HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-03/24/87 .:.~ . . ,. ;. ¡ .." 'I _ ~~ /.... .. '" _ITE/FACILITY FORM 5 D.AGRAM ~/~ CfZ'2 Of) a@f) If) IÅv. + ~p NORTH SCALE: BUSINESS NAi'1E : FLOOR: OF B.C. LABORATORIES INC DATE: 8-7-81' FACILITY NA.J'1E: UNIT .... OF .,. . UN ION AVE. LABORATORY (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRA.'1 X FACILITY DIAGR.~~ . ._-----~-._-- .----- --. -. --.- .---- 1== .. ['1 0-< HOUSE 8 QUINCY STREET a:> "" HOUSE 9 FLOWER STREET GARAGE () I I I I I J I I J I J , L_ .,. ~ - ~7..] t?.¡- ALLEY o à >: '" ;;0 v: ""' :c t': '" I""' I ¡ : -- I OHWS ~ LI IHMS !-< ¡,:¡ ~ !-< '" >- u z .... :::> 0' CLARK ELECTRIC STORAGE YARD B.C. LABS HELT ENGINEERING VALLEY DECAL, INC. 3020 3000 2930 - - - - - -- - - . _. - - - -.- - - - - - --- --- UNION AVENUE ----- CANAL ---I --- (Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE O~LY- - SA - , '>J.. . 1 '. :;i "' ..~ IbITE/FACILITY diAGRAM FORM 5 NORTH SCALE: BUSINESS NANE: FLOOR: . OF B.C. LABORATORIES INC DATE:8-7-81' FACIL ITY NAJ'1E: UNIT .... OF -. UNION AVE. LABORATORY (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRA.'1 FACILITY DIAGRA:'1 X . ------ I I I -L _ I @JŒJ , , . ¡g J 00 I I @32] 9~ U 10~ I @ '" ¡¡¡ H 8 e ~: . ~ ~: - --- Ì) V Q ~ ..: >- Q W U z J\ w. ",. I V I w -- -~ '. @e _0<9 II . II 0 ' U I " . ~: . " "w '- --- @ S/'IHO <V . '" ::< :c o r·..·..·'·:-..........,.,:-:·~·:wt·_"'....···· (oJ U H '" '" o (oJ @ (oJ ::> z (oJ > < z 8 z n ::> (oJ u :: H '" 0 ... M 0 W U H ... ... 0 - -~ '. (Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL CSE O~LY- - 5A - / ) I I / . .. - - CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF July 28, 1993 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 I, Steve Ball Jr., have reviewed the site map for B.C. Laboratories located at 4100 Pierce Road and 3014 Union Avenue, from the City of Bakersfield Hazardous Materials Division. This information is to be used for internal purposes and will not be released to the public. St~A 7/2~193 REH/dlm e· e ,,+-,''é.O ST~,.~oS' iii ~ 1, ~ -.. % . ~-~~'~. \ ' ~:c:'; "'1-' ·....fJ "~L PR01~" UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION IX 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, Ca. 94105 LETTER OF INTRODUCTION July 9, 1993 Mr. Joe Eglin Mr. Dan Shultz BC Laboratories 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield, CA 93308 Docunient Control No. 04900-003-025-0002-AAAA W.O. No. 04900-003-025-0002-01 Dear Mr. Eglin and Mr. Shultz: This letter is to certify that Steve D. Ball, Jr., of Roy F. Weston, Inc. (WESTON), whose signature, photograph and physical description appear below, is a duly designated representative' of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (BPA). Pursuant to applicable provisions of Section 104 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, 42 U.S.C. Section 9604, as amended; Section 9 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; the Clean Water Act, EPA requests that, upon presentation of this letter, this duly designated representative be allowed to: A. Enter any facility maintained by a person where any hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant may have been or may be generated, stored, treated, disposed of or transported from; B. Collect samples from your facility of any hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant and any container or place where any hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant may have been or may be generated, stored, treated, disposed of, or transported from; C. Have access to and copy all records relating to (1) any materials which have been or are generated, treated, stored, disposed of, or transported from the property; and (2) your ability to pay for or to perform a cleanup; D. Determine compliance with any effluent limitation or other limitation, prohibition or effluent standard, pretreatment standard, standard of performance, levels of performance, sanitary landfill criteria, standards applicable to waste generators, transporters and owners and operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities, or other standards, or any permit, compliance order or court order issued pursuant to the Resource Conversation and Recovery Act (RCRA); Printed on Recycled Paper STK\lNTRO LTR\2S02AAAA.WJ> e r. " . Mr. Joe Eglin and Mr. Dan Shultz BC Laboratories e E. Talk to employees concerning waste management practices. July 9, 1993 Page 2 Please see Attachment A for important information regarding confidential business information. