HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK ~" ^ '~ ,~- ':-",----r #' HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS MANAGEMENT~ " P~E,FAI'TTI NGAN D I tA5-p-ecTI Q,NS-, .. ,-----" A~IVITY SHEET .- , ' , I ". ~ .. " DATE INITIALS , ~ . t :3 --/7'~Îò ! ).- ;'.,.') "',,!-;;'. ;,. '.' ~-" .... .' , ", .'';,,'' I ~ ~- ~ <:" ¡ -,-_..,---,,--- ""I-~' .~--_..-":"~.. I I _. ,~_.__.__,," __ .n~'.._ <I I __:~Sj':'¿ __ .r.-"~. ..';".. i)¿ I I .. e .'. .. e "" .M_ -. I. I .' .--------- --_._-_._---_.~-_.....--_._------ .<~-_._----- '.'" ..>" ~.~~ -..:~~.,,;~:.~~~.~~ :~;~'~-::.:'. ''.R -~ -:n. ~~~poKe_~Hh ÜrL+he rnana.e er-cof .~relz,is(¿·bb~+'\f~~ ,~,-~-~--=---,~ JÁ\0C~Y":S (QLDd,$aKS -~~~?:he+__º_:cttd~-~-F~~~~~~~'LlI~~J)~:f~,~;_t~",- . ...~. .~-~ ·.···.:-.!::~à:~o:~t:·s~~~~f~p~~;~~;?~!f·· ~ ,~.'c'_e.. ,--d--è.-n-D±_-\<Jûö~._.µJ_,- ---~Q*,~LO% ~5b.e..~~~,_:;±b::C,_~ . '. !i'\~, ',,' :: ;~,; .: '.0 ~. . 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",-'. ".' ~'. ,~_:(,~;tii~~~::'~~~:'" . " .....~~................ . Authorized Representative " ..,.J.t,~..L9.TL,.. By.....,..,..if?<.fu.~.ï¿4"....,..,...,..., - - ._-+_.~. - . ----~ -_._---~~~~--------_. ------~---- ."......."",.......................-.----..... / I / .----......._...,.:1.-....:..-". ~ ~~.- "....... - _. _..:.........-____ _0. . ~ ._."--'"'.......~~.-...."'"'---__ '.'-- FILE CONTE~ITS SUMMARY . 'FACILIT;: 0. \í(,)P. K ±r )3gt:, ADDRESS =- .y) 9~ I J n iðn Ave. PERMIT #: {J'7(){)O! ENV. SENSITIVITY: AlES ---.---- ~~----.------~.--. - .--,- - --- ---.. - . .. ,.- .--- - . -- . - --. - .. .... . : - -. . - .;....- ., , --.---........,---- . ,- Comments Activity Date # Of Tanks .> aWl /(1,CrJ-lO n , 1/~J rf 5' '-- '3 -_·,-,·~-;,_·,·,-,,_·..:-O'l ðððTc." ,"'..c -' ""'1 ¡/~/l;l:7-"-"'~'~''''''--' -..3 I . Clpp)/{!Q!-/é)n (Pi I'I/?ð' 2> () 7ðOO/ A1 In/ /hl ~; .3 ¿ / JñAfF~''() n 5rrYI 9¡/l 7/ R f ~::l, Op¡i/t!QJ/on ///~R/8'9 -3 -.A I0l2?-ð1 /,;l..) 5/g? '- ~ lab reSú.l-hs. ~/){¿,19(J OK le.tkr fµ'S/tìo .~- -,~'..... --'"_......_"._.~"".-'--'-----_. "-~.- ----. ---~.,,",..., .--..-. -- <c-,....,=-~__~_"~'"'_-'-"'"_.:__-."'----__..__...,...".,......"._"._-=-__"~_ _,____". .___~~~".-_. \ " ' 1·..·· . I?) œ ía -Ie' ,," ,~~ " \<'.~'-~.~:~:: .. "7/fér;;k.'-"~--;iJ;,:~f~ . Æ(Jd/-f!;¡V~;"¡'ð/Î . A1 t1d rj2¡ (! a'..J-/rJ Y7 amnrl()ý) , cabO( Y1~e;¡ _"'___""___",--_'''__,__.'~~_._ H _. _-0..-. ___.=_.,.....,..~~,-".-. """". - -. _"''''+''.'-0-".''>_ ~"-~_'"~-=-....~._ _t' ei .,. ~I GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 , - 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopier (805) 861-3429 STEVE Me CALlEY Director RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES , . :'---.~,:-:--.:-:-...:':,~-=.._----;:::- -----------_..._-~,..-~----~~ ---~~ ---~- --, ---- - - -~ -- ." -.- -.". --'--.. .-- - .' ,. u,__u· _~,_ __. ""._-_." '_"_~'___ . - -,. ." . ,'- . Ap~il 25, 1990 - , u-C~rcleK Store--~·-.c,"-..,,-__..____.,.,_. ....,...u"", P. O. Box 52085 Phoenix, AZ 85072 __ _H_~ _~'''''''--''~_'_'_'' __. _. .-..~..,-._-----._~- CLOSURE OF 3 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE AT 4189 UNION AVENUE IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, PERMIT # A1087-07/070001 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks noted above. '. ';~'. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current requirements, and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Changes in the present or proposed land use may require further assessment and mitigation of potential public health impacts. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. i v: .O//l ¡V{l<~ ,/~.[j DAN ST ARK~Y '. R. E . H '}.' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST cc: Banks & Company ,'''-' ·""··--,,,·-,----2403E. Belmont·---. -..,,_,. Fresno, CA 93701 . -~-.-- .~-_.- .- --..... ~._.. ...._~_..-._.". ...,,~,"~_._~--.-~'-=",,--.--.~ -~'-'~ --~~_.,- ---~~--~----,._-- _.' '-. ' -. .-'.'-' -'.~ ~--~--~---.,~--.... . . . 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861.3636 Telecop er (805) 861-3429 GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE AGENCY _ J)ERMITJ'9RII~RMANENT CLOSURE no _.____._ - _ -'-c='~,------- ~EªM!'J:'ßUMBER A 1087-07 -- '-.. ,--- _._ .-. ;:':::"-':~7..::::=':".~~:." .,_.__..__,_ __.__ OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS i, SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ,-' '! FACILITY NAMEI ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME I ADDRESS: . CONTRACTOR: . ~.. ,.. .~_.._ n~_"""_'__'_-'__'. _ _ ~ .:..~.. ,---- _.';' ".-' .~:.:...~.~, ..~.......-_..~-_.-.'~' ". -._~.._- ~. ---- -,~ ...:- ~-'''.-_.-.....:;~.;~-:;-. Circle K Store 4189 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA Circle K Store P.O. Box 52085 Phoenix, CA 85072 Banks & Company 2403 E. Belmont Fresno, CA 93701 I ~ PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF 'License #383550 Phone: (602) 437-0600 Phone: (209) 485-3456 ~ IL'~O PERMIT EXPIRES "'M<11""h 5, 19'90 - 3 T ANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION APPROVED BY '. APPROV AL DATE Dan Starkey, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Sp .... .....'..................... .............. .................................. ....... POS TON P REMI S ES......... .......................... ........... ................... ......... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments) , 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT- 30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee onsite supervising' the tank removal. The employee.must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any 'contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Devi,ation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. ' b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and,six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a. minimum of six samples must be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. I 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): _,,".___~~,__,,"_Aminimum()Ltwºsªm .1I~_'!1\Jst be retrieved atdepths of approxima_t~ly!~~_~eet ~ndsi~, fec:tforevery 15 'linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. , - --"'---',-"-'-'- n_ , ,'''..'', "-,,--~'" ---, -- " ' --,- ",~ ''',,,'''' ---,_:_n"..,_,_,_,,,~,,_,,,,,,___,,,, ..,,,-..- . .' PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1087-07 ADDENDUM !o,,""'~, 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be'analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). . , b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. , ' , ' . " , c: ~f"~''ccAll soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil t¡¡rikSand áppurtiíiäóces musTbeãllalyze(Honotalorganic balides;'lèad, oilaód greasè. d. ,All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and greàse. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. f. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contained furfuryl alcohol resin must be analyzed for phenols, formaldehyde and furfuryl alcohol. 10. ,The followi~,g timetable lists pre-and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY , DEADLINE Completê'¡;èñîï¡tapp1iëàtiòn ,.-.-- ,.c"",c_______-> submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program .~~.~_. , --- -." -'--'--'-'-.._~ . , - '-'-~'-"-~__"'--"6'~ ---_._-~- ~,--..--.- ~--..- ~- ~-"~. At least two weeks prior to closure Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of closure and soil sampling . Two working days Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management Program No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis '. 11. PurginglInerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort of repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Veni lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF uNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are,safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders.- , I I 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job Coreman is responsible Cor knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from 'the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyses documentation is neceSsary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation.' When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog oC incomplete cases results. If this continues, 'processing time for completing new closures will increase. . ~"-'-"'---AccePted' Bv:- ~. ~,.-h ~ OWNER OR AGENT . ~ .._----""'---'- ~._,'=-, --~---- '----,--<_..,.,.~-.- -?d/fon,"-,. DATE DS:cd STARKEY\1087.07.PTA e,' 'APPLJ: CATJ: 0 . ~ paR; RMI: T FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OP UNDERGROUND .,," _ _d_._.____, __~~H.AZ.A.RD,OUS __S Ç~ST ANCES STOR,J'GEP AC J:"LI:TY.__,,__. _~C'O__=~~ ,C~, _. THtS APPLtCATION IS I'OR [] REMOVAL. OR 0 ABANDONMENT IN PLACE "(PILL OUT ~ APPLICATION PER PACIL!':'Y (',-or¡ ~ JJU '~:",'~ 11 ~ .~;. ~ J ~ '\; J. ?>", ( a;- ~~\ IIfT'!RlfAL .m J" ~ ~ D?cJao/CL PTA ,'4/0)') -07 ~ ~ ~ ///dL¿PlcP7 ~-. ~ 01' TAHKS TO BE ABANDONED :J .~~ ",~ C¿ ENVIROE~ENTÀL HEALTH'DEPA 2700 "M"-S-TR,E.ET, SUI.TE BAKERSF I'ELD" ,/.cÀ .' 93301 "., ". ~ "<\. .<..~. ........ 'f-) 18051 881-383~¿et .~_. . c ADDRESS P' . I PRONE ' P. O. Box 52085A~o_~~~~2 .' ,;_(t5Q~)4J]_~,0600...L._ IN Ð;;Ï1Z R. R.~ b +ð/IJ r=:AJv R.:ùt.J """ ~"1WL TANK REMOVAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS j .l IPHONE Banks and Company 2403' E. Belmont Fresno,c¡~' I (209 )485 ""3456 PROPOSED PRO~ECT STARTIN~ DATE CALIFORNI~_L!CENSE' IWORKER'~ COMPENSATION' INSURER ' " I December 1, .l989 3835:::>0 F532.ll 'l'ransaI.1erica \~orker' sComp! PRELIMINA~Y SITE ASSES;XENT CONTRACTOR , ADDRES~ PHONE BanKs and Company mW.rpJI:I 240..,) East Bel:mont Fr9J981 CA <209 )485 - 3456 WORKER'S COMPENSATION , IHSURER' , PHONE - 5 - 7_" 11"' F5321l __" 7rai1sal.leriè:a.WorRer'sComp. (4.L ).:J 1. - .l.l "PHONE , DAYS- 1fIGHTS- DRESS 4189 (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLY) i ¡ z =-0 -- PROJECT CONTACT John Hoore -¡.. :: ~ PACILITY NAME ~~ Clrcle -K Store ""... z - OWNER çl.rc: IE? JL.<,;orpo::ç ~tion Union Avenue NI!AR£ST CROSS STREET. Columbus Z XQ ,,- -¡.. ;i~ x= -Q z"'" ::IZ 'oJ - = LABORATORY THAT WILL ANALYZE SAMPLES TWlnning Laboratories ADDRESS 2527 Fresno St. Fresno, CA PHONE (209 '268 - 7021 CHVUCAL COMPOSITION 01' MATERIALS STORED z o ...- c.. ;,)c -So ~:>: "'0 =;a. ;,)Z TANK , .L 2 3 VOLUME 10,000 10,000 10,00U CHD I c.u. STORED I NON-COMJI!JIC tAL HAME I Regular gasollne Un1ead gaso1lne Prenllum Unleaa gasollne DATES STORED UnknmmTO 11/89 UnknmJ1lTO 11./89 Unknmm'n) 11/ö9 TO i , CHEJlICJ.L PREVIOUSLY STORED .: u ATER TO I'AC:~ITY PROVIC~ BY City of Bakersfield NEAREST,WAT!R WELL - GIVE DISTANCE AND DESCRIBE TYPE IF WITHIN 500 FEET N/A DEPTH TO GROUHDWAT!R 100 feet ... cz ...0 z- ..... ~c !;!. :is -'... :>z z- '" SOIL TYPE AT I'ACILITY Sanci to sandy silt BASIS I'OR SOIL TYPE AHD GROUNDWATER DEPTH DEn:RJUNATION 'i'\'linning Laboratories I .1 I TAL NUMBER OF SAMPLES TO BE AHALYZED SAJCPLES WILL BE ANALYZED I'OR: 15 Benzene, toluene, xylene, total volatlle hydrocarbons ci :I£SCRIBE HOW RESIDUE IN TAHKeSI AHD PIPING IS TO BE R!JIOV!D AND DISPOSED OP (INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION AHD DISPOSAL COMPUIES): ~ Trlple rlnse by M. P. Vacuum Service ..- : !ë ~ESCRJBE BOTII THE DISPOSAL IfETHOD AND DISPOSAL LOCATION I'OR: ~ ~ TANKeS) tnQ ë ~ Hauled away to Î'Í. P. Vacuum Servlce to American 11etal Recyclers ,~~, ,,--.1-, P.l PING_. _..,-._.,_.,~~·..u~,.,.uw,.. '"U."'~·.'-"_' ""~~""_".,~"'~,..__-.-.~.'.._,_.'"._ .._."._ "...._'."..",'-"..-~.~ "._~.,......".-..-",,'_~__ ''',~u,.'.'~. '..,..'~....n·- ";Hauled away by M. P. Vacuura ::JerVlce to American Net,al Recyclers -'-- ----- --- ."-.",,..1-..-_ . . ~ ~ :HPORJlATION REOU!5T!D .Q!! REvERS! ~ Q! ~ ~ ~ SUBMI'M'INO APPLICATION !2! ~ · · THIS PORJiI ",\S ¡¡ElN ":)MPLET!D UNDER P!HALTY 01' PER.1URY AND TO TlfE BEST OP MY XHOWLEDOE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. SIGNATURE ;f~£f~~\ TITLE EstlI¡lator Hovember l7,ö9 DArt PROVIDE DRAWING OF PhISIC.e"YCUT Q. ~ACILl7Y USl~G SPACEI~VIDED ( a~. ALL OF TIŒ FOLLCWING INF:.ORMAT1CN MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER '!" APPLlc.~nON TC3E , . --". ....... , " PRCCESSED: ,',.: ,.. .'~ ..,~..; ....-........, .-.:,,";'~; ,:,.. -, . X TANK (Sf, PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS AND >< PROPOSED SAHPLI~ LCCATICNS ;:JESIGNATEP BY mIS SYMBOL ¡< NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION 1 AJ.'ri WATER WELLS CR SGRFACE í'l"ATEPS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF Fj; .. ..¿ "'-NORTIl~ARRGvL,,"-~,;' _·"_c '," -- ---~--.- -.. .. .. \.t. ~ .. ~ij'';·,"~~ _,~J:~-X'..i<~:I;Ž~:J>~ ~. "_'__"',N'~_.' ."", ~~,::.:~_:'" .__.,."~,_.,~,..____~__~,,,.,~_.._~,,:,~.L;~iJi.: ::';;}:<;:"'~,'~,i .,.. _,_:,,-..,';;~:~',~c';; ".?~",·¡~~,L ;:~¡~Lì¡~::~~~~._...__ {", ' . .:.~~.::'.~:"'~::'~~~~{: .. . r-' :-1' ':'~A' '·J·~;'t:s" "~~~;~' " .'~ rue / ~ ~I'.. ~."......:~,,~nR'~;' , De '....,.. .~~ ~t/, ,::::;:i[' 2;¡ _ ,~.J ,," . t ~,- , '"..,,,....,", ,,:,d..': ,- , .. ....- ""'."__.J~ ......-...,... ~ ">.O'__-'.......',¡"""""__~...~..~...-""'",...,,.,,.~.P.... ""...., . ~~~~~~ \1'-4../"':' ~,,¡ - ~.~...... . _,_.... 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(/) w a: ..J -< Z 0 ¡:: -< z W I f- ..J ...J -< ° I ..i ..J ~ (/) a: 0 > 0 Z W 0 a: w ~ T w Z R A -< N ~ S P w 0 (/) R « T 0 E ¡; F A C I L I ,-T-,- y Department of Health Service Toxic Substancas Control Divisi'_ Sacramento, Californ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 3. ~nerato"r,'a Name, ,and M~,~ing Add, ress { ~ .ët2t,.t'./' f ¿i'j'. ~ry~ ~GY.'S:;¡2:!-;:- [5*07;;" 4. ct:a't'l-~fnl r: ,>' -7"í - (. I 5. 2, Information in the shaded areas i8; not required by Federal law. A. State Manifest Document Number , 88535243 B. State Generator's 10 .:;,;;:} '''':k "":,:,,' ':::.,_',(,: E 7, '9:'Designated-Facility Name'and,Site Address' ,,- Gí¿2,.c.t;/<i f)~- (j '/£. .:;I/!/,'W~ -jl "-,þ~~ -' '1.') ~... ,,# '; ....-',: .eO ,()~ I (/d?fif¿:t,'1! r/?- Oi _ - . =ó. -/ ¡/ .~ ;r'. .j' {,"':::'7 ='l; >/ r' ::-;-.<:-/' .-:; .. ~-",:'-':;"'_.'-'-'.",' ù '.~~.;- v.~-:~ / .,... c, d, J. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above -C~/~'6;11S ,- 0 , ()-/t)O t% k/4-n.-Z ..' . _.'-_;'~~~;;:¥'¡'~}:.:..:(i-. c. d. '''. . ..',' 15, Special Handling Instructions and Additionallnlormation .. ~." r ''-:./ _:-: ' -,/'... T..., .... _/ /' -;~. ~--,,' .:' /, ,;- f?/¿ .'.£;:.., f 0" f/ ~.f:.' . (~ f ~ /' .t~ , .-............... ,J .. . <'. '-, ,;,,' 16, GENERA TOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declar£ that the contents of this consignment are tully and accurateiy described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed. marked. and labeled, and are in all rp.3pp."'3 in propp.r ""ndition 1m IraMport by highway according to applicable international and national government regulations, If I am a large quantity generator, I certify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat tò human health and the environment; OR, if I am a small quantity generator. I have made a good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can afford, Printed/Typed Name .1") !..Ic,< ._? _"'.. ~ . 17. Tranaporter 1 Acknowledgèmerit of Àeceipt 01 Materials Signature Month Day Year '. ,:,:'~ : ':' ~, -."....... -r Signature, ~.- Month ,....... , I.; , ,', 1:' SiqnntlJrp. Month Day Year Printed/Typed Name 19, Discrepancy Indication Space 20, Facility Owner or Operator Certification of receipt Of hazardous materials,cOV!'ie,(Lby, this manilest except as _~.ote_d in Item 19, Printed/Typed Name ,mJ. S,g~:~':~_.n_ _,________ Month Day Year I" OHS 8022 A (1 /88) EPA 8700-22 (Rev, 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete, Do Not Write Below This line - '-~- - .....- - --- -. .... e7' SMC Laboratof)' . RECEIVED MAR 1 9 1990 Client Name: Whi tten Excavation WILSON & ASSOC. INC. hddress 7217 Durango Way Bakersfield, CA 93309 _ _.-_ ____.._._ .'_,. __~_____'__'n_____.__ ____ Date samples received Date analysis completed: Date, of report 03/14/90 03/15/90 03/16/90 Project Name: Cirkle-K Columbus & Union .;.' Labor&tory No. 789 through 802 , , RESULTS OF ANALYSIS -'.__.._.___.~"_____. ~ __._..._~_.__, .'.._ _k' .. .".' .~. .._----~-_.- # 789 ID:N Tank Fill End E.2' Ber!zene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene· Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gas,oline) # 791 ID:N Tank Fill End E.10' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o~Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ..-. -'--.- - .. ~..". ._" Analytical Chemistry ~--- .- ---"""-.:.:-'--'~" ~. '-'--'-- ----. .~. ---~_._--.--' MDL,ugm/gm 0,1 O. 1 O. 1 O. 1 O. 1 0.1 0.1 1.0 MDL,ugm/gm . O. 1 0.1 O. 1 0.1. O. 1 0.1 0.1 1.0 , -., '-~~H_·~·_<-·,_,,,,___o "___"'. _,_~._.__ ..~~_ ,__ ._.,,_.__._~_,..~.,~_ _......,._..:..:;.~~.'_c~__..~.._...__ ~ ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND . ND ND ugm/gm ND .10 .23 .32 .29 ,80 1.1 130 . ..'u__.._____ ~z.· - ,"_..___..,'. ---. - ---,_'___'_". ..,-...--,___.._ '~'~"'---'~"" ~.