and used ones discarded, to avoid cross- contamination. Proper respiratory equipment will be worn if vapor contamination levels on site exceed action levels as determined using a PID, Action levels requiring respiratory apparatus will be 5 ppm, in the breathing space. 1 5 of 19 e e Furthermore, no on-site smoking, open flame, or sparks will be permitted in order to prevent accidental ignition. Risk Assessment Summary: Exposure to chemicals anticipated on site include gasoline, and benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX). These chemicals represent a hazard because they are moderately to extremely toxic and most are highly flammable, Threshold Limit Values (TLV's), Short Term Exposure Limits (STEL's), and Toxicity levels (LD50, oral-rat), all in mg/kg (ppm), are listed below: Compound TLV STEL Gasoline 200 300 Benzene 10 25 Toluene 100 150 Xylene 100 150 Toxicity 4894 5000 4300 Benzene is considered an extreme cancer hazard. Exposure Monitoring Plan: A Photo-Ionization Detector (PID) will be used to monitor vapor concentrations around the site, Should concentrations exceed TLV's, protective measures will be taken. Passive dosimeter badges will be placed in downwind locations if PID reading indicate high levels of volatile organics in the breathing space. Personal Protective Equipment: Personnel on site will have access to respirators with organic vapor cartridges. Replacement cartridges will be available on site as needed. When handling samples, the on-site geologist will wear latex gloves, Hard hats will be worn by all personnel on site when in proximity of drilling equipment. Work Zones and Security Measures: Access to the site will be restricted to authorized personnel. A set of cones, placards, or wide yellow tape, surrounding the site will define the perimeter, The Project Manager will be responsible for site security 16 of 19 e e Decontamination Measures: Avoidance of contamination whenever possible is the best method for protection, Common sense dictates that on-site personnel avoid sitting, leaning, or placing equipment on possibly contaminated soil. All personnel will be advised to wash their hands, neck, and face with soap and water before taking a break or leaving the site, Respirators will be washed with soap and water following each day's use, Drilling and sampling equipment used will be decontaminated by steam- cleaning, Sampling equipment will be decontaminated before each sample is taken and drilling equipment will be decontaminated before each boring is commenced. General Safe Work Practices: Drillers and other on-site personnel will be briefed each day in "tailgate" meetings as to the day's goals and equipment to be used, Anticipated contaminants and emergency procedures will be reviewed, Appropriate personal protective equipment will be put on and verified correct by SSO, including respirator fit. Drilling and sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before being brought on site. Split-spoon sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before each use. Augers will be steam-cleaned between borings, The On-Site Geologist will oversee operations and log borings in consultation with drillers. The Sample Coordinator will assure that proper protocol is used at all times in collecting and handling samples, Training Requirements: The SSO will conduct a pre-site training session which will include all points of MSDS forms, - contaminant properties, warning signs, health hazard data, risk from exposure, and emergency first aid, The SSO will assure that everyone fully understands site hazards, Medical Surveillance Program: 1- According to CFR 29, 1910,120, Paragraph (f), employees who wear respirators 30 days or more during one year or who have been exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards above established permissible exposure limits are required to be monitored medically, All site personnel will be required to have had a complete chemical physiçal within the past year. 17 of 1 9 e e Record Keeping: Documentation will be kept on personnel exposed to contaminant hazards on the job site according to OSHA regulations, These will include documentation that employees have received training on the SSP, respiratory protection, MSDS forms, and all emergency procedures, These will be reviewed during the pre-site training meeting, Exposure records on each job will be kept for 30 years to meet requirements. Included will be names and social security number of employees, medical evaluation, on-the-job logs from entry to exit, first aid administered, visits on site by outside persons, and personal air monitoring records. Contingency Plans: In the event of accident, injury, or other emergency, the Project Director, Senior Project Manager, or other person will notify appropriate government agencies or individuals as follows: 1 . Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 Contact: Ms. Flora Darling 2. Police, Fire, or Ambulance emergency 911 3, Nearest Emergency Hospital: Kern Medical Center 1830 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 (805) 326-2000 18 of 1 9 e e Emergency Numbers for AquaGeoscienC9s, Inc, personnel: Mr, Patrick McCullough of AGI will serve as Project Manager and On-Site Geologist. He may be contacted at the work site by calling the following numbers: Pager: (805) 632-0103 Car Phone: (805) 838-0842 In case of an emergency, you may contact Mr. Phil Goalwin, R.G, of AGI at the following numbers: Office: (805) 328-0962 Car Phone: (805) 838-7735 Home: (805) 664-0876 1 9 of 1 9 - - ~,./ I J ___T "\ _, .... "., ,-~ , ~-- <:... ~- . :- :'-': '-0" ~. ~~ ,~_ ~:......:.. .1 .."'I . e Groundwater Scientists · Environmentl! Consultants ,REVISED CLOSURE REPORT OF GASOLINE IMPACTED SOIL AT PENCE PETROLEUM BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PRESENTED TO MR. ROBERT PENCE PENCE PETROLEUM AND MRS, FLORA DARLING KERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PRESENTED BY AQUAGEOSCIENCES, INC, NOVEMBER, 1994 Î "/ . ~ "./Ú / / C:¡(?¿t~~ ¿-, é)M;Øt¿_-2'/l¿~ PATRICK MCCULLOUGH CLAUS L. ENGELHARDT STAFF GEOLOGISTS (I\) f) ~I \J~LV-t~6< . PHILIP G LWIN, R.G, # 9 PRINCIPA HYDROGEOLOGIST REGISTRATION EXPIRES 11/11/96 4440 Grissom Street, Suite 100 · Bakersfield, California 93313 (805) 836-8100 · FAX (805) 836-8800 (800) 301-4244 e e TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO, 1,0 INTRODUCTION 2 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 3,0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3 4.0 SITE GEOLOGY 7 5.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES 8 5.1 Boring Methods 8 5,2 Soil Sampling 8 5.3 Field Screening ot Soil Samples 9 5,4 Soil Analyses 9 6.0 FINDINGS 9 7.0 RISK ANALYSIS - GROUNDWATER 10 8.0 RISK ANALYSIS - SURFACE ENVIRONMENT 16 8,1 Summary ot Risk Analysis tor Benzene 16 8.2 Risk Analysis tor Benzene 17 9.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 21 10,0 LIMITATIONS 21 11,0 REFERENCES 21 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Tables 1-5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Vici nity Map Site Map/Boring Locations Aerial View ot Plume Cross-Section A-Ä Cross-Section B-B' Boring Log C-1 In Text Leaching Potential Analysis General Risk Appraisal Benzene Environmental Fate Worksheet Toluene Environmental Fate Worksheet Ethylbenzene Environmental Fate Worksheet Xylene Environmental Fate Worksheet Appendix A Site Assessment Lab Reports and Chain-ot-Custody Appendix B Additional Inlet Wells - Lab Reports and Chain-ot-Custody Appendix C Contirmation Boring - Lab Reports and Chain-ot-Custody Appendix D Acceptable Cumulative Soil Contamination Levels - BTEX 1 e e 1,() INTRODUCTION Gasoline impacted soils were discovered during the removal of three underground tanks in November 1989 at the Pence Petroleum Company facilities at 901 East Truxtun Avenue in Bakersfield, California, Subsequently, a series of assessment borings were drilled at the site during several site visits, A gasoline' plume was defined centered at the eastern end of the former tank cluster, The vertical extent of the plume was determined to be approximately 120 feet below grade while laterally significant contamination was interpreted to extend 25 to 30 feet from the plume's center, although hydrocarbons were detected in borings beyond those limits. Published data indicates first groundwater under the site at a depth of approximately 200 feet. Remediation was initiated by AquaGeosciences, Inc. in October 1991 with the installation of four vapor extraction and/or inlet wells, each screened through a section of the impacted soil interval. The wells were eventually connected to a vapor ex1raction system (VES) utilizing an internal combustion engine (IC) to provide the motive power to pull vapors from the wells and which used the vapors as fuel. Catalytic converters provided air pollution control and supplemental propane fuel was used as required in the latter stages of remediation. Additional vapor extraction/inlet wells were installed In October 1993 to enhance the efficiency of the system and by early 1994 decreasing influent concentrations and increased propane usage signaled the end of the remediation process. A confirmation boring was drilled at the center of the most impacted area to a total depth of 110 feet in May 1994. Samples were collected at five foot intervals and all were chemically analyzed for BTEX and TPH as gasoline. Gasoline constituents were detected in most samples, but at concentrations considerable reduced as compared with pre-remediation levels. The analytical results were used to prepare risk analyses for groundwater and human health (due to inhalation of potential vapors reaching the suriace) because of the hydrocarbons left in place, The results indicated minimal risks and site closure was recommended in a Closure Report dated June 1994. This recommendation was accepted by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services, however additional analysis, particularly of the consequences of the remaining TPH concentrations was requested, This report is a revised and expanded copy of the original submitted addressing those concerns. 2.0 BACKGROUND Three underground gasoline tanks (one 10,000 gallon and two 6,000 gallon capacities) and an associated dispenser island were removed from the subject site in November 1989, The tanks were located adjacent to one another elongated in an east-west direction in the center of the property. Chemical analyses of preliminary assessment soil samples which were collected beneath the tanks and dispenser indicated very elevated gasoline concentrations centered at the east end of the central and northernmost tanks (Table 1). 2 e e TABLE 1 Summary of Laboratory Analyses Tanks and Fuel Island Removal November 1, 1989 (Soil in ppm) ~PLE LOCATION Benzene cfuene Xvlenes Ethylbenzene IEl:fLgl South tank east end P1-2' 0.28 4.17 42.98 5.20 534.09 P2-6' NO 0.38 8.51 0.84 127.88 South tank west end P3-2' NO NO 0.84 0.09 47.60 P4-6' NO NO 0.24 NO 27.90 Center tank east end P5-2' 23.81 350.69 888.24 88.56 4550.10 P6-6' 58.81 588.24 1543.82 213.32 8843.63 Center tank west end P7·2' NO ND NO NO NO P8·6' NO ND 0.72 0.05 31.52 North tank east end P9·2' 2.40 48.95 222.26 14.10 1719.31 P1D-S' 10.63 136.03 630.24 53.35 3491.08 North tank west end P 11-2' NO 0.10 0.33 0.02 6.93 P12-6' NO 0.03 0.16 NO NO Dispenser west end P13-2' NO NO 0.11 NO 11.85 P14-6' NO ND NO NO NO Dispenser east end P15-2' NO NO NO NO NO P16-6' ND 0.54 2.32 0.26 65.55 TESï ME"T1;OD: TPH as gasoline by DHS LUFT Method 8015m and BTEX by EPA Method 8020 Minimum BTEX 0.03 ug/g Reporting Levels: TPH 5.0 ugIg NO Non-Detected A site assessment by Associated Soils Analysis 1 was subsequently conducted b,etween July and November 1990, Four borings (82, 83, 83A and 84) were advanced to a maximum depth of 120 feet below grade and selected samples from each boring were chemically analyzed (Table 2), 8ecause of drilling difficulties, the contaminant plume was not fully defined, Twin borings 83 (81,S TD) and 83A (120 feet TD) located near the center of the most impacted area at the east end of the former north tank assessed the vertical extent of the contamination, Elevated gasoline concentrations (maximum benzene - 370 ppm and TPH as gasoline - 24,000 ppm at a depth of 51 feet) were encountered from the surface to 80 feet, while low but detectable concentrations persisted to total depth. Very low 8TEX and TPH (gasoline), concentrations were reported in samples collected between 36 and 51 feet in boring 82 (TD 51,5 feet) drilled at the center of the former south tank location. 80ring 84 was 3 e e siteid at the southwest corner of the property approximately 65 feet from 83. Sampling and field monitoring of hydrocarbon volatiles began at a depth of 60 feet and. continued to a total depth of 120 feet. Field evidence of hydrocarbons was noted through this interval, but analysis of selected samples indicated very low concentrations between 60 and 105 feet below which no hydrocarbons were detected, TABLE 2 Laboratory Results of Soils-Associated Soils Analysis Inc. Investigation July 9 & 10 and November 6 and 7, 1990 ~ Dfuilll Benzene cluene Ethylbenzene ~ IEtl 82 11 NO NO NO NO NO B2 16 NO NO NO NO NO 82 26 NO NO NO NO NO 82 36 0.013 0.028 NO 0.0178 NO 82 51 0.29 0.49 0.030 0.179 5.2 B3 11 3.1 49 13 184 1800 B3 31 21 340 78 480 4200 B3 51 370 2000 400 2430 24000 B3 71 340 1600 350 12080 18000 B3 31 44 370 97 600 4700 B3A 90 0.061 0.006 0.069 0.022 0.54 83A 95 0.073 0.062 0.38 0.31 2.2 B3A 100 0.008 0.006 0.023 0.018 NO 83A 105 0.032 0.32 0.17 0.16 1.3 83A 110 7.0 t>l) 11 NO NO B3A 115 0.01 0.01 0.042 0.05 0.62 B3A 120 0.041 0.052 0.28 0.27 2 B4 75 0.078 0.009 ND 0.023 NO 84 85 0.18 0.19 0.025 0.057 0.82 84 95 0.38 0.05 0.22 0.18 2.0 84 105 0.3 0.35 0,13 0.11 1.5 84 110 ND NO ND NO NO 84 115 NO NO ND NO NO 84 120 ND NO ND ND ND All results in milligrams per kilogram (ppm) ND ., Not Dell9ctsd AquaGeosciences, Inc, (AGI), in August 1991, continued the site characterization activities and simultaneously initiated remediation by constructing vapor extraction wells in the assessment boreholes, Four vapor extraction system (VES) wells were constructed using two-inch PVC casing, each screened through a section of the impacted soil interval. Selected soil samples were collected and analyzed (Table 3). VE-1 was drilled at the east end of the former south tank to a depth of 105 feet. Elevated photoionization (PID) readings were reported from the 5 feet to 90 feet. The well was screened between 65 and 95 feet, an interval in which analysis of samples indicated high gasoline concentrations (12,910-17,220 ppm TPH). VE-2 was placed at the east end of the former center tank, Impacted soils were penetrated between 15 4 e e feet and and a total depth of 80 feet. The well was screened between 40 and 80 feet. VE-3 was installed near the center of the former dispenser island north of the former· tank cluster. and was screened between 10 and 40 feet. The final well, VI-1, was located 10 feet northeast of VE-3, a point approximately 20 feet from the plume's center, however, field screening and analytical results from selected samples demonstrated the presence of high gasoline concentrations (5105-15,000 ppm TPH- gasoline) from 25 feet to a total depth of 70 feet. This well was designed to function primarily as an air inlet well with the perforated interval between 25 to 65 feet. ~ Laboratory Resu~s of Soils-AquaGeosciences Inc. Investigation August 21 through 30, 1991 ß.Q.dng. .QÐgth Benzene cluene Ethylbenzene ~ :œI:i VI-1 2f· 183.750 421.220 82.105 984.220 15000 VI-1 40 73.505 168.210 31.215 492.015 6625 VI-1 55 91.875 210.000 42.310 615.010 7420 VI-1 70 61.250 140.000 27.010 322.975 5105 VE-1 65 200.335 505.075 92.015 1105.125 17220 VE-·1 85 147.310 323.015 52.710 779.875 12910 VE-·1 100 0.995 1.210 0.275 4.225 125 VE--1 105 NO NO NO ND ~I) VE-2 35 0.335 1.010 0.105 2.220 120 VE-2 50 12.220 28.885 5.500 103.775 1850 VE-2 60 2.210 9.055 0.875 12.150 375 VE-2 8.0 NO NO NO ND 30 VE-3 10 NO NO ND 0.105 80 VE-3 15 1.115 20.210 0.725 9.990 320 VE-3 20 11.775 26.210 3.330 88.845 1250 VE-3 30 17.200 50.270 7.710 161.075 1825 All u~su~s in milligrams per kilogram ND ., Not Detected Vapor extraction commenced under permit from the Kern County Air Pollution Control Oistrict in August 1992 using a modified VW industrial liquid cooled internal combustion engine equipped with exhaust emission catalysts, Fuel for the engine was provided by the hydrocarbons drawn from the wells by the inductive action of the engine itself. This system operated until mid 1993 when continued high influent concentrations, lack of supplemental propane fuel usage and the presence of gasoline condensate in the knockout chamber indic.ated the need for improving efficiency of the system, The installation of three additional YES wells was proposed and subsequently the wells were installed in October 1993, The wells were located approximately 30 feet southwest (VI-4), southeast (VI-5) and northeast (VI-6) from the center of the most impacted area at the east end of the former north and center tanks, VI-4 was advanced to 96,5 feet and was screened between 50 and 95 feet; VI-5 was 5 e e drilled to 41,5 feet and was screened between 10 and 40 feet, whereas VI-6 reached a total depth of 81.5 feet and the perforated interval was placed between 30 and 80 feet. Each wellhead was equipped with a valve allowing the well to be used for extraction or as an inlet for outside air; the latter being the primary function. Selected samples were collected for chemical analysis during drilling of these additional well (Table 4). Elevated gasoline concentrations were detected particularly in the case of VI-5 (810- 5200 ppm TPH-gasoline) although levels notably of the BTEX components were considerably lower than in previous sampling at the site reflecting remediation activities and the location of the borings away from the core area of the plume, :::::::::::::::;:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::~::~:~:~:::I:::::;::::::;::::::::~::~~;:::;:::;':~::::I::~:::::::~::::::::;:~:::::::::~:::~:::::~:~:TABLE4:~;';:::::;::::~:::::::;:~::::::::::::::::;::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::~;;:::~::::::;::;::::;::::::::;~;:::~:::::::::::::;;:::::j::::::~:~::::::::::::::':~:;:::::::::::::'::~:~::::::::::::::j:::::::::~~:::::::::I SUMMARY OF lABORATORY ANALYSIS OF SOIL SAMPLES FROM SOl L.S INVESTIGATION· :!!:::::!:!:!::~!!::!!!!:!:;!!~:!::::!}!I::::!!!::!:!:!!:!:!!:::::::!!::::!!::!:~!!!!:::I::~~::::)!:::!~::!:::!i!~:;:t:8¡:~:~~:!,!:!::~:::ì::::::i:::::::~::¡:,:~::~::~~::~::~~:j::~)~::::::::::@~l:r:::~::~~:~~:~:::::::'':::::::::::::::::::~~::::::::,:::'~':::~~::~:::::::::I:~:::::~::::::~~:::::~:::}~:::::::::::~::;~::::~:::::::::::::::::'::'t::::::: Ethvl Total Borina Sample OeDth(ft) Benzene Toluene Benzene Xvlene TPH (Gas V I - 4 V - 4 - 3 5 3 6 - 3 6 5 NO NO NO NO 3 1 V - 4 - 4 5 4 6 - 4 6 5 0 1 2 0 53 0 3 2 1 0 2 0 0 V - 4 - 5 0 5 1 - 5 1 5 NO NO NO NO NO V - 4 - 6 0 6 1 - 6 1 5 0 78 2 0 NO 4 3 1 0 0 0 V - 4 - 6 5 6 6 - 6 6 5 NO NO NO NO NO V - 4 - 7 0 7 1 - 7 1 5 0 0 23 0 0 2 2 NO 0 02 1 0 7 V - 4 - 8 5 8 6 - 8 6 5 NO NO NO NO NO V - 4 - 9 5 9 6 - 9 6 5 NO NO NO NO NO V I - 5 V - 5 - 1 5 1 6 - 1 6 5 NO 0 33 0 74 3 9 8 1 0 V - 5 - 2 0 2 1 - 2 1 5 NO 2 3 3 2 9 5 9 1 0 V - 5 - 3 0 3 1 - 3 1 5 0 2 3 7 2 .5 1 1 1 2 0 0 V - 5 - 4 0 4 1 - 4 1 5 NO 1 0 NO 2 2 5 2 0 0 V I - 6 V - 6 - 2 5 2 6 - 2 6 5 NO NO ND NO ND V - 6 - 3 5 3 6 - 3 6 5 NO NO NO NO NO V - 6 - 4 0 4 1 - 4 1 5 NO NO NO NO 1 8 V - 6 - 4 5 4 6 - 4 6 5 NO NO NO 0 0 1 0 5 V - 6 - 5 0 5 1 - 5 1 5 NO NO NO NO NO V - 6 - 5 5 5 6 - 5 6 5 NO 0 0 0 9 NO 0 0 1 5 3 9 V - 6 - 7 0 7 1 - 7 1 5 NO NO NO NO NO V-6-80 81-81.5 NO NO NO NO NO By early 1994, the operation of the IC engine could not longer be continued without the almost exclusive use of supplemental propane indicating a reduction of influent concentrations, On May 18, 1994 a confirmation boring C-1 was drilled to a depth of 6 '~þ ~º fY' ~if e e 110 feet at a location at the east ends and between the former north and center tank, the center of the plume, Samples were collected and analyzed from 5 foot intervals throughout the length of the boring. Although elevated hydrogen flame ionization (FID) readings were recorded, analytical results demonstrated a significant decrease in gasoline concentrations, particularly in the BTEX constituents compared with pre- remediation results (maximum benzene - 1.5 ppm änd TPH-gasoline - 3000 ppm). These results were presented with an analysis of risks to groundwater resources and an analysis of inhalation risks to people from vapors emanating upwards from the impacted soil mass in a Closure Report dated June 1994. Both risks to groundwater and human health were interpreted to be minimal. No further action was deemed necessary and site closure was recommended, The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department by letter dated June 27, 1994 accepted this recommendation provided the VES system was dismantled and all wells were properly abandoned, This has now been accomplished, Subsequently, due to lingering concerns regarding the still elevated TPH concentrations remaining at the site, additional analysis was requested. The following revision to the Closure Report addresses these concerns 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The site, known as Pence Petroleum Company, is located at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, on the southeast corner of East Truxtun and Beale Avenues in Bakersfield, California (Exhibit 1). The property parcel number is APN 017-160-07-00-0, The property is currently unoccupied and was formerly operated as Pence Automated Fuels by the Pence Petroleum Company, Prior to 1986, the site was owned by Davies Oil, Bakersfield, California, and was used as an automated cardlock fueling station, Exhibit 2 shows the former locations of the site facilities, as well as the former borings and existing wells, The property is situated to the south-southeast of downtown Bakersfield, Land use surrounding the site is varied in nature ranging from Light and Service Industrial to High Residential as indicated by the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan - East Map (3-7-90, updated 10-14091), On three sides (north, west, and south) the site abuts public streets (East Truxtun, Beale, and East 18th Street, respectively). To the east, at 985 East Truxtun, is Signet Hardware, Inc, Residential areas lie to the south and southeast of the site, 4.10 SITE GEOLOGY Soil borings at the site penetrated a sequence of unconsolidated sediments to a maximum depth of 120 feet below grade, The unconsolidated soils are Recent non- marine flood-plain fan deposits (California Division of Mines and Geology, 1964) 2. The stratigraphic section consists of alternating dense to very dense silty sands and sandy silts with interbedded clay and poorly graded sand. The soils moisture content 7 e e varies between dry to moist, predominately slightly moist. No free standing ground water was encountered during the various field investigations, Published data (Kern County Water Agency, 1991) 3 show that groundwater occurs beneath the site at a depth between 200 to 250 feet (bsg) with a gradient to the south and southwest. . 5.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES AGI drilled one (1) confirmatory boring in the middle of the preexisting plume to show that soil has been remediated to reasonable levels given the depth to groundwater at this site. Boring C-1 was advanced to 110 feet at the location shown on Exhibit 2. 5.1 BORING METHODS One (1) soil boring, C-1, was advanced using aCME 75 rig with a six inch diameter hollow stem continuous flight auger in accordance with ASTM Method D-1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings, The augers were steam cleaned prior to advancing the boring, The lithology and other pertinent data was recorded on field boring logs in accordance with Method D 2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils, Soil generated during the drilling process was placed on Visquene at the site while waiting for analytical confirmation. Analytical results indicate the cuttings were impacted so this soil will be remediated on site using aeration and/or bioremediation. A cement slurry was used to abandon the borehole, 5,2 SOIL SAMPLING Soil samples were collected through the auger in 2-inch diameter brass sleeves driven in a split spoon sampler by a 140 pound hammer with a 30-inch drop in accordance with ASTM Methods D1586-84 for split-barrel sampling of soil and D1587- 83 for thin-walled tube sampling of soils. The brass sleeves and sampler were washed in Alconox prior to each use. Soil samples were taken at depths of 5 foot intervals to a total depth of 110 feet. The blow counts, recovery, and lithology were recorded on field logs. Lithology was then described by an experienced environmental' geologist under the direct supervision of a California Registered Geologist in accordance with ASTM procedure D2488-84 (Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils), One brass sleeve with soil from each interval was sealed with teflon tape, capped, secured with duct tape, labeled in accordance with EPA protocols, recorded on a Chain-of-Custody form, placed in a cooler at 40 centigrade, and transported to Halcyon Laboratories, a California Certified Laboratory with the Chain-of-Custody for the specified analyses, Appendix C contains the boring log for C-1, 8 e e 5.3 FIELD SCREENING OF SOIL SAMPLES Soil samples were collected using three (3) six-inch brass tubes installed inside a split-spoon sampler. The middle sample tube was immediately sealed and prepared for transport and stored in an iced cooler upon collection, The bottom tube was used for lithologic description and the top tube was used for field screening. The material from the top tube was placed in a mason jar to approximately 50 percent capacity, shaken, and stored for a period of 15 minutes, A standard headspace reading will be collected at this time and noted on the boring log. Field screening was accomplished using a photo-ionization detector (PID). 5.4 SOIL ANALYSIS Twenty two (22) confirmation soil samples were sent to Halcyon Laboratories, a California State Certified Laboratory in accordance with state guidelines and EPA protocols. All samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and volatile aromatics (BTEX) using EPA Method 8015 modified and 8020, respectively. 6.0 FINDINGS On May 18, 1994, AGI advanced a confirmation boring, designated as C-1 (Exhibit 2), to 110' below surface grade. ACME 75 hollow stem auger drilling rig operated by Soils Engineering Inc. was used. The rig was positioned to the south of the VES unit, approximately 4 feet from VE-3, Although field indicators of hydrocarbons (petroleum odor and photo-ionization detector readings of cuttings) appeared high, lab analyses indicate that the hydrocarbons concentrations present in the soil in the central area of the plume have been greatly diminished, Table 5 includes analytical results for C-1, Appendix D contains laboratory reports with the chain of custody, 9 e e ~ . ..... . ................. ..... .................... ... ............... . ........ ........ .......... ..... ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:.....:...........;.;.:...:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.....:...:...:...:.;.:.:..,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.'.:.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;......;.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.. .................... ..................... ..................... .................... 5' NO NO ND NO NO 10' NO 0,005 NO 0,033 1.2 15' 0.06 0.63 0,68 2,4 1800 20' NO 1.5 1 5,9 520 25' 0.4 3.3 2,5 14 3000 30' NO 2.5 1.7 9.3 1200 35' NO 1.5 NO 1 0 690 40' NO 0.5 NO 7,8 410 45' 0.8 2,1 1.2 7 450 50' 1 2,9 2.6 1 2 1700 -'-- 55' 1.5 3,1 2,9 1 1 2300 60' 1 1.8 2,4 3,1 1100 65' NO NO NO 1 100 70' 0,5 1,3 0.8 3.8 380 75' 0,5 1.2 0,7 2.3 130 80' 0,2 0.5 0.2 1,5 80 85' 0,4 1.5 1.4 8,2 1900 90' 0.4 1.3 0,8 5.6 1200 95' 0.2 1 0,6 4,1 650 100' NO NO NO 0,5 40 105' NO 0.005 ND 0,01 NO 11 0' 0.005 0.02 0.01 0,08 6,5 ANALYTICAL MEHTOD: BTEX - EPA METHOD 8020, TPH (G) - 8015M MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT: BTEX - 0.5 mg/Ka: TPH (G) - 50 maiKo maiKo - millioram cer Kilooram (carts cer million - com) I NO - None Detected I I 7.0 RISK ANALYSIS - GROUNDWATER The primary objective of the underground tank regulations is protection of groundwater resources. The State of California through the Department of Health Services and the State Water Resources Control Soard developed the Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Manual 4 to provide guidelines to regulatory agencies and other interested parties concerned with investigation, risk assessment and cleanup of underground tank related leaks, That document presents two methods to determine if soil contamination can be left in place without threatening groundwater. The simplest is a leaching potential analysis for gasoline which evaluates those site characteristics which influence the downward migration of the fuel components STXE and 10 e e TPH(gasoline) such as; depth to groundwater, precipitation, soil lithology and the presence of conduits, both manmade and natural (fractures), to determine the allowable BTXE and TPH concentrations which can be left in place without threatening groundwater. Using this approach the Pence Petroleum site was determined to fall into the low leaching potential category, however, several samples from the confirmation Boring C-1 exceeded the stipulated maximum allowable TPH(gasoline) and BIT/XIE levels which for the low category are 1000 ppm and 1/50/50/50 ppm, respectively (Table 6), For those sites with a value above allowable levels, further analysis using the General Risk Appraisal is recommended, This is a more sophisticated approach adapted from two computer simulations to estimate the concentrations of BTEX components which can be left in place without endangering groundwater, This method also considers the physical characteristics -of the site as well as environmental fate and chemistry data for BTEX, The first step is use of a questionnaire to determine whether site conditions do not present a greater risk to groundwater than those on which the models are based. An environmental fate worksheet is then completed for each of the BTEX components (Table 8, 9, 10, & 11). The concentration detected in samples at each successive five foot interval is added to the sum of the previous concentrations for the total vertical distance of the plume. The sum at each interval is compared to Acceptable Cumulative Contamination Levels provided in Appendix E for each aromatic component to determine if remediation was successful. These tables show distance to groundwater from the contaminated mass on the vertical axis and annual rainfall on the horizontal axis, Use of the General Risk Appraisal for Pence Petroleum appears to be suitable based on the preponderance of "NO" answers on the checklist (Table 7), Worksheets for the confirmation boring were then completed to evaluate residual risks to groundwater. A depth to groundwater of 200 feet was used in the analysis based on Kern County Water Agency maps, A complete profile of the present distribution of gasoline hydrocarbons at the center of the impacted soil mass was provided by analysis of samples collected during the drilling of confirmation Boring C-1. Samples at every 5 foot interval between 5 and 110 feet were chemically analyzed. At no depth interval were cumulative concentrations of any BTEX components found to be in excess of Acceptable Levels (Tables 8, 9, 10, & 11), On the basis of this analysis, it can be concluded that the hydrocarbon concentrations still present at the site do not constitute a threat to groundwater resources. Another approach to evaluate the potential for fuel hydrocarbon contaminants to migrate to the deep groundwater aquifer is modeled after a fate and transport analysis used by Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc, at a similar site in Kern County5. This report was provided AGI by the KCDEHS as an acceptable methodology, 1 1 e e It can be assumed that 5 years after the removal any source of fuel leaks and after a period of vapor extraction, downward migration of liquid gasoline hydrocarbons at the Pence site has essentially ceased, As a finite quantity of bulk hydrocarbons spread vertically and laterally in the soil column driven primarily by gravity they are eventually transferred to a state of residual saturation, that is, they are immobilized by adsorptive and capillary forces acting between the hydrocarbons and the mineral grains of the soil. Although some diffusion of volatile fractions in the interconnected pore spaces will occur, further downward movement will be dependent on the action of any infiltrating water passing through the contaminated soil mass, dissolving a portion of the adsorbed hydrocarbons, and carrying them downward, Other than possible manmade sources (irrigation water), precipitation provides the hydraulic loading which drives this process. The annual amount of soil water percolating downward can roughly be estimated by the water balance equation (Dragun, 1988) 6: Q=P-R-ET-dW Where: Q = Percolation rate P = Annual Precipitation ET = Annual Evapotranspiration dW = Change in storage in the unsaturated zone Assuming that dW and R are negligible: Q=P-ET For Bakersfield average annual rainfall is 5.74 inches or 14,58 cm (Kern County Water Agency, 1993). Average annual evaporation as measured at three Kern County stations is 62.46 inches or 158,65 cm (Kern County Water Agency, 1993), Evapotranspiration is estimated using a measured Class A pan evaporation rate in the following formula (EPA, 1988) 7. ET = EVAP(Cet)(Cveg) Where: EVAP = evaporation rate Cet = Correction factor for converting evaporation rates to evapotranspiration rates from turf grass. Cveg = Correction factor for converting evapotranspiration from turf grass to evapotranspiration from other vegetative cover types, Values for Cet (0,5) and Cveg (0,6) were obtained from the EPA (1988) and are based on moderate winds of 10 miles per hour and relative humidity of less than 60 percent. 