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Height: 5' 11 " Weight: 180 lbs. Color of Eyes: Brown Color of Hair: Brown Date of Birth: 12/7/67 Signature: StlL M¡k Expiration Date: December 31, 993 " Designating Authority: ~~~X C~ ~~ Donald C. White Chief, Field Operations Branch Hazardous Waste Management Division cc: Sherry Nikzat - EP A Project Officer Wenona Garside - EP A Contracting Officer Frank Monahan - WESTON Paul Sundberg - WESTON Joe Demmler - WESTON CERCLA FILE SfK\lNTRO LTRI2S02AAAA.WP .- -/, \ / . .. -\.,' - -_:.~ - . e e 83 WEST MARCH LANE SUITE 12 STOCKTON, CA 95207 SM PHONE: (209) 476-1635 DESlGNERSICONSULTANTS SITE VISIT CONFIRMATION LETTER July 9, 1993 Mr. Joe Eglin Mr. Dan Shultz BC Laboratories 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield, CA 93308 W.O. No. 04900-003-025-0002-01 Document Control No. 04900-003-025-0002-AAAB Dear Mr. Eglin and Mr. Shultz: ROY F. WESTON, INC. (WESTON) is currently a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (BPA) under EPA Contact No. 68-W9-0046. Pursuant to Section 104 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA or Superfund), as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), and Section 3007 of-the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1986 (RCRA), as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA), EPA is conducting a nationwide inventory and screening of sites and facilities where hazardous substances may be located. Under the contractual relationship with EPA, WESTON is responsible for assisting EP A in identifying and investigating such potential sites. Enclosed is a Letter of Introduction duly designating WESTON to perform such work on behalf of EP A. BC Laboratories (BCL) has been listed on EPA's inventory of potential hazardous substance sites. EP A has requested that WESTON conduct a Preliminary Assessment (P A) of the BCL site located at 4100 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, Kern County, California, 93308. A significant aspect of the investigation involves a meeting with BCL representatives followed by a tour of the facility. As part of the P A, an on-site inspection will be conducted to obtain information about current and historical practices at the- site. The on-site inspection will include a meeting with BCL representatives or your consultants followed by a walk-through tolir of the site. Pursuant to applicable provisions of Section 104 of CERCLA; Section 3007 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); Section 9 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; Section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act; and Section 308 of the Clean Water Act, EP A hereby requests that you make the following documents available to WESTON at the time of the facility tour: S1X\PA LTRS OF INTROI2S02AAAll.WP ... r' e e ~ ...