= 0',0_' ,_.. ,'-" .._ _ 0 ___ _o_.n '_~'o .3155 Pegasus Drive P.O. Box 80835 . · Bakersfield. CA 93308 Bakersfield. CA 93380 . · (805) 393-3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 - ,"", o ~~> ':f Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) MDL: Minimum Detection Level ,TPH : T~tal PetroleumHydroca~bons ugm/gm : micrograms per gram ND : Not detected . s~co~1 I' . '.-.':.'-'-~'-_.. e' Laboratory No, 789 through 802 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS .- ----~ .-~--~- "-".-'". ,. J 792 ID:N Tank Vent Pump W, '21 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m~Xylene .: o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene __ .~. ---~',-- ~'~TPH '( Gas 0 1 i ne) ., ~-- .~ -~ -".«.~~-,--. I !.' I # 793 ID:N Tank Vent Pump W. 6' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) . "_.-- --.--. .- ugm/gm . 15 .10 ND ,24 .18 ,58 .65 '2-30 ugm/gm ND ND ND .12 , 12 .46 .29 66 ,- - . _. H__"__ - MDL,ugm/gm 0.1 O. 1 O. 1 0,1 0.1 0.1 0, 1 q-L~ó MDL,ugm!gm 0.1 0.1 0,1 0.1 0,1 0.1 0.1 1.0 .,- . -:-.~ ~ ':-~~:..:-----:-:---::-==-- Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID). MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not detected I, ! ~~ Stan Comer '1 .. ..."..",,~. --.....----.. ~.- - ..~--..,- "'" . -> -,"'-. .._._.,=,",-~-. .~-"'- í - I Laboratory No, 789 through 802 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS ~ ~- . ,.:c,.-'-# ·.7,9,4 ·ID: Middle:. Tank Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m.;;Xylene a-Xylene ,: Isopropylbenzene ":-,, .T,PH. _LGasoLi ne L. F.i 11 &.E'n? c~.:J.lgm !grn ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ,C"."n,__,_ ,.____''"'_,, '...'. . J'lD -...,,,",-<. .- ~.. ~ -~ ~ ... ~ .~ ~-- # 795 ID:Middl~ Tank Fill & E.6' Benzene Toluene- Ethylbenzene p-Xylene . m-Xylene ' o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm!gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND .. ..MDL, ugrn/gm c-: 0,1 O. 1 0.1 0,1 0.1 O. 1 O. 1 ;...-:_~:,,-._1-. O. -_:;..,-r":-.,....:;~;,,:.~___.~.:.:_ MDL,ugm!gm 0,1 O. ~ O. 1 0,1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 .- -.--.-.. -_.- -. --'-.~,;.~;.;~'-" ~._.. _.u_ . \, " - . . . , ' , -. - ..__w._.~.__....:___.:__ """."."...._....,,~;;..._ ~ ..~_~_._--'"". . , Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrógrams per gram ND = Not detected ~~1 Stan Comer ,~- ,_.- ,-..'. ."",'."'.' , '. .---' '~_-=J'-"_,,"'--.___.'_=-. __~ _ ","" ~._._. _~.._"..,. ~_.m~. -~ . _ ___. _n_....'____ _ - "..-,-,--,--,-.,,,---,,,--,,,,,--. ..---- - ..... . . .' . Laboratory No. 789 through 802 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS . --'--._-.~- . -.. - -. .~ .. --,- - .""-- --....:--:.7~, .'~-'-:c-;=,:""::::,,,o-_"-:.-""-' # 796 ID:Middlë'TankV,Pump W,2' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m',.-Xylene . o-Xylene Isopropýlbenzene " TPH '(Gasolirië~) '" . - ~ -~ ",-- _.. - ~_...- # 797 ID:Middle Tank V.Pump W.6' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm/gm ND ND ND NO ND ND NO '_'_._ '_H~_.., ND ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND . MriL';~'g--;;¡gm 0,1 O. 1 O. 1 0,1 0.1 0.1 0,1 Lo' - - Method of Anal~sis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detect~on Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not detected ~~ ~ --I!..1 Stan Comer " "......-, ~...-,- <' - --=-,---~-- .- . ''-'-'" ~-. --.. ,__u_. ~ ~ "".'_~-'. .~.___. MDL,ugm/gm 0,1 0,1 O. 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 - ---'<-._-'=~.....-,- ~" . -- ··n - ___._, .".---_~_......_n .___. ~--....~- .-.- - --.- .. ! :- .~: .;:-;. ."-.' ", -, . < " e( " Laboratory No. 789 through 802 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS I # 798 ID:S. Tank Fill End E. 2' ugm/gm ,Benzene ,~,,__..,~ ,_, -:-c:--~".,-~:,',,------:- --,,-'-_:'---'c-,---,N,D_ n' ..".~- "Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND p-Xylene ND m-Xylene ND o-Xylene ND Isopropylbenzene ND TPH (Gasoline) ND --- .... -',,- I_~~ .....-.__.___~p_~._n_ _"__."_ ~. . ... - . -- . -. . ---._,._._-.~~..'--- ~.'- .-. -...~-. . . . -.- '. ..ø.____._~_~..._.~."_ --._--:......._-~~-=__v:._..___. "'-. .. . .-0 _ _.~ ~_ I" , , I 800 ID:S. Tank Fill End E. 10' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND e( MDL,ugm/gm 0.1 0.1 O. 1 O. 1 0.,1 0.1 0.1 1.0 .. MDL,ugm/gm 0.1 O. 1 0.1 0.1 ,0. 1 0.1 0.1 1.0 R~CEI\lED MAR 2 . .1 79nO WI . ;J, :0 ,_,~§[JN&qASSOi;.::INc~ ~~;~-"~:- ,,- ,,", ~_. -_. - - - '---'~'~ ._..-~--,."..':"---- ,.. .- -. --._-_. .-~ .-"" -.- .- 1'''';' '. ';0. : ~'~. -: ~- , . _.. ~ r". ,.. _ __ ,_ Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not detect~d I I I' I I' ~om~ ',' "",",""-,,,.,,.. ~ .,.."<",.=...,,~....,, ----""--.,- . .-..--,-=--"'-"7.....,.-.-,,,.- ..~,- -..-.-----, -~-.~ -,-.- -----,-- - ="----'.---. . Laboratory No. 789 through 802 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS # 801 ID:S. T-ank Fill End E. 2' Benzene Toluene -c--- -- Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-XyJene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ~:-.-':_-:":. _.:- '- '~~ -.-= -- - ~ - - - - , ' _ -.,.-r _ -;;'_!,:-"'___.:-__:"~.__;_-._~: -', -.:-~., n. :-.~'''-','' ,. ~~"_ ,r, ,--~ .-- - - .--.-- ._. ."--,- ___ # 802' 1D:"8. :'Tiink Vent Pump w.6' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm/.im ND ,cND-~'·-c- .' ND .10 .10 ,23 .16 90 . -- .--,.~,'._,-_._----..' -- ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND e MDL,ugm/gm O. 1 ,éO~'l ~, O. 1 O. 1 O. 1 o . ~ O. 1 1.0 _..-.--~-_.~-- -_......-. ..~_. MDL,ug=/gm' 0,1 0.1 O. 1 O. 1 O. 1 0.1 0.1 1.0 R~C~/1/12D : M4R2' '3 ' . 79, WILSON .. '90, & A0" v,)Oc _0 ,0_.0" -~,=,C---, ,~,-~,::-;,-c~.c·ccÜV c...c,,~ ~~~,"-.;:~c,~c i " . ~./"- ..,... '.. . .,. -~. ~ -,' ,'.t,. , " , ~. . ~¡~ Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND= Not detected ~co~ . ..-..-..- .---- ....... - _..-~. _.....,,~ -., - -"'-- ,'''' .'~'- '.-"" . "".,.-...-- _4 __ o_~ '.__ _, .--, - "~. -,...""=...... ~"..,..-~_ -~ _---=-o--."? ..-._...... _,,~. ·'õ·· . --.._- -'.'." ._~~ ~--...,...- -+---.---....,..=-- i> ...u__...,.,_, __ .....---". c.·_""· '__~__'.,....__ -·-·-..-,-.--,--~_'"""'_7....,._.. ," "1 ,,__..____ ___.._______..__..__.._.._, 0,___00'_ =::-::: :,::..: -=--=.::.::."" ',o,W::''==-~''';:::::::'::~::::':::::F: ":~r-=.:::.:::::.::. ,.:-----..-'.- -'-- .-,- , i, i¡' 'f - - .:'.' .' . :H " I"..' ;' ,1j . . __,_-:'-1"_._..~ - ;11 i H ill !:~ 'f I' :f', ·ï - - ' _ . _ u . - - ..__ ~_ - l 'f¡ I: 'H ,¡i " Ii 'Ii I ¡ r ~ ( '. "I J " ", ,,'I, ,i! :' ¡\ ,.. ¡ , Ii " I ~ 1 'i :f . ~ \ , t. 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I~ ... ,\ , die. -- - ~ ~\ ¡ , 'I , " _ci nqu~sha:l BYI ~ ¿ ¿, Da. te i Time: !Recel ved By: Datel Time I Comments: ;' .~ //Q// ~: t:h:-~ JI'#fø I t(1A CA L,tJ.". ,S8)tt W ~ ~ .' /""<-'''1.. .A.::;::Þ , .- .. ;,' /-1 , - . I ~ II I, SIIC LABORA TORY ,II ' , 3185 pæASUS DRIVE it BAÏŒ,:RsIELD, CA 9JJ08 -' - ~~. BILLING ADDRESS I S~ LABORATORY P.O. BOX 80835 BAKERSFIELD. CA 93380 ' L ~-- Ì¡.- (80~;) 39)- J 597 " , 113/LL'O': W\~:l.. ^ , .0'[ "1. "CHAIN OF CUSroDY' , , i, =Uent: ¡ Sampl,er: , Sample Type I Analysis Requested - .".[ i ~~ i N amé I i Water ~ ,Other , 'fame I " - i SoU .( spec1îy ) , - \ddress: \~\ ~.~ Addre~sl , , " : Sludge "S - \\~ ,¡ 011 p.. 0 0 ; .-f N tJ: (.) ~ N ~ "'" f:Q Rk.çflìJ (/J Cf'{<¡n( 0 0 ª tJ: 0 0 N N 0 . . " 'D '" Q 00 00 '" 'D p.., c :i "" '/ " ¿De'scripti,oi1: , Other Jab if" f Tests .. :jOI , I IPH(~) i .-::.. ~.... \--. ~\.t-~. _.f ! \ or;t - . - '2:. =- , X' 01- I ; I ~ :í I I ,,\ \\ ¡ \~ - r.=. s:f\" \ , i , " < ~ :1; , --'-.. , , '" i " 'I , l " .---. ¡: " I: ¡ , , " , "" i' " , - i ~ 11, j - - ,I , :¡ " !¡ i ... " - .. .\ I" I:: " 'i " I " ~ .. " i ,,' .. :T , '. .. , , :'\.. " .. ~ ", " [ ,,' " -;-" ,'o ;: - , , , " - , ",'- " " .. ."j I: '" , ~-in~uished : Dàte: Time: ~ece1~ed By: - Date I Thme I Commentsl I' '" Byi - ,,- ! I . " .Ii "" ! . . / '~ ~_L ,'" ~7JIih '" ',- ~ ~ "" -l'ltð ,-Shil,. ~ :t,þ~. " I J"a<~ . .Þ " I"", " : ""tI; \A~, . " .. f'" " L, " .. - " " 7, ' (, :1 "'o 7, ,":-C-, .. " 17'" - " - :L ! -" "'U~\o. I I I I I ,.....""....~.....'_. e:··· -: .-....~. -.,-"'........... Ii I,: 1,1 I ¡ ,I , I, ·l~', ' ~' ~ ::,~.,"==3-=:::::::~:OO;~';oc=,·.c"..~.:;.", ¡' , ,[. ' II : Ö3/Ö6/9 0 .. II . ';2 ~ 41pm .,:;r-' I:<ERN COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT I ¡I ,:",",;-,,' ',:~t, ,2700'M' Stf"eet 'lhl§~~Jf4;f':;c~ :f"¿:S~7,;,:,l~~~El ~ 6,r . 93301 l~,~d;~H~',,~EGISTER ,',: ',_, ", -' <··c···BANKS ~ II ". =-'".., i:!:,,:<õ~;~:;':~J:::',::~ ~', -, ,,' ":: " I ¡ I .. ,I ",....',,, , ,.,. 111 G\.I$t.omef" P. 0, #1 Wtn ,1J , .. . LJD ¡ I ';._;>/i(:',::;'.. .",::" . ~"'I !L 'f'ne 'Oe$cf"iption ! 1 TANK PLAN CHECK - ..----- -~"_.._.. .- .-- ~ ',- ..~,..-.,,- RE C E I P T .. '.._- Invoice . - -.. -.. -...-- 8y IOf"def" Dt:!te I ·1 03/06/90, I .: ,I '__,:" .,,1 " Ship Dt:!te I 03/06/90 : I' " .' ",', "c" __," ..;" ·1 QlI~nt.ity 1 .Vit:! ,., .. , . -- ï .J:YÞ ~ i ce'·Ú ~'1't":'bV~'c 100,00 E 170A Of"def" Total , ':)" ,j O.:',",,:,:~~,~,~,:.~;~~;;,;~::::~j:: .::::..:..':.,' 1 ¡ - ¡ 1 ¡ I¡ .Amount-Due ,100.00 . " Payment Mt:!de 8y Check 100.00 ¡ "I I I "..- .';-, THANK YOU! i Ii ,! .. i I I ¡ ! I I ¡ ! i I I I .1 I ¡ " . ;, .. - ; . , , , ' , .!-._---..._-,-"~.._~.,~-,~~."~~~~..._~q"~."'~."._,-,,.~.." f ' ..--h_.'. ..... _~,_, - -,--- -~ -=.- ~------.=-- -=---- "- - -~ - ----=---------- _"-u.""""'-_'_~--'-7____-=.O'-=_'-. ~ "-._~ --~--,,--------"="_. , " , e::- . ,I GARY J. WICKS, Agency Director (80S ' 861,3S02 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Telephone (80S) 861-3636 Telecopler (80S) 861-3429 AGENCY c-,cõ",_.,-_pF;R¥I.I_I[,O.~c P!~.~~_~~.~~ CLOS URE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY -- ,- - ~ .FACILITY NAMEI ADDRESS: ---,.--~ .._-~-~ '-~..' .. -~. - .-. -~-~-~...~-_.,------- _.-< ~-,.....= _..- Circle K Store 41¥Union Ave. @ Bakersfield, CA Circle K Store P.O. Box 52085 Phoenix, CA 85072 Banks & Company 2403 E. Belmont Fresno, CA 93701 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF License #383550 ' 'X Phon" (602) 437-0600 Phone: (209) 485-3456 . ~Z1. ~JIL""'ZÖ ~ , PERMIT EXPIRES "M,m.h J, 1990 3 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROV AL DATE Dan Starkey, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Sp LOCATION APPROVED BY .. ................................. .................,................."............. P~S TON PREMISES.........."............ ........................... ...................... I CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. (i.e., Cil: Fire and Building Departments) , 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program al (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandon men in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmenlal Health and Fire Department approved methods as desèribed in Handbook UT 30. , 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere 10 all applicable laws regarding the handling, trarisportation or treatment of hazardou: materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualifkd company employee onsite supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank remov; experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on pCI mil and permit applicalion are to be utilized. prior approval must be granted by the speciali, listed on the permit. Deviation from the submited application is not allowed. ' 7. Soil Sampling: ' a. Tank size less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at dept L of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of-the way in from the ends ( each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six fcct. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons· a minimum of six san}ples must be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tan; and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approxi,malely Iwof¡:~t a.nd six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under th.." -'.'--~~'o~dispenser'area'.~--~·-'-------_·' ,,- ...,' , ,- -, - -... - ',"--"-" --, '_", . I e- e PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A1087-07 ADDENDUM ¡, ..'..=c;.. ,d. Soil 'Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylen( and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel and benzene. _"-'-:...-.-_____.:___~=..:...::;.=.::.-:--.-- _::....-~--:....~~~-____==_.__=_______ :;..:.0'':-__ __."__:0-':'-::"':'-:'_..__. __=-:-:_.~__. _.:.. _..:;'-:-.. __::;;;-:'::'::':'~Y";_~:;'_... -;:-:_ _..__;....:..:::.......:::::-__~..:,.:.~, " ,__~_...:::-.-,:-:;~ :._. : _ ;~:-::;.:..__ i 'Allsoil'samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances musi be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and greast' All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. ~I soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range c substances that may have been stored within the tank. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contained furfuryl alcohol resin must be analyzed for phenol! formaléiehyde and furfuryl alcohol. " . The followi~,g timetable lists pre-and post-~ank removal requirements:' b.. 9, e. f. 10. I'" ~~ :;.;' ACTIVITY DEADLINE " ",.'-, ~---""- .__...-"._.~ .. . ~.~~...-... ---~--~-~._-~-,-~ . _~___~+'"~O-';""':_ __~~~-:;.-::_ .- ._,. ,_...~..-___ n .._ I: I, I: I 1 1 Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materjals Management Program ,__~~ ._ ,,~~_u__-. -. .--__~_~._..~ _~c_._· ._..,,;:...~--~~-- --..-.--: ·v____ _~ç~_-~~~._._ ._.,,~ At,least two weeks prior to closure Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of closure and soil sampling Two working days Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management Program No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis 11, PurginglInerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shaH endanger the health, safety, comfort of repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize r,emoval. I I I ' , , I RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE,TANKS This dèpartment is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and sta te regulations pertaining to underground storage tankf Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overa, job performance is consistei1t with permit requirements, applicable Laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interest and expectations for this department. ) 1. Job site safety is one of our prim~ry concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide b:, CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are no permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designe: function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing an, abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. " I' 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyse documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors dcì not follow through 0' necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures wi: increase. Accepted Bv: ~ - .-. , '0 , .', ·u "' '" ',.'.~"'.\.~,._~_.~._... _'_~'__"__~__"_,,,_,~_,,_,_~_,____,_, , OWNER OR AGENT ' -94 Ho--~,~,_···__~··m_.___~._-~~~'" DATE DS:cd STARKEY\1087-07.I'TA , , I I CONTRACTOR: I i , "-c",~~c'f'-cc"'-~ c, _, AD~RESS:;;:z i JOB S,ITE: ì j I " 1<1.'> " .., "-.------:-'-'~ ----I' -'- .. r I i ¡ " .- .. 1.- I' ,~ \oN FUEL TANK . No. ._/ -~ .''''. ,-... 'i )j~'/~ TANK DISPOSAL FORM 2202 South Milliken Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 (714) 988-8000 Date: Job # P. O. # --." _..~~;::;:-::'::"=::--;-=~- -_._-~- ,." DATE PROJECTED TANKS ORDERED BY: LIC. NO, TIME IN: , , , . . . ,- .-~---~ ~. "R_~_-'~_;:;,,__ ......:~~~-':;:'_:-<-a.~,.._,_~....~~_._~~.~._._--.:"":':..:.;..~_~.-;._________._.~. ._~, ~....._~~ "..-- - sPEcfA[ïNSTRUéfIONS: .- -.-" - -~~..- ~"._",-. ". ~-- _ ~_~,__""""~_r, ._.__~. . - TIME OUT: ~p /1v17f-/ ~".,~...ze.#~ r' "" Services Rendered Cost Disposal Fee 200,00 TANKS RECEIVED . QTY, GALLONS TYPE NET TONS TOTAL Extensive Loading Time 150.00 F' S' ----- 280 0 0 .14 Disposal Fee with Permit 300,00 ...----- 500 [] 0 ,21 ------- 550 0 [] .24 Fiberglass Tank Disposal Fee Per Tank 400,00 1000· 12 It, [] [] ,44 1000 ' 6 It, 0 0 ,61 Fiberglass Tank' Delivered 200,00 .--.-.--- 1500 0 0 .87 -..-..---.-- 2000 0 0 .97 BobtailDisposal Fee 250,00 --.-- 2500 0 0 1.14 . ..n. .___.___ 3000 0 0 1.32 --0.__. _ _.._ 4000 0 [] 1.64 CaR8811ati8R ~¡¡e~ i!éQ.œ-1 __ on.. ___ 5000 U n 2.42 ~l 6000 Ll [1 2,84 TOTAL CHARGES $ 7500 LJ [J 3,26 1 ·__··___..u_ 8000 C 0 3,44 9000 [J [J 3,82 All fees incurred are per load unless specified _:...<:= 10000 o 4cL.. 4,33 .'tJ'Ó Terms are net 30 days from date of invoice, ..-.---.------ 12000 [J 0 4.93 Contractor's signature represents acceptance ¡- of terms for payment, and confirms that tank NO, OF TANKS TOTAL NET TONS removal complies with State laws, J::: t>6 -~---- CONTRACTOR'SSIGNATURE'---~~~"lF - FIBERGLASS ("S - STeEL 100 CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL I DESTRUCTION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIALS SPECIFIED ' HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY DESTROYED FOR SCRAP PURPOSES ONLY, ~T~-=~~:~ .~~~~ ;, .';"!'~¡:!.~~_':.~ ¡C)R COpy ---.--. -...__. K.... - __~_u______. '-~'-----'-'-~---"'--":"":-"":"""~-..;.-' ~ . """",-,,,- ._--".c.....--=""-'=-~~---...o.=.._"'== =~........o;-=.o...."-~.-,.... ~~o~__. __.=... .._~~_....__~. == _ __ _ --,-.---.'-.- ---. ~-~'''- '-_"-_=-='='_""_'-~="'c--"-:--__,c~..·_",_---=-=---~~~_ _....,.