HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 7/24/2001 I - II ' II·· .. . . II~ -'t 6& Vy/26ò/ I !IJ J'~-U.-- ¡I·~~ ¡¡~~~ I !I~· ~ ;1 -~~~~ j~/;'L~A/l F - ~ 1', ~ --~- f:Lc F_~'u (~F, !I ~ð' II . I' . :' < ' '3 II ; I I, II, . i' ...-: '. July 25, 2001 Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn. Esther Duran " Dear Esther~, ~~- -.-- ----- --- ~.../"~ ~'. ,..4' . =";";-- -~ ..~~-... / . Ver'70nwireless Verizon Wireless 12677 Alcosta Blvd. San Ramon, California 94583 '-- '._"--~,.....,.,,,,,~,,,7"""'<'< Due to the battery change at our Verizon Wireless-Downtown facility, I'm sending you the updated Business Owner/Operator Identification and Hazardous Materials Inventory forms. If you have any questions please call me at (925) 904-3460. Richard ay Verizon Wireless (Formally GTE) Property Administrator ,-~' ~ ---- --""-- ~---~.. - --.-- - --- .-, ---._~- -.--._--'.'--'" "'"'...... <.- : ; #:: ' / ,':' ··~·1 . ~..#.: " -" , ~ ~ ;'~:',.._J ':'.t\:~_:_.~ ,.::....~ ~,:..~....:._-~::.'!!~\. .~'"': ~:·~'r~~: :,q- '.~-.~ ~. __ _____-.. .--"\ ~ - ,__._ __ . . _, ~L_ ~_ _ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOUDA TED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Page 1 of ~ z. . ,.-.: HlJS;INF.;.<;:S NAME SolDo. FAauTYNANI! (II DBA.Doåo¡.BGSi.... As) Verizon ), .. ~~'''"='"~~~~:~-=-.-=~.,...~..,.. "'"'''' .~~ Have an site (for any putpose) hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquid, 500 polll1ds for solids, or 200 cubic feel for compresSed g¡¡.ses (include tiq\rid, in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable Fcderallhresoo1d qU3l1tity for an extremely hazardous !robstancc spœified in 40 CfR Part 3S5. A¡> )eIIdix A or 13; or handle radiological ma!a1als in quantities for which an emergency plan is requiRd purswmt to ro CfR raru 30, 40 or 70'1 ~YES ONO 4. " HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IrNENTORY . CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (DES :ml) B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (VST) I, Own or opcr.Ile UIIderground sIotage ¡u¡ks7 o YES (XNO $, .¡ UST FkClU"N ~",-,,~ca t_ M " USI'TANJ((_poaepor~JlcrmB) " USI' FACJLJ'JY ./ U~TANJ((_por1aù) ./ usr mSI'ALLA110N - CER'J'lFICA110N OF COMPlJANCE (onr!"Ct..... tankXl'otmerlyJlcrm C) .¡. usr TANK (cIa.sŒo pœ1ioR - OD pace..... lank) 2. lmend to upgrade CJWIing or iMall new USTs? OYES 3N<>',' ), Need to report closing a usn o YES (XNO 7, . . C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (AST) Own or operal" ASTs above: these IhrtshoJds: . any lank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or . tbe toral capacity {or the facility is IT"Ier than J,32O gallons? OYES (XNO L NO FOkM JŒQUIREDTO CUPAS ...... -- ,~. .~-._._._.._._-_.__._----~_._-"'._--'- '--'~.,,---~...-~- D. HAZARDOUS WASTE 4. Ttatmellt subjec:11O financial assunmcc rcquirclDCllts (for Pmnit by Rule and Conditional Authorization)? S. Cmsolidate baDnIous waste generated at a rermle site? ~~~US~?, " _, _ __'___- _O~~_Ið,NO_'" J ,_EPAID!fU!dBEIl-..-.......,ordliJ,..... ~e more than 100 ~montb of excluded or exe111'ttd rcçyçJable DYES (XNO ID. ./ RECYCLABLE Mià1ÛÛAúÚæpóR:Í' ' matcnals (per HOC Sedion 25143,2)? (DDllpor""""') 3. Trealbazardouswastconsile? aYES ~NOtl. " ONSrI'BHAZARDOUSWASTETREA'I1iŒNl'- FACIUlY nr-tJ1mIC Fœm 1112> ~ ONSl'Œ HAZ4RDOUS WASTE TRBATM1!Nf- UNJI' (_.... »eWlit)(PanDaly JmCForms l172A. JI, CPo U14L) a YES /Ill NO 12. ~ CERTIFICATION OFFINANCIA.LASSURANŒ U (F""",,",,Dl'SCFcdI_) a YES ~NO 13. ./ REMOTE WASTB/CONSOUDATlON 8m AliNUALN011FICA110N aømerlyl1JSC~") ./ HAZARDOUSWASI'ETANKCLOSURE CER11FICATlON (FoImerIyDt3CFtiøDU4') QYF3 ~NOI4. ____t. 2, 6. Ned 10 rc:port the closmWmov.l ofa taDk that was dllSSirJCd lIS baœdovs waste and cleaned oosite? t:. LOCAL REQVJJŒ1IŒNTS 15, . ___' ~_ .~"'_'._. ._.u,__,__ _____~___~__,_.~_ __..__... .__...h...__'· .~._'._'__'._..._ ,__. ~ -~._..'-'--~ .... ~mæl: Richard.Day@verizonwireless.com FACILlTY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR fDENTIFICA TION --:-'''''~·.~~.L;\: ..," ;'::, " '~:-~~-----'------:-~----_!:~~--:"~~-~ì , 1 00 'e "',";il..bc..~,:;,c....:i,,;;_.__..,_.-,..__--,-,~_....__.j 2001/7/25 i 2001/12/31 ~ 3 I BUSINESS PHONE 102 ntown Unstaffed .. ~-~~~~if:'tr~t:~ ...L....-'. l....LLL.1 ___ 3USINESS NAME (Same II FACUTY NAME Of D8A-DoIng IIuJInfø As! Verizon Wireless-Do 3USINESS SITE ADDRESS -_._---~.- 4101 Union Ave Bakersfi~lti 10S CITY DUN &. IlRADSTRE£T ~ .1 104 , ..,--.....- --'--'-'~"-"'- ~,- CA i ZIP CODE 10C1.i SIC.CODE. --:'......., 11..11--- 4'8"12-'- 1ÒS ' -....~- ~ '- ~~--~""",,-. 107 01-216-7078 ~-"""-~-- ... ~-":: ~,-==--.= ~ . COUNTY BUSINESS OI'£M'TOf\ NAME ,.' ~~~:___,._Y~_~;~on Wireles.s OWNER MAlUNG ADDRESS PO Box 5011 CITY San Ramon . . ......__....._,._....,.,...."~..n_..~_ '__...__ "2 ._...__.~.__,L-~~.~~ PHONE. _ (9.25) .277 - 9400, 113 -'ì¡¡----' STATE 115 ! 11ti \ ZIP COOl'. 94583-0811 '. , __..__,~.~.,._...__._."..._, ·__~r·_..··· ._-._-.----_..~___'.."...M.._..~.._,_:,:] ; __~,r~~:t~~~~~,~~~:_t~~:~~1~~;:~~~~;~6º':. '1' CON"lAC, ~>Jo,If. Richard Day corn,l\Cf MAfUNG AN~RF.:>r:1 PO Box 5011 CIIY .-..... .' , \22 .94583-.0811 ," A;':î~,b;:v' w:;i!~..