HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-12/20/94 , . . . . - ,"j' . , . . -. ,...,.. (~ " ,~ 1V9-U µ"Lsu - ~ ~ ! '; , " - .' >0~é.~ ::. ~a. m~ ill ..., ¡¡; ~ ;;;èIÏ c ;;r ~~ in g ::T n3 ... g 5.'" ::> i:I ,,. m3 Co -'" ñ!: :a ~ ,» :¡j!.... ~ õ~ !2¡; ¡¡; ,:a. -tCD~ '" !=> !~ S '< ::> ~ ::a~ë; ~~ _m ,,. ..- <ô '" '" ~~!:! E¡ Co .. ~ '" ::> ~~ .. co '" '" '" cUlg ... :;0 .. m1l ... Co !!!.'" co = ,,. Co ~m .ã '" ," ~£¡¡¡ ~ .. ¡¡¡ ,:a. U. ~ s: mã: Ë ~~. '" '" C~~ g '" ::> ,,. .::> :-'IC ~ -,-....",",,=-.,.,---=:-- -"---'~''''''- --------- ...--------.--.. ~. "-~.'. ...----.--.--....-- _..---.................. _______.---..J~_~....... ~___ . -- ._---_._.._.__._--_.-_._....---_....--,..,......-."'-~. ~~-'''--- --. ...--~.....--......._._--_._-'............- -..,-....- -~. .---. -_.. --.,-_-.__....."'_.-._-_.~--_. - .._~. .-.~ , ~ --,--~ . - _.> .. "-'--' -_..'.........--------~......_.- . - -~.- .~.~ - --- _. -- .~. .. 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PJ\EMI~M ~ ~ - 'l.j/' UNLEADED P,EMOVEO~ I - ~1 ?t71 Ý t.DDD C,ALLtAD(1) : lVIV REúULAi'I P,t~ (ç /~71 / ~ ..\ .\ .:" -, 't" LU .oJ c¡: LLJ CO ..... \~) \ '(' ·.....l fUEL PUMP IÇ,LI\ND RENlOVE:O ,( " '\1:'YV' IV ,'\-. ~ ,..0....;\1 I..,) 'J f.Þ.;1 I ß T" ;1~EE1 TEST HOLE BORING SITE PLAN Fig. 2 LEGEND NOTES _RI' APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF r-- TESTHOU BaR/He ffi PREVIOUS !ESTHOLE BORING PI. P2 LOCATIONS DURING FUEL TANK REMOVAL ON NOVEMBER 1, 1989 ,. SOIL SAMPLES COLLJ.'CTED JfITH DRlLLINC USINC 6-5/8- HOLLD1f STEM AUGERS AND SPUT BARREL OR SPUT SPOON SAMPLER NORTH SCALE: 1 "=20 I Af'1i 017 - Iú,O" 07 JOB LOCATION: Pence Petroleum N.E. corner of Beale Street and Truxton Ave., Bakersfield 111-90 A.S.A. 1741-90 C.T.L. ~ - - Associated Soil ~ 1141 Billðvia Cour1 · T (209) 688·1011 · F JOB NUMBER: ~:~.-<:; ¡-~---~~;:-æ~-I~--p~.;I~æ--1 ~".~.,~í(- . ~?!~;.;~~?~: --- -~~-l------"'" " ~ . ~ 83 rn I '. c::J r ~np4 PI.P I løDOD GAL PREMIUM / - -- - ---- FUEL PUMP H.LAND UNLEADED fIIEMOV[t) REMOVEO flDDD GAl lE"AlìEO REGULA!'. REMOVED - e fA ~ T LLJ ~ Z LAJ > ~ . C S1~¡¡t I,U¡ 1fT' SB3 :-ío-:oõõ '6iïC ÜÑl£Ã DEO--1 : 83 P,EMOVED ffi : : fl!. PIZ P~. PID I L._ _ _ ____ ____ ____J UJ -' a: u.J IQ p()/C!/ ~. (J.. f.A~T I B T" e . 61~"¡ POLl! , ,~ "'\. ..., \) e- PðWéll'~/(, ;Tf\EEi TEST HOLE BORING SITE PLAN LEGEND _81' APPROXIJlATE LOCATION OF !IF-"' TZSTHOU BORlNC H3 PREVIOUS !ESTHOLE BORING PI. P2 LOCATIONS DURING FUEL TANK REMOVAL ON NOVEMBER 1, 1989 NORTH sc.u.z: 1" = 2 0 I APK 0/7 - (~D - 07 JOB LOCATION: I JOB NUNBER, Pence Petroleum . N.E. corner of Beale Street and Truxton Ave., Bakersfield 111-90 A.S.A. l? 41- 90 C. T . L . Fig. 2 NOTES 1. SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED WITH DRlLJ.JNC USINC 6-5/8- HOLLD1f STEM AUCERS AND SPU1' BARREL OR SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER ~ - Associated Soils Analysis ~ 1141 Batavia COIlI1 . Tulare. California C 3274 (209) 688-1011 · FAX (209) 782-8389 . ,...- --------.., .f I ~I.------ --------, . \ I I, I ~.\ : EE 83:, EEpl 14- rJ5.I'J¡,ff3 : ~"":'>~":'-"~ ~?!~~~~?~: --- -~~-l------"'" "': . ~ IE æ: ~ rJ, 1'4 PI.P I LDOOD CoAl. PREMIUM / -------- fUEL PUMY !;LI\~D UNLEADED PlENlOV[{) REMOVED ~~&~L~~L R~~ODV~~ --- It fA ~T ~ ::::J Z u.J > CJ: . C ~1Q.6¡;t "UiHt :-ïo-:oõõ 6iìC ÜÑlEADED--1 : EB l'iEMDVED ffi I : fll.PIZ n PID : ~--------------~ LJ.I -J a: UJ Q PtJlf.I ./I- f}.. .\ ...... 'fl',,'" ~\- ... " _,",v/'~ Î'~ / /// -«-~ f.A~T SB3 ßT" e ~þ; ....-.. ..; . ~lqN POLÉ , ,'" ..0\. :\ 'v' ._ t/ð'J/élJ. ,R,/(. ;T~EEì TEST HOLE BORING SITE PLAN LEGEND _all APPROXIJlATE LDCATI0N 01' GF"" rrSTHOU BORING 8B PREVIOUS !ESTROLE BORING Plo P2 LOCATIONS DURING FUEL TANK REMOVAL ON NOVEMBER 1, 1989 N,fJR1'H SCALJ:: I" =20 I ArK 017 - ItøD - D7 Pence Petroleum N.E. corner of Beale Street and Truxton Ave., Bakersfield 111-90 A.S.A. 1741-90 C.T.L. JOB LOCATION: JOB NUMBER: Fig. 2 NOTES t. SOIL SAMPLES COI..LECTED WITH DRlLLINC USINC 6-5/8- HOLLD7f' STEM .WCERS AND spur BARREL OR SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER ~ .., Associated Soils Analysis ~ 1141 Batavia Court · Tulare. California 93274 (209) 688-1011 · FAX (209) 782·8389 - . .....~"·I ~... III \.. ~'( e- 1" , . - I .. _, '~_ ~ ..-." . .. - . . ~ .".- . , '.',,-~,-"-.-.,......- - S-ð-7-~Lo':<'Ò '- -.() cp . '; . >~. . !. ~VldJ ~ -:- --b=.: ~,--t 4) ¥ ç " II Æ '~ " . i\.,).cr- ~)..A3 01. Q - ~ ~Q _ ' .i-:L~-~' h~ ~ ,~ ' ! . -'.. 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(p I ~~'<0. ~ ~ ~ ~ C~R...o. 0->~ ¿f ~Q4 Ce( ~ ,~~ ~\ ~ to\ " I ~ _ .__" .... ~ ."_. .>__ .-_~.. r_. .",,~., ~.. .' ....... ./ "e"" ...~ ,"",',,_ .~_... ~~;~""'."- ..- -'.....~_// ENVIRONME ~L HEALTH SERVICl et:PARTM NT STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. 2700 -M- treet, Suite 300 DIRECTOR Bake,.field, CA 93301 (805) 881- 838 (805) 881- 429 FAX """~"~~'7~"--- I~~~'\·""~.i ~~<.,;: ..~~. ... f>~,);} ,.r"~.~,, , V;;.~· ';~I':~~~~\\\' -==:.~ fJi':(':'\ \ ,;""' "--"",~~, I" December 20, 1994 REMEDIAL ACTION COMPLETION CERTIFICATION Robb Pence 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93038 SUBJECT: Location: Known As: Site No.: 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Pence Petroleum 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: TIús letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action for the under ound storage tank(s) at the above site. Thank you for your cooperation throughout this investi ation. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and repres tative of site conditions, no further action related to the underground tank release is require based on the available information as set forth in California Code of Regulations, Title 23, D'vision 3, Chapter 16, Article 11, Section 272I(e) (Underground Storage Tank Corrective ction Regulations) . If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Michael Driggs at (805) 861-3636, Extension 8744. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director ?~{!~ By: {/ Joe Cañas, R.E.H.S. Program Supervisor Hazardous Materials Management Program SMc:MD:cas \oolt\1 SOO29.a UNDERGROUND STORAGET! UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE(LEAK)I'INfAMINA~SlTEiìiEPORT EMERGENCY DYES =::~~E~~~ ~~=,~..,~tj; 'mim,; ",.:"", ",:,:::::':;:};:}};';:{:,<:,: "" " .'", ".."::;;:::/:::"::.:,:""':",,,, "',/::'DATE/",:',',", I ~;; ) 861 3636 I s~/ ¡( 2/ñt L ./.. D REGIONAL BOARD COMPANY OR AGENCY HAd / Kern CO. Environmental Health Services Dept. KZJNO REPORT DATE 1 2 ...1 2 ~ 1 cI 9 vi 4 ~ 150029 NAME OF lNOIVDUAL FILING REPORT Lydia V. von Sydow REPRESENTING 0 OWNERIOPERATOR ~ LOCAl AGENCY D OTHER >- CD C w ... cr: fè ~ ADDRESS W ...J CD ¡¡;~ Zcr: 00( g¡~ w a: 2700 "M" St., Ste. ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 CITY NAME CONTACT PERSON Pence Petroleum 0 UNKNOWN Robb Pence ADDRESS 2700 Wear St., Bakersfield, CA 93308 ST~eET STATE 'IP PHONE STATE Z1P PHONE t305 ) 589-5620 CITY FACILITY NAME (IF APPlICABLE) OPERATOR Robb Pence (805 ) 589-5620 Pence Automated Fuels Z o ;= 0( u 9 w ¡¡¡ CROSS STREET ADDRESS 901 E. TrQ~tun Ave., Bakersfield, Kern County, 93305 STÆET CITY COUNTY Z1P Beale c:J LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAAilE ~æ Kern Co. Env. Health Services Dept. ~ü ~ ~ REGIONAl BOARD ~~ Central Valley ~ CONTACT PERSON Lydia V. von Sydow PHONE (805 ) 861-3636 PHONE (209 ) 445-5569 QUANTITY LOST (GAlLONS) ~ UNKNOWN U'Jf1 ~ ~ Gasoline 00:...J ~~ (2) ::J~ U'J NAME o UNKNOWN .... Z w :; ¡ w ... 0( CD c( ): a: w > o U en o DATE DISCOVERED I HOW DISCOVERED 1,.1 2..1 0 .,¡ 2 DI 8 vi 9 vi D TANK TEST DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN INVENTORY CONTROL 0 SUBSURFACE MONITORING 0 NUISANCE CONDITIONS TANK REMOVAL 0 01J.lER METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK All THAT APPLY) ~ REMOVE CONTENTS fi] CLOSE TANK & REMOVE 0 REPAIR PIPING o REPAIR TANK D CLOSE TANK & FILL IN PI.ACë D CHANGE PROCEDURE o REPLACE TANK D 01J.lER u 5ŒJ ßXI UNKNOWN ..I ...1 r>i DI vi vi HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED? ~ YES D NO IFYES,DATE SOURCE OF DISCHARGE ~ TANKlEAK 0 o PIPING LEAK D 1..1 1...1 0 DI 1 8 9 vi v CAUSE(S) iLlw Uen a:::J ::Jo( ¡¡Su , UNKNOWN OTHER D OVERFILL o CORROSION D RUPTURElFAILURE ßX] UNKNOWN D SPILL D 01J.lER w w I' CHECK ONE ONLY U'Ja. 00: >- 0 PY'1 U ... UNDETERMINED ~ i CHECK ONE ONLY §~¡ 0 NO ACTION TAKEN ~ ~ 0 LEAK BEING CONFIRMED ::J en I U I 0 REMEDIATION PLAN CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) (.sEE UCK Fæ DETAI.S) o CAP SITE (CD) o CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) RXJ VACUUM EXTRACT (VE) SOIL ONLY o GROUNDWATER 0 DRINKING WATER· (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACTUAlLY BEEN AFFECTED) D PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN SUBMITTED D PRELIMINARY Sll£ ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY ~ CASE CLOSED (CLEANUP COMPLEl£D OR UNNECESSARY) o POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION D POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS o CLEANUP UNDERWAY o EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) o EXCAVATE&TREAT(ET) D NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) o OTHER (OT) D REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) 0 ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) o PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) 0 REPlACE SUPPLY (RS) o TREATMENT AT HOOIOJP (HU) 0 VENT SOIL (VS) ...J o(z 00 ~t; wo( a: ~ In\Testigation and remediation completed. Case closed 12/20/94. Z w :; ¡ :; ¡ o U HSC 05 181901 ENVIRONME. e\L HEALTH SERVIC. e- .'£PARTMENT STevE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street. Suite 300 BMeNfieId, CA 93301 (80S) 881-3838 (805) 881-3428 FAX June 27, 1994 Robb Pence 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA Site No: 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: This office has reviewed the remedial action site closure report and the risk analysis for the above-noted facility. The report is acceptable for site closure provided that the vapor eX\traction system is dismantled and the vadose wells properly abandoned. Please notify this office 48 hours prior to bevnning work in order that a hazardous materials specialist may be present to witness the well abandonments. Upon completion of the vadose well abandonments a site closure letter will be issued by this Department. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 8732. Sincerely, FD:cas FI~ (J~ ~ ~ bo-v-~~ fi t\ G S .ßo..-i ""-1~ . I ð r .p:. or i"'r I ,P (p~ ~(, A So I ~ ( ! ;:.... ~ ~J-..'¡nM~-þ~ ~ ~ -+t.- ;..uf"í A-~-' ~ ~~ I'-~ p~ /1 I +~I. ~ VJ'I.'-u.. J~ ~ ¿¿N-+' --rL- Lu P¡- ~_~~5 ::s ~ 0... T"1 - .. cc: Aqua Geos \Oora\rObbpeoc ENVIRONMI:I..r'AL HEALTH SERVIC....'DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Baker.field, CA 93301 (805) 881-3636 (80S) 881-3429 FAX April 21, 1994 Robb Pence 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: Remedial activities confirmation boring workplan for: Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 File No: 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: This office has reviewed the closure workplan and request for a confirmatory boring prepared by Aqua Geosciences, Inc., for the above facility. The workplan is acceptable to confirm that soil vapor extraction has been successful. Please schedule all boring activities 48 hours prior to commencing work in order that a hazardous materials specialist may be present. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 8732. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director /7. ~~~~ By: Flora Darling, R.E.H.S., . .A. Hazardous Materials Specialist ill Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:ch cc: Aqua Geosciences, Inc. darling\pcncc e e . . ..) FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY FACILITy:~n(ìe All~jiy¡o-/.ed h/êJc; ADDRESS : c¡ C I }::: . / /-u X-for ì PERMIT #: /~/rû;¿9 ENV. SENSITIVITY: lìJEs Actlv1 t/OOR O'UGltM~e # Of Tanks Comments /'-¡~""'~>,·(~~7,-;-:',.., '¡ - ~-r-./' ;¿:._~ (' . ..... . ----- "'ì~ .')¡~2./(";.,':"}-;-!>~ /7 ." - .-/ /7 /(j0c:) -¡ ') .--) ;..",\ ~~ .::.:: ~ ,'! " ~-:.." ~_~ I _ :....-~, . '- ~:;;~/-"~, /éCC :-- /-¡ ~- ,'Î .! I_:¡ .'Sé ~\.. ,. ...- ~ l;/L-/ ~:' ~~ /7J 7£:ía-k.J , 7l' ("'~mk --r?: 01:0 YJdc ! ) IOnk<.'S qbo. nr!()Y1-ed f!(, V) -/£, m i y1Q. +- ¡' () t) kú Vlcj/ "" ~ I ,/;" ./ I ' .'. .:- / ,,- .,. . I / ~' .;.... ~ //''''/':,~, ;"1'7 I ~ . :< '- /C/;¿ ~/;f =<: -~ I! ;' ..' ¡ :... ."' -- '-< ;'. - . ./ ' " . , :: --.~ :' /"! i __.' Ç- __._, /~/:;<...~ /-~,r~ f J n ~P-fí:: ( recl --tt') e v)-\-ð rt:e me v\:T It .' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCAlLEY. R.E.H.S. DIF/ECTOR 2700 -M- StrMt. Suite 300 ø.ar.fleld. CA 93301 (806) 8.1-383. (80&) 8.1-3429 FAX July 15, 1993 Robb Pence 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECf: 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Permit #: 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: The first and second quarterly vapor extraction system (YES) report has been reviewed. Down time for the unit due to needed service and the concentrations of the hydrocarbon vapors has prompted Aqua Geosiences Inc. (AGI) to re-evaluate the progression of remedial performance of the existing YES unit and extraction wells. At this point, AG I reports that conditions at the site have not stabilized as expected. In view of these facts AGI has requested three additional air/vapor inlet wells to expedite cleanup of the impacted soil. An evaluation of cost factors such as length of time predicted for total soil remediation, equipment down time, and maintenance costs has prompted the request. This Department has no objection to the installation of additional vadose wells provided a workplan is submitted to this office for approval before work begins. Additionally, quarterly reports of the YES operation are required for the remainder of remedial activities. Contact me at (805) 861-3636, Extension 549, if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~irector ~0 By: Flora Darling, R.E.H.S., R.E.A Hazardous Materials Specialist III Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:ch cc: Aqua Geosciences, Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive, #101 Bakersfield, CA 93309 darling\pence.let e _._ RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY RANDALL L ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE m ASSISTANT DIRECTOR /,~Ç~~~::~r-;t% ,...' ,";~f,\n',~. 'í'" \',-,.:!..,~, \" \~ ~ · {(\,." ::. - -:-.~' :i~} ~ 'f..'f...' .;.-.:c~.':~::/-....!\\ \'l;;~~~~~t -' . (Jf,<i.:'\ \,\\ II'!!. - --",,,,,,;/~/III - Envirulll~àI HøIIth s.rw- ~t_II' STEVE McCAÜ..ÈY; REItS,-DIRECTOR Air PoIuIian CanàaI DiIarict WII.I.IAM J. RODDY. APCO PIaming & 0. ~._.t Savic:a ~"'j....t 1B) JAMES. Ala. DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT February 26, 1992 Robb Pence 2700 Wear street BaJcersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Permit #150029 Dear Mr. Pence: The site remediation workplan submitted by Aqua GeoSciences, Inc. has been reviewed. The workplan is acceptable to this Department, providing all applicable permits are obtained from the Air Pollution Control District. since remediation efforts using vapor extraction techniques are lengthy, quarterly reports on progress will be required. Upon completion of remediation efforts and confirmation by soil boring that treatment objectives have been accomplished, a final report will be required before a closure letter may be issued by this office. Per Handbook UT-35 remediation efforts should begin within 60 days of approval of the workplan. If you have any questions contact me at (805) 861-3636, ext. 549. Sincerely, ~~ / (-~£~i~~- ~ora Darling, R.E.H.S., R.E.A. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program FD: j g cc: File AquaGeosciences, Inc. t1'7fV\ "M" C~IRFFT. SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861·3636 RE.,=,~RCE MANAGEMENT ^~~CY RANDALL L ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE m ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Ilíí//.~~:'~-:~¿-~ JII' ,'\'1' ",.. -<2-_-, I' ~~,>""""",,.·k "':.: l0"".~\~~W~·I~",1 /,'~ \ '- ..¡-", ,,~ ,-1- \~ $, 4a.. ~'/'~ ~~~k~~J -:..___.!.' . (,\ \''\;ií!f'" """,,//!!t!.:.z EnvironnentaI HaIth Servica ~b,"d STEVE McCAlLEY, RÐfS. DIRECTOR Air PoIkman Control DiItrià WIU.JAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning &: Development SeIVica Depu1ment TED JAMES, AlCP. DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT ./ July 24, 1991 Mr. Robb Pence 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 Subject: Location Known As Permit # 901 East Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California Pence Petroleum Company 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: This Department has reviewed the workplan site characterization addendum submitted by Aqua Geosciences, Inc., for the above-named facility. The workplan is acceptable for investigation of contamination at this former underground tank site and evaluation of mitigation measures. Please notify this Department 24 to 48 hours prior to soil sampling. After completion of sampling and analyses, a complete report describing the extent of contamination, remedial alternatives, and professional recommendations must be submitted to this Department for evaluation within 30 days. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636. xC- , I Ú fu-k /~SLUMUSj~ FD:jlW Sincerely, ¿Z' ,/ / . /;7 'L/ . T '/ / - , 4-'-~ t~' ~~ / ,7 Flora Darling, R.E.H.S. / Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Material Management Program (hm\darl\pence-h.m41 ) 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CAlIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 RECOMMENDATIONS '~~f field investigati~ . e Based on the findings and conclusion of our lab results, we recommend the following: 1. Drill three to four additional borings to further define the lateral and vertical extent of petroleum constituents in the soil. (FIGURE 5). - 2. One boring should be drilled at the northern property boundary between B3 and B3A to a depth of 120 to 160 feet to determine the northerly extent of petroleum constituents in soil. This boring will also determine if contamination has migrated off the property site. Soil sampling should commence at a depth between 10 and 26 feet depending on field conditions and odors encountered and thereafter at 5 foot depth intervals. 3. The second boring should be drilled southeast of bori~g B2 to a depth of 120 to 160 feet to determine the south westerly extent of petroleum constituents in the soil. Soils sampling should commence at a depth of 30 feet, depending on field conditions and odors encountered, and thereafter at 5 foot depth intervals. 4. The third boring should be drilled within the western half of the prior existing fuel island to a depth between 120 to 160 feet. This boring is needed to confirm, the vertical extent of petroleum constituent in the soil. Soil sampling should commence at approximately 20 feet and at 5 foot intervals. 5. A possible fourth boring may be nec.ssary northeast of, boring B3 along the eastern property boundary. The boring should be drilled to 120 feet with soil sampling commencing at 50 feet and at 5 foot intervals. This boring will help to further define the eastern lateral extent of petroleum constituents in the soil. 6. Implement remediation methods once the petroleum plume is defined. High levels of petroleum constituents extend.to a depth of 81.5 feet I imi ting the usefulness of soi I excavation. Therefore in-situ remediation would be the best next alternative for this site. The options that are available are described in APPENDIX C. ENVIRONMEhl~L HEALTH SERVICE~t:PARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR ,'I/~I"",,:",,-- ,I', '\ . o¡.. ._-=- ,l-~:\.."...."..",.~<:,,~ ,\ '- " . ". r , f~j~¡'~1 "../C,~,;¡:_~ ~i:·~::t~\~S~~/ -=--- )¡"c\\~"" "''''"""" 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX December 20, 1994 REMEDIAL ACTION COMPLETION CERTIFICATION Robb Pence 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93038 SUBJECT: Location: Known As: Site No.: 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Pence Petroleum 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action for the underground storage tank( s) at the above site. Thank you for your cooperation throughout this investigation. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of site conditions, no further action related to the underground tank release is required based on the available information as set forth in California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16, Article 11, Section 2721(e) (Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Regulations). If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Michael Driggs at (805) 861-3636, Extension 8744. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director .1~ê~ By: ¿/Joe Cañas, R.E.H.S. Program Supervisor Hazardous Materials Management Program SMc:MD:cas lcoltllSOO29.a e e UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT ~~~ ~ ~ . 9 J ~:J~:~'~~;;: 1~lrJj'I'8¡lt~f~jj¡j NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT I PHONE I SIG~/ / ~ Lydia V. von Sydow (805 ) 861-3636 ~ . J( Þð?1 ../d.. ./- 53 REPRESENTING 0 OWNERIOPERATOR 0 REGIONAl. BOARD COMPANY OR AGENCY NAM,I( / I- ~ ~ l.OCALAGENCY 0 OTHER Kern Co. Environmental Health Services Dept. ~ ADDRESS 2700 "M" St., Ste. ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 STATE PHONE ZIP w -' '" ëij~ Za: 0< B;a. w a: NAME Pence Petroleum CITY CONTACT PERSON Robb Pence ß05 ) 589-5620 D UNKNOWN ADDRESS 2700 Wear St., Bakersfield, CA 93308 STREET 71P CITY STATE PHONE (805 ) 589-5620 FACILITY NAME (IF APPLICABLE) OPERATOR Robb Pence Pence Automated Fuels Z o ¡:: < U 9 w ~ CROSS STREET ADDRESS 901 E. Tr~~tun Ave., Bakersfield, Kern County, 93305 STREET CITY COUNTY ZIP Beale CJ LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAME ~~ Kern Co. Env. Health Services Dept. ~ü ~ ~ REGIONAL BOARD ~~ Central Valley CONTACT PERSON Lydia V. von Sydow PHONE (805 ) 861-3636 PHONE (209 ) 445-5569 QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) ~ UNKNOWN (1) Gasoline NAME (J ~@ ~~ ~ ~ (2) ~~ (J o UNKNOWN I- Z w ~ W I- < '" ~ a: w > o U (J Õ DATE DISCOVERED I HOW DISCOVERED \.1 2 "'\ 0 01 201 8 vi 9 vi 0 TANKTEST DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN INVENTORY CONTROL 0 SUBSURFACE MONITORING 0 NUISANCE CONDITIONS TANK REMOVAL D OTHER METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) ~ REMOVE CONTENTS XX] CLOSE TANK & REMOVE 0 REPAIR PIPING o REPAIR TANK 0 CLOSE TANK & Fill IN PLACE 0 CHANGE PROCEDURE D REPLACE TANK 0 OTHER D ~ ßXJ J ",I 01 01 vi HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED? vi UNKNOWN 1 ",I 1 ",I 0 01 1 01 8 vi 9 v CAUSE(S) ~ YES 0 NO IF YES, DATE SOURCE OF DISCHARGE ~ TANK LEAK o PIPING LEAK Ùlw u(J a::j :j< gu D o o KXJ D D o RUPTURElFAILURE UNKNOWN SPILL OTHER OVERFILL UNKNOWN OTHER D CORROSION w w CHECK ONE ONLY (J a. <0>- D I- UNDETERMINED CHECK ONE ONLY æ ~ 0 NO ACTION TAKEN ~ ;! 0 LEAK BEING CONFIRMED aU) D REMEDIATION PLAN mg SOIL ONLY D GROUNDWATER D DRINKING WATER . (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACTUAlLY BEEN AFFECTED) o PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN SUBMITTED o PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY fi] CASE CLOSED (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) D POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION D POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS D CLEANUP UNDERWAY -' ~z 00 ~g w< cr CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) ISEE MCK FM DET AI.B) D CAP SITE (CD) D CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) KXJ VACUUM EXTRACT (VE) o REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) D ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) D PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (Gl) D REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) D TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) D VENT SOIL (VS) o EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) D EXCAVATE & TREAT(El) o NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) D OTHER (Ol) ~ In,restigation and remediation completed. Case closed 12/20/94. Z w ~ :E o (.) HSC 05 (8190) ENVIRONMEI~e \L HEALTH SERVICEP- =PARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Baker.field, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX June 27, 1994 Robb Pence 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA Site No: 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: This office has reviewed the remedial action site closure report and the risk analysis for the above-noted facility. The report is acceptable for site closure provided that the vapor extraction system is dismantled and the vadose wells properly abandoned. Please notify this office 48 hours prior to bevnning work in order that a hazardous materials specialist may be present to witness the well abandonments. Upon completion of the vadose well abandonments a site closure letter will be issued by this Department. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 8732. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director FD:cas \c(~ /;J ~ ~ ~ bo-V"~ ~ ^ t.. QS ~ì'^-1~' Ibr 'fbv t"'r [ . p -rP~ ~(, A So I ~ r ! :- ~ ó-V'-h.'VlM-D¥fràA ~ ~ ~ )...urÎ I -4l~' . d. ' . --r-e.c....--t" ..- ~ ~ ~~- ) ~ /! I + -f.. .,........c- VJ'\.'.u.. ,J..~ ~ ¿¿No- I .+f.- LuPf a-.4~5 ::S~ 1:1... T.'1 - cc: Aqua Geos \flora\robbpenc ENVIRONMEN'AL HEALTH SERVICE~JEPARTMENT STEVE McCAllEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX April 21, 1994 Robb Pence 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: Remedial activities confirmation boring workplan for: Pence Petroleum 901 E. Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 File No: 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: This office has reviewed the closure workplan and request for a confirmatory boring prepared by Aqua Geosciences, Inc., for the above facility. The workplan is acceptable to confirm that soil vapor extraction has been successful. Please schedule all boring activities 48 hours prior to commencing work in order that a hazardous materials specialist may be present. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 8732. Sincerely, By: Flora Darling, R.E.H.S., . .A. Hazardous Materials Specialist III Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:ch cc: Aqua Geosciences, Inc. darling\pence FACILITY: ~ Yì(í~ _i/ j I........ , ADDRESS : e FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY . . , ._)J . -1...-:>, , \' ¡/ !.L~ /-, I;) I( ;1 (\......-tiT _._, .:-.- ,/'1¡t /) CI PERMIT #: -' I ,j.. , /"'¡' / XT,./,. t' -., I /';:;,} C J i \... _ '. e ENV. SENSITIVITY: ~/¡;2) Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments -, - . t -~ 1 :_J ~~-,'-' ~__ - ~-!-"""-,'" - <~ .-' . . .. , ¡ -" / . . _.1. I -1 . f,-,..... I . _ ~--....; -, -''''J' ......... . j ::: /~ý'ì!:, /_ -:;:-1 ~_..... ,.., / I : ,- /. . i ! , I _} (:- :~.-' /-;~: ~.~' \~- f " '(." . _.. ";.7 .¿ ;;: ./ _--7 / ,-) þ{/ "~ _~../\ ,l._t7\..._' / 7/ ..." '-" .'y-, /- ...;A/ f ( .7 7-f" .' " "?¡-YJΡÎ'!rt/' I ~(/_l..¡-"L, I , ( , :.~ï r 1 ."(, ~ '::-, i -"'C( J j rl(' j) FC[ '1 -:~l ' "r;!' t :(~ -,¿;' I~ I ) -;-1"""*'(f } 1 (-; ~.i~ ' ,.... ~ '.