HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK (2) J' -.-- e -. A~·ti· fr<,>c'/ ~-' ç:ç) '. ,.'.:,. :~73(:~(fn l ¡ ,~..'.\ .;:.-:.. ..' . " O " . . . '.-""4'" . .,.' t.¡¡O·to;t·:. 0 ' . ¡ . '~~~'';;' J" ·'tJt-.nl'f"· ..', "': RAM "-:.. '"~,í '. , ~ .... " . C. 'I, ~. ,,~"'." ENVIRONMENTAL ENG'fNEERING SERVICES, INC. REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN PALMER TANK & CONSTRUCTION, INC. 2464 SOUTH UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Mr. Jerry Palmer Palmer Tank & Construction, Inc. Prepared by: RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. 3333 Gibson St., Suite 200 · Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 324-6152 · FAX (805) 325-8942 / e - 1<,:,..1, ,_' .',' ...' '.i R··A··M·· , ... ... ;.; ;: - l' ... .: ENVIRONMENT At ENGINEERING SERVICES,INC. . ",':;':-.J\ ." ¡ ,~\ .~; November 5, 1992 Mr. Mike Driggs Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Driggs; Enclosed for your review and approval is a copy of the Remedial Action Plan for the Palmer Tank & Construction, Inc. property. Mr. Palmer is anxious to begin on-site work as soon as possible. We would be available to meet with you at your convenience should you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, ~~\~ Kathleen Roush, R.G. Project Geologist KR:njg encl. n\2014S\200221.10 3333 Gibson St., Suite 200 · Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 324-6152 · FAX (805) 325-8942 j e e' -.-. ... " 1.0 INTRODUCTION Palmer Tank and Construction, Inc. is located at 2464 South Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). In January of 1991, two 5,000 gallon tanks and one 10,000 gallon underground storage tank were removed. Samples were taken at depths of two feet and six feet below both ends of the tanks. The soil samples indicated that there had been ~ unauthorized release of hazardous materials into the underlying soil beneath the eastern end of the 10,000 gallon tank. Palmer Tank: and Construction, Inc. was notified by the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) that a site characterization must be conducted in order to detennine the vertical and lateral extent of the contamination. The area of concern lies near the front entrance of the property and is not overlain by concrete or asphalt at the present time. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. characterized the site and determined that the contamination is confined to a vertical depth of between 24 to 30 feet and a radius of approximately 15 feet. The results of both the preliminary assessment and site characterization are shown on Tables 1 and 2. TABLE 1: RESULTS OF PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT I CONT AMINANT I DEPTH BELOW TANK I 2 FT I 6 FT Benzene 280 24 Toluene 2000 910 Ethyl Benzene 675 2600 Xylenes 4800 1600 Total Petroleum 1000 360 Hydrocarbons (gasoline) -- Results shown in ppm n\20145\200221.10 ·e e····'··,..' '; :...-- .-'.- ,. '" .'-' .:,. . , t::_:.J .:'.',:M , TABLE 2: ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF FIELD ACTIVITIES (BORINGBlr" BORING NUMBER BI Bl Bl BI Bl Bl Bl DEPTH 15 20 25 30 . 35 40 45 Benzene ND 34 97 0.320 ND ND ND Toluene 190 220 470 0.034 0.0053 0.006 ND Ethylbenzene 100 48 140 0.028 ND ND ND Total Xylenes 580 260 710 0.076 ND ND ND Isopropylbenzene 37 11 32 ND ND ,ND ND TPH (gasoline) 4300 2300 6200 1.2 ND ND ND TABLE 2: ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF FIELD ACTIVITIES (BORINGS B2-B4) BORING NUMBER B2 B2 B2 B2 B3 B3 B3 B4 B4 DEPTH 15 25 35 45 20 30 40 20 35 Benzene 96 0.330 0.034 0.058 1.4 ND 0.034 0.032 0.093 Toluene 230 4.7 ND 0.0081 12 ND 0.006 0.043 0.0061 Ethylbenzene 47 3.2 ND 0.0074 2.8 ND ND 0.0072 ND Total Xylenes 248 8.1 ND 0.0168 16.9 ND 0.0334 0.027 ND Isopropylbenzene 11 0.94 ND 0.0098 0.076 ND ND 0.010 ND TPH (gasoline) 2300 76 1.5 ND 100 ND ND ND ND n\2O 145\200221.1 0 e 'e' .' . ~ '~.,,~ ',::,- ., .J"" 2.0 GEOLOGY "'....,;~.,J~~~/ The surficial soils at the site were deposited in a lacustrine, marsh, and distal. portion of an alluvial fan environment The soils encountered during the field investigation consisted predominantly of well-sorted fine to medium sands with some interbedded clay and silt layers. A clay layer was found in all borings at a depth of approximately 30 feet below grade. Based upon information supplied by the Kern County Water Agency, groundwater lies at a depth of approximately 160 feet below grade in the unconfined aquifer. The regional gradient in this area is toward the . southeast. The site also lies just beyond the western edge of the perched water table. 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of services described in this workplan will include the following: · Excavate out the highly contaminated soils using a front end loader and excavator. Overburden shall be segregated and backfilled into the hole. The base and sides of the excavation will be sampled to assure success. · The excavation will be backfilled with clean fill dirt removed from adjoining property owned by Mr. Palmer. The KCEHSD will inspect and approve the fill material before backf1lling operations. The soils will be compacted to 85%. · The contaminated soils will be transported to a concrete pad at the southern end of the property. The soils will be covered with visquine and aerated at rates within Air Pollution Control District Guidelines. · The aeration piles will be turned once per week and monitored with a Photo Ionizing Detector for the presence of Petroleum Hydrocarbons. · To confmn clean up of the excavated soils, one sample will be collected for every 125 cubic yards of soil and analyzed for the presence of Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, and Ethylbenzene (BTXE) and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline. · A final report will be submitted to KCEHSD documenting the operation following receipt of all laboratory analysis. 4.0 SCHEDULE RAM anticipates beginning excavation activities within two weeks of approval of the workplan by KCEHSD. The material will be aerated over a period of six to eight weeks and analysis of the confirmation samples will require approximately two weeks to complete. A [mal report will be submitted to KCEHSD within three weeks of receipt of all analytical results. n\20145\200221.1 0 ·e·· . , .. -, 5.0 METHODS Excavation The personnel of Palmer Tank and Construction, Inc. have rerouted all underground and overhead lines in preparation for this project. In addition, the shed which had previously been located south of the previous location of the tank has been moved. In order to excavate all highly contaminated soils to a depth of 25 feet below grade, an excavator and front end loader will be required. The excavator will initially remove and segregate all overburden. . Contaminated soils will be transported to the aeration area with the front end loader. A ramp will be built down to a depth of approximately 10 feet below grade to allow access to the base of the excavation. The hole will not be shored since no personnel will be entering the hole. Clean fill will be scraped and transported to the excavation from property east of the site. KCEHSD and personnel from RAM will inspect the fill material to assure it is free of contamination. Once all highly contaminated soils have been removed, all four walls and the base of the excavation will be sampled with the use of the excavator. These samples will be analyzed for the presence of TPH as gasoline and BTXE by SMC Labs of Bakersfield. The hole will then be backfilled to 85% compaction. Aeration The gasoline contaminated soils will be transported to a concrete pad present at the south side of the site. The soils will be spread to an approximate thickness of 18 inches. Portions of the soil will be covered with visquine in order to aerate the soils within Air Pollution Control District Guidelines. The soil will be turned once per week with a backhoe and monitored with a Photo Ionizing Detector for the presence of volatile organic compounds. Aeration of the soils should be completed within six weeks of initiation. In order to confmn the success of the aeration project, samples will be collected every 125 cubic yards of soil. The samples will be analyzed for the presence of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline and BTXE by SMC Labs in Bakersfield. Once remediated, the soils will be left in place and removed at the discretion of Palmer Tank and Construction, Inc. rr\20145\200221.l0 '··'..'··'·'·..·"··e·'····· '. "41'" ., " .. ," ',~~.' . , , . . . . '.-. ".',j"',= 'k.""'; - . .' SamDlinfZ . . . ",. .... ,..':........ . . , , . '. " -'; : :., . .... ., ·.z·: .. ..;.,:.\:~;~-:~t: ~~~;~~ ;...~: ~:' . ~ ./ ~, All samples will be collected in brass sleeves advanced directly into cohesive soi1s~ The samples will be capped with teflon tape and a plastic pliable lid, sealed with tape, labeled in accordance with EP A protocols, recorded on a Chain-of-Custody form, placed in a cooler with ice, and transported to a certified laboratory with the Chain-of-Custody for the specified analysis. Samples will be analyzed by SMC Lab of Bakersfield, a California State certified laboratory. 6.0 SITE SAFETY PLAN Appendix A contains a Site Safety Plan which complies with Worker Right to Know Regulations and CAC Title 26. rr'I2O 145\200221.1 0 , "'h I.' ....~.,:.: . "',. ~ '. .~-~', ->l-'~,,~,;,,~>¡.' ~ ...,,'......... ~ _....! ...~..q -. '\l I II"'" ," .' --,~ .VI . H. . . Faye In. .5t.fo"tJtMJ~ Int/\\. Villi' Or. ã _ 1~'tI ! Ii ..r:mrk1,~~, r- ~ ¡¡ l.wsoo~ ~ Ad ~---1~7'''' ~ ..J óJcñ I. Rrl,lr.y Av i i t ¡~:; !Curll~ Dr. ~ -J j HDI II Wv. ~1iflma"':: .... !:: 11), , orman Ave = Car~~ Oonhlße II) II) ~ South Gal: ..0,. ..; '- .~ ~11 .~Cu..., A,' - ~ " 't'- ~ 0. ~ EI3m"o'.":' m.:; Echo A'4t: é I f -~ lemav Aye. I C;)) SI. 0 vi '\, ~ .~I~ft,,)S 5';; & 5 ~¡~'Iori' ¡......'. RANK CliU -S 6 ~ ~~~ S' ~ ,. ~n.j¡ .' .: - :Þo . t',l weST A a a.~ . il~ (/) Q'~' Ih'um (. \ , ~ "d. Ip~' ,SCIt~l~ ~v., ~~..¥.~ vi ~ ~lD~ 8 .h II) ;'¡¡[~l~L Sherwood ·~I~ Anlonoo WV ~\1 ,QA '. Lou", ~ .'~' \,. l1e ~ Ë L~ WeUhavcn:'t ~ .JOoriIUl Dr. ~\ ~ý....),."\" \.,..c..'b It r--"'~' p ! ð¿,w Woollldl ~. ~ ~AO"I.i' D.I.. J'.~" .';~,IÈ~'~".;i0<' ~.> rE ERTJ-FL .11.woC)( tJfH~å: ~.~~_ i,A ~ cI: If' f'1lll i1~.J 8. wed.r. ~I 05Ci:f I ~ . ~~. Y Jþ/. q. \"~oo " .' ~~ E W,lon ~.~I ~ ~ac('YI '\ ~ g,-y / "cr ~ ~~ T h~'~) At 2 '¡ .,.... ~ .:;; ~_iW~~ :~erVI ,,~~~ ~ v; ,-I.¡"IA..,Q I.~, ~I¡I;,~~" PI ~;. ~ ML:ledith ,?~f7 Ot. 