HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ELECTRICAL SHUTOFF OPEN AREA OPEN AREA , RUSTOLEUM ~ STORAGE STORAGE 3: STORAGE ~ ....J ~ - - OFFICES D~ 0 - OPEN AREA II: Dæ ~~ II: S L DEMO AREA - I - , CYLINDER WHSE PARKING e, DOCK - - - - FRONTAGE ROAD - - . UNION AVENUE OVERPASS . STORE AREA WAREHOUSE VITALAIRE RECEIVING/LOADING DOCK SHIPPING AND WAREHOUSE OPEN AREA PAGE MEDICAL HOPPER INC ~ m :c » z o G> » (J) (J) :I: C -i o "'T1 "'T1 m (J) "'0 m m (J) -i :c m m -i FIRE HYDRANT ~ ¡I! i:1 i~i!iÎ,líliilii~i¡ ì¡liíij~¡¡,,¡i¡¡¡ iíi¡¡¡j~\~,,\ \: .., ".~~' ~"tÇ,i, . ,;1:\\ "~ . "- '" , 1\\ (' , \'1,," 1 ,\\ 1 1\ '\ t, I H' I W"; ~ B ~ C s~ ~ .!fA....P D 1 É :I ..,~..,,~ 0.. ./!;:; ~ .... .. 1 WlIIIQWAflO llll ¡([W~ 0 u. 11 $,00' CT l!:hG - -I- Z (I') I- ~ ~ 2Af(,AnAWV I ~~~~:i':'C1 I) Y<!.l(N ""'ST CT ~ ~ ~'1: Sf ~ :;; VI a: °e ::; fii z ~ C) It;¡ ~ ,,'tM: BINGHAM 3 STARBOARD CT ~ CUII'_'I ~ .~~':,~VC)R, ~ h~,. '0 ~ I:;; ~~~oOo"'AN ~2Q ~ ~~il:~!I ¡, ~ ~ ~~;..¡ ~''ii~~ :;; ~;-_: ~:'~::~':~N _I . 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I ~: ~. io:J:-----~-~--------~~---~~ ~ .1 ,I ¡;; : 'I: I I I I " I II , I I I I 4 -'. , 'I II I I E -~ T3õS IN ___ F ~:!i..Ó ",0 LN ... 6 5 283 A ~"~ !'hll~11 ~,.i ;:,~.'I",),i "iil ','I'I!i:¡of, i ~i, ' ~~I~ "I¡,li,III,liiUiiiIÎ ..¡¡ ,il ¡!~il\ ,'i::;'d' ·"i¡:"I"" I"; ,~;\,",b:~;'¡"\"'.'¡~'" ¡"~!.. I' 11!!!j..!lj ;ìiill!!îillll.1 11111. I ii II 283 ¡jillil;¡ ,~::i ! ·~ . e' -. Bakersfield Fire Depte HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION·' /- " OU1 Business Name: k. \ QU' I.D A f e, () ~ rc t-2J Business Identification No. 215-000 -4 Co 2- (Top of Business Plan) Station No. '4- Shift -.ß Inspector 0 CO'-r~ òF 6U5(1J~ '\ Verification of Inventory Materials Date Completed ?5-Z -'~r~ HECE/VED AUG 5 1993 HAZ. MAT. D¡V, Location: 2-50 l Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Adequate Inadequate D D D D D D D Proper Segregation of Material Comments: / Verification of MSDS Availablity D D Verification of Haz Mat Training D Comments: D D Comments: D D D D Comments: D D Special Hazards Associated ith this Facility: Violations: All Items O.K : Correction Needed ~ Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy ¿=--- " .,. ',";., :;." -;~,.".,.. ..j; - -, .' e - INSTRUCTIONS: 131ßÚ\ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN tOb~;2q 4--. tf,-. t.f-6 To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. Be brief and concise as possible. o~ Bakersfi~ld, Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street' Bàkersfield, CA. 93301 RECEI\I~D '.J.UN 0 If \9921 HAZ. MAT. DIV. 1. 2. 3. 4. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: Liqùid Air-Central California Region LOCATION: 2501 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93305 . MAILING ADDRESS: p,o, Box 3519 CITY: Bakersfield STATE: CA:" ZIP: 93385 PHONE: (805) 861-7000 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: N/A SIC CODE: N/A' PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Resa 1 e of compressed ga?es and we I ding supp lies OWNER: Li qü i d Air Corporat i on an Air Li qu i deCGJ.:QI:!frIOñipa~V MAILING ADDRESS: 2121 North California Blvd. Suite 350 Walnut Creek, CA, 94596 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1: Dan Lonon Branch Manager (805) 861-7160 (805) 861-7081 2. Lee Poh I emann Supervisor;Branèh-Operations (805)861-7194 (805)861-7081 -'. ~ - -- ----"- -- -- -- 1. FD15'; tþBakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division e ~: ,~- ",- ~ '~- ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN ··¡~ì ,: ~ ¿r ;) .:1 H . : \l,,\p. ~ SEcYíÕN~3: ¡,tR:AINING: N UV~~~ ~~'ê)F ~thþ L 0 YE ES: 17 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Yes BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: 1, On going Branch wide safety meetings held monthly 2, Sales and Safety meetings every Monday morning with outside sales staff 3, P~sit~e employee safety record is criteria for a positive employee evaluation or a neg-ative'recõrd is èriteriã for a nëgative Jöb evaluat-ion-. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: . I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALlFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, B.UT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED,THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITlES.. , OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5:' CERTIFICATION: Walter L, Pohlemann TITLE 6/01/92 DATE . "- ~- ---- "-- 2. FD1590 4';'Þ'" ...- . . . ..:t'-t...:.,.... ." "(. '7 e Bakersfield Fire Dept. e· Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: 1. 911 B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: 1, Word of mouth 2, I ntercom from store area C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: 1 . 911 2, Word of mouth 3. Intercom in sfore directing customers to evacuate through East store entrance D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: L '911 2,First Aid kits through~out store and warehouse 3, Employees are taken by Supervisor to Mercy M~di-Center R20 34th St, Bakersfield, CA, 325-6334 3. R:>161O e Bakersfield Fire Dept. _. Hazardous Materials Division ,; ~ '}-:.':"':~~ ~, 1 '! HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN . SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: 1, All cylinders have safety caps and chained to minimize chances to fall over 2, Bulk Rustoleum is stored between tement walls , B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: ' 1, Fire walls on cylinder dock for flammable cylinder fulls and empties C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: 1. Iff I ammab Ie 'fýT:-d'(ve'-f'9:R"Lþ' L~f,<¿~7\l: ¡ s moved to a safe I ocat i on and allowed to empty, '. -~. ,. 2, All other cylinder gases are non-flammable that can displace air . in a confined area but not harmful others01se, SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: North side of whse - outside wall ELECTRICAL: West side of whse. - outside wãll VVATER: North side of whse, - outside wall SPECIAL: N/A LOCK BOX: YES/NO IF YES, LOCATION: N/A SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAilABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: 1; Fire extinguishers throughout store, whse and offices . B. VVATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): 1, NW corner of Union Ave and Espee St, 4. FD15' . ~·i~.;~j¡:i¡:~t~t;;~:.,; ~"i...", .,,,' "'~;f .!~:~:;: CITY OF' BA~RSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIAð INVENTORY :í.i NON - TRADE SECRET . and Agricultu~tandard Business NAME OF THIS"FACILI STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL -- --- I ¡ OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: PHONE,': lrm lESS nON: , ZIP ~ # - FOR PROPER CODES REFER TO C,A.S. & C,A,S. component , 2 Name o Number o Reactivity C.A,S o Heðlth Hazárd that apply) r=J Budden Release ot Pressure ~al and )ck all irre Hazard &C,A.S. '& C.A.B, COlDpOnent , 1 Component , 2 Name Component , 3 Name Delayed Health o Iuunedbte Health Number o Reactivity C,A,S o Budden Release ot Pressure cal and Health Hazard eC,,"all that apply) . Fire p Hazard Number Number Number & C,A.S. & C,A,S & C.A,S 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name . ColDpOnent . Component . component '. Delayed Health o Immediate Heal th Number o () Reactivity C.A.S D Sudden Release ot"· Pressure ~al and Health Hazard )ck all that app~) o Fire Hazard Number Number & C,A,S. & C,A,S. component , 1 Name COlDpOnent , 2 Name Number C,A,S ";'-'. :al and Health Hazá~tç.:: " Ick all that apply)ìJ'ii. t·~ . Fire 0 BU~'deJRèlÐase ot Pre Delayed Health o Iuunediate Health. Cl Reactivity o Hazard ~GENCY CONTACTS those inquiry ot ~-/-p~ - DATE SIGNED my based on and that I attached documents plete. .. ation (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ·ALL SECTIONS) , y under peanlty ot law that:I haver personaUY