~~ Mr. Joe Eglin and Mr. Dan Shultz BC Laboratories July 9, 1993 Page 2 * Information regarding the ownership and operational history of the site. * Site plans, facility maps, and historical aerial photographs, if available, showing the locations of any hazardous substances, pollutant or contaminant, management activities, . wells, buildings, drainage, and any other relevant features. * List of all hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants generated, stored, treated, disposed of at or transported from the facility; include dates and amounts, if known. * Description of past and present waste management practices, including on-site generation, storage, treatment, disposal, or removal of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. * Description of all on-site hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant storage, treatment or disposal areas, including size, containment features, dates used, and amounts of materials stored, treated or disposed of. * Description of any releases of hazardous substances to the environment. Include dates and regulatory agency response to the releases, if any. * Description of any environmental or public health regulatory or enforcement agency involvement at your facility. * Description of all federal, state, and local permits held by the facility. Include permit number, issuance and expiration dates. Also describe any occurrence of noncompliance with these permits. Please also see Attachment A to the accompanying letter for important information on confidential business information. If you wish to comment on the confidentiality of the information requested or EPA's release of such confidential information to WESTON, you must do so in writing within 5 days from your receipt of this letter. Submit any such comments to: Thomas A. Mix Chief, Site Evaluation Section (H -8-1) Environmental Protection Agency 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 In the neàr future, I will be contacting you to set up the time and date for our site visit. n1<\PA LTRS OF INTRO\2S02AAAB.WP e e . . ~- _ ' ". . ,;ì' . , , Mr" Joe Eglin and Mr. Dan Shultz BCLaboratories July 9, 1993 Page 3 For the meeting and tour I will be accompanied by one other WESTON employee. Our corporate health and safety requirements may necessitate our carrying certain air monitoring equipment with us during the facility tour. This equipment would be used to monitor our own exposure to hazardous materials, and will not be used to document air quality at the facility. We will also be taking pictures during the -facility tour. If you have any questions about the meeting and facility tour or the PAin general, you can contact me at our office in Stockton, California at (209) 476-1635, or you may contact Carolyn J. Douglas, EPA Region IX Work Assignment Manager at (415) 744-2343. Sincerely, ROY F. WESTON, INC. St-}) ~jtf' Steve D. Ball, Jr. P A. Primary Investigator SDB/cmc cc: Sherry Nikzat - EP A Project Officer Wenona Garside - EPA Contracting Officer Frank Monahan - WESTON. Paul Sundberg - WESTON Joe Demmler - WESTON CERCLA File SIX\PA LTRS OF INTROI2S02AAAB.WP e e .; ,.".. -;" ...": _1 :i-. 'T Attachment A Access to the information requested by EP A in the accompanying letter must be provided notwithstanding its possible characterization as confidential information or trade secrets. You may, if you desire, assert a confidentiality claim covering part or all of the information requested, pursuant to CERCLA Section 104 (e) and 40 C.F.R. Section 2.203 (b), by attaching to such information at the time EPA's duly designated representative is provided access to such information, a cover sheet, . stamped or typed legend, or some other suitable form of notice employing language such as "trade secret," "proprietary," or "confidential business information." Information covered by such a claim will be released by EP A or its representatives only to the extent authorized by CERCLA Section 104 (e). If no such claim accompanies the information when it is available to the public by EP A and its representatives without further notice to you. You should read the above-cited regulations carefully before asserting a business confidentiality claim, since certain categories of information are not properly the subject of such a claim. The regulations of 40 CFR Section 2.211 preclude EPA employees from wrongfully using or disclosing any business information that was obtained during the performance of the employee's official duties. In addition, EPA employees must take all appropriate action to safeguard business