12 e e Therefore: ET = (158,65 cm/yr)(0.5)(0.6) = 47.60 cm/yr By substituting values derived for P and ET into the equation for a, the percolation rate for the site is calculated: a = 14.58 cm/yr - 47.60 cm/yr = - 33,02 cm/yr The negative result indicates no significant percolation of water occurs at the site and therefore, hydrocarbon constituents are not expected to leach to groundwater. To insure a conservative analysis, a percolation rate of 1 cm/yr is assumed (this would require that occasionally annual rainfall totals reach 19,13 in/yr or 48,60 cm/yr), Based on the site characterization information, approximately 80 feet separate the water table from the base of the contaminant plume, and therefore, at a 1 cm/yr percolation rate, over 2400 years would be required for dissolved hydrocarbons to reach groundwater, To continue the analysis assuming hydrocarbons do occasionally reach groundwater, the concentration of constituents of concern in percolating water can be estimated by using the equilibrium solubilty of the constituent (Co) as determined in the following equation: Co = Csoii/(Koe)(foc) Where: Co = Equilibrium solubilty of the constituent (mg/L) Csoil = Concentration of the constituent in soil (mg/kg) Koc = Soil water partition coefficient foc = Fraction of organic carbon in soil According to Dragun (1988), subsoils typically possess organic carbon contents of less than 0,1 percent and therefore, foe of 0.1 percent is used in the calculation, Generally the presence of organic material in the soil promotes hydrocarbon adsorption, The BTEX concentrations used are the mean value derived from all samples in which a particular constituent was detected in Boring C-1, as shown in the following Table, Constituent Detection Frequency Range Mean Standard Deviation Benzene 13/22 .005-1.5 ,54 .41 Toluene 19/22 .005-3.3 1.4 1.00 Ethylbenzene 15/22 ,005-2,9 1.3 .92 Xylenes 21 /22 .005-12 5,2 4.3 The values use of Koc are derived from the EPA, 19868. Estimated equilibrium water concentration for the BTEX constituents calculated using the above formula are listed in the following Table. 13 e e Constituent Csoil(mg/kg) Koc (Ukg) Co (mg/L) Benzene .54 83 6,5 Toluene 1.4 300 4,7 Ethylbenzene 1.3 1100 1.2 Xylsnes 5,2 240 21.7 The loading rate or intensity with which bulk hydrocarbons are released from a liquid to dissolved state can be estimated by the following formula (EPA, 1988): Lc = (Q)(A)(Co) Where: Lc = Constituent loading rate (mg/yr) Q = Percolation rate (cm/yr) A = Area of contamination (m2) Co = Equilibrium solubilty of the constituent The area of significant contamination based on the assessment findings has a diameter of approximately 60 feet which equates to an area of 2826 ft2 or 2.6 x 106 cm2, A value of 1 cm/yr is used for percolation rate (0), The loading rate calculated for each BTEX constituent is listed in the following Table, Constituent Co (mg/L) Lc (mg/yr) Benzene 6.5 1.7 x 104 Toluene 4.7 1,2 x 104 Ethylbenzene 1.2 3.1 x 103 Xylenes 21.7 5,6 x 104 The estimated loading rates for BTEX are very low and demonstrate that leaching to groundwater is insignificant. To estimate future concentrations of BTEX in groundwater under the Pence site, the volumetric flow rate of groundwater as calculated using Darcy's equation: Q = -KiA Where: Q = Flow rate (Uyr) K = Hydraulic conductivity (m/day) i = Hydraulic gradient (m/m) A - Cross sectional area of aquifer through which flow occurs (m2) 14 e e A hydraulic conductivity of 10-1, m/sec or 86.4 m/day was selected. According to Fetter-9 this is representative for well sorted sands. A gradient of ,004 ft/ft was used based on the average gradient between Bakersfield and Arvin as depicted on Kern County Water Agency maps (1993). The thickness of the impacted upper portion of the aquifer was assumed to be 32,8 feet or 10 meters and the width of the impacted zone 60 feet or 18 meters. A flow rate of 2.3 x 107 Uyr was calculated. Dividing loading rates for the BTEX constituents by the flow rate yields an estimated maximum concentration as shown on the next Table. Constituent Loading Rate (mg/yr) Estimated Maximum Concentration (mg/L) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes 1.7 X 104 1.2 X 104 3.1 X 103 5,6 X 104 7.4 x10-4 5,2 x 10-4 1,3 X 10-4 2.4 X 10-3 Regarding the consequences of leaving TPH as gasoline in the ranges indicated by the Boring C-1 sample analyses, to the knowledge of AGI there are currently no models which are applicable to TPH alone. The fate and transport analysis presented is based on the BTEX components alone because these are relatively simple single compounds, as compared with gasoline which is a mixture of numerous compounds, BTEX constituents are also the most soluble and mobile components of gasoline, as well as posing the highest health risks. Therefore, they they are the most likely components of gasoline to reach the deep groundwater aquifer, If it can be demonstrated, as AGI believes it has, that these constituents pose little risk, it can also be assumed the less mobile TPH constituents do not endanger groundwater resources as well. However, to evaluate potential risks associated with TPH as gasoline, a mean TPH concentration of 882 mg/kg was calculated from the analytical results from the Boring C-1 samples, Concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 3000 mg/kg, This value was used to calculate equilibrium water solubilty concentration (Co), groundwater loading rate (Lc) and maximum groundwater concentration as was done for BTEX. It should be restated that this is based on a percolation rate of 1 cm/yr which is predicated on an annual rainfall for the area which seldom occurs, Another factor not considered in thes,e models is the beneficial effects of biodegradation due to the action of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria through time, The calculations result in the following findings: Co = 10, 626 mg/L Lc = 2,7 X 107 mg/yr Estimated Maximum Concentration = 1 .2 mg/L 15 e e 8,0 RISK ANALYSIS - SURFACE ENVIRONMENT Risks to people and the surface environment from vapors migrating upward from the contaminated soil masses are also considered to be very low, The affected area at the former tank location will be overlain by asphalt paving used for parking space for the business to the east. If left in this condition, little to no risk to human receptors would exist. The following Risk Assessment for the Surface Environment is performed in the unlikely event that a building would be placed on this vacant area. An effort has been made to evaluate health risks due to exposure to benzene volatilizing from the soil and entering a fictitious building from the plume. Benzene was used because of its high volatility and known carcinogenic properties, it is considered to pose the greatest health risks, The highest concentration reported from the confirmation boring C-1 was 1,5 ppm which was detected at a depth of 55 feet. This value was used in the calculations, Laboratory determined values for soil properties required for the analysis are not available, Assuming a sandy unconsolidated sediment type with a low moisture content, the following parameters were estimated: Porosity .35 Bulk Density 2,0 Moisture Content ,15 The approach used for the risk assessment is based in part on the methods and logic presented in the California Site Mitigation Tree Manuapo and a report by Chemrisk11 submitted to the Orange County Health Care Agency and made available as an example of a state of the art risk assessment. The steps followed and conclusions of this analysis are outlined below followed by a complete discussion and the calculations. 8.1 SUMMARY OF RISK ANALYSIS FOR BENZENE The first step in the risk evaluation process is the calculation of the steady state flux of benzene through the soil matrix assuming a non-diminishing source at some distance below the ground level. This determination requires a knowledge of benzene's coefficients of diffusion in air and through the soil as well as the vapor phase concentration of the compound at the source, Knowing the vapor phase flux through the soil, the volume of air within the building, a ventilation rate and assuming a leakage rate through a structure's foundation, a benzene vapor concentration within a building can be predicted, Then, taking a worst case scenario of a person working their entire 45 year occupational lifetime at the business, a lifetime average daily dose (LADD) received can be derived, 1 6 e e Values of indoor vapor concentrations and LADDs can be compared to regulatory guidelines to evaluate degree of exposure and risks, In this instance, the indoor concentration of benzene was calculated to be 2.1 X 10-8 mg/m3, The Department of Health Services Applied Action Level for benzene in ambient air is 3.2 X 10-3 mg/m3. The air concentration for lifetime cancer risk due to benzene exposure 6,6 X 10-4 mg/m3 can also be used, Based on an individual who worked at the site for 45 years, a LADD of 1.0 X 10-9 mg/kg-day was calculated. This result can be compared to 3,0 X 10-4 mg/kg-day which is considered to result in a 1 and 100,000 excess cancer risk under DHS Proposition 65 guidelines, In all cases, calculated values are well below established guidelines. The potential for carcinogenic health effects can also be evaluated by multiplying the lifetime benzene exposure (inhaled volume times concentration) with an "adjusted potency factor" (USEP A,1988b)13 to derive a carcinogenic risk associated with a specific exposure to benzene, In general, regulatory agencies have found that a risk in excess of 1 and 1 million is acceptable, In some instances risks of 1 in 100,000 are used in setting environmental standards, At Pence Petroleum a risk of 3.86 X 10-11 was derived, well below the 1 in 1,000,000 criteria, In conclusion, based on this risk assessment, no significant health hazards related to the gasoline contamination at the Pence Petroleum site are believed to exist. The contamination does not encroach on any proximal building and the site will be sealed at the surface with asphalt paving, 8,2 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR BENZENE STEADY STATE VAPOR FLUX The first step in determining the benzene exposure to occupants is the calculation of the rate of emission of the chemical from the soil. This rate is influenced by such factors as the degree of partitioning of benzene between vapor, soluble and non- aqueous phases, the rate and degree of movement of the various phases through the soil, soil properties, and environmental factors such as temperature, moisture and surface conditions, The general approach used, is to take the dominant transport mechanism, in this case vapor diffusion, and model the process, The model used is based on one developed to predict emissions from landfills by Thibodeaux and Hwang14, It assumes steady-state fluxes for a non-diminishing source at a specific depth below the ground surface, The applicable equations are: F = Cv Ds H 17 e e Where: F= Cv= Ov= H= Steady-state flux through a soil matrix from a non-diminishing source - mg/m2-day Vapor phase concentration of ben~ene at the source - mg/m3 Vapor phase diffusion coefficient through soil - m2/day Depth below ground surface of the contamination - 15 ft (4.9 m) Cv = x P M w RT Where: x= P= T= Mw= R= Mole fraction of benzene in the free liquid hydrocarbon phase, It is assumed to be approximately equal to the weight fraction of benzene in residual 1,5 ppm benzene/2300 ppm TPH. The TPH value is the concentration at 55 ft. Pure benzene vapor pressure (atm) at temperature T - 0.10 atm Temperature (oK) - 298 oK Molecular weight of benzene - mg/mole - 78000 Universal gas constant - 8,2 X 10-5 m3 -atm/mole-oK J..&.. C v = 2300 (0.10) (78000) = 207,9 mgfln (8.21 X 10.5)(298) The following equations are derived from Millington -Quirk15, _ (Oa)(a3.33) Os - r2 a = E-MB Where: Da= Diffusion coefficient of benzene in air· = 0.71 m2/day, This value is calculated after Fuller et a 16 Soil air content Soil moisture content - 0,15 Porosity - 0,35 Soil bulk density - 2,0 Porosity -0.30 a= M= E= B= T= 18 e e a = E-MB = 0,35 . (0.15)(2) = 0.05 (0.71 )(.053.33) DS = = 9.4 X 10-5 m2/day .35 Substituting Cv, Ds and H into the equation for steady-state flux: F = Cv Ds H -5 = (207.9)(9.4 X 10 ) = 3.9 X 10-3 mg/m2-day 4.9 BENZENE CONCENTRATION IN INDOOR AIR Knowing the vapor flux through the soil, an estimate can be made of the concentration of benzene in the indoor air of the fictitious building which might contains a volume of approximately 8600 ft3 (244 m3) given the space available. Benzene reaching the surface under the structure may enter the building through openings in the floor, for example, cracks, joints and loose fitting pipes, The ratio of leakage to total floor area in the average California home is 2 . 10 cm2/m2 of floor area (Grimsrud et al )17, Commercial buildings built on concrete slabs would experience less leakage than residences with crawl spaces, therefore, the lower value of 2 cm2/m2 is used in this analysis, The ventilation rate for the building is based on studies of Fisk et a118. They estimated that the average air exchange rate for residences at 0.5 . 0,9 air changes per hour, The most conservative low end value 0.5 is used, A retail business with numerous customers entering and leaving and equipped with modern ventilation systems would experience much higher exchange rates, The concentration of benzene in the indoor air is predicted by the equation: FA Cb =- Q Where: F -- -- Indoor air concentration of benzene due to volatilization from the soil . mg/m3 Vapor flux through openings in the foundation - mg/m2. hr 3.9 X 10-3 mg/m2-day X 1 day/24 hr = 1.6 X 10-4 mg/m2-hr Cb= 19 e e Q= Leakage area = 2 cm2/m2 =0.0002 m2 openings/m2 floor area X 100 m2 floor area = 2.0 X 10-2 m2 Ventilation rate in building - m3thr = 0,5 exchange ratethr X 304 m3 building volume = 152 m3/hr A= Cb = (1.6 X 10.4)(2,0 X 10-2) = 2.1 X 10-Smg/m3 152 RISK BY EXPOSURE In order to estimate the health risks associated with exposure to benzene, a very conservative approach was used based on a individual working at the business for an entire occupational lifetime of 45 years, 5 days a week and 50 weeks a year with an inhalation rate of 10 m3/hour. Total lifetime inhaled volume = 1,13 X 105 m3 Average daily volume = 4.4 m3/day Exposure is the product of contaminant concentration (Cb) and the air volume breathed calculated by the following equation: LADD = Cb AB Bw Where: LADD = Cb= A= B= Bw= Lifetime Average Daily Dose - mg/kg-day Concentration of benzene in air = 5,5 X 10.8 mg/m3 Inhalation bioavailability (fraction of benzene inhaled) - 100% Average daily volume inhaled = 4,4 m3/day Body weight = 70 kg LADD = (2.1 X 10 ,s)(1 )(4,4) = 1.0 X 10-9 mg/kg-day 70 The carcinogenic risk associated with a specific exposure can be estimated by the following: R=P'E 20 e e Where: R= p'= E= Risk associated with a specific exposure Benzene adjusted potency factor [mg/lifetime exposure]-1 = 1.63 X 10-8 per USEPA 1988 - derived from epidemological studies on cancer induced leukemia, Exposure = inhaled volume M3 X concentration R = (1.63 X 10.8)(1,13 X 105)(2.1X 10 -8) = 3.86X 1011 9.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the information obtained and analyzed from confirmation boring C-1, risks to groundwater resources and public health are considered to be extremely low, No further assessment or remediation of the site is deemed necessary and site closure is recommended, 10.0 LIMITATIONS AquaGeosciences, Inc. performed this investigation in accordance with generally accepted standards of care which exists in California at this time, It should be recognized that definition and evaluation of geologic conditions is a difficult and inexact science, Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with limited knowledge of the subsurface conditions present. No warranty expressed of implied, is made. 11.0 REFERENCES 1. Associated Soils Analysis, Site Assessment Study for Petroleum Constituents Present in Soil at Pence Petroleum Company 901 E. 19th Street, Bakersfield, California, December 28, 1990 2. Smith, A. - complier, Geologic Map of California. Bakersfield Sheet, State of California, Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1964 3, Clark, Thomas N. - General Manager. Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report 1990, September 1991 4. State of California Leaking Underground Fuel Task Force, Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Manual: Guidelines For Site Assessment, Cleanup and Underground Storage Tank Closure, October 1989 5. Environmental Science & Engineering, Inc, Additional Site Assessment, Fate and Transport Analysis, and Risk Assessment Report, Arkelo Ranch Headquarters, Kern County, California, June 24, 1993 21 e e 6, Dragun James, The Soil Chemistry of Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Materials Control Resources Institute, 1988 7. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Superfund Exposure Assessment Manual, Office of Remedial Response, OSWER Directive 9285.5- 1,1988a 8. United States Environmental Protection Agency: Superfund Public Health Evaluation Manual, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, Washington DC, OSWER Directive 9285.4-1 9. Fetter, C.W Applied Hydrogeology, 2nd Edition, Merrill Publishing Company, 1988 10, State of California Department of Health Services Toxic Substances Control Division, Alternative Technology and Policy Development Section, The California Decision Tree Manual, May 1966 11, Chemrisk, Screening Level Risk Assessment for Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and Ethylbenzene in Indoor Air at the Former Shell Gasoline Station at Cost Mesa, September 19, 1989 13, U,S, Environmental Protection Agency, Update of the Risk Characterization Tables in SPHEM (Toxicity Data for Potential Carcinogenic Effects and Non- Carcinogenic Effects), 1988b 14, Thibodeaux, L. J, and Hwang, S. 1: Landfarming of Petroleum Wastes- Modeling the Air Emission Problem: Environ, Prog" 1982 15. Millington, N, J, and Quirk, J. M. Permeability of Porous Solids: Trans. Faraday Soc. 57, pg, 1200-1207, 1961 16. Fuller, E. N., Schettler, p, D., and Giddings, J, C, A New Method for Prediction of Binary Gas Phase Diffusion Coefficients: Ind, Eng, Chern, 59, pg, 19-27, 1966 17. Grimsrud, D,T., Sonderegger, and Sherman, R.G, A Frame work of a Construction Quality Survey for Air Leakage in Residential Buildings: Proceedings of Thermal Performance of External Envelopes of Buildings, pg. 442-452, 1983 18, Fisk, W J" Spencer, R. K., Grimsrud, D, T., Offerman, F. J., and Sextro, R. Indoor Air Quality Control Techniques: Radon, Formaldehyde, Combustion Products: Poliution Tech. Review No. 44: Noyes Data Corp 22 e e TABLES Leachin(~f' PÕtëi1tlál-Xnålÿ-S-iš- -{õr ·-ëãsoi. ine--änd Diesel Using Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons(TPH) and Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and Ethylbenzene (BTX&E) 4De following table was designed to permit estimating the concentrations of TPH and BTX&E that can be left in place without threatening ground water. Three levels of TPH and BTX&E concentrations were derived (from modeling) f~r sites which fall into categories of low, medium or high leaching potential. To use the table, find the appropriate description for each of the features. Score each feature using the weighting system shown at the top of each column. Sum the points for each column and total them. Match the total points to the allowable BTX&E and TPH levels. , S SCORE S SCORE S SCORE SITE C 10 PTS' C 9 PTS C 5 PTS 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- FEATURE R DITION R DITION R DITION E IS MET E IS MET E IS MET Minimum Depth to >100 51-100 25-50\.1 Ground Water from the 10 Soil Sample (feet) Fractures in subsurface 10 None Unknown Present (applies to foothills or mountain areas) Average Annual· <10 10-25 26-40~ Precipitation (inches) 10 - - I Man-made conduits which None Unknown Present increase vertical 10 migration of leachate Unique site features: None At least More r~charge area, coarse 9 one thàn one soil, nearby wells, etc I COLUMN "TOTALS-+TOTAL PTS I 40 + 9 t + 0 = 149 RANGE OF TOTAL POINTS 49pts or more 41 - 48 pts 40pts or less MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 1/50/50/50' .3/,3/1/1 NA\.I B/T/X/E LEVELS (PPM) MAXIMUM GASOLINE 1000 100 10 ALLOWABLE TPH : LEVELS (PPM) DIESEL 10000 1000 100 I \. I AQuaGeosciences. Inc. ~ 701 Westwind Drive Suite 101 .akersfteld, California 93301 I T~~{80S)32~962 fax 328-1129 IPæm~ IPætbNDllæuil1ID. KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TABLE 6 Leaching Potential Analysis F -- I , GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL ; FOR PROTECTION OF WATER QUALITY: APPLICABILITY CHECKLIST YES NO . 1. Is the site in a mountainous area? (shaded moist , X i areas &/or areas with rocky subsurface conditions) 2. Is the site in an area that could collect surface runoff or intercept water from a source other than the natural precipitation? X 3. Does the areal extent of soil contamination exceed 1000 feetZ? X 4. Do the concentrations of fuel constituents in any soil samples exceed the following amounts: . benzene - 100 ppm, toluene - 80 ppm, xylene - 40 X ppm, ethylbenzene - 40 ppm? 5. Are there any records or evidence of man-made or natural objects which could provide a conduit for X vertical migration of leachate? 6. Do any boring or excavation logs show the presence of fractures, joints or faults that could act as a X conduit for vertical migration of leachate? , 7. Do any boring logs show that contaminated soil X I - could be within 5 ft. of highest ground water? . 8. Do any boring logs show the presence of a layer of material, 5 ft. thick or more, which is more than X 75% sand and/or gravel? AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 101 Bakersfield, California 93301 I T~eph~:(805)32~962 Fax 328-1129 JPœm~ JPœtlJN)ilœ!Jil1D1 KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TABLE 7 General Risk Appraisal Ii 01 S-TMtE FRa4 SURfACE TO GI OOkD UA'JER .. 1..2-0..0. f t / . rA8lE 2,) ~ ENVIRON At FATE ~KSHEET ,at RAn 7.An A ..<FU""ST rrUENf) Table 8 Pence Petroleum C D E CUHULArlVI:. CaNT Al41 NA TlON lEVelS C .C. L. SOIL SURFACE SAMPLE ,ND = C.C.l. L-. .. ~~P~È ~o.__... I~·III = C.C.L. 2-- C.C.L. 2 . .. SAMPLE :sO _ 06 r,fA = C.C.l. 3Q.:-Ò~6 . C.C..l. :5 . SAMPLE ~_º _ ppn = C.C.L. "0 __06._. C.C.l. " . .. SAMPLE sQ.~4__ ~> -Ja ~ C.C.L. '>CL..A6--- C.C.l. 5 .. SAMPLE ~-º-:.....P ~" = C.C.l. t.() ~46_ _. C.C,l. 6 .. SAl4PlE;¡ND PJ.1D = C.C.L, ~4Jl____ C.C.t. 7 .. SAI'IPLf ~~n = C.C.l. 8.0--4-6-__ C,C.l. 8 .. SAMPLE 9 0 . 8 ppn = C.C,L. 91. 2é C.C.l. 9 ..SAMPLE 10 1, 0 ppn =C.C.L. to 2. :2 é C.C.L. 10 ..SiWllE 111, 5 ppn =C.C,L. 111 76 C.C,l, 11 . "SAMPLE 121.0 ppn =C,C,l. 124 ~ 7.(; ... J- A f AVERAGE ANNUAL r PIIECIPI TATfOtl S . ___INCHES .' .-.-" ----..-. I I I I I I I I , I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I f C tCCEPIAUl~ CLEANUP? UJtHAHINAflON YES IF E >- F LEVELS NO IF E S F _H·UI yc!> ~~C.no .. ..... ......... .............: ........................:.......;......,....................................................... ................. '" ," . ", ,".. . ... . . ".. ..... .,. ..... p' ....... l -- _ ~ . _ '::::" ___ . _ _..""_ . ~.:L- ~.':;~--1 .:..-~ ~".-_-~.:; _ -_.~ ____.;~.-, ~:_··~-;~t~~:g~J.ç~~~.:~~_·.·~~-~.--;- i:;~~--- .~~~~: -.~ -~---. :- . . . -; _Sft 1·-::.·: . ::-..':- .. 3'5··· 165 . .'. _ y___)i: SAMPLE 7 _'t .;,L. .:::":'::.:.... Sft I ... .. . Y 40': ¡:t -·;·SAM~~E 8 ~ft ,L Sft 45 Y_ft ..' .. :..,~ ....... .. ···:::-5f~I:·::>/}( ::: ,-- 0 . .6:0,...:..... ..:....:.,.... :..' _ . .;.-. : ::~: ;.: ~::.:.:::::.:.~-;.·t.::;\:::£).:;::.:-}\:~t:!}.:.{rl::~iIIf~i;~\~::~:.:: . .:- '. _ .-...- . ::.:.:-" . :-:·:-:·i· :::'-::-:':'.. .. .-...:-:-~:...:.:.... ;.:.;.::.::.......:.:-:.:::: -.. :.::.:-:.:...::.:.:.:.:..: :.: ;.;.:.:.:: -:: .-. :::... -:.:- .-.-- . '. : ..... . .. .-.... .. -- .. -.- - ------ . __yes X-no ft . feet ppII '" parts per .,ll ion . NOTE: CCllCE) TRATlONS FOR AMY SINGLE SOIL SAMPLE (ANNOT EXCEED 100ppn fOR BENZENE, 80ppn fOR TOLUENE, 100ppll FOR X'flUE AND 100ppm FOR ETMYLBE) ZENE IN ORDER TO Be USED WITH THE CENERAL RISK APPRAISAL, THE LAST SAMPLE TO Be I) ClIJlED IN THe CALCULATIONS FOR CUMJlATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST SE AT OR ABOVE THe OETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLUDe BOTTOM SAMPLES WHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT, DISTAHCE fRa4 SAMPLE TO SURFACE DISTAHce fRa4 SAMPLE TO GROOHt) UA T ER .. 5 ft SAMPLE 1 19_~ t c .. Sft I ~~~..ft ,,10 It SAJoIPLE 2 ... S fc I ,,15 It SAMPLE 3 185_ft ... 5ftl 20 ft SAMPLE 4 180 ft Y ... 5ftl 25 SAMPLE S 175 ft Y_ft ~ Sftl . .... . 30 ft SAMPLE 6 170 ft " ... .-. SAMPLE 9 155 ft .... .. . Sft ~:6- fi: SAMPLE 10 150 It Y - '.:'" ..c. 5 ft 15~ 145 " It SAJoIPlE 11 ft - - 42 _lQ.9..º_ _ye" Lno 1000 .- -- -. -..- __yc.... X _no 1000 ........ --"'- _. ..'fc... Ln.' __100.º-_. _yes Lno 1000.- _yes Lno 1000 yes X no 1000 yes Lno 1000 _yes Lno 1000· _yes ~no 1000 _.~Ÿes_-X_no . ....."...:..:...:.: .... .'.: ::.:...... .;..;..... "';":;"':':.' .. .... .................. '.' .... . .' .............. ........ ..... It D J $.r AJlC;E F Raf WRfACE TO CI!()Jk[) UA'JER 12Q Q_.f t I - . .. ... ... .. ". '- .. . TABLE Z·J ~ ENVIRONM AL FATE UOIIKSHEET '01( Benzene ..cfU~STITUEHT) Con t. i Table 8 Cont. Pence Petroleum C D E r-IAVERAC: ANNUAL r PRECIPITATION I ..... -::-~.-=-:.I.~CHE~__~ / / I I I / I I I I I I I I i I I I / I I I I I I I I I f G . ... ........ ................ ...... . ..."................ .... .. ..... -". .,.. .' . ¡ - - - - ~ -~~_:-F-~--=-" ~ -_~~:-;~ : ---~~ ~-=~.,---¿-- ~~-:-~;~È~~~~~~~~;----~,~==~~-~¡;-~: : - . ~ 5 f t I . 13.9f c .70 ft S.vIPlE 2 --- ,\ 5' t I 12Stt ~B ft SA>lPLE 3 ,\ '5f t I 12O,t ~O ft S.vIPLE '- ,\ 5 f t I 11Stt ~5 It SAMPLE S - ... ,\ ..' Sft~ . .. .... . . - 0 ft SAI4PLE 6 11O,t ... . . .. ..- Sftk'::'-: -:. . - . 5' 10 5,~ __jt SAMPLE 7 ....... ..::.-....:...... 5i.tho:OH - .: SAI4PLE 8 10 Ütt ... Sftl 9S ~O 5 ft SAI4PlE 9 - ft .... .. Slt : ..- . .... 90 . ~ .-. .' . . . " ~10 t-t '. SAMPLE 10 - ft ..... . -. " .. Sftl y ft S»IPlE 11 ft - - .. .... .... ..... .. .......... ·.·.·<..·¿!éi.;:;:~t:~;:·tt;;,\:s:~;,i:, ............ .: '.. .. <- . yo . :::::: .:': :.;::';::':-:':._ - - :'-'-:::;:-:::;::;-.:' ·:::::·:::":;·:-;:;:;:::::.:.:·:··.:::::::X;·::.::~:;::::-_:_::: :::::::;: -.::....._:.:_:" .:X.·:·:·.::: :. -._- ft :0 feet ppnI :0 parts per .i II ion · NOTE: CONC!JITItATlONS Fœ AMY SINGLE SOil SAAPlE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppa FOR BENZENE, 80ppm FOR TOlUEME, 40Wl' Fat X'I'lENE ANO 40ppm Fœ ETKYlBENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH THE CENERAL RIS~ APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLe TO se INCLUDED III THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAHJIIATION MUST BE AT OR ASOVE THE DETECTION liMIT; DO NOT INCLUDE SOTTOM SAMPLES WHICH HAVE CONCEMTRATIONS LESS THAN ThE DETECTION LIMIT, DISTANCE FRCH SAI4PLE TO SURFACE DISTANCE fRCH SAMPLE TO GROOND \lATER .. 65 fc SAMPLE 1 l}St t CUHULA r I Vl CONT.vII NATION LEVelS C.C.L. ACCEP r AUU; U)f,I r AHI NA r 1011 lEvElS CLEANUP? YES IF E > F NO I F E ~ r SOIL SIJRFACE SAMPLE '.ND. . .f-I.'" :: C.C.l. 1 ·4,-76 " .lOOD_ ___y!?!. X..no C.C.t. , + SAMPLE 2-D.A.5.r.f-'1I :: C.C.l. 2_5 .26 IQQ'p_ . __yes Lno C.C,L. 2 .. S1J1PLE 3 0...-5 J,'II :: C.C.l. 3-5-.·7-6· ___J.f>'Q.{L yo:-" Lno C.C.l. 3 .. S.vIPlE 1,_0....2 ppOl : C.C.t. 1,·-5-.·96 -. __ __10. 0..0_ __ye... x._no C.C.t. I, + SAAPLE S -D--.~. ppa :: C.C.t. 'j~3-é-- ._ J-Q_O.Q. YC1', Lnn C.C.l, S .. SAMPLE 6Jl~.ppll . __l.O_iLQ_. : C.C.t. é-6-.-16 -. YC'i X-no C.C,L. 6 ... SAMPLE 7 _Q....2...PP" : C.C.l. 1 ~-.-9-&-- 1000 _yes X-no C.C.l. 7 ,. S.vIPlE 8 ND _J'P'q 1000 L : C.C.l. 8.~__ _yes no C,C,l. 8 .... ... SAMPLE 9 ND r::pn : C,C.l. 9 6.. 96 100-0 _yes ~no' C,C,L, 9 ..SAMPLE 100.0Cri)m :C.C.l. 10 6 .. 965 1000 _yes Lr,o C.C.t. to +SAAPLE 11 ppn :C.C.t. 11 yes _no C,C,l. 11 +SAI4PLE 12 ppn .. .. :C,C,l. 12 yes _no . ,.". - . . -. .. ......... . "... -.. '. ..:......: .:....: .... .-.... ............. :.".::" . .. ":" :.'~ :~'."..:::':::::::':'. p' ...... 42 It 01.. AHtE F'''' I SURfACE TO G~()J)d) \JA1ER - A I~?·~ft I .' .. C DISTANCE FRQ4 SAMPLE TO SURFACE .' A L_ f t L 5ft I ylº-_ ft . 5 (t I .,15 _ ft . Sf t I .,~- ft .. SIt . "li- ft .. 5ftl' . ...~ ft "' - . Sftl :::-.-<: :: .,.35 Oft . .....-::-....:.. ". 5i.tL-~:-<t ¡. Sft I . ~5.ft A- Sitl_..·· . .. .,50 ft e EHVfRONMENTAl fABLE Z·J fATE \/CRKSHEET fat Toluene I Table 9 : Pence Petroleum . ...... . Sft I' '::" .'. .·..,~ft D E = DISTANCE fRai SAJoIPlE TO GROOND \JATER CUHULA T I VI:. CONTAMINATION LEVElS C.C.L. SOIL SIJRfACE SAMPLE 1.'ND ~"" SAMPLE 1 1~. Sf t = C.C.L. 1....,...... . C.C.L. 1 .19Qtt .. SNlPLE 2-º.~_.OJ:\·~n SA.I4PlE 2 : C.C.l. 2-0.00.5 C.C.l, 2 18 Stt .. SAMPLE 3 Ó_~.(>.?r,." SAMPLE 3 :: C.C.l. 3-0-..635 C.C.l. 3 180ft · SAMPLE ~_!.~_5 ppll SA.I4PlE t. : C.C.L. 1,.2_.135 C.C,L. I, 1 7 SIt .. SAMPLE 5 _3~ J. I'P" SA.I4PlE 5 :: C.C.l. 5~~~ .... C.C,L. 5 . 170ft. · SAMPLE 6_2 . 5.ppn SAJoIPlE 6 = C.C.L. 6_7__9.35.. C.C,l. 6 16~~ + SA.l4PlE 7J:.~b SAMPLE 7 :: C.C.l. 7 ..9~4..3.5_ C.C.L. 7 ... i6Cft · SA.I4PLE 8 0 ,5 ppn SAMPLE 8 = C.C.L. 8.9-...9..35_ C.C,l. 8 1 155tt .. SAMPLE 9 2 . ppm SAMPLE 9 = C.C.t. 9 12 . 0.3..5 C.C,l. 9 15 Ûft "SAMPLE 10 2 ,9 ppm SAMPLE 10 :C.C.t. 10 1 4 q36 C.C.L. 10 14~t ..SAMPLE ,,3,lppn SAJoIPLE 11 =C.C.l. 1118.035 ..;.':æ;;.5:;;I~~.;:i\~tE ", . 7: eft :~~~+ H ~ ; 8 R ~ ,. ." . . .:::::.:....:...:.::.:.:....::..:: ..:. ':...::.;::::.:..:--.... '::::::. .. ".. :.:-0.:,. :...'.~_. :... .:: ..: :.:-: .':':.:.>:.:... :.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:-:.:. .:.:.:.:.:.:.'.:':'..:'::': ~:...::.:.:..:.:.:.'.:.. :./. . .... . _ 4.... . . ::.::- .,. -::):.:'::-:::':::::-:':... :.:.:-.;:...:-:::-:.-:.::::::.:::--:....-:::-:::.:::......:':':':;:::"'::';::::;.:::::-:'::::::.::' .....:.::.,. _::::-..:.;'.::: :-:'--..' ..< fue.ONST I TlÆNT) .1- A r AVERAGE ANNUAL I.J ~Rf;.IPU~~~~~~_S / / I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I / / I I I I I I I I I I F G E:CCEPfAUl~ CLEANUP? ~(~fAHI~ArIOu YES iF E ~ F lEVELS NO IFf ~ f .. -- -... - - - .10.0.0.-- - La 0.0.- -.l..O 011.- --~O 0-0- . _lO..O.Q._. lonA' 1000 . . 1000-. 1000 1000' 1000 : __.yc!> __.no ___yes x-no _ye~ x-no __yO!:. X-_no __ ..yc!-' X-nn _yes Lno _yes X-no _yes X-no _yes X-I'IO _yes X-r,o _yes Lno - - ... .. .'. . .. .. ....... .... -..... ... .......... . ..............-.--.. ..... . . . ... '.. ,'.......... ..'..... . .. .....,....:............. : ~yes _ !Lrio .. . ... ... .... ..:.:........ ..:.. .-:..:.....:....................:.... .... ..... ........ ..." ........... . .... -.. ... .,. ...- ..... .... . - ~ -' _ . -; _. _ . ,- -_(", '0'_ - -....r- ~ -__;~ - -=~~ ~ ~" ~:. ;: - -; -~ ~ ~__~:~ .~~:~~~~E=~~;~ 5S~-~--_·~·--:",.æJ1'-_· ~.~~=: --~~--~~~::.;~:-.- "::..0. -~-~~:;;-~ - ~- ~- - ft .. feet pp" .. paru per .i' l ion . NOTE: CONCENTRATIONS FOR ANY SINGLE SOfL SAMPLE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppa FOR BENZENE, 80ppm FOR TOLUENE, 40pplt FOR XYlEME AHa t.Oppm fOR ETHYlBENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USEe WITH THE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION lIMIT; DO NOT INCLUDE BOTTOM SAMPLES WHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS lESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT. 42 Ii OISTAHtE H!CIt SURfACE TO G~OOId) UA'JER .. 1~~2-1t I e fABLE Z·J ENVIRONMENTAL fATE ~ICSHEET fOR Toluene _pUEl CQHSflfUENT) Con t, e C DISTAHCE fRCIt SAMPLE TO SURFACE 6...5_ f t .. 5 f t I "2~.f t A- 5 r~ I . "15-.'t A- . - 5ftl ,,8 L' t A- 5 f t I . "ª-2- f t A-. 5ft I - . ~ft .A- ..:,-. Table 9 Coot.·· Pence Petroleum D DISTANCE FRCIt SAMPLE TO GROOND UATER .. SAMPLE 1 135'[ SAMPLE 2 .1.3.0' [ SAMPLE 3 ..l.23 t SAMPLE t, lW t SAMPLE 5 ll.,;t t .... SAMPLE 6 ~t SAMPLE 7 10 !:it S»IPlE 8 10CJt SAMPLE 9 ~ft SAMPLE 1D ..2JL f t SAIoIPlE 11 - ft E CUMUlA T I VE. CONTAMINATION lEVelS C.C.L. SOIL SIIRFACE SAMPLE 1.~D ..PI."I C.C.L. 1.l9.~835 C.C.L. 1 + SAMPLE 2 1, 3 ''Ietll = C.C.L. C2T:135 C.C.L. 2 . + SAMPLE 3 ~......? H cu = C.C.l. 3_22.-..3.35 C.C.l. 3 5 + SAMPLE l, 0 . ppa = C.C.l. (.2.-2.835 C.C,L. l, 1 5 + SA.'IPLE 5_~.. F-i.>:I = C.C.L. ')_2A.~33_5 J- A r AVERAGE ANNUAL r PRECIPITATION I" -::-::-_-==-_1 NCHES J J I I I J I I , I I I I I ¡ I I I I I I I I I I I I I f C ACCEPIAUlt WH lAMINA r ION lEVel S u ~O.Olt 10..0ll _ __1.Qilil. .. -~j) Q.Q __.l!lO.o.. C.C.l. 5 1 3 + SA.'IPLE 6_ . .PI~1t = C.C.l. 6_2~6J.~ ._--LQ:O_Q. C.C.l. 6 1 0 + SAJ4PlE 7 . Wit = C,C.l. 7-¿Q.~6 3_5 C.C.l. 7 ND + SAMPLE 8 -.P£'ß = C.C.l. (20: º ¿..? C,C.l. 8 0 0& + SAMPLE 9 .. = C.C.l. 9 26, 4 C,C.l. 9 0 o~ +SAIoIPLE 10 . =c.c.l.1026,6 C.C.l. 10 +SAHPlE 11 =C.C,L. 11 1090 1000 1000 1000 pp11. pP1I CLEANUP? YES If E > F NO Iff ~ f ._.yc~ X..no .___yes x-no _ye,. Lno __yc... X_no __ ._yc~ Lnn _yes Lno _yes X-no _yes ~no _yes ~no _yes Lr,o _yes _no _ .. ~yes _ _no . . . - .... ... . .. . ..." .. - .. .. . . . ".. ..... .". . ............ .. -. ............. .... .... . . . :......:.::.....:.:.:... ::.:.......... ~ .5ft .·::.;:... _;::' yllO ft ...:... Sf1l ' "_ft ..,;;_:.A- ...,.. . , ,::::::V~ ::.\i./:::: ; .{\ :-:..;_ . ':'<-:-::::::::--:-_:,:;;::~~ft ,..~LE 12 _ft. . ....... ...... ... .,... ... .. ..... .. ...,.' ..... . ..... ...... .... ...... ..... .. ... .. ...... .'. ....... ... ... ....... . .... ... .. ............. ....... ... .. .... .. ........ .. .. . ... ....... ......... .... ...... ..... ... ..... ... .. .. . :.;.: :..::(:x::....:... ..:':':=:'.::::::::::=:'. ":::..:::.::.::::::.::::::::.:"':.:.~.::::::::::::.::::.::::::.:.;::.::::....::::.::...::;:: '.. .::9 .'. ;::::-:.,.. - ;;);.;:-; :./:;:';-:":-_. ;- ;-".::::;.;;;;:;:.-:' --:;:;.::;.';;.;.;':;;::;::.:.':...;;:;:;::::::'::.::::::::::..:.:;: ;.:;::::- :.::.' .;.:.:,.. .:;::..:.:..;:: .: ....- _: .::_: 5f~1 .- -; .~ft ..... .:.-."; ".-. , . 5ftl>·; . . ylOOft .. C.C.L. 1~ . +SAIoIPlE 12 :=C.c,l. 12 .. .- .. .... ... .... ............ ... ...... . ...................... '" '" .... . ...... ." ... . I - - -- ,-. ~'~"'- . - - ~ c - . . ~ _:_~-:::-.. - -j ~ _ .:~: ~-__- . _ - _- ~ -~ ~-~__;_-:~--~~~~~;:~~~_~_ 0: ,,-~~-dl__- =~~~;__~~.. ~~- --~~~~;-;;.-:;--:~~~~~~ ~- ..'- -_ '" 5ftl ,,10 5 ft '.6, ':":.' ...... . .. . .. ft . feet ppa ~ perts per IIi II ion . NOTE: CCNŒNtRATtONS FOR AMY SINGLE SOIL S»IPLE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppa FOR BENZENE, 80ppu FOR TOLUENE, 40ppll FOR )('flUE AND 40ppa fOR ETHYL BENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH THE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE lAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLlI)ED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CtMJlATlVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR AsaVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLlI)E BOTTOM SAMPLES WHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT, 42 Ii D I ~T AH(;E fRat SURfACE TO G~CXJÞd) IJAiER . 1-1_ 9--º. f t I . . ... ... -. e TABLE l'} e ENVIRONI4ENTAL fATE ~KSHEET ,Oft Ethy1Ben_~fuEL COfjSTITUENT) C DISTANCE FRat SAMPLE TO SURFACE ..5__ft Áo 5 f t I ".liLft A 5 (c I . "li_ft A 5ftl "2.D...ft A Sftl .. .2..5... ft A. Sftl ..~ft ,. . . sftl:>_-: .: .....lLft ...... .:-....:. Sit I.... '. . ·..~ft ,. 5ftl ...!â.-ft . ... ........ - 5ftl p- ..:., .. 2.Q.... ft ..... ...... sft¡':: _ ,,2...2-.ft " ,. <Sf t I· .:::':. . . . - ..' .. . ...... ....... ". P,' ..,... .. :_..6Òn Ethy1benzene Table 10 Pence Petroleum o DISTANCE fRat SAMPLE TO GRa.JND IJATER A SM4PLE 1 1cI-Slt SAMPLE 2 ~-2..Qf t SAMPLE 3 185ft SAI4PLE '+ 180ft SAMPLE 5 175ft SAJoIPLE 6 170ft SAMPLE 7 165ft SAMPLE 8 160ft SAJoIPLE 9 155ft SAMPLE 10 150ft SAMPLE 11 145ft .. -.