___~_. "~'_'_~_~__O-_-----'___ __ -._7--=--0.=--..,-----------.- Permit # (':JrJ ':J i~'Û; '-' e e ~spection:~i:e'~ ,;/ "UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY · INSPECTION REPORT · Environmental Sensitivity J>J 1/: '30 r -(] Facility Name ~A..X:"P No. of Tanks "3 l< Address "7/ '7 J {.././v-.....;....., {~~ ~ Yes X No _ Permit Posted? Reinspection Yes k No ----.:.... .. Type of Inspection: Comments: Routine , Is Information on Permit/Application Correct? -~~ Compl;,fnt . -... .--:-...~-:;"~::,,"::,-,"-::7~:::-,;~~'. _. _,~~_~==~~':_---=.~"::'=;:::....:..~.:~~:--=-_.,.. ~:-=:':_.___~. -",,---.,_.___ ____c--~________T . - .. , ."'~._,-=-_~"""'_.__u ._- . ~'-'.=-r--..,..",...,...--.".___~___,---=.=-_.......:.:- . -.--'."- ----- -:-._----~_..:... ,:\., ' ITEM ,,~:Jurimàry Containm~nt Monitoring: , . a. Intercepting and Directing System y' b. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring . ~, '" ",~c.Modified Inventory Control Monitoring . "'". ~~'-" " '.,' :,',....-.- . :,: :(d.'''n-~ank Le~el Sen~ing Device ,'- ..-_______~__._- ---........-~..__~~,_~~__.._ _w.:~_..__~",,,,,::^:~-,:, c'_ ~ ,,~ e. Groundwater Monitoring -.~'~- " VIOLATIONS NOTED £~ ,~ ~yv..J 4~ -DJ c¡;; ,.//f. , .. '. ~ J ~ ~ ~ CJ-~~:!i1it ~_~C~~~~~"~_~:;;~";~~C~~'"-¡'3(:l;\;j '!~;"';"";;""" .. ~. .- '-'; ~'. b. Double-Walled Tank , , ~¡! .f ......-.¡~. ,. ;'t_'" : f. Vadose Zone Monitoring Secondary Containment Monitoring: Liner .J~ _.<.': c. Vault " ", :.c~)PiPing Monitoring: ,.' ,~PressuriZed ; '" , b. Suction " .... ¡, ... ~:..,~ .. . , t: ..-." 1 '\ 't,J i~ -, j c. Gravity (~)Overfi'.' Protection ()vv~J1u-~~ " ',' -~,. ..;- \....' -. 5. Tightness Testing ", '..-- 6. New Construction/Modification )vJ4 7. Clo'surel Abandonment , ,\ ,"\1 j,"+" ·r'· 8. Unauthorized Release 9. Maintenance. General Safety, and Operating Condition of Facility :)::,ü~ Þ -" /'C<' I ~'.it J'. .J/ .......... ~-~-;r , 1/ T " .~ -,..----~'~--""-.---".,~---,-~."~-~-.~..~,---- ~--' "..' -~"'" I Reinspection scheduled? --J., ': ____ 0 W' ---c /(~ I,., ,1 1 INSPECTOR :*)//A1/;jij..".,f{Jt/V , , I Health5804113170(7,87) i '~_=_'--"'_-~~~.=-_'---=O~"""""~---' .".......-.=..,..=-"""".==.===~->-~~...._-_..~--~>---=,.=-"'----''''-=-.,.-'--''--'''.;.'''"'~...,--,.._-,-~-----r_....... .. ._-....,~~-~-~ Approximate Reinspection Date REPORT RECEIVED BY: /--(): '!-t'__..-Q ~--- , L,,' .. ~ r e (·"e\-:'-·', " , KERN COUNTY AIR 'POLLUTÌON CONTROL DISTRICT _. ",,- ~"" '< . - .". "rt~~;'~1;;;~o--c;,:;;;~~~.iL~'{,¡g.;::~ ~~: , ,r.)SETWEEN ADAPTOR "&,'" ...'. ¡r.u8E:MISSING~/ÐIMPROPERL Y;':SEA, "' ,.,' ~ll!i~fli~îl~:¿1ri~~:;~ 'þ,··-TURNED IN THE.,WRONG-OIRECTfOtïr-<, '. '. ,.- ",~~~~~~~Jt:~~~~:!f~Pi{I~¿~}~~1~~i';~[;,;-;:;~"d-1~'t¡lf1}tì ,..,,,\.17 TANK DEPTH MEASUREMENT .,'.;-" " J. '. ,.~"- ".... ~. . . .' ".' ---, '¡'. P ,...:" . -11' . ".:.Æ( -'~' ,,'iO ,":\ " .,'~':"'1-=37 .. :,13S'~ 'I '7 t.¡ ;'Ù'> 18, TUSE LENGTH MEASUREMENT:,.; , ",~..:"".,.;7., I". _ ,.",../,"i~,- ' , -.. " "M.j-f " """" ' " · ft\ ' M-RJ' ' .~' )4.11., . !~:;;~,i?~';~NOTE: 'ACHECK'A80VE.INDICATES A VIOLATION OF KCAPCDRUtE 209. V RECEPT.~OF..1GASOL NE"~~"" ,. , i~l"i:_:~!OR TO CORRECTICNMAY ~RTHERro;STITUTE A VIOLATICN,OF KCApÇD ~L~~i~M~~~~~r, . 'K4Þ~2~ÔA~~" ~~~ Su~~5.(~r .,L .;?/f~~;~t~t;f~i.~~f~f~i~i<'~,~iii~.61~f,;:~~OL;~~~~J~:~;i~~;,s~i*i~;;;:¿:r~~;;, I' ¡ r II:, r ,-: <, ", T ,= Tagged (nozzle tagged ?-Jt I " :. ,.'.;' '., "',":' \~~'~-k"':':'::'-' ~',:" ;' ': "'''''~'-'':''<\''''-·c;¡nt; 1 'repairs camp leted .' -::~...r:l,?!·~i.-'""'í~,11::'¡'-""'~~~·'~~J:'1'·~¡'~'..~···· ~~,'~..;t.-.,,: /'\-i' '.,:"'i';"'!~",,~;~:"ì:.~-:4.~ \1:iO·...-~1·: '_ n' 'p' "t. -'.~'y'.. . . "." ¡ }:~:;~~;"Si~ii~~~;iE~~~~}~6i~f 4 ;:f~û~~~~~y ~~ ·~~~t~D~~,~·' I "<:' ":-., " .'~, ' ..:" .'" . '., " ,-- :. '.,,- '.' ":' . :J.>c;·" e( í d.~ NUII1Îx~r Dal~ ¡ - ¡ ., lìn)e~1.J S.' r ? évViJ 1<.. o o~'s Name ~ K~. Station Address 4~ ~ Maior, Crqss Street -. T~phod ~~ . Inspector ~ ' Def", r.. - u. -- I ~ i IJ7rl~4- . " ., , . .', , '., '" !0~1~!~_~eadingc.IJJ!1';~IëI~~H"2{~{~? ~,~. ',¡ -~"~"~~--::.--:-;-=-=.-=--7-":::;-;::-::::'':::ë=-. :-_'"=:~:-'-='::::::::-:-=-=":''::::'~_?~----';'''''~---:--~---=~-:-::'''''-:='--;:__H__~___'''::'-:::;;:;;:_::~:::"::_-::::.~:..._.._~::-~::-_-::~ :.::~:_-=-~-=-- . .__.. ,_ . .. _ __" ~~ .!~";¡:' ·':f -. - - --.. '..- -. "_ ~. __ .;_____~~~_~..:_.__;;____._....__'".n~'..___._~..___~__,....,.__...~_.~.......... / I· I -''---~''----''~-- WARNING. Use of this device Is prohibited by state law and un- authorized removal of this tag or use of this equipment wiD constitute a violation of the law punishable by a maximum dvll fine of $1,000 per day or a maximum . criminal fine of $500 per day and/or six months In Jail ì ! , I I í ~-_,~,,~,____~~~::E~~i~~~i:J. Repaired by Trtle , '. ,_ (Please print) '-;- ": : ~ ,.>:: .~,'~ - " '-' .: , - .,-.. " Signature Date . St...· llme Totalizer Reading at llme of Repair Repairs made BEFORE USING 11-115 DEVI~"!s>!~~~ air pollution control district at . If repairs were made to the nozzle body you must notify . the County Department of Weights and Measures. Ser.# 6S308 -- .-'---. -. - .-..--- tt ·....~'~-:c-~~~=--=---=~"=-'-"--.:=-"""'-'-""---'-=~~'=.....~=..---...___..,.,"=-__-=n.~~_~"..---.--,_.._.,..,'",.-"-_-=---,,-"'__=_.,'".....,..--,-,=""""""',...~'._,._.-=--~. _h '""__""-.,-=---.---~,,_'_O_,"'....--_ ---..,.~~""'""'":---.....-~--~""'-....,.,.=-..---~~=---:~.....,.. KERN COUNTY HEALTHDEPARTÍIÌr ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIV~. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SE€TION ..-' 1700 FLOWER STREET f BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305! PHONE (805) 861-3636 INSPECTION, RECORD POST CARD AT JOBSITE FACILITY(lJl'e/e <1) ADDRESS -¥ CITY PHONE NO. PERMIT I 0 7 ()OO/~ : CWNER e¡PCl!e : ADDRESS : CITY IPHONE NO. "·-:··::::"'-:'~-:'--~~:::-~~~::-:-7.";:.;:"...=.:::....--::::-=:-_~- -~- -- --- - ~-- -..-:-='"_=--. ~:.~~ ":" .'=' -, T_-:'~~-=-_-::::"::,,_~_ ------=-·.-=--~_:_·__~i_-~.::~~~_:__.-_=;.:~:..::::-~-:-.~-=:::::--,..~.;;,:i::..-;;:2-::::.~::-.::::=:'~==---=-';'-6::~7.:-:::~-;-:"'. INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with ~he same number are ready. They· will run in consecutive order beginning with number 1. DO-NOT cover work for any numbered group until all items in that, group are signed off by the Permitting Authority.. Following these instructions will reduce the number of required inspection visits and therefòre prevent assessment of additional fees. . -~.~.~ ------- . . - . .~~--_.~--_. ....-._---_.....~~---_._- ,.~. --.."- .~_... . .,-.,.. ~.... ..~- ,- . o.·~_.. h._._.. ~_. '".- -.-",... .,,-" ~...~_. - '-'"_'_"4"'__ " - ,-. -;_,-~~~ __~''''_'h ,___.._. _... ._. -~._",,_. ,,-.-..,-..-,.. --~ -", ~ -.---.'"-..... - TANKS & BACKFILL INSPECTION ¡Backfill of Tank(s) :Spark Test Certification :Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) I ¡ 1='''-(1;J,~o/(()21Î;~~ t1á'Pt1, tV- '1i1 ~ð) DATE INSPECTOR I I I I I I (iirVflY'''¡; Æi- I I - PIPING SYSTEM - Pipel I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I, .,--___J I - SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, OVERFILL PROTECTION, LEAK DETECTION _ :Liner Installation - Tank(s) :Liner Installation - Piping :Vault With Product Compatible Sealer :Level Gauges or Sensors, Float Vent Valves :Product Compatible Fill Box(es) :Product Line Leak Detector(s) :Leak Detector(s) for Annular Space-D.W. Tank(s) ¡Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) ¡Leak Detection Device(s) For Vadose/Groundwater :PVC Sleeve Piping ;Leak Detector(s) ¡,: .Ar¡j {r~¡'x1/(r:/a](vld/",a0níJ fJ~Î'I}J,e:'d - FINAL ;., :Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks IFill Box Lock IMonitoring Requirements CONTRACTOR CONTACT LICENSE II PH I :: 2700 M STREET MAIUNG ADDRESS 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 - 'tþ \. ~.<ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPArn.:NT HEAlTH OFFICER leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION PERMIT TO CO!i.ª~-'!CT~_.,cc_"",._co-__,_;,_~~o,~._ _·.::---'",.....:.....;·...:::---~--::-~~~~.7.;;.-:-::,::_:..._.;:;.._:_ --.-" ...-..-. . .----..~------,______ ._____._ _. UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAlTH ~on S. Reichard I: I ~. ,__~_.P.ß.RJ(IT-~BR- 'O'lOOOlM ,. .~-- . --·'~_·_'.A " I' FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER'S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: !..-...----(; lrcfé"K-C;rpoiitj~on I 4 498 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA _-..-_._-~-~._-~....--.~~_.~ -~ _,--.0 _. . ~._~_._.....,~~. _ ~"__~ __ ___ _.~_ Circle K Corporation 5811 Manzanita Avenue Caraichael, CA 95608 _____ ~ --~-~-_·_-·-_~~·____'=......_._w_~~~_._~_ Sacraaento Equipaent MaintenancE Coapany Inc. 2533 Connie Drive Sacraaento, CA 95815 License '502377 --1 NEW BUSINESS PERMIT EXPIRES September 16, 1988 I_I CHANGE OWNERSHIP I_I RENEWAL APPROVAL DATE IXXI MODIFICATION IJÓ I. I I OTHER APPROVED BY ,. . . . . . . . . . . . .POST ON PREMU _, . . . . . . . . . . . I,CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: . ~\~"" ' listing facility inks liaited to: i \ lines whi ch do 1. Thi s permi t appl ies on 1 y to the' aod involving repairs of this facility's I installation of fittings and valves a1 not exceed 6 feet in length. 2. All construction to be used as þer ~dCllity plans approved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. ,3.· All equipment and materials in this construction must be instálled in accordance with all manufacturers' specifications. Permi t tee IIUS t con tact Perai tt ing Author 1 ty for on-s I te Inspect! on (s ) with 48 hour advance notice. Backf ill mater i al for pi ping and tanks to be used as per aanufacturers' specifications. 5. Cons tructi on I nspecti on record card is I nc 1 uded with perml t gi ven to Pertmittee. This card aust be posted at jobslte prior 'to initial inspection. Permittee must contact Pemitting Authority and arrange for each group of required inspections numbered as per instructions on card. "~""- "..,_GJ!.n.e r aLl Ye .,..i.n spe ctl on-s,,'·..w-i~ ll-~be--..lla-d e---Of, :____~~,__"..~~.-~_~~ _~~_-,-"-_.__~_~'-_,~..,,~~-..__ _~~":'_~.~~'--_--'------'"~.,,. a. Excavation in area of tanks and product/vent lines. b. Area identified as source of le~k. c. Any other inspection deemed necessary by Permitting Authority. 1,4- 1 5. DISTRICT OFFICES ,:It", " ~ j (.' PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER 070001M ADDENDUM 7. All undergraund metal cannectians (e.g. piping, fittings, fill pipes) to. ~~-~",=,-- tank (SJ~""A'Ust''--c-Þc~e.l,e c t-1!-i,c,a,l-l-Y'-o-ci-so-la'~ed"~'_-an d--c~wrca,pp,e4___tO--,_a7~_.lnci-. ulI=-~20- ._.1-_l-c~ê""C-' thickness with carras ian-preventive, gasaline-resistant tape ar atherwise pratected tram carrasian. a. If the reprsentative fram the permitting autharity views the .adificatian as being taa extensive he/she can revake this per.it ,and require submi tt,al af addi tianal infarmatian ar request an upgrading af equipment/material be fare wark can resume. 9. Once the' saurce af fuel release is identified, an enviranmental I--'-'-"-~'=as se ssme.nt--p1!apas.al,~--m·us,t·-be --8 ubm it ted,ta·--th i s depa~tllen t.w,i,thln--30--days .._= far the cantaminated area. ACCEPTED BY ,~ 3~ DATE t~3()~g¿ --"'~-=--=~~.'''''''''''-=-=--''"-~-=-'--'-'''''"_...=....=,,...,...,....~~---...,~~=,,....,.-~._---.---- _~."""~~==>-D-~-=-==-~=---_--==--"'--""~_"'=--=---==,""""~~"""__-",~~~,,,,,,-~~_",=---.,,__;,=__~~,~ _=,~.~.__...........=..... . r.--....-oo'"-''-'-.".="...-'-~._=-,,~.-- Kern' Cdullty lIealth Depnrtme.' , ( ..- VlvJ'siò,n of Env1ronmontul 11 UI 1100 Flnwer Street, Bakersfield, C (805) IJO J . 363p" .. 93305 a3 it No 0 ~rJ\ () ('A) ~ OfV'.. APPJWbUo" VQlc...l.4.- \ L\ - R. A. E:ergency _~4-~::ur..~:~_ac:..~::~:~~~~:~~~:~~~~~_~hO~~_:~,~¡;~,!~_ ~gî~ ~ g~¿:îé~g, ,mum"~, - --- FaclI1"t, "Name Circle K Corp. ,"' . ._m.,~___.__._._. . No. ot Tanks Type or Ih\sJnel&8 (check): DGoau)1ne ShUc) ) IXWthm' (descrIbe) C-Store II "ftnk(s) Located On An Agricultural Farm? ' - DYes JŒJNo - 18 Trmk(s) Vsed Pr!marUy llor ^f~rJcuUural I'ur",òses? - OV(:R ~No FacUlty Address [j:98 Uniòn Avenuè-BakersfieldNenrest Cross SL T R SEC (Rul'nl Locations Vnly.) Owner GJ.rcle K Gorp. 'Contact Person Pat Wright , Address .5~U~ Manzanita Ave. Carmicha~¡l. 95608 Telephone (916) 334-244'5~.,~~o=, I, "~_c·-'~-~~~~~::~r~9~J.~~~~nK A~~~~~k"er'Sfie1d .. -;,'~'~-"~'=:=~contact;:~:~~~:: .=-__ _ --. W.o. # 5J6JJ ^JtrLICATJON FOR PER~IIT TQ..!If.ERATE vtjU~~Gf~UN!! Store # 1386 JIAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILt1'V . '.' 0 R I G, NA' L TYDe Of ADDlIcaUon (check) i ' ' ONe", Facility O~lodtrictttJon or FacJlity IDexht1ng- FacUlty OrransCr.r vr Ownership , , , B. ''later "0 Facllity Provided By unknown f'oJJ Chnl'act,crhtfcs At FacJJ Jty unknown 13i\!;1s (o'or Sol1 Type and Oroullltwater U~th /JetermJnations SACRAMENTO EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE COMPANY, INC. C~ Contl'f ct(Il' (;^ ("mlU'nct-or I f; I.i C:(:II!H: Nu. Addreu _~2'-LÇonnie Driv~-Sa_cramentO'l.ip ....95815___.__ TI!Ir.phone l'r( J'()s~d SlfU' U /lC "a t<: '5-88 ._____. ,I'I'I'I,..!",«I Cc 1/111' J 1'1 i 11/1 I Iii \." Worker' (I Compcnsa tlon Cel·t if icé'\ ti 1)11 No. ..14-02273873 J /lsurCI' _ lJe¡Jlh to Ol'olll1iJ¡o¡alcl' 11n'k- . 502377 i3f&J925-2716 US}o'&G' - -- 11. If This 1'(' "10 J t Is .'01' .'0<1 If i (:8 LJ 011 (If ^" 1':x it; If Ilf~ FiH:J 1 J ly. lI,idl~' Ile~(:dJ.¡E: .'odJ(jco1110Ils Pn)posed see attached E, Tank(R) StorE~ (chf'ck eJ 1 tll~t I:Ipply): Tonk , "'ute rroduct Jlotor Vehidc Un 1 r.'1dcd Hcgulnr Prcm hlftl Qicsl'l ~'.:c; !..£ Fuel OJ!' '·1 0 0 0 0 CJ Bcx 0 1] , 0 0 0 [l 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O· , ' ," ,- F. Chemical Composition Of MalerJals Stored (lIot IIccc8sI1ry (It motor vclllcJ(· fuels) "ank , Chemical Stored (non-commer~tal name) C^S , (If kIlOI.,n) Chemical P.rc,!iyu~~,y'_§..lured Uf diffm'clIl) G. :rransfer!!l. pwnershlD Date or Transfer Previous Facility Name I, rl'ev.1ouB O1fnor accept fully al1 obl1y,øUons of Itcr.it Hu. Jl;f;\I(!d to · I understand that. the Permitting Authority lIIay revJe\f and aodlfy or teralnato the transfer of tho .'erlllt to. Operate tilts Undcrground sl(Jrage .,...__~JacU_tty _.upon"l'ecelv.1ni,.thJs .collpleted.for".~~~~.~~,_~.~..~~.~.._~.:"",~_~_~~,..__."_..,~ _.., '~" __._.____.~_~__ , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. - - - .. .. - - - - - .. - - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. - - .. - .... - .. .. Thll forlt has been cOllpleted under penn I ty of perjury end to the beat of II)' knowlcdffe h true Bud correct. . . I. '- ~, , ProJect Coord1.nator EstlmRtor SJgnature ~~.,' '"\>__l V ,Dlr \....~~) THle .' Date (~I cl'{i\ Terrv V. Masters - SACRAMEN~O EQUIP~ffiN~ MAINTENANCE r.OMPA~N,! TNr., JÚ~l~ .~. 1 (111.1. lJU I ;,1,1/\11, i:~!:.!:! !.!..!l~ ~~I\\~!l .l.!~/ . .! f fP.!i ~ f'~"uilli-:-r¡¡~~~ " Äi,L-¡, . !ill!~liAW . l 1. I.!!!Jh l1:.. 0 Vaulted ,0 Non-Vaulted 0 Oouh1e.-\'IaJJ XXSll1g!e-'~all 2. 1'01111 111l~Cl'l!1J ' o CIH'holl Steel O"StuJnlosR Steel 0 1'()lyvJnyl Chlodde 0 Flbel'ulun-Clad SteeJ o f'Jhel'¡rJnss-HnJurnrced l'lnstJr.D CUIICl'ote 0 AlußIJlUlIß ·0 ~rull7.e ~ Unknown OfJlhol· ("080I'Jho): 3. 1~~'1nu~ry. ,\;!!!ttn1!!!!œ!! ~ Unto 1l1s1.fJllcd 'rhlckness (11H:hus) w.o. # 53633 Store # 1386 CUlIa I: Ily (Go J1 UIIS ) .lulI\I rue tU\'t:I' 4. .:n!!!k §J!9-º!l~lul'r. .!!£!llU J "II!~U!~ ,__'___"m,__Om_JIU1Jl).Jø::J~nJJ_D~)'I,tI~~~J,c 1.lllel· 0 I,JIII:el Vnult O_~o!'.r.___O_UllreUOW!I~____, ' ,,', 0 ," Other Cc1Q8cdlJoh---~:_.....=-mc"c-c-::;-- '''-,-''---, .Iunufootur'ol':' " ~__"m; --.. "lutea-.1nt 'rhJI:ICllcss (11l1;he!H) C.11JUcll~' (Gub,) 5.' .:nwls. l !!~m: !YJ' .Iill!!lill [] Ihlhhol' 0 ^ I kyaJ 0 1':l'uxy CI Ph't: u J 'I: ,I:' liJ nss 0 I; I IIY 0 1111' 1 nne' 0 IJllr<IICJ\II; o Ulhel' CtlescrJhe): O. 1'nnlc COl'l'oSJOII rl'olccUUII o Õüïv2ull;;;d 0 ¡.=jj);t:.rJnss-(:Jl1d 0 l'ulycthyJcllc '~ré1J> 0 VJny) ''ll'BP1>inl~ o .'·111'pr,,^spIUlIl 0 Unl( owl1 ,0 NOlie ,D Uthel' (desc1'1be): '---~!!H1Q!!!J; r!'.!?lc<:lJ!.m: 0 N(>IIÙ~"tl"Jlllll1,p.sscil CUI'\'cIIlS~'slëÎlì'O-'S,ïcrJCJciuJ Anode Sy~ttn-'-~'-"-- '..1 Ih:Nt:dhc S~'sl.':RI .\ J~e IIII""e:lIl: _____.......__ '1. J.!.~W 1< !~l! f.t!C 1I ( fl. t!.!!lU !!!l:l1!I:, 1!ll!! .l1!J£!:.E!:l~!.Ü!!! u, '"¡IIllt:''' \'Jr.llill (vIIIIIl.!.1 1111110; "III)') [I r~I' )III\Ch~all:a' fo u ilurJlI!: ";1'11(:,;) [I \'éI, IINI! ZIIIJI' ~11I/lII.II,·1 ¡II: "'1' II IN) U r, '1'11\0" I',' it lalllll. 1.1111:" 1"1 II ·...11111: I\'Î I II I;U1II1'1I I lid t! 1.1111'1' IJ i 'I'e:1 i /I ~ FIlii\' TCI NIIII lI.ud /l1~ ''''1,' II (~) ,1 LI \'111'1)" "t~ll!t;lIJ1' *[1 I,II IIIII I.C!\'ld :)"111'11"· [J (:lIlIthl\:l.lvit.~. ~I,!IIS,,,·A rl P\'csIHII'e SeIlSOI' III ^III\U 1 iU' SJ.\lCC ur jJl)uld C '\'j J J 'l'illlJ< ~____ __.___ IJ 1,II uhll<~lrJevaJ & IIINJ1ccllu 1:1,.,10 \}-Tllhc. J.lulIllut'Jlll! ''ltdl 0.· :\llIlId;I/' SPHCC [] 1)011).' liDlIgJ/I~ & IlIvenlury UCCOIICU Jal1ol1 0 I'cl'1udJ c "Jt~hlllc!'~ ' 'I:Sl1l11! L1 NUIIC 0 Ullknmllll 0 ULlWl' _____ . . I'JI'JlI,n 0 I:IU\.,-nP.Sll'lc:I;JJlJ~ L':ill< fJt'tI't:lol"(s) FUI' 1"·CSSlld1.cel I'J"JII~~" IJ Þlnllltol'lllf! Suml' \':Jlh Uar.c'~a~' [] Sl!itlCcJ C;UIIt:I'c:lc: Hl1cc:'~ay U lIalf-C\lt Conll'nlJbJe IIJJlC HaCcl\'il)' 0 :-ïYlIlhcl1c L.inl!r Hac.;~w,,)· . (J :;:1:\1. 