information from improper disclosure. EP A employees who violate these requirements are subject to dismissal, suspension, or fines. Criminal action may be taken against EPA employees who willfully disclose confidential business information. A contractor with EPA who obtains business information during execution of an EP A contract can disclose information only as allowed in the contract. EP A regulations on confidentiality in 40 CFR Part 2 Subpart B require that the contractor agree to the clause entitled, "Treatment of Confidential Business Information" before any confidential business information may be furnished to the Contractor. This letter serves as notice to you, pursuant to 40 C.F.R. Section 2.310 (h), of the contemplated disclosure by EPA of the information at your facility relating to (1) any materials which have been or are generated, treated, stored, disposed of, or transported form the facility, and (2) your ability to pay for or to perform a cleanup. EPA plans to disclose this information to WESTON/68-W9-0046; this disclosure is necessary in order for WESTON to carry out the inspection of your facility, including document review and copying. Pursuant to 40 C.F .R. Section 2.310 (h), you may submit comments to EPA on EPA's disclosure of confidential business information to its authorized representatives. Any comments on this contemplated disclosure must be submitted to EPA within 5 days of your receipt of this letter. Submit any such comments to: I i I I Thomas A. Mix Chief, Site Evaluation Section (H-8-1) Environmental Protection Agency 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Failure to submit your comments in a timely manner shall not be cause for refusal to allow WESTON access to the requested records. STK\lNTRO LTRI2S02AAAA.WP f17109/93 I I 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 e~ . -~ - KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMI· HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION -. -."-.-- -- .. - ~ -- DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard -----. --- -- ".---- '-- . ~ March 24, 1987 -:--- _'n", ___..__..:..._ ___."--__ ~~~.~.._~ J__ ~.""_._._.. ~_~._~__ ...._.,_~ ~.~_ _ _ .=--'~_ _ .~",_. _._. _.~~ H..___~._ __~______... ,~___ n__....~~~_... _ -~ --- ~~~ -....-. -*.....-."ç - -._---~~..;.~--....-...- B. C. Laboratories, Inc. 3016 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93305 Dear Mr. Eglin: This is to advise project results for conducted at the B. C. Bakersfield, California. you that this department has reviewed the the fuel seepage investigation that was Labora tor ies Fac i 1 i ty, 3016 Union Avenue, Based upon the laboratory results, this department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination resulting from fuel leakage exists at the site. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, g~~~ 7 Janis Lehman Environm~ntal Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program I JL: s-w ~ '-'-' _.~-..- - ._---- -- .--.-, ---....-~-="-"'--- -.-._'---"--"" .'=-' DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lake Isabella . Mojave . Rldgecrest . Shafter . Taft ~ GROU'''NATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES - 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A Lie. #504072 .. (805) 835-7700 - Bakersfield ;~ . (213) 724-3147 - Los Angeles ,.; March 19, 1987 -- _.~_. -- -' - ----.--- --~- I .~, \~~ &. j \j ~~ \ ~ . ,,,,'; U#-' . ~ : r....... _. D~ b MÄtf2-3 1987 ;. . ':! --..------ . - --~_._- - .'. . - .' " ,"-W DE-PI NT'-; nCh\..ì i \ ,(t:,?}-l (OIJ , ~. 1< """;' ~ Ms. i Janis Lehman' ~ Kern County Health Department .__.Environmental Heal th Division 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 _ _~_"~D~_'_~ ~ ... ._._._~_ _.~___"',". I I Re: B C Laboratories, Inc. 3016 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA Permit #A390-07 Dear Ms. Lehman, On March 5, 1987, we completed the underground tank removal at the above referenced facility. Enclosed you will find the laboratory results, Chain of Custody record, Fire Department Permit and disposal of tank documentation. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact our office at 835-7700. Very truly yours, íf-~~ Jon P. Fitch JPF:dji Encl.,. cc: Mr. J. Eglin -~-.-' ç~--=-" -- ---,.,--,-. -,-,...-=-=--._~-" -~-'-'--- _____ - n. __ __. n._ __ .-- - ~----- -=--~ ~--._. T __ _ Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861·3636 ,4IÞ-"'. .ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART.'~-. HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hcbertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL: HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Permit Number A390-07 OF UNDERGROUND' HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY .---'--~~. --;- ------ ~.. .----. .---..-- . - ...~~...;;;, -- - =::~- '-.- "--- ----.-- .- ----- ~--- - ------. FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: .' B C Labor~tories 3016 Union Avenue Bakersfield. CA B C Laboratories 3016 Union Avenue Bakersfield. CA 93305 G. R. 1. 5610 Di8tri~t Blvd. Ste. 106 Bakersfield, CA .. -- ..-,- ...~-.-.~, ~~---,,-. .---~~ --~-_.~ ------ . -.-. -., - '-~,,- . w~__~...._-"_:"""__~______"._ o='"~_~":'._~.~_ " ---._-.-, ._-----~ --~- -'_':: .-- License No. 504072 PERMIT TO ABANDON PERMIT EXPIRES February 27, 1988 1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE , .' >r (, . . . . . .' . . . . . . APPROVAL DATE February 27, 1987 APPROVED BY ¿tO~e6jv~ . . . . POST ON PREMISES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOCATION CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Permittee must obtain a Bakersfield Fire Department permit prior to initiating abandonment action. 2. All procedures used must be in accordance with requirements of Standards and Guidelines developed for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Code. A copy of these requirements are enclosed with this permit. 3. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of the tank"at depths of 2' and 6'. 4. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately 2' and 6' for every 15 linear feet of pipe run. One set of the samples must be taken,underneath each dispenser at the prescribed depths. 5. All samples must be analyzed for benzene. toluene. xylene. and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 6. Advise this office of the time and date of proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. 7. A n a 1 y s e s res u 1 t s m u s t b e sub m i t t e d tot his 0 f fie e wit h i n t.h r e e day s 0 f analyses completion. . .--=.-.=-,,---...-.=.,- -- --~- -~~~--=,,-- ,.-, ,- /' -... ."'.~..'-~p..~" - . ( .. j .. -.-'..' .. . .. -- -~--~.._.-.. - - ---- V' .<. C· // ".';" /' ..y I /.") ___~ . d /t'.:'( ¿-;'C!r.¿<~ '-.-. __ x.- '~""="""""_= _".---,.---__oe---._~_'__.._..,,~._'_~__- -~- -- ACCEPTED BY DATE ,- )( ;.' .-/ DISTRICT OFFICES Delano , Lamont . Lake Is~bella , Mojave . Ridgecrest . Sh~lIer . Tall A,- W FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY FACILITY: .IJ C ¿A./;c>r¡t/T{)r¡'e~ ADDRESS: 31)/6 c)AJ,'cuJ AcJ ~ PERMIT #: 0 71?o I () -,' ENV. SENSITIVITY: AU~~ Activity '.' . . . ..u__ _:_"~-:--::-:_:-:-_"~,'._____ _".. _. ___ -.-- ----- - - --- . . Date # Of Tanks Comments -. . ~ ---. . -,~~- -- ~.:- Ilft /;c.Ai¡ð,.) AJ10 ' 67 ~~ '--.- >- .sA-mø/~ R.e.$u.Jt..s. I Ok..' L~-tT-t!,r . . _.' _-.=0----'.,.---,-____ .._~~._____.__..__.. '-'_.'. ~~~7 ~/:z?h7---' I ( <.3'/9/9'7 I . ~/e9~/ 8'7 ./ I --- - ---- __.. ~_.~ '~r -- --"--- e/ .- \ ..¡til.; W~J.)VHJ\ ..ün l Analytical Chemistry 3155 Pegasus Drive 4t.., P.O. Box 808)5 Bakersfield, CA 9))RO (80S) 393-3597 Report of L&bor&tory Analyei5 Client Name: Groundwater Resources Industries Adùre~s P.O. Box 9383 Bakersfield, CA93389 . .----- '" -- - ---------~ -- --- -.' ~---_._--.-. . 4__ _ Dat8 sample received : 3-5-87 Date analysis completed: 3-9-87 Date of report I 3-9-87 .> Labora t.ory No. 231 through 234 RBSULTS OF ANALYSIS -~ ----.......... ~.'