<. - . ,- '" ...... ... ...... ..' ..... -..... ._..0 . P·-. .... 0.. .... _. ..' '" ..... . . .- ........... . . ...".... . .... .. .'- «dd,,' .. . ......--... ..- . p' ........ . ............ ... . .......... ..... "- .....- -..... .' ....... .. . '............. .............. . ........ .". ........... -.' .......... ...... ............. .,... .....'....'... ....... ............. ... ..... - .... :.:--.;-;...:.:.:..-:..:.;.;.:.:..-::;.;.:-:........ ....:-:.;-;.;.:;._;.;-;.;.;..-_....:._...;_::..:....y "5mLE 12 140f{ E CUHUlA TI VI:. CONT AI4/ HA TlON LEVELS C.!:.L. SOIL SIIRfACE SAMPLE 1_~D .H·f11 = C.C.L. 1-- C.C.L. , + SAI1PLE 2!iº_. _.I~-''' = C.C.L. 2-=- C.C.L. 2 + SAJoIPl E 3 0.. 6 Sr, .n = c.c.l.3.Q~~·6·8. C.C.l. 3 · SAMPLE "_~n~ -º ppn = C. C .l. i, _1 Þ .6 8 .. C.C,L. 4 _ + SAMPLE 5 3~? ~>f.\:I = C.C.L. sA....JJL,_ C.C.L. 51 7 · SAMPLE 6__~.Pf~n :: C.C.l. t..5 .~t8._. C.C.L. 6 + SAJoIPLE 7ND F'P" = C.C.L. 7:>:~___ C.C.l. 7 D · SAJoIPLE SN ppn :: C.C.l. 8.S , 8 ~__ C.C.l. 81 2 + SAMPLE 9· ppm :: C.C.l. 97, 08 C,C.l, 92 6 +SAMPLE 10· ppm =C.C.L. 109.68 C.C.l. 102 +SAMPLE 11 . 9 epn =C.C,l. 1112. 58- C.C,l. 1'2 4 . +SAJoIPlE 12' rn ::C,C,L,1214.9 r-f~~ERAG~ ANNUAL r p~ecrPITATION .. INCHES ---- .. --.-..---- I I / I / I / I , I I / I I i / I I I / / I I I I I I I f C Aceep r AUtl. UIH rAMINA r IOU levEL S -- - .- .- - ... . ------ _1.0.0.0.._ ..100_ Q_.._ .lOQQ_ . _l.OJl Q_ _. 100q' 1000 lOOL 1000 1000' 1000 CLEAlIUP? yes IF E )0 F NO I F e ~ F yc~ no ..._ye... _no _ye,. X-no __yc... X-_no _. ..yc!. X-nn _yes X-no _yes X-no yes ~no _yes Lno _yes Lr,o _yes Lno '. _yes. Lno - .- ... ~ .-- . .-........... '" ...... . ................... .' :... - . '.. ...... '. j - . .... _. .. -- ~.._~~~~~..~~~~-~: ~~=~~~o:-, -- .e~~... .-...-.~.~.~.-.._~.'~.~.::::~;-~~~~~~.~ -'~ ft =0 feet ppm :: parts per mi II ion + NOTE: CONCENTRATIONS FOR ANY SINGLE SOIL SAMPLE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppm FOR BENZENE, 80ppm FOR TOLUENE, 40ppm FOR X~lENE AND '+Oppm FOR ETHYlBEHZEHE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITK TME CENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLUOED IN THE CALCULATIONS fOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLUOE BOTTOM SAMPLES WHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN fHE DETECTION LIMIT. 42 a DISTANtE FR~ WRfACE TO G~OOId) 'oIAJER ---. -2:G-G- f t , , . " ." .. " e e TASlE 2,' ENVIRONHENTAl FATE UORKSHEET 'OR _.CfUEl CONSTlTlJfHT) Ethylbenzene Cont. Table 10 Cont. Pence Petroleum ~- A AVERAce ANNUAL r· . Pl/fCIPI TATlCH I '" ~:-.=-_INCHES I 1// I / / I / / I / I I i / I I I / / / I / I I I / f C C D E DISTANCE FRCf4 SAMPLE TO SURFACE DISTANCE FRat SAMPLE TO GRooND UATER CUMULATIVE CO+ITAMINAT ION lEVelS c.C.L. ACCEP r AUl f: to.u AM I NA rr 011 LEVELS CLEANUP? YES If E > F NO IF E $. F = Q.?_fr .. SOIL SIIRFACE SAMPLE 1..~P ..f-1,"1 SAMPLE 1 1_3 :1 t = C.C.l. '.14.98 .lODO. . .__yc'!' X..no C.C.L. 1 + SAMPLE 2_o..~. ª.I-i-'II SAMPLE 2 . 13Jh = C.C.L. 2_15.78 .lO.QO._ yes .x....no C,C,l, 2 º_<? J,f" + SAliPlE 3 SAMPLE 3 125t = C.C.l. 3_.16-,..48 _ ~ O..Q.Q...::.. _ ye~. X-no C.C.L. 3 120t · SAMPLE ,,_.Q_~ 2 ppn SAHPlE 4 = C.C. L. "._16 M 6,8 " .J..O.O 0.._ --y~... ]Lno C,C,L. l, 4 11!it + SAMPLE 5_1. .,.H->:. SAMPLE 5 = C.C.L. 5 -1.8 ~8 ._l.OJlO_ _. .:rc." ..x..no . . C.C.l. 5 · SAMPLE 6 O. 8 PI)" : SAMPLE 6 . - 11 (h = C.C.L. é~1.a..:aß. . _JJ1.QJL. _YC$ Ã..no .:- C.C.l. 6 10 !it .. SAl4PlE 7_Q~pprr 1000 JLno SAMPLE 7 = C.C,L. 7 -.l9.--...4Jt _yes C.C.L. 7 ND - , lOth · SAl4PlE 8 ppm SAMPLE 8 = C.C.l. 8~_~ 1000 _yes 1l.no C.C,l. 8 ND ;.... ~ft + SAMPLE 9 ppm 1DOL SAMPLE 9 = C.C.t. 9 19,'18 _yes lLno C.C.L. 9 O.Ob +SAMPlE 10 SAMPLE 10 .....2.-º-ft =C.C.L. 10 19,49 1000 yes 1l.r,o .. 5ftl70 · _._.it · 5 f ,t I .~ft .. 5ftl "~ft '" Sf t I "~ft "'- SHI - . .~ft · .", 5_ft 1':.:'_- .: "~ft ". .:-.:.': '-- Sft I":. ,', . ,.10 Oft · Sftl ,.105ft · - 5ftl :.....' -.- . ,.110ft ".: ~ ;.. Sft I ,. pPI!I .:'. '_ _yes ,"_r'tO C.C.L. 10 ' +S.o!PlE 11 =C.C.l. 11 pçm SAMPLE 11 _____ft _yes _no .--:'", .... . ........./.... .·....¡¡¡.¡¡·,:~;,t¡±i.;.~\~~~"¡':;;:.,.. :' ...... ..' C.C,L, 11 +SAMPlE 12 :'=C,C,L, 12 ~ .. . ..' ,...... .... ... ..... ... ...... . ................... ... .... -" .... . . .... . - j -- ~~;-¿~~F ~::_-=-~~:_:~:~ -::--:-~~~:~;~~=~;~.~~~~~~~SE:~~~~:~~~~ - - :._:-~,,~-~~ _: - -. - .. .. . ft . feet pptI . parts per lDi II ion · NOTE: CCNŒIITItAT IONS FOR AHY SINGLE 501 L ~PLE CAIINOT EXCEED 100ppn fOR BENZENE, 80ppn fOR TOLUENE. 40~ FOR XnEME AMe 40pptl FOR ETHYLBEHZEIIE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH THE CENERAl RIS( APPRAISAL, THE lAST SAMPLE TO BE INCL\J)ED IN THE CALOJLATlONS fOIl ClKJLATlVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCL\J)E BOTTOM SAMPLES WHICH NAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT. . - . ... .... ... ". ....... .... ..... .. ... . .... .'. . ......:............-.. ............. ..... .. '.. ............. .... ....:.:...:.::.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.....:.:...:. . . ... ,.. . ... 42 ij DIS.TAJlC;E FI~Q4 SURfACE TO G~OOId) UA1IER -- Î _~.9Jlft ¡ ... .. -.- .. e fABLE 2'1 ENVIRONMEHrAL fArE \ØICSHEET 'OR Xy ene C DISTAHCE FRQ4 SAMPLE TO SURFACE 5.._ f t .. 5ftl ..~.ft .. 5 r ~ I .. ..l.5.._ f t .. 'Htl .. .2.fL.f t .. .' 5ft I ".2..5- f t "- 5ft ' - .. .3..íL. f t .. .. . Sftl_·:-;:··-:· . "-3...5-.fi: .... '::'. .. SIt -·..: -"~ft ... Sft I " J..Ltt .... ........ .' Sft I'.: .. 5JLh ..... ..' Sfll'::' . "22-ft .. .. Table 11 Pence Petroleum D DISTAHCE FR()4 SAI4PLE TO GRCUND UATER .. SAMPLE 1 195ft SAI4PLE 2 l..9...O. f t SAMPLE 3 l.ß.S..t t SAMPLE 4 l.8Jl f t SAMPLE S l..2.5- f t . - SAMPLE 6 . 1.1..0... f t SAMPLE 7 l...6..5.. f t ... SAMPLE 8 160 It SAMPLE 9 155 ft .. S~PLE 10 150ft SAMPLE 11 145ft .::-Sftl:i ..... ......... ..' .........:.. _. _.::::::~ ~..?.._:f~..:.· ..~:~E_._1_~.: __ _ '. _..' .. - ... .. .. ... . . .. . .. .....~... . ,. ... .... -. .... ..... ... . .. -.. .-..... .............. .. ... .... .". :: ::.. ".:.. :::.::.:.:..-:",:. :?::"::::::'::-::::::::::, ;:.::::::::::":::::.::::':::.:::::.<:::::":'::'::'::".::~:: ..... .:. . . .,. ":':-:-'.::':'::'.:::'-' :.:-".:-.:.:.....: '.':-:-:':"'::':"':':'''-' .....:.:...:-:.::..:,.:.:.:..._.:-.:.:-:.: -::....-.-.y ....:..:.:.::: E CUHUlATIVl COtH AMI NA T ION LEVELS C.C.L. SOIL StJRFACE SAMPLE '~P.. Jim = C.C.L. 1~:-_ C.C.L. 1 .. SMlPLE 20. 0 3 À.UI = c. c. L. 2õ~'~-ö33 C.C.t. 2 - 4 .. SAMPLE 32 _~... _. J, ell = C.C.L. 32..4.33 C.C.L. 3 .. SMlPlE l,?~_~ PI'li = C.C.l. l,B ..333.. C.C.L. l, . .. SAMPLE 5!~.. J,,~:a = C, C . L. ~ 2..2..... 3_:L C.C.l. S .. SAMPLE ~~l_Pl~1I = C.C.L. 631..63_. C.C,L 6 .. SAMPLE 7!0 _PS"II = C.C.t. 7U....6.ll C.C.l. 77 8 .. SAMPLE 8' ¡Jpn = C.C.l. ~9 .-.{)_:i C.C.L, ~ .. SAMPLE 9~ = C,C.l. 95b:433 C,C.t. 9ól2 "SAMPLE 1 ppm =C.C,L. 11:6 8,433 C.C.L. '~l . "SAMPLE 11 ~ =C. C. L. 11/9, 4.5 3 C.C,L, ~~. 1 4 0 -f~:~~~~: 12Ö ¿ . ::> 33 ..- ..... e ..<FUEL CONST I TUEHT) r-I~~ERAG~ ANNUAL PRECIPI TAT lOtI I ... r -::-::-.-===.1 NCHES / / / / I I / I / I / I I I ¡ / I / I / / / I I I I I / f G ACCEP I AUl f. WNIAHINArION lEvelS .. ~O 0 Q . _ .1íl!HL _~.O_O!L .. ~QOiL ._ HlD!L . _lO..O..D_._ 1 (lO-n 1000 . .,.. 10.0JL 1000 1000 1000 CLEANUP? YES IF E .. f NO IF E ~ f ___ye~ -X.no o _yes ..x,..no _ye,- ...x...no __yc:. ...x...no _. __yc~ Lno _yef> ...x...no _yes Lno _yes lLno _yes Lno _yes .x..r,o yes lLnÖ - _yes .-lLnO -_. .. - . -.. .. . ... 0..". -0. . . ....: 0":':. ..:.~..". 0..::: ::::.::..) .: .:. .0,. ".:.,.::.-:.. OF ":. ". '." ',"". .... .... .................... ....0', . ....:..... .....;.:...::.::..:...:.:........;.:... "."". ~ o. ... ....._. .... '0...·. ... .... . ................... ,.. ... .. .... . . - . .. . - L - 0 - ~~;~~~~~-r<~~-~o;~~~ :70~~~;~~-::~ ~~~~~~~~~1-~~:~~=-----c~_oo-~~--_~:- - :_ "0" .. ... ft :0 feet ppm :0 pa,.ts pe,. ..i II ion . NOTE: CONCEMTRATIONS FOR ANY SIHGLE SOIL SAMPLE CAHNOT EXCeED 100ppm FOR BENZENE, 80ppm FOR TOLUENE, 40ppa FOR X1LEME AND 40ppm fOR ETHYLBEHZEHE IN ORDER TO BE USED WITH TKe CENERAL RIS( APPRATSAL, THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR ClMJLATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ASOvt: THE DETECTION LIMIT; 00 NOT INCLUDE SOT TOM SAMPLES WHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION liMIT, 42 It OI:¡T AIIe;E fltC»4 $URfACE TO GI!OOIiD UAJER .. 1..2.0..0.f t , .' - . .. . .. .. .. .. e TABl.E Z'3 ENVIRONMENTAL FATE \ØICSHfET ,~ xylene e ..( fUEl. CONST !TUE"" t DISTANCE FRC»4 SAAPlE TO SURFACE -6-5- f t .. 5ftl .. :J.D.-.ft ... 5ft ....25.._ f t ... Table 11 Cont. ; Pence Petroleum D OISTANCE fRC»4 :; SAAPlE TO GRCJJNO UATER .. SAMPLE 1 13-5 tt S.v1PLE 2 1-3-0.£ t SAMPLE 3 ft 5ft YllOL_ft SAMPLE 4 ... 5ft I Y.ß...5- f t .... 5tt I ".9..0- f t .... .':. . 5f~ I ..- -. . .. .::.:q\: ft 5ft ,. . .. .l..O..O. it . 5ttl "ll..5. f t '. . Sft I·. . "ll..O. it ,.:", ....... Sft¡' .._ft .. SAMPLE 5 . . SAMPLE 6 SAMPLE 7 ft -.. SAHPlE 8 ft SAMPLE 9 ft SAHPLE 10 - ft 5.v!PLE 11 - ft -Sft I: ..... . ..... .......... . ."d¥TA;;¡ì;;.{.,'i",i,:;:,:,:: ~ft ::.::/ y -.::-::::::·::-X:::·:-;'·.· .: ..,.:---:.::.--: ':':-:.:.::':::':'.':':':.:. .-.':-:':-;'.::' -:.:.;-".,,_.:. .:.;.:.: '.:.:.: :-_-y ....; .':':_: ::. . SOl L SIJRfACE Ft ft ft E J- A f AVERAGE ANNUAL PRECIPITATION ,. J -::.-:-_:=:.I_~CHES I I / / I / / I / I I I I I i I I I I I I , I I I I I I f G s .. ... ......... ..... ....... ".. ...... . ................. 0.. .,. .. .... . ...". - I - ' . . - - . - . -. ":I';,",=~- =. ~ --- -,,..~ _ - _ -:,.':"" :=:<~ ~J~~:~;.-~;;~;~~._~;:~~~~=~~;:~~-=~~~~;;~~- -: ~~.-~~7~--_~_:'·_-r=!ii!I.::-~~-:~~~~-_.-_:~~~~;~~.~_·__ '-. --. CUHULA TI Vl COHTAAIHA flON LEVELS C.C.L. ACCEPTAUlf. WHrAAINArlON L E YEL S CLEANUP? YES r Fe> F NO IF E ~ F ft a feet ppa :r parts per e¡ t t ion · NOTE: CONœ»TRATlONS FOR A) Y SINGLE SOIL S»4PLE CANNOT EXCEED 100ppll FOR BENZENE, 80pprn FOR TOLUENE, r.Oppll Far X'ft,ENE "NO 40ppm F~ ETHYlBEN2EIIE III ORDER TO BE USEO WITH THf GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE IIIClLIIED IN THE CALCULATIONS F~ Cl.HJlATtVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION liMIT; DO NOT INClLIIE BOTTOM SAMPLES WHICH HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT, SAMPLE 1:1,., 0 _~'" ::: c.e.L. 183 . 533 --l-DO 0- - .__yc~ X.no C.C.L. 1 + SAMPLE 2l.~.ª_. ¡-i.1II ::: C.C.L. 28_7.333 ...lO.QQ_ . __yes Lno C.C,L. Z + SAMPLE J2 ~J _. .n "' = C.C.L. 38-9.·-633 _~.QQ.O_ _ye,. Loa C.C,L. 3 + SAJlPLE 41. 5 ppn = C.C.L. "91'.:-133 _. ~O_O Q_ __yc... .lLno C.C.L. r. + S.v1PLE ~J__ pp:a :; c.e,L. '59.9..- 3- 3..3 ._l.O..QCL _. ...'fc:e. Lno C.C.L. 5 + S.v1PLE 6?~_PI) ' :; C.C.L. tl 0.4- . .933 . _lO...O.Q_. ye.. Loa C.e.l. 6 + SAMPLE ì'!~Lpµ J ::: c.e,L. 7J.Jl9_033 1000 yes ]Loa C.C.L. 7 + SAMPLE ¡J) . 5 _ypn 1000 1L :; C.C.l. BJJl9.....5A..3 yes oa C.C.L. ~ 01 ' .. + SAMPLE . PP" 1000 ]Loa. = C.C.L. q¡OQ.543 _yes C.C.l. 9 . + SAMPLE 1d) . 08 ppn :::e.e.1.. 1<JI 0 q Fi23 1000 _yes 1L no e.c.1.. 10 +SAMPlE 11 =e.c.L. 11 ppn _yes _no C.C,L. 11 . . +SAMPlE 12 ..=C,C.L. 12 pPII _ _.. _yes.- _no -. . .. . ..- .. . ..... -- - .0..· ". . . .... "':<"::'::'.-".:.:-.; :::::;";:.":":: - ...... . .. ...0 .....:.;.....:.::......:.:.;.....:.:.......... 42 e EXHIBITS e J ---2.!.......:3 ,.Hst ~r'¡l 0 .~ . o<II,IOY.. . ~""""" ~ ....~~At . S"T --- . .. '$1' i$1':i 0:1 ] $1' ... ... ~ i . .,-- ~ ~ CltðWDrr c; _ .:i.~~~~rt ~1VNÓ'" - 1:0 I~ ' ~.~ ---¡ ~ I _MtJ - .::. ..., ~ ..........--- 1: =~_ ~a - otU1~,..... MDtI i t:: ~- 2 OIQI.S ~ "VI J~ -~-"'-111'1'--ª ð -~ '1:0 i m.¡z ~ _ ~ _ .. Jl/lCHFW cr c...:',LS -~ j -.~:"<-"~~"VI I ðCC - - - . =----- ~ s..w.rrH Sf C. a.&ÞO ",..,. IT :1 ,~ .,. ., ¡. ~ I' -.-J c.r.TfWAY 011: : ! -II¡ ¡it; il_.. .. _ f I i ! i ;i~;i: E;~ hi bit I Aqu~Get}$Ci ~nl:es í nc. J 1 '!r' ~s~"'o('nd Cr;v!' Suit~ 1 03 ·zTÏi'1d. ~.};jf(¡rn;a -?33C: rO:....¡Jl'loo@. (ZO:;) .~Z3-Q'76: ; ~;.; 328-1 I 29 I I I I I ¡ I I I ¡ , i I ~er:ce ?eU-:))8Urn :'~)(~ nfi~1 d ::;.j 1 j ¡'or ni:) I I I ..... :CINIT'..' ~AF 1 I I \ i '. - ----- -- Ibdtl '1U:II. ...-- - East Truxtun Avenue o Streetlight SlgHost \ Sidewalk X Fence Line N. VI-1 % Vapor 0 VI-6 Extraction . VE-2 Unit 0 B- A / VE-3 Dirt Lot 0 Confirmation Boring Q. Approximate location of VE-1 Approximate location of dispenser island former underground tanks 0 B-2 . B-4 . Scale 1":::; 10' o 5 10 --.J 20 Sidewalk 15 o Pole Anchor AquaGeosciences, Inc, 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax: (805) 32801129 Title ~ 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California SITE MAP VI-5 . \ Approximate .limit of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil Key ø Testhole Borings o Vapor ExtractIon Wells . Vapor Inlet Wells ø Confirmation boring .:9 ~ ~ æ Exhibit 2 \ N Estimated Portion of Plume Requiring Remediation Former Gasoline Tanks and Dispenser Island manhole o Q) -¡; Q) "D East Truxtun - -- . streetlight parking lot - -- East 18th SCALE 1 " = 20' . Prior Boring Location o Vapor Extraction/Inlet well Title Pence Petroleum 901 E, Truxtun Bakersfield, California AERIAL VIEW OF PLUME Exhibit , AQuaGeosciences, Inc, 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 - 'kersfieJd, California 93301 I elephone: (805) 328-0962 I Fax 328-1129 3 ~ Surface V!-4 B-2 VE-' VE-3 VI-' VI-6 20' . ~·..O¡:8 "- NO h:t: :0..:.:..·:.·.11\ L¡{;;{, .:::: H':::D~ aza ;.. i'=.. .. . . . .;~ ..j:~~():.::..:: .. . ...:.. :: .. .+:?::: . ··..:::·X.:·... ...:::::,::. ~::. ... . .??? ....... NO ,ì~~:;;~f,:r~:;j!~ .\ NO ~ N:: .: .. ... :;::~:r'::::::;·.:.!!:.m!m:!:!!!!:!!m::::i¡:¡:! ~ :.:¡::¡Ii¡!!¡!:¡!¡!;:~::::::.:!·~·¡::!!:)::¡!:::t - 31 .. ... .......):):)):;::,):::::::):I:::::. .... . ... . r:f:···· .... NO 40' Screened Interval 60' , "', ",,··I.)&%R-'· '" "'" ".' No(~?;~.,Jj:'IJ ,~~." _ :: k::::. . .::::::::::... . ...(::::(::::::.... .:::::.:....:..::::.:::... ,... ... ::}}} .:i!:::::!:·:=::::::=:::::.. .::::::::::::,7 ill~lr;' NO'! , II-'W' ... ·2·······························..·· ···-::::::::::···V NO ·....·\f:{··::::::::::::: ,::::::./ :::: .>::::.:::;)!.:::::~:!).:;!::¡;:::=::!~:!.:j.:::::.:::: ... .i: ::.\...:: ... .. .:. . ¡:~:li¡!¡!li!¡!r . .. . NO 80' '00' NO NO NO TPHg Plume Scale 1 " = 1 5' o 20' I 40' Title Pence Petroleum 90' E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California Cross Section A-A' Exhibit AquaGeosciences, Inc. 1701 WestwInd Drive, Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax: (805) 328-1129 4 o -Surface B-3 VE-3 VI-S 20' eened Interval 40' 60' 80' 100' TPHg Plume 120' o 20' I 40' Scale 1 " = , 5' Exhibit Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax: (805) 328-1129 Ti1le Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California Cross Section B-B' 5 AquaGeosciences, Inc. 1701 Westwlnd Drive, Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Total depth of borIng: 110' DIameter of borIng: 6- Date 5/16/94 Casl ng¡ dl ameter: Length: Slot sl ze: Screen dIameter: Length: MaterIal type: Drl111ng company: Sol1s Englneer1ng. InproJect.Geologls~Patr1clc McCu110ugh Method used: Hollow Stem Auaer DEPT SAMPLE NO. -0- -2- -4- -6- -6- -10- -12- -14 -16 -16 -20 -22 SIgnature of RegIstered ProfessIonal: Registration No.: 4779 P. Goa1w1n State: CA LOWS F.I.D. U.S.C.S CODE DESCR I PTI ON Su rface 4 4 4 SP SAND - sorne gravel, gravel to sand grade, red/org., darnp, no odor, no stain o 22 SAND - sorne gravel, gravel to sand grade, 1 1 950 SP red/org., dry, moderate odor, slight stain 3 15 57 575 SM SAND - some silt, sand to silt grade, gray, damp, mod. to strong odor, no stain 1 1 SAND - some silt, sand to silt grade, 25 1000 SM gray, damp, strong odor, no stain + 26 Key ~ UIIll ~ Q II EZl [g SW ML CL SP SM SC GP LI TH WELL TYPE CONS · . . . · . . . · . . . · . . . · . . . · . . . · + + . · . . . · . . . · . . . · . . . · . . . · . . . · . . . · . . . · . . . · . . . · . . . Exh1b1t 1701 Westwfnd Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 T1t1e PENCE PETROLEUM 901 E. TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSF I ELD. CALI FORN I A CONFI RMATI ON BORI NG C-' 6 DEPT SAMPLE BLOW F.I. USCS DESCRIPTION LI THO WELL . NO. CODE TYPE CONST. -24 5 SAND - some silt, sand to silt grade, 10 850 SM red/org., damp, strong odor, no stain -26 13 · . . . . -26 · . . . . 23 SAND - some gravel, gravel to sand · . . . . 1000 · . . + + -30 36 SP grade, redlorg., damp, strong · . . . . + petroleum odor, no stain + + . . . 24 · . . . . -32 · . . . . · . . . . -34- 12 SAND - some silt, mad. sand to silt 23 000 SM grade, redlorg., damp, strong odor, no -36- + stain 27 -38 · . . . . 12 SAND - coarse sand to mad. grade, · . . . . 000 SP · . . . . -40 26 red/org., dry, strong odor, no stain · . . . . + · . . . . 34 · . . . . -42 · . . . . -44 15 SAND - some silt, med. sand to silt 28 000 SM grade, brown, damp, strong odor, no -46- + stain 31 -48- 8 SILT - some sand, trace clay, fine to -50- 16 000 ML clay grade, brown, sltly. damp, strong 24 + odor, no stain -52- -54- 7 SILT - some sand, trace clay, fine to 18 1000 ML clay, reddislbm., dry, strong odor, no -56- 42 + stain Exh1b1t 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (80S) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title PENCE PETROLEUM 901 E. TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSF I ELD. CALI FORN I A CONF IRMA T ION BOR I NG C- 1 6 Page 2 DEPT SAMPLE BLOW .I.D USCS LI THO WELL NO. CODE DESCR I PTI ON TYPE CONST -58- 15 SILT - some sand, trace clay, fine to clay -60- 42 1000 ML grade, brown, sltly. damp, strong odor, 43 + no stain -62- -64- 18 SAND/SILT - mad. to silt grade, 57 000 MlIS -66 + bmJorg., dry, strong odor, no stain -68- 16 29 000 SM SAND - some silt, mad. to silt, brn./org., -70- + dry, strong odor, no stain 40 -72- -74- 9 SAND - some silt, trace clay/gravel, 22 000 SM gravel to clay grade, reddish bm., damp, -76- 25 + strong odor, no stain -78- 12 · . . . . SAND - mad. to fine grade, raddishlorg., · . . . . -80- 24 000 SP dry, strong odor, no stain · . . . . · . . . . + · . . . . 43 · . . . . -82- · . . . . · . . . . 21 SILT - some sand, trace clay, fine to -84- 32 000 ML clay grade, bm., damp, moderate 34 + odor, no stain -86- -88- SILT - some sand, some clay, very 13 000 ML -90- 30 + fine to silt grade, brown, damp, strong 34 odor, no stain Title PENCE PETROLEUM 901 E. TRUXTUN A VENUE BAKERSF I ELD. CAL I FORN I A 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 ':\akersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 CONFIRMATION BORING C-1 Exhtb1t 6 Page 3 SAMPLE BLOW F.I. USCS WELL DEPT NO. CODE DESCR I PTI ON CONST. -92 -94 9 SAND - some silt, trace gravel, gravel t 30 000 SM silt grade, org./bm., damp, strong odor, -96 + no stain 37 -98 15 SAND - some silt, very coarse to silt 100- 26 000 SM grade, org./bm., dry, strong odor, no 23 + stain -102- -104- 18 SAND - some silt, coarse to silt grade, 41 000 SM orgJbm., damp, strong odor, no stain -106 45 + -108 31 000 SM/M SAND - some silt, mad. to silt grade, - 110 51 orgJbm., damp, strong odor, no stain + - 112 114- END OF BORING @ 110' 116- 118- 120- 122- 124- I I 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 ~akersfleld, California 93301 "elephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 T1t1e PENCE PETROLEUM 901 E. TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSF I ELD. CAL I FORN I A CONFIRMATION BORING C-1 Exh1b1t 6 Page 4 e e APPENDIX A Site Assessment Lab Reports and Chain-oj-Custody e/1 ¡'lL!~_jAl SAMPU: I () C:~N' s~~~. ~¡f J¡ ~ ¡ JAIN- W",", ~.;;'. i' EllS IWI 'r ~ J:. S:~~' /~~ J 5 V V I .s vv I 5 V V J .5 ../ I lP. NO. ¡PO NO) =Nce - 9ò/ E. "fft/'Jtn¡J SAMPL E RS CS'IJ""tul"/Nurn",,o¡ 81' J. /- h, I, n SAMPLE 10 / TIME HDD/YY tHi MM SS DATE 11 I", q 'tj"~ JUi VT: - 1 r;;) :i,A) /..',"1' JI1')'l/J1vI \/'1:-1 Iff) 40' ~.... , 2.' rt\1 If) ',tlf AM VI- ,1\) .~-S- ,,'r,)1 1/ "'AM IIr-1 ¡;i) ']()J I ....- 'J..'JIPJI IIJ: SeJ nt1 . , n./' J J', oç J'\ m . I . , ,."1.1(,)/ !J' ,,^ "'''"'' ~J4 J ~,.~~:ß 0", I I - ^ ~':~( hld~y~~:D .,. linqullh' by: (SlgnllulI, linqullh.d by: (SlgnllulI' ~~c:¡J/ltbOr'IOrY ~,~ J ./ JIj., /I" Fa;'" ¿.J/.C; I / Jt~ "(J"'Y (/ 'Canary' Relu,n Copy To Shipper (;H 1\ TN OF CT TRTOOV t/E - J (i) 1.,6-' V £ - J M'J ~ç; J '--' \/ £- -I t'lñ Il'ft> ' -.... V E. - I (ó) 111<: ) v' V vii 1 5 l/ II I S v' V J 5 J '5 D.le/Time Re~eived by: (Signaturl) 1~11-~ltt,1 'r~a ~ I doT'" 0".1", by' ""',,.,, Remarks D.lerme White 5arnoltl ''V /1 ab, /e LIit .:/ß c. ; AEMAR~;S Send Results To Eh' /' Î IV tÙ ¡.J Allentlon 01 I I 0 (;t{)~ AQUAGEOSCIENCES I 1701 Weslw,nd Dr.. Suire 101 Bake,sheld, CalifornIa 93301 P"'h ldtl CNlt ::::> ? -e.\.x-ùJ tv ~ / \~Si \ . eV\u-· NO. S.mpl. ~ l.P. NO. SAMPLERS ISlyndlure/Nllrnt>etl OF Typo ~ <ß~ (PO NO I 'Ph', \~ ~ hoA-L~ ~ Soli ~ CON· IS) .>..'" ...., TAIN· WI'" ~"f' DATE SAMPLE 10 1 SAMPLE ID ERS (W) "f' ~~ TIME Sludgo / At( MIOO/YV Hit MM S5 ISiI) ~ r t1hl 'I '. ;J(J AM VE.-z, @ .'- .-' ~ ;/ V .:;>'> 1111/ 10.' O~·- At1 vJ3,-1-e J vlV ~-ò , 5 'VI 1J II>: JAAr-1 \/6-).. @ (,.ð I J S / tI . f) -"';/'1 J ,,: 1.tJ AM \I ,¿ ..."). (ét), );0' I .s /£1 I . ~t/'1J <6'.33 Å'~ \/fi,- ~ @. I I 5 vV' /6 ~H~hl ~: 'ié N1 \/e.. - ~ (6) / !J_I 5 t./ """ , ~,~ 3' ... '-4 s- N^f ve..- oz., (iJ I I C) t/y c,]ð , rI,' " ". i~"AM v1§..-3 (&> ~Di , 5 vlv , r\Ob' \L, Lr - ¡-LNG REMARKS - r.. ~Krn~Q "/' W;;r;:: ,,; ";¿:...;~ Rema,ks SendResullsTo~ . \ í~ .,.,.J Attention of . y\" \ \ ( "1 ('\ A-\ .Lò I le,T'nqullned \y:I(SignllulI' Da:T'me Da:i,me ~)CÍ¡Al:wp Recalved by: (SIo"llu'll AQUAGEOSCIENCES 1101 Weslwrnd 0,.. SUIte 101 Bakersfield. Calolornla 93301 Wt1llt 5d Hpl~f ~~w~'li~ tJ'L Canary. Relurn Copy To Shlppe' Pm" LaD .Coo. lellnqullhed by; (SignllulIl ~ -/.~ rH ^ TN OF CTTSTOnV e e ~~ JIfO. ArIzona Nðvada 5327 Wfngfoot DrIve Bakersfield, CA 93306 (80s) 872-4750 Laboratory Res.uIts Par Pence Petroleum 901 East Truxtun Ave Bakersfield, CA Date Received : 8/23/91 Date Analrzed : 8/30/91 Analyst : J.S. Johnson Lab NO. 910122 Sample Matrix ¡soils Benzene . mg/Jcg Toluene mg/kg Ethylbenzene mg/kg Xylenes mg/kg Tot Pet Hyds mg/kg v r - 1 @ 2 5 I, 183.750 421.220 82.105 984.220 15,000 VI-1940' 73.505 168.210 31.215 492.015 6,625 VI-1@55' 91.875 210.000 42.310 615.010 7,420 VI-l@70' 61.250 1.40.000 27.010 322.975 5,105 YE-19ôS' 200.335 505..075 92.015 1105.125 17,220 VE-1@851 147.310 323.015 52.710 779.875 12,910 VE-l~100' .995 1.210 .275 4.225 125 VE-1@10S' ND ND ND ND 30 All Results Reported in xilligrams per Kilogram ND = Non Detectable: EPA 802å (.OOS mq/kg) EPA 8015 Modified for Gasoline (5 mg/kg) Analysis of VOlatile Aromatics ; EPA 6020 , -Analysis of Total Petroleum Hrdrocarbons ; BPA S015 Modified for Gasoline *The TPH Method for Gasoline is' the Calif DOHS Recommended Procedure Certificate Number E739 ------- Certified Full Service On Sitc Analytical Laboratorie~ . ..,..,.., ecn.¡ï :n T an.1 I.Jn~-J QCI! t t t~.:. T.-~t-~ e e Nevada ~ .inJM, JICe. Arizona 5327 Wlngfoot Drive BakersfIeld, CA 93306 (805) 872-4750 Laboratory Results For Pence Petroleum 901 East Traxtun Ave Bakersfield, CA Date Received : 9/1/91 Date Analyzed : 9/9/91 Analyst : J.S. Johnson Lab No. 910130 Sample Matrix; Soils Ben~ene . mg /kg Toluene mg/kg Ethylbenzene mg/kg Xylenes mg/kg Tot Pet Hyde mg/kg VE-2@35' .335 1.010 .105 2.220 120 VE-2@50' 12.220 28.885 5.5ÒO 103.775 1SS0 VE-2~60' 2.210 9.055 .S75 12.150 375 VE-2Q1S0' ND Nt> ND ND 30 VE-39l0' ND ~_D Nt> .105 80 VE-3@lS' 1.115 20.210 .725 9.990 320 VE-3@20t 11.775 26.210 3.330 88.r45 1250 VE-3630' 17.200 50.270 7.710 161.075 1825 All Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram ND = Non Detectable; EPA 8020 (.005 mq/kg) EPA 8015 Modified for Gasoline (5 mg/kg) Analysis of Volatile Aromatics ; EFA 8020 . . *Åna~yeis ot Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons; BFA 8015 Modified for Gasoline .The TPH Method tor GasQline is the Calif DOHS Recommended Procedure Certificate Number E739 ~. Cattified Full Service On·Site Analytical Laboratories -,-"",.-. ,-.~..., ~'P""t""'tll I~"'U-.J t:O:.TT T'::~T_CT_~ e APPENDIX B Additional Inlet Wells Lab Reports .. and Chain-oJ-Custody e 'W . . -.J ::a~1 W a~hill¡;IOn Boulevart! · Los Angeles, California 90021 · (' t9-3411 · fax: (213) 745-6372 DATE: PAGE _ OF . _. II." KK0550. IIUIlIcr'S "oilll Shipyard IIldg. 114 · San francisco. California 94188 · (, 30-3000 · Fax: (415) 822-5864 5417 l'a,1 La Palma Avellue · Anaheim. California 92807 · (71'1) 693·1026 · Fax: (714) 693-1034 FILE NO. LAB NO. .lENT NAME: Rvi Pc::...... Cc:: ANALYSES REQUESTED: . REMARKS: ¡OJECT NAME: ¡PC'.., C e ?c. 7;. Ie: to -., PROJECT NO. P.O.NO. >DRESS: 0 ~OJECT MANAGER: ?:./ /1 (( c./'¿c../ < PHONE II: J 2. ~ - 0" ~ FAX II: -I - UJ ð~ ~/~ (f) UJ \MPLER NAME: p. T . A- /1 ((t.iP,¡J~ J ¿ ë5 ..¡¡ ,,'- ~ v ii'í IT (Analytical Turn Around Time o ,. Same Day; 1 " 24 Hour; 2 '" 48 Hour; (Etc. l- ce 0 N ::iE 0 )NT AINER TYPES: B " Brass, G " Glass, P " Plastic, V " Voa Vial, 0 .. Other: I./') co ~ ~ N cO CONTAINER 0 :;;: SAMPLE CONDmONl AMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX '. <.0 NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION WATER BOIL SLUDGE OTII~R TAT . TYPE COMMENTS: I_;_JO /o/Ij/n /r)o 7.JA- 2. ~ Ý ./' / !] /' /' I_.r-~~ /0//)/1 J I.rJJ 7JfrLPJ ./" I JJ / / 1- f-Jr loll/A) r:)7J1~ 7JA- 2-f& /' I /J /' / ¿ f-I/r A#,A) lolr 9)4 ¿¡ 7 /' I tJ ..-/ ./" 1.- l..J1> My/f) /oJ) /J A- L-~ ¡> / I 3 / .-/ I_ý. 'ð /oþYflJ 11/7 7) A- LŸ7 ./' I j ..,/ .../ /-'1-(,1" IO/;JlAj Ilr) 7.J 4- Lõ10 / ( !J ----- V . h/NI1J 1j A-- t 1 I ..,,/ I !J / /' 1-'-7() 1)/1 '- JI- ir /0 #,,/fJ Irlð 7.J 4 ¿ ~ 1.. ./ I ø / .../ 1'-'I-1J /oft)lfl) /FJb 7JA-ì.. /3 / J !J / ./ øltnquished B~UIU iSml P"v ~ j Received By: (Slgnjlyre and,.Prlnlq j Name}) ~ IVtI'1&A1ft",h-Y: Time: SAMPLE DISPOSITION: &J ~~- ' .,/a-. r .Pc ¡-;. ¡' (... Æ- /1~G. ~..~ /'Yf{ F/' I~ IIII'M 1. Samples returned 10 client? YES øllllQulshed By: Sl niSluru and P""led .N:frí¡e) Received !:Iy: (SlgnelUle end Printed Name)¡;j' , Dale: Time: 2. Samples will not be stored over 30 days. unless allllQuished By: (S'gnature and Printed Name) Received By: (Signature and Printed Name) Date: Time: additional storage time is requested. 3. Storage time requested: _____ days ¡PECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: By Dale.. . ..:.-.- ...... 1,',,/1 .\'('1\'1&"1.' JIICJt'/Jt:"J~,,' 'f(')';'II: l.ilb.II a¡ \' J- \f J,/HhüJ I t)O.J kl'4kL I - 10 \CUU C DISTRIBUTION: WHITE, YELLOW. PINK TO SECD - GOLD TO CLIENT t, . ('/ 'U'C " ('pcll e" t'J III}; 1.1 JOIU "~y. :.\ U ) I.\' It'( ANAL ... ~I~ Ht:UUI: l'a,1 Wa,hinglUn BoukvanJ · Los Angeles. California 'J0021 · ( '49-3411 · Fax: (213) 745-6372 DATE: PAGE _ OF . .1, Bu. KK0550,IIunler's Poinl Shipyald Bldg 11·1 · San Francisco, California 94188 · (. J30·3000 · I'a.: (415) 822-5864 5427 !'asl La Palma Avenue · Anaheim, California 92807 · (714) 693-1026 · Fax: (714) 693-1034 FILE NO. LAB NO. lENT NAME: /(0 6~/' -;- .P~ "7 c. f? ANALYSES REQUESTED: REMARKS: :OJECT NAME: ~... 0( <- ~T,.." /CÚ~ PROJECT NO. P.O.NO. IDRESS: 0 IOJECT MANAGER: ~T;-"r k /-1 ("..d",¡PHONEIt: J¿i'- û9Ç"L FAX It: -I w ~ <:/ d£ 2 CJ) ¿;P~~ w .MPLER NAME: ~ /:.,', It- h rp'f.!/¿~'; is -2/ ~ {'¡5 .T (Analytical Turn Around Time) o " Same Day; 1 " 24 Hour; 2 =- 48 Hour; (Etc.) CJ) I- <x: en CJ 0 N ~ 0 )NT AINER TYPES: B" Brass, G " Glass, P " Plastic, V ~ Voa Vial, 0 " Other: U') co ~ Ei Ñ có 0 ~ SAMPLE CONDmONl ~MPLE DATE TIME MATRIX '. CONTAINER co <.D -q- NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SLuooe TAT COMMENTS: WAT£II SOIL 0'01,£11 . TYPE ~ '-.li /oj;)/¡ J o 7$tù 7.JA ¡ 7 y- / / fJ ./ / ~'-Jr /olIJ I,) /00 I 1.J/f-'2-7r ../ / !J / / (. '-Yo lö/lJAI lOLl fjJIf 2-7{, "./ / IJ /' / . I-"-I-f ¡011)/9) lùJ? / I !J 7 / 7J4 ~77 I_b-.ro )ó/¡¡j'll loS-f 7J,f¿?g / I IJ ,/ / /_, -s-r hjÍJ/V ///0 7J Æ-l..ì '7 / I j) /" / 1- "-70 /0 I/J/~J 1)...1(, 7J A- L~ù / I /J ./ / /-'-10 ló //)/,) / J Oú 1J/f-tì/ / I j) ,/ / LS"-15 IÓ/¡l In IFD 0 ?J A 'L8L / J ìJ / / ¿["-2P lóJ/)/~1 l.JoC¡ 7 j A- L 1) / I ß / / .llnquished B~~a'ure and ~;:?#fe) A T j.; k /'"1, (..11:;11:; By: (SIO}filure and Printed Name) 111Íf'/~1 Dale: Time: SAMPLE DISPOSITION: ~:;- ~ ~/, /. j¡r, . , . , "FI HClt.¡P'T1hft?tJyPn II JiM 1. Samples returned to client? ® NO .hnquiahed By: (Signalure anlll"~lI Name) Received By: (519£:9 and Printed Name) Dale: Time: 2. Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless alinquished By: (Signalu/u allll P,inlull Nemal Rucuived By: (Slgnalure and Prlnled Nemel Dale: Time: additional storage time is requested. " , ;!~. 3. Storage time requested: days iPECIALINSTRUCTIONS: By Dale fØ . . . .. - ~ .. . . ... . f' 1/ \' \' J d J I r I I I I II 1/ I JlI)(J.I DISTRIBUTION: WHITE. YELLOW, PINK TO SECD - GOLD TO CLIENT - e 11111111111 111111/1'" ""111/111 HALCYON IJLaboratoríes. Certified by the State of California Department of Health SeMceS Loba'OOOO- # IÇ)2C) 1701 Westwhld Dr. Suite 103 ßnke."sileld, C,-\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 II I Illh Report of Analysis Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-4-35 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A286 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.05 Toluene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.05 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.05 X lenes ND m 0.05 TPH gasoline 31. mg/Kg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m l. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~ ) Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 1111111111111 . '1IJIII11.... '."11111111 HALCYON hJla bù r ato rít£í. Certined by the State of (a Mfornia De~rtment of Health Services Lðba'ðt"A::rY # 1<J2() 1701 1f...·stwhld I)... Suite 103 Bnkel~Ueld. (\-\. 93301 PhOr1ê: .'305-3~.8·00f32. Fa'-: 805·328·1129 . ¡fIll I 1111111. Test: 80 15mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company; Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 BakersfielcL CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-45 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A287 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L· Benzene 0.12 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.02 Toluene 0.53 mgIKg (ppm) 0.02 Ethylbenzene 0.32 mgIKg (ppm) 0.02 X lenes 1.0 m 0.02 TPH gasoline 200. mg/Kg (ppm) .5 TPH diesel ND m m .5 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa LeniŽ, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 1111111111111 1111'ffiucYON'111 I,Jlaboratúríes. Certified by the Store of Colifornia Department of Health Services LðlM:nJko' # '~2() 1101 Wl-sh"'hul Dr. Suite 103 Uakel'Siield. (',", 93301 F't~O )ç: 805-3~:'3·0gf3:.:?, Fax: 1305·328-1129 ,11111 111h. Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 COIltact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-50 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A288 Date of sampling: Oct 14~ 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19~ 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 .. X lenes ND m m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mgIKg (ppm) .1 TPH diesel ND m m .1 . *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 111111..... '."1111111 HALCYON . IJLaboratorÍc£i, CertJfied by the State of California Department of Health Sel"vices Lðb«ðk:f'Y # .~~ 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C,-\. 93301 phone: 805-328-9962, Fax: 805-328-1129 I 111 Report 0' Analysis Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-60 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A289 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene .78 mgIKg (ppm) 0.05 Toluene 2.0 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.05 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.05 X lenes 4.3 m m 0.05 TPH gasoline 1000. m~g (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m l. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~Æ~ Rafael Espinosa LeíÍiz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 111 l111'.' "'11111111 HALCYON . )J[aboratorí£s.1 Certifì0d by the St.aœ of California Deportment of Health Sel'o.1ces LðÞc:;nt ta'Y # 1<)'2() 1701 Westwhld Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0002, Fax: 805-328-1129 1111 Illh. Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BJEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-65 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A290 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 28,1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mglKg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mglKg (ppm) 0.005 . X lenes ND m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mglKg (ppm) .1 TPH diesel ND m .1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ?/~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 II II Jill'·' .. '1111111\ HALCYON aLaborntoríe£). Certified bV the StDte of California Deportment of Health SeNices Lðb«'ðUt'..,.. # 1c,)'2() 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 phone: 805-328-0062, Fa.x: 805-328-1129 .¡III 1111h, Report 0' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-4-70 Matrix: Soil Analyst:MCM Lab #: 93A291 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene .023 mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene .022 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 X lenes .021 m 0.005 TPH gasoline .7 mglKg (ppm) .1 TPH diesel ND m .1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa LetÍiz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e (1111111111 11111/'1'"' ""1111111 HALCYON )~ILaboratoríes.f Certified bV the State of California Department of Health Sel'.lÌces Lðba"ðta""Y # 'Çþ~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bnkersiield, C.-\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129· Report o' AnalysIs Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-4-85 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A292 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 . X Ienes ND m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mg/Kg (ppm) .1 TPH diesel ND m m .1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~, Rafael Espinosa LenÎz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 IIIIIJII'" ""111111\ HALCYON . )JLaboratoríes.( Certifiød by the State of California Deoortment of Health Services Labu-üt«y # .<)'2() 1701 Westwhld Dr. Suite 103 Bnkersfield~ CA 93301 Phone: 805·32.~-0962, Fax: 805·328·1129 .1111 Ilh\ Report 0' Analysis Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 BakersfielcL CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-95 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A293 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 Date of Report Oct 28, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mWKg (ppm) 0.005 Xlenes ND m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mgIKg (ppm) .1 TPH diesel ND m m .1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit /~::.-/~- . Rafael Espinosa ~, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 1IIIIIIhll IIIIII I'" -., III1IIII HALCYON IJLaboratoríes. CerbAed by the State of California Deportment of Health SeNiC0S LalKfilkrY # .