1:1 ""lwl)\'I1 [I (H' II' I' *11c:licI'Jhc ~Iake '" ÞlutlcJ: O. :!'!mK .l~ch t.HÇ~.Ji . '''u;t~Thh 'J'ullre lIec!II 'J'Jl{hlll~ss "t.:~lcd·l flulr. C" ',nst TJ(:hllH!u Test unk. 'l'c:stNunlu ---r-,--' ~--_..._--_.. I U. .:n!!!J~ J$.£l.''' II' "',,"re 'Wlud I'cd? [1 \'t~N lJolt:(s' or I<CI'é1l1'(s) "nøer J lJo HCl'id I'S _ I 10. UVCI'CIJ I 1',·ulcct.JulI ":"Õ-iJI;é'I';lï;~l:-i;rrj;;, C;UIII.I·uIH. lc \'IH1Iid I~' ÞhlllilClI'S o ""J)8 Float Onune 0 Illoul Vmll \'uJ\'c:s IJ o CalU\cJtance Sensor 0 SÐaled llJJJ Vox 0 o other, ,. i i "'I:S xC Nu IJ Ullknown __.__ (uSlIlls IJ{ rent unk. ' . .__.._.___ 'J'1!NLJlllt CU1111111111'_ [J Nu [J (1111,11111411 I..:\'c J Auto Shut-Off COIII.I·ols NOlie 0 Unknown Lht Ilake a "Iodol llor Above Dev,lc~6 11. PJuhm . ft. Um181'groumt I'JI)Jnr.: . 0 Y08 '0 No 0 Unknown .'atel'Jal 'j'hJ ckneS8 (1l1chol)' It' IJlI1elarJ'anufactm'er--' o .'¡'es8m·o 0 SucUcllì' 1:1 Orn\'1ty ^I'JJ1'exJllate Length Of, I'Jpe Hun Ullder,rround I'JI,II1r. COI'.'ORJolI l'ro1;8c1.J011: ' ".-..." o GaJvanbcd 0 PJbnt',d,H:AI-CJIHI 0 hlJJI'essed Curront: O::SucrJf1chil AlIod(, ,0 "oJyelhyléne, tll'Ðp·~,D-n 1I,~:tl"ir.nJ,_Ia;,pJQUon D"V.1l1yl "'rQþ,LO~'l'Ql' 01' Asphalt. o Unknown 0 NOlla 0 Oll,!!I' (dcsc1'JIJe): Underground I'JpJng, SecondDt'~' c:oJl':l1lmlollt: . ., o Uoublo~Wßl1 0 Syuthcll LHlel' Syslem 0 None 0 Unknown o Other (üescribe): _ b. c. . " el 'Sacramento Equipment Maintenance Company, Il'Jc. Work Order #53633 CircleK Store #1386 498 Union Avenue Bakersfield. California '.'..'._n~--c"C" c--_'-,c-",,,,~c,··~F'.h on e ,:.:n'--->-nC__, ',. ,. m - ."- _..:~_."~---~-_._--,-- "--..---. .__..~:-- ----- .,.-----~..".r=,.- ,.~.~~_____,_ __0_________...__..... _ _. ._. -'. - . ~---.-.- _..u~"..~___.__._ .__. _0_ n____._ "._ ._____ n_ ."_ , . _:'-:-::,:'_'::"'_:"_~_. --._-..-._.----~--_.-.. In reference to the proposed repairs to the existing underground storeaqe system at the above location. Please accept this letter as a request for approval for the following proposed work: . .;? 1) ~ Excavate and expose a 4' inspection trench over the top of the underground s~ore,age tan~:: to e:-:pose all associ ated pi pi ng and ..-,"·,_.._,·_-=:··-.',-al-l~-tan k ~:top, openlog..__..JE:r.eml.um=Un lead.. syst em-only)--,;, "..'_.' 2) Isolate all associated piping from system and test with ~itrogen to determine integrity. 3) Upon ccmpleteion of test; A) if e::tractable needed. B) 1 i ne:, ball pas nitrogen line test and valve in system on vapor ~ inspection. ancj vent install lines as se::Ltre if lines do net pass nltracen ~est or inspection. proper authorization and approval from our customer to: 1) remove and replace. 2) install extractable ball valve in system for future isolation for precislon testing. seCLtre proper permi ts for above. 3) 4) Upon completion of repairs. to insure system integrity. perform PetroTite test on system 5) Backfill and finish with concrete. If further information , is (916)925-2716 for assistance. needed. please contact me .¡..: a... Sincerely. Linda Steiger Pr'esi dent :'", ~ .....,' " ···.·A ,.;""., ':'" " .-'..... " /.:t·, '.,';.1 '.' ·n·'._·"___ ........._.__, ~_~_"""'______.._-..,...,._=._-,-,,-_~__ ."".._--~ -,~-- -"-'--'-",,---=----.- -~ ----'-".--.-~=-=:-="'''"~.~.-.,.....-.---~--".....~~......-~>~.-~-- "~,..,.-.-- --"'=-'-.,- - <"C'"-.=-.__,..."....___,__". 'R~<.~' ......._~,.. _, __.,.-.__~..--..."..,,-_"-.....-,. ..o.z.-__ 2533 Connie Drive (916) 925-2716 Sacramento, Californià 95815 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE #502377 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 .i 'e¡ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION "--~;-'::::-=_'-:-~~-"";.'.'.;~'::":::::-.;.- DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard ~. ,_.~--.;;..-,::",~~".;;:---':~~;::':~.-;--':'--:;-::----"'-;~:-:-":-~-_-:-~::-=-:'~ . ,. - - - ..; - - ,,--~~-~.......--....,.....~---,-----------.-_._---------.;,-, __ u .. . .. -. .. - . - ., .__ - ---~---·I I September 3, 1987 .:;. _____''-'O_O~~_. Be c k y, .B e.LL......_ "........,., Circle K Food Stores Office 9824 Norris Road Bakersfield. California 93309 --'C' .-~,.---~-~--..,...._~ . -....__._._~._-- --'_.~"- "- ,- ~.... ~- -~-.._,. . -- -,-~-'--~ . -. ,... -.... Z:'~'_::'-;;"';"~"__"A_'__~-T'_~":"'_'_~~_ .....,;.,;_...:.____ _..~.__ . Re: Underground Program Hazardous Substance Storage Tank Monitoring Dear Ms. Bell. This department still has not received complete permit checklists for a number of Circle K facilities. Listed below are the permit numbers of these facilities along with what is missing on the checklist: 1 . 030005C No owner operator agreement or copies of the tank,calibrati,on charts included with checklist. 2 . 070001C 090010C No striker plate. tank calibration chart., or meter calibration check. 3 . 230014C 440016C 580001C 610017C No striker plate or tank calibration chart. 4. 590006C No response. The above information is necessary to inventory control monitoring is done facilities. You must complete and submit facilities within 15 days. ins u r e t hat s i-a n d a r d properly at these checklists for these If you have any questions, please contact me at (805) 861'- 3636. Sincerely, .......".,- ._--, ---..--,. -,-,.", /~I --~-~ -- -~-~(; ~;,'~}::~:~11ó;Yì. ..- ~ .__~.~u -. --.- ~ ~~ . .-. " Environmental Health Specialist Ha7,~rdous Materials Management Program JL:aa Delano . Lamont DISTRICT OFFICES ~e Isabella . Mojave . Ridgecrest,. Shatter . Tatt Permit It Environmentai Sensitivity _r er "' ~te Inspection Time - '< '"-' UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY ... I NSPECTI ON REPORT ... FacUity Nue No. of Tanks Type of Inspectluh: I"': ~1Iq« " : ~ A:, Address 1 Is Information on Permit/Application Conect? Ves~ No Routine ___ " Complaint {j/l!(Y} ;1 iI (: , !3K.¡:¡:] ¿,.... Permit Posted? Ves Reinspection ~ .No Comments: ._----~--_._-_._~--- . .'" n __',___',,_. ,", ..-:----:--:--,:::-::.-.-=-,,~--:;~-~._-- --._-----~--,_.- . - -- . . -. -- , --:-':"--_..,....,..-~.~------:-.- --_.__.__._-~-. .-----_._~---.~----~~-,------- -' -. -. . - -~-- ---'--,-~._,----- ITEM VIOLATIONS NOTED -'-_'_-~"'~~'~--'~. ,. I I ¡"3C (ê c ü;.r'CIS I I I I I I ,-I. , I I I f. Vadose Zone Monitoring I ----------------------------------------______1______---____________________________~_________________________ I I I I I I , c. Vault I , ,----------------------------------------______1______-_______________~-----------------~-[.---------~-~~,,~---------________ " 1~,ic'L_r_i -41) (-,..::r'l.rICrjLtj r~_rH!(.( -IL/'::;; I . , 3. Piping Monitoring 'i'_ c: '- ' ,'- - j , I @:,ressurizedl , I Suction I I c. Gravity I " ------------------------------------~---------I----------------------------_----------~-----~--~-C--~~--~j~~~.~~--~::~JWt~ I-'-"//"''''je /j(,;"-"CI C/..... I,-<:-"¡,ft,¡~"' . U¡""',"~ ' .... ' 4 "'Overf 111 Protection r -' ,- '-" ',,' , 'f "~ ~ l,c' () . I ' I /-")( -- " / Î .., ( , I£..( r¡ G ----~-----------------------------------------I--~_____~~~__~_::~t!;!_~~::?__~_~~~~_c:~~____~_~___~~____~~______~_~~~______ ______. I I 1 ,----------------------------------------______1_____-_______________________________________________________________________~___________ I I I , , I '----------------------------------------------,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Closure/Abandonment I 1 , '----------------------------------------------,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8, Unauthorized Release I I I '----------------------------------------------,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. r~ntenance. General Safety and I ~rating Condition of Facility : ----------------------------------------------1-------------~~~-~~-~---~~-----~~-~~------~=----~~~):;i-~~~~ï~~~~¡---7;-,-~¿?ï~7~~~(, . . ,,/" -/ / I -;..¿.. . i / ..", ,I 1 ì . "- . ("- \.. I Comments/Recommendations: ',-- , ,-' ",- " , '. ' --':~ " " - , '"" ,.. J:... 0 " : 'I, I ""i t , .! ~-;,'I r-, 1__ f í ,J '-' I!.~ ~ I ~ ~L··__ ) " .'~. .f ( ¡ ì r,¡ j (~, ,/ , ¡ ,r ..-.. ,- f'-7 ,.., "Ii ,.J-.,I r...Jt"ì,'Ç' Ie', "1' '-J , ::>TC." I r'" ¡ I I..)L',.Æ. ... _, "J a. Intercepting and ,Directing System {~tandard Inventory Control Monitoring ~Modified Inventory Control Monitoring 1. Primary Contain.ent Monitoring: I', -._...._-.. -- . ~.,- d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device '._C. _______ .__.._ '."". .- ....--.-.,...- , '._...~._~---~.'-- '--. ~,~ --. -,_.- . _._~~- _.,.-.-- ---'.- .--- .-..- -".....- -~-~._-" I,' e. Groundwater Monitoring ---------------- 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Liner b. Double-Walled Tank 5. Tightness Testing I'" 8. New Construction/Modification 1 I I.. ;,--,,' -\.... I , ,"-: ~ --1,-- ,<' -' .~.. ~---''':'-'--'--/'=' ~--. -, __ _--e---.__"~--'----'''''-'''-'''- ..-'~~~'--~-_ .-. ---+_. I . (-;~~--:.:.. . Reinspection scheduied? ~9' No Approximate Reinspection Date I .. ~' /"\ ¡~:!!~;. IS " , ~ -l INSPECTOR: " '\ \. REPORT RECEIVED BV: ..~,..._ t (Form ItIlMMP-170) 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305-4198 Telephone (805) 861-3621 .". ~(ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART.~' AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I'---~--'- I I i :-:---:::--::=-·::--2"·~~::::__=--·::~:-~: LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Director of Public Health Air Pollution Control Olllcer HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Inspection Report ...:;.....;~o-- ::--.- Date ~'-I9: - r; 7 ( , '! {,r I e K. -' Ill] /(- (Î Underground Tank Facility # EPA I,D, No. 07C()ol C Firm Name Address '. . _ _.._....:...-_. ...~__·u,j'_~,-.:_ Person i~t;~vièwed~"\r,rL!e' /,,)r;n7 ., ." '.-¡ ''Lt/Q9 I! _j fY I-¡ i),í e ' Assessors Parcel # j I ' Type Facility {'-', I rì I J...-i r 1 . ..~._.,,_.. - --. .._._--..,.....~~_.- -.._,,~- ,-.:"'- ---""~~._.-'-'-~~." - --".~._......'---....---._-_..._--- ORDER OF VIOLATION AND TO COMPLY NOTICE The following conditions or practices observed this date are violations of one or more sections of the California Health aQd Safety Code, Div, 20.. or the California Administrative Code, Title 22, Div. 4, Chap. 30, relating to the "storage, handling, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste" .21:' Ordinance Code of Kern County, Div. a, "Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances," Conditions or practices must be corrected within the times ordered below: This facility has failed to perform the following as required by the Permit to Operate issued on ~. Sub.it a compléted checklist to the Pe~.ittinl Autho~ity. [] 5. ModIfy. close o~ abandon without' ti~st obtaininc aa amended permit fro. the Per.ittinl Authority. [] 2. Poat interi. per.it ia a coaapicuous place at the facility. o 6. Report all unauthorized releases or ~eportab1e variations in accordance with require.eata described OD pare i6 ot Handbook lur-¡e 1J:V3~ Perform the Standard Inventory Cont~ol MonJtorinc as deecribed in Kera County Health Dèpart.ent Handbook'UT-10. o 7. Complete an annual repo~t on the fora provided by the Peraittinr Authority (it a year o~ quarter bas elapsed). o 4. Maintain all .onito~ing reco~ds at the facility for a .ini.uB of three years. . '0 8. Report a chanee ot owner or ope~ator to the Per.ittiar Authority within 30 days. All practices cited above place this facility ~n violation of the local underground tank ordinance. I, Th!3 owner/operator must take steps to comply immediately and submit all necessary paperwork to the 'Permitting Authority within two weeks. Your signature acknowledges receipt of a copy of this repor~ and collection of any samples described above, and is not an admission of guilt, ,Failure to fully comply with this "Notice and Order" may result in further legal action by County or State officials. ..'~,-':'-=':''-""''''--''---'..-,-," "'"'=':-'"--=-k.___ - :-'",--'=--" '<'---'-"-.----- ---~...---=..~._--'- -_,~__ .. ~- ~ .-'0-_ _ ---~ .. 0...---·· ~ r '__'-~--,-.-.....-.....,,-",,,,--,,-,---._-,_,.,,,,,_____-=_ .. -'---7_"'.......~,... _....._,,, ì ' ~"..~~~::,~.; ¿fl'\ ' ",~_._--' ,- Agent of the Kern County Health Officer Owner or Authorized~epCßsentative (Form #HMMP-120) e - 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield. California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 1'"'"::-:- '._ -'--- ----".--- -- - ---.------"- - --_._---~-,.._""_.. .._------ - ----- ~ - "_" ~-... _____. __, .___~ . . _~ h_._ .__..." _ __ " DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard I' I" I ---, - ._..,.~---._. _n _ . _... __ _.. ~. ~~ ___ ___'_~M ____ ..__._ . . . .- '" ,~ ,{ April 10. 1987 , , .~...... ""''", ..,,:.;,...___..__.._";,;:~,;. ,_,~..__n____.__:"'~·.':"-"·~_""-:'-~~~·_"::";"'·~··:'~_-_'''_-:'-';;;:'~;''''''_':-:_~_:_w~'--;;;;__-:;._~_,.",;,;,_. _. ~<.. ',' __.~, .~.._.~_ _~ _~_.._;_".:;...........--'~,..;~ ._.' ....~~..:.;-..._ _:__~__-_-_._. , __.____ 'h__~ .....-....-.-. '-"--~" -.-" ---~,~~-,-- Circle K Food Stores Office Attn: Becky Bell 4824 Harris Road Bakersfield. California 93313 RE: PERMIT CHECKLISTS FOR UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANKS. ! - Dear Ms. Bell, I I', This department recently requested ,that three of yoúr facilities complete the permit checklists that they had previously submitted to this office. I I. . The original checklists were incomplete due to the items listed on the enclosed copies of form 500. These facilities were sent new checklists" to 'fill out. As you can see from the enclosed checklists. they again came back incomplete. We would appreciate your immediate attention into this matter. as the camp let ed check 11 s ts mus t be s ubmi t ted to thi s department within 15 days. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely. ~. Janis Lehman Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program I' 1 .... """'''''~-~~''~''~J L : s W m""_,,.~~,,"~ Enclosure Oí I z.. -- __.=-=-~-'_~-'---'O__-'-~~~""'_-'-"_' "- ---'----~~._."-'--"'. ~..,-:-~~~ ~...._--_._" ..._<~--_.--,--",-.._.,....-....._- .-.. Cr~' _ _"~~_.__, ,_._. '_~._'____ r')· ') '-' -- DISTRICT OFFICES f""I...,_....... , .................. I ...1,0 I~,,"'oll... ,.......;......... DL.·.f,.."',....ð..,.. C::h~Hð" T."f. - - .. ' e e #tJ7ðtJ01C d(~r -/r(" .. THE CIRCLE K CORPORATION CONVENIENCE FOOD STORES Jl ---- ----.------ --- - - - ~ " , ---..---- --- ------ - -------.---~. ._-_._~- -Septerriber8, 1986 l~" , , I Mr. Joe CanaS ,Kern County Health Dept. :~_.1700 Flower St. ,: Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 .~_~:;. d__~~~~~__.__··_ -._.~--. ,_. ~'L~. ~ .--. ..~....,- . -""-" ----- ---" -~~--.., - ~- -- ~- _.--- - - -~;:;.~. -- ~ ~ -... p._-.- - .,. ·_d-'~_~". _._. , - ~~ ,,--~. ,--_." _.. .- .-' '''-~'.-.- Dear Mr. Canas: Enclosed you will find A.E.S./Brockman tank test results for our store #1386 located at 4198 Union Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. in Kern County. We will be sending you tank test results for our other stores located in Kern County as soon as the data arrives in_ our office. Yours truly, z::~~ Gasoline Facilities Supervisor PW: kg att. _._-.."...,-----_.'--._~-'-~._-,...,--.".....-... n~..,...-_~~_".._==.".....,.- _ _. .~.-..,_-'".--" ______.7."-0- __.,...,.~ o".,.-"~,.__ ~ c,--.o-,-, _.._.. __r_'"____.~.-_,......,....~~"=_~.__~_ 5811 MANZANITA AVE. · CARMICHAEL, CALIFORNIA 95608 TELEPHONE (916) 334-2445 e e k. .- --~ ~ -- --- , . -, ---"'-=""_-::-:7::::-:~---:.--_-_-~~:-~_r-;------=--':_-:-' . - __"_~__ _.~____ .-, - -. ~ -. . .-. . '-'-.- - . .-.-.. -.'''' , ' , I ,-~c ERTI,F ICATE-O F- PRE ClS ~ON, ,LEA K--IESI-~~~~Cg~2'~'o~~,:,:~-'~:~':_~:_ 0,_- "-- ·-·~'---·_·~:'~~"-h~___........__~ Associated Environmental Systems has tested and certifies this tank and line system Tight. Date: 8/06/86 Certifieq Tester: C. Long # 86112 Location: Tanks: 1. 10K Re9-a- _ 4. 2. 10K P /l:J/L 5, , 3. lOK1U/L 6. Circle K Store #1386. 4198 Union Ave.. Bakesfield, CA xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Recertification Date Recommended: August 1987 .4J~=~ .... - ~=-~ .A.ssociated Environmentar Systems - /J_/~ Ass"c'a"O E~'I'ron""":':I""-' C::"-'ù~s . ¡....,:.....-- '.....:':-0 t:(~ n.....x . r:. ~ - ~ ~s;:e'd r-a ~3"'1"\"". J1C5: '1(";,": ...2~" .....' ~I,; "I ¡..ç.....:.,_/';;;j. II, ,'.......'.:1.....:'.1.. - .-'._"V '::II .....~~:\t:, , I,.....,. '# ........'- ..... ,....J.J.e- '- .. - ._-,.~ ._.~.. ..~... .......~------ ~--, __~~ _..' ~._.____.. ._'" _._,,~ "-"n. .____ _L··__'<~'__~'''''··.'·_ .--_ ~_- -·~'+__"_"""'-'-~_'__""~."'_d__.____~_. _......._ . r'~_...· "..<"".,...___...______. __.~,_. _. ,,_,~ ~" . ... "..-. .-... -..............._--.~. .- -. -~e( IIIIIII'!!B!I I3!mD ~1."!J1iIiI Associated Enyiron'ñ,ental Systems . PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS -- P.O. Box 151 Bakersfield, CA 93302 (805)393~2212 Tank~ Location: w. o. # : 73:l- 61è~/~ Ie .s'¡',!~# /.3~' Techn' cian: . n""''/9r ·U/1,lON - ,lJV6""..,···_··~e I..P~ Cn' lJAbtd'ilIJ &.. Te~i'.2. V;p}i, I Time start: end: Tec~Si~at e: b :3,0 IJ. =30 PM GrOUndWJa ter depth: Bl ue I,n : , ' , ,IV A 'IV/A ,,',., ,,_,._.__0...._ ,C.~.~~a,ct :..... ..~, _, ,..' .,___ _ -,c....c"p~:e¿.tt¡.~ ,s.~~e~wa..~...~~~?:~~._..~~E,_.