¡",'_/" . ;-f'......, \_:::, ": ,~: rL ~ /Yt ....:: .,' ';:"-~ · e ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIFIECTOR 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Bake,.field, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX July 15, 1993 Robb Pence 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Permit #: 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: The first and second quarterly vapor extraction system (VES) report has been reviewed. Down time for the unit due to needed service and the concentrations of the hydrocarbon vapors has prompted Aqua Geosiences Inc. (AGI) to re-evaluate the progression of remedial performance of the existing VES unit and extraction wens. At this point, AGI reports that conditions at the site have not stabilized as expected. In view of these facts AG I has requested three additional air/vapor inlet wens to expedite cleanup of the impacted soil. An evaluation of cost factors such as length of time predicted for total soil remediation, equipment down time, and maintenance costs has prompted the request. This Department has no objection to the instanation of additional vadose wells provided a workplan is submitted to this office for approval before work begins. Additionally, quarterly reports of the VES operation are required for the remainder of remedial activities. Contact me at (805) 861-3636, Extension 549, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director ~ ~~ . By: Flora Darling, R.E.H.S., R.E.A. Hazardous Materials Specialist III Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:ch cc: Aqua Geosciences, Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive, #101 Bakersfield, CA 93309 darling\pence.Jet e e RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Envircmmental Health Services Department STEVE McCALLEY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WIWAM J. RODDY; APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES. AICP. DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT February 26, 1992 Robb Pence 2700 Wear street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Permit #150029 Dear Mr. Pence: The site remediation workplan submitted by Aqua GeoSciences, Inc. has been reviewed. The workplan is acceptable to this Department, providing all applicable permits are obtained from the Air Pollution Control District. Since remediation efforts using vapor extraction techniques are lengthy, quarterly reports on progress will be required. Upon completion of remediation efforts and confirmation by soil boring that treatment objectives have been accomplished, a final report will be required before a closure letter may be issued by this office. Per Handbook UT-35 remediation efforts should begin within 60 days of approval of the workplan. If you have any questions contact me at (805) 861-3636, ext. 549. Sincerely, /~~ ( // - /', ;-:;~' \_ r:;:¿~~¿~_~~4 ~rora Darling, R.E.H.S., R.E.A. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program FD: j g cc: File AquaGeosciences, Inc. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (80S) 861·3636 1....__. ___ ____ RES~URCE MANAGEMENT A!l~CY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DA VRD PRICE m ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCAU.EY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT " July 24, 1991 Mr. Robb Pence 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 Subject: Location Known As Permit # 901 East Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California Pence Petroleum Company 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: This Department has reviewed the workplan site characterization addendum submitted by Aqua Geosciences, Inc., for the above-named facility. The workplan is acceptable for investigation of contamination at this former underground tank site and evaluation of mitigation measures. Please notify this Department 24 to 48 hours prior to soil sampling. After completion of sampling and analyses, a complete report describing the extent of contamination, remedial alternatives, and professional recommendations must be submitted to this Department for evaluation within 30 days. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636. XL , I Ó §~U-~ ~~ SLU?4tUSJ ~ FD:jrw Sincerely, ~' /? ,/ / / ' / / / r-. T/,//,,· / ,~/~ t:4~f:L7 Flora Darling, R.E.H.S. / Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Material Management Program -, (hm\darl\pence-h.m41 ) 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 I"",.......' ......... .... .......... e .' J '- I ~! r . i ',~¡ \ '-:-, ' "c, ,.~; , . ";...~.::. ~: : ;', ,,~,~ .i.¿vv~' .. ¡~~b-.A,<.fI ~? ~~'i-.£j,,- ~-,:vì,\/f'f x.>~1 > 1 ) - '. 0p~' inves~iga~ion and REC0M11ENDATION5 Based on the findings and conclusion of our field lab results, we recommend the following: 1. Drill three to four additional borings to further define the lateral and vertical extent of petroleum consti~uents in the soil. (FIGtJRE 5). - 2. One boring should be drilled at the northern property boundary between B3 and B3A to a depth of 120 to 160 fee~ to determine the northerly extent of pe~roleum constituents in soil. This boring will also determine if contamination has migrated off the property site. Soil sampling should commence at a depth between 10 and 26 feet depending on field conditions and odors encountered and thereafter at 5 foot depth interval~. 3. The second boring should be drilled southeast of boring B2 to a depth of 120 to 160 feet to determine the south westerly extent of petroleum constituents in the soil. Soils sampling ~hould commence at a depth of 30 feet, depending on field conditions and odors encountered, and thereafter at 5 foot depth intervals. 4. The third boring should be drilled within the western half of the prior existing fuel island ~o a dep~h be~ween 120 ~o 160 fee~. This boring is needed ~o confirm, the vertical ex~en~ of petroleum consti~uen~ in the soil. Soil sampling should commence at approximately 20 feet and at 5 foot intervals. 5. A possible four~h boring may be necessary northeast of boring B3 along the eastern property boundary. The boring should be drilled to 120 feet with soil sampling commencing at 50 feet and at 5 foot intervals. This boring will help to further define the eastp.rn lateral extent of petroleum constituents in the soil. 6. Implement remediation methods once the petroleum plume is defined. High levels of petroleum constituents extend,to a depth of 81.5 feet I imi ting the usefulness of soi I excavation. Therefore in-situ remediation would be the best next alternative for this site. The options that are available are described in APPENDIX C. I I, I ,i ' RANDÞ.LL L. ABBOTT Agency Director (805) 861·3502 e e 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861·3636 Telecopier (8051861·3429 STEVE McCALLEY Director ,·'~\r~'r-~ ,'-. i j;,-~~!}.r.,¡-," RES 0 U R C E M A,:N~,Â'Gi{':M E N T ré'/,::}";·· 'y" .;.':~~:~~~ DEPARTM~N~:,~~~~:~~:!}.Ç>fJMENTAL HE~.~~ÇES ''Ï(l:. .',,' ' . . .', : ',~'. .,.', ..' " .";'-..... AGENCY October 8, 1990 Mr. Robb Pence Pence Petroleum 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 Known As: PERMIT #: 901 East Truxtun Bakersfield, CA 93305 Pence Petroleum Company 150029 SUBJECT: Location: Dear Mr. Pence: This letter is an official notice to inform you that, as the responsible party for the property described above, your agreement with the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department is about to expire, in accordance with Section d.2. of that agreement, which states: "Fourteen (14) hours of billable time has been reached. This will give notice that the available funds will be exhausted after six (6) addi- tional hours of billable time at which time the agreement will expire. A statement estimating the amount time necessary to complete any remaining oversight work will be sent. The responsible party will then have another opportunity to renew their agreement with the County. "Failure to enter into another agreement shall require Kern County Environmental Health to utilize the State Water Resources Control Board pilot Project for which the responsible party may be billed by the State directly for the cost of County services as well as State costs." You are hereby notified that the current balance in your trust account is $266.44. Remaining oversight will require an estimated 40 hours to complete. We are, therefore, extending this opportunity to renew your agreement with Kern County Environmental Health Services Department or to utilize the State Water Resources Control Board Pilot Project for completion of the required oversight activities. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above-described property and the cost for oversight of these activities, California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.7, and Kern County Ordinance Code, Chapter 8.48, require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. e e Robb Pence October 8, 1990 Page 2 The cost incurred by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department in one of the two methods described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of (A) State contract or (8) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options pertain only to costs associated with oversight. (A) STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party, for the costs incurred by both the County and the State, pertaining to your site, under the State terms explained below: Whereas the Legislature has appropriated funds from the California Hazardous Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action at the above site are funded, in whole orin part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund; and Whereas the above indivi- dual(s) or entity(ies) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and Safety Code, the Above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all state and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Control Board. (8) COUNTY OF KERN LOCAL AGREEMENT OPTION Kern County Environmental Health Services Department is providing this option for those who prefer to pay the County directly and avoid the addition of State costs. Prior to the County1s performance of services, this option requires your deposit of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account. In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, Attachment 11811. The environmental sensitivity (Attachment IICII) of this site has been reviewed by Env i ronmenta 1 Hea lth Servi ces Department to determi ne the potential threat for groundwater contamination. Only sites determined to be non-environmentally sensitive may enroll in the Local Option Agreement. The site described above is e e Robb Pence October 8, 1990 Page 3 not in an environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Agreement Opt i on; however, the County of Kern reserves the ri ght to cancel any Local Agreement Option, should it be discovered that groundwater contamination or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists., In such cases, Environmental Health Services Department will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally sensitive area. It is necessary for you to respond, in writing, within ten (10) .calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmenta1 Health Services Department of your choi ce: either the State contract or the County s Local Agreement Option. If you select the County's Local Agreement, please complete and sign the Local Agreement (Attachment B) and return it with your check for $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) made payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attention: Accounting - local Agreement Option. If you select the State contract, please indicate, in writing, that you have made this selection and that you have read the above official notification. Failure to respond within ten (10) calendar days to this notice will automatically result in oversight cost recovery for your site(s) to be placed under the terms of the State contract for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Susan Gonzales at (805) 861-3636, Extension 510. 1M LD : j rw Attachments Seve McCall ey, Di rector ( Environmental Health Services Dep \ I '-J (cal 1\150029. d) JOB LOCATION: Pence Pet~ 'um Company 901 E. TrllJ.n Avenue Bakersfield, CA e JOB NO: 1741-90 CTL 111-90 ASA SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS METHOD OF ANALYSIS - CALIFORNIA DOHS LUFT MANUAL (Soil in ppm) Soil samples collected during field investigation of July 9, and 10, 1990, by Consolidated Testing Labs., Inc. TEST TOTAL HOLE SAMPLE ETHYL TOTAL PETROLEUM ORGANIC BORING IDfÞ DEPTH BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES HYDROCARBONS LEAD EDB - - BZ 18 11 - ND ND ND ND ND 11~' B2 19 16'- ND ND 16~' B2 21 26'- ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 26~' B2 23 36'- 0.013 0.028 ND .0178 ND 36~' BZ 26 51'- 0.29 0.49 0.030 0.l79 5.2 (gas) 51~' 8 (diesel) B3 2 11' - 3.1 49 13 184 1800 11~' B3 6 31'- 21 340 78 480 4200 31~' B3 10 51'- 370 2000 400 2430 24000 51~' B3 14 ,.- 71'- 340 1600 350 12080 18000 (gas) 71~' 340 (diesel B3 16 '- 81'- 44 370 97 600 4700 81~f ND= None Detected Test Method: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. / / , I ~./ Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020 f t- / t 2 Test Method: Organic Lead LUFT -Manual i \ -!; Modified Method AB 1803 --I \ ) ';- I . ¡ ,.', \ " I i,' individual for more details. I" See test results '.../. ':' t'~ ,.: ',,' l B1 - -- EAST B E A L E o timET LIGHT 10pOOGAL _ > UNL6I.DEI> REMC>'JEÞ e TRUXTUN AVENUE e --'"F'J;',~~~.v.«i~'~l':£I1:;ü.:'J~;¡ì:;$:"\;~;i. j- . ,. 83 P11.P12 ¥ o Sl~ POL!'; A" . 6000 O"-L. PREHUH EB LNLE"-DEI> REHOVE ) - > P7 FtÐ..ISUND REmvED P5.P:' ~PI3.P14 PIS.P1683 A V E N U E 6000 O"-L. LE"-DE ) ÆOULAR REHJYE ) EAST S B2 ~ 83A NORTH I SCALE: 1" =ZO' . o POLE AN:~ 18 th STREET - TESTHOLE BORIN6 SITE PLAN LEGEND . APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED THREE TO FOUR TESTHOLE BOR INGS APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TESTHOLE BORINGS JULY 9& 10 1990 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TESTHOLE BOR INGS NOV 6&7, 1 990 JOB LOC AT ION: PENCE PETROLEUM 901 EAST TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CA JOB NUMBER: 111-90 A.S.A. o PO~ Pa.£ FIGURE 5 NOTES 1. SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING DRILLING WITH 4-1/4" INSIDE DIAMETER HOLLOW STEM AUGERS AND SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER OR CHRISTIANSON 94mm WIRE CORE. 2. B1 WAS NOT DRILLED 3. B3A LOCATED S' WEST OF B3 4. B4 LOCATED AS SHOWN a - Associated Salls Analysis ~ 1141 Bill"'" Court . TuloN. CoÞ'ornll 93274 (209) 688·1011 . FAX (209) 782·8389 ~ , j , , I , e e -- ~ EAST TRUXTlJN AVENUE o SICI'f POLE 0 A" B STREET LIG . T ¥ E 10 pro GAL. _ > A EB LNL6I.DEI> Re..tO\lEÞ L P11.P12 E 6000 O"'L. PREH UH æ ~LE"'DEI> REHOVE ) - > P7 A 6000 O"'L. LE"'DEI> V ÆOULAR REH)~E ) E N U E 0 o pa~ Pa..£ PQLEAf.l:J.m EAST 18 th STREET TESTHOLE BORIN6 SITE PLAN FIGURE 3 LEGEND NOTES EB APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SOIL SAMPLES OBT AINED DURING FUEL TANK REMOV AL NOVEMBER 1 , 1 989 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TESTHOLE BOR INGS JULY 9& 1 0,1 990 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TESTHOLE BORINGS NOV. 6&7, 1990 1. SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING DRILLING WITH 4-1/4" INSIDE DIAMETER HOLLOW STEM AUGERS AND SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER OR CHRISTIANSON 94mm W IRE CORE 2. B1 WAS NOT DRILLED 3..B3A LOCATED~' WEST OF B3 4. B4 LOCATED AS SHOWN 1 I I : i Ii \ ; P1.P2 S B2 NORTH SCALE: 1" =20' ~ B3A JOB LOCATION: PENCE PETROLEUM 90.1 EAST TRUXTUN,AVENUE B AKERSF IELD 1 C A JOB NUMBER: 111-90 A.S.A. 1741-90 C.TL É3 __._ Assoclat"d Salls Analysis ___ 1141 S..._ CJ¡o1tI " Tulo... C.llform. 93274 ~ (209) 688.1011 · FAX (209) 782·8389 SOhC PROFILE ANne TROLEUI1 PLUI1E OF c4 S SECTION A -A' ShJ01IJJ ~·URFIJ.'T 64 62 B3A 63 10 ' 20' 30' 40' 70' 80' ~~:~~:~~~~::~:: 844 T370 < X 600 TPH 4700 LOCATION OF REMOVED FUa. TANKS - \s3.V T49 X184 TPH 1800 .... .... .... .... ... . .... " AU. NO 8 .013 .:~j :~~~ T .028"::' :~~~ X .Of78 ' :;rÞH NO 8.29 T .49 >. .. X.179 TPH 52 8.078 TNO :,¡i¡: X.023 .:,¡¡¡: 1PH NO ~,:}: 8 18 ¿~::'< T :025 X.057 TPH .82 "\j!!;:!!!. ? . , ? AU. NO 8.061 T.069 X.022 TPH .54 8.008 T.023 X.018 TPH NO 87.0 T 11 ~"?~': TPH 1.3 XNO ~~~) < 8 01 TPH NO .~~~~: T :042 8.041 ---- X .05 T 28 TPH .62 X27 . . .,:.::,:,¡,,::;::::,¡ ? ":'¡:':':"'¡":¡¡¡:¡¡¡:'::;;¡¡'¡'¡¡~~~~&'¡;¡m:¡:¡¡!,¡¡¡¡¡¡¡'¡¡¡?¡¡¡¡¡'¡¡¡¡¡¡:¡:¡¡¡¡¡!¡!¡!:',:,:¡:¡¡"¡¡¡¡:¡,I:;:::¡:¡:¡:¡:,:,:¡,,,¡¡¡¡I¡m::..... .' B .38.::~¡ T 22';¡¡ X .18 w: TPH ?"O ';illi; AU.. NO ~' LEGEND . APPROXI MATE PLUME EXTENT OF HIGH JI LEVEL PETROLEUM CONSTITUENTS :;: APPROXI MATE PLUME EXTENT OF LOW ¡¡ LEVEL PETROLEUM CONSTITUENTS ? AREA OF UNCERTAIN PLUME EXTENT > AREA OF SAMPLE LOCATION B BENZENE T TOULENE X XYLENE TPH TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS ND NON DETECTABLE VALUES IN UG/G (PPM) FOR SOl L FIGURE 4 SCALE HORIZONTAL 1" = 20' VERTICAL 1" = 10' SOIL CLASSifiCATION LEGEND SAND AREA NOT LOGGED SAND '" ~~~ SILTY '" ~~~ SAND '" CLAYEY SAND e e RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY RANDALL L. ABBOTI DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE m ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Oepertment STEVE McCAU.EY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department , TED JAMES. AlCP. DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT February 6, 1991 Robb Pence Pence Petroleum 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 Subject: Location: Known As: Permit #: 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Pence Petroleum Company 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: The partial Site Characterization Report submitted by Associated Soils Analysis (ASA) has been reviewed. The Report is incomplete since the vertical depth of the contamination plume in boring 83A has not been defined, nor has the eastern lateral limits of boring 83. (See Figure 4.) A discussion of possible remediation techniques is also lacking. It appears that an informal conference should be held to discuss further work and possible combination of remediation techniques for the site. Please telephone me at (805) 861-3636 extension 549 to schedule a mutually convenient time as soon as possible. lora Darling, R.E.H. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:cas \ 150029-2.ltr 2700 "M" STREET. SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD. CAUFORNIA 93301 (805) 861·3636 ,_ RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY ~n .. ~or .. RANDALL L ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE Dr ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCAU.EV. REHS. DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WIUJAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AlCP. DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 17, 1991 Mr. Robb Pence Pence Petroleum 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: Location: Known As: Permit #: 901 E. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Pence Petroleum Company 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: The preliminary site assessment borings for the above- referenced si te were completed by Associated Soils Analysis in November, 1990. To date, our Department has not received the site characterization report. In order to move forward subsequent remediation procedures, for review in an orderly manner. to site characterization and all reports must be submitted Time constraints for submittal of pertinent reports are clear I y Clef ined in Handbook UT-35. At this time, you should contact your environmental contractor with instructions to submit the site characterization report to this office immediately. The report should reach my desk wi thin 15 days of receipt of this letter. It you have any questions, contact me at (805) 861-3636 ext. 549. Sincerely, CJ~:~ 1£<5' P10ra Dar~~~R.E.~.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program FD: jg cc: Associated Soils Analysis ----- .............. o ^ YCD<:cn=, n CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861·3636 ..."". '01\1:\ 0;::' 71190 JOB LOCATION: Pence Petroleum Company 901 E. T~'un Avenue Bakersfi~_ CA e JUl) NU: 1I41.-~U L;lL 111-90 ASA SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS METHOD OF ANALYSIS - CALIFORNIA DOHS LUFT MANUAL (Soil in ppm) Soil samples collected during field investigation of July 9, and 10, 1990, by Consolidated Testing Labs., Inc. TEST TOTAL HOLE SAMPLE ETHYL TOTAL PETROLEUM ORGANIC BORING ID1f DEPTH BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES HYDROCARBONS LEAD EDB -- - - B2 18 11' - ND ND ND ND ND ll!z' B2 19 16'- ND ND l6!z ' B2 21 26'- ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 26!Z' B2 23 36'- 0.013 0.028 ND .0178 ND 36!Z' B2 26 51'- 0.29 0.49 0.030 0.179 5.2 (gas) 51!Z' 8 (diesel) B3 2 11' - 3.1 49 13 184 1800 ll!z ' B3 6 31'- 21 340 78 480 4200 31~1 B3 10 51'- 370 2000 400 2430 24000 Sl!z' B3 14 71'- 340 1600 350 12080 18000 (gas) 7l~' 340 (diesel B3 16 81'- 44 370 97 600 4700 81~' ND= None Detected Test ~lethod: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020 Test Hethod: Organic Lead LUFT -Hanual P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed. See individual test results for more details. r-r-tV-.JC:\.,1 ~ - - - - - - -~.. -. 901 E. TruxtunAlj;~ Bakersfield, C ~~S~lIDAUU nSIlNQ]~~RAT_I\.I~L. ...-- ........ SOIL DEPTH SAMPLES GROUP SW EQUIPMENT 10 30 3l~ #17 (0) 0' \ ' 5' DATE 7/l0/90 BY Roman Racca BORING LOG NUMBER 2- Page 1 of 2 SOIL DESCRIPTION 0"-3' Sand; light yellowish brown; fine to coarse subangular grains; well draded; occasional 1/2" to 3/4" cobbles ML 3'-10~' Sandy silt; dark yellowish brown; moist; low plasticity; medium to coarse subangular grains; dense 10 9 ML 10~'-19' lL~ 19 ifl8 (0) 30' 7 7 19 ifl9 «() 7 8 18 1120 «() 8 8 12 1121 «()) LOCATION Silt; dark yellowish brown; low plasticity; very fine to fine sand grains; medium ML 19'-26' Sand; light yellowish brown; moist; very fine to fine subrounded to subangular grains; medium ML 26'-J()\:' Sand; light olive gray; moist; very fine to fine subrounded to subangular grains; discoloration; medium Boring ï'f2 DRY DENSITY P.C.F. ELEVATION_ B-80 drill rig I....ith M¡;" I.D. hollm... stem auger and 2" split barrel sampler - -- . *_. r C:l!l...t: ..!. c: L.L U .teUUl vVU!r'Cl.U Y 901 E. Truxtu.~ -CONSOll~Al~D nSTI~tlß_~ORAT~(\ INC. Bakersfield, ~ ---- rr\vvC:\..1 , SOIL PEPTH SAMPLES GROUP 30' SM 30~' -36~' 10 12 18 iF22 (18) 35' 11 24 SW 36~' -41: 36 #23 (100) 40' 15 40 ML 41'-46' 50 if24 (200) 45' 8 ï 28 SW 46'-51~' =1/:25 (240) 50' 12 30 30 :f/:26 (260) 55' 60' DATE 7/10/90 8Y Roman Racca BORING LOG NUMBER.2- Page 2 of 2 SOIL DESCRIPTION Silty sand; light olive gray; moist; medium to very coarse subangular grains; occasional 3-6 mm granules; light odor petroleum odor; discoloration of soil; dense Sand; yellowish brown; moist; medium to very coarse angular to subangular grains;well graded light petroleum odor; very dense Silt; light yellowish brown; moist; light mottling; light Fe-Ox staining; low to medium plasticity; difficult drilling; petroleum odor; small percentage of inter layered very fine to fine sub rounded to subangular sand; medium to dense Sand; yellowish brown; moist; fine to very coarse subangular to angular grains; intermixed 2-4 mm granules; strong petroleum odor; hard drilling; dense Terminated drilling at 5l~' No free standing groundwater encountered. DRY DENSITY P.C.F. LOCATION Boring if2 ELEVATION_ EQUIPMENT B-80 drill rig with 4~"I.D. hollow stem augers and 2" split barrel sampler PROJECT reUL:<:: .I:<::l..LULeUIlI 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, C SOIL DEPTH SAMPLES GROUP a' 11 13 12 in (70) 2 1 1 fft2 (260) SW 0"-11' ML 11'-19' 15 18 22 ;fJ (200) ML 19'-30' 20' 13 12 12 1f4 (200) 30' 8 16 16 1fl5 (210 ) LOCATION EQUIPMENT vUlu.~al.lY ~O~SOU~AUU TtSIIN~8]RAII~,_lli~ VVQ ¡\IV. -. ,- -- DATE 7/9/90 BY Roman Racca - BORING LOG NUMBER 2- Page 1 of 3 SOIL CESCRIPTION Sand; light yellowish brown; moist; fine to very coarse subangular grains; well graded; petroleum odor and soil discoloration at 4'; occasional 1/2" to 3/4" in cobbles; medium Sandy silt; dark yellowish brown; moist; low plasticity; medium to coarse sugangular grains; petroleum odor; loose Sand; dark yellowish brown; very moist; very fine to fine subrounded to subangular grains; petroleum odor; medium DRY DENSiTY P.C.F. Boring if3 ELEVATION ~ B-80 drill rig with 4J¿;"I.D. hollow stem augers and 2" split barrel sampler r-t-<UJt:<...1 rCL1'-C ..L..çLJ..Ul.CU1U vUU~u.uJ v....,-., ,.."'_ -. 901 E. Truxtun.. ~ Bakersfield, C ~ONSOll~AlEO Tt~IIN~80RAli~,JNC. DATE 7/9/90 8yRoman Racca SOIL DEPTH SAMPLES GROUP 1" ". 17 18 If6 (310 ) 1L~ 22 23 1n (310 ) 40' 12 19 30 If8 (320 ) 10 16 29 If9 (320 ) 10 14 20 Ino (280) 60' LOCATION BORING LOG NUMBER 2- Page 2 of 3 SOIL DESCRIPTION SM/ 30'-40' ML Silty sand; dark yellowish brown; moist; medium to coarse subangular grains; petroleum odor; occasional 4-6 rom subangular pebbles; medium to dense SW 40'-40~' Sand; yellowish brown; moist; medium to very coarse angular to subangular grains; well graded; petroleum odor; dense ML 40~'-55' Silt; yellowish brown; moist; light mottling low to medium ML 55' -65 I Sand; light yellowish brown; moist; very fine to fine subangular grains; petroleum odor; medium to dense Boring iF3 0/0 DRY DENSITY P.C.F. ELEVATION _ B 80 d 11 r';g W;th 4x"I.D. hollow stem augers and 2" Split barrel sampler EQUIPMENT - ri . -'-'J -'- ~ PRO,JECT r-=UL;.t::: r t:: L L U .Lt::UHJ. VUW~a.uJ 901 E. Truxtun "-. LONSOllDAltD H~IIN~80HAT_~(1,j[ Bakersfield, CA"'- ... IJUtj 1\10. -. '- - v DATE 7/9/90 BY Roman Racca , SOIL DEPTH SAMPLES GROUP 85' 90' 12 25 25 1Fl2 (200) 15 36 32 in3 (195 ) 13 35 35 in4 (195) 15 36 32 inS (200) 16 34 35 iftl6 (320) SP 65'-70' SP 70'-76' ML 76'-8l~' LOCATION Boring if3 BORING LOG NUMBER 2.... Page 3 of 3 SOIL DESCRIPTION Sand; yellowish brown; coarse to very coarse; subangular to angular; poorly graded; strong petroleum odor; dense Sand; yellowish brown; moist to very moist; fine subangular grains; strong petroleum odor; light cementation; thin silt inter layers; dense Silt; yellowish brown; moist; light mottling low to medium plasticity petroleum odor; dense Terminated drilling at 8l~'. No free standing ground water encountered. DRY DENSITY P.C.F. ELEVATION _ 41 "I D h 11 t d 2" split barrel sampler EQUIPMENT B-80 drill rig \.¡ith ;¡; . . 0 ow s ern augers an - ù -\ i- ~---~~:--æ~ - I~ --r~,;,:ffi --1 \ ~" '~.> í,Ä /~~!~;~~?~; --- -~~-l- --- --.... "': , IE m, /' ~np4 1'1,1' I IDooa c./n. PREMIUM ~/ - -- - --- - FUEL PUMP [l;LI\~D UNLEADED i'lEMUVEO REN\OV£O føODD c.n LEADED- REGULAR REMOVED ----- E:A~T "-J ::J Z UJ > <C . C ~1~# ~Uí tit B3 S :-ïa-:oõõ GRCÜÑLEÃD£Õ--ì : 83 P,EI.\OVED ffi : : 1'11.1'12 p~, 1'10 I L._ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ ____J UJ -I a: UJ CO ptJ/e., 4- a. ,/, f."~T I ß T" e . 61~¡J POLÊ , " .' ~'\. i\ '..... __ fflWED.R,/e.. ; T ~ E Ei TEST HOLE BORING SITE PLAN LEGE.JVD sªD APPROXIMATE LOCATION 01' TZSTHOLZ BORING fE PREVIOUS n:STHOLE BORING PI. P2 LOCATIONS DURING FUÉL TANK REMOVAL ON NOVEMBER 1, 1989 NORTH SCALE: 1 "=20 I APt{ 017 - 1&0 - 07 JOB LOCATION: Pence Petroleum N.E. corner of Beale Street and Truxton Ave., Bakersfield ., .,., " f'\ . ,.., .\ Fig. 2 NOTES ,. SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED WITH DR/LUNG USINC Ô-S/8~ HOLLO" STEM AUCERS AND SPUT BARREL OR SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER ~ '- -- Associated Soils Analysis ~ 1141 BatðlllA Court · Tulare,_ Cðli o~n_'ð_ q??74_ e e ~ ~ONSOllDATfD TfSTING lABORATORlfS, IN~. SOILS INVESTIGA TIONS SOILS AND MA TERIALS TESTING FIELD INSPECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PROJECT NO. 111-90 PROJECT LOCATION Pence Petroleum Company, 901 E. Truxtun, Bakersfield, CA TRANSPORTED BY Truck COMMENTS THERMOMETER DEPTH OF COLLECTOR'S TEMP. READING SAMPLE BELOW BORING DATE/TIME SAMPLE # BEFORE SAMPLING EXIST. GRADE NUMBER ANALYSIS REQUIRED SAMPLED 1 39° 6'-6~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 9:04 2 39° ll'-ll~' B3 BTX &E 7/9/90 9:14 TPH (gas) 3 39° l61-16~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 9:31 4 39° 2l'-2l~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 9:45 5 39° 26'-26~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 9:59 6 39° 3l'-3l~' B3 BTX&E 7/9/90 TPH (gas) 10: 17 7 39° 36'_36~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 10:36 8 39° 4l'-4l~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 10:59 9 39° 46'-46~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 11:13 CHAIN OF POSSESSION ...... .-/ '/ 3. ') .~ ! --~ ; \--.' : ,', i'<: ~ ( . \ _ t'-Jv ~~~. AFFILIATION 1 ;.):) DATE/TIME 31"..)~· r/ ~ ~,. //;: /, ./ DATE/TI1~E ; / .--1/, I ~. '('i IFf (~_ -,' / '''/ -- DATE/TIME 1. /~, :'--:;;1"-, "-,"_ ,.:.. "-"~'-':_<-'- SAMPLE COLLECTED BY 2. ;~:;;-, ~-'-:-/// ;< - SAMPLE-RECEIVED BY C(ì ,,\' f---J) >~\., SAMPLE RECEIVED BY .._._-~ CONSOLIDATED TESTING LABS., INC. AFFILIATION C- " / ' I I ' ....---... , AFFI LIA TI ON 1055 W. Morton, Suite C, Porterville, CA 93257 (209) 781-0571 TEMP. OF ICE CHEST AT LAB. 39° e e ~ ~ONSOllDATfD TfSTING lABORATORIfS, IN~. SOILS INVESTIGA TIONS SOILS AND MA TERIALS TESTING FIELD INSPECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PROJECT NO. 111-90 PROJECT LOCATION Pence Petroleum Company, 901 E. Truxtun, Bakersfield, CA TRANSPORTED BY Truck COMMENTS THERMOMETER DEPTH OF COLLECTOR'S TEMP. READING SAMPLE BELOW BORING DATE/TIME SAMPLE 1= BEFORE SAMPLING EXIST. GRADE NUMBER ANALYSIS REQUIRED SAMPLED 39° 5 11 - 5 l~ I BTX&E 10 B3 TPH (gas) 7/9/90 11: 32 11 39° 561_56~1 B3 Hold 7/9/90 11: 53 12 39° 61'-6l~1 B3 Hold 7/9/90 12:09 13 39° 66'-66~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 12:28 14 39° 71' - 71~ I B3 BTX&E -TPH (gas) 7/9/90 1:09 TPH (diesel) EPA 8015 1:09 15 39° 76'-76~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 1:57 16 39° 8l'-81~' B3 BTX&E 7/9/90 TPH (gas) 2:43 CHAIN OF POSSESSION 1. /-~ / - // < ,~.. ,.-- ,.f:::::::":;--,, I . ___. r_' '..r ~__ I -'-_.