~2() 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bake-rsfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 IIIII Ilh\ Report 01 Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-5-15 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A282 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 15:00 pm. Date of analysis: Oct 18, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene ND m!ifKg (ppm) 0.05 Toluene 0.33 m!ifKg (ppm) 0.05 Ethylbenzene 0.74 m!ifKg (ppm) 0.05 X lenes 3.9 m m 0.05 TPH. gasoline 810. mg/Kg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m 1. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit .~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D, Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 1111111.... ."11111111 HALCYON IJLaboratoríe%., Certjfìød by the State of California DecxHtment of Health Services Lðbu"ðtc:o-' #I .~~ 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-32ß-0962, Fax: 805-328·1129 .ill I Ilhl Report o' AnGlysls Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -5-20 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A283 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 15:09 pm. Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mglKg (ppm) 0.2 Toluene 2.3 mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 Ethylbenzene 3.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 X lenes 9.5 m m 0.2 TPH gasoline 910. mgIKg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m 1. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~G Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 11111111'0' -''11111111, HALCYON )JLaboratoríes., Certified by the State of (ahfomia Department of Health SeMces Lðba"ðtu"Y # .~~ 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, tjA 93301 Phone: 805-32ß-0962, Fax: 805-328·1129 ¡ II Illh Report o' AnalysIs Test: 80 1 5mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -5-30 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A284 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene 0.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 Toluene 3.7 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 Ethylbenzene 2.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 X lenes 11. m 0.2 TPH gasoline 1200. mg/Kg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m 1. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. - e 11111111111 11111111'.. -"11111111 HALCYON )JLabo rat 0 ríe$'1 Certifìød by the State of California ()eportment of Health Services Lðbu"aW"Y It .~~ 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0002, Fax: 805-328-1129 , IIII Ilhl Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -5-40 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A285 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 Toluene 10. mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 X lenes 22. m 0.2 TPH gasoline 5200. mg/Kg (ppm) l. TPH diesèl ND m m l. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ,~G Rafael Espinosa Len~ Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 111111111.' -.'11111111' HALCYON IJLaboratorírS'.f CertJlied bV the Stote of CalifomÎa Department of Health Services Lab«'atuy #I .()~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 80S-32'8·0962, Fax: 80S-328-1l29 J 111111 1IIIIh, Report o' Analysis Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-35 Matrix: Soil Analyst MCM Lab #: 93A275 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 10:03 am. Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 X lenes ND m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0.1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~-~ Rafael Espinosa Le~ Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 111111'" - -.,' IIIIIII . HALCYON ,JLaboratorítS ·f Certified by the State of California De~rtment of Health Services Lab«"at«y # .~'2() 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-) 129 , ¡III Ilh. Report o' Analysis Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfiel~ CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-40 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A276 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 10:21 am. Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mWKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 X lenes ND m 0.005 TPH gasoline 1.8 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0.1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 111111 I" - -'J 11111111' HALCYON IJLaboratoríeS'., Certified bV the State of California Department of Heolth Services Lðb«ðt«y 1# .~'2() 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 .. Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805·328·1129 , IIII Illh Report of Analysis Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-45 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A277 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 10:37 am. Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units P L* Benzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 X lenes 0.010 m m 0.005 TPH gasoline 0.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0.1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 JIIIP'.· ''111111111 HALCYON IJLaboratoríe~.1 Certified by the Stote of California Deportment of Health Services LalKrata-v # .~~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, <;A 93301 Phone: 805-32'8-09132, Fax: 805-328-1129 AI Illh Report o' Analysis Test: 80 15m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-50 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A278 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 10:54 am. Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.03 Toluene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.03 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.03 X lenes ND m m 0.03 TPH gasoline ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.5 TPH diesel ND m m 0.5 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 11111111'" '.,11111111 HALCYON )',JLaboratoríes ·1 Certiñed bv the StrIte of Colifcmio DeCX)rtment of Heolth Ser'oJices Lðb«ðt«Y # .~24) 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328'()962, Fax: 805'328-1129 ,till 1111t Report of Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-6-55 Matrix: Soil Analyst MCM Lab #: 93A279 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 11:10 am. Date of analysis: Oct 18, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND 0.009 ND 0.015 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m 0.005 0.005 0.005 ' 0.005 TPH gasoline 3.9 TPH diesel ND *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit 0.1 0.1 ~~ Rafael Espinosa eniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 11111111'" ."11111111 HALCYON IJLaboratorítS'.f CerMed by the 5tDte of Canf'ornia Deportment of Health Services Lðba'ðtuy 1# .~~ 1701 Westwtnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 phone: 805·328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 , illl Ilh. Report o' Analysis Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-6-70 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A280 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 12:16 pm. Date of analysis: Oct 18, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 X lenes ND m m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0.1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 1111111"" ."11111111 HALCYON IJLabnratorít~.1 Certified by the Stele of Ca&fornia Department of Health Ser\lices Lab«ata-y #I . .~~ 1701 WestwAnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, (;A 93301 phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805·328·1129 I¡IIII Ilh. Report 01 AnalysIs Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-80 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A281 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 13:00 pm. Date of analysis: Oct 18, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mglKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 . X lenes ND m m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mglKg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0.1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e APPENDIX C CONFIRMATION BORING LAB REPORTS AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY il;IJI'·IIAI.<:YONII¡~1111 1~.'Ð.IILJorl\l orirs I:I! CHAIN OF CUST"DY AND ANALYSIS REQUI:..., r 1701 Westwind Dr., Suite 103., Bakersfield, CA 93301 805-328-0962 .It CLIENT NAME A<L.<:. &~of( ,~,.,c~j .:Inc. ANALYSES REQUESTED REMARKS PROJECT NAME I ~ , ~c:. /',-0 If '-'-, ~ ""Cc::: S q 0 ADDRESS ~. ~ ~ ,,~ PHONE .l~)}- 0 J~ ¿ ~ PROJECT MANAOER)J. .rt r(.. /~q.,,¿ FAX g ~ ,/ \\~ SAMPLER NAME A /-,..., 'c Æ- /'/ ( ('... /~ 4c ,( ~ I "'- SAMPLE DA TE/TIME SAMPLE DESCRIPTI"'ON, IDENTIFICATION . SAMPLED 1.111 I r I x, oontalner, elo... \" ~ 1111'17'1 o3ýr So.'! C1-..s- / / / r ftp /~Y o 'is- J.... / qt¡/) 47 '7 rA,/,ý 50 .'/ . é 1- /0 ' /' /' °9°Ý , CjL//-J '-176 /..z~Ay Ju:/ C1- /J I' ./ - , Ol::}IJ , ~o I ./' ~~jJ L¡ 77 .íhy·/~y Jo:/ C:l- v , CJ ¿/ Ji t.¡ 7i{ O?)~~ So;/ C.1- ;¿S' .,/ I......... ..r; /~ Y' : O'.3J , qijlJLjF/ J .kr A v .Jù:! C L- J<J / t./ - ClLI ll/l<;(í) V.9jç ~y S .j CJ-,JS/ ,/ ./ /-//1 IVV"' r.l'/ 0, , íooo " q,-/))t¡c¿¡ / r//~Ay \0 I' J c. .:L - ~o I ../ ......- '" , I /o/g 9 t¡ /Iliff;}. .r/Íp/';ý Sc.,· / C1 - ,Ys- ~ -. 9¿¡t)'ICA /ðJ7 Jo: ! CL -s-o v a/ rh~./9y ~ I 9 Lj)Jt¡G'-/ /% So:1 -- .r. /"Á~ C.L.- s.!; L/ REUNQUISHED aÝ ~~ /-~. Date . time RELINQUISHED BY De Ie , lime SIGNA TURE AtÐ PRINTED NAME .,p If ~ ,. c.. A- /"1 e .. .. c.,. ( SIGNA TURE AND PRINTED NAME rECEIVED BY, /].?A ~~A Y' RECEIVED BY, ~I~_~~_TURE ANO PRIN;~ N;t.4E Æ-9h;ÍH/ C. /JI/~vo-n SIGNA TURE AND PRINTED NAME - ¡' e It I:I"'IIAIJ:\'ON" ~II!I 1~:Ð.¡\llOrt\1 orirs ,: : CHAIN OF CUS1~DY AND ANALYSIS REQUE...., r 1701 Westwind Dr., Suite 103., Bakersfield, CA 93301 805-328-0962 ,iI! CLIENT NAME d4.l.,r &coJc,'r... c.. r 1,..,(, ANALYSES REOUESTED REMARKS ! " PROJECT NAME ~ Pc 1 ''0 ;~ ~ ,.., ~nc<=- £ ADDRESS 7o / E. /.....'<y/G.h ~ , ~. 0 PHONEJ 21'- o,ç ~ ~ ? /1 C(.. 1~4<t i '-: ~ PROJECT MANAGER FAX ~ " t. ,\ SAMPLER NAME p~,;:::: , . c k /'1 C(.. //v~~< ~ "-1 SAMPLE DA TE/TI ME SAMPLE DESCRIP"tION, IDENTIFICATION ~ . SAMPLED Milt r I x, container, etc... " ///9 , QL¡IILfØ'5 .rh"i/1S1' JO:/ C-1- ~O ~ i/ v //-í~ ./ ¡/ '1///. II(/'/ So: I c.. 2 - (é;..s- ./ /7/-f 1 uro <~9/5je 1300 ;' ..... r;. // /I /-.J ff 1- .~/n/9Y Su.i C1- 7ó '/ 1/ 7rr IJI'll ./ ?LL(Æ!!ft ,r~'R /9Y .Jú .' J C...z. - 7..s- ¡,/ .0/" /J is- - r.., " "cr rA,j,y .so.'; C1- ä'o V v ~ // , 1JJ'/9. / /,-,/1/, '.¡cjO /1 ,K .(0;/ C:1. -- is' /" ."r ., 7r / If'll , 19tf /)t¡9 / i-~J' 1'11' So,'f <::. ..2 - 9" I' ./ / 1S'~9 , ,/'" 91//) C/72 ~/J;Á~ Jo,'1 C1- 9.s' t/ ISW / qt¡ J) q::¡? .j-jì?/9Y .So;1 C.1-¡'OQ ./ /" . - /(;/ L / 19Cfj) l/9C1 i-//l/~ý 1'0.' / , ,;- c..L - /<'JS -' . 2, j/T' ./ 'C¡lfl} t¡¿¡:; ~ 1;/91" J 0 " / C-1- //0 / -/ - REUNQUISHED BY c:J?~ ~ yo ¡::?/~ Date 6 time R ELlN QUISHED BY Date & time . ?% SIGNA TURE AtÐ PRINTED NAME ,P<;-....,'c. k /1 C'C... /t U<4t( SIGNA TURE AND PRINTED NAME Æ.CEIVED BY~~ -/£~ . v RECEIVED BY. ~~~~~!URE AND PRINT!:I NAME ;Wc. '/'..h,~ AVn? SIGNA TURE AND PRINTED NAME ¿.-/ / e e e e 1IIIIIIIlII IPIIIP" "/ ."II~IIII lL\LCY O.~ 1·\,J.Lrrbüt'iltorics'lll Certified bV the State of Cahfornia Deportment of Health Service3 Lab«at«y #I N'2{) 1701 Westwind 0.·. Suite 103 Bake.·síield, C."- 93301 Phone: 805-328-o962, Fa:\: 805-328-\129 I I t I I'lL Report 0' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-5' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A474 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 26, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND ND ND ND mglKg (ppm) mglKg (ppm) mglKg (ppm) m IK m) 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 TPH gasoline ND TPH diesel N A *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit . ND = No detected at given PQL. N A = Not Analyzed 0.5 0.5 ~ß:? Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph. D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 !!II I',P·L. . "'11111111 I FI-L \J-J CYO 0T !,.1Ln bl.J rat {) r i cs' ,I CertJAed bV the State of Colifornia Deportment of Health Sel\lices Labaat4)ry» '.;):2() 1101 Westwhul Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C.-\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 1111 IIIL Report 0' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C1-10' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A475 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 26, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND 0.005 ND 0.033 mgfKg (ppm) mgfKg (ppm) mgfKg (ppm) m fK ( m) 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 TPH gasoline 1.2 TPH diesel N A *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 0.5 0.5 ~¿-; Rafuel spinosa Leniz, Ph. D. Laboratory Director. · e 11111111111 11 l1!!"',' ''111111111 I , IlfliC:{O='T ' I~fiborator its',j CertJfied by the State of Cahfornia Deoortment of Health SeMces iLab«at«y # N~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C,-\. 93301 Phone: 805-328·0962, Fax: 805·328·1129 ¡ II tilL Report o' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-15' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A476 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 26, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethy lbenzene X lenes 0.06 0.63 0.68 2.4 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m /K ( m) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 TPH gasoline 1800. TPH diesel N A *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 0.5 0.5 ~?7 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph. D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 IllfJIII='" ',11111111 I I·' IL.\l'C-l{O?\T 1 ¡ "-' I ¡ ¡ ¡ .iL a b Dr at 0 r 1 e 13' . I, ¡ Certified by the State of California Deoortment of Health Services La boca tUY # ~ ')'2'() 1701 \Vestwlnd Dr. Suite 103 nalu~rsneld!l C,-\. 93301 Phone: 80S-32ß-0962, Fa.x: 80S-328'1129 ¡ I II Ii, Report of Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-20' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A477 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 27, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND 1.5 1.0 5.9 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m /K m) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 TPH gasoline 520. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. N A = Not Analyzed 20. 20. ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e - 11111111I1t 1111111'1" .. "'1111\1111 ·r-~r). -rC·-\70 -'\.T _ . _~:LL .' .1..._ '1 1!.\) lLabû r d t 1) ri es' '11, Certified by the State of California Deportment of Health Services iLab«at«y # i<)'2() 1701 Westwilld Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C,",- 93301 Pho ne: 805.3~:---0962, Fa .x; 805·328·\\?9 ,1111 ¡IlL Report 0' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-25' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A478 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 27, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethy lbenzene X lenes 0.4 3.3 2.5 14. mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m /K m) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 TPH gasoline 3000. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 20. 20. ~. Rafael ES~Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 II 1II I l';I'_ .~ 7 "'¡""llll " }ILliC.:( CYN .1 j I]L n b 0 rat 0 r it S' .11 CertJAed by the State of Cahfornia (:;oePortment of Health Services Lab«at<O' # .Ç)~Ð 1701 Westwhl(l Dr. Suite 103 Bnkersfiehl, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fa:-<: 805-328-1129 I III Ilh, Report of Analysis. Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-30' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A479 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 27, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND 2.5 1.7 9.3 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m /K m) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TPH gasoline 1200. TPH diesel N A *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 50. 50. ~~ Rafael Espinosa niz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e - Certified by the State of California Deportment of Health Services Lah4()l"a~ # I()~() 111111111\\ 111 lI I~ I·.: '."1111111 I ~ HALCYO,N 11.iLaboratûrl£S ·1 1701 \'" est",,"bld Dr. Suite 103 Bakelesneld!, Cf\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805·328-ll29 ¡III Ilh. Report of Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 80 15m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: CI-35' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCul10ugh Lab #: 94A480 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 27, 1994 Date of Report: JW1e 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes ND 1.5 ND 10. mgIKg (ppm) mglKg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TPH gasoline 690. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL" NA = Not Analyzed 50. 50. ~?-7 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. · e IIIIII ¡II! 1' JIII I I'~"I I IlIII I-IAI~CY() ='I I ¡]Labùrntorieß'" 1 Certlfied 01) the State of CalifornIa De(JOrtment of Health SeMceS l.anu-at«y # 'r,)~() 1701 U'est,,"ind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C.-\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805·328·1129 ,ill I Ilk Report of Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 80 15mJ8020/5030 Total Petrolemll Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-40' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 170 I Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A481 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 27, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes ND 0.5 ND 7.8 Units P L* mglKg (ppm) 0.5 mglKg (ppm) 0.5 mgIKg (ppm) 0.5 m m) 0.5 mglKg (ppm) 50. m gfK. ( m) 50. Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline 410. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed ~?-7 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. . e 11111111111 11 l1'~I'·, . /'1 I~1111 I lIMC).O?\1 laLaboratorít£5" II I IIIL Cert¡Red bV the State of Cahfornlc DeOC\rtmef'lt of Health Services lübCf'üttt')-' # ")'2(1 1701 Westwhul Dr. Suite 103 Bake-rsfield, C,"" 93301 . Phone: 805-328·0902, Fa.'\:: 805-328-1129 /111 Report of Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-45' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A482 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 31, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.8 2.1 1.2 7.0 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mglKg (ppm) m IK m) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TPH gasoline 450. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 50. 50. ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph. D. Laboratory Director. . . II 11111111 I !IIP":- I "'11111111 , IIL\LC). O~ {i .... I j I -j( '1 b Ú t· ,-d- 0 [·1 ... 1-' I ¡/ ) ,~l.... ~. ·~n . E :ö . t " Certified bl,J the State of California Department of Health Serw:es iLab«at«y # .\)~ 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C,",- 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 ,¡III IIIL Report 0' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-50' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A483 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 31, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethy lbenzene X lenes 1.0 2.9 2.6 12. mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m fK. m) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TPH gasoline 1700. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 50. 50. ~?-¿ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph. D. Laboratory Director. I I 11111111111 IIIIII!"", 'i\ I. .", ~IIII I{ALC 1. ()N ¡!,\¡]Lftùoratories'.¡ III CertJñed by the State of California DeCX)rtment of Health Services Lðbu'ðtuy # .<)~ 1101 Westwilld Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-09132, Fax: 805·328·1129 11111 Ilk Report 0' Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-55' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A484 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 31, 1994 Date of Report: June 1, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethy lbenzene X lenes 1.5 3.1 2.9 11. mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mglKg (ppm) m /K m) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TPH gasoline 2300. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. N A = Not Analyzed 50. 50. ~?-7 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 1111111111", "',"111111 II I~AlACYO,N . ¡kJLabúratúrtcz Certlfed ::",' t:",e State of (a'ifOrnia DerxFtme'1t of rlealth S€rvice3 l.alb«"awO' # I<)~' 1701 U~st,whul nr. Suite 10:1 Bnkel"sfield!, C,\. 93301 Pt~one: .805-:328-0962. Fax: 805-328-1129 ¡ III Illh. Report of Analysts Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: CI-60' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A485 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 31, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 1.0 1.8 2.4 3.1 Units L* mgIKg (ppm) 0.5 mgIKg (ppm) 0.5 mgIKg (ppm) 0.5 m m 0.5 mgIKg (ppm) 50. m m 50. Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline 1100. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed ~?--; Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e IIIII1111 II JI1IIIIII"" "''1111111 ! I Ilf\I~C~~ON .. !!aLaboratoríez II :=ertlfcd:"J c-,\;\ State of (a'ifornio Deoo:t.m.¿;,1t of Health ~r"ices LðJJ<:'f'at-vIrY II iI'}2{' 1701 't'~~-twind nr. Suit~ IU:I Rnkel"Sfield~ {~['- 93301 PtlO~: 805-3213-0962. FeJx: 0905·328·1129 ¡IIII 11111, Report of Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-65' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A486 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: May 31, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND ND ND 1.0 Units L* mglKg (ppm) 0.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 mgIKg (ppm) 0.5 m m 0.5 mgIKg (ppm) 50. m m 50. Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline 100. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 1111I l1", r ''':'111111 I l-W..C) ON I ¡JlJLabùratoriez qlll ,illl 11111t, ::ertlfecJ :;y t;',e State of Co iforílio [)cpa ·tme,1t of t !eolth Serollces l.ðIJ4)f{lt«)' # 1'J:,2{' 1701 n'~stwhlfl Ur. Suite IU:I Ðn.kel"'Sneld~ (:!\ 93301 p~)OrK:: 805-328-0962, F<1x: S05·328-11:''9 Report of AnalysIs Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: Cl-70' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A487 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.5 1.3 0.8 3.8 Units PQL* mglKg (ppm) 0.2 mglKg (ppm) 0.2 mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 m m 0.2 mglKg (ppm) 20. m m 50. Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline 380. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111 " Iljll 11.~I. p': . ~ _ "'~~III!III ¡1....cL\LCYO. ~ i j 111]1 iQ"C{ bo rat 0 rt es' !ill! I H. jll!/.I !llllh. ::cr(¡fed .::y ("I:; State of (oif'C)fI',io Dccc: "t,,.,e,1( of Health :)ru"ce"õ !Lð1)~,.atc.r}· # œ'J'2( 1701 \t'pstwhul Ih·. SIIU{" 10:1 Dßk~l"Sìield~ (:,\ 93301 Pf10ne: 805·32·'3-09':'2, F<:1x: .'305·328-11:''9 Report of AnalysIs Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petrolemn Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: CI-75' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A488 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.5 1.2 0.7 2.3 Units PQL* mglKg (ppm) 0.2 mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 m m 0.2 mgIKg (ppm) 20. m m 50. Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline 130. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e II II ¡ I ¡ I! i I ¡: i : : \' I . . . Ii! , Ii II ¡ I ' ::-:.'r-:r :.\. ·r ("'\'.'( )"\/111,1 . " "'" . . '., J." t ïi ... . \ ¡ '. ! Ii , , ì .) .''0 ,., .( '- >.,' I ." ". 1'1 '. . ¡ III,: I I:, . " I., ,". , -.,. .. , ....,,; ~..' \.. ~ - " .~.' ".. ~ ~ '.... : i;¡ :,",: ~>1:::0:~ :;,; ~"i¡¿ 'Jr.cte ~f (0 11'Q;'lol:C ;:-:.;;:c r -,~;'·:I·~t cf ~ '~c~th ~~ :~...IC;;:' 1..1l ]).('H) (.(n· # ] )'l{' 1701 \t'~sh\;ind Ih", Snit..· loa IJßkel-siield~ C\ 93:J01 !-':~ün(:': .<:>"='5-3:2,S-C<)i:,:2 F:I',: .:>'05-318· ¡ 1:::'9 ¡I !'I H i ¡ ¡1 ¡11¡: iliL I !., j ,II, 'I', d: h! J J!!i\:,L Report of Analysis Project Pence Petroleum Test: 80 15m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-80' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A489 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.2 0.5 0.2 1.5 Units PQL* mglKg (ppm) 0.2 mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 m m 0.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 20. m m 50. Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline 80. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~TI = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed ß/~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e II III ¡II! : : ; ¡ : : j! : : ' .,: It: ¡' i 'I ¡ " " -' 'f" \ -r ,--",' '. ., '-" 1 L "" :" H - " ( \. i ) ". ': i¡ ; ". ,'" _ . _ ,,' .l '- j _" I j : --"i' ,ì! :' ,! \J "I i' ï ¡- ; '1 \' ì ,"~ ' ; [ " . '.' ",':, \. '. ...J _ ,!..:J ' . i1 :~.: o\!r;;cJ ':l,1 t:-·~ Src~.~ of (0 tFcrr;;c l)ecc ·r...ì1~¡·:C of Hea!d- '::el~."c~~ 1.,iUJ·Cof[)t(',O' # J'):2{ 1701 \t .~st\'\;ind Or. Snitt" loa nnke.·siield. C\ ~)3301 F}~Or1e.: .9C<5·J::?:3-':'013:: Fa \: .'305-3:::.'3-1[29 .:iHH¡;: II! II!¡ ' Ii, ¡11\ ¡ I 11 'III. I,;' 1" '1j\ . ¡::;! ,IIi!;,· ,j .. . . . ¡ . . " . ,,' . Report of Analysts Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-85' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM BakersfielcL CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A490 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.4 1.5 1.4 8.2 mgIKg (ppm) mgIKg (ppm) mgIKg (ppm) m 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 TPH gasoline 1900. TPH diesel NA = *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 20. 20. ///0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e II! 1111 hilI! jl"!Ii'I!II" "'l jlll I¡1 ¡LI!I°'Ll-' 'I' (-\'o,~(- ,/1 ì! . ¡ I J.. ,'~.. 1. ), j I' ~ !! ._ ·Ii ! ¡ ¡ .j f J .iJ 0 t "1 Ci ) '[. .... j ¡ . , !, ,,/ '~l ,' l 1 r l') i . ! ; I ..-,.. ~, \,. \ ~ ":I" I;!! :~~¡t!fe(; ~ ~' ~-G ::,"'C:~-.; of :~~ ,fCf!"iC (';~"';c ~,-:~,.;,' ~ :;F r \:clrt·, ~~>\·IC·;"7. l-iU),cJ",¡jHn It J)'l( 17UI nt'St.", ind Ih'. Sllitt~ loa ß.nkel"sfid(l. C\ H3:JOl F~~0r:t;.:: ·~,'='S·.:;2.'-3·'=·0·:·::. Fa.";.: ·(.Y)~·.J:':·\3·l: ~0 ' I' t ; , I ¡III I ì jI, , II! . ,,¡I!!' , j¡, ¡II ¡II i ¡ L Report of AnalysIs Proj ect Pence Petroleum Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-90' Company: Aquageosciences MatIix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A491 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.4 1.3 0.8 5.6 Units PQL* mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 m ill 0.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 20. m ( m) 20. Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline 1200. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed , Ra~'~z, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 1'111111111" '. . ''11(1/111 II! ¡II )' II U C"707\' ' II F.. JC'l .~.j ·,1 !, . I!I ¡Jj¡1aL.<TboratorLes ill I' ¡Ii CcrtiFed i.:;y the State of Co'iforfÎio ~pcFtrnelÌt of Health Ser,iœs Lð1J«atc;n' # 1'J2(:' 1701 '''..sturlnd nr. Suit.. 10:1 Bnke1"sfield~ C,\ 93301 Pt10ne: 805-328-0962, Fê1:c .'305-328·11::''9 .1111 11111i. Report of Analysts Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: CI-95' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A492 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.2 1.0 0.6 4.1 Units P L* mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 mgIKg (ppm) 0.2 m m 0.2 mglKg (ppm) 20. m m 20. Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline 650. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed R~~niz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 ~I II IP"" "'IIIIIII ' II 11 J lIé\IC}{O~T· : IlaLaboratoríez I I I . ¡IIIII Illh. (ertlf~cJ cy t:-,e State of (cHfomia ~oo(tment of Health Sef\lices lLana-ate,"')' # 11)'2(\ .,. ,'," 1101 U('ostwind nr. Suite 10:1 ßnkel"Sfie)d~ (;1\ 93301 P110ne: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805·328'11:''9 Report of AnalysIs Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-1 00' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield> CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A493 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 Com ound Concentration Units P L* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND ND ND 0.5 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m m 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 TPH gasoline 40. TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed 20. 20. ~t!--7 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 111111111 II I JI lIIII": - ·..q~1I1 ' I I-Ir\J~CY00J I JI¡JLabûratoríe% I II 'I( ,illll' 1111111. :::ertlfcd :.:'~ ('-,e State of Ca'ifornia Department of Heclth Services UUU)f()t,vn' # I<JW .. 1701 \t'..stwhul I)r. SuitelO:J Dnkersfield, C¡\ 93301 Pll0nè: 805-3213-09'32, F<J:<: .905·328·1129 Report of AnalysIs Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C1-105' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A494 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 . . Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND 0.005 ND 0.010 Units P L* mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 m m 0.005 . mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 m 0.5 Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline ND TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed ,Ad(L--; Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e 11111111111 11111"1'" ""I'IIII! I I-IAI~CYON h1L[{boratoríe~ I CertiFød b'} the State of Co:ifornio Deoortrne'1t of r-Ieolth SeMceS Lab«at«Y # I'J~ , . " 1701 \fe~-twhl(l nr. Suite 10:) Bnkersfield~ C!\ 93301 Phone: 805·328-0962, F¿¡x: 805-328·11~>g ,illl 1111h, Report 0' Analysts Project Pence Petroleum Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petrolemn Hydrocarbons & BTEX's by Purge and Trap Sample: C 1-11 0' Company: Aquageosciences Matrix: Soil 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Analyst: MCM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Lab #: 94A495 Date of sampling: May 18, 1994 Date of analysis: June 1, 1994 Date of Report: June 2, 1994 . .. " Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes 0.005 0.020 0.010 0.080 Units P L*-' mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 mglKg (ppm) 0.095 m m 0.005 ... mg/Kg (ppm) 0.5 m m 0.5 Com ound Concentration TPH gasoline 6.5 TPH diesel NA *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ND = No detected at given PQL. NA = Not Analyzed ~ Rafael Espinos Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e APPENDIX D Acceptable Cumulative Soil Contamination Levels .""'.... .." ...... ...... .ç.~.., '< '."'¡:'. " :,,,:,,. TABLE 2-4 I1EIIZ£IIE ACŒPTABlE QIIJlATlVE SOil IXWTAMlllATlot lEVELS FOR PROTECTlot OF GROUND WATER AT QUALIFIED SITES Stop: Do not use this table unles!; the site In question has been screened using the applIcability checklist (Table 2-2) for general risk appraisal to protect ground water IN 0 5.1 6.1 7.1 8.1 9.1 10.1 11.1 12.1 14.1 16.1 . 18.1 20.1 22.1 24.1 26.1 28.1 30.1 32.1 34.1 36.1 38.1 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 14 to'16 to 18 to 20 to 22 to 24 to 26 to 28 to 30 to 32 to 34 to 36 to 38 to 40 5-9.9 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-14.9 5 3 2 1 0 0 n -Il 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15-19.9 10 10 6 3' 1 o / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20-21, 9 60 40 20 10 5 21[ ,- .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25-29.9 200 100 60 30 10 7 - 3 1 - ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30-34.9 800 400 200 100 40 20 1() 4 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35-39.9 1000 1000 700 300 100 60 20 10 .3 1 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /'0-/'/'.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 400 ·100 80 30 -9 2 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45-49.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 'i00 200 100 20 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50-5/'.9 1000 100n 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 200 50 9 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55-59.9 1000 1 noD 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 100 20 5 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60-61,.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 300 40 9 6 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 6'i-69 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10[10 1000 1000 700 8 10 10 8 5 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 70-71.. 9 1000 1000 tOaD 1000 1000 toaD 1000 tOOO 1000 to 30 20 10 9 6 /, 2 1 1 0 0 0 75-79 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1noo 1000 1000 1000 30 60 40 20 10 10 7 /, 2 1 1 0 0 80-81, 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 100 70 40 30 10 10 7 I. 2 1 1 0 85-89.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 200 100 80 50 30 10 10 7 /, 2 1 0 90-91..9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 400 200 100 90 50 30 10 10 6 3 2 1 95-99.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 16M 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 200 100 90 50 30 10 10 5 3 1 100-104_9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 400 200 100 90 50 20 10 8 4 2 105-109.9 \000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 7 3 110-111..9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1dOO 1000 1000 1000 800 /,00 200 100 70 30 10 10 5 115-119.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 1.00 200 100 50 20 10 7 120-121..9 1080 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 300 100 90 /,0 20 10 125-129.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 200 100 60 30 10 130-13/'.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 400 200 100 1.0 20 135-139.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 300 100 60 t 1/'0-11.1..9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 200 100 145·11.9.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 300 100 150+ 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 200 90 / MEAN ANNUAL INCHES PRECIPITATION DISTANCE TO HIGHEST GROOND \lATER F R()4 SOIL SAMPLE FEET Note: Individual concentrations for any soil sample cannot exceed 100 ppm. The numbers In this table do not represent soil concentrations; they reflect the accumulation of pollutont mass in contaminated soil. These numbers can be derived from the LUFT manual worksheet (Table 2-3). 43 ·4"~"':,· -..:..,.... .... - . .'\- .- ~-~ ._~.-.- ... " ." - - - ~t:~.·.,;· ......~.;. . .'.. . '0'''':'_ "':_. :_..._~.".'" ;.....:":.-:...:..~.. ..........-. . . . ....... . . ..__ 0- ~ ..