~~~J~~~~~~~:~.. '" NAME 123 ' " '; NAMF- NOCC 124 I ! TI~1i~ tional 125 I BUSINESS PHONE , 126 i 24-HOUR PHONE '~f --c ---c-·----¡-800-621.:..2,6'2Q,~ -- 12'1 I' PAGER' , . Manned 24hrs per day n. Alan Holzmqn TITlE ..,_Qpera tiO.IlS_Man¡: geL- BUSIN~~~~E(~_~1J ...-ª72_~26~L_ ~~~~PHONE 'J..:=Jl.oJl':"62i-2 622'- -' --- ~~R' (661) 321-2952 J3J ,- '--'32 AODIT\OtW.lOCALLY COllECTED IMFORMA'TION: 1)3 E-mælAdŒe~:Richard.Day@verizonwireless.com CertifICation: Based on rrr¡ inquiry of those individuals respons;ble for obt8ini1l1l the informatioP. I certify IRIer penalty of IIIW that I have pelsonally examined and am femililll' with the information submined and believe the ioformation is true, accurate, and çomplete. :- ~ÞE.:;:-;:::£è<J TD;~;J~r¿=d''"P:;-------;~ , 1I -' 131 I TITLE OF SIGNER / 131 ! /~o .. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ~ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 200 ] ADD o DELETE tiì REVISE ':~'~(';f:: ~,~~:,~>;;.i~'¿:;tf , - ~. '<~.': ':~'. '~".. " :,:';:j"; :.< ..:;; :,~>::.. : '::, ::. 3USINESS NAME CSarne os FACILITY NAME"; DBA-Dci~ Business Asl Ver i z on Wi reles ~ :'º-~-~!!.:!;-º-'!!!..~->--------'-'-'-"-'-'--2-o1'---'-"'---______..___...._.._..__....'.._._____._'''.., :HEMJCAllOCATIOH : CHEMlCALlOCAT1ON"2ö2 '" Inside Equipment Shelter!~- 0 YES 6l NO Page 3- of L j, 203 ' GRID' (optiona/ , D-4 204 -;-;=~~.,....- ~..-, ~ .~""':""--"""" , , ~_......___. ~~~4 Battery Acid 205 TRADE SECRET - ice I DYES DNO , If So6jocIoolII'CaA, nrcr... iDIInodi_ 207 EHS· 2õI o VES 0 NO Electrolyte/Sulfuric Acid :OMMOH NAME CAS' 209 r.- .'" " :',.",."',,., " ';:'.. ". ~~.~~~jr.' ~~~.'~ 7664-93-9 FIRE CODE HAZARD ClASSES IC_Ie,. if reqc¡irH by CVPAJ 2'0 HÅŽÃRDOUSMATËRÏÃl-'-o iI. PURE iI TYPE /CfIect .- u.m only/ PHYSICAL STATE (C6od "" it.. 0If/yJ ,--------- m -·------'-..------·-·------·'----2Î2 ' ëVRIES RADIOACTIVE 0 YES D NO 213 : b, MIXTUFŒ D c. WASTE o 8. SOUD II b. lIaUID LARGEST CONTAINER 3.34 gals. __.,.......L.., _,......,.. ........ H b. REACTIVE 0 c PRESSURE RELEASE IX d. ACUTE HEALTH 0 D c. GAS 214 --_._---,_._~--_....,' -. -..... - UNITS' (CIIeå -... aal)'} . 1fEHS. _..... be....... STORAGE CONTAINER (Cbod< ... -1ßII1) 221 216 ¡ 211 i c. 2::R~~IC ,:~:L::~ I~ . 22Õ-'~ 'CODE DAYS ON '-2'22- SITE '--2'23-/ I I I o II- RAIL CAR Ii,. OTHER ~H~~ATEGORIES 0 a. FIRE 'Ä VEAA'GËõÄllŸ ..' .---, q '-"-- ---'21 in- -- ''MAxIMUM' -,,, --q -------·--'218 AMOUNT 12 0 [)AllY AMOUNT 120 , .., ..~, - '. '. - IB 8. GAL D b.CUFf Dc. LBS I ANNUAl WASTE ! AMOUNT , . ,_... '" o d. TONS o D.. ASOVEGAOUNOTANIC D e. PlASTICINOfoIM£TAWC DIlUNI D b. UNDERGROUNO TANK 0 ,. CAN , o c. TANK INSIDE IMLDING 0 G. CARBOY D d. rna DRJM 0 h. Sl.0 o I. FIIIBI DfIUr,I o j.IlA.G o k. BOX o I, CYlNIEII D m. G\.A5S BOTIU D IL PlASTIC BOT1U o 0. TOTE BIN D p. TANK WAGON Battery STORAGE PRESSURE 13 a. AMBIENT o b. ABOVE AMBIENT '0 c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE IX a. AMBIENT o b, ABOVE AMBIENT D c. BELOW AMBIENT 0 d. CRYOGENIC . 221 228 '. CAS # 228 DYES D NO 231 ! 232 I 0 YES D NO 236 i 236 ¡ i 0 YES 0 NO ....o.--_~__.___ 235 240 DVES 0 NO '-----'--243-~--·-..-n'-'-·244 : DVES DNO I 228 . Walt' -"230"-- "-i33 l 234 : 237 ~ i , ~... 24' 238 ~ , , , , ~-242- · ~ -"245 - If more 1taz/J"Jous c""'f'Ø"Ð'b an p7Øettt ot zreøter tIkuIl" by _¡pt if nOIl-c(lrcmogenic. or 0, J" by wIcltJ if CIII't:~lIil'. IIN1å ¡N/djti_J slJÐets of ¡wrpcr elp/llTilfg 1M rl!lJ'Iiru ¥ønrlØlÍDn, Þ.OO'TtOÑÀL·-CôëÃiLY· COllECTED .~4_..__,.__~ INFORMATION: 246 E-mrol Richard.Day@verizonwireless.com If EPCRA please sign here ...--.-..---...... ---,---,--- . -_._.._--~._-----_.~....-.._,_._.,--' _..- OES FORM 2731 11/99) ',:;:! ....\ '..:'; ',.; .,":.¡ :;~i ¡ Verizon Wireless-Downtown 4101 Union Ave, Bakersfield I. CALJFOJOOA ANNOTATED SJTE MAP I BuineuNam« I Sïl.Adcbeas: I Map" 1=:J /i ;J .:} A B C D E F 0 'H \ l{eY:flllJ;~ I): ~ Verizon Wireless rrn:: M~~, 8~~1r\cø.\ ?Q..V\~\ 2 Equipment Shelter ®: ~\æ E:)d·\t\~\ÍlSW [[1 ~ 'Bo-~ à:'\oWer 3 UNION AVE 4 1 -<:] 31' , 4101 6 4 Miner Street 7 .:::j :"'·1 ;<¡ ;;i.~ '.:< :'.'1 >J '" '" / ", :::~ ,:.:.1 A '" ::.¡' :. ',¡ ,'¡ .., :i] ',~ " ':~ ,:¡ '-:( ":1 :¡ ,; Appendix E C:\W1NDOWS\TEMP\$ITE MAP ,doç J For SIIe NIp SceIo DfNlp · LoIdlq Arur · PIddnI Lola · fa!CfNI RoIds · Stonu IIId Sewer er.Ins · ~I Propcny Use LoCllÌOlU IIICI Ntma af AdjlCelll $lnels -' Alleys ., Access MId E¡reSS Po ihu and Rølðs foe ~¡\t'" · .. Scale of MIp · Loøticlllofüdl Stonp Ale' e Location of Each , HIIZIIl1lo11S Mat.rill! Hllldlin¡ Are. · Loc:aIion of ElIICI'genc:y Rt¡poIUC Equipment Scale: 1"= ~Ft. t North · Ver'70nwireless March 28, 2001 Verizon Wireless 30 Independence Boulevard Wårren. NJ 07059 Phone 908 607-8000 Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Service 1715 Chester Avenue, 3rd Floor Bakerfield, CA 93301 RE: Verizon Wireless Downtown Site Comprehensive Hazardous Materials Inventory Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed an updated comprehensive hazardous material inventory form for the following facility: Downtown Site 4101 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA This form has been revised to reflect the quantity of sulfuric acid present. The form sent to you on February 28, 2001 inadvertently reported the overall weight of the battery electrolyte, Based on the actual quantity of sulfuric acid, the site is not subject to annual reporting under Section 312 Emergency Planning Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA), Any additional information needed to satisfy the California Business Plan requirements will be provided by the regional Verizon Wireless contact for this site. 