___- CONSOLIDATED TESTING LABS. 7 INC. AFFILIATION - J:~ -;...... ;' .:'.~ ::..J ''- ..... SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DA TE/TH1E 2. ~~7·_·· /~~~~ SAMPLE REGErVED BY /"" !- ~_ - I , \ I, 1,{'Lf'--j . ':..-L SAMPLE RECEIVEDvBY ..: --;-) ~~ I t~, ..:., ,,..// ~ ":;1, AFFILIATION DAfE/TI HE 3. 1 "" ~r { , /'" ì < 1_,\._ {~vlJ -_J AFFILIATION i I -, -/- . , I (/' ¿'1[.".' «<>.? . / ! ,_ J,L- DATE/TIHE 1055 W. Morton, Suite C, Porterville, CA 93257 (?Oq) 781-0571 TEMP. OF ICE CHEST AT LAB. 39° ~ e e ~ONSOllOATfO TfSTING lA~ORATOAlfS, INC. SOILS INVESTIGA TIONS SOILS AND MA TERIALS TESTING FIELD INSPECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD >ROJECT NO. 111-90 ~ROJECT LOCATION Pence Petroleum Company, 901 E. Truxtun Ave. , Bakersfield, CA rRANSPORTEÐ BY Truck ;OMMENTS THERMOMETER DEPm OF :;OLLECTOR'S TEMP. READING SAMPLE BELOW BORING DATE/TIME 3AMPLE # BEFORE SAMPLING EXIST. GRADE NUMBER ANALYSIS REQUIRED SAMPLED 17 39° 6' -6~' B2 Hold 7/10/90 8:08 39° 11 ' - 1l~ ' BTX&E 8020/5030 7/10/90 8:20 18 B2 TPH (gas) Organic Lead 7/10/90 19 39° 16'-16~' B2 EDB 8:34 20 39° 21'-21~' B2 Hold 7/10/90 8:46 BTX&E - TPH (gas) 21 39° 261_26~' B2 Organic lead, EDB 7 !l0/90 8:58 22 39° 3l'-3l~' B2 Hold 7/10/90 9:20 23 39° 36'-36~' B2 BTX&E - TPH (gas) 7/10/90 9:36 24 39° 41'-41~' B2 Hold 7 !l0/90 9:55 25 39° 461-46~' B2 Hold 7 !l0/90 10:14 26 39° 51' - 51~ I B2 BTX&E - TPH (gas) 7 !l0/90 11: 18 TPH (diesel) CHAIN OF POSSESSION /" 1. ,,~....-"; -; '._.') ~ .:-- CONSOLIDATED TESTING LABSq INC. /;/::'/0.:) ,'.:::: ,.: ;,' AFFILIATION DATE/TIME .- .... -'" " .'_.....L___~ SAMP~E---~LECTEIl,BY . / ,,/ / --/Æé , - SAMPLE RECEIVED BY .--? /J / / ¡; L ~ ¿¿-¿-/;:'êvê-kr/c:;- AFFI LIA TI ON ,-::1c~o 12:.53-:- DATE/TIHE' 2. 3. AFFILIATION DATE/TIME SAMPLE RECEIVED BY 1055 W. Morton, Suite C, Porterville, CA 93257 (209) 781-0571 (209) 688-2925 * Tulare, CA ~~y (~nq) 7R?-R1Rq TEMP. OF ICE CHEST AT LAB. 39° ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 TPH DIESEL Quality Control Data CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton, #C Porterville, CA . 93257 Attention: David Harris TPH Spike ID: Analysis Date: Matrix: Units: 6263-3 24-Jul-90 soil ug/g Quality Control for Lab Nos: 5983-l4add'n One sample in twenty is selected as a representative matrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relative measure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a measure of the relative precision of the analysis. Constituent Spike % Rec Dup S.p ike % Rec Spike RPD -------------------------------------------------------------------- TPH Diesel 60 63 5 QC Comments: ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. diEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Ethylenedibromide/Dibromochloropropane In Soil Quality Control Data CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laborato 1055 W. Morton, #C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention: David Harris Spike ID: 6016-3 Analysis Date: 20-Jul-90 Quality Control for Lab Nos: 6016-3, 6016-5 additions Constituent DBCP EDB MRS RPD Sample Cone (ppb) Spike Cone (ppb) 2.0 2.0 116.5 141. 9 120.8 144.6 MS % Recovery MSD % Recovery DBCP EDB = Dibromochloropropane = Ethylenedibromide MRS= RPD = MS = 11SD = Mid Range Standard Relative Percent Deviation Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Duplicate QC Comments: Cont: ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327.4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data CHEMICAL ANAI.YSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention: Spike ID: OFW Analysis Date: 20-Jul-90 Sample Matrix: Soil Units: ug/g Quality Control for Lab Nos: 6016-10 Constituent Spike % Rec Dup Spike % Rec Spike RPD -------------------------------------------------------------------- Benzene 102.24 106.25 3.85 Toluene 109.36 107.56 1. 66 Ethyl Benzene 115.10 111.03 3.60 QC Comments: ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 TPH DIESEL Quality Control Data Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton, #C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention: David Harris Quality Control for Lab Nos: 6016-10add'n TPH Spike ID: Analysis Date: Matrix: Units: 6263-3 24-Jul-90 soil ug/g One sample in twenty is selected as a representative matrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relative measure of the accuracy of the analysis~, The comparison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a measur~ of the relative precision of the analysis. Constituent Spike % Rec Dup Spike % Rec Spike RPD -------------------------------------------------------------------- TPH Diesel QC Comments: 60 63 5 ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention: Spike ID: OFW Analysis Date: 20-Jul-90 Samp¡e Matrix: Soil units: ug/g Quality control for Lab Nos: 6016-2, 6016-5, 6016-7 Constituent Spike % Rec Dup Spike % Rec Spike RPD -------------------------------------------------------------------- Benzene 108.05 109.00 0.88 Toluene 108.70 109.05 0.32 Ethyl Benzene 109.72 109.98 0.24 QC Comments: ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J.,EGLlN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention: Spike ID: OFW Analysis Date: 20-Jul-90 Sample Matrix: Soil units: . ug/g Quality Control for Lab Nos: 5983-14 Constituent Spike % Rec Dup Spike % Rec Spike RPD -------------------------------------------------------------------- Benzene 100.03 99.02 1. 01 Toluene 99.95 100.15 0.20 Ethyl Benzene 102.89 107.41 4.30 QC Comments: ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention: Spike ID: OFW Analysis Date: 20-Jul-90 Sample Matrix: Soil Units: ug/g Quality Control for Lab Nos: 5983-2, 5983-6, 5983-10, 5983-16 Constituent Spike % Rec Dup spike % Rec Spike RPD -------------------------------------------------------------------- Benzene 102.24 106.25 3.85 Toluene 109.36 107.56 1. 66 Ethyl Benzene 115.10 111.03 3.60 QC Comments: ·l.ANDALL L. ABBOTT Agency Director (B05) 861·3502 e e 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 9330 1 Telephone (805) 861·3636 Telecopier (805) 861·3429 STEVE Mc CALLEY Director RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 'po ...._.: ~." ' - September 20, 1990 Rob Pence Pence Petroleum 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield,'CA 93308 Subject: Location: Known As: Permit #: 901 E. 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA Pence Petroleum Company 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: A review of the above referenced sites file reveals initial site characterization boring operations of July 7, 1990, have not been completed. As you are aware there are time constraints for submitting workplans and reports. The initial field investigation is due 30 days after workplan approval. The site characterization Final Reports are due within 60 days of completion of the Field Investigation. At this time the Field Investigation Reports are overdue. Since over 60 days has elapsed since the beginning of the Field Investigation, our Department feels adequate time has been allowed for site characterization to have been completed. Therefore, please contact your Environmental Contractor with instructions to proceed with the work needed to fully characterize this site, and to copy all reports to this office for review. If you have any questions contact me at (805) 861-3636 extension 549. Sincerely,/-::; t/'~ .. ~. ,/ 0' // /~/ r--.......,-_--< '1 / I ~ /~/ ......._, "..--r- ....." L)- , ro_ , _~../' '~.' ,,;",. / L .- / . / Flora Darling, R.E.H.S. ' Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:cas \pence. ltr GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861·3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director e e 2700 M Slreet, Suite 300 Baker.fleld. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861·3636 Tele,..opler (ff'S.) 861-3429 ,. , ;~; ':.:: DEPART AGENCY RESOURCE June 15, 1990 Rob Pence Pence Petroleum 2700 Wear St. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Subject: Location Known As Permit # 901 E. 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA Pence Petroleum Company 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: This Department has reviewed the workplan addendum submitted by Associated Soils Analysis for the above-named facility. The workplan is acceptable for investigation of contamination at this former underground tank site. Please notify this Department 24 - 48 hours prior to soil sampling. After completion of sampling and analyses, a complete report describing the extent of contamination, remedial alternatives, and professional recommendations must be submitted to this Department for evaluation within 30 days. If you have any questions you may contact me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ~~, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Material Management Program FD:cd cc: Associated Soils Analysis darling\penceh.m41 e e GARY J. WICKS Agency Dlreclor (80S) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Dlreclor , . ,\. :~ DEPART'" 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bekersfleld, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3838 Telecopler (80S) 861·3429 RESOURCE AGENCY May 7, 1990 Rob Pence Pence Petroleum Company 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 Subj ect: Location: Known As: Permit #: 901 E. 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA Pence Petroleum Company 150029 Dear Mr. Pence: Our Department has reviewed the site characterization workplan submitted by Associated Soils Analysis (ASA) for the above referenced site. Our comments are as follows: I. 'Gradient is not mentioned. Gradient is necessary to determine the most feasible boring locations. A U.S.G.S. map showing contours should be submitted for this location. The map may be limited to the area undergoing site characterization. 2. " Boring locations are spaced too far apart and are not located to best define the suspected contaminant plume. Bore holes shall be limited to three; four are excessive. 3. Soil sampling shall begin at grade and proceed at five foot intervals and at any change in lithology. 4. i All underground utilites and above ground obstructions (power lines) shall be depicted on the plot plan. 5. Constituents to be analyzed shall include total petroleum hydrocarbons (gasoline) and BXTE. Analyses for the removed 6,000 gallon leaded gasoline tank shall include organic lead and E.D.B. Upon receipt of the above addendum information and a revised plot plan our office will continue the review. A consultation may be scheduled by appointment if necessary. c.<2- - (ì-, <). A . If you have any questions contact me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ~; // r G~¿-7 Fora Darllng, R.E.H.S. // Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:cas e e GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861·3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director . ,/ ... - ~ 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Bakeratleld. CA 93301 Telephone ¡80S) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861·3429 RESOURCE ENT AGENCY March 14, 1990 Rob Pence Pence Petroleum Company 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: Location: Known As: PERMIT #: 901 E. 18th Street, Bakersfield, CA Pence Petroleum Company 150029C Dear Mr. Pence: The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for work required at the property described above. As a responsible party for a leaking underground storage tank, you have previously received a letter from this Department notifying you of the required work necessary to identify the extent of the contamination. We are now requesting that this work, outlined in UT-35, be done in a timely manner. In accordance with California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48, the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department requires a determination of the threat to the environment. Accordingly, you must select an environmental contractor and submit a site characterization workplan proposal to this office within 30 days from the date of this letter. The workplan must be approved by this Department before any work is started. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me immediately at (805) 861-3636. Sinc,ere_Iy ~ // \~.:~¿t/~/ ~Óra Darling, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:cas 150029c.121 Y'·~(jod-·r GASOLINE STORAGE AnD DISPENSING SVSTEU IiSP~CTION REPORT PElihlT ¡IWBERS: 8:Dq~01....çot COMPANY N~:~0c R-h;SC~XY~~ ~ LOCATIOH:_ ~b1- tcM- \~rmS~ee~ PItAS!:: I TYPE: 0.(a'(\ÀM PHASE II TYPEßboyJ~h .~. , IN3Pi:CTOi{ DATI: -'¡{OUGifPUT _1. Aì)júTOR* Tv"dOt{ ~1·URIJ*.. V APOlt RECOVERY llOZZI£(S) P-v CAPf; iEOP TUBES FLOU LHUTER AlnI-iUCIRC. VALV¿(f,) i - V ¡,:pOR l-¡OSZ OVERHEAD eT1AC'lOR vJ..1iER *Incl. cap & gasket CO¡-f¡iI NTS : PRË}o{Imi REGULAR I . . . , UNL'fADED ~1?>- J- u2/1.ÔdPé JOB LOCATION: Pence Petrn'eum Company 901 E. Tr~ln Avenue Bakersfie~ CA e JOB NO: 1741-90 CTL 111-90 ASA SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS METHOD OF ANALYSIS - CALIFORNIA DOHS LUFT MANUAL (Soil in ppm) Soil samples collected during field investigation of July 9, and 10, 1990, by Consolidated Testing Labs., Inc. TEST TOTAL HOLE SAMPLE ETHYL TOTAL PETROLEUM ORGANIC BORING ID4Þ DEPTH BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES HYDROCARBONS LEAD EDB -- - - B2 18 11'- ND ND ND ND ND 11~' B2 19 16'- ND ND 16~' B2 21 26'- ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 26~' B2 23 36'- 0.013 0.028 ND .0178 ND 36~' B2 26 51'- 0.29 0.49 0.030 0.179 5.2 (gas) 51~' 8 (diesel) B3 2 11' - 3.1 49 13 184 1800 11~' B3 6 31'- 21 340 78 480 4200 31~' B3 10 51'- 370 2000 400 2430 24000 51~' B3 14 71' - 340 1600 350 12080 18000 (gas) 7l~' 340 (diesel B3 16 81'- 44 370 97 600 4700 81~' ND= None Detected Test Hethod: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020 Test Hethod: Organic Lead LUFT -Hanua1 P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed. See individual test results for more details. r!\v\J C'_ I _ _ __ _ _ _ _ hO ...-- ........ ~~sOllOATm TtSI.lN~__~~~~ __I~L. DATE 7/10/90 BY Roman Racca 901 E. Truxtun~ Bakersfield, C BORING LOG NUMBER 2- Page 1 of 2 SOIL DEPTH SAMPLES GROUP 0' 5 ' 10 30 3/+ if17 (0) SOIL DESCRIPTION SW 0"-3' Sand; light yellowish brown; fine to coarse subangular grains; well draded; occasional 1/2" to 3/4" cobbles ML 3'-10~' Sandy silt; dark yellowish brown; moist; low plasticity; medium to coarse subangular grains; dense Silt; dark yellowish brown; low plasticity; very fine to fine sand grains; medium 10 9 ML 10~'-191 14 19 ff18 (0) 30' 7 7 19 ffI9 (0 ) 7 8 18 no (0) 8 8 12 fi2l (0 ) LOCATION EQUIPMENT ML 19'-26' Sand; light yellowish brown; moist; very fine to fine sub rounded to subangular grains; medium r1L 26'-30~' Sand; light olive gray; moist; very fine to fine subrounded to subangular grains; discoloration; medium Boring #2 DRY DENSITY P.C.F. ELEVATION _ B-80 drill rig ~.¡ith 4~" I.D. hollow stem auger and 2" split barrel sampler PROJECT Pence Petroleum Company 901 E. Truxtuntþ:.: CßNSßlI~A1JD TtSTI~~8ßHAT~~, INC. Bakersfield, C ~ ---- VUÖ 1\10. .I./..,..I.-7V DATE 7/10/90 BY Roman Racca SOIL DEPTH SAMPLES GROUP 30' SM 30~' -36~' 10 12 18 iF22 (18) 35' 11 24 SW 36~' -41,' 36 iF23 (100) 40' 15 40 ML 41'-46' 50 ift24 (200) 45' 8 7 28 SW 46'-5l~' iÞ25 (240) 50' 12 30 30 1t26 (260) 55' 60' LOCATION Boring iÞ2 BORING LOG NUMBER 2- Page 2 of 2 SOIL DESCRIPTION Silty sand; light olive gray; moist; medium to very coarse sub angular grains; occasional 3-6 mm granules; light odor petroleum odor; discoloration of soil; dense Sand; yellowish brown; moist; medium to very coarse angular to subangular grains;well graded light petroleum odor; very dense Silt; light yellowish brown; moist; light mottling; light Fe-Ox staining; low to medium plasticity; difficult drilling; petroleum odor; small percentage of inter layered very fine to fine sub rounded to subangular sand; medium to dense Sand; yellowish brown; moist; fine to very coarse subangular to angular grains; intermixed 2-4 mm granules; strong petroleum odor; hard drilling; dense Terminated drilling at 5l~' No free standing groundwater encountered. DRY DENSITY P.C.F. ELEVATION _ EQUIPMENT B-80 drill rig with 4~"I.D. hollow stem augers and 2" split barrel sampler PROJECT ~ence recrOleum Gompany ~ß~S]lIOAUD TtSIIN~BOHAT.~ ~~, \JUts 1\10. ~,...~ JV DATE 7/9/90 BY Roman Racca 901 E. Truxtun 4IÞ Bakersfield, CÞ:. SOIL DEPTH SAMPLES GROUP a' 5' 25 I 30' SW 0"-11' BORING LOG NUMBER'2-- Page 1 of 3 SOIL DESCRIPTION Sand; light yellowish brown; moist; fine to very coarse subangular grains; well graded; petroleum odor and soil discoloration at 4'; occasional 1/2" to 3/4" in cobbles; medium Sandy silt; dark yellowish brown; moist; low plasticity; medium to coarse sugangular grains; petroleum odor; loose Sand; dark yellowish brown; very moist; very fine to fine sub rounded to subangular grains; petroleum odor; medium DRY DENSiTY P.C.F. 11 13 12 4Fl (0) 2 1 1 iF2 (260) ML 11'-19' LOCATION Boring iF3 ELEVATION.--:..... 15 18 22 if3 (200) ML 19'-30' EQUIPMENT B-80 drill rig with M¿;"I.D. hollow stem augers and 2" split barrel sampler 13 12 12 if4 (200 ) 8 16 16 1f15 (210) !-'t-(üJc:C I ren(.;t= rt=LrOl.eUm vUIUPC1LLY 901 E. Truxtun .' Bakersfield, CA - \J V 0 I ~u. -, ,- ,~ CON~~QDAliD TESTIN~B~RAII~ .JNC. DATE 7/9/90 8Y Roman Racca BORING LOG NUMBER ..1- Page 2 of 3 SOIL DESCRIPTION 0/0 DRY DENSITY ' P.C.F. , SOIL DEPTH SAMPLES GROUP 50' 10 14 20 ¡FlO (280) 60' SM/ 30'-40' Silty sand; dark yellowish brown; moist; medium ML to coarse subangular grains; petroleum odor; occasional 4-6 mm subangular pebbles; medium to dense SW 40'-40~' Sand; yellowish brown; moist; medium to very coarse angular to subangular grains; well graded; petroleum odor; dense ML 40~'-55' Silt; yellowish brown; moist; light mottling low to medium 1-1L 55' -65' Sand; light yellowish brown; moist; very fine to fine subangular grains; petroleum odor; medium to dense LOCATION Boring if3 ELEVATION _ EQUIPMENT B-80 drill rig with 4\"I.D. hollow stem augers and 2" split barrel sampler PROJECT rel1t...:.~ reLrUl.eUJ.J..I. VUU.l.tlClUJ 901 E. Truxtun":. ~ON~Q~AlED Tt~II~l!Ø80RAT_~~,Jffi: Bakersfield, CA- . JUt; No. .,~. ",v DATE 7/9/90 BY Roman Racca , SOIL DEPTH SAMPLES GROUP 85' 90 ' 12 2'· .) 2'- .) iF12 (200) 15 36 32 iF13 (195 ) 13 35 35 iF14 (195) 15 36 32 if15 (200) 16 34 35 #16 (320) SP 65'-70' SP 70'-76' ML 761-8l~' LOCATION Boring if3 BORING LOG NUMBER -2- Page 3 of 3 SOIL DESCRIPTION Sand; yellowish brown; coarse to very coarse; subangular to angular; poorly graded; strong petroleum odor; dense Sand; yellowish brown; moist to very moist; fine subangular grains; strong petroleum odor; light cementation; thin silt inter layers; dense Silt; yellowish brown; moist; light mottling low to medium plasticity petroleum odor; dense Terminated drilling at 8l~'. No free standing ground water encountered. DRY DENSITY P.C.F. ELEVATION _ EQUIPMENT B-80 drill rig \.¡ith 4\"I.D. hollow stem augers and 2" split barrel sampler It e ,,¿-..kr, ìYM u., ------- )L~~// s<>^^-/" -e.~ J-1.)A\1.-y¡tV¿'U.-i~¡J (þ~ Äc¡ c., .;:r<: / / o's17 D ilJ''S '10(-f - r'ì~ C;1YiM;~,- . Þ./¡,U~ ·j'4~~II.A' I~~- (coH '-+,~ ~v~ I~" µ W\.J[h 'd <; \ \iv ~'- '_ {,. Û /;, .''''' A1A;U¡ '--.-I_r~\..v ,- ~J.Á'J i'A.W''''' f'W'r '\1. T:,¡"'_ IJ'L U/I<'- (U.-\... /'.J\;UJ-!- -' -' fA'5T . C <;1'tUrt ¿,,~Hr . 61~"¡ POLÉ &.U -' a: u.J cO :-,o-:aõõ ~,qL-ÜÑL£AÕ£Õ--: ~ ~,B3 : 63 p,EIa\OV EO ffi :!....P.'7 QJ L_~r~.~,~:~==~=~~~=-~ 'y/ .,' ~I r -- - - - ~ - - - - - - - -, . \ I I, / I ';:.' : EE EE:7EEf" 14- f'15.f'I¿,ffi : n~ ~~, '.' í,~' /~~!~B~~~-~~: --- -~~-l------"'" \ r I ~ I "': ~ ffi æ ;I, / LP1,P4 PI.r I ID loDOD Gill. P!\EMIUM ~ / - -- - ---- FUEL PUMP !Ç,LI\ND UNLEADED ?,EMOVfD REMOVED ¿'ODD GA L LEA 0 ED ./ REGULAI'. !\EMOVED --' , ,'" ~.\. :'\ \..... ,&.J :::J Z UJ > c:t: Pð/fJ ~. a. __ Pð<JJED..{)¿,Je- f.A~1 I ß T" ~II\EEi TEST HOLE BORING SITE PLAN Fig. 2 LEGEJVD NOTES sªD APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TrSTHOLE BORING t. SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED WITH DRILLING USING 6-5/8- HOLLD'" STEJI AUCERS AND spur BARREL OR SPLIT SPoON SAMPLER H3 PREVIOUS TESTHOLE BORING PI, P2 LOCATIONS DURING FUEL TANK REMOVAL ON NOVEMBER I, 1989 NORTH SCALE: 1"=20' APt{ 017 - (£DO - 07 ~ ~... ..... ...... JOB LOCATION: Pence Petroleum N.E. corner of Beale Street and Truxton Ave., Bakersfield e e ~ LONSOllDATfD TfSTING lABORATORIfS, INL. SOILS INVESTIGA TIONS SOILS AND MA TERIALS TESTING FIELD INSPECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PROJECT NO. 111-90 PROJECT LOCATION Pence Petroleum Company, 901 E. Truxtun, Bakersfield, CA TRANSPORTED BY Truck COMMENTS THERMOMETER DEPTH OF COLLECTOR'S TEMP. READING SAMPLE BELOW BORING DATE/TIME SAMPLE # BEFORE SAMPLING EXIST. GRADE NUMBER ANALYSIS REQUIRED SAMPLED 1 39° 61-6~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 9:04 2 39° 111-1l~' B3 BTX &E 7/9/90 9:14 TPH (gas) 3 39° 161-16~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 9:31 4 39° 2l'-2l~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 9:45 5 39° 261-26~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 9:59 6 39° 31'-31~' B3 BTX&E 7/9/90 TPH (gas) 10: 17 7 39° 36'_36~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 10:36 8 39° 4ll-4l~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 10: 59 9 39° 46'_46~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 11:13 CHAIN OF POSSESSION ..- _" -:" SAMPLE COLLECTED BY CONSOLIDATED TESTING LABS., INC. AFFILIATION C ,---;: ~ I ; , -; a i.J , '/' j ,.:;::- ~/' :_- - ,.,.~ ,- ~."--~-.._._---.,. 1. , , 2. ~,..?<~ -~--:-;,;//< SAMPLE-RECEIVED BY C.~ . ,I" 3. ( ';' , ~ .\ :'j\.., SAMPLE RECEÍVED BY AFFI LIA TI ON DATE/TIME '3 II :;,~: r¡!; /~~') DATE/TI1~E --1 C, /_ --; , ,(,-[{t.lt,· I~ -: ( DATE/TIME ,'1 , , \~i i ( .I '< t " _ ,,-,v;....__, AFFILIATION 1055 W. Morton, Suite C, Porterville, CA 93257 (.,no) 7S:¡1-nO:;71 TEMP. OF ICE CHEST AT LAB. 39° e e £r CONSOllDATfD TfSTING lABORATORlfS, INC. SOILS INVESTIGA TIONS SOILS AND MA TERIALS TESTING FIELD INSPECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD i PROJECT NO. 111-90 PROJECT LOCATION Pence Petroleum Company, 901 E. Truxtun, Bakersfield, CA TRANSPORTED BY Truck COMMENTS THERMOMETER DEPTH OF COLLECTOR'S TEMP. READING SAMPLE BELOW BORING DATE/TIME SAMPLE I BEFORE SAMPLING EXIST. GRADE NUMBER ANALYSIS REQUIRED SAMPLED 39° 51' - 51~ ' BTX&E 10 B3 TPH (gas) 7/9/90 11:32 11 39° 56'-56~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 11:53 12 39° 6l'-6l~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 12:09 13 39° 66'-66~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 12:28 14 39° 71' - 71~ ' B3 BTX&E -TPH (gas) 7/9/90 1:09 TPH (diesel) EPA 8015 1:09 15 39° 76'-76~' B3 Hold 7/9/90 1:57 16 39° 81'-81~' B3 BTX&E 7/9/90 TPH (gas) 2:43 CHAIN OF POSSESSION 1. ----, /', /' ./ I\'-:::::'.~-·~ ï--~ ~,~_. '.~- vL.... '..-.'" ""'----.....- CONSOLIDATED TESTING LABS.~ INC. AFFI LIA TI ON ~ ::J /~-;-~:;, .:',. :.:- SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DA TE/TH1E 2. . c:::::: - . -. ;;:~ ~~~~ .J:'/- .- ..---'\, _/.-....::.-. :- SAMPLE R~rvED BY /" - - ----.... , /, I. ',1 IVL.. f-",,: ~ SAMPLE RECEIVED BY f .-; --:-- / !~¡ ¡,~, , ,- /' .' ':-t'.' ,./'- ~''';' "4' AFFILIATION DATE/TI r1E 3. :.1r',¡ , / . "ì < I j\~ LJ... V;j "J AFFILIATION i -:/¡·¡/c"· -:..' --:>.. , / - ! 11, 1(,</ " i , ! l..-- "--" _-" '-'. DATE/TIHE 1055 W. Morton, Suite C, Porcerville, CA 93257 (')(1Q) 7Al-(1C;71 TEMP. OF ICE CHEST AT LAB. 39° ~ e e CONSOllUATfU TfSTING lABOAATORlfS, INC. SOILS INVESTIGA TIONS SOILS AND MA TERIALS TESTING FIELD INSPECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD !ROJECT NO. 111-90 ?ROJECT LOCATION Pence Petroleum Company, 901 E. Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA ~SPORTED BY Truck ;OMMENTS THERMOMETER DEPTH OF :';OLLECTOR'S TEMP. READING SAMPLE BELOW BORING DATE/TIME ,3AMPLE # BEFORE SAMPLING EXIST. GRADE NUMBER ANALYSIS REQUIRED SAMPLED 17 39° 6'-6~' B2 Hold 7/10/90 8:08 39° 11 ' - 11~ I BTX&E 8020/5030 7/10/90 8:20 18 B2 TPH (gas) Organic Lead 7/10/90 19 39° l6'-16~' B2 EDB 8:34 20 39° 2l'-2l~' B2 Hold 7/10/90 8:46 BTX&E - TPH (gas) 21 39° 26'-26~' B2 Organic lead, EDB 7/10/90 8:58 22 39° 3l'-3l~' B2 Hold 7/l0/90 9:20 23 39° 36'-36~' B2 BTX&E - TPH (gas) 7/10/90 9:36 24 39° 4l'-4l~' B2 Hold 7/l0/90 9:55 25 39° 46 ' - 4 6~ I B2 Hold 7/10/90 10:14 26 39° 5l'-5l~' B2 BTX&E - TPH (gas) 7/10/90 11: 18 TPH (diesel) CHAIN OF POSSESSION / 1 /~P:_..~; .,; : J. :; ~, . .:-- / ._:.... ~ C"_.J--- / / CONSOLIDATED TESTING LABS. ~ INC. if'?!..?;:) ,';:;: --' ,.;' AFFILIATION DATE/TIME ~ SAMPLE---COlLECTED, 'BY /J¿~. SAMPLE RECEIVED BY ~/~ / / 1--: C< LéZ¿-->ðvc-..kr/cs- AFFI LIA TI ON :;104-0 12·53~ DA TE/TIHE ' 2. 3. SAMPLE RECEIVED BY AFFILIATION DATE/TIME 1055 W. Morton, Suite C, Porterville, CA 93257 (209) 781-0571 (209) 688-2925 * Tulare, CA FAX (209) 782-8389 TEMP. OF ICE CHEST AT LAB. 39° ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM e __ LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics , (SOIL) Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C Porterville, CA 93527 Attention: Lab No.: Sample Desc: Date Sample Collected: 10-Jul-90 Constituent Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Gasoline) Date of Report: 24-Jul-90 6016-2 #111-90 Pence Petroleum company #18, 39 F, 11'-11.5' B2 7/10/90 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10-Jul-90 ,Date Analysis Completed: 20-Jul-90 Reporting units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ug/g none detected 1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 By ú! I ,~LL>~/ a: {.(f. E~lin in~~ JS a,tlo c;- ~nalyst ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGUN. REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics ( SOIL) Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C Porterville, CA 93527 Attention: Lab No.: Sample Desc: Date Sample Collected: 10-Jul-90 Constituent Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Gasoline) Date of Report: 24-Jul-90 6016-5 #111-90 Pence Petroleum company #21, 39 F, 26'-26.5' B2 7/10/90 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10-Jul-90 Date Analysis Completed: 20-Jul-90 Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ug/g none detected 1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 By ~ 1 e¿¡' . ,..J~ 1(/ . ar. JéJlJ.Í1 {Y -L ª-d"" Analyst - - LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. EN GR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 purge~ble Aromatics ( SOIL) CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENTAL PETROLEUM Date of Report: 24-Jul-90 Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C Porterville, CA 93527 Attention: Lab No.: Sample Desc: Date Sample Collected: 10-Jul-90 Constituent Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Gasoline) 6016-7 #111-90 Pence Petroleum company #23, 39 F, 36'-36.5' B2 7/10/90 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10-Jul-90 Date Analysis Completed: 20-Jul-90 Reporting units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g 0.013 0.028 none detected none detected 0.010 0.0078 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ug/g none detected 1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 By rJ A E:/{~f ( :ð . /. . ßg 1 in ~1XL -ß<úl,_ r nalyst ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics ( SOIL) CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C portervillè, CA 93527 Attention: Date of Report: 24-Jul-90 Lab No.: sample Desc: 6016-10 #111-90 Pence Petroleum company #26, 39 F, 51'-51.5' B2 7/10/90 Date Sample Collected: 10-Jul-90 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10-Jul-90 Date Analysis Completed: 20-Jul-90 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results Benzene ug/g 0.29 Toluene ug/g 0.49 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 0.030 p-Xylene ug/g 0.034 m-Xylene ug/g 0.091 o-Xylene ug/g 0.054 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 5.2 (Gasoline) Minimum Reporting Level 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 By ('1 ¡ 6(;- <' J. elJ. f;gl in 10~At ~qJll;). Q 'Analyst ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB 1055 WEST MORTON, SUITE C PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 Attn.: DAVID HARRIS 209-781-0571 Date Reported: 07/25/90 Date Received: 07/10/90 Laboratory No.: 6016-3 Page 1 Sample Description: #111-90, PENCE PETROLEUM COMPANY - 901 E. TRUXTUN - BAKERSFIELD, CA: SAMPLE #19 @ 16'-16.5 TEMP. 39F (B2)" 7/10/90 @ 8:34 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Constituents Sample Results Method P.O.L. Units Method Ref. Organic Lead None Detected 1.0 mg/kg Luft-Manua Constituents Requlatorv Criteria STLC, mq/L TTLC, mq/kq Organic Lead None 13.0 Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed. N.D. None Detected (Constituent, if present, would be less than the method P.Q.L.). I.S. Insufficient Sample STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, July, 1982. (2) "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Wate~ and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY £- {I~ ~$£~ J. (I. Eglj? ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Ethylenedibromide/Dibromochloropropane EDB/DBCP Analysis In Soil CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton, #C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention: David Harris Date of Report: 27-Jul-90 Lab No.: sample Desc: 6016-3add'n project #111-90, Pence Petroleum Company, Sample #19 B3, 7-10-90 @ 8:34am Date Sample Collected: 10-Jul-90 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10-Jul-90 Date Sample Extracted: 20-Jul-90 Date Analysis Completed: 20-Jul-90 Constituents Reporting Units Results Minimum Reporting Level Dibromochloropropane Ethylenedibromide ug/g ug/g none detected none detected 0.40 0.40 Modified Method AB 1803 As Received Basis Comments: California D.G.H.S. Cert. #1136 ",. 1~LCJ // nalyst By I ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327·4911 Ethylenedibromide/Dibromochloropropane EDBjDBCP Analysis In Soil CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 ·w. Morton, #C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention: David Harris Date of Report: 27-Jul-90 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 6016-5add'n Project #111-90, Pence Petroleum Company, Sample #21 B3, 7-10-90 @ 9:05am Date Sample Collected: 10-Jul-90 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10-Ju·1-90 Date Sample Extracted: 20-Jul-90 Date Analysis Completed: 20-Jul-90 Constituents Reporting units Results Minimum Reporting Level Dibromochloropropane Ethylenedibromide ug/g ug/g none detected . none detected 0.40 0.40 Modified Method AB 1803 As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 By¡ß-~ VJ. . Eglin £I~~J / Analypt ENVIRONMENTAL - - LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN. REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB 1055 WEST MORTON, SUITE C PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 Attn.: DAVID HARRIS 209-781-0571 Date Reported: 07/25/90 Page Date Received: 07/10/90 Laboratory No.: 6016-5ADD'N 1 Sample Description: #111-90, PENCE PETROLEUM COMPANY - 901 E. TRUXTUN - BAKERSFIELD, CA: SAMPLE #21 @ 26'-26.5 TEMP. 39F (B2), 7/10/90 @ 8:58 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Constituents Sample Results Method P.O.L. Units Method Ref. Organic Lead None Detected 1.0 mg/kg Luft-Manua Constituents Requlatorv Criteria STLC, mq/L TTLC, mq/kq Organic Lead None 13.0 Comment: All constituents reported above are in mgjkg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed. N.D. None Detected (Constituent, if present, would be less than the method P.Q.L.). 1.5. Insufficient Sample STLC TTLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, July, 1982. (2) "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY ø. (j - 4'¡;~/ V J. ¿I. Eg:¡¿.ñ ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ( SOIL) , CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton, #C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention: David Harris Date of Report: 25-Jul-90 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 6016-10add'n Project #111-90, Pence Petroleum Company, Sample #26 7-10-90 Date sample Collected: 10-Jul-90 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10-Jul-90 Date Sample Extracted: 19-Jul-90 Date Analysis Completed: 24-Jul-90 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Total Pet. Hydrocarbons (Diesel) ug/g 8 5 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T Manual Method. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 By (:1 i .rd2 14~ 0. / . ß<Jlln . c:; ~/!u- 0 & /é Analyst ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics ( SOIL) , CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C Porterville, CA 93527 Attention: Date of Report: 24-Jul-90 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5983-2 111-90 Pence Petroleum Company #2, 11'-11.5', B3 7/9/90 @ 9:14 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 09-Jul-90 09-Jul-90 20-Jul-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 3.1 0.8 Toluene ug/g 49 0.8 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 13 0.8 p-xylene ug/g 39 0.8 m-Xylene ug/g 84 0.8 o-Xylene ug/g 61 0.8 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 1,800 200 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 By a ;!,(jL~ .:/J. /J. lin ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ,Purgeable Aromatics , (SOIL) , CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C porterville, CA 93527 Attention: Date of Report: 24-Jul-90 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5983-6 111-90 Pence Petroleum Company #6, 31'-31.5', B3 7/9/90 @ 10:17 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 09-Jul-90 09-Jul-90 20-Jul-90 'Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 21 2 Toluene ug/g 340 2 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 78 2 p-Xylene ug/g 110 2 m-Xylene ug/g 240 2 o-Xylene ug/g 130 2 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 4,200 400 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 By ,'2 j :fii t', ;j. vð. E l.n if"'--' 1). JS ~ ¡; Analyst ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 purgeable Aromatics ( SOIL) CHEMICfL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C Porterville, CA 93527 Attention: Date of Report: 24-Jul-90 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5983-10 111-90 Pence Petroleum Company #10, 51'-51.5', B3 7/9/90 @ 11:08 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 09-Jul-90 09-Jul-90 20-Jul-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 370 5 Toluene ug/g 2,000 5 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 400 5 p-Xylene ug/g 550 5 m-Xylene ug/g 1,200 5 o-Xylene ug/g 680 5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 24,000 1,000 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 By , f/ ß:A /~:</~' / . . 'lln J~L :bQJJ~ " Analyst , ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics ( SOIL) CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton Ste C Porterville, CA 93527 Attention: Date of Report: 24-Jul-90 Lab No.: sample Desc: 5983-14 111-90 Pence Petroleum Company #14, 71'-71.5', B3 7/9/90 @ 11:35 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 09-Jul-90 09-Jul-90 20-Jul-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent units Results Level Benzene ug/g 340 5 Toluene ug/g 1,600 5 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 350 5 p-Xylene ug/g 480 5 m-Xylene ug/g 11,000 5 o-Xylene ug/g 600 5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 18,000 1,000 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 By (.l;j rS~" C/~~ ià . r; . Fgl:Ln f~) 'bc~ r Analyst ENVIRONMENTAL e e LABORATORIES, INC. , J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327.4911 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ( SOIL) CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Consolidated Testing Laboratories 1055 W. Morton, #C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention: David Harris Date of Report: 25-Jul-90 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5983-14add'n Project #111-90, Pence Petroleum Company, Sample #14 7-9-90, Boring # B-3 Date Sample Collected: 09-Jul-90 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 09-Jul-90 Date sample Extracted: 19-Jul-90 Date Analysis Completed: 24-Jul-90 Constituent Reporting units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Total Pet. Hydrocarbons (Diesel) ug/g 340 100 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T Manual Method. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 By -I: ~ ¿ , ¡: i: -:ilur u stfl,,- 0 J~.~ Analyst / -~-.~-' --~.... "--- '"' UNITED STATES POSTAL IE OFFICIAL 1lU8lNE88 , SENDER 1NSTRUC11ON8 ~' .,_........... ZiP, In .,..~. · . ..... 1. 2. a. ~......,' .' ~ -.... tofnlnt of .' III'IIIIIa. ~..... afIII ...... ' . I!ndorae'..... .. . '.......... ......,to RmJÌV!, .' . :10' _~ " PENAa.TY FOR'PRIVATE "¡...~..~,,' , e ~- --p-~ 6. Signature - Address X 6. SIg X 7. D - '- '_,..¡Î- ~. ' . . . .,:: ;:":'¡"" ,.~':'8~~j:iCodeIn:the,~bérow; '. -', : ....::Î\~<:~~I ". ~:~':'~~"'."~_~_;'>.:>" '''':,~ it. . ~-- - -----~- . Environmental Heal th Department ~2-7.00~, S~c. JOO Bakersfield, CA 93301 ) J ) . ----:;:;. " - '. ", .~ ..:- .~ .'.' ...~.-: '.; . ~ . -.. ,~. ......:::. _...~=._- ....:. -~:... :":"_."~:~~~ -_.'-'--~ --~-'-- ""---.~-- , ,,- - -__ _.. r '-..- .. ~ 'I * u.s.G.P.O. 1988-212-885 DOMESTlC'RETURN RECEIPT GARY J. WICI(S Ag.el1CY DIr - ctor (81.5) 861·31)02 STEVE McCALLEY Director e e 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Blker.fleld. CA 93301 Telep·',one ~80') 881·3838 Telecopier (805) 861·3.29 DEPART" 1 H.: ':"E N T AGENCY RESOURCE January 9, 1990 Robb Pence Pence Automated Fuels 2700 Wear St. Bakersfield, CA 93308 f -ú'YVt.ß-- P~tvt{.~.'\.i--'YY\ Co. SUBJECT: Location: 901 E. Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Pence Automated Fuels 150029 Known As: PERMIT Ii: Dear Mr. Pence: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property described above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health to be the site of an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank. This notice is sent to you because our records indicate that you are a responsible party for this property. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property and the cost for oversight of these activities, California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48 require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL, ON A TIMELY BASIS, DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTERIZATION, FEASIBILITY STUDY AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find attachment "A", Handbook UT-35, which states the minimum required site work plan activities, the necessary requirements for selecting environmental contractors qualified to perform this work, a glossary of terms, example illustrations, and a section discussing the answers to commonly asked questions. The cost incurred by Kern County Environmental Health for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health in one of the two methods described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options only pertain to costs associated with oversight. e e (A) STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County overs i ght. The County wi 11 conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party, for both the costs incurred by the County and the State, pertaining to your site, under the State terms explained below: Whereas the Legislature has appropriated funds from the California Hazardous Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial aClion al t he above site are funded, in whole or in part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund; and Whereas the above individual(s) or enlily(ies) have been identified as the parly or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and Safely code, the Above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the Slate Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all state and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of lhe above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Control Board. (B) COUNTY OF KERN LOCAL AGREEMENT OPTION Kern County Environmental Health is providing this option for those who prefer to pay the County di rect 1 y and avoi d the add it i on of State costs. Pri or to the County IS performance of services, this option requires your deposit of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account. In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, attachment "B". The environmental sensitivHy (attachment "C") of this site has been reviewed by Environmental Health to determine the potential threat for groundwater contamination. Only sites determined to be non-environmentally sensitive may enroll in the Local Option Agreement. The site described above is not in an environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Agreement Option; however, the County of Kern reserves the right to cancel any Local Agreement Option, should it be discovered that groundwater contamination or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Environmental Health will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally sensitive area. It is necessary for you to respond, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmental Health of your choice: either the State contract or the County's Local Agreement Option. If you select the County's Local Agreement, please complete and sign the Local Agreement, (attachment B), and return it with your check for $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) made payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kern County Environmental Health 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attention: Accounting - Local Agreement Option. If you select the State contract, please indicate, in writing, that you have made this selection and that you have read the above official notification. e e Failure to respond within ten (10) calendar days to this notice will automatically result in oversight cost recovery for your site(s) to be placed under the terms of the State contract for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Susan Gonzales at (805) 861-3636. S,if erely, O!() ()() ~r' )U (~ eve McCalley, Director F Environmental Health Serv tes Department attachments CONTRACTOR NO: 15000 SITE NO: SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: CASE TYPE: S RP SEARCH: S PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT: C REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION: REMEDIAL ACTION: POST REMEDI AL ACTION MONITORING ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN: RAP REQUIRED: CASE CLOSED: e e WATER RESOURES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY UST CLEANUP PROGRAM SITE SPECIFIC QUARTERLY REPORT SOURCE OF FUNDS: SUBSTANCE: 8006619 150029 FEDERAL EXEMPT: N PETROLEUM: Y ~L~ r-ët~\fYV\ PENEE AUTOMATED FUELS- DATE REPORTED: 11/11/89 901 E. TRUXTUN DATE CONFIRMED: 11/11/89 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 CATEGORY: SITE STATUS CONTRACT STATUS: 4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE: DATE UNDERWAY: 11/11/89 DATE COMPLETED: 11/11/89 DATE UNDERWAY: 11/01/89 DATE COMPLETED: 12/13/89 DATE UNDERWAY: / / DATE COMPLETED: / / DATE UNDERWAY: / / DATE COMPLETED: / / DATE UNDERWAY: / / DATE COMPLETED: TYPE: DATE TAKEN: DATE APPROVED: DATE CLOSED: / / DATE EXCAVATION STARTED: REMEDIAL ACTIONS TAKEN: RESPONSIBLE PARTY ..- CONTACT NAME: ROBB PENCE SPECIALIST: is COMPANY NAME: PENCE AUTðMA'fEÐ FUEbS SENSITIVITY: NES ADDRESS: 2700 WEAR ST. VERIFIED (X) CITY/STATE: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 DATE OF REPORT: 01/05/90 e e UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT \.... ~ c ~ a:: o 11. UJ a:: EMERGENCY D YES ~NO REPORT DATE HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT BEEN FILED? D YES C Q-\.~ \,y\ç" Lí:..~ 0.0::J q fL' \ - ?--J~/Y/l D REGIONAL BOARD COMPANY OR AGENCY NAME V'?C'I' " '-. ¡:J\ \ \r, \) /;-1;- ( LOCAL AGENCY ADDRESS q :~'::-"r \ STATE CÆ z;;-- -./ PHONE (~:b )..::BC\ - ~7 /" ':I ¡jJ~ Za:: 2< (/)11. UJ a:: '') l 0 (---, NAME ~ \;',? \,'"' ,/ ./ -', ~(--~ ADDRESS !,\ m~!' ê'\ CITY ~ CONTACT PERSON \~)V~; V;;;>'\"-/ ç , /_ );....-" ........ 1_______ ~ STREET r-~ ~ -, /..,.. \'~ ' J - - ,. ¿> -,~' ì \..? \.À\ Y\ CITY ,--. -- '1 -...':"\ '--\ =-~..:j__J;_ ZIP Z o ~ g ...J ~ ëñ FACILITY NAME (IF APPLICABLE) /- , \.- '':;' 'I' " C/, - 1\... L" I'ýr~' \ '. ~ \, _' ,__ í'\\J.\í.__ ~ OPERATOR ~ '.. -~, -'. \-~<- .)(' \~'I ~ /~ .'(~ '{:~-~- PHONE 7':"Aj;' )f~C Ç,¡ : ¡Co') ~\ ....-J '. - --...J .,'- ADDRESS " --~ h .'\ ,:\ ( -) \ S \ \.:Sjj,~ 's~ ' C~TREET - \~f, \-P --t-X, " ____ ~ 1 LOCAL AGENCY. - (/) ,-,' .- ~ ~ ~ .. \ - \ '\ ~\ '-~ { . '\\,.' , -,~-,,,'(\ § ~ I R3GIONAL BOARD, \: '" ' ~ ( -\- , ." \ I ,- \ \ '\ I - -,/ \ \' (' ~~ \ \, ~ \ \ \:- 'i. (/) I (1) _ ¡~l-( -, Y-~ï"-~\ -,--~\ ç ~~I (2) ;:)-1 C.!) : o :~:~~, ~.:-\ \__-^-_;....J_/ P I~"t-, \'\j' ~ ~ \.(.~,,~~"'¡-0 \r- V '\ \~"-..l , crrv~' \. '. \... \ _¿' \ "- ....~.....-\ COUNTY TYPE OF AREA. COMMERCIAL D INDUSTRIAL D RURAL TYPE OF BUSINESS D RESIDENTIAL D On-¡ER D FARM D On-¡ER AGENCY NAME CONTACT PERSON /' .' PHONE -:~ ~\ \ h \" \.\\:¡::(~~C\ ~ ('~\A\ìÎ ') \f\r- (~i1):::~ \ ~~~;.C PHONE [...-, rC\) J i I ji~",-Cj:_{_ C\ ~, I_' \1_1'_~'-1':'" - NAME PöOR OR~G~_ QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) '. UNKNOWN i8 UNKNOWN ... Z UJ ; ¡ UJ ... i ): a:: UJ > o ~ is UNKNOWN D INVENTORY CONTROL D SUBSURFACE MONITORING TANK REMOVAL D On-¡ER METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THA T APPLY) gJ REMOVE CONTENTS D REPLACETANK 'Ja:..ClOSETANK D REPAIR TANK D REPAIR PIPING D CHANGE PROCEDURE \ \ -/¡ \ '(} C_-\ 'MI MI l:, 01 01 '·>v V D On-¡ER D HOW DISCOVERED NUISANCE CONDITIONS o TANK TEST MOO V HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED? YES D NO IFYES,DATE SOURCE OF DISCHARGE TANKS ONLYICAPACITY MATERIAL CAUSE(S} f' - .'-. ~'-\,-(.r ' D FIBERGLASS D OVERFill D RUPTUREIFAllURE \ ,( .((. .', C1.GAL. , AGE \ C::"\ YRS :GLSTEEl D CORROSION Ç21 UNKNOWN D UNKNOWN D On-¡ER D SPILL D On-¡ER UJ (/) ;:) ~ u a:: ;:) ~I UJ UJ I' (1)Q. ð~ .~ TANK LEAK D PIPING LEAK D OTHER CHECK ONE ONLY D UNKNOWN D SOil ONLY D GROUNDWATER D DRINKING WATER· (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WEllS HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN AFFECTED) ... Z(/) ~~ a::... ð(/) D UNDETERMINED CHECK ONr ONLY ß SITE INVESTIGATION IN PROGRESS (DEFINING EXTENT OF PROBLEM) D CLEANUP IN PROGRESS D SIGNED OFF (a.EANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) D NO ACTION TAKEN D POST a.EANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS D NO FUNDS AVAILABLE TO PROCEED D EVALUATING CLEANUP ALTERNATIVES CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) (SEE BACK FOR DETAilS) D CAP SITE (CD) D EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) D CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) D EXCAVATE & TREAT (ET) D TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) D <l.z õo ~f= ~Q D D NO ACTION REQUIRED:(NA) D v' I~\I~\\'\':::-S C~~ REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) D PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) D On-¡ER (OT) REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) \ ."- -, ,\, " ~\\., " - '. \ \ ,.. \ en _.....'\ '_l, '- ""';\'-.~.'''- '--~' ... ~ ~ .. a¡ j ~ \. \\ ,I - 8 ~4,~' ^-~ \<~'-_~"" ,_,' ..- .... ~:~;. / ^ , f: ~ í-r-,;; I ~ ,..1\ .......>.-'-' ì./ - ..' è:~ ~ ': .\/1 ; i\\~j¡:::r\"/t~\~ ~~ ',IV, -, ! . ~".A·(\,....ê \1 ~) () i \ ,{ ¡) i(Î ,¡-' '¡"".\ '--., \ (\~ , -',' '.' 1)3,\ ! ,..... i \ -', \~ \ r _ ___ . \ \' "I ;. ß ,./ -, ' '\-\/' ... {\ \ \ \ '.. ., "'-" \ \ ' HSC 05 (41871 ',I - \ ,., -, ----i:-"' I \~!L::':"/ \ .. e e WILLIAM H. PARK REGISTERED GEOLOGIST NO, 2271 '.{ . .. ~;...----" . '. .' -:.... '.:;"', "". /'. 3040 19TH STREET. SUITE 10 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 TELEPHONE (805) 327·9681 " , It nE~ 1'L \~~~ '''''\1'. .,..f.'"n!~ H ~ r ~ ; (:t' ;\\,~ t '" .~ 1 .., " \ t,Hu . ~, h~V , December 8, 1989 I I, Ms. Turonda Crumpler c/o Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 .~. .::,/i ~', / ',- /\ \/ ' ,-~-:-f 1 -' -- ~'L~/ Dear Ms. Crumpler: Three underground fuel storage tanks were removed on November 1, 1989 from the Pence Automated Fuels property located at 901 E. Truxtun Avenue in Bakersfield, California. The property is situated in Section 29, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.B.& M. (see Attachment A) . The three tanks had a volume of 10,000, 6,000, and 6,000 gallons and were used for the storage of gasoline. The tanks had been ln place for a number of years. The tanks were in fairly good condition and showed no signs of leakage. A petroleum odor was emanating from the excavation pit when the tanks were removed. The tank removal was witnessed by Ms. Turonda Crumpler, Hazardous Materials Specialist for the Kern County Health Department. Sixteen soil samples were collected by Mr. Tom Pruitt of M. P. Vacuum as directed by U.T.-30. The samples were collected at depths of 2 feet and 6 feet beneath the bottom of the tanks at the sample locations shown on Attachment B. Four of the sixteen soil samples were collected from beneath the two dispenser pumps. The samples were collected from a backhoe bucket. The samples were placed in jars, labeled, and sealed. The samples were then placed on dry ice and retained for laboratory analysis. e e Ms. Turonda Crumpler c/o Kern County Health Department, Environmental Health Services December 8, 1989 Page 2 The samples were delivered to·B. C. Laboratories in Bakersfield, California (see Attachment C). The samples were analyzed for T.P.H. gasoline and B.T.X.& E. B. C. Laboratories is a state certified laboratory. As shown on Attachment D, T.P.H. (gasoline) and B.T.X.& E. were detected in a number of the samples. The samples from below the eastern pump showed some minor levels of contamination. Total petroleum hydrocarbon levels of 66.50 ppm at 6 feet were detected. Soil samples from below the east ends of Tanks 2 and 3 showed high levels of contamination. Samples from below the east end of Tank 1 showed low levels of contamination. Soil samples from below the west ends of the tanks showed only slight contamination to none-detected. Based on the results of this investigation, further site characterization is deemed necessary to delineate the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination and the degree of contamination. Also included with this report (see Attachment E) is a copy of the tracking record, hazardous waste manifest, and a copy of the permit. If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to call. DRS/jk < ,-f'''~'~~~:',' ",~:~~. ,l".~\,-"-':';" ,-,"\, Yours truly, y' .:;~=»:~ ~<\~~ i\. . ;~::?".'__':'" (j /i"-'_~"'V'~' "\:-,',"\\,~ /cf ~. ¡/ '''-/ '/ \"" '\ '/ /í /u IJ /- ! t1\ '{\ l/( vv ItA.- .' ~L,;_ ~ No. 3584:' i! Duane R. Sml th r' \ I Æ Registered Geologist \, '\~' .~ 1 State of California No. ':, ~s>, ," i ....~ "" ~ . '~'~I ì: . i'(~" -;.;;-... i,'". [ n ,- (" '\ \ \~ ~ ...,'" ~~ ~..,,.. . ¡ \ - ....? '~-""-"/ 3584 WILLIAM H. PARK lteRec'd: 11 / ~/~9 lient: BC CHAIN OF CUSTODY Sample Type: Sampler: 'ame:m P VaC.LJlJ(/J Namc: ~t~~C~~-0i~J~~, Addrcss Water __ Soil __K._ Sludge Oil ....ab # Description: Æ-13 -14 - (5 -I(P Other Tests 1/0/·-/3 ..1., - f~' -1-5 ~ - 10 --4 UJ d -PF, l/ 0Pf- , /4 E aP¡-. '0 rnf-f. II/t /8C¡ J ~ .e1inquished Bj¡~/Y: Date: Time: Rec,eived By: ~~' /1 Ii I~J~,Úru ¡(Œ.tf)- ll/:;{J8~ >?:oo:¡ ~/g;L{ A'k-- ,.j¿(i;,<¥:- 1/2/f7 c¿'cc ç~., k\-,P~ 2--.+- d Date: Time: ((/1- ( )-7 ,(, 4 s- If L_ i I J'L J XC¡ 9: Œ o.r1 , hite: Return to CU5tomer with Report ~\'ow: BC Lab Copy ~;t'abMtÛðÆæJ Other: (specify) Comments: NO. L- 3481 - Analysis Requested: . [T] [T] [T] [T] tT1 tT1 'i: tx:I tx:I tT1 'i: 'i: '" '" '" '" () >-1'>-1 '" ;Þ- ;Þ- ;Þ- ;Þ- >- >- tx:I ~~ >- lJI lJI lJI lJI lJI 0'1 0'1 0 o 0 S2 tv Iv "U "U 0 loJ l.ÞJ Iv f'- lJI 00 - ~ ~ - ...... ...... tv tT1 tv 00 00 - - - d - tv a d 0 00 00 00 00 -..J 00 0 00 tx:I tv þ) õ' 0 en 0 ...... tv .... ð .Þ, en 0 o 0 0 (11 - - 00 tx:I 0 () tv "U 0 X ^ f 'I M P Vacuum 3400 W. Manor SI., ßakersfïcld, CA 93308 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Lab Log No. Client/Project Name p~ect Location (Physical Address) / / f-e- tl\..~ {l-+rD { eLl. f/Vl en.s..L f.¿ -+v-v {(l.{ Þr'- ANALYSES 7 lob. No. 10~ E lS+h S'f ~ ßC{Þr5'{;elcl cff-7 S~L Employa/Titlo ~ ~." IJJ! tk-tCI/t///!,/CJ¡e/('AfltJ, ~tv lt~~ .~\J ~... ~ (...0 I"''' T;me ~~~,(\ ð- Sample No. / Idenl i fïcat ion ';;'0' REMARKS e= IJo/-of 1 /E.2-C.-r- 11-0/-3 c¿ 8Lo!o.t1 - I - '1101 -D2--1 /1=) &++- 1/-0/-89 -q /10/-03 1 /w ~ -t+- /I-oI-8~ -3 /I 0/-" <f 1 ( u) I b..{-'-I- 1/ -0/-fJC¡ -~. '- ,) E_; .:l. -Ç+-- J / -0/ - ð9 -5 1101 -oS- 1 II -..() /- 'ð9 - -Cø 1 I V I -o? I ~£ 4> fI- r /~1/--<J 7 I :;1'vU 'J... +t- J/-()/-'ll - 7 (to/-oK 1 d-W' &Þ- 11-01-81 -0' fOl-O~ I . -G-j 3E .,2-t+ I /-01-£1) dO I ~/O 1 ~£ (p +-¡- /I-OI-@ - 10 lio I - /1 1 .~uJ 1--1-+ 11 -0/- J'j - II -- 110/ - / W- 31-1/ 6+t )J~/-ð7 - (q 1 it;' }-.f-.¡- / -/3 - //C/-131 I 1-0 I-~ '/ l/o/-I'/ILjw b .p- /1 -o/-w - 11- I/o - ') 1 't~ tit II-ØJ -j~ Total ....1:; 11'>1-,1"" ¡/-cI-Š¡:f - I c:, Relinquished.by ~ Date Time m,(s;gn~ ' I Date Time J~ - 11-2 -8 7 Oß'D <)" {/ / fJ. / ;;?q . II) L J/ J () ~ J ~:CfoQ Relinquished by (Signature) Date Time Received by (Signature) Date Time J . , Report To: . Bill To: ate I{ec'd: T I /:;) / <g- 9- BC CHAIN OF CUSTODY NO. L- 3 4 8 0 'Jient: Sampler: Sample Type: Analysis Requested: . tTI tTI tTI tTI tTI tTI 'i: t:d .t:d tTI 'i: 'i: 'i: 'i: 'i: 'i: () g .., 'i: lame: m P VClC-U l1rJ) Wilter :Þ- :Þ- :Þ- :Þ- :Þ- :Þ- t:d ~ ;J> Name: c~OJì·}e· ---- Other: VI VI VI VI VI 0'1 0'1 I.ddress:Ylffi LV ~mí Address:'· Soil X (specify) 0 0 0 0 t-J t-J æ '"d 0 tv W t-J .þ. .þ. VI ::r: 00 , iv - - I.ttn:í3ll~x"s~G )Œ. Sludge ...... ...... ~ tT1 00 00 - - tj - t-J 0 tj 0 00 00 00 00 ....,J 00 0~1 ~ Oil 0 0 0 t:d t-J 0 ~ ñ' 0 ...... tv ...... ð .þ. en en 0 0 Q 0 ~ Description: PeíP--.e, ~-ro kLm 00 t:d Lab# Other Tests 0 () tv 'i: 0 A-J llnl-o I IE dF1-, I 1/1 /<;}O¡ X '-ó{ '-O~ t, ~.pt, X - -3 -03 luJ afl, X -4 -04 L éDP,-, X :Þ' -5 -05 ¿;<F. d-P·I· X rt ~~ -G -C~ J J (P·Pi-, X 3 -7 -01 dLt) dPt- X œ :-<S -0% L L PI-: X Q . -q -09 ÓE a-P/-. A - 10 -10 {i Co+4. X ~ I I -II 3lÙ ~f+, X -I~ \J -18 Il, {opt, "J )( ~~quished B¡: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Comments: I . I " /I r 1J:n, (l6;¡ J 1 tIf ( l/a!8>J 2': CXì:t ÚJjl( ~ I /~I çç f.·e¡r to) , /" IU> if ,'"", I \'/" d-IJ- 11/) / fc,.~ ¡(di 8<~- \ \ /z JY.:7 CJ: Ò J~L,,", Lt¿d~f.;,1.:f- ,Yt... /. (-( 7 f/¡¡') , , 7J Vhite: Return to Customer with Report 'cllow: BC l.ab Copy ~.i'abMáWMëJ >' rt rt PI C1 ::T 3 (1) ::1 rt tJ:I , , , r . , \L.I -J ,~ ' lIJ C'í) M ç-tf<.\Á~TDrJ --~--._-_~__ 4>.. .. ._..... . . . , . ,. .' -,..--... ''''-'': I · · ., ~ ~ ... J -r,^"k ~~~ ' . ' , , ' ' , " "~' 'J ' . ' , , ': " ¡.,:g, llÅ ri k ;L ~2- . ~_;___ "~"kj~W':l OW " \ PVÞ1p 'i1: Z, . .,. . .... G, I ~i- h. 'Si-¡-<-t.."t . .- ....-~.. . ~~ l PW.,,,~( e /-- -,-.--------..- ......~:,...-_....- e t": 7: - --- - - - - - - - Ii r .1_ _ £?Rt¿N AGE' 385 ¡,¡ C 4 II If-- 0= Sewag ~ D,SPOS, ,. -'", Ij ; II I n r "6'$ 3913 .. . ..t. : '>;' <- I <> ~¿.~ I \"~ I '~""LO ATION MAP ::'. : \ :: Attachment A e e ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMlcJL JINALYSIS LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 )~ Vacuum 3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA Attention: Purgeable Arorœ.tics (SOIL) ?UA/! p #j Date of Report : 09-Nov-89 93308 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 8664-15 Pense Petroleum 1101-15 4E 2' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECfED : RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED : 01-Nov-89 02-Nov-89 08-Nov-89 Minirrum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons u.g/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA rnethod 8020. As Received Basis Corrrnents : California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By ii~¿.ø¿ . . E ~n ("'1 L ,"1-, ct~L" Analyst .,., L I _ _" e e ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMldL ANALYSIS LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 MP Vacuum :3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA 9330B Attention: Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) PI/MP tt/ Date of Report: 09-Nov-89 Lab No. : ~;arnple Desc: 8664-16 Pense Petroleum 1101-16 4E 6' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECI'ED : RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED : 01-Nov-89 02-Nov-89 ,OB-Nov-89 t1iniuuIf1 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g 0.54 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 0.26 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 0.52 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g 1.03 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 0.77 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarrxms ug/g 65.55 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method.. Individual cor~tituents by EPA ITBthod. 