examined and am familiar with the information Bubmitted in this ale reBpo~sibletor obtaining the intormation. I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, . CITY OF BA~RSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIÀ!I INVENTORY :~. NON - TRADE SECRET ~ndard Business . arm and Agriculture NAME OF THIS"FACILITY: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL - - - - - - - - -- - - 1 ! .:s, OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, Z ffi PHONE ,J: NAME NESS TION: , ZIP E It CODES 12 Location Where stored in Facilit 2,S'6I" ~~" FOR PROPER REFER TO - - 7 8 , Days Cont on Site Ty¡ 3~s.. ~ 6 4 Number NUmber Number ~' & C,A.S & C,A.S. Name , 2 Name compQ/1en1;, , 1 Component .. ,,,...¿ o Number D C.A.S o cal and Health Hazård lock all that apply) f/j>e Hazard' '0i4 Sudden Release of Pressure Number & C.A,B. Number '1.', Number & C,A.B. '& C.A.B. , 1 Name , 2 Name , 3 Name Component ~v~ t f' Delayed Heal th z,. Immediate Health Reactivity ~ component Component ~~~ 7 777 ¿ .. I Number C.A.B leal and Health aazard lock all that apply) , component Delayed Health o Immediate Health o Reactivity KI Sudden Release ',ot Pressure íf,l @e Hazard ,I ~ & C.A.S. & C,A,B. & C.A.S. - component , 2 Name , S4V component o Number o C.A.S o ,~o cal and Health Hazard ock all that app~) ~SUd~;n Releaee ~!'" Pressure Number component , 3 Name Delayed Health Immediate Health Reactivity Fire Hazard 7~~. .3 '}. 1 't,)" 0> y., Number Number & C,A,B. & C,A,S. , 1 Name Name component , 2 Component ~ .2. 1( 3~ Number FT C,A.S ~ ~.. cal and Health Hazðdf·! . oek all that apPlY)' ("'I;:, ~'IJ' () . :.~ Fire Hazard Budde RØlease ot Pressure Number & C,A~S. Component , 3 Name Delayed Health o Immediate Health o Reactivity o #1 RGENCY CONTACTS those ot 24 inquiry l-f'e, DATE SIGNED my based on Title and that 'and all attached documents and complete. Name o .. - - :ation (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ·ALL SECTIONS) 'y under peanlty of law that:I haver personally examined and am tamiliar with the information submitted in th lals reaponaiblo,tor obtaining the intormation, I believe that the Bubmitted intormation is true, accurattf" . . OF TITLE OFFICIAL . J3A~SFIELD MATERIALS INVENTORY :~; NON - TRADE SECRET CITY OF HAZARDOUS , .: ~gricultu~~standard Busines' ~ I' . lrm and ì NAME OF THIS<FACILI~~ - STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: ) I DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL - - - - - - - -- - - -- S OWNER NAME· ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: PHONE ,I: NAME ŒSS rrON: r ZIP: ~ # ..£. 7S f _ -&)- I ) ~ ifá/- Ä ~~ 24 HI and that based on my. inquiry of those ¿-/-92- DATE SIGNED , . Compqpen~ , 1 Nama & C.A.S. Number Component , 2 Name " C,A.S. NUmber t Component , 3 Name & C,A,S. Number ~oI 'ZJ/ (/;ýN-ci~"/bÏ' ~ ::- Component' 1 Name', C.A,S. Number ;.component , 2 Name 'C,A,S. Number : . . I ~. .' Component' 3 Namà " C.A.B. Number ~':>!ð/ ""¡d1" ~~~ ~ Component' 1 Name '·C,A.S. Number " : Component I 2 Name , C.A,B. Number Component' 3 Name' C,A.B. Number ~/ µC~ Component I 1 Name , C.A,B, Component I 2 Name , C,A,S Component 6 s , i ~ ] .i - C,A,S, Number o Reactivity D : .ðt(;j ~. D C.A.S. Number - 0 Reactivity o Immediate 0 Deiayed Health Health ~ rdJ. rc;¡ C,A,g FOR PROPER !¡ Health Hazárd that apply) . . Fire Hazard Xsu~de~~ ReÌfl~se . 'of Pr$iJu're , ' .:~, .", ( : b ~ ÇO~ 13~~j~)L '. :,'~\~¡:; aal and Health Hazard'." i' Bck all that apply):,' '., .:; Fire Haz~d ~~dden 'Rel~ase ',of Pressure ~al and )ck all o o o ''Budden Release ot'. Pressure :al and Health Hazard ¡ck all that app~) o Delayed Health Immediate Health Reactivity Fire Hazard C,A.S, Number o Reactivity 0 Immediate 0 Delayed Health Health .. ~: .... "-. Health~Hazari.