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" " LEGEND: Overhead Lines B4~ _ - - Fence ',/ \ I I / EXCAVATION "i;,· ~\:~«,;';;, ~~~"di:,::,..:~k:{;<.:,; I I J AREA C ) 0> o L. o +- (/) ._._._e_._e ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. FIGURE 2: Site Map Prepared by: K. Roush 11/6/92 >¡ ;;;. ' ~ . . , .:". . ,:"';.::. :..¡,::":"'>~":'.'-;'..;..<.; <~,~::;,::,\.;...;~ '\. . ,. APPENDIX A'~·" "",'" , '.r., ,.<'- ....... ". " :" .' V <: . ~ y . c \ ~ ~*.4'~ .,{/ ~":i 4~ ;.t~:~' '.; ~ '.: ':~~:.~~' , ~~ ,~ l :~~~t~~~: 1~~ ~~.(~ ~~~'"~~ ~y~.-: y ~:~~:.¿'~ ;':' ,:, ..,/.~ . ',. ,..... '.',: '",~ "t' '.' . r' "f'""'" v,. "...;<;:.Jí1Ìi ..~ '"~".ilt.f,, ,., ,.'~ .'. jí·ji.'!''''~_~tt >. , i1ò.... 'JI.¡f .':1"'" '. " ,., , ." . . ~"< \'" ,...... ":'·~'··~"'·1;~.· "~"'!\'ß:f;~-~2~ji~~~~~t}?:~:::«:>r .' .,.', -, . ~ ....~,. .-. ':. \ . .' >,. . .... .' ....... .: J.. ; .">'~>' ;<.:;.>~::r~2~~fl::~?>';,~;,;;;'I!t·~;~\~~l:.h..· SITE SAFETY PLAN The purpose of this Health and Safety Plan is to describe the procedures undertaken by' RAM' Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. and its subcontractors to ensure the health and safety of their employees while conducting the remediation at Palmer Tank and Construction, Inc. underground tank: site. This Plan is based on information gathered during the Site Characterization at the site and on activities described in the Remediation Action Plan. Action levels and levels of protection ate based on OSHA requirements and NIOSH worker protection documents. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of this project is to excavate and aerate contamination left by a dispenser that was removed in January, 1991. This will be accomplished with the use of an excavator and loader as described in the Site Characterization Work Plan. CONTAMINATION CONCERNS The major contaminants of concern include hydrocarbons such as' Benzene, Toluene and Xylene. CONTAMINANT TLV ROUTE OF EXPOSURE· Toluene Xylene Benzene 100 ppm 100 ppm 1 ppm Inh, lng, Con, Abs Inh, lng, Con, Abs Inh, lng, Con, Abs *lnh=lnhalation, Ing=Ingestion, Con=Contact(skin,eye), Abs=Absorption through skin Documentation of health exposure is attached LEVELS OF PROTECTION Levels of protection shall follow the guidance document OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEAL 1H GUIDANCE MANUAL FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE ACTIVITIES, prepared by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), U.S. EP A, U.S. Coast Guard, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration--Publication #85-115. Level "B" protection--self-contained breathing apparatus or supplied air; inner latex gloves and outer nitrile glove; full over-suit; neoprene boots; hard hat; two-way communications; 5 minute supplied air escape canister (ELSA Unit). m20145\200221.10 ':'tt'j;·.·:', ,;~ ;:/;<~~~?~ .. '. ' . t". "" .,,:-" ';':',' .",'..-.....:<:;. .' ","",. ". >~ ." _.'.. ...~-:.:~~~~~~>.,~ . .,_,_.:~,:\-',.;~~._';-:,~:.. _ : Level}'B~rlÏ1Óc1ified··s~:äif.aboVè,but witl1.:chemicå1: sp~prOtection~{;~êr, thê; ~~it·~~:\,· ;,' . I .~. ~. '," ";., ::¿·:~·~.....:.t '''\: ~,::,../~/~~~~,,~~;.,;~,.::'~::.'~'''<~:,:<''''::~'''~'':''~..~.,: '. '.::.\,:.\;:~:-~~~)'\"!:::~':..',. :.~' /~#'; :.:..:~l~,:lt"""'>'> ,_.."..:~~<,~~~1;.':~f~.~."~;~::~>~~~;¡..~~¡ .' \~. .. :..., .' ~~., Level "C" protection--full-face cartridge respirator; tyvek suit; nitrile gloves;,neOpœne boots; hard haL Level"D" protection--full coveralls of cotton or Nomex; neoprene boots; hard hat. ACTION LEVELS FOR WORKER PROTECTION All site personnel shall initially don Level D protection for the site characterization. An HNu photoionizer will be kept on-site for ambient air monitoring. The ambient air surrounding the excavation will be monitored every 30 minutes once soil contamination is encountered. Action levels are described below. CONTAMINANT ACTION LEVEL AMBIENT CONC. TLV DETECTION METHOD REQUIRED PROTECTION Toluene Xylene Benzene 50 ppm 50 ppm 10 ppm 100 ppm 100 ppm 3000 ppm HNu HNu HNu Drager Upgrade to C Upgrade to C Upgrade to C CONTINGENCY PLANS In the event of accident, injury, or other emergency, the Project Director or another person will notify appropriate government agencies or individuals as follows: 1. Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805)861-3636 2. Police, Fire, or Ambulance Emergency 9 - 1 - 1 3. Nearest Emergency Hospital: Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 (805)327-3371 m20145\200221.10 ~t'~-'T-§;-- Ð;"" #', -, ", ~ ..f¡ _ ~ ~¡ ~ ':,., ~ ~ .. ?""~:{ ð' ~!:~' -~'-. -'7<'~ - . . . """'''--;-'''';' ., " ,,,," :.,~" 1 .' ,~. .,~ , ' . ¡ :"....~ . ,a" :;1:. .. J .'.."''"', .. '.. , .~ . ""; > &.',..;.;. ..;j..,i ;1..': · . . , J .~d:1 ç;.~>,~' ~,'~r;~:.;{:':::" '.' ~'}~·;';MÊj:.Jí t~I~..:~...,~:~~~;:':· .Oc~!~.~~ i ' " . ;" '~., 'l . ". ...., ~!f.h. '//.1' " '. . ,I\'~ .~~ . ~¡f~L,k;~ '. ,i~ fl ~} ,..;;¡.¡.y",; '!;Â~t;;.I" 11151/'~"#~ ,....:...;~..:'.:,':. .~ð¡... '<A~".~~)[~~Ô!;. ð~ll7'}.iI~> Ri :'!." ;, r 'ð '0: 'r~~" . . ,0 '~T" \" ~ . .~~~~~f'ro/~~' ,. i . 'l~J~ 1~1.J:~r;¡:t;j:. ~~..... ~1~~'ff~6 ~",A~"'. ~~~,~~~~<U!J'?f'~~:' -.. 'I';~ ~~,,:,j - U I f~?'" AL. ¡~ \ .:Of;!" _& .);¡~~I" /"",O or;.7. ~;..; .., TIII~'MINr ð ~ ~-f?c .. þo..~ . ... ". "- ~ t04 Q. r Co:" . C ;.JNA"At_ =.:.g. - . '::~~~.JI '!i\. HOSPIT A L .,..-... O(A ~....:JI£"R'" .:r.~..c . 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UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK August 8, 1991 Prepared by: 3333 Gibson St., Suite 200 · Bakersfield, CA 93308 . . . .....r::<..,.... SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORK PLAN RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. ~/~//,:~><~,:,~'. \. \~\ \', \ " .\\,. ~ ø '\(,\ \~ "I,J. \~ / ;'., \ '<, ~\~_.. .... <;--)\'---:-, . 0:\ -, . ~~~~ (805) 324-6152 · FAX (805) 325-8942 ~ r'#- e R,A;,M. e .,¡ ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES,INC. August 5, 1991 Mr. Mike Driggs Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Driggs: Enclosed for your review and approval is a copy of the Site Characterization for Palmer Construction, Inc., 2464 S. Union Avenue, Bakersfield. We would be available to meet with you at your convenience should you have any questions or comments. Please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ftctB~ Q.~~L Kathleen A. Roush Geologist KAR:njg encl. gs\20145\200161.02 3333 Gibson St., Suite 200 · Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 324-6152 · FAX (805) 325-8942 tÞ ~ e e $':- { ,.,,:, c~.,. Y" '-'or- " 1.0 INTRODUCTION Palmer Construction has authorized RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. to prepare this work plan for their property at 2464 S. Union Avenue, Bakersfield (Figure 1). Kern County Health Services Department (KCHSD) has required that a site characterization be performed in order to assess the contamination resulting from leakage from their 10,000 gallon underground storage tank. The Project site is located at the western most edge of perched groundwater based on regional maps. The Work Plan outlines the procedures which will be used assuming that the site is not within an environmentally sensitive area. If perched water is encountered while drilling, and the groundwater has been effected, personnel at KCEHSD will be consulted and the Work Plan will be altered accordingly. 1.1 PURPOSE The site characterization described in this work plan will assess the vertical and lateral vadose zone contamination resulting from a leak from their underground tank. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of services described in the Work Plan include: o Advancing one soil boring through the east end of the former location of a 10,000 gallon tank in order to assess the vertical e~tent of the contamination; iOí o advancing one soil boring approximatelY..~ feet from the eastern end of the tank in order to assess the lateral extent of contamination; o decontamination of all drilling and sampling equipment prior to and between each boring to avoid cross-contamination; o collecting soil samples to be evaluated in the field. Initially, samples will be collected at approximately five foot intervals beginning at five feet and continuing to the total specified depth. The samples will be collected using a standard California split spoon sampler equipped with brass sleeves, steam cleaned prior to use. These samples will be field screened and selected samples will be c~osen for chemical analysis; ael ~ rWl ~. 88\20145\200161.03 ~ ~..: þ e e o a photoionizing detector will be on-site to screen for the presence of fuel hydrocarbons as gasoline; .~ t': \.. . , ,~(), soil samples collected for chemical analysis will ~Ollected in brass sleeves and sealed with a teflon liner, pliable lid, and duct' tape. The sealed tube will be labeled and placed in a cooler with ice and transported to a Department of Health Services (DHS) certified laboratory under chain-of-custody protocol; o o analysis of selected soil samples using EPA Method 8020 for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline and BTXE. o borings will be logged by a geologist on-site using the Unified Soil Classification System; o prepare a written report summanzmg the results of the investigation with conclusions and recommendations. The Report will be certified by a California Registered Civil Engineer. 1.3 SCHEDULE RAM Environmental anticipates beginning the work within three weeks upon approval from the County and authorization to proceed from Palmer Construction, Inc. The soil borings can be done within one week, the analytical data will be reported within three weeks and the Final Report will be completed within three weeks after receipt of the analytical results. 2.0 BACKGROUND .' . . ,"'" The Palmer Construction, Inc. property is located at 2464 S. Union Avenue in Bakersfield. In January of 1991" t~Ol 5,000 g,~1mUanks.' and one 10,000 underground gasoline tank were removed. Samples ~were taken at depths of two feet and six feet below the tank at both ends of the tanks. The soil samples were analyzed by Zalco Laboratories and indicate that there has been an unauthorized release of hazardous materials into the soils beneath the tank (Table 1). Palmer Construction, Inc. received notification from KCEHSD that theyr must conduct a site characterization in order to assess the vertical and lateral extent of the contamination. ? '. . .L",_ ~ , ~ \ ..- o)h "~""'-- gg\20145\200161.03 ~ ~ '7/ e e - TABLE 1: Results of Preliminary Assessment . ~. ,~ -' ..~ Depth Below East End of Tank . 