._~_r ___~._~...._:..~.~~_.~_,~__ "_r_' ~___ ____. '~.- '''-'-~ --- ._~-_.._-~-~ #231 ID I C'IR @ 2' Pierce Rd. Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropylbenzene 'Mi /. ---'- --------._- - -- . . . u ______ ---- - ----... . ~. ... --_... _.--- Date sampled: 3-5-87 Site ID: 02087 (all samples) P.'Q!!. ~'8pm ¡r . d 1.0 <1 1.0 <1 1. 0 < 1 1. '0 <1 1.0 <1 1. 0 <..1 . 1.0 #232 ID I C'IR @ 6' Pierce Rd. Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TVH #233 ID: TK C'IR @ 2' Benzene Toluene Ethyl benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene. o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TVH ·'S~~ Stan Corner . -. ----=~~---;--"'---=-=_..--=-'-""-=--.,..=-. ',","=~.~~,-~~ "".,..-,.~<"'~"'~-...'~,~., '-"~.-. læ! <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 d. Union Ave.~ <1 ~1 <1 <1 <.1 <1 <1 MRL , ppm 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 MRL, ppm 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ~"". '-"""'-'0- ~--=--"''''''"'''__~__'' ~ -,' "-. . ~ . .,~'- ::-. ", - . - '- .- ,....__..._, .~_. ';;"'_'___.~~__'_':--'O~~__='.'_",~_-___ ~,~'~'. ,-- <_.____~._'~_-:-"O.c_... ...... Method of Analysis: CS2 Extr. , . MRL = Minimum Reporting Level,·: TVH = Total Volatile (petroleum) Hydrocarbons - Method of Analysis: CS2 Extr. MRL = Minimum Reporting Level TVH = Total Volatile (petroleum) Hydrocarbons Method of Analysis: CS2 Extr. MRL = Minimum Reporting Level TVH = Total Volatile (petroleum) Hydrocarbons -~ ._-_..,....~=-~.._~ SMC LAB ORA TORY e' Analytical Chemistry e~ 3155 Pegasus Drive P.O. Box 80835 Bakersfield, CA 93380 (805) 393-3597 Report of Labora.tory Analysis .> #2J4ID: TK CTR :ê 6' Union Ave.E.E!! MRL,ppm Benzene <.1 1.0 - -.----Toluene-..-~-,·--------- . <. L--~.. 1.0- b.:thylbenzene <1 1.0 p-Xylene <.1 1.0 m-Xylene <.1 1.0 a-Xylene <.1 1.0 Isopropylbenzene ~1 1.0 TVH <1 1. 0 Method of Analysis: CS2 Extr. MRL = Minimum Reporting Level TVH = Total VolatiTe-:(-'I>etro-leum-}=,'~~ Hydrocarbons - - --' - -----.--.~. ~----_._~.*--*...- _ ~~~z______ ..._ __ -,.~, --.. - -. -~..._+ -. "-. ,- -->---... , --,..-. -~ -- - --.-." ~ --.. ~*--. '_~~4 _ __~_~.~.._____-.-._._._~_~__ I :.~~ :;t"an COII\t::)E . ,--,,"",""-,,,-~._~-'--",,,,,,,,,,,,.....= --=-----".-~-~~'~.....''--=---=-=~'=~~~-~~~~.............=="'''._~=_......,........,-''".''"-=". -~--.-".-,-.-.,.,..... -'- .....,_ ~~__. ._.~---o--._~ _"'--_ -.,...~-".,.....-.,-- ~-- .. "-. -"'~------....,-- -- -.. e ()C DATA SHEET Set # eød e. ,e:¡ t. Sample # 1 '1' 1. 'J ~. '1 "$:r ~1'f .A- 2..3~ . . ._.-:'-;-:-~:~~_-··.-:-~~2·;:':" --=-,-.- -::~.~ . --~,...- =-.--,. --~-- _..~_ Method of Analysis: C 5'7. e. "tV-. n___ _ ___._._ _ - ---- ............ ;.~-. 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'-i II Amount in ¡¡:a.mlÜe \:,\04. ' \ '1- ,I j Net amount recovered ¡ :1 Recovery. % Matrix Spike Summary Sheet %..'1" Sample spiked I Lab # L:S 2,.. T.(..... ~K.'IL EB 0 fO 0 0 if·f. f.' I . Ca "l.. ,·ctt- ß." 10 0 0 ,u (ö L( , z,. , "1. 'Z. Duplicate Spike Data ß~"t T. , "" t..t<\. e C'"' VbW<l\ \-u'ðt'~ 't r c) "- 1.. . > 0 Methoi blank cone. ?I,.'" ,; Cone. in sample 0 ø ,I Spike amount J~ li-i' ,.. t. Spike cone.,~~~ I . fiCo t.'~ Amount recovered I :.::1:' ' 1, ". , Amount in ~e6tA- (, 'It.. 0 Net amount recovered , cy., Recovery, % Cfoz.... ,;- ReI. % Diff. (RPD) t"i' ¿,...... ¡ ¡ I ¡ ',; i I I .' : I . Dat~1 i I Coie -Z-, Set -1L I 0 ( 0 '1.' . , :~? ~ 9·C ,·C¡l-I '.C¡L- i: I . 9 (.. ,..t¡-z.... ·1 ,.) ~ If, c. I.; " 10.1.. \) 0 Q ()' ., q.g .(, II 10. b , c) "L I r ,- 0\ ,D 0 , , V I ,.> o 9. , I·' L 10 o '0 ·t.)'i o o 0 0 0 0 0 V ~·t 19 -11 t:¡.¿' ,.q2- I 1·1' .., "Z. I " 10 :, I , I~ ~o i 0 <J <f fI t. 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Received by: ( SigBb.lll:~) * lnalysis lal:x:¡z:atc1:y sh::u1d a:npleœ, "&Ttplc a:n::lit.ia1 Lr"::"1 rt::x:::cipt", ~ l:clc.... 5i91 ùn:1 1~l1.u)1 .. origirel (WUte) o::p¡ 00: Gro..n::Wlt::er Ibn.u:œ Irrl.nt:r:i.c:s, 5610 District I3l'.d., 9.litc lOG, ~. / 'B:IJ<p~r'¡~'ð, c::n. 93313 Sample Number r~. cr,.e, t!! . ~ ' / ' 7'"K- C7'JZ - ~ ~ Site Identific.