8020. As Received resi.s COTTlænts : California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By # t1/~~ <'-f~ ...aLE n ~^Jl --:b~ Analyst e e ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. CHEMICAl ANALYSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 t1P Vacu.urn 3400 W. Manor B~ersfield, CA 93308 Attention: PI..:trgeable Aromatics (SOIL) PU/l/fP #2 Date of R=fDl~: ll-Nov-89 Lab No. : Sample Desc: 8664-13 Pense Petroleum 1101-13 4W 2' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 01-Nov-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 02-Nov-89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED : 09-Nov-89 Constituent Rep:>rting Units Analysis Resul t.s Minimum Reporting Level Benzene Toluene Ethy 1 Benzene p-Xylene HI-Xylene a-Xylene ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 0.11 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Tota.l Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 11. 8f} 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. rrBthod. Indi vid~':3.1 constituents by EPA rrBthod 8020. As Received Basis CornrrBnts : California D.O.B.S. Cel~. #102 By -it: ~~ .J. I.. E lTl ~,~ ctlJp-- lalyst Att;:¡r.hmpnt n e e ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. CHEMICiL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 MP Vacuum 3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA Attention: Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) PU/\/f P #: ¿ Date of Report : 09-Nov-89 93308 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 8664-14 Pense Petrolewn 1101-14 4W 6' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED : RECEIVED @ LAB: CCt1PLETED : 01-Nov-89 02-Nov-89 08-Nov-89 Minirr.um Rep::>rting Analysis Rep::>rting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual consti tuent.s by EPA method 8020. As Received Basis Corrments : California D,O.H.S. Gert. #102 By (l:- a~¿~/ dJ. õ': Eg 'n 'Jm-¿ -:baJb- - yst 2I.t-t-;:¡r'hmpnt- 1") e e ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMlciL ¡INALYSIS LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 MP Vacuum 3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA Attention: Purgeable Arorratics (SOIL) TANI« #: 1 Date of Report : ll-Nov-89 93308 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 8664-1 Pense Petroleum 1101-01 lE 2' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECl'ED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED : 01-Nov-89 02-Nov-89 09-Nov-89 Minimum Reporting Analysis RepJrting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 0.23 0.02 Toluene ug/g 4.17 0.02 Ethy 1 Benzene ug/g 5.20 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 9.59 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g 19.5.3 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 13.86 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 534.09 5.00 TEST METI:IOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O. H. :3 . L. íJ . F, T. method. Individual consti tuent.s by EPA metbxl 8020. As Received B~sis Comrr.ents : California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By '-Æ ~ ¿¿44' "}" / Æ~.{rin -"J0û-fvl..... ~~ I Analyst 1>.t-t-"",...'hm",,,,t- n ENVIR'1NMENTAL CHEMICA'!. ANALYSIS PETROLEUM MP VaCUl..llD 3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Lab No. : Sample Dese: e e J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. LABORATORIES, INC. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALlFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable ArOIlBtics (SOIL) fAA//L :It! Date of Rep:¡rt : 8664-2 Pense Petrolel..llD 1101-02 1E 6' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 01-Nov-89· Constituent renzene Toluene Ethyl E€nzene p-Xylene rn-Xylene o-Xylene Total Petroleum Hydrocaroons DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 02-Nov-89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED : 09-Nov-89 ll-Nov-89 t1inim.:un Rep:¡rting Level 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 ~" 00 , Reporting Units Analysis Results ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g none detected 0.33 0.34 1. 57 3.36 3.03 ug/g 127.88 TEST t1ETHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O. H . S. L. TJ. F . T. method. Individual eon.sti tuent,s by EPA method 8020. As Received B~sis Comrænt.s : California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By H'~¿#/ r. . I . E n f~ ~~ aJ1" talyst "',¡......__'-___..L T""\ e e ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. CHEMICA! ANALYSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN. REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 L'1P VacuUIn .3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) TAA//¿ #! Date of Rep:>rt: ll-Nov-89 Lab No. : Sample Desc: 8664-3 Pense PetroleUIfJ 1101-03 1W 2' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 01-Nov-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 02-Nov-89 DATE ANALYSIS COt1PLETED: 09-Nov-89 Constituent Rep::.rting Units Analysis Results t1inirnurfJ Reporting Level J?€m;ene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g none detected none detected 0.09 0.22 0.31 0.31 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocart.xms ug/g 47.60 5.00 TEST HETHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. rr.ethod. Indi vidual consti tuent,<:; by EPA rr.ethod 8020. A.s Fecei ved Pa.si.s CornrfJents : Califorr1Ìa D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By a rJ.~~/ {/,J .,(/J . in ~ ,1<,ctlk, ~nalyst Attachment D e e ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. CHEMICAL JINALYSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 t1P Vacuum 3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA Attention: Purgeable Arorratics (SOIL) ßN/< #! Date of Report: ll-Nov-89 93308 Lab No. : Sample Desc: 8664-4 Pense Petroleum 1101-04 1W 6' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 01-Nov-39 DATE SAl1PLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 02-Nov-89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED : 09-Nov-89 t1inirnurn Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 0.05 0.02 rn-Xylene ug/g 0.08 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 0.11 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 27.90 5.00 TEST t~OD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. Hethod. Indiv:dual CC.1Ilstìtuents by EPA m~thod 8020. As Received R=..c·-; Co' ..... _. ~..L,,-' Cornrænts: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By ç:ifj/f~ 0. a.' in ~!2'1<r,l ..::boJJo. Analyst e e ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ~06a~~~anor 77J AI / ¿ #: 2 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Date of Re!X)rt: 10-Nov-89 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 8664-5 Pense Petrolewn 1101-05 2E 2' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: Ca1PLETED : 01-Nov-89 02-Nov-89 06-Nov-89 t1inirruIrJ Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 23.81 0.02 Toluene ug/g 350.69 0.02 Ethy 1 Benzene ug/g 88.56 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 193.95 0.02 rn-Xylene ug/g 405.27 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 289.02 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 4550.10 5.00 TEST METIIOD: TPH for gasoline by I).O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual consti tuey:ts by EPA method 8020. As Received B3sis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By (j cZ rr~/ j' fJ ' .J. J. in ~ ];,aJk_ Analyst Attachment D e e ENVIRCINMENTAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 MP Vacuurn 3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA Attention: Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) TAN/¿#Z Date of Report : 10-Nov-89 93308 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 8664-6 Pense Petroleuro 1101-06 2E 6' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED : RECEIVED @ LAB: COt1PLETED : 01-Nov-89 02-Nov-89 06-Nov-89 Minimum , Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Resul-g; Level Benzene ug/g 58.81 0.02 Toluene ug/g 588.24 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 213.32 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 272.98 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g 838.77 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 432.07 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 8843.63 5.00 TEST METHOD: '!'PH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual consti tuent.s by EPA rr.ethod 8020. As Received Basis Comments: Califo2ï!ia D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By i f·~4~~ . . E ln N ~ctlk. - lyst A~t.t_Ar.hmpnr n e e ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. CHEMICAL ,4NALYSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) MP Vacuum TA N /L. 1+ L .3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Date of Report: 10-Nov-89 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 8664-7 Pense Petroleum 1101-07 2W 2' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED : Ol-Nov-89 02-Nov-89 06-Nov-89 l1inim..un Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Eenzene ug/g none detected. 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02 Ethy 1 Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected. 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST l1ETHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA rœthod 8020. As Received B~sis Corr,[Oents : California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By ¡, 11 J~¿;'j . §. E in ~- Attachment D ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL .4NALYSIS PETROLEUM MP Vacuurn 3400 W. t1anor B=1:ersfield, CA 93308 Attention: e e LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) TAN/¿#Z Date of Report: ll-Nov-89 Lab No. : Së.Ir!ple Desc: 8664-8 Pense Petroleurn 1101-08 2W 6' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 01-Nov-89 Constituent reL::ene To2.uene Et:-;:"l renzene p- :':;,; lene m-Xylene o-:':ylene To-:.al Petroleum }{vc:.2.'ocarbons DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 02-Nov-89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED : 09-Nov-89 , Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g none detected none detected 0.05 0.15 0.26 0.31 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 ug/g 31.52 5.00 TE:::.T t1ETHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O. H . S. L. U . F . T. method. Individual consti tuent.s by EPA rr.ethod 8020. As Seceived B~sis CC.'~::í.ents : Ca.lifornia D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By Æ (/ óf~/ . jJ: É n ~~ ,'b~ Analyst Attachment n e e ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327·4911 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM !1P VacuUIo :3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Purgeable Aroma.tics (SOIL) 7ÃN ~ #3 Date of Rep:¡rt: 10-Nov-89 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 8664-9 Pense PetroleUICl 1101-09 3E 2' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECfED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED : 01-Nov-89 02-Nov-89 06-Nov-89 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 2.40 0.02 Toluene ug/g 48.95 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 14.10 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 43.28 0.02 ro- Xy lene ug/g 97.47 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 81.51 0.02 Total Petroleum l{vdrocaroons ug/g 1719.31 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O. H . :3 . L. U . F . T. method. Individual constituent.s by EPA method 8020. As Received Basis Corrm:mts : Califo~'lia D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By r2¡fi!C4;/ C7.j . . ' in fy1 ~taJk Attachment D e e ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. CHEMiCAl ANALYSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 MP Vacuurn 3400 W. Manor B~ersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Purgeable Arorraties ('30IL) lAN/¿ #3 Date of Re:port: ll-Noy-89 Lab No. : Sample Dese: 8664-10 Pense Petroleum 1101-10 3E 6' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED : 01-Nov-89 02-Noy-89 09-Nov-89 t1inimum , Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level renzene ug/g 10.63 0.02 Toluene ug/g 136.03 0.02 Ethy 1 Benzene ug/g 53.35 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 131.13 0.02 rn-Xylene ug/g 317.16 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 131. 90 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug,/g 3491.08 5.00 TEST t1ETHOD: TPH for gasoline by D, O. H. S. L. U. F. T. rnethod. Indi vidual con.sti t:..¡ent,s by EPA method 8020. As Received B~sis Cowrnents : California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By r2 æ,~~ t7,] ./'J. E in ~~y~dlk, ;ð.t-t-;:¡("nml""t- n e e ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. CHEMICiL ,INALYSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 MP VacuuIn 3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) TANI! #3 Date of Report: 09-Nov-89 Lab No. : Sample Desc: 8664-11 Pense Petroleum 1101-11 3W 2' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED : 01-Nov-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 02-Nov-89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED : 08-Nov-89 Constituent Reporting Um ts Analysis Results MinirruICI Reporting Level Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/ g none detected 0.02 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.14 0.02 0.12 0.02 6.93 5.00 Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents r.;y EPA method 8020. As Received Basis Corrments : California D.O.H.S. Gert. #102 By rlØ ~~ (f. -¡ É ~D"~ ~cilla lyst ' - Attachment D e e ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. CHEMICÃ/. ANALYSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ~06a~~ur~anor TA ¡\/ /<. # 3 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Date of Report: 09-Nov-89 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 8664-12 Pense Petroleurn 1101-12 3W 6' 11/01/89 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECl'ED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED : 01-Nov-89 02-Nov-89 08-Nov-89 Minirrurn , Reporting Analysis Re¡:orting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g 0.03 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 0.04 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g 0.06 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 0.06 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.R.S. L.U.F.T. rr~thod. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. As Received Basis CorrIr~nts : Califorråa D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 By (lf~ _~ ,t-,a.Jt,. yst Attachment D --7:':-';;;" ::..:...,.::_- ..~,~.<:-:-:~~._"_,......,_...~~"';;,,..:;;.:.·'-.',~l.\;:;:~,:.!~~::~;;iii:A~~~~{:~:.~,Ò\::~J~':·~~"';;.~:,;:: ~:,;~3j: :.';;;" J" ".;"..;; -,,~",~ ":::;~;~~"!j:, :" ....n. ^..""......-.. "-'_.. ,..... ~...... ....._ .......::........... ... ..'t ..--.----~~~~:~i:~~..... ~::'f~ ~"i$.":~~.... ;..,~':~~ .rf;:f..J:":--"!¡..·lJ~· P'""a~. prInt 0' tyn" (1-=0'"' d~,~-.I 10' ".s.. 0" of/Un (,~ ,Ht.;" '...., .....- ..........--..-_..... __..... ~~ "ritV!~;""'--;~~ ......~.<?:...~."\ ~__._ ---"..., ....<1 I"'.ú...,..., ,,:-91!.~"" ''''_,.... . ,.. -: -. ~~.." :..~;"".. A UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1. G.ne..'o,·. us EPA ID No. ",;-~;,;i"-"~- ""-~- ' - ," __..__~~~.:..:. - ,," ¡;.:;:,:.....,~:~ /~..-" . WASTE MANIFEST F¡/Ji\..J'ìD¡O "">'J 171)' ,Llql~o¡:;'rrl'5JlJ1 :~- ..~,~"._I.~.';;'.;.::·:,:~~,,:,·..~,,' .'. _'n ~~. . ~ . _~ _ _. '-L~¡...J:J. .J- t. not '.Q",lted by r."t.,., .""_ 3. Genèralot"s Name and Mallon\! Address ~ ~ p~-trD I~ M "- SI.,e Men.,e>, Oo<:umenl Number d:,/06 (DUll" 51-. . ,&1 6£\ ~~r.}·ç I t...lc.l Cj1 9'3306 4. Generalor's Phone (~C~1' 5" <b c¡ -<.) t. J. '" 5. Transporter I Company Name ;:; i ~! :j¡ :.)1 SI :¿ '..--. ,",I T _I R ~ A <: IN ''"- S 8 P .¡J 0 ;., R ~ : o ""' 111 .... N 111 61 °1 c:;¡ ~~I ;) u 1 0~ ,")31 ""' '.c.! , I ~ i -i j i I :> z; - , ::> ::: ; 3: '" ~ 0:' '" 0:' ~ - - I.oJ U z '-' ~ º < - - <, ~¡ - ' ::-' ,- ~œ VACUUM TRUCK SERVICE, INC. 6. US EPA 10 Number 7. Tra~sporter 2 Company Name E. SIal. TranspOl1er'. 10 F. Tr.nsport6('a Phon. 9. Designaled Facilily Name and Sile Address I I 10. I US EPA 10 Number 11. GIBSON 01L [;. REFINING END OF COMHERCIAL DR. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 I. Waste No, a, Slale G E N E R A T o R CALIFORNIA O~LY REGULATED WASTE o 0 .21, EPA/Other E G b. Slate n-+ I EPAlOther State c. EP AI Other Slale d. EPAlOther J, Additional Descriplions for ~\alerials Listed Aboye K. Handlin<;¡ Codes to< Wesles Listed Above .. CJ ( b. A) DIESEL/GASOLINE RINSATE d. c. 15, Sp",cial Handling Jnslrllclioos am! Addilion.>1 Intormation GLOVES, GOGGLES, AND PROTECTIVE OUTER GAR}ŒNTS. RELEASE 16, GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION; I hereby declare :hatthe contents of this consignment arc lully and ac:cura:e!y de5cri~,e~ e~:'.~ ~y proper shipping name and arc classified. packed. marked, and labeled, and are in all res~ec:s in proper condition lor IrBnsport bl' highway BCcQrdinc :: =;,plicable internalional and n,a (¡onal governm-enl regulations. If I am a large Quantity generalor, I cer1ify Ihat h.ave a program in place to reduce the volume and tOJ.íci1y 01 ""'aste cer.cra:e= ::. ::-,e deoree I have determined to be economically praclicable aná ~hatl haye selected troe practicable method of Irealrnen!. s¡:;r.ee. or disoosal ~urrenliy a,'s,:a:,:e :0 me which minimizes Ihe present and futuro¡) threat 10 human health ar'ld Ihe en...ìro~ment; OH, if I am a small quantity ge:neralor, I have made a ;·~c·j ~ð::r-. -:-':.:,,~ 10 minimizc my waste 'ë~~;:"i;:'''·d ~~: ':':. m..".m.., md'" "" ;..,..~,::,~. .., ;' ~~ / Mo",' D., ,.., I __~, _~:;L . 4.~- 1.LJ2.t5 J IKI/_ 17, Transpof1<>r 1 Ac~nowledilement 01 Receipt 01 Meterials Printed I Typed Nama Day Month Year hJ ~-ð~ =' c.: Y' r 2 AcknowledQement 01 Receipt 01 Malerials Month Day Year AcJsvò\ Gð\J--o\G \ G36..QS 19. Discrepancy Indicalicn Space : t5 0)( J7 IS J,.) C-<u /?1.p I ~J-~ C ~'-~ ß ievccf"1Plcrl..V V 20. Facility Owner or Operator Certification 01 receipt 01 hazardous materials coyered by this manifest oxcept as noted in Item 19, IT Y Printed I Typed Name "- --C/?J / k ¡¿ DHS B022 A (1/88') Pc .ITtF R.. I~~~ Do Not Write Bclow This line White: TSDF SENDS THIS COpy TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DA y~ CC.1 Q 7f"'1~"'''' Dsy Month Yesr ~ 0 da' .- ..- -"---'- ----.-------,..-- --_.._---~-- ..-,--------~.----~.----_Ji!.~---,í) ", '. '~~.'.~;::.~:~~,..( KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebe:tson, M.D. -- $J --.. --- - 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CaRfomla 93305 Telephone (805)861·3638 ENVlRONMEN1ÄL HEALTH DIVISION Facill ty Nalœe DIRECTOR OF ENVlRQ.tfMEN"W. HEALTH Vernon S. ReIchard Kern County Permit # Pthtc.t' A~ Tfnt¡fa"T¿cI' Fud5.. Address .-::1..'0 I E", 7j,LI)(I~' JdK~~-fi~ ;d' , A / (J t,S"- IS" .. '- +"." ., · . . . * * UNDERGROUND TANK DIŠPOSITION· TRACKING RECORD .,."'~.:~~:. "".: :," ',' '."::;:.,,.,.:..-' .,: '. -'i:'.." ',... ;!:~~r~~~~~~.,,_ This fora is to be returned to the Kern County Health Department witbinî4" da1'~ of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facUity. :'J'he, holder of the perJli t with number noted above is responsible for insuring.' that this form is completed and ·returned. ' ·:,;.-'::::~~if'<~'.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ·'<"·:-t~··:,t~:.t~~~...·~:·~ , Section.!. .. To be filled out Èï tank removal contractor: Tank Removal Contractor: /1Íf ¡O' Vð,-c.((.t..w1 , Address :3 r Of) /V18-v1171 ß~ ~'{4"t4.~ Id Date Tanks Removed }' - I - "if q Ca .i;~·..-~·.: .~~.... '~;;;'.' . .....~~/; ~~.; :',~¡., "~, ·~7~i··>~.· ìŸ'" :tne .2 '/3 I / S'1,.,:~;~2' , Zip e:¡ 3!J'f)'K'''~?;i¿A~~~tet ' . . . . . . . . . ~o: ~t. T~~~;,': ~;;;;;¡i!'. . . . . · . . . ...... . . . . . ....... Section 2 .. To be filled out Èï contractor "decontaminating tank(s): --;_\H¿'. ..;,... ,...~;"...." . Tank "Decontamination" Contractor M ¡:J Ÿ'2 c. (.,( ~ 7i,)(;.-j:.., ~-~;~::~~{(~:::"',.' Address ? 1/00 -.A;'" --',.,....¡ Phone ,"~~iêi:l...;<,;J/' ''Î:~i,:r¡¡lit~·y;:;',:";-~,, , . ..:::> '7 ~ ell"'Yl V I .::;)"'¡'L...;' j ,.,. ,..." '·1!"·~:~:,;,,·:' ~ . .. .... . ,'j, '. £12 /ú¿~"'fi;"lcI ~;:J. Zip q3:3,¡/~<"jli}~!ir¡'Š'.~~f>:':':.:·;~::,_ ....;....:' . Authorized representative of contractor certifies by signing below that··,·· tank (s) have been decontaminated in accordance wi th Kern County Health Department requirements. Jerr,,- ? ~-d Signature ~ '. ~ ..... ", '-..;. C A l ~ I- C~ I ~ Ti tle '. ." ~ .. . r · . . . ..................... ............ Section 3 .. To be filled out and shmed Èï -ª1! authorized representative !tl. the , treatment, storage, ~ disposal facility accepting tank(s): Facility Name /In;r...~C~.47~ j?e;ct'C¿£'~ ~C , . ". 0' Address~<" J, 4//¿'¿¡'.e'é'A/ ~e I Phone' 1-?/yj7/J-{ð.D O~/Z) / ~/:;.~ Zip Ø7b/':':"':"'" . ' J " "'itt:>'i~ i\'!~" ~,4 ,~, ~ ft . ", ?;, . Date Tanks Rece ed":' :', ..: - ~'~ff : f:"':Û~~ ¡ Ih I~ No. of Tanks J '. ')' {' SIgnature ''HIe __~~_~~:"'.. ·~}.,;~riC;·L. · . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold in half and staple. (~,..._ .UUUD_.1 ¡:;n\ , ,::i,W6~: . .. :.~~:"~~ - , e e "ARY J, WICKS Agency Dlrecte>r (80S) 861.359;/ STEVE Mc.C;ALLEY Dlre¿tor RESOURCE ..::'.'.~~.:'~"""'" ~~¡,~';.~:.!~>.&.<... . .;¡..'. J~. ,)_...... . M :A:·;N¡·A~G e;M..:'E N T ~r ;'f!Æì~:\_·.~u:~,s~i(~~:\~ il"~ '.J~ It ~'t . .-,:---... _ }?t\ -i..~' .¡ D EP ART~Þ~\T.~9cf~·:.~~X!~q,~ ME NT AL tifð%~~·t~.~~R.~~~S '-:~~~¡'1' .' .. .....\.:f"-'..p ... ...."<~;.~. ';~j;j"": .;.' . ---:. ,.¡" 2700 '" SIreel. SuUe 300 Baker.lleld. CA 93301 Telephone (80S) 861-3636 Telecopler (80S) 861-3429 AGENCY PERMIT FOR PERr-.1ANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMßEB OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NA01E/ ADDRESS: O\\'NER(S) NAJ\1EI ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Pence AuLomated Fuels 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield, CA 93305 Pence Petroleum Co. 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 M.P. Vaccum Truck 3400 Manor Bakersfield, CA 93308 Phone: (805) 589-5620 License #549987 Phone: (805) 393 -1 J 51 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES Januarv 25, J <Ji-ì9 1. TANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCA TION APPROV AL DATE October 25, 1989 .1\. - . L 2( \ ~\:) f' \ ¡ " APPROVED BY .,...J0JJ\t\(\IC; AU.,,\'\',-, Q ,,:\' ~.: \- Turonda R. Crum pIer, .E.H.S. Hazardous MaLerials Specialist ...............................,.................. ....................... ............ POST 0 N P R EM IS ES ............. ......................... .................................... 1. CONDITIO:\S AS fOLLOWS: II is the respolJsibilily of the Permittee to obl;lin permits which m;¡y be required by olher regulatory :1gencies prior to beginning work. (i.e., City Fire :1 lid UuilJing [)q1;¡rlmellls) !'er11lillee must notifv the 11:IL;¡rùous Malcri;¡ls M;¡n;¡¡;CI11Cnl !'ro~Tam at (805) 861-3636 I\\'O workin ; d;¡ys prior to t;¡nk rel11ov;¡1 or ;¡l':lnuonment in p/;¡ce 10 -"['range for required inspeelious(s). T:1nk closure J.:¡ivilies must be per Kern Counl)' EnvironlJlenl:11 Heallh and Fire l)ep:1r1mcnl :1pproveu methods as described ill Handbook UT- 30. II is the cOlllr:lctl1r's rC':';ponsibilit)' IU know ;¡nd ;aJhere to alJ applie;¡blc l;¡\\~ regarding (he handling, Iransporlaliol1 or treatment o[ h;¡7.;¡rdolls l11;¡teri;¡ls. '['he lank removal con! rt\ctor must ht\ve a qualiCied company employee onsite supervising Ihe lank 1<:11IOV;11. The employee must h;¡vc t;¡nk remov:ll experience prior to working unsupervised. If :111)' conlr;¡c:ors olher Ih:1n those listed on permil ;¡nú permil :1pplie:1lion arc 10 be ulilizeú, prior approv;¡) must be gr;¡nled by the spcei.1 jq listed on the permit. [)cvi;¡lioll [rom Ihe submilletl ¡¡pplie;¡tion is nol ¡¡lIowed. Soil S:lmplillg: ;¡. Tank size less than or equal 10 1,000 gallons - ¡¡minimum of twos;¡l1Iplcs musI be retrieveú from beneath lhc cenler o[ Ihe t:lnk :II deplhs of ;¡pl'roxim;¡lcly 1\\'0 [eel :llId ~i:< [eel. b. Tank size grealer than 1,0001010,000 gallons - a minimull1 oCfoursamplcs must be relrieved one-third o[ the w:lY in from the cnus of ea..:h 1:1l1k at tlcplhs o[ approxim:ltc1y two feet allú six [eel. c. TRnk size greater Ihan 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six s:1mplcs musl be relrievcd on-Courth oC Ihe W;¡y ill from Ihc enú~ l>f each \;¡lIk :Inti bene:ll h the eenler o[ each I:lnk at depths o[ approxim;¡tcly two [eel and six feel. ., J. 4. 5. G. 7. Attachment E - . RESOURCE 2700 M Str..t, Suite 300 Baker.lleld. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 881-3636 Telecopler (805) 861·3429 GARY J. WIC:KS Agency Director (80S) 861·3502 STEVE McCAl.LEY Olrector ... .. ~., - .' :n: N T \~\ ' '~MENT AL . ,\\f! ' AGE N C y' PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1065-15 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAMEI ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAMEI ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Pence Automated Fuels 901 E. Truxtun Bakersfield" CA 93305 Pence Petroleum Co. 2700 Wear Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 M.P. Vaccum Truck 3400 Manor Bakersfield, CA 93308 Phone: (805) 589-5620 License #549987 Phone: (805) 393-1151 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES Januarv 25, 1989 1. TANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCA TION APPROVAL DATE October 25, 1989 APPROVED BY ~'h~(ç)2(\UJft,-\,Q,,· \Y.t:\l; Turonda R. crumpler,~ Hazardous Materials Specialist ..........,....................,...............,..................................... POS T ON PREMISES........ ............................ ......................... .....,....... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is thc responsibility of thc Permittee to obtain pcrmits which may be rcquired by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments) 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in placc to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activitics must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Firc Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT- 30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicablc laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must havc a qualificd company employee onsite supcrvising thc tank removal. The employee must have tank removal expericncc prior to Working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other Ihan those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listcd on the permit. Deviation from the submitted applicatiun is not allowcd. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center o[ the tank at depths of approximately two [eet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimul1! o[ [our samples must be rctrieved one-third o[ the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six [ect. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends o[ each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths o[ approximately two fect and six feet. ~ e" e PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1065-15 ADDENDUM 8. Soil Samplinlt (pipinlt area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of :¡ubstances that may have been stored within the tank. 10. The following timetable lists pre-and post-tank removal requirements: ,ACTIVITY DEADLINE Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program At least two weeks prior to closure Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of closure and sóil sampling Two working days Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program. Ail hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste No later than 5 working days for transportalion and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management Program No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performancc is eonsistcnt with permit requirements, applicable laws and sa[ety standards. The [ollowing guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations [or this department. 1. Job site sa[ety is one o[ our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are not permilled in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole, Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets arc never substit uted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors arc assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is rcsponsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible [or thcir post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyses documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an un~manageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. ' (oÄ~-/YS DATE AcccPte~ C___ TRC:cd crumpler\ l06S-15.pta KER!I cuum HEALT!! DEPAR. e i D/V/S/ON OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1700 FLOWER STREE'r, BAX£RSF I ELD, CA ~330$ INTERNAL lli ONLY: ~ ~;CG/. APPLICATION DAn PTA - A/c~j'-/~ , OP TAHJCS TO BE ABAHDON!D /Ò-/7-8,} 3 180$1 88/-3838 LENGTH OP PIPIIf( TO ABAHDON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY THIS APPLICATION IS POR ~ R£JtOVAL. OR 0 AAANOOHHENT UI PLACE PROJECT CONTACT 2: >0 :¡: 0 ~ 3 PACILITY /WCE < 0 n 10" ~ I_~ ~ - OWNER /PILL OUT ~ APPLICATIO> PER PACILITYI (RURAL LOCATIONS OHLYI "" ì (J')¥f 7-.:û:. s qOI ADDRESS ?