HomeMy WebLinkAboutABOVEGROUND TANK --W ~P) "~Ir cd ~ ~I ~ ~~~~A4..;d~ --t'~. J:/,~ :"7 ~ :dd:~ ~~:/;: ~~ ~øvd ~ ~7J w&I ~~ 7)~ ~ ß~ ~~ ~ aZé~ ¿~ ~ ~ 1_~~c&d~--Æ " .' ~ -:I/b~d ~ ~ .Jk ',-' 5(h1~ ~á~.. ' ~,~~ ~i~ ~ ~d ~ ~~~412: ~ .ii· ~ ,~L -J ~ r!4¿¡ .~ é~ 1~~~~~~ SPr~¿i '" úIIkI ;4¥~ ~ .A ~ ~ >~ _~ r' ~~jt~~ é6,~'i_7if{lr JIA~ ~ ~, t4Ü. tI~;;Z¡ &/,;+<> J ~, ,~~ nJ~ ~ ~ ø~ dd 4~ij ~ k~~ ~~-d ~ ~ ~ &"'- Ú?p7ßO, J ~~/ ~ ~ ::d:IÞ 7p<Ì7,4z> A<-~<A. .; ~~I />~ " , ß/~ð -;ì~ L:d ~ ~ , ~ ~ .~ ~,~~ '¥~~ ~. "'Jh úu -i4 ~ ~ · 119. 1m Date BAKERSFIELD FIRE DE'ARTMf.. BUREAU OF FIRE 'REVENTION A"LlC TION .. , Application No. '.--.¡ In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, application is made by: ,Name of Company 2" --'*- __ Address Ie 0a1- o-~ to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involving or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property os follows: ...-.....- M ..----It -- ~ .'. -. Li ..... _ _..a 1 t' - ). . T ......... ta... -~- - ....w~................................. perm~~ ..3..~.~Jº-J.:1..... Authorized Representative 'By.._~.~_.~cL.....Xi4:-___._n_.._._.._._.____..._ .-(j. Fire Marshal ~.__.,_...._. ....~_.,- ..- .-.., ___"___~'_n._.._,...,___..__ _ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: B-2 HEIGHT: 20 ft. CONSTRUCTION: wood truss FIRE PREVENTION AND INSPECTION SURVEY REPORT BUSINESS NAME: former RC Cola Bottling Plant ADDRESS: 2720 Union Ave. DATE: 5/3/90 PHONE: OWNER/MANAGER: Mr. Frank Tripicciho/Century 21 Realtors BFD PERSONNEL: Inspector Skip Boylan OCCUPANCY REPRESENTATIVE: THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS WERE NOTED DURING A FIRE SAFETY SURVEY OF THE ABOVE PREMISES: 1. Frayed electric wiring throughout the facility. 2. Large amounts of combustible waste throughout the building. 3. Load bearing trusses are cracked and warped. Some of them have been cut and modified. 4. Load bearing walls are bowed as much as six in. in some areas. 5. There is evidence of water leaks on both floors, causing unstable ceilings and roof. 6. On the loading dock area, there are unmarked 55-gallon drums (empty) and a full container (100 lbs.) of IIDry Chlorinating Chemical II leaking. 7. There is evidence of more than one underground tank in the rear yard. 8. There is evidence of small fires being set on the premises. 9. The stairs to the second floor have broken welds and are unstable to climb. 10. There are paint cans (some full) on the second floor. 11. There is evidence of vandalism throughout. 