'ít~IY:~Uffi' ~ Casey Manager, Complian / CHEMICAL DESCRJPTION . California Hazardous Materials lnventory Reporting Form- Chemical Description Page I F ADD í DELëIT ~VJSE I PAGE I of J BUSINESS NAME Verizon Wireless (DOWNTOWN) CHEMICAL LOCATION In Batteries in Battery Room MM# Gri~ CHEMICAL NAME Sulfuric Acid TRADE SECRET r y ~ N COMMON NAME Sulfuric Acid "EHS ~ y r N CAS # 7664-93-9 IF EHS IS ·Y", ALL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN LB FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES Rad;oact;ve ~~_y ~_I Curies L_.~~ r ~ r ~ ~._~J>ure Mixtur~____W~~ Type r Solid ~ Liquid r Gas Physical State Fed Hazard Categories ~ F' r R ' r ~ ~'th Ire eactIVe Pressure Release Acute Health Chrome Heal . State Waste Code Units r r Max Daily '1 (PO J 7 Gal Cu Ft Amt ~ Lbs r Tons A ve Daily Days on Site 365 '3~o -7 IfEHS, amounts must be in Lbs Amt Largest Container Annual 0 Waste Amt Storage Container r r r r Tank Wagon Above Ground Tank , Can Box r r r r Rail Car Underground Tank Carboy Cylinder I Battery r r r ~ Other Tank Inside Building Silo Glass Bt! r Steel Drum r Fiber Drum r Plastic Btl r PlasticlNonmetallic Drum r Bag r Tote Bin - - ~ Ambient r Above Ambient r Below Ambient - - - ~ Ambient r Above Ambient r Below Ambient r Cryogenic I O/OWT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS# r- r yr N Additional Locally Collected Information - None . ~.... . Ver'70nwireless February 28, 2001 Verizon Wireless 30 Independence Boulevard Warren. NJ 07059 Phone 908 607-8000 TO: Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Service 1715 Chester Avenue, 3rd Floor Bakerfield, CA 93301 RE: Verizon Wireless DOWNTOWN - Site Comprehensive Hazardous Materials Inventory Form -----RY2000 .. Dear Madam or Sir, Pursuant to Federal Emergency Planning Community RighHo-Know act (EPCRA), Section 312, and the USEPA regulations at 40 CFR Parts 355 and 370 implementing EPCRA, and corresponding state and local requirements, please find enclosed the comprehensive hazardous material inventory form for the following facility: . DOWNTOWN 4101 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 It is our understanding from the advice posted by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services on its internet site (http://www.oes.ca.ÇJov) that filing this report with you satisfies the EPCRA requirement for a filing with the State Emergency Response Commission in California. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 908-607-8133 Very truly yours, c~r~ Manager, Compliance Enclosure Cc: local Fire Department . FACILITY INFORMATION California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Business Owner/ Operator Identification Page I- CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING 01/01/00 ENDING 12/31/00 PAGE I OF I BUSINESS NAME Verizon Wireless - (DOWNTOWN) 4101 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD STATE CA BUS PHONE 925-904-3460 SITE ADDRESS CITY DUN & BRADSTREET OPERA TOR NAME Verizon Wireless ZIP SIC CODE (4 DIGIT #) OPERA TOR PHONE 93305 4812 OWNER INFORMATION OWNER NAME Verizon Wireless OWNER PHONE 908-607-8133 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 30 Independence Blvd CITY Warren STATE NJ ZIP 07059 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME Richard Day CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 12677 Alcosta Boulevard CITY San Ramon CONTACT PHONE 925-904-3460 STATE CA ZIP 94583 - EMERGENCY CONTACTS PRIMARY SECONDARY NAME Richard Day Property Mgr. 925-904-3460 800-264-6620 NAME NOC TITLE TITLE BUSINESS PHONE BUSINESS PHONE 800-264-6620 800-264-6620 24-HOUR PHONE 24-HOUR PHONE PAGER # PAGER # ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS r y If yes, and above Threshold Planning Quantities, fill out a blank description page with a general ON-SITE AHM r description of the process and principle equipment N Certification: J certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true. accurate. and complete, Print Name of Document Preparer Signature of Owner/Operator Date þ/~¡'( - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION CaJifornia Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form- Chemical Description Page /,P- ADD r DELm; r REVISE I PADE 1 of! . BUSINESS NAME Verizon Wireless (DOWNTOWN) In Batteries in Battery Room Grid# CHEMICAL LOCATION MAP # CHEMICAL NAME Sulfuric Acid TRADE SECRET r p- N Y p- Y ·EHS r N IF EHS IS ·Y", ALL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN LB COMMON NAME Sulfuric Acid CAS# 7664-93-9 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES Type r Pure p- Mixture r Waste Radioactive Ir p- N Curies t y Physical State r Solid P- L" "d r Gas IquI Fed Hazard Categories P' Fire r Reactive r Pressure Release P- P- Chronic Health Acute Health . State Waste Code Units r r Max Daily 921.6 Gal Cu Ft Amt P' Lbs r Tons A ve Daily Days