~~_f),~ing ~~""~"~~'";~;'" Tank Cap. Prod. Tank Line P L High Cal Low Cal VIR Prod+ Pump Mat P dia. Invoice Address: e/¿lj~' ~ f!ØRF' Date: ð" - G" if t Facility phone #: -r-- _ 0/( RI¡' 2 /Þl( ,¡:JII..~ __ £Ll... 3 ' "JÞÆ 4/L ~- S-- -r-- --- L L. E C:".2:;;¡. c¡ JJt.1. S;e L L P ~J.O ~':J.~ L L .f-. .)1 ;).Íf'.~ '~PO.J -- ~3SðO .suÀ ~ ~/;J¡.~ ~ bqpD .s~ J t¡" If of :;¡#t n r/~ ~IIII ~ ¡SOb ~ ~ ,Jy I.J "'- --- -- --- -- Additional information-TI.e:-weather, o .. ~G-A¡'¿ 80 RJS¡"':l Layout of tank site: 7Ãlvk~ RGlW UNJ6f¿ i.sl.l4Ñcl . tanks uncõVëred?, rë=tëstî) {"INJ (JAil' A V e 1~J.A~c/ ~~ J :z. 3 o o o ~. a) Above results are provisional. Final results issued from A.E.S. Bakersfield. b) + or - 0.05 GPH is used to certify tightness. . ", c) These results obtained using the patented A. E'.S. /Brockman - sys'tem'~" ____n d) This system and method meets the criteria set forth in NFPA #329. JLBl . .... ,.._."U ....' . '" ....u.__._._~.;4.__....._._....:...:.._.__.._._...__._...__._____"_.__.__._... .... . . - -.. ......... -~ -" . ....- '-. - .-_........ . 'e -' AES/Brockm~n Prec~s~on L~ak Test P.o. eCH- 1~1 B41<_~_~1_1d. CA ~3~02 * eO~/32~-2212 --------~--------------------r--~------------------------------------___________. : Order # 9328 Tank # 3 I Calibration Value =, _ Gal. : -------------------------------------~----------------------tj---- ,~\~~~-------- : Date 8/6/86 time 54.8 : System Variation : Scale : GPH I ----------------------------------~-------------------------------------------- ProdLtc-t-~"""'C'-:-"c-UNLE{;DE_D,-,- _,=__': TankOnly--, - . . I - ~ '.._ _._ ~.____ _'_. -.0" . ~. ;:.. ..- ~'-....;: --:-~:.::-;~. ..;+'.;;-:-::--~..:. -..---:'_-~-.- -: .'."::-:--:--=: ---.;;~~..------~----_. - '.- .._. '-. -------------------..,-----------'----------------------------------..;-.5---...,.;;".--~.:::-.:..,-- ": Gallons 10000' Product Line I' - i' -'-': ------------------------------------------------~------------------------------ : Gallons Added 1500 : Non PressLlr'e Lines : . ~ i .. .: ----------------------------------------------------~---------~~-~------76~-- Hrs Since'Added 3 Notes - -. , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~-...----~_._-~. I-C-- . I I, .-......~.-_.~_..._.. - ... ~ ...-- -.~ -'- ""-- , " . ... ..,~ ~ . ..oc__....._..~._ h__'_'~__"_ ..,,_~...__~_~.,__~~~_.._"_...."'"......,~ .".--. _.~ _.,~_. .- 75 . ~T'Mf . ¡~.,{ ¡-Lv ~~----_C--_-_~4_ I ') .-?\:' .\.. /11 .:....: :'. .' '" .. \ 75 59 59 25 25 9 n !Ijf¡JI 25 125, 59 J?5 5Ø 75 11111!llmmmmllll¡1111II1I1111II1II111111II1I 5 )(:CA L : ~. . UNLEADED '-" .~- -Opde JP - -n,o." Q"'.:)":)1:) J'~~JIUI- .,...__.....,,------~.~....,.. -.., ._-"---~._---- --"--"'-.~ "-- ----, ------...-. --"~" " .. ~ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --. -- ~_.._- ~Ci IE S /' E: g,..-, :0 c: II-=: ~:: !j¡¡ P yo- ,¡;= c: :i, ·'!E:i. :0 ï~ L "\.a k f"'. 0 - e.::>>< 1. ~ 3. ""W ..-1':1. _1. d. C:A '9'3~~':>::--= .... 19<.''.:5/_ 2~ 1.:;:: Tes..t . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Ol~der # 932BTank ~~ 1 :, Calibration ValLIe C. = ,.CGaL : -----------------------------------~--------------------------~---ú~~~------- Date 8/6/86 time 54.8 System Variation : Scale GPH I .' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I: Product REGULAR'.: Ti:1nk Only' /;,J.(: r/ : / I -------------------------------------~----------_____l~~________~~------~~_____ ' v ' Gallons 10000 ProdLlct Line ! · ~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~=~.~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i=~~=d~~~~~~j::~=~ -.- I ---~~:-:~~::_~~~:~_____~____________~~:::_______________~_____~~_______~______ Q / ~r~ , ',' ~ " kf+ v,'"v (,I. c X'Þ \(.... .\'J. .,',)0- \"'. l /11"" ..... \ "" I J \,.,c ~J II ' \.,;'" \\ '- 1, ." \ " \,1 \;;,r_t.!......i (,' " ~l l, \ \;, ' . ;. ,yo \ ¡~ ":, \"':"~-T -~.^'_... .. ,~, t/-l' :L:;r ' c.. .. 117.;·1. (&.e~ I ! i~- . '",,- -"~~......-. .-.-~ 75 ,_____ __. - __0 ~. _ ~_ _,_____.. , . ---,~-- - - - --. " I -:'~i' \ " 59 \ ,,' ~ ,.... -'" ... ;j!r ,. J f '25 I! 9 25 25 50 50 1 75 " 75 ~~>:,+~~:t O]f1lri:ile :ra n II) UI 932B -, --~. .~.._----_._---_._-. ----~---._-~ -. ~ -- - - --- ~ ~ ~- ~ - -- PiES '/ BIt"- iO~= k ~,. '' F'r ec: :i '$ i. C~~ J..... '<3. i-.: . P.o. SQ~ 1~1 ~ ·_~~_ld. CA ~33.~2 * BO~~ -2212 ,.. e s :t:: -------------.------------------------------------------------------------------ Or-der # 932A Tank # 1 Calibration Value = Gal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date 8/6/86 time 54.13 , " I System Variation : Scale GF'H Product -----------------------------------------------------------------------~------- , ' , REGULAF: Tank Only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---~:::~~=-----:~~~~----------------~:~~~=~-:~~=-~---~~-~_~~~~_jl£~~___________ --,~------:._-:---._- --.' --_._~ ---... ---.. --.--. ,-...__... ._------_._~._- --..-.---.-----. '-'---,,---.-.- ---.------ .__.~...-.----' - .-.--- ..- -:- Ga11oh~ Added 3500 Non Pressure Lines : -, ,- ~ I , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hrs Since Added ..., "'- Notes -----------------.-------------------------------------------------------------- . .,' ',' :; I, . ._~ .,' - . , :," ,~, :' , ' .-.. '''--'' .'.---.. 75 ~. . --<-_._~- . ~--~,_. ~- ----.---- .- - - ~ .----... ~. -.-..- _.~.. ,. , -:t~f- 75 " , ---- :') ~, v .-.. "'--'.--'.-', 25 , J'~ ~/ , ' 59 59 ~~ '" \, \ 1\l-~l 25 ø Q 25 25 59 50 , 75 75 .~~~~"'""": :=-".::~: . ~ Jr"ft 1",· ¡ '.; O~~ PMP ON FX2 B~ elR 2XCAL AQE of- Ol#1!lcle ::r no iI 932A '-.----~-""...-=.7.'__'_""~.".___,..,..-,.,.~_ _ ..... .~ ---".~,-..,. --0... =_ ..----.---.----- -- - ~--'-- ._~ '- -.-~- ---- - .--- - -.- ---~ --- -~ -- --- - - -- -- ---- --- ---- - -- -~ -"'--- . -- A E S ./' B...- C) c: k eë::..1Iï P r is' c: :i 'S:i., ClII' .. eo .3 §..:: ~.o. eQH 1~~ B_k_r_~~_1d~ CA. ~3~02 * eO~/32~-2212 Test .. , --------~---------------------------------------------------------------------- Order- # 932B Tank # 2 . Calibration Value Gal. = -------------------------------------------------------------~-------~~------- Date 8/6/86 time 54.8 System Variation :fScal¡0~ GPH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product PREM/UL Tank Only -----------------------------------------------------------------~--------~---- I ~ f v.. " ..... -~ ---- - ~.-·.I -- "-: -::~ (.-_::>~:. .,.:.~._:_::.f::"-..";"::_=_:=__.~..;::......:..-...::. :-:-;.;.:~-:=-':.:... ...-:-::-- ....:- Gallons --------------------------------~---------------------------------------------- ". ,·10000,--.,--·_-",-----·'·,,--,--:' F'roduct Line : Gallons Added 6900 : Non F't-essure Li nes : I I . '. ./ . / ------------------------------------------------~--------------\T--------p----- : Hrs Si nce Added 6 : Notes " ' I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---. '.-''',.-''"".~...--.."._=---~'''-'''~-,--,.....---..=_.....~_.- -~ '-~' ~ . '" . .~_._ __.'__.~.~.·.-u_ "_~~ ~.~- --~~ .", -- ".- ~_.:..... ~,""..:.:- ~~~- ~~ ~- -;- ~:::.-:_._.~;; ~.:;.....;-.-.__:;._-_:.- , .. -.- - _..! .. .:'," - -:. -.- ..-.::__,,~;_; ~__~_ ,;_...:._. =":;,_ ~_~,,;_._ _" .._ __.._~__ ~"_' _..__'_r_,.-.,...->..__.. ~._~____ .____._._~_____..__... ----. - - _.~ ~~_ n__~ _ _~, .__~__ .-. 75 :l:r: 75 ':,,¡X 1/ 25 5Ð 59 9 25 Q ,25 125 J:: 59 75 IjHla',i¡:)¡¡/ijH¡iI¡¡Uil¡'" ~ Hi];¡' ¡¡,I ¡'1~!iIî¡it, , t ~ ,r,"d·~t,tl· ~f, pin I .1 .···."';f, ~Xf~MA~ O~de:r no. 932B i- _ . _.. _~_,._ _ __---'"-~_"OC,~ -__-.~ - _.._.:._ ........=--=-., __.-'----- -____, _=--~-__ ..._-~ "~_.'_7~"I-_ --'-__........~._._ ..- _ ~_ ...~_ ~ ~ .~.,._- --_n_-_''---_''".",._5''.,..,..,....,..~"'"'-O..''''____' = .-~--,..~"~- . ____,. "-c-- ,",_·_<ß.=__- ..~_"""__---:-,__-,-__u_._.__ -----._-- -----_._----_.~--_._-----_.._--- £' ~- -~,-~ ,------- AES/Bråc: ~:'.an . \ 'E:!'..:3I.k· T~"St " , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F"r E::!'C i 'S i c::Þõ!I ~AC. eOM 1~1· e_~:_r-_~~~ld. CA ~3~O~ * e('O/~2~-2212 Order # 932A Tan k :J:t 2 Calibration Value Gal. , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Date 8/6/86 time 54.13 System Val~iation GPH ProdLlct ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Scale PREM/UL Tank Only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallons ._-~---- - -- --0-.----., .___ _~_. ____ - - .- '.. ---~----. -- ---- ,,-- ---- . -- ---- ------~-- - .. -~-------- ~ -- -- -- ~ - ~.~- ~- ~~-~. ï I -----------------------------------------------------------~------------------- 10000 , - . PI~odLlct Li ne 1\/0 LV55 I ~Hj/ Gallons Added 6900 Non PressLlre Linea ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hrs Since Added 5 Notes -----------------------------------------------------------.-------------------- 1-,,,,--,-,-,,._-_:_, ...--.-,-'--- , , ... - - ~ - -. . ~ _h_'_U.._·___ ._.__~~~ .__~.~.________..~_ ~'_..,-_. ~- -...............-.. .0---._. -._" _.-.,__.'.'_ . ~.._._~_.-.......--_-_........~-._:......._- . ..-.-....... 75 \ I' OJ ,) \ 0' ,-IMP -LvI ø 59 ~?' \ 25 25 '59 75 , - 2 )(CA L 1 ' PiIIuJIID j"1ïJIL ,¿ ON NO 932A O~deI"" nOli _......."'-"..,._ ·--T·...==- ~-.,.--~.-. ----~""....-'--.. 75 ,59 25 9 25 5Q 75 - - -- -._- -.- - --- - - - --- --.- _.- -- ---- - -'- - - - - --- f:... .' ~ e \. . .. AES./ B...-·C)c k m.an P...- eoc i 'S:i. CJln Leo a. II-:: Teost .~.o. BOM 1~1 B~~_~-~~_1d9 CA ~~~02 * eO~/32~-2212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order # 932A Tank # 3 C~libration Value = Gal. ----------------------------------------------------~-------------------------- Date 8/6/86 time 54.13 System Variation.: ,Sca1e_ _GPH 0,,",,; ~i::...;....._-..._'-,:_"'~::..:_.:.;..:...:..::..._:....-.::::...:::;;.;::=_=_..:..==__=_.:...:.~==.:..___:.:._____¡_-----=~--'-'~===__.:::..='=-=':.:::==.::.:=-==:.-==--=:..,..==~'::::--=c-" I Product UNLEADED : Ta~k Only . I: ---------------------------------~----------------------------------.----------- Gallons 10000: Product Line /VO Loss'SU-,.../ : ------------~------------------------------------------------------------------ Gallons Added 1500 Non Pressure Lines " , -------------------------------------------------------------------~----------- Hrs Since Added '"' ..;;. " I " Notes - " -..,. . -- - . -. '. - .- . - -.. - - -- .- _. ~ - .. -.. .-~.;.,____~.~.=.~:.=..~...='.;.;:.-=~.::..-~.:.::.~..:.._==:::::.:::==~_=_.:.-.::::.._=-::,;:::.:-~==_~~T~-~_..;;..;;:.;;;,;.<.:___;;,;=__~~~;.;.~~.:_-.;;_:._:..:.=~::.:..::===:;=.:..::==~-::.=.:.:=:.:.~..:.:...::__ , . i i -' ......_---'"-......._,..-,,-;----::"" 75 -1Mf IILv 75 V ¡l\ ~JOJ ¡' 50 59 25 ø :25 75 ,25 50 59 75 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 . ,. ,J 2XCAL . FX2 --~-',..-- .-..-'----=----=-""---'--'------~~=:'-=---'-------,.---"._-=----'-,.----,-,~....-------=--=~-=---"~~__'O_~__<...._=~_=_-~,.,,_~_~...,..,..____.._____..~_~:.........__""=.<~.-~-..-_^_ _,.........-_-,-~-._'-_----"=--~-=--=-_ ..,-_-'-_......~'-~-__._.__"~___=-~__~~___'_-_ OJPde1P no. ,932A i , I Facility e(" - .. . PERMIT CHECKLIST CÄ rd-e.·'\Z' 5~ ~ {;~ \~~~ Permit # 07ðOö <=- This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. I', __ ,Please complete, this form and return to ~HD in the se1f-add:res_s~d ..:_~_~~J.o!>.: _!>r_~,vi_de~~__ r. -~'--wltnl-n"-3-0""-days-""õ'f=recel=pf.c~o':"~-c'~.-""""CO","",,,'=='===",- ~~~~---C=·",Ccc--- _-----'==~-===,==_=_==__ _.." .~' _~, _ ____,,___ ___, . Check: Yes No ~ ". .~, A. The packet I received contained: , , ./ I ) Cover, Letter, Permit Checklist. Interim Permit. Phase I Interim Permit r-----=---=-·-'-'--~~"-''''Mönn-õryng "-ïfÉ~qu r'reiñeñt's";-"'I'llf orin-aYìõïC--Sheèr-1Agreêineñt"-Betwè'-eñ~"-dwne r~~ãña--- I: Operator), Chapter 15, (KCOC#G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes, ',~ Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. i 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-I0. I -L 3) The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recording Sheet b) Inventory Recording Sheet with summary on reverse ~ c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) ..,/ I I I 1 ./ ../"LY) L ~- B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit. Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name and address. substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following re~~ired equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information' Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "n'o" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). ~E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). ' ~~ F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-IO, all meters at this facility hav~ had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a reghtered device repairma~lf out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). ~ _ G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in Handbook #UT-I0. -~-~-'Date-'--S·tar-t:ed:---él-'1f~ ~~~.~~-- Signature of Person CompletingJjhecklist: 7'(/.:1-- ·W~~ Title: ?d- ~;;~ - ~~Jtþ~ ûr1 Ç( -/')'- 'If.cj ...l.¿"" _ I -=---~..,.,.,- --_.~~~-=-'==~,...--=-'-"-~--==>.~....,.- ._~----=-=-,.."._.- Date: Ker~ çounty Hea~th Departmena.__ DivlSlOn of Envlronmental H~ 17aO Flower Street, Bakersfield, ~ 93305 Permit No. (J?d~é/c:. APPlicationer 7 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATB UNDERGROOND HAZAADOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILIT'i !ïE! of Application (check): '. . o New Facility DModification of Facility ~Existi~ Facility DTransfer of Ownership A. EmergencY 24-fk)ur Contact (name, area code, ¡i1one): Days 'Jim Chadwick (916) 331-2540 Nights Facility Name Circle K H386 .', lb. of Tanks '3 '~~~~~:~~~:~~c~~c::-~ri~~ur~~-~~~~onDYes lf~ escr1bêr~~'~"~=-'~-- .~---.. "C;=-=~=. -'-~.-.- Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Pur¡:oses? DYes.~. . Facility Address 4198 Union Avenue . Nearest ¿;o~ St:.2jj 'J,,~._ T R SEC (Rural Locations Chly) , /)(1 d Owner The Circle K Co~oration Contact Person To Cd'sgr~e . ". ,Address PO Box 20230, Phoenix, AZ Zip ~.)036 Tele¡i)one (602) 431 -0600 ',.;';':., Operator 'i~1" /.p I<.. ~ l/3kG . , , Contact Person ~-:'i--:--','Aðdress ''''^"~TT/t¡-9'' 17~~ï7jn---H'~"'''-_'_''M'Z ip" q:=5.325,~'o ::"TelèpïOrie . - h.,__ " ,'. -.. I \ ""', . ,: r1.Ìëbtr ~ Fa~l1i~ pr!=>vided by , Depth to: GroW¥!water , if So 11 O1aracteristics at Facility t,.,' Basis for 5011 Type and Groundwater Depth Deteminations " ,. C_ Contractor Address Proposed Starting Date WOrker's Compensation ~ertification I CA Contractor's Ucense }b. , Zip Telephone pro¡:osed Canplet10n Date Insurer .';:, .<' D. If 'l11is Permit Is For Modifica'tion Of An ÐdstiD:] Facility, Briefly tescribe Þbdifications proposed I I· I t~ I Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): ~! Waste Product - Motor Vehicle - Unleaded Regular Pr_hlD Diesel Waste ' Fuel Oil ~. 0 0 er 0 ~. 0 8 8 0 0 - m g. ~. \~ 0 0 ŒJ 8 B - 8 8 ,0 0 0 - .. . ....-- i I '2 I ' I, F.,Chemical Canp:>sition of Materials Stored (not necessary for D:)tor vehicle fuels)=oi;..-:::;::: ~. 'rank t Chemical Stored (non-cCX'lln8rcial name) CAS I (if known~' Chemical- Previously Stored (if, different) I I I' ;., G. .. Transfer of Ownership Date of Transfer Previous Facility Name I, " Previous ~er- accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued to I· understand that the pennittil'¥3 Authority may review and lOOdify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this mdergroœd storage facility upon receiviD:] this completed form. _" .--._..='"'--"'--____..-__ ~·-··-·-----·-.-............~',......·~~,,··-...-...:J~"·..'----~-~·'_~........~__,"_,____o_~'__'--,_-, ,_.... ,~,'-_~ ~._ _ _ _,_ ~______"",_~_,"~~"'_~""_""_'''''''=-_~'~~''-'-'-_=->--''-'~''''_''~''_'''-''-__'''''_''''_'_..-."...___._.....-.. This fom has been canpleted under penal ty of true and correct. Sigha~ure 1v1~ , ot-v-{ Ö ~ c)'-- ~ perj ury and to the best of my knowledge Is . THOMAS M. CnSm1fWE, S!lPI:RVISOR p~" Ti tIe Date ~ /7/ ~5' , / I' - --- FacHity Name 0ULCJ:...¿K ~ 13fi(P " , Permit ~.()'l{,,¡JO/c TANK #.- (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM ~C.~'H TANK) - F0R EArn SEcTIõÑ, CHECK ALL APPRõ'PRffiE-šõXEš-- H. 1. Tank is: 'DVault~ tXfNon-Vaulted OI:k>uble-Wall DSingle-wall 2. Tank Material ' lcarbon Steel D Stainle, ss Steel D,Polyvinyl' Chloride, OFiberglasS-<:lad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 AllDimll1 0 Bronze Dl.)1known Other (describe) . .' I 3. Primary Containment . Date Installed 'Ihickness (Inches) Capaci ty (Gallons) , "Manufacturer 1---.'--è~~~4:-'o=~t<~c~-c~t~i~~t~-------~=~tD¡t9Ð()c-~c--=~-=--=,~=~.===c~~,._ '.- -"", __=--~=,c.= , DDouble-wall~Synthetic Liner DUned Vault OHone fg~ Cather (describe): Manufacturer: DMaterial Thickness (Inches) Capacity ,(Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining ~ -,:rRubber [J Alkyd DEpoxy [JPhenolic DGlass Delay Othlined []lt1kncM1 ' :. "," '" . ' DOther (describe): ',' .' :.; :..·.....:-ò.::.._'-:.:...6., '''',Tank Corrosion. ProtectiorL,__.,___________,__.__..._~_,__" _,,-._~,~,_____ '____-'--_,-_,_~_"'-'--'----'__'__'_,-~:~=- I' .i:..' .' .,.' 8:;V:~1~RFi~~~lad No~Poae~;e~e:~fbe~V1nYl WrappiD) '" ,,'::{<:',~;~;~}.,:",~- I .