-700 We-av sT E ~vJ(ìl/,^ N£AREST CROSS STREET EKs.t=/d Bet} Ie PRONE B~>'fld q33()8 <!or)5"p -.bC,)O < POo/t c, fe f/rl) I ~ I.Vwt. Cc <II TANK REMOVAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE M P lô¿'~ /yC/c;./( 31.{00 fV1~OV ßK~'fIJ t:!f330 '8 ufo 5) '3'13 - liS"" / PROPOSED PROJECT STARTINO DATE ICALIFORNIA LICENSE' ¡WORKER'S COMPENSATION' INSURU OcT;J..yt c:¡S"e; SI.{Cf187 WC.go47S-031.( /y;H1S /!-wtevlC a PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE ¡VIp Va <=UI.VYv1 Tyvc.-K '3I.{OO M~t ov f3 J¿: s:f I d '1 3] (J;j"" <8'05"") 3'13 - 1/6'/ WORKER'S COMPENSATION' INSURER PHONE We.. gO'i7s-03 i-{ "TÞêÞŸI.fj If WI (:vl C a <~oer )]'2e'f -j200 LABORATORY THAT WILL AHALYZE SAMPLES !ADDRESS PHONE Be i--;;¿.bs. .---- 4'-"'\ '-1/00 P¡eyc.( ao~ J BK~/d <go~)3"2.7- '19/1 (~/\ . % ceo 0_ ...... ::~ ",a:. "'0 z... oz u_ CHEMICAL COMPOSITICH OP MATERIALS STORED 2: o -'- <.. ~~ xa:. "'0 =... uz VOLUME G,(rtTO t/, (HTT) ...1.' 0 ð"(rt) CHEMICAL STORED 7~ $. D II ~ q';J Sa II/v. ,!,-S"IIM (IIOH-COMMERCIAL II.oIEI PI-< - vl'I/r; d ¡â')v 1;1 ¡.,. V Y1 ¡'~8d DATES STORED /q74 TO p~~T I q 7 '-I TO Y.J.¿ < e...{ . )Q7'( TO rJU'c...-._T . CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED '$ ~.J'tW' '> ?.-....-t ~ ;:;1........-( TO u ATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY CéJ!,'frr.-,1-;l Wa-T~ 5~...t/, £ArREST WATER WELL - OIV! DISTANCE AND, DESCRIBE TYPE IF WITHIN 600 PEET DEPTH TO OROUHDMATtR ,;L. ')- 0 -f- ì SOIL TYPE AT FACILITY TŸa (~A - Ptrn rI .4$5 OLl~ I -' <2: "'0 z_ ...... ~~ oct: ceO -10" >z z- oo¡ .:) ~ If ð -'- <.. ~~ <1)0 - ... ex PIPING '" Sa.-..e a. 11~ B.AS I S paR SO I L TYPE AND GROUHDWA TER DEPTH DI!T!RM I HAT I ON ""~ BTX E iw>d TP C16 DIIrL..~ IlNCLUD£ TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL COI(pAJiIES : 'P'-:;z.7; 2T Gt k...#'>1 ¡"'?eýÎnt>vt., T7J ffM f\ Þ,Tdv~C7 - ro IJ c £/{ ";J~",,/ éf'~ Tï . . .e!~ PROVIDE !/fPORMATTON REQUESTED ON REVERSE ~ Q! ~ ~ M!QM SUBMITTIIIa APPlICATION POR ~ · · TH I S PORM HAS BEI!H COICPLET!D UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO TIlE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE I S TRot AND CORRECT. SIGM.,V.. -G?rl-? {2~ TITLE v: (1 (p~.$ I dP--.,1 DATE /o-/O-?Cf ....__ .tn.nlO_" .n' ----.. C It-H... I. . e 4.1+- TI/ cJ . . _--1>, >p. " ~ "L tJ. ~ QtÐ~1 ~ l.!'} ð <:>0 7 3. -, '-'" 0, W lV ...., "", ". -, "'-" ...., " e 'OOIOI\G\MA\. R E C E ~ P -;- e PAGE . :~ I /13 S .~...,'.__._~..-._._--_._,----------_.__._--~_..._--_.-----.-.--.------.-.--.-.------------.----.---.-.-.----- ,;¡ In "'-PÍ\I :\t:.....¡ I( ·:.·llUN ;'/ ~LANNING ¿ JEVELOPMENT Invoice Nbr. Ty'pe:)f Order w ___.___._,_.___.~._·_,._.__.__-_._~._._..._._M__.__________..__._________._'..___._____.__.._._____~___.__..~___,_ ',~ ,~, S H :,: ~ (; I .:.:.- ~.~ -'.' ..- -'.- -..... :.J s t: (~:·\ììe (' -1 J~'739'-1 :~ --: 0 0 I :'I! -; ~3 t r~' ':7: ~ t 8akersfiela~ ::A 9330' ':805) 861-~~\51: \1P V.A.CUUM ...1 . r+ _._...__.___.________..,w·____._____...___.___._________"__._._._______._._~.__.~~_._.__._ '~tn ,3y IOrder :at.2 '_...:D ·C!··-'..../39 Sh~n :Jar>3 , ~) ,/ ~ 7 / 8 9 "Ii a "'erms NT " '-" ,.' . " _... .". _.. __ '.~ _. .." _ -_ _.... .w _ 'h' ..k ~.. _" .... _. . .... ~.. .... '_~ .... ~.. '" ~.. .._ _... ._ .. _ ._ -" _w 'n _ _. __ ..... _ ... __ ...-- ..... __._ '... ..,. _. ." __. ..... ._. _ _~ _ .~. __ .__ ..... ~_ ~._ "N' _. ...~ _ _ ¡OO.GO ~.;·s~.o;:: C :-' - ::. -: .... ::- '-1 - . " . ' ~ :=,'. ~..- u , . '... ,~ '. :-: .~ N 1\ ; '.' '-_ :·~;u ('3!î tit V , 'j' .~~. ). P ;- 'i c e \-~ jì ì ~ ,)i sc :'JC.JG ': .-, .- '~ :" :1 c a ¡ ':"mount ::)ue ,:;:- a \/ m e·n .~_: ,~-!!.5! c...? L" 'y: :~ h ec I.., -, ' ;c-:a¡ ..j .... : 00. 'J 0 I ·~ì .-~ - ,-. . __, '.' ~ '......,.J ...... "...j:':;' ~ ..~ "'1" -. .. ..-.. ,.... ...- ~, ..... .~, - -- '- .(.. ~~ ",-' '.~'. '. ... . .' - ',::: ":,". ,', e R ,. , = :::",: \: ~;~: r,! ~ ".' ~,;,_ ..:'¡'J N :' ~ ~ .......,., " .., \; .,.' ':: 'I: .:::-;d:-'\e;'sf<~ U ,..., r..- . J V~:) ; ~f Cr"', ;. ¡'" f~: ~ ~'" ,;:, y' ......;... , 'OOR OI~®~~&fb ^' .... r :3 :.:; , ........ f .- _ .;) _,I ,_1 \... ',;:;: 'F', ..... .... -' . ~.. ',.-). -. _" __ (. c_ '_ ~ ...' '\'1 t:.;'~ ! -- ~ " e . (¡ \1 (:;; :¡' C e )\1 b ¡-, ~ y ~) e ....' ¡ :::I! ,(~ e ï' .~:~-A ~NV:ROt~MENTAL CONS. " ~... .. .., '. -¡.\~ .... '.= / r\ ,-, ...:. i / ':J~' ...~..... I.~ '- '.,'.. '~" ;j '.' :".12 "'.; \'t ..¡ . ' _ ~ ..... , ...J".) -= -' ._\ ':. - .;"r:¡oun ~ :Jw~ .' ,~L:.t::' :';V ..,,·1ç:\.-,l'" s.:. ?AGE '1 .... r-. ,-.."\ I,;' 0:) ,') w "~ f'n'~S "I~ i\1 ' 'J.,.::¡ ! - ~.' ",.) "") '-. .- l', ...... :- .;:.¿;:) -. ,", ~ ~ _. '-, -I '.' It It ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PETROLEUM m'X(I'PH GASOLINE Q.lality Control DatE!. J1P VacuUIn 3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Spike ID: 8754-13 Analysis Date: 09-Nov-89 Sample Matrix: Soil Units: ug/g (~ali ty Control for Lab Nos: 8664-1, 8664-2, 8664-3, 8664-4, 8664-8 8664-10, 8664-13 One sample in twenty is selected as a representative rratrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relative ræa.sure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike ~i th a duplicate spike is a rreasure of the relative precision of the analysis. Constituent Cone. Cone. in Spike Added to Sample Spike Spike % Rec Dup Spike % Rec: Spike RPD -------------------------------------------------------------------- &mzene 0.00 5.02 92.14 90.85 1. 41 Toluene 0.00 5.16 93.30 93.75 0.48 Ethyl Benzene 0.00 5.01 91.69 92.48 0.86 p- X.V lene 0.00 5.06 90.54 89.60 1. 04 m-Xylene 0.00 5.01 94.40 94.24 0.17 a-Xylene 0.00 5.00 90.12 93.90 4.11 TPH Gas 0.00 301.06 97.52 99.05 1. ::,6 OC Comments: Spiked Sample Concentration - Sample Concentration ~:; Recovery - -------------------------------------------------- X 100 (Concentration of Spike) RPD (Relative Percent Difference) = Spiked Sample Cone. - Spiked Duplicate Sample Cone. ----------------------------------------------------- X 100 (Average Cone. of Spikes) '7\J,.........__'-___.L.. T"'\ e e ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICÃL ,ANALYSIS PETROLEUM BTX/TPH GASOLINE QJ.ali ty Control Data MP Vacuum 3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Spike ID: 8754-1 Analysis Date: 08-Nov-89 Sample Matrix: Soil Units: ug/g Quality Control for Lab Nos: 8664-11, 8664-12, 8664-14, 8664-15, 8664-16 One sample in twenty is selected as a representative rratrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relative rrJE:asure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a measure of the relative precision of the ,3.nalysis. Constituent Cone. Cone. in Spike Added to Sarr.rple Spike Spike % Rec Dup Spike % Ree Spike RPD .-------------------------------------------------------------------- Benzene 0.00 5.02 96.71 97.91 1.23 Toluene 0.00 5.16 101.81 103.30 1.45 Ethy 1 Benzene 0.00 5.01 106.40 106.87 0.44 p-Xylene 0.00 5.06 105.08 104.50 0.55 m-Xylene 0.00 5.01 109.91 109.83 0.07 o-Xylene 0.00 5.00 108.25 107.92 0.31 TPH Gas 0.00 301.06 93.29 91.23 2.23 ~;ç Comments: Spiked Sample Concentration - Sample Concentration ~; Recovery = -------------------------------------------------- X 100 (Concentration of Spike) RPD (Relative Percent Difference) = Spiked Sample Cone. - Spiked Duplicate Sample Cone. ----------------------------------------------------- X 100 (Average Cone. of Spikes) 1\ +- +- ~,.. '10.......... +- 'n e e ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327·4911 Bl'X/I'PH GASOLINE Quali ty Control Dat3. MP Vacuum .3400 W. Manor Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Spike ID: 8529-2 Analysis Date: 06-Nov-89 Sample Matrix: Soil Units: ug/g Quality Control for Lab Nos: 8664-5, 8664-6, 8664-7, 8664-9 One sample in twenty is selected as a representative matrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (~{; Rec) of the spike is a relative rr:easure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike wi th a duplicate spike is a rr:easure of the relative precision of the analysis. Constituent Cone. Cone. in Spike Added to Sample Spike Spike ~~ Rec fup Spike % Rec Spike RPD -------------------------------------------------------------------- :Benzene 0.00 5.02 94.68 94.39 0..31 Toluene 0.00 5.16 100.93 99.88 1. 05 Ethy 1 Benzene 0.00 5.01 117.11 105.49 10.44 p-Xylene 0.00 5.06 114.05 114.21 0.14 m-Xylene 0.00 5.01 108.78 11 0 . 03 1.14 o-Xylene 0.00 5.00 101.10 96.74 4.41 'I'PH Gas 0.00 301.06 99.57 95.00 4.70 QC Corrlænts: Spiked Sær~le Cc~centration - Sample Concentration ~~; Recovery - -------------------------------------------------- X 100 (Concentration of Spike) BPD (Relative Percent Difference) - Spiked Sample Cone. - Spiked Duplicate SaIl/ple Cone. ----------------------------------------------------- X 100 (Average Cone. of Spikes) Attachment: D <Ill n_ _....___._'.____._... '.... .._. u·'_·_.·_· ._.__.. _ __.__._.._._____._____ .----------.-.-...~.-.,-..-.. 1700 Flower S\1eel KER~UUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEAL1tI OFF1CER Bak~"nc1d. Canrornla 93305 ' Leon M Heb.:tson, M.D. , Telephone (aoS) 861..3636 ENV1RONMENl).L HEALni DIVISION --- DIRECTOR OF ENV¡'~NMEHTAL HEAL1tI Vernon S. Reichard p~q- AvTUWld.ko"· Fuv/~ Kern County Permit # ci 11 ty Name A If) t,S". IS- . .... . " dress qo l E. TyvxT~' ßdfe~ñe .l-l * * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD 0 * This form is to be returned to the Kern County Heal th Department ,d thin 11 days of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. The holder of the permit with number noted above is responsible for insuring that this for~ is completed and ·returned. ............................ .... . . . . . . . . . . . , :ction 2 - 1'0 be filled out ÈY tank removal contractor: Tank Removal Contractor: /11 P rJ¡:¡ L u. ~ /vI..) c.. /::.... Address 3 i 0 () /'V1 ~ 0"1 ,-7 j..- ...L' j.' / /..:; 'd ,co 't-< ( / ~ a é8 Phone I ~ 93 / I S/ Zip q 33 t:) If' 1\0. of Tanks 3 Date Tanks Removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·ct1on ~ - JO be filled out ÈY contractor "dccont~rninatin~ tênk(s): Tank "DccontaÞ1ination" Contractor /"/1 ¡:J ¡/ ç:J c. u.. ~ Ii- v c.. l:- t 373 / /S-/ '733 0 ;>? slrrning below that ](ern County Heal th S '-I 00 ¡-Y1~ o-i Phone ß 2/Ú2.~ï7C' lei Cd. Zip ^uthorized representative of contractor certjfi~s by tank (s) have been decontal!\inated in accordance Hi th DepartDent requirements. ~-~/~/ .~ /"'___--,' //:-/ /-:.>:::::.---___u... ,~ ,;Y"" , . - Signature '-. ^ddress --: :';'j -' , ' /,. ... .' - .- / Title ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . ~ct1on ~ - .To be filled out and slJ;ned .Qy 2.!l authorized representative .£f. the , ~treatmc'nt, storage, or disposal fac1ljt~ accepting tank(s): Fac1li ty Nmae ^ddrcss Phone :: Date Tanks Received Signature ,- , -. . :!~~~:;,:~.~ '.-: .' .. . - Zip 1\0. of Tanks 1'it 1 e (Authorized Representative) ......... ...................... . * * }~ILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold in half and staple. -:'nrm :!HMMP-1~n' Attachment E e , ,," ...,' ",+é4.fA k-) 10,. I c¡ Clot{ . ~~~ (c. ¿¡OZ./ 2:~Dept.h:, .6 ~O 10, OO~ ~':-:Inche5:l Gallon Gallon , '}/f~,"~f~~:t/ . h:,··..·\~lt~·,··:·:.· ·'f~*~~~¡\ ",;:4':. ' ·:·'/:·:qS . "::.:~:' " 6 ríËi,?~>,¡ ..,.K..::J.,lO.",.;.,'.., ·.;&¥ibll ~;t>: - -,' (,j'''fr~'J'!' !.- .1.,..... : ~~~{'12 ~(V/} ",:i{g~~~13t'¡jfK 'ii!ì{\=~14&~W :~(.,;:-~~~ "-' ~~~~:i :"~ill,Sì!t),Y"1' ,....:'~' ..fii' t'6~"~;~;.'; .\ (/ iif1; 7'Y.t.:\ ....... \"""·f· , ....\:.. .... ;.~i,;.~~:~~ ..~~. :,¡;',;:"!' df·.;"l a i·,," , ~;e~~rf;19'~.:;:;::··: : '~·":·20··;" ~Î$n~j ,~;~*~'2 3'~f:, :,; - ·'··..:;<So ~r..\~· . ,,·;i:?}~2 4'~~~ "5F1r.1tf-2 5~.~1:! ""~,",=t:..,r<1 :~~;¡,~~2 6;,~*:.\~ ;,..,; °'&"21, ,;". ,':: ifl~nr _ 33': , . ':<,34,'-:;: ',,', ".!~' ~ (·36:,:·, , ,'3 7~'~:~' q38 .' 39 ,40.' '1-1"," 42 ' "~ 3.,~: ,:..,.,44:}:i;· ·;~~~,Ii;~ .'.:', . 12 33 60 92 128 168 211 257 305 35ó 410 465 523 582 644 706 771 837 904 973 1043 1114 1187 1260 1335 1410 1486 1564 1642 1720 1800 1880 1961 2042 2124 2207 2289 2373 2:1 S Ó 2S.¡U 2622 2709 2793 2878 2963 3048 3133 3218 19 54 98 151 210 275 345 420 500 584 671 762 856 954 1054 1157 1262 1371 1481 1594 1708 1825 1943 2064 218,6 2309 2434 2561 2689 2818 2948 307~) 3212 3345 3479 3614 3749 3886 \ (1 2 :) .j 160 .; 29:) ~'¡:S6 ~S7S .¡ 11 :s .; 353 'q992 51'::'1 5271 Depth Inches e . -.--..... 6,000 Gallon ·10,000. -, Gallon :¡9 50 51 52 53 54 5S 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 31 0') v... 83 84 85 :) () S7 88 S9 ~) 0 01 02 03 94 95 3304 5410 3389 5549 3474 5689 3558 5827, 3643 5966 3730 6108 3812 6242 3896 6380 3979 , 9517 4062 :.' ' "'6653 ,',', ' 1 4145":';',6788 422 gOt;> <, ;6923 . 4310',:~;?~:jl:" , ~7058 4391~t1~,?:t1191 i " ':44 7 2'~:~:li~;';' r7 3 23 ' 4552 :', " , '7454 4631':' <.'·,:~S84 : ~;~.Æ:~~:,~,:,:,e~¡t~.'. '4865,,&,·,~¡..,,-,}7968 ' , 494i}"'~' '~"(?8093": .~~~i; ."~m~ ::'.> 5s 12 ~ 57\,!~~Sir~y;/:fr: 54 57 97:'. "' . J :.~ç.~""'-(1'~~" ",:~. -' ' ."" 5309"'::<::<':'8694 .' 5 379 ,H,;';:':: ',' , '8809 5'447 ::t::~:,:' '8921' . t;:. .... .' '5515 ~~":::'9' 032 '." ,;,\ '.;' .\ , .. ''.; 5581;~:;'?: "'9140' 5645' ':9245 , 5708 9348 5770 9449 58299546 58869640 5942 9731 5995 9818 6046 9902 6 0 9 5 9,9 8 2 6141 10057 6184 10127 6224 10192 6260 10252 6292 10304 6319 10349 6340 10383 6352 10402 (Jíio~ . . " '. ..-.-i;>-" ":",-STORAGØ~ ". ·.·;~~~i:i!~~r~7;~-~------7-7.--~--- PENCE:> AUTOMATED·'··PUELS 902 EAST :·18TS- STRBBT;" . BAKERSPIELD., CA TANK # 901,902 904 AGB{IN-·YRU 8 8 SUBSTANCE CODE ¿"'" MVP3 MVF 3 NOTE: NON-TRANSFERABLE *** DATE PERMIT MAILED: JUL 2 1 1986 DATE PERMIT CHOCK LIST RETURNED: POOR OR~eft~k1D " -.. .. "';' ," Facili ty l1::Nc~ ,4V1Z'MArG'O e e PERMIT CHECKLIST ¡::.,€(,.~ Permit # /S"o02'7 c This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to K"CHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 :days of receipt. Check: Yes x 'f. X ~ ....L i y. ~ l í ,... No A. The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit. Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements. Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes. Equipmen~ Lists and Return Envelope. i~- 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-ID. 3) The Following Forms: "'-:.=--.. ~ ('":. "~ -1 -~:- .-~ '~D a) Inventory Recordlnr. Sheet " ;!l,,;r.¡'''w '.'-" ..\.1 ~ 1 I b) Inventory Recording Sheet with summai~on reverse ~ c) Trend Analysis Worksheet -- .L\Ijf" 1 ¡~ 1986 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) ,Q ~ , -'-N C""~ ",.¡¡ t (1¡;,r....H'!.2É.E!~ B. I have examined the information on mÿ"\:.Kf-nr-eruím -P'eriilït. Phase I Monitoring Requirements. and Information Sheet (~greement between Owner and o~rator). and find owner I s name and address. facil Lty name and address. operator I s name and address. substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following ~uired equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked. attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical. one chart wi 11 suffice; label chart (s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10. all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 3D days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman _if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter CaUbration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in Handbook #UT-IO. Date Started 4-/ - <:{(¡;7 ~// 11 ð C\? Signature ot· Person Completing Checklist: ~ cr f~ Title: L/¡¿-c. 1~{7.J1?(PA.t ~ Date: f"-¡!)-S0 2700 M sa,.. 8Ikenf¡eld. Califarnï. M.iling :utd.....: 1415 Trux1tun Avenue 8Ikersfield. Californï. 93301 18051861·3638 eN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTIV e ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HUL TH OFFlcø Leon M H~ M.P. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Rek:Mrd ;11.W.ii= 60'17-1$ MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MONITORING WELL(S) PERMIT OWNER'S NAME: Charles Pence DATE: 2-23-89 FACILITY NAME: Pence Petro leum FACI UTY LOCATION: 920 E. Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA DRILLING METHOD: 'J:lQ.JJ..cr.0-~ 9JJ§fL CONTRACTOR: Don I s Dr i 11 inq TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S) test hole to first 'lround ~'iatCõr U CENSE ": 2 8 0 9 51 NUMBER OF WEl.LS REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: one GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: ,. Well site approval is reouired before beginning any work related to weil construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is reouired unless insDection is waived or comDieted. 2. Other reouireo inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office is reouired on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 5. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with reouired Permit Conaitions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a 'Stop Work Order. ' õ. A coPy of the Department of Water Resources Dri 11 er' s Report as well as copies of logs anO water oua 1 ity ana 1yses must be submitted to tne Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. 7. A \lie 1 1 destruction appìication must ~ filed with this Department if a well is being destroyea that is not in conjunction with a test hole cermit. a. The cermit is void on the ninetieth (90) calencar day after date of issuance if work has not been started and resonable progress towarD compietion mace. Fees are not refunoable nor transferable. 9. I have read and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted above. Special Conditions: 1. Approved Annular Seal Depth , This permit must be signed by either the contractor or owner. // d ,:'/ -'I A- ,/" I.' ~ 10//' ¡ '-A~ - y. _.-Þ/'- " CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE I OWNER'S SIGNATURE , PERMIT A,?ED BY: ;. DATE:, _;7)/ / ! ./' tiT. ~ ~r1 Z'¿//:; c _ c.. // ,..' / / // DATE DISTRICT OFFICES FEB 17 '89 09:21 t .. .>Þ' ~ P·.3 ' ' , "~', e ~ \ CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION }RILUNG METHOO_Jlollòt..J ~'+tl' A )1ð~ ~elL = 1.. WELL 1% WELL # WELL ~..__ . -ELL ~EprH. ~ ð fill-sf ~JAh(. :~?~~ ·a ~~J~~~~A7~~ : , : ' ",OwN VI'J L.Jc:,j,.. ¡ ! I ------- ¡ROUND ËL;~ ~ T;:N .L1G _______ ~~o'...¡ N "~R~' , - ", ..---c¡ ,¿;¡ ;'; t.:--,¡L..~.:..~::_;±.:.....-__.t-a'5' "S!\¡G :", E-~- + I, ¡I, ..." ' .. .~~ '.. <'t E. d ..~ f.. / N C C4 ~ I Nr:¡ _"_d',' _.. ...__",... , . "\'I~~ ; .' I, .~ .. .' r.J~ I ~I/Þ Ci;~£",4 ß...,..rlO~lh l'tIptf,¡e.J.. ftJ@OR œs~ §~ßfL ~ : ; '.r: : .'" ,. ..),: -: ---------. .'..,'~~:, " " ,. 't .' ..... ~~_.._- ~ .. .. . ~ .. - - .. ... . - .. _W.... ~ . . ------------- ..... '.\:.:. ~ -- ..:\ ~ ~ . --- .. . .... ,- rJt.. ( 4 I I rJltJ.. INþ t~, I 1 . I I ! ¡ I ~ .. ···~');~~3 :::~'.-. . ~ T ~: : ~ , . ._---~_.. - .-- .., -.... .. , ~ " .~ .- ......-.--. ~:.~~~~, ~.::"':~T ·~ET~ )0 .SL~_~A~ ~~~KA8L; ----. Prov1de a descr1ption of t~e facility to be monitor.d. Incìudé: 1ocat1on of tank., oroooied monitoring and elac.mlnt. ~¡ar;lt street or 1nters9ct1onþ location of any -ater. weììs or surface waters ~1Ch1n a 500' raaius of facility. le... attacn. P~oYide is detailed drawing of w811(s). !nclude: d'øtl'! of well. cuino 1.nqt¡', icrøln/filtlr oack length. annuiar 5eaiants. and weil cao. Note any irreguiariti... Pìeue aCuch. :JN€ G~ :~;r; v,;'/C€ - Pl'ovide mathematical ca1culations that determine tne zone of influence for the iOn , :OR VAQOSi~:ÑE ~ElLS at each site taking into account the monitoring method being used. Pl,a" attach. I , ~OTE: .. tn1s aooi·cat1on 19 not compìete it wiì1 be returneå. :~CILiTV OLD; PLAN - ~:~~ :!MENS!C\3 - ---_...._.~._- 2700 M It,.. Ilk.,.,."", Callf...ft. MaUl", ,Add...., 14111 TN.tun Avenue Bak....letd. Cllltamla .., 11011101... ,( 04/()'{..J I () j , 4t' ~CtítÚ/J ~ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT tf<# ß5~e per t4'..:.~ <:- ...<--!j f"EB'Tr ':39 '09: 20 "-' ..~~ ~\\ INVIIIIONMINTAL HeAL TM OIVIlION H"TH O"'CIII Leon II Hili..... M.D. ~A+ARDOUS MATERIALS '~NAGEM!NT PROGRAM . ¡Î-¡¿I:;d;'-: -,. . _ , . ¡il '\ - ( '1 . -__ jI'--\-. 11/-.-- ilt. '-, .,........,..',- /, s- ~"I. '-- '..{ -:I'''I\"rr'rt1~1' <; '¡. \"-::' I~Y '-':/ - ~. \'; \~\ ~i -,'( '- . I. . I~I I ,. . .... ¡- , ~ : " t- _I~I ~\I:""¡" ,-.:C-. I- '~ /\\! 1~2>-?~-' w\,,~~~í~~1 ':;::~-'-- l¡f.' . \\ \ .\ , ilt" ··'·~~?~,;~;¿1!./!!1t.1. ." OIAICTO" 0' INVtIlOMMIN'rAL HIAL TH v....... .. lIIeIaMrd ' 10NITaRr~G WELL APPLICATION PöOR ORIG~OO£~ ~E ;)41: ,,:~ , \ -.- ------=------ I/O ( ) CT ~µ!t\i(t ,~- ·,t 'f Jl!J f{1 APN: 0 I:¡" - / to - () ~ - ('JO -!i.. , ,,:;, ".E, ~~~ PL~~ol~~ HOME PHONE NO. . ,,-:;;_ ~ -fr¡/Ã_.~ _~llcJ~ WOR~ PHONE J~o·tieS'#S"&"f ~S'~Z.º__ -- 4.S ,£_C4. 2.' 0 'IS' , ,'i" :om"~ ~ ~ ~~'ï ~ .0..- P..'11,", LICENSf NO, CS¡- t¥?~ ..~_~.- ~(}~r:~ ~~_.,i~ ~~ ~ ~t~ljG~ro~~? 6~o~~P~~V~~T"Ttr~Ë51Ø~ 1or--- . .., ·ci¡¡'.,0N;~ÁC;;' /),J!. E A/1/.i"''''''''''¡'/ ('"",4.1, :[", LICENSE NO. ~ I?ð~ ':'~, 11030 µ¿'/L ~oc.t ~ PHONE NO., 1/ - 3f - ~ __ ~IJ¡oJc¡';a Cc,<d/ (.\¡q ¡tI..!l.S.1. ':10 - ON þ.PPROVm y , u .,':-:: ;/: ß.R/.4Æl ):'~7.s('N7 C/I. Rl:.f- (ho/~rs¡ ReGIST~ATlo.~ II: 2303 . ,--- . :"C... O:RfCT:C~ ;>E~FOR"'eO BY:., ßt<'AtJ k~o_~4-- REGISTRATíí)A II: 7 303 2 ? S ,2 g£ SEC. 2 ~ ~o ACRE sue .._!:J.{dY'! LJ/ ~E' te¡ ð /' filt.J ~ ø I' SE' f/t¡ . ~:. , ,,'t: CAI..fØ"-,. t, ~a~trl. 1'~~.~ktf:~ft~J to (04./.'..",,&_ R..,,;J_~ 5'i rosj jAb:. U"'¡,,,oj Ave. '1."'/ ,____.._.--&ddhj~xto.J ALI~ 'A\ (',~~_"_~-t~L~ __W&"~ ,S-tud. , ---,-,_ II\OU:;~ :. -.\ ~- ~/-?~ I S'f '\'r ~ -. ____._.. _~H_'_"'_.___.__ y,c ..~ :::.¡~ .'.: ~ERMIT: :f~~~~~J:iÞ~t;~".;ðtrn~~t ,e!._!.~~ittld to :r.a Hulth Oeoartment .!!.J.!!at 10 wOI'KinQ davs ør101" ~tMEI ~91' s~,e ðDorovðl is reQuired before b.~innin9 any work re1aCed to ~ej1 cOnstruction. It is lawful to cont~'ue work ~ast thl Itagl at wn1ch an ¡nsoeccion is rlou1reQ unless 1nsoact1on is wa1ved or comp1ettG. .. Jt~e~ re~uirea inSCBct~ons incì~de: conåuctor cas~n9. aiì annuiar ilais. an: finaì construction features. '. A onena ca11 to tne 0eoðrtment offica is reauirea on the morn1no of thl dev tr.ðt work is to commenc. ana 24 r,ours ~e·ore t~e p~iicemenc of any saais ::r p1ugs. . , 5. Con5tl'ucC1on ûnder this PermH: is subject co ðny instructions by Oeoal"tmiM reOl'81ilntativls. 6. Any miSl".or'l.ntat~cn or non-como11Ðnce with reauired Permit Conditions. or Crd~nðnce wi" ~e9ult 1n i5s~anc. of 4 'StQ~ wor~ Order." A coo, of ~M9 ûepartment of Water Resources Driller's RIPort as .111 as copies of 1001 ana ~ater Quality ~n=:viai must be sucm~ttec to tht ~ealth Olcartment with1n 14 days after comølet1on of (he worx. a. A..~; 7 ~eH!"'uct'io/'t appi 1cðtion must be f'lìøø w1th tì1is Department if ii well is beil\9 a8stroyea t"at 1; not In ':~~'.' ~':,. ..,~/'! ð test ."1018 permit. .. -·e :é' 1;" : 'Ioio on tt'le ninetieth (90) caierlcar day attar dau of 1uuance if work M!i not baan starttO "nç -',hCr,'" If: O"'CQI"SSS toward comeìeticn iftlal. Fe.s are nat rafundllolø nQr rr"nihr..blA. '~.: ~~e ^u~~ '~~ come1v with eM. Genera) Ccndit1on¡ noced ~bove. ¿k~~~ r-- ...t.,'d:~'" f - _, ""..,.. .1 I"!!' ^.,.~ M"ITIH""I\D'C: ~T¡: IJAT!JOI: nAT~ e , ',' ... +tÁfA!r-s 1t¿IQc¡oL{ . .f.¿.(,. (c. 10Z/ ,::')I1ep'th:, 6~0 10,OO~ ,/ò:-:InchesL Gallon Gallon :~"'~f~1i¿ H H "::4': 92 151 <:;'5' 128 210 '.",\',6 168 275 ';.;;:, :, 7 . 2 11 3 4 5 .':.::; 8 ::.',., 25 7 4 20 '. !.~~... \" . ~~',;'.. I :::~ß.i.i;~ :g'~!K:!:! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n~r:ll~;'~' ',',' 410 6 71 111~s!l, 46~ ~48 ~42 n L ~.' l(!Ji~1 ~,\' " ,;¿;.~.~.~,1·r": ,', "'~~,\'!'416'..",'!'~··:>' 7 0 6 115 7 ! {~~ f"~' . ..,.. 'T:,~':~,' .:! ;~r.yt1ii, 7 .~::':<~ 771 1262 837 1371 904 1481 973 1594 1043 1708 1114 1825 1187 1943 1260 2064 "¥':;';~;¡¡2 S'~~f¡:\ 1335 218. 6 .::.,;;~'þ--: . ·.;~~"~r.~1 "'i~' '¡.i"26~~'~:·'''' 1410 2309 1486 2434 1564 2561 1642 2689 1720 2818 1800 2948 1880 307~1 1961 3212 2042 3345 , J5'"'Z" 21 2 4 3 4 7 9 ',\i;:~ ~-~:.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "38 2 3 7 3 :S 8 86 3 9 . 2 4 S Ô ,1 () 2 :) ,40.', 2540 ·lIGO 41, : 2622 4294 42' 2709 4436 , .' ::,.~ ¡'::~~;'J" ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ " 4 5" " 2 9 G 3 :~ S 5 3 ;!,~1~~~; ~~~~ ~i~i '··~~~1.;~~~,tJ;'~~';f:: 3218 527 1 ",: ~/ Depth Inches e 6,000 Gallon '10 ,000 . Gallon 49 50 51 52 S3 S4 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Q') v... 83 84 85 t)(j 87 88 89 ~) () :.11 l' .., ':J¿ 03 94 95 3304 5410 3389 5549 3474 5689 3558 5827 3643 5966 3730 6108 3812 6242 3896 6380 3979 , " ,6517 4062;· " ' , '6653 414 5,.,;~ 788 . :m;~!~", gm 4391"if~i")J>:"'" F191 4 4 72~~~?';."'~32 3 4 5 5 2 " '745 4 4631 "'·,:;'584 4710"::,,, þ714, 4788;:,:,;,:" 17841., 4865:';~j~.~~~~,:;:~;.JJ968 , ' , 49 4 2',:,:,~~ìi;:~::,:a 0 93, ',' , , 5 Q,l7../1J!i ?r:~8 Z 16,' .: Q ,2;~i ;.ì.~3'38¡}' . ,·.5 9 ::,~r..iJ!.~ .:Jt.....,Æ ..J ' ,,", 5 16'5 ';/t.;,. .f,~~~;f.8459 ' ,'. ·.,:·\·,:,·,.:!..·:;.:S~"·',1 ' ' 5 2 3 i·;á~~i~/:'{ rs 577" 5' 30 9':r<\:\~:'!86 9 4" 5 379 ,,;:," '.' , '88 0 9 5447:X:.: 8921 5 5 1 5 ~~. ,,': ,.,90 32 ,/' 5 581'\~"::' "9140' 5645 " "'9245 5708 9348 5770 9449 5829 9546 58869640 5942 9731 5995 9818 6046 9902 6095 9982 6141 10057 6184 10127 6224 10192 6260 10252 6292 10304 6319 10349 6340 10383 6352 10402 .' ( · ,- Ie (~RN COUNTY HEALT~"UEPARTMEr... . . HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertaon, M.D. 1700 FIo\!ler Street Bakersfield, C illfomla 93305 Telephone (BOO) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INTERIM" PERMI T TO OPERATE: UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS. SUBSTANCES' STORAGE FACILITY DIRECTOR-OF ENVlRONMENW.-HEALTH . Vèrnoß S. 'ReICh8rd . , ' , ,P E:R.MI,T~1~ 5; (;) 02 9 C -. ~ : - ".', ( . ,"" ,..' ' '. . ,.: .. . : ." , -'I\si S u :e::D~': .'. JqLY 1, 1986 E.XPI R'ES: .:. ,JUL¥ 1, 1989 . . .."' .' NUMBER 'OF' T~NKS~ ',3' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- . .,' ~. - FACII1ITY: PENCE AUTOMATED FUELS 902 EAST 18TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA OWNER:, \' , CHARLES~ENCE'·COMPAN.Y . 920 EAST TRUXTUN AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305' ' -----.----------------------------------------------------------------- TANK # 901,902 904 AGE (IN YR!li 8 8 SUBSTANCE CODE MVF 3 MVF 3 PRESSURIZED PIPING? YES YES NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMRNTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING. AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON-TRANSFERABLE *** POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAILED: JUL 2 1 1986 DATE PERMIT CHÐ2K LIST RETURNED: e '..,,' ':..,,' ,,-~, fA~) 1¡¿1(jC¡O{ . .i~<-- (c. '102./ ~\~Depth:; .6 ~O 10 1000;----- få':-::Indies:l Gallon Gallon ,~. ,..,..,"~ ,,'.:~ ~tft~¡:;' H H ":':4": 92 151 :·\.t'.:~' î~~ ~~~ :lllji !II m '''i:t&'~~':,'l'3',ù;''~,:'r 5 2 3 856 ',¡,J.I.£'!""'~ .:-......~.¡... ';1ãfx::14~h4.~~ 582 954 ~~.'~'~~~~:~ -' ·ti;iJ "J,~;¡lS!£J.:U';' 644 1054 .~¡7~'¡§ll6~:'i;f~t; 770761 1112 56 72 ".;, "...(, '1····,'".. ,.. ·~......1 ..;s. " . .¡. ,..~)~.;.: 18·r:"~:· 8 3 7 .1371 '~~i:~¡!~'l g:~R):;' 90 4 1 48 1 .~-: 20··.. 9 73 1 5 9 4 :f~~~,21f~i} 1043 1708 :::~~~li.2 2 é':(_';,~, 1114 1 8 2 5 ;~'~\~23}:ë;', 1187 1943 '~~~~;~2 4·t1~~~> 12 6 0 2 0 6 4 '<it<m.·'2 S~1~i 1335 2186 l~'~~"" ~~'"::)' 1 jJ:;,.,~1:2 6%.';~t:~~ 1410 2 30 9 "'1';(-w":'27"':';': 1486 2434 .' !,'~:~ '::~"'l~, /:j~,:;t2 8,>:~ ; 15 64 25 61 u~~1iFi m~ ~m ,_"33':, 1961 3212 '>3 4 .-:;:: ' 2 0 4 2 3 34 5 3"~" 2124 3479 ': ('3 6::, 2 2 0 7 36 1 4 , ·37~,~J- 2289 3749 38"'" 2373 :5886 39 24~t:)102:') 40.' 41'" .42 . , 43,::".' , '..,44,::::.(:' ,.,:.' ,'::: ',." <};f,~éllJ.,' Oepth Inches e . -.---.-.. 6,000 Gallon ·10,000. .. Gallon 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 S9 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 7S 76 77 78 79 80 81 Q') vi.o 83 84 85 s () '07 88 S9 25~c) ,i 160 2622 ,129 '1 2709 4436 2793 Ý S 7 S 2878 ") 71 :s 2963 ;¡ S 53 3048 '4992 3133 5r~1 3218 5271 ~} C :J 1 l' ì ~~ 03 94 95 3304 5410 3389 5549 3474 5689 3558 5827' 3643 5966 3730 6108 3812 6242 3896 6380 3979 , p517 4062 :,,' "'6653 " ~ 4145,:..,¡: ,(>788 4228,'<;::;[ ,', :6923 . 4310:,;~;~~:'l7058 " , 4 3 91:è;:;"~1f(~:>: b191 !' . ':4 4 7 2 '~"..:,!,';:'" r..7 3 2 3 ' ',.,. ',' -. .. , 4552:: ':., ':7454 4631\';-' ',: ~S84 4710>;:"::I")Z714,:" 4 78 8 ':\<f::~~,.,:', ·,',P84I <,,'. , 4865}~~5~j~,(!:.>tI968·: , 494ft:~. #~~A8093'; ~m,t ~ . ,~lm~J 5 16S":JA.:::(i::;~,r~8459", 5 2 3 7:-<"8Jâ;,o ,L:R 5 7 7 ,. . '1~~~·;r:~~~'··J·-.t: ',' 5309 ',.,:;:f··,' '8694 " 5379 ;,.:,:,;', ' ' 'SS 0 9 5447 K::,::' 8921 "551 5 .~t·::·,90 32 >' " ': 5 581;~:".;::9140· 5 6 4 5 " ':'92 45 5708 9348 5770 9449 5829 9546 S 8869640 5942 9731 5995 9818 6046 9902 6 0 9 5 9,9 8 2 6141 10057 6184 10127 6224 10192 6260 10252 6292 10304 6319 10349 6340 10383 6352 10402 UNoER ~ . ,--' -~-:i... .