on Site 365 921.6 IfEHS, amounts must be in Lbs Amt Largest Container I Annual 0 Waste Amt Storage Container r r r r Tank Wagon Above Ground Tank Can Box r r r r Rail Car Underground Tank Carboy Cylinder r r r p- Other I Battery Tank Inside Building Silo Glass Btl r Steel Drum r Fiber Drum r Plastic Btl r PlasticlNonmetallic Drum r Bag r Tote Bin P" Ambient r Above Ambient r Below Ambient - . - P- Ambient r Above Ambient r Below Ambient r Cryogenic . O/OWT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS# r- r yr N Additional Locally Collected Information - None FACILITY INFORMATION California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form - Business Owner/ Operator Identification Page CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING 01/01/00 ENDING 12/31/00 PAGE I OF 1 BUSINESS NAME Verizon Wireless - (DOWNTOWN) 4101 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD STATE CA BUS PHONE 925-904-3460 SITE ADDRESS CITY ZIP 93305 4812 DUN & BRADSTREET OPERA TOR NAME Verizon Wireless SIC CODE (4 DIGIT #) OPERATOR PHONE OWNER INFORMATION OWNER NAME Verizon Wireless OWNER PHONE 908-607-8133 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 30 Independence Blvd CITY Warren STATE NJ ZIP 07059 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME Richard Day CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 12677 Alcosta Boulevard CITY San Ramon CONTACT PHONE 925-904-3460 STATE CA ZIP 94583 EMERGENCY CONTACTS PRIMARY SECONDARY NAME Richard Day Property Mgr. 925-904-3460 800-264-6620 NAME NOC TITLE TITLE BUSINESS PHONE BUSINESS PHONE 800-264-6620 800-264-6620 24-HOUR PHONE 24-HOUR PHONE PAGER # PAGER # ---- '------------------- ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 0 y If yes, and above Threshold Planning Quantities, fill out a blank description page with a general ON-SITE ! AHM '0 description of the process and principle equipment I N Certification: I certifY under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the il1/ormation is true, accurate, and complete,> Print Name of Document Preparer Signature of Owner/Operator Date ~/~¡'( CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION California Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Form- Chemical Description Page o 0 [J ADD- DELETE'" REVISE PAGE 1 of 1 BUSINESS NAME Verizon Wireless (DOWNTOWN) In Batteries in Battery Room Grid# CHEMICAL LOCATION MAP# CHEMICAL NAME Sulfuric Acid TRADE SECRET [J 0 N Y 0 Y ·EHS 0 N IF EHS IS "Y", ALL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN LB COMMON NAME Sulfuric Acid CAS # 7664-93-9 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES , 10 N Curies I Type n Pure ~ Mixture [J Waste Radioactive y~ Physical State 0 M L' 'd D Gas Solid " IquI Fed Hazard Categories I?i Fire n Reactive r Pressure Release ~ I?i Chronic Health Acute Health .. State Waste Code I'....' I Units ["¡ C Max Daily 921.6 __ __ __J Gal Cu Ft Amt L:6~ M Lbs [J Tons A ve Daily Days on Site "I 921.6 If EHS, amounts must be in Lbs Amt Largest Container Annual 0 Waste Amt Storage Container D 0 [J [! Tank Wagon Above Ground Tank Can Box [J [J [j [j Rail Car Underground Tank Carboy Cylinder I?J Other I~~~~~~,ul C: r n Tank Inside Building Silo Glass Bd [J Steel Drum n Fiber Drum n Plastic Bd C PlasticlNonmetallic Drum 0 Bag 0 Tote Bin ~ Ambient D Above Ambient 0 Below Ambient M Ambient [i Above Ambient rJ Below Ambient n Cryogenic %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS# D 1_,_____ "- ----.-.---.-...-- ,,' ____,__ "..,,1 0 Y [] N Additional Locally Collected Information - None '--,,---,--,) Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn. Esther Duran RE: Not Reportable Quantities 16 gallons electrolyte, Mesa Marin site #015-000-001248'0~ 32.4 gallons electrolyte, Downtown site #015-000-001288 '-t~ 32.4 gallons electrolyte, Calloway site #015-000-001154 ?J These sites are below the threshold reporting quantities. - -~~~-~~--~._----------------------~_.>~~-,,--, . ver'7Qnwireless Verizon Wireless 12677 Alcosta Blvd. San Ramon, CA 94583 I¡~c 8fp ~/V~i> 19 ~ÑV/~ <'ODD VA!. SSI1 ~C~8 .I ¡i Richard Day Property Administrator Verizon Wireless (Formally GTE) (925) 904-3460 1____ - .--.....---....... .,- - .-. --- ." ., ~- ---= -='"'=""~ - , /)foD"7 '\ \.~ I , ,;.-:: D " (~~ C l\:::<~c;- ,QjJ3 ~t:o~di~..¿ \l\,,<9;? I - '--.,;-- ~ ./If\. -eJ '~ vJ o(j.:J'-~· ' 0' {)/1 ! ',' '!7y < "",,/ \'(1 I /J ;rc-;\/ - \~:Cb~:l\~ () \ ~ Ç)a:e\-i-D-Î' \.'// \/\,,0" v, ~1Ÿ(\.-r--....-5~6 . ~f,Cfr' (I' , " ,ø-,I'o- v, 0-1 <(...-' - '- ("D \ Ò,/" Q~ "7J' '.' :G5t.. (cr;X;;)C¡N-,3SB C1£ vJ\(dES~ k- --- 7> '\ -~c\ã I 'ICr'ì~ (:J IV- \..... 09/12/00 10:32 'B661 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV 141 001 I *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE THlE PAGES RESULT 7204 19259043513 09/12 10:28 03'47 7 OK ~ . - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (805) 326-3979 · FAX (805) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal TO: I ~ìc1ú(J l)wy COMPANY: CbTE FROM: I C:::~-1.J 0 ý"'" D , L.: ..> T Y\,--" (j ( a....x---..... I ¡FAX No{~~S)q04-3Ç\51 I COMMENTS: mCAy ~€--(e.-\<:> Q. coPy o~c pe('mH,>'jOù rerf'stt>(L ~'~ \e.