HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 96-89RESOLUTION NO. 96-89 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 18 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE 1989-90 BUDGET, LEVYING ASSESSMENTS, RESERVING THE RIGHT TO PERFORM MAINTENANCE WORK BY CITY FORCES AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS BY THE KERN COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR. WHEREAS, the Report of the Public Works Director, including the 1989-90 budget for Maintenance District No. 18 and complying with the provisions of Section 13.04.130 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, having heretofore been filed with the City Clerk as required by Section 13.04.140 of that Code, and the requirements of Section 13.04.150 and 13.04.160 having been met, the City Council has this date held a noticed public hearing as required by Sections 13.04.210 and 13.04.220 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the Report of the Public Works Director, including the aforementioned budget, and has considered and heard any and all protests which may have been filed against the amounts of the assessments or to the fairness of the benefit formula or formulae. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals are found to be true and correct. 2. The Report of the Public Works Director, attached here- to, including the 1989-90 budget for Maintenance District No. 18 and the assessments therein contained, is hereby approved, such budget is hereby adopted and such assessments are hereby levied. 3. The reservation of the right to perform maintenance work by City forces is hereby made. 4. The City Clerk shall transmit the assessments levied herein to the Director of Finance with instructions to submit said list to the Kern County Auditor-Controller and Tax Collector, and such other County officers as may be required, for placement of such assessments on the secured roll of the County and request that said assessments be collected in the same manner as ad valorem property taxes. .......... 000 .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on June 5~ 1989 , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ANTHONY. DeMOND, SMITH, RATTy PETERSON, McDER NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ~%T,~n ~ MOTT.$ALVAGGIO ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ~one ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: /// : Assist~n~ CITY CLERK and Ex ~Offi~ Cl~rk of th~ Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED June 5, 1989 CLARENCE E. MEDDER$ MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CITY AT~OR~yA~o AJS/DH/me>~ th~ Attachments M MAIN 4 MAIN18.1 5/31/89 of Bakersfield - 2 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S REPORT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 18 City of Bakersfield Fiscal Year 1989-1990 City of Bakersfield, Maintenance District No. 18 is generally described as a district within the City of Bakersfield consisting of all lots within Tract 4487 and Lots 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 54 of Tract 3933, Unit A, and Lots 1 through 5, 8 throug 22, and 29 through 41 of Tract 3933, Unit B, Panorama Drive and Charger Avenue on the south, Meadow Vista Court on the west, Dorset Drive on the north and Fairfax Road on the east. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 13.04 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, referred to as the Bakersfield Maintenance District Procedure, the Public Works Director makes and files this report and proposed assessment of and upon all parcels of property within the district to be assessed for the cost of maintaining and operating local public improvements, which are now contemplated or are in various planning stages and some of which may be constructed or installed within and would then be main- tained and operated by the district. All such improvements will be constructed only after plans therefor have been filed with and approved by the City Engineer. The improvements include, but are limited to, signs, sign posts, plant forms, drainage facilities, native grasses, ground covers now existing or hereafter to be constructed, laid or planted in and for said maintenance district and of special benefit to the territory within the district and of a public nature, including the cost of necessary repairs, replacements, water, fuel, power, gas, electric current, care, supervision and any and all other items necessary for the proper maintenance and operation thereof, and all additions, improvements and enlargements thereto which may hereafter be made. Ther may be other improvements of the general nature designated above to be MD18.1 -1- maintained and operated by the district. In this particular instance, the purpose of the district is to main- tain slopes, paved benches and drainage facilities within Lot 22 dedicated to the City on the face sheet of Tract 4487. These slopes, with an intermediate paved bench and drainage facilities, were constructed by the developer at its own expense according to plans and specifications approved by the City. The City has accepted the slope construction as completed. The slopes have been hydraseeded with native grasses and will require minimal maintenance, however, since the integrity of all lots, streets, drainage and other subdivision improvements in Tracts 4487 and 3933 depend upon the stability of such slopes, a maintenance district is required to ensure perpetual monitoring and maintenance. The funds ~enerated as a result of the establishment of the proposed district will be utilized strictly for the purposes of and applied to the maintenance and upkeep of the slopes within Lot 22 of Tract 4487. Such funds will not