··r-·· TABLE 2-5 TOl.LУ ACCEPTABLE aJU..ATlVE SOIL CDffMIICATUII LEVELS FŒ PROTECTUJI Of GRaM) \MTER AT QUALIFIED SITES Stop: Do not use this table unless the site In question has been screened using the applicability checklist CTable 2-2) for general risk appraisal to protect ground water MEAN ANNUAL INCHES PRECIPITATION IN 0 5.1 6.1 7.1 8.1 9.1 10.1 11.1 12.1 14.1 16.1 18.1 20.1 22.1 24.1 26.1 28.1 30.1 32.1 34.1 36.1 38.1 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 14 to 16 to 18 to 20 to 22 to 24 to 26 to 28 to 30 to 32 to Yo to 36 to 38 to 40 liD 5 , 5-9.9 70 30 20 10 8 3 1 , 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-14.9 200 100 100 70 40 20 10 8 , 2 -, 1 1 1 I 1 1 0 0 0 15-19.9 1000 .00 400 200 100 60 30 10 t -,- 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 20-24.9 1000 I 00 1000 700 300 100 90 40 Yo 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 25-29.9 1000 1 10 1000 1000 1000 500 200 100 10 10 10 9 7 5 4 3 2 2 1 30-34.9 1000 I 0 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 200 100 30 20 20 10 10 9 7 5 4 3 2 1 35-39.9 1000 1 0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 200 100 60 40 30 20 20 10 10 8 6 " :5 2 40-".9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 '00 100 80 60 40 30 20 10 10 9 6 4 3 45-49.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 1000 1000 1000 400 200 100 100 80 50 40 20 20 10 9 6 4 50-54 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 1000 1000 l; 1000 400 300 200 100 100 60 1,0 30 20 10 9 5 55-59.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 10 00 1000 100! 800 500 300 200 100 100 70 40 30 10 10 7 60-64.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 DO! ~o 1000 600 400 200 100 100 70 40 20 10 10 65-69.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Oft 1000 1000 1001 1000 1000 1000 700 400 300 100 - 100 60 '0 '0 10 70-71,.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ~OO 1000 1000 1001 1000 10no 1000 1000 800 400 200 100 100 50 30 10 ]5-79 9 1000 1noo 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100/ 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 '00 '00 100 80 40 2õ1 80-84 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 200 100 óO -Jljl 85-89 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 300 100 80 4õ 90-94.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 1,00 200 100 50 95-99.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 -1000 1000 1000 1000 700 300 100 7õ 100-101. 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 lOaD 1000 400 200 90 105-109.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 200 1 110-11t..9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 400 1 115-119.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 120-124.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 125-129.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 130-131,.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10 0 1000 1000 -1000 - 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 00 135 -139.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 0 1000 1000 1000 000 1000 1000 - 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 140-1'1,.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 0 1000 1000 1000 000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 OM 145-149.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ~oo~ 1000 1000 -1000 1000 1noo 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1Mi\ 150+ 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 e DISTANCE TO HIGHEST GROOND \lATER F R C»1 SOIL SM4PLE FEET Note: Individual concentrations for' any soil semple cannot exceed 80 ppm. The numbers fn this table do not represent soil concentrations; they reflect the accumulatfon of pollutant mess in contaminated soil. These nlJ1bers Can- be derived ·from the .LUF-T..III8~l worksheet (Table 2-3). 44 TABLE 2-7 ETHYUIE1IZfIIE AŒEPTABlE D.IIJlATlVE SOIL OOIfTNUNATJON lEVELS f(Jt PttOTECTION OF IiRCUI) 'MTER AT ClJAlIFIED SITES Stop: Do not use this table unless the sfte In questfon hu been screened using the eppllcabft fty checklist (Table 2-2) for general risk appraisal to protect ground water MEAN ANNUAL INCHES PRECIPITATION 0 5.1 6.1 7.1 8.1 9.1 10.1 11.1 12.1 14.1 16.1 18.1 20.1 22.1 24.1 26.1 28.1 30.1 32.1 34.1 36.1 33.1 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 . to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 14 to 16 to 18 to 20 to 22 to 24 to 26 to 28 to 30 to 32 to 34 to 36 to 33 to 1,0 - 5-9 9 300 '00 100 100 70 40 30 20 10 0 '., 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 , 10-1l, 9 100 ~ 500 300 200 100 70 . 40 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 8 7 6 5 .. 15-19 9 100 1000 1000 500 II 00 0 . -20 0 20 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 1 6 20-24 9 100 'MO 1000 1000 100n 00 1 .411 0 ':to 20 0 20 10 10 10 10 8 7 25-29 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 00 0 ...1 10 0 40 40 0 20 20 10 10 10 10 9 30-34.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 00 0 100 ~ 70 60 0 40 30 20 20 10 10 10 DISTANCE 35-39 9 1000 10M 1000 1000 1000 1 liDO 0 10n 110 100 90 70 50 40 30 20 20 10 10 40-1,4 9 1000 fOOo 1000 1000 1000 ,nN 1 0 1000 1000 '~OO '00 100 100 100 80 60 40 ·30 20 20 10 TO 45-49 9 1000 :311 1000 1000 1000 ~ 1000 1000 1000 400 300 '1>0 200 100 100 80 60 40 30 20 10 -54.9 10011 1000 1000 1000 10 1 Mö! 1000 1000 11100 700 500 400 300 200 100 100 80 60 40 30 ~J HIGHEST -59 9 1000 10õõT 1000 1000 1000 1000 1~nnl '000 1000 1000 nno 900 i 400 300 200 100 100 80 50 40 -~ 9 1000 ~:i 1000 1000 1000 10001 It 1000 1000 .000 1000 700 500 300 200 100 100 70 50 GRooMO 5-69.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 10nol 1000 1000 10 1-:"11 1000 "000 1000 700 1,00 300 200 100 90 60 70-74.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 -fooo . 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400, 200 100 100 70 WATER -79 9 1 Don 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10M 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 400 200 100 90 SO 0-84.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 "1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 -';00 :-joo 100 100 7IJ FROM 5-89 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1nM 1000 1000 ·1000 1000 1000 '000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 200 100 MI 90-94.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100n 10nn 1000 1000 1000 ,000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 500 300 1001 1001 SOIL 95-99.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 :j¡: 1000 1000 100n 1000 1000 1000 1000 tOaD 1000 tOOO 1000 700 400 200 1 1100-104 9 1000 = 1000 1000 1000 ==' 1000 1000 10~0 '1 1000 1 00 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 500 200 1 e SAMPLE 10 -109 9 100 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ,oon 1000 ] 1 00 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 300 11 -114.9 100 ~ 1000 1000 1000 1 õõl 1001) 1000 II 10llO 1000 1000 00 1000 1000 = 1000 1000 800 400 IN 11 -1199 100 1000 1000 1000 1 DOl -, 00 1000 -'-000 1000 1000 1 1 00 1000 1000 "'1M0 1000 1000 IJ 12 -124 9 1000 10001 1000 1000 1000 1001 1 iõ 1000 1000 I: 000 1000 ' 10 1 DO 1000 1000 1000 10M 1000 1000 FEET 125-129.9 1000 110lH 1000 1000 1000 1001 1 10 000 1000 l' 000 1000 10 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 130-134 9 1000 1 100\ 1000 1000 1000 1001 , 0 1000 1000 . . 1 000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 135-139 9 1000 1 Inn I 1000 1000 1000 Itl~ 1000 1000, .1000 :; 10 1000 1 00 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 140-144 9 1 Don 1 IOn 1000 1000 1000 H 1000 1000 " .1000 oo~ 1000 .1 00 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10M .> 145-149 9 1000 100n 1000 1000 1000 000 1000 10011 ,,, 10M 1000 100 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 '1DD1 150t 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000,,;.,1000 ",1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ...900 .;.:.,., h ,-,' Not.: IndivIdual concentretlona for any soIl sample cannot, exceed 40 ppm. The ~r'ifn thfs table do nOt rePresent soil concentratIons; they reflect the acc~letfcn' of pollutant mass In cont~lnated soil. These number. can. be derfved from. the. LUFT ·manual worksheet (Table 2-3). 46 " -""~;·"""-"~'--"-·-'--.-~-4).it.l!. .klþj~1Ù ~"J.fi~ ~ ~~r- y;" '-6 ~.__.Æ ACŒPTABLE aJIJlATlVE SOIL alfTNUIlATlOI LEVELS fOR PROTECTlOI Of .CiIKUI) IMTER AT ClUALIfIED SITES Stop: Do not use this table unless the site in question has been screened using the applicabilIty checklist (Table 2-2) for general risk appraisal to protect ground Ilater MEAN ANNUAL INCHES PRECIPITATION IN 0 5.1 6.1 7.1 8.1 9.1 10.1 11.1 12.1 14.1 16.1 18.1 20.1 22.1 24.1 26.1 28.1 30.1 32.1 34.1 36.1 38.1 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 14 to 16 to 18 to 20 to 22 to 24 to 26 to 28 to 30 to 32 to 34 to 36 to 38 to 40 5-9.9 100 100 90 60 40 30 20 10 10 9 1 1 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 '3 3 10-14.9 600 400 300 200 100 80 50 30 '0 10 10 10 10 9 8 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 15-19.9 1000 1000 1000 600 400 200 100 70 4 20 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 20-24 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 300 100 -/I 50 0 30 -'0 20 10 10 10 10 10 9 1 6 25-29.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 100 100 90 0 40 40 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 9 8 30-34.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 300 100 90 10 60 50 40 30 20 20 10 10 10 9 35-39.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 200 100 100 100 80 60 50 1,0 30 20 20 10 10 40-1,4.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 200 200 100 100 90 70 50 40 30 20 10 10 45-49.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10no 800 4 0 300 200 100 100 100 80 60 40 30 20 10 50-54.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 °EU 500 00 200 200 100 100 80 60 40 30 20 ~-50"9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 . 100 o 1 1 800 .00 1000 300 200 100 100 80 50 30 20 60-610 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10 o 1 000 100 600 1000 300 200 100 100 70 100 3D 65-69 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 !! I ¡¡, . 1000 1non 00 1 100 700 1000 300 200 100 90 M 40 70-110.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1nnn 1000 000 1100 1000 -600 1000 :>00 100 100 70 75-79 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 II 1000 )00 1 100 1000 1000 600 1000 200 100 90 80-84 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 1000 1 1000 000 1 000 1000 1000 900 00 300 200 100 85-89.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10 1000 . 1noo 1000 1000 1 000 1000 1000 1000 0 400 200 100 90-94.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 ~j ~ 1000 1000 1 00 1000 1000 1000 1 0 600 300 100 100 95-99.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 000 1000 1100 1000 1000 1000 0 800 400 200 100 100-101,.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 1000 000 10 00 1 00 1000 1000 1000 1~ 1000 500 300 100 105-109 9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10 00 1000 000 100 1 non 000 1 ann 1 00 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 400 ~ 110-114.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 000 100 '. 1000 1000 10 iOO 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 500 7M1 115-119.9 . 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10M 1000 000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 3001 120-124.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 '00 125-129.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 DOC 1000 100 o ~ .1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 400 130-134.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 135-139.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 140-141,.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 145-149.9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 150+ 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 . 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 e DISTANCE TO HIGHEST GROOND YATER FR~ SOIL SAMPLE FEET e Note: Individual concentrations for any soil sample cannot exceed 40 ppm. The numbers In this table do not represent soil concentrations: they reflect the accumulation of pollutant mess In contaminated soil. These numbers can be derived from the' LUFT manual worksheet (Table 2-3). 45 . " ~ ....\"... . " . ...... '-r.-. ~~ -I."';Jr'~~r:.~:. ''-:.~!;;::.;1~.:'~'''''~'~-~''.''--'''''' ..''''''"--;;;:'".=-......-. ···.,--_·.-.6 --....,.........--- . -.". ~ .- ,. ..-...~._....t.......... "..' ~._- .... .~..-_._.--,....--._-- .- - ~. ·r··...... .. _\~. 'r¡¡"t? -- e d;~undwater Scientists · Environmental Consultants Additional Air/Vapor Inlet Wells 901 E. Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Presented To: Mr. Robb Pence Presented By: AquaGeosciences, Inc. November, 1993 ~ ¡~X/ ~Á~ . \ 'q,:'" ~ "';", '.J ~i( L~b /' ~/ - No 4779 1) Phil~p ~oatWin, R.G. # 4!79 '~j. "~;~, Principal Hydrogeologlst <t~£:zÞy --' O~ [g \~~;\í~ ø!6i!Ø3 ~ 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 101 · Bakersfield, California 93301 10'"'<;:\'1,,)0,",(1;:;") . J:^VIQ,",<;:\'1")O"")(1 e e TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.1 Facility Description 1 2.2 Project History 2 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK 5 4.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES 5 5.0 SOIL BORINGS 5 5.1 Boring Methods 6 5.2 Soil Sampling 6 5.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples 6 5.4 AirNapor Inlet Well Installation 7 5.5 Analytical Results 8 6.0 DISCUSSION OF DRILLING AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS 9 7.0 SITE GEOLOGY 10 8.0 CONCLUSIONS 10 9.0 LIMITATIONS 11 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 EXHIBITS Vicinity Map Site Map Soil Sample Location Map VI-4 Completion Detail VI-5 Completion Detail VI-6 Completion Detail Cross Section A-A' Cross Section B-B' APPENDICES Appendix A Boring Logs Appendix B Analytical Results and Chain-of-Custody: Soil Borings - e 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Gasoline impacted soils were discovered during the removal of three underground fuel tanks in November, 1989 at the Pence Petroleum Company facility located at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue in Bakersfield, California. Laboratory analysis revealed soil beneath the former tanks and dispenser was impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons. In July and November 1990 four soil borings were advanced a maximum depth of 120 feet below surface grade, but failed to define the vertical and lateral extent of the plume. In October 1991 a Site Assessment to define the extent of impacted soils and install vapor inlet and extraction wells was performed by AquaGeosciences Inc. (AGI) in which four soil borings were advanced and sampled. The borings were advanced beneath the former tank cluster and dispenser island where the highest levels of petroleum hydrocarbons were previously detected. The interpretation of data collected showed that soils beneath the former gasoline tank cluster are impacted to a depth ranging between 71.5 to 86 feet below the surface grade (bsg) in VI-4 to between 100 and 105 feet (bsg) in boring VE-1, and below 120 feet (bsg) at the B3A location. Subsequent to the installation of the additional vapor inlet and extraction wells a remedial program was initiated using an internal combustion engine to remove the soil vapors from the impacted area and to destroy the hydrocarbons entrained in the vapor stream. Additional airlvapor inlet wells were drilled and installed in October, 1993 to enhance the remedial program and soil samples were collected to evaluate the effectiveness of the remediation to date. Laboratory analysis of soil samples collect from the additional wells indicated the petroleum constituents have been significantly reduced in concentration and that TPH as gasoline concentrations has been significantly reduced in all but the southern portion of the plume. 2.0 INTRODUCTION Rob Pence of Pence Petroleum Company, authorized AquaGeosciences, Inc. (AGI) to install airlvapor inlet wells as part of the ongoing soil vapor remediation operations at the subject site located on East Truxtun Avenue. This report presents a summary of the field operations, laboratory analyses, and a discussion of the analytical results of this project. 2. '1 Facility Description The site, known as Pence Petroleum Company, is located at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, on the southeast corner of East Truxtun and Beale Avenues in Bakersfield, California (Exhibit 1). The property parcel number is APN 017-160-07-00-0. The property is currently unoccupied and was formerly operated as Pence Automated Fuels by the Pence Petroleum Company. Prior to 1986, the site was owned by Davies Oil, Bakersfield, California, and was used as an automated cardlock fueling station. 1 e e Exhibit 2 shows the former locations of the site facilities, as well as the former borings and existing wells. Positioned to the south-southeast of downtown Bakersfield, land use surrounding the site is varied in nature ranging from Light and Service Industrial to High Residential as indicated by the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan - East Map (3-7-90, updated 10-14091). On three sides (north, west, and south) the site abuts public streets (East Truxtun, Beale, and East 18th Street, respectively). To the east, at 985 East Truxtun, is Signet Hardware, Inc. Residential areas lie to the south and southeast of the site. 2.2 Project History In 1986 Pence Petroleum purchased the site from Davies Oil of Bakersfield. On November 1, 1989, two (2) 6,000-gallon underground gasoline storage tanks, one (1) 10,OOO-gallon underground gasoline storage tank, one dispenser island and associated product lines were removed from Pence Petroleum's Automated Fuels Cardlock. Soil samples were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the former tanks at the time of their removal as shown on Exhibit 3. Table 1 summarizes the results of the laboratory analyses of the soil samples reported in the Associated Soils Analysis, Inc., Site Assessment Study of December 28, 1990, on file with the County. SAMPLE LOCATION P1-2' P2-6' P3-2' P4-6' P5-2' P6·6' P7·2' P8-S' P9-2' P10-6' P11-2' P12-S' P13-2' P14-6' P15-2' P16-S' TEST METHOD: Minimum Reporting Levels: ND TABLE 1 Summary of Laboratory Analyses Tanks and Fuel Island Removal November 1, 1989 (Soil in ppm) Benzene Toluene Xylenes Ethyl-Benzene IEJ::i!gl 0.28 4.17 42.98 5.20 534.09 NO 0.38 8.51 0.84 127.88 ND NO 0.84 0.09 47.60 ND NO 0.24 NO 27.90 23.81 350.69 888.24 88.56 4550.10 58.81 588.24 1543.82 213.32 8843.63 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 0.72 0.05 31.52 2.40 48.95 222.26 14.10 1719.31 10.63 136.03 630.24 53.35 3491.08 NO 0.10 0.33 0.02 6.93 NO 0.03 0.16 NO NO NO NO 0.11 NO 11.85 NO NO ND NO NO NO NO NO NO ND ND 0.54 2.32 0.26 65.55 TPH as gasoline by DHS LUFT Method 8015m and BTEX by EPA Method 8020 BTEX 0.03 ug/g TPH 5.0 ug/g Non-Detected 2 e e The laboratory results indicated that the soil was impacted with petroleum fuel, with the highest concentrations of petroleum constituents detected at the eastern ends of the former tanks. Based upon these results, on March 2, 1990 the County requested a site characterization to assess the extent of impacted soil. Subsequent to the request, Associated Soils Analysis Inc.(ASA) advanced four soil borings to a maximum depth of 120 feet below surface grade (bsg). Boring B-3 was advanced in the vicinity of the former product line, believed to have originated the release, and detected a maximum concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) of 24,000 mg/kg at a depth of 50 feet (bsg). B-3 was terminated at a depth of 80 feet (bsg) with TPHg concentrations of 4,700 mg/kg. Boring B-3A, advanced ten feet to the west of B-3, detected various concentrations of TPHg ranging between non detect to 0.62 between a depth of 90 to 120 feet (bsg). Chemical analyses of these borings are summarized in Table 2 and reported in the Associated Soils Analysis, Inc. Site Assessment Study of December 28, 1990, on file with the County. TABLE 2 Laboratory Results of Soils-Associated Soils Analysis Inc. Investigation July 9 & 10 and November 6 and 7, 1990 ß2rin.g W1I1 Benzene Toluene Ethvlbenzene ~ IEI:i B2 11 NO NO NO NO NO B2 16 NO NO ND NO NO B2 26 NO NO ND NO NO 82 36 0.013 0.028 ND 0.0178 NO B2 51 0.29 0.49 0.030 0.179 5.2 83 11 3.1 49 13 184 1800 83 31 21 340 78 480 4200 83 51 370 2000 400 2430 24000 83 71 340 1600 350 12080 18000 83 81 44 370 97 600 4700 B3A 90 0.061 0.006 0.069 0.022 0.54 B3A 95 0.073 0.062 0.38 0.31 2.2 B3A 100 0.008 0.006 0.023 0.018 NO 83A 105 0.032 0.32 0.17 0.16 1.3 B3A 110 7.0 NO 11 NO NO B3A 115 0.01 0.01 0.042 0.05 0.62 83A 120 0.041 0.052 0.28 0.27 2 134 75 0.078 0.009 ND 0.023 ND 84 85 0.18 0.19 0.025 0.057 0.82 84 95 0.38 0.05 0.22 0.18 2.0 84 105 0.3 0.35 0.13 0.11 1.5 84 110 NO NO ND NO NO 84 115 NO NO NO NO NO 84 120 NO NO NO NO NO All results in milligrams per kilogram NO = .Not .Qe1BcÐd 3 e e The Phase I assessment work performed by ASA did not delineate the vertical limit of hydrocarbon impacted soil beneath the probable product line release, nor was the study able to define the lateral limits of the plume towards the north, east, or south of the site. The County requested an additional investigation to assess the lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil. In August, 1991 AquaGeosciences, Inc. (AGI) advanced four borings in compliance with the Counties request and completed the borings as vapor extraction/inlet wells. The borings were advanced to varying depths ranging between 40 to 105 feet (bsg). Table 3 summarizes the laboratory analyses of select soil samples collected from the soil borings. The laboratory reporting forms are included in Appendix B. ~ Laboratory Results of Soils-AquaGeosciences Inc. Investigation August 21 through 30, 1991 ~.ri.IJs¡ ~ Benzene Toluene Ethvlbenzene ~ :œti '11-1 25 183.750 421 .220 82.1 05 984.220 15000 '11-1 40 73.505 168.210 31.215 492.015 6625 '11-1 55 91.875 210.000 42.310 615.010 7420 '11-1 70 61.250 140.000 27.010 322.975 5105 VE-1 65 200.335 505.075 92.015 11 05.125 17220 VE-1 85 147.310 323.015 52.710 779.875 12910 VE-1 100 0.995 1.210 0.275 4.225 125 VE-1 105 ND NO NO NO ND VE-2 35 0.335 1.010 0.105 2.220 120 VE-2 50 12.220 28.885 5.500 1 03.775 1850 VE-2 60 2.210 9.055 0.875 12.150 375 VE-2 80 NO NO NO NO 30 VE-3 10 NO NO NO 0.105 80 VE-3 15 1.115 20.210 0.725 9.990 320 VE-3 20 11.775 26.210 3.330 88.845 1250 VE-3 30 17.200 50.270 7.710 161.075 1825 All results in milligrams per kilogram ND = Hot.Q.etec1Bd Elevated concentrations of TPHg were encountered to a depth of approximately 100 feet (bsg) in boring VE-1. The extraction well borings were positioned within the vicinity of highest concentrations of soil contamination and completed with 30 to 40 of screen over intervals selected on the basis of field screening results to initiate a soil vapor extraction remediation program. An internal combustion engine was manifolded to the extraction wells is being used to extract and destroy the hydrocarbons contained in the soil vapor. 4 e e AGI recommended the installation of the additional air/vapor inlet wells to enhance the recovery of soil vapors. On October 13 and 14, 1993, AGI advanced three borings and completed the borings as vapor inlet wells. The findings of that work is presented herein. 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK In October 1993, AGI was asked to drill and install additional air/vapor inlet wells to assist with the ongoing soil remediation program. AGl's Scope of Work for the project follows: * Development of a Site Safety Plan; * Advance three borings and Install three (3) air/vapor inlet wells; * Collect soil samples for field screening and laboratory analyses; * Prepare a report summarizing methods and results of the laboratory analyses. 4.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES Field activities included advancing three (3) testhole borings to accomplish the project objectives. These borings were designated as VI-4, VI-5, and VI-6. Their locations are shown on Exhibit 2, while the Boring Logs describing in detail the soils encountered are presented in Appendix A. The borings were advanced and completed as air/vapor inlet wells at the inferred perimeter of soils significantly impacted with hydrocarbons based on previous drilling. Boring VI-4 was advanced to 95 feet below surface grade (bsg) at a distance of approximately 22.5 feet southwest from the VE-3 location. Boring VI-5 was advanced to 40 feet (bsg) at a distance of approximately 20 feet southeast of the VE-3 location. And boring VI-6 was advanced to 80 feet (bsg) at a distance of approximately 13 feet east of the VI-1 location. 5.0 SOIL BORINGS This section describes the methods used to advance, field screen, and sample the three (3) soil borings, followed by a discussion of the analytical results. 5 e e 5.1 Boring Methods The soil borings were advanced by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) using a CME-75 rig with an eight (8)-inch outer diameter hollow stem continuous flight auger in accordance with ASTM Method 01452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The augers were steam cleaned prior to drilling each boring. Cuttings from the borings were placed on heavy gauged visquene located in the northwest corner of the site within the fenced enclosed area to aerate. 5.2 Soil Sampling Soil samples were collected through the auger in two and a half (2 1/2) inch diameter brass sleeves driven in a split-spoon sampler by a 140-pound hammer with a 30-inch drop in accordance with ASTM methods 01586-84 for split-barrel sampling of soil and 01587-83 for thin-walled tube sampling of soils. The brass sleeves and sampler were cleaned with Alconox and rinsed in deionized water prior to each use. Soil samples from the borings were collected at five foot intervals, beginning at 10 and 15 feet (bsg). The blow counts, recovery, and lithology were recorded on field boring logs. The lithology was described in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System and ASTM procedure 02488-84 for visual description and identification of soils under the direct supervision of a California State Registered Geologist. The soil samples were collected using three (3) six-inch long brass sleeves installed inside a split-spoon sampler. Upon collection, the middle sample sleeve was immediately capped, sealed, labeled in accordance with EPA protocols, recorded on a chain-of-custody form, and stored in an iced cooler at four degrees centigrade (4°C) or less, pending analysis by a California State certified laboratory. The bottom and top sample sleeves were used for lithologic description and field screening, respectively. 5.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples The material from the top brass sleeve was placed in a mason jar to approximately 50 percent (50%) capacity, shaken, and stored for a period of 15 minutes. The top of the mason jar was then pierced, and analyzed with a Foxboro Model 128 OV AfGC Flame- ionizing detector (FIO). A standard headspace reading was collected at this time and noted on the boring logs included in Appendix A. A summary of the FIO readings is included in Table 4. 6 e e :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::: TABLE 4 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. ŠÙMMÄRYOF F1ELDSCREENING'·················································· .... SOILS INVESTIGATION ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;:::::;:::::::;:::::::::::::;:;::::§f!:~mr:::1:~:::t::}t:~::;1:~:~~::;:::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;:::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::;:: Boring V 1-4 Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 16 1 7 18 1 9 Depth (ft) 5.5-6 10.5-11 15.5-16 20.5-21 25.5-26 30.5-31 35.5-36 40.5-41 45.5-46 50.5-51 55.5-56 60.5-61 65.5-66 70.5-71 75.5-76 80.5-81 85.5-86 90.5-91 95.5-96 FIO" o o o o o 1 0 100 300 >1000 50 950 >1000 80 125 40 NR 90 r--s 130 Borina VI-5 VI-6 NR = not recorded NS = not samoled " Results reported in parts oer million-yolumn (oomy Samole Oeoth(ft) FID* 1 10-10.5 45 2 15-15.5 >1000 3 20-20.5 >1000 4 25-25.5 >1000 5 30-30.5 >1000 6 35-35.5 >1000 7 40-40.5 900 1 5.5-6 0 2 10.5-11 0 3 15-15.5 0 4 20-20.5 0 5 25-25.5 0 6 30-30.5 200 7 35-35.5 28 8 40-40.5 4 9 45.5-46 >1000 1 0 50.5-51 55 1 1 55.5-56 >1000 12 60.5-61 120 13 65.5-66 310 1 4 70.5-71 750 15 75.5-76 >1000 16 80.5-81 500 ........................................................................................................................ :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: The soil sampling and field screening procedures described above were conducted in accordance with accepted standards of care prevalent at this time and were performed to ensure the acquisition of accurate data. The field screening results were used in assisting the selection of soil samples for chemical analysis. 5.4 AirNapor Inlet Well Installation Three (3) air/vapor inlet wells were installed and constructed as shown in Exhibits 4 through 6 at the soil boring locations identified as VI-4, VI-5, and VI-6. The borings were advanced to depths of approximately 96.5,41.5, and 81.5 feet (bsg), respectively. The screened interval was installed between the depth interval of 50-95 feet in VI-4 (Exhibit 4), between the depth interval of 10-40 feet in VI-5 (Exhibit 5) and between the depth interval of 30-80 feet in VI-6 (Exhibit 6). The screen consisted of 0.020-inch factory slotted, flush threaded, two-inch Schedule 40 PVC pipe. Blank Schedule 40 PVC pipe completed the well to surface and a bottom end-cap was placed below the screen. No glues or chemicals were used in joining the PVC pipe. The annular filter pack consisted of Number 3/12 Monterey Sand, placed between the interval from total depth of one to three feet above the top of the screen. One to 2.5 feet of bentonite 7 e e pellets were placed above the sand to form a seal. The pellets were hydrated with clean potable water and allowed to set. A neat cement slurry was placed on top of the plug and extended to six inches below surface grade. 5.5 Analytical Results Twenty (20) soil samples were analyzed by Halcyon Laboratories of Bakersfield in accordance with State guidelines and EP A protocols. All soil samples were analyzed for TPHg and BTEX by EPA Method 8015 and 8020/5030. Practical Quantitation Limits were 0.1 mg/kg for TPHg and 0.005 mg/kg for BTEX. The results of the laboratory analyses are included in Appendix B and summarized on Table 5. :·:::U::UU..::::U:.:::.:.. TAB L E 5..::.::::,.::.,3":::::::,, SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS OF SOIL SAMPLES FROM SOILS INVESTIGATION· r' 13 & 1 1 Borinc VI-4 VI-5 VI-6 ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................... ............................... .................. .............................. .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . .......... ................. ............ Ethyl Total Sample Depth(ft) Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylene TPH (Gas V-4-35 36-36.5 ND ND ND NO 31 V-4-45 46-46.5 0.12 0.53 0.32 1.0 200 V-4-50 51-51.5 ND ND ND NO ND V-4-60 61-61.5 0.78 2.0 ND 4.3 1000 V-4-65 66-66.5 ND ND ND ND ND V-4-70 71-71.5 0.023 0.022 ND 0.021 0.7 V-4-85 86-86.5 ND ND ND NO ND V-4-95 96-96.5 NO ND ND ND ND V-5-1516-16.5 ND 0.33 0.74 3.9 810 V-5-20 21-21.5 NO 2.3 3.2 9.5 910 V-5-30 31-31.5 0.2 3.7 2.5 1 1 1200 V-5-40 41-41.5 NO 1 0 NO 22 5200 V-6-25 26-26.5 ND ND ND ND NO V-6-35 36-36.5 ND ND NO ND ND V-6-40 41-41.5 NO ND ND NO 1 .8 V-6-45 46-46.5 NO NO NO 0.01 0.5 V-6-50 51-51.5 NO NO NO NO ND V-6-55 56-56.5 NO 0.009 NO 0.015 3.9 V-6-70 71-71.5 NO ND NO NO NO V-6-80 81-81.5 NO NO NO ND NO · Results reported in rng/kg (ppm) 8 e e 6.0 DISCUSSION OF DRILLING AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS Boring VI-4 was advanced in the southwest quarter of the property, south of the former tank cluster, to a depth of approximately 96.5 feet (bsg). Field screening detected no petroleum hydrocarbons in soil to a depth of approximately 30 feet (bsg). Below a depth of 30 feet petroleum odors and FID meter readings ranged between 10 to greater than 1000 ppmv. The highest concentrations were generally detected between the depths of 45 to 60 feet (bsg). Select soil samples collected from 50 to 90 feet were chemically analyzed. The chemical analysis indicated the soil was non- detect to minimally impacted with BTEX and ranged between non-detect to 1000 ppm for TPHg. Two consecutive non-detects occurred at 86 and 96 feet (bsg). Boring VI-5 was advanced to a depth of 41.5 feet (bsg) southeast of the former underground tank cluster, and dispenser island. Elevated FID readings, primarily in excess of 1000 ppmv and strong petroleum odors were detected by field screening between the depths of 15 to 41 feet (bsg). Four select soil samples were submitted for chemical analysis. The laboratory results indicted BTEX ranged between non-detect to 22 ppm and TPHg ranged between 810 to 5200 ppm, increasing with depth. Boring VI-6, located in the northeast corner of the property, was advanced to a depth of 81.5 feet (bsg). No petroleum hydrocarbons were detected or observed in soils to a depth of approximately 30 feet (bsg). However, petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in varying concentrations throughout the remaining length of the boring. FID readings ranged between 4 to greater than 1000 ppmv, varying widely with no discernible pattern. Chemical analysis of the soil samples indicated the soil contained primarily non-detectable concentrations of BTEX and TPHg. Exhibits 7 and 8 graphically show profiles of the hydrocarbon plume as indicated by the concentrations of detected TPHg constituents. A comparison of previous analytical data from boring locations VE-1, VE-3, and VI-1, respectively, with current analytical data from VI-4, VI-5, and VI-6 indicate hydrocarbon concentrations are markedly reduced from former levels. As an example, the highest concentrations detected in soil samples collected from equivalent depth ranges show a hundred-fold reduction in benzene concentrations between VE-1 and VI-4 and between VE-3 and VI-5, and a thousand-fold reduction between VI-1 and VI-6. On the whole, BTEX has generally been reduced to levels of low to non-detectable concentrations. TPHg shows a ten- fold reduction between locations VE-1 and VI-4 and a ten thousand-fold reduction between VI-1 and VI-6. At the VI-5 location TPHg was detected in higher concentrations than in VE-3, indicating in the southern portion of the plume these constituents have not yet responded to the soil vapor extraction treatment. 