~ J- *"o~e ye\(V\~ -\~ ~CVJ~ DeeJ\ C~\C.J \ecJ .:L-~yòù COù\J / p\-E:.QS~ s~ me._,Q. n'D~~ ----r~ ~Ð"=€_._ c:S\ .\c:So\0~+ ~Ø--\fL.. re{'ð,-\-~tJ~~ 'l:'OA'- +; -tì ê'~ "5D ~..-=::s::= CO-A fu\- '- (\ ~'" -P, \ ~ _ cA\sD¡ \\'\c=:::" -\-\ me...+o \e...v~ E-.~ ~d ~v í~ ~~~ -f\0-f\. ~ ~ ~, YCJ 0 ,\ Ice ~ -L C<:3L0., f (' \ ('{~-~O~ õ 01- ~ s~ ~e.xY\ +0 yoù or Y00 Cð-f'\ ù'Se..-rh~ C.of '\ -ec:" yoù ~a..Ne :0 (y\".l,: OJ,'\ 'f (\e., c.es,_ sa...'y ~o.A\Be..s < ~e...0-- Jus--t-'''::>\<jV\ ~ol cÁCt~e. O-1\J re-\ù( ('\ ~o (Y\e e\~e, Ö(, ('('a~,~, ciR-Q~ { Per It Operate to Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit, CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This oennit Is Issued for the following: It) Hazardous Materials Plan o Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials o Risk Management Program o Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment Permit 10 #:: 015-000~001187 GTE WIRELESS - PANO LOCATION: 2603 PANORAMA DR Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: Issue Date June 30, 2003 "'I " ;~ Per it Operil.te to Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit ~ CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ,. this permit Is Issued for the following: , , ,..1 I ~//.' .-'.-'/~ ItJ Hazardous MaterIals Plan f ¡ ~ } " !, / ~"~' 0 Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials PermitlD #:: 015-000-001303 " I ,IV 'G.A ~¡¿~' c,~ 0 Risk Management Program : :",~ P Ki J ' l~~''''"" ",., 0 Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment GTE WIRELESS - ROSEDALE ; .<' , ;;;.,..,,;.";4~ ""'-,::ï1::,:',:,-r.,/_ 'ti>lr:;'I.,:[f~ " " \ -,( \ J"" '"':¡''' " ..',... " , . _') .., .... ~ ;I" '}I .:t.,;~, .,":/ "C\\H '\, ',~" 1 '., '4.4. ~"\' ::-\',\ LOCATION: 2100 BRICYN LN I "5/~ :rAKER~fIÊLD - /ïCA' -,9,3,~Q~\ .-' X ./ '~; ~~.jf/:,' '" 'Y.." "~ ! ¡ , . '<_,_'~..nÂ.:\ 1. ,; ,. Y;1¡.¡,;' .- . r '1i \ \ {'l¿)}i \\~~ \ ,': ¡ i U ·';b \ j ~ " .: ~ J '!ç, .\ ?~~: ~ 1 ( .j :( ~ \ \ 1,', :};:/, II \" \, >/' '/ /, i ,\'" "":' I '{f \.'\~~~:.!.iRY i\. \":'~;.~yF// ~'(~ ~ ,~~~.(p/~ .p'4~O'~'::;·~·îR· ,;-:_:.~ ,,\'" ~\ r;~<~ .' '""-... " ".ç t ":.. ~ ,.." f ~I:;'., ...., ........P...'J>\_""''ifI.........." .~.., ." " t ~. r~ ....,,~,....,.....' 'f',' ':, .'.-. ',.io-,,;¡f" --..:1/"',' , "'~... . d ""....;.¿",..,;..i.~ ~. Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Approved by: Issue Date Expiration Date: June 30, 2003 Per it to , , Operate , , Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit LOCATION: '5230 WOOOMERE OR CONDITIONS OF.,PE,R,Mrr_ON REVERSE SIDE 'e' " ' ", ,,', ' '. ,"J'~~té~"'" ,"" ..: i; Thl. pennltls......:~""foIlowIng, It! Hazardous Materials Plan o Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials o Risk Management Program ·~2;;. 0 H.......... w..... 0........ T_ , , : Ap~rovedby: Permit 10 #:: 015-000-001983 GTE WIRELESS - WOODMER , ,; '.'''':: ,,",,'- ! ' ~_', -:""'::;" -~ ; i, ',' -' > ' .....- : , "':' ~ i~- ' . -', Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 'A.r. Voice (661) 326-3979 ~,<,F~,~~~61) 326-0576 . . L-.; ,~:~.:. '-: :.~dt~~t¿~~~f2t-}t~t;~~~~£~V~~~,~-f,*¿·~¿~~.~~;c;,;¿~: '-. '. " , , }",~J{'f¡r:- ,:' Issue Date , ./,".~' ';1f."..~~ç.:.': ~.'- .,', -'; '11'.-,' ì 'June 30, 2003 ! ' , ' II ....,' Per it to Oper e azardous Materials/Hazardous Waste VoiC· NDITIONS OF PERMIT ON RE i· This D8n'nlt Is Issued for the following: iii Hazardous Materials Plan D Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials ", '. D Risk Management Program . ..~ ::-::, 0 Hazardous Wàste On-Site Treatment r"~ ~ - ,', ~¿f';,~),"':,:,:,>", 4. \~~., ", 'Oft. <~'ª,~h"~"\ '~i r ,t "'>, ..Ã~~ '\ -'\ lí r \,"!" '¡ '\ j ~ .' ',\ '".. , "'~\ ',I \ \ ~ 'k '; ",: ~·1 \, ~ ;~~"'"i 'j , ; í!. t " ;: :.i" ¡ '.',',,~ \ .,..,'~- '} \ ".'".~t:~~: , :;~I \'·,1;"..;, "\' " \, \,.,,:., ,)....',.: J ',. " \'" '/ '\,}" ,I " ' \" d\'~I\ ':, . ,,'~i;;:' .. I.. ~~"~"~~J>,," ,;q/c~¿,~~1f:,~..í}~;,~~~;',"¡\>, ..~, A~/) , ,', "':':~~:.." FO~··~'~,: " ;;.;1<i 1;/ '.' .-~. " 7'C<::'i'<~." ~ ......:..Þ"".,t'"'~. ~ .' : ,J¡J'" """"'..:<;~"':':'~:":'~\"':':":', " , ~i¡">'¡' ~-.i.,,'¡.;.,~,J.,...~ Issue Date Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: June 30,' 2003 "',I ¡I Per it to Operate Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit ~ CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE us Materials Plan erground Storage of Hazardous Materials isk Management Program o Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment LOCATION: 4101 UNION AVE ,¡(,~ NTOWN(\ " t' ðf0¿(/{, Issued by: Ba ersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: Issue Date June 30, 2003 Per it Operate to Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit NDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE I . . Permit ID #:: 015-000-001248 GTE WIRELESS - MESA MA an rage of Hazardous Materials ement Program ous Waste On-Site Treatment LOCATION: MESA MARIN RACEWAY Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: Issue Date 'June 3J), 2003 , j -- . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 INSTRUCTIONS: -'~ -.ÞreIVED MAY 2 71999 ~/ "~,.~ ~'-,~ L To avoid further action. return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPFJPRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISR 3 - - ,.