2 ft. 6ft mg/kg mg/kg Benzene 280 24 Toluene 2000 910 Ethyl Benzene 675 2600 Xylenes 4800 1600 Total Petroleum 1000 360 Hydrocarbons (gasoline) 2.1 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY Surficial soils in the vicinity of the Project site consist of quaternary lacustrine, marsh, and alluvial fan deposits. The sediments are relatively unconsolidated and consist of fme sands, clay lenses, and possibly coarse grained river deposits. Based upon infonnation supplied by the Kern County Water Agency, groundwater lies at a depth of approximately 160 feet below grade in the unconfined aquifer. The gradient in this area is toward the southeast. The Project site lies on the western most edge of the perched water table. In this area, groundwater may be encountered at a depth of approximately twenty feet below grade dependent upon the localized hydrologeology. The regional gradient in the perched water is toward the west/northwest. 3.0 METHODS The following sections will describe in detail the methods to be employed in implementing this work plan. gg\20145\200161.03 Þ 8->/ ,. e e 3.1 BORING LOCATIONS AND METHODS Two soil borings will be drilled in order to assess the vertical and lateral extent of the contamination. The proposed location of the borings is shown on Figure 2. They will be drilled to a maximum depth of 60 feet, until we hit an impermeable layer, or no further contamination exists based on field monitoring. The borings will be advanced using an eight inch or larger hollow stem continuous flight drilling rig. The augers will be steam cleaned prior to drilling each boring. The lithology and other pertinent data will be recorded on a field boring log in accordance with ASTM Method D2488- 84 for visual description and identification of soils. The destruction of borings will consist of filling the holes to surface with a 1: 1 sand cement slurry if contamination is encountered. If no contamination is encountered, a bentonite plug will be placed in the bottom of the boring and it will be backfilled with cuttings to surface. Drill cuttings and f1ltrate resulting from decontamination will be collected and stored in 55 gallon drums. The drums will be sealed, labeled, and left on-site until the remedial action is chosen, or no longer than 90 days. Prior to removal from the site, the rinsate and drilling spoils will be analyzed. ,..-t I"'" /1/ Samples will be driven at five foot intervals beginning at a depth ofß' feet. The blow counts, recovery, and lithology will be recorded on the field logs. Field screening of these soil samples will primarily rely upon observation of staining and/or odor. Soil will be field screened for hydrocarbons by perfonning a standard head space test using a 10.2 e V photoionizing detector and noting any staining or odor present. Soil from specified intervals will be analyzed by a laboratory dependent upon the contamination encountered and the results of our field screening. The samples will be capped with teflon tape and a plastic pliable lid, sealed with tape, labeled in accordance with EP A protocols, recorded on a Chain-of-Custody fonn, placed in a cooler with ice, and transported to a certified laboratory with the Chain-of-Custody for the specific analyses. 3.3 SOIL ANALYSIS Soil samples will be analyzed by SMC Laboratory, a California State certified laboratory. The samples will be analyzed for the presence of total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and for Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and Ethylbenzene according to EPA Method 8020/5030. gg\20145\200161.03 ,-p' 8·(' '" e e 4.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN . ~ r :: : ' ~: : . ."'.''-''\':' .' This section describes field and analytical quality assurance procedures to be foUowedduring the investigation and remediation.' 4.1 SAMPLE COLLECTION AND HANDLING PROTOCOL Proper sampling collection and handling are essential to assure quality data obtained from a sample. Each soil sample will be collected in a brass tube and water samples will be collected in VOC jars. They will be preserved correctly for the intended analysis and stored no longer than the permissible holding time prior to analysis. 4.2 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY PROTOCOL Sample identification and Chain of Custody procedures are designed to assure sample quality and to document sample possession from the time it is collected to the time of its ultimate disposal. The container for each sample submitted for analysis will have a label affixed with the identifying number or the number will be inscribed on the container if feasible. The analytical laboratory will assign a separate sample number uirique to that sample for internal sample coordination and identification. A description of the saÎnple including the sample and other pertinent infonnation regarding its collection and/or geologic significance will be written in field notes and/or a geologic boring being prepared by the site geologist. These field documents will be kept in a pennanent project file. All samples will be analyzed by a state certified laboratory for the analysis requested. A properly completed Chain of Custody fonn will be submitted to the analytical laboratory along with the sample. The laboratory's assigned number will be properly entered on the fonn. A quality control officer at the lab will verify integrity of samples submitted, proper sample volume, correctness of containers used, and properly executed Chain of Custody fonn. Pertinent infonnation will be entered into a log book kept by the laboratory. 4.3 ANALYTICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE In addition to routine calibration of analytical instruments with standards and blanks, the analyst is required to run duplicates and spikes on 10 percent of analysis to assure an added measure of reliability and precision. Accuracy is verified through the following: 1. U.S. EPA and state certification of results; 2. participation in inter-laboratory round robin program; gg\2014S12OO161.03 #' S,·,r ... e e 'c 3. "blind" samples are submitted for analysis by the quality control officer on a weekly basis prepared from National Bureau' ofStandafds spècifiëàtions'·ofEPA: reference standards; 4. verification of results with an alternative method. 5.0 SITE SAFETY PLAN Appendix A contains a Site Safety Plan which complies with Worker Right To Know Regulations and CAC Title 26. gg\20145\'200161.03 ~' ~..:.' ,,' -4> e 'e";- ··.l· ,,-' :'. ',- APPENDIX A -i..}:,:"";'>'.. ~ ~.., :/'-.. . SITE SAFETY PLAN The purpose of this Health and Safety Plan is to describe the procedures undertaken by RAM' Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. and its subcontractorS, SB&S Drilling, to ensure the health and safety of their employees while conducting the characterization at the Palmer Construction, Inc. underground tank site. This plan is based on information gathered during the preliminary assessments at the site and on activities described in the Site Characterization Work Plan. Action levels and levels of protection are based on OSHA requirements and NIOSH worker protection documents. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of this project is to characterize the vertical and lateral extent of contamination left by a dispenser that was removed in January, 1991. This will be accomplished by drilling at least two soil borings and sampling as described in the Site Characterization Work Plan. CONTAMINATION CONCERNS The major contaminations of concern include hydrocarbons such as Benzene, Toluene and Xylene. CONTAMINANT TLV ROUTE OF EXPOSURE* Toluene 100 ppm Inh,Ing,Con,Abs Xylene 100 ppm Inh,Ing,Con,Abs Benzene 1 ppm Inh,Ing,Con,Abs *Inh=Inhalation, Ing=Ingestion, Con=SkinJEye Contact, Abs=Absorption through skin Documentation of health exposure is attached. LEVELS OF PROTECTION Levels of protection shall follow the guidance document OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTII GUIDANCE MANUAL FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE ACfIVITIES, prepared by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), U.S. EPA, U.S. Coast Guard, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration--Publication #85-115. Level "B" protection--self-contained breathing apparatus or supplied air; inner latex gloves 81\20145\200161.03 ~.,c .' ...... .' "e ". . '.:·:'~:;~~1~~~{,2~~~~~\ . and,OUtef,nitrile glove; full over-suit; neoprene boots; hard'hat;.two-way' ~µÌdcations;: : . "'1·:·'S'riiliiute":Supp1ied:>air.eSC8pe,1èanister"(BESA~'Unit).·. ""/'" "",. , ::":,;~:~<,<i::~:?·é'·:. :.::.'> ," n !'\ ,.,.. '~'" LJ '<J<P: . -- Level "B" modified--same as above but with chemical splash protection over thetyvek suit. Level "C" protection--full-face cartridge respirator; tyvek suit; nitrile gloves; neoprene boots; hard hat. Level "D" protection--full coveralls of cotton or Nomex; neoprene boots; hard hat. ACTION LEVELS FOR WORKER PROTECTION All site personnel shall initially don Level D protection for the site characterization. An HNu photoionizer will be kept on-site for ambient air monitoring. The ambient air surrounding the drill rig will be monitored every 30 minutes once soil contamination is encountered. Action levels are described below. CONTAMINANT ACTION LEVEL TLV DETECTION REQD AMBIENT CONC. METHOD PROTECTION Toluene 50 ppm 100 ppm HNu Upgrade to C Xylene 50 ppm 100 ppm HNu Upgrade to C Benzene 10 ppm 3000 ppm HNu Upgrade to C Draeger CONTINGENCY PLANS In the event of accident, injury, or other emergency, the Project Director or another person will notify appropriate government agencies or individuals as follows: 1. Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805)861-3636 2. Police, Fire, or Ambulance Emergency 9-1-1 3. Nearest Emergency Hospital: Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 (805)327-3371 gg\20145\200161.03 '~1 ':~~"~ :~ ~ ..-.:. -ç ~v ., ,: 0 . ?;~i~'~l:~.w:~~~~;', ';j ';f ) ~':..~:;,! ."~-' "0 '..' " . ~ . '. -" , ... ,. '.4,~- :Z..- .. C, -.~ 'f "'-" ..~- ..~ - .- . ~ :..U...'::;" ...\\. I ...".".;.....~.,,"!'....~/..~ CASA ~ LOMA DRIVEO ,____. ..-- ._...F~.~;Vp.Lnc;Mlldt~' lilt A' Vjru> Dr.;:":JJ"-o' (.:aIUIA)m.'~~- ¡c"~ ^u ...- ...::-...-1.-'--;;-' .... ..... t . . .on " ~ . --'M~~~J sëHAL_A ". ~ iAU}:·tKÀ¡Î.Dt: ",: ... ! ~ d vi I~'R~~~ ~ : ~~E ~'''''''n ~ .( Rd. £ ~.a: r·-"l;~·!:1:;-,~ ; ~ :.,,,,·p.i.fåU'c·t··\ . .:I. Holden .... '¡ill-, t i ~ i ~,Curtl) Or. < ...... ~ . \S ,." on ¿; iij ;¡; South Ga" n, I:". ~ ~ Nil\L. 51. Nina 51. ~ iGoi,·.,·...,ÚJë.~.u. .R!..S.'.E,\,. . ~N(){manA....p. i!nC"r~... Oonllne I l "' C - i..;...-_ -- .- or- .~ ~ g .~Cu"" A·I - ~ " 'b'- ~ o. ~ ~Iëi;l ~,,' I!! ,. ,¡; t; :·rs···,Lÿ....-·'··~11 . 1m_ ~ EchoA...e e ~-~L.ern. 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'._. ~:., '". -:.. ~t..,.., . 