-'.tion D;>,te Sampled 02. ¿) ?--"Z-__ ð.;:z ó Ø7 "3 -s- - 'Ò7 ?-S--'Ô7 .J, -- l\niJ.lysis R~\es tad ß TX ¢- T c7. }>f? r. .t./YDLeI f':4¿8()AJ!;. S.:unple Condition ~!.~~·U~~~~_. , , ( -:::,'7;:'·~i:;/."· ~ .~ p .~ ¡ ¡"!'/ +- c.o{.4: CJ.Mtf / ~ : '> &!fl-¡ ~ r rib Lab Instrustion: Laboratory reports should reference and be billed by site rD~ und contain the fOllowing: 1) Surrrnary of analytical methodology and Ql\ \.¡ork (blùnks, s[1ikcs, duplico.tes) 2)' dates for (a) sampling, (b) lab receipt, (c) cxtròction, (d) injcctionj¿mùly;3Ìs 3) detection limits for all constituents W1nlyzc\1 lor ùnd reporting of t;\~_L_~º!!~~~i.~~!~!1~~~_ - . ~- _.~ --- detect:.ed- which-w~reu not:-spccffrc¿¡rry--àcslgñ~lt'cd--- .~------~---------~--~----- - .4) /~~ ~/OJ2-c- #·'S 7-. ~3 ~ .;:l ~, v 5) 3/J//'?7 Dote e/ ~KERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMEN4' BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION PERMIT ·J'L - 13&' Permit No. .' In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, permission granted to: . (;f2,I{) .5, /ö ~L~Y 13;. ¡f/O(,., - ~.,JJ. () a ) ) 7) Nome of Company is hereby Address . ...--.: -. "~~to~disp'ay¡-store;:-install, use,-operate¡ .sell"or handle materials or~procešs"ìnvolvïngor:-t-reötlng-con-;. c--=""ccc-·~~_ ditions deemed hazar~us to life or property as follows: . ~ ;f If) .5rrof! ~ ,~ -f/flr»'- I3~Jo--{y" 3o/c~ a~. þb~. Çù~ ~ ) ), () .) . i ." .,.---. --- "šuoject to' the provisiòn·s· and/odímitation"s" as proviaed -on the- reve"rse -hëieó(··V¡òlatTÕñ-' or pèrtiñ:- - ent ordinances, codes and/or regulations shall void this permit. ~--_.~~~-- .- ~42~ . ; Fire Marshal ,.. .-- -=--~-'-'.~=-.=""'-- '-----==--=---""-~--=--=<---==~,~~ _~T==~__~ _. "'~-.=-_~~'..~--='=='=-:-'.-f==--,-=-_-._-,_ =,_~~__ _~""""""~~'-~__7_,~---=------_~~""'~~___ .-....,.,~"'~~~.~~-... ,-,--",_,-__ __ r. ._._. -.-~__ ",',,- _ . ___..'-___----'--'-.-. UATE: 3/1 19ne' BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTHENT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENT~ o o o [J ~_~"-. O~ ~l~o~ I i ~1 gcc~~::~~~~~ o rJ .> [J C()ITlpr~ssed---Gas i ! c=J Dust Explosion ,.., -- '';'-'..---~'-' -.,--'",- ~,~-_...-'.------- ---- o Explosives Au to \.Jrecking Auto Tire Rebuil~ing Plants Junk Yard \.Jaste Handling Cellulose Nitrate Cl)mo\lstible Fibres :/' o ,Ammunition o '. 0 ~~ ~~~' 1/£~_~~O _.-:urni gatio~~_~__ _~n_~tion~ ~Lc. pro,] e_ct__ n o o o I~~~~.~_~~. _~___.____._D _ Lum?: t".._~a.~~_____ ._,. .~~"__~_._ D Magnesium Flammable Finishes Spray Finishing Garage Hazardous Chemicals Lique fied Pe t Gas This card is to remain inspection is maùe and Final Inspection: ,. PERMIT NO:Jl-/3i? o o o o Hatches Place of Asembly Tent' Welding & Cutting o o o Airport - Heliport Organic Coating High Piled Stock ..:_- -...;-'--~~~~~.- -\.--.--:'" .:.::_:..-~- -~---,-, 3- 5' -'" -'=--~'~-~~-o,.---==-,,-----=:,,-==---=--~~~~---o__ _ __ ..,'-'-~_=__=___'_....~__. ,=_-=~_",.:--<..~_._~_ ~--~~-"",=_.'--------"- --~""...~·-'-'=~-"""-'...........,.~"'-'=·=·~..,...,=--=~=-~-.,...-_z_ _-"--~_ -""=_.=~._-c=,,,~,","~,-~__~_~~ 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 -. KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMI; HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION PERMIT POR PERMANENT CLOSURE DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard per.it Nu.ber A390-07 OP UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS C_· SUBSTANCES STORAGE--P'AC-ILITY -,- - -- .----------..---- -- - --~- -~ - - -- ,- PACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ~ B C Laboratories . B C Laboratories G. R. I. 3016 Union Avenue 3016 Union Avenue 5610 District Blvd. Ste.l06 -Bakersfield, -CA -~--------- -... Bakersfield,-CA··-93305 -- ----'---:'-Bakersfield"CA--·-c~-· -~. _~_~_c . , .'. . License No. 504072 PERMIT TO ABANDON PERMIT EXPIRES February 27, 1988 1 TANK (S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE February LOCATION APPROVED BY . . . . . . . .'