HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK ! ! I I i § µ:: ~ ~ ,e § µ:: E-I ~- E-I ~ '" Ice House ~. SOUTH UNION AVENUE ~ ~ p / ~ . Foreman TlI[ Main Office ~ ~ Gas Pt.nnp / Cemen t '4- ').. - ~ (J «;. \:-" Gas Intact ~ ~ I ~ B® C¡J Ó"a Fill ~ Pad ~ s Office EAST t 2 2 samples - 2 samples - 6 [1/3 of the way in {rom each end Q9-2 ®-6 " -2 <&1-6 '. tank : 710000 ":,,., . .' ) , KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH D~PARTMENT " \ .. ._:>:.,.L~,.\ í, INVESTIGATION RECORD DBA OWNER ADDRESS ,. ASSESSORS' PARCEL' 1cDDRESS C'l' CHRONOLOGICAL RECO~ OF INVESTIGATION ;;¡J I I I I r I : I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I ~,- - 1"':-1 "), , . I ¡;:~12 It!r ~'1)~/! JtßÞ ~ ~- ~~J. \rJ V , i --.----- - -- .- I - MC:cd ~ e¡ KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD - DBA OWNER ADDRESS ASSESSORS' PARCEL' ADDRESS CT CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION DATE I , I ¡:EC.~.JtJã}., f ¡lE.,),'~.H!!:·Â ¡::"/~, 5&'~r ^F.#ÑlI7- TO I I--f:IU~~ lË.s.~,'A\~. ....«-') ?'1 ,·t!¡;;2A1 ,(--r-' -pS~~¡;;;ð. Tb ;j,,~ I /JA/~6¡¿ - MJ¿. M/'''1¡::~ ~ . I I I ~ íAI'E1\ ., II ïJ' ';~/~¡::: IS A,- I¡::-~",r CP>~ ,,v ()þ¡::: ~Á II( rAJ I AÔ{\''-T{~d n. TfI€ CJJJF T µA¡jE; jJE"2M/~ Tt") o/F~AP:-/' .HË Af<:...t">J S-n4í""E.A J-tF (~r<f/" TX'jOG5Tr(:.,AT/1£ t :z:::/.J,:¡"¿pt 1¡V1~ J:"'¡::", He=. ¡:;-)û/:::..ç TJ./1E- /L:rA-rï~A.)' CI~ ..Jv.r ,AM/rr~AJA/ :~~~~. _4'<~ t111b I el1 ~ -' ~ ¡tJ. ' A-II FÞD ~ '"S. 1& R~ 1/' /J 1+ / ;VIE 12 - ¡·..ûttCJ ¡', I I I $.1A-rFE-l::. \ I.JË r=o<A~1l -:n+~ -ßJ2otJut'".( I¡~E r=:eJ¿ I A0rffH-í-l!à 'A.....:>k' ~ f/....)E J/{ ( ¡¿ FE ,AAOù~ rr oAJ TH£ / ) J :~~ ~~~ -::: ~ T~ r~'~ ~F~ ~t'1 I)bL)I~ ^ ,tÒ IE.) , ~T " - '€.2' t Alj,-. I A /1M~f'ÙËb r . :) N I 5 rÁ t=r'r ¡:: "F(')¿ tB.DTft Tf1..t ),.r'J I'F l+i~ I I , I " I \ - ~/21e:¡l I 11/ s I cII · e ( RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY' RANDALL L. ABBOTI DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE ßI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCALLEY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WllUAM J. RODDY. APCO Planning & DeveJopment Services Department TED JAMES. AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT August 2, 1991 Jerry W. Palmer 2464 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 CLOSURE OF 3 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT 2464 SOUTH UNION AVENUE IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, PERMIT # A1470-31 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. . It is also important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibili ties to investigate and remediate contamination discovered on site and beneath other underground storage tanks permitted with this department. / <' Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. ,,/ /:< ,---- ~'} -- ,<~' , ~':l-¿~,-L',,; //-é"~- -WESLE~/NICKS, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST 2700 "M" STREET,SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (80S) 861-342q MAY 09 '91 09'52tÃx MIIE~ssa~e-6Ø4P01:01 . 4-9-91 Date: To: Wesley Nick~~..._. Fax Phone No.: E.H.D 86.1-3429 Ccmpany: "., Fran: Subject: Jeru Palmer Palmer Tank @ '::0 1B t ~ Inc. Æ:lding tanks 1:':f r~sisting permit Ccmpany: ,', II of Pages (including this cover sheet):: 1 . rr:L~l~r~' . ~þt-=r-\ T-"T'=+~-;O'4~~ p- ,_ I \ I \ I : . . . PAlMER ,TANK & CONSTtJCTION, INC. tELEPHONE NO~ (SO,;;: 834-1110 ¡ F~ NO\'~ \ (SO,;I i 834-~\322 \ \ 'Message: 1(\ . \ } \ ~ _ , ! .J I 1 I ~ ¡ .r--"'-"-'~~ ---==--~~ 1~~~¡1"--" ~~ As, per our phone conve:rsat:~~:~~.last week please. add two (2) . S ,000 gal. gasoline tanks I Plen:::,e add to our permit 1# A 1470-31, The tank. should be ready to re.mo~~!~~_êt the end of next week. " ".~"-" ..'. " MRY-3\:::J- ":H -lb-:-4\!J -,HL.lTI~t'( I HNK c~o r"-'JJ~.L M\.~ Me_ssa~ ,Date: . 5-3\-cr\ . .....--'~ .. ";) ,From: ::-'\" Q , ~,!L~~~. . ,~'L.C¿~~ ~~\....'~.e ~ C~~~r ·::Cyú:.' 3- \G..1\..h '\\) ~~ , /1 of Pages (including this, COVêr sheet): \ , To: , , : "---.a..-... ' , "'~.I..T. " , , :' Fax Phone'Nò.: ' . ' .~: Subject: . ~j~r If¡ ~.J+--¡-r-+~,"~~~~ - .--7 ---....- \ t i \ I I : /' / __, ! î \ I !: .! " PALMER ,TANK & CONSTRUCTION. INC. i '. " .' TELEPHONE NO~ (805) 834-1110 ¡ ! .'Messag·~: \ t;l Nl 0\ (805\ 834-r; \1 . .. . ~~ t~,v----' - ~ ~..... f/J -€ a~, s"j;,~ X' ""'. ~. 1\ M ~ 14 \~-"\ - ~-~ ;~~, / ~' jUL 30 '91 16:34 . _ ~__C ~~S~ GIBSON OI~G CO., INC. RE: Load Acceptance Dear Customer: . 041 mp02/03u -- S .