HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-03/14/86 \ ." \ì -f _..1,;", "" f..\.... '7.;""'"' ~ .*,v:'-..~~.. FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY FACILIT;:Jkl+ En:3i0eednj ADDRESS : d.cr~ c> (J Y) i () Yl Å\J..e PERMIT #: 07{)O()9 ENV. SENSITIVITY: :. -:----~'!.._=-----.------_._~-- '-,--"" - ... -. "-~- .~ ... -,~.~.._.......- ---'., '~-" ....- ----. -_"....-.o,._.....__~-'__.---."c~_~_. _.. __ ;~'., - - . . .~ ___no .._________,---,..__~ .. . - - ------ .. . .. .. ,- - _~___._______::.r_-_ ._-_. -~~ - ..-----.-.--. Comments Activity Date ;;. \ ~ -4/-'1/ g~ '-"---;47~7~1-"'--~'--"~-~)/¡¡7j:i;"-'-- , ~h resut+s ;if / / I eft:, . fJI< /p/kr õ/d.~/~ I' I .~, .~ # Of Tanks / .n "_..._.. ......_.~ _._,_ I arho J1do n '. .' .. . ~ YidØ ~.......__.._.. ··..-·-----··-·w Vi k- QJÐ~---- '-n~'- . ._ ~ .n.-- _ n----":,..,.~··,-·""'-..,..",......._-····___'~··-_ ---"-":'-'. -.-"...-'-.----~.--._~__,__.-._, _ _. ~ .. ~ - .. ______,_., -. ~.T . ~,('. '. . } 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield. California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 .r-- RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR1-- ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson. M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard . .. . -----.--. -- ~_.. ____ _H ---- ---.- - - . ~ " May 22, 1986 .-- . . Jerry Kelt, ";' - .-----.-. ··----,-----···ììèi tÊ-nginèering 2930 Union Avenue Bakersfield. CA 93305 . - -.--'-~- .........------.-~--~.-~~~" ~_=~ø;·_..._:_"___ ,..~__".:..- '_~. -. .._-~- ._:;., ~_.~~. --~-~-~ ~~~. ----"'._<.-~.----"-=---"'"-.,~- . .~ - - -.. - ~ ~ --. . . - -.....~.- -~ . "--._-- Dear Mr. Kelt: This i8 to advise you that this departaent has reviewed the project results for the fuel seepage' investigation you conducted at Helt Engineering, 2930 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Based upon the findings described in the report, this departllent is satisfied that the assessaent is coaplete and DO siplficant soil contaæination resulting fro. fuel tank leakage exists at the site. Thank you for your cooperation in this aatter. Sincerely, /j3t1L ~ Ann Boyce. R.S. Environ.ental Kealth Specialist III Hazardous Materials Manage.ent Pro¡raa AB:aa .. .. -+ ..- --. -- --. . ---- --- -.- _c_._._---c"-'--~.,.....,____ -,.-~'~' --o---=--~_=- ._._-c~-=~~~='~"- "'·_-'''''-_·_-'--.=~~n_'_~____.~_....,,,_. __ .___~.__ ~_"'_' _ "'-,..~~"._ _" ___.......~"_,_._"J_ . -."_.~- .-- ..- ~--,--,--.. - .- DISTRICT OFFICES ,a6.ICUl1fJM ~CHEMICÅl A.Ai tSIS I'lTROllUII LABORA~RIES , , 'GUN. IIG (141M ING' INC MAIN OffiCE 4100 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD CA 9330.. PHONE 327-4911 A/~1 ._'.....;::.:::- --.':. -:'::::::::::=---:::-';:':-..'