·¡"(' '. that apply) f ,?, ~ ' Pire Hazard sU;deiR¡31ease of Pressure :al and Ick all .' RGENCY CONTACTS :ation (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ,ALL SECTIONS) , ~y under peanlty of law that:I have¡;- personally examined and am familiar with the 1ntormation submitted ~ls resporsible ~ obtaining,the information. I believe that the submitted information is true, a . CITY OF'" BA.~R.SFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERI~ INVENTORY :~j NON - TRADE SECRET . Agricultur~tandard Business 'arm and NAME OF THIS"'FACILIT$d-~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL - - -- --- ---- 5l'!"vtC OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: PHONE ,,: . NESS NAME TION': , ZIP: E it FOR PROPER CODES , 6 5 Annual 4 " C,A.8. , C.A.8. " C.A.8. I 1 Name , 2 Name I 3 Name - Component Component o Nwnber o C.A,8 ~cal and Health Hazard leck all that apply): Fira Hazard ~ sjdden Release . ot Pressure component Delayed Health IJlDllooiate Health o ~ctivity ¿..~s .., Nwnber Number Number C,A.S. C,A,S , , , 1 Name , 2 Name Component Component " o o C.A.S o cal and Health Hazard eck all that app¡Y) Fire Hazard ~":8Udd~n Ralease (. . ~t',Pre88ure Numbar , C.A,S. 3 Name . Component Delayed Heal th IJlDllediate HØAlth Reactivity , C,A,8. , C,A,S. Name Component . 2 Name Component . 1 Nwnber C,A.S o ~ ", ,;- :'-.; cal and Health Hazál:d: ':. Dck 8:1 that apPly)tr~;:; Fire !IaZard~Udde; R.åleasa ot Pre , C.A~S. . 3 Name Component Dslayed Health o ImødiAte Health o 'Reactivity RGEÑCY CONTACTS " :ation (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ,ALL SECTIONS) . 'y under peanlty ot law that',I haver personally examined and am tamil1ar with the information submittød in this ~ls raspopsible tor. obtaining the· information. I baliava that the submitted information is true, accurate, thoBe of inquiry ~/-fJ'L- DATE SIGNED my basad on and that " all attached documents d/camplete, . CITY OF BA..RSFIELD . arm and Agricultur~ Standard Business HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY :~. ~ NON - TRADE SECRET ~~~~:AME'ts~~¿~ ¿~ . OWNER NAME: ,-S~ i NAME OF THIS"FACILITY:>~ ADDRESS: I STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: _ CITY, ZIP: %/. ?/~ý ! DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL - - PHONE ,f: - - - -- - - -- 6 14 Names of Mixture/CamponentJ / se~ Instru~s \, II~ SlY/ð'J!;d I t. '~Isð ~. I eal and Health Hazård C,A.S, Number CoIllpQl1ent;. , 1 Name & C,A,Sò Number eck all that apply) : Fire Hazard ~~den Release o Reactivity 0 Immediate 0 Delayed COlllponent , 2 Name " C,A,S. NUmber 1# 7t1fb, J ,. I " . ot Pressure Health Health t COlllponent , 3 Name , C,A,S. Number 3.- L1!J~ 17,,~~5 I~~ ~1I ~~I V~<7/' ¿}CA::.. I /~+,-rjJ>'r Vp~t'J~,v . 772 ")..!Þ ")-9 ~ - eal and Health Hazard C.A,S. Number Component f 1 Name', C,A,S. Number eck all thatapply)~ Fire Hazard P "'Moo ·Rel.'~R,"OUVHY o Immediate 0 Deiayed I ;.colllponent , 2 Name & C,A.S. Number . :."., :' :. ',of Pres sur . Health Heal th Component' 3 Namè" C.A,S. Number C=I - I I I I c=r=J CJ =al and Health Hazard C.A.S, Nwnber Component' 1 Name·'·C.A,S. Number ack all that appl~) '. : D':'sud~~~ ReleaBe 0 Reactivity 0 Immediate 0 Delayed .'~' Component' 2 Name , C.A,S. Number Fire Hazard ot', Pressure Health Health Component f 3 Name' C.A,S. Number =:JI~:'" I I I c=r=J CJ ~ ",' .... ~al and Health Hazá~>::" C.A.S. Number Component' 1 Name , C,A.8, Number ~ck a1>1 that apPlY)lf'\~" , }j :',' Component I 2 Name & C,A.S. Number Fire Hazard D 8udde) R.åleas() 0 Reactivity C1 Immediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component I 3 Nama & C,A~S. Number Co RGENCY CONTACTS # ~t~ ¿¿. ø~ ame Title ~~ 24 Hr 0 .. " :a.tion (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ,ALL SECTIONS) :y un?er peanlty of law that:I, hav'er personally examined and am tamiliar with the information submitted and that based on my inquiry of those lals respopsible tor obtaininQ the information. I believe that the submitted intormation is true, , ~ 11~£ G-/-9¿ OFFICIAL TITLE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE SIGNED