- 30'" q ) MANIFEST# . '2 '8 s q q () 1 d This Letter is to inform you that Gibson 011 & Refining has the appropriate permits for and has accepted your material for recycling. The amount we received was ~ 00 ' J t gallons. If this does not agree with your data please notify us within 10 days so that we can resolve any discrepancies. Phone (805) 327-0413 '" Very..truly, yours, 6. Yu..J2L-U.. Gibson Oil & Refining Co.. Inc. Customer Service 3300 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 211 East Ocean Blvd.. Suite 231 Long Beach, CA 90802 213/499·4996 Telex: 664-611 FAX 213/499-4980 A Subsidiary of V.L.S., Inc. 2101 Webster St., Suite 1500 Oakland, CA 94612 415/446-7777 Telex: 338-139 FAX 415 I 836-4503 C, Recycled Paper ,/ ~' 3300 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 200 BaKersHeld, CA 93301 805 /327·0413 / 800-582·3935 FAX 80S I 861 -0229 - JUL ~IQ ':;Iol olO; ~"+ .- (\ ~AX Messag' ';, ".," ~..3D-9\ - V~~~'~ '~~1-'~~~~4 ' ~. . ......~~ ~ · ~~~JtA"...,,'I~,,/~ tr :f1 of Pages (inclu:ling this' cover sheet):. ~ ~ ~ --. -. -~-~--~ j 1 \ , ì ! I I J , i , j j 1 i i j , j !. , I Date: To: . Caupany: Fax Phone No .": From: ~xy: Subject: , j ,I ¡ I i :¡ '" - ';,Message: ¡ \ I I . I I , I ¡ I , , , i . -t:J~.L r~J.' ""..... r-' ('- ~, ~,D ~.~~~ ." .I JUL 30 '91 16:35 ~late ot C~lj10r"ia-Heallh and Wellare AgenCY. /~ , F,<õm Appr:1Ved OMB No. 2050-0039 (Expires 9-30, !' ¡;Ieaae priM o~ type. '(Form deslaned tor use on e/lff .,Iten typewrIter). UNIFORM HAZARDOUS .. Jene/ator's us EPA 10 No. WASTE MANIFESt 3'iratof,a Name and Mailing Addreaa ' " Imer Tank.. :$ tcn':>1rUbJ lor), I(,c.., ......'f{..;¡ 4. $;'.ùth, Uf¡ WO AVe.,_1':t:d~',er~,~\cI 4, Genetator;s Phone ( ') ,", ,. , S. Transpo,rtèr 1, Company Name ,) o I/] ,II) ~. I/] 6 o or ,.. ..s ...¡ « O~ 'Q)'ž O~ em (Tj? i.t)$ G mË ....IS '=3= N OQ~ ~ g A. ~ i ~ 0 '~ R .,§ r "'IX ~ :1w '.(.) ~ (JJ Z ,~ '/fJ 1/.1 'IX: '...I 0( Z .;0 ,1= :< ,Z 1/.1 ¡E ...I ,...I 0( 'Co) ¡J ,...I .ã: :,1,/) :0: ,0 ")- :f.) '2 ' , J ::i! ¡~ ' , J z ¡< u. ,0 ' , J, 'C/) 0( (,) ,j; 041 P03/03 . r-', Depertment o(Healtl1 Servlcee Toxic Substallcea Control Division SaOr.montO. CaUlornla \ , : i '\ 2. Page 1 , , " ..... 11. US OOT tleacrlpUon (Including Proper Shipping Name. Hazard ClaSi, IInd 10 Numbor') a. , \ \... \ ~ ~. Iv'" q \ ,', ," "'" .",,\'., i'\". "" '"~ 'f\ . ,. i.'.¡ , ,~ (~ ':\ ~I'.:':··.,I' '.,~:",: " \. " \ b. ,',. : ,,',,: . ",'~. . :t. ", :þ~ , . ' c. ~ I ''.' d. ; J;}dditlO~~J.I?'$Cr,i~JO~$ f~r;tfI~f'ri~f$ ~i~t~~Above .." '~;::'G\fi~':::\,~'j':::~~, ",¡" '::'i;j,{,~~'i"~~:;{~ë:·' ~~~~t;~:t~;~~ . ·!!~~~t~¡;,':;;~,.l:';Â;~;;i¿;"., ,16, SP,?,CI'I,I'I.n,dlill~ tll.trucUon. and Additional In!ormatton :':, ' ,'..' ,..' >,..,'.." 1:, l''''':. 'iV\. "', ",. " '\ '.',',.'; '¥" . .'( ..,,\".i~~~~ ' .r.;r,." "''''.'¡ .' ......,.. ~ ',. -: ".., ':. " ¡, "~~ 4 ," . \,"':' f, ,'.~' " , .: ~Ü;"~~':i;·~·: ',' ", .,.,.".... . , .' ,~,:~: ;,\~~·"~!1j~;;j;f~ ;,:: ;1.::;,:. ", . , . . I ',"~~: ", "'I· : ,,/~~ :':~ ~:'{Ü:();';r;; ,:¡...; ,:~'I~~~~~:: (,:, ;~t:~f~::'~~·~~Ÿ'.~ '( . I..·.,.. .' .\ ·'1 \ ,I.... J 4.~ ~,/ " ~ JÇ''''' \ ., 16, " GENERATOR'S C:EFlTIFICATION: t hereby declare that the contents Qf this cQnsignl'l'ltllnt .ro fully Md acc~rately described abova by proper shipping name IIIId IIrÐ Qlassifiød, pi\çlled, mllrkçd. IInd I¡\beh,d, and ari!! in all respects In proper condition tor transport by highway according to, spplicablø internation81 IlId national government regulatlona. ' It I am a large quantity generator, I certify that I hav€! II prQ¡¡ram in ølnce to red~ce the volume a~d toxicily ot: waste genereted to the degree I have determined to bo cconOf'lliC!!Illý procticable tlnd that! have selected the practicable method ot treetment, storsge, or dili'¡)Q,al C~rr'1\tly .voil.ble to mo whien l'I'Ii~im¡lee the present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, if I am a $mllll Clua~titý ge1\er!!ltor, I nave made a good faith elfon to minimize my waste ganeratiól'lllnd $oloct tho be,t wute ma1\agel'l'lcnt l'I'Iet1'l0d that is available 10 me and thet I can atford. T R A N 5 P o A T E PrintedITyped Name .! C\ \, 17. Tranaporter 1 Acknowledgament ot Receipt of Materlala Printed/Typed Nsme Month Day Yellr M9nth ,,."08Y Yesr ~. :..... .. ' 18. Trenaporter 2' ACknoINledgomi!!nt 01 Receipt ot Materials Printed/Typed Name 08Y Yesr <t Month 19. Oi$Crep"~QY IIClie'tio~ space ,F 'A C I L. 1 T ,,"' 20. !"sellity Owner or Operator Cenlllcatlon of receIpt ot hazardous materials coverçd by thi, moni!",! liIJ(capt u noted in Item 19. ø,..""....-I/T....,:-..... ......"",..,. ,."