--Answer-the questions,below for~the,business as,a-whole- , ____' ^,.-..,-.~ -~ -- ~~, ~'.' , 4. Be as briefand concise as possible. . - - - - ------==-" - '0-, SECTION I:' BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: GTE Wireless - Downtown ' LOCATION: 4101 Union Ave, Bakersfield MAJLING ADDRESS: GTE Wireless-PO Box 5011 CITY: San Ramon STATE: CA ZIP: 94583 PHONE: (925) 904-3460 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: 01-216-7078 SIC CODE: 4812 , I I , PRIMARY ACTMTY: Telecommunications OWNER: GTE Wireless MAll..ING ADDRESS: PO Box 5011, San Ramon, CA' 94583-0811 ,- .... . - ~- SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE L Allan Holzman Supervisor (805) 872-2662 1-800-621-2622 2. Skip Severance Supervisor ' (559) 268-7878 1-800-621-2622. , " ::::::.... ':'::: ;~:,: .:'.:.~.'; õ;:;::::;, ::.~ ',::::~':' ~ ~: ;~,~::.~ $:":!;: ',:; '::: f.;:;?: ~ Y ~:t: ~.:~: ~:~ ~~-::::;"X. ~ .:.~.;~~' ~. :':',' ".-;'.::;::~ ,s:; :¿;: ~:: ,:%'::: ~.: ~,;'::~ ':;..:..' i,',(':\:.:::: ~::::: .:,~~. :~.;::;,~:::~~,:::,,;::.:; ::.::~, ~,~.~,:,:; -:'~.::;':·::3:-:::: ~~: :;:,Y:.: ~ ,~::.::::::-;:::::. F;:'::~' ::;:: ,;':. ,:~ :~~,~...: ~,,,:' ;',~~,::;. ::::.;: '.: '. ~ '.:'. ':: ~ ,;: ~ ;.':: ~ /.,::; ':j.'. (. ~;. ,.~:;:::;;. ;:, :'.:,: :'. ::.:;: ~ ,.:: ~: ~'i:: ;;'f: f :~',:; ;:~,~ ::'::: ;''.:.;:.=:.,: ';.;'-::~ ;:';,;:f.:::~ ~ ';~,',~',:'~:~ ~~;.; ;!'::~ :"~:'.~ ~,,:;.::;: -: .~;: ';:: c,.,:;:.:. :~::.; ~,-;~:::; .),;. '.;:'!:: ;:;;.: ::',; i'~:' ~,,:.:,~: ';:;':, :.., :-;':::~, :.: ,;.::: '.";.':~: ::: ~ ,:.y :.;'; :,:;" ',; ':":" .. . __ _ _ . _. _'. _ ',. , _._ _ _ ~.' _ -~ . "W_ _" e . HAZARDO·USMATERlALSMANAGEMENT PLAN , SECTION 3: TRAINING NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: At site 0 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS oN' FILE: Yes BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Non-manned site location "-~.':"""-~-;::- ~--:-,.---._~~--:-:...:::;:{"..:..~-=--~-.".,..........=:...--"....;..~, ~_-,...---=--__::o......-"'-'-=,.~~,~_~~..~-_., _ ~,---..::."" -~"..,....-~":'=-~ SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURy THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE ccCALIFORNIAHEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR TIlE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. X WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIME EXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANT1TlliS. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) , SECTION 5,:- èERfíFIèATION I: Richard Day CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND TIlAT TInS INFORMATION WILL BE ÙSED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. ATURE Ctj)·5') 9ó,/-3<160 Property Administartor TITLE 5/11/99 DATE 2 PerDl.Ït to Operöte Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit is issued for the following: !'''I~ardous Materials Plan , "'" ,;[ground Storage of Hazardous Materials M"qagement Program mmm" Waste 4101 UNION PERMIT ID# 015-o21~01288 GTE WIRELESS - DOWNTOW LOCATION Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department , OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 4f~ ph Huey, , ffice of ental Servi es ' , Approved by: J...une 30, 2000 Expiration Date: I /1 -~. ". . '''''- õ"- e RECEIVED - BY: ) -~ BusPhone: Map : 103 Grid: 20A SiteID: 215-000-001288 (~ ;;16J>'~ 717? (egS) 872 26'62 CommHaz : Low' FacUnits: 1 AOV: GTE WIRELESS - DOWNTOWN Manager : ßþ ìJ SèvtH2 ~(,(!;, Location: 4161 UNION AVE City BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 EPA Numb: SIC Code:4813 DunnBrad:01-216-7078 Emer ency Contact / Ti Ie .ALAN IIOLZMmV / OP~¡P\TIºÞJ~ Þ1CR Business Phone~r.Q.%) 137? ?~92-x;}.6j-73 24-Hour Phone8tVf-&&S) 336 8S~21-;)(ot Pager Phone : ÇJ.óI) JJ.I' -7Ob;Œ Emergenc~ Contact / itle ~ ATLMJ'fAI(I(AClfCf ()áJo).5_ ~ NETWORIC ßUPPR)RT Business Phone: It'S"tffi) ~21 2622K9()'I-'J 6ð 24-Hour Phone : (800) 621-2622x Pager Phone : (t¡;¿~) c!3!-3St/(. x Hazmat Hazards: Fire React ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : f1¡JIIPcI Par¡ , MailAddr: ~~n~ P~TQ~ DR ~08ó~ bOll City : Bl\.KEROPIELÐ 5a1V /2t;;'olV Owner GTE -N[()lHl,ÞæT (¡ul(l.e~s..s Address 44 H) ~HLLOw ~ R~ lJð-h ~oll Ci ty PI.~1\ ~l'.ll'fðN .fit IV RttMó¡U, ~ Phone: State: CA Zip ~':!S88<¡t/5 ii-Oil I Period Preparer: Certif'd: to TotalASTs: TotalUSTs: = RSs: No Gal Gal Emergency Directives: One Unified List ì All Materials at Site ì f= Hazmat Inventory p== As Designated Order Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards MCP BATTERY ELECTROLYTE ...Dli:£IJL Ft1EL R IH DH ~ A ~ F IM DII L I, ~" ¡.