9 e e 7.0 SITE GEOLOGY The soil borings penetrated a sequence of unconsolidated sediments to a maximum depth of 120 feet (bsg). The unconsolidated soils are Pleistocene non-marine flood- plain fan deposits (California Division of Mines and Geology, 19641). The section consists of alternating dense to very dense silty sands and sandy silts with interbedded clay and poorly graded sand. The soils moisture content varied between dry to moist, predominately slightly moist. No free standing ground water was encountered during the October 1993 field investigation. Published data (Kern County Water Agency, 19912 ) show that the average depth to groundwater beneath the site approaches 200 to 250 feet (bsg) and has a gradient to the south and southwest. 8.0 CONCLUSIONS The maximum vertical extent of significantly impacted soil in the central portion of the plume, based on earlier sampling, was approximately 100 feet below ground surface. The lateral extent of the plume has been assessed to the east by VI-6 and to the west by 8-4. The recently installed VI-5 indicates the plume extends to the south beyond this vapor inlet well. Laboratory analyses of soil samples collected from air/vapor inlet/extraction wells VI-4, VI-5, and VI-6 indicate that the soil vapor extraction operation currently in operation has significantly reduced volatile aromatic concentrations. For example, concentrations of volatile aromatics in soil samples from VE-1 at 65 feet (drilled prior to remediation) were benzene 200, toluene 505, ethylbenzene 92, and xylenes 1105 ppm, respectively. Concentrations of volatile aromatics in soil from VI-4 at 65 feet resulted in non-detected concentrations for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes. Similar reductions were noted for TPH as gasoline in VI-4 and VI-6; however, relatively high concentrations of TPHg were indicated in VI-5. Detectable air flow (approximately .5" of H20) vacuum was measured in the newly installed air inlet wells shortly after installation indicating that these newly installed wells will provide the additional oxygenation of the vapor inlet stream necessary for efficient combustion as well as providing an air sweep of the impacted plume. Groundwater has not been encountered in any of the drilling at the site, which has penetrated to a depth of 120 feet. Published groundwater elevation data indicates that the depth to groundwater beneath the site is in excess of 200 feet (Kern County Water ,l;allTornla UIVISlon 01 Mines ana lòeotogy, 1964, Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet. 2 Kern County Water Agency, 1991, Water Supply Report 10 e e Agency, Water Supply Report, 1991). The separation between groundwater and the deepest hydrocarbon contamination is in excess of 100 feet, indicating that the potential for contaminants impacting groundwater at this site is extremely low. Finally, based on the recent analytical data, the vapor extraction system at the Pence site is effectively remediating the hydrocarbon impacted soil. With the addition of the air inlet wells, it is anticipated that the hydrocarbon removal rate will increase and that remediation of significantly impacted soil will be complete within six (6) months. 9.0 LIMITATIONS AGI performed this investigation in accordance with the generally accepted standards of care which exist in Central California at this time. It should be recognized that definition and evaluation of geologic conditions is a difficult and inexact science. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with limited knowledge of subsurface conditions present. No warranty expressed or implied, is made. 1 1 e EXHIBITS e I I i I I I í I 2J ~3 I ''-W ...-.... I . ¡THrt ~ CftA .... ..........." ~~-;.,. 0 "'~ÞOIIOSPrTA¿ i . . ST ¡ ~- . .. ST i ST z -Q 0 j CX~ 'Z Z :~ ST ~ I ,- I e e I I I I I I I ¡ o.!L ,/ST..i= ['" ~ :;; '''VI- HXIC~ ::: _ 500! , ~ ! ¡ STi I J W'I! :; 11TH st! '" .....! t I ~.I ~ "'! ST!' I 'laTH sT. ~ ~ 1: ::; i ST"' ~ ~ . := '.. - 9TH sr.::! ~ST' a I'" ~~ 'i' Z ~= ¡ t¡ , 7THST:;; 0 . '0 a ST'. 6THST Z I ~~U;mo;: ~ , ST -,.u 'IT.:_ ~ ~... . - lOOW I :.... '.U.Avt ~ '1i~ :lID" ~ ~ r i ... : I( \ é=W .. .. .. .. L' , ; ! ¢~ ... æ d .i i ~ .. :;; -¡,-.r1rA: -. .. ~ 3RD~_ Z I 0 Z II< ~ TUAS-ñ > II I. I!! .. ~ 2: ~ j .200I10o.- J: .. ::> 0 > ~ LN_.!!!... 0Ia\/SI( , FIG ST Dot I I I I ..UHDAGE_ :;;.. po. m;w ~ otCIWDST ë~_:Lj~~~'ST ~~~~ z:;; fTt~1 ....::_;;¡ - -.. .1 -\1'~"" ...... I ~ fIT þ ~.IW"I__ "'-~E 0 '-"--TJdð .. -i ,£uz -4¡¡ ~ .... -O~NfW CT s! ~ '. .CANNON AVI ~ "'" .:. ~__ ~ ~ -;,. ~ row,. ~ ~=:~õï~ --Z ~-;ry- ~ ð r-sr ... :¡ :; OAHI£U --~- i lðQI _. --- ! ST :1 i r~ ot ~'I' ~TtW_'" OI!!e ! ª!¡ .~t; . ;11_.- I~ _ I I I I I I ¡ I ! I ! I I I· I I ¡ ¡ , i I I I i I I , i I I I I I I I I ¡ i ! ! , I l , , , I I I ¡ ! I . .- . AQuab~OSCJences inc. 1 ìO 1 ''I't''''$~··..{md í>riv~ Suit", 1 03 B.:.ker$Tï!?1d. ~:a;ifornid ,?3:::C1 7",1€-phon",. (80~) 323-0962 r ~x 328-1 1 29 -:-it:e ¡ \ L~ hi bit Pence ?etr~) 1 8um S;Jiœnfield ::.)1ifor¡¡ia I I I , ',,/ : C I NIT '~' ;'1 Ä F East Truxtun Avenue o S"\light N % Sidewalk Sign Post o x Fence Line A' Dirt Lot Scale 1" = 10' Key . T esthole Borings o Vapor Extraction Wells . Vapor Inlet Wells - Cross Sections o =.J 20 Sidewalk 5 10 15 o Pole Anchor AquaGeosciences, Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax: (805)32801129 Title Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California SITE MAP Exhibit e ~ CI C :;: ... :. e 2 -- - I . B E I ~~ .. L I E A I V E N lJ . E I AVENUE EAST TRUXTUN · Sl~ POLE o Cm£ET LlGIIT 10pœCiilAL. ->. 83 LNL~DED AEMO'IEÞ PI1.P12 6000 OAL. PREHUH EB LNL!ADED REHOYED -> P7 6000 OAL. LEADED ÆOUUR Rfr--DVED . . ..~ - ," EAST 18 lh "'. ...~ ý o POlli .ANCJCA oPQ~ PdE NORTH SCALE: 1· =20' STRE ET "0 LEGEND EE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SOIL SAMPLES OBT AINED DURING FUEL 1"' .P2 TANK REMOV AL NOVEMBER t . 1 389 ~ B2 ~ B3A APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TESTHOLE BOR INGS JULY 9& 10 I 1 990 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TESTHOLE BOR INGS NOV. 6&7, 1990 Source: Associated Soils Analysis report 11 1 -90 ASA AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California Soil Sample Location Map Exhibit 3 J ~ 1.5' 3' ~ IT 95' 45' VI A TER TABLE sz. ...... ...... .... ............ -- ......... ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡~~ I¡¡¡¡~ ............ -- .......... '1IIIIIIIIil J 11111111"' ::::::::::: == :::::." .:.:.:.:-: - - :." .......... -- ........ 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':1:11111/11 J; :1:11/11/: ::::::::::::: :::::.0 .:.:.:.:.: - - :." .......... -- ........ .::::::::::: :::::::: .......".. -- ........ ~¡¡I¡¡¡ ~~ ¡¡¡¡lit ......... -- ........... ::::::::::: == ::::::::::: :.:.:.:.:-: - - :.:.:.:.:.: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ª~ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡: :::::":/:/1/:,::::11"::1:'"' NEAT CEMENT GROUT BENTONITE SEAL MONTEREY SAND OR EQUIVALENT 3/12 FLUSH THREADED 2 INCH DIA. PVC SCREEN SLOT SIZE 0.020 " FLUSH THREADED END CAP NOT TO SCALE ÄQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title WELL DIAGRAM Pence Petroleum VI-5 Completion Detail Exhibit 5 -Í , 2.5' 2.5'~ fT 80' 50' VI A TER TABLE sz. ...... ...... .... ............ -- ........ ............ -- ........ ...... .... ...... -- .... ...... ..... ¡·I!::I:!! ~~ .:..!.!:: ......... -- ........... NEAT CEMENT GROUT BENTONITE SEAL MONTEREY SAND OR EQUIVALENT 3/12 FLUSH THREADED 2 INCH DIA. PVC SCREEN SLOT SIZE 0.020 " FLUSH THREADED END CAP NOT TO SCALE AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title WELL DIAGRAM Pence Petroleum VI-6 Completion Detail Exhibit 6 B-4 0- Surface VI-4 B-2 VE-1 VE-3 VI-1 VI-6 20' I/..~i ~ i]{i 2\\ i·,. {~,<>" / ...'.,.. ·'·4 ;.".' .'......,' ...,.. NO ........,. <. ."..,'.,................ \ ..,...,> '..,'...«.. ..,....,.".,',.\ ............ J.... '.,.,.,'< /. . '\ N ~." ,.."".< .</> - Þ ..., < ".' NO I '> .,....I~i ........< ....... =I>,; .... A> I» !{I< ..,'.'< =1992., · I .8 Jiil! !.!.i!I, i'i. .,.,'. Screened Interval~) 'v.1 ,... di~ :~i~ii"""",/, i ""i I..< ..'> ~................................................,.,.... ,·,·,·,'>.·...........UU...... ."....,',.,.,...........,... ····.·,i """"""" ,/ ND £/ ........"...,......<. ...,.. ...,.. > <'.".. .,/..<.<.",:..,<.,..,."."'. ",. ....'.',..,'.,...,.'/ '/ .'..... ',.".' .,....,........"" ..,..",/.}I ..,...,.,.,..<.... ...".< ,·",1 T..., ..."'.,..»</ /.. / < .. / ",..',' .. ....... I.-:r NO I /< ." NO 40' 60' ..,./ ',.",...... .< '." ().§"l ., .".,...". ,. .....,. .. '<, ,'/<. ... ,.".,.. , ./. ..... < , '."</' /< ~1?~ .'.', ~.............................. ,.>. > / ............ ...'.".,.. '..'.. .'.,.'. .'. .,. .> ../ ...,,'. ..... > .>" ...,.,.. ..".,. ....···)1 Is 1!;;I~l 8/1 FI NO " " ....'....<) , .... .....'. >.1 .,.,./) :/ .""/ - NO 80' NO , '... ,....,.,' ~<) ""." ...........' ...... "Zš. ...,.~~/<..,..,,/ il2s· .. ND - = ND 100' NO TPHg Plume 120' - ND ND Scale 1" = 1 5' o 20' I 40' Exhibit AquaGeosciences, Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 I Telephone: (805) 328-0962 L-.::.X: (805) 328-1129 Title Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California Cross Section A-A' 7 o Surface VE-2 VE-3 VI-S Screened Interv 20' 40' 60' 80' 100' TPHg Plume Scale 1" = 1 5' 120' 0 20' I 40' Title Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California Cross Section 8-B' Exhibit AquaGeosciences, Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 103 . Bakersfield, California 93301 , Telephone: (805) 328-0962 L.....:.ax: (805) 328-1129 8 e APPENDIX A BORING LOGS e rr Total depth of boring:_96.5' Diameter of boring: ____6..::___ Date __.!0/!.4/9~_ Casing diameter _______1:_ Length:_50' SI' . 0.020" ot size. _________ Screen diameter:___~" Length:__ 45' Material type: ___!V~____ Drilling company: __~~s Eng~eering, ..!~~__ Project Geologist Patrick McCullough Method used: ______t!~low Stem A~.9~!:..._______ Signature of Registered Professional:____--.:~2>al~~_______ Registration No.: __~~~~____ State: ___~~_ DEPTH SAMPLE LOWS P.I.D. .S.C.S. DESCRIPTION CODE NO. Surface -0- -2- -4- Sand, some silt, very fine to med. 25 0 SM coarse, It. brn., slightly moist, no -6- odor, no stain -8- -10- 44 0 SM Sand, some silt, very fine to med. coarse, It. olive/brn., moist, no odor, -12- no stain -14- Sand, some silt, very fine to med. 77 0 SM coarse, It. olive/brn., slightly moist, - 16- no odor, no stain -18- -20- 36 0 SW /GW Sand, some gravel, med. to gravel grade, orange/yellow, slightly moist, -22- no odor, no stain Key: fg3 UIIll ~ Q mil ~ [g SW ML CL SP SM SC GP LITHO WELL TYPE CONS -- . -- Exhibit AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title PENCE PETROLEUM Bakersfield, California BORING VI-4 DEPTH SAMPLE USCS LITHO WELL NO. LOWS P.I.D. CODE DESCRIPTION TYPE CONST. -24- Sand, some silt, fine to med. grade, 30 0 SM It. brn., slightly moist, no odor, no -26- stain -28- Sand some silt, fine to med. grade, -30- 47 10 SM/ML It. orange/ brn., slightly moist, very slight sewer odor, no stain -32- Sand, silty sand, very fine to fine -34- 90 ML grade, orange/brn., moist, moderate odor, no stain 34 ..~............. ....... -36- 100 SW Sand, med. to coarse, orange/grey, ................. .-.-.-. slightly moist, moderate odor, no ................. .-.-.-. ................. .-.-.-. -38- stain ............. .-.-.-. ............ .-.-.-. Sand, trace gravel, med. to gravel ................. .-.-.-. 300 SW ..-.f............ .-.-.-. -40- 72 grade, orange/grey, moist, ................. .-.-.-. moderate odor, no stain . . . . . -.- -42- 300 ML Silty sand, very fine to fine grade, -44- brn., moist, odor, no stain 96 000 ML Silty sand, very fine to fine grade, -46- + It. brn., moist, moderate to strong odor, no stain -48- Sand, fine to coarse grade, It. -50·· 50 SW orange/buff, slightly moist, -52·· moderate petroleum odor, no stain -54-, Silty sand, very fine to fine grade, It. 59 950 ML -56- orange/brn., moist, moderate odor, no stain AquaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Exhibit Title PENCE PETROLEUM Bakersfield, California BORING VI-4 Page 2 DEPTH SAMPLE LOW USCS DESCRIPTION LITHO WELL NO. P.J.D. CODE TYPE CONST. -58- Silty sand, trace clay, orange/brn., -60- 42 1000 ML slightly moist, strong petroleum + odor, no stain -62- -64- Silty sand, very fine to fine grade, 99 80 ML It. brn., slightly moist, strong to -66- moderate odor, no stain -68 ML/CL Silty sand, some clay, very fine to -70 45 125 fine grade, brn., moist, faint to moderate odor, no stain -72- -74- Sandy silt, trace gravel, very fine 60 40 GM/ML to granular grade, red/orange, -76- moist, faint to moderate odor, no stain -78- 93 ML Silt, some sand, very fine to fine -80- grade, brn., moist, moderate odor, no stain -82- -84·· Silty sand, very fine to coarse, 40 90 ML red/brn., moist, faint odor, no -86,· stain -88- -90- NOT SAMPLED Exhibit AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title PENCE PETROLEUM Bakersfield, California BORING VI-4 Page 3 r DEPTH SAMPLE NO. USCS LOWS P.I.D. CODE -92- -94- DESCRIPTION Silty sand, some clay, very fine to 52 130 MUCL fine grade, brn., dry, very slight odor, no stain -96- -98- - 1 00- - 102- - 1 04- 106- 108- 110- 112- 114- 116- 118- 120·· 122·· 124- AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 END OF BORING @ 96.5' LITHO WELL TYPE CONST. Title PENCE PETROLEUM Bakersfield, California BORING VI-4 Exhibit Page 4 r Total depth of boring: ____~~~' Diameter of boring: ___j)~___ Date _-1QLL31~~__ Casing diameter "-_____~:._____ Length:__~___ Slot size: ___Q.:.9.?..9':__ . 2" 30' Screen dlameter:________ Length:______ Material type: __--.f.Y_~___ Drilling company: ___ So~=- Engineering, Inc. _ Project Geologist Patrick McCullough Methodused:__~ollo~_~~~~Aug~~_________ Signature of Registered Professional:_______--.:..:~2>~~~______ Registration No.: __~!~___ State: ___ CA__ DEPTH SAMPLE LOWS P.I.D. .S.C.S DESCRIPTION LITHO WELL CODE TYPE NO. Surface -0- -- -- -- eo eo eo -- -- oo oo -2- oo oo oo oo oo oo oo .. oo oo eo eo oo oo -4- oo .. oo oo oo oo NO SAMPLE eo oo .. -- -- oo -- -- -6- oo -- -- -- oo -- -- -- -8- -10- 14 45 SM Sand, some silt, med. to very fine grade, It. grey, moist, no odor, no stain -12- -14- 46 1000 SW Sand, trace silt, med. to very fine - 16- + grade, It. brn. to grey brn., slightly moist, strong petroleum odor, no stain -18- -20- 47 1000 SP Sand, med. grade, It. grey/brn., slightly moist, strong petroleum odor, + -22- no stain Key: ~ IIID ~ B II IZ3 Œ3 SW ML CL SP SM SC GP I AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 I Bakersfield, California 93301 I Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title PENCE PETROLEUM Bakersfield, California Exhibit BORING VI-S DEPTH SAMPLE NO. -24- -26- -28- -30- -32- -34- -36- -38- -40- -42- -44- -46- -48- -so·· -52- -54- -56- AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Wes1twind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (80S) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 USCS LOW P.I.D. CODE 54 1000 SW + 65 1000 SW/SM + 66 1000 SM + 77 1000 SW + DESCRIPTION Sand, trace silt, fine to coarse grade, It. grey /brn., slightly moist, strong petroleum odor, no stain Sand, some silt, med. to fine grade, orange, slightly moist, strong petroleum odor, no stain Sand, silt, very fine to med. grade, orange/brn., moist, strong odor, no stain Sand, very coarse to med. grade, It. grey to yellow grey, slightly moist, strong odor, no stain END OF BORING @ 41.5' LITHO WELL TYPE CONST. Title PENCE PETROLEUM Bakersfield, California BORING VI-5 Exhibit Page 2 r Total depth of boring: __-.?..!~5' Diameter of boring: ___§.~ Date __1 0/1]!~~ Casing diameter:_______~~______ Length:___ 30' __ Slot size: __QJ>..?.9~__ . 2" 50' Screen dlameter:____________ Length:_____ Material type: ___~~~___ Drilling company: ___ SO.!!~É!!œ~~~i.~g.!.~~_ Project Geologist Patrick McCulloUQh Methodused:_____Hollow~~~~~g~~___________ Signature of Registered Professional: ____!..:.90al~~____ Registration No.: ___~~~~__ State: ___~~___ DEPTH SAMPLE NO. -0- -2- -4- -6- -8- -10- -12- -14- -16- -18- -20- -22- LOWS P.J.D. ë~gES DESCRIPTION Surface SM Sand, some silt, orange/brn., moist, 13 0 no odor, no stain ML Silt, some clay, trace sand, buff/brn., dry, no odor, no stain 36 0 SM Sand, some silt, very fine to med. grade, orange/yellow, slightly moist, no odor, no stain 78 0 SM/SP Sand, trace silt, trace gravel, fine to very coarse, orange/yellow, slightly moist, no odor, no stain 88 Sand, trace silt, fine to coarse grade, orange/yellow, slightly moist, no odor, no stain o SM/SP Key: ~ (]]]] ~ Q E r:zJ IT] SW ML CL SP SM SC GP AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield!, California 93301 Telephone: (80S) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title PENCE PETROLEUM Bakersfield, California BORING VI-6 LITHO WELL TYPE CONS -. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -- -- -- .. -- .. .. -- .. -- .. I ¡ .;.; .. .. .. .. eo eo Exhibit r DEPTH SAMPLE LOW USCS LITHO WELL P.I.D. CODE DESCRIPTION NO. TYPE CONST. . . . . . --- . . . . . .... -24- Sand, med. to very coarse grade, 39 0 SP orange/yellow, slightly moist, no -26- odor, no stain -28- ML Silt, some sand, trace clay, very 200 fine to fine grade, grey, moist, -30- 55 0 faint to mod. odor, slight stain SP Sand, med. to very coarse, orange, -32- slightly moist, very faint to no odor, no stain -34- 41 28 SM Sand, some silt, very coarse to fine -36- grade, orange/It. brn., slightly moist, faint odor, no stain -38- -40- 82 4 SP Sand, very coarse to fine grade, It. grey., dry, very faint odor, no stain -42·· -44- Silt, some sand, med. to very fine 81 1000 SM/ML grade, It. brn., slightly moist, -46- + strong petroleum odor, no stain -48- -50-· 77 55 SW Sand, med. grade, It. grey, dry, faint to mod. odor, no stain -52- -54- Sand, some silt, med. to fine grade, 44 1000 SM orange to yellow orange, slightly -56- + moist, strong petroleum odor, slight staining Exhibit AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (80S) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title PENCE ÆTROLEUM Bakersfield, California BORING VI-6 Page 2 DEPTH SAMPLE lOW USCS LITHO WEll NO. P.I.D. CODE DESCRIPTION TYPE CONST. -58- -60- 38 120 Ml Sandy silt, some clay, fine to very fine grade, It. bm., to bm., moist, -62- faint petroleum odor, no stain -64- Sand, trave gravel, gravel to med. 84 310 SP grade, orange/bm., slightly moist, -66- very faint odor, no stain -68 55 750 SM Sand, some silt, trace gravel, -70 pebbles to fine grade, It. brn., moist, faint odor, no stain -72- -74-· Sand, some silt, coarse to fine 77 1000 SM grade, It. grey to It. brn., slightly -76- + moist, faint to mod. odor, no stain -78- Sand, some gravel, trace silt, 500 GM gravel grade, orange, slightly -80- 77 moist, faint odor, no stain 500 -82- 5M Sand, some silt, fine grade, orange, slightly moist, faint odor, -84- no stain -86- END OF BORING @ 81. 5' -88- -90- Exhibit AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (80S) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title PENCE PETROLEUM Bakersfield, California BORING VI-6 Page 3 e e APPENDIX 8 ANALYTICAL RESULTS AND CHAIN OF CUSTODIES Nevada e ~.IJtJd, J~ Ariz 5327 Wingfoot Orive Bakersfield, CA 93306 (805) 872-4750 Laboratory Results For Pence Petroleum 901 East Truxtun Ave Bakersfield, CA Date Received : 8/23/91 Date Analyzed : 8/30/91 Analyst: J.S. Johnson Lab No. 910122 Sample Matrix ¡Soils Benzene . mg/kg Toluene lng/kg Ethylbenzene lag/kg Xylenes lag/kg Tot Pet Hyds mg/kg VI-1@25 I. 183.750 421.220 82.105 984.220 1S,000 VI-1940' 73.505 168.210 31.215 492.015 6,625 VI-1(i55' 91.875 210.000 42.310 615.010 7,420 VI-l@70' 61.250 140.000 27.010 322.975 5,105 V.E-1@65 ' 200.335 505.075 92.015 1105.125 17,220 VE-l@85' 147.310 323.015 52.710 779.875 12,910 VE-l~lOO' .995 1.210 .275 4.225 125 VE-1@105' N'D ND ND N'D 30 All Results Reported in Milli~rams per Kilogram ND = Non Detectable i EPA 8020 (.005 mg/~g) EPA 8015 Modified for Gasoline (5 lag/kg) Analysis of volatile Aromatics i EPA 8020 -Analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons; EPA 8015 MOdified for Gasoline *The. TPH Method for Gasoline is the Calif DOMS Recommended Procedure Certificate Number E739 tØ·d 6e: 'tt8e:Z Certified Full Service On Site Analyticsllaboratories 01 ·JNl Sa:\::!l 3lIa:OW WOd.:! 80: H t66't-8't-d3S e ~..fpJ¿ !J~ Arizor Nevaaa 5327 Wlngfoot Drive Bakersfield. CA 93306 (805) 872-4750 LaÞoratory Results For Penoe Petroleum 901 Bast Truxtun Ave Ba]cerstield, CA Date Received : 9/1/91 Date Analyzed : 9/9/91 Analyst : J.s. Johnson Lab No. 910130 Sample Matrix ; Soils Ben~ene . mg /kg Toluene mg/kg Ethylbenzene mg/kg Xylenes mg/kq Tot Pet Hyds mg/kg VE-2~351 .335 1.010 .105 2.220 120 VE-2@50' 12.220 28.885 5.500 103.775 1850 VE.,2@60 I 2.210 9.055 .875 12.150 375 VB-2~80' ND ND ND ND 30 VE-3~10' ND ND ND .105 80 VE-3@15" 1.115 20.210 .725 9.990 320 VE-3@20' 11.775 26.210 3.330 88.~45 1250 VE-3@30' 17.200 50.270 7.710 161.075 1825 All Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram ND ~ Non Detectable; BPA 8020 (.005 mg/kg) EFA 8015 Modified for Gasoline (5 mg/kg) Analysis of Volatile Aromatics j EFA 8020 *Analysis of total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ; BFA 8015 Modified for Gasoline *The TPH Method for Gasoline is the Calif DOHS Recommended Procedure Certificate Number E739 ~.o Z0'd 6ZHSZ£ Certified Full Service On-Site Analytical Laboratories 01 . Jt'1l Se~l 3l I eow ¡" Oèf~ 60 : tt t 66 t -8 t -d3S PRO~. NO .iOJECT NAME PeNce .- . LP NO \PO NO} SAMPl E RS IS'!lI\,'I'HeiNulOher¡ 9 ò / E. 77: tI x7-C1I,.J dfqua ~!:~::~~'- "'~'::"oIf!~:,· LM5 1#c . ./ Ph; Ii' n DA TE SAMPLE 10 / TIME MM/DDiYY HH MM S5 NO. Sample OF T yp. 50\1 CON· 151 T AIN· Water ERS ¡WI Sludge 1591 C/J/9L~' /Al SAMPU, I [) REMARKS <¡('1 1t), Q'1./31+M IIr ~ I ((J :; S J vV' i 5 i,IL ,'/" J I,-¡ r J'7. J'JM V'£- J ¡([) i..Jo I / S aiV' 'Ç., /2./ 'l\/ II/) ~ t/ t AM - 'IT - ~ ~-S-' ; 5 V V / /I 4/'Af'f Vr - I ~? I) I -./ Ý l~rll '~J I ..5 ....- 111~':J1t:'J1 14J ~S" AM V E - J ~"6-' J ~ V V- I , ÆJ ~~ I vV' \íJl"¡' J J '.oç ^ J')' V~-} J '5 ':Ie) , \J £-/ ~ Jt:d) I 5 V' V Ç\".'2, J .:.]':1tJðlVl , S ~ J,~ J ;,1"~ I/oV' - JðC; J 5 V l,;- v' E.. - I (Ct) I I I I ^ rR~' ~ui hød by\"þnetu'ft [j '11 , t f) ¡¡ u..,.,~ I Re"nqU;5ne~ by: (S'gnllu'" Relinquished by·. \S'lInl'u,.\ -. Dale/Time Re~eived by: ISignelu'.' 1);11-~'ttll '1'. ;,M" I d.'r' Rema.ks Send Results To P ~. I: 0 r,,, I LIAJ J"J Allenllon of J I 11t,; AQUAGEOSCIENCES I t 701 WeSlwlC\d Or.. SUlle 101 Bake,slleld. Cali forma 93301 Received by: ¡Signelure) D"r 'tlPE:'·" ;ì¿J!o / / y~ Wh"e 5."'",., if 'Y () CanalY Relu'fI Copy To Shlppel PH\k l dO CP I~ (~I.·IIII.h"'I!o·1 ;'. ¡.'II!,<I· ,,,,,,'111,'111,\1 (·"I"U\r""t. PRO~. NO. i\OJECT NAME :~'J-6i \ ? ? {.·\.x-O \ tv tI'- L4'S ~ G \ eV\ve- NO. Sample lP. NO. SAMPLERS IS,ynalureINurnl>en OF Type (PO NO) 'p '-'<I \ ~:> h OALw I~ Soil ~ CON· tSI .J...'" " T JAIN· Waler ~.., DATE SAMPLE /0 SAMPLE 10 ERS (W) .., TIME /Á~ REMARKS Sludge MMiDD¡YY HH MM 55 (591 g J t- ') It'll 'I'. ;}l> AM V~··2: @ .'- - I J ~ ¡/ V s :.; ~ 111 11 I V : 0 c;- At1 \1 r3 - 1... ~ I vi V ~-() , 5 i 'Z,i 11 J II): IAAt-1 \/6-). @ "" I J S V II l<a: Jz,? I'll I". 'lA AM \/ ¡¿ -;).. (Ø liD' , S V V -e I I r¡j 7Jt /1/ ~'. 3~ 4~ \/0£-'- ~ ~ , 5 V V /6 I , .I I ~;'ibN'1 \.IE, -? (6) I :J- I J t,... '......... ?J~ò !1/ 5 i ';J. /tJ 8' '. . '-f c; N^f \,/£- ~@ I I ) V" Y 020 if ;~hl 15" ':) :,. AM V e.. -3 (iì> ~Df , .s V V , , . -" " V l~r -~ "'."\ ., OatelTime Re~eived by: ¡Sign.lu,.1 Rema,k 5 Send Results To vL,", \ G-01t~L_ - u.o ..~ / ~/.;;'1'q~ ,,: 'sA -ß- Allenl,on of \ R.... , AQUAGEOSCIENCES Rellnquishea \y:IISilln.ture, Deter me Received by: (Sill".lu'.1 1701 Weslw,nd Or.. Su,le 101 BakerSfield. Galllorn,a 93301 : Relinquished by: ¡Sign'lu,e) D.I.elTime ~;';~~'J r/'t -14- -/.-- eI}*,~]"wp WhIle 5ðfr·,pl(>! VG Cana,.,. R91utn COpy To ShlPDel P,f)k Lao COllI- íl &í£.O~Ci.E· "£.1, [Inc. o-rqua- e 11111 III/I! ¡¡¡¡¡W'· . 't I1ffll! I·-l-\..lCY~C)~ ìlLabDratofifs í/ Certified by the Stare of co".a Departmellt of Health Ser\i1ces LabU'"at1VI'"'" # JI':}'2() 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C..-\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962. Fax: 805-328-1129 ,Iíl 11111i. Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-4-35 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A286 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units PQL* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.05 Toluene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.05 Ethylbenzene ND mglKg (ppm) 0.05 X lenes ND m m 0.05 TPH gasoline 31. mgIKg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m 1. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit /' /~- . ~ .~ ...------~----: Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e Certified by the State of CalifOrnia Deoortment of Health SeNlces LabuilU>o- # I<:J~ '11I1111111h IIIJIIJI"." .1,'.. - 7 ··"'~I I'I . lL,\lCl C)~ ,,7La lJ 0 rat 0 rl £13',/1 1701 Westwhld Dr. Suite 103 Bake.~field. (',-\ 93301 P110ne: ,'305-328-0062. Fa,: 1305·328·1129 ,Ii IIIII~ Illh¡, Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-45 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A287 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene 0.12 mgIKg (ppm) 0.02 Toluene 0.53 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.02 Ethylbenzene 0.32 mgIKg (ppm) 0.02 X lenes 1.0 m m 0.02 TPH gasoline 200. mg/Kg (ppm) .5 TPH diesel ND m m .5 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~~, Rafael Espinosa LeniZ, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e e Certlnød by the State of California Deportment of Health 5ef'lices LðIKiI''éItu'Y # .~~ ¡llIlllllllh II I I':·~-- T (~ '. ;--'~IIIII 11._ \...... ,,~. 1: 0.,. . 11][,1 U 0 r ato rt £S'., 1101 Westft'b.d Dr. Sult.e 10:1 Bakersfield!" <'.-\. !}330J Phone: 805-3:2.'3-0962. Fa....: 805·328·1129 ,lllllllllllh_, Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfiel<L CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-4-50 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A288 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mWJ{g (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mWJ{g (ppm) 0.005 X lenes ND m m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mg/Kg (ppm) .1 TPH diesel ND m m .1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit d:::-'/:/::/' . /~ /' - ~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e 1Illlltltf! 1IIIIil!ì~;'·_:. ,~. "II~ III pI Il\lC): O~ III 1f ·1 h Ù t+ ;:'J t 0 r+ t' ~ ..' " I ), ......'i'. ;.,¡ u. {..,5, e CertiAed by the State of Colifornlo Deoartmeilt of Health Serv1Ces iLðb«'"ðt«y # I'J'2() 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C.L~ 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 ,1111 111111i. Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-60 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A289 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene .78 mgfKg (ppm) 0.05 Toluene 2.0 mWJ<.g (ppm) 0.05 Ethylbenzene ND mgfKg (ppm) 0.05 X lenes 4.3 m m 0.05 TPH gasoline 1000. mgIKg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m 1. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit 1 ~'~' ~ -,;/" .---- //--;/'::/ ,~----- -' . Rafael Espinosa LeÍ1iz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e 11111111111 ¡¡¡ IIPPI" ,"'111i111 ,II I-I~-\lCr~O~ 1III,JLabùr atorteS',1 ,illlllllh. e CertJAed bV the State of California Deoartme;¡ìt of Health SeMŒs iLðlba"ðtc:>I"'" # 1I'')'lf) 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-ü962, Fax: 805-328-1129 Report o' AnalysIs Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-65 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A290 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 Com ouod Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mglKg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mglKg (ppm) 0.005 X lenes ND m m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mg/Kg (ppm) .1 TPH diesel ND m .1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit , ' //> ~ /' ,/,/ . ___, /'/ ,I ~ . - /' ...---- . Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e dlll ¡h tlll IIIJ!JI' '_ .~~ .~·· qi¡¡I¡ I ! I-:L\LC Å \)~ I 11,.~iLit b 0 rat 0 r1 t 51! e Cert1fied 01,.' the State of California Deoorr.merìt of Health Services l.ðbttðtoÐn' # I'}'l'f) 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfleld~ Ci\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805·328-1129 ,¡III lilli, Report 01 Analysis Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-70 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A291 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes .023 .022 ND .021 mgIKg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 TPH gasoline .7 TPH diesel ND *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit .1 .1 /¥~~ Rafael Espinosa LetÍiz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e IIIIIIIIII¡ 1I'·p.!!!'· . "IJ'Iili I' 'T~'" _' LC-""C) ·,r I J:Lì ..1. ,,--,,1 11 ¡ ''''', ; , 'î! ),Q....a 1J13 r d r f] r t es dill e CertlAed by the State of California Departme'lt of Health SeNIŒs lLab4)lrðt4)n' # I<}'li) 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, ~i\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 IIIII Report 01 AnGlvsls Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-85 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A292 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 Com ouod Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mglKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 X Jenes ND m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mgIKg (ppm) .1 TPH diesel ND m m .1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit /;:::/7 ~, Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e IIIIIIIII!! 11¡1 liucYo'~"1111 ¡,I111La t.J 0 rat 0 n eSII j illll r 1111i. e CertlAed bV the State of California Deoartment of Health SeNices iLabu-at«" # 1'}:2() 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield!! CA 93301 Phone: 805·328-0962. Fax: 805·328·1129 Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfiel<L CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -4-95 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A293 Date of sampling: Oct 14, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 21, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 28, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND ND ND ND mWKg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mWKg (ppm) m m 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 TPH gasoline ND TPH diesel ND *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit .1 .1 ~~-~--~~ . ~-¿~ é/- Rafael Espinosa L , Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e 11111111111 1'111' J f . - . - ...11111111 FLé-U~ CY 0 ='T ,.7La b 0 rat 0 r its' .Ii e Certined bV the State of California Deoartment of Health Services iLabu"ðt«y # ~Ç)~ 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bak~rsfield, <::A 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 IIII Ilh, Report 01 AnGlysls Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-5-15 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A282 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 15 :00 pm. Date of analysis: Oct 18, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.05 Toluene 0.33 mgIKg (ppm) 0.05 Ethylbenzene 0.74 mgIKg (ppm) 0.05 X lenes 3.9 m m 0.05 TPH gasoline 810. mgIKg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m 1. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. It 11111111111 111'Fi~uCY~ÖN'111 l~aboratori.e£J., e Certified by the State of Californlo Deportment of Heolth Sel'Vlces Laba'at«.,.. # a<)~() 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, (;A 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 j III Ilhi Report o' AnalysIs Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfiel~ CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -5-20 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A283 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 15:09 pm. Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 Toluene 2.3 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 Ethylbenzene 3.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 X lenes 9.5 m m 0.2 TPH gasoline 910. mg/Kg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m l. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e 11111111111 IIIII!"'" "'.11111111 . R~UCYO~ 1,~aboratorLes', e CertJAød by the State of California De(JOrtment of Health Sel'V1ces l.alba"ðtu"y # j<)'2() 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 ,illll Illhi Report o' Ancalysls Test: 8015m/8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 9330 I Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -5-30 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A284 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units PQL* Benzene 0.2 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 Toluene 3.7 mWJ<.g (ppm) 0.2 Ethylbenzene 2.5 mg/Kg (ppm) 0.2 X lenes 11. m m 0.2 TPH gasoline 1200. mg/Kg (ppm) 1. TPH diesel ND m m 1. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e '11I11111h IIIIIIP" .. .~ ·."I ~III' }l~UCYC).~ ).jia bù rat ùrí eS·.1 e CertlAed by the State of California Deoartment of Health Services Lalbu'"ðW..." # 1IC)~ 1701 Westwtnd Dr. Suite 103 Bak@rsfield, t;A 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 I III Report o' Rftcalysls Test: 8015mJ8020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-5-40 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A285 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 Date of analysis: Oct 19, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mglKg (ppm) 0.2 Toluene 10. mglKg (ppm) 0.2 Ethylbenzene ND mglKg (ppm) 0.2 X lenes 22. m m 0.2 TPH gasoline 5200. 1. TPH diesel ND m 1. *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ,~G Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e 11111111111 IIIIIII!'· -qll~1111 R~liCYO~ ì1aboratorirs-" e Certified bV the Stace of California Ce(.)ortme,ìt of Health Services löOOr-ötu",.' # N)'1() 1701 Westwilld Dr. Suite 103 Balu~rsfield, C"~ 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fa....: 805-328-1129 , 1111111111i. Report 01 Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-6-25 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A274 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 09:40 am. Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 X lenes ND m m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0.1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit .~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e IIIIIIIIII 11111111'.. . .".11111111 .' HAlCYON II¡.'1« bJ.1 rat 1.1 ríts·., e CertlAed bv the State of California Departme:,·,[ of Health Ser_lces laìÞ«ëlt«;¡n' # N~() 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, C"'" 93301 Phone: 805-328-0002, Fax: 805-328-1129 , 11111 II 1 lilli, Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V-6..35 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A275 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 10:03 am. Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mglKg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 X lenes ND m m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mglKg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m m 0.1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~-~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e ¡IIIIIlllh 1111/11/1"- -"11111111 ILliCYON .laboratorirs., e Certified by the State of Califorrlla Ccparcment of Health Services l.ab«at4:JIrY # 1-)'1{) 1701 Westwand Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962. Fax: 805-328-Il29 , 11111111111 lilt. Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfiel<L CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-40 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A276 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 10:21 am. Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND ND ND ND mgIKg (ppm) mgIKg (ppm) mgIKg (ppm) TPH gasoline 1.8 TPH diesel ND *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit 0.1 0.1 ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e IIII/tlllll IIIIIIP"_ . - "II~II'II lL~lCYO~ klaboratories'"j 41 Certified by the State of California DeoortmefÌt of Health Services lLðb«ð~t«Y # i',)'2C) 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, Ci\. 93301 Phone: 805-328-0ÇI62, Fax: 805-328-1129 , ¡¡III Illh Report CÞ' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 WestwindDr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-45 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A277 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 10:37 am. Date of analysis: Oct 15, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com und Concentration Units L* Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X lenes ND ND ND 0.010 mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) m K m 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 TPH gasoline 0.5 TPH diesel ND *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit 0.1 0.1 ~0 Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. e 11111111111 1111111"'- -"11111111 ILliCYON II]lab.oratoríe£),f e CertJAed by the State of California Department of Health Services laOOr"ataY # 1Ç)'2C) 1701 Westwlnd Dr. Suite 103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-328-0962, Fax: 805-328-1129 ,11111 Illhl Report o' Analysis Test: 8015m18020/5030 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and BTEX's by Purge and Trap Company: Aquageosciences 1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact person: Patrick MCCullough Sample: V -6-80 Matrix: Soil Analyst: MCM Lab #: 93A281 Date of sampling: Oct 13, 1993 @ 13:00 pm. Date of analysis: Oct 18, 1993 Date of Report: Oct 19, 1993 Com ound Concentration Units L* Benzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Toluene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND mgIKg (ppm) 0.005 X lenes ND m m 0.005 TPH gasoline ND mg/Kg (ppm) 0.1 TPH diesel ND m 0.1 *PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~~ Rafael Espinosa Leniz, Ph.D. Laboratory Director. .. . _ ._.~___ ~ '__~_M_'_'_'_·_·- . MI'I'II.EMERY COl\II'ANY CHAIN OF CUSTOD\ . ..'4D /I". i""II.\" \'í""//ldqlt'lldt'll/ 'It's/i/lg 1.11"",,,,,...\,. LSJ"I>/ís/¡..d 1'10-1 ANAL YSIS REQUEST 7X I 1'.'1 Wa,hinglon lIon!cv;mJ · Lo> Angeles, California '10021 · (213) 749-3411 · Fax: (213) 745-6372 DATE: PAGE OF 1'0. II", KK055\1, IIlIutds I'oim Shipyard IIldg. 114 · San Fr.ncisw, California 'H I XX · (4IS) 330-3000 · !'ax: (4IS) !l22-SSM 5427 Ea.,1 La I'alllla A ve/llle · Anaheim, California 92¡¡07 · (7 4) 693- 1026 · Fax:(714)693-1034 FILE NO. LAB NO. CLIENT NAME: .R~i /Jc= __ c c: ANAL YSES REQUESTED: REMARKS: PROJECT NAME: ,.P~., C ~ ?c. /y, let.ñ, PROJECT NO. P.O.NO, ADDRESS: 0 PROJECT MANAGER: ?c.¡ /1 (( (..Ii.." ( PHONE II: J 2.. (/- 0") (. L FAX II: -I .- LU t:¿db( en ð~~ LU SAMPLER NAME: ¡:J. - . Æ /1 ((t.\pr/¿r- ':J ¿ 0 .; I",.. I '- -/7 i " X LU TAT (Analytical Turn Around Time) o ~ Same Day; 1 ~ 24 Hour; 2 ~ 48 Hour; (Etc,) ~ ED C> N ~ C> CO NT AINER TYPES: B ~ Brass, G ~ Glass, P ~ Plastic, V "' Voa Vial, 0 = Other: LO co ~ 17 Ñ cri C> ~ SAMPLE CONDITION! SAMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX CONTAINER <0 "<t' NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION TAT COMMENTS: WATER SOIL SLUOGE OTHER . TYPE V- j-JI) /O/O/IJ / .JJu 7-3A- L ~ Ý ./' ! /J ../ /' V -r-~; Jo //J/~ J I J J-j- i J II LPJ /" I j) /' /" v- t-Jr lojl)" h; d7'Yb i'JA- Lfb ,,/ I /J / /"" tI- jt- - '1-) 1<>#,/71 lull 9)) ¿ ¡ 7 ./ I () ,/ .~ {/- ¢',S-o lo/N J,J /0 J) /J A- L? P / I 3 / ..-/ 11-'1· (.ú /o"ijy' /{) 1/ /7 7J -4 L'? 7 ../ I J /' ...-/ . (/-'I.c.¡- JV/;JlA; IIJ') 7-.1 4- lßJo /' I ð ------ /' I/v/¡'¡!fJ /' I !J ,.-/ /' V-1-7<J ILI1 1j A- t , I v- y - ~¡- lo/Í>,lfJ ¡rlù 7J 4- ¿ ~ l.. ./ I ~ V /' V-f- 7J- /o/lylJ) /F )b 7) A- L / J / J !J / /' ~~By~u>'PII;cÆ ?"T;,'c.-Æ- /'"7 ("~e:;(d..B:;signjJ;'r7~~ /"k¡t'/cN/IMl/;-Yo; /1Ý6~i~: II/till) SAMPLE DISPOSITION: sg) 1, Samples returned to client? YES RelonqUlshed By: ¡Slgnalure and Pni'led )t.frne¡ ReceIVed By: ¡Signalure and Prinled Name)/ Dale: Tìme: 2. Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless RelonYUlshed By: (Signal"''' .nd Prinled Nam"l Received By: ISlgnalU/e and Printed Name) Dale: Time: additional storage time is requested. 3, Storage time requested: m_. _ _ ..______._.....__ days SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: By ______~_ m_n___ Date nl0TPH11ITIf"'\r-.'·IIIII.flTr vr, I ,......"', nl"lI/ ,r-.0r-""'1""\ ,..,........., ...... ....,..-. ,-" ·~;~ "4_ .~::-{ ~~ ~..... .A .' .WI' . .. ___ .., .J Groundwater Scientists · Environmental Consultants . Workplan for Additional Air/Vapor Inlet Wells 901 E. Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Presented To: Mr. Robb Pence Presented By: AquaGeosciences, Inc. September, 1993 (1 " ~ (7) :'; ) \)1&cp l?-t" ' Philip Go~lwln R.G. # 4779 Principal Hydrogeologist /#/fÜ;~~\ f \ . \" No. 4779 I j, : \' I \"..Ä .... "<;¡, <'~' :~~7, ~--':'~.' ..,.~ 10f"\C'\ .,.,0 f"\f"\/:" _ T'" ",-, IOf'\C'\ .,..,0......," 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 101 · Bakersfield, California 93301 V D \~\,~ \ \)\ e Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 .1 Purpose 1 .2 Scope of Services 1 .3 Schedule 2.0 Background 2.1 Facility Description 2.2 Project History 3.0 Workplan 3.1 AirNapor Inlet Well Depths and Locations 3.2 Boring Methods 3.3 Soil Sampling 3.4 Field Screening 3.5 Soil Analyses 3.6 Installation of Air/Vapor Inlet Wells 4.0 Quality Assurance Plan 4.1 Sample Collection and Handling Protocol 4.2 Sample Identification and Chain of Custody Protocol 4.3 Analytical Quality Assurance 5.0 ReporL of Findings 6.0 Site Safety Plan Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Location Map Site Map Cross Section A-A' Well Diagram Appendix A Site Safety Plan . Page 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 e e 1.0 INTRODUCTION Pence Petroleum has authorized AquaGeosciences, Inc. to prepare this workplan for additional soil Air/vapor inlet wells at at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. 1.1 PURPOSE The scope of work described in this workplan has the following objectives: * Drilling and installing air/vapor inlet wells for the removal of volatile fuel hydrocarbons from the soil using a vapor extraction system. 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services described in this workplan include: * Development of a Site Safety Plan; * Installation of three (3) air/vapor inlet wells; * Collecting soil samples for laboratory analyses; * Preparing a report summarizing methods and results of the soil remediation. 1.3 SCHEDULE_ AquaGeosciences, Inc. anticipates beginning work described in this workplan within one week pending approval from the Kern County Environmental Health Service Department, and authorization to proceed from Pence Petroleum. 2.0 BACKGROUND The site is located at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California as shDwn on Exhibit 1. e e 2.1 FACILITY DESCRIPTION The property is currently unoccupied and was formerly operated as Pence Automated Fuels by the Pence Petroleum Company. Prior to 1986, the site was owned by Davies Oil, Bakersfield, California, and was used as an automated card lock fueling station. 2.2 PROJECT HISTORY On November 1, 1989, two (2) 6,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tanks, one (1) 10,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank, one dispenser island and associated product lines were removed from Pence Petroleum's Automated Fuels Cardlock at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Soil Samples collected at that time indicated that the soil had been impacted with gasoline, and that a site characterization study would be required. Subsequently, Associated Soils Analysis advanced four soil borings to a maximum depth of 120 feet below surface grade. Boring B-3 advanced through the location along the product line where the release is believed to have originated, detected gasoline at 24,000 mg/kg at 50 feet below surface grade. That boring was terminated at 80 feet below surface grade with gasoline at 4,700 mg/kg. Boring B-3A advanced ten feet to the west detected gasoline at 0.54 mg/kg at 90 feet below surface grade, and had indications of continued low levels of impaction to 120 feet below surface grade. This previous Phase I assessment work did not delineate the vertical limit of gasoline beneath the probable product line release, nor the lateral limits of the plume to the. north, east, or south. The County required that additional testhole borings be advanced to further assess the lateral and vertical extent of contamination. This was done as part of the initial stages of the remediation. Borings were advanced to complete this assessment, and then be completed as vapor extraction/inlet wells. aJ) WORKPLAN AquaGeosciences, Inc. proposes to install three (3) additional air/vapor inlet wells for the purpose of assisting in remediating the gasoline e e impacted soil at 901 East Truxtun Avenue. 3.1 AIRN APOR INLET WELL DEPTHS AND LOCATIONS Exhibit 2 shows the existing locations of the vapor extraction wells, as well as, the proposed locati~ns of the additional inlet wells designated as VI-4, VI-5 and VI-6. The locations, depths, and screened intervals have been selected to provide lateral and vertical coverage of the impacted plume as interpreted from prior assessment information as shown on Exhibit 3. The proposed wells will be drilled and completed to depths of 105, 40, and 80 feet, respectively, below the ground surface. 3.2 BORING METHODS The borings will be advanced using a CME-75 rig, or equivalent, equipped with 8-inch or larger hollow stem continuous flight auger in accordance with ASTM Method D 1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The auger flights and hammer will be steam cleaned prior to drilling each boring. The lithology and other pertinent data will be recorded on a field boring log in accordance with ASTM Method D 2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils. Borings will be logged by or under direct supervision of a California Registered Geologist and/or Civil Engineer. Cuttings and other soil spoil from the borings will be placed on visquene and allowed to aerate on site. 3.3 SOIL SAMPLING Soil samples will be collected through the auger in 2-inch brass sleeves driven in a split spoon sampler by a 140 pound hammer with a 30-inch drop in accordance with ASTM Methods D1586-84 for split-barrel sampling of soil and D1587-83 for thin walled tube sampling of soils. The brass sleeves and sampler will be steam cleaned prior to each use. Soil samples will be driven at five foot intervals. The blow counts, recovery, and lithology will be recorded on field logs. Lithology will be described in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. One brass sleeve with soil from each interval will be capped, sealed, and e e labeled in accordance with EPA protocols, recorded on a Chain-of-Custody form, placed in a cooler at 4 degrees centigrade or less, and transported to a California Certified laboratory with the Chain-of-Custody for the specified analyses. Selected samples will be analyzed and the other samples will be held no more than fourteen days for further analyses if necessary. 3.4 FIELD SCREENING Soil samples will be collected using three six-inch brass tubes installed inside a splitspoon sampler. The middle sample tube will be immediately capped with a teflon liner separating the soil from the lid, and stored in an iced cooler upon collection. The bottom tube will be used for lithologic description, and the top tube will be used for field screening. The material from the top tube will be placed in a mason jar to approximately 50 percent capacity, shaken, and stored for a period of 15 minutes. A standard headspace reading will be collected at this time and noted on the boring log. 3.5 SOIL ANALYSES Approximately twenty (20) soil samples will be analyzed by Halcyon Laboratories, a California State certified laboratory in accordance with State guidelines and EPA protocols. The exact number of samples to be analyzed will be determined in the field after carefully reviewing field screening data. The samples will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), benzene, toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene (BTXE) using the O.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. Method and EPA Method 8020, respectively. 3.6 INSTALLATION OF AIRNAPOR INLET WELLS The air/vapor inlet wells are to be completed as shown on Exhibit 4. The well casing will consist of Schedule 40, factory slotted (0.020 inch), 2- inch diameter (1.0.) hydrolock flush threaded PVC pipe. A flush threaded bottom cap will be provided. The slotted section will extend across the contaminated areas as shown in Exhibit 3. In VI-4 the slotted section will extend between the depth interval of 60 to 105 feet below the ground surface (bsg). In VI-5 the slotted section will extend between the depth interval of 10 to 40 feet (bsg). And in VI-6 the slotted section will e e extend between 20 to 80 feet (bsg). Blank 2-inch Schedule 40 PVC casing will complete each well to the surface. The annular space adjacent to the screened interval will be backfilled with a sand filter pack, placed from total depth to 3 feet above slotted interval. One foot of bentonite pellets will be poured above the sand to form a seal. Cement grout will extend from the bentonite seal to the surface. 4.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN This section describes field and analytical quality-assurance procedures to be followed during the remediation. 4.1 SAMPLE COLLECTION AND HANDLING PROTOCOL Proper sample collection and handling are essential to assure quality of data obtained from a sample. Each sample, therefore, will be collected in a brass tube, preserved correctly for the intended analysis and stored for no longer than the permissible holding time prior to analysis. Protocol to be applied in this project is described in Section 3.3. 4.2 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY PROTOCOL Sample identification and Chain of Custody procedures are designed to assure sample quality and to document sample possession from the time it is collected to the time of its ultimate disposal. The container for each sample submitted for analysis will have a label affixed with the identifying number or the number will be inscribed directly on the container if feasible. The analytical laboratory will assign a separate sample number unique to that sample for internal sample coordination and identification. A description of the sample, including the sample number and other pertinent information regarding its collection and/or geologic significance will be written in field notes and/or a geologic boring log prepared by the site geologist. These field documents will be kept in a permanent project file. All samples will be analyzed by a State certified laboratory for the analyses requested. A properly completed Chain of Custody document will be submitted to the analytical laboratory along with the sample. The laboratory's assigned number will be properly entered on the form. A quality control officer at thE~ laboratory will verify integrity of samples submitted, proper sample - e volume, correctness of containers used and properly executed Chain of Custody document. Pertinent information will be entered into a log book kept by the laboratory. 4.3 ANALYTICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE In addition to routine calibration of analytical instruments with standards and blanks, the analyst is required to run duplicates and spikes on 10 percent of analyses to assure an added measure of reliability and precision. Accuracy is verified through the following: 1.) U.S. EPA and State certification of results; 2.) Participation in inter-laboratory round robin programs; 3.) "Blind" samples are submitted for analysis by the quality control officer on a weekly basis. These are prepared from National Bureau of Standards specifications of EPA reference standards; 4.) Verification of results with an alternative method. 5.0 REPORT OF FINDINGS A report of findings will be prepared which will detail field activities, analytical results, discussion of analytical results, conclusions and recommendations. The report of findings will recommend what further action, if necessary, will be required. If additional work is warranted, the scope of the additional work will be specified in the report. The report of findings will be certified by a California Registered Geologist. 6.0 SITE SAFETY PLAN Appendix A contains a Site Safety Plan which complies with the Worker Right to Know Regulations and CAC Title 26. rF ¡;""" ¡1')4ST ~;;"jiO ~C::WA_ ':....-... ---... . " -- .. v:- "- "'~N ~- "'\.'. '.r:;ø- ~- -:--- _ 1& 'lfNf ,,'/ ~I(NOm_~; "If sr.... III1!N..la _ , _ 2 '- " c:r~ " .. . ! Q Z . .. " ----......... z g ~ OIDWII OUINCr 2 -..oRC OIIIGON ~ .01>1 .. "' ~ :;; :,'C8J _JQ) ._ STi ~ : ¡ :; 111M srflft 4 i IST!_:·~ !IOTMST¡ ¡ ~ = ; sT"· ~ ~ :: tJ'n4 ;....-~""_. ! a ST' 0 'filii _ "" '. :m< ... ~ST.. z jJT1: v lilt! Q '0 ~~:: ~ST Š . Sf :-üšr ,..... 1 m4 ~... . - ÎÕÕior , ;..... '.u."Y1I ¡-I{' ~l~ ;;- 7n4 .. .. w ... o :;; :;; :;; :;; "' ST' - ê '- !: :: ;:; . '"'" - ª 5 % ~ " z :E i z o z . 6 I I I UUNIIAOI_ :;;'. po, ~ ~ ~ ~ .---- I TUAS'rt > I. .. ~ j I: .. 0MUSIt, !III I _ ) . - ~ ~ OIðlAlDST _ "t:IWIOUSI oCòo;.. O:t..ELI. ..';< OIt.O<tf ~ :!:"' I ~. -. ~ ~¡(- '" ~ - Q Q ~ "YE / ._._--~ ¡;¡" o---;-~- t:~_- ',-iiflo~,,::'5T_ _. ~_~~~; g -~ ~:: /"" FEUZ ----t- ......ï =- ~1.~~~;; ITt..o¡¡¡:¡--¡ 3 1IIY ¡ ð ~ ~Æ;; ~~HfW ~ ~: ~!f' ....-_-;;¡ --- 1i LH :5.... ......... -O;~! ;; ",- £~u I,~HE~_ --- ¡ ,r -:._-=~ ~ ~ .....0-1001. .,. ~. ..,....--. '~ c ~ G.uEW~!....-!'~_... ~i, ·;c ¡¡~-- I~ - AquaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield" California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-11 29 Title Pence Petroleum Bakersfield California Exhibit 1 VICINITY MAP \ N Æ C'CI Q) CD Estimated Portion of Plume Requiring Remediation Former Gasoline Tanks and Dispenser Island manhole o East Truxtun - -- . streetlight ? parking lot ? - -- East 18th SCALE 1" = 20' . Prior Boring Location o Vapor Extraction/Inlet well o Proposed inlet wells AquaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-"29 Title Pence Petroleum 901 E. T ruxtun Bakersfield, California SITE MAP Exhibit 2 8-4 ! > ~ ~ Q) .. A u <ij Q) 'õ' It ND ~ .L > AI Wet Well VI-4 VI-S VI-6 e NO ND NO CROSS-SECTION A - AI Prqøed Scr.... ~ørwI 60-1 OS 1 0-40 20-80 SCALE: VERTICAL 1" :: 20' HORIZONTAL 1":: 20' EXHIBIT 3 --~\ VI-4; 105' VI-5; 40' VI-6; 80' L~l' 3' '-t VI-4; 60-105' VI-5; 10-40' VI-6; 20-80' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , \ , , , \ , \ , , , \ , , , \ , , \ \ , , , \ , , \ \ \ , , \ \ , , \ \ , , \ \ , , \ \ , , \ \ , , , , eoo -- . . -- ".- -- .. -- . "0" -- " . . , NEAT CEMENT GROUT BENTONITE SEAL MONTEREY SAND OR EQUIVALENT 3/12 FLUSH THREADED 2-INCH DIA. PVC SCREEN SLOT SIZE 0.020 " FLUSH THREADED END CAP NOT TO SCALE AquaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title WELL DIAGRAM Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California Exhibit 4 · e APPENDIX A SITE SAFETY PLAN INTRODUCTION: A Site Safety Plan (SSP) has been designed to address safety provisions needed during the site soil remediation. Its purpose· is to provide established procedures to protect all on-site personnel from direct skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion of potentially hazardous materials that may be encountered at the site. The SSP establishes personnel responsibilities, personal protective equipment standards decontamination procedures, and emergency action plans. AquaGeosciences, Inc. seeks to enter the property described for the purpose of drilling and completing three (3) additional air/vapor inlet wells. Soil samples will be collected at five-foot intervals during exploratory drilling using California modified split-spoon sampler through hollow- stem auger. All possible efforts will be made to collect undisturbed samples. Each sample that is to be chemically analyzed will be collected in a brass sleeve, capped with lined plastic lids, sealed with tape, and placed on ice in a cooler immediately. All Chain-of-Custody protocol will be followed. Drilling equipment will be brought to the site and operated by a subcontractor: Soils Engineering, Inc. 4700 District Boulevard Bakersfield, California 93313 (805) 831 5100 C-57 License #253192 The SSP describes the means for protecting all on-site personnel from deleterious contamination or personal injury while conducting on-site activities. As described below AGI will meet all requirements e . promulgated by the California Department of Health Services. SITE BACKGROUND This property, located at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, is currently unoccupied, but was formerly operated as Pence Petroleum Automated Fuels. On November 1, 1989, all gasoline tanks, dispenser islands, "and associated piping were removed from the site. RESPONSIBILITY OF KEY PERSONNEL: AU personnel on-site will have assigned responsibilities. Mr. Phil Goalwin, R.G. of AquaGeosciences, Inc. will serve as Project Manager and Mr. David Crane will serve as On-Site Geologist. Mr. Crane will also serve as Site Safety Officer (SSO) and will ensure that on-site personnel have received a copy of the SSP. Personnel will be required to document their full understanding of the SSP before admission to the site. Compliance with the SSP will be monitored at all times by the SSO. Appropriate personal protective equipment, listed below, will be used. The SSO will conduct a training session to assure that all are aware of safe work practices. In the training session, personnel will be made aware of hazards at the site and will utilize Material Safety Data Sheets for information on compounds. The SSO will also be responsible for keeping field notes, collecting and securing samples, and assuring sample integrity by adherence to Chain-of- Custody protocol. On-site employees will take reasonable precautions to avoid unforeseen hazards. After documenting understanding of the SSP, each on-site employee will be responsible for strict adherence to all points contained herein. Any deviation observed will be reported to the SSO and corrected. On-site employees are held responsible to perform only those tasks for which they believe they are qualified. Provisions of this SSP are mandatory and personnel associated with on- site activities will adhere strictly hereto. JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS: e e Hazards likely to be encountered on-site include those commonly encountered when operating any mechanical equipment, such as the danger of falling objects or moving machinery. Simple precautions will reduce or eliminate risks associated with operating such equipment. A drilling contractor has been employed to deliver and operate all drilling equipment. Qualified personnel only will have any contact with this equipment. All on-site personnel, including the drilling contractor and his employees, are required to wear hard hats when in close proximity to drilling equipment. Latex gloves will be worn by persons collected or handling samples to prevent exposure to contaminants. Gloves will be changed between samples, and used ones discarded, to avoid cross- contamination. Proper respiratory equipment will be worn if vapor contamination levels on-site exceed action levels as determined using PID. Action levels requiring respiratory apparatus will be 5 ppm in the breathing space. Furthermore, no on-site smoking, open flame, or sparks will be permitted in order to prevent accidental ignition. RISK ASSESSMENT SUMMARY: Exposure to chemicals anticipated on-site include gasoline, and benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX). These chemicals represent a hazard as they are moderately to extremely toxic and most are highly flammable. Threshold Limit Values (TL V's), Short Term Exposure Limits (STEL's), and Toxicity levels (LD50, oral-rat), all in mg/kg (ppm), are listed below: GaJ1f'Ct.ND TLV STEL TOXICITY Gasoline 200 300 -------- Benzene 10 25 4894 Toluene 100 150 5000 Xylene 100 150 4300 Benzene is considered an extreme cancer hazard. EXPOSURE MONITORING PlAN: A Photo-Ionization Detector (PI D) will be used to monitor vapor concentrations around site. Should concentrations exceed TL V's, e e protective measures will be taken. Passive dosimeter badges will be placed in downwind locations if PID reading indicate high levels of volatile organics in the breathing space. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Personnel on-site will have access to respirators with organic vapor cartridge·s. Replacement cartridges will be available on-site as needed. When handling samples, the on-site geologist will wear latex gloves. Hard hats will be worn by all personnel on-site when in proximity of drilling equipment. WORK ZONES AND SECURITY MEASURES: Access to the site will be restricted to authorized personnel. A set of cones, placards, or wide yellow tape, surrounding the site will define perimeter. The Project Manager will be responsible for site security. DECONTAMINATION MEASURES: Avoidance of contamination whenever possible is the best method for protection. Common sense dictates that on-site personnel avoid sitting, leaning, or placing equipment on possibly contaminated soil. All personnel will be advised to wash their hands, neck, and face with soap and water before taking a break or leaving the site. Respirators will be washed with soap and water following each day's use. Drilling and sampling equipment used will be decontaminated by steam- cleaning. Sampling equipment will be decontaminated before each sample is taken and drilling equipment will be decontaminated before each boring is commenced. GENERAL SAFE WORK PRACTICES: Drillers and other on-site personnel will be briefed each day in "tailgate" meetings as to the day's goals and equipment to be used. Anticipated contaminants and emergency procedures will be reviewed. Appropriate personal protective equipment will be put on and verified correct by SSO, including respirator fit. e e Drilling and sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before being brought on-site. Split-spoon sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before each use. Augers will be steam-cleaned between borings. The On-Site Geologist will oversee operations and log borings in consultation with drillers. The Sample Coordinator will assure that proper protocol is used at all times in collecting and handling samples. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: The SSO will conduct a pre-site training session which will include all points of MSDS forms, contaminant properties, warning signs, health hazard data, risk for exposure, and emergency first aid. All chemicals expected to be encountered will be covered and the SSO will ensure that everyone fully understands site hazards. MEDICAL SURVEILlANCE PROGRAM: According to CFR 29, 1910.120, paragraph (f), employees who wear respirators 30 days or more during one year or who have been exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards above established permissible exposure limits are required to be monitored medically. All site personnel will be required to have had a complete chemical physical within the past year. RECORD KEEPING: Documentation will be kept on personnel exposed to contaminant hazards on the job site according to OSHA regulations. These will include documentation that employees have received training on the SSP, respiratory protection, MSDS forms, and all emergency procedures. These will be reviewed during the pre-site training meeting. Exposure records on each job will be kept for 30 years to meet requirements. Included will be names and social security number of employees, medical evaluation, on-the-job logs from entry to exit, first aid administered, visits on-site by outside persons, and personal air monitoring records. CONTINGENCY PLANS: - e In the event of accident, injury, or other emergency, the Project Director, Senior Project Manager, or other person will notify appropriate government agencies of individuals as follows: 1. Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Ms. Flora Darling (805)836-2261 2. Police, Fire, or Ambulance Emergency 911 3. Nearest Emergency Hospital: Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, California 93301 (805 )327 -3371 -~ . ... , - "" .~ . , -~ --:o~ .~ -_ '"'. ......,-_.~ .. .~. , ' _...~ ~ t .-'" " .......f....:&rtb.. -~. Groundwater Scientists · Environmental Consultants First and Second Quarter.1993 Vapor Extraction Quarterly Report Pence Petroleum Automated Fuels 901 East Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, California Presented to Mr. Robb Pence Presented By AquaGeosciences, Inc. June, 1993 . ,J " ,--'.. ' L \ ~, ;' , ; \J J..A......l( - L\.~-Cl.- I . PatriCkW. McCullough Staff Geologist -r J \ i) _ " '\ ; J: ;' i \ (i ~~~n~:~~~- Principal Hydrogeologist Registration Expires 6/30/94 - . , ~..~",> '\ ,--'\.\ "n)\ .....::- .....\ 'V:~S0 \ ."~;~.~\ ", ./.~/ \. ~~\ /< ) :>;,.',ç . "<~ . 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 101 · Bakersfield, California 93301 (An,,' ':I.7AJ'\Of.7 . ¡:;AY (An,,' ':I.7A.1170 --,~ e e Table of Contents Sections Pages 1 .0 Introduction ................................ ........................ ....................................... ..... ............2 2.0 Facility Description ........ .................... ...................... ....................... ..........................2 3.0 Project History ... ....... .... ....... ......... ................... ... ........ ...... .... .....................................2 4.0 Vapor Extraction Moni1oring ........................... ............ ............................... .............3 5.0 Conclusions & Recommendation......... ................................................................. ...3 ,Exhibits 1 . Site Map 2. vac Concentrations vs. Time 3. Cross-Section A-A' (showing proposed completion intervals) 1 of 3 e e 1.0 Introduction This report presents the results of the first and second quarter, 1993 Vapor Extraction monitoring performed by AquaGeosciences, Inc. (AGI) at the Pence Petroleum Automated Fuel site at 901 East Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, California. These results are reported from January through June, 1993. 2.0 Facility Description The property is currently unoccupied and was formerly operated as Pence Automated Fuels by the Pence Petroleum Company. Prior to 1986, the site was owned by Davies Oil, Bakersfield, California; however, information regarding site usage was unavailable. 3.0 Project History On November 1, 1989, two (2) 6,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tanks, one (1) 10,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank, one dispenser island and associated product lines were removed from Pence Petroleum's Automated Fuels Cardlock at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Soil Samples collected at that time indicated that the soil had been impacted with gasoline, and that a site characterization study would be required. Subsequently, Associated Soils Analysis advanced four soil borings to a maximum depth of 120 feet below surface grade. Boring B-3 advanced through the location along the product line where the release is believed to have originated, detected gasoline at 24,000 mg/kg at 50 feet below surface grade. That boring was terminated at 80 feet below surface grade with gasoline detected at 4,700 mg/kg. Boring B-3A, advanced ten feet to the west, detected gasoline at 0.54 mg/kg at 90 feet below surface grade, and had indications of continued low levels of impaction to 120 feet below surface grade where the boring was terminated. This previous Phase I assessment work did not delineate the vertical limit of gasoline beneath the probable product line release, nor the lateral limits of the plume to the north, east, or south. For these reasons the County required that the full lateral and vertical extent of soil impaction be assessed as a Phase II characterization. This additional work was completed as part of the initial stages of the remediation. Four (4) borings ( VI-1, VE-1, VE-2 and VE-3) were advanced to complete this assessment. These additional borings were then completed as vapor extractionlinlet welis with the screened intervals and depths selected based upon field screening of the samples. 2 of 3 e e 4.0 Vapor Extraction Monitoring The vapor extraction process at the Pence site began in August 1992. The internal combustion engine (ICE) is utilized for both vapor evacuation and hydrocarbon oxidation. The ICE unit is monitored daily to insure maximum run time and compliance with the condit~e .QP~ting perm.-i-t_--.- - -¡;;g;:e:I, the unit is performin~well;owever, we are experiencing ~ /time required for equipment maintenance and parts replacement. The down time is also partially caused by changing operation conditions; namely, hydrocarbon vapor concentrations. The ICE unit, however, has not used any supplemental propane in the last 3 months and liquid gasoline is condensing in the water knock-out. This has required the addition of dilution air at the surface. Tot e site remediation is best determined by monitoring Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), emissions from the exhaust of the ICE. In the attached exhibit 1, a plot of VOC concentrations vs. time is presented. From this graph, covering the period from 11-02-92 to 6-30-93, it can be seen, that desired stabilized conditions have not yet been achieved. 