...J !:Jøn.:ltuI"o J.lonJÁ ß8Y " Year .' ~/.,-' . ." " " ,,,.,,..'" '~... ;011$ 8022 A (1/ BS) ¡¡Ph 870(>-~2 (Rev, IiI·SS) Previous editiOns are obsolote, Do Not Write Be{ow Thi~ Ùne Yellow; TSDF SENDS THIS COpy TO GENERATOR WITHIN 30 DAYS ~tate 01 éaIirMnJ.~eallh anCl wellare AQency F-?:m APproved OMS No. 20$1>-0039 (e~plr.. 9·30·~:·\."· Pleaae print 0'; type. '(Form d/lalan~d tor use on ellf,' ,Itch typewriter). UNIFORM HAZARDOUS .&enefatot'B us EPA 10 No. WASTE- MANtFEST 3'92"tor,. Name and Mailing Addreea ' " . IlYìer Tø'\k.. ~ tcn~trUL.'t or\I¡"c... _q.(¡, 4 $..-.u~h ,U0 IÖ n A Ve.,p~erbf\1!lcJ 4. Generator:s Phone ( ....), " . 6. TranBpo,rter 1,Company'iame ,) ,'0 II] ,I/' r;-, '" ~ co r : < O~ '~ 0° O'à ~ t.I)$ G M¡!:".e ~ N OO~ ~ .~ A. pt T :'01' 0 .:~ R ':§ ~ 'iI; ~ ¡- 'I~ .UI UJ %' ,~ o .¡¡¡ a: '...J 0( Z .;0 ;:: :< ,Z ~ ..J ,..,J .~ ;.J ,....I ::8$ :2i ")- :U ,% L\ ::f 'W :~ 'W Z i< \I,. ,0 '¡¡¡, , (fJ' 0( '0 ,a; JUL 30 '91 16:35 . ." .........::....-.:..-.- . 041 P03/03 D.partment 01 Health Service, Toxic $uÞataneea Control Dlvialor , O· $80,.m.llto. Callfornll Inlottl'lltion itI tile ahaded ar881 Ie not required bŸ Feelo,.llaw. I. NIJ'(\. '.;',,,,1i\\'.~1:'\ , . ft. US COT Deacrlptlon (In.,;udlng Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Clais, 8no;l ID Number) :"'0":';" " '.,~ b. .... : , ,'. t' .',:';:'?,';-''; j' . "'I , ,\" , ,;, c. '" , ." d. ,¡ " i:./ ,'\~ (~ , ,\ .\." \ '~,...\ ., , " \ '. .. '. ~ ,), þ'dditlón~IDeso~i )t Oft. IOr,.1tteri.IS Li.~$d ~bove . " :.': :':'~,".,:. ~.: " . ~.~;.'. :.~~ '. :,~ .::':. ~ ...,'; ;...... '~',' i :.:. :~~" 7 :~i'~,~;: :,~ .' 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'iV\...., "", ,. .... · ~.,,·,(1~~~· - ~r" '-&&Í \",......... ~ '.., "t' ·t..,~ GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this con!Signmclllli .ro fully Md aceurately deacribed above by proper shipping name and are olusified, ¡:Il1çkod, markr:d. ano;l hsbeled, ....d ate ill all respects In proper condItion lor tranaport by highway according to applicable intem.tion.1 .nd national government regulations. ,"., 111 am a large quanUtygenerator. I certify that 1 have II program in pla~o to reCluco the voluma slid tOXicity o(waate generated to !tie degree I have determined 10 bo oco",or'llicallý prôcticable alld tllalll\ave aelected tile practicable method 01 treatment, atorage, or elii'þQulclltrornlly «vlilable.o 1110 whicll mi...¡mi!ea,th& preaer¡t and future threat to human health .nd the environment; OR, jl I am e tlm.1I quantity generator. Il\av& made a good !alth effort to minimize my waste O.nerQtion allel $lIIloot tho bt$! waste Ma...agemo...t method that is available to me and thet I can afford. Printed/Typed Name 16. , \ .. ',1..,'.' ,.~) } . ,~' , I, \ . \ .~~ ç-" " I' I I , \ J ~ . " , ., ~ " ·"t ~ \ Month D8'1 '(ear \.! 0 \, 17. Tranaporter 1 Acknowledgement ot Receipt 01 Materials Printed/Typed Name T R A N S P o R T & ", ¡, ,". . i :\.\: ' 18. Tranapotter 2 Acknowledgome...t 01 Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name .J "~1," / MOlllh ,'Os)' Year . .. ~ L :1 <1 ;:¡ '"'< ( '11 / - . , 19. Di.Crep....Oy IlIdic.tion spaee ,I" 'A o I L. I T y' OS)' Yaar Monlh .' 20. Fsclllty Ownar or Operator Certlllcatlon of receipt 01 hazardous malerials covcrod by thi:! moniloot OXCl!lpl U lIoled in Item 19. II Year Þ~"'.,,,,,, '. T.:"L....... Ilol.",... .r' .,' , . :OIiS 8022 A (11 BB) '!!:PA S70~22 {Rev, e-8S) Previous editiOns are obllolo1e, ~'''II;Jt''''O ,/'" Uonilt ßsy " " ...,.:- ,,~. '.-.... Do Not Write Betow Thi~ Ùne . . -- --. -- ---~ ~---- ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. ,- Analytical & Consulting Services Palmer Construction 2464 So. Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Laboratory No: Dåte Received: Date Reported: 27729 6-4-91 6-25-91 Attention: Jerry Palmer Samp 1 e: Soil Sample Description: 5,000 Gallon Gasoline Tank#3N 27729-9 Sample #5 2 ft. West End 27729-10 Sample #5A 6 ft. West End 27729-11 Sample #6 2 ft. East End 27729-12 Sample #6A 6 ft. East End Sampled by Tim Mason of Zalco Laboratories on 6-4-91 at 1000 through 1300 hours -9 !Jl9Lkg -10 -11 -12 !Jl9Lkg mgLkg !Jl9Lkg < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Xylenes < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 6-18-91 Minimum Reporting Level 0.025 mgjkg !Jl9Lkg mgLkg mgLkg !Jl9Lkg < 10 < 10 < 10 6-13-91 6-13-91 6-14-91 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline < 10 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 6-13-91 Minimum Reporting Level = 10 mgjkg ~/¿" Richard L. Penner Laboratory Director RLP/tds cc: Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301 4308 Armour A venue Bakersfield, California 83308 (805] 395,.0539 FAX (805) 395-3069 . . _~__ ___ - I ZALCO LABORATORIES', INC. Analytical & Consulting Services Palmer Construction 2464 So. Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Laboratory No: 27729 Date Received: 6-4-91 Date Reported: 6-25-91 Attention: Jerry Palmer Sample: Soil Sample Description: 5,000 Gallon Gasoline Tank #2S 27729-5 Sample #3 2 ft. West End 27729-6 Sample #3A 6 ft. West End 27729-7 Sample #4 2 ft. East End 27729-8 Sample #4A 6 ft. East End Sampled by Tim Mason of Zalco Laboratories on 6-4-91 at 1000 through 1300 hours -5 !Il9Lkg -6 -7 -8 m.gftg JTI9L.kg JTI9L.kg < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Xylenes < 0.025 < 0.025 0.70 0.40 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 6-17-91 Minimum Reporting Level = 0.025 mg/kg !Il9Lkg m.gftg JTI9L.kg JTI9L.kg ,,< 10 < 10 < 10 6-12-91 6-12-91 6-12-91 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline < 10 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: Minimum Reporting Level = 10 mgjkg 6-11-91 ~ ~~. '--- Richard L. Penner Laboratory Director RlP/tds cc: Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 ('805) 395-0539 FAX (805) 395-3069 · . - ZAL:CO LABORATORIES. INC. Analytical & Consulting Services Palmer Construction 2464 $0. Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: 27729 6-4-91 6-25-91 Attention: Jerry Palmer Sample: Soil Sample Description: 10,000 Gallon Gasoline Tank #1 27729-1 Sample #1 2 ft. West End 27729-2 Sample #lA 6 ft. West End 27729-3 Sample #2 2 ft. East End 27729-4 . Sample #2A 6 ft. East End Sampled by Tim Mason of Zalco Laboratories on 6-4-91 at 1000 through 1300 hours -1 mgi1g -2 -3 -4 !!!9Lk9. mgi1g ill£Lkg < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 0.953 0.850 Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Xylenes < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.025 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 6-17-91 Minimum Reporting Level 0.025 mg/kg ill£Lkg !!!9Lk9. !!!9Lk9. ill£Lkg < 10 < 10 < 10 6-7-91 6-7-91 6-7-91 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline < 10 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 6-11-91 Minimum Reporting Level = 10 mg/kg ~~/~, / Richard L. Penner " Laboratory Di rector - #' RLP/tds cc: Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301 4308 Armour A venue Bakersfield. California 83308 (805J 395-0539 FAX (805J 395-3069 . ...-:-.......~."'...--. "!' ~.,....~_.~--.,...-:'"":.~..._' ~;t~,J~:it:;:~~í~~~~~\~,j.ç,;;' ~-,~"-,- :'t~;': ;? "t\¿RN '(;OUNTY HEALTH 'DEPARTMEN . d. ~\-, HEALTH OFFICER '."- " , "-,, , , leo~ ~ Heb~r,l.on.M.D. _ ,. t ~~~/i' ,~X~~ \¿~'.:-~;f~~~~';;·;~~~.j-Z~i~·~r 1=)~;. ,. .2~ ~~... .,' ~. .- '';':h ." '" \ '.' (8ÖS»d8?4-1gp 93307 v;:(r;·:i£:-;:~':.r " " ". t·~ . Health .....:...,. .... , , >\. erry, W. Pa . :,~;:,;:~,d . , ... v. _ _.. '.'.,~. . .;..-. ".'..... ..,.'. ~'-. :.~..:;:.,. .. ~... . _~'~..'::.:. ..' "e ..... . ._. . '.. Section 3 ::,: Tob~,filled \out and. signed :'klM ;'aùthor!zëd' representative " treatment. storage, .Q.t disposal "facl1lli accepting tank{s): Faci 1 i ty Nalle' '~;"&~::;/';:;¿ (l,;:;lif:id;.;;, , ..-',. ~ ~. .. "', :,' .., ,h33;'; '. , ' '~"President-( Owner) , Title ..... - ,......, :.....:. . '. -" ~ . --, . . .,U;~ of/the . ~ . ';1~;:~.~;~;;::;.;': ,~.~~~]~~¡~~~~t~i' '(Form #HMMP7"' 150 ~'k . . ·~7,\.~~.:::·",?:~~£1~~~~~~~)~\...~,_ :":;:{"~'-.~ '. . '. .:"~·e"·.·..·. . . RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY -~. -. ~~- ---- RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE ßI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCALLEY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY. APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES. AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1470-31 FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CQNTRACTOR: Palmer Construction Inc. 2464 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Jerry W. Palmer 2464 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Phone: 805-834-1110 Palmer Construction Inc. 2464 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 License #A-328388 Phone: 805-834-1110 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF .3 /tA..J 1'1 '1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE PERMIT EXPIRES July 4. 1991 APPROVAL DATE LOCATION APPROVED BY .... ..... ............... ........ ..................................... ......... ............ .....P OST ON PREMISES........ ............ ...... ................ ............. ......................................