~ ~;~~'.,.; , , ',~, .STORÄGDt ~-' , , ", " \ ;~: "~V~~:;:;>r¡~~j~:;~;:[:,:?J~;~;,;~' , . , ;~~~~;~lf~;:;:2,~Æ:~\:~~~~:-S;~;;:~:~~------~--~'-'ci,:; PEHC&:" AUTOMATED'¿FUELS,'" 902 EAST· 18THd STREET'" BAKERSFIELD., CA"", ---------------------------------------------' TANK # 901,902 904 AGE ( IN" YRU 8 8 )- ::.;:/ SUBSTANCE CODE,}\(~:i. MVF 3'"'' MVF 3 NOTE: NON-TRANSFERABLE *** DATE PERMIT MAILED: JUL 2 1 1986 DATE PERMIT æ:EX:K LIST RETURNED: POOR ORIGINAL . . ~,. - ;..,:,:- . 'I.. '. . . ," : ¿,.;',,-': '<;~~~¡,.~~~~~:i 3~:~~L:)~~f~.~ ,.... 'í) 11 FaciIi ty LENCG ¡-1vfZ;J#1ArG"O e e PERMIT CHECKLIST ¡::;"€c.. ~ Permit # /.jo02Q c This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to K'CHD in the self-addressed envelope provided wi thin 30 .!:iays of receipt. Check: Yes' No x '[ X L ...L i 7 ::I L í :1... -i- A. The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit. Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements. Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and Operator). Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes. Equipmen~ Lists and Return Envelope. í'~ 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-I0. 3) The Following Forms :~, \"f';' ,< -; -'ì" -. ..~ "~D a) Inventory Recordin~ Sheet. j u....~ ,.'~.. ,.> ' ~ J I J) b) Inventory Recording Sheet with summar~on reverse ~ c) Trend Analysis Worksheet .-. ~\UG 1 i:) 1986 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) B. I have examined the information on mf¡;'Ri''h~~~1~i\{~~~''~~1.~~~se I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (A.greement between Owner and ö~rator). and find owner I s name and address, fac i 1 Lty name and address, operator I s name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following ~uired equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical. one chart wi 11 suffice; label chart (s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). F.' As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-I0. all meters at this faciIi ty have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman .if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Caljbration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in Handbook #UT-I0. Date Started It-I - ~(r:~ Signature at· Person Completing Checklist: ~ Title: l/, L. -c:. I~ ('.I I¿;Ù" ~ t c9-- I~ Date: t'-fS--S0 2700 M St.... Bakersfield, C.lifarnia Mailing ¡~,..: 1415 Truxttun Avenue Bakersfield, Cëllifornia 93301 18051861-3638 eN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTIV e ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HIAL TH OFFICER Leon II HebertIon, II.D. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAl. HEALTH V_ 8. Re6cMnt MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MONITORING WELL(S) PERMIT OWNER'S NAME: Charles Pence DATE: 2-23-89 FACILITY NAME: Pence Petroleum FACILITY LOCATION: 920~. Truxtun Ave., 3akersfield, CA DRILLING METHOD: ·.J:Lo~j~ttrn 9. CONTRACTOR: Don I s Dr i 11 inq TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S) test hole to first '1round ','ìateòr LICENSE U: 280951 NUMBER OF WELLS REQU I REO TO MON ITOR F AC I LI TY : 0 i), e GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: i, Well site approval is reQuired before beginning any \IIork related to \IIeil construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is reQuired unless inspection is waived or compieted. 2, Other rl!Quireo inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seais, and final construction features. 3. A phone cali to the Department office is reouired on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the olacement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 5. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with reQuired Permit Conditions. or Ordinance will result in issuance of a 'Stop Work Order. ' o. A coPY of the Department of Water Resources Dri ller I s Report as \lie 11 as cooies of logs and water oua 1 ity ana lyses must be submitted to tne Heaith Department within 14 days after completion of the work. 7. A well destruction appiication must ~ filed \IIith this Department if a we11 is being destroyeo that is not in conjunction with a test hoie permit. 8. The oermit is void on the ninetieth (90) calenoar day after date of issuance if \IIork has not been started and resonable progress toward compietion made. Fees are not refunriable nor transferable. 9. I have ¡'ead and agree to compiy with the Generai Conditions noted above. Special Conditions: 1. Approved Annular Seal Depth This permit must be signed by either the contractor or owner. //' 7' ,/ ../" I ø ,/ /" ;(':;!ß^---- .' 1/ . (-JA/, -, éóNTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE -74'~/~ C ¿ C// u / / // DATE OWNER'S SIGNATURE , PERM~T A'iED BY:;. DATE. ..:J,/.f, I I -' I 'T.,-.ri "./ lJ. _'." DISTRICT OFFICES FEB 17 ':39 09:21 (- .' ...... ... , . P·.3' -"', e ~ \ CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION :RllLING METHOD_~ollòu dtl' ALI~Q~ ,tjELL II :1 WELL II WELL II ,ELL QE~rH. t ð .f (¿st w,tt<. I :ROUNO ELSv ~ 7;:~ I, · I, G G -------t~~o~ N ::,~T~ -~ :;Oi;~~d~è~ I I ... := '.¡~c.,~ UIII/tÑC:';'" :i)RE~:}_;';'~~':.:7~~___, ~il ,~s L~º_ __. .-': ~~"'E:E3_ h ~í ~,ol,- / NO C.4 ~ "-JG I ~: ; a~¡; . '. , '7 ~~ I ~! It> Ci;'I'·n:.¡4 ßt,V+o~,h 1'(\ xf de.1'- -. .)':': _. · .,',:::',1 .. " ,_ ~ .1 ...- ·"'ut.= : ---- \,...~~ : ,.' I, ". . - . - ~.. - · . . ~ . ~ .- .... '- #- .". ---------- - --_. '.,," ,- . -, ' "")'.-~ :~ '.. ~ Ie. ~ ~ 7 ::'::.LC-:.._: . .____ rJ, ..---.---14 I ¡ - - . ,'- -- i I I ~ . , - ~ ::. - - ~. :'¡,j' ¡ ;~,~'-~~. ---~:\S:'iT ---I AeT~,)O [' 1~L~_~A? ~~~KAal: ,_ rJ 14- , t..'/~ Nt Provide a description of the facility to be monitored. InclOde: location of tanks. oroOOi8d monitorinq and olaclmlnt. n¡arlst street or 1nters8Ct;on~ location of any -ater. .eils or surtace waters _ith1n a 500' raaius of facility. ~'ee8' attacn. P~ovide IS detailed drawing of well(s). Include: deptn of well. cuino llfl9th, ¡crsln/filtlr oack length. annuìar ~eaìants, and ~eìl cao. Note any 1rreguìarit1". PìsUI acuch. :aN€ a~ ;';F;....,:'iCe - Þ1'ov1òø mathematical calculations that determine the zonl of ;nf1utnce for the $oil =OR YAOOSi~:NE'WELLS at each site taking into account the monitoring method be1nq used. Pl't" attach. ~OTE: ~ ~h~! aool~cat1cn ig ~ot comøìec8 it will be returnea. :aC!LITV ~L07 PLAN - ':~~ G!MEN9!C,; - ---_..._.~.._- ~ELL ~,__ . _.--- - --- ,{ C7'-/C/U I U j .~ <;tJí!Ú/J ~ KEA~ COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT APN: () I :¡.. - / ¿ 0 - (] ~ - rJ() -!L :.: ;, ,," p ~~L ¡¿ð I ~~ HOME PHONE NO. ",,-::;_ ~ I: ,Ill; '"~ _~lI.tJ~ WORK PHONE NO,-I-6'OS'~S"g"f -5'~z._º__ __ Il.S is: C4: 2.'0'15'1 . ',' ^"-"CTOR ~ g ~ ~ ~ D.., P~'I'''l LICENSE NO, CS ¡ - f$'I'1.;Z!l ,~~~1'"~"" ~~~JE;S~~~. _.i~' ~~" ~ ~:~tJG~lo~~? 6~o~~P~gV~~T-r( r~Ë5f~ !or--- . .., '';;'' ;.G,; Am,. /JEll. E '".Ù". '" ,"';/ ('4/#...1, TN c LICENSE NO, ~ ~ I?o ~ ':~~ ¿I 030 ¡Y¿;¡f,. go~~ &l PHONE NO" 1L - 33. - 8.? Æ41'JcA 0 C;;ICri'OWtl" c "'...2.S.t :¡o - ON ÀPPROVEOL í ) y ) NU :,::.:~ :': ß.e/.4,<.} J::'~07.H.N7 C.... Rf.f. (Jeo/~rs¡ REGISTRA¡¡o.-.:: 2303 ~'- . :<... O:REçT:C~ ;ì~~FOR"'eO BY:" ß~IA¡J k'(o~4-- REGISTRATiíJH II: 7 303 2.1S :; Zg£ SEC. Z~ 40 AC~E 3U8...A/fA.)Ý'lLJ.(SE'~'I,nI'ÃltJ ~øl Sf!' f/t¡ . ~:'.. :'t: CAI..fØ....J¡t, ~o~tJq I'~~.~ ~te\ft~d to C,o,I.J;",..,.&. R.o.;1t. 5'l ro.sl ~"h U,.¡!t:oJ Ave. 'i.~/ _____._.--1>I..d~·H\j~xt".J AI,I:"'A\ (',e!l__.s~£.~~ _wt;'¡'\ $1~td, , ~- ,~j t="EI3ty{ '89 '09: 20 ~~ iI, 2700 M It,. laklllfield, ClJlfor... Mal,,", Add...1 '411 Truldu/\ Annue Baklf'lftetd. CII"am.I33D1 11011 I"". efNlRONMINTAL HIALTM DIVIlION . ii."-¿./·/:;d.;"'_·_-~- _._ , ill '\' I 'I " ,-:_-: 'i', '\ _ 1'1_' it', "- .. a.u.. ',_ /..'~ vl '-'~-\"nßI1"¡f!~\'I \';,:, "'l"-" - ~" \ \,,\ ~l ,-(, , \ · ')~I ~ ....: . J _, ~, '.;¡..' "" 1\1 ~ ;J. -.\\ ' I'" .... "(: ...... /11. ' \ ¡_~ft~~. ...!. I ~<>.; / ,.' \ ~~ 'j/ \;::-:::- , - ( If.' .,' \ \ .\ , ill ' ~·~~~~~';'~~¿l;;_'(I.~J ~A+ARDOUS MATERIALS '~NAGEM!NT PROGRAM 10~ITORI~G WELL APPLICATION 'OOROR~~~~ßlb ~f ~4r: __._ _._~_~_~ '10 { ) . ,/14QU:,' :. ~Jt!-1-~_'L ,~ 7ê ~~l'!1-~1 - ,\ ~- ~j.?:~ I ~ 'f 'y¡:. ______. J :, --_._~. -_.._..._--~---- f~:ß5'~e; per IIP.2! ~~ ~~(f "lATH O"'CIII Leon II HebtrtIon, M.D. CtIR.OTOR OIfINYtIlONMINTAL HeALTH VInIOIt .. lIeIatI8rd /", CT '\" '. : ,_':, :~~ : -.€ :ERMIT: :'G·~·~ :ìoo' ~cat~on! :!lust 01 lubmittla to tna Høalth Oeoartment at least 10 \1101'1<111<1 days øt'1or to t~e ~;::;šIª-~,~~~t:!,~.g""oat¡¡, ' ---..--- ,- - ~8i ~ s1te ðoorovðl 15 reQuired before b.~innil1g any ~ork re1ated to ~ei' construction, It 19 lawful to ~or.t·'ue ~ork ~ast tne staga at wnioh an Insoecc;on is reauit'la unless 1nsoect;on is wa1vsd or comp1ltlG. <, Jt:'e:- re':\Jirea jnsc8cti:M incl\Jde: conauct::r casim;. aìì ar,nuiar itals. er,~ finêlì construction features. '. A ~~n8 ca11 to ene 0ecartmll1t atria¡ is t'eouired on the morn1ng of the day tnat work 1; to comm.nca ana 2~ ^ours oe~ore t~e o~acemenc of èl1Y stais cr plug~. J. Construct1on ~ndet' this Permit is subject to any instructions cy Oeøartm¡nc reoresentat;val. 5, Any !1I;sr.or'l.ntat~cn or non-c;orno11ance wH~ required Permit Condit;ol1s. or Crainanoe .i11 ~eeuie 1n ¡ss~anc. of ð 'Stop ~ork Ordet'," ~. A o::{ of t~a ù¡oðrtment of ~Iter Resources Or111er's Report ss will as copies of logs and ~ater Quality ~n::y¡¡s Inuit be suom~ttea to tn. Heaìth Oloartment within 1~ days after comoJet1on of the .or~. ~, A w~;: :ett~uctio~ appiication must be fíìea with this Department if a well ;s bei~9 d8stroysa t~et 1¡ net f!'l S,:r _.':::'~. ..it/'! ð test .~oJ" P8lrmit. ., ~'e :ë'-Y l' : 'Ioia on t:'\e ninetieth (90) caiencer dav sftar d!ta of 1uuanca 1f work has not bun startla .,n; . ;hU:H' I €I ()~cgrels toward camp 1et ; on 111 so 1 . Fits ar¡ not rafund.,b 19 nor t'r/lnSlf9r'^b lfl. '}.: :"'11 .\J~') ~~~ comply with the General Cend1t~on noted IIbove, ¿~~t1~~ .r- "'l. t.~ "" __ __. I'Hf..\ f'\~ ~"UTDA~Tno'c C!~~A~ Or nAT~ f\.~~ e ...,',,: :..,+ÚÍ1!c.s qOJqc¡o'j , itÆ(,. k- C¡oz/ ,~,;;:aepth::, 6~0 10,OO~ ¡.o:-:IndlèS~l Gallon Gallon Depth Inches - ·)~~if1¡·t . . .. ";:4': ',>X",:,q~,' ',;+-;.in·}~~ l' 4 "'~:¥; :J:~if,4J.:S· ~';:: "'c..(.~.,ço:,), _4,,'Y... ."! ··,!~t~·~'!'~·16'·il'( ~\.'::.':;: .\ li~;~·1':17·~·:~;';\ ...~..:,~.~~.~.f. , ..;\::,~~:. ';~', ";¡'''f'''·;18t.'''::, ~~~~~~¡i ··,.~""ZZ'"·,, ,::::;1·~;~ ~~~}: '::x<~~~Z 5~~~"'ì .'33'. 1 ·,'··34,',":;;" : '3S:-:--' ,,'" '.36:,:q ,3 7~'~:~' ' "38 39 ' ,4o,' , 41"" .42' .,J ~~é?' .. ,4S,,,,, (·:,~}ï~,¡~ ",:-, 12 33 60 92 128 168 211 257 305 356 410 465 523 582 644 706 771 8 37 904 973 1043 1114 1187 1260 1335 1410 1486 1564 1642 1720 1800 1880 1961 2042 2124 2207 2289 2373 245(> 2S.JÜ 2622 2709 2793 2878 2963 3048 3133 3218 19 54 98 151 210 275 345 420 500 584 671 762 856 954 1054 1157 1262 1371 1481 1594 1708 1825 1943 2064 218.6 ,2309 2434 2561 2689 2818 2948 30 7~ì ~5212 3345 3479 3614 3749 :5886 ,1 () 2 3 .) 160 11294 4436 :iS7S 471 :S Ii S 53 '4992 51':'1 5271 49 50 51 52 S3 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 6S 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Q') u... 83 84 85 sö 87 88 89 ~J () :)1 l' Î :J~ 03 94 95 e 6,000 Gallon '10,000 Gallon 3304 5410 3389 5549 3474 5689 3558 5827 3643 5966 3730 6108 3812 6242 3896 6380 3979 6517 4062:..' .. :6653 4145",,;: J6788 , 4228Eq{; '" 'p923 4 31 O.;.,';-'~~ " . ,~7 058 , . ":44 34 9712'~~~Rj;:'>;:: Þ 191 ' , ' ,',':'" ;7323' 4552'" ;7454 4631. ,"': ;7584 4710,;:..:," ,'þ114 . 478 8,\,'~:,,:,::;,:::,,,;,.,,·,,, il, 841., ,4865')Y{;::::~i¿"~,\,:'n968 ",; 494i?'¡~~*'~~:?8093 \,: , f"~'~ ' 50,1 t:'~~:l;"8Z16," .. 5 09Z 1f:~JŠ3'38;¡J :. ,", ". <~ ,r.~:~:~'.(~ ...~< 516 S:;';ié:",,;;""i;¿:;::\8 4S 9 ' 5 2 3 7'<;{Y~::~~¿:~';:r.8S 7 7:,' '·"...:~-i~\'..', ::', ' ,: 5' 3 0 9:T;::,::'~\'!86 9 4" 5379";,;'·,,, :8809 5447f.,: 8921' , 5 515 ~"",' "9' 0 32 ...' ...\ ; ., 1 , 5581 \Y,'", 9140' 5645 "'9245 5708 9348 5770 9449 5829 9546 58869640 5942 9731 5995 9818 6046 ~1902 6 0 9 5 9,9 8 2 6141 100S7 6184 10127 6224 10192 6260 10252 6292 10304 6319 10349 6340 10383 6352 10402 ~' ( rà ((_ ~RN COUNTY HEALTH' uEPARTMEh I - . ~TH OFFICER' LeonM Hebertson, M.O; 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 881-3638 ENVlRONMEN1ÄL HEALTH DIVISION INTE:RIM ,PERMIT TO IOPERATE: UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS. SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY DlRECTORÒF ENVIRONMENTAÍ..HEALTH Vemoßs:- ReIcItard', ,. ."' , \' .{', ~ " ~., f f ~.' ~ :e: ~ ~M,~' ~.~1' 5~,P..~ ~2, 9,0 ::J:'SSUÈ:r>~;_;:_';'\J&ty 1, 1986 . EXP:t R'ES':·..::,'-JuLy 1 '1989 . ~" ,. '"-, . ~'-.""1-- --~.'~'~ ',.:' ',;'." -' ¡, '~~._._.:.d , ,,~~"BER OF t~~S=:3 . . '. . ~ . .' . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :.... .'} -:.r,_' , . ,';' .," ,.. FACILITY:, PENCE AUTOMATED FUELS 902 EAST 18TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA OWNER: \ ". .,,: \::' , CHARLES PENCE', 'COMPANY", 920 EAST TRUXTUN AVENUE ' BAKERSFI~LD, CA 93305 '_.', ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TANK # 901,902 904 AGE (IN YR~ 8 8 SUBSTANCE CODE MVF 3 MVF 3 PRESSURIZED, PIPING?: YES YES. ' NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMßNTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING, ' AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON-TRANSFERABLE *** POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAILED: JUL 2 1 1986 DATE PERMIT CHEx:::K LIST RETURNED: ~/av/o7 .. · ' 'jtMtffi ~ ... KERN COUNTY HEALTH oePARTMENT ..-~ . :=:q (1'3: ¿~j -'- - -, Z700 lilt &trHt 8IIkenfi.ld. Celifornle Mailing Addr'.1 , 41! Tf\JJ:tun AVlnul aakllntl.td, Calf torn I. 1S301 (BOS) 1ð1·:&e31 I!NVIIIIONMI!NTAL H!AL TH CIVIIION 'Í?!~(~':~t~~:~~~ It,~: ~":;~~\\.~;:"J~l' ~ \" ~''''''''''.-.. '. i ,'I...':¡ ",~ : ~ I · / ',i .;~c-:{, ,; l 1,,1, [~ '-''': ", i..-: \~ A ".\. . . co"'/". /~ 1{';.t: ;,...t... ,\>(\ ~ji~ \,~~, (N,'. (,\ \'iil.l. ":'~'::-i:~~?,:j7.'¡~!!1. ." ~~ous MAT!RIALS ·~NAGEMeNT PROGRAM "1~;nu...T~);;'~;i9__ ;"¡£LL A.PPLICATION POOi'( ORIGINAL :€ ;¡~.~~ .. ·',0 t, ) .MOU:;· . ~ ~._------'---'-._~..-.--.........- l;bJJ.J-<6 't ... I': '?_I f if I <g1 ~/2.f:/~~ , .':' 'j("~f. p~~~ £!'~Qol~1Y\ ; :::~ crzo~ r ~~j{¡}t'JJ'u:, _~4..s 1£ 1./.-.£4. '.r '''r''Cf^-~ ~ ~f' î '~t·· P~'II'·l ': =-~_ði:...... ,~~. -', ~,'_ ~: ~(;: i~~~ . , , ~ ~',:; ~'.1.(; 7 C: ~ f) dill E.1JtJJ.'ei.) N ¡r. ,N-I~/ (' tA& /~.¡J~ TcJC ~ 11030 tJ¿'¡E, /?c~i: .£d' __-Æ( t:.Jc¡"~ C¿',Ú/Ci..'A_ C,., 9~t"YO ---' _ &1.-4.',) ~y..g..N7 c... æ~ (]eC)''''í's,L~_,_ '-t·~···' -.'A"F" ß v ~ I ;<',: '. ~".·'·';~h\_v 8Y:, ~JA"j I....~()~-f------ ~---, .¡¡ ..,QS r F' -,/ VI' .j.P~e pe,- t):J.,;.f¡ HUI.TH O"ICI!!II Leon M Hebert.on. M.C. OIRICTOR 0' INVIRONMI!NTAL HI!AL 1H Vlrnon a. "elch.rd " ÂÞPLICATION FOR A PERM!T TO (CIRCLE ~E) ~ONSTRUC RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN-OR DESTROY A ~'¡EL::' CT APN: () I :¡. - /¿ 0 ::...11 ~ :::00 - 'i. HOME PHONE ~O. WOR~ PHONë :IO'L-&'P~ -~.~t::,,5'6..ZQ_.':' 2.1o~5" LICENSE NO, (51 - $J''?'l.ß PHONE NO,~, ~ -~~- ~Ð¥~~=: 1"1" APDROV- ' ,,. ''i ~~, '. . ~I' . ~ Ll~1 ~: ~v ~ . :..iCENSE NO. $0/ 8'ðb2. PHON,E NO, 1'/t -63, g -¿O[l?-:-::','~-"'" ON APPROV~~: !~~, ~,' REG[SHIA!'\ðN ;'.,2 3C 3__ ___. REGISTRH;CN II: 2 ~03 2 ? -l..._ 2 g£ :;~c ~~_~( -.----...-----.---- · '. ~: 3iJ8, ._&.f:¡£ '-/ 0/ -.s ¿!'Lo I' AU.) t<¡ ø I! _ S E' ý(¡ , -fa (!\I,f~'-,.J_'_~.~c)_~..s..:~ [c>.J._-±~ UN1C~Lt.t;. 'i.J,,¡ It.c." ____,_ ._. _ '. :'ERMI¡: -------- .", . }Q;;; :~at~:)n! "'!J!t~L!.~~ittld to th9 Hl!lJlth Ceoartment at 1eaat 10 \IIòrl<~~...2.~2L..!2...r:! ~_·~--;'~·?=~~.i~.: ~l:~~,9. c;·ðta. J~, ~'te anorov31 1S reouired bmfore biJinning IIny ~Q"~ '@I~ted to weil construction It is 1a~ful tJ ~~t1~ue ~orK c!!t ~h, itllga lit ~h1ch IIn 1n~oect;on ;s r'Qu;r~ci unles~ 'nioect1on í~ *ð', ~o or compløtlo, :~~- ~!:'~'~~a ~n~cact~:r~ ·~c1~da: conauc~cr ~as~~ç, a)1 ~n"u ~r ;I! if. ~": '~~3~ :on3t~uct~on features. ~ ~nc~e [~. tJ tne '~~c~r~~~n: offiCQ 13 ~ecu1r!a O~ :~s ~orn'~9 of t~Q ~~~ r~~t Mcr~ ~~ :0 commQnc~ !nc ~~ ~.~~~~ :~-~~~ t~e : ~~='~enc of ~nv ~ið~i :r :~~G" -, ~cn¡:"uct,c~ ~nd~r ~h1S ~~rmit Is sUbject to ðny iriC"Lct1cns by Oeøartm~~. 'i~n~ðtlv~~. , Ar':'! ë1isre'or.sentðt~Crl or ,~~!'!-como118nc:e w1th reqUired Perroít Co;,d~tic~s. .~r ,~r~'·~r.Ci! '"' '~',' 155~anC! of ð 'Sta~ wor~ Cidar.' ' A c:~f cf thQ O~PðrtGenr of Water Resources Driller's Report ð5 ~.11 as ceeies of 1Cgi ~na ~ijte; ~~ð¡it¥ ~n~:Yi9¡ ~U¡t be sucrn~ttec to th. Heðitn Olpðrtm&nt ~1th1n 14 days after ~omoJet1o~ Qf ~~e _or~. ~, ;¡ ",.,,' :~~'-,":çr;;1orr aop1ication n1U5lt be fiì¡d i'/1th thie Oecl!lrtment if a wen is beil'\g d@9U:1\J80 r;;~ð, ,~ '-,ct . .;t~ ð test ~olw oarm1t. .~~, '!~'O on t~e ninetieth (90) cðÎenoðr OilY art;r dati of 1¡¡uancQ if work hili not eaAn ¡tðr~!O ,\,,- ,. ,; -"';; ,,"cgress toward compìetion maPI. ~¡III5i ðril nae r¡flJnd"ol¡¡ nar rr/ln5lfAr",olA. ~~~~~G¡nerðì Ccnd1t~on$ noted ~bQve. '. r--- ....I...'·....t.. ......""\.,,,..¡/r"I!!" ^.T~ ^f'\lI'T¡")o\r\Tt\t\fC ~'!I'7!'I~T:t~~ "'AT' t~ c· .." .~;'~ CI?: 2.~ e e F'.:: CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION )RIlLiNG METHOD ,HQI löt..J ~+t('\. Av~().( fiELL # :1 WELL ; WELL :____ ! 1~..~.__ ~~:_7j. .__ __ -----+.-L: +11¿st ~J Aht. '~C""O' , ' ", 1:~ ""~ .~ ~: ,. . '.', i' . :_,~.¡_.; _...... _ '" ,. ...__________.¡.U,.J I~ow N I I ¡ ! UNtt."¡CWrò I ~ . ~'~'1 v ;.ìj ;;, :'t¡~ ~ ~ ~ : "'IC'>'If¡ ~'~ f;~ 1 ," ..:,t' ' , ______.. ' \ f:J Ctl"\..:..¡f ßt,\J~OJ,h . -...-----1 ,,",,'¡ e.t ,oj Ie, { ....-, .-....-..~-.-}d/! I ___.. _ ___ --------1 rJ ù~ j J ¡::.~-,. ¡i ~ lr ~:;:~. _~:,~·__~~Ç.i~~ª.~~.. __ . _ Provide å description of the facility to be monitor.d, I~clud9: iocðtio~ of tenks. ûr~oo~¡d.~on1tðr1ng end olðc;mlnt, ~¡ar~it !tre~t ~r .~~,ers9ct10n, location o~ ðny ~~ter ~el is Or surt~ce waters .'t~·~ ! ~ao ~~~'U5 Dt t3C111ty. ;1eðSi ðttecn. ~~¡;.:!'-' ':'U:- ~!.'N - -~-------~ ~:_~~~.~~i.'3 i ~~cv1de:\ detailed (jraw1ng of ...::(sì. I'1o::]üd¡; 'Jeat!'! of \-lei), C~¡ìl1q 1,nqtM. !~"Gi~/fi1t.r DecK length. annuiar 5~aÎa~tg. 1nd ~e; ì CðQ, Note ðny ~~regu;ðr1t"!' )i"ði~ ,~tt~c'. 'JNE ~~ I.~ ~~_ :O.~h .~.-~99_S.~_.~.- ~t_.~'ELLS ~"ovia9 mðth9meticel cðiculetions that oetermin@ tr.e zo~e of int1uence 'or t~9 ¡oiì at eBC~ s1te taking into ðccount the ~on1tcring methoO oe1ng usee. ~leðil ðtta~h. \UI~: ~~~! 2ou1'cat1cn is Aot comolete it ~11i be returned. ¡ljELL ..'_.....~-._.,- ......-........~-'_._- _h""-"_ .-...-----~-- -'~-'-- --_..........-~ - -._--- I -J------- - ¡ , , j I ¡ I i I i t 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805181;1·3636 ~N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTME4IÞ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertaon, M.D. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard c::>o~7 - IS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MONITORING WELL(S) PERMIT OWNER'S NAME: Charles Pence DATE: 2-23-89 FACILITY NA~IE: Pence Petroleum FACILITY LOCATION: 920 E. Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA DRILLING METHOD: '.J:±.Q~_~ 9J.l§fLCONTRACTOR:, Don I s Dr i 11 inq TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S) test hole to first 'lround ~'ìat(òr LICENSE ~: 280951 NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: O:1e GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: 1. Well ~ite approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is reouired unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. Other reouired inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office is reouired on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Deoartment representatives. 5. Any misrepresentation or non-comoliance with reouired Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a . Stoo \'ork Order. " 6. A coPy of the Department of Water Resources Dr; ller I s Report as well as cooies of logs and water oua 1 ity ana lyses must be submitted to the Health Department within 14 days after comoletion of the work. 7. A well destruction application must be' filed with this Deoartment if a well is being destroyed that is not in conjunction with a test hole permit. 8. The oermit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of issuance if \!Iork has not been started and resonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refunnable nor transferable. 9. I have read and agree to comply with the Generaì Conditions noted above. Special Conditions: 1. Approved Annular Seal Depth h b h /1 J T is permit must be signed y either t e contractor or owner. ," ~/" I Ø///~/// ;é X/'~ i/· I....Æ;/¡/'- êóNTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE -ro~< " :r. c /..../ . ¿._;; I.) I / // DATE OWNER'S SIGNATURE PERMIT ~~~ED BY: DATE: ;J, ,TT,. r'r1 'i/ DISTRICT OFFICES "D Facility .1 ENCG e e PERMIT CHECKLIST /~v íVÞ1A-rG'O ¡:'¿L5 Permit # /.~0027 c This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to K"CHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: yes x X' ~ I ..L -L 'i 'I ~ l í I, ~ No A. The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes, Equipmen~ Lists and Return Envelope. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-10. 3) The Following Forms: ._ ',-:= a) Inventory Recording Sheet , :J...:¡0...",., b) Inventory Recording Sheet with summarX.~on reverse c) Trend Ana 1 ys i s Worksheet - ,., I ''-' \ _ ~c.~(~ 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) h)" L .' ',..'.} ! !. !J::::/ . ;.... ,- _.,)...:.'~ u¿PJ" B. I have examined the information on mýj;'~'Î'nt'ëit~ Pi~mit~ Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (A;greement between Owner and O"~rator), and find owner I s name and address, faci I Ùy name and address, operator I s name and address, substance codes. and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following r~quired equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart (s) wi th corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-I0, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in Handbook #UT-I0. Date Started 4;-/ - 75(> Signature of Person Completing Checklist: ~~l Title: VIL.~ 1~(ê.Jl?ft~~\., t Q. ¡:J L/ ~ Date: K'" -/.') -,f0 PLEASE PRINT Data (~rt for Tank System Tig~_ss Test ~tro r~ TANK TESTER 1. OWNER Property 0 Pence Petroleum Robb Pence 327-4373 0 Name Address Representative Telephone Tank(s) Robb Pence 902 Truxton owner same Name Address Rep,esentaUve Telephone 2. OPERATOR Robb Pence 9C2 r,lru,"CtOn 327-4373 Name Addross Telephone 3. REASON FOR Owners request TEST (Explain Fully) 4. WHO REQUESTED Robb Pence owner owner 10-18-86 TEST AND WHEN Name Title . Company 01 Affiliation Oate 902 Truxton Bakersfleld, Ca. 327-4373 Add ress Telephone 5. WHO IS PAYING Robb Pence ovmer owner 1?7-.:1171 FOR THI8 TEST? Company. Agency 01 Individual Person Authorizing Title Telephone Bi~'ð'id~on Baker~iî'ield Stale 9'Bffi Zip Ca. Attention ot: Order No. Otne, Instructions Identify by Direction Capacity Brand/Supplier eJ:e A~¥»,- Sleel/Fiberglass 6. TANK(S) INVOLVED south #3 G::,.~ €.'Ý-v.~ '0 c. ~ðt \ Location Cover Fills Vents Siphones Pumps 1 2 .., 7. INST ALLA TlON ~ () ~ DATA ( ) ( ) black top 4" 3" remote North inside driveway, Concrete, Black Top, Size. Titefill make. 0'01' Suction. Remote. Aear of station, etc. Eanh, etc. tubes. Remote Fills Size. Manifolded Which tanks? Make if known 8. UNDERGROUND Is the water over the tank 7 WATER Depth to the Water table " DYes o No Tanks to be filled _ hr, Date Arranged by 9. FILL·UP Name T e\ephone ARRANGEMENTS Extra product to "top off" and run TSTT. How and who to provide 7 Consider NO Lead. Terminal or other contact for notice or inquiry ComøBnv Name T"eteøt\one 10, CONTRACTOR, MECHANICS. any other contractor involved 11. OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS Additional information on any items above, Officials or others to be advised when testing is in progress or completed, Visitors or observers present during test etc. Tests were made on the above tank systems in accordance with test procedures prescribed for ~tro litE" 12. TEST RESULTS as detailed on attached test charts with results as follows: IANI( TESTE!? Tank Identification Tight Leakage Indicated Date Tested #3 south reqular [yes-.022 no tested tight 10-18-86 13. CERTIFICATION This is to certify that these tank systems were tested on the date(s) shown. Those indicated as "Tight" meet the criteria established by the National Fire Protection Asociatlon Pamphlet 329. Tank. Testinq'--,;{?~~'/-£ ~h~.. L.,,,,,. f)-??-86 Robert Earnshaw National Date Testing Contractor or CoTnp!ll'i', Bv: Signature 1564 140 F.. N()rri~ Ri!. ~rsfÜÜd, Ca.. 93308 ~p',,~1 Nn of Thprm~ Technicians ress 14. Pence Petroleum 902 Truxton From Address No. and Stleet(s) Name of Supplier, Owner or Dealer Bakersfield 10-18-86 Ca. City State Date of Test :Þ"' ~1 rri-. *to ;o~ Ii I -U .... I' 0 ,po : !D ..... toO ¡x~ '0 » : 'f 0 'N :D :0< Om 26. 27. 28. DAlE 10-18 86 nilE (24 br.) 15. TANK TO TEST #3 South tank 16. CAPACITY Nominal Capacity Identity by position 6,000 By most accurate capacity chart ava ilable [] o [J IXJ o Station Chart 6016 Tank Manufacturer's Chart Company Engineering Data Charts supplied with I!ftro :rltf" TÞ.NICTESTfR Gallons Gallons Is there doubt as to True Capacity? 0 See Section "DETERMINING TANK CAPACITY" requ1ar Bland and Glade Other 17. Flll·UP FOR TEST Stick Water Bottom before Fill-up ø ø Gallons to V. in. Inventory Stick Readings Total Gallons to Va in. Gallons ea. Reading 96" 6016 . water ø top off 7 qa1. 96 6023 Fill up. STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY QUANTITY Tank Diameter 96" Product in full tank (up to fill pipe) 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM 30. HYDROSTATIC 31. VOLUIIE IIWURUIUTS IV) 34, TEIlPERATUII( COIlPElSAnOI 38. NET VOLUME 39. PRESSURE CHANGES ACCUMULATE )· CONTROL RECORD TO .lIn GAl. USE fACTOR (a) EACH READING CHANGE 29. Standpipe Leyel 32. Product in Product 35. 36. 37. T empereture At IliltllenI reconl in Inches Chenge Computetion Adjustment 1a111 (ad IIeIIecIion .oadina Graduete Repleced (-) Ihermel Higher + tc} . (e) = Volume Minus 10, Beginning Level to Sensor Lower - hpens;on + Expansion (+) or At loll Let.. COIII IUIe of which Before After Product Reeding (cl Contr..tion - Contraction ( - ) CIIIIp III' IIoar Reading Restored Reading Reeding Recovered (+ I #33(V) - #37(T) (If... criteria) A Factor .0104 -- See manual sections applicable, Check below and record procedure in log (26), o Water in tank o High water table In tank excavation 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS fOR TSTT ASSEMBLY 131 Bottom of tank to Grade" ,. ............... Add 30" for 4" L ................. Add 24" for 3" L or air seal .. . . , . , Total tubing to assemble Approximate 156 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING 8 Tank top to grade' , Extend hose on suction tube 6" or more below tank top 18 ·If Fill pipe extends above {trade. use top of fill. LOG OF TEST PROCEDURES Record details of setting up and running test. (Use full length of line if needed. I Arrived at location. water and size. Set o API Gravity 51. 5 Temp. 60° Corrected API Gravity 51.5 Line(s) being tested with LVLLT o Stage I o Stage II 21. TEMPERATURE/VOlUME FACTOR (a) TO TEST THIS TANK Is Today Warmer? [J Colder? [ 1_' F Product in Tank _' F FiII·up Product on Truck _0 F Expected Change ( + or - ) 22. Thermal-Sensor reading after circulation 17930 77-78 'F digIts Nearest 23. 321 u) e Digits per OF in range of expected change d'gits 24. 6023 X .00055325 3.33222475 total quantity in coefficient of expansion for volume change in this tank full tank (16 or 17) involved product per of 25. 3.33222475 321 .010380762 volume change per OF (24) Digits per OF in test Volume change per digil Range (23) Compute to 4 dec:imal places. gallons This is 0104 test . factor (a) recovery tube and started pump 0825 Started circulation 0925 First sensor readinq 42 17930 0940 Hiqh level test contld. 1 31.5 42 .980 .280 -.700 17960 +30 +.312 -1.012 0935 " " " " 2 34.2 42 .990 .560 -.430 17975 +15 +.156 -.586 1010 " " " " 3 35 42 .640 .240 -.400 17990 +15 +.156 -.556 -- 1025 " " " " 4 37.4 42 .645 .380 -.265 18002 +.125 +.125 -.390 -- I---- 1040 " " " " 5 39.0 42 .380 .250 - .130 18015 +13 +.135 -.265 1055 " " " " 6 40.5 42 .690 .600 -.090 18029 +14 +.146 -.236 1110 " " " " 7 41.3 42 .600 .560 -.040 18041 +12 + .125 -.165 --- 1120 " " " " 8 41.9 42 .560 .550 -.010 18052 +11 + .114 -.124 1130 Draped to 12" test 12 18054 1140 Low test contld. 1 13.5 12 .140 .220 +.080 18062 +10 +.104 -.024 -.024 - 1155 " " " 2 13.5 12 .220 .300 +.080 18070 +8 +.083 -.003 -.027 - f----, 1210 " " " 3 13.5 12 .300 .~~ +.070 18076 +6 +.062 +.008 -.019 1220 " " " 4 13.4 12 .370 .440 +.070 18083 +7 +.073 -.003 -.022 -- Tank Tested Tiqht -.022 GPH Line!: Tested Tight 10 if 86 _______,____~~__h..__ __.