~ ' " "Cathodic P,rotection: [JHone J3ImPE'eSsed O1rrent System []Sacriflclal IInode system 1!". - 'DescritB System , Equipnent: " , :'.: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception, ' _ ¡:-Tank: DVisual (vaultecftãnks only) crGrowmøter Monitorinj Wall (8) o Vadose Zone Moni taring Well( 8) [J u-Tube Wi thout Liner C U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Plow ,to Monitoril'l l1li11(8)* [J Vapor Detector* D Liquid Level Sensor [J Conda.x:tivit¥ Sen8or* , '. '., , D Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall '1'ank . .. D Liqui4 Retrieval " Inspection Fran U-T\.i:)e, Moni toring Well or Annular Space D Daily Gauging , Inventory He nciliatiQn D Periodic T1ghtnua Testing [J None [J lhknown 0 Other Q, Ie.. L n lft . b. Piping: Plow-RestrictiRj Leak Detector (s) for Pr ized Piping o Moni toring SUap wi th Rac8WIIY ,[J Sealed Concrete Racewy OHalf-cut Caapatible Pipe Raceway [JSynthetic Liner Raceway []1Iane IE) Unknown 0 Other , *Describe Make " Model: 8. Tank Tightness HaS 'nus Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank Repidr Tãñk Repal red? 0 Yes DNo ~known Date(s) of Repair (s) Describe Repairs , 10. Overfill Protection ~ator Pills, Controls, " Visually Monitors Level DTape Ploat Gauge OFloat Vent Valves D Auto S~t- Off Controla BCapðeitance Sensor OSealed Fql Box OHone .ßJlhknCM'l Other: . List Make " Model ror Above Devices . ,; - .,!U .. ,., .. , DYe8 ONo ~wn Resul ts of Test "ft!sting Canpliny 1: . 11. Piping M a. lhderground Piping: ~Yes DHo Dt1'1kno\ill\ Material . . Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer , ¡ ~Pressure OSuction LlGravlty Approximate Length of Pipe JUt ' .----,-,.---b.---..Undergr:Q~_p_ipi.rg",_Ç.9r~ºsion--,Protection- ":--.----,..~~-~~~~~~~-~~..--~~~_.,..,..._"~.,u'____~,.~~~'" DGalvanized DFiberglaSS-Clad OImpressed O1rrent [JSðcriflclal Anode OPolyethylene Wrap [JElectrical Isolation DVlnyl Wrap DTar OE' Asphalt GSJUnknown DNone DOther (describe): c. UndergroW1d Pipirg, Secondary Contairment: ODouble-Wall DSynthetic'Liner System DNone .rJlhknO,!,\ [JOther (describe): Fi=lcil i ty Name (~UL eJf K ~X0 Permit. ~! .( (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM ";-_1i~) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES No.~ ,~. -~' ¿It...· ,I C H. 1. Tank is: ° Vaulted . ŒíNon-vaulted OI:k>uble-Wall OSi~le-Wall 2. Tank Material' m-Carbon Steel 0 Stainless ßteel 0 Polyvinyl Clùoride 0 Fiberglass~lad Steel o Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Alunim.m 0 Bronze DUnkmwn o Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment , Date Installed Thickness (Inches) '-~ "~cc~4:~'~~l1~'do~ëont~i~~t'-----' , ODouble-wall--r:J Synthetic Liner , OOther '(describe): o Ha terial S. Tank Interior ,Lining :: ,:~H~:r (d~~~): Dt:p)xy DPhenolicDGlass DCl~y Otbl1ned· ø~.. ,> ··.....:··,"'.:....,·6 .-,,-,Tank, ,Corrosion,P·rotect ion '_"_'_"_'~'''_''''___'',N'' -", '''-''----''---''~--"-~''~-..o.._.^,--'_..o'_''''c"""__,_-""~,,-,,,_,,,___:,,_..:,~.o::,. .~,,~___"" I :-:---U,', Galvanized [JFibe~lass-Clad -DPolyethylene Wrap tJVin¥1 Wrapping '.," ""~':~:':.~'¡ ,":" y DTar or Asphalt Unknown DNone OOther (describe): ,- '.. , .,,<:, ' v I ,.... Cathodic Protection:., None, ,Otmpressed O1rrent System [JSacriflclal Anode System I" '~,"'.'. 7.' Describe System & Equipnent: ' Leak Detection, Mooi toring, and' Interèeption I _' ~Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) LrGrowdwater Monltorin;¡· Well(s) ". _ __" ':",: . : . D Vadose Zone MonitoriR3 \tell(s) -- 0 lJ-Irube Withoiit Uner '''":~, ,,::-' ~"'~--, ,:,. . 0 U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to· Moni torin;¡ Well (8) * ',,- ,.2: o Vapor Detector· 0 Liquid Level Sensor D Conductivit~ Sensor* ." " " o Pressure Sensor in Armular Space of Double Wall "rank [] Liquid Retrieval . Inspection Fran U-T\be, Moni toring Well or Annular Space D Daily Gaugh¥] "Inventory conciliation [J Periodic Tightness TestiD) D None 0 lbknown -0 Other k. ~rrtlJl- ' . b. PipiR): FIOW-RestrictiR) Leak Detector(s) for P essurized Piping _' :,._-=,- ::....","-' o Mon! torin:J S\Dp wi th Racewy [J Sealed Concrete Racewy -, ' QHalf~t Canpati~1e_Plpe ~ceway [JSynthetic Liner -Raceway ~D~.;...¿- '_", _~-:--== '.- fiðUnkno1ll'1 DOther,,-=-~--, " ".,- - , n ,. ,.....~ ' *Describe Make "-'Model.:, :-_ -=: - - ,8. Tank Tightñess~:=..""";"" ~~:'7;;;:,~,_:=-::, ' , I·"·' Has ~lS TankBeen·T19htneàs.:.·1'ested1l..=·QYeS~, ON:) - ~thknown ~.-:.' ~~_-:=~~,;;;-~ ' '.- Date of Last TightneSs-Test~~'..:;.:::::....==-_~-~·'t'=~ , Results of Test .,~ ;',-,_ ,: .";':7~_ I ~~:9i~~i~~::7'f~~~~~: '.. ."~ .~.." 'l.'esti"lÇaaponÿ~ '. ,,~0 .'. ,; . I -_~-" . Tãñk._Repaired?~-oyes~::., . --"'lhkno~;':c' ;: ',_,~-,~~.,=,. ..' " I -- '.Da!-e(s) of Re~it(s)::' ='~--'5'=-....:'~"" ;-~} . -: -;-' 'Descrt1be Repairs ~ .. ;,1:':':' ,.::::.) i::-:s 1-0.:10:- óVè-rfll1 protectlon,;'. >::..;:,-:-~_, .. '---¡jõperator Fills,-:cöntrols;~' Visually Monitorstevel,=,.- '_-~ -:~- ..: ':="; . DTape Float Gauge, ..qFloat-Vent valves::OAutoS~t- O~f Contro, 1:5. ,~-:-:,,:~':_~_ .-:..:_. , BCapacitance Senso, ,r ',' [JSealed Fill Box-ONone lS)l1'ùcno,.,- . ..... -:, . ___c Other: .~. " - --, , List Make . Model'Foc Alxwe-J)ev!ces .,. . ,,' Capaci ty (Gallons) ·,_..~·~",I()-()DO '- ._,--_ , ___,__ ___ ,_"",. . _ _ __ , DLined Vault DNone ~t11known Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) Manufacturer ... ... - ----- . ....------....-,- -'-~~--"..- . .'- ,-,---"... , ! Thickness (Inches) .-'.J .' --' '::::~ . - - ~.. ". .. ..::'.... 11. Piping __ ,_ ~, a. lbderground PipiR3:'OYes "DNo- ~t11known__ ·::..~terial '--" , . " I Thickness (incl1es)'"'''- .,., , '--Diameter -~ufacturer~' m '. "_ ! )óPressure OSUctionLJGravity '", Approximate I.enJth -of Pipe .Rim - _' ,~~_ _·~~..,,~,.Under9roun,LPi pi-rg -'Cor-rosion--Protection'" ::,,:::::"·::,,~""-::-.~"'''_-"_~c~_..,,_ ....,,,_,__ __ '.0_" ".,'C__n''''-'-__~U'~~~_ DGalvanized OFiberglass~lad, - OImpr'essed, O1rrent DSacrificial Anòde' ~-'':''-- CPolyethylene Wrap, DElectrical Isolation DVlnyl Wrap DTar or As¡Nlt' -;' :_ JZlUnknown DNone --OOther '(describe) : _:.' '.-' ". c. Underground P ipirg, Secondary Conta innent: " .+.t._ OI:k>uble-Wall DSynthetlc Liner System ONone, ~kno,., _ DOther (describe): Facility Name (!(/),-'~ J< ff¡2...f0 ,_-_ pennit No.:::.. /f...f:-{) /;(,... TANK! e ( (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM !iI!- _'H~) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1-. Tank is: Dv~ulted' ,M'Non-vaulted DDouble-Wall DSinglEHolall 2. Tank Material -mfCarbon Steel 0 Stainless ,Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-Clad Steel {] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 A1I.11110\.I1\ 0 Bronze DUnknown , 0 Other (describe)' 3. Primary Containment Date nstalled Thickness (Inches) ~~,-:¡~öó¿f:~~~) lW\ufacturer DLined Vault DNone ~\bknown Manufacturer: Capaci ty (Gals.) Delay Otl1l1ned~CN1 . '. - _._----~~--..........---~-----.._- .-~-._- .~. · . ,- ... --. >, ':..,'-·--f~'·Tank co ary Contairnent o Double-wall--C Synthetic Liner DOther (describe): DMaterial 'I11ickness (Inches) '5. Tank Interior Lining , ,~Rubber D1ùkyd DEpoxy DPhenolic DGlass , .,:', 'DOther (describe): '.<,:.. ",6 ''':·Tank·~.Corrosion- Protection ,--_._,._~ '~.. ~. n______,~~__._ ,_. _ ~.~:..__~_._. '~~'__'__'~~__"____~'_'.L_ '.~__~~ _~,_ _.__.~.___. _,_ '-'7<~7'-,' ~'-'~Galvanized [JFi~glass-Clad, DPol~thy1ene Wrap DViny1 Wrappii¥j ~;' ,~: ,!:~;;"" ,',~,:,. -:': DTar or Aspha1tß]º"known - ONone OOther (describe): ''', ' " .' '.' +--~ Cathodic protection: DNone -, DImpressed,CUrrent System [JSacrificlal Anode system ,;~.. ~ ,Describe System & Equipnent: .:: s' ; 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception _." 'u .,' . ~Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) CfGroufdwater Monitorini well (8) ,_,_, ~_ " . , D Vadose Zone MonitoriR3 Well(s) - 0 tJ-Jl'ube Without Uner ~~-~:,---- ":-~- , '. Du-~ with Canpatib1e Liner Directi~ Flow to,Monitorif9 We1l(8)* ,:..:- o Vapor Detector* D Liquid Level Sensor 0 Conductivit¥ Sensor· .- D Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank D Liquid Retrieval , Inspection Fran U-Tl.i:>e, Moni toriBJ Well or Annular Space o Daily Gaugil'XJ & Inventory con9ili~tion Periodic Tightness Testiß) o None 0 tl1known 0 Other I¿ , I ' ' b. Pipil'XJ:. Flow-Restrictil'XJ Leak Detector(s) for P essurized Piping :.: -:o~__ -, "'~': . -" DMonitoriD;J Slnp with RaceWlY_ DSealed Concrete RaceWly,----·-..<-'---' " D Ha1f-cut Caopatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner-Raceway 0 None~~-::-:.-¿:::+3'=:.: ; '~.---'- 0 UnknoW't D Other--='c-~-:-'-:"::,~ :'_ -- . - i, *Describe Make-:'" Model: '., - , '''.. , 8. Tank Tightness ..:~_ -=--:","'. ~;:..-~ , , ' _. ' ,_. ¥-,' Has '1111S Tank Been'1'ightnes8Tested?,:, :OYes'~'DNoAít11kno1ll1-=--~ ,~.:..1:::":-~~':::: '''~-- Date -of Last TightnessTest=-=-L'=-~'-'':'':' -' Results of Test --,~,-,_, ,.0>'-_'" .~~~ir,~::;~1;~- ;.--_~~~. '.' C~~~'l\öS"t!N-~p>Jiy"", --;;~ :-;~-,,;~ -, · ,J_ Tãñk .Repaired?~DYe~¡-jf.~,~ D~wn,~,;..'~,.,,-,-, ! ", · ,~_____~_Date(S) of Re~ir(s):: .. n '-_:~ ' " ' Describe Repairs--, :-'-"'-:'~-~' -:.::=~- C"'.:-· =:·:.10~ OVerfill Protection \ i ,,-,~,:_,~,; ',( '1 --ooperator Fills, :COntróls:~"", ,Visually -Monitors Level :~_:~.~~:. '-.--..:.Ù , DTape Float Gauge =-,-OFloat Vent Valves -0 Auto Shut- Off-Controls ~:-:;i,¿':;-'-~.~r._,:c:~~_: ,~, BCapacitance J~ensor '~DSealed Fill Box - {]None ' øt)1kncM1~-'--:''':~:'7':':--: p..~:" , "," Other: ','- List Make , Model P«Above' Devices =¿ , , :", ",- ~;~t· .,~ ----- 11. Piping - , a. tbderground Piping:~Yes ONo Otk1known, Material' - .~.:::-:": I, ThEc ss (inches) -,,-:' " Diameter, Manufacturer_::. ~:':_7':, I . Pressure OSuction [JGràvity:::-Approximate LeBJthof'Pipe-RLn~', _' " ' ~,,~_ ..~.~....-~.~~.~_.-.-~b.L-"o~-U erground· Pipirg"'-Corrosion-·---Pcotecti-on· :_ r'_;"'_'~_-:-"~_-:___ _.__ - _._~_- .-~_ -~- -" - ~-' DGalvanized-DFiber91ass~lad. "OImpressed CUrrent, OSacrlficia1 'Anode ,::0 :~.. :jPo1yethY1ene WrapOElectrical Isolation OViny1WrapDTar ,or Asphalt,:::: Unknown . DNone DOther (describe): ' , c. U ergrouOO Pipìn:¡, Secondary Containnent: ,,- , ~ ' ODouble-Wal1 Dsynthetic Uner System Otbne p1k1kn01ll1' ,_-- []Other (describe): I,' ¡ I ;,1 1 :1 í i J ! I.: , I .' f" , , ! I - H $7 OLQ ::¡:I / è3 60 !: ='----=----=--=-~ ----- ----,--l I I I I ò þ~t>..'-- !Rþ~\J Ib;. k~ 'i I~'~I...... ......... ,,- ¡, ¡' i ....-.. "'",.:,'" "f-",,' ...<,.,~."~,,. :~:.'''''o;..","., ",., =.....". '·:·1::·::·,.;,~;~·¡":~.''r.I::,r:tr,,,;,,~:,...t''':I.'''''''' . (,. 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'I ,~ l~ ~ Q , '--. r. ;; ~ t, ~tb ù ,e, I \~ \ I Û) I~ ~.~ i 1 I e e û700ò j ~61881011 Kern County Health Department ~~ ~ ~~ (8), Hazardous Materials Division ~ ~ ~ 1415 Truxton Ave. I ~ ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 ¡;; ~ ~ ~ . -.- '" hn_ h~u,_Re:. -Under.ground .storage.nTanks_andHYdr'O'Carbnoi~\\\~\\~.} Environmental Remediation of c~~ Q; ~.9c:-9Z'tztt~~ On May 15, 1990 ("Petition Date") The Circle K Corporation arid certain affiliates ("Debtors") filed petitions for relief u'nder Chapter 11, Title 11, of the United States Code ("Bankruptcy Code"). As a result of that filing, the automatic stay imposed "'"_.._"..~._-_._.,.-,,..by Section 362 (a),,·of ·theBankruptcy Code prohibits ..creditors from .~,,"',";.,c;., . taking any action (including administrative) that could interfere,·" with the operations or the assets of the Debtors. Additionally, please keep in mind that Section 525 of the Bankruptcy Code pro- hibits discriminatory treatment of the Debtors solely becaÙ'se of the bankruptcy. Finally, the Debtors are not authorized to pay any prepetition claims, such as administrative penalties or fines, except with court approval or pursuant to its plan of reorganization. August .31 ~ ·1990 ... '. ....' Pursuant to Section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, Circle K has rejected its lease for Stores identified in the attached Exhi- bit and located in your jurisdiction. Because the Debtors have rejected the leases they are required by the bankruptcy court to vacate the premises immediately. In vacating the premises, you are advised that the Debtors will have emptied all underground storage tanks ("USTs") present at these Stores and taken other steps to secure the UST systems. The Debtors will no longer be the operator of the UST system as .of the date the premises are vacated; the new operator will be the landlord of the property whose name and address is listed beneath the store address in the Exhibit. Circle K does not kno~ what the new operator's plans are for the U~T system. Furthermore, because of the bankruptcy court's requirement that the Debtors immediately vacatè the pre- mises and because the landlord will become the operator, Circle K will be unable to obtain permits or complete other required actions pursuant to California Health & Safety Code § 25298 to temporarily close such USTs. Because the Debtors will no longer have access to the premises, the Debtors will discontinue their 'current program, if any, to remediate petroleum contamination present at the site. Debtors' aboveground remediation equipment will be removed unless the landlord makes prior arrangements with the Debtors for the purchase of the Debtors' interest in such equipment. "-'-'" "'-.- ........'.o..,-."....=,,,-=c-'"'"'o-<-~.~...-."",..~~""'-.=,_"'._~--,,,____ ,- '.~- .-...'__'-_--,.,,""__ --,~ .__ .~___._ - d. . -- - _._-~-------- --- --. -~-_._.. -- ..... ----- - . THE CIRCLE K CORPORATION 6 1 0 1 N. S I E RR A A V E N U E . F 0 N TAN A, C A 9 2 3 3 6 · (7 1 4) 8 2 3· 0 6 9 1 .~-'~....,:-."'~-1:'-l:.1"':'~'''''';-'':;'J'j~~r. ,-.' -' .,~)L. . e e ':~i . ,. ',1. , ..... .,", '-!;~{~:,"'_:';/ , ' THE CIRCLE K CORPORATION ~ ! August 31, 1990 Page 2 -- -- . - - . ~ . ..: _..: ______--'-:::_ __:;:;__ -_ _-=--=--_~:_::_:_n ~.'.---.-=-:::,..-.:_:::..':::___.J:;=~.~~---~_-~_ -:-_; -- -~ --- -- ~_." - --.:-.".--=-- ~----- -- ~-.-~--~~ _::_--- The bankruptcy filing may preclude the Debtors' compliance with enforcement orders. Additionally, the agencies' claims under these orders are potentially subject to the automatic stay and to ultimate discharge. Agencies may file a claim in the bankruptcy proceeding for their lawful damages relating to the Debtors' ,failure to comply with any such orders. -"~-'--~-~ ~- _~. ~~~"^'_.~~~.~___ _...___ _~~ R_~ ~_.._~ . "--. --. ~'~~'--' "'_:_. '_., . _ __r'~'~·''''__.~_''_ ._..- .__'.. ._,'-.,....~~..... ...._-.:.--,...-... -..- - -. - _..;.,__._.. __'"..... ~.~..~·_·-___~w~.._,_ ~.". ~.,- "-_.--:.. ---.-~.. .._-~.:.._-~. The landlord of the Stores listed in the Exhibit have been notified of the Debtors' lease rejection and will be encouraged to review the requirements applicable to owners ,and operators of USTs, including those pertaining to registration, permitting, closure and remediation. The 'Debtors would encourage you to obtain the cooperation of the landlord for compliance with any requirements applicable to the USTs present at these Stores. Inquiries concerning any of these activities should be in writing, including the relevant Store number and address, and be directed to the Regional Office described below: Western Region Central Pacific Division 6101 North Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92336 c/o Michael D. Karvelot cc: Janet Jackim 1601 N. 7th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85006 Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Sincerely, The Circle K Corporation _,.. '''~~_~-ro_~_ -~ ~_ =-==----= -- ___r~.--.<_....=,"__=r -"'==""-"'~.......-...==-, --- ~----_ ~-=~"'~_~-___'_~-__-=~=r'______ '___._~ . ___",,~.. ,.__·,ti~,__........___r ..-- ~'-.-C-__ -- ..~, -.-- -...,.. ---_c-.-,---·_-__.-,-,_-_~_c~'_....,.=_.___=__~=_~~_> _ I Facility e e EXHIBIT OF FACILITIES WITH LESSOR NAMES AND ADDRESSES Store #830 2601 S. Chester Bakersfield, CA 93304 ,. "';";"_,0. ·_,.,~~-c~-"Le s s.Qrc~;..~cc~:· Agri.-::~mpir,e.. ,.__.,~-=,=-:-~' P. O. Box 490 San Jacinto, CA 92383 ..~",..::~::..-;:-:--:...::=::";:"'.~---=,::...:;::...:- =--:....-.- ---_._-~-- ------.. --...- -----.:..~-,.,...~" -';-_.~_:..",-,-._-- F a c i l·i-t Y ._, ...:.....- - S to r e .# 9 8 5 . __ ..... ,.._._..:....., ___ ._+ _..~. __ ._ __., ._.. .~ ._._'.__ _ ...- ..__~ ... #_ .~--. 3435 Pioneer Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 Lessor Facility Lessor Facility Lessor . '"~----- -. - -~..- --- -_.~---, ...--- .--"---. - - ----,-.. Rosalyn T. Oboler 800 NE 195th St., Apt. 101 Miami, Florida 33179 Store #1004. 9300 S. Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 John McBride Meade 700 S~ Lake Ave., Apt. 223 Pasadena, CA 91106 Store #1126 2501 River Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93306 Abnet Realty Co. c/o Wil.:I.iam K. Langfan 6 E. 45th Street New York, NY 10017 c; _....~~-~...,.....~...~~~~~=......~"--'---==--~=--~.,.,,---....,.,-.--~,....,...,...-_,__-=~.,.,._,.=~~O'~=<..".. ,....,--".~-=<-...,-....~ :.".., ...:..____,-~_...,..".-._"=_.,~ -~<__"... ~._.~'_",-=,n=:>-~~__'~.""--'""~="''''''--__.'' . .____._____.__ -'-------.,.._.-"""'-"-'~~._~-- -"--==-~-'.- * SITE UNDER ASSESSMENT OR REMEDIATION I, e, e' EXHIBIT OF FACILITIES WITH LESSOR NAMES AND ADDRESSES Facility Store #1268 3711 Mount Vernon Bakersfield, CA 93306 . . . I ;--':~';'~-'''':'~-CC-'~"LeS'sor-~:--L-incoln - --and--'S ylvià~De-l-lãr~-z~,=~,~~,-ò=""",=-c~=,:,~-,~ ":':''':0';,: _:_.;~õ,_, ~_7"":"'~;~~=-"-: P. o. Box 5365 .. Santa Barbara, CA 93108 -' .;) ¥~ ,...