4 .., . t·.;},/. ~:.~,~":,,,~;:.:<.;:;. '¡, ': ' .' , . ¡', .1, ." ~ .,' ~. ',^'" I I t I I I I I I I t I , I PJii!IiiY" .. .'~ P~:¡'t· ". ) 1'-. -- I """-~ .... .~. ." ,:' .: ",' '","" ; ".....' .- \ .'-' ,~,."-' ", . '.. I · I · I · I ) : \" I; Q) CI' o ... o - en , . ~. Î"...' ' ¡J I· ), \ J. ' ~ ~ ,""- \: \. . . . . SCALE: I" = 201 - - - - -.-e_._._. __._e RAM I J ENVIRONMENTAL ¡ ENGINEERING i i SERVICES, INC. _ j j __.. _:1' 8/8/91 FIGURE 2: Site Map Prepared by: K. Roush &1, ". -.:., ~:""~"'. '.::,.~-_: ;::/0"! -'~ ~~. ~ ':-:~~'-"~.'t:~~ ;~-.~~~¿~.t¿i:~~·~~~2:~~:~1.::;~~~~~;~{~£~'.j~~:~}:~ . .... '. W"" ...~ . ...,.. '., '~""""'-"""'.'";,"'~~"-'"1"","Pi""'" .... .. ~~~ý~'~i"': 1~:~;:'. ·.>':};~f~'~j·~i::~;~~~L-.;..;::~i;:,:<..:-·' . . , ...... ~ ", .. ,- ..-"'" ~'." I- I I I _ _ _ J II - i~ · I I I I I ;.-. - . - - w > « z If 0 - z · I :) I :r Former l- I :) 0 · I of Tanks (f) I · I · I · I -. -. J-..-.. . ~.j\. RAM -. ) !"~::_---- -- . '1' - - - -, -:t-,.}--.,,~J,--:-' Office --- - "- " "- " Office "- - - . - . . - . I /) 11.../ i:')"'\: ~ ø I I 6? Ð B2 j ~ . . . . . . .. . / BIG: . . . . . ..I . EJ I . . . . . . . . SCALE: I" = 20· . - . - . .---. I ENVIRONMENTAL . i ENGINEERING '1 i! SERVICES,INC. i I -- - :::::::j" LEGEND: - . - Overhead Lines _ - - Fence v 0> o .. o - (f) FIGURE 2: Site Map Prepared by: K. Roush 8/8/91 , 0' ' It R.AM, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES,INC. .~ CHARACTERIZATION OF SOIL CONTAMINATION PALMER CONSTRUCTION,INC. Prepared for: Jerry Palmer Palmer Construction, Inc. Bakersfield, California Prepared by: Kathleen Roush Project Geologist Nancy Johannesmeyer Environmental Engineer RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. . "'\) -A.I'~ t/£,; I . ~~I ~~! iTJ~/ 3333 Gibson St., Suite 200 . Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 324-6152 · FAX (805) 325-8942 e . .. . RA;M ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES,INC. January 20, 1992 Mr. Michael Driggs Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Driggs: Enclosed for your review and approval is a copy of the Site Characterization Report for the Palmer Construction property. We would be available to meet with you at your convenience. Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact Nancy Johannesmeyer or myself. S incerel y, >. ~~"'.~ .J. i .-j ();J \=,'~, - n _. ...\..~ \I'-~'- I JV../~ ;, Kathleen Roush Project Geologist KR:njg encl. 3333 Gibson St., Suite 200 · Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 324-6152 · FAX (805) 325-8942 1.0 INTRODUCTIO' e Palmer Construction Company is located at 2464 South Union Avenue, Bakersfield (Figure 1). In J~uary of 1991, two, 5,000. gallon. tanks and one-.JO,OOO; gallOD'; underground,. taµks. were. removed. Samples were taken at depths of two feet and six feet below the tank at both ends of ' the tanks. The soil samples indicate that there has been an unauthorized release of hazardous materials into the underlying soil beneath the eastern end of the 10,000 gallon tank. Palmer Construction, Inc. was notified by the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) that a site characterization must be conducted in order to determine the vertical and lateral extent of the contamination. The area of concern lies near the front entrance of the property and is not overlain by concrete or asphalt at the present time. TABLE 1: RESULTS OF PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT I CONT AMINANT I DEPTH BELOW TANK I 2 FT I 6FT Benzene 280 24 Toluene 2000 910 Ethyl Benzene 675 2600 Xylenes 4800 1600 Total Petroleum 1000 360 Hydrocarbons (gasoline) -- Results Shown ill m pp 2.0 SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL Drilling and soil sampling were perfonned with a truck mounted continuous flight auger drill rig using 6" hollow stem augers. The augers act as continuously advancing steel casings preventing test holes from caving-in above the level to be sampled. Samples were obtained by lowering a 2" inside diameter California Split Spoon sampler containing brass liners inside the hollow stem auger and driving it into undisturbed soils. Blow counts for each interval were recorded. The sampler was cleaned with a biodegradable detergent, and rinsed with potable water between samples. The hollow stem augers were cleaned prior to entering the site and between borings to prevent cross- contamination. The drill crew consisted of a driller and one helper. The field investigation was supervised by a geologist who was responsible for the field boring logs, recording of field conditions, soil sample handling and preservation, and Chain-of-Custody documentation. Samples were collected intact in brass liners. Liner tubes containing the samples were capped with teflon liners and a pliable plastic lid, sealed with adhesive tape and labeled. The labels were marked gg\20145\20161.06 1 with boring designation, a, initials of the person preparing the slle, and the compaØy.~ SOil samples were stored in an insulated chest with ice and delivered to the laboratory far analýSis~': .:' ,'. A Chain-of-Custody form was prepared which recorded names of the individuals collecting,. transfening, and analyzing the samples. A copy of the Chain-of-Custody document is inèludedin.AppelÎdix A. 3.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION A hollow stem auger rig operated by SB&S Drilling, State License #560175, was used to drill the boreholes. The field work was performed on September 30, 1991, and consisted of advancing four borings to a maximum depth of 50 feet. Lithology and other pertinent data from each boring was . recorded on a field boring log in accordance with ASTM Method D2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils (Appendix B). . Cores were retrieved at five foot intervals with a California Split Spoon Sampler. A representative sample of each core was sealed with a teflon liner and duct tape, and chilled on ice. The other sections of each core were described lithologically, checked for petroleum odors, and screened with a photoionization detector (PID) for volatile hydrocarbons. Upon completion of drilling operations, the sealed cores were transported to SMC Laboratory under Chain-of·Custody for chemical analysis. Selected samples were analyzed for BTXE and TPH as gasoline. Augers were decontaminated between borings to prevent cross-contamination. All borings were filled with 1/2 cf. of bentonite at total depth and concrete to surface. 4.0 FINDINGS The initial boring (Bl) was drilled through the eastern end of the former location of the 10,000 gallon tank to a depth of 50 feet (Figure 2). Contamination was encountered to a depth of 25 feet (Appendix B). Boring B2 was advanced 10 feet northeast of B 1 to a depth of 45 feet. Contamination was encountered in this boring from a depth of approximately 10 to 25 feet. Boring B3 and B4 were drilled 15 feet and 30 feet northeast of B2 respectively. Each boring was advanced to a maximum depth of 40 feet. Contamination was found only in B3 at depths between 15 to 25 feet. No contamination was encountered in B4. 5.0 GEOLOGY The surficial soils at the site were deposited in a lacustrine, marsh, and the distal portion of an alluvial fan environment. The soils encountered during the field investigation consisted predominantly of well- sorted fine to medium sands with some interbedded clay and silt layers. A clay layer was found in all borings at a depth of approximately 30 feet. Based upon information supplied by the Kern County Water Agency, groundwater lies at a depth of approximately 160 feet below grade in the unconfined aquifer. The regional gradient in this area is toward the southeast. The site also lies just beyond the western edge of the perched water table. gg\20145\20161.06 2 6.0 RESULTS e e Results of the field investigation indicate that the contamination is {confined to a vertical-depth of between 24, to 30 feet below the eastern end. of the fortneti location of thc:.tank. The vast majority of the'còÌ1tamination is confmoo'to á radius of between 12 to,2S' feet· from' BT~ Levels found' in B2 were still high, however, the contamination was either not present or very low in B3, 2S feet ftom B 1 (Table 2). According to the Leaching Potential Analysis developed by Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), the maximum allowable limits of contaminants which may be left in place at this site are 1000 ppm TPH (gasoline) and 1, 50, 50 and 50 ppm of Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and Ethylbenzene respectively. Approximately 130 cubic yards may exceed these levels at this site. The maximum levels. of TPH (gasoline) encountered were 6200 ppm at a depth of 2S feet below the fonner location of the tank. 7.0 REMEDIATION OPTIONS The following describes the possible remedial options available, including the "no action" alternative. NO ACTION This alternative would involve leaving the present contaminated soils in place. Feasibility: Concerns to be considered when weighing a "No Action" option include: 1. Will the contaminants substantially increase airborne contaminant emissions? 2. Will it result in contamination of the underlying groundwater? 3. Will it cause known adverse effects to the environment or human health? There is the possibility of the volatilization of these contaminants into the air. This could be virtually eliminated with the emplacement of an impenneable layer on top such as asphalt or concrete. Groundwater lies at approximately 135 feet below the greatest concentrations of contamination below the fonner location of the tanle However, levels are in excess of those outlined in the leaching potential analysis of the RWQCB. The levels which are suitable to be left in place are 1000 ppm TPH (gasoline) under the conditions present at this site. The contamination has been present for some time without any reports of any acute health effects. The possibility of chronic effects would need to be investigated further. The probability of such effects, however, could be lowered with the emplacement of an impenneable cap on top of the soil. The leaking source has been removed eliminating continued supply of the contaminant to the subsurface. The potential risk to groundwater is low. gg\20145\20161.06 3 e e -" . ~, . . TABLE 2: ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF FIELD ACTIVI;TIES (BORING B1) BORING NUMBER Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl DEPTH 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Benzene ND 34 97 0.320 ND ND ND Toluene 190 220 470 0.034 0.0053 0.006 ND Ethy lbenzene 100 48 140 0.028 ND ND ND Total Xylenes 580 260 710 0.076 ND ND ND Isopropylbenzene 37 11 32 ND ND ND ND TPH (gasoline) 4300 2300 6200 1.2 ND ND ND TABLE 2: ANAL YTICAL RESULTS OF FIELD ACTIVITIES (BORINGS B2-B4) BORING NUMBER B2 B2 B2 B2 83 83 83 84 84 DEPTH 15 25 35 45 20 30 40 20 35 Benzene 96 0.330 0.034 0.058 1.4 ND 0.034 0.032 0.093 Toluene 230 4.7 ND 0.0081 12 ND 0.006 0.043 0.0061 Ethylbenzene 47 3.2 ND 0.0074 2.8 ND ND 0.0072 ND Total Xylenes 248 8.1 ND 0.0168 16.9 ND 0.0334 0.027 ND Isopropylbenzene 11 0.94 ND 0.0098 0.076 ND ND 0.010 ND TPH (gasoline) 2300 76 1.5 ND 100 ND ND ND ND gg\20145\20161.06 4 7.1 EXCAVATION - e Excavation of the contaminated so, il, would require a large size~xcavator. The sides would need to be 'sloped, however, the an~ would be ~~de~t on the cohesivenes~. the .soils. The~col~ ~enerally consists of ~e!lan 9n~ ExcavatIon could proceed to the maxunum contaminant levels found at 25 feet below the tank. The excavated material could either be disposed of at a licensed facility or. aerated on-site and later spread on-site. The zone of excavation would extend to the edge of the shed and thus incorporate the vast majority of the contaminated soils. COST ANALYSIS: The associated costs of this option would run approximately $10,000 to $15,000. 