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatOl)' agencies prior to beginning work (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments). 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspéctions(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. ' / b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons, a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from th~ ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved one-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 ,PRINTED ON RECYClED PAPER (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 . . PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1470-31 ADDENDUM 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarboils (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil samples'retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d. All soil samples retrieyed from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and ,appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. f. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contained furfuryl alcohol resin must be analyzed for phenols, formaldehyde and furfuryl alcohol. 10. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY DEADLINE Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program At least two weeks prior to closure Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of closure and soil sampling Two working days Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management Program No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis 11. Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL,OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule, workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop,work order. " 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and anal~ .documentation are necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cas If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. 4/ 7/ O¡h { DA WGN:ch nicks\1470-31.pta . . - - --- ,. -- .-- KE~ COJNTY RESCtlRCE MANAGEMENT ACfNCY ENY I RCNMENT AL HEAL 1H SERV I CES DEPARTMENT 2700 -M- STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELDA CA 93301 (605)661-36.:J6 (FILL OUT ONE APPLICATION PER FACILITY) APPLICATION FOR PE~IT FOR PERMANENT CLC6URE/A8ANrx::t.JMENT OF UNDERGRŒJND HAZARCOJS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY noons APPLICATI~ IS FOR ~ REÞ'OVAL, OR [] A8AN¡:a..¡MENT IN PLACE A: flCIllTY I~TICN INTE~L USE CNL Y:... -18 91 APPLICATION DATE:~~~_:___ tt OF TANKS TO A8AN~: _1_ PIPING FT. TO A8ANCO'h PT A: _8...L'1 7fl~_i!..¿ PTo:dJQOO£~ projECT WIT.ACT: Mr. Jerry H. Palmer I FH:NE I: 805-834-1110 I T~ (ftIAAL LOCI.TICffi): T17, R30, S28 i FICIlllY twE: Palmer Construction, Inc. A!:t)SS: 2464 South Union Avenue NEAREST cro3S Whi te Lane 93307 STREET : 1 MNEI: (805) 834-1110 CITY: Bakersfield, lIP: Hhite Lane ! afÆR: Mr. Jerry W. Palmer A!:t)SS: 2464 South Union Avenue STATE: CalifornÌi (805) 834-1110 Bakersfield, California . ZIP: 93307 I mJ£ I: CITY: 8: o::HTæTæ I~TICN TN« R8(J{.IJ.. ()){TRJCTœ: Palmer Construction, nc. on venue STATE' ¡ M:tEI: (805) 834-1110 CITY: Bakersfield, California liP: . 93307\ PR:roìED START ~Tt: 04-30-91 CÞtI~)A l}æ,'SE"TYPf: & I: 328388 "A" mER'S ~T1rn I: 690929-90 ca.wcTœ IìETRIEVI () SIH'ŒS: Zelco La oratory ~. !IITlour venue STATE' FID£1: (805) 395-0539 CITY: 'Bakersfield, California ZIP: '93308 KmR'5 C1J4>B6&.Tlrn I: 268-2357-5 IISM:R: Industrial Indemnity Insurance Co. ~m WAT WILL NW..YlE ~: ~: STÞ.TE: " MJ£ I: Same as above CITY: Same as above ZIP: c: OØ1CIL ~TlCII CHEMICAL CCMPœTICN OF MA.TERIALS STORED: TANK # VOlUME CHEMI CAL ~TORED One.\ Fuel1gaso1ine Fuel/Gasoline ~¡.r, I' I' ~ \1 II I DATES STORED ŒŒMICAL FORMERLY STORED· 19/4 ToPres~nt' .J:tuel/Gasoline . 10 10 10 0: aMFOfelT.IJ.. DfŒW.TlCN W,TER TO F.ACILlTY Pror'IŒD BY: Private Hell IS ~TER iI1THlH SO FfIT? Y CR N No HE.ASð:ST ""-TER ~ -{)IVE DISTNa IF WITHIH 500 FŒT: . 300 r / ft. roiL 1YP€ AT F.lCILlTY: Sand B.tSIS Fæ rolL TYPE N{) ~TER OCP1H [{T'EOOKA.TJCN: 243 I / ft. TOTAl NJOO/ (f ~ TO ~ N/ALY1ED: SIWLES TO BE NW.,Y1ED Fæ: leakage B I E: DI~ I1fm'tA.TlCN taXHTNŒiAJICH~: See attached taXHTNlIIi1.TJrn CŒTRACTCR: Palmer Construction, rnc. MŒI: (805) 834-1110 OISfŒ.IL I£I1ro Fæ TN«(S): Cutting Apart DISf(GAL ÞEnÍO Fæ PIPI~: Cutting Apart / OISfWl. LOCATlCI/ FŒ RIIß&.Tt: OISKf,lt lOCA110l fœ 1~(S): DI~ lœA1 (}( Fœ PIPII(3: Inc.\ **PLEASE c::cMPLETE 1HE REVERSE S I DE OF TI1 I S AWl I CAT I ~ BEFORE SU8MI IT I NG FOR REVI EWt:* THIS FORM HAS BEEN ca.\PLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO Tl-iE BEST OF MY KNŒJLECGE IS TRUE AND COR~ 03-2.3-9 President SIGNATURE: " 11TLF ,"_ __ ,___,_,_ ,__,_ DA1E_____ ,_, Mr. rrv T. Palmer -'- -- ~j . PROCEDURES FOR CLEANJN; UNDERGROUND TANKS 1. Test Tank for L.E.L. Level and Document. (HS-82, GX-82 and 1214). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Remove as mush of the Fuel and Sludge as possible with a Vacuum Truck. Wash with Water and repeat VacuumProcedure. Use High Pressure Washer to Remove Sludge, Dirt, etc. Vacuum. (Hotsy 3000 or Landa 3000 High Pressure Washers) Repeat with the Hotsy 3000 or Landa 3000 and VacUlIDl Dry. Test and Document L.E.L. Level. If above 5%-(Five Percent), Repeat Cleaning Procedure umtil Level is below 5%-(Five Percent). If needed, repeat High Pressure Cleaning. Palmer Construction, Inc. Technicians are trained and certified by the following: a. GasTech, Inc. 8445 Central Avenue Newark, California j b. LijeCom Safety Services 6110 Valley View Avenue Buena Park, California 90620 c. LifeCom Safety Services 6000 Schirra Court Bakersfield, California 93313 / ~' PAL~1ER TANK & CONSTRUCTION, INC. Dated: January 01, 1990 STATEOF CALIFORNIA-HEALTH AND WELFAR_ . GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES 714/744 P STREET P.O. BOX 942732 SACRAMENTO, cA 94234,7320 (916) 324-2430 "I ,;. ~ .~ *** HAZARr.CUS WASTE HAUIER REX:;ISTRATION *** NAME AND ADDRESS OF RÐ:;ISTERED HAUIER: Pal1ner Construction, Inc. 2464 S. Union Bakersfield, CA 93307 HAULER RÐ:;ISTRATION NO: 1299 EXPIRATION I::lA.TE: August 31, 1991 lliIS IS rro CERI'IFY 'IHAT '!HE FIRM NAMED ABOVE IS IXJLY RÐ:;IS- TERED rro HAUL :HAZARroJS WASTE IN 'lEE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN ACCC>RIl'\NCE WI'IH '!HE PROVISIONS OF æ:API'ER 6.5, DIVISION 20 OF '!HE HEAI1IH AND SAFEI'Y mOE AND æ:API'ER 30, OIVISION 4, TITIE 22 OF 'IRE CALIFORNIA mOE OF RÐ3UIATIONS. 'IRIS RffiISTRATION MUS'r BE CARRIED IN THE VEHICIE USED 'ID TRANS:EORr HAZARI:XXJS WASTE. ~&frn~ AUG 29~. (qate) -- - ~ ..-. . - . ~..-" / ~' .J ':r,_~~~W::- . . ,',' . .. ¡P@@~ @[Rq@~~~~ / <r I 1 ,I ..1 10/02/90 . , , ---'THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MArTER OF ¡\;FOFiMA710N ONLY AND :::CN¡::õj,,' NO RIGHTS UPOH THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIF:CATE DOES NOT AM=~::: EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFOP.DE!) BY TH::' POLICIES BELOW, .' Wa 1 ter Mor tens en Assoc:. Ins. r (Phone: 805-834-6222) 4701 Stockdale Hiway Bakersfield, CA 93309 ; ::"',j ~)j INSURED ~q Palmer Const. ETAL,Palmer ~~ V~ccuum Service ~ Plastics,Div 1~1 2464 S. Un i on Ave. ''f'11 Baker15field Ca 93307 'COMPAN'I' A :'!:TTE" COMPANIES AFFORDING COVE~AGE AMERICAS INSURANCE CO. Southern Marine & Aviation ! COMPANY ~ : LETTER .. ¡ COMPANY C LETIER Golden Eagle Insurance CO. AMERICAS INSURANCE CO. Southern Marine & Aviation I COMPANY D ,lETTER -.-.---.. I ", I :OMPANY I: : _ETiER - ~.. .. _' . ~r~~""-4r!~·_··'~~"''''·'''''''~''P1~''''.:-~-n~-:,:-''':-..-:.··· '~I~·,.~tj~~~~~~~Œ~'i.~&~¡O;!j~ ..1::~¡¡T~7,~";¿~·¡;.'":':''.-.,' ''-'" '"_';"'';¡·'''''''':':'".c. ,'.""':', ''-' : ~¡_. 'I ..___~_ ___-_____=_ --=-__~__~~~ ~__\A.::;c~;....~~..~"'I:'.'.:~I..-::-::;.,...~.--~\¡.....;..,; ~':', ~~ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FûFì THE POLICY PER/OO INDICA iE;:) ~~ NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR COHDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE I,!t,'· *r, BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSI~NS, AND CONL;';· }. j TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. ~:( CO F'OLICY EFFECTM I F'OL:CY EXI'!RA~;c!; ! ~!AaIL!7Y liMITS IN THOUSAÑ!:,:o '"':'1LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE (MMIOOIYY) DATE íM~~tO:YY1: I :<:cG'~'i:~.:C= ¡ ~GG==~,":: :,::,: Þr. GENERAL LIABILITY 26045 10/01/90¡ 10/01/91 : ~::.¡:v I (; .~:x X COMPREHENSIV,E FORM ! ; '~;,:':;;" Is: s t ,X PREMIS~S;CPEAATIONS I >~'",,:o-, " X x, tlNDERGROUND I >- ," '" - Q EXPLOSiON to COLLAPSE HAZARO I ~ PRODUCTs/COMPLETED OPERATIONS I Pro d u c t son ~ pc XI CONTP.AGii!AL ! CIa i ms Ma de Ba 5 i 5 . ~ INDEPENOEN7rcaNT~CTORS I ! ~ BRCAD ~ORI.4 ?"OFER:'f DAMAGE i :w PERSC/¡AL iNJURY ,I B, AUTOMOBILE LlA21LITY xx: ..i~'l~ ~~TCì ~ ~~_ .:.,'.,'\:~ ':'i,':TC:~ :?RiV ?:"SS ~ .~L~ ;>,~~E¡; '::705 (~~~J;:¡pI~i~) Xx1 HIRED AUiOS. ~ 'iOI;·'JVit,e: ~l.!TCS' ; I ~R,.\GE ~:,E:l:Tr -'1 H 1 I I ì C EXCESS LIABILITY ~1. UMBRE~LA FCRM < I OTIiER THAN UMBREl-LA FORM : :-.... 1000 : 1000 . '.':' . .=-= ..~ ---_.-_.._.._~.~._...- . - - -,'. . -:. -':;".' .-- '·._wl"· 1000 CCP123578 10/01/90 10/01/91 ...-. ------- .--. .____.__. - ._.._.___._. .u " ¡ ! ! "-.' - ~:::=.