supplant any City general fund expenditure, either present or future. The establishment of the proposed district has been specifically requested by the present owners and developers of all property located within the district, in order that funding for the maintenance and upkeep of slopes essential to the stabilit~ of lots, streets, drianage facilities and other sub- division improvmeents within the district can be assured. the proposed district is designated for residential development. Because the slopes straddle Tracts 3933 and 4487, the area within the proposed district will receive the greatest benefit frc~ the contemplated improvements and maintenance thereof. Increased market value will accrue to the owners of parcels within the district because of the permanent monitoring and maintenance of the slopes. The benefits will inure to the lots or parcels uniformly, and will be assessed at a uniform dwelling MD18.2 -2- unit rate. The benefit fonmala is set forth in the attachment hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, I, E. W. SCHULZ, Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield, by virtue of the power vested in me and the order of the Council of said City, hereby submit the following budget and assessment upon all parcels of property within Maintenance District No. 18, subject to be assessed to pay the cost of maintenance and operation of said district for the fiscal year 1989-90 Said assessment is made in accordance with the Benefit Formula attached hereto. MD18.3 -3- Said assessment. is made in accordance with the benefit formula attached hereto. 1989 - 1990 BUDGET Sources of Funds Beginning Fund Balance Gross Amount Required A~Dunt of Contribution by City Amount of Advances by City Net Balance, to be assessed Total 1,848 6,070 4,222 Use of Funds City Staff Services or Contract Supplies, Materials, Utilities Estimated Maintenance Cost 3,040 1,182 4,222 DATED: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECfOR City of Bakersfield MD18.4 -4- MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 18 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BENEFIT FORMULA The amount of the assessment on each assessable lot or parcel within the dis- trict each year (A) shall be: The total amount budgeted by the district for maintenance and operation of the district for the year in which the assessment is levied (MR) multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of dwelling units permitted to be constructed on such lot or parcel* (D), the denominator of which is the total number of dwelling units permitted to be constructed on all lots or parcels within the district* (DT), or, expressed mathematically: A = MR X D * The number .of dwelling units permitted to be constructed on each lot or parcel within the district shall be deemed one (1), except for Lot 6 of Tract 4487, on which the number of dwelling units permitted to be constructed thereon shall be deemed six (6). MD18.A1 Page 1 of 1 ASSPDT. REPORT. COUNCIL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PAgE~ 1 iI~24AM 8AKERSFIELD MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS RUN DATE~ 05-23-89 DIST# PARCEL# ........ LOT/SEC... TRACT NO. ACRES.. TOTAL AMOUNT... 1s 146-364-10-00-5 18 146-365-02-00-9 18 146-365-03-00-2 18 146-365-04-00-5 18 146-365-05-00-8 18 146-365-06-00-1 18 146-365-07-00-4 18 146-372-01-00-8 18 146-372-02-00-1 18 146-372-03-00-4 18 146-372-04-00-7 18 146-372-05-00-0 18 146-372-06-00-3 18 146-372-15-00-9 18 146-372-16-00-2 18 146-372-17-00-5 18 146-372-18-00-8 18 146-372-19-00-1 18 146-372-20-00-3 18 146-372-26-00-1 18 146-373-01-00-5 18 146-373-02-00-8 18 146-373-03-00-i 18 146-373-04-00-4 18 146-373-05-00-7 18 146-373-06-00-0 18 146-373-07-00-3 18 146-373-13-00-0 18 146-373-14-00-3 18 146-373-15-00-6 18 146-373-16-00-9 18 146-373-17-00-2 18 146-373-18-00-5 18 146-373-19-00-8 18 146-373-20-00-0 18 146-374-01-00-2 18 146-374-02-00-5 18 146-374-03-00-8 18 146-374-04-00-1 18 146-374-05-00-4 18 146-590-01-00-8 18 146-590-02-00-1 18 146-600-01-00-0 18 146-600-02-00-3 18 146-600-03-00-6 18 146-600-04-00-9 18 146-600-05-00-2 18 146-600-06-00-5 18 146-600-07-00-8 18 146-600-08-00-1 18 146-600-09-00-4 18 146-600-10-00-6 18 146-600-11-00-9 18 146-600-12-00-2 54 39335 52 3933A 51 3933A 50 3933A 49 3933A 47 3933A 48 3933A 36 3933B 37 3933B 38 3933B 39 39339 40 3933B 41 3933B 30 3933B 31 39338 32 39338 33 39338 34 39338 35 39335 29 3933~ 16 3933B 17 3933B 18 39335 19 39335 20 39335 21 3933B ~ 3933B 8 39338 9 3933B 10 3933B 11 39338 12 39335 13 39335 i4 39335 15 3~335 1 39335 2 3~335 3 3~335 4 39338 5 3933B PN27 4487 PN27 4487 1 4487 2 4487 4487 4 4487 5 4487 6 4487 7 4487 8 4487 9 4487 10 4487 11 4487 12 4487 2. 50 3. 50 4. 70 58.64 58.64 58.64 58. 64 58.64 58.64 58. 64 58.64 58. 64 58~ 64 58.64 58.64 ~8.64 58.64 58,64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58,64 08.64 58.64 58.64 58. 64 58.64 58.64 58.64 ~8.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 351. 76 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 ASSPDT. REPORT. COUNCIL CITY OF BA½ERSFIELD PAGE: 11:24AM BAKERSFIELD MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS RUN DATE: DIST# PARCEL# ........ LOT/SEC... TRACT NO. ACRES.. TOTAL AMOUNT... 18 146-600-13-00-5 13 4487 18 146-610-01-00-3 14 4487 18 146-610-02-00-6 15 4487 18 146-610-03-00-9 16 4487 18 146-610-04-00-2 17 4487 18 146-610-05-00-5 18 4487 18 146-610-06-00-8 19 4487 18 146-610-07-00-1 20 4487 18 146-610-08-00-4 21 4487 18 146-610-09-00-7 23 4487 18 146-610-10-00-9 24 4487 18 146-610-11-00-2 25 4487 18 146-610-12-00-5 26 4487 18 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58. 64 58. 64 58. 64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 58.64 4,~22.00 67 eeco~ds listed.