. . . . . POST ON PREMISES '. . . . ..... ) . . . CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Permittee must obtain a Bakersfield Fire Department permit prior" to initiating abandonment action.· 2. All procedures used must be in accordance with requirements of Standards and Guidelines developed for i.plementation of Kern County Ordinance Code. A copy of these requirements are enclosed with this permit. 3. A mini/lum of two samples .ust be retrieved beneath the center of the tank at ~depths of 2' and 6'. 4. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately 2' and 6' for every 15 linear feet of pipe run. One set of the samples must be taken underneath each dispenser at the prescribed depths. 5. All sa.ples must be analyzed for benzene. toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 6. Advise this office of the time and date of proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. 7. Analyses resul ts must be submi tted to this office wi thin three 'days of analyses completion. _._-_.""'-~.,....."",..---o=;....-.~ ___-~ ~~~._..~._~ -~r~~·~-~- -----------~---,....,...,..,...-- - -_.........-----~ .._~' '.-. ~ ~ - ....,. ~- -----------..--...~. ACCEPTED BY DATE /-- ¿r~ ~7 DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lake Isabella . Mojave . Rldgecrest . Shafter . Taft Kern County Health UepartmelIt Ulvision of gnvil'ullIncnlaA"llh 1700 Flower Street, ßake~ Id, ,CA 93305 (805) 861-3636 - - Permit No. h d/'Û -0 'Î ApA 'aUon Uale Tall' to be Abandoned APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND ßAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SrORAGE FACILITY ~ .Qf. Apolication (Fill Out One Application Per Facility) o Temporary Closure/Abandonment ŒI Permanent Closure/Abandonment 'A. ,Proj¡ect Qon1;ª~t_J~allle., area code,_p~one): ._D~.ys_ 327__1~11 .,..,.Nights_.__ Facili ty Name B C Laboratories; Inc. Facility Address 3016 Union Avenue Nearest Cross St. Bernard St. T R SEC (Rural Locations Only) Owner B C Laboratories, Inc. Telephone 327-4911 Address ln1 h TTn; nn A"p. Bñkersfield. CA Zip 93305 Operator B C Laboratories, Inc. Telephone 327-4911 Address 3016 Union Ave.. Bakersfield, CA Zip 93305 B.-Water to Facility Provided byCaliforni:a Water Depth to Groundwater , Soil Characteristics at Facility Sand Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations N/A· C. Tank Removal Contractor G.R.I. CA License No. 504072 Address 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106ziþ 93313 Telephone 835-7700 Proposed Starting Uate 2-23-87 Proposed Completion Date 2-26-87 Worker's Compensation Certification ilP-86-387748-0 Insurer Fremont Indemnity Co. . Environmental Assessment Contractor G.R.I. CA License No. 504072 AddresS5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Zip 93313 Telephone 835-7700 Proposed Starting Uate 2-23-87 Proposed Completion Uate 2-26-87 ~orker's Compensation Certification WP-86-387748-0 Insurer Fremont Indemnit:y Cn. D. Chemical Composition of Materials Stored Tank # Chemical Stored (non-~ommercial name) Uates Stored Unknown to to to to Chemical Previously Stored (if different) 1 Gasoline E. Describe Method for Retrieving Samples modified Brass linen Shelby type sampler, wrapped in foil, capped with plastic caps, sealed, on ice. Samples Will be Analyzed for Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and Total Petroleum H drocarbons ' Laboratory That Will Perform Analyses of Samples B C LaLuJ.aLuLl'=::i 1m.:. Address 1199 :rierl..<::: Rõaà, ~iik~n:ficlà, \..1\ 93.1öB--- Telephone F. This Application for: 0 Removal or 0 Abandonment in Place * * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET BEFORE SUBMITTING APPLICATION FOR REVIEW. This form has been ~ompleted under penalty of prejury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. 'n.Q 1-- ' ----... Signaturr-'--;¿;'~~-' --7j~ß;r-~~~-~~---' ··~------~'Tl tle--~4flð·-- ···----Date-Z:;- ç~e,7_-.