HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 68-89RESOLUTION NO. 68-89 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING THE FILING OF APPLICATIONS FOR GRANT FUNDE; FROM THE ROBERTI-Z'BERG-HARRIS URBAN OPEN SPACE PROGRAM FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PARK PROPERTIES ON MONITOR STREET AND THE IMPROVEMENT OF FACILITIES IN VARIOUS CITY PARKS. WHEREAS, the People of the State of California have enacted the Robenti- Z'Berg-Harris Urban Open Spa::;e Program which provides funds to the to the State of California and its political subdivisi~ns for acquiring lands and deve!opin9 faci- lities for public recreati<)n.~l purposes; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibility for the a;ministration of programs under said Act setting up necessary procedures governing appllcatior by local a9encies under the program; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Department of Parks and Rec- reation require applicants t,; certify by resolution the approval of applications prior to submission of said applic;]tions to the State; and WHEREAS, said applications contain a certification that the City will comply with all federal, state, and local enwronmental, public health, relocation, affirmative action, and clearin9-house requirements and all other apprc. priate codes, laws and regulations prior to the expenditure of the grant funds; and WHEREAS, the proje{;ts applied fo~ under these p~ograms are of a high priority and satisfy the most urgent park aad recreation needs with emphasis on unmet needs in the most heavily population a~'ea*;; and WHEREAS, the City cf Bakersfield will enter into an agreement with the State of California for the development of the projects. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as Follows: 7. The filing of applications for funding under the Roberti- Z'BeFg-HaFris Open Space Program is approved; and 2. The City of Bakersfield has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the projects fullded under these programs; and $. The City of Bakersfield understands the assurances and ¢eFtifications in the applications; and 4. The City of Balersfield has or will have available prior to commencement of any work on the pFOjects included in these applications the required matching from a non- sta~e source; and 5. The projects i~.cluded in these applications conform to the park policy contained in the Open Space Element of the City of Bakersfield general plan; and 6. The City Manager is hereby appointed agent of the City to conduct all negotiations, execute and suLmit all documents including, but not limited to applications agreements, amendments, payment requests, and so on which may be necessary for the completion of the afoFementioned projects; and 7. Tile City Attotrey is hereby appointed as legal counsel of' the City for purposes hereof. ................ 000 ................ -2- HEREBY CERTIFY that, the fo*-egoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regu]ar meetin9 therecf held on the l?th day of MAy, 1989 by the following vote: AYES: COUMClLMEMBERS: ~ DeM~iND, SMITH. RA~F~'~ PET~F~SON, McDERMOTT NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ~SENT: COUNCi~EMgERS: Smith 46STAINING: COUNCILMEMBERS: None _, CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 17th day of May, 1989 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to for% -q:~,ITY ATTORNE¥~?e Ci ~ ~ / ~/f' Bakersfield ROBEHTI--T.'BEF ARRt$ URBAN OvEN-SPACE AND RECR[ C)N APPLICATION FOR LO?~,L ASS[S"TANCE GRANT Project N,me Monitor Park (Property Acquisition) Applicant (Apency -- ~ddress incL zip City of ~akersfield glO1 Truxtun Avenue ~akersfield, CA 93309 {w~! J. Dale Hawley City Manager IName) (Title) Person with day-to-day responsibility for proiect lif different from authorized representative) (w~) Frank Fabbri Park Superintendent (Name) Amount of Grant Request $ 57-231 Amount of Matchir~ Fur,c~ $ 2~, 528 E~imt~ To~I Proje~ ~ $ 276,000 Sourm of ~atching Fu~sDonation of r~al prooe~v (805) 326-3751 (Phone) (805~ 326-3117 {Phone) De=ori~tion of Pro)e~ (Brief) The City of Bakersfield is. proposing to construct a park in the south Bakersfield area. Additional land acquisition would allow for the park to be larger and bounded on two (2) sides by public streets. This block grant will purchase three (3) lots and matching funds will be the donation of two additional lots by the developer. PBA 19~6 funds were approved for construction in 1988-89 budget. The s~te is within an established neighborhood, Which was developed without a park or recreational facilities. Land Tenure -- Project: 5 acres owned in fee simple by applicant (Please available under a __. year lease (enclosed) (Please ChecK) X other interest {explain) tO be Durchased (Please Check) Census tract number in vchioh project is located:#31,02 Senate Dis*- 16th Assembly Dis*- 33rd ~stimate s~ project C. omptete project July 1989 September 1990 Da~e ~ate any funds will b~ disbursed, DPR 6S2 (Rev 8/8g) (over) lan~s {acQuisition proiects only). Wri"~l:en narral, ive justifying projec~ Ineeos-basis only). 632 (Back) ROBEJ-~TI-Z'BE~ ~[ARRIS URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECR. ION PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR LOCAL ASSISTANCE GRANT Project Name Various City Park Locations (Court areas) $21,~62 Appli~nt {A~n~ -- ~¢idm= incl. zip code) City of Bakersfield alO1 T~mxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 Appli~n~' Repre~ntattve Aumorized in Resolution (~pe) J. Dale Hawley Cit,y Y~nager {Nmme) (T~tie~ Person wi~ day-t~0my responsibiii~ for proje~ (if different from authorized representative) (~e) Frank Fabbri Park Superintendent (Ti~e) Ertirnat~d Total Prelect Co~t $ 30,660 Source of Matching Funds General Fund (805) 326-3751 (Phone) Descr(ption of Pro)eCt (Br,ef) The City of Bakersfield has various parks that have hard surface court areas and picnic areas that have deteriorated over the years. These f~ds plus matching general fund money would restore these areas. Land Tenure -- Project: N/A acres owned in fee slmpte by applican: (Please ~eck) available under ~ year lease (enclosed) (Please ChecK} other interest (explain} (P)~ase ~neck) Census tract number in which pro.iem is located: N/A Senate Dis*., 16th Assembly Dis'- 33rd ~stirna~e sta~ project Complete project July 1989 July 1Q90 DPR 632 (Rev 8/BB) (over) '-- (aCClUiSit~on projects only]. lanEJs {acaulsi~ion projec~.s only}. Wri'~ten narra~.ive jus'[ifyin9 proie~ needs-basis only},