12. There is evidence of human habitation throughout; i.e., bedding, clothing, liquor bottles, etc. Based on the above findings, it is my opinion and poses a hazard to all who enter the premises. fire hazard. Therefore, this Department requires by June 1, 1990, or further action will be taken. INSPECTOR -4 ¥ that this building is unsafe The building is unsound and a the above items be corrected BUilDING DEPARTMENT C, A, BIDWEll. Director ,4'" IRAIT{IE~S~IT JE IL [j) - --- - April 30, 1990 Frank Tripicchio 5329 Office Center Oourt #100 Bakersfield, Ca 93309 Re: Special Inspection #P4985 2700 Union (Proposed Business) Dear Mr. Tripicchio: A Special Inspection was made at the above referenced location on April 25, 1990. The follmJing i terns were observed which have prompted enactment of a demolition or repair order. 1. Vertical and horizontal framing members are saggJ.ng, split or otherwise compromised. 2. Electric circuitry does not conform to e1e standards of the National Electrical Code. 3. Plumbing does not conform to the standards of the Uniform Plumbing Oode. 4. Tnere is evidence of underground fuel storage - Hazmat will be notified. 5. There is substantial combustible refuse throughout rooms. Fire Department will be notified. 6. Observed infestation of insects, vermin and rodents \vhich presents a public nuisance. Health D=partment will be notified. 7. Observed bedding material and openings in building which constitutes an attractive nuisance to children7 provides a possible harbor for vagrants, criminals or immoral persons. Tharlk you for allowing me to look at this building. In its present state, the building presents a hazardous area. Until the demolition or repair orders have been resolved, please make an extra effort to secure the prop- erty from unauthorized entry. Your help in locating the a.-mers of the property is also appreciated. ve:;ZYllJ¡.· (e:t/ ~Ck Highfill t¡rl Building Supervisor JH/kg SlIT cc : Fire Department Health Department 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3727 J (=I J írê urÆ- (/ iJl-.ì R .?--.> lúf _~ t ~'1·'r.: ~~~t~~::\ _¡, ,:.-:?: , ,.. .'>"'" t<Ü, 4" '''~Ú;.¡'~ . fJf .~·I·':V~,,)- '; " .. ~:. .~r. ,. 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BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 .~ ALTA VISTA TRACT 13 W 60FT OF " 0000 . . 003 ..... 00000 :; FRANKlIN WIllIAM III & MARTHA I ,.., ..,. .... ., , 13.6'+7 .., ,967 "'" 00" .... ,,- 55.61" ,~. .. 55.61" ACTIVE 5380-20H - '.0 ". oc,' - o. ... 06/30/81 .. .. .. BAKERSFIELD .. '" N "A( "". 3713 PINEtf-RST 5T BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 .0 3713 PINEHURST ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 - 1300 STOCKTON ST , , 0000 · . 003 ..... 00000 , ~. 012-1 12-1"-00-"C '0< 001-003 '0" I "82151 '" .. "" 01020 82015 . 5625392300 2 72.006 ...,..-. 129, 99't "'" "'.. 533- ,.. - ",. ... 5610-1 .. ." N 0< .... ... ... .. Ofl...ovt.., .., I o .... 'A_ ,.' .. 