~r"' i S . -- ::¡.f=·~;~:; ~ I~ 1000 26046 10/01/90, I i ¡ 10/01/91 ¡ : e¡ ~ =J I , ,7::',;: ,,!:: ; S : \ 1000: S 1000 , .j í I I I I OTHER ~-':'-'...!:,;':" WOAI<ERS' COM PENS A TION ANO EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY --.--- I:::: Ie. I: ~~ . - - ... - ____ _"__'m ;,~': - - ~C;.3E':'~.:·':':~:- :'''". . , l ¡~ .; *' -------.----. . : DESC¡:¡:PTION OF C?Eí'ìA 7ICN5;LOCA TIONSNEH¡CLES,S?ECIAL ITE/o.'5 '..... , --- \~- SHCULD ANY OF THE A:BOVE DESCRleED ;:O~IC:E~ 2E CA,';CELl!:9 ~E=':-:;:: 7;"::: ~' PIRATI~" DATE THEREOF, THE ISSt:;~;G CO\l~':'~;Y 'r';Iö..l "sc:,::;,'.::,:C t ; )"'lh!l 30 O~ ':'5 'rV~ITìëH 1',·)1:CE ìC ::"'E CE ~T :: ..: /. ":"E r.C'~~~ ~ ~,~ '= J -~. t lEFT, 2üT FAiLUr-;= 70 \IAIL SL,:CÌ'1 ~'~'T;Cë :':.-::"';..L ". . .:~:: ~~.:: C·::~::"'."- .:: , ,,~~:>~:;>~:~i~"~7.~--:;;:;'" ·:L~·...}l~P ~~.~3_·1Ì~:~:~·"1.jt.;:,:~..tL~J;~~~,.~:1·~.I.~'=-~~:·':.¿2:::~ ....... .':-":'·_·~__a"·_~"<L ;_ __. ._. ....~.~...r..._.. " ,.......;.1" . Dept. of Health Services Toxic Substance Control Division 714/744 "P" St. Sacramento, Calif. 3- 24 . .--.,.,:;-~" ~~{t ~W1rf:~~~~J·~l-;:~~7:~:~. ~:"~~;~.~i·i~12?:l:~:~~:~=·:~~~~·.·,=·.. ,,"1 " , . 95814 . ,. - --, -P.O; BOX 807, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94101·0807 STATE COMPI!NSATION INSURANCE O'FUND APRIL 1,1990 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER: CERTIFICATE EXPIRES: r -- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES OF 1HE STATE Of CA TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL DIVISION 714"P" STREET SACRAMENTO CA 95~14 L J~90929 - 90 4 -1 -91 This is to certify that we have issued a valid Workers' Compensation insurance policy in a form approved by the California. I nsurance Commissioner to the employer named below for the policy period indicated. .. ,. ,_ ,'J .... '. .._ J . "'-~~:/~4",J-:--_'#.~":'."\ . _, I' .,. . "._ -t " . . t. ._. I This policy i's not subject to cancellation by'the Fund except upon ten days' advance ~ritten notice to the erhployer. We will alšo give you TEN days' advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration. This certificate of insurance is not an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed herein. Notwithstanding any requirement, term, or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate of insurance may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions and con~itions of such policies. o ",f: 'f E,~PL'~YER1 S LIÞ.2ILITY LP~!T: 53,:]00,000 PER GCCl;etRENCE.' ~~ PRESIDENT ~:'. .... ...."..-.-.." --'.- ... ".. . ..,....'.,..:.."". ,'_.'~ _," "".!:"~'~_'~"'. _.....,__._.__.~....___......_....---..._......_ l' . .#nt"_ _.._ 'H-;_--:"'-_ __-'-_..___ U ,___. ,.' _."_.~ ..=-. " EMPLOYER I () _/ " ~ ..' '. .' :...' .') L ,-:; ;: ':: ~ ': :: .: L ..' : ~.~ c ') ~, "~. ~. . , -: - ... l: ::.~ ..J' ~ -= ~.~ ': ".-: . , "c. :, "): ~ ( ;~¡;," ",' i . ~ .:- i I .i.. -" ; . . ~. : ,; . , .. ;" ... . ". ., " , .: .~ !.- "/ -? :- " . . . .I .' . !~ '. . , ",,' L Cc?y ,:::-1 ,';~:..i:::=~ S ::'.:~ SCIF 10262 (REV, 10,86) !~. .I </' OLD 262A . . - --- ----- R E CE I P T PAGE !-Õ3ï27ï91---~---------------------------------------Ï~~õi~;-Ñb;~--1----¡735ã- I 11:32 am KERN COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT I 2700 'M' Street I Bakersfield. CA 93301 Type of Order W ! (805) 861-2615 I 1______-----------------------------------------------________________________1 I I I CASH REGISTER PALMER CONSTRUCTION ¡ I I I I I I I_~___________________________________________________------------------______1 ¡Customer P.O.# 1 Wtn By larder Date I Ship Date I Via I Terms I IH0327911 1 YKN I 03/27/91 I 03/27/91 ¡DD I NT 1______---______1________1___________1___________1___-____________1___________1 Line Description Quantity Price Unit Disc Total PERMIT TO CLOSE/ABANDON 1 250.00 E 250.00 170G Order Total 250.00 Amount Due 250.00 Payment Made By ChecK 250.00 THAt~K YOU AND H,A,VE A NICE DAY! ,/ ~' '-~'''\¡;;¡:-"'''''''~."..".,-~,... , "~"W""!"""""~~~*~¥!'if,=~:"""I__-' ~W:-~·~:-'l!f¥:'T,~~?~:(;j5~~""'~~"·~1¡¡t~ib"'!i.t.ft~~'ÚJ~,~~<~~-~:~g~$f~\~~l,'(~~,~~~l~V';:!."'~~·~J.ri;~U.'~~"l1;~~~~-.s."-F.. ," 'Ú ~ ""';',',"';;i'~'j);"ë ·,;,<,%~,~";,![#;~:;Wþ?>~.".?~;...~,.;\!f~""*,:,-,.,..;";,,,;¡¡rr:ì"~""";~'"'T,';o<I,'G·",.,,,;:H>S··<'0'''·~J¡'h''''~;~ ,'"'r""~" .. ._, '., Permit #' 3¡(";Or"" I ' ..~. "-"\ ,r "..., ,.te - '--~_;/l~ì .' j:." --. '; - r. Environmental Sensitivity' ,---/ Inspection lh<i' /(): /""':',,,"Î .<Þo. UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY <1' · INSPECTION REPORT · Facility Name No. of Tanks, Type of Inspection: .