æ Do hereby certify that I have ypeor print ) reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage. ~ mentplan for æ (~ tv; leks; and that it along with ( of BustlMl88) any corrections constitute a complete and correct man. Hi Low agement plan for l'Ryfacility. íJ!z.I¿ -1- 11/10/1998 ~ e e .. F GTE WIRELESS - DOWNTOWN p= Inventory Item 0001 = COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME BATTERY ELECTROLYTE SiteID: 215-000-001288 1 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit IN STORAGE RACKS Map: Grid: CAS # 7664-93-9 STATE - TYPE Solid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE PLASTIC CONTAINER Largest Container LBS AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum ;2 ~~/f 106CL (70 LBS Daily Average ~Jt~4q&~Q~9.gn T~~ %Wt. RS CAS # 29.50 Sulfuric Acid ( EPA) Yes 7664939 , HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies R IH DH / / / Hi HAZARD ASSESSMENTS p= Inventory Item 0002 = COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME .DI:i!:~gL FUg¡, (S) Location within this Facility Unit NEXT TO GENERATOR Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: CAS # 68476-34-6 STATE - TYPE Liquid Pure PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE ABOVE GROUND TANK Largest Container LBS AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 'C 2:0.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS Daily Average '$.... 2:0.99 LBS %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Diesel Fuel No. 2 No 68476302 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Low HAZARD ASSESSMENTS -2- 11/10/1998 e e Public Notif./Evacuation SiteID: 215-000-001288 1 Fast Format 1 Overall Site 1 10/17/1995 ] I I I F GTE WIRELESS - DOWNTOWN I p= Notif./Evacuation/Medical ~ Agency Notification THIS IS AN UNMANNED SITE Employee Notif../Evacuation r I I Emergency Medical Plan -3- 11/10/1998 e e SiteID: 215-000-001288 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 10/17/1995 F GTE WIRELESS - DOWNTOWN I f= Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Release Prevention HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IS NOT ROUTINELY HANDLED BY PERSONNEL AT THIS SITE. .cONW~INUEmT OF MJY FUEL grILL 1£ Þ4iIillB BY Þ POT,VETIIYLEUE LINER -UUDER J 6" OF ~nE! WEICH QTTRR()TThID5; 'T'HR 'RT,ng AND CENER.'\TOR IXK"l'.'fT~T~. THIS SITE IS REMOTELY MONITORED AND INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH. ~DI~IONAL P~OT~CTIOn 1\Cl\INgT FUi:L T?'..NK RUPTURE 15 PRou1DED BY A T~~JK WITIIIN A ~:m( Release Containment [ I I Clean Up Other Resource Activation -4- 11/10/1998 ;;- '.,,, e e ,'- F GTE WIRELESS - DOWNTOWN I p= Site Emergency Factors ~ Special Hazards Utility Shut-Offs SiteID: 215-000-001288 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì I 10/17/1995 A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - LOCATED C) WATER - NONE D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO ON THE E SIDE OF THE BLDG Fire Protec./Avail. Water 10/17/1995 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - SITE HAZ 1 HALON 1211 FIRE EXTINGUISHER (CONTAINS 9 POUNDS) TO THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE DOORS. Building Occupancy Level '" -5- 11/10/1998 ~ ' -'Ò' ..' ..-. ~ e e ~, F GTE WIRELESS - DOWNTOWN I F Training ~ Employee Training Held for Future Use SiteID: 215-000-001288 l Fast Format l Overall Site l I I I I Page 2 [ I I Held for Future Use -6- 11/10/1998 .' - r:~~~;ill I By -... ""--"~ er frpt¿ r3D 5<:{ ;,¡ GTE WIRELESS . - DOWNTOWN SiteID: 215-000-001288 : Manager : Location: 4101 UNION AV City BAKERSFIELD 'CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 EPA Numb: "~~ hone: Map : 103 Grid: 20A (805) 872-2662 CommHaz : Low FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:4813 DunnBrad: 01-216-7078 Emeraencv Contact' / Title Emprnency Contact / Title SKIP SEVERANCE / SUPERVISOR RICHARD DAY / PROPERTY ADMIN. Business Phone: ( 209) 268-7878 Business Phone: ( f"') 416-4592 24-Hour Phone . ( 800) 621-2622 24-Hour Phone · (BOO) 621-2622 . · Pager Phone : (209 ) 246-7002 Pager Phone · ( 510) 838-3549 · Hazmat Hazards: Fire React ImmHlth DelHlth Agency-Defined Topic Title Hazmat Common Name... One Unified List ~ All Materials at Site 9 EPA Hazards DailyMax MCP R IH DH S 1060 LBS Hi F IH DH L 250 LBS Low ~ Hazmat Inventory f== MCP+DailyMax Order BATTERY ELECTROLYTE DIESEL FUEL :. :;¡ci:....!f!:t::'-~,' : ,ì!~t~~' .::nrtffy toaI . h~\lp' ,?V;t£;v.úc tn,,:> " .,r ~;'Ir. . , . '.' ~ '. ': ";:¡tana¡S .-nar:age- :;''!I:.nr ~ I~i~ ~(:£, I{/¡¡'eks:r ' - ,~..., ' , '----r::-:----"'. __,-, ,~, ~. It ,: cno 'wI.'tiï , ...... ,...t'! ."-.,...:.u,. , \:J"' 2íjl' "~"'''9''''' .!'~ 'J''''''' ...., T ' .' .~-.., '- .......'hH'~'-'~.; ',u.....;.:T':~ 6re .....0 "''''rrr,'''!' --:... !". " A,;!.j. ." '...:I.J".-:,~.=s,- ,.ji.~;"':··1 ~l1r ~~a:1 r~~í ,..~ :~c:~,r; -1- ¡._ --=-.-1.. " e e CONTEL CELLuLÁR - DOWNTOWN SiteID: 215-000-001288 Manager : Location: 4101 UNION AV City BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 EPA Numb: BusPhone: Map : 103 Grid: 20A (805) 872-2662 CommHaz : Low FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC code:4~~ DunnBrad :~ Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title :ALAN' t1üLZMAN / OPERATIONS MCR -ATlìANT A / -NETWORK SUPPORT Business Phone: (305) 872 2662x Business Phone: +Bee) 621 2622x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 39G 856hX 24-Hour Phone · (800) 621-2622x · Pager, Phone . ( ) - x Pager Phone · ( ) - x . · Hazmat Hazards: Fire React ImmHlth DelHlth Agency-Defined Topic Title p= Hazmat Inventory f== MCP+DailyMax Order One Unified List ì All Materials at SJ te ì Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards DailyMax MCP BATTERY ELECTROLYTE DIESEL FUEL F R IH DH IH DH S L 1060 LBS Hi 250 LBS Low /, (TVP'3 or I'ri", M'!1t}) Do ¡"areby certify that I have reviewed