202,000 202.000 ACTIVE ,.. '0' 12/31/83 " .. ,. BAKERSFIELD ,.., ... ... ,", ["41->.....' , 3,667 "".-. ,.... .'". 0'''' ". 3,667 ,~ .. 3.667 ACTIVE 5....0-0.. 37 - ,.. - "'. ... .. '0' IN 02/28/B2 0< ., "".. 1B03 FLOHER ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 .. .. 1803 FLOHER ST " BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 ,. y" AL TA VISTA TRACT 13 LOT 16 EXC STREET , , 0000 . . 006 .. or. 00000 " ... '" N PAXSON CLIFTON & ANN TR , NICHOlAS DAVID K TRS .be "".. 2705 HILLBlRN r.D BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 NO 2705 HILLBURH RD BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 .... 2720 UNION AVE , . 0000 .. 003 .. or. 00000 IDEN ELIZABETH F 012-11Z-15-00-7C 001-003 .., 1 00000 .. .. 35030 8002" ... .., " "" ... FROM PARCEL 012-112-01-00-6 UM ",. .- 012-121-06-00-7C '.. 001-003 .., 1 .. 00000 ... .. "83000 7B22B j : , - - I 012 001 000 010 -.. '., 012 001 000 010 ... 'M " ,," ... J 2 PAGE 639 '.-". " þ....., ..... 2. 395 .~, '" .... O~, .. 2,395 2.395 ACTIVE .. ",. ... ,.. '0' N 00/00100 .. ,. .. TO 15 INC EX AU"'''' 'laC "".. 1 B03 FLOWER ST. BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 ., 1B03 FLOWER ST. BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 ." AL TA VISTA TRACT 13 LOTS o . 0000 . .. 006 ,. or. 00000 ROBINSON BUDDY & SYLVIA ACTIVE - <>- ... ,.. ,.. . N 00100100 .. ,. ,. 00' INT M.R 11 " BX 261 STA Á BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 BX 261 STA A BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 VILLA LOTS TO BERNARD ADD 0020 · .. 029 .. or. 0002B lOA( ..o. .~ 0' I DEN ELI ZABETH .... 012-121-08-00-3C .., 001-003 OOU 1 ., 00000 .. .. ,,, 30100 7B228 ... hK 012-130-05-00-0C '", 001-003 "'.. 1 "00000 .. 2 ,II B2020 '" "¡AS:( V t. S, t, 'J A ~ S i, IA::¡, V AS:/, VAS~: \I AS S t. VAS::'t, V AS SA, \IASS:~' V AS SA, VASS~ VAS3Þ~; VASSA, V ¡\S S t; VASSt,~ V AS SA: VASS:c VA~SA¡, VASS/: VASS,\' V AS:; ^; \I AS Sf. f JA5S·\~ VASS~' VASS/,~ ',ASS A r, V t,I)G H' V f.,I,II;H·, V AI.lGf" V AI)!';", V AI.I'~'.r Ii Ai,I(:,,,,, V AI}~ W, V A1.lGI,r, VAIII~W Ol_":;¡!~ V AI_I,~"·' V AI.I,:"r, ..¡ f..j1.{.I.f... / ~ ~ rr ~ .;' f /\ r." Ur-.('t""'.II)[' 1.1 7üö 8AKÉRSf ÍElD--.--li9::¿n=97:.0ú=~UÑÍONA'n-----_g_Ö¿___ ~iŠ-FÎE~c;--i 3~,:Ni:;5f=.)6 : l)tJ['ER\400D CT 709 BAKERSFIELD 119-224-93-00-7 UNION AVE 804 ERSFIELD 139-141-01-00 IIND~R_lJ¡)Qº--Ç L_______713 ªAKrn£.lEJJ:! 119-224 -92-00-4 -1'!'1JON AVE 807 _ ER..SUliQ_ OQ9-5nl.::Q~-0i) UNDERWOOD CT 717 BAKERSF IELO--'f9'="2~'T-=U(f-9 UNION AVE aH) ERS,F lELD 'f69-=-1ŠO-32=Olj UNDERWOOD CT 721 BAKERSFIELD 119-223-88-00-6 UNION AVE 830 ERSFIELD 139-141-02-00 IJN.9çR'''¡2QÞ.,U 724_--ªAKERSF lELD 1 ~ ~-~p-90-00-1_--YmtLAtl 909 fR5.f.lEl~139=J31-10-nO IJNOER\.JOOD CT f¿) BAKERSF IELD 1 - H7=mr=J UNION AVE 915 ERSF IELD 007. 