~~ I ) I(~· .',,\ ¡ 1y\'\.(1 r Ii 1 ~ ("v\:,,1' , Address Is Information on Permit/App/jcation Correct? 'ÎJ I d ,-;.1 l CO / \ .-'.- Y~.-"'. No .,:.::;.'1 L-r), ( í VI ; (~/1 Permit Posted? Reinspection , " Yes ,À' No i Routine .\.:/~., """,,' Complaint Comments: ITEM VIOLATIONS NOTED 1. Primary Containment Monitoring: ~/ . 1 /j ,"u. n ' ' , 'J.Q. , ,"'1 \)€ ,J,-L.I,. cnê/ . /r\....'~_ eC(" ,.r" a. Irttercepting and Directing System í .j¿jio.-'::"L.'\\L. ¡ ,,1,1\. ....-'V' U '..V\ ¡I . ,_ " {:'.J'-. G ~ í \ .--.;'" <-"""'" \J [' b. ,Standard Inventory Control Monitoring J'\Œ, 1.0 ~a (~/è \ .... "'--" c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Liner , ] /1 b. Double-Walled Tank !\~ J f1 I c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring: " " .: ~ .f ¡ !\ ¡:, , . 1./ i' (ì ::::-Yi\'f~)Ct '.:ï_ìl'....C'-'Z... p"".... fr" ')::. /\J' - rt L.lO",c)~!;(l -J-.. '''"" ¡ _/ Y\...1~--L '- ~\1L -~_~;,.,,;Pre5SUrized j~.(\' '''''''''-' '- ... r¡ \ b. Suction \) c. Gravity " /) ,1 ' , .L /' C) , " 1 Q..,~ ..\ t(ii"l {ù,:n \. . ',-..l / t-:JV·t.!\.t.u<.f!. I '-,', '\,.Á '~"-- L,f.,,) ~V ,,' ,- 4. Overfill Protection 1'--'-'1(>' .;.\... -~~,.{ f..j._, . \... f' '---'-' " <30 dC(.tv\ð 0 5. Tightness Testing /"; C,Je..cJ~\.··\ C~··· (2\, (~~ - "i''', "', \. C,," Cy ~....I. ....~.~,.,~ . ~~ -'. ;::- V ..., 6. New Construction/Modification . , /~J .'/ ¡-\ 7. Closure/ Abandonment t-./~~. 8. Unauthorized Release ,- ' 9. Maintenance, General Safety, and " Operating Condition of Facility \ (::_L', <,,':(:: ',"II.:' ,~ r~ "'-' "-....J Comments/ Recommendations: / Reinspection scheduled? -~ .- '. Yes /- No Approximate Reinspection Date /Jf~.-:: t ',-', i-I '.(.\.' '-. ._I...~ , ..~,'¡:, INSPECTOR: - ~~-'~~;: /' /~.~. I:' .. ...<;~ L;;~.¡:~ ¡. ./ . :'. REPORT RECEIVED BY:' Health 580 4113170 (7·87) _ __~-.~".~...~_.--o.-. ,~__--___ _._,-----:-..-....-.._._._ x·~·-- - - ~ --~~. -....-.. ,;~'>","" lJ' KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION o..'l'JTROL DISTRICT . .',~ .. -.... ( ~) ~.¡. ~ "! <:> 'v 2700 ";vrl S·treet. Suite 275 c:- 8akersf~eld. CA. 93301 (805) 861-3682 PHASE r VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM St.~t i cnNarne -:Jri.i.y.~.~.L...e~:!.~2-i:.:....~.... L~C.9t i on..........,...........................................,..........................................,:~P/o~·.¥..1?º-~~.L, Ccrnpany l~i 1 i ng Address ..£.~/{¿..y......~e:..<()I1.LQll" ..............._..........................,......... c i t'/.i=-.r;~.kf/.d,L,q.,Ll.......... 8ate ....:5=:./=..!Q...................... PZhcne .......'?1ª.Y..-:.JIIQ..,............................... :':ystem Ty;:e: 3130. Riker \(~=:::~:> ¿OÎ I'; , .-........' "" -, .-..... ;. -,,' , ~ . J< .' ~ , L\ Inspector 'µl.:LJ,c.~«..:,....... '..L~...~.....,....................... ..................... Noti ce R'2C r d B\ì".~,~~~:.::.~,~.~<:6j-J'\~..¡\,L-,~:.::::::...." -" ,~,:,,'J, 1.I,'.!'t '1, ..,.. ,. N' k ........ , T\'''d-K ',~" ,. ^ 'Ii K ,H-4 --....... r-. I' Tr 1M 1\ !"t"""'.......JI..~...... 1.~. '<'"f" Lh-- 1. PRODUCT (UI_. PUL. P. or R) -- 2. TANK LOCATICN REFERENCE :3. BROI\EN OR iVlISSING VAPOR CAP -- 4.. 8ROK.E~·J OR rliIS~3ING FILL C.AP -- -- '5. BROKEN cÞ,r" LOCI, ON VAPOR CAP -- '--- 5, FILL CA,PS NOT PRO?ERLY SEÞ·,ED -- 7. VAPOR CAP~.3 NOT PROPERLY SEÞ.TED _._--- 3, GASKET MI3SIr,jG FROIY1 FILL c.~.¡'; --- - .,¡, GASKET ~r,IS3INi3 FRCiYl VAPOR O,0..P .--- --- 10. FILL ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT '. , 11. VAPOR ,ADAPTOR t.¡OT TIG.I..jT - --- ,.0 12. ¡3t>SKET B ET'v'JEENA.D.A,PTOR & F I L.L TUSE i'lIISSTNG I U1PROPERL Y 3EÞ.TED 13. DRY BREAf\ GA,2i'\ETS DETERT ORATED "'- -- -- :4, EYCESSIVé"VERTICAL PLil.Y IN COAXIAL FILL TU8E -- ..; 5. r:O.A.XIAL PI LL TUBE ~3PRING :·1¿CH.~.j'': rsr'~ JEFEC"TIVE ---.. --- 16. T.·A.Nr<~ DEPTH iV1E.~~·UREr/lENT "I ( ! rr, .0 .--- " TUBE LENGTH MEA.3UREME1'1T \ -, '.., ":,..-::i--..._. ---- 18. D: :-=i=ERëNCE f:3,:"¡CULD (-. .- ,~ :: ;5 II ()~ ~_E~.~S·) if If +-" ! -_.- .,,~/ . --- -- .-.---. i9, OTHER -- '20. CCMf1'JEi',ITS: U¿'M.4:¿j- ¡, '>, L· r ;'7'1-'_ i; ì./ ';:;~ :' , ,¡~!l.l1.. ~ i L- -,...---- / -~ _.0_- , ' .: :NARNING : SYSTEMS MARKED WIT'rl A CHECK ABOVE ARE IN VIOL~,TICN OF KERN C::)JNTY .~.:R POLLUTION ,~*:fC ( CCNTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 209, 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CAUFORNIA HEAL;;., ·Sc SAfETY CODE ' d(~ SPECIFIES PENA.L TIES OF UP :0 $1, GOO. 00 PER DAY ¡=CR EÞC:-i \/ICL.\TION. TELEPHONE (805) ;';;;':*=>1< 851-3682 CCNCERNING FINAL RESOUJTICN OF THE VIOLATICN(S) ,~ØOICtc~..;,,"