~.... ", _"~_-C_'..~~__. Facility : Store #13'86'" ".,., 4198 Union Avenue .. Bakersfield, CA 93305 '_.'~_ .-_·L. ~.___,_. - - ._----.. .-._. ~._.._.,._-- '''-'''~ --:..:...-:.--.-.....-.- "''' .~.~.,_.._. Lessor Corner Wind Inc./ABG International Prop. c/o Omnia Properties, Inc. 20 Exchange Place New York, NY 10005 * SITE UNDER ASSESSMENT OR REMEDIATION ._~----==->~_._...,..-___.,--~_____~.__=--=-=.'=-'.L"~__ .,,-.=.........-==.==-.-=-"-=-""-'_~--..............__~~,. _ __~-'-_... ..-r"r~""··- ,,_... ._--.,-"-._,==-...... _...'. ----""-=-"""="~_ .-,~~-_.. . UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT, DISTRICT OF ARIioNA IN RE: ' The'~ircle K Corporation, ~CLE K CONVENIENCE STORES, INC~ CIRCLE K MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LAR-LIN, INC" FIRST CIRCLE ' PROPERTIES, INC., UtoteM, Inc., UtoteM MARKETS OF ARIZONA, INC., UTOTEM OF ALABAMA, INC., U-TOTE'M OF COLORADO INC., U-TOTE'M OF MIAMI. INC., TIC TOC SYSTEMS, INC., MONTERRE PROPERTIES, INC., SHOP & GO, INC., CIRCLE K GENERAL, INC., CIRCLE K HAWAII, INC., COMBINED AVIATION CO., Charter Market- ing Company, Charter Marketing Company (Connecticut), MR. B'S OIL CO., MR, B'S FOOD HART, INC., NPI Corporation, OLD COLONY PETROLEUM COMPANY, INC., New England ,Petroleum Distributors, Inc., and 44th Street & Camelback Limited Partnership, . ! Chapter 11 Case Nos. 90-0S0S2-PHX-GBN to 90-0507S-PHX-GBN Jointly Administered NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS AND OTHER ,-- '-'""C-;~"';;-DEBTOR-S~o'c' C7--:C~~_C,~,-c ·~"o="Cc:--::.-,~",,=.='c=~~,~~'~",~'c'",-,=,,~ "-'.'~:~~7-c·"",-,:~,o'-,,'-c"- cccc-KATI'ERS,-'- 'c,cc",,' C~'=-:,' c'-,",i",,~',~'C~',_ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPT '16673-CR NO. 27.00 M' . St Suite " ,,~:Y . . "'1 ":j ';~\~"'t;'~ ,~;,~..':;;c . ~;;.;_ -",'. .,,00" ',0 :\.. -, '. ... ", .. , - '. ", . . " . ~ ! , ,." ,~," .';'.' -' - . , ' , .~ ...... d ,'........ -.-._~~-___, c_~__.._~......:;~~__--.-..;"~,.__~~_ ._..~___.._~_...._ .......~~ ~"'::'...,;;"" " " .:>*~{.:.:::.-;;~-'.._. -:-~.,: - ,~. --:····i:/¡ ", ,.,.-, ",. . "'.: . ~ '. .... i ," j- ,",. ..:¡~,.,_ "',:. ,·,:-'-.,:·:-Attomey for Debtors: 1 , /",~,~~~, .;:"';';7;~:='.~~'~_~~..:~eil,..GotshaL,&-Manges, >";¡'~~--" . ' " 700 Louisiana, Suite 1600 ,'::,ê<" '>1, , " ~.~.,._" ."~',-,,!" ,Jlouston, ,Texas 77002 . ~~;f.j.;'J ,~~ .' ..~~~",,~·'.:i; ::"0;¡¡'P>(~"(713)}~~-5373 ." , ,-."~~ ~···~t;:"d:.* ," '1-:£""',;;:0'" -,"- . '. .~ .': :.-. ' -. ~~ ,-. .k,' .,. '. ". -, ;,,:,,5..,~ _~ . . .; :..:,../ :~ - -': :. /" ,~:.. .·~"~~·;:"3:_~ . ':::_~.:.:; '\ ":;.:." <;.;'::-.....-.::. ..- .->!f . ,) ..-.. . .' ;~.5¡~;;j".. ~'Y.?;_.. .. t..'.:S.;.e:'~J;:!.1·.;-,::L ~"',.. "- ..~ ~.. . . 0<' ~""""--:"::' _ ~ i.::'.- :"1' ,",'."" ',:>:.~ " .-",¡ t... .'. \".~-, On May 15, 1990, petitions for relief under chapter 11, title 11, of the United States Code ("Bankruptcy Code") were filed by The Circle K Corporation and certain of its subsidiaries listed above ("Debtors"). '. Upon the filing of the petitions, certain acts and proceedings against the Debtors and the estates of the Debtors were stayed as provided in section 362(a) of the Bankruptcy Code. The Debtors are now operating their businesses and managing their properties as debtors in possession, pursuant to sections '1107(a) and 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code. Meetin~ of Creditors. The United States Trustee has called a meeting of creditors pursuant to section 341(a) of the Bankruptcy COde ("341 Meeting"), to be held on July 6, 1990, at 1:00 p.m., in the Sheraton Phoenix Hotel, Grand Ballroom, 3rd Floor, 111 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, Arizona. At the 341 Meeting, creditors may examine the Debtors, file claims against the Debtors, and transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The 341 Meeting may be continued or adjourned from time to time by notice, at the meeting without further written notice to creditors. ATTENDANCE AT THE 341 MEETING BY CREDITORS IS WELCOMED BUT IS NOT REQUIRED.. YOU WILL NOT LOSE ANY LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE 341 MEETING. The Debtors and the attorney for the Debtors shall be in attendance at the meeting. A partnership shall appear by a general partner, and a corporation shall appear by its president or other executive officer. Failure of the DebtQrs or their attorney to appear ~t the 341(a) Meeting may result in dismissal of the chapter 11 cases. ,- Proofs of Claim. The Debtors are required to file schedules listing the claims of all creditors. The Bankruptcy Court has established a deadline of August 28, 1990, for the filing of those schedules. Failure of the Debtors to file schedules by that deadline, or any extended deadline established by the Bankruptcy Court, may result in dismissal of the chapter 11 cases. If you have a claim against any of the Debtors, you must file a proof of claim, unless your claim is listed on the schedules in the correct amount. If your .claim is not listed on the scheL~;ules, or is listed on the schedules as disputed, contingent or unliquidated, or is liu~ed in an amount you ,,~. -' '~'~-'be lieve~'isincorrèct;-' yöü-mus't"'file 'a "proof'-o f--claim " by ·the·,~bar-pda te,estab lished-- by'~"'~~~'-" - the Bankruptcy Court. Any creditor who desires to rely on the schedules has.the ,responsibility for,determining that ~he claim is accurately listed. As of the date e e hereof, no bar date for filing proofs of claim has been established. As soon as a bar date is esta~lished, you will receive notice of the bar date, as well as a proof of claim form you may complete and file in accordance with instructions that will be provided to you. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM BEFORE RECEIVING SUCH OFFICIAL NOTICE; if you nevertheless desire to do so, please file,it by mailing to the Clerk, ,U.S. Bankruptcy Court, P.O. Box 330, Phoenix, Arizona 85001. To receive acknowledgment that your proof of claim has been received, you must provide an extra _, ____,_c~py _()_~,Lou~~pr,oof ~~~c:~fm.'ln~~_stamped, self-addressed envelope. .' - --. .~----- -~_._--~,-~ '-~ - -,-.~ - - --_.--. .. - - '--- ~'T'::--...:::7.-. :~-=~'7::::;-:::;':";:":'_-~~-:::;--:_' _._~ _.~:;.~>~:.....::_~.-:-:--=--:..-;-;-;.._.:::,.._~.::-:----~ Court Filin~s. When filing motions or other pleadings or papers,! other than proofs of claim, with the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court, you must present an original and three copies for filing. An order has been entered directing joint admini- stration of the 24 chapter 11 cases filed by the Debtors. Pursuant to that order, all pleadings, papers and other documents presented for filing, other than proofs of claim, must include the approved joint administration caption, which is set forth at the top' of this notice, 'and all such pleadings, papers and other documents will be """"---filëd '-8ñêCêfôckètëër-önly 'in Casè--No;-90-05052-PHX-GBN .___________c__.. --'-p-" ' .....--~~. -' .._-,~ .-" œ ..' '~_1",_,;-~ ~..' ,>0- r.- ,~ _ ' . COpy - Reqûésts. -L.'Requests for copies of any pleadings, papers or other documents filed in these cases must be made directly to Chas. P. Young Management Services, 505 North Second Street, Suite 125, Phoenix, Arizona 85004, (602) 252-7991. - PLEASE DO NOT SEND REQUESTS FOR COPIES, TO THE BANKRUPTCY COURT. Notice of Matters. The Bankruptcy Court has entered an order establishing noticing requirements with respect to all proceedings herein. Pursuant to the order, notice of all proceedings in these cases will be given only to those secured creditors and unsecured creditors who file with the Court a written request to be included on the Official Service List to be established in these cases. Therefore, you must file such a written request if you desire to receive notice of all proceedings in these chapter 11 cases. YOU NEED NOT FILE A WRITTEN REQUEST TO BE INCLUDED ON THE OFFICIAL SERVICE LIST FOR PURPOSES OF RECEIVING NOTICE OF PROCEEDINGS AFFECTING YOUR BASIC RIGHTS AS SECURED CREDITORS AND UNSECURED CREDITORS. Whether or not you file such a written request, you will receive notice of the meeting of creditors, the time fixed for filing proofs of claims, the time fixed for filing objections and the hearing to consider approval of a disclosure statement, the time fixed for filing obj~ctions and the'hearing to consider confirmation of a plan, the time fixed for accepting or rejecting a proposed,mod1fication of a plan, and any other proceedings with respect to which notice is ordered to be given to you by the Bankruptcy Court. The Official Service List has been established in order to protect the assets of the Debtors' estates from diminution by the copying, postage and other erpenses associated with providing notice of proceedings to the large number of secured creditors, unsecured creditors, bondholders and stockholders in these cases. Therefore, unless you intend to be an active participant in these cases, it is requested that you not file a written request to be included on the Official Service List. - - --- Case Information. A special phone number has been established for creditors to call the Debtors to obtain information concerning the stat~s of the case. That phone number is 1-800-421-2293. You may also contact the Debtors by writing to The Circle K Corporation, P.O. Box 2880, Phoenix, Arizona 85002. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE BANK- RUPTCY CLERK'S OFFICE FOR SUCH INFORMATION. Neither the Debtors nor the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court is able to give you legal advice concerning your particular claim. You will need to consuAt with an,attorney as to what legal rights you have. '---~"·~-·'·'·'·-··-<~-'-·DÁTED·~- ~'~J~~;-ii:-'·1'99(f -·-----~-~~KEVIN- E':C"O'BRIEN';'~-CLERK" 'OF--THE--BANKRUPTCY ~COURT--'--':"'-'_'''--- " .... -. " 2 íC,O,O JUt f" \ à~ ' ()\\) e Data Cha rt for ¡íiJ'V'~¡'~ Ie,;:; L5L1.,_, ",; , II i ---- , ,'j I,l I " ; II Tan~~fY.œns ¡¡ig~~tss I \ / ¡ ,.;UN \I 8 ;',JU:' \ ' Ct!: ./J~ Test~l " PLEASE PRINT 1. OWNER Property ~ TanklS) ~ 0-7", ~.,_=~_ºPERAIOR .~"--..,.. 3. REASON FOR TEST (Explain FullYI 4. WHO REQUESTED TEST AND WHEN 1__- :.~.--.._..._ .....:............ ~.. ~.___ ._~_~~,.,.__._~_._. ~~ <_'-'=~_ 5. TANK INVOLVED Use addlUonalllnøs lor manifOlded lanks 6. INSTALLATION DATA 7. UNDERGROUND WATER 8. FILL-UP ARRANGEMENTS 9. CONTRACTOR, MECHANICS. any other contractor involved 10. OTHER INFORMA TlON OR REMARKS' 11. TEST RESULTS 12. SENSOR _._~._~~,_~çJ;.RI! f=IC~ IlQ~_,~___~_ M-I_ /9tft:,/DÏij-/96b Sanal No. ot Thermal Sensor ¡J.3-/~ýý -- Address Talephona ii ",,- j 'L./ Represenlauv .- J:;<-~;.~" . .:' . ,- Telephone Telephone Q;- Wrl Niorne Dala Talephone -slëeÚÀbe,gìa'; .~ '-' -.-~,-.-.- Localion Coy., fills Venls ~C)Q:n\ I.U~'" Qo...c'''nj ~/. .;;." I"~I~ b~lulé ßl.M.~ TOp North inside driveway, Concrete, Black Top, Size, malill make. Drop R~ar 0' Slauon, elC. Earth. ele. lu_. Remota Fills SIze, Maniloldad Siphones Pumps <1" bARCO K~oT'¡;- jVOÞ.J€ Whicft tanks? Suction. Ramole, Make if known DePlh 10 Ihe Waler lable %0+ II tne wBler over lhe lank? Dy.. ~ Tanks to be lillaó Cf1ill.... hr, S· 2,b ~ If- Dale Arrangad by MFTS Name Telephone Exlra prOduct to ·'ap afr and run lank lesler. How and who 10 provide? Consider NO Lead. Terminal or olher contact for nOlice 'or inquirY Company Nama Telephone S~h~'c:..~~ :I:Nc...... Additional in'ormalJon on any ¡Iems aoove. Officials or olhers 10 De advised when lesling is in progress or completed. ViSllors or oOserte~.presenl during 18SI. elc. Tesls wer.. mad.. on Ihe above lank syslems in accordance with lesl procedures prescribed lor as delæled on attached lesl charts with results as tollows: ~ I .3 Leakage Indicaled 13. ThIa Is 10 certify lhallheM lank systems -- t..ted on the date(s) shown. Those Indicated as "T1ghr meet the a1teri. esteDtlshed by lhe National Are Prolecllon AssocIation Pamphlet 329. -.,~~--..-_._-~~'-_. - . -- -"-~ -"'~ =----------------~ --- ---= ~-=--=~- -.==-_--~._'Oro...._=__-r_-~~--~__'__ ___~____-.... - -~--....,.. _-~_ _~-~-r_ Technicians 1. LARRY M. SNYDE~ Cartlfication' Lf r Ifa 122 8 2 Nt1TofL PUEt So TAÞJk. ~e\JICk~. INc... Testing ConlraClor or Company. 8y: S)gnature 2/;:32 buroÞJ.r Òlè. ~ 214 TR\JIw'l':- ((\ C 2.1ICS . 2. Addrøss Ctutltîcatlon If --_. Pf-HìA27 ~ ~ » e I--H-\t> U ¡'\\ut~ I\\J'-. f Add''''' NrJ. Ind Str..t", I ~ I1fF OIAGRf OF TAN~~l I 14,. GIRCLÉ" it<: L~Œ.V Name 0' Suøplier. OW"~ or ~ller " 15, TANK TO ~EST . . :i! ~O~~~~~ ~ociT TNJk- fde'f1lfly by position A .Ii c; R.o K l )N.Le~E t) Srlnd Ind ~rld' I 18, SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK ¡,i . ¡ ,; See manual ,ection, aøøUclble. Chtk_ betow Ind record procedure In 109 (21). í 1 I"-~ u.. ,.,,,;mum .110...01. ,.,, P,.,;u,:~ lor .11 I...., i Four pound rule does not aøply to d?rublewalled tanks. \, Complete sectio".. belOw: { , l: 1 't four pound rule reQuired" II: " 2. Height to 12" ma,1t from bol1om at link f: it Ii ·t¡ Ii " " i',f 'H i. Depth o,~: bùrial 17, FILL·up FOR TEST SliCk Wilier Bol'tom Mf"'. Fill·uo 3. Pressure a. bottom of lank .. Pressur, It lOP or tani!: ¡: --I " ØJ' I" .. IOl',\" ø á~IIO'" in. y"~·;"'o I '¡ Itq2 J-t.2.ll p,s.1. J. \<1U \'·tb il¡ :¡'. ì '\6 In. 1 '+80 t- ko, Tank dil ¡, '1: W,'er 1i ..,! ÞI. : NOTeS. I I 1: i! Tha abova Cllculallon. ara 10 be u.ed 10' dry ",II condlllons 10 ~IaÞII.h a po.IUva pres.ure actva'nlege. or ..hen u,lng Ihelour pound ~~e..to compensate for the preseJ'ïca 01 .ubsurface ..aler In,'M 'an~ Rele< 10 N,F,P,A, 30. secllon:. 2'3,2,4 end 2-1,2 and lhe ,an~" manulacture' 'egardlng allo..ab,~ .y.'em 'es' pra..u'''' i "" ¡ in I 'I,' ~. ¡ :t¡ .,1 II :' ¡ ~ ~ 25. IC (b) " (c) Coelllcl"", 01 lopllNlon 104' VoIuml c/longe 'n Ihlllon_ lmoIvad product per 'F 26. (a) ~.14-1f¡30 304- " 0.02..2\ \10 VoIvrM chonos per'F ,Z! Of 2011' [)tglf. per "F In tell Volume c/lon90 per dloll Reno. (23) ComøulllO 4 ......1 pllC". ~j' "....'_ \__-..a\ \'C:."'-\--' City 16. CAPACITY Nom"''' Coøocity \0/ ()()O , ' Oal""'. By mott .ccur". Clceclly chi" available \ð/~'O Oattons '15 r.nlil Ollme.., In, In.~'o'y o WI'.' In '1"" 0 ll"efSI belng'Mled with LVLLT o HIC)h water table in 'ank UCIYltion 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR. TSTT ASSEMBLY ,140 In, 30 In, Bottom 01 I.n_ 10 gr.d.· ............................ Add 30"10' 'T prObe ...Y......,..·..·.. ........,..' 1'10 TOlal tubing to Inemble - apøro.im.', ............. In, 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING *lo Tin_ lop to gr.d.· ....... ........................... Ed."d hose on suction lubl ,.. Of more 6Cø below ton_'O\I ,.................... ....... .......... p,s.1. ." Fill pipe ,.Iends above OflcH. us. top of III!. 22. Therm.t·Sen_ reedlf19 .".r clrcul.llon cII9'" R3/e,Q 11("","" 304- dl9íll ko, 23. Dig I" per 'F In r.nga 01 eo~ted ch.noe COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION (Complete alter circulation) 24a. Corrected A.P,I. OrlVlty Obu,.,ed A.P,I. O,ovlty .. ............ ................ Hydromellf .mployed ....................... ........... Ob.ervad s.mpl. Tomperll"'. ........ ,............... Corred.d A,P,I. O,ovlty A I fA ~ØO"F,FromT.bIeA......... ,....../.~.. ........... Coelllel..., 01 e.<p.nllon lor Involved Product From r.bI. BI ...... '..0. . .0..0.....0.....0.0....0...0..0 'F Gí\ 51.1'. J .:...~__ Dot. 01 rOIl J. I' I ! ~ ~ [ [ ¡ 'I I' II 1 1 From g 51.lIon Ch.' o "Ton_ MonuIIC'IUfIf" Ch.., ,0 Compony En9'n_Ing Dot. o Chwtl tUØØl1ed -.it,,· o OIhlf Qalton' , - Tor,,~ G~"o,:,~ II Re~lnCJ lO.?:dO . ToP oFF 'N"ATE:~ 'oT~'- IOJ3~O Irs i iØ' 10.315 . I Transfer rolll to line 25a In, I 21. VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM ~.I 'Œsi.gell \: I' I I Type 01 Produd ..,................................. ,p' UN LGA~~b I Hyd~'eremPIoYed ,.....:.................,A$...T.,t-I>. i lb, H ~ feq ·F I, ) 8'7 'F 1+3 'F 24b. COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION RECIPROCAL METHOD In. Tlmø«.IUr. In Tank A"1f Clrcul.11on ...,.................................... In. T.m~'lur. of S.møt. ................................. [)tnlfonce ('1-1, ........ ......... .......,......... ....... I: 8t.E; Observed A,P,I. Orovity .....,.... ......,.. ....,......... 1530 ID,ôIS Totaf quantity In fun lon_ (IS Of t 1) pog.. ~ Roclprocot 1530 Rectp<ocol ~ 1;41830 VoIu""; c:,..~. .., '''It I.n;~ ø-f' ., Tr."t.~" to lln' 2eoI. H 'F 'F , 'M T.ble C,;" 0 ....~....·./ý0·1*..· ~ " I ,I I¡ ONo Tron.11f COE 10 Un. '29>, Oolons Thill. 2. ,." ¡. 022 r.cIOt fl)~ -----------"- -----.-.----- ~ bo I ,: ~ I' .,~ !~' :~ ~ ~ '0 ~, . ,j Ii e ! . , .. .",-- <>- -. ;' , , ~ ,. U- Sensor Ca,~iblalion ~ I _ JU. HIUI1USI~IIC JI. J4: J¡j, ~l I .UlUMl " J!:j, , , PRESSURE '. VOLUME MEASUI1EMENIS tVI. IEMPERAfURE COMr.WSAlION CHANGING ACCUMIJlAIEO CONIROL RECOHU 10 001 GAl. USE FACIOI! tal EACII REAÓING . CHANGE LOG OF lEST PROCEDURES , .¡" , - 28, Re~old details 01 selling up 29, Slando'oelevel 32, Producl in 33 P,o~ucl 35, 36. 37.