5ð2~.:o7.:.ðo UNDERWOOD CT 728 BAKERSFIELD 119-223-91-00-4 UNION AVE 1016 ERSFIELD 139-061-03-00 l'NQ~RI{Q9P_.,ÇL___ 7?,'Î BAKEilllf~19=22.l=B6-98-0 lllilQrL.AVE 1101 ER5.UELL-JJQ9-:-1;12-o1::l)'J IJNDERWOOD CT (32 BAKERSF IELD 1Ì~-2g='2- -7 UNION AVE 1130 ERSF IELD 139-'ð5~6='A) UNDERwOOD OR 4201 BAKERSFIELD 119-223-16-00-7 UNION AVE 1131 ERSFIELD 1)1)9-512-01-01) 1,'-',!QfH~()-ºº_,PR 4205 BAK.E.R.S.£lilJL 119-2.23=15-00-4 UNION AV~ 1,RO ERS£lELD 1)]6.~lQ-Q3-08 UrJC-ERWOOD DR 420<) BAKERSFIELD 11'Y=22'J=14=OQ-1 UNION AVE LU1 ERSFIE[D'U06-54TI::21-=-Ú lIN[IERWOOD DR 4213 BAKERSFIELD 119-223-13-00-8 UNION AVE 1401 ERSFIELD 006-540-34-00 Ur:J['ç,8YQQº-ºB___~217 -flA.IÇEB,H1El,Q 119-223-12-00-=L----1!~1º!LA'LL , 401 m£JELD_ 1 ~1-.::252::Q3-n8 UNDEk\.Jc)OD DR 43'~ BAKERSF IELD-n-v.:22r=Tr-:mr=r UNION AVE ~2 ERSF IELD U16-27IJ=O,-Ô IJNOER\.IOOD DR 4305 BAKERSFIELD 119-223-10-00-9 UNION AVE 1661 ERSFIELD 006-132-07-00 L'!JH~2Qº-ºR 4399 BAK.EK~[liLD 119-?23-09-00-7 UNION AVE 1701 fRS.UE1.D__00~=123-20-01j I)NDERWOOD DR 43'1'3 BAKERSFIELD 119-2'2j.:-¡yg::oO-4 UNION AVE 1730 ERSFIELD Of6-26(F~(j=01J IJNDER\.JOOD DR 4317 BAKERSFIELD 119-223-07-00-1 UNION AVE 1731 ERSFIELD 006-123-26-00 IJ~[~~B.\.!9_QQ_º-'L-_~321 a~RSFIELO 119-223-06-00-8 UNION AVE 18Q~ EJi~f..lE1-'L-01)1-.-12?-o~-OO '.;NDERWOOO DR 4)¿5 BAKERSFIELD 119=nr=o-~1J(J-) UNION AVE 1'89 ERSFIELD nt=n4-=ðFM UNDERWOOD DR 4401 BAKERSFIELD 119-223-04-00-2 UNION AVE 1900 ERSFIELD 016-150-01-01 UNP~B'.JO,OD OR 4405 _BAgR~.J~ 119-223-03-00-9 _UNl~-AVE 1909 ERSilELL--.Q05-120-lj9-00 IJN[,ERWOOD DR 447}¡- BAKERSFIELD 1Tv.='nJ=OH~ UNION AVE 1V2', ERSFIELD OOFf¿IT~8'::lJa l,IrJDER\.IOOD DR 4413 BAKERSFIfLD 119-223-01-00-3 UNION AVE 1945 ERSFIELD 022-240-04-00 urJC'Œ'~QQ~º-J'R 4201 j3AKf~£lElH1H2J-=9.i=00-r'. UNlQ!LA¡¿L 1000 ERs.EJE1-.L..n1~'.:-Hil-1~-nn UNDERIJOOD DR 4505 BAKERSFIELD 19::¿-¿J='94-Öìt=3 UNION AVE 2010 ERSFIELD Óì6-'f46-=ï4.:M 'IN[1ER''¡OOD DR 4509 BAKERSFIELD 119-223-93-00-0 UNION AVE 2020 ERSFIELD 016-140-01-00 '.IrJI COF¡t!.RD -3!iQO BAKERSF 1 ElL-36.Q..=2.1 O=1k88- ~ IJNI.Q!LM,L 1.1 15 E.RS flE.lD.H2.2::2Sn-D'-=£1f1 1Ir-,j¡(jN AVE. 10 BAKERSFIELD 139-=J7()~6- - UNION AVE 2116 ERSFIELD 16-'J1Ó-=1Y=Oij '.INION AVE 101 BAKERSFIELD 010-101-05-00-4 UNION AVE 2129 ERSFIELD 022-250-21-00 ;.:Nl('N.AVE 1.Q? BAKERiE.IELHlfJ.=10 1....0 7-00=D UrliQUYL -?1DR !3AKER.S.El£LL_ nl~:34n=lQ-n8 ')tJ!ON AVE 205 BAKERSFIELD 1D-09'u..:oa::OtJ='ti UNION AVE ¿43J BAKERSFIELD û14-21ð'-o,-:l),- INION AVE 217 BAKERSFIELD 010-090-03-00-9 UNION AVE 2511 8AKERSFIELD 005-010-06-00 '.iH')tLML 222. 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'I,I~/ /M ('£ ~~ CM.AÆ/VU "";-!