-:::'- . -;:;:. ':-;--~-::'::-,":"::-::":"'---:--:-::---~ _-:-;,,'-=~~-:::=_-;7_-:-'~~:::::'.-....___~..:-:_.:.:.-::=::=--:::~_ '_::_:;:~:-:. :__~ .=._ __=-~._..::-____ ___-:::.~__:::_~..::-_~...:: _ _~__. .__. - "'n _ _ __ ...~~'~,,-~~,,=--.,.-=::::.-:-~;~!':-:::-~ PURGEABLE AROMATICS ANALYSIS (SOIL) . . - . - - .- -.....,,_._-~-.,.,..~ ......~~~-'--~-~.----...,-_.. .-.- ~_.~--:....-.--.:..-...:-.~._._..- -. _ . Da.te o~__~~._.~_ ~~ _~_.._-=~..~,__ _~_. -----i--~--·-·REPORT: 4-1-86 - -- LAB No.: 3919 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: HELT GAS TANK 2' DATE/TIME SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3-14-86 CONSTITUENT Benzene Hexa.ne Toluene Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene p-Xylene o-Xylene m-Xylene TVH EPA 5020/8020 By -'"I .1 6: /: . / ! /.. p', (/- " .f -- . (71' (/. 01. ~1 in Attn: Brian McNabb Backhoe Service ,-- .-......,-...,..,--.-,,--,..-.--..,.....,....,..,.,- .___.__~__.__._ë'o-_"""""~"'...='-._---...._.-"'-=-'-,""'__ _._~.."."'..,.,.,._~.;O-__.._, _ . DATE/TIME SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-14-86 REPORTING UNITS ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g . _ .··....·.~_o~ '.~__ _.._,. ~r._.___ .. - . .. DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 4-1-86 ANALYSES RESULTS none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected ---.---~- MINIMUM REPORTING LEVEL 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 RECEIVED ---~..APR . --41986- HEL T ENGINEERING, INC. "ET"OllUM LABORA~' ùRIES INC . AlilflCUlTfJIIE CHEMICAL AMAl rSls h' J J 'GUN, IIG CHfM ING. MAIN OFFICE 4100 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 PHONE 327-4911 .,.i ,,- _.:".-:.:......-::::-'-._~-~-~.~.:::::::;.~~'"'!~~-=.~;-:...-!"~::=:;.~~.~:..__-.: _.-:-'::-~-.ê=""==::.:c::.::::::-_.~..:.¡.:::::"::o=-~-_::::.:.:~-=-=-:::.._~--:-_-, - -- ~.-, .-. --.. "'''''.-=-~ -.......~-=~-"'--'-~._-~~~---'--.::.-:.;;.:--,---'-- ----._--~- . ___ _____n_~ ."OCC _ ,_,__.__, ..__.,_ PURGEABLE AROMATICS ANALYSIS <SOIL) CRIPTION: .' 6' HELTGAS 'TANK DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED Q) LAB: COMPLETED: 3-14-86 3-14-86 4-1-86 " , MINIMUM 'REPORTING ANALYSES REPORTING CONSTITUENT UNITS RESULTS LEVEL Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 Hexane ug/g none detected 0.1 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.1 Ethylbenzene ug/g none detected 0.1 Isopropylbenzene ug/g none detected 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 I, m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 I· TVH ug/g none detecteq 0.5 I I EPA 5020/8020 By Û 17 ~'-/ . ~. "'-J' . . I. /~.;. -f ......