- hmpef¡l.ure DAlE' '. Re.lding in Inthes Graduate Replaced (-I Changè Com pula Iron Adiuslm~nl a~d running les!. (Use lull ---- - 14,0, thelmal H'gne. . ICI . lal . VQlume Minu! I~nglh of liné iI needed,1 Beginning level 10 Sensof lOW!!!f - E "panSlon . E'pansion t·, or AlLow Le.el compul' -ïIME-:- :)- 01 which 8elo'e Aile, ' P'Oduct . Reading ICI Conti acllon .. Conlract,o;, 1,1 Cnange pe' Hauf (24 hrl [, ,- Reading Rutored , Re.d,ng. ReadlnQ Heco,"ed "1 'JJCV, - ']1111 N~P~ Cflleo.1I ¡ ~ b70ð À\:t~'\J~b IÀ.T T";~T ~ì\J i: [ - , I TOn "'- -rtJ\1.~ 'BlHt I "'-L ¡ ~ i::Þ "'" ; (")7 Ie:.. 'j)IMC~\" 1_.. " 11: (" U ,,. "'~" þ.."\1:~ I' I. '~ ¡ . , o- M<. - ..." , ".R <:;:-.....~ _ 1'7,'.. " t. ft'" ·..,T \.. I N.'::-C -~.....' .J ("I'd ; - ; !l:')<:\Ic; ~~T u..bh-çc;.T E: î-::J U , ."'Id..! i~ 1\\ T' ~(1 ~... I!o..( ~~þ c:.,.,õ:) 'ct \QI I i I +LkP -¥RII"'-Ef\ ~. .'1, ~d. . , f-7 .1:1 ,- 'T"' , 1100 ~ oJ ðr.T Ik!('... r s.:'u..1. P\....E: :; . 'FAC.)...: /24-0 Ton~ . n z 7_1 í :J .. j ! 20 I' :1 I' ù_^'" Ñ.(~ (t 12.6D Tõð k. 8..el..l.c:.rrc \ 42. 102- .' " T¿~T'¡ I I.~ 0 So ßT~~T Ii¡\ ·'L6'iE'L 2 Lt3.g '12. 53S . {,,50 t. liS loq +7 t-. \ ~5 -.OLto " lô20 K, - LE\JEL T~.(T(' .Ot.lT;¡ ',':I,.' -+3.~ '+2. L-.sO .750 +.,100 t \ S +(.:, +.133- ~.rd,~ I:' " " , /t I-\. t+3.~ tfz .'75å · S .S.t:) I 2. 2- +7 +.155 I J3ðs +.IOs -:' '. ð.5ð " . ¡, " - ì , ./350 " .5 If;). 8 '42- 350 4bO t./OO 128 +lø t.133 - ,O:3~ i' i , , I' - +.02'2 I~OS " d, ,. ¿, , /f3.8 *l. 450 51.ø 0 r.IOo 132 +'1 1".088 . · 'I " " - \<.1-2.0 . . I' It 7 ~3.7 s+z. ,6~o {¿, 5.5 +. a'/5 136 +-6 t.I~3 -,,03B , " , 11+35 . I¿ , c, i .8 '+3'.1 "1-2- ./,,!;s · "7.5~ +-./00 11-}3 +5 +.111 -.OlE !' , i; ¡" 'I " , /I{so ,- 1'- " 9 "f 3 .~' ~2 .?55 ·660 +-.095 147 r~ 1-.000 + .OOT . : I: , ,/ ¡ 11+5.3 bR.oÞPE:D iT-ð Lo - Le;VE; l.~- d¡ '. . I , ! 2.0 ¡ I ßTÞ-.~T l nl~ I C;=\I¡;:-L ·1 - . I 160S ï e-...,.. ,0 12- Oq~' I tt~ I Î' ., " . . [' TEc....t" ('I. "..IT"':. , , " tlø 15)0 L,.,· LE\JiËl \\ I~.q 12 OC f. .22C;- +.I3D ,154 +.133 -.003 ~. 00 ~ I' - I: 1535 .. ¡ ., 12 I?.b 12- 2,2.5 · -? 1'; +-.oc\o &58 t'! t.Q8ê + -002- - .OC1\ " \ " " i' ., , '?'.~ t:2. õlt; 4:15 +.100 +4- +·CSA +·Ol~ .+. 0\1 1550 - I 13 . · lie 2. , " t-~ 6 -,0'-+,3 (PoS '~)¡fb T~\ 1Lf' 12 .41S 605 +·~O Ib8 tip +. \33 -.O~'l. I' ..\ ¡ ~ ,~ I - l ~ -. I - , ' . " t , /?[: ' , /1, " " I, " ,;.., , . , , ì ~~ßI.:?¿ ~'A ' -/;, .' " " - ¡ - - '¿/ '/1 f'" '/'''' " '" ~ .- c .' !. , '",' -I' , ,.'''':, ~:' 'j , , - ¿ ß' ß/ " , " ¡ , r ,/!r;;;er i#' lIl-s-t81..i:zr;rX ' n " , " ~ -o''' - 'lA_ '-,If ~ 'S-,-UI ,þ:r' , ~ .. . , '-v,"'1 ~ . , " . ' " .. " ~ . " " -. .. .. '«;:::'-- .. ~....... ..,. " " - .~ ~ -"- - '-. -.=-- . ... :' ~-- -', " .. . -. t ., ,1'<' I :Ì' .; 1-- \...~" ~:t:~: N.me 0' SUDpfÌer, O~n~ or Õe.lef i11( 15.:TANK TO TEST '\1 NtDC\.~ -n..~'K... fd~hfy by.øosition w Å.~~ 'rL 'R~\)lAR.. grind .ntOred. i ~ ~<_;:o._._~:__~_ :.:,_______.~ _ L _ _\. ~ ".~.'u.':._.____....::.':.....'__:.... -¡: .-~-=-______=____~___'___~...L~_~ ¡--~ City Add.." No, Ind 5"...", 15a. BRIEF DIAGRAM OF TANK FIELD , '- ',- 'r-' ~; SI.'. " ' ~..J~~~~ 0". 0' Tn' i ~....~.. 16. CAPACITY D ~~] 10. '310 . Nomlnll ClPeci!y 1 q 00 0 , Gillon. O,lIonl "t::: F,om a 5I"1on 01." - 0 T.., M8nu1kturer's Chi" tJ Compony !n<rn-'"9 0... D 01.." 'upø''- writ'" o OI~' R. o 8y mott _ccurete C1øecity Ctll" evltt'b'. 17, FILL,UP FOR TEST Gillon. TOIItI Ó"Uont II A4Pod'"9 ¡ ¡ 10 ~IO I , Its i ,1-,,121" 10.f318 I: " (3';'9' 1;1 8518ge II ~ p 18, SPECIAL CONDITIONf AND PROCEDURES TO TiEST THIS TANK See manual section1 aopllcable. 'C~,:eck belOw and record procedure I" _~ (27). . !: :, ~e m~.jmum allowable fe,' ørll!ssUr. '0' &11 fe1I,. Four pound rule does nol apply to 'doublewalled tanks. Ii Complete sec:tion belOw: ! i . Slick W",., eO"om belt',. Fill·uø I; ø:; '0;',1" I! I, . ~. ¡; jt 1. Is four pound rule required? t; i r 2, Hei9'" to 12" ml" f,om bonol ;01 "n~ ], Pressure 81 boltom 01 ,"n' :( ¡ I', ~- \J '. Pressure at toø 01 tank Deplh dl bU';11 " I' I; \ TInt!; dit ,I e NOTES: I, In. . ø Olllon, . :1 ' ¡ Yn Œrj No 0 , LG,7 In. ~. 84.2. P,9.1. J.~oo I P,S.I. po} .5 i ~In, , '+80 t- In. The above calculation, a,e to be u,ed lor dry toll conditions to; ~1.bllsh a positive p,..su,e advI1,ilge, or when ~Inò th,,-~our pound,' rule to compensate lor the prl!Se~ce 01 subsurface water In the tan') .rel. ¡; , Re'er 10 N,F,P,A, 30. Section,: 2'3.2.4 and 2-1,2 and ,he lan" menulactu,ar reqarding allowabi~ system tesl p..saures. " :1 Ii Ii if- i. ¡:- i' ¡ j , ì '[ j ;L-, ,¡ 'ts r ."111 Dllm,.., In, In"'ento,y o Wit., In I.n' 0 llne"l Þelng ',,"d with lVllT o Hiqh wl1" Ilble in lank ..c......lon 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR TSH ASSEMBLY 1~5 In. 30 In, 115 In. 60 .... foo In, \ ~fb ' 'F 15 (., Be' 31q dl9i11 8o"om o' Ilnlll 10 grad.- ... ... ....,. ,.",...,. ....., .Add 3O"'Of''''''' P'ON _Iy..................... ...... To'aI tubln9 to ..,embl. - Ipp,o.lmltl ,......,..... 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING Tin' top 10 grade' ....... ........ ................... ~I.nd hose on suetton tube S" or more betow ,,,,k lop .... ... .............. ....... ..... :.... '\1 F;n pipe ""en,," I_e grid.. u.. '00 01 1111. 22, Thermll·Sen,o< reocl1ng Iner el,cullllon In, 23. Olgill per ·F In r.noe of '.pK1~ chang' COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION (Complete alter circulation) 24a. Co,rected A.P,I. G,avlty OI>.......d A,P.I, G,..1ty ...... ........,...........',.. Hyd,omet., .mployed.... ................. .........." OI>.......d Sampl. Temp.ulur. ..... .......... .... ..... Correc1.d A,PI, G,..11y "/ / /'I @ 8O"F. F,om T.ble A.... ...............lV¡ ./.1...... Coetllclent 01 Eopln n lot InYOlyed Product From Table B ..... ... ....... ..... ,.... ...,..,........... Tun"" COE 10 lin. 25b, 25. (a) IV/A TOII'ttUl11tii;¡. MI'en' (180< 11) 26. (a) /¿'.B¡'16/,3 7 Volume ch__ /If OF 125 Of 24b " (b) CoIlnel"" 01 ..p.nslon 10< In_ product 3/Cf 01911S per 'F In III' "-'C2:11 H 'F 10.3\0 T of> oFf W P\T€ 'i:.L \cn~\.. Transfer fot.t 10 Ii". 251 21. VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM 24b. COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION ! RECIPROCAL METHOD I Typu' Product ..........,...-....... :...,.......,...... J< E: <:'. I' A ~M ~ tp Hydromel., Employed ...................~.'....... "_ I, , ¡'85 I, I' H Temø..-Ilur. In Tanlll Aner CI,cul.llon .............................,...,...". 'F T."'Øilføur. of Samø..,................................. eq +~ 'F 5lo.3 'F Dtfte<enc. ,-,", ........................,................ Obt.....ed A,P,I. G,..1ty ...................,............. Aeclp,oe.' \ S , ~ IO,"~/ß To'aI quanllty 'n lun 'en' (180< 111 PI9" ~o 1513 Aoclprocol t i ~ /"'81'1..5'- 37 - votume ~ch~ in "'I. IIn1\ per ° F Trans'" 10 l"'_ ze.. 24c. FOR TESTING WITH WATER I' f r "" fob.. C . 0 ! ~ 'F Wat., Temp....ru... lit., Clrcul" V h :~:.~~.~~~:.......... ........""1./1.... Table 0 ...... ........................................ Added Su,flellnt7 0 YII 0 No T,,,,sl.. CO! 10 Un. 25b, i gill,,"" \ ¡ , This II ¡ 0 2-' 4- ..st ~. '.etor '"' ¡ ) (c) = VoIum. ctI__ In "''' ,..._ por'F O.OZ/377Q Volume ch"'9' por 419" Computl 10 4 _...., oIecee, -----.-- __ ~ .......~._ i .; íJ..... \.. ." .... ....,oL. U .' , . Ii· , . Sensor Caììbralìol~ _I _j 'lbG OF IESI PROCÉOURES 'i:- , 38. NE I vdlUMt ¡ 39. - C ti\NGI~G ACCUMUlA lEa EACH ~EAþING U'Ar,GE ' ... ._-«._----._;,~,.._-.' .,....... ,----~._.._.. -, 34. 30, . HYORUS'AIIC PRf.SSlIflE - 'CONIHOl" 31. u, IEMPEAA lURE COMI'fliSAlION USE fACIOR,t'l VOlUM~ YEASUREMlNIS IVI RlCOHOIU WI GAL 'empel ature Adluslmenl ---- votume Milius hpansion.l·' 01 ConlraChon I-I 'J:J(V - ~~/ffl , Rècord delails 01 selling up and runlling lesl. (Use lul/ ;jenglh 01 line II needed,1 r ' I(,)(()[ Å L:> D 1\ IL-" \1 ÀT T~T ~ 'TC;::- , I' i '(")ì l c; Tr>D Ie.. TÀ.t\.\~ ßU~ I A..I.... b IiA" t...\ c:o. ....Ie:.. F ('"-,,. '~€D ' -n R.. \A.C Inl~<" ~t:~"- -~ V~ l. ~-,.\ ',\ \..IÑ~ F~1i!. -n~,,\ lC"\q l c:. ~Ç\' 1\6-11 IÇ"c:...T' ç 1':\ l\ I ? ~~ ~ T - T\I, è c: I U &.1 ~J::\..\ ",...t;:. *'- \<=4 L\.L, \l&.4-1"'1 H.\uO ~~¡~t...u=~ k>.H.\,,"..II'- £. 1f1.D. ,,\ '" \N.f_ !)~"l\"l'l"\ '??'<' -'I"'\"'~ S~ ~PL~ ¡ 37. Computation Icl . fal . E rpan-SlOn .. Coni. acllon - 35. 36, Change Higher' lower - ICI 29, 33. Product Replaced 1-1, 28. 32. ProduCI in G,aduate StandpIpe level in Inches Reading No, DAlE 'helmal Sensor Reading At low It...el (ornøll!' ChdllQe pel HOll' 1NrPA CII!f''';'' BeglnOlng 01 Reading live' 10 whiCh Restored ¡ Product' Hecovered f" Aile, Reading Beloll Re.ldlng '-ïIMÉ- 124 hI I . ,A. -- ~ ,¡ ~ ¡ FA Ii", c.. .f.... . (12\1{. !: ;¡ e 11 I ' -+2- ~S\ Z I-W.q ~'2. .415 . ~oS t.lqO I,.. (.. I +-10 3 '¥+.~ *2.- .~oS .760 t.115 L,l..,C( +6 If J. .J-f.g at 2. .78ö .'150 +.110 (." 11 t-6 .5 '+'"i·S 4-2- . '-+1 S .560 +.IG:,:' (.,.68 +11 '" "W·e »+2 . 5B6 .150 +-.110 ~'ì8 rib 7 '+If. la tf.2 ·"l50 . c¡ 15 +.I!oS 703 t-5 B '+'t .' *1- . 34-5 .50S +.11,.,0 711 tS ~ 'fl{. c, ~ . 50S foo~ t.\5S 7/'1 t-S / ., 'J- /'1 lO 12. .100 '(\9 II IS.O 1'2 100 .2<10 +.\'\0 ? z.:z 1-8 - 12 ' 1 ,+.'4 12. .z'\o .af'+O t-. \50 735 +~ \~ 14.5 /2 .0'\0 .2.60 T.lloo 743 ;-8 1'+ '''1-·3 12. .2~O . ~9fJ +. \45 7q.S +5 ~ - ~\ ~'t.. s...d\..\~()~ :j2ç: ~~It.J(.... . Ii! STI\R.T \l.í\ - \ £\lçL \ç::~\¡ ~ \ - L~~,b._ Tec.,.~ (Ï~o\...\~ ·r' r 12.40 1255 1310 f~25 I' , ~ 'to ... 1-7¡ Z:;.:; " )"-l-I-&' '. 14~1:.¡ ~. I if4o' . I ~. 1 14431)í)-~ -¡....ITn Lo - Le..\iG"L Ii l I s..,,-,, \:)\, U,· l..E.\ 1Ië: \. "\ e:..5-.. T +.21~ +.111 t-. ill t.235 +.21~ +.10"1 "t. 1 ~\ t·111 -·OlY +.ooH i -.001 ,¡ - .010 I ~.CJ~4 i +. C?S8 ~.Oll .. .0\'10 I; .11 " It ¡: " ( .j .. i ~ i r ! c. ¡ t I i e 114-55 ISIO I S2C; I f1 4-0 1~5C::; !¡ .( , I( ¡, II i: if \: ; p Ir . \i II !. 'I ,¡ II " ,¡:. -- I' .i , ,Ii i ~ ¡ I. 'Ii r , ' -f: 01 q - . 002- ~.o'3 +.o~ +.01<1 ":,,,.02.'1 -.D·\ \ 4.0~8 +.111 +·\11 +.17\ t.lo? - I 7/ I '/ ./'f1¿ (~~ / ~ -2$ :S--.9 o 'I' II -~- r' ~ "'> " w - I' ! -, , I LJ I k ~\...¿ ",t--.: I...JO 'K ~. Nlme Of Suøø1ier.'.Owner o,'ee"er .' :¡ I-{ t':d \Jì~iui~ k\J~. Addr'" NO,.nd SIr.OI "í ' l')I\f-...t.k~ r-, ~W , City CA ,I -SIll. S - Ll.cJ -T 8~ 011. 01 T.., I - Ii I 15, TANK TO TEST ,II 15a. BRIEFDlAGRAMOF TANK FIELD 16. CAPACITY From i ! ~ ~ SllIlon'ChIl1 r ...~OU~E.R.~ t-.l œ...T' \1...).\.\L a 0 a I 10, 000 o T... ~1C1"''''' C"III Nominll CllØlCity Ideonll'y bY po,'ttO" " p. it vi"" - Olllon. D Com_ En9'-'"9 0... ~ A E R.o ~E:f..'-tut-t ' , D Chon' .uøplled ";1" f¡ , 0 0 0 By most .ceu,.., - Brlnd atid Grlda e.øaCity ch.rt I'¥.HIIb.. '0, 3to D 01.... " 0.110"1 ,; , - , 18, SPECIAL CONDITIO S AND PROCEDURES TO tEST THIS TANK ti : , I;' i - See manual section, ecøllclble. Chee. belOw Ind record prOCedure in '09 (27). í ; -. I . lJ1,e '".1;11lmUm 3110waDle te51 pr~ssu'e lor all fes". Four pound rule does nol aøply to Øoublewalled 'Inks. 11 :\' I: 1. IS lour pound rul. reQuir.d' J! ':.[ Ii 2. Height to 12~ mar"- 'rom bottom :~f tank I' I' ¡r d " !: :li 17, FIll-UP FOR TEST .¡; SliCk WI".' 9ortom ~'or, FiII·uø '! '0 Gallons in. Com-ø1ett section below: VIt Œ"':i No D '. 1!o1 3. Pressur' at bottom of tan I!: , 4.3\f2. '. Pressure at lop 01 I.nk \.300 Ceoth of burial 1'4-;S 'It ... ir' Tank dlÌl. ~ i; !i W..er ,~bl' :' ,I: NOTES: H \' ~'n. ! J4.80 r In. ,: , I I .\ I The .bo.e c.lculellon, er~_IO be u,od lor dry lOll conditions 10 " nl8bllsh 8 positive pressure 8""8"'18g., orWMn ""noU,. íour pound, rule 10 compenUle 10r'Ihe pr..ence 01 .ubiurf.ce w.'erln 'M ,.nk: 'ree. _ ' II, ' '_ ,\ -R.'... 10 'N,F,P,A, ~O, Section, ~ 2-3,2.. end 2-7,2 II1d ,he 'ankj manuflcturer 'I'glrding _now.blt system test p,esaur_". - j .-', ,I i :, I ,ì ;r,! -', ,), , " ~C"i¡ - . ~ . ,.;c'I: :,.: ,I -.¡ '15 In, InventOry T..._ 01.....11< D W.III In I.... D Lint'" 'boingllt,.d wil" LVLLT o High water table in link '.CIVation 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR TSH ASSEMBLY 145 In. 30 In, '15 In, ~5 In. '65 In, Bottom 0' tlnk 10 orad'· . ..... ...................... - Add ]0" lor 'T probe auy.. ,..................::.... TOlal tublnq 10 luembht - løproxlmltt ........:...... In. 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING T.n. lop 10 grid.' .....;............................ e.lend /to.e on ,uctlon lube S" or more p,s.1. ' befow 'Ink.lop . .... ....... .......... ......... ....... p,s.1. ." Fill pipe ..linen lbove gr.d., u.. lOP 01 1111. 22. Thl<m.I-Sonsor reldlno .ftll clrcul.11on dI9~' 60781 B.'_ 314- In, 23. Oig'ts pet OF 'n rI"9. 01 .. >OCtO<! Ch.ng. digit' COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION (Complete after circulation) 24a. Correct'" A.PJ. Q,lYfty Ob.lfVOd A.P,I. Or..fty ............ ,... ...... .......... '.. HydromelOf .mployld ....... .. .... , ... ...... ... . ...... Ob.erved !Wn~I. T....p...t"'.......... .............. [;';;;~.:;;.:::~.. uuu Uu uN 111. Coefflclenl 01 e.p.nslon lor 'nVÒl..d "'_ From Table B.......... .......................... ...... ( (b) Coelflclonl 01 ..p_ 'Of IrwoIvId product 3\c..(.~ D'g"' ,.., " In lett ,"-.'(231,:;, ~' 25. 26. (a) (¿,. 3\qO~41 Volume c,,~ pet,o" (25 or 20lil1 - ~~ -'-:; a"Ion. . TO',,',O."ons el. ri."",~ '0.310 . To? oFF y.¡ A"fER. To\" r\..L. 10 ;510 , i t +'=\ ø \O,3IQ , , I' 19št.g. I ! ors;'lge 1\ I TrlnSfer folal to lin, 251 21, VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM 0' 24b. COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION RECIPROCAL METHOD " 1'rpe 01 Product ........................................ f1<,E: ~ Hydromel.. Employed ,........................ð$.fH' <.,' 81 &-f OF T~ ., :5\ ,3 H Temperature In Tlnk - AIIII Clrcui.Uon ........................................ 'F Temø«ature or 5.møl. .... ..... ......... ............... OtK....... 1"-1.. .-.....................:................ Obl_ A,P,I. Or..ity ..,.............................. Reclproclt \ <0 33 10,3'9 Totl' quenUty 1"- run I.... (1S or IT) , ì I ~ . (",,_ '31't04-4-7 p"9"~ 1l..33 FIICIprocll Vofume d"~ k't ttllt 'I~II. per·F Trent'''' 10 line zee. H 'F 24c. FOR TESTING WITH WATER I C'iO ~:~: ~":':~~~~~.~~.~~~I.... :.. ..... .MIB... Co.We''''' 01 w. T.ble O. ...................... ......................... Add~ SUfi..,.",? 0 VIt 0 No T'....,.. COE to Uno ~, 'F = (c) VoIum. chonge 'n II11t I... ,..,°F OoOZ.OI2..43 VoIum. "'''II'I,pet <IIgII. «ot''" '0_ C declm.1 øI...., , - : I gIIIont í ¡ Thlt I. f lit! l' O~O'\- IlClor ,., , - = e - <.. k... 1 :~ ;¡ I.p l i ,'t..;tii4M I ".-) ", ..... Qd 27. ': . I 30. 31. 34. 38, N£I votUMt Sensor Ca!!braliOn __ /----'-\ HYDHOSIAIIC '. 39. PnlSSUIIE VOLUME Mt ASUIIE MtN IS IVI IEM~lIIA IIIHl COMI'WSAIIOH CIIM4GING ACCl:/.I'Jt Alto lób Of 1[51 I'nO(;HJun~s , . ,CONlnOl R[COIIO 10 OOHjAl. USE fAC lOR ,., fACII "tAUII/I; OIAr/(;! " 28. " 29. Slandpipe level 32. Producl in 33. Ploduel 35. 36. 37. lemper a(u,e Record del aIls 01 sellìng up Adluslm.nl DAlE ard running lesl. fUse lull Re"ding in Inches G,aduale Replaced H Change ' Compulallon -_. ----.-.. --- ; No, 'hermal Hrq/1er· lei' lal . Volume Minus \ènglh 01 lone II needed" BeQinnmg live' 10 Sensol lower - EJlpanslon . e..pans'onil·lo' M l'J"" Lf!VI"I COfnnul. -íIMÉ- 01 ..h,eh Beloll Aller Produel Ct\iUlQe ÇI'!I HOUf ¡~ . ; Reading leI COJll1aclion . Conllaelilin (" 124 h, I ¡ ~ Reading Ruro,ed Re adlng Reading Hecovered f·t mm -IJ7(" fNrPA cr.ftfl.11 I þ...-:r T&:: <.. T ~\T¡:::- i ()1()(î À¡;::)i:) \\ \ r::= ~ " !~{ \<. T~""c. ~\..\k ·ROKI~I... 1"\, U "" Ll CO, ~).,\ ~ (' ~i\ ç:-I"'\~ \J..{ b.. -¡~ i IU ~ (' ~ ~ ¡ , ~~.........._l ì ,- 1~7~c:. V.~ ;:~- 'T l'-i c: ,~ ç:-O Q. \~ ~T '1C\~l S ~\ \ '\';) ~c:..:T ç::'~u, ,;,\\Lr!~\'\\ " A- (Ie:: ,"\~_i:) J I; \L...~~ r - \ , ?U M.. Ç> ?;¡ \ . 10.,'.-; I'D,...... ,,\ " 1115 :.......E.b RUN.\.lI~t... ~ ,u\,A: I-,N. r... lï \71,..... Inn k' .c::.~Þ-I.P\ (;" i FAd A. ; .t")')r11 I \q I , , \2.\'6 Inl"'\r ~ ...... Qç....~IN.f.... l \.\~ l \ ~ ~ IL~O ~,..,,~\ ~\ - l~\JEL TE. ~\'\ 2- "+5 . '3 "+2- .570 .11S +.20S 125 +12- +·241 t.O~·.~ , - \-1..\ - Lt\J~' T~T (\O~t 12.45 ":t '+5·1 .ll5 t.lBS 1+0 t.302- , : "'1.. · C¡tpo ,""IS t.I\'( - , " lðoo If " , y. '15.0 ~2.. · ?>t.:.O .545 +-.IS~ 163 +-I~ t. 1-(,,\ -r.01/ø lô\S , .5 '+-+ . q '1-2 · ~4S · 72..0 t·24( " to t.l"1<; 1<ø5 +-12- t· C~lD . ,It 1 · ~~() +.051 133tJ I' ' L: ,. .(¿, #.JJt. ß ~2.. ·"120 +.110 11¿' tll t. 2. 2.( , if \~~S .. ;! " j" 7 ¡.pf. a .285 ."+40 !~ '+1 t.IS':> 169 t/3 T.21ø1 t. \010 fl \ ~ tl60 I~Oö I. It ,. ¡ "~·8 Jt2. .y.a.¡.o · i" 00 2.00 +11 t.22..1 +.O~\ ¡ ,,{IS ., n " "I 4"f. S '1-2- ·~OO .7 !=,o t.150 +10 t.lDl t.OSI 2.10 /~I~ j)~ðP?6t\iT'D \...ð - LEo\! E:l¡ / ¡ , ' ~; f ,q - , L . , , I ~ T,..,RT ¡ ; 2.\3 I \4- 30 L;,..,- LE\lElT~c..T \0 ,,- .neo 1Y-J4.S Lo - LE\J~I\Ç:~T C\ðN.-t. \\ l'-t.q 12 .O~o .2~o t·180 2. 2..4 +\\ +;221 -.04-1 I ; ISba I' : ¡, 12- I~.O 12 ·2lo0 .1..l.Ç".o +.190 2.~S +\1 +.22/ - .Q~\ , ISle; " ~f;_ , , . /.::1., 1'f.R ·\{So · I" 2.0 +.170 243 +ß t.I(..,\ +·OOR 4,00'1 i 12 15:30 . :f¡ I. ,~ 1L}.1 1'2 · ,go · -:z. r...o . t.l7e 2.53 tlO. +.'2.01. -.03\ - , 0 '2.. 2... :>\., ~ 154-~ I' i: " -,033 II, t5 1'4.4- 17 .:3 røo .~IO +.150 Zit:, I +8 t. lC,,\ - . C> \\ ¡.. ~ lløco I- " \ Ib 1"1-. Lf I?- 510 · (t')5~ +.1"\ S 2.~q +8 +;\(,,1 ...; .o\~ -,ol{..q , " · I ¡: llo\s E~t) ~~T ¡ 11 ¡ .' - .' ~-'-"-~ ' ' , -- ' ,- --.- ' '- -..-- ._¡-- ,'/:} 'i,. /J J.... - ~ _/ .- 'JlL '/ ' /I u::.I. r/c ,. /./\ J J J/. /' ~AHU'~ .Á.:- ~~ I? ~.Æ'r ~ i:.t¡. I ~8 /22 ~2.. ÞP 11M 7PA s.~-z lY" )/""'V'v /" _ ~ / II I I [I I