7.2 SOIL VENTING Soil venting may be accomplished at the site by placing slotted well casing in borings (extraction wells) throughout the zone of contamination. The casings are connected to an air pump which then evacuates the soil gases into an appropriate filtration system. Venting continues until contaminant concentrations are reduced to acceptable levels. In-situ remediation methods are not well suited for this site due to the fine grained nature of the soils involved. The time necessary to "clean" the soils would be dependent upon the penneabilities, number of wells, and types of equipment. COST ANALYSIS: Depending upon the extraction system used, a soil venting system will cost between $50 and $200 per cubic yard. 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS RAM Environmental believes that the excacation and aeration of the soils on-site is the best option. This will eliminate any threat to the underlying groundwater. Modelling of the plume was unsuccessful in proving that the groundwater would not be affected. 9.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for Palmer Construction, Inc. regarding the property described. Conclusions and observations are based on the following: 1. Test borings drilled; 2. on-site observations; 3. laboratory results as perfonned by SMC Lab; 4. and our knowledge of the regulations of Kern County and the California Regional Quality Control Board. gg\2014S\20161.06 5 , -- The services performed by ~nvironmental are consistent with ~eve~of ~:,"~,~~kilt ordinarily exercised by professionals practicing in the field. Possible variations may occur in.tho-'hydtologiÇ,andsoil conditions. RAM is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on· the property. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Respectfully submitted, RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Kathleen Roush Project Geologist ~4~ Nancy Johannesmeyer, P.E. Registered Civil Engineer :)<CL+tl~ (~lL,L gg\20145\20161.06 6 e ~.~ ...-",.'. .\\ . . , F~.~~V~ Ln. ¡;';~ontJ,~~"'MtntA\. V¡n ~ Dr. Òc.J~~ ! ~ ..; ...: a'''' cñ~s:: ~ Lawson"; J Rd. ~ Y·a: .J (,J VlfC,. Bradl-:y r Av ~ ; i ;; \~ 'G ,. D - ... 4f .. _. U'!i r o Holde! v. " ¡lIm.}i;;; ~ E'" "". . ~ = G 01 PI r lJunlo,n. úi úi :;¡; Soulh Ga' n, N~ mar~,.. ~ ~ ·W· - ;.;::. ~ ~ § ~G"SI"' A,I _.,,, ~ ~ .~ ~ ¿; '" 1m.'''': Echo A'f~_ e ~ -~ m Ave. I ~ St~.;' ~ ~ R :hO:'. ~'I I~' ~ : ~V. or¡1'I i,,,4r:. 'RANK Cl¡u~ i: j-6; ~ ~. <n~£ \ ~ ~ 'n l ~ ~ .J -.z .,. weST ... A 6 .Ii vi ,::J 'tI3lJ!lùim" w uJ Ad. '';.':1.' ¡SCHi '" ~". ¡¡)í,,:::,,¡¡.- <n ~Zl 11 i .. .b; ü ~i~"'£1 Sherwood-;I"'''- Antonia W ~, ~~LOV''MIj .... ,~ g 0 ~I. ~t ~ I. ... l '\.. \" ..e.. ne':;' à E E Wf!sthavcn:'! E ..;IOor.ln Dr. ._\. \\\c, ,¡Þ' ~ ] Ó,W Woo,.,d I - ~ ~ Ao..", ~' i' '< ...~e\~: ~ ~"~K~'<"" "miQJRr~EL Ila'llo::w tI He~êc ~~ Dr ~ ~ ",. .n ;,}1~OrB.Yed.r. FJ Oscul !'; : ~....er' J'ÿ ~ ,..00.' _ . fl~. '0 WJ'on UI rc¿X;VI \ [S~ ON / ". ~~~\ :~"t.'n A. '!!' 8] ~ ~ V; ~ fL-1*4 ~e(VI \Iò"'¿¿ Dr<ñ ~ ~ Vi l,e 13 ~ AVf!2 ~ fI fEì 2 PI ii> Œ E Mo,edUh .~ 0 Dr "'I'm '1> <" \,~ ~ ~!Ut~L::. ~_ð "'AN" SCH.J ROAD '< "'r~ ¡¡ . "~ .~ ~.i ~" Q c - , ,. SOUTH~' ,Ir 0 .11 .! 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F'ftbbl, ~¡nl " En~ino St. t ~ C) ~ l;: ( 2. tMáen eo... Ct. .... - - ~ rn ð 3. PIn. VIe. Or, 1;'" ,. Z . TI.nquU CO\Ie CI t VI, !I Tlmtler eo.. CI ! .... ROId' Berkshire 6 Channe' SI Road L \ '';!1 1"0 ~ I 'I! ~L" .... .....~.':".. ,.~.. ...~.J - ¡ R~!~ ïiiiiiiiïi""' . '1 RAM __ t~~:..__ . ',VIRO.MI'T AL ~ ENGINEERING SERVICES, tNC. Prepared by: K. Roush e ~ CASA:¡i LOMA ~~o _. ! ~~.~_: UJ'~:r'~'¢f: '~~ALO"A 2 ~ ~ ÃÎ.Œ' GRÀ¡Ï;Ót: ... .... --"l¡;':'~~~ ; ~ ;fpÌ!øL.Cï\ I . '.. 1 ~ N:'1l{ 5.. Nina ~1 ~ GoÚìéOVR.'iE"..· 1-- I ~ ) , .¡¡ c:¡ ?;·~::.ttJ"'~~',S q ..' 'l,.. ~~ I~ ~ ~ ~ 81."'h...S: g.:·:(J:)::.:U ~!à:l.!'!1J~ ~ t4"'M,"w"o<1~' '!."!·:'···;:~a···:·~: ;,~ j~ rfu~ '"' ~1 l~'(s'· ;,.,:':::..,~\~ fq' W"u II ~ I D.. Gaoino 51. -T-.'··· - -f:: " , ~ ~ G.". G",....· S.... ¡:: ë Ihe; nd' I' .' D~~'!.SFlnO I a: D,. ' r: ,"IRP"R~ I I; I:; ~IJ.c~. n...... L /. ~ ..¿~ ; I:~ .. EAST .n PLANZ v .'At14n I;: ~,'~ § '; ~ J ci1 c: ,"; (-\~\.)n Sf,~ I~: "~~ SCHOOL ,~ ~ j i 3 ~ ~ .~ ~::¡:' ;~I. ~ \:: $~f~ w v; "- J: ~ 6 I ¡: : r BlOok SI I': . I I: r' \ I I" I'IaST'l WHITE LAN~ I:: '\ - ,- I:: ~SITE LO¿ATIO~ -1 \ ~-I !.: ElSt ~ L"."o;' ",::'" _ J : Ii:: i ~ Rextilnd Ur \~ ,'" I·· r: I: ¡:: I' ;:-_.. ¡I ~A~T .. ItT" tl ~, ~, .!: Brv.nt ,~Sf. ~ Girden Dr. ~ Price Sf .,. .' Vi 131"'" S' ~, = E. ~ Fait\t.~w F.HRVIEw Ad. '0 tJulCn H~J(lt~f:. ¡SCH~ : Rn~in -r'M'.libOl A,. ~·"··'~i:,·n Ac-r,.~ ¡ ~ ~ IT! ".',:4f'r A"f': ... y"" :;. ~r61';:;fSr ;1 þ; - \ ª ~O~C~~ ~ -~ ~ Bue 'flY W f;¡ ~ ; 1 S ~Vf! cs: ! ~.., 1\ Ii:;" I EAST';¡ ÜP:NA:A ¡! Q o o ~ z o r: o u j l I LANE I , 1 I ----- . \:- - -' " ." ,~ . . ---- - UJ ~ l- I/) 8erkshir. Rnad I I \ ¡¡; o .~ '" .- 4 c E CI '" ~ FIGURE 1: Regional Location Map 8/8/91 II - i~ -. I I, · II · I II ij.- · I · I ( · w > I c:¡ z I 1 0 - z · I :::> I I :I: · l- I I :::> 0 · (/) I I .. I .. I · I e ,- I I 'e"'" ..,., . , . --- ," ------- _ _ _ J · . .-'.'. '" ',4" Office " " " " qffice " " . - . . - - - - . - LEGEND: - . - Overhead Lines _ - - Fence .. . . . . .. ,----1 I / I I I I I . 1_ _ _.J Q) c- o ... o - CJ) - . - . Former of Tanks I I I . B4~ I B3 ! .. / . /'-B2-"'/ /LATERAL EXTENT I ~., OF PLUME ......./..... I \ 1----81-1"· \ , \ Q.: I I . 1-__\__ I. .. . '\"'-¡O I , / / Location · ....~ SCALE: III = 20' . . . . . -e-e-e-.-.___e_ --------- ====-,,'~----' J- ~~,~ -./ ~) /~--...... , , . . . 'I··' R A M ENVIRONMENTAL ! I ENGINEERING i I SERVICES, INC .:dJ 8/8/91 FIGURE 2: Site Map Prepared by: K. Roush SOUTHWEST grade -10 ft -20 .. . .. .. . . . .. ..... ß/ Former Tonk Location --Z--' '. . . . . .;. .. " I 1000 280 / /. Extent of plume at levels exceeding <--- 1000 ppm -/ =- : = '. -=-'. - -..:.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -:- ~ - / t . \ " -- 30 _- _ - _ - = .::- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -40 -.-. -.-. -.-.-.-'-.-. -50 x 2000 50 LEGEND TPH gasoline ppm Benzene ppm Clay layer Silt layer '- '- '-. - -.-.- 360 24 4300 ND 2300 34 6200 97 - 1.2 0.32 NO NO NO NO NO NO ¡J-2" " '- / 16 0.33 , 2300 96 J J /' 1.5 0.034 ;./J <. NORTHEAST ð!-¢.. _0-.- _0_0_._ - - 100 1.4 ND 0.032 NO ND 0.093 . NO Q.034-- . 10ft. -.-.-.- -.-.- ..'::J": . : . RAM ENVIRONMENTAL 'ENGINEE.RING SERVICES; ,.N<:. NO 0.058 10ft. o FIGURE 3 ' Cross Section Showi ng PI ume . 200161 Dote: 11/8/91 By: K. Roush '. e, APPENDIX A LAB RESULTS and CHAIN OF CUSTODY 4Þ' ..... .' . . . , . ,,' '" f'-"""k, '~F.>.&, t..<, .. . f." .::';~~¡',d·'~~<"'·"t -\> "r?!' ·'(rt~·;:¡.\'-,;; '" , ····;.'~:.',t;, ?~",::'::' :,.",' " .' . .. . '. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #3684 ID: R086 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene ugm/g 34. 220. 48. 60. 120. 80. 11. MDL,ugm/g 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 t. \ ?',) i TPH (Gasoline) 2300. 1.0 #3685 ID: R087 ugm/g MDL,ugm/g Benzene 97. 0.005 1:> i Toluene 470. 0.005 EthYlbenzene 140. 0.005 p-Xylene 160. 0.005 m-Xylene 340. 0.005 o-Xylene 210. 0.005 Isopropylbenzene 32. 0.005 TPH (Gasoline) 6200. 1.0 #3686 ID: R088 ugm/g MDL,ugm/g I' . ) Benzene 0.320 0.005 Toluene 0.034 0.005 Ethylbenzene 0.028 0.005 p-Xylene 0.040 0.005 m-Xylene 0.022 0.005 o-Xylene 0.014 0.005 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.005 TPH (Gasoline) 1.2 1.0 ~" ;tI/ttU.. Robert . Michels Analytical Chemist e e ...~. ' V'.' ~.)." ;, \''-'. '.("'~': :~;..; .'.:, .' RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #3687 ID: K089 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene ugm/g ND 0.0053 ND ND ND ND ND MDL,ugm/g 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 e- I - ~s TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 #3688 ID: R090 ugm/g MDL,ugm/g I::" , ' i i Benzene ND 0.0050 Toluene 0.0060 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 p-Xylene ND 0.0050 m-Xylene ND 0.0050 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0050 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 #3689 ID: K091 ugm/g MDL,ugm/g ¡---- \ Benzene ND 0.0050 Toluene ND 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 p-Xylene ND 0.0050 m-Xylene ND 0.0050 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0050 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 Robert . Michels Analytical Chemist e - ,"... " '. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #3690 ID: K092 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene ugm/g 96. 230. 47. 59. 120. 69. II. MDL,ugm/g 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 ¡;. ,', L,·~-. TPH (Gasoline) 2300. 1.0 #3691 ID: K094 ugrn/g MDL,ugm/g Benzene 0.330 0.0050 t', - . -" -,' Toluene 4.7 0.0050 Ethylbenzene 3.2 0.0050 p-Xylene 1.8 0.0050 rn-Xylene 1.8 0.0050 o-Xylene 4.5 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene 0.940 0.0050 TPH (Gasoline) 76. 1.0 #3692 ID: K096 ugrn/g MDL,ugrn/g Benzene 0.0340 0.0050 Toluene ND 0.0050 ,.'1. 1--", .. ~. - Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 p-Xylene ND 0.0050 m-Xylene ND 0.0050 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0050 TPH (Gasoline) 1.5 1.0 ~ j. ""t4,.~ Robert(J. Michels Analytical Chemist .: . , .. .,J, . ;; I''',.~J' ~ '." .. or ,.: .>."-t:'" '" RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: . #3693 ID: K09? Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene ugm/g 0.0580 0.0081 0.0074 0.0034 0.0034 0.0100 0.0098 MDL,ugm/g 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 ~,~ 'IS' TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 #3694 ID: K099 ugm/g MDL,ugm/g \) -2, .; Benzene 1.4 0.0050 v ../ .~ ('- Toluene 12. 0.0050 Ethylbenzene 2.8 0.0050 p-Xylene 3.5 0.0050 m-Xylene 8.4 0.0050 o-Xylene 5.0 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene 0.076 0.0050 TPH (Gasoline) 100. 1.0 #3695 ID: K10! ugm/g MDL,ugm/g Benzene ND 0.0050 r .; /' .-.' Toluene ND 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 p-Xylene ND 0.0050 m-Xylene ND 0.0050 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0050 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 Robert . Michels Analytical Chemist , ,.' e - h'~ RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #3696 ID: KI03 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene ugm/g 0.0340 0.0060 ND 0.0097 0.0097 0.0140 ND MDL,ugm/g 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 1.'- .... l.., '-" L ; TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 #3697 ID: K105 ugm/g MDL,ugm/g Benzene 0.0320 0.0050 Toluene 0.0430 0.0050 r . . Ethylbenzene 0.0072 0.0050 p-Xylene 0.0060 0.0050 m-Xylene 0.0060 0.0050 o-Xylene 0.0150 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene 0.0100 0.0050 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 #3698 ID: KI07 ugm/g MDL,ugm/g Benzene 0.0930 0.0050 , ; './ :' C ,.- Toluene 0.0061 0.0050 \ Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 p-Xylene ND 0.0050 m-Xylene ND 0.0050 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0050 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 Robert . Michels Analytical Chemist . . ---. _.- -.... - --- .... .- ~ o F C U S T 0 D Y .- -....--...--.--.----.. R A M ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ..' SERVICES,INC. C H A I N GLuo~ ~ \~ (805)324-6152, FAX(805)325-8942 Project Name/Number ~oJ rf\er.- fl.-OO \ to \ Sample Collected By K, Ko ush Lab Destination Carrier --,.~; ".- .~~ \..'~:~ I .. -). BILLING ADDRESS:' .~ General Production Service, Inc P.O. Box 344, Taft, CA 93268 Stv1 e....: Lo...bS A'" K· 1C.OlJ-S'n '. i i . ! RAM Sample Sample Date/Time Sample Container AnalYS~~/MethJIIJ Number Location and Description .,;;;;;; Þ-) c.. Collected Type TYf>~' ReC£ùestec1 ./,.¿~ a=- . ". ç:t- A".IO q/~ ·~:'H \ 'i, '~'.. ;;,: ¡ .' '8D~F30 KDq~ ß~ - \5 .? ¿, C;C' d !. :.: bffCls<) BT)(E;t i H ~CU) "..,... .,., " .. q/~ 'v;':;t~;' '.' It( koq tt ß). ~S f2\- .3¿;C; I q ,dS ......-- " ~ .' ~ . - .:,.' ~)'~':". \i'i .: .~ '.. f=1 '. 35 q/ X> ~ '~"~;;'17 ,. '. &./ . kDC1 b 62- - ~5 f~ 3'692 , ':C' V '. I o./3J /. , Koqî 45 ç-\- '1'.% v ," tV ß2- 3' ~9 ~ Koqc\ 6~ - :¿o f\- 3~74 11,009/¿o v- v- , C :vr '2:0 Ç+ q 130 i K\o\ 63 - 3"~7.5 II ~ 15 ¡,../ v- ... . 'vþ' 'ij!:Þ ""'¿" "'.' 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'q V .¡ ~ vr i· .'4'. ~~ . ~ ¡ ": .;"i,- '. ! ~::'·.:~~;l'Œt ~~ i .j --. I - . i " . .~. Analys1s/Method Rewested A '[Sow -5030 ... ß1XE1J;~.PIt ~à.ð .,:~! Q j~ :!;r . . . I . vJ.- ! v1 I /1 " I ~'i '., if .- . ;'.' ,:.,. .. , t : .,' t '. . . ~t.~ :.": .: ::: -"'.:" '. . ,it 'I. " .. '.. " . ~ .. . '.., . . ....:. :~::I~-~ J":r· '." ·1--';: ,.' . [':1;::":;<:· . l :, !:~::;: . ....\ "',' " "I '~.' .' ·.·t..v.:;¡<:· .\~" " SIGNATURES: (Name, Company, Date and Time) 1 Relinquished By: JL {O I " 9 I 3 Relinquished By: Received By: Received By: ..¿Ç.Þ't-/ C ð~ 3ð .I~k V~~ ~I 2 Relinquished By: 4 Relinquished By: Received By: Received By: . -.. ~;$.'\i\ \ - . :".' ,. . .~ ".-- ~\ ~:'\ __ "" J 9" : . R A M ENVIRONMENTAL ENG/MERING : SERVICES, /NC. I C H A I N o F CUSTODY (805)324-6152, FAX(805)325-8942 Qùo~ ~ \~<o Project Name/Number . Pa \ ('(ì e'-C _ ~OO 110 I Lab Destination Sample Collected By K c< 00 S" Carrier " BILLING ADDRESS: : 3333 Gibson st., st~. 200 : Bakersfield,CA 93308 ÓfV1c.. Lo.bs t<, ROL)S~ . , . AnalYSi~/Met~ RAM Sample Sample Date/Time Sample Container Number Location and Description ðr-?C Collected Type Type Recwested . . ¿..¿15 a: k\05 ß.l\ :LO f-\- I 5(,,77 ¡:Z't 20 a./:Ð 50" ~\\ brnSS ~Ï\1LE:' ~owJ__.. - a"o....p , " kJo1 fYt ~Sft- I \~'.4ö q/~ \,../' V- ./ - I sb9? n' -- . ...- u_ . . .- -"'- . - -.... _._n ._ -- I ¡ ',It ~ '. . (.- , ~ .' Special Instructions: .. ~~- . ',¡' " .;.- ~~.~ ~~ . :~'", Possible Sample Hazards: b~~ SIGNATURES: (Name, Company, Date and Time) 1 Relinquished BY:~~~ ~'. 30 \ 0 ) I I 'i I 3 Relinquished By: Received By: 4 Relinquished By: Received By: .-. ..--. .. o .;:;;;;"-..-c. ¿J~.7<C //% ~ ¿.~~ L4h.~~? ~'7/ 2 Relinquished By: Received By: . Received By: ? .~. . ':2> .J¡.-; :' " 'j,- . ¡',' .,f . ",". . . .~:' ." ~ I:,: :'."- e APPENDIX B BORING LOGS e' .' 1:1.,_' '. '" .~ $ .. ~;. -/ - ~ \" .. .' . - .. .,,-. . . " ., . . . .' "'" '.... r .'_ ....~' .' ~'.; . ._, \;". '>:""/.... t ." ". ':.' .:"... " , " . . ~ ". ' ." . . '. . . <. - ":'.' .... _ ~ ::. '. ,'or " J. ":. . " .' .,' ':~~';\~:'i":~'~ l?.å~¡:-::~ of' . :.: ..,~~~~~;~~,~~i,:9~~.,~:,:. 7>, .~~', l ~.', ()5 rillinq , quipment \-\Q \ \ c w 6t-e.rn A ùSeí .,>¡. 2001<01 <'c \lîch Tot A'! "Dept.h Date' Started. 9 - 30 -q \ Date:'r1niahed 9- 30-9 I De.cription depth lith HNu SAMPLES blow drill 0109Y ppm No. type count time aemarka (:,\¿'D1ì ç I \ c\ \ ( \- 5 iü med 'Uffi SÜ,i'ìC, moder-o.k. 15 +0 we-I \ ::.oded i 5ùbo..rg,..;!c.ù cw'Sc, Sl \ t +0 C GO-t"52. .I cdo,-) do..[k bnJw(\ b\O..C.K.) mOIS\- ~ Ke£ ~I\ ."::"-:·:'3S ~II __ _oJ do 'Si It J \ '9 ht- b ro\.cn¡ strong cx10r J \¡ e..r ~ \I\J~\ \ sorted" IÝb\ ~_.k C. ohcs¡ v <2.-> , d ')N, Kt£ Sol \ F\ \Ìe... ~W-D) u.;\2.\ \ .:;Qr-te , ;)5 L.>,..V .sub CL"gÙ \eú / ::..+rOIÌ'j odor) ío..Jî'je IY\ed 10m +-0 5~ 1'r I \ \'9 k t- brOLù(ì~ tv -k::Uì, rY1 015+ 3D 5 KD~ ~O, \ c..-lC.Lj) ve.1 ~ u..)2.\ \ ~)( -\ed I '3V-Q~, odD(,) mOl st-. --- 5 K~"1 ~;l .Ç¡ n e.. :=o..rd; ver,-, v...el \ ð5 furt<?d) ~0b,~ú\Cú) r.c~ cdoc Ilghr '10.(\ no S\-re.G.L.kS, -5\lt, ,fÌü cdo¡- vex- (,-.\ "lo L0eJ\ ~',(\v+,~r' ) (,"VU tt--\-GJ) 5 l<01u 50; \ /'.2..2 3 4 4 Î ::~n -(-o.st drl \ \ I ~ J .::.orne ocI 0'- '3 5 8 7:'3:5 q 1\ I~ ~ -7, +5 \-\(\0 (eo.d \ ng~ \ (ì ft., dCL'l '3 11.0 1. 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S\\t-) dr-~}da.rk brown . b+;s 5 10 4 5a.me as c..t.tù v'e " to 'Inch De.cription rDed I urn ~ / rncd. 15 'SO r tt í'9 ¡rand e. coa.r5:: -i-b ó;'t broLUn nD J J .$+-rea.ks ·trio-de, ~\ ISh+-i~ r'lîO\ s+- - d r!:J 2D 5::úYìe a.s al:ove. Q] 9 'ið.r.) vex-lj well 5J(-\ec:l no Odor / '"è:.:~~'~·<;.~~:~~"~~:'~>:,;,;·'~j:,~. ~~~: ' depth 11th HNu SAMPLBS blow' drill 0109Y ppm No. type count time Remarks. . . . ;;s kId ~II 4- ll~IS 10 11 <0 g 9 odor very Fo-I n t if p('e~t- \~S -10 5 je¡1 <a q 9 00 K99 SOl \ 1/:00 HS -/10 IV 1';2- 15 10 i<Jro =.,0\ I W05 ~ me.d J u(Y\.. ~. } ~I\ 35 ~\\ 1 odor It..\- ne 5:>( -k-ò I 51.b 'o..r;s U \ o.J.J 14- 145, - bl<g no cdoG d~ to mD\5t-~ It, brown o\or: -40 $\\ b ~ l \ " 'I C "-- ·~i1ii~9;,;. >, ~\'.,' <.' .:~~,.. ~~, !pment' .~:' 0"" . ~ '. \ . .ç I rîe.... ~d J no a::\o í ,þ is b 1(1 .~\\ 3 12',¡5 H S - bi<lj \ 'ght brown) frtCLoI~ 4 5 brow(\ ra..ng'e,. iY'e.d1U -to ~dt rî"edl0ffi .:LL0d¡ SLght 10 KI sod 10 11',2D HS - \4- 10 odor +ClJî color J \.4.£1\ B :)crt-ed I ro..ng t Q.C;ð..rX to Dllt) .sub eJ.fìc:juio..r Sc:.vrí2:: OS GJ::ü v'e .25 L\- k1 sod 8 H5 - 10 12 1'2. It? I(\ch De.cdption C\Cuj, +Cú'J I ve1ìj ~1 \ ~rtcd J , ~J..f\d" ~ I ûm no cdor 35' ) / ~\\ .=öt-ted) , sub~ù dr,-~) "9ht-: br-ouJl\ Qùlù depth lith HNu SAMPLES 0109Y ppm No. type Remark. :5 ~- 2- 'l- 2.. no odor no I d'SQoIoícdïon. 10 z.o 5 lð 110 b~ - 11.;30 bkg ¡qat So / I 1;2 '. ¡.fD i-I s - 2. 10 lto ZO " . .. .. " ...,~, \ ~~" ~"~ -1 ~ .~~ . ·...,1 , h .' . REMEDIAL ACTION REPORT PALMER TANK and CONSTRUCTION, INC. Bakersfield, California : Prepared For: Mike Driggs Kern County Environmental Health Services Department , /" ,~ .::;ff_?t ;' Prepared By: Kathleen A. Roush, R.O. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. August 17, 1993 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 3333 Gibson St., Suite 200 · Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 324-6152 · FAX (805) 325-8942 ;f ~9 \ . . - . ----... ....----.--------- ~ - ¡ D ¡g@rn çwrnjffu II' ..1993' ¡!III . . 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 2.0 BACKGROUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 3.0 GEOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 4.0 REMEDIATION METHODS ............................. 2 Excavation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Aeriation ...................................... 2 Sampling ...................................... 3 Site Safety ..................................... 3 5.0 RESULTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 FIGURES: Figure 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Figure 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 APPENDIX A: Laboratory Analysis Results Excavation . . . . . . . . . . 8 APPENDIX B: Laboratory Analysis Results Aerated Soil Piles ..... 12 APPENDIX C: Luft Manual Guidelines ..................... 16 APPENDIX D: Photographs ............................. 18 fJJ $- -<; '- - 1.0 INTRODUCTION . ~ -:. -,:,:<"'~';<.:_:,;.!'.;':., . . -., . . '.' . ¡.f' "..: ....:--.. ,"..:.<:i<i)~'~<>:',·::,;.: '.:~~, . _ . k' . . RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. was contracted by Palmer Tank and Cònstniction, Inc. to remediate the gasoline contaminated soil present"at their site on South Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California. The work performed by RAM included the excavation and aeration of the soil at the facility. The details of this remedial operation are presented in the following report. 2.0 BACKGROUND Palmer Tank and Construction, Inc. is located at 2464 South Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). In January of 1992, two 5,000 gallon tanks and one 10,000 gallon underground storage tank were removed. Samples were taken at depths of two feet and six feet below both ends of the tanks. The soil samples indicated that there had been an unauthorized release of hazardous materials into the underlying soil beneath the eastern end of the 10,000 gallon tank. Palmer Tank and Construction, Inc. was notified by the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) that a site characterization must be conducted in order to determine the vertical and lateral extent of the contamination. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. characterized the site and determined that the contamination was confined to a vertical depth of approximately 30 feet and a radius of approximately 15 feet. The levels of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and benzene were as found to be as high as 6200 and 280 mg/kg in some areas, respectively. Due to the high levels of benzene present in the soil, remediation of the site was required eliminate the threat to groundwater. RAM proposed that the effected soils be excavated and aerated. A Remedial Action Plan was submitted to KCEHSD and approved on November 11, 1993. 3.0 GEOLOGY The surficial soils at the site were deposited in a lacustrine, marsh, and distal portion of an alluvial fan environment. The soils encountered during the field investigation consisted predominantly of well-sorted fine to medium sands with some interbedded clay and silt layers. A clay layer was found in all borings at a depth of approximately 30 feet below grade. Based upon information supplied by the Kern Water Agency, groundwater lies at a depth of approximately 160 feet below grade in the unconfined aquifer. The regional gradient in this area is toward the southeast. The site also lies just beyond the western edge of the perched water table. E:\2000.93\221.20 1 1.5J $ ·i e ...... .' .... .' , ~.. .' . e" "--~', " " -, ~ . ",\ ' , -- 4.0 REMEDIATION METHODS '.,. . .. :' <' . ~iI' .,·r,. ..' ~ .:;;1' ,.' Excavation: The gasoline contaminated soils present as a result of leakage from the 10,000 gallon gasoline tank were excavated with the use of a excavator operated by personnel from Elam Environmental. On-site activities were supervised by personnel from RAM according to the Remedial Action Plan approved by the KCEHSD. Excavation activities were performed on December 1, 1992. Approximately 400 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed to a maximum depth of 34 feet, 8 inches below grade (Figure 2 & 3). Clean over burden material was segregated and used for backfill material. Photo Ionizing Detector (Pill) measurements were taken of the overburden material to assure that it contained no volatile organic compounds (VOC's) above background levels. Pill measurements were also taken of ambient air at the work site and to determine the base of the contamination. ConfIrmation samples taken from the base and four walls of the excavation to confIrm that all detectable hydrocarbons had been removed (Appendix A). The excavation was backfilled with clean fIll material taken from adjoining propeny owned by Palmer Tank and Construction. The fill material was free of any contaminants which could impact groundwater. In addition, the soil was inspected and approved by Mr. Mike Driggs, KCEHSD. The excavation was compacted to approximately 85% and the area was cleaned up. Aeration: A copy of the Remedial Action Plan was forwarded to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. In addition, the District was notified when aeration was to begin. Contaminated soils were transported with the use of a backhoe to a concrete pad present at the south side of the site. All soils not placed on concrete were placed on a visquine liner. The soils were spread to a thickness of approximately 18 inches. Due to the high Pill readings associated with the soil, all the soil was kept covered with visquine for approximately one month. Portions of the soil were gradually uncovered in order to aerate the soils within the guidelines established by the Air Pollution Control District. Throughout the winter months, the soil piles were kept covered in order to prevent off-site runoff from rainwater. In April, 1993, aeration activities were resumed. The piles were turned with the used of a backhoe and Pill measurements were taken periodically by personnel of both Palmer Tank and Construction and RAM Environmental. Confirmation samples were collected on May 28, 1993 by Richard Casagrande of RAM (Appendix B). The results of these analyses are shown on Table 1. The confirmation sample results indicate that the soil has been successfully aerated and levels of VOC's including benzene and TPH gasoline are far below guidelines established in the LUFf E:\2000.93\221.20 2 if $~ J; e -.. '.. .'.."';-:'/"(:.; . }. ,,-. t ...- , ~" .' . ~, ",\--_. . : _"" ...... ~'_ 4.; ... ~;r" " .~' , :. .. Manual (Appendix C). The soils have been move<t..by.. 'persòmiel of' Pa1¥TâìÎk;and':: CònstructioÔ'to -propeny"ownedby Mr:Palmer located·nonh~of~the;,si~~i~~.Ç::Côm.êt1ót\Vl1ütè,,:{c . . ~ . , '. - . '. - . Lane and South Union A venue. The soils will not pose a: threat to underlying groundwater and will continue to biodegrade and aerate over time. . Sampling: Soil samples were collected from all four side walls and the base of the excavation. All samples were collected using the excavator. Intact soil from the side walls and base of the excavation was rettieved and collected by advancing a brass sleeve into the intact soils. TABLE 1. Confmnation sample results, aerated soil. . Analyte RC040 RC041 RC042 RC043 (mg/kg) Benzene ND 0.038 0.031 ND Toluene 0.026 0.035 0.015 ND Ethylbenzene 0.036 0.084 ND ND Xylenes (Total) 0.274 0.697 0.109 ND Isopropylbenzene 0.12 0.082 ND ND TPH gasoline 2.5 ND ND ND ND = None Detected above method detection limit. Samples within the aeration area were collected using a scoop. Soils were collected from near the middle and base of the soil piles and placed in a brass sleeve for transport to the laboratory for analysis. Once a soil sample was collected, the brass sleeve was covered with a teflon liner, plastic pliable lid, sealed with tape, labeled, and transported to the laboratory in a cooler under chain-of-custody protocol. Samples were analyzed for the presence of TPH gasoline using EPA method 8015 (modified) and for benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, and Ethylbenzene using EPA method 8020. All analyses were performed by SMC Laboratory, a Department of Toxic Substances Control certified laboratory. Site Safety: Ambient air measurements were taken at regular intervals in accordance with the Site Safety Plan developed for the project. A PID was used to detect elevated levels of VOC's in the breathing E:\2000.93\221.20 3 g. <0' '." e .. .' ,< ............ t '.',. ' :-Î ," ,',! . -~ ",. space of workers on-site. Upon removal of the overburden material, workers dònned respirators equipped with organic· cartridges; .' WOrkers involved included the' on~site··superVìsor.:rrom,RAM,,,- excavator operator, and backhoe operator. Workers were not in direct contact with the waste so tyvex suites were not required. 5.0 RESULTS The remediation of the Palmer Tank and Construction, Inc. site has removed all detectable hydrocarbons from beneath the fonner location of the 10,000 gallon gasoline tank. The contamination did not impact groundwater. All impacted soils have been aerated and contain very low levels of VOC,s. The organic compounds will continue to aerate and biodegrade over time and will reach background levels. It is RAM's recommendation that the site be clean closed by KCEHSD. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. ~~~ Kathleen Roush, R.O. Project Manager E:\2000,93\221.20 4 ,~ ,,;~ ~~ e . '-. '-,," ,n;".:>--.-.',':; -. "i<) 1}:.:.. '", '.r~'~~'\~.~:~-'" ;:"-,." ~h~~" ...\\ I It'L"·',,"-.-..."!' ..VI ~. CASA ~ LOMA DRIVEc I _ _. F'V· In. ,.... n' 1 .n!A I VIII.. (), ÒlJi" ':0';. 'I....~o¢.O! 'CAS~ ,aMA .'- - ~ V,{Lr:Y.·¡ikÀÑ'j)·.~·" ! .r:;¡Uìiß.;;J.!!2 ~q -. ~ ~ low.on ~ .it Rd C }/'" '.¡¡ ~.':1.. SCH ~ ~ fCW: ... \ ~ -' dJùirç¡:-¡¡;O<!I<V A. E ~ 1 i \~ ! Cu,f" 0, ~ J "'---J òi. ~~ ~ -' ~ i rl(,!LJct,. ~ol"'n YVy '"n . ~ ,¡¡ ~ 'Snulh Gal n, I .' , 1 1'11/' . Nino SI ~ (ìOúi'êouRSE"", \Gt~ tCa!!!!!!}. 00 ,,~, ." 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Roush Date: Aug. 16, 1993 ,~~ ~- .. :r I- :J o U) - e" .~ """: . ~."";. .~... .,., I I- I I -------- - - - Office · I _ _ _ J .1- ., - II - - i~· -' -. I . . " . "- I, I' · I II · I J.- . · I · I -- . - . _.- . " . Office "- . "'- - . . - . - LEGEND: - . - Overhead Lines · _ - - Fence w > q r · I z o Z :J I f · I I I · I I · I I I · I I I · I · I I I · I I I .: -'~.- -~Excavation I . I 1 .:. .~ __ .J Area .. . Former Locoti~~;J of Tonk ( Aeration I' Area · SCALE: 111=20' , I . - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ---------- -'-'-e-ø-e_ e_._. - J--- ~ V R A M ENVIRONMENTAL I ..- ) \ EN(;IN.EERIN~ ' I '. .. ,) _.. SERVICES,INC {,,,:__...__::_____:= =:..:~_==-=:=:::::: :-,::---::' _ .-i J FIGURE 2: Site Map Prepared by: K. Roush ,","'+-0' lI.11,..,11C"· 1h 1qq~ ~,S' '..,' Grade 10 f ... o ... on ·t -,. :'{t- " .'.... 7.. ..~. ': " Previous Location of UST . . . . GF303 Total Depth 341 8" . . .' . /- ( \1 \ I ,- .... ,. . ' . . .-: --- ---- ---- - - - - - -- - -- . GF301 10 feet o 10ft. R A M ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. FIGURE 3 Cross-Section of Excavation Area No: 200221 Dote: 8/16/93 By: K. Roush ,;j ,_. ~,~ ~ e ... . ." :'.' .¡ ',..j' APPENDIX A LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS EXCAVATION E:\2000.93\221.20 ". . . -." '.- . "~" .' .., .,"';: "... I :.,.... " ., . :....< .'~'.:.-.--.,.~-~. ." '.-i..'} /: '..:" :.~,- ~"'.":'.''::.~:.\. .~. . .' . .·i:~...~,\-.;.,~·:~.s;:~<:, > '~:"'. ' - .. . <I~ ¿.. ¡; 'e .~;..... .:' -' ->. -' SMC¡..Laboratory, Inc. , . : It ;'~'¡;": ';':'.. ·,~.~J}!tjSªtGtl~m!~þy ,~ ..\ ',/:\'.~...~,~":->;,,... '..' ;-,!.'" -':," - '~ Client Name: RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Address 3333 Gibson Street, Ste 200 Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 Date samples received :12-02-92 Date analysis completed:12-03-92 Date of report :12-03-92 Project Name: Palmer Project # 200221 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #4127 ID:GF301 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene ug/g ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 Matrix Type = Soil Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 5030/8020 MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected ~ .:~~ Kevin Laga Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive P.O. Box 80835 · . Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93380 . · (805) 393-3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 ~! .;J~ _.- ,¡;. e RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #4128 ID:GF302 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) #4129 ID:GF303 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) #4130 ID:GF304 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) #4131 ID:GF305 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) Kev~n~~ Analytical Chemist e ug/g ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ND 1.0 ug/g ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ND 1.0 ug/g ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ND 1.0 ug/g ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ND 1.0 ./ . . ",. ';.,." . ' y" . ' .... .'