--; / t / // ~ J .,./ J. Ell n I I, I, Attn: Brian McNabb Backhoe Service RECEIVED -,.""-,, -."'-'=, =~-=-.-o- ~--o<--__~_~ _ _____ _ _-=_-"-'--'-=__---'-=-_===O"__"'"~~~ - - ~.- ~-.-.~...=,. - . ..,- .--'-<'''''-='--'~-''''-'. ,='---,',.--- .~--~-- ......,."..-----~._.,...-.. APR 4 1986 . '-'-.. ------ HEL T ENGINEERING, INC. .- ~r - .. Kern County Heaith Depart.ent 1700 Plower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 (805) 861-3636 Per.it Nu.ber .All! J ~ .. ·::CT.07}~:(.>:., . .. ":', ""'.. ,. .. . . , . '-'. "--~I.~~~ -/ ~ : ..··.._;~-l~;·::' .;~ .' . . - PBRMIT lOR TBMPORARY OR PBRKA.SRT :' .:.: "';,':: '. . . . - .-:::-~~~.-'":,_~"""":,,,,,_---=-_.=-~~~__~:~__~__- .._ __...:... - - _..:-..=. __ _-.-=-------.....~ .--:~-= ." 0-,._- . . , -~:-.~ CLOSURSI ABAJlDO..SRT OlUllDBRGROU.D 1.....". .~! . .' . . I,,' .,:; . :'!.:" . .<: )iBAZAItDOUS SOBSTOCBS . " . . .~ ~ ~ - .--_. -'- ... ',. .-' ,~- '..' .. ;' , .':t;,;·~,:.),:/ (~-;~~:~::~. r· .,:,' - '., </;;;:(~~;-,:' ". ',:' .'..- laclil~~·';...e ':ánd··.·A~d~ess· ,>:.... -:·'~.Der·.a.ë·:ând.Aadreá. . _ -'-0-- '_.. "=-.:' __. ___ ____-' --"-___0..-"-__",,:· -~:~.,,::,_.;;..~~-'--:/... .-:;-.:.~-_;.~:.~. ,.'~J:~~:.: .:~ '. ReI t Snlitineerinlit . . ·..\..-Jerry lIel t . :.': . -2930 Union' Avenue ':':"'930 Vn!onAvenue· -Bakersfield .fA " ~aker.field. CA93305 -'.;., ""J' '¡ .,. . . - '>' " . .- -..... .,. ... '.~ :..: .per.it to Abandon Per.it Expires March 14. 1987 -' ." .' ,. ... ~ . . ..... '. .~: . .; '. . 1 " ,. " .(.,,1 ~an~,.f~~t, above . · . .. .¡ ';: :.\.;!:~....~:~~prov~l Date ~<::':'f~arch ,; '1986. ·~,S~~'~> ,~,,:~",' ~...: . t··....... ·..~r..· .: ',':. ~~,~ .. ,..' //~~: ~':':~ ~$_.~~:.·~~(-:_.t~. ...~.~ I·__·~~~f;.~·'': -' ~,. ~ d 1 <>"':t.-~" ~ .·'·'i~:> . ,.::.J.catton . ..... , . " ~ .- . ,,:¡; ::' .,," ::-: ~:i<' ~tA'Ppr"ed' By ~ '-,i "?;.,,, :' , -".',': "..-,,<Ö: 1,' ft,~:;~.~~~~::1:~L:_~L_:~;;;:~11{I~ir~;¡~;i~1Js;~~~i,;~~l¡~~i f ,"',' ';'}:oadl tlon8 as Po 110.. . '. '..,,,.,,,.. .:;¡;. ~j]-.t·,·· ':;"," "'. ~..' "'-", '. '..." .....,., co. .',' ., .''' "'¡"-' ""..t"c.: ~ "-"., "'1;-"'-:;L,~"'" ,... J~ ";'>~:' ;~~~~1 Hee · '~~~2';'fK~~f~~:~~1f:~~::~; ;¡~i:~~E; ¿:i?~~;;~~~ii~t~ '.1 ".: :vr1or to Initiatlngabaa~on.ent, action. ';,' .........~ . ..', ·:wi:~:r..~:.>.,..:::.::~:"..,:".:.:: : ¡ . ~ :2. . <Abandon.ent .uat be per :approved .ethods a.8: di!8.,cribed ·In'·.~~·:,.,''Per.it:·:.~·.;·.. '1 .' 