5.0 Conclusions & Recommendations Based upon the high concentrations of VOC emissions, liquid petroleum hydrocarbons condensing in the water knock-out system, the lack of supplemental fuel usage, and the requirement for dilution air additions at the surface, AGI concludes that high petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations continue to persist in the subsurface soil at the Pence site. Further, AGI concludes that additional air/vapor inlet wells should be installed to provide air flow through the impacted soil profile. This subsurface air flow will both enhance and stabilize the vapor extraction process. Subsurface air flow will enhance the process by sweeping air across the impacted soil thereby removing volatile hydrocarbons from the distal edges of the plume which in turn will allow for a more complete hydrocarbon removal. Subsurface air flow will stabilize the process by diluting or mixing lower concentration vapors with the higher concentration vapor stream currently being processed by the IC engine. To accomplish these goals, AGI recommends drilling and completing three (3) additional inlet wells to depths of 40, 80, and 105 feet, respectively. The proposed locations of the vapor inlet wells, herein designated VI-4, VI-5, and VI-6 are shown in plan view on Exhibit 1. Cross-section A-A' (Exhibit 3) graphically shows the location of VI-4, VI-5, and VI-6 and includes the proposed completion intervals. Finally, AGI recommends that sufficient soil samples be collected and analyzed during the installation of these wells, to evaluate the progress of the remediation accomplished to date and estimate the length of time required to complete the remediation. 3 of 3 \ N Estimated Portion of Plume Requiring Remediation Former Gasoline Tanks and Dispenser Island manhole o Q) Ci Q) en East Truxtun - -- . streetlight parking lot - -- East 18th SCALE 1" = 20' . Prior Boring Location o Vapor Extraction/Inlet well o Proposed inlet wells AquaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-11 29 Title Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, California SITE MAP Exhibit 1 PPM CONC 500 400 300 200 100 t Feb. 11102/92 PAUSE 11/04/92 to 01111193 AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 e Mar. e All data >1000 Apr. May 6130/93 Pence Petroleum 90 1 E. Truxtun Bakersfield. California VOC CONCENTRATIONS TIME Exhibit 2 8-4 ! > A it "'0 '}I ...... LI) CI) .J. 0, ...... SE .... ~ > u <ö ~ ~ CI) ..s "'0 'õ' CI) EK6 ~ N8K .... u ~ N67 E ·~67 7 E .J. A I I~' > ND -~ ;' f;,iìlk, . ~ b-. Wet WeIs VI-4 NI -I- . . .... ;;;;¡;¡¡;~;:;;;:;: .. . .... . VI-S .. : : - .' : ~!:j '. : : : .' '. .. .. .. : ....:;:;:::. : - I- 0 : .. : : .. ;:;:;::::;::" : .. : ...... . : .' ... ",:" :.:..... --:..::::;·.::}:::i· ·!·[:·;:;·:!:!!:·!!!!!!!!i::::!I.!ii· :.!!!I::::::.¡;::i.:;:;:::::::¡::::;:·::.·;:!: ·20 . )}\;:. .::}}:; .:;::::::... ...::::::::..... ff - -~~!~~II ... ........... ND - - . - - - - ND ND ND ND CROSS-SECTION A - AI ~ Screen kltMVIII 60-1 OS 1 0-40 20-80 SCALE: VERTICAL 1" = 20' HORIZONTAL 1" = 20' EXHIBIT 3 :~~~~:~~'~ / ¡ "Ö;;;undwater Scientists · Environmental Consultants ,.....-.; (1;-:-,., -"'___ .,#,>,,,r./'''' ,.,.... .~,..,...... Workplan for Soil Remediation at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Presented To: Mr. Robb Pence Pence Petroleum Co. Presented By: AquaGeosciences, Inc. February, 1992 -tl-z--- ¡2 <" Thomas Reeves Project Engineer ,.,-. (" ,/ el' :._ .i - """'';., j ;'/ ,,,' '; U i '~'hilip :,o;lwin, RG. # 4779 Principal Hydrogeologist e 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 101 · Bakersfield, California 93301 10At::\ "1,.,0 Ant::., . r:'AV IOf"'\C\ """0 11...,n 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 5.0 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7.0 8.0 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 10.0 e e Table of Contents Introduction Purpose Scope of Services Schedule Background Facility Description Project His tory Work plan Vapor Extraction/Inlet Well Locations & Depths Well Head Design and Valve Configuration Vacuum Measurements and Radius of Influence Treatment Objectives Evaluation of Mitigation Confirmation Boring, Soil Sampling, Field Screening and Chemical Analytical Methods Boring Methods Soil Sampling Field Screening Soil Analysis Decommissioning of Remediation Equipment Final Report Quality Assurance Plan Sample Collection and Handling Protocol Sample Identification and Chain-of-Custody Protocol Analytical Quality Assurance Site Safety Plan Exhibits 1 2 3-6 Vicinity Map Site Map Vapor Extraction/Inlet Well Completion Diagrams Appendix A B C Site Safety Plan Summary of Analytical Data Cross Section Drawings Page 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 e e 1.0 INTRODUCTION Pence Petroleum Co. has authorized AquaGeosciences, Inc. to prepare this workplan for soil remediation at the former gasoline service station located at 901 East Truxtun A ven ue, Bakersfield, California. 1.1 PURPOSE The soil remediation described in this workplan has the following objectives: * Remove volatile fuel hydrocarbons from the soil using an Internal Combustion Engine vapor extraction system. 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services describes in this workplan include: * Installation of vapor extraction system to include an internal combustion engine; * Permitting, operation, monitoring and maintenance of a vapor extraction system manifolded to the wells; * Confirmation borings to assess thé effectiveness and signify an endpoint to remedia tion; * Preparation of a report summarizing methods and results of the soil remedia tion. 1.3 SCHEDULE AquaGeosciences, Inc. anticipates beginning work described in this workplan within one week upon approval from both the County and the Client. Installation of the vapor extraction/inlet wells in the soil borings has already been completed. Pending approval to construct and operate the VES by the Kern County Air Pollution Control District, AquaGeosciences anticipates construction and installation of the VES including all associated piping and manifolding within one month from the approval of the workplan. Upon completion of the remediation, AquaGeosciences, Inc. will issue a Final Report of Findings. 2.0 BACKGROUND The site is located at 901 East Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California as shown on Exhibit 1. e e 2.1 FACILITY DESCRIPTION The property is currently unoccupied and was formerly operated as Pence Automated Fuels by the Pence Petroleum Company. Prior to 1986, the site was owned by Davies Oil, Bakersfield, California, however, information regarding site usage was unavailable. 2.2 PROJECT HISTORY On November 1, 1989, two (2) 6,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tanks, one (1) 10,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank, one dispenser island and associated product lines were removed from Pence Petroleum's Automated Fuels Cardlock at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Soil Samples collected at that time indicated that the soil had been impacted with gasoline, and that a site characterization study would be required. Subsequently, Associated Soils Analysis advanced four soil borings to a maximum depth of 120 feet below surface grade. Boring B-3 advanced through the location along the product line where the release is believed to have originated, detected gasoline at 24,000 mg/kg at 50 feet below surface grade. That boring was terminated at 80 feet below surface grade with gasoline detected at 4,700 mg/kg. Boring B-3 A, advanced ten feet to the west, detected gasoline at 0.54 mg/kg at 90 feet below surface grade, and had indications of continued low levels of impaction to 120 feet below surface grade where the boring was terminated. This previous Phase I assessment work did not delineate the vertical limit of gasoline beneath the probable product line release, nor the lateral limits of the plume to the north, east, or south. For these reasons the County required that the full lateral and vertical extent of soil impaction be assessed as a Phase II characterization. This additional work was completed as part of the initial stages of the remediation. Four (4) borings ( VI-I, VE-I, VE-2 and VE-3) were advanced to complete this assessment. These additional borings were then completed as vapor extraction/inlet wells with the screened intervals and depths selected based upon field screning of the samples. Well locations and descriptions are given below in section 3.1. A summary of analytical results may be found in Appendix B. 3.0 WORKPLAN AquaGeosciences, Inc. plans to install an internal combustion engine vapor extraction system at this site. Using existing vapor extraction/inlet wells, AquaGeosciences, Inc. will manifold those existing wells to the vapor extraction system. A treatability study will be performed to confirm the suitability of the chosen remedial technology. Additionally, the effectiveness of the remediation will be confirmed by advancing soil borings through the contaminant plume region. It e 3.I VAPOR EXTRACTION /INLET WELL LOCATIONS AND DEPTHS Exhibit 2 shows the locations of the existing vapor extraction/inlet wells as well as locations of prior borings. The locations, depths, and screened intervals were chosen to provide lateral and vertical coverage of the impacted plume as interpreted from previous assessment data as well as field data gathered at the time of the well installation. In general, the vadose plume approximates a teardrop shape beginning at approximately IO feet below grade and extending to a depth of I20 feet below grade. As indicated by the cross-sections included as Appendix C, the plume begins to spread laterally at a depth of 70 feet below grade, reaching a maximum radius of nearly 140 feet (NOTE: this is based upon the extreme boundary of the plume. ie. N on-Detect analytical results.). The region of this plume requiring remediation is estimated to approximate a right cylinder with a radius of 25 feet and a height of IOO feet. Wells VI-I, VE-I, VE-2, and VE-3 have been placed within perimeter of the plume and are screened as follows. In the middle portion of the plume VI-1 is screened from 25 to 65 feet below grade. VE-I is screned across the deep portion of the plume from 65 to 95 feet below grade. Screened between 40 an 80 feet below grade VE-2 is completed slightly above VE-I in the mid to deep section of the plume. VE-3 is screened across the interval of IO to 40 fet below grade in the shallow zone of the plume. Completion detail drawings for wells VI-I, VE-I, VE-2, and VE-3 are included as Exhibits 3 through 6. Locations of the wells and their relationships to the contaminant plume are indicated on Exhibit 2-Site Map. 3.2 WELL HEAD DESIGN AND VAL VE CONFIGURATION Each of the four (4) wells will be equipped with a 2-inch globe valve to control flow in each of these wells. Flow control on the air inlet wells will help balance anisotropic flow in the vadose zone due to lithology as measured during the feasibility study. The well to be placed on vacuum will be manifolded to the IC Engine VES with two (2) inch diameter flex vacuum hose equiped with cam lock fitings. 3.3 VACUUM MEASUREMENT AND RADIUS OF INFLUENCE To estimate the radius of influence for the well configuration we will conduct a field feasibility test. The field feasibility test will consist of applying a vacuum to each well in rotation. A vacuum pressure gauge will be placed on each of the three (3) remaining vapor extraction/inlet wells in turn to measure the vacuum drawdown at each location. The vacuum pressure gauge to be employed will be capable of detecting pressure changes as low as O.I-inch of water. e e Vacuum drawdown will be recorded from each inlet well and will be plotted against distance. The distance-drawdown curves thus generated will yield the empirical data necessary to estimate whether the well configuration will provide sufficient lateral coverage to effectively remediate the impacted soil. The radius of influence testing will also yield information regarding anisotropic flow in the vadose zone which will be used to determine the inlet well valve configura tion. 4.0 TREATMENT OBJECTIVES The objective of this remediation is to reduce the concentration of contaminants in vadose zones to levels which are consistent with LUFT manual guidelines and Kern County Environmental Health Services Division requirements. The proposed remedial objectives for this site are: TPH as gasoline IOO ppm, benzene 0.3 ppm, toluene 0.3 ppm, ethylbenzene 1.0 ppm, and total xylenes 1.0 ppm. 5.0 EVALUATION OF MITIGATION The mitigation of the site will proceed until gasoline vapor concentrations in the inlet air stream have been reduced to IO ppm, as determined by a PID. The machine will be shut down for a period of approximately one week to allow any residual vapors to accumulate and will then be restarted. This process will be repeated until the concentration of gasoline vapors in the inlet air stream remain below IO ppm after restarting the VES system. A soil boring will then be advanced through the center of the former contaminant plume where highest concentrations were found. The confirmation soil boring will be advanced to a depth of I20 feet. Soil samples will be collected at every five foot interval from IS to I20 feet and selected representative soil samples will be submitted for chemical analysis. The vapor extraction system and operation will be monitored according to the monitoring/ testing program as required by the Kern County Air Pollution Control District in the Authority to Construct. Detailed field monitoring logs will be kept and monthly status reports will be generated and submitted to our client. The reports will detail equipment operations, influent/ effluent concentrations and will document the progress of the remediation. e e 6.0 CONFIRMATION BORING, SOIL SAMPLING, FIELD SCREENING AND CHEMICAL ANALYTICAL METHODS The following sections will detail the methods to be employed for confirmation sampling at the end of remedial activities. 6.1 BORING METHODS The confirmation soil boring will be advanced using a Mobile Drill B-53 Rig, or equivalent equipped, with 6 5/8 inch or larger hollow stem continuous flight augers in accordance with ASTM Method D1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The auger and hammer will be steam cleaned prior to drilling each boring. The lithology and other pertinent data will be recorded on a field boring log in accordance with ASTM Method D2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils. Borings will be logged by or under the direct supervision of a California Registered Geologist. Cuttings and other spoil from the borings will be placed back in the borehole if field screening indicates clean samples. If contaminants are detected from field screening, the cuttings will be stored in D.O.T. approved 55-gallon drums pending analysis. 6.2 SOIL SAMPLING Soil samples will be collected through the auger in 2-inch brass sleeves driven in a split spoon sampler by a I40 pound hammer with a 30-inch drop in accordance with ASTM Methods D1586-84 for split-barrel sampling of soil and D1587-83 for thin walled tube sampling of soils. The brass sleeves and sampler will be steam cleaned prior to each use. Soil samples will be driven at five foot intervals. The blow counts, recovery, and lithology will be recorded on field logs. Lithology will be described in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). One brass sleeve with soil from each interval will be capped, sealed, and labeled in accordance with EP A protocols, recorded on a Chain-of-Custody form, placed in a cooler at 40 centigrade or less, and transported to a California Certified Laboratory with the Chain-of-Custody for the specified analyses. Selected samples will be analyzed and the other samples will be held no more than fourteen days for further analyses if necessary. 6.3 FIELD SCREENING Soil samples will be collected using three six-inch brass tubes installed inside a split spoon sampler. The middle sample tube will be immediately capped with a teflon liner separating the soil from the lid, and stored in an iced cooler. The bottom tube will be used for lithologic description, and the top tube will be used for field e e screening. The material from the top tube will be placed in a mason jar to approximately 50 percent capacity, shaken, and stored for a period of 15 minutes. A standard headspace reading will be collected at this time and noted on the boring log. 6.4 SOIL ANAL YSIS The soil samples will be analyzed by Mobile Labs, Inc., a California State Certified Laboratory in accordance with state guidelines and E;P A protocols. The samples will be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, benzene, toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene (BTXE) using the D.O.H.5. L.U.F.T. Method and EPA Method 8020, respectively. 7.0 DECOMMISSIONING OF REMEDIATION EQUIPMENT After remediation is complete, the vapor extraction wells and the vapor extraction system will be dismantled. All of the inlet/ extraction wells will be backfilled with cement grout. No surface evidence of remedial activities will be present following decommissioning. 8.0 FINAL REPORT When the remediation process is deemed complete a final report will be submitted to the Client. This report will include all remedial field operations, analytical data, and final conclusions. After review by the Client the report will be submitted to Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. The final report will be certified by a California Registered Geologist. 9.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN This section describes field and analytical quality-assurance procedures to be followed during the remediation. 9.1 SAMPLE COLLECTION AND HANDLING PROTOCOL Proper sample collection and handling are essential to assure quality of data obtained from a sample. Each sample therefore will be collected in a brass tube, preserved correctly for the intended analysis and stored for no longer than the permissible holding time prior to analysis. Protocol to be applied in this project is described in Section 6.2. e e 9.2 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY PROTOCOL Sample identification and Chain of Custody procedures are designed to assure sample quality and to document sample possession from the time it is collected to the time of its ultimate disposal. The container for each sample submitted for analysis will have a label affixed with the identifying number or the number will be inscribed directly on the container if feasible. The analytical laboratory will assign a separate sample number unique to that sample for internal sample coordination and identification. A description of the sample, including the sample number and other pertinent information regarding its collection and/ or geologic significance will be written in field notes and/ or a geologic boring log prepared by the site geologist. These field documents will be kept in a permanent project file. All samples will be analyzed by a State Certified Laboratory for the analyses requested. A properly completed Chain of Custody document will be submitted to the analytical laboratory along with the samples. The laboratory's assigned number will be properly entered on the form. A quality control officer at the lab will verify the integrity of the samples submitted, proper sample volume, correctness of containers used and properly executed Chain of Custody document. Pertinent information will be entered into a log book kept by the laboratory. 9.3 ANALYTICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE In addition to routine calibration of analytical instruments with standards and blanks, the analyst is required to run duplicates and spikes on 10 percent of analyses to assure an added measure of reliability and precision. Accuracy is verified through the following: 1. U.s. EP A and State certification of results; 2. Participation in inter-laboratory round robin programs; 3. "Blind" samples are submitted for analysis by the qualitycontrol officer on a weekly basis. These are preparedfrom National Bureau of Standards specifications of EP Areference standards; 4. Verification of results with an alternative method. 10.0 SITE SAFETY PLAN Appendix A contains a Site Safety Plan which complies with the Worker Right to Know Regulations and CAC Title 26. e e EXHIBITS e e ! i I I t II I I ¡ I t I i I I I I I I ! \ I I I \ I J -..2!- 3 :;; I i I , i i ¡ i I I I I I I I I , I ! ' i I 1 ì I I ! i I in4s\i ~~Ï' 0 ..- -At. . ,§CftArR ~ ...~~~ . ST 'L '::I.oJ , ...s.....-ø TWELMA $1'-:' ~ . 4." ~ :. --:= ..ì > z: LA /Ii....".. ~"..,p-"" - vt' "',' rji'OMAN .!:ÇIMA-.' ~~/' ,.'.... OM ell:. IRENE / / .."/ $ KHOTTS_~: FIRE STA,. InHAIO ... ,'_ 2 ~ :;,.... ST ... ,'"' :Ii ST ã z ~ . .. UHOOUI ~ ~ FIOIfII ~ OUINC\' e O'~ z '~ ST '.... ~ : e '.U8. ,Ill ~:;;= · OVIC '-~I6TM"" AU ) ' 'QMJM , O~ 8 ~, ; ,/~u;:; ~ !:! '.\VI !"~ sr! = 1 =; ~ 11TW S1i \II ~ ¡ ~ Sf! ;- !1ant si~ 1"); t;; : ST '. w: ~ 9TH sri~ 1 ~STi 0 ;:;;_ ~~ I I! ...: Z ~:; ! C. I !!):!ST.. 0 ! 10! 0 ST'· ,!!!ST : 5 ! ~tOnU;5TI< ~ i ! ST rMø iJT- ._~ C10 § "7TZIøo :... . - , IOOW I ! !..... 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'.~' ; C ¡ i',11 T '.: ;··'1...:..;: \ N ~ CI ( ) c:a Gasoline Tanks and Dispenser Island Estimated Portion of Plume Requiring Remediation East Truxtun . streetlight East 18th SCALE 1" = 20' . Prior Boring Location o Vapor Extraction/Inlet well Approximate NO Plume Boundary AauaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (80S) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title Pence Petroleum 901 E. T ruxtun Bakersfield, Califomia SITE MAP Exhibit 2 IillllJIÐ'III''''[\ 1 05' ð 3' AQuaGeoseienees. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 3' 30' ~ 10' :R " , I , 1:< ,' .. I , ¡.,. I: ': I , I'"~ ¡',' J'" 0J',\ ¡',' J'" ¡',' , , , . \ \ , . ., '. \ , , , <':' \. ',' ',. 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PVC SCREEN SLOT SIZE 0.010 If FLUSH THREADED END CAP NOT TO SCALE WATER TABLE Title WELL DIAGRAM Pence Petroleum VE- 1 Completion Detail sz Exhibit 3 G.mm_~\ 80' d3' 3' 40' WATER TABLE sz , , , , , , , , , , , , , , '../,' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I I I , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . -- ',' -- . , -- ',' -- . . NEAT CEMENT GROUT BENTONITE SEAL MONTEREY SAND OR EQUIVALENT 3/12 FLUSH THREADED 2 INCH DIA. PVC SCREEN SLOT SIZE 0.010 " FLUSH THREADED END CAP NOT TO SCALE AquaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title WELL DIAGRAM Pence Petroleum VE-2 Completion Detail Exhibit 4 -Í , 3' 3' -+ IT 40' 30' 'vi A TER TABLE :sz ...0 .a.... .... ............ -- ........ ............ -- ........ ...... .... ...... -- .... ...... ..... ............ -- ......... ............ -- ......... ...... .... ...... -- ..... ...... .... ............ -- .......... ............ -- .......... ...... . .... ...... -- ..... . ..... ..... ...... -- .... ...... . .... ........... -- ......... ill!IIIIIII~~II:li:i: a::::::::: :.: :::::::: .......... -- ........ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~L . ... NEAT CEMENT GROUT BENTONITE SEAL MONTEREY SAND OR EQUIVALENT 3/12 FLUSH THREADED 2 INCH DIA. PVC SCREEN SLOT SIZE 0.010 " FLUSH THREADED END CAP NOT TO SCALE AquaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 West wind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (80S) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 Title WELL DIAGRAM Pence Petroleum VE-3 Completion Detail Exhibit 5 70' WATER TABLE <æ1J'" '''''''''\ sz 10' 3' 40' 5' NEAT CEMENT GROUT .~m "i~ :.:.:. ...... -- :.:.:. ...... -- ...... ..... -- ..... -- ..... -- ..... -- .:.: :: ::::: ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ;; <~ FLUSH THREADED 2 INCH DIA. PVC SCREEN SLOT SIZE 0.010 " MONTEREY SAND OR EQUIVALENT 3/12 AQuaGeosciences. Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 103 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 Fax 328-1129 §§ ¡¡:¡~: ::: ~ ~¡ ~ ~ ~ FLUSH THREADED END CAP NOT TO SCALE Title WELL DIAGRAM Pence Petroleum VI- 1 Completion Detail Exhibit 6 e APPENDIX A SITE SAFETY PLAN e e e SITE SAFETY PLAN INTRODUCTION: A Site Safety Plan (SSP) has been designed to address safety provisions needed during the site soil remediation. Its purpose is to provide established procedures to protect all on-site personnel from direct skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion of potentially hazardous materials that may be encountered at the site. The SSP establishes personnel responsibilities, personal protective equipment standards decontamination procedures, and emergency action plans. AquaGeosciences, Inc. seeks to enter property described above for the purpose of installing a vapor extraction system consisting of four (4) vapor extraction/inlet wells, manifolding, vapor extraction trailer and internal combustion engine unit. Drilling equipment will be brought to the site and operated by a subcontractor: Melton Drilling 1701 Downing Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 C-57 License Number 508270 The SSP describes means for protecting all on-site personnel from deleterious contamination or personal injury while conducting on-site activities. As described below we will meet all requirements promulgated by the California Department of Health Services. SITE BACKGROUND This property, now vacant, was formerly a gasoline service station. On November 1, 1989, two (2) 6,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tanks, one (1) 10,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank, one dispenser island and associated product lines were removed. Subsequently, site characterization has been performed assesing the extent of the contaminant plume. During the characterization phase four (4) of the soil borings that were advanced were completed as vapor extraction/inlet wells. These wells will be used during the remediation phase of this project. RESPONSIBILITY OF KEY PERSONNEL: All personnel on-site will have assigned responsibilities. Mr. Phil Goalwin, RG. of AquaGeosciences, Inc. will serve as Project Manager and On-Site Geologist. Mr. Thomas Reeves will serve as Project Engineer. He will also serve as Site Safety Officer (SSO). As SSO, Mr. Reeves will assure that on-site personnel have received a copy of SSP. Personnel will be required to document their full understanding of the e e SSP before admission to the site. Compliance with the SSP will be monitored at all times by the SSO. Appropriate personal protective equipment, listed below, will be used as necessary. Mr. Goalwin will conduct a training session to assure that all are aware of safe work practices. In the training session, personnel will be made aware of hazards at the site and will utilize Material Safety Data Sheets for information on compounds. The SSO will also be responsible for keeping field notes, collecting and securing samples, and assuring sample integrity by adherence to Chain-of-Custody protocol. On-site employees will take reasonable precautions to avoid unforseen hazards. After documenting understanding of the SSP, each on-site employee will be responsible for strict adherence to all points contained herein. Any deviation observed will be reported to the SSO and corrected. On-site employees are held responsible to perform only those tasks for which they believe they are qualified. Provisions of this SSP are mandatory and personnel associated with on-site activities will adhere strictly hereto. JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS: Hazards likely to be encountered on-site include those commonly encountered when operating any mechanical equipment, such as the danger of falling objects or moving machinery. Simple precautions will reduce or eliminate risks associated with operating such equipment. A drilling contractor has been employed to deliver and operate all drilling equipment. Qualified personnel only will have any contact with this equipment. All on-site personnel, including the drilling contractor and his employees, are required to wear hard hats when in close proximity to drilling equipment. Latex gloves will be worn by persons collected or handling samples to prevent exposure to contaminants. Gloves will be changed between samples, and used ones discarded, to avoid cross-contamination. Proper respiratory equipment will be worn if vapor contamination levels on-site exceed action levels as determined using PID. Action levels requiring respiratory apparatus will be 5 ppm, in the breathing space. Furthermore, no on-site smoking, open flame, or sparks will be permitted in order to prevent accidental ignition. RISK ASSESSMENT SUMMARY: Exposure to chemicals anticipated on-site include gasoline, benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX). These chemicals represent a hazard because they are moderately to extremely toxic and most are highly flammable. e e Threshold Limit Values (TL V's), Short Term Exposure Limits (STEL's), and Toxicity levels (LD50, oral-rat), all in mg/kg (ppm), are listed below: COMPOUND TLV STEL TOXICITY Gasoline 200 300 -------- Benzene 10 25 4894 Toluene IOO 50 5000 Xylene 100 150 4300 Benzene is considered an extreme cancer hazard. EXPOSURE MONITORING PLAN: A Photo-Ionization Detector (PID) will be used to monitor vapor concentrations around site. Should concentrations exceed TL V's, protective measures will be taken. Passive dosimeter badges will be placed in downwind locations if PID reading indicate high levels of volatile organics in the breathing space. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Personnel on-site will have access to respirators with organic vapor cartridges. Replacement cartridges will be available on-site as needed. When handling samples, the on-site geologist will wear latex gloves. Hard hats will be worn by all personnel on-site when in proximity of drilling equipment. WORK ZONES AND SECURITY MEASURES: Access to the site will be restricted to authorized personnel. Fencing, a set of cones, placards, or wide yellow tape, surrounding the site will define perimeter. The Project Manager will be responsible for site security. DECONT AMINA TION MEASURES: Avoidance of contamination whenever possible is the best method for protection. Common sense dictates that on-site personnel avoid sitting, leaning, or placing equipment on possibly contaminated soil. All personnel will be advised to wash their hands, neck, and face with soap and water before taking a break or leaving the site. Respirators will be washed with soap and water following each day's use. Drilling and sampling equipment used will be decontaminated by steam-cleaning. Sampling equipment will be decontaminated before each sample is taken and drilling equipment will be decontaminated before each boring is commenced. e e GENERAL SAFE WORK PRACTICES: Drillers and other on-site personnel will be briefed each day in "tailgate" meetings as to the day's goals and equipment to be used. Anticipated contaminants and emergency procedures will be reviewed. Appropriate personal protective equipment will be put on and verified correct by SSO, including respirator fit. Drilling and sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before being brought on- site. Split-spoon sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before each use. Augers will be steam-cleaned between borings. The On-Site Geologist will oversee operations and log borings in consultation with drillers. The Sample Coordinator will assure that proper protocol is used at all times in collecting and handling samples. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: The SSO will conduct a pre-site training session which will include all points of MSDS forms, contaminant properties, warning signs, health hazard data, risk for exposure, and emergency first aid. All chemicals to be covered and the SSO will assure that everyone fully understands site hazards. MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM: According to CFR 29, 1910.120, paragraph (f), employees who wear respirators 30 days or more during one year or who have been exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards above established permissible exposure limits are required to be monitored medically. All site personnel will be required to have had a complete chemical physical within the past year. RECORD KEEPING: Documentation will be kept on personnel exposed to contaminant hazards on the job site according to OSHA regulations. These will include documentation that employees have received training on the SSP, respiratory protection, MSDS forms, and all emergency procedures. These will be reviewed during the pre-site training meeting. Exposure records on each job will be kept for 30 years to meet requirements. Included will be names and social security number of employees, medical evaluation, on-the-job logs from entry to exit, first aid administered, visits on-site by outside persons, and personal air monitoring records. e e CONTINGENCY PLANS: In the event of accident, injury, or other emergency, the Project Director, Senior Project Manager, or other person will notify appropriate government agencies of individuals as follows: 1. Kern County Department of Environmental Heal th Services 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Ms. Flora Darling (805) 836-2261 2. Police, Fire, or Ambulance Emergency 911 3. Nearest Emergency Hospital: Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 327-3371 e e APPENDIX B SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS e e Summary of Analytical Results Boring Depth Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylene ~ B2 11 ND ND ND ND ND B2 16 ND ND ND ND ND B2 26 ND ND ND ND ND B2 36 0.013 0.028 ND 0.0178 ND B2 51 0.29 0.49 0.030 0.179 5.2 B3 11 3.1 49 13 184 1800 B3 31 21 340 78 480 4200 B3 51 370 2000 400 2430 24000 83 71 340 1600 350 12080 18000 83 81 44 370 97 600 4700 B3A 90 0.061 0.006 0.069 0.022 0.54 B3A 95 0.073 0.062 0.38 0.31 2.2 B3A 100 0.008 0.006 0.023 0.018 ND B3A 105 0.032 0.32 0.17 0.16 1.3 B3A 110 7.0 ND 11 ND ND B3A 115 0.01 0.01 0.042 0.05 0.62 B3A 120 0.041 0.052 0.28 0.27 2 B4 ' 75 0.078 0.009 ND 0.023 ND 84 85 0.18 0.19 0.025 0.057 0.82 84 95 0.38 0.05 0.22 0.18 2.0 84 105 0.3 0.35 0.13 0.11 1.5 B4 110 ND ND ND ND ND B4 115 ND ND ND ND ND B4 120 ND ND ND ND ND VI-1 25 183.750 421.220 82.105 984.220 15000 VI-1 40 73.505 168.210 31.215 492.015 6625 VI-1 55 91.875 210.000 42.310 615.010 7420 VI-1 70 61.250 140.000 27.010 322.975 5105 VE-1 65 200.335 505.075 92.015 1105.125 17220 VE-1 85 147.310 323.015 52.710 779.875 12910 VE-1 100 0.995 1.210 0.275 4.225 1-25 VE-1 105 ND ND ND ND ND VE-2 35 0.335 1. 010 0.105 2.220 120 VE-2 50 12.220 28.885 5.500 103.775 1850 VE-2 60 2.210 9.055 0.875 12.150 375 VE-2 80 ND ND ND ND 30 e e .ß9ring Depth Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylene ~ Vr:-3 10 ND ND ND 0.105 80 VE-3 15 1.115 20.210 0.725 9.990 320 VE-3 20 11.775 26.210 3.330 88.845 1250 VE-3 30 17.200 50.270 7.710 161.075 1825 All results in milligrams per kilogram ND = Hot ~etected e APPENDIX C CROSS SECTION DRAWINGS e B-3 B-3A SCALE: VERTICAL 1" = 20' HORIZONTAL 1" = 20' VE-2 VE-l SCALE: VERTICAL 111 = 20' HORIZONTAL 111 = 20' B-4 B-2 VE-3 VI-l NO NO NO ND SCALE: VERTICAL 1" = 20' HORIZONTAL 1" = 20'