-7 1"'C~L - ~: (j ~~ ::J::!;¡~¢~ ~ Æ'r¿;;:sþ../c# ~ 7~"'¿¿ /~ 5 )V¿'#'~ ~tr (jJ -ff;'~ ;;c¡ 1<t3?: @~~~ ~ ¥~I- J"Þþv j'! ~ i!3i!!i ~~~ palllJadO pUll paUMO A/IUapuadapu/ SI aawO lja1l3 886~ 0ë:L£.9ë:£ IS08) 3NOHd 10££6 '3^,'ff Nn~xn~.l 10S I ""-H AJ.I:) .-....... .LN3V'4.LHVd3Q ÐNIC11na @\:IOllV3\:1 T~r9 'O~Iðtttt ) NVH~ @) ~ Sfl/l eo"'" "'ED L6v~-6G£ (9011) JaBed ~vIl6'LG£ (9011) ssau!sng 60~ wU6llle~ '¡'I"!.~A.r,reg OO~# 'tJfliIJ 6jtt!6:J G5!tfU 6$ ~ HUN13 311\13 ~ ~lZ '::~c."--"""·- .j(Jf1tl.ØJ !:IOSIM 3dns 'III !:IO.l::>3dSN1 111::1HÐIH ) ::>vr ~I.b . od/ 3.J.~" "I?'P''l1;7QJ.S> L 0175 p..M pM -' , ';'~\ J'/'\ .?- ~ ~- ' ~,,\ '"" ,,- ............... ~' , . CITY OF " ~!</ ''''// >~i'" ·.C:=-. i ~~~~. : ·:::':::::c.c-...·· T~w n' -~T:~-:-' :®' ~ U Of -=--==- C -; -r . ',I ,~, ~.-=- ~-i~ ....... :or'¡;:;' ... IB5 A lK 1E IR S IF IT 1E íL IQ) BUILDING DEPARTMENT C. A. BIDWELL, Director April 30, 1990 Frank Tripicchio 5329 Office Center Court #100 Bakersfield, Ca 93309 Re: Special Inspection #P4985 2700 Union (Proposed Business) Dear Mr. Tripicchio: A Special Inspection was made at the above referenced location on April 25, 1990. The follŒ-Jing items were observed which have prompted enactment of a demolition or repair order. 1. Vertical· and horizontal framing members are sagg:mg, split or otherwise compromised. . 2. Electric circuitry does not conform to the standards of the National Electrical Code. 3. Plumbing does not conform to the standards of the Uniform Plumbing Code. 4. T'nere is evidence of underground fuel storage - Hazrnat will be notified. 5. There is sUbstantial combustible refuse throughout rooms. Fire Department will be notified. 6. Observed infestation of insects, vermin and rodents which presents a pUblic nuisance. Heal th D=partment will be notified. 7. Observed bedding material and openings in building which constitutes an attractive nuisance to children7 provides a possible harbor for vagrants, criminals or immoral persons. Thank you for allowing me to look at this building. In its present state, the building presents a hazardous area. Until the demolition or repair orders have been resolved, please make an extra effort to secure the prop- erty from unauthorized entry. Your help in locating the o..vners of the property is also appreciated. V:;¡'Y;lf¡.· ($ h~k ~ghfi1l ':rl Building Supervisor JR/kg SIFT cc: Fire Department Health Department 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3727 ~ ~ ro í4 _-..-.=-..:;>-- ,. . .----. -""" - ----~- ~ -~ ~, -. .. ~- -.... ~';' ... ..' i' .... ¥ .- ;- Post-it '"routing request pad 7664 -" ::. ROUTING - R~QUE~ . To ~V Nfjif .... ~ ,/<.~ .' Please DREAD o HANDLE o APPROVE and o FORWARD o RETURN o KEEP OR DISCARD o REVIEW WITH ME Dale From ~æ~