__~_ _ _______ _ ___ __. _ _ ---. - - -----..-.- - ------.-_.. --~- .------.--- ----~- --.-- -- ---~-- ----"- -- -- -- . . PLEASE PRINT Data nert for Tank System Tig.ss Test ~ro rnr TANK TESTER 1- OWNE:R Property 0 Pence Petroleum 902 E Truxton Robb 327-4373 0 Name Address Representative Telephone Tank(s) same Name Address Representative T e'ephone 2. OPERATOR same Name Address Telephone 3. REASON FOR Requested tank test. TEST (Explain Fully) 4. WHO REQUESTED Robb Pence owner Pence Petroleum 10-18-86 TEST AND WHEN Name Title Company or Affiliation Dale 902 E. Truxton Bakersfield, Ca. 327-4373 Address Telephone 5. WHO IS PAYING same FOR THIS TEST? Company, Agency Of tnd~v,dual Person Au'horizin~ Title Telephone Billing Address City State Zip Attention of: Order No. Other Instructions Identify by Direction Capacity Brand/Supplier Grade Approx. Age Steel/Fiberglass 6. TANK(S) INVOLVED Req. unleac . 10.000 5 years steel Location N Cover Fills Vents Siphones Pumps 7. INSTALLATION , DATA 2 Black top 4" 2" - remote 3 North inside driveway. Concrete. Black Top, Size, Titefill make. Drop Suction, Remote. Rear of sta1ion. etc. Earth. etc. tubes, Remote Fills Size. Manifolded Which tanks? Make if known 8. UNDERGROUND Is the water over the tank 7 WATER Depth to the Water table N/A " DYes o No Tanks to be filled ~r¡¡..1 0-18-86 Date Arranged by Robb Pence 327-4373 9. FlLL·UP Name Telephone ARRANGEMENTS Extra product to "top off" and run TSTT, How and who to provide? Consider NO Lead, Terminal or other contact for notice or inquiry Company Name Telephone 10. CONTRACTOR. MECHANICS. any other contractor involved 11- OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS Addilional informalion on any items above, Officials or others to be advised when testing is in progress or completed, Visitors or observers present during lest etc. Tests were made on the above tank systems in accordance with test procedures prescribed for P.ttro Ilt.- 12. TEST RESULTS as detailed on attached test charts with results as follows: fAN { TESTER Tank Identification Tighl Leakage Indicaled Date Tested #1 Unleaded- Reqular yes -.038 no tested tlght 10-18-86 13. CERTIFICATION This is to certify that these tank systems were tested on the date(s) shown. Those indicated as "Tight" meet the criteria established by the National Fire Protection Asociation Pamphlet 329. , . ~~~ , 6-26-86 1VJike Redenius Natlonal Tank Testlng ~ _ Date 140 E. Norri;tiRdo.n~acBåk~,;šfieid, ëÄa~u.e 93308 1563 - '00 ' -, ....~ -... -'-'--- . .. ~ ... ,.,..c 14. Pence Petroleum 902 E. Truxton B3kersfield 10-18-86 Ca. Name ot Supplier, Owner or Dealer Address No. and Street(s) City State Date of Test ~i1 "'-.. ~... ~O ^'!-I Ii 15. TANK TO TEST # 1 North Identity by position Req. Unleaded Brand and Grade From 16. CAPACITY Station Chart Tank Manufacturers Chart [] U LI þ<j LJ Nominal Capacity 10,000 By most accurate 1 0 15 capacity chart available , 2 Gallons Company Engineering Data Charts supplied with ~ro Tit.. IANI( HSIB, Gallons Is there doubt as to True Capacity 1 0 See Section "DETERMINING TANK CAPACITY" Other :I)".... - ' ° ::>po =IJJ~ "00 IX(/) - 0 ::>0» Z'fc !:I\):D þO< Om ::> \) ::> ..., \) I ... J1 D 17. Fill-UP FOR TESr Stick Water Bottom before FIII-uþ ø to Yo In. Stick Readings to V. in. Total Gallons ea. Reading Gallons ø Gallons 96" 10,152 Inventory . Fill up. STICK BEFORE Arm AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY QUANTITY top off +5 Tank Oiameter 96" Product In full tank (up to fill pipe) 10,157 26. 27. 28, DATE 10-18 86 TIlE (24 hr.) 745 825 o Water In tank See manual sections applicable. Check below and record procedure in log (26), o API Gravity 52.5 Temp. 620 Connected API Gravity Llne(s) being tested with LVLLT 52.3 o Stage I D Stage II VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK o High water table In tank excavation 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR TSn ASSEMBLY Bottom of tank to Grade* .. ,., , ,.... ,...' ... , Add 30" for 4," L ...........,..... Add 24" for 3" L or air seal ,.. . . . . Total tubing to assemble Approximate 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING Tank top to grade' " , Extend hose on suction tube 6" or more below tank lOp ............ . If Fill pipe extends above IIrade. use top of fill. LOG OF TEST PROCEOURES Record details of setting up and running test. IUse full length of line if needed.) Set up equipment Filled up equipment 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (a) TO TEST THIS TANK Is Today Warmer? I ] Colder? I 1_° F Product in Tank _0 F Fill-up Product on Truck _0 F Expected Change ( + or - ) 147 79/80 18809 22. OF Thermal·Sensor reading after circulation digits Nearest 23. 318 . Diglt9 per OF in range of expected change digits 183 51 24, 10,157 X .00055893 5.67705201 total quantity in coefficient of expansion for volume change in this tank full tank (16 or 17) involved product per OF 25. 5.67705201 318 .017852364 volume change per OF (24) Dlglls per of in test Volume change per digit. Range (23) Compute to 4 decimal places. .0179 gallons 10 This Is test factor (a) 30. HYOROST A TIC 31. VOLUME MUSUIŒMmS (V) 34, TEMPERATUIŒ COMPUSATlOK 38. NET VOLUME 39. PRESSURE CHANGES ACCUMULATED- CONTROL RECORD TO .DOI GAL USE FACTOR (al EACH READING CHANGE 29. Slandpipe Leyel 32. Product in Producl 35. 36. 37. Temperature At HiIfI l.... record in Inches Changa Computation Adjustmant Total End Deftection ...dinK Graduate Replaced (-) Thermal Higher + (c) . (a) = 10, Volume Minus Beginning Leyel to Sensor Lower - hpansion + Expansion (+) or AI low le,eI compul. of which Before After Product Reading (c) Contraction - Contraction (-) C1IIIIIe per Hour Reading Reslor.d Reading R.ading Reco,.red (+) #33(V) - #37(T) (IFPA crrteria) , i --= ==~[='._-- --.------ A Factor .0179 925 start high level test 42 18809 940 Cont'd high level 35.7 42 .845 .430 -.415 18878 +69 + 1. 235 -1. 650 955 " " " 36.5 42 .870 .560 -.310 18889 +11 +.197 -.507 1010 " " " 38.4 42 .560 .350 -.210 18895 +6 +.107 -.317 1025 " " " 40.3 42 .830 .735 -.095 18900 +5 +.090 -.185 1040 " " " 41.8 42 .735 .730 -.005 18905 +5 +.090 -.095 1055 " " " 42.5 42 .730 .755 +.025 18912 +7 +.125 -.188 -- ---~-~--_. ._--,-_._.~. .. _ _.____ _ .u__.___ .... .- - -- -, - -- .----. --~ 1110 " " " 43 42 .755 .815 +.OhO 1f~ g lfi _±6.. + lQL -=.....DAL 1125 " " " 43.1 42 .815 ,R70 +,or:::;r:::; 1 Aq?l +1 + Qí4_ -±....QOl 1126 Drooed to low 1 pVP 1 1130 Start low level test 12 18936 -- 1145 Cont'd low level 13.2 12 .390 .480 +.090 18910 -fi -lO7 + 197 1200 " " 13.2 12 .4RO .560 +.080 18931 +1 ±.iJlR + Ofi/ + O¡;? 1215 " " 13.1 12 .560 620 + 0_6D__ L1B.93.9... +A + .lll_ ---=-..QA 1 -.021 1230 " " 13.5 12 .620 ..2LQ_ L±.J19JL 18943 +4 +.072 +.018 -.003 1245 " " 13.5 12 .710 .800 +_,-090_ .18950_ g-- ~2_5_ -.035 -.038 --- -- -- -------- ~----- - ---~-_. -~--_. ._---- ---,------~.- -------- Tank _T~§t.eg__ Ti ht _=--,,-038 GPH -- ---- ------~ ---- ---g----- Lines Te$.:ted Ti ht _l18_____ 10-18-8€ -- -- - --~-- 1------ --' -- ------ ---- ---~ PLEASE PRINT 1. OWNER Property D Tank(s) D 2. OPERATOR 3. REASON FOR TEST (Explain Fully) 4. WHO REQUESTED TEST AND WHEN 5. WHO IS PAYING FOR THIS TEST? 6. TANK(S) INVOLVED 7. INSTAllATION DATA 8. UNDERGROUND WATER 9. FILL·UP ARRANGEMENTS 10. CONTRACTOR. MECHANICS. any other contractor involved 11. OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS 12. TEST RESULTS 13. CERTIFICATION 6-26-86 1564 Date .... ... ...... Data ctt rt for Tank System TighØJss Test ~tro r.!tr TANK TESTER / 5~ OO;L9 Pence Petroleum 902 E. Truxton Address Robb Pence Representative 327-4373 Telephone Name saræ Name Representatiye Address Telephone saræ Name Add ress Telephone owner's reauest Robb Pence Name Pence Petroleum 10-20-86' owner Title Company or Affiliation Dale Address Telephone saræ Company. Agency or Individual Title Telephone Person Authorizing Billing Address CiIV State Zip Attention of: Order No. Other Instructions Identify by Direc'ion Capacity #2 Pro UnlEd. 6000 Brand/Supplier Exxon Grade Approx. Age 5 vears Steel/Fiberglass steel extra Location # 2 Cover ~ N ( ) () () 1, 2 : North inside drlvewav. Concrete. Black Top, Rear of station. etc. Earth. etc. Sip hones Fills Vents Pumps Size, Titetill make. Drop tubes. Remote Fills Which tanks? Suction. Remote. Make it known Size. Manilolded Is the water over the tank? Depth to the Water table ø " DYes D No Tanks to be filled 9: 30 hr.10-20-86 Date Arranged by Robb Pence Name Telephone Extra product to "top off" and run TSTT, How and who to provide? Consider NO Lead. Terminal or other contact for notice or inquiry Company Name T-elephone Additional inlormation on any items above, Officials or others to be advised when testing is in progress or completed, Visitors or observers present during test etc. Tests were made on the above tank systems in accordance with test procedures prescribed for as detailed on attached test charts with results as follows: Tank Identification Tight I Leakage Indicated extra unleaded yeS + .035 no tested tlght ~tro Iltf' TANK t::Srtl;) ¡ Date Tested I 10-20-86 I I I ! i This is to certify that these tank systems were tested on the date(s) shown. Those indicated as "Tight" meet the criteria established by the National Fire Protection Asociation Pamphlet 329. ...., ~ / Robert Earnshaw National Tank Testing '~" /. ,t-~ I j ¿.-h . 140 E. Norrišli~ðo:t;.c~e~nfïeïa, ~~ure 93308 - . " ~¡a ~1 ~.. ~o ::tI!-f Ii ,,~ '0 po a¡-I 00 xC/) o 0> C/)e ~:c 0- o~ 26. 27. 28. DAT£ 10-20 86 TIM£ (24 hr.) 14. Pence Petroleum 902 E. Truxton Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 10-20-86 Name 01 Supplier, Owner or Dealer Address No. and Stree1(s) Slale Date of Test 15, TANK TO TEST #2 Center Identity by position extra unleaded Total Gallons ea. Reading e,and and Grade 17. FILL·UP FOR TEST Stick Water Bo«om belore Fill-up ø to VI in. CilY 16. CAPACITY From [~ Slalion Chart LJ Tank Manufacturer's Chart [J [~ [J Nominal Capacity 6,000 Gallons Is there doubt as to True Capacity 7 0 See Section "DETERMINING TANK CAPACITY" By most accurate capacity chart available 6016 Gallons Company Engineering Data Charts supplied with ~rO Iltf" ESTER Other Stick Readings to 'ill in. Gallons ø Gallons 96" Inventory ø top off water Fill up. STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY QUANTITY Tank Diameter 96" 6016 ø 12 6028 e Product in full tank (up to fill pipe) 96" o Water In tank See manual sections applicable, Check below and record procedure in log (26), o API Gravity 50.4 Temp. 75° Corrected API Gravity Line(s) being tested with LVLLT VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK o High water table In tank excavation 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR TSTT ASSEMBLY Bo«om of tank to Grade * , , , ................. Add 30" for 4" L ................. Add 24" for 3" L or air seal . . . . . . . Total tubing to assemble Approximate 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING Tank top to grade' , Extend hose on suction tube 6" or more below tank top . If Fill pipe extends above grade, use top of fill, LOG OF TEST PROCEDURES Record details of setting up and running test. (Use full length of Ijne if nellded.) Arrived at location. Measure water level. 48.9 o Stage I o Stage II 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (a) TO TEST THIS TANK Is Today Warmer? [I Colder? [ 1_' F Product in Tank _' F Fill·up Product on Truck _' F Expected Change ( + or - ) 132 1 ? 22. Thermal-Sensor reading alter circulation 17875 76-77 'F dig,ls Nearest 23. Oigits per 'F in range 01 expected change 319 156 d'gils 24. 6028 X .00053479 = 3.22371412 6 1 total quantity In coefficient of expansion for volume change in this tank , lull tank (16 or 17) involved product per 'F 22 25. 3.22371412 319 .010105686 volume change per 'F (24) Digits per 'F in test Volume change per digit. Range (23) Compute to 4 decimal places. e gallons :~: is .0101 factor (a) 30. HYDROSTATIC 31. VOLUII£ MEASUREMEITS (V) 34, TEMPERATURE COMPElSATIOI 38. NET VOLUME 39. PRESSURE CHANGES ACCUMULATED, CONTROL RECORO TO .101 GAl. USE FACTOR (a) EACH READING CHANGE 29. StandpipI Le,"1 32. Product in Product 35. 36. 37. T empe,atuII AI Iti&It Lmlreconf in Inches Change Computetion Adjustment, TaIII bd DIIIIctioa Readin. Graduate Repleced (-) Thermal Higher + (c) . (e) = Volume Minus 1o, Beginning Le.el to Sensor Lower - hpansion + Expansion (+) or at Low Level COMpUtt of which 8elore Alter Product Reading (c) Contraction - Contraction (-) CIIaIIt per !lair Reading Restored Reading Raading Reco.lred 1+) #33(V) - #37(T) (lfM critaria) ,,-'- L.l . t-'.1- uu.u...... L. LH l'-_' 'J '--...._~..... , -- J I:" ""I:' . ...----- ~--- ---.-----. --~---_.. --- --" -- ,-,----~ ~--~ --------- 0950 Pump running and circulation ,- ~--- -~ ---- 10 35 First sensor read:inq ---- 1 050 Hiqh level ,test continued . J-- 42 .._~- 1 105 " " " " 2 42 1 1 20 " " " " 3 32 ----. ---- --------~--------------_._---_.._-- ---- _..-- ---- -, --... --- 1135 " " " " ~- --.1.0 . --- ------- 1150 " " " " 5 42 · - -- _____u. ---- I 205 " " " " 6 4 3 --- -------------.----_._-_._--_._._~..- ------- -, -----._- 1 220 " " " " f-L 43. ---- -----.---~------_._- - J5 " " " " 8 43 - · 1 240 Droped to low level --~- ----,-- 1250 IDw level test con-t 'd , 1 1 4 -, ._--~-------_. --.--'--'-'- 1 302_ " " " " 2 14 -- -.---- -. -.--..-.--.---- ..--- --- -- - ~---------- m 1 320 " " " " 3 1 4 · ._._~ ~----- -.------- ..-..- -- -- ---,--------- -- +-.. n.__. .---'-- --.--..--.. 1]35 _ " " " " 4 _1J..!. ----------------,,-------------, .--. ---. ----- ..-- ---_..--- ------ --------.-.-.. -----.------ ----.----- --- -- -- -.. -- -.---- ------ "_n'__ -- -- -.--- ---'- ------.---~----_._. -_.~- ----.----- - _n__'__"_ _..n u --- --- -- -- -~~~-~ ----. -- --.--- -- -- _"'U --.-----. - ,-- -- -~---- - -.--.--.----. .------.------. --..-' .---- .., - -----.- -- --------~-~_._-------~- --.-- ._-~ -- .---- ----------~-------------- ---~----_.. -.---..- .---- ----- ----,---.---- .----.--.-..--. ---.---- --,-. .-.-.. .-.-.-..-- '.-_. ...- .. -- ._._-~-~._----- -~--- ,- ~n__. _. ___. -- _____________u_ _..._.~--_._~_._._- -.--..- ------.. ~--_. .-._-- -- .---.----- - .--------. __n__~_._ - ----. -- -- --~--- ---~-----_.. --- --~._-_.- -. -- -- -- - ---. f--- __~_._._o . --'- ..--- ----- --' .n_ _u 'u, --.-- ----.------.-- --- .--- - .---_.--_. ._~ ---"-' - --. -- 9 7 2 4 2 ]2 2 12 12 9 12 -.--.-.- --.-.. . --.---------.-- --- . n_ _. __._ ____ 0_ 42 -- -- ------- ----- ----~--- .-- -.-.----- --. ..-.-.-------- _.'-_._-'-~-- 17875 42 .350 .350 _ --.----.- -..------------- n__,35º-______~35º___ ___ .940 .290 -- .- --- ---. ---_. ------ A Factor .0101 _____n_.__~~ --- ------.-------. ~---_._.- 42 42 42 42 42 _ _"-_. ________ __ .__u.____ _. .] 00 .210 .340 __..t!2P_ , .210 .340 .450 .. - -_.--~- -- _'- 21Q__ ----- ------. ---~------~-- -------.-----. __ . ~øý! 17888 _,~ ØillL 178 2L -.650 17915 17950 + 17960 + --.----. 17971 + ---- .-- ----~ - .--- --'--- --.--.-- .____ ___ _ ____0'''_ e -------- -----.---- -....--.-.-.---.---- ---------- .-------.-- +.110 17978 +.130 17995 +.110 18005 ------~-_. +.120 18015 ---------- - - -- -.--.----- __ ._._ ____... _.____ ____ __. . __._._uu______ ----- --- --.--. +6 +17 +10 +10 +.061 +.049 +.049 -- --.---- -.--- +.007 ---.----..-.-., +.016 .-.---- ---.- +.035 ----.- -.--.-- 'I'a!:!k_ _'l'e~:t~~L_ ~9.ht _____ ___±.:.QJ.5 GP! Lines Tested Ti ht __ ~~_______ --_9._-----..-- "'''_ ._ __... _u'__'__ _ .-. ----- ._~----_.------- .---.-.-------- ~---' - 10-20-86 .. ~---._------ '---. ---..--- --. -----.- -----------~ ----.---..- -~-~-----_.- - ---------- __u____ __ ____ _ _____ _____,___ _____ _"m ______ __ _______ -- +]3 +.131 -.131 - ----- - -----.- +4___ .±.040_______ _=-.O.AJL__ ________ +23 .+232 -.882 .-. _ ._ ._____._ _.. ___ 0_'- .575 .520 -.055 17925 +10 +.101 -.156 -.-.--.----- - .----_.~~-~ ------- -_._-~ ------~ --.--->--- .---- .520 .560 +.040 17940 +15 +.152 -.112 ---..------ .----- - ----.-.-------. .-.----- ------. ~----_. .---.--- --.----- .560 .610 +.050 10 +.101 +.051 . .____.___ . u _._.______ ._. __ __..__ ____._ _._._._ .~._.__~__ _______ ____. __.~___.._.__ 42 .610 .685 +.075 10 +.101 -.026 .____.__.. ____.______ _.____.__.. _______.__.____ ___n__._. _._ .__ __________...~. ___ ______._. 42 .685 .765 +.080 11 +.111 -.031 --.--- ---~-~---- .------.- ---~_._._----- ---~--_.._-- -----..----- -~----_. ------ 12 17972 1- ._--_._~--- --.- ---- --- ---, __ _0.__.._. ___.. -----.-----.-- ------ --- ---- - ~ .-_... .- -- ------ --------- --------- --.---- ----- ._--~ e - --- -- ---.._---- ~--~- - ~-_.- --.-. --_.- ._-"- --- -- --.--- -- --.. -- -- ----- ---------~ ---------..- ---1 + .172 - - .-.... +.]01 -.042 --- - - ---- +.009 ---- ----.---- .- -. '-------'----. +.101 +.019 _. _ u___.____.___. n____+____ -.--- -------------- -----..-- ~--------- .. -,,--..--------,-- ------ ------ -.-. " ._-'--"~'-_.- .----.-.----. +-------- - -.--- -- -----. --,"- ---.- ---. -- ~-----...-.--.-~.- ._----~ ,,--- --- f----~u n._ -- Kern County Health QP~rtment Division of Environn ::.al Heal tA 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield~ 93305 Permit No. /!)CJ 0;;; j'c. APç ~ation Da_ ./~ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE: UNDER3ROOND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ~ of Application (check): ONew Facility D~ification of Facility 1IExistiD;J Facility DTransfer of OWnershi¡: . 1\. ÐDergency 24-lIour Contact (name. area code. phone): Days f 80 ~ ¡ r~ -4 JH Nights 80 _2 -4_ _ Facility Name Pence Automated Fuels ~. 0 Tanks 1 Type of Business (check): [jGasoline Station J1IOther (describe) Cardlock Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes iJNo Is Tank(.s) Used Primarily for h3ricultural Purposes? DYes e No FacUity Address 902 East 18th Street Nearest Cross St. Beale T R SEe (Rural LocatIons cnly) OWner Chãrles Pence Co Contact Person Charles Pence Address _ 920 E. Truxtun Ave. Zip 93305 Tele¡none 327-4373 Operator Charles Pence Co. Contact Person C a \~\¡¡~~"~,t~S~- 920 E. Tru-1Ctun Ava. Zip q 1 10 l) Tele¡mone ~~'¡;~'~~;' to Facility Provided byC alif . feet Y S011 Characteristics' at Facility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater CA Contractor's Ucens8 No. Zip Telephone Proposed CanpleUon Date Insurer .. ~. Contractor Address proposed-Starting Date WOrker's Compensation Certification t ). If This Permit Is For Modification Of An EKist1r¥] FacUity, Briefly Describe flt)dlflcati~; proposed .. Tankes) Store (check all that apply) : ... ~! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Pr_b. Diesel Waste -- Fuel on 0 0 0 0 m 0 8 8 901 0 0 ŒJ 0 0 8 Q02 0 0 i a B 8 B 904 0 0 II 7- Chanical Canp;>si don of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) . . Tank I Chemical Stored (non-conmercial name) CAE. # ( if koO\d\) Chemical previously Stored (if different) ;. Transfer of OWnership Q:ite of Trãnsfer Prey ious wnt:r Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all ôï:Ùigations of Fermit No. issued tc I understaoo that the Pennittl~ Authority may review and modify or teoninate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage facility uI~n receiving this completed fonn. 'It1is fonn has been completed under penal ty of true and cCirrect. Signature (/£: i ¿.t-.'/Æ~/;~lA1'-'<--~' perjury and to the best of my knowledge is Title :,0[t~L:;:~-¡ Date.o~b If) .-- r'ac111ty Name r-ence t1ut.omat.ed l"uels PermIt NO./~ ¿;Uc:/.-7C, ä\NK ~ 9le (rILL OUT :;EP.^RA ~ fORM fOke__rl TANK) -'ËOR -EÃCH-SEcTIõ"N, CHEë"K ALL"APPRõPRIATE BOXES- H. 1. Tank is: DVaulted SiNon-vaulted DD::>uble-Wall risingle-Wall 2. Tank Material ~.GøQ1if\ Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-<lad Steel t1 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Alllt1inum 0 Bronze OUnknown D Other (describe) Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 1977 ~II 4. Tank Secondary Containment o Double-WaU--r:J Synthetic Liner DOthE~r (describe): DMaterial Tank Interior Lining _ DRubber 0 Alkyd DEp:>xy DPhenolic OGlass DClay l8IU'\lined DU'\kno\lil'\ OOther (describe): Tank Corrosion Protection -rJGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DPolyethylene Wrap OVinyl wrappiR;l DTar or Asphalt ~Unknown ONone OOther (describe): Cathodic Protection: 1iINone OIrnpressed CUrrent System C1Sacrificial Þl\ode System Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) t:fGrourrlwater Monitorirg well (s) [] Vadose Zone Monitoring Well (s) 0 U-Tube Without Liner [] U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directin¡ Flow to Monitorirg we11(s) * (] Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Condoctivit;t Sensor* [J Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval , Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni toring Well or Annular Space [iI Daily Ga~ing , Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness TestiR;l o None 0 Unknown 0 Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector (s) for pressuri zed PipiR;lw [] Moni torirxj SlInp wi th Raceway 0 Sealed Concrete RaceWiY o Half-Cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway II None '0 Unknown 0 other *Describe Make , Model: Tank Tightness Has TI1Ils Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank flepair Tank Hepaired? DYes riNo Dunknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs OVerfill Protection (]Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level (]Tape Float Gat..¥3e DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls Bcapacitance Sensor (]Sealed Fill Box ~None Dunknown Other: List Make , Model For Above Devices 3. Capacity (Gallons) 6,000 Manufacturer Mosipr 5. DLined Vault BNone Dunknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) -- Thickness (Inches) 6. 8. DYes IZJNo (]unknown Results of Test Testing Canpany ---. 10. " -r....-·-· 11. Piping a. Uhderground Piping: '~Yes ONo DUnk.no'foK\ Material Steel Thickness (inches)unkown Diameter lAIT Manufacturer Unkown ~Pressure OSuction (]GravityApprõXimate Length of Pipe R1n ,0' b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : I8}Galvanized OFiberglass-Clad DImpr~ssed CUrrent OSacrificial Anode mpolyethylene Wrap OElectrica1 [solation (]vinyl Wrap OTar or Asphalt DUnknown DNone Dother (describe): c. lJndergro~ Pipin;), Secondary Contairrnent: .~_.._-_. o Double-WalI (] Synthetic Liner System 181 None Ounknown DOther (describe): facility Name ~ence Automated Fuels Permit Na./é OUc;;4 7c... rANK ~ 90~- (FILL OUT ~ìEPARf...G FORM FORe",H TANK) -FOR - EÄê"H'SECTIO'N, œEëK ALL APPROPRIATE-šõXEŠ-- 11. Piping a. Underground Pipi~: ~Yes DNa Dunkno\Nl1 Material Steel Thickness (inches) unkow8 Diameter 1~1f Manufacturer unkown fiJpressure DSuction Gravity ~proxlmate Le~th of Pipe R1.I1 30 ' b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : [ZIGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DImpressed QJrrent DSacrificial Anode filPolyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap DTar or Asphalt CIUnkno\Nl1 DNone DOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: [IDouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System rilNone Dunknown rlOt::her (iiF>~r i æ\ ~ / H. 10. 1. Tank is: OVaulted 6nNan-Vaulted Ol))uble-Wall ~single-Wall 2. Tank Material ~~Steel D Stainless Steel 0 Pol yvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-<:lad Steel tl Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 AllJt1Ínum 0 Bronze DUnknown D athe~r (describe) Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 1977 kif 4. Tank Secondary Containment o Double-Wall-r:J Synthetic Liner Dather (describe): DMaterial Tank Interior Lining . DRubber 0 Alkyd DEµ>xy DPhenolic DGlass DClay Sllblined Dlbkno~ DOther (describe): Tank Corrosion Protection -UGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad D~lyethylene Wrap DVinyl Wrappi~ DTar or Asphalt tiJUnknown DNone Dather (describe): Cathodic: protection: fi1None DL11pressed CUrrent System DSacrificial Anode System Describe System & Equipment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception ~Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) LrGroundwater Monitoring' well(s) o Vadose Zone Meni toring Well (s) 0 U-Tube Wi thout Liner o U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitoring we11(s)· o Vapor Detector· D Liquid Level Sensor D Conductivit~ Sensor· o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni tori~ Well or Armular Space JXI Daily Gau:jing & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness TestlBj o None 0 unknown 0 Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipi~· o Moni toriBj SLlDp wi th Raceway 0 Sealed Concrete Raceway o Half-CUt Canpatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway mNone o Unknown 0 Other *Def",cr ibe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Has TIns Tank Been Tightness Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair Tank Re¡A:iiced? DYes G;JNa Dunkno\Nl1 Date(s) of Repair(s) DescribE~ Repairs OVerfill Protection [JOperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float Gau:Je DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls DCaPacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box ŒINone Dunknown OOthE~r: List Make & Model For Above Devices 3. Capacity (Gallons) 10,000 Manufacturer Mosier DLined Vault 51None Ounknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) -- Thickness (Inches) 5. 6. 7. 8. Tested? DYes ~No DUnknown Results of Test Testing Canpany 9. t'aCll1ty Name rence i\ut,omar.en ~uel.S Pemit No. /6 OO~7C TANK ~ 90ft (FILL OUT ~)EPAkAIE FORM FOfa.CH TANK) -FOR - EÃëH-sECTw"N, œEëK ALL APPROPRIATE BõXES- -- H. Tank is: OVaulted ~Nan-Vaulted Orouble-Wall I81Single-Wall Tank Materia 1 GãCarbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Ctùoride 0 Fiberglass~lad Steel [] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Ahminum 0 Bronze OUnkoown o Other (describe) 3. Pri,mary Containment, Date Installed Thlckness (Inches) 1977 ~" Tank Secondary Containment [J Double-Wall-r:J Synthetic Liner (JOther (describe): . IJMaterial Tank Interior Lining _ I:fRubber 0 Alkyd DEp:>xy o Phenolic DGlass DClay ~t.l1lined Dt.l1knoW1 OOther (describe): Tank Corrosion protection IITGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DPolyethylene Wrap DVinyl Wrappll'¥] DTar or Asphalt §nUnknown DNone OOther (describe): Cathodic Protection: k1None Drmpressed CUrrent System DSacrificlal Anode System Describe System & Equipment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception . a. Tank: OVisual (vaulted tanks only) DGrourðwater Monitori~ well(s) o Vadose Zone Monitoring Well( s) 0 U-Tube Without Liner o U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitorirr;J we11(s) * o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Condoctivit~ Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni toril'¥J Well or Annular Space iii Daily GalJJiRJ & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness Testil'¥] o None 0 Unknown 0 Other b.. Pipin:;: Flow-Restrictirg Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized PipiBJ.... o Moni toring Stnp wi th Racew:lY 0 Sealed Concrete RaceWiY D Hal f-cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway ~ None o Unknown 0 Other *Descr ibe Make & Model: Tank Tightness H3s ThIS Tank Been Tightness Tested? 0 Yes Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair Tank Repai red? DYes L31No []unknown Date (5) of Repair (s) Describe Repairs OVerfill Protection []Operator Fills, Controls, & visually Monitors Level OTape Float Gauge OFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box ~None DUnknown OOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices l. 2. Capacity (Gallons) 6,000 Manufacturer Mosier 4. OLined Vault ~None OUnknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) -- Thickness (Inches) 5. 6. 7. 8. ~ No Ounknown Results of Test Testing Canpany 9. 10. 11. !Iiping ét. underground Piping: &I Yes DNa DUnknown Material Steel Thickness (inches) unkOWEJ Diameter 1 ~ 11 Manufacturer unkown OOPressure DSuction Gravi ty Approximate Length of pipe Rœ 30' b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : Œ}Galvanized OFiberglass-Clad Dlmpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode ŒJpolyethylene Wrap DElectrical IsulatL) ") DVinyl Wrap DTar or Asphalt OUnknown o None DOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: DDouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner syst.em ~None OUnknown []Other (describe): . -..' .. . " ' ,- . . .. '.., , , ; , " '.-: , .. - ", L / 8 '¡{í ~ I-. . -, ~. " ""1~~~~~:~~::-1:'r~~~~t~ , ' . " LE IE. t:' El , (~. -.' . , ~: ...., "~ .', . ....-: .. > , . - 16roo,~1 ' ""., '- I (Pb~~O ~I BId lOCX:O {"I\( ~'I ~__..__ _------~..-,- "i~-( urfvlJ A ve, ~-'... . '~ I 1\ u-f DV}'IQ -+ eJ rue I s =¡," . i I ~- .- E. /8 Tf¡, 5f. e Qj Cò ~ (t- \.1\ t--., <=- C'J '"I +- :r , e 5ru/e / ~2.0 I 3/2.(P/ ß 5