.... . . .~~., .,.... , G..-Vü tu-tt'" - ~ O(J. "--- ' ì A M ENVIRONMENTAL \' R . . . ,., ~~~~~~~:~~. _un' ( '-. .f I 3333 Gibson St., SUiU 200:::" ~ Bakersfield, CA 93308'~ r (805)324-6152 FAX(80S)325-89¡~ C H A I N 0 F C U S T 0 D Y E>roject Name/Number Pa.1.lìler-- é).OO :l.?-\ Sample Collected By G, ¡::::ey~\ CLld Lab Destination ~ rYì ~ Carrier 6, Fernc:cO..d :t" '- .1;". " RAM Sample Sample Date/Time Sample Container AnalysislMethod , .. Number Location and Description Collected Type Type Re~ested GF 301 fy-enc.h rus..e.. '~Ij /J-l 12j1 I~O Goil 2" 12~SS 1ttI,Eo.ooll~ /~ ' 51eb1e. ~1X.E SC30 &,)2.0 G' F 302- kJoV" th. wojl ;-/ I )-- b ld-/I 131S S9il V- II J-f/J-1 \?-/ / sod '. b r- 603 '-ÿ)0tt--- u.XJJ \ t33) ~ II (.; r:: 304 we.st L\.JG..l \ J-j /3--0 1;;"/1 l340 SOI' v l \ 6 [=- :Jj S ~ WJJ\ I 4/1-/ 12./ l j£() SOt I V II I , ;. ,.,.,- . - -~ . : -; ~ . . Special Instructions: Possible Sample Hazards: SIGNATURES: ~j~~. J .' . '. ~~ ". '- , .., ,.<, .' '., Received By: ~:9'~3 Relinquished By: - '4þJ I J- .,).--t()-- -'I ;? ë 1,/ + -6 Received By: -',," ~ . . ':,', ;;.~~..:' . ':..f.~: ,1 Relinquished By: ~... 2 Relinquished By: 4 Relinquished By: :~j~'~-., Received By: Received By: .' ' ·i~ - ,.}' ..:: e e" " , ' , .' ~... APPENDIX B LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS AERATED SOIL PILES E:\2000.93\221.20 . . . -...... :. ," . ~'" " .,~ . :.~' -"."' - '..¡,' ',- ," ".. ::~,~~ '~-" ~ \'. > .~~~~ ~~~;~~:';,~~tJ :'~.~}~.'.:.- ~_: -1..... .. :. .. ~ ... .._....,.~ ¡; i~ - SMr" ' . ".,,,,~",,:: . , "j:,. i~.LR.~º~~!P~Y, ,!nc., . , "i.;¡z;:~~~~~:i;A/1~J.¡.~~~h~~i,':, Client Name: RAM Environmental Engineering Services, 'tri~;~~'/::':'{"'?":):':'. Address 3333 Gibson Street, Suite 200_ Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Richard Casagrande Date samples received Date analysis oompleted Date of Report, 6-01-93 6-08-93 6-09-93 Project Name Projp.ct. Number: Palmer 200221 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: # 1149 ID: RC 040 ug/g NDL,ug/g Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Tsapropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ND 0.026 0.036 0.054 0.050 0.17 O. 12 2.5 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 # 1150 ID: RC 041 ug/g MDL,ug/g Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) 0.0:38 0.035 0.084 0.047 0.27 0.38 0.082 ND 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1 .0 Natrix Type = Soil Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 5030/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected ~~J} Stan Comer Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive P.O. Box 80835 . · Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93380 . · (805) 393-3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 ,~ ~ .t> e RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: rr 115 lID: RC 0:\ 2 ugjg Benzene Toluene Ethy] ÌJen;::i:ne p-\ylenf" /I1-\y]ene o - '\ y I. e Ii ie' I,,: 0 p l' 0 P Y I Li F n zen E: TPII (Cia:-:-J;] ine) 0.031 0.01;) ND ~D 0.01;:; O. O~I.¡ ND :-;0 ;: ] 1 52 T D: 1'(( (}·43 ug/g Benzene Tu.! uc~ne E t.hy 1. hf:n ~:i-:j¡(O p-\,Ylpiif m-'\,Y 1.· IIi-:: ',i - \:, Len e Is lJ l' l'" P Y ] tHe It ¿ '." n f' TPfl ((;,1::-:01 in e) \1) :. I! \D !\ il \]¡ !'-!D :;í¡ \ I: ~-~--- Stan Culll",!' -\! 1 a J :: L i.:' a I I.' 11 i: ill i s t e" .' "", " '...... ~ ':! , , . ...,. '," " ".-,- '-'''ç.--'' l~'~')~',: ',r,'" '\fjL,\ig/g 0.00:> 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 U.Oll;:; n.oos 1 ,) 1 . I, :, ¡ I :1.. J \ì g / g I) . (; I) :J o. UO;) O.()CJ;) O.OOS ,-, ..- :'J . t,J (J :) O.cui) iJ.()O:~, 1 . (.; -.- , ~¡ ._RAME~~:~mi L CHAIN o F C U S T 0 D Y roject Name/Number 'PoJ mer _ ~OOc:2.21 ample Collected By ~. Ca6Ctg rCV)de RAM Sample Number Re.. 04-0 ~c. 041 R C. 04 2... Rc.. 04 3 50\ \ 'So i \ Sod ~\\ ;pecial Instructions: Received By: 2 Relinquished By: Received By: Carrier Lab Destination Sample Location and Description I\es - eO,_~t eorner i \es - nor-th corner " \ es - ~+- Q.or ner 'I Ie.s - soLJt\-ì Cbíner ---'j {, It I crs 5J1C W :::Jt- " -,I 3333 Gibson St., SUi~200 \~ Bakersfield, CA 93308 '.:: (805) 324-6152 FAX (805l:~25-894'2.: . ., .. ~¡';J< )< ~CYìC- Lo.b K. f<OOSY) ':;;"~ .., .~<:: '::":.' '.'¡; " . ~:-jf' ~'-'. .~ ... -:' - ~ '<, " : Container AnalysislMéthoa:--' Type . ReqqjJ~~è~ ';,j:' :~ ': ~" b"'OS:) T~ 8Q.So~'~~,:-: V }:. Date/Time Sample Collected Type q J 15 ò /15 I I ¡ 5L , 4.. I II) ....... 3 so\l so~\ 60i\ .soi\ Relinquished By: Received By: 4 Relinquished By: Received By: ~ II -brass 2.}' bra.ss v .: 2!' brü.ss ~ :->, , ~..~ }: ,,~!- -' ;~fY';: ",<." >ossible Sample Hazards: ~~ ;IGNATURES: (Name, Company yã?'te/.-and· Time) ----- / / .' .1 Relinquished By: / /:", . - / rl/ " ~\ -...'J;: ,. ,Y.,':_~~~!·,~:· ". '~'j;,:~;., '.~:~'~~. ....: ·-::-r:-~"t> ~::.:~~~~;~~'- ; ;!" ,- ,þ . t . . ~. ~~. #J' '.. ,"..... . APPENDIX C ""..~" " LUFT MANUAL GUIDELINES .. ~ ;. '.~ .-:..:-;:".. "'>~:',).~:,.~\:>~~ . .. . . _. , .' < "£' .. '.', '"?'~-~\,·":~d ',,>:.:"' ". ";'::"è,;c<~,:'~:" ;'. " ., . .. . , ~.. .,', ,:.... .,..'.,.',.,..., ..;ii.;;~~~..·'~~~;~l~~'i~n:~~;,!~~i~;"~~I;¡~~~~~,,::,{jC;)!f/;".· ""'" , . ")-.'; . h,:·'".,·,..·..<·!,,:~ ~;",., ,,;.,,;~~..;~;;~,,~":µ..J.¡"9;,r,;~~~~Ji,'" PetJ:Q)!~,~..yJlr.~~~~~~Ø!·t~~t~~:f-:;;J::.~"?'~.;:·: .<." /';rrl-~~fá¡;:ì'.>"" ;..' " and . 6enzene, ",Toluene, Xy lene and" Eth~;lb.nz~ma..' '.(")("l~>'<t·:'<·',:;:: . . '. . .' . '. '" l . : . ,,' > : '''.. .: "'.' , '. ','- \L~.~~~..~.:.¡;..:f;~:·_; :~.~:<~.:}:." _'~, ./.'~,~ The 'following tabie was 'designed to pel1lit'estllÍat'inCj': th.fr~:·;"':'~.'·~':;f~·~r.. concentrations of TPH and BTX&E that can be .left in place':r .Without· , threatening ground water. Three levels of TPH and BTX'B:::, concentrations were derived (from modeling) tor sites which fall into categories of low, medium or high leaching potential. .. To use the table', find the appropriate description for each of the features. . Score each feature using the weighting system ahown'jltth..top of each column. . Sum the pòints for each column and' total tho. Match the total points to the allowable BTX&E and TPH levels. .' .~ .;.;... S SCORE S SCORE S SCORE SITE : C 10 PTS C 9 FrS ·C~ 5 PTS' ".: 0 IF CON- 0 IIF CON... 0 IF CON- FEATURE R DITION R DITION R' DITrON ~ ",~: ',~' '. E .IS MET " E :. IS. )tET .-t- .~d.: ~. IS MET.,¡, '. ,".. ........ .J- . -..,.0: . ",- Minimum Depth to >100 51-100 .. 25-50\1 Ground Water from the 10 \..' Soil Sample (feet) . Fractures in subsurface ; None - Unknown Present (applies foothills ~¡o , to : , ';' .1 '1'''. . . '^ r~ or mountain areas) Average Annual <10 10-25 26-40~ Precipitation (inches) 10 Man-made conduits which . . None Unknown Present increase vertical 10 ., ... migration of leachate Unique site features: None At least More recharge a rea, coarse 10 , one than one soil, nearby wells, etc .. '. COLUMN, TOTALS...TOTAL PTS 5'QI + , + = 150 RANGE OF TOTAL POINTS . 49pts or more 41 - 48 pts 40pts or less . MAXIMUH,ALLOWABLE. 1/50/50/50 . .3/.3/1/1 NA\1 B/T/X/E LEVELS -(PPH) ". --.--. --- -.--.. u" --- -.- --.-... .-.~._.. --.--. ....- .__. ., ... __ ___ ,m ._, ,. -.-. . ..-.... ...., .. --- MAXIMUM: i'- GASOLINE 1000 100 10 ALLOWABLE TPH LEVELS (PPH) DIESEL. 10000 1000 100 \.: .. \l '. If. depth is greater than 5 ft. and less than 25 ft., score 0 points. If deptl. is 5 ft. or less, this table should not. be useG. If precipitation is over 40 inches, score 0 points. r..eve1s for BTX&E are not app1 icable at a TPH concentr'lt-: .')r. :'$: 10pprn (gasoline) or lOOppm (diesel): (For explanatipn see step 6, page 27.) . \Æ. .~ ,I ¡ r~-~ :.>~ :~,)-.~~,~:' ..~.:' :.~.~ ", ",,:t: ,-" .' ..;.... f: "'''. .';' ::~~}'~:"'~I~"~'';:: E:\2000.93\22L20 ...... , ......:;.....;!;.... " ·!WJ " -,*' ... ,~. " '..... .' -'. í, '.', '.' .' ",-" ,'....... , t.~~::§y% '<'- ,; ':' '.~.,; , ,"'- . . .j :,·'.:t -;. ~ ., '>;' '" ~""';::~(Ù~,~$:~\i.~,'~::j:/i-:{¿.,~¡~;;:;/>~;::~,~,·.,;,:<,::', ..'.<'....~~;:'.~;.~~.-: ·.t·,~~."'..1 "I...t, ~,' ,.. e ' . .' ',.,~~.: .~::',.~\:~:i'::: :~~¡{~~;~:~~,~.;:;~::'~~\~;~~.:':;~·/::/l!j:~;~;.~::<;i~~~:á~);<1~è:;:l;::\':. . \I. .::. ~~~....~..,...J!. ;I{t'~_..'i.....~(.., \'. ," -~\~.lM'''~J,.¡.:\'.tt..t.!¡~~'':;'}. _-~...,~.¡\:_.:"-;.<t~;... ~,;~~.i'- ",,:,'>t _"'~.:.~.~~.~ '1-_~.'t;i-':~,;A~'·' I :. '." -'>'.'Å~: ,~·!?t~~~.:-·~~: .-J~~t~.~':,.l,J:~ ~;~t~~:~! ~ ~';~..'·~-...F~~::~~;~~:fr~~~~j~t.\!'f~:t.-~ _. ~f;;::~ k~~:;~~:~:~..~ .' APPENDIX D PHOTOGRAPHS ".-' '.' . , L. " 1-~~·_. ~ .-.--.~-.~---",. ÓJ;;~'~::';~~~~Id:,':", , ¡', ",i':~",~si~¡;J'" L """';'''''')~''''.<f",..~t:;¡" . .:';¡ :~:>:~~(.t!)~:,.~.:;~~.~~~~~ '..' -'OJ''!i: -/ 1·, ',: 1 ~ .__\ t· <~ ,\ ) , ,,' h >.~.\:.:,';''' ' " '.¡.;¡ : ·l:v.;~~ I. '" ~~.,,~. , . ... 'If ~ ,- " ~ .;: "_t. ~~~cc\_~~,~ fJ:'~~:Y: .' , , , ~":-_'7:-""''1 .. .. '-" '..-~ ~ . - ~ { . f , i 'l '-' '0' " :1 ~ ;'~.¡,'j. '~'.,"~~ '.~~, ~::¿.;.~i.~..~.!'.,f;~":T::';'?-'".~.:}.:,:;,.;,~.:;..~~".'~..'~,~',~., ..;!:~.C-.,.:'.: :;..:,....','~} :_ ~",', ..,,'. ,,' . . '. , ;.; ;:. c.,. > ,,,, <'!<tí!l¡' ,~"', '4]'" j ," ";'1" '" ,·:.~)¿j~è)ti;;,¡ ';"'''A'¡.~." ~?""'~~ ~!~:;'~~~1[:~;,#~~:~;,{'):" . '- ~- ~ '. ;'!' Excavator removing soil to a maximum depth of 34 feet, 8 inches below grade. From former location of 10,000 gallon gasoline tank. E:\2000.93\22L20 .' . .;~:"',' .':~:¿:....- - ~ f: '. ~~:-.~:. < :''';.,!--;-r-:~-;::~r:;f;:;''~_: '/.' ':-:,",;··:i;< ;'\-::-;~~- , ,~ . "'1 ... e",", . ........ ...... ",.r, ",."...,;.".",., ·.-f.'..",..... ðc,.,·..~.· " "''''1 .."........ J., "'p..' . '. ".~ :_...:;:¡,:.,to-,.., . , . o ;;~~;f':"'. ;;::?;:<j::,;~;'C'?/,¡~;~ :f~:), :, ' :(. ' .. ,. .,' ::'J ~. -, i View looking northeast of excavation site. View looking north of excavation. Soil piles were later transported to aeration area. E:\2000.93\221.20 -!;-~~-"",'. ,..... Er',,:· :.,~,>,;:. :~ ~ ~',:~,~",,~" "', . ...::....: , . ;' ~<':,~~:~:~:~:~~~~ ~:{~~þ;"~"~~i~~: '>::' .' ^ \ ,',-- .. . '7~?:-,;~:.;;o.""-·~~~~,~~-- View looking east of aeration area at various stages of completion. E:\2000.93\22L20 ~(~--'~::::'_"I':~ D_." ::.", ~" '¡,þ;.;.... _..~,.,'.~.~7:-_.=-:--:~-:~.~þ;':~~:jj¡" .... :~.ð;j~~~~ '-:1~~~i;t~<~· "·,~-,,.~·~~1 .' . ,Ij' .,'" :,'0., . "'-. : - .. '.',.'" --O~,. "'~ , ~ ~~ ~ ,. ,', ,,"/,'~'.' , ; .''';'' . ,'~ f è"1¡~,:~i~,;;f}1~ii~~:!;i~~~ii.~~~~~;~~~~~~),~~tj~~~~~~~~Rj~~1;~~&t;.! .- . , r " ''''':"f .'; ~ View looking east of aeration area following completion of excavation activities. E:\2000.93\221.20