3. ' . {!!:::;~:::::r ~:::;ii£:~~::£:e::::¡:::~t'CE:~~~:~~:~i:~~:~~K~~t"Y: County Ordinance Code *6-3941. A copy of these require.ent.are enclosed with this per.it. ·A· .1niaua of two sa.plea at depths of approx1aately 2' and' 8 '.. ". . ~ . directly under the center ;of the tank .ust be retrieved and sa.pled for benzene, toluene. xylene and EDB. 5 . Advise this office of ti.e and date of proposed sa.pling with 24 hours advance notice. ¡ I , I ;- i t j ; .4 '. .. .. ,.,., . . , , I ·1 ! '.. ,! Accepted By ... -.... f¡¡¿Çc-Dat~"-i0~ . . ". -- - --- - -~~-~ --- I ~rn County i'J ision of 700 FIO\ýer Hedlth Departme~~- Environmental Menlth Street, Bakersfielrl, CA 93305 per:mi/,. ¿¡ ;;27 Application Date No. of Tanks to be Abandoned , .' . APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND BAZAROOUS SUBSTANCES STORÞ.GE FACILITY I< . -. ---'T~ ~~~~~;~a~i~~ur~~1~~~~~~~-ApPl icati,on ~Per pacoil i t~ perma;;"nt' closure/AI";ml':n:.~~;-" A. Project Contact ( me, ar~ ,cod~, phol'\e): Days _~ Nights ?:lr5-<CO</!S' Facility Name L-~ t:::J.J&/~ Facility Address , JJi~' 6. Nearest Cross st. u.l T ~' SEC (Rural Locations Only) OWner ~ Telephone ~'Y~-~o<tS' Address ~.o.--~ Zlp ~~ Operator' -S~ c' , Telephone ~:>?~~ ~ .. Address ~ Zlp C. /t:¡o' f B. Water to Fadl i ty Provided by Soil Characteristics at Fa~ility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater - D. Chemical Composition of Materials Stored Tank i Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) Dates Stored Chemical Previously Stored (if different) I U,JL, ~.JB. 1C(1( to~'" A.)(J)JE¡ to . to ~ to E. Describe Meth(XPfò~ ·Rèt;ievt;g ~ân\pre~.'~ ~Ù A<x¡~ '¥- CðP£ SItìt{iER...- Samples Will be '~alyZèd for ~ &:iJ'~l ,ou-(~, \ f£)5 ( 'i-i/6Jt; - Laboratory T t W· 1 Perfo~ Anal~ses of Samples Address {õö \EÞE> ~ D~. q H F. This application for: ~emoval or 0 abandonment in place * * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET BEFORE SUBMITTING APPLICATION FOR REVIEW. --.----- -...-.-' ---~ ~-< --- - -"------ - --.......... _.,_.~- ._--...--- This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct, Signature ~CJJGtl.(f__, Title (;J£f1.J'EZ- Date 6/ c{ (25lG Pro'Jide Description 0. '( ~l, LaYOLlt of F-'ìcility Usirv: -S, lOrde All the Follo , 1...óonatIon, . Location of Tank( s), Piping & Dispenser (5) Proposed Samp~îng tocations Indicating Approximate Depth v' of Samples " . ~ Nearest 'Street or Intersection ~ Any Water Wells or Surface Waters Within 100' Radius of Facility . Provided Below; t NORTH . --I)ð/6: »O·~' 'f.)JrA.:5 ~S~~~-- - - W'4eu~ /ðl::/ dF ~(,¡~r" ' )Jqte6S-t ~ ý<tiú1(é ~)W ~ /ÁÔ/'1' .- -0 _......___._ _____"' _ _._ '--'-'o--_~. _.&_.._ _ _.~ . -----. ----- ;~. . . , ", ~ ~ .~ ~ :J I I . . . 3 dl ~~:Ø~ ¡r.d. ~ { 600 9¡.L· ~_. I ND P;f;5 ~Ié ~~~ J1 ty- l.Þ' ßtJœù IInJL ~ Glu..i4 ~ .- - - - . -, -- ---.--- ----~.=----~~ --.-, - - --- .. Appr oved By Scale ¡.fr5