the ,J ' ¡li:1d ¡'~';:: " :~I~"'¡('¡' ,... m t . I ~~;, '\of '",:.j~~ ~JV...,i:' a ana s manage- menf p!an tnr (NiW.a of 9usbess) and that it along with any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. Signature Date -1- e e F ~ONT~L CE~~UbAR - DOWNTOWN I p= Notif./Evacuation/Medical r=: Agency Notification ~HIS IS AN UNMANNED SITE r I I Public Notif./Evacuation SiteID: 215-000-001288 9 Fast Format 9 Overall Site, 9 10/17/19951 I I I Employee Notif./Evacuation Emergency Medical Plan -2- 'Y, .. e e F eeU'l'EL CELLULAR' - DOWNTOWN I f= Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Release Prevention SiteID: 215-000-001288 9 Fast Format 9 Overall Site 9 10/17/1995 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IS NOT ROUTINELY HANDLED BY PERSONNEL AT THIS SITE. CONTAINMENT OF ,ANY FUEL SPILL IS MADE BY A POLYETHYLENE LINER UNDER 3-6" OF STONE WHICH SURROUNDS THE BLDG AND GENERATOR LOCATIONS. THIS SITE IS REMOTELY MONITORED AND INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH. ADDITIONAL PROTECTION AGAINST FUEL TANK RUPTURE IS PROVIDED BY A TANK WITHIN A TANK Release Containment [ I I Clean Up Other Resource Activation -3- ,;. 'j ~, .,..... ,. e e F ~ON'l'EL Cr::LLBLAR- - DOWNTOWN I f= Site Emergency Factors r== Special Hazards SiteID: 215-000-001288 9 Fast Format 9 Overall Site 9 I Utility Shut-Offs 10/17/1995 A) GAS -, NONE B) ELECTRICAL - LOCATED ON THE E SIDE OF THE BLDG C) WATER - NONE D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO Fire Protec./Avail. Water 10/17/1995 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - SITE HAZ 1 HALON 1211 FIRE EXTINGUISHER (CONTAINS 9 POUNDS) TO THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE DOORS. Building Occupancy Level -4- =,' f) ,~, ~~ J e e F~ONTEL CELLULhR - DOWNTOWN I F Training r:: Employee Training SiteID: 215-000-001288 9 Fast Format ì Overall Site 9 Page 2 [ I I Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -5- i .." ~e e' CONTEL CELLULAR - DOWNTOWN Overall Site with 1 '\ ;L 15 '8 General Information Location: 4101 UNION AVE Map: KEY 103-20A-Ol Hazard: STA 04 BATT B2 City: Bakersfield Grid: AOV: ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Contact Name: Title: Contact Name: Title: Alan Holzman Operations Manager Atlanta Network Support Business Phone: 805-872-2662 Business Phone: 800-621-2622 24 Hour Phone: 805-396-8567 24 Hour Phone: 800-621-2622 Pager Phone: N/A Pager Phone: N/A Mail Address: 2603 Panorama Drive D&R Number: City: Bakersfield State: CA Zip: 93306 Comm Code: SIC CODE: 4813 Owner: Contel Cellular Phone: 805-872-2662 Address: 2603 Panorama Drive State: CA City: Bakersfield Zip: 93306 Summary: .. e e CONTEL CELLULAR - DOWNTOWN 02 - Fixed Container at Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-001 BATTERY ELECTROLYTE Liquid 1060 High > Reactive, Immed. Hlth. Delay High LBS CAS # 7664939 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: Other Daily Max. LBS Daily Average LBS Annual Amount LBS 1060.00 1060.00 1060,00 Storage Press Temp. Location Plastic Container Ambient Ambient In Storage Racks. CONe. COMPONENTS MCP GUIDE 0.0% Sulfuric Acid (FPA) High 39 02-002 DIESEL Liquid 250 Low > Fire, Immed. Health, Delay High LBS CAS # 68476302 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: Fuel Daily Max. LBS Daily Average LBS Annual Amount LBS 250.00 250.00 250.00 Storage Press Temp. Location Above Ground Tank Ambient Ambient Next to Generator CONC. COMPONENTS MCP GUIDE 100.00% Sulfuric Acid (FPA) Moderate 27 e e _CONTEL CELLULAR- DOWNTOWN 015-010-001671 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif. / Evacuation / Medical <1> Agency Notification <2> Employee Notif / Evacuation THIS IS AN UNMANNED SITE. <3> Public Notif, / Evacuation <4> Emergency Medical Plan e - 'I CONTEL CELLULAR - DOWNTOWN 015-010-001671 00- Overall Site <F> Prevo / Minimization! Cleanup <1> Release Prevention HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IS NOT ROUTINELY HANDLED BY PERSONNEL AT THIS SITE. CONTAINMENT OF ANY FUEL SPILL IS MADE BY A POLYETHYLENE LINER UNDER 3- 6" OF STONE WHICH SURROUNDS THE BLDG. AND GENERA TOR LOCATIONS, THIS SITE IS REMOTELY MONITORED AND INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH. ADDITIONAL PROTECTION AGAINST FUEL TANK RUPTURE IS PROVIDED BY A TANK WITHIN A TANK CONTAINMENT, <2> Release Containment <3> Clean Up <4> Other Resource Activation e e CONTEL CELLULAR - DOWNTOWN 015-010-001671 00- Overall Site' <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) B) C) D) F) GAS/PROPANE - ELECTRICAL - WATER SPECIAL LOCK BOX NONE LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE BLDG, NONE NONE NO <3> Fire Protec. / A vail. Water SITE HAS 1 HALON 1211 FIRE EXTINGUISHER (CONTAINS 9 POUNDS) TO THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE DOORS, <4> Earthquake Vulnerability "," ~.. II:; e - CONTEL CELLULAR - DOWNTOWN 00- Overall Site <G> Training <1> Training Record Location <2> Describe Training Program <3> Emer. Agency Coordination <4> Emer. Response Equipment ~.. '. i:. >-" ---- ---------, e , -, CONTEL CELLULAR - DOWNTOWN 00- Overall Site <H> Schools Within 1/2 Mile <1> High Schools <2> Jr. High Schools <3> ' Elementary Schools <4> Private & Pre-Schools